모듈형 패키지를 활용한 나만의 기계학습 모형 만들기 - 회귀나무모형을...

모듈형 패키지를 활용한 나만의 기계학습 모형 만들기 -회귀나무모형을 중심으로 신한은행 Digital Innovation 센터 어수행, PhD ([email protected])

Transcript of 모듈형 패키지를 활용한 나만의 기계학습 모형 만들기 - 회귀나무모형을...

모듈형 패키지를 활용한 나만의 기계학습 모형 만들기

-회귀나무모형을 중심으로

신한은행 Digital Innovation 센터

어수행, PhD ([email protected])

Translating statistical ideas into software.

R = Statistical Software

목 차

•모형구현의 시각에서 본 회귀나무모형 역사

•모듈러 패키지를 활용한 회귀나무모형 구현

본 세션은 아래와 같은 분들을 위해 기획되었습니다.

• 대상: 연구자/대학원생

• 연구분야: 사회과학(심리)/의학(병리 혹은 예방)

• 아래 분야에 대한 전문지식이 있으시면 세션이해가 수월하실 듯 합니다. -> 교과서가 아닌 실무(연구)에서의 통계적 가설검정 경험 -> 1학기 분량의 기계학습 정규과정 수강 경험 -> R(혹은 SAS, Python)에서 tree model을 사용해본 경험

(Linear) Regression

£Input Variables: X=(X1, X2, …, Xp) ∈ Rp

£Target Variable: Y ∈ R

£Model: Yi= β0+β1X1i+ β2X2i+…+βp Xpi+εi, εi~ iid N(0, σ2)

£Parameters for Regression Coefficients: (β0,β1,β2,…,βp)



(Linear) Regression

£Input Variables: X=(X1, X2, …, Xp) ∈ Rp

£Target Variable: Y ∈ R

£Model: Yi= β0+β1X1i+ β2X2i+…+βp Xpi+εi, εi~ iid N(0, σ2)

£Parameters for Regression Coefficients: (β0,β1,β2,…,βp)



(Linear) Regression Tree

β0 Y



(Linear) Regression Tree




β1 β2

x <= c x > c



(Linear) Regression Tree

Loh (2014)

Decision Tree

Recursive Partitioning

Tree(-structured) Model

Classification (Regression) Tree

(Linear) Regression Tree

• A tree model is a logical model represented as a tree that shows how the value of a target variable can be predicted by using the values of a set of predictor (input) variables.

• A tree model recursively partitions the data and sample space to construct the predictive model.

• Its name derives from the practice of displaying the partitions as a decision tree, from which the roles of the predictor variables may be inferred.

• The idea was first implemented by Morgan and Sonquist in 1963. It is called the AID (Automatic Interaction Detection) algorithm.

AID modelAutomatic Interaction Detection (AID) model by Morgan and Sonquist (1963; JASA)


AID model

Code name ‘SEARCH’

Automatic Interaction Detector Program (Sonquist and Morgan, 1964)

Enhanced version of the AID program(Sonquist et al., 1974)

AID Model

model estimation +


CART modelClassification and Regression Tree (CART) model by BFOS (1976~)

Leo Breiman Jerome Friedman Richard Olshen Charles Stone

CART modelStone (1977). Consistent Nonparametric Regression(with discussion), The Annals of Statistics, 5, 590-625

CART model = Pruning• The faithfulness of any classification tree is measured by a

deviance measure, D(T), which takes its miminum value at zero if every member of the training sample is uniquely and correctly classified.

• The size of a tree is the number of terminal nodes.

• A cost-complexity measure of a tree is the deviance penalized by a multiple of the size:

D(T) = D(T) + α size(T) where α is a tuning constant. This is eventually minimized.

• Low values of α for this measure imply that accuracy of prediction (in the training sample) is more important than simplicity.

• High values of α rate simplicity relatively more highly than predictive accuracy.

