海洋生態學 Marine Ecology

海海海海海 Marine Ecology 海海海海海海海海海 海海海 Room no. 海 A3030 Office hour : Monday 9:00 – 12: 00 Tel: 525-2000 ext. 5108 E-mail: [email protected] TA: 張張張 [email protected] su.edu.tw


海洋生態學 Marine Ecology. 中山大學海洋生物所 劉莉蓮 Room no. 海 A3030 Office hour : Monday 9:00 – 12:00 Tel: 525-2000 ext. 5108 E-mail: [email protected] TA: 張靖峰 [email protected]. 課程簡介 科學是什麼? 生態學簡介 (20 min. film) 不同環境之比較. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 海洋生態學 Marine Ecology

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海洋生態學 Marine Ecology中山大學海洋生物所 劉莉蓮

Room no. 海 A3030

Office hour : Monday 9:00 – 12:00

Tel: 525-2000 ext. 5108

E-mail: [email protected]

TA: 張靖峰 [email protected]

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生態學簡介 (20 min. film)


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2/18 What is Ecology ? Liu2/25 Ecosystems: components, energy flow and matter cycling Liu 3/3 Evolution and biodiversity: origins, niches & Adaptation (Liu,chap 6)3/10 Marine environment Chen (chapter 1)3/17 Oceanic environments around Taiwan Chen3/24 Marine organisms Chen (chapters 2,3,4)3/31 Marine organisms (1 hr exam.) Chen (chapters 5,6)4/7 Production, food web Chen (chapter 7)4/14 Marine habitats Chen (chapter 8)4/21 Marine habitats Chen (chpater 9)4/28 global change and ocean (1 hr exam.) Chen (chapter 12)5/5 Population biology (I)...... Liu (chapter 10)5/12 Population biology (II) Liu (chapter 10)5/19 Community ecology...... Liu (chapter 11)5/26 Human beings and ocean Liu (chapter 12)6/2 Conservation biology in Taiwan Liu (chapter 13) (field trip, low tide 13:43 0.12m)6/9 Coastal ecology and ecological engineering...Liu 6/16 Final

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Science is an attempt to discover order in nature and use that knowledge to make predictions about what is likely to happen in nature.

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Scientific approachAsk a question Do experiments and collect data Interpret data

Well-tested and accepted patterns in data become scientific laws Formulate hypothesis to explain data Do more experiments to test hypothesis Revise hypothesis if necessary Well-tested and accepted hypotheses become scientific theories

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From (2002) “exploring facial symmetry in entry-level geometry classrooms”

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From (2002) “exploring facial symmetry in entry-level geometry classrooms”

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Lemley, B. 2000 Isn’t she lovely ? Discover 21(2): http://www-psych.nmsu.edu/victorpg.html


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1. From the Greek words oikos, “house” or “place to live”, and logos, “study of”.2. The study of how organisms interact with one another and with their nonliving environment.

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生態系 生態系 ecosystemecosystem

生態系的定義生態系的定義– 一定空間內,生物與非生物成分一定空間內,生物與非生物成分經由物質的循環、能量的流動、經由物質的循環、能量的流動、信息的交換,相互作用、相互依信息的交換,相互作用、相互依存所構成的系統。存所構成的系統。


– 生物成分 生物成分 (Biotic Community)(Biotic Community)

– 非生物成分 非生物成分 (Abiotic Environment)(Abiotic Environment)

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Biotic factors (living environments) Biosphere

Abiotic factors (non-living environments)

Lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

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‧Important terms:SpeciesPopulationCommunity

Abiotic factors

Ecosystem (i.e. rain forest)Biome 生物群落Biosphere

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‧Species: All the members of a specific organism with similarity of appearance and/or capacity for interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.

The Pantropical spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuata (Gray, 1846).

‧Population: All the members of a particular species occupying a given area.

‧Biotic community: All the populations of different plants, animals and microbes occupying a given area.

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‧Abiotic factors: The physical environment where the biotic community staying, e.g. light, temperature, pH, etc.

‧Ecosystem: The biotic community together with the abiotic factors.

‧Biome群落 : A grouping of all the ecosystems of a similar type, e.g. tropical rain forests, coral reefs.

‧Biosphere: All the species on Earth along with all their environments seen as one vast ecosystem.

