?, mtHW3'l' T Sk. 'i X Vl V 1 J1 V UN B...casion woio Col. J. 11. lusher, X. G.ll., Cnplnin Apploton...

' "- -. sss-"""- -' .Tvqw 4r .&. win-- ' wq& ", j v ;v . AnrV ?, mtHW3'l' . . "' i 1 ,f J i dcst tiavemsiug went If you Doiitticad Dulklni ' i&V you Don't Get the News. V ; Reaches ALL the Teople. myr Vol. II. 399. K y THE EVENING BULLETIN. l4i vi l Published overy day except Sunday hI .210 King Strcot, Honolulu, II. I. SUUSCUIl'TION Mouth, nnjwhero in th 11 1 Inlands S '' Tor Year. - ' Per Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or M',ieo 1!) Per Year, postpaid, oilier Foreign Countries IS CO 1'nyublo lnvnrliiblv Advance. Tdephono 250. V. 0. Box 89. B. L FINNEY, Manager. . yy What with ennaigro, coflbo and sugar plantitions and rico as an isauo the demand for plantation tools is growing apace. The clearing of coffee land requires more tools, or as many, at least as preparing land for cane. Every first- - atore should carry stock them but not of them do. Ours is as complete in these lines as others, and there is nothing in the line of Plantation Toolo ns everything olse jrou know what that means. Th'oti there's tho price. Our method of buying means low price in selling. "Wo have small profit that satisfies us and you. Hoes, of every description, Cane Knives, Axes, Picks and Handles ours is tho place. Wo aro prepared to fill any ordor frum single article to a hundred idgten. ! T WATERUflilfiF Qneon SU'cot. Rotail Their . . . . ' . Large Stock or DRY GOODS! At Wholesale Prices! 4 Specialties THIS WEEK SHIRTING ...a SHEETING QUILTS and TABLE r COVERS, SERGES and LAWNS, SILK RIBBONS, Em ."07-C- . 9fWw9jHIHK ?lMMMMHHMIWBKnH.TWWBHSKCTnffB?Bl05KMOTi'?l "" ' " v- - " wm wwrftwr "fwmp 'i - m v irt Sk. ? tar .. V .- -i ar T7 v w w nf" W"tit W T& T x 7 7W ?? 73.7v Wm IMMMMiHlHIMBflHHHHHHK r .11 $ vr inn. the ALL X Vl r. dl 9vfrvtCfrWv tf' No. HATES. jper wnllnn f'i lit Wiwi...i clas- - a of all a For a 4 1 N H A J1 0? V $U& 14 4 fi UN l oil the Hawaiian Islands. JH Subscription 75c. a month. B HONOLULU, U. I., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1896. PmoR 5 Cents. H M"l 'I III Willi m I II I M 1 " ' ''JhMH A TERRIBLE CASE OF ECZEMA . l,:l n.WATBIHOBXE I.tf.Smidtjf , Ctmnn nv flyers Sarssparilla ?Iro. K. Wj-ntt- , of Tort lUmrt, ffnt Hlinliurili, fco. A 11 t ill In, wrllc of tlm nl rnmtillnn nf Iirr HUlo diuicll-U- ", nlii40 inirlvuH Oio aim Hcndat weBM' "Mv daughter was nfllieted with TCivi'iim of tin' most nujrravnted Tie. TlmdisiMSo llrsl, appeared in eruptions on her head, then her hair begun to f.ill out, and in spite of tho best mediral advice anil treat- ment she grew steadily w or.se. Tho sores were- full of matter and wero oxtreniely olTensie. Her eyes be- came. atVeeted, and she was, in truth, in a terrible state. My neighbors wero very swnpathetie and took great interest in tho ease. They persuaded ino to trv Ayer's Saisa-jmrilh- t. and I am most thankful to bo able to .say that this wonderful medicine completely restored my daughter's health. She has now as good 11 head of hair is anyone could wish, her eyes arc perfectly well, and she is a'liue girl or eight years with every prospect of growing ui to bo u strong and healthy woman." AYEf?! SolJ Keiitls a! tlia World's Chlel Expositions. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Hole Agcuts for tho lJeimblio of Hawaii. LSE8l'&"C09KE A GREAT IHtfENTION The Traveling tH Lawn dprmKier lloves ittioll about your Lawn. Tiftvcls In n straight lino or circlo Stops imtoiii-nticnll- det tor any length of hoso. i"V No Biioh Sprinkler hns ovor Iicju placed on tho uiurUot bcfoic. Come and See it! LEWERS & COOKE, Port Street, Tolophono CO. LOTS AT WA1KIKI There are fi Lots at Waiki-ki- , lying on tho Waikiki side of Kalia Road for sale, about 11 G feet makai of Vaikiki Road. Those lots will bo sold for cash or on installment plan. g For further particulars apply to WILLIAM C. AC1II, Real Estate Broker, Bethel St., near King. Aug. 18, 1890. 384-l- m H. UACKFELD & CO. ' GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, Cor. Fort and Queen Strcots, Honolulu. TlicnnnTiiniirnrft,iiijnS!i! n. rn nr in m n ur 1 11 tnn nminn l Iftr'.mc nn; H..rto mnrn TIIC nunr M 1 Hh i':?K s nr.iiHX 1: niu iPittv.y ) i. i h h an i nil. i iiv k wo k. i ::i :n: uiii'W.vc i;iii hii-i- n ( ii.nc.n itir iia.-- r ..i 1 ilk I vn 1 v. uuuk uuiili m 1 uvii 11 u nil ulu i miil.ii urintiui V 1.11'viti (.iwiunvi. uuluuiiii ;. yi.i; . - .. v ij vjJH muxAxriY wixs Tin: imiii. nii.vi'si'i:.v: inut i:vririENcs. :ii.) rxlillilllon ol Cillon NoWtl.ir.v oh Aru:ry .S(jiiurc!oi himik nutl rCnll - 'lo Jtlvot". A lurgb urtmber of people vis- - j itcd the drill groauda bat night to ! Mitnogg tlto looy f,,-ki,j'i.- ' Bbifl ( , ijp'i'iV" drill Ix't'Tccu tlto vol 11 n- - t.vr coinjiufii 'ypi 1 1 'vu stiotclieil around tL pnmdo grouada proper nnd noldiors woro on duty to kctp tht crowd from encronchiug ou tho rosorved spneo. President Dole, nttondod by Colouol Sopor, JMajors Pottor, McLeod and J. "W. Jonos, and Captains J. W. Pratt, II. E. Coop-or- , Schfiofei nnd Zicglcr, with a number of promiucnt peoplo, oc- cupied scats in front of tlto drill shed. Tho judges bulcctt'd for Hie oc- casion woio Col. J. 11. lusher, X. G.ll., Cnplnin Apploton of 15os-to- u, nnd Lnsign Stnnwortb of tho U. S. S. AdnmB. A cash prize of 8100 front Provident Dolo was tho obiuct of (ho contest. An olnborato program of exor- cises lmd been pi escribed for tho tsst of oflicioney. Formiug nnd dispersing, manual of arms, load- ing and firing standing, kneeling aud lying marching in different forinaMojiT and times, and changes of formation 011 Ihu iuaich, a vari- ety of skirmishing tactics, dcploy-- I ing, rallying and assembling, weio in general tlio sum of tun exorcises. Prioiity of drill was determined by lot in tho order of G, 1), A nnd C companies., .Wiiil'i Oo. G v. no on tho Held n drizKlhii! ruin be gun to fall, tlirentouing to dampen tho ypiiitH of tho inihtiu nud de-btro- y tho plciisuro of tho specta- tors. Tho sky soon cleared up, however, nud beautiful drilling was exhibited. At7:-1- Co. G, tho nnlivo Tin-wniia- n compmiy, under command of Capt. John if. Ken, marchd out of the drill shed and wheeled into lino facitiL' tho roviewiii" stnnd. Its movenu-u- t was so precise and soldierly that cheoia from nil sides broke out at its After saluting tho President with "present nrms," Capt. Ken reported to tho judges two commissioned nnd sovon non commissioned nnd thirty on-list- men. Then tho drill pro- ceeded, all tho commands requir- ing to emanate from tho captain, lhe company was applauded ngnin nud again, llrroivs that had to bo marked by tho judges included tho30 inndo by lha otli-cer- s in commanding. But very fow flaws woro dibcovoiublo by any but technical critics. Tho alignment nud tinio kopt by tho 111011 in matching weio perfect. Thoir mnaunl of arms was beauti- fully executed, indeed could hard- ly ho excelled, and thoir volley firing was in ecellent unison. As tho company inarched back into tho shed, amidst cheoring on all sides, tho remark bued all around, "They've got tho prize." Capt. Charles McCarthy thou led Co. D forth, choomV by frionds on tho ninrgin of tho pa- rade gtoiind. Ifo roported 0110 captain, two liontonants, tour ser- geants and twonly-sovo- privates. At tho outset tho company made somo errors that woro apparent to tho ordinary observer. Thoro was a dash about thoir movements, however, and a businessliko ring to tho captain's tone of command, which noon captured tho popular admiration. Tho evolutions woro smartly performed and tho more difficult movomonts executed with neatness and piocisiou. 13oforo tho drill was half ovor, tho stock of D had gone up materially. Only tho professional oyo and ear could detect tho major portion of tho errors judicially noted. Continued on Jtlh Jtye. j1 rn im.iss (inrctticiss tiiij T n ' jj,,,,,; u ,f j,oyd 1 s B , ao .,, iT onnvjJ!(1 j.'o,,, uolslJr w, Black VVT1iTZ "'o e'cSt 1 ' fig . , .T T r Tr n ,,' wpuf i..iNrtu aav. ttctpott 3li. tllnInnii M I'rlul "nrli ttirr In lllltiert .iiil-;'- m I.ltNrtt Lnnj. In Itoiioliilu. Charis IJotclin-?s- , n fiimilior figure jn "PrintorB' Jvow," m t strcot tued romtWiir fo !i, led. di9i fin morin'iur. iJ ' v. l to bii.i r 'Jiwr nftir ninny jfenrs of suffering fioni variotia afffctions, cancer striking into his neck coming as tho final cuuse. Ho was a untivo of Ver- mont nnd (55 years of ngo. Ilo leaves r tnolhr in .St. Louis, Mo., and n sis'or in or ucar Toledo, llolcli'viso has lived in Honolulu -- mice ISGo. liobort Grifvo.Hie veteran master printer, and "Chin lie," ns he wns famili- arly called, worked togethor ns journeymen thnt and somo suc- ceeding years. When Mr. Grieve bought tho Gazetto in 18S0 ho kept Mr. UotcLkiss on, and hns iiven him employment almost ever sinco, up to tho tinio of his i lnbt illness. Tho man hns been nn invalid for two-third- s of his residence in those islnnds. Mr. ilotchkiss was hero before ho camo to stay, taking n cruiso in the Pacific ou n merchant shin, i llo wont to linker's island, wheto tho ship was wrecked. From thou ci' ho sailed for llowland's iblninl. but tho vessel dritted past the island iu tho uight, ' bringing up at Apiang in the Gil- - bert gioup. At that plnco l'ov. Hirnm Bingham of Honolulu was ongnged in printing tho jN'cw Tob- - tument with 11 plant he had down ihevo. Ilnvi'-.f- ; dit'icullies with t!io work, lie secured tho assistnnco of Mr. Hotehkius, by means of which tho work was satisfactorily uccpnipii.he.l. Mr. nnd Mrs. LiughH.uhaveahynyshndannlo- - hn for tho old printer since thnt '""ChaHie" ,ns well liked by nil ' the local typographical frater ity, j ulso by nowspauor nion of Jour lesidence, who all know him nud over had 11 plensnnt greeting for tho fiiendly old soul that h wns. While n grent render Mr. Ilotch- kiss was not a superficial ono, ho having stored his nnd with a., largo iund of varied information. He could converse with infel , pmiico upon many topics 01 11111- - vorsal and local interest Tlio funeral will take place at 3:110 this afternoon from tho un- dertaking parlors of H. II. Willi- ams ou Borotatiia street. TO.TIO IS HOW'S 1IVLL UA.Hi:. I III! Will III I m: Out Iu 11 Non I'laycra. Considerable interest is being manifested iu tomorrow's ballgnmo between the Kamohamohas nud Stars. This is partly accounted for by tho near appronch of tho end of tho eeason and tho inten- tion ot tho Stars to introduce two new players. Tho Stars will havo tho following nine in the field tomorrow: Wildor II., catcher. Babbott, pitcher. Willis, 1st baso. Bliss, 2d baso. Lishiuan, lid base. Wildor W., shorlbtop. Boss, loft field. Woods, contor fiold. llart, right fiold. In caso of accidents thoy will have tlio following substitutes to draw on: Wodohouso, Pryco, Carter, Conradt nnd McNicoll. The Kamohamohas will probab- ly play tho same men as last Saturday. King Bros, latest consignment of picture frames has taken tho town by storm. The designs aro olegant, o and of tho handsomebt. .V.!!S 'Olf TllOHi: WHO HAVB JllllflB Vl 1! I i:i( lUU'ItJRS UJ'iHK .i HKJ-M- ) Till: 1MJ IIIO.V. R fll.MTI. ' 'ftj'1 . :H Bo()h ITviulier ill iTin .i nottiu-l- l of Rlufo mill I'riiiiiliicnl (Iiiiorn- - isn-n-l OlSioitiln In llii' I t. Tho petition which hns been in uircnlutiou for some dnyB past, supporting tlio application of Mv. T. E. Krouso for a license to sell wines and liquors at tho propo-ic- Waikiki Hotel, is filling up rapid- ly. The list is still open, and up to ditto benrs tho following names. In tho list of signers will bo found the names of six out of tho eight members of tho Legislature from this island, ten out of tho fifteen nioinbors of the Council of Siato and fifty-fci- x Government employes. Tho petition reads us follows: Honolulu, A"S- - 2l 18!3B-T- o Jamus A. Kino, Minister of tho Interior: "Ve, tho undersigned, residents nnd tax-payor- s of Honolulu, g that tho tinio has fully como to lcgnlizo tho salo of spiri- tuous liquors at Waikiki bunch, respectfully petition that 11 license for that purpose bo gianted to some respectable party who will provide lirst-clns- s hotel nnd bnth-- ' ing accommodations for tho public in that locality. Abe.1 .J 1- - C, Atkinson Alatau T, Austin li Z, Armitngn It, Auer-bac- h F B, Auerbaoh It L, Allen S C, Androws Chas, Allen W F, Anderson 1 W. Brown Godfrey, Bosse C, Brown A- - Kubey, Bailoy 13 T, Brown A, BoissoG J, BarnhardtW O, Biuhn W C, Buckley tlobn, Brasch M, Bergorson B, Brown Chas L, Brniis Geo, Bnitltt AV S, Biede ri iv i.. ir n if ii. ti. niiiuri t 11., iiuyii 11 11. Barnes A. Cnssidy John, ClappC II, Chis-hol- m Alex, Conk ley .Ino P, Ca-niar- a J M Jr, Cavcnaugh Geo J, Clomont C, Cnlhcart B W, Cas UUIUIUIUU U -- V, WU11EU J U, UJJ" lorn W B, Clark V A, Cowcs Bobt, Cunningham W M, Cameron E F, Crane Chas S, Cougdon II, Cation Bobt, Croighton C, Club Stables, Clay J F, Coney W II, Carty J. Davis Henry, Dwight S C, Dortch F L, Drnmmond M II, Doylo Clirstor A, Dayton D li, Dickey C W, Dias P A, Dilling-ha- m Goo, Dosky Chas S, Dodd J, Davis Geo A, Dickorson Chas, Dowsott J M, Douglas T S, Dow-so- tt Edward, Dement C B, Dow II M, Doyle E L, Dimond ,V W, Dauiels J B, Daak A B, Dowsett D II, Dosha G L, Downey W. Eckardt Johannes F, Edings W S, Euimoluth John, Ellingor John, Ena John, Eldredgo C II, Egan J J. FoMer C M V, Frashor C E, Finnoy .1, Focko 11, lusher J 11, Fugerroos V J, Finnoy B L, For-nand- N, Forstor P H, Farns-wort- h J. Graham W M, Garlonborg A, Golden Rule Bazaar, Gourlay S, Gibson J B, Gillespie J S, Girdlor Charles, Gallaghor W J, Gomes J E, Greono B J,Greono J J, Giiovo Bobt, Gonsalvos M A, Goodman Frank, Grossman M E, Girvin Jas W, Gray C B, Gortz F, Gortz C, Goar A V, Gates IE E, Gore G II, Ganzol lfrod. Harrison Fred, Hamburg J F, llamm C von, Hopkins Edw, llopp Jfc Co, Hitchcock Eil W, Humphries A S, Horrick C F, Howard Honry W, Harris Geo S Jr, Holmes 11, llumbuig Aug, Con(i)iufd ou 5lh Page. tondvkChr, Cowan Win, C abbe ,, i li, Carter .J U.Jr, t'onper n B. -, 'ti;,,1, Camnboll Chas J. n H. T . rn...,- - rm m.:i .IINIiiIu - ii IiIimi i llko I.n rilanvii- - ! 11 l!iiKllti One In Attiulriii- - ty !lrl. Judge Cnit'f hay rendered a decision, dismissing tho libel of Marcus B. Cnlburu on the strand- ed bark Gainsborough. He re-la- w b tlio eiroumst.uicosof tho case already well known to readers o tho Bulletin', and thus concludes: "Thoro is no merit in the claim. Tho libollant probably acted in good faith under hi3 mistaken notion of tho law. Thoro was r in doing that which was done, to wit, boarding tho vessel. No advantage could como from tho watch placed on boaid. It wns not for the benefit of tho pro-pott- y, but to retain his supposed hold on tho vessel and enrgq. "Tho vessol was not a derelict and tho libollant was not author- ized or entitled to lako posstssion of hor under the circumstances. Tho vosbol and enrgo wero sub- ject to the orders of .the inustor, and the polico under such induct- ions took rightful posposiion. ir- respective of the rights ot the de- partment to take possession under tho statute. "In conclusion I will quote fiom tho ease of the Champion decided by tho High Court of Admiralty of England inlSG3,that 'it v.ould bo a dangerous doctrine and ono quito unfounded iu law, that whoie the actual possession of tho ship is by tho true ownor intermitted tho first coiner may seizo possession and nay, "lam sal- vor in possession of the vessel, and 1 will havo charge." ' "Tho libel ib dismissed." V. It. Castlo and A. Ilosa for libollant; Kinney it Ballon for claimants. flollili) i.iitl Dr. Louis llobinsou some years ngo by watching babies and their ways came to tho conclusion, not that thoy hail in them a dabh of old Adam, but that tlio root-mo-liv- e of their nrtionn wont back much further still; in other words, that they had within them n strong fctraiu of tho i.'al old origi- nal monkoy from which I hoy wero descended. Why elbo should n uow-bor- n child hold on bo vigor- ously to a walking btick as to allow itself by Uio grip of ita tiny hands to bo raised up aud swung clear ot tno oeu on which it lay r Clearly tho i.ew-bor- n iufitut, un- civilized as yet by Boapand water, clothes, and baby bottles, thought itself again a little monk?y, hwing-iu- g by a branch in its native for- est! So fertilo a scientific imagi- nation as that of Dr. Bobiuson clearly could not end, as it had begun, iu describing tho vugnriee of babios. Working ou the aamo linos, ho now tells us iu tho Na- tional Jtevuw why it is that wo crave for holidays and change. It is a most rospectablo craving, does not go half back so far as mon-koy- s, and in fact, originates from tho habits developed during that long period in man's history when ho wns a nomadic creaturo alwaya on tho wander. In thoso days man's lifo was ono of constant chaugo; nud tho moro monotonous man's lifo is now, tho more does ho tond, when tho occasiou arises to spring back with a rebound to tho habits of a formor btnto, . pi which whatovor the hardships of his lot, at least ho had change qC bcono. Tho Hospital. Tho dosultory cannonading that rovorborates on tho city front to- day is not from enginery of war, but is a saluto of humming ami booming industry. It comes from explosions accompanied by a ball ot firo, about ouco a minute, out ot tho orifico of an escape pipo to a gas engino at tho National Iron A orks, Quoon stroet. itiiJH-rff."--- A- ' h"' - - rtAflfti it'iku , iii i fci- .- hT A '3 1 m rs hwi

Transcript of ?, mtHW3'l' T Sk. 'i X Vl V 1 J1 V UN B...casion woio Col. J. 11. lusher, X. G.ll., Cnplnin Apploton...

