.. J - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... ·...

.. . . . . ' -' . ,,- ; I "---. '' ' . ' - . ".' ' ' . . ·.. < . '. .·, ' ._ •• .. ·. r. > •• '·.- . . . :- . •. . --' . . ---. ' ' i •• ,_ •', . _, ·., . ' . . ., . . . . . . . .. ·i' I ' -- -• •'. ' . ., ' ' . ' :.'- ·' .. ' '""" •, ' ' .,· . ' . .. '·, - . ·'· . i . -. . ' · .. ' . ··' . . . '. . . . .. ' )' . ' - :·.· ' . ' . . !' .. - ' ,_ •', ·A ' ' .,. FglPA.t, OOTQS)'I)R 9,! . . 4 . t \ ,. ' . . . ' "' J · .. . . .... ___ . .. .... .. .. .. Tariff ·Concer.n• . . AU¢lto Ne.w.t. School Tr4de Still. faUhig l9JQ, . wttb Al1,l11$t, St8.i-t RodtJ4:tlon ·, 9 Wa1e.s · · - . · • - · · · , ...... ·-. . . t9a9, the ln· exports waa · """""'"' Tilia Jut lns ltPe"WenthH J. Q, weeJt.for School clays art again l Foreign. tnule of th..c Ualited $315,SOQtOOO Waa4ington, Oct • ._ .. The re· weelc i.,; ·we · 1 : 1 b': t ab:.eut t Qp,r .newly p;.-lnted · ac;:l:lool •lU for A\lgust struck the in,tporb were $J66,000," ducti(ln ill w. aoea onposed l1 d have f!'9 by · 0 -;waa · Hl t:n &ott · 0 not atdu; . est lev('l for put 1'7 year a OOQ of S$,481.000 frolU the ., "" d .. " r.. b b ..t '·h acb PbUadelphill ill thue !«;>r T>"' d d t d 1 b b i J 1 t t 1 f $17 .. 48\ 000 d f literally forced Ppolt tbe employ· !Ul ,t-.,. tJ.!e-· o O$ .• Jt· iUh• ( n.eep bo 1 an Alll. c: e1u1 • ot in and Qlports, · • u y. o • · o . >:r, , ...• a.n o ee$ ohbe Uuitc:.d States s tee remlnc:l11 me of tramp wbo 00 day; \ cording to preliQ'lin;,ry figures of fl'om tbe August. C · ·' · d b · 1 -eoqhl not wait lo be fed.· He . .r.trs. T. J, Straley 111 Vl 6 lltdg Tro .. to nrade our ac,.noJc .. lalll A. tM Depart ... "'nt of ·co-merce. 1930, oU21S.·H7,000 .. C()Ql.\':J . orporattop an y ot er atcc •. · · · · . · • ·· • . . . · ·. tb. s- 1 f 1 D · h' ' o "" _.,. ... .... c:orporatioqa is mon.l,ly wrotig to dour aml wecpk.' vcu Y ' 11 , uran. t •• Friday,- Oct, 2 , 1931 , a. PI'O• Tbc balauce of. trade for t h e wltll A.u!'uat, 1929, the dt·. a.ncl economicany. uusoJ.tQd," de· 'J.'be b()li<HY.ecb? of bls u . · .d J 0 . 1 . ,. - . was held tu tbe morniuu, waa •r.raanst the Unhed cline h1 wl!s$3.03,JSO,OOO. . .' .. k k' . . d b' tb t ... r. an ' l'4f·&· • . • OqlJSOll ..... I'> .., s r h fi I : . i i · Greea,. Prermlellt noc lUff · . UQ ·. a uaue here hoau. vifdtlJI th' the. two· rooms entertaiuin&" . tateij or t e rst t me. a , n c e For tbt e gbt per ex!, of' AtUericau . of wall quietly tbe McMillan fllmily near 4' o'bet".. !oJlQ":illg. 1929, to the: extent of about. exports for tho past three L•bor, in •ta;telltent, tram.r tbucreen and eutered. Mrs. S: W. lett whe very miicb CllJo.ye4 bJ tl\e bave been: 1929. $3,406 ·He that "uo ircater blow TiP"tot.1; be J:Pilde his way ay for Ctovf• ·( 0 attend· tbe fli· pupila; Augqat exports were $165·,ooo,. 1910. ,l.640,243.,000; 1931, $1,• · · than. 'bt'a baa' vn•. "'"en' .... ·t r C. 1 •. to lhe k.ltcben. Ancl tl;l.ere Oil tbc . . . ·.· .. . . . . i . •. 000 . f •b J I t t 1' f drlOO 661 78111. 000 ., ... ".. · " · "' · · · ·• · neral of a. close 1:clahve. ·. 1. Amenea t.be Beautiful. · • rom • e u r 0 0 v.· .. against the forces which h a V' e table was a large Jar of. tlcwly Mr. aud Mrs. Prh:e Miller spent 2 . O, F•ir New Mexico. · 727.000, and $1.32 765.000. below r 121 porta for tbc correspodlar been and now are servJpg bring made preserves aqUa loaf qf br4!ldl T d . 1 · · •. : · (U G d ) tbc: $297,765,000 total for August, period and yeatt were: " H . c1 No thlnt be feU. ucs avm ...,arr pper ra es , . a.bout prosperaty. ..<:: reg;u s Th . . =- d • b 1 Mr and J E ..,ere 3 In tbc Sc"'ool Room · 008.113.000, 1930, $:l,17•• 960,nM; bi i ... l ' . f h . ll ·tramp. prlikC. up t C8C UXU• ' · : • '-' " .., ' • " · · ' · vy t 8 act 00 lUI YJO auon ° t e i . · . . Alamogordo vtsnors over tbe (A recttatlou by tbc lower gradts) and girls .t c am. s, respectively; 1931, $1,447,632,000. promises lUade by these corpora• nea, t back to bla hole 10 k · d 1 tl .t t d 4 H D. y D · no · p b p id 1 s · ""-tton 6 "'porta.dcclined heavllr. · I . . p. ld : i i the uc spread Iii a fcallt wee :en , sec og te ,.en us nn ow o ou o. Jolfmt,Q• •c eco, .. rea en i uste twU .. 1 oua to tbc . r<:' ent .o ma nt.u " ... ""' · · · · · d f · d (A b · 1 d ) Ri b d S" "' 'to '711 000 b 1 1 d t $9 . " 011 tlte atceJ and woQd of 11 l'l!il· YIIUttr.g ol nee s. . . y ower gra ea ·· c;: . or son, ... ccretuy and "reaa WI '"._ , ll. ea, '(I ue a . ,• wages, and suggests tba.t t"c1r . • · . t\1 ,. r ' p •t · c • t: "1 p ·1 · ur 1:\d d Rl b d 1:\d' 8"0 000 droppl_,,. fro a& 2t000 ·a · ·1 ·1 · roall track H lll tiugera replaced r · ers wan 111 Ill •• o Q. e • war e ar son, lo;.l ttor. " • D •. tart spccta prav• cgcs be tal(cn · . rizm:o hvo dov& this wc<'k (A 7th grade report) Rcd.and Gre1en were ebosen· as bales, nlued at $13.37l. Ia from them. · cutlery and t&e J>ack qf a r;ra.my , . " · , , · .. ,.. i · . . • . band made an ad.: uiito .. na kin. '1 bo Aucbo WoUJan n Club tnt 6 Three Ltltlc Sistera. our acbool colora. July.. "'ompared w tb August, "These, steel corporatlolla wbu:b 11 " b . :" d 1 tb •t the howe of Mra. A. W. Duke (Song by tower. gradea) 61 Good, better, beat; nnct Jet 193'0, the: coltQil trade showed a arc reduc.ing the w!lgoB • r avang Joe. • c f. tb c S4tUrdll.ft Oi!tOb<'r Dr.(. Owtng b> 7. Boy Blue. · . it rest; uttUl ·tbc good ia bettor, lo.ss of over a tbird in qu•ntltT ot their employees are the llcne· lbar. 11 cl 0 tell patpcrkcovedrtttgko 1 1 c a lack of ea.rs for that n 1 by tbc lower grade's) a ad tbo better bes\." Our 11cbool aud nearly two-thirds in nJue, fi · f · i rc11 on c- · rae an too l . ' . . J ctarlcs o • Vf!t.Y btgb protc:e.t ,. 1 f If f om alter attendance tbau &J!lllal a. Twanldc 'l'W\Pklc L i t t 1 e motto. abipmenta that month Jut yeu tariff," Mr. Green continuea 11 nbap. · . 0 was preneut, tbo tmfficicnt to ••· Star. Our polic:emaa for Spaoiab in amonn.ting to 366,.000 bale!\ valued "Tbcy arc proceeted. colll• 0 not · ng 11 : 1 sure a live actHltoa. Coosidetablc (Song by tbe lower grades) tbe play Krounda is to ebugc a at $27,of85,000. petition from abroad. T b c 10 8 ·"' f;c t 1 ° 1 gs ;rc tima wan devoted to businns mat• 9 Simpleton. pauny cacb tame Spanicb io npf)k• All thie a. tariff wbicb American market for Ute sale of A . Day 0 ll Jst tcro and tbcr('rcular H\VordStud•" (Drawa\iaatlon by the t bird en; it also !UCreues our funds for ScoalcrWatsou, Republican lead• i . · i •J.f· · ur oorc, uncau cot • · " · the r products 11 the r o w a. M d M j V T 1 J k ttoder the lea crobip of Nu. Mil· · grade) ' play ground er of tbc Seoatt• prectlcted would ... tbc "beneficiaries of ' r. no ro. · ay or, ac It M D k t d 10 "' 1 b ""'tb 1 S l ·1 rletd nro•perltw witbiu a JCar. . tb .i 1.. i 'I t _. Brazel, L A: \Vbitaker, Bun r. fra, ra o wae tni. t . .... mer ca 'I c o " e r cvdera i new t were wcl• r ., ese a pee a pr VI egca gran Cu Nia•nn, nod Mr. and t.h's. Newt leadar or tile wh eb . sndea. come tb I rau, 0 u r by the Government upon tbe pre• R b' j "' d . will bt at \be rceuleuce of Mrt. After ncbool a Track Club age up to forty·6ve. Fifty• None of the btaggiun on·Catl teu11c thal1t bc'giocu tbem .lll 1 0 ° 8 keu aye-. 4 uce at J • .1. Frame, Snturdny, Oct 10 or"'aniacd at tbclr 1int P&ec\ioa •brec pupll!S aro uow enrolled try• Cornia it beiuc done this )'tar lty · t •j · t d " ntc a 9 ' 0 · h d f eo · "' i at a pro ec\ on o a ll Attomcy and Evollll'arber to t e o C ai· n 3 ttc w c r e act; Ptesthda of make t b i a a aucceuful tbc folkt wbo went out there ex• wagc 1 carucra. • • • ll cor• were tbc overufgbt gucnta at (be mew 12m to atteu t c 1ut Z:G¥0 R nd VIcente 1c on ycar• .,.,.ARAnJlLA Scuo01. peeling to get • job. porat Oil& bCI11lUC bene of t X b s tl , bt M OD tbc 16tb ond 17tll the rea· captain• of tbe btt,, e: ..... £541# ii!RSIX¢2WElJSE!£ft!J ... e:t.21ThLlii!$!!._.J_.c __ ,_s:;J_ .. _ttiiJLiiJ! a - a high protective tariff iu order 0 """ N r;uc un ny ;•.r . b y":· ular meeting date was adnuud · to protect wagc;a, thto it seems · ·. cott rcturnc . wtt . t • nc weok,. H&tltM!Bok ltptrt reasonable thaL .,tiocc tiler nc· to 'lCarrtfoto 1 Tile Draka home was Javiabl1 · cepted this fuor and reduced 0 .:o nm 110 11 tcrnono? bra ge. decorated wub flowcra grown on ittttn"DattltHfb.ll. t'latiWt.o.u,;.. ••. (CCI• tbc tatilf .. ncbedu1e abo. tJ1d h Tht> of Ubuljl.ow tbc p1act end tbc pnzeo utnrcld n...m er t!:.• e..."ll1m:;n er tbl tJRI'l' . ·· nuntc ... useura t o wte.. IUl tU.'I'iox.u.nAHK,.oU!tm•o'-.tnlht bt rcd\1Ctd4ud tbe l!lpcciol f&VQj& til •. b' , d b •• for tbe gucr.nmg t":onteat w c r o dtt#W" IOJtleo.. ac_cotdcd tbem by tbc Govcromeot 1 ere l1;1)1d to_ 0 11 Kuiq'le, beJD¥ a bugo pumpkUl !Jr.;I.V. Jht. Wltbdtuwo. P 110 a • avc:c au pru:e nupp .. r or pte for flrlit to Mru. T. J m:sotJIWES 30. 1'be dance wall \nke . ( · ' " "Oac in rcmio!led of tliC fact,t• . aud a per 4!Cl bea-d of cnbb:wc•kr 1. k!lcucl tJJt.Citn ploce in the n;:bool wlm:b .. . . 2. Oror.ltafta be sliyo, "tb4l in Ju'le, 1927. ttJio 11 b d d b tb 11 1 the coosolaUon, to Mro. Dmlard • .. Oom.=c• ... l , U S S I)"' 1 d '". :3 e;::orntc: 1 e llC 00 Tbe!le in a:tc and "Ct · fe:tttn •• ..... .... eorpnt" 100 ( uCC If( ctultlrcm. . r .. ., ..- t OJ.btt .. ctctllf, ta4 - a -40 per cenl sto.-k dtvsclcud. It T' 0 . . •. 1 .• tb fectton tenttucd to lbe very sue _.,,_ .. UC .!l"Uf4 !!CuOil UOul!f C .. ·• 4 v•w"' · · · .. · · · at!ID paid cult dntidencis amouat• · bE d i M. D GCBsful ctiorto of tb.e Drake fom (1. t'cst:::::cr•' !la!::llllyooe.:eellll• i . t 16'" .. . f A .. il capo c . arect ou o ro. tiJ at dry fnrtning, of tbo rcnulta ng 0 p._r toln pt 1 improves as tile aensan advanc:u. of wbicb t b c " arc tl 1'01, to Daccmb:.-t 31, 1930." 0 •· b h. .- " ,; c.cd Otto,..,, a:::: ............ . ,...cp11fll unve een mnue to t c prouu. utalo owud etbtr thU Mr. Grccu ca.Ucd auontiou butldltlg olld a.vcw otowe b!l!l been Dalicioua refra"'hwcmtgof nai<Hl, to I lOCk ldd Other dl'lidCilllJ. paid iostnlieiJ.. lOle!tOllt in the welfare pumpktu pie Wltb CfClliD ll with l't<!•nS Swan• b1 B:Jtblubcm. S:ecl Corpllra• tile will bC! funberstim• aod were acned. the auests 0 : ... : tioa which liko..vtsc auttouaccd a t t d be t•· .. i t" f lmgerutg uottl au uouguollly lqte •:t "'ot.t'.:!A C...:.b .,:2 et!J;t CMh I First National Bank 0A1iUU%0ZO. N. N. . ' C(Kntesy. service, Sifety - W'• In ALL Tmutn Tbc lo"nat National llartk Carli&nao, N M. .. - -===--- 1 Ttt Firat National S."ice •• 1 u a J ue orGau ma Ulll o n hour · "' y · ._..,. cut in wo...,es. p T A -b· •· · ··1 L i• <! t ' . · · · · ·· · •••· •• "' • . : • ... IC:u Wh uave .a ut!l The. tegular meetiorr of t b C! 11. tocl wtth v. & meetnltr at tho bouse J!n "A B C" bas hecn "lli!"'Ooed . .. fr.:t:l u. !L ., Trc:u-...ttt "' day aftctMoll. week.. Tbe Club wlll maet \"+'ttb ,.., K • •• , .11 an Ae:t;U=ofce.tt: .. bu:! Mr. and Mrs. were ..... ra. a.e, nliluOG:nday evcmog, bllo .t d:tru . • - ruentn at Tt.Hltaton'a Moaday. tbe of tUa . Represeutattwe Barry C. Can· C B T . . . .. . Mr. Tom KUgore atld Mr.. wk Lo5fdg Best tielc! (.l)em. Ind.). member of the • . • boratan wu in Tula· Conyr.!ra were here Weanesda'J &=rlt::akrivlftd lltluile Wavs and MeanJ Com· r.Jsa WadiHftl!a1• f!.e from Alamogordo. "iMi.iiiu mit tee, iu a pnblie tlat!!ment uo• blXES wbiUe th:ore m wtdcb to '!rem. ... •.• . . . . ...... dertalcca to refute the contl!ntion store abc: .tho!!t:ands • of LIAiliLtl'lts of adtuitti!itrAliott spukEsmca wbo tbat load tn!J trees thts autumo. .. ::•h$!J ea ... Y .... US!:!d that fbe Ha-...le,g·Smont . It'' up· To You .• :::: .. tariff lias not iojrned Awe rica a• Oae net t e 9 u I t of Pretideot J t!. 1!-rm; ter dltt!r..:!a. e--a. foteiru tttde, but tb. at out .cottt• Hoov:r's • Fcder;,al . t:Oo!ltruc:tion . · . .... o. •• •. •• P lliO!i "' A tb t b 1 ] 1:.-..t.- trer leumt, tat-. mer<:e bu fa1Jeo otf only •t the . Ul,.. .• ·. a .. 1 ·· ott:cr.JOt>et.';loU umat<! loreirtt wmmerce of O\her to Ute Pt;ilidetn • own ile::S tltlpatd' trits bas d-eCfEISecf, elibtnalej there 'WJJI be lt,CiftQ!.Ulc• t:c! .. ctltatudl .. · · t d & .n U. 1J:M to bUlb, lcdtdielf tettl• "Coul)tries wliich have bet!. tt •em emp o1c ott .vH Sdc:2 Ut!>!tn' •tt'- our beilt are turning to or af!out tb,at d ate' Wslham tttc:11o.r ....................... . other tuatkttl for gooth1 t lt e y Grt!en, »'Ed• AF'Tl'llt the doetor n bought i.li the-: United . . . of. Labor •. C<lhrua'te5 tbat ... p··re· .. r·r'b<>d r 0 r C'oitdll&!i!* c!ollf;flt• q tfia t tbl'ro w 1 n b\i 1 000 (I()() ... .... -. Aatta!lit::ltl to tef;llrcliul v. .. . in •. · • )'OIU' partil;atn ill· ct otllu .-! i'ti Ant-rlc.. . '""' " # • ..-.wn .. .. ,._..,, ,._,.,.._w.w •• tieSit it is up to you . fifl t 8 e :t· .. : .. ... , ... · Met the Canadii.li t•tUE of to have tba,t presctip• ttJ:t blftaohtclle.- 6 , ar•tu I o S IX mj u!l 0 .. 1 ·t tho<# d. ., '11 b . • '·' 1931, Argenthaa's- ianp9rt• • · . . 8 . . c · 18 llfh;9 W1 e tif.>U fiUt!d by au ex• · •• lwi aU tOU.I'.Itt1e• 24 1). per stdl gt;atcr.· . .·· . ·. .. . .. . t.Jeriettad p b a r m• (t;; while tJetiQd ... t{e l'atcs t.bat a.t !he ol wbol:l1 1 ott can '•'· bet impoffa. lrom the U u i ted to of depend U"mt1 for a e.. IM ·s·t"t.•• f·e·Jt· "'.If· it'f_ _... ....... "'e· "t If ea. 6g-UfEli tbere •i!te 46'/ ru 1/'llhl .... atttiJhiO.alett '""" . · .. \0 ........ ....... ' · . American C•n•d• 1Htlt tutaer •nit 1loiitst;t t:..r;::=\'::J4:= t$.*"00 t$,o:J!!1J S.C1.eli ld:r:. Ca!llteld .... alio ettet _tbe iUl or aiU:Jtit j ill itl preparation. . Betiullkloi (Mmo;r..t .. . .. . ; ben c:Uttittittt liun dollars. . •<or bt · st. 00t« UQllltNe . "'' ........ ... ;AcnrJbassar iSs '•z ia-.na·daJs .-sitEs tJiiiiiiUL ·ursa t Patronile the (ARRIZOZO fA liNG · HOIJSI . . I . ll'm'• Lunda, lUI to 2.00 lfUtr Oea 7. zj-g 1 "-.-.. .... ·--- 1111111- -I' C. --•T 7 _.wois ..... m __m u eva _,.._ru n z; se2 .. LJVA a _ -ii 3 tLL --, - - -- . !'' -•. u ' - -- - ;,: : • c,uras ... :t: ... 2!<!' ; t ,,. 1:-.: sst:e:za::Jatai±sz:tw · Ja .. - I I 3 - J THE CITY .. GARAGE flaYing ·b«n deatgnattd to: Test Automobile Btaktt; and. Steering Gear, ' wUI be glad to te!ndet such eenice to the p\lbHe itt •ec:otd• . lace "it!« RULES &net Rt<!GULATlONS goretztlnr satae-. . .. . . .. .. ..,$, tba.t til' ••• . OUk lltbfft. ol drligt ..... •Mi*M •·. Jaue". . . . public the 'toSidt {)f It it ahra:r• ltt&lt a tid . . . i:' .. ·. t• i ; ' I ::::S:U::n:&!a. 'il( ,L. .- ·'"' t•; '•.iii llt I. I 1. 93ll . n.tv.•·• •1ti.P<l. tls ... tb .. ft'Jthowll'.l"'lbat the <Jt ·· •· · Btttlltl!f, tl-.hlft ftt ik· t1 d !I 11!: - . l;(lltiilillJiWtR illlt 0.. tabu'ri . qt.ttu ,,eu ()u: about 33 . ... . ... . ptanl& in euada Jnd to ti.tliug .. · it .,. t.f.W; .. llfliJ Qrilw •htle litt i .. port• frou.t {ti;ctea"kd (I) t.fl1l wit& a.rt. · · : tiofll· lteUilt . .· · · , · . ... . . , .. ·.· th.t):ra:• a: t .• rUl. Mr .... caafield t &: at , · · . tor ·· . ••A•rie•ll . tfpef tetlt. ('ll(lfliJ •tt (ttJ••tett&l• th•il drO¥«' . ,., lit'T'ron·' qr 6 · rW':r' r • ,., ' " · < iHattlillll' w .na olktt' ·· .. . · couilttie-., u4 there·ctd bt R. . ·. t.. h••.·.··' •· 'II·{: A · ·c.tt._._..._, ii)dtra. f•t' totdJ tllt 'iiiH'ttb:tt rfliO\t fot ddttlia\ii:. · · Jllq .J It .Outi Jl, liW.i LJ. i: · tt · - n !f)lallli !dOitrBYYJI'fiWf:fu' u Jidj - r '_" I·-- ·s;c C, 1 "!"'""l•lj ut. . ... i• t•• . . • Mt; C.IIIIY i*t l'-».i B•wltf"SIIIMOttUil act.'* _. . · .... · · ••••i• •• ,, ' ,, "--'----- ---.'. _,. -. ···-- . ···- . ' ·- __ _,.,. ___ 'd'• . ---·- . .._ ' ·- ••.. ·- ,_ . --· --. ·- ' -- ---. ' ·- . ·--- - --. -- ·' ' t ' . l . ' ; l ' I l ·, l j' l I . l l ; : l

Transcript of .. J - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... ·...

Page 1: .. J - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · Alamogordo vtsnors over tbe (A recttatlou by tbc lower gradts) and girls .t c am.


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.· CA~~lZQZO, N~W ~XIcq. FglPA.t, OOTQS)'I)R 9,! 19~1 . .


