ءاطع حرط نلاعإ - BASR

ن إعرح عطاء ط عطاء رقمT-1/2020 ننننني نننننارفسسأ أتنننننللت ألننننن سأل رسأب"لعنننننأتنننننللتفعتنننننا أل أهنننننل سأعتنننننا عتنننننلبع تعلنننننيطاء طفح أعفسءتدأتايا أق"ل سأسد طبتاهلكات م"ل. ن في التقدم بعروضهم الراغبيصول حسب المرخصين رسميال والمجا المختصة في هذا الشركات فعلى التالية:ة الشروط اعا مرا شروط عامه: 1 . سألقدمغب ف كل شفكا تفعفض سعف عبعتا :وسن سألاأا منه مي سأعن" نل ول "لطتع سأه تأتل لتفعتا أل أهل سأع عتل- عتلا - شننننننا كف يبتزسن يوم سعلدسء ميثنتي س سأبوسفق27 / 01 / 2020 يومل بعه سأ سأبوسفق31 / 01 / 2020 ل ذأك خا سأ مي سأ "اأف سبسم سقات سأد أمنا ثاً ا صباا سأ"نال أثا سأثاعد سأظهف عبعتاسنبتا أل طله د أس سيام سأ"نبلاة سن ، مع مفس. مي س( ل سأفسعط خbasr.org/rft ) 2 . ل سأعطننننناءست"نننننلتننننند أل آخنننننف موبعتنننننا ألا سأث سأ"ننننناهنننننف عننننندنننننفة مننننني عع تنننننا ان ينننننومبعا سأ سأبوسفق14 / 02 / 2020 . 3 . ( ه أبعتا سأبذكو مقف سأ سأعطاءست فل إيدس يل دسئفة سأبعلفيات.) 4 . اب.سبن سعدسء سعد سعا أقل سزما عقبولبعتا غتف مل سأ5 . وم شفسء سأعطاءس 100 ل سأعطاءست."لتند ت دت"د غتف م"لفدة شتكل6 . ( ل سأننننننننفسعط منننننننني خننننننننbasr.org/rft لنننننننن طنننننننني سديبكنننننننني ألبننننننننو ي) ط سأعننننننننفدة.سأبهد صاا سأأتللتفعتا أل أهل سأعتا عتلبع

Transcript of ءاطع حرط نلاعإ - BASR

طرح عطاء إعلان

T-1/2020عطاء رقم

تعلننننني بعتنننننا عتنننننل أهنننننل سأعفعتنننننا أللتأتنننننل رسأب"لعننننن سأل ننننن أللتأتنننننل سأ فس نننننار ننننني

.م"لهلكات طبتا سد يا أق"ل سأ تدأتا أعفسءطفح طاء

فعلى الشركات المختصة في هذا المجال والمرخصين رسميا حسب الاصول الراغبين في التقدم بعروضهم مراعاة الشروط التالية:


ت"لطتع سأه ول ل ن" ا منه مي سأعنوسن سألاأ : بعتا ععفض سعفكل شفكا تفغب ف سألقدم .1

27/01/2020 سأبوسفق سلإثنتيسعلدسء مي يوم يبتزسنكف شنننننننا - الاعتل -عتل أهل سأعفعتا أللتأتل

"ا ا سأذأك خلال 31/01/2020سأبوسفق سأ بعه ل يوم صبا اً ثامناأ قات سأد سم سأفسب مي سأ

س مي .، مع مفس اة سن سيام سأ"ننبل سلا د أ طله سننبتا أل بعتاععد سأظهف سأثاأثا ل سأ"ننا ا

(basr.org/rftخلال سأفسعط )

يننننننوم انتننننننا عننننننفة منننننني ععنننننند هننننننفسأ"ننننننا ا سأث أل بعتننننننا آخننننننف مو نننننند أل"ننننننلتل سأعطنننننناءست .2

.14/02/2020 سأبوسفقسأ بعا

(.دسئفة سأبعلفياتيلل إيدس سأعطاءست ف مقف سأ بعتا سأبذكو أ لاه ) .3

سأ بعتا غتف ملزما عقبول أقل سلاسعا عد ن سعدسء سسباب. .4

شتكل غتف م"لفدة ت"دد ند ت"لتل سأعطاءست. 100 سوم شفسء سأعطاء .5

سأعنننننننننف ط ( يبكننننننننني ألبنننننننننو ديي سلاطنننننننننلا لننننننننن basr.org/rftمننننننننني خنننننننننلال سأنننننننننفسعط ) .6

سأ اصا سأبهددة.

