( LATE TA'TNE HER LD FO~7~~a~:;~:~t~~:';.~:1 I ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald...

14 Reot'ganization Effected At Called Tuesday Evening. GRONOMY EXPERT ADVISES CAUTION ON HEMP GR9WING I --- E DO not wish lo discotlr- ; ' age the growing of hemp, ut we do wish to pass on to armel'S ,suggestions of caution ffered by the department of r gronomy, Nebraska college of griculture. The department ;vises that since 1915 hemp rowlllg shifted largely to Wis,. onsin and that it does best here the rainfall amounts to hirty or more inches per year. n accOlUlt of decreased de- fnand, finding a market for the I rOduct is the problem faced by rowers, according to the de- artment's report. "So far as an be learned -by an impartial nvestigation, none of the hemp roduced by farmers in these romotional areas in Minnesota o flbcr except that which W{iS or experImental and trial loses," says the report. It clos_ es by saying: "The department of agronomy of the Nebraska college of agriculture, suggests great cautlot1 __on tbe part of farmers in obflgatlllg - [hem- selves for payments for tbe growing of hemp and for chmery and factories for ltS manufacture." Anyone Who acreage to hemp and who is not fully satisfIed as to thc W1.Sdom of do_: ing so, might 'well Wl'ite to the department of agronomy for in- formation, ( LATE TA'TNE HER LD -Burden. On Official Sal- . '" ' aries-Need of New Paint -Tribe in India Suspends - _.- Stealing for Yea,', . 2_9, 1935, 'II", ""I ",'ml Co,,,, bad' ,"'"k· EIGHTH IGRADERS gHi Presents DISTRIC'T'-C-O'U-RT, fOI late (lay I MUCH PEOP OWN Awards rro Four COMPliETE TESTS y Public Program Is Planned TERM CONnNES If special -flavored to possessions, .A fell neV'er r. Tuesday At City School fipectal taste and 'bearing special Wittler Ranks The feels poorer than w n an as- h ..Year Activities To Honor Pupils. J wacmth we'e wanted by ch,om- Highest 'n Scholarohip 'e"o' ask. for an io rvlew, If Oc up lI an;zations lcw," Bea" post, American Le- ury Is Called Monday I In Wa ne Coul1ty. a e Collelle. gwn will plesent awa!cts to etghth for complaint. The banquet was ['I 136 Ct,ghth more a yellr ago tha he had Interestin ptans are under way District court jury is called for to who wished t(J m- n aym: co nty exanuna tons in the yearl before he i very tor- on campus 'Il for the tbird annual 1 I t M d ,'('st the price. and it could have April, 106 pa sed the tests. Sev- tunate. a,td been standing parents' day Friday, to which of otheTwise only to a quix- graders ,the examina.- the ills depression d drouth parents of a 'Qllege students have s f J dOl' Ch t on, Jr, 0 city schooL and Mary u ge mton ase. of Stanton. ntlc nnllt!. twistl;'d by preconceived lqns lllu;nrbere 149. rhe tests WIll in rcma kably, succe ful fash- been invite, y, W. C, A. span- Sharer and Glen Giese of traimn Cases of ttte Stat.e of Nebraska, ex I 'lod accustumed to man-u- be Ma.y J.5. ion. account the pro- SOl'S the afif '1', Last year 110 via- have been named winners 0 reI, Ne'\tie Behmer, vs. Walter fapt\ll"lIlg hobgoblms out of notb- ,!M19S' Pea.rl 'Sowen J-'9r- longed Buniahment Of the times iUng paren during the the ruwards whioh are based on han I Fletcher, bastardy charge, and the mg ene WIttler qf district 8 having the volume will day, _ or, courage, scholarship, leadershi State of vs. Glenn Foltz, [Jut references to the h*hest 93. Er Baker ally and ltlcYltably fa.ll considcrr Special c apel is and scrvI'Ce, medals and C1 corn 'theft charge, are set for trial program as "standpat". ofI' 33 IS .with. Ruth ably the usu{tl ned for 11 'clqCk, featurmg vIolin lations £tom the national Le.g:i -_ caSf:S IWsigned for I cOfl('1wuvcly dammng In Fl'C-vert of 3 IS thu'd with 91 But W1ti;! normal crops thIS d voponals, welcome to WIll be presented the young folks hearing -aC1his term of court are the of ratlOnal Those WIth verages ofl90 arc and, the parents by 1 U' S, Conn repre i K. N. Parke, L. W. Me the follOWing: Fred vs. nnly llgl1tJy conceals an under- Florenee Roo I Shale;>, Betty dcma.nds, assessors senung-the--c lege.. Dr. J. C. Johnson coml Earl Wade, on rent note ap- tow of rankJ1I1g envy and! disap- GI:>ay of 79, E:!jtnstme of WILl nex.t fwd cbat- ryn Greensl t0 Stanton, for the Y. pllse tJhe-L;e&1{nrcommi-tt-ee mak _ county c.9 urt by polntl'd ambitIOn. 1f resistance -to M1yrna of, 31, Viiolet Snuth \" tela to hst and IWan'dOa' Am'oa t Illg the awar.tl.9. The committe Earl TanrenllOlz W:.m. Deck, threats ,LImed at cOllslltutlOnal 11- 0683, and Wilma Gemmell of 18. < ,vaU: < .was aided bY:1 pupils of the ,eight damages growmg 01,lt of a car l:el"tl('s thlt'ah<; liThe eighth,gnders who have Beemer, a d Alice McGregor of gnde in choice, eident; Dam Christensen vs. Gus Ill: f,l1l.\CICS \,n the and'f91lShr?-tfie the!al- Santee; will sirlg solo numbets, and Tuesday's program Will bc. a. Bodenstedt, SUIt on a note; State Illpacy en the other I.'; Idwmg' DtstICt 1, Norma Jean - ,_. _ -- . _ g'lrls tri of Helen follows: by all, talk by Pro. of Nebraska vs (Luther Barnes, a "slandpal" polICy. then lhe Harrison, Ph Ilia Kiney; 2, VIctor - - l_ Jone8=Of - :a e, Josephine Ryan Parke, address by Supt. H. charge of changmg a cream check; \\"a}lll' nwdlllg may pc currectly pblel:sen, EI, ie Hammer, Cleva [OR GRAD Norfol.k, n Miss Be-'lt, prCo$Emtation of awards by E. J. Auker vs. Frank r:... HICks, de_·I' . su chal"U(tellzl'(l. If so, }llOrC Jbrgensen; 3,1 Lavern Falk, Arlene 1 smg. Mtss Jo Ilr$dent-elect A Renard and music., ' " ta.mer case appealed from Jusltce nll'ctlngs arc needed to 4, M:lmford Walker, Mand- I - I of .C 1 A. for year 1935-36 Wayne Legion post sponsore court; state of:'Nebraska vs. Alvin lIlfurm lhe pf.)pulaue alld arouae a Kai; 6, 11ren'e Suber. James I will presid a chapel service. lhe same proJect last ,;year for th Rennick, mtoxlCation and posses- mnvrment to the soundly progres- Bl'Ickson, Roberts, War- 1 Tours of he campus are fllanned fIrst lime and medals were the sion of liquor, appealed; Bobbie SlY<' nllddl(' course. If bawling re/l Erlandson; 7,. James Rev. Fay Mills Wlill Deliver for early te I noon . will presented to Betty Helen Elli, Johnson vs. Iver Prmce, et aI., IS llH' ultlOiatepowCl"of Gertrude Otto Thom-, Baccalaureate I Sermon ce entertal at tea m Neihardt Wayne McMaster, Larhyha Wht - damage actIOn charging .slander; 1\. am sec page in denot1J1g oPpoSi- sen, Mary L4u Brudigan; 8, War. For Senior Class I to 5 o'clock, and each mUle and Donald Strahan. C. A. Berry vs. Frank. Griffith, jr., tlOtl. It call mean l10thmg mOle rCI1 Bres s leq-;ll, Gft>rge Voss! Ev- wtll recel." a as favor. SUIt on grocery account, appealed U.an all l'XPIPSSlOll of ugly ill Will Rlyn 12, AlVIn Johnson; Baccalaureate ¢rY1ces Fathers, In the meantime, WIll be Rites On Sunday from county court; and Martha E. {It lill' flapdoou]e 01 menl,1i vacu- Wtlma Gemmell, Hooker LeW,- high schpol'.s Jl seniors wi I at. trai::.k ,meet ,between Rohrke vs. W. ·F. Langenberg, tty. IS, .19, Twllaj Herman; 20, Richard be Suhday May 12, t MormngsId, 1Midland and. }'red Korf suit on a 1 0te . . __ IBaler, 21, NJ;ildred Schroeder. 8 at the Presbyterianl church, VISta Omaha Wllverslty JUdge Chase was here Tuesday . South Ualw1:1 Sual(cd. District 23, George Steele, Ar- [banquet is I cheduled fck and the WI. deats, . and entered lulings. Damage Llkp lttha.hll:mls· of nOl'th Ne- nold' Ob.c:t; 45, DeLOyd Meyer; 28, May 16, arId comme cement fIr In charg of the affalr are Ger- Methodist Pastor And Tie tionfiled by George Reuter against hta.<;ka th()sp III South 'Dakota aU' nOlth, Donald Wack{,l" Manon Da- Wednesday. May 22, 1iVhen Rcv. , trude ofNorfolk,a-ctingp,;,e- Masonic Order Have Armand Bierman was - -.---.------ J"('J"H lllg- over a fall 'If mOIsture Its. Allen Christensen, Frederick .1. DaVIes of Sioux IS speake. slde{Lt who seJ;ves as general S' H Glenn Foltz was, arrajgned and en W RIG HT HEADS" Ullllllg Aptll fat ltl ('X(,C'SS of nOI' Niemann, 28, sdt:lth Ruth Render; Progmt)1 for baccalaureate man: Mar Noakes .of Wayne, erVlces ere. tewd plea to I . tI TIl(' l'nllle state lo the 1l0!th 31. Talitha .Janke, Myrna Reh· announced by L F. Good as fdl- publtclty aIrman, Nelson \ Funeral services were condUcli\\ theft,One paragraph of the charge , h,1,s beell 'ifldl\\'d. and fatmerR are mus, RUHsell Thomson, Christme lows: ProcessiOnal, Mrs. H of ,,:,akefl Id, l;I.nd Rich Sund,lyafternoon at 2 at Meth filed,'by Bebtie Johnson agamst Iv- ,,,ltev('d by t1r pt ospl't'l of raislt1o- LcukPI; 32. Schlake; 33, Ruth Welch· lllvocatton B.ev M. of SlOUX C co-chaIrmen for the (list church for Fred Korff, 35, woeI' PrInce WfU'! stricken out. Veta C lTV CO UNC IL f1!1lll1l1 ClOpS '1l::-aHl South Fl't'Vl'rt, Cltqrord Baker, Erwin B "Cherulbim Song" and a ne DIetz of Norfolk, thed Wednesday, May 1, In LI WIlson was granted divorce ftom :"I11:lhv,.{'sl states bave nol been so ker, :'l4, Wieland, Elta Nc schaIkmVsky, hIgh school chor IS c airman tours. coIn where he was receivIng ca e Layton WIlson. 1ottllnate, but last weck lhey IC- sell, 3[1, C1C1l Harper; 36, Roy directed hy Kermit Ste.wart; scn _ Rei?ald cela.bl'ated If01 heart trouble WIth 'which e Jury su;mmoned mcludes .John (Plv{'d I'!l()ugh snow and!'alll lo Joi'tn;ion; Walter BlC\ch, Helen ture and prayer, Rev. W C Hql- AmerIcan ba tone, assisted by had been III for several years. R v. Gettman, Martin Madsen, Carl tlll' du:-;t and lllSpUC hope Hoeman; 41, denrcich; Isermon, "How to M.1SS LoU! e ernhardt, contralto, Fay Mills HISCOX sClvicc h d Lage, !:"'red Brunc, Eph Becken- Harold 44, Ernest JUllc.k; Rev. Fay MIlls; "Apthol' df Li,e Wlll prese t at the college charge and Masons conducted co - hauer, .Henry Fleer, Tom Smith, ,I'a:\ nU'lIt I'lau AhlL'Iod. 46, Loms BJ'ogJln; 47, Cole Hag- DiVInC:' Py 'l'hnnan, Ichorus, be*- Mondaye en ng III fmal number of nutlat at Greenwood cemetery. Ernest Puis, Oeo. Drevsen, Carl The paymenl plan for something llmd, Chffo dV ctor; 48, Lawrience dictIon, Rev. Powers.1 the studen Ie ture course. Fred W. Korff wa.<; born at Av - Lund,/-hl, Wm. Fred Wayne's city council lIut one neecLo; WIth certainty not Hansen, Alice Heilwagen. For the junior-sembI' banquctJat rath, a Br ok!lyn made his ca, Ncb., AprIl 7, 1900. With is Bnght, E H. Barelman, Fred reorgamzalion al called meeting of to exceed one's capacity to pay, Dtstnct 51,IDotis West; 5..3, Presbytcnan chmch,1 Robert C n- operatic d m Pagliacci" at parents, Henry Kor:ffs, he m{) - Pull', Geo. Svrtth, Otto Tuesday evening. Carl E Wright pcrmlts a llurchase Wayne Andeden; 55,. Eleanor ninghan;t' will slOg .$OIOS, and the Metro 11tan: , ed to Hartington .when a child a d Mermu* JOIynsen, Wm. Morse, G, Was elected president of council for that could not otherwise 6e made. Dorqthy Stamm, Raymond Frank Gamble, Donald Wright ar d Kat.z cl b mounting of came to m 1919. He w W. Geo. Sweigard, jr., Ed. the ensuing year, and the following But practice of to one KlIng; 56, MOrris; 58, Viola Paul Youpg will givl,'! quartet the VICtO ,ell to south of Art employed m Wayne L Lindsay, Henry Bush, L. J. Bl'ess- appointments were approved: Wa- payment plan after anotPier until t Miller, Rarbe; 59, Harley bers. ELWayne FleE,1twood acLs as (Conti on Page Two), :-V 0rks and. ,also as deputy to t IeI' and Bert Lewis. ·ter comrniBslQner, Walter S. Bress- nIlC'S income has. been nearly,ab- Bard, Haglund; 60, 001'- er and tal IS will be gi en -- --l .$ city He. went to Sioux. C ty leI'; city physteian,- Dr. G. J. Hess; fiorbcd With not CliOugh_ Ito meet othy PippiH, Marian Walker, Ella by Gel' ldine Gam Ie, Mr. Stlld nits NamCll 8 rys asSJBtant clerk for he 1-'hirly Counties <letual IIce(':ssitICB, sonn lands ore- 61, Alden Dunklau; 62, and Wi! I' Penhollo . "Ships R He was obli ed lht Oil thl' rocks and multiplies MarVIn DaVIS; 63, Gordon Fisher; Sailing" 11s the ban uet theme lnd. In Honor Group to give up hiS work a few ye,rs hllrUt'ns thllt far fltlLwcigh satis- 65: Clatr Swanson.' Francis Den.. Include Decorati ns, . ago and had spent much of t;lhe factl{ln of lhe things unwisely CSJa; 66, 1vfiClvin Mlller; 68, Dean Peace, ngston, arjorle LeI' CI', -- time 1n Wayn,e sInce., i plissessp(]. The payment plan 1S an Bruggeman.; 69, Kenneth Gamble, Neva.1o es and za a GiHord; 1'0- Seven Are Recommended Korf·f rnarned Evc yn advalltage if not ovcrworked, ,btlt Dorothea Temme: 70, Margaret gram, Geraldtne Gamble, Ra hel As Candidates For Adamson 0: FUlle:ton .3, It IS often dl.'mslrollsly overworked. Ann paulstn; 72, Joye Bush; 73, Hansen, Marjorie IUs and EI- uiition Award 1927, _ He Hi survtVcd by hIS lie A salesman 1S sometimes at fault Clal'ke Ka, Darrell Puckett; 78, wayne Fleetwood' nd menu dpal and t'laughter, Ka.thryn Lou. e III tllgmg a selieH of Willard c 1 apman, Clarence Pfeif- Granquist, Ruth J'u Ison and' dar- Univer ilt of Nebraska offers aLso leaves mother, Mrs. Alv na Without knowing whether his cus. fer; 79, ettr Gray, Elsie Dang- roN I scholarsh p to honor graduate of U:orfl', and five brothers and Ive tom'er 1.'> ahlc to h:ll1dlc the obhga- berg, 1, Jumor committe havin I h l' e each N ta sj{a offenl1.g SIsters, Mrs. Anna Soeawer of tlOll III nol Meyer; 82, . '. gC It g four years of accredited work, Uus Hartmgton, Edward of Nor! lk, . Lnt'ene WI tier, rlonald Rohde, 83, of de'CoratlOns and I herlllg at to exem tt e holder fur two sem- Herman of Fordyce, Will of Ob rt, , Violet S tho 84 Leo Stephens falaureate and com t.mcement !lU- estcrs fr m tuition fees which am- Frank of Wayne, John of Manville, A Norma E1diC'; 86, George cludes Carroll sen, Elw&yne ount to $6 to $80. Tite Wayne N. D., Mrs. S, H. Dirks of Cl"'- that tbe government pays 999 sal- berg; 88, Donald Quinn, Elvin Fleetwood, Jun:or Nelson, 1 uth comrnitt e n tUition ldge, Mrs. John Urwiler of La rel, ancoS pf $10,000 or more per year, Swinney; Trmity Lutheran, Hos- Judson, Geraldme Gamble and scholars ip, composed of Miss ,1M- Mrs. Holland Bowers of Sea tie, 'and 7,223 that vary from $5,000 t{) kins, OriIlj Ruhlow, IRuth Frey; Betsy VonSeggern. I sie Boyc, Frof. F. q:.. Dale and and Mrs. Arlo Weigel, of I $10.000 It would ;ie-em that many Trimty L1,l:theran, Altona, Norma To Traok MISS Cla'a E. Smothers, announces Nehgh. in the federal service could not Meyer, Arnold Siefken Leslie Coach Robert G bb Will the stll ents who constitute the Mr. Korff was a member of Jearn $10.000 OJ morc a year, but it YoungmeIer, Willard Hale; 76, three to the state track medt In upper 10 percent of the 1935 senIOr Methodist U1 15 doubtful If anyone receives more Sholes, MIller, Florence Root, next Saturday. class fo corulideraUol'l in awal'd- Sl.OUX CIty.. He was also afflh ted lhan he needs lo get along on in L.eona 9, Ber- Cunmngham or the Jaf",ehn ing the ctlolarship follows in Wlth Masomc lodge. view the high CO>its imposed in mcelLangenberg, Leslie-Borchardt. a?d Shot, Richard Wallace fa the order of Ray Dover, Madlson, Those here from out bf t wn Wa.<;hlllgton o(flClal circles. The -- .. high hurdles and' Di le Alderso for 94.09, p science major; Le- Sunday for the funeral were ohn ha.blt of ehal'gmg an officer an he I Fair Track· the shot. . land Da &15) Wayne, '92.96, physi- Theis and Mrs. NClllie.SChwal,er stand Seems to have been Wayne htgh will have and cal srCie Fefn Cr:awford, and son, Albert, of Ne1braska ity, CUl'efuHy fa..,>hlOned and' st,eadfa'<lt- For Summer Racing jUntor high 15 to 120 boys the Wayne, 9 .91, German major; the first two brother and sister of \ malntamcd in the city of Wash- That Wayne count fair will Northeast (j:onfereI1jce track rown, Wflyne, 9188, Mrs Alvina Korff'; Mr. a.nd Mr . F. mg'lon, antllhc only way to ji1stify have more than res bl . at Randolph next' Monday. Stu- English major; Clarence Sorensen, A. Ray of Omaha" Mrs Anna St eh - !"pduced salaries would appear to track for the dents will lO the invit tion 91.72, mathematics ma- ner and children, Mrs. Will eu- ), bl' to l'C'Vlse Hving expcnses and planned ffr July 16 17 d 18' even,ts at Wayne c?llege Saturday, Jor; W. Irene Daws, Randolph, halfen, Mr. and, Mrs. Frank. of· cial IeqUll'ements downward We opinion a local .' i':s May 18, and Junior high of tl)e city 91.56, athematics' major' and tus, John Neub.alfen -and Will have never heard of a the and training have a dual LaVern X. rSOD ' Wayne, . 91.52, ney and son of Hartington, I Offi('lal b;ecoming wealthy, and changes ave been made ,in the meet next Wednesday. Enghsh m Jor I ward Korff of Norfolk, and Wi fPresent Play dOll?tless rea.son is that he grounds 0 make the track meet nell Telephone The 0 mittee recommended Mrs. Herman Korff and of Fan t economIze e.ven though he racing company showedh;otion pictures that tI e]ighcst ranking student Fordyce, Mr. and Mrs. WIll orff n Church Nearby has every lllchnati{)11 to do so. If Field west part of grounds to high school TUC.'3day. Parts of should e ffcred the scholarship. and son of Obert, NIT' and "Hb'" C Ch ' ... . a fellt)w could live in Wayne and! where ae displayed machin a telephone, making of carblC.'3 al- If he d )es not accept it goeR to John Korff of Manville, N. D J Mr domes t artie IS the being prepared as rapidly as pos· draw a flttcd to autos l:I,n electrical eXhibrts, Ii.Cd sending ceiving'and ra- next in ra lk and so provldlllg and Mrs, S. H. Dirlul and fIllY, y be slole this county. . tOll, ,he couIi:l accept curtaIled .m- been ed off and the draws fill- dto were the SI;l,bJe ts. that th OI e to whom it goes Mr, and. Mrs. Gene. Peck and oun1,folkS of Agncultural agents from ,come and shll layaway .something ed m WIth dirt brought from, fa" Seniors will li',P g ests of AA U I be m t e pper 10 percent of his Frank MIller of ColerIdge, Mr and Yh h' I th ' Cedar, Stanton, Thurston, f II ey ., , M J h U 'I df 'I T c ur . n e cast are the fOllOW-I P' d w t' or 1e prover 1101. ramy day Side. SOlje spots were filled in as W at tea Saturd y . class. t dents eligible for Lhe rs. a n rWJ er an allll, .. I M I son, ierce an ayne coun Ies Washington and othel' much. a:l., 10 feet. At' southwest Reservef> m ; Tuesda and award 1the committee and Dr. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. rank wheat co,m- &ource.s of llvmg cXp<!nse should corner LjL track the loW point mad I f U tb U. S. nnlMondaybutnoappOlnt- SutherlandandiMt.andMrs. 'T' M G·II N ' pliance mstructlOn gJven by R. A. gct into the habit.of shea.rir g about and feet of dirt t pans or 1. rno er- ment as made, the: matler betn6' Urwiler of Laurel; Mrs. H. S. 1m c n, . ora's sweetheart, Spence of Lincoln. lie officials. les.<; elaborately and so was add d to raise the track level eel' this Fr::tday deferre 0 e week" ers and Barbara .Tean and Wolter, Mrs. Fanny Agent G. H. Liggett and Herman 1H'lp m the dtrectlon uf popUlar I'e. The hig pomt of track on north M The 0 mittce to of Sea;tUe.. E, Smith Podoll were m .Norfolk last week I .;:;======::i:::;¥ lief side cut wbout three feet sponsor. i . Dr. Co n for h(lnohible mention grade" Ml1. an M:S. you g man L M Doc'tor' for wheat meetmg. . " to aVOId np-hill slant. The in- the fo l' ditiortal seniors whose of SIOUX; 1 City, Mi'is Mary eler- Ted Hartley his old-ti'me' colle Some second payments In WidcSI,rel.ld AIl'S('Ill:(1 of .-oint, has been leveled down -- --- . sohola shi are over 90 Of Ornana. Mr .. and pal, Clair Vivian 1934 corn-hog program are COn1lnf A htlndred-miIf?c motor trip Sun- sldprably, fully three feet being Grade Op retta percen 0 er the I-dilUte college Ernest Mr, and Mrs. C.ar; Ker e, LarrY's girl.fricnd Ada for Wayne county. . day, touching sevl"rllI towns. I tte _ taken .at the highest point. .' course. hey are; Georgia Howe, Cunmngham'and Mr. Mrs, Wal Aleck Twi' s in S c0D:dueted a bee kee : waled a ghastly lack of paith, In additIOn, the entire track has At e School Schuyl r, -91.17; Rrudulph Ring: Ad\a.moon of Fu,l1 rton, cha ge of Charlie, Erwin er' meetmg Friday at t?C L-e 1 BuUdlngs have been neglected dur- been over, and a one..,board _ _ " Wakef eld, 90.88; Was- Mr, and Tom Adamsof and Cha lIe Hopps,' Lar '8 ward, rI M' GIese farm 11 from Wayne an Ing and tb..e lJ. e .9 d jof fence wllch slants trackward wi1J. I .- ----- J seJ'lbur er Montrose 9069' Qnd'lla Mr. and Mrs. Robert ,AI- D .. M rry . Stanton countIes attended. new paint is most stnkingly i P -' d .-arollnd inside of track, e T Present May Bacon 'ndolph 901 . ,a bion. All returned home aftf, tbe I, oc Caro me Smythe Ner- Miss Jessie Green of LiiH:Olb, parent. When property owne S, lind wir one at west tmn: Tl!!!h Feature (fnesday On ,The' co l' ecom-' fUll...eral excepting 'Mrs. Howe and :e y : s Verna WOI- conducts instruction for - woIhfin s.eeing their way out of the dept' d fence is to J- ..... _ H mende, t at a .aI lion childret).· wlho will remain for 'i mer my he Kersey. VJ- leaders of 4-H clubs: today, I Rion, fcel they cun nffold to I'C- two-boaj·d for racing Ibecause" . w ) ere. . . Vla Is Kenneth Lessman. J paint and It Hl Ii serlOUS question horses scrape their legs on On .1"::; Day" is the schola sh'p overfS' t four- ear ._Burr - . - E A -I whether they catt longer afford lower b6ard when crowded against operetta W?lch '11 be presented course them the John Carhart, Wm. McEac en, J. Mre-:St-ltdent-S-WQrk- _ myerson nll< G"sn .t to rcpalUt 1t would seem he fence labor IS be\ng use(1 for the pUbltc ne, t: Wec'lnesd8:Y five p rcbnt of the class, They M. Strahan, W. S. Brcssler nq D. J", C 'II B' ard-s--bose !WIHld's supply ot: palnto 'Would lOt for the , ternoon, May 15, at 2 on the east shall as graduating P, Miller. P:Of 0 oXl!rl Oats at was boug} equal the denymu. And the ;soq or l:- ' lawn of Wayne schbol. with onors. The students in this I. .... , I stead. holdlllg .regular col-' a: t Emerson and gr In lhe epidemic of wpamtlng sets in, Chlcp;ens Returned MlSS Re ve IS director and year's class entitled to this lecog- Fanske of PIerce, lSlted lcg C, A, meeting Wednes· fmus by a man who iJ.lsed a Wa e the sooner WIll the life of ptopc ty 1Beall teachers of t e grades are mtton are'Ray Dover Leland Dan. the L. A. Faoskes here Su;u ay, - day! evenmg, members, ,worke,d out man's naIfe on a Wayne ba k be renc.'Wed Yl ourt To Owners sisling. Three aypoles will be nals a d Fern hours in caJl?pus work for check, The whom t e ( h -- John Ulricb, found not guil- wound by Sutth. s venLh and e<ghth Ha old Hehde,son, athlete t,pm elevator managers Ihought wasl a or Ier.:es J)e(".Jaro ty of hlcken theft Wednesday graders ,J\:!if er.son, Iowa, who W8.§ in Waype bona fide farmer, made arrange- of the ive tribes of In ia m6rnin In county court, but nine ,In the :M;eyer is ,hos ital from seri9us to bUy th.e grain .and hauled b.0posf' to h p ng cblcken in Ms po",e"lon weee ord- the fal,.,. queen d Ma,jorie Berg t Beemer FaJ!m ,bu ns an accident. Hen- lt away in a trlUle",glvmg a Chtek I orge 8 stlver J. ilee by' not st al- urned to thcJr own rs 'tiv(e the little girl wh is shown how to ."1 IdeI' on is Wayne college's star bpx-, which proved to bear anotber p' r- {ng :attIe for a yea, pue hundred to Mr , Anna Kopp and tb care for" her fJ era. 'Kinder '1'- Offl e are E the leI', having participated in the 001-, son's signature, Ofticers.are sea.r h" leading men of the tribe have vol" Mrs. D K. Sevy. i' ten children will' sunbeams f'rSt flndi f several sets of bar C5S de (1loves tourneys in Oftlaha andl lng for party. I untarlly offered'this suspension of raclers re sunbonne ' l' at th 0 to Pmeas farm north t Ch cago. " " " i < stealing out of respect to the Bn. g .t: 11 Bed 11' f eS and of r, Preuss told C. . i Tn1nstent Is Held. ruler. If there is honor among I ::;wnit n u:;;,: gra- H. S s that he bought thCl;tr-, To nter state Contest, Railroa.d cars have been , thfe'ves. WI' often suggested, tpe I and :f. th ,sec- ness. h riff P.le tnvest! t- etty awklns of Wayne, VV 1n - 1 a.nd clgarets talten, these -sold i In agreement be kept. Stopping and gr d er; :: ed th s k to see it any he. eas ne . of the county spelling Wayne. Officers arc in chB:rge of , on Page' Fnhr) and graders g from .Wayne farD1S \waa wi I enter the r,;tate competitio£ in the matter nod a transient is be g J, , ,', ·1. owerI'!. ,bl none 0 aha Saturday.' .,, J held for investigation. l'l'!i!. ,:,, I , I ..,,' 1'- I I,,' .. i

Transcript of ( LATE TA'TNE HER LD FO~7~~a~:;~:~t~~:';.~:1 I ...newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald...


Reot'ganization Effected AtCalled Mee,,~gTuesday




I • --- I~

E DO not wish lo discotlr-


' age the growing of hemp,ut we do wish to pass on toarmel'S ,suggestions of cautionffered by the department of

rgronomy, Nebraska college ofgriculture. The department

;vises that since 1915 hemprowlllg shifted largely to Wis,.onsin and that it does besthere the rainfall amounts to

hirty or more inches per year.n accOlUlt of decreased de­

fnand, finding a market for the

IrOduct is the problem faced byrowers, according to the de­artment's report. "So far asan be learned -by an impartialnvestigation, none of the hemproduced by farmers in theseromotional areas in Minnesota

t~~eI~:::e:~~~titl~tJ~~dai~~o flbcr except that which W{iSor experImental and trial ptir~

loses," says the report. It clos_es by saying: "The departmentof agronomy of the Nebraskacollege of agriculture, suggestsgreat cautlot1__on tbe part offarmers in obflgatlllg - [hem­selves for payments for tbegrowing of hemp and for ma~

chmery and factories for ltSmanufacture." Anyone Whocontempla~es devo~ing acreageto hemp and who is not fullysatisfIed as to thc W1.Sdom of do_:ing so, might 'well Wl'ite to thedepartment of agronomy for in­formation,

( LATEFO~7~~a~:;~:~t~~:';.~:1 TA'TNE HER LD

-Burden. On Official Sal- .~,~,I. '" 'aries-Need of New Paint I~~~~~~~~~~=~-c-~~~~::~f~~t~~~c-+t-;;'~it~~~~-:-;~~~~~~t~~~::~:~~:~:::t~~:~~~~::~==~~~~~~:~~d!-Tribe in India Suspends - _.-Stealing for Yea,', . .~~EBRASl{,A~. THUR.sD_AY~M. 2_9 , 1935, -'-~-------_._--_._-

~ 'II", ""I ",'ml Co,,,, bad' ,"'"k· EIGHTH IGRADERS A~~~~&~ gHi ~ow '~egion Presents DISTRIC'T'-C-O'U-RT,~l ~tle~ fOI ~~;e late FtJUllder~' (lay I MUCH PEOP .~ OWN Awards rro Four

;?1f.~1~~i.::3::I;I;1~;':~::'~~~;£~d~1COMPliETE TESTS A~~~~~~~\~'~~I~:: y ~~~~~~ Public Program Is Planned TERM CONnNESIf special inYltat~ons.-flavored to ~- possessions, . A fell neV'er r. Tuesday At City Schoolfipectal taste and 'bearing special Lqr~ne Wittler Ranks The feels poorer than w n an as- -Clos~. f· h ..Year Activities To Honor Pupils. Jwacmth we'e wanted by ch,om- Highest 'n Scholarohip 'e"o' ask. for an io rvlew, If Oc up lIan;zations lcw," Bea" post, American Le- ury Is Called Monday

~:~~,I;~;~s~t;;;~~~~~~'I~~~~~'~~,~~ I In Wa ne Coul1ty. ~:~~e,~y ~:~~~~~~ a~~e t~:~ ~t a e Collelle. gwn will plesent awa!cts to etghth TAs~~:~:dT~~:~.~ffor complaint. The banquet was ['I f~.~hC 136 Ct,ghth grad.erSt~akir~g more a yellr ago tha he had Interestin ptans are under way ~~~~~~;,o~:.a~,e:,~~~o~ ;r~~r~a~ District court jury is called forop~n to anynn~ who wished t(J m- I~, n aym: co nty exanuna tons in the yearl before he i very tor- on campus 'Il for the tbird annual 1 I t M d,'('st the price. and it could have April, 106 pa sed the tests. Sev- tunate. a,td ha~ been standing parents' day th~s Friday, to which ~~ ~~;~~~ya~~~i~~t~sdc~~~~r~ ~::'l of °c:s~ =';e~i~u:~~~yt~;~e('mcll otheTwise only to a quix- en~h graders ~aking ,the examina.- the ills o~ depression d drouth parents of a 'Qllege students have s f J dOl' Cht on, Jr, 0 city schooL and Mary u ge mton ase. of Stanton.ntlc nnllt!. twistl;'d by preconceived lqns lllu;nrbere 149. rhe tests WIll in rcma kably, succe ful fash- been invite, y, W. C, A. span- Sharer and Glen Giese of traimn Cases of ttte Stat.e of Nebraska, ex II)l'~'Jtld'-t'(' 'lod accustumed to man-u- be gJ-ve~a.i.f Ma.y J.5. ion. O~ account the pro- SOl'S the afif '1', Last year 110 via- ~chool, have been named winners 0 reI, Ne'\tie Behmer, vs. Walterfapt\ll"lIlg hobgoblms out of notb- ,!M19S' Pea.rl 'Sowen -l:e~~ J-'9r- longed Buniahment Of the times iUng paren r~steredduring the the ruwards whioh are based on han IFletcher, bastardy charge, and themg ene WIttler qf district 8 having the aSS:f.s~d volume will gen~.r· day, _ or, courage, scholarship, leadershi State of N~braska vs. Glenn Foltz,

~ Drool~'ilg [Jut references to the h*hest a~rate, 93. Er Baker ally and ltlcYltably fa.ll considcrr Special c apel ass~mbly is plan~ and scrvI'Ce, Bronz~ medals and C1 corn 'theft charge, are set for trial.day'~ program as "standpat". ofI' 33 IS seco~d .with. a~d Ruth ably ~elpw the usu{tl st~ndard. ned for 11 'clqCk, featurmg vIolin lations £tom the national Le.g:i - _ M£.tl~_Otwr caSf:S IWsigned for Id(,l~med cOfl('1wuvcly dammng In Fl'C-vert of 3 IS thu'd with 91 But W1ti;! normal crops thIS y~r number~, d voponals, welcome to WIll be presented the young folks hearing -aC1his term of court arethe ab~{"nce of ratlOnal argumcn~ Those WIth verages ofl90 arc and, the .eonsequent.JJ1srg!!:!~n_ parents by 1U ' S, Conn reprei ~rofl K. N. Parke, L. W. Me the follOWing: Fred iBart~1S vs.

nnly llgl1tJy conceals an under- Florenee Roo I o~ Shale;>, Betty C~J..llmod~ty dcma.nds, assessors senung-the--c lege..~~ath~ ~a~t}~d Dr. J. C. Johnson coml Earl Wade, ~uit on rent note ap­tow of rankJ1I1g envy and! disap- GI:>ay of 79, E:!jtnstme Le~i~r of ~1, WILl nex.t y~ar fwd ~m<lre cbat- ryn Greensl t 0 Stanton, for the Y. pllse tJhe-L;e&1{nrcommi-tt-ee mak _ p~a~ed fr~m county c.9urt by ~ade;polntl'd ambitIOn. 1f resistance -to M1yrna Rehm~s of, 31, Viiolet Snuth \" tela to hst and ~hear. IWan'dOa' Am'oa

tde.,lesDPoa~~,'lYYBanadfe~tsheo't Illg the awar.tl.9. The committe Earl TanrenllOlz vs~,' W:.m. Deck,

threats ,LImed at cOllslltutlOnal 11- 0683, and Wilma Gemmell of 18. < ,vaU: < .was aided bY:1 pupils of the ,eight damages growmg 01,lt of a car ac~l:el"tl('s thlt'ah<; -ft:ont::..:.~bHreaucra-_ liThe eighth,gnders who have Beemer, a d Alice McGregor of gnde in rnak~ng choice, eident; Dam Christensen vs. GusIll: f,l1l.\CICS \,n the oll(;-h~"l-nd and'f91lShr?-tfie ~rk'lneIUde. the!al- PL'A'N-fROti~~ Santee; will sirlg solo numbets, and Tuesday's program Will bc. a. Bodenstedt, SUIt on a note; Statedpma~oglc Illpacy en the other I.'; Idwmg' DtstICt 1, Norma Jean - ,_. _ -- . _ ~ g'lrls tri ~mposed of Helen follows: Song~ by all, talk by Pro. of Nebraska vs (Luther Barnes,a "slandpal" polICy. then lhe ICj.~e Harrison, Ph Ilia Kiney; 2, VIctor - - l_ Jone8=Of - :a e, Josephine Ryan Parke, address by Supt. H. charge of changmg a cream check;\\"a}lll' nwdlllg may pc currectly pblel:sen, EI, ie Hammer, Cleva [OR GRADUATE~ o~ Norfol.k, n Miss Gre~nsli~, wl~l Be-'lt, prCo$Emtation of awards by E. J. Auker vs. Frank r:... HICks, de_·I'

. su chal"U(tellzl'(l. If so, }llOrC Jbrgensen; 3,1 Lavern Falk, Arlene 1 smg. Mtss Jo es~ Ilr$dent-elect A Renard and music., ' " ta.mer case appealed from Jusltce"~tandpat" nll'ctlngs arc needed to ~alker; 4, M:lmford Walker, Mand-

I- I of the~. . C

1A. for year 1935-36 Wayne Legion post sponsore court; state of:'Nebraska vs. Alvin

lIlfurm lhe pf.)pulaue alld arouae a v~lle Kai; 6, 11ren'e Suber. James I will presid a chapel service. lhe same proJect last ,;year for th Rennick, mtoxlCation and posses-mnvrment to the soundly progres- Bl'Ickson, Le~natd Roberts, War- ~- 1 Tours of he campus are fllanned fIrst lime and medals were the sion of liquor, appealed; BobbieSlY<' nllddl(' course. If bawling re/l Erlandson; 7,. James McG~llre, Rev. Fay Mills Wlill Deliver for early ~ te Inoon . ~others will presented to Betty Helen Elli, Johnson vs. Iver Prmce, et aI.,,~tatldp'll" IS llH' ultlOiatepowCl"of Gertrude Mc~uistan, Otto Thom-, Baccalaureate ISermon ce entertal e~ at tea m Neihardt Wayne McMaster, Larhyha Wht - damage actIOn charging .slander;1\. am sec page in denot1J1g oPpoSi- sen, Mary L4u Brudigan; 8, War. For Senior Class I h~ll fro~ to 5 o'clock, and each mUle and Donald Strahan. C. A. Berry vs. Frank. Griffith, jr.,tlOtl. It call mean l10thmg mOle rCI1 Bressleq-;ll, Gft>rge Voss! Ev- ~" wtll recel." a carnati~n as favor. --~---~-- SUIt on grocery account, appealedU.an all l'XPIPSSlOll of ugly ill Will Rlyn ~pengIC'r; 12, AlVIn Johnson; Baccalaureate ¢rY1ces f~r Fathers, In the meantime, WIll be Rites On Sunday ~ from county court; and Martha E.{It lill' flapdoou]e 01 menl,1i vacu- ~8, Wtlma Gemmell, Hooker LeW,- W~ne high schpol'.s Jl seniors wi I gues~ at. trai::.k ,meet ,between Rohrke vs. W. ·F. Langenberg,tty. IS, .19, Twllaj Herman; 20, Richard be ~eld Suhday evehi~£' May 12, t MormngsId, 1Midland and. Bu~na I~'or }'red Korf suit on a 10te

.. __ IBaler, 21, NJ;ildred Schroeder. 8 at the Presbyterianl church, Juri~ VISta COlle~es, Omaha Wllverslty JUdge Chase was here Tuesday. South Ualw1:1 Sual(cd. District 23, George Steele, Ar- ior~senior [banquet is I cheduled fck and the WI. deats, . and entered lulings. Damage ac~

Llkp lttha.hll:mls· of nOl'th Ne- nold' Ob.c:t; 45, DeLOyd Meyer; 28, May 16, arId comme cement fIr In charg of the affalr are Ger- Methodist Pastor And Tie tionfiled by George Reuter againsthta.<;ka th()sp III South 'Dakota aU' nOlth, Donald Wack{,l" Manon Da- Wednesday. May 22, 1iVhen Rcv. , trude Bru~ ofNorfolk,a-ctingp,;,e- Masonic Order Have Armand Bierman was dismI~ed. - -.---.------J"('J"H lllg- over a fall 'If mOIsture Its. Allen Christensen, Frederick .1. DaVIes of Sioux C~~y IS speake. slde{Lt who seJ;ves as general chalr~ S' H Glenn Foltz was, arrajgned and en WRIG HT HEADS"Ullllllg Aptll fat ltl ('X(,C'SS of nOI' Niemann, 28, sdt:lth Ruth Render; Progmt)1 for baccalaureate ~s man: Mar a~ Noakes .of Wayne, erVlces ere. tewd plea ~f n~_l g~dlty to cor~ I

~, . tI TIl(' l'nllle state lo the 1l0!th 31. Talitha .Janke, Myrna Reh· announced by L F. Good as fdl- publtclty ~ aIrman, ViV1a~ Nelson \ Funeral services were condUcli\\ theft,One paragraph of the charge ,h,1,s beell 'ifldl\\'d. and fatmerR are mus, RUHsell Thomson, Christme lows: ProcessiOnal, Mrs. H ~. of ,,:,akefl Id, l;I.nd C~thanne Rich Sund,lyafternoon at 2 at Meth ~ filed,'by Bebtie Johnson agamst Iv-,,,ltev('d by t1r pt ospl't'l of raislt1o- LcukPI; 32. ~l'ma Schlake; 33, Ruth Welch· lllvocatton B.ev M. ~. of SlOUX C t~ co-chaIrmen for the (list church for Fred Korff, 35, woeI' PrInce WfU'! stricken out. Veta ClTV COUNCILf1!1lll1l1 ClOpS '1l::-aHl South [Ul~1 Fl't'Vl'rt, Cltqrord Baker, Erwin B Power~, "Cherulbim Song" ~y t~a,. and a ne DIetz of Norfolk, thed Wednesday, May 1, In LI • WIlson was granted divorce ftom:"I11:lhv,.{'sl states bave nol been so ker, :'l4, WII~\lll Wieland, Elta Nc schaIkmVsky, hIgh school chor IS c airman or~he tours. coIn where he was receivIng ca e Layton WIlson.1ottllnate, but last weck lhey IC- sell, 3[1, C1C1l Harper; 36, Roy directed hy Kermit Ste.wart; scn _ Rei?ald ~rennt.th, cela.bl'ated If01 heart trouble WIth 'which e Jury su;mmoned mcludes .John(Plv{'d I'!l()ugh snow and!'alll lo Joi'tn;ion; 4~) Walter BlC\ch, Helen ture and prayer, Rev. W C Hql- AmerIcan ba tone, assisted by had been III for several years. R v. Gettman, Martin Madsen, Carl~etllt' tlll' du:-;t and lllSpUC hope Gerl('mann'J~{)11nelt Hoeman; 41, denrcich; Isermon, "How to Llv~," M.1SS LoU! e ernhardt, contralto, Fay Mills ~nd HISCOX sClvicc h d Lage, !:"'red Brunc, Eph Becken-

Harold Ap~,); 44, Ernest JUllc.k; Rev. Fay MIlls; "Apthol' df Li,e Wlll prese t .rog~·a~ at the college charge and Masons conducted co - hauer, .Henry Fleer, Tom Smith,,I'a:\ nU'lIt I'lau AhlL'Iod. 46, Loms BJ'ogJln; 47, Cole Hag- DiVInC:' Py 'l'hnnan, Ichorus, be*- Mondaye en ng III fmal number of nutlat at Greenwood cemetery. Ernest Puis, Oeo. Drevsen, Carl

The paymenl plan for something llmd, Chffo d V ctor; 48, Lawrience dictIon, Rev. Powers.1 the studen Ie ture course. Werren~ Fred W. Korff wa.<; born at Av - Lund,/-hl, Wm. MI~,deldt, Fred Wayne's city council tlnde~entlIut one neecLo; WIth certainty not Hansen, Alice Heilwagen. For the junior-sembI' banquctJat rath, a Br ok!lyn pr~duct, made his ca, Ncb., AprIl 7, 1900. With is Bnght, E H. Barelman, Fred reorgamzalion al called meeting ofto exceed one's capacity to pay, Dtstnct 51,IDotis West; 5..3, Presbytcnan chmch,1 Robert C n- operatic d b~t m Pagliacci" at parents, th~ Henry Kor:ffs, he m{) - Pull', Geo. Svrtth, Otto Ge~·leman, Tuesday evening. Carl E Wrights(~melilnes pcrmlts a llurchase Wayne Andeden; 55,. Eleanor ninghan;t' will slOg .$OIOS, and ~e, the Metro 11tan: , ed to Hartington .when a child a d Mermu* JOIynsen, Wm. Morse, G, Was elected president of council forthat could not otherwise 6e made. Jo~es, Dorqthy Stamm, Raymond Frank Gamble, Donald Wright ard Kat.z cl b ~rOJed, mounting of came to W~yne m 1919. He w W. Alb~rt, Geo. Sweigard, jr., Ed. the ensuing year, and the followingBut practice of y~cllJing to one KlIng; 56, ~dwin MOrris; 58, Viola Paul Youpg will givl,'! quartet n~- the VICtO ,ell to south of Art employed m Wayne ;~onum L Lindsay, Henry Bush, L. J. Bl'ess- appointments were approved: Wa-payment plan after anotPier until t Miller, Ei~een Rarbe; 59, Harley bers. ELWayne FleE,1twood acLs as (Conti U~d on Page Two), :-V0rks and. ,also as deputy to t ~ IeI' and Bert Lewis. ·ter comrniBslQner, Walter S. Bress-nIlC'S income has. been nearly,ab- Bard, Mar~aret Haglund; 60, 001'- toastm'a~,er and tal IS will be gi en -- --l .$ city ~erk. He. went to Sioux. C ty leI'; city physteian,- Dr. G. J. Hess;fiorbcd With not CliO ugh_ Ito meet othy PippiH, Marian Walker, Ella by Gel' ldine Gam Ie, Mr. G;~d Stlld nits NamCll -~\tra8

rys asSJBtant clerk for he 1-'hirly Counties<letual IIce(':ssitICB, sonn lands ore- Lenser~ 61, Alden Dunklau; 62, and Wi! I' Penhollo . "Ships ~-d'" R eompa~IY. He was obli edlht Oil thl' rocks and multiplies MarVIn DaVIS; 63, Gordon Fisher; Sailing" 11s the ban uet theme lnd. In Honor Group to give up hiS work a few ye,rshllrUt'ns thllt far fltlLwcigh satis- 65: Clatr Swanson.' Francis Den.. commI~es Include Decorati ns, . ago and had spent much of t;lhefactl{ln of lhe things unwisely CSJa; 66, 1vfiClvin Mlller; 68, Dean Peace, ngston, arjorle LeI' CI', -- time 1n Wayn,e sInce., iplissessp(]. The payment plan 1S an Bruggeman.; 69, Kenneth Gamble, Neva.1o es and za a GiHord; 1'0- Seven Are Recommended ~r. Korf·f rnarned MI~ Evc ynadvalltage if not ovcrworked, ,btlt Dorothea Temme: 70, Margaret gram, Geraldtne Gamble, Ra hel As Candidates For Adamson 0: FUlle:ton A:llg~st .3,It IS often dl.'mslrollsly overworked. Ann paulstn; 72, Joye Bush; 73, Hansen, Marjorie IUs and EI- uiition Award 1927, _ He Hi survtVcd by hIS lieA salesman 1S sometimes at fault Clal'ke Ka, Darrell Puckett; 78, wayne Fleetwood' nd menu dpal • and t'laughter, Ka.thryn Lou. eIII tllgmg a selieH of paymen~ Willard c

1a pman, Clarence Pfeif- Granquist, Ruth J'u Ison and' dar- Univer ilt of Nebraska offers aLso leaves~ mother, Mrs. Alv na

