+ Childhood Obesity How can you make a difference?

+ Childhood Obesity How can you make a difference?

Transcript of + Childhood Obesity How can you make a difference?

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Childhood ObesityHow can you make a difference?

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What is Obesity? It is defined as having an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual’s ideal body weight. BMI (Body Mass Index) is used to determine if a person is over weight. This is done by taking an individuals weight multiplied by 703 and then divided by twice the height in inches. BMI of 25.9 – 29 is considered overweight BMI over 30 is considered obese

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+Since 1974, obesity among children and

adolescents has more than tripled.

Childhood Obesity is caused by a wide

variety of economical, social

and genetic factors.

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There are significant racial and ethnic disparities in obesity prevalence among U.S. children and adolescents.

(Note the difference in regions)

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FACT: Consumption of soft drinks has skyrocketed with 32% of girls and 52% of boys drinking more than8 oz. servings of soda each day and children as young as 7 months drinking soda.

Childhood obesity Highly increases risk

of cardiovascular disease, diabetes,

sleep apnea, bone and

joint problems, osteoarthritis

and some types of cancer.

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+What are the causes?

One Size Fits All Philosophy- Everyone is different so the same dietary and lifestyle change won’t work for everyone.

Lack of Exercise- If you’re not very active, you don’t burn as many calories. You can easily take in more calories everyday than you use.

Stress-When your adrenal glands are stressed they produce hormones that contribute to weight gain. Low fatty acid intake and decreased serotonin levels in the brain can cause the emotional stress of depression that in turn can contribute to cravings for sweets and starchy foods.

Belief System-Negative self-image, poor self-esteem, lack of sense of worthiness, minimal expectation of success and poorly designed motivators all impact one’s ability to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

Lack of Sleep- Without adequate sleep, the body shows signs of increased stress, a contributing factor to weight gain. The body needs at least 7 hours of sleep a night.

Insufficient Water-An insufficient intake of water drastically impacts the body’s ability to maintain healthy organ function, digestion and weight.

Food Choices- Eating processed foods that are high on the glycemic index and depleted in nutritional content are key factors in weight gain. Other factors such as overeating, food sensitivities and excess refined grain consumption, especially for those body types that require a higher percentage of protein in their diet contribute to weight gain.

Certain Medications-Such as antidepressants, anti-seizure, diabetes, antipsychotic, steroids & beta blockers can lead to weight gain if you don’t compensate through diet and exercise.

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+What are the effects? High blood pressure High cholesterol levels Heart disease Liver & gall bladder disease Type II diabetes Shortness of breath Asthma complications Restless sleep patterns Bone & joint problems Depression Unhealthy peer/adult

relationships Lowered expectations for a

positive future Poor self-esteem

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+Childhood Obesity and Diabetes

Accelerated onset of Type 2 diabetes is the result of modern-day lifestyle habits consuming too many

high-fat calories not getting enough


Why childhood onset of diabetes from obesity is such high risk type 2 diabetes is

progressive Complications from

diabetes Eye problems,

glaucoma/cataracts Neuropathy, numbness of

feet Hypertension, stoke/heart

attack/kidney disease Hearing problems

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Where does

America Start??

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Start by Trading This for that

Lifestyle Changes

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+Get Educated!

Educate families on how to trade an unhealthy lifestyle for a healthier lifestyle

Four Concepts for a healthier lifestyle:

1. Eat nutritious foods

2. Reduce TV time

3. Exercise Daily

4. Get enough sleep

Studies have shown that individually these behaviors have been linked to lower risk of obesity in children.

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+ Eating Nutritiously: Eating dinner regularly with the family, teach children to be aware of what they eat by developing healthy eating habits, & to eat foods that provide adequate nutrition and appropriate number of calories.

Reducing TV Time: Children will be less likely to become obese if parents limit TV time to no more than 2 hours a day. Encourage your children to find fun activities that involve more activity.

Exercising: Children & teens should participate in at least 60 minute of moderate intensity physical activities…preferably daily. Such as walking, sports, swimming, dancing, etc.

Goodnights Sleep: Studies have shown that children who gat the least amount of sleep have 4.2 times higher risk of becoming obese. It is recommended that parents enforce bed times for their children and that children try to obtain around 10.5 hours of sleep a night.

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How to Prevent Childhood Obesity

• Restaurants need to consider portion sizes and begin posting calorie information as the new health care law requires

• Pediatricians should regularly check their patients’ body mass index, using a BMI calculator.

• Nutrition labels on the front of packaged foods.

• Putting a cap on the limit of commercials, billboards, advertisements, etc that fastfood companies can have.

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+How to Lose Weight the Healthy Way

Gradual diet plan that requires losing no more than one or two pounds a week.

Avoid low calorie diets, they slow down the metabolism and actually store fat instead of shedding it.

Focus on developing healthy eating habits, and not specifically weight loss or ‘dieting’.

Make the change a part of your permanent lifestyle that you will continue forever.

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+ The Importance of Nutrition

• Unhealthy nutrition choices start from a young age and usually start within the home• From a young age children are being given the option between Healthy Vs Junk food (fast food)• Parents need to limit the amount of processed foods they bring into the home

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+Ways to Improve Nutrition within the Home Remove Junk food from the house

Don’t buy excess amounts of chips and candy

Don’t buy processed foods including; frozen meals, pizza pockets, or canned foods

Buy fresh produce, lean meats, and whole grains

Start making home cooked meals

Introduce your children to fruits and Vegetables at a young age, and continue to include these in meals.

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+Get Up and Get Active!

Being active is crucial For good health

– getting kids active helps prevent obesity

and serious illness in later life

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+ Eight Tips to Help Get Kids Active

1) Show an interest in any activities your child likes and encourage them to try out new physical activities.

2) Walk rather than drive.

3) Play sports.

4) Dance.

5) Take Control of the TV.

6) Be a role model and get active yourself.

7) Get active together.

8) Let kids play everyday.

Active play is an excellent way for children to be active!

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+Get Involved!

Children in America today are brought into this world by their parents. As parents it is their responsibility to set a good example for their children by establishing a healthy lifestyle from a young age. Ways this could be done for example is by enrolling their child into a sport, an individual or a team sport, eliminating the “junk food” in the house and by cutting down on eating out. Children look up to those around them, especially their parents and if from the very beginning they are taught that physical exercise and healthy eating habits are not important then that’s where the problem really starts and results in children becoming obese. Without enough parental supervision, these children grow up with little nutritional education and usually grow into adults with both health and weight problems teaching the next generation that it is in fact okay to live an unhealthy lifestyle.

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+Stop abusing your children’s bodies! Lead by example and make your lifestyle change TODAY, for a healthier TOMORROW!

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+Created By:

Alex Blaisdell Joan Clark Gavin Cleveland Jeelan Fall Yasmin Farahani Raymond Garrison Tavita Leota Gabriela Maldonado-Lanagan Kaycee Metekingi