· ; CHUECH, COLHAPP & CO., PROPRIETORS, McPherson'sBlock, 2d Floor, Hall...

; CHUECH, COLHAPP & CO., PROPRIETORS, McPherson's Block, 2d Floor, Hall Entrance, Brownvillc, 3Vcl. TERMS: 6ne copy one year . 2 00 Plve copies one year...- - 8 75 Ten copies one year - - 18 00 Twenty copies one year.- -. ........... 80 00 BOOIC.WOHK, And Plain andI'akct Job Work, done in good style and at reasonable rates. ScntntI Cards of five lines or less, $-- " a year. Each adaitionai line ti. DeFOIlEST PORTER, Attorney at Lw and Laad Agent, Office In Court House, with Probate Judge. TIPTON, IIEW'ETT A CHURCH, . Attorneys and Counselors at Lw( Office No, 70 McPherson's Block, up stairs. THOMAS A BROADY, Att'ys at Law A, Solicitors In Chancery, Office In District Court Room. a M. RICH, Attorney at Law and Land Agent. Office In Court House, first door, west side. wm. ii. Mclennan, Attorney and Coanselor at Law, Nebraska City, Nebraska. B. F. PERKINS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, TecumHch, Johnnon Co., Neb. F. N VE,- - - Attorney at Law and War Claim Agent, Pawnee City, Pawnc Co., Neb. N. K. GRIGGS, Attorney at Law A, Real Estate Agent, Htrio, On?c Vnntr. Ne!rkB. LAND AGENTS. R. V. HUGHES, Ileal Estate Agent and Justice of Peace, Office In Court House, first door, west 6lde. BARRET A LETT, Land Agents A Land Warrant Brokers. No. 21 Main Street. Will attend to paiing Tares or IXon-reside- Personal attention given to making Location. Jjands, improved and unimproved, or tale on refuonnble terms. WM. IL HOOVER, Ileal Estate and Tax Paying Agent. Office In Ilstrict Court Room. Will ffiverrompt attention to the sale of Real JZxtate and JfiumnU o Taxes througlwut tie A'emaha Ixind Jjistriet. JONAS HACKER, Collector for the City of BrownTllle, Will attend to tfie Payment of Taxes or 2 im- pendent Land Owners in Scmaha County. KJOrrespondence HoUeited, IKtltSKY, HOADLEY & CO., Ileal Estate Agents, and Dealers In Land Warrants and College Scrip, No. T Main Street. Buy and sell improved and unimproved lands. Puy, sell and locate Land Warrants, and Agri- cultural ticrip. Vareul selections of Govern- ment Land jor Location, lhrnxesteatls, and ITr-cmptin- ns made. Attend to Contested Homesteads and ITe-emptis- m cases in Vie Land Office. Let- ters of inquiry promptly and cartfully answered. Correspondence siAu-Uet- Mclaughlin a rich. Real Estate and Land Agents, Will attend to making selections of Land or Emiirrants.or LocatUm or l ; at- tend to contested canes beore the Land Olltce, and will do alt business pertaining to a first class Jieal Kstate Agency. MOSES IL SYDENHAM, KOTARY PCBL1C A LA3TD AGENT, Fort Kearney, Xebraska. Will locate lands for intending settlers, and give any information required concerning Uie laiKisof South-Wester- n Nebraska. 1'2-- to JPHYSICIANS IL L. MATHEWS, PHYSICIAN AND SIBCEON. Office No. 31 Main Street. A. 8. HOLLADAY. M. D., Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician, Office Holladay &. Co's Drug Store. Graduated in l)vl ; Ijocated in Brotcnville in 1HM. Has on hand complete sets o Amputating, Srephining and OOstctrtcal Instruments. p. &. Special attention given to Obstetrics and the diseases of Women and Children. a F. STEWART, M. D., P1IYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office No. 1 Main Street. Office Hours 7 to 9 A. M., and 1 to 2 and Ci to li P. M. W. IL KIMBERLIN, OCULIST AND A CRIST, Rooms at the Star HoteL Will Treat all rfiea.e of the Poeand Ear. MEIICHANDISE GEORGE MARION, Dealer in Drj Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ac, No. 9 Main Street. WM. T. DEN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise, and Commission and Forwarding Merchant, No. 20 Main Street. Com Planters, Plows, Stoves, Furniture, Ac, always on hand. Highest market price paid for Hides, Pelts, Furs and Qjuntry I'rotluee. O. M. HENDERSON, Dealer in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, No. 53 Main Street. J. L. McGEE A CO. Dealers In General Merchandise, No. 79 McPhorwon's Block, Main St. DRUG STORES. HolxAAAcb TFAocae and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, etc., i No. 41 Main Street. McCREERY A NICKELL, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Books, Wallpaper A Stationery No. 3 Main Street. BOOTS AND SHOES. "cilvrTeshlmerT HOOT AND SHOE HIKER, No. 63 Main Street. lias on hand a superior stock of Roots and Shoes. Custom Work done with neatness and dispatch. A. ROBINSON, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, No, 5 8 Main Street. Has on hand a good assortment of Gent's, suite's. Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes. Custom Work done with neatness and dispatch. Jinmirinrr dime on slmrt notice. HARDWARE. JOHN C DEUSER, Dealer In Stores, Tinware, Pumps, Ac., No. 7 9 Main Street. SHELLENBERGEIl ERO Manufacturers A Dealers In Tinware. No. 7 Main SL, Mcrhereou's Block. Stoves, IIrd ware, Carpenter's Tools. Black-smit- h FtimikMmr. Ac., ron-ifnnt- on hnnd. SADDLERY. JOHN W. MIDDLLTON, XIARNKSS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Ete. No. 6 Main Street. Whips and Lashes of every description, and plastering Hair, kept vn hand. Cash paid for Jlides. J. IL BAUER, Manufacturer and Dealer in HARNESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Etc. No. 60yi Main Street. Jendinry done to order. Sntixfriion miarnnteed . BLACILSiimiS. J. IL BEASON, Rlaoksmlthlng and IIors Shoeing, Shop No. SO Main Street, Will do Blacksmithing of all kinds. Makes Jlorse Shoring, Ironing of Wagons and Sleighs, and Machine Work a Sjecialils J.-W- . A J. C. OTr.S0N, BLCXSMITUS, Shop on First, between Main and Atlantic. A 11 work done to order, and satisaction guar-Tantee- d.- JOnN FLORA, BLACKSMITH, Ehop on Water St--, South of American House, Custom Work aU kinds tolicitml, Vol. 12; i It'll ii'l" " '" ilcli HI n i'I- - HESSE icittrul Cards of five lines or less 5 a year. Each additional line, SI. HJTELS STAR HOTEL. CROSS & WHITE, IToprietors. On Levee Street, between Main and Atlantic; This House is convenient to the Steam Boat Tsimlina. and the business port of the City. The best accf'Tnmodations in the Cit-y- t A'o pains will be spared in making guests comfortahle. Good Stable and Oorrail e(nvenxent to the Jtouset AMERICAN HOUSE. L. D. ROBISON, Proprietor. Front St.. between Main and Water. A good Feed and Livery Stable in connection untn trie novnci CONFECTIONERIES WILLIAM ROSS ELL, Bakery, Confectionery and Toy Store No. 40 Main Street. Fresh Bread, Qifces, Oysters, Fruit, etc., on hand J. P. DEUSER, , . . - Dealer In Confeciioueiles, Toys, ete. No. 44 Main Street. WILLIAM ALLEN, " City Bakery and Confectionery, No. 37 Main Street. Fancy Wedding Cakes furnished on slwrt no tice. Best family Flour eonianuy on nana. OTARIES J. C. McNAUGHTON, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office in J. L. Carson's Bank. Agent or u National Life" and "Hartford A Livestock" Insurance LTrmpames, FAIRBROTHER & HACKER, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Office in County Court Room. O. W. FATRBROTHEK, JAMES M. HACKER, Notary Public. County cierK. JSALOONS. CHARLES BRIEGEL, BEER HALL AND LUNCH ROOM, No. 52 Main Street. GARRISON fe ROBERTS, BILLIARD HALL AND SAOON, Basement, No. 46 Main Street, The best Wines and Liquors kept comtlantly on lutna. vix-iii- U JOSEPH HUDDARD A CO., SALOON, No. 47 Main Street. The best Wines and Liquors kept on hand. PAINTING. G. P. BERKLEY, House, Carriage and Sign Painter. No. 66 Main St., upstairs. Graining.GuiMing.Glazingand Paper Hang ing done on sfwrt notice, favorable terms, and warranted. NEWS DEALERS. A. D. MARSH, BookseUer and News Dealer. CUy Book Store, No. 50 Main Street, Postoffice Building. BARBERS. J. L. ROY, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. No. 53 Main Street, Has a splendid nit of Bath Rooms. Also a ehnire xtm k of Oenth'man's Notions. GRAIN DEALERS. GEO. G. START A BR0-- , DEALERS IN GRAIN, PRODUCE, Ac. Aspinwall, Nebraska. The blahest market price paid for anythf ne the Farmer can raise. We will buy and sell every tiling known to the market. WORTHING &. WIIXX3X, Storage, Forwarding and Commission jnrrcnauti, And Dealers in all kinds of Grain, for which thev pay the Ifi'ihfxt Market Price in Yrh. AILORING nAUBOLDT & ZECH, MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 5 8y Main Street, Have on hand a splendid stock of Goods. and will make them up in the latest styles. on short notice and reasonable terms. AUCTIONEERS. BLISS fc HUGHES, GENERAL AUCTIONEERS. Will attend to Uie sale of Real and I'crsonal Property in the Nemaha Land District. Terms reaimnnhle. JVlGOMAMRS FRANZ HELMER, Wagon Maker and Repairer. Shop West of Court House, of Wagons, Buggies. Plows, Cultivators, dc, re paired on short notice, at low rates, and war- ranted to give satisfaction. A, STAFFORD, of PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, No. 47 Main Street, up stairs. Persons wishina Pictures executed in the litest sfile of the Art. will coll at mil Art Gallrrif. GARDENERS. E. H. LURCHES, Landscape Gardener A Horticulturist. Will plant crops in Gardens, and cultivate same fcv contract. ED. D. SMITH, U. S. WAR CLAIM AGENT, to Washington CUy, D. G Will attend to the prosecution of claims be- fore the Deimrtment in person, for Additional Bounty, Ruck Pay and Pensions, and all claims accruing against the Government du- ring the late war. 46-- tf SMITH. P. TUTTLE, V. S. ASSISTANT ASSESSOR. Office in District Court Room, Notary Public ami I'nited State War Claim AgeaX. WM attend to the prosecution of claims before the DejHirtment, for Additional Bounty, Back Iiy and I'ensions. Also the collection of Semi-Annu- al fhift on Pensions. JEWELERS. jTvTd. PATCH, Manufacturer and Dealer in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, etc., etc. No. 32 Main Street. Silver and Silver-plate- d Ware, and all varie- ties of Sjtectacles constantly on hand. Repairing done in the neatest style, at short notice. Charges mnfleraie. Work unirranted. to BUTCHERS. KEISWETTER & EIRSMAN, BrownTllle City Meat Market. No. 60 Main Street. TTI7i pay the h ighest market price for good Beef CnttU. t 7v. Klwm and Una. MUSIC. METROPOLITAN BRASS BAND vjr?rkirv-- i t . r. . .... . Is atall times prepared to plav for the pub- lic at any point within 1V miles of this city, on reasonable terms. Address, -- 413m D. C Smith, Leader. MRS. J. M. GRAHAM, ' TEACHER OP MUSIC. Rooms, Main, bet 4th & 5th Sts. Lcmoiw fiven on th, PUno. Organ, Melodeen. ?JLlnd ocahza'. 'T'rAf McinNeJrfrk is ... .... y .'u action A. W. MnRfi xr Probate Judge and Justice 'of the Peace Office In Court House Building. J- - K. BEAR, Agent for the M. c. Express Co., and W. U. Telegraph Co. No. 72 McPherson s Block. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 3, 18G8. Ulysses S. Grant. THE PLATFORM . 0ihxi National Republican Party. ' Atedat Chicago, May 21..1SG3. The following piatforrri, reported by the Committee on Resolutions, was unanimously adopted by thelsationa Republican Convention in session at Chicago i The National Republican party of the United States, assemDiea in xsat- - lonal Convention in the city or Chicago on the 20th day of May, . 