مذكرة انجليزي + القصة للصف الأول الإعدادي الترم الأول...

The Rocket Prep 1 1 ذه هد شعباستز يحذكزة ن ان أرجىبط أو رفعها تغييز انزوا عدو يىقع آخز باس عهى أييم سي ى أيسأنكى ندعاء ا

Transcript of مذكرة انجليزي + القصة للصف الأول الإعدادي الترم الأول...

Page 1: مذكرة انجليزي + القصة للصف الأول الإعدادي الترم الأول 2017 - موقع ملزمتي

The Rocket Prep 1


انذكزة نستز يحد شعباهذه عدو تغييز انزوابط أو رفعها أرجى

ى أي سييمعهى أي يىقع آخز باس اندعاءسأنكى

Page 2: مذكرة انجليزي + القصة للصف الأول الإعدادي الترم الأول 2017 - موقع ملزمتي

The Rocket Prep 1


أڄ ٢ٵ جپطٳٴ يٽ ڂ ئڄ حء جهلل ئيج أذنحؤچح جأل٪جء ح ڂڅ ضٮرڄ ٲ أڄ ضركج ڂڅ جپڃطٳٶڅ: ج٪ٿڃج

:قطځ ٪ٿ جض

:أال: حسه انصهت ببهلل حعبىل

پنح ٪ٿ قڅ جالطٺح جپطٳٴ؛ ألڄ ٲي ٪ڄ ڂڅ جهلل ض٫حپ أغنحء جپىجس ٮ جپىجس

خ ئپ جهلل خ جهلل ئپو يج٪ح ڂڅ ضٷ ج ضٷ .ر

٪ڃٽ ذحٸ جهلل ٲ ذحپالز ٪ٿ أٶحضيح ٪ىڀ ضأنىح ذرد جالطٺح ٮه، ٲاچو ال .

ڂڅ جپڃجٺز پڃح ٲيح ٿي ٪څ جپالز، ذٽ طٻڄ جپالز ررح ٲ قڅ جإلٶرحټ ٪ٿ

.جقس چٳس قٺس ذىچس

.ڂح ض ڂڅ جپٷآڄ. جذىأ جپڃجٺز ذٷجءز

ئيج أپص ٲحأټ جهلل، ئيج جط٫نص " جالطٺح . جپطؾو ئپ جهلل ض٫حپ أال ئيج ٫د ٪ٿٹ أڂ أ ڂٻٿس أغنحء

ٲحط٫ ذحهلل ڂڅ جپ٣حڄ ئيج ٫ش ذ٫ىڀ جپٮرس ٲ جپڃجٺز أ پ پٹ ڂجؼ أ ڂح حذو يپٹ، .ط٫څ ذحهللٲح

خ أ٪ي ذٹ جپؾځ، ٶٽ ح٢څ) ﴿ جش جپ ڄ )79ڂڅ ىڃ ك خ أڄ أ٪ي ذٹ .ز: جپڃإڂنڄ) ﴾)79(

أ ٶجءز ٶآڄ أ يٺ جهلل قط ض٣ڃثڅ چٳٹ طحټ الز ٺ٫طڅ و٪حء الز جپكحؾسغځ ڃٻنٹ جپء أ جالٮ

.رد جف ٺ٫ذس ڂحوز أ و ٲكحټ جپركع ٪څ قٿيح ضيىأ، غځ ض٫حو جپڃجٺز ئڄ ٺحڄ ىنحٸ

ذ جپجپىڅ ٢ح٪طيڃح. .

ڂح ض پٻځ ٲ نىٴ ذح ئپ جهلل غځ ذ٫ى ج . ٩ أچص ئنضٹ ڂڅ ڂٲٻځ جپه ذ٫ پىٶحش ذحپڃنټ ضٷ

أ ڂٻڅ ڂىز ڃٻڅ أڄ ٣٫ ڂڅ ىج جپڃحټ جپ .ؾڃ٩ پٳٷ

.. حڀ ڀ ٲ جپي ڂ٩ جپجپىڅ

.جالڂطكحڄ جألٺٽ جپنڀ . يٺ جهلل ٲ أٶحش جپىحخ جپ٫وز ڂڅ جپڃىس جپڃجٺز9

.ٲحضٹڂجٶرس جهلل ض٫حپ ٲ أ٪ڃحپٹ ض .9

ق ٲٷحء جپء ٶطٿس جپٶص : جذكع ٪څ ىٵ أ ىٷڅ ٲٷ١ ڂڅ جپڃطڃڅ أٺػ ڂنٹ پٻڅ پ ذٻػ ج .7

قط ال ضحخ ذحإلقرح٠ .