Without knowing whether his cus. fer; 79, ettr Gray, Elsie Dang- roN Pe~ersen. I scholarsh p to honor graduate of U:orfl', and five brothers and Ivetom'er 1.'> ahlc to h:ll1dlc the obhga- berg, 1, Jumor committe havin I h l' e each N ta sj{a co~lel;e offenl1.g SIsters, Mrs. Anna Soeawer oftlOll III nol D1StrtC~81, ~eona Meyer; 82, . '. g C It g four years of accredited work, Uus Hartmgton, Edward of Nor! lk,

. Lnt'ene WI tier, rlonald Rohde, 83, of de'CoratlOns and I herlllg at JP~c. to exem t t e holder fur two sem- Herman of Fordyce, Will of Ob rt,, Violet S tho 84 Leo Stephens falaureate and com t.mcement !lU- estcrs fr m tuition fees which am- Frank of Wayne, John of Manville,

A w~~~':::;~::~Il~::~II~rl(':bherves Norma E1diC'; 86, George Nurn~ cludes Carroll p~t sen, Elw&yne ount to $6 to $80. Tite Wayne N. D., Mrs. S, H. Dirks of Cl"'­that tbe government pays 999 sal- berg; 88, Donald Quinn, Elvin Fleetwood, Jun:or Nelson, 1uth comrnitt e n univer~ty tUition ldge, Mrs. John Urwiler of La rel,ancoS pf $10,000 or more per year, Swinney; Trmity Lutheran, Hos- Judson, Geraldme Gamble and scholars ip, composed of Miss ,1M- Mrs. Holland Bowers of Sea tie,

'and 7,223 that vary from $5,000 t{) kins, OriIlj Ruhlow, IRuth Frey; Betsy VonSeggern. I sie Boyc, Frof. F. q:.. Dale and wa~h., and Mrs. Arlo Weigel, ofI $10.000 It would ;ie-em that many Trimty L1,l:theran, Altona, Norma To Traok ~ects. MISS Cla'a E. Smothers, announces Nehgh.~ in the federal service could not Meyer, Arnold Siefken Leslie Coach Robert G bb Will ~al{e. the stll ents who constitute the Mr. Korff was a member ofJearn $10.000 OJ morc a year, but it YoungmeIer, Willard Hale; 76, three to the state track medt In upper 10 percent of the 1935 senIOr ~hitefi~ld Methodist Chttr~~ U1

15 doubtful If anyone receives more Sholes, g~il MIller, Florence Root, ~nco.ln next Saturday. ~4be:t class fo corulideraUol'l in awal'd- Sl.OUX CIty.. He was also afflh tedlhan he needs lo get along on in L.eona B~rt~Hng; 9, HO!~kins, Ber- Cunmngham g~es or the Jaf",ehn ing the ctlolarship ~ follows in Wlth Masomc lodge. ~view ~f the high CO>its imposed in mcelLangenberg, Leslie-Borchardt. a?d Shot, Richard Wallace fa the order of a~k: Ray Dover, Madlson, Those here from out bf t wnWa.<;hlllgton o(flClal circles. The -- .. ~ ~ high hurdles and' Dile Alderso for 94.09, p ys~cal science major; Le- Sunday for the funeral were ohnha.blt of ehal'gmg an officer an he IPrep~re Fair Track· the shot. . land Da &15) Wayne, '92.96, physi- Theis and Mrs. NClllie.SChwal,er(~atl stand Seems to have been Wayne htgh will have 1~' and cal srCie ce~majoI'; Fefn Cr:awford, and son, Albert, of Ne1braska ity,CUl'efuHy fa..,>hlOned and' st,eadfa'<lt- For Summer Racing jUntor high 15 to 120 boys a~ the Wayne, 9 .91, German major; the first two brother and sister of


~y malntamcd in the city of Wash- That Wayne count fair will Northeast (j:onfereI1jce track ~meet Char~en rown, Wflyne, 9188, Mrs Alvina Korff'; Mr. a.nd Mr . F.mg'lon, antllhc only way to ji1stify have more than res ~t bl . at Randolph next' Monday. Stu- English major; Clarence Sorensen, A. Ray of Omaha" Mrs Anna St


!"pduced salaries would appear to track for the :ari'-~u~ue~ r:~~~~ dents will comp~te lO the invit tion ~ncrof, 91.72, mathematics ma- ner and children, Mrs. Will eu­), bl' to l'C'Vlse Hving expcnses and so~ planned ffr July 16 17 d 18' even,ts at Wayne c?llege Saturday, Jor; W. Irene Daws, Randolph, halfen, Mr. and, Mrs. Frank. of·

cial IeqUll'ements downward We opinion a local .' a~h i':s May 18, and Junior high of tl)e city 91.56, athematics' major' and tus, John Neub.alfen -and Will rut~have never heard of a gover~mcnt promotlll~ the ~~~~~gC~~Si~:r~~I: and training s~ho01S have a dual LaVern X. rSOD ' Wayne, . 91.52, ney and son of Hartington, I~d-Offi('lal b;ecoming wealthy, and changes ave been made ,in the meet next Wednesday. Enghsh m Jor I ward Korff of Norfolk, MI~"and Wi fPresent PlaydOll?tless th~ rea.son is that he grounds 0 make the track meet NorthiWcster~, nell Telephone The 0 mittee recommended Mrs. Herman Korff and fa~ml ofFan t economIze e.ven though he racing ql~alificatlOns. company showedh;otion pictures that tI e]ighcst ranking student Fordyce, Mr. and Mrs. WIll orff n Church Nearbyhas every lllchnati{)11 to do so. If Field ~to west part of grounds to high school TUC.'3day. Parts of should e ffcred the scholarship. and son of Obert, NIT' and ~ri'l "Hb'" C Ch ' ... .a fellt)w could live in Wayne and! where a e displayed machin a telephone, making of carblC.'3 al- If he d )es not accept it goeR to John Korff of Manville, N. D J Mr ~rc domes t artie IS the being prepared as rapidly as pos·draw a sala~y flttcd to W~shing- autos l:I,n electrical eXhibrts, ~~ Ii.Cd sending and~rceiving'and ra- next in ra lk and so ~n, provldlllg and Mrs, S. H. Dirlul and fIllY, ':r~e y a::~~ndoa be ~;:~~~~d ~~ slole i~ this county. ~ .tOll, ,he couIi:l accept curtaIled .m- been lev~ ed off and the draws fill- dto were the SI;l,bJe ts. that th OI e to whom it goes sh~ll Mr, and. Mrs. Gene. Peck and oun1,folkS of Im~anuel Lu1hera~ Agncultural agents from Dixo~,

,come and shll layaway .something ed m WIth dirt brought from, fa" Seniors will li',P g ests of A A U I be m t e pper 10 percent of his Frank MIller of ColerIdge, Mr and Yh h' I th ' Cedar, Stanton, Thurston, Madl~f II b

~I' ~ ey ., • , M J h U 'I d f 'I T c ur . n e cast are the fOllOW-I P' d w t'or 1e prover 1101. ramy day Side. SOlje spots were filled in as W at tea Saturd y . class. t dents eligible for Lhe rs. a n rWJ er an allll, .. I M I son, ierce an ayne coun Ies

Washington I.a~dlol'ds and othel' much. a:l., 10 feet. At' southwest ~irl Reservef> m ; Tuesda and award 1the committee and Dr. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. rank ~~~ :~~, A~~~eL:Z~a~t.~:fi~~; ~?t her~ Mond~y fo~ wheat co,m­&ource.s of llvmg cXp<!nse should corner LjL track the loW point mad I f U tb ~ U. S. nnlMondaybutnoappOlnt- SutherlandandiMt.andMrs. J~mes 'T' M G·II N ' pliance mstructlOn gJven by R. A.gct into the habit.of shea.rir

gpu,b~ about on~ and o~e-half feet of dirt t ~ pans or 1. rno er- a~gh- ment as made, the: matler betn6' Urwiler of Laurel; Mrs. H. S. ~O'W- 1m c n, . ora's sweetheart, Spence of Lincoln.

lie officials. les.<; elaborately and so was add d to raise the track level eel' tnqu~t6t~0b:e- ~~ this Fr::tday deferre 0 e week" ers and Barbara .Tean and D~mH.ld· ~ar n~Wolter, Mrs. Fanny ~arn~ ~ Agent G. H. Liggett and Herman1H'lp m the dtrectlon uf popUlar I'e. The hig pomt of track on north c~~~c~~,aMI~~' M 19rc~re~~~:~rla~ The 0 mittce ~le¢om:meli.(Jcd to of Sea;tUe.. W~h., E, Smith O'~ Bel~ R~ ~~~':. a~trrybYE~~~~ag~ Podoll were m .Norfolk last week I .;:;======::i:::;¥lief side w~s cut ~own wbout three feet sponsor. i . Dr. Co n for h(lnohible mention grade" Ml1. an M:S. v~rnon~lm~ you g busines~ man L M Doc'tor' for wheat meetmg. . ~l'

" to aVOId tn~ np-hill slant. The in- ,.:._~.~-t~ the fo l' ditiortal seniors whose of SIOUX; 1City, Mi'is Mary eler- Ted Hartley his old-ti'me' colle ~ Some second payments In ~lleWidcSI,rel.ld AIl'S('Ill:(1 of .-oint, f~eld has been leveled down con~ -- --- . sohola shi average~ are over 90 sheli~er Of Ornana. Mr.. and ~rSl. pal, Clair W~ll'er; Vivian smyt~e 1934 corn-hog program are COn1lnfA htlndred-miIf?c motor trip Sun- sldprably, fully three feet being Grade Op retta percen 0 er the I-dilUte college Ernest SC?t~ Mr, and Mrs. C.ar; Ker e, LarrY's girl.fricnd Ada for Wayne county. . ~

day, touching sevl"rllI towns. Itte

_ taken ou~ .at the highest point. .' course. • hey are; Georgia Howe, e~ce Cunmngham'and Mr.~ Mrs, Wal e~;' UneI/~ Aleck Twi' s in ~. S B~re c0D:dueted a bee kee :waled a ghastly lack of paith, In additIOn, the entire track has At e School Schuyl r, -91.17; Rrudulph Ring: Rl~bard., Ad\a.moon of Fu,l1 rton, cha ge of Charlie, Erwin ~e' er' c~s meetmg Friday at t?C L-e 1

BuUdlngs have been neglected dur- been wo~rked over, and a one..,board _ _ " Wakef eld, 90.88; G~rtrtlde Was- Mr, and M.r~. Tom Adamsof and Cha lIe Hopps,' Lar '8 ward, rI M' GIese farm an~ 11 from Wayne anIng th~ dcpres~uon, and tb..e lJ.


djof fence wllch slants trackward wi1J. I ~I .- ----- J seJ'lbur er Montrose 9069' Qnd'lla Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ev~ns ~f ,AI- D .. M rry . Stanton countIes attended.

new paint is most stnkingly iP

-' be"~laq d .-arollnd inside of track, Pupil~ e T Present May Bacon 'ndolph 901 . ,a bion. All returned home aftf, tbe I, oc ~,. r~. Caro me Smythe Ner- Miss Jessie Green of LiiH:Olb,parent. When property owne S, lind wir one at west tmn: Tl!!!h Feature (fnesday On ,The' co mitte~ f~'th l' ecom-' fUll...eral excepting 'Mrs. Howe and :e

y: ~vI~n s m~the:- Verna WOI- conducts instruction for - woIhfin

s.eeing their way out of the dept' s~ o~c-boa d fence is 'prefeta~fe to J - -~....._H _~u_, _~_" mende, t at a .aI ~ ~ lion childret).· wlho will remain for 'i ~r" ~~ mer my he Kersey. VJ- leaders of 4-H clubs: today, IRion, fcel they cun nffold to I'C- two-boaj·d for racing Ibecause" . w ) ere. . ~-=-begi. en·1Jiose~~~um:':'.':hose c-l!!!t~, .~ . Vla Is ~~~h~~, Kenneth Lessman. ~~--~------ Jpaint and It Hl Ii serlOUS question horses ~annot scrape their legs on On ~hdsumm .1"::; Day" is the schola sh'p overfS' t four- ear --p'a11ib~rerg---Wcl'c._Burr _~_~V!!" - . }~ - E A -I W·whether they catt longer afford lower b6ard when crowded against operetta W?lch '11 be presented course pi~ces them ~ the u~per John Carhart, Wm. McEac en, J. Mre-:St-ltdent-S-WQrk- _myerson nll< G"sn .tto rcpalUt 1t would seem he fence ~ERA labor IS be\ng use(1 for the pUbltc ne, t: Wec'lnesd8:Y af~ five p rcbnt of the class, They M. Strahan, W. S. Brcssler nq D. J", C 'II B' ard-s--bose ra~!WIHld's supply ot: palnto 'Would lOt for the ~,roject , ternoon, May 15, at 2 on the east shall ~nnounced as graduating P, Miller. P:Of 0 ~ge oXl!rl Oats v~lued at $1~5 was boug}equal the denymu. And the ;soq or • I'J~- ---;~~- l:- ' lawn of Wayne ~ty, schbol. • with onors. The students in this I. .... , I stead. Of~ holdlllg .regular col-' a:t Emerson and W~st;le~ gr Inlhe epidemic of wpamtlng sets in, Chlcp;ens Returned MlSS J{1it~1 Re ve IS director and year's class entitled to this lecog- E£lwa~dFanske of PIerce, lSlted lcg Y.~, C, A, meeting Wednes· fmus by a man who iJ.lsed a Wa ethe sooner WIll the life of ptopc ty 1Beall teachers of t e grades are as~ mtton are'Ray Dover Leland Dan. the L. A. Faoskes here Su;u ay, - day! evenmg, members, ,worke,d out man's naIfe on a Wayne ba kbe renc.'Wed Yl ourt To Owners sisling. Three aypoles will be nals a d Fern Crawf~rd. F~ hours in caJl?pus work for check, The individ~(U. whom t e


h -- John Ulricb, w~ found not guil- wound by Sutth. s venLh and e<ghth Ha old Hehde,son, athlete t,pm elevator managers Ihought wasl aor Ier.:es J)e(".Jaro TruCt"~ ty of hlcken theft Wednesday graders ,J\:!if er.son, Iowa, who W8.§ in Waype bona fide farmer, made arrange-

~one of the ive tribes of In ia m6rnin In county court, but nine ,In the operet~StaceY :M;eyer is ,hos ital rec~vering from seri9us ~ent~ to bUy th.e grain .and hauledb.0posf' to h p obse.v~ ng cblcken in Ms po",e"lon weee ord- the fal,.,. queen d Ma,jorie Berg t Beemer FaJ!m ,bu ns ~ol1owmg an accident. Hen- lt away in a trlUle",glvmg a Chtek

I orge 8 stlver J. ilee by' not st al- en~d r~ urned to thcJr own rs 'tiv(e the little girl wh is shown how to ."1 IdeI' on is Wayne college's star bpx-, which proved to bear anotber p' r-{ng :attIe for a yea, pue hundred to Mr , Anna Kopp and 'o~r tb care for" her fJ era. 'Kinder '1'- Offl e are lnv~sUgatingEthe leI', having participated in the 001-, son's signature, Ofticers.are sea.r h"leading men of the tribe have vol" Mrs. D K. Sevy. i' ten children will' sunbeams f'rSt flndi f several sets of bar C5S de (1loves tourneys in Oftlaha andl lng for ~he party. Iuntarlly offered'this suspension of raclers re sunbonne ' l' at th 0 to Pmeas farm north t Ch cago. " " " i

<stealing out of respect to the Bn. g .t: 11~ Bed 11' f ba.~ eS and of r, Preuss told She~iff C. ~-----~--- . i Tn1nstent Is Held.tiS~ ruler. If there is honor among ~v:~tar I ::;wnitn~n~ u:;;,: gra- H. S s that he bought thCl;tr-, To nter state Contest, ~ Railroa.d cars have been ente~ct

, thfe'ves. WI' often suggested, tpe O~d I~rd and :f. th ~ ,sec- ness. h riff Jame~ P.le tnvest! t- etty awklns of Wayne, VV1n-1 a.nd clgarets talten, these -sold iInagreement ~y be kept. Stopping ~'I and butte~~' gr d er; :: ed th s k to see it any he. eas ne . of the county spelling conte~t, Wayne. Officers arc in chB:rge of

, .(Cn~tinued on Page' Fnhr) and ~h graders ar~ f~ o~ mI~i g from .Wayne farD1S \waa wi I enter the r,;tate competitio£ in the matter nod a transient is be gJ, , ,', ·1. !1~ owerI'!. .t~ere ,bl ~ none w~.ldentified'I' 0 aha Saturday.' . , , J held for investigation. IJ-=....,,...;,....,~

l'l'!i!. ,:,, I , I..,,' 1'- I I,,' ..


,57 9.5 -510J95I!

New' arriv.als in ~ashable past~ls an[d. prints thatare quite th thil}g for summer wear.

i" ,


!,', ' '.





2,3. "n,, 4 BOX




Ifomatoes FI:'~e, "Bananas F·8~f.tell Ripe.

New Potatoes U'J;"" :0 , . .


Strawberries F'b~e. nw~' IOePowdered Sugar ''\f.:k ..3 Ibs.Cake' Flour 1';UShU,," .. ,.

I B' 't FI Swall' \ISCUI our nnw",.

Baking Powder Caluml',. ,

Vanllla- - 8~;~it~LtiQn.

(jle~" SunUght ° 0 0 •

Coffee 1 Ai~~~dB:;;::l • • .

'Flour H~~~~m···,.··1

BI kL-- • Libby's !ac uerrleS ,,, Syr"l' '1 .Peaches SU~:::'~:, • • • '!'Peas It ~~nC:~. ~

Pork-Beans Va~!amp'"

.CornFlakes' ~IlUer'•.


. I' Pound 17e53c

:~~,~B. 1~59,2 :~';~1 251=,~2N'~ 4Sc2~~N~; 23c3 ".",hz., ;)5

('A1'IS 4 C

. \:o~-I i9cI '

.. I I

,Pound 19cPound' IScSibs. ZOe

LOllg Eh 5,Green, 'I!' o •• 0 ,,·aG e

~ .1

I 'I

, Chuck Roast g:;:::~:;';:;::'f,:h;::'~:~h'd, Lb, 118eF"'h F'II ts Macke..1 alld'Cnd ' 211b 2'5. IS I e l'Ish FilI.t., , • • " , s, c80, t'lt'n'g Beef (;holM lean sbort ribS o.f 'ILb -'1.2 .yearling COrti fed be..r • • • cV I Ch Choice rih all." ahoulder lib "0. e~, ops cbOI)S of {".hoice veal. • fL' ~ &. C

Ve Roast Ch~reO~Ok~dv~~~~ ~ •• ~Lb. 20cP··:· It -- Young tender pork 'liver 2'Ib '2 'or. Iyernicely sliced or 111 the piece : S~ I 3c

Ha\'e Music,WeekPl:ogram In Ch~h

~illiam I!~ke~ha~er ~'asCharlle Of Numbers,·BYI

School Students,

Colidge 'Burealt ' Two Hi... Ha pJl's'·b,spires Tea~;To C~~_· ete W nside, Albert Meier of Coieridge, seconde~ by Wnght ~ha;- ;h~ p~ ;';te"en be granted : PO~I! 'r111

Places 8tltdents. I 1 s~ . I .,..., .h. an Evelyn Wendt of Wayne. pomtments be approved as ub· license for, the fIscal year ()f:HJa~.

t It~hent,c (iOWnlJ In Wayne Event"! igma. Tau Delta metIonday m,tted Motmn camed Motion camed , I IWayn~ college place~ent bureau I F"r College play ,. ev rung and heard hook r port on The following Ta.PPlicat10ns~or Motion was made by Mlldn1'r ~Jl~d

in c1111t"Jle of Prof, K. N. Parke, re- U' • - ~ T omas ~ann'a "Joseph nd HIS hcenses were read: Mars$ ne seconded by Bichel thltl lof ]Pr,~~',t,~ lll~~t.,.!,ooll,',',Wi,~~",y',~,ai~, cWo'u"rks: WI en "Mrs Moonlight" IS pre- Fifty Northeast Ne J"aska BlOthers," glven by Osc r Olsen Theatres Inc ptcture show ar- RehCler be grantee] rt Pool H'~ll ~ I''- fL-' » , ,- sente I 31s cQllege commencement Hikh Schools To C me of Hartmgton. The frate tty Wl'l schoene Th~atres Inc, ~ic ure License for the fIscal y(',tl orjl'l:llii I

1935, 1'IIrD.r school Ileal' 11ekamah; play (11 May 22, the feminine mem- Here Next W~e . h ve sevenlh annual May; break· ,Show. MOMt'ootn,oncaw"a'O,edma(l,' hy "'"gilt n,'.,1 1)11 I. MCI'Cpd~s Reed, Inl€jrmediate bers If the audience Wlll be intet ~ f t on Tuesday mormng, May 21, Motion was mad~ by Joh son seconded by" Mlllp, t~tv\t - fi",I" I '

.\Vm, Beekenhauer arranged A gradeS'tEI!1C'r~n: Mabe~ OWens. W'ayne high SlhCiOLs were repre- ested til the fashIOn angle of the Norliheast . Nebraska I? tatton at Stratton hotel, first meetmg in and seconded by Miller {hatl Ii- ) ,\-prngrarn, of m\lSic for Kiwa.ni~ns two-yeH' ,eolll:"e 1930," fifth and sen ted by abou 10() .stUdents. and perfarm~nce for costumes worn Itrack and field meet fo high B. essler park InVltaltons have cell!;es be granted to the Marsdh~ Hammer be gtanl.f'd ~ I 001.1 II~lll ~ 1,,'1:...'~fonda:y foUowing noonday lunch~ sixth n Pilger: E::ngelin~ Marotz, many visitors a Ee state music covel hree generations Miss sCh<rlS will be held at Wa ne col· b en &ent out to all alumm WIthm acne Theatres Inc Motion carded, License for the fiscal yPfl.1 ()rll(~ ir) I f('on at Hotel _~tton, this obselrv- two-.y(·[lll~_~n 1931, thin! a~d fourth contest in Lineo n iday and Sat. Flor nce Drake and others of the lege saturday, May 18 In latiOns eJSY reach Motion carried I I Ilng National Music week, Dr,l U. gradeR, IPilger; Georgia Howe, A, 'ul'day and the 10 aI groups rated dra atlUs class went to Sioux CIty have:tk.en sent to about 00 hIgh "W" club has annual dinnel' The following applications Ifor Mo.tion to adJolirn M{)H(Jt~ (' n-S. Conn preaided. . B. 1935 Sf'rgefl.nt BlUff, Iuwlu well. 'Nort.h PI tte won class A and did considerable res~atch schools and 50 have alre dy scnt d nce this Friday evening at Strat~ Poo! Hall Llcenscs were read. Iet~ Tied I 1-'

. SouVEtilir whistles were pl'esent~ I Rudolph Ring, A. B. 1935, Clark and Stanton, 'Wi ner of cla.'YS· Bat arnOl g old magazines,' finding cos~ word that they will be rep sented. ~.n hotel. About 35 couples are ex. er Petersen, J, H., R.ehder, H Try Attest: . r -J, I.etl tli'e group by Mr. Beckenha~er ICenter )l~i~h school, DbDn county; district OOl1.test in way.ne, Place.(1 tum s. ~,.'1888 an~. 1905 well. lIlus· prel~minari:S. are sched- led fDr 'p cted, with Dr, and Mrs. U. s. Ham. me.r,. . . Mat tin L"R.ll1.~.. '.,.,...1.... '.who led t.be Club in tJPeI'!.mg jbe I.Hermrrr .EICkhoff, A. B. 1935; mus~ first in class B, trate I tlarper s Bazaar. From 10 a. m. and fmals for 1 p. m. nn, Prof, and Mrs. E. J. Hun. Motion was m:"de by Miller .and WaIter S. Bressler. Mnyrll' .program with theBe, Ptof.Joh R. Ie at \\l~n{,I'. Wayne hig h

3ChOOI studehts, di~ thes th y .deslgned 'costumes' fOl" Wa~ne Youn~ BusinC-!, Men's t mer, Prof. and-Mrs. C, R, Chinn, .~~o_n~_e~ _b:__~~~~~t ,ter~ ·C::~_~=~k__. I !

I{eith, PrO!.. Qlit'fOFd ~1:ir"p.nd I~er.: - reeted by Ker it Stewart, placed Ith~ ast MISS Drake cut the pat- club IS sponS"orm~ t'he rj'et and P of. and Mrs. Fred G. Dale and I III ••••• II ••••• I:I.II~.lII1'I.lll·JIi Imit Stewart ha.d: cJlarge of, muslcal To Feature Pageant as follows: Clar net quartet, .good; tel n ~n I wome? students of ,the the cl~b, also busmess :~(en are P of. and Mrs. W, R. Hickman· doS I- Q.' . • II

n"Tmhbeers.m"~c lnclu'ded the foiio'w At falVllee C,'ty Fa,'," gil'ls' high vole, , Delores McNatt, cla~s d,l the sewmg, When it car,ne providmg trophie.<; and m ,dn,l.s f(}r h nor guests. Laurence Manning . ~. U k fr ' : II~ _ good; trombone! solo. Harold Cap- t.o fl dill collar stays, well, they rc the events. Df Rosalie, will pres'ide over the '~,l'"\ se' e or r .1 11 1

inD" "Far from Thee" S t '1 "N~b'l'aska Dr't"un f tI Pi sey exceuent'llgil'19' quartet ex Just Of.f the marltet, But some of ._--~-~~~~- pj'ogram which' carries out "Wild· ~ij'" '. - I :!iI:':t/y"" Miss Alice MeGr;:re, ~~~ nee\.s," I;age:~llt wr'itten (~y ::rs, ~~ cell~nt; boys' ' i)W VOlce. R~ber~ the Otllg men came to th~ res- Please In Recital c$.t" theme. Dancing will follow, ~~("lI''', ~-!"," . ! i:].'m.nklin Ph.meo accompanist; ."A A. ~lltg(>n. W~H~eatm'cd in the <0unningham, laverage; mixed clJe ,Ln~lmUde thcse out of tm. the Kampus Kids playing. t, ~'lIt"" ~\. Rf . I_ i.: I :Brown Bird ·Singing," ('.oats, and county fail' at Pa lee City thJ.-; chorus, good: Iclarlnet solo, Don~. H, ~Il.t Malone of CrOfto.l> At College Monday In observance of Music week, \l~:G'''~?\ ~---- e rigeralllon[' -I'"Three Little .Maids," Miss Kath- fa.ll. Gqneral JQhn el'shing will be aJd Bakel'. gQ{)~i; girls' g.lee club, ~ak ':;. IeI', appearance ~s MIS. MISS Relell Toy and ~ewaY e Prof. John R. Keith presented mu- ~.'a. ~ \\)1~- ~~ Ii .' I: ...=ryn Greenslit, Miss-Josephine Ryan speaket'o Dr. and ". Lutgen went good. . r . dr~~, I~~ id~~. *h~~S~r:::~~1 ~~~~ GramJ~ were enthusl8.stl ally r~. dSlcal program for chapel Wednes~ ~l' ~" " ,I.. -Ii ' . l' :.i: ~ ,'and Miss Helen Jones; ."Pretty to Auriurn Fr;(uy to visit Dr. C. ,Wayne tram ng' school pupilS, ilas .itt d bodice and bustle with ccwedliU their Joint plan, reCital ~y o.:::=-~'l'\Ii ~ldl"\\ That shoulc11c of i.~'" 1_', 'Goldfish,", old FrenCh, Miss K~th~ IA. Lut~en and Mrs.. Lutgen' went thrected by rof. John R. Keith, in II t d ih f t dfl f Monday evemng at the college Prof John R Ketth will have ·1l!.~I1\ ,.~ t t t"11 • ,. 1'= ,~I.l").-n,Greenslit ·with MiSS,Sal'RhlAnn fl.·em. t €!'e to Pawnoe Clt.y .to as· placed as follo s; girls' glee club, feu hi' cii °b

wnMe. ro~ tah

n ~. audlt,.Jl'lum MI Gramly nd Miss charge of mUSIcal program at the ~-&l:"t (I eres 0 every lOUR - •un t a ,t I f [I t 11 t Ii . yell e OWS. mOle e matd ..., II ..Ut th ·:·-"·f t h'" I.'" :nJl1 e as _._,c~_ompamst·:-.,--.':.A.v~ Sr--~_.I~,:!?aI~S .01' lP pa 1"1,0t1C pia. exce en: sm group, .. strm~s, play d y Joyce Rhodes of Siou~ Toy 0 enedtheprogramwththree co ege au.<+,orIum tS evenmg ,WI eat .IS sec. son '(I)f I":~~~I~~~ :~:~~:~~d~~tl~np~~r ~~~~r:~~;~J,""~~tifilT. - Bhthr returned good; plRno_ 010,. Larhyha Whlt· QiJy ;.; ars her own grandmother"s select ?nR from the famo IS' Nut- Newk of Alumni. '" the y '. II t .} I,. =~,:: ,](t'lth atthe-pia.no: "&.v.eet ,an1 L_~ ~ 1 mQre,av~rage." bh;u-'e-fflowered~ha1lisanderu crackr SUite" by Tschako sky Mrs DamelJ Buckley of Lo.'l • ear. a \V at1~1 ,til

Low," &1.rnby, and "Liebestr:nlm." Plan Opell HOllS~ I lows; GIrls " 0,:", v01~e, ArdIth dra edjO~et~Skirt In this first epi- Beeth v~n's "Moonlight onatji" June 29 for Pans, p-Ianmng to tour k f' d l' d . °t L 0, 1'-,'Li,<tzt, by French Horn trio, Prof., Ad ...' : Bean, good; gIrls' hIgh voice, sodt. This was a bit out of date in Her laymg oC"Mmstrels' by-Oe- _If~nce, .. _SwItzerland, Ger~an~, __ }~ep your 00 00 -. an SHTII air" IfX~. I::'Keito l George Almond and :'Nalter ' l JVayne Ho~ pita.l" Jeanne ~ornell, avera!5"e. Shirley that ye r. but Minnie was practical bussyl and the "America Tango" iflrollanil land England, then atten -~ is- nature's only. efrIgerant. It. i~' 'hc.)a1r)- !'•.IH.owoJdi~ .meat ~lo by Mi"ss·Delor· Oper h~u.<;e is planned at Wayne Bess Mls~eld~ ~ Winstde, plac,e<1 and no too fashionable, and, diu bYr noled Amertcan comp ser, AI· *slummer term at 0xford umverslty t d 1 : d b1 ' ' ,l ': i', !'"es MC'Nat~: \"PeUt Quartet."·clar-· hospital Saturday and Sunday, excellent 10 gl 1s medium voice, t ,'b t th f f ' den qarpenter, rec~lVed uch ap- IS Buckley the former Bal'lbara es an '. a ways epen a e. If y. u have •. , .inet quartet by DonaJa Baker, An. May 11 and 12, and visltOl's are . ~~'fli:~1 )~~~~r~~ki~ts ;'th ~~~i ru~~ plause Mr ,Gramly tnClu ed In hiS elswatiget of Dakota Ctty, re· not aI:ready sta :ted to use ice <t} is' Hd'i- =,,1iSlln Mau,," can'oll Peterson and IOvlted to call HOlliS for re('(''lVlItg RepJeese t Church [ks t: solo group "Gardens til t e Ram" qelved dIploma from Wayne college . , ' .• 1(' • ;"

HO'...'ard Mau; "ill a BQat," Grieg gllestsl wlll 1)(' 10 a m to 12 noon .4, t R 'd I h M t" rs oonhght's church dress IS by Debussy, tn the "Bllero," a in 1920 and 1S now teachmg In Los son, why not st 1ft now. I ,1Il: I 'Harris, ~Dd '.'Th'e Nightingale," 2 to 4 Wpm and III tlte eve- f:I! all p ee lng 11ch bile WIth fttted back and typIcal Spamsh dance ~y Ravel, Angeles school system 'i" . i ' :.Tschaikowsky; Wayne high schoo] tln'gs 'li'oUiteen epH}sented Waynp slep ('~fnot ruffles all around and ¥r Gramly dIsplayed I unusual Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Linton of Wavne A,t".f."c."al I(e to.' I. ,>.1gll'ls~ glee club. - - Presbyterian (hur~h at lhe {llstnet fIve tIC S ot ple<lting up the front mUSIcal matul'tty lit tonfl effects N0W York City will t>e in England 1 h ". I ~

_. ~~__ . __ Birth n~'t'nrd young people' rally m Randolph I In ad ItlOn, It has a lace yoke leadmg up to a climax of great this summer, the former engaged,· .; ! '. .';:!>Glenwood 8pr,'ng's ~ A ~lallght{'r \HIS horn Friday, Sunday Laur 1, Osmond, South IrU~ln at neck and sleeve1l, an power The aUdlenc~ w s, highly in special, project at Oxford uni- _Phone 29~W !' ,Way e, N~br•. ,~ : J,::

~fay;\ lo:vll :tnd Mls Lloyd PO\\~ ISIOUX CIty, Pmca, PenJel W.tlc( 1 11ll tcstve bustle :l.lld over-slurt pleased wtth Mr Cramly s O\VTl versity in interests of Columbia ••••II.alll.....II.II••••m:.J!!U!•••••••• IIII•• II.IIIl1.!.I!Uilllfl.~.... : ..'Students Rale High em who ltvp s(,nth\\est of Wayne fICld, Rand(lph and Wayne t cr l"lStll" Edith IS played by composItIOn "Clouds uve Spam" pniversity. Dr. ~inton is secretary ;- ...~.----r-.. -'---..~1~. : ;

A 7 1-2 pOllnd son was bOlll to chlllches sen d<'\t'gatlOl1s 'New June Tnckel uf Fremont, who I ThtS number couples afOIOrlSbC 0: the teache~s c.nllege at Colum- ..The GlenWOod Springs, Cblo" :'tnLl Mrs Waylll' Carpt'ntt'I of World" was t e theme and (hRCUS· we rs sat Illy grey dress with al.lillodern harmony over a haracter· pia, .He receLved A,~. degree ,I ~ I" ,I,

}tlg-h Rchoot band, under direction Ell lmflPld ~lllHldY :\i(-lY '; !"1r SlOns were on thc n{'w c1nlldt, new ag{ llal StllPe'S The men dress m 11StlC Spamsh rhythm .. hc Blue here m 1919, and .Mrs, Li.nton com- ! I', '. Iof .:'o.1yl"on E. Brockway, placNl Carpenter, f(lI.nwrly III "W~yne, 13 a person apd IllI'W. social ordcr. har ony with the period. Thomas DanUb.e .Waltzes" written by. thc Ipleted. wo.rk for d~Plo~ In 1917., CRYSTA.L THEATR ..'high in the western Colorado !>tate bl"otl'1~'r of :'\11.'1. L. B. McClure. Grank Gamblq, led! a wor~hlp serv:· Momli15ht played by Alvin Giese Waltz king, Johann stl'tUSS IS a ~' ReSIdents of Pllelhall entert8.1n- '1·1music contest at Grand Junction, A .~()n ~a~ bom Thlll'Sd~~Y, May ~:e. Rev. ,,(,ho~a..si Barton ~pnke on of alYnc ', wears frock coat a~d ffl.Wlrl.te wit~ ev.eryone. he pi~n. d young wom€n from Neihardt ~ 1. .... ',receiving four superior rating-I';, 2, \0 111l". and Mrs. FAI ~ 'ff otf Our Resourdes for our Task." hig hht for this period. IstS did full Justice to th Chasms n? Connell hal~ at Wednesday ev· . II "eight excenents, four goods lind :-:r r h F' II h' 1h " . thO rt M Le R• or- ,. It . MI". Korff is a,. n of e _ows lp lu c 10n was served at 'h'e, 1905 period finds Minnie two-plano arrangemen~t Of., "fnlng pa y. Is..<; nore ams,ey I. ,I ,three averages. MI'. Brockway".. 6 ". t b T' d I as s k d ift '.nrs. A.IVlll& K(lrfI and Mrs, Korff :;) 0 over 00 and pl.ans were slil a~ bit behind times, wearing ~~m cr. ne m~ ern co ~OSI l~?S, pea er,. an ~ g. :was pr~- I"E]I~I~~t~)O tt;~en~~~~~f ~~:t~;f.aniZll- a dallghter of Mr. and MrR. Char]('s made for the~lnllual camp which bis o~.'l l'lleeves wit.h fullness at Houth of the RIO Grande by}4llI- ente9- to MtslS Erud Conklyn m ..... '. '

.J(lhl1~(~11 of Wayne. will be at Ca p Brewster, Omaha, the wist, and here tout Ie monde <'I' and "Dance .at MidI i,ght" by onor of her birthday, Lunch fol· . "I '

~~--~--- -- June 24 to Jll y t;, Rev. Fowler of is go~ng wild over highpuffed Suessc also rece~ved spect~l cbm- lo;:-ed. " .',' IRe<-elve Gas .Tax. No tJ t W' Ponca spoke ~m Do We Need a sle ,vcs with fullness at elboW. Min- ments from the Itsteners. MISS Toy The, Bartcred Bride, Bohem-

Nebraska gas tax .rol· April \\\:1,5 r l\VeS a,yne .New World?" In the Waynf' group ni(' s black and white checked ging- and MI'. Gramly are stuJcnts witlh ian opera, was presented in Nor·~218,320 and Wayne ('oullty's 1>11"; ~nd 11 l·=,. B~lllY Burger and were Miss Margaret MinE'S. MiRS ha is hign-necked, long-sleeved. PlOt'. Albert G. carlsor at the IfOlk high school aUdit~rium T~es.shar.e wa:..<i $1,829. ~earby. count,ies IfaUlI]Y. "I' W\·.st Point, wftre S\l~t- Izetta Buetow, [<'rank Ga~ble, Car. ItU'[ gnrcd sl{irt and a tight waist. college. I day afternoon and ~vemng, a fat.rlYteeE-wed the followmg: Dixon, $1,· (,1 inner an!! Slipper guests in r?lI Pe~ersen,,Mary Ella Plle. Quen-I Re lly very trim, though. ---~----- - - _.~.---- -- Ilarge cl'OiWd alt~nding the evenmg1>33: Dakota, $1,484; Knox, $2,541: ',,('onarl! l'nspishll horne. The till W~ltmor~. Harold Jordan, Rob-. ,Hill' Mnonlight, pla.yed. by Olive ~·\I(·ptin~ At wal{('~(\hl. pel'formance. Little Symphony Ol"_Stanton, $1,267; Cuming, $2.377; Walt~'r Ulrich.'> and E(l., Kl1lTel- ert Erickson, AN~rhur Gllllivt>r, Mar-I Ell. 'iu'l' of Crofton, wears an inter- C. K Bea,ls of Llncol1, execu··lchegtra played.C('dar, $2,203. ,meyel\'l \l.:crc l'vcning gllest\9. jori.e Hook, ~tty B~air, l';V(:I:~l (~S in~ hlue froC.'~ of 19.05 with live ,,)ccI'etar?, ,of t.h? Lca .tle of Nc- Seniors Wi.1I have charge of cha-

p ~~~~eesGa~~~; ~~d~~I~~O~~~i;~( r- ~:~ In;]~it~k~l~tsl~:vl~~I;~:;:~~~I~~e~ ~;~:ao~;~~~~~:~l~:~ti~~ ~l~l~iS~ pel nextwe~ _

- ~ . (SAFEWAY ST(j)RES) "" \ --------- -_. --- is of lavender- with surplice waist cus.s eity problems and I' hefneeds. City CouncU.'/ lit J " Memorial Poppies an high built up neck with white One of the meetings +-IWill be in ~ayne, ~e~r., May 7, 1935.. s' .ST.RAW.II:I~,ft. lPlIIy I W· '11 B' 8 ld H gUlmpC'. Hail' pompadollred, of Waht-field May 13. The City CounCil ~et pursuant. ~'fiiii" tr'i I (! 0 ere co rs{/. ,_~-'_-__ - 'to to call with the following members

SHORTCAKE on~~~r~~r~~iO~fok~~r~c~~e~e:~\l~~ fu t~:hi~~:i~~lr~:;~~/~::~e;~~~Pre,pare For ~~~:~~ t~~:~~,MJaIh~~:er~;;;h~~. -1-:. I fenders when thb,nation honors itsliO s as different generations ex- P ,'D. Mildner, Miller and Horney. Ab·, ·~ctllle. war dead on Memorial day this pI' $,8 themselves. Then Minnie . arent - - ay sent, none. Present, Walter S. Bres·1 i"'IIIIII.IllI1Ii1I11I1l1~lIIIII~lIIIIlIIIII~IIIlI~~~~I!III'O~-;~) - year, according ito 'Mrs. C. A. On, I its ,sock.'i in the 1888 episode, a (Continued from pfi. cOne) sler, C~ty Clerk aJid Jus. E. Brit·

. . .... ~" pres-ident of th¢ Irwin Sears unit sh i\f]' in 1905, and 1935 has suc· _,-.~-,-_. . _._ !aln, City Attorney.of the American L~gi.on Auxiliary. cum d to the rtge fOl.' knitted bUlldlllg:- IS shpwmg proEes~. The I The meeting was called to ord·World war veterans have .been DY~ fI' lck.. foundatlOn h~ heen mpl'Erted, er by Mayor Ringer.ing at the rate of iBO per day dur- and Clapper has been or ered from On mo-tion C. E. Wright wasing the last year,l making nearly A~ddent On Highway. New York. ~ i elected president ()f the Council30,OOO-'-who have J?asseu on since When Miss Edythe Kinney was Lambda Delta Lam"bd< and ;Rap. for the ens~ing year. .l'ast Memorial day.1~ d iVi~g to Wakefield Saturday pa Mu Epsilon will hav POint]' pic. ~ayor "i'tu:ger submitted the fol-

This high death I' mong the e en lng, a car driven by Miss Lu- nic at the Wakefield gol link.s this lo~~g appomtments: Water co~-veterans gives Poppy y, May 25, el a NU.ernherger of Wakefield, col· evening. Chaperones v(ll be .M~ss m'lss~on.er., W~lter S. Bressle:; cityheightened importance, Mrs. Orr Ii ed with hers on the highway Louise Wendt, Miss arie Hove, phySIcian, Dr. G. ~, H.e.sS; CI~y at­explained. 'On this day the Auxili· a. ou~ three mllea west of that city. Miss Jessie Boyce, Pro. and IMrs. tor~ey, J~s. E .•Brtttam; ,chtef ofary women collect contributions ISS Nuerruberger was a<;compan- W. R. Hickman, Prof. and Mr:;. police, Wllliam Stewart, streetwhich form trye major source of i d ~ Mrs. Jay Nuernber>ger and James Brock. I commiss~oner, Hans Sundahl. .sup~~rt for th~ir work for needy t 0 thers. Both .cars were da.mag. Al final meeting tthe 'year Comm~ttees: .pght a~d Power.famlhes of thtj veterans through~ e] b t no one injured. The Kmney Monrl:w ~venlng,1 Physi a.l S'Cience E. D. Blchel, W. S. Miller, J. S.out the year.1jnless generous puib. c r had left whee!, fender and run· club lward PrljJf. C. E .. ilsory dis- Horney; Finance: .James S. HoI'· •lic support is given the Auxiliary's 11 ng hoard wrecked, and the cuss lhe relationship b tween hio- ney.. Herman Mtldner, C. ~.:~o~l?Y day a.pne~l, the welfare ~e- llernherg e,.' c.ar had 'boUt left fen~ logical and physical sCi~nce. I Wt"lght.; Water: J. C. Johns.on, ~: IIltvlties of the llntt cannot be m:un· (j ,I'H rnd running board smashed. ., bd 0 It La ~... D. Blchel, Herman Mlld.net,.talned. __ __ _ , ~am a ,e a ~b a helu ]mt~ Streets and Alleys: W, S. MIller, I:

"The pOPP.ies, which we will Offer Notice To Bidders. la.tIOn, Monday eVenmg~fOr ~iWell J. C. Johnson, C. E. Wrigh~; Parks: :Saturday, May 25, to be worn in N tice is hereby given that bids G!]d~tS]('e~.of Wayne. Th dare C. E. Wright, Fj:erman M1h:lner, J .•honor of the dead, are our prino. ill he rece~ved at the County Monl~ of, liford, Char es La del'S S. Horney. :ciral means of raising funds for leI' 's officc of Wayne county, Ne- of F,,~t Calhoun, W~teGehl]ke of MotHin was ~ade by Horney and

work for the 'HYing," statcs ¥rs. ras ta, up to 12 o'clock M, of May .!'I...-.1Ila:- iiIii••••••••••.; ,Orr. . 8, 1 35, for the following: ------------- ----:------~---~----_..~-----. _

----~-- 0 e MotaI' Pah'ol between 35 H. 1' '" :Council Of Catholic " .. ,d 56 H, P., 14·foot hlade, with A Y ~LEARANCE OF, 'I 'I:

W I 0 h I' lthout cab. i ... •, omen-' Ii ma a S id hid, to be opened at one W ', (II ,., "

Mrs,. F, S, Berry and Mes, E, J, 'clo k P. M, on May 28, 1935 hy . omen s An Misses Smart :Huntemer Ilad part on the program Ihe 'ounty Clerk in the presence t .""Ii:at the quarte~ly meeting of Omaoa )f t e Board of County Cotnmis~ ' ' •Diocesan Council rf Catholic Wo- . ion rs of Wayne County, Nclbras· IS'lk 0 .'" rmen at Omaha TueSday last week, a, hleh ~Qard also reserves the I resses Ithe former! havin~ charge of the igh' to reject any and all bids. ill 9atudyc1ub ,eclion and the lattee S' id patcol to be d,livered F, 0, I ' ' I _~~eo~~n~e~n:::t ~~c~~~ncl~;a~~:_ ~: sWU~~~;\r:::~:::~p&~~~.n two 52 195· . 53 5 '~-~~----+day and h~,!-rd a lectllle that eve D ted at Wayne, Nebraska, Uils , • ---------+..,---------+--.:.---11"nmg by an English Jeslllte, Father, th ay of ¥ay, A D 1935 .-. :1 I

\ M, R D'A~CY of OXford, who stat~ (S AI..) Bertha Berres, . 1·ed that f lth in Cod lS the only Co~nty Clerk of io. I' , .meal1s of avmg western ciVlhza- Wayne county, NebI' WE .have taken) aBout ftfty s.dk dresses from ourlion. , M9t3 regula stockl and reduced the price so yon may

Catholic women also honor cd ~~_,_ "buy at 1eas two 1.'Of these :;pri~g frocks that ~an

Archibisho Joseph Rummel who Notice, be worn t1}c year "around.l~aves M y 10 for New Orleans S aled hlds Wlll be recetved. by ...,: r ,

T~es~~ Will be tendeled a ball~ thp Board of County Commission- 'f 'quet _ Yl!i er

gy.. of the (hoces.e thIS CI'S )f Wayne countY,~Nebt'aS.ka, on " CO IS'.' AN'D S'U'ITS

~h r~saw ~~e~~n~h:ll~t:~i;le::Y ,i~~ 7~~~1;~ ~r~~~dl;~~~;~: ~~= . .to ,atten . sur nce on county buildings'as fol- '. R'EOUCEO'

