* IPlI Kl Kral I l f-^e. cornerstone of Pot* Jefferson 's fine .new School building was|laid' with...

IP lKlllKIra f-^e . cornerstone of Pot* Jefferson ' s fine .new School building was| laid' with appropriate ceremonies lasV Saturday. The district takes ah exceptional pride in the building, because three of its native sons are identified with its con- struction. E. Post Tooker , the archi- tect; former Sheriff Charles V. Platt, who was awarded the contract to erect the building, and My ron E. Overton , brother of-Robert N. Overton, of Baby- lon , are residents of the village, hav- ing obtained ,their early education in the old\school building. Six farm buildings , valued at §40,000, owned by B. F. Yoakum , at Farming- dale , were burned to the ground last Sunday. A number of prize cattle ahd horses were saved , a bull being the onl y animal burned. The fire started in a hay loft and spre ad with great rapidity. The firemen of the Farming- dale and Central Park departments pre- vented the main buildings from catch- ing fire. George A, H. Smitb , M. D. Eye diseases only, at the office of Dr. Rice, Tuesdays from 2:30 to 4:30 P. M. —Ad- vertisement. 27tf At the annual meeting of the Islip Aid to the Southside hospital at the home of Mrs. Benjamin S . Raynor in Islip last week , officers were elected as follows: President , Mrs. B. S. Raynor; vice-president , Miss Flobelle Smith ; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Roscoe C Haff. The membership has been in- creased to thirty-six. The society was organized on April 30 of last year. Burmeco Print B utter for connois- seurs; sold by R. Wesselhoft. —Adver- tisement. ' 35tf For better teeth use Non D K tooth powder. —Advertisement. 94-3m The S. M. S. wili meet with Mrs. Howell Haff next Monday afternoon. Two first class entertainments have been booked for Odd Fellows hall , ohe for tomorrow" night and . the. other for Saturday evening of next week. To- morrow the Smith Road Show compafiy is.to give a vaudeville programme , which promises to be very ' good. 4 Nex t week, Saturday, the Royal Dramati c society, of Lindenhurst , who recently scored a success with the four-act play, ' 'The W ay f arers , '' are to gWe the same play here. This last entertainment is under the auspices Sampawams lodge No. 104, I. O. O. F., and should be well attended. - ' - A number of Long Island creditors attended the session in Brooklyn on Tuesday before Richard'M. Cahoone as special master in the settling of tbe claims against the South Shore Trac- tion company. It was understood'that claimants against the Babylon Railroad company would also have ax . inning, but they were disappointed. Several from Babylon were rjresent at the hearing. As Mr. Cahoone will leave on May 16 for a two months vacation it is expect- ed he will make his report before that date. Dr. William Carter, of New Y' ork city, a member of the National. Board of Censorship, told a Congressional committee this week that his board passes on ninety-eight per cent, .of all the moving picture films manufactured or imported in this country. . . He said that in 1913 his board passed npon 7,060,000 feet of-film, , of whicb y 77, 273 feet were condemned at a ^ total ' oss to the manufacturers '' of $468, 638. Dr. Carter said that the * proposed federal censorship is unnecessary. Miss Mabel Biggs, of Babylon , who is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. W. Hen- drickson, gave a party to several little girj friends last Saturday afternoon. On account of the inclement weather the young folks amused themselves by playin g games, singing, etc., m the house. The little guests included tBe Misses Margaret and Madeline Wheeler, Doris Skidmore, Verna Baldwin ' and Estelle Purick. - All had a , delightful time. Port Jefferson Echo. Money to Loan on Bond or Mortgage. All good applications promptly: accepted. * REEVE & BamTLETT. Greennort. N. Y. 6m-20 Advertisement, i , " , A bowling club has been formed with Edwin Fishel , Elmer Weeks , Guilford C. Abbott , Alfred Biggs, ' William Trot- ter, Gustave Fishel, Jr. , Benjamin Ohlmiller, August Ramm, Paul A. Ab- bott and Harry . Lathrop as members. The members will meet every Tuesday during this , month, after which, they w ill adjourn to fall. They use the al- leys at Odd Fellows hall,, The club rolled their first games this week' . Mrs. Natalie Schenck Laimbeer has sued the Long Island Railroad company for $250, 000 damages for her husband' s death and injuries sustained by herself in the accident at the Wreck Lead cross- ing, near Long Beach last summer. Mrs. Laimbeer says she has been lef t a hel p- less cripple since the accident. The two suits are to be tried in Queens county. - l Mrs. Ethel Lorraine Belmont, wife of Raymond Belmont, a ' son of August Belmont, was awarded $100 monthly alimony by Justice Greenbaum in the New York Supreme court ' this week. Justice Greenbaum rebuked Mrs. Bel- mont for her life of idleness and caus- ing her husband to spend $90,000 on her in three years. * Babylon Sanitary Ash and Garbage Co. Ashes and garbage promptly re- moved with improved sanitary dust and odorless wagons. First class system for excavation of toilets. Prices mode- rate. Tel. 294 M. P. O. Box 271, Baby- lon. Advertisement. 33 -3mo Dr. Frank Overton, who has served as health officer of Patchogue village and Brookhaven town, has been ap- pointed state health inspector for the counties of Suffolk and Nassau. His sal ary is $4, 000 a year, the term being for four years. Dr. Overton stood seventh on the civil service list A basketball team composed of Fred Benesch, "Pep" Ryther,eJack Sawyer, William Green and Bert Hawkins , went to Babylon last Thursday evening and defeated the Babylon Indians by a score of 48 to 16. —Sayville News. 'fhe Babylon Equal Franchise society will meet in the Library on Monday evening May 11 , at 8:00 o' clock. Im- portant business Will be discussed at this meeting and a full attendance is urged. Nothing of consequence , was trans- acted at the? firemen ' s convention com- mittee on Monday evening lastT Al- though bids for constructing ihe grand- stand for the proposedV tournament were expected to be handed . in, no n?. port was made. Several acceptances of invitations frpm fire companies tell- ing of their intention to take part in the parade were received. A protest has been filed by residents of Carll ave- nue with the village board against hav- ing the proposed gran&3tahd v and race track on that street; Julias since been suggested that i . f the tournament is to be held it should take place on either upper Deer Park- avenue ,. Willow street or Totten place. William Terriere, Herbert B. Smith' s right hand man, has a choice motor- boat "harbored" behind the Smith shop on Main streSeC^ rfrom Which some- one early the week confiscated the crank shaft that had laid in position all winter. After examining . every junk- man ' s wagon that passed by with a possibility of finding the missing shaft, Mr. Terriere was much' surprised to dis- cover it safely tucked away in the rear of the machine room. How it disap- peared and then returned is a mystery that "Bill" will g ive much to learn about. - '* A. D. Palmer representing Economy Rug Co. , Syracuse, N. Y., will be in Babylon, May 12 , 1914 , to get worn car- pets and rugs. Prople that want work done leave word , with John H. Arink and Son. —Advertisement. Many orders have, been received dur- ing the past week for our special en- velope printing offer. One hundred envelopes with one' s name and busi- ness address printed in the ' upper left hand corner for only thirty-seven cents is a bargain none should fail . to take advantage of. Send ybUr orders <at any time, , and the finished goods Will be dejivereb. the , next day. . > , ** h Drivers of all sorts of vehicles should beware and stand:their wagghs , carts, automobiles , etc. , Qn the right side of the road. President Ketcham, as chief of police ,, has ordered that the state law in this regard be . enforced, and Policeman Gallagher will see that the "keep to the right" mandate is obeyed. & R. Wesselhoft-has been enlarging his grocery store at the . . corner of . 