· EENBELT wsReview 15 Cres

EENBELT wsReview 15 Cres<.-,nt Rd., Suite 100, MD2077().1887 City Prepared for lliUeDDi111D ADd Y2K Ready. Say Dmcials ..,J_Gl_ . you be so'""'? You can'!; how- Once again efforts are bein1 ever, havina them in writing. we made to ecquire until:¥eloped land feel that the writina is based oo adjacent to Westchester PWlt for tbeir republtion," he said. Greenbelt Pari<. This time, a let- bJ 11arrJ Be...,... were given to the publoc. In Oc- ls the Caty of Greenbelt ready tober 1999. city insurance trusts for 1M upcoming milk:nnium? , were deemed okay. Later in the C.ity officials, confident that month the Y2K Comminee is Y2K compliant, briefed c•ty council on the prepa- .._. Chis view with the puhlic ration status. II .. illformational meeting held Furthermore. Ferguson de·. in die Community Center Multi- scribed the city's compliance plan purpose R<?om at 8 p.m. on mandating that all vendors doing Wednesday, December 8. ··t am berc to address specific operation plans to meet the Y2K challenge," Bowman "Bo" Ferguson, tbe city's Y2K Coordi- nator. said. During the meeting Ferguson gave an overview of Year 2000 issues; insight in10 Greenbelt's readiness and contin- gency planning; and the readines!. of other organizations, including the county. sllite, and federal gov- ernments. MIIYOI' Jlltlltll Dam IXPfUIH 1m tar 1111 mtmlhl alltl tiNIIIIhlllf Wllft 1M 1111 Y2K pro/ftl by FBTJIIIIIR lml ,, ,, "'" m1mbl11. "I think IIIII 1111 wafll lllllff t1111 will happen II IIIJIIIIIJf, IIIB Uld. Problems were also found m ter writing and petition drive is other computer systems in the underway &eeking federal and/or city. 'The: two most costly prob· . state funds for the acquisition or lems to COI'l"CCt dealt With the po- the remaining undeveloped pU· lice department - the phone sy•- eels of the J- tract, mucll of tem and the puking llcket sys- which wu developed in the tern. Until January, parking lick- 1960s as Westchester Park. Tbe e() will be done manually. catalyst for this .action is me pes- Other city serv1ce!<> have also !.ible development of the remain- been updated. The retrad mg land. V-shaped and owned tern, which maintains rewrd!<> of by the Jaeger family. the original people who US( Greenbelt\ ro;:re- 76.5 at:re tract fronted on auon facalities. was faxed. All Edmonston Road and lallet on the systems related to accounts re- newer Kenilworth Avenue, with ce1vabte and for ci1y the boltom of the V froR.Ung the workers are working correctly. road and the two eJLtenlloni jut- Also, all a1r conditioning systems ung into Greenbelt Park. m c1ty buildings have been tested Beat The Rush Pleale aivc .. your ""'')' on Mondays or at leu& by noon on Tue&day•. We ue tryina not to pt •wamped Tuc:oday niahts. Thundoy, December 16. 1999. A D and C Manaaement Company ia propoaing to buJ the mnaini"' acreqe and con- . . SlrUCt 35 delachod ................... homes on a 17.4 acre .... )b.· · · .. cated south of Westchetillr ... . Drive, about 300 feet - 1/1" .• Kenilworth Avenue. Two ... g- apamncnt buildinp 10111- ina 60 uni11 arc .,..,.,.,.. r.,. an- other 3.7 """' parcel located be- tween the exi•lina Weau:hlleer Park condominium townhoulcl garden apartment development and the tint hi&h-risc bulldina. now a condominium. Oppoollleol The Westchester Park Civk= Association has an ad hoc com- mince meetina weekly 10 n:line its lentr writin& and petition See JAEGER, pqe 16 Fer1uson went over a time line starting in late 1997 thai Greenbelt has followed to its cur- re• peporatioo: business with Greenbelt be Y2K compliant. Ferguson and his col- leagues sent letters to these ven- dors requesting theu and, where ·necessary. redoigned. According to Ferguson. no one can say for sure. however, that there won't be temporary dasrup- uon!. m !.orne service!.. or. Metts Seta Sl&ht To RaiH Schooll'aa .. In 1998. the city beaan insllll· lation of two new computer sys- tems to replace computers used by city government lhat were over 12 years old. During the summer of 1999. frequent up- dates about Y2K compliance "In January of 1999, nne of the vendors had a glitch with the payroll system, but they fixed it," Fergu10n said. "We· reo:eivcd almost 100 per- cent asurancc from those compa- nies," Ferguson 5ald. "How can Millennium Colebn- Large m Greenbcll for the New Year wilt be taklns place at the c-.uty Center. the Gre.:nbelt Hohday See Y2K, Pill• 7 A Little Something for Everyone At Greenbelt New Year 2000 by l'lottl Brolhers Top entertainers from the Bal- •umore-Washington area will be sharing their varied talents with all of th"e folks who will be bringing in the New Millennium at the NY2000 Celebration. The Communily Ceriter will host many wonderful iocluding Trinidad and Tobago, a steelband 8fOUP that has been in existence since 1961. Through music the band bas been expos- ing its audiences .lo the great sounds of the Caribbean culture. Tbe band has performed for pa.'t- Presidents of the United States, w1th many Hollywood entertain- ers, at various national and local events, as well as at workshops at various festivals and i:n numerous school systems. DC Motors will follow Trinidad and Tobago in the gym and will bring in the New Year in fine style. DC Mo- l!ro a Washington, DC based band comprised of Mtke Dimm1d, Tom Ross and An Fox. and has been performing together for over 20 years. The band plays an unu!!.ually wide variety of wllh lots or energy and non-slop fun! They performed previously at Greenbelt NY99. Bndgcs to Bliss is a trio of three very talented musician' - Bobbi BliJts, Don Bridges and David Scales. The three have been performing since 1995, and while particularly concentrating on children's music for NY2000, their songwriting and performing styles also include folic, country, pop, adult contemporary, lhcater tunes. gospel and bluegrass. Their sound 1s characterized by singable melodic!., iuperb hanno- nies. and memorable lyrics. Puppet Show Kaydee been touring the Wa!.hmgton D.C. mcl- ropol itan area fur over 20 years with a vanety of wunderful pup- pet show>. ahuy> deliahting each and every Each perfor- mance 1s e!<>pe!:lally des1gned to create a world of tale• - which will he enJoyed not only by children. bul hy their parents and well. Blackberry woll fill the daoce studio w1th thetr wonderful Cajun sound!.. The evening Will stan off with a danio:c lesson by two houf!<o uf great ··make you want to dan"e - 11 is polka, ro- mantic ur plam fun - music .. performed by Paula Lucas, Joel Baole>. Jom Broley. Miles Spocer and JuMm Bnley. A good ume for everyone 10 be had! John vmce and talent on the acoustu.: gu1tar will provide an evening ot great musac an the upstair!. luunge Hall comes to Greenbelt all the way from Havre de Gra1.:e, M () He has done a number of uver hli career and been involved· IR recordmg and prndu"mg rad1o but performmg for live h1!t favonte thing. He rcrform!. all over Maryland and Delaware m clubs, Legion halb. Lllffimunity and pnvate Ent: Hennmg, a masler magi- cian, will be performing in the Greenbelt Theatre with three See NEW YEAR, J111P 13 byNoldaY- Money was tbe theme of Su- perintendent of School1 Dr. Ins T. Mens' presentation to the Greenbelt Cicy Council on De- cember I). Money to bring Prance George's County's cost per pup1l up from the lowest in the metropolitan area. Money lO renovate, and conven old buildings into schools. Money to hire additional teach· ers. Money .to increaiC salariC$ of current teachers and retain lop adminislrators like Dr. GeraJd Boarman, principal of Eleanor Roosevelt High School. Metts intends. sbe said. to ere- ace a State of the State public school system by finding new money and claiming surplus bud- gel funds for .Prince Georse's schools. Grant development. therefore, is one of her top pri- orities, and the University of Maryland has been taraeted by Metts to create a major founda- tion for kids. She is kx,kins to- ward other outsade sources as well. Sbe praised Eleaoor R0010velt Hagh School for its recent aelec- tion as an outstanding school by bemg named a New American School. She noted that ERHS eJLcels in sports as well and won 1he !.tate football championship the same week it wu recopi.zod al the White House for its aca- demic excellence. She pointed out that the feeder ochool• for ERHS are exceptional. Officers Dave Bueraer and Jim Parker were praised by Meal for developins Greenbelt's police in the program. She uid she inlends to usc program as a model for the cuunly. Fm who are frustrated with 1he school bus servtce. she noted. belp is on tbe way. The Pnnce George's lran&portation 11 beins COIJ'IPI*rizcd, re- placina the old hand-routins •Y•· tem. In die future, when bus drivers call in sick at the last minute. it should be easier to find I iUbstitUIC driver, bacauK subs an: alated to ba&in RCCi•ina benefits. Earlier in the day Meua v.: ited Johns Hopkins Talent prosram. She susge1ted that parents of exceptionally gifted students an Prince George's County con&ider 1ttc e,rwichment classes that are offered al the Rockville, Columbia, and Homewood campuaes of Hopkins. These cla11es are available on and in the summers to those who receive top arades on iblndardiud tests. Met11 said the claasu (:Oil $2,000 each but thai scholanhi .. are available for thole in need. In an e-.clusivc incerview fol- lowing her talk to the council, Mens was asked to comment about Kent County'• top ocores on the latest MSPAP teats and whether Prince 0<ar10'• ocboola would addre1s writina 1kills, problem solvina. and use of tope in an JDempl to improw:. ocores. Metts said. "Prince <Jeorae'a is IIUill clift"- from Kent CouniJ. ERHS alone has more Sllldellll than all of Kent C-J- Wo lla>e one challcn10: 10 impr0¥e all IChoola." Sbe wallll Prince CleorJe'• schooh to 10 back to the buicl of readina. writina and arithmetic. Oront ia her lint priarily npc ...... .I r.'' .•- ....

Transcript of · EENBELT wsReview 15 Cres

Page 1: · EENBELT wsReview 15 Cres


wsReview 15 Cres<.-,nt Rd., Suite 100, ~nbelt. MD2077().1887

City Prepared for lliUeDDi111D ADd Y2K Ready. Say Dmcials ..,J_Gl_ .

you be so'""'? You can'!; how- Once again efforts are bein1 ever, havina them in writing. we made to ecquire until:¥eloped land feel that the writina is based oo adjacent to Westchester PWlt for tbeir republtion," he said. Greenbelt Pari<. This time, a let-

bJ 11arrJ Be...,... were given to the publoc. In Oc-ls the Caty of Greenbelt ready tober 1999. city insurance trusts

for 1M upcoming milk:nnium? , were deemed okay. Later in the C.ity officials, confident that month the Y2K Comminee

G~enbelt is Y2K compliant, briefed c•ty council on the prepa­.._. Chis view with the puhlic ration status. II .. illformational meeting held Furthermore. Ferguson de·. in die Community Center Multi- scribed the city's compliance plan purpose R<?om at 8 p.m. on mandating that all vendors doing Wednesday, December 8.

··t am berc to address specific operation plans to meet the Y2K challenge," Bowman "Bo" Ferguson, tbe city's Y2K Coordi­nator. said. During the meeting Ferguson gave an overview of Year 2000 issues; insight in10 Greenbelt's readiness and contin­gency planning; and the readines!. of other organizations, including the county. sllite, and federal gov­ernments.

MIIYOI' Jlltlltll Dam IXPfUIH 1m l~lllln

tar 1111 mtmlhl alltl tiNIIIIhlllf Wllft 1M 1111 Y2K pro/ftl by

FBTJIIIIIR lml ,, ,, "'" m1mbl11. "I think IIIII 1111

wafll lllllff t1111 will happen II IIIJIIIIIJf, • IIIB Uld.

Problems were also found m ter writing and petition drive is other computer systems in the underway &eeking federal and/or city. 'The: two most costly prob· . state funds for the acquisition or lems to COI'l"CCt dealt With the po- the remaining undeveloped pU· lice department - the phone sy•- eels of the J- tract, mucll of tem and the puking llcket sys- which wu developed in the tern. Until January, parking lick- 1960s as Westchester Park. Tbe e() will be done manually. catalyst for this .action is me pes-

Other city serv1ce!<> have also !.ible development of the remain­been updated. The retrad ~y~- mg land. V-shaped and owned tern, which maintains rewrd!<> of by the Jaeger family. the original people who US( Greenbelt\ ro;:re- 76.5 at:re tract fronted on auon facalities. was faxed. All Edmonston Road and lallet on the systems related to accounts re- newer Kenilworth Avenue, with ce1vabte and pa)'check~ for ci1y the boltom of the V froR.Ung the workers are working correctly. road and the two eJLtenlloni jut­Also, all a1r conditioning systems ung into Greenbelt Park. m c1ty buildings have been tested

Beat The Rush Pleale aivc .. your ""'')'

on Mondays or at leu& by noon on Tue&day•. We ue tryina not to pt •wamped Tuc:oday niahts.

Thundoy, December 16. 1999.

A D and C Manaaement Company ia propoaing to buJ the mnaini"' acreqe and con- . . SlrUCt 35 delachod ................... ~·'· homes on a 17.4 acre .... )b.· · · :~ .. cated south of Westchetillr ... . Drive, about 300 feet - 1/1" .• :·~~­Kenilworth Avenue. Two ... g- apamncnt buildinp 10111-ina 60 uni11 arc .,..,.,.,.. r.,. an-other 3.7 """' parcel located be-tween the exi•lina Weau:hlleer Park condominium townhoulcl garden apartment development and the tint hi&h-risc ~ bulldina. now a condominium.

Oppoollleol The Westchester Park Civk=

Association has an ad hoc com­mince meetina weekly 10 n:line its lentr writin& and petition

See JAEGER, pqe 16

Fer1uson went over a time line starting in late 1997 thai Greenbelt has followed to its cur­re• peporatioo:

business with Greenbelt be Y2K compliant. Ferguson and his col­leagues sent letters to these ven­dors requesting theu rea~surance.

and, where ·necessary. redoigned. According to Ferguson. no one

can say for sure. however, that there won't be temporary dasrup­uon!. m !.orne service!..

or. Metts Seta Sl&ht To RaiH Schooll'aa ..

In 1998. the city beaan insllll· lation of two new computer sys­tems to replace computers used by city government lhat were over 12 years old. During the summer of 1999. frequent up­dates about Y2K compliance

"In January of 1999, nne of the vendors had a glitch with the payroll system, but they fixed it," Fergu10n said.

"We· reo:eivcd almost 100 per­cent asurancc from those compa­nies," Ferguson 5ald. "How can

Millennium Colebn-Large celebration~ m

Greenbcll for the New Year wilt be taklns place at the c-.uty Center. the Gre.:nbelt Hohday

See Y2K, Pill• 7

A Little Something for Everyone At Greenbelt New Year 2000

by l'lottl Brolhers Top entertainers from the Bal­

•umore-Washington area will be sharing their varied talents with all of th"e folks who will be bringing in the New Millennium at the NY2000 Celebration.

The Communily Ceriter will host many wonderful performer~. iocluding Trinidad and Tobago, a steelband 8fOUP that has been in existence since 1961. Through music the band bas been expos­ing its audiences .lo the great sounds of the Caribbean culture. Tbe band has performed for pa.'t­Presidents of the United States, w1th many Hollywood entertain­ers, at various national and local events, as well as at workshops at various festivals and i:n numerous school systems. DC Motors will follow Trinidad and Tobago in

the gym and will bring in the New Year in fine style. DC Mo­tor~ l!ro a Washington, DC based band comprised of Mtke Dimm1d, Tom Ross and An Fox. and has been performing together for over 20 years. The band plays an unu!!.ually wide variety of ~tyle!ro wllh lots or energy and non-slop fun! They performed previously at Greenbelt NY99.

