^ I COMMON COUNCIILr—DECEMBlEiR 16, 1912. '^...

' "^ "I COMMON COUNCIILr—DECEMBlEiR 16, 1912. '^ 473. Council chamber, Ann Arbor, Mich., with the following statement of the Dec. 16, 1912. Regular Session. cost of paving in District No 27 Ash- Meeting called to order by the pres- ley st.. from William st. to Catherine ident. Present: Aid. Schmid, Koernke, ^^ . Flynn, Man waring, Ramsay, Linden- ^ "", /-. j . schmitt, Schultz, Prochnow, Pipp, -^-aiJor: Grading and exca- Sherk. Ragh, Lutz, Pres. Mills, 13, vating, 2148 cu. yds. at Absent: Aid. Hochrein, Murray, 2. $0.4525 $ 972.11 Minutes of previous ^meeting ap- Mixing and laying concrete 1781.40 proved. Pilling joints and placing Oonimunications. wearing surface 304.27 Communication from mayor, rel- Gravel: For concrete 1575.30 ative to State Teachers' convention PQJ. wearing surface 3 5 00 ^"B^AII Lutz: Whereas, President ^^^^^*^ For pavement V.:.'. 2186:85 Hutchins of our University, and other ^ ?^^ ^"^"^ 116.30 prominent educators and citizens of Curb: Amount paid to con- Ann Arbor, are making an effort to tractor 684.29 have the Michigan State Teachers' Road tar for wearing surface 235,15 associatiion hoild its next annual meet- Asphalt and pitch filler for ing in Ann Arbor, and ^ expansion joints 167 40 Whereas the University of Michi- y^^^^ ^ ^.^ gan, one of the greatest Universities -rx;-^ cc -TO in the country, with its many educa- ^ ^ ^ . 'ArA' \ 'o 86.78 tional advantages and attractions stakes: 250 at 3c 7.50 would be an ideal place for such con- Wood for heating tar and vention, therefore be it filler 7.00 Resolved, that the mayor of our Supplies: Coal 41.69 city be requested to meet the ropre- Plow points and bolts Q.S5 sentatives of the Michigan State rp^^j. pg^p^j. ''"' 2 OR Teachers' association, at their meet- T , iliT " J *' MI'''''/'' ^t't^ ing in Kalamazoo, next Friday, and Lumber and mill work . 75.69 to extend to them an invitation to ^^^ 4,70 hold their next annual meeting in Ann Total supplies 13.3.79 Arbor, and to assure them that the Legal, advertising, engineer- citty of An^n Arbor will do everything ing, superintendance and within its power to make the con- tools, at 10c per sq yd 77109 vention a success. Adopted as follows: Yeas, Aid. , •Sch-mid, Koernke, Flynn, Manwaring, ^ -^^Ldi . . . , $yu»y.zrf Ramsay, Lindenschmitt, Schultz, ^^ss work for public service Pro€hnow, Pipp, Sherk. Rash, Lutz, corporations 17.31 Pres. Mills, 13. Nays, none. From Board of Public Works. Balance $9071.92 ' By. Mr. Reule: Resolved, that inas- Less amount due for curbing much as there were no bids received ^^^ -^ private drives 167.39 for the co'nstruction ot Hill st. pave- ^ _^_*__ ment, this board recommends to the rp ^. 7 council that the city construet said Total $8904.53 pave/ment according to the charter City to pay: 860.65 sq yds. and ordinances. paving at $1,062 $ 914.01 (Council action.) 330.Li lin. ft. curbing at 22c 72.63 Moved by Aid. Manwaring, that the Total $ 986 64 recornmendation he .concurred in 20 per cent* of'the remainder 1583^58 Adopted as follows: Yeas, Aid. Schmid, Koernke, Plynn, Manwaring, rp f 1 Ranxsiay, Lindenschmitt, Schultz, lotal 25 70.22 Prochnow, Pipp, Sherk, Rash, Lutz, Property to pay $6334.31 Pres. Mills, 13. Nays, none. Unit costs based on 7,710.88 sq. yds. (From Board of Works.) .paving and $9071.92 total cost: Engineer's Report on Asliley St. Cost per sq. yd. complete $1,176 Pavement. Cost grading and paving sq. yd 1.062 ' Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 4, 1912. Cost concrete paving and wear- To the Board of Public Works, Ann ing surface per sq. yd 0.913 Arbor, Mich.: Sirs—I submit here- Cost filling joints and wear-

Transcript of ^ I COMMON COUNCIILr—DECEMBlEiR 16, 1912. '^...