1868, make 1 1 1 1 1 ' ne uie luiiowing ueciarauuu ui i)uuu bles : First. "We congratulate the country on the assured success of the recon struction Droiccts of Congress, as evinc ed by the adoption, in a majority of the States lately in rebellion, or con- stitutions securing equal civil and political rights to all, and regard tit as the duty of the government to sustain these institutions and to prevent the people of such States from being re- mitted to a state of anarchy. Second. The guarantee of Congress of equal suffrage to all loyal men of the South was demanded uy every consideration of public safety, of grat- itude, and of justice, and must be maintained, while the question of 8uHrage in all the loyal States proper- ly belongs to the people of those States. Third. We denounce all forms of repudiation as a national crime, and honor requires the paymentof the na-tino-al indebtedness in the utmost good faith to all creditors, at home and abroad, not only according to the letter but the spirit ot the laws under which it was contracted. Fourth. It is due to the labor of the nation that taxation should be equal- ized and reduced as rapidly as the national faith will permit. Fifth. The national debt, contracted as it has been for the preservation of the Union for all time to come, should be extended over a fair period for re- demption, and it Is the duty of Con grest to reduce the rate of interest thereon whenever it can possible- - be done. - - ' - Sixtlu That the best policy to dim inish our burden of debt is to so im- prove ourcredit that capitalists will seek to loan us money at lower rates of interest than we now pay, and must continue to pay so long as repudiation, partial or total, open or covert, is threat- ened or suspected. Seventh. The government of the United States should bo administered with the strictest economy, and the corruptions which have been so shame- fully nursed and fostered by Andrew Johnson call loudly for radical re- - lorm. Eighth. We profoundly deplore the untimely and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln, and regret the ac- cession of Andrew Johnson to the Presidency, who has acted treacher ously to the people who elected him and the cause he was pledged to sup- port ; has usurped legislative and jud- icial functions ; has refused to execute the laws ; has used his high office to induce other officers to ignore and vio- late the laws ; has employed his ex- ecutive power to render insecure the prosperity, peace, liberty, and life of the citizens ; has abused the pardon- ing power ; has denounced the Nation- al Legislature as unconstitutional; has persistently and corruptly resisted, by every means in his power, every nroner attemnt at the reconstruction the States lately in rebellion ; has perverted the public patronage into an engine of wholesale corruption, and has been justly impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and prop- erly pronounced guilty by the votes thirtv-rlv- e Senators. Ninth. The doctrine of Great Brit ain and other European powers, that because a man is once a subject he is always so, must be resisted at every hazard by the United States as a relic of the fedual times, not authorized by the law of nations and at war with our national honor and independence. Naturalized citizens are Entitled to be protected in all their rights of citizen- ship as though thej were native born, and no citizen of the United States, native or naturalized, must be liable arrest and imprisonment by any foreign power for acts done or words spoken in this country. And if so ar- rested and imprisoned, it is the duty of the Government to interfere in his behalf. Tenth. Of all who were faithful in the trials of the late war there are none entitled to more especial honor than the brave soldiers and seamen who endured the hardships of campaign and cruise.and imperiled their lives in Ihe service of their country. The bounties and pensions provided by law for these brave defenders of the nation are obligations never to be for- gotten. The widows and orphans of the gallant dead are the wards of the people, a sacred legacy bequeathed to the nation's protecting care. Eleventh. Foreign emigration, which in the past has added so much the wealth and development of the resources and the increase of power of this nation, "the asylum of the op- pressed of aU nations, ' should be fost- ered and encouraged by a liberal and just policy. Twelfth. This convention declares its sympathy with all the oppressed people who are struggling for their rights. On motion of Gen. Carl Sehurz, the following additional resolutions we unanimously adopted as part of the platform : Jltsolvcd, That we highly commend the spirit of magnanimity and forbear- ance with which the men who have served in the rebellion, but now frankly and honestly co-oper- ate with us in restoring the peace of the country and reconstructing the Southern State gov- ernments upon the basis of impartial justice and equal rights, are received back into the communion of the loyal people : and we favor the removal of the disqualifications and restrictions imposed upon the late rebels in the same measure as their spirit of loyalty will direct, as may be consistent with the safety of the loyal people.- - . ,; i .A 7 f ' 1 e Sclmylcr Colfax. fiesolved, That we recognize the n lo!l ftrtti'n in the immortal Declaration of Independence as me true luunuauwu i vv.w rrmToimmanf QTlH WP Hall With 13(1- - mvs " v gUtVlUiUVllVf ness every effort toward making these principles a living reuuij ojr 114 V Ul XXLLICI DUii. Trip up tlie Mississippi Qulney Bridge across Rirer Keokuk -- scenery, fce. Correspondence of the Advertiser. August 81st, 1863. A trip up the Mississippi at this sea son of the year is exceedingly delight- ful. All the way there is the most beautiful and attractive scenery; and as you ascend the river it increases in beauty and grandure. Upon" every hand there is the indication of thrift and prosperity. All the way in Illi nois, Iowa and Minnesota the crops were never better. Minnesota this year has the largest and best wheat crops she has ever raised. The largest and most important town on the Mississippi, above St, Louis, is Quincy, III.; a town of 35, 000 inhabitants, situated on the east bank of the Mississippi, one hundred and sixty-tw- o miles above St. Louis. Quincy is improving very rapidly; a great many very nice fine buildings are being put up thi3 season. Her principle business is trade in mer chandise, grain and fruit. She can't boast of her manufactures or water works. Quincy is situated in the midst of a very fertile country, and on a high and healthy elevation from the river. The railroad bridge, which spans the river at this place, is nearly completed. It is being built by a bridge company for the use of the Chicago, Burling- ton and Quincy railroad. The bridge is built on the principle of the wooden trestle suspension, and consists of twenty four spans, eighteen across the main channel, and six across the bay. The superstructure is being furnished by the Detroit bridge company of De- troit, Michigan. The next town of importance as you pass up the river is Keokuk, Iowa; a town of about 10,000 inhabitants. Ke okuk is situated on quite a high ele vation of land or plateau, two hundred and eighty miles from St. Louis. The title to her real estate has for a long time been in controversy, which has been very detrimental to her prosper- ity. This question has finally been settled, and the town is improving very rapidly. The river here is obstructed by rapids, which extend from Keokuk up twelve mile3 to Montrose. They are usually known as the Des Moines rapids. When the river is exceedingly low they are impassable for boats of the lightest duaft ; and the river being very low at the present time, all travel and transportation is by rail from Keokuk to Montrose or Ft. Madison. This of course is done at the expense of occasional delays and great labor of shifting freight from boats to cars, and from cars to boats. To obviate this a steam-shi- p cannal is being con- structed around these japids, which is to be sufficient for the passage of steamboats at any stage of water. This canal in many places will in- clude a portion of the bed of the river, separated from the main chan- nel by embankments. J. T. Patch. After a long march, during the late war, a captain ordered, as a sanitary precaution, that the men should change their undershirts. The O. S suggested that half the' men only had one shirt each. The captain hesitated for a moment and then said : " Mili- tary orders must be obeyed ; let the men change with each other." The disease of cattle, called charbon, has made its appearance again in Louisiana. It is, naturally, a subject of great apprehension to the planter. It not only threatens the heavy loss of property, but the loss of working animals puts into jeopardy the crops so anxiously looked for by the dis- tressed population. There is a farmer in Jones county, Iowa so the Animosa Eureka affirms who will vote for Sey mour and Blair, and who supports his determination by the declaration that "the meanest, most contemptible thing them fellows down to Congress have done, wa3 to send bureaus to them freedmen down South." "Keep off that grass," said police- man 44 to an Irish orange peddler, who had established himself on a nice bit of turf on the Common. " Bad luck to yer, I'm not hur-r-tin-g the grass," said the exile of Erin "Who iver heard of an Orangeman 'wearin off the greerr. " Temperance puts wood on the fire, meal in the barrel, flour in the tub, money in the purse, credit in the country, contentment In the house, clothes on the children, vigor in the body, intelligence in the brain, and spirit in the whole constitution. - Letter from IV err Mexico. " Ft; Union, New Mexico, July Sth, 1S68. Editor t Nebraska Advertiser : ' I left my home July 15th, on a pros- pecting tour through Kansas, South- ern Colorado and New Mexico, via steamer to Leavenworth and thence west by rail. I stopped two days at Junction City, three mile3 from Fort ftiley, and at the Junction of the Smokey Hill and Republican rivers. I procured a team and visited Fort Riley and the surrounding I find the Fort guarded by one' com pany of soldiers, and it will even tu ally be abandoned, as 'tis useless here any longer. Junction City, built up and sustained by the railroad and the patronage of the Fort, has attained its full size. There are very few im proved farms around here, as apart from the valleys of the Smoky Hill and Republican, the country is very rough and broken, and seriously af flicted with the Kansas complaint "drouth." -- The grass, crops and stock all show the effect of it. The railroad having passed on, the town is left dependent upon its own resources, which to me are not apparent to any desirable extent. The crops of small grain around here are medium, the corn far inferior, and grazing decidedly poor, in comparison with Southern Nebraska. The valleys of the Saline and Solo-man- 's forks of the Smoky Hill, I like better, though the effects of the drouth are here visible. These drouths in Kansas are of tod frequent occurrence to make any point remote from the Missouri river desirable ; and at pres ent the transfer of the surplus produce of these valleys, and the reception of supplies are wholly dependent upon one line of railroad, a monopoly ex torting exhorbitant prices, eating up what profits may be in grain growing or stock raising. From 5aline up the entire valley of the Smoky Hill to Pond Creek, and thence to vicinity of Bent's Fort, on the Arkansas river, a distance of sev eral hundred miles, the whole country is what an Englishman would