青少年綜合服務與青年工作 我的觀察、探詢、立場與觀點 ( My position to youth...

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Transcript of 青少年綜合服務與青年工作 我的觀察、探詢、立場與觀點 ( My position to youth...

Page 1: 青少年綜合服務與青年工作 我的觀察、探詢、立場與觀點 ( My position to youth work )




Page 2: 青少年綜合服務與青年工作 我的觀察、探詢、立場與觀點 ( My position to youth work )

三提問: 社會工作的「社會」涵義 青年工作的「青年」涵義 社會工作專業的「專業」涵義

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社會工作關顧是:Social Functioning 人 環境…but we usually forget about 改變 (adapt changes and create


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My Position to Social Work Possible future to future / changes Critical analysis to society, social struct

ure and social arrangement Communitarian approach to communit

y, self and identity Critical Pedagogy and Praxis towards Yo

uth Work Stakeholder engagement towards servi

ce development and users experiences

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My recent practices

ABCD / Classroom-in-community / S-L Green social work Multicultural social work Non-oppressive / Inclusive social

work Youth social participation Appreciative Inquiry / Co-intelligence

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My views, about Future

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The 4 Futures

Probable future (What will be?) Prospective future (What could be?) Preferred future (What should be?) Possible future (What can be?)

Ellyard, Peter (1998). Ideas for the New Millennium

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Future is “…the embodiment of the synthesis

and hybridization of the old and the emerging new.”

“ The Best Way to predict the future is to create it”

Ellyard, Peter (1998). Ideas for the New Millennium.

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My Views, about Community and Identity

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Identities / Who am I “...our deeply felt attachments to a number of communit

ies constitute our identity. This allows us to experience our life as bound up with the good of these communities”

“…these “constitutive communities” define the sense of who we are and provide a largely background way of our being in the world of thinking, acting and deciding……to reject them leads to an identity crisis or an acute form of disorientation which will damage our identity…”

“…we can answer the question of what these “constitutive communities” are by asking a question of ourselves: “Who are you?”. The answer will certainly include: family name, nationality, language, culture and religion – all of which derive from community”

James Aurthur (1998). Communitarianism: what are the implications for education. Education Studies, Vol 24. No. 3.

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傳承、權利與發展我 只 能 把 黑 人 作 家 James Baldwin 的 話 偷 來, 送給 所 有 正 在 艱 難 地 放 光 放 熱 的 香 港 朋 友們 ﹕ 「文 化 傳 承 是 內 聚 的 , 它 約 束 了 我 ﹔ 天 賦權利 是 外 擴 的 , 把 我 和 所 有 生 命 永 遠 地 連 結。但 沒 有 人 可 以 只 要 那 天 賦 權 利 而 不 接 受 他的 文 化 傳 承 。 」 - 龍 應 台

( My inheritance was particular, specifically limited and limiting. My birthright was vast, connecting me to all that lives, and to everyone, forever. One cannot claim birthright without accepting the inheritance. )

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Without the community, the individual is left without a place where he can contribute. The community is that grounding place where people come and share their gifts and receive them from others.

Sobonfu Some

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It needs a village to raise a child,

- African proverb and only one child could change a village.

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My views, about Youth Work

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湯瑪士.海恩斯,青少年的崛起與沒落( The Rise and Decline of the America T

eenager )

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「當我們的孩子成為我們最貧窮的公民、變成風險最大的一個族群、反映出我們最差的價值觀、染上我們最糟的疾病、成為擁有最多武器的可怕罪犯、導致暴力事件不斷攀升的主嫌犯,而且非但不是我們心中的希望,卻是我們心中的恐懼時,就表示我們面臨嚴重的問題。 」

吉姆.華勒斯( Jim Wallis )政治的靈魂( Soul of Politics )

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美國國家青年領袖協會 主席James C. Kielsmeier博士

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‘ There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our

young people – one of these is roots, the

other is wings’

(Hodding Carter)

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Problem Problem Solver

Client Change Maker

Recipient Co-Participant

At risk population Leadership asset to be dealt with to be cultivated

Tomorrow’s Part of today’sLeaders Leadership team

Adult in the A citizen todaymaking


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My views, about Social Work and Critical Praxis

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"Unfaithful Angels"

Prof. Harry Specht 在 1995 這樣提到 : 當社工離棄了社群 , 遺忘了社會公義 , 避談了社會改革 , 甘於變成臨床服務的忠實追隨者 ...... 那社工便成了 "不忠誠的天使 ".