Implementation of CART modeltree package rpart package

Implementation of CART modeltree package rpart package

Implementation of CART model• In R there is a native tree library that V&R have some reservations about. It is useful,

though. •rpart is a library written by Beth Atkinson and Terry Therneau of the Mayo Clinic,

Rochester, NY. It is much closer to the spirit of the original CART algorithm of Breiman, et al. It is now supplied with both S-PLUS and R.

• In R, there is a tree library that is an S-PLUS look-alike, but we think better in some respects.

•rpart is the more flexible and allows various splitting criteria and different model bases (survival trees, for example).

•rpart is probably the better package, but tree is acceptable and some things such as cross-validation are easier with tree.

• In this discussion we (nevertheless) largely use tree!

Implementation of CART model


CART Model

Tree Size (=Pruning) +

Theoretical Properties

GUIDE modelGeneralised Unbiased Variable Selection and Interaction Detection model

by Low and others (1986~)

Implementation of GUIDE model

IBM SPSS GUIDE CORE(Fortran95) GUIDE Interface


piecewise linear model +

segmentation +

Unified Framework with statistical testing

CTREE and MOB modelModel-based Recursive Partitioning by Hothorn and Zeileis (2004~)

CTREE and MOB modelModels: Estimation of parametric models with observations yi (and regressors xi), parameter vector θ, and additive objective function Ψ.

Recursive partitioning: 1 Fit the model in the current subsample. 2 Assess the stability of θ across each partitioning variable zj. 3 Split sample along the zj∗ with strongest association: Choose breakpoint with highest improvement of the model fit. 4 Repeat steps 1–3 recursively in the subsamples until some stopping criterion is met.

✓̂ = argmin✓P

i 0(yi, xi, ✓̂)

CTREE and MOB model

Implementation of MOB model

(Regression) Tree-based Model

Unified Framework with modular system

정리 (tree model의 관점)•1세대 - Michigan (1964 ~ 199x) piecewise constant model with exhaustive (heuristic) search

• 2세대 - Berkely & Stanford (1972 ~ 200x) Unified tree framework with exhastive search

• 2.5세대 - Wisconsin & ISI (1986 ~ 201x) Unified tree framework with statistical testing

• 3세대 - LMU & Upenn & UNC (2005 ~ 201x) Unified tree framework with piecewise model-based model + extensions (Domain / Bayesian Approaches / Tree-structured Objects)

순도 100% 개인적 생각

정리 (구현 관점)The CRAN task view on “Machine Learning” at http://CRAN.R-project.org/view=MachineLearning lists numerous packages for tree-based modeling and recursive partitioning, including

– rpart (CART),– tree (CART),– mvpart (multivariate CART),– RWeka (J4.8, M5’, LMT),– party (CTree, MOB),– and many more (C50, quint, stima, . . . ).

Related: Packages for tree-based ensemble methods such as random forests or boosting, e.g., randomForest, gbm, mboost, etc.

모듈형 패키지를 활용한 나만의 회귀나무모형 만들기

How many LEGOs need for building a tree model?


statistical testing

model estimation


�1�Fit�a�model� to� the�y�or�y�and�x�variables�using�the�observations� in� the�




the� variable� z� associated� with� the� smallest� p� value� for� partitioning,�


�3�Search� for� the� locally� optimal� split� in� z� by� minimizing� the� objective�




How many LEGOs need for building a tree model?


modular R package - partykit


Example: Linear Model Tree

Example: Linear Model Tree

Example: Linear Model Tree

Example: Linear Model Tree

Implementation: ModelsInput: Basic interface. fit(y, x = NULL, start = NULL, weights = NULL,

offset = NULL, ...) y, x, weights, offset are (the subset of) the preprocessed data. Starting values and further fitting arguments are in start and ....

Output: Fitted model object of class with suitable methods. coef(): Estimated parameters \hat_{\theta} logLik(): Maximized log-likelihood function . estfun(): Empirical estimating functions Ψ0


Implementation: ModelsInput: Extended interface. fit(y, x = NULL, start = NULL, weights = NULL, offset = NULL, ..., estfun = FALSE, object = FALSE)

Output: List object coefficients: Estimated parameters objfun: Minimized objective function estfun: Empirical estimating functions object: A model object for which further methods could be available (e.g., predict(), or fitted(), etc.).