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~~~~~ .. ~~~ .... ~~~~~~~~~~ .. ~~~~~ .. ~. =:=:==~ .~ .. Tariff Pr(ltc:~tod ·Concer.n• 05eQrf.,)~erl11$ . . AU¢lto Ne.w.t. ~ Ara.bel~~o School Tr4de Still. faUhig l9JQ, . ~~mpar~4 wttb Al1,l11$t,

St8.i-t RodtJ4:tlon ·,9 Wa1e.s · · - . · ~. • - · · · ,...... • ·-. . • . t9a9, the dealin~ ln· exports waa · """""'"' Tilia Jut lns be~1Un ltPe"WenthH J. Q, BJ"i~'kl.e1left la~t weeJt.for School clays art l!er~ again l Foreign. tnule of th..c Ualited $315,SOQtOOO •

Waa4ington, Oct • ._ .. The re· weelc i.,; ~Osc\tra. :®v~ry.d•y ·we =~ni:ylv~ri•· ·1:1

b': t ab:.eut t Qp,r .newly p;.-lnted · ac;:l:lool •lU St~tte~ for A\lgust struck the llow~ Au~om$t in,tporb were $J66,000," ducti(ln ill w. aoea onposed ~ l1 d have w~'t.e'bed. t~e trllill~ f!'9 by · 0 • -;waa · ·~ Hl t:n &ott · 0 not atdu; . est lev('l for tb~ put 1'7 year a OOQ • dr~p of S$,481.000 frolU the

., "" d .. " r.. b b ..t '·h • acb PbUadelphill ill thue !«;>r T>"' d d t d 1 b b i J 1 t t 1 f $17 .. 48\ 000 d f literally forced Ppolt tbe employ· !Ul ,t-.,. tJ.!e-· o O$ .• Jt· iUh• ( a~ n.eep bo 1 an Alll. c: e1u1 eY~f.Y• • ot in e,;port~ and Qlports, · • u y. o • · o . >:r, , ...• a.n o ee$ ohbe Uuitc:.d States s tee remlnc:l11 me of f.lu~ tramp wbo tbebas~b~U ~ime 00 t~e S~b.".. day; \ cording to preliQ'lin;,ry figures of $S~,4l'T,OQO fl'om tbe August. C · ·' · d b· b · 1 -eoqhl not wait lo be fed.· He . .r.trs. T. J, Straley 111 Vl6lltdg Tro .. to nrade our ac,.noJc .. lalll A. tM Depart ... "'nt of ·co-merce. 1930, lot~l oU21S.·H7,000 .. C()Ql.\':J . orporattop an y ot er atcc •. · · · · . · • ·· • . . . · ·. tb. s-1 f •1 • D · h' ' o "" _.,. ...

.... c:orporatioqa is mon.l,ly wrotig abl.lill\'~ ~tl. to B~•;cl's dour aml wecpk.' vcu ~~~ Y ' 11, uran. t •• Friday,- Oct, 2, 1931, a. PI'O• Tbc balauce of. trade for t h e p~t,red wltll A.u!'uat, 1929, the dt·.

a.ncl economicany. uusoJ.tQd," de· ~noc~ed. 'J.'be b()li<HY.ecb? of bls u . · .d u· J 0 . 1. ,. - . ~~'ram was held tu tbe morniuu, ~oath waa •r.raanst the Unhed cline h1 l~pru:as wl!s$3.03,JSO,OOO. . .' • .. k k' . . d b' tb t ~ ... r. an ' l'4f·&· • . • OqlJSOll ..... I'> .., s r h fi I : . i i

· c_lat~s· Wlllia~ Greea,. Prermlellt noc lUff llllSQr~: · . UQ ·. a uaue here hoau. A11i~tdllo vifdtlJI th' the. two· rooms entertaiuin&" ~.acb . tateij or t e rst t me. a , n c e For tbt e gbt mor;~tba per ex!, of' tb~: AtUericau ~ederlltion . of wall bp~e. C~arefuUy, quietly tbe McMillan fllmily near Lur~. 4' o'bet".. The~ !oJlQ":illg. uum~ers ~by~ 1929, to the: extent of about. exports for tho past three ~eu~ L•bor, in ~pubhc •ta;telltent, tram.r c~;tt. tbucreen and eutered. Mrs. S: W. ~bcdtoll lett 1'~u· whe very miicb CllJo.ye4 bJ tl\e bave been: 1929. $3,406 51~,000, ·He ~sscl'ta that "uo ircater blow TiP"tot.1; hp•\Q~, be J:Pilde his way ay for Ctovf• ·(

0 attend· tbe fli· pupila; Augqat exports were $165·,ooo,. 1910. ,l.640,243.,000; 1931, $1,• · ·

than. 'bt'a baa' vn•. "'"en' .... ·t r U· C. 1 •. to lhe k.ltcben. Ancl tl;l.ere Oil tbc . . . ·.· .. . . . . i . • •. 000 . f •b J I t t 1' f drlOO • 661 78111. 000 ~ • ~ • ., ... ".. · " · "' · · · ·• · neral of a. close 1:clahve. ·. 1. Amenea t.be Beautiful. · • rom • e u r 0 • 0 • v.· • • ~. •


against the forces which h a V' e table was a large Jar of. tlcwly Mr. aud Mrs. Prh:e Miller spent 2. O, F•ir New Mexico. · 727.000, and $1.32 765.000. below r121 porta for tbc correspodlar been and now are servJpg t~ bring made preserves aqUa loaf qf br4!ldl T d . •r~~. 1 · · •. : · (U G d ) tbc: $297,765,000 total for August, period and yeatt were: 19~9. SJ.~

• " H . c1 No soouer.tett~pled thlnt be feU. ucs avm ...,arr ~o•o.. pper ra es • • , . a.bout prosperaty. ..<:: reg;u s Th . . =- d • b 1 Mr and ~lr""' J E ~ram"· ..,ere 3 In tbc Sc"'ool Room · ~-At..-~~ 008.113.000, 1930, $:l,17 •• 960,nM; bi i ... l ' . f h . ll ·tramp. prlikC. up t C8C UXU• ' • · ~. : • '-' " .., ' • • " · · ' · • vy t 8 act 00 lUI • YJO auon ° t e • i . · . . Alamogordo vtsnors over tbe (A recttatlou by tbc lower gradts) and girls .t c am. s, respectively; 1931, $1,447,632,000. promises lUade by these corpora• nea, t p•to~d back to bla hole 10 k · d 1 tl .t • t d 4 H D. y D · no · p b p id 1 s · ""-tton 6 "'porta.dcclined heavllr. · I . . p. ld : i i the ecr.~.c.. uc spread Iii a fcallt wee :en , sec og te ,.en us nn • ow o ou o. Jolfmt,Q• •c eco, .. rea en i uste twU ~ ..

1 oua to tbc . r<:' ent .o ma nt.u " ... ""' · · · · · d f · d (A b · 1 d ) Ri b d S" "' 'to '711 000 b 1 1 d t $9 . • " • 011 tlte atceJ and woQd of 11 l'l!il· YIIUttr.g ol nee s. . . nor;~g y ower gra ea ·· c;: . or son, ... ccretuy and "reaa WI '"._ , ll. ea, '(I ue a . ,• • wages, and suggests tba.t t"c1r . • · . t\1 ,. r ' p •t • · c • t: "1 p ·1 · ur r· 1:\d d Rl b d • 1:\d' 8"0 000 droppl_,,. fro a& 2t000 ·a · ·1 • ·1 · roall track H lll tiugera replaced r · ~ u· ~: ers wan 111 Ill ~· •• u~o o Q. e • ~ war e ar son, lo;.l ttor. " • • D •. tart spccta prav• cgcs be tal(cn · . rizm:o hvo dov& this wc<'k (A 7th grade report) Rcd.and Gre1en were ebosen· as bales, nlued at $13.37l. Ia from them. · cutlery and t&e J>ack qf a r;ra.my , . " · , • , · .. ,.. i

· . . • . band made an ad.: uiito .. na kin. '1 bo Aucbo WoUJan n Club tnt 6 Three Ltltlc Sistera. our acbool colora. July.. "'ompared w tb August, "These, steel corporatlolla wbu:b 11 " b . :" d 1 ~~ tb •t the howe of Mra. A. W. Duke (Song by tower. gradea) 61Good, better, beat; nnct Jet 193'0, the: coltQil trade showed a

arc a~bitrarily reduc.ing the w!lgoB • r ~rt~ avang Joe. • c f. tb c S4tUrdll.ft Oi!tOb<'r Dr.(. Owtng b> 7. Boy Blue. · . it rest; uttUl ·tbc good ia bettor, lo.ss of over a tbird in qu•ntltT ot their employees are the llcne· lbar. 11cl0 tell patpcrkcovedrtttgko 1 1

c a lack of ea.rs for that tl!ltC~ n 1 Rcc~tation by tbc lower grade's) a ad tbo better bes\." Our 11cbool aud nearly two-thirds in nJue, fi · f · i rc11 on c- · rae an too l m· . ' . . • J ctarlcs o • Vf!t.Y btgb protc:e.t Y~ ,.1f If f om alter attendance tbau &J!lllal a. Twanldc 'l'W\Pklc L i t t 1 e motto. abipmenta that month Jut yeu tariff," Mr. Green continuea G~ If~ ~[ 11

nbap. · . 0

was preneut, tbo tmfficicnt to ••· Star. Our polic:emaa for Spaoiab in amonn.ting to 366,.000 bale!\ valued "Tbcy arc proceeted. ~gllil16t colll•

0 not · ng a.p~cna 11


~cura, sure a live actHltoa. Coosidetablc (Song by tbe lower grades) tbe play Krounda is to ebugc a at $27,of85,000. petition from abroad. T b c IJ.ileurA~s 10

8·"' f;c t

1 °1gs ;rc tima wan devoted to businns mat• 9 Simpleton. pauny cacb tame Spanicb io npf)k• All thie t~nder a. tariff wbicb

American market for Ute sale of A ap,bperuMu~. . ~!ur Day 0 ll Jst ~rat, tcro and tbcr('rcular H\VordStud•" (Drawa\iaatlon by the t bird en; it also !UCreues our funds for ScoalcrWatsou, Republican lead• i . · ~ i •J.f· · ur oorc, ~~ro uncau cot • · .· " ·

the r products 11 the r o w a. M d M j V T 1 J k ttoder the lea crobip of Nu. Mil· · grade) ' play ground tq'lipm~ut. er of tbc Seoatt• prectlcted would ... ~They ar~ tbc "beneficiaries of ' r. no ro. • · ay or, ac It M D k pa~ t d 10 "' 1 b ""'tb 1 S l ·1 rletd nro•perltw witbiu a JCar. . tb .i 1.. i 'I t _. Brazel, L A: \Vbitaker, Bun r. fra, ra o wae ~p tni. t . ....mer ca 'I c o " e r cvdera i new p~pl t were wcl• r .,

ese a pee a pr VI egca gran Cu Nia•nn, nod Mr. and t.h's. Newt leadar or tile tlCI~ ~ectlog wh eb . sndea. come tb I rau, briugiu~r 0 u r by the Government upon tbe pre• R b' j "' d . will bt at \be rceuleuce of Mrt. After ncbool a Track Club ~·• age up to forty·6ve. Fifty• None of the btaggiun on·Catl teu11c thal1t m~st bc'giocu tbem ~I .lll10°

8 keu aye-.

4 uce at J • .1. Frame, Snturdny, Oct 10 or"'aniacd at tbclr 1int P&ec\ioa •brec pupll!S aro uow enrolled try• Cornia it beiuc done this )'tar lty

· t •j · t d " ntc a 9 ' 0 · h d f eo · "' i at a pro ec\ on o ·~·~:• a ll Attomcy and Mr~:~. Evollll'arber wt~ to t e c:lr~ o C ~ ai· n 3 ttc w c r e act; Ptesthda of t~ make t b i a a aucceuful tbc folkt wbo went out there ex• wagc

1carucra. • • • ll ~·c. cor• were tbc overufgbt gucnta at (be mew 12m to atteu t c 1ut Z:G¥0 R nd VIcente Gome~ 1c on ycar • .,.,.ARAnJlLA Scuo01. peeling to get • job.

porat Oil& bCI11lUC bene et~raes of t X b s tl , • bt M OD tbc 16tb ond 17tll the rea· captain• of tbe btt,, e: ..... £541# ii!RSIX¢2WElJSE!£ft!J ... e:t.21ThLlii!$!!._.J_.c __ ,_s:;J_ .. _ttiiJLiiJ! a -a high protective tariff iu order

0""" N r;uc un ny ;•.r . b y":· ular meeting date was adnuud ·

to protect wagc;a, thto it seems · ·. cott rcturnc . wtt . t • nc weok,. H&tltM!Bok ltptrt reasonable thaL .,tiocc tiler nc· Bt'b~: to 'lCarrtfoto l~t 1 ~or.~t~g Tile Draka home was Javiabl1

· cepted this fuor and reduced 0 .:o nm 110 11 tcrnono? bra ge. decorated wub flowcra grown on ittttn"DattltHfb.ll. t'latiWt.o.u,;.. ••. (CCI• tbc tatilf .. ncbedu1e abo. tJ1d h Tht> ~ll~.'lUI of Ubuljl.ow ec~. 111~dfl. tbc p1act end tbc pnzeo utnrcld n...m er t!:.• e..."ll1m:;n er tbl tJRI'l' . ·· nuntc ... useura t o wte.. IUl tU.'I'iox.u.nAHK,.oU!tm•o'-.tnlht bt rcd\1Ctd4ud tbe l!lpcciol f&VQj& til •. b' , d b •• for tbe gucr.nmg t":onteat w c r o dtt#W" IOJtleo.. taU!:te~<:rfMlMH ac_cotdcd tbem by tbc Govcromeot 1 ere \~dOt. l1;1)1d to_ 0 11 ~ut r· Kuiq'le, beJD¥ a bugo pumpkUl ~ !Jr.;I.V. Jht. Wltbdtuwo. P 110 a • avc:c au pru:e nupp .. r or pte for flrlit to Mru. T. J ~arn'c• m:sotJIWES

O.!tob~r 30. 1'be dance wall \nke . ( · ' " "Oac in rcmio!led of tliC fact,t• . aud a per 4!Cl bea-d of cnbb:wc•kr 1. k!lcucl d~u.......... tJJt.Citn ploce in the n;:bool bous~. wlm:b .. . . • 2. Oror.ltafta

be sliyo, "tb4l in Ju'le, 1927. ttJio 11 b d d b tb 11 1 the coosolaUon, to Mro. Dmlard • .. .Jlo'tc:Jct.a~ Oom.=c• ... l , U S S I)"' 1 d '". :3 e;::orntc: 1 e llC

00 Tbe!le nr~ductu in a:tc and "Ct · fe:tttn e;w~, •• ..... ~ .... eorpnt" 100 ( • ~~e. uCC If( ctultlrcm. • . r .. ., ..- t OJ.btt ~ .. ctctllf, ta4 -a -40 per cenl sto.-k dtvsclcud. It T' 0 . . •. 1 .• tb fectton tenttucd to lbe very sue _.,,_ --~ • .. UC .!l"Uf4 !!CuOil UOul!f C • ~~ .. ·•4 v•w"' · · · .. · · · at!ID paid cult dntidencis amouat• · bE d ~ i -~ M. D GCBsful ctiorto of tb.e Drake fom (1. t'cst:::::cr•' !la!::llllyooe.:eellll• i . t 16'" .. . f A .. il capo c . arect ou o ro. ox~o, tiJ at dry fnrtning, of tbo rcnulta er~~~&O:cu.I«:lt.ad ng 0 ,~ p._r ~:cat toln pt 1• improves as tile aensan advanc:u. of wbicb t b c " arc J·unhflaM~ tl l::.:.lktc:•t.:<~•n.II..OO,Vo.n:lumt

1'01, to Daccmb:.-t 31, 1930." 0 • •· b .~ h. .- " ,; c.cd Otto,..,, a:::: ............ . • ,...cp11fll unve een mnue to t c prouu. '· t:..:~l utalo owud etbtr thU

Mr. Grccu als~ ca.Ucd auontiou butldltlg olld a.vcw otowe b!l!l been Dalicioua refra"'hwcmtgof nai<Hl, t:td.lr:ttt~ to I lOCk ldd Other dl'lidCilllJ. paid iostnlieiJ.. lOle!tOllt in the welfare pumpktu pie Wltb ~btpprd CfClliD ll r~t:u with l't<!•nS Swan•

b1 tb.~ B:Jtblubcm. S:ecl Corpllra• tile •~bool will bC! funberstim• aod cnjY~c were acned. the auests 0 ~·==~·d;;;;,;t:;~ltlt~ : ... : tioa which liko..vtsc auttouaccd a t t d be t•· .. i t" f lmgerutg uottl au uouguollly lqte •:t "'ot.t'.:!A C...:.b .,:2 et!J;t CMh

I First National Bank

0A1iUU%0ZO. N. N. . '

C(Kntesy. service, Sifety - W'• M~tASVRU In ALL Tmutn

Tbc lo"nat National llartk

• • Carli&nao, N M.

~ .. - -===---•

•1 Ttt Firat National S."ice •• 1 • u a ~ J ue orGau ma Ulll o n hour · • "' y · •

._..,. cut in wo...,es. p T A -b· •· · ··1 L i• <! t ' . 11~011 · · · · ·· · •••· •• "' • . : • ... IC:u Wh uave .a ut!l The. tegular meetiorr of t b C! 11. l'.W•::::~:lk:n tocl wtth v. & •

meetnltr at tho se~uol bouse J!n "A B C" bas hecn "lli!"'Ooed . .. 1'_,.~, ~J dt:~~ fr.:t:l u. !L ., ~'" Trc:u-...ttt "' day aftctMoll. week.. Tbe Club wlll maet \"+'ttb ,.., K • •• , .11 an Ae:t;U=ofce.tt: .. bu:! Mr. and Mrs. Vuu:~Sadtb were ..... ra. a.e, nliluOG:nday evcmog, bllo • cfo~t!l.lep .t d:tru

. • - ruentn at Tt.Hltaton'a Moaday. tbe J4~il. a<:>:;Jwtlb~cnt of tUa . Represeutattwe Barry C. Can· C B T . . . .. . Mr. Tom KUgore atld Mr.. wk

Lo5fdg Best Customer~

tielc! (.l)em. Ind.). member of the • . • boratan wu in Tula· Conyr.!ra were here Weanesda'J &=rlt::akrivlftd

lltluile Wavs and MeanJ Com· r.Jsa WadiHftl!a1• f!.e pruchu~d from Alamogordo. <m:~~ "iMi.iiiu mit tee, iu a pnblie tlat!!ment uo• blXES wbiUe th:ore m wtdcb to '!rem. ... •.• . . . . ......

• dertalcca to refute the contl!ntion store abc: .tho!!t:ands • of •il~~es LIAiliLtl'lts of adtuitti!itrAliott spukEsmca wbo tbat load tn!J trees thts autumo. ~~ c.~uh• .. ::•h$!J ea ... Y ....

US!:!d that fbe Ha-...le,g·Smont . It'' up· To You ::.s~:~~~~~~~~ .• :::: .. tariff lias not iojrned Awe rica a• Oae net t e 9 u I t of Pretideot J t!. 1!-rm; ter dltt!r..:!a. e--a.

foteiru tttde, but tb. at out .cottt• Hoov:r's • Fcder;,al . t:Oo!ltruc:tion . · . .s~e~-. .~ .... o. •• •. ••

PlliO!i "' A tb t b 1 ] I~ 1:.-..t.- trer leumt, tat-. mer<:e bu fa1Jeo otf only •t the . Ul,.. .• ·. a .. 1 ·· ail~a:y • •~<t ott:cr.JOt>et.';loU umat<! loreirtt wmmerce of O\her coat~• al!t~tdiag to Ute Pt;ilidetn • own • ile::S tltlpatd'

trits bas d-eCfEISecf, • elibtnalej there 'WJJI be 1~,(){)0 lt,CiftQ!.Ulc• t:c! .. ctltatudl .. · · t d & ~. .n U. 1J:M to bUlb, lcdtdielf tettl•

"Coul)tries wliich have bet!. tt •em emp o1c ott ~uc ~l>t•: .vH Sdc:2 Ut!>!tn' c~"· •tt'-our beilt tuAtc:n1ier~ are turning to or af!out tb,at d ate' Wslham tttc:11o.r ....................... .

other tuatkttl for gooth1 t lt e y Grt!en, Pte~ndeut, Am~ricat~: »'Ed• AF'Tl'llt the doetor n ~,!i~:~::::::::::::::: bought i.li the-: United H~tates." . . . of. Labor •. C<lhrua'te5 tbat &· ... p··re· .. r·r'b<>d r 0 r C'oitdll&!i!* c!ollf;flt•

q tfia t tbl'ro w1n b\i 1 000 (I()() • ... .... -. Aatta!lit::ltl to tef;llrcliul v. !~.P'\e.~~"; .. e:~nt'u~el~o,u~r:·~~rr. b:~·t· . in ttu~trnited.State: •. · • )'OIU' partil;atn ill· :~,~~=~~~:•et ct otllu .-! c;ton:t~ i'ti S~ttth Ant-rlc.. . '""' " # • ..-.wn .. ~ .. ,._..,, ,._,.,.._w.w •• • tieSit it is up to you ~=::•:: :!~':. . Dur'tt~'~' th~ fifl t 8• e :t· .. : .. ... , ... · Met the t~e.w Canadii.li t•tUE of to have tba,t presctip• ttJ:t blftaohtclle.- 6, ar•tu

I o S IX mj u!l 0 J· .. 1 ·t tho<# d. p· ., '11 b . • '·' 1931, Argenthaa's- ianp9rt• • · .· . ~nc . 8 . . c · 18 llfh;9 W1 e tif.>U fiUt!d by au ex• · ;~,,~fa1~111•11\ •• lwi

aU tOU.I'.Itt1e• dee~eaied_ 24 1). per stdl gt;atcr.· . .·· . ·. .. . • .. . t.Jeriettad p b a r m• (t;; Aeuptaactllaut~~WbfU.II ~at, while lt~t Ui~ ~am~ tJetiQd ... t{e l'atcs t.bat a.t !he cl?~~ ol • aeis~ wbol:l1 1ott can !-rJ."~~.~~=;:uH~¥ '•'· bet impoffa. lrom the U u i ted 19~9,_ a~cqtdtng to t>~~•rtment of depend U"mt1 for a e.. IM ...,.~·•e.u,tt&at.ulc ·s·t"t.•• f·e·Jt· "'.If· it'f _ _... ....... "'e· "t If ea. nfttt~trC:C 6g-UfEli tbere •i!te 46'/ ru 1/'llhl....atttiJhiO.alett

• '""" . · .. \0 • ........ ~ ....... ' · . American pla~tsio C•n•d• 1Htlt tutaer •nit 1loiitst;t t:..r;::=\'::J4:=

t$.*"00 t$,o:J!!1J S.C1.eli

ld:r:. Ca!llteld .... alio ettet _tbe iUl inY~stlilecttt or aiU:Jtit j 'lralt•bil~ ill itl preparation. . Betiullkloi (Mmo;r..t .. . .. . ; cuf'o~ ~I' ben c:Uttittittt Cl~idts liun dollars. . A.fcw~a18 •<or bt · st. 00t« UQllltNe . "'' ........ ...

;AcnrJbassar iSs '•z ia-.na·daJs .-sitEs tJiiiiiiUL ·ursa t

Patronile the • •

~ (ARRIZOZO fA liNG · HOIJSI . . •

I .

Bttline~t ll'm'• Lunda, lUI to 2.00 ~. lfUtr Oea

7. zj-g 1 "-.-.. .... ~-ilil ·--- 1111111- .,~,.-.$'1 ----g§p''--¢11117~- -I' C. --•T 7 _.wois .....m __m u eva _,.._ru n z; se2 .. LJVA a _ -ii 3 tLL --, - - - - . !'' -•. u ' - -- -;,: : • c,uras ... :t: ... 2!<!' ; t ,,. 1:-.: sst:e:za::Jatai±sz:tw · Ja .. - I I 3 - J

THE CITY .. GARAGE flaYing ·b«n oft~laUy deatgnattd to:

Test Automobile Btaktt; ~i&htf and. Steering Gear, '

wUI be glad to te!ndet such eenice to the p\lbHe itt •ec:otd• . lace "it!« RULES &net Rt<!GULATlONS goretztlnr satae-.