Page 1: ^ I COMMON COUNCIILr—DECEMBlEiR 16, 1912. '^ 473.media.aadl.org/documents/pdf/AACityCouncil/Minutes_19121216.pdf' "^ "I COMMON COUNCIILr—DECEMBlEiR 16, 1912. '^ 473. Council chamber,

' "^ " I C O M M O N COUNCIILr—DECEMBlEiR 16, 1912 . '^ 4 7 3 .

Council chamber, Ann Arbor, Mich., with the following statement of the Dec. 16, 1912. Regular Session. cost of paving in District No 27 Ash-Meeting called to order by the pres- ley st.. from William st. to Catherine

ident. Present: Aid. Schmid, Koernke, ^^ . Flynn, Man waring, Ramsay, Linden- ^ "", /-. j . schmitt, Schultz, Prochnow, Pipp, - -aiJor: Grading and exca-Sherk. Ragh, Lutz, Pres. Mills, 13, vating, 2148 cu. yds. at Absent: Aid. Hochrein, Murray, 2. $0.4525 $ 972.11 Minutes of previous ^meeting ap- Mixing and laying concrete 1781.40 proved. Pilling joints and placing

Oonimunications. wearing surface 304.27 Communication from mayor, rel- Gravel: For concrete 1575.30

ative to State Teachers' convention PQJ. wearing surface 3 5 00

^ " B ^ A I I Lutz: Whereas, President ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ For pavement V.:.'. 2186:85 Hutchins of our University, and other ^ ?^^ ^"^"^ 116.30 prominent educators and citizens of Curb: Amount paid to con-Ann Arbor, are making an effort to tractor 684.29 have the Michigan State Teachers' Road tar for wearing surface 235,15 associatiion hoild its next annual meet- Asphalt and pitch filler for ing in Ann Arbor, and ^ expansion joints 167 40

Whereas the University of Michi- y^^^^ ^ ^.^ gan, one of the greatest Universities -rx;- cc -TO in the country, with its many educa- ^ ^ ^ . 'ArA' \ 'o 86.78 tional advantages and attractions stakes: 250 at 3c 7.50 would be an ideal place for such con- Wood for heating tar and vention, therefore be it filler 7.00

Resolved, that the mayor of our Supplies: Coal 41.69 city be requested to meet the ropre- Plow points and bolts Q.S5 sentatives of the Michigan State rp j. pg^p j. ' ' " ' 2 OR Teachers' association, at their meet- T , iliT " J *' M I ' ' ' ' ' / ' ' ^t't^ ing in Kalamazoo, next Friday, and Lumber and mill work . 75.69 to extend to them an invitation to ^^^ 4,70 hold their next annual meeting in Ann Total supplies 13.3.79 Arbor, and to assure them that the Legal, advertising, engineer-citty of An n Arbor will do everything ing, superintendance and within its power to make the con- tools, at 10c per sq yd 77109 vention a success.

Adopted as follows: Yeas, Aid. „ , •Sch-mid, Koernke, Flynn, Manwaring, ^ - ^Ldi . . . , $yu»y.zrf Ramsay, Lindenschmitt, Schultz, ^^ss work for public service Pro€hnow, Pipp, Sherk. Rash, Lutz, corporations 17.31 Pres. Mills, 13. Nays, none. •

From Board of Public Works. Balance $9071.92 ' By. Mr. Reule: Resolved, that inas- Less amount due for curbing much as there were no bids received ^^^ • -^ private drives 167.39 for the co'nstruction ot Hill st. pave- ^ _ ^ _ * _ _ ment, this board recommends to the rp . 7 council that the city construet said Total $8904.53 pave/ment according to the charter City to pay: 860.65 sq yds. and ordinances. paving at $1,062 $ 914.01

(Council action.) 330.Li lin. ft. curbing at 22c 72.63 Moved by Aid. Manwaring, that the Total $ 986 64

recornmendation he .concurred in 20 per cent* of'the remainder 1583^58 Adopted as follows: Yeas, Aid.

Schmid, Koernke, Plynn, Manwaring, rp f 1 Ranxsiay, Lindenschmitt, Schultz, lotal 25 70.22 Prochnow, Pipp, Sherk, Rash, Lutz, Property to pay $6334.31 Pres. Mills, 13. Nays, none. Unit costs based on 7,710.88 sq. yds.

