最新情報 Breaking News developments in government and the economy will certainly influence...

BULLETIN Issue No. 24 May-June 2010 第24号 2010年5-6月号 会長の挨拶 -変化の風に備えて- 2008年の米国の金融危機に端を発した世界的な景気後退もようやく終息し回復へと向かいつつあります。 ギリシャとポルトガルの国債の格下げをきっかけに再燃したヨーロッパの債務危機問題は、世界経済の回復 を弱める懸念があります。国内に目を向けますと、内閣支持率の低迷から総辞職した鳩山内閣の後を受け、 新たに菅内閣が発足し、民主党の再生および日本の再生に向けて新たな一歩を踏み出したところです。内 外ともに厳しい状況に直面している中、政権の安定がもっとも望まれるところであり、菅内閣が強力なリーダー シップを発揮されることを期待したいと思います。 こうした政治・経済の動向は7月8日に東京ミッドタウンで開催されるULIジャパン・サマーカンファレンスの方向 性に影響を与えるものと考えられます。開会基調講演を予定している寺島実郎氏は、こうした動きを踏まえ てアジアにおいて今後日本が果たすべき政治的役割について論じます。またピーター・タスカ氏はこうした世 界経済が国内経済やアジア地域経済に与える影響や、その対策について論じます。 大きな転換期を迎えようとしているいま、皆さんが自らの立ち位置を見定め、積極的にリーダーシップを発揮 されることを願っています。それではサマーカンファレンスの会場で皆様にお会いできることを楽しみにしてお ります。 Bracing for the Winds of Change The global economy has recently offered clear indications that we are at last on a path toward recovery. However, there is concern that the European debt crisis, exacerbated by the recent lowering of the national credit ratings of Greece and Portugal, may weaken the recovery of the global economy. Turning an eye toward matters closer to home, newly anointed Prime Minister Naoto Kan, following the resignation of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and cabinet due to pressures of a perilously low cabinet approval rating, has taken his first steps toward rebuilding the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), and the nation as a whole. These severe conditions being encountered at home and abroad make stability in government absolutely vital. It is my sincere hope that the Kan administration displays strong leadership. These developments in government and the economy will certainly influence discussions at the ULI Japan Summer Conference on July 8. Jitsuro Terashima, our opening keynote, will incorporate this into his discourse on Japan’s political role in Asia going forward, and Peter Tasker will expound on the domestic and regional economic ramifications of yet another changing of the guard. As we approach a turning point, it is crucial that each of us reevaluates our own position and exhibits aggressive leadership. I look forward to seeing you, my fellow ULI Japan members, at Tokyo Midtown on July 8. 最新情報 Breaking News 7月7日(水)YLGウォーターフロント・ネットワーキング・クルーズ2010!!(完売) Wednesday, July 7 YLG Waterfront Networking Cruise 2010!! SOLD OUT!! 7月8日(木) ULIジャパン・サマー・カンファレンス2010基調講演者: (日本総合研究所会長 多摩大学学長 寺島 実郎氏/アーカス・インベストメント・リミテッド 取締役 ピーター・タスカ氏) Thursday, July 8 ULI Japan Summer Conference 2010 Keynote Speakers: Jitsuro Terashima, Japan Research Institute/Tama University + Peter Tasker, Arcus Investments 斎藤 一志 ULIジャパンカウンシル会長 (三井不動産株式会社 常務執行役員) Hitoshi Saito ULI Japan Council Chairman (Executive Managing Officer, Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.)

Transcript of 最新情報 Breaking News developments in government and the economy will certainly influence...

BULLETINIssue No. 24

May-June 2010第24号


会長の挨拶 -変化の風に備えて-














Bracing for the Winds of ChangeThe global economy has recently offered clear indications that we are at last on a path toward recovery. However, there is concern that the European debt crisis, exacerbated by the recent lowering of the national credit ratings of Greece and Portugal, may weaken the recovery of the global economy. Turning an eye toward matters closer to home, newly anointed Prime Minister Naoto Kan, following the resignation of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and cabinet due to pressures of a perilously low cabinet approval rating, has taken his first steps toward rebuilding the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), and the nation as a whole. These severe conditions being encountered at home and abroad make stability in government absolutely vital. It is my sincere hope that the Kan administration displays strong leadership.These developments in government and the economy will certainly influence discussions at the ULI Japan Summer Conference on July 8. Jitsuro Terashima, our opening keynote, will incorporate this into his discourse on Japan’s political role in Asia going forward, and Peter Tasker will expound on the domestic and regional economic ramifications of yet another changing of the guard.As we approach a turning point, it is crucial that each of us reevaluates our own position and exhibits aggressive leadership. I look forward to seeing you, my fellow ULI Japan members, at Tokyo Midtown on July 8.

