· 'enl "ChrTstmu," a cantata b)• Psul ~~c~!~:~ek:eri~svi~{ Ki~g;~:::: ... Pra£-. American Pro"...

Mercury 371214-1.psd 'the Glen e Mercury 08icial Weekly P'!blication of Glenville State Teachers College AD UJDND YOUa To &td Mr. XirbTa Addnll Wlaieh w .. Here tbe Put WednuclaJ. More than 100 visitoN are expeeted here Friday nirht for Collep'a annual holiday dance Is to be sponaored by the So- Committee headed by Chainnan Barnett. elauea will be diamiued at C o'cloc.lr, atodenta that they will remain tor the "biw twine of yu.r." The party wUI btyln at I p. m. and continue until 1 L m. --:----- A a drew Ed-.. to Portro7 ClaleF Male Role io Pop•l.r , Cot.rted,. By BERLIN ANDERSON Th e Pla,ve,.. will pres ent '"Th e La\e Ghri&- topher Bean."' a com· edy by Sidney ColleJre o'clock S11JDENTS HEAR MR. DAVID KIRBY HERE WEDNESDAY CONDUCTS CONFERENCES s., ... Do Th.i\.•• That Oarht lo Doae ••" Do n ... E•ceDe.;tl,." --- - Entertainment Will Feature s .. JAMES ·MUSSER Week'a A.... Dbly Program As stutents should look Friday At 10 A.M. aroun'd t-s for opportunitie. The music:: c"e partmen· t- will pre· before Wt"" extend our energiu 'enl "ChrTstmu," a cantata b) Psul Bl isg, Ftiday at ; o o'clock in assem- retary of the State Board ttl o;::n, io: MR. DAVID KIRBY Education, in an address in a&o eantata will !e-•ture the aa!em- !l embly Wednesday. role procram whic!l was changed "Y. M." CHAPTER Dr. w ....... , to r,,,.,. HEARS MR. ·POST R.!>hrbough, u• ed tlle subject, and will be are Moss. so- --- I" The Bear Went Over the which·ineludes : Vorley bats; and Instructor in Geography s.,.. Mountain." to which he added Marjorie Craddock, Mrs. The group ?rill sing t'nee Christ.· Cbriat Hated the lclle, the sub-title, '"Keep the Home Haggett, a me.- mas ca'rols : "The Star" by the wom- · Lcwed Jndus,rioua I Fires Bui-ning," pr "You Haft voices, "The WiN Men" by the Chri st hu the but Jovtd aad J':: Dr. .Gamet Reecl, Sucra. by ". Ro Jeannette," most hated man who ner lived , C. . the younger Oucbter; Barbara Mi.u Mary Lolo Hawkins, a W. Post, iarlructor iu geography ' in • Mr. ' Jtddreas · COB- mann, Ada., the older daughter; Paal omore, will be the a(-<om"pan[st. the Colle,e, oi d We;dnesday even- eluded his visit here, No: -five students will take part. oski, • Jewish art dealer -from New LIBRARY CALLS tian Association. · groUp confertnc:es and also York; Elbert Badcua, Maxwell Du- Speaking to the rroup in the Col- s poke before t'be facult'y at a eilport. aa elderly and distinguiUed FOR MAGAZINES lege lounge, Mr. Post sai d, "Christ meeting Tuesday aftenoon. art critie; and Wallace 'Phillips, Wa.r- bas done inore than any other per- Mr. Kirby made , frequent reter- re.n Creamer, a yankee in . love wttll Forty-Two Copie. Needed to aon in cuiding' the. people of 'the eneei to ''the bear havill&' goae oYW Su•n ft.sett. Complete Liat For world, arid Hia great-rieM eausea •peo- the mount.,in to ftnd that notldllc The pl ot of the play hinces aroue4 BindiDc pie te be all for Him or- aU against unuaual was -oti the ot.he! side.'' Jack Watkias a nd his orittnal tollle.wn on:beatra of trill,..nl.ntiah tl!oe rhythm. Special f•tu1'ft will include "The. Bil' ple,'' a Claristmas decor.tiore moti! aad a Saata Cl .. a. Tbe actaiatoa price will be a.m..,..a- eeat. ,... attempt of the Hagptt fami1t Him." Mr. Post .Wd, .. Of all 9/iU 1•-.•tia•te Tid. SUI. Fint theN .. Yorkert t.o 6ad the pic- The Robert. F . Kidd Library' is in boOks written coadeD&niag the pri:. eyes diKenUng milldt.'" o! the- late _JletD. need of the followinc map.zin" to vate lives of the people of the Qibte, he. said, "will titvestiiate this side flf ..,.. ·-.... fiJcOIIIe complete collections for binding. there bas never been a book printed the mountain ftrst. TIM piDt i1 bped who ha.s issues and who condemning- Christ'• private life. "I'll wacer ttie 6ft.r was dislp. tlp'on a' French drama Qowa wi!lbea to donate them tO tbe Col- With al! of His enemielt' dislike for pointed. The calves, and " Prena.a Garde a tep may do so by contactinc Mi ss Rim, they could not find a in not fatter. The other side setliftJ of the plQ il in a _.n Alina Arbuckle 9r Miss Laura A- nn HW ehancter." · mountain dJd not provide JI'_,L couple. ' A COIIlaaitlee J . .--- .... -- .... Tut.. Rlakle, MISS BRITTON WIU. SPEAK To Talk to F ... ral N..a•1 Sc•eol P •• T. A. To•'"""' Nlalat 'llias Britton, county health nune, wiU addre:aa the F ederal Nur- .... ,. ScMol parent.-tncber tion tomorrow eyetstnc at 6 :30 o'c.loek in th-. Ark buildinc. All!IO aeh.dl::led to speak ill: Mr. G. C. Hel- mick. count y nu.rsery .chool super- viaor. ML? Britton will dillcuss " Preve.n· lion or Colds." and Mr. Be lmiek will o11e for hi1 aubje.-t, "Nursery School Work.'' Mounta in music will be fu rnished by Boyd Duley, violin: Lo)· l:ljt e e_nd Vi r,Onitt Ri tl!. guitars. T be will d ose one week for Ch rist· Dr. Cn.•t Mil_,.. S.,..U Principal speakera were, Dr. Grant Jllh\or Hyde, dean of the ,School of .,Joumalbm, Univenity of Wiacon- rin : aDd B. K. PhHiip1. direC"tor of re-JatioM for the National Bi· tv.minou• Coal Commiu!on, Wu h- in.Jton. D. C. Amfme o'her koadinr speakel'll ---o- wen DT . .Joseph of Fairmont MISS BOYD BELL 11tate T eaC'bert Collq:e; H. G. IS WOM.AN!S CLUB SPEAKER 1 ed.ilor of The Clarklbu:rg o':rie Robe.rt Prichard, editor spoke to t he Wumtm's Club of Gl en- of Tbe Werlon lkmonat and fonn- ville eVening at 8 o'dot'k Ill ·;.er president or tbe Nat ional Editor- &heir meeting in the N>c:ia.l r oom oC ial .AtAIQcia t ion; Gear 1 e Egbert . A . Methodist t :riaccr1 1sl Chu re:b. •odated Prt! n editor or. The W«t She used u hu subject, "Th€- • Vif1Pn ian; William Corwin, editor MAking and Fon-·1tinn or tbe. Con· o.("Thc lf onl'lngahela Ne.w1: aitd J o- 11titution.' ' The:! of the MlJh Anwell, Jr . 1 editor of The Fair- goVe rn ment at tb., time of the adop- mGIIt Timea. Al 11o Me\·enal croll ege l tion of fit. req l'd ai!Wiipaper &tliff spokc da.r- a nd t hc rfee ds of r. stronger G"«.J. vern . ing thi' vari oU3 rou.ndt al,lle ditCU8-. ment were explaiMP. She a lao apoh aionL about mll.n.)' of tbe 'O)"rlOns who wet•e Pra£-. American Pro" rresen t at. the Con-!titutlonal Con- Dr. H]. ·.de, delibt-rately And \'igor - vention. o nly breaking Jkl;> with the cunen' ----o--- march or 1lime apin1t the presa, CA.NTERBURY CLUB ENJOYS declued " that tbe American neW'I· ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY Jl&per Ia better aad more ioftuential Mias Willa Brand, sponsor, ent(!r· U.S it llu ever been and t hat it lained tbe Cankr bury Club with a (Coatiuued on pace 3) Cbriatmaa pa rty the past Saturday ----------- eveninr. St.oriea told were "The Bird's Campus Calendar Chri"m•• Carol.'' Kate Doug!" Wiggin, by Mary Leone We1t; and TODAY: Social Ccmtmtttee, 6:15 p. m., Con.,. Loaap: Current "Brnta. '1 p. m .• Oollqe Lounp. TOJiORJlOW: C.aterba,-, 7 p. 'Ill.., Room 1, '&obeft F. Ki.d Li· lolu7. 'I'IIUB8DAY: Y. W. C. A .: 8:88 p. .... """-· QmAY: "-mbq, a:..- Cutalo.lOa. ... ..,.._..,,. .. _. ... .. I L JL; a.rt.iw:1a tlaaoe .,Christmas Carol," Charles Dickens, by Clifl'ord Ga1'n.'tt.. Aft.er the nor- i tt were told, Ilia Brand led the membe" of the club on a abort pil - to San.ta Claua land. A two-coane luncheon ..... aerved, the color ae!MIIIla being red and treeD. The reception room waa de<· orated wi1ob llliaUetoe, polnaettias aad a Chfistmaa tree. Tile pal'\-y waa CObC!Iuded by ,mem- ben of tile J'I'OUP aincinc Christm&6 near Bbafon. Yuke.. Copies needed are: " The character of Christ waa n!. dens. I'll wag-er farther that , shreWd · barpinert for June 198'7, F ebru- vealed in His teacltin.rs," said Mr. hill: retamthts pHdip.l foand tJ,r P.non of lla. 1933.. Pollt. taught the people thai fonner lair oCe.yied by nother . TlU!I plaf wu tO enter lleaven t-hey m.- be n · ........... lnrN hu eai41. the best comedies cive:q 1933, Ja nuary 1934, Oe· trustlul as a child and must forJ'iVe ' Yoa Aft ineotlai.tent. Toti left Oilwhen presented in New Yor l• 1934, April, July, August. those who harm them. Christ be · bou11. Diatanee led enehantmellt to City a nd wu t\e J ut play that Marie October, December, lieved greatness' was in service, All )'GUr view. You went over the Ort S:IIIer appeared in, ray1 Mias Rob- lrlay. June and Augu!lt 19361 He showed by w&shinc the fHt Of tain/ erboft . 1 her 1936. , the disciple!. He loved the indu!l· '' Let us e:cnmine that eachant;.-- Rotar iu !or Seopt'ember, Ja nuary, tr:ous and hsted the idle." ment idea. En chantme nt comes cto .. IS CHEMISTRY CLUB SPEAKER "f'eb.ruary. Msrch 1936. No9tllber and Cram sorcery, and sorcery was, aD4 June. 1. 934. STUDENTS BUY T. B. SEALS is, humbug. Note Sorrie of its syno- Mr. John R. w ... ., Addr. .. e• Sta· Sci ent ift c for MArch captivati on, alluHment f .... tltnh on S•bi-t of "The 1935: Yay 1936; June, November Clen•ille Student Body Relpond• Tbt'!!e· words do not end Julr 198-': January and March As Sale Proare 11 1 cate act ion of penonal intel1igenee lf r. Jo hn R. Wagner, instruct or 1933. bu\lgive me the . feeliag that the pa- in physit! and mathematic.!. ex- Hygeia !. or January 1937 : Atlan- Th irty-one College students bav,. · "oice dou-[ am not the actor pla intod "The Structure. of the tic, July 1937: Readers' Digest. Jan- responded to the county Tuberculotis but the. acted U'POil- I the past Tuesda)·. "l r. Wa;cner usc! We,\ Virginia Review 1937; and Ed· Gwendolyn Shrive-r, Fran cie Co- ed my cor n during vacations and a !!Nics of to explain the st.ru c- \t or and Publishe1-, De cember 12 an d gar. Sibyl Keener. Laurs. Mae Hu d. t;pare time unt il I won the publie ture o( the atom. He also ex:pl!linl'tl 19. 1936. ami May 29. 19 37. kins. Pauline Detantor(l, Wilma school diploma and t here Was no why Mme acids nrc st:•ong and so me -o---- Bransford, Thelma Dorsey, Clara high school in the coun ty. l left re- 4re weak. TO DISMISS ON FRIDAY Plummer. Lea h Stalnaker, Bar bara luctnntly. There was every desire to Will i.! Tatteuon !po ke on "Aiumi- . Fl aumlt.nil. Marjorie Craddock. Mary st a!-'. Oirc umsta nces evicted me. num" und how thl1 Mi't.at Student Petition for Lonro:r Ch.ri•t- Shi r ley Brown, Gera ld ine "Please do not misundersta nd me. Gats ohlRi ned by dectrolys,is, ll)al Vacat ion Cain• Approw•l Cunninghsm. Rhoda Ann Bell. Ethel T belit>\'e in the pull of lofty ideala Members of the 'el ub voted to Sehool will he di.s.missed for the Arc.hcr, :\1onta Betti "Mary E! izaheth but they nre gonl! conceived in my \w. n'-"c the :ime of the ml!et"ng to Chrhltmu "holidays Fr iday, Dec. 17.! Young. May Beat. ·Harolri Noroski, own m'i.nd and created my ex· i :30 J). rn. fnstud of 7 p. nt. 11.nnounced E. G. Rohrbough I Johnson Bu rke. ·Noel Bush, Charles I ocr ience!. Ideals are not merely ---<>--- the ra.!l Wednl.'!d3y in a.•:,embly F'urr. Cavy MeCiung, Hllrold Wint · quantitative but chiefty qualitative. Bo)· !eal'- It Is nice to rol!owlng :\fr. Kir by's talk The holi- er.t, John w. lfowrey, J r. . Delmar "A1..-nin do n ot misunde rsta nd me. lrrow ) 'OU :t!<: .doing well : but it im \"l"ere t o Ht>tton. [..(lren Reed Olen Berry 1 have mounta ins to the en- tn know you are doi_ng gOf)d. - I esri n tll noon Wedncgdav. DeC. 2::: . 1 Robert Butcher, Phiiip 1. Brake. ' chanted t o find mirages. I ba·,·e WD't tr w :ne.helll in Ill" S.nndCiy Pru... Re>brboug h. sn id thnl the ·I played t he fool ftlnny timf! .. , I have Angela tpe nt 1hc week- M a );o.tition Jlr<:sented to him r ·w C o\ SILVE A ND strey.ms tU' 1\nd that...; 'around the n.jphl, G, , bMr.d.·n!t. I thant:e W li-S \Jrought about becausE" · T HI RTY PERSONS TTE traveled far 'to fish in advertised enp wlt,h her nt Al um by JG >t .students nnd DJI· · · · · • ___ R_ TEA I bc.nd' near the 'old home town' the Br idge. rroverl b)· Approximn,t<:lyr thirty at- paUsed to quou 1 ' ··' t 1 ::'tiltea 5 : . Peppy Program of Comedy a: nd Song. - •)d ()ci !nth: 'College I Presented at G Club's Annual MtnstreJ he.who s.ees takes off E ;g:; <h• " "· R obC't o,v;.,, ,_d Joho "f .ad .. a Hno not G Clu b minstrel ht1d the audience rc.>y. -- -o- ' The round it and pluck rolling in the aisles Thu n- Mn. Jo•ePhine Curti• Taylor Die• blackberries/ day night whe..n t'tt eir t-hird annual b,v the '' As- h Can Boys,'' Guy Ben l'tf u. J osephine. Curtis Taylor, of (Conttinue<l· from page 4 ) affllir Wall the College n ett, Robe-rt Davie!!, Harold Noroski. , Huntington.' aunt Of Curtis Baxt er. auditorium before a la rge crowd. and Earl Wolfe; and a trucking tri o, f omt er ins truc tor in Engl is h in t he The Weather composed of Albert. Lilley, Robert ctnt:g-e and now an in!:itruetor at Davies, and Earl Wolfe. were also Marshall College, died De. 9. Mrs. opening rema r ks until the final 11pecia l numbers that made a hit Taylor made her hom& with her sis- · "Auld Lang Syne" chorus was with Iter a nd brother-in-law, the Rev. and the auditorium was kept in an bil ar - Miss Marcuerite Mos.s, bead Mn. J. Frank Baxter, while. in Glen- ious uproar by a !Prolrf'llm sparked leader of .the College, the plano 1 -.me. T-he Re v. Mr. Baxter, fathe.r of with snappy novelty numben accompantst. A.pprox1mately 200 Curtis Ba:rt.er, was pastor of m'::, ;::: :::• .. ';:.'byterion Cbu.<h fo, ..:: bensky, Mowrey, Paul Collins, Will Start Woft- au-.,. ,Dtc. 6 · · 56 31 Robert Davtes, Wolfe, . John Dr. E. G. Rohrbouch. • ;>reosi dent ot A. R. Yerkey and Ira Coberly, lo- Dec. 1 · · 56 26 Marra, Albert Ltlley. and Loute Ro- tbe Collece, announces that.. Friday cal carpenters, plan to start eon· D.c. 8 · · · 41 17 ma no. were especially good. 110 a. m. claSM-S will meet tomotTOw trtruction on the cbi:maey of the old Dec. 9 . . 55 19 John Bohensky, Jamea bly hour this week. · ia to be raised ten feet be. Dee. 12 · · · • · 33 25 1937 Mu. atill. 36 17 23 1S 32 10 40 ' 30 I " 0 27 -2 28 15 were by Harold No· (Wednesda) ·) at 10 a. m. because. building, when Christmas vacat ion Dec. 10 ... .. 50 28 roskt, Albut .Lilley, Eve rt Howes I of the change in the weekly aase.starts if the weather pennits. The Dec. J l · · · · 41 O,.er, John Mana., Paul Colnns. I Miu Gen.ldl ne CtanDiftC'ham .,w\. it now atanda blo-.n i11!fo the windows Precipation (1931) l.M; no snow. Romano, Mart.mo, ,_ cause the 100t from the chimney as Dec. 13 · · Wolfe, Joba Bamett, WilUam t- ed at TaDDer tJU,s week..nCI. of the MW dormitory. Precipat ion (1931') .02; SDow, 4.6.

