
' ‘r- _ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s. m s Lawyers probe Two prosecutors \ to iavcstigotc the tb and guns at the Tri Force. Reporter an^i State Schools Su Fox walked out on tl sion public-afTairs p: day. ------- A trail of blood Police followed a the room o fa teen-ag Wednesday mominj yard. Tourney tip-ofi The College of Sol ended the opening dr basketball toumnmen College, 86-58. Hoop dreams Four,Magic Valle teams begin their qu today. ~ No frills skiing Not far from Sun V ski area with a vastly i What’s going oj Outdoors editor W ders the eternal questi do for fun this weekcr Young and frag Victims of sexual o passion and protectio says. Liability biU Accident victims a firms join the battle o\ ity bill in Congress. Debate divides c A Supreme Court < universities giving gious student groups sions among thejustio Looters swarm ( Amid occasional sh strip Mogadishu's air lefl behind by withdr , tions units. Section A . [ Weather...........2 I - NaUon...........3-4 \ World...............5 ......... ■-Opinion.-..“ .6*7— - -I Section B C Maglo Valley ...1 Obituaries....... 2 Mlnl-Cassla.....3 C Idaho............ 4-5 N . Cbmlw....... . £ - W e print on I Please re( V . ^ ——- morning cast: , with highs in the upper “winds 10 to 15 mph. Page A2 ibe burglary rs have been appointed : theft pf money, drugs Tri-County Drug T a^ Page B1 ^ryFox Superintendent Anne n the taping of a telcvi- s program on Wednes- Pags B1 Od --------- 1 a trail o/ blood from i-agc girl, missing since ling, to a fence in her PageBS jfT Southern Idalio"women 5 day of the Region 18 lent by defeating Dixie Page D5 5 illey boys' basketball quests for state titles PageD7 ig n Valley, there exists a tly different pedigree. Page DI ;on • William Brock pon- estion: "What should 1 kend?" Page 01 agile q1 abuse deserve com- . :tion, today’s editorial | > PageA6 | I s and major business i : over a product liabil- 1 PageA3 i !S c o u rt J rt debate over public I g tax money to reli- , ips shows dear divi- sticcs. Page A4 ra oyer airport shots, Somali looters airport of everything hdrawing United Na- . PagaM ’’ DearAbby ...... 7 ® Movies ........ ;;..7 World............... 8 - Section C - —J —FdCUBr.*„...»,nrl.---------- a -L eg a f notices ..1 « ■Cla88lfled.h;,l-8- ® BectionD '' ^ Outdoors.....1-3 tl Money.?,.-;........ 4 ' • tl Sports..:....... 5-8 f . .0 an recycled paper, recycle It again. ° ----------- L* _____ I 0 aaSSTMBiBBI ■MiilliiWliU _Tj Hous Franlc E. Lockwood Times-News writer • BOISE-Tbc .Idaho Hou Representatives Wedne .overwhelmingly' opp mandatory workers compi tion for farm workers - dc ing a bill Gov. Phil Batt urged them to suppon. By a 43-27 vote, legisi killed House Bill 19S, w sought to end agriculture’; year-old exclusion from workers' compensation law Waiting I Utah Valley State Col ' feat North Idaho ColU th 9 College of Southe Small-t aim foi d y William Broclc^ Times-News writer TW m FALLS - Drawn I small fines and the lack of pi small-time crooks are tumi poaching in addition to dm trading in stolen goods. Game wardens - who ar< saulted class of law enforc< in America - have respc tougher, no-nonsense approa To cducate the general pul rent poaching trends, Idaho i Fish and Game officials con hour p r o g ^ Tuesday night, arc essential and poachcrs ci by calling 1-800-632-5999. Modem game wardens “rr tie unfriendly and aloof, bu the old back-slapping buddie . lo be,’' explained Gary Ho Budget! vote tod - Tlifl Awoclated Press' -WASHINGTON — Facin defeat, Senate Republicar showdown vote today on t onced budget omendrnent anc to revive the issue at the h( the 1996 election season if it Majority Leader Bob Dole Qttacxed^everalT-Democrai -ncnts Wedneaday for what-hi —«''-'8tunnlng-fHpn6p” o n ^ r similar to onb they supponec ago. Other GOP senators cr President Clinton's oppositioi FlVf Deinocrats — mot enou^ to seciire passage — ted with a letter pledging to ' - the amendment if R e^liear to keep Social Security trus off limlu^ to budget uutteis. . “Republicins are indeed c on the use of Social Securii fund 'dollars to buy down tl over the next 10 years,” said ZZ jl ZZ i ZZZ he] se:-NG iouse of I M jppM nK Inesday I B b Q i HM ipposcd mpensa- - defeat- Magic Valley r Jatt had overwhelmingly proposal. Wend Sislators Ketchum, and f , which Jones, R-Filer, v je’s 78- rcprijsentatives .fn im state -ttaUdaho to suppc laws. ■ Many of thosi I his^iurn College’s Jacques Francli ollege during Wednesday them Idaho. The touman- ■time Cr rbiglji ‘T h i .-V af m by big money, if physical danger, Th© iming to wildlife , drug.dealing and arc the most-as- orcement officeryy , . sponded w ith^ \»hdGam roach. vation of public about cur- “The p ho Department of men, an conducted a two- wildlife ght. Citizens’ lips of about s can be-reponed A' 199: 9. Fish and “may seem a lit- records, but we can’t be ing aboui Idies that we used "These Hompland, Fish catching. ;amendi isiy in Si lawmaker, Der Daschle of Soul cing likely Dole's decisi cans set a vote today — in the bal- abruptlypostp and vowed down — came : height of tempts to rcach fit fails. Social Security ole sharply ' He concedei mtt-oppo^— vote had been" it-he called;-.that barring a-l ^measurer' mfntrtho-meai ned a year vote shon of'th' i criticized. needed for pass, ition. we can,” he nore than Democrats w : — rebut- under pressure, to vote for of Oregon rem leans agree holdout despite :rust funds Barbour, his pa t:— -— - — matt; -------- -d counting Hatfield sai< trust him "a balance< n debt is a must piece aid a sixth Republican Port m ut? >fa ^ --------------------- 1 IImIm ccpt of w f for farm' '^°Whik< ' representatives - and eve ly opposed the "yes” voi idy Jaquct, D- matter is 1 . farmer Doug “It’s no were the only sue," stat from south-ccn- R-'Shoi^hc port the plan. ’ "no," )se who voted p :ls redlifes and relaxes v ay’s opening round of thi imentwlll continue throu rooks ta uck^frT ie people we're af iren’t sportsmen ey’re wildlife kille — Gary Hompli Fish and Game ofl ime'.s Jerom’c:bascd regionul officer, ( people we're after arc not ind they're not hunters. T e killers." Hompland told a jt 75 people. )92 study found that 20 per id Game violators had prior c >, Hompland said, "and we’i )ut some pretty serious crime: :se aren't innocent people tha g.” ment enate emocratic leader Tom )uth Dakota, ision to proceed with a — two days after he itponed a-final show- e after unsuccessful at- :h a compromise on the y issue. tjiatjio senator^ _ ;n chahged'.'ihdicating i-last-mmute develop. :aBurc would-fall-ono-- - the two-ihirds majoriw ssage. ‘^ e ’ve done all " lid. weren’t the only ones •e. Sen. Mark Horfield mained the sole GOP ite a visit from Haley party’s national chair- nd Barbour had to4d :ed-budget amendment' :e of legislation for the uty." _ --s. - 5 ;.J. I K ! tST7l2 U411920: WESTERN HICHQGRAF 55b CDMMlINCh mi iALT LAK.E CITY Ul jufjpuu me con- f workers’ compensation ' •m' workers, but they ly- IB 195^ was a lhat failed to address the ns of agriculture. ^ _ Ic supporters said fairness :ven morality - required a vote, opponents said the is far more complex, not a black-and-white is- itate Rep. Tim Ridinger, iPhone, said.after voting Please see FARM/A2 ' . ........ J OUDOYO- s while watching the UVS the Region 18 Juniorcolk ough Saturday. arget w •omillic Hard-corc cor aftei' trophy heads anc I ■■■ by wildlife coll lorA ’ Antlers', partici velvet-like fuzz, from Oriental pland, ground into tra( officer ‘ soldin.theOrien \ The U.S. Pish ■I ' mates the iilc ml conser- wildlife to be nt 1 ( "A lot of pec lot sports-- scale of monej . They're Hompland said, i a crowd bighorn sheep ti' . 5100,000. Last y percent o f fered a sheep per ir criminal With that kinc /e’ people who arc nes.” the law are tumir that we're “Some of the Pies ___New. will c] The Asiocifltpd MONTGOMERY. A1 bringing back the chain Americans haven't seen s man movie ''Cool Hand Li This spring, inmates wil and made to pick up litter roads. - - Alabama will be the fin to roinstitute chaiii gangs, i "national'conrctiDns-organl Prison work eitw s'inli mon in many states until stirred by the 1932 movii From a Chain Gang,” obo brutalized by a Southem cl “1 find it fascinating the is turning back... when the moving forward^’’ said Rc of the National Center on tematives and d critic of th No one at the state Con can recall cxactly when . with chain gangs or why. >052 03/07/VL (APHIC'J INC )R SIE 200 j-i nllM ililiinlifn-iiUlni.l- - -- liaUSlBEBtiB Hare Is how the Idaho Hoi ed 47-23 Wednesday age quiring fanners to provide compenaatlon Insuronco i employees: Republicans for M4) - Oiann, Berain. M.Black Gurnsey, Hansen. Doug Lucas, McKeeth, Miller, p( Simpson, Stone. Wilde. Democrats for (9) — Ale P.BIack, Flandro, Hofman. Plotsch, Robison, Stoiche denberg, Rapubllcans ogalnst (43) y CHtALEa.MANOlNEmwThrmfMwi VSC women's team de- ollege tournament at lildlife, cilKills^ commercial poachcrs kill for and antlers, which are sought :ollectors around the world, licularly ones covered with jzz, can fctch S100 a pound lal buyers; the antlers are traditional "medicines" and lent fbr up to S 100 an ounce, ish and Wildlife Service esti- llcgal trade in American at least S200 million a year, people have no idea of the ney we're, talking about," id, noting that a world-class 3 trophylis on the market for St year, a Twin Falls m^n of- permit for sale for 520.000. cind of money in the offing, arc accustomed to breaking ming to wildlife poaching, he real deadbeats in society ’lease see P0ACHING/A2 . Alab^a ( Dlean up ro Ala. — Alabama is lin gang, a sight most KP ;n since the Paul New- I'lL i Luke." B jl will be put in leg irons tter along well-traveled first state in the nation gs, according to several janlzations. ' " ' H nieg'irons'were com'-" itil public'opinion was ir/ie “I Am o Fugitive bbout an innocent man first n chain gang. they the corrections system Tl the rest o f the world is all ii RoTiTiocIter, director Coci on Institutions and Al- nor’; f the plan. 'orrections Department inmi :n Alabama did away'. Jo y- BTOU ------------- ^ u r a Jouse vot- tus. Antone, Bar gainst re- Beil, Bivens. R e workers Crane, Crow. Do. a on Ihelr D.FIeld. Geddos, M.Johnson. Donr 1— Baij- Kempton, King. X :k. Deal. • Linford. Loertschi ig Jones. Meyer; Mortonsei Pomerc^. • chner, Reynolds Schaefer, Steele Jexander. Taylor, Tllmani Ti n. -Jequet, - Democrats agal leff. Van- tiansen. Cuddy, fi Absent — None. 13) _ All- Source: The, ” Preside cuts nil stockpi * The Associated Press ' WASHINGTON —.1 .said Wcdne.sdayrhc has of r.'idioactiv'i; rhateriJi tliousand.s of iiuflcar wc nently withdrawn from stockpile, Clinton made tiic an specch in which he also _____p^plicy-diflerciiccs. will majority in Congress as ; those who want to cont ship and "those who , American isolationism." "The new isolationists ion told a Center for Pcace and Fro Republican lenders pi Senate Majority Leadei cizcd the adminisrratioi devotion" to Ru.ssia and failed policy in Bosnia dealing with Iraq and No House Speaker Newt said that “my- commiimc tional causes of frccdoi whelming." The speaker noted thn for Republican-votes for can. Free Trade Act and —I "I’m always curious' wh _ presumption wc are in aii “Don't misunderstand question everything for abandon anything," said ' Clinton said-the Unitec lematibnal goal more im ^inuing its decades-long • vent the proliferation of r He said that to further commitment to the goal Nonproliferation Treaty, J dered that 200 tons of f enough for thousands of — be permanently wit! U.S. nuclear stockpile.’•*“ • “It will never be used id nuclear weapon," Clintor Dole accused the ac i- “timidity" for not threati n . U.N. effort to lift ecoi against Iraq. Anthony Li e national security adviser. " cism was "unfounded c JS , 'said U.N. Ambassador M >r had told other govemmci f- veto such a resolution, Legislaiion passed b’ I. would cut back U.S. s g peacekeeping activities 1 ■by the administration a: y likely to destroy the Un 2 tool for dealing with troul chatngan^ Dadside litti son comr Jones,gh U jlllljriB mates work dun Jones j: lican.Go Jones il'8=!l thi to work; rst impression of prison be : ey never come back. The idea is to «hangc,thei>c I inmi)tes do is'V/atch soap op xa-Colas,” said Donald Claxt ir’s spokesman. “With leg shackles, we can p mates to work" on the outside, Jones envisions fivb prisoners oup, with 8 feet of chain betwi Mice Barraclough, Barrett. . R.Black, Bruneel. Dorr, Erharl. F.FIeld. los, Gould, Hombeck. - >onne Jones. Kellogg, g, KJeliander. Larsen, . scher, Loosll, Mader. nsen. Newcomb. Pis- olds. RIdijiger. Sali,- sele. Stubbs. Sutton. 1. Tippets. Wood, igalnst (4).— Chris- . ly. A-Johnaon, Judd.- me. ’he Associated Press lent ufclear Jilei ^ i' — .Pre.sident Clinton has ordered 200 tons ;riJil "enough for ' weapons" — perma-; •om.tlie U.S. nuclear^ : announcement in a' ilso ponrayed foreign! uuiluilic-Rcpublican --------- 7- as a -Struggle between :ontinue U.S. leader-^' ho advocate a. new m." lists are wrong," Clin- )'n.sorcd by the Nixon Freedom. 's preceded him, .ind ader Bob Dole criti- ition for "misguided and what-he callcd a ;nia and mistakes in Nonli Korea. ; ;wt Gingrich, R-Ga;^ iimcnt to the intcma-, cdom is pretty.over-.-' . lhat he led the, figl^ for the North Ameri- and GATT, and said, ;'when there is some naiiy isolationist." land a willingness to ,. for a willingness to ' aid Gingrich, lited States has no in- rimponaht than con- ....... long struggle to pre- of nuclcar weapons, her demonstrate U.S. goals of the Nuclcar ity, "today I have or- of fissile material — 5 of nuclcar weapons withdrawn from the jscd again to build a nton said. : administration of rcatening to veto any ;conomic sanctions / Lake, White House iscr. said Dole’s criti- :d on the facts." He )r Madeleine Albright imcnts Clinton would 1, d by the House that 3. support for U.N. es has been attacked n as isolationist and United Nations as a rouble spots. igs . I , tter ,bama’s-new pri- __ Dmmissioner, Ron i,.has placed a 00 order, for 300 if leg'irons so'in- s can be put to . ^ during the first 90 ”' if their sentences, es js carrying out., ctivc from Repub- ;, J .Gpv^ Fob James .i _ :w inrnates be de- ; " ' "V and other priv- : that they be put - rk; and that their , be so unpleasaiit :i>crccption "that 1operas and drink . laxton, the gover- ' in put higher-risk ' i- lide, Jones said, ners working in a . ctween inmates.

Transcript of'...

Page 1:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

' ‘r-

_ GoodnToday’s foreca:

M ostly cloudy wit 4 0 s . N o r th e a s t Nvii Lows in the 20s.

m sLawyers probe

Tw o prosecutors \ to iavcstigotc the tb a nd guns a t th e Tri Force.

Reporter an ^ i■ S ta te S choo ls Su

Fox w alked out on tl sion public-afTairs p: day. -------

A trail of bloodPolice followed a

the room o f a teen-ag W ednesday m om inj yard.

Tourney tip-ofiThe College o f Sol

ended the opening dr basketball toumnmen College, 86-58.

Hoop dreamsF our,M agic Valle

team s begin the ir qu today. ~

No frills skiingNot far from Sun V

ski area with a vastly i

What’s going ojO utdoors ed ito r W

ders the eternal questi do for fun this weekcr

Young and frag■ Victims o f sexual o

passion and protectio says.

Liability biUA ccident v ictim s a

firms jo in the battle o\ ity bill in Congress.

Debate divides cA Suprem e Court <

un iv e rs itie s g iv ing g ious student groups sions among thejustio

Looters swarm (Amid occasional sh

strip M ogadishu 's air lefl behind by w ithdr

, tions units.

Section A . [Weather...........2 I

- NaUon...........3-4 \World...............5

.........■-Opinion.-..“ .6*7—

- — - I S ection B C

Maglo Valley ...1Obituaries.......2Mlnl-Cassla.....3 CIdaho............4-5 N

. Cbm lw........ £

- W e print on I P lease re(

• V. ■ ——-

morningcast: ,with highs in the upper “w in d s 10 to 15 m ph.

Page A2

ibe burglaryrs have been appointed : theft p f m oney, drugs Tri-C ounty D rug T a ^

Page B1

^ryF oxS u p e rin ten d en t A nne

n the tap ing o f a telcvi- s program on W ednes-

Pags B1

O d ---------1 a trail o / blood from i-agc girl, missing since ling, to a fence in her


j fT

Southern Idalio"women 5 day o f the Region 18 len t by defeating Dixie

Page D5

5illey b o y s ' basketball quests fo r state titles

P a g e D 7

ign Valley, there exists a tly d ifferent pedigree.

Page DI

;on• W illiam Brock pon- estion: "W hat should 1 kend?"

Page 01

agileq1 abuse deserve com - . :tion, today ’s editorial |

> PageA 6 |


s and m a jo r b usiness i : over a p roduct liabil- 1

PageA 3 i

!S c o u r t Jrt debate over public I g tax m oney to re li- , ip s show s d e a r divi- sticcs.

Page A4

ra oyer airportshots, Som ali looters airport o f everything

hdraw ing United Na-

. P a g a M ’’

D e arA b b y ...... 7 ®M ovies........ ;;..7World............... 8 •

- — Section C - — J—FdCUBr.*„...»,nrl.----------a- L e g a f notices ..1 «

■Cla88lfled.h;,l-8- ®

B ectio n D '' ^O utdoors.....1-3 tlMoney.?,.-;........ 4 ' • tlSports..:.......5-8 f

. ■ .0 an recycled paper,recycle It again. °

----------- L * _____ I 0

aaS S TMB iBBI■M iilliiW liU


Franlc E. LockwoodTim es-News writer •

B O IS E -T b c .Idaho Hou R e p re s e n ta t iv e s W ed n e

.o v e r w h e lm in g ly ' opp m andatory w orkers compi tion for farm w orkers - dc ing a b ill G ov . P h il Batt urged them to suppon.

By a 43-27 vo te , legisi k ille d H ouse B ill 19S, w sought to end agriculture’; y ea r-o ld ex c lu s io n from w orkers' com pensation law

Waiting I

U tah Valley S ta te Col ' fe a t North Idaho ColU

th 9 C ollege o f Southe

Small-t aim foid y William Broclc^ Times-News writer

T W m FALLS - Drawn I small fines and the lack o f pi sm all-tim e crooks are tum i poaching in addition to dm trading in stolen goods.

Gam e w ardens - w ho ar< saulted class o f law enforc< in A m e ric a - h a v e respc tougher, no-nonsense approa

To cducate the general pul rent poaching trends, Idaho i Fish and Game officials con hour p r o g ^ Tuesday night, arc essential and poachcrs ci by calling 1-800-632-5999.

M odem gam e wardens “rr tie unfriendly and aloof, bu the o ld back-slapping buddie

. lo be ,’' exp lained G ary Ho

Budget! vote tod

- Tlifl Awoclated Press'

• -W ASHINGTON — Facin d e fe a t, S en a te R ep u b lic a r show dow n v o te today on t onced budget omendrnent anc to rev ive the issue at th e h( the 1996 election season i f it

M ajority Leader B ob Dole Q ttacxed^everalT -D em ocrai

- n c n ts W edneaday for what-hi —«''-'8tunnlng-fH pn6p” o n ^ r

sim ilar to onb they supponec ago. O ther G O P senators c r President C linton 's oppositioi

F lV f D e in o c ra ts — m ot e n o u ^ to seciire passage — ted w ith a letter p ledging to '

- the am endm ent i f R e ^ l i e a r to keep Social Security trus o f f limlu^ to budget uutteis. ■ . “R epublic ins are indeed c

on the u se o f Social Securii fund 'do llars to buy dow n t l over the next 10 years,” said

Z Z j l ZZi Z Z Z

h e ]se:-NGio u se o f I M j p p M n K In esd ay I B b Q i H M ip p o scd mpensa-- defeat- Magic Valley r Jatt h ad ov e rw h e lm in g ly

p ro p o sa l. W end Sislators K e tc h u m , and f , w h ich Jones, R -F ile r, v j e ’s 78- rcprijsentatives .fn im s ta te -ttaU d ah o to suppc laws. ■ M an y o f thosi

I his^iurn

C ollege’s J a c q u e s F ra n c li o l le g e d u r in g W e d n e s d a y th e m Id a h o . T h e to u m a n -

■time Cr rb ig lji

‘T h i

. - V a fm by b ig money, if physical danger, Th© im ing to w ildlife , drug .dealing and

arc the most-as-orcement o ffice ryy , . sp o n d e d w i t h ^ \» h d G a mroach. vation ofpublic about cur- “The p ho D epartment o f m en , anconducted a two- w ildlifeght. Citizens’ lips o f abouts can be-reponed A' 199:9. Fish and“m ay seem a lit- records,but w e can’t be ing aboui

Idies that w e used "TheseH om pland, Fish catching.

; amendi isiy in Si

law m aker, DerDaschle o f Soul

cing likely D ole 's decisi can s se t a v o te to d a y — in the bal- a b ru p tly p o s tp and vowed down — came : height o f tempts to rcach f i t fails. Social Security ole sharply ' H e concedei m tt-oppo^— vote h ad been" it-he ca lled ; a t barring a-l ^ m e a s u re r ' m fn trth o -m ea i n ed a year vote sh o n of'th ' i c ritic ized . needed for pass, ition. w e can,” hen o re th a n Dem ocrats w : — rebut- under pressure, to vote for o f O regon rem leans agree ho ldout despite :rust funds B arbour, his pat:— - — - — m att;-------- -—d counting H a tf ie ld sai<

tru st him "a balance< n deb t is a m ust piece aid a sixth Republican Port


u t ?

>fa--------------------- 1 IImIm

ccpt o f w f for farm'

'^°W hik<' representatives - and evely op p o sed th e "yes” voiid y Ja q u c t, D- m atter is 1. fa rm e r D oug “ It’s no

w ere th e on ly sue," statfrom south-ccn- R-'Shoi^hcport the plan. ’ "no,")se w ho v o te d p

: l s r e d l i f e s a n d r e la x e s v a y ’s o p e n in g ro u n d o f thi im e n tw ll l c o n t in u e th ro u

rooks ta uck^frTie peop le w e 're af iren ’t sportsm en ey ’re wildlife kille

— G ary Hompli F ish an d G a m e ofl

ime'.s Jerom’c:bascd regionul officer, (

people w e 're after arc not in d th e y 'r e not h u n te rs . T e k illers." Hompland told a jt 75 people.)92 study found that 20 per id Game violators had p rior c >, Hom pland said, "and w e’i )ut some pretty serious crime: :se a ren 't innocent people tha g .”

mentenateem ocratic leader Tom )uth Dakota, ision to proceed with a — tw o d a y s a f te r he itponed a -f in a l show - e after unsuccessful at- :h a com prom ise on the y issue.

t j i a t j io s e n a to r ^ _;n chahged '.'ihd icating i-last-m m ute develop . :aBurc w o u ld - fa ll-o n o - - - the two-ihirds majoriw ssage. ‘ e ’ve done all " lid.w eren’t the only ones •e. Sen. M ark Horfield m ained the sole GOP ite a v isit from H aley party ’s national chair-

n d B a rb o u r h ad to4d :ed-budget am endm ent':e o f legislation for the u ty ." _

--s. -

5 ; . J . „

I K !

t S T 7 l 2 U 4 1 1 9 2 0 :

W E S T E R N HICH Q G RA F ■ 5 5 b CDM M lINCh m i iA LT LAK.E C IT Y U l

jufjpuu me con- ■ f w orkers’ com pensation ' •m' w orkers, but they ly- IB 195^ was a lhat failed to address the ns o f agriculture. _Ic supporters said fairness :ven morality - required a vote, opponents said the is far m ore complex, not a black-and-white is-

itate Rep. Tim R idinger, iPhone, s a id .a f te r vo ting

P le a s e s e e FARM /A2 ' .

........J OUDOYO-

s w h ile w a tc h in g th e UVS th e R e g io n 18 J u n io r c o lk o u g h S a tu rd a y .

arget w •omillic

Hard-corc cor a f t e i ' trophy heads anc I ■■■ by w ild life colll o r A ’ A ntlers', partic i

■ velvet-like fuzz, from O rien ta l

pland, ground into tra( o f f ic e r ‘ sold in .theO rien

\ The U.S. Pish ■I ' m a te s th e iilcml conser- wildlife to be nt 1

( "A lot o f peclot sports-- sca le o f m onej . T h e y 're Hompland said, i a crowd bighorn sheep ti'

. 5100,000. Last y percent o f fered a sheep per ir criminal W ith that kinc /e’rc .ta lk- people who arc nes.” ■ the law are tumir that w e 're “Som e o f the


___New.will c]

The Asiocifltpd

M O N T G O M E R Y . A1 bringing back the chain Americans haven 't seen s man movie ''C ool Hand Li

This spring, inmates wil and m ade to p ick up litter roads.

- - A labam a will be the fin to roinstitute chaiii gangs, i

"national'conrctiD ns-organl — Prison w ork e i tw s 'in l i

mon in m any states until stirred by the 1932 movii From a Chain Gang,” obo brutalized by a Southem cl

“ 1 find it fascinating the is turning b a c k ... when the moving forward^’’ said Rc o f the National Center on tem atives and d critic o f th

No one at the state C on can recall cxactly w hen . with chain gangs o r why.

> 0 5 2 0 3 / 0 7 / V L

(A P H IC 'J IN C )R S I E 2 0 0 j-i

n l lM i l i l i in l i fn -iiU ln i.l- - --

liaUSlBEBtiBHare Is how the Idaho Hoi ed 47-23 W ednesday age quiring fanners to provide com penaatlon Insuronco i employees:R e p u b l ic a n s f o r M 4) - O iann, B e ra in . M .Black G urnsey , H an sen . Doug Lucas, McKeeth, Miller, p( Simpson, Stone. Wilde. D em o cra ts fo r (9) — Ale P.BIack, Flandro, Hofman. Plotsch, Robison, Stoiche denberg,R apub llcans o g a lnst (43)

y CHtALEa.MANOlNEmw ThrmfMwi

VSC w o m e n 's t e a m d e - o lleg e t o u r n a m e n t a t

lildlife,cilKills^commercial poachcrs kill for and antlers, which are sought :ollectors around the world, licularly ones covered w ith jzz, can fctch S 100 a pound lal b u y e rs ; th e a n tle rs are traditional "m ed icines" and lent fbr up to S 100 an ounce, ish and W ildlife Service esti- llc g a l t ra d e in A m erican at least S200 m illion a year, people have no idea o f the ney w e 're , ta lk in g a b o u t," id, noting that a world-class 3 trophylis on the market for St year, a Twin Falls m^n of- permit for sale for 520.000. cind o f m oney in the offing, arc accustom ed to breaking ming to w ildlife poaching, he real deadbeats in society ’le a se s e e P0ACHING/A2

. A l a b ^ a (

Dlean u p ro

A la. — A la b a m a is lin gang, a sight m ost K P ;n since the Paul N ew- I 'lL i Luke." B j lwill be put in leg irons tter along w ell-traveled

first state in the nation gs, according to several janlzations. ' " ' H n ieg 'iro n s 'w e re com'-" itil public 'opinion was ir/ie “I A m o Fugitive bbout an innocent man first n chain gang. theythe corrections system Tl the rest o f the w orld is all ii RoTiTiocIter, director Coci

on Institutions and Al- no r’; f the plan.'orrections Departm ent inmi :n A labam a d id aw a y '. Jo y- BTOU


u r a

Jouse vot- tus. Antone, Bar gainst re- Beil, B ivens. R e workers Crane, Crow. Do. a on Ihelr D.FIeld. Geddos,

M .Johnson. Donr1 — B aij- Kempton, King. X :k. D ea l. • Linford. Loertschi ig J o n e s . Meyer; Mortonsei Pom erc^. • chner, Reynolds

Schaefer, S teele Jexander. Taylor, Tllmani Ti n. -Jequet, - D em o cra ts aga l leff. Van- tiansen. Cuddy, fi

A b sen t — None. 13) _ All- Source: T h e ,

” Preside cuts nil stockpi

■ * The A ssociated Press '

W A SH IN G TO N — .1 .said Wcdne.sdayrhc has o f r.'idioactiv'i; rhateriJi tliousand.s o f iiuflcar wc nently w ithdraw n from stockpile,

C lin ton m ade tiic an specch in which he also

_____p^plicy-diflerciiccs. w illmajority in Congress as ; those w ho w ant to cont sh ip an d " th o s e w ho

, American isolationism." "The new isolationists

ion told a Center for Pcace and Fro

Republican lenders pi Senate M ajority Leadei cizcd the adm inisrratioi devotion" to Ru.ssia and failed po licy in Bosnia dealing with Iraq and No

House Speaker Newt said that “my- commiimc tional causes o f frccdoi whelming."

The speaker noted thn for Republican-votes for can. Free Trade Act and

—I " I’m alw ays curious' wh _ presumption w c are in aii

“ D on 't m isunderstand question everything for abandon anything," s a id '

Clinton said-the Unitec lematibnal goal more im ^inuing its decades-long

• vent the proliferation o f r He said that to further

com m itm ent to the goal Nonproliferation Treaty,

J dered th a t 200 tons o f f ■ enough for thousands of

— be perm anently wit! ” U.S. nuclear stockpile.’•*“

• “ It will never be used id nuclear w eapon," C lintor

D o le a c c u se d th e ac i- “tim idity" for not threati n . U .N . e ffo rt to lif t ecoi

against Iraq. Anthony Li e national security adviser. " cism w as "un founded c JS ,'sa id U.N. Am bassador M >r had told other govemmci f- veto such a resolution,

L eg is la iion passed b ’ I. w ou ld c u t b ack U .S . s g peacekeeping activities 1

■ by the adm inistra tion a: y likely to destroy the Un2 tool for dealing w ith troul

chatngan Dadside litti

son com r Jo n e s ,g h

U jlll l jr iB m a te swork dun

Jones j:

l ican .G o

Jon es il'8=!l thi to work;

rst im pression o f prison be : ey never come back.The idea is to «hangc,thei>c I inmi)tes do is'V/atch soap o p xa-C o las ,” said Donald Claxt ir’s spokesman.“W ith leg shackles, we can p mates to w ork" on the outside, Jones envisions fivb prisoners oup, with 8 feet o f chain betwi

M iceBarraclough, Barrett.. R .B lack , B runeel.Dorr, Erharl. F.FIeld.

los, Gould, Hombeck. - >onne Jones. Kellogg, g, KJeliander. Larsen, . scher, Loosll, Mader. n sen . Newcomb. Pis- o lds. RIdijiger. Sali,- sele. S tubbs. Sutton.1. Tippets. Wood, ig a ln s t (4).— Chris- . ’ ly. A-Johnaon, Judd.- me.’he A ssociated P ress

lentufclearJilei ^

i '

— .Pre.sident C linton has ordered 200 tons ;riJil "en ough fo r ' weapons" — perma-;•om.tlie U.S. nuclear^

: announcem en t in a' ilso ponrayed foreign!uuilu ilic -R cpub lican--------- 7-as a -Struggle between •

:ontinue U.S. leader-^' ho ad v o c a te a. new m."lists are w rong," Clin- • )'n.sorcd by the Nixon Freedom. ■'s preceded him , .ind ader Bob Dole criti- ition for "m isguided and what-he callcd a • ;nia and m istakes in Nonli Korea. ;

;w t G ingrich, R-Ga;^ iimcnt to the intcma-, cdom is p re tty .o v e r- .- '

. lhat he led the, fig l^ for the North Ameri-

and GATT, and said,;'w hen there is some naiiy isolationist." land a w illingness to ,. for a w illingness to '

aid Gingrich, lited States has no in-r im p o n ah t than con-.......long struggle to pre- o f nuclcar weapons, h e r demonstrate U.S. goals o f the N uclcar ity , "today I have or- o f fissile material —5 o f nuclcar weapons w ithdraw n from the

jscd again to build a nton said.: a d m in is tra tio n o f rcatening to veto any ;c o n o m ic san c tio n s / Lake, W hite House iscr. said Dole’s criti- :d on the facts." He )r M adeleine Albright imcnts Clinton would 1,d by the H ouse that 3. su p p o rt fo r U .N . es has been attacked n as isolationist and United Nations as a rouble spots.

igs . I ,tter,bam a’s-new p ri- __Dmmissioner, Ron i , .h a s p la c e d a •00 order, for 300 if leg 'irons so 'in -s c a n b e p u t to . during the first 90 ” ' if their sentences, es js carrying o u t . , ctivc from Repub- ;, J.Gpv^ F ob Jam es .i _:w inrnates be de- ; " ' "V and other priv- : that they be put - rk; and that their , be so unpleasaiit

:i>crccption "that1 operas and drink . laxton, the gover- '

in put higher-risk ' i- lide, Jones said, ners working in a . ctween inmates.

Page 2:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

fK-2 . Tlmos-Nows. Twin Fc

-Weatli- T hondiy, M u tb 2 '


ICoeuf O 'A i^ 52*

r » " « — — ^

“ ■ J r i s n i

I iTwlnFnlla |~47

; —

S/KMWi r-tftymi fijin

; A l m a n a c

'■ ' " I d a h o -I .M ax Min

----- -— -pBolso— r~ .----- 50-23• Burloy 52 28

FnlrfioltJ 37 9; Gooding 50 25• HogonTion 57 24 I Idaho Falls m m ; jQfomo___ 46 26

. I Lowlston 43 24; Malad 50 20; Malto m 19• McCqII 38 11 1 Pocalollo 48 17

Salmon 40 18Stanley 40 -5Sun Valloy 40 7

----------- ^ S k y w a t G h — -

f iSmu Sum Luni tcr.l Mar Vlalt Mert

GemS(B O ISE (A P) — The

W ednesday endorsed a

iHeite Is the 20-15 v o le t 4tate Sena te split 310

:a T ransportation Oepj io rv e accoun t betw ee and local governm ents pairs.

.R e p u b l ic a n s f o r (2G;C am eron , Crow, DanI -.rington, Furness, Geddi .Hartung, Hawkins, ing

• Kerrlci<, Loe,_M cRobt .R isc h , S o ro n s e , Tv Wheeler.

;D om ocrats f o r — Nont R o p u b llcan s a g a in s t (

.'B oatrigh t, B u n d e rso r Noh, S chroeder and Thi D e m o c r a ts a g a in s McLaughlin, Reed, Re nett, Sw eeney , Tucker and Whitworth.

Farm _Q o n tinued from A1

!" T lic rc ’s a p ro b lem agricu lture docs nccd t a p d w o rk th is o u t. b i seem ed to be one-sided sa id . H e-ca llcd fo r bo "feive a bit” - and com< s<)!ution everybody can 1

• [H ouse Bill 195 w as s 'b e that com prom ise solu

cra f ted by an in te rim com m ittee that m et will d u c e rs a n d fa rm lab o times over tlie summer.

B ut th e f in a l produ< ^ posed by the Idaho Fa

Federation and a host o f , cultural o rganizations,

sa id th e b i l l ’s v a s t un . , am ong farm ing groups s

th e com m ittee h ad fail - - com m on g round .-

L e g is la to r s p rc d ic i w o u ld be c lo sc d , jo b s lost, and the 'industry w i ( H B 195 passed. State B lack ; R.-Twin F a lls , i cfctvcd 20 phone calls o a(! o f them opposed.

4 C i r c u l a t i! • Allen Wilson, circulnlion• I Circuliition phone lino

, i t tween 7 tna 10 only. 1;,} ceive your paper by 7 a.m.,. I for your BTca:' ' Jerome-Wendell-Goodin; : : 536-2J35•; Durley-Rupcn-Paul-Otkl I, 678-2552

Buhl-QutleforJ ' 543-4648

- Filcr-Rogcnon-Hollitter• 326-5375

IwinFilIsaadalloiher.i oj-0931 .

' ' News''r' Clark Wilwotth, ruiiugii r Ifyou have Koewi lip M

, • ' (omeone in Ibe «dit6rlil d '* 7J3-093I between 10:00

Falls, Idaho Thursday, Man:


CAHAOA - • i S

j L - ----- • MCW-

■■ llflaho F n ln lis n

• . M / , •rPocnWlwl <a‘1

Tw^n FallsMin Pep MoxM23 — Yostorday— ^ 4 8 “228 .... Last year 50 3

9 .... _ Normal 46,2

l l ;;;; P r e c i p l t a t l o n .m ........Month to dato;

26 ..... ...Normal mo. to dato;24 ...Wotor year to dato:20 ........Normal year to dato:

Com fort facto17 ...Humidity Ot noon:18 ...Baromolor at noon; 2-5 ..... ...Pollon count: 58: oim (7 ..... ...orato rating).

junaettoday 6:25 p.m.Junrijo tomorrow 7:1.6 n.m. jm srphase: New, March I; first cr, March 9; full, March 16; last i vlarch 23./lalbie pienets: Momlng, Vonus. Ji ■Mercury. Evening: Mare.

Senate barh e Sena te on sial p ropoa d a 'co n tro v cr- in cxccss fi

le by which the Here is the10 million from S e n a te api departm ent re - s ta te aid to veen th e s ta te 1995-1996: nts for road re- RepUbM ce

' Boatright,(20) — B eck, Crow. Donian ielson , Dar- n e s s , Gediiddes, Hansen, Ip sen , KerIngram, ipsen. P a rry . Fo b e rts , P arry , S o re n s e n ,T w ig g s a n d W h ee le r.'

D em ocratsone. R epub llca i8t (7) — Bock. sure . Hansso n , F rasi^rp , Schroeder.Thome. D e m o c ra tI n s t (8) — McLaughlinR een ts, S ten - nett, Sweei:ker, W ethereii andW hltwo

I Source

• Farm ers t;m th e re , and hurt them fi:d to sit dow n support geti

b u t th is b i l l age to famicd ," R idinger isn’t the velbo th s id e s to Even stal3mc up w ith a T w in F allm live with. w o rk e r s ' iIS supposed to T im e s-N e \olution. It w as HB 195.m le g is la tiv e S tu b b s tiivith food pro- constituentsib o rc rs th re e a l l o w ^ to:r- during thed u c t w as o p - heard fromF arm B ureau bill is flawc

1 o f other agri- H e decideIS. O pponents swer. Stubbu n p o p u la r ity consider stj

>s showed that co m p en sa tfa iled to f ind search for c

rijduccd ratel ic ic d fa rm s - “ M y poirDbs w o u ld b e o n ^he tabf w ould suffer th ey ’ve dotta tc Rep. Ron hc’added.s , sa id he re - S tubbs M3 on the bill - quires indej

•. suppljfc farr

‘.llondtelor^ C1I7J3.WJ1,linsa are open Ifyoudonotrc- j

DMcy “ “ ‘‘■y' . unti)3p.m.M 10 a.m. Infom able wcckdayi call 677-4042.

> • ..cek; dali• Eoopcrweel

'* . paid in advuugiof editor where carrierIp or wish to talk to Local ratei: d11 depvtmeni, call week; daily oi :00 a.m. and 5:30 only S2.Z5 p<

lan:h 2,1995

i P I Idaho forMagic Valle

1 -—- , .Mostly cloudy to<---------------- winds-JOto-15-mph:-

Friday mostly cloud; the mid-40s.

Extended r<Salurdiy mostly cl

ods o f snow for the r

, iSunday mostly clc ods of snow for the r 45. ,

------ :— . Mondsy mostly clo d s^ f snow for the r

D Wood RiverWYO . Increasing clouds!

cloudy. Lows 5 to 1 chance o f snow. Higt

^ Treasure Ve

Becoming mostly Northwcsfwinds 5 t(

CBccy 25 to 30. Friday mo; Highs in tho upper 4C

- Northern N(.......... Mostly cloudy tod

tcmoon thunderstorm X Min Pep . tire mid-40rfo' rnltp; 5 23- — tercd-showers-castrS3 34 .... o r snow likely wcsi3,25 .03 5.500-6,000 f«rt.

" ------- Northern Ut.00

,; .06 Mostly cloudy todi 6.55 stomis. Highs lower

o: 5,08 showers or thundcrst ‘t o r s Chnncc of s}iowcr5,; i-

32pot Idaho we

ings for early March.-------------------- The-only-significai

' Snake highlands whi turcs dropped wind cl

Under mostly sunr irst quir- ‘“^cs, ngcd from a ist quarter. B^irlcy- Most of rcpoi

per 40s.j.Jupltor, Skies were partly .

were no reports o f prt

ackrdms]losal that sblits SIC m illion : 3 fuel tax ruvcniies between


he 22-13 vote by which tho tapproved S664 million In ^1 to public schools for the ' . 36 school year, l e a n s f o r (22 ) — B eck ,It, B underson , C am eron , [anielson, Darrington, Fur- ■'ed d es , H artung. Ingram . (verrick, Lee, M cR oberts, <1

R ic h a rd s o n , R iech ,m , T horne , T w iggs a n d j

a t s f o r — None. ' Ic a n s a g a in s t (5) — Fra-insen, Hawkins. Noh and ;D r . ' r a t s a g a i n s t (6 ) . —iiin, R eed . R een ts, S ten - 1eeney , Tucker, W ethereii ^worth. Jirce: The A ssociated P re ss i

rs told Black thc 'b in would sa finimcially, he said. “ I do cjetting some kind o f cover- sarm w orkers. I guess th is lvehiclc," B lack added. < citale Rep. M ark Stubbs, R- ia lls , w h o h a d e n d o rs e d (i ' c o m p c n s o tio n in T h e c'Jews en d ed u p o p p o s in g c

s ta lk ed to M ag ic ^ i j l le y sints who said they w eren’t “to testify against HB 195 ttie b ill’s hearings. A nd he 1om farm ers w ho sa id the twed. \ :idcd HB 195 isn’t the an-ibbs said lawmakers should fsta te-subsidized w orkers’ c

sation fo r o g r ic u ltu re , o r . rir Olher avenues* to provide crates for farmers. ro in t is, lay dl! the op tions c ab le , a n d l e t ’s dee w h atdone in o ther states, too ," i

I said HB 327 - w hich re- " dependent contractors-w ho c arm labo r to reg is te r ajid s

Ktayi.-Io report late newa-atid- -(in< ilu aAor 5:30 and on weekends. $3. J3t. , wt

■' ■ ■ J5.A d v e r t i s i n g suj

ork. advcitlsiog director - iviih lo'place an advcrtlscmenl,)93l. CiBJjified Bd». call 733- -. , day through Friday from 7 «.m. i 1. v u lS s ti^ y s from7 a.m. unli) , romution on difpIayadtU avail. lay* only. For the Burley office, v '

■ a nJiiooaatclivety: daily «id Suoday. S3.15 dally, S2J0 per we«k;'Sunday, *>«■ m k Mall fubscriptions imul be Ivance and are available only < rier delivery ii nol marataiiied. i: dally tod Sunday. $3.50 per Ifl* y oiily S3.00 per week; Sunday i pw week.. Idato ratet: dally ^

-- ----------- — --------J -------

ire c a s tsley '’ today. Highs in the upper 40s phr^-oniglil-nlt»tly-c!outiyrLows 3udy with a slight chancc of mi:

j B g i o n a l t o r e c a s t

y cloudy witli chance of rain or he mountains. Lows in the 20s. I

’ cloudy with chancc of rain o r : he mountains. Lows in the 20s. 1

y cloudy with chancc o f rain o r : he mountains. Lows in the 20s, I

er Valleyids today. Highs in the 30s. Ton to 10. Friday mostly cloudy w: ^ighs in the 30s.

Valleystly cloudy today. Highs in the 5 to 10 mph. Tonight mostly clc mostly cloudy with a slight-xhai ;r40s.

Nevadatodoy-with scattered showers an orms. Snow level 5.500-6,000 fei iid-50s.' Tohi^iT showcralikely rtr-Snow-|cvc|-5;500-6,000-fcctr yest. Scattered showers east. S

Utahtoday. A few showers or aftemo< vcr 50s. Tonight mostly cloudy, [crstorms. Lows in the 30s. Frid

Highs mid- to upper 40s.

rea ther sum m :)w aloft hos brought eoolcr Arcl ing temperatures down to near nc ■ch.Icannm thcrW edncsday wm Ir where nonhcrly winds and col id chills to well below zero, iiinny skies the afternoon esutm n a low o f 19 at Spcncer to 50 eporting stations are in the upper

tly cloudy over the Mogic Valle f precipitation.

sion of histate and local road maintc;

Senators voted 20-15 foi• po.sal that runs counter to

can Gov, Phil B a tt 's reco tion that the entire amoui vo ted to s ta te h ighw ay i ments.

•The vote also signaled ll a n y c h a n c c fo r ag rcem

. highw ay user fee increase cu tting into serious defici

J Idaho’s road system:A nd o p p o n e n ts o f wli

. la w m a k e rs c a llc d a .co rr said they would urge the i c rn o r to ve to the $5 m il m a rk e d fo r c it ic s , cbun highway districts.

As his predecessor did a Batt .told lawmakers, tliat 1 veto any attem pt to give I 510 m illion to locaUgovc but he has essentially^beer

' I ■

sh o w -th a l they prov ide > com pensation - m ay be ah sw er. S ta te law a lready iheSc conlroctors to provii c rs ' com pensation. And if is enforced, Stubbs argued, 60 ahd 80 pe'rcent o f all faj c rs w 'ould end up w ith > com pensation insurance.

T h o se a rg u m e n ts -d id t s ta te R ep. R uby S tone , ! “ Do unto others as you wc them do unto you ,'’ she tol( leagues, “I f you w ere in tl tio n ,, w o u ld n ’t you w ant w orkers’ compensation?”

•S ta te Rep. M aynard M Moscow, said the Legislat decide whether it wants to

. treating som e Idahoans as c lass citizcns. “I th ink it ’: m o ra l is s u e a s fa r a s I ccm cd," h e said.

Afterw ards, B att press ; A i ^ iCIeincr said the gove

• '‘d isa p p o in te d " b y th e o "F arm w orkers deserve t coverage a sa n y o lher worl state,” K leiner added.

-fend Sunday S4.00 per weekrdat $3.50 per week; Sunday only S2 week. Out of iUte rates: daily and J5.00 per week; daily only 54.00 pc Sunday only S3.00 p v week. Sain eluded in all abevd r ^ t . A S15.00 will be levied for oil returned cbecki

" MtlHnfonnatkn Ttie Timet-New*(UPS 631-080)

liihcd daily nt 132 Third SI, W, Falls. Idaho, S3301, by Mftgie Newspaper* Inc. Second-class posts at Twin Falls by Tlw Times-Newe, city and county newspaper punuant tion 6C-10B oftbe Idaho Code. Thu hereby' designated as the day of lh on which legal noUces will be publli

Poitmaiier, please tend change dress fonn lo: P.O. Box 548, Twii Idaho 8p03.


--------ThoA ccu-W

Os. Northeast __ws in thft'SOj.—

i. Highs 35 to T

^H ighs35?o

>r snow. Peri-i, Highs 35 to ■ ,


*▼—r -onight mostly cold war with a slight — --------

H L i>ffOH cow Sh

1C upper 40s. | | | n i H B B cloudy. Lows' lance of rain,

Idaho: High. 5' 86 at Miami on

and a few af— i n S B f l B W fee tiii i^ s inywcTt. Scot- -Tune to the N b t-FridayTnm - -orcalM2J-442 . Snow level

Snow,loon thunder- _ The Atsodated I ly. Chahce'dfriday cloudy. Freezing rain

day while heavy Snow blanket'

. Oklahoma, the 1 n n ic .i t over westcra normal read. AccmtiulMion

to 5 inches at I 'In'*the Tipper inchcs al'Woodv old tempera- Freezing dric

roads delaying » •me tempera- elsewhere on the 50 degrees ot Farther east, t icr3 0 jlo n p -M u . L The heaviest i lley but ihere

ighway IItcrumce. lent on an evcifor the pro- The moneyto Republi- lion, reserve tl;om m enda- partment has i)unt be de- tive directive/ im prove- highway mon

becom cs avai I the end o f m onths lowmm en t o n a sion. Several rsc to begin o m m c n d e d Iicicncics in creased by m l

vh a i so m e _ _»m prom isc .c new gov- ^ ^

C c n lln u ed frc h a v e fo u n d I

a year ago, m o n ty w ilho t he would paying s.ubstai : the entire Nellis^ rtgioni vcm m ents, pcrvisor. en aniibiva- Poachers an

as folk heroes officials maim than th ieves •

" . valuable resousportsmen.

: w o rk e rs ' Commercial another an- *nost rcpreher y req u ires ' but there arc r vide work- crs who don'i i f that law anythm gw ron

:d, between “ In m o n y i fam ilabor-' p o ach in g is i 1 w o rk e rs ’ down from fat

d n 't sw ny I d a h O r, R -B oise .. ---------------------ra u ld ta v c BO ISE (AI o ip = r c o |. p m n .c n lo fT i

that .iilua- clear highway: m to h av e Wednesday,

Roadcondilk M iller, R - U.S. 95 — F lature m ust dry;' Whilebird to continue Moscow, dry; ’ as second- dry, icy spots, it’s a basic . In terstate 9

I 'm co n -. Canyon, icyspo U.S. I 2 - L <

s secretary Interstate 84 vem orw as

j r k c r m t h e • id S o 2 J -

ig e o f^ -

TT " - . - - - * — 7 ^ =

/ ________________ '

. ) ■ • -

-W eather* fo recast for noon,Bands aoparato high iBmpen

I 2 0 s .


E i3 S E D E 35W0WTB? r-^rcww nvmies

, 57 degrees at Hogerman. Low, ond Hollywood, Fin. Low, 17 b«

Natibhal WcnifiCT Service radio I M23:--------- --------------------------

V , ice coat High Ied Press

lin and snow fell across the Plai wy rain drenched parts o f the Eu keted sections o f eastern New M le Texas Panhandle, western Kar aska and southeastern Wyoming, ions included 3 inches at Boys R It Dodge City and Garden City odword, 013a., and Slnches at Rt rizzle fell in ports o f northern 1 g some school openings, and sea the Plains.It, rain fell in the central and soi

rst rain was in North Carolina, v

money, nvcn split.ey is part o f a S23 m il- ro: the T ransponation Dc- wIS m aintained .at legisla— a{VC to match any federal cy loncy that unexpectedlyt-ailable during the n ine w/m akers arc not in scs- a |i! recent audits have rcc- niJ th a t re s e rv e bC d c - B'Qt-lcast SIC million. * m

chingfrom A Id th e y can m ak e re a l U ho u t ge ttin g k illed , o r GstantiaT fines,” said.C arl 'S tonal Fish and Game su- ’ W

are som etim es regarded W'oes, bul Fish ai\d Gome “lintain they arc nb more th:s - w ho arc s tealing a , w sourcc from law-abiding

:ial poachc,rs m ay be the sa lensible w ildlife killers,•c plenty o f other poach- in 't th ink they ’re do ing ht rong, Hompland said. pt y ru ra l c o m m u n itie s , s a w ay o f life p a ssed H father to son,” he said. “f

road reportAP) — T he Idaho D c- ca 'T ransportation rep o rted ' Sii 'ays throughout the state

drlillons: ,.— Riggins-Whitebirji Hill,- . ird Hill, dry; Grangeville- y; Weiscr-Ne\v Meadows,5, ■ ■: 90 :— Fourth o f Ju ly q , spots; Lookout Pass, dry.■ Lewiatoo-Lolo Pass. diy.84 — Oregon line-Utahi • dr

— Horseshoe Dend-Don- Donnolly-New Meadows, He

— Boise-Idaho City, dry,

^ ~ -TTK ’nm e^NmUnform^ SPORTS




...... -......... -v~

►on, T hursday, March 2 .

veralure zones fot lh« Cay.- [■ 1 0 8

— ^^*7*


IS^eos ■ ^________________ OIWSAca

?tE3 s m v Ke . simY fT.aovo

ow, 5 below zero at Suuiley, Nat 7 below at Grand Forks, N.D.

R o b S d a W H F ^ F m e S I^ M M

1 Plains; heavy ninches had, counties. In

Plains on Wedncs- the Cope Fei East Coast. WilmingtiV Mexico, western Thundcrsi Kansas, Colorado, To the ni ing. across partsp's Ranch, Texas; 4 In the No ritj( . Kan.; 3 to 4 monjing in TRed River, N.M. Elsewhcr m Texas, with icy Califomia^ scattered sleet fell Wednesd

ranged fronI southern Atlantic Minn., to ah

The lowe: a. whertf up to 1.5 Minn.

rejects hi]W ith an $8 b ill io n b a d

road construction and main w o rk s ta te w id e , s ta te ani agencies have been scram b cVery cent possible.

W ith 38 percent o f the sta w ay system considered dete a lread y , up from 18 perct n ine years ago. the Transpi B oard had hoped to devote m illion to bring the amount

^_________«>— ■ - -

In a study o f 6(1 Idaho pc U n iv e rs ity o f Id a h o socii G ary M achlis found that ev'

•started hunting illegally bcfc »w ere 14 years old.

M any said they ‘‘d on jt S( w c d o as poaching.” M achlis a v ideotaped presentation, J they sW Uiem selves as “spoi w ho o bey their "ow n'’ laws.-

Poachers come from all w life - and all incon^c levels, I said . In ad d ition to rank-a m is c re a n ts , ju d g e s , doctc even rricm bers o f th e cleri h av e b een co n v ic te d o f v poaching.

P o a c h in g take;s m an y H om pland said. K illing p r anim als, killing too m any ga

caution for rocks; Idaho City- Summit, icy spots, caution for n

U.S. 20 — Mountain Home dry; Afco-Montana line, dry.

• U.S. 26,— Idaho Falls-W; line, diy; Blackfoot-Arco. diy.v

• Idaho 51 — Dry.,U.S. 93 — Nevada line-Salm

Lost Trail Pass, dry. wet. icy sp< ldahoJ[5_rr Shoshone-Ketcni

Galena Summit, icy spots. Interstate 86 — Dry. Interstate 15 — Utah line-Pt

dry; Malad Pass, diy; Pocaiello- . dry; Monida Pass, dry.

U.S. 30 — McCammon-W line, dry.

U .S f9 1 -D ry .Idaho 28 — Dry.

Ca^ LO T TE R Y ^:ss Press

ijTHEMACICVALUY f t C L . n i f

fflII 4 -^ iTheTiinteNi

m m m N atto n a lte

i ^ DosMolnos .

^ sF J s La« voflos

« , M TOhl"'” -S ' Miami Beach

/ « » • ; ' . k S . .

- --Ssr"'"'Plttsburoh Portland. Mo.

gu-w»ggwf, ir>e. Portland, Oro.— } Rono> SL Louis

S a ltU k o a ty----------------- - ■ SanFroni:lsco___________ SoattlB


btion: High,

I For current roac these number!: 3070; Boise. 33

- .10-233-6724; R 62.55 MHZ Utah 801-964-i ----------------- : Trcv:7area;702-

- a i n s d r e n c h E a s i

d, fallen in 24_hours in Columl In 48 hours, up to 4 inchcs of rai Fear and Neuse River basins, gton, N.C., recorded 1.2 inches o rstorms were possible during the north, freezing drizzle and ligi

tsofN ew England,'lorthwest. wind whipped up lo 6 n Washington's Whatcom Count)

S', scattered showers w/crc po: d the Southwest, sday's temperatures around ilie om a morning low of 27 below ah afternoon reading of 86 at Fort vest wind chill was 48 below zero

ike in useick lo g in norated pavemenin tcnancc percent,i n d - lo c a l , Last month, stibling-for and leaders from.

and highw ay dist;tate high- m akcrs tiiterioratcd to a com prom isicen t ju s t stajc would keepjportation lion from the res;e th c $ 1 0 new revenue frorIt o f dete- istration fee incre

poachers, mals. and spotlij c io lo g is t com m on form s, :very one censcd hunters is jfpre they To m eet the cl

jfoachcrs, 15 cons see w hat commonly knowi lis said in : - .in F ish and Gai , in s tead . Region arc rcsor >onsmcn'' disguises to catcl s.- land said,w alks o f B u t poachcrs i

i, M achlis tig h t-k n it group :-and -n ic break open, he sc :to rs a n d w ere rep o rted ii ;rgy a lso H a ile y la s t ye w ild life couldn 't infiltrate

In one instanci y fo rm s , w ere reportedly pro tected 'fo r m oney o r coi game ani- ca se , th e p oach

legedly dealing i pornography.

ty-Banner Idaho lo »ic-C«rey, BOISE (A P ) -

. -1 .6 -1 9 -2 0 -2 1 -; ImoD. dry; (sixteen, nlneteei snots; one, th irty -five; :num, dry; three).

— • Estimatcdjack] BO ISE ( A P ) -

drawn W edncsdi “■ Lotto gam e are:

W yoriins .5-14.19-24-27.nineteen, tw enty

• ' - cn, thirty-one).— Estimatcdjack]



'■bcA. T lACKPOT

N ew s r ^ - 1 T h e T i ^

I tem p era tu resMax Min Pep50 ■ 38 ,05 .Bfl 48 .4429 27 .0223 10 .....38 34 .07 •

— — 14— .0119 8 .....26 20 .....82 69 .0461 5Q, ...................

----- 32------- 24 " ~24 16 .....61 48 .0165 57 .....

- 38 36 ....86 69.........25 9 ....;117 -3 ....

. 55 49 .05 44 36 ....

ty 26 . 2 1 ............ , _22 11 ......70. . 58 ......40 . ' 29 ......27 22 .02 ,

I. 52 33 ......55 40 .0930 19 .02

Y 55 31 ..........0 -83 - 53 -•

51 35 ....• 37 . 21 ....• -49 41 ....

road conditions, call en: Twin Fall's, 736- :. 334-3731;-Pocatel- 4:-R»gby 745-7278; >64-6000; Ihe Elko, 702:738^8887-------------—

a s t C o a s t

iumbus ond Robeson if rain was reported in

es o f rain.the night in Florida.

1 light snow lingered

lo 60 mph during the lunty.: possible in parts of

1 the lower 48 states :low zero at Fosston.Fort Lauderdale, Fla. zero at Grand Morais. .

er feesment down to about 35

1. state representatives rom..lhe c ities, counties districts m et with Batt :rs to tentatively agree mise under w hich the cep the entire SIO mil- : reserve and then w y from a fuel tax or reg- ncrease w ould be split.

o tiighting at night are ms, but gu id ing unli- ■s is a lso a crime, le challenge posed by conservation officers - lown as gam e wardens G am e’s M agic Valley ^sorting to undercover ;atch poachcrs, Homp-

;rs 'u sud l!y operate in oups"^hat a rc ha rd Vo le said. Poaching ringf :d in T w in F a lls and

y e a r - b u t a g e n ts m te the rings, ance, 1*7 poached elk diy ofTered fo r sale -• cocaine; in the other a c h e rs a lso w ere a l- ng in drugs and child

lottery’) - W inning num bctt ;sday in the Powcrball

21-35;' P ow crb a ll 3 3 ------:tcen, tw enty, twenty* ive; Pow crball thirty^

ackpot:S70.6 m illion.’) - W inning nunibcrs esday in the T ri-W est rc:-27-31 (five, fourteen, • :nty-four, tw cnty-sev- ’). -----------ackpot: $530,000; '



---------— ........

Page 3:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

Bud|Thc A ssocijled Press

. I f C o n g ress passes amendment, it’s no sur< ratify thc m easure and r

One month after an i vcy found Icgislutivc

- “predietihg-passaBCTTiweek found the jfame th

n i c num ber o f slates were unecdain a month

R 15. A nd th e 'n u m b e r I ■unlikely to ratify the mt

to three.• W ith seven y ears tc

■ m uch could chan);e oi scape.

C aliforn ia sh ifted fr column to the •‘unlikel; W illie Brow n, th e po

Mrs. C defend

ARLINGTON, Va. jA Rodham Clinton joined t

• • . lu n c h -b u n c li—at— t o Elcmcniary School on V PCTuicrats fanned out to cllbrts to cut federtil nutri cation programs.

'H e r cardboard tray 1- sloppy Joe, yoijurt,- upplc

' apple, Mrs. Clinton planlttable o f youngsters to chai tiling from Socks the cat ti ties o f double rope-juilipii

H ie first lady saved h o f thc federtil .scliool hincl rcpoders aftenvard. >

•'I think it’s importan faces o f children on the and in this debate.’’ she

------ we taik-about thc schocgrams or other nuiritioh we'rc talking nbout progn

,'the lives and potentials intertwined with them."

A House committee las to repeal the national selu breakfast progtxmis and : ;with grants to the slates lo own versions.■ A dm inistration offici

, suites would lose S7.3 bil ing over five yeafe if the r es, but Republicans say i not less, would go to the

^ grams.Mrs, Clinton avoided di

o f the Republicans.'buCt: w h o 'jo in ed her at fhe schophyen; moa* blunt.

S e n a te M in o rity L xD aschle; D -S .D ., vow

long as it takes, as difTic w e're going fii'be there l insist that this govem m country retain, its commi schoo l lunch p rog ram w hatever, ag en d a . there thc other side."

H ouse M inority Leai

HiUaryl lady to s]

,_ W ASHINGTON (AP; R odham Cliiitun m ade a p p e a ra n c c a t th c W ednesday to praise thi tary for being •.‘far ahead thc rest o'f our coiintiy" i eq u a l w o rk o p p o rtu women,

“ It is a privilege and : me to have learned lhat I •first lady to have had thc to speak here at thc Pcni Clinton said to an overflc uniformed and civilian i

' cials.She gave the keynote

ce re m o n y o b se rv in g


get an9 • spe

fories a ba lanced b u dge t do; sure thing 38 slates will " id make it a reality. and m Associated Press sur- like ve leaders in 32 .state.? Vr r a r ^ c c o i i t i ^ in j i n m m r - m

ihing. \ pates whwere the leaders Hointh ago went from 16 to Refe r that said they w ere ishim easure went from two Mic

• • theis to decide, o f course, the: on the p o litical land-__

~ 1 ’J from thc “ uncerta in" Lot kely" one. On Tuesday. _sur pow erfu l D em ocratic 'th a

Clinton 1 ds feden( A P ) M i l l a iy m - T --------

;d the first-grade ■ •''L ong B ranch H 'n Wednesday as Bt to nrotesi CiOP r o i luirition and edu-

ly aiplcsaube a n d 'a n - ^ ^ ^ ^ H panted herself at a:hat about every-:at to the dilVtcul-

M ^ H B jd her discussion inch program for

lan t we put thc these programs

ihe said, "W hen 4 hoolitinch’ pro : ion programs ,., ogninis lhat have iais o f children '

voted lunch and

themto provide their

■ficials contend : billion i^ fumi- F ir s t la d y he mea.surepass- L o n g 'B ra r ay more money, d i s c u s s th :he nutrition. pro-

Gephardt. I d direct criticism advanced b; uC the legislators radical Repu 'he e lem en tary th is p rogra it. wro«tg."

L e a d e r T o m L unches ow ed tha t “ a s sch o o ls , \v fTicult the fight, rece iv ing t :re to absolutely prices, Thre ■nment and this Long Brand nmitment to the are eligible am in sp ite o f - Mrs, Clintonere m ay_be.ori____Repiiblica

lion prograi .ead e r R ichard -where in the

becomes 1 speak at PAP) — Hillary H istory Moi ide an 'h is to ric 'b tlicr speak Itc P en ta g o n orary chair%' : the,U ,S. mili- M ilita ry e a d o fm u c h o f Memorial F y" in providing tio n is ra is ir tu n itie s ^ f o r ' w o m e n 's n

National Cei id an honor' for Mrs. Clint at I am tlie first. steps away fr thc opportunity- on thc kinc

’cntagon," Mrs. allowed to p< ;rflow crowd o f particular a : in defense offi- Department i

woliien from 3te address at a ing serving i ng W o m e n ’s piloting warp

nenditipeakcr o f the Assem bly, said or ratification in his state wci :lose,"

“ Il doesn’t contribute anythi md does serious damage to son ike nun-itio'n.” Brown said.

W yoming went from uncerta 9nnyland did the rcverse.

P ick in g up th c b reakneck | -louse Speaker Newt Gingrich Republicans’ Contract W ith A sla tive leaders in Iow a, New vlichigan stood ready Wednesi heir states the first to ratify wl: he 28th- A m e n d m e n t to___

In Michigan, Republican stat< -ondon said language o f the ra ;ure was being ed ited as the :hanged in W ashington.'

lunches al lunch

ly H illary R o d h a m C lin to n j 'a n c h E iem en tia ry S c h o o l Ir th o s c h o o l lu n c h p ro g ra m

I. D-Mo., said the proposalI by "Gingrich Republicans, GJpublicans to cut and damage tljram is m ean-Spirited and ci

nes arc served in 92 ,000 o w ith som e p oor studen ts

g them free or a t .red u ced phree-fiftlis o f the students at ti inch in suburban Washingtonile for free or cut-rate meals, hion said. ,- n ican-pmppsed.Cul.sJnj:diica::_s:;rams came under fire else- oihe capital. k

1st first Pentagon^onth, and was praised by y lakers for se rv in g 'a s hon- 0 irwoman o f llie W omen in H

S e rv ic e , fo r A m e ric a H I Foundation. The founda- □ a is in g m oney to bu ild a > m em o ria l a t A rlin g to n Cemetery.linton prai.sed the military’s / from traditional restrictions inds o f w ork w om en arc •' ) perfomi. She mentioned in , a 1993 repeal o f a

nt regulation that had barred om a variety o fjo b s includ- ig aboard combat ships and arplanes. *■ ' ' •

nent naid the chance.s “ We are w ere "not e v e n - would be gi

do whatcve: 'th ing o f value, Mew Je r some programs, anieiidm en

som ething ertain to likely; worthless.

Speaker o f :k pace se t by matter, ch lo fulfill the “ It’s imp 1 Americji, leg- Wo started lew Jersey and ring lo cuts lesday to m ake -92. If nece what would be v o te on th to th e U .S , again, and a

_ _______________ In.A rkanitate Rep. T eny Nevada. Nc : ratifying niea- South Dakb he am endm ent weeks or ev

legislative k

w ith kic I prograi


' ■ ■

>n jo in s ^ s tu d e n t s a t V lrglr )l In A rlin g to n , W e d n o s d a am .

Two hundred siudents, m Georgetown University, gai the Capilol lawn to profest cuLs in college aid, bearing read "Contract on our future,' our education, siupid."

Across the road, another protesting proposed cuts in t tion children,

" l l 's g o in g to be a dis. h o m e le s s k id s w ith th e resources school.*; have the

_ s a id Fred_Karnas,j;xeaLljv.* o f the national coalition ( less.

“ p i lP ...

Q the p l a c e to e a t &P • - the p l a c e to m €

, JOOAUiwii A.y • 7 W-41 J : T»i il-irO(>cn5-l JUpm


199.5 ID GAVEL-T(

This'wtxk, don't mi representatives In action wit Idaho State Iceislalurt. Btv

Association, Idaho Pu

W edneiB eg im

% ' C i n g

733-6:.....................SomepJO nTmMjirt

1 0 s u r te ready to go svhen they pas: great to be No. I. I ’d be will

^er it takes," he said, e r s e y ’s A sse m b ly ra lif ie Mil M onday, though appro ' g no t.yet w ritten m ay be k >, R epublican G arubed Hay i f tiic Assem bly. sau | ilnirai

iportant lhat New Jersey be :d this revolution." he said, u s in spending and taxes in :essary . he said, “ We can s th e b a lan ced budget again 1 again,"iinsas, Illino is,Jtu liiina, Moi •lew Hampshire, North Carolir kola, ratification (;ould come even days o f congressional pa ■ leaders in those stales siiid,

ds? Injim . W ASillN

came to lobb They we:


CKpl^>ding gi! — 3 ^ -------- IlPJnickjh j

' ^ ^ 1 su l)Jec lo fa ^ ' ' ^ H dnigD liSw i

Biiitling: ' ' nwke it hard

' '* ages from cf '________;. products, a c

in ju ry vici ■ y Wainesday I


Small 1 hotel e'

NI:W YORK guests, some wc

■ J if fy mcn^s uniform ] \ town hotel Wei

o f small fires fli a » ! a I w ith smoke. N

*pp(«ox^hun.I ln la 's 'i a v t o " - “ aii'clcclncal ma

New York I'alat Al least 54 j

many-from ‘>r‘:fighters. suf ;athered on hum anly smoki St proposed ' I^irteenw g signs-lhate " and "It’s ^

, now owned by ■group was I3ninei. had ith ecd u ca - ^1“

Richard Chambi isa s lc r lor oul^or:le l im ite d 'iiese days," " '“"y were evacivc_direetor__________


fi ^ I B e s t B rc

I 1^2

D A H O L E G I S L m

r o - G A V E L c g v E i

alliillBfniss a urtlqoe opporlanity to watc! vitb exclusive liveable television < itvugbt to you by ihe Idaho Cable Public Television and yijur local ct

2sd a y & T hurs m ing a t 11:00

onC in g l Og l / i d e o c a S230 • 536-6S<

miiy conxlM or repbyi or culitt I

ethinjlass it. Il O ther sla tes exf villing to approach.

"1 w ant to sec ' fied th e really m eans," sai roval o f Phil Lcventis o f Si ; legally be going back and laytaian. It sounded good a t : r ^ s i T i West ’VirgMnia, a

Congress to .explai be first, ment would cost tin

id, refer- In M innesota, s', in 1991- the House’and Sc I sim ply foresee discussion; a in , and the potential cBect

no action before 19 /lontana, Id ah o ’s tegislai nlina and, move before Ihe m le within 5, 1996, w hen vo pa.ssage. iheir opinion in a ni

The amendment

jury victiIINGTON (AP) — They jof,)bby. l;i'were w om an scalded by inj.-offee who has becom e an s “thc McD.onald’s coiTctf_.i; man severely bunted hy nt; gas tanks on his CM pick- isthe lawmaker who was a \V

if an experiment with the Jii> witJioul her knowledge, mig a GOP bill that w ould vii order to win fjtmitivc dam-n com panies for harmful naa consuiiier group hroiighi pnic liin s lo C apilo l H ill av:iy lo lell their slories, Suters of the bill, meanwhile, bu;ige newspaper ads warning hr

I fire forces | evacuation •

(A P )— Hundreds of p wearing borrowed door- rms, llei! a fancy mid- p Vednesday after a series - filled the 54-story tower

. No one was seriously

which were bhmied on nialfunclion, emptied the ilace for hours.4 people, including 26 ^ suflered minor iiiju ies, A loke inhalation, ofTii iaIs 1 wea*taken to liospihils.)om hold, once the fiag- elmsley hotel empire and by the oil-rich Sultan’of d abou t 750 guests said hotel spokesm an nbers. Many had already or Icl) the hotel on busi- is impossible to tell how «icuaied.

I r e a k f a s t 1 9 9 4 V

. I)jily - 6 jm-Z pni .,vc. \V «T»vin Vails, II)


n jR iiERAGEmalch your state on coverage of thc IWS blelelccommuDications il cable opyator.

r s d a y

0 a m

a b leS65lift b*OKlc««» ^

• Thursday, M

Ig amoexpect a m ore deliberative

ee what a balanced budget said D em ocratic sta te Sen.

f South Carolina, "W e could and trying Prohihition again.hit the time,"___________a. among oilier states, -wanis plain how niiich the arnend- t llieir state. ' ^1, where Dem ocrats control Senate, Icgi.slative leaders

ions and public hearings on i:ct on the slate. They expect ; 19%.slaiure.^ean't even m ake a e next general election, Nov,

voters,first get lo express a non-binding referenduin. lent would require the gov-

Sms lobb^j(if Little League leams ini[i^i!i law.'iurts and tdevision spots fi ing political personalities Jack i and George Mc(iovem.

.. The H ouse is,expected to next week uii the legislation. \ is part ol'tlie Reptihlieans' "C'oi With A m erica." The H Judiciar)' Commiltee approve jiKMsure la>! TJiursdaj' }>)' ;i ' viile mostly .ilong party lines,

Thc measure would cstnhl national, uniform set o f lav'. pnuhic.t liability .and liniii the awarded lo in jured pei Supporters say it is needed lo business from a patcimork of laws and lo limit the gniwi

Featuring 2 Act Every Friday ni{

Anotl To SI Car


BACK BY PV s r t ®

. J A i

■ C ^ A T jTI-

• A mouthwat .; 10-oz. T-Poi

• A premium ]• Fresh Tosse

your choice• Vegtitablei&• RoU and But• An3 pudding

- . . 0. ^

Tonight! 5 to 9 pm

Match 2, 1995' Times-Nows, Tw


jngsta; ernmenl to balande its b^o

lime,1 'I 'h e m e a su re w as unde . in the Sena te on W edne; 1 scram bled to secure the ei . I f it p a sse s the S en a te . j_ r e tu rn lo th e -1 lo u se fo r ; T h e irn u se p assed tHe a ■ m onih ago.

Amending tlie U.S. Com I Ihe consent o f Iwo-thirds o f i R a tify in g an am ciu l I approval by liolh liousch of 1 lure. And this must be aeci

Ihe two-year period beiweet 1 lions.

L egislatures th a t reject i can change their minds,am

once a slaie raiiiles, that tl • undone,

»y againstfiled by coiirt-cloiiging hiwhuii; fealur- C ritics contend Ifk Kemp deprive citizens o f li

ihey are harmed by dto vote ucLsanduould.u.surp..'. which "W e 're defin ile lj.'oniniet iii>liill bailie," Rep, Jo

ved the ilie opposition, lold a 1 21-11 „tviee organized h)- i

group Public Ciii/en, hlish a the bill the “CoTioraK; iw s on. I’rolection Act,"le ;iums--U cp.. 1 lenry. Waxnleople. said opponents hope lo’l'ree will face a touglier re

o f slate Senate and ilial I’res Wlh o l ' will threaten lo veto th

! at tin- I test We! C anyon Sprijig

l.r>7, liK.L N,T«iiiJ

her W hop F< 'petinj

S70 Bluo

r L A M D u B ^ Twin Fall ( 20*8 ) :



m ' \

Y X ^ U y i x i ________^' H E . D e r o t G r i

iterihg sne SteakL Idaho Baked Potat ed Green Salad e of Dressing Sc Savory Onion Rin utterag or c ^ e tQ~top’ It

> 5 . 9 5 t l u . t r

, Twin Falls, Idaho A-3

N a t i o n

atesb^oks during peace-

n d ergo ing rev ision Jne.sday as backers le crucial 67lh vote, te, il w ill h av e to fo r fina l a p p ro v a l . . ’ le am en d m cn i o n e '

ronstitution feciuires ■ s o f th e states, o r 3H. riu lm en i re q u ire s h o f a stale’s Icgisla- ’• accomplished within veen legislative d ec -

ect Ihe am endm ent .and vote again, but at decision can’t be

Jtbiu I/ Ihe bill would ;)f legal redress if ';iy defective prod-jrp..slales' righLs. ________Llely.figiiting an_^.V John Hr>’ant. D-liiiimikcciJcLidii3g____ild a news confer- h)’ (he aifisiuM cr - <en. Bryant called irate Wrongdoers' ' .

axmaii...D-Calif..)pe Ihe legislation ,;r reccpti'an in the I’resideiil Clinlon ;o the measure.

S/ioK’ sirtrfs (If 8 :3 0

$ 5 Cover Cfiarge

ft'eslern - in^.s InnMil Kali.'* 7;M-.*.0(IO

f e y ) 'or •91 ^Bluo LeketBlvd.. cen lT o H atlin g 't iFallt.ldaho 63301*8) 736-8888

:m and!

4 / ' .


toto^ g s . _ U - - ' -

It off..T

J5 t«x :! •

■ V.

Page 4:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

I ’p J t a t io g i


. . . Court debate over m oney to religious

- divisions nnd chur ! . nine justices Wcdnc ! -.Tbe court must di

------------- ^Virginia com pilea required separation

. s ing led ou t a stud unfairly.

T he university r , money from a stude

, • $14 cach 'scm esier: - ' ‘ because the mago:-------------^activity,-—--------------

; ^um cro iu 'stude i ; money from the fun<

T he u n iversity i ■ tn o n ^ to aJl religio

cngagedln'Vrcligiou . law professor John J

- - ................UkcW is6/.hc,Sai'*] " do^riotidcnym onc;

Pena sul p f p r o b e

— i J L ^ c o iK W A S H IN G T O N J u s t i c c D c p a r lm c n

-------H ivision is review ingo n y , T r a n s p o r ta t io

------------ E c d c r ic o _ P c n a -pljh w a rd o f a L o s-A h S y s te m c o n t r a c t to ]n& nagcm cnt com pai g rn m c n t o f f i c i

• l^ ed n esd ay . ij T h e inquiry w as u j c f c r r a l in F e b ru a S ^ ra n s p o r ta t io n p isp e c x o r g e n e ra l, t ^ e ofTtcial, w ho spo jhon o f anonym ity .J. U n d e r th e indepen few . w h ich governs t jhons 'o f top fed e ra l i

_ f c s tic c D epartm ent hi ftccjde w h eth er there i^llegations from a crc IHiat P e n a c o m m ittc

. ^ lo n y .\ I f such allega tions m e d e p a r tm e n t w o i j a y s fo r a p relim inai

. g o n to w e ig h a n y a\ Iqcnce. I f en o u g h cvi

k ■ fc u n d to w arran t a ft ‘ n o n , A tto rney G eneraE' & o u ld a sk a sp ec ia l

S o u r t to n a m e a n ii jjo ^n se l to conduc t it.

i - • “ T h e in d e p e n d e n t ! o b lig a te s (he Justicc

-- • i b rev iew any allegii o a r k i n g d o g to a f

; j c c o u n t . A nd peop le ! • l e e l o b lig a te d in the i; m a te to re fe r anyth in j j‘ S a id P e n a ’s sp o k e sn [' W in tz . "B u t in th is CO

j in d a n allegation aga: P ena has den ied ar

i < ty in h is dealings wi J g e m e n t f irm , P en a

! a d v i s e r s In c ., a .D e i jn an ag em cn t com pan j J&fter h e le f t o f f ic e ajh a t c ity ............ 'jj N o r h a s th e Lo M e t r o p o l i t a n T ra r

j jA u th o rily “ re c e iv e d fcr fav o rab le treatm eh Sluring m y ten u re ,” Pe C A s e c o n d o f f ic ia l R ec lin ed t^ be identifi

.< I ^ id th e cu rren t rcvic n t le a s t in pa rt from n the L os A ngeles co n lr i P en a Investm en t At t c o n tra c t (o m anage

------ In the L o s A ngeles tnSpension fu n d , th e Li r im e s re p o r te d la s t i

• Ipontm ct w as aw arded Yccks a f te r P e n a bee

- K jrtalion secretary . , P en a has rep o rted t

lis in te re s t in th e co OSS b y D ec . 3 0 , 199 lad n o p ro fe s s io n a l i lo n ta c t w ith th e f in eft,*’ M in tz said . “ An(

----------i c c r u e s to h im . fro i: - A n g e le s c o n t r a c t w:

S in n . '’; P c iio is th e fo u r t

^d m io is tm U o n Cabinet m d erg o sc ru tin y unde

• I ^ d e n t younsel act.

E l s e w h - i i S t a r d i e s l

L D E N f« .,;C a lif . (/> ^ d m , who won Em bs fats pohrayals o f tb i ^ I y : l > r , .D o n a l d .W

........ B C ’« “S t Elsmvhere” ,b l M p c a t o a H an y JS , T3( s p e c S V u s ^ at

a od nwoe m ir jf iS 5 r ; ;d W d 'F e b

n : ^ ___' ■ t

h courtON (AP) — A spirited Supre ^er public universities giving ous sludcnt groups showed cl flurch-state indecision among dnesday.>t d rad e whelho' the Universit) tlled -w ith -th e-o o n slitu tio n a ion o f government and religion ;(udent-run C hristian m agaz

:y refused to g ive the magaz. udeht activities fund, supported Jter from cach ,full-time studc igozinc was deem ed a rcligic

idcnt groups, bill not all, rece fund.ty docs not d en y studcnt-fu igious^fTiIiated groUp^ just th( ;ious activl^," a ^ucd its ottorai in JcffriK. .Said, the! 20.000.-5tudcnt.sch( oney to p o u p s c s q n ^ n g politii

ubject M i )e for

■ AsFebiwitract-“■ N f A P ) - T h c « le n t s c r im in a l two o f the m g-w hat-ro le .-if -rnuch'Hea ‘t io n S e c r e ta r y Marines n - p l a y c d - m - th e - ‘T h e Mea A n g e le s t r a n s i t 'the Japarii

to h is fo rm e r ,. A round i ipany, tWo g ov- enem y bi i c ia l s s a id weapons.

The 4ihs triggered by a seven days u a ry f ro m th e break “Th

D e p a r tm e n t rush had.s 1, a c c o rd in g to The Japan spoke on cond i- take the 1

exposed i lenden t co unse l fromartilh ts the invcstiga- The Mai a l o ffic ia ls, th e be<am eal t has 30 days to .box . On ot ere are specific , *he Mannc cred ib le so u rce shoot poini

i t te d a fe d e ra l bouse; Unc tion teams

ms w ere found , ,1'“),“ *1 TOuId h a v e 9 0 M ldozer t nary in v estig a- la n tav a ilab le ev i- P«“r 1

c v id c n e e w c fc 1 M l invesliga- eral lane t-R cno ia l th re e - ju d g e " . / " d c p e n d i n t ,

:n t co u n se l' a c t _________ice D e p a r t m e n t ____jgiition, fro m q T j 1 a S w is s banTC |-^ I p ie in ag enc ies . J L J the cu ire n t c lir • ling to Justicc ,":sm a n R ic h a rd r | |5 cose, w c c a n ’t . . igainst P ena.’.’ .1 any im p ro p ri- \ J i J

w ith th e m an- n a In v e s tm e n t 'D en v e r m o n ey any he founded e a s ip a y o r o f

L o s A tig e le s ra n s p o r 'ta t io n ed any spec ia l, len t from D O T P ena has said.

: ia l, w h o a l s o tificd by nam e,:view stem m ed n reports about ntracl.A dvisers w on '

3ge S3 m illio n I transit sy stem ...! L o s A n g e le s ■ st m onth . T h e _ _ cd in 1993 ju s t b ecam e tran s-

:d ^ a t he so ldco n ipany a t n N o

1992. “ H e h as Ya l o r b u s in e s s D c Q 11f irm s in c e h e U 'A.nd no b enefit 1 o ’’* ro m th e L o s . .. J L O -w ith h is o ld ' , _

u r th C l in to n Tw in e t m em ber to * r i 1 1 n d e r th e inde- X ^ l l l J

h e r e ’ ^ i a t " 6 d “ 7 ^. '(A P ) — E d .Emmy Awards.*' the settsitive/-WditpbaU on ’ . . - it-Van^fof.the ■- j M L 5 jr ru m iu i .in . .I a ia g e 6 0 .

r t ; 22 s t h iaDut 2 8 0 'n i i le s ' ^i»l , f t y ) m f B i l l : - a

^ i i i i c e d ’ tha>v'


. --- , , hears k(

preme views, just groiqjs that tr ng tax elcctedI clcar “We me not picking o ng the ing to suppress it," Jcflni

But University o f Chic sity o f McConnell, arguing for >naUy-—1990-finmded-Wide-Aw ion or viewpoint for cam pus I lazine denial o f funding amc

, against religious speech. ;azinc. The school, in an av led by ^advocating an religion, is ident, dents’ free-speech r i^ ts , g ious "The point is that the I-------- t f to l skew themarfcctplacw e i ^ v i e i ^ i n t , " h e s a i d . . , ;

,'During intense q u ^O ! -fu n d , m ost.^ncem ed with how those f linC between r c l i ^ u s

3m(^,,V.6n ',aw ide range oTissu fc?J^gedin“religioti5ilCti .. Justice Anthony'.M; :P

litical what would happen If a

[armes fa(•RidderNewaSqvioe ■

e b r u ^ faded into March, 1945, rines on Iwo Jima bad manasted h in to the l ir s t m a in 'b e lt o f ' se fortifications.n t Suribachi had fallen, as hod the island ’s three a ^ i elds. But iravy lighting'iem am c^'for th e ' s now faccd the area known os 'f«tgrinder."-A t its c e n tc rw a s ' l a r i ^ communications ccnter. d it w ere h ills in fested w ith

b u n k e rs , c a v e s and heavy

4ih Marine Division fought for ays, from Feb. 25 to March 3 to T h e M eatgrinder.” The initial dsccm cd.too.casy, a n d .it w a s_ ponese allowed the Marines to ' le heights, on ly to catch the d Am ericans in a hail t>f fire tillery and hidden bunkers. Vlarines had to fall back. It then a fight for each cave, each pill-

I one hill called ‘T m ^ Knob’’ ines hauled a 75 mm gun up to lintblonk into fl smbbom block- Jndcr cover o f this fire, demoli^ ms planted explosives to tflowI the th ick w alls. Tanks w ill: a- blades then carved a road fof; inks, w ith flam e throwers, to e ih ro u ^ the holes. And so it i y the t o e “Thc MeatgrindoiSfi 4th M arine Division had takof''i casu a ltie s , b o th k ille d and.' .' d, since lanifeg on Iwo. ' while, the 5th M arine Divisida^^II 362 in another bloody

iu sh Piill Set *27 ueen Set ^

S g C O N D ^ E ^ ^

. 'j

_____ ___c___

teyehurat try to get a cem in candi(^e

Ig out a religious view and tiy- flrics argued. ■[Chicago law professcr Michael for the three stw to ts w hp.tn_ Awake to express a'Christian us life, said the university’s im ounted to discrim ination ch.I aw kw ard attempt lo a v o id ' n, is actually vblating the stu- hts, McConnell contended, he University o f V irpnia may ?lace-ofidciu iii'favD ro f w ig~

sdoning, the justic& appeared how the university c o i^ drew ouS'oflU iat^. groups jvntiog iuuds and Ihose spedifically activities.’’ ! ''liK ennedy wanted (o im o w ^ [f a newspajvtf'ftctiving'stu^—

i c e l w p ’s....15, ' i ' M ued T I i m MW f \oT '

od:utl i e ' ‘ E v e n ts o M r ld f l “ 1941-1945

;r. ^th The hill was pockmarked ly w hich were proof-again^

ment, though the Marine: OT success wilh multiple rocki to fu td dircctly at their target al ro lling barrels o f gasolii IS.—eaves or-tossing-in explosi to ■ more cfTective. But such ci 1C fighting was costly. Three re w ho had raised th e fame

Mount Suribachi, Sgt. M id ai Cpl. Harlon Block and Pf II- Sousley,dicdonHill362,a >” . ofothera.U> The heroes o u m u m b m t - Sgt. W illiam H arreU , 28 iV Regiment, was standing i w. when a group o f J a p a n ^ U" emerged from, a rtvm e.’Hi)r'; the firs t two U ith h is ca: 10 enem y tossed grenades, oa it blew offthe Marine’s left hi [JSfiiiHanell, however,- held- h r tf w drew his pistol and she d. .waving Japsoese officer, T

o i ^ i u s h e d i i s p o m

it b ic k .tc

^iHowt(79^ ' " " ■ W

$ 2 9 9 9 5 ^

K v •> Downtown Twin Iy -S T .-----

s dent-fee m oney h d d a cc columnist, and >that icolumi

- religioa >W hen JeflTies sa id h e «

i w o u ld h a v e to k e e p 1n ICfnn,»Hy “ Wofl t1 fc rence" tha t ju s tif ie s d s such financial aid?1 -Justice David H. Souter

; b e tough to distinguish on 1 would be a distinction the 1 ■ wouldn’t i t r .