Mrs. try went to Lincoln to l() H: •

~~~te~:.r ~ii~~e:e:-:?or:~~a ~i~~ CO~ r~~~:e. Fire ins~\~nce on . , .Mrs, T, • Mor~n, both returning , 20,OOO.OQ Tornado Insurance on IThey ar offe,red at ress th'all actual costWednesda evening. I . COl rt House,

"~~~._-~---- ,3,000.00 (Fire Insurance on Jail.~ay,no Hospital: , , 2,000.00 'Tornado Insurance on

Nt'!!'s Nelson of Blair, medical pa· Jlli,tient, is at~t the same, . 11 policies to 'date from June'. KenneU Head of Scribner, ,sur· 1S~' 1935, at noon.

gical pati t, is improving. ,J id.s to be filed on or before 12

gi~~p~~~[Z~e ~[..,~~ql:e~I.~~~= ~c ;~1~9~~,on Of. the 28th day .~>fday.. , ids to be opened May 28t'h

Harold .Henderson, college stud·1 19: 5, at one o'clock p. M. 'eDt who waR burned, was disml"lscd oard of County COmmissionersMonday, ' re, erves the Tight to reject any and I

Maftin, Dickm,eyer of Ho'kin" all bids, t '.'unde~e~t an op~ration for ap' nted at Wayne, Nebraska, thts h'

pendlcltis ~onday, , 7,tl day of May, A. D. 1935.'Mrs, Airt Herscheid and lnfan Bertha Berres

son of WinSide, w11l 'be dismisse (is all County 'Clerk' '

~t:~~~;;~~:trO,ttlrigl'jr' WhO;" ". _: M9t3 . , 1

recelvtng care. for a-1'ract'.>red hlp I' .. am Sadden was, here from L_~"..........__I--±==~====:=:=====.=.==:=:::::=,"."~~il~~~~.~~t~.~.,,same, .. """, :~1 ux C~~t~U~~~~.,. '.' ,. ,,' w.•••••


I~ I I





FLOUR('rpum of B.runin"


811tl~>I'llltt I, ,

.uJ9c ~~:nd UUUT28c

.\la:;l.. a Pin£>.



We Buy Poultry, C-ream and Eggsnrin~ Your Iloosh'rs Friday nll~1 SlItllhlllY

3 Lb,Bng

2 1-Lb,Cans

'''' 1'[ aft"III"nn'Ill 111<1 :\ll.~ 1.lllte'S Holl "i,

~ \\, '-I 1'''II:~ \\1'1" ':;1I''''1.~ Tltlll_.,d~l.,r

t 1\0' :0.11, :>1 J{!<Jg('j' 1WIl1l':\11."; .1 It \11\1\'1 and

1111,,01 til!' l.t.it "f !ll\'





~OCA[5:, funet'at of Mrs. Conger's gmndR


.were sunda1' dinner ,~ests mother.s. da pa~ty on' ThUrsd~y,IhOD Fri~Y evening to. visit ~th' ~nd M~;.phY .families entertai~'~~ 11 daughters. a~d-~;. a.-~~. ~~~~. G:~rge!' --~m~e~~·-.h~e-~·~~r"T.I'h·.;.~~~~{.:.:;.n:.lill<:.:H father, Peter Wilson. Mr. Wilson in the H. F, Falk home.' May 9. he nex.t "meeting wUl ,b~ her daughter, Anoha, at the hOB- a.t a 6 o'clock dinner Sunday eve- Jensen were Friday evening cau-I onor of Daviq 'Le.e'~ ninth bl~th,.;, ;~, ., died last Wednesday n,t Lyn~~ nnd Miss Loreen Brubaker of Nor~ held wit M S. Gus Deck, June 6, Ipilat th\?'re. She returned Sunday hing. Cover~ Were laid for Rev. and ers in the Wm.·Thompson home. ay. . •..~,,. Iii li"ld:~,

I '. was buried at Creighton otl Sun- fork. spent Friday Ilnd Saturday at I"--'-'~-------- l~venlng., I Mrs. Wylie and Jimmie, Mr. and Misl'i Lillie Lundahl and Albert :jvfr. and Mrs. Re~n Ho1tl1-'~p4:'i';)ri'

" .,',",::\l;~'I·l~l:l';.~~:~:)',',\·a~ in Chel'okf'e, da~I'rs. \', L,'Chr,.,t,'ns"n an," Mr'•.. the Fred Muehlmeler home. 'SUI.' '. Mrs. Jolin Bengtson" EnoClh and Mrs. Ernest Mlt..chen and family, LIUH.lahl called on Mrs. swan.Lun- erie a.ttend.ed the se.nlon Pla~". Of,! I";';:' ...'" ,.u " Mrs. Henry Langenberg and .£l IPaul and Mr. and Mrs., Emmet MI'. and Mrs. Frank Watsuo anrl dahl SundRy aft£'rlloon and were he Emerson hlg}\ sett.?~l [t~r\~,8:YI I'{'~

til .1 :\. Eilll~ng' was in Lincoln V. G. Hale of Norfolk, wel'e ;glWSt.'jl· family Ispe~t ~unda.y at the Wm, (By Mr . Grace Bus~rk) . R.rickson and family were Sunday Wayne, Allen SalmQll of Concord !.<luppcr guests in the Carl Lundahl vening. Mrs. ,HOl~'~~."trt .\l,.':~da~ pn l:wl..me-;:-;". . Iin the Waltl'r Pri~"s homl' Frkla:l Fletcher, sr.,' l~ome at Norfolk. _ James Me uire wfl.s remem~n'd : afterrwon and sU'Pper "gt,lC~ts Ilt anAl Edith Murphy. homt'. ~ . !j'JOI'man l-arson, ",":M it h1~


1.10' .J . .:\1. Suden~ 01 \VIsneI', V18- ew'ning. Mrs. Sarah Schultz left Saturk wedn('~ay veiling, his ;birthday. I Alhert Anderson's. _ _. __ _ -: Mr. and 1\1rs. Arthur Hollman ~he play cast. .:: 1 ';1 .

' 'J Itl"'d W~Y1W friends Sunday. Mrs. H. S. SCRce, Miss Arlie day to '!;Ipend a few days With. MI' R d M '13 He~b Hansen weI';. I Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Nelson . an~l Northeast Wakefield fwd RnlJt'i't ami Richard Hollman SunoflY evening VlSItorS


1l1 ,:thel: .....~ :\Ii:'"." \YlIlIflt°d Collin.s of Carroll, Suthel'l"and and Miss Mamie M('- frif;'nds and relatives at--Norfolk. S ld~y isH;8 at enry K'9rth', tj,lughters of nl."'ar Concord rand '(M J I Kill! were Sllnday ('v~nlng vlf'iltors In ~noch Anderson home.,,\\!" re,iMr~1 :1,

~. ~1"'l:t M;lnda:.' 1Il thl' T. Cpll~ns Corkindale were in Sioux City on Mr.'l. Louis Krause left Tu;sday u~r. a d rs. ~ter Hansen I:Mr. and Mrs. A. W. W. Johbson . rs. ewe Ion.. ) _ the Loul!'! Meyt'l'li home nellr IbH.l Mrs. Joe Ande~son,MJ130 Ii ';nryl,-, ,1'1

11"!;1".. .. Saturday. t to spend several days at the Mrs. visited a Ar hur MIlIum's sundRV'1 anr] family were Sunday evening Lillie Lundahl was a FPdn~, a.r Waym', ., . IAnderson, ~t:s, F.li'itth John em !lnd


,,.:;'. :\lr". r'lan!( Simollln \1,,.ent"to MI'. and Mrs. \'1;'. A. ~tE'wart. ~mma Bauman. home at Pier.ce. . lbe Bf d Shirlf'.Y visitors at the 0.scar BJ.orkJUnd ternoon visitor of Mrs .. John KaIl- Mr. and Mn,. Gt'(llge Jensen and son an.d Mr. and MfS_. _.il..~.. d.• r.-.,. ,•.,.i.:,~~ 1.'11"10111 =-'ntllnlay with tht' music :'-oIl'S. Lalla Wamber,g nnd pnnal.rl "Walter Fletcher IOf, Fort Riley, I ~r;., "r~c Aall:~ ~~ Geol Bl1~" home. Kathrine JohnSQIl is aSiist-1 berg. fllmlly w{'r~ Sunday dinner guests son aNi Elvern. .! \i' . ' .: "'1"</ (~ IWambl:'l'g left :\,Iollday by Nljr Ior a Kan., came.Sun~y to spend a few ",:er~ _ \'les y c ! ing at the Bjorklund home. ' The Henry Llltt fllmlly \"\'I're vl,'i- in thl:' Angle Aagn,rd home near Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B 'ket.'!,'. '.'j~ \[1". Cj('lnlnell of Carroll, nl.ollth'$ visit on thl-' wes'terIl C(},,'l:'lt. days at the \-Villardl FletCher'hO:rrie.~rk s. hd t Tilesdav I Mrs. Oscar Bjorklund retu lled 1 itors in the E:ddk Boke-mper home Colf'rillgf', They also' ('alll'd in the were SU'nday dinner guest ::th~,I~l go. ;"I,,·nt ~llnday in tht~ Ralph Gem- Tlwy wen't ihe southern rOllte l1.11t.l Mr. and Mrs, H.le. Mlttlesteadt af~rs. red t~al\1:s:S-be~lef ray 1;1 :home fl'om the Si'Oui<- City hos)ital Sunday evening. . , Ch{~st('r Jensen home. Wm. Thompson hom~. Mt., osell ,

I'~ 1111 II hnm~. _ ., "'ill gu up the o{'OR.!;>t to St(lckto:h, and family visited In the Calli Mit· ~nf' ~wI' ·IW('(lnesdaY. Her father. Nels An- Mrs. Bennan Ande~::;~m '.'.!'as a Sunday d\nner guests in t.,be man Virgil and Detisn," r.,I,::and',! ..

\11 s . .J 'C:. Kyl, C:ellrgl' Kyl' and Calif., to vjsit MI'. SteMfflrt·s broth- Uesteadt home at I'f0rfo~k Wednes- ~~ Ie f' v'sit<1l rs helpe~ Fl'pt! i llf'rson of near Concord. was ith Tuesday afternoon VIsitor with Renben Holm home were: BertH, Mrs.' Martin Thompsop..'.a di,.war~l.(,.~I re: Harl'Y L1H'k;y wl're ill $ioux el" Riley, and then return home day. I J hd u, or Ybe: his tirthdar Sun- ,lwr ,til the while during her stay Mrs. Oscar Lundahl. , Alvin, Biner, Orville, Norman and. 'lee wer-e visitors in die a'1: ,e[Iloon r.,(':tv ~<ltlll·day. through Or('gon and WaRhington. Mr. and Mrs: Eres~ Muhs and d~Y :v:~~: ! at the hospital. He returned iA his we~:'M~~~aM;~~nf~lll~al~~~~~r~: R(~Selia Larson. Helen and Opal Luncheon .guests in.l.th: ' J(t~~i ,.1, ~• 'Ill.., H. H. Lar~{lll and Mi."I;.<I Ln- A. W. Rt('phen.<; has MI·. ~t¢w:lrt'~ daughtpr of pligel, were Sunday M den) B udtg1n V1<;. ,home at the Arthur And~~son y g WItt, all of Emerson. 'Killion home Saturday-,we eGlar II:\'''''11 \"Il>! h.' ill Ol1lnhH next Satul"- work H.'> night mal'BhRl whilr, Ilt'i.s dinner guests in t e Fran~ Buss ,'U;d r. :t

lHe ~~n ;hon:sen'~1 lll'~1 Saturday. .: CI~:.nc:ll~t~.~~'\.-:iOo~~·Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Utemark Ander~on, Ted Lessman~. ~~~~ ~~ :,:

tl'\~'1'" ',·,.I\~I," ,,",l:.~., W, 1<::. l"klr.don of ;tway. ,home., Wayne un ay. :Mr. ;'\nd Mrs. Gust Wenstrand a d sons were' 'isitors in th' Rell~ and D"nna Faye wen' Tuesday eve- Lundahl, M;r, and MI's. M,o ~t;~l.mf':jE "" Mr, ol'll1.d Mrs. H. C. Mittlesteadt ,MI'. a drs. Albert KiUiop W('!I' the following relatives Ib~n Antll'rson ;omf' Sllnda eaftel'- ning.. visit?rs ill the E~l. S.ehadC' dahl, Donald and Marjor , ' ~~,tt '1.~ (ltnaha. ~'!H'IJt SundllY in tlw VI. r:. flntl ra.mlly spent Sumlay at the 'Sunday dim er guests at th~ Kip1'_ Sunday dinner and supper: Mr. neon y hom\' anrl :Ihursday evening m the and Elaine Anderson." T ,c ~n.e1 ';1

~~~~ \"'!';-;"~L:"lttl,humc, I ,'H'O~SS 'I: ~11~'~:CL F;mma- ~a:llman home at nan ho e it Wakefield.' Mrs. J. A. Seagren, Mr. and,' MI:. and Mrs. Reynoi{l Anderson Pallll..:'tcmal:k, jr., home.. . were shelpng corn. '. i~·, ';i':,~i" \1;1(:'\(I~..an'.1 ,l~'~lild\ .J{)hll;:;O~l I . . .... The th nd 8th graded from .'-;1rs. Lconard Olson, Mr. and I1\1rR. and family were Wpdm'fHlay evL'- MI', anti Mrs. Paul Kllhon wcre Mr. an~ Mrs. RUl'!3eU.: oh ,spq.."j',,,Ii,!.. \\ t I ,. ·~,.!s ill .Ju.. el\ .RobIJl\Son {h1 , "~11. ,I~lld :\11 s. DICk Wlseman lef~ out this wa did eJ:C.c€ptionaily wl"11 Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Inlng visitor'B in tlH' Pall I Killion Sunday afternoon and SUppCI' and family o~r Winside"" r. ;,an<,i.I.';'lOt ~li: 'Jiol\ ~dtl'l'.tl(lOll. • I Mrs. W. J. Ohlund of Ho;skinS, Iv...l'l~Tlc,c.;c1~y to. spe~d seve~al days lin their te-,,> s last week.·1 Harold OLson, Mr. and Mrs. Ern-I home. . g\le:~tR of Mfls. C. A. I<illion. Mr. Mrs. Monie Lundahl, 'DoJ;1 ld ;:a!l:d: 'I 'i.

' . .\l I.' Il,.! I,,! Baillie .~pl'nt Sl~tlday Is editor of this departmen~. IWlt~l f!'lend;;1 an~1 relatIVes at Mrs., ic Albers attentled ~,n I'St" JohnsDn and ~-ns and Mr. and Mrs Herman And(m:on Amanda and l\Ifi'j.-rrc\.vcll Killion and Dar~ Marjory of AUeno

Mr. and" ,rl:!~ ROY"I'::i,J I, !! Il \'I"':;:l'~::'(;d r.rtIl'st :&1.htll;': Any nt'wS'; contribllpon~ from E~';:~~~s Doro;hY. Helen and Freda afterno rt. arty at .tre R<)Selan, I I:\11'5, Clarence 'Pearson. and family. 'I Lundahl and' Mr~. Betty'. Lllnda~l, l('l1e W('I': Callf'fS in th~ ~ft,ernoon. H~,lm a';d ~aUghters,' , ,

.\1 ... I \1" .J' ,K'l\' d I town or-.country will be gladly V··, d M' Ethel Scheel ViSlt~. hall.otf IS er last ~OndaY. To o1:):s('l've the bitt}u:lays of Mr3. were Sunday uitemoon vIsitors JIlII :MI'. and Mril. Jewell Kllhon and Itamed IJ1 the. VelmaI'1 .1" . IS. ,11111 S .1 Wllp'ln received by her ,~):-;~tn Ll IS~ V ss . a NmOf{)'l( The acli 51 Aid met Wednesday I\Vylif' Frank Watson' antl MI'. and, the Herbert Lllri(lahl home. ' Darlene were Sunday dinner and Ihome Sun(lay for dinner ~~d

:-·Hl~ \.'t:·\l,'d t:ll' ~'. C. ('antp at, 011- . I~'l , .~~·s OK 0 III .- at Mrs. Joe CreS'Sey's. They nH'l'_ :\1;'s. George Darnell, the Darneil: Mr. and Mrs. Rny Holm and luncheon guests in the David per. .'·:,/i .i I aftl'l n~folt. lO.':pl un ay. t t M L T Bressler's

\11 \lls. Marcus Kl'OgPI' anJ Fmnk ·:Mill"l' jJlll'chasl'd 11 Ilf'W R G. Rohrke left Friday to at- ne-x a 1J

: .. ,. ~ ~d !"Is.(111 .\ ,d' fll'llllall. 1o"1.'lll'd (';l/" w('l'!c' Ill'l1d [L college ~t)Hl'd mel't~ng' of ~~{e I~IOI:S ~la~eP~: !l~~I'Y 'r'lI',\; I:, \1. ;:;un,lay I Margal ct Stamm the thl' Doder Mar.till LtI~Ill'[, (ollege :('\"s' h~lt n uddy roads preventl',j

\11 and and I wl,,'j{-('lI,1 at' til(' 1\,('1' 1,11. Xl'W Ulm, Mllln. I '1 '11'11.1\' Iwnw illr and MI> Ralph Fairbanl{~ th~I~a;t ;~~l,l~·rs. John McQuistiu:I1 ~lr". E .\1 Stamm :-;('\'('1':>] 1;!nd fanllly o:! Norfolk, wer(' 61 ;1·

tr M· d M's Rolli.'

davs Llsi Wt'l').; at Llll r~. Kllllg I ,,'dock dilltH'I' g~H.~:;ts in th(' F'ranJ( alld'L~)lS a c~ 1·l an . It' J

hU~1t'. ' 'I H~lSS home sun-flltJ:': ~'. M~I~U~l~)~:~ Cit ,Ol~~s~:on:;a~~l'il ~~II'Mrs \"o...;s t1nd\,rwl'l1! "'II', and Mr.'!l. Ralph I'<lll'hlnks w ~ F: YAll t Kin I'll

II ::\l"nrflllit Iand f:!l11ily of Norfolk, and Rellbl'll Mr. '- nd rS i K.~~r 1~ m, II

iBuss \Ver~ Sunday dinner guests in an~l Ml~., '1 a\\1i()l~ l:n~re ~'un~:;'\~ion· tlH' l[PlllUl.ll BU.'i01 home, MIS. ~ll '.'.t rK "",

(Llll~l- .\11''';. l'~lsle Man.'i]H' and Rl'llhen ~Ilpp('r g-uc ts of M:-s. C. A. hI.. I atteneled a Bihlical lion, ~

V<ls,; "I \\·lll.'lIk. W;lS a. : Metliodbt .Chun:h at M.I'. 111(\. II'S, L, .T. Bress!ler anrial tlw \\'m \'<l~~ Sunday ('vpning' famlly '{'II .

and Mrs. Ed Brumels and Iv1al'y Bl"t's.·il'l' III w,,,<cnelo'i_'''"' ,.In'm', anu Mis.': Anna l-Ielcn ~la(l .sp,'nt

Hi tl('("kllt'~~~l;~:i~::;~~ai; ;~~~~;' tlr~'~~: ttl 1'8 .. Henry 311\1 .".1' anel .1\.11'>:. ,I; E. Potter and q.mily lall.t! LOlliS J{ay

.\-Tls" Isolwl N(']sol1 ll'ft to spppel' VIS t{jT'~ at. Mrs. Dptll"I ,{'\.'I'ra] days at t~w ~ .:1. ~ay's 1n V\al{eril'il! in h()no~' of Ill'l"

WI'I"l'1 hom" in CounCIl blllll", bllrlhd4y.


rOW;!. MrK S. C. Brcssler aml Mr.1Mi:-;s .Junc Robcrts, Miss Ruth ~Ul r+-(,on~ld attelldc(lfthr "'eml'

:vIr till] :\11e: Smwn ~tlat( . Dll\'t' Miller allt} Bel't and (a..'lS play at Ulhllllg Neh ',\!l(tm the t'lr1 Silltl ;v1IHhlmell welC Stllluay ameli Brt8Shl 1S Sllperllltllld(1llftprnOlon IIOllll I In th" 1<'1 I'd MIll hi (If sch wi" ,

:\11" r H HIli j f \V Ill."ll l( \\:1' ml 'l I R ty \Vo til and Dak spl'nt !Gill,t gm,! III tlH fI (. I\Tlllll tl (11 :l.TI" (,P{lgl Slliumacher and ""Ith lIS RlY Worth wIHI<

\Vt'dl1e<.;daj- ( 11 01 Stott" Bluff N( bl IS 1 (CI pt Iatlllg from hClII, I'"'' \J.< ,t !l('\\","" Hex Ev U1S III \\ I, 1. (, I tl,d Ml S 81 uccknl'r of ~OI- ,It t 1e LOIlIe: JOhllS<lt1

·IIII"'I"'I\! 11"')11 A orl()(\{ diIlIH! lit 1111 ~\rll filII, 'All( g'IHSls11111H 1<::II1Ps\.1111s In wall'(,f

11d > • I

jl1lL" nn ~lll'...; 1101,tllJolli'R thl'll May Voe:s homp jl( m~' Sunday I Mr and Ml.'; bernaJu Kll1g <In<J 1

;I! (::lllll"ll' st"n'.~. Cd new. safl' MI and Mrs Sllag Johnson of I famll~ r and MIS ~ress(..; "ll y"1I1' (':11' now at thes,=, Byron Clow mel son of Om,lh:l.. Vancouver WfL'th, arE' VISIting scilm11t P Clausen and or\'al


. mgt!l wae: an ovumght guest at tlw Lylp IfllPnds and relatlves In the Bcga Puckett !,Ple SUndl} V1sltorR II\11 In,1 :o.IIS II B JOll(>S plan to Mmntz !lOnH' l:'llday [(rlltOlY Mr Johnson was fOlm fi)e Ctess ys

Illl\.1 ltOIlH tlH'fllstofnl'xtwee!( Mr anti MI01 Wm Slhnltz 01 lfly "f Bega Ml <ttl( MIS S C BIC~slpl ~Illi11 ,m 1',ls,ldt'na Calli, \\hele they SLanton, were guest..<l of "Cl Illd~ Mrs SOphlP K,npbel and daugh~ anul:y M and MI~ Al.lstln ~z..ti"1;1-

a few months with the lat- ma' Schultz Sunday Iter. Esther, of Norfolk, and Ml er a1l.d: f rrnly. MI and MIS i\ ......:~:::~~~~_mot!H'r, MrS. A. L. Tucker 1 Mr and Mrs August Behmer and Mts Ernest Stlate and family W DflPh vUllted at MIS MIllY

\':Ii" oli.-..rl rt eOllple w£'('ks ago.. were dmnClr guests In the Harty VlSlb:ll m the Cali Shate home IReln r:'l Sunday ~ I~ :\lr and :l.ll.'i. Clan'I1l'Q Conger BellInl'l home Sunday Slln\lay t:'ven~ng' Mr and M1S A W Dolph Mr I

w,'" lit Cl"(,lglltnn ~llnday fnr till I Hc\ ,lll(] MIS C l' Schmlllt Lnd I Ml 3.ml M1S EmIl Andelson ,md wet ~IS Gt'O. BllSkilk, MI amJ

1Iq1-- ,,-- _.---. -------- ---- -- ---- ;;l~~t~.l~~l~~.e:~l:; ~~~~i~r~~~~l~ ~l\~~ 'f'~~d~~.·d~,~e~I~~.e:~~lo~~~';~. ~~~~:

1:~.?", drnner gue.:its In the C. W, DaWjS III WakefIeld. "A~{~(-'r:-;~: home. Fi c young people fromIVi:,f'Pplllg1\' I I ~ Mrs. FJIiza Puis, Mrs. Otto Kruc- Wat r eil e Sunday to the Wake­gel' and Mr. a~d Mrs. Frank Car~ fieLd!Chr stian chUl'ch tn conductlieo and uaughter, Yvonne, all of IserVi 'es t 11 a. m. They wcre en_Norfolk, were visitors in the Gus tertained a.t the Clare Buskirk~c~roeder and Carl Strate: !:J~me::> hom~ by the Young peoPIE"S dass,

PI,O llC 333 • • ' Phone 333 l"rJtlay afternoan. 124 in all. In the evening they con-l! Mr. and Mrs. John Scheel and ductrd is rvices at Waynt ,;\.Iurton

1& l?l"ee DeliverY,Service ... SO?, :lunior, Mrs. Eric~ ,Stamm 0.' [.and . ict I' 'frook, formerl~ of here,,. I.' , ., WrnsHle, Mrs. Anna Eneksoll, Mrs. wpre am 109 the group.

E:. M. Stamm and daughtel', Mal- I Thle f.o lowing named I attended

eARN No.2 11c garcl., were 6 o'clock dinner gll.ests the ~u~e 'al services for RaymondU Cau in t~e lver Anderson home Fru]ay Hansen t the E.VangeliC~l Luther-

evemng. an CII\ll'Ch at Soldier 10 a, Thurs-PEAS \\,phstpr Hr;lIltl 2J:.c Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Strate, ~r. and IdflY. Burial was at Ute. ,('wa. Mr.. 2 Nil. :~ ('ails \ V Mrs. Hurry Scll".yedi· and son and and Mrs. Herbie Hansen, Mr. and

WAX BEANS ?o{ ]';'0. :~ 250 Mr., and Mrs. W1J1. VOSS. and 1.;<1tt- MrsjCh ster Han:<;en, Mrf and Mrs.('ails ghtt'rs were among th-e guests cn- Wal, er Burhoop, Mr. and Mrs.

GREEN BEA'NS :\'0.2 tOe' tCI'taincd in tiI!' Ed. Berr:~a:dt Will C olth, Mr. and Mrs Ellie('an home at Norfolk 'Tuesday ,e~e.lllng Alb rs, ester Korth, Mr. Rnd Mrs,

Iin honor, of Mrs. Bernhardt S plrth- Alt lll' allum, Mr. and, MI.<l. Ed-

KIDNEY REAIt· ~~:;n2 1Dc dayanl1lVel·stary. war I K, i. Clark and August Kai,


- ~~- Del res Korth, Julius Meyer, Hen-

PORK & BEANS I Pound 7e. l'lnodlll'. !'arty.. ., ry~'arn )W, Emil Tarnow.'. and Al'-('an Ml' and Mrs. Frank MIllet (:n-! llold Bn dlgan.

TOMATOES I';ll~;~: ~!~~:~II~~Y 25c I~~~l~inp.e~~.t~ ;~wtl:~:~n~m:~~)~ll~; I - ---------- "--evening-. , A delicIOUS lun<eh was ogalJ Valley

MACAR' ONI Or Slm~hf"'H 1Ige servetl by the hostess. tBY MI'lI. Albert Anderson)2 »(lund Plq,. I

MUSIAR' D Full Qllllrt 15 500 Club M(~dt". D nn~ Slahn spent Salurday,Jar C The 500 club met a,t the Art visi, 'ngl with Neva Jorgensen.

h Hlom~ Circle- meets ",rith Mrs,~:~~~~ =e s~~~~arne~~~~e~' :~n~ Er_1est IMitcheli Tuesday, May 14. .contests.. Guests were Mr. and gorothY Lundruhl is- spending aMrs. Ed.. S'chclll'ich. The hostess f('~dn s at the- Anders JOI gensenserved lunch at the dose of the bro e. .Jt'. nd Mrs. Guy Scoltl wentevening, 11bl

w,~~hH~}£1;!~rd:~~~\::la~~~,~ ::~~!:~d ,;;;;~~;;c;::~~~~;,Muchlmeier home Friday evening P~4rso 'so I

in honor of Marvin Muehlmcier's 'fal 8'1' Grosc and c~ildrpil. ateImthdn.y anmvprsalY The evenmg S~t.da . dinner with th€ F.red Mul·

~~~~(~:~~n~ ~~~~I~;rve~~l~IR after lerr:f~ l~~ Mrs Ed Temple IWb e

~_ S111da. afternoon V1Sltor~,>- It th,...

\ J rthday Party. Th J s Busby home lA large numbel of friends and e oy Mapea of Emer.'l<l!l spent

relatives Wt~ ente! tamed III the sa) 1 ay and Sunday at tile An~ 11,~lilll.::l!;I.Ir.oLuUwr An crson home SunQay dCls J rgensen homeevemng 111 anor of Mr Andcr- r and Mrs Ernest MJtchellson's birthday anmversary Cards an L ,roIly Vlslted at Hal 1'y Johll~wele the evemng's entertamment, so's :f)Ur'lday afternoonaftel ",I;tlch a dcllghtfu\ lU)lch was r land ¥IS E1Wln Fredl1ckson

HEINZ RICE FLAKES 2, 2" SOlved w r. Sunday evonmg Vl"tor. at.I'J~£~. 'Ie ,_ : th~'B~nard and Ralph Park home

K S Om·,}i'umily 11 llighiand Wommt'~ Club. r. and Mrs. O. P. LundstromCORN FLA'E I.arg~l·nclUlgl' UO The Highland Women's club an llda of Concord were Mon-_'_,-- --,-----,------,--- I met' at the home of Mrs. Lena_ d~ terliloon visitors at Oscal'


1- - rll Whittier Thursdayjafternoon. All Bj rk und's-. , .

JOHI~:SON'S WAX ' ~~T~~:~T-·.·:·· ':::: ..~~.~,I ~er~b~~;e~er~~~~~~~t. ~r~,>-~ts ;:~.~ in r l ~~:r~e~y.e~:~r~~:~;~da~:~~~Rl<::'NT Olllt ~Jl~"~{J1'RW P()I.~ISHEI,t Muehlmeier, Mrs. CHrIs Weise and n n 'l.l1.rl supper guests at ElWin

'-----,C:>.",.-""-----,----'---..!.--r"-+I~ Mrs. He~ry Mueh1ni~ier. The pro- • ed ·ckMn's., ./. ,I gram was as .fol1ow~: Mrs. Erne~t r. and Mrs. Herman Mlllle~PURE JELLY Ar-;sorWtl ....,Iu.v()r~ 2~c' Strate led the lesson ·on ."Thl,s a d' r. and Mrs. Fred,Muller.went2 Iloulld .Jnr :M t

----------'----~-_r_-i--+..., Gi'andrp.otherl,l\~'; J iss Mo.rog~ret t usa Sun;day aft~rnoon 0 at-

I Complete Assortment of Fruits and Vegetabl~s .~~:It~:S~n~~i~~:b~,~~t'·:c~~;~ te:~ ~~;~r c~~~~r;;:'Jackson,

Ia.nied on the pia.no by MnlS Lydl;'l t h ra at Myttlc Creeli: SChool,

, 'HAlAlAS Per 4 jWhitt:Jer; reading "In Memory 'Of w re ohday supper, and Ovcr-l~oun(l y~e My Mother," Mrs ~am Reichert ht guests at ,thEf Wilt Borg

I I A d~Ucious lunch wa~ served b;}l:" the It me. 1','llostess. Plans were made :(or a Ml ,," Walt,~,r qr~~,' ~ent ~o Wa~

IIiII ~Illitilll "It I '"Ill: i;ll",,:g:i,i1iltl'I~~I!llIl2I~~im,l~III"11~1l1l1IMllAJjlilljil'!II!ihl,fK:,1I:("!I, 11IQ:IIH(l'!j~il hl~II;'~'''I"Ir, '" iil'"l," ",." H., I'" '" ' I, i ,,' 1'_':' ,1,',.,1,,1,'·,; , ,


POI) :Corn C1I.lw,2 cups sugar1-2 cup corn syrup1 cup waterPopped cprn2 teaspoons Dutter

Tomat{) Rabbit on To~t..Z cups canned tomatoes1-4 te_R.§lJ2Qon soda1 teaspoo-n' saTt -1-4 teas,poon pepper -­2 tablespoons flour1 cup grated cheese6 slices of toast1-4 teaspoon paprikaCombIne tomatoes, soda, s It.

pepper and heat to boiling. ddflour which has been mixed· w lbenough water to make a smo thpaste and cook until thicken d.Add chcese and stir until blenti d.

Serve on toast, sprinkle w tpaprika and garnish with pars


S(:alloped IUackerel and 1~o1a~. 2 Pounds <r1 pound can mackerel 'For ....c ...

cu~e~ups boiled potatoes ,caF in • -------1-..:..:+,-

~ ;:~Il:=:.~~~;er E1-2 teaspoon salt =1 3-4 cup milk •1 1-2 cup bread crumb.s J =Break mackerel into small pifces, -. -'- --+-+

removing excess bones and ,kin. =Melt butter, a.dd flQur, salt Iand •miJ,k. Cook until sl'o/'0th. OiL a =~:~~:r~li,S~ ~~e~:r::t:t~~~~~~ ;cover Wlth sauce Repeat until a'tl =mgredlenUl have been used Coverwith bread crumbs and bake in arnod~rate oven untIl crumbs arebrowned.

1·3 inch in thickness. B~ush witmelted butter and spread withcups finely chopped rhubar.Sprinkle well with sugar. Roll 11ka jelly roll and cut in 1·2 inch sl ­ces. Place in the syrup and ba ein a hot oven for 15 minutes, threduce the heat and bake for 0minutes longer. Serve w.arm.


Becausel your house had 'no Eporch. or an unsatisfactory ='f;lne wht;tn it was built is I no _reason !Why you' can t now ­have onl;t .:I, suitable to the =house a~d as perfe~t as any ;in the ~eig~borhood. , :

ro': ;;'~f ~~ g:a:c~~r;~k~rOo~~;~~ 'Efion) 10 I illustrate the new·pord! •pos~i6ilifies in your home, ;


:' "hone 1~8 .Wayne, N~br. e.~•••••~~.Ii!I.Il!I"" ••!Il."••••

'I'. .' ;,~l,1 :,,' . ), c.,I· ./,' . j;':~

·!':!"rrffiJlliml"ilii '! 'II:' "JII:;,;.' ;,. I I t'jlQlll J.l'OtJB Wil BALD, WAYNE. NEBRA~KA,"tHURSDAY, MAY -9, 19311. , I" I

';' ettHE

WAYNE' HERALD~~~;~~nt~ ;';;ed-:n ~;:;t:'~Ii-;'-~~'l~l~~~;;I'T . J3IO~~'--- .O--·~tAd-;;;a-;;'~-';:~;-~;:K;~~ Vi~torJf• I rests on the prospect of gettmg awa.y from l~h.is is music week and-mu. • , , Itary, King Haakon' of Norway,

f I Eo w. HPJ~. Editor ~d Proprietor. g.overnment paternalIsm and !nto p.rivate oS c gr lUp cverywhel~ are ob- Kin? Gustave of. Sweden, and

:'I'::rllo Old••1 Establlahed PI{>e~ln Wal/Da ~IY. ~l:~~S ~~:k~Oa;;:~:;,se~':;~~r~~sV:ni~l~t%n~: t.~~l; t ri"m.":'C~":c ';Z~:~;; w::::'t:\.l~~~P~,';da~n~~o~7:t~ ~~e;.0 WlIhelmlna of the Nether-

" ~. Pu~ed. Every Th1Jr'8d8.y. ',' Report~ from busmess orgamzatIOns are en- an ins i1' tion-an .inspiratiolj. led MiES Porathy capsey until Mon- .Dltered at the: postortice at Wayne', NfI~ couragmg. even t those who flo not un- day f Another smack at lae peace

"'Second C1au Man Matter 1J:11886 under the act The Natinnal Association 'of Manufac- derstand its technique. Primi-·. movement: the island of Jersey", March 3, 1879. Known office of publlc&UoD, turers is report d t h' • d . f I tlve sava e's reveled in a crude Mrs. C. C" StIrtz and son return- plans to rame Ita army, by con­"&)'De. Nebraska. e 0 ave m~l e' a c~~e U kind of uaie. Today artists ed home from Logan, la., the first scription if n~essary, to a

surv~y and stUdy of economIC c~mdltlOns, contrj~ut: to highest taste. of last week after visitin~ her strength of 300. I--Arkansas Ga-:tnd IS led to belI~ve large and w.ldespread Since nt oduction; of the radio Ifolks. zette, I

u:nprovement awalt~ 0!1Jy !,eestabhshed con· the be t usic81 talent and la- Mis's Marian Price was home ,-----~-- '~ldence. The aSSOCIatIOn IS rep~rted as say:- test m, s'cal productions are in-I with the F. H. Prices of. Newman .MrlBomg that tl;le country today IS closer to stantl~ a ailable. In homes as GlOve, on Saturday evening and ."breakin~ ~he .back of the d(lpre~sion th.an well a . pu~lic places only the ~\lllday. .• ~ • '.. .at any time since the forces of rEilcovery turn a a clial is needed to bring M1SS Lorraine Chlcboun ofbegan wQrkhlg through the world h 1932," a floo 0 music. So, the world Clarkson, who attends college here, WJAG N f lk 2 tablespoons molassesadding: i~ mar ~enerallYand more eas.... ~'Pel1t the w~ek-end wit~ Miss Hel- , or 0

Thl. p.a.pe~d~e::I~r~~e~~e~b~C1rgeneral ,HSurveys indicate that close to 20 bil- il;V en, ic ed :by Choic~ .music en Jones.·.d. I Thursday, May 9.Nebraska Pre••~A..l>l:latlon lion dollar~ in expenditures which .would than e, and the radio IS no~ Mrs. Ilda Holmes aldc~~i&'l Geor- 7 OO,Wendall Hall, banJO

oUt\UaU...Member Nallo.al EditorIal AasoolaliolL r~.; y~~r.;,o~~e~~n\O uf;~~ ~~I~~~ldm';F f~~: :l~Jt y ~F~~:~~~SQ,:!!: ~:F~~Ed~~~~~~~~~ WC~~l1ie;~i~t~~ ~:~t.~~~~:~;na~~"aleTELEPHONE as. tory expanSIOn, renovatIOn and rehabilita- livabl y musie-----by wonder- Mrs Mae Merrick came from ~:~~:USi~1 JClbck. .

Subscription, $2.00 Per Year in A.dvance. tion alone; _rhe release .of this .f!ow· of pri- funy 'gh development of mu· I ~l'em~nt Saturday and visited un- 9;30_T~om:;Osce:~ IHano. . .. . ~a.. captHljl by removmg y?htlCal unce~- Blcal ent Itil Monday with her daught~r ers • ' gospel SIng

Opposes UNI~~D States Senator Byrd, ta tIes would dwarf the .bJlhons approprI- Mr~ H R Best 10 OO-----Vera Parker banJoist

P lo ... I • Wil'gmIa farmer and life-long a d by congress for relief and make un- 1< E Galley, Jack Denbeck and 10 15----Street VJce

o lCl€S democrat makes a vigorous at- ecessary the expenditure of much of the t Late C g, Carhart leave FrIday for Big 10 3D-West Poi9 ttaek 'on bureaucratic' government, and es~ ltaxpayer's money." (Co ti ued from Page One) ~tone lake/~hftSh They wIll return 11 OQ.---.-<Millsical ¥asterpwcespeciall.r'''~ssail.8 the' AAA and .NRA, in ~he, . . .r.. __ l~~:St; s e ;::~ler and Mrs 11 45--JFlap and Jack, banJOSformer of 'WhlCh an attempt ~s now I)~ng The City admm!~tratlOn has .lllst start· th'eft of c U1j! for a year IS an ac WIllard Wiltse plan to go to Ha:3- 12,OP---Odd Factsmade to extend the al1thority lof the seore~ ed a new fiscal year, and much may be knowle ent of !;the former prac~ tlllgs next Tuesday to attend Eas- 12 15--Art ThO!.'tary or agri.culture. Senator I ByrR, points fou~d to commenq.. in the way rnunie-ipal bce, an tt WIll be mteresting to tl rn stai Gra~d ~odge ~23~~-Mall Bagout that the secretary is virtually. asking affairs hav~ beep handled during the past know h ViI the king WIll express RP-I Mr and Mrs C W Holm of 3 OO_~arr~:o an Hourfor dictatorial powers to lice,nse farmers year. One no~ably ?~tsta~~!ng achieve- preClati Why not catch lOspira~ Lmcoln were guests In th~ Mrs gUItaren a a d AI, vlOl1n lundand handlers and distributo'rs of foods. The men~, now hearlhg .frUItIOn, IS the new com- ~10n frOJhe proposed reform of a A L Kellogg home Mrs Kellogg 315--Harley St tesman lcowbosecretary of agricultm:e.explained to a 'con. mumty house whIch suffered m~nv ob- Ilbe m dia~by making lmprove- and Mrs Holm are sisters. s)nger 1 ' ygressional committee that he did. not in- struction~. before success was assured. :~p~~ di ~g~~rthc~~~~~~~o~f ~~: IN:~I; ~e~eM~~"t~ n~h:~ry ;nr~ 43D-Detecttve.'itend to use all the power proposed If g~ant- qnl.y pelsl~tence of the mayor ~.nd cou!l- peclall 1 times of stress-In a I ry h:me at g~orfo:k SUhda

lOe~e- 5 OO~Russell ~e sen organ

ed by congre.ss" but ~e wants t<f have It on cll l~ ~arrYll1g out ~he popular wIll and 111 period @ lUlcert~nty-why not l!lmg for a birthday party y 5 30--Story Ladhand to use In pOF-sible emergenCies. Sen- pr?vldmg a needed Im'pl"?Veme.nt prevented lighten t of fellowshIp and help- Bolhs Holmes spent Sunday lO 545--Historyalor Byrd sees, as eyeryone else doe's, the ~aIlure.. The n.ew b~IldUig wIll be an ob- fulness d make o"!-trlCter apphca- Omaha With the E A McGar- 6 45-Harley St~tesman cowooyfolly of granting authority that is not to Jeet of hIgh satisfactIOn aftel" once finished tlOn of ~Golden Rule? t,ltlghs and other fnends return- 70 Friday, May 10.be emplo;)led. The:Renator says an attempt and brought to use, and the anthoritieR who - png home Monday morning. 7'1~~en~all iiau: banJO,is being made to control the farmer with stuc~ to the task \vill he l'ememllcred ap- Col es Compete .Mrs. J. j. Ahern,. Mrs. Clara El~ 8;O()-~~:~~~al.U~llcale.AAA as nil attempt \vaS tnaqe to regulate provmgly. 1. II:;: Mrs. C, H. F.Is.hcr and Miss 8:30-Uncle Gene, Wayne Herald.

busiSnel5S tWJith NRA. . If Se tor Carter Gla."'''' ,,'el'e offered the I ~ Events FrIdav ~11'1~~~:tJ~~Xn:~nSL7~~I:;da:~~'n~~;h9:00-Russell Je~sen, piano... ays 1C senator In ~art: "'-' __ 01 Mr. and Mrs. Clement Crossla~d 9:30-----The ColllBtocks, gospel sing·

Iii The mode·rn. Ameflcan. ~ay have to treasury p st in the Roofl;evelt cabinet and Repre I nt Five Schools In and Mrs George Crossland went to ~rs.., .'. I"~. surrender 11 measure of hiS mdependent refused on the ground that he cOl.\ld not M 1 T B H Id H Lmcoln Friday and visited until 10.15------Street VOice. Lemon l"uddillg.

,J.it~ ~~etion t6 thp :-;ocial nece8sities of these hard satisfy himself that the administration in- If 'Toh' I'W e ere Monday evening with \fVill Cross- 10:30--Wes~ Point.. 1 cup sugar

; I tImes," but he should never consent to be ~ended to follow the "Round moneyH plank IS eek. land. ,11.00-MuSICa,1 MasterpIeces. 1-4 cup flour

I'''I~ awakened each morning bv the blare of a In the democratic platform, as reported by Oma ~univer3UY' Buena'Visbl. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hammer 11:45--Demons, in..,trumental trio. 1 tablespoon butter,H bureaucratic bugle and reqllired to do ,his Mark Sullivan, he may have sidestepped ~ollege of Storm Lake, Iowa. Morn. nf Omaha, spent from F,r1day to ~;:Oo--~dd ~act., i ~~~s milk1"1 daily work t-o the tap of a bureaucratic a great public service. Senator Glass in the Ulgsid c lIege of Sioux City, Mid- Stlnday 111 the E. A. Surber home. 12:~ r~ hornas. 1 lemon 1I' drum treasury, might have been an Gffective in- land 01 ege of Frefnont, and Mrs Hammer and Mrs. ,Surber are 1 30~al1 :a

g. Cream sugar, flour and bu tel'

r • ~1 "t;r('at governmental agencies;- once fluence in behalf of unimpaired currency Wayne each.ers college will ~om- SIc;tC':S. . 2~00_AI'OuU~du~~wn together. Add beaten yolks of

t... ,j' I ..' , .. , 1 b d' d' d' f th "I pete h r Fnday afternoon In a !'.1I. find Mrs. Floyd Alexander of. , .co.n tl\l!( ,cUH ,OPCI<tt.I,ve, can I<ue.y e 18- an m e.~ensc 0 0 er pnnclp e8 of gov- track et which opens at 2:30 Bl'ldl't1, nncl Mr. and Mrs. Paul 3:00--Andy s Orch:3tra. eggs, milk, jui'Ce of lemon ·and

m.tntled. Thl tholl~ands that aI.e placed el"nment that have suffered during the past and is 'o~en to the public. A full, Andersun of South Sioux City, 4:00~Helen .Led€rer, soprano. well beate~ egg w,hit~s. Place mix-up-on iht' federal paymll exert an mfluence two' years. schedu e of events is arranged Ivl,stLl'u the W. R. Hick-mans here 4.30-Detectlves. ture in baking di...h and set in panin l'()ngre~s, dii"eetly and indirectly, that Coa h W. R. Hickman took ~cn Sunday. 5:00-------RusseU Jensen, urgan. ~~r:::~h::~~~lr~ake in slow ovenusuall .... kcep:-; them on the payrol1." Advoc~tes of a change of puhlic poli- to the >lfk-ota relays at Sioux Falls Mr and YIn;, Dean Brisben and 5.3o--s~ory Lady.

The senator concludes with this 13tate- cies in Washington can find more things Frida ahd Saturday. Wa'yne plac- tW() children ,Jf Ca.rroll, la., and 5A5--Hlstory. S.~UOI)cd Eggs .\md :Sllaghctti.ment: "As farmers we are suffering today not to do than things to do in slirnulat'ing cd sec n in the sprint medJey find MIS IIf'TIl'Y Johnson of Wisner, 6:4~De~ns. 6 hard cooked eggsmore from llnderconsumption ind loss of and equal~zing markets and developing op- in the to-mile relay, third in the S::l.tllrday in the John Bris- 7..00-Mu.~lcal ~{lm'cl1t.s. 2 cups cooked spaghetti0.u r \\.orl~l J!larkets than from overproduc- portunities..O-ften doing nothlllg IS a great- ~le r I iY and Terry ~hird in t~c :Vf~o:l~d Mrs Hu h Dt'akc and i;oo--w~~~~~::;r~I~'~~n~(~: 1-2 cup grated chcc.'lct~Oll. \:y)thm recent years we exported 55 er contnbptlOn to natlOn<l1 healt~ than a ~~ra~ It~ ~~\~e~:~~:u~rha~~::~~e Hugh', JI'. a.nd J~an c~me from Lin. 7:15--Mprning Musicale. 3-4 teaspoon paprikapercent c.f, our cotton, 41 percent of our ,~ea~long plUl!ge t(~ do maJ~Y thmgs that Tegle a d Retzlaff, placed fourth: cl\ll1 Saturday evening and viSit- 8:00------:n){:~votional. 1 teaspoon salt'bohac,t'o, ,33 per cent of .our la~'d, 18 per Imvo ve more Ills than henefltR. Bad uk in passing prevented f'li Ilvh Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. 8.30--Uncle Ge~e, Wayne Herald. 1-Z teaspoon peppercent o~~U" wheat and 111, addition !party '. + '" their . ning. carleton col'egc G..l HL'SS, ,9:30-Gospel SI'1gers, the Com- 1 table_spoon onion juiceother product!.-; of the farm. We see this _ Congressman Hamdton F1Sh, .11'., of New was :frs with 1:30.4 and: Waj1lle's .M~yor a.ud,Mrs. MaTlin RidgeI' stocks.. 2 cups white gaucetrade dail,r dec.lining. "Vhen we lose a York, whp was in .Dma.ha 'Tuesda.y night r~cor' as.8 secondrnore. .1, lett' Wrdne~da'y morning fOt) a 10?5-------Street V?ICC. Ad~U~::~~e~~~:~e·::::~~t~I~IiJ::~

, customer in hUl'itness, we lose him usually to S'peak before a republIcan found~rs' day Ne a ka 1n.tercollegif;1.te Athle- b~SII\€':;~ tr,lp" mto Colorado, pian- 10:3(}"'-Wes~ POlOt,. sonings. Mix well and add w~ite: j forevel'. WithOl~t foreign markets Jor our banquet, .~~id in .an intel:~Tiew th.at the new tic as iat~on holds. its annual rung t~/~oP' at Jl~leSberg, SteqUng ii;:=~~~~~~ ~:;t~~~:~~:i trio. sauce. POUl' into oiled Jbaking dlsh,, exportable surplus of farm products our deal a.d~mlstratIOnha~ fll·ed. qmte as much tra:ck a d field meet In Wayne on ang~:u {{ene.~~~; ~~dison ea ht 12:QO-Odd Fa~ts. cover, and bake 1..2 ,hour. !

farmers can never be p~osperous." OPPOSltIO~. arnontr Jeflersoman ~emocrats ~~: ~ ,~~a~Z'an~h~~O~'e~~~~ hi~. foot Jl1 a plow wbout ~ ~~ek 12'115--Art Thomas.I as among republicans, and predIcted th-at pet ~ r' . ·n;: h ld t ago and tQre the Hgaments His 12:4&-Mail Bag.

Apparent IN hIS recent fireside talk the a~ many Idemocrats in the future would 10:· m :~:-;.a~es Wl ts ~ e. at foot is ill a cast. Mr. Reev~s is a Z:15--Conservatory.11 ~. I C flO t presi.dent said. "n~ver since leave t~e reV( deal fold ~& republicall~who 1:30: m even egm a brotlp.er o~ Mrs. q. W. Hiscox. 2:30-Rex Mullelr, ba~i.tone.

I t I" on Ie S my mauguratIOn m March, fled to It In tPte last pk'esidentIal electIOn. _ Mrs. J. 0, Wenttworth went to 2:45---CoUege of MusIC.! '\',1983, ha\t: I felt so unmistakably the at- \ n" Jo t M t"~' Lincoln Sunday to spend a couple 3:00-Demons,. i~strume~~al trio.

"1 t 1jno~phel'e of recovery." With a five-billion- Recovery l~ over-due accordmg to the 16 "l,e ee lng weet.t.: \\llh her mother, Mrs. JU~ia S:15--Hadio".Bill s Hawauans.I dollar 1ellef fund at his command he might experien~e of past depressions, and it Will ~s Planned H e,.e Denrns Mr. Wentworth and "bso 3.30-Story Lady,"I ?as.dy be led to mlstc:ke a feelIng o~ buoy- be speed~d on if the administration can Mr ;r C VandenbeI1g of 'Scrib- :~~~~('lll took her as far as Fre- ;~:=:~~~:~v;:~sen,organ.I' I~ aney tOl" d. substantIally recuperatIve at- manage to hold back a few of its reforms net, and Mrs. E R. Oettmg of MI lllU Mrs John T Bressler 5:30-NeLson's Orch stra

j~'l 8Ul'anCe~ develop cannot reasonably be ac- grows st ~ng enough to ~tand them. meet w th Mrs E E Gailey, Mrs Frank Sederstrom went to Omaha 6:45----Demons.il cepted as. due to multiplied extravagances SAL tgen and Mrs E W Huse yesterday to stay until Fnday ISwumy, May J2.

I o:~ and bureaucratic vagaries which have in. The cain-letter epidemic is such an un- III ~ Itf pla;~ :rt dlstrl~\dwo- Mr Bressler attended ~the Shnne 10:0o------Requests.~~I' jected feal mto busin~ss. necessary nL(isance that we can see no rea- ~~n e J~m~n~ZI ~nd ~3b;'h: fi~~ reumOll l1:00-pregb

yterian church.

:~i;I", . Rat~.~r in conflict with the prei'ident's son v..;hy ftnyone should feel duty-bound to ha.d u cheon to ether at Hotel Mrs \ A Welch Will entertain lZ.nO-Helen Craven Karella, pi'~,' seH-satIsfied feeling, General Hugh S. contrIbute to it st tt g at dmm I next Sunday for Mr and ano.pJohmwn, .etstw~i.le. bellwether of the N;RA,' ra 0 Mrs HalfY Alffistrong and faml1y 12:15---Andy's Orchestra.

I~ answers the critiCIsm of the U..ited Stlltes ~ussia" Cotto" Program, Lutheran Ho.pital. ~~dS'~~~d;;~Y'a~":'ssA :.:;:;:~ ;~~~"::;f.~~~lla Lacey.:;~ Ohar:nbG/iof Commerce, directed at the new Omaha Journal-Stockman: A message Mrs Ernest Grone and lOfant J h 1:15-Detectives. T~ deal, hy;'ia;ying "the crisis is not over." from Mo~cow illustrates .t~e sharp diff.er- son w~e diBmi.SSed. Saturday. . °M~t;{ost'omlatskY and Miss EI~ 1:30-Columbus. Hot Cross Bwll'i., rhe\president has met the adverse at- ence between the condlhon of RUSSian Miss Marjone Lmn had a tonsil sie Petrrson'of Sioux City, Mr. and 2:0o--Congressional records. 2 cakes compressed yeasttitude 9f the United States Chamber of farmers under the communist regime and 0p'erati n Monday and was dis- Mrs E I{ostomlatsky and Wm. Orr 2:30-Lutheran Bible hour. 1 cup scalded milk~omme~ce whose resolutions advised junk- American farmers under the AAA In Rus- r:ed Tuesd~y, . I wer~ Sunday evening dinner guests 8:0O--Christian Science Leoture. 1-2 cup sugarmg SOme new deal policies, by contending .sia they ar~ fiimply told wh~t they ~as~d ~t~:~I~~~aere~en~~nc:;~ of Mr. and Mr~. C. A. Orr: The first 4?5-Recju~~l:s. ;-~g~:spdon saltthe chalnber does not fully represent the must do, ,In thlfi country they are only told fnedic atient y g two returned III the evenmg. 14.45.....--Hawanan. . 4 cups flour.views 01 American business. As a matter what the'IY.must not do. ,.' 1 Delo e; Victo'r, daughter of Mr. ~~. Hn~I,M~;: ~:~;;ld R~~l~ ~;~~~~~:l ~~:::~ 1-2 cup melted fatof fact,Jhe United States Chamber of Com- The dIspatch announces that soviet land M s. Fred Victor, had a tonsil ~n ~m~.\- t ·n th' 1M: C I . 1 cup seeded raisinsmcrce H:as its hands on the business pulse farmers will be expected to deliver to the loperatljon yesterday mormng R~~sel~ h~l~:.r g~~~ =.nId Mr:. Dal~ R . ' sca.l? milk and co~1. DissoLve~very\Vliere and cannot be far off in rep government next fall, 1,404,910 tons of cot-! Mis,~1 Anna McNair of Wayne, las Giff,oIrl and family and Mr. and eelpes yeast m lukewarm nulk. Add su~flecting ~he business sentiment of the count ton, according to a tesolution .Just adopted who IS receiving treatment for a Mrs EmIl Barelman and family . gar, salt, well beaten ~ggs and~ry. . by the council of people" 'om . d fractured hiP IS much improved .. " ,f half of flour. Beat untIl I"ffilooth.

Feedin peopl thO th d' th t 1 Ott s C mIssars a~ MrS~JOhn Hufford of Wayne, JOlll<;d til< m or supper. C Cr" Add melted fat and inix thorough-~ . . g . e some mg ey on e cen ra commi ee of the commumst l was a knitted May 6 for a tonSil G. G. HaUer called at th: Jacolb . heeso o(Iuethls. ly. Mix in rest of flour and knead

. like an.d telJmg them they like it, and then party., operat on She was dismIssed yes. Reeg honIC Tuesday morm~g to 1 1-2 cup grated cheese for 3 minutes. This may be c,.jv~I lexpectlllg them to express confidence that ThIS quota, l<nown as the "1935 deliv'!", terday see Mr ltccg who has been 111. In 1 tablespoon flour ered with damp cloth and waxed . ---, +-;..1~ the~. do not feel by a carnival of spending ery plan," does not include cotton whicH Ste en Bri s, son of Mr and th-e "!-ft<,IIHJ.on,Mr. ~d Mrs. Hal~eI' 1-4 teasp~on salt :

cannot f?il to react to the confusion and must be paid by the farmers fo' bn .1 Mrs L Br~:gS of Wayne un- visited ('llnst ~, Weible. near Wm- 3 egg Whites. • •••I!•.~.~.~.!I..~.!lIi!I.!!..~ •• •disapllOirltment ot- k 1 k It I h' f . I US g agrt d t ' si.de \\1' WClbie was Injured reo Cracker crumbs fmely roll cd ,,"',~' •

. ran tl eager all( WOl' - ~~ ~ra mac mery 0 the machm '-tracto c~trlw,es

tuarndaoP~:ration for appendl~ eentiy 'whlle digging PoSt-ho'If!S~ Mi..x cheese, flour a.nd.salt. Add "..,~~.,. :.ing for re.c:ovei·y. statIOns,. y ,M!' (I1rl~Mrs. Ed. Seymour and to stiffly beaten egg whItes. Shape ic p?? -".

Russia is determined to grow enoug ------- --~ Lyle,· ~1)~. Mae Y(mng and' Mr. into ba'lls the size of a walnut. Roll ~.1:.~---~NO one with red cor- co~ton to supply its textile mdls with th MOTHERS'DAY. and 'M;~ l':~rl Merchant and'Rob-. in cl'acker crumbs and fry in deep .pl~sIes ~n ~is. biood or raw material. They have .the Roil, the IRe urrence of Mothers', day ert plan ~o go to. Ames this 'Ij'hurs~ fat. .

. . . WIth pflde m mdepend- bave the climate ~and "they have the far _ next Sunday reminds us that day to al'lend. Vl~shea, .. open house.eJ1~ CltI~e~ship :Iovants wOl'k .as a mere mat- ers s'o that all that is ~cessarY is the ord r mot er love is the one ever-.sus- fa;r part')lL~ and frwndsi at th1 :>tate Creamed Cod~ish with

!:!. of lelte~~';~_~~BS~b~Ysecl;1re em- compelling them to., et b.usy. ,- taine world force that in tim\~ ~j;iC;~.~:'I:·I~~v~~dS~;~~~~~·D:~~~ 1-2 pou~J"';.at~:::~· codfish

F d G"lit ls . ----..-- MmaotY ere'l~vbelf~~r1,un~~~efrraaoIIP~waCaCI" 'h d' '8 olin ll-l,"-.!('y gues m the Fred Echtenkamp fro1:(l 13 ol1sin where he hali t... v i':l'll ~ m YOl\ng ;!IHI·Btanle~,,-Merc ant an 3 cups milk

In C t ~ C thOrne. \' • tehded his other's funeral. . ~ not be harmon.ized" with will retwil sunday. ., . 6 ta.bleSpoons flourl

io~ w~tln your Mr. Ilnd Mrs.. Henry F1rcvert Mis:s Lise~''Deck of Norf k human slaughter as 'a way 'to Dr. and Mrs. H. D: 9r~ffm, MISS II tablespoons puttel·

,",,~cry . it" <~ er~f Pender, was spent Sunday in the HenrY'K~ Mey. came Wednc d y·last weel( to vo. it settle differences.. ' The most Flo'renc(' Drake and Miss Mary 3'·hard cooked,~ggs~\ gm y In a.yne county er home, J i with Miss M ' t S h 1 militant nation's mothers I;:e'coil tuniel W('IC in LineoliU Monday, 1 teas;poon minced oniont,~. Monday on charges of pos- 'M'r's T I Frleat d:so f W' j,' ,a gal~ c erne. with horror at thotl'ght of 8ur~ evening lo attlm"d "Aida," by Ver~ Cover the c;odlfish with cold wa-~lon and ~ransportationof liquor ne visit"" d an n 0 19- h 'r. Rnd Mrs. J. W. Groskurth d i di reHC'lltcd' by: university choral ter add mi.qced onion bring to ad ihe' WllB fined ,$100 on each af:' ed F. . Philleo Tle~day and Wendell visited in the Charles' ren er ng PT'eciOU9 ones to s'an- IU~i P . t lhC field house. Soloists boll and cook for io mmutes.\~t! also p.SiSessed costs of $6.81. ,ernoon., ' Faudel h~mo at pJerce Sunday. gUinary comI lict. Mother cries weroe

na ctro litan singers, one of Drain.' , "

aller's car WaR declared a nuis- .s Mirlls, y~ug~ne Steine~ an . Miss Miss Natalie 'runberg and Nor- out agail1$t the folly of war- them Ml'''tn~d 'Werrenrath who !Make a white: B&Uce of mUkt 1 nd add ld' d th av a ocum spent tile week-end man Catlton or' Oakla.nd t cries out tol"save het-hbjects of '.~ I,el:a .w.s or ere so ,an e in Sioux. City . I" S d . ,spen devotion from ..pitiless wreck; sings he1C Monday. John Drake flour and butterf Add diced 'hardo;n~y ·to go to the school fund. G G Hall . , ,. un ay ill the ~. A. Lally home. age. Mother love modifies eav- j' d II (' party at Lincoln. cooked eggs and .fish to white~l~:rd~~:=~u~~nd for appeal ,H8.lier·~arme~::~I;t~~:e~:~ i11~SthI~~~et~~~~~.::'~~~ quite age instincts and softenS iras- .Olne L ----:---.-----;: sauce. s~rveon'I.t~ast.. One table-~ ."' nesday afternoon. . Henegar is hel . f itAlex ctble temper. It not only ~othes Ho.w about making this next,war spoon of chopped: green pepper

):1 ' ----.,'. Mr. aM ~r8:,Wa.lter'I;.ogemann H, D. :Addi~~~\:::einorLi~~~'ln t.!le babe in arms, but ~mparts a Dutdil lrea'1:. aff~ir?-Dallas maybeadded.if-des~red.I :~, • < of Plainview, gpent sunday .in tlie ,most of·l.ast week on business. He courage and, hope to every age Morning NeWS.

Chris Tietgen Qome. " ,. .., had a case 'in, the supreme court. and every condition. It is a AI"c-o IliS c.ri-ti-CS-ha~v~e, "7m-anag'ed 2 cups f:~~barbRoDs.I ' "Mr.. ~nd Mrs!\ qUo Ohl0ll; a.nd ' , .Two. g-O?d USOO planos., Will sell breath from eternity. ' It blends VlJ

,daughters sp~ntJSunday w,th rela- 'Ghe~I' ,J11uIIY guaraat""a. iErne~t perfe<>tly with hellef In:lmmor- to get unoor Hnpltio'. hide, they've 1·2 tea"""on ft .',tives in ,Soldier, Iowa. I .Voget. 414 Ea8t 5th !St~ m9t1 tality, :Mother is the one person f-ailed to hang it on the fence,- 1~2' oup' fat; ¥r. an~.~rs. Joe rSmo~ski and' Mrs.: ~lfred Lexow and daugh:- to whom a.1~ earthly troubles Weston (ore.) Leader., 3 teaspoons b . g powder