Transcript of  · 'enl "ChrTstmu," a cantata b)• Psul ~~c~!~:~ek:eri~svi~{ Ki~g;~:::: ... Pra£-. American Pro"...

Mercury 371214-1.psd

'the Glen e Mercury 08icial Weekly S~dent P'!blication of Glenville State Teachers College

AD UJDND YOUa To &td Mr. XirbTa Addnll

Wlaieh w .. Del~ Here tbe Put WednuclaJ.

More than 100 ou~of.town visitoN are expeeted here Friday nirht for

Collep'a annual holiday dance Is to be sponaored by the So-

Committee headed by Chainnan Barnett.

elauea will be diamiued a t C o'cloc.lr, atodenta that they will remain

tor the "biw twine of yu.r." The party wUI btyln at

I p. m. and continue until 1 L m.

--:----­A a drew Ed-.. to Portro7 ClaleF

Male Role io Pop•l.r , Cot.rted,.

By BERLIN ANDERSON The Ohnim~ohow Pla,ve,..

will present '"The La\e Ghri&­topher Bean."' a thTe~t com· edy by Sidney ColleJre o'clock



s., ... Do Th.i\.•• That Oarht lo • Doae ••" Do n ...

E•ceDe.;tl,." --- -

Entertainment Will Feature s .. JAMES ·MUSSER Week'a A....Dbly Program As stu• tents w.~ should look

o~ Friday At 10 A.M. aroun'd t-s for opportunitie. The music:: c"epartmen·t- will pre· before Wt"" extend our energiu

'enl "ChrTstmu," a cantata b)• Psul ~~c~!~:~ek:eri~svi~{ Ki~g;~:::: Bl isg, Ftiday at ; o o'clock in assem- retary of the State Board ttl ~~;~buan~~r o;::n, ~~~:~;!i;t:r io: m~~:~ MR. DAVID KIRBY Education, in an address in a&o

eantata will !e-•ture the aa!em- !lembly h~re Wednesday. role procram whic!l was changed "Y. M." CHAPTER du~:d st~akp;e:;::n~asi.D~ Dr. w ....... , to r,,,.,. HEARS MR. ·POST R.!>hrbough, u• ed tlle subject,

and will be are Ma~aeorite Moss. so- --- I"The Bear Went Over the which ·ineludes : Vorley :::;:,:d~:;:;:~· bats; and Instructor in Geography s.,.. Mountain." to which he added

Marjorie Craddock, Mrs. The group ?rill sing t'nee Christ.· Cbriat Hated the lclle, the sub-title, '"Keep the Home Haggett, a well~meaning me.- mas ca'rols : "The Star" by the wom- · Lcwed Jndus,rioua I Fires Bui-ning," pr "You Haft

