เนื้อหาสรุป Comprehensive หมวด c

1 สรุปเน้อหาเตรยมสอบ Comprehensive สาขาบรหารรัฐกจ โดย นายนันทภพ สนไชย PS 705 แนวความคดเชงทฤษฏในการบรหารรัฐกจ ศกษาแนวความคดเชงทฤษฏจากผลงานเขยนของนักวชาการระดับนา ผูมบทบาท สาคัญตอการพัฒนาการของวชาการบรหารรัฐกจในโลกตะวันกและตะวันออก วเคราะหท่มา และสาระของแนวความคดเชงทฤษฏ่สาคัญๆ ศกษารายกรณท่นาทฤษฏมาประยุกตใช ฯลฯ ใหนักศกษาอภปรายสนับสนุน หรอโตแย งแนวความค ดเหลานัน การบรหารรัฐกจ หรอ รัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ รัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ อยูภายใตบรบท ( Context) ทังสภาพเหนอรัฐ ( Mega State) และ จากระบบภายในสังคม ไดแก ระบบการเมอง การปกครอง, เศรษฐกจ, กฎหมาย และปัจจัย ทางสังคมวทยาท่เก่ยวกับปัจเจกบุคคล กลุมคน ค านยมและวัฒนธรรม ฯลฯ - ฝายการเมอง เป็นฝายนาความคดจากประชาชนมาทาเป็นกฎหมาย, นโยบายและ หลักการตางๆ เพ ่อนาไปบรหารประเทศ - ายการเมอง เป็นผูกาหนดกตกาและนโยบาย - ฝายรัฐบาล เป็นผูบรหารงานภาครัฐ (หรอเรยกวาฝายบรหารรัฐกจ นั่นก็คอ รัฐ ประศาสนศาสตร นั่นเอง) - คณะรัฐมนตร เป็นผูกาหนดนโยบายใหกระทรวง, กรม และหนวยงานไปปฏบัต - ขาราชการ จงควรตองมความรูในการนานโยบายตางๆ เหลานันไปปฏบัตหรอ ดาเนนการ และควรม ความรูทางรัฐประศาสนศาสตร แนวคดและปรัชญาพ้นฐานในการบรหารรัฐก นักค ดท่สาคัญของสาขาวชาบรหารรัฐกจประกอบดวยบุคลสาคัญๆ 3 ทาน (เรยกไดวเป็น GURU ของการบรหารรัฐกจ) ค 1.วูดโรวลสัน มองวาภารก จท่ย่งใหญในการบรหารงานภาครัฐคอการทาใหประชาชน ตท ่ดท่สุด เขาจ งเช ่อวาการปฏบัตตองมากอนทฤษฎ 2.แมกซ เวเบอร นักสังคมวทยาชาวเยอรมัน 3.เฟรดเดอรก เทเลอร

Transcript of เนื้อหาสรุป Comprehensive หมวด c

  • 1. 1 Comprehensive PS 705 (Context) (Mega State) , , - , - - ( ) - , - 3 ( GURU ) 1. 2. 3.

2. 2 Comprehensive 3 3 (Woodrow Wilson) 28 The Study of Administration 1887 7 10 % (Merit System) 4 1.Competence 2.Equality of Opportunity 3. 3 Comprehensive 3.Political Neutrality 4.Security of Tenure 1 (Max Weber) Bureaucracy - - - - Bureaucracy Bureaucracy 4. 4 Comprehensive Unorganized Organization Systematic Organized Organization Bureaucracy 1. 1.1 (Horizontal Delegation) (Specialization) 1.2 (Hierarchy) (Accuracy) (Organization Goal) 1.3 (Rule & Regulation) (Standardization) 2. 2.1 Impersonality 2.2 Rationality 2.3 Rule Orientation 5. 5 Comprehensive Bureaucracy Bureaucracy Bureaucracy Debureaucratization Bureaucracy - - (Formal Organization) ((Frederic W.Taylor) 6. 6 Comprehensive (Scientific Management) 2 47 12 Scientific Management 7. 7 Comprehensive 1.Specialization 2. Time and Motion Study The One Best Way 3.Intensive Wage Systems -More Production, More Money -Full Utilization of Resources -Maximization Efficiency 8. 8 Comprehensive Modern Time () , ( ) Collective Action Individual Action 3 1. Public Affairs / 2. Public Interest 3. Public Accountability 1. Private Affairs 2. Private Interest 9. 9 Comprehensive , , , , , (Mega State : ) *** (Dynamics) (Equilibrium) 1-5 New PA. NPM & Good Governance 5 5 New PA. NPM Good Governance () 10. 10 Comprehensive Normal Science 1 Paradigm Crisis 5 : 1 Wilson Goodnow 2 - - Leonard D. White : 2 11. 11 Comprehensive Gulick POSDCORB 1. P (Planning)- 2. O (Organizing)- 3. S (Staffing)- 4. D (Directing)- 5. CO (Coordinating)- 6. R (Reporting)- 7. B (Budgeting)- Taylor one best way ( ) 3 : 1 - - 3 / 4 Elton Mayo -- Human Relation () 12. 12 Comprehensive - - - Maslow -- (The Hierarchy of Needs Theory) 5 1 (Physiological Needs) 4 2 (Safety Needs) 3 (Social Needs) 4 (Esteem Needs) 5 (Self actualization Needs) McGregor -- X Y (Douglas McGregor) Carrot and Stick Approach X Y X Y 1. 1. 13. 13 Comprehensive 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. X Y Y X Y X Carrot and Stick Approach Carrot Stick Y Carrot Soft Control Y Y Stick Y X Carrot Stick Hard Control X Y Y X 14. 