'rEETINGdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945...ho Thl.5 10 atlcnd the neptn...

To Pointe Support Home Rule For Farms Tnmes h \\nlkllls relulOJ.l' IHe=.ldenl nf GaOS'le Otllte lonm!.! C)"pres'!ed hi'! nPlln.emholl to \tllnge uh 1\5 fnr their 8uPIJort nntl uq.,ctl thull tn blf~l\k n\\11\ m To\\nslllp govcrnllllmt 11\ \otmlf \l'l .. the Clt~ Ie que'lUon at the \i1IlIlCt Li.ltlol\ Milich II lie mnde the nfOl'l'!lUti RtnlllllcntR III 'I. Idlel tn (! Rede\\ \\hlch hl! 1't'l\ucsted pUbh"hul hilt 'Ir \\ntklns leiter o 111E EDlTOII I \\ould RlllJrt.clnle It IT \ \I II luld 11111 It'!h tlll'! ttllr In the next nc\lew Oil MIllch 1Hh IIlxl my rm a3 President tlf lilt. \ IUngl of (I'US!lt Pllnh nnns \\11I end I \\Ish 11 l\IIl .... t I tht dlblllS Ilf It \lllilgl nl\ l!llIf..lI1. 1I11111lCllllllll f I till IU\I\I !lUp rl tlll!\ lut\l! Rllen lhl \ 1IlIUrt .1l11111[=' Iturln!! tht t 81\ )Cnn and to blSllulk lot 1II~ SUteC'lliot nne! hl'l snclnh.s nil e\CII more 1I1't1\t. llIlell'll III lhl' nffnlt'! tbis communlt) all the Imrt of nil lis CltlZlU=' I nlso urge lIltl..t el1me'!th that l\U\ {'ltI7l'1l lolL 'Inrch 11th \\ hlle therc 1'1 1111 l'l ntt"t fIr ulhll' n list lmllortant questIOn '\Ill he ..u!Jnutled_lllllllth hether the 'll1nR'e shnll adopt a {'Ih fOlm of j..O\em ent lnfortunateh III the nund" of mnm CItizens IS prollOW has heen confu~ed \qth "\11entlreh dlf rent and complcleh unlonnected matter-the sug lIOn (and to dnte It I" onh a "uggestlUn) of 'I. con IIdnbon of the Gros.!\e Pomte cOlnmumlles There IS connection \\hatsoe\er beh\een the h\O proPosals the Farms become a Clt} It w1l1 not be In the htest degree nearer n consohdatlon "There are dIStinct ad\1ntage" III the ndoptlun of e Cll) plan (wlueh me outlined In the pamphlets 'lent even home) and I hu\e not H"!t he'l.rd a Single sound cnt agamst It So I ur~e m\ fellon I'lhzen'! to te Yes' on the proposal to adopt a elt) phm Thanktng )ou for lOur consJr{E'ration I am Yours \el') slncert'h James h "atkms. eview to Name All-Star Prep Basketball Squad Next Week ~\th'R~~nJ\\m .... , h ,1ft. 11" ~ t It\... a MORE ja 'I ,~~r~!~ m,~C \!J1rO~~t t!"'Otnt ~tUttUl ~:~ ~E;: ~ ::f~;:~-:~b~~~:~a~"ciiL a:.ME~MojfIAL~i\'rEETING :,1 ownship for Home Rule ~ Honor Florence Severs a~:~:~nity III APPEAR IN OPTIMISTS "NOW 11 THEN" ~o Library Obi'ective ' J l' I ' 'I O 'irector The Board of Directors ot lh, Gra"c Palnl. War Me- I T R t . ma"al Llhrary Fund Monday jl iJ o e Ire "ghl una.,maualy decided to rcr...omrnend that the group at I \11 After more limn 21 )ClU ~ Ituge seek to obtain AJger ,.. ¥ ' of sel VlCI.. to the communlt~ I House for Use by all of the I~ f';~:~rd~:~~o Cl~ln~IYrno:C p~I~~erILrn~~:lt~i~:R Pnl~~e Grosse Pomte as a War Me.. than 150 village families have 4 \. cnee "ie\crs \~III retire April morlal and for educational. VOiced their endorsement of I _ __t 1 cultural and public purposes the proposal to divorce the as a Lomrnumty center \dlnge from the Township In r::d~~;~I;neg:~~ et~et ~dar~h~~ I Monda\ n ~llS aehon of the favor of a home rule ad bevers re='IJmatlion at Its I~;:;:v~l b~ rt~~O~e~b:~J~~\~~ ministration Februar) meetlllb I Corporat on f so approved. the The questIOn WIll be on ..he Th~ Itkable M ss Se\er~ "'ho ofrcer~ wdl sol e t the slit of ballot at the Village election - hils madE! an arm} of fr ends Alger How;e to th 5 Fund by Its M~:tt~~ ~~~}4 thnt mam :~~n~~~~u~he t~r:t ~~ce~:::l:t~~~ I~:s~er5 for such a slated pur residents called and wtshed to our I hrat} s}stem 1.11be llUE!~t I A ~peclal meet nil of the mem add th~r support to the proposal l of honor al a special reception ber~ aI the Gr0S5e Pomte War ~f:;u::t% ~~~~I~:~ ~eP~~l:~~~~ ~~d:\t ,~:r~ e::e I~~~oo~ ~ ~ I ~:~~~;~~l ~~~:~~~n~~~ (~~ ~aO:~ \\,hlch expla ned Ihe ad\antagcs rary 15430 Kerche\al lare member~ of tht:' CorporatIOn) ~:hl~h~~n[aU~eedgt~:e~~:ro~~m~~~ The Fr end~ of Ihe GrOSSe \\111 bE! htlld on WetlnC!day of 62 famlhes =~~: ~c~~~II~n Lib:al~~d s~:r~~~: I ~!:~t:bO~~~d ~Iu~ ~~E! ~~ar~: Tlw veteran Village clerk re m the commUn t 10 attend IrtleommendatlOn5 W 11 be plaeed lT1dcd ~olers not to eonIl15e Ihe to member,hlp \ote at that tune. lT1~rger plan as motivated by It 1 19"8 Ih t '! I TO\1.nshlp OlIlCllllsWith their VII se\er:llslheea~ 1Ib~arla~ of: lar l ;; BRIEF HISTORY hge ISloue branch In SE!attle came cast trJ The foregomg action v. as forth Our proposal hllll '1ot relation dlrecl the Wa)ne Count Lb comm!l after the Board of Edu I M I to tl e consolidation problem rar} s Gros<e POinie Branch cation dedmed the g ft of Alger OIII T E erger P an Furton explamed Thl..~ ""as then hOused In the I House for LIbrary purpo:ses last ---- He added Included III the galaxy of colorful costumes snd talented Grosse POinte persona.lJties small cottage next to the neIgh IDecember stating Ihat It Willi A RAG RAP H SOd B It should be understood that appeanng m the Grosse Pomte OptImists musical revue Now and Then are these borhood club -\t thiS time there unSUItable for such use bY Thll Pmnh:r-- ppose Y ~fr~~:ot~::m:f ':::S~~d:b~I::: charming yoUng ladles from left to- nght Margaret Clark 1027 Yorkshire Nanty I as alst~ a G !mall p I b~ar Sh sta L ~!embe; oJ th~ War '~~morlal Rc\ "'.... carrier bo~ Bed' d :~~; ~~~m~OWag~U:~I~e:n~t s~o~l~ Bergman 1040 Lake Shore and JOll.nne S chummen 852 Roslyn DJrected by George M:nnl~~PlIl tlBu~~'i.~g :;e~ a ~:e51tael~a:Y5Po':esms~5f~~u~e)o~~~r Mllnmnll Horsle sell an I ates hke 1. !lIr\ard step In modern S Elhas the show Will be presented at Pierce School audltoltum on Thursday FrJ hOUrs one ~a~ha \:f!k T';; con c<:tllteand learned that It ml~J a~~P~;~I; ~~r.. n 5~orof I Fuur of th e "I f <' nrl dales ~~~~IU~~I;II:~~~~~~~I~; :d~~ day and Saturdav evenmgs of thIS \\ee"'- TIl'kets can be-purchnsed from nn~ Optlmlst ~e~t~lI~:~.e ~red' t~;ee o~~~v ~ea::s;~~e p~~~te:lhe;\e~~a~~~ to ~~~6: h~fCK~~~~~e;::e~~ hnddt~~ f2[ o~~~ I~~e~te\a\~~~;: state III\5 53 )ears old or at the box office ~~~~r ;hheendlr~'l~J~~r<::r Clu e : n~ ~I~~fa~:I1~~~:un~~:<s ::r~~~~ e !en. nl: aboard the I j:hl Co nr I lold II e Woods 0\ ---------llhe Gros<e Po nte Boa d of Ed atter" erc careful!) planned er USS \tand e..tcr th Ledguc rl ",nce Th r dol e en MERGER PETlTlOfloS cat on and deftn leI stated 5 xlh Task Flcet ndl'r 0Il that the ,re oppo ed Pet tons urglOg that Ihe tis l' I HE GETS IT' I 11K D ht F om I' <mall be): nn nil" t Tll' Board nf D rectors placed rommllml of Admiral Rich Ic P opo.aI I eun~ol dale th.. queslon of merg nil the ihe Hea PrOCla1111 ----- 1Y.10111'" aug er a rollect on f bel een Ihree an I Ihf> t1cr n the hands of a pre- 1; ~t,nno~~:Sler .. pari c f ;cx[O~1 J~ un"t c ~:" ;:uI" ~~ro~ P::ltl:s ~:e:~~cee~e~~o~ , Manager Reports ~o,sr ~eoC!~~;~dbO~~", \: b;a~e\~I~ ~~a~ged l~u:~ E~~~,t~~~'~~ ~I~ 11 n a good\\11 lour no e n mhent Jerr Mc llb£!dlstnhutedthl5 \ eel! WorldGOvtWeek/ C ' P Ii Teallt Rob Store Gro~"e Ponte unll toda tlteen \hen the first report mdl " \I, 11 atTord B\ron Ihe Carth 'm:! Ho aid \\olff accord nil tu Ju es Bern rlDle to 0 ce. I h,< f e ag('nce~ Ih a coUee raled lhat further exploratIon of rIC~~eto F~a~~~ \~~l.c n ;~~~~ ;~r:\ ~~e :;~r:\e~~:m t1~: To""nsh p attornl,. Richard Durant of the Gr ,.. R A. n~ller ~~ ~~ :~ee ;OOsk~~: /~t n~ tno"n h: o\;~ ;~ o~~;~~;~ad D:~e I th~!~:SS,bl~; e:n~~a:hor::~nte~ G bral~lIr. I need~ of thf' \ lIage I Furtan staled tI at the proposal p" nl~ Chapter of Ihl' Ln lei equests ctlon Ilram that 100,( abo I S:1:l \orlh p,r I me der cal ass stant Sh"l\e,tlllat on of all a.~pect~ of the tn led 10 attend I I' ml'rl n" I, Ihe end rsement f Ihe \\ orld F"'deral S1.:' anno ., II J 1 of erch.lrd 'c ir m J,cobson~ I no r'~ II full <Iaff of I' ghl I u e o! '\Iger Hou'e h the Com 115 n(''''5 orllan T I' h Ihf' C c Li'ag e I oull n" nd r ement f the ,! ch gan 1u I that Ihl' ch ef elect e head I A mana!:c uf a oca ";I~ I 030 h.errhe al The I hrar 0 ch n I cnl\ n lice of Flrt~fm the follo'\ ng pr al:~ee'l u ~r~hto~~ ~c l'll'r qu If n n. 1 I e;."plan n pai Lellgue h eh S? rep I all the Gro~e Po nIl' mun p I., so~ m~: ;:;~rt~~ ~ar;Oab~:r ~~ '\ccord ng 10 tore m,nallH I Coni n f'd on Page report \ as submitted Mondav 1hl'r f' p n n 1<1e ma rl' entat C orllan alon 0 n orc t c~ h e 0 nl p oda m u \\, en John Hannao the pll pr cd mght I'd to~ III Ih; lr <;. thL men 1''' a so 0 ac I hdn 1100mun clpal I es II rough Ilhe \\,cek pf "11rd f to '\hr I Toddle Hou..e J~~r~on C~e.l~ \ ..r u If' n~ nclud nil eo CO'll'tlllTEE REPORT emp IISIe ~ co <1 n Ihl'r ")~I , oul the state l" a~ \\ orld ('o\emmenl \Vp Nottmgham to Par 0 lce Ie I' me ]e elr ,nd bath ng ..u s To the Board of D rector~ ho Thl.5 10 atlcnd the neptn ThlFarm~elcctor,le 11al<o S>:nnglhLotf alpolaml njArthurLOU\\U ndle "Iked out Ihse Heart Attack Grose Ponte \\ar Memoral Ju\emlc d: I t l L rail Churcn \" I all ~oLt~~~t tr~~~~~c~~~~~:n;m:~~ I ""ere F c;:~1 ~~~l.H: ofh~t"'tron elo~~ e;l nl~"n , d Ihal leg IIlII IG L brll; ~I~~! eh l:an I !i~~ea.11~atht~lI:d I~;reca~:t ~~t:~ I :,enl a~dcae~~c~;~e~~II~rtneJ:un Ipr~~ I..n~ '\~ ~";: fl S h P ~ ~~rocedo~ h:' It 'll:h ('~~~ ~nl "0 u I r of age Sl e ! K'II C tt \o~~er ~umm ttee appo nttld to n ol10~0 Hot \ th t c m nner n \1 rh Ih.. PfV11 F DC 11 J pre.. "en! \tr E n Pin" F did b d dl,llcJ:ed to ha e aIked out Ihl ISO on lake the follo nil' lepsLas rtt dep cis hl~ lo\e for \ lla~l 1dm n <Iral on has been pres:df'~~ Hrnr ~nn~ubbllr~ Shore, p ('5 rI nl \tr '\ \ rlh' S" ~ J: n ' ~ t "lit a~ l n a SU f);) b11h ng ~UIIafter Ir nl: Ih ummended on J1.nuar 19.{9 o apnrt..~ throulln a C7nrlucled Thr~ 1d slourallt' an John M 5 H Ich n~on W lham Ghe<qu fOre Wood< prc" den I Ih... "i I I ~n/ r 'il~~an \a~ de~t bed JII~a~1. JP~ot~0,:p~~~"'10una~ ~:~ I sU~!7s tscl~~rl~~ll~\ ~"e::Po~:m.lr ";:::,,"-:hl::,::,: ~ "' ~'~~~(:;,''r';,7,,:~n~~~~:~1 ~~::~~~,I "~r~: ,7;~,Un::~,:, ,n;:,c m ,/,~',~,' ~,~~:"k, ,,""I',i ',:, 'I '"' 40~ I fcF ,:~'i'"';": T;,7'P~,"', 7;~:;:~'E:::;~~~E~~~~~; 'hu rr pre.lrlcnl f ,\CA pr<,~~~~t nll f 1\ I' /11\ rr 1~~:tt .1"~lor II I CI I \lr D ranI po nl I I Br dl" I nil on rnt ~ RUlls Red Liaht TI bI \as d "o\crl.'d prel m nar) IOformal nqult"} of P:l.~~~ln~~~:ltlllllll~~ If'OI:rll Idl~lllfrllf'l('rl~\OI ~~n;rllll'lnn('fl~rl ~;,':c~Jn::,\frldlj(G\;;;1' ~~~~~~I~h~~r~on I;i{'<;f:~~r 0 ' <;pral~ld on Ihl' I\ng room I (Conlouedon Page a) I r' n\t'ntln" n "nn Fr n r n nI II n tl~ op n v te on Ct) rulL ~ fa\nrllbIC!\\ k Id h naton CI k- re Hb h,ndlnll Ill'S 1 TIT floor 1 DI Huen Henng \ho 'l~rrl ." !hr~llJ:h J.I n ";1 1 n~C \ Le I: r <; a onn th~1r~~~f~:m:~~rll'~ ~?le\~~i~::ct nf~~r ~~~ ~al{' ~~pwIoeldl;;.1 rl'1 ca~~ him ~If I1laSlleS ryagOll ~f~~; ~ot:o~ 5L e~~?~n~~ h~; ..~ -B-E-H-I-N-O-P-A-C-E-1-- P"'rr~bUII:~ne\\~~<,nrepIllal h'oznton In~f'nnv The~eOmlT1ssnrr;\\lI~ervl'll('loflhe nl!' or ll r T\f'nt fou hor<ll(' "I F <; Pie rrporled IIl1tH Garth onl'rof,Delro nu tI nt amonI'll I' Gr" Ip rp I' 0 onlr hUle In thl J:f1t s find Will he ohlll!'d I .. \e r; ~~ : <;~~n~~:r~I:'1 'Ih~' Gro Ifrontl'd h t f' I' <len 1:,,1 I IIn d r u ia led to pll nl ~tnrf' 10M poll e that ~~ __ ~_ p- dl'nu lit lI,t , n..1 nf' pr Ilrl'"\:, r I I' O1munI up .I J:re,1 de I uf II ..: / ~i ~~ nl:051~1:1 S 1001 'ud I geel~r hp ~Ih~i L~ I: ~l t I' f cd II:I I al h.ere! ~omelh nil n Ilh! br rnns: TZ ZZ ' S U'eek's f f)~ flor da 'rc Mr n,,11 ---- t I;ln ffl~o Ih~1l6~~:;c~.C~m/: ,t 1110 PM on Mnrl J(l M mana.: oil' I rnll n I ,n I t ~her <Iruck a ,Iat on He <, d I III C llon I'd I .L J YY4 r Btl)er Mr and Mr Ad . ". ~n Marv J:. Gnll O'n i'l ('0 I Thlmdorl' \\nllrr of \\ '<) nlll rer nJ: h.. I I rll II n rlr \cn b\ R "h d Dor 1ppe rcrl or IIUed lit h ~ ff e ~kr~tMrda;~Mr~~ lit lis lJeJleS pnoulli EllltlC'odrrl Earl DC. II hrlr'plaker Welnl't nn f']b .." fElmCOUlI ho '~~n~cWcdnc,d1. Revi'eJv p r ~Ir rn:~ Mr;" n:'lp\ HrPfllln Wnllnlr Jen~ n J In J I r0n II (' rr I "I "II Lo en I r 1ru ~~It'I:" 1l <;plal fo \lr~ C'I' r~f' H Dr nl'r ,1 B l' M lltr Jo I.ph n PllrkLr Jr ),.1'1 n I Sui q Inl n I' I: I IIe f nl pal:.e Ih 5 I' Baupr Mr_ Fr1nrl'~ OJ urglarles MnrJ rv I <;I'cber B\fon A Law Catches Up .. I n dq Ion.. (C, ... n I , n 1'1 Rotarians Hear l.. .I (' ( II \ I~ ~Ior es of n \~I ,;;...'~ ,n~tt~ "ktl~~ l \dn Dc II hln 11 I ~~~~~I: ~~ IIl~ T V,nZ Ie 'nJ With Young Thieves a): I unil Icu~ Ll<irk ar Ih~Od r~ nl:L1torc t Il;a r.~~ r MemOrial Debated I ~le S~~~~n~ MIIJOrNe \5 Sec nf Del I cOnf ... I I Plllk ----- I He h('ld n l nt~ JlIl olld rerl'vcd II IIClll't for reck Four me I bl' f t\ e G u~ I' I n Pal.e I k PoI:' •Of~"er <;tanlf' ~;lli~e II Ih~fC~!:nn:l~:~P~~d St~O Elegant SWindler Nets EnTI~~s 1.~rtp~~~\~~1 ~:t d::llnn~ pendlOg t_'_'1___ JC~old;e\ ~:porled damllgl'~ of :~e~:conno~rtl eCI~;\e~~~~:~t t~~ I of~~~ CD ~ 10 Prl!5ent \ ar elies t It nnd RUlh Staels for Ion I 000 M<lck lllsl Tucsdll} $1 080 f L 01 B k Irout nE!survev of fln~erpr nl" Sh M h t S II I S400 to the Sltlt on vllllon an IIAlr:er House as II \\ ar Memnr III M le~ t Tllke Spec nl Course I WIt\burn IIvrme \\rrr n.:lt rom OC an Ille led to the IIrre~t of tl l ores erc an e 5 of S150 I the I',r dr\en b\ ,nd evc ('enttlr at Ihe Monda\ at Hltn,rd I <;Undll) It Is the second T1 \ollh \10 'l~oalm"l'd E L Carrnllion \elldrI'R~ed \ouths,~hn{'00re~5edlotlerl Beer To Minors \Irs LFre~1 !noonml't"Ins:ofthIClublillhe Mm~EnJ 0 at'lt\\CA ~rforloth rhlnl.1.<trnll fOrtrotl 5 Itndd~tnll shcrllnkng ~hr bcres of W,\hurn Drul: 100 Fourmn 5 n I In Ire ---- \\lltrrIloll'l 'llpn Delrol Edlors_ r_ t II I'nt5 pie II' I ll~ ~0,g111 C'r ~s<,Po nil' Po Mark ,nd tll" Alom1 TI ,tr rlrm!tlOll]1 rl r I'nll rl!l t I " '\ d F n. th rdt r,1 rGn{>t"I~rt orn~1('~C;;/ ~:~ fl ~ ;,rrt~l'lln 10 I ~':~II:'('~l'lleSI\;lAoll~~~d 171:t'~r II' ~I a~~~ 1> nn I \\II\hurn h 1 ~ ~I, p~:~ I ;,1' I n'l ~l 11'1' n fr ... I ~:~~~~art~cif.~ I' ~III:~I'('~:~~n~I:~n1\1'11..'~p 1'('1 r I I \l rl..Ru II t;Prot: ':'"~lWll;~~~~/A"~lrl ,;1 ,',,, '"" Ii.''';'~'"k'k' p""m" "I ';~~'~:""["k~"r ,~['I" "PI,ri I CI" '" 'p ~;;',;'e\~:,::,:;~ \\"~'n~\ P',,'" 'P ,."h flh nrdrlli\\ll \ JJ II Il rII n PI e d tl,t l,rrnllto Irll: Siort 'ld ~o I f Tiel III r'Ill'I P f' r ,t ltlll lltlrtPl1t lrd J ron al takn II!'I P,hF n,nRel r~ I I forn Gr ~c T' ntl' l nt J I peneo ItSI 100 lelltlnj:'ccou I IInrl'ttr~ \1'1" ~lolLn from t rl\l'rf> IPP I dtl II II III: oflk 1~ (11lfil nn plliir~ n('I:III\(' It l. ... 1 nol", nl ~ddng 1tJune H II r 11'11 r I Off L,terhr n~1 I phun fhck II t emph I ttll n11 lrllifrumil ~e lllpllli mtllt It t ••• II' "I. /J I \l 1 I Art fort.IOllO nil Ircnjltl Mtlr rarc lanall 'UendlllT \n~lpUlltdllecl Th Ir~ra II~plllnnerifu RI, B Icr~Rcl.$lcrFl\e ( Bnker of I:lln Audu t nl n j , I 11f' ) lth Icrcd t t1 u~ L~tllbl~hed Dlr r< TI r \outl ~ all of Df'tr t I' I PolLce d II II 'I pllln to Ill. M nd l\tnr I " nl 0 II lit rnll.hllnnlllli of ltllmbl'r~ tl erl Shul II ~ vrr\ RUrprLRl'd\lIl'n 1I t 110.1' \0 I 'n I WI II I'r from tll cl elk I nd Il'l'n found lVorth turntd vcr 10 Juvemll pI tnlle Irt nI n\I tll deal I I CI ~ II f' Pill flndl prob I ('Jill! tl0 j dllt~ nn I no df' s on "I r ul C-Il.trs \\ II T tIe Jl ~ I ~nr~~er~I:11 ¥'\I, mn~r II: \1 \l nn <"1t 0 I hR Ir rl ~ I ut I • nl lint 1IIII r t Ir 1IIin l~ 11n 01 tlr fld nil Cl I \1ll1 Ul\cemcnl. I nn I l'arlnl! lint! Mr~ 1I nl' f lOri or tl ~ I r I ~In I, lid dl~IIPp nl \ ~ ~urprl"r I \\ I rn I'l'l Mnncln\ lint Ilf' I llUCll hnd IIlIVrt! (In

Transcript of 'rEETINGdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945...ho Thl.5 10 atlcnd the neptn...

