+ CIT110. + IT in the 21 st Century Operation date: January 20, 2012 Video Suspect:?

+ CIT110

Transcript of + CIT110. + IT in the 21 st Century Operation date: January 20, 2012 Video Suspect:?



+Objective of CIT110

You will develop skills that allow you to independently learn about new technology, and be able to write a professional memo/description of the topic.

Understand how technology fits into a broader social and political context; comprehend why technology itself has social and political properties.

+Important dates

1996 – You are born (if you are a freshman)

1998 – Google Inc. is founded (began as a research project in 1996)

+Way back in 2005

What was it like way back then? What did we do without smartphones? Or Netflix instant video (2008)? Or Twitter (2006)? Or Spotify (2006)?

+ 6

Original iPhone (2007)

4 GBCamera with no optical zoom, flash or autofocus

+ 7

First Android Phone – Oct. 2008

+ 8

iPhone 3GS – June 19, 2009

First iPhone to

shoot video

+ 9

Angry Birds – Dec. 2009

+ 10

iPad – April 3, 2010

+ 11

Fall 2010 (first yr high school) What was in your backpack?

+SnapChat – September 2011

+Candy Crush – Facebook release 4/12/12

+ 14

2013 - iPad for every teacher

+June 2013 – first Snowden leaks


+2014 - Android Wear

+Nov. 2014 - #SonyHack

+ 18

Spring 2018?

Where will technology be in four years (when you will be graduating)?

Who is this? What is he wearing?