(From Board of Works.) .paving and $9071.92 total cost: Engineer's Report on Asliley St. Cost per sq. yd. complete $1,176

Pavement. Cost grading and paving sq. yd 1.062 ' Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 4, 1912. Cost concrete paving and wear-

To the Board of Public Works, Ann ing surface per sq. yd 0.913 Arbor, Mich.: Sirs—I submit here- Cost filling joints and wear-

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474. C O M M O N O O U N C I L — P E C E i M B E R 16. 1912 .

i n g s u r f a c e p e r sq . y d 0.107 C o s t c o n c r e t e p a v e m e n t on ly ,

p e r sq . yd 0.806 V e r y r e s p e c t f u l l y s u b m i t t e d , M a n l e y

O s g o o d , C i ty E n g i n e e r . M o v e d b y M r . S c o t t t h a t r e p o r t he

r e f e r r e d to C o u n c i l . A d o p t e d . ( C o u n c i l a c t i o n . ) M o v e d b y A i d . L u t z , t h a t r e p o r t b e

a c c e p t e d a n d filed. A d o p t e d . T o t h e H o n o r a b l e , t h e C o m m o n

C o u n c i l of t h e C i t y of A n n A r b o r : i G e n t l e m e n — W e , t h e u n d e r s i g n e d of­ficers of t h e M o t h e r s * c l u b of P e r r y s c h o o l , a u t h o r i z e d b y s a i d o r g a n i z a -iti'on, d o h e r e b y p e t i t i o n y o u r h o n o r ­a b l e b o d y a s f o l l o w s : T h a t t h e c u r ­f e w l aw , s e c t i o n 13 of o r d i n a n c e r e l ­a t i v e t o d i s o r d e r l y p e r s o n s a n d c o n ­d u c t , b e e n f o r c e d in t h e -city of A n n A r b o r , a n d t h a t a beW o r w h i s t l e b e p r o v i d e d t o s o u n d a t 8 p . m. IMary E . H o l l a n d s , p r e s . ; N e l l i e M.

K a h o e , s e c y . ; V i o l a W . B l a i r , t r e a s . ; A l i c e T. Gi l l , , v i c e p r e s . O r d e r e d o n file.

P e t i t i o n s . Petitd'OTi of G. A. Y o u n g , e t a l , r e ­

q u e s t i n g t h e c o u n c i l t o a u t h o r i z e t h e B o a r d of P a r k C o t m m i s s i o n e r s to c o n ­s t r u c t a n d m a i n t a i n s k a t i n g p l a c e s foir t h e y o u t h of t h e c i ty , b y d a m m i n g A l l e n ' s c r e e k a t W e s t B a r k , a n d b y flooding a p a r t a t t h e f a i r g r o u n d s , r e c e i v e d a n d , on m o t i o n of A i d . P i p p , r e f e r r e d t o t h e P a r k c o m i m i t t e e .

C o m m i t t e e R e p o r t s , F INANCE R K P O R T .

Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 12, 1012. To the Finance committee of the Com­

mon Council : Gentlemen—I have examhi-ed the following accounts against the city of Ann Arbor, and I hereby certify tha t they are correct to the best of my knowl­edge.

ROSS GRANGER, City Clerk. F i r e F u n d .

Chas. J . Andrews, salary $41.66 Eugene Wi ' l iams, sa lary 38.50 <leo. l-Ioolzle. salary : .s.r.o Ralph Edwards , sa lary 38.50 Henry McLaren, salary 3G.50 Fred Jo ' ly . salary 3H.50 .Tacob Gwinner, salary 3^.00 Ar thur Clark, salary 35.00 Max Wit t l inger , salary 35.00 I larley Wise, salary 35.00 Martin NOH, salary 35.00 Geo. Isbel, salary 35.00 Mat. Heiuinger. salary 35.00 John Behr, salai'y 35.00 James Smith, salary 35.00 Frank Markey, salary 35.00 Thomas Wharp, salary 3(t.00 Clyde Carpenter, salary 30.00 Chas. Carroll, salary 23.00

F r a n k Kapp , sa lary 23.00

Total salar ies for 1-2 month of December $686.16

Tclice F u n d . Theo. C. Apfel, salary $ 4i.6i| Thos. O'Brien, sa lary 40.00 Wm. J . April!, sa lary 35.00 Gustave Meyer, salary 35.00 Wm. Blackburn, salary 35.00 Rex Burnet t , sa lary 35.00 Kdw. Kubn, sa lary 35.00 Reuben Armbrus ter , salary 35.00

