· Centrocot ranks first as regards the number of accredited tests in Italy in the Fashion, ... TF...


Transcript of  · Centrocot ranks first as regards the number of accredited tests in Italy in the Fashion, ... TF...

CENTROCOTEstablished in Busto Arsizio - Varese - on 7th October 1987 by entrepreneurial associations, trade associations, trade unions, public bodies (Chamber of Commerce, Province and Municipal Authorities) and the credit institutions spread all around the territory, Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento S.p.A. - in short Centrocot - was founded out of the need to support the companies that make up the whole chain in the Textile, Clothing sector, providing highly specialized services, from traditional to technical textiles.With over 70 employees in staff, Centrocot offers highly qualified human resources who can perform technical activities as regards testing, research, experimentation, training and consultancy.

TEST LABORATORIESThe laboratories, which are among the most advanced at European level, operate as independent third parties and they are accredited by Accredia under number 0033 for over 400 tests (www.accredia.it).Centrocot ranks first as regards the number of accredited tests in Italy in the Fashion, Clothing, Textile sector.

The Labs carry out tests in different fields:· Technological Tests (mechanical physical tests on fibres, yarns, fabrics, textile products and on leather, accessories in general, non-woven fabrics, clothing)· Dyeing Chemical Tests (dyeing-chemical tests on fibres, yarns, fabrics, textile products in general, non- woven fabrics, clothing, leather and accessories)· Ecological Tests (tests to identify and quantify the critical substances contained in textile products and leather, accessories in general, dyeing stuff, chemical products, auxiliary products, wastes and both liquid and gaseous sewage waters)· Emissions Tests of volatile organic compounds (VOC) from coated materials and foams· PPE Tests (tests on Personal Protective Equipment and fire reaction, high visibility, welding, entanglement, antistaticity, biological risk, chemical risk and mechanical risk tests, etc.)· Tests to define the screening from electromagnetic fields· Biological Tests (biological tests on textile products, waters, medical devices, etc.)· Tests to measure the UPF-UV Protection Factor· Tests in the sports field (with special reference to clothing for professional bikers)· Tests to assess the waterproof characteristics of garments which may be classified as PPEs (Rain Tower)· Comfort Tests (to define the thermal-physiological and sensory properties of textile products)· Calibrations (lab instruments and process tools).Centrocot is accredited by Accredia as a LAT Centre (under no. 226) as concerns the measurement of the spectral reflexion factor and the acknowledgement of the appropriateness to regularly check the measurement tools by the Varese Chamber of Commerce.

The Laboratories Tests offer indispensable support also in the analysis of defects, this is a high value - added services for clients because it simplify relationships with their suppliers.The development of new test methods and their optimization from the technical-scientific point of view is supported by the Lab Research and Development Area.

Thanks to the availability of highly innovative instruments and to technical-scientific skills Centrocot is authorised to issue binding and voluntary marks acknowledged at both national and international level. Particularly, the issued marks are as follows:

Centrocot is a lab that, according to Accredia test accreditation can boast the full compliance with all the required regulatory standards needed to obtain the Ecolabel Mark.

CE Mark of clothing and gloves for personal protection (PPE) EEC notification no. 0624 to issue CE Certifications as for the type and certifications of conformity with the provisions in the Directive no. 89/686/EEC for protection clothing and gloves in different risk typologies.

Oeko-tex® Standard 100 Mark certifies the safety of the product bearing the mark does not contain harmful substances.

Oeko-tex® Standard 1000 Mark certifies the eco-compatibility of the production sites of the whole textile chain through checks and analyses.

UV Standard 801 Mark certifies the level of UV protection offered by a fabric in normal use conditions through the measurement of the UPF value.

Comfort Mark certifies the comfort level offered by a fabric through the assessment of the thermal-physiological and sensory properties.

Bio-effective Mark certifies the ability of a fabric to inhibit the growth of microorganisms and to maintain this ability in time by assessing at the same time that it is not harmful.