'Deer Park avenue and Grove place thia 'week by extending the rear several feet, do- ing away with the back room. Mr; Wesselhoft has . rented a bouse on Paumanake avenue and will move hia family in there next week. * A.A. Harold L, Abbott, master o*tj Babylon lodge, No. 784 , F. and A. M., attended the session of the- gran d lodge ra New York city this week. Justice George Freifield, of Brooklyn, was elected grand master. :A h-j * Norton E! Jones , of Patchogue, aged 65 years , Was married for the fourth time last week. HiB bride Was Miss Ellen Lee , aged 38. Now he wants to get rid of Jus latest helpmate. *H Among the indictments brought in by the grand jury in Riverhead this week Was one for murder in the first degree again8tBVapcis J. Fowler ,; for killing Frank Sammis , of Huntington. NoticeB have been issued that A BJ * , tbbny Johnson will make formal appli- cation to the United States District court in Brooklyn on June 12 forl^ discbarge from bankruptcy. . ' V L ' ' : ' •- " '¦> ' : '2 f. - . X . - ' , - , , A petition is being circulate d in- jSo* ' . piague asking the railroad management to build a ifeight station there, v ;<, * - . A, - _ " : Glorias W, Bqi^ rhas begun -£*jWl erection of a new house on v the, south side of Paumanake avenue. , . _ . - . . . : (?r , . f iyyi - . ., *? ¦ . -. ' . - —— ' / : ji } :. jT : i ' A ' A New Jersey iaatroiogist predicts that about May 15 ,] _t ' :3S we will ' have quite cold winds or jsevere storms, and that the "end of Maj* will ba unusually cold for the season. J He also predicts violent storms abon£ June 12 , the week of the proposed fir^en ' a convention in Babylon. He ' also jprophesies that the summer of 191*4 WJaijfc* relativeiy cool and tbat disturbed )* atmospheri c con- ditions of marked character will occur between August 6 M&i?, ' with the end of Augusi and the ilrst part of Sep- tember unoeasonabl; ' . cold. A civil service examination will be held at the Babylon Schoolhouse on Sat- urday, May 16 , for ' applicants for the position- of fourth class ,, postmaster. The offices of this -class in Babylon town are Wyandanch and Copiague. Applicants must live in the " district Wherein the offiee they desire to fill is located. ;. ; , . , , - ; i The Babylon Garage -company has sold anotl^ ^ritsJ^j^rr Fifth cars this week,y: i _W_ CA^0mAi. being the purchaser . " Aji y A" yA; ' , ' *—» J OUR BARGAIN COLUMN POE SALE—DAHLIA ROOTS, $1.00 per dozen, * $7-50 per hundred, pansies, daisies, forget- me-nots, all kinds of vegetable plants and bed- Ing plants at reasonble prices. Call at your pleasure. WJLLIAM WINCOTT, Rose acre, Eouthard' s lane, Babylon, L. I. 34-tf POR SALE-CAPTAIN C. E. ARNOLD. SOLE * ngen t for Suff olk and Nassau Counties for the Pierce Marine Motor. All kinds of motors taken in exchange. The Pierce is one of the best motors on the market today. Send for catalogue . -27tf A LEXANDRA HOTEL FOR SALE OR RENT. ** Ono of the best -hotels on the Merrick road, beautifully furnished, all latest improvements, steam heat, etc. Apply to owner or -prop ., P. O. Box 314, Amityville, N. Y. Tel. 66 Amityville. ' 37tf POR SALE-BABY CHICKS SINGLE COMB White Leghorns best strains, record layers. 12 cents each, J10. per hundred. Safe delivery OTaranteed. SEAWANHAKA F ARM, Speonk, L. I. Established 1898. Phone 28 J Eastport. 39tf A UTOS-I HAVE THE MOST EXTRAORDI- ** nary factory to UBer proposition ever subs mitted to prospective auto buyers. Effects a big - saving both in first cost and repairs. V. R. DAVIS, Mt. Sinai , L. I. 89-lw* POR SALE-SLOOP DOROTHY, 40 FT. LONG. . 12 ft, beam, 2 cylinder Baldwin motor , 80 life Ereserve-re, new sail, fete* CAPT. MAX J. GNILKA, Indenhnrst. - 38-4w POR SALE-ALWAYS ON HAND A COM- * plete line of the famous Weber Farm Wagons at rock bottom prices. I. J. PLATT. Willow street. ______ 61 tf POR SALE-LAUNCH, 23 X 6; STANDING *• top, canvas curtains; 191S Palmer 5 H. P. motor; weedless wheel; full equipment. NP. O. Box 695, Babylon. 36-4w* DAYMERE EGGS FOR FAMILY TRADE. ** Broilers, guineas, $1.50 per pair; fowl, $1.00 each; squabs. 60 cents each. E. C. HAAKONSON. Babylon , N. Y. 21tf WILL SACRIFICE ONE ACRE AT FEDERAL " Park, Babylon, for $350 cash, half value. Foi-IsER, 4717 Froost avenue, Kansas Cicy, Mo. ¦ 89-lw * fXLD INGRAIN OR CARPET RAGS MAKE v durable rugs woven on fly shuttle loom. W. H. BOOTH, Weat Babylon, L. I. Carpet Weaver. , 89-2w* pOR SALE-YOUNG DUCKS, BROILERS * and fresh eggs. KILTIE FAEM, M. L. g__rgg_ Babylon. 93-lyr* POR SALE AND TO LET SIGNS NEATLY * _ and quickly printed at The Signal office. When in need gee The Signal Press. " pH>B SALE-DUCKS EGGS FOR HATCHING, 2 Indian runners, fawn and white. E. K. SOPEB. Wyandanch, L. I. 82-8w* "TERRIERS Qf .ALL KINDS PLUCKED AND * trimmed by experienced dog handler. J OHN DOBSON. Box 51 , Babylon. 39-3w* POR SALE CHEAP-2 1-2 HORSEPOWER * Mietz & Weiss kerosene engine. FREDERICK S HEIDE, Lindenhurst, N. Y. 89-2w POR SALE CHEAP-GOOD PONY AND * wagon. FREDERICK -SHEIDE, Lindenhurst, -N. Y* 39-2w POR SALE-18 FT. DORY . 8 H. P. , $125; 22 FT. * dory, 8 H. P., $250; 20 ft. dory, (sailing) $100; and others * Address A. R. SMITH, Babylon. _____ POR SALE—BEDSTEa-VDS AND SPRINGS. A Call at Sherman House, Babylon. 87-lw POR SALE-ALL KINDS OF FIRE WOOD* **- Apply to WILLIAM R BROSS. Babylon. 37-3w FOR SALE-ALL KINDS OF HAY. DITT- M _ J __ BROTHERS, Lindenhnrst. L. I. _____ MP RING SHIRTS H .you 4re looking foi Shirto, the best that can be bought , for the money, thra ' see us. StV_ have ; , just . "received bur spring line which includes many of the soft French cu j style , in the latest shades and effects. , . We also have the regular negligee coat style with laundered cuffs. These come in the " ARROW " and" CO- L'J VIIV' brands, w hich are big values for the money asked. The COLUMBIA SHIRT is also made in the famous Cuff Turn style which g ives twice the wear of ordinary shirts. Prices:—$2.00 , $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00. Others , 75c , 59c and 50c. See us for shirts. O. S, Davis & Go., Inc. Up-To-Date Furnishers Ma *\lN STTt£ET Ba *\BYLON WANTED A YOUNG M.4N 28 YEARS OLD WITH GOOD **¦ babitS wishes a position as chauffeur with a good family. All year ronnd preferred. Is a flrat tlaas driver and mechanic and eaa furnish best of references. 2 years with last employer. Address C. L. W., Postofflce Box 74 . Bay Shore. L. I. WANTED-REAL ESTATE LISTINGS FROM - owners of property for sale, rent or ex- change. RICHARD R. PLUM, 150 Naaun Street, N. __ Boom 1620, or Babylon . Box 184. 87-lw* WAN5ED-W> BUY CARRIAGES, ANY " condition , also harness for cash. Particu- lar* and pride. I. MEKBBS, 8 Eaat 27th street, N. __g__t_ j___ agsgjw WAKTBD-WOaMAN WOULD LIKE FAMILY - washing to do at home. Addreas MRS. MART S T -ALTOR , g. P. P. 81 . Babylon. __ » __ POSITION WANTED BY FRENCH COUPLE, * butler and coble References exchanged. Address Box 422, Babylon, 39-lw WANTED-PADTraiRS. APPLY' TO JOHN G. WIEBEL, Lindenhnrst and Amityville. 