Total salaries for 1-2 month of December $291.63

Contingent Fund . Michael Ryan, salary $30.00 Bailey & Kdmuuds, work on voting

machines, etc 27.25 The Gillette Co., post ing notices 3.50 Bur roughs Adding Machine Co.,

services 1..50 The Michigan Daily, p r in t ing 1.35 K. E. Gauss, b inding G.OO I 'olbemus Transfer Line, livery 1.50 Walker ' s Livery, livery ' 4.00 F. 8. Gehringer. supplies 1.50 Mayer, Schoettle & Schairer Co.,

supplies 6.15 Jno. C. Fischer Co.,. supplies 2.10 The Artificial Ice Co., supplies 15.40

Total supplies, etc $70.25 Higgins* Case. (Witness fees and mileage.) « lias. L. Miller, c-lerk, j u ry fee 1 3.00 Sam. Adams, fees 3.30

i'vis. Walz, fees 3.30 .John McHugh, fees 3.30 Michael Will iams, fees 2.20 Michael Weidmann. fees 3.30 John Osborn, ftes 3.30 August Hermann, ftes T 3.30 Cecil Fields, fees 3.30 William Kuelm, fees 3.30 George Kusterer , fees 2.20 IV S. I>tn-tell, fees 3.30 C. F . Kolbe, fees 2.20 Sam. Burchfield. fees 2.20

Total foes, etc 41 Contingent fund total $1*1

Dog I,.icense Fund . The Ross Decorating Co., r epa i r s . . .$22

Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund. Lu. Bucholz. labor $ 9 , Wm. Clark, labor 22,

Dalgliesh. labor 17 Graf. labor 17 ITession, labor 6 ITolka, labor 8 Kalmbacb, labor 16. Kuehn. labor 4 Mack, labor 17 Miley. labor 14 Roberts , labor 4

A. G. Sohneeberger, labor 3 Adam StoU, labor 12 CvPo. Wisner, labor 5 ^ohn Mol-Iugh, team 20 G. L. Mullison, team 24 Geo. Schaible. car t 20, A. Seyfried. team 28 Jos . Wallacker, cart 20,

John Wm. ^like J o h n S:im. Wm. T. G. Geo. Geo.

50 75


00 00 60 20 40 60 00 31 60 50 20 80 75 33 25 25 34 00 00

Total labor commissioner 's dept $290.13

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Chas. Flewelling, labor *...$10.00 Police Committee. Julius Loelu-ke. labor 27.(5 -r, ^ . , , c i, i4. -r«T, i T-. Bennett French, team 8.50 ^V ^ 1 ^ - fechultz: Whereas, the Po-

_ . lice committee of the council have Total labor enj?ineer's dept $47.25 had the petition of a number of citi-

Hiohi^iiu Central Kailroad Co.. zens, asking: that an auto-patrol be freight •-. *^?, 2 furnished the police department, and

Johu Wi-sner, expense to convention 2o.00 „^, ^ ' Whereas, your com;mTttee feel that

Total ip-S^.H?,. such an addition will greatly increase Bridge, cul. i - crossw'k fund total $370.71 the efficiency of the present depart-

Recapitulation. c-ncr^n ^^ent, and furnish better police pro-p'^irp -^nm Section to the outlaying: districts of ContiV^nt*'.*.*:..V."'V.'''\':.•.'.•.'.•.•.'.•.' l i l Jo the city, therefore be it Dos license 22.70 Re-solved, that a special election be Bridge, cul. & crosswalk 370.71 and the same is hereby called, and

,p , , « l ^ r ^ 8 ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^ ^ Monday, April 7th, ' ' "AiVnArl V.'MYch : Dee'.'io. 11)12". 1913, in pursuance of the state law

To the Honorable, the Common Council: and charter of the city, to vote upon Gentlemen—Your Finance oonimittee have the question of raising the sum of reviewed the foregoing rejiort of the city two thousand do'llars by special tax, plnrU. We recommend that same be ap- such funds when raised to be used proved and that warrants be ordered f^.j. ^ j^^ purchase and equipment of a ; r ' r .Uz ' ,E"E."Suf l . 'F i^^ an auto-patrol wagon for the police

tpp department of the city of Ann Ar-Ald. Lutz moved the adoption of bor, Michigan,

the roport. Resolved, further, that said elec-Adopted as follows: Teas, Aid. tion be held in the several wards of

Schmid, Koernke, Flynn, Manwaring, the city of Ann ArboT, Michigan, as Ramsay, Lindenschmitt, Schultz, follows: 1st ward, ward voting room Prochnow, Pipp, Sherk, Rash, Lutz, in basement of city hall; 2nd ward, Pres. Mills, 13. Nays, none. ward building on S. Ashley st.; 3rd

Sewer Committee, ward, ward 'building on Miiller av.; 4th To the Honorable, the Common ward, ward voting room in basement