term a "blasted 'un." Not a stream on the entire route worth a dam. Grass all dried out burnt up and no water fit to drink. From Bent's Fort to Trini- dad, at the foot of Rattion Mountains, in Colorado, the grass is better, but not good grazing; and at no point from Fort Harker to Trinidad, will soil repay cultivation. . Leaving Trinidad we commenced the ascent of the Rattoon Mountains, up a most beautiful valley, watered by a clear, cold, dashingmoun tain stream, covered by a luxuriant growth of grass; the mountains on each side thickly set with straight, flourishing pines; the road excellent, all contrast- ing so strongly with what we had previously experienced, that I thought it the most delightful place I had ever seen, am then l am creaioiy in formed that these beautiful mountain passes, and these lovely valleys are frequently covered with deep snow late in May and early in October, and that often fearful and violent storms rage here. I also notice in gardens here green peas just blooming, and other vegetables, all from two to three months later than with us. These long winters'are not desirable for stock rai3ing, and for any other purpose this country is worthless. From the western base of the moun tains to the Cimeron river, (Maxwell's Branch,) the grass is but medium for grazing. At Cimeron we found Rich ard Brown and family, of Brownville, and Judge Holly, of Nebraska City, doing the wind work of a new town they have laid out here " Cimeron City." But it is entirely dependent upon the success of the mines here ; and in regard to them I can get no re liable information, vere flattering. That there is gold here, there is no doubt. That there are excellent op portunities to invest money in the purchase of claims and town lots, is also true ; as is the fact that hundreds of men are leaving here every day who vote the whole thing a humbug. The only water furnished here is by one ditch owned by Maxwell & Co. Maxwell owns the land ; hence, as I see it, 'tis a" monopoly owned and controlled by a few men who will make all the money, if any is made. Leaving the Cimeron, we pass, on the road to Fort Union, numerous small Mexican farms. The wheat and oats now only from one to two feet high, and just headed out ; and the corn from two to three feet high. A Nebraska farmer would estimate the yield per acre of wheat and oats at about eight oV ten bushels, and the corn a failure. At Maxwell's I seen a few acres of heavy growth of wheat, the result of expensive manuring and cultivating. The "States" corn, as they term it, cannot be raised here, the only variety grown is a very small flinty kind. The stock throws out no lateral roots, grows about three feet high, and shoots only from near the ground. At Fort Union I overtook the train, and found Col. Porter and family, Mr. Silas Tidwell and family, and Mr. W. W. Bremen, all safe, in good health, and getting along finely. Frank Chap- lin and family stopped in Trinidad. Mr. Neffe and wife, and Mies Nellie Mills stopped at Cimerott. I shall here join the train and proceed d. rectiy on to and down the valley of the lUo Grande. I reached here by a different route from the one traveled by our train, yet the unanimous . verdict of all is that between Lawrence, Kansas, and iort Union,- - New Mexico, there is nd in- ducement sufficient to attract the far- mer and stock raiser, from the fertile soil and rich pasturage of Southern Nebraska. Will write again. Yours, J. 6. Mlnick. Communication fro in Vxe Exe- cutive. To Messrs. George M. Roberts. St. A. D. Balcombe, A. J. Poppleton, Geo. L. Miller, T. B. Lemon, II. W. Kunns, E. 8. Palmer and others, signers of a petition, asking for the pardon of Harry C. Jordan, who is under sentence of seven years' im- prisonment in the State Penitentiary for the crime of forgery. Gentlemen: A petition with such an array of names upward of six hundred em- bracing many of our oldest, worthiest, most prominent, and most reliable fellow- -citizens of every shade of political and religious sentiment, would seem, of itself, quite sufficient warrant for any act left to the discretion of any one man. Morever, this prayer is seconded by the impulses of my own feelings, and. an earnest desire that if there is to be any error that it may be on tae siae oi mercy. Being, so moved, it has. been ex- tremely difficult for me to give the case that impartial consideration that such an interference in the adminisS-eratio- n of public justice demands. But, constrained by the provision of the Constitution and the requirement of the statutes, that in every instance the reasons for granting pardon, shall be reported to the Legislature at its next season, and so enter into and be- come dart ofthe written history of the State, I have carefully examined into all of the circumstances of material im- portance, though not as being clothed with higheror supervisory judical pow er ; for it cannot be conceived that the pardoning power was designed to be so exercised as to conflict with that fundamental principle in our institut- ions which separates legislative, judi- cial and executive powers, and confers them on distinct branches of the Gov- ernment. And as I cannot consider the Ex- ecutive as invested with a power that can conflict in any degree with the administration of justice, neither can I look upon the power to grant par- dons as an extension of legislative functions to be exercised on the pre- sumption that the penalties provided by the Legislature exceed the demands of the public welfare. It is, to be held as a power in reserve a last re- sort to secure that more exact admin- istration of justice by the mitigation or removal of the penalty which some- times, even after sentence is passed, mav be rendered Dossible. bv important additional testimony, or by subsequent changes wrought in the ever varying circumstances of human affairs. In the light of this conclusion, I have proceeded in the examination. 1 have found but two considerations set forth in the petition on which hi3 pardon is urged. First That he confessed his guilt in open Court. Second lhat "a widowed mother and two little brothers are dependant, in a measure, upon him." As to the first, it rs too palpable to need more than the' bare statement that, in cases where the guilt is be yond question, wnicn, in this case. was made so by confession, m open Court, the measure of the penalty is entrusted to the iudiciary, and that it was not designed, in conferring the pardoning power, to transfer thi3 to the executive branch of the Govern- ment. As to the second consideration, it is necessary to say only that it was known equaly well to the Court before the sentence was passed, as it is known to the public to day, and doubtless had its influence in determining the penalty at the medium instead of the extreme limit of the law. In private, it has been urged in ad dition to this, lirst lhat this 13 a young man's first offense. Second That his health is rapidly failing, and Third 1 hat he was . reared in the midst of good society, and under Chris tian innurnce. The first, I regret to say, is not con firmed by recent developments. Ev idence clear and unquestionable leaves no doubt on this point. The second is in direct conflict with the report of the medical attendant upon the pris- oners of the State, in conflict with the testimony of the keepers of the prison, and in conflict with the results of my personal observation. The third that he was reared in the midst of good society and under Christian influences, instead of being a ground for the exercise of clemency, is, in my opinion, the reverse. He has broken through so much stronger re- straint, has trampled under foot so much more of .known public senti ment, and has done violence to a so much higher sense of moral rectitude. He, whose associations have all been bad, and whose surrounding influences have all tended downward, independ- ent of other considerations, certainly is the more fi t subj ect for j udicial len ity . If the argument were sound, when stated in other language, it would run thus: The greater the violence to his own moral sense, and to the restraints of society, in the commission of crime, the more worthy the criminal of par don. When so expressed, however it becomes a proposition to which very few will willingly consent. These are the only reasons that have been urged for this extraordinary ex- ercise of the power to issue pardon3. And I am constrained to add that, notwithstanding my sympathy for those who sutler on the criminal's account, and my profound respect for the united prayers of so many good and distinguished citizens, the fore- going considerations, with others that need not be made public, have forced upon my judgment the convict- ion that this is not a case for Execut- ive interference; at least that it is not such an one a3 shall call for the exercise of that power in advance of the incarceration ofthe prisoner pursu- ant to the sentence of the Court. Whether it may be proper to so far mitigate the sentence at some future time, as to shorten the term of im- prisonment, the future will doubtless determine. Whenever it can be done consistently with my views of duty to the State and to society, I shall be most happy to gratify the wishes of those who have subscribed their names to the petition referred to. With considerations of personal re- spect for each and all of you, signers of said petition, I subscribe myself your humble servant. DAVID BUTLER. It ia a glorious occupation, vivifying and self-sustaini- ng in its nature to struggle with ignorance, and discover to the inquiring minds of the masses the clear cerculeanr blue of heavenly truth. . When' you expel a man from your house it is very natural that he should be put out. HumoroU3 play upon v ' A, .A lr 1; ;1' 1 & !7 b No. 47. Tlie Way To VFar. How a Democratic success at the election would occasion civil war is easily seen. General Blair does not hesitate' to" avow it, Congress must be wholly disregarded. The Supreme Court must not be invoked. The President must usurp all powers of the Government and act alone. He must be a Cjar. "Because," says General Blair in his letter, "if the President elected by the Democracy enforces, or permits, others to enforce, these Reconstruction acts the Radicals, by the assessicn of twenty spurious Senators and - fifty R rresentatives, will control both branches of Congress and his administration will be as pow erless as the present one of Mr. John-- sox." Force 13, therefore, the only alternative. If Mr. Skvmour be elected, after this loud and reiterated declaration by his party then hi3 election will mean forcible overthrow ofthe present Stnte governments lix tile Southern .state, the result is evident. He would off- icially declare those Governments void. He wonld then be impeached and probably convicted. But the Democratic party, victoriou3 at the polls, with the whole rebel force jub- ilant and reaiy, would dispute the sentence, and risi against it execut- ion. Meanwhile in the Southern States, the new 'Democratic State or- ganizations summoned by the Presi- dent would be formed. They would dispute the State authority with the present incumbents. The President would recognize the new claimants and order the army to their support, and to "trample in the dult" the oth- ers. They in turn would appeal to Congress, already engaged in conflict with the President. Meanwhile Rep- resentatives and