Internally: Extended interface constructed from basic interface if supplied. Efficiency can be gained through extended approach.

✓̂ Pi (yi, xi, ✓̂)

0(yi, xi, ✓̂)


Implementation: Framework

Class: ‘modelparty’ inheriting from ‘party’. Main addition: Data handling for regressor and partitioning variables. The Formula package is used for two-part formulas, e.g.,

y ~ x1 + x2 | z1 + z2 + z3. The corresponding terms are stored for the combined model and

only for the partitioning variables.\ Additional information: In info slots of ‘party’ and ‘partynode’.

call, formula, Formula, terms (partitioning variables only), fit, control, dots, nreg. coefficients, objfun, object, nobs, p.value, test.

Reusability: Could in principle be used for other model trees as well (inferred by other algorithms than MOB).


Example: Bradley-Terry Tree


Example: Bradley-Terry Tree

• Task: Preference scaling of attractiveness.

• Data: Paired comparisons of attractiveness. Germany’s Next Topmodel 2007 finalists:

Barbara, Anni, Hana,Fiona, Mandy, Anja. Survey with 192 respondents at Universit't T+bingen. Available covariates: Gender, age, familiarty with the TV show.

Familiarity assessed by yes/no questions: (1) Do you recognize the women?/Do you know the show? (2) Did you watch it regularly? (3) Did you watch the final show?/Do you know who won?


Example: Bradley-Terry TreeModel: Bradley-Terry (or Bradley-Terry-Luce) model. Standard model for paired comparisons in social sciences. Parametrizes probability for preferring object i over j in terms of

corresponding “ability” or “worth” parameters

Implementation: bttree() in psychotree (Strobl et al. 2011).

Here: Use mob() directly to build model from scratch using btReg.fit() from psychotools



⇡ij =✓i



Example: Bradley-Terry Tree

Example: Bradley-Terry Tree

bttree() in psychotree

bttree() in psychotree


Case 1. random effects tree model

Eo and Cho (2014)

Case 2. latent variable tree model

Lee et al. (2012); Eo et al. (2014); Eo (2015);

Case 3. multiway splits tree model

Eo et al. (2014)Kim and Loh (1998)

Case 4. Industry (FDS)

Case 5. Industry (Quantile Tree)


Extensions to Deep Learning


R에서 tree-structured model을 쓰지 않는다면

앙꼬없는 찐빵을 먹는것과 같다

매일 밤 졸업을 위해 고민하는 대학원생들에게 본 세션을 바칩니다.


Some review papers• Loh, W.-Y. (2014). Fifty years of classification and regression trees (with discussion). International Statistical Review, vol, pages.

• Loh, W.-Y. (2008). Regression by parts: Fitting visually interpretable models with GUIDE. In Handbook of Data Visualization, C.Chen, W.H'rdle, and A.Unwin, Eds. Springer, pp.447-469.

• Loh, W.-Y. (2008). Classification and regression tree methods. In Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability, F.Ruggeri, R.Kenett, and F.W. Faltin, Eds. Wiley, Chichester, UK, pp.315-323.

• Loh, W.-Y. (2010). Tree-structured classifiers. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 2, 364-369.

• Loh, W.-Y. (2011). Classification and regression trees. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 14-23.

• Merkle, E.C. and Shaffer, V.A. (2011). Binary recursive partitioning: Background, methods, and application to psychology, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 64, 161–181.

• Morgan, J. N. and Sonquist, J. A. (1963). Problems in the analysis of survey data, and a proposal. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 58 415–434.

• Strobl, C., Malley, J. and Tutz, G. (2009). An Introduction to Recursive Partitioning: Rationale, Application, and Characteristics of Classification and Regression Trees, Bagging, and Random forests. Psychological Methods, 14(4), 323–348.