GODISNJAK 2012godisnjakpf.rs/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/grahovac12.pdfl j _ [ Z , b ...

ȳɟɥɟɧɚ Ƚɪɚɯɨɜɚɰ x ɍȾɄ 341.63:347.7 ɂɡɜɨɪɧɢ ɧɚɭɱɧɢ ɱɥɚɧɚɤ ɁɇȺɑȺȳ ȺɊȻɂɌɊȺɀɇɈȽ ɊȳȿɒȺȼȺȵȺ ɋɉɈɊɈȼȺ ɁȺ ɊȺɁȼɈȳ ɆȿȭɍɇȺɊɈȾɇɈȽ ɉɈɋɅɈȼɇɈȽ ɉɊȺȼȺ doi: 10.7168/gpf.12.3434.13G Ⱥɩɫɬɪɚɤɬ: Ɇɟɻɭɧɚɪɨɞɧɚ ɚɪɛɢɬɪɚɠɧɚ ɩɪɚɤɫɚ ɤɚɨ lex mercatoria ɢɦɚ ɨɝɪɨɦɧɨɝ ɡɧɚɱɚʁɚ ɡɚ ɪɚɡɜɨʁ ɦɟɻɭɧɚɪɨɞɧɨɝ ɩɨɫɥɨɜ- ɧɨɝ ɩɪɚɜɚ. Ɂɚɜɢɫɧɨ ɨɞ ɬɨɝɚ ɤɚɤɨ ɫɭ ɫɟ ɪɚɡɜɢʁɚɥɢ ɦɟɻɭɧɚɪɨɞɧɢ ɟɤɨɧɨɦɫɤɢ ɨɞɧɨɫɢ, ɚɪɛɢɬɪɚɠɧɨ ɪʁɟɲɚɜɚʃɟ ɦɟɻɭɧɚɪɨɞɧɢɯ ɬɪɝɨ- ɜɚɱɤɢɯ ɫɩɨɪɨɜɚ ʁɟ ɧɟ ɫɚɦɨ ɩɪɚɬɢɥɨ ɨɜɚʁ ɪɚɡɜɨʁ, ɧɟɝɨ ʁɟ ɢ ɤɪɨɡ ɚɭɬɨɪɢɬɟɬ ɞɨɧɨɲɟʃɚ ɢ ɢɡɜɪɲɚɜɚʃɚ ɚɪɛɢɬɪɚɠɧɢɯ ɨɞɥɭɤɚ ɞɢɪɟɤɬɧɨ ɤɪɟɢɪɚɥɨ ɢ ɫɚɦɟ ɦɟɻɭɧɚɪɨɞɧɟ ɟɤɨɧɨɦɫɤɟ ɨɞɧɨɫɟ. Ɍɨ ɩɨɬɜɪɻɭʁɟ ɢ ɱɢʃɟɧɢɰɚ ɩɨɫɬɨʁɚʃɚ ɜɟɥɢɤɨɝ ɛɪɨʁɚ ɦɟɻɭɧɚɪɨɞɧɢɯ ɬɪɝɨɜɚɱɤɢɯ ɚɪɛɢɬɪɚɠɚ, ɚɥɢ ɢ ɩɨɫɬɨʁɚʃɟ ɜɟɥɢɤɨɝ ɛɪɨʁɚ ɦɟɻɭɧɚ- ɪɨɞɧɢɯ ɢɡɜɨɪɚ ɤɨʁɢ ɪɟɝɭɥɢɲɭ ɨɜɭ ɨɛɥɚɫɬ. Ⱦɪɭɝɢɦ ɪɢʁɟɱɢɦɚ, ɚɪɛɢɬɪɚɠɧɨ ɪʁɟɲɚɜɚʃɟ ɦɟɻɭɧɚɪɨɞɧɢɯ ɬɪɝɨɜɚɱɤɢɯ ɫɩɨɪɨɜɚ ɧɢʁɟ ɦɨɝɭʄɟ ɨɞɜɚʁɚɬɢ ɢ ɢɡɨɥɨɜɚɧɨ ɩɨɫɦɚɬɪɚɬɢ ɭ ɨɞɧɨɫɭ ɧɚ ɪɚɡɜɨʁ ɦɟɻɭɧɚɪɨɞɧɢɯ ɟɤɨɧɨɦɫɤɢɯ ɨɞɧɨɫɚ, ɨɞɧɨɫɧɨ ɦɟɻɭɧɚɪɨɞɧɨɝ ɩɨɫɥɨɜ- ɧɨɝ ɩɪɚɜɚ. Ʉʂɭɱɧɟ ɪɢʁɟɱɢ: Ɇɟɻɭɧɚɪɨɞɧɨ ɩɨɫɥɨɜɧɨ ɩɪɚɜɨ, ɦɟɻɭɧɚɪɨɞɧɚ ɬɪɝɨɜɚɱɤɚ ɚɪɛɢɬɪɚɠɚ, ɚɪɛɢɬɪɚɠɧɚ ɩɪɚɤɫɚ, ɡɧɚɱɚʁ ɪʁɟɲɚɜɚʃɚ ɚɪɛɢɬɪɚɠɧɢɯ ɫɩɨɪɨɜɚ. ɍȼɈȾ Ɇɟɻɭɧɚɪɨɞɧɚ ɬɪɝɨɜɢɧɫɤɚ ɚɪɛɢɬɪɚɠɚ ɨɛɢʂɟɠɚɜɚ ɤɪɚʁ ɫɬɚɪɨɝ ɢ ɩɨɱɟɬɚɤ ɧɨɜɨɝ ɜɢʁɟɤɚ ɫɜɨʁɢɦ ɧɚɝɥɢɦ ɪɚɡɜɨʁɟɦ ɢ ɩɨɩɭɥɚɪɧɨɲʄɭ x Ɇɪ ȳɟɥɟɧɚ Ƚɪɚɯɨɜɚɰ ʁɟ ɫɬɪɭɱɧɢ ɫɚɪɚɞɧɢɤ ɭ ɨɤɪɭɠɧɨɦ ɫɭɞɭ Ȼɚʃɚ Ʌɭɤɚ.

