பொங்கல் நல்வாழ்த்துகள், Happy Ponggal

இஇஇஇ இஇஇஇஇ இ இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ & இ இஇஇஇஇஇ இஇஇஇ இஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇஇ * இஇஇஇஇ இஇஇஇஇஇஇ. Indian, Great Tamil Siddhars defined specific time, hour, minutes, second. Scientifically Earth beginning 1st day, 1st moment orbiting Sun to cycle another 365 days. Oldest universe science ever human’s earliest discovery almost 75000 years ago, a record from Kumari Kandam. Its call Ellipse where Earth will Tilt about 23.5 degree. Some people saying it’s actual new year for all in earth/human. Great Happy Tamil Ponggal 14 th January NEW YEAR. Indian; Tamil, The Most Advance Scientific Civilization on Earth & in Universe Compassionate message from, Elanggovan Thanggavilo. Intelligent Society of Malaysia.

Transcript of பொங்கல் நல்வாழ்த்துகள், Happy Ponggal

Page 1: பொங்கல் நல்வாழ்த்துகள், Happy Ponggal

இனிய தமிழ் புத்தாண்டு & ப�ாங்கல்நல்வாழ்த்துகள்*


Indian, Great Tamil Siddhars defined specific time, hour, minutes, second. Scientifically Earth beginning 1st day, 1st moment orbiting Sun to cycle another 365 days. Oldest universe science ever human’s earliest discovery almost 75000 years ago, a record from Kumari Kandam. Its call Ellipse where Earth will Tilt about 23.5 degree. Some people saying it’s actual new year for all in earth/human.

Great Happy Tamil Ponggal 14th January NEW YEAR.

Indian; Tamil, The Most Advance Scientific Civilization on Earth & in Universe

Compassionate message from, Elanggovan Thanggavilo. Intelligent Society of Malaysia.