Bndgcs to Bliss is a trio of three very talented musician' -Bobbi BliJts, Don Bridges and David Scales. The three have been performing since 1995, and while particularly concentrating on children's music for NY2000, their songwriting and performing styles also include folic, country, pop, adult contemporary, lhcater tunes. gospel and bluegrass. Their sound 1s characterized by

singable melodic!., iuperb hanno­nies. and memorable lyrics.

Puppet Show Kaydee Puppet~ ha~ been

touring the Wa!.hmgton D.C. mcl­ropol itan area fur over 20 years with a vanety of wunderful pup­pet show>. ahuy> deliahting each and every aud1cn~.:e. Each perfor­mance 1s e!<>pe!:lally des1gned to create a fanta~y world of tale• -which will he enJoyed not only by children. bul hy their parents and grandparent~ a~ well.

Blackberry woll fill the daoce studio w1th thetr wonderful Cajun sound!.. The evening Will stan off with a danio:c lesson follow~ by two houf!<o uf great ··make you want to dan"e - 11 is polka, ro­mantic ur JU~t plam fun - music .. performed by Paula Lucas, Joel Baole>. Jom Broley. Miles Spocer and JuMm Bnley. A good ume for everyone •~ ~ure 10 be had!

John H1lr~ vmce and talent on the acoustu.: gu1tar will provide an evening ot great musac an the upstair!. luunge Hall comes to Greenbelt all the way from Havre de Gra1.:e, M () He has done a number of rcc.:ording~ uver hli career and ha~ been involved· IR recordmg and prndu"mg rad1o jingle~ but 'JY~ performmg for live audu:n~.·c, •~ h1!t favonte thing. He rcrform!. all over Maryland and Delaware m clubs, Legion halb. Lllffimunity fe~t1vals and pnvate partie~.

Ent: Hennmg, a masler magi­cian, will be performing in the Greenbelt Theatre with three

See NEW YEAR, J111P 13

byNoldaY-Money was tbe theme of Su­

perintendent of School1 Dr. Ins T. Mens' presentation to the Greenbelt Cicy Council on De­cember I). Money to bring Prance George's County's cost per pup1l up from the lowest in the metropolitan area. Money lO con~truct, renovate, and conven old buildings into schools. Money to hire additional teach· ers. Money .to increaiC salariC$ of current teachers and retain lop adminislrators like Dr. GeraJd Boarman, principal of Eleanor Roosevelt High School.

Metts intends. sbe said. to ere­ace a State of the State public school system by finding new money and claiming surplus bud­gel funds for .Prince Georse's schools. Grant development. therefore, is one of her top pri­orities, and the University of Maryland has been taraeted by Metts to create a major founda­tion for kids. She is kx,kins to­ward other outsade sources as well.

Sbe praised Eleaoor R0010velt Hagh School for its recent aelec­tion as an outstanding school by bemg named a New American School. She noted that ERHS eJLcels in sports as well and won 1he !.tate football championship the same week it wu recopi.zod al the White House for its aca­demic excellence. She pointed out that the feeder ochool• for ERHS are exceptional.

Officers Dave Bueraer and Jim Parker were praised by Meal for developins Greenbelt's police in the !K.'h<x>l~ program. She uid she inlends to usc Grecn~ft'1 program as a model for the cuunly.

Fm lho~e who are frustrated with 1he school bus servtce. she noted. belp is on tbe way. The Pnnce George's lran&portation sy~~em 11 beins COIJ'IPI*rizcd, re­placina the old hand-routins •Y•· tem. In die future, when bus

drivers call in sick at the last minute. it should be easier to find I iUbstitUIC driver, bacauK subs an: alated to ba&in RCCi•ina benefits.

Earlier in the day Meua v.: ited Johns Hopkins Talent Searl:~ prosram. She susge1ted that parents of exceptionally gifted students an Prince George's County con&ider 1ttc e,rwichment classes that are offered al the Rockville, Columbia, and Homewood campuaes of Hopkins. These cla11es are available on weekend~ and in the summers to those who receive top arades on iblndardiud tests. Met11 said the claasu (:Oil

$2,000 each but thai scholanhi .. are available for thole in need.

In an e-.clusivc incerview fol­lowing her talk to the council, Mens was asked to comment about Kent County'• top ocores on the latest MSPAP teats and whether Prince 0<ar10'• ocboola would addre1s writina 1kills, problem solvina. and use of tope in an JDempl to improw:. ocores. Metts said. "Prince <Jeorae'a is IIUill clift"- from Kent CouniJ. ERHS alone has more Sllldellll than all of Kent C-J- Wo lla>e one challcn10: 10 impr0¥e all IChoola." Sbe wallll Prince CleorJe'• schooh to 10 back to the buicl of readina. writina and arithmetic. Oront cte.e~ ia her lint priarily npc ......


r.'' .•- ....

Page 2: · EENBELT wsReview 15 Cres

Tbundloy, Dec:omber 16, 19'111

The Old Curmudgeon Carrien Briag Greetiags Around rhas lime of year it has been traditional for the younasters

who delrver rhc News R .. iew 10 lea>e holiday ,_.ngs envelopes at the homes lhey serve. The News Review's fmancial posit1on ls such tlw we cannot pay our c.ric:n very IIIIlCh. They on: therefore depen­dent on seneroua holiday cloaotionsiO ·~ !heir nominal pay.

Most of rhc conien ranac in ..., from pn:-- 10 rhc middle teens.

LaiGeside Dog Delays Mail to Local Homes

..,. Neldo y,. .. One medium-soud bla.:k dog

ai 6 ~ide w"" mrghrier than rain, sleet, or !!now. He stopped rhc nj,UJ on December 6.

For rhc yoonger boys and sirls, delivering rhc News Review i• their fant job experience. Many ol rhc older carrier~ llllrled at a young ase and c:ominue to deliver the News Review I!Yinly u a service to d~etr nerghbo<hood. It is a leamin1 procesa fO< all rhcae youngsters and, 10 ~orne cues, the il15lillarion of respoMibibty tabs umc and patience.

The holldoy '"""' affO<ds us all a dtonc:e 10 lhow approcialion and to provide encouragement for ihe elforll of rhcae youngster; and at the same tnnc to ihow understanding for any faitinp dla( m1gtu have nc-cum::d dunng the year. •

Agam th1s Year. the carriers Will leave envdopa. We hope these envclopa.. equipped with our carriers' names Mid addtessc!l, will be helpful to our readers who wish co show appre;ialion. In case the CalTier'!l name or lddras is in doubt, emdopes 1111y be mailed lo the News Review. 15 Crescent Road. Su~ 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887. for forwarding. Please include your addraa j() we can identify your camer.

I Letters I Than/a

I would hke to publrdy thank the City or Greenbelt for rhc sen­erou) loon of therr sound sy~ for the Sr. Hugh's School Chrior­~m:. P-ageant on Monday. Decem­ber 13. A!a our pageant has grown over lhe yean, the acous: ttcs m the hall .ue no longer ad­equate. The ('rty of Greenbelt has t"NlCe again come to our res­cue and pn.w1ded a much-needed ~uund system for t~ evening. Our hall was filled to capacuy with over I 00 costumed <:hildren and even rnore proud parents and ramaly mem~.

Thank you to Joe McNeal, Community Center Supervisor. and Grog Varda. Reaation Coor­dinator. for their kindness. Mary Chnstmas lo all!

MIII'YE.WiieiM ..._,.. St. Hap'a Sdoool

Commenclcmon The News Review ii ro be

commended for rhc eltCCilent ar­ticle by Elaine Skolnik des<tibins rhc controversy swirlifrl about tho Jaqer tracts and the de>elopmenr being proposed for !hem, which if buah wiU have 1 detrimental effocr on o11r beaUiiful GreenlrCJt Park.

This propooed de>Ciopment of 35 houses on rhc 17.4 IICres will affect the water quality or StiU Creek which would lla>e to re­coi>e rhc runoff c( lawo ehcini­cala .... pel - from rhc adja­cent~.

A few ,_. aao 1 ~ Slipor-

intendent and· some an the Na­riORil Park Service expressed to sn-eral Grcenbehers the behcf they had, that Mr. Jaeger. had he lived, would have 81\len these !rac!s to rhc Park "" he had p<e­VIousl)l done with other at.:reage. The previous lifl IS )tJII referred to by the Park people "' ""The Jaeger Tract" year!~ later

The Greens of Greenbelt pas5ed a resoluaion Monday naght opposing rhe development The Greens appl-.d Cny Council for consl51ently ~mg the devcl­opmenr and for urgmg the Fed­eral Government to purcha~ rht) land and add It kl the Park.

Joan Snyd•r

Volunteen Needed For Scienat Fair

Volunteers are needed on Jan11ary 6 to help ro plan for Gr-Jrelr Elementary School's Science Pair. Community help ~nd science fair judges are '*<led. h il 1101 necessary to be a p.renc lo .,..UClpatc. All volun­_.. will be wdeomed.

Agyonc who is anteres(ed 1n helpin1 to ~uce the science fair shoukt Qlfttact Beth Stewan at Greenbelt Elementary. 301-513-5911.

CorreclicM Apoloaies to re5ident

Donald ~ for mrsspell­iiiJ Ilia - iii !be December 9 edilioit. We rqwt:t tbe error.

Cll,r., .. IRIIIII Cllrla' ...... y ..

City om- ..... deled-= FRIDA. Y, D1C1M8U. 24111 AND

Ji'RIDAY, DECEMBER 31~~~' TlleC.,....c- cthawtiMc,..._da,..

._..,. ilbc;clqnltllla•••-*......­......_n._._.....,......_..,.,_..

.... COIIIctltlll .......... .......,,, --

For more informatiaa call die~ of l'lliNic Worts at 301-474-8000, rhc Greenbelt Cannectioa uJOJ-47~100 or viait <menbelt CityUnk II hap://,.,

\1/hen a do~ ~~ aggress1ve. it il s.llhdard U.S Po:!lt Office pro­cedute to put !he health of the postal earner before del1very of the rnaJI. So 10 or 12 homes m the Lakeside dc'elopmenr did not receive the1r mJJI at the usual tune lhal d.ay Some people re­ceived their mad after 5:30 p.m. on McH'Iday Other!! ro.:e1ved two dclivcr1es on Tue!lday

In all hrs years of workmg at the post offtce, Robert Brownrng. a manager at the Greenbelt Post Otfacc. sasd he could rM)f remem­ber a f>lmilar dog story.

(The rest of the ~wry that the Post Office d1d nnt know fol­lows: a burglar let the dug out of the hou)e and a wcll-inten­troned ne1ghbor who bu1l1 a "!ltairMcp wood pile ne.~~;t to the feoce rnr the homeowner, himself laid up with a hroken leg, pro­vided lhe -.·anulC an eXIt from the yard.)

Henderson Elected School Board Chair

The Prance George·~ County Boaro of Education held elo.:uuns during their reorganiza110nal meelmf. un Monday, December (>, selo..1mg Oa)lnCI 2 Board Rcp­rc~entattve James Hendenon, who rapresenrs Greenbelt. a!l chair.

Hender~on was eleL·ted to the &lard of Education in 1998. lle ~~ a retW'cd Air Force major whu currently works as a financial consul1an1. o .... er the vears Hender'im tw been i""'rlv«< m ~ variety of CIVIC orgamzahons in­cluding Youth for Understanding, the communtty Advisory Council on Magnet and Compensatory Edocatu>n Programs, and rhc Ex­ecutivt· PTA Board at DuVal High Sdt<,~. He chairs rhc Bud­Ret: and Administrarion Commit­tee for the Board of Education.

..... •••• n• lllelng Jollnlllloltawlclt (R)

.._.Villa._ Club {G)

... A Wondlrfl.l ~ INRI

"·~-(7:30) Sot. BliiiOII V1oto (5:15-.00),


Sun Jolvl-...,. (7:30)

au.., V;aa,l5:t50k00)

Woo EndllbnigN!


"Yoo caa rest usured tile News Review Is Y2K compliant ... "

• Senior Scholarships complete 36 houn; of ~en 1, ~· learning, m1nimum 2.5 <W\ and two letters of recommt'nd.r tion. Deadline for appilc.::.~lt"rh 1s Saturday. January 15 h•r addirional information conta, 1

the school guidance offr1:L' "I

call 301-699-2800.

The Prance George·~ Volun­teer Center announces the an­nual )chnlarsh1p ~.-ompc:tllion for graduating scnwrs. Studenl.~ w1ll submu a 200- word essay on the 1mportance uf volunteer­mg. Other requirements are:

Greenbelt Municipal/Public .o Cht11111el B-1 0 Schedule

MUNICIPAL ACCESS-JOI-114-8000 T11aolory & 17t.,,.,.,, ~ 21 &

~2J p.a Sua Vtrits Gteettbe1t

6:15 ,.. Gteettbdt Coacat llaad HOtidoy Coacat 7:38 p.& Rqllay olC<runcil MceliDc of 12/13/99

HIIJIPY Holillllysfrom CluutMI B-10! ,, .. , .. ,, News Review

AN INDEPENDENT NEWSFW>ER 15 er-t ...... Sun.100, a.__,.....,._. 20770-1887

-.vwo...--.._, (301) 474-4131 • FAX 301-474-5110

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301-474-8744 3q1-4744745


tiOMD OF tiMECTCittl

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'l'llllnUy, o-.ller 16, 1999 ' ..... 3

··Umpires Ale Sought Golden,. Club 1he c .......... eonc.t'il w t9. bJIIIIIIr ......... The Prince <Jeorse 's County

Boys & Girls Club is looking for people with baseball experience who enjoy working with young people 10 become umpires for rhc year 2000 baseball seoson. The leagues arc for ages 10-16. and !hey will commence in May and run through July. Prospective umpires wllt receive training from experts - at no cost - in ~­ball rules and field mcchamcs starting in February.

At the library Cblldrea'a....,._

Tuesday, DecemJrer 21, P. J.

Recrealian Review Jteaillralioltl for Countdown

~to be hdll6om ~ 7:1 - 31, ... lllill boina aa:q>t<d • the Coatntuaity ea..r oftice_ CaD 301-397-22011 for more dt:tlils. Coma­ck>Ml the final days uf 1999 with New y.., crafts and rituals from IO'OUitdtho..mi

At rhc December 8 ~ JliOIIIIIII chair Miry o.Grto-~ duced Cathy Clorico, ua.illlant ......,... and Kathy l"'ltaUa. lilc - of Laurel Lalooa Aport-

,.~~Ciri* ca-t wiU lrC ~. Decatrlror 19 a1 7:30p.m. in tile~ Cltttn:b. leon Cocrk ia .....

diiOCIIna tho -- ....,..Sirlple)' Srorytime a1 7 p.m .. for ages 4 -6.

Libraries cloaed Friday, Satur­day and SWiday, December 24 -26.

Anyone interested in becoming a baseball umpire and having fun while earning extra income should call 301-249-5858, TIY 301-699-2544; This program is sponsored by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. De­partment of Parks and Recreation, Prince <leorJc's County. Accom­modations fOr individuals with disabilities are available upon re­quest.

GIAC Holds Logo Contest

(lit rhc ,_ r- off k> a healthy 011rt with I '-1)' rooming swim -the Alllulllbcldicn Mile Swim • rhc o-nlrdt Aqui1ic & F"""" Cen­ler. ,.;.,cp.llioo is rcquued ~ 301-397-2204 fly"""" information.

The <lrccnbo;lt Internet Access C<>-op (GIAC) needs ideas for a GIAC logo.

Individuals wishing to enter a logo for consideralion by the membership may do so before Sunday, January 2.

La leche League Meets December 21

Museum News by Satidra Lange

The GreenlrCit Museum, LO-B Cre5Cenc Road, is decorated for the holidays. A tree with orna­ments from rhc 1930s and 1940s is in the living room. A metal wind--up train donated by pioneer Lucille Howell surrounds the tree. Museum hours a .. 1-5 p.m. every Sunday.

