^ ApillL 11, 1923. llin i[1^ R eported C fOUREWr w D e V...

' ' : voLua•IE;o/KU^^u^li■ llin i p i i ' ciifflj ill Agttemont by Turkish Parlia ' m«nt to Permit Dovclopmen: '( ' . of Biff Dl«tri?rr Conflict Ex pootfld Bot/tfeon AmftTjcoi Oroupa ;■ .Vast Railroad SyBtui laoludod Is Ilaimnuth Plan WASIIINUTON, 1). C, April 11. —A xrrinnN' inlirnaUonal sUwa- tl«n, Jun brfn crrstrd liy the bc- Hod.. ul..ttae. TarkUb-uiUotuitUt PKrlhnent at'ADmre la rnlltj- lu rth ^ Mo«ill»d ChrnlM-eonccM. Kibii lor a TBKt developinrnt nnd fsploltadon of Tnrklxb and fora* TarklHh KrriUirr, abkcc^eni In n'uh(i>]r(on were conrlnMil Mar. Qrant nrlmln I* cerlnln to coiiicsi Itie Clienter concotmlon ncconlltiR u InTormatlon la well, nonlcii aunrten here (bo plnn 'itrlkeii aqunrcl) 111 vast nrlllMi Interestn lu tlie Ncai Haxt. time Iho Umdon' BovornmeAi !■ contlitcnlly tlKliilnc (o malnulii Not alono <Io«> Uie rntltleatlon ni the Choilor concrimloD moan Hint I vrlll be fom ht hy Qroftt nrllnln. Iiui thix actlciti at Ansnrn cauncs a «erl UUI claoli of liitere>ln between tvr< Amrrlcftn Rroupa o»er n priee wlilul probably canitltulei ono nt the eren c«i clovelopmenl enlorprlMOB cvej pl»rinoa. n n a U r tfio t;njte<l 6<it{o(i (corsni meat ItNolf li ibrown Inio a dollcali poiUton, bocaute tiie. rival plnrni u two Croat American Rroaps mudyloi tbe development ncbome. on« o which Ib backed by Oroal Britain nn< becauiio - of clrcumntance* wblcli, i . id believed, tnay mnke ll ilKflruli fm tlila (ovomtnenl to nlve active aup port u>' Uio Cbeilor conceaaloii. . ■Bi’iaOy.illiU la the ChciHor conccs 1. A vibl HyBlem of mUrmdn bun<troda o( mllea of lliem—la lo U comt«ffltt|d ihfoukhout cnalorn Ana tolla." - 1 The.rlRhta to tbo oil nnd othoi Tnlntml-dlevelopmoQt are crnUed ti the territory etretchlni; for twenty kilometers on escli ildo nf Uieai ' conceaaloHii. Thero nro nlmllar wn tor power srauie.. 3. Parts are to bo CMatruclnl on Iho Black aea nl Bnmnun. nnd th' . othor on tho Mediterranean ot You mourtallk. r Tho conntniction of a xroat mod ern city at AoRora, aa fho now capi lal of Turkey, ta planned.. Oil Is at Ibe bottom of’thiB nuea : tion. SR It la fouiid blliind ao man; srave Intornallonal quonllona todn> Althoush (hln la admitted to b only a phaie of tho Clienlor coccen Mon. Mosul oil Is the key lo th fireaont altuallon. » Dm- Mosul and the territory nea It. whore. otriclcU reporliiTTSt». rlrl nil Is morally ooilai; up rroiiKih aoll. are In the ntato of Irn<>. lh nrltlah ol^ribouKh the Turka den It atronw. ENGliliMER W iP i H18J01 1.0ND0N’. April ll.—A coinbluc tlun of 11) haallb.. perslslont defeat of hla caodldatea at by»>flloclloi and InddenU auch an thst In tl houae last niRht when .llbernla an labor ootTotod tbe novornment, mo cauio ths roilRnatlon o( Premli noaar Low betoro Oiu 'ond^of tl: month. . j . Maay jwlltlcal obnorvem malniul ^ lUat tbo' prims miolator la oul awaltlqi sntohMloa of (be budgi (o parilsmeot bsfore rotlrlnx to pr vale llte, ,Abaenco of a reully alror party coDiorvailve mlthl succeed bl '* la ono th^S thal may restrain Uoiii Law trom tbla course, AaquKhian IltvisU.- ijloyd -Geori Ilbemls -ispti (be labor icroctp g<jt (i Rother. In.the boue. last Bifht ar deteatsd ihb soveroment oa the la ur-a resoluUoB fecardloc HA tor ej aenrlco non. The voto waa on "snap division'* aod less thon hn Ihe msm<^rs wsrs prsssot.-tho bo ernmeali Josinc oul by seven vote 14B to 13). ‘ Loud Paralstoivt cries.ot ^r premlar. aod hia follQwers. The ii ■- • fcltn! josjicnr were iRnorsd by u warrant -tbs goremmeot's realRn; clileQl Js' sot serious onouRh ' IJo». Bonar X^w's heallh, it la fea cd to .b o ii cortaln cause for reUriuhont. • Tlie prime minister aomowhat sIronRSr after a vacatl< but, his ■yiroat f* so :»eak Ihnt 1 cannob-sjiswer qutsllona audibly t commons.' . AnotUsn fsctor ia that tho cooie vatlves haio loat the Just tire by elections. ’ iM IT fl.m U N G . SEATTtB.' Wash.. AprU <1L-^ ordlnf {0- pollcs luthorltlw. :J Rndo. Japanese ..Junk dealer, ear today Tolnntsrily confessed st heai quarters Uikt he ahot ami killed h wife n n d ‘ lh;!M diuaahtorH In ihv liotno bor* yesterdrf)-. V- " . ' I N i [1^ R eported C w D e V alera 0 Free Stai II Irish Leader Said to H IL Fugivtive’ A fter Fij Badly. W ounded; j lla, Bxcii™ ent Over £ unt I ^ Kamonn de Valers ----------------------- ""[[ Japanese Privy Counci ■for Favor® Abrogation o the Lansing-lshii Pac 3'oklOi April IL—Tho Japasot priry council today ratified tbe pn ^ posed abroRntlon of IM X^nilni 7»?iH urrwmsDt with llie L’nJW Iher ' . Thil action, whon followed b p.y. formnl ubromllon by tho Unite hene compete iho work t wn- IbrowlnB Into the dlplomallc dli tard lha nRrcemont made five yent a«o undir whtch the United Blatt ■,,.J rocoRnlied the "spectal Intereit” < you! Japan In Chlnn. Tho sgreemonl lias boon abrogale becauae the nine-power irealy < -api- WaahlBRtbn covered ihs naroo Rroun nnd was' connldered na dednin clear# iems Ibe naiuro.of Jepau lany China. WOUM) UISCUHS WAYH W ,c„! l'OJr»ATI.N(» COl'IlT UKCI8I0 Sl’OKANB. April ll-Qovernt Loula F. Hart nnnounccil bore toda ,lr[j Ihal he haa sent Invltatlona l o ^ . Rovernora of flvc nlale* liavlnR iffl Imum WURO lawa naklnR them to a! .i,__ him In urRlnR a Reneral conference > execullvea of nil elaies lo dlscui waya and moana (or moetlnR tho al uatloa croatcd by tho recent luprcw court dcclalon.__________________ IT’S AN w f may ------ (( mlor ^ idset . ironif \ W ? A L L TW IN TA LLS, IE Capture oi a Denied by ate t)ffic€rs Have Been Taken While a Fight in Which Lynch Is All Ireland iri Fever oi ' Story of Apprehension. B UIJKLLV. Alirll U .-U p tn re of Knaionii do Vulrra nan rrportrd H Ibranshout soulhcnt Inland to- day, but thf htilltarv aulbnrltlri M of Iho frff Ktule Inter denied Iho former prrstdont ot (ho IrLih r«>- public had been taken. Ai'counla. of IUe cnpturo of l> Valcrn and <if hla lleulcnnut. Doi V ' nrcen, faurluan rebel military chlel S who rieil toKethor from Clonmel ntio 9 a brunh In. which Llam Lynch wa m morially wjiiimled. woro al flmt .gen n emlly uccciiiud nn Iruo In Dublin, n - Kroo stnlo troopa wcro known t B - ho cloao on ih« heoln cif De Vuler 9 nml llrern. Wben wonl tif tlioir cap jfl luro reiiL-htd Uic capital from Cion S niol. (I wnx rei^arcled a s AUlhCRilt ^ ScvernI hourn Inior. howovor, lh 4 military nutlmrlilun of ilin (rco ntut jfl declured tho r e ^ n untrue. lrl<<h UMory lu nhlrh »f* >a- .Irm lia<< plhyrd no alrlklnR a part vicna lbc rebel rhleftaln In tno diNllnct rokH. t'ntll Jnnu- nry 7. lOfi!, iiben Ibe dnil Ein>- ' nnn rnttfl^ Ibe |iMce (m iy Kllli l<rrs( Urltatn ihat waa lo H roHult In the i>stBbllahm^nt ot Ibn fnw r(4 sIf, thn Npanhh-IriiUi xr-hool .tfaeher waa leader of all I IrelaiKl In the tight for Inde- f 't a d e n r ’e. llo pinyrd n vlKoroUH r aoracnbat ncndemlc rnle and nnn n conatoiit thnro in the i/Iile of the BrtUali ffon. Early In Janunry of laal yoni - however, tbo dntl met nnd ralKle ____ Iho poaco trnnty over I)o Valern' .. strenuous ohjecilona. Ile renlRne n C ll on preqldoni of Die Blnn Teln pnr • llameni, atodu. for re-election an o r was de(eal6U by Arthur Orltfltl •nof moraont De Valera becnm (lie nroh robol,'. nni only aRalni I Orent Hrltaln but aRlnat ^o. Roverr aooao'ineni acceptsd by Ireland which li I pro- nlwnys claimed >irna but n puppt nlnR- IB tbe liaada ot.tho British., . “VaJorn cosslAatij' foufbt tc complete InOependsnco ond used a! 1 by U'* Influence—nod. ll wna tremor Inlicd sQuthom .Irolnnd—ho ha I, .» ncqulred during the. “war" wllh Rnn ,11,. land to block, the alma of the fro yenra *“ ‘®- , . r ‘of l*UT TO UKATIl. LONDON. April ll.->81z Irlah li iialed ou'ConUi were exeouled nl Tuai y Qf this mornlOB, accordlnR lo Dubll round d'apaichei. (Inln« ■— . ipau’s I ---------- rr— --------------------------------- KILUEU TO JIKOAnCAitT tmiiv '•‘'■oalOB CrnlR K m m e r. son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joo Krnmer of Twin Kills, wbo will tour ernor country with Iho Csdman Jt,i. Chatitfluqun' company this sum- mor, will brosdcail lomo saxa- «M Plio*** *"‘i marimba aolos from L ot <Topeks. KAissi. Many local I.” .?. f»n» who own lets aro - In plann1t«,.io llalea In nnd hear T teresting experimi \uSrr U ^m jiiiW ls M iED FOI iMIRAClNS of ----- >n. Gtmuns Acoordcd ^ousli Tro&t mont by French After Tbel: Dlaplay on Occasion ot Funer 0* ols Held in Honor of Victim ho of Fronch Sbootins;' H al • Workmen Ordered to Worli l>e Don lilef, UUIILIN. April ll~Tliu llulir puli tflor io<lay fnr lla doiiu>iiniruiluu acuinn wus the Frcnch on thr occnalon nt tb son- (untrul ut 13 Krupp vlctlina yuaUc n. dny. ’r 1 to livictlnnK. fines. arrcKin. Ueporio liero (ibna.'ahootlnRi ami thrcms of i.-ourir « P - tnurtlal wero roporttd from a Coie •lon- dlfferenl places of the new occuplc Rile, area, as well aa Itie uM. .**)* .DevfllnpmcnlH In tuilny'M dlnpalchc IncluilMl: Eaiien—Anothcs victim of lUo al fair nt Krupp*. wlitrc Frencli troop . fired with machlnu Kumi upon iniinnc Jl, . wtirkeru, died ihbi niornlnK. u- -'WoUlirop-rA Prrnih aolillfir aht nnu kti^^J a Oermnn Rlrl, Kllubct ,ly KouReni^mi, near Iluer lo Frankfort—Tho Frcnch coiiilnuo ot whole<ialo erlcllonK. They occuplc alt a, second rnllroad cnluny at St. I’aul lU nanr Tro»eaV leillnR approximate! le- IOq Clormnn famlllM Into Ihe itree UK Trercn—Forty railroad workera r< ad celved orders to work fur tho Frenc de or iM) teurt.iuartUlcU. Cohlenr—Forly rnllniad worker 'onr. and Iholr fnmlllei woro thrown oi Iflcd of tholr homer, srn'a Dunaberjt—Tho Frtnrh fined lh jncd town approximately 70,000,000 mark pnr- ordered Imm'nllalB payment In dollui and and arrenlod tho mayor and othoi :flth. na hostsRes. Soviet* Strengthen ^ — MilSu^y .Forces in .Readineit for Wa tor _____ I A» MOSCOW. April 11—lluaaln. doil non- |n|- poaco at much as any nation, had atrenRthonlniC army, navy and a l^R- forces aRalnat llio ovcntnnllty of ne froe wfir, accordlnR to Uon Trotsky, w« mlnlaler. RoplylnB to a question In an a "embly party meollnR TORnrdlns 0 I in- possibility of auch new war. Troti) •uam auld; ublln "Wo avoid wnr iis much an ponalbl ••rroof,of that fnct la thal we ha' cnilcd for a dlnarmnmenl cmiforoni and reduced tho alio .of our nrm Howevor, the posa^llty of war wi nol excluded, ana ono of nur flr tasks at prreeni h to stronslhen ll army, navy ond air forcei." er ------- “*■ 8T1LL D'ANCWO. . CLEVELAND, 0.. April 11.—Foi Birts -horo Ihli aftomoon wore atl shtttfllng aloOK IrylnR lo aoi a ne .1 conllnuoua. danclnR record. Ml „ ' Helen Moyer, 21, nt 2:3c p. m. hi 29 hours 10 bar eredll toward ll xsnrk of EO hours and two mlnui eaUbllalMd by AUna CummlDRa [ T ” *V«w ^’o r l t ___________ I ________ 4ENt7 a NYWAY I [ . If I bwTN j / ew6 The \ / / -X I 'i;. IDAHO, WEDNESDAY, A IL1 ^ ApillL 11, 1923. K fill IS t ip i o&t- Gem Stato -Kljops Paco with All belr Others in Gain in Number ol ner- Rosidents; California Sees Ad tlm s dltlon to 'Population and the ail Hast and South Expocts t< ork. Share the Huge Increase. puld WAHIIINGTON’, U. t;.. April 11.'- 4lnnt Tlio popiiUilUiu Ilf Iho t'niled KlaUn tbo will bv 110.G63,&0: oil July 1, 1PH3 aUr- urcordlnK to un ' oiilliiuite tixlay b) '' the cennua bureau ntatlMtli'lann oria- Idaho.’ nlone. will ahow a «n1n u: u n n - <OiOOO. loien The country's population In In julcd ercBBliiR at the rule /Of Min.lOt Bimunll}’. Tliln ivouid ^|ro n inia of 11D,MI,710 by Ihe .time Oio nen cenauB U taken In ie:iO. Tho 1031 connun abowed a populnllon of 106. ’ “f- 710.020. <>opn .].„g eillnialo oxcludn Iho District iniicu yf Columbia nnd Iho aintea of Vor- monl. .Scvadn find Mlaalaslppl. Thi "hul oinlrlct'a RMxvih durlnR tho .wor wni ibelb abnormal, beni-o not n Rood bual) upon which lo cnllmaie. nnd Iho tw( nued alalen lont population botwoon 1011 inltiL nnd 1H20. hom;o no eitlmnlca wen 'aul'a mado for Ihcm. aioly Tho entlmated populnlloni aa o Lreet. July by ntalrn lollow: a rc- Htate- ' lOJO. 1923. ■cncli Alubnmn ........... 1V14R.174 2.<M.0i: Arlxona^ .......... aa^.iui: 3*0.081 rkom Arknni.i!li ........... I.7C2.204 l.SW.ZS’ ont CJillfornla ......... .1.420.RH1 J.ROB.IK rolorada ........... 0TO.B20 «W42< tho Connecllcni ....... 1.380.031 l747«,4»; arkii. Dolnwaro ......... 223,003 :30.4«i illurs Florlilo ............. 068.470 l.0«8.!f(' Ihors QporRla ............. 2.R3C.K32 . 5,a59,lS( liinhu ............... 481^ -JTO,!?! Illinois ..........(1,486550 fl.790.B2 indlnnn ............. 2.930,380 3,013.»‘ lown ................. 2.404,021 2,48B.6<: m------ hllMUR ............... l.JB|»,J6/ l,'Jlll,4S' ,, Kentucky ...........2.418,«30 2.402.31 V a r L^ulslann -------- 1.7S8.&00 1.MS.74 Mslno ........ 788,011 • '“ •777J6 leilr- Maryland ......... 1.44MS1 U05^,2!l ,n la Mnssachuaeila .. S.RSt,38a 4.0M.M air NlchUan ......... Mfi8.4l8 ’ a>77.S2 nsw Minnesota ....... S3K7.12G 2,49»,39 , war Mlaaourl ......... 3,40fOCS 3,«S,B7 MonUns ........... &48^ eil,» aa- Nebraska ......... l,2fl«J72 1.33.1.#t • (he N'o* llampiihlre 443.063 447,69 Otiky New Jersey .... 3,lH».900 -2.378.80 New Mexico .... 374^0 lalblo. Now York .......10,386.227 10.843.88 have No. Carolina .. 2.Ceg,123 2,688,32 ronco North Dakota .. £46.872 ■ - (72.04 army. Ohio .................C.7S5,.194 Q.U742 waB (Iklahnmu ......... S.02S.2M Jf,t«2,fl7 flrat WrrRon ............. 783;W# BS3ji7 n the Pennaylrpnln .... 8.720,017 0.100,32 nhodo lalnnd .... 604,397 '628,97 So. Carolina 1.086,724 • 1,744.40 flo. Dakota ..... 636.647 6CS.63 -Four 'fona'“ CO m.BAS 3,393,07 .,|H Texas ................. 4,683.228 4.921.13 now tiah Mlai VIrRinU ........... 2.309,187 . 5,398.44 . had Wsi-hlnirton .... i;i4M9I. J the VlrRlnla .. 1.463,701 1.661.U nuica Wisconsin ........ 2,632,067 3,739.67 ;s in ! -------------- ---------- -HARVEYTOGUIDE;: lEWCOi , WAtiiUNQToV. April IL—G^orr lUrrey, Amorltlan «nkbaaindor i Qrent' Ilrltaln w l'l como homo . th ^ . mooth to'tnsonce.' (hp admln^tn , Uon's csmpalfcn for Amorlcn's ci Imuce lalo the Iniernallosal cooj cf ihe^Uaeuo Nallo^^ ilurToy loselher wlfi raati out sbU Ct ordinate nil ndmlaUtrailoa nctlylUi ____ iii_fluflnflctuil_tiila_j»iiar^j![ji{cli_ closer to Mr. iUrdlOR's nenn iho any other major policy or hls'^m li biiratloa al tbla lime. f-.*. ; Whether Harvey will rotvm to.h |.ondon ponl will depend on jrjut hs! pena anor he sols hore. Ke/XW'T main to direct ihe tUrdlnc W 4 car PSlRH. ^ -...It, . . .. r Pretldetii m fdltichlrnim utK tt llBrvoy to direct tho world obort cm paiRn, snd tae ,roimrds 0)0 'eliole* i (he happleit posslbl« oae. under-U elroomiiances fo> :ih«M r«jonst 1—Harvey combines, with itrot natlonallHm nn Intemntlonarpolnt rlew which ensbi««-bim (« Vliusll ( ^merican parllelpntlon' In world i airs without undue' snisUtlimonU 2—He is friendly with th».<if0« « ' croupa of thouRbt In the MMftUe r ariy on Interoattonat loovsivtffucheit s<tiool‘ iw^fiilL'.'iM itronRly toward Anorlenat.«Utw {Ion in the court knd.«WM|rfKMri membership in t&o U s K V ^ ^ .ts ervstlons and the BotmUUm troup of Irrsconcllsblss, Ills work will be to vrr ttf!V«C tb( toietber. I 3—Hll extMrlence ns snd the loUoste conUet bo.'tiu )i wllh Dritlih snd other -'^rop«i sistesmeD. hns fitted taint' (6 adH - Iht president not only on ths wOi coun proinm bnt on Istw'stept pie dtvs'opaeot of tbe Hardlsg ii ^ . tlm policy. ^ i “" IDAIIO ynktntA‘ . Tlnsettltd toalilit aaa/T]inrs< oq»s«on»Uy ' \ . Y T I I Everglade Trail 1 Blazers Near End of Their Journey .' ""^onT .\ii:vi';ns. amiii I II.-,\ Piirly I'f Jl iiM'ii ...1.1 I HuliiKli Uli.ctiir. ■> trait IliriiuKli I Flotl.Li Kv.tkIiiiK'ii. Will, wlili- 1 ^1 Jil 7r> nillt'ri Ilt .Mli.iiil hnijv. I rnr.lli.K 1., w.iril ri'ccivoil Ii.'rf- H Till' I'.irly. liKliullm; tiv.' i l|i nlni- iiK.ior cam In an i-irmi III i:>i iiv.T Mliiiiil u.ill Iviini I'.irl M.-ycrn lo .Mlmiil, All I'lu,,.! I., I'Mll ;i r.'ll.f r»- ■■»' "«:r e"' Ad- i;lil'l<‘' "III. ahjiiiiliitiril liiil:i> .-Acnnlliii; 1,1 till- liiilliin tiiii- the ||.T» IIII|||||<-<I In Ilii-^Iiarlv. f to f.irirlni; «!ii.;„l, h..«.-v.T. ui a I Hull' nmn- lhau i\ nilli' .i i1'<>. Our 1,1 111.' niM.lilni '. «.a-i ali..ti j iliiiiMil u|ii,n 11 r>lli<iii'il iillll :i laUii lUMj, ------------------------------------------------— f by ----------------------- ;:TiimoiP I OEGLlOiWISI Itrlct ' Vor- • DKH .MtHNKH, li.«.-i. A|irll ll--l» .' Thn pgiitiii t«' llll- l.c.iRiii- (if Wiinicn Vn' wna rra niiili'iiiil <'imvriuiiin »rn- ci'lii baaln upoif 1ieri> imia)' lo i-ntiiliiil lux n I two fcrcpinenl of la\v, niai.kul mulu* im 1010 crn«ornh1p nf mndun jiii-uiron. were Mr*. .Muud Wooil l-iirh. In h - r prr- lilentlnl nddriax Innt nlclil. drrliiti n of every uni'lifDrrcd law im lhi- kIiyihi bookn niuki'ii mor.- wliU'-iproiicI ll 23. inpniii'W'f lawlrnHncBH. Hlir ilvirlt 13.012 mnnkoil moliR b» ii "Rrlm ni' niii-p." 10.060 iirforrlnK to prolillililon lndlri-<::l >6.287 Mm. I’urk lodny onHerli-'l Ifuil llto nl 16,163 llRnlInn to ohoy lnwa Ih not 10420 liy llm rncl Ihal'u «r|I!iou mny In- n '6,4»3 tomptlnK to necuro repcal. 10.460 Mlaa Jii'la I^iilhrnp. formrr In’a'I i 18.287 Ihn chllitrcn'n buri:nu nf Ibn dcpnr I9.19C mrni of labor, uraed iliiit moilnn nl ^0,170 <uro cptiaorehlp la "uuwlsu nnd dm 10.624 Rcroua." 13.134 nad InfliiencPH movloa hnvu tin rhi IB.643 drgn nro RtowlnR .!>■»> bji'I nro.oxa rTTTW fl^iyuitii. bny wny.' m simr-rn iim' 32.317 If the ununl luva film Inleruatit tl IS.74K iiis]orll> o t cblldren.' . ... 77.269 "Any form of cenaonhip la dnngii )5^>29E oua, aa It ecntera loo much uuiliorl S7.M8 on .a Bmnll Rroup of poraona. Cemo 17.831 Ihlp of Ibr preea nnd platform Is Ilk J#,396' ly to remit." 18,071 ----------------------- il,in TAirtaiT ,\THK18U W.9I2 I'AlllS. April 11-llundrc.U 17,698 thouiandH of Huaslnn children are b 78.80S inR tauRht uihclant, Ihc Grand Du' Aloxnndor decarcd In nn appeal pu •3.681 tlihed here toilay. Tlio Rrand du B6,32B aaka jnoral* nld of Chrlnllan peopi 72,041 fur Ihe Iluanlan people In n flR 17422 BRnlhal'lho “lyriindoiis iHilthoklk ru I2,A7< ornment's war sRB(ns( reORfua—ali 2S470 cd to poiaon humanity," 00,326 ^ - :8,S72 >'0T .to WJTUDUAW. 44.408 WA8H1.N0T0N. 1). C.. April U. 65^32 Tho llnlled Stalei In a jtoio to Cu fl3,077 ada throURh lbs «iH4ah ombnsay b SI.ISO in effeol refused lo withdraw a pr 7S^1S Villon In coniracu for aalo of shi 98.441 plnR board vssieli, problbltlnc th« S3,Mm from, belnc ussd.afur isle in vIoli 61.166 ln( the Anorlcao prohibition lav 39.674 -------------------^ 110B«LD)W>' DE.SVEU, April 11—Four unldon Hod Diucs last Picht beat John Cnl broeae. 60, bound him. locked him .'v tl>e«albtr of .his home und rsninck tho houno fnr tlO.OOO, wblch ihny > i n T llovod bo liDd received from a poll I U I loft by hla « n who wua ktlle,l J l l 'r nctlon toversass; The money waa, i ,'r* In Iho huuao and ibe >obborH cm ut 116, Calsbreoie told pottce. AKKS .BECKIVKl^Kll’ lhl. 1.NDIANAP0LI8. Ind.. April 11 I'btrfl. necelTirshlp for thn LexlnRioh ^ »n. lor'comlksny-wnr nsked la a lull tli rourt- *•> ■t*iMrai oMft bsro tottay hy t . _ Jscuim MaaufscturlnR company iMiiQP ■'Vilminirton. Delswsro, makers of t toasbUe bodies.- . 1^1^ TCLSAi-VIc AldrldRO blo* up: tliirnhtfd luulus land the— t'Wcl Ldmin. Cubs.W 'io (hs.bktahomn Clly Wo \iKtatl ¥ • ••• ^ . ♦ itrooc t'- ■*“ Im Hm , '8J& 'DtiDqO. !.aiif'. J^rl! ll.-T Id sf* entlrs-towni.otJl*M Ui. Ois-.famc lents Torrey,PlBM craAs^^tM tatlrs sre Of y.iu< iMtSa blBBwsy4ad-MV«a«d)« of^sM co *.*ioKoi^ff;^;'sT«««J.y^t «C . a>urdor **ln ichnl^!5it 0«'iity> Stasr^Rs.Rl M W a!td «nniw 'A ; Boyn. the Jarors i ;^it7ro<|iltimUs,vPr«sldlnc JndBo " - ' If. M nnli attorneys :|n the case.' wOor, JsMbiiVnnd newipaper . men w u hA ovit’^ e plMis whers Frtttl Mi rop«iu was’lu t s«od alive the oltht ot J adTlt* n ty iti.'- , world -the room where .ept In MaDa-*>iMBl s few hours with ig for* pals -ud traubllng’ youoc nsB"i ^ - a'BIBS 8»n.6ollu«.'>hQ«r^itb» e c«n whsre tb* nysisrioot'BM n • t*re«.-’ .*tnt‘bnp.th# roi« whero W "?... nirt. W50ps«|6ns-aM U -X --..t-j-'.. - M E S OLD V<Ui. XIII. NO.'5.5. "fOUREWr HFfflliNE iNSfOllON- ;Imii;ites of New York Hospital '' Beat Oimrds Inlo Submission in Spcctncular Manner and Bo- V. como Frco Men;, Harry Tliaw Broke Out of Same Plnce iu ' About ll^c Same Way in 1913. " 3IATIK.UVA>, >. W .\prll ll. •Thrri' nt mnr rriniinnll; In* *^~ I Mllll' nnnli'l* xiliii «-«fin>rd Irom Miittrvnuiiii tndii}. >irro rnpliir- I <-d /1tl> nfternoun Mintb of I Aiih/fili., V. V. T \>0 Hrrr shnt tirfi.ro Ihr) «rro litkrii. Tbr (mirlb fiin»lrf» « iih Mir- n r nmiiilrd In ii r/uiiif> <if h.i.kIs \ l- tiriir^ ulirrc llip lbr«T «rrr inp- .W.l’m ; » A . \ , .V. April ll~ I'linr prl'iinrrH r<riitieil today ^ fruni tbr «lntp hnKpllal far erlfti- ' ' ” '1 Innl Inoanr in Ibr aprrtaenlar ! mnnnrr Hint rhBTiirtrrlipd Ibc en. I iniip Ilf Hurry K. Tbii«, fmm thr snmo hHllliillDii. , Suiiii I'lilUio. Iiiin|>liul Kuarda. lot.il |„ ,„I i< tficlala lind IninilRriUlon aKania n t. y'lilii' r.inailiaii hordrr are aoarchInK , j f c r till' fm r men. wb<i oncnpeil In un ,i '".'|ntili"ii<ilillu IirloiiKliiK Hi Ihn Innlliu- Him. Tliii prlNonrrn ovi-fp<iwitred flvo Ktiuril-i uml innk fnnr wilb Ibcai ua J ilti-’ * ““ *’“«bki;up»lu. iiuap'd (unRlllvcn nro Frnnk Jamea ond K. a l- Unwklna olMlr^nklyn ami John Ciiffoy and Murnulu Curtia of .New .Id nfi'''"-k. ' :piirt-| Mitwklnn wun Indlclod for munlor'. I nil'. I Ji.mon waH Iniliciod for folonloua poi- dun-1 ■tt'>''l<>n <if exploBlroa and the olher tVo wcro nrreatod for theft. ; rhll- The men ovorpoworod Henry Wll- ■ exBR- apn, Rmnl. and, atler laklBR ttto keya ’ tllllllJI ITllll VIUIL'II, IJUUIIQ' Ullll' t i u R t n ^ I n i . II Ibp nndUiR w npo blocked by Uio boUcd door of Ibe ci-ntfm «trt)Jpf^-thsy Isy inBor- In wall fur Ihe nlfht-rouodlD«o,.Bd- lorliy word-OllRer and James Ooyie wnJkad : imor- uiiHuipectlnRly lato the trap sad'Wsrs ' like- iiuloiiy Kubdued. Taklnft tho keya, Ihe prisoners tdadr iliPir wuy lo Illo rear of 'the ' bultdlns and iound. tlielr way l^ock* I oficHi by a maanlvo door, Once more they ro bo-llnid u irap for Ihe roumliman' aad Duke Wore oKuIn anccemful. W llllanr W--- - pub- aon. Kniinlliin of the door wna over- duks powcreil. They look hla keys - and eoplea cptnrd the door. flRbt Aa the Kuurda wero nol arm«l iho>^ c ROV- Were unaiilc lo rental tbo convlcta, -aim- who liarf a ron/lvrr nml clubn. . Tho fusltlvo U'cik Ibo Ihroo Ruards lo Ihn RnraRe, whrre. ufler fuille.ef- fortg 10 aiuri arversl machlnoa, they U.— cnllod oh I.«roy Krom. tho hoiplul Cun- chauffeur. y has KtjrclnR tbn (our men. InciudlnR I pro- Krom, Inio the nulomobilo. the prbi- ship- miem drove uwuy. When ihey reach- them ed a pOlnt norlh of I’ouRbkeepale tho rloloi- uonvU-U' forced their prisoners to lawa. ftllRht. «^lnrry Wllion -eicaped from hU . bonda an hour later i^nd rbvo tbo Idenll- <it;irm. Immediate search wss stsrt* Cain- ed; llm lu Harry .nmw. alayer of Slanford lacked WhUr.. fled Mallewau la much tho ny ho- xamo apcclsculnr msnnor, August 17. pollry 1913. ■ - Kl In Wllh Ihe aid «f levernl acconpllces aa nol ho daahod from tha asylum in an sa- il only lomohlle, nnd mado hbr way to Csh- iida. Hn waa recnptdted Ihoro two days loler.. _____ II- nu7)zi! sKtZF.n ' li Mo- DK.SYBn, •April ll~Uondod whli- I tiled koy v^ued at tlS.OOO'was selssd .by IJ' tbe prvlilblilon of/lc/tr» lo a nld s^sr »y of AdamA Citj- lato yestirdky. Two men of au- and u woman were arrested when U ' (Icon awoop«<t down on'nlsravel pit. whero the trio had taken .Vefu^ with up:'ln (hrie nuto loads of liquor nntirnKhl* . >J hiclKO fsU.—-Atiihorttiss ,be»m .U hnt.pslsflf . . Wost- era sre members ot a larte Tum ran- Cubt nlhs fatiR opersilnc, hetwiea Mexico _______ and Cp'orsdo. A^jBAFFLING iCENE VISITEb .-The from tho coiuifr—accordlng io (ho smous prosecution’s tbeory^snd tlaally vis* group tied-tte''spot wh«r«:. the'gitls' body les of wss.fmnd.-fUd in'•llkeltmdsnrsar, I coul aboot noon ^n JnaunT7 >&- ttevd*' -vPsul' W. .Seh^nck. ehlst dstsaso ■Is Lb’ ccBnseI..-uk«du-ta ptot tho^enUr* ttr* dorlni fltory In-efiaeacs tho worU*! ltrg<, lie s. Mr4hiK to;th!7M *bM thi»^/(«'tba 7: le. Dr. tdea'thst^ihoi’cM -^sm ^Uka tr«i< . want L^oJta-to .ths^l^olr;Tor»«r.;>Pltfl« ; . Mana- be«h't«--M.r«Bto£oW**v, ^ >t JsD- :Teitiaonr s ^ alibi. tor .th•^7aItnlt^vhW ^'W ^' rrSul fniitt-til * Ith "a tron. aa",' at Bt»i&6r« > w ottt* tiatsd I rsgU- .pr iro tha »lae« In lln tsiM llM in ilM fi^^ I UHw 4luriB_«V't a g B gTO m |||