Page 1: 'rEETINGdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945...ho Thl.5 10 atlcnd the neptn ThlFarm~elcctor,le 11al:nnglhLotf alpolaml njArthurLOU\\U ndle "Iked out Ihse

ToPointeSupportHome RuleFor Farms

Tnmes h \\nlkllls relulOJ.l' IHe=.ldenl nf GaOS'leOtllte lonm!.! C)"pres'!ed hi'! nPlln.emholl to \tllnge uh1\5 fnr their 8uPIJort nntl uq.,ctl thull tn blf~l\k n\\11\m To\\nslllp govcrnllllmt 11\ \otmlf \l'l .. the Clt~

Ie que'lUon at the \i1IlIlCt Li.ltlol\ Milich I I

lie mnde the nfOl'l'!lUti RtnlllllcntR III 'I. Idlel tn(! Rede\\ \\hlch hl! 1't'l\ucsted pUbh"hul hilt

'Ir \\ntklns leitero 111E EDlTOII

I \\ould RlllJrt.clnle It IT \ \I II luld 11111It'!h tlll'!

ttllr In the next nc\lew Oil MIllch 1Hh IIlxl myrm a3 President tlf lilt. \ IUngl of (I'US!lt Pllnhnnns \\11I end I \\Ish 11 l\IIl .... t I tht dlblllS IlfIt \lllilgl nl\ l!llIf..lI1. 1I11111lCllllllll f I till IU\I\I !lUprl tlll!\ lut\l! Rllen lhl \ 1IlIUrt .1l11111[=' Iturln!! thtt 81\ )Cnn and to blSllulk lot 1II~ SUteC'lliot nne! hl'l

snclnh.s nil e\CII more 1I1't1\t. llIlell'll III lhl' nffnlt'!tbis communlt) all the Imrt of nil lis CltlZlU='

I nlso urge lIltl..t el1me'!th that l\U\ {'ltI7l'1l lolL'Inrch 11th \\ hlle therc 1'1 1111l'l ntt"t fIr ulhll' n

list lmllortant questIOn '\Ill he ..u!Jnutled_lllllllthhether the 'll1nR'e shnll adopt a {'Ih fOlm of j..O\ement lnfortunateh III the nund" of mnm CItizensIS prollOW has heen confu~ed \qth "\11entlreh dlfrent and complcleh unlonnected matter-the sug

lIOn (and to dnte It I" onh a "uggestlUn) of 'I. conIIdnbon of the Gros.!\e Pomte cOlnmumlles There IS

connection \\hatsoe\er beh\een the h\O proPosalsthe Farms become a Clt} It w1l1 not be In thehtest degree nearer n consohdatlon

"There are dIStinct ad\1ntage" III the ndoptlun ofe Cll) plan (wlueh me outlined In the pamphlets 'lenteven home) and I hu\e not H"!t he'l.rd a Single sound

cnt agamst It So I ur~e m\ fellon I'lhzen'! tote Yes' on the proposal to adopt a elt) phm

Thanktng )ou for lOur consJr{E'ration I amYours \el') slncert'h

James h "atkms.

eview to Name All-Star Prep Basketball Squad Next Week~\th'R~~nJ\\m .... , h ,1ft. 11" ~ t It\... a MORE ja 'I,~~r~!~ m,~C\!J1rO~~t t!"'Otnt ~tUttUl ~:~~E;: ~::f~;:~-:~b~~~:~a~"ciiLa:.ME~MojfIAL~i\'rEETING :,1ownship for Home Rule ~

Honor Florence Severs a~:~:~nity III

APPEAR IN OPTIMISTS "NOW 11 THEN" ~o Library Obi'ective ' J l'

I ' 'IO'irector The Board of Directors otlh, Gra"c Palnl. War Me- I

T R t. ma"al Llhrary Fund Monday jl iJo e Ire "ghl una.,maualy decided torcr...omrnend that the group at I \11

After more limn 21 )ClU ~ Ituge seek to obtain AJger ,..

¥' of sel VlCI.. to the communlt~ IHouse for Use by all of the I~

f';~:~rd~:~~o Cl~ln~IYrno:C p~I~~erILrn~~:lt~i~:RPnl~~eGrosse Pomte as a War Me..than 150 village families have 4 \. cnee "ie\crs \~III retire April morlal and for educational.VOiced their endorsement of I _ __t 1 cultural and public purposesthe proposal to divorce the as a Lomrnumty center

\dlnge from the Township In r::d~~;~I;neg:~~ et~et ~dar~h~~ I Monda\ n ~llS aehon of the

favor of a home rule ad bevers re='IJmatlion at Its I~;:;:v~lb~ rt~~O~e~b:~J~~\~~ministration Februar) meetlllb ICorporat on f so approved. the

The questIOn WIll be on ..he Th~ Itkable M ss Se\er~ "'ho ofrcer~ wdl sol e t the slit ofballot at the Village election - hils madE! an arm} of fr ends Alger How;e to th 5 Fund by Its

M~:tt~~ ~~~}4 thnt mam :~~n~~~~u~he t~r:t ~~ce~:::l:t~~~ I~:s~er5 for such a slated purresidents called and wtshed to our I hrat} s}stem 1.11be llUE!~tI A ~peclal meet nil of the memadd th~r support to the proposal l of honor al a special reception ber~ aI the Gr0S5e Pomte War

~f:;u::t% ~~~~I~:~ ~eP~~l:~~~~ ~~d:\t ,~:r~ e::e I~~~oo~ ~ ~ I~:~~~;~~l ~~~:~~~n~~~ (~~ ~aO:~\\,hlch expla ned Ihe ad\antagcs rary 15430 Kerche\al lare member~ of tht:' CorporatIOn)~:hl~h~~n[aU~eedgt~:e~~:ro~~m~~~ The Fr end~ of Ihe GrOSSe \\111 bE! htlld on WetlnC!day

of 62 famlhes =~~:~c~~~II~nLib:al~~d s~:r~~~: I~!:~t:bO~~~d ~Iu~ ~~E! ~~ar~:Tlw veteran Village clerk re m the commUn t 10 attend IrtleommendatlOn5 W 11 be plaeed

lT1dcd ~olers not to eonIl15e Ihe to member,hlp \ote at that tune.lT1~rger plan as motivated by It 1 19"8 Ih t '! I

TO\1.nshlp OlIlCllllsWith their VII se\er:llslheea~1Ib~arla~ of: larl;; BRIEF HISTORYhge ISloue branch In SE!attle came cast trJ The foregomg action v. as forth

Our proposal hllll '1ot relation dlrecl the Wa)ne Count L b comm!l after the Board of Edu

IM I to tl e consolidation problem rar} s Gros<e POinie Branch cation dedmed the g ft of AlgerOIII T E erger P an Furton explamed Thl..~ ""as then hOused In the IHouse for LIbrary purpo:ses last

---- He added Included III the galaxy of colorful costumes snd talented Grosse POinte persona.lJties small cottage next to the neIgh IDecember stating Ihat It WilliA RAG RAP H SOd B It should be understood that appeanng m the Grosse Pomte OptImists musical revue Now and Then are these borhood club -\t thiS time there unSUItable for such usebY Thll Pmnh:r-- ppose Y ~fr~~:ot~::m:f ':::S~~d:b~I::: charming yoUng ladles from left to- nght Margaret Clark 1027 Yorkshire Nanty I as alst~ aG!mall p I b~arSh sta L ~!embe; oJ th~ War '~~morlal

Rc\ "'.... carrier bo~ Bed' d :~~; ~~~m~OWag~U:~I~e:n~ts~o~l~ Bergman 1040 Lake Shore and JOll.nne S chummen 852 Roslyn DJrected by George M:nnl~~PlIltlBu~~'i.~g :;e~ a ~:e51 tael~a:Y5Po':esms~ 5f~~u~e)o~~~rMllnmnll Horsle sell an I ates hke 1. !lIr\ard step In modern S Elhas the show Will be presented at Pierce School audltoltum on Thursday FrJ hOUrs one ~a~ha \:f!k T';; con c<:tllte and learned that It ml~J

a~~P~;~I; ~~r.. n 5~orof I Fuur of th e "I f <' nrl dales ~~~~IU~~I;II:~~~~~~~I~; :d~~day and Saturdav evenmgs of thIS \\ee"'- TIl'kets can be-purchnsed from nn~ Optlmlst ~e~t~lI~:~.e ~red' t~;ee o~~~v ~ea::s;~~e p~~~te:lhe;\e~~a~~~ to~~~6:h~fCK~~~~~e;::e~~ hnddt~~ f2[ o~~~ I~~e~te\a\~~~;: state III\5 53 )ears old or at the box office ~~~~r ;hheendlr~'l~J~~r<::rCl ue: n~ ~I~~fa~:I1~~~:un~~:<s ::r~~~~e !en. nl: aboard the I j:hl Co nr I lold II e Woods 0\ ---------llhe Gros<e Po nte Boa d of Ed atter" erc careful!) planneder USS \tand e..tcr th Ledguc rl ",nce Th r dol e en MERGER PETlTlOfloS cat on and deftn leI stated5 xlh Task Flcet ndl'r 0Il that the ,re oppo ed Pet tons urglOg that Ihe tis l' I HE GETS IT' I 11K D ht F om I' <mall be): nn nil" t Tll' Board nf D rectors placed

rommllml of Admiral Rich I c P opo. aI I eun~ol dale th.. queslon of merg nil the ihe Hea PrOCla1111 ----- 1Y.10111'" aug er a rollect on f bel een Ihree an I Ihf> t1cr n the hands of a pre-

1; ~t,nno~~:Sler .. pari c f ;cx[O~1 J~ un"tc~:" ;:uI" ~~ro~ P::ltl:s ~:e:~~cee~e~~o~ , Manager Reports ~o,sr ~eoC!~~;~dbO~~",\: b;a~e\~I~ ~~a~ged l~u:~ E~~~,t~~~'~~ ~I~

11 n a good\\11 lour no e n mhent Jerr Mc llb£!dlstnhutedthl5 \ eel! WorldGOvtWeek/C' P Ii Teallt Rob Store Gro~"e Ponte unll toda tlteen \hen the first report mdl" \I, 11 atTord B\ron Ihe Carth 'm:! Ho aid \\olff accord nil tu Ju es Bern rlDle to 0 ce. I h,< f e ag('nce~ Ih a coUee raled lhat further exploratIon of

rIC~~eto F~a~~~ \~~l.c n ;~~~~ ;~r:\~~e :;~r:\e~~:m t1~: To""nsh p attornl,. Richard Durant of the Gr ,.. R A. n~ller ~~ ~~ :~ee ;OOsk~~:/~tn~ tno"nh: o\;~ ;~ o~~;~~;~ad D:~e I th~!~:SS,bl~; e:n~~a:hor::~nte~G bral~lIr. • I need~ of thf' \ lIage I Furtan staled tI at the proposal p" nl~ Chapter of Ihl' Ln lei equests ctlon Ilram that 100,( abo I S:1:l \orlh p,r I me der cal ass stant Sh"l\e,tlllat on of all a.~pect~ of the

tn led 10 attend I I' ml'rl n" I, Ihe end rsement f Ihe \\ orld F"'deral S1.:' anno ., I I J 1 of erch.lrd 'c ir m J,cobson~ Ino r'~ II full <Iaff of I' ghl Iu e o! '\Iger Hou'e h the Com115 n(''''5 orllan T I' h Ihf' C c Li'ag e I oull n" nd r ement f the ,! ch gan 1u I that Ihl' ch ef elect e head I A mana!:c uf a oca ";I~ I 030 h.errhe al The I hrar 0 ch n I cnl\ n lice of Flrt~fm the follo'\ ng

pr al:~ee'lu ~r~hto~~ ~c l'll'r qu If n n. 1 I e;."plan n pai Lellgue h eh S? rep I all the Gro~e Po nIl' mun p I., so~ m~: ;:;~rt~~~ar;Oab~:r ~~ '\ccord ng 10 tore m,nallH I Coni n f'd on Page report \ as submitted Mondav1hl'r f' p n n 1<1e ma rl' entat C orllan alon 0 n orc t c~ h e 0 nl p oda m u \\, en John Hannao the pll pr cd mght

I'd to~ III Ih; lr <;. thL men 1''' a so 0 ac I hdn 1100mun clpal I es II rough Ilhe \\,cek pf "11rd f to '\hr IToddle Hou..e J~~r~on C~e.l~ \ ..r u If' n~ nclud nil eo CO'll'tlllTEE REPORTemp IISIe ~ co <1 n Ihl'r ")~I , oul the state l" a~ \\ orld ('o\emmenl \Vp Nottmgham to Par 0 lce Ie I' me ]e elr ,nd bath ng ..u s To the Board of D rector~

ho Thl.5 10 atlcnd the neptn ThlFarm~elcctor,le 11al<o S>:nnglhLotf alpolaml njArthurLOU\\U ndle "Iked out Ihse Heart Attack Grose Ponte \\ar MemoralJu\emlc d: Itl

L rail Churcn \" I all ~oLt~~~t tr~~~~~ c~~~~~:n;m:~~ I ""ere F c;:~1 ~~~l.H:ofh~t"'tron elo~~ e;l nl~"n , d Ihal leg IIlII IG L brll; ~I~~! eh l:an

• • • I!i~~ea.11~atht~lI:d I~;reca~:t ~~t:~ I :,enl a~dcae~~c~;~e~~II~rt neJ:un I pr~~ I..n~ '\~ ~";: fl S h P ~ ~~rocedo~ h:' It 'll:h ('~~~ ~nl "0 u I r of age Sl e ! K'II C tt \o~~er ~umm ttee appo nttld ton ol10~0 Hot \ th t c m nner n \1 rh Ih.. PfV11 F DC 11 J pre.. "en! \tr E n Pin" F did b d dl,llcJ:ed to ha e aIked out Ihl ISO on lake the follo nil' lepsLas rtt

dep cis hl~ lo\e for \ lla~l 1dm n <Iral on has been pres:df'~~ Hrnr ~nn~ubbllr~ Shore, p ('5 rI nl \tr '\ \ rlh' S" ~ J: n ' ~ t "lit a~ l n a SU f);) b11h ng ~UIIafter Ir nl: Ih ummended on J1.nuar 19.{9o apnrt..~ throulln a C7nrlucled Thr~ 1d slourallt' an John M 5 H Ich n~on W lham Ghe<qu fOre Wood< prc" den I Ih... "i I I ~n / r 'il~~an \a~ de~t bed JII~a~1.JP~ot~0,:p~~~"'10una~ ~:~ I sU~!7sts cl~~rl~~ll~\ ~"e::Po~:m.lr

";:::,,"-:hl::,::,: ~ "' ~'~~~(:;,''r';,7,,:~n~~~~:~1~~::~~~,I"~r~:,7;~,Un::~,:,,n;:,cm,/,~',~,'~,~~:"k,,,""I',i ',:,'I '"' 40~ IfcF,:~'i'"';": T;,7'P~,"', 7;~:;:~'E:::;~~~E~~~~~;:'hu rr pre.lrlcnl f ,\CA pr<,~~~~t nllf 1\ I' /11\ rr 1~~:tt.1"~lor II I CI I \lr D ranI po nl I I Br dl" I nil on rnt ~ RUlls Red Liaht TI b I \as d "o\crl.'d prel m nar) IOformal nqult"} of

P:l.~~~ln~~~:ltlllllll~~ If'OI:rll Idl~lllfrllf'l('rl~\OI ~~n;rllll'lnn('fl~rl ~;,':c~Jn::,\frldlj(G\;;;1' ~~~~~~I~h~~r~on I;i{'<;f:~~r 0 ' <;pral~ld on Ihl' I\ng room I (Conlouedon Page a)I r' n\t'ntln" n "nn Fr n r n n I II n tl~ op n v te on Ct) rulL ~ fa\nrllbIC!\\ k Id h naton CI k- re H b h,ndlnll Ill'S 1 TIT floor 1 DI Huen Henng \ho

'l~rrl ." !hr~llJ:h J.I n ";11n~C \ Le I: r <; a onn th~1r~~~f~:m:~~rll'~ ~?le\~~i~::ct nf~~r ~~~ ~al{' ~~pwIoeldl;;.1rl '1 ca~~ him ~If I1laSlleS ryagOll ~f~~;~ot:o~ 5L e~~?~n~~ h~; ..~ -B-E-H-I-N-O-P-A-C-E-1--

P"'rr~bUII:~ne\\~~<,nrepIllal h'oznton In~f'nnv The~eOmlT1ssnrr;\\lI~ervl'll('loflhe nl!' orll r T\f'nt fou hor<ll(' "I F <; Pie rrporled IIl1tH Garth onl'rof,Delron u tI nt amonI'll I' Gr" Ip rp I' 0 onlr hUle In thl J:f1t s find Will he ohlll!'d I .. \e r; ~~ : <;~~n~~:r~I:'1'Ih~' Gro Ifrontl'd h t f' I' <len 1:,,1 I IIn d r u ia led to pll nl ~tnrf' 10M poll e that ~~ __ ~_

p- dl'nu lit lI,t , n..1 nf' pr Ilrl'"\:, r I I' O1munI up .I J:re,1 de I uf II .. : / ~i ~~ nl:051~1:1 S 1001 'ud I geel~r hp ~Ih~iL~ I: ~l t I' f cd II:I I al h.ere! ~omelh nil n Ilh! br rnns: TZZZ


U'eek'sf f)~ flor da 'rc Mr n,,11 ---- t I;ln ffl~o Ih~1l6~~:;c~.C~m/: ,t 1110 PM on Mnrl J(l M mana.: oil' I rnll n I ,n I t ~her <Iruck a ,Iat on He <, d I III C llon I'd I .L J YY4

r Btl)er Mr and Mr Ad . ". ~n Marv J:. Gnll O'n i'l ('0 I Thlmdorl' \\nllrr of \\ '<) nlll rer nJ: h.. I I rll II n rlr \cn b\ R "h d Dor 1ppe rcrl or IIUed lit h ~ ff e~kr~tMrda;~Mr~~ lit lis lJeJleS pnoulli EllltlC'odrrl Earl DC. II hrlr'plaker Welnl't nn f']b .." fElmCOUlI ho '~~n~cWcdnc,d1. Revi'eJv

p r ~Ir rn:~ Mr;" n:'lp\ HrPfllln Wnllnlr Jen~ n J In J I r 0 n II (' rr I "I "II Lo en I r 1ru ~~It'I:" 1l <;plal fo\lr~ C'I' r~f' H Dr nl'r ,1 B l' M lltr Jo I.ph n PllrkLr Jr ),.1'1 n I Sui q Inl n I' I: I II e f nl pal:.e Ih 5I' Baupr Mr_ Fr1nrl'~ OJ urglarles MnrJ rv I <;I'cber B\fon A Law Catches Up .. I n d q Ion.. (C, ... n I , n 1'1 Rotarians Hear l.. .I (' ( II \ I ~ ~Ior es of

n \~I ,;;...'~ ,n~tt~ "ktl~~ l \dn Dc II hln 11 I~~~~~I: ~~ IIl~ T V,nZ Ie 'nJ With Young Thieves a): I unil Icu~ Ll<irk ar Ih~Od r~ nl:L1torc t Il;a r.~~r MemOrial Debated I ~le S~~~~n~ MIIJOrNe \5 Secnf Del I cOnf ... I I Plllk ----- I He • h('ld n l nt~ JlIl olld rerl'vcd II IIClll't for reck Four me I bl' f t\ e G u~ I' I n Pal.e I

k PoI:' •Of~"er <;tanlf' ~;lli~e II Ih~fC~!:nn:l~:~P~~d St~O Elegant SWindler Nets EnTI~~s1.~rtp~~~\~~1 ~:t d::llnn~ pendlOg t_'_'1___ JC~old;e\ ~:porled damllgl'~ of :~e~:conno~rtl eCI~;\e~~~~:~t t~~ I of~~~ CD ~ 10 Prl!5ent \ ar eliest It nnd RUlh Staels for Ion I 000 M<lck lllsl Tucsdll} $1 080 f L 01 B k Irout nE!survev of fln~erpr nl" Sh M h t S II I S400 to the Sltlt on vllllon an IIAlr:er House as II \\ ar Memnr III M le~ t Tllke Spec nl Course

I WIt\burn IIvrme \\rrr n.:lt rom OC an Ille led to the IIrre~t of tl l ores erc an e 5 of S150 I the I',r dr\en b\ ,nd evc ('enttlr at Ihe Monda\ at Hltn,rdI <;Undll) It Is the second T1 \ollh \10 'l~oalm"l'd E L Carrnllion \elldrI'R~ed \ouths,~hn{'00re~5edlotlerl Beer To Minors \Irs LFre~1 !noonml't"Ins:ofthIClublillhe Mm~EnJ 0 at'lt\\CA~rforloth rhlnl.1.<trnll fOrtrotl 5 Itndd~tnll shcrllnkng ~hr bcres of W,\hurn Drul: 100 Fourmn 5 n I I n Ire ---- \\lltrrIloll'l 'llpn Delrol Edlors_

• • • r_ t II I'nt5 pie II' I ll~ ~0,g111 C'r ~s<,Po nil' Po Mark ,nd tll" Alom1 TI ,tr rlrm!tlOll]1 rl r I'nll rl!l t I " '\ d F n. th rdt r,1

rGn{>t"I~rtorn~1('~C;;/ ~:~ fl ~ ;,rrt~l'lln 10 I ~':~II:'('~l'lleSI\;lAoll~~~d 171:t'~r II' ~I a~~~ 1> nn I \\II\hurn h 1 ~ ~I, p~:~ I ;,1' I n'l ~l 11'1' nfr ... I ~:~~~~art~cif.~I' ~III:~I' ('~:~~n~I:~n1\1' 11..'~p 1'('1 r I I \l rl..Ru II t;Prot:

':'"~lWll;~~~~/A"~lrl,;1 ,',,, '"" Ii.''';'~'"k'k' p""m" "I ';~~'~:""["k~"r ,~['I" "PI,ri I CI" '" 'p ~;;',;'e\~:,::,:;~\\"~'n~\ P',,'" 'P ,."hflh nrdrlli\\ll \ JJ II Il rII n PI e d tl,t l,rrnllto Irll: Siort 'ld ~o I f Tiel III r'Ill'IPf' r ,t ltlll lltlrtPl1t lrd J ron al takn II!'I P,hF n,nRel r~

I I forn Gr ~c T' ntl' l nt J I peneo ItSI 100 lelltlnj:'ccou I IInrl'ttr~ \1'1" ~lolLn from t rl\l'rf> IPP I dtl II II III: oflk 1~ (11lfil n n plliir~ n('I:III\(' It l. ... 1 nol", nl ~ddng1tJune H II r 11'11 r I Off L,terhr n~1 I phun fhck II t emph I ttll n11 lrllifrumil ~e lllpllli mtllt It t

••• II' "I. /J I \l 1 I Art fort.IOllO nil Ircnjltl Mtlr rarc lanall 'UendlllT \n~lpUlltdllecl Th Ir~ra II~plllnnerifu RI, B Icr~Rcl.$lcrFl\e( Bnker of I:lln Audu t nl n j , I 11f' ) lth Icrcd t t1 u~ L~tllbl~hed Dlr r< TI r \outl ~ all of Df'tr t I' I PolLce d II II 'I pllln to Ill. M nd l\tnr I " nl 0 II lit rnll.hllnnlllli of ltllmbl'r~ tl erl Shul II~ vrr\ RUrprLRl'd\lIl'n 1I t 110.1'\0 I 'n I WI II I'r from tll cl elk I nd Il'l'n found lVorth turntd vcr 10 Juvemll p I tnlle Irt n I n \ I tll deal I I CI ~ II f' Pill flndl prob I ('Jill! tl0 j dllt~ nn I no df' s on "I r ul C-Il.trs \\ II T tIe

Jl ~ I ~nr~~er~I:11¥'\I, mn~r II: \1 \l nn <"1t 0 I hR Ir rl ~ I ut I • nl lint 1IIII r t I r 1IIin l~ 11n 01 tlr fld nil Cl I \1ll1 Ul\cemcnl.I nn I l'arlnl! lint! Mr~

1I nl' f lOri or tl ~ I r I~In I, lid dl~IIPp nl\ ~ ~urprl"r I \\ I rn

I'l'l Mnncln\ lint Ilf'I llUCll hnd IIlIVrt! (In

Page 2: 'rEETINGdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945...ho Thl.5 10 atlcnd the neptn ThlFarm~elcctor,le 11al:nnglhLotf alpolaml njArthurLOU\\U ndle "Iked out Ihse

ThUl!ocay t ~3

Now \nUClaloy once agilin II ~

Jog cAIllr pO"er of I n~"SmnOlb qUiet telhone power aurAlnll frotml,lljht)' new nrebllll rnRlIllIbclOuch ofrOutt c

le. II. younl tur ellduellon or Duld. r reI allalnelltoulIlrlpp 1J;lhcUflSdtiR of chau, I( IDu.ick I. 1& 193. nuddI.ter. we I!&D inltalloblthelll all ne .. mOlon IDma1t:et of !Iouno-.nd thlil no greatllr than II


GRother EXTRA Edison ServiceEdISon offices a~ located m almOst e\eryneighborhood lor Ull:: comemence of our

CU5tomhs Each IS 5taffed .md eqwppcdto Give )OU the best 5etVu:e pOSSIble.