The GreenJrelt Museum Gift Shop will be open on Sunday. December 19 for last-manute shopping. Gifts will also be sold at rhc Greenbelt Co-op on Satur­day, DecemJrer 18 and Sunday December 19, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Millennium Calendar and rhc new cookbook. "Greenbelt Cooks-Then and Now," are dis­tinctive gifts to be treasured for many years. The cookbook has over 100 recipes from p1oneer families and present-day Greenbelten. A new ornament with "Holiday Greetmgs from Grecnbclf' is another 1pec1alty item this year. The new lzzy Parker holiday card is sold out, but there are still a few packages left of rhc David Granahan holi­·day card. Other favorite Greenbelt holiday gifts are the Mother and Child statuette and the GreenlrCit hiatory book. The museum also has a lot of small wooden toyS. marbles. mus1cal instruments and children's books for 5tocking 5luffen.

The Greenbelt Museum wrll be closed on two Sundays. De­cember 26 and January 2. Also, the exhibition room in the Com­munity Center will be closed on New Year's E>e.

Babysitling Course Offenlcl by CARES

GreenlrCit CARES Youth and Family Services Bureau offers a winter senion free babysiuing course on Wednesday morning. December 29. from ·10 a.m. - I p.m .. in the first floor conference room, in rhc Municipal Building, 2S Crescent Road.

The course is targete4 roward students in grades 5 - 8.. Stu­dents will learn responsibility and health and aafety issues of raking care or childml, u well as learn­

. ina: about poison control and fire prevention .

The latest entries can be viewed at hllp~lgreenbeh.oomlgiac/ logos.hrrn.

E-ma1l entries to bates®J!R"'

After JllltU8i)l 2 voting will Jre open for t1m:c days, January 3 -5. with one account genms one ><>~e. Results will be announced al the tx>ard meeting on Thursday, January 6.

Send votes to bates@ J!R"' after January 2.

La Leche Leasue nf Greenbelt will meet on Tuetoday, December 21. at 10 ·a.m. at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 6905 Greenbelt Ro.d. The topic of the meeting is ''Planning for Baby." Pregnant and breastfec:ding mothers arc in­vited to attend. Bab1cs are wel­come. For more mformation. plcuc call Heather at 301-345-1859 or Mary at 301-345-4589.

GED Courses by CARES Slart Winler Program GreenlrCir CARES will begin rent lease, phone or electric bill,

the winter 10-week GED course driver·s hcense or Motor Vch1cle on Thunday, JllltU8I)I 13. It will 1.0. card). . end on Thunday, March 23. Reg- There IS no charge . for istration for the course will be Greenbelt res1dents 1n ~llhcr held on Thursday. January 13, coune. Non-Green~l~ resrdents from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., ore n>qUiled 10 pay a I rqpstra-

1 The first clua will be held lion fee. All student5 are n:quiled :::: ~y. January 18. to purchase a copy of the OED

QED 1 is held from 10:30 a.m. te•tbook (purchased from _ 12:30 p.m. GED 1 is for stu- GreenJrelt CARES) at a cool of dent5 who need review of basoc $14. be

16 math (addition, subtraction, multi- Students do noc hrive to lication. division, fract.ions, deci- yean of age to rake l~e. OED

:;..,,, percentages and word prob- course. Student& ore ehgrble 10 lems) and English grammar skills. take a GED pre-teot gtven at

GED II is held from I - 3 p.m. Greenbelt CARES • ~ coot. The GED 11 is for stodenU who ha>C actual GED test 11 ltYCD by the successfully completed GED I atate of Maryland, 1101 a.-belt and/or are ready 10 Jearn alsebra CARES. Howe-. students ready and geometry, English literature ro take rhc rest can obtain rhc ap­and writing &kills. and prepare to plication forms from Greenbelt rake rhc GED test. CARES. .

OED classes are held every Quesuons and em>llment •nfO<-Tuesday and Thursday for 10 marion regardrng GED I or GED weeks. in the MunK:ipal Buildina II s~ould be d1r~1ed to Judyc Conference Room, 25 Crescent Herang. couhc Instructor,

4 at

Road. Students are required to Greenbelt CARES, at 301-3 5-show proof of residency (i.e .. cur- 6660, eJ<t. 144.

Landless Theater's

fi Christmas Carol and other Holiday treats with traditional choral selections

for the whole family. Dec. 1 7, 18, 19 at 8 pm at Greenbelt Arts Center

Student1 who complete the course will receive a certifJC.-e of completion and be elisiblc 10 par­ticipate in Oreenbeh CARES' Odd Jobs/Job Bank program.

Tickets: $10: $8 students l!C seniors Information l!C Reservations:

301·441-8770 For additiOnal information and

enrollment call 301-345-6660. mJS 'IIIEEK ONLYI

- I privolely- dowllop-ment for senior citizens which plans 10 open amund l'obr.-y I. They answend ttWty qllelbOIII, handod out lrroclruns and pmvidod light rdrahmontl.

John Taylor, uavel chair, io signin& up rnemben iiiWI:IIed in rhc April 4 trip to tho Orarlic -~ """'· Mole infomtolioa ... _

Pearl Siepl. cu1ilijiUNiiic IOC· tolar)', Jead I ...... of ......,.;oDon from rhc NalioMI World W.. D Memorial Fund Olpllilalioa.

Ellie Ri,.., .-rlrenltip cbair, welcomed new member Ruth Edwards.

Greenbelt CARES Wendy \Ve>.ler hdll the laat ....

sioo ol rhc Teen Diocuuion Group at Eleanor Roooe>elt HiJit School. She wiU be c:orrductins i_,iews with studenls i--.-1 in ponici­poting in rhc next JitlUP startin& m January.

Judye Herin& is publicizin& rhc CARES winter free babyainin& ooune. The ooune wiU lrC hdll in the Municipal Buildina on W..n.tay, Dot:anlrer 29 from 10 Lm.-1 p.m. It ia LliJeiOd lDWIId studertls CUITIItlly in padea 5 - 8 and teachea rcsponoibillty and safety isouca of blbyailtina.

Hering attcndod rhc final ,.__ ing of rhc Engapd Campua on Doccmber 9. The Engapd c .... pu• io a collabo<ati>e effort Jre­tween rhc Univenity ol Maryland and local community 11encies with univenity OIUdent i-... -.ol-

ia ..... and ora-ilL . . Tbo ,..,.,.. illclttdol .• tndi-tical_. ......... ..

oplrilul "Whaa v ... a- Call v- I'NilJ Utile ....,,. • ca­P cao1 "WWiD's aa... 'IIIII 11te Slory?," .... "Ail .u.x. Clml Saatplor," which ia ... _. all ........ and popullr ..... lite 1800'•- Soloiall will Jre Rena Hull, Miry Hil'-- lim n~~o~t. Ralph Webb, G'mny Well• llliCI Oinny Williltni-ScM ... c;...·lilt Dilplap Light Show

On Dot:ember IS, fnrm 6 - 9 p.m. (nitt - Dot:anlrer 19), tho public it. invitlod 10 wallt or dri>e aJon& Nortlrway and "be clazzlocl. by an omy ot coknd lantama," rc:porll_tho ContntiiW to Saw tho a.- Belt The _. diaplay, from 6 - 9 p.m. only, ia tbe -'< c( the~ Fer- illb­ntalion call 301-474-6708.

- andoervico-loni .. oppor­tunilica. The u~ receMd a IJI'IIIIIO report ito ftndiDp oad 11&­velop a model or an Enpaed ~ ror future 111C by other ocadomi< oellinp.

o...u. the month of Now:ntber 19 familicl on a..,.. _, _, fly coumeli111 oerW:ea a1 CARES. The wcd<ly .;....., of illlivickilla wao 40; rhc weekly avcraae or youdrs - IS. Ajrpnilinulldy S6 atudenta received tutotlna u•.••­rance.

Or••altelt ~ ._. ......_ c..e. ~ .....,. ...... ~ Christmas Eve

Friday,December24, 199~~9 . Gam· 6pm

Christmas Day • Saturday, December 25, 1999

12pm- 4pm

c.u ~,., ......... -. .... ,_ ....

-KHHfttftt'MttHHfttf GREENBELT NEW YEAR 2000

frlclly, ........ 31 • 6 p.m. to 1 l.m. (A,..,.. """""'., .,. ..,,.._, ,.., ..

./rl!JriM 1111111l ...... .... ,2/21


"""'VII ......... . $7AO .


Page 3: · EENBELT wsReview 15 Cres

,. .. ~------ --CJc•~ __ :.~

-- - -- -- -

Steve Gingell Sre.., Ginsell died December

14, 1999. Steve beJan ban1ins brain cancer lhis pall summer and pve up ohe fig!K ~Y Tues­day momin1.

Ste-ve is survived by a sister. Karen Sruilh, a brolher, Ron. and niece Penny Smith.

A viewin& will be held Thurs­day, December 16, from 3 10 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m., at Gasch'~ Funeral Home in Hyansville. The fu-al will be held on Friday. December 17 a1 11 a.m. 11 lhe Mowatt Medoocliso Church, 40 Rid~ Rood. There will be a reception 11 rhe home of Kevin and Fnnn Fendlay, 10 Greenknollo Place, foUowins lhe funeral. Steve's ashes wrll be b•med al ohe Greenbelo C.:meoery, along~~o1de h1s mother, Mac G1ngell.

In lteu of nowers, donations can be made to the Greenbelt L111le League, P.O. Bo• 382. Greenbell, MD 20770.

Save the Green Belt Displays light Show

On December 18, from 6 . 9 p.m. (roin dare December 19). lhe public Ill irwned ru walk or drive along Northway and "'be dazzled by an array of ~:olored lantern~t," rcporl"i the C'omminec In Save­the Green Bell. The ~casnnal drsplay, fmm 6 - 9 p.m. only, Ill

the work of the Comm1t'tee. For more informaruln call 301-·l74-6708.


Condolences to Rcsa and Huth J11court of Maplewood Court on "the death of her mocl>er. ROO<! Zall. 92. Grand-10111 Leip of Tempe. AZ, and Stephen. of Westway in Grccubeh. joined their parents at services at an Annapolis S)'l'l.lgogue last week

Friend& and family were sad­dened to learn of Steve OinaeWs death December 14. Our aympathy to ~Isler Karen Smith, brod!er Ron Gmgell and niece Penny Smtrh.

While •ott Amera:an~ are celebratiftl the holiday season at home or with famdy, Navy Seaman David J. Grego. !~on of David J. Grego of Ridge Road,,. S<:heduled 1o spend ohe holidajs forward deployed to

Yokosuka. Japan, aboard the Seventh Fleet Fla~..,htp tJSS Blue Ridge.

"Golly. I'm glad." Thai'> a quote from Dave MeadowJ., manager of Old Greenbch C'1t~o on Southway, annoum:mg the return of Kelvin Am1ck as a mechanic. Thia grves the C'itgo three full-time mechamcs m ad­dition to Meadows. Stop m for a visir over tbe holidays to say hello and welcome Kelvrn back.

Con1ratulations to former Greenbeher Michael and w1fe Carol Sucher of Fa1rlee. VT. on the birth of Rachel E"elyn on December 8. Proud grandpar· ents are Joe and Dorothy Sucher (she ;, lhe noted author and a long time New~ Revtew staffer). R~hel Evelyn\ ma. ternal grandparents arc Amy Hausner of New Jer""y and Mel and Frieda Hausner uf New York.

Greenbelt re~JtJcnt .-\arun Faulkner helped lnd1ana llni\·"Cr· sify or Pennsylvama men'-, h..1~· ketball team to vu.:torv wuh 1-4 poinrs over Kutztown· re;.:enll} He al~m had a l'areer·htgh J 8 point~ to lead ll!P ll, \ 1ctnr} over Westminster ""tth tt~ ~~ \th !ttraight win.

~ •· •·~o. 11 ..... 12-ao P·•· ............... Daily Mass: As announc<:d

Sacn...,.. of R<:con:ilialion: Salurday 3:45-4:45 p.m Rev. Thomas F. Crowley, Paslor •In Resiclence: Rev. Walter J. Tappe

IT. IIUOII'I CA1'IIOLIC QIURCH 135Cnornaltaed,G......_,Md..

FAITB mJfiSTJUES M IIWfa U., ......._ (881} Ml....US

Saturday Sunday

7:30 -9:00P.M.: 4:00- 7:00P.M.:

Pray-er M~tln!( Worship Service


....... L 0.. .............. , ..................... .

c M•yor J ... Itll Drlvis .. doaalloas for ACE's Buy·A·IIook IIM­kri ••· Lobar Drly FestiV8l W.lo.

Buy a Book Program Sponsored by ACE As , pan of Its mission to sup­

port Greenbelt schools. the Gretnbelt Advisory Commluee on Educa11on (ACE) is sponsoring a "Buy-a·Boolr:" prosrom. The pur­pose of the program 1s to give parents, ~randparcnb, fnends and ciVIC sroup!t In the Greenbelt communuy an opportunlly to make a contnbuuon to their school'~ library collections in or­der to. improve educational re­sources anilablc ro ttle children.

ACE has l'ollected wish lists from lhe S<:hooh 1ha1 Grcenbeh children attend "' oheir nci&hbor­hood school: Grccnbell Elemen­oary, SprinJhill lake Elemenoary, Magnolia Elementary. St. Hugh's, Grecn~ell Mrddle. Robert Goddatd M1ddle and Eleanor Rooo.,vell High School. ACE has ~.:ollel·t~d the li~ts in notebooks and gi\lcn them to two local bookstores - Crown Books at Greenway Center and Bookland at Beltway Plaza.

Individuals who would like to participate in the Buy~a-Book program can request the note· book "wish lists" at the book store's counter and check out what books the school would lind most beneficial. After pur­chasrng lbe book, participants can prescno !hem oo lire school ohem· selves or bring them to the Greenbell CARES office in Greenbeh. ACE and lhe Greenbeh schools have book­plates for those individuals who would like IO fill lhem OUI IO

honor a speciaJ student or use as a memorial.

ACE Buy-a-Book Chair Bart Byers e"plains, "Donating a book 10 a school during lhe holidays r> a nice way to recognize a child's lcacher. We sugseo1 lhe program as one idea for those having a difficult time find1ng JUst the right gift because it is something the whole school will enjoy."

AJF Breaks Grauncf for Lab in County

The Alchohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) Agency broke ground for a new Nat10nal Laborllory Cenler (NLC) on December 8. The new factlit~ will be locaoed al 600i Ammendalc Road in BeltsvJIIc

The facility will replace the 'exisring NLC in Rockville and will add a new component. a Fire Investigation Resear~.:h and Educaoion (F.I.R.E.) Cenler The new F.I.R.E. Center will he one of only a dozen maJor ftrc research centers in lhe ""uriJ and will be the first fire rc· search laboratory in lhe world dedicated to supportrng l'flmJ nal investigatiOns.

Census Jobs Opening The Bureau of the CemuJ. t..,

recruiting (temporary) census t;.J~· crs and crew leaders. A test of :?~ questions measwa abtlity m read. ing, clerical. numericaJ, evaluatr"c and organizational skills and wdl be given on Dec:ember l 8 m thL· Communily Center. Hourly wag<' and mileage reimbursement arc provided. For more informatron call 301-209-7562.

Paint Brancb Unitarian Universalist Cburch

3215 Puwdcr Mrll Road. Bclosvillc/Adclphl (301·937-3666>

Wtolcomt's you to our OfWn, nurturing c:ommunily

Dereabtr It, I"'~ t:lt & 11:15 Lm.

"Tiu Gifb •fiN s... .... ( .. _ _,_,,

kdllyiiGrlKiro~UJIInd /«o I. IPII H~. Co-,.,.,_"

Is Christmas coming too fast for you? Slow down with Advent!

