Проект "Споруди"

The Whit e House is the offici al residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States , located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. It has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams in 1800. The house was designed by Irish-

Transcript of Проект "Споруди"

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Creek sandstone in the Neoclassical style. 

Burjal Arab It is world’s tallest and first hotel to surpass

1000 ft (305 m) in height.The total cost to construct the hotel was $650 million.Burjal Arab is one of the most expensive hotels in the world to

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stay in. The cost of staying in a suite begins at $1,000 per night and increases to over $15,000 per night; the Royal Suite is the most expensive, at $28,000 per night.The building contains over 70,000 cubic meters of concrete and 9,000 tons of steel.

Notre Dame de Paris is 130 meters long, 48 meters wide, 35 meters high.

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Notre Dame is located on the Paris Island called Ile de la Cite.

The world famous cathedral is referred to as: Notre Dame de Paris ("Our Lady of Paris" in French), The Notre Dame Cathedral or sometimes just simple "Notre Dame".

The twin towers go as high as 69 meters (387 steps). The south tower houses the 13 ton Emmanuel bell.

Big Ben

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The real name of the tower that houses the clock is simply “The Clock Tower”. Big Ben is just the nickname given to the largest bell in the tower, formally known as “Great Bell”. 

Big Ben is the UK’s most popular tourist attraction.Big Ben chimes every 15 minutes and can be heard as far as 9 miles away.

Weighs 13 tons

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Petronas Towers, also known as Petronas Twin Towers, are twin

buildings situated in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Petronas Twin Towers were the tallest buildings in the world until 2004, when Taipei 101 took over the title.

Petronas Towers are still the tallest twin buildings in the world.

There are 88 stories in Petronas Twin Towers.

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The Sky-bridge, which connects the towers, is the highest two story bridge in the world.

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Kaiserdom zu Speyer is a church in Speyer, Germany

This Dom is one of the largest and most important Romanesque buildings in Germany.

The Kaiserdom is one of the finest Romanesque cathedrals in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage site.

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The four towers symbolize the four seasons and the idea that the power of the empire extends in all four directions.

The Oriental Pearl Tower

stands is the highest TV Tower in Asia and is the third highest one in the world. 

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The sight-seeing floor in the brilliant upper sphere is 263 metres high and 45 metres in diameter. It has already become one of the symbolic buildings and tourism resorts in Shanghai .The Oriental Pearl Tower is a multifunctional body with sight-seeing. restaurant, shopping, entertainment, hotel, radio and TV transmissions.

The Taipei 101

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tower in Taipei, Taiwan, was the world's tallest building from 2004 until 2010.It is the first world's tallest building in the 21st century.

Taipei 101 116 stories, 101 of them are above the ground while five stories are underground.

The building has 61 elevators including two doubledecker elevators with top speeds of 1010m/minute.

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The Eiffel Tower is Located on the Champ de one of the most well known structures

in the world.The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889.It is named after Gustave Eiffel, whose company was in charge of the project.The Eiffel Tower is 320 metres (1050 feet) in height and was the tallest man made structure in the world for 41The French name for the Eiffel Tower is La Tour Eiffel, it also has the nickname La dame de fer which means the iron lady.

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The statue’s full name is Liberty Enlightening the World.

The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France, given to America in 1886.

The head of the statue was displayed at the World's Fair in Paris in 1878.

From the ground to the top of the torch the statue measures 93 metres.

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Lady Liberty wears a size 879 shoe.

She has a 35-foot waistline

Visitors have to climb 354 stairs to reach the statue’s crown.

There are 25 windows in the crown.

The Tower Of London is not the Tower’s official name.

The full name of the Tower is

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actually: Her Majesty’s Royal Palace And Fortress, The Tower Of London. While it is best known now as a prison, the Tower of London was primarily a royal residence until the Tudor period.

Originally the Tower was a Royal Palace and defensive fortress, built by William The Conqueror. The Tower is still officially a royal residence of Her Majesty The Queen.

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St. Peter’s Basilica Cathedral

St. Peter’s Basilica, the ultimate symbol of the Vatican, is one of the most beautiful buildings in Rome. The largest church in Christianity, St. Peter's Cathedral covers an area of 2.3 hectares and has a capacity of over 60,000 people.

Some of the most important works in the basilica are the Pietà - by Michelangelo, the Papal Altar - by Bernini, the Throne of St. Peter - also by

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Bernini, and the Monument to the Stuarts - by Canova.

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The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a freestanding bell tower located in the city of Pisa in Italy. The tower started to lean during construction because the foundation was built on soft ground that had difficulty supporting the weight. The Leaning Tower of Pisa took 344 years to build, beginning in August 1173.

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The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a circular shape and has eight floors. The 7 bells are located on the eighth floor.

 Arc de Triomphe in  Paris

was ordered in 1806 by

Napoleon, the French Emperor. Napoleon wanted to honor the

Grande Armee.The Grande Armee had conquered most of Europe and was then considered invicible. After his Austerlitz victory in

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1805, Napoleon said to his soldiers : "You will return home through archs of triumph".

The Arc de Triomphe costed 9.3 millions French francs, a gigantic amount of money at that time.

The names of 128 battles of the first French Republic and Napoleon's Empire are written on the white walls under the vault together with the names of the generals who took part in them.