88-2W Paint Up and GleM^B:- Season h-h '> :-^ T#< )' : WS- ll- Get the sp irit. Get the tools at All^fc li^ stock of paint- l I A ¦ i* ll_ ' - : :• ' : _ " ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' " " ' ' - ' ' - i^ ' ' VW^l^-l^rWkW- ^' ' 'J' up goods. Lots ot noes, rakes and slwyw-j^fh ^ icleftfi-up day. Screens for fly time. . - ' Lawn Mowers "thatj^^i^fll |' ' ¦ •¦ ' . ' . - . .AA : ' ' '' ¦ ' .;¦ " . _ —: * ' ' 'Ai' - . ' . : ^ ' ^fe;,^. t' :' lv'"**-—— GOOD INVESTMENTS For the .^^eaffear aothias better 16 in. Phila. Lawn Mowei * I . ' '*" ^^^00^^^'^. <=*» ' . TX , A , -r, * , « ¦^•? JiP Floor Siainei I I ^4c and 80c 16 Tooth Bakes, 25c and 40c _, ,. - ¦ ^2 %&t» '- ' - iiS" Hoes, . 2Sc aiidl50c Enamel^, x _ l<fc ^ $a.«0 per can Hedges Shears, $1.25 and $1.50 *- 'Polist ij^ ; "^3pa > v . ' :;¦ . .. . h^Oc to 25c Grass Shears, 25c and 38c > Dustlesa Mopsi ,. 5Qc and $1.00 Lawn Bakes,! 45 and SOc; Floor MLGJMJ!, ; ¦; ' ; ' " ' lSjc and 25c Push B ^oms , JJ C h Yacht ^pa , ¦ I , / 25c House Brooms , 25c ¦ _ . _*2$__ y l, .,. ,<. Garden Trowels; IQc to 75c Ploor ^f c : i ' r h 10c -'¦ "¦¦ ¦¦ . ' -.* "¦¦ i n '.s.-i i'l f >l j *}| '*JH .,..-. ¦* ¦¦ ' ¦!¦ -— - . , I : L L - * - . ,; ' af : f|i .V. : f ; f . h- ' New Brown and White Enamel Cook- ¦ , >feh^fe , v h ¦* . ing ware. Very Highest Quality. Hand.ow. T-Als^hlfs -Ware at At- Tea Kettles, $L50 and $1.75 ' i^^. *^ -x ' Coffee Pots, 90c and $1.10 Thin G^aii^, -|J^M ' . ' ; ' i\ 4c each Sauce Pans, 42c and 60c '. " , - s -Heavy Gileses I . i'A 2c each Gollanders , > . ^fc ' Jell y Glaaaea ' -' - : ' 2c each Double Boiler^,, $1.48 " ¦ _ ,' ,;,, ' .. . _ -— ' . - ; . ; ¦ ¦ a :/; ..,. , - ,)il i j, ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' . ¦ ALUMINUM W^RE AT . UN- ySi^ flilCES A WHILE THEY L^slf ¦ " ¦ ' "ff'- ' ' . ¦ - ¦ " . . ' T. . * " IC/. - " .y. 1 *:q Sauce Pan ' . .. ' h : lh |0_ 2 ' qt. " Saace Pari v;^ - ^ ; i' ; ' ' 25 c , 6 qy E«<-tle Vf> * J */ : . ' '. ' ${$.& ' Tea SpoqilB. .. ' ". ... . fh .^ : eachh Table. Spooni :• ||te -ea«5h -Fry ing Pans ' * ; ' . ' ' »|^|lad tap ? - i - ' . ¦A , ' ~: i _] ' _\l' m ¦ " ' ; ¦ ' v ' " 'A J&liotiya Money fB_ck if Not 5^«^rf ALLEY BROS. ! BABYLON DEER PARK AVE. JNEW YORK . .mrmmiiAttm^r isSl ______ i ' SPRING SHOE TALK ia always in order especially when the talk ia to a purpose, informing all 'ladies who dress their feet , with ,th6 : consid- eration demanded by good* taste and culture our line of Pumps, Slippers and Oxfords are of the highest grade, cus- tom styles and perfect feeling. Lbol? over our line of Colonial Pumps. P#MIAH E^BBlNl N^IN S^, ;^ , ' '¦y?rrr - * ¦ '* " " iVI it * ¦ *' - '" . ' i * '? * " * ¦ James A^S(!*i%- ytanied on Wed- neaday from-fkiuglaj te* Arizona , where he has. been , aioee |i |fc-£ S^tdber. - . Mr. Tweedy is fM |i piW>Pper -firm of Phelps , boppK"|^p^ : ' ' ' 'in '] l' remain here for aiMW^m^l^j^ii. Douglas is on the;M!<jjitJ^B^<w|ilfer f h and "Jim" is full of ioteJ-wttog' stories of the Mexicans. ( . SA 'tngm^^' tba ' ' Mexicans believe we ^ll^^lpimi , and that when we : sta^*j ^*T ™|J^rs ' to apply a good _xi& _ r_ ^j ^la0m _ t . Lt» ; inake them fully underat ^^i|| 1p|j» is . a " great big wm^WMk§* ____ W^o_ of Texas. The fast approie^ of summer has brought <»>||^^R^^i» ' - ; to, their places in and <«\50|^|gEabylon, Among the recent a^i|p|pHptist8 ' SmVth , on . the Southj0l ||^M^3f. T : N. Cobb, of Thompam.;rpmai^'- ' Miss Louise Higbie to 0&'JM^PMsi-George Cox, of 4n^' ^mmsMHm ^i ~ : ' ' '~& "ia£SmW!lz& : ' ' '" ' ¦¦ Charles L, . a$e8$ •* Wm the popular aecretaiy of« .. -aa 1T»cht club, opened his cottaga i Sflfeinna avenue this week and-^8! - , Hw the sam- meR. , Anothfer ^ - - ¦^•j|h*«fc'spring is •Surely here, _& _ ikh ^ " jfteihtsmen will bef^n ''l^mmmSI ^^'iA; ' ; ti_Mff l____mm _$rm_ n Daniel DeMjtfliffi sfiy f «fl Jama- ica, have re^A ^m WBm Burton cottage on Pavwiai « ¦ i^Woe , for a year. Mr. OH ' * jjjffnd with the Jamaica S-tm - f Warehouse ' .company, oi -^ sits, . ¦ _ commutes daily to busin«i3! ,|i _____ WM' ' " "" ' ' ' 'Sl _______ ! A Irvin Smith , 1? : ' < .-< gBMing the state conventwl w K Wood- men of Ameriiai > . St. y., this week , sends T^3^ -*• . < » __\ telling of the wondei&j. _ i* " $ - * *^»scribe8 the convention aWa f -yi *" _ *rH p bf - fine men. ____#' - Mias Sara Mc-pJ) «¦ iti -2 jfifepod , N. J., who* has l| *«* _ * . , $ H^slBter , Mr ^ &W_ W' . ' ¦> ' *" - ; ¦ ¦^>- a guest this w^g 1 ** %f*^f n __ \ sisters st theii" bome " jH- V**t* . ^^• ' I^P y h- '^ Mips C. B. . » . ir_m ti t* f York city, has renteifl-w ma **m Rage at West Islip ne*i ji fc $** J **M Ppnd ,. and will opeo il . ¦ " * * _Hph> this* summer. S ' - ¦_!' D. W. Argi#.-^ ' . r-^B York , wh<? has rent«fffl| 5 M J . VA"ii*s cot- tage on Deer m^y "-*" £ H there now. - ¦ ' ¦ ' •¦ _ __i ,i " '' Dr. IrVJiqam .iB .T^.j fi.,. - - ||ied for the seaaoo to km $ _ W__ W >e JP oct Btnwt . "- 11 3 mi. . ' . '^ifJzt ^ammma MBM jlB BagHKI. ra. 'T* .. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Watson, of New York city, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Mai Duncan, to Frederick T. Freling- huysen. Their marriage will take place in the autumn at the country home of the bride' s parents in Islip. Both are well known in New York ' s business and social sets. Mr. Frelinghuysen is the son of Theodore Frelinghuysen and his grandfather was secretary of state in President Arthur ' s cabinet. . Word was received here this week , from Clifford M. Trainer , one of Uncle Sam' s boys , who is aboard the battle- ship, South Carolina, in Mexican wat- ers. He writes that the "fun " has subsided and he will be glad when he can go ashore safely with §2.00 and get a " good square meal. " Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Wanser are 'receiving . congratulations at their home in Arnold Manor on the arrival of a 10-pound boy, born May 4. The young man has been . named Leanord Von der Hoost Wanser. Mother and son are doing nicely. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Dunbar Adams and son, Dunbar Adams , of New York city, have returned from Hot Springs, Va., and. are now located at their sum- mer home on the South Country road near Bay Shore. . , Members of the Argyle Park colony who are pow at their cottages are George Cox , C, F. LaComb, Harold F. Sutton.an d J. H. Stephen s , a son-in- law of Gustave , Kobbe, who has the Williams cottage. Counselor Willard P. Reid and family returned last week to their home, the Towers, on the Crescent. They are planning to spend the summer in Europe. Mrs. Robert Taylor Oliver, of New York city, was in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver will come to Babylbn shortly to remain for the summer. Miss Rene Villefeu gave a very suc- cessful and entertaining musical at her home on Park avenue, last* Thursday. A number of her pupils took part. Royal C. DuLittle and Miss WUma Worth are to attend the field day exer cises of Mason' s School for Girls at Tarry town, N. Y., tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. ' John E. Griffin and daughter , Miss Madeline, visited Mr. Griffin ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Griffin , at Sayville, last week. . Arrivals at their cottages on the Crescent of recent date are W. O. Morse, F. ffi Kalbflesich, T. D, Down- ing and T. F. Shortland. J. S> Jonrdan , president of the Brooklyn Union Gas company, has rent- ed the Charles S. Thorne place in West Islip for the