PERSOnAL PROTECTIVE EqUIPMEnTS - PPEThey protects people against risks that can be encountered at the place of work, in the home or during leisure time. At work, they help guarantee what the European Union considers a fundamental right: the right to health and safety at the workplace.This right is guaranteed by the European Union which has defined the essential requirements for health and safety that must be observed by manufacturers and importers of Personal Protective Equipment.

Directive 89/686/EEC defines PPE as “any device or appliance designed to be worn or held by an individual for protection against one or more health and safety hazards”.The manufacturer or authorized representative in the EU must prepare the necessary technical documentation depending

on the category to which the PPE belongs.Specifically, for categories II and III a compliance evaluation procedure must be followed which involves the issue of CE certification by a notified Inspection Body and periodic production audits. Centrocot has been a notified Inspection Body of the European Commission for the control of protective clothing and gloves for the issue of CE Certification (notification no. 0624) since 1996.

Centrocot’s Services- Issue of CE Type Certificates- Periodic auditsScope of the notification- High-visibility clothing; protective clothing used where there is a risk of entanglement between moving parts;- Protective clothing, gloves and accessories against cold weather (to -50°), for welding and similar activities, with antistaticity characteristic, for use in sport, against biological risks, against chemical risks, against heat and flame and for Firefighter;- Protective clothing and gloves, against mechanical risks, for motorbike and for chainsaw users.


THE IMPORTAnCE OF ECOLOGICAL SAFETYnight and day during our life our skin is in direct contact with textile products: sleeping, drying ourselves, furnishing our homes. It is therefore important to be sure that these products are not a threat to our health.“Confidence in textiles” - an international synonym for responsible textile production - from the raw material to the finished products on the shop shelves. For industry and retailers throughout the textile manufacturing chain as well as for users of fashionable, functional and colourful textiles.

The Oeko-Tex® Labels and the ecological safetyThe label “Confidence in textiles - tested for harmful substances” according to Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 is a guarantee of transparency and safety. Products bearing this label have successfully passed tests based on 100 fundamental parameters for health performed by independent institutes belonging to the Oeko-

Tex® Association.Controls on harmful substances include identification of prohibited substances or whose use is regulated by law, of chemical products which are known to be harmful and of parameters to safeguard consumers’ health.

The main objectives of Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 are:- Avoid the manufacturing of textile products which are ecologically harmless for humans- Simplify and accelerate terms of delivery for manufacturers and retailers who wish to offer their customers textile products which pose no risk to health- Issue a reliable product label for consumers who specifically aim to buy textile products which are harmless to health.In short, with the Oeko-Tex® system potential problems linked to the substances used in any stage of the production process - from the raw material to the finished product - can be identified and solved.


To complement the Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 product certification, there is now also Oeko-Tex® Standard 1000, a testing, auditing and certification system of the environmental impact of production sites in the textile processing chain.Oeko-Tex® Standard 1000 offers companies a real opportunity to reinforce their competitive position on the global market; certification does not only demonstrate compliance with technological and qualitative production standards but highlights the modern approach to ecology and social adopted by the certified companies.

Oeko-Tex® Standard 1000 certified companies and products which already meet the requirements of Oeko-Tex® Standard 100, can also obtain also the 100plus Standard.In practice, with a single label companies can underscore the human ecological optimization of their products and their commitment to industrial ecology.Centrocot carries out tests to verify safety of children clothing (ecological and physical-mechanical).

Centrocot’s Services- Issue of the Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 label - Consultancy for obtaining the Oeko-Tex® Standard 1000 label - Issue of the Oeko-Tex® Standard 100plus label- Market control at a global level- Auditing

Centrocot plays a role to connect institutional Research Bodies and the companies. By means of continuous contacts with both European and International partners, Centrocot promotes and implements local, regional and European research projects, thus fostering innovation and promoting direct considerable technological effects on the companies. This activity is aimed at supporting the companies in an essential process of innovation, technological, organization and market development.