Council: Gentlemen—Your coimmittee. pf new armory; 5th ward, ward build-to whom was referred the assessment ^^S on Swift St.; 6th ward, basement of Miss Alice Porter and the com.mu- of Tappan school on E. University nication from Mr. Scott, have had ave.; 7 th wajrd, ward building on the same under consideration, and Mary st. respectfully reco'mmend that the as- Resolved, further, that the super-sessment of $19.79 for Sewer District visors and aldermen of each ward No. 9 (Ann st.) be refunded to Miss constitute the election inspectors, and Porter. the city clerk of said city is hereby I. L. Sherk, Chairman of Sewer com- authorized to issue the usual call for

mittee. said special election, pursuant to the Moved by Aid. Sherk, that Mr. state law and charter of the said city,

Evart H. ;Scott be allowed $23.89 re- and cause to be printed ballots for the 'bate on sewer assessment for Sewer use of the electors of said election, District No. 34 (Packard st., Granger which ballots shall be printed upon av. and Ferdon road, and the clerk white paper of equal width and draw warrant in his favor for amount length and shall re'ad: named. t "For the Police Auto-Patrol Wagon

Adopted as follows: Yeas, Aid. Special Tax YES [ ] . " Schmid, Koernke, Flynn, Manwaring, ^ "For the Police Auto-Patrol Wagon Ramsay, I^indenschmitt, Schultz, Special Tax NO [ ] . " Prochnow, Pipp, Sherk, Rash, Lutz, Resolved, further, that the canvass Pres. Mills, 13. Nays, none. and termination of the vote of said

By Aid. Sherk: Resolved, that the special election be made pursuant to city olerk be and is hereby ordered to the sitate law and charter of said city, draw a warrant in favor of Miss Alice Resolved, further, that the polls Porter for $19.79 as per recommenda- for said election be open from 7 tion of the Sewer committee. o'clock a. m. to 5 o'clock p. m.

Adopted as follows: Yeas. Aid. Adopted as follows: Yeas, Aid. Schmid, Koernke, Flynn, Manwaring, Schmid, Koernke, Flynn, Manwaring, Ramsay, Lindenschmitt. Schultz, Ramsay, Lindenschmitt, Schultz, Prochnow, Pipp, Sherk, Rash, Lutz, Prochnow, • Sherk, Rash, Lutz, Pres. Pres. Mills, 13. Nays. none. Mills, 12. Nays, Aid. Pipp, 1.


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476. COMMON C O U N C I L — D E C E M B E R 16, 1912.

C e m e t e r y C o m m i t t e e . T o t h e C o m m o n C o u n c i l : G e n t l e m e n

— Y o u r C e m e t e r y c o m m i t t e e h a v e h a d t h e m a t t e r o f c h a r g e f o r u s e o f r e ­c e i v i n g v a u l t i n F a i r V i e w c e m e t e r y u n d e r c o n s i d e r a t i o n , a n d r e s p e c t f u l l y r e c o m m e n d t h a t t h e o r d i n a n c e g o v e r n ­i n g t h e c i t y c e m e t e r y b e a m e n d e d t o c o v e r t h i s , m a k i n g t h e c h a r g e $ 2 . 0 0 f o r first fifteen d a y s , a n d 2 5c p e r w e e k t h e r e a f t e r f o r a d u l t s ; w i t h c h a r g e o f $ 1 . 0 0 f o r first fifteen d a y s a n d 2 5 c p e r w e e k t h e r e a f t e r f o r c h i l d r e n . J u l i u s H . K o e r n k e , J . D . R a m s a y , I ,

L . S h e r k , C e m e t e r y c o m m i i t t e e . R e f e r r e d t o O r d i n a n c e c o m m i t t e e .

O f f i c e r s ' R e p o r t s , C I T Y FUiNi. .-s—j.i-easuier s l i e p o r t for

M o n t h K n d h i g Nov. 30, 1912. Money Uece ived— C o n t i n g e n t F u n d — Milk iicent^e:^ $ 7.00 l v 0 d l e * s ' licenwes 3G.(K) F e e s on t a x e s &5 C i ty sca le s 16.80

T o t a l $0O.iij R. C. « C. W . F u n d -L a b o r acc t . i>av. 2(j $1,103.77 L a b o r acc t . pav . 27 4,2(52.24 D r i v e w a y c o n s t r n c t i o u 01.uo W a t e r , t i l e , l a b o r 08.77

T o t a l $5,4ytJ.3;i P a r k F i i n d ^ H o u s e r e n t $13.75 Cenieier.v I ' l m d — * L o t s s^Id $40.00 B u r i a l p e r m i t s 33.00