And Justice Antonin Scs ' you take the position diat r - g lW I T f tW iT p f ^ y S a n ?

y ' Jfcffries^ answer w as cut I .from the ju stices ., ■’’ ' Scalia, 'w ho in p ^ t cast ; g d v im m eh ta l .ac^ in m o d i ’ asked tbe uniVcnu^S'Iawy

b e requ ired .to {rrovide rc '^ e c d is s to ’xil& asrbo^' g r t i ^ ' -J

s / ‘i i ie a tgopponent. Tl

^ cnciny, b i i t i

t- han d .Y e tH a . - - WhCP.lKL VJi

enemy bodies Guimcry S

M arine Regi

ngnitnf 1W1 Milassault up tbe back by mtcn

L . ■ 4 ? ^ e riilliea b i8 ^ again. This tii

kJ With coves O ne o f th e I Oft bom bard- grenade whicl les hod some Walsh’s men. ± e t launchers, W ithout hi lets. However, him self on it, liQc. in to the o f tbe explosi osives proved -for-tboseofhii : close quarter - Walsh was 1 » o f the men th is choice. ( n o u i flag on p a r t o f a l i ichaid StiBnk, m ach in e -g u t Pfc. Franklin w atch w hen , as did scores s tru ck . T he

_______ grenades andred. the dead. b ack .O i» !ani 28 th M arino reach. B eny k ; n i ^ t guard o f it,'sobesm< se infiltrators body, saving tl Harrell killed Another 26i M riJine. T he Caddy, hod do 6t » o f.w hich ' pinned down hand. ' * shellhole. Hai I h isp p s itii^ . (foddyollwon ih o ta sw o rd - 3 6 1 F o rth c tr T w o m f i i ^ f literally to tbe t i t i o ( t ; i i s ^ 3> itiiitted suidde 1

' ^ t h sides, Iw . td ^ a r^ ^ tj^ C fu n d i^ iu m effoi

I- J ♦ Uiln,

" J "


^ * ^ l n

1 T ^ W K i t t i i a

.......... '■

tecaseI coQteai to p ick tbe best imnist OMtdiMi to write on

le t h o u ^ t , th e u n iversity - p f u n d in g th e p a p e r ,II ^ ha t ia the d if- — I deny ing W id e A w ake

ter asked Jefines: “It may one from another. But it

le university would honor, - ,

Scalia asked Jeffries: “Do lat any discussion o f reli-a ^ T - . !3 7 7 ~nit o f f tty other q u ^ 'o u , .

‘ .* ' t yases Ji^ ,J iiv o red greafrf^, o d a t id h i f religion, alsbl* ; wyci* AVity schools sh o i^ V : re lig ious groups e q i i^ ^ '; ' ' t n r t e^ual a q x ss to cadr-'' •"

pinder’T he explosion k illed the

i 'tm a n g fe d -H a rre ll/s r ig h i, Harrell bung on until dawn, w as fmaHv e v n ^ te r l , 1?

? S p !’^ l u S n S h , 27lh . eg im en t, led h is p latoon enem y-held T ldge.-H is-rii^ - tbe r t > ^ slope was driven tense, machine-gim fk ^ but b is 'ihch 'ahd they w q n ru p - 'I time they reached the top. e last d efenders to s s e d a ^ tiich landed in the midst o f '' m.; hesita tion , W alsh threw it, absorbing the full forcc

.onon, trading his own lifehiscomrades.*-"**" .................

as not tbe only one to make 5. Cpl. Charles B c ^ was 2 6 th M arine R eg im en t

jun c rew s tan d in g n ig h t en Jap an ese in f iltra to rs h e en em y w as to ssin g ad B eny.w as tossing'tKem ionded in the foxhole out o f y knew he'couldn’t get nd smothered the blast with his g tbe rest o f tbe crew.26th M arine. Pfc. Willaim done the same earlier while m with other Marines in a Harrell, W alsh, B en y and on Medals o f Honor o n ^Hr part, the Jt^nnese foughtbe last man, who then com- de r s th a thm s u o t o ^ . On Iwd .fima called fohh the "

ffort from every man.

r .P im i“ * L L »


[ L L m o iibs.OII&RltBrCnanos *Rot3t9&l

: 4 Cylinder

n m

mmwra Front Boor BoafU*--------:>i&W0f W i n d o w . ________:



]^cru$ei to slow i

. BOSTON (AP) — A d f e l t 'h is h e a h ra c in g dai z a p i ^ h im a lf w ith 'his Ql rillator to jolt it back to npn

---------^As-any-viewer -of-TV-jKm as know s, th e mmmm defibrillator is one < | | o f th e ' m ost im pressive too ls . available to medi- - p i c in e . I t uses a _ powerful burst o f e le c tr ic ity to restore the heart tO;.. a normal beat aflcr ■ ■; r ; ca rd iac a r re s t 'o r ;v,V o th e r •. rhytb 'm ':' , '

y abnormalities.T h e m ach in es ••.'yy

'■ w ere _ y , h a ^ l y

to a brief writDrup in Tbuni England Jotirnal o f M edi worried doctor did exactly tl

The 40-ycar-old plastic . Dr. Jean Culder, accidental]

him self while t ^ g to fix- : Im ofRce. 'He grew d iz ^ a i . bean beat r^ id ly . S o he dra . s e l f in to h is o p e ra tin g r




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iin a w ^ ?

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’lap ~

Ms racingdocto r who There he dise

lan g ero u sly ra c in g a t 160 qfflce dcfib-. Worried he ^ prmal. sm eared hlrosi bospitaldra-,- ■ Jelly,

It w as very daring ..k He could have 9Ut himself Into a mora dangei^us

rhythrii.* ■

■vr^DrvAminH. Karin, who later treated

• the doctor

tlording!- dgtET"!-'!. : ’sN ew D r. A m in H le, one College o f Medi I 'th a t* eventuallytreatf lio surgeon, probably would a lly .'locked dialing 911 for .a ix^a lamp in • “It was very ' and fctr.Ws: “ W hai i f he pa

[tagged him> ' have-put himsell ( ro b in ' a n d ous rhythm. I f thflft mwiitn)- hnv<» ir»^n> mrHi

m g out our wa

nUders & Do-It-Yoi3ut these bargain siz e $$$ by planning yi around these wlndclUOTETODAY: 73’9 River G

E a st * TVin F alls »

H I P B € ]r g o N GI O u a l i t y (

77?© Quality <

M 8 P E € 1» * Front Brake * Replace R:

T i i f B i t i qE m m m■JC. fOt«OT«Ar«TYCKICI«-----

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IBMMmTBBiS iSsijV orfd^ai T O L I i 4 : R E E : 1 - S 0 &

il la to ri g h e ^discovered his heart was J 6 0 b e a ts p e r m inu te! ^ 'a b o u t f o p i » out, be iro se lfw ith condiic'ting llbiLdcfihtillatoH M ddles--'mmmm b n b ls 'c h c s t M d ig tu rn e d th e th in g " , on. , •• Thfc f i r s t j o l t .. B threw him o f f die*, table but failed io ‘ f ix h is h ea rt. He

clim bed’baclc and tried it again. This

, time it worked.C u k ie r 's a i d

;e d through an assis- -6 m tth is weck'lhifl

^ he did not want^to d iscu ss th e in c i-—

n H. K a rim o f B ay lo r ffedicine in Houston, w h o " :«ated the doctor, said ho >uld have been bettor o ff ambulance, cry daring,'’? Karim said.: passed o u t? .H e c ou ld . nself into a morc'donger- I f tlu t happened,'!! w ^»nrHiffr nfn»et "


% m

ifonrselfers:sizes ~'y o u rn e x t . idowsi

33-9516S la s sj » 73y-95j6.

M i M l

r C a r e ♦’ItyContinuee'il. jj*

® u n lce Radiator Coolant' lih d e r............. ’ r #

m ) i ^

■tOCKWU— _____ '' J k

^ 8 j | ■


Page 5:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

^ :-----_ S ,

• ' liM O O A D ISH U , Soma t o r l o r d M oham cd’Far Iji^tiam eo sw qit into tfa< a irp o rt .W ednesday, ch l^ck s o f looters and ftlli H sftj^B iW reatingU K ir V A m ertcan and- Ita l

jm tc b e d from neaif^ dm iiijniiam 'ciriby4ria“Afdi( dAiried a S 2 M 0 0 U.N. bead, roared'through the

•in 8tripped :dow n truck I tov y w eap o n s.

’ A M arine sniper shot

- — jQ b ^ h e D S

from fight ; in th e ir vilvX C H K H O Y -M A R T y^

■ ■ H A P)'— As \ilIo‘gcrs'fled southeastern Chechnya \

- id le f groups and icbel leac Riissian ^ p s o f blocking

j ^ ip in e o ts o f m ed icine . ^ m ^ t a i ^ a i d

' - o ^ l tusislan authorities have " S B convoys in to ChecI

Spnday, Jean-Marc B orad• - Ch»3 said in Oeneva.

" ' '- “For 10 d a ji , the author n S ^ te d more and more c r Sie sending o f aid convoys

------- t* * ^ o f e h c c h n y a ," said !heads Red Cross operation

‘ Asia. The Red Cross has b ..send in jiist a few vehicles '.({^supplies.

The rebel government < P resident D zhokhar Du( in te rn a tio n a l a id destin

' p u b l i c has a!l been sold c tnatket o r seized by the Rui i " In fact, no t a single

----------humanitarian aid reaches i. .C hechen In fo rm ation

lilovlodi Udugov to ld tb . . ; j j ^ s agency. The Russli

m n t and international a{ ;^providing a id to refuge I d ie c h n ^ but aid inside th .fo u n ta in s region has been • Hbc war, launched by Mos 'liirec months ago lQ,quclI ( . ^lifdcpendence drive. ^

l^ s n ia i i Se |prackdow i iiluidim ohi:;t', SARAJEVO, Bosnia-H.- — Bosnian'Serbs era •>oi] M uslinv aid wori

_ ^ p u n c e d a halt Wednci deliveries by track to Sai ‘ harp escalation o f press iMusIim-Icd government.

-X ^Police in jh e Serb stro ’■ ja n Ja 'X u k a in 'n o r th e r ;^e ta ined the local hcacHlf... ’ 3a im ^ ,a id o n ic ia ^ .'^ U ^

A spokesm an for the 1 ' ^C om m issioner for Refu |

'^ i^ ow sk i, said Serbs also ;^ ^ ey w ould allow no lani '..^ to the Bosnian capital.f

— In o th er-s ign io f rising• plane-was hit by gun

i.ihird lim e in five days ar : :^ ro s s . announced tha t. u ttchongc. talks in norihwi

■ came as th-^governm ent m arked .iti -'Independence Day h oU ^y i

doce again sought .a f i - 1,'tiiding'neany three years of

?£;i-Aiaiworicer8 soid last^wc ^ e r b s e x p e lled m o f l '>^uslims fiom-lhc BanjaLu

. Saveinevf. d e i r a t n a


^MPERl/i r B S|^\tVinN FALLSl v ^ < r | l ^ E , R l e r

liwarlor)malia (AP) - Som ali g u nF arrah A id id 's p ro p e lled ithe M o g a < ^ u behind U .Sc h asing aw ay fo rc e s a iso

filling the void warning sheJ .n ^ io n . t r y ln g - to - lta lia n tro o p s b d w ^ t h adimes while the . A fte rth e i .idid,'w hb'oiiw " the a l ^ p lN . price on his o f loo ters sihe airport gates barbed-wirejck s m ounting e n p a lle ts

remainedJot and killed a American

sflee—iting IiUage I.TAN>-Russia ,(led fighting in "'a Wednesday.leaders accusedicing o r stealing Vine and o th e r W '

ave stopped all __lechn a siiice ' met of thehoritics... have " re obstacles to cm toward the idB oract,w ho - ' lions in Cffltral as been able to „ cles with med-

ntofQechenDudayev said I h m h b h itined fo r h is Id on the black Russianarmy.;le percent o fes ChechipTi;”— — —on M in is te r1 the Interfaxissian govern-I agencies arejgecs ou tsidee the Caucasusteen limficd byMoscow nearlycll Chechnya’s

lerbs m o n harity ^.-H cncg ovina .crsckeddown i 'o rkers ; and -[ncsday to a id ............-Sarajevo in a ' essurc on the

stronghold o f herikJB pam a ' h o f a MuslimL ■ ......le ll.N . H i ^ ‘........................;fugees, K ris .Iso announced ' }lan4 convoys ■ • il.fot a, week,..

ng tcnraow,-a - - - - * S im futforthe i and the Red lat p riso n e r-hwest'Bosnia' ' —1 thq Bosnian

i t . - o n io i a l . , , , - M tayapdmedia* • • v»a formula for ' P sofw ar.-week that th e : '/ i ' . . ; % than 3 0 0 ' ‘ . .V X uka a i ^ 'w^evwy . •mwtJ t h e • - ...........................jrBlrti— ----------------m .

f iy j jM '. j ! : f ' p l J

rd takes cu ^ a n who- fired a rockct tcd grenade In to the ocean ’ -6I.S. lines:;U.S. and lu lion UIso fired num erous other ftihots to keep .Somalis from a' >-breach the razor wireb ^ ' Ic

p lri the m'ombg, hundreds rr s swarm&i over walls and ti ire fences to pick over wood- ir ts and what little else

tian and Italians troops' pro- s(

■ mm

W E E K E TMtdti-toiied and plush, 7 year we:

Scotchguard st R e g .$ 2 ‘

m w J Z r_ R &

Textured sculpt , performi

warranty, 604aj gua'ran

R e g .$ 2 ‘

Ansp Crush ] 5 year perfonnw

100% nylon, 60 d?guaranf

dense textured plus

M E D LMulti-46ned and sc i)lu8h, ^ohawk to

. Anso Crush!

c o j y r i i i ^Multi tone sculptUri T5";par stalnpTmiec

, M U S T /1Tope on tone sculj

....w e ir ,5 year■warranty, lOe

i i^ H Q M E F

over miltecting th e w ithdraw al o f : peacek e» e r8 nervously wn looting. R ifle sho ts rang < fired by m ilitlom cn as the; awaylooters. . ' • ' ;

The sprawling seaside looked like a biimcane hit ii

_lQotcr8,.n;niotIo'.«?lj on mostly young and female many in long red skirts, ftni: ing off the reina .

Empty w 6odcn.paIlet3 'se< ticularly in demand, perhap s truc tion m ateria l in th is i

mC a B C o M e

I t Mw r * ~ N c

MB IN D E Rd solid texture rear warranty, stain release24.95 9 5

Sq. Yd. InsuUcd

k R ' .pturevTyear■nanceay satiElfaction mtee24.95 9 5

Sq. Yd. InitaUed

E A U XIl Resister,-- - ance warranty, day satisfaction nfee,ush,_many colors

Sq* Yd. Installed

L E YsoUds, textured top Performer, h; Resister

Sq.Yd. iMIallcd

I N D E Rire, 5 year wear, ection warranty^

S q . Y d . j 'n s t ^ e d

paIvg ■ilpture, 10 year arperfoniianc 00% nylon ■

S q . Y d . W u U e d



’fieldaftif Pakistan i.^cpuntiy . Lcfto\ vatched the. and d iscarded ' ; ou t, m ost scooped up. icy shooed N o looters wc

Am ericans, Ital le a ir f ie ld .who w ere evoi : it after the aw ay to the sei m that 3vas_ho tne,5ufrered ti e Som alis. A id id 's acti nished cart« attempt by Son

elders to form a leemed par- mittee to o pen t aps as con- port after .the U s d irt-poo r -ture.

mI 6 r F r


L -' , , f

•’ _____ /

te r lo o te i"tover pieces o f lum ber S ed' c ab in e ts w ere a lso the

■ . .“tal were hit b y gunfire. The the Italians and Pakistanis, h i^ VQCuating th ree m iles sai< seaport for their re m m ' Zind no casualties.— ----------- - evaic tio n p re -e m p te d an " lomnli businessmen and sho n a muld-factional com- bee Tnte the airport and sea* sho ! United .Notions’ dcpar- trol


mr e e E s t i m i

BRl E v r ^

^ C C M j!

4 M a i n A v ^ . N o i

733-7111 iWin Falls, I d ^ o

s : l M o n . ^ F r i / ^ : 3 d . e

Sat. 9:30-5:30\F R E E P ^ K I N O

-X-—:-r-r-rr-------- —

jrs p ic k cSom e militiamen who movi

the airport W ednesday olmos “taken out” after coming too c the American and Italian perim' h i ^ dunes overlooking the a: said M arine L t. G en.-A nthc Zinni, head o f the force covcri evacuation.

"T he decision to shoot or shoot w as c lo se ," be sa id . " became obvious they w ere it shoo the looters away and gai trol. They got a little to close fired a couple- o f warning sho

rsl a t e s !


petAM A2

m... FU] $18

“ VAI.1 ^2€3 Qualiti

Choose Froi '• 100% Ny]

Release •


100% Dupe

1 10 year we soil &

*3<i s

E X P l100% Ans(

Resist tej

* 2 3T O I


5 yea

O rth 1^


U:00 J


“ I

........ «r . .

o v e r re m>ved into they waved at us on<ost were The American aiI cloec to wotcbed die Pakistameter on Somali takeover wairfield, vousiiess and bcmushony C. • “You know whacring the of— an Easier ej

■■ Ihosc kids out there)r not to ihing,” said Ma^, "But it Fort Campbell, Ky.there to “Yeah,” repliedjain con- C lohan of El Paso,se so wc to>vard a technical,hots, but ore tunning around,

mFEBEST- I►On orders placed by More

Z m G V A L Ug 9 5

Sq. Yd. InHtntlcd

J I X V A L U E [>95[» Sq. Yd. IiMlallfd

U E L E A D E R¥ Sq. Yd. InBtallcdties, 1-CoIor Palette t om • Solids & Multi-t ylon • Scotchguard S • 5 & 7-year Warrant

R I D G l1 Berber, OTeat-st) pont Xtra life , N) ear warranty, 10 ; S stain warranty

0 9 5Sq. Yd. InstailM

B E Y O N DE C T A T I O N !so nylon, Anso Cr 3ter, sh o rt, dense jx tured plush9 9 5

Sq. Yd. Inatnll*

tM A H A lW Ki Plush, 5 year st£ rprotection;- ~ !ar wear warranty

100% nylon wil» Sfiotchguard Stai

Release, FHA approved



Be'j l i jS IH H K jL T

jfc -1» • * g \j\

.*r,.- -Til •

S. Twin fata. Idaho A-6 .

Worldn ^ ssand backed aw ay.- • n and Italian Ivlarines .’ dstani pullout and the ; rr w ith a m ix o f ner- ; musemonLArhat this rem inds m e :• f .egg - hun t, w ith all lere lo d l^ g for some- - stcr S g t Dan Stoye o f iCy.ied Sgt. M ajor Hank ‘aso, Texas, modoning ical, “and the bullies ind, too.”

i --OAC.*------—jirch 1 3 ,1 9 9 5 .

■ f





U cd ^


B Estyling.Nylon,0 yearyillcd

V SCrushje

lo lled

S t a i n



S q .Y d .In s to S fld ^


'"-Ti --------- ---------------------- •—

Page 6:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

'i ■

i ' - '


prolS o ine iliing tc rrib

' F ile r. A nd th is new— - .ry-to-say,-m ay-liavt

T h e tc rrib lc ii m o lesta tio n . A fo n m as te r a n d c h u rc h w h o m p a re n ts roui th e ir ch ild re n ’s ph> w e ll-b e in g - stand la tin g th a t tru s t in w ay p o ssib le .

I t’s a trag ic situ ; o f th a t c a n te ga tio n a n d s h a k e tl d e n c e o f a w h o le ( o f a ll , it c a n ruiri

. ; : i i f e . _T h is w eek , in thi

----------------in fl-lh is s itu a tio n ,m e n t.e r ro r . W c tol c a se th a n w c n e e d su it is a wavtj" o f : th e iden titie s o T th e

F o r tha t erro r, wi v ic tim s, th e ir .p a re i m u n ity . W e ’ll try m istake .

W e ’d a lso lik e t( residen ts: P lease re: c lin u tio n to sp ecu l: tim s. Y o u ’ll p ro b a b

___________ S in c e _ th a t . s to r yw e ’ve lea rned a cqi F irs t, , th e in it ia l in c e iv e d a b o u t o n e ' in accu ra te . S eco n d ,

• ly a b u s e d v ic t im i a rea now .

S o a n y g o .ss ip a v ic tim s c a r r ie s th e th e w ro n g peop le .

T l- -J Sicpheii Harlgcn


Tlie men arc Stcj

‘R e v e rp a r t d f

Govem m cnls, and the i that compete to capture tf tudes and hcncc rarely ha scienccs. But w hen they c utter strangely labored lo( "W e pledge v igorous fedt policies o f compensatory

The phrase “compensat is from the Democratic pi

. Tliat w as before “affimiai phrase also appears in tha fully established a.s the p r phem ism for reverse disci discrim ination is now knc “race-conscious rem edy.”

It is said to be necessar pre.sumcd victimization o the past, o r to end demon: discrim ination against idc als. o r to achieve lhe.“divi to a “multicultural society "undcrrcprcsenation" o f p in particular occupations i

In politics, a plurality o---------pnTTicularaotivily oflen in

a com pelling reason, o r re „• -the real reason, such as; T

spoils .system w ith a const that for a long time now tl m any laws against discrin m any agencies actively sc discrimination, alTirmativi m ost entirely, if not entire

. j o n s not known lo have s i .“natibh. ^

In 1996, California vote .ly w ill use the initiative pr

' the state constitution a bar ing “race, sex. color, ethni o rigin as a criterion for eit

- in g ag aih st. o rg ran iing‘pri m ent to, any individual or erotion o f the state 's systei ploym ciit. public educatioi

. tnicting.” A dvocates o f afl w ho understandably prefei detractors than to d efend ii consequences, call the C al

.--.Rights in itia tiv e s provQCS Tw e'is promp'ting em ulatiy C ongress ond'is exerting a on t h ^ o i ^ t i t i o n fo r tjic

L am ar Alexander says “ active ro le in supporting” ( tiativc. P hil G nunm says h

. . o rd e ro s president w ould al sexual “quotas, preference: B ob D ole says U ia;onc red V&itb voted Replublii resenttoent o f the f a a th a t '

>rialu n g v ic t in )tectl6n aiTible h as happencfl in / lew sp ap er, w e ’re so r- tinavo-mado-it-Nvorse.-------- crith in g i s c a llc d c h ild pci b rm e r te ach e r, sco u t- ( c h lead e r - so m eo n e tou o u tin e ly tru s te d w ith cu ph y s ica l a n d sp iritual wb in d s a c c u s e d o f v io - e ir in . th e m o s t h o rrib le wh

tituation . It’s th e k ind • cm

tea r ap a rt a co n g rc- tini e th e fa ith a n d con fi- lat le c o m m u n ity . W orst spt iri a y o u n g p e rs o n ’s an<

whth e co u rse o f repo rt- tha

to ld m o re a b o u t the cm ;ed ed lo , a n d th e re - pol ) f s p e c u la tio n a b o u t , W t ;he y o u n g v ic tim s. m i| w c ap o lo g iz e to the ti^r

jre n ts , and th e c o m - *slo: r y n o t to re p e a t th e 1

not: to su g g es t to F ile r gra re s is t th e n a tu ra l in- li

:u la tc ab o u t the v ie - abc jab ly b e w rong. to i?Ty_\V a s . p_u b 1 i s h e d ,__t i mc q iip le o f n e w facts, situ in fo rm a tio n w c re - un r

le v ic t im ’s a g e w as act.' i d , the m o st se rio u s- A Tl i s n ’t e v e n in th e ' d e r

abu) a b o u t th e a l le g e d ras: h e risk o f ta rg e tin g hav


l i e l m i e jClark Walworlli AilcnManaging cdllor Cira;

ncmbcrs of the editorial board Stephen Harlgcn, C brk Walwc

rse discr f failed Jlie political parties r j l e them, trade in certi- M have uneasy con- H

;y do they are apt to f f . locutions, such as, ■ federal prograni-s and 3ry opportunity," isatory opportunity’’ b e s t , : platform o f 1976. mative action." which that document, was : preferred C u-. i.scrimination. Such know iK ilsoasa

cratsary lo remedy the gharh n o fc e n a in groups in a^oui lonstrable ongoing | j „ „ idcnlifiable individu- c ie s « diversity.'-' appropriate iety",by rcetifying ) f particular groups ns or institutions. Iy o r rc a s o n s ro ra 1 indicates the lack o f ju jt ^ r rcUictance to suite -L™, i:T h e a c liv ity is ainstituency. G iven ^efor■V there have been so _]gjn Timination and so' seeking to root out pgj live action m ust al- - jjow 1lircly .bcncniiK T- bclici rsufTcreddiscnmi-*

'oters almost cenain-:praccssM opucintoban on the stale us- jj,hnicily or nationaleither discrim inat-

‘p re lS cn M rtren t- . ' -dameo r group m the op- j„ j|v i

stem o f public cm-don o r public con- back!'affirm ative action, ^;fe r to dcnouncc itsid its prem ises or TheZnlifomio C ivilucatlon. T he initia- — tia j i,-,itiye legislation in to 1

a?’ standi

s " I h ope 10 piny an philosj ” Califomia*8'ini- d a te .'s h is first executive an Ahd abolish racial and w a y s 'iccs and set-asides." standx redson 62 percent o fibiican Tost yea r w as Getta t “som etim ea the c a lm

ftis deserve nd privacj

A n d w hy ta rge t a n y o n e at tim s o f ch ild a b u se are vici crim inalsr-T he-foous sh o u ld ! perpe tra to r.

C h i ld s e x u a l a b u s e is a to u g h c rim e to in v estiga te ar c u te . V ic t im s a r e re lu c ta n w h a t h a p p e n e d , 'b e c a u s e tl e m b a r ra s s e d o r e v e n g u i l t w h a t w as d o n e to th em . - . .

M o le s te r s u n d e r s ta n d ch e m b arra ssm en t a n d g u ilt. Tl tine ly u se those em o tio n s to la te th e ir v ic tim s . T h e y soi sp e n d y e a rs c o e rc in g , in t i r and c o n fu sin g ch ild ren - fir w hat th ey w an t, a n d la te r i< that yo u n g peo p le w o n ’t tell.

Ri»rniKi>tlin«:>»yfiii n g v ir t i r em o tiona lly frag ile , w e ’ve lo fjolicy o f n o t publis-hirig fhe/i W c a lso a v o id p r in tin g dot; n ig h t lead p eo p le to g u ess rtn s ’ id en titie s . W c try; to i jto ries vague.

T h is w e e k ’s s to ry w as vaj lo t v a g u e e n o u g h . It w a s j •raphic .

In the fu ture , w e ’ll be more ibout these stories. W e’ll do 0 s ee that o u r sto rie s p ro tec t im s,.arid .by d o ing :so . riot m i itu a tio n s w orse. W e ’ll a lso li m n c c e s s a ry d e s c r ip t io n of icts.

A b u se v ic tim s ,n e e d to fee le n t th a t t e s t i f y i n g a b o u bu se rs w o n ’t fe su lt in m ore a s s m e n t . M a g ic V a l le y re ;ave o u r p ro m ise th a t w e ’ll lart.

is-NeivsIlmWlbon' Peter Yorkirailation manager Aifvcrllslng c

ird and writci’s of editorials Iworth and Steve Crump. .

r im in a ticp h i l d ^ p

GeorgeW in

;st qualified person does not get :cause he o r she m ay one color, ^ginning to believe tliat m iy not ly it should be in A merica.’’ D ole’s m ild rem ark drew from an o f the C ongressional Black ( :p. D onald Payne, a New Jersc> at. th is response: “ I’s rc: arhe that the Republican Party I out d ividing this country along ICS.” Proponents o f “racc-conk :s should blush w hen accusing 1 ividing this country along racia People w ho consider the langua rR I provocative should rememl ly Dem ocrats Uilked ju s t 20 yea leir 1976 p latform said: ‘T o a'cl >t and healthy society and enhai ix t and trust in o u r institutions, sure that all citizens are treated fore the la w ...." But the next pt rdged “vigorous” policies o f “c< lory opportunity.”For tw o decades liberalism, whi w has little ideological clarity b lie f in racial, ethnic and seximl ] CCS, has tried to speak the langu tio n 's convictions while serving jtrically opposed desires o f a f c ns. This project is about to colh r the accumulating w eight o f its :tions.Having-wageda fron tarasM ult' menwl national p rem ise - righti liyidualsrnot liberals p irhselves s c a n d a li^ ^ and surpri :klosh is brewing. W hat is tnily

and actually scandalous, is thi ;en so long to brew, fhe accusation o f racism has be Dut so proihiscuou.^y by j i ^ r a h i^dat-its pow er to suBsmute Tor to silence dissent. So liberals de lup preferences are relying on a -demism - the assertion that the ndards uiught by A m erica’s fou ilosophy o f individual rights are e. T o w hich the p roper response A lan B ennett ploy) is: “Standar ys o u t o f date; that is what maki adards.”

^ / y e F . W ill is a WashingtonZl/TlO/Jt.


_ 0 |

at a ll? Vic-;i'ic tim s, nof^ L ~~ Id -b e o n -U ie - ------------------

s a lw a y s a: a n d p ro se- ' / wt a n t to te l l e th e y fe e l i i ilty a b o t i f -

c h i ld r e n ’s.. T hey , r o u - K to m an ip u - w s o m e tim e s M M '

i t im id a f in g firs t to ge t

:r to en su reill. ... ............m ^clim.q .nre'sn : lo n g had a ' h e ir nam es. . d e ta ils i h a i .:ss th e v ie -

th e

v a g u e , b u t IS a l s o to o

lore care fu l Letdo o u r b e s t ___________e c t th e v ic - l l I M P rm ak e th e ir _ ^0 le a v e o u t M y w .fc . o f S fx iin l to audition I o t s e x u a l Tunes." W e

- , _ teem and t« fee l c o n fi- ,j„g yoursel )O u t t h e i r d augh teris i ore e m b ar- School.) Sh<

r e s id e n ts tried out for c ’ll d o o u r w osacceptc

Through J eight weeks

------------------- entire cast nplined team ancc and dir support o f tl

. , arc very prorrk....... ■ • - - ments--------ng dirccior Now our (

, very positivi better at sch has helped c (ismTorlife.

-------- :------ I Thank yot, , ^ ^ J U M P C o .p

7 tion at Satur L ^ ^ J I J I m ad ean im j

you. N an cy .•— -------------- daughterso

to your next - f M I . y ffiFF'ANl


_ _ E H u r l b u t fO ® ■* - A Resourcm * hearing on 1-

at the slate C First o f all

‘ misled by Id get the job usw ho testii

lor. And I ’m River have a not be the .. p e rienceo rr

. . . IfanyoricDm the c h a ir - , „ „ s „ f , i , c s:kC nucns, their oil to llirecy Dcm o- tl,„t they arcs itrally a common senly is g o m g that dam n sum g racial o4*n baek-yansciom poll- Lower Big;Lng o thers of. W e have Ileial lini^. nnconstitaticig u ag eo fth e Departmentem ber the we spent, inyears ago. defending olachieve a from the fam

ihancc rc- ,j„„ stamcs,’ns w e m ust dents an: notted equally "am nesty Bta;t paragraph served for e r

com pcn- s i ^ d , they vi, ; ■ legal" uses o

w hich by (jna ty beyond itsla l prefer- while lettingn g u ag co fth e O ne lone s/ing the dm- glim m er o fhife w fa e - Falls, and yolollapscnn- tack By our l(fits contra- doing this so

___________ _ ju d g e w h o wu l lo n a m n - Icsso fw heth ghts inhere m. ils professrpriscd that a D O O t lTilysurpris- - ^1 that it has ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

i been flung :ra ls tho titTor argum ent l .d efcn d m g ^m a m indlessth e policy o ■'founding Iare o ut o f | ^

)nso (fromdards arcial- jlakes therii Nl J ^ =

ton P ost .

........ ■

pinio^ M n m a

' ^ U P T D lV f ^ / m

t t e r sC q. helped daughtere 'a h ^ l encdiinig'cd our daugl n forthe 'JU M P Co. play, “Tc /e felt it would help her selfn teach her the rewards o f com: e l f to a long-tcnn goal. (O ur R in the second grade at Peiti ihc accepted the challenge an or the' liist December. Sh ited. - .ll January and February, over ks and 50 hours o rp rac tice , tl . molded into an organized, d: m o f professionals under the ; lirection o f Nancy Strand, wi 'th e production suiff. We piir roud o f our k ids' accomplish

ir daughter's outlook on life i; ive, very'm otivated. She is d< :hool and a r church. JUM P C 1 energize our daughter’s entl

'OU, Magic Valley, for sdppoi . productions. Tlie standing o urday night’s performance re Tipression on the kids. And tl y and JUM P Co., for helping0 mucli.'Sho is looking fo r^ i xt audition. Encore!ND CD^DY LAW S ills _______

itf gives glimmer o f hiJrce and C oaservation Comm1 House Bill 90 w as held Feb. : Capitol in Boise.all, w e certainly have not bee Idaho Rivers United. The thri itified a t that hearing from Lo ; a touil o f almost^l 90 y ears’ rm ore.ic has been misled, il is the ci : state o f Idalio that have give the Slate o f Idaho only lo fim

re being destroyed by lack o f ense by a bureaucratic agenc' sure w ouldn 't let happen in ti yard what has happened in;Ji ; Lost R iver Valley. ^ i been moitally wounded by t tional laws installed by the I<i It o f W ater Resources, and af in som e case.s, our life’s eam i ourselves and dodging bullet unous “ futile call" and “presi s.” T he Lower Lost River res low looking at the so-called >tanitcs"-that are generally pn crooked presidents. Ifa llow e ’ w ill likely approve the 1 o f ou r water, w hich will con nal act o f the guillotine move ist Low er Lost R iver citizens lg our executioners ofTscot-f : Sentinel w ho has given us a fhope is Judge H urlbutt in T) /ou guessed it - he is under a r leaders, I would guess th e y ; so they can get a rubber-stam will follow their agenda rega :ther it is legal pr constitution


hkyueCANNO . $!A•H.TOUMW- . - -T t

I hwmvsAcrm, X \ \micmmnJL I a

i n

iFofiHE / a

1 Wh

e r B u t.thenw hate lsi JKlilcr Supnime C d u aw i ■Toon upbolding the con

time, first in right, im m it- Thcbigqilcstio i

when the 911 call * in c Big Lost R ivci cit

, the call w as answi gjij. they transfer the c;

- . m andated “futile c jQj.. R iver Valley resid . integrity tind coun

di.scf- and serye all th e e i'lcoutd-- the special inieresi

. . ;C .P :“JPHN-’.T1 iarent.s • .

Mother Natu*eis Ah yes! Don O rdoing peers, A cancer in

* Cb. whom atUiined the nthusi-. ty , not ability. N e\

example; M aster F po tting ' ly responsible for! ; ova- ccution. Whose hig really had been observed

1 thank supervisors years | ng^our Following in<•^ u rd - - - -In tclligenceA genc

those laconically ii m and in their files, as accessories to e: . National forests

' h n n (» been'm ism anaged U.S. Forest Servic M anagement, but I

cb. 2 r bloat<5 bureaucrac picnic U ibles'ando a controlled burn 0

three o f elim inate accumuli Lost . ' no, be considered, ■s ex- * item is fire preveril

_____Don, it’s the chapti: ciii- Sm okey Bear). An iven item because tliey 1 find out civilians for fire cc o f gagem cnt at an hoi

ncy equiprncnt and airc n their houriy by private ii ■ihe • tions. ^

^ O ld-tim e stockm>y the fire their sum m er r Idaho and .encourage new

I after fires in Yellowston m ings been beneficial by lets strike blaze would esiimp- struck and even i f i rcsi- w inds w ould only j d , dies o f nearby trcC!pre- stock and wildlife I wed to survive. Conversel; ;he "il- ' heat requires the fu ;om- • d ry m aterial and gc 3ve- w inds. T liis is whai ns fire season, fixamiiit-free. - rings indicate survi s a years and fires. Tw in . O ne really shouli

T a t- should one? S he’ll iy are a n d w henever sh e j amp ^ lated dry fuel is avj :gard- Puny man under th ional. idiots n iay cut, dig.

F (X F .y sA f^o p s r[fti L ; L

S/Mvrwo/HUCH ^ h )j£

lH ffTFeAKN;l'M XFflOAW/CAN- .m ^N 6 $efiioR. -

^ 11

else is new? O ur Idaho I-wos severely criticized for :onstitulional law o f "first in ghi."' . .ition fo ro u r legislators is, ■:all comes in from the Lower citizcns. do they presume s'weied iind'ignorc it d r do c call to the ID W R and get a le call” rule fo r Lower Lost :sidcnts? O r do they have the >urage to uphold their “oath" • e citizens o f Idaho, not ju st rest groups? ‘’.TR A UG H B ER

iture will prevailO m an and his civil service

• in our society. M any o f their ra ting through longevi- 'Jevcrtheless entrenched. For : r Russian Spy Ames, direct­o r several fellow agents' ex- high-living, ved by num erous peers and irs pri_pr to arrest aj5d convic- ; incarceration, the Central ;ency.adtninistraior p unished- ly inept w ith letters o f repri- les. They should be c ha rg ed ' 0 espionage and m urder, sts ond public lands have ;ed from the inception o f the vice and Bureau q f Land ■ut neither could justify their :racies b y livestock permits, • d outhouses. Consequently.Ti o r selective tree harvest to nulation’o f fire fuel would ' cd. Their biggest budget 'crition arid control (yes. apter w ith the picture o f A nd it 's no fixed budget ey employ summertime : control and actual fire en- • hourly rate. Most all heavy Bircrafl arc contracted te individuals o r corpora-

:kmen would deliberately er range to b um out deadfall lew growth. The devastating itone w ere pit>ven to liave by park rangers. A lightning jld affect .only the tree i f accompanied by high

ily singe the leaves o r nee- rccsin a c ican forea!. Live- ife on the forest floor would 'sely, a raging fire o f intense ; fuel o f dead, accumulated.J generates ils own high /hat w e experience every mination o f ancient tre<r irvivol o f m any d ro u g h t '

ou ldn 't fool M other Nature, ; ’II smrt h er fires w herever fiejileoses. A nd i f accumu- available, it w ill be intense, r the d irection o f educated iig . Sweat, drop bentonite '


j : . . ; ' \

-A5L0 / t e H t H

A $20MU U -R)<i^THf

oiBOSUAn -pOftT-IKTEl.1


from the a ir and d ie to no prevail.

1 HAL O ’DONNELL Kimberly

r Lawmakers take £Retro 1960s. Backboy.(

Dead and Iron Butterfly. 1 • tonis, .surfer crosses, sit-ir

own thing.!i , Focus in. Girls wearing

freezing in the w inter, km teachers to judge adequnc Giris preocciipied with thi preoccupied with g irls’ sk boys preoccupied w ith gii stricted from recess activi someone f lig h t sec up the re lief it w as in my sen io r; school w hen we w ere fimi wear pants. Finolly, I coul

I re m em b er^ a lc teaeht ' rem em ber them looking n• able, a little like ihey wen

m an’s noose. Did this mal teachers? '

I can rem em ber the besi had. and 1 have no idea wl

^— member h is a; . 'front p f th e class sharing \

• edge o f a subject ho clearl ing. 1 can rem em ber the w sonality and the feeling th

• 1 can rem em ber the desire . otherwise ordinary materi; excitement and the feeling be fun., Tliink about it. Hpw ma

ciety require men to wear Not everyone is an accour millions o f hard-working 1 their jobs every day weari. jeans o r coveralls. Tliey si proud o f the work Uiey do go to their jobs w earing th Requiring boys in school 1 dniss a s wanna-be lawyers mistaken for job preparatii

Job preparation, hopeful to do w ith education. Rem

Let’s pay m ore attenlior ' learning in schools and les 5 girls' skirts.

D O N N A GORDON ? Twin F alls .

W rite t(T h e T im es-N ew s w

from readers on subjec le r« t. To m ake sure yo lishcd promptly, here a lines to remember:

L etters should inclu s igna tu re , m ailin g ad< phone num ber..L etten belous, obscene o r 'in b

' rej>5Cted, and T h e Ti serves the right to edit 0

B cm usc o f space coi limit letters to 4 00 wore

B ^ G A R R '

HM...HOU}P o iu e ■.....

i f e

mm B

\ A\ M

_____1 . ' , :::



3 no avail. She w ill

le a silly turnbeyond the-Gratcful "■[ly. Beyond bell bot- • " lit-ins and doing*your

ring dresses, legs , kneeling on desks for'- )uncy o f hem length. ••• h their skirts, teachers"*'(i' skirts and, certainly," ll g irls ' .skirts. G irls re-' ’ n ivities because ) their skids. What a lior y ear o f high finally allowed lo

could be comfortable, aehers wearing tics. 1 ng mighty uncomfort* •• were w earing a h i^ g - S m ake them belter ^

best teacher I ever S a w hat he wore. I re- ■■ m as he stood up in S ing w ith us his k n o w l-2 learly found fascinat- “ le warmth o f his per- 5 g that he really c a re d ,S :sire 1 hod to learn S iterial as I caught his S :ling that learning c a n j ;

' many jobs in our so-|»»'ear suits and lies? IS :oun^ant. Tliere are S ing rnbijw ho go 10 “ earing uilifefnis o r - ;y should be ju st as n / do as the men w ho S iglhree-piece suits. S ool to w ears ties o r •ycrs should not be «■ iration. mlefully, has s o m e th in g Remember education '.^ ilion to education a n d g J less attention to * j"

i t o u s Is w e lco m es 'le tte rs Cbjects o f public in- £c your letter is p ub- Ere arc a few gilidc- £

ic lude the w rite r 's |C : add ress and te le - * tters-considered li- S in bad taste will be X : T im es-N ew s re - S dit all letters. . g .: constraints, pleas'e' $ • vords. X


/ w c w T f- T A a r s \

■ r ^ e x c o s ^ fO R . ____

A l

Page 7:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

J _______O pinion

[ —

W C EG o m w

W ;Sa

■ / J ' '

/ / N

■;7 . P ( ^ L e t t e r s

Audiences^ should from interhipting

We have just read the Iclti and Colleen Thicbcrt about im iirtivy (p yiciting <»*linT5 3tSouthcm Idaho ba^etball gi agree onddv^t to go tt stqj <

We have jiist attended a ’ JUM P Co. peifoiTOiince wh

. talented young pcoplc and 1 adults can be-very proud of

. mancc. However, it is very ; ing to many in the audience

few people in the audienec. whistle and yell when certa: people come onto llic stage.

A vigorous clapping at tli sion o f a number is the accc

■ to show appreciation. The a standing and clapping at tlic sion o f the program as the e takes iLs bow also gives cac o f the cast a feeling o f pride presentation o f a fine p«for an enjoyable evening for tin

, Again, no whistling or scret We hope wc can remernb

courteous (o all pa^iciponts gram by appreciative clappi whistling and screaming thr

” the program for particular ii We are fortunate Iq have so cnt in our community; let u; cach participant happy with part by acceptable clappini


[ s n

omLargo_______Small ____

^ B o |^ n 3 8 i



LBS ______ ^







/ - --------^ ^

Fi6nr 1 CRIHE

X [ * r

R . j E K n t '" ' - ^

sId refrain Schools n ng show, from parIcttCT from John Recently, ll3ut our lack of.- trovcrey in ou s at College o f— and the publicill games. We . is important ftqjfiirthcr. ' thatm anyofiila v c ry f in e Legislaturcanwhere m an y ' ' Committee ra

nd helpful ' ing job our Idi 1 o f the perfor— (including parety disconcert- istrators) does:ncc to have a Statistics pice scream and 1994 by llie /irtain young Exchange Coage. . - does extreme:It tiie conclu- dollars investiccepted woy od o f enrollm ie audience ' when enrollmI tlie conclu* o f 40th to 38tle entire cast iper-pupil speicach member 46th to 49th oridcin iheir spends nearlyrformance and than the natior tlie audience, dent performt creaming. . national avqn:mbcr to be graduation raimts in the pro- 79.8 pcrcent iipping, not by increased sine; througliout Idaho’s ACTar individuals, above the nati: so much tal- this is accom;:t us make rates than ourvith his or her • Local schooling. be innovative. 1JSWATLAND tivestalcmenls,



E 4 tlANGES:________: . . . . 4 u » . f o » ®

. . . ___________ 2 0 p c „ «

r c A B iIS. $*|oaFROZENlE R S . -- M

A s s o f lnP J P ' 36-39 02



-- soBAT

l|WES O U T H P « B K I W IS T

________ '___________________ L .

s need comment arents, towns ^', there has been much con* our area regarding education ' alic^clKX)! system.-! thinkit— ™ It for the community to knew jfu s in the Idaiw Stale . and on the House Education

i recogniziewhatM oittstaha-' Idaho public school systOT porents, teacheia and admin- — ^ 3cs for our children. F°s published in December j ic American Legislative ^ | Council show that Idaho '[ncly well for the education" “ 3 ested. Even during a peri- llment growth (1972-1993) llment went from a ranking 38tli in the nation, Idaho’s ■pending declined from 'it among the states. Idaho., irly $2,000 per student less ' * itionol average, yet our stu- m ancc is higher than the 'pragel Idaho’s high school * rate is 15th in the nation at

nt and has actually lince 1980. Additionally, n* and SAT scores are lational average. All o f impHshcd al lower lax Dur neighboririg states. -- lool districts need to be able to /e.Rfliher than making nega- y°)

we need to voicc newBitive, open forum at both t te *


$ - | 0 0

$ - | . o o



M 0 F 2 4 „ _ , » 1 6 “ l r i

, - J

DaitlV! I 1SPEAL i A«AUIT,


N05(imW ES!

?; H Y P E ;

i ___local and state level. Allow those local level to 0^ questions ond r some' idcM^jout s d ip ^ . W h ^ have a iune-iii9riA j ^ o o f c a l ^ is the school <by oiiiy from 8:30

.UDtiI3 p jn . whm most parents v •5 or 5:30 p m ? Have we crowdc core subjects with exlroc^rricula ties? Do we really knoww^iat sh

' graduating in the year2000 will 1 •What other que^ons do wc nctt

JnanxentptiyCTtntiontothcHc Education Committee, wc wen: i in the year 2000, even janitors w to know keyboand skills!

There is an old African provi .says, “It takes a whole village t one child.” Wc need to continu work within our local schooJ di help continue the commitment childrenWid their future. Wc al to involve more members o f th munity, including the business nity, who will help our schools ahead in producing students wl compete in global business eco

Please remember that many the Lcgislnluic are very proud > parer)ts, administrators and pro al teachers who are all working c r through ihcir local districts t vide the b e t possible educatioi ofldoho’s children, Contact yo school and your local Icgislatoi your suggcstion.<). It is impdttai you bccomc involved! ' -


l i r a5 — r G re a t At10 REDDE

*^upsr tw ae t you e v e r«

- - - - - - - - - - w /£sh Ingto

mO iC E C

2 4 J CAN ^ CASE




E ira

- . I . : , ' . , .

1 1K conaIrethink-'lydoweinaai?Why------30 a mBwork'until-'dedoutilara^vi-studentsiUneed?............Kdtoask? ' ld .tha t will need

3vcrb that e to nue (0 districts to

toalso needthe com- Ijscommu- <ilsmovc j / i T i / 'who can jconomy. ly o f us in id o f our • irofcssion- , ng togeth- s to pro­ion for all your local tor with- tant that

American Apple SallELICIOUSAPPLIe t, crisp, snappy, {ulcy! Evaiyt r w anted In nn apjllB and noraJ


M;lassiC(«i 4 9 9 jIDS I siiwARS S OQQ^ ASSORTED U J 2 LITER


5 1 CHIC

-1- , ''■


U s e T h e

■ ' ■ 1 ^ i

Hart ISchaffner ' &Marx. ^

• Suits fro

MI F A I I ^ ^


lES STRAWEirythlng



9 HEAD m i , £ m FOR


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. f

ThufscJny. Mt

he Times-News CU Call 733^0931.. '

" m ; : . . 5 T '

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y i l

Hart SchaiAmerica's Prerr

from $495 • Sports Co




j j s $ ^ 0 0 I



DEL M O riTE;ORN or BEANSiS 0 H T E D ^^9 /5 4


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March 2.1995 TImes-Nows, Twi


p h p


iF F N E R & M amier Men's Cloth;oats from $195 • Slad

0 R U P E R ^ -




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Twin Foils, Idaho A-7

y r y ;

IIp i - ^t e ; ■

( a r x:>thingacks from $65




9*1i i n i 'up9 ^




Page 8:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

• ' • ‘ A-8 TImoa-Nows. Tw

__ West

Vievi h oo l on Ci

NEW Y O R K IA . didn’t panic when pi

.p ro c e d u ra l in the Wednesday.

The cable station- , o r ’ highlights.

I ' Prosumnblv. viewi _ ' plaining.

_____ W e're just kickin]libbing'and'shbwing TV cxecutivc produc said W c^csday , on i juror \vns replaced ar over evidence outsid

• ence."But even on a si

arc really hanging they’ll continue to.”

With the Simpsoi sixUi week, viewer int

, ifratingsfiguresareaj The three .cablc cl

offered ex tensive I .Court TV, CNN and

y* With trial covcrafc _ the early evening fc

•_ ' . East, some rival prog (he "Big Tlirce” ever has experienced an . o f 10 perccnt or more

t - A v a ilab le in ab -hou.scholds. Court V -.f,, • audicncc o f about 21• Dccembcr. W hen tl

i '* ; convened , th e cha A'-’ expanded a dozenfoU

C N N ’s aflem oon__ . j' trial's firiil three wee

, a b o u i^ h rU m 'c s Uni ,• :• audience for that lime

. S ince the trial cc I through Feb. 19 (th

M edia R esearch fig CN N 's coverage lia s ;

■ Top 15'slots, drawio] million households.

E vcnE !;aflcdglin channel, has done wi erage. Through Feb was roughly four ti channel’s pre-trial nui

Anotlier cablc bene w hose prim e-tim e “Rivera Live” began

, sivcly on the Simpsc 5incc then, its audicr tenfold. On M onda show sco rcd 615 , CNBC's highest'.ratcc

Last week Judge L to end die trial day nc

' (6 p.m. in the East), come as good news fc ing in ihe s{Kal!cd "e:

— ^ S im p so n f r e e d fro]The Associated Pres

D evelopments W( O.J. Simpson case:

JURORDISMISSE 46, a black courier, w:


B th


f/'-y ci _ j

Knox I blacks, two whites, c

I one'm ixcd race juror remain in a pool that St

CAUSE FO R DISr— ------Bwd-hewwlismiBScd

he d id n 't w ant to d; ' . dcnied.published rep

. failed to disclose p ^ i 'm ade a bet on the trial , it started, and spent to<

- ' ing at photographs at S NEW JUROR: Th<

'o f the Simpson jury Gabriel Valley, cast She has'been married works as a technician She recently asked from the, group becai

I was too confining. ' the judge about con

. called herself a “toucl ,• D ISC O V E R Y DI

' .cu tors p ressed t h e . .s an c tio n s a g a in s i j 'withholding informt .n e s se s . P ro secu to r

J--------- R ecused the dcfens:^ sch em e" to h id e

- •: -defense attorneys sa : , J , disclose w as an inm

,.Ito look the m aneru f JU R Y E N T B R T >

said several producen . nated movies had pn

‘ ^,with v i d e o t a p ^ f th 'Jurors to w a t ^ even t

I , werenOtvetavailable , 1 W H A T S N K C T :

t examinatioii o f defen

-- ^

. Twin Folia. Waho Thufwlay. M.

ivers [■ ked N :able i

AlA P ) - Court TV ^ 1 proceedings turned . M the S im pson tr ia l H

on trotted out "best- I

ewers weren’t com- __ I

king rocks today, ad- I ing cxcCTpts,” C oun * duccr Steve Johnson on a trial day when a 'j and lawyers argued tsidcf the ju ry 's pres-

a slow day, viewem ng in. A nd 1 think

ison trial now in its : intCTcst remains higii rc any indication. c channels that have 'c live coverage ind E!'En(ertainmcnt

:rage extending intc> i for viewers in the rogramming — even _ _vening newscasts — audience dccline lore.abou t 17 m illion

t TV had an average t 20,000 homes last n the Simpson trial :h a n n c l 's v iew ers ' fold.3on ratings for the w c ^ s averaged 5 .^ the ndw orkV usum "

ime period. ,convened Jan. 24

(the latest Nielsen figures available),

las swept tlie weekly ving a.s many as 6.5

’ling "fanzine" cablc w eir with O.J. cov-

•eb. 17. viewership r times that o f the numbers. •

leneficiary is CNBC, nc G eraldo-hosted gan focusing cxclu- ipson case last June. ^ dicnce has expanded J iday, the interview 15,000 hom es — atcd hour ever.;e Lance Ito pledged / no later than 3 p.m. it), which must have •s for competition air- ■‘carly fringe" hours.

n j u r o r c m d u ty•ress

W ednesday iti thee: 'ISED: Michael Knox,, was dismissed ftom

thcjmy-Noofticial reason was announced. Knox was replaced b y 'a ' 38-year-old.m ar- ^

_ricd white vcnian ^ who w o rk s 'fo r a telephone compif- ny. There are now eight women and fouVmcn on the panel. The racial m akeup is-e ig h t ’

s, one,Hispanic and iror. Eight alternates itstanedat 12.DISMISSAL: Knox6cd4br.i:tcasofls;ibuL_ __3 discuss them. He,, reports that h'e had •

p ^ l domestic abuse, rial's outcome before ■ t too much time look- at Simpson's estate.The newest m em ber' iity .lives in .the San ast o f Los Angeles. y ried for 15 years and m ;ian for PacFfic Bcli. I ed to be dism issed I xause sequestration I g. W hile talking to . 1 :onjugal visits, she ■ luchy, feely" person. m DISPU TE: P rose: I

he judge for m ore ' I s ijh e .d e fe n s e fo r rm ation about wit-* ? ito r M arc ia C lark■nse n f ”a s in is te r ___je e v id en ce , b u t : said the failure to innocent oversight. L i i r under advisement. • • ^ ITA D JM BN T: I t o . cm o f Oscar-nomi* M provided the court ' I

f their i i ln u fo r the I enthougb 'ihevuleos' ^ ■ b le to the public. ■T : The videotaped . - ■ rfense ^ tn e s s Rosa ^ to resume this tnoni*


Notice Is hereby giv merchandise will be period of 12 hours < Nothing held back. All merchandise so




d a k

Bookca^ 6 7

FULLSRECLIN12 Hours $ ' Only <

High Grade Vt

Swivel Ro* 1 4 !


Bar Sto<* 3 73-Pc. Oak

Coffee & fable S

* 9 7Solid Oak

Corner Ci* 2 4 !

y . ' •

Twin or FullMattreaFoundal12 Hours $ COnly : ^

' ■ ; JqU tdattoh SdU


jiven that ali remal be offered to the p s at 9 AM, March 2, k. No layav/ays. sold af up to 70% o

Verythihg in th e s t rlii be liquidated to ubllc for 12 HOUR! )NLY rS A L E S T F //


r ISIZE 1 A MERS i'8 7 %\/elvet

9cker;/ Si9

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[ End Set MI 1ik

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-Special ^inw lie w ilt . ta k e p i


milin in gpublic for a / 2,1995. / j j

off. V Iitore□rthe- X I—



JT^This liquids,



ItuderitDesk* 5 9

Select Group

>le Lamp* 1 4 -

-Oak or B rass

lali Tree* 2 330” Ele

. - i ;■ A

incliig~Availai ld c e d t :






lation shall be condui 1 the premises of _ ER FURNITUF. S A L E S FINAL! ION WILL TAKE PL )RSDAYAT9A.M.

Dinei* 3

n ^ps Sle€12 Hou Only

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r c h a n d l s e ^ S .M u s t B e >

S o l d ,<0W! ^

m wipo rtan t s itua tion and e p u b lic 's Immedllate

r T E M T I O l^vlll be o p en th is Thun 2 ,1995 from 9 a.m .-9

EMENTOFFreb y g iv e n f t i a t o n 1 95 o v e r $1 m illio n o 3 w ill b e l iq u id a te d I r B a n n e r f u m i tu r e H d l n a p u t o f b u s in e s


_ _ VVestlng> Portable - F

DISHW/* 3 3


* 5 8

‘ 5 -P c. Han

' Dlhinc* 2 5H oover “E

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Fa Vacul ^ *i6i

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Enteitaii^Cenl* 2 4





12 Hours C Only____^


■ h r


m d w a r r a n ts .;IteIM I: 'lursday .-9 p.m.'_____

FACTSn Thursday I ofid to the public■e4s-not—-------- -----le s s .


1 2 H 0 U R s H 9 AM ■ ■9 PM M

ghouse- Full Size :


SEAT I 1 8 i


ig Set5 9"Encore” :•ight


3 Oak -

linmentiter~~r4 9:h 19" .

2 9IWER 1 EST5 3 8

Page 9:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

' i

l A r o u

fljevMalta mai molestatio

• T W IN f a l l :---------------‘ a p p ca rc d -fr rc D T ir

thnt he m olested t\ Ronald Lovier I-

j. cd a p u b lic dcfe -arraignm ent was i p .m . Mlfrch 6, ac utcs.,

H ayes w as inc ' chargc.^ o f lewd a

A ccording to the 2 3 , Hayes m oles past several years :

H ay es w ji ib c i evening in the Tw S15.000 bond, ac cial.

___ JickfiLpartTtireceives awai

TW IN F A L L S - D istric t em ploye today to rcceive th o f the Y ear award.

Jane Krumm, a | sta ff and students School, was nomil Idaho Fails for he tion. The aw ard i Id a h o C h a p te r Association o f Soi social work month

K rum m w as in Lincbln Elemental ation program star

Reconstnicd(ofB uhlbegir

“ ---------- B u m r ^ R i v e r -north o f B uhl wi beginning March : o f a two-mile strei miles north ofBuJi ' Crews hauling (

every 1 minutes to es tim ates . A ll apply during the ' ro a d , w h ich clii canyon rim to coi road, will open Sej

Many Snake see increase i

BURLEY - Wc S n ak e R iv e r res M ilner Dam.

iT hcB urcau.of I American Falls rc fu ll on Feb . 27, reservoir-in -W yc full. A no ther big was only 26 pcrcei . Smaller reservo

drainage arc larg reservoir is 85 pei reservoir is 82 per

*■ Park reservoir ip ai Inflow s to the-

voir arc running si feet o f w ater per Snake River, one p e r m inu te . U nd adding another 2 voir.

D ow nstream ol cfs is being releas reservo ir, and 42 Milner Dam.

N o w ater is b( Snake River for it year.

Gooding boy : in fall while i

------ LGOODmO—jreleased from thi aflcr he-fracturcd.: Tuesday evening i

Lester Patterson rock climbing she he slipped and fel M alad Gorge, sai potcher for the Go Department.

R escue team s i and Gooding cou than four hours b ing the injured t( fee t over-thetco i said.

Patterson, who i sc rap es and bru i B enedicl’s . F ^ i l

------- r : :c v c n in g r - H c J c iaccording to a hos


Obituaries ■Mlni-Cassia Comics ■ Dear Abby.

andraHevlan faces 2 ion chargesLLS - A M oltn m an jn rrM o n d a y -o n 'c h a rg c s d two young girls.;r Hayes, 46, was appoint-: c fe n d e r , b u t M o n d a y ’s as rescheduled until 2:30 according to court min-

in d ic te d on tw o fe lony d and lascivious conduct. { the indictm ent fifed Feb. lested the g irls ov e r the irs in Twin Falls. bciog_hcld_W £ d u es day - TwiniFalls County Jail on

according to a ja il ofTi*

tTtiine.counscIoti-— mrd for her work.S - A Tw in Falls School 5yee w ill head to B oise e the Idaho Social W orker ird., a part-time counselor for ;nts at Bickel E le m e n ta l minatcd by a colleague in ■ her work in peer media- rd is o ffered through the te r o f th e N a tio n a l Social W orkers. March is nth.I in s tn im e ^ a l in gelling ntary SdysoV s peer medi- itartedr

:tion of roild northTins this monthk'cr’aird 'C Icar Lake roads w ill sec heav ie r tra ffic

:h 1 during reconstruction itretch o f county road five Buhl.Ig dirt will add one truck tes to the road.s, accbrding A ll no rm al speed lim its he construction. The new c lim b s u p th ro u g h th e connect with B ob Bnrtoru. Sept. 30.'

ke River reservoirs e in water levelsW ater levels ore rising in re s e rv o irs u p s tre a m o f

a f Reclamation reports the i reservoir was 76 percent n , w h ile J a c k so n Lake Vyoming - w as 47 percent b ig reservoir, P alisades, - rcent full.rvoirs in the Henrys Fork argely full. H enrys Lake percent full, Grassy Lake perdcnt full and the Island ip at ‘69 percent, he-A m erican Falls rcscr- g strong, w ith 2.CM7 cubic )cr second flowing in the ihe cfs equals 449 gallons Indcrg round sp rin g s a r c r 2 ,500 c fs to the reser-

r o f A m erican F alls','300 - eased at the W alcott Lake 425 cfs is f low ing past

i be ing tak en out_,of the ir irrigation at this time o f

oy fracturcs arm e rock climbing

the hospital W ednesday cdhift-arm -while climbing— ig in M alad State Park, son. o f G oodingrhnd been— shortly after 5 p.m. when fell 10 to 15 feet into .the said R ita M atthew s, dis- Gooding County S heriffs

IS from A da, T w in Falls :ounties worked for more s before successfully lift- d teen up m ore than 200 .can y o n ,w a ll, M atthew s

ho also suffered numerous iruises, w as tak en to St, m ily M edicol C enter that

hospital official.

!<^:piled from staff r^Kffts

P 2

!a B3 iB6 - ‘

I. . B7

IF o x lTlie Associated Press

N A M P A - B es ieg ed Superin tendent A nne Fo the taping o f a. television j gram oii W cdncsday‘Be<:i to panelist F rank Lockw N ew s reporter who has I the oflen-cmbarrassing mi administration. ,

KIVI-TV News Directc s a id Fox re fu s e d to taj

• "Newsm akers" interview ing th a t L ockw ood w oi reporters in the questionin

“ I don’t w ant the supe• m e w ho can and cannot a

J Chipman said. ‘I L flctwood

p ro b lem s th a t fiave pla e lected R epublican sinc< Jan. 2t including thejlrun o f her' now-fired ch ie f of cam paign m anager T errj

____The rac

Five-yoar-Q ld Tyno.i P o llh ro n a k is , 7 . Tyt G reg P o llh ron ak is ,

Boyrect after sheB y L iz W right T imes-Ncws w riter

TW IN FALLS - A 6 rj in good coridition Wcdnc a f lc r b e in g sho t in the year-o ld b aby-sitte r Frit said.

“ I t ’s am & *ingf! sa id------ ;Spokoswoman-for-P-rin_ M ed ica l C c n te r in Sail ” so u n d s l ik e he w a s oi

MCS.”G re^K nuT son-D f Hoi

surgeiy Tuesday, W inder P o lice fo u n d th e in ji

evening at the baby-sittci Falls; a bu lle t had gone about nose level, then lodj his neck, police said. |

A t f ir s t ,n h e baby-sitr police how K nutson waj had clcancd up the blood and that it had bce i^a di according tO;a.polictfrepo

"All right, r i l ’ tpll you him. I shot,him with a ri po lice a fte r sev era l ^

” ■ ^ t« o ra!n g 'ra tHc'fcp6ft“ T h e boy . led a po lice

m other’s bedroom nnd si c a liber r if le in a .c a se ; i b ro ther, he to ld police.

I report.Police arc still investig

decided yet whether to ai ter, said Lt. Jim K istler ( Police Department.

i Earlier m the day, the < ; p lay in g w ith toy guns,

o th e r c h i ld re n h a d be Knutson, police said. '

The parents w ere nt woi

Magf le e s i

ged S ta te S c h o o ls Fox w alked out on

3n public-affairs pro- }c<;ause she objected :kw ood, the TiVncs- as bcen 'ch ro n ic lin g n V . , , ; m issteps o f her new f l K '

:c tor Brink Chipman 1 3 1 ta p e th e s ta t io n ’s

cw show aflcr leam- A’o u ld jo in tw o TVining. m isreiuperintcndcnt telling her fir Dt ask the questions.” Fox

< incidcO' .d^a num ber oC^the Wcdnip lag u ed th e n ew ly m entince she took o fficc KIVIrunken-driving arrest Stalcsi P o f s ta ff and fom ier But:rry Hawes, and the ment.

ce is qn^ „

n o n T h o m p so n f in d s him T y n o n Is th e s o n o f J » l ai Is, b o th from T w in F a lls .

loversl O O t l l i S T h e i

o a n d T

TW take ‘

6 ?ycar-old boy w as upper dnesday, recovering to sa ' ;hc face by h is 10- “ rin a Friday night, po lice Wedn

It ifa id L a u ra W in d e r , down

Salt L ake C ity. “ It mates i o n e o f~ the l u c f y Ions.

“ Ifio l l is te r und en v en t acre-f Je rsa id . hiivein ju red boy F rid a y Diehl ittcr’s home in Tw in Co. ir one in to h is face a t depen lodged in the back o f -d a m s

s itre r w o u ld n 't te ll T f l w as shot, saying he)0d outside the house - ^ - 1 a drive-by shooting,eport. B yJuyou the truth, I shot Tintci a rifle," the boy told m in u te s o f silen ce , TW

• ---------------M ed iiic e o ff ic e r in to h is . to pa;i showed him a .22- w ith i e; it belong.s to h is Qu<;e , according to th e Mond

contnstigating and haven’t to nc0 arrest the baby-sit- Admier o f the Twin Falls vice p

Thehe children had been uponIS, an d a t least tw o with 1b e e n b a b y -s i t t in g becoi

\ theywork, pblicft said. positi

in te rv

F o x . Loctorepreseniations o f the hackj Urcd school design chief. Bill IX declined to personally di den t, but in a statem ent is Incsdny, she said there was It tfiat tfie I'nterviewOrs fror 'I would be reporters from 1 csman and the Idaho Press Tri ut C hipm an suitl there was-: it, no com m itm ent made to 1

m s e lf fa llin g behind In a t and Tim T h om p son , and Ik

daho V! T i m ^ N ^ ' - The Associated Press

W IN FALLS - The govern : 427,000 acre-feel o f water c r Snake River this year - p iave nearly extinct salmon la l b io lo g ic a l o p in io n ” dnesday.. is about th t same amount o f m .thc jiv e r from eastern Idalu

:es. An OiCre-foot e q u a ls 32f i.If th ey ’re going to guarantci ;-fcet every year, then they’n e to dry up som e farmland.’ hi, m pnager o f the North S in Jerome. Diehl’s company

endent on w ater stored behii ns a t A m erican Falls and

lospitalJulie m ! McKinnon ics-Ncws writer

•WIN FALLS - Magic V a l^ clical C enter's Uoaro agrecd-V )ay $269,670 for a 10-mont! t\ its chosen management com; luorum Health Resources has nday to agree to tlie board’s tract, which also would aUo\v n e g o tia te w ith _Quorum-c Tiinistrator John Bingham anc : president o f finoncc. he contract proposal the bot m would allow board memb' h Bingham and Fry aflcr Aug om ing l\ospitaI em ployees, y Would n o t be able to star itions until Jan. I, 1996, Th

aliend e w \

.than that the p

.reponers. He • balled Siatesn- who recently s that sam e colu saying she fca wearing leather the Capitol, Cli tionofincludin__Eox. hoJiii:cism for chanj issues and firir

:k w o o d c h iim i^ th a f l :kground o f, hostile , discoi ill Stanley. w ork and coi d iscuss the repeatedly." issued la te >• Lockwood,

as an agree- T im c s -N c w s rom o u ts id e W alw orth, sat a The Idaho p rop ria te ly w Tribune, dent on M ond js-no -ag reo -- w ith-hcr-once0 Fox o ther w ith a Icgisli

■J-r. A ••


a tr icy c le ra ce w ith h is Yrl id P aul Is th e s o n o f l\Aym


foreim m ent w ill —iter from the reservoirs in - purportedly Wyoming, in - under a The U.S. Bu i” r e le a s e d chased 6 .500

R iver w ate r r o f water sent- from th e Sal alio last year, H o llis te r . Tl

?25,850 g a l- feet o f uncont D eadw ood re'

itcc 427,000 tion./ ’re going to "Still, it rcrd.” .said T ed get all 427.00C1 S ide C anal W endy Wili ny is heavily B o ise-based rhind federal Rivers United d P a lisa d e s that Idaho wati

boardscnd sD ec .3 1 .■ About $35,( fee is for han

llev Regional navers. such a; IjW cdncsday. 'v iccs^T hat. le >nth contract for B ingham i >mpany. fits, as until noon A group pu d’s proposed viccs, such as o\v the board ness plan for t i - c m p lo y c d tal organizati6 ahd'K en Fry, g iv ing board

^ o s c services board agreed sa id C ra ig C n bers to talk board’s financ kug. 31 about Board meml cs. although Saturday to cl ta rt in those hospital orgai T he contract doctors, in a pi

L_;w i t h rle panel w ould include oulsic le said Fox specifically blacl :sm an colum nist Dati Popke; y suggc.sted that Fox resign, i :olumn, Popkey quoted Fox i feared for her life from a mi Jier at the Jan. 7 inaugural ball Chipman said he had no iniei

ding any on the pane Jijis.iUso_bcen langing position^ on som e kc firing lop personnel afler takir Education D e p a r tm e n t.'a ls at Lockw ood had been "rud icourteous and in terrupted rr c o n v e rsa tio n s w ith o th e rs

)d. who had the full support ( u'.s' M a n a g in g E d i to r C la i said lie has never dealt ina]

' w ith Fox. H e cited an inc anday w hen he asked to spec itce she w as finished speakir iis la to r on ly to be to ld “ yc

= Fr

' ■ s ta te i

■ -knew

fo r av

other n

years <' i • iie wa

' Roark■ T I . "Bu4OlNEmMTVn«»N0in that (ll< Yrlond P a u l .

• s__________________ commi

soughtWater caucus, rest work — B2,in Idnho iinci Jackson Lake

Bureau o f Reclamation has pi 100 acre-feet o f unused Sna: :r righ ts at S I 50 per acrc-fo S a lm o n R iv e r C a n a l Co. T h e b u re a u r e le a s e d a pi;

:ek inp to com m jt .95.000 act ontracted space in Cascade a: i re'selvoTrVfor salm on pr^tc

remains to be seen i f thcy-c000 acre-fect," Diehl said. Vilson, executive director o f l cd c o n se rv a tio n g ro u p , Idal ted, said there’s a good chan A'atcr will be squandered.

gives nou . . .35,000 o f the S269.670 Quori handling reim bursem ents frt h ns Medicniri, nnd finnncinl Si t. leaves ab o u t S234.d7ILtQ p ,m nnd F ry’s salaries and ber

purchasing plan and other si1 os consulting/to set up a bu br the proposed nhysician-hos] iti6n. arc not included in the fi ird m em bers H cxibility to { CCS f r ^ a competing compai g O llip g e r , c h a irm a n o f t ance committee.embers d iscussed.o meeting h< 0 choose tbe type o f physicis rganization th e to a rd and lo< a physician orgaiiization want


re p o r tside m ay be w aiting u n tl[mick- " r m saddened that Dicey, a n sw er leg itim a te , q uI . In departmenl," LockwoocK as has less to d9 with etiqun an tions that have been raisi11 at ‘ Fox w as a t th e cen len- , debate on W ednesday \nel. both parties complained riti^bccn_unnblejQ _prodiic ik ey tion about the impact ol<ing aid pack ag e fo r publii lso .superintendents have dojd e . T he only inforriiatiom y b ill’s im pact was prov

rs - and .school districts by and legi.slativc budget ai

t o f Fox ,^_ad carli,er firea rk expert on the stale aid pilap- 2 person there quit lastnci- person i.s* staying on, aleak statements from’Republcing O tte r th a t tu rn ing the 'y o u over to a private firm is

r o s e c u t Q E S

rug, cash t.iz W right:s-News writer

VIN FA LLS - Tw o special itly appointed to investigate I s and guns at the Tri-Countj c in January.It no criminal charges have be idy o f the Idaho attorney gene linted to the case last week wi Vda C ounty prosecutor's office vin Falls County Prosecutor d .fo r the appo in tm en ts, say f l i c t o f in te r e s t fo r h im t ges, Bevan is a m em ber o f tl has worked closely w ith the i S'eanw hile, both narcotics age cto r Don. W alden and John neys, Bevan said.)th agents were assigned to oil cies afler the Twin Falls off! ' the morning o f Jan. 3 l .C a s l ;ly marijuana - were stolen, ate investigators arc conduct much was taken, Tlie probe h

lycstigation may take more in said.> part o f his contract with the asked to submit to a polygrapl; ic Tw in Falls County Sheriff den 's lawyer, Keilh Roark, - a ld en and R oark show ed u ; in v e s tig a to rs d id n 't p rov V how to conduct it,.R oark a w h ile , W alden left w ithoi rk said.le state is'looking into possib r administrative errors, but W:i vrony, Roark .said.)bviously he 's upset and disap, s o f law-enforcement work, an v a .^ n v o lv e d in any so rt o f :k .said.Jut he understands how theS' they have to be dealt w ith." Rc a ld en dec lined to com m ent ight ‘‘this w hole thing will a her Nunez nor his law yer cc ment.

for sMiNM FS is 'p ro tec lin ^

favo ring hy d rb e lec tri salmon protection. Wil;

— ■ will-.still be scooped c :e in c a rr ie d a ro u n d h y d r

barges, she said, “ and pur- fly with the courts." lake “ I t ’s n o t le g a lly s i foot many tim es do they hi I. in tell them that, i l a n “Tliere’s a lot o f vul

and thing.", W ilson added, i t e c ^ the courts w ill d o now,*

By co n tin u in g to si -con tran.sportation schemes,

tie to stop the Snake F f ih c toward extinction "and laho she womed. “This is ju ance tion."

P le a s e

jd to corpursue. The model calif

>rum physician organizatioi from partners in tlie'.physicia -Scr-_tioo,-allliough-Binghati pay yet been a discussion ,oi

lene- will be 50-50 or anothc"T hat w ill be a fait

ser- future." he said, busi- The proposed o ^ a n i: 3sp i- m anaged corc contrac : fee, incentive pool for th e ) g e t cians to share financial •any. Also at W ednesday’; ' th e decided to spend S35.5

am bulance to replace held hospital received a S2 ;ian- help purchase the vehic local B o a rd m em bers a l: nttc^ $41,590 to buy

t e r sL [m idnight."It Dr. Fox is refusing to ^. q u es tio n s ab o u t her /ood said. “ I think this tiquetie than with ques- raised by our paper." c e n te r o f le g is la tiv e ay when senators from . , ined that her ofTitV had jJiice detailed info /m a-_______::t o f the proposed stale u b lic sch o o ls as p ast : done.ation availab le on the irovidcd to law m akers by the teachers union

ct ired th e d ep a rtm en t

id program, and the No. last Friday. The No. 3 ^ n, and Fox is deny ing -, lublican Lt. Gov. Butch _ _ th e 's ta te a id program n is being considered,


cial p ro secu to rs w ere lie the tliefl o f money, unty Drug T ask Force

-• been filed, said Kevin ;eneral's office. He was c with Jay Rosenliial o f Tice,itor G. R ichard Bevan say ing it w ould be a

m to p ro s e c u te any 3f the task force board he narcotics agents on

agenjs oii the fo rc e _ -_ in N unez - have liired

1 other law.enfo/cement office was burglarized | ~ash. guns and drugs - '

lucting an audit to see be by the Idaho Bureau are than three m onths.

the drug forcc, W a|den raph test two week.s'a^o •riff’s Department, said

d up for the test, b u \ ^ ro v id e so m eo n e w ho Iirk said. After w aiting th o u t tak in g the te s t. ,

ssible bookkeeping a n d ----------Walden has done noth-

isappointed that after 30 anyone would suspect

. o f shoddy p rac tice ,"

hese tilings w ork, and ’■ Roark sa id .: len t, excep t to say he* ill alt be worked out." r could be. reached for

lihonl in g 'th e s ta tu s 'q u o by ictric g e n e ra tio n ov er W ilson charged, Smolts :d out o f the-rivcr and • ' y d ro e le c tr ic d am s in and th a t's not going to

y su f f ic ie n t, and how y have to have a judge

' vulnerability for Idaho■JMFS) isn 't doing any-_______l e d r “God know s w hat

0 support o u t-o f-r iv e r nes, NMFS is doing lit- <e River salm on’s s lid e and steelhcad are next," s just a/spiral o f extinc-

a s e s e e SA L M 0N /B 2

intract:alls for the hospital and ition to be so le oquity '

Sham-said-there-lias-not----------in on wheUier the equity - jthcr ratio. - - fa ir ly b ig is su e ,in the

;ani2ation w ill ollow for<---------trac ts and estab lish an the 'hosp ita l and physi- cial risks and rewards, lay’s meeting, members J5.500 to b uy a $60,500 ace a 1986 m odel. The1 $25,000 state grant to chicle.i a l s o ag reed to spend ^ o o d ig a s oiialyzers.

----- ', 1 ^ - .

Page 10:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.


B-2 ' Tlmos-Nows. Twin Fall

Budget w]BOISE CAP) — Leg'isI

' writers smn«l into what ihi financial black hole on W( dumped another S5;millic and juvenile prisons to co

'Y matically cscalating inimtc s o m e th in g th j

d o n e ," Sena te Finance A tw ell Parry. R-M clba, m oney m ust be spent."-

Corrections Director Jar t o j ^ c Joint Financc-A{ Comihittee that the priso

■ cominucs to increase at a 30 a month.

Space that was oncc av Oregon and W ashington terns is no longer availabi

. Obituc

------------ D o n a l d - B r R o b eTWIN FALLS - D

Robertson, 74. of Tv\— . .M onday . F e b . 2 7 . '

homo following an o with cancer.. .

Ho w as bo'rn Marc Parma. Idaho, tho so

' M arguerite Drenth R w as ra ised on th e f R osw oll, Id ah o , an

. from schools Ihere. I- from ih e U niversity I agronomy iti 1942. Fi ; 1945. ho served in I • and was a PT Boat C ' the Philippines and ; Ho e a rn e d; Commendation Moda

Don m arrio d Isa . ; S oda Springs on Oc

C ; D upon t. W ash . Do moved to the M agic '

iN^snd he worked for t ■ a n d farm ed in Ihe \ ' They later resided at : Enterprise. Ore., and

( a n d he b e g a n wor ' ^ Simplot Co. in 1957

T he fam ily m oved ■ Manitoba. C anada, ii Don was in charge c m eni and consiructi( p ro cessin g plant fo C a rn a tio n of p a n s b ecam e a m em ber Economic Future Ac the first American so

He se rv ed a s a n Id a h o P o ta to Commission from 15 a n d w as chairm an a n d w a s -c h a irn In fo rm ation a n d Committee (or iWo \ s e rv e d on tw agricultural/trade cc received a special < of ‘ M a rsh a ll’ of V igilantosl_from ..L Sam uelson for 'disti unusual service" to t

• lo .indusl^ in 1970.He retired from Si

a s m anager of the fie farming and seed pi for central and ea s t then worked a s an a sullant and realtor i mont in 1982. Follo'. m ent, Don a n d Isa Hagofman and then:

Don w a s an avi -hunter and golfer an ber of the Jerom e Qc

------------- — ------------------------ w a s -a lso a m e m b eFalls Lodge No. 45 M aster M ason, Yor: tho El K orah Sh B .P .O .E . (E lks) Presbyterian Church

Survivors include of Twin Falls: one so his wife. C alherine one daugh ter. Patri and her husband , E

. of Caldwell; th ree j A n g e la R obertsc

-------------- f=)oOBn5or r and-Nicc: - o ne brother. Foster

----------r-W aple-V aiteyr^eah- ced cd in death by• ono brother,: A memorial sen/ic• rites will bo held at 1

. I a l tho Twin Falls V• with the Rev. John I

Crem ation precodc' under tho d irectior- R o b e rtso n F u n en

Joromo,The family sugge

b e m a d e in D on’s S h r in e r 's H osp ita l C h ild re n or to I

^ J . . . L ~ H o s p i c e . = - _ .

----------1—A r O a V b r v H e i b i■ I MURTAUGH - A. I

[ 69; of Cllnion. Conn j ' of M urtaugh. d iedj 21 .1995. a t his hom'

. - t !.......H e w as-bo rn No-]• Twin F a lls , a n d li\ I since 1969. He was

la te F re d a n d Cl(-------------- H erb e rt.-H e -w as tf

Lillian (Porter) j^ert}l

Falls. Idaho Thuraday. March 2

vritersdimijgislativc budget j ails are alre: t admit is a . f6f325-stnte WcAicsday and . The slate i illion into, adult for'ihe first t ) cope with dra- him with lilt) inte populations., bleviolaiion th a t m u s t b e prison popul; n cc C h airm an to400inm at iba.-'said. “The- “M y onlj

people out ’ James Spalding budget write •Appropriations Republic! isoa'population M oscow ci it a rate o f about,, yotc.oii'.th<

re i te ra t in g available in the increasing I

;ton prison sys- incarcerotio lable and county ing at thc c

la rie s ^

a w a s a pa

ChesebroL until his re' had a lawi n e s s o r Connectic World Wat sen/ing Ini

Besides by two da ol Clinlon

-C o lc h e s te Legault of

The fuiii 'C linlori. I

. -H ebrorrCeb e r t s o n ------------- D onald B ruce Twin Falls, d ied

7 . '1 9 9 5 . .a t his n ex tended fight

larch 1, 1920. In son of Dalo and

h R obertson. He le family form in a n d g ra d u a te d e. He g raduated s ily of Id a h o in

From 1942 until In Iho U.S. Navy ^ ■ f i l at Commander in ^ ^ K ' , 1 1 nd New Guinea.

tho ■ N avy

r S c T i g o M o , v r a m a \O ct. 3. 1942. in WENDE

Don a n d Isab e l Vippermajic Valley in 1945, M onday ,or Northrup King Luke's Rele W endell a rea , Boise-at Pondlolon and t

md Parma. Idaho, Clevelandvork ing for J .R . Law renci357. In Caldwell. A ndersoned to C a fb e rry , ch ild reri.3, in 1951. where .Wendell Irle of the develop- e d schocjciion of a potato Vipperma; for Simplot and W endell,a n a d a . H e re h e solemniseler of M anitoba's Temple orAdvisory Group, Wilma i. so honored. , tf’e Wenda m em ber of the had f

a n d O nion - Primary, :1 1967 until 1973 w asav is ian for two te rm s making, elirm an of th e S've a hend E d u c a tio n h u sb a n d>0 years. He also love of he

tw o n a tio n a l} com m ittees. Ho LeRoy-Vi)al com m endation daughtersof th e 'I d a h o of B oise .,

n ..ih e -G o v _ D o n —listinguishod a n d ^ e r p ly n (to the Idaho pota- a n d Ma|3 Wendell;1 Simplot in 1977. Vipperma) field department, e r s , t y .J potato operation Caldw ell;lastern Idaho and o ' Wenden agricultural con- Shoshoh'Of until lull retire- g re a t-g rillowing his retire- g rea t-g rtIsabe l m oved to precededen 10 Twin Falls.- tvro brothav id fish e rm an , g r^ d ch iland was a rpem- ^ .The fur

1 Qouniry Club. He Pf'^ay atnbef-o f-th e Twin W‘lh Bish45 AF and AM. a due ling ,fork Rite Bodies, W endellS h rine T em p le , c a ll fronts ) a n d th e Domara^rch in Twin Falls. o n e houde his wife, Isabel Friday at ■ I son. Michael andine of Twin Falls;- G 8 n B V atricia Robertson JE R 0 \j, Bedford Boston ©3 of Je:50 g randchildren , 20 1995rtso n . G reg o ry Medical ( JicolcrStokGrrand—a-goaaensier R obertson ofe 9hr44e-w a9-p fe---- Anihnnv'by one sister a n V ^ j ™

■vice with masonic m'efe at 1 p.m, Saturday 3 M asonic L odge X L d l in Kerr officiating. i q ’ iq i^ ed o d th e sorvice tion of the-H ove- ®®rt ? h S .o ra l C h a p e l In

gg ests m emorials in 's n a m e lo the Ital for C rip p led 3 M agic v a lley

- - - ..j^-'ChufCha . Sufviv

J O e n --------------------LuDoenjA Devon Herbert, a n d th. onn., and formerfy (Thom as 3d Tuesday. Fob. -C indy (E ome... ■ ' ■■'City: on N0V.-16,- 1925 .'ln -Philllp.(L5 I lived in C linton parents, /vas the son o t tho of Namp C lo o ta (D e c k e r) St. Anth s th e h u sb a n d of Larry an 3ftJ6fl. Mr. Herbert o ne sisli

- ■-

h 2, IMJil

Ip $5.miIlionIready beyond their capacity otl ite inmates. SpaWing swd! ^ tc inmate cqimt is over 3,000st time ever, he said, leaving ex little choicc but to face possl- ‘ fir,on o fa court imposed cop on vepulation by double-celling up -be nates statewide.n ly other op tion is to p u t ticu t the front door,” he told thiriters. mi lican Rep. Jam es Lucas o f cc

cast thc only d issen tin g inth e corrections spending . Bin g h is 'o b je c tio n s to th e spg financial com m itm ent to hation that he claim s is com - liie expense o f education and Di

For obhca ll733 -^

pack ag in g m e c h a n ic a t Fa rough-Ponds Inc. in Clinton we reiiromenl in 1992. He also Gr

awn and landscaping busl: on- the sh o re lin e in al

;tlci)t. He was a veteran o f ' Cf Var II anti the Korean War. -Th In tho U.S-Navy. cafes his wife, he is survived tO' daughters, Phyllis Donnelly Fu ion and Arlene B irdsey of mi stec,-Conn.;-a-sistor. B u th _ b e of Twin Falls; and a grand-

sr. - . ' T iunoral was held Feb. 24 in i. BiTriai w a s" a v th e N e W " ^ •Cometefy in Hebrorv,-Gonnr^-|i^j

- re

a W . V I p p e r m a n c iIDELL - W ilma W. isman. 79, of W endell, d ied of ly. Fob. 27, 1995 . a l St.[Regional Medical Center in M

a was born Feb. 5, 1916. in cimd. Idaho, tho daughter of H'n ee David a n d Mary M. Pr ion Willard, the third of 103n. Tho-family m oved to MII In 1925. where she attend- siloo l. She m arr ied LeRoy Bim an on June 12. 1934. in atill. The m arriage w as later J<liied in the Idaho Falls LOS B(i on July 16.1952., twla was an active member of Jiindell 1st Ward LDS Church Dd held many posilions in ihe oly, she sang with the choir, fri/isitingteacherrenjoyed quilt b: 1, and was always willing tohelping hand to others. Her bind and ch ildren w ere th e Kher life. fri is survived by her hiftband.,Vipperman of Wondell; fivb b'

:ers. Barbara (Rodney) Weigte. June Reyes of Las Vegas, fi Evelyn Henson o f Wendell,n (O dhTFI^es of Meridian ^Aajy (Gail) B row nlee of j, }||; one son. Rick (Maudio) man of .Twin Falls; two broth*•van (Roma) W illard of ^3ll and Stern (Lucille) Willard ^idell; a sister, Juno Rands of ^ ono; ^ grandchildren ; 48 g ran d ch ild ren ; a n d o ne g reat-grandchild . She w asled in death by her parents. ^others, four sisters and three tl:hildron.' Bfuneral will be held at 2 p.m. -Cat the Wendell LDS Church. Lishop Wayne C handler con- Vig. Burial will follow at th e Vell Cemetery. F riends m ay Com 1 to 7 p .m ; to d a y a t Bray 's W endell C h apo l an d bour before th e fun e ra l on aat the church, a

CJ W. Muni POME - Gene W arren Murri, §Jerome, died Tuesday. Feb .' ii95, ot St, B enedict's Family 'al Center In Jerom e, following Tlerrnm ossr— -awas born July 3. 1931. in St. c ly, Idaho: Ih6 S'OrTgr-Wa ffgn- ^nd Hannah Wlnlfrod Shosted ^ and was raised and oducat-ire, Gone son/ed in the U.S. 7 from-1950 until 1954, andd LuDoen Hendricks 6n Nov. c54. In St. Anthony. Ho worked c engineer for Western Electric ley resided In several places0 moving to Phoenix in-1959. - S 8 . they moved to Nampa and \ ) Salt Lake City in 1982. Gene ^1 from U.S, West In 1983. end 5, Ihey moved to Jerome.w as a m em ber of ihe LDS ,h and-toved to help people. » vivors in c lu d e h is w ile ,tn nt JnrnmQLJwD_dauahtef3 itheir s p o u s e s . A nn e lle c

ias) Dlobort of N am pa a n d I(Eldon) Oman of Salt Lake f

o n e son and h is s p o u s e .(Lynotto) Murri of Nampa; his . fis, Warren and Hannah Murri 1mpa; four brothers, Keith of fithony, Kont of B oise , a n d Fa nd ferry, bolh o t N am pa; Fisler, Phyllis B a u e r of Twin r

S o H o d a a ^ B iSie^ r w r n t A U S i K o a

^ '733. 660c

a to cx)rrecti(o ther program s that would address Ih'i root causcs o f cri

W ith th e in m a te p o p expanding as rapidly as it v. a rgued . “ I f s on ly a-questi very short tim e before the bM ts the victim 'hom e.” —

O f the extra cosh put into th tions budget, only $1.5 millio; the new 96-bed addition to tl mum scdnity prison and a n center in Idaho Falls had been in c luded in R epub lican G B a it’s tigh tfis ted 1996 ger spending blui^jrint. The new has, however, endorsed the J l io n need ed to s ia r f up 1 Departmdftt o f Juvenile Conw

bltuary rate inform atlo 33*0931, extension 278

Falls; and five grandchildrE w as preceded in death by or Gregory find one sister,

A graveside sen /ice will b at 1 p.m. Thursday a t the J C em e te ry , w ith B ishop -Thompson officiating. Friend c a ll from 10 a:m . to 12:3^ to d a y a t th e H ove-R obt Funeral Chapel in Jorome an may gather at the cemetery

_be(ore tho graveside sen/ice.