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‧Biotic structure of ecosystems Producers Consumers Detritus feeders and decomposers

. Feeding relationships Food chains Food webs Trophic levels & Biomass pyramid

. Nonfeeding relationships: Mutualism Symbiosis

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Lithosphere Hydrosphere Atmosphere


Biosphere Human activities

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生態系的基本功能生態系的基本功能 生物生產生物生產

– 初級生產初級生產 (Primary Production)(Primary Production)

» 太陽能 → 化學能太陽能 → 化學能» 簡單無機物 → 複雜有機物簡單無機物 → 複雜有機物

– 次級生產次級生產 (Secondary Production)(Secondary Production)

» 消費者消費者 (herbivores, carnivores)(herbivores, carnivores) 或分解者或分解者 (bacteria, fungi)(bacteria, fungi) 經由同化作用,以建造自經由同化作用,以建造自身、繁衍後代。身、繁衍後代。

能量流動能量流動 (Energy Flow)(Energy Flow)

– 能量在食物鏈、食物網內轉變、轉移、消耗。能量在食物鏈、食物網內轉變、轉移、消耗。– 能量金字塔能量金字塔 // 食物量金字塔食物量金字塔


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Biomass pyramid: Segments of pyramid show relative biomass at each trophic level (Nebel & Wright, 1998)

Total combined mass of all producers = Biomass of 1st trophic level

Total combined mass of all herbivores = Biomass of 2nd trophic level

Total combined mass of all carnivores = Biomass of 3rd trophic level

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Lithosphere Hydrosphere Atmosphere


Biosphere Human activities

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生態系基本特徵生態系基本特徵 是動態的系統是動態的系統::不斷的發展、進化、演替。不斷的發展、進化、演替。 有一定的區域特徵:有一定的區域特徵:例如熱帶雨林、溫帶針葉林。例如熱帶雨林、溫帶針葉林。 開放的自持開放的自持 (Self-maintenance)(Self-maintenance) 系統:系統:

– 生產者、消費者、分解者生產者、消費者、分解者 自動調節的功能:自動調節的功能:受干擾、破壞後自動回復。受干擾、破壞後自動回復。 反饋反饋 (Feedback)(Feedback) 原理:原理:系統內有抑制某物種過度繁殖之能力。系統內有抑制某物種過度繁殖之能力。 抵抗力抵抗力 (Resistance)(Resistance) ::愈成熟、結構愈複雜的生態系,抵抗愈成熟、結構愈複雜的生態系,抵抗

外力干擾的能力愈強。外力干擾的能力愈強。 恢復力恢復力 (Resilience)(Resilience) ::受到外力破壞而復原之能力。受到外力破壞而復原之能力。

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Law of limiting factors Biotic factors Physical barriers

Carrying capacity

Ecosystem sustainability depending on Nutrient recycling With source of energy Without over-grown consumer populations Maintenance of biodiversity

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Primary production by photosynthesis and chemosynthesis

CO2 + H2O + energy←→ [CH2O] + O2

CH4 + O2 ←→ [CH2O] + H2O

H2S + H2O + O2 + CO2 ←→ [CH2O] + H2SO4

2CO2 + 6H2 ←→ [CH2O] + CH4 + 3H2O

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演替演替 (succession) (succession) 生物群聚隨環境、時間的變遷而發生變化。生物群聚隨環境、時間的變遷而發生變化。 原有群聚可能暫時或永久消失,而由另一群聚原有群聚可能暫時或永久消失,而由另一群聚

取代。取代。 亦稱群聚演替、生物演替。亦稱群聚演替、生物演替。 演替所呈現的意義演替所呈現的意義

–這是一個「動態」的概念,但過程並非毫無章法。 這是一個「動態」的概念,但過程並非毫無章法。

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共通性包括:共通性包括:– 有一定次序之群聚改變過程,結果常可預期。有一定次序之群聚改變過程,結果常可預期。– 由群聚改變物理環境。由群聚改變物理環境。– 最終建立一穩定之群聚。最終建立一穩定之群聚。

初級演替初級演替 (Primary Succession)(Primary Succession)– 在自然產生的裸地(如森林火災後)產生後,最主要的三個演在自然產生的裸地(如森林火災後)產生後,最主要的三個演

替階段。包括:先鋒期替階段。包括:先鋒期 (Pioneer Stage)(Pioneer Stage) 、過渡期、過渡期 (Sera Stage)(Sera Stage) ,,以及顛峰期以及顛峰期 (Climax)(Climax) 三個進程。三個進程。

次級演替次級演替 (Secondary Succession)(Secondary Succession)– 有人類活動或干擾的區域最主要的演替活動,包括:人為環境有人類活動或干擾的區域最主要的演替活動,包括:人為環境

(開墾、農耕)、過渡期,以及顛峰期(盛林期)三種型態。(開墾、農耕)、過渡期,以及顛峰期(盛林期)三種型態。其中,若原為顛峰期,但因天災或人禍導致原有群聚之消滅,其中,若原為顛峰期,但因天災或人禍導致原有群聚之消滅,並由另一群聚取代,則稱為變換群聚並由另一群聚取代,則稱為變換群聚 (Disclimax Community)(Disclimax Community) 。。

演替演替 (succession) (succession)