Модуль уроков Exploring the world

Модуль уроков на тему “ADVENTURE” Цель модуля: Научить учащихся говорить на тему о работе в экстремальных условиях, экстремальных видах спорта, о качествах, необходимых для преодоления подобных трудностей. Слушать и понимать речь на эту тему, вызвать интерес к чтению о людях этой профессии, написать письмо, создать творческую работу об исследователях. Повторить употребление временных форм Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous. Урок первый Урок изучения и первичного закрепления знаний Тема урока - “ Exploring the World” Задачи урока - Обучающая – Введение новой лексики по теме, привитие навыка работы с новым текстом, извлечения необходимой информации, развитие навыка устной речи, первичное усвоение материала по теме. Первичное осознание материала, осмысливание связей и отношений в объектах изучения.

Transcript of Модуль уроков Exploring the world


: , , , . , , , . Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous. - Exploring the World - , , , , . , . : , . : , , , .

: , , , , . . , , .



. Good Morning, children! Today we are going to start a very interesting Module of Lessons. Therell be five Lessons in this module and our task is to get acquainted with outstanding personalities of all times, study words and expressions we need to describe their heroism. I invite you to look at the pictures and


(Warm up) ,


try to answer following questions :

1. Who do you think the people are? 2. Where are they? 3. Why did thy go there? 4. How do you think they traveled? 5. Are conditions they are in severe or comfortable? , III.

Antarctic, the South Pole

run out of food sadness exhausted

death, difficulty, disaster polar winter, polar night

Bravery, ambition, siccess

Arctic, the North Pole,

put a flag

Arctic, Antarctic -

North Pole -

dog sledge

South Pole - polar winter - dog sledge - put a flag - run out of food - desperate - exhausted - exhaustion - distant past - disaster - ambition - bravery - success - death - difficulty - sadness - ... , , , : Arctic, Antarctic, North Pole, South Pole, polar winter, dog sledge, put a flag, run out of food, desperate, exhausted, exhaustion, distant past, disaster, ambition, bravery, success, death, difficulty, sadness. , , . , , . 1. , , , : , , : Arctic, Antarctic, North Pole, South Pole, polar winter dog sledge, put a flag, 2. , . .

: Scotts use of motor sledges was a success. : When they got to the Pole, exhausted and run out of food, Scott celebrated. : Scotts last letter from the South Pole full of sadness was to his wife. 3. , , . Why did Amundsen succeed and Scott fail? What do you think Scotts expedition achieved? Why did Scott and his men become heroes? How did you feel when you read the story? , . IV. . : - , Exploring the World !!!!!!!!! . . , , , . Our Lesson is over. Thank you for good work! ( . .)

: The World Around Us : : ,, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuous ,Present Perfect. , . : , . , . : , , , , ( , ), .


II. , , : : Match the names of explorers and the places they went to: , : 1. Neil Armstrong a. the North Pole 2. Christopher Columbus b. the South Pole 3. Captain James Cook c. Greenland 4.Captain Scott d. central Africa 5. Marco Polo e. The Pacific 6. David Livingstone f. Asia 7. Amundsen j. America 8. Erik the Red h. the Moon III. , , .

Antarctic, the South Pole

run out of food sadness exhausted

death, difficulty, disaster polar winter, polar night

Bravery, ambition, success

Arctic, the North Pole,

put a flag

Dog sledge

1. , , . 2. , . What continent is connected with the North Pole? What are the names of the explorers? That took part in the South Pole Race? Which words describe the character of an explorer? What difficulties do the explorers face? 3. . . ( ) 4. 3-4 , . ( ) 5. . .

6. , , : , , , : Ambition, bravery, death, desperation, difficulty, exhaustion, explorer, organization, sadness, success. 7. Roald Amundsen and Captain Scott are famous explorers, but it is very interesting to get acquainted with a female traveler Christina Dodwell. Read the text about Mrs. Dodwell, answer my question: -Where has she been? - Name the Tenses in the sentences underlined in the text. ( Look at the screen). , , , - . : ? , , , , . IV. , , 4- , , . : !!!!!!!!! , !!!!!!!. .

