^ B S PATT - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ' VOL....

' VOL. 10. NO. 2G4, - Twin Falls ' Delesalion Back'. From Junction City Inqliirv;' merce Exnlains Cnntmver.'iv. _ ThP dcIofinUoi) whirh retiirnnl from titrt tifflrlnti In OHctftni — SaUii^ay, comi>o»e<l o l.U L.'^Urtck* vnrldgc. H. J. BcnoU. and Newell S. ------ Wight.-report ■that-thg-htnri»it-^«'falch- t lI_J'<«UiCltlj3_ot:.'iiX'cInOiKt>ifleiuiec'_i“. , all soathcni Xau/io .«rowi!rs ttJtrf itlilp- iM’rg. nQl.nnlu_iit-nrnln, hnt,-nt.ull.f- In dLuuMlnK the hearinn Mr. WIkIU. ii'cretary ot Ihe Twin PftlU chambcr ot cotiimcrte. rriwrUi the followln«i-N rallnKid wus jmt into opcrullun, 'Ti'kii rdlbi WIUI r« Altuftiod tieoKmphlcally wlUi reloiloii to' raUrood tnm iporta- timi lu'to Jjc-ot-speclil-Rmiaicap-nnS'-r wiun prurtic&lly excluded from north- ----the-fr»lBhrT«te«‘rf!nnn'fiKrwHlcirweru’ u decided liandlcnp to uur cornmuii-. i ‘The tin t rent kluiilllcnnt odjtut- | ment on (ann productx va* obtaini‘d when the Sao f'ronclMo chambcr. of eommerce anrf Srin FnincLwo Kwln l>u)'cn> re<jueKt»-»l and 'recilvi-d a rale I on grain, _nnd jntU-urpduct»_ 0t..4g . centji which Is 1 ccnt higher Uion the . rnla-frgiaJ w ln FttlU.tn Portlii ifl, -L ____lnlerwt*_s«r«--«n(leavori)i||—1«—hRVfr - _the~n»Urfronl"Twim\iItr-vIa-ORden-' lo' Sun Pranclsco. 'though over 300' miles further, mule the tame a« the rote from Twin PalU via iV^enon ta . Ban PTtnclMO. The railroad compwi- ------ to* n » d> th * w q u w U tor-UOBMrln a -O tU- rtl«. OUrTwln PolU deleifallon bain. ' -^toed-thBrracnxTT»!C!mol[tOfoT1j^ granbd to Ofiden ttnleu u tlmllor re* ductlon w u mule on the prtsent ruu , of tnuuferrinc' itralo on khlpplns tronilt' bills would allow Uio UUih ' mlUR to obtain an advantage of on mueh u M centa a barrtl oi) Tloar or , & c«nlA to T ccntii a bushel on wheat iliippea io'thrTaat orSouUi If the rate were mado the lame os re* queated'by the Utah people via either; Uie 0«den ur Uie RoRenon-WcUa i route, such- 0 -dirrcrenco • couW -nnvp but one effect, namely. Uwt ,the nrlce ------ onnt to ^ m * (Continued on Page T«-a) ^siHHissit: OFPSGOIMS' Youths Suspected of Being Prisoners oi Two Deputies - Helii;-Sheriffs May Be Dead. LAFAYETTE, Ind.. Fe}». 13 i \o u llu ausp«{cd*or beln< "Johh’Bur'rii' 1 and Bumuel Baxter, prisoners who dls* J - . appeared-with two • deputy BherUfa ' last Tuesday while en route- from here I to the Indiana refomiator>' at Pend- leton. were held today In Uiree cities. ' Sheriff C. M. Johnston received telegrams frotn Kendereon, Kentucky. l^ pw . Innlnqls, fiid Oult^ rt. j tions of Burns grid Boxti-r wero held In Uiose clUes nnd reijucstlnK fur- ther Information concernlnK the cj* capetl prisoners. Sdore* cf Searehrrs Out • * Meanwhile scores uf dearchers con- tinued to scour Ujb country near here, seeklnc o clue as to the fate of the | offlc«r»,-Ji)hn P. Orm-c-and Wallacr-] - M^lure. ________ ' fuung man they declared fitted Uie ' deacrlpUoa of Bums and he .waa held. < Jfe gave hb name as Pont HaUey. ^ (Continued. on Page iiiree> | -G IIE flB lly liE -: IfF IE IIT INDICTMENT; ^ I BAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 13 (ff>j-T»ie ' Imllctment tirturned dl W ashlnjtw. ' ____D. C.. charging Harry D; “Curly" I l~^rown.'CallfoinlJi mlillonalro'jporti- "j _...jn»n^lw]UL...vtol«lloa..ot-..U>e Mann ., •oct. reached the of/le« of United States District Attorney Cfeorge J. J ........ Hatfield-here today. - . ............ — I llallleld taid he would present the t , ■ indlcuncnt to Uic.UnlUid.SUtrtcpnt, i .■■'■mlMloner lomomJw and that'after 1 j to Washlngtoa.- . < Brora.-wU9_Jsjiow„IM “ :P»nr ‘ dieo. branded the cUa^o og*ln»l i him as blackmail. He, said he would ( —= ‘lQ m ia jn iiH t'‘ihTTiid»niirotr-TU8- •; Iportonan u cliarged with havlni tnoraorted lC->-wr>old Constaoco : . aaytor. flalt Uke CHy, from>Plorida i to Wuhlngton. p. C.. m 1935. i r.BASBn wiiir: sintRRn of AHBot:i.\rKl> i=ni;3H __________ I IN HOSPITAL - .[ I duy sobmlltod to an op* " I; oration f j r ^ P B <fl<^cUta.~. "i h ] r — >inS8aUsfactorIl3r. *1 r tl 'J l II iifiiM IM s ^ K IIICIMSGI- 1 i ?iilN[8 lllEIIIEiE]i H . t j* —NativeszReafizezAimricansi.!; J' Are The“re for Nation’s Good. i ' a _____ jl II w^nNQTOw. Feb. 13 (;?>i-ne-|r I luniinir today (m n a personal ln> i-f4P>ctto»-<t^ndltte»-to-Hhrnri.i!wr- “ Ma)or-Oe«na-UJeiiDe,-,uto™ndaiit „ of tho marine corp*. prated the inor- aJe-ot the (roopa,aod Uw'dally feaui! ;;^or thr;i;vtttiylD~thaf aj^ry. j j said lhat Uie marines are In itliat ‘ country, "tor their own jtood," addles ^ that many of them told hlin they w r« Blad lhe Americans wert* Uiere. V fetllnt or U>e niU m towanl the b u (OonUnued on Paige ............J n Bar Asspcmtion to n f -Probe Disappearance"" •' \ ‘ i^f^O O O -iirN w adar ci RENO. Feb. 13 (^)-A n Invcstl* « Kiltlon by the Nevada Bar aasocla- » ------tion-will probably be ma d rln to — ------Utc-circunwUncetf-iiurroundlnB Uie'~ allejfcd dLuppearaoce of $4000 »' I ■Ihouiitalns, where two convicted’ ' I bank robbers assert they hid the * 1 loot stolen from the Virginia Oity bank last October. One of the - bank i|obbers accompanied officers - to the spot.late Saturday nl«ht but j only nn empty oil can was found. Tlie men state Uiey were "double* 5 crosscd' but Uie name of Ihe sup. .posed rcprescntattve of. U ie.m en,-- . who they assert took the mnnrv. *• ' n M lk - e h \lth h c ia .------------------ ipyiFHlTSEI ^GlnSlSTOII 1 ' _ = Befflaias=iif=fiolo'nei_£lint--C. - 1 Hearn Will Be Laid at-Last ■■ Rest in Arlington Ccmetery. . ATLANTA. Oa.. Peb. 13 (fl'i-Tho ' body of Colonel Clint C. Hearn n-- _ (Ired oirny officer, and a hero of the » AnUnoe lif January. 19W. was »^ntlo WasbingtoD. where he win ba burled : In Arlington national cemetery. Col* onk' Hearn died at his home lure Saturday night. _ Through hb'knowledge of propec- * made po;ullila the saving of Ute of- ficer* and men of the AnUnoe l»y tho steam ^p President IlooseVelt. on ^ which ho V u a passenger. Tlio clrlck* cn-veuel‘«''dlstwreall'TruTe«lved " ' by Uie aoosBVelt and Uie disabled ‘ m (t t^ 'tn ile d and finally located' J br^^-ltopjevtic.—Trtilch;rhowewrr - r. )vas forced to atand by helplessly for - thrco days ln UW'face-o^a t«Tlflc ' i sicrm; eiudylr.^ the iltuaUon. Col* i onel.»Wp.;ttcclded,thMt.a.lii^.«o.md _ r be ahot to Uw deck W Uie toundift* I. f<a tprlag in tbe deck guo. . 1 cues:In .cena ajui^ just M or4'tba IT 'A q t t h o r i n n n i o w i c -------- ; -------- I Colcnel' Hean w u retired' D ie3i),.:mft«r t.dUUngubhed to i. th« »m y.-U e n r e S T ^ i old a natlvie'Of ^B S ■.TWIN FALLS, IDAH< jiim H iil _ Pocalello. and Kellogg 'Are' Convention Citie^: Delepat;^^ ’ '‘ " W-iil '&o TtT Kansas City In-" _____strnfi>Pf<; R<^«in|n t ) f ) n s PflSS.' UOISE. Feb. lit i4‘,_ia.iho nepubll-! __ CflT^^ HffWiy f f n~ ; tral coiiiiiiltlef. toduy utten-d Idaho's non, Sriuitor Wlllluni E. iJorah, a» the _ ThLi ucll(}n wtt-s tjki'ii even though. SeiiaUir thirali hi**, w Ur. n(unc<i to, _ J«U.laii>M.U.b>.<miim.ncr.i-a^-n-pTWt-- Oilier n■sulutlull.^ ii,i\.v'd by the slate ! ci-niral cammlltoc indurvil Hit CooU I Idgc nullotial udnilnLstrution. the Bald- ridKe *lnte uilmlni-sirutlon. i-.nd tlioi r ^brK ol Idaho'* cotiKreMloflat dblcga.i Uiiti. Rcp^^•scnI4lln^•^ ot M»uthwestern 1 Iiluho cuunilo • ui u special •meelUiR ! rr mwdnhe-banncr-'cirvcoviTiior'Iluld-' rlduL- tor RfElt-ctlu;i."^'^^^ ^ , . J f l f J li-llr,i wm m lm lod m th * Uwla- Kite convcnUon city 'mio K«1U>((« ‘waii” mnde Uw convention city for the.nom- iniitlon of siate and- congrcMlonal tickcts. 'April 10 iviis tlic dali- fined for . .the Pocalello deliuuio convention' at E ywhlch thf 11 Idnho delrijuWs to the I nntloiul Itcpubllciin convention In Kntuas City will be i-lcclttl. _ / i P*'!*'' ior the nominntlon convention, ■".■XiiKUj.V:'H, w fixed .by’stntuter u.id i<|jii.u'iimiiuii mu iw iiii' irTthc-rame-baatvns-that-flxrd-tor-thr •fatmo fraitilirilfihii c~o:ive;itlon. Botii j. { (CcnHiiued- on Paee Three) i.jrinft fTr I ifinr iTii iiii ‘'' I H l IIIIS of LnliDL ITliLmN |T il[IE rn flE T l> E N » Uii _____ ^(1 Shouldorl'of Premier Uusso. as lini; Fascist to Pay Infltead. ey -------- •e. HOME. Feb. 13 (4>»-TJic llniuiciul ie bu[den of rrwnrdlni^ie heads ot larse ders of Premier Mussolini, who hen- tofore iuu given freely of his oun money for such_puT)0«M. The Fascist - stale-ptans lo-loke-over such payments on a fixed scolc;_____________________ a' Bcirt-luFi' aeneral ’I'urau. Ui u clr* culnr lu the pnrty leaders, scus forth a scheme for tlie_puynient lo luthem. of fanilllcs of seven children, and '— H)iiteililni^~^ddlllbRal"to' th^~fQthi;*a vf* - famillra-of-io-chlldren; - The plan-li slltl Uicoiiiplete. but It in known Uiut , Hmrliflnn will hnvn.,.to-cautribmu. Uirough n spccUr Ux."whicirincoiy will be used by Uie govemiiieiit for aiding moUieni and the newboni. ■■ SE r I M 7 ............................ ' _ ~T^ /«\v ;t - ' _____ :■ _______ 1^ _________ y _____________________ V nNV 11 " 1Inl I iiinu d w ///M (fW J^ ll* ill - i i l U ir lljll lc I >* . W .W far//i JS t' ■■ ilm m ' & ., „ ^ ia W Tmss^tmSFimrrn ^HO, TUESDAY-MORNING, s a a m e ^ B = B st^ = ^ = = JQ . “13" Proves to Be _ In p" ---------- .lAtiir.-;- Piiielv. j i r r . ’M>M tor.thf : p . rlKhiJu4lHi»^ror- dL'ordrrly i'on>--. a I unoihcr chance. jH :r nie n^ftralrT^ukinit nole ol‘ 'H the daJ. lemarkrd Uiut it Hn- *' ______ IfV tta^-ed u;derl>. !»• ioo. Itte . ! l.mcoln, jiil^ht iH iiiiin' prolOejir ~ 'Ilul Finley^lhoi^glvt not. L' ige! coiirU . ] « . ' ■•rwAS 'Oi.m la r ^ y ; - Sriitenc; .Mi>|>riiiird; B im T iE r Eioiiirinii iugh._; . . . . I'l f tO,^ T .'" . ** —— p “ l;| Oltici'?! Duties and Starts 15 ‘I'io to Florida to Catch Fish. ” ?ga7| ~ ~ tern . -------- -ift*: lUiR! WASHtNOTON. I-VU. 13 U^'-Secre- uld~l«ry“HuOk’fj-'’puv^asui<--onirlBl-duileiii— ^ .tunlght, ubjiidunliu: iciiiiKiRkrlly even!j„, I,.If- yni under vsv wIirn he aH-_n^ 'wiu('~n^iic^.li{mseir'a candlilatc' for. the; om* IVPUbllcau ; j>renldeiillaL numlnatlur, g, Diial uud starter! to Plorldii. o n 'a flsliliig ^ for irlp. rli i' ai It has been his ea^tom for,many the years to uet Irr a week or 10 days In In Februury oh the fljdilng gnmnds, / and Ills declination tonlKht was the i,, ilgn. norlda Key<. Key Weat btltut ilie gj tlm slopping ' ^ n t . ' ( , v ting- ^Onl>'-a-«'"'«” group.i^closfc-lrleiub mi ■pf -------- V m ':T C P HpciJ.- ---- ^ ------ Si —' Whllo In Uw Soulh Mr. noover 'wlU ^ mnke no tpcecliea. und Ls expected to devote his Ume entirely u> relaxation. 1 The commerce department head's n I annouhcem-.’n t that 'he would seek )j Idtlegutw lO'OhVi lo'the Kamus Clly ” |fllt4ttnventlon,-Jorjn»Hy-putUna-»iiai.lnlo .r, I N ilie' presidfn^W race.-brought-ft pre- f diction todiy Iroifi Senator &iwards, I ' Dfmocrat. N>w J<ne)-. Uiat Ute Hoo* roial . , .. S 380* Boise Lincoln Day ,„,ui Banquet D raws 500 - teo Idaho Republicans m Kju|.-|----------------------- •" *-------------------- Cl: BOISE. .Feb, 13 (/p)-Llncoln ai *| “ i ‘‘ a practical poUllclaa. Llncolii as *' ;!1.| -the.dreamer who yet could inake-- " his dreams comc \rue. wns Ahe —J— H'l-tii* nf rnninin A. H. Conner. ' superlnlendent uT. federal prlsoav *} In hU addresjrto MO Idalio Re- »' heff.i__publloans-heru tonight.— P' and The' occa.ilon was^Uie-tOtntli— anuuarbauquet of the Idalio Lln- • 'coin Day a»oelatlon."'D.'P. Banks. " ni Uiut Boise, foraier sUte trewirer. pres* ‘f c«y muster.. O..W. WorUiwlne. Boise, oi for was elccted pre.ildent for Uie iiMt « year. nl SENATOR WILLIS’ PRIVATE PART' S p \ '■ w . -O W tlllIl.il iniriim rm tsTou? "PATT NG.'FEBROa RY M, 192S. Lone Eagle . Arrives in Mis-l sfiiiri Metriinnlfcl alp niii' In' -1 .. Fog and Rain; Finishes 9000-1 Mile Trip: 6 uest of Citv.! iBv TJie Aivsociniitl Prc.M) 1 - ., ,ST. IJaUlH, ,Fcl>. .13 ■•Flylin; llitumtlL.- n fw:' and' rain. Colonel Charles A. IJiid- h , bergh completed a liOO-mlle non-stop Ing at Lamberl-St. Louis field-nt 5:01 'p.'m. today. He h-ju In ihe air JS hours nnd 38 minutes. .1' ion. December 13. for Mexico City.' ri» Colonel Undbergh hai co\’ered aboul j , MOO miles on a circuitous roule ahd: Sn» hnd visited IS natlon.< nnd dependen-! cies-ut i;enirui Him bouui Ainerlcai ^;atid the West Ijidlei. ___ 790 PeJ>on» oii Hand Im e m b e ra of the TiUrly-fifuV DIvLilun |^ ‘*|-Tn r - conE.- or~v >iirii‘ Luiiregfitir:ia ~ ~ " the |«xl*wiil -ambastador.-who U to be Uie guest of all St. Louis 'in un >>« aerial exlilbUlon on the MlssLnslppl river front tomorrow afternoon. “V HU approach to the tirld wns from ■f* the west at 4:M p. ni. Ptusliuj to the northwest. Uic Spirit of St. LouL%' began circling the ftsli f. an altitude. 1>!1 of flopnalmatiily lDOaect....UndbcrBii.) evidently was scatuiing jh e field to mak»-tui»-tw <!»wJ was in tlir wnv. -L plane tAere was bnck-slapplni; and a — . ol»4>rua-of-ifnfetlnf*-«ii-|*rp«ldenmtttr=^ Jill old M. Blxby of the chambcr of com- to (Continued oa Page Tm» lan. . C m iF flllN i SEE^S FIINfl viiK tt^tiiT tiiii u I. L It u I U iitr Ef0l|-GOIl!rT10MNETl«0ir ^ ___ — Bill, u iiil ■.:laf—Appropri»tion- WflO.000 to Prepare Plan for T rank Littcg and Branches ^ WASHlNaTON. Feb. 13 <yP]~A bill n s protxxing Uie esUblbhihent of a Pa- clflc- ooast m tionnl-hlghyny-Hyatem' wlvlch would provide Uirev trunk lines. with laterab. along Uie Pacific coast k,-. from_Catnda _to_Mcxlco,_waa .Intro- duced today by Representative Crail. .f Republican. California. It asked nn 5=“ appruprhUon-«H8»,000-forUifrjirtp«- tlun of plana and such oUier appro- nrlutlons as might be nwMsan- tn Hi build the hlahwara. ■ _____________ ___ n. I'hc roads would fonn a BjTiienr'of u. - motor-truck hlgHwwi.* "lb niwt; Uie J. . transport requirements of lieHvy com*- ,e. ordnance in Ume of wnr.“ They would x\, extejid Uirough Uu (tales of Callfor* nla,. Oregon and Washington, ’ARTY HOW ABOU7 / / 'T H E N EM ^ '' d a n ce .................... \ [I'D loveI \ IT ^ ' u K u &TW^N w V6rt iwuiin#, toe.’ 'VNn, . ' ' 3 MliMlll'll AiJillV ni'UhlM/ *. ■rt-’ »:tli«'i-i-vno.v.s________ ^ ‘i | niinist'pi- of England ia nciir " Til— fiff'ufcB-of tlio W orld J ^ 1 jj war. iS'I S i ly.! y J ^ top I ill IS ; • -.j*. Ira ■- -- ItyTl ;>e Jid: ft Teal Tbli S I'j 111 thj. » }*/' 'B18ISMSM;[ i:8lliFMtlFE- to _____ la iiU iarl-ot-O K lord-and-A sqm to- S «'^-=^iimlFSinRiiiiiFFsmiisr'aiS 'm- '• .. te Bedside; Nation,. W atching.i™ land. Frb. H iTvnuUy momingl 1 U-L-JiP.,B.AU_luiBg. far lh- rpcy y m of I vr IR- —thF'Earl of-Oxford and-Aa4BiU»— tM w u abandaaed by bU pbyalciaii' earty-UtU oiarnlng. - - SUTTOK. COORTENAy.'Bnc.. Peb; 9 13 (yp)-The Eurl.of (Oxford and As- " »e« (Jiillh, who JW Herbert Asquith, prime ” minister, wns one of the grcou figures ■„ bill of (he World war. was believed., to be 'Jl Pa- dying tonight. Hc had been diicon- (Continued on Page Two) in J 0 -. y Irglnia-Statesm en ---------- i J tl; 'Adjourn in H onor of a -^ v ih \^ P r e s id e n t( | ^— m croioNPrtflT-FiiiT-ir'fyi- 'of ^**or_ Uie Iir»t time liTlW history ^ .iiie the lower'iimnclVo( the vfrglnia if general assembly today adjourned | I to honor the iiicmor}' 0/ AbnUiain..| :or* Lincoln. R, Lindsay Gordon, who Inlro-' . ^ duced the resolutloil calling for adjournment, In a eulogy of Un* coin said that "every southeni u __ gentleman now ogrees with iln* coin ofl (lie slavery question" and ___ ,_.thnt .hU_dcnih_at lUe h a i ^ of a "Aoulhem luiuitlc'' wa.t u severe ' blow to liie boutii. LiDyiiiloLs ClflliiPISiNT? - “___m w ■Famotir-EnolistHVomatt-BiS' “ cusses Anglo-American Rela- ^ tions at Dinner in L o n d o n . !! _____ . . tc ' LONDON. Feb. 13 VUcountciS ----- Airtor,-extolllng-Abraham-UncoIn-at a tl ■. birthday luncheon honoring the Amert* t4 ___ pan rivii wnr nrfsldfnt, today. dtflCUS- _d sailed liie "100 per cent cltUcn* as a * menace to Intcniatlonal amity. She regarded Lincoln not as the typical 'I Amerlean: bul the embodiment of the ' best qualities ot the clUzens of all countries. HU Virginian parentage, f she said, smlllnBly, probably explained ^ _L _ LInfPln'.i grettinrss. __________ ^ Lady Asior urged unity ot feeling between the Unlled SUtes and Greet Britain and exiiressed the COTivtctton - - lether-by-Hvlnr-up-lo-lheir-hlfheat - Ideals. it •'It ta tlio 100 per..c«nt.Amerlc«i and ft . tbe 100 -per cent EnglUhman I 'fear. ‘ ^ ciUzens ought to be locked up;- They ^ Br^ a dajiger to Uie -wrld.** ,. *1 , - America; said the-nkUve-'VJiglniitf, tl Is very young.: very large, rich n ------MMUlycry.^ veii__bmnpttom." ;^addlng « "I do not lUame ft; wB5TtogIiDd w u very rich, .she .was-venr-bump* q Alluding to Uie question ofiA nfri* qi can impopitl^rltdr Attw- Mid: « “Baglind has never beeo.» popu- , , jw r,iK t.io “pitj Him Mdipm UIB B .[ BC. nli'pl^te.'* ... . . '■ '-j* ' PR IC E5C EM IS. _____ I ■BiifsiiiP= j, rate B«nd Issue This Year; I I Would Expand - Curriculum. " '' liriii-Kunliailon of the Junior- and • ■M'itkir-lilHli-*olioolii-and-«ompl«i«-uUl— t-'uiluii Ll cxistlnK Echool buildings jb) W. u. Smllh. superintendent of I'lwin Fulls scliooU, will,MlVfjemp«*_____ I Jraril}' {he housliiv problem in Tvln ‘Kulh 'cliools ami eilmlnDte necnsily >>eur. iiiciiibcr.% of the .whool board ■uere told at u regular meeting l£«t Uilghi. I Ncce»»v for usr of thr lol» |biisemrnt cinssroonu till the Slew t rrhcul uiiU ni mosij ot the- unseuw*it : clasYooms In the lUncoln sciiool -1-uouill-be-elimlna ted-la-the-superln-------- 'IlfndtnfirTttfognunrwnicli.'-iL wns ci- ‘ ------ liilnlnwt »-nuld. InvohT no atlriltlniml • - I flnaiiclttl niitlav and, consequently, no •.extra tax ,lt;vy._........ ............ : ..... ............ ;j -Wenld Expand Curricnlnnt I Tlie luperlnlendent'a 'program-also . ._ uuuld provide for expansion ot the high school curriculum to provide . courscs of itudy in.addition to studies for college entrance requlrenwnls. Here is the superintendent's pro- , Qpl»h Inst evening: - _________ ^ __________ fchools whereby the present school ot 3lx_(i0-mlnvie_j>eriods w ould"^ ex-_____ .j tended.lo..(lght.pcrlQdi.dC45 ihluules ____ ench. with enrichment of Uie c u n l* -._ culum by Inclusion next year of. 10 ' subjects- nol liow offered, lo provide. tlx new couraw of study—high school larlal and accountancy In | business, J.vnrtHnnnl fnr Y<}t1*llonal fOT ' Would ^ e SlxUi OradM ' from \he Bickel atad Lincoln KhooU , to be departmentallse<t in the Junior , and senior high schools, thus ellm- , Inatlng necessity for using basement rooms and the loft-In the'Bickel - liuildlng.-and-moit of ih»-bmm«nt—^ in the Uncoln building. ContempUt* ed changes in the auditorium at'the ' Washington'school would provide ed- - dittonol-Khool-Tooms-in that building. •;.* Tills reorganluUon would enable .1^11 use of the ^ WtiiiiiR : Mftipp m Welby Hunt May Admit Part . In Death of Druggist; to '^Go'~^oii'~Tria|-Wlth~Hlcliman;— LOS AKOELES. F.b. 13 m -H w JMulblllty that Welby Hunt, may en- I ter a plea of gullly on Wednesday ' when he and William- Bdvard Hick-------- man go to trial for their Joint holdup- murder ot C, Ivy Thoms, a year ago ’ was Indlcsted today by attorneys. - The attorneys added thal Uiia alto might result in Hickman, slayer of , Marian Parker, being tried alone lor ' Clifford Thdms, deputy district al* tomey. assigned to prosecute the Joint ‘ murder trial ol the two youths, con« ferreff~with the A, Oray OUmer. . Hunt's counsel. Tf^ said Oilmer . to make known his ilccUlon tomorrqw. — Will Have 11000 » Day I "A plea of gullly will save the coun- I ty.about $1000 & day." Uie dblrict at- _____ . tomey's deputy said, “and will expo* . dlte matters considerably. j , declared sane by a superior court Jury I In coflnection with the slaying of < I (Continued on Pago Two) iM iilT iiS X F n il: i flEIITII PENIlTI F O R il] L _________ . leg over an im agini^ grave, hewn ■ • froiujhe.hart_ctly_6t.ii1ta:t::bue"-^ lm{nLJMiii...Bt«te'» Attwac. f O. Kanioa held a crowded courtream v tpeUbwtid'^ay'U he teeeoitnietM' ' V tb«-.1tUUac.Qf-^.Sisa..a^Ba^ I pdfaW'M'.tomiing"fl%'Wth«r:^^^^^ ‘Tor ^ t f - £ pM~<ilUl^ .: ' ' 'llv

Transcript of ^ B S PATT - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ' VOL....

Page 1: ^ B S PATT - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ' VOL. 10. NO. 2G4, - Twin Falls ' Delesalion Back'. From Junction City Inqliirv;' •

' VOL. 10. NO. 2G4, -

T w in F a l l s ' D e le s a l io n Back'.

F r o m J u n c t io n C ity I n q l i i r v ; '

• m e rc e E x n la in s C n n tm v e r .'iv . _

ThP dcIofinUoi) w hirh retiirnnl from titrt tifflrlnti In OHctftni —SaUii^ay, comi>o»e<l o l .U L.'^Urtck* vnrldgc. H. J . BcnoU. and Newell S.

------W ight.-report ■t hat-thg-htnri»it-^«'falch- tlI_J'<«UiCltlj3_ot:.'iiX'cInOiKt>ifleiuiec'_i“ . ,

all soathcni Xau/io .«rowi!rs ttJtrf itlilp- iM’rg. nQ l.n n lu _ iit-nrn ln , h n t,-n t.u ll .f-

In dLuuMlnK the hearinn Mr. WIkIU. ii'cretary ot Ihe Twin PftlU chambcr ot cotiimcrte. rriwrUi the followln«i-N

rallnKid wus jm t into opcrullun, 'Ti'kii rdlbi WIUI r« Altuftiod tieoKmphlcally

• wlUi reloiloii to' raUrood tn m iporta- timi lu 'to Jjc-ot-speclil-Rmiaicap-nnS'-r wiun prurtic&lly excluded from no rth -

----the-fr»lB hrT «te«‘ rf!nnn'fiKrwHlcirweru’ u decided liandlcnp to uur cornmuii-. i

‘T h e t i n t rent kluiilllcnnt od jtu t- | ment on (ann productx va* obtaini‘d when the Sao f'ronclMo chambcr. o f eommerce anrf Srin FnincLwo Kwln l>u)'cn> re<jueKt»-»l and 'recilvi-d a rale I on grain, _nnd jntU -urpduct»_ 0t . . 4g . centji which Is 1 ccnt higher Uion the

. rn la -frgiaJ w ln FttlU . tn Portlii ifl, -L

____ lnlerwt*_s«r«--«n(leavori)i||—1« —hRVfr -_ the ~ n»U rfron l"T w im \iItr-vIa-O R den-'

lo' Sun Pranclsco. 'though over 300' miles further, m u le the tame a« the rote from Twin PalU via iV ^enon ta

. Ban PTtnclMO. T he railroad compwi------- to* n » d> th * wquw U tor-UOBMrlna-O tU-

r tl« . OUrTwln PolU deleifallon b a in . ' - ^ to e d - th B r ra c n x T T » !C !m o l[ tO fo T 1j ^

g ranbd to Ofiden ttn leu u tlm llor re* ductlon w u m u le on the prtsent r u u ,

of tn u u fe rr in c ' itralo on khlpplns t r o n i l t ' bills would allow Uio UUih ' mlUR to obtain an advantage of on mueh u M centa a b a rrtl oi) Tloar o r , & c«nlA to T ccntii a bushel on w heat iliippea i o ' t h r T a a t o rS ouU i If the rate were mado the lame os re* queated'by the U tah people via e ith er; Uie 0«den ur Uie RoRenon-WcUa i route, such- 0 -dirrcrenco • couW -nnvp but one effect, namely. Uwt ,the nrlce

------o n n t to ^ m *(Continued on Page T«-a)

^ s i H H i s s i t :OFPSGOIMS'

Y o u th s S u s p e c te d o f B e in g

P r i s o n e r s o i T w o D e p u t ie s

- H e l i i ; - S h e r i f f s M a y B e D e a d .