Transcript of GODISNJAK 2012godisnjakpf.rs/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/grahovac12.pdfl j _ [ Z , b ...

  • 341.63:347.7

    doi: 10.7168/gpf.12.3434.13G

    : lex mercatoria -

    . , -



    , - . ,

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    ( , , ...),

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    , , . .2 1. ,

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    1 M , , 2000, 8-10. 2 ,

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    . , -

    (arbitral tribunal, tribunal arbitral), -

    .4 , ,


    : 1) : , -

    ; 2) : ; 3) : -

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    , , , - . , ,

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    , - . -

    : „ ,

    5 . M. , 44. 6 . , 520-521.

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    , -“. : „

    , , .“7

    , -,

    . ,


    Compromissum- , ,


    . -

    „ “ (Compromissi). , ,

    . -,

    (Condictio ex leg Actio in factum), - .


    Praetor Peregrinus- .

    7 . , , 1, 2,3, 1997. 103. 8 . Ch. Jarrosson, La notion de L'arbitrage, Paris 1987, p.1; : M.

    Landrau, L arbitrage dans le droit anglais et franç, ais comparés, Paris, 1932, p. 11; . 19.

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    , 1806. (Code de procedure civile)

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    . , -

    , - 1925. .10

    , 1698. .11 ,

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    9 . . , „

    “, , , , 1996, 31-33.

    10 Ibid. 11 O . R. Merkin,

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    . 1856. Scott vs. Avery,


    . 1922. ,

    Czarnikow vs. Roth Schmith, Co. -

    , -, . 1934.

    , -, Common Law, - ,

    . 1979. (Arbitration act) ,

    , ,


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    12 . , „ “, , -

    , , 1996, 49.

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    , .14 2.2.


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    .15 2.3.

    , , : -

    14 . . . , . . , 434. 15 . akubowski, Promotion of cooperation in the domain of International

    Commercial Arbitration Practice, report III, International Arbitration Congress, Venice, 1; . , „ - ,

    , “, , 1970, 25.

  • 326

    , , ,

    „Ex eaquo et bono“,

    , - .

    . -

    , , -




    , – lex mercatoria. , lex mercatoria, „ “,

    „ “, „ “, „ “, „ “ .17

    3.1. –

    Lex mercatoria

    , ,


    16 ,

    , 1987, 15. 17 . . . , . . , 7

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    . , lex mercatoria

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    , - . - . , , , ,

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    - .

    18 , ,

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    : , - ,

    .19 3.2. Lex mercatoria

    , lex mercatoria ,

    , lex mercatoria ,

    . a 20 lex mercatoria ,


    . lex mercatoria, ,

    - .

    19 . . , . . , 46. 20 . Samuel, Jurisdictional Problems in International Commercial

    Arbitration, Zurich 1987, 242-246.