~~~ :=:r~~::r;iJ~n;Sunday ;:~ f~~Y~~r:l;: ~a~~~a~i~~~~ ~~o~ ~e;a:~a~~t~t~~~ Great B~'t~ I and her vaSt do- ~~;~:: ~s~r~p 'by boilihg 'to-,,-.j Mr. an9 :Mrs. George, Rtfbeck of J. H. Wrights, the Claude ,Wrights sible aid. She deserves every minions began on Mon'day the ceJe- gether l.cup suS\O'r. and 1 cup wa-

rres and. Omaha, spent the week"end in t1he and Burrett W. Wrights. Mr. Lex- kindly attention not only on ~:~~~~ ~. ~1'o~~~~~ ~~:u;:y~t ~~~' ~d :=t ~~1: t:~r:~:~~:~~·d:;ddi:-:; 1M~~~~~I:~~~e~~~UeSday ~w 'Wl~:r:t f la;:r and return ':o::r;~::.y, l?U

ton every day ilies on the throne when he 00- n:iJxture; I .

':"Xd"fll::drll:i':~I;l';~ ;:i;J;'~!ii~J~l~;~:"I:;;'" 'J,!:~':! I'U, ,.'~,l;i :i;'1 ,;;':; !;;.:~.:;~,;: ;,;':11:1::: .";I~;J~1;~;:u. ; 'Jli'~~i': ~ Y", J I, ~)' ;,1 ,,'_ ,,:~,.'~~'fc~, " ,. ,1,1 .J,' " ,1 J ,,~ame king ,in. l~:OI ,~~l~ it~,~r '~~~\' ''''I ,,:~a~e_:f;,~~<:'~~~ dqU~hi a~d :~,1I tc





Paste Wax


Glo-Coat ""..

~~~ -.~• Cheek your pantry shdvu,I and the"'loc\.; ul'homthisU.1J ofo<onom"d,q"II".",,""'-1


l~!~!!29t29~rl.RICHELIEU I 3~12J-o,. ... "

~~~~!!?"~~~I~"~ .;;'~u.~~' ,~!:iCARROTS Baby SI"arl-D;<c<I, ~. 2 Nu. 2 ,;", 23~



Liquid Wax ,,,,.. ,. SSc

'" meal Io.od product prepared from

PUllt SdlUlzcOld·}'ashloned lluller

Cookies . l-Ih. pk•• 19cChOl'olUlc MlIr1;hmaliow

Cookie:; . • . Ih. 27c

•Cooked Ration


Potato Chips

B~~memadc 25c

last meeting of the year with~rs. R. R. Smith for a covereddish luncheon. Assisting will beMrs. A. F. Gulliver, Mrs. J. S.Horney, Mrs. J. R. Keith, Mrs.G. W. Costetisan and Mrs.· E. W.

fHu.se. , .

Coterie Club ~ogram.

Mu.sic week was observed' forCoterie club Monday when Mrs.H. A. Welch and Mrs. Paul Har­rington had charge of the pro­gram at home of the former.College high school string qUdn~

tet.' including Anne Ahern, Lor-. raine Johns6n, Joyce Miller, Dor­othy June Green and Arlene

'IGriffith, played, Robert Cunning~"ham; acc~mpa;"lied by Kermi t:IStewart, sang three.. solos, SallY'Welch alSO sang. Mrs. A. R.Davis and ~rs. r... A. Fanske ser~

ved. The club year closes nextMonaay When members andtheir hU::jpands have, i:lirmer :par~

ty at the 'C, A. Or~ home. On thecommittee ar;e Mrs. Paul Mines.Mrs. J. F. Ahern, M:rs. Wm. Mel- .lor and Mrs, Orr.,

• .:. >10 * *

H. B, Craven. Officors elect "dare: Mrs. H, B. Cravep, pre _dent; Mrs. J. O. Wentworth, vi epresident; Mrs. R. W. Ley, seor •tary; and Mrs. C. M. Craven,treasurer. On the program co ' ~

mittee are Mrs. A. :1': Clayco b,!Mrs. H. B. Jones and Mrs. H, 'Craven.

With Mr•. Hobert Auker.Mrs. Hobet-t Auker entertain­

ed! Fortnigh~ly' club membersand two guests, Mrs. WillisNoakes and Mrs. J. R. Miller, onMonday afternoon when Mrs. W.:M. Hawkins had the lebson on"Modern Art in the Home." Of­ficers reelected are: President,Mrs. J. T. Bressrier, jr.; vice pre­sident, Mrs. E. R. Love; secre­tary-treasurer, Mrs. Auker, andflower chairman, Mrs. J. M.,strahan. Next year's programcomJPittee will inelilde Mrs.Love, Mrs. Hwwkins, Mrs. Auk­er, Mrs. ,T. C. Cunningham andMrs. F. A. Mildner. Mrs. 9~n­

ningham entertains in twoweeks.

For Jimmie Lee Sund.Jimmie Lee Sund was 4 !years

old Saturday and Mrs. L, W.Sund entertained for him. Game8and Visiting were enjoyed. Mrs.Milo Kremke baked and deeorat­ed a white cake with foulj Ibluecandles for Jimmie Lee. Mrs.S'und served luncheon and herson received several giftS'. Guests'Dresent were Oharles Good, An~

Hadel Fitch, Billie Kugler, PaulBwmhall, Donald' and BettyFraIUlen. Betty and LeRoySund, Mr$. Bert Surber, Mrs.carl Granqui~t, Mrs. WI F.Fransen, Mrs. John SUl'Q.ct, Mrs.Alvtn Rennick and Mrs. Kremke.

* ... "' ...Altrusa Club Meets. '" I~ ,

Mrs. Mae Young entertaineclAltrusa club Monday, for Music/Week program. Alice Mac Youngand Peggy Strahan played ~wo

piano duets. They, also DeloresMcNatt and Margaret Jonessang two selections. Marian Sey­mour playing for them. LeoneCoryell gave a musical readingand Marian Seymour had her ac­<:ompaniment. Peggy Str~han

and Marian Seymour gave pianosolos. Mrs. Charles Heikes,president, appointM Mrs; R. R.Larson, Mrstw. C. Coryell andMrs. Eric Qmp'§'9.J:! ~ on ne~tyear's progr ,m committee. -~lie-­

hostess served luncheon ,and theclub season ctosed.

'" '" >\> *

Mrs. Jacobs, H'ostees. :Mrs. A. M. Jacobs entertajned

Acme club ~onday. Mrs'. EphBeckenhauer had affirmativeand Mrs. C. L. Pickett negativeof a debate on "Resolved: Thatgood temper and bad house~

keeping are more .to be desiredthan bad temper and good house~

keepirig." Judges declared thedebate a tie and awarded eacha ·prize. The hostess served can·oy. Next Monday the club has 1o'clock covered <dish luncheon.!With Mrs. C. T. Ingham. Officerswill 'be elected at this meetingwhich closes the year.

• >I' '" .. * Musical Tea :rue8day~ ,',\ ; ,

Gr~~~a~~a~'eP~~:~~~~;resentcti Tl:;~~~~~~f~n~~nP~~il ~l'~~n'b: !i

Mlss Helen Lerch of Howells, T. I':lglu~m for a mu.slcal.·te~."~

Neb" in her graduation program Mrsl R. E. K. Mellor and Mrs. v."i;from the Shcnfood 'se-hool of p.. Sfllter were assisting; host~B~~.',':; ,~uslc at Mr-jt: Keyser's hoMe es. Mrs. H. R. Best, viCE;: ,prcsi-, I:

stud:lo Sunday afternoon at 3. den. pre.sided in absenc·e.,of;~'!:J.~.::.!Miss Lerch's prograrm 'was: presldent, , Mrs. ~. W. casper."Rhapsody" Op. 79, No. r2 by MIS~ Margaret Jones played two III ~Brahms; "Scherzo" Op. 16, No. pIa 0 solos MISS catherine Cra-It2, by Mendelssohn; "Nocturne" ven gave a mUSIcal readmg, aC-jlOp. 15, NO.2 bYI Chopjn; "Etude <:3amed 'by Miss Jdse.phineMignonne" by Schuett; "Valcik" Ley A ,humorous rea~ng was Iby Mokrejs; "Golliwogg's Cake p 'en ted 'by MISS Eli~l;>eth I

Waltz" by Debussy; "Scara~ welpworth Jl..obert CunnUlg~am j~monche" (The Clo.wn) by Cham- san two solos, accompamed! by:~,

Royal Neighbors MeE:t. iJ;1ada; "Sonata in A<Flat" Op, Ker t Stewart. Donald Baker IRoyal Neighbors met Tucsaay 26 by Beethoven. Mrs. Keyser, PlaEd a c.larmet solo, aCeOlI)..-li:

evening at the hall for a regJlar director of the Wayne branch of pa~ ed "by Mr. Stewart. Te.a. ,wa.s (.meeting, 'Officers will go i to ;Shel'Wood school, presented Misa (ntinued on Page Seven) r',.Plainview May 27 to help V(ith ;:~ __. .____,.the district meeting. Mrs. P$arlDennis is past district oracle ~nd'

Mrs. May Foster Is Hag betj,rerof th~ di~trict. Lunch was serv~

ed at the close. The committeeincluded Miss Izetta Buetow,(Mrs. Sue Brown. MrS. BerniceCartwright. Mrs. Alice Mab\.J:ottand Miss Helen M81bbott.

At Charles Hansens.'( Mr. and Mrs. Charles Han en

entertained saturday evening ata progresalve pitch party. Gue tswere ·Mr. and Mrs. John G s­horn, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Me aILof Wakefi.eld, Mr. and Mrs. H r­vey Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. DeanHanson and Mr. and Mrs. W. W.Roe. Prizes went to Dean Han-son, Mrs. Goshorn, Mrs. Roe andIMr. Goshorn. Mrs. Hansen servedat the close.

*'>fl >I' *

iWere served before the group ad­journed.

Were playefj. and refreshments

DeMolays Gather.A group of DeMolays and

their freinds met in Masonic hallSunday eyening to hea,: broad~

cast honoring the organizationover national n'et.work. WeU­known DeMolays, including HalKemp and his orchestra, Buddy,Rogers, Walt Disney an~ "Dad".s. Land'1 the Ilast.named thefounder f the order, were in-cluded. '

i' .". ,.

For Ralp Baker.In hono of Ralph Baker's

birthday 10£ Saturday, gues~

were cnte~t:ained" in the Bakerhome Sunday for dinner. They:were-Mr. a.nd Mrs.'Ralph Bakerand Maxin'e, Mr. and Mrs. FrankBaker and Miss Florence and'Clyde Mrrnd ¥rs Albert Mil­ler'and ia ly of Laurel, l\x1r. andMl s Herb rt, Perry 8:lIld sons andGilbert M u.· .

"'<lo .:.

Del'401ay In Meeting.DqMolay, c~apter met Tuesday

evening. Plans were made toattend th, Baptist church in a .body May 12 in honor of Moth­el"s'day,' lans were also di;3cus­sed for a tending the DeMolay.conclave t Fairbury June 9 toII. The' etltlon of Harry Rob­ins<m, jr., lis read and will bevoted on t next meeting.