summer. . James L. Ewell and family have re- turned to their home at North Babylon. Mrs. Ewell is recovering from a recent severe operation. Editor Long of the Bay Shore Jour- nal , and his daughter, Miss Long, paid THE S IGNAL office a short but pleasant LCall last Saturday. ' f ¦ MisslRena Brown, pf West Eaton, N. Y., sptlntafew days this week visit- ing Mrs. Fred Allen, at the Baptist parsonage. ¦; A ¦ ' ¦'::: ' - : ' } A: ¦ i Mrs. - Forrest Pearsall and Misq , Min- nie Albin are spe nding a: tfew weeks visiting relatives iri .Brooklyn and New Yorttdty. yi Miss Minnie Johnston, of Brooklyn, has been visiting her aunts, Mrs. Wil- liam Suydam and Miss Augusta Cor- nelias. * f: A- ' ,, - yx ' \ ' . * ; *' " - ¦ John L. Heins and son, John L., Jr., were in town,<ra.. Wednesday. HV w aa their first visit here in several months., Mra. William H. Suydam and Bister , Miss Augusta Cornelius , visited friends in New York city la3t week. j w ' 'George Marshall , of Leominster , Mass., vtelMlhw Bister , ' -' - Mrs. W. C a, Abbott , thia week. , v ". ->. ' Dr. Annie S. Highio his rented . the Brower cottage on the Crescent for the Beason. V Leander W. T. Coleman has arrived at his new cottage cn Little East Neck road. ' ¦ '* . - / i , : * ' . " ,\ | A. H. "Breinmell has,opened bis pl Me ona the Sputii Co untLty road-forhth e sum- ? P^ r - - ¦ f Msk, ' AG. ' F. Somher ia , <icOTpylng: . ber l^MMm^^ * 1 ^ ' ' v :f : hili ; i C. W- 'Harold, of New York, has rented the S. O. Dimmiek cottage on Carll avenue. They moved in this week, ¦fhe Dimmicks will spend the summer at their beach house. A. C. Weeks is stopping with , his son , E. C. Weeks , of Fire Island ave- nue, and will remain for the summer. Mrs. W. Ba Walker has opened her summer home at the corner of Deer Park avenue and Southard' s lane. , Miss Catherine Flugrath entertained a number of her /little friends at ^ an Arbor day party this afternoon. Hugh L. Fox returned last week from bis trip abroad and is now at his cottage in West Islip. I f ii ijii ' if ii . ii irri jliwaiB^^ j PElBra^JRENWINGS « ' . "ii . i i .j iiii ;i> iiiiii] |M ; ' H 10BIE " ¦;& CO. " ¦ * * t " : \. A -. . ¦ . - * - - . Main Street - Babylon SPRiG TIME IS GARDEN TIME WE HAVE NOW ON SALE NEW AND LARGE ASSORTMENtS OF D. M. FBBEY'S EELIABLE SEEDS ' OLIVER PLOWS PLANET JR. , CULTIVATORS RAKES , HOES AND FORKS , POULTRY NETTING LAWN MOWERS GARDEN LINES GRASS HOOKS WHEEL BARROWS PRUNING SHEARS HEDGE SHEARS - I . NORCROSS CULTIVATORS We Guarantee Everything we sell to be exactly a* Represented or yoo* money refunded. It will pay you to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. TELEPHONE BABYLON 156 FOR PROMPT Da ELIV.ERI.ES We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with all Cash Purchases. The jury in the case of Henry- 3. Blachly, of Deer Park, against John Taylor , also of .peer Parlt , . for $2 ,600 for alleged trespass , IJ in the Supreme court , in aRiveihead , this week brought in a verdict for $25 for Mr. Blachley as damages to bis "fences and trees. As- sistant District Attorney LeRoy M. Young and ' Percy* L. Housel were at- torneys for Mr. Taylor and Charles R. Street and L. B. Faber appeared ior Mr. ' Blachley. ¦ ' " - . In the case of Joseph E. Ward against Jo|in F. Ckarckeirell , tbe plaintiff m.tii- drew and paid the costs , the case being dismissed. " ¦ f The case of John F. Cockerill against Minor C. Keith went over nrifil the next term. , Counselor Young represented Mr, Cockerill iniboth eases. : . . - . ' ' ¦ ' ¦ - .. : a * " -a ¦ ¦ ' " faf li. . . . ... ¦'' ' " : William McClure is at his cottage on Oak Neck road. Always at Work on Cathedral. About 60 workmen are permanently employed in keeping St. Paul' s catfee- draJ, London , England , in repair. COURT RESULTS. ¦ _ ____% MORTGAGES wi II ! . ¦ . ¦ I i ¦ ¦ ! L M im aaammm —¦*—__M l_% A LITTLE TALK ON INSURANCE If the building humed would the land bs worth enough to pay your mortgage? Have jtitt te&i the policy you hold as mortgages? Doea it coerectly describe the prop* ** erty? Doss,ttie policy insure ths bam as well* as the house? Doea it insure Mary Jones in whoas same , ther title stands or dees it ia- sure her husband who has no in- surable interest? : ' '^' ¦ '' " Do you afcaow the difference h&* twecn a - ., " standard mortgage© clause ^ and one L with "txSL coatt2-* bution^ Do understand the msaa- ing of the M §0 per cent Go-Iasuitr ance Clause * or ate you carry&B( part of the risk yourself without knowing it? / v Let us look over your policieB* The service will cost you nothing. HAFF & FARRINGTON \ Co^«t8«lIorTS at Law i -360 Fafeaa a ? Jazsaica , N. T. . , ' ¦:2 * . -: ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ; ' ' ¦/ *ll*Al*/m *l*l* e *V* J*jaj t_ t ^ltlt/t/ ^^ i WEINBERG'S j DEPARTMENT STORE |i Deer Park Aye., . Babylon, N. Y. I We have just received a beautiful assortment of ladies ' silk waists in \ | the season ! s newest models and colorings. j J i s* If you are contemplating the purchase of a silk waist it will surely pay ! < \ you to look over our line before going elsewhere. | ; SILK WAIST S FROM $1.98 TO $4.4 9 ;; We have also received a beautiful line of ladies ' skirts. These skirts j II are made up in the VERY LATES T STYLES and in the season ' s ! | . newest shades. \ I . A full line of BUTTERICK PATTERNS and Publications al- j < | ways in stock. i .. •- j jj Watch oor windows for the latest creations in styles I ;S We give S. & H. Green Tra ding St amp s with every 10c purchase, j f ty ^r y t y ^ty ^\ i r Qf ty ^f q _ r\y<w^w'&'wwm , &mm _*m m ' ^r *»•&•**** wu'w-ww-i-f'wwwwwwwwv «v*wv«vpwv«v*vw"rv«vvvv\v. ¦g_i ^- "* ^ VVJ B &__ i ' B^BBB-fB-B SAVE ||^)P^B! fl MOONING BETTER BICYCLES than ours , you won't find any better. Heed our warning "toot-toot" ahd keep on our side of the street if you want $ for $ and good service thrown in. Be wise—deal here ! SMITH, the Bicycle Man MAIN STREET , BABYLON t***mmnmmmmmmammtmmmmtmmmmmmmv^nmmt aamnmim ^a^m ^mmm_ ^ HOME NECESSITIES ' . "i' ii What does yonr home Need this Season? What about yonr rngs? Have yoa given any thought to the question of curtains? How about a new cliair for the dining room , a library bible er an extra dresser in Ithe guest room? Now before yon begin your house cleaning let as show you a Fronts Pre- mier Suction Cleaner, or if you cannot nse one because ' yon haven ' t electricity in yoar home we have suction vacuum sweepers at $7.50. Pianos sold for cash or on the easy payment plan. FRANK W. SMITH, Broadway, Amityville , L I. Broadway & Park Ave-, Below the Post , Office. . Telephone 251 a4mitynll« TO aLET f **C LBT- T -OFFICE ^)N SECOND BTaOOR Off ¦*¦ the Ketcham blcLck, Deer Park avenue, on easd after March 1. For particulars Inquire of WlBJXUI F. KBTCHAM, Babylon. gjfjtf •TOIaEASE AT DEEE PARK, 25 ACRES, NO a bolldinss , . .on , very I advantageous terms. , ATDOLTR HOROWITZ, owner.. No. 24 Barclay atreet, N. Y. City. 87-»w* rpo LET-6-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH ¦*¦ and gaa on Totten place. Mas. A. R* Howix, Babylon. . > 87-lw TV) LET-OFFICE ROOMS, AISO ENTIRE -*- third floor to rent/in the Dowden Building- . Ap tly to tloWPEN ______ B-iylon. r86tf LOST AND FOUND LOST-ON TOESDAy. MAt>FIFTBC A <S9"> cord cage and powder box, laitials , F. M. la. Finder please return to la care The Signal, Baby- - - ' . hUsN - .f -X2 ' y x:x '¦ . - ¦x : : l : 2. /A2-ii: X .B*in f : - I OST-ON MONDAY A . SMALL PEKINESE a* dog. Answers to name of Chin. Reward if returned to Msa ^ WnaLUM ar lswoMj, West Islip.