LAFAYETTE, Ind.. Fe}». 13 i\o u l l u ausp«{cd*or beln< "Johh’Bur'rii' 1 and Bumuel Baxter, prisoners who dls* J

- . appeared-w ith two • deputy BherUfa 'last Tuesday while en route- from here I to the Indiana refomiator>' a t Pend­leton. were held today In Uiree cities. ' ■ Sheriff C. M. Johnston received telegrams frotn Kendereon, Kentucky. l ^ pw . Innlnqls, fiid Oult ^ rt. j

tions of Burns grid Boxti-r wero held In Uiose clUes nnd reijucstlnK fur­ther Information concernlnK the cj* capetl prisoners.

Sdore* cf Searehrrs Out • * Meanwhile scores uf dearchers con­

tinued to scour Ujb country near here, seeklnc o clue as to the fate of the | offlc«r»,-Ji)hn P. Orm-c-and W allacr-]

- M ^lure.________ ■ '

fuung m an they declared fitted Uie ' deacrlpUoa of B um s and he .waa held. < Jfe gave h b nam e as Pont HaUey.

(Continued. on Page iiiree> |

- G I I E f l B l l y l i E - :


BAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 13 (ff>j-T»ie ' Imllctment tirturned d l W ash ln jtw . '

____D. C.. charging H arry D; “Curly" Il~ ^ ro w n . 'C a llfo in lJ i m lillonalro 'jporti- "j _...jn»n^lw]UL...vtol«lloa..ot-..U>e M ann .,

•oct. reached the of/le« of United States District Attorney Cfeorge J . J

........Hatfield-here today. - . ............ — Illallleld taid he would present the t

, ■ indlcuncnt to U ic .U n lU id .S U trtcpn t, i .■■'■mlMloner lomomJw and t h a t 'a f t e r 1

jto Washlngtoa.- ■ . <

— Brora.-w U 9_ J s j i o w „ I M “ : P » n r ‘ dieo . branded the cUa^o og*ln»l i him as blackmail. He, said he would (

— =‘l Q m i a j n i i H t ' ‘ihT T iid»niirotr-T U 8- •; Iportonan u cliarged with hav ln i tno rao rted lC->-wr>old Constaoco :

. a a y to r . flalt U k e CHy, from>Plorida i to W uhlngton. p . C.. m 1935. i

r.BASBn w iiir: s in tR R n o fAHBot:i.\rKl> i=ni;3H __________


I d u y so b m ll to d t o a n op* " I ; o r a tio n f j r ^ P B <fl<^cUta.~. "ih ]r — > in S 8 a U sfa c to rIl3 r. *1

r tl

' J l II i i f i i M I M s


IIICIMSGI- 1 i ?iilN[8lllEIIIEiE]iH . • — t j*


J' Are The“re for Nation’s Good. i 'a _____ j l

I I w ^ n N Q T O w . Feb. 13 ( ;? > i-n e - |r I luniinir today (m n a personal ln>

i- f4 P > c tto » -< t^ n d lt te » - to -H h rn r i . i !w r - “ M a)o r-O e « n a-U JeiiD e,- ,u to ™ n d a iit „ of tho marine corp*. p ra te d th e inor-

a Je-o t the (roopa,aod U w 'dally feaui! ;;^or th r ; i ; v t t t iy lD ~ th a f a j ^ r y . j j

said lh a t Uie marines a re In itliat ‘ country, "tor their own jtood," add les ^ th a t many of them told h lin they

w r « Blad lhe Americans wert* Uiere.V fe tlln t or U>e n iU m tow anl the b u (OonUnued on Paige ............J

n Bar Asspcmtion to n

f -Probe Disappearance"" •'\ ‘— i ^ f ^ O O O - i i r N w a d a r

■ • ciRENO. Feb. 13 ( ^ ) -A n Invcstl* «

Kiltlon by the Nevada B ar aasocla- »------tion -w ill probably be ma d r l n t o —------Utc-circunwUncetf-iiurroundlnB Uie'~

allejfcd dLuppearaoce of $4000 »'

I ■ Ihouiitalns, where two convicted’ 'I bank robbers assert they h id th e * 1 loot stolen from the Virginia Oity

bank last October. One of th e - bank i|obbers accompanied officers - to th e spot.late Saturday n l«ht but

j only nn empty oil can was found.Tlie men state Uiey were "double*

5 crosscd' but Uie name of Ihe sup . .posed rcprescntattve of. U ie .m e n ,- - . who they assert took the mnnrv.

*• ' n M lk -eh \lth h c ia .------------------

ipyiFHlTSEI^ G ln S lS T O II1 ' _

= Befflaias=iif=fiolo'nei_£lint--C. - 1 Hearn Will Be Laid at-Last ■■

Rest in Arlington Ccmetery.

. ATLANTA. Oa.. Peb. 13 (fl 'i-T h o ' body of Colonel Clint C. H earn n-- _

(Ired oirny officer, and a hero of the

» AnUnoe lif January. 19W. was » ^ n tlo ■ WasbingtoD. where he win ba burled : In Arlington national cemetery. Col*

o n k ' H earn died a t his home lu re Saturday night.

_ Through hb'know ledge of propec-

* made po;ullila the saving of Ute of­ficer* and men of the AnUnoe l»y tho s te a m ^ p President IlooseVelt. on

which ho V u a passenger. Tlio clrlck* c n -v e u e l‘« ''d ls tw re a l l 'T ru T e « lv e d "

' by Uie aoosBVelt and Uie disabled ‘ m ( t t ^ ' t n i l e d and finally located'J b r ^ ^ - l to p je v t i c .—T rtilch;rhow ew rr - r. )vas forced to atand by helplessly for - thrco days ln U W 'face -o ^a t«T lflc ' i sicrm ; eiudylr.^ the iltuaUon. Col* i

onel.»W p.;ttcclded,thM t.a .lii^ .«o .m d _ r be ahot to Uw deck W Uie toundift*I.

f<a tp r la g in tbe deck guo. .

1 cu es : In .c en a a j u i ^ ju st M o r 4 'tb aIT 'A q tth o rin n n io w ic -------- ;--------I Colcnel' H e a n w u retired 'D ie3i),.:mft«r t.dU U ngubhed toi. th« » m y .- U e n r e S T ^ i old a


^ B S■ . T W I N F A L L S , I D A H <

j i i m H i i l_ P o c a le llo . a n d K e llo g g 'A r e '

C o n v e n tio n C i t ie ^ : D e lep a t;^ ^ ’

' ‘ " W-iil '& o T tT K a n s a s C i ty In -"

_____strnfi>Pf<; R<^«in|n t) f )n s P flS S .'

UOISE. Feb. lit i4‘,_ ia .ih o n e p u b ll-! __ CflT HffWiy f f n~; tral coiiiiiiltlef. toduy utten-d Idaho's

non, Sriuitor Wlllluni E. iJorah, a» the

_ ThLi ucll(}n wtt-s tjk i'ii even though .SeiiaUir thirali hi**, w Ur. n(unc<i t o ,

_ J«U.laii>M.U.b>.<miim.ncr.i-a^-n-pTW t--

Oilier n■sulutlull.^ ii,i\.v'd by the slate ! ci-niral cammlltoc indurvil Hit CooU I Idgc nullotial udnilnLstrution. the Bald-

ridKe *lnte uilmlni-sirutlon. i-.nd tlioi r ^brK ol Idaho'* cotiKreMloflat dblcga.i ■ Uiiti. Rcp^^•scnI4lln^•^ ot M»uthwestern 1

Iiluho cuunilo • u i u special •meelUiR ! r r m w d nhe-banncr-'c irvcov iT iio r 'I lu ld - '

rlduL- tor RfElt-ctlu;i."^'^^^ ,

. J f l f J li-llr,i wm m lm lod m th * Uwla- Kite convcnUon city 'mio K«1U>((« ‘waii” mnde Uw convention city for the.nom - iniitlon of siate and- congrcMlonal tickcts. 'April 10 iviis tlic dali- fined for

. .the Pocalello deliuuio convention' a t

E ywhlch th f 11 Idnho delrijuWs to the I nntloiul Itcpubllciin convention In

Kntuas City will be i-lcclttl. _ / i P*'!*'' io r the nominntlon convention,

■".■XiiKUj.V:'H, w fixed .by’stntuter

u.id i<|jii.u'iimiiuii m u iw iiii'irTthc-ram e-baatv n s - th a t- f lx r d - to r - t h r

•fatmo fraitilirilfihii c~o:ive;itlon. Botii

j . { (CcnHiiued- on Paee Three)

i . j r i n f t fTr I i f i n r i T i i i i i i

‘' ' I H l IIIIS o f Ln l iD L IT l iL m N

| T i l [ I E r n f lE T l> E N »Uii _____

^(1 S h o u l d o r l 'o f P r e m ie r U u s s o . as lin i ; F a s c i s t t o P a y In fl te a d .ey --------•e. HOME. Feb. 13 (4>»-TJic llniuiciul ie bu[den of r rw n rd ln i^ ie heads ot larse

ders of Premier Mussolini, who h e n - tofore iu u given freely of his oun money for such_puT)0«M. T he Fascist

- stale-ptans lo-loke-over such payments on a fixed scolc;_____________________

a ' Bcirt-luFi' a en e ra l ’I'urau . Ui u clr* culnr lu the pnrty leaders, scus forth a scheme for tlie_puynient lo luthem. of fanilllcs of seven children, and

'— H)iiteililni^~^ddlllbRal"to' th^~fQthi;*a vf*- fam illra-of-io-chlldren; - The p lan -l i

slltl Uicoiiiplete. but It in known Uiut, Hmrliflnn will h n v n .,.to -cau trib m u .

Uirough n spccUr U x ."w h ic ir in co iy will be used by Uie govemiiieiit for aiding moUieni and th e newboni.

■■ SE

r IM 7 ............................' _

~ T ^ /«\v

;t - ' _____

:■ _______1 ^ _________ y _____________________

V nNV 11" 1 In l I

iiinud w ///M (fW J^ ll* ill

- i i l Uir l l j l llc I>* • . W .W f a r / / i J S t '

■■ ilm m '

& . , „ ^ —

ia ■

W T m s s ^ t m S F i m r r n

^HO, TUESDAY-MORNING,s a a m e ^ B = B s t ^ = ^ = =

J Q . “ 1 3 " P r o v e s t o B e _

I n p"---------- .lAtiir.-;- Piiielv. j i r r . ’M>M tor . t h f :■ p . rlKhiJu4lHi»^ror- dL'ordrrly i'on>--. a

I unoihcr chance. jH : r n ie n ^ f tr a lrT ^ u k in i t nole o l ‘ ' H

the daJ. lemarkrd Uiut it H n- * ' ______ IfV tta^-ed u;derl>. !»• ioo. Itte

. ! l.mcoln, jiil^ht iH iiiiin' prolO ejir ~ 'I lu l Finley^lhoi^glvt not. L'

i g e ! coiirU . ■

] « . ' ■•rwAS 'Oi.m la r ^ y ; -S riitenc; .Mi>|>riiiird;

B i m T i E rE i o i i i r i n i ii u g h ._ ; . . . .I 'lf t O , ^ T . ' " . ** —— p

“ l ; | O ltic i'? ! D u t ie s a n d S t a r t s 15

‘I'io to F lo r id a t o C a tc h F ish . ”?ga7| ~ ~tern . -------- -ift*:lUiR! WASHtNOTON. I-VU. 13 U ^'-Secre- u ld ~ l« ry “HuOk’fj-'’puv^asui<--onirlBl-duileiii—

.tunlght, ubjiidunliu: iciiiiKiRkrlly even!j„,

I,.If- yni under vsv wIirn he aH-_n^'w iu('~ n^iic^ .li{m seir'a candlilatc' for. the; om* IVPUbllcau ; j>renldeiillaL numlnatlur, g, Diial uud starter! t o Plorldii. o n 'a flsliliig ^

for irlp. rlii' a i It has been h is ea^tom for,m any the years to uet Irr a week or 10 days

In In Februury oh the fljdilng gnmnds,/ and Ills declination tonlKht was the i,,

ilgn. no rlda Key<. Key Weat btltut ilie g j t lm slopping ' ^ n t . ' ( , v

ting- ^Onl>'-a-«'" '«” group.i^closfc-lrleiub mi

■pf -------- V m ':T C P HpciJ.----- ------ Si— ' Whllo In Uw Soulh Mr. noover 'wlU ^

mnke no tpcecliea. und Ls expected to devote his Ume entirely u> relaxation.

1 The commerce department head's n I annouhcem-.’n t th a t 'h e would seek )j

Idtlegutw lO'OhVi lo 'th e Kam us Clly ” |fllt4ttnventlon,-Jorjn»H y-putU na-»iiai.lnlo .r, I N ilie' presidfn^W race.-brought-ft pre- f

diction tod iy Iroifi Senator &iwards, I ' Dfmocrat. N>w J<ne)-. Uiat Ute Hoo*

roial . , . . S380*

B o i s e L i n c o l n D a y

,„,ui B a n q u e t D r a w s 500 -

t e o I d a h o R e p u b l i c a n s mKju|.-|----------------------- • " *-------------------- Cl:

BOISE. .Feb, 13 (/p)-L lncoln ai *| “ i ‘‘ a practical poUllclaa. Llncolii as * '

; !1 . | - th e .d re a m e r who yet could inake-- " his dreams comc \ru e . wns Ahe

—J— H'l-tii* nf rnn in in A. H. Conner.' superlnlendent uT. federal prlsoav *}

“ In hU add resjrto MO Idalio Re- »'heff.i__publloans-heru tonight.— — P'and T h e ' occa.ilon wa s^ U ie -tO tn tli—

anuuarbauquet of th e Idalio Lln- • 'coin Day a»oelatlon." 'D .'P . Banks. " ni

Uiut Boise, foraier sU te tre w ire r. pres* ‘f

c « y muster.. O..W . WorUiwlne. Boise, oi for was elccted pre.ildent for Uie iiMt «

year. nl


S p

\ ' ■

w■ . - O W t l l l I l . i l

i n i r i i m r m t s T o u ?

" P A T TNG.'FEBROa RY M, 192S.

Lone Eagle . Arrives in Mis-l• sfiiiri Metriinnlfcl alp niii' In'

- 1 . . Fog and Rain; Finishes 9000-1 ■ ‘ Mile Trip: 6 uest of Citv.!

• iBv TJie Aivsociniitl Prc.M) •

1- ., ,ST. IJaUlH, ,Fcl>. .13 ■•Flylin; llitumtlL.- n fw:' and' rain . Colonel Charles A. IJiid - h , bergh completed a liOO-mlle non-stop

Ing a t Lam berl-St. Louis field-nt 5:01 'p.'m. today. H e h-ju In ihe a ir JS hours nnd 38 minutes.

. 1 ' ion. December 13. for Mexico C ity .' r i» Colonel U ndbergh h a i co\’ered aboul j , MOO miles on a circuitous roule ahd :

Sn» hnd visited IS natlon.< nnd dependen-! c ie s -u t i;en iru i Him bouui Ainerlcai

^ ;a t id th e W est Ijidlei.___ 790 PeJ>on» oii Hand

I m e m b e r a of th e TiUrly-fifuV DIvLilun |‘*| -Tn r - conE .- or~v >iirii‘ Luiiregfiti r : i a ~ ~ "

the |«xl*w iil -am bastador.-w ho U to be Uie guest of all St. Louis ' i n un

>>« aerial exlilbUlon on the MlssLnslppl river front tomorrow afternoon.

“V HU approach to the tirld wns from ■f* th e west a t 4:M p. ni. Ptusliuj to the

northwest. Uic Spirit of St. LouL%'‘ began circling the fts li f . an a ltitu d e . 1>!1 of flopnalm atiily lDOaect....UndbcrBii.)

evidently was scatuiing jh e field to m ak»-tui»-tw <!»wJ was in tli r wnv. -L

plane tAere was bnck-slapplni; and a — . ol»4>rua-of-ifnfetlnf*-«ii-|*rp«ldenmtttr=^ Jill old M. Blxby of the chambcr of com-

to (Continued oa Page T m »lan. . ■

C m iF flllN i SEE^S FIINflv i i K t t ^ t i i T t i i i i u I . L It u I U i i t r

E f0 l|-G O Il!rT 10M N E T l«0 ir^ ___

— Bill, u i i i l ■.:laf— A ppropri» tion-W flO .0 0 0 to P re p a re P la n

fo r T ra n k L ittc g and B ra n c h e s

W ASHlNaTON. Feb. 13 <yP]~A bill n s protxxing Uie esUblbhihent of a P a -— clflc- ooas t m tionnl-hlghyny-H yatem ' „ wlvlch would provide Uirev trunk lines. „ with la terab . along Uie Pacific coast k ,- . from _C atnda _to_Mcxlco,_waa .In tro - „ duced today by Representative Crail..f Republican. California. I t asked nn 5=“ app rup rhU on-«H 8» ,000-fo rU ifrjirtp« -

tlun of plana and such oUier appro- nrlutlons as m ight be nw Msan- tn

Hi build the hlahwara. ■_____________ ___n. I 'hc roads would fonn a BjTiienr'ofu. - m otor-truck hlgHwwi.* "lb n iw t; UieJ . . transport requirements of lieHvy com*-

,e. ordnance in Ume of wnr.“ They would x\, extejid Uirough U u (tales of Callfor*

nla,. Oregon and Washington,


H O W A B O U 7 /

/ 'T H E N E M ^

' ' d a n c e ....................

■\ [I'D lo v e I

\ IT ^

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K u & T W ^ N w V6rt iwuiin#, to e .’

' V N n , . ' ' ■

3 ■ MliMlll'll AiJillV ni'UhlM/* . • ■rt-’ »:tli«'i-i-vno.v.s________

^ ‘i | n iin is t 'pi- o f E n g la n d ia n c i i r "

Til— f iff'ufcB-of tlio W o r l d J ^ 1 jj w a r . •

iS 'I S i

l y . ! y J ^

top ‘ I ill

IS ; • - . j * . Ira

• ■- --ItyTl ;>e

J id : f t

Teal TbliS I'j

111th j. » }*/'

'B18ISMSM;[ i:8lliFMtlFE-

to _____ la

i i U i a r l - o t - O K l o r d - a n d - A s q m t o - S

« '^ - = ^ i i m l F S i n R i i i i i F F s m i i s r ' a i S'm - '• . . te“ B e d s id e ; N a tio n ,. W a tc h in g . i™

land. Frb. H iTvnuUy m om ingl 1 U-L-JiP.,B.AU_luiBg. far lh - rpcy y m of I vr IR - —th F 'E a rl of-Oxford and-A a4BiU»— tM

w u abandaaed by bU pbyalcia ii' earty-UtU oiarnlng. - -

SUTTOK. COORTENAy.'Bnc.. Peb; 9 13 (yp)-The Eurl.of (Oxford a n d As- "

»e« (Jiillh, who JW Herbert Asquith, prime ” minister, wns one of the grcou figures ■„

bill of (he World war. was believed., to be 'Jl Pa- dying tonight. Hc had been diicon-

• (Continued on Page Two) in

J 0 -. y I r g l n i a - S t a t e s m e n ----------i J

t l ; ' A d j o u r n i n H o n o r o f

a - ^ v i h \ ^ P r e s i d e n t ( |

^ — m c r o io N P r t f lT -F i i iT - i r 'f y i - 'o f ^**or_ Uie Iir»t time liTlW history ^ .iiie the lower'iimnclVo( the v frg ln ia i f

general assembly today adjourned | I to honor the iiicmor}' 0/ A bnU iain ..|

:or* Lincoln.R, Lindsay Gordon, who Inlro-' .

^ duced the resolutloil calling for “ adjournment, In a eulogy of U n*

coin said that "every sou theni u _ _ gentleman now ogrees w ith iln *

coin ofl (lie slavery question" and___ ,_.thnt .hU_dcnih_at lUe h a i ^ of a

"Aoulhem luiuitlc'' wa.t u severe ' blow to liie boutii. “


- “___• mw

— ■ F a m o t i r - E n o l i s tH V o m a t t - B iS ' “

c u s s e s A n g lo -A m e ric a n R e la - ^

t i o n s a t D in n e r in L o n d o n . !!_____ . . tc

' LONDON. Feb. 13 VUcountciS----- Airtor,-extolllng-Abraham-UncoIn-at a tl

■. birthday luncheon honoring th e Amert* t4 ___ pan riv ii wnr nrfsldfnt, today. dtflCUS- _d

sailed liie "100 per cent cltU cn* as a * menace to Intcniatlonal am ity. She regarded Lincoln not as th e typical 'I Amerlean: bul the embodiment of the

' best qualities ot the clUzens of all countries. HU Virginian parentage, f she said, smlllnBly, probably explained

_ L _ LInfPln'.i grettinrss. __________ ^

Lady Asior urged unity o t feeling between the Unlled SU tes a n d G reet Britain and exiiressed the COTivtctton

- - le th e r-b y -H v ln r-u p -lo -lh e ir -h lfh e a t - Ideals. it

• 'It ta tlio 100 per..c«nt.Amerlc«i and ft . tbe 100 -per cent EnglUhman I 'fear. ‘ ^

ciUzens ought to be locked up;- T hey ^ Br^ a dajiger to Uie -wrld.** , . *1

, - America; said the-nkU ve-'V Jiglniitf, tl ■ Is very young.: very large, r ich n

------MMUlycry.^ veii__bmnpttom." ;^addlng «"I do not lUame ft; w B 5 T to g IiD d w u very rich, .she .w as-venr-bum p* q

Alluding to Uie question o f iA n fr i* qi can i m p o p i t l ^ r l t d r A ttw - M id: « “B aglind has never beeo.» popu- ,

, jw r , iK t . io “p itj Him M dipm UIB B .[BC. n li 'p l^ te .'* .. . . . '■ ' - j *

' P R I C E 5 C E M I S . _____ I


j , r a t e B « n d I s s u e T h is Y ear ; I

I W ou ld E x p a n d - C u rr ic u lu m . " ' '

liriii-Kunliailon of the Junior- and• ■M'itkir-lilHli-*olioolii-and-«ompl«i«-uUl— —

t-'uiluii Ll cxistlnK Echool buildings

jb) W. u. Sm llh. superintendent ofI'lw in Fulls scliooU, will,M lVfjemp«*_____ IJraril}' {he housliiv problem in Tvln ‘ Kulh 'cliools ami eilmlnDte necnsily

>>eur. iiiciiibcr.% of the .whool board ■uere told a t u regular meeting l£«tUilghi.I Ncce»»v for usr of th r lol»|biisemrnt cinssroonu till th e S l e w t rrhcul uiiU ni mosij ot the- unseuw*it : clasYooms In the lUncoln sciiool-1-uouill-be-elimlna ted -la-th e-su p erln --------'I lfndtnfirT ttfognunrw nic li.'- iL wns ci - ‘------liilnlnwt »-nuld. InvohT no atlriltlniml • - I flnaiiclttl niitlav and, consequently, no•.extra tax ,lt;vy._........ ............ : ..... ............ ;j

-W enld Expand Curricnlnnt I Tlie luperlnlendent'a 'p rog ram -a lso . ._ uuuld provide for expansion ot the high school curriculum to provide

. courscs of itudy in .addition to studies for college entrance requlrenwnls.

Here is the superintendent's pro-, Qpl»h

Inst evening: -_________ __________

fchools whereby the present school ot •■ 3lx_(i0-mlnvie_j>eriods w o u ld " ^ ex-_____.j tended.lo..(lght.pcrlQ di.dC45 ihluu les____

ench. with enrichm ent of Uie c u n l * - . _ culum by Inclusion next year o f . 10

' subjects- no l liow offered, lo provide. tlx new couraw of study—high school

larlal and accountancy In | business, J.vnrtHnnnl fnr Y<}t1*llonal fOT '

Would ^ e SlxUi OradM

' from \h e Bickel atad Lincoln KhooU , to be departmentallse<t in th e Junior , and senior h igh schools, thus ellm- , Inatlng necessity for using basement

rooms and th e lo f t- In the 'B icke l- liu ildlng.-and-m oit of ih» -b m m « n t— ^

in the Uncoln building. ContempUt*ed changes in the auditorium a t 'th e ' Washington'school would provide ed-

- dittonol-Khool-Tooms-in th a t building. •;.*T ills reorganluUon would enable

.1^11 use of the ^

WtiiiiiR: Mftipp m

W e lb y H u n t M a y A d m it P a r t .

In D e a th o f D ru g g i s t ; to

'^ G o '~ ^ o ii '~ T r ia |-W lth ~ H lc l im a n ;—

LOS AKOELES. F .b . 13 m - H w JMulblllty th a t Welby H unt, may en- I te r a plea of gullly on Wednesday ' when he and William- Bdvard Hick--------

■ m an go to trial for their Joint holdup- murder ot C, Ivy Thoms, a year ago

’ was Indlcsted today by attorneys. - The attorneys added th a l Uiia alto

might result in Hickman, slayer of , Marian Parker, being tried alone lor '

Clifford Thdms, deputy district al* tomey. assigned to prosecute the Joint

‘ murder trial ol the two youths, con« ferreff~with th e A, O ray OUmer.

. Hunt's counsel. Tf^ said Oilmer n »

. to make known his ilccUlon tomorrqw.— Will Have 11000 » Day

I "A plea of gullly will save the coun-I ty .about $1000 & day." Uie db lric t a t- _____. tomey's deputy said, “and will expo*. dlte matters considerably. j

, declared sane by a superior court Jury I In coflnection with the slaying of < I (Continued on Pago Two)

i M i i l T i i S X F n i l :

i flEIITII PENIlTI F O R il]L _________ .

leg over an im a g in i^ grave, hewn ■• f ro iu jh e .h a r t_ c tly _ 6 t.ii1 ta :t: :b u e " -^ lm {nL JM iii...B t« te '» A ttw a c .f O. Kanioa held a crowded courtream v

tp e U b w t id '^ a y 'U h e teeeo itn ie tM ' 'V t b « - . 1 t U U a c . Q f - ^ . S i s a . . a ^ B a ^ I p d faW 'M '.to m iin g "f l% 'W th « r:^^ ^^ ^

• ‘T o r ^ t f - £ p M ~ < i lU l^

. : • ' • ' ' l l v

Page 2: ^ B S PATT - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ' VOL. 10. NO. 2G4, - Twin Falls ' Delesalion Back'. From Junction City Inqliirv;' •

- — P « g « - T w o — - - - - ........... . * - - -

l a l i i i f f i g

_^-H am per-W ork. j t RcTcueTs !i

—— Despite Masks: m a aControl; Small Property ^oss. t■: ■■. j-g . ' t

T IMMQN'S. (>nurl», tVI'. l t—

" m rn whn Jln t In «l.r llo lllm fr ' [ _ _ * a n ^ U lu u te f_ u a i_ l j i i iU |l iL J lL J h ! l_ w

»Bffate lalp lanlelit. TItr bodit^ , o J - . l l th r vlHIm* CT-tltr flrr

---------hrnim ,.ai I., th f minf M f.I-Ylilay Juvr nnrt' lirrii if«-..vrrra. TJ

— - ' . ' ". r , 1work ot rcni(iv:ni: Uir lw(ttc.< nf :<9 ■

liaiwiRr* ot llir IIoUIuk't t|nH m lnr j,------ nfogrrw d-»l«»«[ay-m Uv— Emcruciicy.: j)

cresni l»u<l brmiilii oiU- 20 h f to r r ' nlRhlfftll. anrt rxprrtrrt lo c i«m ilrtr, i,

------tUlllDII'''.'Deivir Mivikr nnd li>-a\y I'ihu-.h s lin ,

linrniHTrtl ilit- vork of iMr rr« -u rr* , Jrsp llr Uicji- w s iiin‘k '. TUr l)ltu<-, IIK.1 rr|i ir'~il --'''ihiiI hui ir. fllir'550-fooi U'vrl 11 was Mill -snioiil-;- d« ln« . . 1'M iner* liHl'vrd Jt woiilil b^ w v - ; '

- rra l" .li^ 'S~*w rnrr-the—iigeii o n e ' — i f

( AU>r riiknu»M - Tb■ ""-" o flig ittlfi nf th r »ia iimi!fr w m iiHM ■ |

Vcte n n a b lf ro li«rllw--«'-CAUsC-for „ llu- <nra»tr;. Tliry bellcvod Uic (Ir**

■ started-iri ftir nbniidoHed wrilon w tirrr ,[nibhlnh a nJ powdrr boxM had a c - . j, cumulalfd. A. K BliiRliam. K cn rra lji inaiiaRcr of Ihc rumpaiiy. di.scmint-, r fd nm u in ol Mibolaftc wiilcIi iiad [ f Kftlnwl ciirTiMicy in ll'i* ‘wo I *

nmr ^ n v '* 7 ( ii .i .r ^ irn c f. Ik- snid.- but i r

------r[Tmricial-los.V-t^cessniinn i>f nimiiiK oprnilions. T h e , v di-alh loll wa-i .wTctto l>« ihi’ la rs r 't-; I

— ^<rW!‘ -eK ar t" r t- ln -a * m h it-d U a» lc t- lii .^— -Onmrjo,— S s o rr l^ -bt-hi-vrd a - l n - b c I

the first of iu kinrt in Norlli Amer- . ira. slncc tin- m h n tliif ol th li iiu- ■

, lurcM^ .'mfcnpwn-.