بعتا عتل أهل سأعفعتا أللتأتل

دوية للصيدليةالاطبية والمستهلكات توريد الة ــاقصـروط منـــش T – 1/2020عطاء رقم طببببببن لحوبببببب ح لمبببببب حح للصبببببب ح بببببب حفبببببب جمعيببببببلحميببببببةحللبببببب ح لعرميبببببب حل يبببببب ح ترغبببببب

لشببببببببرو ححو و بببببببب ح سبببببببب لمسبببببببب ط ينلح لط يبببببببب حوجببببببببن حت بببببببب حفبببببببب ححو لمببببببببل ي حو لم صصببببببببي

ح ل نلي :


ح:ح لعطن شرو ح

ح رفبببببةح ببببب .حوادحو نشبببببرح م بببببلوشببببب خ حوبببببر حح ببببب ح لمببببب حادح تببببب هحشبببببطن حت بببببةحا بببببل .1

حوعح لمننقص .ح حشطن ح ل ر ي

سعير ح لعطن ح .2 شنو ت شيي ح لإسر ئي ح شرو ح،حلضر ح لتيم ح لمضنف حمنل و دحتي دح ،حوغيرحورت ط حمنيح

ح ونحو حو حتس ي ح لعطن .ح90سن لح لمفع حلم هح

تم ببببب ح للببببب ح ببببب حوببببب ححل ببببب و حوببببب ح لمس شبببببف معببببب ح ع بببببواح ببببب ح لم بببببفنلح لفنيببببب ح لمت وببببب ح .3

ببببب نحح رضبببببلحفببببب مطبببببنحفببببب حح ببببب ح لمببببب ح دح ببببب هفبببببندحح لم بببببفنلح ل ببببب حتط طبببببنح لجمعيببببب ،

و دح بببببب ح ل سببببببعيرح بببببب حح يببببببن ي. ع بببببب ح وحقبببببب ح ضببببببيأحوبببببب حو ببببببفنلحفنيببببببلحا ببببببر حمشببببببي ح

ذ ح سنس.

شيي حل عطن ح ل حغيرحوس ر ه.ح100 س هحشر ح لعطن ح .4

سببببببب ح لشبببببببرو ح لعنوببببببب حح ت وبببببببلح لمببببببب حفببببببب ح رضبببببببلح جببببببب ح دح يببببببب دحو صصبببببببنحمبببببببلوبببببببنح .5

وترح لجمعي حف حميةحجنعو يلح) لم (حتس ي ح رضلحف ححل مننقص

ببببب ح لمببببب حادح قبببببعحتببببب ح بببببفل حوببببب ح بببببفلنلح لعطبببببن حو مطبببببن،حم ببببب ح لشبببببرت ح لملسسببببب ح .6

لرسم .

ح لم فبببببببةح لجمعببببببب ببببببب هحح ببببببب مبببببببنلغرقح لمخ بببببببةحح طبببببببن تط آ بببببببرحو ببببببب حل مببببببب حل سببببببب ي ح .7

. لسن ح ل ن ي ح شر حظطر حح2020 02 14

وبببببعح عل ببببب هحم جببببب حع بببببةحح سببببب ن .مببببب ودح مببببب ح لجمعيببببب حغيبببببرحو وببببب حمت ببببب حاقببببب ح سبببببعن ح .8

للأ و (.ح)منلنس ل تي حوع ةحو ناحل مس شفينلح ل ن ح

ح.ح لمس ط ي ج حتل ح لن ي حوح اوح س ح لشرت ح لمصنع حمنلنس حل م ح لط ي ح .9

.سنسي منلم فنلحح عل ه مي حتت ح ل ئ حولي حح .10

.و لسعرف ح ن ح ت ن ح لسعرحمنليمي ح رج حو ح ضرتي حتت ح ليمي حح .11

حشط ح ح ق .ح6ت خح ع طن ح ج ح دحتي دحح .12



حجمعيــ حميـــةحللــ ح لعرميـــ حل ــ يـــ ح

ح" لمس شفــ ح ل صصـــ حل يـــ حو لجر ـــ "

حلمش ر نل ئـــر ح

Name of general disposables unit quantity price per unit total price

Adult Anesthesia Circuit

Arterial Line AB0023

Arterial Line AB0023

C.V.P Line Single Lumen g20 * 20cm

C.V.P Line Triple Lumen fr.7*20 cm

Combined Spinal/ Epidural Set

Disposable b-Line(capno line)+adapter

Double arterial line ref: AE-0123

Epidural Set with filter

Intubation stylet 4mm 70 cm

Jackson rayes Maplson circuit

Laryngeal Mask

LMA Fastrach size 4

Microlaryngeal Tube Ch.5

Microlaryngeal Tube ch.6

Nasopharyngeal airway

Nerve block Needle, echogenic needle

Reinforced E.T.T 6.5 cuffed

Reinforced E.T.T 4 cuffed

Reinforced E.T.T 4.5 cuffed

Reinforced E.T.T 5 cuffed

Reinforced ETT 5.5 cuffed

Reinforced ETT 6 cuffed

Reinforced ETT 7 cuffed

Reinforced ETT 7.5 Cuffed

Reinforced ETT 8 cuffed

Reinforced ETT 8.5 cuffed

Rod for LMA Fastrach

Spinal Needle introducer G22

Clo Test, Urease Test

Gastrostomy (PEG) ch.14

Gastrostomy (PEG) ch.20

Mouth gag( bite block) Pediatric

mouth gag(adult bite block) adult

Multi Band ligator -7 shooter

Saliva suction tip

Surgical brush cleaner

Tube, Gastrostomy exchanger

Dental Needle G 27, 38 mm

Ear Wick packing

External Nasal Splint s-m-L /s

Merocel Surgical patties XRay detectable

Merocel Silicone splint

Nasal Tampon

Standard ear piece

Sterile microscope Drapes For OPMI ,Type 70

ventilation tube PC coated silicone 1.14mm

Ventilation T.fluoroplastic 1.14mm(520-141)