Timothy Q. Freem an__HAGERM AN - Tim othy.

F reem an 42. of H agerm an "M6rfda‘y rF e tr2 7 r i9 9 5 rH rn -depxie-lrorrH jneuffwilar-lol

disability of brain cancer.Ho w as born June 19. 15

J e ro m e , iho so n of Boyi Marthalano' Froeman. He alt the Jerome' school system a low ing g ra d u a tio n in 197

•enlisted fn the Navy for two H e then attended tho Housi Institute. In 1975, h e returi Idaho ' and w as em ployed- o p e ra to r w ith M ountain Telephone in Twin Falls. Hi on lo work for U.S. Wost in Salt Lake City and Albuqu N.M. offices rising to the pos com puter operation m anage retired from U.S. West in IJ th a t tim o ho w as aw ardc Circle of Excellence Aw^rd. is given upon the recommer of his associates.

He p a r t ic ip a te d In thc M exico Rodeo, thb Albuqi B alloon F estiva l a n d nurr civic and charitable organlz H e - w a s a m e m b e r 0 Presbyterian Church.

Surv ivors Inc lude h is n- fvI.J, F reem an of H agorm a s is te r . J a n e a n d R on Brc Bismarck. N.D.; two brolh6r£ a n d h is wif6 , J a n e t F reer J e ro m e a n d D an a Freon Bellevue; five nieces and ne two au n ts , Mflrtorle Crutcl J e ro m e a n d D onna Had Downey. Idaho; one uncle, of San Francisco; a n d nur friends. Ho w as preceded ir by his father. Boyd.ln'l973.

A celebration of life serv bo held in June at the fami K etchum C em e te ry , to friends and loved ones are ir

In lieu of flowers, momorl. . b e given to a charity ol your

Ariene TitusBU H L-A rlene Titus. 71.1

died Tuesday. Feb. 2 8 ,199£ Twin Falls Clinic & Hospital.

She w as bo rn 'Jan . 20. 1 G rooley, Colo. Arlene woi area Irout farms and at Gree Co. She then wori<ed al.Ut Frozen Foods until she retire sh e look up an'interest In ce

S he is survived by her t M ary C o o p e r o l Rocklin, th ree s is te rs . Betty Jo ,Wh Buhl. B arbara Williams of I

•Calif., a n d E rm a B ishop L in d a . C alif.; two d au i V irginia B ishop of HollisI V anotta K irchgestnor of F Calif.; six gran ;ich ild ren . B ishop a n d Jennller Spell bo th of Hollister, Tammie and Julio Fehi. bolh of Twi a n d V incen t K irch g estn C a rr ie • K irch g es tn o r . ^b Hocklih, Calif.: a n d three grandchildren, Brady Sytto

- Sutton and C asey Carlsdi , Twin Falls. She had many

nephew s and friends in the Valley. C o lorado a n d Cai 'and will b e greatly missoc Sho w as deatr

, first husband of 30 years.' K enneth-D aum ; a n d her

h u sb an d of seven years. Titus: hor father. Roy Virgil

' tw o s is te r s . R em a Dau . Shirley Ackley; and a broih' I Cooper.

The funeral will b e hold 1 ’ a .m - S a tu rd a y a t th e ; Funeral Chapel In Buhl. Bi

lake place In Rocklin. Calif. I m ay call fro m -ia ,a .m . lo

Frlijay at Ihe funeral chapel.

‘ L u c l l le lV I J W o r l in g. JEROME - Lucille Marie I 89, of Joromo. mother ol Be i of JerOTe. flieo weanosde I Ing, M arch 1. 1995,- a t tt I Falls C are Center.

A c ry p ls id e se rv ic o w i ■ p lace a t 10 a.m. Saturday, f i 1995 .. a t Ih e ' G a rd e n i I M auso leum '.,in P om ona I F^eynolds Funeral Chapel : Falls i s ^ charge of local 1 1 monts.

% e m a i o ^ ^f6 0 0 ^

ions D e k)p u la t io n States N ews S a

e criminnl ngh ts, ihe E nd _ and pnvm izatio

Ih cco m c- ore topics Ih t ni io n tom nn W olcr Caucus I Ihe maxi- year, u s membe new work N early 40 m

m formally Senate - ir G ov.’'P h il d e leg a tio n me enem l tax caucus and eve # governor om nu: S2.4 mil- changes in wati I th c new benefit the rcg t rections. ■ Viitually ever

' something to do' to Sct. Craig TJ

“ ^ e T o S

Iren. He T ish sB O IS E (A l

b e held M a rin e Fi.shi Jerom e W ednesday th

p Kurt Id a h o a n d tw nds may forests should 3 Q ^ .m . court-ordered

V Shortly gered salmon.^ But Idaho c(

■................... Ists,'w ater use1 s to c k g ro u p s „ r>..i„r, w ere '.concern ' an fS io d log ical opm io -n irre s t^ ------ only^slo ighto :

ensuring logg1952, In and grazing do

lyd an d salm on spaw rattondad i„ c e n tr a l Idiand lol- 5„,i3ry U.S. Di

Ezra 01

K mu rn e d ltj service rcgiona,d- a s an Ez™ orderedlin Bell' those IndustrieHe went to idle thousaiin Boise, the judge stayelu erq u e . M arch. Stellcositlon of ^ j | i be on prc

^1993 Al habitat and sc r d o d t h o■d. which - s b e tte rlendation • have now than

get it back lah e ,New stop bickeringqu orque arguing like fjm e ro u s planeis.”ilzatiotis. Sa lm on a d ’

O' *he ,'Boisc press c

S i Salmirs. Chrise m an of • C o n tin u ed frc

The only sol n s h o m o f t l

a d ley of im proving coi 9 . Robert W ilfon said, um erous . . That could b I in death thc am ount of I. Id a h o la s t yc■rvice will lo w e r S n a l miiy plot. W ash ing ton t

said. W ater VC ^ n to ltso re sp i

jf choice,. to th e seala rg e rc sc rv o sa id . '.

I of Riihi T ro u b le is, 95 a t S e h y tlro e le c trn J dow nstream f

1924 In m eans p o liti( worked a t oddcd._ _ _ een Giant “T his is sin Universal ’ stream poliiiciired when _______ .:eram ics. I

."cal"; De<Vhaley off Lincoln. • —)p of Rio R e b e c c alu g h to rs , RUPERTis te r a n d 74. o f Rupc' Rocklin. 1995, nt tl1, R obert . Hospimt in Iellerberg, Agravesile Sutton p .m . Thuwin Falls, Cemetery. /tn e r a n d direction o•b o th of Burley.BO g re a t- ._ . .. _________ton, Katie Norma ftidn, ail of p ii PR _>y died Wedn,he Magic die New U I

AminsenJ y ? “■ be annoSne

i G e r g o

aum andiher. CSary at

Hospital m .4 in-an The func T ,Burial w° C h.,K l,w i,

tO -8 p.m-.e'- Hoe Werling, ------ :--------SettyWray MAGICday --------------------------th e Twin Sonienii

will lake-, M arch4, . Mony-B^

of R e s t John Kimtla . C alif. _ C henyBer el of Twin il arrange-

ElizobetJ — I Cheny Den

Thelma 1 all o f But

II Rosecrans <

, .------- i-----------------------

egationCohn-' • - loo!Service pro

wit]G T O N -- S ta tes’-w ater thcndangered Species A ct ,Iiitipn oXfederal agencies, wat5 new ly fo rm ^ W estern theiIS plans to take up this Abeibers said W ednesday. Cmembers o f the House w ii

- including Idaho’s four use m em bers - jo in e d th e Spi •ventually plan to intro- lan n ib u s b ill represen ting ten 'a te r law they say w ould lani 5gion, Buj very issue in the W est has F do with water, according heo Thomas, R-Wyo., during su(

xnce Wednesday. Bu 11 think th'at gets over- fed

SGTWiCQ k U cA P ) - T h e N a tio n a l bics h e r ie s S e rv ic e s a id witth a t m ost w ork in six as,

tw o O re g o n n a t io n a l IId continue following a cor:d rev iew o f the forest in t c t on e n d a n - '

. cI conservation-isers an'd liv t;::' - . . . c b m D l :ps s a id th e y Tncd thc b io ­lio n m igh t be ' | s i l t i p c

gging . m ining docs not harm

w n ing habita t I d a h o sh o u ld D istrict Judge fo rm e o f H onolulu,

te lle , fisheries mnl an injunction against iss tries Jan. 9 , threatening in{ sands o f Idahoans until im ayed his o rder unlil mid- o f ,1c said the future focus protecting thc very best tin screening proposed work inf hey crop up. Pate r to p ro tec t w hat w c foi lan to let it go and try to an la te r ," he said . “ L e t 's Or

ng over this. W e’ve been e people from differen t B t

tivid v o c a te s p ick e ted th c to 5 con ference w here th e sa!

non____from B I th(solution is to stop taking s ii' th c r iv e r - and s ta r t clc cond itions in the river,

d be done w ith onc-lhird Spo f w ater required from opy e a r , b u t o n ly i f fo u r wila k e re s e rv o ir s in Nln a re draw n dow n, she e rvelocities increase - nnd anspeeded on their journey mi- w hen w a te r levels in vo irs a rc rcd u ccd j-sh e m

Mis, d raw d o w n s red u ce so

t r ie p o w e i^ c n e r a i io n co 1 from Idaho— ond that an i tic a l p re ssu re , W ilson

WIsim ple upstream , dow n- fn tics. Idaho-is going to be al

»ath notk:a R. Vaieneuve FRT - Rcbccca R. Villencuvc. jpen, ilicd Monday; Feb. 27. I thc M inidoka M emorial in Rupcn.■csidc scrvice will be held at 2 hursday at ihc Rupert ^ Arrangements ore under the 1 o f Ihc Payne Mortuary in

I Mason 'I - Norma Maspn. o f Filer, i dncsday. f^arcH, I. 1995, nl Life Living CcnlCT in,Filer. jcmentsTirc'pcndingTtnd'Tviil'“ l inced by Wliilc Monunry in

A. SUvers 'DELL - James Albert Silvers, . endcll, died Monday, Feb. 27, S It O ur Lady o f Lourdes in Pasco, Wash, ineral will be held at 2 p.m. y ot D em aray 's W endell I with tbc Rev. William Flandiy I ig. Burial will be at 3:15 p.m. win Falls Cemktery.


niimcs ore omilted nt patients' rc

Admitted ' Buss o f Twin Fnll»i Jenoio Kei mball o f Carey; Knren Shillin Sennett ofDuhl.

Releued>eth Linde and Lorraine Veeh. b< Sennett of Buhl; and Eva Kelso o


Admhted la Babcock. Amber Reynolds an Ju rley ; M aria M urtinez o f Vi ns o f Rupert; and Helen Sneddon

I joins Yvlooked is that there ore rcgu problem s w ith w ater, k in d c with public lands, that,arc uni the W est," h e said.

Idahoans use 22,200 gallons c water per person each, day, n them tne largest users in the i About 170 gallons is more typia

Caucus m embers said is ^ c will bring io the caucus'ore: m use o f r iv e r s ; th e E ndan S p e c ie s A c t’s a u th o r i ty landow ners: m un ic ipa l wat« terns on federa l land; u se o lands; and reserved w ater rig Bureau o f Land M iuiogcment I

Rep. Col D ooley , D -C alif heads the group on the Hous su g g e s te d p r iv a t i z a t i o n . ( B ureau o f R ec lam ation and federal agencies.

lows forestb io lo g ica l ojJinion w iis un> w ielding s i ^ s w ith s u c h ^ c as, "Extiiiction is Forever. ■

F o rm er Id a h o F ish and commissioner Fred C hristens in the crowd.

“Wo know It’s a vi ipllcated IssuerBu

say saving the fl iposslble. It Isn^t In and It doesn’t take

OT wqter.'

^ — FredC mer Fish and G am e co

"W e'know it’s a very comf issue." he said. “But people s ing the fish is im possib le , impossible and it doesn’t toli o f water.”

T hc forest opinion affccts tim ber sales, grazing ond root ing in the Boise, Challis, Ne: Payet.te , S a lm o n a n d Sa> forests in Idaho and th c U ond W allow o-W hitm an for Oregon.

It builds on o jo in t Forest S Bureau o f Land Monogemen tive know n as PA CFISH , di to keep buffers strips o f fore: salmon streams.

the loser in this gome, bcca s im p ly d o n 't h a v e th c pc clout."

Thc bio logical op inion, r u n d e r th c fe d e ra l E n d a S p ec ies A ct, g u id e s f<dcr o p era tio n s in th eX o Iu m b ii w atershed for the nex t five NMFS w ill release its overal c ry 'p la n for Snake R iver c and flockeye so lm o n lot' month.

The agency’s plan w as bei m ittc d to U .S . D is tr ic t M alcolm M arjh o f Portland, sa tisfy h is o rd e r to rev ise consulting w ith state and iri and wildlife ogencies.

In ad d itio n to th c upper w ater, th e 'p la n w ill req u ir from Dworshak, Cascade am al o ther Idaho reservoirs.

icesplcle obituary will appear al date.

; Charles C K astKING HILL - Charles C. V

, o f King Hill, died Wednesday

i ServicesRicsrd R. Oinvtrom, of Thi

Va.. and Sun Valley, funeral , held today in Middleburg, Va. I

Sylvia Compton, o f Buhl, I—lodflyrFarmerFunerai-Chopcl

^«grhiiioOrifE&.'ofTv^ Fnl side service. 1 p.m. loilny, i v Cemetery, (V^itc Mortuaiy in T«

!' Glenn Putcnoc. o f Goodin] j today, Demaroy's Gooding Cli

, Marie Wolf, o f Kimberly, i Friday. Redeemer Lutheran

Kimberly. Viewing. 4 lo 8 p.r I White Mortuary in Twin Halls

* JcwelLoeA!cMiIl«o.’ofSl


i' request. ' HcIcrH

Kcnniton-of-Jerome; A bab; lling o f Burley; and Burley; a

a. bolh o f Twin Falls: •so of Jockpol, Nev. Almal


s end Sergio Bautista, if H anien ; R ichard A dau donofHeybum. Mercado

mter caigulatory “ I f the Biucbu o: 1 o f like no longer in the bus inlque in dam s, then maybe •

- ito v crto .th ew ateri s o f f ^ , . O n c e th e law m

m aking ideas on the ta b le ,: e na tion .' w ill Hash out which ical. -port - no easy task ues they both conservative j nmlliple b e rs 're p rc se a tln g ' a n g e re d and need varying ar ;y o v e r “ W e expect to ( Iter sys- also expect to find o f w e t- Sen . H ank B row r

rights on heads the group on It land. “ T h e c a u c u s v lif., w ho W estern water righ use side, ed,” he said. “ We’

o f th e decision makers in nd o th e r stand.the issues and

problems o f the pas

n w O T lr to l ionyp iled , - S a w to o th Na Messages S u p e rv iso r Jack

activities on the-foi d G am e undergone^ rigoroi nscn w as studies so it shoult

30 days for the F determine

■ “ W e cv e r y '( th em wi

"tP®OPl8— "“iliTdoefish . NM FS si

impossible, . __________s.a_i_d__T(

e a l o t Sa lm onsaw m ilT o ^ e s w might go

C h r i s t e n s e n , - -"n ccn

»m m issionerofldaho , v ice prc:

Tiplicatcd C o ., ow ners-of-ll : say sov- M ine north o f Stan !. It is n 't “ We will now Ic ;oke,a lot c ien t mechanism :

identify and protc ts mines, habitat fo r cndang< >od build- Bob Doppelt, diret [ez Perce, Rivers Council, wl aw to o th w ith The Wildcmc U m atilla te c t ccntral Idaho c re s ts in thc January injunct

The consci^atior t Service- that none o f thc al ent initio- re-evaluated their i designed to ensure salmon w

rest along the fish were listcc 1991 and 1992.

cause we L ev e ls a t Owe p o l i t ic a l drop lo 1,520 fee

T hey fell to 1,4? required infuriating Oroljnc

la a g e re d ing those whose 1 cro l d a m on recreation ot At t)ia R iv e r X hc fisheries s ve years, fo r operating Col -all recov- dam s so that as m • C h in o o k sib lc is stored in o te r th is April 15, when sf

n o o k an d socke; )eing sub- m oving upstream : t ju d g e be tw een their sp d. Ore.. t o ' the ocean.;c it a fte r The fisheries si tribal fish nex t y e a r whoihi

d raw ing down lo ■er S nake d am s be tw een lire w a te r W ashington lo sp< md sever- seawilrd, a plan lo

former Gov. Cccil

at a later '1 . 1995, in a Boise hi A memorial se r

Cremation orningcm' direction o f Ihe Ch

. Knst. 79, Home in Boise. A lay. March appear at a later dale.

>srhe Plains, graveside service, ral will be Shoshone Cemetery 'a. , p.m. .today, Demara;

in, II a.m. ■'cl in Buhl. M ny Ksthetine E

Rupert, vigil scrvic Falls, grave- St. N icholas Cat! Iwm tails -Kupert. MasTot L'h Twin Falls), be celebraled at 10

the church. Viewing ing,'2 p.m. on Friday at thc Ha Chapel. Rupert. Friends are

time with the fomiI> y. 11 n,m. after the vigil scrvic( m Church.p.m. today, Jamea Delbert D lls. p.m. Saturday, Patir

m Buhl. Viewing, Shoshone.,: Friday iU_lhcfunml


. , •' .BW u 'iby was bom to M r and Mrs. C ; and to Mr. and Mrs! Celso Mortii

MINIDOKA m e m o r ia l HI

Admittod a Rosa Mercado and Cleston Ran<

^ R deuedjncy Gummow o f Rupert.

Birthaughter was born to Armando ioRivera.of Rupert

lUCUSlU o f Reclam ation is ; business o f building ?be w c o u ^ t to turn iterusers.!lhe said:: w m ak e rs n u t th e ir )le, Dooley’ said they ; hich they can all s u p - : task in a group-w itb— ve and liberal m em- B In g 'sw w s^ h a rh ttv e fd ig amounts o f water. ^ to disagree, b u t w e w find consensus,’’ said ow n, R -C p lo r, w h o - I on thc Senate side.IS w ill m ak e su re rights are not forfeit- We’ll make sure the ;3 in Congress under- I and w e’ll correct the ! past.’’

m t i n u e rN a tio n a l F o re s t

ick B ills sa id m o s t • 6,forcsts already have orous environm ental lould only take a b o u t ' le Forest S erv ice to nine i f they continue.'e c a n 't say a ll o f

w ill d e a r , " B ills ‘

doesn’t m atter w hat S says, it on ly m at- vhat thc judge says." i ,

Tom R ieg c r o f - ion i n t c r m o u n ta in , n ill. " I f ih c Ju d g e ” s with NM FS. things t go forward." ccrtainly-sounds l i k e . , news fo r thc people

aho," said Bill Booth, p re sid en t fo r H ecla ) f-lh c -G ro u sc -C rcck ,_ Stanley.w look to sec i f suffl- isms arc in p lace to irotect the rem aining angered salmon,” s a id ' director o f the Pacific I. which went to court emess Society to pro- laho habitat, c a u s in g ; unction.itionist lawyers a rg u ed , ic affected forests had icir management plans Dn were protected of\er istcd as endangered in

)w o rsh a k D am w ill feet above sea level.

1,490 fee t la s t year,)l)no rcsidcnts,.includ-i se livelihood depends!It A c reservoir. ' es se rv ice plari ca lls ; ^ Colum bio w atershed:

IS much w oter as pos-j^1 in the reservoirs by n spring-sum m er chi-i ckeye so im o n beg in i cam and dow nstream ; r spaw ning beds and^

;s servicc w ill decide loihcr to rccom m end n low er Snake R iver een O re g o n and ) speed the young fish',n long cham pioned by rccil Andrus.

:se hospital, servicc is pending,

gcmenls arc under the : Cloverdale Funeral c. An obituary w ill dale.

ice, 11 a.m. Friday,:tery. Viewing, 1 to 7 naray’s Bergin Chnpcl

ae Boa HenScheid, of :rvice, 6 p.m.' Friday.Catholic Church in __t LhnsuaFburial will ’ t 10 a.m. Saturday at ving, noon until 5 p.m. e Hansen Mortuary in i are invited to spend imily in the parish hall Tvice.

I t Di^xey, o f Buhl, 2 i’armer Funeral Chapel ng, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. im l chapcl. - •

grboilH.flBurl.:y----------------- -

rs. Casey Reynolds .of lortinez o f Hansen.' • -


Raney, bolh of Rupefl-

mdo and Alma Rosa

Page 11:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

. t

Briefly— -FamiljHwaats

RUPERT - A Hcybu for m olesting a tcen-ag( Fcbruaiy.B uihis.Y iciin

F ifth D istric t Judge County Prosecuting All she w ill ask the judge serve out the remaining

T h e v ic tim , now m G alleogs h ad been thi Newirmn’s office sent 1 they appear in court ihij

■— r ■— G aU cgo?T)lead(^"^i child under 16. accordir

Rupert man iRUPERT - A Rupcr

years in prison for possi Gillcm io V clez-Gue\

; m ent. P rosecutors dro I agreement. Velcz-Guc)

both charges. Vclez-G ueyera’s cas

-- ------dow n last year. F ifkendrugs.

M an pleads i" r u p e r t V a r ^

head with a pair o t sci! w eek in M inidoka Com

A bel Rolicz Perez Jr - fo r stabbing Dean Quin

T he case will be set I prison.

Bond for Percz. held ------ been set at S5.000.------

BYU brings]BURLEY - The Bri

v/ill present a folk danc sium at the B urley Higl

The 36-member ense from countries through costum ing to accuraiel the expertise o f guest c fine detail.

Edwin Austin, a forr B Y U since 1985, d ir D elynne P eay and Peg; sors for the 200-mcmb(

C ost is S7 per persor available at Pinetree Sf Book Store in Rupert.

Fanner fi] I missing ma;

truck near 1T he Associated Press

A pickup truck bcl( . R ichard Roberts, the

H ayden, C olo., who m is s in g fo r m ore t

- - —w eeks, has been foum police said.

H ayden P o lice C t L en ah an said -the- ti found M onday a b o u t! o f f a c o u n ty ro a d i County. Utah. The tru

‘ a th icket about a qu£ from the C olorado sta

T h e re w as no • Roberts, Lenahan said

Grand County authc they w ere unable to ; a rea un til Tuesday b p o o r w ea ther.and in roads. The tnick was in

Lenahan said a searcl postponed because o f weather, but when it re:

' ' p lanes, horses and f< drive vehicles will be u; for the missjng mayor.

R oberts w as repor in g by h is d augh ter L en ah an sa id R obe sionally worked on oi i t w as u nusua l fo r 1 gone this long.

“ “Itee I tho

Mote and mo; oppoitunilytbi With the fimi? Youcanchoo

way your fimil; You can also pi family won't ini

------------- ^altowome-lprogam isagt

I _ --------------------- • _ -------------

f in Mini-(tts-mol^terbael<ybum m an sentenced to up t( •age girl in 1990 was released aim an d her’ fam ily w ant him dge W illiam H art th is weel A uom cy G ara Newm an a ci ge to send Henry Gallegos, ■ ing year o f his sentence.’ m arried , n o tif ied th e .p ro s th rea ten ing h e r an d her fai

nt letters to the victim and h this w eek, but they d idn 't sho ■ ^ill3 rio lhc“1 9 9 0 ^ h a rg c o f tding to the c o ^ judgiticnt.

I) imprisoned on (pert m an was sentenced this osscssion o f cocaine, uevam pleaded guilty to the c dropped one count o f dcliv lucvara initially pleaded inno

case is one o f 15 grand jur^ :en m en w ere charged with dc

s innocent in stalpert m an charged with stabbii scissors pleaded mnocent in '■ bounty.z Jr., 31, has-been charged w: fuintana, 24. o f Burley, on Fel x i for trial and the maximum

eld at the M ini-Cassia Crimir

s folk dance to hBrigham Young University 1 [ance program at 7:30 p.m. M ligh School.insemble perfom is a broad sp ughout the world. Meticulou; jtely portray the various cultt st choreographers enhance the

former Burley resident who h d irec ts the group along w it :*eggy Sue W right. The direct mbcr^fdlk dancc team at BYU rson o r S6 each in groups o f ! : Sports and the Book Plaza, I rt.

f i n d s Indul a y e r ’ s

r r o a d

« nuclear pow Idaho: Help

belonging to in Nevada aihe m ayor o f -Idaho Nho h as been Laboratory v ■e th a n tw o But oppo:lUnd in U lah . one-type of

Idaho more ’C h ie f Jo d y —T odnim u

s tru c k w as tiontothenai)ut 200 yards waste problid in G ra n d .Robert JefTeitruck was in blitz this wc

q uarte r m ile Tuesday anistate line. Idaho0 s ig n o f inldahoFalls a id . _ “I'm tryiji ithorities said ’ we’re visitir to get to the in te re s t in y bccau sc .o f. Jeffcrson,.v1 im passab le Depoitment' s impounded. in the 197 arch had to be L abora to ri o f m ore bad • .Idaho’s case

t resumes, air- ty to get rid d four-w heel that’s being « used to look The Nucl or. sponsored J p orted m iss- proposed Ni I te r Feb . 10. l995 .Itw o i ib e r ts o cca - in Nevada i n oil rigs, but Yucca Moui 3r h im to be The Ener;

to start accq

re's a new k ought you’dnoK people arc taking adv tb pre-plan their funeral an; •nifyOmidetationspsoffasi lOose the anangements you ctiily woiTflaKTclifficnirdi jpre-fay your anangemeni inherit a financial burden,

ne-hv-loday. The Family O. 1 great idea.


. F*mUyConiIifcf*tk>nifauodeml

• A

Cassia:k-inprison--------J to five years in prison » d o n probation in mid- ] m back .in prison, eek g ran ted M in idoka ■] court hearing in which

s, 45 , back to 'p rison to

rosecu to r’s o ffice th a t tfam ily , N ew m an said. i

i her family asking that ihow up, N ew m an said.■ofTcwd'condii'ct'w ilira "tt- i

1 drug charge jlis week to one to three

e charge in a p ica agree-" ' j livering coca inc in the inoccnt in Septem ber to <

1ury indictm ents handed < dcUyering or possessing j

abbing case |}bing another m an in the i

w ith aggravated battery Feb, penalty is 15 years in i

Tiinal'Justice Center, has '

high schooly Folk Dance Ertsemble M arch 10 in the gymna-

spcctnim o f folk danccs ous attention is given to iilturcs o f the world, and the g roup’s dedication to

} has been affiliated with A'ith associate d irecto rs cctors also serve as advi- «TJ.if 10 o r more. T ickets are a, both in Burley, and the ,

implied from s ta ff reports

ustry suggej Id storage si0 F A L L S (A P) — 'pThe si ow er industry has a deal for di :lp open a waste storage site ei1 and some o f the waste at the p.

N a tiona l E ng in ee rin gy will head south soon. tiponents worn that dumping ai o f waste o n N evada leaves -a.

re vulnerable to other types. tlniipsuRJOrtforaNevaii'solu- nnationwkte commercial ni»;lear- fioblem , industry consultant n ffeison is on a Western mediaweek. He was in Denver on Kand scheduled meeting with tljflcrs Wednesday and Thursday a 'alls, Pocatellb and Boise,yijig to point out to the states diting that these states have an tlin th is leg is la tio n ,” sa id Ii

i,.w ho.m anagcd the Energymt’s nuclear waste crash tests v9 70s at S and ia N a tiona l o

o rie s in N ew M ex ico . “ In vase becausc it’s an opportuni- ti rid o f a whole lot o f the stuffng stored there.” viiclear Energy bistitute, which n d Jefferson’s trip, backs theNuclear Waste Policy Act o f >

vould require a temporary site Ila near the futyre site ,o f the countnin permanent dump. slergy Department is supposed txepting commercial waste for s

idea in funer; d liketoknodvantageofdie ^ ^ouwantThis - \rdedsion later. —^OTtssoyour I

QmsidenUiotis | | | | M

W HITEiCctlua/W


7 3 3 - 6 6 0 0

written brUaited Funllf life l a n r w

Police see = ^ rd -fro i missing gH ie Timea-News

B U RLEY - Investigate h o p in g -th a t a m iss in g B teen w ill n o tify h e r fam authorities o f her conditio whereabouts.

Regina Lee Kriegcr, wh turn 15’Friday, hasT>ecn m s in c e W e d n e sd a y m o t according to Sgt. Dave T r th e C a ss ia C o u n ty S he Department.

T racy described Kriege young girl w ho has "con in h er life.”

In v e s tig a to rs fo u n d t o f ., s p o t ty b lo o d K r i c g c r ’s b e d r o o m , u s ta i r s , a ro u n d th e ou ts i th e house and to a fence y a r d . T ra c y s a id . T h e s to p s th e re , b u t so m e bo ard s at- thc top o f the

. in d ica te that s om eone cl o v e r it. he said.

* "A n ind ications are tn left voluntarily,” Tracy sai

N o long d is tance calls K riegcr-s-hom o w crc-rcc a 'round .thc tim e o f h ? r i p e a ra n c e . T racy In v estig a to rs th in k tha t

probably called someone : to he lp her. N o hospital; any record o f her admittnr saidi.

A ccord ing to a po lice i K ric g c r’s fa th e r D aniel K rie g c r had go n e dow r to w a k e h e r up W cd n m o rn in g , fo u n d h e r m and saw b lood spo ts ne bed . ‘

Daniel,TCricger told o th a t h is dau g h te r seem c w h en he had spoken wi Tuesday night, the repot K r ic g e r s p e c u la te d t boyfriend from Tw in Fal h a v e tak en h is daught< report said.

sstsENELh site in Neva

s to rag e by 1998, and th d e s i r e d to ensure that hap] electrical pow er utilities h paying into a storage fund sin

T he temporary storage si take mostly commercial util and therefore w6ul(J-ftot pre

-a g e o f govenunent.owned the IN EL Nevertheless, sor now stored in Idaho — inclui

- fuel from Colorado’s Fiirt reactor — would go to the Nc • T h e S n ak e 'R n v e r A llii

INEL watchdog group, doe the argum ent that Idaho Ci ahead by shipping w aste to

" I f w e slam it all in ir sii d e s p i r ^ t r j ) n g lo c a l o p i t h a t ’ s a n o r r i b i c p rc c e Idaho,” Beatrice Brailsford

Legislators tend to p ick.j weak states and Idaho cou o ne-to get m ilitary or gO'

, w aste i f N evada gets a l| m ercial'w aste. she said.

T h e alliance prefers to w aste where it is until then

, m anent solution.Jefferson w ill not be st<

■ . Nevada, where his message ; lent opposition. Althougti ! county government that wou-

site has endorsed temporal I there, the state’s four-membe• sional'dclegation is fighting i

^al“plannin§ow about.\

. Jeny Holman

bylh^B irk^y

lacc Company.

ek C o s

" ® 'T is e in r l B yK flyR otb

Timcs-News co

RUPERT - 1 tors arc (-ounly for c a n

pie in the coun ■?” 'y « malically. • “™ Allen Chaprr. .„ C an y o n V iew

- F o i l s , explained missioners.

o rn m g i ,1,,,

cITcct Wcdncsc * S525 plus S90

care, S I05-for o 6" “ " and S n O fo rO li )nfusion

l a t r a i l ’ P” "*

u p ^ r 50 bo^tside o f • 1 *

'their he lo o se

c lim bed suppoIHSTsRc IJY 0F T 7C T a id . ■ W hen 12-ycat lls from lost h is h a ir icco rd ed ------ sch o o l-b ccau ir d isap - ments, he didn^

sa id . his classmates." It i f she M o re th anK rie g c r____ Ridge M iddlee locally their heads so als have come w hile he : tance. he Frincipal Bri

studen ts to sh e report, Friday, in hone el D ean school, wristairs E very day . i I n e s d a y ' heads tUVq up. m is s in g It w as a real near h e r worried about

his qlassmates. o ffice rs “I think it’s j

ned fin e It is the sccc w ith her g rader has foi ort said. first tim e wafe

th a t a Ihe hair loss di alls may a c c o rd in g to I te r , th e " Johnson.

T h is rim e. ? _______ _ J . head w h en h<

helpX head so w c v

J > pcople 'w ercst;a O E S o o tt’s c a n

now. but the intlic b ill is tin u c fo rlw o rr[ppcns. The "I fe d fine,"hove been worn out easil)

iince 1982. ________ ■ .site would

itility waste <rcvcnt stor-d w astes.at__ome wastesluding spent - W e w an trt St. Vram TqH us youlNevada site. e v e n t s in Ilin tiec , an a r e a / P le a sDCS n ot buy inform ationcom es out a t T h e TIr.

to N evada. C a s s i a b lsingle su te O verland A'p p o s iiro n , o r call 677 .;e d c n t fo r |o T h e Tlird said. 5 4 8 , Twin Fc.politicallv Iould be the i—'ovem m ent |in|| l| the com -

0 leave the Sc r c is a p e r - b r i n g s y

stopping in t ___________je foces vio- r ^

the local ^ultMjiost the rary horage bcr congres- giL____

f t

C l



a __st for n] jsin M i

Cancorrespondent-, . , C

law,- The cost to Minidoka per; are o f mentaHy ill pco- desi lunty has gone up dra- i f t

rclcpman, adm inistrator o f If cw H o sp ita l in T w in pen jcd theincrcasc-to .c 'om :_laki

contract,that went into Foilesday. the daily rate is the90 per day for m edical the»r a history and physical Ho;the m ental evaluation. Ii

AkjHit>ntract, thexounty| | n y for the service at the

)ys shave ^ heads ; t o i “

art mend j;'1

A'R'K.V U la h " (A P ) — — m :a r-o ld S co tt Johnson Co r and tw o m o n th s o f Ed| lu s c -o f - c a n c c r tre a t- - -Ho dnjt lose the support o f j— ;s .'m 50 b o y s a t C ed a r le School have shaved '— so he w 6u ld ~ fcc rw cl“ ie is hairless.3rian Cham bers invited shave their heads last m or o f Scott’s return to

/. more and more bald ?■Mil boost for Scott, who u t being difTcrent from

s great,” he said.:cond tim e the seventh- fotight leukem ia . The afe in 'firs t g rade when didn’t m atter as much, to -h is m o th e r . K ris

:. she shaved her ow ^ .• h e r s o n 's tre a tm e n ts

im I w o u ld shave m y : w o u ld n ’t know w ho staring'al.” she said, a n c e r is in rem iss io n : treatments have to con- ') m ore years. ie,” Scott said. “ I just get I 5ily.” J

n t to h e a r from you. o u r new s' t ip s a b o u t - n th e M in i - C a s s ia a s e s e n d o r deliver >n to J e n n ife r B unch r i m e s - N e w s M in l- b u r e a u a t 1 6 5 0 A ve., B urley, 83318

7 7 -4042. O r s e n d ll T i m e s - N e w s , B o x 1 F a lls , 8 3 3 0 3 .


i you the action.




un Vall(p


"anyonV icw .C hapm an said that under

aw, police can pick up a disi jc rso n . T h e n , w ith in 48 ho jesignatcd examiner must dete f th e p e rso n sh o u ld be he clcnsed.

I f the first examination shoi icrson should be held, he or^.on_yjcsY ,j^nncLa: ;x a m in a t io n w ith in 72 ii Following the second deicmiir ihe court can order commiim ihe S o u th Id a h o S ta te W Hospital in Blackfoot.

In other business:• Com m issioners vo ted 'to

Ihe 1994 U niform B uilding

Kiountain HomeLA S V E G A S (A P )

A u tlio rilie s -say -an -c ld e rly m an and his w ife d ied o f b nccks w hen th e y w ere strucl pickup-while trying to ero-ss i^ r e e t ._

T in T v ic t in is w e re iden

C oroner's office a s as 70-yc E dgar O benchain Jr. o f Mo H om e a n d h is \y ife . 63 -yc

U se T h e Tim

I SpudldndI 514 Main.* Goodi


andmsasjLOtact Gus

438-832»: 6 7 0 -1 8 3 4 •

ley PotP.O. Box 59 • Paul. IC

health i aCoun

B u ild in g 'an d zoni r Idaho Aston told commis isturbcd pose w as (o keep ii lou rs , a ing under the same ncrm ine. Differences might i h e ld o r ing conditi<5TR. he .s

set up ,these codes lows the can find needed in )r she is same place in the cc : anoihcr » C om m issioner

h o u rs , an e.stim ate from lination, Dave Felt, o f Moot inieni lo for pu lling survey M e n ta l ih roughout the coi

• ihis would cui dow if each section anc

lo adopt w ere tied to a mom g Code, designating Minido

e couple killed jaP)- — Alice Obenchain. y Id a h o . L as V e g a s pol ' b roken W eigand said the \ ick by a from aHTcarby dru s n-busy jayw alk ing when-i

the truck, c ritif ied W eigand saPd the Ctruii iy -»td 'C iaioTrPr

year-old at fault. He was tak loun tain p ita l fo r observai / c a r - o ld - traumatized by the

n es-N ew s C lass!

■ 1 1 1 ^ ^

1 Video & Giftsiding » 934-4181_______


26• 4 3 1 -1 2 7 7

tatoes,ID 83347

carentyzoning o ffice r Paul im issioners the p u r- ' ep all entities work- ame rules generally.’lit result ffom vary- he said, but industry , des so any engineer |J inform ation in the > te code books. !iners decided to get { _____am D arr Ivloon and ; loon and Associates, ] veyo r’s rtionum'ents county. M oon said <

Jown on future costs I and quarter scction |

nonumcnt w ith a cap '; ' lidoka County. *

jaywalking i

p o lic e S g t. F ra n k ; he victims had com e ] drugsiore and w ere ] en-ihcy. were h it by-i

Irth e truck driver, 29- !

i taken lo a local hos- | rv a tio n , re p o rte d ly < ih e a c c id e n l. ............... ] _____

ss ified s .



/ I n c .

Page 12:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

B-4 Timoa-Nows, Twin


.......... S ea ttlo r im ca ..

. SEATTLE — In wh la reversal o f Northwes Ifcdcral goveram ent ii ;cnd d ecad cs-o ld poli ; chcap hydropower ovci• ..T h e N a tio n a l M ar S e rv ic e is ex p e c te d W e d n e sd a y ra d ic a l

• changes in federal dam ^ e Columbia and Siialt

i The plan, know n a: {opinion, is im portant t ;v idcs a prev iew -o f thi

, ;e m m e n t’s re c o v e ry ^endangered Snake R: iThe recovery p lan is i !later this m onth.: "This is about restoi ;o f th e Columbia and S •not just a couple o f fi• Stelte, regional direct< : erics agency. "This is . ; o f fish, about the regioi ; T h e a g e n c y e stim ;«hange w ill c o s t an i jm illion a year, over fiv t ; Electric ra tes could iccsuIt..How_rauch me {electric custom ers wi!

-------- ! on- how m uch pbw cr tl--------- Ity-buya-Crom-the-Bon

jA d m in is lra tio n , w h f power from the dams I the region. Som e peoj

.■ ” ”, ;bill.s may increase by a ; while others aren’t lik ;incnrasc on their montl -least two year?. ;- Stelle said the centi M ver operatiohs plan

' •traditional c laim s on Isystem so "w e have ' 'w h e n the fish need i jn e a n , for example, wa

' ;Iy stored for electrical ►winter w ill in stead b ^ e lp fish m igration.

Substantially more v rused to he lp m jgratii > -a te r that h istoricall; ^ y d ro p o w e r genera ti •and o ther com m crcia ‘w o u ld be sp i l le d ov fallowing juvenile fish ‘pow er-generating turi I thought to k ill betw e Ipercent o f all salmon si> T he p lan a lso relii 'physical improvemcni I to make m i c t i o n cas Jmorc effective transpf Taround the dams.' Wn a tte m p t a t con Jplah a lm o st certainl; •harsh criticism from ;use power and water f

" iLegislal ilog^___^The A ssociated Press

- r : P o r T « 5 ^ y .P « b r 2 8Signed By 0(

> SBI008 (Judiciary Allows optically imaged lie records.

. SB1032 (Judiciary •provides infraction pen: tion o f j ’arks and Rcci

Itions.: SB1053 (H calih nn ^Repeals authorization f •Needy Program.

— SeotToOoi: HD98 (Jud ic ia ry , 'A d m in is tra tio n ) * — iDcpartmcnt o f Juvenile (

SB1058 (Educntion)- ;ccdures used in coi

J. allowances in system u: ' ' $tatc^upport for public s

^ - HB61 (Speaker)- < '.(iurc for putting biologic onabirih certificalc.

KillodByS ; SB lll8(Transportali

-triiil maintenance.I ' ConfinnedB)

D avid M unroe, Bui______;Boafd o£ Correction___

Legialativo Actioi : : HCRIO (State Affaii ;tbe state te g is la tu re ’s ;more nuclear waste stom '(.I Introduced Id

HB326 (Appropi Supplemental appropric

;oiillion to State Youth ! >'Qt St. Anthony.: - HB327 (State Affair ; for licensing o f farm lab<

HB328 (E ducation •approval by slate Boar ^before changes are mi ^ u c a tio n requirements. ^ H B 3 2 9 (State Affair ri^nchises granted by ci Sial; namral gas or watei ;|to be at least 10 years ii *{bnger than SO years; I H?CTCcnt

SB1232 (Finance) — «donal m oney to the P (Com m ission for the e ^<ar.> SB1233 (State Af&ir a d m in is tra tio n o f the h e a l th O re Fuad.i - SB1234 (State Affair j^w ciat committee to es w w e d goveraof’* reside

SB1235 (State.Affai procedures for recall o f t

w in F a l l s . I d a h o T h u r s d a y , M a rc

al policy ( ted for N"

os well ns T h e fis

what amounts to written pa west fbttunes, the a l-c o u r t It is p reparing to agency as lo lic ies favoring- generatioE jverfish . A d ra fla r in e F ish e r ie s m o n th , d ed to an n o u n ce Utilities ai c a l a n d c o s tly as lani operations on ists lamba nake rivers. "This isit as a bio logical ' available nt bccausc it pro- solutions, 'th e federal gov- m any for :ry s t ra te g y fo r who says ! R iv e r sockeye. the d a m s. is to be released know who

"B ut w(storing ^ e health m o re tim id S n iik iriv ers selves," b f fish," said Will w ith the jc ector o f the fish- T h ree is about millions s a lm o n r

gion’s future.” endangers lim a te s th a t the ers are cc in average S160 _for protecifive y e a r s . ...............N ohhwuld increase as a it c lear th m ore residential to h e lp p will pay depends recovery, rr their local u tili-- -B aucus,-: )onnevillC"Power ratepayers w h ich p ro v id e s “ W e < ms to nearly h a lf unfunded jcople’s monthly recovery i >y as m uch as S3,‘ to ld W hi likely to see any Leon Pane

onthly bills for at , ."R e c o \ .Colum bia

cnterpiecc o f the B ut it mu Ian is reordering not a t the on th& C olum bia and womi /e w ate r for fish F a lls AIu :d i t ." T ha t w ill said, w ater traditional- W hite 1 ical generation in c a te d a ' d b e re lea sed to region, bu

Congress.X w ater w ould be The No n tin g salm gp — electric ra a lly has gone to congressii ration, irriga tion side th c r •cial u ses. W ater pated incr o v e r th e dam s, T h e bi'

Ish to bypass the the first c tu rb ines that arc issues fat tween 50 and 90 year. Alo insm olts. sock cy e -cUes heav ily on c rie s sen the dam s to lis t as easier, as well as coho, isportntion o f fish R eccni

' ' ' ■ seek ing i:o m p ro m ise , the chinook. in ly w ill p ro m p t, d ispute.o itn industnes that o f Pacifi cr from the rivers,’ solved.

N ewCa

28 ■ ..................- J -----------rOovemor r—iry and Rules) — igcd copies of pub-

iry and Rules).— ^penalties for viola- Iccreation regula-.

nnd W elfare) - <’ ■ )n for a Medically V

Governoriry, Rules and Q \— Creates a

ilcCorrcclions. .Cn) — Changes pro- com puJing s ta ff n used to calculate lie schools. d— Clarifies procc- * ogical faihen name

ly Senatenation Committee)anni fiind.for.hoTM— ---------

IBySeosteBuhl, to the state

jtion Complete Tairs) — Dcclarcs re’s opposition to tomge in Idaho. d InH ouie op ria tions) — priation o f S1.156 ' ith Services Center

fairs) — Provideslabor contractors. 3 ^ion) — R equiresoard o f EducationI made in nursing m hIts.fairs) — Requires- y cities for electri- ater public utilities rS'in length and no 9; limits fees to 3

— Allocates addi-e Public U tilities Cle curren t budget

&ii3) — Revamps - Mei the C atastrophic

fain) — Create* a ) establish a state- Hdence.ffairs) — Sets up of htj^way district

— I

larch 2.1995

change rW damsns salmon conservationists, f ish e r ie s -sc rv icc p lan w as partly in response to a feder-^ rt o rd e r f a u ltin g p rev io u s assessm ents o f hydropow er

ion on salmon.‘a f t o p in io n , r e le a s e d la s t , d rew f ire from a ll s ides , s and industries condemned it costly; salmon conservation- ibosted it os grossly lacking, s is based on the b e ^ c ie n c e lie ... but there are no magic ns," S telle said. "There are forces at p jay and anybody ys it's just the ocean ... o r just a s ... o r just the barges doesn’t vhat they’re talking about... we can’t afford to spend any

:ime b ick e r in g am ong o u r - '’ he said. "W e need to get on ejob .":e C o lu m b ia R iv e r B asin li ru n s a re on th e fed e ra l ered-species list, and 75 oth- considered likely candidates

lection. __ ________hwest lawm akers have mVde - thdy w ant federal taxpayers p p ay th e co s ts o f s a lm o n - ry. Just last week. Sen,- M ax s ,-:E )-'M on t;,'sa id -M on tana--w ra re “tn p p ^ o u t." -----

can n o t a ffo rd a n o th e r ed m andate that the salm on- ry effort represents,” Baucus 'h itc H o u se -C h ie f o f S t a f f - anetta. ' ' “ . ‘:o v e rin g sa lm o n in the. bia R iver Basin is important, must be a nationol effort and the* expense o f the 600 men )men w ho work at Columbio Uum rnum C o.,” the senator

:e House officials have indi- a \y illin g n c ss to h e lp the but it could be a tough sell in

ss.Northwest enjoys the cheapest ; rates in the country, and few ssional lawmakers fVom out- c region consider the antici- ncrease a national problem, b io lo g ica l op in io n is on ly

>t o f several contentious fish facing federal agencies this ^long w ith the Snake R iver r’e -rcco v e ry p lan , th e fish - crvicc m ust decide w hether as endangered W est C oast

cn tly , p e ti t io n s w ere f i le d g protectioi<:for W est Coast k. And a long-running, bitter :.o v cr .U S .-C ^ a d a a l l t^ t io n ; ir ic s a lm o n rem a in s un re-

se The Times- ws Classifieds. :all 733-0931.

By authorization o fthe o fth e HunterM anuft


s m

Location: 16!7 - M I S C I

. -APPROXIIL Toppers will b3 1 G azebo - 2 H o t tu b s S . - 1 P a lio s e t - 1 W

? 1 U X -1 0 0 F a x m a c h in f ■ - - 1 b a s k - 2 C h a i r s - 1 Gu [13 ' Merchandi

Other Cu! ------------------ I d a h o - F a l l s

Call for b rochures wit INVENTORY S

f a r c l i a n d la e w ill t o o v a ira t


Office of Ihistee Auctfcm

. 1

- ')

■ DeveloBOISE (AP) — A Houi

Wednesday* approved leg •would allow statewide use ment impact fees, instead

i| The action was taken 1 ^ makers’ concern with the

Technology Inc. has bee the Ada County Highway 1

A da is the on ly fo u r '■*’ under a 1992 law to coll

ment impact fees from n< lion. The fees ore designetl cost o f extending streets, s and other infrastructure t

V areas . T he Ado C ount D is tric t and the cities Meridian and Eagle use thi

A bill app rov^ by the : •c Taxation Committee on >c and sent to the full House■ c development impact fees ly the state. It could come tSt _______________________

I Saturday, WH t A U TIM E l l r tM r n r

.n M ow nif cofillrmjtlon) Ternij: Mlnifr ;;

" i S S i ’- r ’in— iaw--Boltcutte5-Hy3.M.:JJit

: r ^^ S a lo W anagBil By Ti

> H / C m r T i r ^ FD iT llis^ ;:!c7 ¥ ^A U cn i

ff-- B II1IIV

ic ■ ' I I . I I


S A L E TIM E: 11 :0 t

Il PICKI. 1981 Fo rd 1 /2 to n 2 w h o a l di ‘I* T w o -h o rso tan do m axlo tra ile r

St^ C r o c k -C ro c k J u g - 2 D u tch 0

! KITCHI1* S llv orw aro • OlshDS - V a s e s -1

c u . t t. c tio s t typo froo zer - Gib:

J - MISE x t e n s r o n d i d s - l i ' f i l s c l r l c l IS c a n s • G o tt Insu la lcd w a la r |uo

! ’ B ed w llh m atch ln o c h e s t o f d r . s ta n d tab le - 5 fo lding c h a irs •

S t o nd tab le s - 2 lam p s > Lovosi ch a lre -W n o tle s o t w llh 6 cfial

MACHINERS p ray rig w ith 1 4 ' b o o m s , pui

C f i lr e s w llh w h e o ls - L o ts o f t m p h o sp h a lo s p re a d e r • 16 to 2 c . i ln s • 3 p o in t co m e n t m ix e r •

H o rse d ra w n 2 -w ay p lo w • h F rc sn o s • 2 Old m an u re s p re a d is c - H ay D ercck an d puHcys





'he U.S. Bankruptcy 1 ufacturing Bankruptc CUSTOM TOPPERS

r a PH r H a t h

69 flddlion WgiSE L L A N E O U S JM A TELY 6 4I be marked Indicau b s a n d s p ^ in v e n to ry - H ot tu 1 W ork b e n c h - 1 S to v e d isp la

O FFIC Ih ine • 3 S a f e s - 3 O ak c a b in e ts G un c a b in e t : 1 S m all re fr ig e r

_ M ach ine - 1 T abk

indlse must be romoved from

. NOTEustom Topper Ll 9 - ^ M a r o h - M i ' ^ P with com p lete listing c r SUBJECT TO CHJliable fo r Inspection th e d

iRMS: Cash or Ban For MorevMrfbmu

9 o ; 2 Q & - 2 3 » ^ 1

ween Dean Joiw

)pment f)use committcc cgislation lhat f t ise o f develop-' id o f only Ada i L

n despite law- I ^ H o | |le way Micron L . T 3 | v Secn t r c a t c ^ y I.y D istrict early next weun ty-a llow ed Pocatello ijllect develop- special fees,new construc- them down, 1

led to offset the w ere taxes;, sewers, water Legislature. ': to serve new Officials irn ty H ighw ay about S500,Cles o f B o ise , will have to tthem. are consideriile Revenue and rium unlessn a voice vote cover the cosise would allow ' T he Idaht:s anywhere in Association i:to a final vote Susan Ro\

W tH in to Home, M o ' l e f f l ! p « s e i 0 p.m „ Saturday, Mareh Mlnlinuni o p « nlRium opening^Id ol $20,000 on hom«, i les t money oefcsl! Is reculiSd l i cash or ci

I* U

dll 7 0 3 W H S F T n m S ^ ^

T inas: C u h or UnU bte cneck ol u la HoirespcifiJibleTofi


: e & j . m . w e s

N: 300 East and 175 North of Ru|

1AY,M ARCH5,00 AM______ Lunch by

K U P& HORSE TRA1 d rivo p ic k u p , h a s b ig 6 -3 0 0 m o to r ler

COLLECTIBLES1 O v ens • P o tty C h air - E n am el B aby 1

WENWARE-APPLKI - P o ts & P a n s ■ W h irlpo o l ,6 c u . (I, ilb so n re fr io e ra lo r • H o lp o ln t r a n g e • i

ISCELLANEOUSITEIc h ed g e tr im m e r - W e e d s p ra y e r - SI lug - F an s • Anlflclal C h r is tm a s t ieo

FURNITUREd ra w o re a n d m irro r - Bod w ith 2 cho

•3 • R o llaw ay b e d - D oufile b ed w llh I- e se a t • 2 c o u c h e s • 2 d in in g tab le s h a irs ■

RY - M ISCELU N EIp u m p . 2 s a d d le ta n k s ,- 150 o al, each , if b art) a n d w o v e n w ire • O liver 12 ' ) 2 0 w tiee l line p ip e, m o s t n e e d re p i r • (2 ) 3 -p o ln t c u l tiv a to rs t o r s m all tr • H o rse d ra w n m o w in g m a c h in e - ; re a d e rs • O ld field h a y lo a d e r • 16 ft. y s-.2.-C 0W tra ile r - .L o ts o f s c r a p iron

,OBEHCES J . M . WS Tenns: Casf

b i l l ESTE!f ^ E E 8 S _ G i l l E * t8 s 6!

i l M l i J . J . H tL a w I D W Q _ . . L o n u t c h f l

H tn K i'i i


' Court the following Icy Estate, CommonI S will be sold:

Wn t , IVrin Falls. IS BEDLIKER i TOPPER SHlating what tliiey mtu b p a r t s ■ 3 P e lle t s to v e s an t

i l a y - 1 B a rb e c u e - 1 Y ale Fork;eits - 1 D e sk c o u n te r - 1 O ld er > e i^ to r • 1 M icrow ave - 1 Cane b l e s e t

71 sale locailon day o f sale.

E ....... . " ”Liquidation dat P o o a t e l l o f M a r c i i -

of m erchand ise for £ 1ANQE PRIOR TO day o f tho Sale from 8 ai

i n k a b l e C h e c k

latkMiCaik - i from 9-12 am » »8 208-78^ 1S«




i i i l i w :w eek.'- ilo a n d C o e u r d 'A le n e tr ie d ' e s , b u t c o u rt ru lin g s s tru c k 0, ho ld ing that they in reality e s n o t a u th o r i z e d b y th e

5 in C ocu r d ’A lene collected. '0 ,000 in im pact fees w h ich to b e refunded . C ity officials e ring an annexation m oreto- !ss th e y f in d so m e w a y to » s t o f prov id ing services, a h o B u i ld in g C o n t ra c to r s in is sponsoring th e bill, lo w e , rep rese n tin g M icron ,

i s S S ror ol saie, b enerjl

* w e ra - B o o ^ e s ’-Tenlih 2 5 'color

a uH tn itlieen iasli - H

E D anK aory.C AI £ m O N S A aetfonesr i

:ST ESTATE IRupert, Idahoi.1995by th e Big K ahuna

lAILERlo r w llh 3 s p e e d tra n sm iss io n -


by Tub


. n , m icro w av e o v e n - A m an a 24 e • M atch in g w a s h e r & d ry e r

rEMS• S h o v e ls • B ro o m s • A x es • G as


c h e s ts o f d ra w e rs a n d s m a l l bod ih h ea d & fo o tb o a rd - S te re o - 2 ' los • C h a irs • C ard tab le • Law n

EOUS ITEMSact), like n e w - ( 2 ) 1 1x 20 tra c to r 12-ho lo g ra in d rill - Ezoo flow

r e p a ir .- C e m e nt h e a d g a te s w ith ill tQ C to rs • 3 -p o in t c o r ru g a to r •5 . 3 -b o t to m o n e -w a y P lo w - 2 i t l. 3 p t. b ea n tic k le r - 6 fL 3 p i ron & m isc e lla n e o u s '

W ESTtSTA TECash o r bankable check day of sale. :T E S & A S S O C . A U C T lO h E E R S i s6 5 4 - 2 S 4 6 o r 4 3 S - { ) 9 e 4 Lan 678-2a22 J S i ; h 6 7 8 - O i n ' f l | i ) aV 4 3 6 -5 7 3 5

<g m erchandise ‘)niy known as


, Idaho

RS caHELLS 3will fit. Z

a n d p e lle ts 3 5 o rk L if t

e r o a k d e s k ^ 4 an dy a n d P e p si

ites:h ^ 8 ® ----------------------- -

r abo v e d a tes .9 SALE.I am until s a te tim e

■id1'2 |im.B9 .. '■, ■ ■

________ _____________________1-

sure goeitold the committee her com $1.3 m illion 'in city buildir and road impact fees last y< no, benefit from them. Most membeis mentioned the Mii tion in debating whether to impact fees to me rest o f th e :

Rep. M ark Stubbs, R*T ” said allowing statewide use 1 opment. im pact fees would <



SATURDilSA L E T IM E; 1 0 :0 0 A .^

■ io d S P l “i f l J 4 ^Comolne, sell-propeiied, good m6l


- s l / l f f e ”l o ^ s d shanks -L ittle fih irw 6‘ blac - Ferguson Iront end loader lor sm i


s a a s w t e Mhand tools - Cwlsmin riding Ijwn: -Anvil-Fork-EleclHc1/2* d/lll-i


E U G E N E !Sala mBnsoBd by All sales "as Is. \

A uciK a y o W a l l D i

208-423-9596 208- K I m b f lr ly , I d a h o . K I m b i

Jk BOUl^ S A T U R I

LOCATED I ro m R and y H• . P

SALE TIME: 10:30 a.m.

rear nibber. « o o o r y II3 p

fo r straM ttng boet row s - 2 s

l9 ;5C tK v n)l« IC 6 < l2 lon tn jtk .35 <


l ^ i i n 5 6 0 3 m w l i i i * l ) w W h

m b b c f ^ c s t e m 12 ' a i B p ^ f • C

_ ^ ^ S i p E R ^ G W

■augor and eksctric m oto r - (3) 1S;x: d itc J ic k B n e rs ,3 p t.h ( tc J i - Jd c o P :

__ manuTB to n a d e r - -

Hosston 620 1 4 's w a I h d 6 to n l6 o t l c W b a le r , hydraulic tension. P .i extra p ails - J o in ^ r s 4 b ar chai n w t o ^ Buncn ia k o 4 iM n e n u d e w

LIVIU vestpd t SQue«a> Chute with Pean ra c ix y e te rtiu jy supplies

^ COLLEn ^ M n j r J o y ' K ^ g a r m cultlvalor % i d % i d i m m p lrn n e n t ca s t in x i k t t ^ n sink 2 soBd cube birch door/!ran» • 2 a t

- - - - - - SIP H O N TUBI

NOTE: Wica d e a n sale. Ew ry th ln jv

_______ DWHEITerms: Ca

S a l t a

AUCTIONEERSB u W .^ M -^ ? 5 2 2 7 I M o b lla 731-1616 .

T r ? T -

;s to full])m pany p a id th a n th e cu rren tlin g p e rm its A lex L aB eau ,y e a r y e t g o t R e a l to r s , s o idSt c om m ittee fo rc e d to a n ‘-c-lic ron .situa- ta k e a s u b d iv i :0 ex tend th e approval. D eveli le state. se t a s id e la n d fc T w in F a lls , g iv e u p p roper! i s e o f d e v c l - c o n d i t io n o f w lid b e f a ir e r th e ir p ro jec t, h e :


AY. MARCH 4M . __________ LUN

TRACTORSive power, 3 p l„ good n jbber, runs good - 1 m b K r, m n s good, has hi?draulic o u tle ts ,:

! PICKUP &COMI50d transmission, 43,000 sctuai miles, goo; speM, 15' bed. runs qom, good rubber. 3 nPlor • John Deere IZA Combine, pull type,


s o n s e e l - IHC C u lll'^ o r , belly mouni m

ilaoB,' 3* pi. - u m p e ^ U i l t y lraile£ ---fls l^ m i l tractor

s s m s iHorsg B e ^ Culllvalpr - H orse manure so rt fO 285 o a r b b r on s u n d s - S lrgcr trta d le ; Nuts & bolls rfireasfl • Oil - Air Cpfnprcs:

iash or bankable check day a

SYVERSON -by Wall Audloneers i Sales Mane r , wbers Is" - Not responslbla tor

<ciloneers:D a n W a l l V o m o n K o h n to {I 8 - 4 2 3 - 6 3 3 3 2 0 6 -3 2 4 - 5 5 1 4i lM r ty , I d o h o J o r o m o , I d a h o


Pole Lino Rd. and 1/2 mile south.

m. lu n c h t

lx& 3 0 ^ 0^ d io ls - ^ r ol u ^ SS" t i t2 single front ends for 3020,4020, and & ihn Dc«B frame weiohts • 2 John Deere itoi

p s l l j gfianlcs spcclaJ, no tIUo • 1964 Fora 1 /2 ^

T i & B E A N E Q U l P M E I

• OkJ 13' beet bed • Motor driven 6 njw i ■ Caso 10" cuHlpackcr - Brlllion 10' cultipKi'

m W O R I O N G M A r a i j

I A I N B i l l - O T H E R Mn dflD 00 mWier, double disc, hydraufc Dfl00 oalion fiberglass bnk sprayer, booirc, I ner mill on rjiBbcr. P.T.tTJrVe ;

1 PJ.O. vJm roner • 21/4- X12' toofbaxHji

f A Y I N G E Q U I P M E N T

) windrow turner-

/ E S T O C K E Q U I P M E Narson head calch • Powder River caH table

E C T I B L E S - H O U S E H lmilk cans - 2 small Kraut Kuttsrs - Impterr 4 d id ts - O o t t o d a s i w ^ ^ b

M -Horse m x ^ r y tongues - OoubW tr< ! aluminum stomidowB

B E S - S H O P - M I S C E I


f c a S a

0 very w H cared for and malntalfwd.

E B : R o s s & B e t t y B n u n

B u l l o r B m k ib ig C hacK D n i1 c n a tg td by ABCtl«a SaA i

'*TA* Su(*wM mat SwMm Su«*Gary Osborne

Gooding, fbaho • 834-5350 Cart v a n T asw n

R upert Id ah o -436 .3405

I houserent system. , eau, Idaho Association o f a id d e v e lo p e rs can be n ‘-exaction w hen they liv is io n to o ffic ia ls fo r ivelopcrs can be forced to id for porks or schools or perty for h,ighways as a if w m ning approval for .hesaid .



MBiNES _I type, wllh pas engine

IfJIiSJ^ I s l d ^ i p r a y a j r t U i h b d o u l L __

LECTIBLESJSa spreader. 4 wtiM • McCorm tk

^ p '

ay Of sale

- OwnerlanagBmenlCo. ,1 lor accidents. ...

Clerk: i n t o p p R o d n a y A l le n >514 ' 2 0 8 4 3 6 - 4 9 5 1 I f lh o R u p e r t , I d a h o

TION ^IOAH02miies wost'on

Ch by MannonHa lad les

re(nntwaigh&-Seloftr1rU)fn>nt -

{tno, Knaphledo 16' mcta) bed with W O ^ tn j^ 350 W. 4

C ^p lS ^ 'cy llnder. 4 speed.


m W ^i£ton 665 3 row M harvester for-

njw single dnlm bcfl v^pper on itipaeter

cii-CasQl3’land^di»ondua!M015' S-tiM tlM cunvilor with; e ism a n 10' lafid levdcr • 5 row.

o d seclkins • (2) 6' w o od ' id s ^ com}|73tor. 3 ^ hnct) - 4 '

I M ACHINERYS S ," h d W .? o “ S . «

2)^pipe trailer - 12S gawp'

a ric m o to r • MayiatJi A l 2 ’ am: 3fclOT,- 3 A hitch • 2 d e c ty p o iee d . iiHjOwfM IHC horw steelwiioa

iTaidlttonof - John Deere 466 strlno;

I^ '^Exlra tall tip In nwtal slc^*:


bla trees - ( ^ r a t S a n d stMt-

«3d fuel tanl3 n d ^ ^

mrquln ito lto lS a la(•A et

CLERK .) . L a m a r I c e l a n d '

R u p o r t t d a h o - ^0-9863

Page 13:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

j IdahQ

M ici ; in Ui

B O IS E (A P ) — op tion to buy 900 a

i locations in th c ^ s tn j posed S l . ^ l l i o h c I . .p lan t. ,

R u ss B e h rm a n n■ 'C o m m u n ity a h d Ei

- f'W ednesday th a r he \has o p tio n s on proj O m aha, Neb.

M icron Choirm an ; cuss the com pany 's i favored over, another ate a b tn it^ ,5 0 0 jo b s i

- - “ I’m no^going-to■ . w ith the site selectiot

M ic ro n is ex p e c t Friday o r M onday.

I f M ic ro n cxcrcis U tah, the site would 665 a c re s o f d ev e l

■ M icron owns in soutl I T he p roperty neat I becau se i t ’s h alfw a

U tah and B righam ^

Compari)C O E U R d ’ALENE

^loat-its , bi_d for Micro spring, but the scm ko

------ j----------C om pany v icc-piTO' M icron subsidiary pli

locai site rem ains a po.................“Thnt’s an.attractiv

near Post Falls. “ W e’c Jobs Plus, Inc. Prci

• tratcd Kootenai Couni ject, said he would w with open arms.

B edard declined to

llusban<i ' BOISE (AP) — The ^o zen Boise children h 'B o w e rm a n -W o o d ne> !tlay>care c e n tc r again ih 'e ’s married.: N ext week the Boise ' >-in consider revoking W ood’s licensc to opi care because o f the crii o f her new husband, Kei

_______i—l^Her-hu3band's"past"Jying," said T rish Chrisi e r o f two toddlers who i jBowerman-Wood’s day

C hristy and ano ther Bagby, discovered Wo<

, inonth after se irch ing rc

Indian ac: . i C O E U R d ’A L E N i

^ c i s m m ay have play the sho rt ja il sentence white drunken driver, v. American Indian man a drcn, an activist contend

------ - D e n n i s B a n k s , fouA m erican Ind ian Mov Tuesday that he w ants n leaders to look into the c I L ast m onth, Jan ice 1 Moscow, was scntencec ja il w ith at least three

; I Spec

Bi J

_ ^Offcrc;

I ,of.l6 .'

Ton has J ah, oth— M ic ro n T e c h n o lo g y h i0 acres near Lehi, U tah , oi states being considered fo r a ^ com pu ter ch ip m aniifacti

in o f th e U ta h D ep a rtm e i . E co n o m ic D e v e lo p m e n t le understands the com pany )ro p erty in O k lahom a C ity

an Steve A ppleton refused t( *8 options, o r to say i f one s h e r for the. plant expccted tc bs over its first four years. to ’co m m en ro n ‘w h a t* r^ 0 lr

tion process,” Appleton said, e c te d to an n o u n ce its dec

rc ises i ts o p tio n o n th e iai uld be 35 percent b igger tha v e lo p ed and u n d e v e lo p e d sutheast Boise, lear Lehi is a ttrac tive to M 'w ay be tw een the U n iv e rsi Tl Y oung University , w hich

iy may eye NNE (AP) — N orth Idaho may icron .Tcchnology!s.cxpansioi

plans to expand, and at lea^1 possibility.ctive.sitc,’-’ hc-said-of-thc-loc ^e’d definitely look at il again, President Bob Potter, who or )unty‘s bid for th c S l.3 billioc i welcome M icron on the re^

I to say which o f the Boise-l

id’s past thTie parents o f a Wood, 49 n hope Darlene least five cn n e v e r o g cn s a .two counts .ain as long a s ' abuse and v

orderly conc ise City Council The 198^ ing Bowcrman* w as fo r h: operate a day- daughter in criminal rccord in th e g n Kenneth Wood, rcqui^r^ «ii ls^is■vcry■terri^ Tlic pare: iristy, the moth- to the city, ho used to go to tion began, day-carc. ing at a dayher paren t, Jan been convic Vood’s past last children, cl grecords. •’ misconduct

ictivist ques■NE (A P )’* ^ w orkrelcas)layed a role in ment in 1stnee given to a ' 'T h is w lr.w ho killed an o f M ississin and two chil- G eorgia duends. ■ Banks saidfo u n d e r o f th c ----- Hess plealo v em cn t, said o f v eh icu lts national tribal D ecem berhe ease. M onhatw a:e H ess, 39, o f a n d l8-m oriced to a year in Id a h o Sirec m onths on- d ro v e hci

iledal Rate C °o d Thri

bme ISo come mto'ybu

---- - o f credit (

er expires April 29,1995. All r#tc! .16.9% t<i ,19.9%.d<rpcndin8 on tC;

i options tier possi]has a n have engineering scl one o f 'T h e education is;

ir a pro- itself, seem ed to be < ic turing B e h rm a n n sa id I

m eetings in U tah on n en t o f H e believes U tah > n t s a id on th e s i te 's pro'xir my also Boise, ity and “ W e have fe lt wc

peted w ith, and w e’l 1 to-dis- Behrm ann said, e site is U tah C ounty C or I to ere- has sp e a rh e a d e d tl

U tah, did not find it OlitgUtt h ffif 'o 'p iio n fo n ~ p n lid. states, ec is io n However, Herbert

to bea t. In addition land in County offers a te d than the p ro p o sed financial ed lan d ment financing and i

and utilities.M icron “ W e haVe everytl rs ity o f said. "A ll the ir que ch both • answ ered." •

S brth IdaKo filay-havc - com pim y's subsidiardon th is whCn.ting. M icron Semicondi

east one Decem ber, includin was later eiiminaced.

location K o o ten a i County lin;" Rathdrum and Post f orches- prospect w as a 600*c

lion pro- Associates n ear Post rebound Potter said M icron

Bedard said M ien >e-bosed kctable.

hreatensw49, has been convictcd o f atcrimes sincc 1978 including k

Its o f battery in 1978, child t:J vandalism in 1984 and dis- Londuci in 1990. ‘ c ?84 child abuse conviction

h i t t in g h is 1 3 -y e a r -o ld din the head and kicking her c

g ro in , an in ju ry w h ich«itche.s. t<irents gave ihc information V[y. and an official invcstiga- p in. City law says anyone liv-lay-carc centcr m ust not have civicted o f a crim e involving c, child pornography, sexual ri d or prostitution. f

istions man’!ease as part o f a plea agree-' N1st District C o u rt C whole thing really sm acksiss ipp i, o f th e Sou th , and ^during the ‘50s and '6 0 s ,” c

lid in a telephone interview, ileaded guilty lo tlirce counts—a:u la r m a n s la u g h te r in th e acr 1993 deaths o f How ard swa, 25, Ju slina N om ee, 5, . lonth-ojd Amadec Nome?;

Staic*^ P o lic e sa id H ess ^ie r c a r h e a d -o n in to a r

iirough 12/31/95

Ecpjil^lur nearest W estOne t over the phone O r

#l«»hownincffecfMdf2/07/9S. I I term and lire of loan. Cujujmcr p

i on land ible sitesschools, Behrm ann said.

I issue, outside o f the physict be o f p rim e im portance,” he s id M ic ro n o f f ic ia ls wrappc on Sunday.

ah County is the site to beat, ix im ity 'fo the universities o

wc had the bid that had to be k'b’ll scehoy^-jfceHihey compi

C om m issioner Gory Herbert, i th e e ffo r t to a ttrac t Micr i it unusuol that M icron appai p r 'e rpT rty -itT jnnhfd fi'^and

'crt believes U tah 's package ii ion to educational facilities, technically skilled work fore ial incentives including tax i id up to S25 m illion worth of

ry th ing th ey ,n eed righ t hert questions and concerns have

forfutufepl£liaries m ight m ove to North-Id

inductor. Inc. narrowed its seai ip uter ehip T > h m H o ^ o c f lt i d ing Kootenai County. The ( :ed.n ty ’s b id in c luded seven si st Falls. O f those, the most atti )0*acre parcel owned by Watsi ost Falls.ron Vi'ould have to m ove quick ic ron .is well aware the site i;

vife’sbusiiiB o is e ’s l ic en s in g staff

know about W ood’s rccord th e c o u p ic d id n o t tel L icensees arc supposed to city when someone new mo

A flcr parents withdrew tl dren las^ m onth, Bowcrma closed shop.

City attorneys workedj)j to kcep' thC’d ay ^are open. W ood is gone during the i parents want the liccnse rcvi

T u esd ay th e C ity Cour c o n s id e r th e revocation .

. council members, who saw records and police reports, i favor revocation.

I’s jail senteiM o n h a tw a’s v eh ic le in K County.

■‘T he crim inal justice s; N orth Idaho is co lo r blin

' county Prosecutor Bill Douj He sa id he a p p ro v ed i

—agrcomcnt lo avoid the po^ a ju ry acqu itting Hess or sentence. .

, . B an k s s a id he w ill ast - ^ r a n d c o u n c il mccti

, M inneapolis today lo invcsl , matter.

^ A P R

y Ratene branch today an( 3nce you apply, you

S. Raicj may vary after 12/31/95.1 cr pays S300 origination fc« and n(

loan optii


WhoopiiSA N pPO lN T

'* ' - in g -c o u c h outbi . . C oun ty in N o\

• I school district wJ . The virus kcf

siudents out o f s Since state fund

S age d a ily a lte r stands to lose al

- - equivalent o f foi

ical site p A . c said. ipcd up

I and to

be com - 0 1

:n, who c r o n w


sites in _mractivc ERM iison and

ness p iip if f d i d n ^ l K Z K e g f l jird because

th em .10 alert the novesin.' iheit chil- m ^ W A man-Wood K f l W u T S f l

_put. a .d ca l_ .M A -11, provided . B 'A A W J e day. But svoked. I uncil w ill n. Severalw the court E f f H l ^ R T V s, said they

jnceK ootenai

system in B i l J L i J Q



sToond apply, or call us : lu'll get an answer c

m r Q mBANE

5.,Maximum APR for rcvolvifin li I nwina! closing costs which may i p'tion fee U S50 after the first opti

ting cough outbivJT(AP)— -Tbe-whoop-___ "Jitbreak th a t'h it Bonner lion lo v c m b e r.h a s .lc f l th c liavi [ with an ailing budget. Leo kept an average o f 940 • T )f school for two.weeks. Par inding is basL-d on aver- lixci ten d an ce , the d is tr ic t abs( : about S I50,000 — the four teaching positions, moi


1 ^ ^ ^ ^ P o p o B< WeSSM JHscounti

' w i ■ ■ n B


' 3

{ r* J\ O F F A

fV M S le t:


uNon-Promotional R:


s at l-SOO-^78-777 - quickly.^Other terr

— — -

KiHlineis 18,(m . APRs with fixed ay range from S220 to S!)00. Ann iption.

Thursday, M

break could cost_ ‘TL\vc.havc.lQ.niakc-up-lhosi ions out o f our regular budget ii iavc.quilc-an impact,” Supcrint :,eonaid Parenieau said.• T h e s ta te h as tw ic e rej ’a r c n te a u ’s req u es ts to ma jxception and not includc thi ibscntcc rate in its calculation:

"W e w eren’t asking for an; u o rc th a n w c w ere en title i

B a llo o n f o r AddlHa nts j j f I0% -50 O ff A llnadiiccdJMMjil_

Or W in a FREE O r t a

k o r /i H a ir B ow ! I

Dresses Alreadj 30% to 60% Off!

m I P



dToP778 to apply for a h :rms and rates are a>

— — ixed rale loan options range from 1( \nnuat fee waived for flnt year, S6

Morcti 2, 1995 Timos-Novra, Tw

it school d istric t:Dsc.posi-—A ssislanl. Superintc t it could said. "As ft .stands n( iniendcnl penalized by ihe st:

health department rc e je c te d ' Tlic Panliandle He; nake an specialists to help d the high epidemic whooping ins. They recommendei inything close schools, saying led to .” trot the virus by moni


\ J g E i /L--—

ivin Falls MiniWo:1325 F i le r A ve. .

L ynw ood S h o p p in g C e n te


ffw f i w


^assU[home equity line available. .

10.63% to 1) .53% with maximum $65 per year thereafter. Fixed rate

« ^

I, Twin Falls. Idaho B-5

:t $150,000•intcndcnt-Jim Fisher--------js now, we are getting ; state for abiding .by It rccommcndnlioiis," iHealtlj District Ikn^'in Ip deal with the near-, ping cough outbreak., nded the d istrict not /ing il could better con- noniioring students.

n t e r !


............ ;

Page 14:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

B-fi Tlmei-Nwvw. Twin Fi

ComicsP M n u ta

• H f * P L E A S E , 5 I R ; • R E P U E P O U V E

U IA N T 5 0 M • M O R E ."

Calvin and Hobbos


, W 9C0K ftERjRTS. J



■ B.C. ' “


— Gatfleld-



v / T ^

H) and Lois

7 LOTK'y V/ I MAPS A \

© lA N T K i-prV V c A r o o r o p I R

_____ ^The Wizard of Id

r ~I j / g w i H i e t P 1


3 - T ^ I tA — — B f l i

" H agartha Horrible

B ^ tia Bailey




Frank and Emaat

J l j

T h e L o s e r

-v ^ s e c Y o o w w . ,; C ^ A \ 0» i 'N 6 .

, . . r j J r a ^ l € F l

/ / f t

m M

n Falls. Idnho Thuredav. Mom

. '

irA / r ' X - ■IVER, 1 C OME

B f l f e o F ^ r g ^« »

E R ,\-? * V I 'fCW'O STW.‘ .ecxx vic


I / J f TO SM. 'I 1 know.

j S m.CUWSY^fi^WS ] f , TUBAitrOWiXeAPHY

- OMlHGf?

■ r —


^ eXPERIMEfrt . M PrL THANK v o u ' >

I . 0 f. o . A

^ 9 1 W J r

c t w c g pffgm»3£ 3-Z ° U

. ( 5 « , R t e l f r r s

V A m c e l -


^ c f i B w m e t I r r ^ p '


a j B i l

I ^ H m I ONE

W m n - 1■ what TIME I T T h ,-■ ^ 1 5 11? J ' M

S i

s p

B j j ^ l g

D Row C H .n m iA p p L e ,iw H0 RN6 W U t> F lH l^

^ S M £ £ P K « £ A L jr^ y 7 f iE fO R e 'rO O y - - '^ ^ (jeFT...OF f t . C Q ^ , W / ' I r W r e O N C f M // I

!orch2 . 1995

T\u. TD RS> 0 n :£

I h U v e N T, FlWJSHBP ^■B b<TWe FiRsr J ^ fc h a p t e r .

L A Z V ^ / TM t e s t i n g - I T /^ > T H E R R S T LAW LA

' j

, f I^ i m r o \

w o r n r ^

i f M a t " T : I W t^YollqilAU PY?)^

IE MINUTE AFTER |ll|l|) J /E...we'RE OFF ?irry | ^

i j j f / iR y «

- P>

I J H:—■ ■' J ' “»" ' ' . ■r-—

: WM> , | 6 U f t £ . T S > M 3 r \ — 5 w m Fa26C T w «)'i ) S - r f M W Q ^^T H K T j ' S 5 U t t€ S n O N ! /

I ^g p 4 j [ / ^ * i L : — ^

By Charles M. 5 _

- r O -

By Bill Wati


Mm. VWAT'S K L -WE jkBcwT caAPura???.'

........i I J S M K P iM Aix e A p y 'u f

f f i e t » T 5 ^ S 5 1 ^

^ By Jim I


_____________y „ ^ TO STAV' i r ' r ^ ’ L.

a?M PAVtft »-2

. By Chance Bn

BvBrant Parker & Johnnv

/ itT N '7( W!/rm/t □ ;

By Chri3 Brc

M ^||F eS

By Mort W


By Bob Th

y cH o u o tfv BS T l T U T t H - ^

}y Art Sansom &

o j

—= r r ^

.Schulz For^ttero ^ r * T 7 |

i f l - ' E^ X /1


I 7 " ^» Vvot'■■'J '

£ f t>ny Hart- PlcWes-

-N 1 I duK CKL^?UP TO

___' _’ ..

~ ~ ^D » n n e li

I A T S I — „rENP / ? -iVAT ?5t * y

° ^


"'Here HE D

..across^o l. hovol ;-:=--------1 I . 6 TillIV Hart -J lO’Fiofco-TT-r- 14*Shlpoflho I' I ‘m;V dosofT“I—f i * 15 Mollciouaslo ^ - | • ! " - 16 Employ —r - n - 17 Ucorico nave —Lt-V- 18 Song ■' ■' 19QroolLako1—fJ-L 20 Restore lo ax \ —, -— oariiof condlt

—- - 22 DoctflnOT^ _______ 240vofdu6-----

251.O.U. / 26TOII •<■

-J^ ^ A 29 Stress ^ • ' iglV 33 Maka spood-

34 Ruthless,

y s r ”"^— excessively

37 Conversos38 Kind of party39 Poem40 Emenjod

^ 41 CoweH .1, Vi 42 Kin ^ K 44 Walking pole ■Mm 45 Momo.7 ^ n n 46 Hutch - y r a i 47 Shrtmp dish

50 Undresses 64 Vlnd Instrum 55 Attired

Walker 57 Prevent'------------, 58 Sleeping' 59 Aosletant

bla" . “ = s r “61 Pro —62 Ofite63 Build

down1 Ungofing slgi


3ldi —Si>> 4 Fortom\ 5 Raise,1,.. 6 Cor>dltlon

— 7 Whittle away

^ . „ B o b s- m 'P — ^ ^ - A b o a t J ,

, n atod udoowid■ ro« to25 .000

% 8 A.BobbedhThat old til

h -S \ falls about two X S Business traj I 15 pounds ove K 8 C ouidenbly i I ^ crs gain, prtfju e tioners aren’t

~ ~ "Bcoinling to

LCh'p.-- s S i i S r . ;^ disable the sa]<

R e ^ is the n o ta llth stfvb

^ Q.NimedMQ t j w^nootiag ti

t t^ e g g i f a i tb -ttidctotfadrdi

f I \ A. Only o aI I \ ............Britiib grammiI U • ator of “A Dii

'_ ige."H edied i

'f i^ u c c r

■ ■ I ' ...........................

r or For Worse

0 | j Q



^ 6 ££.CDM £. 1 T T \bO C A K PPXCE ^ - ^ 1 2 1

p S % iS s S ' O ' - 1 ^i tT i r t \i-- .-S i -

Bir IBa Menace By Hank Kt

I c a v \e s ,* m E u v i n & s t r e s s t i

r T T T ~ F 1


- PPP == H ------ : “ ■

? - P p»:echos ■ ■ K ^ ' -----

^ a «g

tty ^

? ; = = *irty L________ ■ _

O IK S TntuM 1 ^ SwNicn. I

oles SActressMacGmw L-

9 Professor* fi»h 10 Unens' ®8 11 Vt/eary Iument 12 Lacking Interest u

13 Stir>oerB h21 Consumed. c23 Hazard I25 Box t

jral 26 Helicopter part ' ■27 Wear away ^ ■

slowty ^ 2. 28 Coat front IS

29 S u g o 1530 Up to the lime of If31 Respond elgnof ^ ^

lion----37-ltv>llr»ed lo Judge----severely 44

38 Wfxl of sweater 46 - 40 Above 4|

41 Safekeeping 4d *ay 43 Fleet 49

IS sparked ](5,000 b e n ^ p i ik n - o p e r > - p wide in 1920, but Oe ootmt O ObylW S.W iy? id hair came in.

slow Amazon River onlywo inches a mile. - ^ travelen gain an average o f all )ver thrte yean on the road,ly more than leisure travel- Sttfnunably because the vaca* be>*t otrt there as long. Hus. mi to an - e f l ^ iv e - medtcsl—tfile analysts o f same say it's st<I tbt expense account could ;tales force. onthe crime rets in Scotland is cc ir behind the United States'.dw fti& m spenaa«4ioev- is

K tmiH over IQ Ua boo*»- rt> I O d r ctitoa t to fiiey woo*t

mone I ’ve beard o f was the ti* imaiian H. W. Fowler, crc-Dictlonary o f Modem Vs- w »d in 1933.^ baiUefield'guide says a evJced,‘'Where do you store ho

LSo*ouE5r/avs j n f so w ^9 HAVBAOOUr < MEEOTOI


■ R o e c K c c ’P P P E R P E O C , ^O W 0^5.^20V W C0i\V iW > W ...r ^r — - — - P 'B K = * iU K i iA iw r K ^ f e ^ y r l f

S i: Ketcham The

^ i (

i0;v;:4 ; '

5 T ^ S t ."

M WIsT m --------- ■ s r ? — "

— _ _ . . . . . . ^ —

(5------------ ---------------------------

:»«. \cc. I

' Yetterdsy't Pinzle solve

J | 0 |L | T M M lA [D | *IM J P A o | a B M P L t V e B l M i t s AllH A N 0 r | | a B ^ I M E i l B T R K 6 ■ M N O N l i i o Te T£ 5 l £ ®

* l£C pTa I C A £ J _ a t ^ I ^ 0 | o e ^ £ | j _ Q e ^ A T E | e H 8 N AH I H !! 1 k o W i T A|Wa ATN A N A b W u A no0 bTT a m i c i e h |0 0 nTc e | o a n t e B n R lE lE lp B g lH lN lE ls B s

44 DIslross signal 50 FlorWa < 46 Apple juice drink 51 Port of r 4HPentflcto .52—the R48 Casyo’4 counlry 53 Lei It sti49 ASBt 56 Falsehorise in salo

^LNLBciydW hat’s w hat?

all the stone monuments in the v Oenerationa of coyotcs in th(

Stales' are moving cast They i be getting bigger m each easteri m ent Arc they eating better? /

=Tnieffareedirt8 - ^ ia a g rg g rn n ia stock? Nobody knows.