■BRITISH STATESMAN jl' - BA IICIN (rF0 l t- tiF E ;5

__________ - j t

Bcloiis *li»« w rly iiUcmbonliBidi.Uiftj'i: inlcftl-bulleiin in-sucd by thc '«o»n<l* r ing pliym cian'tit 4;S0 p. m. rfjw rtrd! lh a l lie wan sfowly sliiklni;. . I t

Oxford hud been in lli heillli (or n{c ■"“ Ionic llllll'. Ijui iJiilmonwy-eotnpllefi-11

tions dyrclappd and h is cmirtlllon w a*l| Immcdlntrly considered grave. ' l

Camily s i Bcd<lde Early in the evening U d y O ifoid.lv

?rlnccM Bibctco. hi* doiiRhter; Art»|i tlioiiy Asquith nnd u lhvr membem afi«

— iliK fnmllv tt'ori- mutrliilltt ut the bfd -'ll ntde-fau( thc rr wb« tiotliitig ln~ Hicjf

-lL -7hi^!o l7n ila ..Q ulcl.-V iii''80P_‘J‘‘‘l‘'-‘* 'j i '



" .............- v

j4 v k: ;t r i i :

Menco C|^ to G i

—-------- r—r-Hondum-Nicani......- ....... .- .----■ y i^ ifc c is rT i

■■ ..................x A i i d t i o w

'> A tribu te tb the man

. . : : - - _ . ^ T W i N - E A L L S D

i ; c d T o m 'U N D B E R G H ■

| - ^ ( . . & M D S . l N : S L - L O U I _ S _ , a

I (ConUmirt prom r t i c _ O n e > _ [

m m e . Actitw Mayor waiivi- neuii aim k olhew '1 ^

j..i 'l iu i

> IlBht. . ----- -— .•. - lJm ll>prulr:J»iiPltr;’ Hew Irnin KcV|~-• »t FlwilJ* K

• To C «lar Kcy« i.tid ih^lr look a tom - d» , HUM coiir-'c ll) SI. l.<)Uls. which he .(I

loilouTd, nyliiK lo«. -Visibility, he jfo Vnid, wa* "very Idw." . . . al

I "1 .iliiik tO'iiiy tmU'iH-iilwdtlyi

i t f o l lm rc d M r n O T h 'to - th f - M iw w T ^ „ and tlirn I clrfl.d Si Charie*. Mis-

-'T tonrtr^nd"c«m f-in ltt-the-H ylH *-ii«dfrom the we.«." ., Tltl* I-' Ih r iiicthwi imrd by mall nii> r. inid nilit-r i»irin>n of Lambtrt-^ hi 181. U iils Held when the w raiiicr ooeslil 'n o l -p m u tt lliHii to lind ihetr bear-1 to

Hr.lfl»«t \v i l h Inqnlrif«

• Iilann lor the futnrr. U ndb rn ih f - | h i r.: ijUmU ------ -— _________ J ____________ 1C

"i liav<* tio tilaiw beyond ny}n»,n>c viiiBlI next Munday-” • L l

-Arr il>»iir- Aikid a rr|>nrlrr I*:I; ■ in r - f ll r r f f » tr» >->ain li.—i[ "Did von have unythlns to fa t?" ] | .

■■Whnl> lha i Hot to do with it?" h r . rrnlird urinnlne. I . ,

(IoKkIch im»hed 111*'oil i>b ;flyinR lieimet. U ndbcnth w ai cucorl^ iio a iiatigar. A fler oreeiln** there in?

i!B-M -tnke[i_liL.charge by H arry Hall ,, -Jin lcU L nt the liome M whoi» f a t n ^ I'llU.TTv Fn-TirH Knlffl>T~LrmtKr^~^-lllibe a ttiiest to n lih t,* 'ra p K nights w w i'liBckers oj Lii.(n)<^rjin in m iniiis_^

■ iiilantic Ihaiii. . '.- . IGeneral eommenl. wij.» thttl“ li"tt'onifl “

’ liny rould” hiirilly IVavr'botn choWh;{*' ^!Jn: Ihe rettini to Uir home field.;*" l ll l l l* w as-ctnphaM tcd u l ie n • U ie. C h l-!■: rngo a ir mall plnm-, in w hkh Dud “ U nnrnri:, ve tffan Uler. look c ff a tj'O . |<;W p. in.. returned noon a ltrrw ard.] •; ■ifliirnry Mid tlif ,nm m al)tiea.--tO -thi:i^ , i northeast was m>. dPii.sc t i a l h c ,^ -

r p m r n miiii .niiiniiion!i iiniim .iiit u iu ti'im! ‘ wen* m-arly as bad as nt llicnuildinK'; C! ;-• f itld -w her«-l>«icw ui-ttcrc_lluhtcd_a5iiil I furlv nn 3 :<S o, m.. bpfuiiw ol t h f l in

................ ........ . W «;lii»t tlu- uifni MiUruiiiin was botilinK s];

,Jj) Ihl* red 'b rick hou.w wiHch bd rdm [llic main roadway. U;

• I n i c whole B rltb li nation to lik lil [jy •rWoii'WaLel>itiK-wiUi-dccli.sympainy~.UiE Ui

; ebbing-of the lltc. of the .man who n; .held the hi-lm of nifairs a t th e o w n -in i

- ting tlie U real war and wlioTiiiirW W i'ni >tn&rt^ol the country's lllc for ihv iwsI .L i• tlalf erntiiry. I |r l! Lord Oxford, o r "as lie wns tw itrr

I known during m w i ol his iwlltlcnl> I carccr, Herbert H. A.«iulth, reiircd

si he re.ilgned ■ from tlic leadership oflllir Llbcml p a r ty ............. .... . ti■ His fonner robust health soon be-

1,1 i;ah 16 r « l ■ Uic 'c frccl«” or'adVaiieiiiir I S( •^Blfi^and hc became a i\ Invalid, biil^' fiwaj< -Mill fresh and vigoriia In niim i:ei - 'n n d keenly Interested In affairs bu t| e(B-aa^^«niiuic i» move aiiotu oii~i«i;.i«j

LNAte s m

s another pi a-stop

ivrtHa t i o n G a s o lU M P H « i o » T R I U M

G i u t e m a l a B n t i ^ H o n d u r a s

i r a g u a - G o s t a R t e a - P a n a m a - C o l o

— J P o r tp .R ic o —

w 'au o iS e f~ p fo U eS i‘~fibv4te^^

H A V A N A / f f - S T L O U l S '

lanu fcctu ring skill o n d '^ d e n c y o f th s A trtiim p h for Pac ific C o ast G n o l

i-p rapiired-w fiih s a m e aVUl 1

} D A IL Y N E5K S J I W I N F j

JSUBlSElimM M W.,‘|M n seJ ii:-C a sB of Accused i j t l ^ u i iEi j a u g m iiy ^ ^

* duelloTTtSt-^^aiiK of evidence in the C;emberj;|pmen: trial of Parley Clark, e ! former Uurlcy city clerk, came to an

abrupt en d 'In dl«trtc} c o u rt 'h e re nl n i g JO n*cifl?h " ili lB 't lm liin. iir*

«p|)h‘ i r ■ Pi-terson announced thnt n7 '( cvidr ncc WQuUm>e o lferrd In brlialf

of the drleiiw . '11 Immi'dlaiL'ly Iliercaflcr llir Jury V jheurd th r aUomey's argmnenta and

■-.to bogln deliberations.

' !iiifcn(li*n because ol the pramlnrncr^Trf-thr-defeiidtti^lr-end-tiie-iw irtrootii-■ I has been crowdoil ihrougliout tin- trinl,- aw Ju-w lJo-L s-a-fiaU vc-al-ldiiho-lm d. '‘ nerved for >fvcit yearn-o.^ OurleyM

jf lty clerk.' lie U chtifged wlth^ ^ ^c

i | 26M of lhe .nmount alleged to have *’ ibcen i-mbottled Is snid to have been

r.itiiv.'-ri tn !bf rliv fxrhcoiier hy the ^ nccuscd 'm nii and his friends.


- {------ (Continued Prom-P»ge-Oi>e) - r -

,'i i n ia rln w ' and ' nil other AmerlcanH UI Ifine. he imid.

I Qurslloned as lo liow long ll would liin-uulrc lf> drive out Sandlno und his , followcr.s. tiie general dcclarcd lie had i no Idea, addinis'that it w ai a b o im- p't>o»lblc to k-nrn how many followers T 's i indino-hatt:----------------------------------- -|.l, .Ail ta r as }■" jr f jc u n c ■

g -fh lp o tp -o tu l-p la e e t-w lw rc - llie y .liWj I been ntluckcd. He expresned doubt ,r in iliT T c ru V a lj '^ f - th e -cn tm a tcs -o l- “ ciiiTu-iiitrerantoiiR-avttditro-.rtropp5rb*-

:ause tlicrc was no way by whiclt they■ could be counted. Hc drclini-d to K specuiuli- on the outcome of the Nlc-0. n rn tu a i i■ fJeclton.f J l t l l .......... .....

Oeneral UJeime was cf the oiiitilon Umt Sandlno flblainfd most o f» h ls

II nrms through the failure of some ofU ioM .-lnvolvcdTInA hV i'««»l-«® i“ ‘^

0 there to turn lliPir arm s over to the I- marines. He- said il had bccii dctcr-n ’liiiucd.iiuttcCir.iM r bHiioniD nna tm re »t U w ls maehlne guns ot th r i lyfw used

lln the World war.,:•r --------------------- '— "'J BASKETBALL RESULTS

ifT At M I«oula: UiilvcMlty ot War.hTng- ton S i;. University of Moniana*^l._

At SI. Joseph. Mls-voiiri: Hlllyardsiiijso:-CrctRht<m -29,— . ------ rI I ;- At U u AngcU-j; U nlwrsltv'bf South* ;{ |lern Cniitomla M; Slantoid 33. iM_____ •« j WfH-« ivam rrarji ijie pcopjc you

iyr?lT~~to~attract ~ • • ~



^ w 1 “

j l i n eM P H ! *ra» — Salvador — o I o m b i a - V e n e z u e l a T - ^ ---------1--------[

t s p f l i g h t ^ = r z ^ f r ~ ^ -

i i s '! . ■_

tiio S ta n d a rd OiJ Com* ^M Q line-J.R«l C row n ./o r____ _______— itUl u p o n w h ic h Colonel • , ,


r F A L L S . i D A a Q . T U j f e P A ^

H OGOErRATE'HEARING" -----[;I I L ; ^ d i m a M E = i M P O B T J » i i = ^

j j . ^-^ F O ^ S O U T H E R N ^ I D A H O ^

U L (ConUnued Ifnsm p i g e o n e i

F a iu growen >ovild l ie e d " to ~ 6 e 'r e r [ J _ - - id w ^ ln .o r d « r J o j_ ^ r w uU iem . Idaho fhsed A nd.jb

~ J , ^ n c o - - t ? i » J ia rd w heat and scniL-I^ T ltP lhurd Wllgttt*nrrat7?nri-l.. tl... tou4a>lte~C0UlltTV a~Ban>lv MifnelentsSlii^the hupply Ihe-locol d e m e tid '- T B T lio u r ^ l r

ark, practically no hard w heat Hour ia ship- [ an ped trom Uie Twjn KalLi- country lo "

! a t , California markeU. IhU nrrangem ani ^

“ lii7 nT 'ii'*" ‘” ‘! •no Our Twin Palls 'delegation gave les- S’

lialf t lmoriy to «ling' w in , ../.w.. ^m unliy h a i pild ' ipproxim ately »SO.OOO

Jury •“ '" I * for-^erlltlcdte of coiivcnienct* • |a n d neccssliy and riglit-of-way u well

MO.wju liavilig ' biten II m ade on ihs c an of rlght-of-w av * through the O lah coir.iruetlon com-

•nce P ^ l’J^OlOniJts. u u r Uclcaiilloii Hialn- ta ined lha t thiit gum wn< Moended i

rial *®a'a>uniti- with lhe expreti .liad '*'’<J'!f*tnndini lh a l benefits siiould re- v ip,;-, stilt-frorp-the-conBtnretlon-of .m c -n o j r a the ‘••^f'-W ells railroad and th a t If r pnnA I rales, no t onlv on grain and j.T^T^mtii-promictrairTnJlitnined In lllc com^ iBve jwople- were loleen maintained • Identtenily w ith the r i l i l the OKden routv. thnt t

belieficjal reiulU for our growers and 'i !hlppers in w uUieni Idaho f ro m .th e o

• I construcitoi of the railroad. i, „ _ .iZ I3 !hO d A ll0 jjub lia im iU c»rcbh 'in iU --^ ■ R F elon furnished evldencr and testimony . , I »P.j|^"»>nnttate ..if5 .'iaci:iiia i ilie acT~;

I luul“ iio."tt bl UTHisportlng gram a n d , *i:r] 'ftliy:'^U »krT |ii^ ticU “ ^o ^rio rU ierir ta H u fo rn la - la uot u g reat w hen -ah lp p cd i

through Rogenon>Wclls as when bc- Duld Ing shipped'v ia Ogdi n bixausc b t the

Ills d llfcrencc in tbe leiigUi of liaiil' o f ' had lh e iwo route*. ,■■n* SIsow ll»ndlrup a

"neprescnlatlves fil the sduU iern’* 'idu Jio tnni mtcresK hhuw cd-.llie'de* '*

■nllj|j iitrU))Uv«u4i4Udlwi»-Hhtv ivuuld-lrt-p)ai?-

iiamP.-ThU-rato-ca»«-U);-con»Ulcred-hy _ ‘he people of ow community as very

L ^ i jJpU E aaranc^^ lf^iT T T icrp-o t^ft test case affecUm: all fu ture pos- sible adjustments. H ii i,s declared by

Nl- th e intersu tc commerce commUslon lh a l rates sliculd bo tlu- »amc regard-

iiloiV’ **-'"-*’ ' * a>-" iouiid th m it h ' -.l i ls a s coitipaird n /iii a short route. nf Uirough Rojerson-Wi'ls. ihen ll wlW bc n E t^ W rid lI I ic u l( ,_ .lu I j^ .u iljlu ii .- ra t« o n - ’ the o tlier commodities be:,ides g rain In .ter- lace of nn ad\Trs<' decision ngatn it i

used .

k J ^ H o O t y ] , t h r o a t 01

^ I e b m t (- C \

f y

— [i» u th e fn -ld 9 h o -« n (t-tf ir-T ip ln '> a ll». country In Uiti (nO n rate . cau .


pn Idaho, tax U r ^ i r r t which jF flu ld -e au sU m i-to -a -o e n u -e-b ia h ei

« • laddJUonal coat. ThU U an additional [ m l i i a n d lc a p ^ h icli bur: cotamuahy-mutt.

jly h o y fulIWi I l f n i lL ih c jm m ia f c com-

■ ^T m ercq commUilon will n r t-p iJ iU tfe t request which would make Uie raUi Identical wllh Uio m via Ogden a i

' J ? ccmpilced with- U » ro u u throuih ?«|jiTP.n ersen. Wt-. f t t f lu tm ne n r th M -t^ -

■’ prfvlouily-wJiai aevirre handlbip Rich , ^ r ft reducllon would place .upon Uie ,^ ;K /5W S r» 'a n a m ip p e r t in -On? coin-

I inunily." _ . _

well I_________ -V^ j t t t r b e r t c . h o o v e r .

y , . . T H R O W S . H A T IN RING

U ial i — (Conllnued-Pm m Puge Oiiel-------ircti _ . -------- ---------------------------------------I rc- vcr-WllUs_tlght.>la-01iio-would cause. logr -u-“ spiii-amoi:(i“ U)e"TU pubU einj'n«j

If Ri\-e Uie-Democrats the slate in the

^ ^ '^ " ’^ a icJlon'^^lil Neulral e to While there have been published

the reports th a t f-ecr«tao' Mellon might tha t tiirow hU stren g th to hti cabinet

a n d ' Iterated today tiia t • he still favored ! • the tn unli^structed delegation, from

I’eninyivania to the Republican cori* mU—v-rrit ibn-and^hat-iTC 'H TO • "nor Tca3y~ lonv VPI" lo stvv wliom_he favored tor the ■

ac- iinfiv’.T nrg»tdcntlal-~ncmtnatton" Mr." ,ang,M cUon,.faid |haV Hoover ’s an n o d n c p ' ' ““ ■jiicut dirt..nol wtcE hU.neutral.'poal-

. i.ion- ut present,

. t h e . -------- CA W J: O P THANKS :1 of ^ve wUh to extend our slnctrc

thanki to t h o . Iriends of K im berly. and Twin FnlU who remembered u»'

, ,„ n . « kindly -during lhe lllncrf and d e a lh : de . of our-deftr-daughU r-opd-tU U r J aftr U

and tor^thf^bcnttU lul ^flow

I k . Sylvester A ^iac 'o it:, » * '------------Viola-W llllam *---------- :----------- ^

'5 2 ________ Oscar W nnacott. ^ _________Qeorge W onacolt. “

5 ^ ' Evelyn Meade.Ilia Clas.vn.Newton W onacctt. •

, Alberta Haaford.-*■«>»...............o m i c T a '^ tmmiDt t.- " - 'sutc Edward Wonacoti.H b e _______UulKC W onacolt. Adv., o n --------------- ------ ------ :I In Science has eonqucrcd the bed-bug! ilnst Fly-Tox fcllLt th e m .-A d v.-

r^Mbftriiids o rw in d ,” sa ited -sta f—

' ' ' ' '

G w r t : i i r t t a t k m ^ < r ( E l b u ^

‘"■I'^O ilTH F O rC R IM lN A L - L ..............MAY. PI F tn -R i i i i -T Y .L

,j^|M~Brtnn"paikfr. might be contlcicd|u lhe! nnd-lB mgetb lei- U» Thoo ia^u rd«c |6 il^Jlbefore hU «PP*al frcm Uie Parker

c a ^ 'vcrd ltl~ *''*“ «otutiiW. ; Keyta

-\Vi[|-Tr*!!!? tor sUlf^

lias ifgvd accomplice, the it-year-old h . ai Hunl.-ln the Thoms murter^ nuih ■ '-‘rte liad a^lot'of-tun^U ftU ylnglT Uie' : z z z z g ^ - T"”— :*3it.

s -E tk s-s i^ T h u r s d a y , F

_ ................... ~ F o T i ;

iiiS — ;— B o x i n s r a n d - O t h e r

All Lpcal.iiiid Viaili

5 S M a i n B o x i n g E v

inel ___________ RQCI t ^ MOOR]rom — V8.-

S p — B A B & H E R M A tthe • -

W r - !{ i 're lm ii

NO ADMISSIOctrc ' .. ----------------------------------- -lerly.

» t h :sarU . , . .

— ^ ------------ C c r t i f i e d - P r y - L a n

— ■ .This"seed was grown' a t” Ashtb of Mr. E.-O'umlnghftinr^^ell kno dry tnmi.' No vi-alcr trom IrrlgnUon

If You Want the IVst, Insist 'o __ - ..WlUiniil IrriHilnn, __________^

Adv. S e e J . B .-----: - rhone^HW.—---------- --------------------bug! ' ,

lysSiFHat^__— ^ofcfunan fp.

wonderful toasted flawn 'Strikes. Vve smoked -Luc

_____________ t h i s t i n y Vve heen actiideniands a clear voice- , « v tn d for d a n c i n g . A r i d M c G r e g o r , *I(*s a l w a y s a n i c h t i v i t h L tic fc ie s — H o hurt m)i tv i f t d o r ( h r o d t

i f e

' “ T h e C r e a m o f '

. , : ...................t h e i

~ -------=(QLSst. r . . . $ a y e to b k c o I o q i6

T o b n c c o - r i s e l i { b r t n y o c c a s i o n o l p l e

------------ I h a v c n o H c c d t h a t i n^ b a i c c o g ro w B , T h e

• C ^ p a n f b u v g *-Thi{

k n o t ir > v b a t ^

'‘ J ; -iB d^ufccl^ .

> I ♦ ■ '

-. a fa tn * t-m er-w a tc h 'h lm “w h e n 'l - to k e -7— , th e ita n d acaln it him.** Hlekman said. '

• I" 1! "'ZZ

. Uie supreme court w U lM ow T Jerom e 1 Walsh, defense chlet counaM. has

M i t a t a ; " ’ •• ---------- ^

: ■ ^ S (rs:--^4obnaon:»-g i^^1 have b « n moved^lrom-HW Kimberly

road to 338 T hird ave. eaat. Phone 1I721—Adv.

M G K E RFebruary 16 ~U lock

fir- EnteEtainment.______a i t i i ig -E lk .- i . lu v i to d .

Cvent 10 Rounds


-VNNrSalhtiake— - =


'A FC ? P O P Q A T T !___________________j l / c j o r ^ t : r f t a u L i a i i i - . i ,*i „ = iz:r

and-Red-Taff-Seecl-------- —h tb r ir id » h b r 'u n d iir ' lliu. B iip tn islon ' known grower of th a i placc o n .lil s ,lon was used on ihLi land.I 'bn G etting S « d C row n.on U n d .

?. WHIT E ____J j

^Laud^7 ^

vor that comes intuckv .ucUes for years and ail :tive i n m y w o r k w h i c h _________

c / o r s t n g W ® ” ^ 800dn d s o 1 s a y to Sandy s a h r a hricht^moonlicht H o o ^ M o n » t h e y d i n n a l a t . ” *

S i i^

T o b acK rC ro p ”

e l i T o b a c c o — l F o x > h ^ h t p l e a s u r e . l i n m y b u s i h e M it i n t h i 5 S o i t t h U n d . w h e r e : --------•h e ' . ^ e r i e f l T f r - T o b a c c o ______'h 6 ' G r e a m - o H h e G r a ^ —' s t r i k e C i g a ^ t t e a . - 1

Page 3: ^ B S PATT - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ' VOL. 10. NO. 2G4, - Twin Falls ' Delesalion Back'. From Junction City Inqliirv;' •

SPO= M lH illH F I

j^^-r^C nglatfl-eiasg ^ a ^ M h y

NOHTH CONWAY, H. II.'. Feb. ll . V (/P)-Leo«4rd 8eppala'« icixhi of HI ~ bcrU in'HtuUn KOTvd anoUihr Irhi'mpl ■— : t g i C T i a g r tney~W 'cniiBtr=5oaa<yi: — blct-'AIUlcan d r im an w y v ic too ' li

the annual lhrt«>day point-to-poln m e o t Uw* Npw Enjiliuid »1«1 doi

------- .-club. -Tho-jMro.or-U»-«lft»l»-K>-Noni(w ith Mmm III a dlpjillicria epltlcmli ft few yeoni a jo . covcrcd Uic 13(

---------- nUlM -to-U ..tw ut^an .M a-m l»nitw .—T his was one hour IT .ininutra niic

411 »econJ.t, tx-tlcr Uian Uie timp «i , Einll 8 t. Ootlnrtl. ^-niithful .triv.T m

/ the Pos. ManUobu, wlio (liibhcd scc' - 4 on d l»-»<6Bi49.— 6 t .-G o d n « t-b a re h

\ licltl his lulranuwc over Earl Brydgvs also ot The Pag, miJ the ir tuascli toi w o tu ] jihcc »aa oi wuuiaodljjff In. lorcsi b the tliml day o t racltitf.

Shorty Ruxaicl:. llie tlUrd en try fron: Thu- Pas, fourUt in 15:«;63; Waltei Channlin;. Uostoti. 48«ycar<old driver tlfUi in 15:S3;t5: M n, B P. Ricker

---------- i'uiund iJprliitirMnliic, slxUi ln " lC :«nnd E. I>, Clark. West Milan, Maine losl In 17;54;10.

■ Scpi«la._w Jw _lK lcc_Jias_w on_Ui( 'A laikaii awtepslakcs. and n-on Uu

- • • Ncvr-EnglBim .n -m v iiu t yi»r..knlnc< n lead ot.liaU lioiir on Ihe.flrn r JaV i

______ n)iU re ta ,N or.tix_co» .w .; i s i ^ w n l aadded another hnlt-hour lo i r o n Uk

. sccond day. drlvlnx trom Laconia U___ Wolteboro and piled up an nddlllonal

17 minutes and 48 u-condH on Uio re< - lu m from WoUebon) to NorUi Conwa) today.

______ ■ ,HqnKIXS FIOHTS MELLO________ BOSTON, rel), 13 C4>)-Acc “V^lld-

______ *l«n^_loday_tp_niCfl_ALMello..LowcUclnlinaiit of the New England 'welier-

______ a eleht boxln; Mmmplon-'hln In it 10.round bout there on February 27. Ir a mootlns in New York severnVmonUu nRo Hudklns was awarded th e declslor over Mfllo.

------------- ::--------- bU W Jfi: WINK-----------------

< CLEVELAND, Ftb, 13 ^ - J o e Dun. — tle«,-welU‘rwclghv cham pion--of.- lh-

world, scorcd a technical knockout ove; r iy >ni Hull,, r in rit qouUjL^Dakoto.^to^

York, stopped' th e Tight w ^ m a h f l l round of Uielr scheduled 1 3 ^ u n i bout. Dundee woir every round cx cept the second and hod Hull Imlf «-o: Ihrough-the ropes a l lho finish. Dun deo welithed 147 l-». and Hull 148 1-3


X T 1 * 1 1

____ F Jy E = B IG ,LaBustet

Colorful D

Betty ar______ _____________

______________ __ ______________ l i p . . T nBasic Sonc an

— Bas^mlUotODS I

^ . Rogerf ScnsaUoi> BAR

-------------- J'EATURE'

-* « n i E -^CRT

= = i t 3

■ J O T N D R l

ABRAHAB" N f i w " Y ^ r l r T f l

. . — O N E N I

_ Orphem ^ i ^ F r i d a y p l e

• R e s e r v e d S e a t s -

- ( --------------^ A t - l l : 0 0 r A ; M ; =

:V .

• i

T W B j l ' A L L S I


iiph “ ■ — Mz ^ H


sBiiSmULEONE.i- iM E -F O *

ot ■

H'C- Tlic Twin Palls B rains, n o t content [ 'T ' wllh uirae nard gam csT or U ilnrpelrr

have scheduled anoUter gam e for W ed n e sd a y - iilg h l-w lU i- lh o -R u p c rl QuUitcl. 'P ic game wlU be p Ji)« l In Bulil and Slarta a t 8:00 p. tn.

court upon iJhicli th e tournam ent will be p layei In o r d e r - lh a l Uielr

I” - ie ttm s :m a y .liay e ..th o ..adwintagv• ot..playlaB-CTi Ilia U rga milH__________■ f h e ' tlrsl Bame between, Uiese two

*™‘ teams the Bruln* won by a single point and Uie contest W ednesday will

-^e- S Q - d o a b t -b r o n e - o f - lh e - b e .l - « h lb l . ‘I s l io n s -o t ’ th e yt*r.— Thfr-K linberly ^ " ■tlCTiM- iTOitr - -to -T w ^ ^

?!**• tm v e J - io - Jerom e P r td a y -n lg h l-a n d play ff re tu rn gaine he re the lol- lowing nlglit.

A meeting ^ the cooche* ond tils- Irlct board held lost n lg h l In Twin

^ ^alls completed plans for Uie dis­trict meel to be held In B uh l March 1, a and 3. I t v u t aacertatned tha l

___ Hnmrr Huddfcson Of Bolse.- and Nel-lld- son Hunler of C ^ e y were d c ttn iy lX

r^ T g lr l!C g a m c a _ a h e .o llic ia i.« i^ler* places on th e t i n t <Say'a schedulejo ^ will bc held la Buhl. P rtm io ry 35. -

lllu ueCOMES UMPIRElion CHICAOO. Feb, 13 M>)—Prcsldcnl

E, 8 . Barnard .ot th e Americon league tpday appointed D aniel B arry . Bos-

— n nK-33-m gnjb» r 'wf - th e - 19g9-«aW *ot umpires, ‘ —

un*Uk ------ BEAL 80LID-1N VE6TM BNTS --

Jam es S. Fargo haa purchased r ^ num ber of w e l l* J o c t t te d l^ jB T w lr

h » some of Uiera a t'g rc f tt b argains; alst has warehouse and fac tory sltM f a

cx- sale nlUi w atfr power; also will least Fargo O rcbara forty ; has 14 .acrci

'un- cleared. Phone #71 or 885-W. Fann- 1*2. ers' Btore. C. O. Farso.—Adv.- — g P B se n i B E T g i r w E ^ EWa:—

^ — ^-TOPA-Y and - WEDNESDAY - ■

e Road ShowG A C TS-r-FIV E cr and Delle

Dane< OddlUts

and Berdineer_Ma-<lcaLDno_ l _ .......................................

rnp Rfivnp____________ _and Dance M litore

and'Hayess Fan and Song

r Brothers ■Uonal Comedy R ARTISTS

5 P H O T O P L A Y -

rJT4i^®0 M W H U l - ^ l

R I N K W A T E R ’S ^

M UNCOLN3 a 5 t ^ M 6 t 2 a i ! M o v j e - ^ L i : z :


m Theatre’e b r u a r H ^ t f r -— T o d a y T u e s d a y ;

; = = M a j e s t l c “ P h a n n 8 c r ^ —


- I V E I E I I I P I E i i H l P

f p w p s i i

, '■ I claybiuter. •m1Mi,47 bird.i In SO cliancei I was high gun a l U>e Irap groimdi

^ — rau n d trm o i'iiliig, wiir n un - r w in>aU ! ! Rod and Oun club club hold its Ihln

- - l ip r in n m K ic e - s n o o r — Ab&iirairijuif'n m 'a n p n d ed . mid wi-ri* Kwt-tod by at

7 - -^ H n e - h a n d v k d . th r - e ^I - healer while1 " ' iuf5du<<w r t u a r v =-Tnr-if .men a r t ir I " - i r a p . ------I With the. Improved roud condlllon " to tlie grouiidi and tlie npprvacli o

. the_ CttpilaLJicA-5_ldaaiiBl»lc_Uiurji

^ ^ jg o o d wcaUiiT will'prub;»bly brlntf ou enough Milhuf.lttHii! m lax Uie club'

•faclHlle* to th flr capuUly. The Cap i Hal New»-tournt‘y ,-« ..)n -by -il» -Twli 1 Palls club In 1027, U.Tln.1 this yea

•rw cn Marcli •!. and coiillnues for iw 4 - |l—cww<ium;«—Sundays, iitler—wlilclx—

llnal tournam eni will »(ialn bc heli a t Die lioLv* groiuicl» Thi* Bpokes

ten t I or cap later and may iilsa bff rnlerci

tor Tlie Iollov,ln« U'Uit* sfor«‘;'pcrl- S ln il« ----------------------- Kh®t-»i-Ilr«ki) '« l Dc KloU .......................M 47

Bnlley . .________.50 40

Harbour : . . ” *io 43■ Menlwli 20

!*ot,Tiioniiuoi» . .50 3S

l » o ; j , IMlrlek . . 25 16■ Plastino 50 31

will 1 Moon'. . ' M. » '’“’'TP*im>'“----------r ~ . -----------so--------2#-

I Klnjabiiry- ■ . 25“ 14'. -~-S?