Ventilation T.silicone 1.14mm(510-181)

Ventilation tube Armstrong Straight Vt0501-50

Ventilation Tube Armstrong VT0503

Ventilation tube, regular

Abdominal Pads 30*30

Abdominal Pads 45*45

Accu- Chek performa kit

Air Matress

Air Way 0

Air Way 1

Air Way 2

Air Way 3

Air Way 4

Air Ways 00

Alcohol Swaps

Ambo Bag Children

Ambo Bag for Adult

Name of general disposables unit quantity price per unit total price

Arm Sling

Autoclave Tape

Bacterial viral filter

Bacterial/Viral Filter MINI HME

Bandage Elastic 10

Bandage Elastic 12

Bandage Elastic 6

Bandage Elastic 8

Bed Pan

Blood BP machine mercury

Bracelet Identiffication for adult

Bracelet Identiffication for infant

Bulb for blood pressure machine

Camera cover Sterile biometrix dy1001

Caps for Doctors with tie

Caps for nurses (Green)

Caps for nurses (White)

Catheter Mount

Catheter Spigot

catheter umbilical F6

Cervical collar (hard ajustable)

Chest trocor tube Ch.40

Clip Applier MCM20

Clips M/L

Clips 6Large yellow

Clips M size ref: 350-000-102

Clips s/s

closed suction system , endotracheal, kimberly clark

Closed suction sytem Trachestomy kimberlyclark

Cold Bags

Colostomy bag

Colostomy base

Condom size 25

Condom size 30

Condom size 35

Corset dorso- lumber


Coutary Pencil

Cuff for blood pressure machine

Cuff for BP single tube adult

Cuff for BP single tube Child

Culture tube with media

Dermabond/surgical Glue 0.25ml

Digital Thermometer

Disposable patient gown, short sleeve size large,or x large

Drop catheter device for surgical glue

Drop counter sterile for I.V set

ECG Electrods

ECG roll 5cm ref: 5100418

ECG Roll Paper 6cm ref: 169140816

Elastoplast 8 cm

Embolectomy cath.

ET tube Holder

ETT 3 Cuffed

ETT 3 Uncuffed

ETT 3.5 Cuffed

ETT 4 Cuffed

ETT 4 uncuffed

ETT 4.5 Cuffed

ETT 4.5 Uncuffed

ETT 5 Cuffed

ETT 5.5 Cuffed

ETT 6 Cuffed

ETT 6.5 Cuffed

ETT 7 Cuffed

Name of general disposables unit quantity price per unit total price

ETT 7.5 Cuffed

ETT 8 Cuffed

ETT 8.5 Cuffed

Expiration Filter HME(bacterial/viral)

Extension Tube 120 cm

Feeding Bag, gravity et 1200 ml

First aid plaster

Foley Catheter 2 ways Ch.10

Foley Catheter 2 ways Ch.12

Foley Catheter 2 ways Ch.14

Foley Catheter 2 ways Ch.16

Foley Catheter 2 ways Ch.18

Foley Catheter 2 ways Ch.20

Foley Catheter 2 ways Ch.22

Foley Catheter 2 ways Ch.24

Foley Catheter 2 ways Ch.8

Foley Catheter 3 ways ch.24

Foley Catheter 3 ways G16

Foley Catheter 3 ways G18

Foley Catheter 3 ways G20

Foley Catheter 3 ways G22

Foley Catheter Silicon 2 ways 14

Foley Catheter Silicon 2 ways 16

Foley Catheter Silicon 2 ways 18

Foley Catheter Silicon 2 ways 20

Foley Catheter Silicon 2 ways 22

Folys catheter silicon ch.26

Full Reinforced Gown sterile

Gauze Bandage 10 cm or 7.5 cm 10 pcs/ unit

Gauze Pads 7.5*7.5 13 threads , 8 layer

General Surgery universal pack

Glucose Strips

Gown disposable open from back, blue color

Hemostatic valve introducer sheeth fr.6

Hemostatic valve introducer sheeth fr.7

Hemostatic valve introducer sheeth fr.8

Hemovac Drain Ch.12

Hemovac Drain CH 14

Hemovac drain ch.10

Heparine Lock with heparin rubber

I.V Canula 17

I.V Canula 18

I.V Canula 20

I.V Canula 22

I.V Canula 24

I.V canula G 14

I.V canula G. 16

I.V Infusion set AirVENT

I.V Set for blood Transfusion y type set

Insuline Syringe sterile 1 ml, each syring alone

Kidney Dishes cartoon only

Lemon Sticks, oral kit

Ligaclip 10M/L endoscopic

Mask for Anaesthesia, all sizes

Mask for Surgery (for dr.with tie)