~::;hte~h:ar!'~~~ad!:w ~~ voices, "The WiN Men" by the Christ hu bee~ the but Jovtd aad ~~~ i'Cu\~:Vafe1 ~~~n J':: Dr. Ha~t.; .Gamet Reecl, Sucra. by mix::i~~~.:.nd ".Ro Jeannette," most hated man who ner lived , C. Pa~rh." . the younger Oucbter; Barbara Rn~ Mi.u Mary Lolo Hawkins, a .~h- W. Post, iarlructor iu geography ' in • Mr. Kir~y's ' Jtddreas · COB­mann, Ada., the older daughter; Paal omore, will be the a(-<om"pan[st. the Colle,e, oid We;dnesday even- eluded his tWo~day visit here,

~~~':' 0~ !;a;~.:;:, 8~0:,~;( No: -five students will take part. ~:~a:;~~:";ob::;r~:~~s c~~;f.~ :::ri:~e~~~c~.ri'!~i~Td:id::~ oski, • Jewish art dealer -from New LIBRARY CALLS tian Association. · groUp confertnc:es and also York ; Elbert Badcua, Maxwell Du- Speaking to the rroup in the Col- spoke before t'be facult'y at a eilport. aa elderly and distinguiUed FOR MAGAZINES lege lounge, Mr. Post said, "Christ meeting Tuesday aftenoon. art critie; and Wallace 'Phillips, Wa.r- bas done inore than any other per- Mr. Kirby made ,frequent reter-re.n Creamer, a yankee in . love wttll Forty-Two Copie. Needed to aon in cuiding' the. people of 'the eneei to ''the bear havill&' goae oYW Su•n ft.sett. Complete Liat For world, arid Hia great-rieM eausea •peo- the mount.,in to ftnd that notldllc

The plot of the play hinces aroue4 BindiDc pie te be all for Him or- aU against unuaual was -oti the ot.he! side.''

Jack Watkias and his orittnal tollle.wn on:beatra of P~•·kerobu,.,..l trill,..nl.ntiah tl!oe rhythm. Special f•tu1'ft will include "The. Bil' A~ ple,'' a Claristmas decor.tiore moti! aad a Saata Cl .. a. Tbe actaiatoa price will be a.m..,..a- eeat. ,...

attempt of the Hagptt fami1t H im." Mr. Post .Wd, .. Of all th~ 9/iU 1•-.•tia•te Tid. SUI. Fint theN .. Yorkert t.o 6ad the pic- The Robert. F . Kidd Library' is in boOks written coadeD&niag the pri:. · j'Kee~ eyes ~Dd diKenUng milldt.'"

o! the- late C~ _JletD. need of the followinc map.zin" to vate lives of the people of the Qibte, he. said, "will titvestiiate this side flf ~Jda ..,.. ·-.... fiJcOIIIe complete collections for binding. there bas never been a book printed the mountain ftrst.

izm!me&J~uable. TIM piDt i1 bped Aur<~ne who ha.s issues and who condemning- Christ'• private life. "I'll wacer ttie 6ft.r was dislp. tlp'on a' French drama Qowa wi!lbea to donate them tO tbe Col- With al! of His enemielt' dislike for pointed. The calves, and " Prena.a Garde a La ·~·· tep may do so by contactinc Miss Rim, they could not find a Raw ~ in not fatter. The other side setliftJ of the plQ il in a _.n Alina Arbuckle 9r Miss Laura A-nn H W ehancter." · mountain dJd not provide


couple. ' A COIIlaaitlee J -~ bt~ . .---.... -­.... Tut.. R lakle,


To Talk to F ... ral N..a•1 Sc•eol P •• T. A. To•'"""' Nlalat

'llias Alic~ Britton, county health nune, wiU addre:aa the F ederal Nur­....,. ScM ol parent.-tncber auocia~

tion tomorrow eyetstnc a t 6 :30 o'c.loek in th-. Ark buildinc. All!IO aeh.dl::led to speak ill: Mr. G. C. Hel­mick. county nu.rsery .chool super-viaor.

ML? Britton will dillcuss " Preve.n· lion or Colds." and Mr. Belmiek will o11e for hi1 aubje.-t, "Nursery Sc hool Work.''

Mounta in music will be fu rnished by Boyd Duley, violin: Lo)· l:ljt e e_nd Vi r,Onitt Ri tl!. guitars. T be

will d ose one week for Ch rist·

Dr. Cn.•t Mil_,.. H~ S.,..U Principal speakera were, Dr. Grant

Jllh\or Hyde, dean of the ,School of .,Joumalbm, Univenity of Wiacon­rin : aDd B. K. PhHiip1. direC"tor of Jtabl~ re-JatioM for the National Bi· tv.minou• Coa l Commiu!on, Wu h­in.Jton. D. C. •

Amfme o'her koadinr speakel'll ---o-wen DT . .Joseph Rosi~>r of Fairmont MISS B~SIE BOYD BELL 11tate T eaC'bert Collq:e; H. G. IS WOM.AN!S CLUB SPEAKER ,R~wn.

1 ed.ilor of The Clarklbu:rg

~==~; o':rie B;.'"a~:n:~itor "~~tl in ~:.~ !:~e•t~:r! ~ne llb;n~t;~:~:: ~rffinian; Robe.rt Prichard, editor spoke to t he Wumtm's Club of Gl en­of Tbe Werlon lkmonat and fonn- ville ~londny eVening at 8 o'dot'k Ill

·;.er president or tbe National Editor- &heir meeting in the N>c:ia.l room oC ial .AtAIQciat ion; Gear1e Egbert. A . ~be Methodist t :riaccr11sl Chu re:b. •odated Prt!n editor or. The W«t She used u hu subject, "Th€-

• Vif1Pn ian; William Corwin, editor MAking and Fon-·1tinn or tbe. Con · o.("Thc lfonl'lngahela Ne.w1: aitd J o- 11titution.'' The:! wesknc~es of the MlJh Anwell, Jr.1 editor of The Fair- goVern ment at tb., time of the adop­mGIIt Timea. Al11o Me\·enal crollege l tion of th~ cont~tit'"Jtton 10o•Jlr~ fit.req l'd ai!Wiipaper &tliff member~ spokc da.r- and t hc rfeeds of r. stronger G"«.J.vern . ing thi' varioU3 rou.ndtal,lle ditCU8-. ment were explaiMP. She a lao apoh aionL about mll.n.)' of tbe 'O)"rlOns who wet•e

Pra£-. American Pro" rresen t at. the Con-!titutlonal Con-Dr. H].·.de, delibt-rately And \'igor - vention.

o nly break ing Jkl;> with the cunen' ----o---march or 1lime apin1t the presa, CA.NTERBURY CLUB ENJOYS declued " that tbe American neW'I· ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY Jl&per Ia better aad more ioftuential Mias Willa Brand, sponsor, ent(!r· U.S it llu ever been and t hat it lained tbe Cankrbury Clu b with a

(Coatiuued on pace 3) Cbriatmaa pa rty the past Saturday

----------- eveninr. St.oriea told were "The Bird's

Campus Calendar Chri"m•• Carol.'' Kate Doug!" Wiggin, by Mary Leone We1t; and

TODAY: Social Ccmtmtttee, 6:15 p. m., Con.,. Loaap: Current "Brnta. '1 p. m .• Oollqe Lounp.

TOJiORJlOW: C.aterba,-, 7 p. 'Ill.., Room 1, '&obeft F. Ki.d Li· lolu7.

'I'IIUB8DAY : Y. W. C. A.: 8:88 p. .... ~ """-·

QmAY: "-mbq, a:..­Cutalo.lOa. ... :~ltoiJ. ..,.._..,,. .. _. ... l•a~

.. I L JL; a.rt.iw:1a tlaaoe ~Hioii.:

.,Christmas Carol," Charles Dickens, by Clifl'ord Ga1'n.'tt.. Aft.er the nor­itt were told, Ilia Brand led the membe" of the club on a abort pil ­arl~ to San.ta Claua land.

A two-coane luncheon ..... aerved, the color ae!MIIIla being red and treeD. The reception room waa de<· orated wi1ob llliaUetoe, polnaettias aad a Chfistmaa tree.

Tile pal'\-y waa CObC!Iuded by ,mem­ben of tile J'I'OUP aincinc Christm&6 ..,..~o,

nea r Bbafon. wbe~ Yuke.. Copies needed are: " The character of Christ waa n!. dens. I'll wag-er farther that, shreWd ·barpinert for June 198'7, F ebru- vealed in His teacltin.rs," said Mr. hill: retam, · thts pHdip.l foand tJ,r P.non of lla. 1933.. Pollt. "C~t taught the people thai fonner lair oCe.yied by nother .

TlU!I plaf wu ~l.bd tO enter lleaven t-hey m.- be n · ........... lnrN hu al~ eai41. t he best comedies cive:q 1933, J anuary 1934, Oe· trustlul as a child and must forJ'iVe ' Yoa Aft ineotlai.tent. Toti left Oil• aea~n when presented in New Yor l• lo~r 1934, April, July, August. those who harm them. Christ be · bou11. Diatanee led enehantmellt to City and wu t\e Jut play that Mar ie ~eptembeo!", October, December, lieved greatness' was in service, All )'GUr view. You went over the mou~~oo OrtS:IIIer appeared in, ray1 Mias Rob- lrlay. June and Augu!lt 19361 Octo~ He showed by w&shinc the fHt Of tain/ erboft . 1 her 1936. , the disciple!. He loved the indu!l· ''Let us e:cnmine that eachant;.--

Rotariu !or Seopt'ember, January, tr:ous and hsted the idle." ment idea. En chantment comes cto .. IS CHEMISTRY CLUB SPEAKER "f'eb.ruary. Msrch 1936. No9tllber and Cram sorcery, and sorcery was, aD4

June. 1.934. ~ STUDENTS BUY T. B. SEALS is, humbug. Note Sorrie of its syno-Mr. J ohn R. w ... ., Addr. .. e• Sta· Scientiftc Ameri~n for MArch nym:~: captivation, alluHment f ....

tltnh on S•bi-t of "The Ato~:n" 1935: Yay 1936; June, November Clen•ille Student Body Relpond• ~inati on . Tbt'!!e· words do not indi~ end Julr 198-': January and March As Sale Proare11• 1 cate action of penonal intel1igenee

lf r. J ohn R. Wagner, instruct or 1933. bu\lgive me the .feeliag tha t the pa-in physit! and mathematic.!. ex- Hygeia !.or January 1937 : Atlan- Th irty-one College students bav,. · ~~; i\·e "oice dou-[ am not the actor pla intod "The Structure. of the tic, July 1937: Readers' Digest. Jan- responded to the county Tuberculotis but the. acted U'POil-

~oJ~·;u:! i~ ~:et!~~~~cfs thl:~~~:~s; I ~:i.a; ~~~~nt~~:;::;.r J:~: ~~~~~ ~~:::ia!~:·~.v~h:~s!:~:ut~~a~rc~ale. "N~:r~•;:::;':YE:e~~~ a~~·-;uuk· the past Tuesda)·. "l r. Wa;cner usc! We,\ Virgi nia Review 1937; and Ed· Gwendolyn Shrive-r, Francie Co- ed my corn during vacations and a !!Nics of ~ard!! to explain the st.ru c- \tor and Publi she1-, De cember 12 an d gar. Sibyl Keener. Laurs. Mae Hu d. t;pare time until I won the publie ture o( the atom. He also ex:pl!linl'tl 19. 1936. ami May 29. 19 37. kins. Pauline Detantor(l, Wilma school diploma and t here Was no why Mme acids nrc st:•ong and so me -o---- Bransford, Thelma Dorsey, Clara high school in the coun ty. l left re-4re weak. ~HOOL TO DISMISS ON FRIDAY Plummer. Lea h Stalnaker, Barbara luctnnt ly. There was every desire to

Willi.! Tatteuon !poke on "Aiumi- . Flaumlt.nil. Marjorie Craddock. Mary sta!-'. Oirc umstances evicted me. num" und t'X'~Ia i n ~~ how thl1 Mi't.at Student Petition for Lonro:r Ch.ri• t- Gilli~pi e, Shi r ley Brown, Gera ld ine " Please do not misunderstand me. Gats ohlRined by dectrolys,is, ll)al Vacation Cain• Approw• l Cunninghsm. Rhoda Ann Bell. Ethel T belit>\'e in the pull of lofty ideala