Senators sent by the new State organizations would arrive in Washington, and in concert with the other Democratic members would be recognized as Congress by the Pres- ident. But, indeed, long before this event civil war would be ravaging the country and Wade Hampton, and Robert Toombs, and Howell Cobb, and the old rebel chiefs who say with Albert Pike, "We do not love and will not pretend to love that Union, though we have agreed to obey the laws of the conqueror," would gladly behold in a desolating war and ruin- ed republic the fullness of their re- venge. This is the real issue. It can not be denied, for the Democratic party ex-ultin- declares it. It can not be evaded, for the experience of the last few years has taught us that we have as desperate and dangerous elements as any country at any time. It is the relapse of the rebellion, and a relapse of disease is often fiercer than its origin- al attack. There was never a moment when the utmost effort of every faith- ful citizen was more indispensable than now to the salvation of the coun- try. On the one hand is General Grant, with his moderation, his firm- ness, his tried patriotism, his singular sagacity, his signal illustration of the finest qualities of the Intelligent American: and with hini Schuyler Colfax, who has never said a word or done an act that can inspire the' least distrust,- - and Who is in full accord with the best and most peaceful and progressive tendencies ofthe country. They are the candidates of those who would do the best that the circumstan- ce's allow ; who would reconstruct the Union upon equal rights, who would neither ostracize nor revenge, who would not exasperate the jealousies of race, but who would neither betray the tried friends nor the pledged faith of the country. They are the candi- dates of the great body of citizens of proved patriotism, intelligence,' in- dustry, and of a peaceful mind obedi- ent to law. On the other hand is Mr. Seymour, a plausible polit'cian, for whose success the rebels in arms prayed four years ago ; who preferred that the Union should perish rather than slavery, and who declared the success of the Government to be as revolutionary as that ofthe rebellion. With him is General Blair, whose remedy for the situation is the naked sword. They are the candidates of all who hate the Union and who sought and seek its dishonor; of those who thought the waracrimc, and demand- ed that the Government should yield to the rebellion ; of those who would break the public word to the public creditor; of those who would put the late slave, always loyal, under the feet of his always rebel master; the candidates of the ignorant and lawless every where in the land. Let every man be alert. There is no doubt of the issue' or of the candi- dates. And when' once . they are un- derstood there is no doubt ofthe coun- try and ofthe result. Harper's Week- ly. x Ex-Go- v. Seymour says: "Under it3 (Congress t?) influence, some of the States organized by its agents are pro- posing to deprive the people of the right of vote for Presidential electors, and the first bold steps, are taken to destroy the right of suffrage." Should any of the Southern States cat their electoral votes through their Legisla- tures, instead of by electors elected by the people, it will be only what South Carolina, a Democratic State of the olden time, has always done until now. The Democrats of Sauth Caro- lina will have the first opportunity they ever enjoyed of voting for Presi- dential electors. If thi3 is a bold stop taward destroying the right of suffrage, why did not the Democratic party find it out when it was m long practic- ed by them? X. Y. Tribune. Old Deacon Sharp used to relate this story: He was standing one day beside a frog pond and saw a larg garter snake make an attempt upon an enormous bull-fro- g. The snake seized one of the frog's hind legs, and the frog, to be on a par with his snake-shi- p, caught him by the tail, and both commenced swallowing one another, until nothing was left of them. The following advertisement ap- - Eears iri a Western paper under the of "A wife wanted:" "Any gal what's got a bed, a coffee-po- t, skil- let, knows how to cut out britches. can make a hunting shirt, and knows how to take care of vouncr 'uns. kpvn hev my services till death parts both of Ui.'1 A clergymad in Springfield, Mass., who has the habit of adding "ah" to many of hi3 word?, recently spoke to his congregation of "those who have been brought up on the Lord's side ah!" If a girl is absorbed in self-lov- e, they say to gainher affectionis is to minister to her self-lov- e until it overnows; all that runs over will be yours. When i3asailorlikeagraveelothes' maker? When he runs up the shrouds. The food of love turtle soup. Onesrjtiarc, first r-f- ' " .... f3 r lactt Mit-fnn- t i i " i J';tiine t'nrC, f! ve 1.:. s or ! ... Kacli A(I.l;;U)riiU Line - 1 One ..... f i C'ol'.'.mn, one year One ('r lair.n, nix nuor.ths fno Column, throe Months.. .......... Ha!( ('ohur.n, one yr;:r. Ha", I '..!n'im, six .......... Hail (.'oiiiinn, tare n'.onti... .......... Fourth Coiinr.n, one yt ;;r ... -) Fourth Column, fix Y.irr.tY: '21 Fourth Column,' rr. nrst hi I'. F.lcrhth Ciil'iimn, ynr F.izhth Coiunin, n.t mon:h - r Eighth Column, threw mntha - .... i Stray Notices, hfii .... a TrnIent ! vert ;enier. payable ir ,lvan. Tlie t'smpainr A Legion hns been formed in Ilonesdale, Penn., l' O strong. Eight thousand people were present at the recent Republican demonstra- tion at Martinsville, Indiana. The campnin is opening vicr"?ly in" Central and Southern Ohio'. Thera will soon be cannonading all alocj the line. A Grant and Colfax pob was raised at Brushy Fork, West Virginia, cii the 19th inst., by the Union men of that region. Maxwell P. Gn!Ji, a prominent man in Southern Ohio, who switched off Into the Democratic party with Doolittle, hr.5 come out for Grant and LCIUX. Coles County, 111., 'has witne-c- d the largest torchlight procession of the campaign. Its I, ) lamps have thrown the Democracy of that region completely i:i t."..' shade. . The Chicago Irish Republicans held a grand rally on Wednoday evening. Judge Sloanakerof Texa, Gen. Juli js White, and Major Stevenson address- ed the meeting. . The largest political meeting ever held in Middletown, N. Y., was the Republican demonstration on last Friday night, at Slauson Hall. The-Democra- ts are looking blue. Mr. Wm. A. Gulick, a well-know- n New-Jerse- y Democrat, residing at Kingston, Mindlescx County, and formerly a member of the Legislature, is out for Grant and Colfax. The meeting a tChambcrsburg, Ind., . on Saturday, was a mass County Con- vention, and over 4,fHK) people wcro in attendance. This looks as though the Republicans intended to carry this stronghold of the Demsoracy. An immense Republican meeting was held in Columbus, Ohio, on tho 21st. The Tanners were out in great force. Judge Winansand Capt. Slier-da- n of Louisiana shook the dry bones' of the Democracy, amid great applause,-fo- r over three hour?. Old Dick Oglesby polh-he- d off the Copperheads at Wankegan, III., on the 20th in his usual effective style. The enthusiasm was unbounded. Two huridred Tanners were in the process- ion which escorted the Governor from the depot. The Republicans of North Carolina are making an energetic canva-s- . Re- ports reach us of mass meeting in Duplin countVj atTarbcro. at Ch ipel Hill, arid Franklinton. the black turn out en m asse to these meetings. The German Theater in Chicago was filled to overflowing with Gor- man Republicans on the evening of the 20th. The Hon. N. B. Judd and Gen. Salomon, the Commander-in-Chie- f of the Tanners, addressed thd multitude, the latter speaking in Ger- man. A grand rally of the Fighting Boy3 in Blue took place at Aurora, Ind., on the 21st inst. The people camo from the country' on horseback and in w.ig-on- s enthusiastically cheering fr Grant and Colfax, and the glorious Republi- can cairse. During a late circus and raenagerio exibition inFlemingsburg, Ky., there' suddenly came up a violent ?torm of wind and rain which threatened to intertere with the performance. At first there was but little excitement among the spectators ; but finaly the stakes of the outer canvas gave way; then the immenco center-pol- e of the large one commenced to sway and groan, and the sides to flop anil givo wnyjthe lions commenced to growl and roar, the elephant to swing hU huge proboscis around, and the horses to neigh and stamp, the women shri- eked; the confusion was indoscribale, and the excitement the wildest ever seen in Flemingsburg. Every body rushed pcllmell for the entrance, gen- - tlman and ladies in confused mas cal- - ling alternately for help and friends Of course, on the top scats some jump- ed to the bottom,' ome fell through some were caught and suspende d whila falling, and a grout many cut their way through the canvas. At this juncture the elephant broke out the pcoble and created a perfect panic or terror, l he rain was tailing in torrents, the lightning flashed and the thunder crashed . Men la their fright ran against the ticket-wago- n over ladies, wildly to and fro . Many of the ladies fainted and fell but fortu- nately none' were killed or scared to death . After the storm had abated the great canvas was explored, but no one was found to be seriously injured. . ' Mr. Scvmour, the statesman whose statesmanship would have destroyed the State, says snac our people are harassed by the heavy and frequent demands of the tax gatherer." True, and these demands were caused by a liebellion or Southern Democrats. doubled by the sympathetic aid of Northern Copperheads, and would be rendered twice as heavy and frequent as they need be by the policies of revol- ution, rebellion, and repudiation in- - troduced into the Democratic platform ' , ' by Wade Hampton and Pendleton, ' adopted by the Convention with the same wild Rebel yell which used to salute the ears of our troops when they were pressed back on the battle-fiel- d, indorsed by Seymour and Blair in their letter of acceptance, and now ' put forward as the creed ofthe Demo- cratic party. X. Y. Tribune. The Buffalo Commeroud ofthe lMl ' instant publishes the following thrill- - ing incident: We learn by a gentle-- . man who came up from Niagara Fulls this morning, that a startling incident occured yesterday afternoon. A little girl, while getting upon the railing of the bridge leading from the main land to Goat Island, lost her balance and fell into the ranids. Instantly a young ' man named Moulton, who resided at . Auburn, plunged in to rescue th-- j child. Grasping the little one and ', keeping her hea l above water both were swept on toward the precipice, and distraction seemed evitaole. But . Moulton, being an expert swimmer, struggled manfully with the rushing torrent and succeeded in reaching the shore, only about fifteen feet from the brink of the cataract. It was a most humane and daring act. "Yaw," said Mr. Spreitzelswiggle, who lowered his beer glas from his face long enough to tell the story. "I dinks I know vot vash de matter mit Bendleton, so dat he vach not nomina- ted. The Seymour veller voh too Tammany for Shorge. Yah!" A little" three year old wa3 heard to exclaim as she saw a sail boat: "O, mama! there's a boat with a bonnet on!" Home-sickne- ss is more frequently a weariness of home than a lonir' for it 0 0 ITS" Wool-growe- rs are supposed H 1 tcether-viz- e.