~ * •• ~,

O.Bid-Um Meeting.U·Bid~Um club met Tuesday

,with Mrs. B. L. IStark. Mrs.John~Dav.idson and Mrs. CarlNieholaisen were guests. , Prizesin bridge went to Mrs. carl Nuss

~~~te~r~·erv';;d~ltMrr~~s~.B~t~tain entertalns iii. two weeks.

For Billy Orr's Birthday.BIlly Orr was 10 years vld on

Sunday'and entertained Willisand Warren Noakes, RodneyLove, Billy and John Hawkins,Holwrl Parke and Carroll Orr,

The boys went to the Gayand to the C. A. Orr

h0l.llC for luncheon.

Mrs. Petersen, Hostess.Mrs. Pete Petersen entertained

·-the Here and There club yester­day afternoon. Roll call was an­swered by verses concerningMothers' day. Mrs. J. H. Nich­ols had the lesson on Mother'sday. 'she rea'd verses and poem.s.Lunch was served at the close~

'" '" * *

Bible Cia•• Meets.Bible elMS met Tuesday after·

nooll with Mrs. Dora Benshoof.Mrs. E. B. Young' had the lessonstudy. 'I'he class will meet nextweek with Miss Charlotte Zieg~

IeI'. Mrs. Harry Howarth willbe lhe leader.

'" 1lI '" >It

Mrs. Perry, Hos~ess.Apron.o-lUb met-last Thursday

(With Mrs. Herbert Perry. Alltook part in the MotJhers' dayprogram. the hostess serving af­terward. Mrs. Kermit Corzine·entcrtain.s in two weeks.

With Mr8. Gereon Allvin..\11 s Gereon Allvin entertained

St. Paul Missionary society Tues·day afternoon ,when Mrs. J. W.Gmskurth, Mrs. Carl Bern410na.ntl Mrs. N. J. Juhlin had chargeor the stUdy. .

For Omaha Guests.Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reyno'ids

cntertained with two tables. iofbridge Friday evening, compli­mentary to W. L. Peterson andJ. Q. SqUires of Omaha. Lightrofreshments were served.

'" ill ... >It

Mrs. McNatt, I Hostess.CIrcle Two of Methodist Aid

rut'[ \Vcdnesday with Mrs. L. W.MeNatl and Mrs. 1. H. BrUeH atthe former's home. A pFogramrepIl.'senting the last day ofBellool was given. Refr~shments

welC' !:ierved.

Aid Circle Meets.Methodist Aid circle Three

}ne~ :vved_nesday'at home of Mrs,L, F'. Perr-y'- -Mr-s. H. D. -Griffin,Ml'.';' W. S. Conant and Mrs. LyleGamble assisted and ~erve'd fol·I<JWlng the less9n bY.' 111'13.. G. W.C()~terisan.

Light Bearers Meet.Light Bearers met Monday!

wltlh .Miss' Margaret Mines. Jap-'.'/Unese' boys' festival which is the'

fifth day of the fifth month wasstudied. The girls also workedon their play. Stacey Meyer andElaine Benl:11ack served:

Catholic Aid Meets.Ca tholic Ai& met for' first time

this .~cason May 2 at home of Mrs.Paul Broeker. Mrs. Dan Shannonassi.<;tcd. A fair crowd attended inspite of mUddy roads. The hostesses~::::. Thr Aid meets again in two

Mrs. Conn, Hostess. I

House W 'rmipg Tuesday. Mrs. U. S. Conn entertainedNU-Fu embbrs and husbands the Minerva club Monday at 1

Mlent to he Clarence Wright o'clock luncheon. 'Roses: decor-home Tue ay ~venjng'as a 8ur~ 'ated the tables. Mrs.· A. ·Mc~prise ho e warming for'them. Eachen and Mrs. Je'nnie MagillMr. anel Mrsl Wright wer~ 'Were guests. Mrs:. E. J .. Hunte-guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. mer had, the lesson on modernMarch a the IShQ.'!__a::~__~en archi~e~Jure.atid furn~tur~. Mi~sthey ca~ I;tom;e. the.y.. f.ound the 'KatnI'.yn-:··Gt~enB.Ht..-sa~8'.=--:-"~~...grou~. rds ~nd a socHtl time numbers, '~Pretty :y:~tle ,G<lld~~-

··tt'lWere enjo' ed. The guestS! served fish" by T8C~atk6V8kYIl;l.nd"SOU~. lunCh at t e close. pir" by, Benberg. Miss Sarah Ann

'" '" l!< • PWhite played three piano solos,

:~~~~~a~~"L1B~t,e:~I':K;in B ;M1n~r" by $prose. ,'"J;".l';e «IuD

w.ill mee~i~f:~ir:Jr~;~"r/t'hhee1~0~~~~i~~~~~

Li~ht Brigade Meets.Light Brigade met Satul'day'

at St. Paul church. After workon Japanese notebooks Mrs.Ben Meyer furnished the SU1""


Christian Workers.Christian Workers met lasl

Thursday afternoon with MrS. i<":.F. Shields to quilt. They willprobably meet again' thi.9 after-noun. •

In Regular Session.Girl Scou\ig of Lily of Valley

troop met Wednesday at the cityschool for I'cgular work .




Choose from 25 $7.95and $10.75 dresses" ofquality ~~ilks all~l choicenew styles.

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:F'ine woolens, tailoring'thatcr.e~.'tes outst.anding-st.y.!C and l

P!1r~~6t J,i~~ing--sl~ lini~gs,S~i~s .that keep their smart~

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A brlghf new stock ofEyelets, Sceri:iuckcr<iancl summer shet~rs tochoose from

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Lovely Munsing c~m­

hi nation sets, slq:js,Crepe DcChlcn gownsat

$1.001'0 $2.95-.­House D,.esses

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$1.00 To $2.95-e­

table ClothsOne of rich ecru lace at$2.50 or of the newblocked linens at $1.25will delight her. .

Give Her Munsings,She kJl~'WS theil' quality and' she, is .sure to bep;ea,;cd. We will help fathers an~ sons. scl~cttht' correct stylCfl and colors amI we will giftwmp them for ~ou, free.

88crAND $1~00

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I ',_.






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W~ have a car of No. 1lIorse Hay 011 th(" trn,'k

G)::T YOl1ItS, NOW!



!m.; Englls~ services 11 a. m.; Inoon ~i~.tors and supper gu~sts ~nIS'outhwest wake

1:eld assisting in the ron~, Iswedish sel vices 8 p. m. the Fl'c Harrison horne. Dr and ... a few weeks. I

Wk fe trl D t .. fTh W Id Re,v TurnquistrclurnedMonday MIs D .Qmmty Were evemng '(Mrs.-LawrenceRlng The'C.A.Bard mil'a e lelu e,par ment 0 ' e ayne era :~:~~:~g'~~:::hD,~:~:~e~;,:r. he al- v,,~;r:,~';:;r, John M,eDekmd.l. lin t~:'~/~:n~~:~:~:'~I Samday ;::~~ ~.~~;;;,,~;,;me~


--- -- brought Dickey to hIS home Sun- Faye SandJal;l.l was . m Ij:lncoln and, Mrs.~ Lc~\IS Rlfg and ,

Norma Carpenter of the Herald Sta1r, Is editor of thIs department and will \Isit Walrcfie.ld every Tuesday. Any n C9Iltributiona to Sllltlm Lutl;lullll Chure'll. day and spent the day visItmg in Saturday for the mUSIC cpn~est, and Mrs" LewIs RI g -joirleU Ithese columns [rom to"D or country ,,111 be &ladl7_received by her. She is alsu authorized to receive new or ren wal 8ubscrlptlolUl. (Rev. Arthur L. Pet~rson, pastor) the Wilton McCorkmdale home. Joann Rubeck IS spendingla. fe:-v for supper, j ~

~ l~_~ ---J n~~und~the~dles'Ald Ro~rt,~th~dAl~nJohnwnd~~thher~n~are~ m Mr.~dM~,Rolic~qge,_ , ' Imeets with Mrs Ben sarr, 2 30 p. and Fern Nimrod attended the 'Vakefield. ed last Tue::day'pveni'ng nt

~~.' fO. E. S. On Tue!t:htoy. I ments of ice cream.and cookies at ture l'lS thIS erlOd the year hefore. m. freshmar claM party at the high Mr. and Mrs Chas. Schull z cn'l- 1.a\"soll's, spent TJtlrSda~ 'eVI1'I

OCALSOrdcr of Eastern Star met fit IclO!;I' Committees were: ~tertain~ The report f( l1ows. The confirmation class meets school aluditorJum Friday evenin,g. ed m the. Cliff Munson hom Sl(n- in the Albert Kill on h(~mt~ Iia 11(

" Musonic hall on Tue;;day, n1('nt, Dons Gray, Darlene KlI- I 1!}34 19a:; Saturday at 1:30 p. nt, I Mr. and Mrs. J Fleetwood and dayevemng.. were dinner gu(:'st Slm<1~y 0 • t 1\~ I ,I - don, Burddtl' F'rcr;jnckson, and Mean ma...'l:imjlm 67,40 ,')G ~JO I Next Sunday Sunday schoo] 10 Jimmie from Galva, Iowa, CRme Mr, and Mrs Wesley R!ulb ck ~l1d E: S, Kiernan's in rtkefl ld ' , J -(,

C, 'V. Longe w~~ III SIOUX City I lIa"J nrldge Ciroup, , Dcrald Jl'n..:en; H~fleshments, Mean millim~lm 3~ 00 ;Fi ·.W n. m ; English Hetvke 11 a. m ,amI II Saturday evenmg for an OVCl- Sun_ Jackie called: at LaWTence Rmg's The La.w!'~nce Ring fa ilY {... ~' 1'&' 'on bU$inet;5 Monday I MISS Agnes Carlson entertaim'<l Charles Paul, Mn,rjurie Lund, Vio- Mean t 52,70 'VJ 1:) at R p. m. 'day viSIt 111 the G A J(lhnson Mondi':yevef.lmg, in the Art Florine home eal' W;\LI

Mrs Norl}ul HIIlds spent last the Jolly Eight pridge club at the let Rissell, Fcrn Nunrud, and Rob- M~xJmum 88 7(; 'fIhe Lutheran Brotherhood meets home, Mrs. Carne .Bar~ attende Mrs, side to spend suncray :Oty1' g'ktsj ,weelt.end tn Hiel,man with the 1'1 home of Mr~. lvel' carlson on Wed· elt Johnson; clean-up, Ralph Fris- l\hmmum .24 23 Monday, M~y l~, 8 p, m Commlt- Mr an(~ Mrs. A P Borg, Palll Frank Henry s bIrthday party were: the Roy Sunde;II, ~tG ,N ,I·."L. Franeys. ncsday evenmg, serVlllg at cl<me. .;;.ell, Donald l<~leetwood and Aaron Gt'eatest rrtn I" 54 4l tee on servmg IS Otto and Elmer and Sterling and MiS'S MJ.ldrcd Monday afternoon, son and Anton Holmber fan IHi'~ I

Mr, and: :Mrs: t C J, A. Larson ~ -- "'r~'Il. j PleclpItatlcn .56;1!-l2 Nelson, Grsver Carr and T, M, were Sunday evening VIsitors ~d Mr. and MrS!. W, C. fUn and and Mr. and Mrs, Elmer INe: ]11~n. ,:,1,.spent Sunday pvenmg. ,with the 1-; Urillxe Hostess. JUlllor-scllJ(lr 1 UllfjUf't will be Gleatest 24 1 mlrs :i2 1 ::'" Gllstafson. luncheon guests m the Leonard Merle were WIth Mrs. Etta Dawes The Wesley , "Pred FiO\~'leys . . Mrs, G, W, McClIntoch cnter~ held thiS I'~I iday I cvt'nlng- In the No, ~lfl.Ys ,01 )1' mOl e 2 11 Th0 annual convention held at Olson home, for Sunday dinner~ and MIS. Chaunc

lvIl's. D H. Llll'~nn nf Wayne-, t~illed with fIve tables of br:dge hIgh school allditl~I'lUm, T(,tal Jan 1- ay 1 2IH r) \l<j WUTlsa last week wa:> very encour-I Elaine and Donald Anl1erson Mrs Carrie Bard attend d Ml.~, <.Ired, Dat\will and' Bu:;t r~pent T11~sday with he.r sister., .Mrs "v~dnesdllY evening last wcek. Gill H.(':'Jl'rVt's havp charge of Clear d!lys I 21 1:-:: a.g1ng, Our conference has been were suppel .guests of Abce Jane Frank Henry's brtq.ctay p rty (l~1 and Marcel Rlllg att~ndl ItHoy Wiggains r'IlZ€S went to Mrs Charlcs Schulz, candlelIght :-1f'IVICe at the PIl'Rby- Part cloudy 6 able to carryon lts work without and Clarence IBoeckenhaucr Wed- Monday afternoon. I.. day sOOool dass ilinn'cr It. Mr. and Mrs U J. A I..llrS(lnl ~il's Harry. Crmckshank and Mts II·rWIl eh;llch Hlil1day evt'lllng, ClOUdy I 3 la lallY retrenchment In. a matenal ncsday evemng Mrs And~r80n The Warne: Erlandson family and Mrs. Claire Buskill{ SIwerc Friday evenlllg VISltllls ill th£" h_ H SChWI€,1ICI"IIIll'h W3..'3 5G'1 v· Wakcfleld hlgh school had two 1__ way \,:"8 could even discern some Iwas an evening VISltor, were gucsL., ill the Noah Johr,s,m Mr, and Mrs. Mauritz (Gll~t Gartner hOIlIe. I~d Ilt close. pntI'ants III the- "tate musIC contest Clr:ll t('-I' To Mf'l't. unprovement. We hope thcre has Carl Anderson and moth9r, Mrs, horne Friday evening, and Jean vlsl-ted Fl'iday vell

Miss Verna A,nderjlerry went to - - at LllH'oln InRt weelt-Plll!. Jeanne Haggal No 39, Royal Ar('h Mn.'1 been stlengthemng III the sPlrltual1 Anna Anderson were in thejWaltet Mr and Mrs. Henry Nelson, Mrs. C, A. Bard's. MI', a~d 1- rs,-Wa;,rr/e Oh' flnt of the \)'l'ek to as- I Hnw' Sflw'r' n, COl nell hlgh soprano, rated aver- sonry, mccts [ext Monday eVPlllng llfe of our people L~Ige crowds Mil1er home near DakQta elty Fn- Ola N.elso? and Mrs Edgar jLarson Ekewth amf Mr. and PI's:RJRt III the T S Hook home ,La,hes' Aid of Presbyterian age m gloup of 39. and Ardith __ Igathered at every serVIce, the large day, MIS Anderson spendmg the were In SIOUX City TuesdaY.i~ AnderSon were thele for 1m

Mr, and .Mrs. Elmer HenlY of I church held sliver tea at MrH Joh}} IBe,Ill alto. lel'clVed good r'd.te in Post .J\1(.(.ts l"OOIi. church at Wausa was not any too day vlsltmg with heT niece. 'The DI<:k Sandahl.famll welC S\mdayevening on the I'Dodg(' City, WCle herc' from Fll- L1D HJl.skell's J'~rld:ly afternoon gr{ up of 32, M1SS Gl'ace VanBuI'g Anton Bok 'mper post. Aml'! l( an l.:l.l ge A large. number of our MI~L':'l Amelia Hansen was a Sun- afternoon guests Sunqay t L:y:e from Wausa. rhe Davi I ,Nday llrttil--.\t.o.nday \'UtlLLe@.~s __ ':':':.~.1C~ Mrs· Haskell displayed .her and MIS N{II vnl Hlllds ac('ompllll. '..l'glnn, meet, III Legion hall May vVakefLeld people attended. It ~a!'l day suppcr guest III the :1\. Vo; Gamble's and stayed for su per, family were guests arso,'. I

Ml and\1b; l{oyWlgglllJ1:{\Vcrc-owTI--ne~er-k,-A good-slz~(] hed thl'gnl.s to the contest 11 ~ not,declded where the conventIOn Carlson home. Mr. and MIS Law- Mr and Mrs, Paul Olso and Mr, and N...~s Lawre <.'e l~lJ'In a gl'Ollp f'nt£'rtalnC'L1 at ullmer I gIO\lp of women attended, lllclud- Dixon cA-unt;z: _hack IIl('~t was _ I wlll be held next year. lence Carlson and Larry Gene ~Cihlldren spent,Sunday m the Rus_- L£1 L ,'. \lI'~,I;;rf,.

_SulHlty III thl' Q.'lall(' BU:;klrk! lllg. Mis. C. D Hasl{cll, :.Mrs MauI- 11CT1j in Wak-ef.ieltl--Vv~es(laY af· _. 'Is, \\,ardetll{py. i ---~ , were S\lnday evemng VIsitors. sell Andelson home ~t Oakland. ~~ida:r~~~~ ~;l1fehume . IICI.' Hall,H:!!', and MISS Al1lta Fl'llwr terIlo(Jn • Hul1clpl1 lng, Wakefi-cltl s-tml- I l~rpsh~'terlan Chur{'h. The B W. Fl ederlckson farm Mr and .Mrs, Jas. Chambers and MrS. LewJ..S Rin and

Mr.a. Alfn'd <\'u{'ock and two clUI-


of Laurel ' ~P\\S From Grailf'l'l, ent at Wayne state Teach1'rs 101-1 I Rev W Byrd Ray, pastor) home was connected iWlth the nat· Donald. vlsI~ed Saturday ai~€rn6on NIelsen accom ~n;:edl.lren of' \i\'{'st Pomt,.can!,e Saturda.y , Fourth gtad"ls took standard lege, wa" presented With tll(' PI Sunday school 10 a m, ural gas lfne.lffst week.!\nd---th-e I~-.!:he---=·~..~.non Cook home near Saturday Mrs, Jing an.dto "p~'nd tl Week With the August !\\'ilh Mr!'i. Kay, R('hu..'vellH'nt tpsts thIS week They G.hmma Mu. scholal'ship lH'y .It I' M()rm~:g w,orshIP. at ~1. Sermon farrlly are lenJoymg the t1.'3e of a Pender 1 nor, Mrs, Olvllle El'icson.anc ILnllsons, I In observance of MI'" Detld haw' IJ,'en 111.-l.l011g Spl'lllg' posters l!mllt'r' mpE'tmg' of till' iral'~I)lItv theme' Gods ExpreSSIon and I1~ new gas range and refrIgerator. The Ed Sandahl fanul~ were en drove t1 ' if th it ~

:Mrs Frcd Rowley, Miss Emma Kay's birthday anrversary, about fn'p hand of C'uttings, History IS Mon(Llyevening 111\lRtratlOn of His Love." Mrs. Vernie Lmd€r, Mrs R. E diOO-l~r and suppet guests l3unday meeting Ofl~~: j~~Jor: ~n(~ ,Ill

nnd Charle~ Huwll!y, and MIRS ::"'la~~j.45 frl/mJ." spent Monday aftel- bt'lng- studH'd ltl placl' of hygIene - - Young peoplc's socwty at 7.15 p Strange. Mrs Chas KlllJiley, Jr" 10 the George Web01g hom~ near supper guests in the Fra;k .garet Eichel weI'p III W,I\'lH..' Thllrs- noon with hel, visitmg and Sewlll!{. thUle last SIX WDt'ks HpA'ln Pradil'l's, m Mrs. Jchn Kinney and children, Pender. home in Laurel ' '~1~day afteJIlool1 IThey blOllght refrcshmenL"l whlC'h Thll'll gl ael('l s hay!' J1PW books Wul{l'fll'lli fll'em('J1 will ,;t 11 1 Evening services at 8 o'clock in a.nd Mrs Donald Kmn~ visitep Mrs Lawrence Carlson and Lar- ~_~_ --.:.- III'

Paul Witte attended a family iwen' served III hte afternoon Rel,l- for mUSH 1,'t,~,p.!Jflnd dr<1wings of Il'g-tllal 111(' jJla{'tlcl'S In'xt !vf11111!IV c11alge of the hIgh schoell GIrl Re- Mrs. WlH- Holmes Tuestiay after- I ry Gene were at, Ponca Monday . • II,glthet mg' III Omaha la:-;l; Sunday Itives surplisetl Mrs. Kay on SUtl- tr!'l'S "PtC mRde lecclltly, and p\t'lling SCI vcd and their sponsOl, MISs noon IWJth Mrs Carlson s parents attend· SOllt). Wakefle (hnnouug til(' silver w, tldmg anm- day (Jvelllng, ellj(lYlll~ SllCW.I tlln(' thl'fle \\"Il! bl' ",'nl to tlw lall Dally EstheI Schwerdtfeger. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. FrederIckson mg a funeral. "II,vprsary of IllS p'll PIlls ~ fol1owpd hv lunch \\1'.ltlll'l' I (', ()I d \~ 1., 1<;1 pt dill ing Brou,dt':.ll'lts &1oon. Ladlcs' Aid society meets this entertamcd at !Sunday dinner MI'. The Emil Ekeberg and Ernest J. (By Staff Corre~po~dentl

Pruf Enc F;eklunJ Voho has heenI' Aprl1 ]\'lI'-1s Fjmma Rowley, tl<lUghtl'l o[ Iaftl'l noon at the mansE', With Mrs and Mrs Elmer Henry florn Dodge ILundahl famLlJles were dinA and Mrs, Jr, S. Utecht was .gll1,mdt'rg omg ;reatmt'll~ at l!, ~. ,:et- i BonoI' :\lrs, ")'111', j til{' Fll:d Howleys, WIll bl1JlulL l"t, H.ay, ~IS Geqrge Alstrope and City, Kansas, Mr and MIS. V M'lsupper guests Sunday III tn~ ,W, Mrs. A, W. DOlph'S!" r{ram; hospit,ll III Lw{oln, l.S (Xpcct-

jThl' mc('tllln' of Meth !lst Alii M ~ JTJ [rum \\ ,tylll' HI'I ald stllcll(l 011 ~ l! 1....11 S H,lrIy CunneI as hostesses Huffman and fanuly and M!' Lundahl home, when s\1e entertamedl hel

('II home lLbollt May 15 . SCClely III ChllICh p:Il'l r" lURt any /\.Llen( 1... Ilr.d,ly lllOrJllllg' May 25. i MiSSIOnary society has May day Chas Henry - I Lloyu .&N beCk has spent a num- T?e August IBruBeltrand Glllps!)l(' and Mls~ Es- Thursday aftdnoon l'ompllmpntl't! W M 11U!l('hcon aL the church Tuesday at MI', and Mrs. Elmer l3oeeken- bel' of lllgllts th~ pas~ w:e}r with Loul$ Tests were I Sund~

ther Smith of the Norfolk te-adung Mrs Robert Wy1Je lin hN blltll- allsa ('eljll~s Has \I'm Frll('turt'. 1 0 rlock. On the commlttce are hauer, AlIce .Jane and Clarence ac- his mot1}~er who 18 qmte III at her guests of tIle Her

1an J3I'U

staff, called on the Rev. Vv' Byrd day nnniversal y nlHI Ml" "''''ylll' .Takl' .Jolmsoll of southw('st III IMrs Norval Hmds, MIST C compnnH'd Mr :llld Mrs. Georg8 I home in'Wayne. . St. Pa~l's Luth tan, ,::~9RllyR on Sunday ~.aftCl'IHlon. wrJ, presented WIth a gift of Wakelleld, had nght {inn fructm _I Jlyp~e, Mrs. Walter Cal1son, Mrs \~lhlpperman to Omaha Sunday Mr Rhodes came from WIll eets WIth Mrs. arl:Y Yj(n

Mr and Mr;o; fi."nul MlHer and Al- money Talks wele madp by Rp\, Mnt. A. L. Peterson Named l'd neal' tht' wrist la:-;t Satll1d lj }1~ml1 Hanson, Mrs. Byron Busby, where they Visited Mrs. Frank S D., Safurday to get hi,9. cattle this afternoon A uilt Willton and Marton, Mr fln~! MI~ ,RaJ and MI5 K('lly, the Iflttel' n('(' Ella I Missional'Y Officer At \Vhl'll 11l' attl'mptetj til clan!c fl tl,ll I Mrs George Buhrman, Mrs Floyd Whipper man m the Clarkson hos- that had been wintered on the ed. ..: iA .Jf'nS';en Vl~ltl\ll thl' I 01"',('::1 ( L I Hillst who flll mC'lly t<tlwht sunny-I Conventi tm. Clollgh, und Mrs W Bynl Ray pltal They also vIsited Mrs WJll Wesley Rubeck farm, Mrs. John Kay nil Mrs:,('al~p on Sunday aftPlnn"n ISHII' :-:chool ,r'> on. _ What-so-ever SOCiety meets Poff and MI and MIS H S, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sundell 'lnd Longe attende'd a


Chllold SackcI'sun went to To Ortl !\fp('ting-. TI1\llsday afternoon, May 16, at Quade Mr and Mrt§. G. A. Sundell visIted for Mrs lJetlef Kay:in w,Plelce Tnesday to take OVl'r a Wn.t-. , Nf'bl':lsln Allg'\1stilna Luthpl'an Mrs T J\f Gustafson, and Mtss I thl' church Mrs Paul Stronberg , in tlJe Elmer lSundeli home 'leal." Mondayafteq100rl, . , ,klns route MIS Sad{elSOn rt'm.,a.lns I rl',t lor RC!il('nps. IconvrnllOn md [It Waus t last Ruth Nlll'rnllPrgl t left Monll ,d and Mrs Paul Soderberg ale hos- D1Stl1Ct 42 IDixon Sunday afternopn, MI'. and MI's. C'hai,111 Kml I son for the pl{Sent , co~~~~~~e:r~sOfMth~~ g~:\IJ~ps~;;"ie ;1~lC'e~\\I~;~l;l:;~(~:Y ('\~l:ltll sun~l~; th~ I tprw'fJU [Ol Ord to attl.'nd the I tl'SSt;; L~dles of the dJstnct went to the Membels of the C. F Sandahl and family and ,Mr 'a'

MI ,tnd Mrs Gust Gartncl wele V H R M' llh b<.> 1 '" rep P E 0 cotlvcntlOrJ Thf'Y,l('llim. Sunday school teachets had busI- schoolhouse Frld{Ly aftelnoon to famIly were dmner guests and Swanson Were Su\Runday afternoon g'\ll'sts III the IMeRH~nsun, II~1 G\l~v i;l I y, I~~"l~;t(~~ by }'t'v A L Peterson p tIlled thp Ponca (!f'le<>'ates Ill( s~ meetmg at the man~e on relhllld the teaoheI MISS Boeeken spent Sunday III the Clarence Hen- guests"Df the ,John l{:Hll~"l'll Johnson home. and thel1 rs. . ulg an.l lS 1 lfin:t .. ~kt>rtltb fl.nd M'ss E\'mhct . ~ teo, I:\IIIJl1dayevC'llIng. hauer of her blrthda anniversal· ningsen home near Laurel. ,Sunda~ afternoonGaI'"Hl(lr~ SPI'llt the evcmng III the i Hugelman enter lamed tht' high Hl nty MISS Hf'nry waR delegate II F H' . I . Y 'Y. TI R 1 t F Hit d t F S Ut ht " M'FIR I l Ischool Girl Rl'srrv('s and tlWll flom til(' local mlssknaI y socIety Olno{' rom

losplb, All enjoyed vlSlltmg the art and , Ie 0 l , ansons VISI e fl, ec s were ,I"

'. ~ (}wey :OffiP spon50r, Miss E~ther Schwerdtfeg- to meetm of N('hr~sl~a All Ustan' Mrs Oscar Bjorklund was ,llllf' Southeast Wakefield lhawing period The ladles Rerved !ack. Sodeflberg's ThUlsday even- E1Wo:'d Samp.soll. M:, .tu,dSunday ~ue5ts 9f supt and Mrs. er, at tea III the schoolhouse Tucs- Luthel.lll gWlJmen'S MisslO;ar so<~ tl) be blought hl1ml' Wt;>dnpS';ll.ty (B R th V H n) a da,inty luncheon. Miss Boecken~ lllg and Mr. a~d Mrs. C~ff Munson F. Fisher of VitnkefJeld'b,a

J R Johnsoll wel~ Supt. and Mrs, da' fte M J D H k 11 t I I ' -. y ,last week from a SIOUX City llos- y U , ansa hauer was presented With a gift asIwere there FrIday evemng. ~ the eventng. .Mrs Allen P Bu:khal fit, Mr. and a(l~I'~SS~~n~~~ r~J~; . Yello~'tsa~d ~;~~l~r 1~:1~ In r l'llI1Pctlon v,'1th thf' Ipltnl whc! e she had \l~irdt'lgOJH il fi'loyd :ulk waS a Friday dinner a rememibrance from the pupll~ Mr and Mrs. Albert Lundahl Mr, and Mrs. Rlldy IMrs T. H.. McNlCI{le and A. M. " g p g p maJlIr IlIWl.ltlon Shc IS ImpIOVII1j.!; gill'st 11l the George Eickhoff and parents and also <LS a t k n and Lillie were supper gue:l..ts Stln~ had Sunday dinner flllid.Darnell. all of N.mfolk. white tulips decorated the selvmg All l'onf(\r~nce officers were I'C-I st("l.llily home. of a reciatlOn for her ~ork il~ t~e day in the Carl Sundaht illome, with the Frank Longes.IM

Mr. amd Mrs. Ra.y A, Jensen and table, anti Mr~. Hugelman fOUled eketed Plesldent, R;v. C, 0 .. Gul- _! I The Study Circle club meets diStI~~t They also called on Mrs, Swan Mrs. Raymond Latsen jblneMr and :M,rs, Vernon Anderson. l<:!en 0: Flemont; VICE' pres1dent, Curd of Thanl(H". l-rucsday, May 14, with Mrs R A. M18s 'Adelaide Buhl f se e th Lundahl. . for supper, ' I Iattended thc opE'nlng bas(;ball ga~e For Two. Sisters. ~ev. C F:; San~a,hl, of Ke~rney; I wIl'!h to ('x ress sincere thank:-- NImrod rade sucees~f\lll ~~ the~'lt:1t~ I The Paul Olson famllyJttendect\ Mr. and Mrs, R dy C. iI-<mgat the Stock Yar(ls bal! pal k In The birthdays. of Mrs .,Frank ~~~II~~~:r~'r1:~:~lJ :Illllm~n ~I:~J~ ~i I to thli' man: frlend!'l who so :>11'. and Mn..,;, George Whipper- ~xammations. Y p a reception Monday even ng for Mrs. Frank Longe


SIOUX CIty 'Tuesday lust Week. Henry and her Sll'lter, Mrs. C..John " ," though'tf\1Hy l'C'mf'rnb('1 (> I me with m 111 spent MonLlay at Elmer Boec~ Dlstrict 13 Ithe newlY'weds, MI. and s. Reu~ Ied III the AU<:Tus.t BicIFOlleRt Kiernan of SIOUX City, Andersen, were c(,~pbrated on M()n~ O~\.~~l hun"l1n'l1 delp ~ates flnd vls- cal lIs, ]e{tl'l's :"Ind fJowt',(,g while III kl'l111uuel's. , Tl:e K. of Y. club enjQyed a Iben OLson, m the home lof Mr~: llear Altonab 'l'}Ui'''<IlJ,ay ,

w~s a week-end gue~t 111 the E S day WIth tVolO SOCial affaIrs. In the ltfJIS attl'llll('1! the mls-"Io~a: meet st JOSt'ph hospItal Mrs. OR'ear ~tls.s Malgaret Patterson was a May day program WedJ.le.'Hlay. Mary Olson. I They found MI' iel'rna

Klern'ln home Mr. and Mrs. RoWe afternoon ~bout ~O fnends and '. ., y - B'orkl m.l FrIday supper guest In the GeOlge D P . Mr. and Mrs. Chas Sackerson impl'Oved, and (lr~ c to t~Longe and Mr- and Mrs Alhelt relatives went to the Hcmy home lIlg at wlllCh It wafl~lrepOI'ted that J u. EJl'khoff home, ean Iersonwascommlttee chaII~ were dmner guests SlInda~ in the -_ .. - I I 'KIlll('l1 and family were: thelc for for mformal viSit. A famIly dll1nCI vVakefleld, Waul'll:! RI d ZIOn chur~h J'lan Distric-t Pi('nic. Thc George Ekkhoff - family ~lan't Mar baskets. brought by Jas Chambers home and rir and I r t· f T" ',,- ,Sunday dinner. was held at the Andebon h()~e io I of Om::tha,1 have th largest mlS- W01(' Sunday dinner gueSt'ts In the ,ay {m ~derson, were presented Mr~ BEnd . inpd ' llr ~ or bl< I{ r:.

Mr. and Mrs. C 'A Sa:-r took th{' evening, guests bemg Mr. and SHJnaly sodictIes in the state. and A Third District pICnic at Pon- M:Jx. Henschke home to the pupIls and teach~r, I tltem fO~e vans a son JO On Fnday afteIllOolJtheir dan hter, Mi~s Adaline hR.ck Mrs. Ben Lund and Verdel and Walwfleld, Immanu1~1 church ,of ca !'itJate park som;e tnne in June, Phyllis Kinney was a FridtJ.y ov- Patty Lou Oak VISIted sc.hool I supper. pupIls attem1!ng 0,42, spto Uncol~ Sumlav. Mi"s A'daline Gwendolyn, Mr. and Mrs E E Omaha, and Wausa ead the jUnior will bp planned when represeljlta- ('I mght and Satul'da visHor in Monda~, . , Fl'lday afternoolil. ~uncheon ranged ~ party.r r t,he) ,

. Hypse Mr and Mrs T C Hypsp miSSIOn band fH~ld. Mrs. CarlO, tiVf'S from the different Legion, ' Y Plans at e bemg. made for a PlC~ guests at Orville Eneson s were Miss Alice B("eck nhauq ,had .hl'en home from .w~s!e~a!!_~~l- ar.Jd In:mes. Mrs, Luther H;pse flild Lof of Omaha, stato ptesid£'nt, re- posts III thIS distnclt meet ill Wake~ till' Cha~,~m~e~ Jr., ho;neo h nie suppet and program on clos- MI' and Mrs Eldol' Rlllg. T.q,e Ene· ing her birthday, nnivclAary,ver~nty f('I' two weeks, 111 Wltl'i Phyllis a~d-Harold I pOI ted a total of 32f,9 members m field Pnday evem

I.Dr Peebles of ;\[1::3

81'1 d

re f orgf

0 d ~a a lllg day, Friday, May 17 Alice SOil famIly retulned the vl!'lit,Sun~ women brought Iu ch,' I '.measlps and flu. I - . ga ~ . I' I 1 h d I' t d Ccl llll' • a ur ay or a ew ays va- Lals"'n t(\ h day as dinner and sup-'er guests I I ' I I ,<:T ' - I 1 ,y orgamzed t:rt!...ss~on3:I'~ socletJes, "atl( 0 p ,IS IS II' comman 1"1'. c ,tl(lIllll the A, P, Bar horne, ,I" '. ac .er, P' , ------~" -----:1;"'j-.f!'

Mr and Mrs. Gp.or<:>e \WhI,pper- At Mont ..orner' 110m". I and, thp sum of $5,9~3 I aiseu in ~c - _ MI R John Mcoorkin~ale was in D'istrlct 1, . Mrs. C, ~, Bard,and 1,{rs, Edgar And another t ing. Wileyman anI} Mr. and Mrs~ ~lmer ChBJP~r CZ ~f,p. E 0, met wlh conference for m:sslon work durmg AttClul Rlln oil)!} i\r~('t. - til( Mrs. Jonif-=Fra:skeH- home-fOt' '!"lISS Norma Jean Hurnson pass- Larson a...,Slsted as Dorcas hostess· had tetter chang the' n~mr~oeck,enhauer and two c~I~.d:en Mrs J, H, Montgomery on Mond y the pa:-;t ye<ll', tlUR bemg $238 more About 20 :Y:OllnW people from tJl(.' Rllver tea Friday afternoon eo the-8th .grade state eXan}l!1.Q.-- e5 Thursday afrtel11oon. Many were alr~plane to Win Ie- Wrlll't.-were m Omaha on S~nday ViSIting afternoon bout 18 bein rese t than the year bMOlle The CCJnfer-\WUkefield Pl'esb terian church -:o.f d MEt J h bons and 1

18 11 ycals old Phyllis unable to attend because of bad State Journal. 1~:I~~ ~1~~~5~:~~k Wlllppcrman who Mrs. Nor~a~ Hinds hadg t~e p o~ cnce society :v~nt over Its first ,IWere ITI Randol'P Sunday after- aT.:1 ~a~y we~:' s:~~~y e~e~:~~ KI.nney, also an 8th grade I'. passed roads An mteresting tIme; is re- ~~---- ~-" 1-,. , . p . grat'p. on "Noted American Moth1rs qUlltil in bt1tllllng 5pcclals, havillg noun anll evening for the Northeast vt,'llors III the MQrtenson home. CIIf:or~ Linden, teacher ported, !

Mr a?u Mrs Jack Ehersole of and IMothers of Noted Amelican ," collect(,l] $4,3~2 tal' n $3,200 qurta Nebraska ChtiSbr: Endeavor cpn. 'Ij and Mrs.' Levi Helgren an::l Distr~ct 12. . . The Wm Victor family lwere in ISIOUX CIty, ""P?nt Saturday and and roll call was answered w·th Mr5 1A L Pe.tcn;Q~?f Wakefield, feu'nce at the loe 1 church. Wake- Lll'vd AndeI'son were Sunday din- Mrs B W, ~redenck.c;()n H1vlted Wayne Sunday evendng) vIS1tingSundfl.y hpre WIth the AI. Borgs Nebraska candidates for th'hall of wa~ c.ccted vlCe-lll!esHlent of the field ticll with So th Sioux City in nt'I· O"l1e-sts in Swan Nelson home the teacher, MI.SSJ Margaret Pat· Mrs VICtor's SIster, Mrs~ Ernest'Mr and Mrs. Borg, and .Btlddy fame. Refreshments were ser ed mlsSlOnary ~roup, and Mr>;. C, T. Ihavlllg the lar&est delegatIOns \l~ and Mt's, Carl, Anderson ~erson and pupIls to her home fo\, Grone and mfant .5Qn at ~he Wro.Da!c wpnt. to SIOUX City WIth the by Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs E. S. Callson of Concord, wa~ named a present Rev anti. MrS' W. Byrd :If' Thursday afternoon coffee Ice cream and cake Monday after- A. Meyer home, Amta Victor iscouple on Sunday, and spent the Klernan, Mrs. Robert Anders m. departmenbl s('(']'etary Ray, Dr and MrFl G W Henton, \\l~l -[5- 1h the R A NlmlOd home noon.. , ,day, Mis3 Hilda Bengtson, Mrs G. MrS';. H(l.rry Andbrson, Mrs A. Mr and Mrs oSlar Anderson ac- g ~tl and Mrs. R~y Sundell a~d AlVin Johnson, who comp eted

Mr. and Mrs R. L. Fredstrom Henton, Miss Edla Collins and 'rs. L Peterson and M~~ K E. Hypse companied the gr up which inc1ud~ were Sunday dinner the 8th grade, dropped (lut ofand Paul visited over the week-end n. H. Mathewson, Miss Bengt. on attended the confe~encc on Thurs~ cd MISS Margare Patterson, Miss 1Il the Arthur Florme home scho~l for the temamder of thewith Mrs. FredstlOm'~ aunt and entertains on May 20 when ISS da;v Mr and Mrs. A,. M. HY'Pse Charlotte Ekerotl~, ;MISS Adah Ek- ~tl and Mrs. J. B. Aistmpe and tem-r:_ .110ele, Mr. and M:S. s~mon ShelI- Ruth Collins has the program 011 were present both sattlrda~ and, erath, Miss M4rLet Hanson, Miss \lve and Dan Lamb viSited In the Distrl?t 59, .berg of .\\'ausa. MlSR Tone Eckman new books and roll II W'I~ be Sunday., .and a large delcgatlOn at- 'ieralchnc Shermare M1SS Margaret 0 Ch b h S d The SlX rep0l'ts of grades recelV-

. ,. ' ca I d I th S d t ." , . D,lvld am erg Qme un ayeve. d f ".ac,cou:pamed thcm. and ~Isited In answered with "The Most In er- en e( (l .. un ay,ervlcf: Mader, Miss, Helen ~chulz, MI?S nUlg-. e rom state examanawons wel~~hc Flltz Nelson hdme: also attend~ estmg Story I Have Read hiR. -~ • Dorothy WI~'Son, Mise Patricia ),11 and Mrs. OrviLle Enckson very satlsfactory. Margaret Ha~lllg' the Lutheran conference, Year" i Clty OfflClU s W,ll Kleman, JunIOr Ruhnby, Richard lnl(\~ !l.lld Helen were Sunda din~ lund and Harley Bard.. both ,8t.1

.Mr. amI Mrs, G, W. McClmtoch _ d Qlumby. Ralph Frlssell. Jef Leon- J'I O"uests 1ll the Eldor yRin graders, passed WIth high avelag-will' return next week-end from a At lUcbt!enknrn 's. ' Meet Her,'I! Mon ay ard, KClth Borg and. Eldon Nuern'" nl (' ~ • g es. NoI'man Haglund pa~LSed 111 al1Shjl't trip durmg which they vis- Ab t 35 ft d d hi th I, ,------+ berger. At the election, Mrs. Nor- hom d MAth Felt . d the seventh grade SUbjects and11e 1 the latter's j daughter Mrs. ou a en ear qtay Regionn.1 mceting of the Munlci- val HmdB of Wakefield, was named \1 I fin 1'3, I' ur an Myron Olson. Herman anr1Fr 11 Allen, aL¥:ohl\e, Ill., a~d also party at "the Henry EChtenk,~~ pal leaguc WIll he held in Wake- a sponsor for the Northeast Ne- ~\I<l11 were Sunday afterne~n VIS- Mary Alice Utecht passed in thlee John KayVii ited at Pbmts in Wlsconslll Mrs ~meE lfllday e~ell1t.t"1" dhono 111:", field May 13 at qIe city audltor- braska group, Miss Muriel Hanson It,ll s In the B, W Fredenck:son of Ute four seventh grade suh- i~....~~....................J..........J1Nmm:rn:tR:j$m~~~f@~,All'n ~ad undcrgclne an o~th~pcdic ve~sar~hi~lfha;:r~u:I:~eairraa~Il~ ~~:n'fI~:~1;~~~~Ia~~e~~~<;t~~~~c:t~~nC~= led a di:lcusslOU ?ll. th~ part youth hl)~~~dha and Nels Nelson and J~c_ts_.__~__~__~~~ --- ----- -........::----=---t-.~--·_~~-~op ratlOn at Iowa City recently Mrs Fred Lchman and family Mr, . M' '[)' H- II [Alb I of today WIll Pla11l1 the churCh of Ll 1\11 Anderson were SUJ1(lay eve- 11•• 11•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••II:•••••••• II•••••••IlI•••••••

f,r. and Mrs G. W Henton ill d M H" tn" '" bl k " mg. ,ty)] . G owe 0 1011, tomorrow".as pa t of the program ' It- th Le "H' ••••••••••••11I••••••••••••••••,. 11••••••••••••11••••••••••" •••• a ••

_. ' , w an rs...r an I ....C en amp Jr, Will res dc. .~_ lllng- VIS ors In e VI e gren •• . 1 t.:.::.:'l:Ir'll'lI:f.'l<l ~ today fol' a week~end il1 Iowa, and Faye, Mr, and Mrs, Ed, ch-' >. p f _+ ' ' hI nll' " f·· ~--------------------------------1----------------- 1---'-"";1 "I -; ••stollping enroutl> at Logan and I tenkamp and famlly, Herman cll· ..1 'ES- .. ;-.11 and Mrs .•Carl And~l"\S()n and :: I 'I ,k,.>, , ,I,jal;.Bocne, Iowa, to VI<,lt. all<! then gO-I tenlw.mp, sr, Mr and Mr'.l Ha vey !UlllO l.Jeglpn [.league CIII, Inn wt>re Sunda,y evemng vis~ •• 0 J I!. :'=mg()ntoH\lmhl)]dt\vh('lethey~ll1~~ehtcnkampand LOlf>, Mr. nnd IsJf(}r,ne~AtAllell n<lISl11·theB.W. FreLienc·kson:= Enlarged utput I\;.abe with ~helr dal~ghtl'r anl] famIly, Mrs. Helbert Echtcnkamp and I __. Ilrille·: '! : =the Me:vtn B.RkerJ,; J\11S Bl.ker B:ndl 'M1lI'vin, Mrs. AlVIna Echtenl ~P. organjzlttion 0 It fotlr-tow~ " l\J th di t ('h I .\11 anti Mrs. E;mmett ,El'lckson ,:. j I .,=flmull . on. Wll~ .. lrt\l!'n home Wlt,h and Donald, Mr, and Mrs. l~d.. 1:1- has l II league, ~) PC known a (ROb~rtW li~, ~~~br)· aTiIi JfllJllly w~I'e SJ1nday :Lftcrnoon =: \ I 'I:' :"

, ,t~em, thiS bung th~ grandson S er and famUYl M~. and Mrs, Gorge the ~~ n Count Junior Legio ~ VJc,ljll'S Ill' the Albert Anderson.. . I \ ,) t' I It':lflrst visit to Wa~efie1tL . Me-yer and famIly, Mr n,nd Mrs. I' ~J: as lerfeded when repre- unday school O,p.. ID. hnl\ll' ==. k ,,--J f W· I I I"" II C·i

.Mr..and M:.S,' Harry Ander~on !fred Me;rer and family,. Mr. and, g n a'v s ft~)m onca,. Emerson u~~i~~gL:~~~l~::~:l,saturday :;,11S' Chas.Itinney,.jr.,and ,~rs;= HaVIng purchased the Noa es I or~er Ine lar +f, II':'and MISS Han let and Hobert! Miss Mrs, Bmil Walter and f,Lmil ,Mr. and e.heid met with Allen Le- nf~ernoon at the pll:l'llonage: J{Jllll I<mn,ey ::nd. ClnltI;ren VHllteu •• milk and cream busincs~], we have added materIally to our already ",.~Edna D~lgr~n, Rev, anel Mrs, A. and Mrs, Ray !'-, Jen~en, Mr and gioTIllai S Mona} evemng, Each ~............- Mrs Verme Linder 'Frlday after-".. " .. , I I l' h t "t -lk - d ., i '.'! II.'L Peterson MIf>S EvodiU Henr;y Mbl, Harry fFlsher -and H rrletl "", ••• lmge servu;.c. You me guulanteC{ on y Ig - e:-; ml .tn CIeam PIO- 1 I'.

•. . , '" team 1 play 0 Tuesday an,l1 ~St John's Lu hemn Church noon, I.. . . \ , ' rt' 'I', 1'1, II' ,., I ,and Mrs, HCl'1~crt Lundahl :were in Ann. ¥rs. E<:htenkamp s rvedl Friday one gam at home and (It W A ""erd 'a to ; Mr. an~_ Mrs. Clarence Longe.••' ducts at no advance III prIce. 'I ,~- •

Ia:~~:tl:c~~~~~~~,s ~dI;~~~U:e~ luncl:teon. ~ one aV:~ oach we It. 'rhe six..game un~:'y S~hO'o lO::~'~..~,r. ann fantUJ were Thursday, .Supper' &5', i.. Ii' :~ 1,1I I~t!nital Miss O1n.dys' AnderSon CI 'P .-, ' '1 .schedule opens Ju e 4. At the ,~nd, !Mothers' day ~ervices In Engh~h gw,sts I, the George Eickhoff •• Increased volume enables us to furnIsh best qualIty t ,I :,a., .. ,. ~,' ass artles 11. one-d y tourna cnt w1l1 be neld language at''ll: 0 a. m. home I .,.... , ' I , ~. -," 11,11 "'II .1I IdaUghter of the Harry ~nder~ns, 'at ABe, and winners will go to 'Voting memb )IS meet this eve- Ml. an~M.rs. Eldor Rmg were m == mllllmUm cost, and we well know we must sel ve your advantag& III ,~ 11, ' ••

,WIaB ~ rpe~berof (the cl~SH comp.et- Given Past W .Iek the tlisbiet tourn~Y. ~l, Borg and ning at 8, j thl' Walt r ,Frederlck~on he,me •• ref,peets to hold you]' good will and justify our growth. 'I ==1 I D~ muee.:l t~aiJtrng, ii, '. I IrWin S fQn.herg ent to Allen for ~ Tuesday vetung ~or their weddlQg =:' \ I , I I " ·isI ' ----- ,I. - I the 110 ! day meet ng, A session to St. Puul's 1,,1 theran Chur('h. anlllvcrSary· . := W', C. -" .' I ,'Ii.

r ,'t,l,1 119 S'''''CL'IFD~ Jumor-Semor BanqU


,omple . a",ang ments for b)e (Rev. W. A. Gerdes_ paslor) "', anq Mrs..R. A. NImrod and •• Remember also to ask for ayne ,eame, y Bittle, ...I ' I.P rUD Even~ Of Friday t league ill bel hId at Wakefield 'Sunday schoo{9:30 a, m. famIly anp., Mrs. Anna Anderson == . - .II

11" I I I, I bocal SChool. I this l'ri ay .,ven~g. Mothera' day tervlces in English atll'llrJed the Nebl'R-sli;a ronferenee •• and Ice Cream'~ "', c, "",,11 , I '_, ~' ••• al-1Q~,m, , at W:wsasunday... :: ' 'I

I' Arneric Legion Auxiliary Sophomores of Wakefie! high Hea y Pre lpltatlon Ladies' Aid m ets this afternoon John and Anme Boeckenhauer •• 'Imeets Monday at the hall" school hiked out to the golf Ollrl1C R t d~ M th 11th Mrs, Harrr Waggernan, and1....Rolland Boeckenhauer Wire ==I

I Welcome-In club meets with Mrs. Friday for picnic supper a

fklt- epor e or on I) -~ Sunday dinner gu~s~ in the Law.- =:

I," , , '.w t1 d" J ne tenba.Ilr Wieners, bunsJ CDC ~ an.~ , j " Swctlish MIssion Church, ren~e fJ;anson home, , ••IFr~d LZ,~~an on c nes a", U cake were served. On the c mmit- Over, ix. tillP6S as mUch precipt- (Rev, C, A, TllrnquistJ pastor) The S. O. g, clU~ met with Mrs, ==1#1 I I'" , ,,[ ,tees I~ ch4~ge ~ere: Ent rtain· tatioo 1 r.epotted for Aprl1 of 191J5 I Program by /r0ung people han. 0.9,car Johnson Fnday for regular ••

," Mrs..Franklln'C!ou~hentertains ment, Helen Schulz. Elain~ Borg as the recedlng year, according Olling 'their fa~hers and mothers meeling'. 'Mrs. J~hnson served ==I r bndge clUb" at her Erperson and B~I1 Schwieder: refres ments, to the govern~ent' temperature will be held thIs evenIng at the dawty I'efreshmehts.· ••

aron next Tuesday. Geraldine Sherman. Margaret cbart a Long'sl Dnlg more irt' c~urch, Rev, W. Byrd Ray is MI and Mrs, Walter carlson Rnd ==,! Trnds clrcle :meet-,j, Monday eve· R,04gerg a.nd Dorothy wnsop' .. Waken ld, The PeriOd from .1anu~ [Sneaker, ang re~refthments will b~ Teddy, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Bark... ---------------------------- --~-

:M\.ss Helen Schulz at the Freshmen had a sClJ,vang'1r hUnt ary 1 t May 1 brought over tJwl sl':!rved., MI and Me:,!, Melvin Henry, and ::•••••••••••••••••_ ••••••••••••••••••-Scbulz fWJ:Ile~f llL::J I _ PA,F.rldfJ.Y- eveIl1~, lla1riUs: r~fres~- IlP:d oj:.! -half tim s as much mois- On Sunday. un.day school 10 a. Geolge pav.is WC1'e Sunday after- .a ·.·"'·····················, t ; -,{ I :,It 1.1 l jf 1-, ~~01 ,,;r," 111; i r~i I I' ;:,;-"1 ' ' ,; : " I -, .'. 'I r t I, r '" r ,. I• " " • " , I;, ' I I ' r , ,> .' ' , ' 'I ~"

ennauer, Mrs. H, H, Hanscomand Mrs, Carl Nicholaisen werehostcs.<;es. Mrs. W W. Roe hadthe yearbook of prayer, LightBearers, in chalfge of Miss Mar­garet :Mjnes, presented the pro­gram, A Japanese play, "AnHonorable Guest," m which twoAmerican girls, Betty Blair asteacher and Stacey Meyer as hersister. \'lS':t Jupan and .hringfnenrlshlp between the natIOns.wa.<; I'nnctC'<I, B('S'!<ll's thc 'two,the play also includl'ct M{1rgicFitch, Bartarn Hen1/. LenotinePoInts, Nan and CalOl NICholai­sell, Elaine Benthack, Jean Ber·ry, DorotLhy Nelson, DorothyJean Cas-per, Ruth Wll,<3on andBetty Pllt' Others who tookpart 111 the pi ogl am are PattyBressler Huth Jean Phipps andLOiS Jones

I , ;

I\VA~'NE HERALD. \V~~NE. NEBRASK,\. T~1'1l8DAY, ~lAY 9, 19S~."t-1 • _.-.~ •• , --

kept in waiting rooms," But Isn't~ agreement that each Will assist thethL<; carrying 1908 business over othel':" in case of '''unprovoked ag­into 1934 ?--Richmond Tlmes~D1.s- gl'ession on the part of any ElIro~pa trh pean state"

/.-'~ . , I,,_ ,,,' I

" J '

• ,0 iV RES S .Iw~t\,r'tevell~ll North 'Ne~l'aska, an(l

I h ~t'~'n 11:' n Xt'hn~lu~lIl ~)\\:~I~~lll':~(~~J:r~:~~e{:nb:lf(~\~T~hc~ ~~;Hi;.: :\':\\Y-1t~, Bnll-';p pa:-;~t>d lll.\nlll'r ~()11th('1'n l'ongri;>';..'unen Ilre

Withll~lt a 1"'1.'<11·(\ \~,tl' H H. 7(;:r~> I('\'ll1pl a imng ubr.H1t the floods ll\

m:lldn.: :lj1Ill'Il)'lhtiol1.'i I for Ill>' I~ll"si.".sippl. and son1l' cf the Nt'. A Congressman wants to elimin- John Coogan',. falhcI: ut Jackie:X~IV" p,'pnl'tlll,'nt :1111\ tlll' !l:\val i hra~ILl congl'l'SSmt:H fC'lt thel'C' at" hllnk from the Congressional Coogan, fUm star, was one of four I

:~":~\:::'::'<:::';~:'f,~~:',;~',,~~,::I,,:;:,:~:.~ I~::i:~~~~~,~~,,;,:~: ,:~~~:;;'',.I~'~,r:~:~~ e~~ ~~,'~,~~~n;;~;~l::;i:~;~R}'~~; ~~~~;n:~:~t~~:: p~~~g~;e;~e~:t~ It, d:IL~IIl~,,_I':;:;~~~lt\";\(;'h~~~~;O't~n~t:l\~ I Yi"Hol~-~!r. -1' IT T'etCI';'iu!1, ')1 HC'I""ld_' __ -----t----- , -W-h,~-[-I)idN(it~si~;;;~1""\\'1 '1'l\Pl'l!!:- .Hl'l !"'allSI, atH1 1\1.lylll' BCnllt'lt of Two New !Orleans motofists A few of the leason Why t (lid\\ 'l<ll,'lt th.ll lit \\'I~ \\ rom,; O']1t'11I1' Y'lnk[on, a'l:nvcd lt1 town MonrJ,LY· stlllCk the :same telephone-pole not sign the 1935 corn-hog COll~

U:·' lat'ge,t .!l/nollllt (If mo.ney I:Vt'1 I:,TI Pllf'I."'Oll lS inlpl(':>tC'(J in the wllhln an hom'. Thel'e ~ay have traGt: The surplus Plg'S of a con-,':,\!wndr-d 1'l tllp tHl\'Y III pellce I Pllllllotlllll of thl' Devil':,! Nest been no negligence on the pole's tract sIgnet' wel't' to be destroy('d,tlllH' hl'''t<»'y :.'\Iany fif them fr-lt I Pal'll, and MHyor Bt'!ltlE'tt i~ Illtl't" palt but it JO]kS funny.-Detl'oit Instead of. that 11 man was employ-

, tlu t ..,";ne mpIll'Y,i'<.lHHlld 1)(' ~p('nt Ie"tell 111 u IHOpOSl'd hydl\i- eledllC News, ed to sla~ght('r them and people~, It,.lu "p till' navy mla(! for (ll'fel1- proJt'ct nn tht' Missollii livel. . ._____ Who received pflrt of the meat1 H\l' pllll"1·,t'4, hut many of Ihem __ could well affOld tv bUy thelf meat:~ fC,ll' t!l.!\ tIll' 'hulldmg of tllt' ~:'l'al.: Fishin.~-noc Gard!'lon, Df Oak~ b'l~'f ~:~~~pe Wruld only to in for at the ma:ket On the conllactedlI' \'--;t JUH'Y III IH'H'l':)lml':l11:-ll)IY:,lak .o;Il<lllld hI' ill \Vrbhingt('ll now "v ~{I:I';'L. h:~v;'ls~~e~:Tn;St:e~~~:: acres certain parties planted corn~ nll~lIt 'I I h:111<'n,~l' tl> tlul [I It IS flSllll'~ ~;('a.s{)n Oil tll\' Poto- ah t 11 m 1t before the specifIed bOle and when~! w\>rltl mal' and It 1~ the SCH'sOfl of tlll' 811- Illi a sum~ ('I' and ge 1 s rm.nd they saw the drouth had killed It'r~~ " I \"t'l h('n lllg A110t sun 1.<.; Silltllng \ .,.,v' ~~j kf~f P;::;' -Albany Kmcker~ they were 11l0wed to Slgn up and

1'111lliul.;" :\)"IH'y__'I'h.,>,. Ill'" pllfil- l •lll ,I' many of th\' fl.shpt m('ll ar,~ "/. I I ~ take out the full percent Was not

;i~, :l~~ l~:;";~:Jl~\\;'I:l\'h(:ll;~:;:'~,la;:'):,\~ll~I~~I~1;~:~;~~I, ~)\~~il~g ::~Il~hea~ll~t ~~l~-;:~ .. _ _ W~\tll"tap;~a~C~h,~ng-tca- ;fiJgn, a ~:~t::~~ e~~I~le~dlOn~~ev:~~e pr~~~;m ::p<:l\"itlg- ,lllll Pnntillg', IIlHl thOllS~ and ('ust.lng- their Fmes int~tc wa- l . , ,ty'~,:~:g~~S ~~li~o~~e~t ~{:' t1~~;, llege? I have falled to receIve my~I' tllltl,., "I" tllUI\sls art' gumg lh,rOl~gh [\'I' illlcl t'eeling in Ihe silv I' her~ AI Jol~()n and Rub, Keeler m "Go Into tour Dance' at Ilcff(jrts only on prOIDlSJg candl- second and '(hnd payments WhICh~ ~iFl m"lll'y and stamp prmtmg\ Tltlg, A ten-year-old kl llf\JmeU Gav Theatre Suuda ,Mond~y and Tuetida~, :;\I,lY 12-10-14. datls What! Is there nyother were due on November 15, 1934,~ 1,:.-t'lhhshml'nit I'vpry Ihy, In (lne'I(;COlgc L'odil'tlll yf'&tenJay gn!.. ---~--- ---- - kin{j' Boston Herald and February 1, 1935 I have hv-

d, p,lltnH'nt, I \~IIl'I" llh' tl1'1Ilt'Y I", ab.,ut .1 dOZt'll ol thl'.:i\' WOlllll'l'ful ed up to my part of thl (Olltl:1-ctl!tH'!~ ""it" (J\lt \,qlllll ..d andll1~11 111 a :;1(1)lt Wnw TIH'y dOll't Nebraska Stale Teachers College, fVaYlle I' ~~I~h~l-j:- I Has the other partyJ l{ayPcl<lut'

I, I 'illJlg peop e S ou u n l heslta e ----'-- -'-----_ _

,g~ pl.lll'<1 "ll \1' wjf~" hltlllln'(\~ of C()l~-I ww bali, to catcft t!W.RP IH~rrlng 'Vt'lilloid Co,n',uellcement O,l May 2," tf) mal lyon an mcome of $l,()O a 'i~' '~ll'd ,\\"fll\,I1, aI,' C'HlployHI ---{-i.!- jm~t-HH'+Jlf .. iH..1hell' .11ll1'S ";1\(1 snag f ,) m11lth says ·an educ tor The os la

1<lllt,,!, till l al+,-~w.hile._\Y~..!-,!H'n -t.b.dm.. as jthe school!-l of fish pass -- - -'~--=-=-=---- Y(ollng people say they' e w~lling, OC ETY,·mpl'lv!"l tt I'ft', al~I', Tilt' white'S d"\\ll tht: rivt:t, 1 - ---etaB-Rol-l~..Four-"4eaJ::[email protected]"_S~ ib'lt where would theY~et th'~" I I ,\~<I!k <Ill 01" ~Idl' of Ih\' 1)1[' loom Talking,tboUtfishing,DingDar-" - ~$HJU':~LJ..oa.~-PhNews- ress r _ 'I 4.~bllrnerusedNaliI! tb,' ,<Ill, "Il p,\'!ph' "II (JH.' ulher. ling, tite,cartoonist, who to; now Dl- Baehelor of Arts In Etlucatllm" _ _ -__=_ - - _'__ _ 1 FOR SALE < stove, good sha

, f [I F~ II I 'G C H,,,,,,1<\ T'~ Al""'tll.l,'l' ]]"!·I11·,n ,r El(l,}wff]~ I (ConbilUed frori"rP, . . ,. . M 1\ e (JI 0 IC e era aQle iJtlSer- (:, f'l 1-''' \\' ,\111)(11'<[ J<'lu!·,'nc\' :n, 1~11"1111IHCh l", 1 lip young King Afanaa, of I . -- -:--=- ~ -__ r _ '!~!:i~~ed coal ~"hit(' (')lInr "'or!,N'<;-1 ore V,1twn, lS haVIng',l lot of trouble 1""',"I'oIl,:",",,,',',',lllU"" NaLall" n, glxio'!>,n t Slim wlllf have rus 0 n rlver~ --------- - - - FOR SALE--Yearlmg, heavy'lireu -qOUK, """Two Witl(

Ill'll! '10,000 ·t'W jnhs. It'is.said, w11i tl','I"g til g"t mo,"'y 1" "11'1' hl,o ,jl'~ ]l'red II 1'\'nl'H served b"" the commIttee WIth I colt E M Laughlin m9t1 I ., ,, '." ,'- , ,~ 1,'·I!t"tBUI1P'll l~III'llI,"H:UI:I~11l tllg-lyacht,speelalrallay-traln,J ' ' Llw,~cNattHalu,w.1:1

I, ~,J:;I:~tl~~'l~h\:) 1~~':~:~\t'CI~lf""i~:I~::~\~;r IJdt'tment BIll Nangle, of Norfolk, P:~;:n:,II·:1 \\':~'kf'nlwll('r ,L~~~,I,I'llHA,(;::l;~~j,'I'HlP<V(' Ig,1I1 t ourse and movie pa!Jace Ev- Ml,',.,nMellor ..al~~d fIMowr~"s ~eencoter~ FOR SALE: Range in gOOd condi~ I, . _ _ I !'., ' who 18 a friend of Ding-'s, o{lght to 11ft b t q I b va, g SP, "g '-, u -

(,j 11\''.'.' w"t ('I S 111 tlw .!?lHtnet .?11 tlo J.>oml~lhit1g a,b(ltl!. Jt Dmg thl'l':...t~ i~',t:i;,';Llnl'; .I1:"II\\'L),,~t Wlljl~)/,j/l~lo~tl t~lom;;;I: I ;1: ~ IHn~'h:~ad;lc tua\nnIU:~~ o:y- ated the house The next meeting LIOn 'f1th water front. Call 3{>F3. FOR SALE -Two godd[11\' 1'1Ht1111n~ and ndnllnl.,;tratlvp l'IWd to I'l'Sll:"1l last wpek lf hIS plea ~~,Ni:,};IIJrIlJI:l'~:::I~\;,';~;~lcr~i~~;}:ldl;)PIJ\'i7:1:1,'1 _~__q_. will be May 21 in the evening __.. ~___ m9t1 _!lOS, Will seU ch~aPf,: So,'-'~! "I' t h\ ll"IlSllnt!s of jobs 'whieh I 1 f 1 t ' t I . b l:hltll!'n,' J Itl 01\ n :\) all<' I .<' 11,,11<>\\ ,is The German government declar~ With Miss Mary Mason, Mrs, a money-back guararteJ,\\ ,i,.. lI\ld, I way by m;d-::l.ll~lmel'1.l~)I~]IO~n:r;:t.0 ~\~~ ~~ySl~/]~e~~n~ ~~"/I\:,~JI~{;;"\j~I\~II,I,~!:allllfl N,\II:1 '1'; ,J:i::~~:~ I (;\.'I'Tnany no longe~ obligated Wimfred Main aSSlstm~ The Wi1gcL 414 Eas,t 5t~ 1St, " 'lU1< ~\ hH h 1.l,ngl; ~11 Ill\' Ill~hl'l lal 0"('1' conser~,hU()n j(Jl(,C, because {:~~:I~:,I:I~rf:~I~~'i:')r ~l~::f.;~\:,t l;h'J'~,I,I,:I~::IO'r I the treaty of Ver~lles, an~ subject for t~e pmgrClm IS "0111' ~-- • --- - ~ ,: ~'-:-:',"'-Ill,\( I,t C'1 It I'" m,llC'ut{':1 that m,any It I~ Jnl,pel'allve (0 halt Jlleg:d traf_ \1'11" I :'I! ('Iii, I, .. n J~'l\" Ill<' II L.Il "'HI lHI1U]('Pt! quadrupling of its regular Great State, WANTED:, 'I 1

:'l\llt,:~:'~';~;~:ljSa~~;I\"l:1' i~n I~ I1~PI~~~lt~~; . Ill" 1I1 dnel,s, geese and otilCr game : ~I,d" I~:;; \ !11i<:::~1l ~~1,1\\1. 1~ \'.',;~:',lll!lll Ial mv The Versailles treaty Ilrn~1 <t 111' . 0 000000 tI 'll~1td~, Hc"s-ays that Judo, are 1)l'- F"IIl:\1 ('rlll\-I"II1 \Iarl< )'1'1I'~l"W Ill' the Clrmy to 100,000, ,Adolph Surprise On Anniversary.

~\~:~I':-i I;'li~;~ t::il wi\Wh 1:1~~r.I~'ll'l~l_ ing I>hippl'u 1IJ dlSg\llSC lo mg-ht ~:\"\I:I:"I\\d II:d\:I~IJ!1111!d,am'~g~.'~1t 11. ,.\II',l1lOh/ It Hltll't' also decreed compulsol'y Members of lhe Monday'C!tlo" 1l'1\lhS" hotl'l I'est'lurants alld lto'lil ],1111",) \1. I)"d"r :'Illl'Y (~ .\1"11 dlhn , milItary service ' were surprised when Mrs. A A.

I'd 1'<11' Jlro~, t's"ionrrl, clerical and I"',','~':s '" ,n"'''><'I~, '" ""n:b'" H' c 1'1\ I P, \' I 1'01111'1'11:\1"111>! I ''''III,'atl.)t\al~ )llli pIl3(,-", Will he tllP~ .~'- ~ ~ " ,g , ~ ,,~) ". - Welch, president, observed thelll'd Til" nJ.llll p.l';lhIPlll of ~IJP Dis~ ::~~~",tl;~:~~I~~:~:nt~~LWIl game wa~'i HnchC'lor of ,ciunce in ElIu('!lllon \\'hal the cOlUltry needs is mo~ ~~~b;~er 5O~1;m~1':i::~~~~'illrt~~

~;lH\:, '\fl"\\:~~\~ ,~~ '1111\\ 1:: Ihl~ Hl'Oly . ~ARL BTFsF"AN. :11, 1\~£~',II,:~~~l'~l Y~':~I~~;:")\/ ~1,l,l)) l~r:~ab b~I~:~:-~~~:;~~o~da group but Mrs. Welch joined

J' I I, 1'1l1>! (:, <Jlf2.I'Lj 'J illl<'s-Union. soon after the chllb formed.

~~1~:::~11~~;(~~r:;:;I(~~~l\~;~1~~;;1~1<7t~::~ ("OII~;~I·:t';~i~)::lll~~:~n{~~I.g('of 1;\ "1 ,'1j \\' [),.al~~aehCI(j<I:I~<~,,}<7jll~\111'IH'I~n I'~Llll~~~\il\':~1 \\- J:"I' d<~n The w~~~~prea~~an an- ~:~ngMr~<;~eR.c~~r6e:.sJfo~~~~e:s~11<)1ll ('bll,JII~'1 y,'~\PI't1ay. lit' sail I dwp('1 llr-.xt \Vpdncsday when, fol- ;'11 1_",",,,, II. }'1'" ,}<'IIIl'hlll1 l; 1'11111, '1' Illl'II)I)loglst, that the American Frank Fuller, Mrs, Paul Enghsh,l\"'ll~<'rl Il11 "wH drj'gnlld'1 III North ]CJWlllg, m,llSlf-:. the g~O(lP wJ11 ('on- Class RolI- Two Year Course lJll,ndp lS passing, is nol help. He MIS. T. Steele, Mrs. Frank;\;,'brasl,a lano\ IOlt'W :t lot of lhel duct C(llCmOllles for plantlt1g' of dnr-sn't say wHich way l'jhe went.- Northrop, Mrs, Welch, assist~old (IIIH' ~1a\'l'ling ml'll, !flC'hldmg two tlel'H lJl thl' avel~ue stalte~1 t·wn I\~,'~'i1! ~I<i~[~~::~'k .All.lnta Constitution. ed by Mrs. H. A, Welch, servedSIUIl El'K (WI" Fled S< ott, Mr, I y,.als ago "uuth of 1he ll.dmmu;tra- 1'~1I111 X Alldf'1 fl,m J 1 o'clock luncheon Monday fromSp, ~I r Thllmps,m, and lw nJso saId I'.~on. l,lIlildi,n g SPIl~().IS W,1,11, weHr 1',.,11 \1 ,\'ld"I' on W'-or'-l-dE---~v--e-Ints ta,hloo attractive Wlth springh,' !<nl'v,' 'halll(' (;Il't'll (]f PIam· (,lP8 ,tllll gowns Rttv1Ces arc H\ \~':,llt:l~:Il'\~""W.~';::~:'J ... flowers and placec~rds bcaring

I f Cl S 1 Fl"l> I" ,. E J: ,k"I' (;I'rma,ny I'S repnrted l'uilding 100 the dates, 1885-1935, Officers\,1('\\ \\'h"11 hI' wa~ told lhilt C'har- I< large 0 an't1Cc. OIt'llIHOIl ,Ull ~';l::I,:'1 I~' 11,1,';\;1 a" ,,'aoe," a month, elected afterward are: Mrs,II~' CH'l'W ha.il pas<.;erl on, h,~ felt Lavl'rne Larson I ""\'('\ y, wrv sad He R,ud he rt-mcm- ~~r~::~\'ll:;,f'~;~:':/In~ , ~ ,. '" We1ch, president; Mrs. WinifredIH'I~'d til davs when Charlie' \\lith MI'l'>1-,'\. \V, noillh. J'~\<'I}'ll t' B"llrdmnn Slxlyfive were kluedf in upris- Main, vice ple.sident; Mrs, H. S,

. ' t VIPcrte O,mmlll1lty cluih met on ~)P~',:,tl\'.",':~~,':lln~I\.~'\'~· IingCl against the gove nment at Scace, secretary and Mrs, H, H,~:ll"::~;~:~snnl~~~'~~blt:~~~~:~or~~" We;Jne~day with Mrs A. W DoJph, ~lnfY 1l11'l1rlllU M::Ullla, P, 1. Hahn, treasurer, Bridge was di-

r f Guests were Mrs Chas KiliJon l';f~N~~\':~ NL~'I~~~~~i':l ~ '" '" ... version bef~re the club adjourned:~;:;~ ~l:~llll.f~:~'l~I~~~:::I~f ~~~l~~; Ml'.S BenJy T~lnow, M~s. JCI'l; j L1H'i!l,' K Hurnfl Al'kan~fl a.nd KenJuckY werc fot' the smmmer, '(;I('rl1<"S (('ath came .as ~hoCk to ITurner, Mrs, Ezra Bec~enhauer tn,I'~:I':::' h.l~~~~?'fl "struck by s,torms that 405t Iive.'i of 1\< .~ *- "" ~FO~R-S~A~Lli~i4""=iiJ.ch ki chen $ink,

llilm IlllllIl many of hl~ fncmls. and MISS Ina Jonson, Mrs, Dolph 11,!,;,:,:,.:,·"""',,f,I",',ll'~,"I' 't"'~'~"':I\,'"I,d '}1 and much ,pr,?p,ec.tY'11 F,apl"e'Gna;mIYmaHMaSu,DgiOnCn,'oel'S'C\'enc. small.gas water hea er, oil stove'-1 IlIad chal'ge of mUSIC and Mr13, Al~ " " u. oven, !Jx12 green gr ss rug, oil

]\0 I'! tl [~hh)'i~t~BC(',tlll,<;c tlw Nc- 1)( rt SnlHlcll ,had the cluldlen's ;.lYI;::li l \r (~I~I\,;l-;~lt::llfl"n Ncbraska house of legi.'ilature ;fraternity atl