Members of the 'el ub voted to Sehool will he di.s.missed for the Arc.hcr, :\1onta Bett i "Mary E!izaheth but they nre gonl! conceived in my \w.n'-"c the :ime of the ml!et"ng to Chrhltmu "holidays Friday, Dec. 17.! Young. May Beat. ·Harolri Noroski, own m'i.nd and created fro~;" my ex·

i :30 J). rn. fnstud of 7 p. nt. 11.nnounced Pre~. E. G. Rohrbough I Johnson Bu rke. ·Noel Bush, Charles I ocrience!. Ideals are not merely ---<>--- the ra.!l Wednl.'!d3y in a.•:,embly F'urr. Cavy MeCiung, Hllrold Wint· quantitative bu t chiefty qualitative.

Bo)· Cbril;tnHI~ !eal'- It Is nice to rol!owlng :\fr. Kirby's talk The holi- er.t, John w. lfowrey, J r. . Delmar "A1..-nin do n ot misunderstand me. lrrow ) 'OU :t!<: .doing well : but it im d~ty~ \"l"ere ori~inally ~cheduled to Ht>tton. [..(lren Reed Olen Berry 1 have cro~scd mounta ins to the en­ni~er tn kn ow you are doi_ng gOf)d.- I esri n tll noon Wedncgdav. DeC. 2:::.


Robert Butcher, Phiiip 1. Brake. ' chanted field~ to find mirages. I ba·,·e WD ' ttr w :ne.helll in Ill" S.nndCiy Pru... Re>brbough. sn id thnl the ·I played the fool ftlnny timf! .. , I have

~I iii~ Angela ~!Irk tpent 1hc week- M a );o.tition Jlr<:sented to him r ·w C o\ SILVE A ND strey.ms tU' 1\nd that...; 'around the n.jphl, De.~. G, ,bMr.d.·n!t. I thant:e W li-S \Jrought about becausE" · T HI RTY PERSONS TTE traveled far 'to fish in advertised

enp wlt,h her flarent~ nt Alum ~igoe.d by J G>t .students nnd DJI· · · · · • ___ R_TEA I bc.nd' near the 'old hom e town' the

Bridge. rroverl b)· the.!~culty. Approximn,t<:lyr thirty p~rso ns at- fU!~:;e w;fsr.b~~;~;:· paU sed to quou

1 ' ··' ~cr~!=~ :~:el"~·oo'~ . f;~~ll.. t 1::'tiltea5 B r~\~·n ing'~ : .

Peppy Program of Comedy a:nd Song.- •)d ()ci !nth: 'College loung~. Christ~ I Ev;;;t;O~\:::~u~~ :~~: !~t~v~n~ Presented at G Club's Annual MtnstreJ ~~:: :::o~ot~~=~ ~:"~enc:r~~:~na~~:: Andh'on l~ he.who s.ees takes off

E;g:; b~;:,~~.~:dT~0~;::;·~ , <h• " "· RobC't o,v;.,, ,_d Joho "'''~ c:~d:~,:.:~: 0~'~::•;.•t;~: ·c''~'c ,,;:~·i~:~:~~Hd "f.ad .. a Hno not G Clu b minstrel ht1d the audience rc.>y. ---o- 'The re~t ~it. round it and pluck 3lm~3t rolling in the aisles Thu n- Pa~l ~:::;l~nnda~~d~~!t~ell~u:tso~~ Mn. Jo•ePhine Curti• Tay lor Die• blackberries/

day night whe..n t'tteir t-hird annual b,v the ''As-h Can Boys,'' Guy Ben l'tf u. J osephine. Curtis Taylor, of (Conttinue<l · from page 4 ) affllir Wall pre~ented ~n the College nett, Robe-rt Davie!!, Harold Noroski. , Huntington.' aunt Of Curtis Baxter. auditorium before a la rge crowd. and Earl Wolfe; and a trucking tri o, fomter ins tructor in English in the The Weather de:;~:~ t~hee ti:;ega~~:.t~oe:.n~d~rc~ii: composed of Albert. Lilley, Robert ctnt:g-e and now an in!:itruetor at

Davies, and Earl Wolfe. were also Ma rshall College, died De. 9. Mrs. • opening remarks until the final 11pecia l numbers that made a hit Taylor made her hom& with her sis- · "Auld Lang Syne" chorus was sun~e with ~he au dien~e. Iter a nd brother-in-law, the Rev. and the auditori um was kept in an bilar- Miss Marcuerite Mos.s, bead c~eer- Mn. J . Frank Baxter, while. in Glen-ious uproar by a !Prolrf'llm sparked leader of .the College, ~as the plano

1 -.me. T-he Rev. Mr. Baxter, fathe.r of

with snappy jo~e.,, novelty numben accompantst. A.pprox1mately 200 Curtis Ba:rt.er, was pastor of tbt~

~.:~:·~:::•:,~.~=~· m'::, ~:~~·~: ;::: :::• .:·~=~·:~•••••• ::~:::•; .. ';:.'byterion Cbu.<h fo, ..:: ~!. bensky, Job~ Mowrey, Paul Collins, Will Start Woft- au-.,. ,Dtc. 6 · · 56 31 Robert Davtes, ~art Wolfe, . John Dr. E. G. Rohrbouch. •;>reosident ot A. R. Yerkey and Ira Coberly, lo- Dec. 1 · · 56 26

Marra, Albert Ltlley. and Loute Ro- tbe Collece, announces that.. Friday cal carpenters, plan to start eon· D.c. 8 · · · 41 17

mano. were especially good. 110 a. m. claSM-S will meet tomotTOw trtruction on the cbi:maey of the old Dec. 9 . . 55 19

John Bohensky, Jamea ~UQer,. Lo6ie bly hour this week. · chimn~y ia to be raised ten feet be. Dee. 12 · · · • · 33 25

1937 Mu. atill.

36 17 23 1S 32 10

40 ' 30 I

" 0 27 -2 28 15

S~los were ~ung by Harold No· (Wednesda)· ) at 10 a . m. because. building, when Christmas vacat ion Dec. 10 ... .. 50 28 roskt, Albut .Lilley, Evert Howes I of the change in the weekly aase.m· starts if the weather pennits. The Dec. J l · · · · 41 3~

O,.er, John Mana., Paul Colnns. I Miu Gen.ldlne CtanDiftC'ham .,w\. it now atanda blo-.n i11!fo the windows Precipation (1931) l.M; no snow. Romano, ~nk Mart.mo, ,_ Rt~ cause the 100t from the chimney as Dec. 13 · ·

Wolfe, Joba Bamett, WilUam t- ed at TaDDer tJU,s week..nCI. • of the MW dormitory. Precipation (1931') .02; SDow, 4.6.

Mercury 371214-2.psd

TilE GLENVILLE MERCURY ._..._. ....,. ,.......,. by die a.... Ill Jn:mau .. of Glen..-.e

.,... T-.dwa c.o.,... a..n.d at tll.e polll oMc.. ~ Gin-rille, W'e.t

..._. ..... .-..d cr.. ....U .-.tew. Sa.bac:ri,Uoa prVe for 1111-U • -- .AU ~••lrcatlaa.e llhoald be a.ddr:e.H t.o The EdJt.on,. n e --... ---------....... ~s.-. ... ..._ __

•ao.._ ...... .._ "-... ._ ... c--- -----·--DITORIA.L ST AYF- X., lloal, Ric'""' 07.,, lo .. w . • • ....,. ' l.eM IU.lulr:•, ...,. Leoae W-. u d Ne,.a Cooltft'. . . . . -111'11 EDITOR •• . • . ••• . ••• •• •••• • . . ••• . •••• •• Ric .... DJv PICT'V'aa CDITO& .•• • ••• - ••• . . ••.•• . • •.•• ..I.a.• W . • .....,. h . ftAn CA.&TOOHIST . ... . . ... . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . ~ "-• •• .&D'9'UTIIJNG llAHAC U .. . ... - . .. ..... , - .. • . . . . .. • oe1 B ... .wmrurr ... ... . .. . . . .. . .. ... ............... . .... -

e • e •

DWS STAFF- Aadano• . .....,,. - • ..;.n. ......_ -.o K.- '-a--........,--. w..o - ,... ean. -eo-.-... c..~-. - ., ....... Qia' ... -~ a.m-.. 11.ue.1 Bft'llmUI, lliabtda ~ Lola ......, ~ . _., LuiBo &pnJ', t..ll BtaiDU•• ,._ Woof\t!r, ...... Wrilk. &Dd a.nw Wiaten.

.ACULTY ADVlSEil . . . . . . .... . .. . . : . .. .. . Lla• a. -TU.B.PIIOft& ,. ·- .. ·-"-la _,.,...

19J7 ........ .,,.

~QIIeeDB PtesS --·


Campus. Frantic A.ntics -n..........-;..-..u .. a..- •

r.pl __.,tioa at Faitw-t . • • l lllttol"'~~(::~;.._~.~ Tlaoey .. to _.._.. t'-- . • . WMI: .. _ ....... l . . . ... .u .... iaa~af tl. ... t. ... -~tr.J~ ........ ...... ta. lila .t a....._, 1- ...tit.~ . .......... _ ....... ~ ......... ......_.tlt.tw.M,'au- . . . n.. kia.iaa "-1 bit .. Batclt. . • • Haplaab--aa...lalM .... aiai.batM. Hall • . • L.w... ---. ...... witla a W..&.,a.lto ••• ,_.,_. ..___ ._. T ... ,.,

............ ~wt.u. ... iaieF ......... .. . .......... _..

plica~ ..... -~ ••• CHRISTIU.S CHUR l- s- ...,.. Dck .__ ti.J' a- ubtl • ~ a ..-a 1- tWr -*­. . . s.-v.......-.._ •• ...., .. , ... .itla ..... cifta • • • n-. -- alwaya -· ........ , .. •Y'W7 cr-.1 • . . liD..... tlaialt. ........ . ted..U.aktw-.- . .. Ar.-,..... ~ tlaat ta.. CUbtau lrM HPta ia Ka.awla.a Hall _. ..... tam ..... .ttlt. .•• Jilorl tW.- a-..tt•. c ct... -• " far law U..a o • • A aarw.y af ta.. ,.,_ .... -· •• ... -a.ca~~o. .-... .u- ............. lint

)Vith the College Alumni . . ...

Merry Maidens' Movie Moments SCREEN SHOWINGS, ~~NT AND COMING

'-------•• L ..._.-·E ......... ~------.....1~ ...,. Dear IIi-. Aldriell"- Do JOD bow tlld: Sdaa ....

No, WII ' N DOt writiq & fetter; Oli•er bu Deftl' be• late Oil •

that ia 1Derel7 ~ aame of the pio. eet sinee tbe ...._ to .U. pko-tu" Uo.m. at the local ac!"'Mn t-una .•• A tin blowoal wu re-tA:Iai,pt aad tomonow Di~rht. Wal· spon.sible f~r &U---..bta __. \er PWpo-., wt.o pq. OJIIPOsit.e • ot'1ilartlla Jtq. .• • ToiiJ' .,._ llaureea O'SDUi"'~ ia thia pic· tin'a bbtJuiQ wiD M \be time for tun, tbiDb 'the old adqe ahould a "beet" tttlebntioa. ..,. wlf• be ehaac-d to "two'a a c:ompany Alice Faye .. . Paul llu!d, mlDu and three'• a aiPt waat;ed." Do his whWtera. lau no tnnfble be-JOG ~! . . . Bdaa Mae Oliver inc ua!'MOpiMd u ._ walb izr.trochu:.. ..C'lliuzditta," a nou aJoDC the bouleft1'da of Pula . , • betwea. \JM old f:Dcli* pnriiee Walter Plctc-oa, wbo pblp Ia of .. baDdll.q" aDd the more mod- ''lib Deal: Mia AJclrieh,. '' wu Ia era tDallia for ""tnlc:ldaa"' . . . l1 memes tn ,..,. qv . . . CJiiaot Jota'd nJor ..-. Manu. (Ultra- Gable ud lfJTU Lor ·were ~ riolent) a.,a 10 -tift &Del do ea .. Kiq ud Qllen" ~ l!lll1DI the huta.hula. ~ee ' ''Waildki Wed. in a popularity poU olmorie f...., din,," ~omi.aa nur..t~. PtidQ by ftft)o-thre aewepapers thtoqb.. aad S.tul'dq Dicht.. Martha lhowa out. the 'batln .• Bob Buna how to uU 1Joct, Bob Without baaitatioa we ~ in tum aeeru' to P1"dfll' Wdord, 70u'U a),t ~ wit.h 111 that ''Bir hi8 pet pta, &o llutba aad BiDC City" ... 1.be ~ l)ietar. of ._ Crosby ftu.lly prov.. to SbirlQ put ~k. 9peDeer Trt.ey •..d' 'Ron thi.t n•'"'JI*llfll' an. •n DOt Lube Rahler weN a nc~ or always Uan . . . Bette Da.W a~~d "(e .ukt ..,. two ev.ece.MM ill 8e111ry FoDCla, two of 0111' fnoJ"- tM'r ftnt .lctve WptHI'. ~. ite•, hue t.h~ leadinc I'Oiu in hope they'D be .&eam~d apia. "That Certaill Womn:• comi'DI' Aliu P'aye, who .has be.n sta«i ..

