. C. J. A. lvloscs, C.B .E. Prof essor F. J . Schone II Professor F. Alexander Mr . A. H. L. Gibson...

., I ... I I 1 ,, ~ - i' JEAN ANOUI LH

Transcript of . C. J. A. lvloscs, C.B .E. Prof essor F. J . Schone II Professor F. Alexander Mr . A. H. L. Gibson...



., I ... I I 1

,, ~-•


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The Australian Elizabethan Theatre Tru st PAT R ON : H ER MAJESTY T H E QUEE N


The R t. H on . Sir John Latham, G.C.M.G., Q .C. Dr. H . C. Coombs


Hu gh Hunt :l,faurire Parker


, ew South \ ,Vales Qu eensland Western Australia Victoria Sou tit Australia Tasmania

Mr. C. J. A. lvloscs, C.B .E . Prof esso r F. J . Schone II Pr ofessor F. Alexander

Mr . A . H. L. Gibson Mr. L. C. Waterm an

Mr . G. F. Davies

In presenting TIME REMEMBERED , we are paying tribute to a dram atist whose contribution to the contemporary theatre scene is a11 outstanding one and whose influence has been most strongly felt during the post-war years in Europe.

The J1lays of Jean An ouilh have not been widely produced in Australia , and his masterly qualities as a playwright are not sufficiently k11011·n.

TIME REME1vlBERED htippily contains some of the most typical aspects of his work . .. a sense of the comic, almost biza1'1'e, and tl haunting nostalgia which together pro­duces an atmosphere of strange yet highly sophisticated charm. The story of the Prince and the Beggar JV!aid (in th is case a milliner) is age-old , yet he gives it a new twist, a sauce of sharpness to off set any sup erfluity of the sweetness of romance. Th e piquant flavour to a French dish.

To preside at this feast is the genim of Margaret R uther­ford, in the part of the erratic Du chess. To Anouilh's comic creation she adds her own individual sense of comedy which cannot fail to delight yo11. It is a portrait unmatched in the gallery of eccentrics.

........... 3

• Noe l Coward and Mar ga r e t Le ighton pe rformin g Bri e f Enco unt e r , Blith e Spirit,

and Pr ese nt Laughter. 1B 94010 L 33-1/3 r .p .m .)

• Judith Ander son Rea ding th e Psalm s and th e Tal e o f David.

I B 94007 L 33-1 /3 r.p.m. l


Judith And er son Reading the • Book of Judith . Claire Bloom

Reading th e Book of Ruth. 1B 94006 L 33-1 /3 r.p.m.)

"Grimm Fairy Tal es" Rean • by Jo seph Schildkraut.

1B 94009 L 33-1 /3 r.p.m.)



Margaret Ru (hcrr ord wao born 111

London and ed ucaLecl aL Wimbl edon Hill choo l and R ave nscrofL. Circum­Hances in her ear ly clays did not permit her to take up a stage career, but, be­ing very gifLed mu sicall) , she studied and took an .-\ . R .C. i\l. and an L. R .A.i\l. wh ich enab led he1· Lo be­come a teacher of pian<i and eloc uti on. H owevc1, the call ol the otage wa, very trong, and in 1925 :.he made h er stage debuL at the Old Vic in '"Litt le .Jack 1-l 01 ner ." Su b,l' -quentl y she appeared with Repertor y compani e, in Oxford. Croydon and I .onclon.

The versaLility ol i\Jis Ruthedonl is not gen­Lrally known to th ose of

11, who a1e <.on,u ant wiLh he1 hila1 iou, oc.reen performances. She is acclaimed for fine and· ensitive reading of poetry , and h er many stage performances have included Mrs . Danvers in "Rebecca," and, although not a musical comedy artist, she k1s pla)ed with l vor 'oYello in "Perchance to Dr am."

ince making her \VLol End dcbuL in 1933, Mi R.ULherford ha, built a glittering name in the stage and film worlds with outstanding ( hara cte ri ,n iom in a long list of var ious p 1-oductions, of wh ich ome nf the be~t remembered are: "The Jmp ortance of Being Earnest" (in both Lom_lon_ and New York). "Spring Meeting," "Bl ith e Spirit," "P ;i,, . port to P1mlico," "Miranda," "The Happie;t D;iys of Your Life ." _ Her two greaL loves are music, pref err ing Tchaikowsky and some

hench composer, , and poe tr y. particularly the works of \ V:ilt er de l;i fare.

:5he i~ an indefatigable worker 101 cha1 it ), claiming as h er "'pc1 " < hant y t!1~ Bor,tal Roys' Jklinqu ent H<Jme. where she is a much loved and fam iliar figure.

-. Miss ~utherfoi:d i married to i\lr. Stringer Davi s who also appearld wuh her m the Elizabethan Trust production of "T he H appiest D ay of Your Lif e," repeating the role h e played in the ·w est Encl , and appears as Lord H ector in "Time R emembered."

The role of th e Duche s du Pont au Bron c i ano th er of her , ,ve t Encl succe ses,. and 1iss Ruth erfo rd is happy that she can appear before Australian audiences in a part whic h she cla im s to be one of her favour it es.