Use llIIy neJghborhpod Edison office for exchangmg worn-out lampbulb! and tron cords for help With appllllOces free reapes. and

menus and for other extru. Ldl,Soo "ervll:C~ III "0 e,lrl/ thargt>

Ldt~nn CUStomer nffite~ arc opcn c, en dllv e'(cept "undll\ R ~()

tll 5 Use ,Ihem 10 RCI the mUlil out of all the cloc:trlcltv ) ou U!ll:.


Conveniently LocatedCustomer Offices •••

Senlatlonal new wax type cleanermakes wmdoWB and lI11rrora sparkleanewl Wluska away dIrt sta.ma andtanush faster, e.a.mer' No Bnapl NowaterlNo powdcry resldue' Just mpeIt on • W1pe It off!


! THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW IFil1ll COII/leil Editorially Speaki1lg 8 Candidates I ~ il'ntl'mbl'r?

~ATIO ALEDITORIAL IB M' I 'NOW AND THEN' AND ALWAYS Seek Vote For ~"="""=,,,,=--=lt SSOCIATION ars ltCtllllll, We ngret. ultlt you that phlllBC doeH not ma.ke much h YEAIIS OLD

" Us only IJUfP08C18 onlv to attrnct your attention TJ100ds COllllCil b Georgia °d JtUIl~1' 1:1:J~1lI~(ITnRita Haywortll ~~n~11!Istory about a. band or OI1!mI8l!c men ot Groue yr. t:nc~lll~~ o;crJn~lBn~hmo torOffice at 151.!11\(lrchc\nl bcl\\Cln Maryland and L.akcpolnlc Prolcl18 nillllnit tllrt!O matlon Pointe Groue POI;rnd':)DOd:tn~~(I~:rn~n~~h~~/1 ad reported n Jolt

'The 0lnnIGyrow....l!kl~or.l~~Il.&~ScG~ll;{I~~\~~p~,~ome81l1~lurl! netOrD nil lId:l.'" lInd 0. Thoy rc 11 group who have proved tllemsel\ea in the ell!ctlon on I I~ nomcJl on the "hltl' Spit: dog plell~ll return tollrl!dur llrt. to be lodlled \\lth PRill and who Uvo ill tbe preselll towards making A ~cllel b~:~ot~~;t~\~ :hrce opcn 1"011 Forntllr Jcwler Hli33 Chllr)ll

1.. B OLDHAM • •• pUblisher the '[otlon PIcture \slIorlnllol'l. future tiona on the cowll:IL volxCHARLES MANOS • Editor In liollYMOd :r tU~I~l!c~~~~:tOfficially they are known alii Grosso Point Optimists CnntJldntcl ore Rex E John Iii lEAnS AGOPAUL J BLACI\:BURN •• AthC!rUslng 'Manager ro~\~t~JnMo~I~Uon ~nhl!n at tho with the accent on the Il1It word Because they bellt!ve in lion Paul W Rowe Incumbllnll At the monthly mllctln8' of UII! ~ \ \

ROBERT P OL.DHAM •• ••••• Advertising Co men: rccent mC!l!t1nlt this community enough to dIg down deep in their pockets HO'\ard Wolll Gl!L:~~V ~~e:n\ ?r~~:~ulr~:~:e S~cl:~;n :~ch~~nJOHN J BROWNE ••• Circulation Mgr Lottcrs ore 10 bo ....rlltlln ob to finance a proteaslonnllzed musical eltl'8vagama to raise endom

cl1H:~anBurr and Jerry cent n. DllPetrlJ and hili .Iltaff '::::::

: I) 00 Jectlng to the Curll\er nppllir funds for their' Help the Youth' program Brocd h presonted II Soring no ....!!r Ar: Subz.criptiOI1 Rat~et Btc~~r p~~c~~;lh,By Mall $.. ~~~~II[~~~n;rll':~~dn :~~~~~e;,n~f To assure all those who purchase tickets an e\enmg MCC;l~ ~e elected Volllime r~nge~~nJ, NTf!!hbm7tl~g dfo~• chum bccnUlle uC thclr recent of top filght entertainment they hired a professional di- tno ~edr te~ A. GheahquJre p ~coemPen:sone\~1l'I O:Ul:~ 5Po~k

PubUahed Every Thursday by The Grosse Pointe Printing Co ~~~~~a~e ~~~~~:o ~f~t:J~u~e~o rector with a. diversified bnckgroWld w~r~~c;~ himself Il.II he 1!1 the t!r at the Wynndotte GnrdenVAll 2 U62 2 UGJ 2-4558 "-4559 cock Cor U<lnS hIS rl' ng and The) h ...\ e recruited Grosse Pointe s best talent tone c:mdldllte for the top nUke Club rd E

ey - - - .. dlmtlng tlllen~o 0c th~ P;~~~n Colm ful costumes and scenetJ designed by prafes~ a!l:l~l~~~os ~~~~ o;:I~lonA~~~~ In;:~1 :olumndsg:7hl~~ena:~;;r

S ~I~~ur~f "T\ceh t1~ Council rt!! I;lonals ha,e been acquired Josoph Beaufnit vetoran r~~1 n:t1ne~ 'The ne"le\\erHonor Florence eyers ellnis 1lA unsUltalJle These Optimists have left no Btane unturned to bring dent who "':,111 delcotcd by ~OO 10 YEAIlS AGO

(ConUnued from Plll1e 1) cdunlQ "hleb ,ull holds Cor b/~nfd~U~:~ot~o~:Jnl~~III~N~ ~au ~:~~d ~h:bcr hOos un(lelrl.!!1l1~ ghen his time eftol'l, \0~~~:ur~~4.Wllllam Wright Is nt~~eg~~n~~~ coal \\Il! adVl!rtlud

ellht hlld IIllghth morn than 1 I ~1;;lr~II~~a1~~ra~lnhh~ ::ucl°e~ :~~r\uPXLa:u~l~an~n(,:~t~l1~I~~~~~ ability nud talent to please you un~~il!~~~~Ll'o J AUtmanlleek G J~[:~~;n ~~~l!°~p;~ne~~ i:rCCCrt!llstered borro\erll no\ ha: nnd n librarian she II about to Frunl.cml~n 01 tho llrOund! They have the conrtdence that you will accept their Im~ reclllttlon mUllt but Arnold th~ Pnrkn clerk nmceover IC 000 Add1tlO~1I1 I~n IC~ b~ Oint' a fruit gro\\ et She 111


thnt tl c~e t 0 $\:lU ulunlh Invitation to attend their prog1l1nt Tltat B all they ask J Leibold Jcnn !'.ncr IIn(1 IIfl'\ nrd \\nllnn

~:::. b~:to:::e~ln~~ r~~~ 1t t I: L~OG~~n~l:r ~:~I!Ilr:~~~mh~ea~ appcarlm: In r:~t\l:~hl:u~:e;: They \\ant ) ou nnd the flUIllly Lo see Now nnd Then I at n~~~t~rllth~ Il~l~::~l! b~h~~::: :~ i~~:,~~~::~t~~~d~;t:~~~\1~0~~f'are now .'1I113bll! to thl! pub Cull lIrollnim ot interesting nct fO~1c~lIdrl:n ac d d too ttrrl the PiQreo nudlloriwn tor an enjo)ll.blo c,enlng pro\lde for n Retirolllont S)ll ce!\ed nil A I

~O~I .~:llcl::\lI:I~~I.~ IIn~~~f[~O hltle~ IIhead. ~)In~ f~.IllIe~~rd~e~ nil Now heres the prize In the package ~t~h~r\~I~~~er! lInd Ernplo)eo/l FJVF lEARS AOOShe hu eirculllled book!! from ---- At the Inme meetlnil tho E'ery penny collected after expenses ara met will be AI Bce'cr former toundlmlln Beth~ Johnlon 01 240 Lake

~~O:r:f ~~l~~It~nngd~::~~~t Church To Mark ~oou~~~ ~~I~~lvto L~~:tr:~~~~u~e5 ~:: ~~~~~: muiUple plltlelns of good will and can. :1~;th~~llal::dct~~t \~e s,~u1~~t ~~n~er'd~lr~~~~11 r.}~~~j:~to~;toomt trom a stlltlon v.allon and to be~oml! affiliated v.lth run for oUlce Sll.'ohcn College1mproVlaM all n boolcmobUe Bldg P tho Institute Mn Wnlter Folev Your support of Now nnd Then will help the Op- prc S C Tromblv Jr nleyen from UtI!'Ihl'lves of II amnll • rogress £11\(, n report on tho Irutltutl! timlsts benefit the community Always 1240 Wavbum eompletnd hittont'eeUonary Itorl!' bll50d on her IIttendance at tv.o •• I • 'CJ C' 'I tralnln!!, at 20th Fern- Air Trant

b the Gr - ~IIn celebration of the luccm "ork shop meetlnlls of thl! In ATTENTION DETROIT EDITORS Eanns OUhCl port Command Nash,llIe Tennpotntl!mH~n.: n~llAModnt on CuI complellon of the flnt hal! stllule O"l."B'l"EAR AGO :~n~~yo:~~g~::',\OlI

&he wu responsible ..for eam ~~Is~hoc::;~nia B:;ld;;:: a~~:eltheR~::d o:o~~~ }~l:r:~~tf: Detrolt Hero In CoUege F1re-sald the TImes. Thanks Watkitts .,~a:;c,ll~~n~ reported thnt 3 ue W WI _-eek.:~eQa ::'dr\~0:~n3 I~s s~~: Pointe Methodist Churcli. the donllted to the Grosse Pointe The three Metropolitan dallies canied this blazIng head ;ay examlnatloO;kd~~I~gCh:~ ~o aod let UJ glve yoa ,

::m~:eab:'t&:~~d M: S:~e ~u~=o:~~ntC~~~I~~ ~~~:e ~~:-:11,b~n3th:h:~~t1~ ~~~:~ o~:e ~:; P~~~el;:~~rl;:i~~W ~:~~ re~~tl~~rm;r~~~e~v~~te~tl ~:: Itay of thl! TB Mobile Urut the euct figures?boarda of The Groue Pointe suppor nt tho 'falrt' School on the CouncJ.l. members at the Pomters preuml a Imcere vote of thanks lu.a CAll 1m! IVlen

::~~ t:~:~~es ~~e Gr;: Fr~::en~ar:o:c: 3D o~.M.the ~~:'iU:;a'~l;~e::: ~f"~e Thev were unammous In associating young Edwin CbI ::::r;.f ::l~a~h~~ c~~~HS6P:~m~~~00t Turner BUic~l'rlmds of The Groll5e Pointe Dwldmg Fund make pt1lI5ble the GrOSie Pointe BOllrd of Educa Uns & Grosse Pointe lad lUth Detroit. They praised his al- tlrmg lIS village president after will Jnunclt II paper drive Satur 5 , • & 5Publie Ubrary The Esther erectlon of the first lUllt of the tlon TIte film depicting wlldllfe most unbelJeveable teat of (lhysleal strength 1D savmg the six 1"eara of publie service day in the school area. Residents 15103 ~ e

hI e~itt

LonlYur M u r p h Y Memorial new Methodist Churcli immed ~ b~~tifU~ COlora!~ 7"'-~~by lives of two of his Kenyon College colleagues :Mr Walklm: 1\0 fmptl!Sle4 are urged to t'OOperata. n: IIn I=~~e D~~:;:e l~:I~~~ ~~~U:~~n p:.sil:;I~~e o~u \~l! it e1S aV:lJ.l.:I~r: to L1r:~ t~~ Detroltter Is Hero In Flre-saJd the Free PreM. :~h ::r':~~I~Is°f a~:r~~~::M'oUOII.Picture CouncIl log Fund Campa gn \\hlch 11 holders for use at club or Clvie The fact that Collins resides with his parents Mr and of the whgte-hearted support and GAS HEA

She hu also cooperated gel' now under \\'3y meeUngs.____ Mrs Tappan Co1ltns at20675VermerCircleinGrossePomte cooperation gl\"1!n hIm. Temualy with the Wnr Memorud First servleu of th! Gro!!! 0'1 T~O did not carry any Weight with tho Detroit editors. pa~hn::~~ll~ ~~~t.~«~:::rclaUon. andd Ihe thhasl bbeen Pomte Melhodht Church "ore Young men de~lrlog to ente:r Detrolter Is Hero-snld the ltlie'W'So and he hoped that they wouldaetlvt~t~:u, rt e d I rary held on September 9 19015 in tho t1!taU automobile bWIneu The j-outh Is a hero consequently he 111 8. DetroIt eontmue to ghe his succusor

Barn Ul0

Iowa t a:~~d:::~ :~~o~b~re~~; m~~~ the ::\~hean G:::;~S~:~o~o De:~boy • Ut~ ~e IUPf': d tm When gas i. reloased thauaands will want ta t.&om the Unhersity of Wll.Sh LOCl\Uon of Ute QllW church Coopecali'll Tralnmg Proaram Grosse POinte IS only elevated to front page prommence lUt!o:S ~f~~precl~t~o:PfDr :: advantage af the economy, deanllness andm.ton and the New York School site I~ on MorD8ll Road between by mnklng apphcaUon for en when local personalities are nusfortunate enough to get in- lees rendl!red by Herman Don v.nlenee af gaa heat, but due ta the seorclty Ii:~b=bSi:;~n~ ~ ~e\~~ I~~~": p;:d :!~~~:t~~e c:d ~:"~~~~~~~~rd~ie:eMnr~e;~ volved in some adversity ~~t. ~~eJ ;~=o:r:;I~e ~~~~ :rp':i:~d bl~::::d l;:.at::::ue::,O::: :~r~=tar 'WHt. To thla part of the 511 feet deep ,:md Apr I 13 The trouble usuallv of personal or petty nature IS bas- Works ernplo~ ee Both were re- fa walt ft10nlhs before Ihey can enjoy the bend

Ically inBlgnifleant of glarwg headline!! such as tired TuesdllY aftu )'ears of af gas heat.


Grosse Pointer Files For Dlvnrce commendable suvlee PUt'1 YQUR ORDER HOW AND 8' ASSUREDGrosse Pomter Arrested ---- AN EARLY INstAlLATION

WH I LE TH EY LAST' We can go along WIth tile bJg city edItors that the name 2 POinters Receive w. are licensed gcu bumllr In.tallatlon CD


• Icames a great d,al of n,.. ,alu, but Why.hould .t b, "All A" Report At U.M "a,,~::y with ,a.Rd.n .. ,",m a .. lIabl. aid .. toe used solely to lea\!! uncomplimentary tmpresstons Fort~ sUo.Unal!tllity of Miehl lI.hed campanye ...a can of astounding IpS -The DetrOIt Hero is a Grosse Pomte boy gan :;tudents of engmeerlllg fin ~ .,

~ I

~dAth'..~::"'~~~:-::r~ Furnaces el"71S Slot• GA~f( Group Marks Progress ~::::";fh'::'~~~::d.'fEn" 011Bumars , ~ Gas BumG SS F F 'I L'f F ROTh~o~~b~ :d~:r1c: "'lASTER BEATER &. COOLERor amlY Ie orum "'~d_kltP"'dlo!<.J" 14200E,WARRENatNEWPORTVA2811~. Callm,aUp=nlo aod ,~, j,=,y "YOTh, WoddBook,1 781P'mb"',~-.-:"--tw :E pcogle of Grosse Pointe lia\e Enc~clopeda~'l\' IN fiL ~ou mllde 0 b g red check nn us ng Dr Phill ps 6 6 tllchnlquo

~our cDlendar for Frida) Alir I and the Inst tute "'Ill c[ose ",lthl2nd? Rcml:mber? That Is tho a summ ng up speech gl\ en b)day the F:lmll~ LICe Inst tute Dr MeClusky;~~Q~eet at Grosse Pointe H glt The Fnmlly Ld! Edu~tlon

At the lart Commuttltv meet Conunlttee hopes to prllSetlt toInc: held at tl e Neighborhood the public each week progre!! ofClub 1t 'HIS del:: ded to hll\e no the Institute plens 10 all Will bemore lllrge mcetmg~ but to Informed nnd clln plaYa responwork In corrmultees for the In sible role In. this ventureIUtu'O and even one preo;i'nt !lie"t eek thert! \\ 11 be ne ....1signed up for hIS parllcular of the Youth commlttee 'hocholee of ,\orJt. ha\e b g plnn.~ and aro realh