最新情報 Breaking News7月7日(水)YLGウォーターフロント・ネットワーキング・クルーズ2010!!(完売)

Wednesday, July 7 YLG Waterfront Networking Cruise 2010!! SOLD OUT!!

7月8日(木) ULIジャパン・サマー・カンファレンス2010基調講演者:

(日本総合研究所会長 多摩大学学長 寺島 実郎氏/アーカス・インベストメント・リミテッド 取締役 ピーター・タスカ氏)

Thursday, July 8 ULI Japan Summer Conference 2010 Keynote Speakers: Jitsuro Terashima, Japan Research Institute/Tama University + Peter Tasker, Arcus Investments

斎藤 一志ULIジャパンカウンシル会長(三井不動産株式会社 常務執行役員)

Hitoshi Saito ULI Japan Council Chairman(Executive Managing Officer, Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.)










Asia-Pacific Field Narrowed Down to 12 Finalists2010 Awards for ExcellenceTwelve outstanding developments have been selected as finalists in the Urban Land Institute's (ULI) Awards for Excellence: Asia Pacific competition, widely recognized as the land use industry’s most prestigious recognition program. The competition is part of ULI’s Awards for Excellence program, established in 1979, which is based on ULI’s guiding principle that the achievement of excellence in land use practice should be recognized and rewarded. ULI’s Awards for Excellence recognize the full development process of a project, not just its architecture or design. The criteria for the awards include leadership, contribution to the community, innovations, public/private partnership, environmental protection and enhancement, response to societal needs, and financial viability. The winners of the Asia Pacific competition will be announced on June 23 at the Industry Gala Dinner during the Real Estate Investment World Asia 2010 conference in Singapore.Visit the ULI main website or contact the ULI Japan office for details.

5th ULI Japan Executive DiscussionBounce, or Bounce Back?Twenty key ULI Japan members and invited guests joined us at the Royal Park Shiodome Tower on the morning of March 30th for a discussion led by Dr. Thomas Beyerle, Head of Global Investment for Aberdeen Property Investors. Beyerle spoke on global economic trends, the real estate investment market with a focus on Japan and Asia, and property and capital values, returns and activity over the next five years. Beyerle is relatively optimistic about Asia as a market in 2014, noting the region’s economic improvement will drive global growth.Be on the lookout for information regarding the 6th ULI Japan Executive Discussion.



ンの主だった会員や招待客20名が出席しました。トーマス・バヤリー氏(アバディーン・プロパティ・インベスターズ グロー






Dates Set for Key ULI Global EventThis year’s ULI Fall Meeting and Urban Land Expo, ULI’s largest annual event, is set to take place at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington D.C. from Tuesday, October 12 through Friday, October 15. We will provide more detailed information concerning the program when it becomes available.You may check the ULI main website periodically (http://www.uli.org) for updates, and if you desire assistance in registering for the event or in securing accommodations near the venue, feel free to contact the ULI Japan office.


