Page 1: ?, mtHW3'l' T Sk. 'i X Vl V 1 J1 V UN B...casion woio Col. J. 11. lusher, X. G.ll., Cnplnin Apploton of 15os-to-u, nnd Lnsign Stnnwortb of tho U. S. S. AdnmB. A cash prize of 8100


"- -.

sss-"""- -' .Tvqw

4r .&.win-- ' wq& ", j v

;v .

AnrV?, mtHW3'l'. .

"'i 1 ,f J idcst tiavemsiug went

Ifyou Doiitticad Dulklni'i&V you Don't Get the News. V

; Reaches ALL the Teople.myr

Vol. II. 399.K



l4i vi l

Published overy day except Sunday hI.210 King Strcot, Honolulu, II. I.

SUUSCUIl'TIONMouth, nnjwhero in th 11 1

Inlands S ''Tor Year. - '

Per Year, postpaid to America,Canada, or M',ieo 1!)

Per Year, postpaid, oilier ForeignCountries IS CO

1'nyublo lnvnrliiblv Advance.Tdephono 250. V. 0. Box 89.

B. L FINNEY, Manager.. yy

What with ennaigro, coflbo

and sugar plantitions and rico

as an isauo the demand for

plantation tools is growing

apace. The clearing of coffee

land requires more tools, or as

many, at least as preparing

land for cane. Every first- -

atore should carry

stock them but not of

them do. Ours is as complete

in these lines as others, and

there is nothing in the line of

Plantation Toolo ns everything

olse jrou know what thatmeans.

Th'oti there's tho price. Our

method of buying means low

price in selling. "Wo have

small profit that satisfies us

and you. Hoes, of every

description, Cane Knives,

Axes, Picks and Handles

ours is tho place. Wo aro

prepared to fill any ordor frum

single article to a hundred


! T WATERUflilfiF

Qneon SU'cot.

Rotail Their . . .

. ' . Large Stock


DRY GOODS!At Wholesale Prices!

4 Specialties THIS WEEK





. 9fWw9jHIHK ?lMMMMHHMIWBKnH.TWWBHSKCTnffB?Bl05KMOTi'?l"" ' " v-

- "wm wwrftwr "fwmp 'i - m

v irt Sk. ? tar .. V .- -i ar T7 v w w nf" W"tit W T& T x 7 7W ?? 73.7v Wm


r .11 $ vrinn.the

ALL X Vlr. dl








clas- - a

of all




4 1 N H A J1 0? V $U& 14 4 fi UN l oil the Hawaiian Islands. JHSubscription 75c. a month. B

HONOLULU, U. I., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1896. PmoR 5 Cents. HM"l 'I III Willi m I II I M 1 " ' ''JhMH







Ctmnn nv

flyers Sarssparilla?Iro. K. Wj-ntt-

, of Tort lUmrt, ffntHlinliurili, fco. A 11 t ill In, wrllc oftlm nl rnmtillnn nf Iirr HUlo diuicll-U- ",

nlii40 inirlvuH Oio aim Hcndat

weBM'"Mv daughter was nfllieted with

TCivi'iim of tin' most nujrravntedTie. TlmdisiMSo llrsl, appeared ineruptions on her head, then her hairbegun to f.ill out, and in spite oftho best mediral advice anil treat-ment she grew steadily w or.se. Thosores were- full of matter and werooxtreniely olTensie. Her eyes be-

came. atVeeted, and she was, in truth,in a terrible state. My neighborswero very swnpathetie and tookgreat interest in tho ease. Theypersuaded ino to trv Ayer's Saisa-jmrilh- t.

and I am most thankful tobo able to .say that this wonderfulmedicine completely restored mydaughter's health. She has now asgood 11 head of hair is anyone couldwish, her eyes arc perfectly well,and she is a'liue girl or eight yearswith every prospect of growing uito bo u strong and healthy woman."


SolJ Keiitls a! tlia World's Chlel Expositions.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Hole Agcuts for tho lJeimblio of Hawaii.



The TravelingtH

Lawn dprmKier

lloves ittioll about your Lawn. TiftvclsIn n straight lino or circlo Stops imtoiii-nticnll-

det tor any length of hoso.

i"V No Biioh Sprinkler hns ovor Iicjuplaced on tho uiurUot bcfoic.

Come and See it!


Port Street, Tolophono CO.


There are fi Lots at Waiki-ki- ,lying on tho Waikiki side

of Kalia Road for sale, about11 G feet makai of VaikikiRoad.

Those lots will bo sold forcash or on installment plan.

g For further particularsapply to

WILLIAM C. AC1II,Real Estate Broker, Bethel

St., near King.Aug. 18, 1890. 384-l- m




Cor. Fort and Queen Strcots, Honolulu.

TlicnnnTiiniirnrft,iiijnS!i! n. rn nr in m n ur 1 11 tnn nminn l Iftr'.mc nn; H..rto mnrn TIIC nunr M1 Hh i':?K s nr.iiHX 1: niu iPittv.y ) i. i h h an i nil. i iiv k wo k. i ::i :n: uiii'W.vc i;iii hii-i- n ( ii.nc.n itir iia.--r ..i1 ilk I vn 1 v. uuuk uuiili m 1 uvii 11 u nil ulu i miil.ii urintiui V 1.11'viti (.iwiunvi. uuluuiiii ;. yi.i; . - .. v ij


muxAxriY wixs Tin: imiii.nii.vi'si'i:.v: inut i:vririENcs.

:ii.) rxlillilllon ol Cillon NoWtl.ir.v ohAru:ry .S(jiiurc!oi himik nutl

rCnll - 'lo Jtlvot".

A lurgb urtmber of people vis- - j

itcd the drill groauda bat night to !

Mitnogg tlto looy f,,-ki,j'i.- '

Bbifl (,

ijp'i'iV" drill Ix't'Tccu tlto vol 11 n- -

t.vr coinjiufii 'ypi 11 'vu

stiotclieil around tL pnmdogrouada proper nnd noldiors woroon duty to kctp tht crowd fromencronchiug ou tho rosorvedspneo.

President Dole, nttondod byColouol Sopor, JMajors Pottor,McLeod and J. "W. Jonos, andCaptains J. W. Pratt, II. E. Coop-or- ,

Schfiofei nnd Zicglcr, with anumber of promiucnt peoplo, oc-

cupied scats in front of tlto drillshed.

Tho judges bulcctt'd for Hie oc-

casion woio Col. J. 11. lusher, X.G.ll., Cnplnin Apploton of 15os-to- u,

nnd Lnsign Stnnwortb of thoU. S. S. AdnmB. A cash prize of8100 front Provident Dolo was thoobiuct of (ho contest.

An olnborato program of exor-cises lmd been pi escribed for thotsst of oflicioney. Formiug nnddispersing, manual of arms, load-ing and firing standing, kneelingaud lying marching in differentforinaMojiT and times, and changesof formation 011 Ihu iuaich, a vari-ety of skirmishing tactics, dcploy-- Iing, rallying and assembling,weio in general tlio sum of tunexorcises.

Prioiity of drill was determinedby lot in tho order of G, 1), A nndC companies., .Wiiil'i Oo. G v. noon tho Held n drizKlhii! ruin begun to fall, tlirentouing to dampentho ypiiitH of tho inihtiu nud de-btro- y

tho plciisuro of tho specta-tors. Tho sky soon cleared up,however, nud beautiful drillingwas exhibited.

At7:-1- Co. G, tho nnlivo Tin-wniia- n

compmiy, under commandof Capt. John if. Ken, marchdout of the drill shed and wheeledinto lino facitiL' tho roviewiii"stnnd. Its movenu-u- t was soprecise and soldierly that cheoiafrom nil sides broke out at its

After saluting thoPresident with "present nrms,"Capt. Ken reported to tho judgestwo commissioned nnd sovonnon commissioned nnd thirty on-list-

men. Then tho drill pro-ceeded, all tho commands requir-ing to emanate from tho captain,lhe company was applaudedngnin nud again, llrroivs thathad to bo marked by tho judgesincluded tho30 inndo by lha otli-cer- s

in commanding. But veryfow flaws woro dibcovoiublo byany but technical critics. Thoalignment nud tinio kopt by tho111011 in matching weio perfect.Thoir mnaunl of arms was beauti-fully executed, indeed could hard-ly ho excelled, and thoir volleyfiring was in ecellent unison.As tho company inarched backinto tho shed, amidst cheoring onall sides, tho remark bued allaround, "They've got tho prize."

Capt. Charles McCarthy thouled Co. D forth, choomV byfrionds on tho ninrgin of tho pa-

rade gtoiind. Ifo roported 0110

captain, two liontonants, tour ser-geants and twonly-sovo- privates.At tho outset tho company madesomo errors that woro apparent totho ordinary observer. Thoro wasa dash about thoir movements,however, and a businessliko ringto tho captain's tone of command,which noon captured tho popularadmiration. Tho evolutions worosmartly performed and tho moredifficult movomonts executed withneatness and piocisiou. 13oforotho drill was half ovor, tho stockof D had gone up materially.

Only tho professional oyo andear could detect tho major portionof tho errors judicially noted.

Continued on Jtlh Jtye.


rn im.iss (inrctticiss tiiij

T n ' jj,,,,,; u ,f j,oyd 1 sB , ao .,, iT

onnvjJ!(1 j.'o,,, uolslJr w, Black

VVT1iTZ"'o e'cSt 1 ' fig. ,.T T r Tr n ,,' wpuf

i..iNrtu aav.

ttctpott 3li. tllnInnii M I'rlul "nrlittirr In lllltiert .iiil-;'- m

I.ltNrtt Lnnj. In Itoiioliilu.

Charis IJotclin-?s- , n fiimiliorfigure jn "PrintorB' Jvow," m

t strcot tued romtWiirfo !i, led. di9i fin morin'iur.iJ ' v. l to bii.i r 'Jiwr nftirninny jfenrs of suffering fionivariotia afffctions, cancer strikinginto his neck coming as tho finalcuuse. Ho was a untivo of Ver-

mont nnd (55 years of ngo. Iloleaves r tnolhr in .St. Louis, Mo.,and n sis'or in or ucar Toledo,

llolcli'viso has lived inHonolulu --mice ISGo. liobortGrifvo.Hie veteran master printer,and "Chin lie," ns he wns famili-arly called, worked togethor nsjourneymen thnt and somo suc-ceeding years. When Mr. Grievebought tho Gazetto in 18S0 hokept Mr. UotcLkiss on, and hnsiiven him employment almostever sinco, up to tho tinio of his i

lnbt illness. Tho man hns beennn invalid for two-third- s of hisresidence in those islnnds.

Mr. ilotchkiss was hero beforeho camo to stay, taking n cruisoin the Pacific ou n merchant shin, i

llo wont to linker's island, whetotho ship was wrecked. Fromthou ci' ho sailed for llowland'siblninl. but tho vessel drittedpast the island iu tho uight, '

bringing up at Apiang in the Gil- -

bert gioup. At that plnco l'ov.Hirnm Bingham of Honolulu wasongnged in printing tho jN'cw Tob- -

tument with 11 plant he had downihevo. Ilnvi'-.f- ; dit'icullies witht!io work, lie secured tho assistnncoof Mr. Hotehkius, by means ofwhich tho work was satisfactorilyuccpnipii.he.l. Mr. nnd Mrs.LiughH.uhaveahynyshndannlo- -hn for tho old printer since thnt

'""ChaHie" ,ns well liked by nil'

the local typographical frater ity, j

ulso by nowspauor nion of Jourlesidence, who all know him nudover had 11 plensnnt greeting fortho fiiendly old soul that h wns.While n grent render Mr. Ilotch-kiss was not a superficial ono, hohaving stored his nnd with a.,largo iund of varied information.He could converse with infel,pmiico upon many topics 01 11111- -

vorsal and local interestTlio funeral will take place at

3:110 this afternoon from tho un-

dertaking parlors of H. II. Willi-ams ou Borotatiia street.


I III! Will III I m: Out Iu 11 NonI'laycra.

Considerable interest is beingmanifested iu tomorrow's ballgnmobetween the Kamohamohas nudStars. This is partly accountedfor by tho near appronch of thoend of tho eeason and tho inten-tion ot tho Stars to introduce twonew players. Tho Stars will havotho following nine in the fieldtomorrow:

Wildor II., catcher.Babbott, pitcher.Willis, 1st baso.Bliss, 2d baso.Lishiuan, lid base.Wildor W., shorlbtop.Boss, loft field.Woods, contor fiold.llart, right fiold.

In caso of accidents thoy willhave tlio following substitutes todraw on: Wodohouso, Pryco,Carter, Conradt nnd McNicoll.

The Kamohamohas will probab-ly play tho same men as lastSaturday.

King Bros, latest consignmentof picture frames has taken thotown by storm. The designs aroolegant, o and of thohandsomebt.

.V.!!S 'Olf TllOHi: WHO HAVB JllllflB Vl 1! I i:i( lUU'ItJRS UJ'iHK .iHKJ-M- ) Till: 1MJ IIIO.V. R fll.MTI. ' 'ftj'1. :H


ITviulier ill iTin .i nottiu-l- l

of Rlufo mill I'riiiiiliicnl (Iiiiorn- -

isn-n-l OlSioitiln In llii' I t.

Tho petition which hns been inuircnlutiou for some dnyB past,supporting tlio application of Mv.

T. E. Krouso for a license to sellwines and liquors at tho propo-ic-

Waikiki Hotel, is filling up rapid-ly. The list is still open, and upto ditto benrs tho following names.In tho list of signers will bofound the names of six out of thoeight members of tho Legislaturefrom this island, ten out of thofifteen nioinbors of the Council ofSiato and fifty-fci- x Governmentemployes.

Tho petition reads us follows:

Honolulu, A"S- - 2l 18!3B-T-o

Jamus A. Kino,Minister of tho Interior:

"Ve, tho undersigned, residentsnnd tax-payor- s of Honolulu, g

that tho tinio has fullycomo to lcgnlizo tho salo of spiri-tuous liquors at Waikiki bunch,respectfully petition that 11 licensefor that purpose bo gianted tosome respectable party who willprovide lirst-clns- s hotel nnd bnth-- 'ing accommodations for thopublic in that locality.

Abe.1 .J 1- - C, Atkinson Alatau T,Austin li Z, Armitngn It, Auer-bac- h

F B, Auerbaoh It L, AllenS C, Androws Chas, Allen W F,Anderson 1 W.

Brown Godfrey, Bosse C, BrownA-- Kubey, Bailoy 13 T, Brown A,BoissoG J, BarnhardtW O, BiuhnW C, Buckley tlobn, Brasch M,Bergorson B, Brown Chas L,Brniis Geo, Bnitltt AV S, Biederi iv i.. ir n if ii.

ti. niiiuri t 11., iiuyii 11 11.Barnes A.

Cnssidy John, ClappC II, Chis-hol- m

Alex, Conk ley .Ino P, Ca-niar- a

J M Jr, Cavcnaugh Geo J,Clomont C, Cnlhcart B W, Cas


lorn W B, Clark V A, CowcsBobt, Cunningham W M, CameronE F, Crane Chas S, Cougdon II,Cation Bobt, Croighton C, ClubStables, Clay J F, Coney W II,Carty J.

Davis Henry, Dwight S C,Dortch F L, Drnmmond M II,Doylo Clirstor A, Dayton D li,Dickey C W, Dias P A, Dilling-ha- m

Goo, Dosky Chas S, Dodd J,Davis Geo A, Dickorson Chas,Dowsott J M, Douglas T S, Dow-so- tt

Edward, Dement C B, DowII M, Doyle E L, Dimond ,V W,Dauiels J B, Daak A B, DowsettD II, Dosha G L, Downey W.

Eckardt Johannes F, EdingsW S, Euimoluth John, EllingorJohn, Ena John, Eldredgo C II,Egan J J.

FoMer C M V, Frashor C E,Finnoy .1, Focko 11, lusher J 11,Fugerroos V J, Finnoy B L, For-nand-

N, Forstor P H, Farns-wort- h

J.Graham W M, Garlonborg A,

Golden Rule Bazaar, Gourlay S,Gibson J B, Gillespie J S, GirdlorCharles, Gallaghor W J, Gomes JE, Greono B J,Greono J J, GiiovoBobt, Gonsalvos M A, GoodmanFrank, Grossman M E, GirvinJas W, Gray C B, Gortz F, GortzC, Goar A V, Gates IE E, Gore GII, Ganzol lfrod.

Harrison Fred, Hamburg J F,llamm C von, Hopkins Edw,llopp Jfc Co, Hitchcock Eil W,Humphries A S, Horrick C F,Howard Honry W, Harris Geo SJr, Holmes 11, llumbuig Aug,

Con(i)iufd ou 5lh Page.

tondvkChr, Cowan Win, C abbe,, ili, Carter .J U.Jr, t'onper n B.-, 'ti;,,1,Camnboll Chas J. n H.T . rn...,- - rm m.:i

.IINIiiIu - ii IiIimi i llko I.n rilanvii- - ! 11

l!iiKllti One In Attiulriii- -

ty !lrl.