•and DMUtier -. ------^ ------ 13Doubld

. DcKloU ..................... 24 18E, Pnlrick .24 . 14

P a tr ic k -........................24 11‘l i* ;! Harbour 24 -0

....................... ’

‘ Vt 'r ff ftlflgnlTifT I 'lU* light y f lgl [wercoats tor 50 cenuv Phone 00-

■dule i . . • -S. - ■

i ■ -I ' dent i '•ague.Bos- ‘

r •*

-------------- .......................... —Twin j

also . _ ^I for |. lease I acrcs ann*J

I ____________________

= i'- . . . . . .

■ ■ I .


I F Y O U o

set down s......-^.^^ipipe.toba«

mildness, ’(

Y ou cah pi^ i W w 1

tb a t aroma* ___ ________ tobacco. -P

. ' ' • a n d light

| 3

- - -

- --I"


~ I ID A H O R E P U B U C A N S

i O F F E R S E N l t O A B O R A H

O D J-i----------- A S - 1 9 2 8 ^ C A N D ID A T E '

_____ L____tContlBtfed y rom Paga O ne)

r[in / " “ -1lnr n mitnpixi I gates.ounds' Pocalello wa« scloctrd by Uic «Uilc 'V a a i : eommltMC' tai-prcft r enm io -» o to f-a n 4 Ihlrd .Blackfoot. Pocaullo u tu Uie big fav*

-|\UP~Torttr-on~TPH-caU~whlch-!tliowrt l -3 3 -tn by an 'tavor ot Pocalello, four for Colse, nnd

mnl«»<iwnilHV —= r» - r:..................r > im - !n r~ .KHtogr tJiMtntmou-. r t i o i c r ^ ^ ,^rr t h r t 'K riH tf "'°* *......... '" iiunmui H f f i rg

!of lhe. commllice for ihr nornnfotmg llllons "convention, aliliough an iiniiution wa.t icli of extended by Hailey. ibuni- ' M, B. Vconinn. Idal.n • 'ulL'i. prc-

u; ou t os indlvUluixU. aod not ;ts'«iuit* com- club's mllKrmen. prolcsl pas.--i.',‘ ut th e H ar-

. Cap- bill, which would imi Mi.-(|can lin> •Twin. m lgm tlo ii_oo .a..quou ,i iM ,. _%ital_9r i year Ycaman di-clarcd Mexu ;ui’ labor Li t«- ir len « n tla l, for llie succe.vini cultiirc of Irll tt' Idaho augar'beelJi. H r muiI Idaho had . iiejd 5 i ) ^ - i«crrs pl4DWa~To—rtmat— berta pokes- yPft*’ pr«''l»il for 50,000

— 5 E A R C H - F 0 R - M I S S I N 6 ------------

,_ d E E IC E R S _ C O N T IN U E S

40 (Continued From Psge O ne)

and t l i i g ^ r in l e icp i'im 'fiL ''i llc W -to 20 a ltcm pi IdcnlUlcatloii ul the p rl.«n - 35 cr.

- £ 3 ____ ft nirianKP16 kom o.-Indiana. sayliiK » mbo. arm y 31 blanket and i5 te«t ol ri)i.e luul been 20 found under «>me bu^lic.i nm r a slorc

—28“ niiarrv-bul-Uir-ftlHTm-mp.-V*)nvlnc<>d " 1 4 * " th a t '^ l ic -m fa ''d ia " n o r i ; r i m a r Ko-

■ 4 i - l• 13-- —A-telephon»*-calh;to-U anvlllc,-imn-

• Ols. police lodoy ad\l.<ed them ' to 18 search empty frclghi ears on lhe 14 Mcnon mllroud near Maple P o in t. 11 Iwo and one-half mllrs east-o f Lo- -0 faycuc.-ln Qaest of the bodies of the

7 mlMlns deputies. _ _police herfl were-skepllcal ot th e in-

Kclght frrmi}iion. OS Iwo prcvlo'1.1 nnonyrnous e 00— m cm itcs hud", led only lo owupjw ini-

s to S ^ —

__________________ - i _______________

o f

ip e ^ jo ]

U could take an adding*madune t vn all the qualities you dem and ii b a o :(^ : ;s A a s ^ j ra g r m e ^ coob< » , ’satisfactioo, when you puUed toBBl:wbTlh^read^^*Prilleg-Alb« n prove it with a pipe and a tin o f P. 3W back ^ e binged lid and revel Dma o f tbe world’s m ost popular pi ). .Put a load in to the bo<^.6 f y o u r p {ht u p . D raw th a t c o q I , re f re sh deep down and exhale aloWly. T b

i > R I N G

■ ■■' ‘ ■ —no other

. D A Y P T ^ B R l T r ^

i> ' : ______________

r »e<;ond.Kami*'ol the «iv.'wn..Thc Driili c a n d • 'V K linV fiy |n<{. ((IV ' ’ Ksi'ies btil b o lh wetgg.jn-hatd-foughL-oU .U us-w ay and .Uic^lo• and ' ^1-' exp'TlinK a hard ba ttle her <<hvn-

" im m i'uf' a 'u t j 'jijf i i r T^ p

tifiS i?^^5^^ac lng Ml" lasl h a rd Wet-k betoi

n wa.4 sonic nlUT th u wiok. . Pinch. Ilri/wi K em pton ami Taylor a te rellwl ui>u

u rn . i to r the Brulu points during t)u> ba

coin- T(M>~’t>iiU "tUUUid U-~lirii>lj' fu fih ti• H ar- the dUlrlcl in tr l in M an Ji.-------—n lin . ■ -------------------------•ilalor . n . T . I .0 G \Nu ts ~ “ Expert— p la n o -s em c c — Autliorlii

irc of Amplco Inioector. Hampton's.— Adv. .0 had


........... .

rl.«n» h

.lU Jn- _______K______

Jt S; V a le n t in e D a n ahe In- Tuesday E v e n in gymous _________F eb ru a ry n t h ________

n t D A N C E l^ A N D .. . '

i ' I f» ^

' ■

> y

i n e a n d *

a d i n a ,

o o b e s s , P t i n c c , A l b e t t I = T ^ ' f l

l i e d t h e f r o m b r e a k f a s t t o ^ d t

y b e r t . '^ P r i n c f r A l b « r t 4 « a d » a

o f P . A . . b e c a u s e i t l e a d s i n s a

r e v e l i n " s a t i s f a c t i o n ” h a s w o

la r p i p e - m u c h u s e , b u t a i » p e

a u r p i p e e n t i f e ly n e w m e a n i i ^ .

r e s h i n g v e r y f i r s t p i p e - I o a d , a i

T h a t ’s A lb e r t e e r a f t e r t h a t l ,

> E A L E

tobacco is like

tT A R Y 1 4 ,1928 . ' ' ,


l i K rbeturc .

!lr(j«n. I B r f l lutwn 1 ^

r baj-1 BJ" I

- - - - L.i S y " ' - : • i>v

■Adv. I

5 5 | _ | _ e ^ e

-— Mone

____ money a t o t[ " "B ^ E ^ ^ ^ ra n T S c h in i

— ^ I— w- a n y - ^ « < K

. . . . Don!t retui

ic e

u 'flJivkgU Y ou’ll go to ie^ = = ^ 0 »dtinie. JBSd»allotbet4»ands.in 8ales, ,— I E I satisfaction. T he word n i worn a .little thin from lm

» pe and P.A . ^ v e it an ^ | f l YouTl say so on your |M

I, iu d you*!! be a Prince . |H


k r t I

: f t t i U M ' .''---- ----------- --------------- „c V .,.

- -

T f f t T f r M P f f i H

n e y b a c k - - J ^ K - S —

_Qur_cxp c n > C L .o n _ ^ ^ M ^ ^ J ^ M ______i f l i ng P roduc t,frftaon-whatevcfi— --------:m c n t'is en o u p r‘“^ ^ B ^ ^ j 3 B “ *'“ itu rn the goods. . .


' ______L _

W* eomAf$ TWO.'lU cum n of-whttM ^-------■ket.to m4U «vua^‘~. ^

■"";;’sS fS i m

5 3 1

. ...

Page 4: ^ B S PATT - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ' VOL. 10. NO. 2G4, - Twin Falls ' Delesalion Back'. From Junction City Inqliirv;' •

2— - ^ a = = = = = i S = = 5 S e 5 = =

“ TWIN-FAILS DAILY NEWS; _______ ' ^ ^ u s c n n > T io N i i a t e s t

• Three Monllis .............................. " ^ ' K !One M onU i..............-.....................- \

. tm trrcd u fcconrt cIum m a itn w j^ r , J ------Aorir0ri01BrriTTTie'T«>*w‘'« f * * ^ '^ " ^• PjJIb. WalJO. unOrf tHe act^'ot M u th i

3. iSTP. V

’ publlahed ,i ' lu'i r l ll .' ' A1l-Ttefa-srtJ-.lXP!I«PlCtttnntJt ,i ------UVUUl u m u tili r . liMTln ■lKU- »W0fV*4. -

(/V) means As.'oolaicu I'rcaa.

Tlie News K » mi'mbcr o( iJic Audit ‘• nurrflti ■ ol c irc u b ’.ioii:!. from whom Jfnll Inlonnftttim ns'to' cWUliUoil 'mny „

•' l,i. fiHtnlncl m'oii »PPlK;t>tlon. DC» (.-.llwl »)ronn.Ti<iii Mippllwl .locullyu|)0» rcqiim .___________________ _____ '■

No rp.timn^-lbillty ii ;t>Mitnc(l for the ^

:c(jroplis or o tlitr coiitrlbiitiHl m aitcr. n___ -'im'HL-ri f,)r oubllcntlon. will

Iw urcd or not .’tl Jlic tJiJcrctJoH o! tlie «ll!«r. imil no in ;inii«rl|ita will bcJ I '1 p . ..I'lt./! I.I. ■.»/•- 0

....... i-ja iV posn g f.-* " ' ............... .. “


Nsw yorK. Uiuc.ii!i>. OUMUII. can " m ncM co. U u An«cU':.. Sculilc. ». —........... I I I I I I I I '

~ ~ -'T nn-rnii'-^r- th'»~w«'.r»r:^4>ii<||Htmil* "

~-^~^ - u‘ma^i^ :T ^nii.T r-tor7B cvCTi-)'eaTar i lie Is icndltis a ttnrnliig lo churcliw riKl_iiil«lon .iifttlctw throughout Uic t 11 o r ! J D . V /orrciwl. on Ihc book c or Ucvcltttloiu. • ®

This is a (li'cp huUJcct. The rcver* «i',t p^ntlrman .mnv >ir l l f h l. Dill j] lhe wc-rlcl. hnvian oiilUvcd no many °

-------'- i f -w n rf-f fT u h W -a -h iU c -frc c d o m «ol lntcriiri:l2 tlcn..,w c may ntt ncree I'

___ U'..L ill, u - r i f h l-.— Notr-tn-rirtHtI—hot ?in’ liilticlpk. ~nii'"won(l-ft-iII:.cDmc to I nn rm l fnr u lol cf i*cop!e this year > und ’ Miccoftllii;: ycnr.-> — by ’natural f death ' ;iiiil oTlitrwJsc. T

Kvery day ii the end of tlic world ^___ Ior_^msny.L a lso t he . .l> c g ln n ln g .Jo t..

many,. And hicky \\ th e nmn or »..tm I.' il.f. ■'.I.Lit nt tlfo rnt. (

. see r.-Mcw u'orld every mum tnu. and ‘ cay. "We Ktnrt from here." i

• I

_______A M KltirA-LOSES A TROPHY ^OrvlUc WrlBht'8 dccUlon U> send h b j

-— fnm ou3-b l-p lano ,-U »o—I lr u .lu _ U lc world to Itiakc a jiua la lned Jrec nigtit |

' ' under Its 'ow ri' im 'c r 'a n d Viirrylhg .a nmn. to the Urltlah Science Muwuni |

come of wlwt has_ a p i« n r« i’l:r6m~Us , Inccptlon to hc ra the r a chlldUh con* Irovergy. In m ak ln iT 'h ls fina l.dc*

. clUon Mr. W rish i-m uy h& vc.uttafled ..- hU -cK 6lijii.-bul..lil4-actloa wllLj:auac

no . sympatlietlc rci>ponBC from the Am'crK'cin people. T o ' them It must appear ftomewhiU small.

■ilie coniroveni/betw een the Wrlitlil! Kiul the Sm ithsonian, aays the Wash*

.. .. liiiftotj. a ia r . nntf- tmc.bcnm jwcV .inu liirtrrii limiilrrri uinl_liirce_u.'hi!i>-lJic ^mtilihunlun offered them u placc tii

____ d im c-,ta..iicnd^U».-.-QrJslnal._ma_cliLiie. which mailr i Ik- f irs t (Uuhl a l Kitty*

hawk, Nor.lU Ciiroltna. a m lnaturo re* IToducilon of lhe»machhic, or a model

' of the niachhic which flew the .'nine year nt Tott Mycr. To th is cffcr tlie WrlRliis nrviT rcplictl'. cvliiqitty hav- hu; iHM-n (liM^atliifU'd w llh lu trnns. Dm « «ns ihp r(>cmu.imcil(m of the uld l.an;;!i'y machine und li.s' coasc- <iucnl fliulil in lO li, powered by a Curtii. cnni:ii‘. ihut ^ecms lo havc been thi- riM)l ol Ihc whole d ifflnilty . After U:. unMK'ccviful lattnchlnc-by a eata* pull back In nineteen hundred a n ?

. Lansloy i<lanc ccaacd and Uie wrcck Wll ■■tOte<l " ^nfl nt ttir

nineteen hundred and fourteen, when it tva. c<iulpped w ith m ntuons and operated to dcm onstralc lh a t It -vould fly, Bc.nie tim e ' u flcr th b demon*

_____; f a l in n tl ,iy ;ivplarfd In Uic tiiiiuiim----- - M r.-W rm hl cliarBclj :tl>o-«miHiN«n

tnn wllh . "muUIatlng". .t)ie Un(jle> model nml w ith havliu; crroneouily lubetcd ll es the (Lnl ' ‘mnn>carry1nii'‘ plane lapnhlc of stislalnetl JliRht. Hu

' demanded th a t before ho would a«rco to* placing h la 'm achl|io In the Smith*

^ ^ ^ ^ n iw ;th p ;j i i 6 c t- o n U ic :U B »lt y j i;gaei " cho iiid 'bo changed, and In audition

Imposed A num ber o f oUier, condl-_____Uoiu-upOT-UiiH-SmUn»o»lan.- rome of

w hfcfi' wen? apparenUy tinaaxplabk_____to-U iaJii(»U»orlUo».--But-lho-J«bcl-on' tttt) UnVlcY VM ntinii'ecri; tft r t a d : ^

• : - I n •U«;OpJnl0Q..or.mAfty wm p«tcnt . f l n t hcnvler-

7 — niivn-Blr;'d‘J i i r i i r - U i6 liU tory o t the• world ckM bic.of. aUBUIncdllfec.JliBiit

: under .pow cr;',ouTyii« a m»n.ThU l i l r ^ t s llsh tly ontedatod the

o U ic ^ .-U m n d re d

\ and three. the flnt, m th o hUtOfy f f „ of tho world lo acconiplltli suiU lned

ftre fUb'hi uiidi;r lu own |»w er, car-

0 WrlshLi credit for building th e .flrtlf p une t u ny, with >■ m att;-*H hou»h-^

ih,^aclUuc-bulU.-carllcr..ljy_En)fftaM t 2 :1 U ngley wa? ropable of • ^H«ht. Mf.

Wright remained iinnatlsfled. a tte r [

r W h ^f ieutn,, Mr. Wi5t;ht can withdraw h it I plnne whenc%cr lie dcjlres. b u t hc

II, g1 never exnccu to wlilidmw H. ^f' -T lf^ m m rrT if- \\T i< m t-B n d -la n 8 ley - ' are for a ll Umc*idi'nllfli«l a.i polnecra

in the sclcnre nf avlallon. NolhlnB pi I ciiii' detract from ilie credit which b; 1 lliry dewfve. The names wHl be re- >■ mrmbcred Iona alier the per*onalllles

td . ! III..I Iii,.ir - i a 7 - I toTiiolirn, T hai Urvilie Wr(Rh(. llie •

' tlicmiil (l» nnyihuu; which cn ita face _ ' appcuri ILS nuibbling 'over nu unlm-

}K)rLmL diii:iflii-pLj:rj^U Cft:U l-c'j;m t ^ [ a*, a iiren dl:.iii)puinliiient (o mtfllonj gg i ol 111'- ndm lrrf!. ar

. — . “r■ AM EIltf.VS SADDKST MAN

^ ' ' Mn, 'M i-mun i! ~.Srtimirt,'"vli:n:chair- ” man of llir f’ennsylvanla Lcosue ul m

, Women Voters. ehftractcrUfjrMr.- Vnre «•- pf- h c T - ja ta tr- a s- ^AmCTlcB'a wddeal- ^ j m5S!75nH^Tio“ nccourita'.tor thla con-

j T hat moy bc a true picturing ofc tbe Pcnnxylvanla baw, who woa elcct* tiic cd to thp Scnale-of the 'U nited State* ~

only lo have thc^S cna te oln'm the Si. door tn hLi foce on the sround th a t ” L h ll elecllon wna obtained by corrupt. |]if and fraudulent pn rilces . ' • ^

I a.,nian,eKcivriln&ly s!iVl,^whelheti U_all ; happcnetl because-cf vfollrd .political ^ t ftm bH iona^t^oiiM -T Whttcal' ILiiiMlles:3 la .fa c t. 11 w ould'be mnre hnjioful for r llie mait~’hlmr4;lf if lii.-i sadiirrA has vi ,1 rcMillcd from llic liitlcr lhan llic for- ^

J tor him.t ...Som ctlm ea. ovcrs'hclm lnB-M nM -of r humlllaUon and sliame frjmi wrong- j, ri doing ■■makes..one Midder. than any d cufTCiit dlsnppolntment to one'A asplr- ^

aliens. whoUici. In th e sphere of jwll* ® Ilc* or eUcwhere,

Vnrc h a a ' plenty of oilier '.hlncs. b

happy. J i e Imii^cnscly' rich -m an ;-he fs reg a rd e d ‘aa-the-po litica l c bcaa o t. Ih c .-c rc a t.C lly -o f Phlladel- f phla nnd w m ething hiw' happened lo *

" tnke-a ll-tlie joy out, of life. ________ ^Me 1.- looking Inlo a blciik and i:

^ d itx tloJju lurc .-K row m H '.UU- wlicnT e H nci'df lo Miinmon jill the friends und J’

'* chcrlsh a ll the friendalilps th a t a man

^ and prestige ■ and ,'the power, tha t * money Invests Irt on -Individual are J iioililnR w hen' something w ithin Is ( forever e n tln a . n t th e very soul of souU of a mnn and refusing to Rive him iieace. Verily h e imi.it be a vrry ’

'• uM m a n .- ’tlie C harlotte News iN, C.) { I n ------------------------- — I

ffiPiFTV imn l*iiil>?l;:: m \ i u ANI) C L U g y :

Bdltttliby > ie- _ Mra. B. B .jW U il«ia 'icll ■ “ Phoo* SM » I

1,5 Mrs. H, W, W llion. M n, A, \yiUon i I'eek. M ri. A, J.-P envey and Mrs,

•* Jo.'pph U. Scbvcr was ho slw e s to the DauK hten o t th e i American livv-

lie o|iiili‘M -ut - th e ir- TfRular monilily f. mecllnfr"Mnnday n l the .home of Mr».‘

Wllnnn on RlKhth avenu'! north, Fol- “ lawhm lunehcon lh e usual biislnm

en iran.‘>n.e:ed w llh the rcjen l; Mrs. ,cr 13. O. McCully In the chair. Plans

for the D. A, K, filalo confcrrnee lu b(v-..h«ld h -re In March were dis* cu'tfi-d. Mi-s, •tavpli Si’avi-r w.is pUtI.

he ed '(IHcuiiie to m e t^iinUnciiliil Cnn* he gresii. which will bc held lil.WashlUB*

ton. D.'C7Tn~A»rll.^ Tlir rhnt.lor r.^vr

and Ma.>iter Hubert Prck each played en iwn.dellBhttui piano wl05. and Alice nd Peavey dan(»d Uic Highland Fling. ,,H lilUlc PriscilU PccK .sang two wilos, “ “ M n. T, M, rw bcrtw n rcvled llie Feb-

ruary iiumbcy of ih e D, A. n r mnB.\- a u 4 l»e^-y«> -*e .M ifeH > r« ire iii-w w ,-l.i ,1, . cliargc o l-M ra,.M »ry-i'.-N orian .-w ho

Rave a w ry fine dUcwirw on pioneer ' hW ory c t M aho .which she had writ-

**>■ ten.— --------

]K. One ut the dellghlful Vulenlhic , parlies of Ih r week wa* given by thn ” A. W. W, rlub o t the Junior hlRh

w heel nn Friday m n lfig . February

loi, uiin EjMiit ’With ■'nttulc*’ and game# ,, which were tbllou'cd by th e iicrvlng

ot da in ty rofrcjhraeiil5,.carryln6 .ou t of ihc'V alenU nd inoilf.

_M am bora-ot Uis-iBobAbo-Brldse'£lub wefc en terta lnw -> t- tha home ot Mra.

— P. ‘i : KHIdKH on Kiglilit avenue nortii ent Saturday afternoon,- Lunehnon .waa er- lervcd a t onn o’9lod[. and . followed by Ihr tho u iuo l ga n iu .. prlxca .to lling ‘ to. : M n. R obert HaJler and M n, J. E,

Lairstn’A U cr.-tho 'tattC T-a-ctim -trutsC *h. Mrs. U E .:S u ik e r wiu also a 'gucat.the --------- .,U. . N ina.. m ombor»-..ot th e Bpworth

red evculiig to couduct tho

;DAILY.,NEWS.-TW^ n y [ - i n r M .v •

M a t i i f tK ■■■

(Jast ot Hix in f- The "CrystarCup■r I • -------^

f 1111.1^ p r ln c ip a l-ch n rK U n r-^ --^ ^ — - , Dorothy M ackalir ond Jack Mul-. J h a ir hMd the lUl of the principal

jo lM .U ie ,Qthiit..mcmb«aa..arJh6>^C3U, ul"- hockcllftc Fcllowea:' Jane

“ ■ V i^ A r' 'Cdyilic Chapman and c la ^

^ 'T lie CrysU^ Cui).". produced, for8 First NaUonal PIrlurcs by Henry Ho-h ban . cornea to the Orpliemn tliealcr.. hero beginning loduy.

I . V t... - - - - - .

5 W i r e s l r r D r a m a to ' He Presented Heree "Abraham Lincoln." John Drink- r water's~notcU~eT7u7!retrTia itlon- nr o atr

of Americtt'n great hlitorlc fljiurer;, i:i^ to-be-pTesented-t<»-T-wln-F«ll'r44*«kWn-i goere oh n e s t Friday evrnlng. Fi'tiru*

ar^' n . In th e Orpheum thrn tre. Three

opiwfir In th e dram a, here. « Eustace W yalt In lhe rok- of Lin­

coln hot* draw n niuoli favorablo com*

Mr. W yatl be an a closc physical rc* t srmblnnce to the martjTcd president.

I Oa^c-r' fammrn'pcrwonacw of ^th» lime

- ^ i c _ j r a i d « i i 7 _ i a b ^f In various ncislons, Oeneral U* S.

O rant and Robert, E. Lee appear in the surrender ecene.

* -B eginning In the Lincoln home tn- Springfield a l 'U ie-tlme th a t Mr. Lln*

coin wns Informed th a t he had been clio.icn a i th e Rcpiibllcnn candidate for

>1. Uic p'n-sldcncy. the dram a carrlcs the “ ousurvcr to tnc final iroKcdJ;^l“FOfd'a Tf lUcfttrtL.in Wailjlnitton o n n iie ni^ht

II Tlckrla ure on sale _at the Twin ll f^lla library, or may be obtained from r H tem bm -o f-lhe-rB iuU iesi-tu idT -Prtt'- feMton»l-Wo:iian'fi-ciub.-whldU!LApoa^

wrInK th e pcrtormanco here. Rescr*IS vationa.m tty bc made a l the Malcsttc •. pharmacy thlo momlni: bfirlniiliig at jy Jl-fl’rJocte- ___________ ___________

?, Lwguc . m'Viee.__ An_e.-i|irrl»ll>i .Ijnc.program eoiulilMt of community slng-

** ing led by Kcllh .E\'nii5. ii vocal solom .a c a v c nr- Moontootli;-.u piano duel, ."Tiui Soug

cf the Volga Boatmcii.” by Mrs. Mon- tooth and Miss Grace Domro»e: a i.ilk on AbrAlisni Lincoln’s religion

;s. by Keith Ev-tmi. and a reading. “Lln- coin's BlrUidav." bv Oraco Domrose^

•*’ ■ Members of .the HiRliland View club a l e n tcru ined -ihc ir husbands-nnd-lnvlt* ■I* «L gue*t* Friday cvcnuigC February

10 in I, O. O, r . hall. Supper woa served iV. 7 n'elrvk cafeteria style.

ul lhe cccaslon wUh Uie colorn und cm- iie u w m .Pt-t.l..A 7 ^enrlTir ._ .p a n cln8 wB-y J enjoyed aficr supper unU l a tatc

hour. T lic committee on arrange* menta Included .Mn, Elmer WlllU.

aa. fhatm m nr Mn— Ray., . l im e y ._ t l n . a t Morgan. Bcn Johnson. M n. Al- „ bcrl .Thonipjon. ^Jrs, Bex Thoma^ j n d 7 M «. bcom c Perrlne. One .hundred ^ flh> guests >vcrc In attendance.'of _____ive Word o t the marriage of M l» Pnul-

Ine McKuwn. daiiBhter o t Mr, und ^ M n, OroTcr C. McKown. fomicr rcsl* '•* dcnlii of UlU vicinity, lo Clarence- Ald<rn-Oono>Tr-of-PMndenAr-Cam'or,.-*“ Tiia. wail rcreived here fty Vrelatlve* k rccenilv. Mn:, Conover waa a student*- m m n nii.k i6r u riU m bcrai-.w m :I and lier iinn.iils were pioneer residents

torijio abou t' Ilvc ye an ago. Tlic weddhiR look plaee n t Uie home of (hc bride's pareiiM on Pridoy. Pcbniary 10. Tlie yoiniK couiile will moke Uiclr

- - hpme tn l*v.ndc:ia Vhere Mr. Conovcr on Is In bui,lne,\.v

Eleven lu-w mem ben of the Trl 0 club w rrc 'lM liiatsd Jn to Uic ttocicly

’>>• on iMi Prl<l,.v '.•vi.ning. T he comic Imilatlon mi-mnnlcs were held In the

ol- barn nf MW Ruth Mcllobcrls. and Uic serloas w n’mony ond a dinner followed n t III.' home of MU* Miriam Dallaiityn?.

'0 Sup|>er wius :crvc<l u l midnight; M‘“ I '- Uibles Iwlnc (liToraled"ln RTW*-and- the club color.-.. '’»• T hc 'lnm n ira were: The” Mliises vlr- w* c in u Atlnnw, Violet rAdamn. Vlrglnin

.ypune, .^snltn—KTiits, Marln n * DIejieyi

'« l Rii-iiurdH. VpriilK RIclmrds. DoroUiy Provost und Helen Ncclcy of Boise.

ng. --------Im . Tlic Tv. la Falli Hlgli school .Bo>n'

Dtfbaie club were hosts to the mcm* brrs iif th r C itl’s Dcbalo club o t _a

W nrt o n ’ inv" B alurtay ?venlng.- A preyram i:f i;amcs waa .arrang<fd-bj the prcKniiU commlltee. Rois'.W ard KcnneUi Knll u id Howard W Uemtn Tire .lunclicon wlilch w M :# e n 'e d .a l

‘"c the clo«ie of Uic cntcrU lruncnt pro- t*’" vlded . muuy .lu rp rbcs to the gueslj 'Rl» who ordered from a "dltiKuUed" menu ttO’ ,*nic boys' ilub will aitcrlaU i agalt

:ne# • ' ■ -- .........— ---I'—'■"« Membor^s et Ihe fiharttocV chiV en uut U rtalncd Uielr-Uuibohds-and fam lto

a t an 'oysier supper.8alurd»y ei'cninj dC tfic hmtre of Rtni.'E . H/OlmUiui BTSiT(mb~canic"In’1iirdtTme’'Bl)W.e)

Int. PMtot -fnr riMttimiH WCTiftli aim rdcd to Miss B sa Cordei .iwWM Mr, Ar-C.-Sklllman,--------------

by . Supper was served lo-OO, p w iw - * ‘ lo UMe< dccorated

‘Ml- PUec. J4u»lc ,was lumlshcd- by Mi and M rs. Sklllmtn, Mlsa E dith 8kUl

>rUi man- a n d Mr. PUcc. -......... .ihU - •- ........................ . •-

ftiwii U« wUj wUb to BtlrMU . . .