The Christnias season seellljl to start sooner every year. Many stores put up Christmas decorations the day after Halloween! We are prcsso" •d to engage in a two-month spending frenzy. The anxiety builds as the shopping days dwindle. So many gifts that still need to be bought! So many parties to atttnd! So many family gatherings to plan! No wonder we often feel deflated when Christmas Day finally arrives'

There is an alternative. For thousands of years Christian people have observed the four weeks before Christmas as the season of Advent. This is a time of quiet, spiritual reflection-during which we prepare for the coming of God into the world as a human being named Jesus.

We invite you to experience AQ.vent at your local Episcopal (Anglican) Church ..

St. George's, Glenn Dale Lmham-Sevem Road at Glenn Dale Road

301-262-3285 [email protected]

Sundays: 9:00 &: 11:00 a.m. Wednesdays: 6:30p.m.

St. Barnabas', Upper Marlboro 14111 Oak Grove Road

301-249-9671 [email protected]


Sundays: 7:30 & 10:00 a.m., 6:00p.m.

Holy Trinity, Bowie 13106 Annapolis Road

301-262-5353 [email protected]!

· Sundays: 8:00 & 9:30a.m. Wednesdays: 10:00 a.m.

St. James', Bowie 13010 8th Street at Chapel Avenue

301-262-4442 [email protected]

Sundays: 9:00 & II :00 a.m.

Tho A- - lhe HlppopoCaml - lheir victory - lhe llood ud tile Very Nolrly 'lbarlsts. F,_ left: M ........ IWier, MeJias• Fonytbe, Ellubetb Ham•ell, Annie Lemleex ••d J ........... KIItreiL

Local Youth Theater Stages •Hippo• Whimsy The Greenbcll Arts Cenler's

Youth Theater members are hard at work preparing the Arts Center's contribution to the community's Millennium revels. "The Hippopotamus who' is wanted to be a Classical Balle· rina." a play by Sheilah Crossley-Cox wioh songs by Tn" Whitehall. This _Is a sig· nificant and amusing dramatiza­tion of the fortunes of a charm­ing hlppopolamus, Cleopola, and her friends as they discuss career choices, relate to the world around them, battle natu­ral and man-made disasters, and instruct unthinking intruders io the ethics of conservation and human relations. The serious

basis of this moral tale is leav­ened by a whimsical and fre­quently amusing approach to the delivery of the message.

W•ter W, II typk•l ol •rtllt MaiMI Lopez' workl 18 .._ llrl sloow, hndile FIMIIIII, nr-

modJ .. ......, ............ ~ ._ Gelory. • ....... by......, ...... 0

The 8ooKids Enjoy Millennium Party

by ,_,-, Muk and JO<y N-

On December 8, the BooKids al lhe Greenbell Li­brary had a millennium party. The group ate pizza from Gen· erous Joe's. While waiting for the p1zza they discussed the book!! by Mary Downi np: Hahn they had been readmg for the la~t month. Everyone there enjoyed themselve!t.

BooK1ds ts a program at the Greenbelt Library where chtl· dren ages 8 through 12 talk about their favorite bonks and authors. Kids read books by

·their favorite authors and find out about other books and au­lhors as well. Mrs. Jane (Jane Lydon)~ one of the children's li~ brarians, leads the program.

BooKids meets the second Wednesday of the month from 3:30 IO 4:30 p.m ..

On January 12, 2000, BooKids will meet agatn. A famous author, Hahn. will be visiting the sroup and telling them ibout her books and an­swering question~. Hahn was a children's librarian at the Greenbell Library.

.. ha'IP•HII ·The deepnt wisdom whk:h lhe

sages ha~ uttered, 1he profoundn:t teaming which any mind hath

unfokted. the arts which the abktat hands haw produc»d, lhl inftuence exerted by the most potent of rulers,

are but manifestations ot the quidronrng- roloued by tis ttantcendent, 1-11 aft.pervaaive and

... p~e-..oSpmo:

--·tSoaerl'lfrltlop , ............... (._ .... ,.

P.O .... l6 G,..blll,MDli'TJ'I

)tilo.\45-lttl ···llll-ll ..

lnfotl'noli'M aboul: the Batla • fa.ltl "on thl World W!dl 'Neb ... hiP ,,._, baha OtgJ

There will be cwo perfor­mances during the evening at 6:30 p.m. (risho afoer lhe fire­works) and 8:30 p.m. Admis­sion IS only by New Year 2000 ticket. obtainable at the Com· munity Center.

Paradise Found: Floral Pholography American ... Crou s.b Volunllen

Nominations Accepted For P.G. Volunteers

Nominations for the Prince George's 2000 Volunteer or the Year Awards are now being ac­cepted. Citizens of Prince George's County are requested to identify and nominate mdi­viduats. groops, fraternities, and somrilies. businesses or corpo· rations who have contributed the1r rime, efforts and talents to amprove the quJhty of life for residents. Previous nominees who were not selected for an award may be re-nominated. Prinl"e George's Volunteer Cen· ter ~~ dtstnbuting the nomina­tum~.

Winners will be annnum:ed and pre~entcd therr awards at 1he Prmcc George\ Volunteer of the Year Award~ on Thursday. Marl"h 23. at 6 p.m. at Martm's Crosswmd5, Greenbelt, MD. Deadline for nominauon~ IS

January IS. Call 301-699-2800 to rece1ve a nomination form.

The floral pholography of Manuel Lopez, member of the Greenbell Pholography C'lub, wrll be on vi<:W lhmugh January 27 in the Municipal Conference Room Gallery, 25 C=nl Road. The show includes ten works by Lopez; lhe majcrioy ...- richly-col­on:d close range phoooaraphs of lropical flowen taken hy Lopez on a visit to Hawaii in August th1s year. 11x: Gal&ery is open lo visi· tors when not odawi!IC in WIC be· tween 8:30 a.m. and 4·30 p.m .. Monday lhrouah Friday

The public is inviled to attend a oecepoion and Jllllery lalk wilh lhe art1st on Monday. January 10, from 7 - 8 p.m .. pnor to the city coUncil meeting.

Manrel Lopez is a nali>e of lhe Philippines who also lived in Guam before relocating to th1s area. He currently lives in Pril'k.-c: Geor8-c·~ County and has been pu"urng phooography as a hobby !tim:e the early 1980s. The 1999 Gn:cnbch Lab<• Day l'holosrophy

<:>( CathOik

Community of GIHIIIIelt

Christmas Eve Mus 6:00 JI'M

sunday Mess 10:00AM

'vl•l'"l' ; •. 1, Bud<1t_ng

- Caui> ••a• =- MllllkuTCirM _ ....... L.r- 1011dgtllalil.~llol)llnd20110,301·m~

Allllli.-CcNt CrirrPIII~

A warm. comfortable and involved congreprion­Crearive nursery tehool for two to four year okla Pre-K 10· poat~firmarion ed11cati_on pr~ram Fino ~·r ochool FREE for one chrld , Reoomnructionicr,COn~ervatiw affihauon

__ ,.tl~tor•tl Ofg -= F..-y, 8 pm; Saturday. 11:30 •m F8MIIy, 7:30- F..-y of- month

Show was his fino Clhillition; Ill foUr of lhe ~he .....-..1 were awarded pri-- The edlibit curmllly 11 lhe Municipal Building is Lopez' first solo SOOw.

For """" informllion c:llt Aria Coordinator Nicole DeWald at 301-474-8000.

Activity Volun18ers The Holiday Project Is oeekiftl

volunteers to join hundreds of area volunteers visitina people in nursing homes, hospitals and other institutions on holidaya lhroughoul lire year. c.n Bobby Ander..on 11703-370-1156.

The Prince o-p•o Chapter of the Americon Rod Croat is Kekina volunteen for the fol­lowina oppor1unitic1: diuater relief leanl, data entry. cloric:•l. switchboard opeFalor, health and ufcry services. c:oune in· alnacton, HIVIAIDS oduo:lltioa, financial development. public relations and cuatomer acrviccl. To ae1 apccific informacion on how 10 act activa with tbe Prince Geo'lle'a Counly Chapler of the American Rod Crou, all Stephawo Stephans al 301-559-8500, exl. 22.

t Community Church UNRED atURal OF OIRI8T

...... 'Crelclllll ..... """"'' 301 ... 744171--.

IIUIIIMY ....... 10:15 ....

Daniel Hamlin. PUIOI' "A chun:h oftlw open mind. IM wan11 'wart, tlu! tu iring soul, and tlw social vision ... "


·---ao~~---­Wonblp Senloe 1:30-.

F ........... ~9:30L&

Cblldrn's ~ .,__ 11:15 ....._

"CllrrllmM ...... c.nts"

. .. ,

Page 4: · EENBELT wsReview 15 Cres

' A Chrisamas Carol At Arts Cenlar

The Ans Center Christmas prodUCbon wiU be hiplipl<d by an oria•naJ adlpuuon of die ct.­sic Dickens novel "A Chri11mu Carol." feaaunna lnldililxW holi­day carol• in chon! form. The ghoots of Chrisunu ...... ..._ and FuiUre team up with Jacob Morley to put &tiaay old Ebenoczer Scroosc in die Christ­mas spirit. The Arts c..- wiD present ahia proaram for ope weekend only - Friday duoup Suaday, December 17, 1&. and 19, with shows each day at 8 p.m.

This lively, ful-paced proob:­tion is aeared for all •sa - • show for the entire family. The production also featuru a lhort one-act prelude, "11le land of Coun~ap~ne," which capllftldle JOY of childhood and the my~ of growina up.

For infornwion and directiOnS to the GT<enbelt Arts Center call 301-441-8770 or vistt the website at artsccnter.

Herbert Wells Ice !Jink Special hwtts

The Herbert Well> Ice Rink is sponsot~ng a var1cty of skallng cven1s:

Santa amves by Zamboni on Saturday. December 18 at 2 p.m. Naughty or n1ce; "'isit wuh Santa from 2 · 4 p.m. There IS a fee.

Farmly N1ght 1!1 held on Sun­days from 7 · 9 p m. Up to four children can be admitted free wnh a pay1ng mom or dad (dues nne anciWe skale rental),

There are many other spec1aJ llCh'o'ittes at 1he kc rink (sec ad on page 16) Fur funher mfur­mauon call 301-277-3717; ITY Mll-249-4251; w~o~~w.pgparks.t."'On. The Herbert Well• ke Rtnk " 1<>­cated at 5211 Pamt Brarx:h Park­w;~y m College Park.

Accommodauo~ for llKhvidu­ab With dl!!.ablllhe!!. are .aova1lable upon request. Please contact Ehe fal·llny two weeks in advance of the pmgnm stan dare. Addatton­ally. the Deportment of Parlo. and Rc~reatu>n requests 12 hour ad­vanL'c OOII~e for the proYI!i.ton Of 'ilgn langu.a@:e interpreters.

Holiday Opportunities

The Sen1or Aduh Cue Center of Greenbelt needs volu....,., to help out dunng the holidays. For mformauon please call 202-628-3844

c.a.. ....... - s-.- LMt Slold•~lllldteY ..... ~ •.

Caraling this Friday The Michelle Ming famtly tn­

vites Greenbclt.ers to jorn them for traditional Christmas caroJmg on Friday, December 17. from 7-8:30 p.m. Meet • the Cnmmu­mty Center. For more mforma­tiOII, call 301-552-3747

Legion to Halt Christmas Party

Greenbeh American Legum. Pn!tt 136. i1 holdt ng a free ch1klren's Cluucmu party on Sat­urday, December 18 at I p m., at the Legton bome at 6900 Greenbelt Road. All L'hildren I:! years oki and under arc- wel~:tHnC. Parents are invtled lo bnng ~am­erH. Entertai.~ will 1nclude Santa and the Elvo, as ~-ell a11 Dancin& Dogs

Historic Riwrsclale · Candlet.ght Tour

Step back itt time In an earl)' nineteenth l'CfltUry wmter r:venmg: at Rivendale on December 27 and 28, from 7 10 9 p m. l.ivmg h.J!IotOI')' mtcrprcten w1ll rc-neate !liCeftCa of domesiK: life at lhl~ hl:-.­toric house rDUIIeUm. \'is If nr' ~ 111 tour the mom~ by carkJichgh1. and docents w1ll be on hJnd tn an­swer qucstmtlli. There wdJ al:-.<1 be hvc music and hght rdrc~h­ments. There is a ICc Children under five are I'Rte.

The m1n~ion i~ I1Kated at 4811 Riverdale Rold m the tllWn

of Rivwdale Pwtt. Call 301-864-0420fordeuilo.

......... by Sleploea c-

Milt Mortman Shows Holiday Sweet Blends

Millon Monman of Hanover Parkway has been 1nvued to demon!l.tUtc Jewihh cooking/ baking at th1:, year's Smithsontan ln!>lltutwn Holiday CelebratiOn.

The holiday celebralion pr<>­vide!> vishurs w11h an opponu­nlty 10 wHnc!lo~ the ways our ethnically n~h nation cel­ebrate,. dllnng thl!t fe!lottve lime when famihcs come together to reaffirm their common heri­tage. The rcc1pn, ·arb. and ~:rafts featured in the celebra­tiOn refloct the contcm~>rary and ~:enturie!t-old- traduwns uf creaung $pcc1al food!~. and art­work.

The h<diday celebration is fre.e .anJ uprn to the pubhc. It will be heiJ from Sunday, De­cember 26 throu~h Tuc!liday, December 2~. at the Natmnal Mu~um t•t Amencan History. 14th Strt!c:t and Constitution Avenue. ~ W., Wash~ngHm, D.C Mt•r1man w11l be demon­~trallnl! 'otl Sunday. December 26 .. md I ur:~Jay, December 28 from nnun ,,, 4 p.m. nn each day

MtHimltrl v.tll demunMrate the m.1ltnt of a blend nf ~weet' ~111'\~n a~ Haroset.

H..~ru,ct 1., part of lhe Pass­over Sc:Jr:r ~eremony. This reL·1pe mJ) also be used lhroughuut the: year whenever a blend ot' """ t:r:ts ts needed on a cc:lebrator) nL·l·asion

Gray Panlhen Hold Community Polluck

The Groenbelt Gray Panthers will ponicipole in the celebration of this holiday ICI50fl by spon­sorina a potluck •upper to be held in lhc dining room of the Greenbelt Community Center. The aencral public - sinsles,

, couples, and families - are en­c:ounpd 10 .aond. They will be aharing favorile potluck food items alona with memories of holidays or other celebrations of the post. The plherina will take place on SQJnlay. December 18. between S and 7 p.m. It is a Jre.tlt opponunity to meet old neipbcrs or make new friends.

The Gray Panthers are an or­ganization whose members, of every age. race and gender, are dedicated to peace and social ju.stice, inchtdins health care for ill. quahty education, and jobo wllh justk.e. Those to attend or dciinng more informa­tion are asked to call 301-474-6890 or 301-474-6668.

SHL Students Give Muhicuhural Program

Springhill Lake Elementary School <SHl) wtll present "Cel­ebrar:e 1999," a multicuhural pro­gram in the performing art:.. ThiS free program will be held Tues­day, December 21 at 7 p.m. at Eleanor Roosevelt Htgh s,·hool. Studcnb from the school Will be featured in the schoolwuie wmter program.

Everyone is invited to attend. Please RSVP at 301-51.1-5996 or fax to 301-513-5314.

Greet;ng Cards Can Be Recycled


F .... Children's Holidciy Program

South laurel Recreation Council volunteers invite chil­dren and families to the Annual Children's Holiday Program on Sunday, December 19 at 7 p.m in ~he multi-purpose room of the Deerfield Run Communi!} COllier located at 13000 Laurel, Bowie .Road (Route 197 b1 Conlee Road) 10 South Laurel.

This free holiday program will feature a puppet sho~·. holiday music. candy canes, and a visit with Sa•-a and ht~ friends. The Blue Sky Puppet Theatre will present "Pig!~. at the Pole."