IQ . How ootap noiB big cata, oos, n m e Mg-c«

the base o f a oougar’s is a rigid hyoid bone that disa! roar but not the hiss.

Q. Yod k a ^ tboM YiMcbh I t o hye tf b d i y ? V

Of*whatrrer the want them to. Animals. Places. Ar

Danish Proveito: “He who b e v ^ man’s advice will have &< hotijlie.'* • ■

— T----------------------------------

, Bv'L

b . r

i C f cBy Dean Y o u t^ '

B;\ J tw « r r T E K in . r 7 .~ B o wJOVJW

S s a r s r w - f c -

le Family Circus

"Y ou ju s t h a f ta b re a t^ t h r q u g h y o u r m o u l

- - - SyAiey--------- : Horos

IFMARai2ND DAY^.You aic-sens

I H H tional, exude aunt of intrigue. Motlicr play

J------------ -- arc family-oriented, i________ your joy offood You

ciolly concerned abou— — - image,-fiahioQ. Conic

play interesting roles I :---------^ l e relates to portno

B livation, maziioge. Jun

. mcmonble, pro&able ■ . , _ARIES,(M b^1-/

Hits home £ o you’'ii ~~ wcrid, the medoi, fiite

^ c n c u m s t s D c e s finra You’ll receive unique h

------------- TAURUS (April :. — •! - .rcall Cem received-i

Q/QT/gc more nnitadons, tha dudes job siniation

VBQ' contract requires clcg'l mantic liaison lends s]r - L [ GEMINI (May 21- ^ L -L L Let others know abou- L L L ent — if you don’t bl

there won't be any i opportunity revealed.

^ Q n l CANCER (June : J ^ home! Attention revo familiar ground, oppc

T ^ p * big-wig who mokos t involv^ travel feali

^ ■ ■ ■ l guage barrier overcon B 1 b | ^ ' l i o (July 23-A ^ ° ' r check sources! Eleme y ■ p ists — someone wh( SI!:!*!.**! for nothing is after

03/02/35 Person soon learns wrong Capricorn

^^ROO -(Aug. Z: n couiitu tEHaime!“Be aware « ilnf, ' o f gaining partnershii I Rod’ L e ^ , agreement ho star>d skeptics. Post obligt hood you no longer need fu

iIBRA (Scpt,23^ O H S ^ romance

issues, pets,-BurvivB} !.' -'.. '-|M rou’llmeet-thep«fic

ing in study group. SCORPIO (Oct. 23

? fu turdShJuoirtoldof inertia. Step forwa

' quo. H i ^ ^ t o r i ^ ew m terT courage. Stwkoflovi ihe Unlced SM nTiUUUS (1 y s e m to Money suiprisel Yo eily mere- ■ oripnally anddpsted >Ar»they should t>ot go to your iManlfled m tjpn t Kr*Ty^'‘ ^

CAPRKXra(De( ita,i{keU- riosity keeps cat alncl cats, like warehouse ai«l Jock d

give M pisy to intellec -’8 tongue. AQUARIUS (Jan. 2 sables the ual tries to block your.

necesssy — if you Una dolls you'll loee. E x p m ^ Wbat o « Dutofmywworyou

F I ^ (Feb. 19- Iw makers. andtiuel Doo’twandi Ancestors, vation. Check Oemfail builds to Investigate claims, v

& crooked sions. Intdlectual ac ; rocnaace. Virgo involi

Jy'Lynh Johnston ■ ' S

j t ^ ' S ' f e n b ra S ^ j_ ’ • aJ5 v5eS 7 T W ,' , . •

■ By Brian Crane i'


By Bll Keane ■.


( r f r i

I !3 ^ y ) / > i

- “ i i l a th e It In t I lo u th ." " I

' '" i ;

l y O n i a i T

o sco p e ; ]

® BYOURBnmi-, jsensitivc,.moo^,.em6i^ —a of ^omour, mystoy, ]played major rote, yoo^ ied. make no seaei o£ iYou arc romantic, e^)e- jabout appearance, almtt-. injiicom. Cancer persoQ .~ j)les in your life. Cuneot jirtnenhip, direction, mo^" i . June will be your moff~able month of 1995, - m m ------21-April 19): Rfalnntiofl* ou ie ready to fins the,&te jtself. C ; ^ movei ,

finrcr your tnnin^ eiifbils. i

pS 20-MBy 2 0 ) : ' l f £ /ed-is-no zircon-—. a g .. .

that's your vow. l i f i Ition, relatioaships - £I closer scnitiny. R i^ ; ids spice, hope. S i ^21-Juno 20): Write i f e about your product, ta fir I’t blow yottf own b o r j^ my music! New c a ie C tied. S me 21-July 22): S t f * revolves around famllBw opportunity lo enterta^ ' cos suipriw visiL Mustf? featured, distance, Ibbm icome. ^ 13-Aug. 22): D o u b ly lement of deception a C who wants something

ftcr your money. T h jE ims ne is b o r l ^ u jC icom plays role. y ____r ^ s S r s j T M e a s ____are oflune, p tm iH lit^Tship m bu^ess, lawa^ t holds water d ^ t ^ bligation was foohstfc xiiulfillit2 3 ^ 2 2 ) : Soul m a te r ince featured, new d e a ^Tth.. employment, basiju rivai,-hope-ft>r fUtureJ}; {wwn^vuie patlicipate ------

i23-N ov,21):IM olli5 tendency to be prisooefi nward, let go of t ta tii^ idoality, di^lay ta k n terTovordgnited. S IS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)fc

You gain more t h ^«ted, financial succesdEyour Bead. Family o b l f c ____down to earttL . i . _ .{g: . . . . (Dec 22Jan. 19): 0 | ^Inc! Store o U s k ^ O k ^ ck door. Ask questicc£ tellectualcurk)^. m an.20-Feb.t8):lndiviiK your.wiy. Use muscle K

19-Mmh 20); -raefc nnder too far ofTreaedctnfail. Cancer messagcMf IS, write your i n n ^ . il activity blends w H nvclved. . I ' ; _ S '

• ■ f

Page 15:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

■ T '


ijB A R A B B Y : I am infcnn anyone with a livin U sometimes ovcipowcrcd to r 'l “will to decide" for th'

I^y h u sb a n d p assed ApQl, bu t i f h is doctor 1 w a f , m y h u sb a n d ( I ’ l " B i in would still be here po[t„6 ill hod tt living will stated w hat he had decid fan jily and I had to Hg! docior to have Bill’s w i^ i

It! a ll began w hen Bil! n o ^ d w ith c a n c c r . T believed h e would b e ab l

— —all-p f- it^ b u t-w h en -th c2they found the cancer ha Billj’s heart. W e knew ti hadlonly a few days to li\

YJou would think the d> havp tried to make Bill’s li os comfortable as possibi'

•not how it w a s .i had to keep Bill o ff artificiol life wasn’t afraid to die; he knc be in a better place — with

On his second day in t the doctor ordered the m h im on life support. Bi

...Jiave it. H e struggled S( tied his wrists and ankle; like on anim al! A t that

__ happened to walk into th'husband w as very upsc “ You promised! You p r w ouldn 't le t them do this -W e ll , I-had prom ised d id every th ing 1 knew I w ord . I ca lled ou r dou; flew here immediately. S to a rg u e w ith the doc t p o in t, th e .d o c to r asked w an ted lo be responsil father’s death! Knowing i w anted nothing to do wi port, she replied, “Yes!” her dad to pass on pcacef

ValleyG o o d i n g s e n i

G O O D IN G - Breal Saturday at the Goodinj

The m enu includes { .^ u ic c and m ilk. C ost is

Monthly panTWIN F A U ^ -T h e n

rbreakftst for 8 am . to noc -Pancakcs, link'sausa

\ 'ill be s c n /e d .-^ s t is I

I r i s Society f.P U H L - The Magi'

_ . . S itu rday .at the Harvest ,-A slide and video pi

sented. Guests are welc

I '‘The T im es-N ew s wc ; an to The Tim cs-N ew

~ \ I p : 8^303:0548. P/<^ ] iaplude a phone numbc j~ • r ------- -------------------

7:0»0:45 Sun 7:M*“


^ ^ ^ L ^ O a t o s O p o r ^

4 Acadomy Aws

mWlM ^ Q u I c k 8. Pood (R) E

— — -------STAR*!

________ Slart«7&ffT h u r ^ y N l g lr'" 'Pulpyk;tlon(

t^c1](13)7:1 S f l Hoovy wolgnts (P<


9 H l D E i l V

.. . stBrtiTlww

▼ nmtvMTt io;gn] ^ ^ 9 ip n o tm wMl f PETER I b B I D.B. SWIE 9 H . . CHCVTC1 E m JOHA-nUM TATI.

B i r o i r s i

; wills ofti todocto

im w riting to iving will that it TCd by the doc- r the patient led aw ay la s t or had had his [I’ ll co ll h imicrc on life sup- T he nex twill that clearly fro m o u t cwided. But m y in fo rm ed thfight w ith the hook their ftishes obeyed, they a lso s(B ill was diag- Father's wisi . T h e d o c to r On the se-ijble to remove finally passe hey^operatcd;^ --been-hooked• had spreod to Abby, pie:w then that .he not all docto) live. will. People ie doctor would a doctor abc’s liist few days o r tific ia lly ]sible, but that’s putti/ig then I to struggle to to r ’s care. Itlife support. He loved one, bknew he would when you arvithGod. -one’s right tc in the hosp ita l,. c nurses to put 'B ill W ouldn’t DEAR OP

i soJinrd . thcy_. m y sym ^ajl kies to the bed husbai^d. A that m om ent,-I -- Ravebeen go »the room. M v band, allowiipset. H e sard, fully' you at promised you direct your c

h is!" physician w licd him, and 1 own wishes,w to keep m y the patient'sloughtcr, w ho those wishc:f. She also hod family. If theo c to r. A t o ne the family site d her i f she p la in t w ith nsiblc fo r h e r board in theiing that her dad CONFIDE' with life sup* in Moctgom<s!’’ She wanted you diamonicefully. - your cars uni

f happenii n i o r s s e t h r e a k f a

reakfost w ill be served from ling County Senior Citizens cci cs pancakcs, eggs, sausage, bi t is S2.50 p er person. T he publ

a n c a k e b r e a k f a s t

fie Twin Falls Senior Citizens hav noon SaUirday at the senior cento usage, hashbrowns, scramblec , is S2 per person.

' p l a n s s l i d e , v i d e

ogle V alley Iris Society will i/est .Cafc, 114 Broadway Aye,0 program from Copleys Iris i/elcome..

wclcomcs netvs o f com m unit lews Valley H a p p ^in g s, f O f m c subm /f new s a t least a nbcr where you can be rcachd

^;::FR IPA Y ~-{IirtrSD f^D j^

^ - i p^liiiuSiitKllcr

y Madison JflHSn at 6:30... 12 and Undof FREE! -

Award NomlnaUons - Includlnn BosJ. N igel H a w lh o m e • Hele


R) Ends Tonlght7:00-9:00-King Gi

)-W d9*1.00^*,h I T H E K ---------------

light ShowsIon (R)‘7:30 7:10.9:30

1 {PC)T10-9n0---------

Legends os»n. Sat-Sun 1

Brady Bur

k W A Y , , ,

momwt ' Sal-Surr12;3(

J/frtjanjiimv A N0b0(Jwgcoiwnt ^ ^^ FALK VEENEYImomwt E l 4 1 .m ir»7:30-rcHAsc Forrest GikTUU tBOUASunr 6*01 BMb«. Ends.Tonl^

ten lose ] Dr’sWillM l " * . I '. 'I Q]J

m Dear Abbyf l Abigail w f V anBuren _ . ^.... I ~ saXX d ay , m y so n s a rrived t o f s ta te . T h e d o c to r them th a t he w an ted to Fj

■ father to life support and M sa id , "N o , i t is ag a in s t >"!

dshes!" , ra'seventh day, m y husband ssed on — w ithout having;ed up to life support.------, - “ilease tell your readets .tljflt ctors w ill honor the living L "} le m ust carefully interview « ”*• ibout his o r her view s on P" y p ro long ing life befo re lemsclves under that doc- JjP It is hard enough to lose o /«P

, bu t it is 10 titnes harder ^ ore fighting for that loved ^

t to die!— GRIEVING W IDOW . ^

■ EDGEW ATER, FLA. Q RIEV IN O rPiease accept a_thy on the lo ss o f your^At 0 tim e when you should °S gathered aro\ind-your hus-

wing him to pass on peace-.I and your children had to ^ ir energy toward fighting a who wanted to impose his ;s. A doctor should rcspcct t 's wishes, especially when hcs are backed up by the ||o the doctor refuses to do so, ^ ’ should file a formal com- th th e n icd icn l lic ensing leir state. , ,DHNTIAL TO “36-24-36" n n o y , A la.: I f h e promises ond earrings, don ’t picrcc until you get the earrings.

lingsf a s t S a t u r d a y _ _

om 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. ccntcr, 308 Senior Ave., biscuits, gravy, coffce, ublic is invited.

s t s c i i e d i i l e d

lavc planned their monihly ■- - nter on Eastland Drive.Jed eggs, ju icc and fruit ^

l e o p r o g r a m

vill m eet al 11:30 S,.......... .........___________ris G aricns w ill be prc-

n ity events. Sen d mater- 'O B ox 548, Twin Falls a w eek in advance and hcd.

Y ~ ^ ~ W • sun 0:30


^ ICEVIN BACON r i f e IMVID'1^ ^ STRATHAIRN1 ^ . EiD•i - FM Stofoo Sound

JostAclor-Scroonplay IBleu M irren I

ESS OFD R G E ®I Goorgo Starts Tomonw^ I

» e A w a y , . ,Stirt» Toffwffowf_______ I

O im a tA S t ' I

L « r - ^ ^ .


J of Fall (R) 6 :45 .9:30 n 1:1S ^ :0Q.6 :45-9:30

lunch (PG) 7 :3C>-0:30l:30-3 :3Q-5 :30 -7:3&-0:30

:aUSe(R) 7:30-9 :4S g;30 -2:4S-5 :00 .7 :15-0 :30.

/ywelghts (PG)X)-9.00--l-n/:(XI QH1V~ -------x x l / s Fool (R) •,5-9:3 0 - F r i 7 :3 0 - 0:45

le Hunted (R)30-P'.45 - Ffl 0:00 Only

Gump (13) 6 :45-9:30

nighti Thursdaylik Rodomptlon (R) -4

6:45-9:30 Oumbor (13) 9:0g Only

w n (13) 7:00 Only

i l i J M I I f '

Kids aiKnigbt>Ridder N ew s Service

Christian Garcia got his fir card three years.ogo, when he 18-yenr-old college freshma months.later, he got a secor Within a year, he was carrying full o f plastic — eight cards in i

"It just started to build up,’ says. “It was very easy, esj after you get your first one.”

Now, the p sy ch o lo g y m Florida International Unive Miami owe$<ibout S6,'500 ond ing at paying down his debt - rate of about SI50 a month - he moves on to graduate school

When he applied for those ft .. heligurol they.were a goktcaoi^ to build a c r ^ t history. And ih

( He was oblc to buy a'car withoi ^his parents to cosign. Yet, cr&

provided him with too many tbrr ■ 'In sactcxp^ed to get it th

iK^tiSnits/'Wiihout realizing, jip charging and charging. Y< really watch what you’re spend

Most o f us can sym pathi -Q aniuA nyone who has pulled'

tic instead o f a s h from a walli that buying by credit is, at the b ot least, a painless transaction, bill arrives. And even thcn,.*ii ogc to p u jo f f poyment mor

_ month by.sQnplij)aying.thc.n amount requircd^^^^'vonddi^

“ sclvisTlccpcrond deepCTuniCSi More and more college stud

tfidr paients aie finding out abc .cards the haid way, Credit card is flooding college campuses with tions for pre-approv^ plastic, dents are taking the bait Tlw Pliil based College Credit Cord O largest marketer o f credit csuds


S K I <3 . S P C

W im tn t ek


Retail | $ 2 4 9 . 9 9


I m t n -T E K I *6SPEED


I frame

I Betaih^[ $ 1 9 9 . 9 ^

.. -----------^

— AASTROsi•HiM D n n i i f f l B i




^ 99.

nd crc(I p r a

he was an Inan . Tw o Bond cord.lg a wallet Knlgbt-^UdderlinolLp ," Garcia ' I f y o u ’re olijspecially cred it card , yc

understand hom ajo r ot m inim tim pa ji

versity in late fees and fid is work-' Many students ■t — at the parents — don— before carry a balanc

x)l. usually chargedfirst cards, storting the day

opportunity_ _ .U were: c ies, i f possil

lout osking charge everydaredit cards such os gas orimptations. moke sure youthis high,” *g. you end pus, has rqxirtcd iYou _don’t evoy yrar for mor nding.” - customers by placih ire w ith fic areas o f schoolrd'otrtplns-- unioa-s.andthrougl'illet knows Credit opprovaibc^nning lege students. Tc1. Until the S500 or Sl.OOO, .older simply needonth after excellent woy to ;: m ^im um history, which wilBing.ihcm- a job, a car loan, c

-------------- “ Histcjricnily;udents and re se rv e d .fo r iniibout crectt income,’’ cxplaitI issuers arc director o f F lU ’sith opplica- and F in an ce . “c, and stu- becam e m ore c(liihdclphia- went after the co:Corp., the It proved to be iJso n cam - 60 pcrccnt o f coiti




^ m i

^ u ti.RoHerbiac lUOE i<Ri a p p

'M E S H L I N E R ^ ^ | H B

:dit: Buticpiile:-Ifye know how it

erN ew sSovice your moke

old enough to have a shoulyou’re 'o ld enough to - Gerrihow finance charges, cassca jro e n u , annual fees, Colled grace periods work, someIts — and many^of their die tilon’t realize that if you have:mce on a card, you’re Do^ in te r e s t on purchases one ilay you boug^ Ac item, says,:_canls only jn emergen- fcvorisible. I f y ou p lan lo I f ;t'day items on the cord, the tio r food o r dinner out, seek

/ou have the money in consu

d an increase in business credii note than 2 0 years. I t ^ ,_auihc lacing booths in high-traf- Stratj lool,' usually (j_car student Advi ugh bulletin boanfe.. Most oval is relaxed l^r col- crcdii To get 0 credit line o f Mi

), college students IS or cards ecd 0 student ID. It’s on o f oc to smrt building o credit - Grcd will, casicttogcL-banfc 1. even an apanment. the li ! ly rc rc d ln :a rd ? -w c rc —towa ind iv idua ls who h ad "T

lains John Zdanowicz. Nfuc J ’s C enter for Banking whel . "B u t 0S the m ark e t M: : com petitive , issuers rcsp< collegiate morket.’’ Mian be a good move. At least card allege students have one racki


DER 1«


m f 1

r .9 9 ^i t e : ~ l l


Retail I $ 1 0 9 . 0 0 M

Thursday, Mo


xy now.?oii have one it w orks>ur checkiiig account when y> oke the purchase. “A crcdit cs lould be like a plastic check.” so erri Detweiler, author o f the auc issette “Smart Credit Stmtegies I ollege Students.” “Don’t char imething if it’s going to be gone' e time you get the bill or if y tve no idea how you can afford il Don’t get every cord possible. C le m ajor credit card, Detweil lys, and maybe a card from yo vorite retailer.I f you’re having trouble mold e minimum m onthly paymen :ek help quickly wfth your lo< msumer Credit Counseling Servic

■edit caixl, according to Gerri Detv jihor o f the audiocossette “Smart ( trategies for College Snidents"'( .dvice Press. 800-255-0899, SI: losLofltbem.will hold on to thci Txlit cards an average o f 15 yeare. Many students, soy cxpct^. use

irds judiciously. Jay M u r ic k , di f occount management for Co rcdit Card Coipo., says-his c lia anks, rrtnilcTT;, nil compnnies — it; le loss rate among college stude

"T h ey see it as m in im al r fuchnick adds. "Students arc 'helmingly responsible.”M aria C oncepcion is-one-o

rsponsiblc ones. The Universi liami art history major pays her ird bill’s minimum every montli icking up S900 in debt her first m

EXm t n t e k

• SH IM M O H |ACERAX B H C O M P O N E N T S -w a


-FRAME - -• MRX100 GRIP ^


R e t a i l ^ i$ 3 3 9 . 9 ^

C Oim t n t e k



• a l u m in u m H

FRAME I B• RST380 . . H I

“ S U S P E N S I O N r - ^

R e t a i T ^J 7 5 0 . 0 ^

S - K - W - ^

m MagkTwin Fall

M o n . ^ t . 1

■■ 1

^orcH 2.1995 Tlmos-Nowa, Twi<

Valltpain 1I "I was buying cloi

Ol _ _out, everything when rcculls.’“But now I h and use it only for em(

Tanya C ostig lion c h o lo g y m a jo r, pa

you completely —j?every card “ I on ly get w hat soys Castiglione says. "Wl ,udio credit card, I inoke su s for ■ the money in my chec arge R e p re s e n ta t iv e s l e ^ . M asterCard say that you . Castiglione are typi<

l i t ” lege clients. In testi .G et . b e fo re a H ouse sul eiler consum er credit, the your o u t o f 10 co llege s

their'crcdit cards w it king ” ‘T he whole idea ol ents, cured crcdit is that ti locol pay it off,” says a Vise vice. But not oil consume

* that that's how things sweilcr, meaning parents, ilicy rt Crcdit ing the bills when the ' (Good even when they d o n 't ' >15.95). “ T hey s im p ly dc icir first -ch ild ro a ls -c rcd it-h T>. says Detweiler. "Th ISC their the kids out." dinxtor House subcommitus

College P. Kennedy, D.-Mass„ ients — ing the hearing that s ■tcllhim ■■ca^.w ithouLa.job^ dents is credii hisiory or parent >

risk ," mimy auxls — without c over- ing an ability to pay off

Though the subcon -o f - th e -Jn g whetliCT the industr rsity o f l(iatjiUidtfril.s have soir :r credit to pa^beforc they oi itli a’fler card, chances arc thr month, credit will remain a fac

Now ^

^299.9IMP S I


m-S P O Ric Vaiiley Ils • 733>0310-9 ■ Sun. 11

Twin Falls. Idaho B-7

ley lifelater

clothes, gas. dinner lien I first got it,” she I have sm ied down emergencies."

lione, an F lU psy- , p ay s o f f her b ill cry time.'h a t I con affo rd ,""When 1 pay with a j e sure I know I have :hecking account.” , / v e s o f V iso and hot Concepcion and :ypical o f their col- testim ony lost year

su b com m ittee on they soid- that nine

ge studen ts handle without a problem,

a o f exumding unw- ,ot they are going lo Visa spokesman, umer advocotes agree ings work out. Well- ilicy say. end up pay- 1 their lads default —)n'l legally have to./ d o n 't w an t th e ir iU h isto ry -ru in ed ,""T hey’d rather bail

litux* chaimian Joseph lass., complained dur-' lat students-are given •ib^ourcc-oflincom c.-----------rent cosigner "In oilierraisM -= n iiid T itic tr":--------hout even dcmonstrat- /•offadcfac"(committec is.explor- . lusTiy should esuiblish • some minimal ability •:y ore given a crcdit I that, (or now, easy.1 fact o f college life.



f f l >

Page 16:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

;• B-8 Tlmo8-New8, Twin F


■■Mm'■ P op e John Paul cele

.'• 6«« ^

1 2 0 II

S M O K E D IAC pow ered , p h o ti in terconnectab le , / ty. b u g screen . Ins lUcation o f alarw in sy s te m : Indicator I

«• ing un it g o e s o ff. c

i IT.!!■ /togu/arfy

1 130-180 ^


W hite. Spark ling v • ac id a n c ftio u se n o l

lant. 1 .6 ga llon flu. Fits sta n d a rd roug.

'■ s$ a l n o t inc luded .)


■ ' j ; X , - ■

In Foil#. Idoho Thursday, March


lelebrates Ash Wadnesda;

eS ^ n ic s I mrac

r m rD E T E C T O R S h^o toelec tric sensor. W ilh b.le. industria l quali- u p to 1In s ta n t iden t- izatJonm ing d e te c to r in s c re e no r ligh t on alarm - to r In Iff. o th e rs s ta y on. m o is to

.95 iv f y $ 2 2 .S 0 oieeflBi.1 ______

a iI b '

1082 000

l a - L O W

i T O I L E T P Iig v itre o u s china. A u to m h o ld c lea n e r resis- s te e l s>flu sh in g action . c logg ii

ju g h ’in . (T o ilet " so lia s .30.) m o to r

iro n be

.50 i_____ imoBi I ___

M Quality 5hW e o f l e r a la ^ e a

^brands. All price Jev,

E U E R ' C

S U H S t



m s e o i

5% ptscom o/ii BaaaL_gn£, ^ jsxo tsco a iT

E xcludes fluo

a sp e c ia l orders, clea.



K K H I B I -

tc h 2 ,1995


5 good fo]

H " - ; r j : l

^ ------- - - r .JfPpraio

day In Rome.


a d VOLT•MOKE OEreeTOB'} ba ttery backup , connectab le 0 12 units, dua l c h a m b e r ion- o n s e n s o r wltf} s ta in le ss bug w n. ind ica tes a larm ing de tec - 'n In terconnected sy s te m , s tu re re sis ta n c e e lectronics.

15.50R B g u m m s o

HIB0V2 PEDESTAL PUMPjm a tic opera tion . S ta in less I sha ft. .3 h p m o tor. N o n ­w in g im p e ller p a s s e s 1 / 2 '—IS . P erm a n e n tly lubrica ted o r a n d bearings. R u g g ed c a s t base .

99.95R B l t l l3 r i ,$ 1 1 S .2 3

hownome array o f b a lfim r e 'in m ajor leve ls from b u d g e t lo designer.

a m i u i B a a s

SETPuanaHOLCmfM E u a m mOUHTPOUeVon puntasBS betwnn S500SIOOO .n pufctases between SIOOOSISOO__

on purchases owSISOOlu o re sc en t s tr ip lighting, ' . learance o r p ro m o tio n a l Item s..

m ' S F O u m u N

ro • P m r u i n e o K o m

p W O T ^

*■«AV/' „ •

jr body iI -V A T IC ^ C IT Y (A P )-

wcll as the soul, Pope John Wednesday, the stiiit o f the Easter.

The pope dedicated hiy reflection and abstinence.

Tlje'faithful are called up tics of the worid, to renourU selves from the tyninhy o fc oneself," he said. The pope

- tion orabstihencc and fostir to vorioi^ needs o f humar assumes'meanings that touc spiritual experience o f man.’

"Above all, whalls_at stal he said. “A sound diet in fac certain types o f foods, in j between one meal and anolh

M any Catholics give up Lent.


2 0 0 0 M P M BREAKER PA

! In c lu d e s 2 0 0 a m p m ain H olds 2 0 fu ll-s ize o r 4 0 . breakers. A lso Includes > tion c o v e r B ranch c irca n o t inc luded .

46.5d;i| __________

m□ ■ ■ y lOSTDWI

LOS0V2SUBMERSIBLEA u to m a tic . R u g g e d c a s t s tru c tlo n fo r residen tia l m e rc la lu s e . 100% facto . 3 h p m o tor. R ea l p u m p

t jo b s .


50 G A L ELECTRIC r. #8V52-2 ,Tw o4500W

SING LE HANDLE K ■#520-250-t0.w ilhool

OVAL ST E O . la v a : #721, 20M 7 *. White

B RK C A^^BO N M O ^ #DCO, Battery Operate

M U f m Y 2 0 A M P C--------MP120rS ;R 120V,-UX

1/2 -E M TC O N D U jr s„ ' 1 O' length*, Priced Per


’ B fT .F LU O R E SC E h F96T12/CW /SS, Enorj

bJ . | ________________ S2!2L

ELECns u p p

" V'^..

' ■

and sou—' Fasting is good for the bod

fin Paul II said in a speech on je Lenten period o f pcruincc be

jyspccch to the value o f pra

r a to "abandoa the false sec -egoistic choiCcs, to free th f evil and o f oh UDbalonced lov

pc said the Roman Catholic U ting oii Ash Wednesday “rcspc lan existence, and, conscquer mch both the physical life and n.” ,take is caring for physicaLheal act calls for periodic renouncin1 add itio n (o Ihe o ppo rtune p: ilher."up eating meat o r sweets dui


i M W T K U U V E i B R MIn breaker. H o ld s S fu l h'0 ha lf-s lz e breakers. Inc!S c o m b ln a - cover. Breaki :u it breakers

iO 9

2 H E A T - S P U M P Ittlra-Recl-I, s , l r o n c e n -

SB SS 95 J4

..i : ..;.! I- " ’ I

These IC W ATER HEATERN Elemonb, 5 Year...............

K nV H E N F A U C E T ^ .Spray....... ..........................

ATO RYSINKIte..................................................

WOXIDE DETECTORated...................................;.....

CIRCUrTBREAKERI.L Us>ed-.-.-:7.T;.T7;77r.T.^T;7:7;;.i

rrjr length ........................v—vHOP TUBES

•N TT V B E ,9rgy SaWng............................


l » t l »P L Y C O M f

; . .................

l l Giantu Si'Ll freeii

CAM BRIDGE ihe size o f Rhod th cA n tn rc ticP c r

secuii-.. waxmmg, soentisThe 300-foot U

m d i- ■'sp e n d s •“ " f' A ntarctica at the

n o w i s . t o s c , several hundred r

ic n llh " “ L o o k in g o u lh like a gigantic m

- ice sh e lf P said David Peel, j


125 T lUiCH PANELill-slza o r 12 h a lf-s iz e . I In c lu d e s flush o r su r fa c e e makers n o t Included. a

t c

1.95___________________ 1»300 B3l| _

T - V E H T L I C H T1" Q u ick hea t fro m tw o ■heat la m p s (n o t in c lu d - ■,m v e n t fan. Shape ly . 'l in g celling p la te o f ,yl. A d ju s ts e a s ily to J:

4.50values\\i149.08 \ 28,84 23.28 35.97

2.65 1.30 .79 3.25ILSAIES I _

i mmBIM C

P A N Y ,

; I

iceberg breal in AntarcticaGE, England (AP) — An ice tiode Island has broken free I Peninsula and an ice shelf has ahe drom atic resu lts o f r^gi litists said Wednesday.3t thick icc sh e lf crossed the Pi m cl and c o n n cc tcd Jam es I tip o f the peninsula in north the South Pole. A ll.thot r e ^

sc plum e o f fragments extcn :d m iles into W eddell Sea. . ul b f ^ c oircraft window, it lot : m incer ju st completely broke sm aller p ieces.'It was incredil cl, a glacier exjwrt with the Br rvey w ho has jy s t returned I



H ea vy-d u ty sea led , finned he. e le m e n t h a s 5 y e a r guarantei ag a in st burn-ou t. 12-foot air throw . 175 c fm discharge. H o r beige.

4cca v 2 w ir c e 4 } lOi 4 a J M 2 m p c e ^ _______ m


' tUcilnCI im-£8 p.

I N D U S T R I A L C R A i

S H O P L I G H TTwo tube 8-foo t Tixlure. High //] output, longer bulb and ballast Die fo rm e d fm m heavy gauge t m lle d steel. Full reflector w ith h g lo s s enam el finish. A a x p t s pi op tions for I t o 3 primary cIrcL

4 5 . o eI m p s lo t iK c k M ;

Cnw r's Is Juno Lightii Distributor

• C om p le te se lec tion o f J u i Track a n d Fixtures.

• C om p le te se lec tion o f J ui R e c e s s F ixtures a n d Trim

■ Includ ing PL a n d S lo p e d ..Celling.

_ • M d i m n t . m M u m b m a ss iv e b a ck s to c ks .

• • Trained sa le speop le to he y o u w ith y o u r layouts.

• C om pe titive pricing a n d h re tu rn po lic y

------n, .


some Items BnM available a t an KK

Prices efffictlven^

' \ . ■

• I I m e l d a M

run for Ca M A N IL A , Phi

Imelda M arcos, tl ceberg ro c r b e a u ty qu< : from immense pow er d ns col- - ban d ’s d ic ta torst gipnfll public arena.

Undeterred by Prince p riso n sen ten ce : R o ss .conviction, M rs . : thw est W ednesday that jroains l i - Congress from th :nd ing L ey te , s trongho

Romuoldez clan., looked Mrs. M arcos, 6 ike the b id for tlie presii dible,” all candidates in British p o g rc s t p a r ts 1 from A n a ly s ts s a id h

M ay 8 e lection is

■< WivS;*,

U B A S B O m iI? R es id en tia l a n d CO,h p itin n Installation a n d m i

s im p le a s possib le, l i s te d W hite o r bei

W hite ' BC2D05 500 mBC2D07 750 Ws

____ BC2010 WOOWj99.50 BC2D15 1500 W3109.50 BC2D20 .2000 Ws i fg S O gC^Qgj 2500 Ws

nOE I 2'X«'FLU l LAY-m n

I lig h t--------F o u r 4 0 m r tu t} f f -cs ti lfe . highquality.-R otary e c o ld la tches (lo r secu re I h ig h - structurally rigid do plug-in U V stabilized d iffust x u its preven t liaht leaks. 1

9 35. «oMB}i| [.______ Hegafartf

'Your Area mg

' 'l u n o - r -

'm s, . d

nbe is .


............. " l i

Marcos wiUI —Congress ’P h ilip p in es (A P ) —

)s, the flam boyant fdr^- . ■ q u e e n w h o ro s e t_p

'cr during her late hu5- orship, is back in the

by a possible 24-yeiir- nee for a co rru p tio n Irs. M arcos announced ' • th a t she w ill ru n ’ for n the central island .of ghold o f h e r fa th e r 's an.. ;>3, 65, failed in a 19?2 residency, but she led 5 in Leyte, one o f the ts o f th e c o u n try .,d h e r .v ic to ry in tlic n is ail but assured. ;

V ? D H E a i E I U {1 co m m e rc ia l use .1 m a in ten ance is

2 4 0 volt. Ul r beige.OWatt 2 ' 16.11 0 Walt 3' 20.08 OWjh . 4 ’ 2S .ez ^ •0 W jtt fi' 29.37 - - 0 Watt 8' 36.83 0 Watt W 43.78 i :

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IWOMI •

o |U;l(iCoNCfpR


te -c s p s c l iy r v s iy — — itary action cam \ ■ - v r e d o o r c losing). ■ '■ d do o r a n d fram e. I I ; . f f u s e r s . g a s k e t e d t o . ks. T-bar sa fe ty cllDs:: ■

L99« f » w - g g .

^W l

. ■ . - . t

-i ' ■

Page 17:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

Let’sThe Associated Press

N E W Y O R K — I f top and th e bo ttom had

T h e scan d o lo u s ly ri pathetically p oo r attrac o f the po litic a l th inker ab o u t th e p la in fo lks

! tw een these tw o highly ! scciors?I Tlicy arc , ju s t to idc I th e fo lk s w h o se m o r i headed to the heavens

R ese rv c^ ac tio n s , who; I n a t io n w e e k ly w ag es j sh runk in 1994, and v I have now risen beyond ] T o fu r th e r id en tify

are tlic people w ho feel s io n p a s se d them b y ,

and the ir jobs downsize h^V e w a tc h e d th e m. their pension funds los tiic post y e a r .’

T h e re is co n s id c rab the ir situation. T hey hn

— r-profits-Boar- and- industi t iv ity r is e , b u t th e y 1

Stay JTbe Washington Post

W ASHINGTON — V investm ent opportuniti< beckoning, ft’s a picasui to .w rite one o f th e m i new s to c k is su e s f ro r These tem pting 'in itia l {

.ings, o r IPOs, ore poist investors.

“They hove to be mo: IPO s.” says C harles R p u b lish e s IPO V a lu e n ew sle tte r th a t costs i feu'bscribcrs ,510.000 ay< ficult enough for me. I IP O s a y e a r , and I he

. good.”A fte r a th o ro u g h s t

, companies that went pul Peter Schlicm ann o f Du son & Co, in Cambridge m on th c o n c lu d ed : "In more appropriately, spt IP O s is tre a c h e ro u s , avoidance isn’t such a bi

T hose w arn ings are IPO m arket, which Ion£

1ijWNOdCH ~

------ _lOi. Ust&Fixn] - —tCS .Cl'delThtnk] las PifWfBli IM H«w«»107 Spcul (Men toe ,109 ProlmWstvtM no PifwmCin5«veti Itl Bin»r«Wrt113 CnMCvtSir\«a


i i a»1 AdntstnsofyMnovTsn

y 2CQ AMCvi ^ 203 MrteUWil

2M ChUCiX as DonKacMouurioU 2C6 IMealTNrtil 207 Onei/Ckflal 20« PrtrtmloMl-

. 209 R«Swrviao«n9*?10 StM 211 TKfnOl 2U'Tr«l213 MBe.Om'tuMks214 e>lVM)<TiMWMid

, 2IS' BtbrUMWimdJIB

s s s s x s .

. ----------

! : II MnmliBrirtlI 1 .3 d o y s . . . ......

j * - 7 d a y * ..........

............. I _ e - 1 6 j l « y « , , „ i

I I ' 1 » 4 o d i i y » . . . .

I #llhBS.^_____ 1. ! ____ , j

I F o r o a d iS u n d a jI ■ I •' I Include yo iir a d Ir

I ' v - —

s hears ve ry little

ther, althou I t ’s a s if - th c - P roducti\

lod no m iddle, ou tput perI r ic h a n d Ihc translo tcs iract the action helped greskers, but whut in c r e a s e ik s cau g h t be- m e n t’s Em:hly publicized the low est (

The ihidcid e n t if y th e m , f i f l t io n d o 'l o r t g a g c s o re p ra is e .:n s by Federal B enefit ch o se a fte r-in -, cen t last ytges m ay have percent ind w hose debts 1992. A nd,md the ir cars. in cach o ffy them , tficy w ages rose feel the expan- W ell, th(b y , w h o hayc som c^sm olla d c o b so le te pra ised forsized, and.w ho g o in g b.y m a n a g e r s o f c o u ld . G<

lose m oney in sh o w in g tl d en ce” anc

rab lc iro n y in ing.' havo-w atchcd — But w as ustrial-produc-— in s tc a d 7 -0:y h a v e h e a rd th ey h a d t

away fth e second Jan u a^ , is

- W ith so many In a sign oflitie s ou t there nancicrR orisure to be able his rcputati'm -bff. Scratch outs in thero m y o u r list, one o f his <al public offer- to the publioison for sinall day the Do

the 4000 mimoronic to buy Since Tor R onson, who sells super!u e M o n ito r , 0 as Spider NIS in stitu tio n a l phin PowerI'yeor. “It’s.dif- on the flooi

I look a t 400 Exchange t<h ap p en to be A no ther

' sug g estiv e I s tu d y o f 5 i r ^ c . , a soft'public in 1992, tw o weeksDavid L. Bab- o fS M a s h .

dge, M ass.. last op en in g di" In v e s tin g (or cashed out,speculating) in Som e ans. ... O u tr ig h t the Dow at0 bad idea,” frnns w ill rire tim ely . The to m arket ianguished from optimism. I

---------------- T


M2 eO--------303. U tntVluM ---- ..

304 irrmtiwffli m* 30S CamasMarQton m

— 306 6uiraulo6uilnni v]307 SO

lliaiiii■ l | Mk IMMM *1

i l ^ jna Hemntirsm *503 BuriftoHoniH -70

S S S S S M S - ' I

12 fvniminM/StSn 701W

,, II s a s r - »:

520 ftmCitiiiStnUn 7ii521 RMtnuWvtM


P a y S c h e d)t Days :

l i/llnB _ _

d ay ln3ertlon, add $2 for^ Magic

id In Ag W eekly h i r only $ 3 per

■ TO'

_____ 5______


r fromle a b o u t th e ir ro le in e i- dlOugh it is sign ifican t. iljtivity by ano ther nam e is be r m an-hour, w hich often c s in to p ro fits , and it w asreotly by a m ere 3 percen t ce in th e L a b o r D e p a r t - bE m ploym ent C o s t In d ex , tist on record. siiddle also helped keep in- a Jo w n , a n d th a t d e se rv e s

J'it costs ju s t 3 .4 p e r- n

year. com parc4 w ith 4 .6 din 1993 and 5.3 p ercen t in eid , a f\e r ris ing 3.5 percen t s3f the prev ious tw o y ea rs ," u )se on ly 2 .8 percent,th e m id d le s h av e g o tten cla ll p ra ise . T h e y ’v e been • cfor keeping the expansion oly s p e n d in g w h a t th e y gG o o d o ld c o n s u m e r s , aI th e ir “ c o n s u m e r c o n fi- a and k eep in g th in g s m o v - b

os il con fidence? O r stress i: -D ic l-fcop lc_buy_bccausc^li d th e m o n e y ? T h e n w h y c

fromst<id h a lf o f last year through • is starting to heat up again, o f the resurgence, go-go fi-

lonald Perelman, w ho made ation doing leveraged buy- le 1980s, sold about half o f is companies. Toy B iz Inc., iblic on Tliursday, the some Dow finally broke through mark.

Toy B iz is a com pany that lerhero toys, actors dressed r Man and the M ighty M or- ver Rangers jum ped around oor o f the N ew Y ork Stock e to create buying h o op la ., ^ icr sexy new issu e w ith a ive n am e, G en e ra l M agic • oftware m aker, w ent public t ks ago at an offering price c shore. The stock h it S32 on p day , and m any in vesto rs

ut, doubling their m oney. r analysts believe tha t, w ith r at record highs; investm ent i

II rush dozens o fn e w issues J t t to take advantage o f the s 1. IPOs could even return to c

T h e T i n i e s J N E w s -

Ui Fvfflisrad HOUUI W2 Anbix-«a UnluniWwlHoiim---- -- 803-aiwn

603 FiiTiMvDuttiBl W DuM/'Oe04 > 80S Ctmmas RmntivnM \J m cnwrvi90S . 'I BJ7 CWhmgC07 OnalReOiScoca S3S CenvnmtDB.CcratTWnfteW a09 CowrtU9 Wlrthouwflmrjgtfimui 811 FunMtun«10 (UtJOtlUruh »12 iwnnj(II Fvmitwnn 813 ltomtI>«12 PuJwMWFUnl BM Jnnliy/ei3 WmtdttRait 615 Lr»n&814 MobMltomSpK* .ai8 Unfor815 FtocmtWWinud 617 Moc-Fo

&&uS!^2!uUl “ VM*'•701 Aueacn M WvrtM702 cm (27703 CUkyEqulpmifil (jg ceUcut704 CuilsmrinnS*ivlc«t oo FluMii709 FvmUicNiwy

’70a Fwmjarciilmpiw*®' 707 FwrSwd •7(0' F«<aarSTeip8oi 7n Hir.CnhtFMd710 Hem*712 VmgiSon713714 ShMp&Cua715

d u l e

Chame par lltia....... ....... »3 .09p «rllne...............$4.76 par lino

p e r l in e ^

.............. ..$ 1 4 .4 0 p e r lino

■______ •eubtcui

glc Values. +

per week. + __________

3 T A L | $ ]


1 the edid they use so m uch cred i f th e y d id n ’t n e e d to , i borrow to the lim it o f the cards and hom e equ ity loa

D oug Lee. N a tW est Si e c o n o m is t, is a m o n g th< b e liev e th e c o n su m er dc t io n is m o re th an rc p o r show , and m ay even have a new peak.

H e o b s e rv e s th a t nuti le a se s , in c re a s in g ly pop n o t fu lly a cco u n tcd fo r data, and that the cushior cd by equity in horned is s te a d i ly sm a llc r_ ^ s hoi

■ used to finance lifestyles,A h in t that the lim it wii;

, cam e in D ecem ber, a usi • cred it m onth . w hen the an

o f c o n s u m e r in s taU in e r grow th dived to '9 ’8 perc a ro u n d 17 p e rcen t in Ni and m ore than 15 pcrccn t ber.

: A nd speaking o f homo isn ’t very w e ll know n tl

^ te r m hom e ow nersh ip rate c a te g o r ie s u n d e r 55 ye;

tockm:I Hedgin

The Waahington Post

I f y o u ’re w o rr ie d o m arke t in ,th e next,few

i d o n 't 's e l l your long-tc holdings.

; Instead , co n sid er a i [ b ig guys use: hedging

y our stock positions w I te rm in v e s tm e n ts tha

from 0 m arket decline.Stephen Lceb, whose

^ te r The B ig.Picture mai

; the record levels o f 1993,! co m p an ie s firs?^.sold sto I public, raising S34 billion,I IPOs are hard lo resist. /

m ann w rites, “ Com panic 1 pub lic offerings ... engen t investor enthusiasm ; no t > : ..hasn’t heard about, o r bee ! SDtnetimc, the opportunity I on th e g ro u n d f lo o r o f ’

S i: g g | . grt,ouo.................. - -»1 AIWVMotlxti

BCB ■ininiCnW— »3 Botti/totuoDd/uUltirUtt 5W dnW'VShlS;nns&C9Upn>M • ' ^AJrtninim] 908 Cuftvfm50,^ 907 IWTubVl>ooh

— » S ' i StkcM S«0'WigC«0dmaur»4Cifpm 9"m ^C axlM firo 912

^ IIFlirt

jsicilimuwwa II■

i/19/RiaiwCD I ,533 AuaaottmIOW AuWWjnW iwtyFocflvstwui ,QQ(


1098 AutoSnMW1099 iUoOuha

I f y o u a r e n n a b ]

. f o n n & p a y m e n

-P lea se runN am e__________

- Address— :— ~

- City/State/Zip'_____ ^

- Phone Number______□ M y c h e c k o r m o n e y o

□ B lIlm y V IS A o rM astc

C red it C a rd N un iber___Expiration D a te _______

L S ig n a tu r e ______ ' .

mliconoiedit? W hy, been fa llin g ri, d id th e y fo lk s h a d m:heir_crcdit w o u ld n 't theyoans? Il is n ’t alto^S e c u ritie s the m idsec tio r

th o se w h o ignored, becauJcbt s ltu a - o f considerab io r te d 'd a ia e lec lion -year pve reached be as co rrec t I

granted,j to m o b i le And true als:ip u la r, a rc For m illions or in c re d it cen t in liv ing £on p ro v id - ican d ream , his g row ing p a s t tw o decio u s c s a r e can be explo its, p roductiv ity ir'as reached But A m cric;isu a lly h o t tiv ity has resuannual ra te p roved last ycen l c r e d i t s e c u tiv e .yeairccni from w as the largesiN o v e m b e r In c re a s e d jnt in O ctp- source o f econ

I' ’lo w in g profille equity , it w h ile p r ic e sthat long - O n ly p a r t o f

ites fo ra g e m a in ta in e d li^ears h a v e w as hard ly a h

arket’sIg in the m

m endatlons th p ercen t ga in i

1 a b o u t th e b u y in g R yde: sw m onths, fund that gain; -term stock selling short S<

ceipts (SPDRs]0 tac tic the that rcflect the ig. B alance m arket as a wh with short- SPDRs trade

bat b e n e f i t th e A m erican(sym bo l is SF

)se new slet- overboard . Lc lade recom - not too bearish

5. when 663 IBM .' "tock to th e Investors la1, by the success. As Schlic; S n a p p le B evics m aking went public in endcr g rea t a share and soIt one o f us Co. two years icen offered bucks Corp., t Ity to get in whose stock p f “ th e n e x t its IPO in June

a I Mondaii-Fili

I Salnriiayi

^ itanioiiitu»vRvi.

l i SSE u B l ( •EuaiaiC injolbS lw iholl

l u s i l ik w t i lc i

■ S t t i i a i s O H f t« •Ptasjc/itrtym i

“ • l i i T i m s - U m i

Mall your - order form to:

ble to call or comi nt to our classlflec1 my ad in cla

1 —

order la enclpsed for $ • rter Charge (CW* CM) ■

I____ 'j_____________ _ II

-----------_ j------------------------------

idClassiflBil •

my’s 1I ra th er than ris in g . I f m o n e y to s p lu r g e , ■

:y be hom eow ners? together correct to say ’ • ion o f th e econom y is I rause it is the recip ien t 1 ibIe oratory and m any 1 ir p rom ises. B ut it m ay :t lo say it is taken for

also to soy it is patient, s o f A m ericans the as- ,g standards, th e A m cr- . has so u red o v e r the e c a d e s . S o m e o f th a t loined by o s low ing o f ' increoses.rican b usiness produc- :sumed grow ing . It im - _ yeo r-fb r thc fifth con- "•

c a r, a n d Ihe i n c re a s e • ;esl since 1984. d p r o d u c t iv i ty is the :onom ic w ell be ing , al- fiis and w ag es to rise cs a rc h e ld m c h cck . o f th e t r a d i t io n w as I la s t y e a r , and . th e re a howl about it.____________

sinitian a rk et ' dthat p roduced a 9 .9 ^ii

n in 1994, su g g ests dex U rsa , o m u tu a l lins as stocks fall, o r ; S&P Depositary Re- ‘ • I^ ), t)undles o f stocks ^ the triovemcnt o f the j-qj whole. ■ide ju s t like stocks on :an S to c k E xchange SPY ). B ut d o n ’t go L eeb ’s b earish , b u t .

Belately have been lured he

:ss o f companies such as bn ev e ra g c C o rp ., w h ich o f in December 1992 at S5 ; sold out to Q uaker Oats thi

irs latec a t S14. Or Star- fu the coffeehouse chain, trc ic price hos tripled since 69

me 1992.

ST h e T i m


• coa*fi/v >

Filday, 8:110 to 5:30 132 lay, 8:00 to 10:00


itCasliAils* SE/ZdaysfrMonilEfflslorsalt. JJ tiflteiscoijntsof real estate . ^bmuslmn consecutively.

specials b y C2lling a rm s -N s w s Cuslm a d l t i e f i f s N s y i t s p p e s r s . Incasiw s m e m ltis i l i i l i t lo - c i i is o r .ie c la s i

T h e H m C U S T I

------S E R V I

me by The Times-T ed dept so that weassification ■


forgotU.S. incomes: IWhat Americans eam and h

What are petiple e tPercent of U.S. hou

« M i by Income grdup. fc

Under , $5,000s s . o o o - m ^ Q ^ ,

S I O . O O O ^ M q^• $14,999 .

515.000- I $24,999 ■ H i f i l l

5 2 5 .0 0 0 -M M V in "$34,999 ■ H S h $35,000- ■ ■ n m

' S^9.999 ■ ■ H S i l550.000- m a m m m —S74,999 H i i H

I$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 |H g Q ^ !

o v e r - H P, ^R CE:Cenw * Bureau. RopwC

i l p u b UBui obscured by the flnsl

ners arc lots o f d ism al losei ccntly checked a list o f stoc w ent public in June 1993 ani eigh l IPOs that Jum ped at I p c rc c n t w ith in 24 h o u rs c launch. Seven have sincc fi price,

Typical was Discovery Zo a chain o f indoor recremion for kids. It came out at SI I ; ju m p e d to 518 th e sam e d now trades at less than S8. Vvhich makes go lf cfub shaf\: its debut at S7, rose to SIO nex t day. soiircd to S19 las then plunged to less than S5.

But these are still aneciiol B abson study , conducted v help o f Lehm an Brothers Ii broader results that should sc olTlPO s for'good:

• Only 14 pcrccnt o f the : the class o f 1992 “improved fu n d a m e n ta l sa le s a n d c t trends af\er coming public , . 69 percent had deteriorating t

• M ore than h a lf the cor

im c s j 'f a w R e a c h n

TOMER V VICE --------^E J IS 2 I2 H J 3 M

132 3rd Street West, P.O.Bok Twin Falls, ID 83303

Display Ad3 business! Advertising

ortfljcouiit • 25%'Olf reoilar open ral{ ml Dijcoinl -25% ofl rBjuk open rales rs lorlal flollcas-12lines,1(!ay, $6.50 lad to Boy-5 lines, 30 days. $5.00

M o m r Servics R e p im l a iw . case of e m , (eport it to ttig Customer

•Jassify-or-fsiact aiiy classilied advertisi

m e s - N e w s

r O M E R I

/ I C E ^ 1

s-JVeius offlce, simp re can get yonr ad i

• f

------ i—

ttenclPerception v s . r

i how they percoivo thomselvos

earning? : How Amousohoids ; them selfor 1993: > M M i i g 9 4 s u

; people \d a s s th(

............. r 'c la s s I '

; 13%*64% of . / • house-

. , . 1 Middle \ c lassNv 58%

T W tanow rtC toB j they need to lln

i. Ju s t lo get by NOTE: i , - z00Mni total { U ve In reasonat

, . io o s ^ io } comfortfoundlno

cOf^onttBtion I Fulfill all thoirdri

i c offerishy w in- suffered a qimrtcrl iers. I re- in the first year a ocks that M ore than 75 per md found within two.years.1 least 50 M h e com panies ac

o f th e ir in one o f the foui fallen in IPO-and that figur

nies that w ere los 'o n e Inc., ihey went public < tn centcrs sonal losses!1 a share. * As for slock d ay and o f the IPOs wore

B. A ldila. the market as a w if\s, made & Poor's 500-sioc 10.50 Ihc the initial ofTering last M ay, 'And 64 pcrccnt v >, by the market if yioles. The pricc on Ihcir first w ith t h e ’ The latter figure Inc., hos since mosi small

scarc you a piece o f rcd-ho IPOs. Those deal'

c IPOs in . custom ers who g< d on their kcrage com m issi e a rn in g s w cll-connccicd p , . . while ing , in recent yc; 5 trends," speaker Tom Foie om ponics D ’Amato, R-N.Y.

more than 53,000 read with just one pione i

rS3-0931IK 548, ■ 733-093


■ T->s days prior to’publication. Call a Times-ll ing Sales Repiesentalfve tor more inlornati

'Frea Ads-Lost &lound&i 3 lines, 3 days

• See order lorm lor^ur opei

ler Service Department to receive an ad

t is e m t not meeting l/ie s/aniJaftfs of

P.O. Box 548 T W I n F a l l s , I d a h f l

iply clip and mall t [ started without defor

■ ■_______i____________

lass. reality:lvos ad earners:

r A m ericans s e e n se tv es4 survey asking pie what ecdnomlc s they were in: . ;

r Upperclassl% }-'~r " TLow er I d a s s

'o 5%2 2 % , . ;

ddioissgo/ Lower

middle ’ .— c l a s s - '

ihis ' say-------------------- -----------I live on

y - $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 . j

)n a b lo . * • '$ 4 0 .0 0 0 , . :

ir d re a m s $ 1 0 2 ,0 0 0

ringsr tc r ly e a rn in g s d e c lin e a r a f te r g o in g p u b lic , p c rc cn t h a d a dcclir te

irs . A n d 19 p c rc c n t p f s a c tu a l ly lo s t m o n e y fou r q u a rte rs af^cr tlic ig u re e x c lu d e s c o m p a- : lo s in g m oney b e fo fe lie o r had no rm al sc^-

)ck p r icc s . 57 p c rc c n t ■' vcre o u tp e rfo rm e d b y ' a w h o le ( th e S tan d a rd s tock in d ex ) i f y o u u se i r in g p r icc a s th e b a se , n l w ere o u tp e rfo rm e d ' i f y o u u se th e c lo s in g

first day>of trad ing , gure is m o re im p o rta n t lall in v e s to rs c a n 't g e t l-ho t. o n e -d a y -w o n d e t teals u su a lly go to b ig0 g e n e ra te h e a v y b ro - l i s s io n s - a s w e l l a s to rd p o l i t ic ia n s , in c lu d - . y e a r s , fo rm e r H o u se Foley a n d Sen , A lfo n se J.Y.

i a d e r s a d a y

1 c a l l ! _ '

‘ S I I g g g

'0931 ;i| 734-5538

■ i L t 'nes-llews I ; ,irnialion. 1 1 '

id&ilem stogiveamy, . :

■open rate ’■

an adjustwent. ;is o f tfie publisher. ■

ho833D3 —

l l th ls o rd e r l delay. j

_ d a y s ^ ^— I -----------------------------1

........ . - I .--------- -----------------1

I ;-----------------------------1

I '---------------------- 1 .

I • ' -J ---------------------- 1

I :--- -------------------- 1

I .• ■■

Page 18:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

. C-2 Tlmo9-New8. TWtn

L e g d l i s - I


PinuanitoklahoCateM- ba cenducflno eanJd«» m NAME^D ADDRESS



237 EW 19th S»M(- Burtey,IDB3318



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JOINT SCHOOL WSTBIffr CASTl£FORO-Zon*3 500UAlnStr«M CadMoR). ID 83321


HANSEN FREE UBRARYI-------------------Tniibi----------------

120W.Maplo Hansan. >083334


iSOOMohSlrMlWnt BuN. 1063318


‘ JOINT lAmTALXU HIOHV SU)DlsM3 lOeArehw Muctaush. ID 63344

TWIN FAUS HIGHWAY Dt S(DDlSr1ct3 1234K>gNandAw.E. TWhFida. 10 63301

CITY OF BUHL 2CoudPo>BSan*203 North SnMdiray BuN. ID 63316

CTTYOf CASTLEFORD .MayDr.SCoundPotUoi 300 MainCutMonL 1063321

CTTYOFnL£R aCoundPoaldona 300 Main StrM FUr.1083328

OTYOFHANSENMoyw.2CounciPo«Bla 388Maki6trMt Hans«\ 10 63334

OTYOFHOLUSTER 3CoundPosUons 2392 Main Stivet HoUsttr. ID 83301

CtTY OF KIMBERLY Mayor.3CoundPoaIlloi l32MalnNo«h KWwriy. ID 83341

OTYOFMURTAUGH 2 C cud PosOona 30SWastBoydS:A>t( Murtaugh. ID 63344

CTTYOFTWlNFAaS 4 Cound PotBont (Sm 3;i2ndAvwKMEM> 7W1nFalla.lDB330t

--------------CASTLEFORD RURALFTBSubDteattS’Cormtek P.O. Box 606 or 300 Mai CatOaionl. ID 63321

JOINT HAOERUAN FIRE F OISmiCT-2 Commlaaie P.O. Box 336 or 966 Jual Haoamuifl. ID 63332

ROCK CREEK RURAL RR Dtosld-IConinittlon* 623 Main Nonh Kkrterty. ID B3341 -


____ Ccnxnbaionac______2615E2400N ;TVvhF^10e3301 .Dadarabn ol CanMacy

raapactiM tadrta (M U offi

RmMBKtionCdwvlir.' PUBLISH: THnday.Matd

N O T I C E O APPLICATION F( WATER PERMIT Tbe foUowiag applkat h a t been filed appropriate tbe pul

-w sten of Ibe Slnle Idaho:4 7 ^ 6 3


'2588R 3S00N TWIN FALLS ID 8330 Source: grooadwater D I T e r a I 0 n ? SEI/4SE1/4, S35. Til RI6E; Twin Falls Coon Uae: OhU)1.12/31

S toaiW eno:93 cW“ Coamenlkl (0.93 eft) Domestk (O ^ c fi) to ta l DiTcnion: 0.96 < DaleRJed::OJyOJ/95

- Ib : SEI/4SEI/4. Sn o s . RlfiF^TIm appUcalioa prapa to divert ETOosdwai rh m tbe ■Eaxtci^ Sat riaia A m ” pfew__ u a d e f o r a t o rim w n id u id A|»il 3«h , IK Tbe onlcr aBowi I dtnctAT to-.coaslder oa

• — C A ie -b jr -c iia 'b a i appBcatiou IT it c n ibbwn tbe detdop ai

. h a r t BO eTfect'p r io r f a r f i e t ai g r o s a d w a t t r r ig i bwMM c t k i lecaik IwigriDeaKcowmplk or BitlgttkM by I

' app&eax t« effliM faOli to o th o f -fk h t t . :: t

i ■ '

win Falls, Idaho Thursday. Mi

i - L e g a l s - L e i

I C E L E G A L N O p C


134-1405: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN• antMripaolai alecdons in TVki F A C


WT: MAY 16t- ■ _____________

v a . . - 'HW16 ■



111 hUYie• 3A4 M

VCT UAY16i3&4

113! , WAY 16ua

(14, MAY 164&-B' • ----------- --------------fmt

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I.^^-*418 MAY16I4&S



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D NbybitBEH'?*Mona











r 'W.FWE NOVEMBER? TRICT ■ --------- ~

dacy and PeMon o> CandUacy (one oot t otBoaa biad itove or« the Cwrty a



O V pentiK, If aptnTcd, v FOR be niliject to nll pri

«ml«r rights a ^ katiaa mitlgaliop needed d lo protect pifer rigbts fn public nalerial ii^ary. A

ale of protest mast be fOed w the Director, Dept. W ate^r R e s o u rc e

iUSAN Soullimt Region, 2 Sbosbone Street Ea Twin FaH>. ID S33

3301 - tofetber wilb a prolHt I ler of S25.0D oa or bcTc

P t : Ma/di 30, 1995. T TIOS, protaatAol maU alxo le

loottiy. ' a copy of (be protest tbeappUent.

H---------- R T 'K tili------ft) Dir«tor

•‘ubUihed id Tim a News 3 a i 3 ^ /M . •




I ll» In U» U M tr o l I t t A(

S S f N t - B U .9

l»»au , . A prtson ty p»n iw B Ct 08 •*lTum «rli,-bom ln T

CoWiV. Jdwio. PlPPOi:atkM, ■ o h an g * in,pUoa. D«HvRMM(Mwkl«rl

; b M n lM h M .abovt-, , r * M*d court V w r tu o nMJluy tttt d i m * in iw n t tw

tb e tha t t)#iltiofty ha» fa«

March 2.1995

» g a l s


IDAHOARFOfl1998EN: That Mkmtns taxino dMrlcts «■ la County durtng calendar ywr 1M9:

DECtARAnON- ofcAnwoacy ■



Sinilemental Sohxl LovyElecSlsn

SSXIpm A(rt14,l09S


8«) pm A<in 14,1908'


_____ ' 5«pm /« rtl4 .l9 a5 —






SfiO pm June 23,1995

6£0 pm June 23.1995

IR? S:OOpmOcL 10.1995

1 ■ - . iinV, ■ BiOQ(»n'bct'lO, ’t995

jfl?:. ; SflOpmOct'ia’iW

B ? . tfpo pm Oct 10,1995'

K ? 5S)0 pm pet, 10.1995

5:00 pm Od 10,1905

LR 7 (too pm O a 10. 1m

« 7 SCO pm Oct 10.1996

•RT---------8«) pm Sapt 29.1096----- -j- . . .

« ? 6:00 pm S e p t . 1995

» ? SS0pmS«pL29.1995

!R ? SDO pm Sept 29,1995

ooirUned tartti) forma are avalabie at Itie y Oaik^ oflloa. Court Houae. IMn FUa. ^ T W n F * County CW(

I, will known as Danny Ruisg ,u4.y Modder since he waft sL

y e v i old. ho now wishoi’ to make ihis chwgo forI to maBy. Tho n«mo ol lh<fron pMDor>or*B father It Dann]

a ' F ^ ie l Tumor, and Ns ad, ^ drass I* 2206 East .40« • North. Pitor. Idaho. S332S. t. of S a id poiltion will bec e s . heard on Friday tho ITtf

711 day of M arch, 1065. a 9 : » o'dodra.Tn.7 and oi>

East, jectlons inay bo Hod bjB3301 any person who can, Irs( fee— such .ob}^nf._«how .l(

. ; tha Court a good i«asor _ agaifltt «udi a chango o **** name.

I sew) WITNESS my hand on< esi lo ua lo faa ldC M rtlh lilT tf

•davo lF eb ru«vJp95 .

R?P!^Of?N and f AY BORN . AR.E. RAYBORN , Anomay tor Patiticnar

: t P U eU S H : T h u ra d a y IPTH PebAiaiy 23. March 2, i 7 ;o p a n d je .lW ^ . .



ApftI- ^ N o .C V S M T S . . . . 'SUMMONS

N ^ . vt-KRuJ- B otw tL W nam > Twin - Oefendan>. ««« NOTICE: YOU HAVE >FaU s_aEEN SUED BY THE posing a b o v e -n a m e d PLAIN



b a y r^avc a c a r

:e ^ l e g a l n o t i c e



■ TIFIEO that in ordor to do- fond ttils lawsuit, an ap- propriato written response m ust bo Ulod with the abovo dosignatod court within 20. doys oftor sor- v!e« ot this sumnyjns on you. II you la il to so re­spond tho court rriay entor Judgmont against you os domandod ^ tho Plolntilf In tho CompIainL A copy of the Com^alnt

' Is sorvod with this Sum­mons. II you wish to seok tho advise of or roproson- otion by arf attomoy in this manor, you should do so prompily so that your writ- ton rosponso, H any, may bo filod In timo and othof logoi rights protoctod An approprinlo written ro-

sp o n so roqulros com - pblnco with Rule 10(a)(1) and othor Idaho Rutos ol Civil Procoduro and shall also indi/do; .

1. Tho tido and number , of Ihis case.

2. II your rosponso Is an

It must conatln admissions or donlols oi tho soparaU allogatlons of tho Com- plalnt and olhor dofonsos you may dalm.3. Your ftlgnaturo, mailing

addrosa, and lolophone ruimbor, or tho slgnaturo, moling address, and tole- g i ^ o numbor of your at-

4. P ^ l of mailing or do- livory of a copy ol your re­sponse to Plmntifl't anor-

— ....noy, os designalod abovo..To dotorm lno whothor

you must pay a filing loo with your rosponso, con­tac t tho C lerk -of Iho obovo^iamod court DATED this 16lh doy of Fobmary, 19S5.CLERK OF THE DIS- TOICTWURT

Deputy CloritPUBLISH: T hursday , Mareh 2, 9, 16, and 23,19&S._______________ __




' In tho Mattor ol Iho Estato •'of WARREN W. STROUD.

Docoasod. vCasoNo. SP-95-117

■ ; NOTICE IS HEREBY [i^lVEN tha t tho undor- , 'j jg n o d h as b een ap-

pointed personal ropro- ' Aontalivo ol tho obovo-

namod estato. AD pofsons having claims aqakist tho said d o co aso d a ro ro- qulrod lo p re se n t thoir claim s w ithin (our (4) months attor tho dato of the first publication of this notice or sakJ dolms will bo lorover barrod. Claims m ust bo p roson tod to Colo, Ritchie & Robortson, A ttorneys a l Law, P.O. Box 525; Twin Fans, Ido- ho, 633034525, Of filed

• wi* tho Court-•DATED this 23rd day ol Fobmo^, 1995. -

^ — DOROTHY-G. STROUD— Porsonal Roprosontativo

• ‘ PUBLISH: T hursday , March 2.9. and 16.1995





-RIPLEY-------- -----------Docoasod.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th a t tho u^doi>

Bw signod h as boon ap> la, polnt'od Porsonal Repro-

sentptlvo of the above- named ostato. All persons having claims aqanst the sa id d e c e a s e d a re re -

Sulrod to p re se n t thoir aims within four months laitni after tho dato of the first i*:S pubflcationolthisnoticoor sakJ daJms win bo forowor for. barrod. Claims must bo h o prosontod to EDWARD L j ^ v &NOIT, Personal Repro- ^ ' sonmtivo ot Iho ostato, at (000 126 S eco n d A venue North, P.O. Box 366, Twin

T e Palls, Idaho, and niod with iTth tho courti a t DATED Ihls 23rd day olI nhi—February; 1995.------------ - •^ V s/E dw ^L B onoll , iS Edward L Benoit V to Porsonal Roprosontativo l ib n 'P U B tlS H : “ T huraday ^ March 2 .9af)d16.1995




AY- In Ro (he Estoto ol:- ETHEL VJROINIA MAR­TIN

Deceasedlay . The personal ropresenta* 2, 9 tive nam ed below haa___ been apc^nte^ and ha*

quaBfi^ as peraonal rep- TH montatlve of this estato. OF P eraona Having olalms HO. a g a in a t th e d a c e a a e d

m ust, p rior to .Ihe tim e ^-i_^iuo t»-cla lm a-w ould-b«

banad by any othoiwl*® appdcabie statutt ol limita­tions, feana their daims on the persM arrepresenta-

ilntill t iv e o r th a a tlo rn a y a o f reco rd a t th a ad d ro sa stated below and file, an

dsnt exoculed copy ol the daim W E with the Clerk of this Court [■HE wimin four month* a fte r SIM- (ho date ol first publication lulAY notfoe;or wIlNn toor :n T rnontha altor the date of

>ND ol the Court whUtevar I* B A ft.>aterw ».«wee|>l-*n>d»»

: L E G A L N O T I C E '

=. thoso provisions Indudod In ROW 11.40 .011 or

,rt RCW 11.40.013, the daim win bo lorever barred. This

> b a r Is o lfectiyo a s to olalms against both tho

r>- probale a s se (s and tho io norvprobato assets of the,« decandent .........................rt DATE OF RUNG COPY I ' OF NOTICE TO CREDl- ,n TORS with Ctoik of Court; CH Fobnjajve, 1995. or DATE 6 f FIRST PUBLl- ts CATION; F eb ruary 9, iff 1995.


s:]k Wonatchoo.WA n. 98807-3011 is CARLSON, DREWELOW K) & MC McMAHON, P.S. 'It. BY: ROBERT W.SEALBY ly Attorneys for the Estato „ PO Box 2965

Wonatchoo, WA 9S807 0. '(509)662-6131 1- PUBLISH: Thursday, Fob- 1| ' r u ^ 23, March 2 and 9,


w _Notlco.I*.hornby.Qivaft.by_ tho Planning and Zoning

in Commission for tho City ol Twin F°***J IHnhn thnr n

'• puWlc hoarlng will bo hdd to on March 14, 1995, a I- Tuosdoy, at tho hour of )s 7D0 o 'c to ^ P.M., in tho

Council Chambors, City <g Han, locatod at 321 Soc- le ond Avenue E ast, Twin0 . Falls. Idaho, to hoar a ro- ^ quest by:It- T^PHIP^nnrillflAMASQN

R equest a Special Use0- Permit in ordor that tho a- appflcants may oporato a

recreation faality In con- junction-with an R.V.-paik..

>r on p roperty locatod a t ZT^a KImborV Rood In the

^ City of Twin FaBs’ Area of0 impact.

JEANNE L WARR of Roquosts a Spodal Use

Permit in order lhat the >' appBcant may oporato a

boauty saton as a homo

f. In Twin Fans.3. BRIAN DEY_ Roquosts vacation of Sun­

s e t S tree t, whlch-is lo-1 calod south of KImborly * Road, north ol Roral Ave­

nue, e a s t of M adrona Stroot ond west of Eddy Stroot In the City of Twin

1- Falls, in order that the ap­p lican t m ay o p e ra te a

to commorclal business at ), 1906 Klmbofiy Rood, d . RICHARD G. MESSER-

SMITH Y forr- CANYON GATE LLC >- ' Roquosts a Zoning District )- Change and Zoning Map )- A m endm ent from R-1- is 43,000 CRO density to to R -l-4 3 ,0 0 0 CRO PUD )- donslty for approxlmatoly ir 20.5 acrotf ol land locatod 1) ono mile north And ono- of half mile east of tho Intor- is soctten ol Polo Uno Rood ill an d G randview Drive IS North in the City of Twin :o • F a l l s ; J ^ of Impact for n. ih&iwrposo of developing ). V ^ lo -fam ily rosidontid B- ubdivision. id r THEClTYOFTVflN

L FALLS ol poquosts amendment of

Tvnn Fans City Code Soo-___ Uoti-10*2»l-whlch-WQuld_

provide doRnitions for the1. torms *bost management

practices* , 'do to n tio n bciiily", Totontion ladllty*,

I and ssn n wator*; amond-p nwntofSoctlon l6-11-eto> foquiro stonn wator man- ' agoment and spoclfylng

- stondards for ^ devotop- m on(s; am endm en t of Sections 10-11-9(d)(5).

9 10-12-2.3(0)^. 10-W - lE 4.2(G). 10-12-5.3. 10-12- E. 5.5, 10-12-5.6. 10-12-5.7,

__10-1_2-5.8 and 10-12-5.9 Id. by’crdss-rorerenclng the . lY drainage and storni wator ,r, m an ag em en t ro quiro- i{. m ents of S ec tio n 10- 0- 11-fl; and amending Soc- e . tion 10-11-9(C)(5f(c)by ns tpodlying storm wator .re-

j ! “ " t h e ^ ^ ft w in

K Roquosts^^iiSdm ent.ol rst tho City's Zoning Code by or ropeaEng the exTsdng Soo- n r tion 10-12-3.11 oMho.^ so T«fn Fan. C l^ C o * w d L enacting a new Section ■0. ' 10- 12-3.11 which would at provide for devotepmont of JO open spae«. park* and 10- Hn tontion-dotontlon areas in Ilh all subdMsloris.

A comptoto description Is ol on file with the Twin Fall*____City Planning .and Zoning

Administrator at City HjbII, 321 Second Avenue E ^ t 736-2267.

ly Any ahd an persons dnir- Ing to comment may ap-

)R pear and bo hoard at the TE appoimed time.IN It/ LaMar N. Oiton, Com- r f munlty Dovelopmertt Di­

rector*- PUBLISH: T h u rad ay a,

S February 23,1995, and March 2 .19W


ed SUBJECT: Nolioe- ia ta* hereby aiven (he Idaho t a S ta te OefJartmenI of a* Heahh and WeKan, Dh^ tp- sion o l Envlrcffmenta) to. Quality It aoBdting propot' n t al* lor engineering design I d ' and oonstructeri-HoivIoet i e (oc-(he Cascade Rosenoir >e—Pm f^O R F P e5 0 ee)r— • • e DESCRIPTIVE SUMMA- ta- R Y :T he IDHW -DEOIt on *«M ng-a qualified eng>* a - rf«erlng firm 10 provide of planning, dealgn , eon* sa ((ruction managementand^ an eonitruoUon •ervlces for im Iha C asoade Reservoir Jrt-. Wa(er Oli'allty Improve* e r fTient Projeot. A bidder* on • ootHeranoe w flt^ heM In i r ConfarerMe Room ’CT at of theDlvuslonolEnvtrofl- o f ' menial Qualiiy, 1410 N: A ' Hilton, B o lte. Idaho on I t W edneiday,* March 1, ; ,iBtt^arfl,an*M(M8T>.—

f ' l e g a Lj ^ o t i c ^ ^

d SUBMISSION OF PRO- 1ir POSALS: All prtvato enti- in Mas m ust bo rogistorod |Is with tho Stato ol Idaho, !0 Department of Admlnlstra- 10 (ton, Dhftiton of Purohas- -Ia irtg prior to submission of0 tho proposal. Ono original 1

and five copiet ol the pro- 1Y posal must bo rocolvod at 1 I- &w location below by 4:00 1 t: pm (MST) on F riday. 1

March 17, 1095. if you t 1- woukJ like a copy ol the I K RFP. please conuict Jan , <

Nmra at 334-0502,_______ ]NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S '

SALE ION the 7tti day of JUNE. , 1995, al tho hMr of 10:15 <

„ A.M., of taU day. (rocog- ' y nizod tocal time), m the , Offlco of First AmorteanTI- ' tie Corbpany, 260 3rd Av- ; - onue North, Twin Falls, in I

tho^ountv of Twin FaDs,. ' Stoto ol Idaho, First Amor- ' lean Title Company of lda% ;

f tio, Inc., an Idaho Corpo- 1 '• ration, as sueeessor tiust- . 00, v O s«D a t public auc- '

tion, to tha highest bidder, ' for cash, in lawful money '

y -o l- lh o Unftod-StatoSr^l - fl payab le a t th e tim e of ^ sa le , tho following do- ' a —AcrlMd-real-proportypaitu*— o atod In Ihe County ol TVrIn a Falls, Stato of Idaho, and

described as foJsws, to- 0 wit:V Lot 10. Block 2,> GLYNN’S ADDITION, n . Tvrfn FaBs Counly^^da-

according to the of- - el p lat thereof, re-

j mfr«i>rt In ft ni0 Plats, Page 8 , Records o ol Twin Fans County, a Idaho. EXCEPT Ihe 1- NorA S feet thereof, k. —The -T ru a to e -h as^n o it knowlodgo ol a more par- ' 0 ticular d<»criptk>n of Ihe >f abovo re fe ren co d rea l '

property, but for purposos ' of compllanco witn Section' '

o 60-113 Idaho Code, tho 0 T rustee h a s boon In -., a form ed (ho a d d re s s of o 1658 SHOUP AVENUE >- EAST, TWIN FALLS, ida- rt ho, is somotimos assod-

atod wllh said roal propor-

>• ^^ald sole wUI bo madet- without covenant or war-y ranty roganing titto, pos-y. sosston or encumbrancesa to satisfy tho obBgation so-ly cured by and pursuant toin tho power of t a l e c on-> ferrod In tho dood of trust a executed by L GORDON It CARTER AND SUSAN

CA RTER.husband and . wile, a s g ra n lo rs , to


ci tion, a t successor trustoo.Ip lor the benefit and socurity I- of MERRILL LYNCH 0 CORPORATION, prevl- D ousfy doif>g btjslness as ly MoRlll Lynch E ^ ty Man- id egomont Inc., a* oonofi- >- clary, d a te d April 16, r- 1084, rocordod April 20, id 1064, as Instrument No.0 6S9342, M ortgage in R ecords of Twin Falls ar County, Idaho.



sale is to bo made' Is tho .> lalkJre to pay when due, to under Deed of Trust Noto n- datod April 16, 1984, tho >g amount of $15,454.5i, for p- Prindpal, duo ond payabkt of on or befo re April 16,'). 1994. with unpaid accruM1- Interest and lato charges2- owing In the amount ol 7. $1.08^92, a s ol 1-9-95..9 AO amounts aro now due, ie . togelhorwifh unpakf arid ' or accruing taxes, a sse ss - 9- monts. trustoo's fees, at-3- (ornoy's leoa, co sts and c- advancos m w e to protect )y the socurity assoc ia ted 0- with this lorodosure and

that (he boneftdary elects to sell or cause (he trus( property to be soki t t sal-

01 Isly sakl obligation.jy Dato: January 26.1095 c- FIRST AMERICAN TITLE lOyCOMPANYOF IDAHO,^ INC.m ^:MonlnoCok>Id Trust Officor of (208)375-0700 0- PUBLISH: T h u ra d a y , in Febnmry 9, 16. 23 ar>d

Marehg. 1995.__________,1» NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S

SALE’0 Ob Tue*day, (ho 6th day

of Juno. 1995, at the hour , t of 10:00 o-dock A.M., ol

sakJ d a y jn tho offteo ol *-• SECURITY TITLE COM- ip. PANYOF IDAHO, LO-



>'■ i S v ' ? f f i 0 F,DA.a , HO. Inc., an klaho Corpo­

ration. as trustee, wO seB at 1 ^ 0 auctfon, to the

r NgtesttM der,forcash,ln ^ lewM money of Ihe umtod

of daterlbed real property, vL situated In the County of ^ TWIN PALLS, S t a t e d

Idaho, And de*orft>ed aa

^ L o T ^ ^ ^ lo e k -2 , NEW ^ 8 C H ^ ^ £ D m O N j T ^

17 wrdrto C ^ a iIs th«i«ol rwsorded In Book ii: 1 of P ta (» . P a g e 103,]e reoord* of Twin Pall* •


, - / -

L E G A L N O tlC E ; 1

* DRESS OF 133 JEFPER- Ik- SON ST., TWIN FALLS, /i i IDAHO 63301, MAY Li I, SOMETIMES BE ASSO- T >• CIATED WITH SAID A -R E A L PROPERTY.- C if SaU sale wil be made F ll without covenant or war- P >- ranty regardirig titto, pos-- M It session or encumbranoes _ 3 to satisfy the obBgation se-'. cured by-and pursuam to - u th e pow er of t a le con-a lerred in the dood of tmst <n , executed by JOHNNY M. S



IDAHO COFiPORAtlON 5:K AS Successor Trusteo, lor cJ- tho bonoftt and socurly ol - tI. FIRST SECURITY WNK r> OF IDAHO. N A . a s soo- Z, o o ts o r in in te re s t by ■i m o rgo ro l TWIN FALLS SX BANK & TRUST COM- 3' -PANY as’ Benoflcary. -re- t

oordod October 7th, 1977i p

H FALLS C ounty, Id ah o , c” THE ABOVE GRANTORS 3

ARE NAMED TO COM- p. PLY WITH SECTION 45- TI' 150e(4)(e], IDAHO CODE, p‘ NO REPRESENTATION 1. IS MADE THAT THEY C. AREj OR ARE NOT, ’ ,( p r S ently RESPONSI- “ - b l e -rh r t his-o b b g a :-—f TION. 'i The default for which this

sato Is to be made is lail- j . mako.prindpal and „

Intorest peyments as set c0 lo ^ o n s a k iD ^ o lT n js t uII -and Premlslory Noto. The p, t original loon amount wasn $28,500.00 together with „9 Intorost thereon at (ho rato p. of 9.25000% per annum, k1 os evWoncad In Pfomls- a I sory Noto dated October ^ : 7, 1977. Payments are In ? [. default for tm months of f,

May through A ugust o l ^1994 in th e am ount o l 1

0 $474.00; and ^ to m b o r #.. of 1994 thnaugh January „^ of 1995 In the amount ol ri■ $576.00 per month and tl (. continuing each and every h 0 nwnth thoroaftpr until dato a . of soto or roinstatomenL ii It Tbe prlndpd balanco os it of Jan u a ry 4, 1905 I t h

$20,920.40 together v^th .d Interost thoroon as of Jan- ■0 uary 4 , 1995 In th e „ c amount ol $1,476.70. The • £ , per dlom is $5.30. All do- g1 llnquont paym en ts a ro . , now duQ together with any h J late charges, advances,- . ’j loos or costs asiodatod . I . with this lorodosure, and■ » tnis oato on me ooiianoon ^I socurod by said d ^ of .

trust is $22,505.10, Indud- ? ing intoresL but oxdudingcasts and expenses actu- _

; "* or in this solo, as trustee's > e loos anchor reasonable at- ” I . (orney'* lee* a s au tho- L

rlxed in Iha prom issory '1< noto secured by the afore- 2I mentionod Dood of Trust, n'i Datod: January 24,1995 Hp STEWART TITLE OF IDA- ^^ ' HO, Inc. Pb— By: Bov PetorMn------------- h* Trust Officor P , PUBLISH: T h u ra d a y , 1 ■ February 23, Mardi 2, 9 >x» ■ and 16:1995.___________ Ji SUMMARY OF TWIN “ ® FALLS CITYy ORDINANCE NO. 2466 to AN ORDINANCE OF {It t h e m a y o r a n d * U c o u n c i l o f t h e SS CITYOFTWIN.FALLS, g M IDAHO, AMENDING ° 5 TWIN l=ALLS CITY , , CODE 10-2-1 BY ADD- ,






‘I S b ’S ^ d m ^ A 'i S ? : !r • ANCES: AND PRO- I* VIDING FOR AN EF- t

FECTIVE DATE. , •Z The foBowing Is a 'Sum - <3, rnaryol th o ^ j^ a lp ro v i- [.1 sions ol the Ordinance, as «

.weO as other information -1, necessary to provide an <n accurato Summaiy. •Z S a < ^ 1 of tf^s Ord^ 1q .nanoe provides doflnitions •

lor ‘Canyon Rim‘ and for t. ‘ Canyon Rim Setback*; .^ Section 2 repeals Seetkm IJ: 10-7h|. whidi provided for i" canyon tim aotbacks, and ]f Section 10-12-6.2, previd- I

” Soctton. 3 establl4h«t a i

S 5 i r = S " W g l 3 ! 1? Creek Canyon and wIlNn )

700 feet of Snaks River 1" C a r ^ in residential, C-1 <j j or 0-2 zones. Section 3 1In **“ ^ I1. erty devaiopm enl a lan— i V - d a rd s . and req u ire s a >* P.U.O. fordavalopm ent I '< S eo tion 4 am end* th e 1 ' i 'standards for granting a 1 E v a r ia n c e te req u ire a I

showing of unnaeesaary IA hardship. The Ordlnanc* ,•p <* # f f e ^ upon passage (^ andp^Bcatton. 1- T heM tiex to fih laO rd l. I ' nanoe I* available tor in- I F apeo tlon from (he City I H or Zoning AdnMs- 1 N ..tratof. I E - TW*'*ummaiy I* true and < D oompleia and provfdaa ad- <■...a9uala .no< . | h e M - - *


lie. - ' Idal/s / FRITZ A. WONDER- alorUCH LotTwin Fans City Attomm. feoiApproved by Twin Fall* NoiCHy C ouncil T u esd ay . EaiFebnjary21,1995. tionPUBLISH: .T h u ra d a y , dskM ardi2r1995........ - ; sho



Seated proposals w» boraceiwd in the office of 46 1the D ^uty City Clerk at nrot321 Second Avenue East, TeeTwin F alls, Idaho until 2232:00 P.M., prevaiSnr focal av«time March 17, IMS. a( Souwhich time they shal be One publidy opened and read —weiIn the Coundl Chambors theof tho Twin Falls City Hall, aloThis is a contmct to supply saic525 (ons ol'M agnoslum 125C hloride to th e City ol OFTwin FaDs.- THfContract documents with KNspodflcations and-or plans ^aro avallaWo at tha office SCol the tha City Engineer. ABi

.32I.Second Avenue East.Twin Fans. Idaho. (Mailing FOFoe: $15.00). CO


321 Second Avenue East TWPO Box 1907- drTwin Fan*, ID B3303-1907 NAfPublish: Mardi 2 and 9. 10/1905 . SOOponrManrfi 17.199S C l/



„ tw in FALLSCASE NO. SP 95-9 SJ™ NOTICE AND SUMMONSFOR HEARING JJ” In tho Mattor of tho Tormi-nation of th e P a ren ta l o rWghtatoandAdortonof g;,,' KAILONI DAWN BRIGGS A ChBd under 18 year* of

tK- JOHN DOE, putative “ ' fa th er o l Ihe above-named chil^ ir

. PLEASE fAKE NOTICE g^F that a petition for tho tor- irtnatlon ol your parentalfight*, and tho adoption ol “ the above-nam ed child ha* been filed in tho abowMintitled court and ls scheduled for hearing In the abovo-entitied court on Mondoy. Mardi 27, 1995,at9.00a.m. CSf You hove ttio right to bo

preaont at this hoarlng. to prosent evMonco and to*-fimony on your bohalf, to. Pgfcross-exam ine the ovi- >h d onee and wKneaaoa'- egidnilyou. and to a p ^ ’■J'™on adverse dodsfon. Fur- f lS(her, you have the right to '^rtibo represontod by an at- *|)o tomoy, and H you are f!- n a n d ^ unable to a ffi^

moni of an attorney to rop—rosontyou. g°® You aro further notified of

roquiremont to raglstor L?.

C s s ^ i S M W «tho chikJ with * e vital Sta- tistics Unit ol the IdahoDopartmont of Hooltii and “ f" W elfare, B oise, Idaho,^ o r to t f w ^ d ^ o f ^ ther

purauant to Idaho C o d e ' dn.16-1513. FaSuro to do this ^

win resist in your being loobarrod from th e re a f te r , the,brinoing any action to es- 10(tablish your p a tem i» of e? (tho ch ild , and sha ll be 1,4prima fa d e evidence ol nay suffldant grounds to sup-port (ermlnlatlon ol your S . pa re n la l righ ts to th isChikJ. InMThis ctiBd Kaiioni Briggs,

wa* bom on February 6,1991 in Twin Fan*, Idaho, ^toUndaBrtM ir----------------S iDATED This 16tti day ol February, 1995.