A ~ainkod portrait of Prea. Sunday aad )(onda:y, BeUe D&'fil a ('Ol"ft,~~l!k., miMie • -bit. ia "Yo& W. B. S. White of~ Shepherd StJIA it am "that cenain wotnart." to Cu't. Bn:o bCJthiDII-" P'avortt.

aN traM .-a..l .. . F..._MI 5. --· GlleeDe llee5t tiU ..... ..._. .. f-.rd& -4 ..... lh• . . . o.r,. .. -~~- ... ........ -.z-- ••-t. .....

!'uchen CoUef"• ..,... anweilod dv.r· her huebaad,, B~on N.taon, m couple al!<ell at tb mo"* the pat lnl' a ~mon7 at tho co11ep then epite of l"'l''IIION to the I!ODtnJ7. wtek : Sutoa ead. PnUae .


Bomel Thil oae w~ h.u a &Teat many meaniop wheD ft~Mideredi hom the • iewpoi11t of d ifl'erent people. To aome • 8laDI the foundation and stabilizer of humaa life; to otb. - It Ia lwot a place to hang oae"e bat. Some people WOJT7 ..._ llle fad Uoat lho home eeema to be bruiting up. while .tloon acolf aDd aay, "There il aothiDI' to such foolilb talk .. u..t."

- ............. .. . n..-........ u.r._ ... _ • ....,. ..,.0. .__ - attract'- . . . n. ...._ af tNT le cl.i.1 ia -..., .. twi .. p-.all.ny~ ........... d. .ewY.- hi.

~~;;~~~~~.~~1-------------~------~--------------------­:;:::;;::.."!.~ 'ode•'• 111

... Some Quotable ,:'~.';' .. ~':" ... ".!:; :'.\. '7.. = .. ~ ~wt;: ~~·~:,; :;~ Quotations . . . . . •• b• ~ ..... ~=-~;!.;: !"::

u .. pu" -.,.ctatl-· . .. AIM..

•• ,. Clara ···--- ... _ tM .....,._ .. ..,..._ ... __ __ _ Ooltece. Be t. a t.bl~ .eeoad ~ --tier;-U~"is""'th• a~lt~ Ot hb .. rai-t?opiul loDd atJIJ 9H-Pkd ..._ Muon aDd Ia a put pa~d .... or OWb house, h1a o,.u temple of fame. j..,~'",!'" .. ',.~ ..... ',.. ol?:ol.o.,'..~,n.~ ~ t'he Shepbwilto'W'II ehapt,ft. Be t.t TheN! it Do laappiJM~& iD Hfe; n noll ... a.J.

•-ne home--la it dialnteant.iug?" asks an article in the December llaue of Ute Rotarlaa. Thia topic ia aldllfully dia­•-.1 botla pro aod coa by Nlaa Wilcox Putaam aad Elmer T. Petenoa. Mlu PutDam in &DJwer to tbe queatfo11 aaya, "!'.., aad bow" wbllo Kr. Peteraotl retaliates that lnatead el diolalelnotlaa' lhe boma ia oteadllf. powiq ltronl'er.

s.. #-... JaaaaiT • S. tta-TH8 INKOCEIIT ABROAD.

ttow eemiiC' hi. elchteent.b rear .. theN fa n,o mlaert Hke that. powt.. ••'Goae Witll. ~ WiK" h ...... pnddent of S.heplterd CoU.. oat of tho diqolitlon which coue-. I beet ..U.Il n.. CDcland ... weU ..

C"fatU or daecraka a hom.e. Amorict, aad- \u eleo been pab!Walj

·~e bome lo dlam~qnot~q-,.el , the l!Rti•l' part Ia trqe AQIIow I"" writa IIIIa Pulum. "'The hoiiH! ia merelr a bodJ el fanaltun ntlniJ aurroaaded by billL The modem ver­.... of lltlo old lu*itulloa ia a 'movinl'' ell'bt-rfcb in vari· etJ."" IIIIa Putnam coacludea with tbelhoul'ht that the home .. a danted aulaaace which wo !llrht for, ftrbt iD, aad 88'ht -· Oa the other baad. l(r. Petuoon malatains that ""the f&nl· llr 1ri1l ""umph over lho pleasure seekinl' mus. It will ex­Jil forever and the bome will aunive aa ita be.adquartera.

-''ldac• ud laYeatlon are aidlq the otabUity of tba homo .... d of broaklq it dO'!'IL"

fte bom._ia 1\ dlolatqralioiJ! Aak y.ounelf the ques­tion. Your aplalott Ia jlllt ao valuable aa anyone else's. The llabOIV or the faUuure of tomorrow's home depends u.pot~ JOU decialon and your action.-Ma ry Leone West.


Funeral Services Held Thunday For Sarah Miles Gainer, Fonner Student

1117 L a. H. J Another 011e wldapeNd:, .. , We• it Then llaa boea a tempon'7 hall waa IJ.ea~t:lful tbe wa7 friead. paid

ia. the o~e where Ute llerCD1'7 ie hal tn1nilloe to & mother like lira. priDted. Now that laD. ll ..,rm.aah\. Gainer." Ewe the Cftde ealtool

Somehow we could.ll't pt acdim- roun.-.ton - dusmates of •n. ated to the etiUn-. We mbee4 cor- Gaioer's twelw&-J'ear-old daac"hter, J"et'lloc aH 'heJpiD.r to eoned. proof Bnt7 Byron-were preeent aM u­that alwa,.. 1uMI a fe• f•••7 ezron lilted ae Aotn!r ctrlL Amoor them ln. I~J"W that uop out whn & wft'e )(aqy Ja-ck, Ewon Klrkpat:ritok. linotype opemtor is ao\ feeliq well lla17 ·Viraiala Tlaom'JIIOI1. Nell a.ed. or happena to touch the wroq keJ. ll&rJ Lila Lu&adfl'!", Ana~ Wit.hen, We expect.<! to Me tbuo erron., aDd Betty Wright., Betty Wlbtoa and we elwa)'3 Dew wlr.lch open.tor waa PIIJIJ Wilson . Httiq. llercufJ edlpy. Pahi>H.ren were NeWt.om lfePe'I'-

But thea on 'hes4aJ' morn.ina ri&-\he otM&r lhto\J'pe ope.natoT­each pr\ of was eorHcted and brie"ht. Bury Whitiac. Clyde LaUder, WU·

EYe1'7 one. whether he b. young o r old , rich or poor, h as , ::;.,u::e:f.= re~:edpa:; in:! ~~:e,~·;::~:n~dn•" Whlttraa aDd

Tbe ~ wko tMDk.e. ~ muli4ta In Co ... GumaaJ, Swo4.e9, Nor­aM moditatee li&s iDteDJce~tee eat ...,., Dnaarkt Pola.Dd, ud a.­In hit feat.v....._ stamped oa. hili blOW. PP7· A J"'aa'-h odittoa. wm _.. ud aJeamiDC ht ll.ia ey.. een, makUlc tiM \ntla.

• =.~~==:elm'-~· ;o~ U.: -r. • ··" c--... futy ,.._. ...t.a. ,... .... ofa~t.t'heHI-

!lclueat.ioa, indMd, aetoiDp~ day aehedaS., tbe. UD1lal T. W. C • .\. woDden in ttt.inc a man for U. ~ p&rt:J.J , wiU 111Dt be . ,n-o work of aueceaa, but ,. eometimq utlt after u..., 8, fi M a­f~t that it ie: ot moN --.. Doua.ced hy Y. 1(. C. A. ehaptlr q1lea.ce to "''" \lao · mind weD dbld- leaden. ,.,._ paTtJ wiU. be afftD piiDcd ntber than richiJ atored- ~ ~~~-=- ::OG~-~ t~ etrOQI ftltMJ' t_hiaJ tatL .-.-- po- _.,.._ Pll~

Thoutht t. to tUb~ wUt...,.. _ac~lloo~L;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;~f trit Joiu ia to the et.omaeh--4 801~ vent to J"~ wha&ever i1 reeeiV"ed to a coDCUtiOn" in w~tch all tbat Ia wholesome and ,nutritiwe ma7 be ap­l)ropriated, ond that aloae.

Book Notes a •eed for reacliDI'· The November i&sue of The West Vir- t L bed w d"d ' t a Ubure tb ~Ia Sc:bool Journal say& that nothing is being taught in the made up end -pat to · e 1 11 onore'I"J P• u.. ~ere e .. c_ Witllt ••• Wi.tl" - di y erab at the few e.nora, eitber. And women whom Mn. G&Jner had

111 M: b

11 h f

..a,11c IC..hooll which is more important t han rea ng. et, neither did the linot-M ope rator re- 1cnoW"D weU and thoae w.ho knew her J"G ai"J(;;~~ h ~~~ d, :ul 0~ ~ Ia the December 6 iuue of T ime, DT. Ste lla Cent e r states that bel when atafl' mem· ~n corretted well-Mrs. H•rTY Whiting, lin . E• : ne 1 ft. e. ~n • u 0 e . M pu c.ut of stude nts w h o t ome t4 sehoo1 are below par in proof a whk b eame from ,poor copy. ty BerkbOuse, Mrs. O:"da Chenoweth, \ Lo ~,ev:ryt.h ~1 1n l eTbpo;u .t: Jrl;~ ,.din.. We auapect that. now and the~ the Mr;'- Russtll McQuain, ll n1. Iva t .:1:~ : ; :err:aove~ : t.:d :;: w~c~

Wha t it to b;e done a bout th is situation ! Dr. Center has linotype operator rot prett1 1uck of Pritt, Mn. Rou Hardman, Ml"&. Max h he 8' AtJ ta befD workihJ o n the aubject in N e w Y ork sch ooiJ f or t hree aeeill.l' OoUecc u pi laliz.ed in one N:.e~tr:sn , Mrs. fbddeli Reed, Mr.<~. I CT~or ~ l. ~om~l~h e~ · " G

':jln a~.!~i~~~:~e;:::..: :~i:i~ei:~t!~~~ij:~f~ ::J!~~ at4ry and not in another. But. i f a~e Ov~t. _Hardm an, Mi111 Edna Stum p With et he •;;~nd"~uha~' a~rno:nccd t~:~ -• , d!d get peeved, we nev.er kne.w ~t and Ml~ Lestelle _ Lorenl:. . eve ·one who bu .sa copy of 'the

aa ill N ew Y or k , what is beL'lg d on e . No. nevu! Not Mrs. Ca1ner. She d1d And 1f Mr.r. ~amer were 'aere ~hu n v~ durin the YO n t wee\" • ~Ur iU By t he uae of on oph t h almograph , w h ich takes motion pic- her work u bHt. &he could, Iaurhed I v•eek to eet t.h1a story on the hno-~ 0 b~ Ho r ha d _ h"

ta.res of a read er's eye movem e nts, Or. Center has f ound at. 05 onee in • while and took the tyq e, ,...be probabl)' would wri~a r u ea n m;y n hm a nbame1o:

t.hat an untrained a d ult reads 200 words a m.inu te, p a uses correction rood u turedly when w~ " THJRTY"-meanln:, ~n n.ewspaper •


. c:oupon, an one, c: oHn Y o • 120 tim and aoe-a back 23 times pe r 100 words , and t ha t •bo-.od ber a proof wi t.b an " S" parlance, "the end." u avera.e eollege st.Udent who can read 326 words a min- missing i:n "SmiLh" or an utn. "R"

~P!=. 0 'Wr. ~!!:'rC:i!n_t:::~hb:~~e! C:.,~~: ~~rte~~b: In y~c;~;e miMing For Freshmen Only tn1 the uutrained read er to become a betle:r a nd ( aster r ead - Milu Gainer, 38 ' "" !1';' a~ra: ---- l/ n; bJ the uae o f the metronoscope . a machiue w hich exposes fanner J!ltudent. in tbe coue1e, who a, MARMEL UOWN oab a few words at a lime a nd which leta them' m ove o n t o died Tuesda.y at. her home htte and Q. 1. What five qu-.,M will a be 'IUC~Hded by othen, hu inereased the nu m b er of wor ds wu burled ThundaJ aftemoon in d.tctionat'J' ans•er •bout • troJ"d'! read per naburte by ahortenia g the time of pauaes, a nd by the St:alnall:er Ceme\e.l'J. A- t . Proa.uMiat1oa aDd accen~ 1-.eniJia the a u mbu of both pau.se.s and backward move- For two yean she bad been em· pan& of apMc:h, id et'tioaa, deriva· mota. 1f Dr. Cente r's wor k baa improved reading to s uc h plo,-ed aL t.be Demoen.t oSc-e . . A few ttone or etJ""olOCY. and the deftD.l-a pout extent in these inst3n tes, would it not be logical !O moau.a &CO slle betea~~&e m aad .tin~• tioP of ftrioM --.oiap.. .._um~ U.at lhe aame traiDlDI w o u ld im p rove read.iDI' 1ft that time eoliUBHCI t o wW m. UiJ Q.. 2. What five kiD& of i!tfcrrma-Wat Vlrti•ia ! -Ne wton Cooper. aatn two daya Mforo d•t.b •M rec:· tioa d016 e dirtiottary rive aside