Transcript of ^ ApillL 11, 1923. llin i[1^ R eported C fOUREWr w D e V...

Page 1: ^ ApillL 11, 1923. llin i[1^ R eported C fOUREWr w D e V ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · voLua•IE;o/KU^^u^li llin i p i i ' ciifflj ill Agttemont by Turkish

' ' : v o L u a • I E ;o /K U ^ ^ u ^ l i■

l l i n ip i i

' c iifflj illA gttem ont by Turkish P arlia

' m«nt to Perm it Dovclopmen: '( ' . of Biff D l« tri? rr Conflict Ex

pootfld B o t / t f e o n AmftTjcoi Oroupa ;■ .V ast Railroad SyBtui lao ludod I s Ila im nu th Plan

WASIIINUTON, 1). C , April 11.■ —A xrrinnN' inlirnaU onal sUwa-

tl«n, Jun b rfn c rrs trd liy th e bc- Hod.. ul..ttae. T a rkU b-u iU o tu itU t P K rlh n e n t a t 'A D m re la rn lltj - l u r t h ^ Mo«ill»d ChrnlM-eonccM. Kibii lo r a TBKt developinrnt nnd fsp lo ltadon of Tnrklxb and fora*

TarklHh K rriU irr, abkcc^eni In n'uh(i>]r(on were conrlnM il Mar.Qrant n rlm ln I* cerlnln to coiiicsi

Itie Clienter concotmlon ncconlltiR u InTormatlon la well, nonlcii a un rten here n« (bo plnn 'i tr lk e ii aqunrcl) 111 vast nrlllMi Interestn lu tlie Ncai Haxt. time Iho U m don' BovornmeAi !■ con tlitcn lly tlKliilnc (o m alnulii

Not alono <Io«> Uie rntltlea tlon ni the C hoilor concrimloD moan Hint I

• vrlll be f o m h t hy Qroftt n rlln ln . Iiui thix actlciti a t A nsnrn cauncs a «erl UUI claoli of liitere>ln between tvr< Amrrlcftn Rroupa o»er n priee wlilul probably c an itltu le i ono n t the eren c«i clovelopmenl enlorprlMOB cvej pl»rinoa.

n n a U r tfio t;njte<l 6<it{o(i (corsni m eat ItNolf l i ibrown Inio a dollcali poiUton, bocaute tiie. rival plnrni u two Croat American Rroaps mudyloi tbe development ncbome. on« o which Ib backed by Oroal Britain nn< becauiio - of clrcumntance* wblcli, i

. id believed, tnay mnke ll ilK flruli fmtlila (ovom tnenl to nlve active aup port u>' Uio Cbeilor conceaaloii.. ■Bi’iaOy.illiU la the ChciHor conccs

1. A v ib l HyBlem of mUrmdn bun<troda o( mllea of lliem—la lo U com t«ffltt|d ihfoukhout cnalorn Ana tolla." -

1 T he.rlR hta to tbo oil nnd othoi Tnlntml-dlevelopmoQt are c rnU ed ti the te rr ito ry etretchlni; fo r twenty kilom eters on escli ildo nf Uieai

' conceaaloHii. Thero nro nlm llar wn tor pow er s ra u ie ..

3. P a r ts are to bo CM atruclnl on Iho Black aea nl Bnmnun. nnd th'

■ . othor on tho M editerranean o t You m ourtallk. r

Tho conntniction of a x roat mod ern c ity a t AoRora, aa fho now capi lal of T urkey, ta planned..

Oil Is a t Ibe bottom o f’ thiB nuea : tion. SR It la fouiid blliind ao man;

srave Intornallonal quonllona todn> Althoush (hln la adm itted to b only a ph a ie of tho Clienlor coccen Mon. Mosul oil Is the key lo th fireaont altuallon.

» • Dm- Mosul and the ter r i to ry neaIt. whore. otriclcU reporliiTTSt». rlrl nil Is m orally ooilai; up rroiiK ih aoll. a re In the ntato of Irn<>. lh n rltlah o l^ r i b o u K h the T urka den It a t r o n w .

ENGliliMER W iP i H18J01

1.0ND0N’. April l l .—A coinbluc tlun of 11) haallb.. perslslon t defeat of h la caodldatea a t by»>flloclloi and InddenU auch an th s t In tl houae la s t niRht when .llbernla an labor ootTotod tbe novornment, mo cauio th s roilRnatlon o( Premli n o a a r Low betoro Oiu 'on d ^ o f tl: month. . j

. • M aay jw lltlca l obnorvem malniul^ lUat tbo ' prim s m io la to r la oul

a w a ltlq i sn tohM loa of (be budgi (o pa rilsm eot bsfore ro tlrlnx to pr vale llte, ,Abaenco of a reully alror party coDiorvailve m lth l succeed bl

'* la ono th ^ S th a l may restra in Uoiii Law tro m tbla course,

AaquKhian IltvisU .- ijloyd -Geori Ilbem ls -ispti (be labor icroctp g<jt (i Rother. In .th e b o u e . la s t B ifh t a r deteatsd ihb soverom ent o a th e la u r-a resoluUoB fecard loc HA to r ej aenrlco n o n . The voto waa on "snap division'* aod less thon hn Ihe msm<^rs w srs p rssso t.- th o bo ernm eali Josinc oul by seven vote 14B to 13). •‘ Loud Paralstoivt c r ie s .o t ^r p rem lar. aod hia follQwers. The ii

■ - • fcltn! jo s j ic n r were iR norsd by u w arran t -tbs gorem m eot's realRn; clileQl Js' so t serious onouRh ' IJo». B onar X^w's heallh , i t la fea cd t o . b o i i cortaln cause for reUriuhont. • Tlie prime m inister aomow hat sIronRSr a fte r a vacatl< but, h is ■yiroat f* so :»eak Ihnt 1 cannob-sjisw er qutsllona audibly

t commons.'. AnotUsn fsctor ia th a t tho cooie

vatlves h a io loat the Ju s t t i r e by elections. ’

i M I T f l . m U N G . S E A T T tB .' Wash.. AprU < 1 L -^

■ o rd ln f {0 - pollcs lu th o r l t lw . :J Rndo. Japanese ..Junk dealer, ear today Tolnntsrily confessed s t heai qua rte rs Uikt he ahot ami killed h wife n n d ‘ lh;!M diuaahtorH In ihv liotno bor* yesterdrf)-.

V- " .

' I N i[1 R e p o r t e d C w D e V a l e r a 0 F r e e S t a i

I I I r i s h L e a d e r S a i d t o H

I L F u g i v t i v e ’ A f t e r F i j

B a d l y . W o u n d e d ; j ■l la , B x c i i ™ e n t O v e r £

un t I ^

Kamonn de Valers-----------------------

""[[ Japanese Privy Counci ■for Favor® Abrogation o

the Lansing-lshii Pac3'oklO i April IL —Tho Japasot

p riry council today ratified tbe pn posed abroRntlon of IM X^nilni

7»?iH urrw m sD t with llie L’nJW Iher '. T h il action, whon followed b p .y . formnl ubrom llon by tho Unite hene compete iho work twn- IbrowlnB Into the dlplomallc dli

ta rd lha nRrcemont made five yent a«o und ir whtch the United Blatt

■,,.J rocoRnlied the "spectal Intereit” < you! Japan In Chlnn.

Tho sgreemonl lias boon abrogale becauae the nine-power irealy <

-api- WaahlBRtbn covered ihs naroo Rroun nnd was' connldered na dednin c le a r # ie m s Ibe n a iu ro .o f Jepau

lany China.


Sl’OKANB. April l l-Q o v ern t Loula F. H ar t nnnounccil bore toda

,lr[j Ihal he haa sent Invltatlona l o ^ . Rovernora of flvc nlale* liavlnR iffl

Imum WURO lawa naklnR them to a! .i,__ him In urRlnR a Reneral conference >

execullvea of nil e laie s lo dlscui waya and moana (or moetlnR tho al uatloa croatcd by tho recent luprcw court dcclalon.__________________

IT ’S AN w f

may ------ ( (m lor ^

idse t .

ironif \ W

? A L LT W I N T A L L S , IE

C a p t u r e o i a D e n i e d b y a t e t ) f f i c € r sHave Been Taken W hile a

Fight in Which Lynch Is A ll Ire land iri Fever oi

' Story of A pprehension.

B UIJKLLV. Alirll U .- U p tn r e of■ Knaionii do V ulrra nan r rp o rtrd H Ibranshout sou lhcn t In la n d to-■ day, bu t th f htilltarv a u lb n rltlr i M of Iho f r f f Ktule Inter denied Iho■ form er prrstdont o t (ho IrLih r«>-■ ■ public had been taken.■ Ai'counla. of IUe cnpturo of l>■ Valcrn and <if hla lleulcnnut. Doi V ' nrcen, faurluan rebel military chlel S who rieil toKethor from Clonmel ntio 9 a brunh In. which Llam Lynch w a m morially wjiiimled. woro a l flm t .gen n em lly uccciiiud nn Iruo In Dublin, n - Kroo stnlo troopa wcro known t B - ho cloao on ih« heoln cif De Vuler 9 nml llre rn . W ben wonl tif tlioir cap j f l luro reiiL-htd Uic capital from Cion S niol. (I wnx rei^arcled as AUlhCRilt ^ ScvernI hourn Inior. howovor, lh 4 m ilitary nutlmrlilun of ilin (rco ntut j f l declured tho r e ^ n untrue.

■ lrl<<h UMory lu nh lrh »f* >a-■ .I rm lia<< plhyrd no alrlklnR a■ part vicna lb c rebel rh lefta ln In■ tn o diNllnct rokH. t'n tll Jnnu-■ nry 7. lOfi!, iiben Ibe dnil Ein>-■ ' nnn r n t t f l ^ Ibe |iM ce ( m iy■ Kllli l<rrs( Urltatn iha t waa lo H roHult In th e i>stBbllahm^nt ot■ Ibn fnw r(4sIf, thn Npanhh-IriiUi■ xr-hool .tfaeher waa leader of a ll I IrelaiKl In the tight for Inde-

f'taden r’e. l lo pinyrd n vlKoroUH r aoracnbat ncndemlc rnle and

■ nnn n conatoiit thnro in th e i/Iile■ of th e BrtUali ffon.■ E arly In Janun ry of laal yoni

- however, tbo dntl met nnd ralKle____ Iho poaco trnnty over I)o Valern'

. . strenuous ohjecilona. I le renlRne n C l l on preqldoni of Die Blnn Teln pnr

• llam eni, a to d u . for re-election an o r was de(eal6U by A rthur Orltfltl

• n o f m oraont De V alera becnm(lie nroh ro b o l, '. nni only aRalni

I Orent H rltaln but aRlnat ^ o . Roverr aooao 'inen i acceptsd by Ireland which li I pro- nlwnys claim ed >irna bu t n puppt nlnR - IB tbe liaada o t. th o British., . „

“VaJorn cosslA atij' fou fb t tc com plete InOependsnco ond used a!

1 by U'* Influence—n o d . ll wna trem or Inlicd sQuthom .Irolnnd—ho haI, .» ncqulred during the. “war" wllh Rnn

,11, . land to block, the alma of the fro yenra *“ ‘®- , .

r ‘o f l*UT TO UKATIl.LONDON. A pril ll.->81z Irlah li

iialed ou'ConUi w ere exeouled n l Tuai y Qf th is mornlOB, accordlnR lo Dubll round d 'apaichei.(Inln« ■— .ipau’s I----------r r — ---------------------------------


tm iiv '•‘'■oalOB CrnlR K mmer.son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joo K rnm er of Tw in K ills, wbo will tour

ernor country with Iho CsdmanJt,i. Chatitfluqun' company th is sum-

m or, will b ro sdca il lomo saxa- «M Plio*** * " ‘i marimba aolos from

L o t < T o p e k s . K A issi. Many local I.” .? . f»n» who own le ts aro- I n p lann1t«,.io llalea In nnd hear

Tt e r e s t in g e x p e r im i


U ^ m

j i i i W l sM iE D FOI iM IR A C lN Sof -----

>n. G tm u n s Acoordcd ^ o u s li Tro&t mont by French A fter Tbel: Dlaplay on Occasion o t Funer

0* ols H eld in Honor of Victim ho of Fronch Sbootins;' H a l

• W orkmen Ordered to Worli ■ l>e —Donlilef, UUIILIN. April l l~ T liu llulir puli tflor io<lay fnr lla doiiu>iiniruiluu acuinn wus the Frcnch on th r occnalon nt tb son- (untrul ut 13 Krupp vlctlina yuaUc n. dny. ’r1 to livictlnnK. fines. arrcKin. Ueporio liero (ibna.'ahootlnRi ami thrcm s of i.-ourir « P - tnurtlal wero roporttd from a Coie •lon- dlfferenl places of the new occuplc Rile, a rea, as well aa Itie uM..**)* .DevfllnpmcnlH In tuilny'M dlnpalchc

IncluilMl:Eaiien—Anothcs victim of lUo al

fa ir nt Krupp*. w litrc Frencli troop . fired w ith machlnu Kumi upon iniinnc

Jl, . wtirkeru, died ihbi niornlnK. u- -'W oUlirop-rA Prrn ih aolillfir aht

nnu kti^^J a Oermnn Rlrl, K llubct ,ly KouReni^mi, near Iluer lo Frankfort—Tho Frcnch coiiilnuo o t whole<ialo erlcllonK. They occuplc alt a, second rnllroad cnluny a t St. I’aul lU nan r Tro»eaV leillnR approximate! le- IOq Clormnn famlllM Into Ihe itree UK Trercn—Forty railroad workera r< ad celved orders to work fur tho Frenc de o r iM) teurt.iuartUlcU.

Cohlenr—Forly rnllniad worker 'onr. and Iholr fnmlllei woro thrown oi Iflcd of tholr homer, srn'a Dunaberjt—Tho F rtn rh fined lh jncd town approximately 70,000,000 mark pnr- ordered Imm'nllalB payment In dollui and and arrenlod tho mayor and othoi

:flth. na hostsRes.

Soviet* Strengthen ^ — MilSu^y .Forces in

.Readineit for Wator _____

I A» MOSCOW. April 11—lluaaln. doil non- |n|- poaco a t much as any nation, had atrenRthonlniC army, navy and a

l^R - forces aRalnat llio ovcntnnllty of ne froe wfir, accordlnR to U o n Trotsky, w«

mlnlaler.RoplylnB to a question In an a

"embly party meollnR TORnrdlns 0 I in- possibility of auch new w ar. Troti) •uam auld;ublln "Wo avoid wnr iis much an ponalbl

••rroof,of that fnct la tha l we ha' cnilcd for a dlnarmnmenl cmiforoni

— and reduced tho a lio .of our nrm Howevor, the p o sa ^ llty of w ar wi nol excluded, ana ono of nur flr tasks a t prreeni h to stronslhen ll arm y, navy ond a ir forcei."er -------

“*■ 8T1LL D'ANCWO.. CLEVELAND, 0.. April 11.—Foi

Birts -horo Ihli aftom oon wore atl shtttfllng aloOK IrylnR lo aoi a ne

.1 conllnuoua. danclnR record. Ml „ ' Helen Moyer, 21, n t 2:3c p. m. hi

29 hours 10 bar ered ll toward ll xsnrk of EO hours and two mlnui eaUbllalMd by AUna CummlDRa

[ T ” *V«w ^’o r l t___________ I________


I [. If I b w T N

j / e w 6 T h e \

/ / -X I



A I L 1^ A p illL 11, 1923.

K f i l lIS t i p io&t- G em S ta to -Kljops P a c o w ith Allb e lr O th e rs in G a in in N u m b e r ol

n e r- R o s id en ts ; C a lifo rn ia Sees A d

tlm s d ltlo n to 'P o p u la tio n a n d the

a i l H a s t a n d S o u th E x p o c ts t<o rk . S h a re th e H u g e In c rea se .

puld WAHIIINGTON’, U. t;.. April 11.'- 4lnnt Tlio popiiUilUiu Ilf Iho t'n iled KlaUn

tbo will bv 110.G63,&0: oil Ju ly 1, 1PH3 aU r- urcordlnK to un ' oiilliiuite tixlay b)

' ' the cennua bureau ntatlMtli'lann oria- Idaho.’ nlone. will ahow a «n1n u: unn- <OiOOO.loien The country's population In In julcd ercBBliiR a t the rule /Of Min.lOt

Bimunll}’. Tliln ivouid ^ |ro n inia of 11D,MI,710 by Ihe .tim e Oio nen cenauB U taken In ie:iO. Tho 1031 connun abowed a populnllon of 106.

’ “f- 710.020.<>opn .].„g eillnialo oxc ludn Iho District iniicu yf Columbia nnd Iho aintea of Vor-

monl. .Scvadn find Mlaalaslppl. Thi "hul oinlrlct'a RMxvih durlnR tho .wor wni

ibelb abnormal, beni-o not n Rood bual) upon which lo cnllmaie. nnd Iho tw(

nued alalen lont population botwoon 1011 inltiL nnd 1H20. hom;o no eitlm nlca wen 'aul'a mado for Ihcm.aioly Tho entlmated populnlloni aa o Lreet. Ju ly by ntalrn lollow: a rc- H ta te - ' lOJO. 1923.■cncli Alubnmn ........... 1V14R.174 2.<M.0i:

Arlxona^ .......... aa^.iui: 3*0.081rkom Arknni.i!li ........... I.7C2.204 l.SW.ZS’

ont CJillfornla ......... .1.420.RH1 J.ROB.IKro lorada ........... 0TO.B20 «W42<

tho Connecllcni ....... 1.380.031 l747«,4»;arkii. Dolnwaro ......... 223,003 :30.4«iillurs Florlilo ............. 068.470 l.0«8.!f('Ihors QporRla ............. 2.R3C.K32 . 5,a59,lS(

liinhu ............... 4 8 1 ^ -JTO,!?!Illinois ..........(1,486550 fl.790.B2indlnnn ............. 2.930,380 3,013.»‘lown ................. 2.404,021 2,48B.6<:

m------ hllMUR ............... l.JB|»,J6/ l,'Jlll,4S', , Kentucky ...........2.418,«30 2.402.31V a r L^ulslann -------- 1.7S8.&00 1.MS.74

Mslno ........788,011 • '“ •777J6le ilr- Maryland ......... 1.44MS1 U05 ,2!l,n la Mnssachuaeila .. S.RSt,38a 4.0M.M

a ir NlchUan .........Mfi8.4l8 ’ a>77.S2nsw Minnesota ....... S3K7.12G 2,49»,39

, w ar Mlaaourl ......... 3,40fOCS 3,«S,B7M onUns ........... & 4 8 ^ e i l , »

aa- Nebraska ......... l,2fl«J72 1.33.1.#t• (he N'o* llampiihlre 443.063 447,69 Otiky New Jersey .... 3,lH».900 -2.378.80

New Mexico .... 374^0lalblo. Now York .......10,386.227 10.843.88have No. Carolina .. 2.Ceg,123 2,688,32

ronco North Dakota .. £46.872 ■ - (72.04army. Ohio .................C.7S5,.194 Q.U742■ waB (Iklahnmu ......... S.02S.2M Jf,t«2,fl7

flrat WrrRon ............. 783;W# BS3ji7n the Pennaylrpnln .... 8.720,017 0.100,32

nhodo lalnnd .... 604,397 '628,97 So. Carolina 1.086,724 • 1,744.40flo. Dakota ..... 636.647 6CS.63

-Four 'fo n a '“ CO m.BAS 3,393,07.,|H Texas ................. 4,683.228 4.921.13now t i a hMlai VIrRinU ........... 2.309,187 . 5,398.44

. had Wsi-hlnirton .... i;i4M 9I.J the VlrRlnla .. 1.463,701 1.661.Unuica Wisconsin ........ 2,632,067 3,739.67;s in ! -------------- ----------


, WAtiiUNQToV. April IL—G^orr lU rrey , Amorltlan «nkbaaindor i Qrent' Ilrltaln w l'l como homo . th

^ . mooth to 'tn sonce .' (hp adm ln^tn , Uon's csmpalfcn for Amorlcn's ci

Imuce lalo the Iniernallosa l cooj cf ihe^U aeuo N a l l o ^ ^

ilurToy lose lher wlfi raati ou t sbU Ct ordinate nil ndm laU trailoa nctlylUi

____ iii_fluflnflctuil_tiila_j»iiar^j![ji{cli_closer to Mr. iUrdlOR's nen n iho any other major policy or h ls '^ m li biiratloa a l tbla lime. f-.*.; Whether Harvey will ro tvm to .h |.ondon ponl will depend on j r ju t hs! pena ano r he so ls ho re . K e/X W 'T main to direct ihe tU rd ln c W 4 carPSlRH. ^ - . . . I t , . . ..r P retldetii m f d l t i c h l r n i m u t K t t llBrvoy to direct tho w orld obort cm paiRn, snd tae ,roimrds 0)0 'eliole* i (he happleit posslbl« oae. under-U elroom iiances fo> :ih«M r « jo n s t

1—H arvey combines, w ith itro t natlonallHm nn In tem n tlona rpo ln t rlew which ensbi««-bim (« Vliusll

(^merican parllelpntlon ' In world i airs without undue ' snisU tlimonU

2—He is friendly w ith th».<if0 « «' croupa of thouRbt In the MMftUe

rariy on In teroattonat loovsivtffucheit s<tiool‘ iw^fiilL'.'iM itronRly tow ard A n o r le n a t .« U tw

{Ion in the court knd.«W M|rfKMri membership in t&o U s K V ^ ^ . t s ervstlons and the B o tm U U m troup of Irrsconcllsblss,Ills work will be to v rr ttf!V«C tb( to ie tbe r. ’I 3—H ll extMrlence ns snd the loU oste conU et b o .'t iu )i w llh D ritlih snd other - '^ ro p « i sistesmeD. hns fitted taint' (6 adH

- Ih t president n o t only on th s wOi c o u n p r o in m bn t on I s tw 's te p t pie d tv s 'o p ae o t of tb e H ard lsg ii

^ . t l m policy. ^

i “ " IDAIIO y n k t n t A ‘. ■T lnsettltd to a l i l i t aaa/T]inrs<

• oq»s«on»Uy '

\ .

