모바일 트렌드와 iOS

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데브기어 오픈세미나 - 모바일 트렌드와 iOS 관점에서 설명한 자료입니다.

Transcript of 모바일 트렌드와 iOS

Mobile Computing LifeTechniques, Bussiness & Market, Development

twitter.com/@godrmOSXDEV.org facebook.com/godrm


About godrm

› Source: NBC News and The Associated Press (http://photoblog.nbcnews.com/)

Mobile ComputingAny-time, Any-where, Any-device

언제든지 어디서나 어떤것이든네트워크에 연결되어 사용할 수

있는 컴퓨팅 환경

Business & MarketMobile Contents, App Market, Business Platform

© 2014 Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction Prohibited 24


4. The audience size in Asia will elevate the  region’s  role  in  mobile  innovation  .  .  .

Source: Ericsson Mobility report, November 2013

앱 마켓 다운로드와 수익

유료앱 vs 무료앱

ⓒ 2013 MezzoMedia Inc.

PC vs Mobile 이용자 수

3,319만명 3,632만명

In digital era, What does ‘Watching TV’ even mean?

Source: The Wall Street Journal (2013/10/08)


모바일 국내시장

1인당 주기적으로 사용하는 앱 개수



1-960% 9

국내 앱 마켓 이슈✴ 카카오톡 비중이 지나치게 높음

✴ 40대 이상은 OS 마켓을 사용하지 않고 카카오톡 마켓만

✴ 게임 카테고리 편식이 심함

✴ 10,20대는 레이싱, 러닝, 연예 다양한 게임 장르 존재

✴ 40대 이상 퍼즐 게임 집중

✴ 하루 30분 이상 40%, 1시간 이상 21%

✴ 44% 정도 한달에 하나 이상의 게임을 다운로드

✴ 21% 최근 3개월 이내 유료 결제함

모바일 앱 - 성공 사례

Apple iTunes Ecosystem

✴ 콘텐츠 생산 도구 ✴ Desktop Publishing ✴ Video/Audio Authorising ✴ Pro Tools

✴ 콘텐츠 소비 도구 ✴ iPod ✴ iPhone ✴ iPad ✴ Apple TV

✴ 콘텐츠/광고 유통 ✴ Music, Video, ✴ TV show, ✴ App, ✴ Book, ✴ Radio

Technique TrendsHardware, Software, Tool

43,185 iOS Developers

10,199 Android Developers

1,412 X-platform Developers

AppStore HQ

Number of Developers (북미)

Computing Power

✴ NASA - Apollo Guidance Computer ✴ Apollo 8 (1968) ✴ 1966 August ✴ 2.048 MHz Discrete IC RTL ✴ 16bit 2048 words RAM ✴ 36,684 words ROM

ARMv8 (AArch64)

Bluetooth LE - Beacon

IoT (Internet of Things)


아이디어의 시작은…

• JVMs do all optimizations online at JIT time: - Hugely redundant across runs - Applications launch slowly - What if we could do heavy lifting at install time? !

• Problem: Java bytecode is too limiting! - Memory safety prevents some optzns (eg. bounds checks) - JVM type system doesn’t lend itself to machine optzns

With some sort of low level virtual machine, we could optimize better and a JIT compiler

would have to do less work online!

Introduction• LLVM

- Low-Level Virtual Machine • An Infrastructure for Multi-stage Optimization

- by Chris Arthur Lattner @2002 • Design and Implementation of a compiler infrastructure

- support a unique multi-stage optimization system - support inter-procedural and profile-driven optimizations

• LLVM virtual instruction (IR) - with high-level type information

• Sponsored by APPLE

The Architecture

Compile Time

Link Time Run-Time

Compiler FE 1

Compiler FE N

.. .o files



Linker IPO / IPA

Native CodeGen





exe & LLVM



Runtime Optimizer

Offline Reoptimizer




exeProfile & Trace Info

Profile Info

Generalized attributes

User-defined literals

Inheriting constructors

Alignment - alignof/alignas

Unrestricted unions

UCNs in literals

Call for help


Call for help!


Common Dynamic Language Representation + Type Inference

Ruby C, C++, Ada, ...

– OSS community needs to unite work on various scripting languages

– Common module to represent/type infer an arbitrary dynamic language

– Who will provide this? pypy? parrot? llvm itself someday (“hlvm”)?

Perl Javascript ...





What Next?

LTO JIT Install TimeCodegenIPO

Cross LangOptzn


LLVM use in Open Source OSes• Minix moved to Clang as default compiler • FreeBSD is working on ClangBSD • LLVM is the basis of the Renderscript compiler in Android • LLVM a hard dependency for Gallium3D • Building Debian with Clang • Unsupported GCC Flags / C Extensions출처 : http://llvm.org/devmtg/2012-04-12/Slides/Mark_Charlebois.pdf

Use-case #1 - New Compiler• Cling - CERN • CtoVerilog - Haifa University • OpenCL - AMD • Click - Ericsson • EDGtoLLVM - ARM • Jaguar - Cray • Delphi XE- Embarcadero

Use-case #2 - Optimization

Flash ActionScript (.as3) ➔ ActionScript Bytecode (.abc) ➔ LLVM Bytecode (.bc) ➔.abc ➔ .swf

Use-case #3 - Cross Language

Crack Scripting Language ➔ C/C++/Java-like Scripting Language ➔ Speed of a compiled language, ease of use of a scripting language ➔ Unladen Sparrow(Python), Rubinius(Ruby), V8(JS)

cf. PNaCl (Portable Native Client)

Use-case #3 - Emscripten

compiles LLVM bytecode into JavaScript ➔ C/C++ to JavaScript ➔ can be run on the web ➔ Python, the Bullet physics engine, eSpeak (TTS)


Everything  compiles  into  LLVM  bitcode

The  web  is  everywhere,  and  runs  JavaScript

Compiling  LLVM  bitcode  to  JavaScript  lets  us  run~  everything,  everywhere




Xcode 5 and OS X Server

Continuous Integration

• 여러 버전의 OS와 하드웨어 모델별로 테스트 • 프로젝트의 빌드, 분석, 테스트를 자주 • 자동으로 빠르게 문제를 파악하고 • 과도한 작업은 서버로 이관 • 프로젝트의 빌드/테스트 이력을 보관 • 개발팀 분산 작업에 도움 cf. Jenkins, Hudson, CruiseControl


• Defines what to build■ Project and SCM information

• When to build it■ Periodic, on-commit, or manual

• How to build it■ Shared scheme■ Static analysis■ Testing and devices■ Archives

• Notifications

Technology Cycles

Source: Mary Meeker, Internet Trends D11 Conference 2013


Top 10 Tech Project in Kickstarter, 2013


Mobile will be the your life...