T o t a l $73.00 P o o r F u n d — K e n t r e t u r n e d $1.00 Do.i? L i c e n s e F u n d — D o g l i censes $oo.2o Spi'inkliniiT D i s t . 12— T a x e s co l lec ted $5.53

T o t a l $5,705.5] On b a n d Nov. 1st 2.740.08

T o t a l • $8,455 W a r r a n t s p a i d 10,173

O v e r d r a f t Dec. 1st $1,717 W a r r a n t s P a i d -C o n t i n g e n t i 'uud Ci ty c e m e t e r y fund I ' i i e d e i i a r l m e n t fund P o o r fund

$2,583, 40,

2,00L' mi

714 3,

01 f u n d 1,253,

f und 0!)0, b u i l d i n g fund 357,

B r i d g e , c u l v e r t & c r o s s w a l k f u n d 2.370,

^ 'nl ice fund S t r e e t f und P a r k f u n d S t r e e t l i g h t S i d e w a l k S i d e w a l k

49 .20 77

,33 ,00 ,()."! ,04 . '8 33 00 47 ((4 S3 39

T o t a l $10,173.20 C o n d i t i o n of Ci ty F u n d s on t h e F i r s t D a y

of D e c e m b e r — On H a n d -C o n t i n g e n t fund $3,711.04 C i t y c e m e t e r y fund 051.S7.

F i r e d e p a r t m e n t f u n d 8,830.33 I ' o o r fund 818.81 I 'o l i ce fund 4,477.41 S t r e e t f u n d .t;3 W a t e r fund 4,17l!73 P a r k fund 625.63 S t r e e t l i gb r f u n d 5,810.96 S i d e w a l k f u n d 347.58 i i n d y e , c u l v e r t a n d c r o s s w a l k fund 1,384.52 l U j e c t e d t a x f u n d 68.44

T o t a l $26,509.16 O v e r d r a w n — :<Hiewalk b u i l d i n g f u n d 513.67 r n c o U e c t e d c i t y t a x f u n d 20,208.64 l>o l inquen t t a x f u n d 7,001.62 S p r i n k l i n g D i s t r i c t No. 11 128.66 Sprinklinj ,^ d i s t r i c t No. 12 225.51 S p r i n k l i n g D i s t r i c t No. 13 88.83

T o t a l $28,266.93 W a r r a n t s O u t s t a n d i n g — C o n t i n g e n t f u n d $008.36 C i ty c e m e t e r y f u n d 40.00 F i r e d e p a r t m e n t fund 235.23 P o o r fund 25.00 I ' a r k f u n d 367.83 S idcvra lk f u n d 02.19 i ' . r idiic. c u l v e r t a n d c r o s s w a l k fund 500.59 i ' . W T N G F U N D S — T r e a s u r e r ' s I t e p o r t for

^ l o n t b E n d i n g Nov. 30, 1912— Monev Uece ived— 'J'ax Acc t . I ' av . 7— T a x e s co l l ec ted $30.29 T a x Acct . X'av. 1 1 — T a x e s co l l ec ted 61.37 T a x Ac<'t. P a v . 13— T a x e s co lb ' e t ed 6.30 T a x Acc t . P a v . 14— T a x e s r o l l e c t r d 32.18 V'AK Acct . P a v . 18— Ti ixes co l l ec ted • 59.27 'i';5x Acct . I»av. 19— T a x e s coUcf ted 7.S0 T a x Acct . P a v . 27— I n t e r e s t on b o n d s sold 3.34 ' a b o r Acct . P a v . 7— P o n d s so ld 1,000.00

T o t a l $1.20n..55 On h a n d Nov. 1st 20.418.30

T o t a l $21.61^.85 W a r r a n t s p a i d 6.214.33 ' ' • ' ba!Hl D^c. 1st $15,404.52 W a r r a n t s P a i d — L a b o r acct . p a v e m e n t No. 20 $ 583.65 L a b o r acc t . p a v e m e n t No. 26 1,103.77 L a b o r acc t . p a v e m e n t No . 27 4,526.91

Doi ; l icense fund S t a t e d o g t a x fund

510,21 100.00

T o t a l . ' • o ' d i t i o n

D a y of i"*!! TTaiid-T a x acc t . T a x acc t . T a x acc t . T a x acc t T a x acc t . T a x a c c t . T a x acct . T a x acc t . T a x acc t . T a x acc t . T a x acc t . T;ix acc t . T a x acct . T a x acct .