14 Comprehensive Herberg -- (Two-factor Theory) 5.1 Hygienic Factor - (Salary) - (Supervision) - (Company Policy) - (Working Conditions) 24 Working Conditions - (Job Security) Hygienic Factor 15. 15 Comprehensive Hygienic Factor Hygienic Factor Motivation Factor 5.2 Motivation Factor - (Achievement) - (Recognition) - (Responsibility) Y - (Advancement) Career Path Planning 16. 16 Comprehensive - (The Work Itself) Motivation Factor The Work Itself 4 : 2 2 - , - 4 - Herbert Simon (Bounded Rationality) - Barnard 17. 17 Comprehensive 4 5 : 1 (Normal Sign) (Paradigm Crisis) Scientific Revolution 5 2 1 1 2 18. 18 Comprehensive 2 1 3 4 2 1968 New Public Administration New PA. 5 New PA. New PA. 1. Phenomenology () 2. Relevant 3. Social Equity 4. Participation 5. Decentralization 5 1968 1970 19. 19 Comprehensive 1980 1 1980 - - - - - New Public Administration .. 1968 New Public Administration 5 Public Administration as Public Administration New Public Administration .. 1968-1970 .. 1990 New Public Management NPM 20. 20 Comprehensive Management Administration 1994 New Public Management New Public Management (NPM) 1. (Quality Service) 2. 3. 2 4. 5. ( .-) 6. 21. 21 Comprehensive NPM .. 2543 5 2 1. 1.1 1.2 2. 22. 22 Comprehensive - (Down sizing) , Jigsaw - - 3 .. 1980 (Good Governance) Governace 23. 23 Comprehensive Governmrnt Administration (GOOD GOVERNANCE) 1. (The Rule of Law) 2. (Morality) 3. (Accountability) 24. 24 Comprehensive 4. (Participation) 5. (Responsibility ) 6. (Cost effectiveness or Economy) Good Government . - . - . - . - . - 25. 25 Comprehensive . - . - Good Governance 2 1. (Market Model) Business Life Approach (NPM) (Good Governance) 2. (Participatory State) (Civil Society) 26. 26 Comprehensive : (Collaborative Goovernance) (Collaborative Governance) (formal) (consensus-oriented) (deliberative) 27. 27 Comprehensive 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1) (starting conditions) 2) (facilitative leadership) 3) (institutional design) 28. 28 Comprehensive 4) (collaborative process) 1. (starting conditions) : 3 - - - 3 2. (facilitative leadership) : 3. (institutional design) : 4. (collaborative process) : (prenegotiation phase) (negotiation phase) (implementation phase) (face-to- 29. 29 Comprehensive face dialogue) (trust building) (commitment to the process) (shared understanding) - // - - - PS 707 30. 30 Comprehensive (Competency) 31. 31 Comprehensive HR CEO CHR (Chief Human Resource) HR HR HR Professional (Capabilities) (Good Governance) Sustainable Development: UNDP, GHI-HPI (Buddha thought, BHUTAN concept), etc. What Is Human Development ?: Mahbub ul Haq : 32. 32 Comprehensive : - - - - ( ) : : 1. 2. 3. Human development (Building Human Capabilities) ... 33. 33 Comprehensive - - - - : : - , - - - - 34. 34 Comprehensive - - ( cono ic and ocial o ission for sia and acific) 1. (Investment) - - - 2. (Utilization) 3. (Provision) - - - 35. 35 Comprehensive (Human Capital) ( u an apital ccu ulation) - 36. 36 Comprehensive - - - 1 (Investment) 1.1 - - - - - 1.2 - - () - - 37. 37 Comprehensive 2 (Utilization) 3 (Provision) 1. 2. 3. 38. 38 Comprehensive 4. 5. (Non Government Organization:NGO) NGOs NGO : UNDP UNDP (United Nation Development Program) (Human Development: HD) (Human Development: HD) .. 2533 (.. 1990) UNDP 1990 4 (The Forth Decade of Development: Human Development Decade) (HD) UNDP 39. 39 Comprehensive - UNDP UN UNDP (People-centered Development) (Longitivity) (Healthy) (Creative Lives) 8 4 1. (Criminating Poverty) 2 (Creating Jobs and Sustaining Livelihoods) 3. (Protecting and Regenerating the Environment) 4. (Promoting the Advancement of Women) 40. 