For further information and/ or direclions. call the Cuunnl at 301-776-2805.

Ring in the New Year Help Out New ~I

The grand opening of the New Deal Caf~ will cmnL:1dc with the Greenbelt First festivities un December 31 Volunteers are needed w en~urc that the firSI night of the nev.· m1ltennium --and the firM mght for the New Deal Cafe 1111

Roosevelt Mall - runs smoo!hh for patrons. .

Volunteers will work the counter and serve patr1,n, Each person who gives of ht~ or her time will receive free admiss1on to First N1ght. a Ire~· t-sharc and a complimentar) meal courtesy of the New Deal Cafe. L1ve music and a famll> atmosphere promise to mah· this a memorable evcnmg.

For more information about how to help. call 301-474-5642


Hatty He114ays It all 111 Friu4a, tl4 lOW, 114 I H11lt~ 114

Hop" Now Ym, tu. Ell1t.t .. & C .. rllt .... ••4·PIIIIIp Ptla

The Greenbelt Recycling and Env1ronment Adv1sory Comm1ttee wtll once again arrange for ~reel­ing card re<.·ycling. These card~ Will go to a charitable organiza­tion. which will make new card~ frnm them ro benctit and !.uppon for the or~an1za11on. Please cut the b&:k!. off <.·ards .1nd plac.:e the

fmnb m the box in the tmnt of ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;~ Co-op Supennarket between De- r cember 27 .and January I~-

A joy- Filled 2000:

To Friends and Neighi1ors-the i1est of Holidays Ruth and Carl


-- the time period. Mcnooer, ap- 'PIIrol tNftl will be expmdod ., 12 ........... will lilt. T!.it wil al-& •- proximately 2S stop sips - or· houn IIIII a opociaJ fon>e UJed b low a 13-hour -ice for the (C...... t.o. ,.t) dered by Public Works if tnlfic ......,_ - problema will be Uailed Slllea.

lights in the city should 10 out .. on.....,. r.- 110011 December 31 011 tho -ltMI, lhoiiD"*''fJr 1m, die o-abelt Marriott. and All lnlflic lishll are owned by the 10 110011 -'-Y 2. The oommand does not Olfi!ICI lily ~ and Martin'• c...awmds. The Holiday county or state and have been poll will be *-I al police head- die Marylaari ~ ...... Inn expects 1 JrOUP of 800 to checked for Y2K, according to quanen, and a minimum of two .- "-"''lbl (MEIMA) Ia --1,000 peoplo and 200 peoplo will FerJuson. otlian will be delipalt:d a1 police inc Y2lt u if il - ay other -.d • party "' die Maniou. The ~It does nor have a com- subolllialll II Bollway Piau. die emerpncy ........_ Community Center it the focal puterized water sylllem, 10 there eon...tily c-, and Sprinahill Local utllillea, i~~eludina point of Greenbelt's New Year's should he no problems, he said. laloo. I'£PCO, - .-,. for !lit! lllillllt-c:elobntion, co-_...t by the Just in case of mishap though, : ~ will also be vory nium. It will rely 011 monual city and the Rocreation Depan- Public works is maintaining a list hip durina the New Year. The power if "*- ......., be a poollloat wont dtia& that will MppeD ia mont 0... 2,(0) people are ex- of all water slwt-oft' valves in the Gntenbek Ci- fblice Academy with iti camp. .,-_ ......... ttbellitl peeled to be in and around the ctty. Asaocillioo ia alklwing 10 volun- ~ IIIIo ,.._. out dill ..... PIQU ~ I BJ11U110ium. The building's gen- "The City of a-nhelt is com- teen 10 help the JIOIIce. according the 911 s,- will.,. Ill lblo., . ., -., .............. ..,... enror hu beat leiiiOil and is Y2K pliant with the Washinsm Couacil 10 Kontp hlndle •...., • t ' 1 ...,.. of IIIUMy of ONtlibolt ** boloa 10 complillll. A modified ae-ato< of ao..nunen.s and the Prt:oidenl's ~ A.- ol ~ calla duriD& tbt 'N!Iw Year. He co-lentiou. wtdt Y21t1M Sll¥e hu also been added to provide Council on Year 2IXXl Conversion Prlaoe Ooorp's County ofticills akad dill peop1o ...... 111 "- ~ Dillie a....lltlll Y2X Glllop. heal 10 the buildill£ if die power 11 a result of these pq~~rllions;' haoe oenfied 100 percent of the die .- of Y2K 11 die tiJDI of llid. "'teBBIII ia ID'IIillllp -should go out, according to Feraoson said. COIIIII)"' """' criCicaJ system~ and tho Now Year ahould call 301- .,.... of- 80.000 _... Ferguson. PUbic SofotY - 90 peiCIIIIt of their total systems YlK-1999. the Prince Oeorae's 1io1 in the coutllly," bo . ..W. .

The Public Works Department "I am here to redress specific are Y2K compliont. accordina to Couaty Year 2000 information " hawon't ...,.. ,..._.. director will abo be stationed at operation plans 10 meet the Y2K faJuson. The oounty will ha .. it& hodino. , now, don't wait Wllil die lui the Greenbelt Em"'Jency Com- challenge," Lt. Tom Kemp of the_ own emeraenc:Y operation center, W.. ,.... mi-. II wwld tllae up ., llllee mand c..., localed II the Police Gr<enhelt Police, said. with which Oreonhell will be in Major Judith O.vis expreued houn Ill empty the eo... IIIII lint Department startins at noon on Forty Greenbelt oiJiceB will be hourly contact during the New her appreeiation for the montht daya ., i-* II." ~ llitL December 31 lo giYO directions 10 on call from December 29 lhroush Year. The COIIIIIy will alw have a and months o( ~ 011 ·die Y2K Ka.. plllvided bia •• •• crew~~ that may have 10 work if a January 4, workin8 under a four- live .-llile link 10 New Zealand, project by FaJiiiOII 11111 other cily lial of Jn~*Aiiona for YIJC (tee problem shoold IJCCII'. Three-way level operation of continaeney. one of the first countries where the sraft' memben. "I thiak drat tbo ball).

radio systems will be used at the .;:.:;;~~;;;;:;;;;;~.;;;;.;;.;;;.;;;.;..;.~-----;;~~-------------•••••, command center for all operations. Additionally, the sonerator at the police deponmenl has been modi­fied so that operations at the com­mand center will 001 be tnterrup<ed during the New Year.

The Public Works Department also has pre-ordered road salt and gasoline for ctty trucka. Gasoline pumps owned by die city will he able lo operate manually during

Y2K Prepatalicwls The following preparations

for Y2K were 1uggested by Steve Kavo of the Greenbelt Y2KifOUP:

l'repantiiHa llr YlK Stock at least a three day

supply of water, canned aoods· grains, and dehydrated food.

Waltt healen and toilet tanks are good sources of fresh water.

Do not use combusttble fu­els which cause deadly carbon monoxide to form.

Kerosene and propane ·are good 10 use because they cause no carbon monoxide.

Outside grills can be used for cooking.

Keep layer> of clothing and blankets for all home dwell­ers.

Install battery operated smoke alarms.

First-aid kits should be handy.

Get prescription medicines filled.

Have medical records on hand and don't schedule sur­gery in the first week of Janu­ary.

Have extra cash In your horne but don't have an over­abundance.

Have a copy of all finan­cial statements.

Pay all bills now so they anive before Christmas.

Gas tank in car should be filled.

Be aware of neighbors around you and let them know your plans for the New Year.

Be aware of people that may be 11 riak (ddorly, handi­capped. 01<.) if probloms arise.

Be awue of Y2K IIC&Jtll.

Major Judilb .Davia e:t· presaed her appreciation for lhe montha an~ months of wort 011 the Y2K project by F"'JUUIOI and olher city 111111' memben. "I think drat the Willi& ..... daM will lllppen is ootlrina." abe llid.

What If Mom Fell And No One Knew. ••

•• .For Days As mom grows older, accidents can be frightening for the both of ~ou. At Avery Gar­dens, our impeccable standards of service and ~are mean you don t have to worry about mom being alone or lonely, so you can enJOY some peace-of-mind. Avery Gardens offers: ,

• Home cooked and heart-healthy dining 3 times per day.

• 24-hour caring staff

• Daily cultural and social programs

• Personal care, comfort. and security

• Rental package includes dining, utilities, housekeeping, local transportation

• The Sara's Garden Program, a secured setting for people with Alzheimer's disease and other memory Impairments

For more information. please call 301-486-1590 or 888-778-4725 toll-free


Supponlve llldependent UviiJtl• ~ UviiJtl• AlzbeSaer'• ~ a· · . , ~Center • 9811 Greenbelt Rd, Suite 208, ._.....,MD 21718 • ~

A""ry Garden.< is a CaTPMalrix pTPmier assilled living corlllllllllity ' l!lJ -,;.

....__~-----------......... ----::!

Page 5: · EENBELT wsReview 15 Cres

--. ·-------------------------~--------------

,,..h .Anwtc.; lAg Of.._.

o.c. lllllyer

Sliced Bacon

•••• each ...... -.,. .__ ..

• 'I .... ........... .,u 18.25 oz.

934MI Super Lean =nd SIH lb.

szu lb.

24·30 Count Gulf SIWimp


•r 12 oz.

Donlha ...... sua­'OX·Light Brown· o.k .._., 2 lb. bag


Del Mollie Jlai SWeet Peas- -w7 .. Cut Yelow Corn-

Heinz Home Style

or Fat Free Gravtes Assorted

S_.lght Ultnl

Uquld Dish Detergent

Sparlcle V_,ue Pack Napkins

a• 8 oz.

12 oz. jar

SIB 28 oz .

Nllture~ Finest s Russet Potnoes

Nature~ Finest Crtsp Cel.ry


Sul*lst '13 Sin Cellfomla Nnel Or•nges

Wilshlngton State ........ ~ Delicious 17.,.. Apples lb.

Fruit zetglen S

lb. Apple Cider

..._. • ........ ~ .._, ..

..... llllaac. fllnll·

..... &..~ ..... ,..,.. ..... SMePWgCGrn 16 oz.

,,.._Queen liMit :_ners 17.,..


•• ' I , II • I ... "'"" .. ,.~_. ............... ~-:kCafe •. ,H Coffee Drinks 9.s oz.

.,...~ .,ft Orpnk Pasta & Cheese 7.25 oz.

Fruit Club For Kids FE I IJ N#Mjl. ORANGE

S.. Store For DeUIIs

6 pack 12 oz. cans

3 liter

•r 1.5 Iller

I 1111 Ill 1111 Ill .. "' Ill ,Ill I • , ; I• :.. t. . . !A

I •••••• • • I

G1;tb~ • CourteOus Professional

Staff • life Proudly Accept MOst

Prescriptlon Plans • Free Home Df!ilvety Of

Prescriptlons MOn.-\lff!d.-Fri.

• Free Blood Pressure Tester

I I I WASHINCITON ' . I 1 ColiN 11nAD 11rx fBIE 1 I ·Oit· · I I CORN MIII'I'IN Mac 8 oz. I 1 WINoC...,.Ur::;-:=.,-..-.- 1 L -~~=~~.=:-:.."::':.. ..1

rca:.:-.;-.-;:.:..:w..::.--~ 1-oou·~- I I BWIE BoNNET BUY ' I I VIEGIETAIILE Cin' ' I I SI'READ fill I 1 OuAwmts • lb. 1 I ·--=-'17i!.-:"...'"':..-..c...,.- I L -~::".:.':'.:':":.o::-_ .J r;.:;nu,--;;.;;,;;.;:-..:;.--~ .-OILY·~- I I GoLD MmAa. ~ I I Au. PuRPosE ~.... I I FLOUR I I R•GUI.Ait·UNRMCHD s pound INigl I ----·17:.~:=..---=-- I L ==:-=-===~==- .J r;;;:w.,-..;;;.;;,;;..~.:;- -~ .-OIU/11-.JCOOP I I BaST YET I!Aie. I I REAL CHOCOlATE ~ ... I I CHifiS I 1 12 oz. bag 1 I ----·17:.~.:=..----- I L -ru:=a::'~~~=~:.u::-:_ -1 r:ccAr-.r=-=-•a.r.m.--~ 1 ... 110., ,...., . I

: RED ~UK • :

I Ju.a I I C&.MII·NA1uui. 64 oz. I I ·-"-'"i!.~~ • ,.,._ I L ...:-=-=:t::~PO--=-=~=-~-~



Page 6: · EENBELT wsReview 15 Cres

w.ichert~ Top Selling Agenls

Weichert Realton recently recoanized several hish achievers in cbeir Orcenbeh office. Pre&ideac Jame.s M. Weichert aonounced Pam Kay wu the associate with Top Ltttinas Obulned and Top Llstinss Sold, with six new listi8J• and ei&hl unillflillin&• sold for the month of Octo­ber. Kay also auained Top Produ<.:er and Mosr Sales dis­unctions. wtth a top sale~ vol­ume of over one million dol­lars.

Josephine Mourntng was honored for October sales produc11un of over one-half million dollars, wtth four new transactiOns. She 1s an J l­year real estate professional whose enure career has been w1th Weichcrl tn the Greenbelt office

An agent w11h Wc•chcrt for the past seven months, Ken­neth Adcrotoye was also rel> Hti:Rilcd, wtth u.les producuun of over une-half mlllwn dol­lars rhrough four new and ~.:omplered sales. Aderutuye l!t

a four-year sales agenr who recenrly JOined We1cherr.


··~~··­are eaanaragecl tesadtlaeir st.edafor tldaJIIII

CW...~son ..._.._Sluff Clif1011 O.llderson L.L.C.

a......-ced CWO promotions in iC. Onabell al'licc.

l'aCIUII Mluiah was pro­moiCd lo die pooicion of In­Cbarae Accouncanl. Sam AbayDe wu promoted to rhc polilion of Federal Contracts MU&F.

Kudos 1o Businesses Amon1 nominees for ''Ex­

cellence in Bustness" awards BIYCR by the Prince George's County Chamber of Com­merce in NOyember were Cetrone's Restaurant. Jasper'~ Restaurant. and the L~nns' Eye and Tissue Bank. The Chamber made lhe awards a1

a luncheon at the Greenbelt Marnou.

Honorees disllng:u•~hed lhemiCI'fes ''by eslttbll!ahlng_ a reputation for quality, Inno­vation and enrrepreneur1al spltlt."

Chung lo ItS Council John Chu111. co-owner of a

Greenbelt tax firm, Mmyadas ASIOCIItes, l.l.C.. ha~ been appointed to the Internal Re­vtew Senu:e Adv1\ury fllun­ctl. The: council prov1de!a a public forum fnr ra1~1ng. studying. and mak1ng: recom­mendallons on tax admlnl!'.­tration as well as IRS re­structuring and moderniza­tiOn.

Giant and DRC Agree Tile Piubility RiJbls Coun­

cil of, Greafcr Wubinaron (DRC). and Giani Food, Inc. (Giant). the area's largest gro­cery reuiler. announced a settlement agreement under the Americ-"~ wtlh Disabilities Acl (ADA). G1ant w1ll take steps to ensur£ that persons wirh dis­abilihe5 are provtded full and equal acrcss 10 G1ant supermar­kets in Wa!.hington, Maryland and Virgin.a. The DRC and Giant speak of the agreement as showing the effectiveness of co­operativ' efforts between advo­cacy oraamzauons and respon­Sible blb1ne~ses to implemenr the equal acce!.!. promises of the ADA.