Mask for Surgery ear loop

Medicine Cups 30 ml

Micromist Nebulizer( T-piece+mouth pcs) Line

Mortor and Pestle 90 mm

Nasal Canula

Nasogastric tube ch 14

Nasogastric tube ch 16

Nasogastric tube ch18

Nasogastric tube ch 12

Nebuliser Machine

Name of general disposables unit quantity price per unit total price

Nebulizer set adult

Nebulizer set child

Nebulizer set maxineb 90

Needle 18

Needle 21

Needle 23

Needle 25

Needle 30

Needle G 22 B D

Nelaton Catheter 10

Nelaton Catheter 8

Nelaton Catheter ch 12

Nelaton Catheter ch 14

Nitile medical Gloves XL

Nitrile medical Gloves L

nitrile medical Gloves S

Nitrile medical gloves M

Non invasive mask NIV

Normal saline 0.9 % 100 ml

Novo Fine 8 mm

Opsite I.v hydrofilm, or tagaderm advanced

Opsite Tegaderm 10*12 cm ref: 1626w

Oxygen Mask non rebreathable

Oxygen Mask 'with Tube (Adult)

Oxygen Mask 'with Tube (Child)

Oxygen Tube

Pads X-Ray 10*10

Pads X-Ray 7.5*7.5

Paper nihon khoden ref: FQS 50-3-100

Paper nihon khoden ref: FQw 110-2-140

Paper Nihon kohden 210-3-140

Paper Thermal 6cm(5.7) 3940572411

Pediwett Gauze sterile, 10 pcs or 36 pcs

Phonation valve

Pill Crusher & Splitter

Plaster leukoplast 2.5 cm

Plaster leukoplast 5 cm

Plaster Micropure 2.5 cm

Plaster Micropure 5 cm

Pressure cuff for infusion 1000cc

Razors (Shaving Mashine)

Rectal Tube 22

Rectal Tube 24

Rectal Tube 25

Rectal Tube 28

retalast size7

Scalp Vein Needle G 23 OMG only

SCD Sleeve L/S

Septal scrub 4%chlorhexidine

Septol 500 ml with applier

Sharp Box Collector 7L

Shoe Cover

Skin Closure Steristrip R1547

skin stapler

Skin Stapler Remover(extractar)

Spinal Needle G18

Spinal Needle G19

Spinal Needle G22

spinal needle G25

Spinal Needle G27

Spirometer (Respirator )

Sputum Mucus Trap set

Standard Bacterial/ Viral Filter

Standard Surgical gown sterile

steam indicater

Name of general disposables unit quantity price per unit total price

Steranios 2 %

Steri Drape 1015

Sterilization poech 42*30 cm

Sterilization pouch 23*9 cm

Sterilization Roll 10 cm

Sterilization Roll 15 cm

Sterilization Roll 20 cm

Sterilization roll 25 cm

Sterilization Roll 30 cm

Sterilization Roll 5 cm

Sterilization Roll 7.5 cm

Sterilization Sheet 90*90

Stethescope nurse

Straight Connector

Suction Catheter 6

Suction Catheter 8

Suction Catheter 10

Suction Catheter 12

Suction Catheter 14

Suction Catheter 16

Suction Tube Sterile (Bubble) 3M

Suction Tube UnSterile (Bubble)

Surfanios 1 liter

Surgeon Marking Pen

Surgical Blade 10

Surgical Blade 11

Surgical Blade 12

Surgical Blade 15

Surgical Blade 20

Surgical Clipper Blade remington

Surgical Clipper Machina+ Charger

Surgical Drap 50*50

Surgical Gloves 6.5 PF

Surgical Gloves 7 PF

Surgical Gloves 7.5 PF

Surgical Gloves 8 PF

Surgical Gloves 8.5 PF

Surgical Gloves 8.50 P.F

syring 1ml tuberculin

Syring 20ml leur lock

Syringe 10cc

Syringe 20cc

Syringe 3cc

Syringe 50 cc for irrigation

Syringe 50 cc Sliptip

Syringe 5cc

Thermometer mercury

Thermometer Probe Cover welch Allyn 250pcs/ unit

Three Way Stopcock

Tongue Depressor


Tracheostomy 4.5 mm

Trachestomy 3.5

Trachestomy 5

Trachestomy 5.5

Trachestomy 6

Trachestomy 6.5

Trachestomy 7

Trachestomy 7.5

Trachestomy 8

Trachestomy set (percutaneous)

Trachestomy size 9

Tubes Sod. Citrate (Pt)

Tubes Vac. EDTA 3 ml

Tubes Vac. Plain 3 ml

Name of general disposables unit quantity price per unit total price

Ultra Sound Gel

Under pad sheet 60/90

Under water high capacity

Urinals 1000 cc

Urine bag hanger

Urine Bags 2000 cc with outlet

Urine Collector Bag Sterile

Urine Cups Sterile

Urine Cups UnSterile

Venturi mask with 5 colored barell

voluset 150 ml

Washing Bottle 250 ml

Washing Bottle 500 ml

Wound Adhesive Dressing (Cosmopor )


zimmer splint 1.5 cm

Zimmer splint 2 cm

Zimmer Splint 2.5 cm

ECG paper 5 cm refe: 5100418

Opsite Spray - Bottle

Parafin Gauze/36pc

Vaseline White - KG

Drap sheet with iodine 60 cm

Prolene mesh 30 cm * 30 cm

Suction bags sterile,with tube& finger tip

manometer arterial line 100cm AH-1100

Steel Wire size 7 48 m.1/2 c 45 cm

Bronchal.double lumen left side,ref:116100

Microspace Extension Tube 150 ml

Anterior Champer Canula

Anterior Champer Container

Aspiration handle(duet bimanual)