Trust Productions Close at Han d Imm edi atel y following th e season of J ean Anouilh 's "TIME

R EMEMBER ED," a play of an entir ely difl:erent natur e will be pre-ente d. It is th e cont rovers ial "Angry Young Man" pla y, titl ed "LOOK

BACK I I NGER, " by J ohn Osborne. Thi s, in turn , will be followed by the Elizabet han Tru st Op era Company pr esentin g five opera~ un der th e musical direction of world-famous cond ucLOr, Karl Rank], who recently accept ed an appo intm ent as Musi cal Dir ector of the Tru st Op era Company .

Anoth er new Austra lian pl ay titl ed "CU RLY ON THE RACK," by Ru Pull an, will follow the Op era eason, and, in tu rn, will give way to th e production of the Trust 's fir t Austra lian mu sical "LOLA MONTEZ ."

For notes and cast of "Look Back in Anger," pl ease turn Lo pages 10 and I I.

OPERA, 1958: In this season which will open at the Elizab ethan Th eatre on

Jul y 19, th e Eli zabethan Tru st Op era Compa ny will present five operas: "CARME ," "PETER GRlMES ," "LOHE GRI ," "FIDE LIO " and "BARBER OF SEVILLE," and aga in , as last year, by courte sy of the A.B.C ., th e ydney Symphony Or chestr a will be used. Mu sical Director is th e recentl y appo int ed world-famous conductor, KARL RA ·Kt. who was for six year Musical Dir ector o f Covent Gard en. Associate Conductors are ERIC CLAPHAM and GEORG TI T ER . Principal singers of the Company are names famous both here and over eas. Th ey includ e SYLVIA FISHER , CO TANCE SHACKLOCK, GLE DA RAYMOND , RON ALD DOWD , RAYMO D NILSSON and ROB ERT SIM MON . Chorus memb ers will be augm ented in each city th e Compan y visits, as their numb er is mu ch great er than encountered in many operas-in one scene of ''Lohengrin" there are 86 chorus and principa ls on the stage at the one tim e. Produ cer~ foi the sea on are: TEFAN HAAG, "Lo hengrin ," "Fide lio" and "Barbe1 of Seville"; ROBIN LOVEJOY , "Peter Grim es" and JOH I SUM ER, "Carmen." De ign ers are FRA K HI DER, ROB! LOVEJOY. MAX FUERRI G, JOH ORTHCOTE and STEF A HAAG.

Rob ert Qu entin is, as in the pr evious two seasons, Gener:il Manager ot th e Compan y.

"'CURLY ON THE RACK" is the title of a new Au stralian pla y written by RU PULL ".', . TlH' setting of this play is Rabau l, ew Guin ea, and th e acuon take~ pla ce in the peri od ju st following the end of th e second World Wat 10 th e Pacific. Th e pla y will be directed by igel Lovell, well-known Sydney produ cer . . Ca~t (or th e production will be ann ounced at a late r date.

Contin ued on page JO


Appeared in the Phillip Stree t Run ".


On e of Au stra lia's best kno wn and most versatile radio performers , he is equ ally well known for his variety perform­ances as he is for his dramatic portr ayals.

Born in Bri sbane, he graduated from Chil dren's Theatre performances to an ­nouncing on Brisbane commercia l radio sta · lions dnd playing dramatic roles in A.B.C. pla)' product ions.

I II I 954 he went LO Sydney as a freelance arti>t and q uickly estab lished him self both in A.B.C. and com mercial radio - pl aying leature ro les with all commercial statiom and being featured with A.B.C. vi:.iting per ­sona lities R ichard Mur doch , Kenneth H orne ancl Peter Br ough .

Theatre revues, " Happy R etu rns" and " Hit and

In the "Tintookies" marionette prod uction he sang and acted a variety of char­acters on the sound track .

Last year appeared with 1 ickolai Malko and the Sydney Symph ony Orche stra narrating a performance of "Peter and the Wolf".

Pla yed Billing s in "The H appiest Days of Your Life" ancl pla ys the Prince in 'Time R emembered".



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Compa ny for their 1957 To ur , as the "Th e R elapse ".


Adelaide acuess Darlen e J oh n­son became interested in thea tre at th e

out h Austr a lian Un iversi ty. Whil st stud y­ing for her B.A. her work with stud ent gr oup s included Bea trice in helley's "T h e Cenci" in 1953. In th e foll owin g year she ap pear ed in a seri es of verse pl ays by South Austra lian aut hors whi ch were later pr e­,en ted in Sydney by a group of youn g acto rs.

More re centl y Miss J ohnson has pl ayed in ··or Mice and Men ", Ti tania in "A 1id ­wmm er Nigh t"s Dream" , ·'The W ay of th e World" , " Blood Wedding " and "Cag e Me a Peacock", and wit h the Unive rsit y Dra ma Fes tiva l in Hobart , " Arms and th e Man " .

J oined the Austra lian Eliza beth an Dr ama Pl ayer Que en in " Haml et" and Ab igail in

: w u_ ,,_ ,,_ n_ ,,_ ,,_ ,,_ .,_ 1,_ u_ ,,_ ,._ ,,_ ,,_ .,_ .,_ ,,_ u_ u_ o_ 11_ n_ u_ u_ o_:



180 N [ W I OUIH H[ AO RO.




CITY. " BW6255

Con tinu ed from page 6

'LOLA MONTEZ" i Lhe tid e of Lhe first Au Lralia11 musical LO be pr esented by Lhe Trust. Th e authors are : ALAN BU RI E (boo k), l'ETER ST A I ARD (musi c) and PETER BE JAMI (lyrics). This pr esentati on will follow "Curl y on th e Rac k."