Transcript of · ; CHUECH, COLHAPP & CO., PROPRIETORS, McPherson'sBlock, 2d Floor, Hall...


    McPherson's Block, 2d Floor, Hall Entrance,

    Brownvillc, 3Vcl.TERMS:

    6ne copy one year . 2 00Plve copies one year...- - 8 75Ten copies one year - - 18 00Twenty copies one year.- -. ........... 80 00

    BOOIC.WOHK,And Plain andI'akct Job Work, done in

    good style and at reasonable rates.


    Cards of five lines or less, $--" a year. Eachadaitionai line ti.

    DeFOIlEST PORTER,Attorney at Lw and Laad Agent,

    Office In Court House, with Probate Judge.

    TIPTON, IIEW'ETT A CHURCH,. Attorneys and Counselors at Lw(Office No, 70 McPherson's Block, up stairs.

    THOMAS A BROADY,Att'ys at Law A, Solicitors In Chancery,

    Office In District Court Room.

    a M. RICH,Attorney at Law and Land Agent.

    Office In Court House, first door, west side.wm. ii. Mclennan,

    Attorney and Coanselor at Law,Nebraska City, Nebraska.

    B. F. PERKINS,Attorney and Counselor at Law,

    TecumHch, Johnnon Co., Neb.

    F. N VE,- - -

    Attorney at Law and War Claim Agent,Pawnee City, Pawnc Co., Neb.

    N. K. GRIGGS,Attorney at Law A, Real Estate Agent,

    Htrio, On?c Vnntr. Ne!rkB.LAND AGENTS.

    R. V. HUGHES,Ileal Estate Agent and Justice of Peace,

    Office In Court House, first door, west 6lde.BARRET A LETT,

    Land Agents A Land Warrant Brokers.No. 21 Main Street.

    Will attend to paiing Tares or IXon-reside-Personal attention given to making Location.Jjands, improved and unimproved, or tale onrefuonnble terms.

    WM. IL HOOVER,Ileal Estate and Tax Paying Agent.

    Office In Ilstrict Court Room.Will ffiverrompt attention to the sale of Real

    JZxtate and JfiumnU o Taxes througlwut tieA'emaha Ixind Jjistriet.

    JONAS HACKER,Collector for the City of BrownTllle,

    Will attend to tfie Payment of Taxes or 2 im-pendent Land Owners in Scmaha County.KJOrrespondence HoUeited,

    IKtltSKY, HOADLEY & CO.,Ileal Estate Agents, and Dealers In Land

    Warrants and College Scrip,No. T Main Street.

    Buy and sell improved and unimproved lands.Puy, sell and locate Land Warrants, and Agri-cultural ticrip. Vareul selections of Govern-ment Land jor Location, lhrnxesteatls, and ITr-cmptin- ns

    made. Attend to Contested Homesteadsand ITe-emptis- m cases in Vie Land Office. Let-ters of inquiry promptly and cartfully answered.Correspondence siAu-Uet-

    Mclaughlin a rich.Real Estate and Land Agents,

    Will attend to making selections of Land orEmiirrants.or LocatUm or l ; at-tend to contested canes beore the Land Olltce, andwill do alt business pertaining to a first classJieal Kstate Agency.


    Fort Kearney, Xebraska.Will locate lands for intending settlers, and

    give any information required concerningUie laiKisof South-Wester- n Nebraska. 1'2-- to


    PHYSICIAN AND SIBCEON.Office No. 31 Main Street.A. 8. HOLLADAY. M. D.,

    Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician,Office Holladay &. Co's Drug Store.

    Graduated in l)vl ; Ijocated in Brotcnville in1HM. Has on hand complete sets o Amputating,Srephining and OOstctrtcal Instruments.p. &. Special attention given to Obstetrics andthe diseases of Women and Children.


    Office No. 1 Main Street.Office Hours 7 to 9 A. M., and 1 to 2 and Ci toli P. M.


    Rooms at the Star HoteLWill Treat all rfiea.e of the Poeand Ear.


    Dealer inDrj Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ac,

    No. 9 Main Street.WM. T. DEN,

    Wholesale and Retail Dealer inGeneral Merchandise, and Commission

    and Forwarding Merchant,No. 20 Main Street.

    Com Planters, Plows, Stoves, Furniture, Ac,always on hand. Highest market price paid forHides, Pelts, Furs and Qjuntry I'rotluee.

    O. M. HENDERSON,Dealer in Foreign and Domestic

    DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES,No. 53 Main Street.J. L. McGEE A CO.

    Dealers In General Merchandise,No. 79 McPhorwon's Block, Main St.


    TFAocae and Retail Dealers inDrugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, etc.,

    i No. 41 Main Street.McCREERY A NICKELL,

    Wholesale and Retail Dealers inDrugs, Books, Wallpaper A Stationery

    No. 3 Main Street.

    BOOTS AND SHOES."cilvrTeshlmerT

    HOOT AND SHOE HIKER,No. 63 Main Street.

    lias on hand a superior stock of Roots andShoes. Custom Work done with neatness anddispatch.


    No, 5 8 Main Street.Has on hand a good assortment of Gent's,

    suite's. Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes.Custom Work done with neatness and dispatch.Jinmirinrr dime on slmrt notice.


    Dealer In Stores, Tinware, Pumps, Ac.,No. 7 9 Main Street.

    SHELLENBERGEIl EROManufacturers A Dealers In Tinware.

    No. 7 Main SL, Mcrhereou's Block.Stoves, IIrdware, Carpenter's Tools. Black-smit- h

    FtimikMmr. Ac., ron-ifnnt- on hnnd.


    XIARNKSS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Ete.No. 6 Main Street.

    Whips and Lashes of every description, andplastering Hair, kept vn hand. Cash paid forJlides.

    J. IL BAUER,Manufacturer and Dealer in

    HARNESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Etc.No. 60yi Main Street.

    Jendinry done to order. Sntixfriion miarnnteed .


    Rlaoksmlthlng and IIors Shoeing,Shop No. SO Main Street,

    Will do Blacksmithing of all kinds. MakesJlorse Shoring, Ironing of Wagons and Sleighs,and Machine Work a Sjecialils

    J.-W- . A J. C. OTr.S0N,BLCXSMITUS,

    Shop on First, between Main and Atlantic.A 11 work done to order, and satisaction guar-Tantee- d.-

    JOnN FLORA,BLACKSMITH,Ehop on Water St--, South of American House,

    Custom Work aU kinds tolicitml,

    Vol. 12;i It'll ii'l" " '" ilcli HI n i'I-- HESSE


    Cards of five lines or less 5 a year. Eachadditional line, SI.


    CROSS & WHITE, IToprietors.On Levee Street, between Main and Atlantic;

    This House is convenient to the Steam BoatTsimlina. and the business port of the City. Thebest accf'Tnmodations in the Cit-y- t A'o pains willbe spared in making guests comfortahle. GoodStable and Oorrail e(nvenxent to the Jtouset


    Front St.. between Main and Water.A good Feed and Livery Stable in connection

    untn trie novnci


    Bakery, Confectionery and Toy StoreNo. 40 Main Street.

    Fresh Bread, Qifces, Oysters, Fruit, etc., on handJ. P. DEUSER, , . .

    - Dealer In Confeciioueiles, Toys, ete.No. 44 Main Street.WILLIAM ALLEN,


    City Bakery and Confectionery,No. 37 Main Street.

    Fancy Wedding Cakes furnished on slwrt notice. Best family Flour eonianuy on nana.


    Notary Public and Conveyancer.Office in J. L. Carson's Bank.

    Agent or u National Life" and "Hartford ALivestock" Insurance LTrmpames,

    FAIRBROTHER & HACKER,Notary Public and Conveyancer,

    Office in County Court Room.O. W. FATRBROTHEK, JAMES M. HACKER,

    Notary Public. County cierK.


    BEER HALL AND LUNCH ROOM,No. 52 Main Street.


    Basement, No. 46 Main Street,The best Wines and Liquors kept comtlantly

    on lutna. vix-iii- U


    No. 47 Main Street.The best Wines and Liquors kept on hand.


    House, Carriage and Sign Painter.No. 66 Main St., upstairs.

    Graining.GuiMing.Glazingand Paper Hanging done on sfwrt notice, favorable terms, andwarranted.


    BookseUer and News Dealer.CUy Book Store,

    No. 50 Main Street, Postoffice Building.


    BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER.No. 53 Main Street,

    Has a splendid nit of Bath Rooms. Also aehnire xtm k of Oenth'man's Notions.


    DEALERS IN GRAIN, PRODUCE, Ac.Aspinwall, Nebraska.

    The blahest market price paid for anythf nethe Farmer can raise. We will buy and sellevery tiling known to the market.

    WORTHING &. WIIXX3X,Storage, Forwarding and Commission

    jnrrcnauti,And Dealers in all kinds of Grain, for which

    thev pay the Ifi'ihfxt Market Price in Yrh.


    MERCHANT TAILORS,No. 5 8y Main Street,

    Have on hand a splendid stock of Goods.and will make them up in the latest styles.on short notice and reasonable terms.


    GENERAL AUCTIONEERS.Will attend to Uie sale of Real and I'crsonal

    Property in the Nemaha Land District. Termsreaimnnhle.


    Wagon Maker and Repairer.Shop West of Court House, of

    Wagons, Buggies. Plows, Cultivators, dc, repaired on short notice, at low rates, and war-ranted to give satisfaction.


    No. 47 Main Street, up stairs.Persons wishina Pictures executed in the litest

    sfile of the Art. will coll at mil Art Gallrrif.


    Landscape Gardener A Horticulturist.Will plant crops in Gardens, and cultivate

    same fcv contract.


    Washington CUy, D. GWill attend to the prosecution of claims be-

    fore the Deimrtment in person, for AdditionalBounty, Ruck Pay and Pensions, and allclaims accruing against the Government du-ring the late war. 46-- tf


    Office in District Court Room,Notary Public ami I'nited State War Claim

    AgeaX. WM attend to the prosecution of claimsbefore the DejHirtment, for Additional Bounty,Back Iiy and I'ensions. Also the collection ofSemi-Annu- al fhift on Pensions.


    Manufacturer and Dealer inClocks, Watches, Jewelry, etc., etc.

    No. 32 Main Street.Silver and Silver-plate- d Ware, and all varie-

    ties of Sjtectacles constantly on hand. Repairingdone in the neatest style, at short notice. Chargesmnfleraie. Work unirranted. to


    BrownTllle City Meat Market.No. 60 Main Street.

    TTI7i pay the h ighest market price for good BeefCnttU. t 7v. Klwm and Una.


    METROPOLITAN BRASS BANDvjr?rkirv-- i t . r. . .... .Is atall times prepared to plav for the pub-lic at any point within 1V miles of this city,on reasonable terms. Address, --413m D. C Smith, Leader.

    MRS. J. M. GRAHAM,' TEACHER OP MUSIC.Rooms, Main, bet 4th & 5th Sts.

    Lcmoiw fiven on th, PUno. Organ, Melodeen.?JLlnd ocahza'.'T'rAf McinNeJrfrk is... ....y .'u action

    A. W. MnRfi xrProbate Judge and Justice 'of the Peace

    Office In Court House Building.J-- K. BEAR,

    Agent for the M. c. Express Co., andW. U. Telegraph Co.No. 72 McPherson s Block.