Y T I IEverglade Trail

1 Blazers Near End of Their Journey

.' " " ^ o n T .\ii:vi';ns. amiiiI I I . - , \ Piirly I'f Jl iiM'ii ...1.1

I HuliiKli Uli.ctiir. ■> trait IliriiuKli I Flotl.Li Kv.t k IiiiK'ii. Will, wlili-

1^ 1 Jil 7r> nillt'ri Ilt .Mli.iiil hnijv.I rnr.lli.K 1., w.iril ri'ccivoil Ii.'rf-

H Till' I'.irly. liKliullm; tiv.'

i l|i nlni- iiK.ior cam In an i-irmi III i:>i iiv.T Mliiiiil u .ill Iviini I'.irl M.-ycrn lo .Mlmiil,

A ll I'lu,,.! I., I'Mll ;i r.'ll.f r»-

■■»' " « :r e " 'Ad- i;lil'l<‘' "III. ahjiiiiliitiril liiil:i>

.-A cnnlliii; 1,1 till- liiilliin tiiii- th e ||.T» IIII|||||<-<I In Ilii-^Iiarlv.

f tof.irirlni; «!ii.;„l, h..«.-v.T. ui a

I Hull' nmn- lhau i\ nilli' .i i1'<>.Our 1,1 111.' niM.lilni '. «.a-i ali..ti

j iliiiiMil u|ii,n 11 r>lli<iii'il iillll :i

laUiilUMj, ------------------------------------------------—f by -----------------------

; : T i i m o i P I OEGLlOiWISIItrlct 'Vor- • DKH .MtHNKH, li.«.-i. A|irll ll-- l» .' Thn pgiitiii t« ' llll- l.c.iRiii- (if Wiinicn Vn' wna rra niiili'iiiil <'imvriuiiin » rn - ci'lii

baaln upoif 1ieri> imia)' lo i-ntiiliiil lux n I two fcrcpinenl of la\v, niai.kul mulu* im 1010 crn«ornh1p nf mndun jiii-uiron.

were Mr*. .Muud Wooil l-iirh. In h - r prr- lilentlnl nddriax Innt nlclil. d rrliiti

n of every uni'lifDrrcd law im lhi- kIiyihi bookn niuki'ii mor.- wliU'-iproiicI ll

23. inpniii'W'f lawlrnHncBH. Hlir ilvirlt 13.012 mnnkoil moliR b» ii "Rrlm ni' niii-p." 10.060 iirforrlnK to prolillililon lndlri-<::l >6.287 Mm. I’urk lodny onHerli-'l Ifuil llto nl 16,163 llRnlInn to ohoy lnwa Ih not 10420 liy llm rncl Iha l'u «r|I!iou mny In- n '6,4»3 tomptlnK to necuro repcal.10.460 Mlaa J ii'la I^iilhrnp. form rr In’a'I i 18.287 Ihn chllitrcn'n buri:nu nf Ibn dcpnr I9.19C m rn i of labor, uraed iliiit moilnn nl ^0,170 <uro cptiaorehlp la "uuwlsu nnd dm 10.624 Rcroua."13.134 nad InfliiencPH movloa hnvu tin rhi IB.643 drgn nro RtowlnR .!>■»> bji'I n ro.oxa rTTTW fl^iyuitii. bny wny.' m sim r - rn iim' 32.317 If the ununl luva film Inleruatit tl IS.74K iiis]orll> o t cblldren.' . . . . 77.269 "Any form of cenaonhip la dnngii )5 >29E oua, aa It ecntera loo much uuiliorl S7.M8 on .a Bmnll Rroup of poraona. Cemo 17.831 Ih lp of Ib r preea nnd platform Is Ilk J#,396' ly to rem it."18,071 -----------------------i l , i n TA irtaiT ,\THK18UW.9I2 I'A lllS. April 11 -llundrc.U 17,698 thouiandH of Huaslnn children are b 78.80S inR tauRht uihclant, Ihc Grand Du'

Aloxnndor decarcd In nn appeal pu •3.681 tlihed here toilay. Tlio Rrand du B6,32B aaka jnoral* nld of Chrlnllan peopi 72,041 fur Ihe Iluanlan people In n flR 17422 BRnlhal'lho “lyriindoiis iHilthoklk ru I2,A7< ornment's war sRB(ns( reORfua—ali 2S470 cd to poiaon humanity,"00,326 ^ -:8,S72 >'0T . t o WJTUDUAW.44.408 WA8H1.N0T0N. 1). C.. April U. 65^32 Tho llnlled Stale i In a jtoio to Cu fl3,077 ada throURh lb s «iH4ah ombnsay b SI.ISO in effeol refused lo w ithdraw a pr 7S^1S Villon In con iracu for aalo of shi 98.441 plnR board vssie li, p roblbltlnc th« S3,Mm from, belnc u s sd .a fu r is le in vIoli 61.166 ln ( the A norlcao prohibition lav39.674 -------------------^

1 1 0 B « L D )W > ' DE.SVEU, April 11—Four unldon

Hod Diucs last Picht beat John Cnl broeae. 60, bound him. locked him

.'v tl>e«albtr of .his home und rsn inck tho houno fnr tlO.OOO, wblch ihny >

i n T llovod bo liDd received from a poll I U I loft by hla « n who wua ktlle,l J l l ' r nctlon toversass; The money waa, i , ' r * In Iho huuao and ibe >obborH cm ut

• 116, Calsbreoie told pottce.

■ AKKS .BECKIVKl^Kll’ lh l. 1.NDIANAP0LI8. Ind.. April 11

I'btrfl. necelTirshlp for thn LexlnRioh ^ »n. lor'comlksny-wnr nsked la a lu ll tli

rourt- *•> ■t*iMrai oM ft bsro tottay hy t . _ J s c u im MaaufscturlnR company

iMiiQP ■'Vilminirton. Delswsro, m akers of t toasbU e bodies.- .

1 ^ 1 ^ TCLSAi-VIc AldrldRO blo* up: t l i i r n h tfd luulus land the— t'Wcl

Ldmin. C u b s .W 'io (hs.bktahomn Clly Wo

\iKtatl ¥• ••• ^ . ♦

itrooc t ' - ■*“Im Hm , '8 J & 'DtiDqO. !.a iif '. J ^ rl! l l . - T Id sf* e n tlrs-to w n i.o tJ l* M U i. Ois-.famc lents Torrey,PlBM craAs^^tM ta t l r s sre

Of y.iu<iM tS a blBBw sy4ad-M V «a«d)« of^sM co

* .* io K o i^ f f ; ^ ; 's T « « « J .y ^ t

«C . a>urdor

**ln ichn l^ !5 it 0«'iity> Stasr^Rs.Rl M W a!td « n n iw 'A ; Boyn. the Ja ro rs i ; ^ i t 7 r o < | i l t i m U s ,v P r « s l d l n c JndBo " - ' I f . M n n li attorneys :|n the case .' w O or, JsM biiV nnd newipaper . m en w u h A o v i t ’ e p lM is w hers F r t t t l Mi rop«iu w as’ l u t s«od alive the o l th t ot J adTlt* n t y iti.'- , world -the room where

.ept In MaDa-*>iMBl s few hours w ith ig for* pals - u d traub llng ’ youoc nsB"i ^ - a'B IBS 8 » n .6o llu« .'> hQ «r^ itb» e

c « n w hsre tb* n y s is r io o t 'B M n• • t*re«.-’.* tn t ‘b n p .th # ro i« whero

W "? ... nirt. W 50ps« |6ns-aM U-X - - . . t - j - '. . -

M E SO LD V<Ui. XIII. NO.'5.5.


iNSfOllON-;Im ii;ite s of New York Hospital

' ' Beat Oimrds Inlo Submission in Spcctncular Manner and Bo-

V. como Frco Men;, H arry Tliaw ■ Broke Out of Same Plnce iu

■' About ll^c Same Way in 1913.

" 3IATIK.UVA>, >. W .\prll l l .•T hrri' nt m nr rrin iinn ll; In*

* ^ ~ I Mllll' nnnli'l* xiliii «-«fin>rd Irom Miittrvnuiiii tndii}. >irro rnpliir-

I <-d /1tl> nfternoun Mintb of I Aiih/fili., V. V.

T \>0 Hrrr shnt tirfi.ro Ihr)« r ro litkrii.

T br (mirlb fiin»lrf» « iih Mir- n r nmiiilrd In ii r/uiiif> <if h.i.kIs \ l- tiriir^ ulirrc llip lbr«T « r r r inp-

.W.l’m ;» A . \ , .V. April l l~I'linr prl'iinrrH r<riitieil today

fruni tb r «lntp hnKpllal far erlfti- ' ' ” '1 Innl Inoanr in Ibr aprrtaen lar

! m nnnrr Hint rhBTiirtrrlipd Ibc en.‘ I iniip Ilf Hurry K. Tbii« , fmm th r

snmo hHllliillDii., Suiiii I'lilUio. Iiiin|>liul Kuarda. lot.il

|„ ,„ I i< tficlala lind IninilRriUlon aKania n t . y 'l i l i i ' r.inailiaii hordrr are aoarchInK , j f c r till' fm r men. wb<i oncnpeil In un

,i '".'|ntili"ii<ilillu IirloiiKliiK Hi Ihn Innlliu- Him. Tliii prlNonrrn ovi-fp<iwitred flvo Ktiuril-i uml innk fnnr wilb Ibcai ua

J ilti-’ * ““ *’“«bki;up»lu. iiuap'd (unRlllvcn nro F rnnk Jamea ondK. al- Unwklna olM lr^nklyn ami John

Ciiffoy and Murnulu Curtia of .New.Id n f i'''" -k . ■ ' •:piirt-| Mitwklnn wun Indlclod for munlor'.I nil'. I Ji.mon waH Iniliciod for folonloua poi- dun-1 ■tt'>''l<>n <if exploBlroa and the olher

tVo wcro nrreatod for theft. ; rh ll- The men ovorpoworod H enry Wll- ■

exBR- apn, Rmnl. and, a tler laklBR ttto keya ’ tllllllJI ITllll VIUIL'II, IJUUIIQ' Ullll' t iu R tn ^ In i.II Ibp nndUiR w n p o blocked by Uio boUcd

door of Ibe ci-ntfm « trt)Jpf^-thsy Isy inBor- In wall fur Ihe nlfht-rouodlD «o,.B d- lorliy word-OllRer and Jam es Ooyie wnJkad : im or- uiiHuipectlnRly lato the trap sad 'W srs ' like- iiuloiiy Kubdued.

Taklnft tho keya, Ihe prisoners tdadr iliPir wuy lo Illo rea r of 'the ' bultdlns and iound . tlielr way l^ock*

I oficHi by a maanlvo door, Once more they ro bo-llnid u irap for Ihe roum lim an ' aad Duke Wore oKuIn anccemful. W llllan r W--- - pub- aon. Kniinlliin of the door wna over- duks powcreil. They look hla keys - and

eoplea cp tn rd the door.flRbt Aa the Kuurda wero nol a rm « l iho>^

c ROV- Were unaiilc lo rental tbo convlcta,-a im - who liarf a ron /lv rr nml clubn. .

Tho fusltlvo U'cik Ibo Ihroo Ruards lo Ihn RnraRe, w hrre. ufler fuille .ef- fortg 10 aiuri a rversl machlnoa, they

U .— cnllod oh I.«roy Krom. tho h o ip lu l Cun- chauffeur.

y has KtjrclnR tbn (our men. InciudlnR I pro- Krom, Inio the nulomobilo. the prbi- ship- miem drove uwuy. When ihey reach- them ed a pOlnt norlh of I’ouRbkeepale tho

rloloi- uonvU-U' forced the ir prisoners to lawa. ftllRht.

«^lnrry Wllion -eicaped from hU . bonda an hour later i^nd rbvo tbo

Idenll- <it;irm. Immediate search w ss stsrt*Cain- ed;

llm lu Harry .n m w . alayer of Slanford lacked WhUr.. fled Mallewau la much tho ny ho- xamo apcclsculnr msnnor, August 17. pollry 1913. ■ - Kl In Wllh Ihe aid «f levernl acconpllces aa nol ho daahod from tha asylum in an s a ­il only lomohlle, nnd mado hbr way to Csh-

iida. Hn waa recnptdted Ihoro two days loler.. _____

I I - nu7)zi! sKtZF.n 'li Mo- DK.SYBn, •April ll~ U ondod whli- I tiled koy v^ued a t tlS.OOO'was se lssd .by IJ' tbe prvlilblilon of/lc/tr» lo a n ld s ^ s r »y of AdamA Citj- lato yestirdky. Two men of au- and u woman were a rrested when U '

(Icon awoop«<t down o n 'n ls ra v e l p it. whero the tr io had taken .V efu^ w ith

up :'ln (h rie nuto loads of liquor nn tirnK hl* . >J hiclKO fsU.—-Atiihorttiss ,b e » m .U h n t.p s ls f lf . . Wost- era s re members ot a la r te Tum ran- C ubt n lhs fatiR opersilnc, he tw iea Mexico

_______and Cp'orsdo.

A^jBAFFLING iCENE VISITEb. - T h e from tho c o iu if r—accordlng io (ho sm ous prosecution’s tb e o ry ^ sn d tlaa lly vis* group tie d - tte ''s p o t wh«r«:. th e 'g i t l s ' body les of w ss.fm n d .-fU d in '• l lk e l tm d s n r s a r ,I c o u l aboot noon ^ n JnaunT7 >&- ttevd*' -v P su l ' W. .Seh^nck. e h ls t dstsaso ■Is Lb’ ccBnseI..-uk«du-ta ptot tho^enUr* ttr* d o r ln i flto ry In -efiaeacs tho worU*! ltrg < ,

l i e s . Mr4hiK to ; t h ! 7 M * b M th i» ^ / ( « 'tb a 7 : le . Dr. td e a 'th s t^ ih o i’ c M - ^ s m ^ U k a tr«i< .

w ant L ^ o J ta - to .th s^ l^ o lr;T o r»« r.;> P ltf l« ; . Mana- be«h 't«--M .r«B to£oW **v, ^

>t JsD - :Teitiaonr s ^a lib i. tor . t h • ^ 7 a I tn l t^ v h W ^ 'W ^ '

r rS u l fn iitt-til *Ith " a tron. aa",' a t Bt»i&6r« > w ottt* tiatsd I rsgU- — .priro th a » la e « In l l n t s i M l l M i n i l M f i ^ ^I UHw 4luriB_«V't a g B g T O m | | |

Page 2: ^ ApillL 11, 1923. llin i[1^ R eported C fOUREWr w D e V ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · voLua•IE;o/KU^^u^li llin i p i i ' ciifflj ill Agttemont by Turkish

i&QJZBM n . J . W . W hee ling— Soc ie ty

. Jaeob i KBfOHrcBi«Bt AniiDunrnl— | cv<<nlI t A. JacoU» answain.<J iwd <

U u eOKi(«a«tit of (h llr ilatiKhii-r,U«rtha, (o 8«muel M. Kofppel of Nuw ('in JTork.Clty. The wtddlnn wll lukoplace earlj- In June . Miw Jicob* w«a O n tibtinv In Rottjru. Long U laad «ml camo ilic ;to Poca(«llo w btn' quiia jtouiir. Slio liutixi«u«nd«d the I 'ovat^lo ichooU uiiil (lie micuPocatello Tech.' Tha Jacobi (umil)' mum

X 'm oved lo T«iB I-*alU aUnit ilz yrurn Pack. ......... aico. :W b»e-irtettlnK her-aliter.-M m . mnn

F lo reqee 'S lu lik r of Urooklyn nho mot rniciMr. Koappel, who li protnlnanl an n ihroim anufacturer acd clul> man of Hint Duui;city. Th# Evening World of Now Hon.York carrlea a picture of MUi Jauiilm ilunitand (lie annouQcement of tioronf;ago- 0a m to Mr. Koeppol. >00 1

• • * ilnllc C U U rrn’i Tueadajr aflarocKin Mra.

Mra. Jam ea Dolhwell <ave ~a party for ard 1 Mra. Oeorge Sprague'i aeetloo o( (tie and church achool se rrtce leafua of Ai* veoatm church. Sleven Illlle glrla i’an ■pant a moat dellgbKal afitrnuon ut m to: gam ea 'a tid u to r wore treated to re- UoUc rrethmenia, Each little Rlrl wroiu a raim note of sympathy lo Mary'Uuiice, a nnnu m ember who w ai unable to 4>e prenont Aprl becauae of lIlDeii. Membon prnneni itiuic w er« VlTlan Wllaon. Polorlx Dltkacn. oorvi D orothy MlnnlcK. Jonnlo Heap. Ik r- n(ca ttobfnnon. .Vflam Ilowman. an^ T. i:i lu b e th OolhwftI; Ihe vlxllora Wifro wua K alberlna Caldwell und Marlon l>ab> Tura cock. ■ A<UII

• • • nperi WocW Hide (iulld M r e h - T h o ln B i

)Vorld Wide Gul'il of tlio Ih,ptl«l furr Church w et a t ihe Iluimalow TneaUnyevening. Al 0:30 o'clock a Btiiipor Tliwaa aervod by Mm. K. Walkliui uoil modMra. W. it. Tnllrer. Ttio biisliiosH. Htlliasaalon waa In ciiargn of. Mlmt Kmtly Aprl liu n u m aa . prealdont. Tlie prnRranito r the evealng waa a ilrniiiatltattoii Tlio t the book..''LlRhln] lo IJRhion" uii ifnuIndia, and waa In charge^ of .Mlxx h o'iW innie Tucker. Thoae lalttiig pari la- u

. . were tle len Kannlalon. Murlon John- .aon. Ruth T o ll lm and Mra, U u rii TliPugh. Mlia OgretU Murray 'cloxril monthe program wllh a vornl ooto. Ahoul ci{ .Vtwenty young wotnen were preaeni. uuo

« . e . H. Cmrd Party—The Hiiir Ri«> tii " Inl d a b etsUrUlned ihe regular hunl- will

nea raeettag or the 0 . R 8 . -.Tufulay u ry .

STEWlR’ElECTHlI! PISTEn ro rS S m e h M ^ ^

• itoa. • Tr

» M d y fo rU * ^ B « tte r tr is n T ra p B Ooa. boa. Ke l&«t. boz. II.U

SOLD K V IB Y W H in i

5TRENI lhi T H E

‘ I f y o u COD o d g e ' B e nam el ia fu rn ished ,

' ita a tre n ji

Y ou w oul e v ery rib

/ w in d o w t

Y ou woul • r a e lec tr otoel bwfj nothrng tc

^And you' P u llm nn i

n ted by t th e la s t V

_ ___________ ________ ^J!_______ u Uicnttto

TJir prirp

MAGELr u o M ; S16-511

\ ' ■ '----------------

P a u b t w o .

ty E d ito r — i ’hono 1339._______________' In (I

'oiiliiK. - A Ki>od t niwii wnn |irenunt Idi icJ eti}uye(l n flnllcfilful arvitlliR. in

C iirrrnt K tents- T l ie C i i r r o n i n t l l roniN <lrpnrim<'ii( Ilf (hn Tvrunllctli i>vr L-ntury c-luli hrld Un lunt incellnK ut faml IV yi>ar Turndny ntlrninon u l the malt imo of Mm. .S. StruuK, Tho attend- for 1 ICU wna InrKo nnil ihv nficrnoun n ban. Ult piviianni unu, Mra. 'KonnvUj- TIk ockurd, wlici «an rv-vlcictPd tlm lr- bcifoi i>n of-Hie-flcparimeni, kbvo a- very wn» iiicrtulnlnic wcinint. ot hur tr ip mun. iroiiRh the ntule un reRent u t the ttUKhlvni of the Amcrkiit) Horolu. Al on. Mrn, SiruuK nnnlntod by Mc«. t» iRie* Wilton I'trck. K. M. Wolfe, II. tO n . J^lckoreoii. H. C. Alexander. Ken- t j )b Urcun und Jnlm K. Ault, nerved n puri nllcloUH lunt'.li. Ilufnre uiljuurnuiulit jircs :ra. S trum primrnled to Mrn. I'ncjt- m t rd n brau tllu l bouquet of cnrnalluua n( ad aniipdraKoni. ^ Cc

l**ii-IteI1pnlc Club—Mra, V. E, Snook thoi ntnrtalnpd Ihu mrmbcm nf the l*nn- aiili: lolUnIc i-luh Monduy vvenlng. A r- Uio ' inRfmcnm wvru coniuleteil for iho Dr. nnuBl nprlnK luncheon lo t>o given of ( prll ::i at Ibo HuRemun, Al llic a i 1 liuie of n plcanuni ovenlnR Mrs, tiiiuok Doa o rv tj dnluly ri:JrciiUmi-nlii. dlnr

T , S. S. na h -M T » . H. I-. .Vflwmaii tfearua hontpnn tor Iho T. K. 8. olub on n* ■’u n d a y ufli-rniinn ut her home on in I.lUllHon axynue went. Tha .mvnibera fiipent It vi:ry plraannt atternoon aow- inIB nml 11 llRlii Innrli wnn nerveil l>e- forejre m ljourninrnl. » hnvi

• • • n l I Till- I'yililiin SInlprn Social i;lub will flcia

loet wllh Mm. M .-0 , Muxon, nC;! hy (Itlll uvcniK' I'linl. Krlilny nfternoon, (Cniprll i:i, inR)

• • and T hr Waltliiir IxiiiRUo cit Ihe I.iltli- i>ai«

fan clinr<-li will mcoi th h cvnnliii: u t the o'clock lu thn diurch; Thin In lo Com

0 u fiunlncHii mcdilni;, WV • • • 10 /

.T lio KplMopnl (lulhl will nir.'l lo-lorrow nllornoon nt iiHO ut Ihe hanie Al f Mm. I). U. Alvord. UO Sixth nvo- TiUo north. 10 /

• Tl Tho Vaht Sohio Orunilii iKiniK-lptlon purf

rlll m rct ul iho hnmo of Mrn..&I.Oui- i.cr-.iry . i;in Joffcrnou ulrrcl. ThurnUiiy |u Ivenlng. nl 8 o'clock. Mrn. Onilcry Alrlll be UKilitod hy Mrn. C. K, Itcmn., ii,

CO.’tTMIHHttKVtllS' an’ J

Twill nilln, Iduho. Murrh tO '- ': ::! , h)>0 u, ni. Hi'Kutiir Jnniuiry Si'tinlnn. M. TUo llohril vonvrnod ut iliU llmu un 1

Iirnuunl lo rnll lit llir (!Iinlriuan. of fi renont nil membern uml tlio tlU-rk. onil iLliir-Mftlirr, tilH ni A uinilhllucuU’f-a, iiL J

HpccIul.Uopuiy tiliorllf. nowThin incUlnK wun callod nl IUe re- rhlv

.uom 'ilf n^ n ru l cltlzuiin ^fur Ilio pur> uqcc i<m d( nnkliig llir lliwnl of (.'ijinmln- Tllunera (0 nppiilnt n npntlnl Deputy clnn ihorKt tu analnt llin prruent forco o t andho S b u r ltrn ’ottU'c In ferrnllnR out Inic videnro In Uio inaiior ot nolllnR innri- Cou

- T F ’— © ---------------------

J 5 T H A N D 5 A F r B O D Y O F S T

co u ld B co-tho m a in b o d y o t r u c tu r e ' B r o th e r s B u s in e s s C oupo b « f o fe t1 is baVed on, a n d beforo th o in te rio r ied, y o u 'w o u ld be profound ly im pressed insih .

o u ld -a e c ^ h a t ev ery panel, e v e ry p illar, t r ib is s t e e l - t h a t even th e d o o r sills o w m ouldinRS a re s te e l

'ouId see tlia t a ll o r thene p a r t s a n d ncctii :c trica lly w elded to g e th e r in to o n e staut wfy. w ith no bolfa o r r iv e ts to w o rk loc R to ra tt le o r squeak o r w a rp .

'OU w o u ld re a liz e th a t, like th e all-si an coacl), th is un ique c o n s tr u c t io n - o r i( y D odge B ro th e rs fo r th is c a r — repreae tt w o rd in p r o te c t io n to p a s s e n g e r s - ite ach iev e m en t in c losed c a r B turdini

rp of llir linslnrxo Con]>e N « ! i:o d rill


¥ ... ' .'

____ TWIN FAsnRcd properly. The matter w aa thd r-l Bl’l tUKhly dliicunned In all ila pbnata. Uan .iro anil con. and tbo'Cuunty Attorney, dealfe iiclnR culk-d In and aaked for hla <,t Tw iplnlun. advlncil Uio Uoaril to take («, „utj lie liiatlcr under coaaldcrallot], w)ilcU baaed "h* done. must In the .Malirr uf nonderIng Aailatance a n j 01

lu Iho Wclgball family u t lUnaoo, |ng rc Idaho, A fl In iblff matter, n eommunlcallon su,ut

:rum the Gem Stale L uabor Company nionta It Itaniirn. rofuiing an otfor ot 18,00 counl' l>vr inunih for hounhiR tlie Welghall A11104 family a t Itanien, w ai read and the which mailer of ataurlng oilier annlainnce i,udlie tor laid family referred 10 J . I), Daru- for th liari.TJii>lrman. ' i,', Jm There Iwlng nothing further to oomo gur]

tiiifore th r Hoard a l ih li tim e, receia acllnn won u k e n «ubl«ei U> call ot iho Cbair- the ci man.-' counlj

J . D, nAKNHART. Chalniiao. Count A iftit: C. c. BIOQISS. Clerk. Minui Twin Kalla. Idaho. March 1C. 19':3. nt rec

to n. m, Ilegular January Seiilon. bid* The Board conroncil a t (h li time of ^

puriuant 10 call of the Chairman, purifh present a ll membera and tho Clork. allon In the Matter of Uanltary Coudltionli ty; ai

ot Certain School lluuaea In tho from Coumy. Iho C Thlfl meollnR having been called for auch <

thopurp 'oaeb td licu ilag eanlurycon* Ineiloi illllonn uf certain achool hounea In qiienti the County, anil tllo Couniy Phynlclan. Nr> »e Dr. Wuavor, being proicnl. the Donn) nf the of Commlailonora a t once adjourned laxlnj a i luch Hoard, nnd nrganliM an a Thv Iloanl of Heallh. and proceeded tn Inntlo diKruii condltlona nn above ntaled. Iiidrhi After due dlncunnlnn the Daard of menl tfnatth uiliourned and aRafn conron(>t{ Slnkli nn a llonrd of Couniy Conimlnalonurn. Uierel In the Matter of ne ilnnatlne an Of- Uie r

ficlal Paper for liie County. dpiwr In thin Matter, (ho contracl hereto- ot ll

fore mado wllh tho Twin Falln Newa «utno hnvlng bsen lerm lnaltd. ll was decld- thirlli n l 10 aelect a new paper for ihe of- nurun ficlal one., ao^ It la therefore moved Auillii hy Connor and neconded b y Uarnharl The (Cnrlaon helng prenent bu t nol conin: InR) that Ihfl Twin ratla Tlmea “X c. the r< and In hereby iloilgnated th s ottlclal otflco paper of Twin l-'^lla County, during a bal the iileasuru ot the proacnt Uonrd ot ment ConimlMlonera. • ichod

Wlioreupon reoeaa wna (akon unlll queni 10 A, M. March lOlh. paid .