Transcript of * IPlI Kl Kral I l f-^e. cornerstone of Pot* Jefferson 's fine .new School building was|laid' with...

Page 1: * IPlI Kl Kral I l f-^e. cornerstone of Pot* Jefferson 's fine .new School building was|laid' with appropriate ceremonies lasV Saturday. The district takes ah exceptional pride in

IPlKlllKIraf-^e. cornerstone of Pot* Jefferson 'sfine .new School building was|laid' withappropriate ceremonies lasV Saturday.The district takes ah exceptional pridein the building, because three of itsnative sons are identified with its con-struction. E. Post Tooker, the archi-tect; former Sheriff Charles V. Platt,who was awarded the contract to erectthe building, and Myron E. Overton,brother of-Robert N. Overton, of Baby-lon, are residents of the village, hav-ing obtained ,their early education inthe old\school building.

Six farm buildings, valued at §40,000,owned by B. F. Yoakum , at Farming-dale, were burned to the ground lastSunday. A number of prize cattle ahdhorses were saved, a bull being theonly animal burned. The fire startedin a hay loft and spread with greatrapidity. The firemen of the Farming-dale and Central Park departments pre-vented the main buildings from catch-ing fire.

George A, H. Smitb , M. D. Eyediseases only, at the office of Dr. Rice,Tuesdays from 2:30 to 4:30 P. M. —Ad-vertisement. 27tf

At the annual meeting of the IslipAid to the Southside hospital at thehome of Mrs. Benjamin S. Raynor inIslip last week , officers were elected asfollows: President, Mrs. B. S. Raynor;vice-president, Miss Flobelle Smith ;secretary and treasurer, Mrs. RoscoeC Haff. The membership has been in-creased to thirty-six. The society wasorganized on April 30 of last year.

Burmeco Print B utter for connois-seurs; sold by R. Wesselhoft.—Adver-tisement. ' 35tf

For better teeth use Non D K toothpowder.—Advertisement. 94-3m

The S. M. S. wili meet with Mrs.Howell Haff next Monday afternoon.

Two first class • entertainments havebeen booked for Odd Fellows hall, ohefor tomorrow" night and . the. other forSaturday evening of next week. To-morrow the Smith Road Show compafiyis.to give a vaudeville programme,which promises to be very'good. 4 Nextweek, Saturday, the Royal Dramaticsociety, of Lindenhurst, who recentlyscored a success with the four-act play,' 'The W ay f arers,'' are to gWe the sameplay here. This last entertainment isunder the auspices o£ Sampawams lodgeNo. 104, I. O. O. F., and should be wellattended. -' - •

A number of Long Island creditorsattended the session in Brooklyn onTuesday before Richard'M. Cahoone asspecial master in the settling of tbeclaims against the South Shore Trac-tion company. It was understood'thatclaimants against the Babylon Railroadcompany would also have ax. inning, butthey were disappointed. Several fromBabylon were rj resent at the hearing.As Mr. Cahoone will leave on May 16for a two months vacation it is expect-ed he will make his report before thatdate.

Dr. William Carter, of New Y'orkcity, a member of the National. Boardof Censorship, told a Congressionalcommittee this week that his boardpasses on ninety-eight per cent, .of allthe moving picture films manufacturedor imported in this country. . . He saidthat in 1913 his board passed npon7,060,000 feet of-film,, of whicby 77,273feet were condemned at a total 'oss tothe manufacturers ''of $468,638. Dr.Carter said that the* proposed federalcensorship is unnecessary.

Miss Mabel Biggs, of Babylon, whois visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. W. Hen-drickson, gave a party to several littlegirj friends last Saturday afternoon.On account of the inclement weatherthe young folks amused themselves byplaying games, singing, etc., m thehouse. The little guests included tBeMisses Margaret and Madeline Wheeler,Doris Skidmore, Verna Baldwin 'andEstelle Purick. - All had a , delightfultime. — Port Jefferson Echo.

Money to Loan on Bond or Mortgage.All good applications promptly: accepted. * REEVE& BamTLETT. Greennort. N. Y. 6m-20

Advertisement, i ," ,A bowling club has been formed with

Edwin Fishel, Elmer Weeks, GuilfordC. Abbott, Alfred Biggs,' William Trot-ter, Gustave Fishel, Jr. , BenjaminOhlmiller, August Ramm, Paul A. Ab-bott and Harry . Lathrop as members.The members will meet every Tuesdayduring this, month, after which, theywill adjourn to fall. They use the al-leys at Odd Fellows hall,, The clubrolled their first games this week'.

Mrs. Natalie Schenck Laimbeer hassued the Long Island Railroad companyfor $250,000 damages for her husband'sdeath and injuries sustained by herselfin the accident at the Wreck Lead cross-ing, near Long Beach last summer. Mrs.Laimbeer says she has been lef t a help-less cripple since the accident. Thetwo suits are to be tried in Queenscounty. - l

Mrs. Ethel Lorraine Belmont, wifeof Raymond Belmont, a' son of AugustBelmont, was awarded $100 monthlyalimony by Justice Greenbaum in theNew York Supreme court ' this week.Justice Greenbaum rebuked Mrs. Bel-mont for her life of idleness and caus-ing her husband to spend $90,000 on herin three years. *

Babylon Sanitary Ash and GarbageCo. Ashes and garbage promptly re-moved with improved sanitary dust andodorless wagons. First class systemfor excavation of toilets. Prices mode-rate. Tel. 294 M. P. O. Box 271, Baby-lon.— Advertisement. 33 -3mo

Dr. Frank Overton, who has servedas health officer of Patchogue villageand Brookhaven town, has been ap-pointed state health inspector for thecounties of Suffolk and Nassau. Hissalary is $4,000 a year, the term beingfor four years. Dr. Overton stoodseventh on the civil service list

A basketball team composed of FredBenesch, "Pep" Ryther,eJack Sawyer,William Green and Bert Hawkins, wentto Babylon last Thursday evening anddefeated the Babylon Indians by a scoreof 48 to 16.—Sayville News.

'fhe Babylon Equal Franchise societywill meet in the Library on Mondayevening May 11, at 8:00 o'clock. Im-portant business Will be discussed atthis meeting and a full attendance isurged.

Nothing of consequence , was trans-acted at the? firemen's convention com-mittee on Monday evening lastT Al-though bids for constructing ihe grand-stand for the proposedV tournamentwere expected to be handed . in, no n?.port was made. Several acceptancesof invitations frpm fire companies tell-ing of their intention to take part inthe parade were received. A protesthas been filed by residents of Carll ave-nue with the village board against hav-ing the proposed gran&3tahdv and racetrack on that street; Julias since beensuggested that i.f the tournament is tobe held it should take place on eitherupper Deer Park- avenue,. Willowstreet or Totten place.

William Terriere, Herbert B. Smith'sright hand man, has a choice motor-boat "harbored" behind the Smithshop on Main streSeC rfrom Which some-one early the week confiscated thecrank shaft that had laid in position allwinter. After examining .every junk-man's wagon that passed by with apossibility of finding the missing shaft,Mr. Terriere was much'surprised to dis-cover it safely tucked away in the rearof the machine room. How it disap-peared and then returned is a mysterythat "Bill" will give much to learnabout. - '*

A. D. Palmer representing EconomyRug Co., Syracuse, N. Y., will be inBabylon, May 12, 1914,to get worn car-pets and rugs. Prople that want workdone leave word, with John H. Arinkand Son.—Advertisement.

Many orders have, been received dur-ing the past week for our special en-velope printing offer. One hundredenvelopes with one's name and busi-ness address printed in the 'upper lefthand corner for only thirty-seven centsis a bargain none should fail .to takeadvantage of. Send ybUr orders <atany time,, and the finished goods Willbe dejivereb. the, next day. .>, ** h

Drivers of all sorts of vehicles shouldbeware and stand:their wagghs, carts,automobiles, etc., Qn the right side of theroad. President Ketcham, as chief ofpolice, , has ordered that the state law inthis regard be .enforced, and PolicemanGallagher will see that the "keep tothe right" mandate is obeyed. &

R. Wesselhoft-has been enlarging hisgrocery store at the ..corner of .'DeerPark avenue and Grove place thia'weekby extending the rear several feet, do-ing away with the back room. Mr;Wesselhoft has . rented a bouse onPaumanake avenue and will move hiafamily in there next week. * A.A. •

Harold L, Abbott, master o*tj Babylonlodge, No. 784, F. and A. M., attendedthe session of the- grand lodge ra NewYork city this week. Justice GeorgeFreifield, of Brooklyn, was electedgrand master. :A h-j *

Norton E! Jones, of Patchogue, aged65 years, Was married for the fourthtime last week. HiB bride Was MissEllen Lee, aged 38. Now he wants toget rid of Jus latest helpmate. *H

Among the indictments brought in bythe grand jury in Riverhead this weekWas one for murder in the first degreeagain8tBVapcis J. Fowler, ; for killingFrank Sammis, of Huntington.

