書名: 作者: 挨雲兒、黃勁輝、吳嘉榆及梁 … 10-11/S3.pdf ·...

3A 陳思諾 (3) 書名: <<爸爸媽媽的愛情故事>> 作者: 挨雲兒、黃勁輝、吳嘉榆及梁敏芝 出版社: 突破出版社 感想: 不知道大家知不知道你們的父母是如何認識對方,墮入愛河的呢? <<爸爸媽媽的愛情故事>>這本書是由四個不同的年輕人各自寫出他們父母 真實的戀愛故事而組合而成的。當中有令人會心微笑的情節;亦有令人心酸想落 淚的情節,但是這幾個故事都有一個共通點──它們都是時間逝去的見證。 故事各自帶出不同的道理,像<<千里河>>寫出父母年老後依舊相愛,但女 兒卻已擁有自己的世界和生活,與父母日漸疏遠。這暗示我們要多關心父母,因 為屬於爸爸媽媽的相愛故事,其實也屬於他們的下一代。倘若當初沒有父母的相 遇,恐怕我們的故事也從來沒有開始。 大家亦可能曾經覺得自己的父母不夠好,想把他們換掉。在<<說故事機>> 這故事中的作者──敏芝正是不喜歡父親,認為爸爸不讓自己再重讀是不愛她的 表現。然而,一次時光倒流的經歷,令她明白到自己從前只看得見自己沒有的東 西,現在她要學懂看見自己擁有的東西。其實大家肯多細心觀察父母,便會發現 他們總是把關愛埋在心裏,不輕易說出來。我們不可因此評定他們是不稱職的父 母,而是應欣賞他們在背後默默支持着我們的精神。 另外亦有作者留意到她從小到大,每逢一家人外出,父母總是一左一右牽着 她的手,連成一線。即使自己長大了,父母依然緊緊牽着雙手不放。作者一直感 到不解,直到她開始談戀愛,才明白只因父母很愛對方,便想永遠連在一起,永 不分離。 這本書運用了很多修辭技巧,例如<<一九七一>>運用了插敍。作者把父母 的戀愛故事插入了現實中,令故事顯得更有連貫性,更加緊湊。 我認為這本書適合一家大小一同閱讀,回味大家成長的經歷。希望大家細閱 這本書後能體會到父母對孩子的愛是多麽的深厚,並向你們的父母表達感激的 心。

Transcript of 書名: 作者: 挨雲兒、黃勁輝、吳嘉榆及梁 … 10-11/S3.pdf ·...

  •                                                                                           3A 陳思諾 (3) 書名:

    作者: 挨雲兒、黃勁輝、吳嘉榆及梁敏芝

    出版社: 突破出版社

























  • 3A Law Ming Sum, Elizabeth (18) Book’s title: The Undomestic Goddess Author: Sophie Kinsella Publisher: Bantam Dell Number of pages: 404 Summary: Samantha Sweetings is a lawyer who is desperate for a partnership. Being a workaholic, what Samantha cares the most is work. Little does she know how to do housework. Housework is only a noun to Samantha. Before Samantha gets her partnership, she has made a huge mistake which wrecks any chance of a partnership and dismisses her from her post. Depressingly, she walks out of her London office, gets on a train and finds that she is in the middle of nowhere. Samantha is being offered a job as a housekeeper by mistake when she asks for directions at a big and beautiful house. Samantha takes up the offer and starts her new life. Although she can go back and be a lawyer again at the end of the story, she chooses to work as a housekeeper. Comment: I think this book is great because I have learnt a few things from this book. I have learnt that nothing is much more important than living happily. Work only takes up a little part of our lives. The most important thing is to be happy. Fame and money seem very attractive to all of us, but you can’t get happiness from them. Even you feel very happy and excited when you earn a great amount of money, you will only feel lonely without friends and family after all. This book emphasizes that both love and friendship take up an important role in our lives. It’s love that matters most. Samantha’s mother told Samantha that she had to thrive under pressure. Since then, Samantha doesn’t care anything but work. After working as a housekeeper, she relaxes herself and finds out many things are much more important. For example, love and music, etc. She starts enjoying her life and living with her lover happily ever after. From this book, I have also learnt that we have to try to survive in different situations so as to see things differently. We can’t refuse surviving under different situations and just walk away from them. Then, we can’t see things differently and change ourselves. Moreover, I have found that parents are very important to children. Samantha listens to her mother and is ready to thrive under pressure for the rest of her life. Therefore, parents should behave well because how their behavior will affect their children’ lives forever. Also, I think that parents nowadays should let their children do housework. Otherwise, their children won’t know how to take care of themselves. Samantha doesn’t know how to do housework because she only studied in her childhood. Her mother hired a domestic helper to take care of Samantha. So, Samantha hires a domestic helper to take care of her when she grows up. I am quite amazed by the number of children who reflects inability of how to take care of themselves. I really feel sorry for those children.

  • 3A Ng Hiu Yi Maggie (26) Title: The Time Traveler’s Wife Author: Andrey Niffenegger Publisher: VINTAGE U.K. Summary: Have you imagined having the ability of time traveling? Many people may think that it is good to have such magical power but for Henry, the main character in this book, it may not be a charming ability. The Time Traveler’s Wife, written by Andrey Niffenegger, is a novel about the love romance of Henry and Clare. Henry had an inherited disease that he would suddenly travel to another period of time uncontrollably. When he was in his middle age, he met Clare who was still a child and told her they would be a couple in the future. When Clare grew up, she met Henry and it was how their love affair started. Unfortunately, Henry had an accident when he was time-traveling and died. At that moment, Clare was still young but she didn’t forget Henry. She waited for the coming of Henry sincerely even she got older and older. Comment: The love between Henry and Clare touches me a lot. Since Henry would disappear suddenly, Clare always felt uneasy and was worried about Henry’s safety. However, her sincere love for Henry won all challenges so they could keep a steady and happy relationship. However, Henry’s death came suddenly. When I knew Henry was dead, I felt so sorry for Clare that she contributed a lot in the relationship. She suffered from miscarriages for many times because their children also inherited the disease. It was too cruel and unfair to leave Clare alone. However, I finally understand that true love is not judged by the amount of love devoted by a person from this book. Clare tried her best to maintain their relationship while Henry remained loyal to her. Some may think death is the most horrible moment in the world but it could not ruin their love. Henry’s death did not stop Clare’s love for him. What else did Henry and Clare fear? I think there is nothing. Love can be classified as so many types, love between families, love between friends, love between couples even love between pets and their owners. However, love is easily damaged because of money and fame nowadays. From news, we can often see some rich people hurt their families just because they want to inherit more fortune or some youngsters kill their lovers because they have broken up. We should remember the true meaning of love. I remember there is a phrase from a song’s lyrics saying, “if I had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete”. I think it is true that all of us should know and understand. This book can remind us the meaning of love as we are reading the moving story of Henry and Clare. It helps us to renew our soul. I highly recommend it to all of you.