Collagen Plugs 0.5mm YULP05J

Cortex Extractor 23 G

Crescent knife

D.C.R Straight

D.C.R Angled

Eye pads adhesive

Eye pads non adhesive

Eye shield

Eye Swap

fluorescine strips

IOL Glide sheats

IOL Manipulator

Iris Retractor

Irrigation handle( Duet Bimanual)

Irrigation+\Aspiration 0.3mm Tip closed end G22

Lacrimal Canula

Lacrimal Canula 'e Device

Lasic Eye Spear

Lasic Irrigation Canula

M.V.R Angled

M.V.R straight

Mini Blade

Moria 130

Moria 90

Ophthalmic Drap Sheet

Phaco Knife 2.8 mm Angled

Phaco Knife 3.2 mm Angled

Phaco tip 0.9mm straight

Phaco Tip 30 deg. 19G AO 100-1000-301

Retrobalbar Needle

Simco Canula G23

straight ophthalmic microsurgical knife 15 deg

SubTenon Anesth. Canulla

Name of general disposables unit quantity price per unit total price

Tonopen tip cover

turbo sonic tip

Mini Blade round tip sharp ref: 6400 b d

Vitrectomy Cutter

Bone cement

Bone cement with gentamycicn 40 gm

Bone Wax 2.5 mg W810

P.O.P 10 cm

P.O.P 15 cm

P.O.P 20 cm

P.O.P 7.5 cm

Scotchcast 10 cm

Scotchcast 12.5 cm

Scotchcast 7.5 cm

Skin Traction Adult

Skin Traction Child

Steri-Drap 1050

Stokinet 15

Vell Band 10 cm

Vell Band 15 cm

Vell Band 7.5

Hemodialysis catheter set 2 lumenCh 12 16 cm

Hemodialysis catheter set 2 lumenCh 12 20cm

T.U.R Irrigation Set

Name of medication unit quantity price per unit total price

Aceton - Liter

acetylcysteine 200 mg - Tablet

Actrapid ( Simple Insulin ) - Vial

Actylase 50mg vial

Acyclovir 250mg - Ampoule

Acyclovir Cold Sores Cream 2gm

Adenosine 6mg - Ampoule

Adrenalin 1mg/ml - Ampoule

Ipratropium 20 ml Resp.Solution

Aggrastat 12.5 mg 250 ml infusion

Aldospirone 100mg - Tablet

Aldospirone 25mg - Tablet

alfacalcicidol 0.25mg Soft Cap - Capsule

Allopurinol 100 - Tablet

allopurinol 300 - Tablet

Amantadine tab.(P,K merz

Amethocaine 1% E/D - Bottle

amilodipine 10mg - Tablet

Amilodipine 5mg - Tablet

Amikacin 500 - Vial

Aminophyllin 250mg/10ml - Ampoule

Amiodarone - Tablet

Amiodarone 150mg/3ml - Ampoule

Amoxicillin 250mg/5cc

Amoxycillin 500mg - Capsule

Amphotericin-B 50mg - Vial

Flumazenil 0.5/5ml - Ampoule

Aniozyme 5 Lt - Liter

Aqsia BBS - Bags

Aspirin Cardio 100 mg

Diazepam 10mg/2ml - Ampoule

Diazepam 5mg - Tablet

Candisartan 16mg tab.

Candisartan 8mg tab.

Candisartan plus 16mg/ hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg

Atropine 1mg/2ml - Ampoule

Atrospan E/D - Bottle

atrovastatin 20mg - Tablet

atrovastatin 40mg - Tablet

Amoxycillin sodium+clavulani pot, 1 gm - Vial

Lactulose 10gm/15 ml Syrup - Bottle

Azithromycin 200mg Susp - Bottle

Azithromycin 500 - Capsule

Azithromycin 500 mg vial

Baclofen 2mg/1ml amp.

Baclofen 10mg - Tablet

Baclofen 25mg - Tablet

Betastine 16mg - Tablet

Bisacodyl 5 mg - Tablet

bisoprolol 5mg - Tablet

Bisoprolol 2.5 mg

Brilinta 90 mg tablet

Budisonide Resp. 1mg/2ml

cholecalciferol 50000 I.U tab 6 tablet / box

Doxazosin 2 mg - Tablet

Doxazosin 4mg - Tablet

Calcium Gluconate 10 ml - Vial

Calmex(Mebo) skin ointment 30 gm

calcium 600+ vit.d tab,

Captopril 25 mg tab.

chlorohexidine 0.05%+0.5 cetrimide ) Solution 4L or 1L

Carvedilol 12.5- Tablet

Carvedilol 6.25 - Tablet

Cefazolin 1g - Vial

cefpodoxime 100 mg tab.