Last Fruln\ tho Prngrnm Plnn go ng p[lIce<nlng commltte~ mot wilh Dr _

~~:c~~o~:fc~~~~~lo~::fe~~orlln~ Dentists ConductUnivulity or Mlchlgon} who Cancer Forum~~~~t~ct IO:5tll~~~:r f~cl.~1I:n~rot~~ A Cllncer S~mposlum "'!ll bl!othel' eomm tloes till:; IS II mDst conducted bv the Detroit Dlstrld

~~~~~o~tl~~~S g~~~l~d~gG;~~e~~il~I~:~~~tThr::rs~:~~i~~h~bera of the ~taff of publ ~ "lnd Dr Andro\\ .J Ackermlln a dl

IprIVate schools the derli' " c ~~:kr ~~~I~~~~I~I~~~l:~ls~e~~Srarllnr Mon Mar 7 rhru Sar Mar 12- 1~~~III1~:dc~o~n.l::np~~~~;. \~l~';~Rockefeller Inlltitute Hosp tel \\f1l

_ Our Glf! to Yeu! thOIO prosent were 'Irs D"l~l ~roe:'b~~Il~~~o~~~~or DestrucYOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY ANYTHING I Goodenough "Irs 'torg:,," ';1 er Othor Ip!akl!rl Include Dr

When you come lD nIl we nBk III that you ~~~ ~~~8dl.;d ~~:~ ~Ol;ag ~! IS i';~~:~aIS ;:~~~::;b N~ge~:r~ttaka a few mnmentsto sce tho'\otldsmost ~ Re\ Charles Sch(ld ....t!lf' RI: "llld Dr Rudolph J Noer a~somodem vacuum clenner - U. \VYT I See ~~~ ~:~:~~ J ~~ \ ~n~~ ~~r ~ "~~t ~\:1; ne Pf;'~7:;~~lh of :;urgery athowltemlJl.ieshkellnns.bt.rny(NOMESSY .... _,...; Danel Godenou!lh Mr G or!'o

DUST BAG) llcar hnw qwcUy it elenWlt ~~::~ 'It i';~1lI~ll1SW~:lnr~tn~:~~~ll~;~ ~"l~~ Ch~;: ~:~~ il~~5 toOO~ak~~:;Watch how Lewyt gol.a morn embedded Mr DI k Kul n crellm ~n~ The World Book Endirt picks up marl! hnt thrend, ond Iuur A~ The gent'rnl tll'nf' for! l' (> c~c1opedl"l Th(>~ guardod the Ie• yet wtth less carpet wcarl Doea all your Dt'P" ~ nlng meet ng \ III br p rrnt~ cret caretulb :md ~I!r\cd Icedust:tng bngh1{!na walls and upholstery [1Il_ .'lh 4.1l'I I~~~ b~eSh;;l'~:e~ n~~o lldd~~ 0:: erenm nnly ~n :pl!~IDl octllSionaluction Il\veeps bare floors waxes sprays gllon h f 11keven de moths cloBetsl See for Yourself VACUUM CLEANER era In thl: e~~C~~nllt~e~ I:~(>~ of ~:r;r~~~oPl~~rl~~shl~e~lI~

::n~~~ ~:a;:adr.:~,your bouse c.~'I.:s .. ~::n:!1I~12~1:~::~l!k ~~~o~~~~en:::~:le d~~~S~~~I~y ~~;;~IO;~~~:ts Thl! World Book

... and ge' your FREE can of "G/asr Twinkle"! ~. <:7 I- j/" 9"illic SillJ..

A F.cfory Demonstrator Will 8e Here All Wod, Mon, Mar 7 _Sat. Mar. J2 160~ E WA~REN ta II

HGrosseAPointe C I '";:':',' I' ,',";,::, IOME PPLIANCE O. 1":::::,0,----.\. .::::::,


Ii15222 E Jeflo"on

Page 3: 'rEETINGdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945...ho Thl.5 10 atlcnd the neptn ThlFarm~elcctor,le 11al:nnglhLotf alpolaml njArthurLOU\\U ndle "Iked out Ihse



1 ~\, I\ ~~. l

~t.I .~u I

: II

I' ..j

W. J. GlFFIlT, ,.-ro...... 1.1_




:"lIRf. S Blrmrngham Store-Phone 3811)


CHARCOT Cleaners


FRE E Theatre Ticket .ith ••ery CasIIand carry Order of ... •1IIOI'e.

The Most Modernly EqUIPped Plant for Quahty Work

Harper at Bedford TU. 5-3230


Do You Want S.curlt, in Your Old Ag.?Many "'y. il. bul ........ .,. atilt ftlhti". fer 11. hw lW.ctl.. in IolleN ....",...... _nt will m-. it for .U •A ,_te. will ttIon you .. i..Worlunl 'Of you. ETHNAL S~URITY "Go<I WI........ n .... n 10 be .. y......... Eo .. _ ""'. rhe kllOw ...... of .... truth,', ISIt w'" Eo retlot Of 10 II...... GotI'. will fOf y.'" .. Iv.tion"Co",. unlo y. ttIoI lobar re he.vy .. cleft, .n" I WIll Ii....,....r.lr' .. "I n. p........ .... 110 .f rhe wicke.... . .• 11ooHotuIoyour .. nl be IS ,. th.y "'.11 be .. willi •• 1 .... w....... Co ..... ; f1If' ell1iIi...... FlOW _ ..


SlHIMY Servic. • 11:00 A.M.w......... y s..v_ . I. ,.M.

Thursday, Friday, sawrda, Onl,

!E~I~~~a~.I9and O'E.0~!!9~


CORNELL LOSES DIAMONDMrs Frank Cornell, of 345

Touraine, reported the loss ofa dIamond ring valued at $1550In the VICInity of the CountryClub of Detroit, Sunday even, I109, Farms Police disclosed


cPelIb RIISI....

to $190







.Downtown Trainand Camera Shop

1%2 W. ELIZABETHODe mock N ortho of

Tuller Hotel

The Kerby reSIdent refusedto press any charges against thepair whp paid for aU damageto the auto.I

Two Grosse POinte HIgh School""" youths admitted to Farms Pol.

ice the theft of a car ownedby WIlham MacAuley, 114 Ker-by road.

The boys told Dt. Sgt. ElmerLabadie and Dt George Champ-ine that they took the car whileit was parked near the highschool on the mght of January16: They drove It to the WoodsTheatre on Mack w~re theygot stuck m the mud.


"We abandoned the auto here,"they told pollee. Pollce reportedthat the auto was recovered byMacAuley a short tllne later

8F1RE'S ndrolt Stol'e-88e W. Mc::\lt'hol'l ad -L~. l'b.ot




25•.Fresh crea",ery

.n£B 61\t.


Standing RibRoast Beef

8th & 7th Rib49•.=49~

PORK LOIN ROAST :~ 3gc~auntie.- 73i.lsHORT RIISB~2ra I ir:.. ...,451.


46-Oz. r_liwly"1 • 8"N _'Tomato Juice __ 2&c , _r c..... & S."bonl

V t . Q!!.., Coffee - - - - 52c lb. ~ r. ,L -i.~i. ••• ~ - .... Sfire'. C.kI"' ..... Mar. & Moe'" :~.:.......< '_, rres.~ Coffee __•••• k lb. , __~ ~~ I"'ported SIrift_ I ........ -. IJ.--I _

.t1\~~-1 ~t'1 Sardines - 3 tins $1 FlESH' rrUllllte.u"st "1l1~~O- ;.;::Fi:.. ---- 39c !:~MATOES ----29c lb.01'''' \e~,... 04 • f\S" ~b" Meat _ tin He ~!,ANGES --- ...._-$2.4t

• ~-at ' \l\~.'i'~ ~ C D_ I -.. .11-2 ONION ........... .....-- ..- ..~. 0..... .... . ..... ot. 5 10 .......,• ~P.~l Cf.P.~ • ~:::. Chicken •• - - $1.88 FlESH-SIZE 30 - lb. bag J5c

•• .-\l\u \t-So~ 0 ..... Sp••y PINEAPPLE......... So Cranberry Sauce l.c - _2 for 2Ic{~ ~_"i-_.29<

DRE" - l~ 25 ;~ll~~;"'~~~ys8cBreeze or Vel C'R. 7~.Q. r_swiff w.,..Salmon _. _ 4I3c

members of the RIverside KI.wanis Club of which Mr. SCheidIS a member.

Services To MarkComer Stone

THE CROSSEPOINTE REVIEW Page Three- - - - ----------------------------------------------

PARK FIREMAN RETIRES p. C f EliZ~:~~SC~~~h::t~~S OAR, ~ __ ;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiii;;;;';;; __ iii;i;;iii;;;;;;";iiiiiiiiiiiiii. I ' ---- . - r aIr 0 n e5 5 Grosse POinte Farms, Will meet Oollill. SIlo,

" _ ... -. < • -.1.. Monday, March 7, at 1'30 at the Bumping and Painting

T C Th f Women's City Club. Lt. Herbert Open W•• IE.IId•• £....,r: 0 ar e t u. Ca~e of the DetrOit Pollce De. BLUE CORRALpartment's Censor Bureau WIll 'be the guest speaker. Miss Elise Window IDstaUatiouP Finney, regent, WIll presIde. Frp.e E8tlaatell

LESLIE O8LLISIOIFormerly of Paekerd GrosM Pointe

14410 Kerchevalat Chalmers

Entraace Throu.lh AJleyVA. 3-8783

Park Fireman Mose J. LaBeaue, 62, of 1057 Wayburn,was the guest of honor at a special dinner Thursday at thePark Firemen's dining room. LaBeau who joined the force in1928 is the first Park fireman to retire under the new pen-sion system which affects employees over 60 years of age.Assuming that LaBeaue will now have plenty of time fOl..fishing, the boys presented him with a complete line of fish-ing equipment. He is shown receiving the gift from Fire ChiefRector. Elmer F. Ulrich, Park Fire Commissioner also at-tended the occasion.

Da, andNight Sew'e.



"~n' .. and Ladies Sai" ['allored &0 OrdelAltnattons. Relintnr. CleanJn~ and Prt-.ssiulr

I4ISJ &.... ff ....... at City LimitsFffiI M. SebUlUl lid. 1m o,en Efts. nu '7:" VA l-3tte

Serving Yom NerghboTsFor Thirty Yeon

Standard Window Shade Company15915 l Wm- .f 1tIdt... TU 2-5440


155M E. Warrea at Somenet, TU. Z-S&40 i~OIIDDDGIDIIIDall.DIDIIIGIIII~IIGllaIDIID.IDall~----- ----------------------..;.

~()ng those whose name ap-rfa on the h~t wa~ RobertP< ~on of Mr and Mrs Dan-T-ee<; of 946 Lm('oln road A('",,1(' of Grosse Pomte HIgh""j Tree' plans to major In

c, at Oberlm

oung Banditsiead Guilty

ees On Honorst At OberlinBERLIN. Ohio - The Fresh-

n Honor LIst of Oberlin Col-e of Arts and Sciences wasd b\' Actmg Dean Howardbm<on durm~ a recent chapel'.ce The list Included 40.e" the 10 per cent of theh'11an class which had thebe t <;cholarshlp standmg dur-t"e r first seme<;ter in Ober-

\\'0 DetrOIt youths were re-ed to the probation depart-

nt Friday by Cirewt Courtge Ira Jayne for a cnme \heymltted last September.

Consequently the CounCIl plansto spread this cost over a periodof years, ""hich would permitImmediate mstallatlon of theneeded Improvement at a taxincrease of only 50 cents a thou-

ThIS area, whIch comprIses sand.more than 50% of the land area In accord WIth this program,of the Grosse Pointe Schonl the Council approved the PublicDIstrIct, has an elementar:{ pub- Works Committee recommenda-hc school enrollment of nearly hon for the installation of a wa-1600 children. At the prese"t ter main along Chalfonte fromtime the area north of Moran Moross road to Fisher road toroad has only one modern eIp- add to the system of water Specialmentary school build1Og, the mams necessary to adequatelyMason School The present Kel'- supply the village.by and Vernier bulldmgs are Laying ofinadequate in size, poorly 10- This work is estl1l1ated to costcated, and lack modern facilities about $52,000 and a study of the The Grosse Pomte COI:igrega-to serve the pupIl population method of financing is being tional Church has announcedconsidered essential by most madeparents and teachers. special serVIces to be conduct-

ed Sunday, March 6, at 12 noon The new bwldmg which willMr Barneb also called atten- ]\ T A .1 Iface on Chalfonte will be f

tion to the fact that 337 JUnl.>r, 1'lame ttenuants at t~e laymg of the co~er stone Georgian Cololllal architecturoe,High School children from the, of Its new churCh edifice, now will seat 425 persons, and willGrosse Pointe Woods, Grosse r:r r:r n. under constructIon at Cbalfonte represent an mvestment of ap-Pointe Shores, and G.rat~ot por- ror .crarms .L-ler and Lothrop Roads. proximately $204,000. Erected in "-tions of the school dlStncts are . a rap1dly expanq"."lg commumtybeing transport~, at ~ublic ex- Theodore Blemline, 462 Mad- The c;eremony Will follow the It promises to be of EXceptionalp~nse, bve ,to elg?t miles to the !son, was named Fanns Pier at- usual morning worship service service to Grosse Pointe and itsPIerce JUnlor High Sc.hool ~- tendant by the Farms Council held at Richard SChool at 11 Vicinity.cause of la~k of. Juruor High IFriday succeedmg the late AI- A M. at which time all who at-School facIlities m. the north fred Frazier who was killed in a tend will be invited to sign aend of the school district. recent auto accident. scroll which is to be placed in

The Superintendent reminded Martin Champine, 130 Muri a copper box in the corner stone.the Parent-Teacher leaders that road, was also added to the Pier other articles to be included arethe Parcells Sehoul unit com- staff. a. Bible, lists of membersh~ps,pleted in 1948 is now in use Blemline has been serving at pIctures of the ground break,ingas a north-end elementary up- the pier on a part-time basIS ce.remony, a copy of the ~V1ewper grade buildmg. Sch()ol reo Champine is currently with the IWIth thIS story, and a Piece ofcords show that nearly 750 ele- public works department. glass from one of the o~destmentary and junior high child- The CounCIl took this action on New England CongregatIonalren are being transported at a the recommendation of the Rec- Churches. icost of nearly $15,000 to local reatlon Committee comprised of The Reverend Charles W.'taxpayers because of. ~adeCluate ~ommis.sioners ~ei1 S. McEach- Scheid will offIciate at the serv-school building facilities m the In, WillIam G. Kirby and George ices at which prayer will be of-area north of Moran road. L. Schlaepfer. fered by the Reverend A. M.

Th t f the Superinten- Meikle, supermtendent of thed t e ~e~r h ~ls indicates that I Zemper To Attend De~oit Association of Coni,I'e-

en 0 co. t R I E S h gatlonal Churches. Others assist-aft~r careful analysIS of a grea ea state C 001 mg Rev. Schied in the laying ofvariety of da~, It appears cer- T. W. Zemper, of.I051 Haw- the stone will be Mr. Edgartain that an mcre~e of 8~ ~o thorne Road, is one of eight SIms, chairman of the Board of1000 elementary children IS .0 MIchigan men selected to attend Trustees and Mr Harold Hus-expected by January 1, 1953, a real estate school in Asbury band, chairman of the Buildingfour years. hence. ~ost of thiS Park New Jersey, sponsored bv Committee. Special guest will beincrease WIll come ~ the area the Shell Oil Company. .north and east of FISher ro~d, Zemper. manager of the real I _

udge Ja)~e ~aived sentence where elementary s~hool facll-l estate and development depart-dmg the fmd10gs of the pro~. ities are already stramed to the I ment for MIchigan, will attend QUICK RELIEF FROM

on department after the paIr l1mit the third of three ten-week St.up".'" DiltressArtslnl ..... Iaded guilty to the armed I The Board of Education has i courses His class will begm' 'ln STftaaACH ULCERS ,I

bery of William Fromm, 1314' been holding frequent meetings March 28 VIftftepomte on the night of in the past four mo~ths for the I The school WIll take up the DR TO EXCESS ACID,tember 22. purpose of furmul~tl1:g a plan, speclabZed stud~' of real estate f T~T ...... 1IttIMIt I'

ccordmg to Park Police, the of action for sUbml~on to t~e Ias It applies to a petroleum mar- ~ _n_c.'ty-""""ths are John Taravella, 17, people of Gro:sse POinte WInle ket10g company. ~=..m:::=~t~'::~,

Walter Cyle, 18 no formal action has. yet been ----- I71DPtomsofW--arisIDIltroms--. Itaken by the board, It appears and Mr Barnes assuring the llZICl............... due$O __ .=;: Icertam from the facts ore- IBoard of Educatl~n of its whole. i =.::..=:::.=-..~~ I .....

sented to the Parent-Teacher Ihearted support 10 the campaign t:'t0l'~~ =~;leaders on February 23 that I to prOVIde more adeCluate school .UJialDolilda __ ............. ~completion of the, new Kerby I' bwlding faCIlities for the child- I 14.956Kercheval VA. Z-96USchool and of f"e Parcells Jun- ren of Grosse Pointe MII..LER PllABK.4.CYior HIgh School plus construc-I- --------------------------~~~~:~I~ri~o::FJ;:i:~~i..Aif••••

oU pON_l M.M.M:W1.W1.lolI:W1:lolI.lolI.lolI:lolI.lolI _.. 1

tial in the immf'dlate future W. d Sh dif the public scnool::: are t~ serve .n OW a esrapIdly growmg populatIon 10 •the northern half of the schooldIstrIct

Mr Bert H Wlckmg, Presi-dent of the Board of Education,spoke brieflv to the Parent-Teacher delegates He s tat e dthat the Board of Educationexpects wlthm the next thirtydavs to formulate a specific t

pr~poslhon covermg the school - ...bUIlding needs of the distrIct II' 0nOli•••nlllln"II ••II. lIDUIUD U nnn. II DD'.

("\T, MASQUERADER WINS for submIssion to the voters of I 'lhn L Nold, of 1437 Mary- Grosse Pointe before the close .'d drp<;'ed as Humpty Dump- of the school year ... ~.~t. "' amon!( the pnze \\ mners A formal resolution was a- ,...- • I' ~0-- " I'rr 'i6th Annual Turner Mas- dnpted by the Council of Par. 'I'.tll a 0 nerf!iU,.frail' Rail. Saturday at Turn- ent-Tcacher Association follow- .... "e - I< 11"11 on Jeffer<;on ave. mg the remarks of Mr Wlckmgo •• 'd8",nu ed---- ---_________________ ... Autnortl,

And sefVtee.::."". No Jot I I

sa-Les -- Meeh~""""A.ut,llC1rl'Z.e<1 to" 'I'ta1ned e {CIl' a Chec~Ull I~ and ~ \n 'loar e.r 'Bftoke sernce ITOOSUI~\1Ea.t\on CO'll'1l)lete l~--l

_NO ~ _ t'ftC


iles To Takeecial Courset Harvard U.

TA Elects Besimer President, ,ear Barnes Cite School Needs

__________ 0 Mr. FrederickBesimer waso--------/_~- __unammously elected PresIdentof the Grosse Pomte CouncIl l)f Fix P~'O,ie'/"tParent-Teacher Assoclahon at J ,."a meetmg of the asSOCiatIOnheld In the Board of Education I r:ror $300 000bUIldmg Wednesday evenmg,.cr4 ,February 23. I

M; Beslmer, who llves at Im'Provements1121 Soulh OxIord, has beenVlce-Pesldent of the COU1lC'll",f .Parent-Teacher ass 0 CIa t ions Grosse POinte Farms IS plan-since October 1947. nmg a $300,000 long ~ange VII.

, lage Improvement proJect. $200,-Other officers elected at the 000 to be spent for new sewage

Febl uary 23 meehng are' Gll- construction and $100,000 for abert Groehn, Vice-PresIdent; pubhc works garage and recrea-Dr. Albert Law, Secretary; and I tlon bulldmg on vIllage propertyMrs Edward Kay, Treas'lrer. at Chalfonte and Kerby.All offIcers serve a two year Th t . ts uldese wo proJec wo re-term. qUire an mcrease of $10 per

John R Baines, Super1Oten- thousand in the tax rate, if donedent of Schools, -outlined to the in one year.approximately thirty Parent-Teacher presidents and delegatespresent at the meet10g the needfor additIOnal school bUIldmgfaCilities In the area east andnorth of Moran Road.

les who lives at 17430 :Mau-I a;enue, IS the first MIChl-representative to attend theI Scheduled for February

~~ May 21, It IS the fifteenthh seSSIOnto be sponsored byvard.ccordmg to Dean H a r v e y

hop, admmlstratlve. officer ofplogram, "the primary ob-

tlve IS to make the man whotlclpates m the course a bet-man m hiS job and to develop

for advancement mto POSI-ns of WIder responsIbIlity" Toqualified for the co~se, .a

o must have shown dur10g hiseer qualltles of !ibilIty, lea~hIp and adaptabIlity. The di-tor~ specIfy that only thoseuld be selected who seem toIr company assOCiates and su-lors to possess the ablbty tob m the company's org~n:ll::a-WIthout any definite cell10gs

their growth.though he has been in Mlch-Jor bttle more than a year,

es is a veteran of 19 years'r vie e with Shell. He hasked In Boston, New York,hmond (Va), and Baltimore,dmg positions in ~ost all of

various marketing depart-nts

sales manager, Ml1es is reonSlble for all sales activltiesthe DetrOIt Division, which in-des all of Michigan.

e Harvard course will covermlStrative practices, businessthe American economy. costfinanCIal administration, pro-

tlon management, marketingagement, and problems inr management.

orman H :Miles, sales man-r for the DetrOIt DIVISIon ofShell 011 Company, Inc., hasn selected to attend a 3-0th seSSion of the Advanced

gement Program at Har-~a University's G r a d u ate001 of Busmess Admmlstra-

1 rsday. March 3, 1949

Page 4: 'rEETINGdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945...ho Thl.5 10 atlcnd the neptn ThlFarm~elcctor,le 11al:nnglhLotf alpolaml njArthurLOU\\U ndle "Iked out Ihse



The regular me£:l,n .. of \beJames Women's GLJld "illheld at the Churln HallWednesday. Yarch 9 atTh;is is a luncheon and meshIp party. The hoste?ses willMesdames I. Bopp G IJ ,_o Demzer, W Fens'l FII1lllg and J. Hell1ze

Thursday, ~"'arch3I

\ Spring Flower Show

IAt St. James C 1Jrch

An atVactlve SI/r ng FShow 5P9nsored b~ t r St JWomen's Gwld anti I' l \~n~courtesy of Mr Colr 0r l(

Flower., will be "'d". atJames Lutheran Cl, .", r MIan near Kerche\al unday, March 10, at 8 p on

Mrs. Muvm ASI) 1\IS ~

man for the event 1r~re 'lltilrefreshments and 'C\\e!.gd't.s. '


S C BUrT Photo


Stock .Redud\OO- SAL


! Couple ..,.IjLeaves ForCalifornia


TU. '.2100


PItt:nw 11.5 for an tt"pointmmt with ON'Decorator in Your Home

g tetiots. ti1)e 1\ ~tices

(j\\S\t1\C 1 a.tefJJ ~QUeT Upholstering

a.t Slipcovers


~: ,•

Elizabeth Irwin ParkerRepeats Nuptial Vows I