  • 3A 孫靈雨

    書名: 雅舍小品

    作者 : 梁實秋

    不知道大家是否留意到現今文壇口水話題氾濫, 煽情文字充斥? 相信大家

    都會不約而同地認為好書少之又少, 市面暢銷的都是一些俗不可耐的書. 但文壇

    泰斗梁實秋所寫的雅舍小品則令人感到清爽自然. 本書是由三十四篇短文組成,

    每一篇都和我們的生活息息相關, 例如: , , ,

    和等, 其中我想和大家分享一下這一篇.

    作者以一個不同的角度來談討 「窮」. 在作者眼中所有人一生下來就是窮

    人, 因為無人在一生下來的時候手中就拿着兩個金光閃閃的金幣或是一疊花花

    綠綠的鈔票. 一般缺錢用的人是窮人, 但是一些紈絝子弟都可以是窮人,為什麼

    呢? 我在此賣個關子, 答案就要由你們自己去書中尋找.

    作者的文筆清新脫俗, 幽默詼諧. 另外, 他的比喻非常生動有趣, 這些

    特點在 這個篇章中表露無遺. 作者認人男人給人的第一印象就是髒!

    因為他們的耳後脖筋, 土壤肥沃, 常常宜於種植小麥, 大麥. 另外, 有些男人的

    腳好像是天然具有泡菜霉乾菜再加糖和頭的味道, 作這一個比喻實在令人拍案

    叫絶. 不止如此,他還說有些男人喜歡在藏污納垢之處進行挖掘工作, 然後噢其

    手指, 引以為樂!

    作者除了認為男人「懶」之外, 還覺得他們貪吃, 梁實秋先生說: 「 如果一

    個男人半年沒有吃雞, 那他看了雞毛帚就會流涎三尺。」, 這句話真令人捧腹大


    在看過這本書後, 我學會了以不同的角度來思考, 不要被傳統的框框限制了

    我們思維的天空, 我們一定要有創新的思維才可以作出正確的選擇.

    另外, 梁實秋先生不愧為中國現代中一位最成功的作家, 他在雅舍小品中流露出他點點的生活智慧, 難怪的作者林海音都說: 「雅舍小品在台灣暢銷數十年, 誰都讀過雅舍小品, 而且有些茶藝館還起名雅舍呢!」

  • 3A 黎穎琦

    書名:《會考 0 分與神奇小子》



    今天想介紹給各位同學的書是由突破出版,呂宇俊先生作的 《會考 0 分








    他爸爸後塵。但昔日壞透的呂宇俊在會考考獲 0 分這個羞愧成績後,人生最黑






















  • 3A 葉映彤 (39)




    以及他的三個徒弟一孫悟空, 豬八戒和沙僧往天竺取佛 經路上歷盡艱險、降妖伏






















    《西遊記》流傳幾百年,不為新文學潮流淘汰,可見其價值。 最奇妙的是隨著人



  • 3A Nicole, Chan Sze Nok (3) Title: My Sister Jodie Author: Jacqueline Wilson Summary: Pearl and Jodie were good sisters since they were young. Although they were really close to each other, they were very different in personalities. Pearl was shy and anxious while Jodie was outgoing and self-confident. Pearl adored her big sister. Their parents got new jobs at the posh Melchester College and that was the start of their new life. It was totally different in their home. Jodie had always been the leader but now it’s Pearl making new friends and fitted in. Jodie was left out and got in more and more troubles. To Pearl, it seemed that it was easy to cope with the new situation but Jodie really needed her. However, when tragic events occurred at the school Fireworks night, Pearl lost her sister and realized how much her sister meant to her finally. Comment: After reading this book, I am glad that I have got my sister as my best friend. The story is really moving. I cried a bit when I read the ending. I don’t think it is suitable for young children as the ending is too sad. Pearl relied on her sister at their old home all the time. She found that Jodie was the most important person to her in her whole life. I really like the way they treated each other. Jodie was like the second mum of Pearl. Their relationship was so good. It seemed that Jodie was a part of Pearl sometimes.

    My favorite character in this book is Pearl because I think I’m a bit like her in some ways. I’m as shy as her and I also always want to find someone to rely on. Pearl is so lovely and polite and I love the way she cared about others. She seldom got angry with her sister and that’s a good way for us to learn. Pearl had a kind heart and she really loved her sister. However, she lost her at the end of the story. It’s a pity that Jodie couldn’t meet her new baby sister, May, at last. I hope I will be able to change the ending into a happy one like fairy tales. On the other hand, I think illustrations are cute and I like the cover picture very much. It is fun to look at the pictures with the story. They could help you to imagine the scene when the story is going on. I think this is a great and touching story. It’s interesting and exciting when the sisters got into their new life. Also, it would make you feel beloved and I’m sure you will love it too.

  • 3A Ma Wai Ying, Grace (21) Title: In Her Shoes Author: Jennifer Weiner Publisher: Washington Square Press Summary:

    Maggie and Rose Feller is a pair of sisters that share no common in personality and dress style, except their shoe size. Rose is the elder sister who is a hard-working lawyer but doesn’t really care about her beauty and she always struggles with her weight. However, Maggie is a completely different girl compared with her sister. She loves herself very much and her dream is to be a famous actress. There are always men around her so she never thinks of earning money by her own hands. This book tells us how these two girls recover their bad relationship since their mother’s death and how they can change each other’s lives… Comment:

    The reason why this book attracts me is its title. The writer chose “In her shoes” as the title not only because the two main characters shared the same shoe size but also she wants to remind us that it’s important to thinks in others’ shoes more. Don’t always only think of ourselves. Instead, we should also care about others’ feelings, try to listen and accept their opinions.