ブ・ディレクター)がモデレーターを務め、スティーブ・バス氏(アジア・パートナーズ・リアル・エステート・グループ マネージング・


氏(アンジェロ・ゴードン・インターナショナル・エルエルシー マネージング・ディレクター)、サイモン・トレーシー氏(MGPAアジア投

資部門 CEO)によるパネルディスカッションを行います。

昼食を挟んで13時50分からパネル2「羽田空港の国際化」を予定しています。望月美穂氏(株式会社日本経済研究所 副部

長)がモデレーターを務め、深川三郎氏(株式会社JTBグローバルマーケティング&トラベル 代表取締役社長)、三木真人氏

(GLプロパティーズ株式会社 代表取締役社長)、ジェームス・ミュラー氏(ユナイテ

ッド航空 太平洋地区副社長)、笠間郁雄氏(東京国際エアカーゴターミナル株式










ULI Japan Summer Conference 2010 Japan in Asia: Driving or Being Driven

If you’re planning on not attending the July 8th conference to be held at Tokyo Midtown, we’re sure it’s because you have something better to do – though it’s difficult to imagine what that might be. Registration’s moving along at a brisk pace and we expect a great turnout. But that tends to happen when through a healthy portion of old-fashioned elbow grease and a dash of good fortune you succeed in constructing a rich, timely program – featuring a ‘first’ in the annals of ULI Japan – such as we have.The day begins with the ULI Japan Summer Council Meeting from 08:15, at which our featured speaker will be the venerable C.Y. Leung, Chairman Asia Pacific of DTZ. Leung will provide a first-hand update on where the Chinese and Hong Kong markets are after which the floor will be open for discussion to all present. Attendance is by invitation only.Conference registration begins at 09:45, and the conference program gets underway at 10:15 with opening greetings from ULI Japan Council Chair Hitoshi Saito of Mitsui Fudosan and ULI Worldwide President Patrick Phillips. Beginning at 10:30, Jitsuro Terashima, Chairman of the Japan Research Institute and President of Tama University, will deliver the opening keynote address. At 11:35 the first of our three panels – “Why Japan Now?” – begins, moderated by Koichiro Maeda, Executive Director of Morgan Stanley Japan Securities. He will be joined by Steve Bass, Managing Director of Ajia Partners Real Estate Group; Naoto Ichiki, Representative Director & COO of Spring Investment; Jon Tanaka, Managing Director of Angelo Gordon International; and Simon Treacy, CEO of Asian Investment at MGPA, based in Hong Kong.We’ll then break for lunch, and come back at 13:50 for our second panel – “Internationalization of Haneda Airport.” Moderating the discussion will be Mika Mochizuki, Deputy Director at the Japan Economic Research Institute, and her panelists will include Saburo Fukagawa, President & CEO of JTB Global Marketing and Travel; Masato Miki, President of Global Logistic Properties; James Mueller, Vice President – Pacific of United Airlines; and Ikuo Kasama, Vice President of Tokyo International Air Cargo Terminal.Following a break, we will have a short video report provided by Cisco. Beginning at 15:45, we will conduct our third and final panel of the day – “Capital Markets of Japan and the World, Today and Tomorrow” – via Telepresence live from London. Moderating from Tokyo will be Barry Hirschfeld, President & Chiet Executive Officer of AIP-Japan.We’ll then take a break for one final cup of coffee or scrumptious raisin cookie, and come back for the closing keynote address, to be given by economic specialist Peter Tasker, Founding Partner of Arcus Investments and longtime Newsweek Japan contributor. Closing remarks will follow and conclude the regular program. Beginning at 18:30 on the 4th floor we will be serving cocktails and finger food – we hope all speakers and attendees will join us for a networking opportunity you won’t find anywhere else, while enjoying a stunning evening look at the Tokyo skyline.Forgive me, but did you say you haven’t registered for the conference yet? Don’t despair, we’ve got a bit of room. Contact the ULI Japan office to sign up, and we very much look forward to seeing you all on Thursday, July 8 at Tokyo Midtown!







Check here for conference information!











































Urban Land 2010年3月/4月号 ”Institutional Investors Coommit New Capital”抄訳



Excerpts from Urban Land MagazineInstitutional Investors Commit New Capital

By Geoffrey Dohrmann

More than US$1.4 trillion in commercial real estate loans will be maturing over the next five years and, clearly, there will be a shortage of equity to fill the underwriting gap when most of those loans come due. The problem is values have dropped far below those originally underwritten, while underwriting standards have tightened considerably.Over the past 20 years, one of the largest and most important sources of equity for real estate investment has been the pension, foundation, and endowment fund sector, which, together with other institutional investors around the globe, collectively own well over US$5.1 trillion in real estate holdings.While unleveraged or low-leveraged core assets make up the majority of these investors’ portfolios, higher-leveraged value-added and opportunistic investment strategies targeting domestic and offshore markets have attracted the majority of new capital invested over the last five years. Consequently, most of these investors’ portfolios are leveraged to the tune of 40% or higher, compared to 20% or less 20 years ago.Total returns for core open-end funds over the past 18 months at the end of September, as tracked by NCREIF, for example, were down 37.23%. Value-added fund returns declined 29.87% and opportunity funds 60.82%.Institutional investors did reduce their investment activity – radically – to less than US$24 billion in 2009, down from the US$42 billion invested in 2008 and the US$46 billion invested in 2007.52% of investors surveyed recently reported that they did plan to make some new commitments to real estate in 2010 – at least US$34 billion of new capital commitments, collectively. In addition to the roughly US$64 billion in committed capital from prior periods that was still sitting on the sidelines waiting to be called at the time the survey was conducted. This means at least US$98 billion of new equity capital will be available for recapitalizing existing investments as well as capitalizing new ones in 2010.Investors are able to commit new capital this year due to a variety of factors. First, as previously noted, their real estate portfolio values have been written down. Perhaps more important, however, the recovery in the equities market has boosted overall portfolio values. Since equities of all types make up as much as 60-70% of most institutional investor portfolios, this lift in equity values has reversed the denominator effect. Investor positions in real estate now equate to roughly 9.16% of total portfolio holdings, against targets averaging 10.19% of total assets (relatively unchanged from the prior year).Multifamily properties are expected to remain the most attractive property type on a relative basis this year, although all property type categories were rated lower in relative attractiveness in 2010.Most investors will be seeking to purchase core assets at discounted pricing. Some also will be pursuing niche investment opportunities like seniors’ housing, student housing, or medical office buildings, where underlying fundamental demand is considered to be stronger.Two years ago, investors were paying up for vacancy. Today, vacancy is free. Tomorrow, investors reason, vacancy will be discounted. When it is, that is when most investors will be reentering the value-added and opportunistic space.Investors have also been taking a serious look at their leveraging strategies. Their initial response to the global asset pricing meltdown of 2008 and 2009 was to question the effectiveness of global diversification. In retrospect, however, in almost all cases where fund managers have found themselves under crushing pressure, it has been due more to the debt load than the quality of underlying collateral. What will be called into question is how best to diversify globally. Should U.S. investors expect to earn returns in offshore markets superior to returns expected by most local investors? Given the potential for value loss due to normal economic cyclicality, how much leverage can be prudently placed on a given asset in a given market?