Robin$0n, Griffin Join Coldwell

Tammy Robmson and Dou­glas Gnffin have lransferred to the Greenbell off1ce of Coldwell Banker Srcvenh, Re­alrors a~ sales assnc1a1es. Robin~on worked for a re­gl?nal real estate company pnor to Joining the company. Previou~1)'. Griffin worked for several !ocal real estate com­panies. a~ a really specialist at Housing and Urban De'felop­mcnt ~HUD). •nd tlerlcd hia own real e~tate company. He ha~ a broker'!. li~.:ensc in Wa!thtngtun, D.C. and an as5o­Ciate broker's license in Mary­land

Clly and Treasurer AMII ... CertificGte The CertifiCIIe of .Achieve,, IIIIIDd by lhe aovtrnmenl as pri­

menl for Excel~ •n Pu .. n- m.>ly teapM~ible for preparing cial Repottiaa wu awarded 10 die awanl-winaina CAFR. This che .Cily of Grecnbell by lhc award was presented 10 Jeffrey Government Finance Officers L. Williams, Cily Treasurer. Auocialion of lhe Uailcd Th .. CAFR is judged by an Slates and Canada (GFOA) for impanial pa•el as meeting lhe iiS comptdlenlive annual finon- hi1b ~landards of lhe program c1al report (CAFR). The Cer- Jncludmg demonllraling a con· tifica&e of Achievement is the struclive .. spirit of full disclo­highcst form of recognition m sure·· to clearly commumcate che area of governmental ac- its financial story and motivate ~ountins ~nd fin~ncial repon- potential users aid user group~ mg. and Its attainment repre- 10 read the CAFR. se.nts a s•&nificant accomplish- The OFOA is a nonprofil ment by a government and its professional uaoc_iation servmg managemau. approxtmalely 13.500 govern-

An Award of Financial Re· ment finance professionals with porting Athievement has been offices in Chicago. lllinoi!., and awarded lo the individual desig- Washington, D.C.

Clifton Gunderson Has New Consultant

Clifton Gunderson L.L.C. an­nounced that Robert J. Braunstein joined the firm as a consultant in its Grcenbeh of­fice.

Braunstein specializes in s:rategic planning and perfor­mance improvement. He has more than 25 years of experi­ence in orsanlzatiunal analysis, performance management, bus1-

.ne.>s prCX'ess enginccnng. strate­gtc planning and performance lmpro'fement. and human re­sources management. ·Much of ht!. work focuses on research­ing. writing. training and pro­viding expertise to better defmc and engineer effective organtza­rional and individual perfor­mance systems.

Before joining Clifton Gunderson. Braunstein was an Independent Management Con­suhanr providing a variety of !i.ervices for the National Acad­emy of Public Administration and other organizations 1n 1he public !teCior.

Federal Da1a corp. Gels FAA Cantract

Congressman Steny H. Hoyer announced the award of a $3.6 million contract to the Federal Data Corporation 1n Greenbelt by the· Federal Avia­tion Administration (FAA). The ser'fices provided by the lo~o:;.d corporation will help the FA.\ mcrease safety and securll\ m airports na1ionw1de "

Federal Data Corpora11nn will provide the FAA w11h training for airport M!l'Urll\

screeners, a~d top level mainte-­nance for new dete~.:llon c4u1p· ment. They will al~o tram and provide FAA security agent' m the field who will over~ee l:ilm­phance of the securll) rq~ula­tions.

This contract is 1he re~ult of Vice-Pre.sident Gore\ Comml'•· sion on Aviation S.afety and Se­curity. The Commi,~Jt~n

made a variety of recommenda­tions to enhance !-.afety and !ae­curity. Fulfilling tho!!e re~.:om­mendations has become IJO(' of the FAA's btggest prwnlle~

We promise you caring, comfortable ... affordable dentistry.

and we're in your neighborhood!

Our family has been serving your

community far 61 years and - just k'"'P growing.

Our main concern is Ia give you safe and complete quality care which ia wily -·ve taken hundreds of hours of continuing educ:o­tion. W. utiliu srot.<>l......,rt equipmenl and sterilizallan Mchniques Ia creole beautiful, healthy !Nih. foro lifetime.

DI5TINCIIOie AND MMiDic DL Qlllm)N S. MCCAlL. a F.How ill lnlwnatianal of D.ntists. Fellow il Alnerican College of D.nlists. Retired l-4ov. 1 996 DL CIAYION S. MCCAlL. & Fellow lit Academy of General D.nlislry. DL-IICCML Denial ..... Sympo.ium at Balian Ui!Mrsity. Fellow·~ of Gerwral '*"-Y· DL ..._,J. MCXAil au~ lor Elallenc:e in Clinical Reo~.

"'f .. 'ft.~

DRS. MCCARL 301-474-4144

28 Ridge Road G<.orl>olt, Maryland 20~717

Call us ror o Satisfying Smile!

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Complimentary Initial Dental Exam

Only $25.00 lor a complete polishing and cleaning. Includes necessary x-rays on day of examination. Good only with coupon.

I Value up to $1.41.00.

·------------· NEW Office houn: Monday 8-5 Tuesday 9-8:30 Wednesday 9-8:30 Thursday 8-4 Friday 8-4 Saturday 8-11 :30

P! H 1t r B L ( r I I L R

Based on lnfomlllllon released by the Gr9Wibelt Po1iaJ De­pattment. Dal8s 8lld times are those when police ware first contacted about incidents.

A-It AI Willy K's in lhe 7200

block of Hanover Drive, Dec. S, 2:08 a.m., a person was punched in the face by a 28-year-old male nonraident. The assailant was arrested and charaed with auaull and disor­derly coacluct; he wu releaaed 10 lhe Depat1mea1 of Correc­tions for prelelltalion before a district court commissioner.

Dnap· SOO block of Crescent Road.

Dec. 10, 3:07 a.m., a 35-year­old male nonresident was ar~ reseed ancl clwpd wid! pouc•­sion of dtul poraphemalia afcer he was found to have a pipe commoely used to smoke mari­juana. He wu released on ci­lalion puclins lrial.

I....._ Espooiore Mmhall'o in Behway Plaza

Mall, Dec. 7, 6:56 p.m., a man exposed himself and then fled. The suspect is descnbed as black, 20 lo 2S years of age, S '9" and I SO lbs., with black hair and mustache and goatee. He was wearing a yellow and blue jacket. a grey t-shirt, and tan boots.

Bui'J)8ry aad Theft 6400 block of Golden Tri­

ansle Drive, Dec. 3, 12:48 p.m., checks were taken frnm an office suite.

9 court of Research Road.

Gilbey's OlD

Dec. 3, 4:39 p.m .. a residential burglary was reported. Entry was gained by way of an un­locked fronl door. Nothing ap· peare.d to have been taken.

T.G.I. Friday's on Capilol Drive, Dec. 4, I: IS a.m., three male nonreaidenla, ases 20, 22, and 23. were arrested and clwpd wid! lhefl after lhey Ill·· tempted to leave the restaurant wilhouc payins their bill. They were released on citation.

6100 block of Breezewood Courl, Dec. 4, II :37 p.m., a woman answered a knock at che fronl door. The person al lhe doo< asked for one of che residents. and lhe woman stated that the resident wu not at home; lhe penon eben left A short time later the woman heard lhe patio screen door be­ing opened and aomeone at­lemplins co open lhe locked slidins palio door. The woman saw that the burglar waa the person who had come to the door. He fled and got into a silver Toyota bearing D.C. plates. The suspect is de­scnbcd as black. about thirty years of age, S' 10", wilh I

shaved head; he was wearing a black full·lenglh coac, black paOla, and black paccnl lealher shoea.

9100 block of Edmonston Road, Dec. S, 6: 18 p.m., a lele-

Jose Cuervo GoldT:JuUa

'22 1.75L

Gordon's Vodka

'II• L7sL 'II• 1.1sL Regal

•zt•750ML ' BFEH SPE:C1ALS

Molea.OoldM. .................... (' ...... _

12 pack 12 oz. btls. for ... JIIIUer Ute ....

vision, VCR, slereo, and com- C'ity NoM pact discs were takeri. Entry was gained by forcing open the The atreels crew cle••ocl· sliding slass door. storm drains and unclerpu ....

9100 block of Edmonslon poured crack sealer on Hanover Turace, Dec. 6, 9:24 a.m., a Parkway and filled po1hole1 television and a clothes iron around the tity. were taken. Eftlry was gained The mechanic crew acnicod: by pushin& in cardboard cover- police vehicles and repaired .:~ ina broken window. cident damaae to the refaae

Lakeside Drive, Dec. 6, lruck so il could be driven and I I :22 ·a.m .. money, jewelry. and em plied. . . a guitar were taken. Entry was The spec1al operlUOftl crew gained by forcing open a base- ·!removed ~e staaes. barricadea men1 window. and crash cana uoed f.., die uee

9100 block of Edmonston liJhlina ancl poured buckeu of Court, Dec. 6, s:•5 p.m., a concrete for temporary Y21C video aame player. video s•ans. They atao removed a samoa, clodlina, anc1 an iguana dud deer from Cherrywood were lakeD. Eatry was 8ained Lane and lransponed il 10 lhe by unkaown meau. county.

6200 biOc:k of Springhill The parks crewc0111inued in-Drive, Dec. 7, 6:31 p.m., a Slall•nglhe •rriaauon syalem on combina&ion celevision/VCR and Braden Field, inalalled cwo wrapped Christmas presents plaques in Roosevelt Cenler. were laken. hauled sloc:kpiled leavea 10 Col-

Beltway Plaza Mall, De.:. 8, lege Park for compoalins and 8: 1 S p.m .• an unatleaded 1 s. continued l~at collection. speed blue 26-iDCII bicycle was The hon1cul1un: crew planled lalum. about SO trees: new Adopi-A· ~ C"- Trees, replacements for trees

The foiiowina ¥ehicles were thai died in che drouahc and reported stolen: a green four- along Hanover Parkway at door 1998 Dodse Neon wilh Hunung Ridge. The crew also Maryland caas FMR 116, D<:c. planted 600 lo 700 bulbs on 3, from Bellway Plaza Mall; a Southway. black four·door 1997 Honda The building maintenance Accord with Maryland lags AJJ crew installed vandal-resiitant 608, Dec. 4, from I he 100 guards and lights in fronl of lhe block of Westway; and 1 bc1ge Commun1ty Center, and in­two-door 1990 Acura Integra stalled new ballasts and li&hta wilh Maryland laJS GJV J22, '" !he You!h Cenler gym. Dec. s. from lhe 6200 block of Sprinatiill Drive.

Vandalisma to. thefts from, and &nempled lhefls of Yehicles were reported in cbe following areas: Greenbelt Metfo Station.

S900 block of Cherrywood Ter­race. 4 and 38 couns of Cre•­ccnt Road. 9 and 46 courts of R1dge Road. and Greenway Shopping Center.

.... u

·~v.hides .. ....... byUCP · .... ,·

Uniled Ccn:bral Piliy .... clonon 10 call.- 10 .... .. hiclea before lhe end Ill ... ,.. ao lhey can bo re1110 ... · willl minimal WliL ~ -be made by Decembor u Ill .. ceive aedil fO< lhe c.,.. llll year.

To clonale a cctr or OIW .. bicle 10 UlliiCd Cerebral PWy call 30 I 262-t993 ai. 16 or J. 1100-621-9403 eKL 16, or .... 1- al WWW.ucpppsi:.-. Thia ia lhe fu1e11 -a• liDt quick I'Ciplllllll.

UCP handlea aH detall1 ill· ciudina poper ...-.... IIIWIIII lhe vehicle llld oelliq il II _.

-· ~ whole procea C&ll ., ""'Y quicldy. There is no c:llirle 10 lhe dorior.

for lax JIUIIIO&OO, UCP pro. Yideoa-oi.........S,. lail value "- lhe N.A.D.A Ap­praiaal Ouide for alltGIIIncb,

19110 ar -· Thoy pic1t 11p ... hiclea anywheno in die -. AD vehiclea are acc:epted.. rw.una or 001, car or Inlet. Tnilen, bolls and RV• alao an: """"f''d,

All proceed• 10 10 UCP IO help """"'" i!S many ....,..._. These incllllle ~ lrlin­ins. community livina crainiaa. community Iivin& .....,...., -­mer respite for children. career developmenl for hip ICIIool llsa­denb, and olhen.



captainM~ Spk:ecl 1bDD 'IB" 1·.75L

Canadlaa Mist Wblakey 'II" L75L

Parrot Bay E&J Rum BraDdy

•Ia- 1.75L 'IS· L'75L

flnlaadla SoaUacnl Vodka <'AHafGrt 76

'I3•750ML '8" ..&.-_..;;;;.. ___ ..,..


Joseph Pbelps Cameros


•Ire Clos Du

Bois Merlot

SL FraDcls Old VInes 7Jnfandel


Page 7: · EENBELT wsReview 15 Cres

Girt Scouts Wm A Service Award

On October 26, Girl Scout Troop 3030 celebrated a special award ceremony honoring the re· cipients of the Silver Award. Thts award is the highest honor · awarded to a Cadette Girt Seoul. Four members of troop 3030 were presented with thetr pin and patch to show their hard work and accomplishmenos. Each a•rl had to complete many requue­ments before even bc&inning lo plan thetr final project. In order to complete a Silver Awud Project. each J!lrl ntUSI plan, orp­nize and carry ttvoup a service project aeared to helpina in the community. This project hid to take at lu~t 30 houn uf their time to complele.

Amber Dupree completed ber projc<1 by orpn•z•na four vrort­sltopo for the Browniea durin1 an end of the year cncampmenl. The sirls .,...., t&lllhl safety in the woods, knife safety, knot ty­ing and trails si&ns. Each Brownie went home with the completion of two bodp.

Kmtel Foetter completed ber project by planmng and organiz· tns the Labor Day communuy pet show She was also inltru­mental m havtng PehMart donaiC: tnft cen•tkata to be awarded ~ pnZCii.

Laura Wolf and Meredith Dupree worked on their project together by completing 1 read­along vtdeo tape library for sick children. The finished tape and all books were donated lo Chtldren"> Hospital.

These girls ha>e been an asset to the ~:ommuntly and 10 Troop 3030. As they spend their last three yean iu Troop 3030 u Se­nior Gtrl Scouts, they are agatn on track to !he hiahe* award fOf Girl Scootl, the Gold Award.

Ms.~ woe ...... ...,. ..... bl.erl ....


GreeriJelt Labor Day Pet Show ..,.., by Krlslel F- by Ari Goldbert-~ler.

This ytar\ Pel Sh:Jw wao a lttJse The Bal of SIK>w was chooen """"""" a8d <VCI)'l""' wbo ancnded by all the Judacs by a maJority che nenr: had a gn:ar time. 1bcre vote. The winner for Be!l.l of ...,.. ~ ~: dup, em. and Show was Zeus (a dog). owned by smoll mammalslmi>cdlanoous. Luke T()I'MOre. All the winners

The ~inners from each group rece1ved $25 gift certlfacates do­were as follows: doBS - Auffy. nated by the Gr.enbek P<I.Sman. owned b)' Laura Kelley~ cats - Greenbelt Senior Girl Scout Lucy, owned by Madeline troop 3030 volunteered to help lknderS<Wt; and .,all IIWitmals/ with the show. The volunteers mllcellaneous - Suction (an Aul- from the troop were Amber tralian Whtte '> tree fros), owned Dupree, Jeana \bat. Laura Wolf,

pftot.J ,, Pet Sftow

br Prospero Znaflos

Colleen McCowan, and Mcndeth Dupree.

Those who didn't make it to dlis year's show 5bould be sure not co miss the fun next year! Re­manber - pcu of all shapes, sizes, and ltinds are welcome.

r WELCOME 2000!!! 1 Join Us At Willy K's For Our

Millennium New Years Eve Celebration!

Gneabett Aquatic a Pltneas Ceater

«lff•·nnK y1H1r orhcMno uf· ~ 'JipMI .....

'""' :.:~::~ ·~~:::::.h '"" Q, ' • :•

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hey ma~c excellent holtday gtfts 111

January rates also ava1lable

Proof of res1dency requtred v. hen purchasmg

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JumhH "ihnm1• (.,"·kt.ul r.; ' () f rah Ball11 r,. - .