    In this story, the character I admire the most is Rose. Being an elder sister, she protects Maggie very well and keeps trying not to let her down. She cares about her sister. Her understanding of her mother’s sudden death is the reason why Maggie has become so immature is her mother’s sudden death. Though the relationship between them becomes worse and worse, Maggie never does things that hurt her little sister. I should learn to be such a good sister and treats my younger brother better.

    This book just shows us the lives of two simple girls, but the inspiration it has bought to me is really special and encouraging. Everyone has problems and difficult situations to deal with. That’s why we are nervous about finding ways to manage them well. Sometimes we even want to evade all the annoying issues in our lives. However, we can’t ignore them forever. It isn’t counted as a life if we don’t have difficulties in it. I really appreciate the writer for providing such an encouraging lesson to me! This book involves love, trust, family and a lot more .I have gained a lot of inspiration that are never thought to be learnt in a fiction. I highly recommend this book to all people who think they are lonely in their lives. It can surely change their minds!

  • 3A Shum On Ki, Angel (30) Title: My Sister's Keeper Author: Jodi Picoult Publisher: Atria Books Summary: This book is about the gorgeous love which is hidden in every family.In the book, the Fitzgeralds has got an all-bad-stuff-related son Jesse, a sick daughter Kate plagued by the leukemia since her childhood, and a healthy daughter Anna born to be the only match with Kate to donate blood to her sister to save her life.The whole story starts with Anna who was preparing to sue her parents in order to be medically emancipated and get rid of the endless donation.Before the closing of the case in court, the writer has revealed how Kate is suffered poorly from the illness, how Jesse and Anna was left by their mum who was busy in taking her bleeding daughter to hospital, how Anna was pulled out from her friend's birthday party to transplant bone marrow to Kate, and how Kate wanted to die and persuaded Anna from being a donor through the memories of the family members. At the end, Anna was declared that she was medically emancipated from her parents, but then, she was killed in a car accident, and her kidney was donated to Kate, who miraculously recovered and survived with no relapses anymore. Comment: I'm totally touched by this page-turning novel, especially the ending chapter from Kate's point of view 6 years after Anna's death, showing the love between the sisters. Originally, when I first turned the pages, I thought that Anna must hate Kate very much as she dropped Anna's opportunity for being a normal 13- year-old girl and turned Anna into a famous girl, not for her good looking, but her poorly sick sister.Then one day, she finally couldn't bear these and decided to sue her parents. Logical, right? That's my guess about the story at first. I even felt angry with Sara, Anna's mum, who put most of her care and love on her sick daughter. However, I found that I was totally wrong when I knew that it was Kate who told Anna to do so. Anna never, ever hated her sister. She even thought that it was meaningless for her to live in the world if she's not Kate's sister. She really loved her, so did Kate. I'm sure Kate valued her own life as she was a mature girl, The reason why she persuaded her sister not to be a donor, was because she didn't want to live with Anna suffering in hospital with no illness at all. I'm glad there is a chance for me who have no sisters to read the book and feel the love between real sisters. In this book, Picoult again adopted different points of view of the characters to tell the provocative story.It has given me a message that things could not just be defined as right or wrong. Everything has got deeper meanings. Is Anna's descision morally and ethically correct? I'm sure no one has got a right answer. It's just like a controversial topic-they are neither black nor white. I like Kate's ending part, which is the only chapter she shows her love to Anna directly. One of my friends said that the ending isn't perfect enough to have Anna died, but what I think is- isn't that what life is like?

  • 3A 陳綺翹(4)































  • 3A 何穎妍

    作者 : 馬翠蘿









    的,更是無界限,沒有東西能取而代之。 天災比任何東西更痛苦。在這場南亞海嘯中奪去了很多條性命,摧毀了無數















  • 3B Chau Tsz Ling (5) Title: The Lightning Thief Author: Rick Riordan Summary: This book is about a 12-year-old student called Percy Jackson, who bas been kicked out of one school after another. With ADHD and dyslexia, Percy is not a great student and always seems to get into trouble. But when a teacher transforms into a monster during a field trip and attacks Percy, strange things start happening. Percy soon discovers that he is demi-god, The Greek Gods are alive and well and living above the Empire state Building in New York, Percy’s mother is a human and his father is one of the Olympians, Chased by monsters and accompanied by his friend Grover, a satyr, Percy ends up at Camp half-Blood, a haven and training ground for the demi-gods. Percy’s adventures are far from over for someone has stolen Zeu’s master lightning bolt and Percy is a prime suspect. Accompanied by Grover and a daughter of Athena named Annabeth, Percy sets to find the lightning bolt. If he doesn’t find and return it within ten days, war could break out on Mount Olympus and when the gods fight, the consequences could be devastating. Comment:

    The Lightning Thief is a book that I read in summer holidays. I chose this book because the cover page of this book attracts me .On the cover page, a boy is walking in the sea. He is holding a treasured sword. Lightning is striking. I thought it is impossible that people can walk in the sea. He is holding a treasured sword. The sky is lightning. I thought it is impossible that a people can walk in the sea without any equipment so I wanted to know what happened in the story.

    This story is a science fiction. I think the theme of this book is to show the importance of friendship and the need to be courageous in a difficult situation because the main character called Percy Jackson also needs help form his friends to solve the problems and they are brave to face the monsters. The story took place in New York. The plot is full of twists and turns.

    The character that I like most is Percy Jackson. He is the protagonist and hero in the story. He is courageous, clever, loyal and caning about his family and friends. He is brave too because he kills many monsters and saves his mother from hell. I like this book very much because it is exciting and good for teenagers and adults to read. The best part of the book is Percy Jackson who kills a dragon monster with his friends. It is very exciting. I learn a lot of things from the book such as how to get along with others. I know that we need to trust our friends and solve the problems together. This is a fantastic book. I will recommend it to my classmates and family to read it.