of P a v i n g D e c e m b e r —

F u n d s on ..$6,214.33 t h e F i r s t

p a v e m e n t p a v e m e n t p a v e m e n t

p . a v e m e n t p a v e m e n t

p a v e m e n t p a v e m e n t p a v e m e n t p a v e m e n t p a v e m e n t p a v e m e n t p a v e m e n t p a v e m e n t p a v e m e n t

No. 5 $ 780.41 No. 6 6- in No . 7 12.37 No. 8 415.19 No. 10 144.9,8

No. 11 789.70 No. 13 486.09 No. 14 1.114.23 No. 15 1.190.32 No. 16 1.141.06 No . 17 •'•'>4-43 No. 18 2.501.33 No. 19 1.6.^4.79 No . 21 2,231.95

Page 5: ^ I COMMON COUNCIILr—DECEMBlEiR 16, 1912. '^ 473.media.aadl.org/documents/pdf/AACityCouncil/Minutes_19121216.pdf' "^ "I COMMON COUNCIILr—DECEMBlEiR 16, 1912. '^ 473. Council chamber,

C O M M O N C O U N C I L r — D E C E M B E R 16, 1912 . 477, Tax acct. pavement No. 22 ; . 152.25 Tax acct. pavement No. 23 580.08 Tax acet. pavement No. 24 190.40 Tax aect. pavement No. 25 245.^0 Labor aect. pavement No. 20 1,704.52 Labor aect. pavement No. 27 3.03 x^iiuov aect. pavement No. 27 3.34

Total $1G,021.9G Overdrawn— Tax aect. pavement No. 9 $ 398.90 Tax aect. pavement No. 12 134.03 Tax aect. pavement No. 20 83.91

Total $617.44 Warran t s Outstanding— Tax aect. pavement No. 24 $6.64 Tax aect. pavement No. 24 0.64 Labor aect. pavement No. 27 3.63 SKWER FUNDS—Treasurer ' s I teport for

Month Ending Nov. 30. 1912. Money Received— Tax Aect. Sewer 50— Interest on bonds $2.25 T ;ibor Acet. Sewer 48— Bonds sold 192.50 Lal)or Acet. Sewer 49— Bonds sold 80.45 Labor Acet. Sewer 50— i,onds sold 400.89

Total . . Overdraft

Balance War ran t s

Nov. 1st. ; 676.00 4,793.49

paid $4,117.37


Overdraft Pec. 1st 4,382.06 War ran t s Paid— Labor aect. la teral sewer 49 $204.09

Total $204.09 Condition of Sewer Funds on the F i r s t

Day of December— On H a n d -Tax acet. lateral sewer No. 35 .$212.00 Tax aect. lateral sewer No. 37 11.38 Tax acet. lateral sewer No. 41 401.41 Tax acet. laternl sewer No. 4 2 . . . . 105,29 Tax aect. lateral sewer No. 43 10S..57 Tax acet. lateral pewer No. 44 139.9!:, Tax acet. lateral sewer No. 45 207.41

Tax acet. lateral sewer No. 46 207.50 Tax aect. lateral sewer No. 47 187.98 Tax acet. lateral sewer No. 50 2.25 Labor aect. lateral sewer No. 4 9 . . . 57.11 Labor acet. la teral sewer 50 1,603.55

Total $3,305.10 Overdrawn Tax acet. lateral sewer No.

lateral sewer No. lateral sewer No. lateral sewer No. lateral lateral lateral lateral lateral lateral

Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax Labor Labor Labor Labor T„'ibor Labor Labor

acet. acet. acet. acet. aect. acet. acet. acet. acet. aect.

acet. acet. acet. aect. acet. acet. aect.

No. No. No. No. No. No.

sewer sewer sewer sewer sewer

_- sewer lateral sewer No.

lateral sewer No. lateral sewer No. lateral sewer No. lateral sewer No. lateral sewer No. la teral sewer No.

27. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33, 34, 30, 38. 39. 40.


42. 43. 44, 45. 40. 47.

la teral sewer No. 48,

180. 16.

100. 70.

1,620. 88.

3,230. 50. 19.

190. 168. 170, 101. 204, 247. 538. 532. 150.

66 06 20 2-4 96 25 52 40 04 04 18 03 03 2(i 32 53 71 81

$7,747.16 Total Rpeanitnlation— Overdraft city funds $ 1,717.77 Uverara t t Sewer funds 4,382.06

Total $6,099.83 On hand paving funds 15,404.52

Balance on hand $9,304.09 Cash in bank $8,958.10 Cash on hand 346.53

Balance on hand $9,304.69 R'ispectfully submit ted, E. G. MANN, City

Treasurer . State Savinirs Bank, Ann Arbor. Mich.,

Dec. 9th. 1912. To whom this may concern:—This is to

cpitify that there was on deposit in this bank at the close of business on Novem­ber 30th. to tlip cmdi t of E. G. Mann, City Treasurer , $8,958.10.

lEespectfully. C. J . WALZ. Cashier.