U7t~•=l . .. . . .. .. ..,$, tba.t th~ .Gl~ta!ltau til' ••• . OUk lltbfft. ol drligt ~o4al.................... ..... •Mi*M

•·. ~·D•cdng .t~b,e r~·~ end!~# Jaue". . . . public the 'toSidt {)f It it ahra:r• ltt&lt a tid . fr\!ta~~~~-· . . i:' .. ·. t• i ; ' I ::::S:U::n:&!a. 'il( ,L. '~'''"'.~;:i::l: .- ·'"' t•; '•.iii llt I. I

1. 93ll . n.tv.•·• •1ti.P<l. tls ... .ro~ tb .. ft'Jthowll'.l"'lbat the .n~ot•fHr <Jt wt.Ul§~rto sa"'~t=tutM · · •· · Btttlltl!f, tl-.hlft ftt ik· ·~ t1 d !I 11!: ~· - • . ~"· ~ l;(lltiilillJiWtR illlt 0.. tabu'ri . nit~d qt.ttu ,,eu ()u: about 33 . . . . . ... . ptanl& in euada Jnd to ti.tliug prt~ctir .. · it .,. t.f.W; .. llfliJ Qrilw 1?tl'.t~tit~ •htle litt i .. port• frou.t {ti;ctea"kd (I) t.fl1l wit& a.rt. · · : tiofll· lteUilt • . tbt~ Utiir~.Xilitd.qm(witlf.~lii~h . · · •••~~ .ot'ft.t~ ~~.ooo~ · , · . •·'··~:t~:· ... jll;'*·~u.•


. , .. ·.· th.t):ra:• a: pteftt~iUid t .• rUl. Mr .... caafield t(;ttCl~idtl t &: at , · · '· . tor ~••••• ptti.a4fcf~*"' ·· . ••A•rie•ll tSgotb.a:t~ tt~iQhli•r ~ . xw.~"::..

tfpef tetlt. ~(){)'ti~lJ1 ('ll(lfliJ •tt (ttJ••tett&l• th•il drO¥«' . ,., lit'T'ron·' qr 6 · rW':r' r • ,., ilrt:'~•illhitlHfkt&9U.-,.-,~ ' " · < iHattlillll' w ~-~~~~~- .na olktt' · · .. . · couilttie-., u4 there·ctd bt R. . ·. t.. h••.·.··' •· 'II·{: A · ·c.tt._._..._, ii)dtra. f•t' totdJ tllt 'iiiH'ttb:tt rfliO\t fot ddttlia\ii:. · · ~ Jllq .J It .Outi Jl, liW.i ~ LJ. i: · tt · - n !f)lallli !dOitrBYYJI'fiWf:fu' u Jidj - r '_" I·-- ·s;c ~. C, ····*~ 1

"!"'""l•lj ut. . }'101i~tlail ... i• t•• J'j~Jl•hl . . • Mt; C.IIIIY ~ i*t l'-».i B•wltf"SIIIMOttUil act.'* _ . . · .... · · ••••i•


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Page 2: .. J - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · Alamogordo vtsnors over tbe (A recttatlou by tbc lower gradts) and girls .t c am.


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.WA ". _~r_ .. v._· 'rl_· .•. ·~'~' .. :a.u.· .. ".' '1 .'rl .• "'.'.· .. t· ..... · .. i:... ; · · ··· · , '' " · ·" · · · .. · ·... .•.. - · · · · · · · ·. ·· · · · · : · ·· ' · · · ·· · · ... ••· · ~flt wbQP. Jf !las 110t · JSt\ldl~d' ·llitf u .... ~ "'" "' ..-..,.., . ., , ' . · · · . ll!•~t~r. tlt~J ~lat(IQ¢41 9l th.o Pll" ._ ______ . .._...., _____ ..,. ..... ...., ................... .,.. ... !-lo.....,...., ..... -,......, ............ "" .. ""· .'"'!.'!"'. ""'·· ·""·""'· ·""'·"" .. ·'""""'~ , ~OlllflMI). ~!!wn 11,11 il!14ettp'i·~ ~··

LIGHTS OF NEW YORK "" 111 a bill, tiiJcJc·~l. f)IJWcfl'qJ llJ· or tle w11a to be PJ!l~.bJ 11u a~orept. Ue · ~~~ ~lloU!;IJr; h~ ~a11 t!) bti .-1•(1~ Jiui ,In• ·· .. . . !~.·~-t!~.il.~. ih. .. ~~-~-~~;:i'm.~.::~v~:.·!: .. ·.

'lire ur a man, with that comple.rlor;. . w~nt to. the ·.An:il¢ !Uitl CAm~ :apwp, · .. lltll•4 Jlo WM Jillt In:·• JltilloiJ. ciUl!P• , · • w,.. •• " "' ~ whlcta comCJS from tbe kla11 o; ocean run nine the bloc!cal!-. b7· Wh!lt bt !l!!-i De W,alJ a JltliJQn~r for .two y~rl!, !ll• · • WMJI!Il,lrtol,l- Stat. · . . :wln1J11. ms.nnmc 1 .. Cit pt. l<nriiJI.llnlller ·~~er!l!l!d u tbe ''bllck dqor!' !lDd rea~W. tb.ol.lt;b .on 1:1m1 l>C~.top · l;t& ~pelf .. ~nd be Is tho Onrmpn nt~vnl onJcer tog llllfeJ)' the lutrbor ot Tr!l.lf:~' IJ.'hl-' llnd JJUl~~ lila wilT t,owll{d ·A llJJ~.(

' ·. '

· · · • >. ~eiiUpJillll ,).tid•rt~••l! · ·.

~!who tried to lnnd tbe r;una and munl· ltnr~or bad' bee" picked be~:~~use C.se- flel!1 •~·N<Ittrn_glJI\Pi, w)Jero h~,PIIJntfd!l, .

on• In Jrelond tor Sir Jloget· Cnse- ltlnnt bad sulrJ It. ba<J liP JIJP11l IJt~· to $teAJ" ~ Plllfll!i ·h~•J!li tSI-~I!n aJJ, Pnl 1 met him the other evening Uonll'ltnd no !Jiltterle.s.; llt.WIUITII.'<IDK' !lvlnt.~r wUh lllm r1>r tll!lt:P!ii])Q~. .

· • . !ffl.e:i~ Jlil . IIC .. l'CJl!l' a ~!ll!i~lt,y ..:· ·Which · ~l.lelt _Ill-'~· 11rW tQeptl~ . ·til' «t• · f'W •. d." .· ~b~J"efQre:1 II lllli;C~i!llP# .qf

, . · !XJflltQfWne. ,J11., spm~Urn~ ,c:l\111!11 f'!lll. and he told me 11!A>ut It In English on bO.tb cpunte. J<;ll,her hlil hllll ,!Jeell· . :t'be JJtorr Pf lila recapt1Jr~ ·Ja ra~be!:' .. Jl.ll\4 oc 1\'~a:• ,. · . · ·· ~

" . . .. wldch cnrrlcd o .atror~r truce ot ll~cent. mlal.ntQrme<l <~r til!' hnr;bor h~d. beiltl lntQr.!!stfng, Ito and lli!J Cl>mPI!-Iiloa llor;er Onsement, ho 11uhl, went to Ger· .tortlllcd alnco he bad ~een ft. Spindler'• .11-.11 mBJUlglld to cet ~nu; '1\'Qrlonen't. many nnd formed tho plnn with t1Jo order• · wcro •to wOllt one bQUr, .bu~ be elotb<!ll liJlll· llll.t\' politer• !leMcrlblt;Jg Oerrnno ndrnlrulty. fie wns no en· 1111Jd Jt seemed a pJty t'o come all that tlu'!lll n• c~!IPed pd!JQolll'l dr~d Jp ·

. Jl•mmer M•"'' fir•t Too'' , ; · Tbot !li:'i¢ tqll evolv~d by auu:l~nt

~tthualuHt, n vlHionnry, said Cuptoln. woy without Iandin~ ills Cl\~jto, ~ 1111 unlfoJ:m • .l\11 thllf c:ntered NotU.Ilt;)lftPJ•

plndlcr, ono who mlglu urousc men stayed nrouod for twl!ntT·two houri. . they noUCc!l " ragptelc~ .bUt •hOI.I!{}~t , ut not a l'rnt•tlccll leader or a mnn 'flint proved a mistake, · nothing ot him, Coi.IIIJJ,I: tQ • mtarlle4 rtor thll Jnb he tnckl('(l, After ull tho • • • ' btlllg~?, Cl\1'11 .. In the. morntn:; tlie)'. ~rrnngemcnlll were made. be lost follb l'ol!ln, as some sort ot ijcondlnavlnl) · w&.Jted tor Jl:lol) 'tQ CPPIO. to ""ork, bop. In Ills own '"~lwm«•, nnd did not mueb ''easel, be aroused ausplcJop 1111d, when Jrg. to. ellp Jlll&t Jn n crRwtl. Su<h%enJJ wnnt to go through with lt. nut by ho finally tried to get away, DriUsh the rar;plclciJr !IPPcare4· wftll other· th,a,! Urne nil plans lmd been perreclod. destroyers wcrn waiting for him. IJu men and nueated Jllm._, IJe Wllll •n · 1111 wa• to sail on tho vcBxt•l with tho llllfl, en11cment flighted blm trom tM IQtelllr;encc: mao, f;!plnrJier llllked hlqt afm• but t"!Jong••d 11111 n1inll und the submarino belore be. got Into harbor, how be Md knQwn tht!m 1tftd toql)d O•~rrnon ~:on·rnull'nt ~:u vo l:lrn o IIUh· hut did ·not comm.unlente wJUI him, . tltat what h.IUJ ~rtven tbem JW~7 wa• marine. ond tbnt tl1ere waa nolll}dJ t!l ·meet that the,Y' J<c.pt ,a PJIIIIar;r ttev aM

• • • him or tllll him whitt to· 1Jo With tll(l If one ot them lluppencd to r;e~ qut of CuiJtuln !!JIIndh•r hod on hourd !!(),. ;uns. 'fhe d!!lltroycn.~ signaled blm J!tf:'p. he "9Ulc'ld7' picked ·It up again.

ooo llu!llllnn rill•·" ·· ho ll!l)'ll tltr.Y 1vero to nccontJiony tltem to queen•town and 'l'1'1e lnteiJI;oence m.aa 11nld ordllilltJ • ftne arm -null n lot of Clrrrnun rnu· there wn11 noting; for blm w df) cx·eept workers . dhln't do U111t. Tile "'two Clllllt1 J:UIIH J·:UIIl'r l'aiii!IIIPDI Will to oli~)', 'fJu)ro be lind hll CfllW put IIU CJermaQ8 IJJOUj;Jat . tfi~,Y' l;a<) tli.~Cn · Jru!t•t h:rn with thr 11ulnnurlno nmJ give ttJelr German UIJitorD!a, ran Ull their Q\'nry precaution, but habit wea too hllll inetrut·llon• fur lnndirlll hi• l.'llriiO llnlil nod bJuW. up their llblp, At flrJt. lllrong tor thflm, r thould like tQ ta)k

---~· ._,__ to that lntelllscoeo man. 1'11 bet as kren nn o~erver aa he mutt have been could tell a lot ot good ltorlu. '

' . . . .


• The C._lldren's Coraaer ·. c:nruatn Splnlller'a rf'CUal or hill prison camp experlenc:ea. • made • Ill!." thlnlc or the Or111t German prl!IOnert J

Creatures Queer . 11tW attor wo dlei!mbarked In ••fllnce.

The7 hurQ on, atppplnr C!,rcry now 'rt1c1 were buge, blond tellowJ. and and then to "'ll"tl one claw trnntl· •ppe~red to be rel'1 cootepted with cnlly to tho air. l'crbnpa tl11!1 ·arl! ale• I heir lot, Abollt all tbt>Y ltad)\()1 iln nallna' w ono anotber-lnrltlng • · Willi a IIUit pollclna ot tl1e camp an4 rrtend to tunc11, hut. •• 110011 as 1ou. '!•clr only ruarll wu a little, old ore clot_e enoucb to examine then,~ 1ou f rencbmaa In a 10rt ot blue frock ro•t will dlacorer at once who Ute)' are, wbo carried a rUle with .a tonr bllyo­ond then 11 Ia e.1111 ro ·IUCII tho ruL net, wblc:JJ wat taller titan ha was. The7 are Fiddler Crab1. Ono claw lhu Wlum -be wlabc4 to amoke, he would grown veQ, vf!r)' larp, "'bile tJ&e l>lh• hAnd , the rlfte to) • prlloner to laplc21 or 11 amall. The larco claw r1 tile llt:l&f a clt:arettt-o~ and· tben take bl• IIddie, or courac, and tbe other U11 bow. run baclc aptn and rnt~me the but•

·.riut pbotograpb of the acglptute tor the rttriOilele«S tomb ot the Utlkliowa E!oldter a' Arllnltoa, • tull·ll:ed .mo4el ot whl.cb la. kllll d~la)'C!d •t the War del.ll'rt.ment Jn W••blnrton. The deafen 1b0w1 thr~ !liiCJorlcat tiJUr~; VlctoQ Ill t~o center pr(llcntl tho palm ot yJctoJ7 to a 111alo llp.re algnlf7llll Valor. while Peace. wJU! a dove re5t1JJK upo11 · t'• .arlni atand• at the left. IJolcllnr the band ot VIetor,, • ' ·

Th• l.chldFII or Porcupine Ant later. It ) uu "ill 1•uli on your •ovon

len11ue boola w" will Jual ntroll over to A u~lrollo fur o '""' mnmcnlll nn:J ftnd I tjDCI'r f'rf!lliUfl! lhlll fuCkl Q

IIIII• like our own tJrlchly porcuplnto.

• . ) ne1J11 ot tbe «141. It lddloa Crab b Just their nei'J dl7 1~ nu. lltiiiYedleate.t-WHUhrtlu.

How >It Started. •

. "Haclmofod" E'XP~••loll .. A 'r. FIDST itfOUiht, there wqu!d

not Ht.lll to be aoJ connection betweeq a backnesed e~pi'HIIop and a wom out bortl!-)'et. that ll uact• 11 llpw It atarted.

We baYe tlat tei'DI' ... U.ckne7"ed' orl1·

JnatiT trorn .. back" which fa a rctl!f'< ence to a hol'IIO ,that Ia hired:... hired horae b~)nr. provc:rberallt. aubje~t • to obuee.

From th.. lfli!Ciat alrolftClliJ.C~. tbe · word "l!Ack" wa1 applied to • writer wl:o rehathtd atorles IODI atnee cone atalt-, The word hlckne,yed 11 a m!>d· Jll'catlon or "llack" uaeil u an ttlloalo• to wora. pbr .. o ~r tale that bu tonr aloc:e lntt l~ t.rtahneJI.. •


~=~=--~=----·---'~"-"'---------------------~= .. ~=- > liZ!. UU Dt!liY114kat .. l-'ffMU IUYk&.

·Building to House Archives of Nation •

' • •

To bqln ullh lu• Ia r.alkd .. ('or«"U• plno Ant F..all'r. You I'On IK'CI tho abarp jiPUra on bla bode and tall. flo can lralllt! th111o and roll JJhiiAI'If Into a ' •

II whm be I• frlgb!l!nt'tl. Just 01 our l't'UJtlfll'll do. \\ hPo rollc:-cd up bo

oob Juat llkn 11 grc>at rhr~tnut burr, and naturally nulttodJ wants fo f!IUCb I:JJm, llf• II flil UllJ>ItllL'lfltiJ ptll'k IJ,

Ito nnrr baa to llO to tho d(lnllat, ror ho boa no ltf'l b ' llut he doua lin vo lbo lonal':lt t••nauc JOU ron lrn:JIIIne, afld wllb lhl' 1111, ttlllfh Ia rollaer • aflf'IIJ, bo &Mila up unJuck7 11011 and otJ:n ln&l't'ta nnd llttlhll.

Ill• OJN otp ~"'' cnC!liJ lot1~. anti bta s>ara dn nnt allow ot oil. 11la lcga aro short aDd 1 h11 foro pawa oro nQt dh'Jded lnlo lfliDI"llln tot:a. bot tlowa tcomo ltltr<'tlJ out of• lbo e>nd of tho PI"' Vnu mn M>cJ tmw utraordluory Jata hind ft;>lll om l'cthopa roo tJaluk ltb11 artiAt rnrule o mlatoiU!i and drow JIJ• f<*t otuddo down or kld11ldo to, bot Cl;ot Ill tho WOJ tbt>1 tMII7 look. :rou 1100. b" ta mml'lhlna of an l'llGI· Jln>r llv tlll'!l IUIJIJC'II wc>ry ofiM, lt'l In ~hat mom ll!llhd'o£1o'7 wa7 rnuld bla f«t bo modo for klekhlll oct cUrl and 1tonn nA Ill'> ~:.- llloofl?

Fldcflar CraM. nn U1co b:Jnk of a amnii rh·er d~n

.,n C'ope ("otl. erbl!e tho r .. mm:er lido J>DIIt the uotc>r rrom tlln rl.-er oat Jo tho 1('3. tllllf'e ta tbo alrac~f llllll•t. Ttlo little l:t:l<"b tclow at:d· ~cnl1 br;lr.a to u:uvo nod 11tldo awlttJt Jollt atcer tt:o water. Yoa lliYo r:oou IIlii (ITOIIM tlo II.Vc>f.l b1 tho WtlliJ tbst thll Whole rl"lcJ C«!C:N to hlU O!Oil&t :\Voll, tb.at Ia trl:ol tllla fl:lndy ~ell appc:1r1 to be tloln~t.

Uot lhla Ia uhot' m11g t•a&'PC:DI, for lllf roorao r:o tatorllo b<'ttcll wootd tn!M U1IOI:: of runnllllZ aW!IJ, U!lll· d.rcdt and tmndra!A ot atr.:~ll cmbt that IIYe In llltlo hol~ Ia tbo aan4 'ullt at tllo codltt' of the blat' wnter ha'm como oot of tbelr holes all At eoe" and lrtl runnlllll n tnllt Ill they ua down ovl't tile ll'C't ~arb 111 Mardi or .. little lunch. 'l'bt'll' tilt bodl ... move dllflQiy to~~Ctber ttnd ~V· \!r tbe 11\nd C!htlt'I'!IJ, IIUtkiDII lbtl Melt aoom truJJ allrr~ , • • ==F:r=><o:-a,:.o_'.·.,-.r

. ~

Dc•l;zo tor tbe now NaUOJll\l At.;hlf~ bulldln,lt, wblch will 10011 be tm-tC!d at Waabtncton tcr proTide a aCe •tt•mgn ~aro for nulr.trotll prlct1ua d~omtnt. and relic• now located In the'! nt1ot11 fedml bulldlna:• of the· (~npllal.

~-==-·-· =·=-·-------------.--------=-------------------~.----=-=-=-====~-=======-=---nnmo. Wlarn ontl or llll'!ttt appeata In print or on exbtbltlon, IJI(e rean:r otb·. "'' rnuaiC:Iatlt 1:tt ndopla a llllli!e 1lame, ond lt•<IIIIM Slf11JOI' Cta -Gt\llltlmul l'uallntor. No doubt thnt rcaka hlm fl'l'l tnOI'tl hnportnllt. • ~

AI a farnll,y, Vlddler l'rah nl'tl fl)tt hlo:hiJ atroo~:. wbldJ tnMilt th"f are ,

pulled out b1 the rfgbtt'ul o1rocn- when I W•rb l• Fn•*t 10 Year. bo anlvea. New lflitalu. C()no.-PAtrlck u.

. . . . , lfrmnoa. aOYtnlr·tottt. baa Jn•t bepa A~1ram StQ:ry ••16 alxUctb rear -of oonUauou11 ~nl~

(Fer Veil t• Straighten Out.) \ . ttfth a brau tound17 betf. tit ta Na Plair Wkal. ' ~lrtm; and aetlr~

Wol ~lnt net newt not ot llWlc oeo ! ------awrm "db. ttatpl ard tut11111e uM i CAUSE OF WA'VES ton tbne ttu ott nn&J (~rob flrt 11ta wegr 1111'1. Waoo mt~ac etb lmil dan bobt laiJilll tart t'fdllr tuOf.lt blwt ytcUn die dhll mhm ttb1 iUJ t111d l.lmdbt tntlo terlb \lrl J'W' rtd. daa ate!!. • ~

tC6trttlabt.t-WNft W.nt ...

1\fy Neighbor Says



Slli!'-Ooean't this pit@1ent ft»k W'ilQ' t4J )'OU! · , ,

Ue-lt'il laid '-.lth· · .tlai:Moue-t, *1 dut. •

... ii".·

crhe Kitchen Cabinet ...

Serre Ulta on cotta1e putt<ltlls ., JPOOs• cUll~

Lemen Whlppt4 Cru.m Ia"'"' Co•· . blne tour tableiJ'I(lOI1tula or temoa Jllc.. tour UbletpO&QtU11 ot npr, ~ Irtled rind or •·lemoa. let ltt!ld unW wtt~ willed. tbt!D add to 'a caprlit or Jea 1of tblck crnm whipped.

Craal'lt of PU loVJI.-Takt ()DI call ot pta aoup. add ono-f<111rth ot • cup­tot of wnter, two ropful• ot mUle, two lltce. or onton, ooe tablespoonful of :tm&at aM onc-blllt teaapoontn1 ot salt. Cook tile coup wltb the milk and .onion. temoYe the colon and add tbe .eu<~li­tnp. S~.:rre at once.

Hall a~ tfalt-cGmblne two cup. toll ot cran&e Jll1ce wlth ooe cul)tal ot lroton julr~ add three-fourth~ to one cupful ot aupr, eve cupful.l of teed ww.tu and auve ottr cracked tee. Stnet el,ht.

8rtWnla Orano- Toaat.-Y1s oae. tourtb ot ll euptol of or.anu Jtl1ce. onfl:oMlt l:!uptol 6t anrtr. ·()I' ht;n~. and tho grated rlntJ or a lafle orailf~ Spred on wtU bnttett!d tout and vut Ill tht! brotu~ onn to become thoroUJhJJ boL rro.u m-!1 be ent tn fabc.t ehaPf.l wbfclt willlllllltd to c:on­~f as well u dlltdrea.

IDI!ll h1 bel~eved tc>- bav~ be~:p ~he · hllliinier. A~ 6rllt Ule h.a!llmer wu A tto~~t heJ«J '" the band. ~~t a strip t>.f akin w~s wrapped til'OWld It, and l!nall;t lite hammer tOI)k U.• ~til.'l Qt a re•l lnventtQn wll!ln IDJll p•e It !l baodle b;r meani ot • sffclc fattened ltrmi,J 'to the atone. wtt.lt J"at\:blde or tile $tout ll~rs of som..Cl· plaot.-Gas Lo~c. ·

. ,f ~ ,,

••Mamm:r Tre••" P~o~~tai . ~ '

Sted trees lett bt ll· lar'e lumbcl' company ·operatJtu; In Arka~:~aai and LotJ.Is.!~a ll!lve bfl!n «tubbed "mam. IJ11 t~" 1Jt ·· nwo euttera, who zelll'nttsr ,.ualriJ 'llgafnst cutUn: them down. -Several htr&e treet pre­vlouaiT •rli~ wttU J ~tlnC11laWnr: "hlt• itreak lll'f ten. '<''~ each acre

· to a.s~Ute tile ~dfnJ· tD <~1 a new cro~ . ot "'-"tiJ· tree,. acc:ordtar: to tho V.nJh.'lf Jltatrll l)e~rtment of ArriC\Jlture;, ... _......._.,........, __

Ap,.ulaJ .. D.-• The expre!Mioa ~to appea10 bitt

Dlllloell" liltallt fi) ~ wll• a per• 10a Ia dead wbat ~·ou14 bave pleated b!m when be waa alive. ~be •vlrlt or lhOit ot tbt d~!l 1\'al called hit "ma.nu" br tbe nomaus, ai:ld It na tupposed nerer to reat qulellr Ia tlle crave u JoDI at· aurvl~ feft It• wtahea 11Dfullllled. . P'dlrU&I'119 wu · the diJ when all the 11Yior .:tctUiced to the allal!ea of dead rtlatltea and trtenda.

a ••• ,. •m·. Aaceat.., A«ordlnr to tho blolfapltJ· of

Buffalo Bill, compiled b1 bla atater, Krs. Uelea Qo4J \Vetmol't', tbe faDI• llJ 1.1 deaunde4 ·from ldlleelul, a kln& Of SPIIln. wbOICI Ultee 10111 touadeil the Grat 'dJtt•ttJ 111 Irelaad. The CodTfamllJladueendcd throu&h the aou Uertmon. • Senflll me•~ or the famllt tmlrrated to Allltrlea Ia 1787 and ~ettle4 In "NaQJanct. PennaJlfUlla aad Vlt~tn.ta. nurrato DIU ftl born In Scott count)', Iowa.