Judge Cnit'f hay rendered adecision, dismissing tho libel ofMarcus B. Cnlburu on the strand-ed bark Gainsborough. He re-la- w

b tlio eiroumst.uicosof tho casealready well known to readers otho Bulletin', and thus concludes:

"Thoro is no merit in the claim.Tho libollant probably acted ingood faith under hi3 mistakennotion of tho law. Thoro was r

in doing that which wasdone, to wit, boarding tho vessel.No advantage could como fromtho watch placed on boaid. Itwns not for the benefit of tho pro-pott- y,

but to retain his supposedhold on tho vessel and enrgq.

"Tho vessol was not a derelictand tho libollant was not author-ized or entitled to lako posstssionof hor under the circumstances.Tho vosbol and enrgo wero sub-ject to the orders of .the inustor,and the polico under such induct-ions took rightful posposiion. ir-

respective of the rights ot the de-

partment to take possession undertho statute.

"In conclusion I will quotefiom tho ease of the Championdecided by tho High Court ofAdmiralty of England inlSG3,that'it v.ould bo a dangerous doctrineand ono quito unfounded iu law,that whoie the actual possessionof tho ship is by tho true ownorintermitted tho first coiner mayseizo possession and nay, "lam sal-vor in possession of the vessel,and 1 will havo charge." '

"Tho libel ib dismissed." V. It.Castlo and A. Ilosa for libollant;Kinney it Ballon for claimants.

flollili) i.iitl

Dr. Louis llobinsou some yearsngo by watching babies and theirways came to tho conclusion, notthat thoy hail in them a dabh ofold Adam, but that tlio root-mo-liv- e

of their nrtionn wont backmuch further still; in other words,that they had within them nstrong fctraiu of tho i.'al old origi-nal monkoy from which I hoy werodescended. Why elbo should nuow-bor- n child hold on bo vigor-ously to a walking btick as toallow itself by Uio grip of ita tinyhands to bo raised up aud swungclear ot tno oeu on which it lay rClearly tho i.ew-bor- n iufitut, un-civilized as yet by Boapand water,clothes, and baby bottles, thoughtitself again a little monk?y, hwing-iu- g

by a branch in its native for-est! So fertilo a scientific imagi-nation as that of Dr. Bobiusonclearly could not end, as it hadbegun, iu describing tho vugnrieeof babios. Working ou the aamolinos, ho now tells us iu tho Na-tional Jtevuw why it is that wocrave for holidays and change. Itis a most rospectablo craving, doesnot go half back so far as mon-koy- s,

and in fact, originates fromtho habits developed during thatlong period in man's history whenho wns a nomadic creaturo alwayaon tho wander. In thoso daysman's lifo was ono of constantchaugo; nud tho moro monotonousman's lifo is now, tho more doesho tond, when tho occasiou arisesto spring back with a rebound totho habits of a formor btnto, . piwhich whatovor the hardships ofhis lot, at least ho had change qC

bcono. Tho Hospital.

Tho dosultory cannonading thatrovorborates on tho city front to-

day is not from enginery of war,but is a saluto of humming amibooming industry. It comes fromexplosions accompanied by a ballot firo, about ouco a minute, outot tho orifico of an escape pipo toa gas engino at tho National IronA orks, Quoon stroet.

itiiJH-rff."--- A- ' h"'- -rtAflfti it'iku , iiii fci- .- hT





Page 2: ?, mtHW3'l' T Sk. 'i X Vl V 1 J1 V UN B...casion woio Col. J. 11. lusher, X. G.ll., Cnplnin Apploton of 15os-to-u, nnd Lnsign Stnnwortb of tho U. S. S. AdnmB. A cash prize of 8100






Ntntlntlr I'rricnloil nt the High Courtlu Vuudec.

From tho Foresters' edition otlio Dundoo Advortisor tho follow-ing stntistics of tho order, pre-

sented in tho opening speech ofthe High Chief Banger nt thoHigh Court, aro givon with sterl-ing amounts reduced approxi-mately to dollars:

According to particulars re-

ceived for tho Directory for 189G,tho numerical position of thoOrder was as follow: Male adultmembers, 719,013; female adultmombors, 7134 72(5,777; Widows,contributing members for funeralallowance, 18,424; members ofJuvonilo Societies, malo andfomalo, 122,070; honorary mem-bers, main and fomalo, 20,433Total 888,304.

Tho funds of tho Ordor onDecember 31st, 1895, wore as fol-

lows: Court fuuds, $23,000,000;district funds, $3,2I)0,000;JuveuiloSocieties' funds, 800,000; Widowsand Orphans' funds, 8250,000;High Court relief fund, S128 (500;other funds, $900- 0- Total, $27,-437,50- 0.

Tho incronso in fundsduring the year was: Courtfunds, $105,000; District funds,$170,000; Juvenile Societies'fund, $"0.000 SGG1.000; less do-

orcase, Widows and Orphans'funds, $0100; less High Court Eo-li- of

fund, $20,200 not increase,SG34.700.

Mur.V ol 111 ii Ilffl ulTiillocli.Ae wo enter Strathspey by the

Aberncthy forest wo pass throughtho district of Tulloch, tho sceuoand birthplace of tko famousKeel of Tulloch. Horo somo 2C0years ago lived tho Laird ofTulloch, with his lovely daughterIsabel. To her came many suitorsfrom ninny lands, for. pho hadbeauty and hor father had wealth.Among them wns a Macgri'gor,whom the maiden secretly lovedand favored; and a lioboitson,whom her frionds favor ad, butwhom she disliked. As time wuuton tho rivalry betweon theso twosuitors bocame fierce, uutil thoBobertsou resolved on tho des-

truction of the Mucgregor.Getting togethor a small party ofhis clou, ho surprised tho Macgro-go- r

as ho wandered down Spoy-eid- o

with tho lovely Isabel. Butthe Macgrcgor was more than amatch for tho RobortsouB, whomhe kopt at bay until ho reachedtho friendly shelter of a barn.Dnshing in there, ho kept themall at a distance until Isabel hadbarricaded tho door, and thou hepicked them oil' with his musket,which Isabel loadod for him asfast as ho discharged it. And soho destroyed the whole baud,which included the treacherousbrother of tho persecuted damsel.Thorcupon tho Mucgrogor issuedfrom his shelter, and, seizing thepipos, celobrated lm victory byplaying a new dance, which hocomposed aB ho played in amomont of fiorco inspiration.And this was tho famous Beel ofTulloch, and tho date of tho storywas in or about tho year 1040.Atalanta Magazine.


Wlty Wo yeed Chanui- - of Ir.

Often the more removal fromono part of a town to another willresult in an immediato and mani-fest improvement. I know of aninstance in which a goutleman, asufferer from asthma and bron-chitis, whoso homo was in a hoal-thy'pa- rt

of Surroy, obtained vorygreat roliof by a short residoncoamong the slums of Seven Dials.Ohildron seem especially bouolitedby a change of air; so much sothat it is often advisable to removethem even during a sovero illness.It is woll known that wild beastsin travelling menageries, in spitoof tho rough and limited accom-modation which they have to putup with, aro moro healthy and livolonger thnn thoso which have alltho caro which scionco and moneycan provide in tho ZoologicalGarden. If, therefore, a raco ofnomads', to whom vagrant habitshad become a secoud nature, werecompolled to livo pormuuoutly inone spot, one would expect thatsomo evil consequences would en-

sue, and that thoso would bo es-

pecially liable to show themselveswhen tho general vitality had beenlowered by disease. And, con-versely, it seems reasonable toconclude that a renewul of thoconditions to which tho constitu-tion of man was originally adupt-c- d

would contribute to tho recov-ery of a normal state of health. '

Jkview of llevicws.

Law Books.

v' """$ ypyffiewTftfflwb''


Do You Bead Them ?

Do You Want One ?

We Wave theLatest Catalogues

of THE

Publications ofCallighan & Co.,

Little, Brown & Co.,

Lawyers CooperativePublishing Co.

"Wo make a specialty ofthese publications,andshallbo pleased to have thoLegal Fraternity of thoIslands call on us whenwanting a Law publica-tion, at the lowest possibleprice. We are also

Weadquarters forLaw Office Supplies:

Document Files. LegalPapers, Typewriter Pa-pers, Ribbons for allmakes of Machines.

In fact, wc can show you thogreatest variety of Labor sav-

ing devices of any House inTown. If you want to savomoney, come our way, wo arethe Money Savers for you.

Wail, Nichols Go,


$&&. 'r


'."ijrCiXWl-&- JjT X 55

wr&m. . v

sRttw3tiV. FL3ffjj f vsnmr i - i'.r -. jvfiit it ir -

mm wWhy Pay $110

For a Bicycle --aags?'

that Hells ill tko Coast for $73,wbon you cau liny nu honoatBicyclo nt an Loncst price at

The v Mod v Agency

1S9G Model $J00.1S95 Model 75.1895 Model, ladies 70.

H. RNklXm,tvleiBonlo Temple,

MySpecialReductionSale is Over!

But I am sclllnu all of mystock nf (roods very cheip.My specialties for thisweek aro . . . .

Siik Crepes --

- CurtainsAND


IWAKAMI.llobmson Mock, Hotel Bluet.


31 SCln-- Street.Q. J.WAMJHR - - - MANAOBB.



Maw Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry

-- AND-


Heftopolitan Bjert Co.

Telephone 45.

Centra,! MarketNuuanu Street.

The Very Finest--OF

Tender-"35"2- 3"

Sweet andWholesome.

Como nud sco our


Wesfbrook & Gares,Proprietors.

Telephone - - - - 104.

City MarketEstamxshku 1833.

jQsaph Tinker, - - Prop,

Beef, & Mutton,

Pork, Veal,Of tho Fiuoat Varieties.

Sinkers or tho Celebrated l'ork Sniisage.

Nuunnu street, opp. Cluiplum lnuo.

Telephone 289.

City Feed Store,Old Armory, Beretanla &ts.

L. H. Dee & Co.

liny, Grain and Feed received ex AbIouu,

Miowcrn and Alolm. Espceted by S S

Mt Lebanon lot of AI

B0MiNZi glHtpRIgE OipftMiddlings, 15ran, Flour, Feeds of nil kinds.


always fresh from Haul.

LUXURIE- S- -- r-

For the Equiuo Tnblo iu thoway of nil kiudB First Olnss


Aro on Balo by tho


51 Fort St Tel. 422.

STANDARD LINESof Groceries are moro palatable as wellas licaltliler than the other kind.

V0ELLER & CO.(Wnrlnj: Block, lleretnnla Street).

llandlo nothing but the best. LllibyifcMcNeill's Canned Meats, Klnc-Mor- so

Table fruits, (ihlriirtlelll's Chocolate,Milkmaid llmnd Milk, I'uraou Pure Lardand

'EXCELLENT FLOUR'B- - Telephone (580 a


Cash -:- - Grocers


Fart StrBBt & Chaplain Lane,

H- - VKf go.,Wholesale and Retail Grocories.

98 Fort Street, HonoluluTelephouer 2U P.O. Box d70


Henry Gehring& Company,


j, J?

3?lumbinp;" ond Gas-fibtin- c:

Sanitary Work a Specialty

fEF" Jobbing promptly attcudod to.Telophono 75. 280-t- f

Importers and Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,


130tf King atroot.


WHAT?My 510.00 Bath Tulw, lined with best

quality, No. 10 zino, 6 in. Pipe, Ulinin andring, with wood lim nil comploto. Otherdealers are dnmfonnded, and resort to allmanner of Tricks and Excuses.

Be not deceived, tlicso Bath Tubs havbeen sold for $14 until I reduced tho price.

I am prepared to do nil work in my lineand guaranteo satisfaction: Estimates tar-nished.

If you want a good Job cheap for Cash,ring np Telephono 844, and I am yourman.

JAS.NOTTJB,Tinsmith A Plnmber

bUALxssiEFor Family Usel

Just Received, ox "C. C. Funk," cargo of

Wellinflton, Depaiurie BaiJ, Cioal

Which is offered in quantities to suit.

2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FREE.




Also "White and Black Sandat tho very lowest marketrates. Telphone No. 414.

Hawaiian FertilizingCOMPANY

Is preparod to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo ordor for 1890.

In Quantities to Suit;Orders solicited for a future de-A- .

tiverjF. COOKE, Manager.

Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on car line and on A

ROAD ueur FuitilizingPlant.

These lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Doairablo Acre TractH near tho city andotlior Properties for sale.

iniUCK, WAKING & CO.,Dealers in and Lands,

Fort Street, near King.Tklki'UONk C07. P. O. Box 321.

' . t J i;. , j . i - HMi-- i..rt.rvu'i'lAifii..,. KafX',,j.i ;SS .. 'mo





Curry Powdor as mado by us is prepared after tho OriginalRecipe from tho Purest Ingredients.


Como nud have n look nt tho

Tho wheel of the world. I nm ngent for thonhovo nnd also for tho

. . . . . .

A. Suit theand I am

So na to fit your pocket hook.

kjuiowmmniiummaiHKamiiiiii iinim

ml In q& uu

Bicycles to Burn

Barnes Whiteflyerlending


ummJPerfeot "Wlieel. My Prices

Times Selling

ED.A.VILLIAMS,(Successor to C. E. Williams, H. H. "Williams & Co.

and Williams Bros.

Pioneer Furniture Warerooms,Established 1859

Pianos for Sale, Hire and Moved. Chairs for Pent



as. Hustace

Undertaker and Emklmer,Tombstones and Monuments.

Bosidenco and Nijjht Tel. 815. 611 KING STKEET, Tel. 179,

H. HACKFELD & CO.--Importers and Dealers in- -


Plantation Supplies.


Just Received and For SaleAt the New Stand, King Street,

(Adjoining the Arlington.)

Whole Wheat Flour,Golden Gate Flour,Choice Hams,Bacon,Fresh Almonds and Walnuts,Cal. Block Butter,Smoked Beef,Now Potatoes,Onions, otc, etc.

OhKino Streeii




Page 3: ?, mtHW3'l' T Sk. 'i X Vl V 1 J1 V UN B...casion woio Col. J. 11. lusher, X. G.ll., Cnplnin Apploton of 15os-to-u, nnd Lnsign Stnnwortb of tho U. S. S. AdnmB. A cash prize of 8100

rmammtmimmmmmmmimaMBSiatttKKKUBKKttBBKKUKIcWKtKfBBIIBKMIJTv'- - W9K'WfWi1

..-...r,- . !.. - ,rrOT.muM.jiLijii:yiiujit!f-r-iAjmmwBitfrtMwix- mwnMJiut'nwyinwywiwiioiLii


: "' 'r"vr1 fP AT T. MURATA'S, jiBfeS3! --J f

L riui rVjU z&mfifQz? ,s IkHMttliV"' iifr1if fall wl a ,1aa r rl..m oiwitiMAiifrmnii v niuiia &. auia nuwiu uiiu uuau ui i uiuI xKm23t iLy.ultr-ft-& kwh


3ipm"Shamo on yon, fighting with yoni

littlo brother llko that I Supposo h(wero to dlo? Then you'd bo sorry, foiyou'd liavo no littlo brother nt all I"

"I don't caro. I glvo him ovcrychanco, an ho couldn't got n blow in onine. I fought him tho Qnceii3ljcrry ruleson knockod cr stnflln out o' him. I on'ywish ho'd 'a' bin twins, then or flght'd'n' bin moro excitin nn not so much ofu chichi" Lifo.

tie K I died.


Barbor (ilndiug that tho old man lnwfallon asleep) Woll, ho ueods n shavoand may not want n hair cut, bo I'lletart ou that.

"Wondor If ho'll kick whon heawakes?"


:I I !

pt, Truth.i' -t'k Two.

She Dr. Holmes prefers men withemail mustaches beennso they aro morointollectual than tlioso with largo ones,

"uud that's ono of my two reasons fordisliking thorn.

Ho What's tho other?Sho Tlioy tioklo. Suribner's Maga-


With Illustrations to Follow.

Ho A boro like a microbo? I givo itnp.

"Boonuso it takes u long timoto froezohim out, but you cnu easily mako it toohot for him." Lifo.

In Canning Tims.

At canning timo tho filling of jarsmay bo greatly expedited by tho uso of

a grocer's funnel, nnd a small milk dip- -

is tho best thing for ladling out thoEar fruit or sirup. Novor uso a rubbortho second season if possible to proouro

now onos. When old ouoi must bo d,

drop them to soak a few minutes

in boiling water previous to using. Sot

tho jars as soon as contents aro cold in

a cool and dark place.

Nicely furnished rooms nt tho

Popular Houbo, 154 Port street,

from $1.00 per week up.

Killer would Miccccd. If you havea cough or cold or any other wintercomplaint, try I'niu Killer at once.It never fails to give instant relief.I'liiky Dvu & Son, Proriiknce, K. I.


Will cure n cold before it settlesor after it settles. The righttime to take it is when you

lcci uic cola coming on.Prepared only t

Terry Davis & Son,,Providence, R. I.

IBRUISEScome without nr.y previous warn- -

inir. ilia best py M always tobo prepared. Keep n bottle ofI'crry Davis' l'Aix Kir.UiRLyyou.

U relieves at once.It It alio a sure cure for Cramps, Collo and

anu hi i imeroiu pain.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

130-t- f Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.

To CitizensOf Hawaii .

I tnko pleasure in announc-ing to you thnt I hnwo remov-ed to my now qutirtors at NO.513 PORT STREET and amprepared to execute all orderspertaining to my business.Jowolry Repairing, WatchRepairing, Pino Engraving,etc., etc. I have a handsomestock of Watches and Jowol-ry to show you including alarge variety of valuable Isl-and Curios. Your patronageis respectfully solicited.

G-- . HAFFNEE..10t-t- f

To My Pattonis:

It gives me much pleasureto announce that MR. M. R.COUNTER, ono of tho mostskilled wutchmnkors evor inthoso Islands, is now managingmy repairing department. Nowatch is so complex in itsmeohanism hut wo can givo por-fo- ot

satisfaction in correctingtho evils to which watohes areheir. Watohoa aro delicatothings to handle. Wo guaranteetlmt they will recoivo no injuryat our hands and will leaveour ptoro in perfect ropair.




OF JEWELRYxis a lino art. CoHtly jowolry wbendttraaiicd needs careful attontion,

and caro. To got this, bomlyour work to

A. E R. Vieira,AT UltOWX A: KIIIIKY'S.

Unique Designs in Jewelry.Telkphonk 795. 33J--


O na Puna MakanaKa Hiwnhiwa oi loa aku oka Nani Makamae.

E Hiki ke Hoomaemaeia na Wati poino a mo ka

fu o ko A--u.

Alnnui Pnpu, kokoke alnnui Moi.

The Evening Bulletin, 75 centsper month.


(Nuunnu Street, near

. . STRAW HATS . .

I Have HUNDREDS of DOZENS whichl am Selling

I3f Intcr-Ielan- d orders In quantity hljcd at a figure Impofslblo to meet.EVERY VARIETY OF HAT Or LATEST STYLE AND PATTERN.