: Exploring the World. Extreme Sports

: : , . . . . . . : . : . : : , , , , , . I. . . , . . . Children! It is so important to be strong, fit, be able to survive in extreme situations. Thats why people should go in for sports! II. . Warm-up

. .

Bungee jumping

Mountain biking

Ice diving




White water rafting

SkyboardingIII .

1. What do you think is happening in each photo? How do you think the people feel? Which sport is the most dangerous? Have you ever tried any of these sports? Which sports would you like to try? Why? . 2. . . Sports Likes Carol Jonathan

Doesnt like Would like to try Wouldnt like to try3.

. : , , :

not to do it, organize, love, arrive, wear, do (it) as planned, explain, start doing

I decided to take up bungee jumping and now I am really into it. When I turned up for my first jump, I was so nervous that I tried to back out but my friends persuaded me to go through with it. You dont need to put on any special clothes, just a sweater and jeans but obviously you need a lot of time to set up the equipment. But its worth waiting for. Its difficult to get across the excitement of bungee jumping.

4. . , . . . Where has he been? , . Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous. .

IV. . , .

: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! . 129. . , ..

Exploring the World. Id like to go to


1. : , . . . .

2. : . . 3.: , .

4. : : , , , , , , .

I. . Hello, class! I am glad to see you again. Today weve got a lot of things to do. In our previous lessons we got acquainted with outstanding personalities, we also found out, that there are a lot of interesting kinds of sports, that can be necessary to develop yourself, to be fit, to be strong and active, to be able to survive. So we are ready to travel, to enjoy far away lands an countries and continents. Warm-up. Id like to start our lesson with demonstration of some extracts of the film Red Camp. I ask you to remember vocabulary of our previous lessons. , , , .. Look at the screen! There are several extracts of our previous lessons. , , . Lets remember them.II.


1. , . ! - Power Point , .

Antarctic, the South Pole

run out of food sadness exhausted

death, difficulty, disaster polar winter, polar night

Bravery, ambition, success

Arctic, the North Pole,

put a flag

Dog sledge

. Ice



Snowboarding Mountain biking Skyboarding

Bungee jumping White water rafting

2. Now I invite you to undertake a journey to see, if you are fit enough to survive in the North or South Pole. Look at the screen. , , , , ! . , : Really!, Mm, Yes?, True, Yeah, Thats true, No, I know. , . , . . , . . 3 -, 4 . : 1. - A trip Id like to go on: White water rafting. 2. - Really! 1. - It can be exciting! 2. - Thats true! But dangerous. 1. - Mm, lots of variety, a bit expensive! What about you? .4.

, . . , , : Where was F. Konyukhov born?

What expeditions does he take part in? What kind of transport did he use? Did he put the Russian flag? Did he use dog sledge? Has he ever been run out of food? How long has he been traveling? IV. : , . . . Today we were very successful in our practice; you have completed all the tasks I prepared. In our next lesson a Conference will take place, where explorers, travelers, reporters from all over the world will discuss heroism of outstanding explorers of all times. Please, decide what famous traveler you would report about. Today I would like to check your Language Power Books, pass them over, please. Youll get them back tomorrow. , . . . . ,, .

, , ,


1. . , . . , . 2. . ,

. 3. : , . ; , , , , , -, , .



Good Morning, class! I am glad to see you in our Conference today. I would like to invite the President of our Conference and the Council members to take seats at the head of our table.

, . . . II. Warm-up

, , . . Dear Guests! Ladies and Gentlemen! The 2nd Conference New Discoveries is going to start its work. It will continue one day. There are 4 reportes on our list. They are: 1.Vitus Bering, Life and Work. Author Sergey Lodinev 2. Roald Amundsen, Discoveries. Author Dima Chikhalov 3. Semyon Deshnev, Russian Hero. Authors Maxim Filonenko and Cyril Tuzov. 4. Fyodor Konyukhov. Authors Cyrill Sharov, Alexey Kondrashev, Anton Talakin.

All reports are followed by a presentation. Authors of the presentation about Fyodor Konyokhov asked more time tha we have planned. They have prepared a surprise for us.III.

. .

, : Dear Friends! Just now Fyodor Konyukhov is struggling with the stormy Pacific in Antarctic. Lets support him and write to him an e-mail with our words of friendship and help. , . . , . IV. .