. michaeL f . McCa rthy S ;

NOTICE O f TBUSTEE'S th"Qi*i g our

OnM ona«,tt»e5lhd8yof June, 1995. at the Itour oftO:06 o‘dod( A:M. of takf ST1day, in the office of C U - HORITY TITLE COMMNY gy:OF IDAHO, L o c a te d a t Tru311 S m n d Street Nortti, PUT w in rfa lis , Twin F alls Pel‘CounV. Idaho. STEWART an<T m x b F IDAHO, Inc., an ==: Idaho C orpo ra tion , a* trustoo, wDI sell at pubik: auction, to tho highest bW-

. do r, lor c a sh . In lawlul -

. m oney of tho U nited Stole*, all payable a t ttielima of sale, the Idfowing „doacrlbed real property, ^situated in * e County ol KTwin Fals, Stato ol Idaho,' J * and desoibed a* foBowi,

' EXHIBIT *A*Lott 46, 47 and 48, Blod( tjm 3, BLUE LAKES ADDI~1»*TION, Twin Fall* County, »h*Idaho.aocordngtotfteOf' amfidal Rat thereoJ, recorded gh In Bo<*'3 of 0latl7T a c » -F « 29. record* of^TWIn pJl*

A parcel ol land beina on Ihe northerly s(da of the oentarilne o fA c tio n Ave-mia.Survey .a t *hown6ri q,

vey now on We. In ft>e of- s enoe of tfte Idaho T ra n w * twtatlon Department, DM- of

£ ' i S g S IADDITION, Twin Falla sSCoun^, Idaho, aooordng cirto tha p la t th e reo f re - citcorded Book a of plat*, ^Paoa 29, reoord* of TWln p.cp 3 i « C oun^ . Idaho de- twscribed as fo lM , tM vit (20Baokuiinfl iM the ®comer oT Lot 48, Blodt 3 ptjo l B l ^ L A K E ^ D D I . M

L E G A L N Q - n C E

Idaho: thence Northerly along the east lino Of sakl Lot 48 a dstance of 9.70 foot to a pdm that boart North 0 d eg rees X2'47'East 44.70 fomi Sta- tfon 224*63.67 of tljo Ad- dsfon-Avenue Survm as shown oft the plan* of said - U.S. Highway No. 93, Project NO. ST^2391(552) Highway Survey; thence South 68 degrees 48*06* Wesl125.0 feet-toapdnt in the wott line ol aaU Lot 46 that bears North 0 de­grees •12'47‘ East 41.62 le e t Irom S ta tion 223«38.81 olsaU Addison Avenue S urvey; thence - S o u t i i^ along said west One 6.02 feel to .tho soutiv


-SaW -wie-wSI-bermade------without covonan( or vrar- ranty rogardlng tltk), pos­session or encumbrances to satisfy the obBgation se­cured by and pursuianl to the powor of sa le co n ­ferred in ttio deed of trust executed by EDWIN F. BOHRN AND CAROLYN B. BOHRN. Husband and Wife to STEWART TITLE OF IDAHO, INC^ AN IDAHO CORPORATION, as Grantor, as Successor Trustoo, for the benefit and s o c t ^ ol FIRST SE­CURITY BANK OF IDA­HO, N./1 as Bonofidary, rocordod June 11 #1. 1985, as instrument No. 882436, MortgMO records ol Twrfn Falls Cmnty, Idaho. THE ABOVE GRANTORS ARE NAMED TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 46- 1506(4](a), IDAHO CODE.NO AeW eSENATION IS - MADE THAT THEY ARE,OH ARE NOT, PR E S­ENTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS OBUGATION.Tho default for which this

sak) Is to bo mode Is fal- -uro to: make prindpal and Interest payments as sot forth on said Deed of Trust and Promisso7 Noto. The original foan amount wat «7,000.00 togethor with Interest thdreon at the rato ot 10.00% per annum, aa

Evidenced in Prom isson Tioto datod June 10,1985. Payments are In default for the month of July of1994 in th e am ount of $511.00: and the months ot AugJIt of 1994 ttvouoh January of 1995 In tho am ount ot $513.19 per m onflT ind o&ntinuing each and ovory montnv thereaftor until data of sato .orrelnstatomont-The prirv------dpal balanco as of Janu­ary 4, 1995 Is $42,709.21 to g e th e r with In te re st thereon as of January 4,1995 In th a am ount of - $2,040.48. The per diemI* $9.36. All delinquent ' payment* are now duo to­gether whh any lato charg- e* . a d v a n c e a ,f e e s or costs a s so d a t^ wltti (his foreclosure, and tt>e bal­ance owhs as ot this dato on tho obligation secured by said dood of trust is $44,027.53, indudlhg In; terest, but excluding costs and expenses actually in­curred In enforcing the ob­ligations thoreunoor or In tn s sale, aa trustee's foes and/or reasonable attor­ney’s fees as authorized In the promissory note s e ­cured by the atorem en- tfoned Deed of Trust Dated: January 23,1995 STEWART TITLE OF IDA­HO, InaBy: Bev Petonen Trust Offk»rPUBLISH: T h u ra d a y , Febniary 23. March 2, 9





Sealed proposal* wll be received In the offloe of the D e ^ City Clerk at 321 S o ^ Avenue East,Twin FUlla, Idaho until 2:00 P M , pravaBng k x ^ . tlm » R ld a y , March 10,

-1995,-inirttdi-llm e-they--------

C ham ber* o l th e Twin-Fdl* City H a l .-— ........ -

The work contomptated herein Is Ihe supply and inslallallon o f a sprinkler irrlatlon sys- lam for a twelve (12)

, are avallabla at (he office of the C«y Engheer.-321 S econd A venue E aa i,-- TWln FalB, Idaho «l a lee of seventoen doUara and

P.O.BOX1007; •'TW hM s, IP 83303-1007

. ^ ^ : M a i t h 10,1905. .

Page 19:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.





' SoahxJ proposoTt wIB bo - ■ recotvod irr lho offico.ot

Deputy City Ctork at M l Socond Avonuo Baal

■ Twin F#ll», Idnha unlll ••2<X) P.M., provaiitig local

timo Fridoy, Marcy 17,' (1095, ot which timo thoy ' «haI1 bo piAIidy oponod . end In tho Council ; C ham bors of tho Twin

• ' FaJte City Hafl.--------Tho-worti'contoniplatod'

: horoln It tho supply and Initalliitlon ol approxl- matoly 40,000 »quaro foot

. of g rsu sod.Contract Documonts with spodficatlons o n d ^ plans aro avoilablo at Iho offlca ol tho City Englnoor. 321 S ocond Avonuo E ast,

' Twin Fads, Idaho at a foo . . ol Mvontoon doliar# jind

fifry conts (S17.S0) plus til- toon dollan ($1».6o) tn&jl- ing foo.Snaron M. Bryon-Doputy

, City Clorit •. City ol .Twin Falls

~ 321.S6condAvonuoEast P.O. Box 1607

' Twin Fon$. 10 8330^1907 (208)736-2245 PUBLISH: Thursday. March 2 and 9.1995

---------OponrMmch 17.1B95—IN THE DISTRICT






GIVEN that tho undor- signod h a s boon ap- poinlod Porsonoi Ropro- Bontativo of tho abovo- namod ostalo. AO persons having daims against tho sa id d o co aso d a ro ro- qolrod to p roson t tholr daims within four months aftor tho dato of tho first publication ol this notlco or said daims will bo lorovor barrod. Claims m ust bo prosontod to Arthur J. Un- domor, Porsonoi Ropro- sontQtivo of tho ostato, at 3874 N. 3800 E.. Hanson, Idaho, and f)k>d v^th tho Court

. DATED th is 6th d ay of Fobtua/y, 1995. s/Aithur J.'Lindomor.

. 3874 N. 3800 E Hanson, ID 83334 PUBLISH: T h u rsd a y , Fobaiary 16. 23, March 2,•and9.1095.____________





I In tho Matter of tho Appll-• .cation of

I - - - - - - - 'CUFFORD NOnUAN EO-I QENEBEARQfor Chanoo In Namo.

A potition by Clrlford Nor­man Euoofto Board, bom Soptom D or24. 1970 ol

' S an ta R osa. California now rosWing at 500 Par-

- non Dr. Apt 4, Buhl. Idaho proposing a chango in namo to. Clifford Nomian Eugono Squires has boon

' filod In tho obovo-ontitlod . court, tho- rtwson for tho•_chango in namo boing thal

______poiltlonor.hns.gono by' Clifford Norman Eugono . Squiros sinco bo was 4

yoors old. Tho namo ond ' ad d re ss ot po tltionor's

m o ther is Goroldlno ' Squiros, 133 Nebraslta.

Gooding. Idaho and poti- tlonor's father Is Cllltord Norman Beard, addross unltnown. Such potlllon

• wiD bo hoard al such time as tho court may appoint, and objocllons m ay be fHod by any penon who

’ can. In auch ob|octlons, show to tho court a good re a so n a g a in s t such a

. chofW of name.WITNESS rm tiand and

seal of said District Court ; lhls.16ih day ol Fobfuary,

ROBERTS. FORT ClorkJoff StokorAttomoy for PoMtiooer

' JaffStciw.Chartorod P.O. Box 1597

' : jw ln F e lls , ID 83303-

• P^UBLISH: T hur« d « y , F ^ a r y ^ ^ . March 2. 9

r ." c o u R T ^ T m E ^ n ^JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF



. MA0I87PATE DIVISION vCasa No. SP 85-124


■ ESTATE OF: gRN Eara-K O KE-----------


, . GIVEN.that the u n d e r­s ig n ed h a s befiin a p ­pointed Personal Ropro- senlatlvo of the above-

. named sstata. AO P e r s ia ' havfno dalmB against Ae

deceased ar» ro Q u > ^ “ prosant their d ^ a w ^

. four months aftor the dale of the- first pubBcation ol this notfee or said daim^i will ba fo rav e r b arred , daim i must aHhar ba pra-

, wnMd to the tinderslgiM--------- personal R aproiontailyj

. of (ha estate tfo Rollg i . P e ta ra o n ^ A lto rn a y ^ i

^nnouncjemE ; “ LEGAL NOTICE

R ' Fails, loano 83303, or filod with tho Court DATED this 14th day of

( Fobaiary, 1995 Marilyn K. Sondofi Personal Roprosontatlvo

bo PUBLISH: T h u rsd a y , .of F^fuary 23, March 2 and-« -2JS22.____ 1.: ___

'h ■ LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an oloction will

'• bo hold on M arch. 27, 1995 for 12.-00 r»on to

®“ 8.-00 p.m. ot tho Hagor- lal man City Offico for oJoc-

tion of w oo mombors to _ ,_ 8 Q ry icd on tho Lowor00 Snai(0 Rivor Aquifor Ro- ind . charge District Board of XI- D irectors. Tho o loctod Dot nwmbors shaR bo a waeor

usor or roprosontotivo of a nth' water usor within tho Dis- ins trict“ 1 m om bor sh a ll bo a

>21 mombor ot a tatorel ditch . wator user's association.

1 m om bor sh a ll bo a mombor ot (he dty council,

• ot 0 municipality within tho district1 mombor shall bo gonor- ally roprosontotivo of tho intorosts ol w ater users within tho distrla

•* Tomis of offico .for wliicii - each are oioctod shoi bo

fortvwsypars.DdorfsD. Jonos Socrotaiy

___ Publish: Thursdoy, March " 2.9 .16.23.1995.

NOTICE OF H- AVAILABiUTY if T h o S h o sh o n o 'D ls tr lc t 0. BLM announces tho avail-

ability of the foUowing do- dsions and. whoro appro-

. priBto. the Finding o( No_ Significwi Impact os ro- quirod by tho NationQl En-

JS vironmontai Policy Act:HE Oodsion on Sundt. Corp

1-84 Staging Area located 3E- If/JEROM E coun try a t

T9S. R18E, Soction20 , iN- and analyzed in environ-

. montal document ID050- CER-95015.

3Y For more Information con- tact tho Shoshono 0 0 ot

>P- PO Box 2-B. Shoshono, Idaho 83352. o r call

« - (20a)-886-2206).P u b lish : M arch 2 & 3.____

n,;. T PUBUC NOTICE Z ' O nJanua/v23, 1995, Og-

don Brooocasting ot Min- nosota. Inc. filod an appli-

ygf cation lor a constnjctwn k - permit for a now commor- i- dal broadcast station on

Channel 298C, Sun Val- loy. ID with the Fodoral

fln ■ Communications Commis- sion to sorvo tho public Irv torest as a public trxistoe.

. ol O dgon B roadcasing ol Minnosota, Inc. is a vrholly ownod subsidiary of Tho Ogdon Nowsparars. Inc. Tho officers and dlroctors

ly , of both Ogdon Broadcast-1 2, ing of Minnosota. Inc. and

Tho Ogdon Nowspapors,— Inc are G. Ogdon Nutting.

VWiiom C. Nutting. Roborti l M, Nutting. Vflinam O. Nut-

ting, and Duane D, Witt- man. Those poraons hoid-

-Ing a groator that 10% tn- lo ro st In The O gdon Nowspapors. Inc. are G. Ogdon Nutting. William C. Nuttinn. Robort M. Nutting

’P**" ond William O. Nutting. Tho-proposed-station-will. bo a C I ^ C FM station ol frequency 107.5 MHZ with

jnr' offoctivo radlatod power SL horizontal 100KW ond vor-

tical 100KW with height nin abovo^vecago terrain to

bo 562 motors. A copy ol nhn thtJ oppDcation is available “ in for puhUcInspection at the

Bolfovue Public Library. 115 East Pino, Bollovuo.

h S iOe3313;HailoyUbrafy,7 "tS C ro y S lro e t, Hailey. Id ^ 83333; and Kotchum k„ Community Library. 415

-Spcuce-Avonue. Kotchum. , 4 1083340.

1^3 w!lton'& Nutting"'V * PUBLISH: Fobmary 23, 24 ko and March 2. 3.1995.

101 LOST 4 FOUND3Uft Found: Oalmall^n. yr old ary, puppy, a sm lion colored

. dog, both friendly, will givo lo whoovor claima-.-432- 5233 days. -e o iS o v e s

Found: sm black tomalo Toy Poodle. Comobyloidonllfy & claim a(.403 2nd AveNorth. TF. ____________FoomtSmmaloCoefcgfX

dog. Can 734-7297 or324^702._______

Found: womans blcycJ*. call— loidentltval73M^6. , •fi L'oinTffionth'oid'Qormart" 5P 'Shophord X. lan colored. O. REWARD. 324-5979.

Lod: Black Lab X, oroen col­lar. Burley Irrigallon, Ftp 2-24 REwfap,1^77-4417

W LOSTi Female spayed tidced ^ Tabby cat. Fob 20th. vk±t-

wsrdl Owner rioaftgtftgnt.

BV tost: Levl^ackpaclTwith ■ school books. Smal reward

'SI: 0He.ed. 733-5003.................rro. Leet: Mod size femaki Bladi ,V8-





c is i§ !Monday th

8:00 a ^ fornexiS Sunda“ rFridi Mond!fi I SaturiI ■ Weekd^ 8 1 rJ. Saturd

, 7 I S u n d a y Circulatit ) 0 _______________________ _


_ LOVING THANKS L Loving thanks to all tho VDcy t

spocial fiionds ond noigh- __c t bors that have boon there pa, ill- lor us In tho lots ol our g, lo- doughtor, mother, sistor. q, o- Wo tliank God lor tfw vory p.

__ ^ was with us n,th dndwo'lhankHimtorlho w, n- spocial gifts that sho hos w

loll horo torus. Knowing hi rp sIk> Is up (here with God on sc00 tho mountain smiling down or a t 01 us will givo us Iho si 0 , oirongihlogolorwflidln si in- ourSvos. 0 0- Joo/8 Famly, K

Grant, Joan, CJ.pJil. Coil.John, nnd Daroll t13

at BoDovuo, Idaho10 RnndyT.Thankyoutoflho __III oaily morning Bfonco tido' 2 F

and Iho hat. |n3 , Jimmy R. Thanks lortbo fish- ai

ingirip.Inoododit.CJ. ur “ TRANK YOU FOR YOUR 77? )g. EVERLASTING LOVE

Do not spook ol mo as . >li. ihooQhlnmjiono. —on I omtfw pink in Iho morningsQr- dawn. __on A am tho warm tonr llinl TH al- flows down your soft toco -HI ral a s you long lo hold mo In is- tevofl wami ombroco. A nm Irv tho dow on Iho cool morn- >0 . Ing grass, tho walor that01 runs down Ihick wot olass. lly Whon you opon Iho snutlois ^0 to downs oarty light.10. I am tho'snowy while dovo irs that lakos lo mght St- Whon you kioK at Iho sky in nd wo^oilngdoiflht. —rs, I am Iho bright star lhal ig. shinos out In tho night. • ort Oo not spook ol mo os Jt- though I om not thoro, lor I itt- will bo with you ovory- ? Ici- Vrto™. f “tn- In memory ofJooyMoiinda>n Jonningj,_____________ °G' The tamilios ol Sam S.C. Larson would liko to thank m ng allot Iho wondodul family g. and frionds forlhoirlove mu— and support dunng Iho loss .ot of our bokjvod husband, la- or Ith thorandbrothcrr, mor The food, cords, llowofs. 7, w- visits nnd phono calls worn — ht sineerdyopprodatod, jtQto Janie Lareon __ol Dan nnd Nancy Lnreon Ami >(0 KalhyondC^ Thomas u, ho Ruth and MotvhHion at7 , Junbr and Holofl Larson g( « . aixi fnmilins oo


Moolothorslnoknthrough - ', vdce man. Free rocordod ^

mossagoQivosdotaib. ^ 24 • Cetl (2Wr»a-a314._ SINGLE? Moolsomoono _— spocial. Free HoonOuo^


1 DID YOU] FORGET? ^)M That birthday ad you plocod .■ some limo ago tn 77w “ TInw*-Mmrt7>^lstho

timetocomopyiupytiur picturos. Slop te Tho Cus- lomflrSorvtcoPooltodaYl.

107' SPECJAL 12- . NOTICES ,


VO Call 73^^3007- OVEREATEflS' a n o n y m o u s_ 734-4547

PREGHANCy CRISIS .— ^ N T E RM - - Fiw»'l6slIng.Call734-7472------d . or 1 -^ 1 .7 4 7 2 ,

oT 109 PROFESSIONAL' SERVICES------------------

^ AAAHousokoedngrlbhr;1ft. Refeavafl. 735^638.

BANKRUPTCY^ AB Cheptors & AO c L . , _ feiatBdcase S‘ — - jfj • Free Tokjphono

538-77W 80^548-2166 — W mU hkiU M rrY2 2 3 y n &rp*»fenee . .

Experdeenlnglsdy, comer-— ^ A residential. afUK

^ Newloihoarea. ”Human OeanhgUadiino.

ReskJontkl, business & arts. 4 ^ 9 4 0 Tofwa. . '

1 ;[Q ..q^R ^L C A R E

'D ' . — ,1 ,, ____Lady wit take care deWerly ' In thfir horne. Exper, axcel

• raterencee.m3171. L



^ s i f i e d H o uthru Friday de<a.m. - 3:00 p.t xt day publieatlay ad deadliniday 5;00^ ad deadllTirday 10:00 a .r[day office Ii o l

:.m. - 5:30 p.mday office h o ia.m. - 1 0 a.m.-a t ion o n ly 7 a .m . -


Ueonsod.somlAprrvato, ^monorwomoftrspodnJiiy o*Alzhohiors. 734-3537- bo

"r»sr°R"s;'S“i: i ;COSO managemont and _P.C.S. supervising. Port- )?' timopositlon.thai could.wort fito fuB-timo. Must bo ! J willino lo vorloushours ond willing to inko Expsomo ovoning ond wook- ^ond coll. PlooBo sand ro- _Pasumo to: Magic Valley En>Stalling Soivico,lnc„ 418 &Onoida. Rupert, Idaho So83350 .436^^________ _$5


2 FT oponings lor child caro In my homo. Mon-Fri 7;30 c„f am-S:30pm.Ago#2and T .,U0.326-5U4 •_________ ™

Mother of 2. my homo. 6


monlhs*. 7334179.


--------------- — ini


______________________ RorSTAFFING COORDINATOR saFull timo position jffith busy furhomo caro Corp. Musi bo 97orgoflizod, problem sotver, P.and onloy working with _[Dpeople. Preter CNA or wqmooieol oflico exp. Must of, have computor oxp. On-call somo wook-onds and ^ evenings. Send reaumo ond salary hislory to:MVSS.200 2ndAvo. No., ^


Ambitious person to till opon- miing with a kxail family opor- yoatodlarm .Noedsto-boa unsoit starlor, able lo run ncoqubmort & a crow. Wago S«[XJErSondrosumoto; _37

PO Box 568. WniKimboriv. kf. 83341. v|,

Dairy worker noodod. Expor or. roquirod, emphasis on run- ■ opning oqulpmonl. Send rofs se& inlo: f t 2 Box 2460, Bur- oftov.lDe331Bor676-4976. Si

LookWYou'll W a lillle Classificd's daily j clollicslocoilccli

classilicd is alwayi yard sale, look to (

I ■ won't fira

H w rn ii!— W0*«/1

■ 2 0 3 ',

j r sI08S


• m . ^

ition ■ s ,44fr


^ 11am. -E£2i205urs: V _

n Super ^ p l

urs: E- 1 0 : 0 0 a . i t i ,


■ ----------- 206O AGRICULTURAL

xporioncod form oquipmont cppenrtof.-year roundompioymenl. Must havo or . qq

b o o b lo to o b ln in a C D L . gl;!)S a Ia ty j3asod .on .expo rU . „Qroionce 4 po rlo rm anco . 734.Health Insurance a liof 1 n r ; r yoarpossW o.CortocfPaulat 438-8588, 431-1866, o r “sond re su m e RT t B ox . " 1067. Paul. ID 93347.xporioncod Irrlonlor with sonoquipmont oporator ability. CailPay DOE. Call 734-0750. Menxporioncod tractor operator PNS& siphon tube irrigator, boSond resum es to-PO Box VoiSS.Muftauoh, ID 83344. 0onarm oquip. oporator posi- paiction opon. Knowlodgo in noiimoinlainoncoandropdr mocolplul. R o l .p lo o se . CnII Insi423-44S3__________ ■ bodarm mechanic with Ifnclor 4irrlgntion oxpor. Excot tols J roqulrod. Call 423-5876.T oquipm ont opo rato r & utoc0fovityiniiwiof.g64175. ,q. |T position avail. Must hovo tor,oxporionco with oB aspects tor,of a largo row a o p oporo- She li0n.F0f0P0t438-te34lolo o K lo m o lo milker u iJn needed (V w eokond shin.537-6916.’______________ 4"Ivot S e rv ice m a n : Expor vroqulrod. Excolbonolits & eel'pny. Sond Rosumo lo: PO |ngBox9t.Jorom o. ID 83338. lilonch buckaroo, must havo V/own tack & bo ado to shoo .ox& rido young horses. Hous- ^ing piovidod. Suitable for __nsmall tamily. Apply ol Rid- Lesrdie Renchos, Inc. Riddle, phinlD20B-7S9-3249ovoa. s «lonch hand, expor nocos- ■ p sary working coltlo. homo fum. S ol TF^^fito to; Box97106. % Timos N ows. "P.O. Box 548. Twin Falls, S,IDB3303._______________ ^/a n to d dopondoblo larm ofnployoo with Inwk export-

/on tod oxporionced larm ~ ftnbm achino iy m ochanic lo r b33 largo cuslom larming opor- ation. 324.7125 9am-5pm./anted: Sdl-molivalod indi- calcvldunl know lodgooblo in ln Jfarm oqulpmom opomlion, bomointonanco nnd ropelr, Spsyoor round poshton. IndivkJ- Apfual with loadorship quality Avenood apply. W oge DOE. 72£S ond rosum o to: 500 S . Kor376W.Jororrio, 1083338. Cki:Vanlod: soil-motivalod indi- P e trvidual. row crop , (spuds 2:3iand b o ^ ) abk) to maintain, 'in dopotalo oquipmont, ovor- lighsee crow(s) wage DOE. For oneappt. 678-5831 Rosumo lo oxcSi(irR l.Box120Builov.lD 733

Vhat I FoIc bit ofcvcrylhing InThcTu / garage and yard sale dirccK cliblcs, from houscwarcslo j; lys ihc first slop for your owr } classified to bring in the bu nd a belter place for bargain;

T l l e 1 i I I l c s ^ J ( ^

^ C U S T O M E FfJS E R yjC E• OOOOtO/MfOU JU-iiU


H lime hm)d man for pota-}S and cnttlo. Exporionco Enihu:ocessaiy.AblotogoiCOL noodcense. Call bolore 7nm or cookftorOom. 326-4179. « '0 H lip wonted: Ranch hand,xporioncod In form ing, ' , V Jnclngrirrlgailnffrcattlo, n d p c ^ ^ b . ba ll 603-46^1589_________ •• Full-tinLika Farming? Job noar '

Kim»r1y.rt^ofofoi>coo. ^ -OOvxr

. . If you


ibysitlornoodod MoridaV~ ma. *hrough^F rldey . 6nm - thoBfl

5 D O «S T IC /-.HOUSEHOLD p tp o ,

porSMotolnowoccoptlng fjplcaikjns kx housokoep-irs. Applicant must bo do- •ondaWo ond mature, have , “ *lood roforoncos and woik c , - n«oll with othors. Apply In nn^Vjerson nt 1260 Gluo Catos ~llvd.ffOf1h.TF 2 2 8 :lore's a great ]ob In your Fallslutuie. Rixl It by looWng In 734-fclossttlod'B omptoymonl •

____ Full til-------------------------- ^ shirt,16 mO\CKU , - -

. r .jau tlfu l qu ie t tacllitlos ,', ' looking compasslonaio re-iponsiblo CN A 's for all Thoroiinills In Buhl-Twin Foils workiroo :-C all-& 43^oaO -«r----- capp^34-4445._______________ Shilljsy In-Homo CaroAgoncy5 ndivo|y rocmitinQ oxpori- Torotm eed CNA'S & NA’s to Wantovork In TF,nnd sun'oonding modl<owns. Ptoaso apply in per- to loiion ot Jow ol's In-Homo lostlr: a ib J 2 4 3 Lynwood Mali. Port-i.<efltfi10am io4pm , Sond>JS position oponing. Must TimoJO RN wilh u C oxpor. Twin /o iy compotilivo solary.Jonolits Ind: Roilromont, 207 ()old vacaiion. sick lonvo, <id idays & porsonoi days. _____Tiodi<5al. dontal, vision A lilo • Offtcn su ran c o .W R C C isa4 0 1jodS N F InS hosho rto .lD ' which b tocntod lust 1 hour3 ol Son Vdkjy SW Resort „ I*J. tho bonutilul Saw tooth -sSi™Mountoins A only 25 min- OflicoA m N ol TF. Sond rosumo Must:o: Brian Huso, Adminisim- tiona:or, Wood Rivor Caro Con- Nood:or, PO Box B. 511 E. 4lh, lus oShoshono. ID 83352.208. Proc386-2229 ________ ^ koopiring lull Of port limo CNA's

ternnshifts.indudinga4pm-9pm shift. Students. =

wowilworkwTthyoursd ioduta.O nthoi^ lm in- 'ing A individuali:od orionlo- “ 'i ' j

lion program provWod. J r J WagoscakiaccortinQtooxporionco A nvaildjiliW. 7r— rArely at 674 Eastland Dr. P®” '*'.' Twin FsllaCare Center.

earn lo draw blood *pa^ hlobolomy d o s s storting soon. Call 9-239-774a.LPN • tun or part-time. 2- lone10pm A 10pm-8am, Excd- octiilent bonolRs. Apply in por- skillsson 01674 Eastland Dr. o muTwin Falla Care O n ta r satioi

PN-RN positions avoilablo. contcoxed wngo A benoftt pock- Viowago, Sond opplication A ro- . Avo.sumo to: Snoko Rivor Ro- 734-<hnb. 920 Spmguo. Buhl, kJ P td n 933t6orcall 54X6401,ledlcalA»al»tant:Noodod Porsojlor busy modical oliico lo- muni<catod in Buhl, ID A another skillsin Jackpot, Nevada, Must ol mbo bilingual in English- ModiSpanish.ExcoIont bonofits, knowA pplyat FHS, 1440 Filor iocti.Avo. East, Twin Foils, id., poan 7 25FaIr, Buhl, ID o r l3 5 Kono D rive.'Jackpol. NV.'Ckisos 3^6/95, - T>orloct PT Job. 10:30 om -M lT2:30 pm weekdays, dulios Porscindudo caloring sotup nnd • • colight bookkeeping, de tail wortofionlod person wnh Lotus Appoxpor, pro lorrod . EOE. S733-37060x1,357 _____


------------- ------1 wooltypfn

■f I '10''ound! I228Falla

Tima-Ncws:clory. From ™0 hardware, Siwn garage or »tobuyers. You mo

linsl . , ■ YCNE\

............ AMEI

__________ I


-Mua• . 4 ^ , com

MV£__ ^ K i r^ ^ o i b

p A•rz ■

m ' ' ' S

• R :


Thiir*d.iv, Mnrcti

I MEDICAL/. 206 PRi - DEm’AL ------- ^

Ihusiastic individual FuDAfoodod lor FT position as shifts aook in busy hoollh caro - Iho bonBloloriasotling,BakingA < ^ 0cratch cooking skills pro- 17291 iffod. Prido in linlshedroduct is a musll 733- >TheFiler7000X1357 EOE_______ nouncojll-timo RN noodod. Long Special Em caro oxpofionco kJoai! prolouip i^ in person. 1828 Brid- larded :

E ;l» i i s K S Ex-lose dodlcatod to cere, pply in person ONLY at feat Maglo Care Center, 7^ >ORIotAvo, W..TR

RN'a' positions available. Ad lu.iinffti. nottwr domonskin to your *ursing career in Psychial- c/chomicaldopondoncy ursing. Exporionco pro- 111 , xrod or training avnilabio. xcollont componsation' « ackago. Comact Person. ,,

alls, ID, 734-6760 or Inx 'S s Tw24iZ64------------------------ orcnll7

•RNSupeiVlsof -----------ill time; 16pm .-6:30 am- 209-RE hitt. Prefer supofvisofy ■xpofienoe A oipooonce in

Haglc care Center, 640

loropy Techs noodod, lo Msglo lork wilh profound hnndi- FilorAv

olvod, tf intofostod call ■ofosant 934-5603, intod: Person with strong ucTpw lodteal background willing

X T ' r a * ' I x -'nrt-timo. wookond nights, . —«nd 10 Box 07152,% Tho Maiuro)imoa News, PO Box 548, *081 lo.WilF,,llii. ! p r o 0 3 ,--------- h o frO

7 O fFICB ,'.1“ 5C ^ I C i . ^

DIfice A Ciofwal positions.EXPRESS S!?de

'ERSONNEL SERVICES „iTwin Fols. 733-7300 * ^ itii c

iurtov, 678-4040 • No foo Driver;lico m anagof noodod. reiinbl<^U5t havo good organiza- auranclonni and computor skills, good dilood lo bo nbio to uso Lo- com•JS ot Twin ns woll as Word vnncor ’tocossing . Som o book-ooping exporinoce would ablo. F« holplui, Organizalwn ol- fost, S'orsbonolitpackaoothatin- BluoLiludosm odlcni-dontnlin- Piizohurnnco, vacaiion and sick on shitonvo, Booinning sa la ry flexible> O E .C all734-4544end vacatio,sk fo rB illlo so tup ln io r- 'thisytxulow. Roloroncos and ro- dassiflumoroQulfod, -_________ — —iit-limo otiico holp wnnlod. 210 Siipply in person at Magic ______^flov Tiro, Buhl,________ Attn: BATIENT ACCOUNTS REP "oio C' posiiion avail, sirong cd- “jction skills loquirod. expo- jnps. I{lonco wilh insurance col- Iplonnitctlons A good compulor Form_pkills, (WP. Lotus, Ounlio) Oislfbutimu8i,oxcollontcompon- brondiation pl^, Sond rosumo or noodsontaa f^3rsonnd. Canyon tml Ida'iew Hopitnl, 226 Shoup ostnbliivo. W., Twin Foils. \d. modint'34-6760._________________ Of Tomitl»ninoMncl»IS»fvle»t Join our

Repn$entktlvo Amoricirson W llh oxcollont com- homo!nunication S organizntiond ost dokills. Thorough knowk)dgo drnw-bil modicol insufanco A son atilodicare billing, working 2727Kiflowiodgooloocounlcor- Hooctions, prolossional ap- 277(oaranco, Sond rosumo to TwInF

Twin Falls Clinic ■ NEEOlPOB0X1233 QHiina

Twin Falb, ID 93303 c„n,no Min: Mr MdMnrtin, EOE.orson with compear A ac- plo nc• couming oxporionco to salos d WDiknight-shifl;7pm-3am— -rtoncoA ^ in poison otMovorik Musib

Sloro 1099 Hvry, 26, havo tiGooding, ID,'______ bonus

RECEPIIONlST-TYPIST ablo. r posilkjo nvnil. 20 hrs por’ _Chns6wook. excel phono skills A N.F.L,yping skills roauirod, expo- phono■lonco with WP; Lotus, DnyscDuatro prolorrod, oood orhour:ompon8alion pkg Sond _____C•osumo or oontad, Poreon- saleaM Id Canyon View Hospilol.


Tolusyour plan, Doyou Sendi wartshortlomt.orlul gt.Jot

timo? Do you liko vartoly or wishtosenloln7Wo1ikolo

koop wofkera on stall wf>oso skills range from ba- sicreeopiionist.TiIodofkto execulivoandndmloistra- ‘“ O!'’"

live levels. WoroYOUwouWbeporfeci! ■ '

Call today ToquNEVERAFEE.7il4‘6452




roSm T s;.'* iS ts c J :with several dopartmonta.Muat be well organized, 3 :omput6rprollclont, light ^

iry nlstory and resume to WSS.2002ndAve.No.'tr«rinP«ite ir>Raani Ann------------3ait>ara I

W h itehea d h o m eA w e ll estab lished loc< seeking an enemetic sales

commission.• Greal benefits «. Op^rtunHies & great pote

• Please send resur Whitehead Home fi

• P.O.B0X182

I ’■.

■ch2. 1 9 9 5 ' Timos-Nows. Twin

> r 6 t o ’s I 0 N A l ' 211 TECH

“ RNwLPN^^--------- -Sufvoyof n>APart-limo.12hoor const, son,sAocarifM team are immod.Ca ooellts at Burfoy CareHer. Apply In Porcon 212 TRADSMiltofAvo.Burtey,

678-9474, AFO OTller School OiatikS an- -

■ 5 ^jundly m onlaiiy ro-

s iyachedulo. To apply, NEVE

j 65D.orMareh 6 :1995- 1 Cravens: Porconnol

’OOBStovonsSt, VALLEY!ikir.kiaho 83328 Assomsbly(20aV326-5981 sornf> cons wanted: Fioolnnco o<<flo helpirs w anlod lo covor on proviolandevonislnH oiloy Pick up nfBdlevuo. Pioloronco Houston•0 given to applicants lOOS.Joolivo In thoso tow ns. Assisiam mI a rosumo and 0 v/tit- cdtort boisom plo to: N .S. ing. paid v

lontvod. rogionni odi- liromoni, p'ho Timos Novrs, Box oxporioncfwin Falls, ID. 83303; orMonIoZII733-09310x1.204, . Auto Mocha

RESTAURANT/^--------- - n f f f c f tLOUNGE _ ■ 733-2049.

igCookposilion,ful-, pfOloiT oxporionco in- (joiJ 0^0

:hou5lng.on ONLY nt: W eal MUch 708lo C are C en te r, 640 ‘-------Avo. W„ Twin Falls, BOOYSHCL'ilypnd-ffastaiiranl ia~ -MMimufn-apting nppScnlions ksr a Companyimowaiirossposition, bonolitpa5199-olfico,_________ ■ dudospaiWANTED • Ploaso ap-- t>olwoon.9-11om at orStop. 1335AddisonE Jw ifi Falls,-------^ 3 2 5 (W (f0 pe rson w anlod for / "p . ■ lood cook A coun ter L«i"Ofy Doy-limo A nioht-timo ^

'S, Apply $hoko Out, Commorg1 Kimborly Road, ony- Drivers wtflflof 2pm.__________ scalo, horHut is now accopling

cations tor cooking po- § ^ 7^ 7 na A delivery c a r n e t ,ddivoty porsonnd can E e c trlc la ilu p to S lO h ro rm o to Llcorisodcom m issions^ tips. twnofrtsAera most bo 1 a v o Hosump ble iransporlation.'lfP' . JoromQ. ICmco. A Q rooGonnbly GVporioncoI drtvif^ tocofd. Wo of. noodod. 0ompotitwowogos A od. ft Iramor, 7:omont opportunilios, ExpoiloncoX pnrt-timo shifts avail- conifiod or.P os itions e re going, lying. Am,6 0 apply now a l Iho dopondsiLnkos location in TF. call 678-6a Hut oHors Imo moals gisO voiir hifi, insurance plons. ble schedules. S paidII22L ________ ______ nogotieb 'oarwDbeourtmsilUse hontihboniSined. 733-0931. diolo open

Flat or rollSALES $ .30 . DO-r;-----------tt:------------ inlo,CaII7: Be a prol M ortgage > C o 80okinanogros- ^ a I Fsdos lorco. High onm- u/n now h. .lo eds provided. FioeTnalk>nd Sofflinar. 3-4, .Q uan■nore Inlo 733^495----- p ^ u sjutof noodod, Nntkjna! . P ay vo<Ida lood com pany, uis n distributor for con- •CompmIdaho, lorritory alfoady grcblished.Avatlabioim- - •Rotriinteiy. Contact Gordio shjyn nt 733-8682. .Advai•or team and youH soil For more ii irico's #1 manulachifed' ' joiiing th0 for Fkiotwood's larg- sdon loan doolor. Com mission- andef-benolits. Apply in por- EJa t Homos Amoricn, h Ii

rKimborfvRd .Fodoryfloi^m eaA m orlCT. -Warohous727 Klmberiy, Rd. . pork lift op1 Falla. ID 733-2224.1 .Constnjcii< H3ED IMMEDlATaY • Mechanics ing homo maintonanco -Machinists panyinthoM ini-C ns- -Cnrpontry iroa noods sovord poo- •CDLdiivoi now to r ils growing ‘ Cooks 5 dopnflmort.Nooxpo- TwinFi » nocossory.'Wo train, "Burtoy67l I bo neat npponring A C Y C 3 transportotion. Many.u e S iTTonllvos avail.i. For Intorviow coll Joumoytis 677-2759.__________' 3yrsoxp(., Expodlllon lickffT > \ loono sa les in our ollicol *s or ovos, commission LAOOlxirly wage, will troin, Now hiring

Cal736-7132. in lhofiti1 M anager of overseas Must bo 1s maikoi,octiviikB, • hnvoacoIgot irrigalion, E xp^ ro- L tcenaedj od. e x cd b o n o lilp k g ,/ ,r iancod iiry A porformanco bo- Co. i30K-$40K per year. Looking loiid rosum o to: PO Box comiJotoffin, ID 93338. nutOpofi

$ $ $ $ Wages D to : Box

m A P E -m E B E ST t p ?DM

I'rokiokinglofonemoro Mochanictojoinourloom, encoA li

quailyd lyouhavoto P«'«>!'®ivo isanoxcoO oolW «'w402>one vdco and ability to M U . OPEwork wol with others, h a v o C t

otdof.Weouhaveiim otospdtoln Now car-) evenings? Need oxJra LIVERY shforspftngvacatioftt?- “ wanted.'!

Thon you're • ja iy Salthoonowowanil retiromoi

noinpofsonlothonow S en d rim M w * Annex Bklg 93428

31lW j^MalnSt. ...... N o W Ptw InF d ls ,IO . Fans ID

d l7 3 W W te x t2 7 3 o r Y h T f l ^


J . Ji J . J i ' tf______ cdoranc____________________ply .10


E & E N E R G Y S loc a l b u s in e s s is thulesperson to jo in " M i ," ! ehensive trainingI te s e salary p lus wooiio

't groat be , I-8OO-5:

tential for success.u m e fo : ' ' i i ¥: f ic E n i jjg y CaH,3 2 4 WANTEI 8 3 3 0 3 - . . JI


Fwin Falls. Idotio C-3


Of noodod.-£xperUn________survey a mutt. Start Cal 344-2722


OTINThEDOORIaiempwofyossigrj....______t and show wha you do! You may ono up liacaroofyovk>vo: aory, WarohouH). jction. Constructioo.


734-8452M0.721-W0BK------------------ICAN STAFFING INC EOEM/F/DAf IVINGTHEMAGC ^Y FORflYEARSI sbly wofkers noodod,• conslfuction knowl- holpful, Wago basod ovious oxpofionco.;p npplicalions al AC rtonTfUss Co,30W.Joromo._________nl moat mnnooof, oif .

K S W S i f c - - - -}m, pny depending on rionce, Conlnct Chris <110 208-788-2294, ochanics Warned: ioncod w/lools. AllraTSDcy^fiop-cniu------------<M9-lofson-liomo tochni- must bo expert in tho nvorngo $4000 mo. ing-ftvailable. Call _ .768-3661,________


lany oilers oxionsive lit package, which in- s paid vacation, hos- a tm , 401-K plan, ilb abifty insurance. Con. dike Williams at 678.. Bonannxa Motors, ivorinndAvo. BufViv, y Driver needed. Ap- pOTMn, Bonolits, 818norddAvo, •______s wnntod: Top pay , home Iwico a wook. iqubmont. Must havo OTR oxperioneo. Cdl77-7366,_________ .Iclan-Journeyman: isod required. Excel its A pay. Sond jmo to: PO Box 91 10.10 83336. oncod concrolo holp [>d. olso oxpenwoidor Tor.734.1998. oncod pipe woldors. nd or capablo of corti.A mill wrighls, wago nds on oxporionco,78.9455 or come by voiinnd, Buriov, inced woklors A mo. cni porsonnoi. wages • liable, vacation A- 1 boftofiis ovnl. Imme- ooeninos, 436-4950,rotor drivofs, $ ,2 0 - ............

, DOE. call lofmoro :all 736-9034.

AIRSTYLIST ’xow havo oponings for ' iin our busy sdoni juarantood sola/y LUS commission d vacation, holidays.

ondmoro mpany insurance at

grotp ratos

sharing. «c.Vdvnncodlrdning oro information aboutmgthoJ.C.Ponnoy------ *—1 loam, can 734-0933 jnd ask for Toni, ,

E ,O E .W - N Hiring for

fy/Iood pfocossing fwusowofkofs, ill oporatofs inicikKi anics inists intry Jtivofs5fin Fdls 733-7300 y 678-4040* No Fee--------------

:XPRESS^NNEL SERVICES noyman rdrigomtion. oxporionco, rots, own

tools, bonolits,)Cnll 733-8564,^eonERS-SALES ilring kitl timo woikors, ofitngic Valley oroa, t bo neat appearing A •10 cor. Call 733-4873. aed plumbers A expe- ced service plumber*

Cdl 734-8778.)g lor a coumor person, computor knowlodgo A pons knowlodg*. Pqp- • imnnoQOfflontpocKran, los DOE. Sond resume Box 9 7 0 9 ^ J^ Tho jsNows, P0Box‘S48.ID 83303________ __anic noodod, oxpoii- a A tools roq. Apply in «n o^Ij, Bill's

OPERATOR, R . musT oC O LA bo25yfs or r. Well tmk>, 324-8606 au - used car PRE-OE-ERY TECHNICIAN____ __ted:sye4r8Wno«H='. Solary. paid vacation, omont plan, Insuranco. id rosumo lo Box 28, c/o The Tlmos- rtTPOBox548,Twin - i. ID 83303, ■ ,Times News has an ning for & joumoyman amen. Expofkmce on aiiiJ ih an iio ^ lf^ fl.4 -------------t and date making, Ap- to Paul Kurowski.

ssroom, Timos Nows,: 3rd St. Weal. Twin g. ID 83303, I TRUCK DRIVERS I Leasiho is looking for lessional drtvers to run ■6 11 Woslern stoles, otfer new e^ipmenl A at benefit*. Intorwipd? W -523-3089.SI^ . y'

TfucJidrtvotlorun '11 western states.

Call 208-764-2624, ' •, JTED iExpdtlalnloss- ol welders. Shookey M ^w al, Paul, la.C al

■ r j i .

Page 20:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

C-4 Tlmos-Nows. Twin Ft

EmploynI .

212 TRAOE' ---------

Truck drivors w anlod. yoara oxpoftenco. Fool ar miloago Incontivos. Con potitivawago. CallWayr ai423 .52o2 .M u(lb «d<

. pandtbla.


I A pplicalionsnm boinoai< copiodiorcashior-clorta.i>' work pon-tlmo atlomoom' Apply al tho StinkorSialia

at efioW Shoahono, Tl• .------ — ^AlaoMMimo nighJcasWo

dork position avallablo 1 Tho Slinkor Station al 225 AddisonAvo.TF.

ATTENTIONTkod of doad-ond jobs will no tncanllvDS? Como wor

foruacto&nlngcar^.. oam tripe, cars, cooogo

•cholon h^ . and other awards and ptizoa. Ouorai

toodiTiin[nujn$280.por wook. fcltlmo. Call Troy I

736-2535 tor Inletvtow. Bartondora noodod. (70!

755-2491. ask lofKon. Caiwashdaytlmoholp noodod. Apply In poraon <

11358luoLakOTBMlN,-------------- Community Organliatlon li

RohabllitBlivoElloflaln n oodsaL odgo Coordlni lo r .T h isb a joh r.w k n o

1 rosfdoni posilion worUr - with fldulte with monialll

I noss In a oroi^ residonil eoltlng. Starting eala

___________ >5.50 pof hr. Applicani

yoar diroct client oxpot■ • oncain aaoeia laoK icoi

. modlcal eolling & muct n* ' • « # within 15 ml..olT{

SorxS Rasumo and 3 rob onoM with phono number b y3-7 -85 toC ,0 ,R .E . D rodor.475Polk#4,TF.IJ S3301 EOE

■ FT sa les 4 eofvlco porsoi57-9p orh r DOE. Frinfi borwBs. AppV in poraoo MaqfeVanovTlro.Bohl. GREENSKEEPER

Round MounlaJn Gold C« poralion b curronlly acco; InoapplicQlionsiorano:

' - ' ' ^rioncod Oroonskoopo This position win bo r o s^ slblo tor all turf managi mont and irrigalton, Inclw Ing tho supofwion ol a 3 porson crow to aaalsl IhosoadMtios.

Tho auccossfu i candidal ' ' m usi bo ablo to dsmoi

stralo tho ablity to opors all QOll course oqulpmor Compothlvo salary with ll bonofts. Tho Round Mou tain Qoll Course is a but n e ss ownod and operate by Round Mountain Qo CotporMion. '

H you h m 2~or yet ol c u ^ n t groeaskowli exporionco and woula li to jo lnasu ccasafu l.h i! onoryy organization, ploa sorxTyourrMunwlo:

- Humw Ro^ources . SiMrvtaor


. Round MoongW'.NV 8904

Help wanted, nosm oklr------------------afate to drive truefcs. opflii

macMnory, CDL a u s ,« Ing lo anovol dirt, wai DOE. 208.788-2676

Twin Falls


100-200 1C 800 Adi 800Hc)

100-200 900^1000 Sho


I f yo u live ii s tree ts a n d w In d e p e n d e n t T h e 'IIm es-^


■ T h e

' m iOPEI

RESERVANevada's mojt pre: hotel is current indWduols, who ai profejsional train

_______ Curator/ Rejervo^BaScloTWTipotaro guest service etiqix

■ - dining, and entei Cdndidotes musti> schedule.We offer oMeilentihoring and I tn

• Tor more Informot R ^ ile o ot 1-800 (208)73^1626.


'IS. ‘ - , ...

I . _ '


n Falts, Idaho'' ThurMlny. Marc

ment-Finan213 aSCELLANEDUS-

— — 0PPCHTUNI71ESDd. 2 _________1;_____________[Hand DoUvorydrivon noodod, do-Com- livory of concert tictoSs.ap/ayno proxinfl!oty*8 hr.mu6t«d*> hovD own car with proof ol_____ ir»ur*nco.Caac5>uck.------- 734-9774,)S Earn monoy with Avon. FulS timoorpart-tlmo. Iloxibli_____ hours. No door-to-doot; ^ -Cnl11-800^t6-1365. _la .to En)oy (rush air?oons, ' Wocurrotitlynoodlaiion Lawn cam wortcorst. TF. TrootrimnHnsWer------------ : lanO uefO n---------stea l AutotnociHinics2259 734-1000 or

. • 1.800-734.10J7

>j SMELLINGPersonnel Services

^ • EEOC M-F-H-Dots. Ribrtcsalos&miscoOanoouogo work. Sowing a <iuiWngther oxperloru;e. Pan or (uliorat}- tinw. A te emrirn & qtiotinpor Instmctors noocT SUnnor*r oya Sow ing Shop. 251 Maliow. AvoE Twin Fans

{702). Mflnogor noodod tor 8-un------ motcJinTF.Woalforrctiro

Muplo. Cleaning of room roqC alS43-5lfr .


0OO-23m 3433toobl^-a..°pp»fc«bn> «ppfcyn»n

cants P^ Interviowors, a unlvorst

(Gori- soarchcenler seeking Intelu o r viow orsforprc^rolatlrlitm - loadotosconlhoefeh.2S<3i fT F - -h il . por wit ove. and woolrobr* ond work required. Wifl mibecB, mlnlstor in porson inteiE Di.' vkiws In local area homotf . 10. Must have oxcelkintverb<

■ communication skills, b>r«nn <*0(03 o i^ lo d , and ablo I.|.QQ asltsonshhfo questions <

r “ rnrisyirp’iTdr/atraining out d state. Spai

c H Ish spooking-minorlty ei couragod lo apply. II Into

I C«r- ostod respond bV Mar. 4 1 ceopi- . NOFIC Box 836 a Bonta m ox-.. ,Mt. 59442 4 0 6 ^ - 5 6 6 5

SunValoyanaNoFoo laao- I-lvo in coupio noodod fc iclud-- : Sun Valley arOa ostatc a 3-4 H ousok6fepor who ca

ilsl In ^art^or to d

room apartment include< Idato Salary dopeftds on oxpor

S ’ '“ ^CALLTODAY tthlull 734-IOOOorDioun- 1.a00-734*1017,


Tetomarkelera noodai yoari _Mon-Fri, 5:30-9pm, Si

I high 734-B774Mk tor Chuck. p lo m THE MAQIC PHILHAi

MONIC ORCHESTRA announcing audltlona fi

• adult flute p layers. Ct 67M 404 in Buflov

2* ; Truck drtw s. local and kx ^ distance mlxod, no bor _ dom, year k)og work. go<

jobforsellfsTarters. Cl - r ^ 677-4S36. ' ■ oking, Wo roquiro Consultants'

-'^«rtilici^planlathrou( TtomoWwwts.Qreundllo

wage opportunity. Call Meloi cofod 403-686^0423 ovo(

Us Independent

Available oute 84210*^ ^ v e n u e N o r t h

A d d is o n A v e n u e '

l e y b u m A v e n u e

) 0 L i n c o l n S t r e ie t

I h o s h o n e S t r e e t N o r A T e r r a c e D r i v e

5 near any of these would like to be an It Junior Carrier for S'News, please call )931 ext. 203.

l e T l m e s j N e w t

TCHBOARD 'ERATQRy m AGENTprestigious 4*Diamond rated a n tiy s e e k in q m o t iv a te d 3 a r e in te re stea ji> receiv in g o in in g In t h e a r e a , o f PBa ifvoHon / ^ e n t ’ Trairiing will ro p e ro tto n S f-le tep n on e n n a quetto, a n d orra n g in g nptel, it e r ta in m e n t r ese rv a t lo i^ s . , t ie abl« to wod a flexibfe

ont ben'efih including profit iltf) insuninco.jialion contact Emplovmml i00-442-3833,exl.6(M9«

M f lM c a^SiNO'JACrror. NEVADA

■ / \


arch 2 1995

ncial-instrmi — 213 USCELLANEOUS


6^ JC Penny now hiring, stock , ap- room associate, must be let «btotoi(l50l>s.2&-30hrB

r srStsrso’S ’®_ mfvhFul- IMntanarweUw^hanio [Iblo Avonmora W ost, Idahos oor. loading manutacluror ol

choose & wtiey producta ta sook ing an experienced maintenance mechank al Twin-FaBa Cheese Plartkir ^ r a ^ r d ahiH. Preler in-

. chanlcal. welding. ^m t>- in g . a etoclrical. Salary based on experience hifl benorit package avalable. Qualified candklates may 9 >plyBlTwhFagsCheeeo ^ n t on South Washing- ion, ora l 1341 Flllmofo St ,Suite 2 0 0 , In Twin Falls.

full ______ _


RoCaUo fwuaekooper, yoara •unit of oxporionco, oxc. refer- rtirod o n a > o y x ^ ^ ^ Norlh-


sB l- In Twin Fans. 733-7300 in^ft In Burtey, 67840402 2 ^ E W R E S S

1 ^ * 217 RESIWE g g PR E P«A 7X W

733 -2008 for custom ized pfof-resume-RoYStonon

Power resum es. Earl 328- SIbii 4966,l-e0^32CM966 I. b e Professlonsl Resumes 4eto c tn d v a l^ ie o c

I [ i lX> —d lorlato. 301 BUSINESS can OPPQRTUNmES

bod- Homo-basod wondorl 7500 compietft.'A big demand, no sim Bbrs. I created thia 1.0 . la g bvs in oss trom a c n lc h l yrt. ago. Succoss

Ogdon. Ut. You should be doing this in Idaho. Its that

I 00^ I w 9 be in TF Marth I 7-6. tl you would latslodis-____ c u ts this opportunity, calldad, t e e o p « . l3 3 M 8 a d 4 7 ._. S s t tPAYPHONE ROUTES I once Local atea tor sate (2000 wk

Call pol. 800-208^300 24 hra. * 1— Sun VaBey.Clothlng Store M R - Est^)6shed,veryproBuM. U i s Tho Business S o ir a

“cS ■: ----

^ TIM^^EWSg o ^Call tocontractlriganowlndopon-

____ dent Juiiorcartters lor

------------ IWWFALIS, | t o ROOTE8S2

"«»• 70O«)0MoadowsDr_____ 100 Meadows Lana

10-20 RobbnsAve 600-700 V/asNngton St N


7 0 0 W Green Acres Or aoOQreonwoodCir

TOMOOQroonwoodDr 900-1000 UnoolA St N 7tXV800Nor1tivtewOr

lOOOPkiewoodCk 1000 Redwood Cir 900RaeementDr

n you Ive near these areas ' andwoutdfikotoboanin- d e g ^ i ^ ) u i * r a u T ^ a

c tf 733-0931 ext 203.I _______;_________________

Want lo leeae restaurant. So, Idaho. Write to PO Box 5006. Ketchum. ID. 63340 .


H W ^ ^ 3 9

f mS J ./2 54 7C S S { » ad ,'- '-

'Jlj I Qs»ii»,CMiB«kalS«oBi.. Q < L _ A lgyM hI3; W y.........) le



= z : f c ~ —

uction-ReaJ301 BUSINESS----------------5


Excel opportunity irTa s s i ^ ' oconontic area (o own your

™ own palnt-glan & decorat-'7 ing store or expand your c existing bu sin ess. Fuller , _ 'O ’Brien paint is looking lor >

an a g g r essiv e dealer in >s your area. For more info01 contact Lyie Van Ordonl- ta 800-33Sr8837 oxt 4724 id leave msg. Finance terma ai avai.or '« •

t- M5LHQHeiIP.I.0AH_.H N S D C A S H 7

7 W e buy notes & real estate 1“ contracts. CreatlvaFinanoe' f ; ■ i .a o » w » 4 e o 9 .

N ^M O N EY N O W ?Z PorsonM&real estate k m . gi Bankruptcy.badcnKBt.o.k.

“ R eal Estate loan s made.

Unlimited CapHol available, _ (orany business purpose, ra S25.0&) up. C al 423-5315 f - between tom and 9pm or h- write Worldwide Financial _ ^ g g ^ v le a s .^ ^ B o x 223.

5M“ 'cOmiUCTS“*M) ~ . i M 0HI0A0E8

’ T n a d o o d t.e o n w a i mortgaoes purchased.

, 307 FmANClAL!=.____SEIMCCS_______

TAX RETURNS PREPARED same day aeivfae, taason-

' W isDO

.hi 502 H 0IE 8'm F0R SA 1£ea . . ___ny 3 bdrni fx -w . 560 4th Ave N.*n $55,000. w-tormt $5,0002 down. 805-544-7444.'S. SHARP! 3 bdrm (could easily£ b e 5) . 2 b«h a,lu lln !shod.u bsmt RV pad, & other lea-““ lures. N E K siloo.C loeetor Sawtooth 4 high aehool,^ cHy pool, a t s n n ls . Very. nice; w alU kepl hom el— $95,600. C«l 7 3 3 - ^ .


“ ■ A i'rd wtiTaiJ^erfckigln tffi nnruaper Is subied to tho Fairt t a r is t e which m * e *to adverflte ‘any pfelareyofcricm-n rr rwrvT ilrin f itacB. cotr. ttkkn, sox, IwxfoA

A brTUtatB.vnaeonal origin, or an Intansion. to n\aka any cudV prelorence. Umitalton or dboiR^Uon.* FamSal status

— raaJS^*iw itftJorf»«?jof 10 living with parents or legal nwifAui- pfognsnt wonwn v)d

TNi noNCpaper «d not Iinwlnt accept any advoftisiM lor real

, «sUo«richbinv>ela&nolta a law. Our readBti ars hereby n- inlormed thal afldwafflngs lor artnx&ed ta f i3 nowtpnpv are i

locorTuvioi uD-Tvanncsl HUD TotSw at 1-aOMea-

^ 9777. The Totl-lree tolaphone timber fat taheoingtin tad ii

l l« > g 7 g 7 S . ^


■W/[(wF^I | .

i n i

O H IL________M

l i E s t a t e / S a

502-H O IC 5— -KF O R ^ -

$172,000 C L00AT10NI LOCATIONI

, LOCATIONIli you want a canyon rim

View, this Is the proiMrty for you! 2 bodroom . 2 bath

. hnte with grool open areas, i Upctairs is a tot with 1 bod­room and den. Noclhsido I faces canyon, a l windows. Outside, deck surrounds h o w a L a n ^ ^ 'with llrepit anJ^s* aur" H rounded by grapostake len ce . A m ust s e e l CALL





brick home on 1.80 acres. Built In 1984. Ranch style homo with many extra tea- lu res. It also h a sa 4 -b a y shop with a larDO work aroa

~ tho bays. Ther* v etwo rentals on the acreage w th a $500 Income. Under­ground sprlnklora in Ihe .fawn area and a lllenced. CALL RALPH at 733-9576

- lo s e e this package al $150.000.I9W »4


- T W i ^ ----- -5 2 5 CINDY DRIVE

Executlfo home lor sate by o w rH rh p r eo lg ^ N E to - catkin o l Twin palls. Over ■ 600 0 total square le e l. 5 - bedrooms. 3V4 balhs. lor. - m d dining, 2 (amly rooms, ‘ wet bar, beaulilul sun room, oak o lllce , 2 lirep laces, , sptelouskilchen,annowty ' remodeled. Lou ol storage, m any many more am eni­ties . $269,600. Shown by WXHonfy. 73^5144.


3.1 acrea w-waler and Sbed- TDom. updated, remodeled,2176 aq ft home. Horae cor­ral. pasture, mature Ireos and more. This properly | has bean tied up In a salo that haa Utod. so the prop-'

lW s ^ t o f l n d J ^ S « r S •CALL THOMAS LLOW NOW AT 734-9122 or 420- 335a.t»4-107


734-0400 .Beaulilul new 3 bdrm 2 bath

homelnptoaiigtouaNE area.Vaulledoeanos.

Jo rv W U rerv tg e jm il^ , tub a to u more, thousands -1

betow ap cn M al $1 3 2 ,9 0 0 .^ 8 1 1 6 8 1 .

TargheeOr.Caltoreppt. 734-S584,

ByownerrWOaagfrhwTw- * o n l^ a c fs a . •C tf 733-0135. <

BY OWNER: 3 bdrni, 2 beth, - . unfcJshed basement, 2 car I aarage-opener, Perrlno \ S c h ^ 7 i% assum. toan.$85.000.736-2469,_______

By owner: 3 bdrm, 2 bath. 1 a c r e ,2 yri. oldw hhopon - floor plan. Qreat view ol North and South Hite. Gar­den area, sprWder system, much more. Must se e this lovely hom e. $130 ,000 .7 3 3 ^ 2 1______

BY OWNER: New 3 bdmi, 2 b a th .lS IO sq fl.v a u lto d ceUlngs. sprinklers. Only

I $99.0fe.C al 7^4-5626.I BY OWNER: Perfect home ) lor family or retirement, 3 .■ bdrm.2 belh .m ^ hom eln* e x c e l, n e lg l^ r h o o d .‘ $52,500. Cdl eves or kwvs J mao. 7 ^ 7 2 6 2 j

lifliiM — oi™

■ B* Sl./2567CAuloJ

, _ & ito l


l i• Sr.«585T.’Stoni

*7 9 9 ^

m S S S m

2 2 2 l « ^

• f - ' ' . ■

i a l e - R e a l Es-S02-HOME8------------------- -5«


COZY COTTAGE: Just new on the market - 2 bed-ro o m s.l bath p lu sb ase- Colrnenl and large garage, roONLY $46,500. C al Hal734^500 or 734-8224 la


T o ffS X H B Y B O iC B e R ^ —New homo on 1 acre tol

nearTwtoFaOs.Many upgradoe. 734-8000 -

4sj&4B46or42&-3»43. _ FOR SALE BY OWNER: 3 t

older 2 atory homo, unlln- n Ished basemont, 4 bdrma, n lg. kitchen, new paht, new a:

S ' T i r K S ' -rage and over 'A acre on o dead ond street In KImbor- °

JUSTLISTED . t ,CtosetolhonewoctpafklA, „ lamBy home with over 2000 sqllolM ng.3bedroom a; - ZSbeths,apaciousBvlng zoom wUi firoplaoe. sepa-. rate TV room, an on extra

large tot. A s k ^ u t Ihe as-- sumabto toan-no quality- -



734-4334- s tm H sa o w « 7 3 4 - i2 9 e ---------OudnmHanows734-129S ^ JohnEtfierfd0e734'134»

Jadt8UHey7»3-14g2--------- MAKEOFFER.................7On iNs new 3 bdrni In East-

SO. It. 2508 4 lh Ave. E, TitnFaaa.CaB733-79Q5_ 5 ;


homo C r o o l ^ Homes, uv SpadMlvlng-dlningarea i%hbiiywlndows,l&(8 sq

n with •Good Conu* toe- ^

$ii5 ,ooo .sH -ioe g


7 3 4 - 4 3 3 4SM I.H inoin 7M -12H

GiKtrunHanows 734-1298 John Etheridge 734-1349

Jack S t a i^ 733-1482


•* Clean. aftonUbie. 3 bdrni,2 bath hom e, lireplace, fenced baclnrard. comer tol.w alkloM om lngsidea ~

.‘S S S -f f iS V “place, good lofation, on 2 .3 5 acrea; pasture for g; p«1s,w atershares.B uh l. $79^00.024.

** 4 bdrm homo on 2 acres, garagaWtop, fnal & walnut - iroM. Kvo stroam beautiful B; viow.BiM. $130,000.87 '<ROBERT JONES

REALTY s733-0404

L______ ^lt«)0-M2-5001______3EXT- 1211 I

Old hom e lo m ove or eal- J • vaQO-CallB29-Se30.

OPEN FLOOR PLAN * w lth l5 0 0 sq n ,lh ls 3 b e d -

room;2 balhhom eunder t constructton has a walk-ln ' ^ n tr y in the khchen,

. walk-ln c loaeia , vaulted I cattwa and mote. Priced ai

$91.(no and convenient to city sch oo ls and parks. -

; C A U R O N FR EEI^N for „ detaUsal 734-4208. t94 - 9

GEM ^; STATE REALTYi 784^>400. .1 PRICe REDUCED: new

home,3bdrm,2beth.cor- ) nerkK,canfinane«.2t6EI

Camlno. C al 733-7446. . I

■ I

g g lm W K >.

•State/Rent-502 H OW B--------— m -

»^«SA LE - ^


Cottage atyle home, 3 bed- rooms, 1 balh located in Hazollon. Metal aiding, on large tot. Home is in good Call sh^se. CALL PEGGY #94-' di


-----503 BUHl^LER ma


3 bdrm. lamlly room, living “x

X SW r& flS iatovo.arora, 7»8< hA ve -*0' N. $76.000. gt3-5276. _ J J


1004 W. 6 th Street, Filer offers a new'GoodCenta* ,({ sty lo lS 2 6 sq .lt.3 b d m . 2 55' bath ranch alyle home, Vi- nyl siding, lintiiiod double c ia garage with opunor dncT much more. $87,400. Call

.J o h n or at 734-67741


—CWk» 7 3 3^667— JSmaII2 bdrm lixer-upper, -large tot. $22,000. $4,000 ■ fewn,_^ownw OAC- 6 ta


Below appralaal. 3 bdrm, 2 4 m bath, quality homo, exdu- 13


2 bdnn houao with partiallyfinished basement, approxh. .. maloly2 '/ acres, item, out-


3700 sq ft btfck homo. 1200sq It guest house, well sa l - ~ijp thop, horse a cattle ia- f<C ities . 24 .5 acres In pas- 1' lure a hay, $375 ,000 -cash, lefflis, trade, brokers — :welco ^ ^ l w asonable p

FORSALEBYBUILD^ 1 1 acre tots noarWendefl


50e J B K M E IU Q E R ttA N 515 HOWES.

By owner 24 sq ft homo, 10acres, corrals a outbuild- 15CIngs, West of Jerome. ®l

C al 324-8610. gBy owner. 4 bdrm. 1 V4 bath ' S

on 1 acre In Jerome. 324- ^8984____________________

507 KETCHUhVSUNV A L l£ Y H 0 1 C S ^

_ 3_bdrmj^1ta^«Uched„ga-_

506 K IC E R L Y / - i H M S B tH O H E S ^

to KintMirty.spft level entry.4 bedroom. 3 balh. new 1 wtodow*. finished baso- menl. nice shop, and a 2 . ' car carport, on a UgtoL

■ -------

500 SH O SH O tC H O M E S “


Very nice 2 bdrm hom e in ”Sh osh one on approx 1 ■acre. P«kB «aeM ng over- °looklna Iho Little W ood ^Rlvor«SthtoUofpriva».2 2 tcar garage wHh attached $workshop •►201t24’ metal J i b u l l ^ . $110 ,000 . Call

212J.‘S*Pka,5_Sp«d.......................»od»eaStr&Moral. ■ $

----------- -------- '


J ■'_______ _ \ .

t ' -


- O w n o r lV e r y n ic e T s ^ T obonlh om e.4bd ^rm ,2b ath, 14x<raiersonner.aprink tors^ $10 0om, w o ^ stove. $72.o6o. -torSJl U li evos or leave insg186-g963..__________ 519 C:all 733-0931 lo place your , dastlflod ad. W et* her* 10

— 'moria


5S M s r* , ,o , = £an.8S-5>6r/? ------- -----y sale by owners: Approxi- HTiately o40 acres SE of. W -Mendall. All sprinkler irri- Ijated by pivots and hand- K•nea.U ys good. NSC wa- Hle rA d e^ w S l licensed to ■l9» .4h om es.gra ln stor - I! g ig e , corrals. Qreal poten- ilardalryalte. Lew down, stym ont. Owners will li-^nceOAC536-27M .____ ^d reo rless-9 1 a c r e s .60 ■■hares olTF water, in hay ' and pasture. Home, corrals,loallngahedi, good live- =^'5^•lock sst-up . Call 734 . y ,


ll-*C nE *O E S «N D 2 M mLore . .

ZAcrea. Breaihtaklna view last njuiimkHJles from Buhl. oets-

$14,570 ^ 2 bdffliParfcar f in h o n 54S-4Sn_ bsmn

2 V 2 ACRESW d m iM a ta ll ^

b d t r a ,3 b « « « ,lo m ! |i^ j j T r

3 SY,orT°i»...i

WILLS 3!REALTY s 734-4411


T ^ F % C S f i » “ •to Place. Cat 324-5163.

FOR 0A I£ BY BUILDER1 acre tou near Twin Falia

734-800042^4846 or 420-a943__ ^

REDUCED PRICERomodoled4bdnn2bath jg en -home, large master sulto, *25“ finished bsmnt. 18 acres

under wheel Bna. now


;i5' c o w r n p t m «bd nPROPERTY _fiOC

Donrnettolal L ou For Sale tattii50'x450-. sewer, wtfer In. ;^c.

K l m b e i i y R d ^ k m , ^

Andra-malinShoahcnetor 7; ^


usi elf Blue Lakes. Olfico monsp a ce and storage wilh $20( ovethoad doors. For sato or possfcie lease c 0 o n . 2850T O a L L DAN BEARD 3^ •94-305


7W M < «

Sl«' MOeUHOIES ®|Siil983Q ov*m orw iltl7 X21 gr?Ilppoin. n « » aK ,ll«ncoi, malg as stovo a hoal, swamp deo.£ o o k > .c e .5 a > « U i 1 7 coffer. C li 734-4507. y p f

2 bdrm, elect furntoe,ntoe. hoir $ 7 ^ . 532-4647 or evee aoe,

72 14x60ft.2 bdm ,l.balh. ' $72$8,500,423-4547 Call

^ • ■ Thursday, March 2.1995 Timos-Nows. Iwm l-a«r. idano 0-0

Real EstatejfRent-Farmer's Market ________ ________ . _________ _— ... m 'lm F unH S iiE O km u iru m sH E D eos R oousF onnE H i m c a t t l e ; m .c u s to m f a b h t o f a m i 709 k a y .g b a h t o h a y ! ^ .' 710 h o r s c s :

LU0B1L£.H0«6Sj ---- ---------- ,-.^HOUSES-- ^ A p T S D U P lJX E j^ ^ ____ « O F H D ^ ---------- ^ «.«4-.C0M CT,-

t.m .,» < .H 7 8 S M n r i - ' JO N E S W E H A U L aM m,. 1 ly h . lM .p y ,^ . . - J X n ,r* .:7 3 J .« 5 2 . ------------ 5 ! S i g t ! i S t e T « .4 X 70,3 bdrm. V/i bath. USialhrean^nxwyou 3 bdrm, 2 bath; with ga- ifaWS-WeeMyr^aa L'SSU'V m n ter.H aaitall-conlorm a-10 (X» Cal 881^2811 al- • A|O0WHEREterteeslhflr> rw,$525.potmo; ^ 7 3 3 « 5 o . _y tew U m o u g ^ 5 Z l5 swath, bale. to^ ,tn> cto . dudes WdihikorhalTw a ------------- .. „ ■ n® HORSES Uoh color, natural gait, ■

I =si«ntino« truck. N e e d ’ 2 bdrm. 1 balh. $400. por BvSrsSTZZM enZTC Z Colostrum fed bull calves. _ . 1020 T 3rd cmiing alfalfa. .......... ---------------------------- oraatdlsoosltton a stands--------------------- J b a d s toCtffaA rlz. m a ’ Cal 934-6300_____________ Randv Weaver. 543-6886. MF tractor. 298. tow hra. 88 100 big bales ol atraw, 3Y oungH B oa,423^ ?6 hanSTSud lee, $300.

s re iC T D V in r« ; i dBREEESTIMATES Immodiaieoocupency. $200. -9aS t£ !J2 £ !S H !-----ColstnJmtodbuacalvoa ATTENTION;CUSTOM HP.$8500,CaS837-6109._ apn?3 i»T l^flage,4 mi BLoedlngavaJl^ieWTH_E 734.5257or733^^3 .B CEICTERYLOTS r . . Cal 3 2 4 ^ 9 0 . ^ ^ s o c - d o p o n ^ io v a . tor sate. Ca« 324-7392 - .MANURE HAULERS--------- M M o r^ 8 0 0 M ht.-bag ^ . 7 3 3 ^ . _ _ , T E ^ by T J£ B A W ^ — ............—raskol Cyprt in orialneli • ; ■ KlH^RLY:3bdrm.4-pleit W IL L S ^C .734-4411 or . . g fl> l7?4 -^ or736^13. . I5 0 0 l^ o lm a n u re to b e phonefadtoeorrtbo.cwbo 140Tonlst.tonbales.Lo- u r f f n 7 l ' l HORSE ‘UusoleumstsuniofMo-, . dH»aroMg.watora sani- _ g v o « J3 ^ S » -------------- m r / w * * i i n For Sale. tOO head Eastern Gstalled or semi-portabfe. • caled 1 mH e south ol

^ '■ ----- - tb(tonluti>tohed « t in T F ^ _appU .royok^.nopeU ._ _KitdififtAx«iUnLayaUJL -GOOdlnfl-UvftStOCk- -ROLLERHARROWIMO^ -7M -F ifiU &QAH04___________ 734-5123. _ 6al6& 4462._____ _____________ _

H$250am onlh-»d{^. _nooded.CJ 734-2314,----- Anywhere In Magto Valley, i« h p i* m ts 3rd cuttjrw hay. eel by ton or Gentle bocksktogpfc^. --------------- /

- NopoU.nosmoWnaT 734^>0».An n ^ ------- ^ 2 rooms In Paris bWg. Ron! a C o m m is s io n C O . ' 200 HPrig. Callevenings b8te,7:&4393.. ______ Wds horso. $1500 .^733- -wa Boina-nrM

Ubcombine7?cWe ^ , 678<>576 U e r r ^ _____ IF fT DIDNT S B l HERE w 500 ton good quafiiy 1st cui: 5736«736-4258. 712 BRIOATWH. ._S godm an .73341049. havebuyers.The Auction Mlr« hay. Coveredr^h*!^ H e n w r0 o « ^ so ld a t)d 10 inch. 8 inch. 6 inch gated .

604 UNFURWSHED . . . ^ r r ^ - 5 station beauty ahop lor Dairy cattle wWseff Can 734-9743._____ Fn*«noi. 324-1483 non WoH. 764-2624 l i a d * l < S 7 S ^ . . oloo.plaslicoralluminum.APTS®UPL£XES 2bdrm.l'Abaih.W-Oho<^ rent Jocated In The Club, at 12.-00 noon. Regular eeto Manure haufing iFrrr>ir>^«^B 1 mphf M hay 1S 1st. 325 2nd. 25 Kn« &>«-7943

- .

—------ - S x S S •

i i i i ^

sdrm apt 4-plox. $430.+: ■ 1 bdnn, downtown, $285. sm Lorgo clean 2 bdrm', l'/^ STORAGE R0ITAL • #34-5114 l i is iu auiamailc roiai a 'innVvi'M tm Good quality alfalla. 2 string _ ________ ^iinr. t ^ o ?nn la l and nfltok Cal73fr«378. bath near CSI. $525 oar -rr:-:-----:----------:--------7“ taVameSlhra huinii tihrfnr cover. Dollv- Teamotmulna m o t^ ,y O ;733^92^-----------------u tm o 6 t^ o s .W e .N o .; t Mtm stove Irig allT ^ mo. $300 dep. 1st'Aid iaat Sr 9 6 1 ^ . _ T - S q- ^ orod to Twin Falls area In . wago.^traln<;dorlood . .>$OSraiCH$*ts-734-1904------------------ --------- - Ctohay,2 strtogbatos.$78a~ -2Q-ton semi loads Call 2 S i.s« w b ro k t:— ‘txtrnibrlcHhomelnTF.MI ri«i.734-3267 Lq 1 b*m. no smoWncMOts.- ’ Ranoe Bub-Lower Valtey ,v \7 r ^ r m n i,y ’) m j \ '/ \ i ' ‘“ ’•< ^ 3 2 ^ 1 7 8 . , P08-778-3355. ■ 4 874125 ' Cr*dteAcro8larm5?6-5460>«mni. >485.7340384. ' ,M ,m TF WD hook-up. » 5 0 mo! $100 d « .V u lls TFiff9 tf? Z tW P . ------ L A l n Ranch, Fruita, ' j" ' 'bdrm heme, m l e a a k ^ •' s to w ,'» l^ ; hHlbeml,gi» 7^!; .V ■■ 810 .QARAQE'...................~ afc;n.LongchQUQhtefa------------------------------------------^

FOE EVEMYOOT3 .■ ■' ■enced yard, no pels, rela from$460. «7.-u-4l21. tOO ACRES. H am m elt.rt««bdh.s«™ >ntosJod: now mam, r o ^ a HAo, w m J « . Weq.. $700 por m o+$700 Wsahoradrvorhookup C io^nnrm n wheel lines, caah or crop RoMonAJvpttoed.Criitson4can73X 43g4,--------- • ^ o p rw a le r l ^ ‘’a%5'go share.7264^91 4 3 6 ^ . ^ -----------bdrm 2 bath, garage, $550 No potaj 734-6600 — paltT near hospital. 734- SOOacreslami ground East REDANGUS — ^ ,aw .uaa4j»aw B ,

1 9 9 5 G M C 1 / 2 T O N .C L U B C O U P E 4 X Zbdmi, brick. wWiappls.jix- $650p«month.Atoo2 5pm 3244 W ,------------------------ « p u e w « ^ r j ^ nch w-lrallora scalM, 1-jeptlonally clean, nice 733-5302. II no answer, bdrmTbalh $600 per 225aCioSiMlatogtound, Harsh Mixer Box w-Ford ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________srea,garage.lenowlvart. teave'mossage. . _ ACrJrW- ctwu.NofP^.5fe-4224_ ' t n ^ w - ^ . 1 -8 ^ IHC, •V -8 M n e •A u tO T ran s .Ne imoklng~orpets. $525 - o hdrm n t tor ranL S500 mo rarwe (fishwatiw opvorod f^ ra rt: 65 acres, open ditoh ____ an-n<H ____ 1-2240JDw-cab. 1-Ford- . *SL£ D cco r *P o w cr.D o o r Vtr.i.'a.V'j-t.j'MRAiaer monlh ♦dep. 733-5542 • 4-deooS CaB 734-9059 some utils Ind. No Irrigation. $ a T ^ per 837-4825 S?!l52?!2?2’ Locks & W in d o w s *A /C ------------------------------------------------------ ---------jbdm ihouse,l’Abaih,2 o 9 h . t h am. , pou.CoOogoarea. e c f e ,3 2 4 ^ _ ! _____________ _______ . .------------------- . hoo7 3 4 ^ 5 . *AM /FM C ass. • A lu m in u m .

' E E ^ I s& n o w o n ' l y . . .

bd° " J b t lh ’ SSlitSl'v.? AlOB. >250. >11 m il, pal J. S r t£ . '”7 3 l ^ ° ’' ' " ° *’ ' 2 S S ! | S ^ 8 S 3 5 S n » a ° !ff l ia ? w .U im 2 balh ■ pjtlav .l UUtin.Munmigh.. <ihn.h«n.'lanio2Mtiii.,^. WANTED SILVER CREEK RANCH ____P«jl,ll).438-5@^ elw^ an,

4 ^ S ' A.135 4-pla« »550 brand 2 4 7 7 ^ ^ . A N S l ^ L U . U ^ -------

p ^ a - b g ^ ^ " 1 9 9 5 P O N T IA C B O N N E V IL L E S E^ 4 - 1 N w V 3 M m 2 s S T S i i i ^ S h o u M ^ w I tested and guaranteecT .diesel 3 pt/Ford Jubilee. 1 U I M 1 lA V - V 11 .^ 1 ^ 1 1 3 l i ..SaSs saSklllSB HISS5 55~sa . . , _ ,no smoWnp. $675. per Apartmsnts:ia2bdnns, R flrm a.T^S^m sQ . l l MJl]!ll'llj!if>iilflliri1^l r - r— For Sale: White tractors, ‘ C m ise *P ow er W in d o w sm o .- fD e o .2 & -^ -^ seSjrt.cteanaqutot, smallTnfumished a f^G ^f | | J K 2 I S ^ r 2 f A U « model4^270.4-150.2-180. & L o c k s - ^ U - U c k B rakes " ■

k»d in ,2bdm i,837«M , - s t u d t o . » M o m q . t i M T O cATTif 'i f f i i i . * ? a ? » ° b ia S S : I h . , i L ; S h o J t l M W A S s 2 i , 9 3 9$425 fst last dap.------------ «»iiiiii«*cstolo 736-6704 u»M.j«««rfain<.rMtera' tonn«we«idEPD-sonal Model 975 Betterblll seed K r/^ M ^ riM rvloodtog3bdrm.2baih.w. Studiostorl. bulls. Csll Bob Fossceco cuter, and MIestone Even- c

•"SWISS'- . n . 9 , . 9 - 9 ^ ___________SooAy.544.7B04--------- C loin2 bd™duplox,.ear- taSil • IF IT DIDNT 3EU HERE, m a f te r re b a te

aromo Cloen bodroom apt. Ranga. 377.3529. EHO_________ 2 m ta a ^ lM M c M ^ w lnlBnutlonal4d4Djaaalrefrlo.. dtahwaahof. Iaund7 9f l ^ ^ ^ ' J 3 h(^ara1^ ‘ ^ OAnY tractortiMitloadw

Can733.Q03«X6pm. 1 3 „ " a * 'd T k K U i ° f5 2 5 m o .d .y .3 2 4 - t l^ S d pu?»ta7.'r^^!' EQUPUENT

' ' ° f f l y , i a . T . ^ d " a £ t * . g s g g g oo i»"B oun ,.tio t.» ..o it ; n ■ 'I T c a T s b d r ^ o Hi r f l t T h 5 S ? 5 L % S j o f e s ^ S . r i S f / A ’ . 1 9 9 5 P O N T IA C T R A N S A MS«?'t55oC °73M M l!'° t335»n>.Q«lotlSan!' K ’talrlj. jara',..loo! 40A«>onl.oclaipa,4 In to. JD 4440^10.h™.goodoooa.1 2 ^ m . house w-g^- f 3 2 5 p o f f r o ,^ 7 ^ oa!vea.C ai87M 5S a._ H Z p w ^ o ie .T M ^ — j S ? ^ ~ ^ P F W D cab *4 W h e e l A n ti-L o ck B rakes g | ^ e 5 g ^ * g e Q ^ ^ 3 g g 9 w l 1rage. Stove, relrig a water ^ % 5 d ^ 7 3 4 - U ^ P k ^ 4 Holstein calves. 400 fcs.. Complete double 5 herring * L ea th e r S e a t i i^ •R em o tefum.Verycfean.nosmjA- $350eedior$325ej*tor bor»with Ukaods. EZ M& J J S ? J ^ 47' • K eyless E n try •T -T o p s *5.7ers. $450 mo. + outside E x a o n lv e3 b (to .3 M h ^ tary a Robert Jr High. d h w 0 ^ 324-4926 395aiMie a feed waoon. - P ? a i ? g ? i L ------ ■' v . a F n a in n •1A” - .

■ R ^ T b f E T o b i i . . BooMSFonREKT ’g s s ' g i g s s a . f o V d a ^ y ^ o a i ^ t ' i a ; ^ - i B aliom .,.to« ..ra trlo .a lo t- ______ _ ___ _ dril.ase.77te. ■ iSrH .Im riblada.JD IIat JobnPaaraaotOlanntrao. W A S * 2 5 , 0 8 6

^23 962

^ M J I B ^ 3 |[ 1 9 9 4 g m c s a f a r i a l l w h e e l d r i v eI ' H H | l . 1 *R car H e a te r •R ea r (H ^ i

' M - ? 2 ,9 9 5 w ” »1 3 ,9 9 5 13 , 9 9 .5 .H B H I H B I H WAS $24 ,190

‘ i . J . ' ' h ; ' i ’ , ' ■ ' ■"■ . T ' . ___________................................................................................................................................................ _________________________________________________________________

Page 21:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

C-6 ■Tlmo5-N.)ws. Twin F.

M iscella

h iH E a c e :

“D o n o t b e (00 fimi'c m is h a b o u t y o u r a ct i s a n e rp e n m c n t."

■ ■ “We su ffe re d a p< th is deal," w rites a n "PleasLC a l lo c a te th b lam e and VI

Squ^.vrori h ts spa< le d th e t ru m p queei

•- — ^-thc s e c o h d t ru m p -a 9U t d u m m y 's sp ad e co u n te red w ith a sn c fro m d u m m y a n d E

• tw o high d iam onds. ; in g to S o u th ’s que< cosUy m ove. South tli c o n t r a c t , m a k in g t g u e s s in c lu b s (low k in g ) . H e r e a s o n e i w ould h av e reopened

— hold ing A*K o f diamc a c e of clubs.

.................... V e rd ic t? E a s t e at h e b la m e j n b o th "I

I play. O ver th re e h ea rc o r r e c t In p a s s in g , w a s y e t to be h c ^ .

I t e r N o r th ’s p a s s , Ih a v e r e o p e n e d w it

. W e s t w o u ld _ b id -e i s p a d e s o r f o u r s p a w ould h a v e little diS:

-------------a t le a s t lO tricks:-------In th e p la y , w hei

m o n d IS le d fro m di i s h o u ld t r y to h id e h

■ b o ld in g . I n s t e a d o f honors, h e should wir

ex it in sp ad es. South ' forced to g u e ss in thc

will probably g o dowi good a sco re fo r E ast o n e for m ak in g th e i r ;

I b u t i t 's b e t t e r th a n I W est’s o p en in g lead

b u t h e r e m a in s b la c a u s e h e h a d n o attrai

• W as i t d a n g e ro u s

t ig g802 APPL^CES

Almond W oallnghouio fo Irig-froorofbyRigidoiro. 1'

■ cu It. Automatic dolroet.liK _rwwl$400, 736-4915.

App(lanc«i for u l« Worranlood

Sfnith 'i U ( ^ Appllancot 245Woshino1on-734-1665

DW, small portable, 3 mo Q ld.it90 .73fr20ai

For Sato: 19 cu, II. Konmon chest froozor. $100 or oflofCall 324-2440__________

H olpoin to loctrlcstovo , al m ond color; $125 . Cal543-9045:___________ __

------UprighI ond chosi Iroozorte00 .oa .3a6 -45 t6

W anted dead or allv*.TVs. VCR's, &AK5ts..TV Doctor. 734-§188j W asher D7 0 r so l. worklnj

co ftd .tlM . 324-3825 Whito upright G E iec u b ic ft

$2SQ!732-e209. . OoBsJnad . . . tho solulion tc

aflyeufrwods. 733-0031.


Drivoway gravolTvory roa sonabte. 543-8294

Grovol lor salo, anywhoro ir Magic Valloy, 10 Mhoolo.CnlD24.109^__________ ;

Why store It wtion you can •oil It? P lace a low-cosi dosBllled s d today. 733- 0331crou2 .