Cefpodoxime 200 tab.

Ceftriaxone 1g - Vial

cefuroxime 750mg - Vial

cefuroxime t 500 mg tablet

Chloromphenicol 1 gm vial

Escitalopram 10 mg tab

Citalopram 20 mg tab

Ciprofloxacin 200mg Vial

Ciprofloxacin 500mg - Tablet

Ciprofloxacin 750 mg tab

Cisatracurium 10 mg / 5 ml

Cefotaxime 1gm vial

Enoxaparin 60 - Syringe

Enoxaparin 80 - Syringe

Enoxaparin 20 - Syringe

Enoxaparin 40 - Syringe

Clindamycin 300 mg cap

Clindamycin 600mg/4ml - amp

Clindamycin150 mg cap

Clonazepam 0.5mg - Tablet

Clonazepam 2mg - Tablet

clonidine amp

clonidine 0.25 tab

Colchicine 0.5mg - Tablet

Colistin 6 ml Vial

Bisacodyl 10 mg Suppositary

pantoprozole 40mg - Vial

Warfarine 1mg - Tablet

Warfarine 2.5mg - Tablet

Warfarine 2mg - Tablet

Cyclopentolate E/D - Bottle

Miconazole oral gel

Dantrolen 25mg cap.

Nystatin+neomycin+Traiamcinole Cream - Tube

Dexamethasone 0.5mg - Tablet

Dexamethasone 20mg - Ampoule

Dexamethasone 2mg - Tablet

Dexamethasone 4mg - Ampoule

Sodium Valprote 200mg - Tablet

Sodium Valprovate 500mg - Tablet

Propranolol 10 - Tablet

Propranolol 40 - Tablet

Dexacol E/D - Bottle

Dextrose 4.3 Saline 0.18 - Bag

Dextrose 5% / Saline 9% 500ml - Bags

Dextrose 5% 500ml - Bags

Dextrose 50% 500ml - Bags

Dextrose5%+N/S 0.45% 500 ml

Digoxin 0.25 mg - Tablet

Phenytoin 125 mg/ 5 ml susp.

Dilatam 60mg - Tablet

dilofenac sodium i.m - Ampoule

Diluted Localin 4 ml

Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg - Tablet

Dobutamine 250/20ml - Ampoule

Dopamine 200mg/5ml - Ampoule

Doxacycline 100 - Tablet

Efrin 10 E/D - Bottle

Amitriptiline 25mg - Tablet

Apixaban 2.5 mg tab .

Apixaban 5 mg tab

levothyroxine 100 mcg - Tablet

levothyroxine 50 mcg - Tablet

metoclopramide - Tablet

Metoclopramide 10mg/ml - Ampoule

Enalapril 10mg - Tablet

Enalapril 20mg - Tablet

Enalapril 5mg - Tablet

Ensure 237 ml - Bottle

Phenytoin 100mg - Capsule

Ephedrine 50mg - Ampoule

ertapenem 1g - Vial

Esmeron 10 mg/1ml 10 ml

Esmolol 100mg/10ml mg amp

esomeprazole 20mg - Capsule

esomeprazole 20mg - Tablet

Esomeprazole 40mg - Tablet

esomeprazole 40mg - Vial

Ethyl Alcohol 70% -10 L

Ethyl Alcohol 99% -250 L

Eucarbon - Tablet

Famodine 40mg - Tablet

Paracetamol Child 300mg - Suppositary

Paracetamol Infant 150mg - Suppositary

Fexofenadine 120mg - Tablet

Fexofenadine 180mg - Tablet

Metronidazole Vial

Fleet Enema - Bottle

Fluconazole 150mg - Tablet

Fluconazole 100mg vails

Fluorescine 20% - Ampoule

FML E/D - Bottle

Fortum 1g - Vial

Fosfomycin Sachets 3 gm

Foster Inh 100/ 6 mcg

Furosemide 20mg - Ampoule

Furosemide) 40mg - Tablet

Gabpentin 400 caps

Gentamycin 0.1 % Cream - Tube

Gentacol E/D - Bottle

Gentamycin 40mg - Ampoule

Gentamycin 80mg - Ampoule

chlorohexidine Gluconate 0.2% W/V Mouth wash 150 ml

Glycerin Adult - Suppositary

Glycerin Child - Suppositary

Hliperidol 5mg - Tablet

Haloperidol 5mg/ml - Ampoule

Heparin 5ml - Vial

Tranexamic Acid 500 mg amp

Tranexamic Acid 500 mg Tablet

Promethzine 25mg/2ml - Ampoule

Human Albumin 20% - Bottle

Hydralazine 20 mg amp

hydrocortisone 1% cream

hydrocortisone 100 mg tab.