Product and process functionalization , with special reference to the study of plasma technology, nanotechnology and particularly the potentialities for the use of textiles in different industrial sectors (building, sailing, energy, transports, etc.): these are just a few research fields which the researchers are focusing on.


Centrocot has always paid attention to the HR growth and development and thus customizes training projects according to the companies needs.

Accredited by the Lombardy Region to provide training services and certified by Certiquality in compliance with UnI En ISO 9001:2008 standard, the Centrocot Training Area offers a over-twenty-years-long managerial and technical experience to the Textile, Clothing, Fashion sector to tackle issues and pursue professional development objectives.Centrocot offers courses and seminars on technical and managerial issues for companies and both public and private operators in the Textile, Clothing, Fashion sector and cares for the planning and realization of customized courses upon the single company's requests.


Centrocot works to make companies aware as regards technological innovation and the related future opportunities.

The Observatory also takes care of the online newsletter I.Tn - Innovation Textile news, that, quarterly, provides information and updates on the most important events concernig Textile, Clothing, Fashion sector.

Particularly important is the activity to support the organization of conferences and workshops with the aim to provide updates and know-how in the field of technological innovation through the organization of prevalently mono-thematic meetings with important witnesses as regards the latest news from the different players in the chain.


SUSTAINABLE dEVELOPMENTCentrocot offers its technical expertise and experience in relation to environmental sustainability and traceability of processes and products:- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA),- Environmental Product Declaration (EPD),- Product Environmental Footprint (PEF),- REACh Regulation,- Green Public Procurement (GPP),- STeP by Oeko-Tex® (Sustainable Textile Production),- Traceability TFashion.

The certification STeP by Oeko-Tex® is the answer to the growing demand for sustainability of production processes is a new standard that combines aspects of environmental protection, health and safety of workers, ethical and safety of chemical products.

TF is the system of voluntary certification of traceability, sponsored by Unioncamere and the Italian Chambers of Commerce and managed by Unionfiliere, to redevelop and enhance the products of the Jewellery Textiles, Clothing and Fashion sectors.

INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL REGULATION CONSULTANCyBeing aware of the compulsory requirements in force at international level is an essential tool for selling.Centrocot offers a targeted consultancy related to the binding technical legislation within the International markets, and particularly in Europe, China, USA, Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan and South Korea.In order to perform this activity Centrocot obtained the required accreditations to carry out lab tests to check the compliance of the textile products destined to the European, Chinese and American markets.

Particularly, Centrocot:· Is accredited by Accredia (ILAC) to perform tests according to Chinese methods (GB 18401-2010), the standard defining the requirements to protect the consumers’ safety regarding all the textile materials sold on the Chinese market.· Is accredited by CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement) under no. 1070 as an independent laboratory to carry out ecological tests (measurement of phtalates, lead in paints, in both metal and non-metal products and in jewels) and flammability tests (on fabrics for clothing and night fabrics and clothing for children).

Centrocot, relying on the skills acquired and consolidated over the years, has always pointed to its ability to look into the future with perseverance and resolution.

Centrocot produces innovation, by improving the processes, opening up to new markets and to the international dimension, by identifying and experimenting new application opportunities in the textile sector.

A perfect match of tradition and innovation allows Centrocot to go beyond the geographical and structural limits, thus turning the ‘textile process’ and the collected know-how into a development methodology applicable to different industrial fields.

Experience and experimentation are fundamental elements to guarantee the future of the textile sector: Centrocot continuously refines the own skills, thus making them available to other industrial sectors and acting as a real strategic competitive player for their development and growth.


Concept and graphic designTEAMWORK - VARESE


I release october 2012

© Centro Tessile Cotoniero e Abbigliamento S.p.A.I - 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA) · Piazza S.Anna, 2 · tel. +39 0331 696711 · fax +39 0331 680056 · [email protected]

www.centrocot. i t