J, V . UAIINHATIT. Chairman. audit: Alleat; C. C. 81G0IN8. Clork. olhor Twill l-'alln. Idnho. March Ifl, 1823, nuch

10 A. M. ItoRular Janunry Htnilon, nary : Tho Hoard ronvoooil a t Ihln llmo dlaclo

punuan i ly rcceaa. prrnonl all mom- plana lirr» anil the Clerk. onson lu the Milllor of Audlling the Connty the «

Aftnlrn. An In Ihln mnllcr. nflvr lenRihy Ula- with 1

cnsnlon pro and con. 11 In decided tha t 10 tbi an nudll nf the County affalrn bn had one, n n d ^ ^ r followlnR mnilun wan made iho i ' hjyO. E. Carlson: Coun'

Moved that calla hr Innued (or bidn Mond un a Couniy ‘Audit cbv.-rliiR a period iho p of four yearn trnm nnd a tlo r iho aoc- nudlii ond Monday In 'Jnnuary. 1019. to dalo ccpi. In .sm riin iice w llli the'"PfclfknUonti beliL now on ti'e and of record in tbo a r- uisco' rhiven of thin Doard. opon for In- to ihi iiBtrlloo by all bli«-'»r», 0,0 5

Tlmo for blddlnk nn tliln contracl exam clnnen nt S o'rlock P, M-, April 0, IB23. Irrcgi and tho tollowlug nollco wan ordered heon Iniurted In ihn ottlclal paper o t the provi Couniy. tor three Innuen:______ * audit

J l - --------------------------^ -- Coim:the t whicl


, F E T Y "7,niruc

TEELprrlc the 1

u r e o f .fo th e a t IIIr i o r i i - . •sed by . 19-3,

renei Th

a r, and ri-cviIls and, of >1:


' • mitaunch ' Th

, In II

ill-steel Af■orijln-reaentfi ihn

I ' Zrdinesa. coni ----------- _ -------


drilie rrd ‘ ^/ At

flPANYALLS, lU & O . puTn

In I nil

. , - In


C,1' ^ Kt

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. . . . • Ject

— — ----------^

— V ~

BPKCinUATIONB Pflll AUDIT Mnn ,\irtlfled I’ubllo A ccoW aula who life tu bid on Ihe proponod Audit Twin Knlls County nro rociueatsU puriui nubmit ihvir lowonl flat canh prlco Proaou led oa Iho ouUlua following, nntl lit liu proparvd to aign a con tracl J ogreomont embodyinK thc^ollow - ;.rcqulrcmonia: ThinV four year complete .aifd detailed Pu»'P'>i » t o f all accuuaU ol aU ilcpart- f '”’ V nta of auld County. Including l h o , J ^ ' '“ unly Agent, excopl the County Kalr p“** * noalatlon and Couniy H oapltal.Ich due 10 thnlr naiiiro muat ba “f illtod nn neiiarate Unlii, If a t s ti , . “ , «

the perlo<rendlng aecoiiil Monday Junuary, lOJJ. ;eon?‘Surh nudltn m un covrr nll trana - Inmi nnd Includu n verification of> correclnenn of tho b<Kika o t ao- .mo ci imlJi und canh balanci-a o t eachunty Ottlcur: an examination o t the nulo llook and of a ll procoodlnga > •„? ■ record, lending up to iho le tting of Y '" I* for conilruollon. ihe purchaaa “ m /c r la l anil «upp»J«. nnJ a t all

rifhnncn nnd payrolln; nn examin- on of llio clalmn paid hy Ihe Coun- : on examination o t the tax rolU im the tlmn illn chftrRo la made by °}■s Couniy Auditor* nnd Including , ch charKC to nnd Including tho col- ' :lIon of Iho Uxe», nalo. of de lln- y«hcd entn lo ibo Conniy or rancellatlooa,> verltlfiitlon howorer 1" lo be mado ‘'Oi the apporiliinmonlB to the various

slHR unlln or dlntrlctn. 'Thv ftuilltorn nhnll mnke an e iam - ixtlon ot nnd report on ihe bonded Atli ilphindnrrn ot Iho County.' Iho 'pay- Twi fnt of lniorp«t Ihkrron. nml • th e 2 P. ! riklnB t-lind rflqulroinoni re tadng TIio crelo. ahull make an examination of purau B recelpirt of each ottlco and bora 1 jiurtmeni nl tho noureo nnd in thi

llin. prnpor accounting o t the imii tno to Ihe County; nnd examine Ihc p in Irlliy .and driicinltory hnndn and Ip- In 1 runi’o In forte In Un- hands of the of co idlli.r and I’robato J uiIro. noarOT hf Audllor'n corllflcd report ahall nnd |i ninin a nlaioniont o r nialomenta of n , M< e rrrclpin und expendllurei o t each (or hi rico nnd dpp-irtment tor o.icli year, from balanco nhci-l and operating ntato- mtn < nnt wllh necoanary nuppurtlng to na hodulen, a UM of tho laxea clelln- wan rl enl and nold In'tho Couniy. and no t his bl Id or rodcriuod a l llm cloao of the \vh' dlt; a niniomonl of ihe bonded or jm;1 t lior Indohiedncna of iho. County and ch other alwomenta an nre necea- aiIi ry to prenent the facin and flodlnga _ , nclonril hy Ihe audit with, nuch ex- anaiory commenla thrroon an oro sonllal to n clear Uuilvrnlnnding ut e work done nnd far^n reported,An tho lant prevloii.i Audll clonod th Ihu year 1913. aovsral yoara p rior tbo beginning point ot Uio preioiit

le, Ulll nudit ihall. commonco w ith ,0 iw orn nnd publlihed report o t tliomniy Auditor . ua of lUo n c c o n d -------onday In January. 1919, which for 0 purpoHo ot a heglnnlng point ihi- idliori nro hereby auihorlxeil to uc- pl. nnd the audllorn nhall not he.1.1 rr..nninllilr-rnc_ thnlr fnlln rr tfl ____icover uny IrroguUrltlun pertulnlnR Iho period prior to ihul covured by

0 preaeut.audll,.UOlcss.Om present ^nmlnnilon nlioulil illgcloflo orrorn o r ' rcgulnrlilen which upprur to hnve -en common lt>, ur orlglnaled In the •ovloUB porlixl. In which caso tho id ltu ri nhnll Immodlatcly report ' I ich niBllorn lo ihe Board of County I iimnlnnlonrrii who will tlion InalrucIle nuilltora on to any further work hich they may denire to huve dono Id which Is nol to bo considered u ir t of Ihln contract.The work mu>( roiumenco on or be- iro lOlh day ot April. 10:3. and hc roflpruCed cuiiilnuounly until coiu- irlrd.Whereupon Ihc Clerk wun In- ructod to harn ilio tnllowing notice abllahed In tlio Twin ('alln Times;—8o»)rO ld<l>i. fur an andll of the x'ountn ot Twin Kulln County for a i>rliHl‘of four yearn from and a ttor 10 nccond Mnndny In Jnnuary. 1919. p 10 nnd Includliit; tho norond Mon- i»y In Jnnunry. 1923, will bo rocolvnd ; Iho office of thu Board of County ommlnnlonern ot Twin t'alla Couniy. laho, up to : o'clock P, M, April 0.)23, Right lo reject any and a ll bidn ■nerved.—Thoro helnR nr> further hunlnena lo

^mv brfnrc tho Hoard a l (hla llmo. a i-cvB.M wan lalii-n. nub]ecl lo Uiu call f Iho (-hulrman.

J, U. IIAIINIIAIIT. Clinlrmnn.Atleni: C. C, HICGISS, Clerk.Twin Kulln, Idulio. March 17. 1923.10 A. M. ItPRHlnr January Hosslon. ' .. Tho Hoard to n v r iird 'n t Ihln lim e

unmant lo call of the (,'hnlrman. rrsunt all nii-iiihi-m and Uio Clerk, n Iho Muller of PurchanUiR Coal for tho County llonplinl,Aflor (llnponlnK o t nomn routlno ork. It In liroiiKlit In the utiontlnn t Iho Hoard, thut 1I10 coal nupply nl tin (tiHinly Hnnpllnl In ulinonl ex- auntoil: w hrrctore Invllntlonn' woro )BUO<l lu hid Uli ono r a r o t Mino Iturk :onl. Hldn to Iio tiled nol luler Uian-o'ctnrk-l*. M .-M nrrh-21alrl«3 . -----------Wbrroupon a n-criin wus taken un ­

il March 2lni. a t :: p. m.J. I). IIAHNIIAIIT. Chairman.

A tlent: C. C, HIliOI.SH. Clork.Twin t'nllH. liluho, March i:i. 1K3. ' I’, M. KrRiilur Junuary Scaslon.Tho noaril convcnrd u t thlo llmu

lurnuant to rrccns, Prnnont n ll mcm- irrn nnd tho Clurk.n ihc-.M iittrr of Dpenlnj; Conl Hlda

niilimlltcd lo Ihe Llonrd.In thin nialler. thia bolnR lho tlmo

01 for opening coul hldn. iho Board irocrodcd lo open and read namo us .illowa:VurbrrK Trunstor Co.;

C'cnn Heal Ululi ..... ............. :...»7.4liKlar llook HprhiRs ........... ........ 7.30

ihackol Coal Co.;Aberdeen Mine Rua ........- .....- 8,50

«lbIoy-<Miannel Lhr, Co.;C.amoron Mino Run ................... 7:41;

nterm ounuln Coal Co,;King Mine Run ........................ 7.CS

r. J. DougUn Cout Co,;-Kemmemrr Mlgo Kun ...... ....... 7.70Rock SprloKi M. IL .......... ... I .iti

)elweiler Coal Co.: ’Muiuul Mine Itun ......... _____7.90Spring Caujon l’r» ................... O.'jr.Mutual I’ra ............... ................ C,7C

syo Jlroi,;Hl-ll«ul HIralRhl M, R. ______ R.30lll-llcu l C luch Hua .............. 7.S0Atlor roBillug tho lilda Iho Dourd

nkes thl- u iit ir r uoder adv iionen t, vlih a vlow to Inipccl Ihe coal beforo uircliailnR^

Whereupon recenn waa, tak rn , aub- ect to the ra lt ot the Chairman.

J. D, HAn.S’HART. Chnlnnan,A tlo it; r , ( \ StCniNS. Clerk.

'ALLS DAILY TIMESilnrch C4. 10:3. T\vlu KallH. lilnho.il'ocii <f A. M. Rosular'Jnnunry Henalon, ordurid rhe Hoard convened n l ih li time each ot n u a n i to call o f lh o Clialrainu, ihul tli« uon t a ll meuibt-rn und tho Clork. iik-«

the MatUr of Orantlnu Contracl tnkrn o [or Coul 10 Iw l).llvurud a l the InR abs Jouaty Jloiipliul, cllcct un ils ineotlng wan called fur Iho Tlmi-s rposo o t lolUiig a contract for coal conscyi ■ tho County Hospital and iho I'hC ard nfler oxamlnlnR Uie vnrlouii Hoard i ll aubmlltod. Krunii-d Uio conlrnct cd aii a tho NIbloy-Channol I.br. Co. for one po»e of r of Camoron .Mine Hun, 'a ry coll appearing to Uio Hoard th a l tho ho Cou Uling o t conl cnn ho done ou a more Hoard 6 Jnomlcal baali by lolling n ron trac i ‘“ n* >>f r hauling laino. The Clork wns In- .-oinm.f ■ucled lo InTlio hldn fnr hnulInK lurlhcr0 cnr of Min*) Run I'oiil from R. It. I'oanl i Connty IldHpiinl. Hldn tn ho fllrd <di,'Rub or betoro Mnrth i:61h a t 2 o'clock .nan. , M. • J

Whereupon tlii> Hoard adinurnod ns Atten Hoard of Cnrnmlniilnpem uml con- Twin ned aa a Hoard ot Ilonllh with ull 10 A. [leera and tho Si-i-rotiiry prenent. “ ho • d proceeded lo dlncnsu tho Bnnllary pumuai iffJHUmn of ccrialii achool linusun prvnont iWf couniy. Aflrr due dlncuiinlon In the nnld maiti-r. Uu- Hoard odjouruod < hari n Hoard ot lloalth. nnd agnin con- In th

nod an a Hoard ot Commlnslonem. Hoard It thoro heliiK no turllinr bunlnonn rro.-iled

romo hefiiro ilirni a t Uiln llnin a tnannci cenn w an, lukcn unlll March SCth. tn'i'n “ 2 p m . licen b

J, D, IIAHMIAIIT, Chairman, Uhllnh) A tim t; C, C. SIOOINH. CliTlt. » wTwin t'aii!. Idnho. Mareli 2G. 1023. n r""}^ P. M. Regulur Junuury Sw ilon. ,],j TIio noant eoMTi'm-if a t Itiln (tnin u,mrd irauant lo rrn-i-i, iirui-rni. all mcm- ,■ra anil thn C'l-rk. iho fni

thp M alirr or ni»-nlng Hldn for the ,ipK)rng haiillnR of M4l nt llu- County lion- PX")' < monihiIn Ihhi Mmirr. Mdn for Iho hauling

coal, havlni! I,rrn tlln l wllll the jard, namu w i-rt oiiciiif-d and read. ,,,,,1 Id ll bolni; fonml thai ihn hid nf J , McSlrholn wa-i 111*' Inwont, contracl r hanlliiR nn- car of MIno Run conl onl n . R. to Conniy Hnnpllnl nl Iho ^itn of 70 rrnm per ion wm. Rrnnted ,

nald McNIfholn. Mr, McNIrtioln ,^9 an duly noUtlcd of the iircepiunco of n bid. CounWhrronpon Uio Himrd ri'cfsnnd. nuh- „ cl to call o f ih r Clinlrnian. ’ Hoard

J, D, HAIINHAHT, Clmlrmnn. fm „V Atlent; C, C. SIOOINS. Clorh. ,|,,ill I Twin l-'alli, Idaho, M anh 2S. lOM, nil cla ' A. M. llcKulnr Jannary Hundnn, Prrced Tho Hoard «nnv..iirtl nl ihla-Um e lor. »h iriu n n i lo ta ll (if iho Chalrmiin. Hoi.rd cnrnl nil m-uilicrii i.nd thi- Clork. "'ho;1 thp Manor ..f a Notice lloKardlnR lort to Haniiuii nrlil);o. U.-192 In Ullll .Malli-r. niniorii hniuK circu-led thnl ll.......Ilannen llrlilKo" hanl Alin

tH IflNlf flr7

[[ S P R .IN G - 1]

5 . 0 0 0disappo: you to 1

T h e B t H L D I N f io m e - o w n e r s w

w e r e d is a p p o in te d :

W h y ? B e c a u s e

T h i s y c f j r th r g e

1 9 2 1 . Y e t n o m o re 1 9 2 1 b c c a u s e o u r i f o r l a r g e r I d e a l B<

A r c o l a is r a d ia t i I t i s c o n n e c t e d w it l

, W a r m b e d - r o o im lt io n f o r t h e ^ i l d r e i

T h e 5 ,0 0 0 h o m e

5 .0 0 0 r e a s o n s w h y y o u o n e s t im a te m

A rcoi•In s tf

U n d e r j . ^N o rm al • 4 ) I

.Conditions A .


IdsAl Boilers and A ' 2 4 th and Blakp

n condemned, ll In by Uio Iloanl ^ und tha t It. nollco Imj Inscrlu.l In ^ h ot (lie nowapapura tu the oftoclI the Hourd nu>H oraphuUculIy do- - ^ 9II thul any aucib ncllon haa beeurn or coniempluted. tho brldgu be- a

abnolutely aufe, Nollco to thia f .•ct ordered publlihed in the T. K. f uL-s und tho T . F . . Nowa to r iwo / isvcullvo Innucfl,•h i''l!oard then adjoornod. nn . a l» vrd of Coiiimtnnlononi. nnd conren- ( A ail a llwir.l of llealtli. .for llie pur- 1 W0 of fu rther Ulncuualii* Uio aanl- ; l 3 y condtllon of c e ru ln . achoola lu

Couniy. Aftor duu dlicuanlon thAi jrd adjuurned an a Uuard o t H ealth ^1 ucuin coiivenud aa a Hoard > uf nminnluiier«, h u t thcro being no thcr bu.Hlnenn to come before- tho in l nt Ihln tim e, n recw s wan lak-

Rubjnci tn (hu cnll ot (he-CSialr- - mm

' j . I). DAR.SHAUT, Chalrmun. I _ Ulcnl; C. C. a ic a iN S , Clork, ! | ^rwin l-'alln. Idaho. Murch 30. JS2},.0 A. M. Itegu lar Jnnuary S e iu ilo n .____Pho-Hoard convemed ol thfa (fmu — . muant lo u ill o t • Uio Chairman, fv2 | rxoni ull membera lUid tho Clock.

Ihe Mailer of Uory.lng Couniy ^ IhnrgM.n th li ina tler. 1C appearing to tho n i ard Ihnt dIaanllafacUon h as boen | c •aled In coria ln qua rte t^ by .tho ,nncr nt which county ciiargea hnve 'n burleil. nnd th a t faTorlilnm liun .FU shown certain Undotluklng on* illnhmenlH, 'aIt In ihoroforo ordered Jhat any . nnly charge dying u l the Ilonpitnl,

olinwhere, sha ll bo dollvorod to 3 pitnhllHlimonl deHignatO(r by the urd of Ciimmlanlonon. oxcept In ICB Whero relntlTea o r frlem ls pay ] fiinural oxpenues. and tlia l nuch !<lenat1on ahnll bo binding on nuch lulilUhmoni for a period o t throe inihi.And ll }» fu rth e r ordered tha t .a ll ' unly Hurlals occurring In thB->4ii - d riunncr of 1023. or trnniX pr1l>). n . nnill Jn ly 0. 1023. nhall bn un- r Ihn nupnrvliiion of the DoWltl idorluklnr cstalillaliuienrr and- a py of Ihlu ordor to bo norvod on pl. of the Couniy Honpltal. the M atter o f nu O nlcr Relating to

Ihe Filing of Clalma A gainst the County. • ^In Uila ninlter. It la ordered by the % ard. that tlie nla tnto covering tho lug Ot clalmn ngalnnt iho County all bo a lrlctly compiled with, nnd ^ I claim* not filed on the Saturday ^ rcpdlng tho beglnnlnK of a Quar- rU r. ahnll no t ho acted upon hy tho , V Mrd until tho auccoedlng ineullng. \ j Whereupon u reccm wan ukon , nuh- \ rt to call of tho Clmlrmnn. u r April ' 1923, U f

J . 1), IIARNHART. Chairman, 1 Aii'-ni: C. SIC aiN S. Clork, W

^ II--. ' :^ l a w K

l o i n t e d h o m e - o w i

) buy Arcola N) I N G ^ O M s t a r t e d in 1 9 2 1 . 1

s w h o h a d o r d e r e d r a d i a t o r w a r m

e d ;

u se t h e y w a i t e d u n t i l F n l l t o p la c f

r g e ^ e s a s m a n y h o m e s a r e bi l o r e A r c o l a s c a n b e p r o d u c e d th u r f a c t o r i e s a r e ' a l r e a d y o v e r - t a x

. B o i le r s .___________________■

l i a t o r a n d b o i l e r in o n e —d i f f e r e n t fi w i t h a g e n u i n e A m e r i c a n R a d ia te f ris l B r e a k f a s t in a w a r m d in in g

d r e n f r o m c o ld s a n d g r ip p e I

j m e - o w n e r s w h o ’ w e r e d is a p p o in t

/ h y y o u s h o u l d l e t y o u r H e a t i n g (

s now.

DLA H e a t i n g Cn s ta l l e d r e a d y t o u s e w i t h r a d i a t o

- i n e a c h r o o m

>180 to *550FO R S M A L L H O M E S A N D ST O RES

ggsf RADIATOR rd A M E I i / C A T i K f i ^ d l A t ^ I s J o r ' f D

kp S t r e e t s ‘ ,

f^/resM1 / from th e

f a c t o i y

i R O t l u W U B OW N W R H I I A lU d ^ I ''

S a P B Y W a ic S EB

Ei-ery /efng a peritet Icing tv iih R O O F Q A R D E N


la Km/ CUidrm C>miW In cuuo l i Ym. Cmtr

A M«bt>rm I,G


s~zr ~ 'O U T I ' .O L ^ l l

\ L L '

vners tell NOW. T h o t F o i l , 5 ,0 0 0 r m t h w i t h A r co la

la c e t h e i r o r d e r s . ;

: b e i n g b u i l t a s in 1 t h i s y e a r t h a n in • ’ t a x e d w i t h o r d e r s

I t f r o m a n y o th e r s . f

i a to r in e a c h r o o m .in g r o o m I P r o t e c - ;

m inted in 192 1 a r e !ig C o n t r a c t o r g iv e

O u t f i t ia t o r

O '- P lu s 1‘ .F re ig h t- j-

lE S ■ j I~ i ~ ' ' s s B s s s a ^ m

' ' '

r OMPJ gSfY ;'f ryjteating need

Denver, Colov j

vDXKRDAT, APRIL 11, mil.

Page 3: ^ ApillL 11, 1923. llin i[1^ R eported C fOUREWr w D e V ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · voLua•IE;o/KU^^u^li llin i p i i ' ciifflj ill Agttemont by Turkish

. , WEDNTvSDAy, APJ?iry..ll.

NEWSCi i s WIN 'i iEReuss 1

mCK lElAlvord- Is H igh M aa with 25 i

Point*, Fivo F ir s t Placea Bolnff 'Taken by PromlBln(r Junior; IFrank Powers Turns in Most J

Points for Seniors. j

' ClaKii— I'otnlx llfirnloM ................................ ni IJutiJort ................................ ;lHtiphoniorts ......................... IS i^eO im fti ........................... « • 1

— — i • Vcilenlay nflurncmn tlio ncnlnrx

Inok llio annuul liKorcluim truck limot trom lliu Junlorn. Tlio flnnl .core Mur.'. Bciilori.. Cl polnln; Ju- nlori, CO. nna tlio Soiilunnurc". ir. • poliiU. Dopo. lu rk mill tlu'iirli'Pi uptfl nil BhiillorciJ by lliu rMuli.

, Ttio Senlorn wnro loiikoil uiion, ub f a t j wlnnerii. Howuvor, tlioy hoiiii louni] (hetriiialven buliInU nnd ut (Im laitar p a n ot tli(> moot It lunkml OR thoU|;Iil'tlin JuiilorH would win.Tlio final CTcnl, lliu Iniit mllo ruliiy, wan tliu decldlnR uvuiii ot (hv iluy.Tlio Junlom liail to inku noconil In urder lo do (Iiu S en lon atid il wuh Imporellve (hat (lio Scniom tlioiild wia. The r m i l t vraa Oinl Ihn Sit’ n in n took tIrBl. (lie SopliomorM niiN pii onil and Uio Junlorn third. T lirro pr wnn Bomo <]lHnB(ii<(iictIon nn Uip imri |j|| nf tlig Junlorn. who bullovvil th.-il they hci Xfluld Hnre' (lud (ho ai'nro had AK of

. rord run In tho reluy. Howover. the lui rapiotnn "I tho (wo upiicr clnHneu Kr •ny .thnt Uicy iiKrvc ihut o^crylhlnK wna run fairly nnd iih ,Uiu bunlor Yu rniiialn put* U " tf vvcry. iino (Kn’( foi Hndnfled wo'ro wlllinK lo iry ll nh BKnln." . fir

A lumtnnry o t tho meol nliown Al- Im vnrd. (ho Jun ior cnptnln. (n bu liigh

.......... .... point man vrlth n (olnl o t gfi polntH, “

th e ' Beniocn and nccond n lth tr, — pola ti in fl<ro cventn. Tlio >'rc«h- men taDni lo rr* l» ior a sIhsJc point. ) Ther« wore U> evsn lt. n il polntn lie- f lOK ftBUred. on n banln of S r o ln u ^ for tlrat, 3 for lecond, und 1 fnr third.

Loosen Up That Cold With Mnsterole

Have Miuterole handy when a coldilarts. I t bas a ll o t the odvsntiiKca o( »]KTSKlffiother’sm ustardp la tlcrW l’n i ' w

( OUTthcWiJter. Y otilustapplyUw lth mIhc fingerl FIrtt you (Ml a'vrarm tinile ins t the heallnc dn tinen t penetratei the Wp c m .U x n cones a loothins. cocdiiv O'tensntton and quick relief. «>

Made of pure oil o( inusliml and otbir to jd e inFwlienti, M uittroU Ureosinmended by many nune* and todocton. Try M unerole for bronchlti*. Ix•Ort Ihioat. ttlfl neck, plcurliy, rbeu* H'm atisn, lurabaso, croup, aithma. neu* )“ ral£ta, ooaeettlon, poliu and acbet o( the bade oriointa. sore muKlei.(pralfi>.bntiKf. c h i f t to t . froited feet, coldi of *<itbe chert. I t m ay prevent pneumonia f and-flu .^ 35cand6Sc,jarsaadtube*.

B t l t n j h m a m u i l a r ^ p t a t H r ' d<

' nl

M 'l i f f l i i ' ' , , Aiw - s m s j

CoiU Few Cent* » J a r—Keeps H a ir O to iir. T rell> are«»< .

. HAIR- 'C f i O O M ^

K e e p s H a ir i / 7

• J C b m b e ^ ^ / r A / /

Mllll?na U ie I t — F ln i for Hair! —Not Wteky, Or«My «r «m*lly

E ren i^ubliom. unruly or sham ­pooed ha ir ilay* conibw) all day Id any atylb yoii like. ‘'nalr-G room ” la * aUoUlfd comWa* cream wblcb

. givei th a t Batum i t l a i i acd well-uroomitd effect to your -h a ir—tha l tlDil ./tOBch to good d re i i bolh la lu ilD W qad on iocIHl occaaioni.

. O re u e l ts i, itaJnleM "Halr-aroom "dooi Bot th o v on (he hair because

v J t Is ib ie rbed by. lha icalp, (hure- fore your ha ir remalDi to lo tt and pllabts and no nntural lhat no pne

■ can poiill/ly 16II yuu used ((■ DruK- ' ilo rss . •. , . 'l




TJm .S>H' Vork A m crlcani havo pii'kud u is ^ nilRlily flno ouitloldlnR “ pronpoct ill Harvey ilcndrlckn. Tliu liltf tcllow him Icfl-hatidcd iind hnn ^ horn nno of' (lio hntllnK HonHfiUonit o f.iliu nprloK (m ining ui' Now O r- " luuns. HuKKinii ri'RiirdH him un ii KrtiU hluor.

llondrlckn wiih nucurod hy tliv Yunkvrn from (Inlvonton In (hu Toxuh fuiiKUv. n'liflo (lie ynunxnlur Iium nhown Rront prnnilsu nt (he bat. IiIh tlfldlni; in ntlll vury crudo. nnd lio ‘‘‘ Imn much tu Icnrn In tliu t ilcjmrt- iiinnl of pluy buforu bcInK roady tu r u ruKulur Ic r th ._____ w

i Traininff Camp Tai>sI ____________________________[ »

KS'0X.V1LLB. Tenn.—Olio Hrlplo play and three doub le 'p iny i by (ha -| WIiKo Sox inflald alupped tho Q1an(n I cold nnd McOraw'a team lost a 10. I InnInK battle by a score a t * (o 3. WUllo Kamm h it a homer and Jimmy „ O'Cennel gut (hree ilaglca In (hr«c ° (Imea up.