NoticeB have been issued that ABJ*,tbbny Johnson will make formal appli-cation to the United States Districtcourt in Brooklyn on June 12 forl^discbarge from bankruptcy.

.•' V L ' ' :'• -" '¦> ' : '2 f . -. X • . -',-,, A petition is being circulated in- jSo*'.piague asking the railroad managementto build a ifeight station there, v ;<,* •-.A, -_":

Glorias W, Bqi^ rhas begun -£*jWlerection of a new house onv the, southside of Paumanake avenue., . _. - .. . : ( ? r , . f i y y i - . ., *?

¦ .-. '.-


:ji }: . j T :i ' A '

A New Jersey iaatroiogist predictsthat about May 15, ] _t ':3S we will 'havequite cold winds or jsevere storms, andthat the "end of Maj* will ba unusuallycold for the season. J He also predictsviolent storms abon£ June 12, the weekof the proposed fir en'a convention inBabylon. He'also jprophesies that thesummer of 191*4 WJaijfc* relativeiy cooland tbat disturbed)* atmospheric con-ditions of marked character will occurbetween August 6 M&i?,' with the endof Augusi and the ilrst part of Sep-tember unoeasonabl; '. cold.

A civil service examination will beheld at the Babylon Schoolhouse on Sat-urday, May 16, for ' applicants for theposition- of fourth class,, postmaster.The offices of this -class in Babylontown are Wyandanch and Copiague.Applicants must live in the " districtWherein the offiee they desire to fill islocated. ;. ;, . , , - ;i

The Babylon Garage -company hassold anotl^ ritsJ j rr

Fifth cars

this week,y: i_ W_CA 0mAi. being thepurchaser. " Aj iyA "y A ; ', '



POE SALE—DAHLIA ROOTS, $1.00 per dozen,* $7-50 per hundred, pansies, daisies, forget-me-nots, all kinds of vegetable plants and bed-Ing plants at reasonble prices. Call at yourpleasure. WJLLIAM WINCOTT, Rose acre,Eouthard's lane, Babylon, L. I. 34-tf

POR SALE-CAPTAIN C. E. ARNOLD. SOLE* ngent for Suff olk and Nassau Counties for thePierce Marine Motor. All kinds of motors takenin exchange. The Pierce is one of the bestmotors on the market today. Send for catalogue.


A LEXANDRA HOTEL FOR SALE OR RENT.** Ono of the best -hotels on the Merrick road,beautifully furnished, all latest improvements,steam heat, etc. Apply to owner or -prop., P. O.Box 314, Amityville, N. Y. Tel. 66 Amityville.

' 37tf

POR SALE-BABY CHICKS SINGLE COMBWhite Leghorns best strains, record layers.

12 cents each, J10. per hundred. Safe deliveryOTaranteed. SEAWANHAKA FARM, Speonk, L. I.Established 1898. Phone 28 J Eastport. 39tfA UTOS-I HAVE THE MOST EXTRAORDI-** nary factory to UBer proposition ever subsmitted to prospective auto buyers. Effects a big-saving both in first cost and repairs. V. R. DAVIS,Mt. Sinai, L. I. 89-lw*POR SALE-SLOOP DOROTHY, 40 FT. LONG.

. 12 ft, beam, 2 cylinder Baldwin motor, 80 lifeEreserve-re, new sail, fete* CAPT. MAX J. GNILKA,

Indenhnrst. - 38-4wPOR SALE-ALWAYS ON HAND A COM-* plete line of the famous Weber Farm Wagonsat rock bottom prices. I. J. PLATT. Willow street.______ 61 tfPOR SALE-LAUNCH, 23 X 6; STANDING*• top, canvas curtains; 191S Palmer 5 H. P.motor; weedless wheel; full equipment. N„ P.O. Box 695, Babylon. 36-4w*DAYMERE EGGS FOR FAMILY TRADE.** Broilers, guineas, $1.50 per pair; fowl, $1.00each; squabs. 60 cents each. E. C. HAAKONSON.Babylon, N. Y. 21tfWILL SACRIFICE ONE ACRE AT FEDERAL" Park, Babylon, for $350 cash, half value.

Foi-IsER, 4717 Froost avenue, Kansas Cicy, Mo.¦ 89-lw *

f X L D INGRAIN OR CARPET RAGS MAKEv durable rugs woven on fly shuttle loom. W.H. BOOTH, Weat Babylon, L. I. Carpet Weaver.

, 89-2w*pOR SALE-YOUNG DUCKS, BROILERS* and fresh eggs. KILTIE FAEM, M. L.g__rgg_ Babylon. 93-lyr*POR SALE AND TO LET SIGNS NEATLY*_ and quickly printed at The Signal office.When in need gee The Signal Press. "

pH>B SALE-DUCKS EGGS FOR HATCHING,2 Indian runners, fawn and white. E. K.SOPEB. Wyandanch, L. I. 82-8w*"TERRIERS Qf .ALL KINDS PLUCKED AND* trimmed by experienced dog handler. JOHNDOBSON. Box 51, Babylon. 39-3w*POR SALE CHEAP-2 1-2 HORSEPOWER* Mietz & Weiss kerosene engine. FREDERICKSHEIDE, Lindenhurst, N. Y. 89-2wPOR SALE CHEAP-GOOD PONY AND* wagon. FREDERICK -SHEIDE, Lindenhurst,-N. Y* 39-2wPOR SALE-18 FT. DORY. 8 H. P. , $125; 22 FT.* dory, 8 H. P., $250; 20 ft. dory, (sailing) $100;and others* Address A. R. SMITH, Babylon. _____POR SALE—BEDSTEa-VDS AND SPRINGS.A Call at Sherman House, Babylon. 87-lwPOR SALE-ALL KINDS OF FIRE WOOD***- Apply to WILLIAM R BROSS. Babylon. 37-3wFOR SALE-ALL KINDS OF HAY. DITT-

M_J__ BROTHERS, Lindenhnrst. L. I. _____


H .you 4re looking foi Shirto, thebest that can be bought , for themoney, thra'see us. S t V _ have;, just

."received bur spring line which includesmany of the soft French cu j style, inthe latest shades and effects. , .

We also have the regular negligeecoat style with laundered cuffs. Thesecome in the "ARROW" and" CO-L'J VIIV' brands, w hich are bigvalues for the money asked. TheCOLUMBIA SHIRT is also madein the famous Cuff Turn style whichgives twice the wear of ordinaryshirts.

Prices:—$2.00, $1.50, $1.25and $1.00. Others, 75c, 59cand 50c.

See us for shirts.

O. S, Davis & Go., Inc.Up-To-Date Furnishers


WANTEDA YOUNG M.4N 28 YEARS OLD WITH GOOD**¦ babitS wishes a position as chauffeur with a

good family. All year ronnd preferred. Is a flrattlaas driver and mechanic and eaa furnish best ofreferences. 2 years with last employer. AddressC. L. W., Postofflce Box 74. Bay Shore. L. I.WANTED-REAL ESTATE LISTINGS FROM™ - owners of property for sale, rent or ex-change. RICHARD R. PLUM, 150 Naaun Street,N. __ Boom 1620, or Babylon. Box 184. 87-lw*WAN5ED-W> BUY CARRIAGES, ANY" condition, also harness for cash. Particu-

lar* and pride. I. MEKBBS, 8 Eaat 27th street, N.__g__t_j___ agsgjwWAKTBD-WOaMAN WOULD LIKE FAMILY- ™ washing to do at home. Addreas MRS.MART ST-ALTOR, g. P. P. 81. Babylon. __»__POSITION WANTED BY FRENCH COUPLE,* butler and coble References exchanged.Address Box 422, Babylon, 39-lwWANTED-PADTraiRS. APPLY'TO JOHN

G. WIEBEL, Lindenhnrst and Amityville.88-2W

Paint Up and GleM^B:-Seasonh-h '>:- T#<)':WS-ll-

Get the spirit. Get the tools at All fc li stock of paint-l I A ¦ i* ll_ '- : :• ': _ "¦¦' ¦'¦'" "' '- ''- i ''VW^l^-l^rWkW-^'' 'J'up goods. Lots ot noes, rakes and slwyw-j fhicleftfi-up day.