  • 3B Ho Sin Yu (11) Title: Marine Conservation in Hong Kong Author: Alan Chan, Khoki Chan Publisher: Cosmos Books Ltd Content: Hong Kong‘s underwater world is beautiful and not many people know it. Marine Conservation in Hong Kong tells us the secret of the Hong Kong’s underwater world. The authors have taken many beautiful photos of different marine life such as corals. It also talks about Hong Kong’s marine environment, the marine parks and marine reserve. Comment: It is meaningful to read this book because it teaches us a lot of things about marine life in Hong Kong. You can’t believe that the underwater world is so beautiful in Hong Kong! The author has taken many beautiful photos and introduced many different kinds of marine life in Hong Kong. The introduction of green turtles is the parts which I am most interested in. Are there any sea turtles in Hong Kong? I must say ’No’ before I read this book. Among the seven species of sea turtles in the world, five species have been recorded in Hong Kong. How surprised I am when I know this truth! I think the turtles are very cute. The green turtles are classified as endangered. The water pollution is serious is Hong Kong. If we want to protect this marine life in Hong Kong, including the green turtles, we need to protect our sea and solve the pollution problem first.

  • 3B Rachel Tang Pui Ling (30) Title:Twilight Author:Stephenie Meyer Publisher:Little Brown Comment: TWILIGHT is the first book of “The Twilight Saga” series. This novel is followed by NEW MOON, ECLIPSE and BREAKING DAWN. This series of novels is about the human, the vampires and the werewolves. The first book “TWILIGHT” introduces a seventeen-year-old girl, Bella Swan who moves from Phoenix to Forks and meets a vampire, Edward Cullen. Later, she falls in love with him. Therefore, she starts her dangerous life with Edward. Cullens’ family is different from other vampires because they only drink the animal blood rather than human. Besides the vampires, the other main characters are werewolves. Bella has a family friend who is called Jacob Black. He is a werewolf. The differences of the vampires and werewolves are vampires are cold-blooded, immortal and drink blood. However, fast speed is something they have in common. I love this excellent book very much as it is the first book that I have read which is about the love triangle between vampire, human and werewolf. It is extremely special to me. This series of novels are as boring as other love stories but exciting. It is complicated to write a love story about vampire, human and werewolf. I think that it is the most exciting one of the “TWILIGHT SERIES”. I love this novel so much because the plot and the climax of this story are attractive and breath-taking. The most exciting part of this story is when the Cullens’ mortal vampire enemies James, Laurent and Victoria come to the town and look for Bella and want to drink her blood and then kill her. James fights with Cullens’ family who dies and is burnt into pieces. I admire Edward the most. It is because he is protective of Bella and is willing to defy all difficulties and danger. The motto of this story is “I will love you every moment”. This motto makes this story sweet and unforgettable. I hope all of you will like this “TWILIGHT SERIES” and the movie.

  • 3B Chow Tung King (6) Book: Billy Elliot Directed by Stephen Daldry Written by Lee Hall Content: In 1984, in a northern England mining town, miners re on strike were and the atmosphere was tense. Eleven-year old Billy Elliot, whose father and brother were participating in the strike, whose mother died quite some time ago and whose grandmother was not completely aware of what’s going on, did not like the brutal boxing lessons at school. Instead, he fell for the Ballet lessons. As his ballet teacher, Mrs Wilkinson supported Billy very much. She managed to get Billy an audition for the Royal Ballet School, but now he also had to open his heart to his family. Reflection: I think this is an inspiring film. Billy is a boy who loves dancing very much, wishing to be a ballet dancer, who is feminine on people’s mind including his father. For me, my mother gives me freedom of choosing the activities. When compared with the main character Billy, I feel blissful. I would think that everyone has their own habits and they can have their opinion of choosing their activities. In the movie, the most touching scene is about Billy seeing the letter written by his mother, and on the letter her mother said that she would respect and support Billy. After I read the letter, it lets me know that there’s nothing wrong for being different.

  • 3B Poon Yui, Sarah (25) Book Title: Dracula Author: Bram Stoker Report:

    You must have heard about vampire before. According to the dictionary, vampire means a dead person who leaves his or her grave at night to suck the blood of living people. Do you believe it? Yes, I do. Yet, I change my feeling to vampire after reading the book,” Dracula” “Dracula” is written by a famous writer called Bram Stoker. The story begins with a man, Jonathan Harker. When he went on a business trip to Transylvania with documents regarding the purpose of an estate in England, he was a little curious about his client Count Dracula. Thus he went to visit Dracula. Dracula always found excuse in order not to let Jonathan go away, so he had to stay there for a long day. In those days, Jonathan found out Dracula was a vampire by accident. He wrote everything in hid dairy. However, Dracula finally allowed Jonathan to go after Jonathan requested. Jonathan changed a lot after he came back from Transylvania. He made a promise with his fiancée, Mina that not to see the dairy because he didn’t want to remember it. However, Mina’s best friend became vampire because of an accident made by Dracula. In order to help her to avenge, they looked at the diary again to find out the habit of Dracula. Finally, they united to kill the Dracula successfully.

    I admire the creativity of the writer very much. He chose “vampire’ as the motif. In the past, there were fewer topics about vampire because vampire gave bad impression to people. This also shows that people were very superstitious. Nowadays, we should not make wild guesses. We should believe things with reasons.

    Besides this, we can see the influence of this book to us. In this book, Mina’s blood was drunk by Dracula so they could both read the mind of each others. It looks like the story of Harry Potter. In that story, the character, Voldemont part of the soul entered Harry’s body so they could read the mind of each others too.

    I admire the character, Mina most. She is brave and kind. Besides, she lets me understand the power of love. Once, Dracula wanted to drink her blood so he warned if she did not let him, he would kill her husband. She gave in.

    I highly recommend this book this mysterious book to my friend. I hope they will enjoy this book with me too!