F A L L S . I D A H O . l - I j f e S l j A V

I I THe732|l

— — “s,rn. _________________ B

ate: ‘ g

ipal • . 5

. ftbyrmCfBiwrOfc c

........ ^___ ^ i« I i ^ i i i I . 1 . . ^ a— - i ncvi'f iiiu>.ju~*w t n i ;m ii - uiitii‘u tw Uiat w lu u to r crlc-1 Daisy, sharply, p

Ho- ••wi.y sliouM n And why *lioul<ln't.bMr. Caio walk along tho south ciiUlE lory? H p ’ilovs, every day, nearly lid »(it l- trail'n iiiii'iilb tfrtfj'llia t .tlio a t-|L

I tuck waa ia ld H' havo been mii'ili- J shorUy before tlevcn o'clock, and llml Z

r t iiuide mo uncaKy. liilten Iq conncellnn^B — *--tvittrTnrT\’iijr:iirrT .*ns(rtrad-ioft-hi^-r-

lietid lieforo 1!Iy>m.k. AuJ then Iil-I u<it mo ii uiimlcrfnl positlim nT T F ernald 'a; I cviiUln't bclp wondefin;:It iiQ iia'tr uoW It icM iuf i iK n m n rr^

,fp,. olillKiillon to him. Imcauiic 1 ;iud >K-anl ^

•'Ifiivo .you mivllilng tiirilicr you j, JU- would llko .to li'll tue, ills* AbliottV ji g ,„. ’ Sir. A im / Inquired, •Tliot Is piAlUvt^ y; iK , ■ ,ly nil you kmi'iv nbntif Dir yplluwla rc* nolci" ' ' C

cnl. “A b so ld tc ly r ’ vowcd— Dnluj,- sol- SUrc*_ c iim lj.............. ; ^=?:jK . &u aiio-was-perM illled to_-din>att. E imel ’ ^ ' - ' r

• m The SpWng*LonceLW hen lim esli''« box trees wcro Imit ^

■ 'n 0 li»flck atruy, Mr. Almy sa id : ^-'S ill,iroM r'you 'ui'e btick tills key *

for I t " t any time you gjlip think tlicy tnlpbi p ‘i ti rcspoiiso from j

it^ht 1' Klve tliciii to voil liecauso kIic nn- ^

^ th a t boiiU. jiiiil v'ui J ii js lit Jiii}:«:_n' I rom .c iihneo to win lu-r eouiltlencn more h :>ro— a«lrotUy,-r--O pc>n~c ; dg-roqrfaC3t-:to 1

»ef* VVu puBsed Ilie Iwv Irecn; we pneed" C -’ " J thi» tilue.iin(l-»li‘lh. nil'll liiilhvay; we ’ iiumnicil llie hici'i' .-.cilrciisic to ilie

= i* of tIu! fJro.HveriMr ii;.;irlineiil. And— ^Imp __ d m i»f It wiill^.il .Mr, c:;i:ior___ _ jl5,g.' rdoeldi..tl Ififit Hi'-' llllll wnu too durk j solo f " r niu l>i set- lili'i; uhiil Mr. Almy i ithy dill. I dmi'i l no'.v, t.ir lie wn i bclihid ( ^ nic. l.iii a t a lijjH il:.. I., .ll.ll.'l JlWflU ’ fon- Tlio nmUl tidmlu.il in in Uio llvlnj ; a ruom ; mul there mii ,iiii|n. in tliy gion K jiino'clmlr wliVre mc Imtl lefl bi^ Lln- Uio previous evuln- mi still tUnt ll

-go-‘Hieil u a J f .? h e ii;i.i never uiovQ.d. . "MUs Ciov\CTur, uo w ant lo do

somellilnu f-ir yen. If you will only ! i S ^ i f W - a i i r M r g s i i w : ----------- ;-----------woa "Noboily eun dii nnjiliIiiR for uiei"

slio niisucreil hi n dciid, level toao.

cm* “ Yun'ru niMitken," ifalil I, rnllier -h ln n Uy H > v T - » ^ tfri— t'l-BhoulJ-fltft-

l a tc hnvo drcauii.il oi Intruillug'ircro I f T nge* eould not- ln'lp you. You sec; 1 wns 'lliu . iivro Inn iii;:lil. wliCT yen nnd ynur

nipmber yuu ti'sUcd mo to *toy>—nnd -l-lhluk '-l-lm v(*-liero-w lia t you wcro

- -dlscusslns ullli )ilin, Uiut obJcct youwnnt.” ...................... ■

Mill ' * from Jiiy . bag, ondlivhl It ni:i III Iter. 8hc lonked a t It

^“ '*1 w llh pet It. I h liiuliness.'bur ciprcs- ffor wimjclii'iwiii:; trem liijwllilorincnt i«.^ jj^ -^ s tp p o lm irn ir^ th c n '^ ir iu g p tC tm i;-----idem VWliul I-. liV slio dculunded withinffs: - BnmruMU'i'!i':.'-‘" n igvu ii-i ' um lunui'siJent.n notlonV' ■CalU. ^ l - l l im K - i l-itiitvP II" llin lnhri.. .imd Tlie |]rciv lliu hooitpiute dut o( uiy bag.

f (hc .ij^ iiiis, „.)im yoQ tbco l" I™“7 - n s k c d .^ ~ --------

l le r c ji's fnlrly bliiicd wltb_recoB* oUlonI Wllli trembling lingers slw snatclicil It from niy lumd, licslloled

Q nim ost liii|i<.-itcpUbly ono |iiHtiint as iclcly It scroH'lii;; lior courngo u p 'lo a su* :omlc prcmo erfurl, U icu*lunicd .Uio.fltout :i the pa(ier ^olihnu; over ond Kconned Ufd

snd blnnU 'tmiU avidly. Tbcn, wilh n Inner licartremlhi.* ery of b itter dlpap- Irlam |>uliilmcnt, rlic fluog tlio bovkplute oo

tbo lloor. IM»o Mr. Ahny inatch jd U up. ,

•and"JII-s ilKisvennr, ycu rvco:nUoil

.i-uiiOllwcrt-Trimrplyr^t-You- ■glnin fiiw^ ll. lit Uic nucllou, Rnflerles In

-taii ' d„y.’’------ ^ ^ ----------------- i---------roUiviiM- "-••— -.7-. z i rBoy-s'

Ot a ^,, A T ^ B j j U | | | | | U i i M

by ..W tnl. : >■ '

^ n t ■ I W H n f t l i h r ' H r pn *


I .And ^ ^


I PKRRINB — C. Z « k , s iiit Xill’c r ].H ow aid H unt. B alt U t e ; H. J . C pw * I

r 7 S ifi::£ c 5 5 L 8 c o it..B o ii« :J^ 'Jarbldget* H :>h ;- Hardy. Salt la k e ; ' n . E, Pe ten . w . TJ; T . C,; Benty Bert, H o U y i^ ; M arjorie K. Soulh. I

*' " m « w ^ u ^ ' a ^ ^ w ^^'a ! M olyneux/' Dclco; 0 . I. P ia tt , Salt ta k e ; Tbo«.

Caiper, Wyo.; O tto Stelelmelr, Ash-: : “ R i i r ’ BU‘1 K :" B o * « ie R r in .“ T l m r—' on t. Neb,| Ray T ltl . Bpok.aM; E. N, w tii-u ruuin, £Kiivei'i Mr |IM -M n : w t r o . T’y- Pocatello: Mr. nnd M n. W. O. HoUen. <ln't b tk . Biirley;. F . At R u U l. Denver; Biil-tE. wooiley. Boise; A. B ingham .-g* . r iy lid e n ; .C. Prank Harris. Poriland;

at-1 LouIjm P - J f A;

iliiit .S o n ; B. N. Woodson, O mahar-A . E. tlnn Brincger; L. A, Binder. Hagerman.

i„. i rtOGERfiON—Uouls A. BaUey, S a lt ’- «■"- A"go1>*: ■», .

M ulry. Balt U k e ; N, O. McConnellH" O c d c n L A l BactQn.-JflrJ?idgc:-Mr.-»n-d_:

“ “ , Mrs. J. W. Sols. Jarbldgrt John T . i

J '" ' 1 l ic a ^ Boise: u ' d , R a e d c r r ^ ^ : ^ t t v B. Ncsby and wife, Pocaicllo; W. 11''' Nelson, San FrancUco; H. L. John* lluw ly .n n m y ; i.. J . Fiahcr. ’H. h , .

Connor, a i l l U k e ; Lila' Matthews, sol' S a lt U k e : Mr. ojid Mra. J_B..NoblB.

AAA. Bolic: w . A. Alien. AAA. Boise; m tt. E^’O Wood, Rogenon: 0 / T.-rCouslia, ■■■■ pcrnaiid:'T>iri, J ia n 'C d rp f tiK ri'P o r t- ------4^nrt4-car}-p , UM1I, rvinvcr; P .-X

-------A-^rsnearcrrCaldweUr-Tlios.-O. U ndrHall U k e ; O . S. Pralt. Sall U k o ;

l,„If Dlllon W lllbnw. Salt U ke;- W. 0, Price. O. S. L.. Boise: E. B. Han*

,. son.- s a l t UJce; E. W. Palroer, Salt ^ U k e : Pred Hawkins; Sall Lako: H. M.

,5"“ sm ith . Salt U k e : R. B. Donnelly. Dclsc: Wm. A. Bolen. Nampa; R,-C.

dcn: ’ j a ^ Newcomb. ’ Boise:

liorc l ^ c F ^ ' o r ^ O o ? r ^ i ^ o u l a : ‘ c . n . j

Kcd' Cook, Nampa. — |

, ' r >VO«LD B y iL l) ME.MORIAL. WASHINOTON, Feb. 13 UP)-Tlift . I nW topriulim --Ot l i m oQQ'fo^ a me - '

m orlal-lo G eneral Anthony Wayne on____Uie slic .ot o ld .F o ri Wo>-nc w m [W -,liirk posed today h i a bill In iroduccd^y limy iieprcscnuU ve Hogg. Republican, in - hlml dlana,

Julln Crosvenor cnugbC bcr bi'MtK. Kliurply. Imir la clmgria la .lioT lns

It ll bctniycd licnelf no utterly, half la IVO,;, ciuiMcrm^lon. n t Mr. Aliiiy'i Informa-J

'.in’lv “ i'o" wii'K'd (o buy tlio book wUh ' - tb e - bool:iibte, - d ld n 'r y o u j - Hurolr „ llicro wus lui reason why, you should

' ' uo t liavf il'iiiL-. su If you wished."'2___ ” Yi.s.‘‘ she iliially wlilspored; "butII I hod tio iiioiiey. .So I really w cuf

Itf »(>« who ^Miuhl Imy It-w licro -Jt-would- bu-aJienvurd.’l ................

" ro u r cuui-ln entered n bid for flvo I hundred dullnrs." nsmned Mr. AIiujn

• J iilla iiindo no i-liin ur-iiiovetrfcnt._ , "But. ns J'llI Kliuw, lie , WIIH iiuiblii-

den. .Mr. llurloii i;i>l tlie liook. U V us In Darroiv'H i.liyp luSt'Horiiliiy."

- - -Slio-guM d**ii‘uaily..ut_Uic_Uoor.-ln .- r t dend silence. ".MIm Crosvenor. I must . nnnl^id yeu tlmi ihi nnllmrltlcs nro

still wiilllii;: fer you to exiihiln your prvs* presence u l thui slio]i on Mondny It (e mornln;: fur mi .huor und n Imlf”

wllh hellcve me! Vou UilnU i followed my

denly bliized lho girl, frlglitcnvd und_ j u j furleus. __ . ____ __________ .bog. '(Icntcil Mr. Almy, very qiiiol-

i r 1 ly* “1 - th a t bookplate nRaln.- But you didn'tecojr* find It, 'nnd somclUlng eUo boppcncd.I llio W'liat. I nm .going tn find out. Miss loled f!r«.^venor, when did you Im m tliut It Ofl J'l''- I'lirloii v,i.- l)nrniw!i buyer.i;*II su- Tcontlnued In ncA Issuo) f l to u t_________ _______^ _________________

iiii“ ' ! • O'llpaih Jt requires no knowicdgo of agtl- te 00 ■^ultu'^'t*' culilviiic expensive lastea

J S ^ l i i l E x c u r s i p nH io .A n h to n , h iu lio , f o r Ih iti, j v n u t io n u lly famoi'iH n n iiiiu l r a c c

^ — f e E D U e i5 b - I i ^ R E S -

$11.90 •---------l o -A s h to n —

................... T telftls on « le Feb..so, 91, U_^ Return Limit Feb. 34 •

m m -. - For'reservations ^ fu.ritKr. p»r=

I P W l i W A dN S rt f l i ^ l ^ c n l

J . ------- j

^ o aU rP rog ram e »ep» 8und»y-U to 1. ~ M a ite u , nc»«. »POrt« m d m jiceU ycou^ bi

llh, j WB&P, New Tertt * ' < »U 4 le< i» l I ^

S«r ^i f ' a!oolj?ucU^Bridge^^

sh- ) ~ __ _ ' ItN, MOEUoeyclM T w ln ra B iT la w

8:S0-H aller Bakers. „,er; 6!00- 6 lrombcrg Cailson Hour. . „a a . 7;0i>-To.PC.Announced. ' _ wJid- 7:3(V-TorrW Tots. • ■ ' pi

_ _ 8:W^ u p ^ r tw ^ rS tlu rc s_________0;30-PcrsonailUei In Mualc'

- fl WDAF. K in u . C llj 1715 MrtOT «

-71»-KUocyel*s . Twla FaniHny | £.

fl,0» ^ l b t rlfig~6 lng>riii ■ i . . — N- 6 :30-acB lyA lrW eaven . siw - 1:00-Evercady Hour. n

hn* igoo-AucUon Bridge. b_H.,tn.4<-Nlchthawl{8.~ ______________ u!wa, . .....I ■ I tlble.-' I -WCCO: »Dnneai»Ui*B.' P . « U M eC p Ise; |7 < 0 E U ^ c le s ,_Tw t& FU ls T to n o Ina,' I ■■ I " . N a . y r — i «w t- 8:00—Voters' Scrrlce. * »

n-fvt—«*ninhi.m Runahhie.____________4,i«;,1 .7 ;0(U n\T rfady .H our._____ ____________I n J O lI w - A u c U a a J r td g e .-------— ---- -------- fiko: 8:30-NorUiwcst AriUta. _ p

0 I I I ■ I i| -an* I KSD. St. U a is BSO M etenSail I M8-1 Kilocycles T win Falla T im a j

t n t ' 0 :00- 6 clberllng S tngen . ' *- c C:3(t-Alr Weovers.Qg.' ________ _

. . , ^ ’ 8:3&—Dance Orchestras.__________

h w - T w lo^M U ^ 'nm e

J * ' i fi:3ft-D 1nner Concert. ~I 7 :3 0 -F arm QucsUon Box.

e :0 0 -^ u ctlo n Bridge.

■Hift j K n. Us Anrlcs « « Bletan I ‘ MO itflBcyaea------TwterFaUima» i -

I on I ' —•G™*_ 8 ;00-S trlng-Q uarte t. _ _ ________■ oy 0:00—Eveready Hour, in- 9-30—Auction Bridge.

10 :(» -nclo ld Tales,

il:00 -C on tra lto . __________ ________ •

S S ' I KNX. Los A n g ^ S3M Meten j t • |..«M Kiioeyctet Twh, Falls Itae

TUcftlrc. . , .8:30—Oeorge. Program.0 ;00 -F catu rc Prognm^_______________

rely^IOlOO-^DancTOrcHestni.DUld ----------------------------------------- r - i■' OaUandbut , 180 Kilocycles Tw in F a lb Time

« u T ■*=?“ “ “ . ' ' ■o -u 9:0(>-Eveready Hour.

-fl - . 'lO-OO-Rctold-Talca.-..........— -------,",'® 10;3()-Roundcrs.____________

rcntTL'i KOW. Portland ULS M eien 1 :W11- [ 010 K iiocycia ■ w m r> a » T iiM |

:ny." 8;00-iSealy Bam.--------- -------------------.- In 8:00—Eveready Hour, nust I!;30—Auction Bridge­n d I0 :00-R ctold Tales. . .

1 KPO, Ska Ftaacls« 4SU M ^ ’l I l id K l l . .T th . T » ln I M . T lm I

'‘‘’'»'l-‘-0T00^Nf^Bi=^O?^Pro«ram‘;—• - . :I uiy 0;JO—Auction Bridge.«.hUHOiOO .ManpnlllQii Qliurtft,___________und 11:00—D ancc Music <3 hours).

S ! ! ; r i M 'm S r S g T w t o 'r i t o T l S

8;3 (M ^p ra ri6 Solos, w d . o:00-T w o P a n t Twlps.5li*s lOiOO-Vodvll.tliut U :00 -D ance Music 13 h o u n ) . .rX’ --------- ■■ I

rStiesfflenI Wanted!I k •, SucceMful Light Car Saleti-

men.-QE-mon.:»nxiou» to got U _ j into the 'gelling gamo^ to

I cubK in 'w ith today’s greatest I aufomoljile.^aluea.' T|ie now

[^11 .1028 -W l\ipp^t - and— -Now ihiti, L ight Six Knight. . acc - * ••^ A.l-lrncliycj)f;qpoHitiiDn:vith.

good finlary nnci i-ommiaaion -• .cun b4.of/otc<l.to ucvcrivLmon

capable of .moninirinif'up lo ” op^ iw H uS il^r~ :

u _ ;

r : B i i g s i piQ, ■ ■ - A f T 0 ; - € ( ) ;■ •

.1_' . V ' ■ \ . • ■. -



T C oicli-L « llrB ow H iT iiy ,-hB fiirh iW ---------but two i ^ r p lh je n m S t t o In U » l u t tm U d d m notsee how he esn gol team s,together to

in a n c e o t ^ e a n a KooerU serious* '— “ ly wrenched h is .back. Pocc is u id

- up-w tth-rfiu-and-an a llit T regulju w iu _ ' Suspended tor breaking training. Threo nem bers of the girls’ team are alsotR ia-up-wlthTlckness:------------------- ------------. Tiiere Is a Mue outlook (or the B u rw ■ B im ii’-wie the - —K asoo. Coacii Bowen says' somebody - - must have b ro k en -a m irror. Seren

. y ia n ’_ h a d .lu c lt .h a » jtru c k jc m .a l l a t . __ onee.


■ BCRLEYVFeb. 13 — MeeUng In the k county ageiil'3 office Saturday oft- .ff emoon. Uie M!ni:Cai8laTkiw"'J^»UUr.' £.»oelaUon held a w ell-attended ses* \ jJon. 0 / 37 ijien jbcn nearly all m-fe present. ^

: ~ ‘H « irrj r>ln,i' ttiu f i | i i n w l^ th T P r - ;L - ja : : suits the auoclatlon was gaining for j memben. .Mwi membera told of the bencflU they wcrc deriving from Uic .

.th a t. L)flui!jli..ncwL. members ..would.'._.___soon Join UlO as.<ioclaUon. 'At Ute cI6sc~ '■ Of Uie scsjiOft-Tlah'i^en and farmera who.v.werd - p K » n t '' e5<preMcd'-'.Uian--v V selves as enthuslasUo about Uie tu -

- - tu re o U h a cfganlfttlon------------------------- --- -^ rh o -n « xt - i;icct lng u lil he hrld In---------- Rupert.— A .--M olynou*-^ol-Dcclo.-U,--------

president of Ihe o.isoclatlon and M n. _1 Vlelte Anderson c t Burlcy, secreury.

j SUBSORJBE FO R . TH E WEWa «* 3 = 5 » = B = . I . I. I I

1 ' ^ S o u . - Y e a r s

G u a f a f t t e e d P u r e

U « c K C f o r finer t e x t u r e-------------i i n f t - t e r g r e r ^ o l u i n e ----------------______ - — t o y o u r - b a h i n g s - ----------=—

~ Mtnhns of pountUiucd J ’ h» o u r C o p g m m c n t____________

- IW ...1 _.i I ll I -------

S T O P ! L O O k i '

' i ----------— L I S T E N ! —

Leap Y e a r DanceI’l F(?r t h o O ld e r F o lk s

- WEDNESDAY MGHT .L a d ic a b u y t h e , tic k o tB a n ti

~ a o ttlQ p itsK in g . U U lQ bl

■] — I r O . - O r i i V H A b l i -------------

________E o f rc B h m o n ts ..................

H o w . e ’s O r c h e s t r a ^

** T&o i r e a t r u r o ohcstB o f ^ O a ^ ta in K id d ■ w e r o a s 0 a o lh ln g '._ o o m p a r o d .w ith

n .e n ' i a d f o r e v e r b u r ie d b y .^ t h e P i ro .D o m o n . . O b sp rv e

'o b m jn o Q s e n s e - f i r e .p r o ­

v e n t i o n m c a o u r e o a n d m a k e s o r e ' o f y o u r i n s u r - . -

I f --U a c c .-— - - - — L - --------------- L . 5

« ' This in yonr agcncv of tho' 'm r l J m C T i f r l M n n n e c ---------

Comvafti/ .

f r B l a p i . m W i m l J i P i l 'B W r

‘•I J

Page 5: ^ B S PATT - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ' VOL. 10. NO. 2G4, - Twin Falls ' Delesalion Back'. From Junction City Inqliirv;' •

- ----------------r —

— iiffipoiiiie

-----------B U H li r - I W i .^ » - - ° ^ '“ lH _ lM l£ ! ,

nusalon tnd- church exletuioi] board of th e Methodist church ' U in Uuhl

____ to coM ldtr p lam t or com pkttug the^ buUdtnR (or Uie McihodUi churchT

• The bastmenl bulU several yrorn qro_____ W n iKffl tor th e ehurch

ttrvieca. I t Is cs'tlmated ih a t m e cosi ol bulldlns vlU be $3S,000 Includlnc a large nudJlorlijnj.

A bosket supper.for the cnilre mem* ' bcrship will bc held Monday cvenUig

-------a t-th c -c te n r lr -----------------------------------

The followlnK jiew boofci have been iiln rp d .o n .llic shglvta ot the Dtihl puwic library; 'i«ie~iiil01lli u l“ llonur; HoldlnR: Tlic E lephant Ood. Cosscrly: Dawn Haehcller: Tlic EU m ol -Fires, Cross: W lnsj.. Saundcrau .T lie Jade

-:::v.;.Whoii Day I t D o n er Ju iT pollT s: Ed* , w ard . Oucsti LU,tlo-. Womc.n Series. .J •,..C otolyn‘.V£elU,. three-.Volumes. Tlic . library- has also rccenUy rccelvcd-a

report, by Qco. R . Mansfield on tiic

-------- CongretMnan-AddiMn-X.-SmltU.---------Mrs. Lillian M. C nr« , hupcrtr.lcnd-

cn l of the Children's Home iil D'jlr.e. conductcd business here WednvMlny In the liiierMl of Uie Insiitullcn. - - -

Eiislgn Loltle B, Sclnwll of tlie Salvntlun Amiy ot Twhi Fnlls. visited

- , in Biilil Tliursday., An arm y Sunday ichool was orBontzed here, recently.

Flmflcii_lo_.staxc Dancc______~ ■' "~TWii IW I iirn nppnrniTP'1'ii will uU'ii______ 'tr nn»l.nt hKII Tii,..,|.iv

cvcnhiH, February t4 ,-;T ho flm t dtvnco ____ given m 11108 waa fanjcfy'n ttendctl but

- / / 4 PRODU - / / O L I V E :

__________________[ > / F O R H I S

: 7 \ g z : ~ 7

....... .......

P A I D F O R ........

M A N U F A C rU R IN G .



C a t t le. A th o u sa n d p o u n d 1

a v e ra se o f SSO p o u n d s ' - ~ hide a n d o th e r f in ished

S w if t & C o m p l y ,— --------- IJim m r iniy a 'i l iu u a a jd s

f o rm i th e m in to b e e f ( beef to r e ta il d e a le rs v o r io u s k inds o f m a n u f in to fo rm s w h ic h th e a

. F r o m e v e ry d o lla r .• " ^ r c c c l v e d in 1927 f ro r

— :---------; ----------p ro d u c ts n n 'a v e r a s o ol— ' p ro d u ce r o f liv e s to c k

-------------- --------- tft pny-------- T B ll tn g -n i8 ts ra n d -o n * <

^ O u t o f b is 85 c e n ts - t i. . . . . 'c o s to f th o a i^ i m a l a n d t

' m arketinK b e fo re he,m<

.......................... T h e s tp r y o f b e e f is...^h jng o f jh b ,_ a a : .w e l l .

indtiB tryi i ■ 4 C o m p an y Y e o r B qoIi

A M p y is y o u r s fre o u t t h e c o u p o n bo lo w i


d n ^ H ffflo< /o*

' V a iB 'a B a > riB « a * « S B « a a a * i

....... - • Sw ift 4 C o n ip a h y ; . . l :_ j_ __________ 40Q1 P a c k e rs A v e ., U .S . Y

.......... ......

r : - - — r— —

d i-------- ------------------------------------------- 1------ -

- w tm HiMtraie ten ip tfm g e .

6 Small tlucluatloni charactCTlied ■ 1empcr«lur*J[OL_mo .P***'

Tlie maximum w a»‘ 41“ Mond«y; 39 Sunday and <7 Sanirday. The mln- taun t was 15 Monday; a i Bunday

thi.ir expcpdlturta (or

1B28 as required by the iM t » e s ^ n of,; _ the legislature, . '

Thurrday evening i from - BM h»t«r.MlnfiMOU with h e r husband. 8 , In c n

ch: Rili^?wh“ wlw '^U binm cd to a -m n jo t iRO operation o l Uukt place. •■ch . '____ 111- HM tmnruT,f l ihe r e w l p l s ^ r e only go - i*» * « '

the door rccelpu wero

^ I S S ^ T ^ o 'id ah o S » ‘*Qfou’crt- ossoclatlon

------r iN to l- fo th r- l)O a n L o Ijl 'J^ < ‘£I2_?i

5S '"J ,rE “ ‘ spii..n rly: ton. Oregon, by th e a e r io n jp in r y - r r •„ , Ihelr mother. T he attcndlnB phX'l- idc clan holds out no hope lor tier rc-rin rovorv.i'd. Alkliiwn U penaiii# l»u” wl-vWi’e,. In CnllfornL-x.on'.bUiljn;'*;^nie Mrs-. Ed Orccnwood._tt-to J>a*:b«li __a e rlllcftlly 'lir'foK th 'o p o s tle w wElTu . llic lia* gone H ot Springs tor

Mr 7 n d Mrs. Edwin Burke a n a ' lamily wiu 'lc a v c T hursuay to niT trr

,tl . their home on a farm near Cald- Hell. Mr. Burke fccenlly Mid his 40-

‘ili ncrc ranch cost of town to Mr. Ma--chacek.__ > • -

11,(, ■ Mra. n . A. n in g and- baby daughter t«d r*tumc<l Sunday from a Twin Palls inv hospllal.

Mr. and Mre. Chas. Rclchert were

— ^ w r n ^ y - -appointed - w veu -o 'd o c k

nco land jiirco-tob its '^r-p lnoclU ^ bill tJ;e dinner. '

I D TO' — O ^ - ' ' ' -UCER OF • f 'W


earnTngs ■_ ■: G. r i f ! "

C o m p a n y ’s _ 3 D o lla r “d b e e f s te e r w ill y ie ld o n an i s o f beef a n d ISO p o u n d s of e d by*products . .

ny, a t . i ts va rio u s pack ingds Tof t ji tW siid i-w g e k, tiuiis.i---------- - —if a n d t^ 'P ro d u c ta , s e lls th e 3 a n d b y - p r o d u c ts to lu fo ctu re rs to b e w o rk e d u p 9 c o n su m er desires .

»r w hich’ S w ift & C om pany .rom sa les o f beef a n d b y -i-o f 85 c n i ts -w a s p a id to - lh e ---------- —c k fo r h ia an im al; 14 cen ta ’ m annfj^cturing. f re ig h t and• ^ n L j E ^ f l i tu u i an >»nmtng<. 1 _'t h e fa rm e r b a s to p a y th e ' td th e e x p ^ o f feed in g a n d m a k es a n y p r f^ t .

' is a n In terestlog one ; Some* jU a s m a n y p th c r. de ta ils of ,

j o k f o r l B i e , : . ■ . . ”

free, fo r th e aaidng. J u s t fill - BV a n d nuO .

& . C o m p M y

^ • / / w ^ s n y o f i i B s ----------------- : —w o f « o e ^ A pc^uncf.

> o f l li i i l » i l Y M r B < » H o ! . ._____


L ___:RROBLEW ;iN:scmQLS

^ - ^ l l ^ u W : WW T l i r u M r ~

courwa of study for the u m e cost tc“ iba-iM BM tt*.::______________________^39 -M em ben pf the board, on 7 < a b ln | In* the superintendent's recommendsUooilay

O', ond repairs for Uie coming year. Ii thto program the luperintendenfB ree

____ far tmproTctnent <

>««• lu tm iuoti 61 f ill 41?cTvCTmaUon'«y» -oa tems.-ond-of tho fwo-buem'ehV room u r , th a t would be retained In the « n building are lo bc given ipccU I a t ijot tention. , .

l i t y iJp (or AppTOYol Operation of the .■<hool system.~ac

rffd . _______,lne - .Uic • . '

o f ___________________________________

A. •Ik ; . • _

^r^ '

T W ----------- -

LlciV"'"...... ' ■ ■for

^ ---------------------------------------l i a r ------------------------- -------------------------40-

r _ ^liter’alls

wre__________________________ ____ ___

lock ________ _________________________

^ ^ ~ •


- tcoMlnc 16 a -MtkOn b o d is t w o tta i JS oU t'by tbe '»up«b )U ndeQ t,'M {l'-«W

: r r . of wUl b* asked t i aa-etoe*” “ Oon whlth the boa^d l o s f n l |h l dedd*------ -4td*to4teM w vW d » y i‘kU rchiM nrh iterk w u autnorlsed to - lm e the-i^u t] lUoos » U for the eleetfoa.

n m icftM l D alldlnf

' i * ^ ^ ^ l m s i S o ^ » i ^ w h ‘i ih M " lueonitnictlon of a .com m unliy holl of

fw baskoUMtll game* would fll in w ith Uie d istrict's pU ni.