Screens for fly time. .-' Lawn Mowers "thatj^ i fll |''¦ • ¦ ' . '. -. .AA : ' ' '' ¦ '.; ¦"._ —: * ' ' 'Ai ' - . ' .:^

' fe;, .t':' lv'"**-—— GOOD INVESTMENTS • For the .^ eaffear aothias better

16 in. Phila. Lawn Mowei* I . ' • '*" ^^ 00^^^' . <=*»'. „ TX, A, -r, * , « ¦ •? JiP Floor Siainei I I 4c and 80c16 Tooth Bakes, 25c and 40c _, ,. - ¦ 2%&t»'- '-iiS"Hoes, . 2Sc aiidl50c Enamel ,x _ l<fc

$a.«0 per canHedges Shears, $1.25 and $1.50 *- 'Polistij ;" 3pa>v .' :;¦. ...h^Oc

to 25c

Grass Shears, 25c and 38c > Dustlesa Mopsi, . 5Qc and $1.00Lawn Bakes,! 45 and SOc; Floor MLGJMJ!,

;• ¦;';' " '• lSjc and 25cPush B oms,

JJC h Yacht pa, • ¦ I , / 25cHouse Brooms, 25c ¦_ . _*2$__ yl, . , . , < .

Garden Trowels; IQc to 75c Ploorfc :i 'r h 10c

-' ¦ — "¦¦ ¦¦ — . ' - .*"¦¦ in '.s.-i i'l f >lj *}|'*JH .,..-. ¦*¦¦ ' ¦!— ¦ -— -

. , I : L L-*- . ,; ' af:f|i.V.:f ;f . h- ' •New Brown and White Enamel Cook- ¦ , >feh^fe,v h ¦* .

ing ware. Very Highest Quality. Hand.ow. T-Als^hlfs -Ware at


Tea Kettles, $L50 and $1.75 '•• i^ .* -x '

Coffee Pots, 90c and $1.10 Thin G aii ,-|J^M'.';' i\ 4c eachSauce Pans, 42c and 60c '.", -s -Heavy Gileses I. i'A 2c eachGollanders, > . fc ' Jelly Glaaaea ' -' - • : '

2c eachDouble Boiler ,, $1.48 " ¦_ ,' , ;,,'. . ._-—

'. -; . ;—

¦¦ a :/;..,. , - ,)il ij,' '• ' ' ¦ ' '

. ¦——


• '"ff'- ''. ¦ - ¦" . . ' T. . * " IC/. - " . y .1 *:qt» Sauce Pan ' . . .

' • h:lh |0_2' qt." Saace Pari v; -

^; i'; ' ' 25c

, 6 qy E«<-tle Vf> * J */ : . ''.' ${$.& '

Tea SpoqilB... ' ". ... . fh. : eachhTable. Spooni : • ||te-ea«5h-Frying Pans' *;' .'• ' »| |lad tap

? - • i - '. ¦A ,' ~: i_] '_\l'm ¦" ' ; •¦ ' v ' "

'A J&liotiya Money f B_ ck if Not 5 « rf


. .mrmmiiAttm r isSl______i '

SPRING SHOE TALKia always in order especially when thetalk ia to a purpose, informing all 'ladieswho dress their feet, with ,th6 : consid-eration demanded by good* taste andculture our line of Pumps, Slippers andOxfords are of the highest grade, cus-tom styles and perfect feeling. Lbol?over our line of Colonial Pumps.


, ''¦y?rrr - *¦'*"" iVIit *¦*'-'". 'i *'?* " * ¦

James A S(!*i%-ytanied on Wed-neaday from-fkiuglajte* Arizona, wherehe has. been, aioee |i |fc-£ S tdber.-. Mr.Tweedy is fM|i piW>Pper -firm ofPhelps, boppK"| p :''''in']l' remainhere for aiMW^m l j ii. Douglasis on the;M!<jjitJ B <w|ilferfh and "Jim"is full of ioteJ-wttog' stories of theMexicans. ( . SA 'tngm ^^ 'tba'' Mexicansbelieve we ll^ lpimi, and thatwhen we: sta^*j^*T™|J^rs' to apply agood _xi& _r_ j la0m_t.Lt» ;inake themfully underat ^ i||1p|j» is. a "greatbig wm^WMk§*____W o_ of Texas.

The fast approie of summer hasbrought <»>|| ^R^ i»

' -; to, theirplaces in and <«\50| |gEabylon, Amongthe recent a i|p|pHptist8 ' SmVth,on. the Southj0l || M 3f.T:N. Cobb,of Thompam.;rpmai^'- ' Miss LouiseHigbie to 0&'JM PMsi-George Cox,of 4n^'mmsMHm i ~

:'''~&"ia£SmW!lz&: ' ''" '

¦¦Charles L, . a$e8$•* Wm the popular

aecretaiy of« .. -aa 1T»cht club,opened his cottaga i Sflfeinna avenuethis week and- 8! -, Hw the sam-meR., Anothfer

--¦ •j|h*«fc'spring is•Surely here, _ &_ ikh "jfteihtsmenwill bef n ''l mmmSI ^^'iA;' ; ti_Mff l____ mm_ $rm_n

Daniel DeMjtfliffi sfiyf «fl Jama-ica, have re A ^m

WBm Burton

cottage on Pavwiai« ¦ i^Woe, for ayear. Mr. OH ' * jjjffnd withthe Jamaica S-tm - f Warehouse'.company, oi -^ sits, . ¦ _ commutesdaily to busin«i3!,|i _____ WM''" ""''''Sl _______ ! AIrvin Smith, 1? :'< .-< gBMing thestate conventwl w K Wood-men of Ameriiai > . St. y., thisweek , sends T 3 -*• . < »__ \ tellingof the wondei&j. • _ i*" $ - ** »scribe8the convention aWaf -yi *"_ *rHpbf -finemen. ____#'-

Mias Sara Mc-pJ) «¦ iti -2 jfifepod, N.J., who*has l| *«*_*., $ H slBter,Mr^ &W_ W'. '¦> ' *" - ; ¦• ¦ >- aguest this w g1 ** %f* f n__ \ sistersst theii" bome"jH-V**t*. ^^•'I Py h - '

Mips C. B. .». ir_m tit*f Yorkcity, has renteifl-w ma **m • Rage atWest Islip ne*ijifc $** J**M Ppnd,.and will opeo il . ¦"• * * • _Hph> this*summer. S ' - ¦_!'

D. W. Argi#.-^' . r-^B York,wh<? has rent«fffl| 5M J . VA"ii*s cot-tage on Deer m y "-*"£ H therenow. - ¦ - ¦ '¦'•¦_ __i,i " ''

Dr. IrVJiqam.iB .T .jfi.,.- *¦ - ||ied forthe seaaoo to km $_W__ W>eJPoctBtnwt . "-11 3 mi.. '

. ' ifJzt ^ammma MBMjlBBagHKI. ra.'T* .. .

Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Watson, ofNew York city, have announced theengagement of their daughter, MissMai Duncan, to Frederick T. Freling-huysen. Their marriage will take placein the autumn at the country home ofthe bride's parents in Islip. Both arewell known in New York's businessand social sets. Mr. Frelinghuysen isthe son of Theodore Frelinghuysen andhis grandfather was secretary of statein President Arthur's cabinet. .

Word was received here this week,from Clifford M. Trainer, one of UncleSam's boys, who is aboard the battle-ship, South Carolina, in Mexican wat-ers. He writes that the "fun" hassubsided and he will be glad when hecan go ashore safely with §2.00 and geta "good square meal."

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Wanserare 'receiving . congratulations at theirhome in Arnold Manor on the arrival ofa 10-pound boy, born May 4. Theyoung man has been . named LeanordVon der Hoost Wanser. Mother andson are doing nicely.'

Mr. and Mrs. John Dunbar Adamsand son, Dunbar Adams, of New Yorkcity, have returned from Hot Springs,Va., and. are now located at their sum-mer home on the South Country roadnear Bay Shore. .,

Members of the Argyle Park colonywho are pow at their cottages areGeorge Cox, C, F. LaComb, Harold F.Sutton.and J. H. Stephens, a son-in-law of Gustave, Kobbe, who has theWilliams cottage.

Counselor Willard P. Reid and familyreturned last week to their home, theTowers, on the Crescent. They areplanning to spend the summer inEurope.

Mrs. Robert Taylor Oliver, of NewYork city, was in town this week. Mr.and Mrs. Oliver will come to Babylbnshortly to remain for the summer.

Miss Rene Villefeu gave a very suc-cessful and entertaining musical at herhome on Park avenue, last* Thursday.A number of her pupils took part.

Royal C. DuLittle and Miss WUmaWorth are to attend the field day exercises of Mason's School for Girls atTarry town, N. Y., tomorrow.