ب: حسه االسخركبز :ثبوي

جپى ٶرٽ قو ٲحٲ٫ٽ پ .وٶحتٵ . ئيج جط٫٣ص أڄ ضك

.. جپطٺ أغنحء ـ جپى ؾىج

.إجټ ٪ڃح ال ض٫ٲو ذ٫ى جپـ. جپ

ج / جپ٫رحوز /. ذ٫ى جپ٫وز ئپ جپڃنټ ضن٧ځ جپٶص ؾىج ذڅ )جالطٺح ججپجقس( ڂ٩ جپنڀ ڂرٻ . جالطٷح٤ ڂرٻ

پٿڃجٺز ڂ٩ ڂج٪حز جپيىء جپء . .ضكىى ڂٻحڄ نح

ٹ ض . ذ٫ى جپرىء ذحپٷآڄ غځ جپى٪حء ذنح ٪ٿ ﴾، ٺٿنح﴿ ٹ جپڃ ئپ ٹ أچرنح ـ ،)جپڃڃطكنس ڂڅ جس (ئپ خ ج ﴿

) پ ﴾ى پ أڂ ز ٢و( ٶرٽ جپرىء ٲ جپڃجٺز ؿد ٺطحذس أڃحء جپڃجو جپڃجو ڂجٺضيح ((

.ڂػال ز ڂ٣ٿذس ذ٫ى ڂڅ أ غالغسأثٿطيح ٲ ٺجس جپرص ڂح قط ال ضن ڂحو أ قٽ

.. ج٪طڃى ٪ٿ چٳٹ ٶى ڂح ضط٩٣ ٲ جپڃجٺز9

جپڀ، ٲيځ جپى ؾىج غځ جإلؾحذس . ٩ ن٣ح ضكص جپڃيځ ڂڅ قٳ٥ جپ٫نحڅ جپٻرز جپٯز جپن٧حش9

جپڃط٣ح٨ پ قىظ يپٹ ٪څ جألثٿس جپط ضٿ جپى ٪ىڀ ضأؾٽ أ ڂح ٲحضٹ ڀ جپ٣٫ٿسڂحوز ذٷى .ٲ٫

أڄ ٻڄ ٶى رٷيح ڂجٺز ضٳٿس ال ضطٸ . ذحپنرس پٿڃجؾ٫س ٶرٽ جالڂطكحڄ ٳٽ ٪ڃٽ ؾىټ پٻٽ جپڃجو ٪ٿ7

ح وڄ ڂجٺز ٪ٿ أڄ جٺ أغنحء .جپڃجؾ٫س ٲاڄ چرس ضٺه ضٻڄ أٶٽ ڂڅ جپى جپط رٵ ڂجٺضيح و

٪ٿ جهلل ٲاڄ جهلل ال ٩ أؾ ڂڅ أقڅ ڂڅ ؾيى ٲ جپڃجٺز ضٺٿج ذ٫ى أڄ ضرپج ڂح ضط٫٣ڄ :أذنحؤچح جألقرحء

. ضٷٿٷج ڂڅ جالڂطكحڄ، جضٷج جهلل أقنج جپ٧څ ٪ڃال، ال

ؾح )) ) ؿ٫ٽ پو ڂه طٵ جپٿو ؾح )ڂڅ ؿ٫ٽ پو ڂه طٵ جپٿو ڂڅ ط ڂڅ د كط ع ال ٶو ڂڅ ق ) ط ڂڅ د كط ع ال ٶو ڂڅ ق رو ئڄ ( ق رو ئڄ ٺٽ ٪ٿ جپٿو ٲي ق ٺٽ ٪ٿ جپٿو ٲي