    Ulysses S. Grant.

    THE PLATFORM .0ihxi National Republican Party. ' Atedat Chicago, May 21..1SG3.

    The following piatforrri, reported bythe Committee on Resolutions, wasunanimously adopted by thelsationaRepublican Convention in session atChicago i

    The National Republican party ofthe United States, assemDiea in xsat--lonal Convention in the city or Chicagoon the 20th day of May,. 1868, make1 1 1 1 1 ' neuie luiiowing ueciarauuu ui i)uuubles :

    First. "We congratulate the countryon the assured success of the reconstruction Droiccts of Congress, as evinced by the adoption, in a majority ofthe States lately in rebellion, or con-stitutions securing equal civil andpolitical rights to all, and regard tit asthe duty of the government to sustainthese institutions and to prevent thepeople of such States from being re-mitted to a state of anarchy.

    Second. The guarantee of Congressof equal suffrage to all loyal men ofthe South was demanded uy everyconsideration of public safety, of grat-itude, and of justice, and must bemaintained, while the question of8uHrage in all the loyal States proper-ly belongs to the people of those States.

    Third. We denounce all forms ofrepudiation as a national crime, andhonor requires the paymentof the na-tino-al

    indebtedness in the utmost goodfaith to all creditors, at home andabroad, not only according to the letterbut the spirit ot the laws under whichit was contracted.

    Fourth. It is due to the labor of thenation that taxation should be equal-ized and reduced as rapidly as thenational faith will permit.

    Fifth. The national debt, contractedas it has been for the preservation ofthe Union for all time to come, shouldbe extended over a fair period for re-demption, and it Is the duty of Congrest to reduce the rate of interestthereon whenever it can possible- - bedone. - - ' -

    Sixtlu That the best policy to diminish our burden of debt is to so im-prove ourcredit that capitalists willseek to loan us money at lower rates ofinterest than we now pay, and mustcontinue to pay so long as repudiation,partial or total, open or covert, is threat-ened or suspected.

    Seventh. The government of theUnited States should bo administeredwith the strictest economy, and thecorruptions which have been so shame-fully nursed and fostered by AndrewJohnson call loudly for radical re--lorm.

    Eighth. We profoundly deplorethe untimely and tragic death ofAbraham Lincoln, and regret the ac-cession of Andrew Johnson to thePresidency, who has acted treacherously to the people who elected himand the cause he was pledged to sup-port ; has usurped legislative and jud-icial functions ; has refused to executethe laws ; has used his high office toinduce other officers to ignore and vio-late the laws ; has employed his ex-ecutive power to render insecure theprosperity, peace, liberty, and life ofthe citizens ; has abused the pardon-ing power ; has denounced the Nation-al Legislature as unconstitutional;has persistently and corruptly resisted,by every means in his power, everynroner attemnt at the reconstruction

    the States lately in rebellion ; hasperverted the public patronage intoan engine of wholesale corruption, andhas been justly impeached for highcrimes and misdemeanors, and prop-erly pronounced guilty by the votes

    thirtv-rlv- e Senators.Ninth. The doctrine of Great Brit

    ain and other European powers, thatbecause a man is once a subject he isalways so, must be resisted at everyhazard by the United States as a relicof the fedual times, not authorized bythe law of nations and at war with ournational honor and independence.Naturalized citizens are Entitled to beprotected in all their rights of citizen-ship as though thej were native born,and no citizen of the United States,native or naturalized, must be liable

    arrest and imprisonment by anyforeign power for acts done or wordsspoken in this country. And if so ar-rested and imprisoned, it is the duty ofthe Government to interfere in hisbehalf.

    Tenth. Of all who were faithful inthe trials of the late war there are noneentitled to more especial honor thanthe brave soldiers and seamen whoendured the hardships of campaignand cruise.and imperiled their lives inIhe service of their country. Thebounties and pensions provided bylaw for these brave defenders of thenation are obligations never to be for-gotten. The widows and orphans ofthe gallant dead are the wards of thepeople, a sacred legacy bequeathed tothe nation's protecting care.

    Eleventh. Foreign emigration,which in the past has added so much

    the wealth and development of theresources and the increase of power ofthis nation, "the asylum of the op-pressed ofaU nations, ' should be fost-ered and encouraged by a liberal andjust policy.

    Twelfth. This convention declaresits sympathy with all the oppressedpeople who are struggling for theirrights.

    On motion of Gen. Carl Sehurz, thefollowing additional resolutions weunanimously adopted as part of theplatform :

    Jltsolvcd, That we highly commendthe spirit of magnanimity and forbear-ance with which the men who haveserved in the rebellion, but now franklyand honestly co-oper- ate with us inrestoring the peace of the country andreconstructing the Southern State gov-ernments upon the basis of impartialjustice and equal rights, are receivedback into the communion of the loyalpeople : and we favor the removal ofthe disqualifications and restrictionsimposed upon the late rebels in thesame measure as their spirit of loyaltywill direct, as may be consistent withthe safety of the loyal people.-- . ,;

    i .A

    7 f '1 e

    Sclmylcr Colfax.

    fiesolved, That we recognize then lo!l ftrtti'n in the

    immortal Declaration of Independenceas me true luunuauwu i vv.wrrmToimmanf QTlH WP Hall With 13(1--mvs " vgUtVlUiUVllVfness every effort toward making theseprinciples a living reuuij ojr114 V Ul XXLLICI DUii.

    Trip up tlie MississippiQulney Bridge across Rirer Keokuk

    -- scenery, fce.Correspondence of the Advertiser.

    August 81st, 1863.A trip up the Mississippi at this sea

    son of the year is exceedingly delight-ful. All the way there is the mostbeautiful and attractive scenery; andas you ascend the river it increases inbeauty and grandure. Upon" everyhand there is the indication of thriftand prosperity. All the way in Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota the cropswere never better. Minnesota thisyear has the largest and best wheatcrops she has ever raised.

    The largest and most importanttown on the Mississippi, above St,Louis, is Quincy, III.; a town of 35,000 inhabitants, situated on the eastbank of the Mississippi, one hundredand sixty-tw- o miles above St. Louis.Quincy is improving very rapidly; agreat many very nice fine buildingsare being put up thi3 season. Herprinciple business is trade in merchandise, grain and fruit. She can'tboast of her manufactures or waterworks.

    Quincy is situated in the midst of avery fertile country, and on a highand healthy elevation from the river.The railroad bridge, which spans theriver at this place, is nearly completed.It is being built by a bridge companyfor the use of the Chicago, Burling-ton and Quincy railroad. The bridgeis built on the principle of the woodentrestle suspension, and consists oftwenty four spans, eighteen across themain channel, and six across the bay.The superstructure is being furnishedby the Detroit bridge company of De-troit, Michigan.

    The next town of importance as youpass up the river is Keokuk, Iowa; atown of about 10,000 inhabitants. Keokuk is situated on quite a high elevation of land or plateau, two hundredand eighty miles from St. Louis. Thetitle to her real estate has for a longtime been in controversy, which hasbeen very detrimental to her prosper-ity. This question has finally beensettled, and the town is improvingvery rapidly.

    The river here is obstructed byrapids, which extend from Keokukup twelve mile3 to Montrose. Theyare usually known as the Des Moinesrapids. When the river is exceedinglylow they are impassable for boats ofthe lightest duaft ; and the river beingvery low at the present time, all traveland transportation is by rail fromKeokuk to Montrose or Ft. Madison.This of course is done at the expenseof occasional delays and great laborof shifting freight from boats to cars,and from cars to boats. To obviatethis a steam-shi- p cannal is being con-structed around these japids, which isto be sufficient for the passage ofsteamboats at any stage of water.This canal in many places will in-clude a portion of the bed of theriver, separated from the main chan-nel by embankments.

    J. T. Patch.

    After a long march, during the latewar, a captain ordered, as a sanitaryprecaution, that the men shouldchange their undershirts. The O. Ssuggested that half the' men only hadone shirt each. The captain hesitatedfor a moment and then said : " Mili-tary orders must be obeyed ; let themen change with each other."

    The disease of cattle, called charbon,has made its appearance again inLouisiana. It is, naturally, a subjectof great apprehension to the planter.It not only threatens the heavy lossof property, but the loss of workinganimals puts into jeopardy the cropsso anxiously looked for by the dis-tressed population.

    There is a farmer in Jones county,Iowa so the Animosa Eureka affirms

    who will vote for Sey mourand Blair,and who supports his determinationby the declaration that "the meanest,most contemptible thing them fellowsdown to Congress have done, wa3 tosend bureaus to them freedmen downSouth."

    "Keep off that grass," said police-man 44 to an Irish orange peddler,who had established himself on a nicebit of turf on the Common. " Badluck to yer, I'm not hur-r-tin-g thegrass," said the exile of Erin "Whoiver heard of an Orangeman 'wearinoff the greerr. "

    Temperance puts wood on the fire,meal in the barrel, flour in the tub,money in the purse, credit in thecountry, contentment In the house,clothes on the children, vigor in thebody, intelligence in the brain, andspirit in the whole constitution. -

    Letter from IV err Mexico." Ft; Union, New Mexico,

    July Sth, 1S68.Editor t Nebraska Advertiser : '

    I left my home July 15th, on a pros-pecting tour through Kansas, South-ern Colorado and New Mexico, viasteamer to Leavenworth and thencewest by rail. I stopped two days atJunction City, three mile3 from Fortftiley, and at the Junction of theSmokey Hill and Republican rivers.I procured a team and visited FortRiley and the surroundingI find the Fort guarded by one' company of soldiers, and it will even tually be abandoned, as 'tis useless hereany longer. Junction City, built upand sustained by the railroad and thepatronage of the Fort, has attained itsfull size. There are very few improved farms around here, as apartfrom the valleys of the Smoky Hilland Republican, the country is veryrough and broken, and seriously afflicted with the Kansas complaint"drouth." -- The grass, crops andstock all show the effect of it. Therailroad having passed on, the town isleft dependent upon its own resources,which to me are not apparent to anydesirable extent. The crops of smallgrain around here are medium, thecorn far inferior, and grazing decidedlypoor, in comparison with SouthernNebraska.

    The valleys of the Saline and Solo-man- 'sforks of the Smoky Hill, I like

    better, though the effects of the drouthare here visible. These drouths inKansas are of tod frequent occurrenceto make any point remote from theMissouri river desirable ; and at present the transfer of the surplus produceof these valleys, and the reception ofsupplies are wholly dependent uponone line of railroad, a monopoly extorting exhorbitant prices, eating upwhat profits may be in grain growingor stock raising.