"Therapeutisation of social work" shall finally turn social work to be "Unfaithful Angels"

1994. Unfaithful angels : how social work has abandoned its mission

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Mission of Social Worker as Community Learners

Learning in community is a continuous lesson. Teachers as community learners implies teachers are moving from “teaching knowledge for” the community to “realizing knowledge with” the community. This is a “know-how” to “know-why” shift. In this move, teachers engage continuously in the collective inquiries with community members, i.e. “curriculum participants”, which in turn facilitates teachers to generate meaningful and contextual questions for student learning in the course of CIC. Chan, Kwok-bong (2009). “Classroom in community: Serving the Elderly People, Learning from Senior Citizens. A community-based Service Learning for Secondary School students in Hong Kong.” New Horizons in Education, 57, No.3

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Mission of Social Worker in Problem-posing education…as “men and women develop their power to perceive critically the way they exist in the world which and in which they find themselves; they come to see the world not as a static reality but as a reality in the process of transformation” (Macedo, 1993. Introduction. Pedagogy of the oppressed. )

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Mission of problem-posing education is to demythologize; “we need to place the knowledge that we teach, the social relations that dominate classrooms, the school as a mechanism of cultural and economic preservation and distribution, and finally, ourselves as people who work in these institutions, back into the context in which they all reside.” (Apple, 1990. Ideology and Curriculum)

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APTITUDE, DEXTERITY OR FLUENCY"(Dictionary definition)

促進者的角色營造積極樂觀氣氛 打破迷思:令概念、運作及策略變得清晰可行善用團隊 /個人的知識及專長作為“中間人”,把經驗、方法、網絡、資源傳遞予有關人士鼓勵團體和網絡間的協作及努力

-Translated from Bank of I.D.E.A

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Some remarks

for those over-used (and sometimes mis-used) jargons by Social


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The Idea of Justice

社會工作者有著資源再分配的責任 . 下面的提問可有一點啟發 ?

三個孩子在爭執誰該擁有一支笛子。 Anne說三人中只有她懂吹奏笛子; Bob說他最窮,從來都沒有過一件正式的玩具; Carla說該笛子是她造的,剛完成便給 Anne 和 Bob拿走了。他們都承認彼此所說的是事實。但該笛子究竟應該由誰擁有呢? -Amartya Sen

Chinese translation extracted from教育心語 — 龐永欣http://pongdidit.blogspot.com/2010/11/blog-post_24.html

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平等主義者 (egalitarians) 會毫不遲疑地贊成由Bob 擁有;

自由主義者 (libertarians) 會主張笛子既然是 Carla造的,應交給她;

效用主義者 (utilitarians) 又會傾向把笛子交給 Anne ,因為她可令笛子帶給人們最大的效用。

Chinese translation extracted from教育心語 — 龐永欣http://pongdidit.blogspot.com/2010/11/blog-post_24.html

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盼望盼望不是製造平靜,而是不平靜;不是忍耐,而是不忍耐。盼望沒有靜止那不靜的心,反而它正是那不靜的心。 - 莫特曼 (Jurgen Moltmann, German Reformed theologian, Aurther of "Theology of Hope", 2000 winner of Grawemeyer Award in Religion )


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Missions and roles of ISC workers in……

Post-80s’ movement and Socio-political changes ?

Globalization and Sustainability? Net-citizens? Against Individualism / Consumerism /

Monopoly? and Promote Universal values and Rights movements ?

NSSAF – LS / IES / OLE / OEA…… ? NAP / non-Chinese service users ? Special needs / At-risks?

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謝 謝 !


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陳國邦 Chan Kwok Bong香港小童群益會 [email protected]://servicelearning.bgca.org.hkhttp://www.slideshare.net/bongsirhttp://hk.linkedin.com/in/bongsir