·------Ea.rtJa u SMa Fr'ita AMY•

The tollowlnr Ia a quol.ltloa from l'rofeuor Plc:canl'e •toQ of btl trip tt the ltJ'aiO~pe: "At 11'1 llltltlldli o.t 16.000 rnetm tlle urtb la a tnar\. telotll a11bt. ret n Ia tmtrstnr. too. AI we rott, the eartb ~Utned at t.lmea ll!4e a hurt dllk. wltb aa ,pturned ed~. rather than tbe atobe lt ... The blulah m~t or the at• JIIOipbote arew ffd.flnred ant! tM e.rth tmned to 10 Into Ill c:op~ ored doud. and tbt.ll Ill but illa.1p. OW' tn a btlt'!*

~ Ia IAwer Aaiaal1 There an 110 rttonl• of 1epm1

havtn1 ~ tranamiUed from ntt e& human belnet. tlther b1 bltt'. •• aoclatlou or other mean&. 'l'bere, b

··a dltt'ue ot rata knovm ll.i rat 14!P' rot)', but It bu not be!en ilbOWD ron· dnal'C'el1 that It 111 tbe iWue aa tep. · .. rot~ tbat attec:t• human beln.JL If & pet rat &llJ.lUnr to huean1 d1.lc!dP. tlther ·rat Iepros,y ot all7 otbu &f· rectfou, It It ~lel'f!ll It b to the best lllteret ct aU that ~ ,ntaat be kllled.-Wolllnlton Star.


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Page 3: .. J - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · Alamogordo vtsnors over tbe (A recttatlou by tbc lower gradts) and girls .t c am.

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~ .... '.: :;: ::/.:.£ :s · ~· .~·r•\,: · . il':·~ ~. :_m: :: :~>·:: ~. · .::" :·,=: >, :').i)oj;,;.,:.:. :::: .!): ~~::::· ~~:.t., ~,:.: ·.·: ~ .e?..?~~~~~u,.r.~,;.~~'.':! .. : :~ }: :: .. J... J .• :::· 0 • : :: :t:::X: :- ... : :: I :!::: ·-:I .. s .: : .·~: :: . ~·. · · .. ~ .. ~. o!.. · '.:\,: .: ~. · ·~ · · . . · ·v· ·· ·· . . .t""·: u·· ·h rl1 · -tr}. ·.a: .. ·.·· ·'r-E'•t· ·0F 1·tRAJJS. · t~(lrcb;JU•«,~i•tteille~est()nti!Mutb.cmtto.alnnerwll~·».tc~clllrruped, 'Tii~l•Jght~:llQ(Ilhtatar1 ~;,~.••nto ..• . ' oo·ne·lOr· ' IY t~;.tOn ·.Y.e vet' ·owns' l~ :10:,. . . ' '•. t!J·JI~<:!';'n.l~tover.th~~il~!)(ltl~.wllen •Jloll~)·, w.ouJ!l y()u ll~e tome tc;e 4etuu, U:tpl!l~111lii()V('w~·~lanllen,;~tl; ' ' 0-,:- . f. t:) . '.··· .1;'"·:' ! ' ::· .•. t:., ·,·· '; : 'oi'! SOME HUB'BJES be gO(!Il.t<A wo~k. -~ tl!o.t~venlnr. water1' WUb tll~~. be.J;Il\'0, me 11. QltlS'!lnln,how.we~!lli:hl!"n~vt!\nitF" . . · · ' .... ·, > ~ :· .. ·.. . . . ; . · . · '.,· · 1

,. . ... . .. f'. . . . ~· . .. . . . . .. ·. tbe nrst, word tie !ltiYll 111: 'Wlwr~ Ia ;las, 9~ w•ter .t:~mmed t9 tbt:t top drove .We~ler out, ._nd th~n Jt toUr~ L __ .. ,\. Bv CHERn!J: NlCHOLA$ . , · · .. , . " '· · · · ·· · · · · · .. . . · ~ · U.te, pa,l;l!!t?' . i.,u!l thl.\t,'l! .tM ~1111~ lit ·wltb i.lte fttqlicl~llt lcel UOJIIlstly, J: how ,~ur fWY~nJUet~t ~l.ei1tllih!ltrlpe!) '

~ . .•. . .. ' . · · · . . , . . ~ • . . . . . . : • ) . . . . ·. • . · • ' hlm *.tu • ~~ll.tllil~·". .. ~ . Ai.!llrlt ~ell dead bel!uUIJe llq j1,1st Qubn to ~!)Jmuer t'c,·eru.Jul ~lc,sm• .. ,

• • ' .

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, · · · .. · · .·. . ; . ,. ,. ·: · ~wild~red i'1'41ltll WJ.vea 11H11ve, yotl e\'er ,rn ~~>~rllte lleell ·l1ntll1:1 to Jfi.!t me!: n drlnk·t l tllllllgllt lll!,d mn)(e. the ~dnh·y - IJI!.t~ and . •

. · ~. ·· 1~: ··1< · · ·.· '·· .·· :fl•ve!~nf«~ \ . r~!t~~~~M~.c~~~~t~:o~·~~ ~~:~i!:;i :~~~~~~~.n1;l;o;c~~fi~~.~9Q~~v~~~ bc~~~~~1r:,~::~J~~u:~~"~~~~~~~~ul1tQ • , .•. , , ./ • • ; : ,, . • • • · •. · •· ,, o 'd' · , • !. : .>' . . ~lek. p(Wer 1 ~c,1nS~:~ l.I.D IUlYthlng;

1 II1e a

1 n.d lt WI\ !It nasty


.tn1l warT' J ~!loP~ lb.& hi1.udl! Of Cobnl! ,lblhlrtep, lu t11~h·

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IT'S lallblopable tor t,oc:ltt to co U&ht at the top thJa "l(ra19.. J.fllll1

or the .amartett modela both tor 411· tlille and e1enlnc wear cart'1 th!t me. •ro. The Idea ot c:oatraltll21 a dark drea wltb a llabt top le • ce.tqre of tbo mode wbtcb Ia runniiJI.tbo camclf •t Upr""oo Ia that detJ10era are plaJ!n,rlt up In ~rery te1 •ud color.

For sporu, eehool ani! reneral•bout· town ti'Odca tile acbe&ne Ia curled our ""' tllllntr .ret rerl ac.rlldn&IJ, Tbe euembte wblc:b tncludet • dreea wltb a wldteo lll' brfrht Joke •nd ateern to­&etbtr ,;Jtb a jacket or tb.e darker rna·

· tmaJ ta .. bout u practleal ana attne. thil a (O•tume U I WOIDlD ftD wfal' dllrlnc llie etrJ7 autumn 4a.Ja.

Juat now, owlnJ to the enthualum lbowA tor lla:btwcf.&ht woolen• Dl\lll1 of Ule .amntttt trockl are tnablonl!d ot brown, ~a. Wlno-coloi'cMl or naVJ &beer wool crepe with xoku, atceve• and t.rlntiDin,r toucbd C>f norelt7 wool wM\'U. \letbape embtotdtted. ~ or laqttrlfiC!I And pfatll .. for the new woolent are put'C!t't ttlllneta when lt com~ to bonlt.Y ab4 color COIJtblna. uon.. ·

.Af to-tllt more format atlt.rnoon'Rnd enntnr rowns tbue Ia ao cd to ~ t!bilrmlnc thlnp whlcb are bdnc done with 'felnc together with face and aUtterfllJ' thHr top., • A tuhfotl wblch Ja aectatmJd as outstanillarl• tlit! CQS.

tum• width 11 made ot telret 111· two or tnohf coto...-blllrk reltet 'ltltb a ·


. , .ri ·.· ·. . · ~WP Yearli! aJ(). •li..e.'.~li!;W 'bt\ll!.'tlmt .,.ropji IIIII c Qt Wl atr-wll!lrever llJ. II . t ttrouncl J) coo . · <liT 8111~ t,(.lO~. Ill!• . !!CllllOI r()ql~s, t~t' 1\u.,oll.t wo l;lll!';_f8• . - • . Ji<!w ~>he. ll4a 'ffM~t!lcJ; hit~ thl\ stnu!llll!l'• ;\ctui\IIY U'll llllcqnny tho !ltller .lllP but It wns still nnst~ .nn1l thmtJ. Jt' hi tllete yet, In U1e rnln(lll ,

~·. .. ~. ' · ~11.ltil ollh'lt: "fo'im;, .Jnll.fl1~4S.l~ :itnd WJ'Y tile>! retnln the sbnpo 9t. 1111:1 wnrm. Pic~ wu1 ln~t!.lng on Ills ,aoclt ot nll ndultl:lo-WlUinm o. Shepherd ., . , .. lll)llrnllll.;•®ut ·Ul~ .Btrlln.~;'l!' ~elltl !or bollY I The. Jega ot . Ills trou$t\l'li nml wttlll1l11 eye11 oil tho ceiling aln!tll!g, In CoiUt:r'~ .

. . .. . • · ;· Qt Au~b41\c}alrl:lm ~e,., Altll~;~"~;b llhll HI!\ l!leeve>JI 9t 11111 1:1111t_ dan't col· ,•nu <111 (leo,' ln thtl nol_lcl•nlnu~ rn11n· · · ,...,.._,...._,_..,.... J!l I!Ull JllllcJiy Jo lov~. tbe, pna!ll\l~e. ot. ln.P$e s? tl111t wheu l !!tumble <_~ver . l!el', tho wny h<~ d'l,t>~t wlum he .a boon Color i.ll M-rkat lJ••ket · twC> ye!t!:*·JI~II )"!ll:~ll.l~·~ettaltt ~;~ddl. them 1~ s ,llkt~ c?.~ll!g liMn his tllli• liP t? ~otncthll!¥• U,v. <lear, do )'~11 Tho newest flndtn~;s lnill!.'nte lMt

· ties In the< l;illl'n ot ber. clloll!it Umt m~mbN~d pnJ:ts, . know \'\lint thnt boy hntJ tlol!c? lle tl the yellow· pltlllt . pigment. term~4 • ~~~e ne,·er tires of deiiii~Ung. . In 'Thnt II nothlu~ til Whllt .. llnrry t111e<l the glnlll! with f.lcllllphnne ott cnrotone, Is thll fr>rerunl!er ~;~t \;Ita· ..

• • tnc:t, $be tell• Jile u1nt the. onl,r wny ~nn do wltb the btlJ}Iroom ru~; • • • the clgnrette pncknges so tl111t It ml.u A In the .body, nlthou(;h It Is abe cnn c:oi!VIii!!e ;·ttetselt tl)l!-t the you J;uo\1' thnt cute llttle hnn~woven lookl)d e."Cpctly Jllce Icc! l wns simP• potent til extr!lmely mlnutc nmolmta. youth 'Ill .uot lll>~hHely cuck;bo In flllUI\r4l . thnt, l . got fpr n \\ eddln{; ly Curious, and he wns jus.t dellgllt· For llotnll thl•e It hns bPen ob·

. ll{lot~t Is to· hop ht lJcJ:' lllvve~ 9f nn presel)t? Well, ~ rnr ns l rull see elL Thnt s n ~~~~lple.ot \\hnt .Dicit l!erve( thnt mrloiiS yellow \'egetnblc> · !ltteri!Qon 11ncl mnk.e. thtl tllnl'ld!i ot be «loe3 nothing bnt atnnd on It In thlnkl! Is tunuf o to~;~t.1 prodtl~:ts seem to· furnish the

. . heJ' mnrrted contemporaries Jt Is the most lonoqent m,lmner ns ho ·. Aml so tlle young wi~IJ go on till equlvnlent ot ,·Jtnmln A, tilt~ tool) ;:' . " then thnt l!he lllsl!ove.-~t !h t b4lr Bill shii\'Cs, but •when he quits the bnth• Infinitum wllen they dlst:usQ the fnettw· tbnt Is nbmvlnnt· In buth•r

.l . v '

top ot white or brlrllt velret llr pef> bapa 4,ark brown willa liD oran11o tel· rrt .rolce .lind otller equall.r ae dele<> tlble color c:omblnaUo111,

A etcnrlln& example ot rbla t7P41 ta abown to lhe tJrht In rho plc:tore. ThJa nr, cblc bddJO c:Oatume (It t1. 11110 auJiable tor dlnln& and tbt Ul• ater) Ia taihlobtd llf black traM­parent Yelret tor the lower portloD w.l,lb ebm .. no c:oloud \'elret for lbe bloute top. 'l'lle bat Ia ot blac:k nlvet faced wJtb be&c:b·•nd rroecrala. ·

'l'lle tnthualaem tor relnt used In totor6comblnaUont Ia rt.lleeted In tho JM!Wtlt scarta whlcb are ottcu made of ~Ht polllble teltet. In ·.lllcll atrlll:· 1b,r drec:tll u brlcbt rreeo wflh brown or rulf color wllb on\')' or black with white u the a~ao mar be. A tetdJ.ln~r note Ia the c!Ark relnt dreae which baa a acarfllke arranrcmen~ .or ll&ht.. colored vd1er, auch aa " ttrJ dec:ora· Utt lfcllt crccn Yelret bow wltb lon& gtaceful .oJtrcamtr enda the •me posed on one ahotllder.

Aft adorable torm:ll IJJ llluatrated to the lett. Tbla bclotltrll blaclc \'elnr rown aoonds tbe clltterln& note tn Itt pointed bodice top wbJtb » ot wblte cbttl'on. the •me exqUfa!tel7 em­brotdet'ed wttb HQtllbl and l)e&l'la. Tbe pro&ram ot evenln~: fasblona Ia larttl1 a mtter of trocka or thf1 t1t>tt whlth are tnhanetd either wUb toniJ lace or lntrfaohl& embroldfnd tftec:ta. on ahetr ~c:krroundt.

IC'l. Jtil. W..ten~ He•tK- C8leL l

Beret of VelYot Rtbbon ltJ' .c'!lfl!lllll IVICHOI.AI

hi not unique, but ~ol!t ;str!'n~ely room tile ~s: .nct11 .us. If It hntl con• strnn~c behnyiPr pf husbnmls. nntl In cod Uver oil. Yellow ,corn It ·nko unto Tom, Dldr tmtJ Harry, At vulslons. n 8 tl pol!lthc tumor In the · , 1110r~ elTecth·e limn tho \vhlte vnrl· lluch 'times young )'l'lvea all' ·their lloor I And then he btiMR me out United States Praised etll'S, tho yellow awl'et potnto Ia

· ·~le\•nneea untl t11e coin·etsati,Qn rpus when 1 len\·e tho .114 otr tho toPt~~ "in· Cuban School Book15 rlchl'r thnu . thll ordlnnry white JlO·· sornetbll!!; like tltf$ • . pnste« t'lln you lrnnglne tlle nerve? As I wnlkotl 'ubout •be Qtrc~:ts ot Into: nnd tho )'('II Ow rnrrot nbounda

•. · • . . "Bill thinks. lt'a 11lmpty terrlble ' v 1 "til tl t. t tl 1 k 'Tho tlrst lllx months thnt .wcnrcrc when 1 lenve my toilet articles ISing Dt~vnnn nml rode ·thro~c~gh the coun· n I!Onk ' ng •n <'Ill\ tl\'er IP 0<'

mnrrted, Dill hnled to atro· CC>tn[lnny Jlruuml, but you should see his fish· try !)lstrlcts, ilpeakll!g ltl- IPns:·nt>g· . ot rltnmln A. In the dietary, . come. ae resented tho cnllf'ot hill 1~ tnckle, IJo Sttltl tbc tu~rdl'st lt>Cietl Sr:t~nll!h, .. 1 wondered whnt

trlenda ns n.n lntru"lon ut~on our thing 11bout rno to get used to. '1\'ll~t could bll In tho tlllnds of thcto eu. llappfne.l!So ,llut now It tile doPr· running Into llt)IJhlll ll!lW(Ier nil O\'l!r hunll con~crnlng Amcrlt'nna. 'fhcy 111111 rlngl!, bll ntmo!!f knock•, mll the Jllll<'P, yet ho hns 0110 lilfU't•lnl rel'l nrc cmbnrrnssin.J:IY 1•oUtc; It wns dqwn to sec who It Js. It It· Ia 11 thnt hns luld In tnll view 011 the llt>C· lmrtl to lind' Jhc truth.

·.; Will EscaYI!t• For!ld A fol'lillt ot Jl(•trlll~il·tr(.'('s Ill \'<'1·

lowsluno NnllpnJI.l tmrk will bu P~· ca v.aled IJy n grou1• or nlt'f.l from the Ml1wnul,ee l'ubUc lliU1!4.'Uin. 'llll' wort; will be dono nt tho requl'llt ar

vlsltlng gent, he tn,lhJ on bh' neck rctnry for two YCIII'IJ• <filr hnp1llne8!1 "Why don't ,rou loPk Jn oQUr lll'hool with loud erlea or . Delio, Tom, old. wouhl he rnlnl'!l It I ~nove!l It 1 Isn't lloollll and set> wlut.t thc>Y t<•nch . 1111 k\111 nnve u <lrlnlt, have a ch;nrett<'. bo crazyt" · nbllilt tho Unltctl RtntC!l?'' one youn~: hav~ ... nnytblng1 Ro·wnr·l'U, lillY· ''T(Im's pet nanl(IIJ are ,, 1111t ~:et Cul•nn naked me>. 1 follo'l'cd hi~ ex· Wily: tnll down. lie cnllcd mo ~rnmd ct'llc>n~·.(l'd\'TI.'I!,

This IIUio Incident luus bt!Cn re· thln~;11 hl'fore we were murrlcil, like 'J11erc nro.. two stnndnrd IK'hool hl&o flCIItcd time ntter Umo In every llomc 'dnrllnl:o 11n1t •swt>ctht>nrt' nmt 'henu• torlcJJ In the <~uhan llt0hools. om• rm•

1to ·tlto. mystiOcaUoo ot bowlld~rctl titulo' but now It J1o 1111y8 'hello, old the prlmnry grades and one {or hlnh tonng wlvea '7ho cnnuot underJGnnd denr,' I'm. lucky. ~·or the mont pnrt llchoolo. I Jurncd tC> the pa!j<'M ·t.llnt that howc\'t>r c:liarmlng, I!P w11mnn Ito cnllll n10 'tnt.' Now I llllk you. told ot U1b rei!Cuo or c•otm tro1u cnn be all thlnS:;B to her '1uabnncl tor. wluH '" your OJJlulon ot n. mt~n who 8Jtaln.

~ . thc t~•tlt•rnl IIIlVC!MIII\t>llt nne! Ill IJpOn• IIOrl'll by rhu nntlorlnl t•nrll cervlre>. nr. S. A. llnrrctt~ mUNt•um dlrl'lltor, rmld tha :ft•llowlltonl! forent ot 111on1.1

' . Is Ulllllln!ll bt>rtllllll' 110 many of tbo trl'eJJ nro ur:rlldlt. ·'l'hc nntlonnl rmrk lll'rYlra will bufld.a trnll to t.ho «'X· <'lltntlnn dllllrlct 111111 OJil'll It to tour 1st tr:afllr. •

ev~. 'Yllen tbla ,ldlosync!'ll!Y 11 ex thinks thnt •rut• 't• n tflrtn of em· Tht>re \\'1111 noo>~C>\'elt'll plt'lure nnd hauatell Pf 11•. PQB.Sibllltl~• ttte1 DIO\'Il dearuwnt? JlesldcJJ. I'm not tnt. or 'filtt01i: Oenernl Wood'a nnd ~In· From War I• Ce111111trca oo to tho exnspemUnr rc.tlrcment ~r nt lt>:JIIt not very! ;tu11t hecn1aao l"\'o roou'B. 'l'\m f.cirmrr UnltOll Sin It'll nnrr the malo behind t!te POll'liPI'IPI!I'II. • ~:nlnlld O\·e ppunda 11lnee w wcro In tho primary hltloey there nrc dl•lltrorcl'll, tho Worden 281 und tllrt

"lly delu·, Wa bffn montlia 81m~e IJIJlrrlctl l1e c:ulls me •rut ~· ll'11 In· three 11olld pnre11 ot (lrllllc> fur tho l'utnnm 288. built to run down eul~o I aaw· 'l'orn alone when 'lie waiJ not sultll!l: I" . ''Norte Amerlcnnoa'' nnd bow Ule.v rnnrlm~B. will bo UJI(!d to corry ba· ~rretned trorn ~lew b)' the- c!AIIy "Their 11!1!110 llt humor IH tho hnrd· dro\·o tho Sp:ualnrdtl out or the lnntl. • narrn• tronr C(lntml Amcrlra II) NfiW bewapaper. 'l'llo flnt thlnJ. In tho c>llt to put up willa, I my. One nw· Jt 111 emlmrmmn; pml1o tor It cov· OriPnll~ Ti1r1 ha\'Cl been "bought b7 momlnr he eraba tfto paJJef ort tho ful ltot till)' we wt~re dre8Din,: to go f'rll the Sl.llrll and Strlpl!ll "'lib £tlor.)', R fruit rompnny.

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MOTOR lT STAYS. UP lN THE -- . . .


AND NEVER1 DRAINS AWAY, •..• . . . -

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Oft: WOULD ~ - - -

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"' . t.toM tk lnt itt oa, J'O'l'lt alway; ·~me ~. •i.ltfddoa ~1M'· •• , ~Ju ~.Ia ptt··tut.aowr·..mta ~·au..~ Uoeot oa u ... ,·~ ·~·die ~· a.ct 1'rfM&k.

· C. 0 N f t N E N f A t 0 j•t C <> M fl A N V \ 'nt OJj .ltiJ!rht "c;w. hilfiUII (){I It ~ ~ilttrlt.l

GER·M · .. PRO-CESSED. M ·of<:rRn o·1 L


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Page 4: .. J - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · Alamogordo vtsnors over tbe (A recttatlou by tbc lower gradts) and girls .t c am.

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LincoJn·CountyNe.ws .1

P'of.t1Hibed Evt~Y Ftr.J.,-.' · ·: · .. :;a;a : r =-:;!l~$~ · ...,"'!"".oiw s . r ·, • :: .;;;;::¢;:q:::;;.;a;: ... ,.;::e:;:;t:ft

t t " ~ tllktM liH!lf:< lr!lf!IJ#I ll•llt4U J\llf, ;y, · .

. IIIZII.IIl tlitl Jl(Jtt olll~.oi at Jl!\tii~, ·l:f•J! . N•aioo, tn~dn Ill~ A~<1f Jfllttlli~.lllfg, · '

.. , __ ., ,,, ·• • ·~·-•o -· .. ,~, ,,, -.•C·>t) ···~ .

• s ... dptlon, hlt!dYanc., '~ P'' v .... ' . ... . . _.,.~-"""""

A4~ ..... ,.,.w..,t .. J4.-tl / .