MTJHA.TA. & CO., '' -- -'.Are about to receive a big stock of


The very fmrst of fine lines.

S.ook Ju For L'n! Our fl'resi'nl Neovlc 1VM1 ISe Hold

Belo"w Cost ITo mako room. Come in nml investigate. IT WIl.U PAY YOU.

Dumboo wnre,Bronze,


MURA.TA & CO., Hotel and Nuuanu streets.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand,

Estimates givon for house wir-ing and Electrical plants.

Murine Wiring a specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- Mannger.

Edw. Ingham,

Artistic Painter,Brass Signs and

Gilding on Glass Specialties

BiST" AH kinds of Contracts forFainting taken.

Union Stroot, next to Sterling,the painter's.

Commissioner of Deedsrou TIIK

State ofjalifornia.Having been appointed and commissioned

a Commissioner ot DeecU for the Statu of Cal-ifornia, I nin prcpiuul

To mlmlnlster nml certify oaths.To take and certify depositions and afllda- -

VltB.To take and certify the acknowledgment or

nroof ol iiowrrs of attorncv. inortirnireB.transfers, grants, deeds or other Instrumentsor record.

A. V. GEAK,Telephone 250. S10 King Street.


next to Lucas1 Mill

Ships' Bfacksmithing,Carriage Building

and RepairingDrays, Carts and

Wagon Building




Fitted up with all tho ModernAppliances for

Manufacturing and Repairing Vehicles

of Every Description.

Bhcksmithing and Horco Shooing.



Carriage Manufactory128 & 130 FORT STREET.

Carriage BuilderAMD REPAIRER.

BlachnithinginAll Its Brandies.

W. W. AVRIOUT, Proprietor.(Successor to G. West.)

f-"- ',J' ''" '- - --i -- '"


SEPTEMBER 4, 1896.UiMimnuuanAUMHUMttWMcmuuuiatnafflnlurvneaMRvniMH


. . .

. . . .


009SSilks,Lncquer ware,copper,

TJe Yokohama Specie BanlLIMITED.

Subscribed Capital Yon 12,000,000Paid Up Oupitiil Yen 4.500,000Itcscrvo Fnnd Yen 4,130,000


IJKANCHKS AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, Now York,

San Frauuibco, Shnngbui,Bombay, Hong Kong.

TioHMjU a General ltauldng and Ezchangu itiiHlncBfl.

Agency Yokohama Spetie B.ink

New Republic Building, Honolnln. H. L

S. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors anJ Provlsloni, Saki n specialty,

Allen Stiieet. Telephone 703.

NEW GOODArrived per S. S. "Australia."



American Goofls,

English GoOuS,

German Goods,

Chinese Goods,

Japanese Goods,

plevQoodsl JIeWQoodsl

t5f Come early and git ionr choice.

KWQNGSiMG LOY,407--0 King St., near Castle & Cooke.

3M-3i- n

L. AITLO,No. 4GS, Nuuanu street.

Has just received a new lino ofDRY GOODS, LADIES AND GENTS


Agent for tho following rice plantation:--Waipi-

Wuiawu, Wuiiuidu, Wivialua.Knncoho nnd Kapalama.

fjtf My rice from Rancoho is markedL A and is guaranteed Al.P. O. llox 114. .... Tolophono 190,

PALACE RESTAURANTFormerly tho Bay Ilorso Saloon

Corner Bethel and Hotel Streets, Honolulu.

si'EoiAii eatino nousE:Frlrate Ilooius for Ladies and Gentlemen,

Open from D a. in. to 1 in morning,Prico of Tickets, $4.C0. Siuglo Meal, 25o.

JSTew R,estanrant,Butltel street above Post Office.


Ohiekon on Tuesday, Thursdays andSaturdays. Ico Crtam on Sundays. FineSalads with dinner euch day.

Meals, 2.ic 22 Tiokets, $1.60.

A.STOK HOUSE,(All CHOCK, rropr.)

Meals 25 Cents. gINN.D. .

Private Boom for Ladies.


TOM CHUNG KEE,No. 47 Nuuanu Btreet.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order, I use the bestmaterial. Goods warranted towcarwell. 14-2-

FOOK ON & CO.,Nuuanu Btreet.

Just opened uew supply of First-clas- s Shoosjust received.

Ladio3' & Gonts Shoos Mado to Ordor

From American aud Trench Leathers.


L i Ik410 Hotel street, near Nuuanu.

ImportersOf All Kinds of Provisions,


Chinese Tea andGinger,


All kinds of O.inncd Fruit, Cigars,and a largo Agsnrtniont of goods toonumerous to mention at tho very


KAM TAl'SHotel Street, oppo. Pantheon.


Finest in tho city.


BLIGJEC LIFJi !....All at....



Sam "Wo ObanNtuanu street, near Kukul

Bananas and Vrgetublex always ou linnd.Chickens and Ducks alive or dress-

ed, Krosli Eggs deliveredto all parts of the city.

ISLAND FRUIT 0? ALL KINDS.Wo prow our own bananasand vegotublett


WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nuunnu Btreet.

Importers nnd Dealers in

Gcnerul -:- -Fine Manila Cigars, Chinese and Japa-

nese Crookeryware, Mattings, Vases of allkinds, Camphorwood TrunkB, llattanChairs. A lino Assortment of Dress Silks.Choicest brands of Chinese and JapaneseTeas of latest importntion.

tJF New Goods by every steamer.Mutual Tel. 2G0 1'. O. Box 158

SIn.gr X-e-e Co.,602 KING STREET,

FJRISSI-- I :- -: FKUITSBy evory California steamer.

Importers of all kinds of Groceries, Frulte,Canned Hoods, dpir and Tobacco,

at Lowest Trices.Fresh Vegetables Ahvnjs on Hand.

HOP HING & COMP ANY,Wholesale Dealers In

Chinese Silk, Ten, and Matting,Liquors and Manila. Cigars, English and

American Groceries.

402 Hotel street. - - Telephone 147.


Importers and Dealers In

General Merchandise,145.tf Cornor King and Mannakea Sta.


Tinsmith,Dealers In Tlnwaro, etc., l'lplng Laid

k and repaired.

137" Orders solicited; charges very mo-derate.

o,!101) Nminrni St. ,4 doors nbovoKing St.373.1m

FOR . . .Best Imported Chinese Tea,


WARE, CIGARS, ETC,Flno Chinese Teas freshly imported. Vory

low prices. Go toWING TAI LUNG

14- 1- Slil Nuunnu street.

HO YEN KEE & CO.,JPl-uxxibcr-

and dealers In

CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ETC., ETC.Water Tlpes, laid and repaired,and plumbing neatly executed.

142- - No 41, Nuuanu street


IPlumber & TinsmithDealer In Tin and Agate Wore.

All kinds of Plumbing doue in a SatisfactoryManner at 1.1owest Rates,

P. O. Box 274, 212 4C3 Hotel St


All kinds of tinware, crockery,etc, at lowest prices. . , .

141 Nuuanu nnd Hotel stroeti


W. W. AhanaMnkcH Clothing to OKDER of thevery best uiuterials and in tho verylatest style. . , . .

A. Perl'uob IifcGuaranteed



Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty


To Whom It

May Concern.

This is to certify that O. AkicoR.hns nindo several suits of clothedfor mo nnd tho workmanship hasbeen of tho best. I tnko pleasure'iu rccoiunicmlirjg him and hUwork.


TIM KEE,MERCHANT TAILORSuits to order. Fit Guaranteed. Fine DnokSnit, $5 np; Fine Tweed Pants, $4. CO np)Fino Suit, $18 np. Clothes cleaned nnd repaired. COO KING STKEET.

F. O. Box 144t

Chock Chee & Co., Merchant Tailor,Clothes Cleaned and Repaired.

No. 322 Nuuanu Street.

21Cly P. O. Box 233.

DYEING- - !If you want yonr Clothos Dyed and mask

to look new, cull aionnd at

CHOCK LOOK'SMerchant :- -: Tailor.

48 Nuunnu stnxt, P O Box 153.

C T. AKANA.t No. 324, Nuuanu street.

Y MERCHANT TAILOR, vFine Suitings made to order at lowest prices,

145 Clothes clumed and repaired.

"W. JLhiu. & Co.,320 Nuunnu Street.


Fine Suitings from Best American andEnglish Cloth.

Olothes Cleaned and Repaired.

Y. MAN SING,Fashionable Dress Mater.


Dresses mado to ordor. Sewing craarauU-od- . It tho stitches break I will repair without extra charge 307-2-


: AND : DEAL-ER : IN ... .

Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Etc.Contractor and Builder.

No. 89, Nuuanu street;lias on hand Coffins, Camphor Trunks,

Matting, Wnrdrobes, Desks, Matrotbes,eto.gjKT Call in and inspect goods.


Contractors, IBuildersi- -

Fnrnitnro Dealers and Painters.


Fort Street, opposite Clnb Stables.

Orient Planing Mill,VING FAT & CO.,


Furniture of all kinds made and repairedBuilding houses and naklng rice mills spe-cialty. P. O. Roz 103, corner King and Bethelstreets, ltf

Subnoribo for tho Evening Bul-letin, 75 oonts per month.











J'W'iPJ' rH.'H

! Is

ii. iAjJiJiik. HiVH ' '"fe- - c; iL

...-L- a '.'j4iti4iii' ;.,.... X',

Page 4: ?, mtHW3'l' T Sk. 'i X Vl V 1 J1 V UN B...casion woio Col. J. 11. lusher, X. G.ll., Cnplnin Apploton of 15os-to-u, nnd Lnsign Stnnwortb of tho U. S. S. AdnmB. A cash prize of 8100






B- -



urtimMriiijrtf am a iMyWWUSMMiiMi



The IlaWiiliiti Govertimont Koiinnl nnilTriilulug Softool rili ocn tit tho HighPnhool bnililiiiK, Mondny tnnmiuH, Spt. 7.

Vpplirant rIiuuM ln nt least sixteenyoats o( no ami triioTtld pjiwena oimndtiotlHy lipalth anil n couil mural clmrnotor.

To be mUulltorl to tho KGliior cIurb,

fltmlciitrt iiiuBt picsent h firsUclnsa pre '

nwy certlRculo or ittt oqnlviilont.GrudttntCd receive ceillflcatos or

vvuloli nro license? to ttuoh InGovernment ttabools.

Tnitlou Is freo.For futtlior callon or mldioai

J. L. DUMAS,KOU.flt 1'riliotpnl.

S!;$ Euei)ir$ Bulletig, ;


FRIDAY, BEl'T. 4, 1896.

Till! IMi'.I.IJtM.II v.sv.j

The Oelfiuliuil VrtifPMCf-t- f f Tim. IiHriimii'ii.

Thoro was very littlo additionaltestimony to that published inyodloulny's Bulletin presentedin tho l?itzgernll case yesterday

Tho defense oiToraltin Iwtiinony whatovpr nud tho i

defendant w:ia nt once sentencedto '- - iKi- - mipiiaoniuent nt hardluii!-.)- , slnch uiu tho full limit.

Attorney Cioighton for the do-fc.i- -e

jr.ve notice of appeal to thoOirenitCourt on two gioumUcFirtt,for mitigation of senloueo and, j

second, ou a quostion of juris-diction. It appears thoro is somedonlit in to whether Iho DistrictiI"iiMi.trutt has power to f.cnt.'ncofor tlio oriino of assault with si

deadly weapon or whether homerely nits h aeommiitiiiff magis-tv.i'.- .. '

Attorney (.'icijjnon willcurry the mntter up to tlio highest ;

tribunal in order to have it dotor-miue- d.I


so 12.0511:.:: ,vi :sa:ii: .::.,

'uto:icl nic.S.'jaii uilrnIliMs a nrimAllli'ld. I

ri adtjUiitcn Fiit IlegimcntNational (Innrd of Hawaii, Ilono- -

lniu, . h., Sept. 4, mm.ElUTOlt Evr.N'INO Bulletin : I

beg h'nve to politely cull your at-

tention to un article in hint ovon-iny'- rt

Bullktix headed "Trouhloin the Ban neks." Such a stato-moi- it

is absolutely incorrect andwithout foundation. For goodmid sufficient reasonu, in connec-tion wiili discipline and propriety,I have given certain orders, andsuch orders are, and will bo abso-lutely olj"v-d- : nor is there thoslightest trouhlo of any kind atthe barracks. Very respectfully,

1, U. Mc Lean,Col. 1st Kcgt., N. U. H.

Drt'P .Sen l"lli.Captain Bosohill of tho schoon-

er Norma has favored tho BiTu,r

tin with a big chunk of brainfood in the shapuof a huge mullet,out of tho cargo of fi&h he broughtfiom French Frigate Shoals.This gift specimen wasabout two foot long aud no fat asit could roll. Its libio it delicateand its flavor equal to tho finestmullet of Hawaiian inland or seawaters. Captain Rosehill willplace hib curo on tl.u markettomorrow, and everybody shouldtry to get a tasto of it. Ho willnot go back to tho fishing groundsthis year, as tho season is too

lltnriMii'u V.'I.Iic'm idi'llittuy.l!,i- - ti'm ot Macf.-irlim- & Co.

uloocd at 1 o'clock today in honorof the birthday of their popularbookkeeper, Blr. Clarence White,who ia forty eight yens of ago to-

day. During the morning numer-ous friend?, have called on him topresent their congratulations audho has bf.it) tho recipient of manyhandsome (okeiif, of their regard,ilou'-ir- ''! '11." Bi'LUTtN joinswith til- - ot!ur Irimds of .Mr."White in winiiing him many hap-py retuttiR of tho day.

Biugorn lead the world. Over13,000,000 made and sold. High-est awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for excel 1 once ofconstruction, legularity of motion,eaBO of motion, yroat speed,

durability, onHe oflearning ud convonionce of

B. Borgoraeu, agent,King and Bethel streets.

Ttli: I'Oltll'Ut'l.Ni: COMIMNV.

Continued from Jul Potje.

This company had tho handicapof going into tho competition without expocting to win tho prize, tCaptain McCarthy had not ) o nin coiumaud long enough to pre-jp- re

his men for the event. Itnobject in entering w;.'i putely outof tespect for tho Commamler-iu-Ohio- f

who had offered tho prir.o.Company A, known as the "Cer-tnaiiB- ,"

emorged with martial treadand formidable array. Capt. PaulSmith mported thrco officers andfifty men. He gave a splendidosliibition with his coiumaud. Hisordorn came quick anil in clariontones attuned, in tho moro lengthyphr.ivs, like tho intonation of achant. I'opnlar comment tan thatthis vnn Co. O'h sole rival. A fewblunders in tho ranks innrml thegeneral good effect, one that wasamusing being the dropuing ofsonio men in the wrong directionnt the order to lio do.vn. Thocompany wus particularly good intho rapid luoii'iueutfl, itSHkirmih- -

ing tactics being exciting in thoirwarlike effect-"- . The company to- -

ceise.l a libeia! ined of cheeringphiudite.

Capt. Catnara with Co. C, thoPortuguese contingent, thonghcoming lat piotd from tho wrystmt that his command was not

'tho least, by loug odds, in mili-tai- y

appearance and efficiency,Two commissioned officers, fivosergeants and thiity-tw- o monformed the complmnt. Punctiliou-- . to a liue point in details,which is ono of tho supremovirtues in the finished soldiot'seye, tho cnplaiu had his commandin peifecl discipline. Theirmanual of arms, spacing, maroh-- Iing, firing, skirmishing every-thing in fact -- wis worthy of thellowi-- r of any army. L.hid cheersgreeted them at frequent intervals,and when they marched intoquarters thrir stock was in thopreferied

After bienking ranks iuiidoCompanies (, D and C redpec-- I

tivoly tapped kegs of foaminglager and iudu'eru for the rest oftho evening in mild hilaiity.Charlie's boys discussed Mclviu- -ley and Bryan for a llavor to theirsocial convpixo with each otherti'ii. viMtu.g Irien.ls. the i.atnolads sang their gay songs anddanced the national mode. Intho Portuguese quarters tho 'oid-iu- g

diversion was toasts and ora-tory. Captniu Cainara delivered uneat spoech in beautiful Englishidiom, calling forth a repetition ofthe romark hoard at tho drill, thattho Portuguese captain had thopurest English accent of any offi-

cer in tho routes.Hopes that tho decision of tho

judges would bo given out thatovening were disappointed. Thojudg . ifiiiYiid tln'ir decision toPresident Dole ao Commander-in-Chie- f.

It awarded first place iuexcellence or performance torl , .,i i .company i, wim v hccoiki, uthird and D fourth. So the Por-tuguese company wears tholaurels. That Co. G only takesthird placo, after making such ahandsome showing, only goes toprovo tho very liijh dpgreo ofelliciency that tho militia of theliopublic of Hawaii has attained.

m e m

lliiriin llio I'rtt'oint.Burns i3 unique in the utaltor

of his work. Ho was born andlived and died among the people.Others have described peasant lifofrom above, Burns knew it froi ltho inner and tho under side Itis said that the gloomy augerwhich ho showed after the Edin-lmi.- h

v, .n (1 i i il. j Iu I

that he failed to obtain a postwhich would save him from thodrudger) of ta. miug. AVe may both u.ki'nl that sn-- s.i iLo caao;what Burns lost, literatuto hasgained. Because he iievnr leftthe country and the enmity life,Jio sang of them always from ac-

tual observation, never from jadedreminiscence. Ho lived what howrote, more, perhaps, than anyother author, and honco his mat-ter is unique, being new nnd fresh,and fa.' of the nl. To tlin mat-ter lus manner torrespoiuis whenho narrates with sagacious andhumorous common-sense- , and akind of sublimated sense is thomurk of Burns's best narrativonr, aguiu, in thoso lyrics whorethe feeling is oo inteuso that thothought and the stylo cannot butbe pure. Blackwood's Magazinefor August.

Nicely furnished rooms at thoPopular House, lf4 Fort stroot,from $1.00 per week up.

JWENING BULLETIN,. i.yMi.Aiu'wrt vwwtwwiJ'iiMwwwww'iwwwHiiJl'

tnely fopiejON


A short time ago we intro-

duced the De Laval CreamSeparators to the notice of thepublic through this columnbut we were compelled tochange our advertisement in a

few days as the demand createdby it soon exhausted the sup-

ply of Separators we had or.hand.

'We have just received a

fresh supply and again callattention to their merits.

Have you one or mois cows?It so, what is your purpose in

keeping them? Is it your objectto get the most money fromthem, with at same time somecomfort and satisfaction? Areyou doing it?

Have you kept pace withthe improvements in dairy ap-

paratus? Have you ever stop-ped to consider the benefits ofthe Cream Separator, not tothe world, not to your neigh-bor, but to you personally andindividually:

If not, you cannot do any-thing better, and the soonerthe better. Everybody nowunderstands the principle ofcennifugal creaming. Giavilycauses the cream to rise in theold way. The separator sim-

ply adds centrifugal foice togiavity. It merely uses twonatural forces instead of oneonly, i It effects the completeseparation of cream from milk,which is not possible in anvother way, and in the most allaround practical mannei.