Wftyne State stove heater. Miss Margaret],ral'!,IJ l'l'lllgJ('sl'll~1l'n have lll'urd W{'1flUC prugram The hoslp.<;s \1:", I. ('""I, voted m favor of a 50~member uni- 'Teachers college, had. dinner . Schemel. m9t1tllat ~(lml !"-tate~ haY!' aLJel1dy re· S('IVe<1, An (lutl~O()l' party lS pian- iJ:~) ('I ~::'I,~;:::~~( cameral plan for 1937, meeting at the C, H. Fisher 'FOR-SALE: Usef~ householdI l'IV.,t1 I:ug'l' a\loc;llliJllR of fundI> net! 111 Jutle w~th Mili8 COla Hag- J\~,II.~;;t1;\[1 1\:~:;',\1~ ,., * " * home Monday evemng, ]9 mem- needs at bargains, One lIsed handflilm the ~igalltlc \\'Olk rclief sum, lund at thl' Ezra Eoee!tPlJhaucr :-'lllxrllf' 011'[:': Minnesota sent 274 need\y people hers and three guests attending, washer, $5, :F'lVe used ice refrig~Ihl'}' g'll 11ll,'1'y ),'[ionday :~lHl lw11\ a home, 'I\~<;~ll~r, l~o\;;,\\ to Alaska to e,.qta.blis.h homes where The guests were, Mrs, 0, R. erators fil/m ~2.50 to $15. Onellll'f'11flg- 1/1 ~f'1l:11(l1' Nml'l.s' offIce, ._, --- ---- ..--------_. 1'11,,1 1 ],Ih' Iv l they report opportumty greater Bowcn, Mrs. H. H. Hanscom RndAU jIve ICUtlgl'\'SSmen and j)')th U,S, IH)W s-tandsf01' Unhmllccl hllll<ll1 I l,h.'t "I ~* Mrs MynckSllblctte. RudOlph!1~:1d01;; weIr- jlll's('nl, hut l1ot1l- RjlPndmg, -Tampa Tl'lbunc. \'l ~l~;:::~ (I'! /~,tJ<stl m Ell Howe, famous wnter, lS 8~ IRing of WakefIeld, received thei!1~ \~,l.'i !',',111Y a.c('ornphshell, 11e- ~~~l~\'~ I j~~. <l'-'lICI~s"n In and hopes to wnte agaIn after hav- so'cial science scholalship key"w th(" dId 110t Iwnw just what Sui'c, cotton is king in the South, _~ __ T __ _ _ _ _ mg cataracts removed from hIS given by the fflkternity eachprnJI'('t" tl l'pcutnmend to the PI'e- AIHI III Italy it's Victor Emman- then, tht~ play IS pat hed aHl1l11 1L Ihel attentIOn _ to thp llPPCl cn,qh eyes year to outstanding student insldenl's a lotml'nt boalfL The idea uel. - D,etroit New,'s. _ NC'w Orleans Stat s I regH,tel Lolllsvll]e Tlmes * * '" * the group, Eugene ,James ofI , I '[I th N b 0,,1"1 _ -- - ------ 't Constitut,onal,ly of the NRA 1S Pender, and James Morris of':; (j' OI1I1(C lip \\'J 1 e e r"", " T "

n,;-Vt'11WI, and gel. the infOl'matioll If all the l'Oad·hogs werc laid In Hiley L-ong' "share~the~ The coron~t~;n-~f the ~:---y k1l1jZ bemg consldeled by the supreme Wayne, were tal, en into.member•I I1pr'l'SS,1l Yi fl'om home. The con- cnd to end that w(JuJd b~ lltopJa, - weCllth" program "share" IS I ore ,,_ court and declsIOn IS expected ship. 'JIhree talks made up the

~.I""HllJ(,11 [cel that the coml11iss~on Greclls1)DrO lGa,) IIcl'ald-JoUlIln;l likely thal~not to bE-la ml~rpl'Jn1 f<lt'I~~I~;tl~1l1;t~; ~;~:l orrwtil:~ ~9t111r wlthm a few ,:,,:e~s. program: "The College in the

" II< h \v, s sl't lip hy the Federal "scale,'" - Philadelphia :E:ve 1mg sam(' blue f)P!'<YC !:!""raduatlOll suit The rel,'ef "nve'Slig'ot"ng .omm,'t- HChunantg.m;negr WofDwrlda'_yn'beY, "TbiMaercacelul~,11\', tnIH 'nt last 'ypar Rhould have No matter what the court does in B II t.... h <> ""

'1 int uf i 1f~)J matjon from the var~ the NRA poill'try t~st, the tnxpay- u e l~. _.. ._ ~~ __~__ HH hmm1d Time.9-Dispat"ch... tee asked the resignation of Row- ses of our Sooiologlcal Ignor-1"\1" m3,yl,I's and ci1y ollicials of the CI' prohablv w~l1 draw the neck lilnd Haynes as federal relief ad- an'Ce" by Mr. Rlllg; and addressstatl' So ll('(>f them also fcel that Jndmlln.pol;s S~ar, _ ,- The outlook is for hrighter jjlke'1 I A stage malksman shot two dg- muustl'ator for Nebraska.. by p'rof, O. R. Bowen Elmi

~t\:~<;\~~~~~~~i;J~~vPff~;~h~IO~'~~ Whi;~-t~~;;;-~~~~;;;~-"i8ms" ~:t~~et~~~~:~~~s~in~~g;~~;e{;~~~;;;~I\\~':a1;~0l:it;~~)I~('~~h~~~I'~~ O~\\I; Great Brita;~ '~l:n: to spend an ~e~~~~~~~P~~Si~~e;~o~hCc~:~;.lW,lllll 0jtwn and Ihat the {'0l1'lu <;', how, about includmg th.lt "1,<;01 five billions in new spen(]lllg- r\1on- may not havc kn()wli 1t was all extra 25 milhon dollars this year\ I I , f ,I II mamma's irldle man," pic PIOVl' cy M.(~'_nlO_.g__o,.,(,g_Onia~_,._ I ',l"h,,;,", polItIcian .Atl:lnla Conslltll- to keep abreast of Germany in Missionary Society


' ,ll~:<,t;~Jllt :11:" \\,(jn~l ou 0 \(' WOl c1encc Ncws-Trlbune. _.. Ellrupe's headlong ail' armaments presbyterian.Mis.sj~nary sociI.

------- ------ The hasso's- wife who is suing a -~,------.--- race, ety met at the chureh parlors-on\\'atpr .e~'f'l-Pcoplcin Antelope As we get it, out in Hollywood a diva for $250,000 fOIl aJienatiqn of "Doctors may' detInct for in.come * * '" '* Wednesday when Mrs. Eph

('{lunly .1 c. JJltpr('~teJ III !aising thc snap.!>y Utl,e i.q. anthore(\ fiIRt, :md, affections seems to have sh'ftecl tax purpose the cost of magazin('s Fran'Ce and Russia signed an Beckenhauer, Mrs. Ralph Beck-

"'REG' AR-,FELiERS''' ,--, ------- -~ - --- ----~-- --- - - .._~- --------------BEYpNDHOPE

\ '

&alem ,Church.(Rev. A. H'Oferer, pastor)

Sunday school at 10 a. m.German service at 11 a. m.

ChrJstlall Church,(Rev. G. B. Dunning. pastor)Sunday sc'hool at 10 a. m.Communion at 11 a. In'.

I .C. E. at 7 p. 111.Gospel team at 8 p. m.

,." " I '''', '., ' ,. I

~.~~ HER~iD, WA~E, NEBRASKA. TllURS~AY, t~' 9,1935, J I

, CONCORD \ 'Thll'l'sday nlgi, iol the home of fcct';;dllg'ht~ntomYp.~th,p'aImNOrlhwer't,Wak;,ield'-;;:;:;;-;;;eiuest.ofhontrwerethe Lecture Features

~~rt~:~:I¥1;a~1':~~~ as aguest Pr~~~~y, May'i 12.---sU~~ay school. (~.. C. RiDg) r~oU~gJe~~~ :a:~~ew~:~~ln'~~~~ Show Muc'h Varl"ety

Miriam Huse of the. He ,aid D J;'11 fi,staff, is editor of this de rt.. .Mr, and M~. David Paul anj :~ ~~ aE~g.lis~~:c:rllc~sp~tm~l ~rT::y~~~~in:1 ~r~av~~rm~;~:~t. ~~:~;ce~::~~~.Chr6~:~~c~~~~~ Five attractions have been book- I Baptist f hurch. -merit. Any ,new:! contrtbu~ons 'fslUlllllnd·layyanddlnBane,r.jbag,','ea,Atsn,dnertsl,oenJw, eMre, " ~ ed for the summer se~on lecture (Rev, 'M, C. Pqwers, pa.stu·)t U1' W~dncsday evening, .lI'rayer ser~ Mr. and MI'S,1 Paul Dahlgren and, 'members of the youn people'!;!<:~u*t~~e ;A\I~~[~~; :~: v~~ Pelel'son home at Carroll. vice. 1 Clark sp,ent Wednesday in Sioux class with Roy Wiggain as leach- ~~~:~ee, ~~c:~~n~~~~~r~~a~~e~~ ;~=gS:hoOr~~~~t;~:~elm n at'by'er MI'. ~ Mrlf. Ed. Carlson' and Friday evening, young people's City. . er. T d T ~- d 11 00 Th b' .-. u. I Le ~ I ~ ee. he u..JO l1}an players f . IS em ".~other's dav.,'--------'----.,--4--' family, 1'05. onard Schuiz and mee ng. I Miss BH.be Cplton returned' fl'om -h Chicag'O, MIl present "Hay 'Fever" the serV'lce will be in ke ping

Alan and Lucllle Salmon were Wauneta spent SatuJ'day evening II, a visit, With O~aha r.~lativ,es F'n_' 'Nort west ayne ~d "There's Always JUliet," dur- With the Splnt ~If the day AllWakefield visitors Tuesday. I in the Frank qarloon home. St. Paul's Lutheran Uhur(".h. day. ,I (B Staff Corres n ent . g the SlIver Jubllee celebration. patents and sons hd daught 1'8 of

• Ve~~lel a;eld~ll'f was 'a S~t1Jrdaj Mrs. 'Harry Stapleton who bas Co~~~~~i~' ~~~~' t,ior)m~ct Mr. and Mil's. Oscar Johnson y Pq ~) C a:rlelj Bowman Hutchins the our congregabon should be pre-dlnner guest in the C. H. Dooscher been in Minneapolis for medical were Sunday ~uests of MrS". Linil~ Allan Perdue spent Monday and blrd man, Will lecture, Whlstl~ bird sent l,g ....bome~, . treatment for' a month, returne'"u sa~~J,air:~30i2: Sun~ay school berg. Tuesday in the Henry :/=Jush home. ca.lls and draw crayon sketches of B. Y. P U at ~.OO Thcl Wlll

iMrs. Roy E. J'Ohnson spent OCues_ to her home much improved last at 10 o'clock and' Ger-cn serv,'ees Mr, BartLingl and Clarence visit- 'Buddy and Warren ,Finn spent f~athered friends, and will conduct be no evenlnO" church service n acday afternoon in the Chris ~etel'- Tuesday. at 10:15 . ' u~ ed Henry Le$man Sunday aiter- the week-end in the W.lliam Klep. ~o nature hikes for.: students. His count of the°high slchool bacc< laur::son home. j Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peterson noon, ~' er home. '. e plays the harp and sings for eate at the Presbyterian ch rch'.

.MisS Famy Fredrickson Ispent and son, Ward. also Mr. and Mrs. C()ll~ordia Lutheran 'Chul"t".h. The Frank <trlson family Well! Mr. and Mrs. Henryl Bush were h s program. Mr. Hutchins is a --,--the week~end w1th Helef,l Carlson Axel Fredrickson were Sunday ev- {R C T Ca I to ) -Sunday aftcl' Don guests 'at Ed. Monday evening catler~ in the Ray tural1st in employ of the U. S. Presb,l1:Criar Church. .jn CO'!-oofd. cning callers at the Harry Stapl.e~ Thi:;'SU~d~Yaf~:~~!~:r,r Carlson'~. J' . Perdue home. I park service in Yellowstone. Dr. (Rev. J. A. Pa~dock, pa.sto) \M~ Thomas Elwin and Miss ton home. , And this is lite eternal, that they Mr. and M's. Walter Johnson Mrs. Ray Perdue and Miss Lottla John G. Neihardt, Nebraska's poet . "Christ as wasYlis-custom, ent

Irene w~re wayn? visitilr.s.-lSatur- :Mrs. Edwin Olson and son, Ken- should; know thee the: only trut:l s~ent .Sun,day vening at Mrs. Min_ Bush caned i?- the Johl111ush home ;'Ul'{~.ate, will speak. .The Straw- mto the synagogue on the Sab~day orning. , _'. neth, drove to !Wausa Friday to at_ God, and him whom thou didst me M1l1~r s. I Friday [mornmg., " idge dance group wlll present a bath day" He 1sl.our examp C

Mr'l nn.d Mrs. Bdger Pearson Itend the conference and returned send, even JeSus Chrl.t.' John 17" :3.. Misse$ Ernal and Marian Mjlh~1 Mr. a.nd Mrs. George rcaCker vis- rogratrt. Fifth attraction is Let us Iemember S d'11 b d t f W s I 'th H 'w k h ~ I' V VI 't school The hOI'r ,sOtUero '\Ort',y,oI: iiil:::,;i:':1spent Sun.day with Levi Dahlgrens in the. evcnin~, Edwin Olson ac- Sunday school at 10 a m For WI roa cas rom ayne. alul'- ited III e enry c er orne rne IUS an. el, celi1st of the I .,

at w4kefleld. companying tHem back. the Bt'ble stuldy, ~'Thel Christian day morning. I Sunday evening last w~ek,\ ew York Philharmonic orches- greatly worthwhIle l'Mi.s.'9 Dorothy ~mm was a ,sup- Mrs. RUdOIPh~Obel', Miss Irene Church." read Act 2 41-45; Ephe- Mrs. Miller, Erna and Arnold Mr. and 'Mrs. Lloyd IWeible and tlra. ' Sunday IS mothcr's day Ah -

per ~uest' in the 'C. H. Doescher ROI('ber, Mrs. Eddi Kirchner -alld sians 4 1-7, ll-16 I spent Wednes1ay evendng at Ther- family of Arkansas, visited a few 'Next fall an Itlaen play will be propu&te sermon for 11 d fAaphome:l~aturday.. I, son, Jimmy, visi d Mrs. Albert J4Olmng- _~orshlp at -11. Mr on C~~ton's. 'M days last week in the 1.. P. Keeney given by Madame Borgny Ham- thmg of mterest to O~~I ~o h~~~

Philip darlson attended a !Sigma Echtenkamp an infant daughter EdWin Olson Iand the Ipastor will Mr. and rs. A .. J_,_~ricksQn home. mer and company of 13. This will should be of mterest to us allTau Belta. sl~pper at Waynfj last in the August I aul home in Wake~ shal1e some conference impreSSIOns s~ent Sunday evening at Bcrnald Mrs. Win Back, ;Mrs. Ra:[ Per- ~ one of three--"Ghosts," "Hedda We all much regret the aC~dentMoJ'.ld~y evenmg. . 1- field Monday.' at the close of the mdrmng ser~ ~ ickson's. . '. . dU~ and Miss ~ottia BUS.h --spe-nf q.a~ler" or-"W~en. the-D~ad Awak-- hlCQ_~~L J!1~s~~nnaMc alI'I

}.1:r. ~lld M.F~. Frednck,Saltn0n of Miss Teckla Goldberg, Reulben VICes. Mr, and MilS. Levmus- Packer Fnday af.ternoon in the W~lKiep- en. Bachman s woodWlnd cnsetn- We hope she gets aThng m ghtyWakefield VISIted In the Fred Sal~ Goldber~;MF. ana Mrs. Albin Pet~ The haccala~treatese~vices 'Of the were TUeSdH.YlSUppcr guests at er home. l:He has also been booked. weBman. h'Ome Sunday. crson' and ,Mr. and Mrs, Evan Pet- Concord hilgh *chool wUl be held in Emil ,Miller's. . ~'r. and. Mrs: "Paul Ret wisch --,------ --~'

MISs Theodora carlson' and Miss erson helped ~rs. Geo, Magnuson our church Sjmday e~ening at 8 The:Carl ~ ansen farruly spenl ana :'1on , :N,rlss L~ura Fork a d M:. Deeds To Propert,y. Our Rl'dl'(~ml'r'f> E\,. Luth. C ureh.Arlene castiJ.e drove t'O Wayne on celebrate heD.!.b~rthday last Thurs~ 'O'clock. Sundayevenmg at the Clemclls and Mrs. Mer:le. RQ~ and I.rjone Property deeds recorded in (Rev. H. A. Teckhaus, pas or)Mondn.! afternoon. dayev~ing~ Choir reheatsal Fri~ay evening Anderson hor;t were·su~day dmner 9'ue~ts·m the rayne county the past week in- May 12' . j .

. Leshe R.!1d Edward ~esch~r Rev. P. pearson aod daughter, at 7:30. ' I . . M~r'Ea;n~1':;imitaul Les.'3JIl~al1 mId IRa~r~~~dU~~s~~:rl Paulsen sent lude .ll~e following. Sunday 'schoOI, .10 a: m.'w{'~ Sunday afternoon \'lSltors m May, dl'Ove fr?m Hershey to attend Mrs. ?l~f Nelson w~ll entertalll Point Wednesaa l' were in We.,;\ I Sunday in the W.m. Kieper h~me. Georgia Glenn to Charlotte Bush, German preachmg service, 11 a.the Jjm McC?-w home. the Nebr'aska. confer~nee of the' the Laqws Ald Thursday after- M d M . Yo 'J(he Paulsens and Mrs. Kieper al1~ ,ay 1 for $4,000 E 1-2 of NW 1~4 m. -

Mr, and Mrs.,H. F. Kraemet and Augustana Synod whIch conY ed noon, May 16, f .~. an rs. ust Hanson and ed in the J4Ihn PauLsen hom~ at 9f 17-27-3. The young ladies ot the utherfamily were visitors ill the Gust in Wausa M~y 1 to 51. They e':i1l Wea.~. a carnation in honor of, a~~!n;e~r~~~~~~supper guests Emerson in' the afterhoon. I J. H, Foster and wife to Herman League will e~teI'tain' all lad, es of IKrnerer home Sunday. remain here and visit it few days, Mother s Day. Mr and Mrs Will Thorn SUll an I'MI'. and MrfJ. James Maben a.nd ~undberg, May 1 for $5,800, W 100 the co~gregatlOn in ObserVR}ce of, Mr. and. Mrs. JUll~l!? Kirchner Mrs. Albert~na Goldberg and Mr. ---~~- daughter spent Sunday e-~ning '1\ family spent Sunday afternoon in eet of lots 5 and 6, block 6 j North Mother s day in th~ Sunday_ c~oollw~r~levemng guests m the Eddie and Mrs. George Magnuson anj Southeast 'Wayne the Art Meyer home. ' the. Ray Perdue home. Mr. an,d' ddition to Wayne. ' prOroOg~.Smtw3"IIPh'emr·e,AsenntcadPParno rll,ahtetKirct1!f1er home Mond~y. Forest were Sunday dinner guests C Lpg I


111 Ch~.rry .a:~d Cliff.ord Staple~ in the Emil Swanson home. Th~ (By Staff Correspondent) 1MI'. and MIS. A'rt Meyer and IMIS. H. . Barelman and. famIly , Cl1arl•.otte Bush to Geor.gi.a Glenn, refreshments served. .~.,

ton a Gr8.lg, vlS'lted at Harry Sta~ dinner .was far Miss Ardyc S,wan- F i Eleanor Mae spent Friday evening I and Mr. an~ Mrs. Albe~t Hmtz and fay 1 ~or $4,000, UndtVlded 1-2 Regular Luther League melingplet'O h'Ome last SWlday. son whose bi,"tllday was o~Satll"'- M 'or ~I.rs. Elmer Hrrrilion. at Emest ~ackel's. II':cnben viSIted there III the eve- nterest 111 NW 1~1 of 17~26-4. has been p'Ostponed to May 19. "I I

Mr; and Mrs. Axel Linn ~were day.- ~ rs. Elmer Harrison's birthday Mrs. Em:l! Miller, Marion and 1':1_ mng. .'. ----.---.----- was glad when they said un 0 meS~lnda.y afternoon callers in the Miss Bertha and Carl Bergerson :~:n ~~~~~edMr~~~~fI e~~~~~1 ton spent Saturday afterno.on at I Mrs. ~.~y Perduc and M1SS L:'tba Fimsh Posb\r Contest. . let 'l,lS go into the house ,twh~G

olec,l For b h the Tlleron Culton home. Bush VISited MrH. Adolph KIeper Poppy ,posrer contest closes Fn- Lo'd," poalm 122,'1, ' ". s erg ome. and Mr1;. Hilding Bergerson were 'and Melvin M d M' N 1 1 M H P d I t P- ., ~

· M1SS Te~~la ~Id~erg was an af- in S!'OUX City Sunday afternoon lLyngen and d~ina:~ere ~~d~: Mr. and Mrs. Levanu$ Flicker al.' am d ~ rs. ft arry er ue ~s t Wed- lJaYb et~emng and work of students ~~'teomoon VlSltor III the, Axel Fred~ and ('-venin!'! vl'sit'n

o" HI'ld,,"'g Berg- d M R b moving into the Mervm Samuel'l!iol1 Incs ay a ernoon.. ?,i1 ,.a urday n 0 SCh~ols will be ju!=Jged be- st. l'aul'l'3 Lllttu'l'an' (;hu «'11.

rlcksbn h'Ome last Fl'lday. orson at St. Joseph hospital. They an rs. (Ii ert Hanson and fam- house in town this week Mrs. Perdue and Mrss Bush caUed fore awards are maue by local (Rev W C Hcidellre'ch t·)M.r. and Mrs. IVOI' Andersonl,a!ld were luncheon guests of Mr. and By wer~".g~~~~~~~~~~~~. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Packer wt'l'(' I~n Mrsc~il~ Perdue and Mrs. rAuxiUary. Isu~da; SC~OOI at 10:~0 ~ as 01

famlly were Sunday dinner guests Mrs. Ed. Youngren. ISouthWl.'St Wayne. :;~~n;:~~~r,~iJl~::t~~el~~e~t$Ctl- I eorge tU~c~~:_er. Buys -~~ti;;~~~~ 'Mor.ni~g ~orshi~ at 11:?01 :. 'I'

m!fhe Nels Sjo~erg home. Mr and Mrs. G. O. J-ohnso11, Mrs. Miss Lillie Swanson was a Sun- Mr. and Mr:'3- J H W J' h' II Farmers linion MI'.ctS. Ed. Seymour bought thc Logan ~dle& AId SOCIety Wllll mh Ml'S's M~thllda Jaeg~r retul'lled Albertina Goldbe-Ig, Mrs. Oscar W. day supper guest in t~c Fred Wcs- and Thais e~' oe 'd . 0 IlSOli Farmer's Union will meel TlIes~ Valley dairy route from Willis and thiS Thursday af'ten;JOon ~ 2:30.· orne un ay after a week's visit Johnson, Mr. amI Mrs. Roy E. terhouse home in Wayne. t [Mwe. J3~n 'B.?, Suppel" day May 14 in the James Maben !Elmer Noakes and took possession After the regUlar business a cover~1n tht Harry ~~hlqui.st ho~e. Johnson and Alden and Rev. and Mr. anci Mrs. F. WI' Vahlkamp gues s () rs. MlflnIe MiUer. . horr:('.' I last Thursday. He added the route cd dish luncheon will be se . ed in

Re[ . P. PeaI.son and MISS May Mrs. C. T. Carlsen and family, called in the Arnol~ Vahlkamp Mis. ",,:mand;a Lindiberg and MISSI' __ to the Wayne Creamery ·one. honC!.r of mothers ~nd daug ers ofwerel s:un~ay dmne: guests at the Reuten, Teckla and Wymo~'e Gold- home S..un,day O.f_I,SS." t. "'eek. ~:~lw~~l~~s~i:;;rM~~~l~~s~~tl'l; ~iprry l\Illlwr~ Club... ~ the ,church and their rri.end. ~.Nels 8]oberg home III Conc'Ord. berg and Mauritz Johnson attended __ + 1M B tl" ~ \ M"lry Makel'f; club meet thiS Frl~ , Het Gas Tax Fund. The Sunt;iay school wlll db~ervc

M.r. and Mrs. Frank Carlson an,d Sunday services of, the fortyninth Ru lal Scl.o"ol Lo' rt't a'tt mdg'dR(jlh~, Irene an, I Iday l'vening with MI'. and Mrs. Ben I Wayne county's share of Lhe Mot~er'~ ~ay. n~xt . Sl.lnd~lY. AfalTUly were Sunday afternoon annual convention of the Nebraska r Ij. . .le a a en e GeOlge Ho.ltillf.~ Ml'yl'r. April gas.oline tax is $1,829.57. This speCial mv~tatlOn 15 given tf all ufgucs"tsin the Ed. ~adson home. conference at Wausa.. ' bllthday party S:-rnday evenmg. ~ .. _ ilS divided as follows: County road, the Mothers of the Sunday sclwol

MISS ~rene E'.'"'1ll and Opal Carl~ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer and n;trid 8l g Mr. and Mrs. Bllger Pehl'sun an,l Push Nf\\\' Bnildiu,l{. $1,280.70; county bridge, $36;;.91; scholars. .:ron were ov~rnlght guests of Eun~ family from Dodge. John Struss ('Mrs. Hallie Blievcmi ht, teachcl') .on wele Sund~y aft.emoon at;d Mayor Martin Ringer is much land road district, $182.96. 1.'he pflStor attended tnc Ev,tTI-lCC Brown III the Oscar Bro:wn and Henry !:lilbers from Wisner Friday. May 10, i~ the closing supper guests rt LevI"Dahlgren s pll'a~pd by the rapid progress be~. ----___ gellCal :f;.utheran synod of febras-home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nelson and day of schooL A picni? will be held ~r. and Mrs. Call Fransen and ing made on Wayne's new auditor~ Taiwil To Kearlle~·. ~a of the United Lutheran,I'church II. Mf: and Mrs. Paul Daplgren vis- sons, and Miss Arum Nelson were at thc city 'park if the weather c~lldren spent Thursday even.lllg !Um building. W~lls are now one Miss Gladys Maricle, sophomoi'c 11-:- America, held at Sout ' Siouxltedjllll the .home of MI'. and Mrs. Sunday mnder guests in the John permits. It will be at the school With. Mr. and. Mrs. C!are Buskirk story high, and steel supports are in Wayne school, was taken to Clty from Tuesday to ThUrliday of I WhIte-Wash j "Axe Frednckson Sunday after~ Vollers homr. Afternoon callers house in ca,jie it rainsl ,~)S's Manue i...onge and Nolan bring installed. George GraJbe of Kearney Tuesday to enter a hos- this we~k. Brush "-noo~. . F were Mr. anjj Mrs. Louis Granberg Those having perfeft attendance Chnstensen were Sunday supper 1 F't.cmont, architect, was here on pital for treatments. Mr. and Mrs. . -- Blne).: Screen I milt !Jt.

iss VeIUa Kr~emer returned and family 1 and Mrs. Fred Re- this year arc I Esther Thompson, guests at the N. P. Chr~~tenscn I Tuesday. Seth Maricle rook her and return~ Christian Science scrv~.''e..... l'cr Qu.ll't f:lhi\ JO ~hursday after assisting in .winkle andidaught~rs.1 Irene Thompson. waj'ren Bressler, ome. f' ~----~~--- cd Wednesaay. The sUbj~ct of .ti?-e le::l.on-ser~ Watch for lOur:t e Enc Nelson ,homo for three Daughter Is Born. Rosalie Korn, Melvin Korn, Norma Mr. and Mrs. Augl1S~ Rehel' <tnt!. Board Reorganizes., ' man in all C~ristian 'tienee Spring C taldgitemo ~hS. . -L, A daughter, weighing 8 3~4 Jean Korn and Har01d Korn. ,Gor~ Mr'l~nd Mrs. Joc DaWn of Erne.- Wayne board of education met (Jard Of Thanks. churches for Sunday, Ma 12, is I r

l\flS.. Alt~ur An~erson~ and sons pounds, waa born Saturday, May 4, don Bressler hafi.miss~d only a half Son tP~nt Sunuay evening at Fred' Mrmday evening, .nClWly electe,d We wish to express sincelC ap- "Adam and Fallen Man." I . ~an~Mls.'j Mmnle Cadson were call~ to Mr. and Mrs. Gust Kraemer. day and Neil Grimm only one day. Ro~er s. . .. memoers, J. C. Carhart and E. E. predation to friends fol' their many The Golden Text is frow John Cers 'n the Frank clrlson home Fri- Harold Kar'n celeb~ated his sixth 'the B.en Lund fa.r~llly ]ollled oth- F,lebtwood, tak1tng office. B. W. acts of kindness at time of our 3:14, 15: "As Moses lifted},UP the Id~.· afternoon. For,;J\lrs. 'George lUa,b'lUlSon. birthday May 1. Mrs] AdoLph Korn er telalives at a blrthday supper Wright was e~ectcd ch~irman, L. bereavement. Also do we thank serpent in the wildernes.s, . ven so Phone 108 I I .

- . r. and M'rs, C. J. Magnuson and Those who called on Mrs. George sent 17 attractive !May baskets for ~rs. C. John Anderson Monday W. Vath vice ehairman and A. T. all who sent flowers. Mrs. Alvina tmust the Son of man be Ii ted up: I t (l1j~.fa 'ly were entel·talned,at Stulday Magnuson to honor her on her filled with candy liar Harold's everung. Ca~anaugh secretary. Other busi~ Korff and children. that whosoever be}!eveth lin himdin er in the hom~'of M'r. and Mrs.' birthday' last Thursday afternpon schoolmates. The Paul Dahlgren family spent ness was routibmv' '_ . .__ . '~------,.- ---,.-,-H~ :'-'+"';';:11JF';"";~;::~:~

- Evan·l7"cterson. ,- ~- were Mrs, C. J. Magnuson and l.u-' Quarter tests were completed SUl"!-d:a;y afternoon at the Axel . --- " I' Is Camp Dietitian. : ~••~ II·JI···~·r·~,~J!Il~_"lI!I"f:l~j~~~~r. and Mrs. Ed. Spencer and cille, and Mrs. Garfield Johnson. and many _rel?eived good grades. Frel:lr:tckson hOp1e and were sup~ LOC AIL NEWS Miss ~~rgaret Mlr:e~ has accept~ : QUALIT' SEEDS' AT CLOSE-OPT :

family of Wakefield were SundaY _ Margaret Ba~er, I~ene Tomseu, per gu~sts. ~ ed a pOSltlOn as dielltlan at Camp • ! PRltr:S" '.dinper and supper guests in the ,Nkws in &lhool, Gor~on Bres~,er an Neil Grimm On Sunday, the Carl _.Frans~n F. S. Berry-ts~nJ!!rMon~ B!~w~te_r, Omaha, and wil~ go May': .. _, ,. ; I "I' ',Y 'I. "I::~~Louts I<irchner home. Concord junior class :play was a receIVed 100 h~ spell ng. 19' langu- and Harry Lemkpe famlliies were day on busines . 27 or -:W to ·oegin-her-duties.---- _The • __C_erbfIed 'Aliaa Sorgo t . per '~'tiJ !.,M'.i!-'

Mr. and Mrs. Julius :Kirchner success, $4~! being realized and a age. Irene Th.tmsen received 100 dinner and supper . guests at the ¥l's. W. C. ryell was in Lin~ eamp has capacity of 200 and oper- =_H_e.~~.!:!. (~'"I~st~tute for ~tlas; ! ~er:Ib .~.~lt~wsre in W~yne ~atur4ay 1 after- large ,au!ii~,c_'1.-attending. per cent, Mar, aret Baker, 98 and OSTeal' Brown home.: coin Saturday ·th. the music ICon..' ates about three months. • Grohoma, aheavy Yield~r '.noon. Thsy were supper guests "in Juni'Or hi hlschool presented as. Lawrence Bak 1',96.1 Gordon Bres- Mrs. Schultz and Irene spent testants. I: ---'--._-- ! = Suda.n Grats . ~.:. :the Jim Hank home. sembly pro ram of mQsie Wednes- sl~r received 9

tin ~rithmetic and Sunday afterno'On at t~c Packer Eu,gene Perry was, a Saturday To FuneraJ In City. • Amber Sorgo Cane (hal e grown) < .'

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Backstrom day. Ir~ne Thomsen 90. i h'Ome, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Turner evening supperjlg'luest in the Frank Mrs. E. J. Huntemer and Mrs. T.~ = A 'imited amount of A' alfa. Yellow and White I

and children from: Wa)q~field w~re I __ I. ~awrence a. ~ M rgaret Baker were evening guests. . .Bal'-er home. ~ W. Moran, the ,latter coming here! = ' . ,,Monday evening guests in the Evang~Ucal Free iChurch. each brought JblI'lh ay treats for Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lundberg, Patsy Wert ~s staying with he from qm.aba Monday evening, went. AU . H. BIERMANN 'I' ,Frank Carlson home " (~ev. L.,A. Peterson, pastor) the school t~e as.t 1ee~ of school. Mr.. and Mrs. Eric Johnson and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. to Sioux .City ;ruesday morning to ~••••••••••••••••• ~••••••~~.~••••• II••~~I < 111 ,I. Miss Irene Erwi~ spent last Th!lr word is a lamp unto my .Mrs. Hallie Bllev rmcht was a Adelme.attended the crmrch con~ R@ss,this,weekl attend the funeral of Mrs. John ~ """_" __~.Jl!~~<~_

.~--iiiii--iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiii __iiii_iiiiiiiiijiiioiiliiiiiioiiiiiiiiiil dmner gu~st i the J. C. Bressler ference 10 Wausa ,sunday:---- Rev. <\nd Ml1' Kay Konig and Lilly, half sister of the late Mr.

BEAUTY, STYLING,. ALL MODERN FE~TURES-AND A hO:~s.'l'J~e~~~~e~~~; n~~ited school H~a~dc~~~:~::~n'an~~Si~I~~'en~~ i~~ll~;.f~~~~~~o::.ntl3unday i ~~:~~o~~tu~~~ ~~:ds:r:ee~~:go.Monday afler~on. Bartling, ~s doing .carpenter wor!! Miss Freda SJ;d who teac~es ad -.--.----

GEN'ERA ,ELE R' , ._-- ~---- near Hartingt'On ihis week. Tl1den, spent thf'l wcek~end -lIL th Brought from Hospital.

L CT Ie REFRIGER'ATOR Wins de ~ews Mrs, g~IH Miller entertained Hennan Sund home. Rienard Wert, son of Mr, and. Mrs. ~nme Miller and Erna, Mrs. Mr. and Mr~, Walte;r Savidg Mrs. Melvin Wert, was brought

First Bin day. Ernest Packer and Mrs. Levinus and son, Junior,' werp in Columbu home Sunday from a Sioux City

USES 100/ 50111 LESS CURRENT ,Mr: and Mrst Adql~h Ro~Uf en~ Packer Tuesday afternoon. T1jCsday afterno'On. hospital with chicken pox. Richard10 TO O· tertamed at SundaYldmner III hon- ,The Emil Miller family visited i:\1r. and Mrs. P. L. March wer was to have had skin grafted onor of their son, Lowe.LI's first 1::drt~~ the C. C. camp at' Ponca Sunday in Hawarden, la., Monday, nigh "his left hand, and nght arm fotday. The gue ts fere Lowell:; and were supper guests at the Ray alld Tuesday on business. burns he reCeIved when fallmg on~grandparents, ' 1', md Mrs. J. R. Jensen'home on their return. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kramer of to a stove. He will have the'oper~Hefti and iSon ilbu, Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. alto Sahs and sons Siuux City, 'spent Saturday and atidn next week,Carl Ritze and fa~ilY, Mr. ~dr w:re .Sun?ay dinner guests of Mrs. Sunday 10 the W. C. Coryell hom~. -------Mrs. Edgar M rotz and SOns, Mr. Mmme Mllier. Mrs. Paul Lessman !'I'll' and Mrs. Ray Robinson and

and Mrs. LI~y, Mi\e~ an~ family, and children joined them at sup~ Je-V>el! and Beul~h Barnhoft spent IC'"'·H URCH.ESI'Mr. and Mrs, aI~n Pfelffeli' and per. . Sund::ty cvening in the-O. G. Nelso1rfamily, Mr.an Mrs; William KnoH, Mr. and Mrs. George Kohlmei~~' hulllt'. • I~r. and 1I:1rs. J hn ohlff and fam~ of Fonca and Mr. and Mrs. Otto ,\1:' and Mrs. Roy Ross and dau~ ff * :n::zn:zu,IIy, Mr. and M s. us~v Koll'and Krause were guests at the \;V.ilI gl\lcr of. Laurel, were !SlUldll~09<'n, and A';lgu t Sp~khaul. J W'Olter hon:re a week ,ago Sun-day supper and evening guests in tht

--- ._-~- afternc:'0n. ,. AI. \V: Ro,ss home. ,~ I, Wilh~:r News The Robert F. Ii.anson family '-MIS~ Lct~e Scott, Miss .A;lenp

_ , were Thllrsda'y evcnlllg gUC-its aV a\ld Mlt,s LOIS Scott anad 111ss E,-: Property a th late CharfJes tJ:).e Jack.Soderberg hOJ.ne and Sun. lal~l Smith,.the ht.st of AlItm, spe tSchroeder was SOlf at a.ucHon on d~.y evening guests at the ElJrocr 'Sntlll'day ill' Si'OUX City. . .Tuesday. Harrispn horne, helphlgoMrs. Har~ Mr. and Mrs, William Priess and

,~ Miss Merced s R ed spent the ?ison c~lelbrate her birthday. MISS 'Lillie and fMrs. L. Horrooks,W?ek~end in . orf lk with Miss ,,~riday ,J?Seph and ,Bernar'cl all !,forf'Olk, w~t"e Sundfj.~ gueSl1sMIld e Reed:.1 F...l'1ckson .vlsIted Mrs. Joseph. Er- in 11lC Walt.er Pness home.

._ad Ii and! RuJ""IPh ~uhb of ick.<;on and little daUghter, Lois. at I :\11'. and Mrs. H~1'1bert Kai of'M ii1tig, Iowa w~~ here Monday Sl. Joseph's hospital in'Sioilx City. lelldcr, bl'Ought their daUghtef' Th(,.ophilnsChureh.·laSt wdgk on b sin

1ss.. The latter underwent. 'a ma..stoid hea Fern, l1ere Monday mornin . (Rcv~ A. H'Oferer, pa.stOI)

Mr, a~M. ugust Dorman o.peration Tue,sday last and ,is gel- hey visitcd in the Clarence Cor - ISunday Ijlchoo! at 8:-30 -a. m.and fa ly w e a:unday dinner 'hng along mcely. Mr. Erickson' er hOme. . , I German se~vice at 9:30 a. m.guests i e rs!. L. Chichester was there S~nday, also. . , :Mrs. w:m.. Morehouse of LoC~- Lad~e~' Aid meets May z3 withhome. , ' . 1 Mrs. W. J. Johnson and be.-r sis~ POI;t, N. Y:1 who came here la$t. Mrs'. Aug1jst Wittler. .

Mr. and Mr .' y Pierson and tel', ·Mrs. young of Wayne, retl]rn_ wee], for -the funeral of Walt,r IMr. ana. Mrs. enly .Bush spent ed Thursday ~ fr'Om De9 Moines Webcl', will1"~main a week or t"'!'o. Epipcopal Chu.rch.Monday eveni g~t week 'in the where they Jlad been at the bedside with Mrs. W~ber. 1--" (Rev. L' I w..?ramly, Mit.lister)lJiVP1Reed born. 'n ,of another sister.' The latter wa;:; }ir. and Mrs. 'M. B. SUrber?f ,sunday: SerVICes, 11 a, m. at 317

Mr. and Mr. m. Hansen and some better .when they left. They Pender, Mr. and Mrs. Walden F1t- E. 10 St.'. ,A deanery c~urch SCp?OI.family spent S y in the Adolph had spent 'Wednesday night in bel' and Mrs. A,' R. Davis were rally Wl~l:. be· held at :rrlnlty~rman. ~ome. M . ~nd Mrs. Aug- Sioux City with Mrs. Justin James. Sunday eveni~ dinner guests in .church, ,NrriO~' a.t. 3:30,P. m.WIt Franzen a d n called in the The Knighthood of Youth club the .Burr DaviS home. . -"--~ternoon. . -r at Park. ~ll entertained tJ:,1eir Mr. and Mr$. WilJbur Spahr v1s~ ~I eth~t.Churc.h. I.f • ~ , \ mothers Fnday afternoon. They :Ited the Ott'O Fleers M'Onday after- (Rev. Fay Mills, pastor) .

'C!ub Ie,et:5 To~)', .' held a sbhoQl exlLibit showing WOrk noon.' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Haas' ~O:OO, ~hurch school. '..:ISulUlhin,e cl b. Teets this after~ they wiq enter in the county fall' and Carl, and C J JohnSOn were 11 :00, worship ~d sevmon, R~~

noon with Mrs Iry~ Reed and Mrs next faU. They rendered an exeel~ Sunday supper guests of the thinking Mother's ;nay." 'Roy Pier~on at ,re Reed home, lent program, foI1owingwhich they Spahrs. ~ 7:00,.Epworth League.Mrs. James G er and Mrs. JQhn served iee ct'eam and cookies. As ~I .F'I ee-$39.95 blackstone elect IeBush have ch rgel of the program a surprise; for the mothers, each re_ roner with each deluxe rno el Grace Ev. [lutheran Church.

__'" ceived a potte~ p.lant, tackstone cleeton washer at I I' (::Missouri Synod)NonnaJ IBo rd Meets. A group of young people, num_ 7950 Wlt1i your old washer. $800 (Rev. H. Hopmann, pastor)

Su~~'a~t:'aon g:he: :~a::n~~~~ :~~:a;~~ti~~U~~~~: ~~;: ~::t~~~~~tn~~U~~~~es~ot~ t~ ~=~ =~h;:~~;:O a. ~.dar. 1 pel' Wlth Mr. and Mrs. Clare Buoff': ~a.j" trade-Ill sale. m It Ladic..<lf' Aid will meet Fri- I~------",!,,,,,-_,,,,,,

'"'I',:,r:f1P~:,~~",:~r\ /1,\, J I I ' ,:,~I"f~,.:<i;;gj:·':.;:,·,!,i"

IOeNo.2 Call

Diced BeetsP. & 1\1.

Mix VegetablesNo. 2 Call


1 6 Box (;arl,on i'"

Brown Sugar31'llUIHI Bag



35eNo. to Gallon

PrunesP. & M.



The Home of QualityPrices.

Mrs. Geo, Meyer and family,Ml', and M!".':!. Chu,''1, ,John:->on and

:~:;;l~dl"f~~:I~~l~,E~:~~g~~~:Itamp and Ii'loyd, Mrs. E<~thyl

Lutz, Clarclitc Bennett, Mr. andMrs, T. 'A, S.traight and family,Mi~H Gladys Whorlow, Miss IDth·cl CI'u,vcn, Miss Carol J ..'his.

'" '" '" *



Young Recitalists In ProgramCaroiinn M-CCIUIC, Betty Zep·

lin, and Leis Zcplin, pu-pils with Mrs. Al,bert G.CarL'lon, \\'ill appcu-l' in their fil',gtrecital lhi~ Thursday afterno:mof National Music week. Thepl'Ogram will ye given a t theCarlson home al4 o'clock. Piece"from the "Bilbro Me.la-dy Book"and "Williams Se1r'ies" will bell.'Jl"d; also several number's il'omthe "Beginnen;' &ok" writtenlly PnJf, anfl Mrs. Carlson will begiven. Lois Zcplin will OpNI Owprogram wilh '''London Britlge"and' "A 'Shady Dell." Otherllllm,ber." which 5hp' will piay a.1·C"The Chair Train," '''"fhe BabyElepha.nt," "SOJ~g of Lhe Mer­maids," "Dickory, Dock," "ThcS('I' Saw," anti "The 1vluffin,\M<'lll," Number.,; by Caro]inn Mc-rC1Ul'C includp "On :;paradc,""lJouhlc Nolc,;," "On Wc Go,""My Song," "H.c,Uwdo," "TheSwing," "Syncop5\-tion," "PlayingTogether," "Ups and Downs,""The School Bell" and "MayDay." Betty Zeplin pla.ys "The

~;~!~,~_~ Runaway," "~~l~~ ,

Missionaries, Speak.Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stu.ll.ff~

acher who leave soon for theEgyptian sudan tCITitory northof Lake Victona, in Afriea, to<.k, mission wl)rk am{)ng a. tribenever: hefore ministered to and inn. swampy, unheaHlhy territOl'Y,a.lldresscd the '-wo Wayne ..awrnrclcs at the E. B. Youn~e~;u.;t Thursday evening. Mr.,Stauffacher was born in Africa,the son of miS3iGllal'ies, and wasin v'layne three years ago withthe Westervelt bllyB. He andhis wife have been on the west.{"oast and left for 'MinneapolisFnday, They then go ·on to theirhome in New .Jersey and leavethe middle of June for the mts·sinn field, The mis~ionary'sbrother, Ciauclon, is working

, with pygmies in Africa. Refrcsh- .ments were served in May bas­keLso The Stauffacher" arrivedhl'fc Thursday and were OVJCI"­mght guests in the Young -home.The yoUng people's class meetsthis Friday in the Young. horneand Mt'<1. L. W,- Kratavil gives achalk t""lk.




.......... " .1



IThese are 1!ery, $1.95,Good Values


Clcaner~ - Tl1iiors ~ Dvprsllnd Hattf~r~; .



,.'.;.,\~,!!.·~1ome l'4ar~~t For the Great Northwe8~"I A4tt

The Sioux Ci'tyStock Yards








TAirge iIISIZ~10~U). 'Ba~

P<,r PoundIne and

Milll (lure



POlINO 24c

Round, Sirloin, :-:hort ('ut:lnd Portt~r nnmw,




, . For The :,.1.· .COUNCIL OAK .MAy SALE

, Friday and S~turday. May'lO and' 11

Whole, Half orMa.chlno Sliced.


S;'IIBr Cured


G,~eetTop Carrots __~:::

Texas Cucumbers EReI, 4c·. ~, " '--;-

I,arge I 2·

Bun~h t C

New Polatoes



, SATURDAY. NIGHT 'Do not f.ail to ~:urchnR~ a geIH~rO\l~ l'J-lfJPlY of Can­ned FrUits and ,iVegetahle~ and other Hiaplc foodsat the very'spe rial sale prkes.

BEEFROAStIi Fresh Pork Fresh Pork

'ROAST STEAK Ro;~~;naIPOUND 22c PO~;NO 25c mllNO Hlc-=-__......-'- -.1

"'isner Is I:WiI1Jler r~O~~Y' ~:ger.. tied for seCO~d~l;esterda; teroon fO~ t e funeral [and Frances and ;-;-£;nry Ken- Ca~~ el;O; Jaek pete:son unel Mrs Le I B 1 I - aft., , I E':,,;>ht, ,) eet, 2 1-2 inches. of their c usm, Mrs. H. Hoskin· nedy arid Norma of stanton, were Delb 1't Oak of Wakefield were II W S a e1' were ernoo~~Itl Meet At Wa:fne Brond Jump ~Won by D Spang- son, rhO died ~unday. urlal was Sunday gpests of the Henry Sund y evening guests Of' Mrs en er5. -, _ • lei, W1Snl'l, Cal son, Pilger, scc~ at N rfolk. I Schroeders. Afternoon callers were Hele Kahler. ,Janl(';F; hi ;Five.

A I N he' I()lid; Jl'llsen. \Vlfl.!'lde, third; cook... I Ml ~nd Mrs Erwlll leer and Mrs. Wm. Blecke and Alta, and Th' Harold SOl'ensens and MI~ Mrs Ben Nl.Ssen entertained Mnnua ort east 11Dtral :WIsner, fourth DIstance, 1H fl'ct

jMISS A~'IYn Nelson spent unday m Irene Wacker. ". Geo. atterson VIsited Sunday cve- Charles :Meyer, Jr, and famIlY ~~

Conference Events A.re 2 12 lllchcs, !the ,J P. H,mson home Il Harting.. Mr and Mrs Frank qrlfl'lth took tung In the Carl Sorensen home Sunday afternoon bHore ~ast thISHere Thursday. ,410-YUl'd relay - \\on by Pllger: ton their daughters. Arlene and Marl-I near Carroll bemg Jam'es' fifth bU'·th(lay 'al1lll-

VI..1Yl1P, second, WIsner, tJllrd,! ~frs ~ W Casper Ie t Sunday Iyn, to Lmcoln Friday for the state MI and Mrs. Wm Fitzgerald /Jf vers3.ry Ice cre..l 1 kWlSllcr won the Northeast Gen- Laur£!l, fourth . and .)Mrs. Paul Mines an Mrs J mllSIC con!est T,he family spent \N.at MIle, Kan., came .~unday to served ~m ane en. e were

11al ,ll-aek meet at Wayne college I The penetra.tmg C{lld and damp M Strahan left Monday for Ord, the week·end WIth relatives In Lln- V1s1t until Tuesday 1Il. the R(Jhert -lnsl fhursday wit~ 152 and 3~5 \Hmther made It difhcult iot the Neb" to attend the stilt P E 0 coIn and Adams~ returning Sunday Sta baugh home IpOln,l". Pilger placed second WIth boys to pt'lf{)}m Coacl1 Gerald convention • which was In seSSIOn Evelyn and Jannen.e' Griffith were M' d'M s H H For l\fr~.. E. M. Laughlln.,011.1, Laurel, third, 18.1; 'Colelidge. ChellY of WmsH'!l' Nmferenee s('e~ over Wednesday With their grandparents, Mr, and Carl 'a~~l C r'j ~(:~~~on aa~ ,and Mr". E ..M. Laughlin's hi!thday Ii'nlllkfourth, 15; WmSlde fIfth 13 ,Uldjletaly-tl'(>f!'<:U!P!, ""a." HI ~balgt' 11 Mrs EI n 1 tl I 1 Mrs. Io~rcd Stone of Wakefield. S . 'th'tl' If 1'1 J{ VlSlle(~ 1ya::; oeeaSlOll for a party In the l ---'"3-5; an,d. \Vayntl.coli~ge hl~h, sIxth, absence of P!llf A Ji' Culhv",r, the tels of ~:nc~:bn

( s ~;: ~ aUf 1- - I~~~( a~r~:7r S ;~r.'.l am ( nlld~ens .Lal~gl.lli~l home' ,~atl1I'(,lay t've.l1illg-·

133. D. Spangler of Wisner,l wun pn"'Slupnt d_ftemoon in the i.r~s ~mffia uneRy ]i'or 1\Ir~. Fred Heier. I p.... C~llt1H ~~nd I;~rlfes were e~lJ()Y{'dmlliVldual hOQQrs Wlth 205 pomts _ _ __ ~ _ t 'r :0 Baker A(bo\lt 70 neIghbors land other ~,antI Ml~. RlChal d ~yl of "Yllh

prl?e!'! g'OIng' to .John SICVf't':'l,Be cstabliShed a new re.eOld of 23 8 L()CAL NEWS Hlffie hey also vlsltedl Mt's Alt friends came .b) the Fred Heier weI;;. Point, .aml. MI'. and Mrs. F:. P. hllspar l{orn, Bcrt Slll'hcr, M'·:'l.·1Rt'cond in the 220·~yard dash H Helschcld and infant S(n In thc hom~ ]l'ridlly evening fdl'Mrs~ Hei~ Caa we and <.:hlhlren were Sllnd(lY John Lutt, Mrs. Pete ,Iorgensen.

, rwd J. Faubel scored 48.6 ~int~ Henry I{eynolds was 1Il Wausa way~e hospital . cr's birthday. Cards .wbre enj~Jyed gl~e.,ts of Mr. and Mrli . J. H. SpH;hr. C:leva.Jol"gens('n, :Mrs. Kasper

fClr Wisner, Rogge of Coleridgt~ Sat.ul'lJay on busillr:,>s. IMI. nnd Mrs. T. C. C~lUngham and lun('heon was serve~i. r. and Mrs. James Benjamin Korn and Mrs. S. J. Hale. Lunch-r;nt a !lew reebrd 38 feOt ,6 inche..,,' MI'. and Mrs. D. H. Pike and and e~aughter and. Mr. a~~r ::¥I'&. F. ! - - ~ find) Mrs. E. Harrigfeldt and ~on, eOll wa.s served. Guests inc1udf'c1.ill the shot put. ' , , SO)I, Hal'ol(.i, of ('ouncil BIll!'f:;, A. MJldnel', and: chIl.dren pc-nt Sun· ]<'01' Mrs. BIL'lI. the IfLs~ two of Ernenwll. called MI'. and Mrs. Bert Surber, Mr. al1d I

~l1rnm.ary' of the e:v:ents foUO\."'s: ,sIwnt SUllday in 11lL' H.ou(,l't Frahm tIay a.ftel'l:,0?1.1 ~lld c~e,~ling. at. th. antI Mrs.\ John ay and snn IMot d.ClY in th~ H.oherL Stambaugh Mrs .. John Sievers and fa.mily, MI'.l00~yard dash-Wtm by D home,' Stallton, '{Islting In the yo PIlgel' and Mrs. C. '1'. Nort0

1spent Fri- hunlG. .' ~.nd Mrs. S. J. Halc, MI'. anlI Mr!'!.

'at:;p:mglcr Wisner' Faubl Wi '.. .Ml'. antI Mrs. O~r.ar Liedtke :tnd and Fay Pollack homes, day t'velling with the} enry Bush . - ---"-.~---.---. IKaspar Korn, Mr. and Mrs. otto:'I'I'IlIlU;-Cornet, Pilger, t~rll; ~~:~ DOl:(.U')f visill'd ill the D. E. Martin Mr.. and Mrs. C. o.~ Mitchell jl.... family, cl':ebratlng Mrs. BllSh'.~ ~ h· W 0 Ltltt and fami.ly, Mr. and Mrs. Johnllkk, Pllger, fourth. 'Time. 10.1i hom.".,. at ~f't1oa 1~'l'on Snturday to wem,lIl Allen last '1'hurslay to at~ blrlhtIa.y allt1lversary. LUllch was Otlt east ayl)e LlJt~ and fanllly. M~" and M1'8. Pete~l'e()J\ds. . . SlIlJday. tend the funeral of 1 obert,. 4- Ht)rVl'd. I (By Staff Correspondent) Jor>o>pnsf'n nnd famIly.

! ~20-yard daah-'W()u by D Supt. ~uHl MI'!'!.'. I. }''rlest awl month-old SOil of Mr.~and Mrs, --' . M' Alf dT t I For,Mr~.C1ausst'n.~paIJgler, Wisner; Renn'ick, 'Pilg~r: DaVid ut' Wisllt'l' s~U'd here Sun- Philo Thompson. Mr. T omps.Otl if! For Two Birthday!!. Oltb

r;. t ~ 'do es ~t.led on Mr~. In a party at the Adolph Claus-

~l'CU1ld; Faubel, Wisner: third; day with F. (J. 1'1lilll'o and 1<'1<1;1It- a nephew of Mr. Mitchc,1. . Tn honOr of Mnl. Will Lutt's es n ay erno.on. s('n home Raturday ('vening for~.::'m'lH't, Pilger, fourth. 'rime, ::!:18 lin Philleo. M.l'. and Mrs. 'rom ~unn fl-nd b~rlhday ,~nd Mrs. M. C. Lower's lI4r. an.d Mrs. Ben ~I;.;srll and Mrs. Claussell's birthday were MI'.I5cconds (new record). . Mr. a~~i Mrs. J;-;l'l1est Alderson famIly went to Rand()~p 1 <rU.C?day ~llI'lhdH;y ll~l'sday, .April 20, gue!ils 1.r,a~e8 and Evelyn werC,lll ~Ol'fol'k and MrB. CmUs FOllte anll family,

440-yard dash _ Won: by D and fai.,mly . w.t'!·e Sunday din.pe,!' lo attend the wedding f Arthur III .the Llltt home III the 'afternoon I· nday.· Mr. and Mrs" Harvey Haas and

~,;,,~:,g::~~n':isn~:rit/~~~n,w:~:~-I~:W~~,;::nll'" F,e,] Sell"'iti~'. home ~~~~i~'06\~~~;'i.,~~J/'t~d~~~:~ ~~i':';'.";,r;O~~"G~~s~'o';':;i:u~'~ I'li,;nhe~.i,~::l,~na~l~;sC;;~~~'~';';~':;~~~ ;':~'\;:;le Mae~d ~:,~ ";P;"R~'~::;:third' Co'ley :?ilger fourth 'rime I Mr. and Mrs. Janl('~ LC'.onard and mormng at 9 at Randnlph Catho- Ml s. 1 (te Nelson and.F:1V.1l1. LUllCh Il.lJm(' at .Wi:'inC'" Ml' 'tnd Mrs ('IlS J h ~ Ifl'j.~ ~econds~ , ' 'C(ll·~(,B'lIS L~onanl of Wakpfleld. l.ic chureh. T~(J Wayne fol1e<;; V{ill elmH'rl tile n.flernoon. I The Olto Meiers {lPPllt' a w('f'){ ~hlf:l', Mrs.·.i.~· CII~l::'~(;:~ rt~~'.~~~l

."l.80~yard run...-Won by E.Sp:ltlg'- RJH'II1. Monday al't.r'l'll(lol1 HI the My_ Idurn home today. .1 -. --- :11";0 S\lllday afLp!'n(l(Jll ill I Ill' AI'- Mrs. Otto Heitllnld "nd' family]"1'. Wis.nel'; Junk. Colel'idg~. sPC-[ rOll CnL<;l,lt\ hom.e. ,Mr. and Mrs. W~. Bed{~llllaIlCr SI-IOLES 1111111' 'Meier homf'. ' . ElnH'l' l{i~llrrman, Flor(')]!.:(', flni]f'<ll~l; ~unlz, PHg~r, third;' Faubel, Cha.:-lc\ C~llhns ,1·C'lunlf'll to hiB !Jlan. t.o go to Mmnea lOllS. t~js 'Nr'r. alit! Mrs. FI'Pr] F'rf'v{'rt atll !Dale Pr·ps('nLt. PI·iz!'.'> in cards W('l'C

J'VlStll'I", fourth. Tim,e; 2:17.8. I !luOll' III I',lgI.n: ~ II , 'r,llPSday of IlL"t .~l~~~~ ~r~i:y to J u,ttend t~e dlBtt'I~t (By Staff (fQrrespondent) datlghlers "pl'nt 'l'hill,,c;d~IY (,v(.l\i]l~ t'l'cf'ivell hy Flnrcnrp Pn~"cl!tt "htlOne-,mile run-E.. Spangler, Wi~_1 ~'l'l~k ait.p,t, \11~llJ.ng hiS ptllPnL~. Mr. J, ..e.,~ <>. ~f .~,~tIOI1UI Sel ~ct ~(.J1'lI- Don Root. of Ponca, spent tlw a1 F.nl.P;.;t Fl1eVl'I'l's. .' Lf'wi,.; Hnir.r. LUI1('h('on r;]OS(>(/ ttlP...

)1('1', first· Junk Coleridge sec I' .and Mrs. I" CO]llllS. (l,WS ass{JcI,tllOn to be lH'hi }'nday IW(~ck-('tHJ with home fulks. I • ~. '('vl'ning'.Van Alle~ Wa;ne thiro:'MiSf~~;t' Art Hcr.<;dH'id :iIlcl son, LeRoy. and Satnrday. "They Willl'etlll'll OIl I Ell! Mattingly of Sioux City has I Mr. antI. Ml~~. J<..rlc. 'rhnmpsnn --'Wlnside, f:JUr.th. 'Time 5:77 'of Willi'>H!<', hod RUllday dillrl('l' 811nday. Mr, Bcckenlr1aU€l" Was ])ren at Sholes the past week.' ·1 wert' J1l SIOUX FIlday wh('n ,\t F. C. lIamnH'r,lIomf'.

(iO-yard hi h hurdles _~. . ,wIth Mrs I~mma Bnl,ct' in honor ')! t'lllJspn membl'r (If the rOlll"t 1'('- 11::d.' 1fo"her spentd Spnday in lhcy lmd stock on mnrket. , A bOllt [iO wen' gllf'slfi in the F.) ,. ,', .w g L., Won by ILpHt,y',s ninth birthday. cPlltly. SOlllh Sioux City with relatives Mt·. ant] Mr.<:. A llgust Dorman I L. Harnn1f'r hlJo1(' Sunday>"l\lSA' kllyne ; C?ley, Pilger. sec*' Ml'-"" Hal'nld Killi(;!l' and ~()J1 • .-----.-'--•.•• --- MI" and Mr~ John rei atten'lj"1 ftml family had Slln{Iay dlt1lH'I' in Ifill' Willard's 20t.h birthday.

HIl<: Il eny Laurel thit'ti· ('al' '. W . < ••• , t . d '. I . :VI f" th '1': , : ~ ,- Charles, vlsit('d Hat'old Killion at ilbur N5'¥S the fUIlPral of .Top Fin at MeLpan 1he Mt's . E. I ... Chl.eJll',.'>tC'I' homf'. an.(. weI e ulv,'rslon and1 gel', our . lfil, 9.;) .s~c- thp Janll's Killioll hOllH' froll! 1:I$t I ' Sund·ay. Archie Chklll'"tpr of PO]lca C. C'I pn;.':ps III gaml:s werc ,receiver]

Wpd'Heliday to Saturday. ,(By Staff Correspo dent) Dwaine ,ToneI' spf'nt ~tlnday evp- ('amp came Friday to the by Mr. and Mr~;. 1< rank HellschkC',120-yard low hurdles-·\Vo" by Snnddy VISlt()}S III tile Rev wei August Haase vlslte(i III the Al- ning in the home of hl[:; aunt, M!'~. week-end with Mrs. F:. L. M.I·;';. Harry Hamm('l", MrK Otto

l<'alk(', Pilger; .'J1t'l', . ·Lau:·CJ, .'-(:c- HeHlt nn'H h home' W( rt' 1\11 <inti bt'! t Wab,on home Slm~-eVcmng Hazel Grn.f t( I' . ItaU, Amokl Hammel" and Neh

~~:;~;s~:~11~\~;t~~;;i'~~Jil"l\t~:]I~~'~'~M t S G LutlH ~ KH;.t!cr M],';'O Helen The John Bl~sh tarnlIYJ~~entSun- Ml ~ Joe WlIlkleballer and son8 Mr and Mrs f-;rncst Frevert and r=--~------------<mils. ~~;\t~'l Ind C t1Vll\ H IYl'S all o! ~~~~lCaflf'tr)(jorl 1ll lht VVI] KH'!-H'IIr.elal{j antI Eugene were NOlfoll, nllth GlenvJ!lc flnd Mrrllll hdd II -' ( eo (j, ~ IVISItors Tllesday fillnddy dUlller ltl Uw Ed rl (V( Il:~~velin-v.lon by ~al\bel. \Vi.'; :\llS~ l';\i<lytl M(']]OI Ml'S~Fntl. Bermce Mit heU was, lasl VVcl! Tom and Allan Pnt<hard of Cal- h,jml a week ago

TItl., Haynes, ColerIdge. second: ,JWIl lkehpnh 111('1 MISS Ge VlCve Iwsclay OVt'!lI gIlt glJc~t of lO],l loll spent Sllnday t'v~'nlllgt" 1Il thl'l 'I(;1Il1el's, lAurel, third: Brune, hlllgSloll <lnd MISS I M 'Ydnn l"arncy lcnmc .11 nes home I (.('OlgC B('I !f'!i lR :l harn\1'ill.Side, fourth. Dista.llcc, 14::i INO'dtl'S had 1 stE'lk fl'y MondlY -CalvUl, HoYlanu Ma1vjn Grt'unkel MI an(l MIS WJlll~ Bmnham o! 'tlld hog' house on the tof(>ct, f) inches. eVClllng spent SUl}day aftellloon With F't ,w (l'Ne-lll, cll11ed 111 the ~oe- Wlnklp- suuth of t.own occllpled by the El~

D1SCus-Won by Ernb.Lek. Lau- W 0 rdholm :i3, Fremont ces Fall)ey IHl\lCl homc Fnday. I I Illlel Noakes famlly I]"(,1; Faubel, Wisner, second;. Reim- p~h.'sman who was kJl~~d in a car ,,~he ~enr~ Hansen f.d.mily were I Mrs. Hcl'u Bodenste{ t of Wa:,,,ll'. MI': and Mrs. .J~. H. Claussen anll"I'S' ~aurel, th.ird: Rogge, Coler- a~cldt'nt Saturday. waJs E\ brother 1< l"l.day, evem g gtlesb lh thl' Frcd spent a few days last week ill] the I Mr. ,md .Mrs. e.eo. Reuter wereh ge, fourth. J?istance, 99; feet. . ot F:. S. Edholm of I .•fjlCOJIl, form- Heier, nr., ho e. W. F.:. Wingett homc. ,I Rllnday dmnet· gucst:; of MI'. and

g!,;'Y~o~e~"~il~~na~~ii";s~ ::;- ""%,~'fa;:;;ar;,~; R RLars~n "no M~~a~ne~e>;;'s~ ~;~r.,~i1"~~~i~;:~; hn;;'e~r~ ~. ;;'C~~~~itn:~~ellio~~~ ;~-;.:c...~dOI~h Claussen. Mr. find

tiiN! for s~cond" Jugel e W. U:~,' family visited friends and rE'latives Trve Reed hon e. i l' folk visitot· Tuesday. I ' <tfJllrth. Height,'9 f~et, 3inc~~:I e, in Sioux City Sunday. ,They called The CI~.rk Banisters Iwere 811n- V. G. MeFaqdeJ~ and Granttiet.! F ARIJIE,RS!

'Shot ut- Won b - . a? S; P. Mason whu o/as l'ecently tIay evemng ue"ts in 'the IJarhes gen. trucked cattle to Ewing, ebr., I DON'T GAMBLEC{)!Cl'idg~ Faubel and!r Rogge, dl~~llssed from a hO~ital .McIntosh h~m e. i • for LelRUll l<jIlis Fridap.. With Your Calvesb) th f W' . I hompson, lire sale buy ,roadgi:'ippers Mr. and M '8'. Frank HiCk" and R J. Landberg left Sholes ,Mon- <H~I1rh~S WIsner, tie..d fOl"" ~eeollll; while t.he wil' is on --4.0 pe.rc~nt off Mary were S nday dirintg'U~sts in day evening for Humboldt, f-inn., T~ey are worih lOc to"B ft' 6 .a~e, fourth. Distance, standarU first line lis~. Quarter of the Roy Day orne, r where he will be emplbyed. vaccinate for Blackleg..., :e,. me. es (n~w record.) .. ' ~ cent\l~ of' quali,ty, manufactUl'~ ,Mr. an? Mr .. MiLford ri "?t and Mr. a~d Mrs. Adol~h Ertekspn Blackleg aggression per " YOUR WINTE~

I HIgh Jump-----~avt:;.n.~rt, .WlIl,!Ud1, mg be.h.lIld this ti.·re. Gamhle baby spent rlday eVering m the and faml1y were su.nIay e~enlng dose, lOco 1 APPAREL::l;nd Carson, ~l~er;, tied l~r filost; StQres. I. m9t1 James McInt sh h?rbe. guests in the Wm. Ma hom. I We loan you the syrin e. .~ll.der~n, WlIlslde,,'Allen .. Laurel, Mm. Richard Banisrer and: Mr!:= " Mr. and Ms. Will Lu tan fam.- Mr. and Mrfl. WaI Koe, pe of I . g I By having it cleaned

III'lmimie~"i;iLa~Uice~I'~f'lO~Olk'~~W~iSinie>I"iJiaimiC~S~~!Iii"~ik~e~n~w~e~nt~t~O~N!OlrrfOllk lly were Sun ay ~inner; gu 'sts ill Randolph, were Sund y aft rnoon I (,Iohe Labor,Ltory Prm!lIcts. II and placed in moth-

, " . the John Qri m l1ome1 cftllelS In the John Ktel ho e. Don Wightman Iproof bag.M.r. und M ~. John D mkl u antl MIS ClaTence Bea on re urned Ahern Bldg. Wayne Cleaning and Pressing

~famlly spent Sunday a ter oon in to her home after bel g' em Ioyed -- ----- - - , of quality at reasonah'le

th~~~~~~ l~~~~:,ejOf ,arroll in ~hr~ ~~~ h~~: s~::ta~:;l~tks~nd ~_ ---' priCeR.

s~ent ~aturd y night ind •'unday family' of Randolph, 1.ere ~nday "Here 'Comes ICharlie" Expert Tailoring Iand,Wl~r~;~~~ ~. ~~:~~~eckm n and ~~)t~re~oon callers in thr LoUirJones Three-Act Play- Altering

'1'0 Be PreBented

.~ami1Y were unaay d~f'ncr guest~ Mr. and Mr.s. Wm. May and Mrs. FRIDAy\ a'nd SUNDAY MADE - TO-MEASURE111 the Ray F rney'hom . V. G. McFadden called in the Le- .... SUITS

. Mrs. Arth l' Owens and Gene- Roy Thompson home saturdiY eve~ MAY 10 and 1'2vleve of Pe del', spent S, turday !lIng. ,At g.'p, m. By


With the Hob rt AUker1' ' Mr~. Raymond'Hobins of Wayne, Young People's SocietyMrs. Ernes C;J.rlson . and Vern a fpw d:iyS of last weJk with At Emmanuel Lutheran

were Monda morning call rs in palent", Mr. and Mrr. Guy Churchthe Herbert hun home. H.oo~. 4 miles north and 3 ~ast

,MIl'. and M s. Herbert Th nand Mr.oi, Everett Robill~ and Janice of Wayne~aby were Su dayafterhoon'guests of Hartinglon, spen1: ~ast eek in Everyone WeJ(~omcIn the Charle Thun hfJfue. the home of her 'parelnts, r. and Admission 15c and 25c l'honp, ,463 for Free (:all amI

Mr. and'. rs. Roy ~Iers m and Mrf>. Martin Madsen. I ' Pd. Delivt~ry Hel"vi(~ll

Miss Lois vi ited in thf:C' 1. .l1'.1'~ Mr. and Mrs. M{.'Jrgin Jo es andlio__""_.......IIlII....IIIlI.....rII~~~~~o.;..o.;........;.;........~~,frey home SI ndtty aft~ noo . family and Mrr;. An Eu hes of I' . -.. -.-... ------.---

LO~r~e~::: ~~f~~) Ul~~lY ~~~~~ ~~l:~·~~lJ~~:\;~~:'~un~=~~ in the Ii----..;,;---..;.;.;;;.---.;..;;;.,,-;;;;;;;;;.,-......;--;;;;;~nlng in the. liff Penn om. The ~l1ole~ senior cIa. splay WM B

Mrs. 0<0. oUe", anfJ\li' Alm, wl'ich had been postpone due to • ECKENH1UERof Concord, visited Fl ict:ay al'tcr·- had weather was given Fri ay eve·noon with 'M s. John Dl nIt}. ning to a w~l1 filled house MORTICIAN

Mr. and rs. Ray ~rn _y alld Word was receiVed by friendsfami~y were Friday SUI1.P r, alld here that Mrs. J. B. Matti1Jgly who Our Pri('(~s Always t"lIi1'OI·m.' to \'011 ll;ltl Y01;1" Npi,l{hhor.

Ievemng gues s in the • te Beek- had thf' misfortune of breakinghl\\':\l'NE, 'l'ekllhone 292W ;NJi'BltAS]{ \.

m:r . ~~e'M B. Adolph ,~eyer and :~:. hip last week is slowly i~Pt'OV-II~;;~~;]~~~~~~~~;;~~~~>~~·~'~~:1family were un.daY tIi['lI1(~r gUp.st.s Mr. and Mrs. Walter stfUCkrath ----- ----.-----~----~-_.-of Mr. and rs. Elml l' F':rxleh,>n and family and Miss ..ertrudenear Altona. II ,Rtcuekl'ath of McLean w re Sun- t

Mr. and MI' . M. V. Cl awfonl and day dinner guests in t Ie Geo. .

~;~s::dinM~~, PR:; ~~~~.~~)I t ~~'~ H~:~naa~~~~;~;'~artin Mahsen and T.e Sioux CitySunday even ng.! Claron and Mr". Everej Hobins

Mr. and rs. Ra.y~erdue 'and and Janice were in Wayne satur-I

M.iS"'Lottia 'USh. vi::lit d.T. ut'~day day. 'l'hC.y a.1So called 'in. t. e. LeR.OY , tock Yards.in the John BI(lsh ho ,e, 1 nd Mr. '1'hompson home. -and Mrs. He ry Bush Jere vening Mr. and Mrs..: Kenneth Conyers

·gue.sts. ]; and far,nily of Randolph, and Mr'.'II __-r-...-------....---------.Mlss H.ele . Fork 0 ,.f2!lahorna and Mrs. Bill Schutt anI familyll

City, and E( waJ'd 1"0 k a ld sons were SundRY,supper gues s in theo~ neap Carroll. were '11L1esu~y e\;~- Han!'! ']'ie~gen' home. .