orniaed her huaclrM of trlmd• who fnnn the detaill oDder ordha.et7

RobmF. Kidd Library .. . . .

Campus . . . . Questionn~ir~

called to ehett ller vp, 1mow1ac all wordt! the thDe t.bat •he wo'O\d not. be here A.. 2. lluni~ of personal D&IIIH,

' ktq. pictD.rell aDd diacnuzl*, arbt1l"&r7 Surri1'bc ...... Gainer are hr. aipe. odd plt.~ ed ana phruea.

ba'Deod, Boii:J Caiaer; • daual:ltet , h e nn-cJ" IDA4• 'Of U. '""* •1· a , M.AaJOall. BAANETT Betty Bno11 Gaioer; her fatbe.r. Tho bU 1bis

... 1'1fCfttir "- ... t o-.4 0..\ .,... 1. Row taQJ' i utrllrton hi oaT Charlel B. Mil•; two b1"0t.ben, llal - ug dlll:r4 o.f t .................... brt:o Coli ... Aft a11li.D11J of u.. la· Ue• ud F'raak lli1n . both of Glftt- week . 0 0 ••

_... .sm.rw. .._... ~ ltftutioa. ! ...We; ou half...mt.e:r, llrs. IIJ't'\)e



n.......Fridar,.....,.. oEC.Jai:Bu 1.' n. • sa.

UU. wWc \IY• ~- ...._. li:aH !. What \a tlle deriTatioo of tile • ·rut of W•toll ; aiHI oae laalf- SllJP! TRAT nna RETUitJI '"' ... - ..-. "" ta ... - - "' . .. , .... ,


\m¥•. w. c. aun o1 ..,...,..... , auo~ Ri$D. o..- Picture land TbeatR .-t P EiiH UbfvJ : 3. Bow -.a.T. e!haft'hn a" Iober. D. C. X rs.. Gaio.er't 100th~ die"e ia Slftral ,._,. -.ro. aftt.t' Harinc .I tc..i 0aow C. Pa.t ClJSce ~ W. v ..

MAOl IT'R&&T. A.RaGWS M"ITB. ill Gka..tll.! l tH. aenllft on t\ri$ .abjad. J Wt"Ot. in Jt======:::==========:=:;;;;;:;=~ .... DODSWORTH~ tt1 SiMlalr ~.,.c,._ 4 ~ do. ~ Pira&o11~ S1MI ... a Dm~~be:l' of the Ba:pW: tJM ~~edt of a11 eatncn,ph book theN f• ... Til'£ 0000 na.TR. Ptiarl e.elc : &lie C.U... janitor, lin! I Clta.rU &Ad a m«mkr or U.. Gin- words. "1 waod.r tt Jn7 !l!aip ...m «t"ft'

IIAC~"tY1CDi'T OBSUSJOS, q 5 Wbo '- htd of tJte &ate Bo-.-r4 "rill• Womac' • CJob. re1ar11-., t bc:w tho • bat Rip I

=: ,::::- ~ ~~sT a ci: ~~: ~~ an lha I o.nW:U~~~ k:•ma~; r::e:d~~ W.:~h~ ~~ rdaned man)' .... ..... R.haa; CO~"£ WITH "' . ,.. ..... ao n..,, SLadhu:R I j1UI( th• ..me Mzs. Calnn did. A.a d timeL Tlla Wp ( lonpd for tlJen TR& W'OiD, ..,...,..,1 li. I.O fW lk4ica.u4'! Tluandar aft.ttr-aooa the clull'ch wu did aot ntunt, but. otMn: eaJH, '- ...... ) : 1'1IE HUlULICA...'f:&. (AIM_. - .,.... •> 1 padred. when it c:ante time for the bceria~ bapDinHI &ltd a dHper toft· c:a-t- S_... a.a4 J N«· Rn. J . C. JIDS~~tt. pa.rto.r, Lo _, the ~t. AU DOW it iJ ""' ftr111 bfo· - tl&b: IDJDI. .......... Swn: rc.-- .......,._ Jue A....., l nal word& ud ol!~tr a lut P'-Yn - 1i .. f that the pe~ft who halt taete41 P&m-C A'ND pa&JU'DICI!o .laM SpedaJ m-uir 'II"U perhaps that tU wortllwi'Pie tlUnp of life .. d A---~ TOll S A.W"YIJl. 11a:rt Tw. MY cu p a&uts. A~ wldch Mn. t:ai11er Ud ~•ed o!. uebored 11• .. ol ia a ~fad fait\ 'l'wllla , aA.&CO POLO, u,a If• aa4 Jr.~nal e! Pat.lk B eal"..k. ud braJ o.r reqHited. lin. llobu1. Blair -.rtr" 11114 .,.,.,... need ..,tt fUJ" tkt ............ •f ._ .ra..... .. .-.: s..deMa'. u ... ~ add.4 at tk ' 'A\ide W'rtl& ~~~ .. ~paaied at. .n Jda aldpe of Moe will be ~ ... tiiiO'rS D&.UG'BT. 1M hlttMr .._,. F ~ 1Atu7. :JM. <piano bJ" Mr.s. Jolm B. A-rboe:kle, ..,.... ill tk ..,.._ of &.p. .,._ ...,. w\td ,_...., a.n -· a qgartd. MI"L Blair, lin. Rer· I'Ola._t. TN ,.... wllo ... GIIWe _. 0... G.rk Pleet ...... ...,._..,. 'Ia tile c.lo- l~~«t Walliu. &ad. L 8oep ad .-..... tM...,... .t tra. .....


_::;..~ -· - ~

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lab tM ~ .t .a.. n.tw1 0.. WQ, LM-L" .._ ..... ....._ ... _. c. ..... - ................... ew,... - _---........ - •• - ..,. '--.uta.! ....,..... .. , _ _ .... "-"Fo • ., ____________________ _..,..

Mercury 371214-3.psd

~:r. ~ 14, 1137


RICIIWtlOD TEAM Will Hoaor Glenville Pioneers ~ BY 87-49 COUNT .t ~:::.~ • .::lit "' : --- I A grid.i~n banquet, SO)onsored by r

~~Same Ia Firat P~ the Gleoxilte Rot::ary Club and bon- 1 Coote1t F_o!" Glenville • I oring the Glenville Pioneers wh·l

Qumtet w<ID the West Virginia inter-colleg-- -- illte football ehampionship the past

DAVIE"fi ~ HIGH SCORER Fs.!l, .,.,;n be hekl at Kanawha ~.hU

, p.-, '•I ~~~~~~;,) ~no~r~~:~h. Coach A. F . M..-cbat.; ~ fa.-, Th e principal ape3kCTS Q.f the

,_ 1

e.vening will be Pre.s~den~ E. G. --- Th Rohrbough and Dean H. Laban

RlC_JiWOOD, Dec. 1o--: 0~ j Wbite. Invitations bavo abo be-en GlenVJUe SH.te Teaebers C t extended to varioua sports writeu Jege baak.e~U -~ came h

0 t-hroughout the stat.e.. I

~wn t~ig~t p.d trouaeecl t - ~~ I H eaded bJ Captain Lee Sum mel'!', Ricby."OOd ¥'-"llan .. :ie iu.:h the en-:.lre squ:~.d wilt be introduce~

1 jJ&ntic 8'l·4t coThlllltiaOII Gl and a~ked to speak brie8y. Appto:n-•cbool IOCM'· was .. C:~t m3tely 125 persou are exp~\ed t o I ..-ille's .,_. ,.....easoa con~ atte.nd.

of ~~=III apea~ing, the I -------Pi•neeri~~tlle edce in every GLENVILLE BACK, 1 depart_, of tile game. Glen- ! TACKLE HONORED 'Yifte taWed 39 tw~-pOID\ers 1 ---&Bd 11me tree throws m amass- I Portet'fie ld uad Summen oa w their score, while the M·er - 1 All-Oppone11ta Named by Oant$ garnered 23 goals and Wayneaburs ttree charity tosses in their 491 ---JM)iDt aeeumuluation. Captain Lee Sammen, taekle, and

ao.dl Rohrbough alternated tlt.e R'.lssell Pot1erfieW, fullback, mem­...,. of his PlonMH, uainc three , bers of tM GJcn"i.lle P ionoen state ..._. thro~rhout the game t.o match ' ehampion footb:Lll team, '!f&e ;listed 9kD 1ntb tH llercba.nta. wbo · on Waynesb.urg College's all-<~ppoo­... a quartet of fonner Pioneer I ent te3D'I, annouoced recently. ~rt wizards io their 1tarti111' tioe- 1 Moore o! We:sle;sao and Moan of ... Tbey were .loDet. Po('terfleld. West Virginia Univenity were the Qietz and Me.Kenzle. t other .w.e.t .. Viqri.U. athlot.M to ret

At the outset of the 8nt )Wrioc!'1 ~ognition oo the tint te&m.

Clea~U.- wn.t oo a scoring rampage 1 Fordham and Duque.sne abo &Dd raa op a 23-3 advaa.t.age at the I gained two placea oa the llrat team, .,... quarter. Continuing to &et tbe ' while Genna, West Vircinia Wes- 1

Jitee il::r. the ~coad stanza. Co-dptaiu I ~:raa, St. Vinc-ent, WNt Virginia :COttle •.nd h1,_ m.atN held a 46-l!i 1 U"Dive rsity and We.5l CbesteT placed

·~t ~=:uor~ed the on-1 ~:c~:•: :~~~:;• 6mt tum ae-

Mauaht in the aKOnd half. and beld L. E. Druze .... _ . Fordham • 11-26 adv&Dta&e :tt the elld of the ' L. T. Summers . . GlenTille tlird c-bapt.er. In tho 6D&I. ca1:1to I L. G. Moore We.ikyu Oo.ach Rohrbough \\; t.hdre w h ia nr- c. Wojeiechowica Fordb:un ..tt7, and se.nt ia the net'V.ita. It was R. G. ll.atuJ'lk.i St.. Vine-en\ .,.m.st the aub.s th&t the Ke~h.aau 1 R. T. Gustovicb ~uova -.llied, but l.hia l.a.st. minute attem'l)t I R. E. Platukaa . Duquesne 10 "erhau1 the tlyiftC Pio"Oeers wu Q. B. ~~~ w. v . u. futile. I... H. Matsik . . . Duquesne

While twelve Pioaeen broke int~ R. H. N;se Weat Chest&l tole ~ring, Robat Davies, with 20 R. B . P ot1«-field . . .. GluY'ille .,oiute, waa the top-.aotcher. B. Por -

ter&erd of Richwood waa seeoa d in Will Or•-.iae l•tra.-..-.1 '--cue fte high~orinc p.vad• with 10 ..-u.. Co-captain Cottla. Lilley, and Conch A. F. ("Sate") Rohrbough )loruno t ornec! :a fairly ~ de­fnuive pme!l for the Pioneera, wllile Deitz, Joaf!il and McKetui(' .-re outstandina for Riehwood.

UMups : Glora'rilk--67 Cottle. f . Da'Yiea, 1 •.. LiJley, c . -. &omano, "( .... NOToslri, g Wolfe, r ~tt, f ... lldliUen . r llarrn. f

' 'Whetsell, e. llaa!er, c Bennett, g

c . . . . .. 7

8 5

.... s

.. . .. .

an'ftOUneed todaT that the intnmura.\ basketball lealfUe will bo organ ized a·!~er the ChriAtmu hoHdays. If pre!-~.>nt plans rnat.erialir.e. the le.:tgue

F ·r ~:i;h ~~r~:u~~ e;:;t~~;:~:~~~ 0 H o. d,i.rect or as yet, but on.c Will be SL ..

20 Jeeted from the direcWd teaching 1! I das.s in physical education soon.

~ Former Studeo.t l ojured S:;~.turdayl .J Homer Moore, a former ~:~tuden t -' and a brother of Madeline Moore, tl :

ToWs .

G lrt1l.nd:LTd normal senior, recei"ed in-!

~ juries while wol'k.ing o n a well at I 6 Hays City, Saturda~- morning, when 2 1 a lar ge piece of ice f ell on his head .

39 ;.; j Six stitches WeT'e used to dose tht>

F T •·ound. . Rickwood Deitt, r . MeKinnzi e, r Dene.moTe, c . Jones. g . Porterfh.•ld, 1r . Stone, r ... Witsoa, f Pat.romi::;, f .

G . . . 3 .. 3

. .... 0

.. 7 1 15

I ' a . 2

Total~ 28 3 49 'Re!eTees: Job~:~. llarTa, Billi9 CotA

tie and Lollie RomaDO.






The Log Cabin Restaurant

E~!!~~K!s~!L ~~Fun, <>w.e.

Five-Pound Boxes 1 College Students! tic to SS.OO I lAt Ua Dr-. You Up

E:ANDY FOR TREATS With 0... of Ooor S.ad a 8os. of

HAIRCUTS r;;f/~ II }'f~ I St.a.lnakl!!!r, alrbera

T H EW;tG Ri Llt ~~==Ma=;n=S=tre=et=~~

fred Mil• and Jobu






Thqmpaon's Dr,. Cle&nina


New and Modera

ROOMS, $1.00

Rooms With Bath



Return Game With Merchants Pla¥ed

Tcx~s Tech Fo.vored O..er W. V. U.