The De Laval Cteam Separ-ators are in almost universaluse the world over. They haverevolutionized dairying me-

thods The Stale" Collegesand Experiment Stations alluse and advocate them. A'torethan 8,000 have been sold.All practical creameries havelong used them. Piogresiivedairy farmers do so in all sec-tions. There must be manyusers around you. No user ota De Laval machine ever didotherwise than endorse it.

The De Laval "13" orDairy Cream Separators arenow made in six diderentstyles and sizes. They rangein capacity from 1 50 lbs. perhour to 700 lbs. per hour.Capacity means separatingcapacity per hour. They aremade for all requirements fromthe household buying its milk,to the dairy of from one cowto one hundred.

The De Laval machines areHand machines. They are de-

signed and constructed forhand use. Women and chil-

dren run them. They are usedali :.i t wholly in nich wiy.Still they may be attached toany sort of light power, fromdog tread to engine.

We have also a smaller typeof the same machine, which isdesignated as the "HummingBird," especially infended forhousehold use. It is verysmall, veiy compact, extremelysimple, easily understood andcared for, safe and durable. Itposscv.es, every advantage tobe lound in any of the larger"Alpha" machines.

Samples and prices of thesemachines at


Hawaiian Hardware Co.

LIMITED,Opposite Spreckols' Bank,

NO. 307 ffCRT STS-FJET-.

SEPTEMBER 4, 18.WI0ISnaTMSII3iaTMi3IuIBia!5!Ei3j'SI3ia


that wo nro prepared atall timos to do your CopperPlato Engraving ftnd Printingon Cauls, Wedding and SoototyStationery; Announcement; ,


Also, Fino Monogram Em-

bossing, Address Dies andStamping in colors or plain.

Cards from your plato SI 50

por hundred.

H. F. Wichman,lfOliT STK15lf.

Don't ynn noed a wutcli?One Hint you can dependupon. Tho kind wo soil.We nro soiling Wnltlmmsin a dust proof cnso for

f7 KP

and fully warrant thorn inevery respect..1 Wo soil other tmikes,soino us low as 5.00,others as high us $'200.00.

Our stock is so large, wowould take pleasure inhelping you to a watch atso low a price your pocketwould not feci the lift.

No pie plateH sld, ut-most reliability in everypiece.

H. F.Wichman




25 and 50

Feet Lengths

Just Received ex

"Archer." . .

Every pieco of our

ay b gvuiK.a)


Also, a supply of


Castle &o Oooke


jBauuimwi ".i.imw."1 uumiiii W "?

A I I IttVUlffi

OTC7 f M ilthe best rs m tlio world and pick what best suits ourtrade mid wo don't know of anything too good for the peopleof this town.

&Eitr Shoe tSloi'o- -


mw mrt ! Vt1t& V

m ?z ooIf you are thinking of netting n

15icom:, now is the time to gotono whilo they lar.t. This oll'or ofIIamuleiih at S75.00 is not a cut inpi ice, so don't wt.il expecting tosee tho prico come any lower. Woare offering 18i)5 wheels ot thisprico and there aro but a few left.This wheel is fitted with tho

Great GJ- - JSc .T. Tirowhioh has proven so satisfactoryiu this laud of the

Iv.ia.we 'JL'liot'in

We also have a stock of the 1S9Gwhcols both ladies and gents whichwo aro offering at a low figure andon enuy terms. Come in and havea look nt our wheels and satisfyyourself that we aro in the l!icycleBusiness.

An InvesLmentStop aud think how many Niok-le- s

and Dimes you might savehad you a wheel. A ride to "Wai-ki- ki

is not only a pleasure but aHiiro saving of health aud streng'h.You will iind now vigor by thousoof muscles uovor before broughtinto use.



r Halfatl V


lasebad Seasor



Sept 5, 1896G.uii: Caw.uu at 8:80 r. sr.

- 25c- -:ioa-3- t



. "

gfflittlWiVlij .,.,..,


Knowjed IB

'Power --rtlBurJIIEHi

nnd our knowledge ofchoshoo their pro-

ducts gives U8 tho powerto buy tho host that'smade, with rendy ensh inhunt! wo can atul do go to

'IC510 JF'oTt Sti'pet.

W DIMONDSBy tho Albert which arriv-

ed a few d.iya ago wo re-

ceived 128 Gurncy ClennabloRefrigerators, ringing in sizefrom tho small household icobox to that used iu a grocerystore. It was a lame invoice not eonnin-rier-l li- -

The Manufacturers' Shoe





o I!bought outright. Theso 1i- - '

frigerators and ice boxfea'S .

have nine points f excel- - r'lence, to wit:

Cleanliness, freo circulation;economy in the use of ice;condensation and dry air; lowavurngo temperature; freedomfrom condensation on the innerwalls; free do, n from damageby the use of ico picks; properlocation of drip pipe and longlife. Tin so points are foundonly in the Gurnoy Cloanuble.

Now for tho reason for thohrgo purchase. There nro128 persons in Honolulu whoneed refrigerators, many ofthem have old ones. Wo pro-pose leasing theso rofrigeratorson the following terms: Thoselling prico of tho article isdivided by six: when tho rofri-gerut- or

is dolivered one-sixt- h

of tho prico is paid in cashand monthly thereafter iuequal payments until theentire amount is paid. Ifbefore the expiration of thosix months, the lessee wishesto pay off tho balance ho willbe entitled to a discount offive por cent, on tho amountunpaid. If a customer wantsto buy outright for cash, hogets fivo per cent, discounton the entiro amount.

The Gurncy Cleanablo canbo had only of us.

jSly tm

Von kfolt Building.fUlT"Va UnMMVM ' ' yfcwj-iMf- m


Diirinpj Mr. llomilmnu's nbsenco, Jlr.KuiiiR will lm vo oh.iro of my books nmliittDul to nil folleatiiiim. Ho am bo foumloitlitrnt Mr. ISijarriimin's ollicu lit Ogiiru itCo.'or nt my ollko.

!""-- tf Dit. ircnncnT.

For Rent.

ALMA COTTAGU AND THE LAItGETto.mh Tint Hiirrntinrlliiff (n-- wif n ..in.n.i.ublo tonus. This is u Imrcalu: Ainily to

;iu-li- a rilANJi IIUST



Omeis: 203 Mot chant street, CampbellJjloolt fiear of J. O. Cuitor'u ofllcol. l O.Bus 830.

(?" -,



j.tst Y



Page 5: ?, mtHW3'l' T Sk. 'i X Vl V 1 J1 V UN B...casion woio Col. J. 11. lusher, X. G.ll., Cnplnin Apploton of 15os-to-u, nnd Lnsign Stnnwortb of tho U. S. S. AdnmB. A cash prize of 8100


filler IWIWwWIff WPff? ,w tfwC' ' ' '

' ; ,'' EVENING, , .



vrtr.ff s




Slurs va. Knms tomorrow nftor-noo- n.

Plnntntiou tools ntWntorhouso'astore.

Sam Sec Heo AVo 1ms a notice'

olsowhoro. ,

Pork mid boaun for lunch nttlio Anchor tomorrow.

Tho bnrk Ilnrvostor sailed thisafternoon for Port TowiiBond.

Tho Australia had not boon '

sighted at tho hour of going to,""3 J--

press. Isonborg II A, ImholT E F, '

Iseuborg Paul R. ,Iho Lriend for September is j A Jc,lul80U n d, ,Toin.an excellent on its own 8i0no Arthur, Jacobson E A, Jonespart.cular lines. j AV Jacobgon N V jolftU80n B.

Ten men tfam from Compnnirs Kiugor F J, King W G, Knapa

lMactariano : Uo. Ltd, Maui tyrov p .1 a m1

'ir n,l,nnaa i,- t Arvj..t,i t

U and i) will oompeto at tno iua- -

kiki butts tomorrow aftornoon.r m.j.. ......:.,.. .... n.r. tt

R. Ailnmn thta aftornoon from !3 to:.. i.t. ti,n ir ill..., i,.i,


Anioug thowj expected to returnon the Aniridia this evening aroMra. Kitchen and Sistor AlborUna.

II. P. Wichmau calls attentionto his engraving clopartinout, alsoto his stock of loliablo watches atall prices.

. '

Principal Damns gives ofhcmlnotico olsowhor tho opening ofthe norma and training schoolon Monday next

All members of tho HonlnniYacht and Boat Club are request-ed to bo at tho Bont Houso onSunday nt 9 :U0n. in.

Tho Board of Dirf otors of thoHealani Yacht and Boat Olub willhold tlieir monthly meeting thisevening at 5 o'clock.

A. J. Dorby, D.LS., Uouta)oHi-j- - Onttngo Ni. 100, Alf"nstrn. t' I. j)i,..uo o. 015 O'J'ohours ;) am. to 4 p.m. --'

Ilormanu Horn has just- .finish- -


nrl n hirr hif fif Itnfl Fl'mw pnilfllPRVk J . ,Vv.--.- - - -

and handaonmly decorated cakesfor his show windows.

Tho Young Hawaiians' Institute j

will olect ollicers for tho ensuingyear tonight. A full attendanceof members is desired.

fin to Mm Beaver lunch rooms '

on tho arrival of tho Australia forfrcs-- oysters, brought down ontho ico, served in any stylo.

, , ill- - ii.i.i.i.BoovosvnmnlUliluuiMi i4v v ....... . v..v .Vv... ,

of the Chamber of Gonimorco.

The monthly mooting of thoPioneer M,


oin on wm uo 1.B.U m loumoliuo umuuueiuL ..uuuuu. uumummy uvu,..u.

tickets to all noints intho United States can bo had ofW. G. Irwin & Co. Ltd. for thosteamor Au.tialia sniliuu at 1 p.


T E Krouso thoso of hisfriouds who have not yet signedhis petition for liquor licensefor tho proposed Waikiki hotel, tocall at tho Arlington and do so.

J. A. Rodaner, formorly awell-know- n resident of Honolulu,returned her present homo atPallida, Hawaii, by tho W. G.Hall, after visit of somo weeksto rulativc3 and friends thocity.

The Free Kindergartons of thowill open on Monday, Sep-

tember 7, at o'clock, each itsown loom formerly. ChildrenIjotwoon and sis mayapply at tho Kindergarten forentrance

Thirty-liv- e berths ou tho Kinauthis trip W'mo secured in advanceby Samuol Pinker for his familyand immediate friouds whobeen enjoying his hospitality atMana and aro returning to thiscity today.

Tho Eveninq Bulletin begs toacknowledge tho receipt of auniyua blottor roller ami matchbox from tho Hollister Drug

souvonirdof AnhouQer-Bnsch'-

Malt Nutrino of which tho Hol-list- or

Drug Co. are agents.

Thi3 morning's catch thopolice drag net win ouo wahiuofor drunkenness and nativo and

Japanese for investigation. Thonativo to China-

man's brake and has usingtho same without pormission orauthority.


Makeo Belh-- r I! read and Pastry thanOther Brand.

Auk Your Grocer For If.

FEED Sole Agents.

wiKirct's uniioit mohnni:.




Continued from ht Parte.

Henshnll Win A, Jlnffnor G,IlenclryER, Hoopn W H, Hnr--,lison A, Hitchcock II R, Huston0 B, UopkiunCL, IIriouRul)(Mt, j

Hashayon Ad, Hubert II, HoughLi W, llollniKcr T, Horn 1 Haw- -

kins Goo, Uolt ), Ilughes .

P, Holt II von, Huckfold J,tlowo A W, Hoops Ernnk L, !

JIusinco Chas. irolfnian T H. !

Hustaco Prank, IliiiRloy E, Hunt i

i-- , lviug i ti, ivcnuko Jj T, lvnibor0, Kovon T, Korr L JJ, Kibling

"Lansing TP, Livingston T, Low-- 3

P I, Lorontzen J 0, Long 0 A,,. ,I ; ,7 ,T ",, ,'

W JW 11, J ill W XL, JjUCO W Q,Lishmnn W, Lovo W P. Lpdcrers w Low M 8, Leleo Lv- -curqun Geo, Louisson M, Luning '

J AV, Larseu W, Lose II, Lucns T )

R, Lawtou J E, Lucns J, Lewisiu Jj, ijopoz J, l.nrklnml Y O,Jjanx v, Logan JLMnioI.

luclnoruy Al, McJntyro H E,

t Ar,.l-m,nlr- .T w r,.r-..,...- . r.- vmn.jvji. j if, AILil ltJlll.ll JW, McLeod Geo, Morgan James,Mclnoiny E A, Mossman A LMuhlendoiff P, Marshall E L,Maiks Lnnis McCnrtliy C J, Mil-ler H, Martin P, MeKibbin Robert, Marsliall E M, McTighoThos,McChetuicy P AV, Maine E P,Monsarrat V T, May 'J McLainJno, Mohrtons J A, Carl,Mnefarlauo 0 W, Miner F L,Mutch V, Meudoncn J P, Mc-Stoc'f- or

B, MeChemtpy J M,Mullor G, May Frank. Martin JS, Modoiros A P, Afarsden J, Mil- -

i ,i Millr E L McBrydo W.llitrAi I n -x' i".i"ioill Vfi

Nott John, Norton II 0, Need-ha-

W W, Norton C Jl W.Oat P B, Ordwav GeoPoysor A, Podoyn K, Potfrson

R 0 A. Pangolinnn B, W H,Phillips M, Peterson E W, Portor :

T U, i'eck .ti, i'otler tioo (J, PeckS, Phillips John, Philn Pied.Porter P F, Pratt J W, Phillipst Porter K H, Paris Go Jl,Parko W 0.

lUibeustoin I, Robertson Goo

lnlnr-0f- .1 r If if fi fl l?nl '

II C, Roach D W, Rodger 0 T,lloimvou J IK Jioilielc Ueo. Kob- -

UyaomHu u, jwnniiz ueo. imu.Bi u, uavuns i , usnKon &

.. , "'"". """bayutgo , bchmult is bons 11 V,

iiuk JJ--, oiitsrwoou o ix, ocoiljobuo L', himerson 0, Staikoy j

X M, bpal.liut: 1'J I. bteiner .las.Stratemoyor G C, Silveirn A,Stanley W L, Stolz F L, SavidgoWm, Shorwood C J, El,p.naa t,i h.;h, n t. s,.i.i .: tSanders M N, Sorouson 0, Sam-son G L, Saclis S.

Trocy L E, Thurston L A, Tarnor Ralph, Thompson F, Tim-mo- ns

L 1), Tregloan J D, TowsoEd, Tumor F J, Tumor Geo A,Troveuen II Y, Thonip&on J K,IVtaF J, TinkorJos.

Yollcson LIU, Yoollor P J,Yandoorn E, Yida F R.

Wilder W 0 Jr, Whitney II M.Tr, White Wm J, Weed Fred W,Wooten H G, Wall Dr A C,Weathorwix Chas W, Walker IIE, Winston E 0, Wilder J K,Wall .Nichols Co, Williams J J,Waiing Baico ifc Co, wodohousoJ U Jr, Wostbrook J E, WallaceJames, Waggonor G S, WilholmF J, Wilder W C, Walkor II II,Woon Wm, Wright TIiop, WrightAV W, Winter J W, Williams H,Whitney Fred, White 0 M,Wolten W, AVilson C B, WallinGus, Williams AV F, Williams E,Wnllaco K R, Wright J N, WickoJD.

Young J W.Zablan B P, Zorho H.In all thoro aro 408 names iu

in tho abovo list.

l'olli-- Court Item.In Judgo do hi Yorgno's court

this morning Ah Fat and Ah Singwore fined $25 each for beingpresent at a chefa gamo.

Kailimai, arrested for dis-

obedience to her parents, "vuis dis-oharg- od.

Woo Kim's transactions thoopium business cost him a SoO

fino and costs.

KnuiKupiiuiiiuo. Hi0K.u,.ob.n UobillBon Mirkp Eovnolds '

will hold an mljournetl meeting Y P.Bathko lihnsH, A,fntiiiinuF oi 111 n in in thrt , . - -.- - .. .

Builtling x jjoan Asso- - ertson A a Both 8, liosrt A,j .. 'it i.. ,.1,1 ii.nn.f i,i n ii Tt ?i--- t

"I'lvan J J, bwan iu , bilva J 1',' T. Scully M J, Smith

) . .'"! L. ri."c?" ' onpaoii it; A, bto -


m. oniuvites





cityi) in

asthree years





helped himself aboon

Any Known


















Highest of nil in Lonvouiug Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.

&TPTvl i frfS ffF?N

8m SSjy wisfWwiK4 W

M W gsa & j

V z



mwiiM cr;zi


Exhilarntion, enjoy mentandefibrvpsecnee of spirits nrotho laughter of tho constitu-tion. Tho liver, which sotsthe whole of mannt woik, at times becomestorpid; it in them that PabstMalt Kxtract, the "Best"Tonic, produces that healthfulactivity which reacUupon thowhole systom and gives alifting, strengthening sensa-

tion, by seeking tho placewhich needs it most. Withits invigorating influonco, the"Boat" Tonic vill giocourage for any undertaking,and obstae'es will scorn but

test of energy.

Trv it.

Hobron Drug GoSell the "Bosf Tonic

A Scriiriil Apii'nr In J'lirmtUi'.

A nativo boy found a snakoabout a foot long in a yard onQueon street, noar Mililani, j'os-terda- v.

It is now at tho Bulletinollico on King street. Tho roptilois apparently a product of theOrient as none of tho serpents intho States look liko this one. Probably it cimo from Japan. Itresembles the American gartersnako excepting that it has spotsdown the side instead of stripes,The

. . coloring is quite .elaborate,..n tin I'nt rn r r tin ( tniiinr I utvinnuand spots in black and white al- -

ternatintr with a irrav boilv color

Thrtl0 c.reb;t(.B proVfid 0illimBamounting to SluVWl.OO aqainstt in ban mint wtiurn of Jf. S. Low.' '

fl , wrt .,.,.., aMiunder SoOOO bond.Tliurc wns an old mnlil n etc): as tick rqiilil

be;Doctor (.aid the tioulilu wm dilnKlii com-

mon Tea.

wiicn, oil. what joy to toll."1u'chlJ f"11 i"rir.un nor oca,

Iloth Atronaml sotiml aud wull.

Harry Cannon, Palama Grocory,'is appointed Polo Agent in thoHawaiian Islands for this justlyPopular Brand of Tea. Sold in'.50 cent Alb. packages. His Me-morial mixture, Young Hysonand Japan, 25 cents, unrivaled forcheapness and excellence ofquality.