  • 3C Cheung Kit Nam, Cherry (7) Title: Pride and Prejudice Author: Jane Austen The story is set in a small town Longbourn in England, where Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and their five unmarried daughters lived. The parents’ characters are greatly different: Mr. Bennet was a wise and witty gentleman; while Mrs. Bennet is distracted by the issue of their daughters’ marriage. It is because after Mr. Bennet death, their money will be passed to Mr. Bennet cousin, Mr. Collin. In order to give their daughters a better life and future, Mrs. Bennet would try everything to get her daughters in marriage. As they waited, finally two handsome, rich and young single men arrived at Longbourn. They were Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy. Mrs. Bennet tried so hard to get her daughters to know this two gentlemen. Mr. Bingley did have a crush on Jane, the eldest daughter of Bennet family. However, the things which happened lately separated them. The main character Elizabeth fell in love with Mr. Darcy. At first, they hated each other because of their pride and prejudice. But what happened next had totally changed Elizabeth’s mind toward Darcy. Elizabeth’s sister, Lydia had run away with Mr. Wickham. Her family had no where to find her. But she returned home while her father was searching for her in London. The truth was that, Mr. Darcy actually found then and helped to pay the dowry for Wickham to take Lydia in marriage. This action impressed Elizabeth greatly. Finally, the two of them put down their pride and got into marriage. Her sister Jane and Mr. Bingley also got married. The novel ends with everyone trying to get alone after so many poor relations. Comments: I think this is a great classical reader. The story talks about the relationships and love among family members and people around us. I also learn one thing from this book. We should treat people fairly no matter who they are. In old England, only high-class people had the chance to possess more privileges but not the low-class. However, Elizabeth won’t give in. I think she’s a very high-class and intelligent woman. Also, she is reliable and honest too. She never gives up. What’s more, I learned that we should treasure every family member around us. When Mrs. Bennet loses Lydia, she finally realizes that sending her out was a big mistake. She was so joyful when she saw Lydia. Respect is the most important thing I learned from this book. We should respect people no matter who they are and what they had. We just need to respect him/her, just that simple. We can all do this.

  • 3C Lee Cho Ki ( 20 ) Title: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief Author: Rick Riordan Summary: This story is about a seventeen year-old boy, the god Poseidon’s son, Percy Jackson and his lightning bolt. One day, the god of Underworld, Hades caught Percy’s mother, Sally, and proposes she be traded for the bolt. Percy sneaks away from camp to travel to the Underworld, along with Grover and Anna Beth. And they need to find 3 pearls, which allow them to leave the Underworld. The first pearl is located in the lair of Medusa. They manage to decapitate her and they even take her head, which they later successfully use to fight against Hydra, which attacks them during their acquisition of second pearl from the crown of a giant statue of Athena. The final pearl is found on a roulette wheel at the Lotus Hotel and casino. They are encouraged by the casino staff to eat lotus flowers, which drug them and make them unwilling to leave. Eventually Percy is warned not to eat the flowers by the voice of Poseidon. He then wakes other two and escape with the pearl. They finally reached the Underworld. Persephone takes the lightning bolt and helps them to knock Hades with it and save their lives. Percy, Sally and Anna Beth use the pearls to transport themselves up to the ground. Unfortunately, Grover is left behind as they only have 3 pearls. They find themselves at the top of the Empire State Building, and are confronted there by Luke who is the real lightning thief. Percy and Luke then engage in battle, Percy eventually wins through the use of his ability to manipulate water. They all take a secret elevator to Olympus where he presents the bolt to Zeus and reveals the truth. Finally, Percy also requests that Zeus retrieve Grover from the Underworld too. Comment: I really like this book because I like reading stories about Geek mythology, and fortunately, this story is using the Geek mythology as the background so I definitely enjoy reading it. Also, I love the plot of this story, especially when the main characters, Percy, Grover and Anna Beth went to the Lotus Casino and they are drug by eating the lotus flowers there. I thought that they will stay there forever and cannot escape with the final pearl. But surprisingly, what happened next was not the same as what I thought. Percy’s father, the god Poseidon had warned them and they finally escape successfully.

    Moreover, I love the ending too. It was really a surprising ending. I thought Luke was a good guy because he was kind to give Percy’s what he needed, a portable shield, flying shoes and a map to tell where the pearl was located. But I was totally wrong, I was totally shocked by the truth that Luke was the real lightning thief! I can’t even believe my eyes! If you asked me which characters I did like most, I would absolutely answered you that Percy is my favourite. The main reason is he was a brave guy. He was brave enough to sneak out from the camp and try to save his mother who was captures by Hades in the Underworld. He was even brave enough to fight with Luke. Also, when he reached Olympus and saw Zeus, besides explaining he wasn’t the lightning thief, he didn’t forget his friend Grover, who was left in the Underworld. In order to save Percy, he gave up his chance to go back to the ground, Percy begged Zeus to retrieve Grover from the Underworld. How kind he was! I would highly recommend this book to all of you, especially the one who like reading Geek mythology. You would be impressed by it is fantastic plot and the surprising ending. And I am willing to read the continuation of this series!

  • 3C Tsoi Yan Tung (36) Title: The diary of a young girl Anne Frank Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter Publisher: Penguin Readers Summary: During World War Two, Holland and the Germany were invaded. All Jewish people were frightened for their lives and the Frank family decided to hide. They hid in a warehouse which they renamed the "Secret Annex", with a couple of friends. The group living in the Secret Annex had to be extremely careful. Besides, illness, bad living condition and a lack of food had influencing them all the time. During two years of hiding, Anne kept the diary which she confided her hopes and fears. Her diary ended abruptly because they were finally discovered. Comment: Throughout the book Anne shared her innermost thoughts and dreams. She once said, "...my greatest wish is to become a journalist someday and later on a famous writer... I want to publish a book entitled Het Achterhuis after the war." I admire her character strength. She is always optimistic in the darkest situations by thinking of a bright future ahead of her. Anne changed the meaning of life and happiness while hiding in a warehouse for more than two years. She dramatically changed from a girl to a young woman who fell in love, was extremely independent, and found happiness in the dark. I think the middle of the diary is a little boring, but her story is still amazing. Especially as her deepest thoughts, feelings, hopes, and dreams are poured out. Particularly when she says that she wants to remain alive even after she's dead, I think she is a special girl. Finally, her diary ends as she was found and sent to a concentration camp yet her dream came true because she is still alive in all of us deep down today.