Hydrogen Peroxide 3% - Bottle

Sulpride 50mg - Capsule

ibuprofen susp-bottle

Ibuprofen 400 mg tablet

Ibuprofen 400 mg vial

Verapamil 5mg/2ml - Ampoule

verapamil 40mg - Tablet

verapamil)240mg - Tablet

propranolol)1 mg amp

Indomethacin 25mg - Capsule

indomethacin - Suppositary

Insulin insulatard NPH

Internal surgical glue sterile 1 ml

Intralipid Central peripheral emulsion infusion 1904ml,1300kcal

iodine Solution 4L 10 % - Liter

Iodine Surgical Scrub 7.5 % 4L - Liter

Isoflurane 100 ml

Isosorbide Dinitrate 1 mg/ml amp.

Isosorbide spray or nifedipine oral spray

Isupril 1ml - Ampoule

Itranazole 100mg - Capsule

Izilack E/D

Oxytetracycline E/Ointment - Tube

Kayexalate - Bottle

KCL 20 meq - 10 ccVial

Levetracitam 500 mg tab

Levetracitam 500 mg/5ml vial

Ketamine - Vial

Ketrolac 30 mg/1 ml

Clarithromycin 250mg/5ml - Bottle

Clarithromycin 500mg - Tablet

vitamin K 10mg/ml - Ampoule

Lactate ringer 1 liter

Lactated Ringer 500ml - Bag

digoxin 0.5mg-amp

Furosemide 250 mg/25 ml

Lercanidipine 10 mg tab.

Levemir Flexpen

levofloxacin 500 mg - Vial

Levofloxacin 500mg - Tablet

Levofloxacin 750mg - Tablet

Norepinephrine 1 mg/ml 4ml

Lidocaine 1% - Ampoule

Lidocaine 2% - Ampoule

Localin E/D - Bottle

Lorazepam 1mg - Tablet

Lorazepam 2.5 mg

Loratidine 10mg - Tablet

Loratidine syrup-bottle

Lazartan 50mg - Tablet

Lyteers E/D

Nitrofurantion 100 -cap.

Magnesium Sulfate 50% - Vial

Magnisium + vit 6 tablet

Mannitol 20% 500ml - Bag

Marcaine 0.5% Spinal Heavy - Vial

Marcaine spinal 0.5% - Vial

Mercaptizole 20mg - Tablet

Polyethylene Glycol 3350 Powder 3L - Bottle

Meropenem 500mg - Vial

meropenem 1gm - Vial

pyridostigmine 30 mg tab

Metformin 850mg - Tablet

Methotrexate tab 2.5

Methylene Blue - Vial

Metoprolol Amp 1mg / ml

Metronidazole 500mg - Tablet

Miochole- E ( ophthalmic acetylecystine )- Vial

Mitomycin C 2mg - or 10 mg Vial

Mixtard - Vial

Amoxyccilin + clavulanic acid 400mg/5ml - Bottle

Isosorbide Mononitrate 20mg - Tablet

Isosorbide Mononitrate 40mg - Tablet

Ambroxol HCL 30mg/5 ml syrup

Mydramide E/D - Bottle

Naloxone 0.4mg/ml - Ampoule

Naproxan 250mg tab

Naproxan 500mg - Tablet

Budisonide nasal aqua 120 dose

Normal saline Nasal Spray

Metoprolol 100mg - Tablet

Neomycin 500mg - Tablet

Neostigmine 2.5mg/ml - Ampoule

Vitamin b complex Tablet

Xylometazoline 1% Nasal Spray - Bottle

Xylometazoline Ped. spray 0.05%

Xylometazoline 1% Nasal Drops - Bottle

Nitroglycerin 1mg/ml - Ampoule

Nitrupressin 50 mg

Normal Saline 0.45% - Bag

Normal Saline 0.9% 100ml - Bag

Normal Saline 0.9% 500ml - Bag

Normal Saline for Irrigation 1L

Normal Saline irrigation 3L bags

polyethylene glycol 3350 syrup 240 gm - Bottle

Normiten 100mg - Tablet

Normiten 25mg - Tablet

Normiten 50mg - Tablet

Oxybutylin - Tablet

neomycin+hydrocortisone E/Ointment - Tube

Dexamethasone 0.5 mg /5 ml Syrup - Bottle

NovoRapid Flexpen

Nystatin oral susp.

Ofloxacin E/D - Bottle

Ofloxacin 200mg - Tablet

Amoxycillin + clavulanic acid 500mg - Tablet

Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid 875mg - Tablet

omeprazole 20mg - Capsule

Tamsulosin .4 caps

ondansetron 8 mg amp.

Dipyrone Tablet

Dipyrone 1g/2ml - Ampoule

Osmolite 237ml - Bottle

Alendronate 70mg - Tablet

Pantoprazole 40 mg tablet

Papaverin - Ampoule

Paracetamol 500mg - Tablet

Paracetamol Vial 1g/100ml

Parafin Oil - Liter

Paracetamol 250 mg syr. Or susp

Pediasure bottles

Ampicillin 1 gm vial

Phenyephrine 10 mg amp.