1~·,::·11;i£v-. ,~~·~;;~:;~;;;;. ' ,.. '

· e...,_e.x ...... ::::s:m .... - .. 5m__,:;:g ""' J:;.......:l..,m.::;;;::u:P-.. -. '

' '

Jl'tHDA Y, oc·r. 9, JIJ3t . ' '.

Football Oamc Catctzozo llfl. Corona ·

Tht- 0 r111 t nnt b411 "'amr lba t . Crtrnz •Z•I U•t: h h~;tuJ•'l bo~:t lMr·

lli:IJIIllt'd In J.,r '>I lUI! H'4f!l Wa'l II wlwoplnM Muc~rM. Our ,lfOyli put lU t'l!lCflt•Ul lltll: lbt• "III)WJedge (I( the jlrand llld· ICUW(' lbd! co.c;b Dl'tlofl hod IUI(IIHtcd to tbC!U •o vxacllnglv

The g.tmc• nldll•d •·ff Wllb 1 bang aud cntlc·d Wllb a wuw, wJth uuth !&:aiD• U"llliUK Wllb CIICfj'• Hung lluzy hdd UIJd ~;ali1o~ 'IM more .. The iorcrC'al in tbc gamu "Ill beiKht,·nod by tbe loog o11d :1 l<~t~l runn of Urouk11 1.-t'WI!I and rrlorcoc "' ,\1 ur a lrw, 1'ht• ~tame wall nt•H• I''"' until lh~· 1011!1 ll t.t lbt' l>fttHJII «JU<HIN WhtCJ (,.t'Woll

r bO ''' • r '"' lflr• flrql tourhdown of thr ~:aml', 'rh111 w~~ 811nrt y fotjuw~d hy arwiiH•r UOt' by f,.t'Witl Tho·n dttr•nt: IIH• thud IJIJ4tll!r, l:411d11lu MHIIIIt'll ran fn:l' 1\1111 wt•nt dl.out .10 flllll&t fur n tbtrd IOU• hduwrJ 1'ht• tlllllliX of tlHl lfiiiOt' Latnt• who•rJ (.,t"'WI!I, fniiO\'J•

1ncr '"" 'an·lh•nt IIJU•rfcrt•ncc 111 lC m'• Au 1111 1 "• r11 n t rum h 111' 21J yntc~ litH• oh••ul HU var•l• for the lnurth ond llllll IOUC~l()O\"Jfl 11f tb<• ll a!llt'.

'f'..,o nl tht' four loutbd•H'Jull wt·rt• runvrrrcd 1r11" extr11 JNiuhl 'flu• tlrr.t 'Ill" by 11 ltuc plunt:•• I1V """ uf·lht> inuput'd hackllcld OJt'll, and thc lhlfiJ oliO bt lbt• t'diiCithd to•· ''' I,<Hvrl'nCf' fJ ae ko T h c finnl uv•ro Wall 26 0 111 t:arrtllll:U'n I nor UcttN Ju' k nut 1 1 m t• Corona.

Uy Ca rnl C U lfl<'!l

Sto r Roportu

Whlto .Sande Party ~undo' morolnt!• u·-a 141rly

c:arly hour, two c:aro Jell btlc bouod for Ut~ \\'hue Saruh, l<J the party lrtJru here wen, [l,r, and Mro. Gco. J Dmgwall, ttlr •. A. E Leouct, Mr. abd Mrn U ,.

·ley, Mr. atld Mro. Erout D.t,r... wall, and Mutlomcn LJvdarc , t1 Cr~n'llord. In 41amtltlordo lliC

tbud ur woo acldcd to the ttmh r cade, IIJI.lf4:aosna the party to 13 1'luay wer .. • Mr. ond Mr.. A• .. n JobDIIOD ODd o\ti•A.'O lbl{•t. m l'e•o, o od 1410 B l ra WI ord, ..,, o !1 ••on tb41 muurnaan run ·aM'! P11r1y tlfflllcd ottbe Wtutt> h,'rc~g

. about uuuo., n!IOII oflcr wlHdl ;u,e 1

b1g fc&~d tnuk t•iu('. 1rmlu\\- u " I IU<ldl, ILo\11 w. Uluqro JIUilltl 'If • aboru and otm k1 •g o and "W11dnl ' Gild IUIUhlcd Ill tbc IIIIUdll 4 Jlt~> d part of tbu ollrrnouo. i\li luC

llUU bt>CIIIl tn •unit liH? party It 1•• ,

a rated, tbl' g .• Puo co tlug~nt ·· ~mug tbctr wa J a.n(l lbOSO frta!J Cursamto rl'tuwwu home. It tt

waw a dl'hUhtlui du nod :;II '" t · aruplv rt'pllld lor tbt' lrtp to t Of' ol DlliUf(''o frealui, wlut:h tcill'v " 111 on£' of 1 be most twcullnr form•• i ti!Jflll naouog 1u tbua or atJV 11

ot~r~ctaoa. I - -;:~ --_- -::J Jj

Change In Management ! Jobo t:, JJurtoc attavcd t b u ll ~

wct>lr from Rcll'#'eU ootl tc de I· over tbc m~naaetmNa of \be· I.y .. ~-' rtc Ttteaurr, nuc<cu~mr: tl<t. Eroe!>l. Mr Dun .. u bu b1•'ll J, watb \ba l'u"b 1'(\.0$ VniiQ)' p <:• t•rc obow bounog fot e I e \' c ll )'Cd!J, rtod !Hill A_ \hOf<JUlfb P~• quallH<Hll'l' Wll!t the tlMVit'll JlO WtiJ bt• j•IIOCd hy bN f11UHJ.)' at nO carlv ht~ A ..r•nll '"'• •w 1'1 uur prillCIJiltl loren of ntuU!ICIUt'll¥.JIHl1

we rue l'un6dco\ tbl" new liliHli!Ut!" mont Wtll <'lett ~.>verr ('ffOtt tr.l. UJ.ake the &bltWint!ll t~ltrttctt\'l!-llflil tr:Jtertumog.

''";;I ' .

. .. . , I.





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....... t--

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October. . ' - - .


Darcctoru of the Cnrrizoto Cbam• bcr of Commerce, itl charge

I~ M. UricllleJ, Active Manager Clara T. Suydl.'r, 1\Saintont · Ella D Den. Sccrc.>tary

School Athletic Ennta

llubcrt DcUotl, Chairman Clnrc V. K(\ogler Wzu G. Greer

SchC)()f Exhibit. Alice M. l"rcncb. Chairman Moudc L. Dhua:1 • D1a llcringa

Jud.~f School ~bibib t1. S. Vcw SeoJOC, Chairman Annn p Pipkin l~dltb Rockwell o

• Hot Dol StaDd

Cfnrta 1'. Snyder. ebttirmatt.-EI• Jal~ Uric kiev, n...a i1 e I Me1ou, MClrf • (~ Johnlloi#, Tre&&lc A. l).,vln. lJC!rniCt' Ntdtel9, N e I I i e Slla vet< t~ubv Gr .. cr. C a r m r d o;t•oil. Mnnrc 1(• vlev. C ·a r r i e Zl<>ghr, ~·Gill' A. Uruturu. Mar· jotll' C11obsr. Arutn Stunrucl; Leola Stol:etl, Clnrire D ttlwr, C I 11 r a Uupr<'rlll, · <:11'11111 l'rsor, u: • t e Orumtl~Hl1 Ntlil.' Young. Ed u a -l~orl, Drnsi~ Luckv, Nina R.

Garuaon; Mtdll. llaiL>V• Faoo1. R4lnick, r.ucill" fhtl, Veta Cote; Mary t Lursoll, Mangie Cbtwct, L•ut:t l\ lobusoil. Mary Swtar•

. in gen. May English, Ruth Bqr· nett, Rtiehc1 \VtM, Muy D.oJ:itt, Gcnia Oaviu, P4t&y Daruen. Jen• nr t Shafer. B i r d i6e ·Walker. u~uru G;~lt"Y• Gladys Bougbu~t, M!I.VIltt;' SMw. Gtu;!lie t. 1o1wtod.

Country Stor. Ft:Uttt<'lil ~ic!DJt aid, Chairman.-.. K.ut l\l!C<n. VC'tna Bc.:k. J~a"~ e>H<! t,~NiJOn, E•s• \'bar'ul S~>lma Co;1ho t.tart. MtCu)l&Uon~ VenJ n. Unsh4n. }~!l!i• Galhtcber. Elt• M. <.HII~~pie. .

. C..Ui•at SupptiM

. ·~ .

~laguic L•wclru:~. Chaitttllan.- • l~ihtttbetb Ga.11neher. MiJfle M. · llntlK•, Helen 'l'arbmt tJia G. 'M«ver. Jfutty M. nnley, Polot~i• . Vidtturti. • · ~- · ·

Cot,Utl1 Apic:altw.} t.hlblt ·. ' ~~ .

Olivc!'Rietlatd.~bilirU'I•n.-Sadi~. · l~ 2ll,atJd. UJlll 1!':tj'1Qt, l;l e It. C.: Sanl!b('~. M U t<'ittle].

, Su&*frtttMut of Gte .. Jobt~ g Dtlld.Ji autlJJil't tk<l\.Hl

f.ck-~r ··.:»a ·1'.td.,r 1 e: .r · · Ottli.tUdl:.,,."l'. A •. Sptbttit', Ch.a.

P:o.tlrio t!bt•es. S !L ti\ .F•ta.ttt• tbrry QI\,11Ac.,~r. t'lltt t<t Jcibli• liOtl, Chn, r~ Grer. . . . n ... ~:-:t N. llkltt. Cli.-. . tl(Jrtltio ClitWtli . L. P•

· · McCiit\oek. · .. '

., i!

Gitli o:t

.. · I. II

. ' .. . '

-_ '.:If. . •

. ' : ;,

• ' . . '

" ' . ' '

' . , ' ... • .. A .... N.·o·· .

..... · \ ... • • ' . • • .,, '


! ' ' .,. i

' ' .. '


' •


. · : -~T\~a'l · · •.• 10:00 A •. M. Grand Pantde led by tbt Mayer of .Carrizo. zo, followed by the Catrizo;o Basket Ball and T r a c k -Teamt, bigb point wingera of' 1930, next; Capitan, Hon .. do, Corona and other school t~ms. TJae parade w i 11 terminate at the Comm11nity Hall·wbere announeemtnts for tbe two dJ,ys wlll bt made. .

or-er 11 fveats at Bill Puki' Hi School Boya A.M.

11:00 100 yd. dub, preliminary

Hi Schocl Girb

50 yd. duh Brot.d J01p

11:10 •hot put • BaslCet Ball throw. 50 yd. dub, airls 11:10 High Jump 11:40 22!} yd.

hurdle •

. BrotdJ11mp

-50 Jd. dub, boya Baiket Ball thrW


• NO.ON-P-M. 1:15 lOO"yd. dasb, 1inab 1:20 440 yd. dash

1:30 Broad Jump 75 yd •. dnsh 1:20 Discus Throw 1:45 2:00 220 yd. Dash, finals

-Higb Jump, boys Broad Jump, girls 100 yd. Dash, boys

2:10 Pole Vault Girts• Relay, 300 yds. · 30 yd. dash 2:40 1:4 Mile relay . girls

Basket Bal~ a~ Comn:tunity Hall 3:00 Game 1 CoroRa vs. Hondo Girls · '1:30 Game 2 eamzo.o vs. Capitan Girls

• • ..


' .

• BALL •


==· 5a\ut\\a:\\·E·. §······

P.M. ·1:3().

. . .


. ,, '

Foot &lit .eo~.,;. Hondo


, .. NOON-~ - - . - .

... •

a ... ,R· ···-·A···-····.N··.···· .. o~·-- • ' ' '- ' '. - ..• _. . t

- . . . - -

. . .

. ·BALL . c, ~ . · 1 . - ·

• •

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' •

~ . ,' 1 • " .

' ..

' ·'


I '

,October. •




. · Aericulcural, lat. Prize $%.00 eacb; 2nd. blue ribbon; 3rd. reel ribbon. Wbere uo cash prize ts . . .. . gaven, bt. JltU:e blue ra bbon. 2nd. red ribbon, 3rd, white ribbon• Apples., • . . . . . . • • • • • l box Patatoea ••••••••.••• l.peek Ftijlllu· .. , . . . • . . • • • • 1 quart Sarrota •••••••••••• 6 PareiJlpr ............ 6 Cora. . • . . . . • • . . . • . . 6 ear• Clbbage .. .. .. .. .. • • 1 bead Bcettr * • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 T'urtiips • • • • . . . .... Pear• ......•. ,. ..••• Wi'ttrmelon ••••••••

1 peck 1 -peck 1 )

Grapea •••••••••••••• 3 cluaters Cauliflower. • • • . • • • • • 1 Tomatoes .. • . • • • • .. 12 Onioae •••• • • • • • • • . • • 1 peck

Otber fArm prot1urto, rilJbnlls &wud~tl a<~ ahllvt> St~ 0 J i v P RsehiHd nr AIJV other ml'tnher or brr cnmmi&tc:>t' .w•tlt tt'tfl'l ttl t•• tJuq dvr•utmeut.

' . Esbtb1•ors must htH't• urown

tbe stuli' tbe.v f'll.tttt. t ~lot~~Cr!l, 11 II r k-nd Rlbb<HI$

award· d :~s atmv._. t;atHllllt.', rib• bo~s aw.-.rd· d. fhkwJ!. ribbl)llS awarded. See the A,teu1•ural Cototnitli'. ·

• h\\\cmr. .. \\()'1\

•.' •

PARADE will fottn em Atamn• , ~1o Ave. hieing west. 1st. car

;:uktd in ftool of tbe Ftrst Na• tioaat p.ulk. P.trar1e piloted by the Mayor. Otder as follow•: Cutitoso, Capitaa, Hondo, co(~ oaa atld;(llber scbM~ ll'atn9. Pa• nda wHI tad at the t...,mwtudt_y Hall. !5.00 lor best. decotat('d ·cat, \tUck or JJoat.

exblbtior~· wul a~visl' ir t&e1 w-ant -t b c r t products tetutoed; those Jeh wilf be snld rot thr Fair. Admi~iou S!lc .tor Ute Tttck

••~ntg ~t•tidaf• M ClJMI(~ · f o t $tb01'tl !1\ldent, ~tfd !cl:tool teucb" eta, Hatutdu for t 1:t e Corona .. lla~da Fool lhtl . 1:t" fiJ"~ Hb · (ot cblldrea: i!Sc hJt $Cbuot &ludents •nd' ft~>tbet8'. 50o lor :tU nt&~tt. 8ot C~ttiJO&o•CapU•Ui Jt~t B•H. Gatt~to, ithlli&\'liO'li s;u:zze u C<Jt(jna· Xoruto Gamr~ ~ lula,i'-"ti«nr tn R ll'!J.· k e t u.u.

. tamt't. t5 .ad 3~. to o~ fit~$ $t oo •. S~~t-.t9rl to dat~Cn S (le • .dO tbr"•tilotlad' ... . . . .. . ·~· : "

-Prize• ~-'

'lillli h•: ' "a&-=· J i

-Wiat~tt o~ Hi«b Selt~ 'ttaek M~t ••• h, ... ; ... ' Sll•uC•p . Wiaacra ot Gt.:dt Stltool·'l'r•tk Mttt· ...... ~ .... • • Sitt~t c., .

· . . . ·· ... · t-f tid•• luke.t Sa i 1 . . . · · . H~. ,. Sit•u l'tK1are Wi•pet ol lcKit Salt 1' o 1U • -." •••t ..... u ........ Sdffl ,._

r "~·· ' . ' i • . ' ..



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... ,. , .. ,

Page 5: .. J - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · Alamogordo vtsnors over tbe (A recttatlou by tbc lower gradts) and girls .t c am.

. ' .- ,., . .-· ,,

.. '"


.1<, -

.. ' -~-- ' .. '. . - \

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' i . ' r.·, . - '·,. / " I 'I '.r "~~:_ .• ~~:,~:.- 'l~'.$~ .. (1:~ ~- " "~ ··. :· ..•.. :. -..... ::,,· ~' ~·· . _.·: •, ; .. , ' ·," l' ' ' \), .• • ,, '· ,. •• : ~ •• ' •. '. >

.• :~-. .• • .... :~ !. . ::::: .'.:! : • :,. "'~ .. ,,:I!.,:] • : ': . : : : : .. ~.~·.~~· ·!!:!.!!:!. ~!.'!::·. ~;,~.~~.'=· ~~~· !!!: .. ~·.,~.!~;.:, :.~;·~:~:. ~·~.:~i:~'· !'~)~: :~.·.,·~::!~.· ·=.~·.~·~. ·~:·=:.,~·. =· ~ .. ~.e.~ .... =.;=·· .~: •. '!!! .~.=· .• ,~··~.=~ :=:.:~:!!!:. ,=,=: .. !!! ·=· e.·~=::::!!!!:~~:!~!~~:~·.~~!!-=· ·~· ,.~:. ~:~ .!~!!~:::e:!~~e:~::!!. e~!~.: ,· ~ · · · : ' · .· · ,. 1 a· r · ' ... , ·· · · · " e:J ·..: i · · ·· ·· · · •• ·} · .· ~~t~ e lt)eEh 4!\' 'Qliln,t i Y •J"Y.CUIUO~ $ ' .: .,_v . . . , ,. . ' . -, . )};;

.. , '' ····.·._,,·,, :.· ane~~ht~eron.,billdivlsim:t,i~ .... : .. ··~. ·.· ... · .. ,, ,·· ~·· · · , . ,. ·Job A: 'a ( . I . . . r' . . . lh~ s, p~ itOil~hal hf ~trf Ft~n· . . ~bt· re~ular ni~etiiig .Qf the ' .• ' ' ' ·.·· ' . • .. ~ . ·. ' ·I:

.· •. ·. . It, . ' ·.• .II ey e,llV.NI or .. t;l$CO ·~ htt"-1'101-Ull lUU.t.\ .uf (l(V ./"i. . ,· , .,...,. . nt ~'>1. b " L. ]'1' . ~ ·. ' . ·t', , "" .... ,. . . . ··e'· ··.· ... r·.· .... · .. ·.·······-·· .·· .. · .. ·.·.· ... a.· .. · .. ··s .... ·· .. ·· • · .. -••· ... · .. •.· '· ..... · •. . .. tl,. · ·.,. Pa&~ tomouow mornwg •to· liJ!IHU · · · • .... ·' .· • · . · ·. · . . ..,.arm;o~p. u OD11l. ~.¥1u · w~a H~"' · · 7 .. 1\l go tlirottghtll<' !:liuic~ ) ;:~ · .. , t. Of·tb.M. $\Qtgacb, rl . )b~Oo.wmu]lity. f:lo!Ul(l:.$.tt .tt'c.lrt " , , . .. . <I










· ··•• · • . . ·. . :. · . . . . . . r:;~,y N~~~HMHona. itr.e ~~ llk . S'-tui'!lilj( Ot;t. 3 , . ': ·~ · .. · , . . , · , · ._ · .• ·.·. . . . . . il.i· ; 1h l ~t~ ~· E trlliatron~ret"rtt~(l :~f~~:::~:~~~e ~:~:e~~i~~\~:~ MinCiultlotteRic~wAlllH>llt~s$, , .. . . · t . ' e · .. .. . ,. t ' · · ·k ~ ~; v!au inr~:?m~;:, t~i•r::~~~: lJ . A· L: v. Ni.ls~or1, oiie ~r·~tb; i::!~;~~; 4'J:~:~:~erl~~;::::; ' · · . JD.~S . .e .• 0 . , f!B . ·-.(Qe ·· . []

. Mrfl. l?nuH1ay~rir>iJ! TulnrnS!l litti!at .old Sc~tnditHtVil\llll whc.> ever Weatba.f~r atttl PerdiellJ, . : .. • ·. .. . ·· · · . · · \ · '· · ·. ' . {! tbi~ week, atten<ling ~fi~ bedshlf? C.~.me ~cross Ufe pot,td, Y1 a~· l.lP · Oelegates el(!cted to tlte $ta.te . Is.,., Gf)tillnble In 2a. dlllerellt ,.oifel8 · !i of. ~er· fat\ler, A. J; 'Gilmore, wbq StH_ur<\a.y Jto~,t~. .'l'"l(!.tQS!l, a: n .d :F·eaeratiou :Couveutiotl' ~fn. Ro~· ' · · · , . . ~ \ ill quite ill. · wbde lter~: :'us g 11 e ~-t of the wqH October-~6 and ~~.·are Mr~t ·• .prleell,iu,!o•J lftJ ·~40-.,;,eo•JIIete 1f1lt6 llodll t

Ulaneya: 'l be OliJ VIking ~~· '1\ A~ Speucer ll.!td Mrs .. GeQ, -1\. · . . i • Tbe Carrh:,.ozo football tcaD1 m!lny fWHt.ds .her~, wb!.'!re he u~~d Titswerfb; alternates: Mrs. J. . : . • . • ' ' t

w(Sitl plar·n W"'rd t,eam tomorrow to Jav~. and htfl. vtsh1> ate always ~eutield.-alld Mrs :m .. K. ·vvellt· • · 1 · ~tqrd~y) on the Jocql gi'Q\lnds. wnrmly w<,>f~otllcd. . baler• . 't . •. · • - ~ ·


. Ihvt• your nulHtJagr for tb~ countrr stnte rt>atly. lt wiil be Cafleg, for lhe Uf"t I)( ti)l! WCCU,

·· . . Co'M~nffl~n.

Amwum:cment reacb< d: us lhis Mrs. J L. ~a wsoq, Chairni'~tn . ~' week of the btrtb of a we-t- girl to 'Of the Comm~Jnity Ser.viee :«1ep~rt· !< · Mr. and Mr••· Q·,.rgq W. Vent, m~nt·repo.rted that Supt. Groce , 1',

· Sep ember '23 at. Tr,ntdaa. Col• needed $4.S~ for purcbbipg bopks l,'!OTBI Trnr~• l~·••m U7-lncb R pr~do. Venta !~ce ·Was lbe na01r for needy children aud the Club prlet:tl•t$4MJU · Stakl) Tmek ~

•· . :v· L ~ JoitJa.r.~t tbe. lJ~ptint 6{1Villl the. y 0 "u g lady. . 'l'be v~ted to ao'llrti'c tllat allloUnt. a~openCIW . . •a I 0* . pu or~ w 0 !!pent thQ grc4ter grand p~rents' of the little one Mrs. Tully, of Glene~~ . Preai· pick-up. <o-f-"""''~ ' , .P~'* 0~ Ute week in lJel~9• h~s will ~e t«imc'?b~tccl by all early den\ of the Fourth I)ilitrh:t of.Uu:

·ret!mn:d, anll WlS aeeompanied CarriiOf:IQ re!ltdents, P. J. Vent New' Muico Federation llddresa·

• t, J; ' !

by Mrs. Jor4an, · · · · b • h. t "' b~vJo!"• een o.u opcra,or e .,e :an" ed the Club on· the SPbject of a

~t~tmf~ Ch~tven ~iTI aervC' Ta· m•les a ud Enchiladas 'toU~crrow (Si~turdar) cvcniug. from 5:30 t<' 7:()0, at lwr lwme on lbe nuuth side Shr will hi' pleased to st•rh all wbo enj •y bot dbbeu

Ius w1fc, formerly L11la Broolung, County Federation. We w ish born in Lincoln county. tbe entire mcD1bcrsbipcould ~I)Vt>

Baptist Chllrch . beard laer explanation or· the

-Rev. L. n. lordpn, Paator. . . '

nee~ and ptJrp.ose of couJJty F•d· eratlons Mrs. J. M. B.eck Member


' . • '

' , ! ' II •

u, ae.tual I'Oild t>erfotJU .. · ancd, week after week, . .

1 ' " .

Today~ any truck Ul/ler can apply thla

ecQIIomy to Ida '1'"'' P.,,.tlcular f«<t'h • ' ....