    From 5aline up the entire valley ofthe Smoky Hill to Pond Creek, andthence to vicinity of Bent's Fort, onthe Arkansas river, a distance of several hundred miles, the whole countryis what an Englishman would term a"blasted 'un." Not a stream on theentire route worth a dam. Grass alldried out burnt up and no water fitto drink. From Bent's Fort to Trini-dad, at the foot of Rattion Mountains,in Colorado, the grass is better, butnot good grazing; and at no pointfrom Fort Harker to Trinidad, willsoil repay cultivation. .

    Leaving Trinidad we commencedthe ascent of the Rattoon Mountains,up a most beautiful valley, watered bya clear, cold,dashingmoun tain stream,covered by a luxuriant growth ofgrass; the mountains on each sidethickly set with straight, flourishingpines; the road excellent, all contrast-ing so strongly with what we hadpreviously experienced, that I thoughtit the most delightful place I had everseen, am then l am creaioiy informed that these beautiful mountainpasses, and these lovely valleys arefrequently covered with deep snowlate in May and early in October, andthat often fearful and violent stormsrage here. I also notice in gardenshere green peas just blooming, andother vegetables, all from two to threemonths later than with us. Theselong winters'are not desirable for stockrai3ing, and for any other purpose thiscountry is worthless.

    From the western base of the mountains to the Cimeron river, (Maxwell'sBranch,) the grass is but medium forgrazing. At Cimeron we found Richard Brown and family, of Brownville,and Judge Holly, of Nebraska City,doing the wind work of a new townthey have laid out here " CimeronCity." But it is entirely dependentupon the success of the mines here ;and in regard to them I can get no reliable information, vere flattering.That there is gold here, there is nodoubt. That there are excellent opportunities to invest money in thepurchase of claims and town lots, isalso true ; as is the fact that hundredsof men are leaving here every daywho vote the whole thing a humbug.The only water furnished here is byone ditch owned by Maxwell & Co.Maxwell owns the land ; hence, as Isee it, 'tis a" monopoly owned andcontrolled by a few men who willmake all the money, if any is made.

    Leaving the Cimeron, we pass, onthe road to Fort Union, numeroussmall Mexican farms. The wheat andoats now only from one to two feethigh, and just headed out ; and thecorn from two to three feet high. ANebraska farmer would estimate theyield per acre of wheat and oats atabout eight oV ten bushels, and thecorn a failure. At Maxwell's I seen afew acres of heavy growth of wheat,the result of expensive manuring andcultivating. The "States" corn, asthey term it, cannot be raised here, theonly variety grown is a very smallflinty kind. The stock throws out nolateral roots, grows about three feethigh, and shoots only from near theground.

    At Fort Union I overtook the train,and found Col. Porter and family, Mr.Silas Tidwell and family, and Mr. W.W. Bremen, all safe, in good health,and getting along finely. Frank Chap-lin and family stopped in Trinidad.Mr. Neffe and wife, and Mies NellieMills stopped at Cimerott. I shallhere join the train and proceed d. rectiyon to and down the valley of the lUoGrande.

    I reached here by a different routefrom the one traveled by our train, yetthe unanimous . verdict of all is thatbetween Lawrence, Kansas, and iortUnion,- - New Mexico, there is nd in-ducement sufficient to attract the far-mer and stock raiser, from the fertilesoil and rich pasturage of SouthernNebraska. Will write again.

    Yours, J. 6. Mlnick.

    Communication fro in Vxe Exe-cutive.

    To Messrs. George M. Roberts. St. A.D. Balcombe, A. J. Poppleton, Geo.L. Miller, T. B. Lemon, II. W.Kunns, E. 8. Palmer and others,signers of a petition, asking for thepardon of Harry C. Jordan, who isunder sentence of seven years' im-prisonment in the State Penitentiaryfor the crime of forgery.

    Gentlemen:A petition with such an array of

    names upward of six hundred em-bracing many of our oldest, worthiest,most prominent, and most reliable fellow--citizens of every shade of politicaland religious sentiment, would seem,of itself, quite sufficient warrant forany act left to the discretion of anyone man. Morever, this prayer isseconded by the impulses of my ownfeelings, and. an earnest desire that ifthere is to be any error that it may beon tae siae oi mercy.

    Being, so moved, it has. been ex-tremely difficult for me to give thecase that impartial consideration thatsuch an interference in the adminisS-eratio- n

    of public justice demands.But, constrained by the provision ofthe Constitution and the requirementof the statutes, that in every instancethe reasons for granting pardon, shallbe reported to the Legislature at itsnext season, and so enter into and be-come dart ofthe written history of theState, I have carefully examined intoall of the circumstances of material im-portance, though not as being clothedwith higheror supervisory judical power ; for it cannot be conceived that thepardoning power was designed to beso exercised as to conflict with thatfundamental principle in our institut-ions which separates legislative, judi-cial and executive powers, and confersthem on distinct branches of the Gov-ernment.

    And as I cannot consider the Ex-ecutive as invested with a power thatcan conflict in any degree with theadministration of justice, neither canI look upon the power to grant par-dons as an extension of legislativefunctions to be exercised on the pre-sumption that the penalties providedby the Legislature exceed the demandsof the public welfare. It is, to beheld as a power in reserve a last re-sort to secure that more exact admin-istration of justice by the mitigationor removal of the penalty which some-times, even after sentence is passed,mav be rendered Dossible. bv importantadditional testimony, or by subsequentchanges wrought in the ever varyingcircumstances of human affairs. Inthe light of this conclusion, I haveproceeded in the examination.

    1 have found but two considerationsset forth in the petition on which hi3pardon is urged.

    First That he confessed his guiltin open Court.

    Second lhat "a widowed motherand two little brothers are dependant,in a measure, upon him."

    As to the first, it rs too palpable toneed more than the' bare statementthat, in cases where the guilt is beyond question, wnicn, in this case.was made so by confession, m openCourt, the measure of the penaltyis entrusted to the iudiciary, and thatit was not designed, in conferring thepardoning power, to transfer thi3 tothe executive branch of the Govern-ment.

    As to the second consideration, it isnecessary to say only that it wasknown equaly well to the Court beforethe sentence was passed, as it is knownto the public to day, and doubtlesshad its influence in determining thepenalty at the medium instead ofthe extreme limit of the law.

    In private, it has been urged in addition to this,

    lirst lhat this 13 a young man'sfirst offense.

    Second That his health is rapidlyfailing, and

    Third 1 hat he was . reared in themidst ofgood society, and under Christian innurnce.

    The first, I regret to say, is not confirmed by recent developments. Evidence clear and unquestionable leavesno doubt on this point. The secondis in direct conflict with the report ofthe medical attendant upon the pris-oners of the State, in conflict withthe testimony of the keepers of theprison, and in conflict with the resultsof my personal observation. Thethird that he was reared in the midstof good society and under Christianinfluences, instead of being a groundfor the exercise of clemency, is, inmy opinion, the reverse. He hasbroken through so much stronger re-straint, has trampled under foot somuch more of .known public sentiment, and has done violence to a somuch higher sense of moral rectitude.He, whose associations have all beenbad, and whose surrounding influenceshave all tended downward, independ-ent of other considerations, certainlyis the more fi t subj ect for j udicial len ity .If the argument were sound, whenstated in other language, it would runthus: The greater the violence to hisown moral sense, and to the restraintsof society, in the commission of crime,the more worthy the criminal of pardon. When so expressed, howeverit becomes a proposition to which veryfew will willingly consent.

    These are the only reasons that havebeen urged for this extraordinary ex-ercise of the power to issue pardon3.And I am constrained to add that,notwithstanding my sympathy forthose who sutler on the criminal'saccount, and my profound respect forthe united prayers of so many goodand distinguished citizens, the fore-going considerations, with othersthat need not be made public, haveforced upon my judgment the convict-ion that this is not a case for Execut-ive interference; at least that it isnot such an one a3 shall call for theexercise of that power in advance ofthe incarceration ofthe prisoner pursu-ant to the sentence of the Court.Whether it may be proper to so farmitigate the sentence at some futuretime, as to shorten the term of im-prisonment, the future will doubtlessdetermine. Whenever it can be doneconsistently with my views of dutyto the State and to society, I shall bemost happy to gratify the wishes ofthose who have subscribed their namesto the petition referred to.

    With considerations of personal re-spect for each and all of you, signersof said petition,

    I subscribe myself your humbleservant.


    It ia a glorious occupation, vivifyingand self-sustaini- ng in its nature tostruggle with ignorance, and discoverto the inquiring minds of the massesthe clear cerculeanr blue of heavenlytruth.

    . When' you expel a man from yourhouse it is very natural that he shouldbe put out.

    HumoroU3 play upon

    v' A, .A

    lr 1; ;1'1 &!7


    No. 47.

    Tlie Way To VFar.How a Democratic success at the

    election would occasion civil war iseasily seen. General Blair does nothesitate' to" avow it, Congress mustbe wholly disregarded. The SupremeCourt must not be invoked. ThePresident must usurp all powers ofthe Government and act alone. Hemust be a Cjar. "Because," saysGeneral Blair in his letter, "if thePresident elected by the Democracyenforces, or permits, others to enforce,these Reconstruction acts the Radicals,by the assessicn of twenty spuriousSenators and - fifty R rresentatives,will control both branches of Congressand his administration will be as powerless as the present one of Mr. John--sox." Force 13, therefore, the onlyalternative.

    If Mr. Skvmour be elected, afterthis loud and reiterated declaration byhis party then hi3 election will meanforcible overthrow ofthe present Stntegovernments lix tile Southern .state,the result is evident. He would off-icially declare those Governmentsvoid. He wonld then be impeachedand probably convicted. But theDemocratic party, victoriou3 at thepolls, with the whole rebel force jub-ilant and reaiy, would dispute thesentence, and risi against it execut-ion. Meanwhile in the SouthernStates, the new 'Democratic State or-ganizations summoned by the Presi-dent would be formed. They woulddispute the State authority with thepresent incumbents. The Presidentwould recognize the new claimantsand order the army to their support,and to "trample in the dult" the oth-ers. They in turn would appeal toCongress, already engaged in conflictwith the President. Meanwhile Rep-resentatives and Senators sent by thenew State organizations would arrivein Washington, and in concert withthe other Democratic members wouldbe recognized as Congress by the Pres-ident. But, indeed, long before thisevent civil war would be ravaging thecountry and Wade Hampton, andRobert Toombs, and Howell Cobb,and the old rebel chiefs who say withAlbert Pike, "We do not love andwill not pretend to love that Union,though we have agreed to obey thelaws of the conqueror," would gladlybehold in a desolating war and ruin-ed republic the fullness of their re-venge.