~~~ ~~:~~! st week Bemy N;M:~;,?;~d~:~f;r;~atj,j~r(:'~:~: ,TI1.'e ;IOi:ricalmarket for Nol'th-is;;;~~a~d ':; .. Albert(::~,~~~ ;~~:;!~w'~~~S~s~fs;e~¢~er~~~~. ~astern Nebr~ska,A public mar-wit" 'the family, Vern went to Center Wednesday . ket w"here Pl'.ices are esfabll'shedMr. S so III is noon, . ' ~I' ,Mm ~'e . ,'Mr. and Mrs. Geor·ge Ca~lson-anu: b t' t' b'dd' Wh

The Wm. Reil- Mr,.and Mes, V, McEcne~"of Fre- .-. -. y. comp.e lIVe - I , Ing.. . .. ere-hOI~, :Edwin Otto. mont, Mr, and M.rs. MljLrk IJ3enshoof 1··Re>thold f. dln_"Of !'!on-olk. Mr, and Mrs, I~oe Fred. e~er'you se 1 prices ill~e. estab-ner and ..111 cheoh the ricks and Mr. and Mm. Le<mar{l .Dsn Reithol home. Simmons were Sunday dhiner ' Jished by public market's: Pat-

Mr. and and pllcste in the A. G. Carlson home I

sons of Cole dge, din- " i'onize YO.)lr nearest Imblicmar-ner in the enry N 'h :WMe, and 'Me .E.'T. near ort .west· ayne k tCarroll, call d after~ (By Staff Correspondent) e .noon, Mr.' and Mrs. J. M! Roberts and

Wm. Bart Delbert spent sundaY. nfternoon in 1.1;._--...---....~...---...- ....-...;.-...·111and Mrs. C 1'1 the- Ray Roberts hODlE:.~~~~ o~us henfeld The ~~ll French iQ.mily of Can_'. . . cord, VlsIted Friday I afternoon in~venmg gue. ts III • Hewr, the J. M. Ro-berts home. ,Jr" hom~. .r. W, Souders, Mm, Wm. Fisher

(Mra, W, , daugh- and the Ben Ahlvers' famny called,ters, ,Miss Gl 8: and dn, and at Robert St~mbaugh'B SUDdn af~Miss Ruth Sunday ternoon, ", ' yafternoon ff Penn Mr. !lnd Mrs. Harvey Haas and

Mrs. er und Carl attended a party in thean( 1$0 call- ~~~~~.clau~sen home Saturday

Mrs. Augus,ta Oquist

Dresser Set

Wrist Watch

EIA"in f\mf'ri('IUl Jf;nnOld,in ht~alltiful colors t'our

~:~~Cj $5.75

Dainty haJ.:'ul~tt~' In whiuland :relJo\\' gold.

$15 To $37,,50 -Stone Rings..$2.50 up'Sterli,ng Rings .. ,$1.00

A TRUCK may SOUND good whenother owners tell you about it. Itmay LOOK good when you see itin the showroom. It may give you~any of the mechanical featuresYo.u like.

BUT • • • your trucking problemmay ~e DIFF~RENT from the otherfellq,w·s. And what Y(lU want \tokno';" ill "WHAT WILL A TRU~K DO




Ford believes.you are E)ntitled toknow what th~ Ford v-a rruck willdo BEFoRE- you buy •• '. not after­wards. The;efor'e, Ford gives ;ou~

, , I

chance to try the, Forp v:-a Tr'tckunder the same conditions wh~ch

.' .. i' <" " , I '



Hundreds 01 Thousauds 01 WomenHave Reeelwed I

THE CQOK'S BOOKYou un let II copy of Ihit buucifullll iIIUlitrited book'

~ full of pl'l.ctiClll. tc..l(ed eedpu thai ....lIt plell&., you.Neil W" ce..tificate f ..om. caa"of X C DakinIII' Powde........ith your ,,_an.. lind .ddel!lllll"d you.. ,;opywi1l&.. 'e"l~Otl;di"8Pllid. "

Mdre•• JAQUEs' MJl'G. CO., Dept. C••••CHICAGO. ILUt;l~. '

'[lie Il eC"O'~ 10115

~ )1,1\ who know the higho I quality and beller value to .behad in the dauble-Iesled -double-••llOn

K C Baking Powder.

It produces delicious bakings of fine texture andlarge volume.Manufactured by Baking POWder Specialists who makenothine but .aking: powder - under sapervlliiOn oRExpert Chemists of National Reputation_ Alway. ani­form - depeaaab'e_ That insures Sacce.aiul Daklu.s.

WOI'1en who *ant the ,besl, d.\Iland the

KCg;~;;GPO;;~SAme Price ,Today'

AS 44 rea~Alo,:IS ounces *or :lSc

You can cilso buy

f 11 10 ounce can for 100U 15 ~UDce can for 15,1:



II\,~~\.ll-t(')'gl'ap-I'I·e(1 DOI'-l'y-- And :1~'~·i~~;d~llip--'--------~-~~-;t;-~;'winsi~~-;l~~l-d~' ~;~,~ ~.OO~~ll and-~~bJ' C~~~~-i~ t~;~-r~~ iLrl~lma~ w~~~ -;~~~~-'-~-rs-,-H-a-r~--~-d-~U~~;'-'---Mr.--al~~~;;.-~~~-J~~;-;-;~5,-~~--~~{~~cr(,c~i~~--::-a~~'I~~~~~~~--O-f-s-'.-id-l'Ir ~~ she moves to Wayne. . "t liver ,home. . ' < BaJrd read an article on "We Got Figge, Mr. an(l Mrs. Fred RuseI' te-red against you. Benjamin Carhart, deceased, odS(Illal'C AIIIOll2: Ill' tCI'Cstl'llg HaI1!.J.W·O·rk George Jordan, of iO\lx Cit, ,1MI'. !"nd Mrs, Adam Recg and rhythm," Each member told what and Ruth. Mr. and MI'f'. Emil Roe- Dated th\s 27th tlay of April, that the cxecuti~m of said In~ fiM-

.... '...... II bought the Superior 1l mbcr co - f mily spent Sunday afternoon of klnd of music was her favorite bel' and daughters, Miss Irene 1935. ment may be committed. and' f'a.tpany at Winsid'e. tl I 9t eek in t.hl\' Fred Nieman and Why. The hostess served at the BartUng:, Henry Lessman, Mr. and Marie Phillip.'!, by Bun R. Davis, the administration of said, es ,I teHlZ'1' theory is that 'eyes were Another room, another exhibit. A daughter, Margal'l~ , was bo 'n home at Winside. clusc, The club will meet in three Mrs. COhrad Weil2rsheuser, Fred Her attorney, m2t4 may be granted .to Iva Grett~ r~

meant te Ilse-not to abUSe. , , . A tidy wOI'ked in red 'cross-stitch to Mr, and Mrs. Sflm Nelson f Clarence Granquist, T~omas \\ee~s With Mrs, John W\,oden, " Luth, Glenn and Selmer ,f'ampson, ' ~_, ~ hart as Executrix, . ~which probably explains the num'- when she was 10,01' 12 years old, Hoskms, April ~4, ~919, Have, ~1bert Gamble vi.<3itcd m the - .. Art and Miss .Edna Weiefsheuser I Noti(,('l 01" I'robn.t('l o(WIII. jtlerco, That May 18, A" 'Q.,l~l'I.lI\S picc('s of delicate hand·wol'k , she distinctly re-members that C?hark's Ohlund [of askins, h~lS A, M; ~ranqllist qome SunGay af- Northeast Way·ne After a social evening tbe guests The State of N0brR.SlOl, Wayne 193), a£'10 o'clock A, M" hi ~lS6i n-which J..trs, John D, Ha.<;kell, Wake- 11('1' mother kept a watchful eye to completed an addition 0' his r('~i- ternoon of last,week,' . served lunch, County S~. l'll' or hearing said petition,' w crtfield m~t,ron: ttrs oompleted dur· see that everyone crossed the denee, : , Mr, and Mrs.. D. A. Wyli,c and I ~By Staff Correspondent). [ ,', - _ At ~'County (;o'mt, hcld at the, all ersQlls Interested in sald ':t-

\ ng her hfe-time. Friends who CfLll- same .way! Here are numerou" Mrs, John Koplin dUd and fun- Emmett of Carroll, came Frlday.of , LOl~ Echtenkamp spent Fnday '\\eloome-In nuh IMt'f'ts, County COllrt Room. in find for tcr may appcRr at a County M,~,t-,ed at her home Fliday during re- .g·arments made for ,her daughter, eral wa.03 in ~Ugel' in May, 1919, I a week ago to the Harry BaIrd III Lhc Frf'd Meye-r hqme. Welcome-In elub met la..,t wed-! said County of Wayne, un .the 29th to l' l1eld in ami for said 9

01.1, ty, :

ech.-ing hOlll'S for the,Preshyterian 1Faith, Wee baby dresse.'3 with August Brueckncr, .formerly bf home to visit a week, I ~"'hs, Fred Flege'called on Mrs. nesda:yafternoon with Ml'S,. Paul q.lly of April, Hl35, \~ an show cause why the pray~ 1of

"silver tea, had o~portunity .to see Shallow lace yokes and gener~us HO~kins, died Aplil 21: 1919, in ~r, and Mrs, Frank Lindsay an~ IHan.,,; Holdorf last Wednesday at- ~ssman, Guests wcre Mrs: Her- Present, J, M, Cheny,_, Cuunty thelpeLilioner S~OUld not bel gr LP.t-many of these pieces on dIsplay, tuckings, , ,.all stiff and cnsp California at age of 70. S Irley Gay were Sunday af~el. tel nuon. qert Hll'!-nerichs and daughters, Judgc. ed; ,and that nohce of the pend rl~yand to trace th~ changing vogile when the wee one was frocked for ~ P. G, Burress' bought th~ Hell'- !"! n and supper guests last V;' ekI .\1i!'Js Ern,L Meyer went to Lln- Miss Alice and Miss Bernita. The In the. mattcr of the estate of of laid peti~ion and the J;iea ~9-g ,in gi;'lltlewomen's handicraft for dress-up, An~_ tucked shirtI Walsts bert Barnes quarter section near i the Melvin Wert hehne, . l'jlJn SltIHl<lY for a couple days on afternoon was ",pent SOCially. ArthUr Benj.amln Carhart, dcceas- the eof, ~e gl~en to all pe90~ .~n~,o\[cr half a century, 1which were so importan to a Carroll, Russell, Earl and Warren BTard business, Lunch was sel ved. The June meet~ ed. tel' ~ted III sald matter by pub. ~h-

When she was just a wee mlS? young lady's wardrobe when the Ed Evans IS havmg new house 13. ld Mr, and Mrs, Fred Matt es MI'. and Mrs, Joe Dellin spent all ing will be with Mrs. Fred Lch- On readjng .and filing the peti- ir.lg a copy of this or?cr, in Mu~back in Connecticut, Mr..<;" Haskell growIng-up Faith went away to built on the WIll Jet! 'ns farm IS lent Sunday afternoon of ast IdRy Tuesday last week in the Fred man at Wakefield. tion <?f Iva. Gretta Carh~rt, pfaying W n.e Her~ld, ,a ,weekly news ~,p_ ,:mt on a cricket bY,11~r grandmMb;~ school. WhICh he bought near arro]] Vleek in the F'red Baud home I 1IhYl'I home that the ms.tru~ent filed on the, :~ pr~n.ted III said .Count:'I, t ,~ecr's,chair and leamed to sew fin~,I'''''At bottom of Ithe stairway 3. Max Coe of Wakef1 ld, undCjC- MI and Mrs Edwin LIndsay '1ll1d Ml ,md Mrs Fled Meyel were Legal Notit'o, 27th. day of Apl'lI, 1935; a~d pur· su ess~vc weeks pnor to ~e:.ld fY :cven!stltches. T.hese lesso'ns milst piec~ of. interest,-a~though not Mrs. went an ope-ration on us throat, lorencc were guesla Fnday e*n· \lSltOlf'i In the Joe Delhn home on In the Dlstrict Court.of Wayn't portmg to be t~e. last Will and of eanng, M ",:have been ~ell it;-arned, and Mrs, Ha.skell's wurk. It's a good-sized Betsy Ross tent of D ughters of 11 g III the C W Pfeil home 111 hpn- 1 htllsday evemng ~ County, Nebraska., Testament of said deceased. may , J. c~:~[9"u I'C '

Hask,ell mu..<;t hav~ pl'()ved a pa- waH hanRing made in Sweden over lImon Vet('rans OIg mzed at 0 of MalJory Carol s eighth birth-I 'I he Otto Helthold famIly were Mane Phillips, Plaintiff, vs, be proved, approved, probated, 8;1- (S al) 'M2t3 ' Y J I.~tient and apt pupil, if, one lS to 100 yC? .oj ago, and picturesl a rllsh- Wakeflcld mth MI s Kathenne d y IUll" Sunday dinner guests In the Cecll Phllhps, Defendant. lowed and re~~:ded as the last Will _ _~ --....: 1jUdge by her wQI'k. Today, the ling stream pas."ling th!'O"1lg a for~ Dllt..'l, MISS Ethel Hunt r, MisS' 01- The Henry Reeg family w,ele IDclll. Hellhold home" TO; The defend;'l.nt, Cecli Phill-\Vnkefield home blcnds past~cen· pst. ...all cool g;;.6ens an greys ive Alstrope, Mrs, C. S. Beebe, unday Ull1llCl' guests ~n the D\('t- \\ lllJam Pearson of Oakland, ips. You are hereby notifjed that

J tury charm of architecture with [lWd soft neutral tones, Mrs, J, T, Marriott, M s. Ray Olio I' ch Meyer home at Wmslde. They Munday of last week in the I have commenced an action in the I'modern comfort, ~lId rombi~e;; , Emblems by]<'ri S., vel', M,rs, GM, Aistl'ope Mrs, Hen~ sent the evening in the Her'man ., Carlson home, ,district court uf Wayne County, GIFTS FOR THErlGRADUATEc..uno.'l hom the Onent, novcltle&1

1., " t. h ry Wllllppel'ma.n, Mrs, Ai, L, Nuern· eeg home. , lit ... W. H, Racherbaumer fal11Jly Nebra..,>,ka the object and prayer

from the Holy land and Europe .Tlwil a "fnendsill~ , Cl"O,$S~S Ite Il::ergel', Mrs, Will Hug~lman, MiLSS Mr. and Mrs, Ray Gamble and "pent Tuesday evening of last week of which 'is to obtain an absolute I OF USE ULwith fille vld early Amencan pl:ce .w01'ked . out III solid wool Velma Brmvn, :Miss Ma garet Mul'- fLmily, Miss Leona and M1SS 1n t he Otto Miller home, . divorce from yo.bI, tqgether withpIeces. And the vanOUE bits of stltcblng, , , ,It, bears tlae datr! I phy, Mrs, Mabel Britto 1, Mrs, Guy ladys Granquist spent Sun~ay ,j,Jhn Aevel"mann of Pe:rder, vis- equitable relief on the grounds of Inl.'edlepoint al)d embroidery show 1880, , , :MI.'s,·Haskeli marked. the Inmllll, Mrs. Ada M<Col'kindale, e ening'of last week in the Harry ttl the George'Meyer home desertion and non-support, and youoff to good a.dvanta~e in this cos~ square Of~. mto ~atch-,:o~k hnes, Mrs. Wlil MUI~hy an Mrs. S, J, ranquist home. afternopn of last week, are required to answer said perti-

mopolitan se-ttlng, . and her fllcn<.ls fliled 1Z: the em- Ingram offiCers. Henry Frahm, Mr. and MIS. .\11' and Mrs. Harvey Echten-> ti{JI1 on or bef{Jre the 10th day of I JIWilR~)'lrs, Haskell's fronl 'bedroom tlems th.ey Ch,o.ge . (me IlkJed dogs From \Vayne HerulJ for Apnl IJOhn l<~rahm and MI'.. and MIS. ,UJd Lois spent Thursday ev· -,-- ,- ~ -~ ..- -- - 1;,) -:;\~ ',\I ~'r;r

would delioO"ht an anliqup lover foJ' and pUl,Hl a, cunnl,ng

black fell~w 30,1903', "" ."" M,',<' p.ob",'! M,'I- Hed Rudehusch of WIsner, III the Fred Meyer home. . ' '.I(&'...,

1ll'1'l' .1.re gronped hel' most treaSlll_ I: ,anothcl chosc gentle pansies 101' I'('tllrn'~d from a "~I;I~ tf; COlor-I '- unday eveuing of last week 111 ,md Mrs. Gt.'Qrge Meyer and ~;.-·, ...fa:,'"",~,~,.,.-: ! ~~,' L,~_'~", 'cd antiquE's III most livable and us.~ !I,n ,s,of~ ~ur:lcs.:, a, cat fanC17r ado .. ,I. T. 13re~s]er went to St. cOl'ge Bl'tm~ home. , . eaded 111_ the Dan.Heitho1d r" "l Vable manncr, All the ;ful'mshlllgs IChcs~ a S~llt.:y ~~Ime r,LS,cal ..a 1- Louis lo attend dedication of the Mr. and Mrs. Hal've,Y F 1'J.l1k (If h'lllll' Sunuay evel1lnJ?' of last week,arefromlOOto150yeuloSolll. Thelothcl,aladY\\lthaba,s:K':ef '. a wol1d'sf"lirol'ounds -Agn'C'le R ,Mr, and Mrs, LmllS Jell- :'Ill' and Mrs. Fred Meyer and Your problem of \\'~.at to give thebig four-postel bcd, for instanee'jll1ilUner chose a po~e b.unnd. <i dallahter' of oM l' and M;'s 10' All~ J 'IlS bal),)', Mr. and Mrs, Ole wele ,guests in the Henr.y I . I h ·t I t"has most impres"ive posts reaching YO,lln

gman .pu,t 111 hiS, embl~m, ders:-lll, died Aplil 241 1'003., Brogrcn anti f~nl.1ly and M~ a,nd home 'Friday evening. ~~~:~l\~ti~gCi.:~~f~It'r~l:cile~~~~Sg~,~~1pl~f

c['lilngv.'ar.d, and richly p.'aincd Beta Thet~ Pi ,b'ldge, , ,I Nebro~s- Mrs. Elliott Blbler, f01'!mellY Mi.ss .1,1'8. Jack, FnlJk antI, fa:rruly {Jf and Frcd ~Iege we{e u~eful 'gifts. Immedi< te appreciationwood, Ongmally, of course, It had IJuu,I put In, !\e~ras~as pest,. tIC Stella Ofmstead, diet! Apl'd 1:>, lcrcp, wCl,e Sund~y dmner guests Tuesday evenmg of last -- Sold By--'., h

glasshoppel (thlS belllg before the I k th E 1 W d hi i:::; assured, and it will'increase as t c;;r~l~\~~~it:~~d~r~~t:'~~~~tl= ~~~~~ young Co~nectiCllt woman hall ~~~~'~7c~~O~n~itYw~'~~'n'T~c~~I;la~I~':endmMrSe. b~~, v.~y~e (::~i in the Ernest Echtenkamp CaJ·hart Lumber Co. g}ft is used each clay.dl('-I~gged desk but il isn't, , Imet . ,up WIth ,t~ese fello~s~, . ' a sold thcir banking nterests in mmett of ca.noll, and !'1r. and .\Tr. and Mrs, Herman Ahrens )f Phone 147.seemingly its PIll'pose in life is to mNSlclat!, embtOidered a "\lOhn, Not F . f)' S D M d M" A I'S Harty B:urd and famlly were S,ttbnt'r, wCle guests in' the Wayne, Nebr. ~~for GIRLS--;~~O~lu:t ~e::n:~,t;~t'u,d~~~:.~~i~e~,t~ II ~~t~;:lti~~t~~~~s~~:~os~~f~gb~te:t~ 11,~t~~~h~~~n~~~~j~r~ ~:~t fi:~:~~ ~~ld~~r~~n~'n~~;:~~ l~tm:~c~A~ \~C(JI ~:;~e~al'lellS home Sunday of ' .A_30tf

rU:'Ih·bnttomed chair With. g-old wald to a n~~ home, tc tainment ..Edwal' '0 Thomps'Oll elnoon cal?~rs ~en;· Mr. and 1\.!rs :>lr, and Mrs. Elnest Brammer Marti)l L. Rin!!er·decoration, and a quaint wooden In the dll1ll1g room - fl mono- ~d MISS Carne Mads n were mar~ ...-eorge Lewls, KlIlg Hovey of Sllll~ famlly viSited in the Martin LJ

cradle in which-MI'. Hagkell's great g"ra.mmed table cI-oth .and nap~n<; ~'~J. ApI'll 29, 1903" II'S. Charles a, CoIn" Mr; and Mrs, Eli. Anrer- home Sunday afternoon of Real Estate Farm Loan~uncle, Commt,dorc Vanderbilt, had whIch were part of her wedding Beebe has been in F Berton with on famlly, Fred and Carl An- \veek. Writes. evcry kir:d of insurB.:nce ex· Iheen rockc(!. and a commodejolllfit 50 y:-ars ago. the. li~t1c her mother who is l('C( venng from Miss Emma and MIS5 l'rc- ~1r. and M1S, August Longe and cept hfe, spcit3 atlcn~u~ towhich eaml' fmm Westover, home pa~tcl nap~lIls ~th self-fl'lngmg injury in a fall. , . ,TIl' worst sleet a Dan~bcrg, H. I<:chtenkamp called in the FARM and AU MOBILE msur-f' old C.o!onl'! ~YlIl on th.e James Iarc a p,artl~uI~r Interest of Mrs. and .snow storm that eve I' visited H Rachel'baumer home last anee,

liver, WOllld,£'xclte the antJque lov_ Haskells shes m~de at .1e:15t 11 tins cQuntry at 1.his imp of yea!' }<"01" Edwin J..jll(hmy. evening. _l'r tn CI1VJ', rhe much-wonl, wood- Idozcn. {If them fO[ ~cr dau?,hterfl 'came API'il 28, c1estro illg gardens MI", and Mrs, C. W. Pfeil :'.11'. Amos Echtenkamp L. C. GildeJ.sleeveefl'foot-warmet· \WIS filled with bed I~nd fl1.cnds. A soft linen, WIth SlK ::Ind taking- down tel phone and al'jol'y Carol and Bo,hbip Madeline werc guests in the -All kinds of Insurance-nf aslws, t!lell a layer of hot coals, t!lfferent pastel tints to each dozen. electnc lines., .Dr J. J. Will- last WedlJ('~da'y eVf'ning ,alld \\' J Echtenkamp home Monday -Agent for th('-and earned to Connecticut chul"'Ch'.. You'd neve!' ~ues~ the ori~lD of the ia-ms wa~ 1Il Lincoln to attend a brought a PIClllC ~lIp'pl'r In hUllOI e\'I'1l1ng {Jf la-st week. Tra\-'ekrs o( Hartiord MultilJlel'S hy early anc~<;wt's. wool. CI'{)$-stltc/iung set 1Il a rna· rcc('ption .for Preb'1den H.odsevelt. of Edwin Lindsay's bllthday, .\11'. and Mrs, Otto Hcithold and Line.'! I"1St(

Hell', on exlubJt, was th(' vel'yI hugall Y. tray !he year afte-r Mrs. Fl'OmPoncaJourna for May 10, L.tmityaml Mr. and Mrs. Johnfirst PICC(' which MIS Hask('l\ Has:kcll S m:unage she made her 1883; On Sunday a prairie file l'jt'nil' On Friday. ('Jalls-scn, the last of Magnet. D E H Dfll,sh'OI1Cd ;I~ fulled doll skIrt .with fatl'Jcr a pair of embroidered slip- came neal' burning au Mr, Bal bCl Tile l0."lI1g sH.lc in 0 the WI'II' Sunday dinncr guests lagt, r.~.. OtSOllIlumerous ,'leallops ,pamstakingl

ypel's, Thes,e were. lIever made u~, who resides in the ll~)rthel'n paz't contest of district ~1 \\'<'<,k 111 the J. H. Claussen home, EYESIGHT Gift Boxe~ ~nd ards Free

sewed about t~e ye,~r 1870. The SO af.ter hel fathel broke up ~ouse- of tOWlI, With great exertiun he tile WIllners l<~riday Mal ilyn Ruwe spent Sunday af- ,nal'l'ow-stnp silk qUilt blocks she keepmg, she ,had on~ put mto a and the npighbors fought the bl"z(' wienel' rU<ls-l. The tl'l"llf)On of last week with'Delores SPECIALIST With Gri,lduatio Purchases 'Istart,ed whcn.16. The now~yellow- tray, ,Some lIltercstmg e~.ample9 an{] .saved the bUildings, . , a !tttle l'ullning' all yeat'. MISs Heleu Wll'lltlg in the Henry Wieting OPCIl Evellill~s Wayne, Neb. , ,~ed I1lght gown mOle l'esemJbles a of Itaha.n cutwork anll.,.Italian ep1- wl'l1ado cavorted aroutd hele, , , , hume In the evening thc L3!W- Mel JISt'"daytime frock with its high neck, broid-cry.. kitchen towe-Is mono- E M, Bi"l.;ce wrnt to Wavnc, dy l!:; the lcachel', I )I'ill{' n.uwe family were guests Drs. Lewis & ,1:Jewis lineS ew ry orelong slceves. ltS intricate pUffing grammed alike ~n~ green: ".d,ell: Pierce UII,l Norfolk, H .stntes that 1"01' i';\,('l'l'tf UlHls:J;\', I tli{'I"(.', CHIROPRACTORS 'I,,' ,', 'I' ,and embrOlde-l'y down front and on cate',Y lovely, wh',te lac,e kCIChICb Pierce county is beautiful country 1 I __

f h d th t t h Ml. and Mr~. Rtl!'J8l'1l Linds:! and <.. «EstabHshed.1914) " I

:~:e:csA;S~i>o;~:,P\,"~:~lh;~:;;~~ '::e '~~~r-l:h s~~;;;'e: ~; ;~il'e 'li~~ wibh gOOd_f~r:in"l •.n-,=,~_~ Jnnn", 'p"nt lae' Wcd'"-,,,Iay m he (Jh,,,",, V"",,,'. Neurocalomet" Senlce WATCHES _ OlAMON S _ SILVERW~~,~,,~, .