The current Chevrolet commercial car •

line covers pr!lcticulty every delivery · . • •

und hauling need. Twenty-five cWter- -cn't moclcls. llqlt•ton and 1%-tou

• • abip Chairman reported ·t It r 1:) e • • •

month atter montll-Ulc six-cylinder Chevrolet haa proved its right to be called America's m'os~ economical t,.r&ck. OwJlera have found that on a ton-mUe baala Chevrolet costs less !or

pay-load capacitlcs. Throe wheelbue

0. L. O~ron, who haD been in Sunday Scbool lit W:OU A, M, tbe Paden .hollpital nbout twCI· -R. V • .-Sbnw, Supt ~ .. week!!, 1t!l the rc11ul-' of a ·true& 1 'Dr J. C. Owen, Secretary of accident, waa takeifto his home i tlic State Mu;sion Board. wtll ncar t>QIIv I ant Saturda-y. The ~·brio~r the mcnnagc nt · 7:30, Sun• ea:ecta ofl \be tojury arc gradu· dny evening. •111 dinllppcariog, · tbougb con·· · ----siderablc time wall elnJiliC b.: fore Pet Sale- 0. ~~. b'rnokliu Black Mr n,rou reaebco 11 normal COb• L~g Bacterin; and Dtack Leaf 4(}. dltic>O. Tbc Tit!lwortb Company. Inc.

The original official· Head IJght • . and Brake Station is at •

Where High Class Worbnansbip and Depression Prices •


• •



new tntmbcrs. Miss Bruok. Mills Stover and Mies Everard: Mrs Hendren rqlurted one new mem· bcr, Miss Edna Ptlngstcu.

Song Amertca the BcnutifulliJ' tbe Club wllb Mro KeJh•y at tbr piano. Rending by M isa Ricr M,y "New Mexico:"

• l'am longing for your moonlight . . .

otg bts. Your rosey·tiotcd dawn.

The golden rayn JJf ) our setting Sun •

• • After tbe day cs done.

Your 1ucca trecsso sltm and tall. Whb bells of ivory hue.

Your 01esaa there, so flat and bare.

And suow•cappcd ·mouutaill!t teo Your ~rysttl brooklets running

-ke~ , Midst Nature's beautico grand; And flowcra rare are bh>ollliuc

. ·there. In Godll own chosen lond.

Your· woodland gladeg so fasr to see.

· Your stately pines so toll.

"' -~,_,::_;::-~_____;,-_,:. __ ==: ~"-- __..~.-..:::.-;;;.;_, ___ .,,_~:.. ~- ~ , "- ···-~ __ _,_____________ ..:.. _-.. _·.-::.:,;_ _;_.:;.__.:;,-z;:.~-- -----=~"'-----~;:;';-...:-==---:;.=--=-=""'-=c- .. --=··~==-··=-<--·--·---·::.::=---== . . \ .

.'1 • '


gaa and :oU, leas for upkee~ and let~s for. suvloo than any other· truck­rqardle88 of the nu~or eyllndcrs. And price-eomparison wU111how tlaQt.

' tltla btg, •turdy Chel'J'olet Slx ls one or the lowe~t•prlced trucks you cmt buy •.

lengths. A wlcfo·vnrloty of Chevrolet• • •

· dcslgncd,lltld Chovrolet-huUt bodle~.

J~st numo the type or t.-uck ;rena

ucQd...:.~md you will veri' likely find

it in Chcvrolct'lt ~11-lnclualvc Uno.

.· OLET ~hNDER TBUfJKS · Jl•r ~w:>e•t Xr•u,.rU.tl•• C..t

\.-.-. • • • •a"

. . V. Reil, Prop. NEW MEXICO . .

City Garage • • CARRIZOZO,

• ..

' • _:; -=- " • ,:.0.,

I worabip you, mf Mother Sta~·~ ~I; _i : i liEd ·; : r;:: :lii:I":E:E:52:JIE::::5 The fnirE"st of them all • CompoArclbv Wm L WeberJr., DAJ l.., Y

age 17. B•Uv inn Ut'pbew or Mil'!l Rice.


. " Paano solo, Virginia Ji'agan. Readanu, .. ·rhc Emirzrant", Mrs. Koogler. J)i!JilO solo, Helen May Y(.)tmg. piauo sblo, Mrs. W. C',


.PA ••penwt•t 1Cer4

DE· · lltodrcu, soug, "0 Fair Nrw

Mexico" by the Assembly with Mrs, Hendren at tbe · pi a u o, piano soln, J<uth Lvdia Penfield. All shipments, regardless

· size, delivered to place of of


..,. .. '.af, tr.mtlrt·.-..--1· VXi!.Mf•;u

...,.._..,Lditiultt . •••til ~·~~ • ...,.,., ~~



98 . EACJI -.

. Vt · Rtil~ Pllf. (if{iliZO, fte'J Mei. . . '

' '


After tbe delightful program deHcmus refresbmeute were -ser• ved by t!te hostesses, aod guest •.

· were tbeo shown tbrouf:b the Crdt Shop .

Tbe meeting was greatly co•

~ Business or residence •

joyed by aU present. aud we hope A S .. · . 7 1. d tbc ladies ot 'li'ort Stanton, and . erVrqe vnSUTpa&Se vicinity writ, atdljit U!l llf!nin ,

The uext r•utar meeting wi11 • • . he Not~. 20th,};~ttbe home of Mrs. ~I!! · 3 ' : :IS;·.; .. Ul. · , 1E2:S25 r;:::::~~:~~~ tg~·:!::~;. ~~~:' ~··=;---~-·~~-·· . : . . . . .~ _ ~"' .. _ _ ... "-~~,~-~ -·- .. _*" .. &

n-~n Ji~d Ct~wfard. Program~ • II 7 ..,,. 9J =-;: ... ..,;o. '[ ~ . . llt:l Put:.Hc_W~lfa~e in tltarg-e otf ' T. H ... ·E. ·s· ·A· N.IT .. ·AR•· ... y·. o··. A·. I.R. .v· ' Mts. J, a. Frt!nc;b. ' . I • • • •

Red c;~;; R~JI Call I .. .. ... . . . Price List · · ·· • 4- •


l • ' ' ', !

) I '

j 1 ' ~ 1 .. ' .J : i l ' ' .

I J ' ' J • ' . ! >




i . ' '

. ' n l ( l .

~ ., \ . ' 1 . . , '-' '


Page 6: .. J - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · Alamogordo vtsnors over tbe (A recttatlou by tbc lower gradts) and girls .t c am.

I' I ' '

• •

·I <1

. ~

" ~~

~ ~ i! ~ ~ ~ \f . ·~

~ •

.. '

-- ' ' I ' " ' ' •'/ .. • ~ t. ' . ' • ' ' ' . . ..· . . " . J .

. '' . , . , Lll(QOLif QO.UKft..'lJ:IWI · ... ·>. . .. .· ... · .. . . . '· ·. , · . . .. .




NOJlTB ' . ,_..

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........ L.AH • \'IliON


('I'I'IU lw•~o,t)

c.,,. ...... ~, wuu ••• , .......... '7 '

THE &TORY -·• HI• bandito bold up tho 'nte•m· Pr, Mldnljl'lll tlun, em tho )ln<J• k•u••~. kill Jimmy alonll!'omery, and oA<'al)o wllb ~rold dUAl nnrl, r u ro At "'• lll(lunt'~4 1;o11ca pout • 1 Yurt l~ndutance, Elerll't, Allln ll1>kor dlapulea wllh hi• lni!Om• P•tent ouvcrlnr, Jnapl'clor Jlllllk•

... 11, rou:11.rdtuw plAna tor tho CliP· • uro uf tho !JundJts. ll411flr atnrto ""' lro lha rmlh•a IAIIIICh with nvo ,.,.,. A I I h• ~ltu· ~liliAn 1r11~ln11' 1w•t J,,,.,.o l1n£AUIIa.n ta 'thrl Jed ul I hfl a.rrlvnl "' tho Jlf Uc.•o IKIH•· 11 tJho .had eapof'ted to ruc.~r r, Jlu.kt~r. nnd hnd 1Jo.,11 e~IUJ•••"d nt thh unwn th41 hit \Vn• '" tuorry l·:ltz'nbbth fJroi\Uh11nu, Mt••ltHa turD nro tuund on \ho ~!Ac• ~~ 1 It an pia•" ~uuJ ~~tvldehC'4) pol n ta tn J•,vu., a fathnr AJan Ianda bin PI ""'II 1 l"'' u1• t h• lllu Aloopl<n. o .,,.,,,.JI.,d ~Y IIAakoll'o fonllah "roJuro to tllvldo lho Jlllfl)', Al"u loll• lo I'D I• I uro I he lu•ndiiA. 1111d rrt u rt1D I u Jlort ~ndur'ln(·a. Jlnak • Pll l•llun•• hUn for tho fulluro a11ol Alan 11 clluwod to buy aul "' lh• Muuntt:"d un condiUon tha.t ho al>aoho lluak61l frotn blruoo Ahu• rJlArl• uut of lho country In a motor rtuwe

CHAPTER VI-Continued -14-'

'fhP Plhuu~tlrm llltlt hnd tlrulnt'tl lwr

cliP.P~ • .depentlln~ ent11'cl>' ou J\1• ow.n wQufd,.l)o Jo)1Jier wnJc be'4 ·~ct¢11, Pt WIN COMI!ASSlON. · ·. · ·: ·· '· · ·.. · ·.· ·.· . ;: . . · .. •- :· K , .. · ... , · · ··s· k.... ·.·. v0· .. '· · · ·

tei!Obrcew, tre ~)lllctt!d, tfJ Cllt t~n Ill!) II hill OWI'I :tretl- wm. ,.,PerbPP•.· tf ~. . .· ·. ....., ..., .. BB"'RS'. ' . ... . . ..d . . ,.. . d . een'iit n .II UBI· .. •tr(lm th~ ta.11t~ tlwe ot UTe tutot;~>m· k.new tllJM. truth. ihl! ~I.JM 11HoY blm ·. · · OF J yy 0 AO .. _,:,.. ...: ·.· 'J'h9 Nt~w. ,,..,..~~!l!! ~~fA!: yant~ ~ · ··a..· . r.:'-.:..u..!w.~~.,;;... ~ J)~n)': bQll.lll, ~·~ . · · · . , JO tel!tlmff, thefr'Vt!l b!UI1lll.C;7'i • _. • ;v.ut. . · · . ' . .j.· , . , ,Jl'JAA .·l!QJX!I:IliJIIIf~ {lq ~OJ.)t·~ J.llalll ..._ -="lMIII oll'~ll r:.a';.:'~l.:.'=t .. . ln tll~ J.<! . . r•, .IJS he.Jt!tred J<;u~~~beth, wh11.Ht b~r1 She w~11 waJt• · . · · . ' ' · . . , ; ~CIA: Uu~. pl&lltl!IJ: ot'3,1~o.ooq tro11~ ~· ~~.Y4::=.i~i.C,"';l-• .. ·J!"''"'-I:

rev~rl,(l ''~ ·t r1i ll.~tm rln.~t phi¢ J~Ui~: lnr, waiting tJJere_ 11t. ~nthlf~!IC.l!, !1'/~ .. Me-. W~!> ~t: Tw~ W ~~-- :JlU!11lf• . lltatl.l Gam, W:•t4ell, ~IJlott n:' ~-;:.::;,~+~.::...a:' r..::t':..~..... . .,, wu bOrn-' Jn JlpPU A n that be :Jmil. Jllm to rpnm• h~tr. ~n bcmor and tatth Sh . Pity WJJ. Jaf. \ . .lJar,er •llf!l .ln $.lit.. 11'11 recently. . ~'"''"'"'' ~ '""''~.....-;~·~~ . ·

f!lr~ver' cut hfltlli(llf !Itt: rr~ml lite here .lie ~Qllld not br~k I! WilY now. 'l'h!l~ ow. .· • . . ' Ul 't!J!I fnteratat' !;OJ\lnl8fllil co¢mlsr . . . $orrJ' 1~•1 W•ite!l: ·. . In thlll ~PtUI cquntry, ltq. felt Ill 11C<!re~· 11n~ Jl!IWeri!Jl clr~~~~~a,ta,ql!~ .UU JJe~~a• Jo ~IT~ lllOit.At. W81ih1P«t9D.·hu a'tdhP!'Jted th4 The)' bnd w11tted u~fll. tlle Jut, t11ou;fHto h#ll' t>!!eil tQrn li!!_h?:. t,hf' b(Jtmll him ll!ltl ~?old 11tod him to.her • , · . '~ 11 1 · ·· b · 40 · ··t· TWrteen t ana .see ~·Atd!l." fl'll)tlf, · ~tha11111teliJ M hni'J toundeit at .. att"l.rfi .. fJ(e.o ·• :.: -..:~; ,.;;. • l! · A, :Pnumnon4vllll'r Quel}ee.~he · C.'t'f ~ .. Qw ~A ~!~ .... 11i:;~ .... ral.lwav night or opem ·0 gfo · th t' · uJ4 Fort Enclurtmc~ hnd beP.n hill' own • • • " . " . · • ' , • , ot a hl.llPieQ bilbrllttrr&S a apll~k Pt a&JM• •• .,.. ~.,...,.... · ,,..... " tbl!iklllg thnt per IOJI!I . 11 \'fO ' •

creutlo~. Po hnd ·been a builder" In A hniC·mlle up I !'I the 11~ ·cloudB~ .plt11!l U.e .ll~rtt .o~ ~f ~nQ1en1 ·an• . ~~=val :"u,!!~· Nil;" Uerl®, U11ra.n. be;r!: ai~i:e t~~~il;t i~~~~r!f :~t· Wl !IWP ·right, J<'rom the xvou!ld up, up nbo\'e Ul.e oprett;v ~:l.t;v ot ,l;\lm..OI)J!IP,. er . they. h114 b~utall7 b~ten and . ~~~ . 9D. o '-~m· · . •he. tur~ed t(l him wltb a atum 'W Vori. f!JttJurilill:ll IS~Ionge(l fo lll~; · lie lfr, "8uzznhl" Ft~~~herot W!lli'(Jroppl!lr , robbe\1 Jwil <let®~el~a ""OD!411) 111 thelr - .IJ~rty ·Tinal,er, li'o.rt Thllif.ll8 •e~-vlc!! .. ooilness 1.. 111111 c:rled. "J ~ust ~ .. and Curt llnd .lhnm.Y hnd cut the Vlll'Y out toy pnr.achutell cnrrr1ng tr~ cake• bomQ her\!. . c · ' • . 11taUon opetator. tt•l! tound guilty Jn "· · · tll 11 t t limber 1Qr llltrra.ske ilntli cablrt£ . The antl J!rlrlte•l matter or. th~ E·Z. !(tee~· · ln the !Didat 0t I'IID.IIacklfig tbl!l bl)m• · cou~ at Cla~toll, ~- M., o' •econiJ de- ·membere4 thnt 1 left t te 0 •WfC: work had been hi• pnrtleuJnr wQrk In· So1111 a~d Wushlng, P.owder Co9Jpjlny, or r.eate~ J.ellcfl, ·one c.t tllQ tw.\> pau.ieil gree JD.Uriler 'ror 1ite slaying qt JJelva heater on. We've J:O 0 10 r · . lite. •ser~:.enm D.aker of Endurance'' r.td. ' . . · to carry. the blibi trom tile Gt<!lll:ld w,ll~, bfsbw~r. ~ttl!orer, at Ji'Qrt bo~~; mnde a' hurried. exist, N~. ~toml for t~omethlng.. 'rJ1erp w•11 but Jle wua tlroo •. surr, llungry and lnile- 1Joor tO' an U{lpel' bedroom. wheret It~! 'l'hQmaa Jut .JIIIY.. yellr they're ;;o!Pg tq .see tllat tber one such mun• In thp l>otnln~on, !'low scrlbnbly bored. motl,l~r la;r bOil!)d ~ud 111g1ed, a!)d to , T~ Jlumb{ll' qt at!'AI!Iled m!ltorlata buy tlclretl:l tor tlte openlnJ 1!lcbt.-ho wn11 cut QI'J' fm!Jilt, an allen .or fo11t t>urlng the lnte wnr nuzznrd bad plnc9 lt on the bed beside b¢r, llDd hltfh;blkera amvtnr; In BIUltu Fe Gl1,1velan!1 Plnln Dealer. Identity, .never to he ll, JliU'{ of Jt, the lmock~ un IIIIHOI"te.d nulllber of Fpk• Mrs, f,~ch, ~1 pres!!nce ·o! J\11~~. Ja areiu)'lr Jncrn•lnr, pollee of that ;:uldlng genlu11 ot lt, llt:llltl.. kers, ruuJu~rs an!l Albatrossell out ot .concenled a valUAble lllamQnd rlnl , city report. 1101~ of the travelers are

on tho thlr1l tinY ho me~ a lone-11m tbe nlr: hnd come· •lown hlmHelt a from the tllle'·~ Mter tbelr deP,nr- 'bi>I1D4 tor d~tlllatfon11 east or we•t of l~tllan, 11 >:or111g ('biJIIlwyun wnnder· courtlo or tlpu!l rnther Jlreclpltntel)'; ture she !fiOU&ht f9 es~:a~ 'by cllmblnc Santa Fe · · · · h•~: a.lmle!!nlr, with 110me Hecret per- qnd once, . rommnnd)nl: a tlve-ptnne fr'om tJie bedrQi.l,m wlndoyt, but tell 20 · . • · I · 11onul tragedy 'preying on htrh. Alan c(rcu~. bud brought down a Supl!r• teet and wu .shercl;tlnJUttld. · · · li'll;ure~ jua~ complle!l by tbe Arl· tnult him Into the matot canoe, nna to· Zcppelln In thf.\ Cltnnn~l after Jt Jmd . Polfd. u 811 rnen; 'ona.lltatll. board.ot bealt~ ~bows there 1Mhrr thi!Y truelc~d on. llnrdly dropped ltK "eJ•S" In cnbbn#6 p~tchea Til b ndlt ' 0 0 · • " 4 · ell-tlresaed were au more blrthil tban death~ In spt~nklns: u do<.en worthl 11 llnr. U1ey around dnrllencd L?n1lou. -gal~e: ent ..-..{0 ~~~! ;11 u.: b . · sine. Arizona ct11rlng July. There were 778 wol'ktld on u11 tha lfn~lcen~le, lllel.'plng , Sltico .Jilli;-Uturn to CMnda, nuzzord all srilesrnen.~beu drew 9 revol:e: anJl birth• And 5~7 ~tcatJla, or the bnblca hy tunu1, Htwlllng e11cl1 other nt the hnd tnk!!h n lllns; at ncrlrtl mnp.mak· d .11 M 'te h ill h · ·1d ..._ 400 were male• Md iJ78 fem8lell. r.notor. llalnlng u blanltet Aul,l to a lng .In JlrltiMh ('~Jiumblu: hn1l w.orked or ere l'IJ, nc 11n. er ma u.. . t)llrthnnut wind, they ~111.'\ld!led neross n IJt'ntJqn with the JlanltQbll Fire l're. stnll'l, wJJere they tore up. bedshee.ta St~kbo11lera or lbe Pb~lpa·Do~"o u1r l"lrmd·tlottotl Ill kit trum llPHQiiltfrm, \'ell lion, 1111 .n . "llmokc ltnwk": had with which to bini! them, l!orpof'llt!Ott, one of tho lar;;est IIUita and whlp1,, ... up the Q 11ntre l~ourchCll bombed pnpler-mn,•ho f•rcnch chnteaui Suddenly reulb:lllg tlu~t .Jier valuable Jn tho t1lP!Xlr Joiluatry, with large 1~to~ 111 toward J•'ont limit h. •lrm'n nrnhl the flower• nnd climate ot ring Jay , on the dresiJin~r tnl>le, Mrt. 1JoldluJ:11 In Arizona, ut a special mt'llt·

wat<•hlng tlu• dim 1·1outled Htnfll 1,011 Angele" Leach sentciJ he!'lclt ;ou f\ chqlr ta {nJ tn Now Yurk, approved tJio .mer-nho,vc biro, Alan lookJ•d llll•mlll,v 111 Jl~cl!ntl)', tired of working tor •Other front ot It, and fclgtterJ to coll!IPSfl cor with tho .Calumet A Arizona com· I he •two .:lrl11 who t111tl loomed 110 tnrgo • folk, 110 htltl raked toguther ·aonie over the table In .an outbotl!t ot tea~, papy, upon hlu munhoml. In thlll la&t week mom•)' nnd brought n mnchlnc ot hill sncceedlnl: In conr:eallpg rho rlnc down · Tbo Now l\lcxf~oq Military lustttuto n rnt1wtywm hull hnJtJWnetJ In hill life, own, which ho now w11s llylng. th~ front ot her dre~s. udel11 llt LtoswcU, ~. J,J,, are ~Ins to 'hrl'nklng Into the ••ld ord11r, blnl!tltllr tt wns a qul!er nnmPIC411 contrup. 'One ot tho twQ bound Jlle, wbUe help the cotton 1rowora u much Ill! llw r\11.'11 routine of wellk nnd month tlon thht mnnoptnne· ot Jila-nn * the other tlccl my m._ld, lrn(leklng ber posKibJ.o, The caileta thli year wlll ,,nrt' Ml'nwh. · It bud OJI(mr.d 1111 l':f~ In 11embhiKC or plnpo wlrr., t;anvaa, spruce- about rougllly 11• be. rlltl 110,'' .lira. alcep 0~ matl,OPCII renovated and o dcf!pcr wny tbnn lll'er hotoro to tho and Iron, helrl togl'lhl'r lly lurk and J.enr:h told pollee, ''My tonrue Ia atlll filled with cottoc. It It eaU!IlAted tllat 1,rl't'louii11Pllll of bla lnllmttry with uuzznrd'll wlzurdry nt IIYIIII:· It bad swollen nod aore from tbe t11ht PI forty lllllea w11J. be neeelllary to tul Jo¥<'1!, lo tho vrlcoleM IJUIIIItf .ot Uu•lr nrl~:lnn-Jiy bc<'n n White flpl'cdah' with U•~1 ~led In JIIY lllouth. ,n of the. JW1Urease11, torml!r l'omrndeshiJJ. . Now, when u "Jenny" rm;lue, but lte had re-dopeeJ After tho me11 went downatalra I 1 There wJJJ ·btl 110 "l,tfll" or mltlplght wna lrnocnllnble, be w1111 nRidng him· the tnbrle aqd JIUt In q aeeond·band beard my bnb.Y crying, and trled to ce- c 1 bad

..JWJLl\·hl'thur t110 motive nrul powerful wi11rlwlncl arid equipped It wlti, third- cnpe. 1· lOt one . arm rree, · but Ju»t :~~ar.:;~!a c!!~t~u~~~·~r :~~m~ l'lrrum11tanco \Vhlrh llad actuated him hand under.~~:enr or the lloat·wlieel tllrm one ot· Uto men returned. Ue r.lou~ra llt a recrnt melltlnl went 00 wore hurnnnb' Ju•llflnble. JJod .not ho f,\lll'• ••ul ovr,ll8ull'il Jt generally till beat me .With bls nat and then tied ro(oord wllh 011 order proyldlnc that und Joyce lmd 11 right Jo hRppllu!llll7 llttlo ot the otllflnal machine remJtiJled, me ognln, more llnn!y· thlln ·ertr.• , all county. office• 111811 'be t·loaed rrom

. Forty years. old But looks 20 .

• loud ll'fl hl'r \'f'f1 IIUit•l of mind. Hill' ff>Uid think t'lrnrly, In thnu~:hiii'Jill'' 1 I at' nn•l rntlnnal.