ULIジャパン ヤング・リーダーズ・グループULI Japan Young Leaders Group





氏が東京モード学園の「コクーンタワー」や銀座の「ニコラス・G・ハイエック センター」









Until the U.S. sees significant job growth, leases will continue to mature and roll over at lower and lower rental rates, undermining what in many cases already was fairly weak debt-service coverage. As more loans shift to non-performing loan status, lenders will be hard pressed to continue to extend terms.The better loans will be sliced into performing and non-performing tranches, with the non-performing tranches sold off at discount. The intermediate-quality loans will be sold at discount as well. The worst loans will be foreclosed and then dumped onto the market.All of this reshuffling of loan portfolios should continue to place downward pressure on valuations, even if new capital does begin to flow into the market. The bottom line here is that pension, foundation, and endowment, and other institutional investors will not be abandoning real estate as an asset class. Rather, as property values come more in line with greater expectations, they will be retrenching, rethinking, and carefully dipping their toes back into the water in 2010.

Urban Land March/April 2010 pp. 110-111

YLG Leadership Lunch – Wednesday, April 21ULI Japan's Young Leaders were treated to a lunchtime presentation by Arup Japan's team of engineering experts. Arup is a global leader in professional services for the built environment. Senior Structural Engineer Masato Minami explained how Arup has solved numerous challenges associated with earthquake risk in some of Tokyo's prominent projects such as the Mode Gakuen Cocoon Tower and the Nicolas G. Hayek Center in Ginza. Arup is also devising sustainable solutions for its clientele. Mechanical Engineer Jin Matsumoto explained the innovative passive ventilation strategy devised for the Inujima Art Project. Engineer Jin Sasaki gave an overview of Arup's specialist Facade Engineering Unit and how the team creates comfortable and energy efficient work spaces. Arup has recently expanded their service offering in Japan to project management. Senior Project Manager Teppei Ishibashi, wrapped-up with an overview of their expertise in this field, focusing on Arup's due diligence solution.

YLG Steering Committee


ULIジャパン〒101-0047東京都千代田区内神田3-2-8 COI内神田ビル8階電話: 03-5297-6132 ファックス: 03-5297-6133

e-mail: [email protected] URL: http://japan.uli.org/

ULI JAPANCOI Uchikanda Bldg. 8F 3-2-8 UchikandaChiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047Tel: +81-3-5297-6132 Fax: +81-3-5297-6133







学研究院都市建築学部門特任准教授)、後藤太一氏(合同会社 福岡アーバンラボラトリ











YLG Fukuoka Event at Daiwa House – Thursday, April 22The Young Leaders Group hosted a Fukuoka Evening Event, sponsored by Daiwa House, to promote cross-regional exchange within the Japanese real estate market and to learn what makes Fukuoka the gateway city to Asia, and one of the most “livable cities” in the world. Mr. Masayuki Saki, the CEO and Representative Director of Fukuoka REIT, Mr. Koichiro Aitani, Associate Professor of Kyushu University, Mr. Taichi Goto, Principal of Fukuoka Urban Laboratory, and Mr. Yoshiharu Nakamura, Assistant Director of the International Economic Affairs Department, Economic Promotion Bureau, Fukuoka City Government, participated as panelists and discussed the unique qualities and potentials the city offers.As Japan’s gateway city to Asia, Fukuoka has recently generated interest in both domestic and international markets. Some features introduced during the discussions were its quality as a compact city with two city centers, Tenjin and Hakata, the impact of the new developments in infrastructure, its push for international developments and educational programs, and the strength the city has in its young and growing population. These features were pointed out as especially important qualities of Fukuoka when differentiating itself from mega-cities, such as Tokyo, in attracting new businesses and projects. We would like to give a special thinks to all the panelists and Daiwa House for sponsoring the Fukuoka Evening Event. In order to further promote the interest generated during this event, the YLG Japan Steering Committee is planning a Fukuoka study tour in October 2010. We look forward to your participation.

YLG Steering Committee