Phenylephrin 2.5% E/D - Bottle

Phenytoin 250mg - Ampoule

Pilocarpine 2% E/D - Bottle

piperacillin4 gm +500 mg tazobactam 4.5 - Vial

, clopedogrel 75 mg tablet

Metoclopramide Adult - Suppositary

Meticlopramide Child - Suppositary

Pred Forte E/D - Bottle

Prednisolone 20mg - Tablet

Prednisolone 5mg - Tablet

Pregabalin 75mg Capsule

Pregabalin 50mg Capsule

Pregabalin 1 50mg Capsule

Promethazine 25 mg tab

propofol 1% - Ampoule

Propylthiocil 50 mg

Protamine - Ampoule

Fluoxetine 20mg

Triprolidine HCL+Pseudoephedrine with codiene(comp) Syrup - Bottle

Triprolidine HCL+Pseudoephedrine + Dextromethorthan DM Syrup - Bottle

Triprolidine HCL+Pseudoephedrine Expectorant - Bottle

Triprolidine HCL+Pseudoephedrine Syrup - Bottle

Chloromphenicol e/o

Chloromphenicol HC e/o

Sulphamethozole800 mg +Trimethprim 160 mg Tablet

Sulphamethozol +Trimethprim 100ml - Bottle

Riboflavin hypotonic

Riboflavin Isotonic

Risperidone 1 mg tab

Risperidone 2mg - Tablet

Diclofenac Sodium Emulgel - Tube

Diclofenac Sodium 12.5mg - Suppositary

Diclofenac Sodium 75mg - Ampoule

Diclofenac Sodium E/D - Bottle

Propafenone hydrochloride 150mg tab

Propafenone hydrochloride 300mg tab

sandostatin 0.1 mg amp

Butylbromide 20 mg / 2 ml Ampoule

Suxamethamide amp

Sevorane 250ml

Silver Nitrate Sticks

Silver sulfadiazime 1% Jar 400 gm

Silver sulfadiazime 1% 50 gm tube

acetylcysteine 2gm amp.

Potasium Chloride - Tablet

Sodalime Powder - KG

Sodium Bicarbonate - Vial

Sodium bicarbonate 500mg - Tablet

Sodium Chloride 23.4% - Vial

Sodium Valproate Amp.

Hydrocortisone 100 - Vial

Methyprednisolone 1000 - Vial

Methyprednisolone 125 mg 2 ml

Methyprednisolone 40 mg/1 ml

Methyprednisolone 500 - Vial

sterile lidocaine Gel - Tube stillagel

Streptokinase 1500000 - Vial

Acyclovir 200mg - Tablet

Acyclovir 800mg - Tablet

Synacthen 0.25mg / 1 ml

Teicoplanin 200 - Vial

Clorpromazine 50 mg/2 ml Ampoule

Clorpromazine 25mg - Tablet

Carbamazepine Syrup - Bottle

Etoricoxib 120mg - Tablet

Etoricoxib 60mg - Tablet

Etoricoxib 90mg - Tablet

Thiamine 100 mg/ 2ml

Thick & Easy - Bottle

Imipenem 500mg - Vial

Diclofenac Potasium 50mg

Atracrarium 25 mg /2.5 ml

Labetolol 100 mg tab

Labetolol 200 mg

Labetolol 5mg/ml amp.

Triclofos Sodium 500mg / 5 ml Syrup - Bottle

Triamcinolone acetonide 40mg/ 1 ml Ampoule

Ramipril 1.25 mg tab

Ramipril 2.5mg - Tablet

Ramipril 5mg - Tablet

Ramipril Compound - Tablet

Ramipril Compound LS - Tablet

Tigecycline 50 mg

Acetazolamide 250 mg - Tablet

Ursodeoxycholic acid 300 tab.

Phenazopyridine HCL 100 mg Tablet

Vsodium Valprovate Syrup - Bottle

valsartan + amilodipine 160/5 - Tablet

valsartan 160 mg

valsartan- HCT 160/25

Valsartan+ amilodipine 160/10 - Tablet

valsartan+amilodipine 80/5 - Tablet

valsartan+amilodipine +hydrochlorthiazide all conc.

valsartan-HCT 160/12.5

valsartan-HCT 80/12.5

Valzartan 80mg

Vancomycin 1 gm

Vancomycin 500 - Vial

Iron sucrose 100 mg amp

Salbutamol Resp. Solution 20 ml - Bottle

Voriconazole) 200 mg tab

Voriconazole 200 mg Vial

viscoelastic 1.4 % ophthalmic gel (hydrolurinate)

Vision Blue - Syringe

Voluven 6%500ml Solu.

Water for Injection 10cc - Vial

Water Steril for Irrigation 1L - Bottle

Whey Protein( Easy Way)

Alprazolam 0.25mg - Tablet

Alprazolam 0.5mg - Tablet

Rivaroxaban 10 mg tab

Rivaroxaban 15 mg tab

Rivaroxaban 15 mg tab

Rivaroxaban 20 mg tab.

Alfazosin hcl 10 mg

Alfazosin hcl 5mg - Tablet

Lornoxicam 8 mg tablet + 8mg/2ml

Lidocaine 10 mg Spray - Bottle

Metolazone 5 mg tablet

Cefuroxime 500mg - Tablet

Cefuroxime 250mg Susp. - Bottle

Ondansetron 8 mg tablet

Zymar 0.3% E/D - Bottle

Olanzapine 5 mg tablet