I B?on'» buiLS" c ^ u u « / pdn W r outthB t-the-proposed -ha ll-ym ild provide

? J r ■■» •"«« ®'«’ « « » ““ ” ' and aeeommodate ihft c row ds-w c

would like to. bave. w llhout any es* [pense to Uie dUtrict except nominal

n. ac*i rental charge." Tlic hall, according

— t i r y o u r f

iF .y o u r b rea k fa

p ep a n d 'v ig o r -

------ stride."-And.thi________ of tKe coffee. I<---------- -T he-eh^cteris

blend is always ■ strong. I t is pa(

exactly.the way


^ Y ^ M O R N m C T B R U A PItkad te . ib a ioana, would proTtde » - floor; - » « J0W a fee t.-w im -h « tth t'p f-3 9 'l« e t-tc

ln f-M D » c lly Jo r,lT O j« K tiU n ._ _

' "AnMher deleBaum co m p«« l ,0I ««■ HoiUnatti coWaiM 'wlth Tin itllool-■nw fS£SnaE!dFbs“ m--{S^5Siu-iialu-6i -t««r»uui-nia w»ror

-. Twin n i l s . M emben of th e deleft* Uoo and of the school board and the

iaA : l” » tm tiU r. 11 was dedd td . wUl m ett

r tnmM has been eompleud. M em ben ol Uia S ? ! ? delegaUon Included O eo n e W. Blee.

w . D. AVerltl, W. H. MUU. B. P. J t * KtTUn.-fe-M ew ilcr a n a w . O . BIUFd 'o u t .. ...................... - ' - - - — • - —

- -IU d « t-W i» d p a to - • [omas Section of Miss I lu e l Mohoffey, i - w c teacher of c l ^ l ye an ’ cxperlenee In y ,e«* Twin Palls school system, to be prtn* mlna] elpal of Uie W ashington achool sue- irdlng c e e ^ M n . o ie n n -p r l t^ e r . resigned

f e le stM

ikfast cbffeeM&fies—sti or—you face the,, day’s wc 1 .this vigor c ^ n ^ l i e met i. It goes far deeper—it’s teristie-full'bodied flavbr lya s in the cup— brewed packed in vaCiiiim to mi

way we blendit.^ Start usii

I .A 7 i ; j j S

W U t & m Si r f v " 'V - 'V . '

A R Y M ; - 1 9 2 8 r - ' ■ .............

loor; waa-recocded by-the-board-laaV n lth t . p t - t c A t- th e - ia n w -tto e -p r tn d p e U «r Ote “ th« oUier schooU were re*«l|Ct«d for.U ie

ia t* 6 e m io » -* ih » o l-» w u u a i.M o si:_ J£ H h ____ K iio o l_ u ._ J f .^ T e m f : .J im l9 r . . .h lg h . ____ t^oQ i. M n . V era O. CLearT: Blcki-l

j / T sehool. MU* P a w Perkins. | l<^ .BecU on br k U a Clara W alton o( o

to .nU -vacancl«»-on-U w -JunU >r.hlgb l^ school faculty caused by resignations . ' K ; of Mre. K enneth Yochem. Misa Powler I

and >JUi Scott, also was recorded a t ^

meetlng-iBUr >uTUiTw*awftff im 7 fwe for re-wrlUng or •m jO O , worUi of In-

“ ® surance thU monUi.„ S ? Sale or two rem aining school wag*I ons Uiat have been displaced by

ihup* Th.it m irl- Chased some yean -ago /o r Uie manual

tmlntng departm ent waa auUiorlied.—‘ffey, ------ -— --------- -K In NOTICE < prin* Real Silk e e rrlee Man, Ralph E. 1 sue* Payton. Call 411*W for appolotment, i

gned. No obllgaUon.^Adv.__________________|j

■ ■ ■ l i

H s

" — - «

c u p o f c o f f i i

s te u la te s—is^full'df” ~ work w ith confident nkely i a t t e s tten g ^ _ - ii-’.'! a m aH -fir n f KIpriH.

rar of this marvelous — ^ed^mildi.mediumrcr— - m ^ e sure youget it

lising it today/



S B h

, K r ; s v 4 ^ . w t g p 5 : ? i H p B l W c r i 3

: B U B t E O B M i i i i z i r i ’; TO, N E W l^ E R y . HANDS :

[)— B t m m r P e l x - » 7 < a p k i a l - t o ^ '> - — ^

{ley H e r ^ w i l l ' ^ In to 'pM N U too | l o t W, A. 8 ^ ; fonner PU gr p o s t - ____

» U U - ^ e r r - O d o r a d o - b o U i - e tp j r t . --------‘ enecd new tM pe;'m en .' ‘f fie 'H sra ld ' f was estabUintd 10 y e a n K ie by ^'■ W. Brouse, to m e r te a ld e n f o r flgtte ,

S ■hwl.m«■ 3 tT tm > A N T « 'q iijl 'B S sD r o DEATH

B R X D O E W A li^ MaaSn iPeb. lS (JPr t* —Two attache* of th e Brtdfew atet ly S tate In ians heapltaV w ere clubbad r= - a n t j - « n i n | l « . to 'd e a U T a a a ^ r e e r . i others wtra Injured. w~hen «1« crlm* al lu iU y ..tn M e .Jn m a te s a ttem p ied" a ~ ' - d esperau break f o r- l lb e r tv -w lr - 'lo i ‘ -

day. The . attem pted ^ .escape was thw arted only after a fierce atiMnle

B. between Uie manUcs and a ll avail*'It, able .guards and a ttendants who were

- ■ - -

- l l l _ . - L l • ............ I------------ ----------- -

- 3 - ^

• . . . _

, f e s :

Page 6: ^ B S PATT - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ' VOL. 10. NO. 2G4, - Twin Falls ' Delesalion Back'. From Junction City Inqliirv;' •

P a f c S ix- "

j S t S l o :

T j H i j m ;.W o r ld M a rk e t C o n lin u n s F i rm

WASinNOTON'. Feb' J3 -A s lu n i ttcivnnce In com iirk ts In tlic incf of

* (train murkci diiriiw iln-

. o ra ln M arkti ncvicn' or Hi-' Utiiifil BintM burmii cf ncnnilttim l (toiir.iii- • , im ; Tlie doincMlf wlira! iiiurKi;l viv

. uctikcnnl cliRliily hy ki'IihuI tuiti-. in tlic OrouUi urea:- bu( llu- im rld-im i;*:

------ket .rnntm unl Hnn pM'A-iil.-ifnuliiivth r rclnllvrly _crop wheat irtiii till' .si-iMniiii ln - in l-v

• Kphere. Ryp ancl «at.':-wprr (tJiti-\m h-1>llmll/vl tlir tlllvl- uialtl^_An I

acllvc dcmuiicl fw llii' rcct-ipu _ol barley and flax iiilvaiu-il inircs ot w thow Ernlni slurlilly :imi1 ■.If«Titix;i c

Kcnllna' nntl Ausirnllu li: iv loliili-d a

durlns Ihc pasl t.-w wcrfes arrlvnH $ _uppnrenllK_nrc_lH;liu: .ivulLiik.urtnal-.aUu

• tlir Eiiropwiii tiuirkcl.-. iiiid prlcoa n l b- Liverpool arc liuldliiK-Hrni;

" ~ « ^ ? ’ W a U ^ * !w (n c ^ ^ n ^ 1( same mi a •week dro foi botli llie .S

___ March and Miw ilrllviTU'^. Prlc r: nl bloreitfn wheat dcllvoriYl Livi'rpool wcrc p no t maUrtally cliaiim-d froiii u wcflc w

lu \ f f ° TO fium ~?iw n u iu ■ - ’ a t » ! .« per bllBhPl and No. 1 Manitoba

arrived in port u'a.i,qiiolcd a l S1.02'..No. 3 Manitoba wan qimiod nt Sl.S'l':i ^and U .'S . No. 2 hnrd w lntir a l_ J l i2 'i . jW orid prlcc.1 o f'n a tive .w heat In Di* |,ropean .mnrkelA redrct^d Ilmi larRcr tjsupply bf forelsn wlieal. Nallvc wlieat t;«-aa quoted a t Ihe cl&'c o ' the week |, n t Hamburg n t 8 i .5 l \ . ill I’arla tlA O .-,Ot Milan $i.8P'->'nfU^ n t Copcnhaaen ^

Oeneral rains over llie dry wc^iern <’ - ' - g t iw it-iirpn , tnppttipr ivlth-thgrilmlLcdTTP__ txport-_iIeniM»<l_ffr«ttciiol_Uie_hBi;il_\

winter*w ticat niarliets ond causcd a .^ *horp decllnc In prices eariy In the “ week. Streniitli In corn, libwever. to - *' seUier with conllnucit active buyliii: o

a l Ih f -close of ihc week jirl.ces of ^

3 cenla Higher ih a ^ * a t the close o f ’’ Ihc previous week. Twelve j>er cent 1 protein No, 31 ia rd w inter was <(UOted '' ■ t V nn.n. r ily -a l_ ln .tn _ lS .rrn t, m r r a th e Moy price, whlcli closed Pebruarj- <i 10 a t yi.33S. Soft u in ie r w heal < reached new hlRher un crop nl '■

' several of the mttrkcla Infliunccd b y ' ' a relatively llffht supply and an ncllve \ demand from goiithc m mills wtilcli ‘ were repienlsliinR depleted slocks, ^u . '' 3 red winter w heat was quutcd n l ftt. '

— f c o u b - a t - I W l - l® - * l« r ^ ln e ln n a t l - J ___» 1 .4 9 H _ to .lli0 !a . _ToledO--81.47‘: ; _ t o . '

- ll.4Bt4 and Chicago ll,M .Trade report* Indleo tc cotuildernble- *

which was a lio a slrenslhcnliiK fac- trtr tn tributary m nrltrn Thp tlwiiimil ‘

— te _ ip r in 8 » h ra l-g n » Ip.« acHvc-aml_! premiums for cosh fra ln were lower ‘ partlcuarly few ll{|ht weight h lsh pro* * teln lots. Twelve pe r. cent protein..;

(rt;;thc week a t Mlnncflpolb at-O lo ‘ H ccnts o>'er lh e May price which '

. closed. Pebruary 10 a l SliS 'S,. ■ The decllnc in prices of hlah p ro - '

teln sp rin t w heat tended to narrovr ■ the dUference between tho dom estic '’ and Canadian cash prices. No. 1

— northem -'M anlloba closcd Pebniar>’ 10 a'l Winnipeg a i 91.40 which -uculd <

. compare a -g e n c ra l—way—w lU i-J il« li- , Proteto

Minneapolis o l $1.04% to 9 ir20 \. Premiums on durum w heat were

— bu y e rs-o f good color h ig h -p ro te in grain: Best prcnjlums on Nti#l omber and No. 1 mixed wcro about 20 ccnls

_ _ ® P T 3 P J

^ O r m a r f y m i n c e a h a l f 'h c a r t e d w a y ? t h d r a p p e t i t e s x

_________T h c b c r t t a b l c to i i i ce v e r 86Q L A m i m t b e p l e a s u r e o f 6tZ01uatC8

KwltK -nnH Kl

^ O O U B J J i V v A C T I I

— ---------- ^ ---------m y w |

" ^ ' ~ T W I N F A L L S . P

I------------- ^K E E Z -lit,I-------------- /.. f i i c t u v - SGV6M-><e

I \ coci.-’.'riTirp. T H IS !____________ \ l c r j i 'O A L

r KviT till'•D iitiiih Mav wlik'h Closed- '_ L tb limrv H l-ul-SIi . Till- wlii'iii tiiiitk''. nl I’o rilnnd war. ^: wc.iliir ;•., 11 ii'. iili Ilf ;i Uwlil tk-inand. i Ci.iirurv (ilkriiiK, v.ni- iiuln aU)iciieli<

libvnil Munilk'- Hfi- i;y,u1hU1i- in P l a t '• nriiti)f>' nnn UT-iirm «rtiiti‘'i ' qufHi'il :»■ the close o f:

I $1.^7. Hiiiail iiniri-i , ol wi-.-.lcrn reO ' iiik'-ii by O rie n ta l-^

■ bu.vi-r;s ut ncoiina t l .2:i to S1.22'-.! i>cr i-b iiflnl. Tlif .wi't Uhi-nl.l;. r i.-pcrt^ to

’ loi.nl v.'Iif»l tvii'i 111 nrtlv r d i'm aiid . u l■ .Siin Kniiicl'io tflii'ti' No. l h a rd w hile

whr.H ttn.s (juotra ul *3.40 |XT 100I pouiulji7"nif Loa AiiitLk:i n iarket waii : ui-aker. California Hniirt w heat bchiR . (lUlUtlll. !vUl'Ul(l Uk uiid~fi.'«;U uiivu i nil-Trt-W.aai-' iw r-lUO-iw und.trv ----------------hft‘ C onrsrarkcf-A rllvB ------------- 151

A roriiliiucd ncllve demand for th e |u : rcluilvcly loffie clferliiKs of corn cre*;bc• a ifd n firm markel for th a l Kraln n n d 'T i ' p rlfrr .' Hdvaiiecd 2 to 3 i-'.-nl.i p e r t l■ buslicl. -Ca.Oi pricc.% did not follow• llu full admnco In fulun-s In somo- markets bin offi-rlnRs were readily ab* uZ urU d—duriUR—U ut^ pu i— w o —a.-cclc*L^ ' when the reeelpls • have been large. L -^ i 'n<ltlfT«l>t«^rom-hn>»-hf«-n 'lyhrtW orX p;

, m 'ljfc o m e less ocllve a t lhe higher , ^ |irlc .» - rwffin Imv.- li(V»I vanu'd .illghtly and new A rK cntlne’JJ I corn for April- niid^Ntny ■SiTp'meiits In '* ; . beinR offc red 'a t'a round 20 cunCV l i e - l ” ' . low qiiutallons on United Stalc.i co rn - '- ' I nccordlnn lo trade reiwrw. E siw rters tr j.Wi.Ui, bldilliit(-ttl>aui..V-utiiUyOyi.»:-.mo.,i3 Chicago May price for corn delivered hi j on track a i Oulf port;;. Tliln would .hi [•lir r^iuivnlent-to about-‘J8- to l»9-ccnts - L pcTjjuihci. Unitctl 8 lati-a nitxwl corn ir I wa.1 <l'i°ti^ nt Ihe clone flf lhe week ll

t. corn. DoiiiesUu deinand wns of tif trI b:oad Hcneral cliuraclor. Induslrlovfa

nnd feeder.^ ni ihe cenlrnl und i,oiiih> fi;*tftsicn i til.\lcs conllmiml lo tnkc c arn jci } In good tiuunHiles from fhe cen tr.ili n

we.st csasi wiu Ic-Vi'acllvc. No. 3 ye l-i» j luiv corn wmi.^w rtw l-w M /lileB K tt-W tr-^ g n i a ^ 1(1 nt_03 io_£)4_ccnLn,_Kanji:is_. ■ Ciiy f t j i r to ‘W ' c en u hnd O m aha .!

- D3'i cenlii i>el- Imsliel.J-------------------- Uay _____________ jil. Hall Lake nnd Onden luiy m arket :iJII iomewhat uver«sunnliotl catialng n tic-- - cnne m prices i)( poorer itriule.i of ..

r iiiraifn: c r r s n i s n “ flinnni' o f f irsrr. or, third crop S14.S0 lo sls.oo dellvexed I ...S a lt kike nnd O^den. Sccond crop! e Toorer gradea >13.00._ ThuM ^

° ' — I’’. ' Mens suits ond llghl wcIrIiI ovcr- P coat-<, cleaiicd and p rcssc d -M cents.5/ Phone 00. Troy,-^Adv. t

0 . New Druniffict-Rccords cwrj- T hurs- d day a t Umbaugh’s.—Adv.il • ----E =9^9=i== S= |-d - - ■ —

e C lio lce C i ty L o h n S -------- ---------T ± *^,-----------------------r Twin Falli Title * A lntrae l CoT s I

Z allT H illk—

sattiuDgsin a I if i S t im u la te -J -1 w ith bak'

mcmba; • jf eating V ion—pro-h.-^'nmBi

B L KINC ^ O I h SIUSHjl [ g - ...... ------------------------------ --

L D A I L Y N E W S . T W I N F i

F=F3— — - V ' . GA

LIX, r t ----------------- .h T J P Sy g &.pc> A G O • \ C tiX J

H M I l i -‘J ^ s s o s s m c n t s " t ( i r “ 1 9 2 7 _ 'T J l a ! '

; F i r s t H a lf A re $ 2 0 6 ,5 5 8 .9 1 .q ____ 1

B JEROME. Feb: 13 iSpcctal to Thej

Ijiiu iiiu luii ii l j- fcn lP27 m iie--<484:^ - 151 J.BO.- of w hich-5206.35851 - h a re -been'; e |» ld . Tuxc.i delinquent from Dccem- j• ibcr 24. 1D27 nmounted to $31.00050., d'ToJtes which will fall due In June total I r »ltia203.41. I

fh e tax statem ents for lhe year show l *•' tlic-followlnK totals; Cliy properly j• roll: as.^eMment. $78.11357; first half *rnniar^ajKH?-‘f » r^ h ? t - halh-dellm nicntfj

$7,130.12: due. second holf. $34J80J7.- ""‘ Piibllr uljlltli'ii' Annrr tnolH. '■V’~

^^de ilnq !^^ $ n -M j^ ^

V»2B1563.-4«!-flr»t--holf-I>oui.-»138339,70;. :. |f i r s t ha lf-dellhquenl.**34,473.05: due.j „ ! second half. $119,140.08. Personal. .» troiwferrL'd to rea l; A ssftftnent. $2,- »i43731: first ba tf u a ld - $1.1183f.; first d half delliiquejilT $33^2; ciue. ficco'iid d hnlf, $U15.34.:s -Tlie-flnnnceB-of-J<irom<i-counli-_nrc. n in excellenl condition. Al the pix'scnt ■U lime there arc no ouU inndlns war- h. m ils iiualiisi the curren t, expense It! Iimd.'road nnd iiridKf tuna l>: couiliy n > fnlr fund and aLw all tchool dlslrlcti » rn re on a caah basis, with sufflcienl '• ( ftinds In a g rea t m any, districts lo ■» I cart}’ them throiinh for the baliiiiee o t j -'t I the school lerm. The county has be en ' ''■loiil'ralinif on IMC tm i-sury-im ii'-p lin ir W a i iircsent. tlH-ie ure «o»o o/

Warren u . Vlciyry-. ci-ruiletl p iib l^ '*-n(wounta;iU-coinplcU-d-au.audlL-af_oll.

cnlU-ctioiw made diirinK llie losl six 1 montiis. on Januan- 24, nnd reporled

—r favoiably on - t lie-wiKlUton - of- l he ■ books. Up found collections for tlie vnrlnyr tn>'nn v" l’^ pm pw lv.dls-


10 cent cleanliiE sp « lo l on Men’s ' i siills u nd .. ligh t weight . ovcrcoots.j ■ l-linnn f.U TYov.—Adv._______________

j Real Buys in

i M C a r s

bverlnnd Six C oupc so ld now

H u.f fiill equ ipm en t iiiitl I 'x tni t ire nnd a ll i;i f i r s i i-liis.s .sliuim; w ill Hell fo r

. r " ! ..........$595O verland C liiiiiipion S e d a n ; a

I Overlimd 01 T o u rin g , bal- j loon tire s Q O f l A: and, now

" ! Onkliind Coiicli, .new balloon tire.4 umi cu r a ll ih f i r s t

.. S650S ta r Toiiring, 1925 M odel; a

I g ^ = zS165-^EAf^Y TEi^MS______ _


ta d U ld ' m u i SH

r f A u a y iP A m T t jE s i jA T i

40W PACT O P VOUR B l t t T ^ ( 0 ^ r \e l e b r w o m »s a l w a y s t o t a k e \> 0 W ^ :-m 6 ~ 6 A 5 K 5 T NDU C A M r iM : - p


\ The Lincoln^ fchoal I’areiit-Ti'acher.i ' ' .,11 a.'ioclallon will meet tiiw alti-riioon * lm a t 3:30 .In th e Liiuoln aiidllorluni. IjBT A'-tflrdlal Invitation !■« exifiitli-d a l l ' I

liurenta lo vUli lh e n>oms prior lo ih'i . , . I intcillti t - ylilch will inrl'itic .ii ^llo^t ■------- Ul.slne^% w i» ion_fo ll.m .-,l.b /.u .!lIW “jljITTB — ; _ I

•fOIM -.Tlic. junior"W ;-<> T?'k/;--wtl|--hold'-' Hull* u-Kuiai' iii6iiii.;y liiiTiiiii! t iiiK

Q l artcm oon -jt 2 :3 0 .ut the liuine til- ' Mrs. L. E. W lillK 'l. 102 Vim BureiiIttrecU , ______ ___ _

The I • • ■r i n i- Tii>! - 0 liH<t-6iudy-<-Uibr-dw>T-tiK>-T>

xc,i';« ''* -"*M > ^> on ,-w lll-ho ld U ie lr-llrsU ft e m -;cla ss‘WtjlnesdAy. February 15. a l 2:30 tl 058- a l lltc homn of Mr.i. E. T .-G iiilco’. j ti o talU 30 Pourlh avenue north. d

•:------- ■ "■howl T lie 'd ram a and liim lu re dc p an -iv <rly 1 ment of the T w cnuetli Cenlury eUib | ti half i will meel w llh M r;. Jolm W. O ra-,al ifn ,^ihB m ,-ao i-T < n ih -ftV i.nuo -no tU u-W «l^ 0J7.- .lesdny. a l 2:30 ,^ ‘clock.

irn~!('l~’n i r T w ItrF aU s'cbnp te r. O . 'e . a T |7 :ial(,.Lwlll_ni«l_itt_t(_fi;£lW :t_ltll3_tKllill8.i.lji«nw th** hii«iijp«L-i .-ii'Mloii. tin* un- ),70;. .afflllalcd_nicml»rs_wilDmYtL_clmrue. f, due. -of llie-pro«nim -am l relreilunents.... j, )nal. ■ ■ '— • - b$2,- The Jesters. Tv.'ln FaUs young peo- ., Ilmt pie's rocieiy. nre prcseming a special ^ •oHir va lem lSf" d .iiW D-.iiivHanQ" ’ Uii-i

evening, beginning nt 9 o'clock, -nils .a rc . .la_lhc_tlraU of a series .of dances to • sent be glven'by i lia l ^ u b tliiHnjrihe .early «.-ar- spring, D icorntlons follow the val- n u c entlne motif, a n d are In red ond im ty‘ wnitC.'- tn e ‘ r cilore ut "Ihe-c ltib.— ep»> ■» nets clal llghilng ef?ecu Iwve been de- r ;lenl vised, employing th e u v of old lasli- ? » 10 loned street lam ps and the orchestra e e o t I pll has been converted Inlo a huge s ijcen' valentine, MaHc will be furnished j Man 7 ^ r - i f tTT»n‘g-preh e.i tn i , - ' ri>e> ^nw -lfr •*hea e . onen to tho nubile.____________ jiS^lcj' i — — t[_oU l„T lus.L ..D ,..9 ,. % lle f Jo e lc ty .Jm I v ,t

six sued an Invllclltm to every nmrrlcd j >rled I ‘-Hi'*! .....................1_.......... .............

tlie ■■ ..~.i ■ — I ■ j i i s i . ________________________

lien’sloats. . . _____ ... . . ,


d _ _ i T v ^

ICWfo r. _______ __________ • ■ ' -e n tr s i A ■ ^f o r

) a l- .

l a — -— J B IDon "i r s t


G / .......^... ...............' ■ V ~ G R A N O B R HOVOH c u t B ] ■jjJ’ — ; ~ T H B l IO G B r r« M V H S T O a

«■ M I 11 -----TT- —

jA A ^ llO R N J K C U ^ B R IT A j


/ ’ a h a '. .W G R 6'S Ah40TWC^ 4 _____ / _ P 5 U C _ Q E L ^ 0 & eJ ’ 1 - 1 : r t ^ e _ M U R s i M c - s c m u

iH M .t y o u ' ~ o s e g = f ^

iC0iilEByi4928M a n a g e r o f Id a h o D iv is io n o l

W o m o b l l 6 % ? 8 c f a i ^ ^ ^

T f iis W ill B c B ig T o u r i s t 'Y c a r |

. T ha t 400.000 tourist carn'~yltU~for»"

u:li*-<lurln«-««f-y»i>-ie38r«m i-«»ftW rofH - [lfsL-fto to - 60-p er cent-of- these- will po.-M 2;3D through Tw in Palls, was Uic esllmate co’-im cde liu.i niRht by J . 15. Noble, of

Boise, Itlaho iiiaii'aiter of tho' American " , Automobile'nasoclatlon. who Ix here to

A rt- |v b i l W alter S. S m llh .,local manoger cUib to' look over U i; Held to determ ine the }rn> 'aluiallon for lhe reception' of Uie tour-

________________________________________How He F ltu reo ■ -

, ^ ’ rsllmnt*^ l i to base ll on la.st vear's ' "f “ -ftirirrcg^ ‘'guFR ' UiV

ypor—1037-aa0XXIQ-ca rg W itli' fon-lgti llcmscs camc mto Id a lv or tient'

•• through; A coPli^r^^ltlvc estimate. . bailed on lh e i;rowth of th e lourlst

vrniiL- for i^ e pas: yearn, would bc thnt, the ■Jimnber_tliljiJVeiir-WOuld ln._

“ crease |0 per ceni a t lean' above last.I j s t Yrar PiKir .

‘ _"La.sl ym -W M a bnd qne for touri.it travcTT" li,s iaH F d ''« T llr^ ir-Ju n iriJU t

nnd -- ------------------------------------------------------

dc- n ltcnd Uie •Time S'clicilule .Social" isli- ?)hlch' will Uf held n l lhe L. O, S. ■stra eliapcl a t l-'ifth avenue,-arid ^-Thlrd lUge s tree t cast a t 2 o'clock thi.'; aflcm oon. i h ^ Mrs. June Klrkman will lead the

^tycup-fllnKl«»e~<nn>-Miiir-J ;-Br-Hliehle-

ner will bc served under th e dlree- I I v tio n j jf Mr.'.. Tlmiiiii.'. Hcdder and M; j. ;ficd Sidney Atidi'rioii. .................... .

J t B WDB Wt ■ .S TOBACCO c a

7 aK Y ~ H rig 28 r~ ~ T :::"~ '^~ ^

£jsm — /

Z PCOM } N - p ^• X AW, \ ^ ---------- '— ■

M EV ER..) —I WAUT— ~ \ .

• . ---- - COULOM'T ^^ . I y

I B ^ K i n a i n T ™ o v oi

p |.i.im p > ,i In .iiiiv nntl AiigiKt when llln U iliould have Increaart. Tlie reasonin U ' roT lIiH 'w in rilF w eo n iir-ttW T R fd 'if ltrb

cold In the slates of th e Mississippi b n n -'alley, so people were cool enough at i n home wlUioul going to th e mountains

L u flB O 'in fy"fJW norw 3nrto-ln ivc-w hen - weather cuiidlllons were unfavorable,

. on *

I wllh the normal growUi of Uie tourist - . r . - tr#df-ftddcd.UiOUgliU-4a-aliw.-*--.T51f - aVS Increase over losl year.

-------- n ii> iw m tuii Uf T wii r r alU- ts-a m li -g g p Uiat more Uian half jo( those enlering

Idnho. would <!ome through here.:'.___Speaking. of the..lmpofOkncc of .this _

- traffic la Uie sta te M r.N oble jxilntcil i S I l out thnl while It is po.'wlble to drive ?” *?■ acroM north Idaho In a day, tnw con- "

nol' bo~done' iiriw U H riduh6- tH d' t l g r " P " ’ touH sis'and 'U ielr'Tnm lllea'w ill spend '

much while Inside Its borders. •

C.^LL KOK BIDS !oger BOISE. Feb. 13 (/p)—Idaho ’s bureau I the of hlgliways today c n lM for bids on flur- th e . cnwhed gravel surfacing of 8.0B____ miles of Uie Old. Oregon T ra il high- _

way bciwecjr-Onyx and“ Mc^CSt^on. .

ear's 1 .“ pn r RE.SEHVOIR j ' lL L iw ;"

—BOISE.-Feb> -^ -J4*4—B lg -U n t-riVtr. _ resen-ofrj. near Mockay,_ co n talnri ■ 20.057 acrc feel of wotcr f tb ru a ry 1

iiirlst „ of Umn“ “ on the same dule a year hgo. tlie de-

today. The n-sorvolr Bupplies water

uriilPRESIDENT O F'CO STA inCA------

------ SAN'JOSE, Costa Rica. Feb. 13 (/P)X to l ' Oleo a wwa l w Viqu w of -*hw Nat ion Clol" a i u party was clecled prcaldent of ), s . Cosl4 Itica, ri'cclvlng 41.723 votes In •hlrd-the balloting yesterday. Tills will bc ioon.;Uic seoond term for Senior Vlquet,

th e ' He served as head of lhe republic d u r - ' Lchle-mg-4lw-jwlod o f . im . to - ia io ---------------

iree- • WANTS ,^^N A ItY -U A tl«N BILLM ;j.l ST. PAL'L. Minn.. F c b .J 3 (/p i-T he

’ Minnesola Council of A piculture, j


\nighty close to p. perfecHm

ImrsriomcredalmlC_____________ o f t h c f i n e s t t o b a c c o d

« in n lf jn g .- . y 0 0 d o l d ~ f e n t

T h e r e 's s o o e t h i n g a b o u t i n t h e B l o e G r a s s c o u n t

P f i m a i d i i t a n ^ h c r c else^

f i i v o r ; m u i l d - t t e l l o w n e »— — f i n d - i a o t h c r -t o b a c c o .-------

r .% A n d g r e a t G id e o n ! H4 d o e a - f l o a t o u t f r o m a l o n j

o f G r a b g c r R o u g h C u t I

...... . JLvJ.

= E B » S = 9 = ^ « K B - B n = 9 '

~ ~ • ■ , i

■, T H E A ^T V O O )j e a E D _ y ____ : . I ........ ......................i / - • -----------

iT. y . .