TULSA. Oklu.-.Bul)# Iluth fanned tour (liuG» while tho Yutika wcro hoallni; the Hoblni, C to 4. DuRun. c IlOBh. W hcul nnd Tom Q rlfflih h li y homora. ^

PHILADELPHIA.—Dy worklnfi n {! (Qiicejo play fu (ho cfshdi fnnfnc ycHturdny (ho. A(hle(<ca broke u I to t (Iq und pu l over two o ther ru m } thnt resulted in tho rh llllo s being c duteatod. 4 to 1.

N’ASHVILbE, Tenn.—nuasoir* home ' run 'd rtvu In tho neVenth pu l thn P1- r iitca-ln the luad nnd Nftihvlll<i out r 8 to C. .

NEW Q IILEANS-Tlie Clev<!nnd Indiana will broak camp horo Sunday ' nlRlii und m art on tholr Journey luniit'. -

MKET RXTENUEn—- I-SAN DlBtlO. Calif., A pril l l - T l i«

Tl Juanu raco meot has been ezlended four daya. In itaad of oloalnc nex t Sumbiy. U will n-iumo on Thursday, A prir-197afiff-cl6io -i5a~Bundfty. A pni j


' • W? +41/• V V' 11 ^ /

V J -

Jack wn&'dorcd w bal the tittle tin ■ the driiUc Dt w ater l o bad aaked

■ The -tlrem m b«rke<lMbetV liookJ founlnin apd rapidly, r^n a.hw*e, w ai on th e floor. •

'r ■ ' ■

. . ' TWL



CONCERNS All IA.. A. U. Hoad Advises Against 11

Sending A thletes to Europe [- Tbis Snmmor, Believing In Oonccntrating on Oanios In \ Paris L a te r On. 2

(Hy HKSUV 1,. KAiniKLL.) Ltf NKW VOilK, April 11 — Hurlnun .

Ihoufihlfl nboul orfc-nnJiutlon of tho /uclonm tho Unllnd Siaicn in (o nenil mnlo .tho niyiiipk- Knnii."! In 1‘arln n i|kycnr from Ihln cumlnK nuniincr iiri' mu ut l()Hl bi'lnK cxurclncd by (hv offl- clalu.

,S(> doiilii l( Ib rnullti'd Ihnl-n rrn* P jri-ncnintlvc (cam of Aincricnn nth- V luti'B cannot lie rccrulled by hlowliiK it 'ljURlu Jn Iho four coriiiirii ol ihi? irtmiitry a «-ccJ< o r «ci liofcrrr- tli<‘ U

W llllum 'C. I’r.iiK, prunldrn( i.f d ir I I A. A. tl. nnil n tnumlicr of thu Olym-.llic vnminllti-o hnn Hit|tK<--<»»d wlacly I IUint nr> Aniurlcuii 4cninn bu lu'nt to I fKiiro]i»nn mouin (liln niininicr un<l ** dini i'x(ru otfortii Iio devoted lo nicclf In Ihln cnuntry In proiiaradoii fo’i nuxt Nunirncr. ■

Tliu awi'ilrn wunted Iho A. A. U <niIII HL-nd ovor n icaiii of li! cIinmiilimH ,(bi111 <'i)mpi-ti> Iir ClntlionborK In July hut tluthu tnviinilon will Ixi docllnrd t>«- in<rif(iHi! the rom prlltion would keup UnIho AniDrU-unn awny from nil thu Im- ihninirtnn( Amcricnn tnccin Jnul whun i i'Ihoy uro mosi ni'oded. •nu

Thu TlrliiHli Olympic nfiioclaUon In jr, cnuiiIdcrlnK mom aorlouily to nond :>o

n leam in P aris tha t will rrntnre omy (ho wnnluR iirfHilgr ot Orunt llrltnln. .lotn A fund of |:r>0,00u Ih bolnR nilHrd to .-viI, finance the invunlon nnd unUHUul of* cut.. torin ur<> hclnR mndu to Rc( Iho ,ui„ conntry bnck of thn movnmcnt. wh

KnRlund. nlncu (hu Aniwurp tnooi r,.c hnn hrnuElil out ii nuinbi-r nt groat

I, colloRo ntlilctca nnd It nccmn cor- ), fnIn Ihal thn llrlilKh wW lwt !«•:h tho Icnnt formldiiblo rlvnl (ho Amcrl-

cum will hnve (o cnmpclu uKuinat.[. >'lnnnclnR Ihe American lenm willir nol bo nuch a aorloun problem im [•y

with ninily o t diu Kuropcnn nntionn.

cit n''"o f Mel a in'* d '^ I d T p o ^ccni cul oul nl the revonuo from ull A. A. U. meeta-Tind. while .no flK- u rc i a re avaflabfo (hero m u il b« a n|,

.1 autinlanilal aum already Id (he truaa- ury. np

L ait yoar a t this timo It Bocmed tha t (here woulil bo a polilleal fight fur (he control ot tho 1924 Olympic team, but many of the dlfferenceii between the prenent cnntroJllnR body and the pallunal federation hnvo beun U avorcome, and, Utile friction ' In ex- Vc

- peq tcd -nex tT ear:-" La------------------------ Kl

---------------- --- ----------- .■■■ Tr,e ^M COAST LEAGUE jIt- I I?• Al Onkland:' U. II. E. p,^ San PrnneUco ...... ..... ............. 6 10 1 "“ Oflklnml - .................................... 1 s 3

DaUorloH: Geury and Yelle; j;^, KrauBO and Marchio, Thomas.

ro At Sacramento; II.U .K .»• Huaidc ......... r 9 0'I Sacramcnto . I 11 .1

natlerlc i; Oregg. Dlaka aod Y ar. I. yun; I’enner. Shco. Canfield und or

" Koehler. M(R --------- oil'o Al Ball U k o : U.H. K. w;

I’ortlaml ................ ... ......... -... 3 C 1*B Sail U k e ................................ .' 9 17 1

lUlterle*: Bench. PllleUo and Uy- ler; Slngleion and I’elcra.

ne -----1- I'I- Nn Los AnKelM-Vernon gnmo on ac-

count wot RrauDda.' ^. " " y,

Net So'V aluable.ny • 'T im e 1« tnwjey." aald Uncle Eben.It', -bill d<* Ihid uf money a loefer’a time

n unlh IR countwrctt.**->VaitilD(ton fin.-. - - u,

1.0 ------------------------ EiBrewing Treubla. . ; ^

* PsM e: Once up«» a time Ibn-e ,a-iuarfted lady, w ho .pp re r IIKcd to ^

’ five advice lo licr btuband as to how to drive their c a r .-D e tro it Tr** Pr*«* -


fire d e p a r trn « l cohid have to do w h i” ’ aked .to r. T han he began to nfid 'ooL 'Ulk and ladder up a ia ln s l a drinlitnc MO from the founlain to a g la is which


VORLD 11!■■■;“ 7““ Al


uv n iA N K I'HANCE.MunaRur liontoii Itcd 8ux.

GolthiR out flf ln»I plncu will ho “ llie chief thoughl In my nuw Jut) us munoKor of tho lUrnn.n Red Sox. K

would hu

feel Ihut uddl-

Murruy,^*rriire(l_ In

jvnjdi'tiiK?nn” tnid'c.

. t i i A l 'tL cnlfucrn j!iI« yrnr. prciiy iiiiirJi « ui'w lunin diiit In koUir |i. iiuki' ii t 'rttu r '"j- ihowluK 'han Innt yiMi-. O'Doul nml .Murrny'iihould hpip my pltohlni;. . .



If____ ------ al

Tho WrlKht Storo Im.w1.tiI won. 'V' <iiuwt-d nniliT Innt nti;iu lu ull ihroi- ilBino* by Iho HiiKori'mi fuf« cxin-rl" "' tlut iiioiil unydiiu wmilcl tinvii hrrji ' inowoil unilvr lont nli'lit for th* nuUti llnpcmicrn linuK up :i new murk tor lhu Twill l-'iillii uilt-yn. :.iiil tunii'it In 1 iiroru d ia l woulil h;oi- ufonnud coin- .nuiiL lu uny i:1rcluii.

In two of lhu conli-iiti Iho rufu mun ’® boivli'd ovor «00 and il) oai-. Ih* see- ,,, ond. rcuchod (hc iiiiiirtniE murk of J0». Thclr lo(u1 wu« :(Hii for thu IJ.•vpiihiK. un 1iii|.ru»nlv- purformnmu. ,,ccrialnly. Tho losun; foiiKht Kuniely , .hrouKhmii. but wh;it run . you doA'hcii opponud (II iiucli Inliumnn pur- . tcctUinT

Towun (if tho KOUII idiiiKvrn founil ,rilinaoir coiiiplctnly i:in nli:hi (If hi‘ ,f

ovur lont hfmauff) nml Itfn »c»ru orC :* jplolU better Ihnn any nuiiibur of wordu •.lhu Iitory ot thu Rumo» und why d i t |o wlnnvm rnmo onl an lop nn Ihey tlid tw ice dnrluR the ovuiilnn Townn pnil-I'd up ovur thu ‘JOU mark uud In hla ,i,

in th f r Clime, linrfjr. ilriiinicil Iviaw n'»i covuted lotul. 191 heliiK hln contrlbu- (lon (o hlH (oam’n wolfare. m

Larseu. wu» In raf« sood form laat night. (00, na wore many of (ho othera, and those whu uniiuincd tho role Q( npectAtora got (liuIr mnuuy'K wor(b C buyond a douht.

Tbu llRurvft:

llO aE ltS nS CAKE *-1 : .1 Totals

U r»cn ............. IH.I 211 170 67SVogel ................. HS 181) 170 47HLogan ............... I'iT—1«H If.l 6lfi--------Kennedy ......... H J 147 104 444 i,.Tnwnn ............... IDl 222 034 -

Totn|n ........... HOT 908 SOC 2640w iu a n r .s srcflUB—

1 5 TotnlaFlnko ............... 171 '1B7 1H4 CIS O'A. B. lloono ..... 13? m 129 409Kleffner ........... K.4 US 129 401H ll' ........... , ....... 120 207 122 449 «Bcnoll ..... ....... 175 105 ICG 805

.TotalH ......... 70S 190 749 2270 >1'In thft second lilt of the evenlni; (he

I. D. K ore surprlBod somo o t (ho wlae oncN by annexing (wo ou( of Iho three Rumes trom thn Shoe Market, losing only 1(10 concJuilfng ono. Jake Vocliem .i wun high tnuii Wilh B20.

lleud thc ut-orc;.SHOE MAHKET

I 2 3 TolnlnHullhon ............. l-W 129 182 447Uuchanun ......... 147 14S ICO 4CS «Salmon ............. 122 140 ICO 424Atnlp ....... ......... ICO 124 140 430 .Vochom ............. 17C Illl ICI 520 ' '

Tmala ......7<C 740 79C'22«2yi

1. D. STOllEI 2 3 Total*

Boone ................. I.12'-lfi9 1G9 400> JlPord ................... 1S9 157 1C9 406HUI ..........7..-..... 180 142 140 402Mooro ............... 145 12C 120 390 TLfnvUfe ............. tC3 SOO MS 458

■ TotaU ....’ ...."t o ^ *749 22iT tI

O '^*w.T.rr ~ ~ _______ =

^ -

’ ike tT th e 'w ak v r.w aa 'u o tiiet o t the' tire d e p an n e n t . handed co ld]drink . '8 o e n llie fir* dep artn •w sy and le tl. Jack th«n .n n ie a . to found 'he had disappeared. ;

. l.... . . J____•. .a...

- *'■. \

M E S _____________ ^


___ .\illlicl

“Ovcr 2CO,0UO iroul huVu heuu. p lunu Tue; :e<l In tho siruamn of thM 'srrtlon of Maho. UIIO hlack hn«». :’»« cixrppi-. Mil j,i culfliih und 2CO0 |.crcli huvu nino bci-n (inn planted herr," accurdlni; to H. It. n.r.i (Irunl In IiIb.report Ihki ovenluR tu tho SouUiern Idaho KUh und Ciinic asMoclDlloii as Iri-anurcr <it (ho organ- , ' tsuilon. K ll ruporl ulio nhovieil ih R |.. auuiuiit of cnnh hundlcit t.y thu orKun- liullon durlnK ihc puiti yuur. 0 . W. Shrout. pruBldcnt of Uio iiHiiocludon, oponcil (fio tnuudiiK wlih Hnvi-rnl tn- l/'.y 'uoduittoriy rumnrkH nnd Introdui-od t tu Old Home Town i|uart<a c»UMl:it- Ing of f . E. WrlRht, M- <1. llatU'y. 11. M I t I^iKnn (Uld I’hll Cnldwntcr. Tlioy ^vur BUUK neveriil nuinI.erM which w itc thu licurtlly nni-nrud. Thn pun.dy lul wlili-h they look■ off n numlier of lo-l M cnl tinhurinen made n wnmtcrfiil hit. ifnr

" juck" Slirout thon Introducud Miiy-ithi-l or-vlcct Shad L. HodKln. who prenld- J...I Hi OH loaHtmaiilur. lie nixiku of tlM 'i''’'*'. need o t (in-uprrntlon with thv FliIi 11 und Onmu. dupartment and dii' on- vlui furcumuni of the law if wo aro to Twi Imvo guino proiierven und fish In our dnv. Krcums. Ho mated that every sporln- mun must hu u Rood lonor. M

Itiipri'HVi ntntlvu T. J. l.loyd thon .Iloh .ijioku of hl« arijuaiiKnncii with dii' i.im- newly iiiipuln(od ntaUi Uuh und r.unit- Mr.i wnrdon. II.'i:. Tliomuii. Hu inirodiu cd Mtn Mr. ThoiniiH und Rtalud fliu( ho wa.i cd. voll pleased with (ho uppolnlment t.r Wr. Tliomun. Tlio luitcr npiike on thn J nrud nf ociinoniy In a ll iIupnrtmonlH nf ' it our Ntnlu govarnment, und uHpuc- Jun a lly In thu fish und cuniu duparimfliiU Hot Wu hopd to UKO die monuy In-thin do- lioli 7sriuiuAi iO'siM'k Ihl) nlr«a»i» nud Iho con lolils wldl flHh uud gnino rudinr than -hnslng down iii>uriunion. Uiiprcnon- m ullvu J. M. Mnrkul spoku on hin oX- vllli ‘orloiirti uc till- niutii IdRlii'Adiru nml atul hu nttcmiit lo .irento ii niivoiitrTicrn Hi..| .nuio proaervi- uuar Luwln(on and win hu iKipo thut n gumu pruat-rvn would tliel >0 created, taklnK In (hu Twin KbllK lOunty fa ir groundH. Senator W. K.Pike npoki} on 7«g1fila(li'o m a lte n . . lev. W. W. IlurkH. und Hov. A. 0 . ' ’e-\rsfln uino spoko.■C. A. llallcy »poko on tho #tale trap-

dioollng inurnninvnl (o hc held hero w'u: liny 27. 2H aud 29. undor Ihe uunplcen wu if Iho Twin l-'ulin Uod nnd Ouu cluh. Rtn

Oeo, Tonkin of linker. Oregon, ted- j,i, irul Kume warden, npoko ot (ho nued ,uy it permnni'Ol nnd proiuciud foodlnc ironndn for infRrutory wnturfowl. M.•. Wnro spoko oa the (raining o tb ird logn nnd stated Uml dogn, should h» T lonflnctl during (he neKlng Boason. lu .

Thn Klnh and Oame anioclallon wilt lingo a mombcrnhlp drivo and IhiM ' will hn In d iartR n t W, n , W fW , Th^ _namiuei wan onn of Iho largest evur __lultl In thin city nnd many wure tu rn ­ed uwuy Um-nuae of lack of room.

I P E R S O N A L S II ................................. I

O. J . Plalnled'wns up frfim Duhl (odny.

- - N « B Curlla went to Fllor today on bualneai. ,

Georgo Mueller was In -from Con­tact today.

, ll. E. S lnc«x-of'Jndildge In here on buslncBi. ^

O. E. Oshlson wn* down from llupert today.

J. S. Crow ot Ooijdlng waivsover Ihin morning. ^ '

i Mm. Chesley of Burley Is here lo■ visit Mrs. M m .

• Mr. and Mra. Donaldson aro Ip Ihta' clly from Jarbldge.

Albert Qallowny was u punsenger to (luhl (hi* atiernoon.

' George'Kelley wenl to Curry yes­terday. .

Mm. r . r . MnudHn was In thu cltjr from Flier yrsterday.

Ben IL Tillery wna in diln city yesterday from Huhl,

I Judge Jacob Shank was hern trom Rubl, yoilerduy nn legal buHlnena.

Mr. end Mrs. H . V. Latrd were tn Twin Fall* yeaiarday trom Euhl.

MUs Fttllh Ssllee Is back trom Tlall lo frleods in Pocatello. \

D r a w r

d sbbrily the g l w w ss tilled. T hs ' Tl ded It to {lack and he bad a tine n r tn e n t packed ladders' 'eod hoses a l .to Urtk' to th e Jaek-ln-the-box but y

" ■ ? '

J _____________________ £ __________

Mr. uud Mrn. W, II. Ilarvoy w.t " |In dio city rnini Iluhl ymtiTilay iip hunliiUBtl.

Mrn. Tl.'ll. SIiiiiiU rcliiriicil li. n ic r lant nvenlng nftcr u uliorl Mnli In ililH city.

Sonntnr M. J . Hweoloy uiul JudK-- Jame* H. llolhwell wrro In JiToin'- yt'«lordny iid k i:n l nialtcM. |

.Mciidnnit'ii II. V. Illlllar ami t*. J. . Iliickliii;hain wrro up friini llulit on Tuesday bciwocn tralnn.

Juilgn Arlhur W. Onirinii nr l(i>'(inn (If <)hir<iiii A lirtoii. niicni \i">. lerday In Twin Knlln on tiii-iliipit.

]■'. W. Mjickcy in t.;ick trmn Dcnxcr whor- hi- attciiili'il llic fiiniT;il nf hla fiiihur.

(;ri'cn of Klm l.nl) wu.. In ilili> —

vUii (rlcndri. I S

Mr. and .\1r". i.loyil Wrir.lis "f iC i l l ml ui-rr in Ttvii. Kalis Mnlul.n m i.llc \.l , fnl

[thu f^yuii.hiiiiy .n iu c ii . | in

I Mr. ami Mr.i. II. K ,'..^ t let! '|f<ir Ki.ll l-ilio flly \.» lri.lii) ' wllli I th i'lr family ufler « vhll wllh llic , , 'j^.,.(:. Whfch.ii riiiiiity. •

licv. I\ii;r! mill family „f I'mil ucn - « vlnll.trn III Ihr l.iiilic-niu i.ai«nuai;u uT Twin Knlln anil Clovrr Clly i.n Mon- dnv. Tlicy nii.cio llu- lr l|. hy ini.tnr.

Mrn. Jaiin-n .M. Wall ri-tiirni'd triini .Ihiltiii Tuenday ovi.nlnr.. ufli-r liuvlni; I'lii'iil iiovi'inl day:i wllh h ir dniiKlili-r.Mr.i. 1.. W. Wyliiml. whi. Im-i I.-tii Hi.Mrn, Wnll lifl lii-r v n y inoch Imini.t- cd.

Juilro i:. A. Wallcrii of die flrln Ilf Wallori.. Itiilloy fi i-nrry and JudKo Jumnn ll. llolhwull of lllo firm of Itothwolt A- Chapinan, l.'tl l.nlny for lloliio III ii|i|iour hcfori' dll' niipri'nii'

Mr. and Mrn. .\l, M. Kox of' I'ruii- Vllli.. Mich.. arrlvi.,| toilay tu vlnlt Mr, and Mni. li. I.. Anhn.n, Thoy uro on tholr wny homo from Uin AmkcIi'.i, wtii'io Ihoy n|it-iil lhu wlnli-r vlnllliii; th e ir daURhlor.

Dallniie Command.Ttosulle and Jack tisil ipilte a serliiu^

snoiv llsht. Jack <im<lng out victor nnd leuvlnf lliMullo In a hm p tm (tiu sidis walk. U-drugRlcd and siiimine. Kii>ihII<] wua furions. nnd nw nhe cot np nml. ntnrted for Uic hruau nhe cnlleit n ftor ' Juck. "Dim’t yt>u d-u-s lo ooiuu buck In luy yanl uutll ne>er."

Sllenc* la f itd .Tliongh onn nmy i.a smart enouch

(u cspi'itf Itiu oilier fulluw's ganie. he mny nui tin It. hecuusu hu duean’l wnui to make un enemy. ________

T a k e T imNo m a ltr r he

lunch titne, TA ; ,. O u r- lim « * -4*«m

• quickly and proiyoo 21 ‘honrH r;

, " IT 18 THE BESU ]I •*


^ o a p ^Cryitoi White I

Crthie Oil 1

P E E T ’SWasA B N a p th a L

BELOW WHOLESA ________ , j i R o c

n i n g s . by L e s l i e J E l t o i L S

Th4a iH e'10^ tteparwilhV dloek htruCk w u i t ' ^ Tb«' Buikie b d a r wbea i h a - t a ll«e.lT eddy ,U un(.ra t«nM d tOi t)Mr.-4 V e ^ w here.they, hadi been .betore. loyti bolfclog bn i .iivlet..'{&Dtt9a ^ .) . ‘ v ' '.

' I

' l u o E rm isM

GOOD - - C I G A R E T T E S

^ ' - I P__ G E N U tN C •.

S S E M “B u i r -T f r J W D U R H A M


J 'I S(one Age Conpcr Mine In Canada. , ,I A .•„ii|.or inliur llmt wuh «orkcd by f miiiiTi lif llir sitiiiu ni;o hiia been

r<iiiiiil l.u atl bl.ni'l near I’urt ArTliur. "I ilnliiilo. Tl»- -liiiflH ..r lllll nore'UO

lo :;o fi-rt iici'ii 111 llir solid rtifk.-auiT ' llu- li.iiln xihi.li rvl.lrnlly Won- \l»ol1 ».T<' iilai'L. I'k'c >.ii;i|)i'ii Bioncn of grru t

Alf ilafsSlPB. ,

i n i l a v t K b o ^ and 8tieiigtKaKe lu lly m e t 111 ,/

M J ©C O F F E E : - i t sattslies l b e .

'cwbo dem andm id '

■ coaee,-,^,

T M K T S \ ' VK M -BIU»tW lTBIil fc C * '." ,

ae t o E a ^ 'h o n bu'iy yon nre a t

TAKK TIMK TO E.\T.4‘enn fe r n lll »erre yun ’ -s.» - .properly. Krody l» serve H r re ry dny.



W e e l #e Laundry Soap • . .I Toilet Soap

ashing Madiitie SoapLatmdry S ^ p

;a l e c o s t a t a Ll“ 'K E R si i . .^Y :-^ . i iinii.vii r a aii

story t y B a l . C p c liij^


■' -■> i-v’


joyUhd c a n e , to. life.','

Page 4: ^ ApillL 11, 1923. llin i[1^ R eported C fOUREWr w D e V ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · voLua•IE;o/KU^^u^li llin i p i i ' ciifflj ill Agttemont by Turkish


• ' l 9 r e B 'V 0 U i l l , 7 ^ K '^

T W M LS m' ’Q n i O X i ^ H B W a P A P B B 0 7 T

' 'H i'f t 'n in e s bfti tnoro licad rrs in -■ puhlioatlor

rr« r7 BrealDg Except Sund CowpMy. Twin Fal

; ' Z .~ H ."K A 9T ^~.--—----------------------

■(BfiUrtd at tb t Twin PnlU Fottofrico i

‘ Dally PubllcaUoD. Api

I ' i . • ; SUBSOHICTION^D«Uy, -ono yenr..................................*D»Uy, ilx inontha................. .............jjpsily, one m on th -...............................

L E T o s N O T B E D E G E P O V E R - C O N F l

Th® biBgjak-Uov'oJopmciil in point < ^ W o n t to m ^ p c o p lc of th ii noctlon ondf tbb 'iod tu tiria l conitructinn aKH(i('in<

V tliew Ull«d «nt«rpri' . m d f r o n T K b j r t r ^ t o W ells .

* n i T t o w . i t lil position to knoU t«:tO :<«U-tba;pwple of tb i i uoU

' conBtmetioair in follow tlie au o n m ce

be bnllt.'T here .is)« doable and n (rehlo mri:

t o i h i 'As^'erieaa Falia project. So ver « m fid -eb 'u tim nu ition tbu t U IS 'CA’N T ^ ' S U Q J ^ m CIUNCK O F ITS I

. I h w t l i , h o o v e r , an nir o f over* tl^e b i i .a te ^ c t j^ 'M Cy mioh ti i ; 4 WUnAd'.Miat'lhtf bood election, to iiriy.'-W itliSwt a ffo rt and w llhout oppi

’;Wb d.Jalte to v flm our jiMpln ugi nny bond iwiuo thut

. d u f, pfli-hopn, to *misu]:U lQe*i^'iit6p1e who have misundemtot

erro r nm!. -^*^i«v<sr''o'pi>Qs!tion cxlNtK, uh to

faei* elementn tliat may lie injc {(be,o(i^tnet,w itK ,,tbo govem uicnt, do.

con^ in jn id iiig pcrh

'r ^ ; 'J^ !p R B •;^ S •O N L Y ONE SA FE C effort m ust bc p i

Acr^'to^’tho g rea t iaiportpucc of i-aiT, jito id iiit b f. Ruck'.a m ajority tlm t n il '( jU ad^ ig^hW T Ipycatnients in our buu: i j f e i r 'te go oil w ith 'th c ir pinnn.' i ^ e niid«rtnkinK i» ko hiKhiy impo Snddntry here, notnbly «Br|puUnn', tii i ev e^ -h n m c , thn t w c ennnot nfford tc ccivitd or liiUtHl iii|l^ li scnnc of false kp<

^ . f f e O M T H ^

ifcD who linvc died (thcir licnrt have occoaionelly been brought bock t Into tb e ir heart*. Adrenalin—moKt po moM ao .than nitro*plycerin—Komctimei afrain. •

7h i« '-bM been I(no^n] to the mc y«gn ,. Im proved zncthotiN Imvo ht'on < Crile of.ciiienRO. Ho ninUcH Die un Medical; aooiety.' Bimilor reHulIx weru

D r. K arl StkioR of Bndapest..The udreiiAlin treatm ent, to hu

w ithin io miDUten n fter denth. Also, retnW ed. To.undum tund tliut latil Hti tb a t 'th c odrenalin injection !k o f moHt lluv lns vTnIc heartx, dio from the. ann

'Jnbidenlally , n heart tha t huH xti bco t 'ogain by the sui^eo’n nninif IiIh tojROMaRe tho heart* '

- -------0 -------‘lAdrenalin is n uhcmicnl substunuc

BlandH, usually o f vliuup. The.sc ghii kidileyB. ‘You hnVp a net of them. Tu llv r, fo r th e stim ulant gcmTOt<Hl by tl blocKl-keeps <hc heart goinR—fipcakinf

. W hen y ou get excited, you Bonietii Jas t, Yoiir a’dreuul RlnndK, rcspondin ^Btliiply Bhoot more adrenalin into yo 'your heart'. 'When the mircnalH ure iscts low and f a in t ! A friend of ours, n lo'Ffr-lliyroitl jcialUcs in endocrine KlundoloRy. Tin ‘The ph>ii)cian fed biro c.'ctrnet of j>anc ,bin 6wn pancreatic »lanil, enlmed do •In tn rn , th a t slowed down U h ndrcui ■Iwco-reduced to nearly normal.

A n in tricate proeees. I t ORnin c ithe . discoveries doctors nrc nmlcing .ela tld t.

D r. Crile bt-ings a mnn bnck from jfleajl ten mloutcK. Thi* end* the old -find camc back lo tell us nbout i t .”