Mr. and Mrs. ' John E. Griffin anddaughter, Miss Madeline, visited Mr.Griffin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ThomasGriffin, at Sayville, last week. .

Arrivals at their cottages on theCrescent of recent date are W. O.Morse, F. ffi Kalbflesich, T. D, Down-ing and T. F. Shortland.

J. S> Jonrdan, president of theBrooklyn Union Gas company, has rent-ed the Charles S. Thorne place in WestIslip for the summer.

.James L. Ewell and family have re-turned to their home at North Babylon.Mrs. Ewell is recovering from a recentsevere operation.

Editor Long of the Bay Shore Jour-nal, and his daughter, Miss Long, paidTHE SIGNAL office a short but pleasantLCall last Saturday.' f¦ MisslRena Brown, pf West Eaton, N.

Y., sptlntafew days this week visit-ing Mrs. Fred Allen, at the Baptistparsonage. ¦; A ¦' ¦'::: '- • :'}A: ¦ i

Mrs.- Forrest Pearsall and Misq , Min-nie Albin are spending a:tfew weeksvisiting relatives iri .Brooklyn and NewYorttdty. y i

Miss Minnie Johnston, of Brooklyn,has been visiting her aunts, Mrs. Wil-liam Suydam and Miss Augusta Cor-nelias.* f : A- ', , - y x ' \' .*; *'" -¦

John L. Heins and son, John L., Jr.,were in town,<ra.. Wednesday. HVwaatheir first visit here in several months.,

Mra. William H. Suydam and Bister,Miss Augusta Cornelius, visited friendsin New York city la3t week. j w

' 'George Marshall, of Leominster,Mass., vtelMlhw Bister,' -' - Mrs. W. Ca,Abbott, thia week. , v ". ->.'

Dr. Annie S. Highio his rented .theBrower cottage on the Crescent for theBeason. V

Leander W. T. Coleman has arrivedat his new cottage cn Little East Neckroad. ' ¦'*. - / i , : * ' . ",\| A. H. "Breinmell has,opened bis plMeona the SputiiCountLty road-forhthe sum-?P^r- - ¦

f Msk,'AG.'F. Somher ia ,<icOTpylng:.berl MMm^ *1^ ' ' v :f :hili ; i

C. W- 'Harold, of New York, hasrented the S. O. Dimmiek cottage onCarll avenue. They moved in this week,¦fhe Dimmicks will spend the summerat their beach house.

A. C. Weeks is stopping with , hisson, E. C. Weeks, of Fire Island ave-nue, and will remain for the summer.

Mrs. W. Ba Walker has opened hersummer home at the corner of DeerPark avenue and Southard's lane. ,

Miss Catherine Flugrath entertaineda number of her /little friends at


Arbor day party this afternoon.Hugh L. Fox returned last week

from bis trip abroad and is now at hiscottage in West Islip.

I f iiijii' if ii. ii irrijliwaiB^^

j PElBra JRENWINGS« ' . "ii .ii .j iiii;i>iiiiii] |M ;'

H10BIE"¦;& CO." ¦

* *t " : \. A -. • . • ¦ . - * - - .

Main Street - Babylon








We Guarantee Everything we sell to be exactly a* Represented or yoo*money refunded.

It will pay you to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere.

TELEPHONE BABYLON 156 FOR PROMPT DaELIV.ERI.ESWe Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with all Cash


The jury in the case of Henry- 3.Blachly, of Deer Park, against JohnTaylor, also of .peer Parlt, .for $2,600for alleged trespass,IJ in the Supremecourt, in aRiveihead, this week broughtin a verdict for $25 for Mr. Blachley asdamages to bis "fences and trees. As-sistant District Attorney LeRoy M.Young and 'Percy* L. Housel were at-torneys for Mr. Taylor and Charles R.Street and L. B. Faber appeared iorMr.' Blachley. ¦'"-.

In the case of Joseph E. Ward againstJo|in F. Ckarckeirell, tbe plaintiff m.tii-drew and paid the costs, the case beingdismissed. "¦ f

The case of John F. Cockerill againstMinor C. Keith went over nrifil thenext term. ,

Counselor Young represented Mr,Cockerill iniboth eases.: .

. -.' '¦ •'¦-.. : a*"-a

¦ ¦ • ' "f a f l i . . . . ...¦' ' ' " :

William McClure is at his cottage onOak Neck road.

Always at Work on Cathedral.About 60 workmen are permanently

employed in keeping St. Paul's catfee-draJ, London, England, in repair.


MORTGAGESwi II !¦!.¦. ¦ I i ¦¦! L M im —aaammm—¦*—__Ml_%


If the building humed wouldthe land bs worth enough to payyour mortgage? Have j t i t t te&ithe policy you hold as mortgages?Doea it coerectly describe the prop***erty? Doss,ttie policy insure thsbam as well* as the house? Doeait insure Mary Jones in whoassame, ther title stands or dees it ia-sure her husband who has no in-surable interest? : ' '^' ¦' '"

Do you afcaow the difference h&*twecn a -., "standard mortgage©clause and oneL with "txSL coatt2-*bution Do understand the msaa-ing of the M§0 per cent Go-Iasuitrance Clause* or ate you carry&B(part of the risk yourself withoutknowing it? / v

Let us look over your policieB*The service will cost you nothing.

HAFF & FARRINGTON\ Co «t8«lIorTS at Law

i -360 Fafeaa a? Jazsaica, N. T. . ,' ¦: 2 *•. -: ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ; '• '¦/

*ll*Al*/m *ll*l* e*V*J*jaj t_t ltlt/t/ ^

i W E I N B E R G ' Sj DEPARTMENT STORE|i Deer Park Aye., . Babylon, N. Y.I We have just received a beautiful assortment of ladies' silk waists in \| the season!s newest models and colorings. jJ i s* If you are contemplating the purchase of a silk waist it will surely pay !< \ you to look over our line before going elsewhere.

|; SILK WAISTS FROM $1.98 TO $4.49

;; We have also received a beautiful line of ladies' skirts. These skirts jI I are made up in the VERY LATEST STYLES and in the season's !| . newest shades. \I . A full line of BUTTERICK PATTERNS and Publications al- j< | ways in stock. i .. •- jj j Watch oor windows for the latest creations in styles I;S We give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with every 10c purchase, jf ty ^ryty^ty ^\irQf ty fq_r\y<w^w'&'wwm,&mm _*mm' ^r *»•&• **** wu 'w-ww-i - f 'wwwwwwwwv «v*wv«vpwv«v*vw"rv«vvvv\v.

¦g_i -"* VVJB &__ i ' B BBB-fB-B


BETTER BICYCLESthan ours, you won't find any better. Heed our warning "toot-toot" ahdkeep on our side of the street if you want $ for $ and good service thrownin. Be wise—deal here!


t***mmnmmmmmmammtmmmmtmmmmmmmv^nmmt aamnmim ^a m mmm_ ^


What does yonr home Need this Season?What about yonr rngs?

Have yoa given any thought to the question of curtains?How about a new cliair for the dining room, a library bible er an extra

dresser in Ithe guest room?Now before yon begin your house cleaning let as show you a Fronts Pre-

mier Suction Cleaner, or if you cannot nse one because 'yon haven't electricityin yoar home we have suction vacuum sweepers at $7.50.

Pianos sold for cash or on the easy payment plan.

FRANK W. SMITH, Broadway, Amityville, L I.Broadway & Park Ave-, Below the Post ,Office. . Telephone 251 a4mitynll«


f * *C LBT-T-OFFICE )N SECOND BTaOOR Off¦*¦ the Ketcham blcLck, Deer Park avenue, oneasd after March 1. For particulars Inquire ofWlBJXUI F. KBTCHAM, Babylon. gjfjtf•TOIaEASE AT DEEE PARK, 25 ACRES, NO*¦ a bolldinss, ..on , very I advantageous terms.,ATDOLTR HOROWITZ, owner.. No. 24 Barclayatreet, N. Y. City. 87-»w*rpo LET-6-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH¦*¦ and gaa on Totten place. Mas. A. R*Howix, Babylon. . > 87-lwTV) LET-OFFICE ROOMS, AISO ENTIRE-*- third floor to rent/in the Dowden Building-.Ap tly to tloWPEN ______ B-iylon. r86tf


cord cage and powder box, laitials, F. M. la.Finder please return to la care The Signal, Baby-

- - '. hUsN- .f - X 2 'y x : x '¦. - ¦x : : l : 2. /A 2 - i i : X. B * i nf : -

I OST-ON MONDAY A . SMALL PEKINESEa* dog. Answers to name of Chin. Reward ifreturned to Msa^WnaLUM arlswoMj, West Islip.