  • 3C 梁葆如

    書名 : 阿濃談寫作

    作者 : 阿濃

    感想和評論 :


















  • 3C 劉茁慧






















  • 3C Chow Shiu Yue, Zoe (8) Name: The series of unfortunate events—A bad beginning Author: Lemony Snicket Summary: This story is about three children who face a lot of misfortunes. It begins on the Briny Beach where they meet Mr. Poe, who tells them their parents have died because of a fire. The three children have to stay with Mr. Poe. However, one day, Mr. Poe says they have a relationship with a man called Count Olaf. Therefore, the three children have to live with him. Unfortunately, Count Olaf is a bad guy who lives with them because of their heritage. Three children are given a lot of chores to do and provided one bed only for them to sleep on. In order to get the heritage, Count Olaf catches the youngest child, Sunny to threaten the eldest child, Violet to get married with him. Lastly, Violet uses her intelligence to get away from Count Olaf. Then, they get out from the control of Count Olaf and live with Mr. Poe. However, it is just the beginning as more unfortunate events will happen in the coming six stories. Reflection: Have you ever had this kind of unfortunate experience in your life? Honestly, I feel upset when reading books which are unpleasant and contain a lot of misfortunate events as they make me depressed. I used to love reading Harry Potter before because it always has a happy ending in which heroes will defeat the evils. However, it doesn’t happen in this book. In this book, the children face a lot of misfortunes which won’t happen in our real life. Before reading this book, I think every child must have their life filled with happiness, but I think I am absolutely wrong after reading this book. They three children lost their parents when they are just teenagers, yet I have a happy family and I have loving and considerate parents. I think we must treasure our life because nothing is taken for granted. We must always have the gratitude for what we have at present. This series has a very creative and interesting writing style. It is also educational and intriguing. Although the writer keeps telling us to stop reading, it makes me want to keep reading. The writer is a wordsmith as he uses a lot of new vocabulary in this book to express the characters’ feelings. In order to learn more vocabulary, I always check the words’ meaning from the dictionary. Hence, I can improve my English as well. “This is absolutely horrendous. This is completely monstrous. This is financially dreadful” is the most impressive line as it makes my heart beat faster and faster. I also admire the writer who uses different words to express the horrors. Violet, the eldest child, is my favourite character. She is calm and clever. She is capable of inventing things to save her siblings from danger. She also takes care of her siblings so I admire her most. Count Olaf, who always employs a lot of crafty tricks to get their heritage, is the only character I dislike most. He is short-tempered and demanding. He gives a lot of chores to those children and doesn’t provide enough places for them to sleep. He is such a disgusting man. Although it is not the book which I used to read, it is educational as it teaches mm to be optimistic and hopeful when we face difficulties. I highly recommend this book to teens who are not satisfied with their life because they will learn to treasure what they have after reading this book. The book is also suitable for mature and sophisticated readers. This novel is full of twists and turns which make it so thrilling. I would recommend it for readers who like these types of stories.

  • 3C Mok Yee Man (28) Title: The 7 habits of highly effective teens Author: Sean Covey Published by: Fireside Part A: Habit one “Be proactive” was a part of the private victory (self-mastery). This habit taught us how to react with others with reactive choices and proactive choices and made us took responsibility for everything in our life. In this habit, we could cleanly know that when we answer the questions with reactive and proactive choice, the result was very different. That means this habit could improve our communication skills with others. Also, let us be responsible for others. Habit two,” Begin with the End in Mind”, was a part of the private victory too. Habit two, which talks about teens having many crossroads of life and how we could choose in these crossroads, such as college, friends, sex…etc. This was a wonderful and important habit. I am a teen, so I understand that teens have many vexed questions and we did not know how to solve them. At this moment, habit two was important. It could define our mission and goals in life. Habit three, “Put first thing first”, was the last part of the private victory. When we know how to define the mission, however there have many missions, which would be the first mission to do? This habit can help us to choose the first thing we should do most of teens think set s timetable was important for them, so they want to planning life around them, but how to set? Habit three also helped you. Habit four, “Think Win-Win”, which deals with the public victory (relationship and teamwork). When it has win-win, it could also have lost-lose. Win-win? Lose-lose? Win-win and lose-lose? Habit four teaches us how to have win-win. Sometimes, when we win friends, we lose family. There is an advertisement on television which is about, winning the fight but losing the family. Therefore, when we know how to do things with a positive attitude, habit four is the most suitable habit for us. Habit five, “Seek First to Talk, Then Pretend to Listen”, it was the second part of the public victory. As the topic said, habit five reminds us to listen to people sincerely and habit five includes five listening styles, such as spacing out, pretend listening, selective listening and also genuine listening. Genuine listening? Yes, listening could be genuine or fake. If you want to know how to have genuine listening, read this chapter. Listening to others is important. Habit five is an important habit! Habit six, “Synergize”, the main idea is to work together to achieve move. There is a wonderful sentence in this chapter, which was “Alone we can do so little: together we can do so much”. Yes, alone was fear, however, when you have some friends and family to share your happy and unhappy things. You will be happier. They could also help you, when you are vexed. Habit seven, the last one, “Sharpen the Saw”, teaches us to renew ourselves. I think habit seven is the most important and most effective. It is because it teaches us to take good care of our body, brain, heart and soul and control all the other six habits well. It encourages us to eat breakfast, start exercising, read a newspaper every day, build our humor collection, watch the sunset or sunrise…etc. All these methods are renewable to us. Therefore, I think habit seven was the most important and effective habit. Part B: “The 7 habit s of Highly Effective teens”, like the guide of teens. All of the seven habits are important to our lives. We could always use this seven habits in our lives too. The seven habits can help us improve our relationship with our friends by making proactive choices in habit one. Find a balance between school, work, friends, and everything else and define your values and what matters most to you by using habit three. Increase your self-confidence by using habit one, two and three. To win family, friends, job…etc, in our life by using the skill inhabit four. To have a good result in listening tests and good listening skills by using the skills in habit five. Be happy and get more done in less time by using the habit six. So, above all these example, we could see that, the seven habits can always be used in our daily life and help us to solve problems.