In a sociaLion wiLh the Unio n R ep enory Comp an y of Melb ou rne, the Trust recentl y gave this musical a "try -out " at th e nio~ Th ealre, .vlelbourn e, where it prov ed an enormou s success, both with public and critics alike. Th e seaso n was ex tend ed, which is unusu al for the Uni on Theatr e, as they have a et sch edul e of plays each season. The metropolitan new pap ers were unanim ous in th eir prais e. '_They had this LO say: " 'LOLA MO TEZ ' is a shc w Lo see ... It 's get tm g mono­Lonous now LO keep saying of new Au stralian pla ys and shows : ''This will sell abroad,' buL we'll say it aga in . . . th e show is essen uall) Australi an, and e semi ally cosmo polit an. Thi s could be our first real musi cal."- H owar d Palm er, M elbourn e "Sun .··

" lt is a charmin g addition to our char ming i epen o ii·e. Ga) and hum oro us, tun eful with pl easam semim em and a vein of eng aging irony, it sland, even now as an eillcrt a inin g evenin g in th e th eatr e."­Bru ce Gr ant , Melb ourne "Age ."

The mu ical has th e lu sty selling of Ballar a t in th e grip oi tht Gold Ru sh ol 1856. World -iamou ~ court esan, "Lol a Mont ez," visited Ballara t a t Lhis tim e, presenting her world -lamo us SLripLease ~pidei Dance, so th e mu sica l mix es fact with fiction and takes the name oJ Lhe highl y vola til e and captiv at ii,g cent ral char acter, Lol a Mom ez, as it s title .

* *· * THE ANGRY YOUNG MAN Th e angr iest of the "angry young me? ", young _ En gl!sh p~aywright

John O borne, became a spo kesman for his gen era tion with his contro­·vers ial first pla y, "Loo k Back In Anger ", first pro~u ced a l _the J~o_yal Court Th ea tr e in 1956. On e year later he conso lid ated his pos1t1on and confirm ed th e cr itic s' for ecasts with anoth er brilli ant pl a,. "The

.,certain er", whi ch tarr ed Sir Laur ence Olivi er . "Lco k Back In Ang er" not only crea ted an imm ediat e fur?rc

among London th ea trical circl es, but al o provid ed weight and back1np Lo the now well-kn own cult of th e "angry youn g m en ··. Lond ~n ' leading crit ic are till using Lhis pl ay a a yard stick in th eir appra1 al of th e work of oth er cont emporar y dr amatist .

Th e pla y is, in essence, a youth 's accusa tions again t ~he world. Jimm y Port r is a young int ellectual who, wiLh his less bn ghL-w1LLed pa rtn er, Cliff Lewis, keeps a sweet -stall in a Midl and wwn . He h_a; been to a p1 ovincial university , has m arried Alison R edfern, a gir from th e upp er middl e classes, and lives in a squalid one-room A_a;, and reads, and comm ents on everyLhing from th e Sund ay papers (wh1c1


. ~betl)L1 n . A \-1,; TH EATRE \S,w, N [ W T O W N

Comm. Wed. , Jun e 4, 1958


in ronjunction with







Produced by ALAN BURK E


he div id es int o two group , "posh" and "wet"') to the rouenne s ot the social structur e. Most of his bitt ern ess concentrates its elf agains, society, lit erary cr itics and hi s wif e-es pecially at hi s wif e.

T he compl eteness of Jimm y Porter, the pl ay's h ero, prompt ed Kenne th Tynan, dramatic critic of th e Lond on "Obs erver", to writ e:

. " ... . ,~ith hi s flair for int ros pection , hi gift for ribald parody, his excon aung candour, his conte mpt for "ph oneyness ", his weakn ess for solil oqu y, and his de perat e convi ction that time is ou t of joint, Jimm y Po rter is th e com pl etest youn g pup in our literature since Hamlet, Prin ce of Denmark."

" ... Jimm y is simply and abuncl ant ly al ive," T ynan con tinu e . "thaL rarest of dramatic ph enom ena, the act of original crea tion , has iaken place."

.. As a _triumphant coda to his prais ~, th e cr i~ic adds th,is th oug .ht: I doubt 1£ I cou ld love anyon e who d id not wish to see Look Back

In Anger '. It is the best young play of the decade ."


* ELIZA BETHAN T HEATRE * For a Season cornme11ri11g 7th 1U ay, 1958



* "TIME *

* r.n glish 'J ranslation b\ PATRICIA MOYES

* Charaners in order of appearance:






LORD HECTOR , th e Baro neL AndineL of Andain e STR INGER DAVIS


PR.I CE ALBERT TROUBI COi FERDI 1A D, a head wail er








Th e Pla y dir ected b · ROBl 1 LOVEJOY


ACT I: Scene l: Th e Du chess's drawing-room . Scene 2: A cleari ng in the park.


.\CT 11: Th e Duch ess's drawing -room.


ACT Ill : Scene J: The Blu e Da nub e Night lub. Scene 2: OuLsidc the Chim e of Bells . Time: To -day, Yesterday or To-morrow .