·llad ""· In 11111 lltem llllcrlllro, been Only 11'1• warm trlerulalllp· with tbe" Pollee ltart a .. rcll. , 11, m. unUI 7 a. m .. and thl•. or blind to Ulll lll't'd' ot 11111 hurnrtn l•c•ntt1 nvlntlcm ln~I•N·tor ki'J•t It from belnc Tl10 other bandit llnallf ~rought the courao, ntrecta the marrla;:ll Ut'tln&e

'flrt?•J out by 1111111 ot lntoe•rrant Jnnk.,,J. lluL llllrnuhow-and this I• baby upstlllra. otter wblcb the1 tockccl lrll\'1'1, he tell IIHh'•'(l Ill hilt. and tho .ro~k·bOitlllll tr~t of 110)' 11)'11'1~ rna• the two women In tliO brtlronm. lll'!lo clerk. drc>t~mrd IJ1Rt In hill l'Dbln ll had h!M•n <'lllun-lt liRtl urovrr yet cocne rtowll Ltat'h 0110111 treed herulf from btr El&htoell JJUDtera worlclllc a totul Jo)'t't', -tlot l~lhuthoth. whp11u nrm hnd t1rtoro nnr.ziml ·wnnlt•d It to. And It bonds and, unable to opeD tlut doo.r/ 'Of 474~ dar•, -kllled lU Pllldllol')" ht•cm nrnund· 111m tllld who w011 wultln.~t clld lrne IIJIOCd: unytllln& JarklllC tied the 111me cloth• "ltb whlcb lhe a1ilmala In N~:w Mexico d1fr1Jl; the ror hlrn wlwn 111111 'lone ndn•ntnrt IIPtl'd would nevt'r' ltllYo .. lhlllt!l Jltlll. Md ~n bound Into an lmproYI~d month or Ausuat. accordlns to the 11houht bo elldc•d. Sud• u It wn-. It w81 his verJ< . .own t ropr, down which she altr.mpted to monthly l''llt.l&lol')' anJmal alid rodent

You fti1111ht IIIIo h1altlo "'"'''• Ju)t'l', and )'IIU wun II. 111111 tlu•n )CJII luuulrtl I hi' •worol hut'll In )'llllf rn~>mT nnd 1111'" him J>nWf.l O\'l'r )uu n11uln. Wlu•n IIIII Oral Ioiii 11111 lunt full of Ahtn'a "''ltDIII'mrnt , <Ill you rnmrmhrr ~Jtr lwrorlhrl'all nf lhn11t> Wt>rka. Joyl'e7

\' ou nnoii.J '""" "''"'" It, you l'oll· •lu••rPrl lhll "'"" yon permlltrtl your· nf>lt to hnJifl a,;ulra.' Wlwn Alnn mt•rriT rnnll' r•n"l ""'" on n Jttllrul, tlfh•r IIIli)'· 11111 uwn7 frurn 1nu nil u lult•r. you ~··hi \tlltl "llh 110!1(1

l.tuat nlllhl Dill l'nme tu )UU un~'l' A !lOIII ; lmrl Df11't hf' lrfl, )'OU t'OIJIIJIAI'II

1 hf!ro "" II loll rol'k. Joyl'r, don't In)' JIIUrtlrlf OJti'IJ In IIUDn)' llUt'h Dll lh!lf, You mual fnr;;t•l Alan llnl.l'r. Yon mual. tml tntiAI' \'nn f'Rnnot tum lhh• WOY nr llrnl: )1111 l'!IIIOOI t>t'lldl' II; )'Oil

Ulllal wnlk lhrol l>ttlh. You mu•t f!~l'r a£nln look l11lf'k l'nu hove bN•n Jllllt, IJohrd fnr lnnklnu baf'k, and your JIUII· tahmnul lona bi'C"II terrlblr. In 11elf· prl'ttPnnllnn ) "" muat fnra~>t Alan Jlaktor.

IIA ahf> ln.r~thrrr ~tnllnr: 111• nt Alnn'n c•ldure and IW«!ln~: hl'r n•urt"' !IV rtenr­IJ, II '"""'''" Ju Jorro thor If ahr l'illlhl dfllroy ld1 lntnt:P thl!rtl nn the drt•lll~>r, It only 1hr hod UtP roumr:o to dn lhat, II woultl bo o ll)'mbnl of dl'lltroyln; hl1 lm•r• In h~>r hl'nrt.

A flr>r a Ill tiP 1wbllo ahr ;nt 1111 from tl•• brd; and 11nlnr: cnrr to thodrl'lnr. br;:an tnklna nut or II all ot A.lan'11 ll'!lrl'll to ""' Thi'J tlatt!ll bark nl'roaa all rr:~n. Ollrlrr~l'tl to her h1>n1. at hPr rolleql'. nt Clltnwll -nil nf lht>m rnrrfully ltl'n•urt'tl. 1'nt'k h)' tsnrll llu•J wl'nl tntu lho ~rto<tr.

'(hl'tP WUI !:DOd DUitllf1 tor JO)'t'P

In thl' Ortn nntl Ullh1'1111Rnl WU)' •hn lllll

oln•ul hnmlnJ: thllm. 11o hnd £tlvl'n l1er more than. 1!1 trw

IIYf'WIIII' II l'ODIIY nhJ.ttuohlnnl'tJ ID\'tll• """ whkh had hPrn bl• mothl!r'l: n rntntntnro bnJ•«' rnll8l of ln•tla•tlllc kl'nhlt'fll whlf'b bntl ht't'n tho ell\')' ot hff roll«'llP frlrnrla: a ll<iltt"and·lfllt)' huntlltl knlf(l: n WTiat watelt for rrad• nallon Jli'NI'III, and a tloun ICIIII Cll• Jtt?Dil\'O ;ltla. Jnyro ll.'lhl Slllde thl! luallll'l'o to &if'lld to Ellllllbcth; but '"" utht'l ro:tn• llhe (JI'!Ill'll.J'f'd b7 Ort'.

Kbto took hla piMure rrom thn drtit•· t>t. and bumr>d lt.

Afttor'Wllrila aho 11:1t by thr htbll' "r1Jin11 n long IPIIrr to bar biii'I!OU clolt-f In Ottnwn. trlllll!: him (runkly •l~nut hor fnthrr, hl'r ltll(le to tl)t, her r~uh11t vlndlrniNI an1l. then to brine him on'l' to Ottftwa· 1VItb Mt: lind n~klntz htm If hla tormnr prnmh1e of a IJORitloU WhNIIl\'el" JlhO \\'lllhN1 to n-turn :wna •till Rt!Od.

.\t f'ort Smith the lu'ltvJ ntlu~t lind and•no mothrr wu evf'r prouder of • climb from tbe window. tt broke. control l1!PQJ't recentl)' rele&Wtd Jo· rrntlerl!tl thll •dstellll•mlln porta~e lrfl· rroM-e;yll.'d, •n:~r:):lt"lnothcd t>hltd than bo"·ever., prcclpltntfnl her to tlle Santa Jo'e. One hundred 1111te balta poMihlll lo t<'nm• nnd to ll•o 11\0illr uu;.uml wn1 c1f 11111 While SPtlcdalr, crouod. were espolll!tl fot\rodt'nta and 43 were u:urk• n•l•lth 11ll?d that •l.rptc~l. AJ:m Ue Willi, ho>A'r\'rr, nmhltlnu• to .cet AI BOOn 01 sho regnlned .conaclou• dntroycd. - · • d.lrefJ not wnlt, hl11 rl:l)l "ero ton d biJt llt'\Y Do llu,·lllanll, ,ro tlutt be ne" &Ira. Leach drag~;ed hi!tsclt Ia· Plan• ror 11111 ycar'JS Ho1ldorado J>rc~.oloull. ru hhr tll>~'llllon Jo llwon, hill rouhl anf«'l)' tnkr 1111 n r:lrl dnwn Ia bortoualy 10 the home ot 1 nel~tbbor JIA&e.ant llt Tombllonl'. ArJJ.. Jiclletl· ,·nunr: C'hll•l!wynn frlrhd 1111111' with Knmlt,npll und mrry her ntona wttb who 11ummonc4 the pollco nod atd.d uled for October t to 'U, lotlaelve, him. Nhuulctrrlnl.f • thl'lr l'tillt. thry him on. 1111 11IfT pnth ot lit~. nut In l't!ICnllllll: tbe maid .from the locked are raJtlc!lt taklnr form and uery pl~~tllll'd ~l111f1!11Y 1Jl'rtl811 tlmt llllllPt'rf. with 011 ndrl'rtltlng or bill' rolnJl:lny •• room. membcr or the «enan.t c:omhlltltl hna rl'tl•l'lll)' lltrolrh to r~ltxgt•rald. back him. UII&Ulrd )IIIII tound thll 4!XJrrcl<l!Cd tbe opinion that tlle 1931

Amonsr tho nortiJ.IJOuntl rruwd wr,~lt· frtP·Innre work to be tou&;b atcddlnr, p 1' , B Jf E d VlltJnt wJII oo 110 tu aupertor to Ins: Uuort>, llr 111101tf!d tho tall. •dh;htlr• ·tlad toun'l cllmcuiiJ kf!fltllna up reo 0 ICC!\'an I U et n I 11retJou. puacntatt11ua Utcre wlll be IIOIIIll'll llr:ntu of SIIJ!ethltcmll!llt Wit· Jllllrtl Clll hill old . mn<'hlne. let ctlope " Career of Dbtieat Doa DO tlomp.uJaon. llnm"on, who Willi ~:olnll norllt to In• geUJru: 11 IIPW our.. Jobs wrre ah~r th llflt.'<'l tlw duwn·rln•r poat11• 1'he IIU• . nrf'ldenla. F.xc•t•pt tot the folnt 11011111• l'Jttsburgh.-A policeman's buller bna • Thoro will bo no n-;ductlon In 11 prrlntl'nd1•nt wn11 the tn~t JU•rlWn In 1111111 or murderln" scmlt' more "ru• Jellied ''Tho Mop" after 111lc rrora ot ft::~l: tlmll on dovea tbiJJ yur, the .Now

.. ,. hnrrled exllll'Jtco alneo tho order wna )(cxlro alate itUno IUld tlsh oommiJOo thr \\'nrld whom Alan \\'llll,ll to rnePt. hojlp~ra orer lll.'nr Jllgh lfnt, the work IBBUNlngalnlrt him to "ahoot to kill Qn Ilion ncentlt d~eldcd. A request bad Ula llrlll loo\lll('rlor oml'rt wh('tl hi' IJP Willi OnlllhlllS: thla flOOD Willi tho ln11t ll"ht,". bteli til. iJ1 ;'11tlit tllfJ Umlt be -'ucctl, llrtlllnntctl rrom tltfl"AwkwArd Squntl," thing In Dlllht. " '..,.. .-~u Wllllnqnum hnd '"'"" ~:nod to him nnd "' he heuvrrl ovrrhnard the lrtBt "The ·.&rop" Ia one of, tho~ clerelleta but tlle tommlnlon ultl they fell no ant.:t>n 11 tothrrly lnlcrl'lll In hll btll• of the ~Z Kll'l'n ftMJ) and printed whose ancestry la never (!uestloned. Umlt wu ueotlci1 thll )'l!nr. Tbo quail ll•nt wcrrk. Whal wouhl he lillY when nmltu. tmd h~:adt>d bark rortbo land· lie rould IJl)Ot a pollee ~utrornt tonr Jll:'apon wu .,sfetultd 20· dar• for liP learned lhnt hill prnleltll hod bon111lt tn.~r ileld. 110 )'a\¥ned nnd 8\\'oro: block• awn)' nml ttlaapp~ In if ftJulh; Grant. Lttlla and lfltlalso co-o~allli8. nut nnd dellertNl tho J-'nl't'e? , • -. '"l'hu defll with ltd& J)('neMime llo drifted Into W~llt Uomfllli!«d H'JtD fJ'bo ciO!iiDJ date Is now l>td!mber JL ••Your comntllllllon w1111n't tortht>omhu:. 8turr !' Ob l.ortl, J wtall they'd htlni .JMI'I 111:0 an!J mndo friends wftb tbe 111 order to. rarry out plana fOI' IJl. I() )'Oil QUit l Your 1oyall1 to our wnrk on aoother unplc:ulllnlncu.." children. nut tOJucceuJ.-e weeh In• ert'llted flab batehct)l.1ac111Uealn N~w wt>nf no •1re>pl>r thnn thnt !.. Jn hill It •wcsa fn aome tut•b" trume ot Jnlnd, .~tc.cilled hla untldf ap~ranee and lofexko, the state came and flah rom· t>)'N a qulttrr wn11 worl!l! thnn " arou n11 lie landed anti crawled ottt of the nen tbr! ~un~ttett frowned wMrl be ·mlulon bu ordott!d, the ciMIIl& of lnt'tlWIJillcnt. rorkpll, that he ~w n tall lank1 I& al!lled up to them. two lllllnllltatchcrles wllhfn · tlte next

l'rwllni br. trn tl'Clt nway, Wlllltlm• dlrldunl, lu.tace tnmtJI, .kh.akt trottsl!rl( " Th~n the .P01fl!lt, lal4 tor hiUi_ all~ two DlOntllt. State Game Wardwm:. wn mrtely nodclf!d allgbt1r ntul IIIIIIJ, jnckl'f nu~. r:rn1 l10t. xet out at 11 walt· llfop lcif · • do~;:p lite. Af~er six. llott BUker uld ln Sa11ta lo'e that tba "lJnod luck. ltnkl!r... • lnJt tnxl nfiil MUntl'r toward blm. 1 reara a rop on • n'lotort:tcltl 11Ut11rlted commtulolt will c1011a tho Ea&le C«t>k

Alnn und~>ntoOll. Ue thom:ht: "In The atruo~:er, ttl he rnmo up, lool:e4 I blm nnt1 a bullet thtou~;h the head bateliert In the White Mountains on «'lflllan elolht>ll, 110 fnr nwny from f:n. 11t the mul'hlnc:> wtU1 that pe('tt)lar re- . emled tho· <'Jlret'to l~ "tbe dl~tle~t dot · October 1. On .No\' ember 16 tho hatcb­llurnnrP • • • Ue think• rm 1111 ll!lme apedlul gaze of n prrnon who hrtB : fn tho ~Jono~ vnller, • once • eey at Chama wllt be clol(liL

tlt>tl!ctlve dt>tnll. l1ood J,.ord, \\'ht>n he never flo\\'11 In one. 1 vrltc-d French ~. At le••t ono --•or Arfioaa lnittii!+-b h '" I . .... ~ .. , l1ot11 I'm ou•. 0011 t out-· nuz211rd thought, "lf that l4'Jiow . . , i hal ahown bo 1011 lA emplQY(DcOt cltlr-

WIIIInm•on'a c>etefm wn~~ n preclout tuJk• me lo tnkt> him ror a Jor ride., Life Sa.'ter'a ~eroiam , :In~ tho present perlod. of 1011' com· thlnn to Alnn. 111 pr<M:Ioult 111 a tn· I'll q1urder him wlth n monkey· ur uu. 1 W . t <rt modlty price• atul lessened nclhlt)'. ther·-. An ltll(lUIIIo 1nnpt him to tnlk Wrt'lltb !" A mnment' lntrr. n1 he got " · _." U u .flf 1 , fll ea The .Atbona Jndtt&tr!at Congten wu wltJ1 tho auprrlntendl'tlt and tt>11 lllnt a t'losc't' look at that Jtartl purposive I Port 'townsend. Wtt•h.-Wbllf! tllk· advised retenUJ by lf, n. Emb:1cl1. lht> \'hole fiOIT)' lltor.r. nut there wa• fllCP. ho dectdetl: . "No, he'll not thnt I Jn: • .stroll ruon& ll bier. J. n. Wortll• . secretary or {he Arliona Wool Grow· abe muttrr of thllt 11lgnM am!laviL kind. t.ooklt like 8ome umber dnl:e. lnctoo hc.ard a. atran11td ~ <OmlnJ em· Al:sb<llaUon, that tbe t~hCI!P in· Alan reftllled to .w bnclc on thnt; and Maybe wanttf me to tly hhn .otlt to hi. a I troll' the water. It 'ftlll . nenrlt dark . dustry' 111 emploJtng •• lll&IIY men aa non It 110 did he woutd !lteraiJr be limit; 1'hlrt)'·do11nr JQI~<-~JnmOwllll• an.d he co_uld llc.e • . 6.,t!ttd bollbl!ll 0'11 ' In the pUt, ud 'Will malntaln thfs btllntltnx lllmult .• Uor. Whnt did hla -Tfle. .. flntflger ~me on. "lll!llo.'' ~ the wai-t'& ncmovlng hi•_ fi~()(!S and •aJne employrnel\l tht.. 'cl'lntet-. pl'r1Rmal feud wlth Jfaal<eU matter nnunrtl nn~~wcrtd tnrt)y, hltello I ~at. Worthlnaton dlve4 t« lbe 111er lJean Ml . f AI . Col . now? Ito wu out ot tl111 :\Jountert. yourall.'lt." ,. J . l and started s~Jmmlna f(lwatd thtt • rx 0 am!lllll, 0.. wns And the 8Uperlntendtmt wollld tl')' to Tbn 1tr:u1ger tillld ~0 nllenuon to · bobblnt bead, wllf~ll wu uttertna ~n~cted ;L:::~~~~ :: ~~;! 11top Ilia ventum lt t1n. heard. tor Jt the brusque reply. tnate:td he re11cbccl hoarse itl'llngllnl noiHS. nut acb . ~ sod tt rd

10 ' . • ... 1 t

WM bt-)'ond the law. . . out hla hand. tt wn! a ltood·lookln, Ume Worthington calite Dfllt' the 111P' 80 enee · a erwa aerve. 11 ae r• Uo a.\lowfll Wllllanlitlri to go li:Ult. hand, bl(; l'rtlloulled, flngcra Jlke Iron 1 ~dl7 d!IOWD!nc. pel'MQ be-IH\'ed 11.. nine 71!~t'8 .111 t t~~ Ne; He:~~ .U\8 SeltlnJ thdt boat to wnter, flo and bar~~. · · 1 dtr and awam Qot l)f teach. FIQA!l~ penitent ary a .,.Qta e. A'U-1• ,....

the J(IUttir ChlpeW)'an burrled on to tho "Nrune'lf nnker.'' M JntrOduced him· J the would·be r•cuet wait pulled !)lit one ot four meu wit., robbed Uae 1(11!t\& delta•mnlltb c1t the t•eace. Wllt~ro ttlf~ ".\tan Unker:• o! the wafer lu •• ~rliauated ~lliUOti ·. (!IJamf, ~. M •• biJtk or .. uoo aeven.l they ((lll~ht Ul) with • •tvftmt'l" tnlnt llut.ut!l partlt thilw~. 'l'hfll tel· , iJ'Id toll) he hlld been li'Jinl to aan m011ths •kO- . "rlie othe. tine men on tl.l lle)turnay. . 'ffu; )'ottnJ lbdlrtn low Ulllcer lookccl to lle ftomellrtcit. nu, ,. • ml~ , , . l!leatlt« ~'tltlt1 3n4 ,..ere ufltented to WIUifett (il (ltl'tl Wt!lit to the ltCK'kiM tllOW amlle Willi lll!tlilY (i!tehlpg; his . -- . . .. , ·. , . · · . · . Jlf6 tcrmt. ~A. ,llOIIM of taJIChi!l'll al'< and ace tbb lalnd (It 11."1!' Mnuntalnll. clear lntellltcnt . erea were Jdndty, S dA~ Grhtt -Bees·<;; reat~d. the:1lill!lt .near ~ll~ S»rl»P. otvh11 blm . tho tJmttlr ctlll(lc! ~11d tbe . wai'UI. trtrtullr• we . . . ,, .. , .. , . . . . .... CoCo., • t~~ •ttl!r .'Jh.O. tqbHtiT· outfit. At.an Aliliok haMs. Mid KlllltoW• . "Glad to kt1uw rou, Uuktr. lttne•a j , , . tO li*r••• OutpUt . 'l'h,e t.f41pli. (lopl)'er ~~~~JiUr .:re. ·

I.e•• Eattar • Novclhlt 'l11codorc Drl'IIM' utd ft

1118 l'cturn trom Jluula: ".fo:vcn tl1c Sorlcta don't clntm tliat ..

r;ood mannl!l'll l~tn·c lm11rovcd un-!Jcr tbclr rtilmc. •

"I dined one C\'l'nln;: In a ttaln· 11l'!ld m~tnurnnt. A 10uo' mllltant oa my ldt a.11a to a young mlllltlnt at a o(!4rbr,&a.,1c on my rtgbt: . "'Wbaf •ro :rou c:atlnt;. romrade1"

.. 'Soup.' tolih the othw mlllt4Jtt. 'Arc roll t{c:ttt• ,. . - .

How One· Maa · Losf22 Pounds


lrr. Dmnan nankla of 'Dtttott­,rttu: .. A few Unef or thankt tzoa a rbcumatkrn a)ltt:ucr-lly ftr~t bot· tle ot I:nu1ellen &ltll took all of the a<:bl* and awt'lllnp out ot mr :fo{obt -wlUi m:r flrat bottle I 11'eflt on a diet and lost 22 pounds nnt! Dl!1lr ted Uke a new man.~

To 1~ .tat aatet1 and qukkJr tnko one hnlt te!l!pooljtut of Ktuiicbtll Salta lo 11 &1111111 of hot watu . before brent.>fast evert mornlng-u 55 M~t bottle JaatJ"' week.-Get It At JbJ c1rng more~ America.

U not joyfully aittetltil 'il1ter Ute t1ztt botUe-money batt. .•

Faatf=· "So 1nne's watcb Wtlll tasU" "Fast? lt wna so l'nal abe met DHI

at tlle Umn abo B;lld ahe woultll"

Loti of Ahoutln:; nt times oter "the dawn ol a new em.'' but the ea ball daWll!!tl tor & tun& tlm.e before It t.a ~IUd.

At noon, bouna later. •·hen old l'rlwo IO(IkNJ tn, hfl wu (ltllftaed to lind h«>t · tlluncf4 Into 11 (ll'\'nm1t-u alll('Jl, The ll('('l'llt worry lio tu\1) 1\fltl\t\. .. u htr fa('tt this hlllt wt:~tk Ht'ilttld to futn ron& now. llttr toatu ... , wtre yntll\ but tht>rt' wu ft lootc of l't•et (ln th.t>.m, ot llafllli 1d~nuo llflltltuld IJt'At"fl ftt ht'(lrt.