W·ith the p~e-season basketball training grind nearing its final stages, various coiJeginte court squads within the state will add the finishing touches this week so as to be ade­quately groomed for 'heir respectice openers _ .. Our own Pioneers, following practices this week, will return on De­cember 27 t o resutne preparations for the season's opener wit_h Potomac State here on January 4 __ . Following this engagel'(1ert the locals wi ll oppose High Point Co1lege of High Point, :North Carolina, on January 6 .. _ However. it is probable that the Pion.eers will meet the Richwood Mercb­a~ts i.n a. return gat:!)e before the regular season opens.

lnciden~lly, the Hi&b Pomt team will have a fonner Victory High School st.blele, Jllarcel Msl!regeot, in their starting lineup .. . A majc..r dash in this vieini~y w;ill be phoyed Tburcday a t the Carmichael Audi­t orium in (:larksburg between Salem's Tigers and Marshall's Thunder­ing Herd ... Speaking of llan;h&U, Paul H. BeckeT, editor of t.be Par­

thenon, student publieo.tion at t~e Huatibgt.On school, aays, " I don't mean to be conceited, but the Big Green ~hould have one of the best basketball teams in the nation thia Winter.". . . Later •he continued , "They should win !.hirty out ot their thirty-two conteru." . Basil Shnp of Davis and Elkins College, newly-elected preaident of the W. V. I. r ., was the lad who ran 79 yards in the final moments of tht­D-E-Salem football gune to give the Senator!! a 1·6 vict.ory over the Tigers . _ . J ohn Barnett, fonner Pioneer halfbaek, says tbere were quite s few ice skaters do'lll"n at DeKalb the past week-end . . . Doa. Shre\'e, youngest aon of Dr. J. C. Shreve, instructor in t.be Collere, is culUV1lting a keeu interest in skiing.

Harry Kipke, ~acb st the U~:~.lveraity of Miehigan for the past nine years and president,. of the Americaa Footbr.ll ConcMa A9SOciation. was GUsted from his position last week ... His probable successor will either be Irwin Ut.eritz, fonner Miebipn quarterback, now backfield eoach at California, or Charles E. ("Cua") Donis, coach at Detroit U .. . An· othe r mentor who .,;n be replaced ia Barry Mehre, ooac.h at Georgia . Collyer's Eye predicts t.hat Tens Teeh will annex the New Year's Day San Bowl Clash from West Virg'i.aia'a Mountaineen . .. St. Franci1 Col­lege of Loretto, Penna., wil! retam' to the gridiron wan in 1938 after an elap&e of several years . . . Bemie Biermaa, fonner mentor at Tu­hlne and present coach at Mlnne&ota, will be offered t.b.e bead coaching job at Mississippi State C.o!lqoe £OOD.

William Smith, M'at'<'.lz.all 'e gre.at terminal , wu named on the AMo­ciated Press' Little All-American f ootball team .•. Tfte West Virginia. Mountaineers 11101:1 offi~ial recognition from state eport.S writers for the bicgeat ~meback ia 1937 .• . Morris B.arvey, in winning five of nine C"Onte.sts after losiag thir'te-en st.r.l.icbt pmes prior to tbe te-31 aea.soa. placed 9f!cond ... The rabbit lilea&Ob will be reopened on Deeember 24 and ~ntinue to December Sl _ •. Ed ( " Strangler") Lewis, forme r world's heavy~weigbt Wl"eiit.lina ebamp. plan.s to retire from the l'il»& - . -Lewis who .Ho) '5 be was uadisputed champion 6ve times, b.u competed ia o•~ 6.000 matehe.a ... PiU.'c mighty Panther football team wu awarded the R-ockne Trophy by Professor Dickinson, author of Dick­i oa~n'a Natioaa.l Football Rating Syatem .. . Don't say you weren' t izl • formed ,

Putting the Bacon on Paper

Press Meeting . . .


oJne plac:e but in many, that the das oJf oppot1unity for youth b cloM!d. I give you a fteld that is wider today

(Continued fro m page l) :han when r e ntered it.-Lhe field of ~ti ll is a fundamental pillaT of journalism." American demoeracy." His Mmarlu H . C . Rb.a'Wft Ad•i•e• Stu-.,b were directed specifically at Dr. E. H. G. Rhawn . editor of the Clarks-A. Ross. also of the University of burg Ex-ponent. &poke at the DOOII Wisconsin, who. at a recent Socia! luncheon Friday and aai d Lhat "'a. Seience Council meetin~ in Fair- background and training in the rudi­mont. spoke unkindly or the press. "1\ents of the profel!.ion are lnl.-

Dr. Hyde said that "moat critics able. but lho.t suceeu io journalt.ra don't read enough newspapen t<J depends entirely on the individual"4 know what is in them and that ~er- in itiative nnd intelligence." He urced tain CTitics bue all their remarks on studenUJ to a-pply themselves, to their feelings towal'd a few of the study Latin and Greek and to ret a gl'OOter metrOti)OliUn papers." broa d training in all the eommoD

"The Ameriean newspapn. one~ bnnches of knowledge. He t old llta­

the tool of politieal parties. has di- dent joumalisUJ to keep alert to Ji:fe \'orced itself from rolitical control and to p ick up all the informatioa and is a better weapon for democ- possible , pointing out that some d&J' Tacy than Thoma.5 Jeffera"'n ever the facta learned in college will I; dreamed of," Dr. Hyde declared, and into one'e work. He pniaed hicbiJ' continued: ' 'The press today spuks the collcce journali.-m eoul"Sf!.. ••4 a.s an institution, not a s -one man : spoke well ot' collere·tTnioed report­the press rp re.aents the facts clearly e~.

and a«urstely and allows the read- Other h ighlight& of the confcreaee et'lJ to Naeh their own conclusions." were open forums, a ChTirt.lu tea Waeh.iJ~a tollt New•,-permaa Heard at the women's dormitory, a banqad

Mr. Phillips, who has experienced f'riday night at lobe Fairmont HoW a long and varied eat"eer a! a Wash- aad a dance which followed, • to.r ington ~orreapondent for New York 's of the Fainnont e.ampus, a Saturday metropolitan neW!papers, censured lu~heon. and special moaic !eata-r.a. the IJlress for failure to publish all Glenville's repreMntative.5 were the facts and then pointed out th1n Denzel Ga'Tn'tt, WVIP ~ there is a grov.;ng tend&ncy for a John Rogen., Riehard Dyer, Ern-.. better American journalism. llr. ine Harrison. Lucy Brown, Habel Phillips defended the rovenunent'a Ellyson, and Linn B. Hickman. llr. poliey of employing newspaper men Dyer served on tbe convention ~ in public: Nlations positions. mittee which D-6miaated. Beckley for

" I never beard anyone aiticize bWii nes.s foT employing .,-ublic r ela­

tbe Dext. meet.ing place.

tions men ," he .said. "Why .. tlH!n,, Everlutinl' peace wiD ~ome -shoUld '\he government be ~riticiz:ed afte:r c.& !I DOn fodd~ lean}& to ,.. simply b~au.5e it follows good basi- quest war lords \o chaae tbemeeha. ness methods? I have heard, a ot in -La Gl"aa\ge (Ga.) Re-porter.


Ideal Gifts For Men a11d Wonaeal

WOMEN E•eainc in Paris Seta La Croaa Ma.n.icure Set. Boyer Van.i:tiee Bo" CaDdy DraaerSeta

MEN Yudley Sha""a S.. Milituy Seta EI~Ra-

(llol ..... .-)


Memben of tbe Collcce hcolty pu t ••ide •ome of t beir dan-room d.ianity

tbe pad Tae.day niabt and cbeerfully entered into a pia-drawil!>a cout~t wbich

f-tured tho a..aaua.l C~ttrnao party tpon•ored by Mr. and Mrt. A. F . Rolu­

bouch, Mr. a.od Mrc . R. E. Fr~ed , Min C.oldje C. Jamfll, Miu Laura A11.11 Mila•

and Miu Bertha E. Ol ... n Otber f-toreo of tbe party. were "tall hory" tell· ioi', • "celebrity" c.oDtnt, ae<i a Chrittm•• •ift "u., •eili ~:~.a ." Mr. Dafld Kirt.7,

~ This pow old grod, in his fre.shma11 Uu, ':'· .AJ~teJ stllliioJU thDNglustllui w•ys,

He cranlflud his T~tn'el Top with fMI• Bill 11n1er le4nud,Jurw tme should act. tccrotary of tbe Stat• B-rd of EducatioDo .... a111 h-- ..... ,.

The dr•wi•c• thown here we~ 111ade by Mioa Mara ...... t Ch.rittie a.ad are e11act reproductioo::u of the pia• a.. oketched hy tbe blind·folded coote.taDll. Winaer1 in th.e coote.t-o.d their pil'l a.. ..bo'WII.-wer., Dr. E. C. Ro!u-bot:aah, pre•ideat of t be Collece, .. .,d Mr. E. R. C.r011e. Beca u • ., or a Lack of apa.ce, aome pia• were omitted. L simple arithmetic that the more cars

General Motors sells the greater this organiza­

tion grows. And the solid fa ct back of that

growth is this: General Motors cars must con­

tinually offer more in terms of ~xtro 'VIliw

to win those: sales~ It is only because General

Motors is great that it can maintain the re­

search and improvement program responsible

for such modern benermenrs as the Turret

Top, the Unisteel Body,No Draft Ventilation,

Knee-Action and advanced Hydraulic Brakes.


CUV.OL&T • totrnAC • Ol.1811081Ui: · Bt/ICJ; • U. SAU..I: • CADDJ.,&.C

Mercury 371214-4.psd

.._,_ Students Explain Many Christmas Mr. Kirby Speaks.~·.

Traditions and Their Origins ccontmued .,..,. ., .. ,, · -. --- I diee are kiued undu the mistletoe." "Meaniap, undentAJidiap. aad II~ Cbriatm~ f. From the. ear~ n ts' old DnaWiie c•utom h .. sDJTived sbilities t-o inurp~ come out of fa .

=-~·~f 0~ec:ir;:~~:~~ty c:::t an:;; ~any genuationa and ia rtill pop- ~~:~~ :::~e::.t.Joi~ ::: ,:::d lleea celebrated. Christmaa is the u -;h . . f Is originate<' States. end I do not mean the en­feetival ~f tbe nativity . • Oririnall)• l in E:gl~:f.n~: .:::: ws s fi rst a~ sh.vement of mu!tinu. Every. per­tbQ festiva~ • •as the penod of thf' ;)lied t o the bishops who uroled, o:· .:~~o n who wi.shes. only : ;:, gtt_ by is. a 7Mr when u . was c.uat.om:~ ry to hold !lallg joyful hrntnr, at Yhristmu pl.ave, wheth~ 1n eoll~g~. d1t~h dig· CTt:at fuats kD bnor of t he he:1then time. Later it became more general. emg, or mak1ng a m1l h?n doUan.