Orig inal Musi c compos ed and directed by ER.I RA DALL Scenery and Costume s designed by WILFRED SPUN

Scenery built in th e workshops of the Prin ce The atre and Strand Ek ctri cal and Engineering Co. Lt d.

' enery paint ed by H ROLD VI KE Cowns for Miss Ruth erford and Mis J ohnson execute d by

GLADYS .JEN 11 1G Miss Johnson 's found ation garment made LO order by

.J. ROUS EL of PARJS P ty. Ltd .

"TlM E REMEMBERED" STAFF General Man ager for Drama Business Man ager tafll'e Manager

A s1stant tage Man agers

Wardr obe Mistr ess Publicit y

<..,eneral Manager .\,si stant Manager



J Chief Mechanist Chie f Electrician Chief Property Master Publicit y






* * * * * * *






* * * * * * * T he Ma nage men t reserves th e r ight to make an y alt era tion in th e cast which ma, be re nde red necessary by ill ness or an y oth er un avo idabl e cause. The Managemen t reserves the r ight of refu sing admiss ion to th e T h eatr e. Taking ph otogra ph s du ring th e perf orma n ce of thi s produ ction is prohib itt•d.

mokin g is not p ermitt ed in th e Auditorium .

* * * * * * * CREDITS

ASCOT cigarette, and pipe tobacco supplied by W . D. & H . O . WIL LS (AU T.) LTD. VATRIC vacu um cleaner for theatre use supplied by VATRIC EL ECTRI CAL ,\PPLI ANC ES LTD . All minerals supplied by courtesy SCH WEPP ES LTD. PHOE 1 IX sewing machine for costume work su pplied by courtesy of J. PI ERRE COUVE & CO. PTY . LT D. "LAST IGE ST R ETC H NYLO S" by PRESTIGE. "IE CAFE upplied by courtesy E TLE' FOOD SPECIALI TIE (AU T.) LTll

Members of the ST. JOHN AMBULA CE BRI GADE ar e in attend ance at tlm 1 hca tre on a voluntary basi s.

Electrical Equipment installed in the Elizabethan Theatre is by STRA;,,,!J ELECT RIC & Et GINEERI G CO . LTD ., and is under the supervision of their Svdney representative , Mr . Reginald Bartram .

ound Equipment installed in Elizabethan Theatre is by Reginald Leanev

_Au3lralian {:l za_belhan Jhealre Jru3f rf/ember3hip If you wis h to join those who are alread y supporting the 'Trust venture

throughout the Comm onwe alth, you may do so by paying an initial subscription of £5 . Subsequent annual subscriptions are £5 an d are due on the 1st _Ju~y, and are payabie before 3 lst December. Membership entitles you to priority boo~ing for two seats at any given per f ormance. Information regarding the wor~ of the 'Trust and coming productions will be regularly sent out to members.

Y ou may also assist the wor~ of the 'Trust by giving a donation, and the 'Trust welcomes all donations, w hethe r th ey be larg e or small .

Man y of the 'Theatre seats have been given by fr iend s o-f the 'Trust, both in Australia and overseas . A donatio n of £10 w ill provide one seat, and _a plaque bearing the name of the donor will be fixe d to the arm of the chair.

Should you be desirous of joining th e List of D onor .' p lease leave your name and address at the Manager's Office .



Pr od ucer of "Ti me Remember ed"

One of the bu siest producers in Aust ralia to-day, Robin Lovejoy directs "Tim e Rememb ered" for its Australian tour . H is last production seen in thi s city was "La Boheme " during the Trust's Grand Op era Season. Prior to th a t he staged the Dram a Company produ c­tion of "The Relap se" , for which he also did des ign s.

Ju st pri or to commencin g work on "Time Remembered" he rernrne<l fr om Perth wher e he pr oduced "T h e Shifting H eart" for the Perth Pl ayhouse.

. . . . . H e trained origi nall y a an actor , but afte 1 wa~ service srnd1cd . <les,gn, pa111ung, sculptur e an d model-making , which led to designs an<l p rodu c11011, of "End ymion" and "The Devil Take H er" at the Tiv oli T heatre , designs for th e ballet " Corroboree " and his work as Dir ector of th e Metr o­politan Theatre. Sydney.

. In 1_952 he was a,'.•arded the Int er.national Theatre Institute Travelling fellow ­,h,p which enabled him to srn dy design and production trends in Great Britain Italy, _France , Au stria and Spai?. Befor e j oining the A.E.T.T. he produced a seaso~ ?f Giand Opera for th e auonal Op era of Australia at the Palladium Theatre ,n 1955.

He the n _toured the Cor:nmonwealth as Stage Dir ector of "Medea" , whic h was foJ. lowed by lu s first prod ucti on for the Trust , Sheridan's "The Riv als" .




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listai r R oberts, who began hi s professional care er as a small boy in Sydney Radi o, combines the du al careers of actor and costum e designer. H is work has ranged from an exc iting year in J apan (1947) tour ing modern pl ays for the troops to a Shak e­spea rian tour with th e J ohn Alde n Comp an). Notable for this Compan y were hi~ Ari el, Puck and th e Foo l in " King Lear " His m any, va ried designing assig nm en ts in ­clude the entire first season of the N.s.,v. Na tiona l Opera , all the J ohn Alden Com ­pa n y's productions and "H am let " for th e E.T.T .