40 Comprehensive - - - - - (Human Development Index) - HDI: UNDP + (Healthy Life) (Knowledge) : (A Decent Standard of Living) (The Gross International Happiness Project-GIH) "" "" 41. 41 Comprehensive Economic Environmental Social Development of the People by the People and for the People : OTOP ( ) : - - - - - : - + - - (Knowledge Management) => (Learning Organization) KM (Knowledge Management) / KM 1. 42. 42 Comprehensive 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. - - - KM - : - : - : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 43. 43 Comprehensive LO (Learning Organization) LO - - - - - - - - - 5 Peter M Senge 1. (Personal Mastery) 44. 44 Comprehensive (Lifelong Learning) 2. (Mental Model) 3. (Shared Vision) 4. (Team Learning) 5. (System Thinking) (Competency) David C. McClelland Competency 45. 45 Comprehensive Competency (Social Role) (Self-Image) 46. 46 Comprehensive (Traits) (Motives) Competency (Knowledge) (Skills) (Personal Characteristic of Attributes) (Behavior) Competency 3 ( : 2547) 1 2 3 Competency 3 ( : 2547) 1. (Core Competency) 2. (Managerial Competency) (Role Based) 3. (Functional Competency ) 47. 47 Comprehensive (Job Based) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Batch hiring 2. Clustering 3. Role Model 4. Womens network 5. Flexible organization structures 48. 48 Comprehensive 6. 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 1. 49. 49 Comprehensive 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. PS 708 . 50. 50 Comprehensive ( ) (Classical) (Closed Modern 3 1.Bureaucratic Theory Bureaucracy -Hierarchy -Division Of Labor Specialization -Impersonality -Rules & Regulations 2.Scientific Management Theory 3.Administrative Management Theory 2 5 POCCC 51. 51 Comprehensive 1.Planning 2.Organizing 3.Commanding/Directing 4.Coordinating 5.Controlling 14 POSDCORB -P-Planning -O-Organizing -S-Staffing -D-Directing -Co-Coordinating -R-Reporting -B-Budgeting ( ) 7 3 Organization Without People Approach (Dehumanize) 52. 52 Comprehensive - - (Neo-Classical) Open Model (Mary Parker Follet) , (Elton Mayo), . (Chester I.Barnard) Human Relation Movement Hawthorne Experiments 53. 53 Comprehensive . 2 ( Consent Model ) (Communication) (Concept of Contribution and Inducements) (Contribution) (Inducement) 54. 54 Comprehensive Inducements Communication Contribution Syndrome Contribution 7 7 7 (Modern) 7s *Structure *Strategy *Systems 55. 55 Comprehensive *Skill *Staff *Style S Super Ordinate Goal Super Ordinate Goal S Staff 3 S (Human Resource Theory) Economic Man Social Man 2 (Human Resource Theory ) 1. 56. 56 Comprehensive 2. X Y 3 (Need for Achievements) (Need for Power) Direct Sale 3. - (OD-Organizational Development Theory) (Ice Berg) ( PS 708 ) 57. 57 Comprehensive -Reengineering - (QCC Quality Control Circle Theory QCC High Performance Organization (HPO) 1.Globally Engaged (Continuous Improvement) (Best Practice) (World Class Organization) . . . . 58. 58 Comprehensive 2.Technological Literacy 3.Performance-Based Result Based Management (Output ) (Out Come) (Ultimate Outcome) 3 Input Outcome Outcome 4.Custommer-Focused High Performance Organization Business -Like Approach 59. 59 Comprehensive (Post Modern) Post Modern 1. Pay at Post 2. Just in Time (JIT) 3. 4 (Out Source) (Telecommuting) E-University E-Learning 4. Post Modern Out source 60. 60 Comprehensive ( ) Post Modern Virtual Organization Virtual Office Mobile Worker (Self Management) 1. (Complexity) (Differentiation) 1.1 (Horizontal Differentiation) 61. 61 Comprehensive (Job Specialization) (Departmentalization) - 100 10 10 100 10 - - - - - 1.2 (Vertical Differentiation) Levels of Control, Levels of Supervision, Level of Management (Span of Control) ( ) 1.3 (Spatial Dispersion) - - 62. 