^ ^ J

HARVEST TAl . . TbftMrveMliblsindtxr

tic raproducllonsol those ths leaves are down th e ' When raised, ihe top Im

' S 'length will easily acc meal. Of course, you ca lengths. This is a sitnpli full-ilie. sltp-by-ilep pa

Send check to;. . O i IFTNPaflamDepl O i P. 0. Bo* 2383 □ 1 VanNuys.CA,914» {

City------- ^

•• S U t e _ l _ ___:7 ; . ‘ . i>rlce Includes P

• K

in F a lls jo an o ' Thursday. M;in



T iid a n d s q u e o * b id ? Y es , a c t i o n s . A l l l i f e _ g e w s no

— E m e r s o n

\ p o o r s c o r e o n a r e a d e r (E last).

t h c d e g r e e o f W E S T i W c s l .” A K Q 5 4p a d e q u e e n 'a n d V A 0 2 e e n . W e s t l o o k . ♦ Q 9 7 p - a n d k n o c k e d - - * A -10 6 i d e a c e . S o u t h sn e ak y d ia m o n d .1 E a s t t o o k t h e - . * . Is. a f r a id o f lo s - u e e n . I t w a s a ' - ‘1 th e n m a d e 'h i sg t h e w i n n i n g V u ln c ra b l3W to d u m m y ’s D e a le r : S<n e d t b a t - E a s ' tn e d th e b id d in g T h c b id d iii m o h d s a n d t h c

e a r n s m o s t o f ^ '■h - b i d d i n g a n d ' O pen ing lee a r l s . W e&t w a s,g. s i n c e N o r t h d TTrd . H o w e v e r, a f-!. E a s t s h o u l d _ \» i l h a d o u b l e . S o u th hoU

e i t h e r t h r e e ___ ___ip a d e s a n d h o d ifficu lty ta k in g .

h e n a lo w d i a - S o u t h 1 1 d u m m y . E a s t ♦ e h is d i a m o n d ^ * o f t a k i n g b o t h ■ ~ . T. w in h is a c e a n d , ' i t h w ill t h e n b o . t h e m in o r s a n d b e e f i ' l n t ' o w n . I t ’s n o t a s ha%a s t - W e s t a s th e » ir s p a d e g a m e . . a n m i n u ^ 140. a d c o s t a t r ic k , b l a m e l e s s b e - t r a c t iv e le a d . io .tx 7jhj,«u )US f o r E a s t l o ccwnsw


Nikon 4004 AF, 35-70 mrr l[IM kmi A 70-200 mm tons pluf ■ ■ tri-pod & more. $450. Col | ( 'B ahor 6 pm 734-0323.■ f l Usod camcordor acco&sa

. r» s & COSO. $425 Coll 734-7342.______________


19 ________________________t liko• 2 rad ios . HT-908. For ln(o

— 67&O737-67S<g59 0V03.• M olorolo 800 Mhz, ba{

,cfl. phono-rodlo combo, con beiges mstallod or soml-portablo.

Portablo 2-w'ay radios, 600------ Irunking sy slom , o r like

walWo-talWos. From $150- sflor. $250 . inc ludo chargo rs .____ Coll 324-5295.i.a l- .Z__ 808 -COW UTERS.

i - ^ ^ 6^ X 2S^fflo(N!rt)onnJ. - — 1 ’/4 mtw, vxtoo card. Bosi

ollor. 837-4532._________486 SX 25, muhi-modla, tots

o l 8 o l lw o r o .J f l9 5 . Call king 733-4413. '------' Help wilh upg rados.'C D ,tc It,. SVGA,-momory. printers.____ Ploaso coll 733-9399._____

IB M com potib lo .386-S X - L _ 16. VGA' color mor^Hor. ox-

Mndod koyboord, mou&o. SQ.CalS31-S316

IBM, coplor, Volvo 760 '83.------ Sony VCR, vidoo camora,rea* r:Ba:733:oo25. _______— IBM PS2 286 and 386. Make ro in offof. 733-9444_________


cost Cords ol wood, cut porfoct, 33- you pickup, Rupert, $110



TABLE AND BENCH1 benchasshown hare ire aulhen- loseuseolnColonlalllmes.Whett the table meisures 20* In width.5 inaeues to «*Jn width. The accommotlatrten people for a- '

J can’vary Ihe table and bench • mple project wtien you use our9 pattern.

D is o i Kaiwesl T ab le ...$125□ 1339 Harvesi Bench . $3.25□ 112-page c tttlog ....... $195

(Plctucrog.TDOwoodworlilnBand handicralt prelects) -

i ' '. ; ; - ;— ^ ----------

: — i m ' " , ' es Pesugi & Hindilno .

1;uch 2, 19M ' -


GE* B o b ljy W o lff I r

e s , b u t it w a s j u s t a s d a n - n o t t o bid.

. N O R T H 32AA A 9 3 . • . V 7♦ J V 3 ' * K J 6 5 4 2

E A S T '5 4 * J 10 8 7 ]2 V 5 47 ♦ A K 1 0 4 2'•6 — - : - ; - » Q 7 -— — - -

s o u i« . ^ “‘ ” ' z— • 4 Q 2 - ______. . .

- - -V K Q J 10 9 8 3♦ 8 5 ■

• * 9 3 , '

ab le: E a s l - W e s i ‘ . . I : S o u th :

Idiog: ' ■ - -

’ W e s t - K o r th “E a s t . ] P a a s . 1*086 .... J P ^ -

g lead : Spade f o u r-

ID W m i I H E A C E S' 3-I-B .

lolds:♦ ‘ K 6 5 4

— V A 0 2 ■ ' -♦ Q 9 7 '♦ A 1 0 8

NorthI V ' IIN T

& R : P a s s . H a d r e s p o n d e r n t e r e s t c d i n g a m e , h e riave in v ite d v ia a j u m p to ti^um p.

1qustkna ton* AOBi. P.a Da m u . Dd'J,«UhSASElrt»i^.hsbt. UsUl Fcitm ikSu M

_ E


_ Rrewood. 324-7563: .mm H niw oodforsalo,$100cord, C plus Bplii: 733-0033.

Firew ood, split & rounds.___ $120 cord.S43-92S3 .^ W nnlod iaom oono to topo r C

cm down 3-4 lorgocotlon-— woods In oxchange lor the I wood.734-1816djiviimo.

- 811 FURNTTURE f— . AND CARPETSn(o _________________________ FD3 ' Couch, lovesoal; chair and

otiom nn, gold ond broWn with wood Kim. $500. Call f

X - m s t o i ------------------------Full si:o bod box sprinQ sS

^ m a llre ss , just Jlkp new . fNkS $200-734.2368.-:_______50. Full lire plllow«top moBross

___ Kir>g 4-poslor wotorbed with6 diawors, mattros&rio{lL- o r. $125 . Supfi|-fclrwlQ ^

r : r - _ w a lo ib o d w lth « o k c a s o _ “5 - hoodboard. man®ss-hoof.

o r .ja o , 15co n tco k o m a-___ Chino, uprighl. works. $200.tots AneTeJ.coftd. 326-5129

King sols, hololrotum s less ^ t ^ ^ « old. $189. Call

Kingsizopillow-top. mnllross A box spring. slHl

’X- inpla3tie.$^>54-@81.,"■ Ukonowl 09* ton couch &” ■ tovosoal,$250-ottor.— ■ C a l 736-7320.

L ovosoa t. liko now $175.S34-S770__________________

T - Quoon Soria Porfoct SkKipor H hotol rotums-unbolievoblo

- i - b u llru o .O n ly $ 8 9 .9 5 p o rBOt. 734-8881______________

__ Ouoonsizoplllow-top "i^ matirasa A box spnng. slill [ f t inpinslic$200.7i^8fet. §

Quoon sola, washer, dryer, rocllnor; Quoon bod so jih ..

, oxc. cor>d. $700.423-6737** * SkJo by sWo refr^, wlh water 1

Qndico. $350.Konmoro~ ' dryw.$50. Racocarbod, $t25.Cql 423^838.- f

Vory nico blapk metal ' da)6od wHh trofvdld & mai- tressoB. comforter sot In- cludod.$200orbostolfer. u Stroltof. $20,537-9927.

CLASSIFIEL...... ........... A F e a tu r e o f This

FVC PICN IC TAHLE. S c laiilc dc« lcn ,m ndc in cm pipe, w ith wood plank lobli bAcks. Plans Includc compli irutrucilonji, #2046 57.95


T o order plans mall chcck project num berandnam e.ti' and zip code. Add.$2.95 (or In discount couponil) In.OI

C L A S S I F I E D83301

PX). BO X 1000. BDC



• ■^mrwssTTOTrtpsininfcTiir -tlea l with 4 paddod tolling chairs, $150. Call a lte r 6 '

733-0362____________Twin size pillow-top manross

& box spring, stil in plaslb, - , t125.Col734-8881.-


Boeca wood stovo & plpo tor Soto. $400.733-961^. ' -

U sod hotol roQjn slylo oir conditioning and hoatiog units, $50 oach. Call Ron .

- -7 3 4 -5 0 0 0 .------------------- -.' -W hy buyowood stovo?

. NoWWhitliekJRonaissanco- • -Poltotslovos. ' . 1

--$1699 ,rcg$2495,- • financing ovoil OAC •

SnakeRlverPool S Spa- fi 73^8103 or 600^8.7^.815"lAWn’&'GARDENi» 9 3 S n o ^ 'o r roartlnogor-

don lilloFT^hp. olwoys no- -»ragod.-$1200-ollor, 423- -

525},lo,‘><nmossaflo. g• For sa le windbreak 06 woll

' o s l.i jrn a m o n ta l—ir o e f e - - -Wholosolo prices, qu'hnily discounts, CoH (208) 436- • 6372or431-S163

. Froo' lo tho hauler, landccap-' l ing rocks, soo at 1954 Mo- pto. TF. 734-rS3<>.---—

GUDIOLUSBUL0S Taking ordors now. caJo ' C

, pricoo,Call436.S365.IHC dump rake, $125, Steol • '

wheels. $30-50 pr. Side do-- Il^o^y rake , slool w heols, _

in 10 noui uvM tfflft- T lors. $100.543-8423 J

LX 176 14 hp, JO riding lownmowor.38* dock, hy-

- drostalio trone. (obi podal n conlrol. 438-447B, WBO.

QUICK chado, privocy, Troo Z g low s 6-10 It. yooriy. $4 .95-7 ,95 del. monthly. Pottod, plantoblo now. Bro- -

_chOT,50(M 47^161 0


17 It Kit travel traitor. 1 2 X0 portabid shod on skid. Re: trig, portablo dishwoshor. r

■ baby swing. 733-8626. ‘■ / Bernina 1010, $500. Good

cond. 733-3804 ~ China-crystol $195. Toblo S'

$ 4 0 ,Po tlycha ir$40. Ring.. $15.Boot6$15 .C oot$10 ._ Diotraitls $9.734-0319. " I, Oeluxo m odel M anic C ho i'

□as ran g e , soli cToaning. $525, Includos extra brain, 9

■ valued 01 $100.734-6926.- 7 D PA irstopper$75.12-boo!,,. $ 5 0 .2 1 ^ motor, $50. Ski 4 0 pkg, $200, 81 Honda Civic,

$300. 61 HoTKJa Accord w- " spare eng, $300.326-5144

For calo: Block Walnut tree. “ Best oHor.734-632S

_ For Soto." Earih woodbutnina d stove, liko ne>y, $600 or of-n lorte4-&443___________ J" Forlross 2 0 0 0 F S 3 w h o o l _ scoolor, good corul'SISOO S. Q |lorCnll43^739.^ ■ J '■ Full kilchon cupboards, mo-- hooany, $3M , bost o llo r,i s 324-6411. ' ____________

GE se ll-c leo n o v o n $200. __ Bmss full bod $50. oak on- A h tortalnmont ctr, $40, oxc.

size desk $100.736-29600 GOLD COUNTRY MOTOR A0 _INN. Elko. Nv.. Romodel-_ , '• Ing Sale - Itoms inckjdo tri- g

ploxdrossors, woll mount ,*' h o a d b o ard s and night- ■=_ stands, gorro choirs, hong- " , h g lamps, tabto lamps, flu-. ;1 orosconi lamps, unfromod

mirrors; quoon m ottress-- box .sp rings and bed - ' . s p re a d s , sinks, tu b s , a ir J ' cond itlono ij, bosoboord Fi . hoators (220), ontry doors 1

with locks, cofpdt, dropes. ;rods. For mlormollon coll <

. 702-738-8421,8:00 AM 01 F 4:00 PM, Mondoy-Friday.Ask lof Kirk or Robin.

r H ido -a-bed , $150.< jryor, l| > $25 , dining rm choirs , $7r oa, bo* spnngs, $25, froez- ^. or. $50.73^9492 otier 6 \j

Kinoticowaiofsofionor.littlo 11 ovor2yr8 old. 326-5847. J- Stereophonic Phllco radio- P , phonogroph in dark wood . 1 n i-cabinot with records, excel * .cood .$ t2S . Coll 733-0903. j r Super NES. 3 gomes. Morio P t Pdinf, & mouso. $175, 1

Can 829-5986 “. TV$200,Excorslzebike$25, S: I 'm icrow ovo $15, Rocking• chair $25. Tobto « 2 chairs _• $60. tols mom. 733-4179. K■ Wedding dress, size 9, $300,

Cnn324-3617, |

ED C R A F T S “fh is N ew s p a p e r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~

Sftvc money, tiuild lhi» •c/ny-lo-nwicmt’lc pln.^lic *“

Able top, bench icnts nnd AlTiplete culling & Assembly {)5. . . J


R- r t i 1

• Rr

J w~ O n P _!



icck ’b r money order and 8< e . * i t h your na roe. add res*; (o r calalog'(lncludes $16 i.Okla. please add lax.

i D C R A F T S j301 .iPCBY. OK 74008 *

_____ ;___ i


-tolnnddpubte-aqion dough- .m ixer, p o d o l 50-O A .lid 7 : equ ipped with so lo ty switch, 3 phnso-230 volt. 77 Usod vory Title nnd in per- 6 loa cond $795 637-6527 * LogC*blnpM gS10^95>

24-X32'with 8-porch ro o l .r Ht Swodish copo. saddto *

notch lw ..2*x6 'T 8G root ^ docking. Pkuis. vidoo, tolt A. -

other sizes ovailoblo.' B 307-684-2445. ' K

R E M E M B E R pThatbifthd.-iyadyoupl,-»ceO^

some timo ogo in TTitf 9-Hmea-fiewi7 Now is Iho - •

■ timotocomopickupyour r' . picluios. Stop Tho Cus-. c

tomor Sorvleo Dcpi lodnvl (• REPOSSESSED; . i

Steel Bultdlnga • JMustcoll2QUONSEThut c<

hall-round arch styto stool tbuildings. Brand new. v

' never erectod. Ono is- '7 35x40. Will son lor baloncoowed, 1 -000-465-1544. *wookdoysA.M.________ ■

818 ' musical• INSTRUMENTS

Fondor Stralocostor, $200, ■ other guitoroquipnwrsl. ' ■

^ Caff 734^3^15_____ ,Lowry Gonto Organ, with

rythm cortridgos. Coll 734- 4842,.mnko oiler. Froo tos-sons Ifom Kbilh Jorponson. ■

Okj upright piono nicely relin- Iished, now piono keys, ■

. ' noods insido work. $200 or ■best ollor. Phono Burloy, H 678-2763 or 678-5056.

Spinet piano, $650. Gor- I goous Baby Grand. $1850. I Proodolivory. 678-2717. |

Uprighi Piano for s ^ , excel,cot>d. $500.32J-7366........... “

Yomoha YBB321 BB (lot Tuba. Excel, cond, $2500. I FIRM. 324-2066 ■


6 dosk, lOollicechairs, 1 Iwhite boords ovoll ol dis- ■countfost. Call altor 6pm, ■733-0404: _______ "

L-shapfd desk, with match­ing crodonzo. Coll 733-

, 4997, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _820 PETS AND


lyr Yellow U*; fomato, $20. ' No popors. Call 794-4942 F otter 5pm,

2 AKC molo Chihuahua pups ( $125 oa. 736-0054 or soot al13175lhAvo.E.TF, .

4 (can be rogistorod) Minia­ture Schnauzers. 2 moles, _ $200ea.2tomofos.S300 I oa. 6 wksoM. 655-4482. . I

AdoraWo'puTobrod“ " I Cocker Spaniel noods a homo, 1 ’A yrs oW, lomok).

Coll678-S831. FREE.AKC Dachshhund temalo,'

puppy, $175. AduN Pomor- -anian$50.438-8093

-AKC rDcistorod puppies,. 7 Wack. 3 yolkiw, oxwri. for

hunting and lamiiy pels.- $350.oo.Willberoady3-

19.951-702-753^(943 AKC'reg Rottweiler pups,

tails docked, 1st shots. Hendv nowl Coll 734-7825.

AKC Springer Spaniel pup-oloa. f a s . Con 324-3507. _____

Boordor Collie pups, $50.CnB 780-1125.__________

For soto, 1 Block & ton male,2 yrs old. $200.1 Running ■ Walker mato, 9 months oto, I

' $100.1 Quadro Tracker ■ I dog tracking system, $150.I Coll 543-8914.__________: Froo to oood homo: Boordor

Collie Austrolian Shophord X9mooWpuppy.Wondor- (ulwilhkids. 736-0551,

Froo to good homo. Husky X

Ilguanos(orsoto.3&4'with | aqurvium. $350.677-4839 .

i 532-4486 . /Ldb X pups $25. mother po- - porod. M3-5050 otter 6pm ,& woekonds.__________ ^

Purebred bud & while Cocker Spaniels. 2 motos. 7wkao)d,W-sho(B.$85oa.Con 733-5068.

^ re b re d mole Boxer, neu-


Kenwood KRC-560 tape* deck. KDC-C601 lOdlsk

‘ changer. Vory nice. Both * for$350.5 ^ 5 4 6


'*14rBdlalarm sawJrailer ■ mountodcutonBaw.$1200. ■ 788-9839 moms or ovos, ■

AIR Compressor- 3 hp. Em- gIoAlrmale,501t.ho»o.- 1 SQTBYflun $275,423-6130 I

IR diesel, compressor. 2500 hrs. $5200. Box 132 Buhl, c1D.83316 __________ •

Rocondltbnod Dolco steam cleaner. $1lOO.BIock&- tacUo overhoad hoist, $75.Can 733-5410..----------- '


Orfl«nlcally-grown Angus u| beet. By W. loan, tender, . t CallS43-6:»2. • ' “

Save up to 40%— TjrwwfieewybiS------- ----


824 VIDgO. . ' •' - ■EHTERTAlfOIENr ' C

■ vHELEVl$JON -■ 7MOVINalALE: RCA oak .

cdbkwtconutoTV&VCR; ‘ K

SateOBe System, | | | - Cal 736-8722. . |

..A ■


r 3 ’ AC/DC color TV. $100. 7^Con543-8080 •________ A fl

6' Tolosior saiolAo dish, with |»' ao oqulpmonL $450 or bod. p ,

ollor. Con 543-8744.Houston trockor 8 satollito ^'systpoi. 6' dish, noods do- ^ .5ayyblor.gM .543-80B 0

i ^ / f tA M T E D TO BUY p ”

^ ^ L a r a e r non-working fl® cdp-T V ^s 4 V CR's. Coll M

2 - ^ 4 ^ « S D f f Ifoctor liros; Im% lo ' '/ j tfOfliJ pr»tflr..,ln thigoodcondilion.Poirofliro- _73chofns lor 12.4x28 liros. Wai6-tO hpg,‘B-ongino; prhtor - • vnKohtor. in good cond, WILL 551 PAY CASH 733-8234 - .-

C om pulors, firintors, ony- chthing .e lec tron ic , -NOT orWORKING er WORKING.- mi

'733^760. Will pick up froo, 73

Call 733 0931 ext 2M S M M B MHIQQ2Q3iiB^ T M -B O O K K K P iN G i .

SERVICEFor all Your bookkeeping

and payroll needs. .F re e E s tim a te s

7 3 3 -6 1 6 4 T l

' SIDING MANUFACTURER ®• * Steel Rooring * Siding Srart

* C u s to m ( la s h in g lo y o u r . J [s p e c s o r o u r s . S w

D e l ta R ib P a t lo m G a lv a n iz e d & a s s o r t e d c o to r s . S N A K E R IV E R .M E T A L R e s i d e n t i a l , C o m m e r c ia l . A G

B u y d i ro c t & s a v e ! h C o m p lc l a build ir> g p a t k a g o s

a n d i n s la l l a l io n A v a il.736-4653 * 800-560-6812 A '

G i


SERVICE ■C o m p u to r iz e d

R e a s o n a b le R a le s Margaret T u b b s Fa ( 2 0 8 ) 7 3 4 - 6 2 7 1 V\


Jobs to bid for Generals, nee Sub-conlraclors

---------- & Suppliers,----------- B lu ep rin t c o p ie s ^ 7 3 4 -P L A N (7 5 2 6 ) ■

BQ IiEBIIpC o m p le te C a r C aro 20 yrs. E x p erie n ce

H om o or'-Office F M eet o r B eat'

A ny P rice by 35%4 2 3 -9 0 2 6 H

* ALAN'S General Carpentry ^■ " R e m o d e ls • N ew . ^

cons'lructioh • Speciallydocks, patios, patio covers, pg

carports, sheds. Small ' ,. Jobs & repairs, *'

734>3244 m

EHEzaffiaB ■3022211; I

Q u ^ v x x k m a n s h lp . ^ , 25yQ0rsexpertenco, spocbkzing In mortar set, £ (

f iB o e s t in T ^ "R obert O'DonrwII


EVA’SCLEANINGSERVICE .......S HOUSEKEEPING— ^.Resideniial, offices, c o n s tiu ^ ■

& rentals.'Hyou'ie not happy,, we're not happy. ■ PSeaso can 324-2829.

'____________________ S«

SQ U ^-C lEA N doesttaltl ■ 'Windows, blinds, carpeL. upholstery, power w ashing;,

-&^sured&. bonded. C all 326>S355

o r 1-800-820-2296 ^

.H E L P IN G H A N D S u CLEA N IN G SER V IC E , hom Y w S o r v in g T M iF a s ^ pli

• Re$id(ntial&Business - pj •ln»rad-eoh(lecl.FreeEstlmat8S

2 0 8 > 7 3 4 ^ 3


A n y k i'n d o tu so d h o te o o r 2 hor -oowboy-tao»tTTO flll-543- rbuir

S3tS. conod. . . only A choip, cloan, laio model.' lull slzo'; luxury outo wilh - 2 ^

low milos. P r ^ d f GM or 4 ' bo: Ford m (n. WILL PAY noti CASHII733-8234,/ part

Bluoprinis and rolalod moto-' AniiQ riablrom.C.O.N.S,E,R,V.E.' 324

- Financial Sorvicos. by Don- UsodnisLoo. (orlow temp hoot . goc pump ond homo oloctric 7^3

.g ^ o ra t in g sy ste m . Coll

Wontod- 6 ^ 7 2 Chovy shortbod, 4x4, will consider'ony- vVint'iIhing, iunkor lo show IrucK. hnr733 8S99 doys (or Larry. ^32<1

Wantod: Bubbki top coniper yVonl~ van, oood cond 733-763§. io WANTED BY p r i v a t e . Cir

COLLECTOR: Old c ro - machotod S ombroidorod lin- ____one, old silvdr itom s and Wanti

. marble topped fbrniluro: boo733-3730; .423 .

| ± t o L .

1 2 for more Infyrmatlc


SERVICE, & hg' SUPPORTIs O u r B u s in e s s ,

T h o C o m p u te r P l a c e 415A D D IS O N A VE

7 3 4 -1 6 6 7 '


jrPEnaiSONCOHSTRUCllOHSoccializino- Dccks Fencinq Porches,’Remodels, Honest dependable services. Refs. , . ^ Froo Estimates • 324-2862

A -1 D R Y W A L L —DrywaU inslallalion. taping & V lexluring. 16 yrs experience. ^

Jo b s .la ro a .o r .sm a ll„ .G rog L e s s in g , o w n o r

7 3 3 .3 5 7 9 ■

BEuZBSHFarmers & Builders W E DIG ROCK!Lei us excavate your main ' ^line, remove your concrete Cal • ditches, or olher digging

needs. We have all the heavy ___equipment needed.

-W allon-lnc ., 67 8 -7 7 0 0 - - S P


Need a picket fence around your house 324• or backyard? —

R o a so n a b lo R a te s . IE xperienced .

C all 543 -6049

H S f i f S S T S S B I D a

O ia W o r ld F lo o r in g M & A rU s try

• H ardw ood Insta llation , Finishing & R efin ish ing , 7 Palm ing (inside & out) " ‘’'P' . P o to B u t to n < 02 ^ . 734 -5 9 7 2

; R em ode l, dcywail. Toi d e ck s a n d roofing.- P r C om pelith/e p r ice s . - nev

F re e E s tim a te s .--------------- S E ck c o C o n s t r u c t io n .^5

20 8 -5 4 3 -5 8 9 9 yVO(

--------------------------------- Fra*

POOLBiCUSTOIIBIIILDERS -Licensed general contractor, YA

, 20* yrs. experienco yard in Magic Valley area.W E D O IT ALU! c ? “' ‘ ' ? 2 « 9 0 8 ■, g ;

DELIVEREDS an d & g rav e l topsoil,

for dHveW ays, Chaiparking lo ts re tc :----------- blu

O /B ve / S a / e s interf NORTHWEST

COMPANY, INC. T 733-1234

■ ■ m a w w —

H B B S H LARIWORK .OF A m <Homo repair; E lso rlc sl,plunlilnj.UghlcariWilry. " » * *

• patntoig yard & building . -I(d e a n - u p . 'R e s i733-0966 ,423

I .


torso troilor. onc lo sod , Ford F- umpofP'^rfloodioodiilan-. - t8 8 2 - 'nly, noiunkl Roasonobly cob 1iricod. 7 3 3-.5900 dtiY ^ condiii24-427aovm: wknds------- G oodietiosoboord hooiors, cobi- buy 0 otB. juicor, go -cert lorarts.i23.5130,---------------liquD coMumo jowolry, tail ga24-8423_______________ roftsonAd comcotdor, must bo in |.|yo tr»lOO(^worklng cond. Coll. Spruo33O80O or 756-6775 / T Craniod: 120' o lc h a in lin k Old^lukDncing. 4 'w-ttip railing, will, advonfam&oito(or»oi>.B43-6901 . krato'i int'od: 4lt (0 5ft coddoi wotor. p rM ro b ly with sink, _Ei2!!2Z2«-feoe . - • - : o w sa vanlod:4WaltDBnoymov- Afior6

R e 'maki, A SloopiM Beauty.

Coll 7 3 4 - ^ 8 . Romintod: 65-85 HP ouiboord Smoll c ODt molor, in good cond. toardr 23-4436ntior5PM _ -,irerrf '

ton or your service rep


leating/Air Conditioning for all R e f r ig e r a t io n ' ho

C o m m e r c ia l & 24 hrs/i R e s id e n tia l for

(2 0 8 )7 3 3 -8 5 4 8 ' 326-4 ' o n -

iU M U M U iW mm e f l e r s H om o C a reywalt* Painting •Carpentry ™

All hom e repairs " M Fisldo& ou t lO y iso x p . 733-72FREE ESTIMATES C om m

C a ll B r u c o resldon7 3 3 .7 5 4 3 Leaks

W a rd 's H om o C o n s tru c tio n

nm additions, remodeling, ectrical. plumljing. No job 5 large or loo small, 20 yrs g j , ) exper. Free estimates. .

C a ll W ard734-6294 J f " ”'

W ash:-------------------------------- 141 E

H O NEY D O, INC.II N o jo b to o sm all!

:all D EW EY T U B B S P H I



ointlng, roofing, siding, ‘ Fini jrtng. homo woothoring, ' BookI omodollng of oil typos, * isldontial & Commercial • 4 - 8 4 3 2 • 3 2 6 - 5 3 3 2 j l i------------------------------- N

H o m o R o p a ir s o th e rO f A ll K in d s ---------

CALL irale Robinson


--------------------- PRE& G REM O D ELIN GSpociallzlng In homo mprovomonts. ALSO ,« Pilping hands and houso laning, Froo EsHmolos, ^all mornings 73 M 5 0 4


b n y ’s L a n d s c a p /n 0 mP ru n in g . T rim m ing. •*Guarae w U w n S p rink lers. EngllsfS p ring C lo a r \;u p s ' Or

15 years experience. CalU e do w hat you c a n t do!M Estim ates, 734-3322

rARD BARBERS t R Brd sanrice. shrubs & trees, tree toj

Reasonable rales Shrub -FREE ESTHETES. . * •6 5 5 4 M 1 a f U f ^ o r ------------- W l

420-5230. ^ FREE

■w&uZi^H D aIRTHVVEST COLORSla se away your holiday vVooi blues; lighten up your • ^o rfe rw ilh an e w c o a lo f ' M ob! a in l Winter discounts, Loci Free Estimates. Refs. ' ^

Call 736 .2S9f f c W I

RRYU TTIN PAINTING Profesi& M A !N TE )^C E . | / a l n t

>et those bids locked in ,« R e p a ihll4 tm .ara not BO busy. • Comt:•Interiors. Extertore,. • Allgnr

jsklerilial & Commercial FreePidi-u4 3 4 9 4 4 or 7 3 6 ^ 5 1 5 _ _ _ C l

I ■_

_________ - t ___


dF-150 4x4, 6 c y . .4 s p i i | fo g u laro rsupo r .

lb . Iixor-upor to porloci 1 >nd.ion. 733-3466 ■ - I • od loving homo wants lo ' jyoforrot. Call 825-5344 |;k for Josh._____________1mod; 1968-91 Ford F150*. " lil goto, good condition. - iftiSnnblo. Cal 324-5748. , e tree« w an t» d ,u p to 3 0 ’,.p ru c o tfa Ii4 ^ 5 . T<» $$! ;■ Colt 208-750-267^ l^lukobuvos. gas and oil,' Jvonj6I()^>gn5, Schwinn o to 's tin ftf l^ s and 1969 omafopons. Stovoxynch.,

H o f6 o m 4 2 3 :g ^ " .'^ -

R e frig e ra to r a r ‘ , S tow e ■ '

Roasonablo. 736-T6S4 • o llc am p tr n iiro ilo r., ’ 'X. ^ d ^ ^ ^ 1 3

/ICE■epresentatlve I

t e l s P l u m b i n g

> H eating , ll your p lum b ing 's■ healing n eeds, hrs/day . 7 days/w eokfor om orgoncies

16-4126 o r 734-8778 )r 1-800-499-7742.

'R O F E S S I O N A L

00F1KG& COATINGS.3 -7221 o r 326 -5857m m e rd a l. Industrial, ' idontial. Buildup roofs, laks repaired In 24 hrs.

JOHN’S \ iHARPENlNG . SERVICEarbide & s te e l saw s , be sharpen hair dippers, r41 B ra c k o n S t . S . [ ■

7 3 4 -4 0 5 0 C

AN SNOW CPAH an & S c o tt Snow a x re lu m p rep a ra tio n - .

•Audillng Financial Planning

ookkeeping & Payroll !• Farm Accounting

• Sen/Ices 736-1711

219 5 th Avo. E.Mon-Fri 8-5,

th e r tim es by app t.





7 33-4786 ,

THER HAVE AN "A'* |W E CAN HELP { u a ra n tw d T uforfnp^ | .igllsh Grammar/Writing | '

Creallvo Writing ' | : ; a l l J l m a t733-9173

S H E L T O N 'S t R E E SE R V IC E !9 topping & removal,'Kub Irtm or removal,

-Special -W inter R ates— ~ —R E E E S T IM A T E S

733-7438> & I . T R E E S E R V IC E

e r v in g a l l MV & , ^ o o d r lv e r a V e a a .

7 33 -4 1 1 0 .-- - -------lo b lle '4 2 0 -T R E E .- L oca l 5 3 6 -51 .85 . .

I n s u r e d . ' ' ;

>fessional&Cei^fied \ lalntenanco Check epair Damage ! ompleta Cleaning / ; llgnment’f>id!-up!jD«li«fylriT,F,jrea. ,•_ C l l i 738^3874...

; ' '

Page 22:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

Miscellan | f 4 j t I k


WANTED; Chiu trl. tor bi».-.• cte.QO0deond'67&-a717

Warned; Hor*o lor a 12 yr.old d ri. To be utod (or

‘ 4.H.ti^73M 634. Wan(s(l;0(derfumiur9VBn.

24‘-orIortgor, flood cond,. O R I^orB loM dtrallar.

__Wdf«9d:.SQmQOidnuit>loa,■ , _CanO«Y.734.ft393..^' Wantad; Tablft and chaira,> d rw ay .C ^ 733^696.

Wamadtt boy: 14-16 flakj. i * mlnuai bo^ wWi ttjiHor, r»

WantftdtobUy: latodHion lAmarlcan Nallvo Barblo I d 6 l l ^ n 734-3075.0ob-

Wantad to buy; 2~ aluminum hand llnea, hook and latch

..........-Wantad lobuyte-IOuhool iitudant lockara. Call John

_ ! Of Qarald at 733-5920 > WantodloboyrBaJdwin


f/antM to bvy; Qood uiod imotoroyol«; rallablo. (or i yo ^g ^ |> ,^ to ^ r^u n d o r

Wanted to buy; M aascy?^. iguaon12< Bate and Star-

;pion aitnt^nrifownT^TIe.' ;g7g-3969a;w.Roe».

Waniod io buy mobik) homo laxlaa and tiroi, Will pull.I Can 626-6733------------ ~

Wanted la buy: vjolla ca»o,• 'hinttw. 733-1316_______

Wanted Troybullt chlppor

; Wanttoboy:1700flol6'. ’I chain link fondng. t 423-4934.Want to buy? Como soo us I at Tho Auction Exchange. ■ :Saleaov»fv^,324.14&' Want to buy usod hor»o&

•lod ttra le^ 326-5471cni anvtlmo,______ !

Wanttobuy white, apricot male toy Poodle. Mot wiling . lo pay ffiore than $100. 7 3 ^ 8


QorW^ovinj} aalo M orS^ 8-5pm (urnlturo, dl•haa,- (an,4lMpingbag,clolhea vJutt & Mdt, Hnona. booka, toys, kKchen sppla. lota of iiw;thlr>a.14ircallfomla

MovimaalolRalnorShlnel i March a & 4, 8-3. 1202

_____ ;.Laiiindaia..Aull Jan^fDciiV- .1 era. cfinino aot, iott ol Ttp- I oorwara. kina bed. drossof

m1 9 7 9 SUBUAR

n m ,U ! ( o o S M n i . tunGrKtmlDcdyOmed WbSI95...■:..... ...............

I9 8 6 U N C 0 1#»748,lM iyW KhAllh*(k

- Atiinla,laallN<tai(rior,Exat CeSRwaSSW.....


Wb SIO,WS.....................-



H1 9 9 3 S U M I 0


. r i ; ; . . , . ' . . ? »


n e o u S 'R e c r

lieTiines sws USTOMER^ ERVICE \

901 ATV8 AND y ' — IIOTOROYCt£ 8 .........

r 1907.YAraaha225TTlrail- 7 bike. Qood condition. '

7 11200. D m 734-6125, a(-

- 1M2 Hariey Davidaon, ali 7- customized, low mllaa. '" 734.S009.ovM.________ -“ 1863AnlcCalEXT580Z, 1

10M 2 ptacstBttra!ler& ' / extras. (4750, or aeporBle.'

J Can 487-2674. ~_______ -. .74SuzuM.ni400..DI(tbl(a. ?


" '88750 Honda Moona, black, 7------ okeeleondr^MOWwatol. 1

(or. Call evbs. 324*7620. '02.HondaCR600; mlm 7

7 cond, $MOO make otler. • ‘ ^ c 5 3 » S 6 9 6 . -![ Hondt 110 3 wheeler, new ^

- tires, good cond. $500.- WnflaW.rwedseaibufe-

iofwpfk.4;eSi8. -^ -Wanted— 89- 01—ne««r

Yamaha WR250. Preler- '92. 536-2374, evsa or -1 loavQ moasaoe. 'I

M2 BKYCUS V. :'• ---------------------------------- tl. 21 spood Coyote mtn bike,'r boon stored, now condition.

$275,733-5497 Rav. '..llountalnBlka:Scon2 l

spd, mountain biko, Ukonow,Call

B 326-3251. f>■ Schwinn Traveler touring _ bike, $150. Call 886-2811.

anpfgpm. • ____ ^_ 803. BOATS AND It UARINEirEUS g ______________________ 8I. Utl.MirnwaHboatw-trtr. 15

HP molor. 2 seals, trolling .- molor. Heady lo fish, c

$1500.733-27^________1 4 'MlrroCralt, aluminium .

5 boat w-tralior. 15 hp c , . evfauude motor w4oss than : 250hr8,2swivelsoala,4 , lilo|ackela, 6 gallon gas ,{ tank, extra prop, anchor & ? , oara, soo to appreciate.7\ -919-19thAwE.32.4.jaSg^2 FoHhat wMkand hMoawav ^ h. _yoifi*jhv«ysjJn»m«ljrf», V y start your saanrh In the rMl

•staia ooliOTra o( dassKM.

[JUU 4X 4W A 00N

wOptfauOf ’ I

^ i : » 3 9 9 5 i [l


^ :___*799S | |!

Ar R 0 0 n R 4 X 4 4 p i . ; ^

a B « M W « W I H ;

j ! L - » l 4 , 9 9 n i !


■ " " " H - ' . > 1-

ireational'Ti■ ■■■■■. ■ -i ' ' ' t

■ \


W Flberform boat, 50 hp’ ” i Jotmson n»tor, trolling mo­lor, dapth Under, auto ar>- Se chor.tiU and oover. $2500. .Co

• 16 ft. PHndle sail»at. New i«« ' m aatt. excel, • h a p e . ; - ^ . ,

$2095. Beit Harbaugh Mo-i; SMitor, Wendell. ^ - 5 3 6 - ' ’ ___

; 6323: Your local marin* -

18'19^7 Norseman:fiber' Satglass wood boat. tHr, out- Ou board, 1700 or best otfer.Cananytime.324^924._ .

ie ‘hullontrafler,.ffll8eparU. ___ "■JI

< V-6.(-0,-«xcel Sond. Cai!

1M4 Ranger boat, 200 hp ^- tuel tnjeoed Mercury, w-hn . etoctronlca, $23,500. Cafl

733-«7a-______19’-flelnell mboanl-oviboard. ^

with, tan d em ^^ lr^ ^o d ;

1 9 ^ i i t h ^ {otboat 4 5 ^ 'DomlfUBOfPumo733-2148 ■ — -

3tQlasJrtfoo.fipenbow.115i 1981Chyrsler motor, exo ski be<

' »M. 14000.ia ^ fc o i evee.< q'92FourW lnna.H orizoa. ,Qh

‘ 190,19ftfi4hra. Indoors. V> . - $ 1 4 m 324-7520.-Ii:il- " « . tFITDiDfJTSEaHERE,wo I have buyera. Tha Auction . Exchanoe. 4-1483 IF IT- Now 1989 Baylinof, 17.5 ft.,.

85 HP, fish f b ^ and tro»-' ^ ing motor. $7000 flexabie. Wan 733^.tM vqm e»saQ 0, j ^ r

RangorBessboat, 175HP ^ Mercury. Everything is In excel, s ^ and indudod.


Century fiberglass sholl.lits , small Py, $250.734-5127 2 brl

eveaofwookonds. oriCustom lOGpercamper shell

wHh slIdiM window. $200. 8odliner,$50. Fila'8 8 or ttd« nowBfQMC-543-e9l7 nd

Dolux custom topper for'88 or newer Chovy long bod. sno $500.Kir^obod&lRune . Fro like now : 7 3 6 - 1 BOS Sic

lu lla iie jM ^ c o ^ . rod 4^ ciai orav.$2M. 423-6(19. w

1 9 M NISSAN 4X 4# »)« l,asa i,KonGnol--WaSSm... .............

1 9 9 0 SUIAM t U M C Y 4

WbSWS:____ :___ - .....;.......:t

#G094ALoo(y,Su|»ra«n.LfldCvWb SH.WS ' .......-

m1 9 9 1 V O U SW A M N I

~IHBB1 9 9 4 f 0 i D l - l l


lA R U .T w t o g a l i « y 7 3 » 8 M

-4— V-

r ra jn sp o rta l

B llY IT

SSIF»06 QUKSAND . ' 909



Setyic«l8«vlc0 lSe(vtol skin

r o m o t t t o m S M t i

54<BiM Lakes BM Nal the oio, ' Lynwood. 733-3115.

• OUH8HOW----------nowMarch 4di a 5th,

8alO-6&SunB-4.NaIk)nsI » £ GuardAmo7,12003,Klm- 7

baB.C^wea, Idaho. "9™ admission $9.50,

208-746-5555 ^ammlnglon 700. BDL,22.250 wilh 3x9 Teico r z : ; scope, like new, $450. ^

m m L _____________-

m HOT-ruBS ■ -222ANDP00L8- . >-“»* • mat

Hd Springs S pa-4 person,. «e«


1981 Wildomees.24.tu6unk W Mbeds. ex(xl.Bhi»e. $4905. $25

3«i1H aib^M o , -E.B crWofideir20e-53fr«i3.

.- '89 Pace Arrow 34'. queen Island bed, 454 .

•«wnlnB«.fwmUon»dln-- _543 sldowbennoJinuse. 1974$49.900! m 548B. Can

iFITDIDNTSELLHERE.wo 1985have buyers. Tho Auction air, 1Exchanoe. 324-1483 _ C ^

Waniod; Bubbk) tw camper 1992„Y W .g°9^c9f>^Z^i^u. ' tnoi


1989 Formula MXLT 467 iict- ’ ]3?| uld cooled, covers and ^ t2 hand warmers. $1800.886-2093_____________

1991 Yamaha Exciter II,1640 mis. in good cond, 7 ^ Call 934-5940 aftor7PM

2 bright red Yohama Exdt- ers. 1991 and 1992 auto

11 dutined advemtino dldnl 1995 ■xlet lomeone would invsm trav

Snowmobiio-ATV trailers- 26 'W,From & rear folding rampe. 4, n'Sloutosttraitorbuit. ' $4&

,CanS43.5772.., , -tTT-HClastlflsd . . . tor paaple cloi

BveiywhBfBl733-CM1. 677

■ ' IX4 PICKUP i I I

—*34951 11

II^ * 7 9 9 5 1 I

_ 9495 I

H jN V A N A M N ;. | |

J12,495| II

31" IIM l t P _ i |

! ,99s| II

^ = ^ = = = i


- S E L L IT


AND EQUIPMENT -AI A rc tic ^ EXT 680. ag- -64 Shi ressivoextofxtod track, sM eont.i kins, & cover, handle bar. w-Ac

I Polaris XLT SKS 580, sleoaox shocks, siiis, tracked, Indooiipod, blllefhoads, very at. 1300 mi. Was $7500.,ow $6000.678-7580 7 f X1 Indy XLT S_peclal.(SKS) show<5500,.034-sjM________ upho1 ^ . >5M. 3 good


Kkiiw blinds. 543-4486. awnlr:ercise bike, stationery 0 °^ ,ichwinn Xfl-d, $125, Cail - 5 ! ^33-9588 no Sunday calls. IFITDI estyier 50 elect, axordsolachlnaw-stalrstoppor. -E£E™ew$649now$32S.Ajay Kowing machine, $90. A Trait80 lbs wolahis. bars & Ouendt $100 734-2785 ovoa BfodnxSPW icona. 1-3-4-5 ------ Z'oods, bag.cart. $300.33-54^7 Rav.__________ 812 liodor home gym. ike now. 1250, See at 4352 N 1600 r r r ^i.Pi.t.|,Prt?43«69,_1 TBAVPI______________

56 19- 5anta Fo. soil con- racks

J5Frolic29'tiavoltrir.roofIr. self-contained. $7495, PU boxah326-4730.__________J2 g * |92Prowlor18'trl. Doluxo hlodol, AC, lovelors, aw- Vlings, aloreo, carpot, an- ■ 'mna-booster, excw. cond. I8,175734-70(0 . ^93 24 (I, Wildomoss. Usod ■ jsl a tow timos. Loaded. f T 12,000 fimi.536-6568 I I I 193 Tofiy Resort. 27’iravel

tmiMr.voivsham. —— 324-7432 0V08.

94 30 H5lhwhoolVilh14. side ovt. All desirable ox- u ) ; ^ ■as+.$28,000 April'94 ow $23,000 will nogolioto. ~ 33-3624. or 600 at 323 lovfeumAvoWTF. 100295 23 fl.Kil Companion > •ove|-trl. $11.500, Usedniv 2 llmw. 866-2898 5j;g2t'Wikkmesstnulorrsloopa ando. micro, tub. greet shopel • ilon. 4SQ0.934-4611. • ■ 75S^^HoiidayRamWofrvery----- JAPloan, oxool cond. Coll TT H-46M mominos or ovos

New with Driver Side A Full Gauges. Rear Step E Dual Outside Mirrors, ar more Horsepower.

“ 3 Y e a r - 5 0 , 0 0 0 .H B u m p e r t o B u m p e r ^

I ^ O U )wni? om;

o « ^ l : 0 0 rH New with Dual A irb aa P< H lixksSiMirTOivAirConc B Guise Control, Tilt Wheel I “ 3 Y e a r - 5 0 , 0 0 0 B i


o . ‘ 1 0 0 0 ' 'H New with Dud Airboffl, P( B L ocb& M inors Air Cone S Chiise Control, l i l t Wheel I , “ 3 Y e a r - 5 0 , 0 0 0 B i

i • 3 6 m o .a o 8 c d E n d l .c a 5 g | First paytncnc ar\d Bccurlc

Mt — ■' ■■- i r TM

T - F I N D II

7 3 aTBAVEL . • 1002

^RA Il£RS 1

Shasta trailer. 24'. soil- 4 10‘ wi nt. dual axh>. camp trailer Stims. Ac. heal',’storoo, $3600 4 Mkho

Alio Aiv. 26 n. dbl b'unk- 423-5Sw e .A i fJoora rarefy usod. $8500- - 350 r^ot)ef.& 24-7520,_ .^^roNsaia: 1979 2 3 'Nomad parts.:

lilor. soli contained. tut>- ' owof unit, now pkjinbirtg.iholtsory. & curtains. 100S itod cond. $4500-offor.. ------)n be soonat 343 Ola- 1966 PfwjAvo or 734-6325. 2 dr q Sale: Small Frye 2f 5th leol. self-containod. has >nlng. 2 propane tanka,>od rubber. Like now in- 1967 F io. $3800.436-4664 cond. rDIONTSELLHERE.we - 1 ! ! ^ ivobuyers.ThoAuction Largo2

____ '"""cKITC0 WAN10N _Z22;2S■rajlofsand5lhwt)oois. ,Ouatiy made in Idaho. 1006 S rodunans RVs 734-3167 I

Of l-eOO-773-3167. - . — 966CC

im inY tight, Ij r m £ rs_ : _ . : A ^3 Charmac 7x20' gooso- Macki tck cargo irallof. light Woe- 77 Cotanic color. Never been $12.5'.^,Xoll324^TT4g.-------1 400C. al stool lool trailer, with S S m,d a ar>d 60X08.4x8 figW-3ight trailor with sides. . “5 ^4^516 -___________Sale; 2 horso tandem FOR RElo.tfl.. PUbox irf. w-top- pupa. IIf 423-^161 AM________ Excavbox tmikir, groat for haul-U S S t i l t e S i . ,,,,a

©tional sutpei lhofi5 haul-: 21985 tional

IlililiHi'liKilll'lil SI. $15.5C

. ' 1-198;11 AVIATION - , ■ wilh if___________________ ,Ootro>ger lor Boki. Buhl airport.- sprlni qILo v o t 837-6350,- _ sbootf ------- ----------- ‘ 1?198!12 AUTO PARTS wrthir

- ■ f p l j partr 1974 Intomational a ;)m axn. Engfrie blown, trana. Please 1 id othor ports good oondlr days. )n. $500orolfor.(702) '6674 .

hem.IAPANE3E ENGINE*-------IF 1701TRANS. 4x4 cpodois have I

1-800-365^42 . chnno

P h ^ U - 1

S m I

77 ^Airbag,

p Bumper, and

r W arran ty * "^^^^^

«»229Wt * . ^

REBATE ^, Power Windows,Dndirioning, ^icel.Bumper to Bumper Wai

»*239Vi t '

■,.1?E B A T E ' , ^

iccLBumper to Bumper. Wai

• • C ustom er may c case. Paym ent docs n o t includ tricy deposit due a t lease incep

Thuf^ay. Mofch

&0932 AUTO PARTS 1006 SE


I*.wire spoke wheol«.anfi lros.$l5. era, exofchoiin 235 85R 16. mud . -90 Pote: mow recaps. $200. CbU ’ spd, 63 3-5324.of423-5203.- ■ altaJuml itory Rebuilt M otpra, *<'lH 0 Chevy. $489. many xe'in slock. NO? lAufo g g ccatl ^324-6721, :


^Plymooth Bok'odofo II. dr Bport coupe, excoOont schanical cond. Easyojoct car. $2000. 734- 1972 Dat61____________~ • U^».707 Ford Galaxy, exc.nd. 78.000 actual mi. 1973 V4anew tmoriof 432-5266 • sl»H, $1]o2cac.storago.garaflO,- IBBOJo]r rent, $75 a mo. Call new brM914.0f 734-2253. $900. C

4224 Of5 SEMS&HEAVY 1986181

EQUIPMENT Norwos- oHof, 73

C CAT 4 yd loador, pins 1989 Forijhl, low hrs. fresh paint, tod. ba.8 ^ ; '8 0 605 Fial Allis, tfi^s, Ic4^toadot.$24/00;'80 536-277Kkdump Imdi. $19,500; 1994 nIi7 Chovy Bison dump. .K-n aii2.500:.'64Jnt'l cab over p ^Jn g !0CT 3Bpd.$ TB50;-Oe stw-doior, $13,500;'79 ichigon275 6ydloadof,Scill 350 Cummins. 90 % iabof. $34,500.234-0889

tREffT; Dumliv^wiihpa. Gravol, sand, t o ^ l . 79 Dodoi:cavatlon. rock romovol Low mil3-4782* 543-8643'_______ Of 734-6

FORSALE •87F35(])82 PotorbuilLConven- 460 fullnal 8V92 Dotroll.-sprlng Campoisponskin. 9-spood. Losa goousiin 50.000 mitos on over- 3462.0

jaS R offl^rC onvon- ■nal 8V9S Dolroii; power

" S iItonl shape. Your choice - O K A

1 ^ White Convomlonal th Integralsloopof,8V92. ■ jtroit, powor steoring, ^ ^ s u s ^ n s i o n , i l

1985WhiloConvertkjnalth Inlogral sloopor, 6V92 -------siroil, power atoorina, 1978 GM

S;iso cal 537-6787. week- l9e9Fo« iys,or537-653B'.537- cab, 5 >74. 537-6724 alter cruiso,>lufs.__________ ;_____ bodlinor-01DNT-SELL-HERE7WO- -4843 or ivobuyora. Auction Ex- 1990 Fo lanoo. 324-1483 AC.J9E

__ __ ^




cep tlon .,0 W B a s ^ o n 36.00C

.1 • •

— y —

cti 2.1995 Tlmos-Nowa. Twin I


S M S S HEAVY ' 1008 « <

87 sdlf-untoading trail- looks oro.xcel. cood. 5<3-62t4. 7330404.o377,425Dotr6il, 13' 1901 Ford 4S3* Standup; air ride, • 326-5305mln^rims. 1966BfoniI T600. Same specs; 74,000 milf36-9034. . drive, hoilGi«dotw/rollb«rl S J W .'H

\ g . 7 ;:-600Fordlruckwi1h 1987 Mazd1, $3500. Days 823- -loaded *iiovos-8 2 3 -4 ^ . $5450-011)atsunrtd«jp^A >^ ZndAvoW70K milM. $850. Cal 1968 Ch<a59ovo<L ’/4ton4X.V4 Ford pickup with »<>P.AC$1500.324-Mfl thing. $7,

royoULPU now tires^ 1988.Chovybrakes, runs good. Silverado.Callafter5pm,734-‘ p/oo'eo.'’ofwookonds. Sool[suzuPU truck. Call 1988Dp,dg< ■081 Rnandal to-make-733-7202. j 6 L A ^ord%ton.XLT.351,6 1991 Chovbodlinof. toobox, new PS.AT.At, lowjnl.$9500.Call, V-«,4'liftl>778 after coawh'ool; Nissan pickup, less 300 mlTos, cVromo

nQO^dlinor. $8800

rd3/4 lon,400.Sian- 7n a 3 F ^ H.chromo rims, good.ready 10 Qo. $2500.only ,^54l2afief5-ys, anylimo wknds 1993Joop

4-6747 aB orW ~' 1993NIC8ar50 crow cab dually, •ully loaded, chromo,jor shell, doon, Gor- 'sl$11,000.Calie62-. Oakkrv •1993Toyoli

.w,7<IH 'A lonPU .BCtUol.PS. PB.AC,ill. $2500.7^5848. '89 Chovy 0

4Y4 / oSfbuckot■ _______ ■ clean truci

Ford.8uporcat5400, jefr41_22jvAT.tirosabraKos. '89FonrF-1!whools,AO,PS;PB, 4x4 XLT L

HT»bumpofO;$4500; V-e.5Bpd.Cull 733-8991 » $12,500: 7:

iMCJImmy. AC,roll ' ’90 Ford 4:oxc. cond. $3000; kadod.wh'8SS $10.6^. 6!«(d FI 50 XLT 4x4;oxt *91 NIstUUl

5 so d ...302. ,XC. spoflpkgJ. AM/FM lope, shell 4 -Miaasoolnorincl. $9950.726- -Callor766-200t.- - ---------93-ExpJoiFord F-150 PU. AT. 26.000 mil19500.733-7312 CaI1423-5'

P i n

I '

\ r ^

.1 ' .................... *

win Foils. Idaho C-7


1X4__________ ___!MC, porlocl body,^ o a ti $3000. Call

)rd4X4 XLT AT, 400,»5______ifonco full sizo VG.) milos, a t with ovor- , haa ovorylhing.. f conditbn. $M00 ol-3.5175. ----- —wv4X43/4tonPU.4 anualtrans. 350 gas >■ 1 owner. 788-5057 tazdaB-2600 4x4.. d With lots ol extras. 5-olfer.-Sooat351«W . _________3ChevyS*vomdo.- n4X4.350-V8,AT. l,AC,Powoteveiy-.1. $7.800.324-5&?1.hovy^uburtjan. 4x4______:rado 350; loaded, condjlion. $8995.

>001734-2718. pdgo D-50 4x4. low je.Exl.-caM oppor-:--------

L h ev S ^o ^^ ^W ?T, AC. Z-71 pkg. 350 ' lift kh. Air kKkor, Al h'ocis, Soapoc radial alanh, roll oar. brush , nerl bafs. bodlinor. olhor extras, $18,000

<sklofCaMn . ord F-150 XLT, wall linod, standard trans. .130 Of 736-8291 ovos Dop Wrangler, hard ilh bikini top. while.- conditlonl 733-7621. issan oxlondod cab.-6 ,4x4 ,18KmilOB.I. CD, storoo. bodlin-'15.500. Eves 366- iftor5asklofChad >yola4 Runnor, low » i cond. 734-8455. • ord F-350. crow catj, idiospl.toodod.Call.. -324^5979,)vy oxi. cab. SWB. 5 ISO. Sllvorado, lood- ickot soals.consolo, truck. $12,000. Call >22.oyQ»- .rF-150exloix!odcob LT Lariat 55K; 302 spd.AC, shell, doan, . )0:734-8t01 ' « d,4x4, XLT Lariol,.I. whoeis. groal cond.K). 6M-22I0. days.5san PalhfindorSE, t pkg, lots ol extras] isool$15.900^Ik)f. €011324^998. '[pJoret-XLTi-4x4;---------5 mikM. Fully ioad^.23-5101. ovoflinQS. "



Page 23:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

' ,C-8 Tmos-Nows. TVrin F

— Transpo1008 4X4 '


& much moro, also GlasslightcamporsholL

____ >3000 linn. 324-3776 ovc76 Joop CJ-7, hofd top, V-

nlllho oxIrnB, oxcol con $5500. Call 7^-2446.

-!78 Chov 4x4 slop-sldo, Ir mnetjlnto, 436-5812

'80 Chovy Blazor, good j • condition. «50aboao»oi

Call 734-0964.' ’80Ford35l.4spd , </ to

$2950. Call 734-6217.•84 Bronco II. 4x4, 100.0C

.. mllos. rufxsQood. $2800. ollof.CaH7&-2787.

• -84 GMC Suburban, 6.2 Di sol. oxcol cond, loadoi $4,995 will considorlrad 676-0062.

•05 Toyotn.-4x4, oxc. con 78.0% miles. ^5000 ore lof. 734-4036 atlw 4:30.

'89 Chovy Blazor. Ioado< $13,500. Call 543-6841 <

^ F o fd . F-350.4x4.XLwit 9'B4tbod.46q,5«pd,#lf,

cruiso, tik. AM-FM cauotti I bug<K!floctor.lraJlofbrakiI conlronor.oxooll 16.000

. - ml. $17.^~678-4501 '93 Joop Wranglor. 4 cy

bluo with black lo( $12,000. Call 432-€724 c* • J»23-Sg02--_____

*94 Chovy Sllvorado, '/> toi------- 4x4 ,o«ondod c a b ,35

. V-8.3700 ml. $20,500. C . 423-5201 ovw.

94 Joop Grand Chorokoo Lc--------------fsdotci««r(s<w«,-cor*

’ loyi.$23.39Slifm.8«too CT8OW0._____CLEAN 4 CLASSY'9 t Toyota 4x4 oxira cob,

bodylifi.contorlinortma, flfoal aoroo. Loor campof many moro oxtrosl $16,50

VQjcK)SOlfor$13,500.. 324-3437 or 324-8524.

Dodgo Rom 50.1963, Fo solo. $2200 orbost olloiColl 324-3492._________

Ford F-150XLT, 4x4. groa .condition. $8000 or olloi733-5317.____________

ForSalo; 1994 Joop Chooi oko Sport, 25,00pjfl|,, wHl top rack and^oxtra-aii onow tires on rimi $17.500, S32-4341 ovos.

• IFrrDIDNTSELLHERE.wi have buyers. The Audio)

_ E x t h a n Q 0: ^ 4-1483 f

1009 V A N S iB U S E S '\

^ 1986 7 pass. Dodgo Van • • " .^V$3a95. or otfOT 436-3298

’ 1992 Ford Aoroetv. Loadod - _ .. Bo»t oHor over $7,90Q, bj


I Ford’s

I laI - 3 . 8L E F I V - 6 * 4H L o c k B r a k e s *A■ C o m p e t i t i o n • Q u l <■ *7 P o s s e n g e r S e o t i i

I WAS h i

h i 6H

I ^I ' '

. 1 - 3 . 0 L E F ) V -6 • ;■ I C ondillon ing * 7

> I H ; R e s t r a i n t S / s t a m * .I I n t t r u m e n h i t l o n

I \ W M


TV* ■ r ~ i

-J ...............

I n Falla. Idaho ThOrsdoy, Mar

ortation'Tr1JI09. VANSi BUSES-

non - 1994 Dodgo Grand CafBvSson At;, rodhiy, 7 ift&aiflnoon.tiros dark groon with tan uf;o holslry. Great ^onditiorholL . Take ovor piymonis. Caiovos . 208-788-3008. _>,V-8, 1994MorcurvVJllagor, L£cond, lully loadoo, oxcal. cone. ' Allying $19,900. .oltoir i n v 324-3707 :•

■___ 73 Chovy van $000 or boi155— ollof. 733-8542- oKor. '85 Plymouth Voyagor LE__ k M d o d l V o « < ^ r $ 35a^ ton Call 734-73B4.;____' '86FordVan, lowmiloano0 000 compfoiofy lor oqubpodlo

„ parapaloglc. CallT-208 ^ 324-3760 afior 6pm.

f n jT '94 Grand Voytoer.blufl air, cruiso, AM-FM-Tapo

S ; . 33K.8I6,0M.3;4.7520.Wantod: Bubblo top campc

^ _ynn.goodcond7^.763§;

1028 aUlCK .1965 Buick Wildcat $200

1028 CHEVROLET ionb 1®68 El Camino. now on

J1 1988 ChoV Sprint, 4 dr1 cvi hfltohbadt, only 43W>0 mi lop! oxcol cood. $2» 0. or ollof

24 or 32<-€639_________ ^____ '93Chovy.Z-24. allDplloniiiton incl CD playor, tun roof •350‘- -tewmto. nowttroa, $11.00( i.Cij] w bostotfor.32g^7.------- U C h tw C a n m o Z S B«Lo- 4900 ml. AC. 6 apd. antiD^«^------ IhoffayBfonTSowfCD—itool. playof,bta.ttiDunclofwar- ____ ranly, Kko brand now.

SY--- c o I o S ; ^ ^ $ Ofab . makooflor.Cal 734-^677 Jns. davaor734.9301ovo8.n jw - I..

1029 CHflYSLER

'92 Chryalof Lo Baron, con- , For vortiblo, low milos, sharp, illor. $12.50&<iflOf, 886-2733

1037 DODQE 70 Dodoo Colt tioodt tmna.

l o o r - gltytTTsJV

tS d

^ $iTO

1041 TORD

T ~ 1 ^ Ford Proba, exlondod • V warr#nly. bra and air. — X S7.000* $6950.487-2950

1991 Ford Taurui, V6. AT, ^ PW,PL,alr,AM/Fin«u»reo, d o d . cniiso,^mile«,N«wtir«a

. & iiruta. tfiOOO. Call Mika . 733-6093.

r a

lis Is The L s Most Pop

995 WI4

•4 S p e e d A u t o m a t i c O D « D u a • A i r C o n d i t i o n i n g • l o n g e r / ^

S u l e t e r I n t e r i o r T h o n C o m p e t i t i c K3t i n g • F r o n t C l o t h B u c k e t s • C f

L o c b *5 M P H I m p o c t B u r


i,99!a f t e r r e b a t a

I 9 9 S 1> • A u t o m a f i c O D • X L T T r im • A •7 P c s s o n g e r S e a t i n g ♦ A i r B o

n • A M / F M E l e ^ n i c S t e r e o • o n • X L T C l o l h C o p t o i n ' i C h a i n

\ S ^ 1 S ? t 2 S -

i,99Bo f c r r e b c t o

g m M N g T i


ransportatic— 1041 FOflD

5v5T ' > 1992FordTaurus,Jor«, - Cdii^ndngeonadohT up- bokw book at $ ^ or otter.-

lion! 678-3265 d a « or C a l l

r c i : 1042 G M - r - ond.' -,r~tfof. 1990GooStorm.araaiccn- _ ^ d j 1i o r L $ 4W . ^ 20e r - •

1044' HONDA

i l - '81 Honda Accord, J1900.

“QJ; '88 Honda CRX. AT. $3500.--g _«uponrfoan;423-6130. .' -91 Honda Proludo, excelT r r coftd.C an^Z7925ovoi.:--,oo ' -92 Honda Accord LX sodan,

' AC.bra, alltheoxtrea,«x•-— 1 ODI cond, $12,500, Call

886-2798 teN?em«o.-'

1049 JAGUAR "

’00. -Two Jaguar. (roBlorOd) will bo sola ol Estalo Auction, March 11.237-8523

----- 1050 JEEP

)00. lW 3 Block Joofi Wranotor,___ 813.000 mioa. $10,700.(Jr. 73W663.

imL — ------ ^ ^ -----------------1061 UAZDA

t9d3.Mozda 626 DX. 18,000

1063 l«C U R V

?— 497-1-i4«fcury.Conwt.-Qood-.’ ; first car. $ ^ or boet otior.K Con 73^^924_________m 1972 Comet, fltsns ovorv'„ time. Call Twin Falls: 426. ^ 5249 or 326-4536. $600 ora btwtotfor._______ •’----- '84 Topaz, white, AT. AC,

runs good, looks good!. Now atrute, now PS,

— $1900-oflor. 734-4278 or »«»oa»261 Mndtaon. •90Moreu7Tcpaz.58pd,

— - Pe.PS.AC.OMolcood,- ■ ■ 7^>892. ■

m . 1068 NISSAN“ i ^ S o m r a X ,

d ^ , 1070 0L D 5M 0B U .

LOAOe) • Must tool 86^000 Original mllaa.1977 Okls

__ 98 Rogoncy. 12500/btatJod oft*f.£)&2is9.s i r . - - - - - -^ 1078 POHIIAC■w. M Pontiac Grand Am, kiad- uM ed, now tiros and cuslom lito. whools. Must s a c r l j io ^

324-7521 aRer6mi

liowast Pos pular Vans.

fINDSTl u a l A i r B a g s • 4- W h e e l A p l i - • / W i d e r W h e e l b a s e T h a n t i t l o n *25 G a l l o n F u e l T a n k s ' C h l l d p r o o F S i d e S l i d i n g D o o r B u m p e r s '-y

' ■

100 CAS

AEROSTA• A i r .B o g y 5 * F u U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

. ■ ..... . .... Jr m B P R ^

ion1079 POHnXc- ' . .

“ 1982 Pontiac 6000 . Cell■'; -7a6^)aa5.'’ ■ ■


- 1991 Subaru Loga» t waip' on„5-«b«W. A ^tnm acu- late: $? i«00 .697-4746 or •

- ^ Subaru T urboG l^o; all * ^w heeldriveaedan,'Aut&-. .

with Wo oertor. fflpmjDof, - U ^ 72:0e0-n iilo*,$4905^ ;

F » ^ ? S 2 2 ^ 8 3 ‘ '

j i ‘ iM 7 -T p y q r t

i ; 1987,ToyDtaCamry.-$4500. ' n. C a n M 4 .^ 3 ^ .- i^ v ' - : ' : ' - :


.r J>iek Dey AHan4picked4X

f Priced Below N- '80 CHEW UJV 4X4

VtirtoeJeoniUkm, UffHf.— ..


-A U O m d ia e ^ S S im d -n a m ..

Z 'SSHHDHBOSUPG». U lU r / r a , LecJtd_________

- W TBvifDrawSaBrifM rtd, new Urti. a ra t bteui

3- '91 CHEVY 81IL4IM-r- S m n o a d td ,i ia a n lu ____

j: W mSi^gm>• KMlfriMfrudt/-.____ _' 'SZliHEVYglOBUZr TM pena..4Sx)ooM ati__1! '82D0DGEMMGHARGB>t 3U Va«rt». an t. Irani wnrtt’ '88F0RDRANGBtn]


- '88JB9»GHBtOKES4 Dr., bU th t entUnt. 27.000 mii

- 'B4CHmS10BUU]28fiOOmiki.ant}mci>tU)ns___

'84 FDRD EXPLORE]_ A atb iop tkm ,2 ifiO Q m lla___

! '8SCIfW4X4PICia1 s M t i . w t w i a H t o , - - , .

. '88 FORD MBO n i l4X4JMV 43,000

f B u y • T ra d e6 « 2 n d A v e .S

I Essible Pric (...Don’t Ml

P A R G I/


S H B A C K ^

AR x u r

1 1 INSTOCKIK w o i m j

.. ...

1087 TOYOTA'1990 Toyota Colica GT.

■ .'oood coftditJort $9 50O-0I-for. Call 934-8477 days or

• 934-5455 oviw.■81 Toyota PU with full-sizo

' overshot campor, hydraulic ,}ae»3f2000.SfrS367 .

’C>[j.SU»»lll«d, 733-0931.

■ ‘ea \W Bug, m oioraood ,

•84 VW flam cijn v^ rflb fcr'^ at . ao .»?5oo. ^ i 3o"L .

i io9o:vglVo'' Jc -

1990 Volvo, lop condition, -■ r.$8500. Can 733^)938.

Auto .Sales IX4's^Pickups -

14X4. . .______R^a'4890■HlCMXir. . .____ n i i ^ a ’T T o O

lufy.------f a A a » f t o ^ 9 9 0

4 m a n m o ^----------J t« A » r fto ^ O /0 0

------- Jtofuflr.f to *16,850

:S«»I4 x4 _IPfODU

™ B 8 4 » 0

•911 nan_torfuttrfto cXJrOiMJ

- ............jt«Aic«rfro*7450

e • Consigns. « 733-8841

U lIBO Oil iss Out!

' ■ >, 1 . 1

\ -

■C - v . :




Only 13,000 miles, 1 entry, climate contr conditioning, powei power windows,” cm control, AM/FM ste cassette, tile steerir defroster, fully equj

H1989 Lli CONTIN

Thls'luxiiribus Lincoln is i •wUh power seats, power v mirrors, power door locks cruise control, a ir conditii opcioris. W AS^ll.995

i 9 9 1 L I N C O i

T O W N CBeautiful Arctic Wh soft calfskin interio keyless entry, powei power windows, pov locks, AM/FM steret cassette, power stee power brakes, rear defroster-the works

M1 9 i 9 f LH

t o w nCARTIER SER lE i-pur flh power seno, power window power brakes, power door I conditioning, tilt tteeriog, i

^ ■

1 0 . i1 9 9 2

L I N C O I T O W N CLow miles, with aut< transnlission, power power windows, pow mirrors, power door rear defcoster, cruis< control, AM/FM ster cassette. A must see

1 9 9 1 L I N C O I

T O W N CSeautiful Gray with interior plus powMj power windows, reai aefroster. cruise con power door locks, til steering, air conditioning.-alI the ^nd power options!

j 7 u / k f ! H a r r i s o n 's

THE!Horns o/aiS'77?e


------ -

S E i i y i


J R I O U SICOLN —e k t a l I | | M)WNEDBY H H |i. BILL[AN

s, keylessn tro lair ■ ■ m m .ver seats,- cruise ' ‘stereo ■ 1iring, rear quipped. ‘


I is in excellent conditioner windows, power Tlicks, power antenna, wditioning-all tho power w:


l l H i i W m W U U I l I M I

|67_I I ' ' K J ) L NC A R S ^

^ite-w ith -

ver seats,jower door ■ P i * * *

l ^ n g , ' $ 4 '| s l _____ _ ' I

INCOLN N-CAR-.' . -‘fihestlE'quippedvrith 'Thlows, power steering,- .' Aior locks, cruise control, a ir poig, AM/FM stereo cassette. cn

Q!SD3SDE^Q9i I777 I'2 IKc a r ^ Butomatic.__fer seats, tower ■ Q Q g g w locks. M

1 .

> L NC A R ^ gth deluxe | ^ m | | | | | ar.seats, ^■nrfTmw ear:ontroLlaiT"^--------

he luxury H

i H t l e m

ISENIP l a n - T h e E a s ie s t

I/E. E. Twin Falis 733.

T ~ ___± - ■



M R. & M R S. D .a . ViThis new car trade-in has soft c with automatic overdrive trans wheel drive, power scats, powe keyless enuy-all the luxury opi

^ 1 7 7



The best for 19921 Local 1 owner w; Automodc overdrive transmission, power windows, power door locks.j crulie controL rear defroster, AM/i


etuC C o n H n u e s ,. .O u T !I( fp t

MOTii s tP la c e In T H e 'W o rid T o E

3-7700 TOLLFREE:1-80

I . ' ■ ■ "

• - ■ ,

f o ^


MONTINENTAL.»WNED BY • y. W ELKER5ft cnlfskfti in te r io r • ■ansniission, fro n t ow er w indow s,’ • b / op tionsl ,

r s 3

§ s

■ICOLNCARcr with keyless entry.Ion, power seats,:ks, power mirrors,VM/rM stereo cassette.

QQ|3[yjjj 3|



Mmro B u y A C a r


~ I T

Page 24:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

_________ ' ; ^ ' % ^ - .

T h o i j


Though it’s still wil thing_in_the air that sp

‘ " w l y dawns, late suns . . in betw een. T rees the

than skeletons arc gair thickcning, and blossoj - i t ’s a tim e-o f-ycar loyalties are split.

<■ . O n one hand, it is w: in the hills, ski areas I’ve g o t an arsenal o f

- designed to w ring fun iO n the o ther hand, tl

- N one o f m y bockcoi less, and the arcane ai

. th e r com p lica ted by- a b ra s iv e - and w a rm -

W arm temperature's V. tion a n igh tm are. I li

c o ld e r c lim atc ; so m b lue-- but temperature have been calling for M aybe m y technique.

' a n d p u rp le s becom e , hands.'

I ' Sure I get som e on'n 'o n m y shirt, pants, ani on m y fingers, th e n jr

• gum oh a hot .sidewttU ■ ' m atter how m uch y ou (

' Fortunately, the vici o ffe r other pursuits. ,

• , ■ ' U>kc paddling, for jn ' . I f J really had m y a

v arn ish in g w ooden p w ith boats, and fine-tui

T rouble the wee • nice to be w o rk in g -

cells w ith varn ish , ad rinc. On sunny momir

__ • is to 5 0 paddling,“ 'g o paddling.

So I grab a tandem 1 then thunder dow t e s t Sunday, w e got K ka Rapids; the week b o ver P illar F alls and Shoshone F a lls . .

M ean w h ile , m y sc------------p a ls - 'a r e r e f i n i n g the

equipm ent. W hen the th is sp rin g , th e y ’ll b drops. .

I’ll be portaging.— , — -G fc o u rsc r l 'c o u ld -!

a lone fo r^ w hile - an( could ta k e 'a road bik

■ looping, through.thc v o f speed , b u t no real could ^ b the mountu out a sinuous'single-tn

- . T hcrc is plen ty o f c cjists at this tim e o f } coupled with m e ltin g : som e outstanding bog

• the sun don’t shine, u o f ice can ap p e a r at hients.

N c t tle s o m e d o g s ar« c o n ^ n d w ith , d o g s th a

■ " c l is ts " O f th e s e a s o n lik f o r sa lm o n .

M aybe I ought to lo for a few w ecl« - and ing gear. Arm ed with could head for the Cii a re dozens o f l ik e ^ - abilities, and it'’s tim e I to m y repertoire.

M y clim bing shoes and I can’t w ait fo r the ing season to start.

Trouble is, it’s still' sual jau n t to the crag victim to clouds, wind atures.

C o ld w ea th e r? C li should combine the tw

Y eah , d ig o u t the cram pons, call som e li and go ice clim bing, fron t-poin ting o u r wa falls, braving bod conc

" o f fear itself.____N one, in*shorta-on*sunny-roc

T hen again, the ice thin. M aybe I should g

W ho says th e re 's no here?

B ro c k ’s c h iefproblem fe c t io n o f m e a n s an aims. ■ “— “

Recreation repoMoneySports

7 ^



ijghtsn t oI n gw inter, there’s somc- . speaks o f spring - o f iinsets and wsinn days that are barely more

joining color, buds are , , ssoms a ren’t far away.. - , ' ;ar w hen m y outdoor

Fo p g s o I

Villiam Brock ^

sw intervThere’s ’ p w ’,- , :as are oparati»*g‘/& nd ofou tdoo tegu ipd ie rtt • un out o fw in ie rr •J, the snow is as tough

ccountry skis'are wax- art o f waxing is fur-

by so u th e rn Id a h o ’s , n -^snow .— - — • tre's m ake w ax selec- I learned to ski in a I m y favo rite w ax is ures in southem Idaho fo r 'reds and purples, jue .is lousy ,'bu t reds m e m o la s se s in m y

in'my sTcis. l also get it and rucksack. I get it

n in m y hair. I t 's like valk ■- it 'likes you, no ou d islike it. vicissitudes o f season

r act together. I’d be n p add les , tinkering :-tuning my roll.A-eathcr has been too ' - s la u ^ tc r in g brain , adhesives and chlo- mings, m y inclination rather than prepare to______

m canoe and a friend,— .lh c.S n ak c .R iv er..Dt to the foot o f Kana- k before, w e portaged nd got to the base o f

’ se rio u s w h itcw o ter- th e ir te c h n iq u e ond — tbc b ig w ater com es I be ru n n in g th e b ig

Id-sim ply-leavcbonts----- -—and drag piit a bike. I bike for ;i long ride, e valley 6 n a mission cal destina tion . O r I mtain bike and search !-trock trail, tf challenge for bicy- of year. Rcceni rains,Ig snow, have created 30gs. In places w here :, unexpected patches a t ino p p o rtu n e m o-

arc another hazard to that await the first cy- lifce-grizzlies Waiting

»leave the bikes alone nd d rag out the climb- ith ropes and a rack, I City o f Rocks. There

j^ - ro u te s w ith in .m y , ne I added a few m ore ’

oes a y e new ru b b e r ■, the sum m er scampcr-

till'w inter - and a ca- rags could easily fall inds and cold tem per;

C lim b in g ? M a y b e i—; two. \he p la stic boots and ,e like-minded friends, ig . B e real hardm en, w ay up steep V/atcr- onditions and the

rock is gettipg m ighty •,d go skiing instead... ' ’1 nothing to do around

ntoors~Editor ‘William— — lem seem s to be a per- _ a n d a c o n fv s io n o f . '

port D2, D4 ,

d m ,

; .

K id s f in d g o o d c

Th<S m a ll , fr ie

• B y B aib N ci?ra tTimcs-Newa correspondan

KAILEY - In the shad V alley sk i re so rt, whici

'h e e le d sk ie rs from arou ' 'thereyA ^k i area w ith IP

pedigree' v ' '. Jt’s"a place where fami sack'lunches, where peopi jeans, where a n adult lift li S5. ■

If’s the p lace w here C medalist Picabo Street Icar

— — It was closed last year, \ Ski Area is open again thi: to the cfTorts o f dedicated '

■‘We’re not out here to gi - we’re oul here to let kids

------- tarun-Ski-Club-Prcsidem-Lift tickets arc $3 for kids 12, while children undcr6

At those prices, the-Ro barely makes enough to ; bills. “Skiing’s always bcc rich m an’s sport,” says J< Tom Logan; who manage area w ith his wife, Carmen see it shut down - it’s the < place lef^ to.leam to ski.”

Giving kids an opportun snowboard - without goii the philosphy that makes The little ski area dqesn'l but help is closc a t hand fo

“If we see kids that are go out and help them so tl keep coming back,” says C

Keep com ing back is a < that runs through the volur ofthe'ski area.

Thelmo Cameron o f Be to ski at Roiorun and she

• home taking her four child inexpensive day on the si

■ p * - " .... ....sB ■ Red Rock Canyi

V National Consen/ationAri

' r V ■


d c o n d i t io n s fo r s n o w b o a

e reiiendly ski aredant . . V \

hadow o f the Sun \hich draw s w ell- ' ' .1rou n d the w orld . J, a vuslljniiffcrcnt v X

amil es come with :oplc ski in denim | ft tickift cosis only I

c O lym pic s ilver Ilearned to ski. 1ir, but the Rotanin - Ithis year - thanks I

ed volunteers.:o gouge the public I f lkids ski ” says Ro- V Hjnt-Grog-W inchcl.----------;ids ages 6 through .T 6 ski for free. *; ■•Rotarun Ski Area ' ■to pay the pow er ' Hbeen known as the • ^s Jerom e resident :lagcs the little ski ' • ' ^ nen. "I just hate toJie only affordable R o ta ru i

v ic e orilun ity to ski - andgoing"into debt is gans als'<es Rotarun work, their parsn 't offer lessons, ow nchil1 for beginners. , Threeare struggling, we a't a plac0 they 'll leam and Club.

Carmen. ' . Locate! a common thread tarun opjlunteers and uscre terrain, i

' Hailey S■ Bellevue I'eamed tic ski aishe feels right at Ski mogi

lildren there for an The Re slopes. The Lo- tarun, b i


inyon1 Area

3 H —7 s

^ 1 K

o a rd ln g a t R o ta ru n SKI Ai

t u r re a s o u th o f J

-un S k i A re a o p e n e d in V o rg a n iz a tio n s ti l l h e lp s s t

ilso learned to ski al Roiarur larcnls; now they arc teaching tiildren to ski there.;c generntions o f locals, all 1 lace founded by the Hailey F

atcd two miles west o f Haile; spencd in 1960. With ils adv , it was a convenient place f ’ Ski Team 10 train. In 1967, t •area was featured on the co' igazine.Rotary Club still helps suppo but donations from outside s(

SlportswealthB yJohnH usarChicago.Tribune

f : LAS VEGAS — For to Vegas as a sports wr

— golf-«nd cvcn-bowling.c;I spend m y tim e musi:

^ . doors, it’s often the plac ' : ' time hunting dnd fishing

It’s a good trip for pe . only for the w cabh o f

^ , outside town, Just beyoi~ —tho-Strip.------------- -------V. Drive from Los Vega •X' d irec tio n and y o u ’re c t i w ithin the ^ o ja v e Dcs' ^ by brooHliig, arid m our

rig h t kind o f m ap and ^ d rive vehicle stocked R and w ater and m aybe 1 K you can be on the cusp

BH ' M ost folks d o n 't eqi ^ w ith wilderness. But the ^ o f Land M anagement n B a lion public acres in Cli

— ----------- -------------

: ■ -


A rb a j u s t w e s f o f H ailey .■ ■ ■ -----

a m■ S u n 'V a lle y (


11 960 w ith s u p p o r t f ro m I s u p p o r t t h e fa m ily ^ k l a n

run wjth are necessary lo mi ing iheir “ W e have a dc

co m rh itm en t 10 .11 skiing Reese, current pres y Rotary tary Club.

Keeping up will iley, Ro- on-again, off-ogai idvanced backers over the p; c for the A new day lodg 7. the lil- with a kitchen thn cover o f S1.50; chili burge

H oi chocolate cost ipod Ro- cry from the the j : sources' ski areas!

swriter ( Il lies jus

Foi'o r years I ’d gone Forwriter for boxing, Conyg.cvmls, Now, that .. _ n aar 1is in g on the out- Distri■lace to go for big- Vegosing trade shows. L _ _people like me, if •

r f n l r c thn . lies y o n d l h c g l t a o f N y ' * ”

ig a s in -d lm o s ta n ye on public land Anothe)csen, surrounded Anzojuntains. With the the GnmiJid a fo ih lw heel- Stn:d w ith ex tra gas opcile a sleep ing bag, P millicisp o f high adven- ^ Rccrea


equate Las Vegas ThankIthe federal Bureau for somet manages 10 mil- 20 minut Clork County and locoljew

- • • ■


■ t .

• i V

i. _ _

j y . ----- 1 -v > . • - :

R o iopens agaiii;

, ' 1.


P!«oeou^^l>.ARTRJCHW»S J

m R o ta r la n s . T h e ser> v a r e a .

I) meet expenses. ti

d eep -sea ted , long-lcrm10 R o ta ru n ," say s Ron n president o f tlie Hailey Ro-

nA-iih the times has been an pgain struggle for Rolarun Vc past decade. i: Ddge has been established,-that sells hamburgers for f

irgers are 50-ccnts extra, s :osts 50 cents a cup, a farie prevailing rate at .other il

discover st outsid^ o r i n f o r m a t i o n . . .

For information on Red Rock inyon and p th e r BLM sites ar La-1 V cehs, write the BLM strict Office, Box 26569. Los ;gos, Nev., 89126.

ijoining counties o f Lincoln a lone. Most o f this is readily avi Dr hiking, biking or jiist hunkeri;taiyTplcndcjr-------------- -------- -jther 2.8 million acres lies ocn rizono border on the north side rood Ctmyon known as the "A Strip.” The Bureou o f R edon iperates another nearby swath illion acres in Lake M ead Natit s ta tio n Area just beyond Bouli

inkfully, you don’t have to go me o f the best o f the desert J nutes west o f town is the BLN jewel, R ed Rock Canyon Natioi

_ , - v . . 1- -

, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ y •


ivpTans f o r fuK M s’ r a c e h e ^ r a i s e f i i' “ TEc' Romrun Slush O ij for kids 12 and under, w il March .5. Registration sta

' a.m., and the rocc begins a The entry fee is M . plus

ticket. Entry fees w ill d ir , on the day o f the race. 1

w ill be aw ard ed b y the - Chamber o f Commerce—

For p re -reg is tra tion ci Winchcl ot 788-1039, o r : Wirth at 788-6060.

Hoi food and drink is nicc, why people com e to R o tar come to ski.

T ro u l^ is, the J-bar lift is und the only operational Iif\ tl low rope that goes half way uj tain. The venerable lift sysi d raw backs, and R otarun b( working to purchase a u.sed Po

An 80 -sea t Pom a w ill c: 1,200-linear feet to the top - ■ terrain forces skiers lo refine tl

The challenge now is lo | new lif .

The Rotarun Slush Gup a race will raise money for that provide an enjoyable day for Winchcl says. A polluck dinnt is in the works for ihc''first par

Equipment may come and fundamental spirit at Rotarun .same.

"W e don't allow any bad 1 there - you have to have a face,” Winchcl says.

rs natun le Las V(

Conservation Area. Roto 200,000 acres. Ret600,000 years o f geolo^

ck G orgeous c lif fs o f es limestone and sandston•M_____c limbers. Rough path•OS many fomiations. Allur

lie across boulder flel ' Indian petroglyphs at

I and ancient habitivail- whererfor Red Rock cc crinn springs and naturol m____ succored natives and piiCT055 The w ild life con b jg Qf Desert bighorn sheep 1 “Ari- cliffsldes, while vc

deer, wild burros’ and ii ^ qP iguana con blanket ro Ition- " '“yyijgf the usual palette o f scoi

tulas.Above, all. Red Roc:

;o fw solinide for those whc • Jiis* hillock ond out o f sight LM’sional P le a s e s ee

' ' V ’

) ■

i nfuture

e w i l lfundsC up, 0 race w ilLbe held starts a t .10

ns a t n o o n ;— ------plus 0 S3 lift climb to $5

;e. T rophies th e H a iley

n ca ll G reg ' o r Rochelle

icc, but it’s not j ta ru n . S k ie rs

ft is m oribund if\ this year is a^ •,y up thc.moun- syslem has its n booste rs are J Poma lif\. il carr_y sk ie rs

- where sleep nc'their skills, lo pay for the

jp am ateur ski ;hat effort - and for youngsters,

linnerandralTle part o f April,

and go. but the run remains the

lad altitudes up e a sm ile your

re’s ■ /egas

Recently expanded Red Rock' features ologic wonder.> o f tim e-scu lp ted stone layers beckon)aths w ind through______illuring box canyons fields marked with s and pictographs. abitation lie.cvery- :k contains abundant al w ater tanks thatd pionecre,_______________in be m ag n ifieen t.:ep occasionally dot c valleys host mule, nd mustangs. Desert t .rocks, w hich also inds o f rattlers plus scorpions and taran-

Rock offers blessed who w ander over A ight or penetrate one

s e e C A N Y 0N /D 2

Page 25:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

0 :^ Tlrras-Nflws, Twin Fait


I T];vc oar seat o f a drif.......... ! a to p -V o lk sw a g e n R

! P e rro n M a y fie ld a ; I panoramic view o f Bh I the famed Rogue I _ y .o lk sw agcrf’ R o c

■ ' s ticks-ou l o f B lo s ja r

, . t e ^ a y ? e l d ^' y sum m er through the P

I a n d S i^n ic -s trc tcT i'; i . k n o ^ - a s VTbe Canyo:

. . - r ■ ' K t this w asivintcr, i; JIow s w ere 10,000 c\

" ' second thcough.Bloss o f Ihe raDSf'fieacherou

x ' ■ ^^^0-m ilcsocti'on .^x •' - about fiye I

' r 'th a n . th e usual summ< ; it created a s;^Ing:4>

■ • * M ayfield 's boat sa t,li- ''-ra ck . “I f s tikeHdin’g t • ' . . t h e to p o f th e r iy e r

,>^lksw agcn R ock," ^ . ; “ It.’s « 'n ic e v iew an

. wasn’tthe'BestplQcc_tj r As the boatbobbcd

'b ifc’ o r h l s tw o cust( : front seat tu rned a n d

------ ._ fie ld if .th a y w ercgolil- I ■ ■ “i■waitcd 'uhtil w c

j: ' . ' ' 's a id , .’5ure,■ 'w e’ll ir, r- 'says.

I M ayfield ends the..... , .g iggle, ac^knowledgin

. . I - ' ! ment a nd d a n ^ that I ! who a ttack the Rogu

------ ‘ -the winter. , « -Thc h igh , unpredl<

j -river flow s con o/Ter fa r d i f f e r e n t from C anyon’s popular sui! season,' w hen flows a controlled by d am ? ..