In mod ern pl ays, Ot in the orig inal pro­ductio n of " Ru sty Bugles", " Young Woodley ", Mercury in "Am phi tryon '38" and I ·rban in "T he Caine i\l utiny Court- l\Ia rtia l" are outs tandin g. For the Trust h e ha s played the Tutor in " ·l edea", Aguecheek in "Twe lfth ight" a nd Bob Acre in ·· fhe Rivals" , which earned him a Sydney Critic s Award .

He has recentl y returned from seven months spe nt pl ay-goi ng and studyi ng the 1hcatre genera lly ove rseas.


J ramed a, 1he Royal Acad emy ol Drama uc Art 1n Lo11<.1011 a11u shortly afterwards obtained hi, l1rs1 professional en ­gageme nt at the I.i i,, ary Theatre in Man­chester. He tou, cd England and I he Con ­llllcnt in variou~ pla)~ .

Following five )Cars' repct to, ) expericme 111 th e E11glish pr o, ince,, he came to Aus­llalia in 1952, where both in radio and ,tagc work he establi ·hed hims elf a, 011c vf '>)dncy\ lead ing character actors .

He appeared in several Little 'J heatrc productions, making a notabl e success as the Cardinal in "T he Pri soner " at the Cenesians rheatre . He joined the Elizabethan Tru,t llra!na Comp~ny last April , pla ying Polonius in " Hamlet" an_d Lory in "The Relapse" dul!ng Its 19:,7 Commonwealth Tour . J oin ed "Th e H appiest Da of Your Life " Compan y as the Head master , Godfrey Pond, for that Compan y's season in Tasmani a and Melbourne earlier this year.


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He studied at Sir Frank Ben · son's Acade my and his first "walk _-on" rol e was in their Shake spearean touring corn· pany. He later toured with Fred Terry in "Scarlet Pimpernel", with the Lena Ashwell Players and then went to the Birmingham Rep . for final train ing. In Birm ingham he appear ed in pr oduc tions with ir Cedric Hardwic ke, ir Laurence Olivier , Sir Ralph Richar dson , and Dame Edith Evans .

This was followed by three years in Lon· don, playing a variet y of roles -" The Lady With the Lamp " with Dame Edith Evans and ir John Gielgud , " Dracula" with Ray· mond Huntl y. For the next ftve years h e played in change weekly repertor y, mainl y ligh t comedy leads, first a t the Oxford Playhou se (where he first met ~1argare t Ru therford) , orthampt on Rep. and the J esmond Playhouse, 1ewcas tle-on·T yne. In 1936 he pla yed in "Th e Housem aster" , by Ian H ay, and " Littl e Lad yship ", in •. ondon.

At the outbreak of the econcl World War he was pla ying in "Count erfeit " a t th e Duke of York's T heatre; o ne month la ter he joined the East York h ire R egiment. with which he stayed until ju t after th e fall of Dunkirk . For th e remainder ol the war he served with the 50th orthumbrian Div . H .Q., as En tert ain ment s Officer. ru nning th e "T .T . Concert Part y and tage Band ," pr esenting more than 00 , ho ws in 16 different coun tri es. H e return ed to th e U .K. in 1945, and 10 day la ter he and Margaret Rutherford were married in Beaconsfield , Bu cks, where Margare t Rmh erford was filming " Blithe Spirit" .


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London-born acLOr-pianist and compo· er who came to Australia in 1949. Hi first appeara nce here was in " ong of i orway ", and this was followed by both writing and acting for the A.B.C. in Ade · laide. During this period he played in "The Studen t Prince" at the Royal Adelaide, as well as in the production of "To Dorothy a on", also in '' White heep of the Family" and "Relu ctant Heroes" . Apart from acting , he has also been musical director for "Tea ­house of the Augu st Moon" , and has written music and lyrics for th e Philli p treet Theatre, "Mr . and ll(r s.", ". \ round 1hc Loop" and "Cross Section", and also ap ­peared in "The Willow Pattern Pl ate" .

He was recently een in thi s theatre as the schoolmaster Dick Tasse ll in T he Trust production of "The Happie st Da ys of Your Life ".

\ wa y", with T, ronc produ ction of ''T he


Sydne y-born actor , who recen tly mad e a great success of hi s role in "The Big Knife" at th e Ind epende nt Th ea tre. Pri or LO going ove rseas in I 953 he LOured Australia and i ew Zeala nd in man y how , including "Arsenic and Old Lace", " Kiss and Tell ", "The Man Wh o Came to Din­ner" and "Dark of the Moon". ln additio n, h e also toured Au stralia in "Ru sty Bugl es".

Whil t in Lond on he appeared in B.B.C . Televi ion and two ,v est End produ ctions­" Moby Dick ", with Orson Welles , and "T he Devil 's Di sciple" , with Tyrone Power .

During this period he comple ted a series of half-hour films for Television, and his last film appearance was in "Seven Waves

Power and ~lai / et1erling, He played R ainbow in the Trust's Happiest Da,s of You r Life".