  • 3C 李嘉雯














  • 3C 廖學凌 (27)



























  • 3C  蔡欣彤  (36) 

































  • 3D 甄新雁 (38)





















  • 3D Andrea Hung (15) Title: Holes Summary:

    When ever Stanley Yelant’s did he would blame his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great- great-grandfather. His family history is nothing but bad luck.

    That day, he walked the way back home with a pair of stolen sneakers fell out from the sky and his father was doing an experiment for recycling old sneakers, so he wanted to take back home. But then, the police caught him and accused him of stealing the sneakers. Because of his bad luck, he was sent to Camp Green Lake, a place where they say is to train bad boys to good. There, they had to dig a hole a day, five feet deep and five feet wide.

    Every day, the other boys needed to show something they found to the Warden. Then Stanley found out the truth, the Camp wasn’t to train bad boys, the truth was that the Warden was looking for a treasure that she was finding when she is still a kid. Stanley and his new friend, Zero, got first time lucky, and found the treasure that their family would never blame their great-great-grandfather again. Comments: This story is absolutely interesting, and will keep the reader to read until the end. It is full of exciting adventures, one following each after another.

    My favorite character in this story is Stanley Yelnat’s. He is the main character also a boy with a great adventuring heart. He is not afraid of suffering. And also he is brave that he could climb up a rock hill with no any strings or handle to keep you safe. He loves to think and find out; like he wouldn’t stop finding the history about his no-good-dirty-rotten -pig-stealing-great- great-grandfather who was the one leading every son of him to have bad luck and every time the bad luck is them.

    Stanley won’t give up until he reaches the target. This is what I needed to learn in my study. He is kind but always bullies by someone who even smaller than him! I think he is quite stupid too because when he is taking a shuttle bus to Camp Green Lake, his think he is going to a happy camp, like what he always wanted to go for.

    Finally, I think this is a excellent book to read and many vocabularies to know, also is a story that you can’t forget it easily. So I think it is good to share with you all.  

  • 3D Cheryl Lee Yin Wing Titls: Mummies and Pyramids Written by: Will Osborne and Mary Pope Osborne Illustrator: Sal Murdocca Publisher: A Stepping Stone Book Summary: What do you know of Egypt? How did people in the past build the pyramids? Why did people make mummies? Firstly, Egypt was a place where a great civilization begins. It was all done by the Nile River. The Nile River is the longest river in the world and people use the water of the Nile for drinking, bathing, farming and fish in it. Egyptian believed in the Next Life. The Next Life was the place where people went after they died. They believed that every person was made up with 3 parts. The first part was the body, the second part was the Ka. The Ka was the person’s life force which was what made the person alive. The third part was the Ba. It was what made the person different from anyone else. They believed that when a person died, the Ka and Ba would leave the body. The body was home for them, so they made the mummies to keep the body from being destroyed. The first pyramid was created by an Egyptian architect and priest who was named Imhotep. As King Zoser wanted the most wonderful burial place and Impotep then started to build the pyramid for him. Building a pyramid took thousands of workers and those stones weighed over 4,000 pounds! Comment: After I have read this book, I felt like just came back from the Ancient Egypt. I got a wonderful trip in this book. I am interested in the old Egypt with the pyramids and the mummies, so I chose this book. It is not boring but interesting with lovely and beautiful pictures or photos. Since I have learnt about Ancient Egypt in the History lessons in Form one, I found that I am interested in it. But, the book did not tell much about the mummies and pyramids. This book introduces and describes them in a very detailed way. I am glad to read it.

    I learned the tradition of Egyptian and how to make a mummy….. They are all from this book and from the research of Will Osborne and Mary Pope Osborne. I really like the part which is about mummies and how to make a mummy. It is because I think it is a quite mysterious topic. It is a long chapter which the writer list out all the steps minutely with all the materials and the causes. This has answered all of my questions which I want to know before I read the book. Although the title of the book is named “Mummies and Pyramids”, it is not only telling you about the mummies and pyramids. It does tell you the history, the religion and the famous thing of Egypt. Read it, if you want to know more about Egypt. Go to the Ancient Egypt by reading this book!

  • 3D Wong Hiu Man (37) Title: Mother’s Day Author: Monica Hughes Publisher: Heinemann Library Summary: This book is about Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is a special time to think about and say “thank you” to mothers everywhere. At one time, the Mother’s Day was also called the “Mothering Sunday”. It is more popular to call Mother’s Day. Mothers can take a rest from their normal work on that day. The first Mother’s Day took place in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. There was a spring festival to celebrate mothers in ancient Greece. It was in honour of the goddess Rhea, the mother of all gods. There was a festival of Hilaria in ancient Rome. It was in honour of the goddess Cybele, the mother of all gods there. Besides, there was a Mothering Sunday. It was celebrated for the mother of Jesus, Virgin Mary in Britain. In the Second World War, the Mothering Sunday changed to Mother’s Day because the American soldiers spread their tradition. The Mother’s Day in USA was started by Anna Jarvis. On Mother’s day, the national flag would be displayed on government buildings and at people’s homes as “a public expression of their love and reverence for the mothers of American”. On that day, mothers would be given many presents like flowers, mothering cake and Mother’s Day cards. Different flowers represent different meanings. Reflection: I think Mother’s Day is very good and meaningful. This festival can provide a chance for the children to thank their mothers. Also, mothers can take a rest from their normal work on that day. Furthermore, this festival can make the relationship between the mothers and children much more better. Therefore, I love this festival. Actually, Mother’s Day is held on a different day in some other countries. For example, the Mother’s Day of USA and Canada is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. Besides, The Mother’s Day of France is celebrated on the last Sunday in May. It is treated mother like a family birthday. Everyone in the family gathers for a special meal. Also, The Mother’s Day of Spain and Portugal is celebrated on 8 December. It is closely linked to the church, especially to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Therefore, there are different customs in different places for Mother’s Day. I think the different customs of Mother’s Day are very interesting. On Mother’s Day, mothers are given different presents by their children. There are many popular presents for mothers on that day like chocolates, flowers, mothering cakes and Mother’s Day cards. Actually, different flowers represent different meanings. People must wear suitable flowers carefully, otherwise it will be so embarrassed. For example, people like Anna Jarvis, who were remembering a mother who had died, wore white carnations. People whose mothers were alive wore red carnations. Mothers that had a child who had died wore yellow carnations. Actually, I think what presents for mothers are not important. The most important is that people thank their mothers wholeheartedly. Actually, I knew that not everybody can live with their real mother. Many people live with adopted mother, foster mother or stepmother. Actually, I think if people can live with their real mother is not important. The most important is that people can live with their mother harmoniously. Actually, sometimes I will think about the children who don’t have mother. I think they are so pitful. I think they will be so sad on Mother’s Day. I think people who have mother’s care and love is so happy. Lastly, I hope everyone can be happy on Mother’s Day. Also, I hope people can treasure their mothers. It is because mother is so important for us.