Chnst C'nI..rch. Groae PO.1'te, Wheatol1, Illmo1& l.ut Saturda~ I.. the aoen~ of ti:.e .1001etrlnm'dj Pearls Rudded the r05ePOUl~ Imarr~e ntes of EE.ubeth I!'. and duchess laee bodiee and I Ho[;.~~ :n Caldomia"In Parur, daugt-ter of t:.e 5~es o! the bride'! 'vo:-y satl!l I an ::.e %lew~ded. Ra~DeaJl K Parker&. of Lake Shore ,own. ancI. the re-pouue Wall I F Fa.~ who L"'e the c1au&hterILoad.. to Alan Johr. Sou..p, sor. alJo carned olrt III applique on I ar.d 5011 of Mr. &I1d Krs. Ed.CIl the Irwm R. Soukup!, o! Ithe court tram. and ed.ed the mrmd I... Duane. of Btxkmpam I____________ m.:ttl and oval.shaped ftll. But-I Boa..:.. and the Kelly IL ram of I, H h I t.erl!y orchids. ft'eesla md IVY Allc::!. Road.

J eScomposed her bouquet. 'l"':e bnda1 to~le eu!'wlIed I to. J'ane u9 Ol!-thou1der berthas fuhloned' Ift'"S m St. .•.zcl:Iro!e Church l..r :'tI:.~ cana1e4ame brocade &aM \e.r:y saturday wnh M:.Uic:mt I t

I M. d I l!'1)WM 01 ft!ail! of honor, Haul appe1~ in !vory .. tIn. WIth at f

S a rfle ;WF'~ .j v;1-'or.J'~. J~ r:~ ~ ~lcr=a ~~ fl tl.$"'''' .._ ., ~~ . • .~;1~ and Susan MannheUDer. of ,~ .' eat!'; ~ wh.!te h,.ncinth and t

'!he 1tU-:-.d=U' I~-ns of em- ISt Paul. Mmn while !lower.fIrl . 't ~ 1~ d'amorfUll1l0n c~J!cr and lace corr.pll- 11Janet Parker appearl!d m pale ~ "" • ~ - :'7', 5::.e ci:ose Kn. R.chard Ray I irDISlt.ecl tn.e bndal iOwn of ,'lory yellow orla.ndy in the same f. • ' "'-1~: .-i ''-:. ,lIS -.er tr.a~ of h<mor who I rat.n worn by Jane H'.!i"es IltV1e f! ¥' • • "}.. ~ • I 1n.! g07i'!'!eO. m !!:.auve ~eta. all I

whell. Ihe a:cna.nged nuptW T'-:e (room had luJ brother, > ... ., ~ • ~;. ~ I'tn'!'e tr:-:desma:ds Cather:r.eYl)';l,'S ... th Ru':>E:rt Brr,....""') la.-~ Ven:c!' !or~man.wrthDeaJl l.if. ";0:. .~_.; .... , _,~ ~< < IA!l:e of Knan-Xe. Ten.. ar.C.,setwocUy lL Je1!e:-SOll A ...er.~ J"'~ and C'".r~p~er Parur. JOr.J2 14' " I .-~Bett"" ~L..-cIun. w~ were boti-Presbyter~"1. ChuT':~ Corr.~ of FlO!':da. VI)vd He'le- ~ ~ ".. • fer''''.5"':'.lde-~ 'l<":'l ::-e \:. ce at t ! ~1

The da"'"hter of trt' :..te M:- ....e':! of Ro~d, and Stuart Fra- e.. _A_~ .},' '.Il~""" _...,~. ~to~.!'aD:'~C~Cc!:';er.t :n Wa.;;~.!:g. ... , . J('_ ••_l. ...... ~_: ~__ ,,"'<I n "-- -.-_.l -_ ..

aM Kn. Hotloard Hugnes uf ser as wmers. ..... - -- 1>'+ • ~ ... ~- - -IlcMIl1an Road. ...~ a Dutch' CQnqes of yellow Ol"CbldJ ~er l"tlaco A.,os..!t.!:g '"•.s '!:::'c~er as bt'St ns. .. S. WEBlDJERIDS. aoBnrt Cl.AU m= was Y:vle! Fur and R.ch.cap of ",cry .. tm above ner J1lk Icamplimented the tueY erepe f!I1. b IIwud Balle J h I f I diJlUSlOl'l vell and carr-eel gar-1Ie'mb!e chosen by the bride', Bel ark R'Ite s ard v 0 .. tTM r_ S' A A GUARANTEEDh d th ff tt Jpoa~:"r Ve:•..,..:::~.:est_ - and R.ci:ard 1r ey nn ardemas and 1\7 as s.r.e spoKe her I D".ot er, an e ~ cn. on e a y ~__ ,=0.,..... V 8 • & 100 H•• ,VOWI 1!I the evemn, ceT'emony t Wonl by Mrs. Boukup I II

JcJ:eB!,~sb~::ll~'h:;;>Ch h G I Held In Woods Church ,hei~=~~C~th;~~~;-~=:.-.sjWedsR. S.Wehmeier MOTORSJI!'l5I ~ gOW!1 was of ..~.!. Urc fOU p . I ,feIn. and heI' oouquet IUS of I ' Rec ton A~ a 10 o'c~k cere!::ony s..t~ Andre..... Allard Jr '" as best I .,n ...... In Yourlx'0Il%e ordudt and IVY PI M . · Tall basa:ets of wi:J~ blc.sso~50. ep 1 'z::.<., .n St. Pa~'s .:hu..'"I:.'l on = to!' lL.s s.ster The ushers \

• The lI"oolI'- son o! toe Reay ans eetlng and g1cw.r.g candles en tne a1':.a= ie: :e:d~t(!e.~fiJlgert,'D veil ~f 11- Id ti:e lah S~le: A!U: Allard ttd WeI'f! Robert Hennann and ComplefeBrowns. of ~ef! Read. chose: of the GrO"_<I! Pomte Wooa.; l~.;)_ cd ~e Ca..-T.ed a p_ayer I H F Ro:e:'t S W~e e were un.ted Charles Clllelens IGeorge BrOOD" best rr.an, WIth I 'n1.e Graue POIJ1~ Congrega-I Presbyter:A!l Church made a o(jol!: ~::O~'eTds'oo~que:: ..~f three, e 0r :Il. I!:a.rr!age. T.:e br.cie ..s the For her daughter 5 weddmg I $130A. J Barn m t>_ 1:J_ tt, • 10 f .,,- w"_te orc."l... ..... tL. SOU:Ulern las- I d . + 4 Ar.' J" ' I

• e5 nuoert DO:!"~"le Itlorual Women s Assoc-a~ol1 w-:ll' vel,. sett.Lg ar U~ can.age • , a:Ig!!.e:' c t::.e c..o;w •• 'U' Mrs Allard chose an aqua crepe IPatnek: Wal1lce. Frank BrOWD, open ita TUesday, Karch 8th lof Jacq ...e:.lle Beatty, daughter n:..r..e • I N I d la=;;..s of !Ldge:=..~m read ar:d dress vnLft pmk accessor!es. 1aDd .Joan Bnnk as ushers Imeetml at 12:.30P IT'_ with des-: of the Perce C. Beattys 0: ur. Eer atte!:=nt.s. ~!artha Feiler' j ew ywe 5 P~~'1: .oS t:=.es..::t "f lli Y4tC!l, An afternoon !'ffeption was

- ;ert 1!I tM home of Mrs. George I non Dr.n. and Robet C:ark, and Pat Allard. were gov.-ned !Il "i'ie=eler of Lnn'e~tv Place. ,held fo!' the relatwe'S and frIends•WIlliams. 54% Lakeland. n.e: son of ),!,--s. C Sanden 01 Ye'!' r :dent.cal gOW!'..s of t:ssue ~eta" 7'- e Grcs.se Po.r.:e Yae::.: Cl...b The ~ .de appeared m a gown 10f the fam.lv.

ANNOUNCE TROTH Ithem~ <Of t.'le d~ons far thelJ:l!er' Road.. and Peter Clal-k. of styled w:th s!de bu.:.-tles. Mar-tlast Saturday was the scee of of w!".lte sat..:l W.tn a peter pan -'---~dav is "Hope." led by Kn.. DetroIt. The candleLgi:.t cere- tha 5 gown was In pea~ and Ithe weda:ng recep+,:ol1 COIlOrm( collar o! lace a.:l.d seed pearls A

!charles W. Schetd. mony took. place on the evemng'Pat's:n bluE'_ Mar:Jor.e, ~-ter of Ithe ~-r..age of JaIle ~m.'vel of .2.l:mon 'ell C'om tr.e cap; SPECIALIZED SERVICE ILfRU F. STEllERof Februry 19th.. I the imde, was the ftower Ill'l. Id.i~~ of the R. S. c;....ciert.i, Iwr_ch was made to match ~ I Stephen SoloS}" and N!ck Far-

X!' Edward 'Wernet wUl ~ I,.., t.- h ~ dressed m yellow WIth matehmg o~ G:anon Road. a.r.d ~ ;;'a"" collar of the gown. She cuned lrar ba.e combmed several Ye'~ __Iem "f!.....i!l'scences r:tf • Ilusical' ...lven In ma.... :.age.... er la.. et....... .,,- .. _~--ts . . ., I • -.. &utllorlzed

!.. the!' Jacquelm l' 1 I conn ...,ce .... = a........aau ear. D R.:J:l~<Cr!. Jr_ !(lr. o~ ~e V;::l- a w~te prayer book wn.:ch WI! 10f apenence m fu:e uoholsterv~ow-man. Mrof W~ 1n!I mu- ~ gOW!1 ofe;:;... :av;:; :s:. ned c:a.scade bouquets of eama.

1~ De= Roh~....s.. of P:-oven- : co....ered .... th wb..l.teorci:Jds. fuo..shJ.ng, and anbque 'repair~g 11811 IlA.CK a& GU

I~cal director the theatre. =ed WIth a full' d=a sk;rt lJo~ ,ca! Road. ' Mn. Fr-...nces Allard. s..ster.in- Iat thell' new store, 15516 E War. I

l:r~: ~ ~r~ aver' a hoop wlllch fell t~ a cor-' MIcl:ael Bundy attended the I T~e br.ce w~ err_"'ed mala';\" of tee b.r.de. was t".e matron ren at Nottmgham. reIepIIoM NJap.ra &l1li__ CcrI 1_ • ~ trait. The voke of :Ilusion v:as' gl'oom as best man. and seating' be.ie ~.l-t, w:.ti:. oe-ge a.r.d b:'own o~ hono!' .S!'..rley Will.J.ams and,........ J • certs. ...- m mUlllC," '. I the guests were Robert and Ron- accesror~ ar.d =ed w~te or': Son:e Schaefer were brides-h;e stadied law and became as-, ~ by P~'.nt D'espt1t lace. 1 aid Beatty. t'W'.ll brothers of the ci:..ds f'J:' u:e .!!.formal ceremony; maids The thr~ attendants wore ,

IlIiStaDt ~ .of waYl1e! which also outlmed the sklrt and br.de. at St. Paul Church. Ipale gl'et:n tai!eta gowns WIthCowty. Jlr. W~ 11 DOW COJ:l. wnst Imr.h sleeves. Her sweet-I A reception at the home of the HE!' maId. of hOllOI", Barbara Imatclw:g hata wh.!ch were trJm.Ic!ur:tor' of the Scandi!1av>..an Sym. heart bonnet at ltl..es of the \"al- bnde followed the ceremony. Klenk, aopeared m a cocoa Imed w:.th ostnch plumes. The.-

Ipborry Orebestta. I ,browu S'.llt, Wlth brown orch.!ds, I earned coloma! bouquets of yel- I

Mn. Wl1lam5 will ~ assisted P . T P d Iwh..1e brldesm.Ld Joan Gehlert I low daffodils. IIby C\)-~ 1Irs. E. N. Bene-I art 1e sore ceel C!106e a llght ~ for her SUlt, I --------diet, Kn. Harold Beattie and Wlth :natdung on::uds. I ..!1 " :

1Kn. William !L Adams. S. "F h' If 'The groomsmen were James Bnage PtQ1tned :I~ James C. Bolles will pre- ! pr 1 ngas Ionscop e ~ ~~er Ro~~~~cltC::; I ~ms FREDERICK J DYK-I ,I J. L. Hudson's Smmg "Fash-O ,and Toby Hansen. while Sher. STR ..\ will ente-r1am the Service

io.. ......- .. sponsored bv. the De- tluncheon at the Detroit Club' = J F.:zs:.!!".!I:o!lSm sen'ed CA.=ttee of Fort Pontchart-Cl.L ....~~ :"t.01:tI I -,... \ C DAt .. npper daDee in their I McTnish Bids Fo" troit Guden center wh.!cll will\be:fore attel1dmg the fasnioD as :;~ ~ ram =..apte=, augnte.."'S of the

I 1be be14 on Thund;y afternoon, show and tea. Some of these w:iIl Tr:e newlyweds w]! r-esice on Ame...-ican RevolutIon, ia her I1Mlme on lIoroe. l"Oad.. Satur- IScholastic Pin Kueh 10, at the Scottl.sh RItes Ibe Krs. Howard Smith, llrs. Az- C'-:aL;worth avenue after a Cali- home m Hlldale Avenue, West'Ilay evening Mr_ and llrs. Cathedral, Masmuc Temple. and thur H. Buhl, Jr~:Mrs. Julum P :forma honeymoon. Ion Fnday, Yarcn " at 12.30Charles \V. Babcock an- Cadet Hoch W McT~..-uh. who, whieh 'Will feature the latest Bowen, Mn. Longyear PalmeI',' ---- P ~tIMMInUd the enpJ'e!1U!nt of IS a studeDt at CoI~!a lIilJtary sprmg and summer' fa.sh!O!!S m Mrs. Alexander Wlener, Mrs. SI'- bert I T,"~ co;hostesses for the 1uncl1-their daughter llaylou Ann i~cademy. Columbia, Teme5See, I floweI' colot'S, will also feature IRalph Stoepel, Mn. James Tt:r. nu Books Ieon or.age meetIng are to be,1IO101m Mauri~ C10u of :sea: lIS hsted mnanc.those cadets who I se\"'eral Grosse POlJ1te gJr1s who I!!p', Krs.. Henry Joy. Mrs. John ),t.-s George A. Triplett. MrsaJDSfieId Afttlue He is the' IT'.ade scholanhip ratmg far the Iwi! model su....ts and coats and ILord. Aha many members of rY , CCu " uW'..s Hess. Mrs. R alp h T,

of Mr and:M J h M.lfirrt semester of the present i dres..<:es d!:rect from Pa!'!S The' Jwuor League Gardeners. Grolille ray S nQTYeV I Tn.o::r-a.s and Mrs. Adolph J... • . n. .0 ~ d1oo1 term. Imodela will mc1ude Mn Charles I Pomte Garden Club, Pointe Gar. ' ",/ . j B:ecL. I~ ~~:m }~=I Scholanhip nUnI tonsists of 'IWa.r:ra, Jr~ Mrs. FTedenck S I=-~Ub::d others, have pur. th~g~; ~F~ th~ b TUmg charge of the brief I

_~1r,~~ an de of 16~ Ford, Jr Sally Potter Merrill tIc ts. N Y I =ess P!'CgTa.!l1 will be Yrs.from lIaZ'ygrove College in I~ ~'ill~ ~ f th KcC1in~k, Anne Cro~ ar.d ----- i!: ork ea,,'1 on Monday. Fred T. L. Gnmm, y.'"5. WIlham I

~ ~ ~~tyill attending, semester. U this av~e is~: IKn. Forbes Howard. They will (€a rna rt To Add reS5 ' men~\~' ~:e:u~{:~:!:: /..a,ers and M."'S. Clarence Iayne Dlvenll • .tamed throughout the sehool parade agiWlSt a background ofl Fa d Ga d C" be:rt La! ette Th Prod' I -y~------------Iybr a -=holanhip pm will be sprmg ftowers. weanng day.tIme,I rm 2(' ,r en "'~Br~ ::m eate!' _ uce1' I T:lC-."e !rG:n Grosse Pomte andIMKlTIIEASTDN WOMEN awarded. I cockta11 and evemng frocks by . RIchard Gearhart, of the M.ch. tha alberton has an;nged VlCJ.n.ty \\"1l0 will be there m.

!lEft I ,famous des.1gners. lJ\ gr-eys and ,lgan Department of Con5ervat'on, spec: tour to a selected I c:_'<ie ~L" Carl Mactllherson,) ~ • ht ' g rfit"!'be regular meeting of the, Cadet YcTavi!h is the son of, lavenders, blues and p:nks and will speak at the Grosse Po.nte ~UPEl.~ C.tles With the or.g- ; ~.r:-s R Sanb<J= B:o~ Yrs . Tl'a S I

Iouthtutern Woman's Club Wlll Mr an4 Krs. H. W KcTavuh, of yellows, in keep!Il1 With the I Farm and Garden Club mee.~g 30 em will P ~ an~ som.e IHe:L"Y G ~!cCabe, ~L"'S Albert i :) I

be held at 1:30 P.K. on March Il~ Hampton road pussY-w11lowa and ins the lark- I Tuesday. Karch 8 at 2:30 pm. the to es see cl ey before I E. Coor:e... ~L"'S. C Edward .rtdT. at St. Mark'. Methochst ThIS ia c.det McTavish', IeC spur and roses and daffodils of at the Country Club. June ~ ~. oses early m: PutI!a!n.. ~t.'"5 Ha.'TY E. BarnardChmch. The tpeaker Wl1l be the ODd year at CQlumbia Mill • the floral stage-settln~ ThlS edl-I Hc..-t=sses will be Mrs. Her~"'Y This Pull c:.sco. ar.d ~!..-s. E=est C Ha ....ns' ~ 8h:Reverend Robert D Ric:harda. Aeade:rny where be IS a mem~ 'I tion of ''Fash.lo!'.scope~ will be a IE. Bey5ter. Mrs. Joseph M. Dodge Mary Cha..:~.~th ~~y b~ Otr:e:-s to atte::d are ~"'S' amp opBiI __M_ -"y Am~~D" _ the ";'w- _1__ real harbmger of spnn" The' and Mn. J. A. Mullen. d t'.l. ...:0 e e -yea: 'Pa.ll J )ore "e'" Yrs Keil A. I

-'OJ ......, _ ... _ • U.L .......... ~ .. • I'eCor a ,""e c~at:onal theater' - -.________________________ i flow~ theme WIll also be !'epeat. I ----- IWashmgton hst h In Ca.rr..e=o:,,_ ~t.-s RoOe"'t H Pet!!!'-• .. led m L"range:nents on tea ta. IScottish Civic League Frank Fay plaVed:nm~ w ~ son and ~L-s. Harold W. Stark.. I 188S0 MACK at WARRENbles and elsev.'nere at the tea m • w • ere :a!' e:s--t 1 -----

H A IIllR Y H A A • the Fountain Ball-room l!l".med.- Presents ChOir Oil nee ~ks to capac.ty ho~es. cr;~. 0,.,. 9 a.. 10' pm Mot! ..... w'"I ately fo~oW'.ng the fasr 0"1 sho-..;- I The Scott!Sh C~\":c Lea.gt.e Wlll ~:~~ :,~~ of :!;S nearert Earn Place On 9 I.m. to 9 p,m. Thu"., Fri., Sat.

T A X C a ... U L TAN T the lcosmg scene of the show! present the ~ ortnern Y MeA "H~ oma U 0 H R II IPI. 0 P'E S S (0 N AL T AX S II. .-1 C I I Itself to be a complete ga!'den' &'lS' ChOlI at St. Andre.,.;'! Hall .~ now IS the firrt long. I - onor 0 \

POI. weddmg party. , Sa,urday. March 5, at 8 p m. ~~ ~"~ !!lt e ~-to!'Y o~ tr:e ne Rev. George A. Km.eck._an.wo ....--x p,"wo''l'N Among the G!'osse Pointe alrl. I The chOlr ;0 C(j~po~ed of 50 ..... ble. :Le.ajer de rw:F:ners., S J D rector of the E....enbg Dl- I ~~1V1&~.~ 4A ;EJ.SJBP, JNDIVIDt1AlS usb .. ~ .u - • -... :ng e ':1 a.~e::.. d t'" S S' \ermg at the ''FashIOn. cope , lltt!e bo'-"S from 7 to 13 vear- o' "Ok1aho~a'" "." ,"~_" R.... '", VT)n an e u.""'!!"'er es510n

_'n ,-_ L d. K . ~. . ..,. .~O e s u ,~" 1'<1' • t' U ..., Detr t. hWlU "'" Y a err and Glo!'.a a~e Theywere organ.zed JP 1939 and "Tobacco R -"l" F'P ..; a. re ~.!vers.. , o. o. as

HOC'll ,.' IlL TO,. P ~ and !.erone RIckeL IThe 'I'OWlgsterS s.ng abGuf"'15 sa ts p"'em "r B o,,~ °Octo,ow--g a:-.::o<.!.'"lc:edthat tv:o s t u den t s~ -. A ~ ber f I h' •• . u. n oston on ::ler L. • '" .. ~ ed..um 0 unc .eon partIes I c:red concerts each year plus nu. 1'1, 1944 t':l! cornedv ~ • l- L' ')":1 tr-.s a-ea. ave "",en r.am.ro-.__ T"'" ...... -vr- _ have been ~ed by Grosse I meroo.lS benefit sho~ Each veal" !nVlSlble '\','" t • : t oout fLe 1\ O'!l fre hono:, roll for tne evenmg~lCAnL nA "" UU;xx'l~ ~r<. '-L.,'~ POlllte v. bef h hit!'" . '" e racol SOX eet. d \omen ore t e S .ow .ev present one or more com- one and one-ra.f 'I'ches tall wen' V1SI0I'_

MIMI J:aa.Y.AL Avn.U Dll!'norl' 1~. WlCHlGAN on next Tnursday Mrs L;'nn plete operas on to !\e7;'" Yo;lt w",ere Fra~k TI-~, a:-e Etre1 B€la..-i<:er of 54 'VA!12 ).,*,2 I~a~r~~~~Ow~;;~~ber5Sr;!'rO,efI f :oU07. .n::; t~e P:,o&"ll'a'!'l Sc~te. Fay played the r;le W1tho~t I~!er.-.;'eatloJ.e!' in t."e CoJege of

•.. 1 ... c. as orcr.es.ra v.. plav 'o~ mJssm/t a pertor""! f +hrI the Garden Club of M.ch:gan for I danc,ng . ... and half . L.aOlce 0:'. eo Al'ts a:- d Sc:er.ces rrajo:'l!'.g in I

- a yea!'s ast spr -:g and lId B[summer Fl'ar.k a."ld ius c~mpanv I soc:o Ol!:" an enjaIl'!l."l Hub.! -..;-ere s~n for s~'en weeks m I ba!'d o! 1981 Ros!>n, ma)oru:g In

IPhI1adelpl'jta and eight weeb in I mt!clwucal engmeenn,. IWash.ngton I ---------- I

The 1948 - 049season cpened Vi':~h I .. T~ere ~'.u~ pe:1'cr-ance:o It IFrank Fay .n SY!'acuse on wbo!' e.e!"V ~Ign. a::a "1at.nees on'1j IDay and tr.en played br.e~'" n I W~es<Iay ~rarch ~h, and Sat. I/If Rocl':ester a.,d Buffalo before set. Iur _a...s t'lerea!teI' I


I tlmg dovm for a 12.~eek "'eeord ' IIn B~tr;n Pr.or to Detro': t:;e NORA LUCK Iprize o;a'; ~"as c~ In Spr .ne:. txP'UT ....TIST SRVta

I field. Hartford P':-o'l.der.c. W11.~ .. A'es.=" de:.:.",.::,,", c'" .._ @ O. '. r"-if mmgtor. Balt.more P.ttsbu:gh ...... go CI c..~~.e 01" ~~ IC!e'l"eland. Dayton, LoUl.!Vllle ano~ C"'~.O rn. ... "

~I Order Your Awnings~ NOW!I~ For s,nIC IF~ IM•• il'a Deli,,,,t Tnatef 'ot Rot dd Mildew

~~ &n;''''i~le~ AWNING CO.

16726 E. WAItREN-3 blocks bst of Outer Dnye ~ 7601 L JefhnM

~a=r?rms?'?cer.:~!Qti'~~~~~~ IUTNOWANDSAnl ~:'~~OT~ lO.7.2293

Page 5: 'rEETINGdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945...ho Thl.5 10 atlcnd the neptn ThlFarm~elcctor,le 11al:nnglhLotf alpolaml njArthurLOU\\U ndle "Iked out Ihse





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20443 MACK AVE, at Fleetwood Phone TU 5.~CROSSE POINTI WOODS

Two-color "jumper" blouse In wash-able rayon crepe 'vVnlte cQllar andsleeves With black brow" coral,royal blue, Kelly green a -har-treuse Sizes 32-38.


A Friendly VisitationSunday, February 27, unmed18tely followina: the .. rvICII of

the Grosae Pointe Congregational Church, fifty members of itscon,regation partIcIpated In makma: a friendly vilit on each 01the 422 homes In the neighborhood of their new church, to extendto the realdent.ll a lpecial invitatIon to be present at the lervlcel onSunday, March e, at 12:00 noon for the laym, of the corner atoneof theIr new church ed1f1ce. now under coDitruction at Chalfonteand Lothrop Roads.

The ('a11m, conuruttee were dIrected by Mr. Karl Schalten-brand, Chan'man, Mrl. n"bert Choate, and Mr. Robert Cunn!Jbam.

BROWNS RETURN 'ACItAJU) .AYIMr. and Mrs. J. Stirling Brown, DIrector. of the Packarc Motor

of Moran Road, returned thll Car Company declared today aweek from a lix week trIP toCalifornia, where they viSIted diVIdend of 25 eent.ll a share, therelauves m Hollywood and San company's biueat In nearly 11FranCISCO. years.


Sings InConcertAt Indiana U.

ST. PAUL PARTYAfter the sophomore dance at St. Paul's last Friday night.

Mary Ann Burlingame with her date Don Williams had the fol.lowing kid5 over for hot dogs. Seen danCIng were: Sally McKernan'n Jan Drake, Marylyn SlDlth 'n Bob Haller, Mary Del Barbo 'nLarry Reynolds, Margie Heidt 'n Dick Motchell, June Allard 'nJim Brenner, Janey Lobwick 'n Bill Huettman, Eleanor Wade 'nDick Kaiser, Mary Vernier 'n Pete Belanger, Judy Hennecke '0Chuck Alarka, Carol Staub 'n Tom Whyllie.


Shouting and "heermg FrIday nlte were the many who cameto school hopmg to see G.P. beat the Wyandotte buketball team.Those watchIng their team play the numbr on team In the BorderCIties League were Marlle Walhng, JudIe Nelli, Janie Worley,George Kypros, Herm Van Arx, Ruthle Jacque., Floas Bardy,Sally McNeff, Barb Brown, Bob Anderson, Arnold Arends, GeorgeAbbott, Frank Palazolo, Chris Orr ,Ned Lambric, Barb Harllnl,DIck Fordon, Beu Cram, Tony Pear, Mary Mohr, Mary HarcUeban,Mary Hodges, Jucile Gehlert, Rich Wallace, B. G. RIch, andHelene Mower.-Dunn( half the tune of the Varsity lame BillCarruthers, Chubbs Lawler, Butch Edgar, Don Osborn, and JimBarker dId an impersonation of BING and the Andrew sister..-Some act!!1

WHAT A DAY •••Saturday seemed the perfect day to many of the aophomorea

for a trip to Algonac When Nancy Newton, Ted Barnes, MarilyzaQUigley, Bob Ward, Marleme Goodson, Bob Champme, Babe Mann.Don Bennett, ShIrley l!uethe, Wally Molar, Betty Nelson, and EarlPell reached there about noon, they had lunch, went bowlmg,horseback-ndmg, and returned home m time for a lush dinnerat Nancy's house

EIGHTEEN, MAYBE. _.That eve AL SCHWEITZER put the l1gth on hIS front porch

welcommg 10 his many pals. Near eIght that wght the gueat.llbegan arrlvmg, all wishmg AI the best at luck on his eIghteenthbU'thday. The gang who ate a feat of hot dogs and cokes in be-tween dances were Pat Grant, Al', date, Maruyn SlIUth 'n BobHollar, Polly Wilton 'n Rob BarrIe, Sally McKernan '0 JohnDrake, and Don Paquette.