EMLYN WILLIAMS -Return Season In response to publi c demand , Emlyn \l\lilli ams, th e famous actor / dramacist, will return to S ,dne for one week· seaso1: at the Assembly Hail, comm encing i\londa y, Jun e IG. Both programm es, ''Charles Oickens ·· and "Dvlan Thoma " will be pres em ed. ,


Seat Donors Man pa trons have assisted t he Elizabethan Theatr e in re-sealing the stall, of the

t heatr e ~y d onating the cost of a s~ot or se~ts. Their names will be affixed to these choirs to stan d as a memento of their generosity. . . . ,

The cost of each stall chair is £10 , with the donot,on be ing ded uctible from loxat,on. Sho uld you be d esir ous of joining the list of donors , please leave your nam e and address at the Manager's Offic e_ . . .

The Elizabethan Theatre management, as a mark of oppre c,olto n, ltSt below donors ta hand at time of this pr og ramme going to press.

A . F. Albert, Elsa Albert, Sir Bronson A lbery, Alan M. Allan (London) , Vesta Batter y Co. Ltd ., A. R. Allen, Mr. G. McEnc roe Amory, Mr. W. M. Leonard, Amp ol Petroleum Ltd., Dr. Edith Anderson, Aquila Steel Co. Ply. Ltd., M. A . .':'~strong , A . E. Armstr ong, M.L.C ., Ben Arn ot t, Arts Council of Australia (N.S.W._ D1v151on), The S\'.dney Savag e Club, Au st ral ian Broa d casting Commission Staff Social Club, Au stralian Nation al Airways Ply. Ltd., G. D. Banks, Lorelei Booker, Bennett & Barkell Ltd., Norma n M. Borrell, Effie M. Borrell , Neil M. Barrell, M rs. Neil M .. Barrel!, Trev or J. Borrell, A. Bosser , William Becker , Phyllis Benjam in ( M.l.C ., T osman10), ~ ,choel . Benthall (Th~ Old Vic), Dick. Bentley, Beryl Newell, Elsie Beyer, Mr . 0. D. Btsett , Bitumen & Oil Refiner ies (Aust.) Ltd ., Blaxland Rae Ply. Ltd., Edouard Borovonsky , The Bor~van sky Ballet Co., 1955, Lady Violet Bradd on, Holbrooks, Mr~. Gordon Brody , Brennon s _P;Y· Ltd., James Brennon, The Brisbane Arts Theatre, The Brisbane Repertory Theatre,. Briltsh Ballet Australasian Organisation, Mr . and Mrs. Wa llace Browne , I. C. Buckingham, Buckingh am's Limited, Mr. Erne st Buckwalter , Mr. and Mrs . E. W. Burbr_idge , ~rs. James Burns Mr . Reg . Cahill, Miss There sa Cahill, Canberra Repertory Society, Mtss B. M. Cape


I, Miss E. N . Capel, Mr. A. C. Carr, Carrier Air Conditioning Ltd., Garnet H. Carroll , O. B.E., Mrs. C. Cassimatis, Sir Lewis Casson, A. J. Chown: J_ohn Clements , The Clock Milk Bar and Toba cco nist Pty. Ltd., Dr. Kevin Coen, Maq o rte Evelyn Coles, Kenneth Frank Co les, Commonwealth Filmcroft Laboratories Ply. Ltd ., Dr. H. C. Coomb s, Mrs. H C Coombs Cotlee's Possiona limited, Noel Coward, Mr. and Mrs. C. H . C_ull, M.iss L. A. Cull, Norman Cull, Harold S. Darke, Dorothy A. Darke, Colin Lloyd Do~1es, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Dawson, "Dear Charles" Company, Auslro_lia, 1955, Mar y J. Dentson , W . E. Dickson (President, Legislative Council), Mr. C. Doring, M~. and Mrs. Ma: cel Dekyvere, Mrs. Robert Dixson, Herbert M. , Douglass, Doro~hea Dowling, Mavts Dowling, Mrs. Anne Downie, John S. Drysdale, Drysdale & Sons, Mtss Joanne Duff, The Eagle & Globe Steel Co . Ltd., Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Edward s, Mr. & Mrs. S. 0. Edward s, ~r . & Mrs. J. A. Benson, Vivian Edwards, Dr. Hora ce Eizenberg, Dr. R. L. Ernst, A . W: Fairfax, Lady M. Fairfax, Rhoda M. Felgate (M.B.E., Brisbane}, M(ss G . F. Walke_r-~m1th, Mr. J. A. Ferguson, Ion De Ferranti, Noel and Judith De Ferranti, Fosseys Ply. L1m1le?: Anonymo~s, Mrs. H. F. Friend, A. Ben Fuller, Miss Margaret Gant, Mrs . Se lma Gardiner, Gearin· O'Riordan Ltd., Mrs . E. M. Geelan, James Brunton Gibb, Gilbert ~ Ba'.ke'. Mfg. Co. (Aust.) Ply. Ltd., Sydney De Vries (Baritone). Miss Margaret G(lle~p,e, Girls Se cond 0 Schools Club, Mr . Dennis Glenny, Mrs . Maurine Goldston, Maqorie E. Goodall, J.h · Goodsell, C .M.G ., Sir Eugene Goosens, Jane_ Gordon. ( Bung~ndor e ). Kathleen Gor ~;;:; The Governors and Directors of the Old Vic., Mollie Gowing, Betty Greenfield , Greenfield Miss Dora Grimley, Mrs. C. M. Guin ey, Dr. C . M. Guiney, Anonym ous, Croft Hallam Sir Edward Hallstrom, O scar Hammerstein, 2nd ( New York), t•Y Hammond, Pa