‘i lo s t peoplo will wonder, whnt 1 ^ 0 ; ib 'm in u te s he wa.<i dcudT \Yher« .anaVei'. .A curtain is draw n ox-er ljis > h A i h*:r8ltirDB to" coiiHeiouRnefw. iJi tabes.u s liiiich M 24 honni for tho kouI

’ JtSHOUNCEM^T ; 'T W 'm d f m B#W open to Sm ith r j



in tliis City thnn ony other • _^ I q . undajr l>r tho T loe* P o b llih ln t I'*’ .!;Falls . Idaho. ;........................... ' ’ |B 'cl

- —........................E dltor.PnblUbflf------------------------------------------------ hOllll

^ IHI;— ...... ■ ' ■■■ ■' “Tht:o as SfcuQd C lais M altsr as a o r ‘April 11, 1D18. nion_______________ ___ _ cf tl►N H A T IiS . Q.............................................. ..... ^ . 0 0 tor :

:5 00....... . «

!■' ’ • A.

i I V E D O R - B E C O M E S F I D E N T

It of bolh iminediuti' und future ijuaI Ih thu A m eric im KhHk p ro jeo t 'in tu d xvith i t . imbl'i prises is headed by a rail-

mow, and it does no t besl-ictioa tb a t i t is an absolute |>loa of the B ogm on-W eU s tce tb a t the American F alls L

;iRnificiiUPp, thererore, HttneliinB Ivery mnoh hinRi's upon its mjc* IA’NNOT AFFORD TO TAKK IH DKFKAT! Icr*eonfidence revealed. BecnuRo III nu overwheliuinK m ajority itto be hi'lil ou Mny 12th, will I

ppoiiition.ugainnt fulUnK into thu t error, m t did not meet oppodition in isUpderHtandinR. A t tbo name itood Imve voted *‘N o” und nil td the dftraaifff they hnve done, to its Ipuderiihip, will bc en if-' * njcetcd bcariiiK upon the liondH, I Dte.'i'and i t is a fac t th o t nny I -•KH on whih lo bnnd iirKumenta ^ tn r ln r io n tu nio?it -niiy iwur . ' ^; COl<llHK, ond tlmt i« to HK p u t forth^ to arouBo tho people

irry ing thix boiiil election' nnil (I thoMC. interesiH coutampiotiiiR )uulion will be fu rth e r vncour*

iportnnt to the fn lurc of every «III every huRinens insfitntioii, to ^

to permit ourRclves to he do- OiKocurity.


GRAVE /n------------- I«rs<nrts stopped bcutint; entirely) k to life by injectinK ndrcnulin powerful heart Htiiiuilaut, even adtl

mes cun nlart the hcnrt bentinR

medicnl profcswon fo r twenty n dj.vt'<jvcred by Dr. DcnJiia W. unnfiuiiiH’nient to the CliicnKo

ru oblninud ubc<ul a month nRQ

m n o ^ fu l, muRt hc opplied so, th y can se of deiith mimt bo H ta t^ e n l, it nhonld be knowir

)Ht Mt' in reviving palien ts who, innestbetic during un operntion. Ktopped is Knmctinieii mudo tn

in ];nifi\^ (|uioldy to enable him

nue cxtrnetcd from tho ndienul d»ndK arc locutcd closc to the Tahe them nAvuy und you can ’t

: tbe adrenals and Hbot inlo the iiiR hroudly.etiiucji fcol y ou r heart poundinp ding to your emotional oliunRe, your blood nnd over*slim»ilute

re nol' active cnouijh, Ibe pulse

oid, weut to u doctor wbo »pc- Tbe friend hud ii jiulau of ITiO. oncrea*. This, w orking throuRli down Iuh thyroid in hin neclt.

'cual gluiulfl—nnd his pulRC haH

1 cmplinsizes tbe importunee of Ig nbnut the functioiiK of our

■om the R ravc n fter lie hns been old Buying: “ .So one ever died

it happened to thn mnn during le re wnn hix aoulT N'^ one cun iis memory of those ten nriniil(», £omo rcligioufl eullM belluve it

onl to lenvo the hody. j ’

■ OI4**t RMtf in Bnaland.C aiU u l's o ld a i n t d , w hlrh mott

RT« bfea tiimdi I t I r t i t 2.000 re tn i CMiaccts W lnchMtsr aod Csattr*


_______ ■ - [TWI

QUESTIONANDA(OoadDoted b y ^ A n t

q . llciir Aiinil.i Sill': Ix It rli;Iil|ii i'ln Ifl loan >'»ur lirud .o ii u l>u>"ii yliuul* ;inuMc ili r? And u'hni .n ro ynu siipDom-il. ami lo ' nny wlipii a lioy nxkn yuu fiir ;lrarl a ' date?—Chi'ycimc. .• • •upnn,

A. Im tii-iii you nlioulil fulnl. i itr- l" "* ’,'" haim. not oiliurwlie. Ainl wlwi conld i'”**"'! you nay. oxc;o|U ■•yc«" If ymi winli to 80 aiKl "III)" It you iUi nol. Ot ccufffl you (ilHHiliI Up i>o»to nnif hcM J’ “Tlmnk you. woulil b r i.lo.ino.l in ro" or "Sorry, bin I liuvu un enicnKa- monl fur thnt daly." Or iioniMhlni: of thin niaurc.

Q. n<.-ur Aunilc Suo: Xluy I (rnmo , Jor your hrli. onro m orr? Will you ”?,,i ploaxo print (»io nddremi «if Kdcur A. ,,,.T„r Uueat In ilic Timcn? Tli.inklnR you ''a In oilvantu.—Slniplo Simon. noi ' l• A. Alwfiyn uolromi). Simple SI- jmy • mnn. iloro la ilio luMrnn*: tilKur A. !y«u il yuest...i5 ';0, A«Hii*«ii A«-c.. [k traU .ltii h( Mich. Vnu ure vory wultoine, liiiodcj

Q. Dcur Aunllo 8u«: ^S'lir wnx | q, A'lialilnRlon, 1). C.. rltoacn nn- the 'I'urni'' irmlili-n'l liomu! Tlmnk >-on Auntlo ihlnk juo for yoiir holp.—FrM-kloi, Kyea,

A. Sliorlly nflor tho revoluilonury A. Tnr. tha conKrcna of (ln> ynuiiK rn* "Kutiii lubllc fouml ll uocnsHttry lo ucciir* nu wt

. D i v o r c e d - i \



7 t ' A 1. ‘‘’"I"’ nurroi

. f > ' touehl

' , ' . J j nm i>i. ' n f lurnn

' a l. "0»


Id f t ten mlauta trial la Salea; H | Olaw.) divorco court. M n. Con* E ls «anc* O. Minot (above), ru n d . S B dausbler of Bunator Uoory Caliot R S Lodfo. »ocurcd a dlvorca from KW ara fion Atlnoc, ractnbcr of proml* Gui B«DC Back Day toaUly. . m

“ Blo Cltl**" In 1790. ® 5/n ITtK) New ITi-rk city was th» X

l a r j u t clly In Oie trnlon. II* pt^niU*Ilon wai HWOl. tuhc r cltlM havluR n populallon »f OTfr fi.IKW 'w rto r.nill- more. Ho«on. ChBrli-Mon (S. C). riill- m adtlplila. ProTldeuco I. 1.) bdiI Solna w (U tu .). -

O IL P l"The Cheapest Fo


S______ _____________


to meel extm conditioWhy do OilPuU trac junk pile for 10 yei Why is em ehse foi hair the Governmc average? One reas serve power in the duty, valve-in-head i plows run into hard,^ wet bundles are fea —when adverse con kinds are met—this i permits motor to worli

' mg or straining. Let u H A fiL E Y W n J

L O C A L D E A F i L E R .’IO A H O


ANSWER BOX [Vimtle 8ne.) t ,

Sui------------ ~ ' "— < iierfoI'Inc 0 In wlili-li lo i-Biiihlliih » per- uninit honip fo r lln- Kovorum«ni. n,„„ III iiflcr mui'li ilfllhi-rullou UiU an oil llm fu tnm ac wnn dccidoit inn. CctirRo WaihlnKlon wns than fu,„„ ilhorlicd Id Roluct lliu nlic fo r the pliol nnywhero hdwoon ihe umo uuilm ot CiinofCOcIivaKue and the morn brnncli of llio I'olomau nnd baen 9 prugfUi nito of iJjD clly of Wa«b- Eton wun rho»on,Q, Doar A untl^ Siio: J i U at- a , " ; jht for u r.lrl of 1-t In hoTO boy a„. Irniln? liow iiliould ynu niMrHii a ■y wUrn liu Cortioa u]> to you nnd . j <o in- nh<iuld you ucL no hoya wlli qp.•cclntfl your compnny?—A Wan* your rur. IirforiA. llnvu litiy frtondn Huroly hul (,i, | >1 bi'uu». If you know him Woll. immo y ••Iloilo. Clinrley," or •‘H o w ' do rcaily u do, ih-nry.” nnd iirocced to tnlk Hjc y

Mm. AcrC unturat, p lo i^ n i and \„i,

Q, Donr Aunllii Sue: I ^ n jo y your u i'nu rnor vory mueh. I l w old do you Ink 1 nil) hy my y r liln c ? —Urown li ca, llulil. ' * . 4 'A. I frnr I um nol nn ojpert- al liul I ucniluK nson by lln- hund wrllltiK. “ Hi

wtiulil rn ilirr n o t iry._______

DocU; 0, W. Ilam by lo M. C. Staf- "ho*"l■d »1, .SW KW :I6, 8K 8E Sl-O-K. i)p«l)«pd; I-. i*.-Voorhi-p* lo W. II. veri'ombo. Sl. .VB!4 -H-D-IG.I’niuDi: Stulo to J. Vf. Voorheeii I f :'.i- 34-D-lG.Ju lt.eliilm <lcc<l: F. D ursan lo V. ••YtWbtlney. JlOO, N E NW llg-OOC. town

IfD.. ff. <T. Krlcson fn l>. C. Uillti $l rrarei’niont U. 8. lo W . H. Sllitiir K ii ;iiul Iraw, HK NK a-11-10. „„«•

igrown.Toef.Nail '■ iTurns Out Itself ;;5;J j

\ noltil nu llio rltr sn}'" Hint a few la n I l f . "O utsro" upon iho skin UnU

rmundlntt tho insrow lng nuil ro> iroiii. CUD lo/I/imwnilon and (win und no. :ln' I) lehenn ilio lo iidor/ iionfitllve akin 'Uuil] ilornontb tho loo nnll,. tlm t ll can !l>1al 1 ponoiralo tho (lotili, nml tlio nail One nn nalurnlly nulw nrd iilm nit over rrfun :lit. • /'OulRro’ In . a-liann lpna nnUiapilc

»r, ^npyouV CMr .buy™ r^n*lIic*iru*

Sloanis peneoates.^n disappMrs. Leaves feel* , ing of ease-relaxatloa

9 te ? . iS iK 5 S t£ S f

U L L I "Farm Powet^"

servee raordinary'onsactors avoid the ears or longer?■Qt repairs otoly nent’s national ison is 2S^ Tc- e (^IPuU heavy I mbtor. When i, dry soil^-when a into separator >nditions o f all s reserve TOwer irkwithoutlalMr- L us demonstrate rr.T.TA^T”C A L E R

P H O N E 5 9 S

; , \ ■■

m e s ________________

fesaeeinliTHK CUOT AMBIUfA.N I'I,AY .

Suppi.no llial "PeK O' My H«nrfs" A**'"' erforniiiucei hnd ull hccn Riven In ii.‘ thoniri'. iilsh l a fte r nlnhi. Sun- >y» included. In ono Ioiir Btrlni:. Bup- uno lliat Uiu ruu ut the pluy ' wore iruilnallnR today. In tliul cano. lo nvo .reached -« tb la l of Jfi.OUO per- irmantea; llie run would liuvo nturl- ’1 Imck In 1881. T lia i wan nboul t h o _____mo Prealdont Garfield was iho i; U i i m as betoro llio Urooklyn bridge Imd ocn cumplalvd;. i l w oa.butora t i e resent Klag A lfonso or Spain w m ^ 5ru: i t wnn beforo auch worda a# ffl rplaue and autumubll» existed. HAnd look nitaln—Kuppoao the run ..T ero atnrtliiR loday. und waa deaUn*] tu Btinin t u luiui of 1C,000. Tho r uby (n the pernmbulMor ouUido S ju r tlieutro would he 41 years o ldl J !foro •'Pen O' My H e n r f flnully cto*-'I; ho wouhl prohnbly hu lu'ad of, line buslnowi buuno und huvo n non >aily lo entitr. Vu'i.. It would be lu IC year 1981Now u Botocn pluy. And Ifii imo nf I' IilRRent Ihln yeur. Will he vbnwn Iho Uriihdum Ikhi liatf uC Ihu wi-vk.


ul Only r» KIlm'sTpue^ of fnm edj,“Mr. Hllllnit>. Sprnds HH l»luio- K

Wullor Illerti, J’tirnmouni'n newont nr, nu Hooiicr bmiini* n niur tlmn he lairli-d thn counlry. Mr. Ilirrn wonl < .MrxJro. nnii !]>• look u Rnodiy por- in of the I’ur.iniouiit Weni Cnnnl lUlloD with him lo produce *'Mr. 1111- 1K8 Spendit KlH IJIinv,~ hfn flrnl l’ur- iiotini Ninr picluro, u-hlcli coinen to ,0 Idnlio llicntro Uimnrrow..15cnhlc» Itlrrs . iiioinborii ot llio cn*t

It Started Something••Your inedlcinn In tho lulk of tho f t wa alnco pulllnR - ino from llio arc . C fiave loM dozenn nhauc (( nl I know of nl lonnt ton whn nru IW luklnR Mnyr’n W onderful lloni* ly. nil wllh Rninl rt'sulin. I nuver \ w nnylhInK tike It. Ouo mun who id boen oporntud on for Rnll nionen id lind ‘Ilium conin liack. Innk U 111 miyn liln nymptomn nrv nil Rune )w ami lio Hwcnrs he In cured." *11 IT

u nlmplo, barmlcHS pri'paralion p a l rbhinren ilio .ontnrrlinl mucun Olll. tbo InlCHlliinl (m et uml allayn i< Infianimnllon w blrh cnunox pruc- -ully ult nionmcb. live r nnd tnio*- tai nllnionia. iiicliidlnf; nppcndlvlli*. 0 lie duao will convince a r money funded. .B old-by u ll druRgUm.

-T O D A Y O N L Y -

W I L L I A M S .

H A R T“ S A N D ”

Keo Ilart en thr Warpath pAetlon-Ye«, and Thrill* t

Thin I'roirmm In tender the ]iAuNplccs of tho - J,


■■A Boy, B ear and a Dog” ‘ yA K ror of a Comedy B

T lll 'J tS IU r , FH in.Vy. SATUIUUT ^

W A L T E R H I E R S i>

'• M R . B I L L I N G S S P E N D S H I S D I M E ” t

- ^ A l .o - 5

f i ? ' K IR SO H A L L Y P V t e r * 'W.ACPSMnrtO w >iic mx.'f D

p ic t u b e .

M ir r r a n d j e f f c .vktoox \ I



1, T i r o TEAKS ■ 'IN


F irs t 12 row s.......- ................. ...........N « t 7 row s............._______ _

LAVERING Tt• I t I I Qood jn4g :

ho wcro OD the trip to Tla' Juaiui ere JaciiueUno LoRan. wbo la featur- Hobo 1 lu aupport. ot tho star, Oeorie undo uwcctt, Kohori McKlni. Guy Uliwr. stidct Inronoo U'urloa, Joseph Swickard. and nd Kijwnnl Patrick. CamplollnR the orlnii nit were Dlrcclor Wealcy llu|{ale»y[nuw ■nintani Director Leo I’foraon. Cnm- uhdn rwuan Churlc* Schoenhaura, ond.20,lourii thnlcai workorn from tho pmperiy.in .pli nrdrolio aud iilectrlcnl dopnrtincni.'iiru I

“THK B.tT"—L.VVKHIX1 ' erail: Ucacrved Boat aalo will open tomor- once,

}w morniuR a t tht MojetUo Phar- tt> «(

5™BigAclsVaudevillT E E B A im S E SHOW 0


FRANK MAYOIn UN Very Ijitext Hmiun


“WOLF LAW’'Itnniuuee nnd Adrenlnre AmonR

the Ouirki —OOMEDY BPEOIAIr—

Reginald Dennyin Ilw ■

“Chickashay Bone >• Cruaher” K "

' The rrry Isleit rinipildft Ktnr; froBi Colllpr’ii Weekly. A two* • ' reel rinl.

MKEKI.Y A>'/» ”. <»UPHEII.H ( lU n im ilA A WImIe nf a HIiow—Wiirih . Cnmlni: a l,«nit Wny In ,Sro

SKK IT HUIIE ^ . USUAL VAUDEVILLE PRICES Balcony: 10c-30c; Lower F loor ai

REMEMBER— PlayinOur N ext B ig One—L aure tta Taylc


A t t e nF a r m

W e have now about 6000 acr prico of sugar keeps going higher, to n fo r the 1922*23 crop to date. ] least $1.00 more per ton fo r tbe p m ake $7*50 per ton.

Frospects fo r tbe coming yeai ‘ y e a r ’s priccs. W hy n o t help us g

a p a r t of your land in sugar beeU* beets is tho safost and Barest crop is sure a sd there is no other cr b ring na good re tum s. W hy not good prices th is year?

Bugar b eets 'get m ost of the ir s tra ry to dope given o u t are easiei betto r condition than any o ther c r figure, i t will pay to diversify, w ill pay oxponse of num ing your

■ Idr. Land Owner, d id yon laic p lan ted to sugar beets tbo p a s t yc brought from $30 to $40 per acrT



iIATIO * S ^ ^ T I c S ^ W A O E N H A L

^7 Isoberts Rin ehar t and ;■ Avery HapArood ^

FUME AMD THBn.T.B , v 'I'HlfiES* ,

______ *...$2.B0 N ext 5 ro w s ._ .....________ $2.00 _ L a s t 6 row s_____


'HEATRE, “Sr'Mto4ffp«»i: to /.aeon ra-Y onr,VBATV fit

• •,; ■ r .............................. ....

2DXESDAT, Af R m 11, 192-1

u # ,e l io .a . m: -T he nat,*’ by WaiTtobortH Hlnohnrt and Avery Hopwood indoul)lcdly thu srea te iit d ram a tic . udviia In yearn, which Waconhals ad Kemper, will prenent a l ttie Lav- rinic thontre oo Mondny; April 16, la I'uw ninkiuK tho aecund of w hai ar« . hdnubiodfy fho m<«{ «jwp<aealar imrii of lhc conniry evvr uchloveU by .'pluy. Ahnoiulu atpucliy nudleiicea ru Iho rulo nt cnch uurforuianco »lv- II of 'T h e Ilnt " and Ihounimda. Ill- . ra ilr. who dMlru lo aeo lha porfomi- nce.* a re . fludlnt; tliumnolvcs nnable u aoeure- tieata.'___ • _______ ■ A


i e Road Show-5r OF TH E SEASON

Attraction jExtraordinary


lllreol from. Ihp t>r)ihfum (’Ir- c H i l-J u « , Juy a iidN w illy

b u P P Y AND BERT CnnicdT Novelty lluhe Act '

SIiikIiik and A rnilm tle Vaiitlnft '

-OOBINNE MAUPIN \o lr d 1ian> I’ln jc r—I'npnlnr lii'lmllrH uml .Mcdleyo-IIIsh- .

Cla:<S illu*tluie A rllilr.

• ' ■ EDDIE DALEiTliickfacp Cnmedian •

IIN 0 » n MrltflnnI Idrnn—A lllot (ram \s iu rl to Klolnh

V IN E AND JAMISON Chiirncler iinperHunnttonii


3B F O il .THIS BIO SHOW• and Logo Sections: 26o*60o

nng Tonight Onlyaylor in “ Peg 0 ’ My H eart”


i t i o n ,[le rs!acres of beots in 's ig h t Tha ber. W e havo paid $0.75.per }. Farm ers a re sure to get a t ' e p ast y e a r’s crop which will,

rear aro be tte r than the past LS ge t 10,000 acrcs by pntting Bts. W e feel th a t oarly planted . rop you can p lan t. The prico

crop we know of th a t will not tako advantage o t these

ir s n ^ from the a ir and' con- isier on hind and p n t land in• crop wo kitow of. ..Stop and y. Ten 'abres of sugar beets lUr farm .

loiow tb a t ovcry ata^b of land yoar on tho Twin F alls trao t

« “Tcnl?


ROW AT 10 A. M.TH EBE ...........


. ' ' • . YEAR.. - •

, rHlOAflO

.......................... __________ i i . w________ _____________ jU-00

MONDAY, APRIL 16' 'fitato I a r l7 , • >

Page 5: ^ ApillL 11, 1923. llin i[1^ R eported C fOUREWr w D e V ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · voLua•IE;o/KU^^u^li llin i p i i ' ciifflj ill Agttemont by Turkish

^ Bnsiness Dir^tory n

A ttorneys ' —FO&TBR\ * WITHAM, U w r « i ,

B a l f 1. ami.th * iue> Bia». —

J t i a w B . B c th w U - - O rr C bapm u BOTBWBLL * GHAFUAN

Wood! Bld». Hoom»-B. 9. 7. a. I..l> ffWEELHT * BW ESLSnr-A ltom va* ~T 7

F ln t N aU ou l B*a&. Btdf. •AflHBR B. W I L 8 0 N ^ f 9 » ; J i n t spar

N bU ouI B to k B I d r ’ lory .— ----------- — ......... ..............1 Ouai

: ~Tan5ritfgBABSSL, T B B TAILOR, d e tln e r , c au K n’i

car u d m aker of ladlei' aad m«D't U sb e lu a iulta, ate. Soe mo -OTat

^ Booth-a." paona 16MW.__________ _

Shoe RepairingaOTAL SHOD REPAIR S B O P -R °J,

K ar«r». Prop. UO Soeaad flfc B» ^ V Twin ra lla . Idaho.___________ PC

W elding ■ Sli'--------------------------------- 2 ___________ h-iiii.W. N. SKINNER—Oxjracetrlaae weld buili

iDf: auto aprlnsa made to ordor; ttio blackamllfalDS. P h . 42C>. 330 2nd. N.--------------------w t ----- ; ; ------------------- Innl

Bicycle Repaii* Shop ’gig'BCRADB REPAIR SHOP-Olcycle.

lock and koy worka; phonosraph r«> pairing apeclaHy. 300 Mala A te. Bo

Hemstitching i«^U B S BlbSONNBTTB-SSa Mols ATk. W j

B g Phone.>gJ._______________^ _



AOB C O .-O arbai* bauled dally, w m R iona too. __________

■ Professional- pica. D. JI. nOVSB. W. D. W fxxh niOg.. ~ w

Acroaa from P. O. Phone ICIO.

Miscellaneous Imon— — Clar 8 LACKSMITM - MACIIINB S H O P - -TT

Blaokamliblttff. BollermaklnK.W eld. . ^ log, MachlnUta, Spring Work. Man- “5*1 tilBCluror*. Suppllea ol a tl kioda. Krengol Machine Co. Agonta for Anltman-Toylor Macblnery Co. rnio Phone 1202. 210-220 2nd South. cou;

«a OtlTor O il.Q ci au rn c r/D o nway -willvU h dirty coal. J u i t tu rn a valva ptio—heat o r t>ako—m a t, clean and —aafe.- Demonniratlon Saturday ' a t W

■ O. Peltrm an, It. l . otiii{I'or ezpoHencod motor rewinding --.V

and m otor beartniu aeo C. L. M albirx. (arriUied Dotora bought and uolil. llond- lowiquartern Eloctrlc Service Stntlon. pewPhoao ^C. _________________________ • >

UONBT TO LOAN on m odtra dwall-lag. A rthnr L. Bwlm. ~

DR. DULA a SAWYER l"«OatMpatblo Phyalelan - ' “

Sultaa 1 and S. Oam BtiUdtnc. ^,[1' Phona 1MQ.W. Raa. IMO-J. ®i!f

ELXnOBX CSBAlSSnj c o r ^ ' ^

A ir Idaho coucam. not aell . Itaam your oraam. Station a t 'M l a

Bonth Matn. Phone 1U8. Cream, doll f to n lt^ aad eggs. Chai. Underwood, stal Agent.____________________ ________ 00.

7 F c t F arm Loasu ' to||!ABTHUB L . 8W 1U & CO. ure--------- T

Brll• ANNOUNOEMENT - r Klmbarly Naraerlaa' a re now lo.

catad In the ir new bomo on thq SUita Highway In the north llmfta ^ o f.K im berly. Sincerely bollevlog T7 in .th e Tw in P alU trac t and aur- rotmdlng country; we have made r ; ; : a eonilderablo Infoatm iot tn land. to r tba producUon o( Ugh qnallty nnraery atock, and « splendid new <<>' bnlldlng ticed' fo r. otflcea and ^ p a ^ n g . houia, which eaablea ua. to handle our bualneaa to tbe aat. tatactioii o l o u r ibauianda o t t a t . u s e d cnatomara.. We cordially Iwrlta our Irlead i and cnatom ira J .

■ tOf-oall and look OTer onr com . 3^0pieto atock o t t r a i t and om am en. __U l treea, tlow orinf ahruba, roaoa 1

--------------jHii ■ TffrBflmgJTWBar-*mp»F=*wp forIdalio g n w a 'u d aeoUaated, and are

». mnch auparlor to ahlpped-ln aura. — . ery atock. Wa win M open oto- T

nlDga (or.yonr eoftTontenco. but pre not on Sunday*. nmi


■ ' \

• Go to t b a 'O t ^ 'J I ^ o u 't o r

: e r .

. i i T V i f i ' F i l l * ; : . B p f e ? . ' '' .

i L atV a ii'.B oftrson and P m tIm B o t« ls ,a t ;S :8 0 2 o r ;:n ia r , BobL B a g trm ta . B1U«, Ooodlni, O l a ^ n n r ; UeaAtatn 'Hcau^ .nakia# eb S M tlo aa a t V . U o ^ ' ^ t ^ wUh No. y t e r . , t ^ » l:a*a>Ua.

. T raak Bros; Stage C04

W4'Baadiii'’jnm taT > ^ •

- ^ -

. .*WEI)NESDAT. APRH. 11, insrj.

H e l p W a n t e d ;

WANTED AT CN 'C^SoY onil fournd alx home frolfiht outtlta lo trulRht cloniatwoen Oakloy, lilabo, and .Vlpunt npotriae. 800 E. U Uttlotlold, CGU 3rd a t i:real. Twin l 'hllB.______________ ■_____ —

RtAN, WOMAN WANTED. Salary sout 76 weekly full tlmo, »1.M on hour Etm pare Umo. aolllng nuaramced tios- 8t#tiry to woaror. Ucaullful SprliiK Iluu. -----luarantood Mill#, .Norristown, Va.— — chca W ANTHD-Country gtrl ovor 20 .•ho wanU to luarn tho tlo rlii’a trade. ^ !o chronic dancor. clc., nlco placo fot ^o^i ood Klrt. Cit)- Towor Qroenliousoi.;wln_FulU ^_2“ i SUWANTED—H anc trcook ."w . H. Roi- <>‘''8

Br. Eden, Idaho.