  • 3D 陳蔚姍(4)

    乙武洋匡 – 五體不滿足


    斷」,即是一出生就沒有手和腳。這本書是他的自傳, 記述他由出生到上大學的經


    當我看到這本書的時候,就會想:「一個人天生沒有手腳, 不會怪天, 怪父母,

    怪醫生嗎?」 但我看完這本書後, 我才知道原來一個天生有缺陷的人都可以生活


    許多父母都望子成龍, 希望他們將來賺很多錢, 有安定的生活。但一個失去

    手腳的人, 他們父母的心情一定很難受。就連醫生都不想他母親擔心, 用很多藉

    口來不讓他母親來看他,怕她接受不到。但當她見到作者的時候, 她不是沮喪, 不

    是嫌棄, 而是喜悅。作者的父母都沒有嫌棄他, 反鼓勵他像正常人一樣生活。我

    想是因為他受到父母的影響, 作者才會這樣樂觀。另外,我覺得他的朋友亦給予他

    很大的支持。他的朋友不介意他的缺陷, 仍然樂意和他做朋友,令他在校園生活中







    甚至升上大學。相比起來, 我們應該感到慚愧,經常為了小事而口中常帶着「放棄」



    卻用上比人多十倍的努力來讀書, 堅強的生活下去。難道要我們像他一樣,失去了

    四肢才懂得努力? 所以我們就算四肢健全, 都要學習作者的精神, 不要輕易放




  • 3D 譚秀敏(33)




    2003 年非典型肺炎在香港肆虐一事,你們是否還有印象呢?由沈祖堯教授

    所寫的「不一樣的天空」,就記載了他的心路歷程,記述沙士期間 ,他親身的經



    沈教授得知許多人感染非典型肺炎後 ,就忙於醫治病人。可是,他與其他







    這次染病的經歷,令他們的人生有很大的轉變。就像 82 歲的銀行家,以前為了













  • 3D Lam Yi Yan, Doris (17) Title: Richard Scarry’s Best Storybook Ever -- I am a Bunny Author: Ole Risom Pages: 288pages Summary:

    A bunny called Nicholas which lives in a hollow tree talks about the four seasons with all the readers. Spring is the transition period between winter and summer. It is between September and November in the south hemisphere. In the north hemisphere, spring is between February and April. In the spring, many flowers open, little bunny like to pick flowers. Summer is the season between spring and autumn. It is between December and February in the south hemisphere. In the north hemisphere, summer is between May and July. In the summer, many insects fly everywhere, little bunny likes to listen to the insects buzzing and humming. The book talks about autumn and winter too.

    Comment: “I am a bunny” is just a little story in this book. This book has 87 wonderful stories for little boys and little girls. Maybe we have academic pressure, so we ignore this moving in circles seasons. If you looking at these four seasons carefully, you will discover many little things in the four seasons. In spring, you will discover there are many flowers opening beside you when you are getting your packet money. In summer, you will discover there are many insects dancing when you are doing the summer holiday assignment. In autumn, you will discover many falling leaves on the way which you back home. When it is very cold, it is winter. Many people think everything in each seasons is inevitable, so they will ignore them. But if the things we think that is inevitable have gone, what will you think? Will you feel pity because you didn’t enjoy looking them? If yes, look every thing in this world carefully. Don’t miss any thing that you want to look at.

  • 3D Leung Pui Yan, Yannes (23) Title: Matilda Author: Roald Dahl Publisher: Puffin Summary : This book is about a girl , Matilda .Matilda is a very shy and quiet girl .Although she is shy and quite but she is a exceptional girl , When Miss Honey , Matilda’s teacher tell Matilda’s parent that Matilda is a talented girl , Matilda’s parent did not believe Miss Honey . They still call Matilda “stupid’ and ‘liar’. Meanwhile, Matilda discovers she has telekinetic powers, a secret which she confides only to Miss Honey. At last, Matilda’s father decides to move the whole family to Spain because of the law catches up with Matilda's father, Matilda asks them to let her remain with Miss Honey. They agree, as it is less of a brother, and drive away forever. Feeling: I think this is really an interesting story. It is because the spots sometimes will make people laugh. The theme of this book is friendship. The main character, Matilda was my favorite character in this book. I think she often felt upset when she is with her family because her family members seldom trust her. Also, I admire Matilda is not afraid of the nasty adults .When the nasty adults do bad things to her, she will punish them in her clever way .Matilda won't punish the nasty adults with action instead of language. For example, she puts a lot of glue into her father’s hat so that when her father wear the hat , he cannot take off the hat .The book has a good and happy ending and I like the ending very much. It is because the ending is really wonderful that Matilda could live with her favorite’s teacher, Miss Honey who is her favorite friend and teacher and the one who love Matilda most. This story also teaches us never give up which is an important attitude in our life. With this attitude, we can do things more success. After reading this book, I am sure that this attitude is really important to us.

  • 3D 陳文敏 (1)

    書名: 會考 0 分與神奇小子 作者: 呂宇俊

    如果我們遇到失敗,會繼續努力,還是放棄?我今天要介紹的書是會考 0 分與



    弊。之後他成為基督徒,但在中二加入黑社會,離棄上帝。他在中五會考中考獲 0分。最後浪子回頭,經過多位良師的幫助,在第二次會考獲得十九分。並以一級榮譽生在大學畢業,並考獲神學碩士學位。最後更原諒了他吸毒的爸爸。








  • 3D 譚杏梅(32)

    書名: 餘韻

    作者: 張愛玲