ul Hammond, Mr. M. T. Hansen, Mrs . M. T. Hansen, Gerard Har Jns, Mrs Gerard Harkins, L. G. Harrison , Mrs. A. W. Harv ey, St a nley Hawes, Mr. and B rs. Cla~de Healy, Jnr ., Ka therine Hepburn, Robert Helpm onn , L. R. Hewil;, East f~s. Ply. Ltd., Mr. F. Hogan, Mrs. A. Hordern, J nr., Wa lla ce Horsley, Viola Hor~e~'. Bruce Horsley, Mory Horsley, Patrici o Horsley, Ion Horsley, M rs. R. M. F. Houghton, G

1 nelh W ilkson, John Glass, Ernest Turn bull, !"loyts The~tres Ltd ., Mr. J ohn G. Hurleyd o,: D. Hutcheson, The Independent Theatre (Sydney), Olive Inga II, A . C. Ingham Pty. Lt H'enr W . W. Ingram, Elsa Ja co by, Ian Jacoby, Jocqmar (London}. Mrs. G. A. Johns o~ Kell Y Jones & Co. Ltd. ( I.X.L.)' M r. Robert Kopferer, Sir Norm a n Ka t e r, T. Kelly, Ns Ache~· Woolworths Original Displays Ply. Ltd., Joseph H. Barre tt , Cl a ud e R. , b K . ' John F. Ab


bott, Fred H. Lester , Raymond J . Kirb y, Moya Kirby, Ja mes _R. Kir ~· Kevin J. Kirby , J a mes N . Kirby, Phyllis K. Kirkpatrick, Miss B. M. Knox, M tss A .. · M "t Eve Lande r Vivien Leigh, Mrs . E. 0. Lemaire, Bill Linnit (London ) , The Austin C or Co. (Au st . )


Pty . Ltd., George Lloyd, Nuffield (Au st . ) Ply . Lt'd., The _Britis~ Motor Lo~:­poration (Aust . ) Ply._ Ltd ., Gilbert Lodge & Co . . Ltd., Foste r Ma rtin, Nigel J ~Farlan : Miss Margaret Lundie, John McCallum, McCath,es Ply. Ltd., Mr .. B. P.11' Stewart Dr. M. B. Mcilrath, Mr. F. J. McKenno, C.B.E., Miss Jean B. Mc KenZte, Ne 1\ Mrs Me mor ial Club, Mrs. H. H . McNeil, Miss Glad ys H . Ma rks, Mrs. Pa ul .t • r '"'Male~ B. M. Matth ews, Matthew s, Thomp,on & Co. Ltd., Prof e ssor W. M, gate,