A Toolset l?ok coutuiniiiR S 10.00.Finder will plcoNo return to A. Sl'AllUUY,ut tho Bi'M.hTix U 111 co, mill leceho reward.

il'Jd 3t

PIONEE.aBuilding and Loan ilocialiion

Tho Rogulsir Monthly Meotinpwill b'' hold ut tho Chamhor ofCouiihnicu on MONDAY EVEN-ING, Soptoiubur 7, 189G, at 7:110o'clock.

SKTl'iiymeuts aro required inGold.

A. V. GEAR,399-- 2t Secretary.

G R. Harrison,Practical Piano Maker and Timor.

Can Furnish tho BustFactory Reference.

Ofllce, Fort street, opposite Catholic School.Tolephono 2.11, 412 nml 1)0.

HST" Ordors promptly nttondod lo.

The Evening Bulletin, 76 rentsper month.


mmBfi$& v ?&w

y - '"'


OCEANICStearasMp Go.




Kiii Tin: .novi: tout on

Wc.i2jcsIn,y, Kp(. iHli,AT 1 O'CLOCK 1 M.

Tho nnilbmicneit nro now prennred toIbsho Through TicltetH from this City to nilpoints in tho United Statu.

pyi'or further purticulnni rennrdingFjoight or l'.mic.o, apply to

Wm. G.naVlNitG)., L'd,POO 41 Ocncrnl AqeutH.

Jusat Received




Beaver Saloon.1 r. J. Itfolto, Proprietor.


French Claret !


Hns ifcclvcil n lnrgo contlgnmont ol

French . Clarat . Wine

tCOT Kx "Miowcrn." lloiit Wino in thoMiirkot. nU3-lr- a

F. H. nEDfflflRD,

Contractor and Builder.

Olllccs ami Stores lilted up amiI'tlinntm pUcu on


tr Ollico nnd 5tnp: No (U!l Kort street,ndjolulnc W. W. Wrlnlit's C.irrlnsu Shop.

Y.M.C.A, Evening Schoolwir.ii ori:N

MONDAY EVENING,tSept. 21st, aud will continue

for Two Terms ofW Weeks Euoh.

Classes will lie orcniilml In Huok Kcepliifj,I'll mi'iilnrj nml Aihaiu'L-- shnrtliuni), Tpe-rltln- ;,

Vocal uml Iiintnmieiilnl Munlu, tliolliiunllm l.anjiiiao, Kuiilln, 'iIUiil', etf.All (JIhim! are Ircu lo members; to others afee ol Si will tie rlurpcd.

lf l'or fnitlier Information, read ourpaiuplikt or rlni; U t'JT. :i'JT-l- m

Building Lot for Sale.Ouo Coiirilile llnildin Lot, flilmitt) ou

the ouintr ol Jvim unmol.n nuil Wildt;rnrolino, 2!)71C0. Wator hid ou mid treesplanted. Will ho sold in whole or iu lots iihilcmrul,

l'or terms, etc.. npn'y toW. W. HAltltIS,

At Luweu it Cooke.Honolulu, Sept. 1, ISJKJ 398 lw

Adjourned Meeting.

All Adjourned Mictiup; of Iho M'lckhold-c- iuf tho KlIiUKi; I'UVNTAriON COM-

PANY will ho htld in tho room of thoOhnnihor of Commerce ou SVfUltOAYM011NING, Septemher Cth, nt 10 u. in.,when liusluebs of importance will bo

. WM. W. HALL.,'i03-2- t Sicrotnry.


Notiaa ia herehv. eiveu thnt I. I lie under' .- - -- . i .,hlguou, lias inn uuy Kiven u urn iii w.

ntturiwytoMr. An Con ohco.of Kp.a,lrtinntl of Kiuim, who wm nci ior modnilng'ni)' iihxemo fioia tlio Inlands.

Dutedotllftiitilei, Kunai.Aua Hist, 1890.3g0-l- m 'lAMBECBLfiWO.

N. S. SACHS'520 ITorfc Streeb,

Lace StripedTn dolicnto phndrs, si!k lustro, just tho thing for ovoningdrosses, only 20 cents a ynrd

Pin Dotted Swiss MuslinsIn solid colois, sulphur, pink, blnck and yollow.

Pure Linen $2.50a piece, containing 10 j'nrds and to bo puiolmon

Our White Goods Departmentis most Victoria and Persian dimiliosin stripe's and pluids, nanoooks, mnlls, 8vis3 nniHlins,fancy plaid and stiip'd whito goods

A Hi- - Rock Bottom Prioes!A.T


Fino Wbito Mnsliu iu opanworlc.A gront htock of

Valenciennes Laces. . EDGING AND INSERTION TO MATCH . .

BSy Wo expect within ion days a great and now stock of

S fen

Ordered Specialy by Us !

This is known to bo thoiinost Corsot made. . .

We Are Wowa--n

Selling a Special

CANE KNIFEMado to Romoiiy tho Dofccts



and Auotlier


CO., L'd.

A to 1 Shot!

Old Priors Bustoil !

Ones Prevail I

7, woochoc! Suits !


, $3.00,S3. 50,


iiie Jiasn,LEVIMSTOR, Manager.

, Wavorley Block, Hotol btreot.

&3r Shirts Mculo Ortlor.

!;;., I,.1'JJAjSfAjm. ''.J&tlLALzLsiJL 'Ifeiifty1 ttoft'tkLiiittol& iitoii ..JJi tiA"4.,jLt.Jt i

Dress Mulls

lawn forgunrnntcoJ





Bountiful Patterns,

srt t.AWteiW!y 'OZh.iv VJ

ReveiierJi RUUBEn

V&.V JS&

mmkmmThoso Formorly Uccd Horo.

Consignment of

Take an Outing1



Trains will leiive at 9:15nnd 1 M., arriving in Hono-lulu ut nnd 5:55 if.

mmiD TRIP TICKETS:1st Class L'd Class

Poiirl City $ 75 $ 50Ewa Plnntntiou... 1 00 75Wwlnnno 1 50 1 25

For Sale or Lease

Ucmse n.ncl XjotIOn tho cori.cr of Victoria mid Qtccn


Apply toAn'rnyjt jujuiison. .

Ex "Australia," an of tho Favorilo

Severe : Garden : Hose,Scissors, Shorn 3, Hnir Clippers,

Packing of All Feather Dusters,in Grit Variety, Shelf Hardware,






nra TT T





a. m.

P.3:11 r.










i t.'s&


Page 6: ?, mtHW3'l' T Sk. 'i X Vl V 1 J1 V UN B...casion woio Col. J. 11. lusher, X. G.ll., Cnplnin Apploton of 15os-to-u, nnd Lnsign Stnnwortb of tho U. S. S. AdnmB. A cash prize of 8100



HfVf ' - lilt Intorett Arouioil.



1 .

to.i S'O'.cii.,,--...- .


IIIK.--A liff '

Van Polt I neo tho Greeks nro goingto havo n rovlvnl of tho games nt Athena.

Romidloigh (of Chicago) What's tholimit? Frolic.

Provlnc It,


"Freddie, why did yon drop tho babyon tho floor?"

"Woll, I heard everybody say it is nbonnoiug baby, and I wanted to soo itbounce. " Truth.fL After tho Fir.

i", ' '' ' fli nxm uii jSjt trrj i - tr;t v

"Tes, my lady, every single piotnrotmrnod to ashes I But I've ono thing totoll you that will plcaso you I man-ngo- d

to save all last yoar's jam)"Punch.


I bIp-- XKIrnte Customer Tnko this rubbish

back. I paid yon for real ivory and I findthis is nothing but vulcanite.

Storekeeper I'm very horry, sir, butIt's not my fault. I bought them forreal African ivory, but it has como tomy knowlodgo niuco that tho olophantsbavo taken to woariiig fabso tubks. AllySloper's.

A Serious Objection.

fDonis Faith, Pat, what cher doin?Pat Comniittln Miicide.Donis Why don't yoz put tho rope

around ynr neck?Pat Suro and Oi did, but I couldn't

get mo breath. Truth.

I)ICUkI Compliment.Tho gentleman fanner, so called, ha

to put up with many jokes ut hisin print. In real lifo ho is not of-

ten treated to speeches as amusing as onowhich recently camo to our ears.

Before leaving ids placo for a wintervisit to gayer scones tho farmer of thoanecdote called his Hibernian iicad manand said:

"Flynn, I havo to bo away for n fort-night I hopo everything will runsmoothly on tho farm."

"Oil," said Flynn heartily, "yo don'tdo a bit o' harm, sir, when yo'ro hero. "

Youth's Companion.


IsYourBlood pure? Do not pass by this questionwith an ovaalvo answer. It means muchto your health, your happiness, your use-

fulness. It your blood is puro you willbo strong, vigorous, tull ot life and ambi-

tion; your nerves will bo steady. Youwill havo llttlo need to fear diseaso it your

BloodIs puro and you keep it so. Now is tholiino to sco that your blood is pure, and togivo It richness and vitality and tho lifoand strength-givin- g properties which arorequired, nothing can equal Hood's

It makes

PureBleb, Bed Blood. It will ovcrcomo thattired feeling, crcato an appetite, givosweet, refreshing sleep and make youBtrong. It will build you up and cnabloyou to resist tho enervating effects otwarm or changeable weather. Is not thisexactly what you want? Then tako


Tho Ono True Blood Furlflcr. All druggists. $1.Prepared only liy C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.

act easily, iromit1y andHOOU S eflectlTcly. ascents. .

Hobron Drag Co., Agents.

157 My nack does not tip in this man-ner, no matter how weighty the load.


Hack No. 14Bfir TELEPHONE 17Gsa

Slnxli Bntlipl and K.og n'reets.

J. J. SurxiVAN, J. IJUCKLBY,President. Soo'v.

MiStaisGiL.L'iHonolulu, H. I.

Sullivan & Bccklet, Mnn'g'rt..


in the City, with Competent nnd Caro-f- ul


Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner ot Fort and Hotel Streets.

TeiiEruoNK:Hnw'n Hotel Stnbles, 82.Pantheon Stables, 31,Fasluon Stables. 148.


BAGGAGE delivered and check-

ed to uny Steamer. Furnitureand Pianos carefully moved atReasonable Rates.

SatisfactionFort and Queen Sts.

Day Tel. 912, Residence Tel. G43.

AMERICANLivery and Boarding Stables

Comer Merchant nml Wchards Sts.


Kf" Carriages, Surrcvn nml llncl;s nt nilhours. TEI.Kl'UONE 41HJ.



'D'iigVj''T1 Ml wymi imm,,


Just Received

.... A new Importation of . . .

. Fine Woolens .


jl $. TIElL0AN $)($



J. P. RODRIGUES,Fort Street, opposite Hackfcld's.


Make Yod




FOR $18,


A Now Lot of Nice Goods JustReceived. Cleaning and Re-pairing. 215-t- f

AppearancesMore often than not deter-mine a man's standing. Ifyou will come to us for yourclothes wo will see to it thatyou leave with a goodappearance and it won't costyou much. Latest fashionsnow in. Dress up and makean impression.

Mcdeiros & Decker,The Hotel Street Tailors.

Wnvrrley Block, - Honolulu.

CENTRAX,Kona Sanatorium,Situated on a Beautiful llillnitlo Overlook-lu- g

tho Ocean, and 1300 feetabove Sea Level.

Only 21 Loan.' sail from Honolulu.Climato mild, clear dry ntuiosnlieio, freofrom fogs nnd mnlorin, especial proisionfor quiet and r'Bt its well as for amuse-ment and outdoor lifo.

YZT AlxlreosDlt. H. A. LINDLEY, Prop.,

325-t- f Kona, Hawaii.

Seaside Resort

Wright's Villa,A Sboit Distanro fiom tbo Bridge,


Tourists nud ntlieis will find it to theirndvautiiRO to visit tt o nbovo rffoit, asthey will meet with iery accommodntiouthat comfort lequirm

MBS. THOS. WIUGI1T,323-t- t Proprietress,


--- :-- SADDLE

CLUB STABLES,tieet. Tel.- - - - 77

SALE AND LIVERY.BOARDING, -:- - -- : -:- -


AJNTDA specialty.





The best of nttontion ijiven to animals left with us. Careful drherB.resrectfu.attendants, proniptuesn. llhohs, Snrili-s- , Biakcs. BuBt'ies.rhnetous, S'agonettos.

SEPTEMBER 4, 1890.

Claus SrnECKELS. Wm. G. IrtwiK.


San Franckco AgentiTim Nevada Bank ofSan Fiianoisco.


San Fkancisco TIio Nevada Hank ot SanFrancisco.

London The Union Dank of London. Ltd.New YonK American Exchange National

Dank.CniOAUO Mcrcliant National Hank.I'Altis Conlptolr National d'Kscompt de

Paris.Br.itLiN Drcedncr Dank:IlONOKONO AND YOKOHAMA llonfikotlg it

Shanghai nankin Corporation.New Zealand and Austkalia Hank of New

Zealand.ViCToniA and Vancouver Bank of Mont-

real.Transact a General Banking and Exchange Business

Term nnd Ordinary Depolsts ltecelvcd.Loans made on Approved Security. Com-mercial and Travelers Credits Issued. Billsof Excliaiifto bought and sold.Collections Yhomitly Accounted Fon.

r. o. JONES. E. A. JONES

The Hawaiian


Investment Co.HAVE FOB BALE

A Fow Shares of

Pala Srifrnr Stock,Hawaiian Sugar Co. Stock.


Hawaiian Government and 1stMortgage Sugar Planta-

tion ISoiuls.

By For pnrticnlnrs npply to

Tho Hawaiian Safo Deposit &investment company,

40H Fort. Street HoDninlD

Established 185S


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and lravelerfLetters of Credit issued, available in all the principal citieiof tho world.


TtjEOa t--J DVlES QQi



Commission .. Agents I

Dry Goods,

Hardvare and

Groceries." One of the divinest benefits that has ever como to the

human race." Tliomas Carlylc.



and Morcbant Ste.

Pipes, Tobacco,Cig-ar- s andSmokers' Articles.

import from Princi-

pal Factories of World.

Fine Cigars a SpecialtyitHOLLISTBR & CO.,

Corner Fort

Wo tho


Bulletin, 75c, Per Month


"NVLolcsalo and Retail.

It Cures! Yes, Cures

Mrs. Utter Had Serious

Kidney and Brain


Stubborn Rheumatic


All Prais9 to the Great

Medicine That Made

Her Well.

Co.,for the Hawaiian Islands


Paso Robles, Oal., May 1, 1893."Wells, PaoiiAttDsox & Co.,

Gentlemen: I cannot speak too highly of Paine's Celery Compound. Ihave just purchased the third bottle, and am sure that the medicine, with God'sblessing, has relieved me of a serious ailection of kidney and brain trouble anda stubborn case of rheumatism.

I feel very grateful that I was 60 fortunate as to learn of this medicinethat makes people well.

I remain, jYery respectfully,' hotJ ifiCl,




rKjiAiartyfel .. - .L. &' tiiu-- ; ui .f &$ Ut V- vsa. .... a.l,

MMmmMMOm- - Asi. & iniwwa.. .'Jw 6- - ' m

Page 7: ?, mtHW3'l' T Sk. 'i X Vl V 1 J1 V UN B...casion woio Col. J. 11. lusher, X. G.ll., Cnplnin Apploton of 15os-to-u, nnd Lnsign Stnnwortb of tho U. S. S. AdnmB. A cash prize of 8100





', pC"" ' v -'- ?fa' r W &T Wri?( rnTum...fTwiw liffl5HB8flJ$!lmfii!swKwliflfiY3& rfrrVfr-ii-r

(pvqjrv w'if!Xjri f,VMf f i r '-

-: ' t. .A", ' " hi i rW"Wff 'WW

EVENING BULLETIN, SEPTEMBER 4, 189G.iiwiii. i iii mm mmmmtwo will wwwpiw uwwwMW . il KHfcwrw

The Worm Tarn.

-- fjV ltf

Sho (on liolross) I cannot marry)ron. I'vo bad 20 hotter mon than youat my foot.

Ho Humph t Chiropodists? Sketch.No Longer AccrestlYf.

" What I object to nbont tbo 'nowwoman,' " said tho apprchensivo man,"is that eIio pushes uhend too fast."

"Oh, I don't know,"rcpliod tho manin bioyolo clothes.

"Sho wants to do as much work as aman does."

"You're wrong. You got n tandom,rido up a hill with ono of them, andyon'U ilnd out your mistake. " Wash-ington Star.

no Saw.

Hotel Clerk (suspiciously) Your bun-dl- o

lms couio apart May I nsk whatthat qnecr thing is?

Guest That is a now patent flro es-

cape. I always carry it, so in caso offlro I can lot mysolf down from tho ho-to- l

window. Seo?Clerk (thoughtfully) I sec. Our

terms for guests with flro escapes, sir,nro invariably cash in advance. NowYork Weekly.

Amblgnou Sympathy.

Elder Why, Jock, I hoard that yewore drowned.

Jock Na. That was na me, it wastna brithor.

Bldor Eh, mon, wha' a pity; wha'amost awfu' pity! Judy.

A Good Many Lllio lilin."You woro fairly beaten, weren't

yon?""Oh, yes.""Then why aro you contesting tho

election?""Just to keep beforo tho people. This

is a mighty forgetful world, you know. "Atlanta Constitution.

Bflllrd Ills Ilepntntlon."Hear about Barrick? Foil oil his

Wheel last night on his head and wasunconscious for more than three honra "

"You don't sayl Woll, well. I neverthought it would affect him that way.I havo ro often heard him epokeu of asBuch n hard headed business man."Cincinnati Knquirer.



Jack I had a flno present this mor-ninga genuino bird dog--Miss

lnnooont How delightful 1 CanIt fly? Now York World.

tiire to lu.The peoplu recoBiiIe anil apprcclatu real

merit. That is why Hood's aiirnuparllla hasthe largest sales in the world. Merit In me-dicine means tliu power to cure. Hood's

cures absolutely, permanentlycures. It Is tho On'1 True lllood I'urltler. Itssuperior merit is auctulillilKtl fact, and me-

rit wins.

Hood's Fills are easy to take, easy tooperate. Cure Indigestion, luodaUiu.

SingerB lend tho world. Over13,000,000 mado nud sold. High-est ftwnrds nt tho World's Colum-liw- ii

Ex position for cplleiico ofconstruction, regularity of motion,enso of motion, teut 6peed,

durnhility, onso oflearning ami roinoniPiii'o of

B. Ijorgoiscn, agont,King and Bethel otii'i'tu.


P. ID. Corsets

In "White,Pink,

Cream,and Grray .



AT- -



Dr. W. L. Moore

Hllo, Hawaii.

Special attention given to diseases of thoeyo ond car.

0 to IS am.OUlco boors 3 to 4 pm.

Waianuenuo Avo. neur Court Ho'.ibo. iC3-t- l

Dr. Sloggett(Physician -:-- and :- - Surgeon

Itosidenco next toll. Y. Schmidt,Esq., Boretania street

Specialty: Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose aid Throat371-3-



Emma Street, near Berebnia.XST Hours; 3 to 5 and 7 to 8 v, m.