  • ...


    lex mercatoria , :

    - , , .


    , ;

    - ex a quo et bono o amiable composition. -

    lex mercatoria,

    , - . lex mercatoria

    amiable compositeur amiable compositeur

    lex mercatoria, , , ;

    - , .

    , , - .21

    lex mercatoria


    , , ,

    lex mercatoria, , .

    21 , , 226.

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    , lex mercatoria .


    , .

    , „ “. - . ,

    „ “

    . - , .


    . , , 22 -


    . , , , -

    , - .

    , ,

    22 OLG Munchen, 12.08.1977, WM 1977, 1361; : V. Drobning, Standard

    Forms and general conditions in International Trade; Duch, German and Uniform Law, Hague-Zagreb Esseys 4 on the Law of International trade, TMC Asser Institut, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1983, p. 123. . ,

    , , , 2005, 52, . 45.

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    . 1961. ( 7. 1.),

    UNCITRAL- ( 33. 3.) - UNCITRAL- ( 28. 4.).23 3.3.

    , , , .

    , - ,

    . , ,

    -, ,

    ex equo et bono.

    - .


    . -

    , .24 3.4.

    . -

    23 , -

    , , 1997, 215. 24 , , 2004, 35.

  • 332

    , - ,

    . - , , - , - â

    , , , , -

    , , sine qua non – - . -:

    ) ;

    - -

    , .

    , , , .25

    , , ,

    , - ,

    , .26

    25 . , 103. 26 . ,

    , , 2002, . 11.

  • ...


    ) -

    ; -

    , , ,

    , -

    . . 200 .27

    ) , -

    , ; ,


    , , , . ,

    , ,

    . :

    1. 24. 1923. ( ),

    2. 26. 1927. ( -

    ). ,

    , , 1958.

    , .28

    27 . . , 73. 28 .: . . , . . , 442.

  • 334

    ) - de facto

    , -

    . de iure ,

    de facto . , . -

    - .

    , .

    , , ex equo et bono.29

    , -

    , .

    , - -.30 ,

    , ,

    , ,

    , .

    , .

    , , ,

    29 . , 35. 30 . . . , . . , 446.

  • ...


    , , , . -

    , , , - -

    , . -


    - . bona fide -

    , pacta sunt servanda, ,


    . , . ,

    , - . :



    , -

    ( -, , , , , ,


  • 336


    . , ,


    erga omnes , -

    , .

    , , -

    . -

    . lex mercatoria. : ) 01.08.1975.



    ) 15.12.1976. -

    UNCITRAL- (1976) - ,

    , - .


    ) 04.12.1980. -


  • ...



    , - UNCITRAL- 1985.

    1958. ,

    . ,

    - -

    -, - , .

    Jelena Grahovac LLM

    Summary International arbitration practice as lex mercatoria is of great

    importance for the development of international business law. In reference to the development of international economic relations, arbitrational settlement of international trade disputes has not only followed this growth, but has also, through the authority of deciding and executing arbitration awards, directly designed the same international economic relations. This is additionally confirmed by the fact of the existence of a large number of international sources which regulate this field. In other words, arbitrational settlement of international trade disputes cannot be separated and observed in isolation of the development of international economic relations, i.e. international business law.

    ey words: International business law, international trade arbitration, arbitration caselaw, the importance of arbitration dispute settlement.

  • 338

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    2000. 10. , -

    , , 1997. 11. . , ,

    , 2009. 12. . , ,

    2004. 13. , -

    - , , 1997.

    14. Ch. Jarrosson, La notion de L'arbitrage, Paris 1987, p.1; : M. Landrau, L arbitrage dans le droit anglais et franç, ais

    comparés, Paris, 1932, p. 11; ,

  • ...


    , , , , 2000.

    15. . akubowski, Promotion of cooperation in the domain of International Commercial Arbitration Practice, report III, International Arbitration Congress, Venice, str. 1; . , -

    - , , , , , 1970.

    16. OLG Munchen, 12.08.1977, WM 1977, 1361; : V. Drobning, Standard Forms and general conditions in International Trade; Duch, German and Uniform Law, Hague-Zagreb Esseys 4 on the Law of International trade, TMC Asser Institut, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1983, p. 123. . , -

    , , , 2005. 17. R. Merkin, Arbitration act 1996, LLP, 1996; :

    Russel, On Arbitration, London, 1982, , - ,

    , , , 2000. 18. Samuel, Jurisdictional Problemsin International Commer-

    cial Arbitration, Zurich 1987.