· Legal Implications...

Tools For an easy scientific writing وميسرة سهلةعلمية التابتك ك تجعل التيعلمي ال البحث أدواتpresenter: Yusra Alyafee سعودلك ا جامعة البحوث مركز٨ علمي ال البحثرات مها٤/٤/٢٠١٦ ثن ا

Transcript of · Legal Implications...

Tools For an easy scientific writing��أدوات البحث العلمي التي تجعل كتابتك العلمية سهلة وميسرةpresenter: Yusra Alyafee�

جامعة امللك سعود مركز البحوث مهارات البحث العلمي ٨االثنني ٤/٤/٢٠١٦

Content Definitions• Plagiarisms• Copyright law• Fair Use of intellectual properties legal implications Types of Plagiarisms• Simple copy and paste • Patchwork copying • Paraphrasing copying • Unintentional copying Avoiding Plagiarisms• Paraphrasing Techniques • Spelling And Grammar Checker • Plagiarisms Checker

جامعة امللك سعود مركز البحوث

مهارات البحث العلمي ٨االثنني ٤/٤/٢٠١٦

Plagiarism »  Is taking another person's work and willing to

"pass it off" as your own. This can apply to anything, from research projects to photos to tunes, even thoughts


“Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States (title 17, U.S. Code) to the authors of ‘original works of authorship,’ including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. This protection is available to both published and unpublished works.” (

Fair Use

is a statute under copyright law that takes into consideration the utilization of portions of copyrighted work without having consent from the first creator.

Legal Implications

–  Most schools and universities have policies on cheating and plagiarism.

–  Above is example of ULM policy


2nd 3rd

failing grade on assignment

failing grade for the course


Type of Plagiarism

Copy and paste

Patch- work

Paraphrasing Unintentional


»  When someone duplicates another person's work and puts his name on it, he committed plagiarism

»  The most common type of plagiarism�

example Children are totally insensitive to their parents' shyness; it is the rare child who labels a parent shy [...] This is understandable, since parents are in positions of control and authority in their homes and may not reveal their shy side to their children. Also, since shyness is viewed as undesirable by many children, it may be threatening to think of parents in these terms. At this young age, the parent is still idealized as all-knowing and all-powerful - - not dumb, ugly, or weak." Zimbardo, Philip G. (1977). Shyness: What it is, what to do about it. Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus Books.

This one is quite clear example. This author steal the content from

Dr. Zimbardo's book word to

word and does not

acknowledged him at all.

Example is taken from

patchwork plagiarism

This happens when the plagiarizer obtains the expressions and statements from the first source and merge them into his own written work without putting the expressions in quotes or refering to the writer.

example Children are totally insensitive to their parents' shyness; it is the rare child who labels a parent shy [...] This is understandable, since parents are in positions of control and authority in their homes and may not reveal their shy side to their children. Also, since shyness is viewed as undesirable by many children, it may be threatening to think of parents in these terms. At this young age, the parent is still idealized as all-knowing and all-powerful - - not dumb, ugly, or weak."

With regard to children, they are totally insensitive to their parents' shyness. Rare is the child who labels a parent shy. It is easy to understand this, since the parents are in positions of control and authority in their own homes and may not necessarily show their shy side to their children. Moreover, since shyness is viewed as unfavorable by most children, it may be threatening for them to think of their parents in that light. During the formative years, the parent is idealized as all-knowing and all-powerful -- not dumb, ugly, or weak.

In this example, the authors committed plagiarism by not putting the shaded parts in quotes and included a reference after the citation, as (Zimbardo 62).�

Original copied

Examples are taken from

Paraphrasing Plagiarism

This happens when the plagiarizer rewords or compresses another's work without referring to the source. Changing the words a little or utilizing equivalent words yet holding the authors writing structure structure, and/or style without referring to the source is still considered plagiarism .

example C h i l d r e n a r e c o m p l e t e l y insensitive to their parents' shyness and rarely label their parents as shy. Because the parents are the authority and controlling figures in the home, they may not feel shy and therefore not show their shy s ide. Moreover , dur ing the formative years, parents are seen as omnipotent and omniscient and not stupid, unattractive, or pathetic; it may be frightening for children to view their parents in terms of shyness.

Children are totally insensitive to their parents' shyness; it is the rare child who labels a parent shy [...] This is understandable, since parents are in positions of control and authority in their homes and may not reveal their shy side to their children. Also, since shyness is viewed as undesirable by many children, it may be threatening to think of parents in these terms. At this young age, the parent is still idealized as all-knowing and all-powerful - - not dumb, ugly, or weak."


In this example, the author paraphrased the sentences and work in the script but he didn't’ mention the real recourse so he committed plagiarism

Examples was taken from :

Unintentional »  It happened when the author has mistakenly quoted, cited or

inaccurately referred to a source. It could be considered as dishonesty and plagiarism whether it's intentional or not.

Avoiding Plagiarism

Simply be honest give credit Acknowledge the author

Avoiding Plagiarism

Check your writing and your resources

Don’t forget the quote marks

Citation …citation ...citation

Utilize your own work and you own words as frequently as you can

Avoiding Plagiarism

Avoiding Plagiarism


Avoiding Plagiarism


Avoiding Plagiarism


For people who they are not a native ENGLISH SPEAKER .. This can be hard sometimes

Tools to help

•  ParaphrasingsoDware

•  SpellingandgrammarcheckersoDware

•  Plagiarism checkersoDware

Paraphrasing website

Paraphrasing website�example

Paraphrasing website 1stSTEP:

Paraphrasing website Opentheprogram










Spelling and grammar checker software

Spelling and grammar checker software 2ndSTEP:

Spelling and grammar checker software


Spelling and grammar checker software

Spelling and grammar checker software

Spelling and grammar checker software


Check for the % of plagiarism in your text

Check for the % of plagiarism in your text

At the end reread the text and check for any mistakes

The field of single-cell genomics is progressing quickly and is crea:ng numerousnew bits of knowledge into complex natural frameworks, extending from theassortedquali:es ofmicrobial biological communi:es to the genomics of humanmalignancy.InthisReview,wegiveadiagramofthepresentcondi:onofthefieldof single-cell genome sequencing. In the first place, we concentrate on thespecializeddifficul:esofmakinges:ma:ons thatbegin fromasolitarypar:cleofDNA,andaDerwardinves:gatehowsomeoftheselatemethodologicalheadwayshave empowered the revela:on of sudden new science. Regions highlightedincorporatetheuseofsingle-cellgenomicstocrossexaminemicrobialdullma3erand to assess the pathogenic parts of hereditary mosaicism in mul:cellular lifeforms,withanemphasisongrowth.Wethenendeavorto foreseeprogresseswehopetofindinthefollowingcoupleofyears.

Final text

And you are ready now


جامعة امللك سعود مركز البحوث مهارات البحث العلمي ٨ االثنني ٤/٤/٢٠١٦


References h3p://