. But b ig tvavcs o f o ’• neath even colder air

tro u b le b ecau se-th e ' very forgiving about ing m i s s e s .

A few m issed oar ; ! in c o rre c t an g le can

le a v in g b o b b in g ral---------- d r o w n n ig T J r h y p o t l

1 'h e lp from h ; cause o f low num be I and con b e m ore difl

o f surly water.“ I f y ou don’t hav(

s ta n d in g w h ile b o a t co n d itio n s , y o u b e t

CniisiiC n l^ R id d c rN tw rS c n

RYE, N .Y . — G eo ff ■ io u g li sa iled"the soutl:

'cars, venturing as f t r 80 o i lb ^ t can go, braving i'

Hcc buildings, fighting t »0-foot cutter. At one pc

.....- ^K lvcsncarly.locked.inb;would have m eant death.

Y et. sitting in the tnu Imrrbundings o f a Hilton month, the two ^ustraliai h U.S . speaking tour cai bruising the waters o f Ani

Canyon(ik in tinued from D1 o f th e spectacu lar trailhi t|« il8 b eg in from a 13-c m ain loop road, and — ai 6 L M officials .^ ''th a t’s a ^ mp8t_yisitors' dare to go ( jriv e^ 'o f c o u rse ,.is bea t ^ i l s are th e a red 's meal

T I sam pled three on a d first nosing around ao ole duany site, while a hondf Seals m aikini m aps and er d .cross< oun try training clifTs offer every conceivi i t a challenge and are so ]

has had to ask clim M m patib le colors o f cha ijfom defacing the scenery. i A t W illow Spring pknii

^ 1 tra ils em erge, some tlje m oun ta in escarpm ei acro ss narrow ledges ac ^ e s . H ere you can follo (X a 50*year-o!d Civilian tion Corps road across the jU chose a ibuch more n

4 o n g .an e s c a n ^ c n t face (jjent w hite*rocked “roai w ^ere Paiutes u d earlie < ^ k e d plants and ^ for food. Some o f th

■ •aut-flhapied pilM o f d i s « ipg ro ck s a re 30 fee t in '^ u - s q u a t there and <jpn Ibns'lost culture. .-

— ^P ffco ira in F B o ck . a B U wound m e through a mazi tion to a po in t where, h i ^

~ face, five pictograpi te m ^ ir in ts J u i t to link tbc t e y . F rom the s ^ o f the ^ e t e y / t n ch ild rm p lay f r o c k s . ,—

- - y A q ro u the way,;tbe sou

' n B i ’ » a M f f i8 ! S S F

J l ■. '

Falla, Idaho Thunday. March 2,

terriYC1, Ore. (A P) — driftboat parked I R o c k o f f e r ^ . . . a sp e c ta c u la r Blossom B ar in '. jvBrCiuiyon; - ;ock . ty p ic« lly _ .?am B ar like HI'- w J hien river guides -’ . J customers each . J j

16 Rogue’s W ild® cTi'; c o fe m o n ly - • 'jyon." , ' ter, and the river H U m Ib ) cub ic feet p e r '' osso.m B v , one rous ports o f th e '

/c tim es h ig h e r ' f l S P S B im cr flow s,.and g;4}oil o n Which.. t Jik 'e a luggage Ig an e levator ,0 y e ^ . r ig h t a to p . '" M ayfe ld saw . a n d a il. b i l r i t .

:c,t.o.fc.”- - • ' led precariously;is tp m ers ln i h e - - M H | f ~ m d ^ k e d M ay- oiiig to m ake i t ^ w c slid'ofT, arid. H H s n I m ak e it ,” ' h e

Ji'e sto ry w ith a f i n g ^ t ^ « c i t e - Lat g ro ts b o Q t^3gue C anyoo in . :

sdlctable w in terTer wavc-’ridftig - G r a n t s F)m th e .R o .g u c . g o o d -o rysuilimer’boating trouble,” s'S arc lower arid met' riyer1. . a h o f wir if cold watCT be- . canyori tri]air can bring b ig ' “The tri'h cT lo g u e isn ’t tive abou;3ut w intcr-boat- , your limif!

ferencc, beor strokes o r a n ' disaster,” 1an s in k a b o a t, T h e Rcr a f te rs to face fro m .G rao th e rih ia .. A n d th ro iig h is less likely be- canyontf, |ibers o f boa te rs to Foster Eiifficu lt bccause T h e sin

■ B ureau t)fav e th it ' u nder- the Siskiyio a tin g in th o s e ' niid>Mayt>etter b e d a m ii . . niaximum

l ig c o u p ].Wl

Dff Payne M d M w g a re t. H< tu them oceans for fourr south in Antarctica e s a miIg i c e b o ^ the size o f of- tii ig howling gales in their: point, they found them- R;D-by polar ice, a & te thnt- - wilh. . 'ih 'tnm quil, w ell-apiwinted 5Cton hotel here earlier this ealian sailors remarked that er can be more tense tfian. _av

Antarctica. M

1 _ __________________

te r fa il guf{

ilhcads. M ost ■3-0Ul(! paved - according to 's about as far ESS. « , a . d p o « .

a d r k z ly d a y ,o l d s a n t o I Z - h Z l ,

f'cS JS ’S: “ vc.?do”n-1i e m b a r k e ^ n ^ j , o ^ c o i r

lISS c ^ . c v - m e h igh on to , , n en t, le ad in g -

i tS iS S 'iM to w an fan ;

su i««t,w hra

S 'JLM ^fT ioiaV *— 'A 'W D i laze o f vegeta- . V . V J S J l i ^ o n a b o u l -raphed Indian £ S ? i S ^ the aroa 's bi»- _ . . . the handprints. Coo

sound o fa wa-SCBEDULE«

I J 'J "


er raftti

riu jlfc t'';i; rtC-.

Iflllaland, front, a n d P h ilH r 4 P a s s . Ore.r y o u 're b iting o f f a jo t o f , j,” says Paul H oobyar, a fbr- <er guide and 1 5 - y ^ vet^r- iA 'inter a n d s p r in g .R o g u e ttrips. * 1trick, is to be real conserva-. 1 out the boating and Jcnowni(s, and that can be the dif- i between 0 great thing and.

■,” h esay s. ' ' ’ IR ogue C an y o n s tre tc h e s j } rave C reek n e a r ‘<3alice,:h a s c r ie s o f r a p id s an d Ii , post secluded mountains, ;rrB arneiu-A gpess.. :stre tch is m anaged by the I T)f L and M anagem ent and

dyou N ational F o re s t P rom iay th rough m id-O ctober, a j L tm o f 120 IxMters p d : d a y , '

d e l e a r n 1-■'^'There ttevcr was a tim e wbc were boat and somew‘Hopgh,-40,

■“ Y es," said her husband, “ i more difficult here because o f tim e pressures and al! th a t”

Only the most gonzo sailors Rye Town Hilton to be a t i ^ t watersx3f.Antarctica, and-Payiu

^the.donsummate cruisers. The 50,000-mile odyssey in the soi earned them a m easure o f fame e n tia l S a iling m ag az in e , Cr aw arding them the Outstandi Medal o f 1994.

u fg le d . I c ro s se d a d ry a 1 to rcach a tinkling creek w from a crack in the moun- h<

Ciiterfali standards, i t ’s not s( uck said w ith a s h » g . “B u t ' vi -xonsider this is a d o e rt , it th jmething.” to

ickiqg m y w ay u p a rock ytird w hat I though t m i^h t wn a sm oke-stained Indian oi)n’t know w hat it w as, but aaunped there bad high stan- qjcenciy. wftith e r along the^qop r o a i kia t Pine Creek Canyon Trail birr down a smooth dirt path yind valley. A nice h ike past al o f a bom esteader''s cabin

Quous 5 miles into another b<k in the mouritain walL s<fit o f Re3 Rock Canyon is . less w ith which onis can re-/ilization. You taste a w on- f<B natural w orld, ye t don ’t hvening’s Las V e p s show. A'be tha t’s a dra>vback, be* 6 : a tough place to leave at tieri the r o w U ^ t w ith the ; rayff o f th e su n jan d you . w ere setting up a tent b ^

leystreamL - d o th a t e a s i ly 'a t R ed fi b e B L M i s 'n o to r io u s ly

E C R E C T I O N r -inge l i u «

)3/4.» 200 P.SX;..9c per footper foot -

E M 3/4* 480 P&l !U( per foot' ^ J M S p P A L i^ p e r fo o t -

ioity t o in e o a re n ie n c e '


- I

lfjrw < nfa~po w f f r t h r e u g h \

. m an y arm ed w ij^ gu ide! d ir e c t th em through^ddi rap id s and tep id pools, c: thc G rave C reek ram p, w

. M ay and late O ctobcr oth . lar tim es fo r canyon flotilh

T he last really untappe fo r canyori running is th(

. .when bpaters-are generally by c o ld w eather, h ig h w lim ited confidence.

“For w inter running, yOi be ab le to read the w ater your guidebook isn ’t'goinj y o u m uch -n eed ed in fo n M ayfield says.

F or instance, the fish la rapids a t Rainie Falls pro' jo r changes from the simin

D u rin g m o s t p e r io d s ,

t h e y WOivben-I'Said lw iah l'------Duriilewhere else," said some si

. , have be , “ i t ^ really m uch riage to : o f scheduling and four yet

It wa;lors would find the to have i^ te r q>ot than the c o m d 1 iy n e .an d .H o ii^a re .lo n g Hieir ex traordiruuy- show h south Atlantic has ished es

ame, w ith the infiu- “ W e C ru is in g W o rld , said. “E

nd ing Seam anship 1 was cl eacli otl

cam per-friendly. U nlike th wound National Park Servic h e rd s p e o p le l ik e p riso n cam pgrounds and only ali scribed paths, the BLM eni v is ito rs to c lim b and w ai they will, blitliely permittin to bust their bodies a t their o

T h ^ are darned few ame you have to cany o r treat y water. A nd bring a stove, b e one thing die B LM doesn’t I cam pers to deface the groi open fires, destroying precio wood. A nd b e sure to le t thi know you’re camping so th b e ob lig a ted to m oun t a s your car is em pw and the j a b o o tto b ec Io M d

O b v io u sly , th e re ’s a wi bonus for all that em pty BLI scenery. It’s called freedom.

(Tbe Butbor is a sports c for tbc Chicago Tnbiwe.

, Mn at: Chicago Tiibua^ 4 Micb/gan Avenue, Chic 60611.)

nMi\ Congratulatioi ^ R O N H I C I

- n M r c f M n q ^ H r - i y k i

------------ H O T om W e-M entfc

\ TROUrnTTER' T*ll M tl l , I8AN0 '


- A ; r O p m n m iA m ^ - I ( h B 9


1-wWtBwatar-at Ratnta Piiiebooks to “ line” th e ir c rla n g e rb u s JaddCTi -V^'cKj;can leave a ISO rfoot ro{

w ith e a r ly . boat o r raft thrcther popu- and pools o f thilias. loo lu m ore lik[>ed period than anything.Jie 'w inter, D uring the villy lim ited thc right side olw ater and rails and even i

right through t'OU need to drop-offs in thee r because “Tlie trick to give straight and us<>rm ation," the oars to doTI

R apids are claddo- and V, based on difrovide m a- and difficulty, iim er. boaters. But Hes,. b o a te rs o u t th a t ra tin i

) iild r a t iring-theirU :S .-lecture-tour-i audience members joked that been giyen a medal, for holdin together while coHabltating 6 'ears.vas no problem, they said, oni ve fo rm ed an in tu itiv e clo: s from working together so' in ig ^p u n q g aa io tccv iew . here, Payne and Hough fi-ei ^ h other.’s sentences.'e w ould m ake decisions to{ “E v« i t h o u ^ G eoff w as the i _clw_on that, we certainly coi other....”

the tightly /ice, which n l 1along pre- mcourages

w here ting people ’ own risk. nenities, s b '

your own l i ^ u s e th e t like is for

with aous desert the rangers they w on’tIe gatM are

w o n d e r fu l 'LM-owned

1 colum nist W n re 'ro .

435N ortb ic a ^ o , III.

:r - '

I S '

.................... ' ,, - l i . : : , , , .

I n

-------- ~ ~ n -----------^ ^

P ..II - n _ i . i - . i . iL / . . . . II— it

crafrs dow n th e fish^ high:l^ ‘'teihiiiq'ue’cirusjng . '" Iro p e to h e lp g u id e a w eahrcugb tbe rocky steps ther‘the fish ladder, which sayslike a b^bbling brook is ag. • /• ■ quci: winter, rafts can rtm rithr5 o f Rainie Falls,, while -Tlm driftboatsjcan shoot forh thc rocky/pools and mailthe fish ladder. Staiiis ju st to keep the boat -cal juse ju st a few dips o f ' erthoThat,” H oobyar says. Be classified I ihrough Fendifficulty in traversing “Voy, in rescuing troubled trouHoobyar says to throw But:ing sy stem d u rin g a ' e d c

her live 4iir-this-month,------- -“Y e a ^ elat they should rocks aco u ] ding their m ar-^ ^M argaret...' 5 6n a boat fo r ’ “Itw aa jui

to get away f and they seem »i guess yi ;lo«cnM 8 th a t . before you | I intimately for Payne d .« .lh e ir !U d o .. .^ ,p liequeoU yfm .

» M 'f e t l M H H B S B l

i i i i i ■ AP

Ligh-water w inter nm .- " I f it’s 'd C lass III and it'8 vea ther a n d th e W ater’s wa hen i t ’s a .C la s s I I I ," H o o t ays. “But in the wiritCT, a Clas: s a C lass IV because th e coi [ucnces o f troub le bccbm e It ithmically more dangerous.” -T he cream o f th e C anyon or those w ho can m anage it nains Blossom B ar and ± e De' >taircose, a very tough and tec »l stretch o f rapids ^ o n g the 1 T third o f the canyon mn.

B lossom B ar, w ith i ts “ Pi< •en ce ,” “ C la m sh e ll R o c k ” 'V o lk ^ g e n Rock” are legem rouble spots ev ra in the suriu But the w inter ride, w hen navi d correctly, is a jtfwel.

o n a b o s-he-saldj—I-w ould hava-gone- :ouple o f times i f it hadn |t b<

I ju ^ 'hb t'a tt’issue iSat'w tr ivd* ’ ay from each other,” she said, ts you’ve got to be a pretty goo 3U go on a voyage like this,”

and-H ough’S 'low key .flty le - 'exceptional fe a t N o t only ,di S m onths in some o f the m ost t and treacherous w aters o f th(

lUdands, Cape Horn, southerr

----------- P lea w sse C O U P l

h ii r 'm u m • . » > : » « ^

L - - . ■-ir T '

iseaso9 nears

n ttH m e t-N e w s

T W IN F A L L S National F o r ^ hai lowing recreational - F ia& ig : T be Bi

q>en for whitefish H D fishing un til M an | B H ; Fork o f tbe Boise 1 w f l it is sometimes croi

2 p

I I IA v a la o c b e ha2

_ _ _ _ — freeze /thaw -w eai - . lanche h azard s to

' day, slope-by-slo] by-exposure. Call i line a\ 788-1200,

I ' ' heading ou t; avail i i i E l - iqxiated-daily. APpfMe N o rd ic s u in g : I B M - , B urlfy anms ttill i

runs. Fa irfie ld wi runs a f Soldier Mo! . The Saw toothN

's fa i r ------- Area w ill groom ivarm . Park Creek on Fri ob y a r ' T ra il p a sse s are a s s l l l SN R A , " 'E le p f ;onse-- -K etchum /Sun Va iQga- C o m m erce , B a d

Lodge and the Bla n ride ation D istrict Offi i t re- in fo rm a tio n on t

>evir8 trails, call 726-666: echni- Soowmobiling: c low- Creek is g ro o m ^

Smiley Creek throi Picket Lowman.” and Ski areas: Magic m daiy ' open Friday throuf nuner. formation, call 423 iVigat- Comerelle is op

. base and a 76-incl— :------ 1 cleared, but snoiy

. required. Call 638* tion:.-

Soldier M ountal 44, inches w ith 68;

t«.<)iHhe— iiu s jc i ie d u le j lu j been for malion, 1 7 6 4 -r

S u n V a lle y S a*Wanted- -K * to h u m -R a ii^ .,

acres open, w ith i ^ M o sfru n s a rc gfi ^ a S 2903 or 1-800-786 ’ ' Deeper snow ha

fo r -w ild life to f “ - w h e re lte 'm n ld r r did they are and avoid thct 'I remote, tours 'around wild i t 8 ) 0 ^ animals have few I ;m Chile expend a gre PLE/D 3— gettingThete.-------

qmeiIq I

W o o do E i i i i ^ "

rs end^n

L S - The Srfwtooth t has released tbe .foU- onal io^rm ation. s B ig W ood R iver i r fish catch-'and-release' •larch 31. T he 'S ou th lise R iver is opsQ, b id ; c r o w d s j

th National F o ^ t ;

h aza rd : T h e recen tj v e a th e rc a u s e s ava>i.. is to change day-by-l -slope and exposure-]:all tbe ovalaoche hot-;00, E x t 8027 before) ivalanche reports arej

1 w ill have g ro o m e d i' Mountain. , - j h National Recreation| jm A l t t n ^ o d j ty OTd[ •1 Friday and'M onday.; are a v a i la b le 'a t thei le p h a n t’s P e rch ,! V alley C ham ber,of!

3 ack w o o d s, G alena]'. Blaine County Recre-; O ffice in Hailey. For- jn th e N o rth V alley i 6662. Ing: K etchum ’s Baker-

as is the SNRA’s ’ hrougb Bear.Valley to'

lagic M ountain wall be rough Sunday. For in- 423-6221.J open wilh a 64-inch -inch top. The road is lOiy tires or chains are* 638-5555 for infotm a-'

tntain reports a base o f 68 inches on top. Tbe

a ^ M g c H . f™ Linfoiv_

y S k i A re a in t h e ’ ^ .D iso ic t^ b a ^ -ijz o p i ith all lifts operating."5 gfoom cd. C all 622- -786-8259.- /V has made it difficuh to f in d fo o d . K now Id--rimge'clbsurt'W ta?" them. Make w ide de- ivildlife, because wild ew places to fmd food g reat deal o J energy •

s .

Page 26:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

z i i r K T~ TlMTlina*-Kew» : ’

, JERO M E - Conservatioi D q)artm cnt o f F ish and C

— R epon-i«aued-23 citatiooB vioU tiona during January

I also noted w here violadoni I suspictsiKrereidentified.

'FoTlOwiog a r t dispoaitio court fines o f $100 o r more

' • H unt o r fish w ithout a I B . Crane o f Falls, $

w ith five suspended, proba

On top <

- —

W ith M ount R ain ier to p o f B u rley M ount


A bout tw o dozen R ocky I bighorns have been releas. O reg o n s id e o f H e lls Ci bring new blood to herds fit hunting by settlers and d i ^

R on A ng lin o f the Ore and G am e D epartm ent la released e i^Y bigb'oni^ 'the turned loose .on the Oregc tb o H e llsC anyon .N ationa

■ -tion'A iea, _ • ' ' '

Couple _------- G ontlnued from D 2 - r r ~

— but they did it in a ste They traveled without rad em ergency beacons o r sc equipm ent o f any kind. P

--------G PS'— -which-stands-fcSystem, ah electronic devic ptopoint their location on tl short for “G eoff Payne’s S<

“Us Aussies," said Payn w ith a brow n beard, “ca b o a t” ,

P ^ e came to the sc a n He grew up in Sydney, w fa th e r WjBS an a rch itec t uncle a yacht designer, and to sail as a boy. A fter al architecture school, he hi diaftsnian, but w as drawn ing and spent much o f the and-crewmg on boats in Ai L H c and H ough m et in qw nt six months sa ilin g ) l ^ t across the Pacific. Thi b tiildbg a boat and cmisin 8 jo b as a d raftsm an in i Colum bia, and from 198 Rights and weekends — h< f i t was," he said, “a dne-m

H e'us6d 3/16-inch steel M t h e cutter with s ingle, had seen ^ h is t ic a te d dec dow n tiiM ^ agwn M b

do without r a to . I f he an th e m se lv ^ they didn 't wi local resident saw the rc nouncod it “skookum,” u ftrong and g o o d Payne ^ ^ boa^ which costabout

After long d e l r a az^ a M yno and Hough fb c la l w prkeF in A usti Vancouver in November 1 to cniise the southern occf b e a ^ g to Australia. But

B' A ■■f ' p**yi

I ; -MARCH PRE.^' ; » G r e a t S ^

. , ____ _______ RiItion officers in the Idaho d G am e 's M agic' V a l l e y w ons and 31~WHtxiingpfor oi ary. Fivei incidents were ti< ions had ^tccurred, but no.

itions o f cases that drew re lore, • , DIt a Valid license: Tbonlas til I, $200 fme, 10 d ay s jw l, ' , sbaUon for two X®?™-

of the worl

e r lo o m in g In th e backgrc jn ta ln n ea r R andle, W a sh

ian sheep>re. (AP) — “1 feel goodcy M ountain said Anglin, theased on the seeing the state

C an y o n to The sheep as/lepleted by last among 4Sisease. Hinton, AlbertOregon F ish ing the o ip ao(t la s t F riday daiigcrous sigrffieTHsToro sheep WOT fellegon side o f J o s ^ h Creekonal.R ecr^* , near, Sheep Mo

- - - - - .‘iWe w ere re

Steel boat built by' P a ^ e . “ radar, without loilg-nmge r sophisticated electronic 1. Payne likes to joke that j -fo r-G loba l-P osition ing— “ evice t ^ t enables sailors to )n the high s e ^ — really is e s Sextant” fayne, a sinewy 41 -year-old f “can sail a

, where his «l0 » .5c t and h is a n d l lO and Idiifned r a ttending B becam e a iwn to s a i l r . . . the 1970s delivering )«chts ( 1 America and the I ^ if ic . t in A ustralia and in 1980

Ig yachtsman Alan Bond’s i They hatched the notion o f I ising the worid. Payne took c in a steel shop in B ntish c 1981 to 1985 — woridng i - he built his boat by hand. 9-m aa cnisade.” 1se t for the hull, and outfit- I jle, sturdy hardware. Payne ■ 1 electronic equipment break s m boats, and so he'decided t il sdOant and compass and . i I and Hough couldn't fix it 1 t w ant it on board When a 1 ; rock-solid boat, be pro*.

an Indian word meaning i i ^ r o p r i a t d the name for t ju t 150,000 to bu ild . 1 d a few'shakedown cndses, ’ ^

had quit her Job as a ’ i i s t r a l ia — s e t.o u t fro m ., er 1986. They had intended i

for two years before i i 3ut their , voyage look on a

fusit-Arrivedfof &SEASON SALE Gbn election, »Fnn Line of A

T S i S u■ •*'-^Ctnt w aterf(Jw l < f te rh _Rcese o fG len n s i!e rry ,5 1 0 0 J

• Posseasiotf'of.unlaw fu wildlife: Michael Kisnner of: one-yeariicenw revocationri tion. . *

s ^ t e r ' 's t r e a m channel w it E . 1 ^ d e l o f Bellevue. $448.: r e h a b i l i ta te s t r e a m acco D epartm ent o f W ater Resouj t i6M ,------ ........ ....

• Fail to validate b ig game o fR ockIaiid ,S 200rm c.

- n ^


jro u n U , N a t t ia n W e is s , 13 , i sh ., o n a r e c e n t F e b r u a r y v

) turned 1•od, really, really good,” said , the staff b i o l o ^ over- whs ate ’s bighorn program. T p at Jim C reek w ere the The 49 b ro u g h t south from bigl

(crta. One ew e died dur- con and others were showing R igns o f stress. The other bee released o n A trlbutflrjrof— plar ek to the. northw est and hea yiountain b y Baker City. , mw s rea lconconed ,’!A ngliili- sevi

j.lifcjotitaiQ w n,,and. they foum ing m onths in a spot w hen the

They crtiised dow n the Me the Galapagos Islimds and Ea; spent nearly half a year soilin

-,ne la aUhcLVcrytip.otSouth Ai The scenery was stunning,

ered Andes fdling into the s( flung villages and H othouses fresh k ing crab, w hich fishe

ra often asked how lo live that long at a tow we wonder how

afford to live o

exchange for cigarettes. Thrt they spent about $700 a monU

“ W e are often asked how w it, to live that long a t sea,” H( high cheekbones and an infec crowd o f 75 gathered a t the H did it, and tiovl w e wonder h< afford to live on laiid?”

They m ade three v isits to 1989 to 1992 ,spd id ingato ta l B ritish islands, w here Englt forces h ad ^ n e to w ar in 191 .with the windswept arehipeli the ir m oney by. w ork ing od refiubishing the'governor's yi Falklands tiiat they planned leg Of their trip, to the Antarct

They traveled there in the m cr, from Decem ber 1989 t sailboats visit Antarctica, an

. E v w in th e "su im ner,” the ’ with'icebergs^ the ocean is o ’ rocky, ice-eocrusted coast offi

“ &mjethlng w e.had to reck might Just disappear,” said I

/ really w om ed us.”T m s ea u d the l a n d s c ^ '

S ; , , J

i e 2 3 chours:' G eo /ge;M ::‘— •

I0_fine.., ___ rtiunv fu lly ,tiiken f ish o r Care o f R upert, $200 fine, (thr< in, six m uuths'p roba- ■ hour

w ithout perm it: G aiy Stoc: 48.50 fme. required to peod :c o rd in g to Id a h o pr6b lources recom m enda- In

' out Im e tag: Paul B. M oss' valid


w13. e f K e lso . W a sh ., g lid es y w e e k e n d . ‘ - "

toose at ]said. “We w ere scared to^eath what they w ere going to look li

The sheep were taken up bj They w ill b ring new blood bighorn herds living in or ne continent’s deepest canyon.

R ocky M ountain b ighom i becom e d ifficu lt to find for plants, A n^in 'soidrM ontaiut'l healthiest herds but W estern must get on a w aiting )ist that several years long.

)und_themMlvM spend- ingthe spirit moved them. ' petrMexican coast, v isited NEaster Island, and then lane

tiling the Chilean chan- so (lAtncrica,.:_____________ n mng. with the snow-cov- He sea. T h«_visllcd far- Argtses, and a u their fill o f aboshermen ^ e them in sail

w we could afford! tseaiW ell,w edld >w on earth can yoi > on land?’

- — M arg are t Ho

fhroughout the voyage. Bra3nUi. stojV w e could afford to d o out ’ Hoiigh, a redbrad w ith ' - whi ifectious l a u ^ , told the dor c Hilton here. “Well, w c scaj T how on earth can you I

N e: to the Falklands from odjotal o f 12 m onths on the hoiinglish and A rgentinian woi198Z They feU in love and

pelago, and n^len ished ' abo: odd Jobs, w ith Payne —s y ach t It was fiom the N pled the m ost dangerous Seaarctic Peninsula. ' ' 1the South Atlantic sum* that[9 to M areh 1990. Few senand with good reason: Ion

the w aters are teem ing - “is often stormy, and the ' C noffers few safe harbors. “■ e ^ n w ith was that w e —id Payne. "B u t it never Fre

Sk(p e \vere stunning,-teem- wa’

Savage Pack)1 . :

/ « L a k e f l e i d B o lV Setnl Aikto 2

I ' ^ S u n ^ a S M n ^ Kiho<gunrqMlrtnd<hok>|^

• - 'A ld lf l '^ e -e o im n iss lo ^ 'o itint w ith Brtifie ia l l ig h t): F ra iirey«,S300 fin e (suspended iree su sp en d ed ); tw o y e a r TOT coimuuiiilyseTvic«.~• H unt w ith the aid o f artifici K k in g o fC h a llis , $241 fine, nded), one*year license rev( 6bation.In tnan^ cases, people who I t a vohd license, exceed ba{ lidate big-gam e tags'are puni isthanSK W .

e s h is crbs8>counti^ skit

HeUsCaIth obout T he hope is th :like.” Jum p sta rt the . h by boat, num ber o f lamb: d to the escape the d ^ ||v o near the predators.

I T h e p ro je c t u s have $15,000 in donati( )r trans- and Nancy Hawki rhas-thc— O utfitters in Ore m states m em o ria l to K( itco V a u g h n , h u n te r

species o f sheep ir

Ig elephant' ^ I s ilhd gc ctrels.’" ' ....... 'Mountains rose out o f the t

indscape to a height o f 10.00< } clear that peaks that looke( ivoy were actually 30 to 40 m il H o ugh and P ay n e v is i

Lrgentinion scientific outpost: bout as far south — 69 degre lilboat has ever gone. They ti

the sea itself begiB I . “You really fell' n e e rin g , and th<* “ I , places in the worl O U recalled Payne. “I

no person had. eve

lough Pa'yns and H( , coasts o f Argenttrazil, and in 1992 begW he lopped o f f in South Georgia u tpost hom e to hordes o f v /haling villoges that now sit — oned — am ong a breathtaki cape..

In O ctober 1992, the coup le ; lew B ru n sw ick , com ple tin dyssey. S ince l^ien, they ha' ouse in the Australian count /orking as a “c h ^ k o u t chick nd a social w orker and Payne bout their trip. And are conji- c ru is in g th e N o rth A t lewfoundland, Iceland, Greer Icandinavia.

They’re in no huny, for thej lutt the key was to slow dow eht, to stop and live w here t 3ng a s they wanted. ■

“ W h at h a d w e le a rn e d ? ’ :ruising W orid m DecembCT.

“A b < ^ a ll w e had learned t- w ie r :o n .o u r6elves:and ,ea 'ree p f time, pressure and anxii Ikookum seemed to sail m ore raves,”

liage includes:Bushnell 3x9 scope, ■ , . )q & svrivels and qun lock.

N o w » 3 9 y ^a itA r t l o n y

^ | p ^ 1 S 9 “

!•* HUNT'S HI^ SUPPUES&GS ? - W 4B lV t»«»733 . ------- w................. Tj*:;

w s \ ]f o r iT m isdem eaiior''rancig R, Gerenu o f______led), fiv e days j a i l lars’ p ro b a tio n , 16

ficial iight: Jam es B. , ■ _ , le. 30 days ja il (sus- ^ evocation, one-year, . ^

10 hunt o r fish w ith- ’ bag limits, o r fail b inished w ith fines o f

dit(• wal

^ raiii

________’ ' am. reti o f 1

S s -

SoM . am

................ tril

— _____ i d

argS g a S a a j m ^ o f

yo5 ^

- ..db:


■ V St(I . k ii

* APphois' an

k ls n e a r th e

' sui



th is 'tran sp lan t w ill i,herd , b o o stin g .th e ab nbs to lei the sheep w ivoti their numbers by n r

• - WJt w as p a id fo r b y w l ations-rniscd by Elvin sh vkins o f Spot Country pa )regon. They w ere a — — K en n e th and E s te l iri te r s wh(’ok five ? in a “grand slam."

• u rda

gentoo p ^ g xilna nnd_____^

goe barren, ice-covered atl 000 feet. The air was fo ked only a few miles • sc miles in the distance. _ he is ite d B rit ish and sy )sts, and then pushed du grecs — as any small th y turned aroupd when * fi{ :gim to freeze. Cifelt like you were plo- m th e re a re n o t m any orid you can do that,” S< “1 got the feeling that dn

w er set footTvhere we

H o ugh c ru ise d th e E: en tina, U ruguay and - a l heading north. They

jia Island, a far-flung Wf w ild life and en tire w t— haunted and aban-ik ing mountain land- ^

lie sailee^into S t John,tin g th e ir fo u r-y e a r ^have been building a Kintryside, with Hough ■ n ick" a t a supermarket-ne working on a book n H injuring up a itew tripA tla n tic , in c lu d in g HIeeniand, Scotland and J U j

learned on the trip G u )wn, to enjoy the pre- V they wanted, for as HIi ? ’! P ay n e w ro te in w Mr. vjWd to take things easier B j leasier on the b o a t ... 1 1

ixiety, the experienced J H )re gendy between the '

I i

» A I R I'3W90»MiFoK$\ ■

Thursday, Marc


B y Rod Judd Seattle Times'

T O K U L C R E E K . W ash . S ta n d in g o n th e b an k in w a d e rs , I qnd th e o th e r 1 Skunked stared into th e wat ditch below the fish hatchery watched the steelhead line up.

More thim 50 o f the b ig sea- raiinbows. each longer than y a rm an d tw ice as h eav y , w waiting to splash up a man-m w aterfall lind beneath a fenc< return “home” to the fish hatcl o f their birth.

In this small -‘ o - i is h in ^ z — tbc only safe haven for t l fijsh on a jo u rn ey through Pi S ound and in to th e S nohoa a n d 'S n o ’q u a lm ie riv e rs a n d tribu ta ry Tokul C reek — pe prevailed. Bui all around usT relentless pursuit continued.

I ’d spent th a ttn o ra in g — too m anyo thers — fishing-di .below, where the cccck flows' th e Snoqualmie River.-.But e th o e , .where the .water is big w id e a n ^ the a tm osphere arguably ihore pure, row qfler o f anglers stood.;for hoiiri'pu ing a prey thal never appeared.

T he ritual is enough to n you question your sanity, whi( som eihm g sieelheaders do n o ften than sharpeh th e ir ho W atching the steelhead survi mill:around in.tJHh ditch,-the o Mr. Skunked conceded defeat.

“I ’m done," .he said. “ I ’tn db ingth is anymofe.”

Puzzling, I thought, to he s te c lh c a d e r \h ro w in - th e Steelhead,. after all, are the < k in d o f fish n am ed a f te r a ng lers w ho pu rsue them : ' have to have one to keep plug away at this largely fruitless su it.. .

'W h a t p ro m p ted tHis gu; finally quit? I asked He told, compared notes. Wish w e’d I known all this before w c Stai w e agreed.

Well, you can. To those o f abouVto steelhead,.we salute W e also warn you. Taking tl first tentative steps into the w ater can lead you down a w here the destination is alv shrouded in fog, but the rite passage ore painfully clear.

—' P o n d e r ," if y o u w ill , th« Ir re fu ta b le R u le s o f W i

^ teelheading:1. RivcTB w ill rise and bee

unfishable in diiect correlatic dayBoffw odc

You can take th is o n e tc bank. All laws o f science, ni

.-and-metcorologicol.commoa s go out the w indow w hen sp' attempts are made lo reserve for fishing. The day-before schedu led trip to y ou r favi h o le , u n expec ted low -pres system s w ill a rriv e in the i dumping 14 to 60 inches o f ra th e m ountains and turning fishing hole inlo a replica o C o lo ra d o d u rin g sp monsoons.

U n e x p e c te d ' s id e ben Secretly planning to go flshir days when you promise the sp to do yard w ork or w ash al

^ r s can y ield p leasan t res Exam ple: “ D am . W ho expc all this rain?

Too w et to w ork in the 3 W e probably ^ u l d stay in watch hockey.”

2 . Fish w ill b ite on eggs \rficn you ran out o f eggs.

EV^li I CAH^ •Magic Valley's Lan Fann nra Reiiair Fac

•SpeclallilM In lai| Cuts A Bnilsfis

^• 4 R ad io D ispa tche

S a n r l c e l t i i c k s

• l a r g a l im i i to iy .O l l :— Hr«» •C a lc iu m ClilDridi

^ H y d ro f lo ta U a n S a m

I SH B lurom rnw i

3 — ^

irch 2; 'l995g.Time9-New5-. Twin I

a b le r uy h e a ^ j

W hen y o u r freez " s to ck ed w ith plum ]

cured salm on egg c h . — can b o u n c e ^ fist-siz 1 o u r them o ff the nose o f j : M r. head w ith no-visible 'a te ry will continue until the y and out, at w hich-point t ). head will swim up yo ia-run through y our front ( I your your dog hostage anc w ere fresh salmon eggs.

-m ade....... "Attempting to rectiice to .. tion by running lo yo tchery shop will prove fruitl

their eggs w ere'harv ■ zone the late 19403, and h these lovely shade o f John I Puget U n e x j^ te d side he 5mish slime u p your dnycv id th e your front door, on yo peace 3. Yotir 3 will a is7(hc ; wrong co lor.'v

- .A n y good steelhe - and , tli'iit, because some g down— bigsteelh'cad-in 1973

«"into festqoncd-XYilh-Ext I.even y a rn , . f lu o re sc e n t ig and . absolute necessity tO' ;re is On any;givcn day, st er rov /'^ be biting not only 0 pu rsu r.' yam thal you didn 't 1 xl. ■ ’ yam very similar to I m ake foot-long a f ^ n you.

hich is dump ju st last week.rm orc------- JT Y oiirB S eE rffRlooks, big.' . ' vivors Y ou w ill-deduc< i otlier-'.-. standing in subzero It. , six or eight weeks wit m not. strike; You then will

sm aller hook, then s hear a sm aller yet, until fir e ha t. s te e lh e a d tak es yo e only immediately swims fi : r th e largcly to a woefull; : Y ou hook.jgging 5. S tum pa. w aterl is p u r .< ^ ^ d o th e r snags wi

podtion to a c ^ ;uy to Like hippos, they’; id. We agile undcrwatcr.- i have . 6. The drffl is alw; tarted, the other side o f th e ri

. See below, o f you 7. Y o u can neve :e you. other side o fth e river ; those See above, he icy 8. Protective gear it a path . F ish ing h a ts , w b ilways Uncle Bud’s Catfish ites o f . o r S45 O utdoor Re;

Tex abom inations, ; he -10- designed to funnel e V in te r directly down the ci

back.»ecome F in g e r le ss glove lion to hands warm — as Ic

shoved down your pi to th e L eaks . In w aders natiu r appear near the top

1 sense . waist, allowing f o r ; spcciaf torturous joum ey'to 1 'c days pool in your boot, e your And after years of tvoritc e n lis ts h av e d cs ig e ssu rc boots with soles that ; a rea , lo allow yob't'oTcei rain in w hether you 're wall g y ou r stone, grovel, roots,.; o f the sidewalk in front o f >

sp rin g 9. Bait boxes are ii These handy plast

:n c f it : w hich attach aroun ling on with a w eb belt, p r spouse c lu ste r eggs and ot all the offerings all day Ic esu lts. they will be fresh an pected ihcir guaranteed spill

o f the $33,000 Sub : yard , way home, in and 10. SteclheaderB

gyrate, TnHVrng thciT;b on ly a t least 19 times won

See you on the rivi


igest , ^la i l tyirgerhed


^ T E A M

' ••• '• • -

win Foils, {(tstra D-3>

u l^ s

i H g i r■eezer is w e ll- j .u m p , p e rfe c tly j;g c lu ste rs, you .;-sized clum p o f |o f a large steel- }

ible re su lt This j ' -I the day you run | 'int record steel- .17 your driveway, rint door, tak ing j and demanding

•ectify this sinia- 3 your local bait . 1 hiitless. Most o f { larvestcd during | id have turned a hn D eere grcCT. e headache: Fish iycway. Through .j nyouKdog. j ,ill a l w ^ be the

l ' Ir lheader k n o w i j *'ne guy caught a j .973 w ith a hook jE xorc ia 't-g reen \ \ :nl fu zz is a n ^ to 'hook a fisji.

y, steelhead w ill. ; .ly on a. co lor o f n 't bring, but o n ' ^to that on, a 12- ;

/ou.hauled b the ' ^ck. i ..t aw alwayB.toO" 1----lu ce th is a f te r ]',ero w eather for, » - ! w ithout a single j w ill sw itch to a en sm aller, then . ,I finally a large I y o iir b a it and ns free — t l ^ k s } . fully undersized } • '

iterlogged trees , vI wiU m an eu v er [o ^ y o u rh o o k B . jley’re amazingly j

a l v ^ better oo he river; 1

e v e r g e t to th e ivcr._ . !

« im’tw h eth er chcap , ; fish baseball caps Research Gore-

ns, are carefully el excess m in fa ll' le ccnier o f your

oves keep y our IS long as they’re ir pants.lers w ill a lw ays top, above your

for a long, slow,'"lo a final resting

s o f research, sci- :s ig n e d w ad ing that are too slick . keep y our feet,

walking on sand,)ts,.asphalt o r the o f your house, reiovahoble .)lastic containers, ound your w aist ,, p ro teci shrimp, ; d o ther arom atic ; y long, ensuring [ tl and pungent for : spill on the carpet Suburban on the ;

ers a lw a ^ e x s g - . iie ir p l i ^ t BoundW O TBOt^itiS. ,! river. ;


• in '


M [ I I

| | | |M || | |H t |M

Page 27:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

Us. eH x W tstm g too Foot

WASHINGTON — Th red-hot industrial scctor, s major inflation worries, f( ment policymokeis and io ^ l l y showing-signs of c

' ’ Tlie National Assbciatji chosii^Ivlanagement sole day its index o f manufac tivity fell last month to lowest reading since h 1993. from 57.9 in Januar ing of 50 or more for the dicatcs that the monufacr tion of the economy is ex]

Analysts said the decU peak of 60 last Novembo cr in a string o f recait rep

“ing to a slowing o f 'e ' growth. Other signs incl


-------- !— w cw yotatu j)— Bn^aa«fcj«V*dnMd<y.U«.1,'STOCKS dean laWIna MOtm 40».1B 3seo X T m 1SWJ2 f«9.»7 t377 ism im s 1B1.

................ 65 8* 13g ,» 1S«3» 1J39InAaTrwiUUi65S8i

Most active!NEW YOfW (AP)-Sit«. dotlni

ol m* 1S mod ic M N*

Nm ' ." Muu*Orytltr 6,6

TM4a AOS fi.BIVPF Soc AOS B.40

' rordUslor t SJfl« S f f ■ T rEMC Carp 3.4

' MinnTKft a 3JOtUO AOR 3.ftMotorou I 9,0

■ T«lA<g AOS • Z6«asK.- i-s' OpoTclevlu 2.

; Local intereOaa«acn (AaMclioraArarMr Cnkto* <

' AmwlcanTMAT*! tElMCWM

<■ DolMCMaMC«nA«n

■ ' Cgai - . ;C*i»wCorpF)rMliatBinco>p 'incil8«xCorp.

r MJ. HMv klMuP(M«rCa tUyCoip,L o n ^ n wMknnTachnolooy iUoiTtar>.KnuaMn i

•• PKtfeocp Pttlnc.

' PrlewCcMcoInc.Pr*mtrt-----------------------•6«iMiFood( •S«nLMC«p.Sn«M F/O Inc.ShopWlnc. IBunvna Four Inc.T«rttfyn«lne.TJIrttmtaonM

--------------- TilqiinI Samigonduacr— .....I' UnMntlFoodi

V«M IWMlOMOmttpW«IM«18)orMW«»^,F•d84LZlogittEmpnM*L*Ued(mi ! Zn« inMrwSentJ

QuuMa e f tu iiEd—d:

Closing fiitiIM i Carrm«y lA

-Apr r*AT 74.Jun LIvvcaM ’ 6745 07,

• Apt FMdwettM 70.W TO.ts, K f " fi!” ?,Mar Com 343 2>

/ Mar Soyt>aana S.M 8.0Mar SOW 4.&3S 4.3Fab GoU 377.80 37-Mar Cofcm 132.70 «3(Apr PMnum 40Q.00 40'

I Stock; : New York• ; HEW VORK (AP) -Wad iiabo-

gcwtarN— Y«t8ted>6»tfiar: :

- AHAC M 13 12M 3SX-

■. AaMJ 2.7S 13 S214 U •< . M n m M 11 2S14 IS -• , AlrPM M 73 1&U 4 K -; s a r ■ '■i ' sj ; S S K 'S ' i S . »

« Mesa i JO ia 16677 3* • :• Aimaa m t l 33t4.

’ ABrMd 2 11 SSS3 STX*! ' 12 1U S3»(^: !SSS,«’,.’yg',»'“J

A fl«na48 10 4011 a_____ - iMiay jl .

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' 5 ® 5 !• ■• iaa.s w a s ;


econon■ smaller m<mti and a substani

• The nation 's . and constnicd )r, a s o u rc c o f . “We m ay I s^for govern- eration” in li d investors, is nbm ic growtl of cooling o ff Jr., president I

eral Reserve ia tioQ ofPui- aflC T aspe^h said W ednes- c ia tio n o f Bi ifacturing ac- ‘T h e re is a ve to 54.5, the en the action

e N oveibber ' the past yWr, luaiy. A rra d - inflation.” • the index in- O v e r th e i

facturing por- fe d e ra l Resc expand^g. interest rates x lin e from a pcrccnt in ord iber is anbdi- head o f f an i reports point- tion ._ F ed f eco tlo m ic “ Grecnspra'aiii nclude m uch cials have inc

etss l £ S b

l-in ia ^

L » c ~ a , C s rIseOM 3904.60 -1 & » Apr CruOacfS77.7« 1»8SJ7 - 0 J 3 lUv ..S.PDin1B1.14 1B2.06_ 1XS Um MiriOC1339.67 134Bi6 - 7 3 0 hiay Cham

4.816.400 (k. 6,588.700

B e a n :

'es SSSS.tgalngprtoaandnat PMaa;a Naw York Stock E>- SmalrMcnallyatmcralhantl. Uahopkiki;. VaUna Lh I O n. SmMwMaac

21.8M.200 tA QuoMonaara6,sa6,2x 4IK - 3 M«kalNa<n.i

6.BI6.700 z ex — X wanaltlgcm6.403J00 ITX-tX lataldMbaa5Jfl6,300 2S X -X ran(anFab.31

3!409.100 17X ♦ X3J07.900 04X *2X O r a l l3.035.300 aw ‘ H9,0)0.100 66X • K Vtf*yOr«lna

2.662.600 16 — X PrtMtarwtM2.674,000 60X —IX csmat<dt)MRZ7SS,700 4QX -2X SoA oMa otw

2.473.200 1SX- 1 baaa);n><<ado(18pan»rmmrest

_ ____ byWattmS*Oaaa Owg* «N)a utiaat. US ' : ! S S b » „

ii: ;s33X »X P0CATEU.0I

its2SX >K SooS l-W Is« — KSSSiofg24* -X PORTLAfffi-29 - 1M.OO-108.0017X -X S);1lparvnl65 *3 CALDiVEU-6 ^ *X lay6.10(itaM

24K •)« ' PORTLAN0(>13X ' ’ •)(< . ' OaykrorMi

2S)i -N No.1«MadiBX -X No.3comdai3IX - >X No.2bartay.isex 'N No.2bMyd17X ♦ » lM dr«d«*

.....S , - - : 5 - " - f f i S S ! :35X -X ' 12pclprclalnr •.!! i’sss;27X *3/10 ISpctpriM) «X .X - MpdproMn

. « . - ISpCpn**.n •» cHicA00(Ar_.1”. ..** OtoQoBom


i t u r e s r - " "iM Oeaa CfacM IllT74.09 74.07 -iO b»067,12 67,17 -.23 Dm7048 70.80 - J 2 Mar39.86 39J2 *.073.4M 3.46X «Xt1X Tua.-aaah24IX 242X *X Tua'acoat8.63 8 63X -.01X CCfW' i4.370 4 422 -.14 e m b u itM

D 374.50376J0 -2.10 | 2 ^D 130.601W.80 *.65 Uw -0 401.00403.70 -7J0 j j ’ ■>

c listingsB a r b u s , Jig 4Mt-. nx*.sa ■ .

S S S s a s' . aW M KS ’.>T1l24<3n«1- S 8 .i :s,l”g,ci' S f c J . S 3 S ,“g s i t II fS S K SISX-X (M A «a ' IB 2*60 SOB-" f c j '

S = S S S A i f f .“in- SSS J.S'S.Si

i : ;!.r . sfc;7U*X S r S a l , ^ ‘ » 4 J n s u

Fi! = gsr.aiBht a S S im '' II w*

f a l i S


ny shovmthly gains io retail sales . .n o t antial d n ^ in home sales slov icdoii.-. . Ty be seeing somi; d e c c l- . thro 1 la s t y e a r 's rap id eco- scoi wth, J. Alfrwl Broaddus m er n t o f the Richmond Fed- mati ve Bank, to ld reporters thre>

ip tiie N ational Asso- > fhm B tisiness E c o n o m is ts .. cent vciy good prospect, giv-

ion w e have taken over C or mr, that w e will ,contain sma

ende p a s t 12 mOiitSs^ th e shcl iserve raised short'term ed. i tes from 3 percent to 5 the ' order to slow growth and spei n occeleratioQ oC Infla- tBlh< !d C h a irm a n A la n _the a i id w m e c ^ ia rF ^ b f f i - roM indicated that rates m ay .14.2

m M76 14 JS 14,73 ♦.31 aaBB 64.24 MJO H J4 ~aaSond 104.12 10120103^0 -jOI -renc 81.16 8043 8080 -16an • 103.99 103J610347 . .0 6 -dael 18.60 16J0 19.32 -.17tw tf t8«.7Mf67J0f5&M * 19 HOond 91.00 0ai3 90.21 . ..01 m t 124.60 124«124 8 9 _ ^ _ .iakbaOr - 44,80- 4330 44.02 - j S

OuoMon* l«m BMak 4 Co.

ns ......nahama: S2S.00.37.00

S19.00i: <21.00^.00 •

. $1900aa: ’ -UmlMt29.0CI ars kWu prtoaa ceOacM wMkly M 8a«i iw. UA Dwartmam of Agrtafco. PnoM gcnvare. 100 pound*. U3, Na 1 tiaana, b u n te and Msraga dwgaa. Quolaa o«. b. 2& Preduoart dnMig mor* r*wii prtca lataMccnlactdaMra. .

l i n sdna

«t>ML0.19: bafla^M ^ (10l>«oun6 •dorMi.S4«>:oM.f6J9;ccm.MA>- ' CrraMura). ar« ghan daty br

kxknan'AInc kiMoiMtfn Koma. quotad n Siocknwn'a Ine. o< DtfWy. raporiad *c«,It. Mmfi d a l^ ^ In Hcursain Honia.

m pr1e*apo< d a ^ . Ml vM aw M ?

1.0 (AP) — Idaho Fami Bur*^ Intanncurv 'aport lor WattwiA^^

.WM«tiaal349(dCPW)e);bartar4.M .

(0—WMa whatf 4M («Mn OK bartvv

X - WMM otwatM 9.83 (down 10); bw- laatfrt.

10 (AP] >-BkM It VJO p.m. HST WadnM- Dfia «nrad tf Portland M aNpmart by rai.

wMawhaal : 3.B2lacUiwttaal 3.B2idomaaScuaa , 640lay.umilnMandbatvaa S.30layda«yar»dtaManjarMa 8.00l«t>«a r i »i H < a iy |jioti>i 4.16M n----------------------------------- 4.16*—Mn 4,16MM 4,17Kah 4,16 , U jm w ,—«a«t 4.39 Mn . ' * MI (AP)—Futna Mdh^ M lha deaa on Ow loardolTradaWad.:

Opan >Vi 14MT BaO* Cho-iM m n cd o in w tM M

UOX 3i7X 349X 3.S3X *.03X S48X 3J1 • 348X 346X ’ IIX

341X 3J3K 3J0 3J1X -JOX 3J9 3JB 3J8X S.38X *J)1X

346 340 ' 34S)i 346X -.OOV 341 3«1 3J1 3.81 - .0 3 '

3J8X -m ia«W 33,090opanH01.990.up20.710

'* * ^ i3 4 X * S « Z M * Z36X Vfll Z41X 349 241H 2A3X *MX

249 348X 247X

C unvr..;i .11 3 37» -lti - J

bl !.f!TsS gfc:S » i“ S S ' "

12X . OajtM 1.66 12 6301' 7I» X -X . OaM UO 109K4 .74IMK S-i. X; OMaAIr JO . , 47H U6VI* Xizi.sft ’s liisia=!X—X IMk‘ 40 O 627 .aex* X

'OaiAa£66 13 33M 37S-Xtr~1X O iM 1 « 19 2298 3W>.X .67* ; otnMiM,. a j m - j a * n

S ^ 'k 'B iIC ' ''-~?.16 »4%1 "17«* X

f c j . g a ’5 -

s=!; t a :w7 ’.FMC > . .7 * ^ S 4 - t t '* M

■ F a ^ . 172. . 1 0 ^ . m r-X

J Mws moilo t rise further i f the econ ilows as th ^ anticipate.

The strength o f the econ hrough the end of 1994 was ui icored Wednesday as the C nerce Depaitment revised its nate o f the growth rate for tbe hree months o f 1994 to 4.6 pei TOm its eariier estimate o f 4.5 xnt.

While the revision was sniall Commerce D eportm ent'sa imaller share o f U.S.-made g inded up unsold on busines iEcIves than was originally esti id. On the basis of additional he department said that consi ipending rose at a 5 perceiU -other than the 4.6 p e r ^ t shov he first report, and_that exj iDM at a lO.fpcfCCTt pace, no 14.2 percent estimated earlier,


1 Sap. 2J2K'^4i>('il - ^ j9 Jul ' 2.69X 3.7])e - Oae • • ^ .-Z9« ' ie M J 7 - Tua.'aaaM«4749r?^ "'"M * , 1J3X

U tt , ■ IJaX 1JQX 1JU. . J J - _ 1J4 1JSX 1.33X

"Dac . 144X 14S( iM X- J4*r»«-- 1

Tua.-»«aiW 1.914'I .Tua.-aopanlml1,e61I - Iw o^M lL jn tda ta raM rbuM 'I Mar 9.94 9 , ^ B.UI May 6.M 8.69 6.63 (n Jul • . .• • 5.74 • 6.7SX 8.7W I Aug 977X 8.7eX 8.77 6.

Sap '9.79X 8J1 6.7Wr. Nov 6.66X 8.66X 8.6SM'9.a Jarf> 8 M S.96X 6.94 9

M« 6.03X 0,03H 6.01May ........................<

’ J J • ■ 0.12 6.13 e.lIM > Nov ’ 8.94 5.99 8M .

Tua.’aa*laa36Ji14 Tua.-aepanni33.602. up69

>. OOYBEANOCeo.000 fee dc«nparlDO ba.M« 27.43 27,79 27J6 :May 26J7 29,70 36J1 :

. M 38.96 26.31 25.91 :Aug 29.97 33.66 29.65 :Sap 2S40. 25.66 28.40 :Od . 2i2D 23,48 26.20 : Oae 24.68 25.10 :J«l 24.60 ^4.66 24.60 ;

I. Tua.'*aM19M3Tua.‘tepanM106.30S


' M« 163.10 183.80 151.60 18

Jul 161.90 162.80 160.90 16 Aug 164.00 164,70 1S2.B0 16 Sap 166.90 166.60 164.00 16

Jan m A I 172.60 171.80 17 m Tua.-»Mla« 20.736


MIWCAPOUS (AP) - Oraki fuoiaa V

; v««TSff®*** - 3 . S 9 * ^ ^ 3 S b**"

, May 3.47 3J1K 346JU 349 3J1M 346Sap I 342 343)Oao 348 346 347

! ______ ;I wwte'vw&t; l.0006uiT**nfn;dalaraparbwM * Sap 3J0 3J0 3.79I MW 3.66 3M 3M

May 3M 3.96 3.62' M i n 3.77 3.78„ Tua.-aopanW tv*.

PotatoesI CHICAaO(AP)-USOA-M^pot

FOe Ihtiptio PoMa US 1A Tuaadiy Ir ( Colortdo round radt4.0M60'.Mkna< I Dakstaroundrada7.00-7.80,memr (y ioOibBMttnonittaAWlacDnaini.0 f

.11.80.12M); WmNt m 11.00.14m 14.00; Ceterado 12 .y i4J0; Mahe 16

t ' 11.00-. WaahlnMon 9.00-10M-. Oragor ( CcMrMoiaOO-IIM: Idaho 12X0, , ( RoundwMMIOOeaKMWlaeenaln'

X Ortklr JO 7 279S7 40S—2XIX OU e . J2 23 7766 36X* X.K OPU 1J0 24 2IM 2 0 ^ XX o S £ o * * *” j« 6 * ^ 5

; ; g £ ? ; i f

iX OtMPo .20 661 in * X

:5 SSJ& ,J? ’* S S i r r J I . :5 -tiW !?’ ’* ■ *« 1 24 7763 37X* X

: } ffisiv W S f c !. X Ha«M 1447 IX— X« a a . . ’j f ,’! S 8 j f e 5 ;5 sa»J E s l i

; , ! : i a s . ’ W ’i f e !

'! S S" i's ‘ItvV iTTteijab 1 .'iai9.-M»<i.S;:i



Wre siignj)n o m y . |^ ^ B "T E 3 2 H 2 1 E

Com*-ts esti-., M f - U . »wwnalyK le final -percent ............

a ll.tb e -500--'sa id a goods

lesses ' ' a K v ’"-"3® “ * •ild a ta . ......isum er * ^ ^ l '440, n tr a teo w n m '~ ~ ^ ^ B "'42fl xpo rts Mnot the" f- ■ ■


I x 'i .W t S w " ' 0 c j" - T m 2 J 8 a 1J9X *.0U Mar . . . .12.38 IX 1.33K *JOi May .

1.36X •.OQX Jul 12.10W 1.44X -•.OQX Ocl 11.76

1.50 *XOX EsLtaia* 16.636.su53fc‘‘i r ‘” ’*'l l ^ l « ; o M i p *

I 8.93X —.01 Ju>6.63X —.01X Sap

2K 5.73)1 -.01 Nov 23.146.T7 -.01X Jao •

&X 6.7ax -.02 MarIKJ6 -01X May • , •

9.64 —.01X Jut'6.01 - .02 Ea(.talaa422. Tl

■ - 8.07X —.01X--------Tua.-aopan W l i 'OX 0.10)1 —.01 *Livestoc

JEROMS-PrcduoM 6ooMJaremanpetta

I 27,72 *.27 catDaaalatMUTuaad I 28,90 *,13 ToWOjyttWIVM I 26.16 *.06 Horaaa: 62.00.71 A).

) 24.63 24M 8**)h«hreah*e I 24J8 *,09 CommareWutByco.=*” srsrssa

SiaugMarbuSc 49.00 H0tmMalaar*:278k b*.e3.004SM;000

ISS zis ssStoS164,60 - 1 J 0 e00h>700lb*.71.00. 166 50 —IJO 71 A); 600 lo 1,000 lb

171.80 - 1 « 8 0 0 g ^ ^ « ^I ermeootoGCOM.' Stock •»»».• Br«j 64

Sss "~. 3 4 M : ^ £ 5 ? m c d a « ; ^„„34M *J1K 1.3 33«90 tb 37.8t

1.00 Iowan 300.801 32XKM8,00'ew 65C

-----------B o n w u lM d A llCaaM;nana.

^ CHICAGO JAP) - f' i T . - m

"-S i- CATTIB .

&■ ssO d 98JODaO 60.10 Fab 87.06Apr-. 68.3a

p«*a»marka(t E«L*al**8.T83,lymiOObaacto: Tua.‘a<<ianMT3. nMOttNenfi REOCRCATTIErf-!T,r;Color*do9JO. ..A pr . ' 70,90 -

SS ■ ■g:SSgon9-00-10,00: Ills'ih^l.80.7,00. , .. t i

, E S ^ ’i S i W « -K K5- HLAOr, “ . 1146 ' '3*-X NS i f c , i . 3 4 W r : j Kl^ n l J« 1* 31 1B»- X NUaGnt J6 16 3 ^ K .NUly 266 19 63>7 n67X* X'-^NS t e 40 14 20012. 17X N1MMM1.72 .12 674 40X-Xts. . . . i'S! K ? .iss"*, v,'.sa,is:.v?ULCo 1.76 ‘7 3103 16 ' 0SS? S .^ 'S S f c i i . -S

SL-'ir r stT ^ ^ ■ " 1 1 % : ! Ia a r - - ' j ' s i s s

• s ■” s

■ E liis . lis r .® ! I

i S iTy-ik'i'i

mis p f CO(latriiaidii n^btiaolnfordoeaRi^—f

& ll!; I

M O.N ,1 1M«


_______ rHOQ

nTl4.7S: ,14.38 .iiW .V jl . FabM 12J7“ l2 J 6 - 12.96 O lM 12J6 1ZJfr-12J3 * ja - 'Tl

. - • , 12.60 *J0- • POR10 12.21 12.<0 12.21 *.10 40.0176 11J3 11.76 11.90 *,10 Mar326. Tua.-t*Ma 28.696 I4ay1148.861 Jut

■ parto. ' ' ^72M 2246 2244 22.68 Mar

22,71 —.01 E12.74 Tl

14 22.14 23.14 . 23.14 *.01 . 21.68 2 1 ^ 2 1 ^ 2 ^ « ^

■ " 27.S J .I Tua,'(MM216 Sai*l1Z6e4,.up23 1 ^

B C k sKmLhMtocftMatWtlngAtaod*. .F mlerttthafcioolngpnoMirgrnm* ‘Zurtcjaad*y.F*e,26. HVfiltaaci. . HY^M . HYEM:3a0(>«8.00parliaad. ’ NYEhPa*.'76.00.t60.0DDartia*d. NYCMrolMa:78.00i48Mparhaad. raKl604O-318JOpw^>MlL ' KYFpcowt;40.0M2JO;lopcowM.OO. ttOi

NEV9404640. Wad76 to 4001*. no la tt 400 to 600 „600 to 600 U. 624046.00:600 to ^ .00|TOB600««a.6a.004».80:

.00:800l3 6OO1b*.784Mr.0a; % l,00.7640;700to600fc*.^40-SR£2isai7.iii..sIM.6I4M34S. . ^fr6rieBe».61(lD042040p*r ^

■aaaawaaMadytoamno-eood go,

CKVAR08, «- (W)— HoB*:-1,«00

1740; 280J10 to 334M7.60; 200. *

ib.60hlohaROv«600Ki*taady to % 1.800 » »,00.30,80; ovar 606 lb

O iw i i M .m a .ipaffcT' • ■4 ^7447 74.06 74,07' ' - iO 'J*; 40 6748 67.12 67.17 —J3 ,J » 64.28 63.96 64.00 ' . -.22 ' ^ H 68J0 64,66 M J7 —.16 10 66.16i 66.00 69,02 —.03 ^ 36 67.10 66.96 ' 67,00'i-—.18.2S 6625 66,17 68.17 . - ,0 6 S3, Tva,-aMa* 16.690 ‘ « J4 8 • ^

lS*71.15 70,70 70.78 - J 2 *®-''60 - 70J0 7045 TOJO KBV20 TOJO ' 60.68 69.67 —,43 WaC66 70.65 70.38 7027 - .3 8 AUirBO 70.00 69.60 6640 - .2 8 VMc60 69J8 69.76 69.78 - .1 6 Cep

. 70,80 - .1 8 aSaJ 7040 -is08 COO

113. Tu*.‘a«M i,724 I m1112.181. >*190 -ZMs

■ K S i 'a if i s , r . ' ' ^ s " s r s - ’ ” i m t 57o’% * i Xass


0«Cl>« 1 - 3«4 . ^ * )4 . « a

. OtmC ■ 20 1S21. >3X- X : 6ha

.. flrtW . J 0 _ - . ^ - » J l l l ^ - r * . PCCO ,142 : 18 6497 2«tl-X PPO a. 1.16 16 4668 37X*-<^8MS S S t S , ? i S ’ S £ ! -S :



' i ' '

lolin g o49 'Manaeers’index 'g p i i i c h a s i

T ho'puriiiaslngm ani4^'& liBd^ OAmlLbutiness p..'. maajwt 30CltadusttUco(n|

. l 5 % ~ T "

1 8M'A M J J A*j^0 N

HOQS • •40000bi4eanttw».— 'AK . 3 9 ,^ 39.66 • SSM 394:

(2ja 44^18'44.30''43!e6 44.2i>0a - 40.68 41.07 40.76 414: Oae ''4142 41A7 41J0 41Mi Fab . 41.67.441.9S 4148 41.9( Apr I <

Eat Mlaa 4.706.. Tua.-» *Ma 7448

40400 t ii^ c v ta w jk Mar 43.06.M 40 4240 43,18I.Uy « 44.05 44.80 43.66 44.02 Jut . 44.10 444 0 43.68 44.3) Aug 41.6d 42,00 41,60 41.0CFab 60.69 . 61J0 60.98 51J(

Eat 3496. .Tua.-a tala* Z793 ' Tua.-aopanMI6.ie6. up218

MetalsTha Aaedalad naaaSaiadad work) (joU prtoai. Wadnaadty.HcngKor«lato:»76J6.ifl1.00. .........Lenin morning bdng: {37^30. off to.m Undon aAamoon bmg: (379.70. off tO.70. London WrtJTS.pO. ofl ll.6a P«la Utomoon Ibdno: $374.72. ofl 10.69. Franldun <Mig: 137642. up tao2. Zu1c»ilBta«ftamo(nt374iX).ofln45. - NY Hartdy & Harwrv *376.70. off S0.70.NY Handy 6 Hannan tabrlcalad: u n JO. off NY Engafcard: 1376,69, off 10,70.NY EngaAwd laWeatad: $39544. off (a74. NY Comax gold apol monin doaa Wad. $374$2.10. ...........m nipubkt NaBonal eank 4 (ktn. Vtad. $374

NEW VORK (AP) —Futuraa trading on ttv Opan H«i Lnr SaOar y ^

100 M a n parny BtMar _ ^ 374.60iSy . . .Jun . 360.60 360.60 377.80 376JO Ai^ I. 363.50. 36340 W .»Dao ' 3S140 39140'386.80 389]60

•Fab 363.40Apr 3B7.10Jun . 401.00O a ‘*” '60

..i.T f.‘»cp«aw m ,aci< i-^ ..u^_SL vm . " ,.

437.5Apt ■ • 436,6 May 4464 463.6 437.0 442.2 Jd 484.0 488.0 442.0 4474 sw «e0.0 462.0 48a0 482.1

_DK______ 467.0 472.0 486.0 469.8Mar 466.6 473.0 466.6 467.6May . 473JJul 469.0 466.0 - 467.0 478.7Sap 468.0 466.0 466.0 4644

,0*0 . 600.0 600.0 463.0 4934Tua.-*aMa 30,303 Tua.-* Opan mr 1 3 2 ^

Th* bi«on prioa Icr * W aanar In London (A $04176.E n M M $4442, d l $ai66; PaUloaMd S

w5nw*lvw i t ^ $W te n e t *lv«r k m mom WKMadiy $

KBW VORK (AP) — Spot nontarrou* aw Wa«aadty.AtoiMnum ■ 794 c*nta par lb. London C ^ • $1,3W CaltaM M 'bw «|u.S

O g ar^ l^m M p^lb, NY Comw apd Wi ^.'421M 016^».(M M iad {

( ' ■ .

IWr 63 (36 TiW»sr-'" ”,£M“=s ss

a a - ' i i . i s t s - s sES.-i“ ».iS*S‘ "! i 'isaCMA 268. 14 607 <3I>. X UC«tSS. a 'i'S’.JES, !S

s Ze

M iM :SE s r . i ? S 3SMPS ‘UO 13 1213 H K^ ■ VMM


• •‘ .S I '

s S ^

i f f ; S t o c k ]

" ; : i d a s e . s

p - ^ ThfrAasodatbii

.^ -:N e w =YORKS 3 cd lower on

the .D ow Jo^i__ . b3red for raos

: . , ■tQjitiy, above 1 'tn a i capitula »bour o f trading

..... ^ The.Dow inc'1^.25 points-a .tAcking the bi

■ I i^erest'n ifcs swsion. '

............ • *Dccliriing Igood sign to. t

--------- that's what p<N D J J i . - . BobJi^albcrg.

at M M S Intern; AP- l . l —. . — I. -I .---------' .......................'

■ TVi.M.M«H*W*ak«rflpe

143 *47 0 e !d -^ 4 0 t !9 & * l? ? c

1.26 .' *.10 V»d. .........142 *J0 M l^ -$ 2 4 0 .W W 7 6 b t1.90 *!0S Pli«wn'$403.T0KY.Uwe i.IS.—«4S -(L4.4C(««i*d.nA.naiM

" Fossil foels,18 - .0 8 NEW YORK (A P J-fg rn S137 '*.07 “ •‘* * *1.00 *,66 - LMKT SWEET CRUOe IJO *J0 1,OOObbl.:dc*na*rtiU.

80.00 Apr 16.51 1640May 1647 .1644

. Jiin 16J8 16J9'Jd 6.11 16.10Aug 8.00 16.03

.. Sap 7.93 17J6Od 7.65 17.90Ne> 743 743Dac 741 741

• • 7.60 740Fab 7.T8 7.78

0. Mar 7.76 7,7817.73 7.73

Ji,»l 17.76 17,73J J ■

off$0,70. sSpD«e 17.69 . 17.68

74. Jun ' 16.01 16.01>7440. off Dae

EiL aalaa 72465. Tua.-* 374.70.eff Tua.-ti^n36I.T61. I


I.. “*y * '*0*• O * , jin • <746 47.60 M 47.60 46.00

- i : ” ^ ^ •IS ^-]2 »*»' *>•'“JO —2.10 (Me n^rin Q2,is-90 —2.3D ■' J * i M . 6 0 - ' a i i 0 ":!S • ■ ■■ f -.40 -2.90 /.10 -Z 6 0 X ? so w 6U0 K “ 5 '2 6040 6040

.10 - 3 . » sO U R C f^

55 - ] * A ^ ' sTiS S ma - J j-2 Jun 57.07 67.1874 , —144 J J 66 60 man3.1 - 1 4 J i 8i10 6110 B4 - 164 ^ B3.M 8340

7.6 —18.7 . 0 ^ 6390 82.60 H —J2? Aug 8640 66.998.7 —16.1 EiL^aaSSeifl. Tua-a

94 " 1 6 4 HATURAL*a«^lOAOtnmbluUlparRint

1Sy 1410 1420vtrWadn^

a iHs ii~ . ! SS ! S

-!iS ISS. Fab 1423 1430

Maui Euh. May 1.731 1.738Jun 1.737 1.737


Jul . . 1,744 1.748Aug 1.740 1.754

TuaV*ep*nlni160,OM •

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itedPtw *

n Wednesday, S m • .. ' 0 ^ 8 indus^als la* fiiosl' o f die seislonj ive the 4,000 riu i^ tulated in the last ling.,/ index closed dow n' ts^ t 3,994.80 after, le bond market and fes t^oughotit the

ag bonds V e re “a to. take profits, and.I people did,” said erg, market analyst temationa!. ,

;6bto4.N«itYo(iL .

.e l s ' •ura*ir«ft«enff>ar^Ycrt

^ Lw SalM C>«.

940 1640 642 —ITS44 18.17 8,18 -.17JJ8 1643 646' —18J.16 17.92, 744 -.161.09 17.97 1748 • —.18rJO 17.90,.17.76: r-.18r.90 740 17.72 -.16743 7.73 1746 -.16741 7.72. 1742, -.16740 7.70 1741------.187.78 7.75 1740 -.18 7.76 17.70 1749, —.18 r.73 17.72 1746 -.18 -

. . • 1747 -.18 7,73 17.70 1 7 « -.14

■ ‘ . ' -1 7 3 —14 .7.68 17.69 17.79 -.14 9.01 16.01 1749 -.14

.16.09 . - .U rua.'aaaM* 60.938' r91. W11.007 i

740 4640 4644 .-.76 '740 46.78 46.76 -—61 7.60 47(08 . 4741 • .-4 1 9.00 4740 4746 —46 940 46.16 47A6 - ^ 1

49.W ^ ^ 1 __________1.18 8140 8046 - 4 1

- 1r '6240,>.;T*41. . !

'6071 '-4 6

8040 £ 7 8 HoO 040 6040 6aOI —.36 rua.’aaala* 42.361

^ ' „ j . i r ■ ■ ;6.78 .66.60a 86.74 -1 4 » - I 645 86.10 66J9 -1 4 37.18 86.00 6649 >-1.16 640 86.70 6846 —1.03 110 64.00 9429 -.82 340 8340 9340 - .67.... ....... iwart— ------- -----160 6240 6246 -.6T8.99 96.90 9940 - .97Tut.'vatMa 39.34606-RmbU1466 1.809 1480 1463820 1476 1466 — 6660 1425 1443 ~>i161D 1.671 1462 - 12630 1406 1406 - 13 : *682 1434 i436 - 14 .720 1.702 1.703 - 16 .600 1.767 1.766 '— 16

S Iffl !ffl : !!630 1410 1411 - 11.780. 1.760 .1.788 - I V .730 1.T20 1.719 - a738 1.726 ,1.729 - 6737 1.732 .1,731 - 9748 1.737 ;1,736 — 6754 1,740 '1.780 - 4 .,790 1.760 1.760 ' - 2 ^■•»M*1S.606

« ^ 't« a ^ ; 30.- X I . r a 40a 68 IW* X ' 'S!»r i» (“ ^ia", ; I:«fl , 10 107 ' SIX— X ani " 31 363' »X<^X

m J;V V a j m* « ' ' pS T " ‘9C0^- 19 2476 HMS,

' -itfd n • . '• I I W 24X* « [61 .70 247 16 — X ,S . ' ' S M :»;•»: ssif X’! ■M ‘ .1»i- ;'i « 6 ’l2H •'

m . ' I ■ 141$ l»i«ix .

Page 28:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

Milwii |n e ^

r '; W ^ e d ou

‘r a t i d th o n aB l r l M A t u l Ih


' -i V- Gormar .-' ■ afior c ira f i. 5 - abpi

replacem ent• . , ,

: "Idaho ( » b | e

i r ' / b w a ' d c a s t b“ T W W fA L L S.-l ^ ,;ond A;^2 h igh schoc

S a tu i^ y o n al! innjor ^ le m s . . . . •™ . T he A -2 gom e wil “• p .m ., fo llo w cd ^y an

S lo w . ^ *•. g. " The a rea cab le sy

g ;bifeadcast are T C I C ■ 10) Burley and King a in Twin Falls.

SAU-star associi «coaches for ba:

: S f . TW IN F A L L S -T : B e llin g All-Star Assoc , n i n g coaches for the IS I S - T he tw o .team s ari : 22year-olds u id 11-12-} ' ■■for interested coache:

____ : a ^ Q - p j n . , a t M e-n-]I S Falls. • ,

S h. For jnpre.L[)foruu(fi 5 7 3 4 -9 1 7 2 , G eradld(

I ;S c o t l a t7 3 W 5 9 7 ( l« ! ■ TfHc player tryouu : 5 22 .

i I d a ^ ^ o r t s n S inducted ih to l

I I • C O E U R d’ALENE ' J Fam e has announce: 11 new m embers to be i

____J U ofE am c^H icjnducti(: ' ' t h e C o eu r d ’A lene

■ : ;Ccnter a t the 33rd t ; ; ‘ibaaquct March 25 at ' I ' The five inductees : ■ Tncr longtime sports : 1 -KVNI in Coeur d ’A! ■ 1 K endrick, long-stani

\ school coach in all s] ^ " b o ; John Brogan, fon

a b a il star a t I M o ; St : n native end fonner.n : * -quaitetbackandK en : « native, Vandal quar) : B pitcher and m ajor lea ; S ' Top awards fo r th ‘ S a nd women’s atbletii ! “ coaches also w ill be ‘ j q u e t

; - T ro ja n Boxing I f o r m i d - M a r c l1 ; W E N D E L L -T ie ! " paitm ent will b e hoi ; * T ro jan B oxing Smi ; - p m a t the Wendell J • ‘sium. ^

J ! : • -Tickets are $5 for .$ 1 0 for r in p id e seai mation-or tickets COI

, I .5 3 M 1 0 0 o r5 3 6 -5 0 4

: J - " - . , • -C o a ti

^Today «[ :- -’-Coiig«nwS> t)iiM ; . 'R i^ 1 8 T o u m a m «

I 5.: t l' ;!*• W«od®n wTParrrta; (I te,' yW*tatapi^oifc.,l<i; S ■

' • j b -

• |K '

. . . . . y


« •: f n o w a y . .. . I '>ut on<»tlay, . ■ - next day my ^ bought^nea ' :anoj , ■

l a n X h o m a ^ .^ f e } . ■ ■langing.hlsjturKi',- ‘ r~ sput'beoMning a ^ . snf[)layBr76Qlh3^ L if^ k q e B rew ers^ .

b % s t % f f B r e ^ “ ' t- T h e J99S C lass A - r ’ J h o o t b o y s’ b a sk e tb a ll '* ies.\yl! be tdevised live ijorldahg cable T 7 s ^ - ' , /

will b c broadcast at fr ’' an A-3 and A -4 h i ^ - ' y A - l .g a m e w illb c fo l- . •

; system s carrying t ^ s I Cablevisioh (Channel ing Cable (Channel 10)

iciation selects baseball season- The Twin Falls Trav-, sociation is now select- : 1995 baseball season.1 are m ade u p o f 9-10- 12-year-olds. A meeting / ehes w ill be Tuesday at ^ -n-Ed’a .w in--------

w(Boo contac? Teresa a t • - ' ild e n e .a t 733-5043 or (leave message), outs w ill be held April

s notai)les;to be o " f ia H 6 ffa m e "■NE-HicIdiihoHallof need th e nam es o f five }e inducted into the Hall jctionB will take place at me R eso rt C onven tion ■d A nnual Idaho SportsI at 7:30 p.m. ' •»':ees are Bob Angel, for- rts broadcaster for radio rA lene; Ross Aimitage, landing successful highII sports throughout Ida- fonner outstanding foot- ; Steve Olson, Lewiston T ,record-setting Vandal Cen Schrom, Grangeville uarterbock and baseball league all-star pitcher.

r the Worth idano m en’s letic teams, a th le t« and be presented at the ban-

ing Smoker set rch at schooln e Wendell nihletic ic - holding the 2nd annual

Sm oker M arch 18 a t 7 clIK igh School Gymna-

for general seating find seating. 7<a more mfor- '• contact-Gffly Krumm at 5044. ^ ■

cqdled fioni

iM baH«nont,CSIoym

BbMMbajb _

U te .f tW P -" '. ; - ' J ' - '

rta; 6:46 p.m. ' ' S

|U~rhrt<rii‘«n ^ •‘W p.iaa— *---- —Go t , e:4Spjn.


'B ^ L a n y H o v c yTimcs-Ncws writer

TW IN F A L L S - T h e be • evenly-matched tournaments

o f competitive games.That’s the way dopcstcrs

men’s Region 18 junior coll first round that unw m ds-at© em Idaho this aflemoon.

First out o f the. box is Dixi ley at noon. They ended th Conference tied a t 11 >7 and ular season. A t 2 p.m., Easi

^ and tied w ith Ricks for sec

9. P frhnpB not came out o f the sixth seed to

: ■; The evening session-begit em division scram ble betw N orth Idaho. R icks, secon( with North Idaho, the seventl

In the windup, CSI, No. 1 fereiice champ at,I5-J,.takes ed Snow College a t 8 p.m,. Si

■ The closcness'of tae 'tbura niiiim on depth because the v three straight m e s .• “I don’t believe any tean: luxury o f running into a bi] bcingab ldO T est the~startcrs ond half,” said CSI Coach St

The Eastern Utah*Salt Lai in s id e m a tch u p th a t w ill Lake’s Marcel Johnson, secc in the league a t 24.5, against ny. Pratt, fifUi at'21.2i Both and great strength to-po'st.u side.

The Dixie-Utah Valley ga o f the m eet’s quickest .gua: D dvis o f D ix ie against Sivulich. Davis.,tops the leai

H ighli' T ^ I I m e s - N e ^

■ TW IN FALLS - W hen af^er the C lass A -I R egio tournam ent ^ e d n e ^ y . Hi

■ set highly favored M inico tIe,313H -310.

B ut the b ig p rize remaii w ill send 13 wrestlers to tl m ent M arch 9-1 i '4 ^ ^ s c o '

• T heir M agic V alK y coun fare so w ell, w ith Twin Fal

.103-pounder Jason Rublai placing foitf wrestlers in the

Rublaitus battled back fi . .rpu& d io s s to p in h is op . b ronze m edal m atch and i

V alley’s first sta te spot..V M iiiico’s' Tom K unzler 1

pounds, g in n in g the bronze It w as senior Jerem y Brook B obcat w ith statc=#xpcrien

— honors,-defcatingM m ico** . son. .

dom inated th e c w i^P N a th an S ta k e r 0 2 5 ( l S ^ l S ! d ^ > ! o « o V in T<

V •A--inild u i ^ ' a t U S 'ia w -.xW llse(f96(Ur.Tui ilie-yltv€

. . . Soott S e r r to r tc th e w p l;'>^Minic6l'BDd.Au;0iLAsttiur- ‘ • ^ i t h 't f - s e c w d -p la c e 'f ln !

Blake H o l b ^ k eacned.thj !> V ' ! b t > ^ ^ W o v e r B » ^

. ^ f t e d S g l t a t c h e a v ^ Ttacy.V ail r w ^ c d tmbca

w o r

field pr19!

best th ing about mts is the prospcct ^ h u n

Marcarc reading the

:«llcgc tournament Cre o lle g c o f South- a« M q

8 8 r5ixie vs. Utah Val-1 the Scenic Westind split in the reg- • . mEastern U tah, 13-5 ■second, m eets dc-ike Community, 9-

I to w in it 1 ^ year.;gins w ith a north- ■ ' - ' e tw een R icks and :ond a t 13-5, sp lit q m * 0 enth seed a t 8-10. *7__ ^0. 1 seed and con- . ^ ... kes on eighth-seed-1. Snow was 7-11. 'im m m entputs p re- 'I OKitii'Z le winner w ill have 81

Mm will enjoy the '--------- -big lead and then ' 7 .9w bil

ters a lot in-the seo—1 Steve Irons. game, |(Lake battle has an outside

rill co m p are S a lt game, second b « t scoring csi’oinst Eastem’s Ken- onship «o th use big bodies x h e Eajt.up and score in- jg .9 po

■ one-tworgam e.w ail.p tttw o - juards.'-Chancellor ; W olverine Dave league in assists at

landistien the dust'se ttled g io n III w restling ., H ighland had up-^ co fbr the team ti-.

nains, and M inico0 the state toum a-

ounterparts d id n o t 'Falls sending only i )la itus and Burley . the state bracket. ' k from a 2>0 first- o p p o n e n t in t h e - ' ^ ^ H

id earn the M agic

er followed a t.ljl2 nze medal. A t 'l 19,Dokshire - the only i c n ^ - taking t ( ^ po’s“V an co -.^ d c r-

;e m iddlo<^ciah ts, ••:25), Jo sh A i& m s W odni1 T a ise ll (13 5 ) aU '

1 i r 1

« ita n 'iS i& k a t.l5 2 ,. _

^ i g h i chunfcion D iitric


|W I»t

j i c n

........ _______ BUDCK.Ca«tt£aUAM

romisej995 Region XVIII me iskatfaall champlonsiirsdm, Fiidayi ^^turday, tfch2 March 3 March 4j C S 1 _

a n o t t - T :* OjMM 12 '■ ■ ,

-a p m r -

— ------------O inirt4 = ;_ 8pjn. ^

- ' . I -

------------------- losainrasDaTTSbile Sivulich was lifUi at 5.2. shm nnK rvin 'S im psonrl 8 :9 p , leads Dixie ofTcnsively whil [e shooting Bryon Runner h it

I’b' Ed Gray won the scoring p a t 26.4, hitting 30 his last I ia ^ le s also have Shaw n Ba poults per game, in seventh, VO punch in the league.)w has had som e tim e to re : ^ t e d when Brad Bodily, to;

P le a s e s e e K

fn sM i

i n H a n s ^ o f Minico take Ineisdaymatch in T ^ n F)

lecioitkt o O i t a i V , , 's -N ew s Witter ,

% L 0 -r The- fuilt'D n: y iQ tb l /o ^ d iff the 210y4~; h his regiirtered o^s Trojans fonbe.cbampibiis} net 4 , Class /ii^ W te s tliag (Wednesday was t S ^ n t s p V o yeara ago, . p t f x wt p o i « i . ’'W d < l t M J j l ? Uliat, w e’d have a Btrmu&ite

b; v> k - '

i P* ‘ * • , .• *

v i l l i ,

C a u g h t — to sn w o f

k s a n d ' M and i th f rb a l l

' O ls o n MNQHEmaJtalfcMn_fa)m.gC

slig h t jlen’s i ^ Q -ishlps

chafami]^ L iz W r ig )

. .............. . Times-News

. TW IN FA College o f Sl ketball team

_ _ _ _ _ _ _____b een ch a r• E 5 5 5 T w i 'l ' ">'»

m ean o rd o n . . . . tic battery a

p o lic e said . threw down

• kicked his o ; ’■ m o n -law v

■ -i' during an ai----- ^ — - ........ ment.--------

i y ' S o p h o m S h aw n Ba

i^ if l- i i 'h r J head, the tea ) second-lead?po in tspe t-------- Fcb.-22-afleihilc inside- |hc coupler, h it 24.0 per brook Apan

said Deputy n g d iam p i- Fails C oim ^ st time out. ^ Banldieod B nnkliead, b e e n a i^ n s th, tho bost t” ™ '. Wigf

ed h e r to s: __ „• m onth-old <

'4 7 = ; ^ ^ ; - • ' “- ■ w i t h

,M E N /D 6 _________^


ik e» c o m p le te c o n t r o l o f '

* ^ _■Kidd’s thoui

. • . th la g b u tth ^ f ih o u P s la tep ln

)w lo <y>i»rh classifiiS-202K tri- • umph. ' over,W en* W e n d e l l ,

nsU p o f tlie . 5>4-point lead n g T oun ta- one a fte r top- Lapread.' Hall Recovered J ttta t tls b y ,beat C obdm g

135, . lfeAaaseci)i;v B u t K elly h

C utler tn .anot


: .

. f t ' ■

, fa c<

)h t b e h in d t h e d o u b le D ix ie ’s S um m eM 4ar>—

id C o ij J e n s e n , C S I’s di O r te g a lo o k s t o c l e a r la l l rA b o v e rC S l’s F ra n c l— n d iv e s t o s a v e t h e b a ll .g o ]n g _ o i iL o f .b o u n d B _ '_

gamesSI player larged inlily dispute'right!ws writer - . - -

FALLS - One o f stars o f the if Southcm Idaho m en’s.bas-am has _____ 'ia r g c d _

jom es- y after

cvn and . com-

Q argu-

sm o reB ank- B a n k h e a d team’s

lading scorer, was arrested ifler-witnesses-said they-saw— e fighting outside the Fawn- sartments late that evening, iity Rob W iggins o f the Twin mty’SherifTs Department, cad and his wife, Amy, had ling about whether to go to a /iggins said. Bankhead want- 0 stay hom e-w ith th e ir 3- Id child because he h ad to ith the b aske tba ll team to

le a s e s e e C H A R G E O /06

b u t 13

o f T w in F a l ls ’; B r ia n H y d e

ndell foriQUghts, how ever,'w ere on an; i£'final tally until Lonnie O ste pin o f a W endell foe in the 17: sificatioh ensured a H ornet tr

I, w h ich , c a r r ie d a teH uoi » d into the final tounds, led t o p - s e e d ^ Tro jan sen ior Jarc !red from a five-point defic it i tag’s J.R : N eal In jovertim e :

y M endenhali outscored !lust no tber Declo-W endeU affU r

e R i c■ B yL arryH ovey^ -T im es-N ew s w riter--------


IV a l l^ State, the one-tw( •gion 18 women’s junior c m ore than substantiatec ■ Thursday

M eanwhile, College c .flhd Eastern Utah improv( • mild first-round surprises,

Utah Valley was totally inating North Idaho 91-( Snow College hang aroui

' fore claiming an 82-60 vii Eastern Utah won the (

, the day. reaching out o f •• to beat No. 3-sew cd Sail

College 66-57 in overtimi — thoday-w ith-an-86-58^

The women take Th^ur men’s tournament has lU the women come back f( nals Utah Valley and Eas

■ d Qt noon w hile R icks an ' m eet at 6 p.m . Both wi

m en's semifinal games.