~·a-, ttntl went ~ltOartt tho boat. . t~therof-.latn~ll ·Arbutbllbt 1'1.'ath· Jiill\lllt'kt, ora1tnr. ·w. · (!eutlr tlktl;1.~e wiUt tl!• ~oqa Ill Ill!! eabln •. with . tho lltf!ltllter etllt.'" • beeS' In lbe · httthU .to make IIlli.(~ fU· -coalmlulott Jn Pltoentt It •

tbto\tblnl ~. ti)WI\l''1,'8ll!t'l•l-!ll1l, ~lllO "O<iOd ~ti<J\lil 4\J! tbaU nut Ill) fol' 1"' . i)f tile 0&~ .tQ ))t~clllll_~~t to ~lle Plllll 1!0\Ui• wontl~red wiJilt .toy~• ~ttlottlUlUtd . wln\t do l)tl)p!e eall snitf' blOIIIom ~i'll~.hl\ tM! ~trimer .ta tbe lt tt'eaitlf~ . .._ ~ax ·Qt ·$3.tMifJz o• M! It h<! llho\lld lil. to. l1er llllll fr~nklt 'rhey· both grlnntd> "'l'My e•tt me DO\'d ai'tk• rtfin:tetl t6 thli lfaf bt lilleltled . l'akttltl\ ot flf;l14,5tS;. U · ten hf!t llhllttf tbftt tracl~ tncldfl\t ttt , •:DIUllltd.'. Wc:ttr tell belllii!t; lll!ver rarn'lf!rl. bit' tfli:w .. t COiiat:. Tile ~ fixed by dtt,cCi&ltmln!Oil tor lf:lt 'l'hei · hlll Ufft _whldl lted ~~tl&bt allout ~~~~ llop lilt williS." . . . . . ilnc1 colt I!Ptlnc Jfflfnt~ tbct tlo\'11',. JIM . Untt~d:-Verat\fitr.kts ~~~ l'lle1{ill

• 4 f t l::l


etllflllfl'tlltnt t~ ~.nr.a~ .to)' ell'. • _ tTO am e<I~TJNtl~n.• _,0w th• htilltMr bfoo• :prvt•l.r: ii~t\ ·Do4«e" l!llrlf.ac' 01~:~~.-r fD ~klil "*********'**********O*~~*******IIIflf**llltiUIIIIflUitUt••uu \t nlacbt.. th.l!~ 'Art ttrtmpoftlid tt wlt~ 111 ~»et Qul!Ein ~lirh, ad -"'-""""-'" • ""'"'""'"'"'"··""~"""''""'""~ ... • ...... -.~-"'"""'; 1 ·--. ... - .... ,.,._ ... · • • • t~lr 1\lt• to t!ut 'tl~ea wllm tt Ul• U~llH Vtl'lle- .Min~K . COtap&~~r lau•AU Fallt One of·Wonderi bf the World :.~ndl.. · · . · ·· · ::_:ed •tmttat< no~ 011 ~ro!»utl!!·

__ ................ ....,._ · . , 'Rultbot blindt ife,,of ~·. 1)·"· · t»ctdte: ~.-uui\ry court holiQ· By Lone CaA\'p FU.. 'XI1e ~.-ua~~o~~u ft\lA ot. l'h'll~ll •to .,_ld . l.'ltilr&\t ulont k tro•t IU,O()O teet ta , 1.1'! d. . · . a...~ , .. tltl t(!Well *liool af tnltlee, Arf•.o

1'11ttt .:ray tlllfti wttifflllll Mlit ~1~ toll(! tilt ttKilt Yriml~l \Q lllct worht. · · l.ttilth it 'h\ltiJ. iJt('t u• lirfltk* ln . · ..1\JD er&atfeQ S''"".at •. wer• tee&Ut ~)!feted all4 contl:ac!t bt to .toy;.-. Rt tort ~mlurt)li.-t, Bltkfl' l• tile W141' \\'$'lit )IJ!IIl¢tne 1\. Jlalt• iLi~rb.. !:00 foot ~lliN~i:~ . bt toam. • lttl:11MIA:-~~ .fJ:Obtltbit .. iir• ll"tt'ttdect ~ 11J:Kle~ n ~~eboql. ~ ott· 11.tone. on • Jo~.r-.)' or a tlloll• l!til'tt»t •rttt•H •n..at • lllli(! •w•t • Marat~t . llll1 · :ha.vec ~tet< tol•!~i!~ 7~14 ~liiterra"'to itt•~t~ hj.(l~. il'vill't ,lf{OIII.Ollll• fa A~ 'II'JU .aatl Iiiii"- ln•trad or h.MdlllUtort\1• vt11t mil• \'It 'Wa~t< Nttlld ·to ftow Vtet..-la ~t~r Jltl•bt.'.~·fiit' ·~ tk 11-t ot . . itteaM k ,_ ~m 011• w.:aif .Qf eo~~Ptr 1a lilt. tt~llt towlitd tht 1'blll•AII~fl Wll«!l'6 tlll tortlt ft\'1"" thl Jllcj, lt W'at· ll. rttft'o atlil. tfltar~ ••• ~1':fl'; .~.!-:Ill~··· . Pl!t!,..,!~! n. .. · .,.,...:, ..., ...... 1ri~'l\ ~.M'W.ait<f ·~·.P1•t• ate kudlfl wuo 1\~4lA_.. hf. tllrn-.l: ldtf wht~h. ilftef. w-.~.U~lr Ua~P. . · . , ·. 1io.. ·. · . • ... , .... ·.#• •\Iii -. .. ........ ·m w. fbe lltif ...... t.... to k ...... ~ tAilot. p.~W dU~tlt lWll1 fn}l\\ ·U..'M ~llt fort.UI ~ :Jk11att, Md .... lt . . .. ltil• -J P;tU..a . . .. . . , '"' ~ dappq ~tt'J.rhoQ COffer• Witt: ~tk nil -''"*"'Wd .Ulltlf, \\J Oltt. Mlil:,~lll._ · '1tiitth to ·tli• tki tt t. ~ ~(till, ' .fittMj~~ Ntv~ ·)m .J014 .. ~ ia ~!" "· .~ko·.Pit. . . ~·· ................ · .... to.-· · .... • ........ 1 ·-""'· ............ , .. Ht 411\ Mt ·~ii.llt .bllllH.It *~\It lilt · ~ .k ·llt4* l~t itt • "'*'" d(.. ~t l*tlt tft~ Wtlt!(f W~ tllQ tx•, , tt ·u. ~ ;;t"~t..;;"'"_..ttt";,;:;. .. · Iiti.tl. lt wu 'ttCUt btt.t~t f.-all 1t - -..t tt¥ J._·tlt~et~tJ tU~ .H ~ ' . ltftt to mcll l t~ ot M.lftt. and. • ._._ )mktt Jl.lf U.. W 'bC' tU 1* ,...... ·.·t•. - .... w.~ .. ilblt ll4t \ttt•. ,.1"' · ll¥t. 'OW tU.f iki ¥.K "·lit;"*' ct0 fl'er • ~~. aabt.-.lllt ~..'! t~~•~ .... trt . --t· _ ... ••·~~"' ............. c'-.... .. ......., ... ~.""' ... -~ -. -. 1 ~· u.. •"~" ....,.....!14 ~u ·· .............. ....__ ·-·· -vr; ... .. ... tl'Jt ilM1 .._IJ:o'lntlltllll 814\t~ ~ ·f9~ .tJiit li.ftt ..,,_.... tll ........ n_.. .. .... ,· ........... : .. ~ . ...: -......... ..._ .· ·.to. .. -. • .......... · .......... . .. •.".:. •. 1.o ... ~ .• --r· a. .. 1, ..... ""' · .. ~ftil·ml~ .t._ i:tt•t~t ._. -~~ 11. '" ..... , .. tltHtf tt tt:- ---- """-- "'"" ... _, .. _ ......... _ •"Y """·.. ...... ..... -

litll.,i'!lttt. 'ln\t .t'M·laM. tltt•t .*-· tk ·~~ •••· ~ -. :;~. *"l ~··-- tl!liiiOiM tkt ·~~ . .A$••• · ~ · , ·· ...-rl4t .t~¥1rt'4ff M tklffil~ _ lf•ttr,p tt&W ~ 'WtW M . lt . t'rt••• _, HMII.idl tMt ....

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Page 7: .. J - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · Alamogordo vtsnors over tbe (A recttatlou by tbc lower gradts) and girls .t c am.


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AT W14A+ 1-le tOR.lTES


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"SEND ill/$ Ot.l> CI?AS 7hC=' GOOl)-tvl~l. t.err4JZ.~

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·Forgotten. · .·.· · ·· · ··.E···s·· . ·B·ERO· ·. · . " . - . ' ' ' .. - . ' : . ; . ' .. ' ': ' - - - . ' ,· ' . ''-

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''Bf • ·EWO·SCOTT WAtSON· . , . - . -.

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Nema on edge. A hoad that throbt. You can't alQp ,work. but rou can ato{l Uuu>.aio-,n • burry, Bayet Atp!iiq Will do it eveQ" time, 'l'aktt two or three tabletJ, a aWallow or water, and you'ra 1000 com· forlllble, Thetc'a notbtoiJ halC-way about the acUon o(Bcouim~uplrin. If tb~ box aa~ Dayer, you will Qtt ~plete nUei.

These tablets ahould be ln every ahop, office, and home. Relldy to nUevo ally sudden aebe or pain, from a ltl'llmbllng tooth to Juml>aSQ. Don't. 1urrer 'llitb that neuralgia.


Dorothy'• Mother ProvuClaim

, . •

• . . I

• . ' • ,. .

nc:uril!J, rheqmatbm. etc: . or IOM any· time becaiUCI of colds or aora throat. Get aomo Bayer AsJ!Irin aDd Juat follow tbos~ ptOI/UI dU'~U01:1.1 lor lmtant nlleJ'.

Gclt. the ~enuine labletl,:..•tampocl with tba Bayer crol$, ·, noy c01t very little, ts!*-'lally if you bur them by tbo bottle, Any doe tor will tell yqu tbey arc harmlesa. Thel. don't· hurt. lbc heart. Thoy don t upset tho atomacb. So take them u onen Ql you have the least need of their qulclc comfort. T11k,e rooup fot complete ruults. ·

--------- =--------AU Cl••• I"Who Ia )'OUr dO!II!»t reltttlver'

~. "It'll lmt•olllllblo to ltl'l rnollP1 t~ an)' ot thrnt ~"

-EVERY ingredient to make your ironin" easier, quicker and 100~ perfect is al· ready In Faultless Starch-thereisnoth• ing to add but water.


• •

• . •

• .






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Page 8: .. J - Lincoln County Archivesarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · Alamogordo vtsnors over tbe (A recttatlou by tbc lower gradts) and girls .t c am.

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C)lrd~;o~g'tU NQie• , . . , · , . , ' - : > _,. ·' . . .. . ~-

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-t-Tbc Ma:rote>f Q•rrl~q;o. wH~ _ __ ' ... fllt n. S, ~epo~t.t:r)~. :. ·. huve • new t~r:c.k tie /Qr· tb·e p.n• . (,.l.'huredl(f w;Ja. I he. Ji'resbm~n'$ •

' . .. \ . . '

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F81l· . . .


I ' . • 1 . ..: Special's .. ·· ·· · ' ' ra~~. · ! :' ~ · · iJI II,S&embiy, \ltu}' ~lic,Y d,id .. ' , '"' -· ·· · · · · . · · ·.. · · ·· .. ·!

I Z-Uoolers fm~ cout~:3((1PttJ a:n4 ,go~aj~tr qf ~Jitertal~iug · . . . . ,.,. . . . , · · '/ '

. .. . . ' . '~

¢vepts dnd11g tb.e ·lair, will . with. tlieit tatllerrtne~p\lct(!ll · ' . .

J ""' .

. . • '. ,. ' .[

" •

" eitber J~ugli3h t:~r_ Sptl;li.!llJ~~ · t. 'rbe progri!m · qpc.,e<l . w.itb tltitU an~ ¢Jl>h'!s!'live J•ng'~Jii~A !$. ·!!..song Jollowe.d by~ pli\y~et • ... (Qrbh.JdeJ:J.' Bersn14n lteiUnd Dr. Tbe Ticket Ofllce. tl · Tbe m"in JobPsop will pleal!e t~ke nc>tice. ch·aracters were Miael .B1u'nett

_, . .. . ..

(orne 'in get what you nee~ beforelYinter, COMPLETE LII\lE ·




Carrizozo~ Auto Co. •

a .... l~gy {dulc!lll.f, of At11uq~t~r· ~ttd Helen Strauss, llbly :~nJppon• lllJe, New M:e70ico'11 1nost p<)puJu: . by Qtber meml:;¢rs ot tM ~;:J•u• referee aud starter, . "ill n•Pfl.l~ Tlli• vias follow«~d bj . a v e r y all at.bldlc eveuts .. Ooe time • JUiuaiug ue,gro "flkit •·Sollli~ ~p.d fellow ~bo had been ln~it!!d to ;•· So a psuda," well presente<l by feust gave u 11n e;~~:cuse tbat h¢ Aoi•il Bigelow a 11 d Bel}tric•

· h11cYmarried. a wife and could ·.IJQt .J:(oiiJlet·o. come. lggy is uot sucb aq.u.ittet; Thursday seemll to b~vl• bei.''Q be has se'ot word tbat b(l baa m;u· .. the Ftesbmen'6 day ·\o bo\1/J as ried a wife aud i~ bringing her tb~y made a p•lgritPuge to the wi.tb hiur. -All are invited to Mal PaiJ Tb-~r5d$V Jught a n d meet Mra. MuJcaby. . • eousumed enormous quantities of · •-Tbere will be uo left over wienies a tl 4 roasted mar"bmal• .

' . .•. • .~ ., c _,.- .... ~,.~.·~ •~··-- dtaplltes. M~th:aby will aettle all lows.

Lo( AL l Ill\ PI=R CONAL 1 M r; and Mrs Tom Jones we-re (bot come up in bia department; Friday afternoon all the foo(•

1-\ f\1\11 L 'J 11 ·here Saturday !rout their horne DetloU, Koogler and Greer wil1 ball boya and, several o~bers, . iu· _ . on tilt' Huulunt,, ncar Ilollywuod dispose of all others as rapJdJy.as cludillg five g i r 1 a motored to

. ' \Jre J•mi'EJ ia one of the w c 1 I tbey come up · • Capitan an'd saw C1apltan be a t . (; .rdun (,rdt alii! l.t!llllV hH'<' r l .· I . . . known tt•acbera o .tiOCO n co~nty 5-Scboola til a( are entering auulln 20 to 0 ln football. movf'd ttl Corr•z·•zo c••tJJIO[! up i • · I l · · b S •

f 1~ .. 1 ! and han bl'en oclliN lD t e au• track eonh~~Jtants abould send tbe On Saturday tbe boys of oh) rotn ".,,WPil ,,~,n• at' , I . . I ebc~1 nchool tor ycnro. naqt(l!l of the r entrants at once c. H. S. whipped the eo" off Cor· F Wrllf h• ""'I Prall Brul) WN<'' to Ilubt?rt Detloff, Carrizozo, so "Oa with"' fiuale"Q[" of2~- to 0

• • • . , I \V AN'J'JlU: ~A few good COW!I "' • " ,. " h• IP I UC\>tiJV lrnm w hilt• (),lm.. . . m tbat numbers can be given eacb The boys all p. la,ed a ... r c l\ t 'lncjUire at thlll () lee or Ot'C E T. , ~ attcndtn~r ''' 'l'"

111' "


11'""'' rn<~•·; C••llacr. coutestan~.1bese baYe to be In game, tbe outst"ndiug player be•

tero in time to be. publiebed ou tbt ng Brook& Lewis, wben be rgade Mr<· 1,ou1•r 11 "'"'· s 1 n 1 ('. Dun't forget tbc low raten put trnek program, . • a 75 yard run for.a touchdown.

fitKh "'~· t~ .... ~"I" ni•·•r. f•anwd on hv t!Hl S P. Tickeln may be 6-IIouacwivca are permitted • Tutoday Mr. Groce delivered a ttuuuc h IH' rt· M m1•l H 'J'l IH' r ro· flU rc hurd to anY point on the S. to g ivc their gueata brcakfut: abort addrces to the assembly on turn 10 San~,, 11 ,. P · '"~ml trip for fl ppro.dma tcly make •em rustle lor their Juneb an old bit .of pbilo:mpby' wbic,b

. 1 ,·,•rh " lillie, d.lteo tl{ ualc today, and dinner · d d f n t u· c IJ1·"'"' Arulr• ~;•, eu<'• n11•·•·· •n ll <..! d ,, f · was very goo 1111 o Drca e tiJ"I''il"'"~' 'I"'~' J<.,~w •• :. hJn t•,;n •• rmwao ,.,un ny, goo.,. or 7.--TbeFairwill be a auceeas toevcr,Yone. 1

. r•·ltun uott! the lfJtb beyond question! Tbc bua.iness The boys turned Mis!liooory brcr• lu·re tho \7rdl. W•Jrllilll! un . .

tbc rr•n•l rqu·1·m•·n1 Mrr •. n." () Garner, Picacho. mcu of Carrizozo have made the Ladtes Tuesday night, and went , , l~otwrt IJr,tdv. lloudo, 110d Mel• largest do11ation tbey have fVCr forth aeaittet cacb otber oo tbc

no h v c" I. 1 ... r ·• ~~~' 1 '1 •1 v n • '"'' · · _, 1 mnd~· more bave subsc:rabed Ba•'·et ball court •audily attired • ~ 1 • vw F1)11nk<~, C•,rona, were ,. a r e ' • """ . • , .,

no<~n, In .• 1· . a.nrl .. 1" Llant, · . [t'ourtcen. outside buslnellll men lo Pajama!! aDd Mothcr·H•tbbord

Uranum. Ttl!• ~(·<· h!l nf IVIllllll· 'Mondi.ly, and, IHlltlCIUbcro of tbe b I b .A i . . <:; •. ,

. . · Cmaot v nontiJ of Etluca&iou nat ave scut IJ eu ... ouat o.na of dresses. Oil' l'l I 11ktl Barbara .L•an I • ..2 00 "b r tbe A. • It 1 Tb R fl Cl L • it

' al tlw '"'tular CJUartc:rly mecUng 40, • ca.. or ... g-r1cu ura. . e 1 c uu 11 on s way, W. II. Uruadtlun~ <>r•ticnl Sr{', .. r lbt• bourd wub the two/local l!:ttbJbit. T~_tal aubacriptions to folkl, and enough ha"ttlarA.a!le an•

ctalltrt wJii b{' 111 l'orrtt'lao. \\ •·•I· mrmhcrn, Mr~t. 1l'r"neb and John date $386 ®; total paM $348 SQ, no\ln.:ement of inteutioc to join n•·nda v Oatutwr Hth, ot the nfli·" ,\ l:lolev. 8-Iwmediately after tbe bu• to have two clubs. Mr. Gillette of ·Ur. Shover lila•l(leo fl•trcl. • kct ball g'IQICS fa the evctdnga haa purchased tho ~un from Kel·

WANTno~ ~CaUic to paature- tbere wiJI be a dance. Music. b7 Jey'a Hardware Store, aud all are Wedocod"' nud T h u r 11 d 0

' l"rcrmou l~coch. • tbc Capitan Boorncri. very anxioua to get together: and atubt'~ "'


1 w•t>l! "

1 •l

11"t'• · • 9-Evcryeft'ort baa been made start baagin~ awa7. ,

L(nco." •l fnr•t 111111 flld ure. w•' 1 to arrange tbeae evetsts 10 tbat Tbe pbysieal tdttcttlou clufl


.. . . . '

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• • . . •


" • . ..... ~ .-. ' . .

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·o · ors enn oes · ' • . .

, is far too large and we are going to ·reduce it. So come prepared to find· t h e biggest Bargams In ·Fiorlheim Shoes you ~ave seen in years.

f1 ~N Who wear. Florsheim Shoes · are men who save JllO~ley ~y ~ay­

ing for quality. Our entire atocli o~ Florshebn Slioes-·-y«iu'll appreciate· their value at: I

• 0



' •

""" ' . •

bt> nbo~u a! thr Lvrac. T l1 • · 13 °1 t 6 r•• • '· 25 tbcy wilt not be a burdeu on any ba.a ahuost eompletc:il the tcnnio pit: tor•

1" I"' Qf'!l '"'

1 f.,r


11"' Guaran~ctJ . . one and tbllt all nt•J bave a good court on tbe 11ortb slue of t b c

IJt rll 111

S ;1'"1 :'"ulhal!



, Batt11r~ ' time Come to tbe'Falr and that building and everyone.ig "noxioua ~--------,_ _______ _, ....... ___ ...__., Supt f(,,,~ •·r "' tht• <'aJIIf ·• CAIUUZOZO AUTO CO. Jg wbot you wiJl ban. Also, to bave it flniobed :usdstnrt play• =====~:::.::_~~"~:::: ... :-:-"-:":-: .... ::~:-.. ~."::~==·-=·~============

SGhun: o a •ul 'I N II ;hb"' o: l you arc Ia sty1e· wbcn you're 10g. Jma ll"wor•l. ,; r• 111111 10 11 • • "-=="= wcaringaamile • d19lrtcl, "'"'" !wr'· M·mdnv "n l oppcar .. d l•cfort• lh<' l111nr1l au lh·

autercnl of tbc11 <~d1nol.

J.,c \V('nt haq C!ltabli&bed o ~cw M1ik Stauon at Roy Skin• ncr's. A ou~•J·Iv Wilt pe found at

LOqT \1 >'l'l !\' O·t 5 n lnr, r 11J a\' c; ro;;erv. . .

brown bund~c> I'U!lllaCHilg IDC'Il f.llll1' W U. DI~OADDUS - -"' ::.:::.:::. ~

womqn'o dollttrll[. l'll:, b::>twccl1 • Uoa•cll ond Carru1 ~ 1 l~c>ltlrn h· • Ilook \Voud<~' Htvt rlluh• .Camp l'icacho, rtCI'tV' Sto Oil rl'wanl,


Tbe 'rhud Wcducaday of g .. , b Mouth l"•lund ~ l4l'nthN I\ '' y folder.

12 t tla> office or ••lb lw•J ki"V'l 0~>~11!. r moy !(>oro· 1l9 wiJ.•rellbnUIII h~ CAIIHll! \hh• HR sn~\ VER

officP, nllcl paytn£r lor tlug ad. • Ptadke LSitiled te fittjq GlUNt. • - ;;: __ , __ _._


Here's aTibl 'reltpboae out-o!-towa c-..

tomcn. Wbethai 701fre Prize H UNl~lNG Contest · ~etlinc or ~har-te!~ far II nut btat to btbl - .

Read Rules a · . . there Ill penoi. 'bPICil

lnstfU(tiDDS Before Retisterint . ~ atatlon-tDa~talton ntdt . . from Curinlt tt:

To encourago .better Sportmam;htp .in h~nting,· we will gin as • a prize. for tbc largest tn~k deer killed dttring tb·c 1931 hunt· ing season, A BltAND NEW 5·1 MOl)EL 30·06 CAL. W lK • CHESTEU RIFLEfittE:d·with lyman receiver sights. valued, at ·

Dtat.g, Jf. M •••••••• a.ot Daqf.u, Ari&. .... • • •• 1.50


The Nltthodtst Cburc:h

-By RIT. J•o. L Lawaon

Eirhty nine iu Sunday Scbool laat S\lnday morning in the tbc regular classes, t~nd one hundred ud dfty attelliled the Promotion P•1 program. A good atteudnnce at the evenlug setviee, aud W(Htd•

erful ainging by the cbolr. Good, LU'a_keep rirbt ou putting 6rs.t tlt i•gs iirat. ., Re~J~cmber Sunday School next

S1,1nday morning, Cburc:b ser­Tice and the Sacrament tJf 'rbe Lord's Supper lU eleven o'clock. All arn.cotdiaUy invited to par• t:dce of the Sacraweat. J e s u i died for: ll!l, let us do tliia simple tfiipg irl memory oJ His. gUfferiug ad death. lie said, '-Do this ••

. oftett u 1¢ will iu remcmbreuee

. of t.~te/' Church tel'fice ~i{ain a ••••n thirty. 'l'bete is uo · de• pre$!{<Ju in the c.:.urcb. We l)tty to Gocfin o•t disttess; ll'!t u~ afio worship ltitJt itt lli!i house. ott m. dar.. Evet}' otul is welcome an1ll

· · in-tittd to altenrl ull • ' J ' .... ;~;;;;;~~.;.,;;;;:~-· ouue~Yite~: ··~·~··,, ..

Yottth Dtes •

[2] [3]

. (4).


. ' -· t -;; ~-.

• • -;; ,r • • ••

• •

• '

OnDec.23, •

We will. give to the party holding the lucky. number

'. Choice of a. ..

-Kil<Den Ran~e. i KltcHb <••iaet. Of i

30-30 WiiKHSter (U~iot . ..

WITH EACtt .CASH SALE OF $1.00 OR MORE will givHh~.> purebnser n. uumbcr for ueb dollar upended

· Com~ in and loolt !Ia• pruu orJet'

.On all octounts paid in full on (Jt belor~ tile sl~ta of the month we will giie one cbaqee louach clC)tlar


Wittuiug uumb~r must be in tbe store or di:awing will ton• tinue tttltU a number ia draWn that it i; in the store

The mort> No<l. you ba.v2 the bettet yl)ttr cba,nte .or wi1uiiur

· swt s.m., tltent llQw . ' -- ' - .,. . ., ' . . --.- .


,. 'they LOw..-'Yo11U'c:oatof PrOduction · , .

~ttqyiUIIf JQI1t . . . ' • bflJ$ Pmf ltft Yit .. , - --' . -' . . ' . .. . . . l

· The Titsworth co~, lac. •

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