Blu .. ~·h-•.- & 'l-11lnut G•rdt-n Sala1l nr ('•.-·tar

IF•-Fil..t \t1p1n with Rrarnai...-

\"•1 ••~·ar·k .. n f:l-IIJM'IIkr

Stuffrd Fluuncftor Hu1utrd Pri11Wftil1

Sm11~ltrol l'ul,.lolt·~. Rkr Jr.Jaf n1· \"o·~~:rliiMr. 1m• I Frr,.hh Uak~l Rulla anti tlultrrl -K.ahlua Tn~ Ul' ~trawlwrrin marinali"il in (;ran ~unir1'

1 1arl~ ··~n..,·~ .. n.l Ch~~omp•IJIM' Tna"l at Mi•lni~tht! 12·1.'J5 Prr Prr,.nn

The Fun's AU Here New Year's Eve! w.·m,- K'• in thr G"'"'IN-It Huli.lay lnb

7:!00 Hanovf'l' Orin 301-22tl-4441 J


( t

l j_

Gt-lbelt ...... 1 Has Senior Tutors r...........,llional IIIIDrina hu sticky notes, 3 x s I'IOieeards, and

been a part of Greenbelt El- a school collection of books to e.-ry School for at least the use w•th the students. last five yean. Volunteer senior Benefits of being an OASIS citizens arc matched with a first tutor include an organizational or second grade Sludcnt and they meetinglluocheon hosted by Eades share an hour a week logether and ditieounts at Doc:tors Hospital learning about reading. writing. . ... of course I here are no dis~ and friendship. Thi5 l'lati.onal counts for services such as gall program, called OASIS (Older bladder operations, but the dis­Adult Service and Information counts are good for special treai­System). provides training and ment al lhe hospital's cafeteria malerials for the seniors. The and gift shop. school provides the· students. The OASIS regional office can

Currently, Gteenbelt Elemen- be reached by calling Kathy Jary School has eight OASIS James at 301-SS9-6S7S. The volunrcen. Other years have Prince George's Public School seen u many as 13 active par- System coordinator is Zack Beny ticipants. Usually a tutor works from the Youth Development Pro­with the same Sludcnt tluooghout grams office, 301-883-5304. the school year but aorne of the Calls may also be made to Diane more industrious volunteers work Eades at Greenbelt Elementary with two students per year. School, 301-SI3-S911. Diane Eades is the school coor- The OASIS program offers dinator a~ ·oreen~lt and she other activities for seniors in addi­keeps in close conlaet with the lion to tuloring opportuniries; regional OASIS office located in there arc also lrips, arts/crafts the Hecht's store: at Prince classes and other scheduled func­Geor,e's Plaza. The May Com- tions.

pany and Doctors Hospital ere A the national/resional sponsors of · the OASIS program, providing year-round training ~ions and · . materials for tbe lutors such as . · paper aod notebooks, a training manual, ideal, a tole bag, cray- . . . ons, peN and pencil1, scissors.

_, __ NEW'I'BAR (c.....,..r.-,...u great mesmerizing shows. Whether weavina an ancient Japanese folk tale with a spool of 1hread or recounting ''Alice m Wonderland .. wirh a pack of ca~ds, Eric Hennins's magtc evokes the charm of an elegant and unhurried aae. And ladies, hold on 10 your wedding rings (n:fercnce to an illusion from last New Year)!

These performers will just be a pan of the Gteenbelt .NY2000 Celebration. In addition, Dave Shuman will be demonstrating his amazina juuJiJJa skills in tbe Community Center and then move to the Youth Cenler to demonatrate (and teach) his swing dance skills. Talk of the Town will be filling the Youth Center gym with a challenging obstacle course and an always fun sumo w"rcstlin1 ring and Sight and Sound DJs will be pro­viding music for dancing and sinain& in the iym as well. Youth bingo will be in the Cen­ter also, as well u loll of "fill your beUy" food in the fonn of hot dogs. piua and much. much mon:!

The Goddard Storytellers will be telling wondorfuJ talea back in the Community Center and arts

and crafts for kids of all aaes wi II be provided by Barbara Simon and the ""'ident anilll of the Community Center. Keep an eye out for lhc clown and bal­loon sculpturi1t who will be roaming the halls. The New Deal Cafe will be providina lots of Sood food in this location all niaht lona.

In Mulllpurpoee

Room YOUIII lingo gamesd~

7:30PM lo 11:30PM

Food Vendors localed

throUghout the-

"The City ol G~ _....... the right to cllange the locationo end tm. of-a to ouk operational need~ end 10 canc.lthe show in the_,. ala __ ..,..__·

Gift Shop a: Arti• Studio ... Guests of all ages are invited to viait the second Door Artist's For More Information Studioo and take part in "Forward llunkina" collaborative art activities. Meet the arti•s in per- Visit Our Web Site son and pun:hase c..-n made treasures to gnce your home or u a gift for that apectal fneod. • Studio hours an from 6 to 8PM on the second floor of the Greenbelt Celller.

Greenbelt New Year 2000 Sponsonhip

Greenbeh City Greenbeh Co-op Greenbelt Credit Greenbelt Plaza Mall ·councilman Supermarket Union

Tom White & Famtlv

Greenbelt New Year 2000 Committee would like to thank the sponsors for thetr generostty If you are interested in sponsonng and/or volunteering please Contact the Greenbelt Community Center at 30 I -397-2208.

Tbe "De'*" New Deal - ia ......... c-.wll .... _ atop~-~ ill _,.. ..... ..u.lalaoiFOdilod in tbeir new lacMion tOo. Tile Alllc-..;n.,.-tlia-. derful piiJ "Tile Hippo W.O Wanted 10 be I Ballerina" (n.o performucea) Ill be iJIIowetl bJ the edaY IOIIIIdl ol Faoxidt.

Reduced rabl tickets caa.'bc pun:baaod 11 the CommaaltJ Center now lhroup Decea!Mr 2S. 'l'icloall aftef dial dale .. II I slilhdy hiJIIer price. Olildlen under five are free. Call 301-397-2208 to -.e )QIII ,_.or for more iafomation. Alao chock oul'dll New Y- Mlballo at . .-iJell.ald.ailfew Y..-.

Don't mila a.-tbck NY2DOO -.the ............. ,

~------~..::.":..~= 2.._ ___ _ -----------·--...... 111en..t ............. ....... tor llrlcll IHIIMck......_

Page 8: · EENBELT wsReview 15 Cres

.. "' .A



U.S. f'IJh and Wtlclife hllllrprelive Programs The U.S. Fisfl IUid Wildlife

Service announces the followmg programs ac the Paru>en~ Re­sc..-ch Refuge localed 11 Rt. 198 between the ll.altimorc-Woshing­ton Parkway IUid Rt. 32 in lou­rei, MaryliUid.

a....n: ......... el doe ~

Monday, Jan.-y 17, 1-2 p.m .. for ages II+. Di~ how bcavCB can CROt<: marshco IUid how they an: adlpced to their

Drywall • Palnllng • Carpmtry • l<:ous1laJ Ceiling •1llo • Etc.

l.lceno!d • Booded • Insured

MH1Cf10475 301-3.f5-1261

Auro......,._. 8r RoAD SalvJcE

licyde a.pan We promist 11 /liSt 111td

plc11S4111 pun:lu!K t'ltry lime you visit.

161~·­--.,. (311)474 1348 .Iii.

.llnl Tour _,., Wluary 19. 9-

11:30 a.m., oges 16+. Identify birds that - on the refnge on chis guidal - tour. Field guide!. ond bi..,..... recommended. E_,..., Noodl a U.... ~- Jonuary 22. 10:30-

li:JO a.m. or 1-2 p.m., ages S-7. Diacovcr - wildlife needs to an;..., IIIII what to do to help. --Simday, Jonuary 23, 7-11 a.m.

for - 16>. Learn to identify birds on lllio guided walk. Field guides and binoculars recom­rnended.

...... w ........ Friday. i..ary 28. 10:30-11:30

a.m. fur aps II+. Explore the c11anp1 IIIII take place as fall tunll illk> - and how dilli:r­eat uma&ls ad1pt to those

Quality Jtqluing makes YourTub.t Tile

Shine like~ New.

Located in

Greenbelt ~ -- .. .:

Call today for a l'noc boochure &. estimate

AoMAZIN' REGLAZIN' the Balhtub Resurfacing


(Jitl) 345-5560

Old Greenbelt Citgo Dave Meadows Service Manager

Maryland State Inspections

Oil Changu, Batteries 301-4 7 4-0046 Brda, Sltodu, 7'lta EzlMusts • na.-Ups Gmmbelt, MD 20770 MD State Lottery

• ope. at lloura tor ..... lnaclls • -----------

. Qo

• YCMI"IDIOw- • .JOIIft lr TAJIIIIY. a bouehold llll1llile Ill Ore e.a.elt IIDr oftl' ·14 yean. We .-e - eJipeds • d I g ~ .lloale and r#v• ~~~g,_.oreu.e.n..erar~ ~. •ecftMioiL and eMil othel". Call. let.,..._ and truMed- bdp you out.

!#offer ·-Weekly, bl--kly. or monthly sen-ice -Spring deMinB -.y time or the year -Wiadow deMinB -IWp for special ocasions -FREE estta.tes

ftoP alga• .. tile,._, Toucb ,.._ 301-26:3-5151

~--CLASSIFIED Our Fcatbored F..-

Sanuday, January 29. IO:JO. II:JO a.m., .. 1-2 p.m .. ..,. 4-6. ~ how unique birds arc and how to help .them. ~s held 11 the National

Woldlife Visitor C..,..,, 1ocaled on Powder Moll Rood bctwccn the Baltimore-Washinpln l'llkway and Rt. 197 in Laurel, Morylond: Wbero llave AI doe M-.:loo C..? ~y. January 9, 2:30-3:30

p.m. ages 10.. Di~ the life cycle. m1sration rouaes, and wi~ lerillJl habitat for the monan:h ~y during this pracnlllion.

HelD Monday. January 31. 4-S p.m.,

ages 8+. Discova- the many wa)S and whys of ·animal corn­murticati9n.

All programs arc l'noc, but ~<qUire advance rqislnlion. Reg­istration is conduct<d Tuesday­Thltoday from I to 4 p.m. by calling 301-497-5789.

Classical J' WBJC

J.l 91.5


AFPOI.IMBLE HOUSE CLEANING - - ... .-... a. pet siuing by mablrt' A rnpons1ble wona.. Call ......... 301-474-9578.

HOM! MOVIES Slides, Pictures u..femdto VHS, Tape Repair. HLM Productions, Inc. 301-474-6748.

COMPUTER - RepaiR, ......... and soflw .. installation. Tom, 301-474-1401.

ENOUSH TEACHER, IIIIIUft:, ~<fer­cnccs.scclosSIUdcnls. St51hour. 301-474-2192.

TOM McANDREW - GREENBELT WINDOWS .t. PAIImNO • ~­.,... windows ... doon and Yiayl sid­ina. Pbone 301/474-9434, MHIC 260117.

LEAVES- Raked ud removed. Moot OHita~its only $35. Discounl for..-.! 301-213-3273.

HOUSE CLEANING - Wcctly. bi­-tly. I have G-lt ref&. Prioes fromS40andup. ~.301-IOS-9671>

HOUSI!CLEANINO - $35 and up. E>u:ellmt ref-. AIIIUplllics pro­vided. free Cllilllllel. A111el, 301· 262~.

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7.5% APR up to 5 years for Used Car Loans

For more information

Cal301-474-5900 A cmdit union for ptmiC(lS who live or worlr in GtfHIIlbB/t

APR=Annual Pen:entllge Rllte Fillies sd1ject to change without notice

RATES Cl..ASSIFIFD~ $2.-'0 miDIII'IUI't f«

... -tlceoch--No cbqcforliolilllitl:modla .. f-. - .. -_ .. the_ ... ..... olfio:e by 10 p.lll- Tuesday, ..... tbc N ... antew drop boA i1 the Gruabell Co-op- ... bcbo7 p.m. Tuadly, OJ ....t1 10 IS Cmlt:eat Rood, Sui1e tOO. Gooeab<ll. Moryllad lliT70.

BOXED· J6.2S column inch. MiN­nun I 112 U>c:ba ($9.38). Deodliac 10 p.m.~. With .:1 copy. Adl .. couadcred k· cqoiCIIUIIil~

PIANO LESSONS - GREENBELT. . llcJinnc:n. Advanced. Kids. Aduhs.

Pnv...,ICSIOIIS. 301-345-4132.

LIGHT "'OVINO. hlllli"' .t. odd jObs. Call Quincy. 301-345-1007.

GREENBELT ACCOUNTING office seeka put·tiraelfull-time mrr ass•s· tants and xcouAWJtS stutin& in Janu­ary 2000. FleKible hours. Compensa­uon bMed upon experience. Call 301-441-1526 for ID oppoilll1llCnt.


ST. JUDI!- Thanks for pnycn on­swet<d. MVN.

s.....,. lndl¥id ..... Small B­

Tu. Pre,.ntion ror Fedet-.Joad.USta ...

Current ..... prior yr•n

... -AIIIIil !leniee Repreocntalloa oad

Neplilllion TuAdrioory


CIUNBELT. MD 20TTO tlll).7 ..... 7

3 Bel, Villyl over Block 7E Ridge $62,000, Garage

Laundry room •lditlon

Brick -2 Bel W/5crttnc:d-in porch

4 Cl of Southway

ntar l~rary 6r ttntcr

62 B Rid~ 5++,000 2 Bel, S.Cks to woods. N~wer lltchea-shows

II~ a model

Honeymoon ColtaF 39 A Rid~ $46,000

Ntw kitchen -Ftaa:d Yard -


_, __ J\.DVERDSING U.S. F'llh and Wilclife VINing Blind Opens

Thooc illlaeiiOd in hiking. bik­ing. hunting. ot..ving. and plto­tographins may Wlllt to visit me U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's newcs1 Wildlire v;c..;ng Blind at the Pa!Uxcnl Re.on:h Refuge. The refuse's North Tract has cx-


2BR CONDOwltlew WIW carpet <n­closed IUIUOOIII. cozy firoplac<. spo­ciOUI kicchen with wuher and dryer. dfno., room Md ...... Call Ralph. 301-474-73M .

FOR SALE BY OWNER - GHI 2 bedroom -cad IIIIi~ $49,900, and a OHI 2 bedroom fram•. updat•d kitchen, $49,900. Call inytim<. 301-651-9194. .

GRI!ENBELT, 3 BR, 2 BA homes from $143,000 to $190,000. Quu!t Streels. :Z..O Doo.-n PayiiiOIX. Free ..,. corded menaa:c. 800-892· 7230 x.t 92018.


DINING SET- 6 chain. 72" labl<, chma set. and buffet; Ill of brown wood. Good condition, $400 OBO. Must .. u. 301-982-1724.

~NO OF THE YEAR BLOWOUT! Pnces slashed on select models -2~>38, 30>36, 40>56, SO. 110. lklow cost! Great worbhopslg~rqes. Save thousands. Call 1-800-341-7007.

FOR SALE - Couch, love scat and chair and bed frame wilb futon. IKEA fum and scuba dive computu Call 301-474-4220 .

Jra~Walbrs Needed at Parle

Groenbctt Park, a unit of lhc National Park Seivic:e. is scclting ..,._ to help walk the differ­ent trails in the pad<. Each trail walker will make lllpOl1S on the condiliona of che trail. Enjoy the bcnofits of .,..S liaaa while ._. ing all dilfaenl kinds of pcoplc.

FOR SALE-7 foot Mo.,r:erey spruce DON'T BUY THAT HOUSE unul anif1cial Christmas tree. like new, you have requelted your free home oneinal bo". $260 new, sell for $85 . ~~ handboot. Free reconlcd 301-595-5135. III<UOIC 800-892-7230. xt92008. -_;-~W~~~NTED~~---

COIUCt Park ~1\\:Jiuntci:r Coordinator Kevin P. Barry at 301-344-3944.