, , t't h d:fi I Q T ning III the I<Jveret! Lllld,:ay lfonl<' .M.l. and"M~s, Fred :'.'Ict~r a~l,d ,~.'.."{p~h~on:c~4~9~':::"~"ct~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~;,::;:;':.~:;r~~i~~a~~~~:e:~ri~~::~tI~~~~L~~~~n~~=~ecI:ceso;Jc~:~eo~~~~n'c1 Brenna in hOllor nf MI'. Lllldsay s lJlrlh- family and 10.11. and Mrs. Carl VIC· 112 E'L8t 4th St, Wayne, Ncb,I f day. The glle~t"s I)l(;ught 1 111" ItoI', SI, and family were SU~day:t~S~II::~~lt \\~~~rfal~<;I'\::lya~ds 6 ~:gS~w:fhb;l~l~~I~~~~~~~;a~~( 111-


(By Stall Corre8pondentll Lind::mya blrge cake,' Idinncr guests in the Carl VIctorHaskl.'il';.j be:-;t petticoat and c!less Tht' mUSIC loom dlsplaypd a 'I Ill' HallY (dflnCjlllst _ I homc in hOllor of Charles' eighthwinch mpaSUles f\llly a yald flom whIte 1men luncheon set, one of Splnt ~l\lld,LY (If I,H:it v,lt'k J\II'~~. (;lolle, Ho,o;tesii, . l)il'thday of S(lturday.yul\:e to III m ,md has the fmes~ Ithlee which With ItS generously sidp ,1. 0, TI'. dub met Thul'8day <1[-

hand- .... ork and laces one could lm- hemslltched cloth and SlX napkms Mrs E: Gt wqlllst tl'l'UOOn WIth Mrs. George GrOlll' ]'01' Paul u.$fHnan,

ngine. QUIte in harmony with the Il'equired an esUmated 75,000 slit~ week\ III the Harry .sewing [0[' the hoste.ss was dUlle. In honor of Paul Lessman'spast centul'y fll.L;nitul'e is the wild Iches' to complet'e!. hQm~.. ,. ,,, ,Lunch c1m;pd the aftemoon. 'I'h" titthday Monday evening, April 29,rose design qUIlt WlllCh serve", a.s I Also _once a Vanderbllt posscs- Arl~IIL Soden .'''<is a Thul,sday lJ('xt meeting will be in UiI'(,,~ guests in his home :ver: Mr, and

l'covNlng fOl' the fOllr~postel', alld sion :was the :Hepplewhite chair overlllght gllcst III the Hal'ly faUd wl'cks with Mrs. Dale Lindsay, Mrs, ELwood Sampson, Mr, and. which was made about 1919. with about 100 years to its credit, homE'. . : Mrs, HerbCl't Hinnel'ichs and fam~

The lover of fincly-g-rained wal- which Mrs, Haskell has leeovcred Eric Baird was a Sunday[ clln- IM!'s, Must's, Host('I"s. IllY' Mr. and Mrs, Carl SamuelsonlIut would find plea"ur~ in bedroom in black haircloth and decorated nel.' gLwst last wcek in t~lC EnjJmctt Mrs, H, S. Moses and Melvin, Mr. and Mr.s. Dan.suite in south room which was ac- with:L cross-stitch wrcath, just as BaIrd home. 1 the 13. C. club Friday fill Heithold and family, Mr. and Mrs,(Iuil'l'd by her grandmother about it was III the OIiginal. Most valued [Mj.ss Elsie Wert spent Baturr}c, tht' tm;t Illcl'ting of the yeal·. Mcm. Otto Hoithold and family, Mr. ~nd

,/"'1 years ago, A sturdy, graceful of all her possessions are the tap- night and Sunday last wcek !wIth bel'S Jlumbl'red 1:") and Mrs. Clifford MI'S, Jim :Miller, Frank Kloppmggl)('d and intricately fa..<;hioned dress- cstry chairs, three of them, and Mrs. Ralph Parker. l\ {'I' witll the customary white mal'- two stOOlS into which she has put The Harry Granquist famll,' V'lS-

ble top and numerous Iittlelshelves lhousands of st,itches, itcd 1Il the Clarence Bc~k llCJ~c Oll

to hold fancy bottles and knick~ Did you ever Iree,an autoglapherl Thursday aftelnoon. iknacks. . doily'? Wcll, here':;. the plan Mr. and MIS. Helman nt,(,f,j alld

'EVcl1.ywherc, hits of handwulk to lask val'inus celebrIties fof' family Rpcnt ThuISd,ly eveni~g illcatch on(":; attention cl'{lcheted I autographs on a ~it1et1 pIece and the Adam Reeg home. i(:Ollt hangt'I's in profusion, . , ('m_ then embroidel' lhese in bl'lght C01-I, Ml', and MIS, L, G, Koch 1alledhl'uk1l.'rcd towels of every descl'lp- oreJ threads. Mrl'l. Haskell ha..e;; 111 the Edward Kuch home S\ llJayl1m]. including the earLIer hinged such a doily, and outlined on its i1.fteJ'l100n of last wCl'k. ",i

\"nes. , . ,fat pincushions riboon- white surface are nlmes WhiCh The Alber't Brader family q~IlCtl

~~~~:~/T~~~e~I~;O~~~~~(~)r~~v:'~~i~ ~)i ~~~~n':dec~:e;;~ano~ist;:b~'a~~~: ~~~h~ft~:~~;Jr~}~}~;S~a:t~~~~~eI' lUl-

filet lace brought from China by IScnator Paddock, Pres, Rutherford Archie and Ruth ,Wert hrelltMl'S. Has-kell. , ' numerous "puffs" B, Hayes,' Pre;;, William McKmley, Sun,day of last week 111 the H4ny-that'~ what she calls those light· 'another president, Grover Cleve- Lindsay home near Winside"

. as-down com.f.ortel's made of fine land, and .Mrs, Cleveland, the lo'ng- . Mr. a~d Mrs, Louis SCb~ltelwel"c

light cotton fabrics. eve? curta~ll living Chauncey ~epew, Oliver v1sl~ors ~11 th,e :val tel' Ulnch Plmenetting, and eompleted With pastel IWendeII Holmes WIth thc date Sunday evenmg of la.st week'jsate'en tandings.. , sheet and pi!- IApril 28, 1893 (he was thc fathe" MI'. and Mrs, Alvlll Vogel. ,·Cl.·(,

low cases enhanced by cut-outs lof our noted jUl'iSt), Bertha Hon- guests last Wednesday evel1l ,g III

with unusual spider-wed embroid~ lore Palmcr (the Mrs. Pottcr Palm~ the William Vahlkamp home, I

eries (the late Mrs, Fred Philleo IeI' who headed women's division of ~r. and Mrs. Henry !~ag landof Wayne, taught her this workr, . the World's fair at Chicago in Lome spent Sunday afternoo last

. , ,Turkish bath sets with "ken~ 189.;}) , Joe Jefferson (thiswaswrit~ week in the Alvin Voge~ ~o~r'

sington" embroidered initials, ' ' . ten the very night she"saw his pel'~ M,r. a:nd. Mrs: Carl , Th~esJ. anrlwhite embroidered bedspread with formance in "Rip Van Winklc"), farruly vlslted III the Alvll1 ~Jgclwide insets of filet cl'<)chet: !Newell Dwight Hillis, Thomas A. home Tue.".day aftornoon last eek.

Then Mrs, Haskell's bedroom -·a Edison, Mrs, Minlt M, E1ison, John Mr, and Mrs. George .Wer andlight, friendly room with plenty of M. 'l'hUl'StOIl, Lew Walla,ec, Rich- Ruth ~pent Sundn.y ev.onmg 0 lastwindows dressed in eri..,p I'uffles, monel Pearson Hobson, !.David J. week In the :F::verett LlIldsay olne.the walls papered with a. rc.'itful Ercwel' and oUiers, Mr, a.n.d Mrs, Herman Flee andChinese pattern of rose tree on An interesting eolleC'tion of fm- Adeline w('t·~ Sunday dinner g estswhite. The aU-while bedspread has ni.shings, each with a personal last week., lll. th{;l C;.u:l Twu mall"lmot·' embroidcry' which 's<lme~ meaning tol its owner, and blended home. '~ Jwhat resembles candlc·wick work Itogether into a. ,very livable and The Alonzo s_ ~:2i !a~ily ,lied~~w ·so popular. '_ ' homey interiOr. I , ~~~~ ~~~~j1 :A.e S~del~ }~~~ '~)~~

E I D In surprlsed a~ its a,ppearance. YOUJlg~ Wisner.ar y avs. I lft fotks wHo had bee-n' born and MI'. and Mrs'-Ge rgc Br vis-

Wayne County reared since its former appeara~ce', ited in the B, O. V mewere so.me;that ala.rmed at first, at Winside Sunday of

l;:al'ly Days fl'O~ the Wayne ~l~tm~~~t';i~te~h:fM0~::~1~ l~:r;:~'MI'S.· Frank LinHerald for May 1, 1919: , ,calmed d"9wl~ and gre"f used to it," daughter were April 25 81 pper

.Mr and Mrs D W Kiflnc !plan Mr, an".d Mrs, R"obel't Srieath of '~uests, in the ll"rank ,Ha.mm l~ome .~o ~ve from Wa.~ne' to Te'xas, " Leslie precinct, eetebra:Md' tltlHr' at Winside, I • I " I'

IAdolph ' -Baiet', and Miss Dora golden wedding anniversary AInU :Mr. and Mrs. F. I.' ,MosesiandMeierdlerlts were married April 29, 28, 1919, ' Bobbie were Sunday dinner glles1;s"~9' Jt:.. son was Porn to ,Mr, and Mrs, last we~k in !the 'Ra1p'h BJkcn-

'~, aptain Charles Chinn who ju.st N 0, Anderson of Concord, Ap~.! bauer home. , ,, I [yea horne frQ¥ce" ad- 24, 1919"" The Ora Mart~tl, fa.mily an 'the

rl~i:V~::a~C:~life~';a~~~t1~as otM;~~f~9~~~~:: ::~f~1i:~11:;~, '~~:'ili~~e f;:~rs ~~l'et~~S :~~;~UEf?t 19'Waynerbr0 plt¥l tq re- Edwar~ ~eh~er.and,Miss,Martha Martin·hQme. ~ ,Felv~ care :for inju~te9 sus;tained ~pUath of Ros~ms, Walter Fred- Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Lil d.say'Whl'llllCcid.nl.lly~~.I" '" " I' "ci',,::,n ,!"d Miss EmmiJ, Johnson, .nd l"Iorenee visited!in the er.'I,rlaude 'i~fllllt son' of 'Mr'. 'and of Wakefield;" aM Edward Nle.' eit lJ,nd.ay'home S~nday ler- IM'i, ;t: ~.q.. Far~ePr, died Apri', 30, mann ~n~ ~iSB Alma: Meyer: n~o~. of last week,. .:r~ 9.i f" , • Moses brothers bought the Curt Mrs. Susan Ohver and sons" 'The sun pranced out from be- Benshoof quarter section or land Ispent Sunday afiternoon of last

~d the clouds a.nd elderly- people near Winside'l ' week in thie "George Frahm lome:, ·hr. h .....l.d seen it before "Were not Mrs. :Mal'y McMakin wa.e;; given In the evening Mr, anti Mrs, John

1~;i~!;~:J\r1ttll~f~I~~t!~i~t~~jl~il~1~~i~~lli~j\i1ti~\\iJI~~rt;~J,:~!\i!;f~J;Jljk;r:i):!\,i!l ijdJ~i" If; :~:f:: :;:':1:; .: i;:,~ji,:[iil~~~:J:l'~:~i~/~ it(U;~f. i\;$!,,:~::~;~}~Jii1~;~;J ;:fJ~,~;~)~t ~':::;,11;rti ~i::r:~j~~; :?~;'rrt)' ';,,:,



Winside Department of Theayne" HeraldNorma. Carpent.('r of the Herald Sta.f!, Is editor of tid-a department. Any.news contribuUo s to these columns from town or country will

. be gladly receIved by bel'. .

Mv,jon T.nrsC'11 :l111} .Tamp:;Sit phi IS, ~l. lUllllhc:-; ;;!Ji'nl SatIII (1,W !'v, I1Lng with Mrs. Lals Lal'-Een

Nl'ls Jollllson nnd family wereRlIn<!,1V 1 \, 'llW';- glll':,t" 111 till'1'1] ll!ls F NplS/ill ll\ffllO' at \Vlll­

- I;Hlt'Ml and I:'IIrs, '1', C, WmtclI'item

ntHl B,-tty "]w-nl UH? \H~('l{-('Ihl in

Par~ers I, find fered cuts a.nd b~1.uses when hlS Cal:went off a.hlgh glade as he wasIXLssing a truck north of Wisner.

Visit GlL<i Ziemnnl!l- Rlllhoad compa.lly has filed ap-~r. rind Mrs. John Gettman were pbcatioll to dlscontmue havmg a

station agent at McLean,

Golden. I' "

'"III· '.,,I '1 .·1'··. .... ".' . ~

I • I ': • WAYltii HE~'wArim, I'1EBRA~KA, THURSDAY; ~IAY 9,1985.' :~~~ __ ~__ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _

--- ----- t --=--~--~-,-2-~--~- ---- ----~I~-t-~~etm ~~~~n----- clCct~l fIfth and sixth ':Yeelttospel1dthcJlaYlflth('I(~III;J.I'1"~o do I Lanny, l~W II be hl~l;= ortli,vest- Wayne ~~ wth MlS Glic1. g Soutbeast_W~l-I!~_ID:!llie!!-al Emerson next yea. \ once Soten.';cn hO,m 'r'lC1?C ) 11~lf'

ly dangerous! tal Be~~ I ha\~~.t Cl3;y Staff Correspondent) I ------I--- (Byelaff Colrespondontl JM:l~5" Mary Jane Morgan as in was Mr. Gossard s hthda~,. I~IIgram. \How s. oS Ie o~ ow , I I \ SlOUX City Saturday everull Mur C Shulthcl and Mrs Ia message to decoy h I' ack to t~e C. H. J\;ffrey was In Sioux <"'"':ity Alt Mrs. Bert SUI bel' spent Thuls- , . e In Nor- Watsort left Frlda for c1. ~ Ipenitenti~ry? If .she eceivcs It Thursdi1y for the day 0 J a day afternoon wIth Ml,& Ell Laugh f(lll~h~:7J~ :~~Cr~~~l~:~btl IneSS. V1S.~ the forme! m Thlcewhile she S pene1ope~~ Un, slhe IS Weldon Haas went to Lmcoln (lll Norma. Car~ntq:r wtJ.l TWIt 1m. ~ I y lam d a and Kalamazoo, <M ch , n.nli t ~extremely liable to abffor CQol1- Saturday wIth the music conle"l' Altona each Saturday. She win Miss lfranceA Tmner had sup- MI s J G MInes sus ,tcr In. Oxford and '!nnnnall!, (hHJ Ifirmntlon before< acti g n ~t. That ant gl8d~Y receive any Dews CODJa per in the Johjn Lutt home FrIday broken rib III a fall at hon; 1,lst I M' . M D' IItl I

'" would mean a dela f not less s. \ 'buUou. J week M 58 ,try ,til ISS uIt l\i I,.....1~ WN'C'~ than twcnt -four h ur. On the Mrs. Malt Fl'm and Leo s~ellL evemng Eyes tested-grnsf>CS ntte. Dr. Klle went Lo Lin 0111 Full.!y tl~

~ other I a d ~f she is~~ce l3elde;1 FlldaY--.Q'clllng III the Johu F lllil • '. Leland PleBtan was home flom T. T. Jones. n15tf spend the weelc., 1\~1 with !I(' I,-- . when ~:~celVCSIt en Wlll leaw home at Cal roll. Ml a.tl~ Mrs Emil SpUltgel ber Belden for the weekwcnd at Russell Miss Doris Mad.'lClI who t aehes mother, Mrs.. M. L I;\li~, of CI'~ ~gl,

--- - • 'ht ll1t Mr and Mrs GeOlgc ReuL{'1 nf WIsncl, spent Fnday wIth the Preston'a, lIt til week-en here ton and. thell' b..'{ ther, Dl~. M II \1'~SYNOPSIS awakclied Mrs erton and sem. ::ao~ o:nl~ ~u;a g'k YV'>.uce':J were Easter SUppCI guests 111 the Bruno SphttgerbcIs. [ A week ago \ Tuesday evening, a.. IL~mrU SpCIl • e KH~ , I ,. I I',

~ Theodore. Gatl~n adopts.R baby her away. ha,ppy, ut with llll~ com. I r::. n~; mU~h pfea d: eet~~re, ~;to~ Lewis Baier home IMr and Mrs Ben La&') and fam- the pete~ Jorgen.sens WCI(l ,It carl W 1M1:.r:~d·~~. Wm. Beckenhauet4J Bi~gest tirc sal in n,ver a ye: I' ~",1l1' whom he names "Penelope." But mand,fllmly pI nted m·hcl sub- ght l' a better ne than that Alvm Krallman VIsited in Lhe lly VISIted the Wilke Luekens a Thomsens. a.nd Miss Fauneil were Siou City rooo...rippCI'$ can e sccured 11 '(IV-

hls wile has never: wanted hen, and conscIous mind --she must not :cNam:::'a IdIot," i George Bcrger home ~tnday ,lflcl- week ago Sunday evemngt Mr. and Mrs RUdolph Hammci Vi~itors Thursday afternoon. ;~, e,r 1200 towns in he rphIqle.w ~tJ'theIr affall's end in divorce At a think df the nam Pe~elope GatlIn. "He's l10t an IdIOt He's Olle of noon of last week The Carl H, Freverts spent f,l and Oscar vIsited the Ed Ham- T. F. Godfrey of Omaha, carne 6 ply guarantee for,.l:~ :mO~~L1:1"1basebn.ll game a ball strikes Pene- When I aWak~e I hel I asked hel th f l t m n I el knew" Mr and MrS'. L!lwlence VICL01 week ago Sunday evemng at Her- meta Friday afternoon Thursday and visiled until rlday agamS't all road azards. GRlF


lope on the nose, Md Gathn SPir~llf ~he had an~a opted daughter ~ mes . e " ev " spent Sunpuy of last week In thc man Longe's m Wakefield Mr and Mrs A L Ileland VISlt~ III th'e Mrs. J. G. Mines home Stores. ,~,' ~.ltl;jUs the child to Europe. Gatlin wills She replied, surp" sed. that she had Keep qlllet. ille ordered seve I e~ Roy Graham home. I Mr and Mrs Theodore Schhm cd In the Hemy Temme home a \VWtc or pin);;: gold fra s. in- _ _ _~_, i. 1 iPenelope all hiS motley, and IS I then asked her Lhe na.me of thiS ly "Y~u dItch my tl,Ull of R<tlph Austill helped III the Eall pelt and Frances of Laurel VISlt~~ week ago Sunday evenlllg ('ladlng lens, $8. GEio. J. H s, M. BUatNING, GNA INh J:>~\t.N I~ "l!oboul to begtn a searqh for her adopted daughte ~and a look of thought Bennett home Tuesday and Wcd~ the E W. Lehmkuhls on S~nday ! Mr. and Mrs Flank Bargholz D., Wayne, Ncb. 9tf· IN 81'0:\1 CH nELl Iwhen an accident'ends his hfe. Ten telrOI came over hCI face For thl"! tHe drew a sheet otll paper tow~ud nesday of last week Mr and Mrs Harry Bennett and vl.'lIted In the Ed Hammer home a MISS Katherine Ehert w nt to N ulralize init tin acids 1.


years later,1n San F'raJctsto, Stc- hfe of hel' she co Idll't thmk of the hIm and commenced wqtmg, whIle IMI and Mrs George H RcUlet G called on the E W Lehm~ week ago Sunday afternoon CounCIl Bluffs Frtday anern~on to D ~ '1' "Adl T blg,t - 't' 1

phen Butt is a,\yo\mg psychiatrist. name and begge ,?le not to men~ Lanny glowereU at ~lm't PIesentIy spent Thursday evenlllg 1Il til( Ik~~rsel week ago Monday evemng Mr and Mrs John Lutt and Ar- v.l.'3it until Sunday with homeTfolks; se~io~:~t~mac: r~u~I:" ,; t,!Dan McNamara, chief of po!:,e, U~n '.' if I knew,. he 8M up and read I George Reutel home Mr and Mrs Paul Spbttgerber dyce and Harvey vuoted the Peter Mr. and Mrs.'Bun Davis 'enter- wha~ ou want . dla 'lves H( Ibrings him Nance Belden, a girl It.;; a pIty yo I dldn t thmk of "Glave danger stop b at It some Mr and Mrs Carl SUI bel' spent Iwent to Pilger Thursday evenmg Jorgensens Thursday evemng tained at dinncr -Sunday fot- Mrs. or 0:1' mone 'b cit' wga nc ~ Iwith II dual pClsonahty, for which domg that befor she went to the\ other country traveling by motOI Thursday evenmg of a week ago 1n Lo VIsIt m the Herman Frevert Mr and Mrs C Ii' Danofskyof A. R. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Co y y. y ,her "saddle nose" IS in part respon- dettetlve bureau lth her mforma- stop upon arnval cabl~ address the Leonard PosplshII home SIOUX City, vIsited In the Ed Skea- d F Ib _ . I"

sible McNamara sympathizmg tlOl1\" McNamara ed, and caHeJ stop If need funds W.l!1 able them Mr. and Mrs Art Campbell an'll ho.;:;e and Mrs George N HI and ha"n home Saturday and Sunday e1t'~aneJ\.I~OX arrived home ~ !with Nance, obtamfl Burt's expert up the Secllnty , 1st company IstoP leave PallS estahh. ihmGlnt go- Daael !..pent Thlllsday evelllng III Elal~e and Betty Lou called on Lhe Mr. and Mrs Curtis Foote and early last ThursdaYt1


testimony m court Lanny, the doc- mg conceln stop go ou, for walk the Erwm Vahlkamp home. Valenus Dammes a wcek ago Sun- famdy spent Thursday afternoon Kan. where he attenoed the! Ka.n~tor's office nurse, IS WOl1 over t.o and disappear stop UrlC[S these In- iMr and Mrs Ray Spahr and SOil ddJ.' {'vcnmg Wlth Mrs Lula Foote near PilgCl sas convcnti<JU of mortJcians.Nance's cause Nance havmg ,a structlOns followed you leavc tla'! of Randolph, wele LhlS sundlYI Vernon Hansen wafl a house Mrs Joh:nnaEICkh,Uffof W<13ne John Austill Reynolds Jcamecl'lmlOal record IS sent to the pem'l fUI persecutors to follo I gUC<>Jts III thc Ro~ Spahr home guest of BlU Ahern at the Art lS spendme. f a couple weeks ~lth from Hyanms last week Moniay totentlRry She escapes a..nd goes FO \ J'MJC" The FleClUan LUbbc:stedt fam Ahern horne a week agu Saturday her granddaughter, MIS Henry VIsit his nttoher, Mr·s. Jessi Rey~Lanny's apartment Detecllvps He looked up "H~w 0 thOSe m_ lly spent Sunday cvemng of l.L,t and S·unday. [ClaUS nolds, until middle of this w ek.Flynn and AngeHol1, seeking t~e slluctlOns stllke you?" week In the August Longe home Mrs Bruno Sphttgerbel attend- The Emli OUes spent a week MISs Hazel Reeve went tb Lin-reward for Nance's apprehenSIOn "The lI1s11uctlOns a11 fme but The Will Roe f,lmlly spent Mon- cd a shower hononng .:Mrs Otto ago, Sunday afternoon wlLh Mrs coin Friday evening for the' stalego to Lanny's apartment In seRlch Why commIt forgelj~ by sIg-mng day evenlllg of la;st week 1m ' .. cl1letmeler, recent bl1de~ at WIS- Otte s parents, the Charles Block- musIc Cllntest. She also visite'lof the gill, but she has gone From Dan's name? If t~e rIgmal lS Elmer Phllbps home near Carroll In r Fnday afternQon .mans of Wmslde home folks in Brock until Sunday.a banker, McNamara learns that trac.ed-' Mrs Waltel Ulnch vIs1ted 11I hc E P CaauWeS and J H I MISS Bernadine Mcyer went La Mr...andlMrs, Howard Pitzer whoNance Belden,is PeneI0p.e Gatlin, "r have oSlgned It IM~C' and the the Leonanl PosplshII hom~ SaLur- ~pahrs were aftcLlloon callers In Lincoln Saturday With the tramlllg came hCI"e from Plainview to bUy Ihetress to ,$750.,000 Mrs. Gat- world IS fIlled WI~ M cs When day afternoon £If the week bcfolC the .RIchard Kyl home at West school glee club WhICh competed the Denbcck market, have mO\fcdlin, Penelope s foster mother l!;i now Dan has reached hiS fflce, tele- ,last Pomt a week ago Sunday m state mUSIC contest to Mrs L. M. Owen's r0.9iQ.ence pnthe \Hfe of a man named Merton phone hIm and teU h~mJo do some-I Mr. (tnd MIS George R(llh'l Mr and Mrs R H Hanscn Jr 11\1:1' and Mrs Ernest Frevert and west Seventh streN. ILanny fmds Nance in her aparrt- thlllg th.lt wll1 PIOV~ 1 any court wele Sunday supper guests lasll M1 and Mrs Glenn Wallace MIS' fanuly, Mr and Mrs H. C Balel- Mt, ,and Mrs. A. P. Gossard of Iment Dr BUlt plans an operation he was In hIS offIce w en I fll.ed week III the Herbert Hmnellchs I~{ H Hansen and Mrs A C'Mau man an~ farruly had dmn~r at Ed Norfolk, were here ,Monday las,tto re... tore the gIrl's nose to no:", thIS cablegram" t home • I had cUnner m the B'lll WIese home Fl evert s a week ago SundH.y f' ----- -- • '"_ ---t--------'--:: Im<l.hty Tlllough McNamalas Lanny lclcnted I .. Oil Imght Mr and Mrs ChffOld Glllltl-!at West Pomt a week ago Sun- MISs Mercedes Reed, teache! o~ -------~-- -, __ Iconlllvancc, Nance escaprs the' make a detectiJ'e,~tlt1! t" sleeve and famIly were '[ihurs(1l1V ua ' No. 69, was over~mght guest of.~'clutches of Flynn and Arwellott Tweruty mmutes late Dan Mc~ suppror guesLs III thd Eall 'BC'1l Kr, and MIs e W Pietl Mar~ Mel-:n and BermLa OUe at EmIl ',' IThe gIrl dlaws a lalge sum :tIQm Namala was hste~ng1 to Lanny nett home, I JOlle Carol and Bobby D~wayne OUe s Wednesday last week ' !

the bank, and the chief Qeheves Ireading Stephen's c bl gram over Mr and MIS Hairy Bennett and wele uests III Lhe W E Lmdsay iMr and Mrs Ed Damme an I ;1 ~--- _.~ 'I.

she II1tends to leave the countl;"Y· hIS pllvaLe bne " xce lenL" was Glovanna and Grn'VcI were guests home ~ week ago Wednc-sday even- family called on the Carl DammcOlH(' IS satlsflcd Lalel he learns dew hiS sole comment, .. uti prUlt lt m Sunday of Idst wcek H1 the E ul 1110' thIS bemg Ml LlI1dsay S blrth~ Sunday afternoon before last MrfJmtely that N<lnce (01 p10b;tqly block letters Even a typewnter Bennett h()me ua';, anmversary. a~:m~IS ChllS BaH?1 called thatPenelope I IS III F"rdncl' He also can tetra); one When Steve fIles M1SS Evelyn MISS I1<l and Ver Mr and Mrs W C Bruse of e gdlscovcrs he IS l!l Imc \\ILh LallllY thIS teleg~1n havc tll1'l pay for tt nOll Hardel spent SUI]day afLtl- IH kms and MISS Hrlen Grc,n- Mrs H<llry Granqlllst, MiS E

1-, 1 Ed ~ os ~ GI anqmst, Mr and Mrs Lyle Gam- i I--- - - - - - WIth a hundred~dolla b~l and have noon of iast week In tJ e F l( d wald wcnt to Hurol'l S D a week " IT'S WHITE SHOE. . I

'"'j' hi J bl I I d Ilckson home ' hIe and two chlidren welc callersChul,tf'r \ III-(ontmut'd. m wear alge , a t ogg es an ..-1, SatUlday The Bru!jes return- III Lhe Clarence Beck home Thurs-

.' = the om of hiS hat f.Jull d down all Mr and MIS H 't Balclm ltl the folloWlIlg Monday, but MISS d ft r/n SE-ASON '" ,-23- I" the way around. TI"!-e Irl Who re- ,lncI A!dythe and Eldot

1vlslted FII- Helen :3"Layed f{)l a couple of weeks afh:l:da~o~~el1mg guests 111 the

Iii (H1slder the proPosltl~H~ )nst.a.nttYRometht~gCIiCI{CdinHbceIVes It WIll thmki 0 e crook lS dayevemng WIth M and MI:, WIth her aunt MIS Soren Dyb- M ItI t celt e hed "I' bll th IL 'h ' k H' b t OU man . Ed Frevelt home were r ane

1e' call~Olls . rp, - Bmlll~lndHeJuH'~ HeWasollth\' ca ngano er -1 Cfeveras ~ ~r et e 1 delhI and famIly, and other lel<l~ Mrs HerbeitFlevert,MI andMrsthough Id rathel be a baeh;l 1 Trail of 1."Ii:uwc Belden Agam. cd what SOIt of mmn lIed It, hel Mr and MIS Augu.s Koopm:ulll tIves Mrsthan a dlsappomted lover" .. I descllptlOn of th.e Send 1', plus my and daughtcls of WI 11('1, ::;Pl'l1ll __ ~~;b~tn~~,ht~~.a~~dM~r~ndEI'Vll~

'Tell you what to do, Mac. ' S~e- The c,tptRln of deteCltIVCS has own perfect ahbl, tIll put me III Siliturday aftel noon of fa week dg 1I~IS \V.\flle SUPlwr. Lon e to

phen advl.Sed "Send hel a IDee put ,;F'lynn and Angellotr on the th;' clear" ~ ---. In Lhe Gemge Heuter lornc I 1\.1l~' C W PfeIl enLcllampd wlLh M~ Dnd Mrs GeOlgc N()akes andphotograph of yourself If she Ptlts ~as~ Ih~ a:noull::d d~e~III;nW~en h HhOW ar0

ctwet to al1l

la ge 'lfl~r f M~ an/:r~ ~~ar Bru~lI '~lIti w,tfflp suppcr FndHy 111 honor of MiSS Malyan Noakes wlil move thIs

1t1ll~<tsllverframeyoumaypw- e ac ug~p, an y as se asclued he arspohc;e? alTIlyo aCle 'jre.nnca:l- Mat]OlyCarol's eIghth birthdaYweekflomtlJelrlCSldencconEastcced WIth confidence" already bee!!J..o the bank, making " McNamara Slghef gusLJly (~nnel gllC'~ts last w ('k 111 Llll' anlJlVPlsary Thc guests, who came Nmth street, to the [,11 m WhICh Mr

"How willI know myboy?" mqUlr1C.S 'Wb-en h(' plesented hlS Flynn WIn be 1Il toue wiLh hel FIC't':'man Luhhl'rstedL orne dH('CUy from school were Vera h d f tl H J"If It's 1ll a sllve~' flame -an t~e credenllais the cashier showed hi~ bank, and every time oS e eashes a Ml~ Althul Lynch MISs Gt'l and MIldred Peters Velneld:.t Mey- Noakes pure ase Ibm lC

dresslllg table III herrbedroom, I~'ll everythmg They'll IdentIfy that draft on her letter 9f c edIt, FI,~n trude Lynch and MISS alY Pav.C'1 CIS Orvillc, DelOle~ and Bud Pet- M~~rsand MI~ Georgc LlghLncl ofbe a cmch,." I gill as Nance Belden, trace her t~ WI,I} ha~e a hne on ~er ddress SkI called In Lhe WIll ~)e home on CI" A llghted bathday cake was St Edward, welC Vl.'ators at RURA SHOE SHOR I

"How'll I get mto het bedloo1!', PallS as leadily as I elld, and the You re no help, I,nny snapw JSund,l.y afltlnOon of I t wcek e(llll'l of mtelest for the supper sell Pleston's ,t"week a 0 Sunday ,you blockhead?" French government Wll1 be notified ped, and hung up I H If an hour Mr and Mrs Roy pahr and _ evellln Mrs Joe sm~lSkl and L. W. Kratavil

"I'n sleal her latcbkey and h~ve that Penelope IS an escaped con- later, from the c~ble company',· famlly spent Sunday ill elnoon an-I Have BWI<,..o llarty. Mrs Jarry Gates the lattel ofI!~;::=::::;:;:;::;~;:;:;g~§'~~~~~~~~~~~ila duphcatQ made Then you can }n- ViC:. They Wllllmif11edlately deport mam office Stephenldi atehed the was ,a Supper ~llest 111 1 the :Hpnry HallY Schulz's birthday anmvcr- Hartmgton, called'that afternoonvestIgate" -' I Ihel an~ Flynn WIll ;mcet her at Ho~ Cablegram; MQht home at Sihoies l~st v:eek 3dl) was celebrated Tuesday las:. Harry Bartels had supper 1ll the

McNamara Jose and held out ~s baken WIth Dan MeNa at deflmtely Ml. and Mrs Henlly lirevert wC'l.'k when evemng guests were Fred VIctor home Sllnday bcfOlehand '''Tis a pity, Stephen. my "But ;~n't you -do Anythmg about out of the fIght, Steph n fe'lt lone- ~pent Fllday aftclll<i{Jll In the II C [NIl' and Mrs Frank Schulz and last~ and that evemng Lhe VIdOlboy YOIl aren't m my detective It, Dan Lanny pleaded ly and apprehemnv e wondeI~ Barelman home L01S~BaIelman Raymond, Mr and Mrs Earl you~g fofks and theIr guest attendbur~au Good night." "Nothmg! Flynn and Ang;,llotI ed Why the girl ha ~ed to Parts went home With the <reverts to Schulz and 'baby, Mr, and Mrs El- ed the play at Altona school house~

The annual parade of the pol~{;e are on the trail offlclally now ,,~e U1 the face of Dan camara's lJl- remam unbl Saturday In,rl Schulz, iMr and Mrs. Eall AIYm Nelson VISIted at Ray"'Ba-force \\"as but a week distant, ahd stared at Lanny tragically 1m, strucbons to flee to La er Califor- Mr and Mrs Lewls Jer, Mr Romberg and f<;tnuly, Mr, and Mrs. ker's Thursday afternoon .,durmg that week Dan lived enbfe~ out of the pletUle now and can do ma, to ent€r whICh no passpont IS and Mrs Adolph Cla

tssen and !Ienry Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs Her~ Mr and Mrs August WILtlcr and

lyon orange Jmce ,and spent ~lS nothmg but adVise you Send t""'e reqmred. He aske nny. family and Mr and MIs George H mall SchowaLter,. MISS Meta and family called at thc HenJy Clausmghts III a TUlklsh bath "As1 a cables-one ito Nance Belden 111 "Oh, that's no ys ery, SteVIe Reutm were guests 1Il he Gemge AlVIn Daum. Bunco wa..s dIverSion, ho e a ~ek ago Sunday after~result he dropped eIght-pounds fff PallS aod tIle other to Penelope I brought home fro t e office, ll1~ Reuter home Sundrty of la.st week and lunch was served by the guests no~ Mr and Mrs George Elck-IhiS northeJn elevatiOn Very er ct ?athn rot ~he same address Say tending to sUlow It 0 an, an ar- Mr and MIS J R eeces and at late hour. hoff 'were 'V1s1tors Ithere also andang martial he satr...9n a mllk-wh te Come at once-Lanny dymg- tlCle by a celebrat d lasbc sur- son, MI' and Mrs Mel ill Remert -- Mr. and Mrs. BIll He.ter came thatchargel. whIle a pholographer topk cab~e nam,e veSs€l, on W,hICh Jeav- geon of Paris Pe el pe read ht and son, all of CraLg, rs. E W Altona Junior Local evening to see the new baby dallgh-,i'. Just arrived,acom-pleteseverai exposures of hitn and his lll~" and Sign It. Steve. " With great mterest. the went to Weeces and famlly and 5S DOlO- •• tel' named Mary' Ann.

' command. I I:l meet he~ at the dock, Ste- Pans to consult this F ench plastic thy Friday of Osmond, pent Sun~ Organlzed Frlday , Iassortment of MunsingwearWhen the pnnts were delive~d phen decided. f'I'm due in New surgeon and aiso td h ve sampaes day of last week in t e Claude Infant Is Bal)tized. summ~f underwear. Shirt;; an.d

to hIm, he sent them ail to Lanpy York nex.t wee~." "- of her new nose driW by a com~ Weeces home. Tt'll boys and girls met1with the Dale HUwitt, infant son of Mr. shortis. \·Lightweight. at~Ieticwith a note saying: "You'l~ do nothing of the sort," petent artist." Mr and MIS. ,John Rc g and Lu~ Alt~)Ila Farmers' Union local at the and Mrs, Ed. Hammer, was baptiz- '(, C £ bI H",

. "Now that we are bot.-h in~' e said Dan.rl'I'll send that conVIct in "So that's how t e~pal'lS pollee dIe, M~. and Mrs, H. C. Barelman E. W, Lehmkuhl home Friday eve- ed by Rev. W. C. Heldcnreleh at Isuits. C 01. am orta e.iverysame crooked eon~lIacy, I tho ht m~ ~house:" ~e. shudder~d and informed Dan she ~a having heI' and LOIS and A~dyLhe, ,1'5. Lena l1J11g and organized a junior local Easter services in St. Paul's LuLhw : gar'ment fits, refuseBs to bun.Ct~''you might be inLerested in havi g grn~ac\d III hiS dL~tress. I could portrait don-e by an American al'- Ho.gelen and Emil, and ISS Helen group. baurence Greenwald is eran church. The parenLs Bcrved 1 wears and wears. ecause I Sthe latest phQtograph of the biga hanille he wop WIth money, but tI.st, eh? I suppose it WIll pe her Gncr, the last lI~ree f Laurel, leaut:r,"and these officers were as sponsors. Munsingwear.thebestun~erl,1{eal'gest crook of ' them aU." Flynn ~as R:w6rn an oath! And f'e- luck to be in a hospita~ uhdergoing pent Sunday evcmng of last week elected: President, Harold Green- ~--- I . d !v

' ..tiluse I ve made a monkey out of the operation When~tte Paris po- 111 the Walfred Car1.sQn ome. wall!; vice-president, HarvpY in the world. Come 1D t?, a .The .followlng day; Stephen B~rt him he'lI keep it, He'd ratber lice receive word to e ort her." . The L j P. I<;,t;eney fa ily visited Spliltgcrber; secretal'y-treasurer, arocm

\ s~nt him a key, and the f01J?WI~g make a mcnkey out of m/e now "I'm afraid she's ,b< lied every- in the Chris Weible ho e ThUls- Will Peters, jr. Bill Adams of Wis- 0' !' fRED .t.~fternoon .McNamala le~ hIms¢lf Ithan acquire great nches-and If thing up, Stephen. Fly n will have day evening. Mr. WeIble was lll- Del', organized the group. A'boutmto Lanny s housc and dlscoverfd I'm broke, most hkely the captain the number of her 'pa;ssporlt and jured Tuesday of lRS't w1'ek py be- 17 young folks Wlll be included. I" r CI h'ope of the Eh9to~. ~n ~e:c~,ess;_ng'lof detectives will step into mYJ Dan will have nr tin)e ito fix a new ing kicked b,y a mule. MI'. and Eyes tested-glaSSes fitted. Dr. : Wayne' Leading ot ler

~tbl~fu;71~~n ~1':(Jla frame:-AnlJt~_ shoes, and Flyrunvill 8~nd-a---g:QQd passp.orL.phmQg~l!Jih~_9!} to It. ~rs. Lloyd Weible who had been ,\I1una Trinity Lutheran Cbllreh. T. T. Jones. nlStf I~~....__=....~,,!~r,",,",~~~,",,",~~=;;;;;;~#-=~~in ~er drawll~ l'~~~ame appear d ~ha~ce at' becoming ca ~ain of ae~ !hey'll not trust to'lt e pho-to to m ~rkansas, arc at tte Chns (Rev. E. J .. Moede, pastor) J. M. Lockard spent the week-

, "H 1 M g I" b' 1'1 . I tecl1ves. Oh, murdera on, LallilY Identif;r her if .she testa land, WeLble home now. F:nghsh servIces 10 a. m. cn~ in'LineQln~__ 'II h r i"1' ~ Y f ~s. I ~G SO 1 OqiJ:IZ~., darling, have you a Ii tIe whiskey They'll check up on he passport Edwa~d and Mis,s. MY

I! tl~ Ca.mp~ Young People's meeting at 8 Dr. L. F. Perry, dentist, phonc ,my--was ,e

ttl ~ ,n o~ 1 no~. od help hie, Iin the house? I'm famt, so I am," numbe* aJ,so." I: bell, MISS JeSSie ana ISS Ruth o'clock Friday evening. 8Bw. 'tillf MAYTctes no <fsc~=-_ 1 "You're suffering from heart "Will you never c~ase disc\lssin~ Hanson an? MiSIS Editihfo,rstmann Vel'n 'rower of LaureL was ill

trOUble, you egg," Lanny cned lh;s ml hI b 'I I Lan ?'" went to Lincoln Fnda. cwd 1'0- II has often heen asked what Wayne last ~l'hulsday,(JHAI....'ER IX. , savagely. ',Wes;· A weak heart, it St~Phe~e~:rs~ouut~:~Ebl' ,':f.t·it turn.ed Sunday. They;: ymded t.h~ docS this nation stand for, and the H. H. Hachmcier was in Orqaha d

Upon his ret~rn to his .office ~"~ 50ft heart, a human heart." hadn't been for you e ~OUldn't ~u~le contest. ~h~y Slted MISS questIOn IS easy-too much -Flor- last Thursday on business. a nNamara fourld I~ his mall a pl1Q 0- ','Send Hlat 'cable," he roared. be in this wretched ~r dicament." Lilhan <?ampbell III Collmhus Sat- ld I Tlmes-Umon MiSS,JMercedes Reed. has beengraplt of Lanny, mdorsed: "To de r "y"eg, get busy. Lanny," Stephen . l ' . urday l1Ight and Sunda . _ _._. .____ _ __ __ ___ ~ •••••••••••old Dan-fronl)tis partner in crillie ur<>'cu "The bird of tIme has but When the captam f detectives - j .111'1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••:::::::•••••••••••--Lanny." While he was gazi Ig a littl~~ way to flutter _ and the called 111 DetectJ-ve 1 Serg?ant P III Sioux (Ity HoHI)lt.al. .::.11........................... I ::upon it and telling ,himself how I t~ 1w~'ctched fOWl i'o'l..-on the way." Flynn and related tt him; the tale Matt FlUn, John FlIm and MI .11 ••

tIe jll.Slice the portrait U:id thc e· Aftcr Dan McNamara had left told to 111m by MIS IRI~UddIPh Mel~ and Mrs Fred'I'hun wele III SIOUX:: U '-d Cars ::l(lVed subject ,stephen LeJePhonld hIS office DocL{jr Stephen Bur~ ton, Flynn g:we nq Ign of bemg CIly 'l'hUlSd[~y to flee Bustci 1lI1'1 se ..demanding that hc come to the (f~ gazed wit.h mild dL~apPloval upon ~artJeulal'lY;mterest1d \ Carefllll.y Doughelty who IS III the hO~Pl~ tI :: ::fice. Lanny, and methodIcally he arrtnged 10 Ius f<lr a double mastOid OpeU,l.tlOfl lie .11 C.

Lanny Wlli:l.aitYtc-ars. "I've jl st' "Unlike yOIl anl! Dan M-cNam: n1md the facts as B1t~ I d, and wawn I~ ImplOVlIIg Buster IS a soh. of :: .:had another visit from Mrs. M ,1'- ara," he saId, "I d,,;hke haVing lhe ;0 l~ft the presenc of hIS 'Sllper~ Mrs Matgaret Doughelty and :: ::ton, Dan," Stephen began. "It peacefUl tenor of m~ l;fc disturb~ or, aU he knew w ~hat he W1aS grandson of James !i'wn _It Chevrolet Conches ••seems that after ,two, year~ of il~~C-I' ed." , . 1 I!. , .to ?~rlv9 to reeovert .lost hell'ess ,_. ~'== ,2-1933 :=tiVity, during which time she n~.d "Tjlls intrigue is myrrh and jn~ ~~en~:~e_~~elop:h Gja l~n, ~~d thtt ;For 1\1"". Jt:::d

j, KlIl'relmc.r(~r. _:', 1-1929 <;::Iuwrolet COllcl~ ==

e~Clcted to h-elieve Penelope C.at~in'" cense to me, Stevie." ".. ~ti: o.se ar!ou ~a {C Mr. and Mnr. Frank Lo?,.gc and :. ••dead, she has ~eveloped a erazy ~O- "r know it. ¥oQu and Dan lo....e a he{ :e9 . able any er~. . son, Mr•. and Mrs. Emfn~ Allvlll •• Model A Tudor' ::tlon to prove 1t. She wants to et fight for Lts own sweet sake, but I Attk: ftine hours f refreshl11g and fanuly and Mr. and Mrs. tIen~\ ;: . " ••Penelope's fortune." do not.1 I'hRve a partiCUlar aver~ slumber, F~n pro e ded to pon- ry Doring and family spent last ••. Nash Sedam,; _ ~ ::

"You questIoned her about lier sion to grand jury indictments, del" the cas' bf Pen l( pe GaUin of Wednesday evening in the Ed. Kllr~ :: ••daughter?" 1 and it is a possibility you 'and your the saddle n~. "1 ~e m to be get~ relmeyer home .in honor of ,MrS'. ... ::

'~Yes, but she doe..em't know ~.," boy friencL.bave let me in for.'" ling my. fill of giti:] with sad~le Kutrelmeyel"s birthday. Alfter a :: , ••sR.id Stephen. "1 hypnotized er "Fiddlektipks.",~ noses who disappeJr mysterious- social evening lun-ch was served. ._ =:f,rst and spent an haul' lqucsti n~ ,"Lamay, I'll be angry with you in IY,"1 he de~ded la~Ux -~nd ~nstan.t- I :-- ':: . ::ing qar, and it appears that t is a minute. N0'}V, listen to me, and ly somet'hing C!lCk~ In his. bram Mrs. Phillips. Hostess. I If: I ••

I morning she visited your'captain lof whatever you do, do not talk back. and he knew he w84 on the trail of Mrs. Elmer Phillips entertaiued :11 := ' jdetectives and asked hIm (0 thl' Dan McNarriara has run out on us. Nance "Belden aglliq. l An h':ires.s, the Central Social Circle ThU~day == IS. Mayla! Wa,hcrs«nd IroncflltO clls1bl. Iout. a uragnet to locate PeJ;lelO' e I mean you, He's through. pan';: eh? M1Namar~had Ih1n~ed ~t pow~ afternoon. All members but Mrs, •• == I .;.1 I 1

GJtun'. She brought' him so e' rattled·IIf'he hadri't been he'd' nev- arlul nfIuences ba.~ 'of Nance ,Claude Ba~ley and Mrs, John eer- =: •• IO

V,9-3.S. h M t~ D . I r Near Yon it

.B!nitpshotsofthegirl-tol'dhim er erhaveorderedthesending?fsueh Bellien, and: she e ainly must en were present. Guests were Mrs.•• ' =: 18It t e ay g Cd e f ~reiLl name-aU about her mone a fool cablegram.". have hired the e:lGpe help she had E. L. Pearson, Mrs.· Sue Beal, Mrs. :: .., I J I I .. I

'th~ girl's ha ·to and pecullarltl "Dan McNamara kmuws'hls way· had In her ..cape f~u San Quen- W. W. Garwood, Mr•. Enos W111_ •• := THE MAnA. D.MPANY. MAN"'DTU.E.' • roUNDED 'IS' NEWTllKfilfl~vf:ryth1ng. hen lI'd, "<U.jreove ed" abOut:" tiinhy defehde'd, . "He"J ~n penitentiary. 'iams and Miss Lottia Bush.1 Mrs. :: _':= '______ t ~ ..enough to pu Lanny in 'tears~l' I more thart llinc years bId." ,. (To Be Con . '~ed) Elhardlt, Pospishil joined, the club -; ' •• 1

.' 0Pav~ iJiiWay ';, ,, r~n stralght;cast "or' ~~~l~l~ . to' paving b~twecn NO~;; and ~ma- ~ri~ ';,",';; :~~::r~f t~r~ro:;a~ E; HR''166'S' MOJO'R' C·0 EiI'· N f lk Wisner, touching the north edge o~ ha. Construction I start soon .of musIc. 1\1rs. W. E. Back rc~ •• ==' : Wzsner To or 0 1 Pilger. The entire road will be and the project wi~l be completed viewed the book, "White Bird Fly- == . • ,=-= I

1~way No, 8 bet.ween Wisner north of the railroad tracks. A. in,l936; '.' I , ing" by Bess streeter Aldrich'. The •• I ••J:nd Norfolk will b'b reroutedi', d spur will connect Stanton ;witb. the - program C<lmmittee for next year is 1'=: IPHONE 9 ,' ••

p..'lv'ed"thls year, acljo.id1~ W. v. r~, ' The project wlll cost about AdvertiSe the Herald !Mrs. John Grier, Chairman, Mrs. •• '.' •••••••••..·····=:::/il'2b"f'N~~~D:y:t~0t:;j~~~~M~.liil~1'<J.J n.' L_ Cochran~ The new road a $15!J,O:OO, The road win com~lete Want Column. .Mo~ta; B~mer ~d Mr,S, ~arl Bcu~ ;;;;. • ••••••••~..... , /'1Ullilll'llliiil'U: '1"1/"1"" rt".':':I,i'I'·~I+"I.i'I'I'·I'·III·III' "'1 '."""I:-"III"!~ 'I ,: . i"" I" I, , , "iWi[! 11 ·,j~['1:11F,' ~i:,~bi,~J~~~\" 'I ti'ltj~lj iI1r~dt ~~r1111;;.;t 11:~,II~I~ffllb 'j,~; l;~ ~j~:I'J !, 1]1 :'~' 1 'f, ,