GLOB.IA HAD ONE TOO •• _GLORIA CLYMA was another who had a party Saturday nite.

Mobs of kids poured In from 7:30 on hoping to have a great timewith loads of fun. Ray Bolo helped Gloria greet the many guestswho were called, Suzie Riggs 'n VInce Schoeck, Louise Deely 'nCorky Baily, Pat Dee 'n Renie Pe1man, Marsha Olen 'n MikeGalvin, Jim Fenske 'n Irene sarle, Cherie Nemie 'n Roger Ham-mer. Sally Owen 'n Gary Long, Pat Zimmers 'n Marti Moagin,Jan Ulnch 'n Joe Cavanaugh, IlIa Barr 'n Larry Deely, RuthArends 'n Dick Yates

AnnounciniJ •••• "oj") CARPET FASl-lIOi\. OPE\JI ......C


Ot: Atv'ERICAMARCH 1st to 10th 1}.j<;

S~owing ...Dr" ;::"""ul ':~1 R-l,c';"~;:: Pa"'rns

from F J"I\ 51' '(' r - 0-.1 'l U ,'C-V(rLil'C::; h~ I 'cr c. b A~ . -a s

"''''c". C( ~rr:"':>

..Ai ..1 HE (ill~V1ENS CO

~0525 M~ck Avenu. G,os.. P,e Woods 30 M ,hTU,tdo 27AOO

Store Hov" Du' ng S~ow '1 • m 10 9 pm

Memorial Meetingd flom Page 1) 0 --;---- - -----

t nul' dlCated that the The GlOsse Pomte Bus I n e s st )\, m re enthusI' Men'b As,ocldtIon, The Rotary

v! them we ed Club of Gros~e Pointe Then favor of the propos American ~eRlon The A~f'rlcan

ring Alger House as '<It qUI I dg rs of ap- Le~loTl AUXIliary. The Veterans

,nter, 86O~O0 indlCatmg of the ForeJ~n Wars, The Veter-Il'lV $, I n in the Bns of the Foreign Wars Awnl-,\~ent to the p a lary The Grosse POinte Real Es-,If the prelunmary m. tate' A~oclatIon The Ameflcan

then letters con. '"Ince i t to the ASSOCiatIOnof Umver81ty WOOl'the OII~lOa repo~ cards en, The Grosse POinte Artists,of Dllect~r~ :n s could The GrOSM!PolOte Camera Club,hlch con rl U or t th and s eve r a I other informaltheir deSire as °h e groupo; mterested In culturalh contrIbutIOns, ave

t Cll 11 of the ap. pursuits and self educatIon m\lIed to a rs The the cultural and craft field Inlclv 3,OOOhdonul°t. additIon to the foregomg, otherg was teres . . t h b . td tatUlg wlllmg. orgamza tons ave een m er-t' turne S ed for the Vl(~wed but have not, at the datet pledl(es be usort of AI- of this report, formally replied'lent and supp to the Committee's questions. It

Number of contrlbu.'l' $106971 34 IS anticipated that many of these

7 pledges, '~dlcat;ng Will find a use for Alger House, otherWise I d Of the organizatIons mter.

IlItn~ness, mcludmR ad I. VIewed onlv one declined to1< Jges not heretofore re- commIt Itself 10 prmciple to" ber of contributors.,um ' makmg some contnbutlOn for,(, ~36,23500. upkeep.l'umber of contflbutors, The answers received by the

Committee from the orgamza.pIcdRes, $143,206 34 tions mtervlewed mdlcate a dl-returned statUlg donors' verSIfied public use of Alger~neh~ 163; $17,86475 House. The CommIttee's surveyACT SCHOOL ,sOARD mdlcates that among other activo"nville Wheat, Chairman, Itles, Alger House would be usedles K. Watkins and Mrs. for meetings of these organiza.B Lord report that this tions, exhIbits of local art andffilttee (Mr. Kenower at. photography, art competitions,m place of Mr Watkins) dancing classes, art classes, mu-h the Board of Education sical recitals and music classes,1I"ed at length the mat- l'lasses in various crafts, lec-

I\le:('r House Cooperation tures, literary actiVItIes of vari.e Board of Education in ous sorts, as a public garden, andtter properly affecting the as a museum to house historicalseems assured. During items and like exhibits.lIssion it was sug~estedresolution by the Board DETAR. INFORMATIONng all action heretofore The Committee has on file thev It with respect to the detaIled information developedd War Memorial LIbrary as a result of its survey which ise appropriate. The Board avaIlablet It could take no action This Committee has at all

aspect of the matter, times been impressed with ther, until the contributors fact that it is the presence ofund had spoken and un. Lake St Clair and its beautiful

Board of Directors of the shoreline that has given to thead requested action by whole Grosse Pointe community Memorial Library Fund, for hISrd of Education its distinctive character as a untiring efforts, and presentedames K. Watkins, Chair- plate of residence and that the the followmg resolution: (Both

this sub.committee, re- posslbllltv of the public aequir- were, of course, unanimouslyhat while no formal ae- ing one of the most beautiful adopted.)a~ been taken by the and substantial of all the lake RESOLUTION Nor man T u f for d, Gtosse

Pomte Farms Trustees shore properties presen'ts an op- "RESOLVED: The report of Pointe student at Indiana Uni.spect to this matter, in- portunity that may never come The Committee of Fifteen (.~ versity, took part m the concertdIscussion wIth the Trus. again to rapidly growing GrOlle end of committee report) ap, given Sunday afternoon (Feb.lestes that If Alger House Pomte. pointed by the officers of thIS 27) in the Indana UniversityIred and used for the • • • Association pursuant to the aU- AudItorium by the University'surposes there is no prac- Thi, Committee followmg its thonzatlon of this Board at its Symphony Orchestra assistedellhood of any challenge study of this subject, believes meeting of January 14, 1949, as by the Choral Union. Mr. Tuf-

the Grosse Pomte Farms that Alger House, if it can be a CommIttee of 15 is accepted ford WlUl a member of theOrdmances acquired by the Grosse Pointe and approved choral croup. .AND MAINTENANCE War Memorial LflJrary Fund, "ThiS Board records its enthu- Sunday'. program was of.s Barrett, Chairman of would be a magmficent and dis- slastic support of the recornmen- special significance ~Illce It m-

b.eommittee, reports that t1ngulshed war memorIal and dation in such report that Alger eluded the fIrst performance atreVIewed and accepts a could serve the entire Grosse Houae. if It can be acquired by the Univenity of Beethoven'sm startmg budget. Pl'e- Pointe communities in a great this Fund, could beeome a mag. Nmth Symphony. It was withi' Mr DePetn5 of $15,705 variety of ways for educational. niflcent war memorial for use the presentation of this symph-r for operations WIth an cultural and broadly public pur- by the entire Grosse Pointe com- ony that the Choral Umon sang.ed annual Income of $13,- poses and believes that the gift munities for educational, cul- Also on Sunday', program was

detaIled copy of thls of this property to this Fund tural and public purposes. Gershwm's Concerto for PianoIS attached. should be solicited. "SubJect to approval by the and Orchestra.

Barrett also reports that RespectfuIJ.y yours, members of this CorporatIOn, the This was the first concert of-committee has discussed JOHN L KENOWER. H S officers are authorized to solicit the second semester for theSible use of Alger House BARRETT. GEORGE BEAU- the gift of Alger House to this University Symphony Orchestralarge group of CIVIC01'- CHAMP, MRS. CHARLES A. Fund by its OW¥I'S. hi h d the ...:-....: f

DEAN VINCENT "A special meetUlg of the we, un er 'llll"", .. on 0IOns, the membership of DePETRIS, Prof. Ernst Rotrman, is fast be-represents a fair cross- GEORGE ELWORTHY, KARL members of this Corporation to cormng one of the outstandingof the public in the B GODDARD. MRS LLOYD conSider and act upon these rec- musical organizations of the

Pomte communities Each G HOOKER. ERNEST !CAN. ommendations is c:alled to be H d th IZLER, JA held Wednesday evening, March !!tate. e f1nt presente . ew'

ahon was asked whether, MES A. LAFER. U h tr to th bUc tHouse were made avall- MRS CHARLES B LORD. 16, 1949, at 8 pm in the Neigh- . ore es a . e .pu

NOR RT NEFF borhood Club, ' 7145 Waterloo March and alam 1D Octoberwould use it, and, if so, BE , JOHN J ,. I d N ber It could make some con- O'B R lEN, M R S M M Avenue, Grosse Pointe, Michi- an o_v_em__ f_. ------

n to the upkeep. No ef- SCHAEFFER and JAMES K.. gan, and notice of such meeting order of thia Board the Commit.as made to develop any WATKINS, shall be publIShed March 3 and tee of 15 shall continue to de-te of contrIbutIon for the Committee of Fifteen. 10, .1949, in the Grosse Po~te velop plans for the use of Algerorganizations, and conse- QUESTIONS ANSWEIUID ReVIew and the Grosse POUlte House as an educational.. culturalthose expressing them- Members ot the 'Board of Di- News, both be~g newspa~ and public center, includmg any

as WIlling to contribute rectors were gIven full opportu- published or havmg general ~Ir' necessary amendments to Arti-erely cormmtting them- nity to question members of the culatIon m the Grosse Pomte cles of Incorporation, and shall

to the prinCiple of some Committee on all aspects of area subrmt the same to a later meet-ut'on WIthOut any definite their recommendations. Consld- "The officers shall cause the ing of me m bel' .. but such

bemg fixed or discussed. erable discussion followed in the Board of Education to be ad. amendments shall always pro-CLUBS LISTED wake of questions and answers ViSed of this action and its full vide that this Corporation shall

ded among the organiza- City Clerk Norbert P. Neff cooper~tion ~d assistan~ shall contlJ1ue to be organized and to!terviewed were the fol- pointed out that it was on the be sollclted In developmg. the operate exclusively for charit-each of which indicated same spot that members of the use of Alger House, If ac~ulred, able, educational or public pur. I

enhon to make some use Sendofl' Committee and Break- for the uses above stated, Includ- poses 80 that It lIhall remain ex-er House if it becomes fast Club had sent between mg the establishment, if feasible, empt from all liability for Fed.Ie. The Garden Club of three and four thousand Grosse of a branch, regional or. other eral Income taxes."type of library, and to thIS end'1 the eIght other garden Pointe men and women away to the Board of EducatIon shall be SHELDEN CONGRATULATED

m Grosse Pointe, SI~a servIce and that some one hun- requested to rescind any action At the end of the tr,eeting,Association, Tau Beta dred and twenty would never heretofore taken by it meon- members of the Board of DIrec'

t'on, Junior Good Will return He stated that It oc. Slstent With the attainment of tors heartUy eongratulated. Pres.1on The Ibex Club The curred to him as quite signifi- these obJects. ident Alger Shelden for his long, Dame~, The Daughters cant that from this same spot, "If Alger House should be and loyal work in attemptmg too\merlcan Revolution, The the wheels could be sent into gIven to this Fund, then the of::- brmg the commumty a su..tablerr~ of the Confederacy, motion which might provide a ficers and also untll further War Memorial"lor League, The Grosse glorIOUS and fittmg memorial to I --------------------------( HI~rlcal ASSOCIatIOn. those men and women.

~"<;,e Pointe Lions Club, Mr Neff then offered a resolu-o«<e Pointe Klwani~ Club. I tion of respect to Mr Alp:er("" Pointe Optimist Club Shelden. President of the War

March 3, 1949"1

Page 6: 'rEETINGdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945...ho Thl.5 10 atlcnd the neptn ThlFarm~elcctor,le 11al:nnglhLotf alpolaml njArthurLOU\\U ndle "Iked out Ihse

We Cater ToPrutie •• Clubs. elt.

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Metal Decks--PorchesFlat Boof"mg



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Fme food, at popillar pr cel': ""Ill be senE'd under thE' man-

Iagement of Mr< h"\ Lee TheI Gnll Will be open 24 ho Jr_ adav

,IMaryland Crill10pens SaturdayI The Maryland Gr1l1 and Sand.Wish Shop. 15102 Kercheval :Itt IMaryland \\'lll hold a gn-.nd I

lopenmg on Saturda)<.i

200 SC,ORESI Ted CoroettI Chnst :'ofanmeJ Donovan



Thu... "ar 3 1... 1TI_ To.irbt~ttf' Dan. - '8obt 'Io.t'(O'mer)

".rr~'f: BaIDE"Pl••

"PORT SAID", ..rl~;t "ar ~ - 5C.m.roR "lIt.lI.11 - A.d ... , 1.0Rr;"AD' }.'Tl RF" OF GAl.LA'T

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Burna Drive on the beautIful DetroIt R'\er



On The Succeu 0" YOUT Peaty

B&B8811 E. Jefferson, at Cr~ne

IonquelS - Spe<.1 Parl,eo

--'l;he WHITTIER

Remember Sid's Cafe Lounge when planning your wedding pal1Jor Bowling Banquet.Moder... I'n.... Dolle"'l. Ell_",_ot 7 ""It .. a Woe!<

When your club, sodality, or parish group plans. a ~eror luncheon, be 8Ul'e of its success, by holding It atThe, Whittier. Here's where you dine m an atmosphe~of refinement and beauty. There is always the best mservice and cuisine. Make reserntions now for yourspring social events.

RES~U~~I~N~ ~Mtt()pen 11:30 a. m.• 2 a. m. ...


1+MO E. Jefferson. nr. Chalmers MU. 9404

Complet OlnnenOeloc,c>ui food [<pertly Served

EM, AMerica.Res.rllt

'\~ack A\e-Cor Ox~ord Rd





6 pts. SeparateFirst 9 Squads

h n hook \VOlkIng beautlful, count-I

IL ProbRbly will never appe. Ins f01 total Jot! De-In Loca eauue agam-hflve sW~hePatSalnct;~fy~~:Ipl~~:l'S~4~:vlew "acc" l;ad to bt! Il} -but t at 15 \\ th 5?3

The GU):':'C Pomte Buslness- pened at the Woods Recreation sdtlsfled WI, ~ Imen', Bowling League, cOining last Fl'Iday mght when the I STANDINGS

'down the home stretch, finds the Rotary bowler. got together. W L

Ifil'Ot nme teams separated bv Kopps, Farms Mkt, Holzbaugh, 37onlY SIX pomts Complete stand. Mondry and Motor C.tv Tires 1 Middle AU Tldns Co 55 37 I

lings appear below. • comprised the lucky five Thos~ 2. KOPPb ph,.l1macy ~~ 40 Il'deanwhlle 1Il last \\eek s con- recelvmg the "hor~e-collar 3 Farms Mdrket

tf'sts at Vogue Recreation, Tur- were Middle Atlanl1C, Houston 4 Houston Bros, Inc 50:;nel BUlCk beat Beldmg Clean- IBros' PichI'S Barbers, Auto 5 Mondry Cleanel" 50ers 3-1 to hold first place IClub' and .Harflson Carpel:. The I 6 Earl Holzbaugh 50 42

Bob Gross oft Turner drawmg remaining duo. G P. ReView 7. PichI'S Barber Shop 44 48the 7-10 split In the 10th fra~e and Punch & Judy Cocktail 8 G PRevIew 41 51t.'nabled. Beldmgs to gam thelr Lounge spht, two apiece. 9. Auto Club 41 51onlv pomt 10 Punch-Judy Cktl. Lg 40 52

Grosse Pomte Curtams showed The Middies downfall came 11. Motor City Tires 40 52Ino mercy to the local Prmte~s, about when Al Przeklas, Emil 12, Hanlson Carpets 34 58I"inning four markers Bus MII- Deprest and Blll Mertz came ------Iler posting 546 for Curtains thru With 544, 531 and 527 to

Kennelly Catering took four gIVe Mondry Cleaners a shutout BID FOR BIGLEYPOints from Mack-Nottmgham over the league leaders. Richard R Bigley, son of Mr.

00=:;000;011 llUCillllllUO~ Cramer ElectriC earned three d d Mr George Bigley of 544NOW'S THE markers from Janet's as did Kopps Pharmacy, now tie Ian s. ,

11 M EBoutm's from Oak Cleaners for first place, spotted the Auto IUlllverslty, and a freshman at

In matches pamng Impenal Club 4 pins but In return took AlbIOn College, has Just been<1 and Buckendge. and Wigle and 4 pomts-nlce bargammg If you I bid by and WIll shortly be

To Members of the St. Paul Reserve Basket ball Squad that won t~e ,second Di:vwon Ru.stic, each squad gamed two ~a~ ~t away ;::~o~-~d it';. pledged to the Sigma Chl fra-ON Parochial School Title are from Left to Right Front Row: Pat Champme, Tom Wyllie, Du po~ts osting scores of more ~a~g '::::S'well up ill the IQOlI. ternity there Blgley IS maJor-

CONDITI ane Streh, BIll Mason, Denny Roehl, Jack Bomer. Second Row: Johnny Huettman, Jack thanen208 were, Ed David, 242; Therm Baxter also assisted by Ing m busmess admInistration atl.r'l'?~~leC'~e. ~ Trombley, Tom Marchand, Jim Hoskins, Louie Dansbury,..,Ray Beiszki, Thlrd Row: Bob, Harve~' Reid. 229: Bruce War- shootmg 87 pms over hiS aver- A_1b_i_on_. _wia~' d.I.I.~, ~ Van Teim, Coach; Dick Gallagher, L&rry Hollerback, Tom Backman, Hans von BernUal \ren, 216, 205; Jerry Lend:l.lon, age.IpltJoa. T I ..e.. ~. Re rte 214' Gi1 Sarkison, 210; AndyBellerla. Ek. I~Bob Berg, Jim O'Connor, Jack Carpenter, Review po r. Ca;roll, 208; Belmont Holstln, Ed Taube and Howard EwaldAM Service 1207; Bob Gross, 207; and Syd earned Farms Market to their

mEC'J I I C sweep over Plches Barber Shopittt8813 "SPoBrtsEA:::~:::~utlOn" St. Pau Reserves aptl1lre p~~gt:";e~~2. report wasd.not Tanhde~~;~e~~a~a~~ ~~~ys=d~;~

Ipubbshed here due to con ItlOns

EARL IICIAROS Will be the tOPiCof VIC S. Berer;- •• B k b II C beyond the control of league senes m the last eight weeks offord, secretary of Wayne.County DiVISion as et a rown secretary, Bruce Warren. bowlmg and are the hottest

SHELL SERVICE \' Sportsman Club. when he ad- I STANDINGS team III the It>ague.20397 Mack Ave. S dresses the Riverside K1wams, By lACK CARPENTER game. McParlane of St Leo start- 1 Turner BUIck 24 775 Earl Ho1zbaugh shook off theGnIIIe Pointe WooD 'i thiS Thursday noon at the Whlt. Review Junior CorrespondeDt ed off the scormg With two bas- I 2 G P Curtam .. 23 774 Indian sign the Houstons have

lie aDe uno II0$000 llll C no> tier. kets Mason and Backman came 3 Whyte Oldsmobile ... 19 791 had on them all season to pullst Paul H1gh School's Reserves scored another basket. Backman 4 G. P. Prlntmg 10 789 up on even terms-a 01' for

won the Parochlal League Sec- back With free throws, but Dane 5 Cramer Electric . 19 784 fourth pOSltlon. ThlS one couldond Division Basketball Cham- scored a free throw, but agam 6 Oak Cleaners ..... 19 767 be considered an upset as theplOnshlp Thursday by vlrtue of Dane looped m a basket. Wlth 7 Buckerldge . . 19 751 Earls had only won one pomtIts 25 to 21 defeat of St. Leo four mmutes to play the Flyel 8 Boutm's Service 18 811 while the Rangers were winnmg(West Side champion) at Cath- continued to hold an 8-poI'nt lead 9 Janet's Lunch 18 7637 seven In thelr two prevIousolic Central gym, Thursday With a basket by Mason 25-17, 10 Imperial [leanerS 13 77

Tom Marchand of the Flyers 11 Tom Boy . Inc . 13 762 meetmgsscored a basket after about one Sugars of St. Leo scored a bas- 12 Mack-Nottmgham 12 784 Motor City Tires came upmmute of pla~' Zed of St Leo ket soon after play was resum~ 13 Kennelly Catering 12 753 with shutout No. 5-Harru;oncame back WIth a foul shot, but Dane of St. Leo followed. With 14 Belding Cleaners 12 746 Carpets the Vlctim Bob Smiththe Fl)'ers soon moved mto a 5-1 another free throw, Wlth about 15 Rustic Cabins 8 742 537) and John Barber 518)lead at the end of the penod on two minute- to DIa:r Mason was I 16 Bruce Wlgle 8 732 helped along by Walt Bevendgebasket by Backman and a free fouled and the Flyers elected to I SEASON RECORDS rwho poled a 196 opener, putthrow by Bob Berg take the ball out-af-bounds, after /" Team Smile _ ,this 4-pointer on Ice

The Flyers continued to roll several shots by the F1yers a St'j Buckeridge 9:>8,== unhl about midway through the Leo player was fouled and the G P Prmting . , 955 G P. ReView averted a shut-second period when a technical free throw was made, bringmg Individaal Smile t out when they won the secondfoul was called on Backman for the score to the final tally of 25- Sarklson 2651game by 6 pins and the lastthrowing the ball behind his 21. The last 45 seconds of play Salmon! 258 game by 2 pms The Punch &back and hltting the backboard the F1vers controlled the ball and TeaDl TbJ'ee Judy Cocktail Lou n g e hadThlS encouragement rallied St. played It safe to protect their Turner BUIck .... 2&841swamped the Reviewers m theLeo's to score six pomts before lead Boutin's Service .." 2636 opener, Miner Wilson had hlIthe end of the penod, when Billy HIgh scormg honors went to Individual Three I ------------Mason connected on a foul shot I Dane of St. Leo With 11 points Carroll' 677 I