~~a~yd~=~:h:s;;' m0a!ke C~~~~~:): , I ;~;::~~e:· P~so:J~m;~~!u:~ b!~~ :Prohibited the!e p rimitive fe.oni vi- ~ PresS Meettng .. .. . .. , written but it ca n, be ~ad by, and

~= :;:;:st: ~:,.c::~~ :~i~h~~·~ Sidelights . . . · ~-~:e~~:l en;;~cd ~~~· :.~ 11 r!:n~~~~ ln Ameri~a we hne made Christ· --- ~:hif'vtmC!nt.

rntl5 a perio!l t~ f i;l'eD l sodal a eti\'i ty. , By JOHN ROGERS " We may croM mountain1, or ait E verybody wishes e.veryhody else a The followi-ng ar e. quot:lticns tak- a&out ' and plu ck blackbenies. w:1ife IIUlT Chriwtma.s ! T he first Cbri!!t-~ t'n fro:n v:arioua speaker~; at the six- our professors nut)' Uke for .:rnnted mu iD America o.r even the B.ut f ew teenth :annu.al West \"irginia Int~r· ~·e are f ollo·\·j-,..- t !-r! d.iseussion o!" were not. the py :!e!ltivi t ies to Collegi:r.te Press Confe rence :I t Fa1r · the hour, that is. we may do it until whit.b we are now a.cc.ustomed. They mcr:t S U tf Tucher.s Co!l~ge and w-e bear our name called. The qu!!~­WI!J"~ days lib all the nat, de\'ote t:l the Fairm~nt Hotef, Dec. 9, 10, 11. tion hu heen lo!lt in t.be mirr.ge o~ to work and )U-ayer. •·I c!on' t find any neWliptper blackber rie!i.

Goweraot"" Br•dfo.-..1 Wrile• :.broad that you would wn·nt it.: SccrJ c( t!\e S.ta 11e~u tten ,~ GoYemor Brad ford '~~>'role. "Vi' A"!n('...; t :a . .• Th e reu ons for crit\· ' 'T t:e story b:l.S hecn told ~~at a

21th day he;nne to cre ~t ye fil'!t ::sm o{ new:sp:apus is due to t-he mi.- mu t-:- ~· ·eUinl! a cert.D. in b ighwa)· hou~~e for comone UR to receive u nde rst:tnding of the relation o! ca me upon some sto necutter!. To 1

t~:m and their good s. " A few years modern p11.pers ' to political rr; artie ~ . them he lld1res!ed this que lion : after this • ·as written, the Church the di t :t.ppeAntnce of personal jour- What are you doing?' The fit"fll rc.­or England est.abli5hed Chri!:tma, naloism. p~blication for the masse& plied qui~kly. and with a gr-owl, ~ in. Boswn. in! teac! c£ the few, increasi ng di! · 'Can._t yoa see, I am r.u ~t lns- UU1

SLSw11 abc ... ~. le!t. is Dc:u:cl Garntt, •-ior ia tftc Colleae aad prcsidaat or lU We.t Vircip.ia la .. reol­loc·:• te Prtn A•••~iat.ioa , •a• he •tood - tbe tlqe ia Fcirtaollt State Teach.an CoUaao a111dilorium at du•

.Peojne-~ming here from France. ferences be~Ween the metropolitan stone.' The second with more anima· . Ea~and, Gei'Tila ny, Norway, Italy, pntss .:.nd the rural ~press and the tion but not e nthusiasm, said, 'I am all broll.Jht theiJ' owa. cuatoms with curr-ent. miscbnception of the free- making one dollar and ftf~y c:entl them. Oar Chriatm .. tree and Santa dom of the pren ."-Grant M~ Hyd-=, per day.' The third, with great eac­Ciaaa are imported. Our: earola and direct.c r or t~e School or Jour nalism. e.rness a nd great enthu&ium, answer-

";;.~:i;.c ;:•1c1!~r:c:' ::; ~::::·~.:·~:.: a.::f~~.c:;::.ti;:: J:;.:·a.'"~:.~:r~= v~:::ifa~.u:::~::;.' Dr. Cra11t Mileor H7'Cie, Dean of tl.e Sol.-1 or Joqra ali•t:r.. Uai ... enit, of Wheoa• ja ; -· Dr. Jq•epll R.U., pre1ident of ~·,i.rmoat State Taaehan Collaae. 1 ' ' • Photo courtMy Fain nont Tiro.._

oar .&oc.kina ruperwtltion_ came from Univenity of Wi1eonsin . ed, ' I am bu.ilding a cathedral.' abroad. Evea our "Mei-ry Christmas'' Harold K. Pbillip• "Tlte t hird man was cuttin..l' stona, belonp to EnrJand. " ·TI)ere is in a sense a Hlation be· was mokinl' one dollar a'nd ftft7

Saata Claua came to America b)· tween surgery and journalism. The <! cr..t~ - '!t c~r. but he wa!; doinr W&J' of Holland. The ,old Dutch R~ aur-geon goes d•ep to correct the ill, more, !le SfW the burning bu~ _1t.e tlen of N~ York broucht wit}l' or the body. The r,.porter goes deep saw meanings, be wu not hvnll thmn all the jOJOUa and hospita~ le into tiM body politic and corrects merely to 'go to .heaven.' he .,.... ObMrnnc:ea of their fathedand. the II~ of lovemment and the peo- bringing heaven into hia daily life. fte7 introduced to their neighbon pte .. • Lile and conmment cannot "Ttr.roughout, I have been tryinc fa the New World St. Nicholas, the etand still . . All businesses have to say, Do the things tbat ought to patron saint of children. rp ublic rela tions men and t he most be done, and do them excellently.

Obwi• of CUUtma• Tree Important business today is govern~ Nothing leu than the best ought to The ane:ient tradition of ha:nciftC meftt .. . Haa the pruas published all utisfy a s. I know we ba;ve dif'l'ere11t

ap ltOeklnp Ia darived bom l.be <!'Us- the facts! Have we reen t he sordid abilitie& but we can do our best. tam of tha wooden shoes beilll' ftlled side of life, war and crime! We Horue M-•'• Statameat 1. NiDe. with !rifts in Holland. "Shoes won"t I should reeogniu the better th in~ "In his last commencement ad~ 2~ It comes !rom an old French

=~~= !:~~·,.~nd atoelrinct a~ j :fo!::~a~d ~e;,h~:~~~~J'Y~n:;:~;;e~ ~:: :~id~~~~O:hsha~~de~:· di:o:n-:i~ :os:~~;~oi!eal::i:~esm!.;~~n! 1 The orlcin of the Christmu uee ! to the status where. it will reftec:t you have won aome Vietoey _for bu~ later . French noun , "colleca,"

'- much disputed. Manr countries ! true conditions, cood as w~ll u manity.' But ydu · must get mto the meaning cplle•gue. 1

lahn tM hoaor of havinc given the I bad."-Harold K. Phillips. d1rector I habit of winning for yourself before 3. Five.. First Baptist. , Church, c tom to the wOrld but the devel·j or public relat.ioDa, NatipnaJ Bitumi· you can Win for humanity. Mast.ar Methodist Portestant Cburch, :;-ment .,.. mollt marked in Ger - nous Coal Cornmiuioft. your abilities. train them well, ~ab· Fif,t Presbyterian O,Unl!.

I H. C. Rhawa ituate as many activities as 'POSSible; Methodist Ep.i&l=opal Churc.h,

-~ exebanp or cttte. and pn"' . " A college jour nalist will ~ fa~ - , attack t.he c:ruc; ial issues and_ PTO._ North, and MethodiSt Episeo-tht: p....enting of lift. to ther than one to whom journahsm IS ICf!\S of the pr~sent as found 1n Y~Ur pal Church.._ Sout". _

became .. oeiat.ed with on1mcnm • • • Tnc:hen of today daily c:itizensh1p; reacb a tentati•• 4• ln the OJ<! Build ing, op;~osi tc: Chrlstmaa at a very eaTIY period; should know what jour~ism is a nt! eo~;e:lusion but continue to look for Room llO. and It hu not only su rvived through be able to fit you for a JO_b l • · You •v1dence. · 6• Col. John Baker White. Thi!l aU 'the pnentiona. but has become r.eed baekg·rou nd and skill .. . AI ·'The educated , man may be _ _ u- . board has charge of tl!e finn _.

mo:e,•:aJtom o( calling a , -MetTr of knowledge."-H. G. Rhawn, edi· ~ime. as the t~ained ba.seball player , st.:lte im'ltilution!. • . . d more pronoun eed. new!;paper is made up or all branche~ -pected ' t o deli~er .at the c:rltJeal cisl and businen aft'airs of all I

-rt ,. t , ( . nds and tor The Clarksburg Exponent. I'" th11 eonclu d1ng stoTy. 6. November, 1936. "" atmu o . one a . _rte " Babe Ruth wu 2.t bnt. There · ··;:::::::=======:r Mlchbon oriarmat~ With the. Eng- were two strikes on him. The atmos- \


~ lo:~n:~ ago, WUliam Hone STRADER '5 , ~:e~e h~·u ~n::fi~~: rab:s b:.goau~e~~ For Good Barber Service I' 'lri'Ote, ''Cll'ls, although they be Ia- •Hooow ~:~ld n you like to have one , C. C. RH~.;D£5 A~D

Headquarters over there?' and i ndicated a lfiace I HOWARD BESS in the gra ndstand beyond wbie~ _ht> had nev~r h i t. a home run. DeriSIVe M ai111 St. Clen ... ille

F6r laughter poured down upon him. The 'I ~~~~===========; pitch. A home. run hi t to the poi~:~t ;. Christmas mdica t ed. When Mked, later.

1 Wh~tt

"''ere you think ing Rbout whe.n )'0'11 1 G 0 l 0 E N





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to the Faculty and Students ..,..of-

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Ann ou nct>ment has l•flcn made. of the marriage of Miss Opal Ca.!!e. S N. 1 34. a daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.

I" T. B. Case . o f Cowen. to Resent' Wil­

lialltf, of lio:ltgomery. The coupl e were married at

('Ja:rlu!hurg during the St&te Edu ca~

I~ ~~:~::::n•:s m:::;;~::·••-JUMBO STICK CANDY

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25c up ORANC.ZS

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Gle.11willa, W. v •.





IT'S AlWAYS tiME TO SAVE --....!--


llaaiDaa !loan 9 A. ..... 3 p. M.


Got to enlerl,.; il paek of waffle ho~cls?

Let ELECTRICITY • do ir 1

I =~d:np= ::=:::. jl I sad any warne hOI.IJld wtll be staa to do his cnm waUJib&: at

J'OW' table. OUr shop b fuD of I h&aclsome waffle. troD.s that do tbelr job tupubly. , ~ONONGABELA




With .thi5 iss:ue the Hereury ...., pends publication lil'ltil after &Itt Christmaa bolida}'&. The M....,­staft takes tbia oppo!tunity to will ~aden Ia very Yeriy Christalaa u4 1 BRIGHT NEW YEAR..

Satisfied c'us.t~era G~ Ua No Trouble. We Are

Not Lookiag for TI'OUble.

. Lake Norman and Sammy Lamb


For Christmas

YOu C.o.n F~d Nice a.nd

UaefuJ Gi fk For Your

Friends at Our Store.

Glenville Midland Company

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~-z...a.n:a:-..= ~~ ;::~:::.. · : :: ~: THE qRILL

Ati&Atic ere,.laoaad St.otiooo Gle•...W..~ w. v.. r-.. eoo.

New ,.,Vorl& ... . 18.10 s .. -... .. . .. . 1.11 Cl.ar'-toa . •.. 3.M Parller.b•rr • . 3.70