GREENBRIAR CONDO-T<nnu & pool. bock to the woods. $86.500 BOOKS WANTED- AIII)'JI<S, cash

~·· OBO. 301-982-1724pi&Vm. paid. 301-596-6156

'For auto. home, business and life insurance. my door is open:

• I'CIIOil to plbor. ,....,..,. JOU011't

l'=t:::=== buy friends?

870CIA a-m.·­llowle,...,

.Mla§611S8 lloa. ~ 5& 1&-6

SiaL I~ Noc .., lie _.._..wllb

Giber ............


The News



....... ..... Carpentry Painting Remodeling Repairs

M.H.l.C. 25916

Jack 301~345-8262

·~ .,.,...,ltpHng ·-lajury·II'IIIOOI <--.ollpUol~..,.,ryld<8~1 •'Wib·~Law ·~·1MIIou10KS ·-..... -~-.-101 -.MD

Ginny and Michael Hurney TboE~,I..IceMIII~

(301) 595-5135

~~~~~c~ J Bring your furniture from dull to looking new.

Our Qualified Technicians md Powerful Equipment can Safely md Skillfully Clean

the Dirtiest Carpels .... Pumiture. Call For Your Appointment Today

-474-6066 eJoaoi -.. ..

When ItO... To a....... AFunm!l Htlnv, Famly o.-1 .Reali, Ma1tm

GASCH'S FuNERAL HOME Family Owned widt Family Valua-Since 1858

For Honea, c.q, and Qtdley, A/forrWtV &n.lce

T~ or NoHndidoaal Fuaeral Arranaemenu Memorial Senica • c ....... ~~oa • Pre-Need

A-vailaWe Zof boun • Viaa &: MuterCanl

GASCH'S 3()1..927-6100 .73911akiaooft Awon ..

llfmmll ~!A. H,anmllt; MD Z0781

Qaod.'s u- 001 die 1..-1

lendod ill lllllhiple .. tnll sy. ~ lo incluclc a new I'MHnile oeclion, desiJIIIIOd .. the "Qr· anae TraiL" The new 0nnp Trail will be -- k> hibn, bicyclisll, and .........,.. ridon. IUid leads 1o a new Wildlife View­inJ Blind lhll overlocits a. -- and • ........... pond. WilcWfe lhal may be - liom the l<lOelliblc blind ..... door,

Canada ..- and ... --fowl, wadina IIIII lhlft .._ red and 'pay fox, and wild lftooya. The tnll and bliad . wi8 be ..... to vilik>n on SUadap *""''I 11111111)', chen doily duriaa .... sprina and -· Coli 410. 674-3304 for ......, infanDallon.

The Wildlife lllilid will alao


• portraits

• portfolios

+ advertising

commercial photography

J ........ photographer


uua good Mtfhbtii; Sit* Ft11111 is tie ...

See me for car. home, life and health insurance.

DonW.TIIulelle,CW 77CTI Belle Polat Dr.·

Oreelibelt. Met. 20710 301-474-80o'7

Certified Emissions RepM- FKIIty

Greenbelt Auto &: Truck Repair Inc . Padllty <IIS459

A complete S8Mce facility equipped to per• form all service requirements that ytJAJt•. ,manufactu,. recomrnends to comply wlh Preventive Milnten8nce 88Mce acheclJee· & extended wananty programet Allo, rW;,. tine repairs that keep your vehlc1es oper-

safefy & reliably. .

Page 9: · EENBELT wsReview 15 Cres

- ....


~I t:

f; :!

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....... JAEGER (eo..-1 ,_ ... I)

drive in oppo61tion to the devel­opment. 11te commince fa\lors the remaming undeveloped land bein& incorporated 1nto Greenbelt Park.

lcnen lo state and federal otftciah; seeking park acqutsltion ha\le also bren sent out tty nei~:hboring muntctpJiities· Greenbelt. Berwyn Hetghts and New Cmollton. College Park " expected to send out a "imalar leucr


na'el' made a aupplemcntal apprn­priorion."

In 1963. when B.F. Saul pro­pooed the Wesod!oter Park devel­optnenl. the Greenbelt Cuy Coun­cil fought the rezomng proposed and acU\Icly soughl natsonal park acquisition. withuut J>ucceu. Howc"Ver, .after the ongmal de\lel­opmenl occuned. more than 28 acres of undeveloped Jaeger~ eny was doMied to the par\ ser­VIce for the park, m 1he lace 70s. More receally, m 1995, while Parkside, now developed w1th ~mgle-famiJy hamel>, wal> 1n the plannln@: and. de\lelopmcnt stage. Anne MacKianon. then chair· woman of lite Prsnce George'!t County Coww:il. a~ked the park service to acquire two of the un­developed. parcel!. of the Jaeger tract, consisting of 17.4 acres. ('The two parcels are the proposed !tlt.C fur the smgle-fam1ly hom~.)

Not • Priority In an August 17. 1995 h:uer.

natural or cultural raourc:es of natio"'-1 s•gntfic:ance.

Lawler then stated that the two parcels of th~ Jaeger tract d1d nol meet those tests. He also noted that the Princ:e Georgf> County C'ouncll had re­cenll y rezoned the vacant pr~ eny ffum a rcs1dcntJal h1gh-nsc clas!!.s(scatinn 10 the very low den!~oll)' rural re~idenllaJ zonang category al> part of a sectional map amendment process. Thus, "The impendmg threat to park res.ourte!'> as a result of the · Jae­ger tract'l>' future de\lelopment has ... been !1-igniticantly lessened," h1!t letter l>aid.

La,..ler d1d tell MacKinnon thai "~tewardship" of the existing fCM>un:e will contmue to be the park ~rvice'!!. prionty. He noted ~w workmg m partnership w1th the ln('ill community had ach•e.\'ed ... uccess an mediating the pt11c:nt1al impacl from the Parkcte!.t (now. Par~sidc) devel­upme•t.

( Elume Skolnik also contrib­uted ttl I hi!. an1de. ~

"Lilly," Childrens Play At Kennedy Center

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts offers fam1ly fun for the holidays. Ke\lin Hcnkc~~o' delighlful children's stories about the young and ,pirtted mouse L•lly have been adapled for the stage by KC\IIn Kling for th1s new Kennedy Center production. ''Lilly," with her rambunctiou~~o cast of friends Will play m the Kennedy Center Theater Lab through Dec 28.

December and holiday break performanco. are as follows: Dec. 17 at 7 p.m .. Dec. 18 at II a.m. and I p.m .. Dec. 19 at I p.m .. Dec. 23 at II a.m. and I p.m .. Dec. 26 at I p.m .. Dec. 27 at I and 3 p.m .. Dec. 28 at I and 3 p.m. The Dec. 18. I p.m. perfor­mance Will be ~~oign-interpreted.

Specially priced tickets can be purchased at the Kennedy Center Box. Office or by '-'ailing 202-467-4000.

Tree Cutting Causes Resident lo Sue

A suit on behalf of a Charlestowne Village reSident, Joanne Janus. was recenrly brought in District Court against Charlestowne Village Condo· mimum, In<:. and Condominium Venture, Inc .. seeking $2S,OOO in damages. The suit alleges thai defendants failed to provide the required notic:e of intent to cut down a healthy. fiUilUfe sweetgum tree. The tree was cut down in September.

The plaintiff's attorney. PatrM:k J. McAndrew. sald on November 30 that he had not yet received copies of a response from defen­dants.

Efforts by the News Review to reach Condominium Ventures have not been successful.

The Jaeger tract Wa.\ one of a number of lracls orig.nally des· 1gnated for purchase for the planned model tuwn of Greenbelt, along with olhcr lands that nt>w cnnl>titute Greenbelt Park. However, pur­chase appropnat10ns lapsed be· ft'M"C the pwchll)C could be cun­l>Ummated. 'The DtCanullo trxl. now Parbtdc. louted l>ff Good Lul'k Road wa~ another lract wnh a ~smtlar history. When lhc Public Housmg AdmmJ.o.tralitm di\ICSICd lts.clf of Greenbelt '" the 50!'1. il transferred mo!!l of the Greenbelt land 'iouth of Greenbelt Road lo lhe National Park Service fOr Greenbelt Park.

J<~ W Lawler. acung f1dd di· rtclor for the Natll)nal Cap1tal ArC<l of the Nanonal Park Scr\IICe responded 10 that requc:!ot. He said the park sen·1ce would not buy the land and gave the folltJw­ing rea:-.uns wh). Budget re­straints ha\IC plagued the nat1onal land acquisition program over the paM :-.everal year:-.. he !'laHi. A backlog of land tn he pun.:ha:-.ed. more than 19,(XM} a,,:rc:-. ~'lllmated 10 co~t 10 excess of SlJ billion. rcmaulCd unfunded. Compe11110n is ngoruu!'l to obl.asn :-.uch funds il.'l become available. therefore pnori­lles ha\le been cstabh~hed for ac­quisition. he conlsnued. The park service ls mandated to purMJC only those properties that po:.)!.~l>!. ctther

Stumped for a holiday gift?

According tu the January 30. 1964 News R~aew, the Jaeger tract was destgrwed to be added to Greenbelt Park. However. "through an error, a congre.o.­sional btll allocallng funds fur all the parcels comprssing 1hc park h•ted the Jaqer property at 56 acres. The owner contested the Kreage figure and Congress

s,.n.l u,r-;"" f....., lt.EG~ TODAY tt .. ia hockey or ia ~""'"" a.-. h<g>n l"'""J' 3, 2GOO ( :t..n .II'C ~· mrr'llMn cad. "Uk.,. , .. ~ \lrttb. Mus.. -.ou l't'CC'1'W six in .wm­.am rn rut*: ta~~t, pamcc .mat ')OU'w kamcd. Fca'"' .. - Bepnncr­lnlmncdtoa: $60, Advonad 566, and Ho.-k<y $70. Coli b .............. ,... _.., .lllor. 18- FLEA M.UIET 7:01l.Mn l2r'IOlXt.Apur~·to nuU vxnc tun monry tfom the old m.u urn ~)Uno 1onetr wan~ ur need. 1-"REE adomoionb.._.Soohopwri)ICU dmp' Admi.on' SIS pa- doy, pa- toNr ,.,.. poy ,. advona, szo w11m ,.,.. P'¥ me day ol'me ....... c. b ...... ......,. loa. _..,.lllor.JI-SANTACAUS AaAIVI!S IIY ZAMIIONI. Sonra o """"" . cd ro"""' trom me North "'* ""­Z~··~ and h< d be hondins out ....... tce .... bth<!pC<III-.r$4.00 I'" I"""" (indullcs- ""' .... mnl). ...._,., .lllor. U-.lllor. .Jl Q /llei!AIIY IMYS - 8'30om-HOpn i'Jm1blonkins b ~ 10 do wfwn 11.:hoolil 0U1 IQr J:ht ~y~ Jucn us y.;JUr dllld "lll ~YC .a bep1ntt k'l: ... uut~ N1r1, play pmn. itt .. r Jftd h.n-.: tun .o\nabhlr !Or ~ b 12 Adnu111nn:

New Deal Cafe Ht 1w about a Greenbell Aquatic & htness Center Slockmg Stuffer'! Qpell

Fri & Sal 7-11 pm II Music

8:30pm No cover A punchcard gotllll for 15) fi\IC daily admlsMom tu the building.

f'rlclay, December 17 ................ alwayS entertBW"ung

i!lWoy>"" Saturcley, December 18

. Doug AlonWlteox the long awoll8d rotum

~, ~-

Greenbelt Resident Adult Greenbelt Resident Youth Greenbelt Resident Senior

Nun-Resident Adult Non-Residenl Youth Non-Rcsidenl Senior

$17.50 $7.50 $1 1.25

$22.50 $12.50 $13.75 of a wonderful song wnter

Sunday Brunch 10 to 2 Gr-CornmtJnily Qln,.,

(301) 474-5142 Slop by 101 Cenlerway orcall30l-397-2204.

Ice Skate in the Great Outdoors·!

Learn To Ice Slate or Play Ice Hockey At The Wills Ice IIIII. Register Today!

S25 pdpctsun.l~rJ..ay ('.aiiiOr I:'IC'Ii.R l'nc, .&licr·aft anj I'KJfHCdnl m AMJI ,..._, Htd.ry her\' llu111 9:30pm-11:30pm :\dult!> IIi .1.nd 11\cr '-'1th W cqujpmmt, tndUliHlg .1 t~c m.:t'>k or ..tnciJ . comta&.:~.t~.mxl>f.ll:ei"Wk:~· lt'llnthc tUn. The frc h S8 2!i per pc:non { .&U tilf lli•l mi<knontrs ~s,.a.J · Hnn~~: ~ p;n~Upnftcn ( l011)r rlllft' to a Wtc lur the "JYI.:~ rate nf S4 rc-r penon. prr lrwnn IU'II:h.xk\ .r.drruwon ~nJ Or I'CIIAI} .. \dv.&r-...:c rncruuons .&nd p.a1

·mctW ~to m:ct\'C thh \f'IC\.'1.11 dc.ti' Call ~ ROIHaidcnt RIO

,_...., S,.CW fnd.t\~ trnm 9:00.&m II :00.. ia: Wrc "uh ~'uur li=lk:M· home mdfricnds. The l:cc U pcrJ"'=Nif1. per tcllion (tnd~ M:lmiSSIOO .uld !ok.atc ..... ,. ~ s,.<uu M<xmy Frdaj- &om 12ncon- UIOpm or 1.15pm·2.15pn"':c _..,, Mdll~ r.ttc~$2 per penon, per so...;:m (indullcs ..,_, ""' ....., <CnW)

-~s,m.l- Mondo)'· -....,..and Thundo)o>- 9 .lOam 11:301ni ~your school f110UP ii;,. ~ op:cul ..... ,..,;oo Onlv $2 pee pcno>n. per -=-:Jr1 (n::llJdn ~ll'II~:QOI'I .lfll.1 W~ n:nad). ~ ~·.mnn\ .a.nd p.i\TI'ICnt

«quired. ·-- ---------~- ~ ----- --~ -~--

' ONLY '4.00 JXr ~rson

lndudC's Adm1s~on : & Shtc Rental l\'~ up 10 .f. ~oplc wrth rh1~ ~•Hlpon

WElLS E RINK (301) 277-371Q;

' TrY (301) 249·4252 '·"' : Nc,rn.lui 1-nJ~'" 7 I~ nf """h ~- .. --~-'!1~r·.t:~!~"-·!.!t!!CJ ____ _

Holidlly Schedule 12/24/99-1/2/00

AdmioUon ..... PG/Munt Nt., n:s.~dcnt rc~nl .......... S4SO ~~so

-a.ildrcftjl': ........ ) 5350 5415

•Smior aa-.160 • Up) $350 5415 •Ska' Jt.:nal S3!\0 S3!0

friday. Dr:rzlnba u l200·215pm , ........... ~Dra:anbcrlS CUN-D ~~l6 103012~


Hllpm·Slllpm 700900prn

~ Dcu:Mba' 1 1200·2 15pm 3.00SiJDpm 700.900pn

T..adaf, DcaMbcr 11 ll 00·2.15prn 300.500pm

700.900pn ~o..:.:-txrl9 llOOliSpn


700900pfn ~Duanba.lO 12011ll!ipm

iHl0500pn '7J0.1130pm

t'rMIIQ • ........,:II 1200l1Spm l.W<f30ptl

~,.......,., 1130130prn

100400prn 4l0630pm· 7i)()Q00pm

~JMUM)'l IO."'·IlMJpm I 00300pm

330530pm 700 YOOpm

Pid. Up Hocky9:30·ll:!Ciw­s-., )6 ....t ,__, 2


5211 Paint Branch Parkway~ COLLEGE PARK, MD (301) 277-3719 TIY (301) 249-4252