Southern Idaho 86TEIFreshm an cen te r Ma

--------huge night, scoring 12 pcen shots and tak ing 18 pretty well dominated th(

-------- Rebels:------------------------Coach-Joel Bate paid (

I no ted "defense definite I thought any o f our four

away the dribble penetr _ made a big difference in t

“And from that perin were able to run with s( get some transition poinu

The Eagles ju m p ^ aht six minutes and led by as within the fir^t 10. The firs t h a lf cam e a t 31-1

I w ouldn 't leM he Eagles They came back to withii and trimmed that to 12 (

.half.But Marcy Jenkins hit

na Umthun added a field Eagles and they quickly advantages. T he bigge points. caiM

: .4 B !o S ix c^ 3 .a^ 'M P « ra 12. smM 1-3 2-2 1 4. W«Koe MO 12. Ciov« 1-2 00 2 2. JsrUnt e-1P 0 Z2«e. WWQaW« D«*Mp. Fr»l.P«t DU)«UHMa J-0 M 2 e. Hb1«< 2-S 2.3 1 0. 9 M) 2 e. McMw 0-7 cm 9 0. Ww 2 B. HM«n M> 2-2 0 2. JahMn 00 3

. . Oul«HOt-1811.T(*itt21<41J ' Ww, Mnsnd2.

- Ricks 82, Snow 60Ricks did die thing it i

in piling up an early 9-0 ing threatened by the Bat

B ut the V ikings alsc— - “ halfcouitzonc press that

several tu rnovers and comfordng transition poi

After the flossy start, I while and Snow climbed at 15-11. After taking fi\ first 11 points, Ricks ne get another 10 and a 21-I

Snow was still hangin intermission despite the Viking Lisa Thueson, wl

__ • P le a s e

m ake s

............... UKE:

e before getting a p in dt^ri

r districtmy- the next m atch and D mIter- fe lle d h is o p p o n en t a.71- W ert becam e the fourthtri- .gam er an individual titl

. **We h a d n in e k idso u s ' F ive in th e champions!I by io consolation,” KJddired w e d id i t I t w as a totalit to body w restled w ell. O ie a t b e a tin g v a rs ity k id s .

. need."istinffiA P

■ ■ . . .

c k s]jcks College and U t^:-two seeds in the R » or college toumameoi, ated that confidence -

ge o f S ou th cn L i^ lro irovcd themselves wit£ iscs. .?tally dominant inc lirlf 91-62 while Ricks Ig iround a bit longer b f0 victory. «>■ ihe only close game S ’; o f the No. 6 p o s il i^Salt Lake Com m uni^[time. CSI rounded o p ;.dcdsioa.ovct-Dixie.= li^ursday o ff while tHe s lU first round. Wheii :k for Friday’s semiQ} Eastern Utah will p l^f , . > and Southern Id a tg1 will be follow ed ^ is. ^ . k.' » .

6rD ixie58 - ' . 3 ^M andi O rtega2 points^ blocking s ®: 18 rebounds as C ^i the inside against t ^ -

aid Ortega her due ^ initely se t th e t b n e .} ^ four guards'w ho took netration from the tM ': in their oQensfe." ^ ■ erim cter pressure, • ih some turnovers' a i3 3ints,” he.said. - 5J1 ahead 14-4 in the f i S ^ y a sm a n y a s 13 'poiaB-'' - l i e biggest lead o f tn« , n -1 3 but the R e b e U '';Ies gel too fa r aw a^^ ithin 14 at intcrmissi(aV12 opening the s e c o ^ p S ^

ih its ix p o in ts-n n d Jm f ^ field goal to steady t f i i ' ; ' ckly ran into 20-poipt • ggest m argin was'3>

2 4. U«non 4.7 M 4 8. HwVyii •Urton Z J 2.3 17. KanU (M 5 M 0 M 1 tS ,O ftw 5-’82-0’»8-19 (W2 14. Totid 30-78 1MB.1 M.P«anon.J«iU4Z ^ -J 1 0. WrV* WJ 2-J 0 i Wm t-7 1.204. Coopw 3-10 ijS MH 2-2 4 2. Omond 4 4 1 0 2 t tl «4 13-21 23U.>po<nloa«».

} - ' 2 5 it does best - sh o o t^9-0 lead and never tei- Badgers. , also show ed a sticlqj'that caused the B adgcrt------ind gave R icks sonreI points. ^irt, Ricks did slow fo c i ibed back to within f o ^ g five-minutes to get itt 5 needed the next 10 w 21-11 lead. ^iging close at 26-19 ^! the 13-point efibrt Of I, who hit 11 o f 13 asQ s e a W O M E N /c i


i*E aAiMiummw d u rin g t h e i r |

ItitklLDm Io’s C lay Robins6d n t a t 152 b e fo re Phii> urth and final T r o ju to [ title one m atch later, id s .win in th e finalsl onship round and fout Jdd said. “ ITiat’s hovf otal (ciun e ffo r t Every}. O urjayyee-k ids w e ft id s. T h a t’s w h a t ycA

P le a w s e e A-3/DJ

T E ~ ~ ~ t4 - j ^ ‘

Page 29:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

_ No. 5A T H E N S , G a . (A P

ran k c d 'K c n tu c k y wrap 37th Southeastern C onfa pionship W ednesday nig D eik scored 16 points,

_W ildcats to o 97-74 rout ( ’The W iIdiSts (21-4 6

SEC) took control durin ond span when Dclk scor

• . a 9-0 run that gave Keni18 lead 4:23 before the hi

'G e o rg ia ' (1 7 -8 , 8-7) cfoser than 11 points the w ay ond trailed by 30 w play when Andre RiddicI

^ a three-point ploy to mak<

Colorado 81, ___Mo. 19 Missouri 76

BOULDER, Colo. - Dc scored 27 points, including 1 half, 10 lead Colorado to an o f No. 19 Missouri Wcdnesd

'I t was Colorado's third and the fourth consccutivc 1 souri (18-7, 7-6 Big Eighi also had a six-game winninj CploradO(14-11.4-9) comc

No. 6 Maryland 94, DDURHAM, N .C .-JocS r

• corcer-high 40 points. in< gam c;w inning follow at Wednesday night, as No.

---------m v lv ean iu T it) w nc e - s nWilliams to'posi a 94-92

j D uke.- -(M aryland (23-5. 12-3 ,

school-record for Atlantic C cw c victories and moved il wtihin one win o f their first son league crown sincc 198

C o n tin u ed froni D 5

C e c lo q u a lified 10 w the state tournament, om W endell. G ooding, pace Jake Cheney, Brian Chci d e fe a te d L y le R o g e rs , eight.

•Oakley, on the short er 16>4 ba ttle w ith G ood ir placc in the team stondinj oiily one chtunpion, once tel- Nelson, but sends foui

ScoresNBA standings


AMeOhWoe .----- -- -ontntU---------------

NewYoft U ISOortm .33 .33 JKNMJWMy 22 IS .380Miami 21 m w

ie *01 W*tNn^ 14 41 .2S3j CMttOO. JJ K

34 21 .BI8[ 27 M « ?I CMooo 2S 29 .491, CMtM 31 11 j oI UfwaiiiM___ 21 j$ .37I WESTERN CWFEREMX I UU-MDMikn

I SanAMonlo Jf is .69’ HttsKn U 20 S)I OWMT 31 4)

------- • -twi»--------------T2r-n-30UrrMOU 14 41 ^

PvfleDMilanPho»*« 4J 14 .75

I SM8. 37 10 .00I LAUk*r« 34 20 MOI PotMntf M 23 Ja

28 2S .sa »8 M J90 j LAOppw* 11 4« .ia

I PTMMcMa IM^WnrvwUi 102Orttf<doHS.N*wYot1il6r U«niga.U»miAMU

, Oftlia 102, Houton 101 SmAnteW100,0»«l»d«3 OwwlU.UimnMiioi LA.CIp(wt1tO.Pho<r(i»9

WMtmk/aOviM Ij M Q«n* Nd Indidid

WnNroBn 123. Oonxi 124.20T O ftrecfeM nTB . QMagotll.UimeS Pt»«il01,LAl^»»fl3 jy 8tl.0oliy i Stilt W~

Tcdqr^OnwCNca0O(INMrYcirti.6J 0pm. ' Utrta ■ U*MukM. B:X p ffl. ClMMniS«DilM.8J0pjnOil«»Soi(M<Mt3n.f:Mpfli.ChMMMPsftM.Bpm.8Mto<cLA.Ctan«>nNtn.Ci«.ft:

NBA boxscoi^MwwmRKa S-19 14.8tf*r 1-8 04 2. 0*b 1-2 UCdM 14 042. Omft.1321 AikM U M 8. IJnw 1.} 2.4 4. Lttau

CHCAOO(III)PIppw 10.14 M27. KiAsc 4.102'211 du* 4« 1.1 S. Uy«n M 24 S.12M16. eku« M 244. LcnMr M K«F24M4.M«p*1.<05?Di«, M 14. s n m 24 M 4. WmsMn I 21Ta«ill».r7 27J2111,

21 18 20 2S- CM3V9 2B 31 a 1»-

. >VTk1lpm Hni<H8t*«tt»24.l IM l i AMIO.UAM iX c5m 0.1.

t«n )» -iln j4 4 (AMlra 9). S

2O T P 1J00).WAaHMOTON(1S]


Exclusive I ^ S t e ^ C h

t r t Tlmoa-Nowo. Twin Fa:

r — —

5 KcntiA P ) - F if th - rapped up its M o iiference cham- wnight as TonyIS, leading the _ Sunday al No“ S^tOrargin aicLimwnMi,1 overall, 13-2 ^ ,inng a 98-sec- Grwnsboro, hscored seven in Foot-stom]Kentucky a 33- back tco>s dic half. menls, got th-7) n ev e r g o t Williamsthe rest o f the Tuesday w0 with 6:24 to . . ___dick converted. A u b u m 7 <lake it 81-5 r N o . I4M 1S

AUBURN, leam (o beat f

;......................... , Sri weeks, did^ knocking theDonnicDoyce- o f th e South

ng 17 m the first clmse with a ‘ ) an 81-76 upset rccr-high2lp ^esdaynighL The loss piird straight win (19-6. ll-4 )fi VC loss tor Mis- season and ga ight), Missouri 74 winner ovc ning streak over SEC title sincc me to an end.

N o . 16 O k [, D u k e 9 2 N o .2 4 I o v: Smith scorcd a AMES,‘Iow, including the points and hal the buzzer Wednesday ni

lo. 6 Maryland ' Oklahoma’s fisrc C K h Gary over No. 24 lo92 viciory over Oklahoma

spoiled senioi•3 A C C i^H itt dealt a blowc Coast 5^_^(^SL.joumamcnt.ho:d the Tcrrapm's lost for the se first regular-sea-., — alltomnke 1980. A vicioty The Cyclor

and a pa ir ) w restle rs fo r M oscow . I one tiiore thnn b adaeed by titlists :hcney and un- ‘‘“ c r . K ; r s , o tiv an eed

TeaniKorn. 1.1 ing140.4. 0»Klc

te n d o f a 149-iding for th ird io > ^ e a jm .dings, crownednce-beatcn Pc-!bur runners up

s and sta

CEjpct^.co. E v e n t__________

' JM* a a Equestrian. Pan Ami3ao 21K Socc«r, AC Milan a

, Golf. Doral Opon3S3 2« Engltoh loaguo »occ

Collogo tuskotboll. FI. r a - NBAbB»k#tl>all,Bu

KO IK Collogo basKotball. h491 7X NBAbBSketball, Ma

w COIIOQO baskotbon, C

E ’* Colloflo baskotball. V ^ ^ Collogo baskotball,

1 .718 -:!S I

-^ S -1 !- E v e n t------- -----------------------------.754 _ High school boakotb)090 4 HlQh sch o o l bask o t

^ ” Colloflo baskotball. Cu s 1] I---------------------------- -

W»«Xf8-183-SJ0.How««l0- Mum»i 5-01411. SUM e-132 0»»n*r1J-2S04 2*,UKU» DuDw 1-9 CM) 2.0««Wi 24 M) I 1-100 2. Tudur OOM) 0. TcUU 23125.BOSrOM(l«)l*0»fil.lMt<MI12.R*.S«4.i: U as ta 7-17 7.11 21. Okpm 11, Dougla »21 24'20. EBhh 2-20

a B-tOO-217,Fo«24M4.Sltw^O.I«ili5MCI517.»124,

S 22 2S2S Qs*n » 2B2r 21 3-PodH poM-WnNns«mS-l91 S.SUM24.0v«r1O<M.W«U>* HoMn)0-I.UaelM<0-1.Dua«r< 5-14(Dn>-n*4.WWnt14,FQi t2). ForfM M-Uunun. Wt» EltMn. 010). 0<a>an 7t (IMou 14). Am tngK>n24(StSMl01.0a(kn30a T<Mkxi*-WaNraK>n2a.Do*>

«.«Op/a 14.880(14.890).

' l4M24.Mtacm24(W4.l« OMomM t4.AJ)M2-74-Ta.WH«iaU J2-S20. Uatf»*24MB,8ccB4-«1-21t .c<M1-4 4O.1B.F«ml0-1(K)0.Watona •12M 10 TsM2S«22»44 7«.

DCTROfTpJ}W1t-20M24,«fcrJ.7 00«.

[•211.P««. 4H.lX»r«n4-7M10.Hog«lcin wtauS. MlKin7.1S)4lB.UdracMi r 04 747,' an&2O4 0.KnlgM0-2(M)p.H< mN07.7 O.TctiH»4010-17U.

S s s s i s SlO-l. on0.1).FouM(M-Nona.Rita 24.Aim- ■nt44(AJM1CI).0«M49M

^ s i •bM24.A-1B.0S4(21.4S4).

CoDege scoresriM 2. A— AR WESTCokndeBI.UncMtrB'


UNITEDI^AIRYMH l^ lD A IS Sponsors of |hampionshlp

3 Help

I Falls, Idaho Thumday, M arch :

_______________- 1

ucky gIon’s college .<■ basketballNo,-l |A'irginia would clinch — nnd.give.MarylaDd.thc N0.-I— y. xt week’s ACC tournament at D. N.C. “Dmping Billy Hahn, holding " I during his postgame com- the viciory as inlerim coach J?

ims was admitted to the hospi- f with pneumonia. . ^ .j.

7 6 , . “1iss1sslpplSt69 thIN. Ala. - Auburn, the only }hj at Mississippi State in the Iast_ did it again Wednesday night, ‘ Thi he 14th-ronked Bulldogs out on utheastem Conference title a 76-69 victory behind a ca- ^ 1 points from Pat Burke.J prevented Mississippi State I ) from getting ils sixth 20-win 1 gave No. 5 Kennjcky, 0 97- ha over Georgia, ils first official ince 1986. N(

Oklahoma 71, wowaSt.68low o-Ryan Minor scored 21 fj d h it tw o'late free throws [jc / night to help secure No.' 16 (g. s fiflh s lig h t victory, 71-68 th( llowaS& (22-6, 9-4 Dig Eight) c j nior night ot Iowa State and Ir, )w to the Cyclones' NCAA N' hopes, Iowa State (19-9.5-8)

: seventh time in nine games po [iked teanw. Jol:lones had a final shot lo tie ho-------- ---------------------------- ------

a ir d f^ r o n z c m ed a lis ts toI. R aft R iver, In its second ack in the sport has two rep- vcs.

K im b e rly a n d S h o sh o n e ! each.. t, 0o<so210.x, 2, Wo<W«a 202X.3. Oootf. »Klcy 120 . s, F(w, UU. e. Haft Rhrar4SX,2.0. Shotnone 18.0. Olwvn Forty 0. p final*:tw*. D. pw>o«ITf«t*Rboo<*.0. 1»l jriai. W. Sop. 0*c. ovBf loonl* Echf»rt*.

■Jake Crwney, 0. dae. RoDy Li*l«. 0.24.Ug. W. Tadi. Iso ovar Uny COana. S. 10- Chancy. 0. pIfweilJamla Roeft*. 0 .3rt. »a.W.9ae-J.R. Naal, 0. IMOT.



\mor1can G am ea qualifying n a tS L B o n f Ic a

x c o r , Evorton v s. M onchostor UnttiII. Florida Stato ot Georgia Tech B ulls a t KnicksII. Memphis ot ClndnnaU M agle a t R ockots ■ n, Callfomla a t Oregon all, A rizona a t W ash ing ton S ta ta II. Wyoming a t San Diego State all. S o . M ississipp i a t S o u th FloH<

Radi------- -■----- - ■------------------- £

otboll. Jerom o vs. Boar Lake kotball, W endoll v s . P a m uII. CSI vs. Snow

}I0-2ie-10». Rlca80.aa)«irt8 •132416. TaxMAUOT.ScuMfnUatt«ant-14H1S. ' Tau*TaOiO«.Or(IF(ob*rt>7 (MS.UcKara yiWIEST•«al* 5M0B17- E. Dbwla 87. Youric«»>« SI I

K*™a*St7S.H*W*iia73 .M B2.M S17S

i4.l22.410. UM.ONoU.Oo>«roGrMr n1l-204JX. Utf>m61.Na1tiMMmW 2-2M4.w*,in. ONoCl.73.E.lttrtoaBBO lrang2-224 OWahcxnari. Iom SL88

Purdua >Z l(7a* as 23 12 &-12S S(.U>ia77.DaP*uiei 21 12 B-124 - Tola<k)74,C«4.Uct^U 1-I9(a>a*f.»y2- W.UcNoan61.Minn84•ww M. eowmMrO-D.Bcatn AUt^n* 08, I M m WI SOFoiO-1.Dai4>« AiAm re. !«•«•(«« 8188yat<>ar,l^a, OamaonS2.N.Cnftw8l45W5«(W«tibar KaMud>y97.Qaa^74.Auhta-Watfv UaMand M. 0*a 8230(Dou^10). UcHaaaaSlKXSamHouMcnBoaxnA.A- MdvhSl 107.fiH(#«iF>u


1042.SMtiS- EASTUhr3-128-10 OultBloSO.Vit«^<3 ■ MMO. 0«mMMn9rMnHMB2 -210,nat*lng^ Uo.4UMaiy74,Cart.Ccn teonMOOO. P«nnStr5.GHeGiea

St.Mn'ta2.82T m r«'TOUnMCHTI

4e.W*(lS41- IM ataA tM B Cei>tan».t7 44 23. FMftanlO CM>O.U*- DaMmSL100.FlertiMAtU

NcrtMCariai. OartvMi

l>1»1«-T « Faklal0iDldMsn73.Uonna '211S2t-CB UMSI.Vnvwn |S(M14.UCK- U ounl8ll,^U iea.Lcr« ►l.DaWie-14 nMS3.SlF'nnd*.P&e2. k»ac«n.J.Ua.

^araSjM*"'• -College scares

FAHwerrSan Fnndacsr.ajnJeM fill UCa>rtie«MnM.NafirUi

eOUTH Ak-annkigten 10. JtfaemI AppalacNan 61« WM Fonal

r Artan*M8L8.U*Mp(lB

/lENU 4 0 ______________ —

ifAIMHSAA ^ p Events!



-M2 , m s

>rabs S• and force overtime, but Fred

failed to beat the buzzer on a 3 'tcriipt that missed badly......

_No. 17 Purdue 92, low;WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind'. -

Miirtin hit six 3-poihters arid' season-high 29 points Wednest and No. 17 Purdue used a streak in the closing minutei Iowa 92-85 and move into a f tie in the Big Ten Conference.

The Boilermakers (21-6, 1 Ten) trailed 78-74 before two 3 and two free throws by Marti the game-winning streok wi three minutes (o go. Seven ir throws by Purdue and a fast-brc by. Tim Ervin gave |he Boilc Their biggest lead •ftt 9li78'w itl ohdsW go.

No. 21 Alabama 69, Mississippi 50

TUSCALOOSA Ala. - Josohad 17 points and 12'rebounds nal home game Wednesday ni No. 21 Alabama kept alive ho] share of the Southeastern Coi Western Division title with a 6‘ tory over Mississippi. i •

Alabama (20-7, 10-5 SEC) sc first nine points o f the second led by as many as 23 points. ( (8-17, 3-12) shot only 35 perc. the field. _

St. Jolin’s 82,No. 22 Syracuse 78

NEW YORK - James Scott s- points, cighi in the final 1:30, John’s held on to its slim po: hopes wiih an 82-78 viciory ove

;> 140-XaVyUandanhal.0,Sup.Mc.ev ' W. 184. t45-Ly1* Rooan. 0.7e«*i. fM j O.IS4.1S2-Cl*yRoeln*on.D.pinn*d

2nd. 1«0-Pni Wa<1. W, Me. BOy Httl. I nio 0«!artv) 0, p«fMd Mka CoaNo. Frank UafflMwa. D. dec. Frank Slavara taf NatKin. O. Si». dec mtr Rocky Jo

e CdmolaUon Dnatt:103-Cod/EM. 0. decOOyVandarpoc 112-Outjy Palmar, O.ptmwdJafemy 11(M<oa)y Nabakar, 0, dac. Vk Sutna<

, 12S-KaYinC2ar1<.D. pmnedJuatlnUlla 130-Ffnnk Laft. W. dae. Tony Chantf« IlS-Oawaynala*^ O.datTJ. Rlftfll CfUn Tfenannan. 0. p«vm] Ketty Oaoi 14S-TlI Ricnay, O. Uc. Stanley Okna OfW Myara.'F. pinnad Andy R**mu**e 180-NJi Nelaon. 0. dec. Tytar Slokar. I Honoway. 0. Nnned Luka Ucn«}omacy, •on Fm^. W. dec. Logan MuUn*. K. 1 Wantlnk. W, pinned DdUB Oaatw W.


Prime Sport9/Channor64(l^ ESPN/Channal 13 USA/Chonnol 23

}nttod PHmo Sports/Channol 84{l( I ESPN/Chonnol 13

TBS/Channol 32 ESPN/Chonnol 13 TBS/Channel 32 Prima SportayChonne) 64(1)-

ita ESPN/ChannaI13Prime Sports/Chonnel 84(11-

loHdaPrimo Sports/Channel 84{

idio- S t a t i o n ------ - ■ . .—

KART/1400 AM KRXR/1480 AM KEZJ/FM95.7

Aubifn1t,TroySl7 iUafiB4 0«r«<iB.TWina**aa«1>ri ' Cufr»a)1and.T*m.6.A3T OavWKor.NC-Ctek'SIBI ' Oaci9aS.VA«np4T3 0a0TMC0l.14.a*v.n

OacrglaSeueiamalCh GwanSS ppil.i^mW K«n^7,UiiT>y6lln LouinaitS,Uenhaed

Ua>yW*»r* lS.ei MMt8.rknd*AtM

nU U o i^8 l8 ,U u .\I Uotda .WtalFkun:W UortSlUicy' '{?AiaMra24.Slarat8145 No«iCarein*a<N.C..C

RkaS.U(Maaa*8l2 ScuriAiMmtUFkin

uMcnStea Vardait«7.UMM4FJtwlnTT VMds(iar.8LLae212 VlrEMaB.J«na*UKla188 VkQlrMTacflll.Mrfil

W.C«DkMlO.N.CWM r W.kanludiy&Tanl-U

W.Uct^4,8laMoni «B2 -UOMicomacscueies CMnrat11,Biia«B

SEUaa(u12.UaBi(Mi• SOUTH CHTB AitaraaaSlS.Uaalaali toCenhnna lncarnataWs<jS.Tax(i

r t r a a |f f l J P n i | |M | |anmouOi.NJ.T1

NHL standi<2. EASTEmCC


s !!rr Nawjnay 7• filB,12lmlnD( FhMa 7 ifirUaMoSl} ) H Matrnm iema*8l6 Pncwip 14

S S ? 1!

1 9 9 5 ^ ^R g T ^

m e CPed Hoiberg I ’ ' ■,3 :po iat.l-

„a85 womei---------- H O U ST O

^ y nighl A tkins score .1 7 -p o in t m ttiu te sa tid tes to beat Thom pson &i I fir^t-place No. 7 T ex as '

45 Wcdnesda , 12-3 Big w o m e n ’s b 3 3-pointer3 played in The rtm ...rted Qtlly 520 I

bttak layup 3, 12-1 Soutt ilerraakerj •“ n j VP’ rith 38 sec-- T ech jum ped

tim e lead an (1 0 -1 5 , 6 -7 shooting for tl

aon CafTey Syracuse on Wed Is in his fi- angemen's sixth Ic night, and Scott brought S

lopcs for a Big East) within : Conference with 1:29 to play 69-50 vie- seconds later whi

one o f two free thrscored the

id half and '. Ole Miss No. 23 Georg rcent from Scton Hall 92

. _ . ----------- LA'^4D0VER^^scored 27 points oi

■- liit,critical foul she beat Seton Hall 96

t scorcd 26 . Georgetown (18 10, and St. tended its winning lostseason and Seton Hall (16 ver No. 22. thin! stmight game

H T X l:Sr.SS:S25n, Oon^tlnued

each weigi

133.VanTe*a*ll‘f^ • w/ m o t .

S S i V T i 152. V*ftSidde(H).Ci S lfw W ' 17l-Se<TfM). Pe.».0.'3.1.17i-0at)aaty, Rft. 1*11 8 » ^ (M), Pat»>eni (H) U 1 4 27W:dk


OuftabHarflex]0 d m


Oicaoo■ T im e

To«nn>gi(IHT) 10o,m.

11 a.m.' , 2 p.m.

IflHTl 3:30 p m sS i ia 5:30 p.m.5:30 p.m. ■7:30 p.m. Awftam 7:45p.m .- [ . J * *

(IHT) 8 p.m. - S S a i S ? ] 10 p.m. Florid* O.HY.Ri

(IHT) 11p.m. g««<Hwa4,w. (4(IH7) 2 a.m.


z z r z D ! ! ? ; " S i K SD ata«E«w «

6:45 p.m. C7*sagoa.Ana 6:4Sp.m.

6 p .m . Pm>bur^alD>A----------------1 S f e : s s

7 X FbUi H R«*dalm 4v' / SanJoaaalTcnr

Cha>la«cn SouMm. I l i l l f i Ha s ^^ 8 1 3 CLEVEL«M>H0^ ^ t U d .1 eattar.lgatw

■*.V-by33*2 F«Oy.|itt*af. lalCoftfOwl-W i. ^ra»W<a.UA,0-l CHCAOOBEAR2

OUA»»JSSIt LaoicM.cM*r.

I ? S ^ A » T 4 - . PMWCEIPMIAFl l t tS lS S S S i?

i i T " ^ s s s s s r a

MO cftieAfflaileanH

f e : - . ' S EiM 44 WASHINGTON O

i X S S T iWMNPEOJETS-«>*e.to8pnno

dingsCOmRENCe • ' B018E5TATE-A Al*n8on)aa.oB«iW L T rti » OA10 e ) 23 CS 40 ln e « ^ O r » a1 1 1 g s s i ^8 10 2 8 84 80 £ 3 2 £ S £ t ! 711 2 8 a 8s

MOhHm''' ” ®' t e n t S i S S14 ] 2 X 81 Be 14 4 2 30 » BO 10 8 2 22 » 42




- A —

rownTexasTech en rip Rice ,rO N -(A P ) - M ic h i - - )red 23 points in 27nd freshm an A lic ia 'I added 15 points as *13 Tech beat R ice 76- 'sday night in the first ’

b a s k e tb a ll gam e rhe Summit.0 people showed up ‘ icX ady. Raiders ( 2 ^ _ ' lUthwest Conference) ' o r th e p o s tse a so n . ‘jed -to a 42-14 half— .......... 'and h e ld the O w ls ’

i-7 ) to 22 p e rccn t)r the game. J

/ednesday night, the Or- [b loss in eight games. «It St. John’s (13-12,'6-Jl 1in 77-76 with a 3-pointer' <lay. St. John’8 tied it 14 .ivhcn Sergio Luyk made • throws. ■


rgetown 96, <

tM d.--Jerom e Wllltonu . ' s and No. 23 Georgetown r shots down the stretch to t 96-92 Wpdnesduy night. \ (18-7, 1I--6 Big East) cx- - ling streak to four games r (16 -n , 7-JO) dropped iiB |


1_ Jed from D5 IVlight c lass. A ll go to J -»

P).Ch*aanon (HI.* (T); C of I). VenakMa (HK Kucular (H):I n rO). Anderton <M). Waliw

| S . a 2 s , ' S . « ' • th e t B f f i V i . S W i ’.'Si N). Cunrtoenam (H>. Dowar* ro). x.irr . Peul (0). OenMa (H); 189-f r»- I Un


V y_____________ ,Cor

go.a:710 .3 17' 51 S3. POiH2 12 3 7 3# 59 T]


" H=y12 s 1 26 88 38 lead

8 3 I? u w LoreS 10 3 13 “ “ hop*

PadBsOMtfoi eich10 B 3 23 63 45 T .8 9 2 IS 42 Se Mr ? M b " o“ po ir5 8 4 14 84 70 GcC

I! ” “ ' 5.1-3aZHonnaH i 'r.R*noai«0.ta ' UteS

»norton2 •/anair.«3S - 2 S A o « . ^

S r ~ jHB^SJOpjn.D>Ato,S.30pjii.(OaM*.si0pjn.«N.Y.I«ndari:5J0pflv LJ™I*dal|»fc830p/n. i,

Van.c^.7JopJ«-________ Idah<


BAraAU., contr

SCoSM -aaaadPa.• • were

FOOTMU. Bvi s s r g s s r ^ a . e,yth’I. IB » ffifia jaar cont»L doub- o n - ^ U i ^ 0f6CHATOftS-Hat^adS^ (rcvS «r. tan PrtveEdnd blind

■ . s s^QUE&t*c*MO«rtl


MCAPTTAlJ-RacaBadJni ^ ,nyjt.rt^f^.llfltalng. ColO: ETP AaelanadRiiatRenirS All pn.sMl<7B»Am*ri«vHaA- , , ting .

coufoe said.awaisi


1 . 0 n h (- l b ^ d a l . r - . . l h *

ndJMn*ma6<r«).g>«<s.M. (he 1

______________________ j OT.

IVE" C A B L E »f « | i e " R E ASaturday Marc

A-2 C h a m |B e t o e s n G a m e s ; T t

A r ^ C h a m i

j n e s to l i to w h o n 'th e s a

I\wln Falls: Kir lurley: TCI Cal

Call your local cable i '______ for channel Informe



W eber S tate and WontJ not p lay each other in the B Conference basketball seas( nal week. But m ake no m they will be competing.

The Wildcats (17-8 overa 3 B ig Sky) and the C riz- zlies (18-7, 9-3) are still vying for the league's' A

" reg iilar-season title / / and the right lo host / ■

...thc_Big.Skytoum a.-_. __ Iment next week. ^

M o n tan a h o s ts V *^ la s t-p la e e E a s te rn V " W ashington (6-18, 2 - > 10) on F riday and surg­ing Idaho (12 -1 2 , 6 -6 ) o: Saturday, while W eber Stati N orthern Arizona (7-17, 4 S a tu ^ y .

Earlier this w eek Eastern irigton defeated Cal State- mento 69-64 and Idaho Stai 8, 7 ^ ) e tc h e d Cal Poly-Sa Obispo 101-47Tuesdaynigl

Northern Arizona,- which - w ith EastcnrWashlngTOirfa

m ake th e s ix - team p o sts toufnameht field, hosted So Utah Wednesday night.

•• T h is w e e k 's o th e r B ii g am es in c lu d e Id ah o S t Boise State (16-9, 6-7) and

■ a t M oatana S tate {'18-7, fi. Friday, and Eastern Washing Montana State on Saturday.

M e nC ontinued from D5 ebounder, had surgery. The Bt lave the most disciplined offei he meet.

N orth Id a h o ’s top gun is 1 'um cr a t '18 points per game licks has Ben C aton a t 22.9. ;taflbrd and Clay Anderson gi' /ikings a fo n n m b lc perimeter

W o m e n —

Continued from D 5(oal a ttem p ts on th e n ig h r fwints. ' . .

The Vikings started slammii loot early in«the second half hey ran o u t to a coule o f 13' c ad s..R ach e l H ester and .T il -orensen gave Snow one last i lopc, combining to trim the del i ^ tM indy Young replied with a

lointer and T hueson and Me jee added two-points to open .1-36 lead and Ricks bit 20 fi irsV time ait .67-47 a couplc of ites later.Iida82anaon M 343 2. Oea e-IT 2-2 2 IB. CtvwtM 3.TDuaacn1M34.7429.youio4.7 041 1! ■1 M 12. Ri» 14CM} I 2. PKkar M 0-1 0 2. wiaan 14&0 3 2.FUeyO-1 l441.Andanen 12. ToOia 33-60 11-18 20. polnt Oe* 2. Cavi noiireOany B-18 M 4 15, Peman 04 4.7 0 4. Reldh. i i 2. Ro m 04 CM} 2 0. HeaJar 4-8 54 6 1 J, -1* 00 3 e. Loenaon 8-12 4-4 314. Lea M 0- gtii* 2042 1M4 10 eO, >pomigQa(»41odDa*

J ta h V a B e y 9 1 ,N o r t l i I d a l ]It tQok about two minutes for

'olley lo kick iabu t once il did M o 's early 6-0 lead was lost in ^ash.

With Taro FciTin and Jodi Ha ontrolling both perimeters, the W les. who were nmked as high as s< ationally this year,, outswred the als 17-2 over the next four minuli w never thfcalened..By halftime Utah Valley controll

tythmg at 49-25, putting four plo) ouble scoring figures. Utah Valley f 60 two-point attempts and was I cys.lahValeySt>naan24 0414, OkJna &40-22 0, Nation0 KiMtOl* H 4-S 2 IB. Mona 04 64 1 18. T*.

C h a r g e d ^ ;^ n tin u e d from D 5

olorado the next day, W iggins i Amy threw a dirt clod al him

ng Bankhead in m e face, Wii lid. Bankhead picked her up b; aist, threw her to the ground icked her logs, W iggins said. A m y show ed deputies red n

1 her legs, Wiggins said. Bank a s a r re s te d , W ig g in s : ankhead posted a $300 bond le Twin Falls County Jail that-:

11:45 p.m., said Deputy Clini r.

E T E L E V I S KA L ^ A I R Y Srch 4th, 1995 f i

npionship GarT a p e d H ig h l i g h ts o f t

npionship Garisa Cable Syste™ : -mi

:ing C abl^ ablevislonlie s y s te m i an Tnation.

r, ]\ionti le fb r t i t

. W eber State wi— ----------- Sky tournament inlia n a do the W ildcats beat B ig Sky zona and Montana

ison’s H- its games, m istake. I f both. W eber 5

tana close out the jrall, 10- victories — or i f i ‘ - es and Mo



on . “One o f th ate hosts lo do is not to get i 4-9) on ourMlves," Montar

T aylor said. “The Tl Wash- time lef^, but w e’\ e-Sacra- focus on not assur tale (17- ing a n j^ in g ."San Luis H e is csp cc ia l ight. about Idaho, whic :h along defeated on ly 76- failed (o— ijnd-whTch-TiaifWc tse a so n lost week.Southern • “We had a very <

them in Moscow, )ig Sky com e from behin S tate a l game also,’' Taylor id Idaho a team that has plaj

ington at peel Saturday nigl r. burner.*’ .

ing potential, i D , The •liicks-I'<iuifi

SLCC w inners wil re n se m . Friday while the C

'' .ic-U lah V alley sui 5 E ddie . p.m .' le w hile The championshi 9 . R ick at 8 p.m . Saturday give the advancing lo th e r ;er scor- .- Hutchinson, Kans.,

. J_____ '_____ __________

24a417.Am*a14CM12. m 2-9 04 0 4. WhkiW 4-BI

r f o r 2 9North kJahoM McCJkMOh S-18 00 2 10, WI

im e the 0032.Suta*1.22IMJ2,P napal CM) 1-2 2 I, Roe* 7.11 (

It when r-0 4 25.zmic0404S0.T0 13-point •‘-n<~»««:w->v.i.y4s

: tm y " o f - E ^ l> ‘” M 6 , - 's a l l

le f tc i t to 1!“ ™ P“ ' comeback that eamc

a th re e - t o Wi“ '<i Salt Lak ? 7 . J -session.-le lm da The third-secded E en up a at 19-18 with 7:23 I for the and, although there v,

o f m in- at 27, didn’ttn i i l* ra .They pushed up by

left in the game and n i ’o l ^ three times after that. I2.RM- Bui their scoring Ic i o i ^ 2-2 Golden Eagles mad

___ .J iu c k B s .b y .N a ta l ie i i iS ta r te d it and Lindsc

oTtod^ made it 52-48. But t 10418, turnovers at that point '** ■ dampen (he roily. ahix t iJ R '^ c c o Heia n o ,^0 big steals. The fi ‘or Utah shot for Rebecca Elisc id North she picked the Bruii in bock- midcouil and dashed i

ing.^awkins Early in overtime V Wolver- inside points for Eastc I seventh linedrove a three-poin le Cardi- point lead.UteS and Ea*lam Ulah Bfl

E»aone-t7 24 217,KinoM Oiled ev- 4 ^ T S S ^ l1 ^ ^ J’2•1TS,

S 2-3 on Wirtfa4-t704SB.Fradrtdu 122-449,OoJ(ino8.13&.7; He.lop241-246.>f»aeoo0- 24 4.Kifl.n0400 00.Titte s s r s s ^

A jury Irial is s e lf C o ach S tev e Ire

IS said, com m ent about an; im, ml- piinaxy actions, exM /igg ins jmd talked with Am by her seem to want to pres

nd and Bankhead scorcd game for the Colder

m arks :5on and is expected i nkhead plays its first ^ e <

sa id , loumamenl tonight, d from N either CSI Presic It night erhoeffer or city atu int Do- derlich could be reac


l e u C O V E R i S H O O T O U rfrom Holt Arei me: 6:00pm

f t h e A - 3 & A - 4 g a m e s

ime: 8:15pm ofI t l s b r o a d c a a t l s l U N n je ln g b ro u g h t lo D A

you by: ^ 3 ^ 0

m d In p a r t by:

tana ': w ill h o st'th e B igIt in Ogden, U tah,-if-^?------i)eal N orthern A r i - : tana loses either o f

►er S late and M on- their seasons with

• ifW eber State los- •; ■' - M ontana sp lits its 1' es — the w m ner o f * id a y 's Idaho S tate il Boise State game will determ ine t h ^ " _ , ho jrt'site. I f B o ise ’’S tate w ins, W eber '.State hosts the tour- J' ■ am en t. I f Id a h o ' lie w ins, M ontana ^

)f the thiiigs w e try ‘ get too fa r ahead o f • ntana coach Blaine T h ere’s not m uch^,. ive’ve got to really *• ssuming or expect- ■

c ia lly c o n c e rn e d ' /h ich the G rizzlies ' " ' 76-71 last m onth -“

“Webei'State 71-70 -

:iy closc game w ith :J ■>w, and wc bod to /:h in d la te in th a t ! ylor said. “They’re i , played very.well in ii ' c■of-the,8cason.-I ex«— -------n i g h t . i ^ ^ a Barn* n

S i Idaho-atid C e 4 ’5 w ill m eet at 2 p.iiy

e CSI-Snow and D i;r-,’ survivors p lay at

nship will be decide^'' day With the w in n ^„ he national finals i n ­ns., Man:h 14-18. / /

012.88aon4404 2&Tr’ F»f- y 4-8 6-101 14,Hey7-12 34 14 01. ;Hioinloo*i»^1a«Uw......

10, WBdra 3.7 04^ 6, Tobi 1-2' '32, P>«p« 1-2 0402.S<M^->'’7.11 043 14. Ofeeowwd 8-17 10. To«ad2Me 8-12 2162, lay48.Nofmideho2S'

iaIt ta k e S ? - -ut togeihera scnunblins amed an overtime a j J Lake 14-5 in the e x g j -

ed Bruins took the lead 23 left in the first h i ^ ‘ re was a momentajy-tiJT foralongtime, — • '* p by 10 points with 8:37 and had 10-point leads tiat. / '.‘Ing left at 52-43 and t ^ , made the final movp,^ - ie iiflw ks.andK ri3 .K i^ ndsay Allen's putbac^'.. lut the Eagles haa two'Mint and that seemed lo

Heusser camcTjp wilh- he first set up a follow'; Elison and scconds lattt')ruin guard cleanly «tY [led in for the tying b^-

ne King and HawkS'luV. lastem and Heusser th th '' pointer to open up a

0 M 1-2 3 7. tUD*0-4 2 4 o 'l 'AJ*r 3-8 4-8310, H«tfi 1.7*" 12.SnukaM0.12 2.Ckin- ; nyC»-2CM)0 0. To(M21-eS20-. W3,Hau«*ar.

drtduon 3-14 00 2 7. Oovm 3&-7 3t8,Ta)1or2-4 04 34. Vll' coa(H)1.20I.CU<«en2-70-_.TittS 21-78 9-17 27 57J. '«■■ 3I.EealamUtin29 '


: I . .jet for March 17. i*; I ro n s d e c lin e d ta _ any possible .d iscg '

except 10 say that Im Amy, and she d id n T press charges. a )red 18.9.points p ^ , ,Iden Eagles this sc^ , ted to start w hen C ^ - . ' me o f the Region 5-'" jti. ? " resident Gerald M e jf , atlomey Fritz Wo

reached for cbmrtienl


1 A 6 Er* !!ena

IB S .


f^lTEDD A IRY M EN1 o f ID A H O

L S J O j ^ ;


Page 30:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

]VIag_ T|inies-Ncws sports cdi

I Illness may be the t yallcy> smic t^ c tb a

^ . _ ^ t “ kCTid.j Three o f thc four i

today’s,stale toum air Idaho Falls have start able due to a nasty viiu 1 “I t’s really got me

. . __ (iac^R andy McCo\hp lihy ."I Senior cen ter Ches

fbot-I sophomore B r--------- hbrdesi hit.-Point-guart

ofiim uch o f last'week vrith Oakley due to illn

T h e H orne ts have ellher, according lo Co

I Starting guard Peter i^g il all week, ond s niisscd two days o f pm

I Brent Clnric’s Jerom 'i n g the sickness, thc

being ^ i o r guard Chr

C la s s A r l ! T he Magic Valley I

l^e state 's largest sch( ahd R igby arc biddin Twin Falls lost a tighl season’s liile, but nciil- iljc field this year.------


iWong and his Jcron from an 0-13 start

' gomes and a surpri tounlmnmL ‘

- - ^ ^ 1—W «-jurt^idn’^ g i« r , w h i c h incl

South Ccn , '' V• chliinpion Buhl. •' ' ■ ■■- The-Tigers are claw

tille since their lone wii -They orct nt 6:45 p

•(15-8). Tho Bcars are ; Carlson and 6-2

bomjuniors.< ;iark said he cxpi

qilfckncss at thc guai d<flensivc pressure and gging inside.

‘Facing a 6-4 centcr \ u iH crsiz^ Tigers, wh( thftfwent 6-10 and 6-9

W ong’a quickness scoring punch o f 6-3 are thc biggest conccrr K tn Parks.

“W e're more o f a cc ning team,” Parks saic ju st two seniors. Thc B teijt a ll season, putting b e ^ games at season’s

Shaq’i back i lace bi

O r l a n d o , Fia. (aO ’N eal ■fSlishes ihe playing against thc bes fro m a one-gam e

■ c ^ d n 'f h a v c 'c o m c - a i fcffjiim o r thc Orlando

^ e N BA’s lead ing: s tre tc h o f h ead -to - a p in s t the league’s otl Tuesday n i^ t , scoring Patrick Ewing in a II o v tr the New York Kn

He will face Housl O la ju w o n ton igh t ai rij^^lry w ith San Ant R o b in so n th c fo lic

• O ’Neal is averaging 2 gam e, w hile Olajuwc Rc^inson (27.5) are N in Ihe scoring race.

. “ I t c e r ta in ly is f Orlando coach Brian : the Magic clinched thc against New York an advantage over the de era Conference chamf games in thc Atlantic 1 only is it Shaq going u| o h h e best centers cvei it is us going up agaii

"tournB ob and Shelly Lc

2,6(53 to take the firs a im u a i W elcom e W D ^ b lc s tournam ent 1 night a l thc Bowladroir

P roceeds from the H abitat for Humanity E ^ C b a p p e l l and Vn 2,u50 w i^ Olher plao Jala A nd D ewayne H u D o ta o d and O ail Joy a f i L o ren U n o n 1,1

, a B ctvT toodanortD Lcceiving th e D .I

( ;ad L ast B u t Finis B 1 and A lison Daigl A son, as tournament V y Uitic lim e to “co b vling.

la c Oort" bowled d C lar Lanes in Filer 1 h n ‘s H and icappc I] luded were games o f( a 812 scries, one of tl area'ihis year.

h e A m erican Lci a ual bowling louma: 1 at the B o w la ^ m e .

I'irst place for tbe-lB

____ [__ ____

gic Vaeditor s . _ J

le toughest foe the Magic :tball contingent faces, this ,C

u r area learns beginning G lam ents in Pocatello and ^ tartcrs listed as question- ^inis making thc rounds, m e conocmcd," D ietrich -o w an said. “ W e’re nol

heslcr Southwick and 6 - Bryce McCowan' are the 'uard-RyBn-Jones had tcrsit------ :cek's District 4 tille. gameillness:------- r 'avcn ’t escaped th c bug Coach Blair Gariicr. ctcr Wells has been f i^ t - id sixth man M att Smith practice.romc Tigers also arc feel- L thc most notable victim Chris Wong,

:y has no entrants among ^ schools,.where Centennial C ding for pcrfcct seasons. q ght game lo Borah for lost c icithcr o f those teams is in

tom e teammates rebound-' art to win six o f their last :rprisihg benh in thc state

;ive-up.-Clark said o f the — ncludcd three straight vic- -cnfral Idaho ConTcrence

lawing for their first state win in 1987.

IS p.m. against Bear Lake ire led by 6-foot-4 centcr _ 5-2 forward Chet Kcetch -

poxpccts to use J c ro n « r* ^ ^ c t ;uard line to step up^Ahc and keep Bear Lake from in

• m(cr a respite for the who faced a Buhl tandem K( S-9 in thc district finals. thi ess, combined w ith th c rci ;-3 ccntcr Mark Scofield. 9), :cms for Bear Lake coach ' ^

3 control team than a_nin-said, noting that he starts th(,c Bears have been consis- Paing together some o f their an>n’s end, including a one- '

’s -— E to H

.(A P)-Shaquillc h e challenge o f best, so his rctum l ie su sp e n s io n ' c~ara~bctirr tim e— ido Magic. ' ng scorer began a - P ( J | V ' to -h ead ba ttles r f lT W i: i other top centers M ring 41 points on / i '71 118-106 victory <'iKnicks. L . ^ 1 l.i'luston’s Hakeem t and renew his \n to n io ’s David )llow ing n ight. jST® g 29.4 points per I : ' -- jw on (28.3) and * * ': No. 2 and No. 3

Orlandoi 9 te s t for u s ," O ’N e a l p an Hill said after a g a in s t t the season series p _ t n „ x ,

: and hiked their : defending East- good b a ^ impions lo seven \a s c k < in n lie Division. “Not w c really n g up against three Orlando ;vcr in k row, byt - rccord to gainst three very confidence

i ia m e n t iL eazer rolled a f ^ l | H

first placc at ihe W agon Scotch

n t held Saturday. h M M rome.he event went to lity. Second was L J ^ B I V ick i K leiig nt M ncltay I laces as follows: [ow ed by Hufl 2,005, Dean 2,553. roy 1,999, Cindy K otliy

1,858 and John M e tc a , M ortoa 1.821. .p la c e in D .L .B .F . aw ard 1 ,258 . K inishcd) went to P a q u ^ , t aiglo wilh 1,580. second at 1 lenl director, had Singles “concentrotc” on Melba, 66l

Sudiy.M c A ll Eve

3 “il 300 guiiie u t , P c g g y -S t tr Tuesday in the T hcrcM C jp c r 's League. ploccds<fc« » o f 299 and 213 On die t t o f the highest in • to Craigmi

the Macka 2,484.-

L eg ion held i ts Doubles xnarocnt Feb. 18- and Qlcnj ne. H om e, wi9-lBdiC3 was from and Ih u t)

lUey s(jA-1 Boys State Bj

a tH o itAThuntfn „ F

Game 12:00 p.m. Game!■G am *2'3:30pjn;-'— GarnetGiuno 3 6?4S p.m. Game 1Goto 4 a i 5 pjn. _ Gome t

Catfl.................O t t J __


. Posl£' I____ to»8 _

A-3 Boys State Ba. .: 8t SMIng m

G o m ? lZ ^ p .m . Qamo^ Qame2 3:30pjn.k 6amo(----- B re a k - '- ................ ...........fQama 3 6:45 p.m. Gome iGome 4 8:15 p.m. GomeJ

....... J.......... fruBli


r Soil

point win a v e r Shelley to get i ;jcam state tourney.

Tlic Bears finished sccond to in District 5, after entering the d ment as thc ihird seed.

Clark-said this year's field - w Kellogg (19-3) ns thc only tcai than five lo sses ,- is w ide ope rctum o f dcfendinfijjhamp Sug9).

Class A-3W endell coach Allen Kelsey

thc icam with the worst record Parma (13-I.Q), but he promise aren’t overlooWng the, Panthers.• 'T h ey must have.-'played som<

, APpnoto

lo center ShaqulMe I prepares to score It NPW York’s Patrick Tt/^sday In Orlando.

isk):tball teams. It’s a tough nil if I had to circle one that y needed, this was it.” do improved thc NBA’s best 0 43-13 and is gaining more ncc w ilh each victory.

assists HF Boilingg W T h e lm a

T u c k e r

y U nit #16 w ith 2 ,367 fol- by M elba U n it //126 w ith

y W u d y h a and C a rm en , M ountain Home, took first n th c d o u b le s ev e n t w ith K im M e tz e r and C o n n ie

a, also Mountain Home, took ’ at 1, went to Peggie Stimpson, 669 and sccond Caiofyn Sue Melba, 651.ivents w as Captured .also by S tim p 8 o n -w tth -h 9 6 2 -f ln d — B C ooper, H orseshoe B end Hfcond al 1,901. ic men’s side first place went ?nont Post #38 at 2 ,611 and :kay Post J# 16 look second nt

les went to Foncst Stin^ieoa eno Suchy, both M oun tain with 1,300 and A it O impel i t y G ru i t from Idaho Falls

i - ' r

quadsBasketball TounuIt A rena. P ocate lto .t» 6 ^ 8 o p jn . Gm w * ? 'ne63;3CT|Jjn.---------TGenta'io-

Break t - 8rne 7 6:45 p jn. ' Champior•ne88:15pjn---------- SifX


C a a l- __________

, 1CwB. ______ ■

......OAMAJOHN /

Bi etlrallToumsHigh S ch o o irid ah o Fall s .....t» ? 2?3<5 p.m. Gofho*^ Tx> 6 3:30 p.m. Qeme 10

niB1/wrt(17.7} - — .................C «7 -

t,toffiiatfi (1 ^ )

tewmi5r~ j 1

r a T r________DAJM JOHNSON/Ct into thc eight- get here,’'

the Distric 1 to Marsh Valley knocked ic di.strict touma- Fruitland c

Their St- which includes be patient team with fewer their three open despite thc - 50 points [ Sugar-Salcm (15- "W c'rc

Kelsey so game to gi namcnt.

Isey’s team, drew P arm a,' )rd in thc field in ney since lised the Trojans Coach Cu m . streaky allom c good ball to straight, th

I B u l le ts in B o s t

BOSTON (AP) — C al ney tw ice kept the game

\: \ !Scolt Skil'cs w fo t V w ith 2.3 seconds leH in.i overtime dn W ednesday i

. 124 over Boston.'*’- I Cheaney had 28 pointsI___had 16 with ^_M Sists. E

_• scorcd 30 points for the ( dribb led th c ball o f fb is 16.2 sccondi lcf\ and Bost in g a 124-123 lead. •• 'J u w a n H o w ard , wh( points, got thc ball inside :

I _ it out to Skilcs, who hit “ from the right side o f thc 1

I gamc-winiier.Derek Strong inbounded

D om inique W ilk ins, bul really got a shot ofTas h e '

I out o f bounds under thc ba

B u lls 111, H e a t 85 -CHICAGO — Scottie I

' 27 po in ts and 10 rcboui Bulls scorcd their second o ftlic Heat this s « ^ n . •

1 Chicago’s 133-88 decisi 30 was its most lopsided \ the United Ccntcr and wa

; most decisive defeat o f 19l Bulls are 5-0 at home sin< ing Jan. 24.

i a b i t a t fwere second at 1,268.

S in g le s w en t to Pooe Craigmont, 733 and Byrai B lack f^ l, took sccond at *

T om Olara, Twin Falls; high scratch game o f the u 279, w ith Jennings rollin

. scratch series o f 707.

Y .A .B .A . aw ard scoi 1 recently; 100 game patcl: t H e n s c b ie d in a n d M a iy ] 1 109. 120 game patch - Ale s 120. 160 g am e p a tch ( ' T hom ason 160. 180 gan

M indy Bumey 191.300 se , es ■ Jak e D an ie ls 314 a 3 B row n311.

f ■ Bowling in thc Moose i— the-Bow ladrom e,J!enyJL 1 J im K rase , m em bers o f

team; on the some game, I t a ll sp a re gam es. Loren: i Kruse 181. t • ♦ •

Bowling ^ i r first-ever I th is p ast w eek w ore: C i 1 2 0 1 , B ria n B u b o m 1 M ichclloSoloaga^l2 .5 . * •


$ facelament I Ia-^Bo]«turdm 'Hntndn9 8 :& Qjn. Gome 1 2 :0 0:oU ;O O a.m .' Gome 2 3:30 Break Br6akJonship game Game 3 6 >i50 0 p.m. - Game 4 8:15

H H H Cotsols&n


lament I A-4 Bo]

G o 'm r iS ?

Jonahip game Gome 3 6:45 :40 p.m. . Como 4 8:15

- ••■Consdatton -

min/lhf limnNows

Kelsey said. Indeed, Parma net 3 tournament as thc fiftli sc d o f f favored New. Plym ou d cn route to thc title, style is to slow down tlie gai

:nt on the ofTcnsivc end. Thi ce opponents at district to few s per game.rc kinda used to lhat with Och said. H is T rojans needed ai get by Gooding in thc District

1, which hasn’t been to the sta c 1983, has only one re tu rn i^ 'u r t ChristofTcrson’s tca /ym all year, opening up 7-2, then winning three before cnc

1 p a i M G C

ton; BuiAlbert Chea-JC going and P tO IW ashington. '

n.the second Pippcn, wh/n ig h t, 125- •the floor. j s a

. _ . 10 rebounds :ts and Skilcs line passed, 1

Dcc Brown . Chicago deal IrCcltics.-'but Billy Owenlis fo o l w ith had six o f thi>ston protect- M iami was v

. K evin W illisho h ad 26 s tra igh t gamic and pas.'M.'d strain, Willis .it thc leaner D e c e m b e r rc lane for the' injury.

e d th e b a llto P is to n s 9 2 , tut he never . AUBURN 1 e w ^-fa llin g H ill sco rcd basket. Houston addc'

thc ninth tim gam es, even

5 p ip p e n h a 4 ' Mills and Bil ^unds'as thc injuries: id home rout Indiana, wh

row, played tli ision on Dec. out starter Da i win ever at cd his right sh was M iami’s by Oliver Mill 1994-95. Tbc Rafacl-Add ince last los- fo r the Pistoi


for Hun- Split? pickc

>ch K u ther, 10, Leslie Mi ran Jennings, C l ^ 5^7.It 707.Is; rolled thc ODDS ANI ! tournament, -avcragc-Julie ing the High *112, Forim a

A iroues 9 5 ,1 Sm ith 78, Sc

o re s .ro lle d Benner 70, Pi ch e s .-S c o tt Simmons 58. y Feusahreiis D av eC ox l74 Jex Freeman S o renson 12 h - S tev en - , Julie Wilson ame patch • Rocky Bemie series patch- 88 and Peggyand R andy ------ - r -----

Thelm a T l co lum n fo r t

5c League nt can reach h er . _ L o a n z .a D i L _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ o f th c sam e —

both rolled I:nz 187 and ' ^ U I


1 2 0 5 . and M2 N.M.In,

y 73

illnes!oys state Basketl

. . a t R eed G y m , Pocp,m.^ _ G om o S ^^ p .m ,

30 p.m. Game 6 3:30 pjn.Ik Bnok4 5 p.m. I Ciomo 7 6:45 p.m.15 p.m. Gome 8 8:15 p.m.

■ J S f f L• SujttSalenUlS^)

— — -fimS---------------CwiH a r |m i£ ^ M )

_ — Z G«» “S

e e a c ia k a ^ ) ______ Grte .Can

_____ BonneaJto d lfrS )

oys State Basketlat Hlllcrest High School

^ p . m . Gomo 5 ^ !3 b p.m. M p.m. Gome fl 3 ^ p.m.45 p .m ., Gome 7 6:45 p.m. 15 p.m. Game 8 8:15 p.m.

■Nntiw •

_______ G«»r cmfjom(>|£tidstla£i|f22-l

- < ^ 9 ____;■_________ . J S

rs jf tI No^fieai418-5)

■■::___ '■g w s -'- '" .............. um/ 'C l^ iifo fk4 |8 )^

______na cntcrtd regular season wii 1 seed, but “Wendell is a i louth and try nbout dirce dil

sec what works.” game and ' S i:^-foot five rhcy held Kramer, thc son fewer than Jeny K ^ c r . is ■

at 14.5 points per Gooding," Parm a a lso h 1 an extra Hansen back. Hi rict 4 tour- d u ring the rcgu

fatigue syndrome, suite tour- • • ,Tbc Trojans w

sUirtcr. attack led by 6-3 p^as been Heath Hartwig a O ^ g f o u r , vide inside pow ending the Ryan,Rcx can hit

e^anie lls wina basketball •who was I0-for-14 from s averaging 25 points and Is since the trading dead- 1, He had demanded thatal him. ' ___/cns scorcd 20 points,'ftit- . the H eat's 26 turnovers. -

s w i t h ^ top rcbounder llis , m issing h is second ame w ith a severe back lis also played Ii(tlc in die r m a tch u p b e c a u sc o f

'2, Pacers 79N HILLS, Mich..— Grant :d 24 p o in ts and A llan Idcd 23 as Detroit won for lime in its last 10 hom e en w ith forw ards Terry Bill Curley out w ith foot

which had won seven in a J thc last 42 minutes with- Dale Davis, who dislocat- • shoulder when he was hit

filler on a dunk. , "Addison scorcd 18 points < itons. Rik Sm its led thc I 24.

nanityeked: A lice Heeling 3-7- M arcellus 6-7 and Carol >

^ND ENDS: Games over lie Wilson 118, Dave Cox _ na A zevedo 105, L eroi ), B ill Freeman 90, V em S co tt P iper 74; Cheryl Pat Ramans 59 and Eric

58...Series over average- 174, Jim Wilson 145, Dale 125, P a t L augh lin 122, n 118, OaU Knight 113, mett 103, C beiyl Benner gyN ew biy 84.

T ucker w rites a w eek ly r th e T im es-N ew s. You cr at 733-4357.


■ln,TwIn F«ll»iJd.S336l.

'33-8593 P

.r..'“ ■ / ,'

Thursday, i

i S , f o ^r t b i ^ l l T o u m a m e i i tPocatello ■3,m.3 m Gome lO ^ ^ O O n .n ^

}.m. Ctiampioftshlp gomej.m . 5:50 p.m. .)

ii) I ••Cm 7 - _______ -

s p iWKKm

CinS ______I

^ 1 - ' • ' ___OAft* XIMNSON/Th* Urn*! tiM

t t b a l l T o u r n a m e n tlool, Idaho Falls ').m.- G o m e ^ ^ '^ sS s a.m.).m. _ Gomo

).m . . . Chom^_lon8hlp£Bmj>

a m i. ___

■ I H6m 8 __B )„ -•

<i_________DANA JOMNSONhc IlmnNmwith four losses.; a real balanced team," "W c’ll : different defenses on them and s."ive-inch sen io r cen te r M att on o f Green Bay Packer great is the Panthers’ leading scorer

per game.0 has 5-9 sen io r guard J e f f

Hansen missed seven games igular season due to chronicm e , ..........................s will counter wilh a balanced 6-3 post Dale Bunn (13 ppg). g and Ryan Rietkirk also pro- ower, w hile Rob Buhlcr and hit from outside.

Briefly iBack troubles

MIAMI - Fred Couple Wednesday wilh a recunc much o f last season..

1 - Couples, tho winner-of i ’ ment officials he felt twing

Af^er seeking medical ai take a week off to avoid thc

Talks go on; ej. -SCOTTSDALE.-ArizT-

thc baseball strike wiped received pcmiission from t in Montreal.

Nine hciurs before the O against Arizona State at nc and owners gathered again

Even as they were talkii celed 26 exhibition games ing thcBaltimore Orioles, \ • And in Lantana, Fla., 20 didn 't show up or walked o

Paralyzed Seal. SEATTLE - Mike Frier, thc waist down, can now g wrist attachment.

Frier, 25. has been und Washington Medical .Cent cord in a car crash involvin;

The cen ter’s stafTsoid ^ - becoming more legible anc ' , because o f improved firigc

games with the Scahawks . walk again.

Rockets fonvaiHOUSTON - Houston R

lisl less than a week, is exp o f an aggravated back prbbl

Thc team said Wcdnesda inflamed facet joint on the to decide on Horry’s roste ex p ec t^ ’to last between 10

^ Well

StoveH illow a . . , 734-1208 M*rthi

f lH T H a■ a .

l o i r (

7 ;

y, March 2 ,1995 . Timos-Nows, T

I at stjTlie teams square o ff al<

I winner taking on Tctoji' champ Malad at 8:15 p /n .

J. Class, A-4 / ..--------- ^ThrMagicVallcy’srw o’ toumcy have more losses

one other team in the ficli due more to (he tough con 4 than anything else.

. Oaklcy. had to ovcrcon champion Murtaugh and 1 to get here, while Dietricl Carey and overcame two r es to Shoshone,

The Blue Devils open at . - .u n en v iab le ta sk .o f ta c k l

Nampa Christian (22-1)."I think they’re almost

Dietrich coach Randy Mc( are pretty disciplined, Thc takes."

A lthough D ie tn c h , % Southwick as the tallest sia lot o f heitthLnertherdo'thc

k W hat they do have i: patience, McCowan said.

"They ran some, but tl , shots," he said, i! W hat D ietrich needs t

good quaners ofbasketball"1 don’t think there’s a (

tournament this year,” he s . McCowan niayed for D champion team, ion 1966.

Oakley also w ill have bench when the Hornets t ( l8 -5 ) at 6:45 p.m . AssC Hardy was on thc 1970 a teams, Tlie Homets third a

- phy came in 1977.----------"W e have to focu.s on a

with good -shot selection," Gamer said.

Defensively, his team \ full wii'fi 6-3.senior guard J

■ "H e's the best player ir said.

no North Gem coach Ken ' defending O akley’s oven

■[| pccted quickness edge ins 1(1 com.

"O ur big guys arc use itt guys." he said o f having t' at ers, “But it looks to me lik cr five ^ y s 6*3 and they an

m ob ility . Our in side pc ff defending 6-3 people that ts and slower." ic Christensen said he conj------ to bc -a-ruat team” but say;;d when they have die num ^ .). it backout and try to bedi:0. The gam e also renews id begun nt U tah S ta te L

Christensen and Gamer w.e

In sportss flare again for <lies w ithdrew from thc Doral- Tcncc o f thc back problems th

>f two carly-scason foreign eve ages in his back last week in LO attention at his home in Dalk

the possibility o f aggravatiiig di

ixhibition cancel!- A s negotiators met for the ti

:d out its first gam es o f 1995 1 thc Canadian government to i

Califcimia Angels opcped the c nearby Tempo, small delcgatic in at the golf club o f the Gainey king, die American and Natio » during die first 19 days o f V1, who refuse lo play replaccmci JO players at Expos camp eithei lout.

ahawk grasps peicr, die Seattle Scahawks tacklc I grasp a pen and write withou

ndergoing rehabilitation at th nter the past six weeks. He ir ing Ihrcc Scahawks players De< id W ednesday that F rie r 's h md he is having'an easier time ger flexing and bending. Frier, :s and Cincinnati, is not expect

ard back on injui1 Rockcls forward Robert Horrj xpcctcd to miss up to two mor > that Horry had been diagno IC jeft side o fh is lower back. T iter status Thursday, but his rc 10 days and two weeks.

Con^nled f

ire Here

th« S«llar«, Office Manager '

34-4334I B I u e U k M B J v d J J ^

Twin Foils, Idaho D-7u

ateTal-6:45 p,m„ widi die loji' o r defending state,, i/n . tomorrow. ;

two entrants in die A4*.' ' ' ‘ses - six - dian all bul field. But that may bcV competition in Dislric^u

rc o m c -d c fc n d in g s ta t« i_ . . jid a hot. Hansen team trich oudasted favorecl-> iVQ regular-!>ea.san lossw _

at 3:30 p.m. widi the;; ick lin g N o. I-ranked )• •:> ■ lost like a Shoshonc\*> McCowan said. 'T h ey 'They don’t make mis,^.,

h , w ith 6 -2 C h este r- ';t slartcr,_^(>c5n ! l i ia v c a --------- -i'the'TTojans, • ji,'c is good sk ills and'* id. '‘j ut they work for good '

ds to advance is foui*^’ tball.'McCowan added. . s a clear favorite in d i e ' he said. ' ' jjr Dietrich’s''only state • - ' '6 6 . . ave experience on itsi,.:ts wkc on North G em ' ^ssE iln f coach Randy 70 and 1971 swtc title’-’ ird and most recent tro*-

>n a good team olTense, in," Oakley conch B laij

im will have it.s hands^^'* ird Justin.Sant. - ' •:r in the stale.*' Gamer

Ken Christensen says.v ivcrall height and sus-;': inside is- the big con--i.

used to guarding big Ig two 6-3 inside play-,;; like Oakley has about;,,/ are slender kids w ith ,, c peop le arc used to -, diat are a little bulkier"

considers his Cowboys ]says Uiey will run only *mbers, “Ifno t, wc pull 1c disciplined." 1,ews on accjuaintence [c U n iv e rs ity w here ;r w.erc classmates. ]

S ------------

r Couplps>ral-Ryder Open on 1 IS that sidelined him j

events, told touma- . !t LOs Angeles. !)allas, he decided to )Ig die problem. •

elled :i ie lH ifd ltra i^ 't day] j !995 and thc.Expos to use replacements >

he exhibition season [p tio n s from players ]incy Ranch. jational leagues can- 1 >f March, 12 involv- 1:mcnt players. 1ither refused to play, [

3eri, writes ;ickle paralyzed from | ihoutjjsing a jp cc ia l 1

u the University o f : !Ic injured his spinal Dec. I.

's handw riting was imc feeding himself rier, who played 34 pccted to be able to

jured listlorry, o f f the injured more weeks bccause

ignosed ns having an k. Thc Rockets were is rehabiliUition was

ed fipm wire reporta ,

Gudroii Hallowa 734-1298

John Etheridge 734-1349



Page 31:' ‘r-_ Goodn Today’s foreca: Mostly cloudy wit 40s. Northeast Nvii Lows in the 20s.

Twii; TW IN FALLS - J I cd S aturday in the i Idaho volleyball tour ; -T he team o f K uit

______ } K enny A nderson . Ji - O ibby and K aren B I division A. T heir tci i Kathy.Clatk*8 team . I the cham pionship. T ; placcd third and fout I . In division B, San I the championship. T

------- - !._B ryant, B rian Capp! D a v e D a v is , R e i ; M cAM lIy and KeUy

• First Security (] * The First Security I Saturday and will fini; 1 M cCall, K ellogg. B I' Konison and Iddio Fal ' Following are local I in the lop ifirec in theit

I Your i. Follo%v1ngarothoscoroart

Iho aroa bowing cenlore fc ----------i-,andlnfl,Eeb,35,_________

> Ma^cBowI,TwiUgN'S SERIES: JoraoiM Jody Btyant 045. Ron Oa« Chuck Hicks 633, Jsny Somn Sr 610, Don Nowm Emory'010, Gory Choppio

I Birro1l608.■; MEN’S GAMES: Miko Goo

I Chuck Hlck» 242. Loon Kll ' . ! Jofomeo Costos 23S. Rich

I Jody Bryant 233, RonOow I J.V, Milcholl 230, Tim Sori I Bob Scovol 225.I WOMEN'S SERIES: Cami j'i- Wtonstfoor 579, Lee Colloi I MItchoD S59. MorQio Adsn- j _,Chomplln 547. BnrtJ Rayn(

«: I •ChorlFro«rian534.Joonr “ ShorlCoole# 527. Nancy! WOMEN'S GAMES: Cami

Wlat slroor 222, Janlco Sc Hazel Couch 210. Penny ( Loo Callan 203, Chorl Frw

A m e r ic a s c rew rea d

$5,000SUNDAY!Hourly Drawings'

. ■ S500. From 2PM . ! 11PM Every Sund

. Fclniary 26 TfaroQgh April 30.

. ; :

’r n r n a m i m m m


:f. t.TH<C , - *•

- ,J ____ i____________ i _ - x ____

n Falls. Idaho Thursday. March

in Fafls,- Sixteen team s com pcl- he C ollege o f S outhern oum am ent. ' i i t H olcom b. K irk Slater.1, Jenn i G oold , H e a d e r__1 RaiTTn>»rt f irct~ihteam defeated Q ixis and

im .olso o f Twin Falls for I. Tw o team s out o f Boise b unh .S am 's o f Jerome claim cd - ). The players w ere Doye apps. R ichard S turgeon , l e n e e a C a p p s , A n g le 5lly Aveibeck.

y Games near end^:ity W in te r G am es opened finish Sunday w iih events in . B o ise . S un V a l le y . M t.■ Falls.3cal com petitors tha t placcd p h e ir evem s last w eekend. >

scores aPatty Rlo^old 202 DotVonKooi(201,

^ SENIOR MEN'S S ot repc^od ffOT 509_ Tom Bofrye*: ifsfof Iho wook Ffoalor 653. Court

SENIOR MEN'S Cw m Falls FraoJor 233, Tom 1noo Cootos 657, MiWr 227. Maury IOnwson 635. 204./ Millet 626, Tim SENIOR WOMENiwnian 613. Bill Larkin 613. PrisdlliplB 000,'Rlch WiBnIm* 510, Ool

• Moi«h 502.Good»on258. SENIOR WOMENnKllmB9 236, Larkin 217, PrlwllRich Birrell 233. ' WiWams 190. MarOowson 232, Slokosbarry 179.Soron Sr. 226. JUNIOR BOWLEF

Lewia 486. KoUa C:anron Michael Goodsonlollon 5C5, Joy Goodwn 417. Alodoma 551. Toni JUNIOR BOWLEFeynolds 544, Lowi» 188, MIchai3onnSliaor534. Kalla Goodwn 15icySorclBy527. ' « 9 .

bscovoI20i. B o w la d r o i nmy Gentry 2M, MEN'S SERIES: E Ffoeman 202. Nell Sot»ook 657,

3 SA N D IE G O ( w om en's crew in A: hopes it finally has tl

Q V After two months ' J tition a round the m

IRCHASEONtBUFFn • O T E A SECOND ONE FHEEm tM m i y m f U l m f ^ m t CM M (m i h i ^ CM lM tk .C i^ m triote

t h 2 . 1995 ^

5 JeromeSend in your sDo you know o f a loCD

___ event that ought_to_be_in.Tell us about it!—

C opy m ay be dropped Ttmcs*News.officc (132 3i m ailed (p ;0 . Box 548 ,-T

^83303-0548) o r FAXed (73 Items should include fir

names and hometowns for mentioned, the date and p! event and w hatever score? w on fo r th e p a rtic ip a iii include a nam c-and num editors «an get m ore info needed.

Photographs are ericourai

FrMMyW mogiJi. Boon BmK B(A«274n0^-V Mm AnMraon. Kcttftum

a n d s t ^

202. Karen Scovel201, Rofler Gr#on 201. Lynnla Ronwo 196. 6n>c SlauglS SERIES: Moury Millof Ffod Ott 620yessa 558. Marvin ' Chappell 61ourtn«yKn)t1549. Larry MEN'S GAM---------------- ---- BobL-Loau'S GAMES: Morvln Rick Ruhter:

Bonyetso 231. Uiny Jerry Thorr pjry Miller 207. Ira Pitls Bfll Freoman

ChopiMlI 237IENSSEIJES:M.n^ WOMEN’S 05dlloR(e551.Vlrolnla- 036 C«tnvfc3olVanHookS07,Mnrva sheimB758-

lEN'S GAMES: Moiy ^oNarRo*»cillflFlfe25o.Vlrolnio sueSorenjcUarva Morsh 186, Jeon WOMEN'S C9. . 241 Calhyfc

LER-S SERIES: Nathan proifnon 22'Ue Goodwn 427. Loa2ef221.»on417.Michael , Cooka214 IAleda Slocum 357. Hoslnolon 2( LER-S GAMES; Nalhan s^ioRM ESio8lGoodaon158, Bohve&MO,155,AJ«iaSIocun. Smah553,T

Farmer 543,jm e . T w in F a l ls | ™ | ,S: Bob L. Looior 711. Bob Dolgle 3 357, Dole SorenMn 656, Couch 201.

' (A P ) — T he f irs t yearA m erica's Cup history tion

s the great equalizer. agairhs o f chasing its compe- ing r; racc course w ith a 3- defa


' CA U 1(M 0)I(■«■*■** . M nM CMWwtfw r*«




le volley----------------------- sportsio cal s p o tt in thc_papcr? ' ( ^ c a n e y

cd o f f at T he S i j : 2 3 rd S L W.),>,'-Twin F a lls , a««4(M4 n(734-5538). ; g « J } J: firsthand last ao«4o-usii. foc 'airpcople

d p la c e o f th e g S . Vore? or places: a<i»3(M4icii

la iits. P lease" kSS»^?3.o u m ber w herenform ation i f -aqIiTS i)ioii

Ag« SO-M tc

" " B c d . . I ':

cftum: Tr*artdw»v«i

srMflup 650. Bob L over 635. SENlaughter 630. Ed King 624, ■ BCk62O.DonHortel610, Ed V4nllC14.LynnBoW814. . Mwi3AMES: Roger Gr»enup 278. OAKaai#f.278.N«lLSa6K»‘( 266,___L*rkMer 265, Bnieo Slaughler 255. Mul»ompson 253, Virgil Conn 247. JUNman24a, Oon8olfKrf237. Ed Surr1237. Jokt r s SERIES; C h ^ Freema’ii ' ' jiyMcGowaneiS.Kalhy 581. Shiiley Sheets 573. Lee

72,ShoityLeo2er571.Rmc« 555, Raneo Hafer 553.

enton 550. Undo Slokes 540. ^J'S GAMES; Marilyn Kepner o UihyMcGowon 231. Chert •ME1225, Leo Collen 223, Shelly Gar)121. KalhyShwmar) 214, Mary Ray;14. Kothy Peart 213, llerto ^ 0>n 209. Robin Multlnix207. ei9,t MEN'S SERIES; Tom . VartM 642. Chet Nenzel 569, Vem 81333, Tom G lau 539. Hug MEr543. Avoit MEN'S GAMES: Tom Kenla 256, Marvin Fra»ier 206, Timgle 201. Chet Nenzel 201, Roy Oen:01. 232,

ear-o ld yacht, Ihe A m erica ' io n 's new s lo o p w ill m ake gainst Smre & Stripes today ir lg race o f the fourth round-rc efender trials.

IT PAYS TO PDrawing Ticiicls

^ Distributed DailGaming Co

tiirong!ioat,The ► Tie More V

Tlie More I Yon Have


0)821.1103 FOR RESEKVAT■ r*«M . Kmm pnMM MKMfM r*

ll Itm) M tkt O* kMd

^ V « M. i m - ^


^Spii ball tea• rwwBerMl. Drund^ UounWn. UoCal -a.BtitfyBarreonw . *.-1,C«KUe(J(M»an.Joton<«. .KTttOl crwiv40ntr>lp( - 1, Jmma UI«S« (

- Ik l l n M—»l, K«Uhum; J. UoUkOk.2 UvBcnirMn.KMctwm.Dk-i:K*^8h«aa«tKMchirfn:------D k-I.OMram, K.lehmn.Ok - 1. OattW* AndvMn. Sun V<li*y.

ton- I.BMtncra. HMy. Sk-1.K «r<yHM y.H^.Sk -1 . Jo La^. Sun Vsn«y.-I.FraMrOenM. K«ut>uni. 1k-1.DnUH*My, H«My.1CK-1, UMfv*, K•tc u 1.I 10k > 1. Rob Landl*. HalKy; J . Danlii 1.0«ry BMcsm. Sun Vaon. tOk - 1, Jim Bnnttvj. rnumph; 2. Ow I

10k-1. John W(ii. KMdtum. ton - 1, Ancfy Andrrw. K»lehuffl; 2, a

IDk-1. Jehn Daywi. Katctuni.Sk- t, Ocnilililty, H»H«y.)rv.Pv<mta6k]RMat vant tMma - 3, th* IMm a l J tB JoMen, ^ Ml. HwTtten end Uovd C«*p«r. ML HmtMo M IniSMilutI - 2. CM H tl li tn . HwiMn.

ENIOR WOMEN'S’SERIES: Beth ' Ckbolm 554. Hozol Coucfi 494. Dol inHook 487. Vir^lna Mulkey 472. iwy LarUn'^eerSENIOR WOMEN'S :AMES; Both Flckbolm 241. Mary' orUn.lM, H aul Couch 104, Vlfgltxla Iulkey'l92r0o( VanHooii isf.JNIOR BOWLER'S SERIES: Mindy umey 482, Steven Thoniaaon426. Ike Daniels 314. Randy Brown 311. lex Froenmn 293, JUNIOR - - OWLER'S GAMES: Mlr>dy Burrwy 91. Steven Thomason 160, AJox reomon 124, Sco llH ens^k l 117. andy Brown 113.

iunset Bowl, BuhllEN’S SEFtlES: Kenny Moon 692. ia/y Reno''653, Gory Benodlctu# 830, Jty VonHoaand 637. Chuck Hk*s 30. Ron Romero Sr. 621, Bob Fields 19. Dennis Shafer 619. Danny andemam 616, Derrick Bhnkman 13.lEN S GAMES; Gary Rene’ 267, Ror> ,very 258, Gary Bonodlctus 257.:enny Moon 255, Kody Desouki 244. im Robblns.243,,Dennls Shafer 237, lentck Brinkman 234. Ron Romero Sr 32. Dan Brown 232.

;a3 Founda- ce its d ebu t ' in the open-

-robin o f the ■

hPLAY. I X ffiIsW illBe K J| % T o M '

■ DInlni 5;i' Roonn vf : - ' —

a v E A . —

lOPtSi-ams sliii“ S t EdwardsiSaScMo). .B O IS E -F o r bn

first since 1979 - School boys' cigi claimed the champi of the Hallissey Ju

loutt p«A»f, toumamenl._______________^Ticd-43:43 .a t.t

against O ur Lady o M ountain H om e, S 13 unanswered poii tim e to ta k e th e t coachcd by Gary Q

St. E dw ard 's girl Ullll pMtidc. ner-up Red divisii

M ly H a fT c y . Trophies from b

2. Sun Fkm. to the parishioners M asses a long with;

T eam s from 38 ( * the s ta te com pete F»3», toum am enl sponsoi

M. Boise. I

'' WOMENIS SERIES: DusUe Jen 3l 579, Karen Scovel 55C, Mory Pc

5148. Kuen Wosko 538, Jean S I'S 531, Cloudene Stricklan 528, Vi

Kodesh 522, Dorothy Moon 52Crxia__ Brinkman 519.. Clem jBflois 5H

WOMEN’S'GAMES; Carolyn & ]y 235. Voma Kodesh 223. Oustie :. 213. JMnne Hleks 206. Karan i 1. 201. Dorothy Moon 200, Oaia. - ■ 198.TholnwTippett 103,Joan;

' 193, AmyBrlnkman 1S3.

Cedar Lanes, FilerMEN'S SERIES; Mlieh Pow67£ Waako 662, Doug Fhlts 636, Di Brown 632, Wayne Burgemelsli Scotl D«lsher611.MocGott60

130, Tracy Harr 600. Trscy Rldgowa Shannon Eggleston 591.

ds MEN'S GAMES; Milch Pew 2K Arouos 254. Oalils Brown 244.. Wosko 238.POI Romans 236, S DeiJlef 234. Moc Go« 234, Trm

lott 234. Wayne Qurgomolslef 233.Piper 228.

4. WOMEN'S SERIES; Valdl Bant )7, Connlo Brown 531, Lopeiio Col ) Sr. 524. Moniyn Fisher 520, Jullel

RkJgeway 510, Solly Williomaor

»m I_____________ 1:

~ \ X X 1 0 -Dedroom ! , ■

X 12-Jen I :iV .

— T IE' X 10' .y. : . Otdroom


vv::i E R V I C ^ ^ ^

F F t R N j r u R ^ ^

ine at C!ds b o y s , g i r ls w inr on ly the third tim e - and the ? - the Si. E d w a n l's Catho lic Eighth g rad e b a sk e tb a ll te am mpionship in the C old division r Junior H igh '^chool basketball

a t th e end o f°rcg u1aiion p lay ly o f Good Counsel pansfTTrom e, St. E dw ard 's quickly scored points in three minutes o f over­lie tit le . T h e b o y s ’ team w o s ’ y Quesnell and John Miller, g irls look first place in ihe ruri-

/is ion , T hey w ere coachcd by

n bo th team s will be presented icrs o f St. E dw ard’s a l Sunday 'iih player introductions.

38 Catholic parishes throughout le ted in th e annual basketba ll nsored by Sacred heart Parish in

I Jenson Morte Fisher 502, Clndl ry Potts Clark 468, FallmaAravi an Soge WOMEN’S GAMES: Fai 8, Verna 234. Voidl Belles 200. U 1520, Amy Cobeaga 196. Connlo Bi5 i e ,„ :____ Onvma,Ultlor1Q1..l:Qir«iTl ^ar>go ' 169, Marilyn Fisher 168. jsUe Jensen 166. Marta Fisher W , ! ro/j Soovfll Williamson t « 2 / ^ aiaJBOel* / san Soge------

jr Y F C A le a g u e sI b79 John Following are the stondl 3 Doilis YFCA volleyball loaoue

s s . i i H r . y . 0.256 Larol Hotsy Steam Sloro 44 John ■ HyongPakUwOmces 1 6 - Magic Valley DIsthbutin T ^ r r

C— «

B.10. 543, “ “ W™S1«W0

1“ “ "“" F W C o « i* L « W « Tiaon 503 Plomlnoo EnglneeroN,


W e i n s t a l l 7

» q u ^ i


• S ta in Relea'■ . for w ear a n

heat-se t loc___ contrbl^lfH

-&“l(5op-fatp, In proportlc m easurem eR em ovnt of o ld ct ta x n o t Inc luded .

We hai tUr

j r r ^ 6 3 F i i i m oa HOUHS: Mon-Fr

:SItouriM a r i n s sw im b ig a

; C A L b Iw e l L - J iy l c n o- Magic Valley Marlin swimI Sniiic River Winter Champii T at Albeitsot] College in Caldv j Ten teams participated, Inc

the Boise area, Elko. Nev. am In the 13-14-year-old ag

$— eollecled-flrst-placo-fmishes ] individual medley and 200-n-

go wilh second-place, finishc: * , freestyle, 200 freestyle arid 11

Inta’tl.U-yw-^OMtlon. BrtMi Bi 500 tr ityt* «r« tourtiM W 100 butu ImM DM in tn« 4001.M.

y mth« 1)-t4-yMr<M 0M»kx<. OUn* C ' inth* 400 I.M. snd mma 1SS0frM*r

thW H th* 400 I.M, •rxJ« mw h tt>« i i

y ’ mex 1S-1S-r*v-olddNl*ian. J tam l' bick*trok««ndtcuink>tn«200b«Wi

gr lKiMl IMrd In tM 10S0 trMity<«. fou It S S to S in m 200 butlortV. U . DII ttr«)lnlh«200backsM iU.

OlhM M«nin »wtmm«r» thal •cWovwi

idl Meyer 492. Val Idaho Compuler £ ovedo482. VolM, Inc. ..Fallma Azevodo" Johonson Team

Unelle Snopplo/Cale Ole# Brown 197. MedWno Shoppoir«nJustoaon . . . ,Ror>gen.lnc..68. Clndl Meyer SobushTeam 5, Sally

FIrwfCoodBlMV_______________ EHMWoldco|(^^^^H B _R oyT »ld i.runon]i.

Renter Conter DonneileysAlado

: standings unon/jeny sndlngs for the Cooper Normal ■ UB through Feb. Relrlgeniilon

Everlon MoIln»ss Ground Round/RI

34-5 Conyon view Ho! s Office PIUS32-10

27-12 Co«ICL*ogu# *s .25-14 Idaho PowerIting 23-16 Lamb Weston B2

20-22 KoegansflOno Vie 13-26 AmaJgomnted Su 5-34 Lamb Weston 01 2-40 Thompson Toam

Uniied OII/AmaJgiI Laiham Motors

40-2 Bany RenUil

m> 1LEI

7 0 s q . y d s . p i

l i t y c a r p e t f o i

II Charm" has it all! ase. Five year Umltei nd stain reslstan^ie. )cked in for keeps. A HA approved. Richly ^rSnrallerD rlarg^ ion - bring in your r< lents. Installers a re :carpet, stairs, cement floora. (

:d. ' ' .

ave a repu ta tion f< im lture prices in i

fe defend it e^ SoU»factlon

We will n Price Prot!

=rl. 9-9, Sat. 9-5:31

i ' '

" n e y jg a t Caldwell | ■cce Burdick led the}rr «m team in the 1995| mpionship swim meet,•aldwell. —, including teams from ,

and Ontario, Ore.1 age group. Burdickihes-in-ibe 400.metcr-»----------)0-mcter backitrokc lo [ ishes in the 100-meler id 100-meter butterfly.

Burttt look Mcond in th*) butt^. »nd Dsn H«»y «*■ma Outmn# wabOM n-cccd IrvMtyU; KrtsCh OM addw) aIhaUjn, Jrt»ThOcn«*toc*lNnlH 'm BM look too

division, SMphan Cnimrtnr«, fourth H tha 200 beekitrokWMl. B«rM Hir*hr»ylev»d (MtionM b«tt* lnclud«c( !Mal Pacltar, AmtniM eiaMdt. ;ouMnsrusnievecR*'"'*- '

Jter Service J3-9 -«.•31-1 1 ;::

,am 23-19 -b OIo' 14-28

f l" ' 5-37 !

I*” ” . 37.= ':lOfDl.Cfiopol______.32-.10,»r 26-16 “ .,1ado In Idoho/Gem

26-10non. i Coywesiom,I ^ 20-22 ■m s . 13-29fTdmEK Dryvroll . 8-34 Hospital 6-36 ,

35-7 ! ■ ■■nB2 30-12'•gVideocablo 2 3 -1 0 '.KjSugor 21-21 -m«1 21-24 •own .16-27 • •maJgamaled Suflax 16-20 _ jrti 15-27 •I ■ 13-29

r t


p r e m i u m

o rW\:ler monthon approved


11! ScotchguardS. ited w arranties 6 :e. Yarn tw ist isS '. Anti-stat g' ily textured cutg inrareas- priced -gr r roomre ready to go! ^ra. furniture mov%g& 21

S :

I f o r U e i o w e s i ; n T K i T W e s E s ? —

e v e i y d a y .lion or m oney back.Ill not be underaold. rotectlon Quarantee i

datalle In etpr^J,'

. 7 3 3 - 1 4 3 1 - 3 :

i : 3 0 . S u n . 1 2 - S l

- - 1 -