Industries Ltd ., Link Belt Co. Ply. Ltd ., Mdlleob le Costings Ply. Ltd., E. W. Fitt ings Pty. Ltd., J. R. Tregoning Ltd., Mrs . K. E. Mi ller, The Millions Club of N.S .W., Dr. S. J. Min og ue, W . I. Miskoe, C. J. A. Moses, C .B.E., The Musical Associat ion of N .S.W., Na lly limit e d , The Notiona l Cash Reg ister Co. Pty. Ltd., Nock & Kirby Ltd ., W. H. Northam, M. R. Stedman, A. E. Millward, R. E. Pira ni, D. D. O'Connor, Dereka Ogden, The O ld Vic. Au stralian Tour Company , 1955, The Old Vic. Trust Ltd ., Sir Laurence Olivier, Jos eph Sankey & Sons (Australia) Ply , Ltd., John Lysaght (Australia) Pty . Limited, George Potte rson Pty. limited , Mr. 0. E. Phillips, Gwen Plumb and The lma Scott, "I n memory of Mrs. E. W. Ard ill ( Founder of the Playgoers' Club)", "Th e Playgoer s'" Club , Mauric e Point, Parke W. Pope , Ce lia Pringle, Lt.-Co l. J. B. Pye, Te rence Rattigan , Eric Ray, William Rees (Sydney), Mme. Pierr e Remond , L. B. Re nni e, Non Rennie, Mrs . A . Rep in, Deso lie M. Richardson, Richar d Rodgers ( New York), Mrs. A. B. F. Rofe, Mrs. C. E. Rouse, Anna Russe ll, Dr. Maur ice Ryan, No rman Rydge , Phoebe Ryde , Alan Rydge , Peggy Sager, St. James' Playe rs (Townsville, Queen sland), Geo. H. Sa mple & Son Ply. Ltd., Preston G . Saywell. T. A. R. Saywe ll, Mrs. J. K. Schartl, T. R. M. Scott, Pe ter Scriven, Peter Scriven Puppe ts, Ronn Shafto, Mrs. Ronn Shafto, Mr. and Mrs. J . A. Shaw, "S imon and Laura" and "The Deep Blue Sea " Company, Mrs. W . Hermon Slade, W. Hermon Slade, Slazengers-the Choice of Cham ­pions, Mrs. Non Smith, Mr . Fronk Smith, Mrs. E. 0. Ni gel Smith, W. J. Smith, Jessie Smith, A.C.I., A . E. Smith, Ellen Smith, Hon. L. S. Snider, M.l.C., Mrs. L. S. Sn ider , Olga Stacey, Mary Elizabe th Mitchell, W. C. Stevens Ply. Ltd., Noncye Stewart and Mayne Lyn Ion, Sophie Stewart and Ellis Irving, Victor Stiebel (London), Professor A. K. Stout, The Strand Elect ric Co. (London and Melbourne), Mrs. P. Strauss, Sunbeam Corporatio n Ltd ., W. S. Tetlow, Mrs . John K. Thompson, Dame Sybil Thorndike, Tecnico Limited, Miss B. Tildesley, Miss E. M. Tildesley, H. S. Nicholas Memor ial Fund , Allan G . Toohey, Mr . H. Tronse r, Twelfth Night Theatre (Brisbane), Membe rs of the Un ion Theatre Repertory Co. (Me lbourne), 1955, United Dominions Corporation (A ust.), H . C. McIntyre, Mrs. H. C. Mc Intyre, Un iversity of Me lbourne, Roland Walt on, W_ D. T. Ward , Worner-Lambert Pty. Ltd., A. M. Wat son, Mr . V. G. Watson, Waugh & Josephson • Ltd .. The Students of Wesley College, University of Sydney, George H. West, Miss Dorothy White, Dorothy Crosby Whitford, Mr . and Mrs. Ar che r Whitf or d, Mr . and Mrs. Dav id John Whitford, Jerome Whyte ( New York). Harold Williams, W. M. Wi lliams, D. Wilson, Mtss P .. F. W ilson, Miss Beatr ice Wines, Go ogie W ithers, Vactric Electrical Appliances Ltd., Viennese Theatre, Peter Jon . Yeend, Mrs. P. A. Yeomans, Elizabeth Zieman J. M. Field, J. L. S. Mansfield, Peter Galanis, Clive Ogilvy, June Ogilvy, Wynu O-: ~~rcury T~eatre (Queensland), Presented by the Vic-Wells As sociation in Memory of Ltl1a_n BayltS, Pre sente d by the Vic-We lls Association in Memory of Emma Cons, Mr. P?trick Donnell, Mrs. Floren ce !-- Ratcliffe, C. Aickin & Sons Pty. Ltd ., Rockhamplon Litt le Theatre, Ma ckay Community Theatre, Mr. Aubrey L. Gibson, Soroptimist Club of St. George, Bowral Choral Society, Dr. John McKee, Miss Emily Rothery Dr. R. McV. Coffe y, B'Nai B'Rith ~i: John Monash Lodge, Ray Lawler, Wagga Wa~ga School of Ads, Mr. and Mrs. Phil,~ Rudder, Mrs . Rex Carmi ch ael, Yoss Repertory Society, He le ne Kirso~a, Mrs. C . M. Ah,er, Mr. C. T. Ahier, Miss Gertrude Pohlmeyer , Moya Feledy, Froncts Feledy, Arthur_ Jacobs, Esther Lansdown, Penguin Club of Au stralia, To an Old Vag~b ond, Poetry Society of Australia, United Artists (A'sio) Ply. Ltd., Queen Victoria MuStc C lub: In Memory of David R. Evans , Mrs. Jeon B. Saywell, In Memory Merc ia Jean Maguire, Mt. Isa Amateur Theatrica l Society, Sydney Kindergarten Training Co l­lege ( 1956), In memory of Ca rrie Moore (donated by the Playgoers' Club), Mo llie M. H~yes; K. J . Law'.en c~, Dr. G. A. M. Heydon, W ome n's College, University of Sydne y, Wiv es Group Un,verStty of Technology, Stanley Owen & Sons Pty. Ltd ., D. V. Casbolt, M( rs~ Myra E. Armstrong, Mr. M. V. Arm stro ng, St. Paul's College, The English Association Sy ney Branch), Ronald Cohen, Mrs. C. M. Adam son , Mr. E. O. Anderso n, Mrs. E. O.

Anderson , Madam Dusd1 P,n Molakul, Mrs. S. E. Simpson, Fronk McEochern, In Mem ory of the _ la:e Mo_lcolm ,McEa~~ern, Mr. and Mrs. Len Mc Eoche rn, Mrs . Nit a Lesni e, "The Gallery First Night ers Club '. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Robb, Poetry, Poet s, Peop le (founded 13/8/51: _Grace Stafford, pr eStqe nt). Mr. and Mrs. 0, B. Thoma s, Mr. Oswald F. Mingoy ~rs. Win,fred H. M,ngay, Mrs. F. A . Coffey, Mr. and Mrs. C. Barcla y-Sm ith Mrs J 0

Dixon Hug hes , In memory of Lloyd Berrell (donated by the Playgoe rs' Club) Cairns Litt l~ Theatre , Mrs. John Broinowski, C lota Simes. '

i This programme is designed fb~ the ELIZABETHAN THEATRE I

RON PAD.E N P UBLICITY PTY. LTD. 421 Sussex Street, Sydney. 'Phone: BA 2098

to whom all adverti sing enquiries should be made

====P=,i=n=te=d=b=y=P=E=E=RLE=S=S=P=R=E=S=S=PT=Y=.=L=T=D=.,=55=8=o= G=e=o=r=g=e=St=r=ee=t=,=S=y=d=n=e=y=. ===1j