11-8 The wmners were paced b" David 616After SWitching baskets the Backman and Marchand with 7

1Flyers agam showed their supe- each. followed by Mason with 5.Iriority with two qwck baskets by Pat Champme With 4, and BergMarchand Mullet Dane of St WIth 2Leo came back, however. wlth The Flyers played a good game Ione for St. Leo The ball con- on both offense and defense.tmued to change hands until late They kept Zell, St Leo's 6 ft 4in the perIOd when Mason shot a In center, bottled up and allowedfree throw and a basket m suc-I him to score only one pomt St By MARY LANGcesSIOn 18-10 Leo contmuaUv shifted their of- ReView JUDior COl'I'eIipondent

The fourth 'penod saw the be-I fense but .the Fl"ers \\ ere a1- The Grosse Pomte Countrygmnmg of the real battle of the way. two Jumps ahead of them Day School basketball team re-I

_------------------------ Icentlv welcomed the North Shore

I ICo~trv Day School team at a

St PauI Bow I•.n9 Lea u party given at the headmaster'si • 9 e cottage on Grosse Pointe BlvdI The North Shore girls spent the ••I TEAM STANDING I 7 ~t Smith _ 18 5-6 Imght With the Grosse Pomte

No. Name Pts, Alys. I 5 C Van Steen 19 13-14 team members. and Saturday Winner, Fourth National AAA

I 41 H Furton 24 1-2 3 P Allard 17 3-4 mornmg the,' played their game Traffic Safety Poster Contest.

F Dansbury 21. 9-10 6. D Tromblev ,16 11-12 m the DetrOIt University School, 9 A VanBecelaere 21 1-2, 8 A Goum 15 15-16 gym -------------'16 J Sweeney 20 7-8 I 2 L Brecht 14 9-10 I •The score of the first team I11 E Lauer 20 3-4 13 P Ruprlch 13 j-6: game was Grosse Pomte 25,12 J Riegler , 20 13-14 10 J Marsack 13 11-12 North Shore 9 Nena Cunmng-14. P Martm 20 7-8 ham. Elsa Barr, and Sally Jean15 L Reno 19 15-16 RIGH TEAM ') Fageol played forward, and Slg-1

L Brecht 625IJ Riegler - ]gle Koeble. Mary McKean, and

2614 Jane Kuhlman the cap tal n. ID Trombley 2601 I played guard. Jean Wnght andJ R'legler 1017 Pam Sattley substituted for Mary I

J Marsack 962 McKean m thl' fourth quarter.P. Rupnch 955 The score of the second team

BlGB game was Grosse Pomte 31,613 North Shore 24. In thiS game,610 Ehse Hahn. LIZZIe Allen. and599 1Captain Janie Ottaway played266 forwards, .wlth Sally Woodruft?-ll and Jean Wnght substltutmg for2:a ! them The guards were Cynthia

Wheelock, Mary Kate Worcester,and Jo-Anne Barklev Rae Gar-ber Sara Weed, and Pam Sat-tley

Page SIX

Page 7: 'rEETINGdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945...ho Thl.5 10 atlcnd the neptn ThlFarm~elcctor,le 11al:nnglhLotf alpolaml njArthurLOU\\U ndle "Iked out Ihse







l '.,:......




hbrulry 21 1.49

Lutheran ChurchOf The Reformation

LaIIeNw at Ve ... rW.dn .. daYI .t 7.45 P. M.

Sundays .t II A M

Ceplin It ~\.,'ed"lesdsy. at 7 30 P M.

Sun .t 11 A. M. .nd 730 P M.

Vult",. ".lcolll.

Information conCJlll1l11lf frt!llpublic /cW.1W. cAurch IN'ItllW.

and other Ch1Ution &:umCtl /IC-

tlutlU 41110 /JL'lJllable

14730 Kercheval Avenue

Kercheval Ave.Church of the Nazarene

1/ Jarc/'_



- .,

St. Columba Episcopal ChurchMe niaricl'" .1 J.lhown

SPECIAL CHURCH 5Eft.CD ..ORLENTIn bat Sid. Detroit


........t: ........- ..11,- l ...........

Jefferson Ave.Baptist ChurchLak.,,;.w It Je"-

Wedn •• dsy. It 8 P M,attlA.M,alld730P M

La~ .t 1(.... "-".1\'Jednesdaye II 8 P M

SundaYI at 11 A IJL

Wed .nd F" al 10 A. M - Sun at 7.30 .nd 11 A. M.•• P III

Th. Following Church •• ,,,.,it. You:Eutminster Jefferson Ave.

Presby.teri.n Church Methodist ChurchMall ........ at Jefh.- ~ ........

Wednesdays al 730 P M Wedne.dlys .t 7 45 P M.Sundays .t I I A M. S>Jndaye .t lOA. M.

Kercheval Ave. Evangelic'United Brethren Church

.......... It KetdIeft&W.... d.ye .t 7130 1'_ M.

Sun. .f \I A. M. and 7 30 P M

Grace Evangelical andReformed Church


Faith Lutheran ChurchI'hIlip at Jd......

Wed,,"d.ye ., B P M.Sunday. .t 11 A. No.


Since ancolnt ".Ttts lent h.1 bee" kept I' e t!lne of 1pe<:1lI1 •• 'otIClnl. 1Mtua faLtnfvlly .l1end the m,dweek and Sunday •• rv,cas ," our Church .. a.mnlltne .even Wilke ILf lent.

TU. 1-2008

20385 "lack-Between Laaeuter a Country Otnb Drive

Op@D Sundaysand Every Day-9 to 9

• Fresb Produce • Cboice Meats • QualitY Groeertee


Grosse Pte. Woods Market





~ .. "

.. oJ (.

All persons who have contnbuted funds to this corporation uemembers thereof.

A S:J~c.la: ""'-eetl''"'g c:- "'rE-L ya-y F, -j \'. '! b' h:::


Sunda)' SOrT1Ces

8 00 A. M.-Holy Communi 011

8 30 A U -Cburch School11 00 A }4 -YOTnlng Prayer

• SerMon(~ursery OUTIng Ben Ice)

L.chm_ Ilvel. .. Fairway Dri ...Re\'. Edgar H. Yeonan, Vicar

Nt tM1 XI. .119

St lichael's C......(EPISCOPAL I



~ocal ehurches

The- r; r 0 S ~ t PomteBoam of F.duc;>tlOn WIllrecen-(' scaled D1ds nntll7.30 pm :\1,,1'('h fl. 1919on PortablE' bmldml1;. an-proxlmateh' ::!:.l'x83' lo-cated In Iear of Boardof F..ducatlOll bmldmg.389 ~t. Clal1'. City ofGro"se Pomte.

The a b () \" (' \, III bea,"luJable for l\1~r('('t IOn

an\" tImE' bet,,<~en thehoul"l' of 9 a m. and :lpm. "(Ot'!,d",,, :11,,1 II

8 m and 1:! I m <'11 ~a\-nrda\' lip tn :\latTh ?l!H~

SpeCificatIon" and bIdfonn can be obtamed attht" 'Offlcts of Board of,EducRtlOn. 389 ~t. ('laIr,CIty of Gro"s(' Pomte.

Rl~ht }~ 1 e~er\"ed to1E'.1f'<'t an:- an<i !ill bIds,

\ -'\ J" ,l\,t T.., I'.


, I


2'125 Holcomb


VA 2-8180


OBRIEN BROS.Window Cleaning

CompanySlo,m S.. h .nd Screen Serv,ce

\~.II W.$h,ng"'per end Calc,mlrll CI.. ned

'f."'rlor Hou.. Wasnlng - ExparlencedMen for Eyery Job

Etllmat.. Chaerfully G,venAlwlYS '" GoDd Job



R~~i~w Wanl 4.d~UFRI6ERATION IitERVl<JE

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• I -


Irter or DecoratmgE"ter'o' Painting

VA. 4-8004

at, Clean Decoratl'1ga"d Paperhangmg

t Cia" Wo", GuatlntMdPEtIT WALL ClEANING

CAlt DICKVA 1-8614

coasETIEIlE ----


Interior ana Exleriordenl,al .nd CommerCIal

free &limite,

JOHN FORTIERlack WA 1-4527

• TP.<lG Buemento spra:-ed IV'urJng Paper loang1ng Ieolorld ,,"orken Llfeloll!r Iee Best c1t\." reC,!'ences \r ton lt S,'ITeJter lIT:' 0182~7.6 Crawford.

t"K, decorattng. pa.:lting, In-a"lc exterlor, wallpaper reowUhlne and cJeanin6 U39nt. VA 2-5587

Electrical ContrllctorL1;enlld

,nlf .nd Repllriftg LompaAll Kinds Fixed

P,ck-Up .nd DeliveryNo Job Too Smlll

Akevlew 6-4864

KellY &. SONEI.ctrlcal CoolTtctor

L1cenwdommerclll • 1"ldenli.1PIulilt - Rm... • Switch ..

H_ Witlngfluoreocent Flldv,..

VA. 2-5727

Gr"duate DetrOit Conler ... -eginn.rs a lpeclalty. TU.1410Blllhop Rd,


COMl!ETS ~ Indh1duallydrelll and 1I\lS'~c:&1 pr-

o..er 15 yeare ezperttnc~'Bann.rt, Nt 4027 or TO.

oM ~cKlIlley.

lak,pCHnl•• nd Maryland

:/arch 3. 1949

rOSse pOinte



TUI ed and ""lce4. Be ... o'!-tC5 All ",ork cuart.lIteed. Lort TU ~9

rAITIl l.L1'llfBA'I' (lIliBG. 1 TU~ldll, 6 I~ pm GIrl 'le~J'a, - C-J'lolUp a\ f... "~fler.on I pm- RIlv HcoUtH

~> (. n. LaDr', .Pu\n, ,W~tln .. d"'l 8 r,Q p m -l.entel '.iT "U.l. E\AS&tULAL (,BO!!"e J'OI!'lTE WOODS Frliay 7 (I) p n, -Vl~tr.ry L'ague ,I'e

r,t TIIERA' ('nt Jt( II I'Uf:KBVTt.BIA!'l (Ht /£(,H 7 'I) ',-n -A'171,' ry Board Thur. d 1 l~ P nJ JUI - (FOB ~&LJ: Jack,uIL "chuul Aullll ..rlum i 199.. '\Iac1< "'.nue at Tune) Road '>alr l'h>, ~ 0) 'M (.,,'" I""" In- 7 fj) r I ('r cl (.1',I" "I'I

, 'Ilarll",rouJlh aILd Wa .. IL.) !>ulLllay, ~I..reh 6, 19&9 slm, \Ion IS" .',r ( I

Gl:ARAl':'lI!:ED "orl< 011 all ldrl \______ \ ---------------- I Sur JH 9.) • II ~ .1..1 .. ; ~ I, d -- -Keratorft Hepal"cd \11 oU I . GOOKKEEPI NG SERVICL- 5 PC 'lILVF.R tea act, flatware aet lS<l> (harl •• " ",.."dr ... 1<, I'atlor 945 am -1.:hurol' School f"r those f"r .11 .,1, ~ 8 ff) ",r "nd 11 ')OJ" m

II } r "'1Il lJI <:,,111'"dl,h's and "'111.',"IOIIYtrIO, TI" r'r-t of th. al"cl,,1 LellHI hor- "I" >elLra "I"-r ""'i "Idl" --H<l/ I r 1 "j '- ,~~d ~r;:;ji\~~~~U;l1l~l~t ~~a if d L~u.nh(.J BY 'II~ .\IU"\TJ1 VA ~.~ I\l«' \" I 1" I <II h HI !' lul Lu' 1- I 11 0'1 am -l'hurcn Worollp S.r., !r"ll I llre~; no',r. ",;nc~' , ,"Or ~"""",,,' - ",,,,,:?~,,..,,~ . ""S'E'S.rvlce VA 2.8212 > ~.trlgeratloll Tal< and Po<!>.rl :, r\llo ~E 80Hd walr,ut 1\'hal.not, US, el"" I hur I, "n I r,da, '" I I'" dt h n, ;L ~ .<n,O, What Ih' ('/lurch lIas I 6 °0 " m -Adul' !~s'ruc' "n cia .. lor

________ ::::::.====-=- _ I I ••Idal ~tatc and l:anllQlan 1 ~ll: 0370 u cl"ek I (I'" " ,r 'J' I'~ tli lJ,' I all of IbQle '" ..... "'1 .n I,N',mlrl:CAUI''''NTER "'URK - ""olan Puhll' with "'.al 1==========_= till In "l~rll~ \\ '>,,,i. ck ",Ill JI'J'1 &'lIl-""I"nh:' ho',1 r"r 'hU- member. "t Fallh (.nurch F

_______________ I HARRY HAAS Tox Conlvll.nl !FOB RENT 'I"H ••v. I" h< /l r ...1 L)J/II' 'I I, ""U/lQ- I <1r7 (~t,' 8 'oo.r. "eta~e 1 \lo"Qay, 7 of) p,m -!lunda' School I or

RR.PA1R Interlar "nd exterior t./l II"U 1...J.W 'Il~,' AL A\ t. \ "i L (J d' 'i I I tor tJ' 1 ,~/,!' II - r~..~ , IU<J w.l! meet &.tITeael ers Ifl'truetir.,dosed frant or rear porch Kitchen Corner Alter 1'.oad VA 2-781~, ~ ROO.l.l automatfc heat 1.t floor nl'Jrr v "': , " '(, 1 " 1.0" t:, ~rcl II; ,r , I' -- An/l ll"v,H -cabinets, retreatloll rovn s, altlc I I carpetel1 recreatlon room beatultul 'fl' •• , rom</I' 01 H"h <-vl/lmUl"On I r '!iram-T"h< ..r 1 rtl',He. \>rpsv.ted Tr In i at'.roum., remvd<llng Prolu!>t, nlc< SPECIAL PcrMnall .. d r:"l clsterin~ ~:U(j A',aUable April 1.t 1\'0 Lhl!- ",ll I" cd, Lr"'oJ "t Ihc" rsllll' oer- \ l.Jy {{laM J"'lg,," R,lre.l.ment.-A" ae Sp r 1.Goud ""rklnaMh,p S F, Barher Setllce' Lu~tom Work ',ur ~"c'<:lal- dren $12ll 00 BlJX B Grol.., Pte I'ie, 1.1 II ,1<" Ir burd~ 11r,rrll ~ lrUA G<',dlla,.j an,j j>'JIJl ~tarr SIXTH CHUIlCH OF CHIlIST20380 X~sb1t '\1 .7Bt t~, ~all WA l--I~O Ivr Ire. ..ti- ltevi~w ChUme , , <'u <I", 1><1 0.,1 da"" A and )I0.WlY, H ..rcb 7, 1949 ICIINTIST - DnllOn d B 1

O. SINNHUBE-R-- m.t.. Da" t "h I.terlng IO:u. c6Ml' T B ' al"o t' L Ad~lt BILle (.l1U!" mfet at ~ 00 I' '" Eourd vI !J~aco'1. '1m 147~1) K~r<he 1..1 \ ' u. al I. i.g

I ~lacK &.,I IlU' I OR A LE r;uo:ll tor lentleman, 9 JO (', hI r J. I" l\- leU thc <11(" ut In~et at t1 ~ I omp

"r POler A Duerk-__ •__-------------- "" !lom.r~et Uood tranlportatlon 1 \ n fien ~6" McKlrl,,- A,.ClUCK A:,1..l Co"'el.t I.palrs ,'orehes Prlute 110m') pr"ll~gel Breakf .. t tl r'p III rI ..... r, I~"\,,I t,) I ~ c, - , " SUNDAY 51.VICII Tb f

IlUllDING .nd RePAIRING and stone stc;,., drne"",. gara .. e optl<mal 'l'U 2.6lJ!i1j ore'! e cl,,,rc', "hUo tll~lr par."t. at- _ \<\ed ... da), .ua~1o 9, 1949 I~ ~~ n ,j ~ (,! ~ m I unIque lenlce 0 tbeS !lflc>re General Pepalrs DeGryse ="""""'===-~ __ ~~_......-~ t<nd (lie "or.h<p ,enlce 1 I. prn -B,,,,I< 1I~ I." <1,01150red Ch t' 8' R d'

All KIND ::di6 AU" Rd \fA'1-1163 ' GROSSE POINTE large ,,~lI-furnllh- "11' lot";!" t, 1, h 11 ,,,-t ".~l.I" tile \';rm<-n'p Ae","atlr" ,,",1 h-Id s,,1Ie1'1 Sch•• , rlB laD elenCI .a Ul,


' ed Free ESflmate, C"-S-r--l---.----.------ ~d room Pri\ate batb, prlv~te .n- II du " 'J e ('hurCII ( UI cli Tu.~- t>t t'l. C,>ureh Mrs } r.!l. lla.:ck ....lll Flr.t s<lI1JI,-I" .") .. m Roam bal been d"1iIleQ to aid

PRI <- 0' MADE ellp COHrS anl1 trav- trance VA 4-66.~ dar ot ' II m ,hurc L 1Il-'1 b.r .. » re,l.w Cheap.r by Ille l>ozen, by v •ospect 29)2 I :~;e drop""s un"ranl«d "orkman- CilI'l'SWOR'fH near Warren New c1aSb II l1P,elay dt ~ pm I,ad'e. Frank B (,lllJreth Jr ar<l Erre,Ure S..,,,nd 8eu'"n-1I 45 am ;ou and other. in _bannl the

SPLAY RATES A-D-D-IT-ro-:-.--r,----AltHatiuLla_ Kllch.il I H'~mat;r:n;'~~:~ll)'. ~~~ierlal Free flat Ii large rooms'" bath 011 A C A,i! 'rl Ulld, 1 1"0 pm, :.lvt-er's IWhr't'l ('ar-- Tn- Pr'.cllla n",up W~dr,elday b,enlrg T'"tlrr~r,la' healmg benefits whlco eler-IIl'c...ablUf'ts _ H'O.lf\1,4)'1I _ re<..r~atlvlt \.. 0 .... ;) he-fl., SUO ruo Tl' 2...4869 Cluh 1" I r"-dra.y ~ IJ t under t'le leJ.d6rs

llp or ~rlJ Pe-t~r Apon Request ru"n s _ "w<s _ dormers Call Tt' CULLI CAN SOLT \VATER I "'1 Va I • " rurf( I t1) conduct., g " D~.r~.en ",111 lie "v.lteaE , .l.le'-tlrg 8 00 P m crea~1U1r tboulandl are teeet\.


~.2!l~1) or WA 1.491)4 r, WANTED TO ~NT $7:>(ff} In, \ I, ,( !"n' I appral I' Is • 4u p, --h'C""" ..111.W.e;( I,ent.n r..adlr.g P.ovm Ol'en "ee" <ia,' lIng througb C"n'"nan SCienCe,\\/AN __.______________ seRVICE --------------- e'<I,ecl"i t,'a' the ",.tructlon 01 a Sr"le, ~i'l h' >.'d Tr' vrm"I' 1000 ~m to 901J pm-SUlda~ I ...

• I.1'I.:'iISIlED carpenter All hpes re-I '- TELEPIlON1!l Comp&llY aupervlaor n'w ejurOl1 w\l1 be/;1Il Inl •• prlng th~m~ '-Ill L. J.~u~ Glv~. Warnlrg" 2 30 to ., 00 pm

A D L IN EpaIr altera""'>', Do"rs, I Ilks, .'-Pe

Q." A Tn!!: A'\D MOXEY BAV1!\'G ....ant. 2.3 bel1ro~m home rIll or 'l,,~ I,e'" l~( atlOll I~ Ghaltonle and 9 00 pm -Th. Be .. lc>n ",!II mpel ~t I Here the Bible, :'Clence

and ~lJld0"S };o Joh t"" sm~l1 rt: COX,t.XIE,\"CE _ Jrle.tlgale T"da) terrace WlIl pay $100 per month L"t'lr'P the Cl urclJ and Healtb Mth Kill to the~rorn L ta 10 "n~_____" 1\'1 6166 \\""rohlp s~nlc.B o.r" tlt preseH be- 9 ()I) "m -Tn'> .CI,olr rebearPa! "'1lI 1....... -------------

d· 1--- FLOOR SANDING -- I .2700 Herper Avenye COUPLE ""lth ehUd de81re unfurnished ing I -Id rn the J..lcl<cv'" Beho"1 Au- he reld M tl' ('rurcn - 11 Scripturlll" bll ~1ary Baker

m Tues ayT~I RO$eVllle 451>5-W flat, Income or hou8e East Sid. clJt"rlwn :>Iarlhoroug" and Wa,."e~ Thllrlda', Maftll 10 4rOWrl'it ~olnt. Eddy-contalD~ the com

" __ _ Reference. Nt 4618 ------ 4. 10 P ~I -TI'" ~l1nl.tcr" Ccmrrnnl. 'fl5' J:II:JiII iI' L

FLOORVENETIAN BLI NOS InoCSE "r lawer Illcome, cou"le with BETIf\~Y U.Tltt,nA~ (unteu I cant, C'a •• "~ll r •• t • the ''lurch plete explanatlon of Chnstlan

rJsse Pointe ReView SANDING TAPE OR CORD 2 children Reierences Tt: 3-2267 Oute~ !>rln East llDd {'hat_wortb An. I U8T](J"H'r.il P&E8B\'UJlIA..'I ,~ttbobist ((buret SCience-and otber CbnBtwl

121 Kercl-'eval AND FINISHING Ey tho lard or we wlll replace It 1 3 ADULTS theV\'\~m~~~l\w;~~ 1~~I1~~~~cr 'r;~~a~~j LlllaUI I .....'Il\Ble:}I'::,.IlCH"~)UL' II Scleneel1tlraturemayberNll"I tor you P. eO' I'.t :'~'l<id) dt Brthal" 1 ,,!ll- Manl_hqlle aDd ".Ue,.o. "'lI>" .." ,

Guaranteed W"tklnanshlp STANDARD WINOOW SHAOE CO I 2 or 3 b.droem houu or fl.".M erall ('/lure!, In botll lb' 8 30 and n.. Th...,d".r \. Moldeftlle. I lb."> •• a. "p,,'he .. 1 I borro\\ed, or pu.rcWed.Fr~ EStlm ..t~~e-~.}~e~~:~le Ratos ;Ser>llIg Jour nelgllbol8 Oler 30 )'eara uliaM refer.nce, 7 yrs .t pr... nt 1030 a,'" 8enlCr.s ? I T h D., J) It E. MIDid., I 10:45 A,~I. II

~ COYPLETJ;Il WOOD FLOOP \ 15915 E Vla"on II Iluck<ngham I addr". Th. Sunday Bchuol gradeR ~ to 8, I alllllla) )larch eSERVICE • Tr:XEOO 2-5440 will b(~I" a S'fl.' vr L'I't." etorlee I SUnd~Y school WIll meet at 9 45 ./ or" ng I'/or." P I

T O.,~ 1 VA 2 2t::89 InGxt Su' ela' The t1hc wlll be Geth-' a In ...Ith daues for all .... ea ano:! a Nursery I(,ndergar-ell I

\V. 3-1 ~I I ALTERATION - -' ISH"a"e "llich "'IlLo lJresellted WIll. \IW.II tra>Jl.d statt or teachers Prmary .nd Junor duronll .lrv,CI.h.r 530 Pill sl!des artl narrat.rt b' the P""lor ~!ornln" W"rahlp 11 00 I m Dr============= CONTRACTOR I LANDLORD-S! The Klnclergarten-Prlm&I'Y group "'1Il Walter Clothier Auodate Secretary, 12 rG 1230 VGynll p.opl ••

PLASTERING All K ' 'C bear th~ ator)' of Ih~ First Lorll a In tte medical department, cf the I CI.",::;,OT arpentry I Supp.r' Pre.b)tcrlan Board of Foreign ~!ls- I

_______ .________ E V/"- h Sprlngtlm. M.ln. Movlnll T,m. B 11 CI d "d S I 'II ,,~ '.PLASTERIKG _ An) kmd or repaIr xpert or-.m.ns ,p ,Lilt your Rental Propertle8 "ltl> us I' e uses an ~un a)' cllool I' OllS ,. "" the ~e.t preachel'

k"1 F ti Compl.,,, R.p.,r Service \ and 1st u. help "ou -elect "our tell.~tI nle.1 ILt 9 30 ~ m Dr Clothl.r, hIlS recently returned Lesson School for All

wor Reasvnau e rate. ree es - Free ESlmlt,. FHA T.,,,,. :-\OW • CALL' VB" TODAY - Last nigllt beIng Ash Wel1, •• dav, I from a tour "f Inlpectlon or Indl~mates Call",!. 0343, Leon \'ermeu- C I V W t LAk 6' I Pr the t ret tn a serl.S M ~llelwee .. Len- 1 and the Xear Edt IIe.n1l apeak ' Department.~len I ar a son evew -)::;J For ;;mPct, Depenr:able Senlce ten <ie'utl"'" e.,tl' '<1 Behold Your Ilho"t thp rapldl}' cl}.anjflllg eondl- I REV HU'.lH C WW-

PLASTEP.I!\'G Hep ... r., aiSo new - - 0 har/re to You - I S..,lor, ...~. delhered by Pa.ter \ lion' In t.,e Orlent H. was formerly • '" • ...,..work TU. 2-5863. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED i HOME RENTAL BUREAU Re,ss Next '\Vedn.sda\' at S Il m Pu- in charge of • large l?relb)terlan :MI... I PastOI'

d 1_0===-============-= Work Guaranteed I \yo 1-&707 tor mess continues t1. serle. deHlop- s,on H"8pltal, In Sakbayeme, located ZKIl ~ .... I.. up all Ill. 1-1I1tDressmakrng, ladles an WALL WARWNG 24t:l Nat' 1 B II: BId Ing tile theme "Behold Your Sa\llJr In 11n t"e Cameroun In West AfrIca !BUIII1'OlIl Site on MlJro... , between

s <lothes Spec1a.ltainl In Free EAt,mates In the Home \ • .ona an g the Palace" OUI' Lenten services .nil stlrt this' Kercllenl anel R1aP I

de!'gnl Alteratiod nperUy wALLS and Celllnp w.. bed and SEWING HACHIKE AUT08 FOB SALE '1Weril"esda} , ~arch ~nd, at 730 pm_ H59S I paper cleaned. Ullh quallty work Bolhan} Llllhe."n Church 'W,1l re- In tne Ilanlltuar" preceded by • .up-tlone b)" aperlenced m.n. VA, 4- SALES COMPA."iY Br:CCK, 1946 super sedanette Low 8ume It I 8 80 a", servILes again \ por .eITer between L 30 and 7 pm18H. CA 3

133 T"L 1~-,530 mileage Exeeutl ..e's car An .cels- net' 'lunda> Dun'l:r tbe three-week Th~ public are cordIally lmlted to I

H1GHLY recommended wall ...... b1nI . IlOrle5 Perfect condItion Throu&,b- eel~bratlon or h~r Slxl'"tl', Anm ... r- attend these aervicnIHlrvice by retlne4 "hlt, m.n. Call HELl' WA.1\"'I!." l' '1UA' .. ' out Private Tt' 2-5«9 I18r', thQ cangregatl(JIl dropped theARUnKton U9:1 '" - ear". mormng w"rslup because or the \ 1_______________ 1 8pec III nature or lIle Bernces Pular Sunda 5 h ,

VL"lCENT'S Wall Walbln~ And Up- IolXPERIENCED TypIst and eenetal O.... a\d Rle5~ "'Ill dell ..er the eerman ., C 00holltery CleAnln~, )lachln. Method .. j olflee. Apply :.1r. Slnler Trac~ \ 19L'g Sp"c's! De1u,-:e 4_ In b"t', thp 8 ~() and 10 30 ser\lce Are Your Chl'ldren Attend'ingbperlenced workera, Insured Com- Motor Sales. 1dO Kerche>at T'tl 1- T' 0 Junior Blhle Class wlll co~llnU" I 'merelal and RelldenUal Free li:ItI. 6000 Door PI}moutn Air Con- Its recenth bO~1l sludy of tho Go.- i Sunday School? Imatea Call VEnIce 9.0770 EXPBRIEN<:ED Typlllt and g.ner~]' dr'"I;)") rg and r a d 10; pel according to St Mark the Seniors. I I

WiLL Washing, paper hanclng, and omce AIlPl} lIr Singer Tl'llC}' 10 G0J mile: Loa d e d tho Sermon on the 1tount. while the V ialUy InvitM~;~n1~= workers. Ouar&ll- I ~tor Sale •. 130 KtrchlVal. TU. l- \... th extras. Prliate Ohn- I!':~i~e~~~he~:..tlOPS tre theme "I STfW:'sb~ ..'7."'ON"SC"'K'OOL IIWALIA ..... hed by opens 1-aay e- '1;1 ffJJ T,," Sunday school. grades three to I ........... i