R e p o r t of t h e City Clerk a n d Comptro l ler .

Condition of CITY FUNDS.

Balance on Hand Dec. 1, 1912. LiabiMties

Contracted ATailable. Deficit.

Bridge Culvert and Crosswalk . . . $ 883.93 Contingent 2.802.0S City Cemetery Oil .87 Dog License 510.21 State Dog Tax 10t).00 Fire Depar tment 3,595.10 Poor 793.81 Police 4,295.41 Street '3 Water 4.171.73 Park 257.80 Street Light ing 5,810.96 Sidewalk • 285.39

• Total $24,119.52"

1,995.00 7,128.24


9006.24 175.00




331.87 510.21 100.00

C18.8J 212.17




$ 1,111.07 4,325.56




$37,098.22 $ 2.310.8S $15,295.58 BOSS GRANGER, City Clerk.

Page 6: ^ I COMMON COUNCIILr—DECEMBlEiR 16, 1912. '^ 473.media.aadl.org/documents/pdf/AACityCouncil/Minutes_19121216.pdf' "^ "I COMMON COUNCIILr—DECEMBlEiR 16, 1912. '^ 473. Council chamber,

478. COMMON COUNCn>-DECEMBER 16, 1912.

City Enigineer's Office, Ann Arbor, of such storm sewer from Huron st, Mich., Dec. 16th, 1912. to the low point in Crest av. Their To the Hon. Common Council, Ann contention in declining to pay the en-

Arbor, Mich.: Sirs—As there seems t ire cost of such a sewer was that to be some misunderstanding among their property had helped to pay for the members about the final settle- storm sewers constructed in other ent of the accepting of the "Huron parts of the city, and that the city Crest Plat," I beg to make the fol- as a whole should pay at least a part lowing report concerning the matter: of the cost for such improvement on On Sept. 3rd, 1912, the Council adopt- Crest av. The city's one-half of the ed the following motion: "Moved by cost of such a storm sewer would be Aid. Lindenschmitt that the plat of approximately $300.00. Huron Crest addition to the city of j ^ave been assured, since the last Ann Arbor be accepted, provided that meeting of the Council, that Mr. Dob-Mr. R. T. Dobson agrees to place gen, and Wood and Brooks intend to street and sidewalk grade in condition ^o asXhey agreed, and will grade for satisfactory to the City Engineer." On the sidewalks and make what minor the following morning, Mr. Dobson, changes which are advisable in the Mr. Wood, Mr. Brooks, Mr. Atwell street grade, as soon as conditions and myself went out on Crest av. We ^re favorable in the Spring, found that to grade the street so that The plat has been approved by the all the water would dram to Huron st. proper city officials and is recorded, would be impossible without making very respectfully submitted, Manley at necessary to fill above the highest Osgood City Engineer ta,nd most desirable building sites, and • r . ' ^ x ' ^ . ^ - . i , ^ making the lots practically unsaleable. ^ !£° ' ' l ^ .?^ treasurer and clerk for The only solution for the grade ques- "^^^^l^ of November received and or-tion was to leave the general condi- ^^^^.^ o" j^^?; Engineers report on ac­tions practically as they were. To one cepting of Huron Crest plat received or two small changes and the proper ^^i^ ordered on file. grading for sidewalks, Mr. Dobson, Moved by Aid. Prochnow, that the and Wood and Brooks, his selling Platter of amount of street light be-agents readily agreed ^"^ furnished the city be referred to

Under this condition of grading, i t ' ^^^ Lighting committee, with power will, sooner or later, become neces- ^^ employ an expert to determine the sary for a storm sewer to be laid from candle power, etc. Huron st. to the low point on Crest ^ Adopted as follows: l e a s . Aid. av. There is no storm sewer on Huron Schmid, Koernke, Flynn, Manwarmg, Bt. at present, but it will be neces- ^^amsay, Lindenschmitt, Schultz, sary to construct one in connection Prochnow, Pipp, Sherk, Rash, Lutz. with the paving next year. Mr. Do'b- ^^^^- ^^l^s, 1-.. Nays, none, son, and Wood and Brooks, agreed ^^^ Council adjourned. that they would pay one-half the cost ROSS GRANGER, Clerk.