BARBER' W A N TED -«t P iter ClubIhop.’ CC por ccD ._________________

PO S ItIoN WANTED — Bateiman III) ezporlonce both retnll and wliole- Ale would llko a poalllon In Twin •llils or iiunrlty town. tIave boon In l l i : uilncss for mysell nnd cau iimooRo tie ordinary bUBlncia. Have, nlso , _ j 'Con on Iho road aa aalcaman. Nom- nni sa lary wtih opporlunliy for nd- _ uncomeni will bo conslitered. t'liono ps IIG and aak for W. P. o r write P. 0 . trac '0« 800- •__________________________ ^ drcn

S i t u a t i o n W a n t e d

• WANTED—Children to cara for. c'*«' 431 Scvcnih aypptjo eaat. ' Ph°

W anted-M iscellaneousWANTED TO DUY-Ooo.1 tiilT i'U g JU?

nd llb ra r / tnblo. Phone 153J. • .iju,

WANTED TO B U Y -8econU liaii'd 5!]:^uraltu re . Phono 0»lW or- call 1S2 ibm locoiid uvonuo' south. *----------- - ■ — - —II— jn

WANTED—Lawu mowers to griiid. in -i Vltl call for and deliver. Phbuo C94. iq . V. T. Moore. 138 Eocoad avenue Bo. —

W A¥TBd1- 2B loaa good cldor ap- •tos. Twin PatU Vinegar f t Older Co. -,00 ~W ANTBD-Room and board In pri- rate family for wlfo and 7 year child. ’ •* lb boarding house, State ralea by _ nonth. M. P. Staley. 1010 Wesl f ")lark. Pocatollp.___________________

W AN TED -Small building for gar- Si iBo, muat hold two care. App^y Q nin- _y Commlatlonera. __[W ANTBEpOno ton ot tni>le car- T oio. ono ton of parsnipii. U mllo-oaat :ounty H6< ^ ta l . —

w m pay caah; ^ IL Vincent C a ~ Phooe 406. 21B ^ loabooe St. South.

, W ^ T B D —C loM collon rag»..3nmei j

W an t tu honr from owuer having "T a rm .to r aale; give parliculara nnd , lowoft’. price. John J . Dlack, Chip.?ewn■Palla. Wlaconilti._________^

K o r S a l e - A u t o m o b i l e s ~ i........... ' I — ■ --------------— mol

Ing car. PhoiTo 89. ________ . —

FOR S A L B -F ord roadater, tlrat- noa;lMa abape. COB Third, aveaue wosL «03- ^ N T E D - F o r d roadater or IlghI 1lellvcTy. M uit be cheap for caab. hor::a ll gS2W (after 8 p. m.) ■ . Ktc

AUTOS—Moro baliery aervJc# per “ lIollar. Preato-Ltw Battery Servlca Uqi Station. S!6 Shoihooe-81. 60. Phone80. ___________ • f■ l . l . 1. ...... Ill D, I

p o a SALB U ll TRADB—Uaxwalt of

T o r “P ip " a** -Stap," tba Cylinder w*Brlnder, 1<7 Second atenna Dortli. ary

W AN TED -Porda, ope^i and cloaednodela. X cab tiae an niillmSted num . ‘J I<»r. C antral Q arata. j

F o r Sale-R eal E sta te • ~rU E 8 KAP lO U HATE W AIIBD FOBrbe 8W K o t 6BK.91.10-14, containing «0 acrea for aalo a t 100 per aero. H . a Boala, 104 Lincoln 8 lr«et , 'T w tn PalU .

T o T r a d e , «KOH THADB-^MO a ^ ' w i l l Im- ^

proved laad In California for land ,on Twin m ila t r a c t Call l U Second 'Bonth. Phono .ft^lW. , ^

^^T0 ^ T llA I» -70i w ^ ^ I

aTenna aaat., ■_________ k .,

POR HAt-B OR .TRADB—Well lm> )provetf aboap o r ho«. ranch near Je r- tonomo. tSOO acrea Irrlgatad, a ll In a l- u sfalfa. Ijuhb ing ahoda. feeding yarda, —olc. W atar, ligh t and pnmp ayatom. I Modern 8 room bonae, largo bam . ma« va:chlnery, 8 haad horaea. P . 0 . Box 467. vaiTwin paiU . Ida. wh

■ . D O I N G S O P T H E D

' f f f f i i i t f

TIMES' F o r R ent J

FX3U UENT—J room Uqubo with >-<)i cloned in iiictiiilnR porch. biK xardon „i|ii npot oAd chicken run, reaiouuUle. Call — ~a i 1302 Elglith avenue cast._________ UA' FOR l.E i\8B —3S t tc w . mllea nniKii

souUivnit of Hannan. Wi-Ue Mrs. C. i>hutnEtmls, 021 Duchanon St.. SL J o h n 'f l ------Station, Portland. OrcRoa. _________ I'O.

r a i l RB.VT—(lood playcr-iilano— |i,oi) cheap. 245 Von Huron St. sen. I

FOR RENT—CO cood Iiouhm. II. C.Qo^lort 110 Main .So. P ll.'223.______ tivati

TOR RE.ST—Up to itato furnlshod room. Vory Httractlvc j o r niirse or r o olhem. 468 S lx lh avtfWC^TaBL UnK.

FOR* UENT—Furnlntieci frool room, .*{5“'liousokecpinR or nlcvplng, inoacrii. C02 ____Main avenuo uorth. ii'O" t o u U E N T -lniproved five acre or- chard nnd borrlcd. cloae In. Fruit wlli pay ronl. L. U. Sallortuo, Uouto " „1, city. _______________________ I 21L

TOR nU N T -l.lB h t hmiHoliqoplnK i J 2 and hlccpliig rooms. 222 Flflh nvonuo my,,, cast. —1—

POIl REST—(0. 80 nnil liO aero ' w tractu. W ill give tnng term leuso. Ad- , dress J . E . Vcrtroca, Rictitlold, Idaho. 1

FO IlllE N T - 6 rooDj nialom apart- ment, aloeploR, porch, rnngo in kll- r<A chon atOiehod.^ 2l3-»th uvenuo east.Ph°no 77tiJ.___________ - [553,

WATER TO RE N T -40 to ICO sliaroa goo « for 1023 soaBon. Cun have It delivered to you anyw here on the Irncl. i t your lltcboa liuve capacliy to carry It. A r- ' ’ ' ‘" ■bur U Swim, Twin i’h lla . °°

$-room furnished bouso to rout, Ar-m.ilT L. Bwlm.____________________ ^ »■“

POR RENT—Three room furnlah- o r I ad 'apartm ent, |1S p e r monlh. Bunga- Patti low Apta.. >nd avenue, 6th atreet B.

POR RENT—Houae keeping apart- ■nanu. completely fumUhed for llgbl 'lonaekaeping. one. two aod tbree J

' o c tu . cloaa io, and low rataa, by Z _ f ve*k c r m onth. Tha Oxford. 438 Ualn

W rnlshed housekocptng apart- m enu. Oaala Homo. 403 Main Ave. f™.® No. Phone t>7l. . ^.vm

Live ^ o ck and Poultry tI-'OR' BALB—Fresh cow .kIvIor alz

Mllnna milk. I l l Sidnov Street. w m

TOR SALB—Huft brpingiun eggs, ond JCc for 16. Phono C1SJ2.

FOR' 8AUE—One' reglaiored' Durobw ar. D. J . Diltor. ___________

TOR 8 A L B -0 doxon yeiter-lald : ind & C. Whilo l/tghorn .hetii nnd (puilola; If taken__ soon—SOu eacii. JPhone 203J4 BH^evaglng.__________

FO R BALB-JOO bnhy chlcka aod fflotliera fo r A pril 18. Mrs. 0 . J . ' B< Calm er. Kimberly. R t 1. ^

POR B A L B -^ ‘good horaea, har- ^ noai, wagon nnd boot rack. Phone wt OSJll._____________________ ^ —

POR BALE—Team honvy. yoiing . N horaea. cheap. P a rt caati. W. D. Hoag, bom Kimberly ro a d ..

POR SALB—Baby chlcka and aet- B ting egga. K lnpbu ry .

FOR SALE—Poland China boar. P.D. Orootea, 2 mllea-eaat, H-mllo north ^of Hanaen._______________ __________ i j

FOR a A L B -b a r old chlcka and «gga. W hile Leghorn eggs from flock j . wblcb laid 64 per cen t dnrlng Janu- ary. O rders received for day old 3411 chtcka from aame a u aln , $16.00 per _ IOO. Charles H. E vani, Dulil, Idaho, P

FOR 8ALI5~Baby chicks wliij or without reolher hena. Phone 817J5. ■

For Saler-MiscellaneousPOR S A l^ -P lo re n o e a-burnor oil C

atovo, alm oat new. Phone 1030, , ,TI ' l l C'cl

FOR SALB—Pnre DIcklow wheal, malrecloaned, |2 per hundrod- Weight «voPbone W»R1. . ' , ^ ^ot

FOR SA L B -Straw borry planla, 36cper 100. Yellow house eaat o t rock uu lcrnaher.- • : • g

iiiiiyiiiimM^^ y ? lm ir f ” r r " * l ii!llTim ™ .______'5 s

FOR SALB—U w n mower and Au- tomatlo e loctrlc waahlng machlnr.113» Seventh e u t

FOR 8 A L B ,^ ,]^ M t''V am U b . tho . . vam lah fo r tloora ^ d lum lture. Tha ' vam lab th a t ho t vtaiUr. won’t tu rn Attc whlto. Photie 6. Miten»a.Sbop. (SE

DUFFS— ' .'-A -

..S'/ V :7 T i [ ‘(O C A BII

? p i i

; WANTr A D s rr o u SALE-Uudn<>„ Slx-40, 7 pivn- nK«r car: 129 Toiiili north.- _ j

KOH H .\L K -lies lliiuld lime i»ujl»hur. .Diamond lia rdn iirc Co. I

UAL.KD HAY TOU S a I W u / bulo, n o r carload. C. 0. Markie Black- . ilfh Stiop. 142 Fuurifi avenue wust. lotiu 2SSW.

r a n SALI'>-ldalu> iliintl Hci'd po- tucH, putiai'ii .two Uriel iiiniivi.-tloiiii..0]) |i^r UuiiUred. II. J. Haul, Huu- n. Iilnho. . ____________•

roU "8A L E -^ ohn Ucuro boul cut- ■ ator. Wrllo 0 . T. Ilawiu}-, Jurouio. aho. ________

FOU SAtiE—Two tons Kcctind cut- nR. bargain If lakrn ^(undny or ueuilay. 2 3-4 nillcH v;,si WnshinEloii :hool, S. a . Humpliri’y. | .

r o u SAI,F:-lloovvr puiaiu planter, nil plumed BO ucr<':i, in Kuod condl- on. price I&5. two nillon south on •avfl r«n<l ennl ot t'llor. J . W. Iluln-ly;_________ ;______________________FOU SALE OU RK.NT-aoo<l cornor iriy, goiMl for dairying purpuBos. l’al'ynoc. Phoao 617U1.________■

r o R 8A L& -Certltkd DIcklow seed heat. Cl lbs, per huMiol te it, 13.60 Dr c w t lackod; alno onion aeed. 7Cc ar builMl. it. 0 . Liud, % milo w ellllOsh^ ^ lr ra Js« ^FAiW r S NOTICE-Ocnuloo corU- cd Triumph polntocs tl.25 per 100. Qotracuog At eCc vsckv furnished.M us for iiarllculani. A. T. Harmoo roduco Co. J. E. Winlora, Mgr.OR &ALE>-rower Washing Machine Ith gasollno engine. A bargain. Cad L 060, Socond Avonue w est

r o R SALE—Kladllng. 3 ancka tor 1.00. Plno ioga aawed to fireplace ad slove lengih, 300 poundi to r 11.26 r 111.00 per ton dollvered. W, H. attooi. Pboae 660J1.

Federal F a m Loaas 6 ^ pe r c e n t

POR B A L B -Pala i and kalaOmlne '------)r rala tlng and kalsoBlalng. Fhone . Moon'a Shop. ________________

MiscellaneousCIIEAPE31 AONBY — Unlimited -----

mount on farm* now n t 7 per cont. icludlng a ll comminiiions. Lolscb ft Vli'lAms. Phono 21S. In (I

FOR l in i E —H nrati. (im l clnsu nnd- Idi lo horses. Euqulru Homes’ Humotorn._________ ____________________ Frilt


md avenuo louih.T ' " ' ' H I 'L Ll

pcFOK B E TTER CLEANING TlItaga and «U floor covering*. to

Take oo t apota and reflew co l. Don om. Ali work g a a ran lc ed Y rh o n e ‘098W.' com

tn t’ • - . ' Judi

BOARD AXD ROOM;m jS ltra v e n u e ■aat . . ■ };“®

CUBTAinS ‘0 'Waahed or atratchad. Phone »I6J.

DAirS PLACB trieNew and aKOod an ad ciothlog olae

MBcbt aad toU. iOS South ahutbont »eil

________ ______ ?5n’BAKER aOOUS—Batha U o. «48 will

iooUi UalB.; ^ pra;

Lost.and Found «><>•- cultL 0 8 T -f lr a y horse, roached mane, and

ihort t a l l Notify Liberty tU r k e t PWL08T—Small black g r ip ' April 3, Cou

beiween 8lb aad 10th e a a t Pbone and846J._____________ •• __________od 1

PKOCLAUATIOX OF EtECTlO N oac ' Notico la hereby giyen lh a t on tbe san

fourth Taoaday of A pr» (April 24. a tn 1923) there wilt bo held in the City ot ot Tw in Falla. Idaho, a ipoctal City con Election, a l whtch the following of- moi ticera will be voted to r: <UU

Commlasloaer (Two). ber,The polls -will bo opon a t nine Inlc

o'c lock in Ibo raornlng and will ro- por main oPon unlti levon o'clocJt In the ann avoniOR of tho aame dny. Tho placea wa«i o t holding auch eloclloa abali bo aa can followa:. ' ' . eon

FIRBT WARD, a t y W alorworka In' Building, 160 Second Avo. N orth. ' thai

8BC0ND WARO, Lavoring PartUon. app :03'SaeoDd Avtaue B u t ^ plai

otflcoa, dealgnaled: V'F O R COMM188IOKBR tbe, . J. B. Roberta . Dec

■-J.-S . Ka«|:'C. H. BllnaonWm. T. Leslie ll.J . U TDCKBR, Mayor. A tl

ittea l: JAMBS -U MBB, Clly Ciork. ReiiSEAL)____________ ___________________ t

. A M o

I S M T V N I a H T .U T T t E )B I E AHD S W E E T /


■ S O A P S - fM r C M E ts - s t e o l i j l c e■CA-Af o p e //e x ? 3 'S M o T G ( /N S .U o a f f l f i o f j e s AHC< CAffNfiD PLUM'jjMeiA

Bjlll |f f i | '


\ A R O U N D S T R E tL T S , \V o p P Q I ^ T a N l T V T O T I P

EMctly. iKlnilns n glri in lllfi’ «i<pnlns n bnt- b i

le of o llvc»-lf you cnn gel onr. Ihe B JMl come en»y.—Denison Flnmingo. n |

AI.1A» Sli-yMONS

n the .Dinirlct Coart of the F.ievrnth JudlcbU l>M riet o t thn NUte, o f c i l Idaho, In and fo rT i^ ln Fa lli ('nunly

^nnooa K. OulUolI, Plalnllfr. fovdlli

Joyil MoDoucal and Mary McUougat. h it w1fi.,.ohrt.Uov.—1. -Shaw nnd

' Kaoml {{(mwTiiis w ifrrun ii' Ktnninr ^ r . Jonen Wyly and Nlbloy Channnt j Lumbor Co^jipny Clnillodx_a, cor- porailon. DofenitanU. n , . .The Slalo of Idaho aenda Oreellags

;o Lloyd • McDougai and Mnry Me- Dongal and Winnie Jonen Wyly. , , y . j

You aro boToby niHlftod lhat a . :omplaini haa beon filed again it you ‘‘“i " In the Dlatrlcl Court of tbo Etevonih . Judicial. Dlatrlcl of tho SCnte of Idaho.In and fo r Twin FalU County, by the ' “^7 nbove 'nam ed plalntlft aod ,you are hereby directed lo appear and nnawer to Iho aald complaint vrllhln twoaty daya of tbe service o t thia summona ir le rred wlihln aald Judicial D li- trlcl, and wlihln forty daya It served elaewbe're, and you arc furiher noil- fJed tha t unleai you lo appear and 5*"' a n w r aald complalnl w lihln tho time .heroin specified, ih e plaintiff will lako Judgment ngalnsl you oa prayed In aald C om plaint ?

Tho aald action is brought, to fore- cloie a c e ru in m ortgage .made, exo- cuted and delivered by Fred B. T h w h and Jeailo Thraah, h ta wife, l o ^ e plaintiff herein, covering a lt tliat M r- Cll lain rea l property, iltu a la In Itie Race County of Twin Falla, S tate of Idaho, w hit and bounded and particularly deacrib- U O ; ed aa followa, to-wU: Lot Numt*red ILIC Tweaty-oae (2H, Dlo<;k Numbered aeta Oae (I) of Hl(thUnd V h « rT rac t,B a oOc. same ia ahown and dealgnaled on the a tlM al plat o l aald ir te l, on file and o t reeord lo tho otfiee *«C .th t. Re- q ; c ord ir of. aald County and 8 Ule, aald ggipi mortgage having been executed and. > ^ 1, (Ullvored on the lOih day of Decam- . q „ , ber. 1917, (or the anm o t ll600.00 wllh ” , Inloreit' t r p n .aaic| day a t e ight (8) .„ i i por cent por annum payable leml- > annhally. and wblch aald morigaKo waa reconlfld on tbo 28lh day ot Do*. cembor. 1917, In lha office o t the Re- corder «f -Twla FalU County,,Idaho.In Book 60 of Mortgagaa,. page 222 theraot, a ll of which will more fully a ppea r.from pUUntUTs verified com- p laint on fllo heraln raference. lo wblch la hereby made for n moro par?iicuSPTWTOrairc— --------^

Wltneaa my hand and the aeal of io<> the Diatrltit Couri tb ls S lat day of December, A, D. 1923. ■ , _BH

a C. SIOOINS. Clerk.C. L. BOWBN. Deputy. * • «

U. n . SM ITH ., . . .A tlorney for P U Ia llf t.;Reildenco and office a t Twin r a l i i , :

Id a h o ._________ . -P<

l o t h e r ’ s S o n g . . > ' ■

. r - , *

'■ ® ' '

[ i l n ’V : - ‘ i - ‘

-‘ fld

T H E Oi

T O S■ I PR<kC.llCC jU U I. JL Rl T uesD M ^ ------ '“

n J i l P l t .1 (Wu"sAY

W— tie i f i O P r SHC/.LGD H I P R C T 'n ,/ 'O c e c o /^o 7 Z -£ /ir» v a \ s w c t - t jy i OA '__lM e> .fsc ikeo ivro(yos II „cm rA tw sn iff= g a M M ^ g a C » ATCOLLCCClii

MAKcBV 1• TIMESflft— ----- W “------ -

r o v e t a T v N O H O U R S WALKIN<3r >i V ^A IT /N O F O R A N P >T.__________________

' "1 —Re

M A B K E l i-------» IK

_____ . prliTCHICAQO. April 11.—Cimliftueil re-

oipl c f i/fifavornblo reportn caused rnln prleen to advanco In new high ®‘ Bvcln in trading on the Chlcngo “ j''" Innrd f)f Trade today.

The Rovernment weekly crop ro-

urred by tiie w inter w hcal crop _ n Illlnola. Oblo, and Indiana .by he cMiUnuad lower tcmperaluri'n : lia t the Nebraska crop ahowod nu p-owth daring the poat week.

Increasing feedora' demands, de- ayed leeding and some export tn- lulrien-cbused the atrbngtli In com . "f**

Some foreign Inqulrlev developed 0 o a la . . Commtaiton houses with •a itern connection were good buyers.

Provisions w are higher. 5 ^ !. • Open. High. Low. Ctoao,

WHEAT— S**'Way ....... 12S 125 1211; 124Hluly ....... 120 123T4 1X6% 122HJopl- 118'4 121H 118% 121

mS P ” ? ! ! . 7S 80% 77% 80% " «luly SQ'i «2l i 7BH 8294 £ ? !3«pt.............80H H3% 80H 83 ‘

O A T S - . ,May ....... ..4B% 46% 46% 44%luly 46% 47% 46% 47% J:>>Je p t 44% 46% 44% 46% 8lrl

POTATOES.. ,WhCUtCAOO. Aprii 11,—PoUtooa— Ho|

Raceipla. 800 c a n : , WUconaIn round Sl*white lacked H O M S . bulk $ U 0 O CovL30; MlnneeoU Red RWer Ohioa, Cal' l l.160J .16 : M ontana and Idalio ru i-’ Tui seta < 1 M 0 I : South Dakota w bltoi, OmDOc. ' " Dui

---------- ------------------------HerCHICAGO BJIEEP. Spr

CHICAOO, April ,ll .-8 h e irp — Ro- Ma eeipu, 12,000: m arket alow, iioady:iam bi. tI2.60O14.S0: lambs, cu ll and «-common. t» .e 0 e il5 0 : yearling weth- B «ora, « 9 .76& a60 :' ewea, 1709.26; Raicull to coiamon ewes, 83.7507- But

. LnESTOCK.SOUTH OMAHA. April l l . - C a l t l e c

—Recetpu, 7200: m arket steady:yM rilngs, I8M O 9.40; sieers. 17.600 , ,9.80: cowa aod ha lfan . 1308.88: “aiockors and feedsra, teO>-4B: calves ■>*«84.60O9.60: bulls and stags, 844EO ~7.00. • ..r -

H (« i-n » c fl lp ti. 17.000;.markot CO T;.lOo lower: built o t - aalea, $7,800 _

»i,i?5S'Ku»’5S I14.26: -«wes. t6 0 » - ' .9

l*OBTtAl»I> UTB8T0CK . ^■ PORTI^AND; Ore.. April l l . ^ ^ t U a - ■



■ ■ ■ " 1

R E Q i n r * . ’ •

z w ■ ,

H ecK C R ^M > jty I■ CWO»MS — HCTS I

AftD PROM Rogoi I

i ^

\ f ,_________, ' \= - — ! U Q T F E 1O

)■ HOME 1• ; i B R U ^ ,

- ’- r "

iQr 4 s ’n- '■ '•’W * s M N te y '

hi* it i t i a . J i ■

-RecolplR, 61; mnrkot nominal and . icady; rhoii.'e utr't-n, 174608,' fa ir o goCKl utecri, 1GQ7.26: Choice cows lOii Iiclfnm, J0.CUIO7: cannera, 8L7C,’ 3-76; buiiN. $306,26: calTes, M Q 0.60, •

Hors—Mnrkrt nnmtnal to alaadyf irlmit mixed. 'IB.7609,26; n m r t leavlL-H. 86,60(^8.76;' plga,- 1 8 . ^I.25.' •

Sheep — ilrcolpiB. 1021; markot* iiiinlnnl lo itenily; p rlm o ' lamW.I13.C0O14: fnir to med(um.*'81X.6QO’13,60; yrarllaRi. tgJMOUtlSO; w eltf ura. 1708.60: ewes, 8^QT.I>0.'

Tw in Fa(UProduct

.'aK L irK G PW G «l',';-’ - j ' ^ " -

Bnok Ohaaaa •' 'C e le ry ---------------------------Lettuce, bunch____ ..i , , a H > p HBread . --------------------— .iT ' ‘ ' j g f 'Turkeys, drawn ................ i ~ iWW •H e n a ----- ------------C-i 1. 1 ' 'M f f . 'Spriagora ----------------------- :— ■Round ateak ___:..,i ' ' m^.'W nBttieoD ..... .11' ......... . ii'-iiii ' ’

H a m " '— ..................... i'i n i n ' m ’ ‘Ham, allced..................... ni'n / itO M ft /Po rk chopa ----- -Pork r o a a t --------------.Lamb c h o p a ------ :----- - . J L j - W O t o •

T-boae aleak Z—^ U a d 'Sirloin a te a k -------i— ' i.',i'n'i j ■ ■ <

BU TINQ FBICIB - ,Wboat, No, J. per c w t , ._ _ _ a — l l « . .:Hoga ...........................• ll' . I ii..'..7P t r , . -1Sleers , ------------------ — " , 'Cows ................... ...'r*Calves ----------------------■..I'l.iiiMi-iiii^lW B’ 'r •:Turkeys - m. " ' . n g O,O M se----------------------------- -------- - 4 l e

Ducka » --------------------------- •'Hens -------1. .......... — ...... .. I ,..... .■■.lfl, . ■. iSpringers - - . ^ 110,., . ...

r i ! ! ^ ' I ■(<PEO D O Cl"* '- ' ‘!i

Egga- ___________ ____ - . . I . . - . ' . I . .iilln.fe}^ . -iRanch' bultar,';p^i; p o n n a l - J : ; . ^ ^ ^ r- ,Butterfat --------: „. ' . . .i.(jn— M .O tto ■ .<

■ ' —• uniaiflth L ava.' • ■■.•'iwii ' .v

C o n v i .y lh y io » a ,to -c ty f i1 « « * f .a i S . ■■i arroir to them aflt. to atlclt tJwraj aa a ball agala it tb i « ^ ; t a n b m ttu j? ; . ba^ to th « * ^ -< o « i1ag. - - v ' ; * d

T ry ua and b*


Page 6: ^ ApillL 11, 1923. llin i[1^ R eported C fOUREWr w D e V ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · voLua•IE;o/KU^^u^li llin i p i i ' ciifflj ill Agttemont by Turkish

PAOE , a i x ■ ,

B o i s e C o n c e d I ' w i n F a l l s

H a v e L o vM ayor Sherman Assures IV

Proxim ity Should Count trical Prices; U ndertow Navigators in M ark Murti topus Allowed to Seize Si'

;ures with Wild Beasts.\

Tliat Mayor BuRcnc U. Hlicrnmu nn- hciiuc: •tir«(i him ot a convlclloa llml lUN jj]] c-ltjr iliouhl bovfi llio iiiluiiiiiiKC I'I low er r« M , relnllvi-ly. li)-\.-u«.,n ot l u proslm lty Jo CJrcni aiio"lum<i

* »-n» th« Bliili'mcnt «>f Mnycir I'.',,I . I). T ockar ot llilii • city Innl o k - ' ' niDR when ihn iiinllfr wnn hroiiRhl "before Ihe coiiunlniilon hy ii l« ii rr . trohj Ihe puhllc Ullillle* commlioilon ' * ond ft U lk by A tidnify J dIhi W. " r ' Graham, form er clinlrman of ilm i , body. Mnyor Tucker nuld ihnl iIiIh v " '” nlAtetneiit by tb f llolne mayor wua n o d e OQ the occunlun ot i> vlnlt " which he nud .John W oitcn.lfn maiK- " '

• roTOo time n to lo (ho »luin c ip lin l. ^ , Bl ^ h lch tIme'henrtnK on n iiro|iom-<l f ," '" . InrrcBifl wa# ponipoiiod um il April Mil,, ,

O lher mmierti of moment Imd i« iiiVun do '.w ith a ihraaleneil drownliiR and rahinl nhlpwreok In ■ pronpfctlvn mni-latniiM' ,i,„ , ,,, In ’J la rk MurtnURh'ii dllrti. n m r iIk- ic l ly ; thb jcrahtloe of ii pi-rmlt m (he T e u a ^11 compuny .pornilt il!-<- niireemeDi. and a dlneiisalini u t ilu- tencinc alonu the RUhlh nvcniic Ini- o ral, which la in bad .eondltlmi. with

• ono or two m inor mnttcm. . for thT oner Oajie MalUr. of bi

ilin il year a f u r n beiirlni; whlili ■)io'i!'Eii loa ttii Home monifm and fn whk'h vn- rfolla commuhltlpi. inuludluf; Twin ..j .a

jia r i, Ih r public ulllllli'a C(mniUalon rapoiled a con>i(drrAbI<* rraUoUoa ta v l u t of (hv proparilrn o f Iho .company np to u Uaic in lulH. „ , The «0DP4Dr,' however, anhrd thui » rataa of aomaihlOB o rcr four mil- 11on"4oIlAra b« Rranied for •" ib" '--'‘ , qaantly Increaae in value, und It in ihla -'jnauar -whJcb comm before the ‘y " '' snMM. Uiillllaa commlailon on Aiirll 30. jioUce. of, wtilch wna alven t» lha I nii, o ily bom m liilon ia il evenlnR. WUeii llM ■ aoUc« woa read lam ovonlnit, ’ ' Mr.. <Qrabam, who wn» prcWcnt. ri>i>- re ta aU o i cllania oppoMd lo the orlR- ln a t pr^poaed loA tlon of tho InUtt-

lo V a y 'th a rW ’bailoVed lim t'ijiU riiy J"” * abould l>a rapreienlad. In ihe oriK- *' Inai conlent lTlt» lnt«reii(a ot nit the c i t lu a sd fluiulnunttlcs. wore Idenll- cal. In thnt they were .oppoi'ed m ' th s Inereannd Taluailns aiikrd by lbc company. Now., while they aUii iiud a common Interest In pravenllnK nn " Incraaae, there woro polatn of diver- ‘Ittnce, tnnim uch. a» rale* would Itn ,f fixed to r the vnrlou* communlik'n , ' • foUowIn* tbla iioarlnn. So fnr »i> oppoalLlon* to KonBtal Increnon wn* concarned. ihelr InlereH* wcro ntlll n llka: ao fnr t>* di»rrlfiilnation b..- ” twoan communltlc* way concornoil they wore, or mfjiht bn, dlfferenl.We wero ticar tho Kreat power pinni, , , while Bol"a nnd nurroundlnK clil.* ‘■''’" ''j were far awny nnd Ihc rn»l of trniin- .. tnlMlon bero wa« rnmparatlvply IlKhter, A difference of 6 per ctiii ; . “ 7 between lhl* r lty nnd IloUe wonld make a m alorlal difference In tb.- " " J" ' courae of a year. I |e belleveil the city ahould bo reprcocnicd ul llie hearlnif. /• '

Dolae mlKhi claim nomc offnet bv min.ic rriuon o t la riier buxinriia. bui nl- nnrro loa-nnc* for location Hhnuld be mndr. u„, ,j Mnyqr Tuckor replied Ib n l 'lb r mul- ,i„. lu r wnubl be taken cnre-of. l ie unM .jraull th a l Mayor Sherman lold bim ibal he bolleved Tw in J'ali* lo be rn- titled to allowance on arconnt nf ,>1 , , tla locatlnn near the planl. I f wft* siKCtated tha t obi Grent Rbo^hnnp n.