I. MORI, M. D.,

Offico: Corner Fort and Ktilcui sis.Eesidenco, Arlington Hotel.

Hours: 7 to 8:30 it m; 4 to 8:30 p m; Sat-

urday and Sund ty, 1 to 5 p m. Tel. 530.


Graduato Philadelphia Dental Colleo,18D2.

Mfisoain Templo.A. O. WALL, D. D. S.,

DJEaSTTIST.Hotel Street, Arlington Cottnga.



Honolulu, II. 1.

GET Ofllco : 11 Merchant street.



G. R. Harrison,Practical Piano Maker and Tuner.

Can Furnish the BastFactory Reference.

Office, Fort street, opposite Catholio School,Telephone 231, 412 nnd 100.

B Orders promptly attended to.


'lercantile Agency210 King "tuet.

DlffiCUlt Collections a bpCCialty

Castle fe Cooke(LlMITFD)





Wm. 8. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm, G. Irwin, - President and ManagerOlaus Spreckels, - - -W. M. Oiffard, - Seoretary and TroasurorTheo. ,0. Porter, ... Auditor

Sugar SectorsAND

Commission Agents.AGENTS OF TUB




Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Onomoa SucarCompany, llonomu Sugar Compiny, WnllulcuSugar Compaii) , Waihee Sucar Company, MatcceSugar Compiny, itnleakata Ranch Compiny,

Ranch rianlen' Line San 1'rancUcoPackets, Ui.u llrewer tt Co 's Line of llostonPacket? "Ajtcnts Koslnn l of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Hoard, of Undtrw rittrs.


1' 0 Jones, rrosidents George II Robertson,Manngor; E F Ritihop, Treasurer and Sec-retary; Col. V F Alton, Auditor; CM Cooke,II Wntcrhnubo, A V Carter, Directors.


Shaving ParlorsFprt St. Opp. Pantheon Stables.

Paciicco .fc FcitNAsncz PllOl'S.

A Delicate Touch !

Keen Razors !

Artistic Hair Cutting !

Comfortable Chairs !

fjW Wo employ none but tho most ex-perienced Tonsorial Artists. Tho mostLuxuriously appointed Shop in the Isl-ands.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT alt, noons.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.

Eagle -:-- HouseNiiuiiiiii Atomic.


Now management. Commodious rooms.Table Bonrd the finest, iucludiug munyPalatublo Gorman Dishes.

Board and Room, per week $6.50 to $7.50

TaMe Board, per week $5.00


1". Kro-u-oe- , - DE'rop.

PorDny 8 2.00Per Week 12.00

GpacioJ. ajEontlily Ziatao 1

The Dost of Attendance, tho Best Situa-tion and the Finest Meals in this City

F1. HOHNZE3 rvi JnZ. JJ Jsi iu I

Hotel street, near Fort.

BREAD, PIES and CAKESOf all kinds,

fXF Tho Finest Importod and Homemade Confectionery.

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

I SIO Headquarters for Island Curios.


FW?rw w- jwprwfr; k n rTrnfwmmBWatmm ""

pmTfj-ttrT-"BaxrmsrRrra: sv.


iMPOHTCrs ANDLlQUOn MfHA,T8.No. 6, Dmram Street, - San 1'raucihco.

ron sale in bulk.Amehicav Ilounrov Whiskies in Uoml pei

barrel contulnltig nbout 10 gallons encliat various prices according to ago andquality.

Califokniv GRArn Urandv in Jioml perbattel of about 10 to 50 gallons.

CASE (100DS.Alto the celebrattd Case Ultith'ts:

"txtra Pony" Mourbon WLisky, 12 bottlesj3 gallons per caso.

"Peargrnso" Bourbon Whisky, 12 boltlos, 22-- 5 gallons per case,

'Old rionoor" Bourbon Whisky, 12 boltles,2 2-- 6 gallons per caso.

"Tennessee White Ityo" Whisky, 12 boltles2 2 5 gallons per caso.


Send orders by ran.il. Satisfaction Gua-ranteed,

Braunschweiger & Co.,m-l- No. C, Drumm street.

Empire SaloonA general stock of Liquors, Ales and




Are of tho finest nnd como to ntdirect from Europo. . . .


Imported stndght from Louis-vdf-



COMMERCIAL SALOONCor. Niiuiiiiii mid IlcretnuU St.

T. KKVKM. Itlnnncor.

COOL FRESH. BEER!On Draught and the Standard llrands ot






The celebrated Entkhpmse3Bi:i:u on Draught and inBottles. .

David Dayton,AH Morohunt Btreot.

Lands For Hale situatedat Kaneolie, Oahit.

Lot near Lunalilo ILomc-Lot- s

at Pearl City.Furnished. Rooms To Let.

David Dayton.42 Merchant street.


Custom Hau:8 Broker,

Notary -- :- IPublic,General Business Agent.

Collections carefully attended to.

C3T Ofllco with TT. r Walker, Cnra-miu- s

lilock, Merohant street. 238-t- f

W. H. RICKARD,General Business AgentWill ivttoml to CoiiToynncIng in

all its Brunches, Collectingand all Busiuoss Mutters

o truBt.

All Business entrusted to himwill recoivo Prompt and CarefulAttontion. Ofllco:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii.

A New Abstract Oflaoe.

As a result of 15 yoar'e oxpori-onc- o

in tho Abstract Business, Iam prepared to mako Abstracts ofTitlo in a most thorough, accurateand complete mnunor, and onshort notice.

F. "W. Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Oflico, 818

Fort Street. 215-l- f


PURIFINEla the' disinfectant that the world

Is talking nbout. In tho UnitedStates its merits are becomingknown. Tho peoplo'aro using It.Puriflno possesses many points InIts fnvor over other preparations.It Is odorlesi, and In employing Itas disinfecting ngent, docs nptcroato another odor ns offenslvo nsthnt which It subdues. tis

too. That's tin adan-tag- e

children will meddlo; ser-

vants misuuderstnnd; then thoro'strouble Sotno one Is poisoned.

Thoso who U3C It speak Its pralsoIn convincing lnngungo. Hero's onofrom the Department of MedlclnoIn tho University of Michigan.

"We ttso Purltlnn nnd Ilnd It verygood for deodoilzlng sinks nndboxes, etc., and for washing spongesused nbout aubjecto for iUbsoc-tlo- n.

W. A. CAMPBELL.Demonstrntor of Anatomy."

523 Street.



02- -

iftkrf --J -



!. -' ' ? J , 'Vt't,Tft'""

r ,


: -,

Cj . !

t?-- - ""3 5J1o o8d 15., ,.-

1 K- '.r- - vtlj" rc

3 tfe: n..- -. hA OW

PURIFINE is for sale by

the Holmstkr Dnuo Co. in

25c, ftOc, 75c. and $1.50 bot-


Our Agents will call

upon you and explain tho merits of "Purifino" and tho "Au-

tomatic Distributors."

H0LLISTER DRUG CO.,Fort Exclusivo Agents for Islands.



High Grade


Telephone 20. Ill Fort Street. P. O. Box 147.




feyand streets.)

bv nssortmont of '

iWILLIAMS, (Manager)

Urtdortnkor nnd Embalmer.m II ,,ii di.TTTtrirr.ri

-- V. O. 11 OX 140






Gitv Furniture Store,(Corner Fort

Just roooived Ex. Bk. Albert







Groceries, Provisions and Feed.Now Goods Kocoivod by Every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMERAll Orders faithfully attended to and Goods Dolivored to any



Telephone C3. 55 EW P. O. Box 222.

Oahu Lumber $ Building Co.,King Street, near Oahu Railway & Laud Oo.'s Depot.

Lumber Merchants, Contractors and Builders.IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN

IDoors, Sasli, Blinds, Points; Oil,Builders' Hardware, Etc., Etc. .

.. 'IIMiwiii ivjiHLjOTjhA.Atft!LjbiflBliMM








Page 8: ?, mtHW3'l' T Sk. 'i X Vl V 1 J1 V UN B...casion woio Col. J. 11. lusher, X. G.ll., Cnplnin Apploton of 15os-to-u, nnd Lnsign Stnnwortb of tho U. S. S. AdnmB. A cash prize of 8100

; "

61 , .




fcrv- -.


H ; v.B ;.


Jl .


"Btegg ,'"! Mi,l?"flw"

8 '

n.niiuiyifriiiiMiwt 'i im m



Aiiici linn hcliooucr 'Jrnimlt ArrltnlI'rcim tJin ftulilrii ;nlo-Lti- ku

Itetnrnrd to the Wreck.

Tlio Jjarlc Ilarvecter has cleared for TortTowdkiihI In ballast.

ThcKcnuliotivvIllo to .Makancll tomor-row with .1 load of coal.

Tlio schooner !.n!in. returned to the vvrccftnt Dlan.oiul tUnd tlii nmriniitf.

The Mcamcr KIIauci Hon will depart to-morrow nt noon for 'Inunll port.

Tomorrow, hle;h thlelarisc 2:31 p tn; hlithtldo small 'i II n m, li. Mile Imv T 13 n m;low tldu small this pin.

ThcharkSC Allen moved to Klnau vvliaifthis morning. 8I11' uiil loud Hlgar fiomtliesteamer Kluan which arrived thli afternoun.

Tlio .1 A. Cummins came In I11M night fromwindward Oalin portu with n load of rl .

She went to U'nltnuniil today nlthu cnriof general freight.

Iho etuamci W fl. Hull de.nrted onhirrrcnlnr ronto n Ilttlo aller ten o'clock tlilliiorntnt;. lie louk the iKUul numhi r of

and u uo tl miiuunt 01 f lrlit,TIib American four innMed kIihihut Trim.

sit huh report' il nil Koh Hnil hj the l.mi.-ouln- t

tx o'rltiik tnt nielli, about ID Uiivf 1 oni the Golden Hnte. elm did not inter ttiuImrhor until tlil mornlnii. Captain Jorjjcn-JtC- M

I'M tt new mate tlil trip. Tim TransithtmiRht n full cm i:d of K''n'ni merchandise,with a dcck-lna- of tliiiiglci.

riiiiiiEi.niiA, August 'JJ. Amid tlio stirttlhlat of whistles from the river croft andhearty cheer Irotn the ftpiTtnlnr on chorethociul'er Ilrool.'.vu. the ulster lilp of theliuiRtilficent New York, piK(il down the l)el-ia- rc

river tliN morning on her way to Bos-ton liarbor, when- she ulll 0 her trialtrip early next week. If evciylhlne, 1 favor-able u preliminary run a ill lie, tnr.de over theotllelnl conrfc on Monday. The governmenttiat inai not lie niuile until 'Iluirsiln. TheJliooMvn Is uu.iiuiiii i'd to make Jii kuot, andfor each quurtir knot over this pceil thegovernment will pay thu builders n lionusofS.W.OHO The New York made 21.07 knoton lierofllelal trlp.lherebj earning a premiumof SSiin (KHi. It Up'i'ted that the lliook-l)- li

will exceed the New York' time by atleast halt a knot, and It Is predict! d by somethat ilic will make aiian-rag- " ot twentr-twi- )

knots during her 1 hours' run.


TnriwiuY. Sept. 3.

Stmr J A Cummlus, Senile, from Oahuiort.

Fbidav, Sopt 4.

Am tclir Transit, Jorseostti, from Sant raricui'o.

Stmr Klnau, Claiko, from Hawaii andMaul.


KlUDAV, Sept 1.

Ptinr J A Curnmlnei Senrle, for Oahu portsStmrW U Hall, Slmarsou, for Maul and

Hawaii. .


Stmr KJcauhou, 'lTiompsou, for Makancll,Kauai.

Stmr Kllauea "on, Kven-tt- . for Olown-li- t,

llukalan, Ookala and Laupahoehoc.

l'ASSEsraEiis pepaiitki).

Tor Maul and Hawaii, per stmr W (I Hall,fiept Dobcrfy, A II Crook, MatcrSTomin, Ceo KtinuUu and wile, Or Slevers,ThoN Haae, fam Pedro, 8 Aiu, 8 Peck,Father Aloyjo, .1 Jensencn anil wile, .Mrs JI.cCHOti, Mrt i A Rodam t, Miss Tlecaino.MIssM Hntcbltisini, Ml 1. Mtilchlnson, Mini;Kim. T Rat Poo. W Lettem, 8 C Puiiala. AMnkeVnil, rto-i- e Kali-nLll- Ml Seolt, ItAplkl, I) Kaiiilinkiniidii , H KmeHai.ul. Jl'ual. M Feneri, MU Al- ' Am i. MN, Nape,It P lloso. Miss Ayers, .lis (J Kaalele, MissM 1 1 cue, MUb A IK'poanil W d eK pastel ers.


Ksfetmr.I A Cummins I'UMi bujjs rleo.

V3KL i IN" Pi 'III'.

U 8 S Adams, Waton, Shu Ki.iiicIjco.


(CoMtersuotliuliiil.il h this list.)Ilnu-geh- r Norma, Itonluil, IphhcIi Filiate

Shoals.Am bktn 3 NCaitle, Hubburd, Sail Francisco.Am bk Albert. Orllllths, !i I'Am bk S C Allen Thompson, S FAhi bk Harvest! r, Heck, Newcastle.Am tfclirTtanslt, Jorgeuseu, 8 F.


Vestels Where trom Duo(;er bk J C Okide I.lMTtmol. .. Novembei-y-Am bk Purest (Jueen, Pi (i am hie, DueAro UK J.flttai-- Mav,... New Voil...Aug mi.

mbk sumiiMiiu Niwutie Duelr Bhp Eiwi'ii ...Newcastle. Due

ritV,Klfe'::::u,SS:iV:.:::Sg So' "! '

DIFD.rjOTCHKI.-'-S In Honolulu, If.!., on the

laornhis, f oepf. 4, INiKl, of cancer, (,'hn.lluteliki-.- , a ui.tlic of Vi iinuiit, ngeil 115

year. Oct. a- -, t bad bt.-- a i Id. ut f

iMmlty -- iiic; Si. Lum-- . !o.. .milToledo, O p.,- ,- s plenc ,,,,

Tltc Ilfvruril of Iudu.try.

Pat wus an iudiiHtrious worllunu, and hits employer avhs muchintoresti-- d in lutii. It had l)eeu amost' iinplofvS'aut dnydnV.z!iug,saturating but Pat kept faith-fully at his work in tho garden,'and at the six o'clock hour ho wasabout to lay down I) i gardeningtools. .. Ho was mot by his em-

ployer, who snid, "Pnt, it's brnu alimldas." "It h.ir. tlin'l' teplii'tiPal. '"Von ij.ti.il ii pretty wet,'at," stigKPBti'd Mie

"Wot, i8 utV" snid Pat. I'mpurity wet; but, Mr. O- - , oi'mnot half as wet as oi ant dry!"AudPat received his reward.

Jin 'Hnww"Ji-iww- i rinwuar

Tlio Oltmtlo of Sonth Afrlcn.

Tlio qupf lion of lnbor if larplyn qnostion of clinmto. Now tliooliinnto of South Africa is peculiar.It is hot inuoh hottor tlmu thoclimnto of southorn Enropo (ex-cept n fow spots along tho Medi-terranean coast,) or than that ofVirginia, Kentucky, or Missouri;but it is not an oxhaustiug climate,bemuse tho nights aro nearlyeverywhere cool, and tho nir isdn. European races run thrhoami multiply both in tho .Britishcolonies and in tho two ltopublics.It is only on tho flats of tho eastconst and in tho valloy of thoZuuibiv! tlmt tho conditions ofhoalth become really uufavorublo,ElBOwhoro tho heat, o'vou of asummer clny, is not grenter thantlio peoples of southern EnropoVortngnet-e- , for instance, oryicilians could well support.And probably tho races of north-ern Eurcpe, such as tho Dutchand tln Kiiluh, could, in mostjwils of the country, do out of-do-

work without injury. Had.Sou Hi Africa, liko California orNew Hotith Wales, boon colon izpls.ilfly by whito mi'U,8outb Afiicu,liko thoso countries, would probably have had a whito laboringclnss. .lames Bryco, in CunliiryMagazine.

I'ulitt Ik lit Nnme.

Clinmto of ovory variety exertsa different inlluonco on tho de-

sires of mankind for a stimulant.In colder zones beverages of greatalcoholic strength aro used to avery much larger degreo than inthe tropics. Beer is best suitedto oiu' climato and nono found intho market is bettor thnn thatbearing tho brand of "Paust,Milwaukee." It is browed fromtho best of malt and hops and isa great thirst quencher and invi-gorat-

and stimulates tho norvesand muscles. At the Boyul, Cos-mopolitan and Pacific saloons itmay bo found, cold and puro. In-terchangeable checks aro issuedwhich may bo used at any of thothree resorts.

jM. A. Pi'ixoto, proprietor of thoUnion barber shop, next to theArt Gallery, guarantees to give ashavo that will muko your haircurl with joy.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Niitunii streets, lodging byd:iy, woek or month. Tonus: 25and 60 cents per night $1, and81.26" w!'!,.

Beautiful, artistic, accurate,charming island views at KingBros. Every prominent point ontho islands is photographed by usand painted by tho best of ourartists.

Sterling, tho painter, is pro- -

uai'Gtt to nuoto prices on roofP'llll'g- - Tin Uties ofcoal tr mm senium. v.'ii(.'iii;cni.and bcft roof preparation in Honolulu.

Theio is a handsomo piece ofproperty, 70x100 foot, on tho cor-

ner Prospect and Ilackfold streets.It is all fenced ready for buildingaud water pipes aro laid on. En-qui- ro

of II. M. Dow.

City Uarrmgo Co.. J. S. And.rado, mannger. It you want aliuok with good horso and enro-f- ul

driver ring up Telephone 113,corner of Fort and Merchantstreets. Huok at all hours.

If you want to frame anythingin tho very best maunor; if ypuwant your frame to harmonizewith your picture; if you want thobest and most tasteful framo intho market, go to King Bros.

When you aro down on yourluck and feel us if tho world wascold, haul .and dreary, just stopinto the Criterion saloon and put arose-colore- d tint on everything byiiriliibintr a ida.a ol! hieattlo"io1-1-

! . ,Soattlo ID flint oecomillg a grOttt

njf.w Onii fliinnr wliiuli innltns it;',., ... Rtlllttl" l,nn,.... ,vlii'li........ vn.l.....w..w . .....v w., J- -find at tho Criterion. A goodthing always makes its mark.This is one of tho best thingf. onoarlh

Kroeger Pianos, sweetest in lone,Jus.VV. Bergstrom, noloagenl, cushor instnllmonts. Wurorooms atG. West's, Masonic Tern plo. Of--iico at Thrum's 15ook Bloro. Tun-T- el

ing and repairing. K"" o- -

phono !M7.

