Overview Online Report Process ◦ Report process for Grantees/Look-Alike Site Visits ◦ Report...

Health Center Program Online Site Visit Report and Process MSCG Consultant Training February 27, 2014

Transcript of Overview Online Report Process ◦ Report process for Grantees/Look-Alike Site Visits ◦ Report...

Health Center Program Online Site Visit Report and Process

MSCG Consultant TrainingFebruary 27, 2014

Overview Online Report Process◦ Report process for Grantees/Look-Alike Site Visits◦ Report Process for Look-Alike Applicant Site Visits

Report Review Process◦ New MSCG OSV Report Review Process Prior to TATS Upload

TAs Scheduling Expectations MSCG Observer Program Questions & Answers Session

Training Overview

Operational Site Visits (OSVs) are essential to gathering comprehensive, objective, on the ground information on the compliance and performance of health centers.

HRSA routinely conducts OSVs:◦ Prior to initial look-alike designation.◦ During first 10 to 14 months of a Newly Funded health

center’s project period. ◦ At least once per project/designation period or at least once

every three years – generally 18 months into a typical three-year project/designation period for most health centers.


Nearly 400 OSVs were completed in calendar year 2013. Approximately 700 total site visits for all BPHC programs, including over 500 health center OSVs planned for calendar year 2014.

Imperative that the team is prepared to conduct thorough, comprehensive review and submit report that is fact based, consistent, can hold up to questioning.

Online report will be effective for all OSV and Initial Application Look Alike visits with a start date of March 3rd, 2014.

Overview contd.

Review of Site Visit Types and Corresponding Report Format

TA Types and Corresponding Report Format

Website Link to the Online Report◦ http://www.mscginc.com/OSVRTemplate

Login Information◦ Login using your legacy username and password

Online Report Process

Login Information

Task Summary Overview - List

Prepare TA Site Visit Report

Prepare TA Site Visit Report contd.

Prepare TA Site Visit Report contd. Look-Alike Applicants

Important Notes:◦Only 1 user can be in any section at a given time and that

section will not be available to other users until the assigned user releases it by clicking on 'Save & I am DONE with this section' button.

◦ Title: Name of the task.◦ Section: Name of the section.◦ View: This is the read only version of the report for that

particular task, the view link is disabled by default and will become active after consultant assigns the task.

Prepare TA Site Visit Report contd.

◦ Completed By: The name of the consultant who completed that particular task. It populates from the database.

◦ Assigned To: The name of the consultant who is working on that particular task. It populates from the database.

◦ Action / Status: By default the action is 'Assign to self', changes to 'Finish ...' after consultant starts working on it and changes back to 'Assign to self' after consultant completes it. The status ‘Incomplete’ means the task is assigned to a different consultant and it is not completed yet.

Prepare TA Site Visit Report contd.

Prepare TA Site Visit Report contd.Filling the templates, inserting the images and tables

Prepare TA Site Visit Report contd.Filling the templates, inserting the images and tables

Options for Team Leader or Consultant Responsible for the Report Submission◦ Report in Read Only Version

View the report in read only version before submit to MSCG◦ Step 1: Send the Report to MSCG Reviewers

Send the report to MSCG for the Review.◦ Step 2: Send the Report to MSCG Editors

Send the report to MSCG editors before submitting it into TATS. Once this is done, the TA request will be out of team lead/solo consultant’s queue.

◦ Step 3: Submit the report into TATS After getting back the report in word document from the editors,

submit the report to TATS.

Prepare TA Site Visit Report contd.

New MSCG OSV Report Review Process Prior to TATS Upload Team members complete their online sections for OSV within 5

business days Team Lead (TL) reviews on line and makes any changes deemed

necessary, changes to be completed online TL submits to MSCG Reviewers and MSCG Technical Assistance

Reviewer (TAR- currently Jayne and George), using the “Send To MSCG Reviewers” button

MSCG reviewer responds with comments via e mail to TAR within 5 business days

TAR forwards MSCG reviewer comments via e mail to TL for revisions, to be completed Online

Report Review Process

Revisions completed online, TL submits to MSCG TARS and MSCG Editors via the online system, using the “Send the Report to MSCG Editors“ button

MSCG editor completes edits (format, grammar, punctuation, spelling)

MSCG editor sends edited version as a Word document to the TL as a clean draft

TL uploads MSCG edited draft into TATS Project Officer/Bureau review process begins via TATS

Report Review Process contd.

Up & down volume of TA assignments Flexibility in OSV team structures

OSV Scheduling Expectations

MSCG has implemented an Observer Training Program for newly rostered consultants. Please visit our website for more information at http://www.mscginc.com/OSVObserver.cfm.

Observer Training Program

We want feedback from you as we move forward. Please send questions/comments to [email protected]


Thank You


Questions & Answers