_ :i Ir-ii

F O R S A L E l l iii-niii.1;dnch

S E E D PO T A T O E S "rd<-rli'nijii

'C o b b le r s a n d R u ra ls cnrdi

____ : J H E BOYLE CO.ifino.

_ l - V P h o n e 403 V"” "

/ i m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m i Th/ ------— - - ■ p,!i

l iirniturB I j S j B f E rRo£s K |B 3 L ,:Unoleyni | R | | I [ > | flanges ' | l y u | | i | l i ,r ;

xpleli, Kew kod V M ’PBraltBre

• to w M m bi to w P rie a i I 'T "A. -H« Vincent Co. uvc

Plioae UK. f ( s Sboahone St. S.- -Tlie


^*Mf. John J . Jirl'lelian, OntanUi (.ari*! I’raf. W illard E. W^lIl^ TI?llnlM | nnd

Lola UoBard, foB lralto

Friday, Apr. 13, 8:15M X T H O D IS T O H U B O H " oi'

. iD l7 .T H M et t 'o d ff IS ,_S ie " "■ ilo u - lha t i r w U it ' AHbi* T hat utn”; E re r C ane to , Twin F a lK boui

■' ' . I turn

d e s T h a t | | j s S h o u l d i


w e r R ateiw ffi:ipiubut

------- Ilf a I

M ayor Tucker T hat t in M aking of Elec- " mii»

Threatens Lives of " J rtaugh’s ToiTCnt; O c-^ Site of M any Advent- jf™'


iihr'lL'iin KIIII prpvnli hiTc lo Minir lo- ii.en ami Him lli.-y ur.' lilnli. Trsto n on Trunbird C«mnii»ic>n. b.Tvtf

III iiincnuiM hromi'd Ini ilnc-d i<i iiolb out llio lr i.nblnl wuvci. of "I”""' nliliial wnt.-rn, ll wnn rtiporled I III.- Inili'pcndenl nijipcti'd (o 'Uf.. nnoiber looallon, nn.l ibe < om- -i inlon. iiu);R<')>li'd (Uat ll wllhilrnw ■

ol<l opiillcntlon uben flUnc (be <V one. The Trxaii (JII com|iuiiy Ml I* locnlni nearly lOO ynrdn " ‘'J '; m any m -m n fry »'«» KriiHtrd u i l ” "! mil unaoliiiDUhly, tin- flml Umo I tiuidi ai'llcri hnii bren tnhon on for mime (litie. The Texa* roin-

ly Ik nltualrd on lhc old clri-ii~ '' ■undn. but nniihnr Kclln. nor Hint:- ;i.-. nor iho Uarneit wild ftuinuil , ’’" 7 iw jm i In nn appenrnnc. t.i pro- '' ' u > T ^ n Ibe amull hoy who drai:» 'unwlijliiK im (o B r / tb o olcphunl. lied no wall unaliyii the deficcra- j "I and the U n i; u / r n concern froni '" 7 ' ‘ le RMrlnnd w na/nllowcd Ui plant l..n(n.-|r-, un Iho bnll.iwe.l Kf.mml.

(inner « lth f u r h l n A iro.'t Knnerfnlendrnt Jno : repDrlPil Ibnt Itlley « l g l e r n \ ^ Pnnner I-.! tho clly 10 auKReat n curDTnp Coue

the uhle etreet by ih e lr , plnuo irenim bnfilnens. Curhlnn nnft^RUtlor ihal i

re nuKKeiicd by lbc commlBnlon. rerkon «iRb tbn 'cu iie r propo*llion wnn an,i b

mndo ntauilntory. ni tlie:Uan-up day waa tiol for April 1. KrcnK'

moilon of Commltalounr O. to lira \uley. an Ma

“ The llalrlnif 'C annnL’ ” la rk M. MurlniiKh itnd n nrlcv- T«h •e. A dlicli liml bnd carrlod wn- 'hln yi

frnm Iho limo wbcn "iho mem- unte* of man runneth no t to the eon- Krneiil

ry" h.-ld been perturbed n coiipl.* Mn llr yenr* ni;n when the newer wn* (em oi

duw n.a Slreel Commla*loner J. lennlel I'llRerrim Unill ii nico wnt>-rwfty 'lU. hi K down an alley wheMai rfnl.leiitn cock, tliclr wrnlh rone. m P and polniod and T tbnt alleya were m nde.tn r navi- llnrhel

Ion by fllvvern, no l *rhoonern. no Wnliei rnnnt wni .<Jo«nd. iiiaxt-.an ef- Sciftnc

t wn* made to pu t It bnck over *ower, bnt ihi* Interfered wlih _ _

no lawn*, in It wa* run on the f l I nM. Tlt«oraUcal)y,-n waa aa-lilan; 11 t I'll of wnrknmnMhlp. but when I’ U \ lift to nmninit w nler lUroiinU ii iliier nlluatlon nroao. . l l wan of 11 1VCII width and iborc wero brond Ul 'n nnd Uottomlei* eultii nlnns Iin I I m e . In IheBo nmblllou* youthn. " •d by •'Trea«nre Inland" nnd loiei- the Inte Cnptnin Kidd, dotornilni-d tloni tlielr linrnuoii nnd vlraif

,fl. The other dny one of Ihem I overbonril, und nn IIiiTe wnn no ■Hal fin of m anrnler nlinrk In nlcbi

WUH rMCUed. .Murlnuch wnnle.l Cnnili >ne plclureagnn Inli'U nnd fjorilr i , . .ned and Ihe wnlelh confined tr • ntixlaUt uml nnrrow »’ny. - ile nnld tlinl tlie cblldren wore nl- 'Illy bnlidlni; biiatn ii; hent th r tile uml Iniil rnnflnm lrd nil th r ' irnrded unibrellnn .nod like uien- , n In llirlr work* nml un Ibelt Iiliern could not v.iicU flitni “ I- ,i,„ yn, lliey w rrr ,liable lo fnll In on •Ir facm nnd rcI drowned., Com- ,, naloner S. H. Ali nuRRcmrd tha l th r rrow er the Mream the Kroni.ir I- dejiih. MurlanKh Inllmnted Ihm !• eoninil>»loiirr'i* knowledco of by- ,,i,.i,, aullen wnn ool. |ira.:l1c»l, on op- " '‘•j": led III ei.ndlllonn there, A h'II war . , nwn lhnl nUiml ncven lomln of rt wnuld fix mrflleri.. Superlnlrnrl- , ' I Krivnnek wan ordnred tn nlleinl

It. A mnrn nrrloni* nllunlli'n. I'Ir-iK Inl.'renlliiK ono. wnn prenrntc.l . . jairdlne Ihe KIchIb nvenne ialenil , ' Here f -r <ii-ven:elKbIh-.‘ of n mlU- " e feii.r I- In bnd cnndlllon. l-nrllv ;•,ini r<.tIliiK..r poHin nnd r^xrtly frn-n I. rnvlni: In of Ib r bnnkn. The m il .onipany In lo keep up thr ich r.nd lUi> <lly the fcnce. -It wn- ';<> •dered tlinl ibe ' fence b« fixed un m .m r.nU ', ,l,„i ;a rled wllll (Ur <^nimt romoaiiy r i- "''1’^ irdInK rlp-rnpplnt: uml llml (lie )nl of iniltlnc In lrnn pi>*ln be nn- *' irlnlnril. Sew pine ponin wonlil,ihe the litnirovepu-ut_cual—I'.UtiilL mo. Hunk n.Tnrlllrn of the Twin tlOIrt’ niln Itunk <• Trnm uud IUe Twin :.IIn .Vnllniinl bnnk were npproveil The followlnk' lle.'nnen Were r.n.ni- A !; Cjird ti.blr« lo M.murl Unlln. „ fh l , K. l-lckrli, J. W. Schlffner nnd , |j„ aul K. Walkinn; nucllouner. S. !•: jr

i ; r = :April IS wnn net to r rlei.n-iip dny.

IIK (i^MIST HKTWKKN I'ltOVEK prol INK l*il(im i T l ( t \ AT I..\Vt:!{IN(; proc

--------- u r sK. K orrc t Taylor uml company

rei.en(ed "Thn (Jlioni ileiween" ui le uv o rln jl T lirm r.' 1;<»1 .•vrnluR lr ilendid ntyle. Thin pViy In tmunu.l :ld thone whn nllended were blKlil,' »h'"- leaaed wllh Ihe prodnrlfnn. *hoiThin company*.wllI re inn i in the jjnn:

nvcrlnjc on April i;r.. nnd « lll pre- (r.m rni Henry Miller’* fumoun play ,p , | riie llnvoc^-____________ '


l'OHTl.AXl>. Ore., .'klirll l l - K lr r a rly lodav ftol'ed Ibo Iwo lop fl.mrs ij., nd pari rf lUn nec.ind flixir ot the , , our alory wurelimme No, 1 of die levwood Drolhern nnd Wnkefle'd •nrnlture company on Irvine belwum :inih and Tenth «ireeln. in I’nrtland-i. hr'' .•arehouae ilUlrlct.

Oilier hull.lIuK* were ihrealened for »4." Ilme. Muni of Ib r Went »l<Ip ap- ,

arulun wan ninnne<l on Ibv nreno ami lie b la ir w»i under eontm l Iwn lOUr* after It wa* dlncoverrd. The rnrelioii'c .va'; .ilmlce.l .Ulli »:duiible urnliure. .


- T


Dirrctnn. TonlKhi—Tlie illroeion. I T ' IIki (-hiimUcr of Commcrcu iiievl / I I

niRiii. n l

Fined f..r ilu iliiif llld«^M . O. n Inkl. wan fined t:.'. loday In Ilic Lubale coun for IIIck iI poniicnnloii |a braver lilde. •

lienN Thurndny 1‘. .M .-Tlir Twin iltn llonliy board meoln Thiirndny l;,irlr ( eiiliiR ut llm rooniH'of the Chum- i,|o r r of Commerce, „ r lil

of AlI'liderKiir' Hrrund <l|>enilloii —I.. i .Milli-' Ollo .it Kllcr undrrwvnl n nccond

erailon nl Ihe Twin Knilu lu«-1 , ... lul Innl cvvnlnK. He bud iiuollicr ■erallon a l I’niilwell • nomo Ilnie ii,^wbrti ho went Ibcru lo Jillcml I*,,,;} ,

Teslim: Whnie Spud I 'in n -A nmn- rvtT Twin Knlln fnrmern ur.. ir^n-!K oni the plnn of plunlhlK w bnlc, ,udn 1& Inclien ni>:.rl In :12 Inch '" wn. l l In nnld llinl i:rrnl rennlr. " " X ' L-rc utlnlne.l in Ihln way lani j r a r l ‘“ i-iinniu conniy, . J 'J , ’

A ri llett?r-.\rrr~rt'n .l Mrn. I). H i.ormnii ure batli from rorliund, Iu III lere Ihu former nnderwenl u imOnr n eoiii erallnn. He In nnw well. T belrjllrynn tllOiIer. .Mlnn Veluia .Sturgeon or^elerlloii irtnUKh, who underwent an opcr-|eaii<ll.ln lon »l IIki name time llm l bor fa-,rIe.idIoc ar lild. In nlnn back well, 'cnuinin,

----------------------- Ivole <if.tun ’ llnnipi III Cnne—The Jury iu ibe den n eant) of U. » . D.ivln aniiiiint It. I>, {lo Wllll rllyjidin. el nl. fnllvd lo aRreu nnd {He wic t* dlKclinrKrd.^ A new Jury wl'li Irnllrom n name alinrneyn rontondlnt wun | roconin rn called In tlir c.ine n f Liirliid.i ' ../in nc ■rrn nRuInni M. M’oml. 1‘nrler * llin den Illiam reprrnent the pbiliilltf ond leauned jmer C. Mllln. Ibo drfundaiil. . yeurn n

M rdiri Cnre Ibe Hluet—Hr, W, K. fnrn im inner nnd hin medlL-ni ngund brni in rciili lUe lant evenlnK by n nrrle* of iirlnllnt ealmonl* wblcb tbono prrnunl nald at aecond Uy necond Ihey nil n n f i rkoiied they were ReiilnR better M I N I d boiler, Tbe affair look, pln.o H I I I I

Ille.Klkn- hali. Cnpiuin C. H- l / U U renKcl will brine hi* field arllllery

hear on llic rlnlhlcn of ibO buy:.May. —

T«h» Kalis IVppie J.ivled-Amom:In ypur'n •llnlvernlty of Mnhn Rr.id- le* nro Itomlce Ijieny llabrocli, nent KuRrne Onirnmler. <’nri lluin- I llrown and Vornon Ilnrcer Wnl- rti of Twin t'nii* nnd fh lllp Wul- iinieln Buck of Monrovia. Callfor- X. bill formerly of Kller. Mlnn Ihb- ck. Cnri llrnwn. Krnrai Ontraoder d Philip iluok will rpcpive thn ichelor of Art* dpuree with Vcrmm nller* TPcoivinR the llnclielnr of

--------- — '- f S r



nnOdent T hai Idaho O n lm l >Vlll I’eoplr Hr Iiulil, !»eveIo|imcnt M ill Uc oppnrii Vushrd lo lire U odj; OUicr Com- noineib pmilen Coufldrnl. * . miitim:

Knihnnlnnm over Iho nnllclpnicd many, nuntrucllim <if,lbe Idaho O n irn l nn condlll

r.^gull of dovelopmenln followlni: hcnllgi 10 romplelloii ot Iho BUrvoy. und >nn bu le rw elin ot money wllh wbtcli lo .'t'tileii ■nillnne Ihe dovelopmenl, Indncpd "The ie dlrcclor* nnd Ufficcrv nf (be Oro cliy U opppr MlnInK company ot C.minel ^ad ur > order Immodlale extennlon work '''»>■ 1“ n lln tunnel ai u mreilui: held lont >>rlni: iKhl. The tunnel in uow In rinii i.icl ''fnO ’ nd ll in experted that the muin ore d3 |H u ndv will bo reiielied In feel lore, il .In reported Ihul tbo He- nun. inieiid*' lo enrry forward itn ••ork. The Three in One people nlno ~ “ jpren* Ihemnelven nn fcelliiK uUi.n- "ulely nnro of the apredy coiinlnii-- nmi ic I.III of Ihe Idaho Centrnl. Kred .Mai- |> >'> ran und (IcorKe A. Haun of I'nnliitl mcr-n .llrnded Ihe miietloK. . 1

I.OH AN(HCL,f:S'. Cnl., April .1 1 ,- , ierhert Wli»on. mllll.mulre mnll ' ^ winilJl. who wan nenlenced lo life mprlnnnmeni fnr the m urder of hi" , •omrnde. Herbert Cox Innl all clinnce o encnpc tbu pcniilly mday when he uppidlnlB r.n irl, ronnlderliiK on ippeui, nnnonnVed lln doelnl.ni ni»- inirttnif nrn-TTlar^troTtrfit—tlnrtlnjTTi:— irunn

--------- :-------------- 'llm I.Oliz* ■utter r.» Praaarva IL u illri

A alnrular mettioil of proiectlncfoHa »f hutter from deierlorailnn due to out- U a <ldn influpnce* 1* uild Io be pr«rtlced . la France. Il con*l«i* In coatlnc the A bDlirr wllh a slnio of melted autar, laid on wltli' ft nofi iirunb. The aurfani of tbfl hntler U nlljUlly melted aod n prolecUvB •mmUli U formed. Tho ,oi-!ui proceM U*.| nUo (>ren inlroduced on » n,,, | Urge icala In K nrlmd. of wl

------------------------of llllBank N o ltt QuJekly BaJlrad,

An Knillnli bank nola Ima a r e a "‘''1"'. ihnrt life. )n fnrt. it averacM «^,ro ahout two m oalhv Aa a.Ktn aa tli» nm „ Dank ot Kngland rrreirea a ooie back eunii tr.mi the public, li li not clrculat»4 »rhpa tjn ln . It If auionjaileally eane«led by Uui I 6arln» the caiUler* «l£natur« tom ofT. aom* a.10.no0 notea are th u i caucWed •very week, *• _ nmau

MIriam'a (land'.^ap. equliTwo jlrli '^w er* j l r ln i a c«ne*tt. On

Jean alns* nlrely, bul Ulrlam canuot "carry a time al nll. After Iry ln i ra- ''' f/nie.lly to a ln t ilie inne, Jean ran lo her miiilier .rrylnR. "Molher. w« ran’t jSave I runcp't. kllrlnm •lu ta crook- . ,..4." • n ‘;

D«(tnietlcn by Fcraat Firo*. | J*,* kvery yenr M.OiKi fnre.t lire.. In | i .„

rolvUif nmie 1'J.rAI,rKK) nerm of llio-K t land, cuM J'.ii.m>0,ii.i».



■ s be1 ¥ i _T M IS H « O N " fRIOA Vjim 1

f Cuiiruniilim u( llr jn n n iiil- ttr- Ior of >ntlnmii !te]inti- IVfll Tell J l lili.rirs o f Jrffer»uii; .tii Voter.Ali I’lirllen \VrIciinif,-.S»j-M Com-


W. KclKurloii. woll known I’ocii- I hiwyer,' win. in 111.. Kreal nllver pnlKii wait conHldorc.l hliluiiK (ho I brlllUml enmpniKtlern in the ed Sliileii will bu IUe npniker ot n irh l 111 tbe Joftcrnon D -iymroi- umlcr ;inr.plcP» of 111.- T*I» Knlln niy Jelfernon rluU. n t d ineollnc •vhi.li lUe public In Invltod r<- lle»n of I.nriy nfflliiulonn, Ki.l- ■if: Ihe ii.lilrgiiic!. Ilinm will be Ilon <if otriccr*. The iilfalr will 1 lip wlib a nmoker.

Held lllRh l-h.re..Ihe e.irly 'Itn*'Mr. I-:.li:iirloii wiui

■ouii.iinloii .If Willhnn Junnincn in 111 .Sebrankn. i^VillowinR lUo Ilou In 1.S02, Ul. wi.li Hio IcadiiiK li.Uilo for mnny balloU in (bo ll.ick In 111., fuiiliiii kKlnintlvo mn, wliere bu i;.cknl b u l ono

<if 11 m ajority. He « i lanl broke deiidlock by tiirowlnc hln xiippnrt'I'llllnm V, Allen, who wan nioctvd. I was_jipiioIiilert on ibo Nebrankn roAiI rommlsnion. In IUO0. on nimrmhitlnii of Colmiol Ilrynn. ho Kcrit In «lump ilw 'country for

di-niorratic Ilckol, I'nillnR hcnitb led him lo como to l.laho nnmn n nno, i-i.ler hfl nerv..,l an pnwe- iin itlliirney of Camnn couniy l>e- mnvlm; in rncntello. II|n b.^al'.h

ciiioreil nnd Iio nllii rtta inn the line fire uf earlie r dnyn, |


END OF WEEK jUJ nnd Saturday Kkpechtllj Het * mrl for Tnklnir In Vnlnnes tVhleh f l -lemln An> Jiiad KiiouKb lu Uo- lie.

:io campulRn for liK^rMiiiiiR the iber of volumoH ou th e ■liolven of llbniry Iiy fonlrihiill..Mn of Irlanilh; . ninf; on npace and mnny fino vol-1 n liuve been conirlhtiloi nlrendy, llinl dnyn .if till* week, however.

e«frcfl«»y nnt «8ld<» for th n pur-

It f.irih in Hip foUowini; mniemcni Ibe llUrnrian. .Miia J cihIb l-'riiilor: J••ridny and iJalurday. April U nnd u e tUe dnyn net nuido (or tb e peo- nf Twill Knlln and vlctnliy lo makr u renl .•nnlrtUutlon* lo Ibu Twin n piiUllc llUrnry. The ununl rc- mlvcnrnn of our penplo in publlc .rprlnen In evi.lencod iiy llio many

vnluaUlc lnM.hn. which huve ul­ly bp.'n br.iiiKhl lo ihc library, pip huvo iiikvii advunisco of the oriiinlly, n.il of K.riiini: rid t.f lelblliK.tlTey do not w,inl. Iml vf Hm: R(l t..l U».ikn w hen, they will reud, Il.il Uy oim pormn, bul by ly, ll.iokn of flcllnn. If In Rood dltlon,'llioiiKli nol o f fecont puU- lign nn^ very ucccpliibh', un thone 1 bu iineil lu rcplace tlic much worn

Im Jiou' <m our Khfllvej, rh e varl.inn orKunlznllonH nf liie '

bnve tnken un 'n c llte Inlerenl ' JI uro fnriherliii; ihe chu<s In every M r ponnible. If ll In •not ponnlUIe to I riK or noiid your book to the 11- ^ ry one ut llicno .lay.. l.drpUnne „II und 11 bi.y lic.nil will eall for 11." K VU:ii Ihc public ilUruTy «l.H'n Igr "

olilien In net forlli in u r.Mrnni ^

The publl.- library nl.in Ihi- clllien obiJilnhiK an cdunninii; It lieipn.......... Illn biinlnw* ..ftloinnl-hy hiiiiplylm: f;u t Infnrmiiilnn; It r.Tii.cM Ibe .iniimt nf hln plnnt hy Aim; the hueiiii.r nnd lixo ncleii- I; ll iiKMlniti I.ln iirofoniil.innl udvln- I Iiy kee|iini: iluin in Inurh wlib •eni itiveloiimciilii In llieir rcnpec- <> floliU.; ll cmiblen thr c ltlinn tn lew Uin ci.nla.:t w ith ilie nourrenrellcldan Im .plrutlon; ll pr«eW.-«

n wllll r.-i rca iloiul ri-aillnu nnd on*Ren hlfi nrilnilc ntnl liu n iry iiori- I. and flnnlly, ll furnlnticn the rltl-I with informutl.in foiiruriibiK Hi" ripr':..’ utul bnpr.ivenienl of lh« rov- anieni. Hum muktnK It pmmlUlo forII I.l iirrfiirm mnro iniii'llcpnilv Uin He-, and obllcuii.>nB U* a tlllron,"

daho W heat Growers A s s o c i a t i o n to Go

Into ReceivershipThe .'i.irtliw.-nl Whoalliroworn' l.n- rluilon blin unkeil fo r n rucelvur fur e Maho \V'Iieiii«rowcrn' nnnoclalbm I

which U In i^ere.lllor, SpeRkiu|t| £ llie m alter lo-lny \V. P. Alworih of,

in.e. n direc lor lu llif idiih.> tonccrn aled Ihnt llie onnnln wfre ample to y oul pverytbjnK, bin nuinu .if thrm fro lU -d nml ll wouhl li.ke nmno Ho time, TUe Idnlio n-sHi.clallon in lrac tn l for Jl.liflO.OOO bunhrln nf hPSt. 11 eip.-eleil n l lean half of ll. ll (nrnicrn I.ecamo ImlUf.Tenl und ' funed lo di-llvor more Iliun nboul - ;5,.mo bUHhelii. The .ivrrliend wa* ^ nl nimul' a* ureiii nn If the whole C nuunl hn.l bern d.i'lvernl- Tho Idalio - ii .neern .m-nn ni.mi-oIx-v.vth nnd hUn “ lulllen In olhern. O: On April M. ntockholilrrn will v.>Io j. 1 wliellior they will .llnliicorporale - nol, V C

---------------------- i. AN>m:\CKWK:«T '*

IlQVlnR ImURbl tb<. beat of Mra, VIllohardRon'* llnrrvd IMymoiilh (jKock Ch/clcenn. Im p te ltl Rlngl^l f,strain, w lil havo e f s t to sell for ”baiclvlof. *■

>TR nA N mVhnnr &»R|{.|.

TIM ES • '

^ T hF bT H E S T O P

H e y ,H u r r y

M o t l

. . . y





Oh, Boy! IBoys’ Clothes we’v

BOrS' SWTSW .9 3 a

The Days of Real -S p o rt

D ^ t take the jo / cu t of bis llfo by forb idding thU, that^ or the o ther boyhood atunt, for fear It is “ ba rd on hia clothea.* H e’s a boy b u t onco and bcfldca hte clothos will

. stand an aatoundlns amount of aul w ear If you t a W the prtcau- G6 tiou to purchaso ono of these n n offered DUBIKO OUB BIQ LITTLE T H B E 2 BALZ BALE. SA

Ages 6 \o 15 years.

■\v k d :

B ig W h it e S to rer O R E O F S 'tA N O A R D Q U A L IT Y

K e l l . U p a n d 1 t h e r A h o u




:e $ 6 .^.E . $ 7 :i S __________

You ought to see t ful S U IT S-they’re ’ve ever show n!EVERY SUIT HAS T W O PAIRS O F , '



^ 6 . 9 5 2COE

A good durable suit made for ins a ll around w cari (he Very beat values th a t can bo' p u t Into a ^ su it to sell a t a higher price.Good assortm ent of weaves D U R IN a BIG LITTLE THREE i,b SALE. I t ’

Ages 6 to IS yoan .

i:D N K S D .\Y , A P It l L 11, 1023.



e r s ! ,•<* ?

T e l l u t _


L U E S -

195\9 5195these wonder-;

re the snappiest'

^ . 9 SW ben one boy takes a ‘'f a l l" out o f another, something M> boun4 to give. B n t i t w on’t be Ms clothos if he w e a n a "•■Bwt-Ever Bteel-Piber” Boys’3 , . *— Suit M other't choice, jitnrdy? conatruetlon and teslod fabrics v insure exceptional servie. Spe- 'cial features. Two p ^ knick-a crs w ith inter-woven. double' fabric a t seat, i k n ^ . and be-)' twoen knees; a wide seleotlon- of becoming fobriot and man-” ilh modeb D U ^ G T H E BIG:' t lT T L E THREE SALE.

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