62 Comprehensive ( 181 ) 2. (Formalization) -Job Standardization -Job Description -Job Instruction -Job Tradition Scientific Management ( ) 7 Temporary Job 63. 63 Comprehensive ( 127) Inputs, Process, Output, Outcome -Output -Outcome ( 128) ( ) 10 64. 64 Comprehensive ( 238) 4 4 3 1. - - - - 2. - - 3. - - - - 4. - - - Shamrock ( Charles Handy) 65. 65 Comprehensive 3 3 3 (1) (professional core) (2) (outsourcing vendors) (3) (part-time) (staff) (part-time) 66. 66 Comprehensive (downsizing) 2 1. 2. ..2545 67. 67 Comprehensive 5 ... (High Performance Organization: HPO) 1. Globally Engaged (World Class Organization) 2. Technological Literacy 3. Performance Based/ Result Based 4. Customer Focused / 2545 2545 1.. .. 2545 2.. .. 2545 3. .. 2546-2550 68. 68 Comprehensive 4. 2546 . 13 20 22 13 1.Governing (Good Governance) 2.Directing (Sustainable Management) 3.Managing Good Governance 4.Executing (.. 2545) 69. 69 Comprehensive 1. 2. 3. 4. ... 5. Performance Based Budgeting GSMIF High Performance Government PS 711 70. 70 Comprehensive Thomas R. Dye H1N1 LPG () 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) / 1) 71. 71 Comprehensive 2) (Problem Solving) If Then .... .... .... .... 3) (Policy Recommendation) () (Processes of Policy) 1) (Formation) ( ) 2) (Analysis / Appraisal) ( ) 3 3) (Implementation) 72. 72 Comprehensive (Results) 4) (Evaluation) (Exact Results) (Expected) 2 (Unplanned Decision Making) 1. Rule of Thumb () 2. Trial & Error () 3. Incremental () 4. Rational () ( Rational Reason) (Planned Decision Making) 1. Planning 2. Plan () 3. Policy () ( 73. 73 Comprehensive ) 1. : 2. : 1. Cause-effect Approach Cause-effect Approach 3 3 2 1. (/) 74. 74 Comprehensive 2. (/ ) 2. Policy Systems - Policy Stakeholders - Policy Environment - Public Policies 3 2 1. Public Policies Policy Stakeholders Policy Environment (/) 2. Public Policies Policy Stakeholder Policy Environment (/ ) Policy Stakeholders Policy Environment Public Policies 75. 75 Comprehensive 2 1 1. 2. Fasts () 3. Actors ( ) , 4. Values () 2 1. , , , 2. , 76. 76 Comprehensive , , , 3. , , , , 4. 5. , , , , GMO GMO (Models for Policy Analysis) Thomas R. Dye 9 77. 77 Comprehensive 1. 2. 1. 1. (Structure) (Function / Behavior) 2. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 78. 78 Comprehensive 1. 1. / 1. , 2. , 3. 4. 5. 79. 79 Comprehensive 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. / ( ) 1. 2. / 3. 80. 80 Comprehensive 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 1. 2. 3. ( ) 81. 81 Comprehensive 1. (Maximum Social Gain) 2. 3. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. () 82. 82 Comprehensive 2. 3. ( 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 83. 83 Comprehensive 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. / 1. 2 2. 2 84. 84 Comprehensive 3. (Strategy) 4. Minimax 1. / 2. / 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. (Public Choice Model) 85. 85 Comprehensive (Systems Model) (Demands) (Supports) Feedback Feedback 86. 86 Comprehensive 9 1. (Rational Model) 2. (Management Model) 3. (Organizational Development Model) 4. (Bureaucratic Process Model) 5. (Political Model) 1. (Rational Model) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 2. (Management Model) 87. 87 Comprehensive 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) / 3. (Organizational Development Model) 5 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 5 () 4. (Bureaucratic Process Model) 88. 88 Comprehensive 5. (Political Model) / 3 1. Policy monitoring 89. 89 Comprehensive (coverage) (delivery) 2. Efficiency Evaluation 3. Effectiveness Evaluation - - / - ( - - - -