Tho Criterion Saloon is apleasant placo to go to and itsgreatest attraction is tho pure,cold Soattlo beer on draughtthere. It mnkos one's mustachecurly and puts new lifo iuto thofailing eonnumptivo. .



Real Ktrite

ITor Sale.I Sold.8 Sold.3 Two Stores on Nnnami street.4 Four Lots on Magazine Hill, 73x120.

From $250 to .'0(l each.5 Lot on llaeklcld street, 0x100.fl A Choice Itesldenco on Lnnalllo street,

having nil moduli uniirou'incnls.7 A Dcslrnhli Ucsiili'U'c nt Maklkl.

Uronndi well hu out Khk) terms.8 Four Houses and Lot tun Punchbowl

"street, all rented ut a monthly rental of 10,.This property IsLMOfecLun Puuchboivl strec,w 1th a depth of S23 feet running to the drillgrounds or armory, with a frontage on samelor 4 or fi more eottnjjes. The central loea-tl- un

ill tin piupcrt.) make' It tnmt aaihil'li.U House and Lot on Klnau street. Lot

7uxl(!n ft. This property will be sold nt costand Is an excellent bargain for n home seeker,Tho house Is elegantly finished nnd of thehist uoikmuuship and innterluls. Tln'io N ucarriage liousi' and barn mi tin1 proin'ses nudthe yard Is well laid out with fruit and orna-mental tiees.

10 A Flue ltesldeiicc centrally located,cotitalnlni: 15 room. Lot 120x200 ft. Twosmall cottages on tho lot bringing In goodrental.

II :i!) Acres of Land In Kallhl valley, (Wal-kl-

side). stream of water lions alongthis laud. A bargain

i fu Acres of Ileal Coflco Laud In Puna.Hnwall, seven miles Irom Hep. Uyeroti'sLargi Cotlee Plantntlnn. The above landIs In hi In fei rdnipli1. A.-- ;! i jibhhmm onJ"u .it n ii. i, uiit. l, .I'n ul'ii a ii il i ul15 vi irs tiK'ie. J'i leu f J (W.

fit Sold.H A Coicmodloits Ueslilenco on Habslngcr

Btreet.lltted with nil modern conveniences,. Orwill trade lor Buburb.in jiropcrty.


id House and Lot on Ilcrctanla street.IIoiMc contains tl rooms, and all modern

Lot K.)Xll".17. Fine Itesldenee on P.cretahl.i street.

For further particulars Inquire nt my olllce,IS A House anil Lot on Young street.10 Ilou-- e nnd Lot corner Victoria nnd

Ueretani.i streets, opposite Thomas siiuarc.houe i ontalus I) rooms, fcbo of lot 100x200.

20 Sold.1 House nnd Lot on Young sticetne.tr

the Ksldeuce ot tlio Itev. Mr. Hyde. Lot1KKH0. Hoii"e contain elglit rooms.

22 Small House and Lot on Kcaumoktistreet. Lot noxloi).

2.1 Pearl f'llv Property.2t Dcsirahlu Tract of Cotreo Land on Ha-

waii.2")-- Two Stores oil Nliunuu st,0ilioslte Ku-ki- ll

lane, nlo threo lodging houses in thorear ot said stores ioiita,uiug 20 rooms In nil.The ulmo iajs III per lent, and Is leased toresponsible parties tor n terms of years.

20 A most DeHirnblu Homo on TliUMlonnvoiitie. Large groundH mid lienntidil flow-

er gulden; house funiisliiid tluonghoitt illliiird wood with nil lnti-K- t improveuifiitH.Kxeellent view of tho city nud ocean, midono which cannot ho cut off.

27 V Laigo Lot nud Commodious Dwol-lingn- u

Green Jitrtet, commanding miMew of thu city und huibor. No

clioittr rcsidctico is to ho hail in the uityoven by the most fustidioiiK.

' A New Ilotisu nl n veil rorms wiMicleetiii lights thrcughnnt, bath, puleiil V

C stnunl' ijuni ters and '.tuble. O.ic bl.Kivfrom car Hue nt Puiialiou.

2i- - Only ten of tboo Lots left nearKauiehuiuulia seliool, limnfiiu to $0oo each.

!!0 Two Houses and Lots on Lllllin street.ill An IS Aero Tiaet of Land at Kallhl

suitable for dividing up into building lots.;;.' a House niui i.ui on .m.ikcii aircei.83 A lleautiful ltullUlng Lot nt Kallhl,

101K200, cleared, fenced nnd wnter laid on.HI A (iriitly Moping Lot on Thurston

aenue, 210x1.5, haling a fioutagc on (ireenstreet of 103 feel, and commanding a blidVeye view of the city mid bai hor.

!I5 A Lot on Alexander street, adjoiningresidence ot Clans Spreekels.

HI Elegant Heneh Properly nt Wnlklkl.

flS-- The only CIIOU'K LOT left at Maklkl.It tuljchis the resident'1 ot J A Oilman nndthe n olilrnci' Mtu uf W I. Hopper, H Laws,and Dr Wood.

:;y tfoLi.40 A I.ca-- e of a Ilok! eentially located

and comnlitily I'nrnlslied. A good layinginiesuiK'nl


i Loi 7r150 New house (if 8 roomo,eK.'.iil y lliii-hii- t, s'.i Minis ipiarters, carriagehouse, si. ililes, uie, at the corner ol AlupalnniUini.rrj st cct. Oood view of the orejii.

4.t Mitl" hcii'" uf II munis lach, till retd-c- dtn ifoed tenants. Lot Ho leet on lleie-Inu- la

bj a depth of i feet through toKlnau blrcei, nnj u fninlngn on tin' utterstreet of loo feet, (iond op,ioitituily fur in-

vestment.If Lot on Maklkl utriet, 7. xllo Cheap.

4,'i lloitso and lot on Peterson Lane, Pa-

latini. House contains 11 rooms. Lot 75x110.40 Dwelling House of 0 rooms, fitted with

nil model ii conveniences. Lot KTixllO.Situated at Palamu.

47 Vacant Lot on Willi. Ikl P.iiad, KJtltllO.4'' lliiiicu niui Lul on Niin.iiiu sueel.

House contains cluht f'linlsln-i- l lininis.Very conveniently locntid near thu buslucsiJcenter of the city.

Notics: I can Nigntlute Loans on any ofthe above jiroperty tor purcliasi rs desiringeamu ut liom .'0 to 7.'i .tr cent of the value.

For Konfc.1 Wurt'lioiiso on Hsplaimdu.2 iV Store on Fott street not to Club

Stables.J A Fuirlslnd Cultiigo Inn good location

for two or tiiu"' nioutlis.iiml L"t, Jri0x2.'i0, on Lntio off

Hobool Mrot, in ;i 'itiiug Kiitiluvvelii schoolliottho. l'uiiur, .) 1' 'rooms, dlidiig-rou-

kitchon, pnntvj. b.'i ' itise, onninRe lmnu,stable una uutbuih .u ;. i'.unt J.'iO permouth.

H-- A llrnullful Summer Iti'sldcuco nt thePeninsula, Pearl City, otnplctely fuiulshed;tive rooms and seivant's (iiinitcrs. Will icutchea to a di'slrablc tenant I'lie lot Is ovrun acre In sl. nnd well Itild out, and com-tnnni-

a beautllul view uf thu harbor,0 rftore Itoom, Ooxli?, C2ft iji- month,

di'.vi way Into ii. U"ietiiiila ktrvet, rear oft'liy Fu, ' iiH

7" -- tn ' r mind ao fmt front, on Uerita-- nl

streit, nest to City Feed Store Willerect guild stoic on grmind nnd lease S yearsat &t per month.

8 A FuiuUihed I'cfcldenco oti King btrcctIn a desirable locality.

9 A Partly FuiiiUlied Itosldcucoat Wnlkl-kl, noxt to t fin ri'shknce of J M Mcl'husiiey.Will tent by the mouth or will leauij to adesliablu paity. Fine seabathing.

A. V. GfEAR,274-- tf 210 King sti cut.


On nnd after Tucsd.iv, Pcptctnhcr 1st,Dr. Wnyson will be ut Dr. Herbert's olllce,Ahikcn street, until Dr. Herbert's return.Ollleo hours trom II to 11 a, in., 1 to .1 nud 7to 8 p. m. Telephone t2l. Night telephone !!10.

895-- 1 w


Ganacliasi-Austraiiai- n Steamship Urn

Stcamora ot tlio nbovo Lino running in connection with tho

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYlictwccn Vancouver, I). 0., nnd Sydney, N. S. W culling at Victoria, B. O.

rtouolulu Suva (Fiji),

On or about tho dntcs below otutcd, viz.:

1'iiini Byilnoy mid Suvn, for Victoria ntulVnnriniTcr. II. C.t

Stmr "WAHHIMOO" ac.ptcmhcrSi '

btuir "JHOWIJIA" uctobor 21 .

Stmr "WAHHIMOO" November 24 Stmr "MIOWHltA" November 10Blur "MIOWEHA" Dcccfiibcr 24 Stmr "WAHHIMOO" December 10

Tlivougli Tk'lti'tj NhuciI front Honolulu to Csi:in:ln,' United Ststlos nnd Kurojie.


D. MoITicolIj, Montreal. Canada.IJonnnr Kuint, Wiuuippg, Cnnndn.

M. M. Stuhn, bmi Kfrineinco, Cnl.O. MoL. Biiown, Vancouver, 13. C.

OgbfuiIg EieeiHEli


For Ssn Francisco:Tbo New nnd Fiuo Al Steel Stenmship

"Mariposa"Ot tlio Occnnio Steamship Compnny willbo duo nt Honolulu from Sydney nudAuckland on or nliout

Sept. 17, 180(3.And will loiivo for the nlwvo port withMails and PnsftenRcra on or nlxiut thatda tc.

For Sydney and Mk-nd-:

Tbo Now nnd Fino Al Steo Stennisbip

"Alameda"Of tbo Occnnio Stenmship Company willbe duo nt Honolulu from Shu Franciscoon or about

Sept. '24-.- , 1S0G.Aud will have prompt denpatch withMnile Passonifors for tlio nlwvo ports.

Tho uudereiKtied tiro now preparedto ifsao '

ilU'OUKll Tickets tt All Pohi.111 tllO VuitCil KtHt.OP.

t?7"For further pnrticnlnra roBnrdhjrFreight or Ptiumgo apply to

WK1. G. IRWIN &G0., LJil,General Agents.

Oseaflie Siiitt Co.



Arrive llouolulu Lenvo Honolulufrom S. F. for S. F.

Sept. 4, 1CQ0 ..Sept. 0, 1G0S

Sept. 2S, IblW . ..Oct. 3, lS'Ju

TSEOUOH MICEFrom San Francisco From Sydnoy for

for Sydney. Snu Frnncisco.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Alniuoila, Sept 24,' 00 I SIaripohn,Scptl7,00Mnnpobii, Oct 22, '00 I Mouowni.Oct 15'0G

A LIFE SIZECrayonPortrait

UV: mied ComplotoWITH

(tec Dosea Efata cf the Sitlw

Only S1 o.OOrcTIs the LATEST Oc'FVJt wo have

to ranke.

I.J.WILLIAMSPortrait and Landscape"Foto,ara3uor.KOJi'i; STIIKIST.Henry Davis,

1120 Toit Btieot, near Merchant.

Merchandise Broker,Commission Aqkkt,

GnstGi House Broker au Statistician


I General Business Agent.




l'nim Vlctnrln. niui Vnncniuor, It. O,, toSuva and SyiJm.y:

Stmr ",MTiWRA" Rcplenilr 1(1

tituir "W AliitLMUU" October 10

EST" For Freight nnd Pabmsb nnd nilQcnernl Inforniittion, apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., ViAgontH for IbollmvniinnlslnndB.

wk Mali Ekaii pWU8


Occiileiiial & Oriental SteMj! Co



iFor YOKOHAMA and KOl.'GKOIfa-Steamer- s

of tbo nbovo Companies willcall nt Iloiiolulti on their vr.y to tbeabove porta on or about tbo followingdates:

Stmr Hio Ic .Tnutiro Sept. 10, 1SUC

htu.r Uity ot I'elongt. . . .Sept. 'JS, ISH7Stmr JJuric Oct. 7, 18!!0

For SAM FRAHCISCO:SlenrniTH al tlie above Companies will

enll nt Honolulu on their way fromIloiifjkony and Yokohama to tlio aboveport mi or about tlio follovviiic dates:

Stmr Doric Sopt. IB, IS9(iBtuir Chiwi Sept. 'Jo, lSllOStmr Porn Oct. 12, 1SD0

Bv'llBS ii( Passing as foSiOWS:

TO 1TOKO-- TO noNa- -

1IAUA. KOSO.Uabm 551CO.OO 3175.00Onbin, round trip, 4

mouthi 225.00 2(52.50'"til.'.i, rjitpj t.-:- 12

2(12..rJ S1C.25'nioi'in rit?e'.i' . . . . 85.00 100.00

i ari'iwonvvr phjuii? full fnro will bej jUovved 10 porcjnt olT return faro if ro- -

tamiuH within twclvo months.

J3TFor Freight nnd I'cssago apply to

11. KACKFZL3 CO.,Afiouts.

RWs llllsiiji) i1o's

TIME TABLj0. 1.. WOnT, Pre. S. !!. , See.

dipt. .1. A. KING, Port&upl.

Stmr. KIWAIT,CLARKE, Commaniler,

Will Innvo Uoucluln it 10. v. m., touching ntLnhiunu, IimIikju liny and Mukcnu theantne day; jl.'hiikoiin, Kawuihne und

tlie fniliivviiif; tluy, arriving ntIiilo tho hame ovbumi;.

I.EAVK0 110.Ol.tJl.t). AnaiVKS UONOI.ULU.

Tuesday t!0 t. U I Tuesday . . .Sopt. IoFililnv Sunt. IK Kriilnv Snt. Q.l

"Tiu'bday .. .Stpt 2!) TuciLiy tut. 0iTulay tJH. U I'llilay Uet. 1U

Itctuiuiiiu'. v. ill lenvo Ililo at 1 o'clock: P. si., touchi tj; nt Limpahoohoo, Malm- -

i;ona niui ivawuiu.iu fi'iu 0 ti.iy; .via:;cua,Manlnen Hr.y nnd Lnhniun the follovviugday; arriving nt Honolulu tho afternoonsof 'luesdny und Fridays.

Will 0 ill ut l'ohoikl, Tuna.iyNo Freight will be xeccivcd after

12 noon on day of sailing


Will lenvo Honolulu Tuesdny at 5 p.m.,touching nt Knhiiliii, llmui, Iiiiumi. aimICipnhulu, Maui, itvtiirniug ainves atHonolulu Buiidny luornings.

Will call at Nnu, Kaupo, 011 second tripof each month.

J.yNo 1 rci(dil wi'l be received afterr. si, ou itny of rsiiilim;.

This Couinanv will ie.ervea the rinht tojunko ehniiniis in the time of depurlurb nndnrrivul of its sle.uuors without notice andit will not lie roriponhiblo for any conse-quences uiisiiiK thercfiom.

ConBiynt'cs imistbe nt tbo L,aurUagi toreceive their Freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for fi eight afterit has been lauded.

Live Stock only nt ovvner'u risk.This Company will not be lehpouaiblo

for Money or Valuables of pnutieufjarsunless placed in tho caro of Pursers.

l'lissenKois nio leirnosted to jmreliasotickets before embarking. Thoao fuiliug todo so will be subject to 1111 ntlditiounlobargo of twenty-liv- e per cent.

To Let or Lease.

THE UESIDENCR OF MHS. A. LONG,one inilo from postofllco. Largo bouse withfurniture. Four bed rooms, parlor, largedining room, pantry, kitchen, bath rooms,hot and cold water, with pntont closets,borvant houses, Htabhs, horso ptiddnok,garden and trees. A charming location.

Atwlv to J ALFIIF.D MAOOON.tf Merchant St., next l'osloflljoi

fgmmmavnHUiitmJuii'ti t Ptm

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, JSOG, filOGfiSS.lu

Money Loaned on Approved Security,A Savings Hank for Monthly Deposits.Houses Built on tho Monthly Installment

Plan.Thirteenth Scries of Stock now opeu.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAB, Secretary.Chninhcr of Commerce Hooiiis.Ollleo bourn, 12i30 hS01'.M. JIT.I-t- f

BHUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Jlnnngcr of

Tho Efjiiilablo Lifo Assurance SocietyOf tbo United States for tbo Hawaiian


Orrcrt Merchant sticct, Uouolulti.



Assets, - - - $10,000,000.H. W. 8CMM1OT & E019,

AROUts for the Havvnihu Islands.

JOnS f. LliNO,Instrtimcs.t -- - IViaker,

Itieycle itpiiiiiiig n'.d niukcl iluting aspecialty, nl.so

Hold, Silva1 ll Bronze Electroplating.

lSOFultTSr. : : TfcL. 007.


Tnltcs contracts for nil kinda of fcTOXEWOllK, uioniiuieiit worlf, cttucnt nudstona ciilcwnllts nutl curbiiif,'. I have onhand tho best llnvvniinn htonc, Chinesegranite, etc. Fine stone for nioiininentnlwork. Intimates Riven nud lovvist piiccanssnred. Telephone 833.

Coiisolidaleii Soda Water Co., L'

Corner Alien & Fort Sts., Honolulu.



Kuuiinu Vulliy, nbove tho JInusoleum.

All orders (jlvin prompt and faithful atlentiou. Ko extra charge for deliveringTloweis tif any imrt of tho citv. Lms.Mountain G icons and Cnruutious a mjo--cialty. 265-t- l A


Taxidermistllnvvniinn and I'oiileu Hlnl mul Anlmnlft

moniiteit in the hem muirr.er, the lntcstmethods only, llolil Si near In .McGrevv.

37-t- f



R. tr St tv,'r Tol. H02". j

J Ir. Morgan. '


No. 45 Queen Street.

Export AiijiruisBmunt of UenlEstate Futnittirf.



225 Qticin streot , Honolulu, FI. I.


Qneon Ettect, llouolulu, nnd 215 Fiouthtreet, Sun Frnucifco, Cnl.

IMP0KTF113 orGeneral Merchandise and . .

. . Commission Merchants.


Wholesnlo Impottoib nnd Jobberit of

European and American Dry Gooda.

Fort and Qttenn titrcets.


Deiileis in lutabor ntid Coalunci Building Matiniule of allkiudB.

Qneon 'tieot, liotiolulu.


Book and Job PrinterMorcJ-arl- t Streot, Honolulu. H. J.

Ovor Hawaiian Nhwr Comjwnj"'aBook Storo. tuy 18.


( Telephone SlO, .No. 210 Klug St.









tfI ' ,

'. , ' - . .' ' , ,',"''''

jmijn3--'' 'J