    This is the real issue. It can not bedenied, for the Democratic party ex-ultin-

    declares it. It can not beevaded, for the experience of the lastfew years has taught us that we haveas desperate and dangerous elementsas any country at any time. It is therelapse of the rebellion, and a relapseofdisease is often fiercer than its origin-al attack. There was never a momentwhen the utmost effort of every faith-ful citizen was more indispensablethan now to the salvation of the coun-try. On the one hand is GeneralGrant, with his moderation, his firm-ness, his tried patriotism, his singularsagacity, his signal illustration of thefinest qualities of the IntelligentAmerican: and with hini SchuylerColfax, who has never said a word ordone an act that can inspire the' leastdistrust,-- and Who is in full accordwith the best and most peaceful andprogressive tendencies ofthe country.They are the candidates of those whowould do the best that the circumstan-ce's allow ; who would reconstruct theUnion upon equal rights, who wouldneither ostracize nor revenge, whowould not exasperate the jealousies ofrace, but who would neither betraythe tried friends nor the pledged faithof the country. They are the candi-dates of the great body of citizens ofproved patriotism, intelligence,' in-dustry, and of a peaceful mind obedi-ent to law. On the other hand isMr. Seymour, a plausible polit'cian,for whose success the rebels in armsprayed four years ago ; who preferredthat the Union should perish ratherthan slavery, and who declared thesuccess of the Government to be asrevolutionary as that ofthe rebellion.With him is General Blair, whoseremedy for the situation is the nakedsword. They are the candidates of allwho hate the Union and who soughtand seek its dishonor; of those whothought the waracrimc, and demand-ed that the Government should yieldto the rebellion ; of those who wouldbreak the public word to the publiccreditor; of those who would putthe late slave, always loyal, under thefeet of his always rebel master; thecandidates of the ignorant and lawlessevery where in the land.

    Let every man be alert. There isno doubt of the issue' or of the candi-dates. And when' once . they are un-derstood there is no doubt ofthe coun-try and ofthe result. Harper's Week-ly.


    Ex-Go- v. Seymour says: "Underit3 (Congress t?) influence, some of theStates organized by its agents are pro-posing to deprive the people of theright of vote for Presidential electors,and the first bold steps, are taken todestroy the right of suffrage." Shouldany of the Southern States cat theirelectoral votes through their Legisla-tures, instead of by electors elected bythe people, it will be only what SouthCarolina, a Democratic State of theolden time, has always done untilnow. The Democrats of Sauth Caro-lina will have the first opportunitythey ever enjoyed of voting for Presi-dential electors. If thi3 is a bold stoptaward destroying the right ofsuffrage,why did not the Democratic partyfind it out when it was m long practic-ed by them? X. Y. Tribune.

    Old Deacon Sharp used to relatethis story: He was standing one daybeside a frog pond and saw a larggarter snake make an attempt uponan enormous bull-fro- g. The snakeseized one of the frog's hind legs, andthe frog, to be on a par with his snake-shi- p,

    caught him by the tail, and bothcommenced swallowing one another,until nothing was left of them.

    The following advertisement ap- -Eears iri a Western paper under theof "A wife wanted:" "Anygal what's got a bed, a coffee-po-t, skil-let, knows how to cut out britches.can make a hunting shirt, and knowshow to take care of vouncr 'uns. kpvnhev my services till death parts both ofUi.'1

    A clergymad in Springfield, Mass.,who has the habit of adding "ah" tomany of hi3 word?, recently spoke tohis congregation of "those who havebeen brought up on the Lord's sideah!"

    If a girl is absorbed in self-lov- e, theysay to gainher affectionis is to ministerto her self-lov- e until it overnows; allthat runs over will be yours.

    When i3asailorlikeagraveelothes'maker? When he runs up theshrouds.

    The food of love turtle soup.

    Onesrjtiarc, first r-f- ' " .... f3rlactt Mit-fnn- t i i " iJ';tiine t'nrC, f! ve 1.:. s or ! ...Kacli A(I.l;;U)riiU Line - 1One ..... f iC'ol'.'.mn, one yearOne ('r lair.n, nix nuor.thsfno Column, throe Months.. ..........Ha!( ('ohur.n, one yr;:r.Ha", I '..!n'im, six ..........Hail (.'oiiiinn, tare n'.onti... ..........Fourth Coiinr.n, one yt ;;r ... -)Fourth Column, fix Y.irr.tY: '21Fourth Column,' rr. nrst hi I'.F.lcrhth Ciil'iimn, ynrF.izhth Coiunin, n.t mon:h - rEighth Column, threw mntha - .... iStray Notices, hfii .... aTrnIent ! vert ;enier. payable ir ,lvan.

    Tlie t'smpainrA Legion hns been formed in

    Ilonesdale, Penn., l' O strong.Eight thousand people were present

    at the recent Republican demonstra-tion at Martinsville, Indiana.

    The campnin is opening vicr"?lyin" Central and Southern Ohio'. Therawill soon be cannonading all alocjthe line.

    A Grant and Colfax pob was raisedat Brushy Fork, West Virginia, ciithe 19th inst., by the Union men ofthat region.

    Maxwell P. Gn!Ji, a prominentman in Southern Ohio, who switchedoff Into the Democratic party withDoolittle, hr.5 come out for Grant andLCIUX.

    Coles County, 111., 'has witne-c- dthe largest torchlight procession ofthe campaign. Its I, ) lamps havethrown the Democracy of that regioncompletely i:i t."..' shade. .

    The Chicago Irish Republicans helda grand rally on Wednoday evening.Judge Sloanakerof Texa, Gen. Juli jsWhite, and Major Stevenson address-ed the meeting.. The largest political meeting everheld in Middletown, N. Y., was theRepublican demonstration on lastFriday night, at Slauson Hall. The-Democra- ts

    are looking blue.Mr. Wm. A. Gulick, a well-know- n

    New-Jerse- y Democrat, residing atKingston, Mindlescx County, andformerly a member of the Legislature,is out for Grant and Colfax.

    The meeting a tChambcrsburg, Ind., .on Saturday, was a mass County Con-vention, and over 4,fHK) people wcroin attendance. This looks as thoughthe Republicans intended to carrythis stronghold of the Demsoracy.

    An immense Republican meetingwas held in Columbus, Ohio, on tho21st. The Tanners were out in greatforce. Judge Winansand Capt. Slier-da-n

    of Louisiana shook the dry bones'of the Democracy, amid great applause,-fo- r

    over three hour?.Old Dick Oglesby polh-he- d off the

    Copperheads at Wankegan, III., onthe 20th in his usual effective style.The enthusiasm was unbounded. Twohuridred Tanners were in the process-ion which escorted the Governor fromthe depot.

    The Republicans of North Carolinaare making an energetic canva-s- . Re-ports reach us of mass meeting inDuplin countVj atTarbcro. at Ch ipelHill, arid Franklinton. the blackturn out en m asse to these meetings.

    The German Theater in Chicagowas filled to overflowing with Gor-man Republicans on the evening ofthe 20th. The Hon. N. B. Judd andGen. Salomon, the Commander-in-Chie- f

    of the Tanners, addressed thdmultitude, the latter speaking in Ger-man.

    A grand rally of the Fighting Boy3in Blue took place at Aurora, Ind., onthe 21st inst. The people camo fromthe country' on horseback and in w.ig-on- s

    enthusiastically cheering fr Grantand Colfax, and the glorious Republi-can cairse.

    During a late circus and raenagerioexibition inFlemingsburg, Ky., there'suddenly came up a violent ?torm ofwind and rain which threatened tointertere with the performance. Atfirst there was but little excitementamong the spectators ; but finaly thestakes of the outer canvas gave way;then the immenco center-pol- e of thelarge one commenced to sway andgroan, and the sides to flop anil givownyjthe lions commenced to growland roar, the elephant to swing hUhuge proboscis around, and the horsesto neigh and stamp, the women shri-eked; the confusion was indoscribale,and the excitement the wildest everseen in Flemingsburg. Every bodyrushed pcllmell for the entrance, gen- -tlman and ladies in confused mas cal- -ling alternately for help and friendsOf course, on the top scats some jump-ed to the bottom,' ome fell throughsome were caught and suspende d whilafalling, and a grout many cut theirway through the canvas. At thisjuncture the elephant broke out

    the pcoble and created a perfectpanic or terror, l he rain was tailingin torrents, the lightning flashed andthe thunder crashed . Men la theirfright ran against the ticket-wago- nover ladies, wildly to and fro . Manyof the ladies fainted and fell but fortu-nately none' were killed or scared todeath . After the storm had abatedthe great canvas was explored, but noone was found to be seriously injured. . '

    Mr. Scvmour, the statesman whosestatesmanship would have destroyedthe State, says snac our people areharassed by the heavy and frequentdemands of the tax gatherer." True,and these demands were caused by aliebellion or Southern Democrats.doubled by the sympathetic aid ofNorthern Copperheads, and would berendered twice as heavy and frequentas they need be by the policies of revol-ution, rebellion, and repudiation in- -troduced into the Democratic platform ' ,


    by Wade Hampton and Pendleton, 'adopted by the Convention with thesame wild Rebel yell which used tosalute the ears of our troops when theywere pressed back on the battle-fiel- d,indorsed by Seymour and Blair intheir letter of acceptance, and now 'put forward as the creed ofthe Demo-cratic party. X. Y. Tribune.

    The Buffalo Commeroud ofthe lMl 'instant publishes the following thrill- -ing incident: We learn by a gentle-- .man who came up from Niagara Fullsthis morning, that a startling incidentoccured yesterday afternoon. A littlegirl, while getting upon the railing ofthe bridge leading from the main landto Goat Island, lost her balance andfell into the ranids. Instantly a young 'man named Moulton, who resided at .Auburn, plunged in to rescue th-- jchild. Grasping the little one and ',keeping her hea l above water bothwere swept on toward the precipice,and distraction seemed evitaole. But .Moulton, being an expert swimmer,struggled manfully with the rushingtorrent and succeeded in reaching theshore, only about fifteen feet from thebrink of the cataract. It was a mosthumane and daring act.

    "Yaw," said Mr. Spreitzelswiggle,who lowered his beer glas from hisface long enough to tell the story. "Idinks I know vot vash de matter mitBendleton, so dat he vach not nomina-ted. The Seymour veller voh tooTammany for Shorge. Yah!"

    A little" three year old wa3 heard toexclaim as she saw a sail boat: "O,mama! there's a boat with a bonneton!"

    Home-sickne- ss is more frequentlya weariness of home than a lonir'for it 0 0ITS"

    Wool-growe- rs are supposed H 1tcether-viz- e.