It o t . C«wntW, IO. VT Ti*.t 1

illmeeUng here U x ^ reau in n eu iw al^

j - b y-co n sr tM -o f-th c -M o N a ry -H a u g fa — li bill. Including th e equalltatlon fee.t ______ ' ------------------s


r TO RELIEVE' j_ CllNSTIPAIIDIL.a — Moro and moro peoplcA ro'eotlnir ••

liran for "honlth 's sake” these days.And I t’s a fino thlnff. B u t no t every*

----- body rcalU csw hain dllTercnce thori>Is In so-collod.^brans." Doctors say

" it takes 1 0 0 % ''b ran to su p p i/1 enough rouRhogo to relievo eoniti.

patlon. P orU bm n products, a t best, •~ -can-only-bfr-partly-^ffcetlvo.------------------

i _ K « , W y A L I f B R A N .VlOOC^^ " “ ■“ tra'rV. 11 fd ri ils lie s 'ro u R h o g R -ln '-----

~m^t^*cffcc*t?ro fo rm : c « k M and E- — iirnmldful-* I t n w nrk part-hrfln ■J proUiicU canno t hopo to equal. Two .‘ tnblospoonfuls doily—chronie cases,

•wllh every meol—oro guara tilced .< j l to reljiivo constipation. . • • r .'lervo A L L -B RA N often. WUH

milk o r c rc a m » f ru i ls o r honey added. Bo su ro you_ ge t gcnuln* K cllog^fl'though— In th e red-an'd-"

') g ^ |n ^ p a ^ n g e . J p s o lU ^

f is sold by a ll g rocers. Served cvCry- “ \vhcrc. Mado by KcUoec in Batllo « Creek.t,

'ets— — — ---- -------------------

pipe-sirioke'on!itGrangerlfffiwIe----------------------»Acre is for pipe*g itu c ty B m ley . - ■ -

mttobaccogrownl a ^ — you can'tse; A fiiU, richt» ihat7pu-doo^—------------^ ^ —

How that flavor ong, cool pipeiul

lO o T

StnOlypmU ' ^ ^

---- aJ ._______ _

-T— r - -s , “

Page 7: ^ B S PATT - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ' VOL. 10. NO. 2G4, - Twin Falls ' Delesalion Back'. From Junction City Inqliirv;' •

^ iflOSlN IN LII FOBd i l B l l S E i

MAROA. Feb. 13-W ord h u been—-----TKtlved liiat ChnriM D » e h 1 .T « 0 _ ^ ' ------M rr^ncl - Mrif-'Sr^-Q^DliliI^linone ■ vt ■“

nine Iiudcmii a t, the U nlvenKy-of - Utho who will'be rraduiitcd fnjm the

_*__Bdwycfd, co'ur»c ol_.ml]lUry ,«cl*nce _

■ - iwiWnB camp U M fltoed i.lo r*a-aM ' - ontl ircHt«n»nt'»'^cominl»Blon' tn the

------.e»'rve corp« of U b -t tW ? :--------------------Tlie Idaho .Power company U ar*

rwiRlntr to m le n d U»e power line from C. B. Bhafr* no rth lo .lh c farms ot >:ranlt pc n try and A. 8 . U Monip.

hclplng'bulld h l i new barn.In response lo «n Invliallon fron;

. th c .P l l c r 'a W oman's club lo attend an open meeiinit of the Filer club. In c h a r tc 'o t lhe Ilbrnrv.commllire, U en-, .

. l ; . members of the Maron Women'r. ' club a tlendetl an oDen rnmim of Hie _ Filer club III chnrse ol llic library

------Mr».-Berllm-Blerer-enfertftlntd-'lHira*-(Uy afternoon, compllmciitini: her sts- Itr. Mrs. Hill, who K vlstiinR. her.

V Oiic:t.i were Mrs. T. E. Nfoerc. M n,___Jolin..Dlas5_and Mra. .W illiam ..S o tti J

e rr ' of Pllcr. Mrs. Roijfrt BlasUKK, J _ ja r» ^ - R u i» r t T«iun.TMBr:Wllhlte.-Mrs. k

;- i-^ f tin e d ^» --n trm ^ t)f^e lc h b O T -P ria iy ' 'I rvcnlng. OanWs were played and (he i liciU'W Mrvfd ft lunch.------ -------- j


. DENVER, Keb._13.i/p) - Slicci) 'U w l | ) ^ 8300; no Inmb. BOld cnrly; ,

----ingicanptvi- .grfta ^ o 'T t'e aT t-u itirsM - .• ufti.iy p.icictr m arket. Load l.^l cv.cTfi

• • KOSTON w o o l. InOSTQN. I^j)._i;^,V |-M A ilv nt llic _

lacior.i inllur'ncliiK ilio Httiitcr trad- Ini; rcccnlly noted In lhe ivool innr-krt arc .icnsanul In chnracier. Man- i

• ' ufneiiirer.-s a rc .ihowlni: llielr new |cloth Ior f.ill Rood.s and con.\cqucntly :

— iiiiciitro"n'nc7ia~nr"Uir"drn'u.'h~Tiway' i. trcm .itic ravj- V,w Im portt.^gLtw ^^ j

li-r than Uk prP\-lou» week and cim* |

r.C.t nnd aSQ.OOo'pounds of «*50s QUal- ,

am'fluntcd to over 4.000,000 poundi ^ Wl;lcli was. ftbout 2JOO.OOO over the

l.o s ,\NOELES UVESTOCK ' LOS ANGLLISS, Feb, 13 m —\\m \ -RecelpUi 24UO: acllvc; alroiiR lo 25:I.- higher:-tw o loads-lB4-poim d-buichcn •

S3A'. to »W: bulk 135 to 200 pound

packing iiiiM SU to I8.2&." • ' Cnlilc—Recolpw 1200; fnlrly acUvo

killlnR cliiiw s steady rfo 35c lilglicr; b :lie r Brndci ahowlng meat a<}vance: cnr '1054 pound • Cnllfomla steers

■ H9WI- tnitri M2 Dound_Ulfllis_H3.M;..lond yearling btccrs and hellers 113.25; medium .it-.vn t i l la 111.75; th ree ' loads Mexicans tOAO lo «10.15; two

- lc .id s -h e lfe rs -J lO :-s lx - lo a d i-8 1 8 -to1041 pound California nnd Uthn cows *9.25' to W.10; oUwr 5he*itock M.75 Io $8.75; a ll cutters S4 to $0.25; bulls

500. , I , ^ mrriliim In'choice Iambi Quoted to tl3.^0; medium lo' choice wooled owes S5.75

_ .to J 7 .5 0 y . .. ^


(,fi—Hog*—Rtcelpts nOO; holdvcni 375; nround 16c lower; live load# 115 lo 200 pound CftJlfomlas ttiO : IW pound welghW IBilO: odd head packing sows »7,0.

• Shccp-R e«lpu-700i-B ood undor.aO.. — p o u n r t- lam b s -a b sen t:— < i« o lc d - llii -

hcavy Inmbs 25c

w iurrivc ou r"o% ct;k a t $12.76; rom— vt nriim p-.|U O t«l-arou iK t-tlU -ft«caaa .


PORTLAND LIVESTpCk PORTLAND. Feb, 13 im - C a U le -

, Receipts 17QA! opening: -slow; pot '• cncugh Bold early to, csUbllsh rellab e

basU for niiotnVlon; one load fairly Rood Mcera cach a t *1355 and

iood b ld 'lis 'io hold h ighe r bids on medium w fairly RO^ ane— stock, barely atcndy; many wllhout bids; few Uultl vealcra took sie idy ul 112 to » l3 :j fu lk of supply not sold. Cnivcs—Rec(^)t« 115.

H os-RepetpU -iflQ5: cpe’ftlng slow with butchcm 'm ottly I8c to Mo low-

------ c r r - b u lk - l le h t- b u lc l im - early -M J5_lo SDJ5; mosUy W.M; pnft dK k strictly^ cholM^llcb^^^^^

‘e r.p lip sU ady to 2Sc-higher a l « 3 5 10 lOM.

Shcep-R ecclpta 8i5: no early trad ­ing: ta lk lng laro iind steady,

— U » s '^ W U B L £ !!"w b ^ 3 ^ ! il^ -V ro ^ ' ilue&.’recclpla: .

m iller 171.000 pound*, chccsc HOB pounds, cgffs noni!.

Duller In bulk 44',7c.E d r ^ B x l r u 24c: (In ta fresh 32 'ic;

rnipc count 32c; mpdlunu 90e; amaUf 184.

PoiiU ry -n ro llc r# /I lo 14 pounds • 35ci o.ver 35c ;. Iryeffc-^Jcghorni-^aH-

leahoriu under 3 !i, poundi lOfl! over___^ ic ;-h u iS v -C Q io cc ii,: is '} se* jy !O ttJ i^

Ducks, younj 22c; old 16c: ■geo3e.2flo; yniinf-iiima-8tc:-dreiHPii 880!

—■ -h im r^«cr-drm ed*65erH mdt r : B p win d r _____lllfl;'_nl~rt- ta n s atlc:

T W I M F ^ . L R n A

: - T ' ' ' — .ygMNI f l ' i t --------- W » R

® i T i n y n • r

FROOUCe • ' CHICAOO, Peb. l j . PouJljy—

• B c*r»: fowls ■ up c tfl 25c; /p r m « 'M n e 'S O c r iU C r^ '.t

38C! -roOlt<T»v30c;'TIUcK!r U

^ ■ ^ o i t t t o c a i ; ? ^ 3 g t5 ^ r i p ? w f t «ItiSk '27i cars; total i T T r i f i l p ^ i r t T i S aturday 1145 car*. Sunday 44 cam ; t |

- '4**”’ '' '"^ g”** trm frtr atow.- m arlcc t; f,.Wisconam m k c d m iu iiu t .

Whites $1,60 to 11,75; Idaho sacked j- RussetJi and Burbanks *1.75 to h ,bS ; I

- (fw- (aney flttde hlelier; .commercial ,,- *1.40.to-*lJO;_MinociotJuandiC£l_H«u4_ - . .n i i r r r 'H i,'. Rii-wiii Bnfi n ,,.-: n.

,n » .,B■ — - FJorida_-iiU ia ..iriun iphs. cra'JMT 7

U- s. No. 1, « ,« ) ; lew b o t « .7 fi to I___ __ »

OSfAUA UVESTOCK ‘ ~ *_ OMAHA. Feb. J3 t4^H 0R5-*M osl- ly lOc to 15c .lower; lights showlnR . most dccline: lop |7W ; bulk IBO to

' «• poiwifl- Ir

“ uncHan]|garT>u n r TI

' 236~pounds.— ~ f - — ____ .-.- r - rJ Callle—T ed Bleeti and yearlings

,— I II I , ,11 ________ Ci

- ‘- W i m U ^ A R K E I S - - . -

-• P^lce. ar« obUlned dalU ^

. a rc In trndM to eottr on ly th e ^

ta o « <hah th e qnoted prices no <«Mh

*■ ^ " ‘••‘ Uons are ,ofrered < *?‘1* *« P««aBcew ^ 1

i - _ S s £ ^ I »ceep<e<J as t

’ ,iL*®* ^

: »>«««[' ; H . „ ..........l l

i Steers “ tni{ft*x7S^rf<

, lc g h o m s ticni . . . «; C o x - .................................... .................tI Sprlngera. colored ..... ..............Vi:

Springers, Lcgfiom ...... ...............l ? ; ‘1.. -“ P- ..........'.'.’.'..Z.'.'.'l8c

r c a p o n irN a T " !;" : ' ': : :............... iS-

Turkeys, old toma ...................fOeese ............. ........... .................. }?: I

■ ......'5 B utterfat, sweet ...... -J a u l tc r fa t . tour ........ - - g c: B m (eaalii ........,3 . ----------; EW# (jo ia i jto re ) ..."^c

- ...... : r : r r r ; ; ; S ;

; 5 - . , . ......■ '* '» .......................K u ra u ...................................r ~ t ™ '

If Beans■ W oniicrn ................ »fl.OO.U»M« '5 - W liM i a,,d Mm Feed • ■ -It No.-2 'o r-betler..-..ij.jt- 'j. ^ e r a l l o n wheat, No. 2 orbctl«r..|1.0B '

i- ..................r ...............

Stock food. 100 Ibj......................1 li;70 I. s to c k food, aoo ib. lo t* ..... '

' netaH Price* 'U m o n s, d o i c n ................... 50c tind 60c ‘

C orrou. ......................... ^ 3-Cabbagt! . ... '............. , - . :Lclluce. h e a d .— ............lO c aftd lJ ticCtjiery •-......... , ia% c

,. S um Potai<M/jltirSS.'ZZ...20G1# , - - . Prpduce

B u tler^ (ranch) ...................... .. ..... 40oj j D w w m w n m r y ) .........................

i , AU f ir e Twin FalJi D m « U t» ^ M r.

3 i^ r N E W S .T W IN J A l


— T HE \ 1 MMTTER VMITH V01).’ \

'w w t ? r w s * H ou W j S U H l \ M?E HOU I

I M0'.v; Ivfnk to JS.; in*fr; lower Rroiln -,se ttlnK best action; ;,lic»itock Ktcady S j to weak; veali and biilr, m ouly Mcndy;- jjo' ana ^!. Tac^Tower; llRht .riiicW ^^ showing

8 r t f m ’$15; heifers larKcly $10.25 to : $11.50; beet cow.s $7.3.S to $10; choice : t ; hcavlps SI0.50 to $li:>n; bulk all-cut*UI lcr.H if,iU lo l<) W; uwxliutii bulb dJJ7.50 to $7.00; prnctleal top veaL'.'1 $U'.r,0; Movkers mul feeders $10.75 ll I0'$13;-soiiio-hcld a ro tm d a u .............

r « s * « r jo * 315!25;!to^^^ -fat"cw!u 0 $8 to tO; fcedlnti Inmhs $14.50 to

$14.75; nilxi'd fal ami tccdliig lambs- $15.15.

■ 'lU G IIOO MAUKET,o .CHICAGO Fci:. 13 (,T)—The larit*15 esl hvB rcfcipu; cn the Chicago mnr- .d-j-kcr-ylnce-tB2.'>-trrrg u-i'orded-toflar~ ;o I One hiindr.’d tlinuMnil were plnced

[rpr» lm g--b i]r?rr— M cdhim-and -Mronit -

ll while IlRht blltcliffs lnp| i(v1 tlip marJ- ket- nt- $8ll5, ........................ ....................{s • Geuerally the hog trade was 10c

to SOc lower.

IPAIIO ■ rOTATOKS ~ IDAHO r\L L 8 , Feb. 13 iM .irkil

News Senlcci — Shipments. Friday; C.illfornln 71, CcloriHloJO, IdnhoJtlO,

■ -Mnriii! '209,' Mi^hlvan 44, SllnnoMita 150. Washington 16, WL'.constn Dl,

_ Wvcmliig fl: tn tal w tie .l S tates._fti;L. Canada UO.

Idaho shln'ncntii Fridny 100; blllt-d east 75, to. .•niitliern Cahfociiln ,4, Idaho-Uiah diversions 18; pit.vscd. 'ChcjxoQe a n i Denver 129. to ^outll-

_ ern* Calltomla C. lo northern Cali­fornia. 7, Omnha to Chicago la

Shipping polnl-Inlorm aU on-oI Fri­day:

»y —Idolio Fall*—Haullngs nftKlerato, de- ■ mand mMlcrate. m arket firm. Car-

^ loads i. 0. n. caslt track; R iir«U .

^ 10 95c; 'u . a*No*!'x 55c; ^ u r" ls .* p ia l^

W grcweri: Russeta, .U. 8 . Ko. l bulk

M fancy higher.™- - Twin FnlU—Haullnu* llR ht-dem and. ^ Increasing, inarkot -stoady.- Carloadu

, No. 'l . rnojUy 00c; ‘u . S. No.' s . ’stfc to 00c. Carloads' cash to Rroweni: Rus-

♦= sets, U. 8, No^ 1. BOc to 85c; U. G. 2c No. 2, 40c to 50c.2° Tclenraphie Information from Snt- « urdny momlng'j marketa: i® • ClilcaRO-AiTlved. Colomdo 4, Idaho 5®. 6a..FloTlda.I...M lchlgon. W.„Ncbnwka « - 7r-Norih-D»kol«-34r-ldftho-dlver#lon^ I® 7. On tr a c t 2 » w ra JncludlnR brok-

11^ sk )w T m a rk « ''s tc rd T " ^ c k safe's” ^ ciiTlatfi- otitmrtBht— idahoiRufficarLU ; ^ S ,-N o .- l;-$ l.7 0 to |J.B6r-tew:-faney

shade higherf Partly graded $1.40 loI®. I U O , ...................

Fort W orln-A rrlved. California 1, . Idaho 4.-North Dakota 3. W ashington

2. Diverted 0. On track 13 unbroken car?. Siippllcj moderate, dem and and

S® tradlnR light, m arket firm . Broker.i' 3® fiarlot sales. Fort W orlh basis; Ida*- tiB~Rnnils-Tmd-Russcts. U, 8 . No. 1 " and partlr-<raded. $1,65 to $1.85; few *•* fancy shade higher.

Kaiwas C lly-A rrlvcd, Colorado 2. Idaho 22. Mlnneaola 7, Ncbnwikn U,

®® North DiikoU 3. Diverted 41. On track 4!) c an imbroken. Supplies llb-

• • eral. demaml modemle. m afkcl firm.■ „ Cnrloi Kales'io oulslde polnU. Kansi-s “ City bwls; Idaho UtiascU. 0 . 8 . No. ” 1. two c an iUIO. Partly graded, ap- " nrnylmMPlv BO iv r cfflt U. S. N9- I .

S ' 10 p ir Ctnc; u . 8.' N6.I ; I U 5 Ul $i;<0; U. s . No. ?. -mostly ■“ BUO. Riirila, U. S. No. 1. few n l c i ^ U JB to $1,00, ,

S t. Lolili-Arrlvcd. Colomdo 3, Ida*

^ a ^ « « "inclouitig b ro K c 'i ir^ 'u p p m i l moderate, demand- slow.' m arket dull.

T rack sales .cnrloaiLi b to lc c weight. i l sales Prtday: Idaho Uus-scls. D. 8, Sc No. 1. one c a r .$1.05. . . . _

AUonla-iArrlvcd. Colorodo I. Idalio lOo' ^

^ A L L S . i p A H O i T U E S D A Y J

' f ^ - A N D H E R E ' Ah

= '7 O N E C E N T P E R W ORD i J

S e I -----------P E f i - IH S L 'r.T IO N ---------- T «'‘“'•M 1;= 0 , 7 5 ------------------- ;--------------- — --------- 1*^■■ I .zM -W ant-A fliallvftand-sslUe atul— ••3 l« P , Ihey bring Uip tiuycr. ' ,ci><lf rL -iii. JB F>^ I I : - . — ^ 1;:

t o f F d R " S A i:E ^ P O U L T R Y " A N D ” *^f

. E G G S ■ "

FOU . SALE-Cm C KEN .S DRESSED M mid delivered. Phonr i;i33-W, ' f «

' ’■‘'• f o r SALE -r 'P U n E n R E D ’ SUPER-Buff Orplnaton coclcruls. Phone or

^ ± B 3 B = = a U d i = S H E E = £ m i i m t i t i = 5,n ^ -L rec g a-n n d _ ac » m B jK n k _ E ^ E. ,Crab:_^

^^^?t.ccc|(crcl!.._ jD cJ:jm i:hliiiJ_m lk-ca5lJ:!! 10c 3 '. jouth o tjc im bcrly . ^

• I f o n SA L E -53N £ .-.'vo itfo ''M A M -molh bronw turkey t«n i.. Mrs. J. I.. “

' Dioi'dinR. J '.i miles souili and '• rKn' ill eait end M i l i r " '’ - :“ ' ----------- — Tjfty; - 1

I - F O R -R E I ^ r — F U R N I S H E D - ^ ?

sr; I. . TOO- S T E A M ii^ T E b ROOMS, 71tT^

1“" “ ; HhoMionc nor th . ___ ' ,...V tH O O M AND nOAJlD. 0L 03E IN. 315 ''ml,.' 2nd avc. n o rtli.____ ______________;a li- FOR RENT. ROOM'. FURNACE HEAT. „

Fri- io S Z iS f ijT ^ ra O N T ^ B E D Y lO O M '; J board If deslreil. 235 6th avc. no rth ,,

id e - FOR RENT—QAR.^OE. FURNISHED‘i, Car- healed room, u-lth bath. Phone j, w u . 1575.

------------------- "I;heal. 144 8lh avc. north. Phono . "ti

| 2 ^ ^ r ^ o J n ^ ^ D l v « « K l - l t ^ - O n ^ t ^ '4’5(fc 13, Supplies modcraw. demand mod-11

cfato. market ttcady.- Salirf to Job- I , G bers; Idaho'Ri.raLi. U. 8 , No. 1, $2.25, t

' to W.40. niMily $2.25 IP jxoj,. Los AnRrli's — Arrived. Calltomla. r

Novuda 3, Oregon 1 by b o a t On track |i daho '>5 c” '*- Sales Friday, demand niod-; = ■nuka criitp, tiiarkol nbout sicady. Few '

Traclt.M3M_-.RarlnLnnu f jc != h i:^ jroifT Idaho Russels. U. 8 . No. 1. $l.5l>. •

- L E G A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S ,!^


[a J Notice la hereby glYcn th a t the nn- ‘, iRton »>*“> meellng of the stockholders ol i X -n the Twin F^lls BascbaU Club will bi- •VTwill'cld 01 the ofticc of the ChamlHT ot f

, Ccinmerce. Twin Fulls, Idaho, ni 7:30 j P. M. on Thursday. March 1st, 162H, . for the election of tUmtorR and -lIu' '

'®: ' transaction of biirh other bii.iiiievi na '' *®"' may como bcforn tho mcellini. The

stock trannfer book;; of lhe Twin Falls ' o 2. BAseliall Clijb will Im closcil at 5 P. } > M. February 23rd, 1028. and rriaaln

On closed unlll lho end of said mrriiiii;. j 1 ■ Ub- J . A. KEEFER, | C firm. • - • • . Sccrclary. j insa. 1 ___________________ l i j _____________!l

“p A T iin iT r t i iw ' T

l - C M M jsight, IVnlilenl niii;;1iii nndcoMu le.iiltnu'tl* ;j, 7. 8 . oits lioiiljle. You c ju tiop ihem iio-.< Hiili ,

tfMmulnioii, Bll cmultificil crcoKrio llm 1, tdallO Is fJ'-Bisnt tn lake. Cico'nutilan it a rr:» I,

mnllcal d to v r r y willi iKfrfotd aeilmi; it ‘ lyoihn and heali tlm InQamcd merebrtnrs I contlliTOinrRn 'irr ii i i r in lr - ' ' ------- ■.

01 all known n r i i{ ;v m ^ lo I< i''cns' l y - n1ffd liy hl;tmtrd)raCBii1harlHia fl* Kinv - H ‘ ^ l l l iB grC4UH hpulmg.igaittti. inr per- 1 -

* ' . ibibnt roU|liK snd roldi and ollirr fnrmt ' I “ T ' nf Ihmst troiiMriu C n^ llh lun-C M bhi. L

'In lOTllon lo erroMie, jilher IimIIdr tie- , *

■ InlUiimlto .« ;

lSc& te'rat

ortrr/9pit|*orfe»p!riWrf)*UM»efcaii(1 la E •»h necllcm for hulIdlng^tfn-iW Rilem aficr i

f e -.Ins Id^i^llou Aik your i^u lilr Mr.) ie

L Y - M O R N I N G , F E B R U A R Y

A M I - B R O K E N H


KN0V4 vHHAJ A V W ^ A B lE C s O Y - T H E f R t A N O


■ c m cxcrpt hcM. Terms. 444 3rd E.- I f o r sA L E -P iV E -R odM m o d e r n \

Iiouse: bargain for quick saie. Call. _” ■ - a u arg av c T e a s t .___________ ._ F ^ R SA L I^A C U n in'ACT WELL _

^ I b i i j 'c r alia sell iJii ch sricm i'i. j . - a . ^n ~ rK ce i.— --------------- --------------------— -

FOR SALB O R RENT-eO A CRESliT- J rlgated land near Ooodlng, Ittnhcj^ ‘

__ _ H arrj' B. B iiurll. Grand Meadow; *ED M i n n , ___________________________ 1

' FOR SA L E -E A ST HALF OP NORTH , a i- ' half lot 8. Scnlor-Sceleck addition, one one acre. Moke offer. M. k. Mmic- "— >ghnnri433-lW ttmTr:r~OaklandrCal:— -

Vrw_l1culaT« call_8fl.W or 513 5th. Ave.._E-_ \ •.i=t K?7^gALlC O R EXCHANO E -A L L OU !

? l i iH ^ rn o iT e rS r iirM c ^ ' w luy. Ak lo tcnns. will acccpi any- , ■, thing th a l h.is ihc elements o t bu.sl-

nc'.s, Edwin Dninmnn, Twin Palls. . '

- T ' ^ A N S V ■ :

^ "^ P A R M LOANS, «%. OWIM ft CO."{.r. M O N K 'tO LOAN. POTOER REAL

: la u te . ■-___________ _______________

i modorn bouses J n T«'ln Pall*. Ar- ihur L. Swim & Co.

■’ .CITY L O A N S-W E W A ifF ^E S IR A - blu loans on residence t r business

- - Twin Falla T itle & Abstract CO.. Ltd. irth M O N K Y 'T b • LOAN ON P A Itt(-O U ,1“ ; city property. Borno private money < ^ ' l n aimvt of from'1500 to l&OOO n o r on >une iitmd. Irriga ted Lands Compaoy, Ho* I-l fv rr tn o .jt f l Hhnshnm

F A 'liM '''L bA N 5^N 0“ COMMISSION. u _ lin d>lnv. Twin Fn11« Tlt)(>*A;-Ah. « - t.tm cl Co.. L td._____________________

;— ''1 city properly, small monthly pay-' iiicnl*^__;ten day scrvice and nochnrijca Ior paying o l f n l any Ume.

'« !- 11 AM O F P ^ N O A 'ff6 HY~CilEXI>' lo>)*! end desirable fom t loan. I think It ^---3. the best (arm loao proposlUon ever of-

!'fercd on tb e Tw in Pnlli trac t. U wQI -nla. pay you to Bee m e before placing yottr rack icnn. C. A- Jloblntun. . ________lOd- ' ------------ -TS-:-----------


•Q -locntluii, 3 miles soulli, 2 west of w—lJoromn,-on uhool-TOiit«.—T crnu . cash.-

' i FOB RENT-^fSfuRNlsHEln « -■ -■------■ . --------- --------

5 Ol r o u R E N T -n V B ROOM MODERN I o<' hu'.isr; lour*room modern house, $25; r ol fivc-rotiii modem house, $3250. A. N.S I i-ii"!.-' rlioiio « . ,________________

v!i: ~ F O R " s E ^ s i iD S ~[^alls i-5 j>. FOU CERTIFIED RU PSBIT SEED tialii liolatocs, write W. L. Oray. Asbtou.n;. j IdaliO;__________ 2________ ■

I c E H T I P l E D DICKLOW SEED ry. I w heat a t Kimberly elevator. Qrucc ___ : Rc<iuii.■ ' I r o n K A L E - C E R T I F IE D .IRWIN!

I Dlcklow seed wheat. Sco a t Filer!

l U It .. SALE .IllW IN DICKLOW ■ t from last year's certified Seed.

I ( W. J. Kmcri’. Phc.io'8l*J*5. H ansen.II o i l a A L « - 'f H B B l UARLBV.' l i

. t Ihllc south Soulh Park,Service bU- n D -L -C a th rg Phone 381.R*r.

n l r . tain-D anver onion seed,'crofl,-n from ■:,elrctfd bulbs, « m pw pound. Er-

^.'[•liical Moiaiidcr. Ouhl. Phone 322*J*3., l O lt SALE-CK RTIPIED' NETTED

'" " I G un scHl potatoes nine years Im- . ; 'p rovctncnl b.v hill sclecUng, socd plot

I work and ^ i^ u elng. Phone 142, A, II,

r 'h rai *LOST-CO r A s il k D R ^ ABOUT

^ hone north. Reward.. Call 35S-W.

-Bod-t—w hlicrw cignm bouc .75 Jjbunds; on- *(hh" Iteward.

I G nicn ' wrist w a tc j i> ^ i^ ^ c n m V rt cinry m o n o g m m rr^ .-^ ^ t.r iU W tttfn te lU W and lo Mrs, A. O . P e an on ,-319 Sth ave.

-trtd -n orth i .................. — i i^ i-

•ficri yeBrllng''Hol8leln hclfflra from mv niigli ran c h iwo mUes soulh of Twin Folll. enni-. Please notify 0 . H. H tm plernan;'m onoidr.) jf iio - iM .•

R Y U .

H E A R T E D —

1 6 A N Y : : 2 i ! | : r : : .5 = B E = ----------- ;----------------------------------r h E V ■ >

N TOE fvFivMO rt> ________u— , _______ _^ - ^


E. ; i>honi^ 20. W w . '^ ilAY FXJR SA LB^a' MILES -aOUTHl !**' ^O ^lO W llr-PJlO ne-M »-J^rr- _ r =

FOU SALE-HAY, 3 M E iS NORTH,^ U WMt Fllrr. n Q ^ ■■

! g i Zl x i l Z ^ ^ ^ I U v m r B a t WTT. FO R - 8 A L i > B ^ DRUM A T - A I " ' i,„ real bargain. tiM L(«an. Phone 1000.j “ FOR SALE SETO , ____ W

ilAY f o r 'S A L E -ao'T O NS OR LESS _ iq-, t in t .cutting. 4!4 miles scuthea.si 81 ** Kimberly, R.' C. Hyde. Phone 51JI-2,DC.' FOR 8.\LE-BA LED HAY IN CAR O, —J — lot*,-dfUv6r»d-prloM-on-rc<iuostr—AfH< I K I Anderson. Phone'404-R-4. Burley, j .

IcnaTRo for*seltlni; pliL'a!**^Maon^’p a fn lj -

FO R -H A L E ^iT ^N S-H A Y t-a-M Y L E S — south Twin Falls. See R.C. Soudrn;, -

„V 7 mllc.s r.oulh 1 cast ' i no rtir of Main • «<-f, cn.-;t. • ___ - I ^

. . - I e QH KAL&^BUCKKVK jlL _ n R Q Q b '.[ er. 310 chick sUe, good as new. - .S l^

mllcx west South Park, ’> south, W. - i . - E. Srlftonl.-rHcr.- ■ . - b

FOR-SALE-63 TONS O P HAY. TWO ** lAL miles north of Kimberly. - W rite toL

MarlncM Jensen. '144B N orth Malnl*^ON HI. I'ocamio. IdahoV --------------pAT- A .-N A SH CO.. MANUFACTURING

Liliffrs, null or oVercoai $22iKJ: tus* edos $22,00, with moire silk vest. II, '

less Perrlne hotel,-

Ltd. llghtlrifr s^lem” In IlrBl claAs shape, i i u .'‘W l.only.oiie year, .Will sell for h a l t i ­n g price. Phone Filer, 50*J*7.OD FO R SALB-PATnT , g l a s s , WALL* ;

Bo* P<^Pcr nr.d Muresco Kalsomlne In ^

us estimate your work and m aterial. V ?*:• Moon’s Point Slore. -

■ ■ ■ " .. : t

l ,“g® r o i T 's ^ E ^ O ^ ? ' 0 H E V R O i .B T j;

abO D "U SE D FORD TUDOR SED.\N ■ Id trade In on small house. 2 or 3 i

room. Deal direct with owner. Phone -I

_ FO R s a l e - o n e s t u d b 'b a ' k b u ' " . cnujK, 1023 model wllh balloon llaW "!

and flhadcs; In Rood running order. ^

^ I" SEE THESE jljnah.- 1020 0\-«rUnd.Slx.Coaeh----------------

: n i » 0 N u h .T o u riu s Im a JeweU Coach— .................