.... _ .__ bl EXPERI ENCEO -. , ,tIght wm 8ee a f,lm-stlp on the Sev- M•• tln- .Ye- Sundav I1Ie.-<,ee , <ee utuuates R.uona e enth Commanomert whIle Pastor RIese ... • , ,

I~~ Betenonee_ LA. 8-23&8, XU. BOOKKEEPER TU 2-1247 narrat-I the lesson The Kllldergarten- At 10:45 A.M.4, . Primary group ",II helLI' the .toroy of C"_ fw Chiltlntn anel Athrlts

WINDOW SHADES for Jewelry Store, PI"I .. nt pCltlllon Plr'l 'Jesue Riding Into Jerusalem". All EVPYlODY WELCOMEI


1m.ment, -44 hoyr week Some typ,ng , "'19"'4"'8""'P~L"'Y='M=O"'t."'fi=~r~S~pe-c-l-aI~D~et~uz-e-,~6 :~";I~~ ~~OCiI and Bible Clal8eo meet ~ Ity JIM

WI NDOW SHADEEOW J PONGRACZ J R pas8 club eoupe, radio, heater, .pot- ---- ,IU.NS AVI. BAI'TIST CHUtCH

• 17008 KERCHEVAL I ~i_~~~l :~Ie/;dep ~rtll, $169500. IT. JEFFEBSO!ll t~~~~:METHODI8T I

CLEAN ING I NI 7188 for AppoIntment BUICK, 1947 P.oaamasler conn rtlble , .Jefferoon A.-un E. at X ..rlbo ... llr" I

C'lrl for Completelyetlll1Pped Original Own- ReI, Sidney D. En. D. D., llJ:lalltu I ~ R t

Repainng and Replacing er Call daya, La. 7-7066; evenlng_, SIlDcla}, M.nll Il \Tt: 1-2898 10 00 am - Morning Worship wltb tPick Up and Delivery General Office Work 11947 CHEVROLET 5-puMnler coupe, aermCin by the Re' 1>Ir Rudolph H. \ • au

Radio I; heater Exeellent eondltion Bu; eeMUMFORDS NI. 3200 Best offer Prlnte owner TO 2-1l6:17 fO;\~~~dr~~on - Church lIC!lool EV. lUTHERAN CHURCHWANTED USED CARS 11 15-1~ 00 noon - Church Khool Jam-. Sch ...

FLOOR COVERING Ask for Mr. Evett I I clas!es for IntermedlateB, )'Oung people I Ma'Ibo ...... h ..... W._y

16127 East Warren 1========:=:::=====::;:::::1 d :~~It~dulta In. Char'" W. Sallolreck~ITUATION WANTED-FEMALE Ca rs Wa nte 700 pm. - Yout" Fellowshl" meet- SUNDAY, MARCH 6

N I. 04.46 IWO''':S troants waahm~ and Iron'lLg illl!' Mr. Lee Walker ~lll present •, ...... 1 movie on temperance ItB the Brain H.ll' c..m ......n-ll •.""at home 4353 Maryland !' a~ara Late Models that Counts," followed by dIscussion Chil"""'a ca",.h-Il a iii.

5226 • I TlIt1Iday :R~~~~~ea:~~~ !aU:::; d~i:. bi~ Highest Pric'es Paid w~ea~:: - Clue on family l1vlDg ~ ..";Y...~~~':;III~ ....

7. \ 4.00 pm - JunIor ehott nh.a,..al II ---

PRACTICAL nu,..e WIth pennlt Wanta HAN SON 6 30 p m - Lenten Fellow~hlp dln- L._ Jenrial. Frida,.. • p.lll.8 hr 6ay dut;. m home Good re- n~r - te!ern.tions b)' ll(~d.,. Marcil 4. "Qed la Le......ferenee Tt:: 2-8682 7 45 P m - Lenten serVice 'l<ith Dr ---

COMPETEO'\T girl wantl dl:7 ",ork.1 Chi Arthur D. Klona Snperlntendent of New SiN: Clsalfoatoo ••• LothropTR 3.OS94 evro et CO. tre Flint D'.tr'ct or the MethodIstI - __ -_~- __ ~.,.,.. I (",urch as speaker

MIDDLE aged lad) ",111 care for ehll- I ThuNdlr'

Idren while mother a,"aps 9 to 3 LA 14259 M,A,CK 12 30 pM - ('lfeles 01 the woman's~-{)219 VA 2 9800 socIety =11 have luncheon meetlnp I

, BUNDLES and curt am. Fane} dre .... I - In thc homt!and blouses aonO 0; 1 and Pick up IAl'~y \ ete:'aM h&B all cash for clean 7 00-10 00 p,.. - Recre~tlon for'" ...d deHvar. LO 7-6031 car Please phone GEneTa lGS:: the teen age }outh or tile churel, I

PRACTICAL ~..rPllE - Doctor and IPRl" ATE Part' ,,' s',el to bl.} good comrnunlt)Gr?sse POlllle referereos Daya 0:' clean car WlII pay cash. TW ,> 7 45 P II1 - ChoIr reheanalc8S,ona! e ..enmgs $1 par br. JCC. 51606340 ============== BAH_"'I WORLD FAITH


iiLLiR _ Emplo)-ment agenel Fl Rivard BI\d G,csse Pcmte I Fnday, :\larch 4, It4!12b5tl. Domeltlc help, ",om~n r"r IBr.'" ..ene.r, bUilt lSH ",<wl, decor. 8.30 pm -D;sc"g.,on ,,",oup Topic i

RIaundn .....d d.anlng Part-l"';e or ale I ll'terlOr and pa'n'''d e"ter.o~ 4 I ~ hat Ihe ~""'." be!.e ..e regardm .. ,Tree emoving wee ..l, Good launareas and c.ean- bearooms hI" bath Htra lan!vr,," "I' rem carnatIon T"e wc~t'l arr! tm.

t erg I_econd floor L vlng room GlOm:; r.'o'1 Inhllit" or ma... beoome apparent andT nmm ing _ Guy Ing I FIlo.LD S Emplo) ment tor competent large b.eaklas! room k,tc' en vn llr I ITIS ole b;' traHr' -g t' e degrees ot,I I'"olored help COL.ks r.a.J.ds da' or- fl(Jor Bullt in btokca..sea up.st:urs al J I eXlst""'!'('<> a ....j r .. t, re..JTf11 ~ ""'he, l

BraCing "eek .. orl. Call TRll'lt~. : 7771' I dliw" Plastered recreatlon reon' : car the sh~1\ I. "re~ epened It w,ll l>" ap- •, I garag- !torm "Wl:r.dvWB and ~"'€'er9 IJarent aTJ.d e\ dr-r-t W f"th,p- 1t (""()ntR.l~S

G D t't I W"'~TEl) TU 8Ul: rom"lete. enclosed terrace 'a pearl or "<rtl,l.,, n,aU'-

reate r e ro I. _ .. 'Lear-n" eity Priced for qu.tk MI~ SlIDdl), "larch 6. 1949

~ITt:RE ~an.~d It '\c>u haTe I Call o"'1er f.r arpclntm • 10 M a.m -Cr ldr~"l - ci".~ The

L d CI anytll.ng in tht> line Of housp;>dd' T' I 2 ')429 en mear.ng 01 t>ro B"atl,uaes tOOl)

an scape ompany I furniture ..rd nog. call 15Ue ~.at- \.) -~ Craft... ay Furn,ture, 13930 KuchevlI YA I ---------------

CO\~PlETE I 2-:l115 I 443 McK'nle XESRIAR LADlES Am SOCTETTr E SCR' .. ("- IOR&SSINu TABLE .. 'th or WIlhout I • Y X .... i..h Lone""" 0"",10LA"l~S,--AP .... , '::. benc', p aro sto,,1 Geod eo.'Ltlon Altract"e 7 rm r 10'llal • ,I A C a~t l.al.~wood Afeallf'

Rea.llonah!€- Ro.""'Jlli" 3662 ..W flew carpehn;:; d-apcrl"'!1 brt:akfastor exteMor \ Free E",m.t.. =========--===== ....,room let tl la'<al r \>-" rootl' Me~s.a'l La"" AIel S"C -t> c: )!es- .-Free estlm-I FOR SALE ~,,~cne1 terrae" ~., aWTl"gs ~." • a'l Lu''','rar Crur- 1-:4 I a,,~ oodTllorra! Du I TU )-22-/)~ --------------- 'I c11l~'t•• eor-e- F"- ."n.e ~t rill:' ~,,~re Apnniue ,'11 ~ Jl<l a L~n'~~ Tell the

_ HALF-GALLOX _ ,anlh pacl< lc<! LEA \'I-';r. CITY at'.h nn\l'~ 01 tho C' .re'l on ",.d-==========_=====1 cream 97c ~x fis\\:"! WT~il;onllll 0\' ..'-R "ell r:;-.::,:,) r.esda" ~la.r('h (~ a. 1 ';0 P'" ..\ SPE'-

_I S S\VANSON :\[O\'l.'I;6 Daln Store 172(,{ 'I"r~ at W;;.sh.r;:- , • I\. L' " J' 0 al Le",to'l ,r6a-: r.' ta. ,n11 lo pre-

_ _ ' t"., Open SUrdA} 1"1" 1.984~ 4S43-4e16 ( '~"'\Irtl-'\'-';-- 'a,'e br'~< .. nted b, ".' ,"0-11 Lnohrr 1- I'" 1

, ~5T CLASS PAINTING ----es-T-"'-Il-tl-S-"'-rO-2-5--Y-EA-R-S----- I YO? A BETTER l:\"ad' or '-led I .. r- ~eat '; 1"-1';0 rOOl"1' a,.>l !'MI r..:~'l_ 11ft0-_ tl. 'TellfA,PtRHAl\.GING AND ",t"ro Me Isaac "eAt"a) Furr.tl.rO A (' h-a' can ""'rc- Tt. 2-45<>° ----------------

DECOllATING SISSON MOVII\.G at 1'0",) K~l'et-nal ~'e al,..a)'8 han' LOT 0" Torrn Pd ~2xl20 app~-.'ed Legal Noti.ceorae. _ W. ..l. ,.. .•• r.n-... I t'Jo tomg" )ou're look"g for VA: for rancll t\'p~ l"M~ ~'A '-7406

on, uu ..... lOCAL Ind EXPRESS I Z 2H; -------".- -------VA 2-6588 SERVICE, BiCYcJ.r (;,rl s-S~O Bl"d cage ...Ith I Bl'SD."ES-S-OPPO&T't~-rtv___________ 1 Par.o ,,~d Ap"'I~nce )10"'''. 1 ~tand S4(jo) Icc <<ate. sl:e:; S1(J(I b.~~CI.FA ... I"(; h 'r •• ~ ."l"-p~ PORTABL~G Pa~ri.a"J!ng. p;uler re-l Yodern E'll.'pment CRll Tl r, '0 1-,'?~4 1 'I.'t eel! ~- II ~lIc-,flc. Call VA 4-

"'~~I .... "rng 513.1 Kerche-a! 14621 Kerchev.1 VAI:-V 22171 I J ~IAP.l<L' "'" , " o,: .. ndl (Re- _6,"" -- FOR1.. """===========_==;. ~=-\ ~u.)_~" 1 _01 __ I Tilt: (.RO,,". "OT'T.-"n-.T-R--O-D-I-"-~(. ,SERVICES I Dt:':IX(, ,tOO" r lrnltllr ,-, j 0... ~••l\nl: !'lo.. In "' ..rb. ""'1"'01W ~1)('rrR.n,"lrli' :rap-er re B41rk... a~11 G"'~" 11 f'o ~.ltAt-'(' r .. lu.r.n. 'toa' •• rrh,. J.. ': l,;t..ara


2e4 \lerters lar« rll ... nlf r ." F''' ,..n"'-t ('","d"- Ihl11diDJr "'lft" ,\l()rn ... R d ". .... r

, _..:'.?-2~~_"__ GunellS - pOOFING - FullNACES t',. T1 "" 1.02( "'«ch.,.1\, a.--ri ..."'\.t(l-r~(l~ (' .....vr ..... ;:: R!CI reod or Reo a,~d A:--t! a..-4-R\~hl);Q' D-run It Rf'l' Rae-" ( " hltC' P•• tnr"1.Jlt ... ~ :0 ' .. il' .px~r~4I'~r 1'" r 1 T,.l .. To 1.11~1l

t • C'~ 'u' rr .5.:i117 r.\en 2!('\d Clnyat Dec-.s I...... :: ... -, I..... '\.\ .. ,";"q?" FridaY_ "'Iart'h " ....... ,_____ l,uarc- /l1Jo1 \\ .....,. }ort" t ...~tlT""a''''~ D1:~~-\'\.'Plrrl-F:.-'l ~ ,,' ~ "1-'\ film ".. l'a"1'lP' ~ ,Pf- ,,'

, rnudt" h. r- C1P",K ('tl 1l 1'\ r """"'1 r( ~hr'\ .... ~.• ,.g,Jarant~eri C'~:~- \./ITT\~ ..EO m.' 1 ..... lCrt('t- .. "'r0".j~~

~ .. to .. a4 Tr 2.~ : '---- I • ~, ~ : ... :~ !""" F.; .{T'pi!lot' " .. PI'~'" ... To\: ....

--------\13309 Roc~.e VEnce'13~35Sf\i'Lt.Oiiat .'.••. - c,.- .Ir, Itt°~"ll,~ r,' • In",lAr '(I t • -.-'''.'- -DRAPERIES -- --- --- , '1 r l':.p- .. ) 1l1. ,1:1-\ C' l!rp~ ra. gr.... ~1II T '" '!(''P) (- ~ ....__________ }':.Jt}l~tl fR\Tnr' \""1 m('q' 1i.~r. t,\)" 19x "" ~la;~q t ..." $1\ I..Cl ..,...1 'tC'"'",(I .. ~c: ,. Pi'f' 'U ....nr .. P",\D1'...8 _ Ph..... al~..., P0n ';'.1'" ,1("" T "c:: (i ar1 1 ded hot'l' ....... '; r~::f t'"Hll\ 1 (#" ,t'" " .. J fi)..... 'Ill T ...

'(111 Yo1l!" frarn(',11 ur rrlrlro " .. Fr~,dA.rp I .. "Ard. (" r1tp)l. IT«()R~~,;:--r .... ~.po (l~ ~ 11,. 'f:l"Y\ ("C11 l' ",(' r. \"j 'l'f"-

_;_ Nod-pr", I. nl"'rtl' OSWr.; ~.~;~:~'~_111~r,d '~HS ~-,\1,...._ 't;~~~ru" .'ear r r\' < \:\ ",_ t' • ,_,: " " -' ,~_ \",;r~ \U~

rrUOLSTnIXG----1-- ,~~: .. \,. - \' T-\}],l. 1-" , ,-. < :; 1- n llr I \tr \ '_11. ", '"_.______ " \ I <: ... ",.. ruJ: 1) 4'" "'uIIIII.v "ah'h fi, I,""

..... .. ~ .. 1. .. "Ill "I n'" 13 ..... .. f T s: " r ~ f'"'l \. _ "< "lor-A I 1'''1111'... j.. 1 ~

, c-

conyen,ence .ds wIll be.d over th" t.l.phone, Theem chargl rate II 60C for

rd>, \O\Jr cenl. for •• ch0.1 word Psyment cande by c"n, ch.ck or moo.y

n ""urn charlle for clu.,'d~ ,s 50, for 15 word.,CO"" for •• ch .dd,' ,n.l

Page 8: 'rEETINGdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1945...ho Thl.5 10 atlcnd the neptn ThlFarm~elcctor,le 11al:nnglhLotf alpolaml njArthurLOU\\U ndle "Iked out Ihse

Prices EffectiveThurs. Fri. 5.1

Mar, 3-4-5



106 Kerehml TU. 1-5262

You'll gellllor_e~~for your Money




Tickets will be available atthe Pierce School auditorium,Sunday, March 6, Reserva-tIons may be made by callingthe Grosse Pointe Board ofEducation, TU. 5-2000, Ex.tension 25.

Carries' Hope


- ,.~')T(




Cl"H'I .........

w. t\, ~

',,1 S 00 ,

Sche~!t~~Foodw••M~;k;t1237 E. JEF'FERSON- ~VE. Between McKinley and MoC r S r" ran




~wlyAppomlod.... n,


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Camp Fire. GirlsNews n' Notes

Mrs. Elame Ross, 4311 Cour-vel1le, DetrOIt. was the hostessto the district leaders Tuesdayat her home They discussed theMarch program which Will In-

clude the observation of theCamp FIre Girls' birthday.

Plans for the Southeast Dis-tnct Camp Fire Girls SummelDay-Camp were discussed at alecent meetmg at the pome nf PRESENTS FILMMrs Byron Runde, 1131 Anita.About 75 girls are expected to I Frederick Machetanz willattend the camp at the Grose present "Alluring Alaska" asPomte Farms pier In July. the concluding number on

• •• The Travel and AdventureAbout 75 Blue Bird and Camp Se . red b G

Fire Girls m the district are nee sponso y rossetakmg sWlmmmg 1e s son s on Pointe Community LecturesWednesday evemngs at Grosse Sunda.y, March 6, 3:00 p.m.Pomte High School to enable at the John D, Pierce Audi.them to pass the Camp Fire tests torium.for sWlmmmg

In hIS first meet of the yearagainst the "Buckeyes" of OhIO \State Van Dagens fought Withthe epee wmnlng one bout andlOSing two For the next meetWIth Notre Dame, Coach Schmit-ter saw the great potentialitiesof the red-haired Grosse POlnlelad With the heaViest of thefencmg weapons, the sabre. VanDagens won two and lost one.Against the UmversIty of Chi-cago, Van was again at the sabrepOSItion wmmng two and drop-pmg one.

Before gomg out for the teamJohn had no formal expenenceIn any sport either In hIgh

------------0 school or college It appears thatfenchlg was a hidden talent.

The youth stands 5 feet 10inches and weighs 150 pounds.He IS the son of Mr. and Mrs.M. 1. Van Dagens, of 1365 Som-erset.



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Moms' Enjoy Day, .


Grand OpeningFor Blue .Moon

Mothers DiscussPupils' Progress

The mothers of pupils inMISS SylVia Benllck's kmder-garten class at Maire Schoolheld their monthly meetmg re-cently at the St. Clair home ofMrs. J. Kennedy who was as-Sisted as hostess by Mrs. W.Fmn.

Besides 0 the r factors per-tammg to their children themothers discussed the reportcard system. ..

Plans were also completed toinVite the fathers at the nextmeeting, March 26, at the homeof Dr. Edward Fnemuth, of?orkshire road, who WIll alsospeak on "0 u r C hI 1d r en'sTeeth".

Among those present at thelast meeting were mesdames:John Mazer, Henry Barnard,Edward Fnemuth, Don Hoft.man, Mary Ambrose. HaroldNelson, WIll i am' Court andGeorge Jacoby.

Also present were Mrs. Schill-ing, Mrs. John Shoemaker, Mrs.Paul Conrad and MISS BenlJck.

Several women from GrossePomte are among the 126 younghomemakers enrolled for thesprmg term of Ladles Day Outat Central Branch YWCA. Theyare' Mrs. M Ban, 763 St. Clair;Mrs. J. H. Comins, 1713 Anita;Mrs. S. DeBoer, 376 Belanger,Mrs. R. Likert, 969 Nottingham;Mrs. Lyal W. Montgomery,. 941Rivard Blvd., and Mrs. A. M.Tnmty, 2016 Beaufalt. The groupelected Mrs F. C. Trmity, 5965Berkshire, chairman .

Each Wednesday they take theirchOice of gym, sWimming, danc-ing, roller skating, badminton,book talks, bridge, sewmg andspeech. Trained nursery attend-ants look after the 3-to-6-year-olds while theIr mothers enJoythis break in household routInes.

The YWCA IS a Red FeatheraJ(ency of the DetrOIt CommunityChest .

Openings Exist InMillinery Classes

There are openmgs avaIlableIn the sprmg millinery classessponsored by the Adult Educa-tion Department of the GrossePointe Board of EducatIon Eve-ning classes are held at GrossePomte High School on Mondays,Wednesdays and Thursdays. atParcells on Thursdays, from 7:30-9'30 pm

The afternoon classes meet atthe Grosse Pomte Board of Edu-cation on Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays and Thursdays from1'30-3'30 pm.

An afternoon class m "BegIn-nmg Sewmg" IS also scheduled tostart at the Grosse Pomte Boardof Education. I

All of these classes are limitedm enrollment, therefore. It IS re-quested t hat reservatIOns bemade promptly by calhng theGrosse POInte Board of Educa-tion, TU. 5-2000 - ExtenSion 25

Sunday '" III mark the ,l!ranrlopemng of the n('w Blue Moon

! Barbecue resta\'rant. C:1almer' \at CharleVOIX

FormE-rlv known a' the G <InnP Barbecue the e,tabll,hmrnt

I ha, been complf'telv rrnovatN!I <'nd eqUipped \~Ith the latest InI re'tallrant faclhtlesI Veteran owner. E H FultonI Fox. rE'port, the Billi' Moon \~ IIII 1)1' ('pl'n oallv rX(,f'pt Wron!'-rla\. nffl'ronll: ('nmplete dlnn!",or\)cll1ll,h prt'p<lr('o1 _



DUS-CDS To PresentVarieties of 1949

Proceeds from VARIETIES OF1949 will be used for varIousschool actiVities such as theschool yearbook, PERICON; Pro-scenium Society, the dra,matlcII'OUP; the school newspapers,TRI.STAR and TRIANGLE.

*HOTPO'NTSink. • DI.po.. l.

It.fri•• rat.rsSto•••

Enrollments stIll are beingtaken in Baton Instruction andm Child day care Baton classesare planning now for theirSprmg demonstratIon.• • •

Mrs. Joseph A. Cote, Mrs.Harry Watson, Mrs. C :i:. Goss-er and Mrs. H. C Goodsmithwill represent the Woods Com-mUnIty Club at the AnnualMeeting and luncheon of theCouncl1 of SOCIal Agencies, heldat the Downtown Y.W.C A. onFriday, March 4th.• •

The Grosse Pointe CommunityClub WIll hold Its monthly Pin-ochle Card Party, Saturday,March 5th, at 8 00 P M. MrsHarry Backman, Brys Dr., andMrs Harry Watson, Roslyn Rd.,Will be hostesses For reserva-tions call Mrs. 'Doyle Billlngs,TU 1-2095.

A few trial lessons are beingoffered at the Woods Commun-Ity Club In the !r~anJpulatJon ofMarIOnettes Pupils are askedto have their own puppets. Forfurther Information concernmgtheir classes, call Mrs Reeg,TU 2-3036. •

List CommunityClub Activities

DetrOit Unlverslt~' School andGrosse POinte Co u n try DaySchool Will present their annualall-student productIon of VARI-ETIES OF 1949 10 the audltoflumat Country Day School. March 11and 12 Evening presentatIOnsWill be !lIven at 8'30 pm,. theFriday matinee at 2:30 p.m.

Started m 1941 by a group ofstudents deslflng to try theirhand at amateur theatriCS, VA-RIETIES has grown to such adegree that students Vie all yearfor commlttee posItions and par-tlclpatlon. Smce Dramatics andPublic Speaking are an Impor-tant part of the Detroit Univer-sity School WId Grosse POinteCountry Day ~chool curriCulumfrom grades 4 through 12, VARI-ETIES IS indirectly an outcomeof these classes, Stage Craft N1dCostume Design.

Granes 9 through 12 beganearly in February to pick theircommittees, create acts, and drawthem mto a central theme. Allacts, dialogue, and rI\USIC areoriginal. The action of VARIET-IES OF 1949 takes place in apsychiatflst's olhce Bill Hamiltonof the semor class won the audi-hon for the lead part as thePSYChiatrist. •

The committee in charge ofthiS production was chosen bythe Student CounCils. It mcludes:Carla Lipski, General Director,Sally Foy, Troy Browning, How-ard Kay, Jean Vall Garrett. Car-roll Kornerrel, and John Wood.This commIttee IS in charge ofthe various acts, dancing, pro-gram, publicity, costumes, hghts,and makeup The stage crew IS

made up of volunteers from thestudent body. The committeeasked Lee Yeager and W. V. V.Grimes to be their techmcal ad-visors .



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PHONETU. 5-3044


VA. 2.3467


for f ...."".(o ...tnr,_Wo", •• 1,

ATTENTION MOTBEIlSRev Pretzlaff wtll speak at

1 00 PM. Thursday, M,rch 10,1949 at Faith Lutheran Church,Jefferson at Philip HIS subJect,of uiterest to all Mothers willbe "ParochIal Schools" A dessertluncheon Will be served spon-sored by the Cradle Roll Club.

Park Police Sgt. D a v idLogan, 63, of 1456 Beacons-field, who joined the forceIn 1920, will retIre on April1, it \\as ann 0 U nee d byArthur Louwers, police chief.

In Graue POinte, 'I'.

Rec. $2.00




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Hammels ReturnFrom Florida

Mr. and Mrs Robert G Ham-mel and their daughter have re-turned to their home on Sun-nmgdale drive after a stay atFlonda and Havana. Cuba

Enroute home the Hammelsstopped at Williamsburg and MtVernon and Washln~ton. D CThey also VISited fflcnds at Rich.mond, Va, and Baltunore

Week's Social and Club Events in the GrossePointe ArePan-Arabian To Speak Here

The regular monthly meeting of the Women., AI1J"n(~Grosse POint Unltanan Church will be held Tuesd \ \1 ~0'MSC Fencers at one thirty o'clock at the church house, Je!fer~on dt ~;

'J I Another In the series ot programs seeking t J fUrthtrThe future fenCing fortunes of I brotherhood of man will be presented Mrs Nelson FIolun~

Michigan State College Will de-I gram chairman of the day, w111 mtroduce Mr. LUll" Gldpend a gretat deal on John Lee Gaffa, Palestine Mr. Gldean, a student In tht> IllU'I( a~Van Dagens, a Grosse Pomte department at Wdyne, IS chairman of the Waynl' Pdn.High School product Club and Will speak on Pan-Arabian Relations

John a nmeteen.year-oldJour- FollOWing the progam, tea Will be served by M!, Rl~rnahsm' maJor, IS rated the top ZanPII and her committee Fnends of the ChUflh al e cosabre man on Coach Charles inVited to attend.Schmltters' fenCing team

Accordmg to Coach Schmitter.Van Dagens IS one of the bestprospects With the sabre thatMichigan State has ever hadThIS IS hIS first year out and heIS developmg fast.