;r K 1023 CadlUae Victoria Coupo$25; m ? Chcnolet L'oaeh \. N. lOM C bem le t Tourinr

19U S tar Toarlne — lOM Slar .Tcurlns _ -1028-Ford Touring 1

1024 Fard Touring M^ UZ3 Ford Sedan . | ,

^ -IIEPPLER NASH .MOTOK CO. ^___ Phuno 104 'JED U_________ _______________________ _ J jfUCC _______________ • ■■

^ i h CHRYStER“ 'l l e r l ________T T ^ i^-iN r- < ________ J

OW Chrysler C2 Coupc. . . fced. 1924 Hndion Miaelon |(n . 1027 Ford Touring t-TT 19*4 Kludebaker Eneloved <- tn . m o Dodge ‘•i: '• 10$8.Ford. Sedan .____ ' J

-tiN © H efaM =ftEEB- MOTOR CO. i

j „ , . ................. ... 'plot — .......... ... —- ' 7 - *


’i ' j M il ■ 1O20.-W.'6PT47.------. --------------r— — •• W A i m D ^ r o r = ' O T r * m m r ^ ?— y0«nii~nian.-O<-CuUey,-rOenr^Del:f : T w in Palls, or Room lU .J C d th ro o iiif J

S j

S w » n ^ « r a ^ J o n a m f , - B ^ j

!2 l ™ £ a S £ £ 5 1 w 5 5 5 !^ S t =

■■ ...........■ ^ 1 . - i . i a n t J . « i » m | n _ y ^ , ^

7 " ” '

^RTflNIB E ^

~ 7 A T I O m 5 B ? S ~ '~ * ~ ^

W." U '0 « N N -- - u W " b f f r c ^and 4. Smlth-Rlce Bulldlnc. -

: bTia d i id D O iN .- i io « 5 r ^ ^ ^ ,, ancLTrust B®t- Plione 9. ..

O. C. lfALl/-M3ver Olos' Book 8 t c ^ 'n o in rw r G K A f f« i f= n tw —

■Trust Bldg. Phone W^-W. '

lj- .--BUSINESS';j. M i a WORK A GLASS

^ r N ^ " w " m A S S p w i n S ^ ^ ^ ^

■ i ~ • fL ilMBING ^

, noVtB PLUMMNU A BBATIN d 0 0 ■] New locaUon, 125 3rd aTo. east-11 Pliono 263, '_______________________ ’

] IngC a Per heating tnmblea. Pboa*. [ a3i*w.___________I________________ '

, - iNs'ORANCB

1 AlTTft INailttAMt!g, J l pjTH ffM Potter Real Sstole. Plione 874 - '

T S ju ^ F E f t

• C B O ziB iT nA N ^ raB ~ , Cmtlng. storagB and Liberty O w l . 'I. S v A k u E ^ tu '^ u A N s n u t '^ u SXOlil

ego C a Coal oul.w ood. Pbon* lO 'r < m c m B ? T O t e v 8 f a B i B r ^

“ f r a t e r n a l OBQANZZ^TIONS !

I iMQDEBNJVOODMEN-OE -A M E B IC A l- m « is ufT"O."O.-i*rliBii”eTtryTee0Bii— s g d _ ^ u rm ^ o n to y j_ _


l ; - - l e r . Phono 803-W. - - -r. WANTED TO' - BUY—FURNITURE,.— machinery iiiid hornea. Phone 661.-'T—- ■s W A N T ^ -fO ItENT. T H R E B -R W y

momlnK ur cvciiln/i. •

• l~*Bnn ' PtlstitTHTiT'. "*T.r t,'*'iL»{ ImiLu '»iiu t — wall paper. Phone & (or prices. Moon's Paint Store._________ . . .....................

! HELP WANTED-MALE OR - ( FEMALE1W M A N . WANTS W ORK BV. HOUR.1 412_5lli avc. w est,. _ _ . . . ^ ___j WANTED - g i r l " r o i i .oW e ^1 bousework. Phone 102._______ • .GIRL W A t^ r o FO R Q £ N ^ &

housework, r ; O . Sho rt, Route 3. Twin J'alls. - • . •

. LOT “ p e r s o n a l ANALYSIS SE R *' vice shoi/ .in w hat direction your

most promising. (utur&rUcs. Address• ; p :~0.-TJox 4 0 .* T * - l l l - r5 l l i .- fo r - « ip ~

polntment. *• 'T w n i i .n i , ^ rw o n t .

ccllciic underclaMincn,^Interested ,ln . eanUng expenses ilirouch.college; stu* ’ dent iiropoilllon cftcriiiR $31 weekly: alto tulllou chix-k phis bonus. Apply. A n Schroeder. Perrlne hotel, Wednes-

,day momlng, lO;:io to 12. .

• (— FGft-SAL-E-Gftt^RWE^.TOR SALE b l i TRADE PO R C m f '

property. 3 head of heavy , work , . liorsts, and ■ heavy wAgan, and m t - " ,- medel 'M aster S i r B ulck.-‘icq Aah at;-: i

_ I^ C T lt. llOUSC.• E S n B T W r a z T 'e d r o r m i t l O b l - ; . k a m i i k ^ n t , - - i t o x ^ m ^ i a ' Q M ^


Page 8: ^ B S PATT - Twin Falls Public Librarynewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · ' VOL. 10. NO. 2G4, - Twin Falls ' Delesalion Back'. From Junction City Inqliirv;' •

fag6'Bight _________

: e'66 M 0 I B « I

J I M M l i d ;J L iU F J D iT

M e e i in a H c r e .E n d o r S c i P l a n | ■

: : ^ g i a W 8 l i r B l i r r 8 F A I S I F G I V 0 S ‘f -

P r o p o s i l io n A p p ro v a l. , ^ ^

ny unaiilrTiriTI^r-vrir' 'im^l)! <1(1 I— R ir-raiilT D -asr'rm iT r(T i'-nn-r^w ii..it—

m Ui<‘ m-iKl»boilir«l ol T « in Pr.ll': l i t ,— — ;i iiiiTHjir. lii'iP M u iijny" lt»'»ii..y<...i..-U|

(lorfiM Uir Mdiiitjuti Ic> cu i.dn iil n Jiomi* for till- iiMdiilntluii a t tl;p licatJ- |

- 4U ftrtm 111 Cnlilw.li, ui u u i. i ul a(>-, p roxlm atdy SSO,UOO. 'I'li'- |ir»i):i ulu;i i T.-as explained lu llir iiihM ik by. Man-1 I api-f * .1 ,miHu.-r (.1 Ciil'KVll. wliu. rjwke In Uit* iiioriiltii! l j w inn-tinK » ij '

' unanimous np|>rovnI.

'T h f it rp J.1 pfrllmlimy:. lo siilinils-slon of Ihc 10 nil 5torkhLl(]i'y___

—-nn' f*fcr>h'dum--vmr,-TiniFli!is Jo r 'I ts i—

^■»ec yhcU tcr-m nny - m - ^ g n e a ig g K l i ^ l lk p „ i im_ ii ica.. Ill hto

present quurlcf* huil Krown {m n nOi ( Uir.i u! otmn In lOi-i lo IHO in 1027. 16

K ru o n i (<>r Ilull.linc Innl "Wo frfl ccrtnUi." In- miIiI, " that Rc’al

Have riiicliiil ilir Tilno STirii vn-Tiv Kltould provldo oiirM-lvf.'i wlili uiori'j BUllablc quA rtm , 'Hie ri-ni on our;

r*’i i l on our prrcoolci ' rocm per ypiir «ii In MBO. n-nl on uiir <iontn» ih t Vfiir Prcl l >1200 and a m m o 't o iicTMD

bC w liich ' co iild lw cllmiiinri\l“ i/‘“tt’c~r’inowned our(OTTT quarters. . --------------- Cni

•T here I s T lir way lo r.ulmnic llic Ati bm cflt to accrue iron) liuving llic (ui proper room nnil tqnliniicnl (ur hand*' Vll Hna our business. Many economlr.'; Kr cun be crJetleU II i» foolliin room wero pui available In which (he okii.'s coulil bi' tel,

•Tltey could be p ^ « r u j » n the inarlcci V.i

item In^^our^uiln'^jl." sioragLconvenienco In liandllnk’. A wl

laree pa rt u rtiie .expense lu lian 'J lin i:' ,,, poultry is .Incttrred In Itie foecl. and should bo eared for by our ornrnnr.la- tion." • • ■]

Uld .Uill jpeak ul Jerom e tlih morn--Ml___ ' i

W O O D M E N . O F T H E W O R L D »

_____H O L D B A H f e T M E E T IH g I S

.Twin rn ila camp,.W oodmen of ilie rai. W orld held n taine banquei meeting roc

a t Tom's ca(c last cvenlinj. An ad- Didress n-as dclU-ercd. by Wllham G, rcc

tcllo U> make hla home and who bf- j^c

Palls sectloa T here wilt be anollierin tc tlng .nent Mondiiy-cveniag..jL. me___Business and Protesslonal Wumin'ii .

„- ■ M<

WOULD IMI'ROVE CAVKK A.— w a H H iN u im M . n -du—p tw w nen t-c f-th r-O retron -n ivps 'ir ttifr ley

Siskiyou national forest u-ould be au- ihi thorlzed by a blU Introduced today by FS-: ReprN entatlve Hawley, .nfpubllcan, all;

—O r egon - - - --------^ ^

''7here 's Comfc

I ' I

T h e H o tt i

Phone2 1 1


W illie WillisDY RODERT q i ia tB N

. •/ [ ! 2 . . Ula/ -------------- -

^ l;S• • , • ■ , |lh e

"1 «W i 11 u ;^ » l? r n i n ratlirr utX* ' Af1^r Mamma'Vu'iireHTT'p

.» n 't ir r r r^ lit iu i 11<K halH Uiilnrss," ■ n .ii

H i H S

- M E m i------------------------ t t ::::---------------------- ^

f i f t c c n - H o s l c l r i c s o l- T w tn F a l l s i r r a

— B e c f iiv e . A p p to v f il^ o f-C o iin c it: j i r

Grant ink’ ol ni u- annual llcciues to f7. 15 iuili-ls unci iixiMii.u: hourr.s was llii- nme nnly buslni'v: »I Innxinancv ininMictecl ^of ut. a l.j^'t_„antl iinrvMilal » ;a 1on nti.'oi.i Tivin l;':ill.‘; Cliy (oiim u Iu.m •'vrniDK, loiiii

llo trK mill l’ru|irlr)i'm—T I u ! hutui::—nud__rauaiimt—hoiLxji w,irwiiii i r r.-1-.'u.-.i i- n n tc , wiin'nainc.<ror proun. iciM wi r r: Tin- D aktr Roonw, twn r m n k ^

f’m-ine Hotel,-I’uriinr llutvl conrpany: hJ?,u Cnmbndin^ Jltwm-i. II, M, Jlollcr: Aiiu-rlcnii IIou;;e. Uuth LcwL'«; Rogir- joii ItoU'l. n c i’rn^in llolul coniimny: K ll Waverly H w cl. Mrs. Ollle Harris;Killh ^wlll-^, I>:iuluu- ,J, W atn iu ;Pttik llo tri . Amn' S. Kislln«; T.kui Ho- -Si tel, Hli-llc JJarrlMn: atiocUlr Roonni. * -E > :-ftinT rrr-Itr«1 -»o trt-M rsr-b rB 4 l> u l) Z um iicrm aii;.. OVt'rlniid- Hotel.;- Mr^.

th S - _ b ^ I t : - ^ lx i i ; h t r a r T : r i tP r - n _ r

I'niim'KstmiiT nt lllaUdepiltL-

• sUrjKtrl «n fifjlf* clt

The roj>3rt {ur.-ilii- tu n i niontli of Khi

by H- M- Holler. U showed lho Kmi- '* " anci- of <10 llckeK for wtUch rash nc- .pfriiulinK“ t33.50“ iVujrrfcei\-f(t-f(ir -330,Six .llckeUn were void; ‘two olliera J ollierwlie rendered void; and CO w < 'n v « i

Kranl<-d u i>ermll lo build a frame ro- r.i«e,' 16 by -tV-Irul. v.ith Cu.;!p.i:iitloii

iroof on th e ^ i . r of 111:. iiroi>-rly on iDulitli uvenue V>orUi. A klti-r. uu.. Irccrlvctl iriira McCrury. Cully nnrt

!j\crc_iuaUcd_coyiLLjcpiii-w^ :lilannini{, |a„y

;____C O U U I-IU U I-liO ST l'O N K D ____' JEKOMB: reb ,' J3 -D liirlc l eotift ,‘„n, WM to ccinvt-n.’ l.i Jeronir couniy oii

A. nakiT iire.sldlnK but oMi'K lo Jmltir “

ItT’C l.incrm rm W -clty -eterrqru iirlp )'.- — the term lia s . b?c» postpum-d until Pebi'uiiry 20. T here U an exception­ally hea?y crim inal calendar and lh e , '

fort in a W ell Filled• St

______ . '

: e s t C o a l C oi

Because-it- . that you rt

"Ilo iifs andyou buy coui. More warmth foi when you bum C.nilr Oate Co

N ature has |iu t more h ra t unii ill any other Utah coal. 1 lib t<-.iits. And along with greiku-r ii

_ w « o n te -O m l- ho.-! • feiffr-OThw ; - if “ Eiid ]iis t3~ 1^7n«Icarr6r1d¥nv

------------llow -to j.O } ir_ s> ipp li? .^ ‘A «« lith e (ire—order now.4fa3My\W i

t . J. DC, — B x c l u s i v e - i

2 0 3 F o u r t h A


i i i l M i i P ' i

IMSIIlilFll.l.'i:H e p ro s e h lf i l iV C i 'F i 'f l i f in U C iO T T ^

lo .C o n v e n e f o r T l i r o c jD a y „ - -agasl’b u ^ O o c t r i u o - i s ^ I i ^ b u i o J -

^■.B!;iife5^?ntat^ve<?'Tl'WT^^8’^^^Tt?^~^knd-^U tah cIllPN wlli ronvunc lu re Jcir the;^,| ihiM '-iiay ,',es.sluii nl ili« ruutliiTn,.

rli'ircli. hiM nirhl. , IKx'lrlnal :iii-i

t th e dele«aies duMiu? Hie enn fe fnc ri ' A-Piiiton*! S(‘fvir", whlti*-14. o |«n,ti> D-nTr jiuhlic. wlU''-V'''fii4«nn^tlii‘ I.uih- nM.iri c;liurrfnm-Wrili;(-,i^',V i-iriil.n’ at c

j'of 'Niinip.t will deiiUT the c«mlr!M<.nal! ^

; il:'cbiali;cL-on..Uu;-ottaiUul. - .......... —:Dc'l'vralf'.s will iitK'iiil Iiiiiii Uu- fol- fl

1.7hiiii- iih*c:ui: .Sall,Uil«- Clly. I’«ca- . tfllii. Iduiio J-'iills, T»iri F.ilh. A;.liton.

' k .uii|);'., K ininrti. Ilnlil, Kdi !i and Kv!-

I W.htrlllliMil), W. K. Krlli'iiiiiillll.^ W.

I Wi sti iiili-i f. H. .SrluiiMmi and M, H I Tr-'/M p-lr------— ---------- -vr

p'....." DE-AlfisI f?AUNDEIlfl-MrH.. Kviillnr fiaimder*! I jj Inuvd au ye.u:t. wife uf Hoy Haunders ’of Hii'.'rllon, died < a t lln- T uin I''itlL'> leoiniiv tteiicral hanilial at Ti .lU o'clock ^ , ititiiid^iy uiternooi'i. 'Hi<- biMiy lies a t I Ulr W hile mortiiacy, fun rral uiruniir- nicnli. will bl-' nmde after reci'ivliiK g,

I word- from -n'iftUvcji-ih-Ori’Kon.--Mni. - FuuiTJi-i-rirTilirt’IvM -by-hn-fim bsnd.- — twc. .CIT1: Clarerit^' ami t ,.-:.trr: lu r |IMlK'f . l Z i » n K . J h » i ^ - - ff> .UntiKli:., ^ On-iion. .u n d . n .b ro th e r ,.C .. Y. .Bculii, al;,o of I^i Ornndc. ^

KIMBERLY SCOUT AWARDED c..Seoul Jerry Bvom o; Kimbrily wax R

nwurded lliroe mi-rlt biulk'eA a l the &■

[no tilcn -w lth llie-Boy Sevut rally and

E li—Evnns— nnm p-w ai—ow looked «>' :i th e report of ihuv.- i-.iriiUii; m trlt hi riiwlfrarTlTi3-Trn'TOHtr-nTid“ onlj—th e -ts

TWlil'T-.ni« Scoiiti tt-rrptiaini-d,. Twill tC rnllii d l.strki of Ilie Snake River coun­cil includes the lotvm o f Hansen, Kimberly and Twin RilH, w

— fciou.t - Bv(um - >n<wiv».twnt»TltXtHKlfet4*< 'In hor,iman.'.hlp, ftrii aid lo animals tl ;and bird study. He alwi nmde appll*.c a u o n jo t- a u ir Sc6uU)ailitr____________J ---------------------T“

B c R i n s t o A g e

H';e llll.-; lirw wonili-rfiil Clc.inainu Cream containinil; Cotou Uiith-r. K eciu lhe »kin llrni and pluiiip'wlille ll melts

rtn to - tn p -p ofi’s iiiiu"t.iC T niu f a i r u TiT ~ : i ; n m m t i d 'd l r in t IS 50 different from !any other cream. Will not. grow hair —keeps complexion young. Ask (or

- M K L to ^ a to —cipawinR—c rfR U l= llT ' innr\'cloia, FUhrr DruR Co.—Adv.

Phone for a U em outnU oa . T E B FRED F 0 3 8 0 0 . _

; d C o a l B i n - "

ostsX jess^

really buyr-llh—llia f t whftt-your-wftnt-r*hen-r:----- : -I for your money what you’ get •> Coal!

unit:! Inio Cuatic Oale Coal tb a n l ib ha* been proved by tclenUIle .or hcol-jiroductoK ciuallties,'CABUe ' f ' t - l t - buni.i clpffnerT'stafls-itoility . 'dYniic?; ■sloveT'rangF or jrat* . ]

to on.y\Well p t^partd ,' i^m p t'deU very . "

i O U B E S S : ^f - i 0 i s t r i b u t o i ---------■ ■

A v e n u e S o u t h

{ - - • ' ■

7 A L L S . . I D ‘a H 0 , T U E S b A Y

F f f E V ^ X T i E S t e

S VKM In Btt<<;f-Mr/<. W alter neller t and Mr;i, O. 1’. Duvull ure In BoLv W . . th in week-as ttur i u ut rrlrnd.H. ««

Hii<h.-» returned lo H unvn la.it eve- '■y nliiK ufU-r u-wikit III _ i

-*4 - iliT«-i.lit-iiTnl V rr- ^^ ; W ; o . llolbr'ook'of n u r lty wen- in th il |_'|j t l i ) yr.tenliiy. ri uirnlnk" last evenlnjf,

^ nnr -xutiv ' ‘ _________ "'®

U a m for lniiv»r—J . W. .Shaw ol I® to D.-iivrr li'fC,Ui(i i ^ i i ln c fof liU hooi? d«h- nfU'C^-a-Ti-iJt-wKfi hN cou.-i»i,-. PranK. atTCofnMclL-^ Fd ' — .— mila l" lU lum '. irom ChleaRo^Mfl'Ncirm.'T**-^

- . .M urcaialk-company. rrtiim ed ' Sunday *«i )l- from an en so . Tui

,11. Vifiln Fbli*r H u in ^ M r. nnd Mn:. I I.)oi> WrlKlit of ::rutile are kufjLi a t of the hontf of Mrn. W rUht'x faUier. A. ion

[Tr-OT-Fmw-fr-whQ.l'. -,rrKm>lv-tll.--------- JiuiA ,' ------------ of,V. j^^^nHiimt From llu iifrt—R. P , l-’“r ry ,|C ^

il, turned tialurday_e>r:ilnK f ro m J tu p c r l__-4^liirrr'T tc^werit-nn-if(tiirmiHlTIt5S:----------- 1

. . • ------ - • _ . U p, , , Jm

kliui and M U dr^ Seven-, both of Mur- liu lauKh, were marru-d Snnduy by Eldi-r l‘»i

churcli, ' a m

who underwent an oix-ratiun for lier- ■ nla a t the couniy i;enenvl ho.siiiial

3am iday la r<cov< rmK.___________

* ^On llb itne iiV T rip -aeon te E : Balch.

buslness-v tstt-to liri^d'^iunrters-of the K'J W right compony a t Ogden, _ •

n VUIiinc lU la U v c^ M r, and Mrs. A,^ C. Compton o f 'O b^rlln.. Karui&v are („2

hen> vlsltlns the ir duuK hien M n. |,oi ux Randall ZVjtwiler and -Mrs. J. H, Best, qi if> a n d M rs.. Compton'!! brotllfr, Evcrct|, sm I - DqUo ----------------------------------------------- r

*'* —Tnndl'tliin I mii'i i* t ‘rfr»i, 0<^|«

rd- «ition-ftt-lhe-Twln-FnH»-counly-(tenfml o u nc hw pllal on lusC JVednenday momliiK, <vis( fie •is-report«l-tc>-be-r»<ovcrUj«_aaUifac«. _m toriiy,---------------------------------------------------- pn . • • . . . . . ' Vn , Oo U> CoU fom l»-W , Zenos Sm ith bm

will leave' tlila niornlnif for California. ,

ils thU evening and join Mr. S c ^ lh T n l50' ;i. ^ - • ‘

:e ■ .:»K ’|UIU ___________ ;_______________

o r _________


A Y M O R N I K G , F E B R U A R '

S ' h w a i i i r 'T O y * n r b« « o n t-« 6ou f 1i a iDoalh..'- .. ___ _____________ , - t

Ict b e ^ t f • AuMMor AppolaUd-M .Lv W hritenour w u appointed deputy m -

Jeawf (or Tw in Fallif county by As* „

^ _ U cre -lo t-iy< «k rE B »-M ls> -V » lew ) ^Hv»U-nV..■ * « a W r In _tti8 '~i>efpme „lchtilfeapfnt^^^n‘-we^k.«nd ^her parenU, Mr. tind Mrs. Thomai 1?

W' Rowberrj-. W lille here she oltended »

Jl? ^ t l p i f . hei^ I n t h c r ^ ^ t r ^ p U ^ . - I

ReUita?rt>ronL.'K iufta»^P.' R. Qtlf> { flth and M is. O crtrude Valentine, * f

!ny te ttd -thc -funerB ro r uielf~coii»ln. Mw. I 'I'um H umptoa, on S a tu r d v uHerooon.

fli. Poultry Play Olven-ReprcsentaUves a t of tlw Dry M w h SeU Pecdir. with A. )ome local u s ls tan ti i pu l oa “ l e

of KuesU uf th e H a y n Hl*Orade R a t- ^ ry,ichcry o t the h ig h school auditorium 'T-{-l«3t-titahfc-------- ^ ------------- 1; r l __ . . . . ■ I,— . ■ -I-------- [H vltc'T vrm cr U v v u n o ^ S r i r N e l - ‘_ ,lip C. Row, fo rm er BoverBoi‘'of'W yotn- ^ ln« :ii-hn tt-n o a i'.l« :p l.« n ^ n rr t.ir '* ir. liar, bcea invited to deliver aa address !i-r liere AprU 13. Jefferson'* birthday, by

;! :,B |R .d L U BJ i l A K E S S T U DY ! ; ; O F E N G L I S H S P A R R O W S '

------- T lic..£a«U sli.6 purmw-waA tlie .iu b - [,. ject of study , by t h r m'embcrA-nL-Uie. i »- Twig J tm lw Audubwi g

h! 3 rid»y_aft« rooon . Z"5 Means of n te rm ln aU n c tb e bird, and

I'icludinK It frcun_b lrd ' hotlse* and „ ferdlnr UU«« p u t up f6r"o iher tpeclcs ,

A' te re discussed. New literature deuU , tng w ith th e coDstnictlon of bird « house*, bird »anctuaTles;-and methods ^ ol a ttrae tloc b irds to yards was pre* P sented. °

------- P u t ln g - tb a -m tln M i u tilcm of th ^ .>• meetlnt, I t was un anim ous^

‘M d a r d ttrtmp th c - rTinm nagr e t tne m n - ' ^ 'nl o ter.— M ta -P a n n y -A m e y -b -c iu b -a d - - iR. 'Visor.

Jl__________ B------- PO T A T O r'aE O W K E ST B IIIPP EB S" P

W rite H. R . BiUUvaD. Tecumseh, N^- c tn bnuka. to sell your potatoes.—Adv. c la. . d

In IM cents. Troy-.-PhonB M .-A d?. ' ’ t

n d J n n - H m - ^ n e w + -

M alliD H on h iu c r« i Ip iH o n n e w fa b r ic i

T h r e e n e w fa b r ic i tc d , Ih d e H tru c t ib li:’UKHy-WiU0W -U Q d.£

S m Witu

itM u v i t f B e u a U ackfooi 8u D u c e

r e s g n o o r wE u l Trlb*

________ :

r V R Y - 1 4 . 1 9 2 S , . . . :

Sf AaRTcutTpE- - if ODENTC^I ' ’ BUY SI(?INE'fOR'7tlOJEOT

e t t studentu Of t l» Twin Palls hteli s c h o o l . u t i c u i t u r e . d t p a n ^ L ^ i ^ ^ ..

. chased .n-ieJi Duroe-Jorwy swine lo be ^ used 'In- iirojoct »-ork a t tlie hinh ‘

r » B ahoiir 'Tli-'*—pflfg~T>fT tng^nThTBT^% «u»gfd.fro7u42at<B.4*fceaai,.>vera8i- .•=

Itig ♦afr-Vnie boys w ho node the pur-. _ '■J cha*e»i under the dirrcilon o( J . 8 . , *

U - ----------------------- . __________ — Ciin - & d v . 0 . L . K o a d a l l o f H a o s o a bet jn- o j t o b A d d r e s i o n .S u b j e c t o f JJ'

P r e p f t r c d n e «9 f o r L ife W o rk )

"PrtfiarcdntAii” waa th e topic o( the 51! ;1! lecture p re« n l« l by Rev. O. L. Ken- T d R a a 't.b .eV J6^Un|- srA.lM\'-W t lte ’IV Ih ^

Pallfi Boy SoouU Annlversory week '

_ id iib sehool auditOTlum. Rev. MrV K tn - ^ 'dHll'spolie on the'imporCriee o fp re p a - tii m . ration for il/o problemJ-durlD* jouUi,5t Ul* - v a lu ^ _ o ( - . . ^ y ^ n ^

Iralnlng i/j reachlnjr Oils cad. , , ^ lU iu iru tlO M -fr^

s ^ ^ i ^ ^ l n t e d out l l u t the succeu of these M-rMfu rome through 1 yeari

cases, tevere hardship*.Rcv. \ a. O, Prurson of tha Prtsby-

te riw i churrii pfonouftced the Invoca- ti>*- Uon,-MlAt-£va-£>UDa«an..lasLructoxJli he. the-T w ia-> ^lU -lil^h-schoQl.-Uwd-thft-

^ m o D y .--— - - .................. —The seren-day MuUversary proeram.

f“* m artin* tJie cighteentli birthday ot V U n Boy Scout m o«m ent in America.

was obsened throuahoul Uie entire " United Slates last week, Orily such “ changes as wen- necwoary were mlule ’** by tlw local ontaniiatlon in the pro-

gm ai M outllni-d by national head- ^ qgarcefs. . ................... .......... :

S iu a t tA L ^ u w » < r i iT ..^ _________ON IN DISTRICT COURT

T rial In the cose of cTPTJolinson _ M idiu;[— pmcUially-slaBed-cxcept-feirargumenti- l^. continued through Monday In district

court here and may u k e most of to^

term s of a leo.'«.


c r e o tc d th e « e - n e w - d & '-----------b r ic 8 n 1t h ‘ a p r im i t iv e j i | j M n i

ib r ic a h a v e b e e n cre>l ib l e C h i f f o n V o ile . H H lid .K h a i t i .K o o L . .

V i/ id o i t ''£ > t» p /o y ^ P O N

L o v e lyN e wF a b r i t » ,

------- XS i B T K m I------- Z ------------- s f l ^ H

T v 4 'V i N ^ i f e - - m H' ' ' - l a d a t t w UMB ' ‘ ; M i B

ch W o o VfltkT T h o p

T w d iO flH____U i f - g i g g y —

Y ard « :i.S O

» H llT iH i! i : r i m sffiiiiiiisiEi' .

E ran ifc lifli u i i t o n O ltaa Texts “ lo P ro v e BecoenitigninH oiD O

- = B o y o n d ,Q r w < n a ^ ^ i ^ f t f f t . V ■ — ^

T lia t we Wiall know our friends in heave.) was the conclusli^n draw n by ,

w rtnon »u?i * c T ''- '- -^ * ° i‘^ ' "ha ring ja tw ied Ihem on thls.BU bjecl,. T here '-w oB 'llic usual p ro g n u n -a n d ' l^ h -d n u iS ie T ^

■Many'IIear Conrert. ■ — ■

iChrU tlfl».6liuni>w auad^ a firm nnn .to • ■ hear the conccrt presented by Harry X, Shields.' as.ilsted by local singers were tum ed away (or lack o( room.Tlie MeUiodlst cliurch ha.5 oKercd IW auditorium (or th e rtpetltlon of Uiu progm m lOid Uio offer lia.i bi-vn ac*

p .'m ,-^

—Oyster iinit~pto~!nippcr"T m T il~in—i r — connection : w ith -A rtvC hn rcli-N ijthc n - T h u rsd ay -n ig h t a t-O iM -at'»M.—B . - r iCf a ir d u Kimberly, cliarae

H E A L T H ” H I N T S

-^A-j{o<Hi ■t(K ‘Hi‘e -ttiH )en— ---------

- d l c i t l f l - i n t o - I 'w i - o i i t - fh o

.HUrgeon « ik ! e a l o u r

Real Wliple Wheat Bread

--------3 - l 7 ) J T C S - f l J l - 2 S ( : - ^ --------------- -

S e ^ R o ^ =133 Shoshone No.

w ;


^ " b a ^ ttS Q ;


J ,

O Q tJo is^ r R f f i E ^ ' -

M I I H - /

■-iu. .T-it-i .-'i'iiMifi:,',,.