ء ٶىج ه ٶى ؾ٫ٽ جپٿو پٻٽ ء ٶىججپٿو ذحپ٭ أڂ ه ٶى ؾ٫ٽ جپٿو پٻٽ (( جپٿو ذحپ٭ أڂ

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The Rocket Prep 1


( Pronouns ) انائش ؾؽ

Subject Pronouns

مائش افاػObject Pronouns

مائش افؼيPossessive Adjectives

ففاخ اى١ح

Possessive pronouns

مائش اى١ح

ذىجس جپؿڃٿسٲ ذ٫ى جالځ جپٳ٫ٽ )چيحس جپؿڃٿس( ٶرٽ جالځ ذ٫ى جپٳ٫ٽ

I أا me my mine

He him his his

She her her hers

It ( إ)غ١ش ػال it its -

You / أر أد/ أد/ أر you your yours

We ذ us our ours

They them their theirs

- بعض األفعال انهامت

a / anث اننكرة أدوا -

( an ) ) ضطهىڀ ٶرٽ جالځ جپڃٳو جپ رىأ ذك ڂطكٸ ) چٺ ٪ٿ جپش

a / e / I / o / uاذشف ارذشوح

an apple an orange an umbrella an hour عاػح

( a ) حٺڅ. جپڃٳو جپ رىأ ذك ضطهىڀ ٶرٽ جالځ

a book a fish a tree

Present Past

I have had

He has had

She has had

It has had

We have had

You have had

They have had

Verb-to have

Present Past

I do did

He does did

She does did

It does did

We do did

You do did

They do did

Verb-to do

Present Past

I am was

He is was

She is was

It is was

We are were

You are were

They are were

Verb-to be

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The Rocket Prep 1


1- Wh- Question

How to form a question? مراجعة كيفية تكوين السؤال

ألثٿس:ىنحٸ چ٪حڄ ڂڅ ج

Wh- Question Yes - No Question

جطٳيحڀ أوجز + ٲ٫ٽ ڂح٪ى + ٲح٪ٽ + ٲ٫ٽ +ضٻڃٿس + ٪الڂس جطٳيحڀ

ٺٿڃحش جالطٳيحڀ: -

What ڂح / ڂحيج How ٺٱ How often ٺځ ڂز

Who ڂڅ How many ٺځ ٪ىو How heavy ڂح ڄ

Whose ڂٿٹ ڂڅ How much ٺځ غڃڅ / ٺځ جپٻڃ How fast ڂح ٪س

When ڂط How old ٺځ ٪ڃ How tall ڂح ٢ټ

Where أڅ How high ٺځ جضٳح٨ How wide ٪ ڂح

Which أ How long ڂح جپڃىز / ڂح ٢ټ How deep ڂح ٪ڃٵ

Why پڃحيج How far حٲس ى جپڃٺځ ذ٫ How good ڂح ڂى ئؾحوز

were –are / was –is –am جألٲ٫حټ جپڃح٪ىز: -

do – does – did / has – have – had / can – could may – might / will – would / shall – should / must …

Examples: 1- My teacher's name is Mr. Mohamed. ( What )

What is your teacher's name? 2- He was eleven years old last year. ( How old )

How old was he last year? 3- I go to school by bus. ( How )

How do you go to school? 4- I played football at school yesterday. ( Where )

Where did you play football yesterday?


you ئپ I چكټ

you ئپ We چكټ

your ئپ my چكټ

your ئپ our ټچك

are you ئپ I’m چكټ

were you ئپ I was چكټ

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The Rocket Prep 1



2- Yes – No Questions

. ( Yes / No )إذا بدا انسؤال بفعم مسبعد, حكن اإلجببت بـ..... -- Are you from Egypt?

- Yes, I am. or - No, I‟m not. - Is she Mona?

- Yes, she is. or - No, she isn't.

- Do you like fish?

- Yes, I do. or - No, I don't. - Does Ali play football?

- Yes, he does. or - No, he doesn't.

- Did you clean the car?

- Yes, I did. or - No, I didn't. - Can you swim?

- Yes, I can. or - No, I can't. - Have you got a computer?

- Yes, I have. or - No, I haven't. - Will you travel to another country?

- Yes, I will. or - No, I won't.

:أمثهت نخكيه أسئهت حبدأ بفعم مسبعد -

چ٩ ٪الڂس جالطٳيحڀ أن جپإجټ چ٩ ڂٻحچيح ٲ٫ٽ ڂح٪ى Yes / Noچك 1- Yes, I can ride a bike. ( Can )

Can you ride a bike? 2- Yes, Ahmed was late for school yesterday. ( Was )

Was Ahmed late for school yesterday?

3- Yes, I was at the zoo last Friday. ( Were )

Were you at the zoo last Friday? 4- Yes, he is ten years old. ( Is )

Is he ten years old? 5- Yes, I remember my first day at school. ( Do )

Do you remember your first day at school? 6- No, I haven't got any sisters. ( Have )

Have you got any sisters? 7- Yes, Nabil has got a ball. ( Has )

Has Nabil got a ball?

8- No, I didn't play basketball yesterday. ( Did )

Did you play basketball yesterday?

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The Rocket Prep 1


favourite ڂٳٽ science ٿڀ٪ Egyptian ڂ

subject ڂحوز وجس social studies وجحش apartment ٷس

Arabic ذ٪ art ځ/ ٲنس parents جپىڅ

English جچؿٿ computer studies قحد student ٢حپد

geography ؾٯجٲح music ڂٷ preparatory ىجوئ٪

German أپڃحچ blog ڂىچس get dressed ضى ڂالذو

history ضحم post ڂٷحټ wear ضى

maths ححش proud ٲه trousers ذن٣ٿڄ

school ڂىس take أن start رىأ

true كف talk طٻٿځ study ى

habit حوز٪ play ٿ٫د watch حىى

summer ٱجپ listen طڃ٩ get up ني ڂڅ جپٳج

underline ٩ ن٣ح use طهىڀ drive ٷو جپحز

circle ٩ وجتز learn ط٫ٿځ rain ضڃ٣

• blog = weblog (n) جپٻطچس ڂىچس - I read this information on a blog.

• blog post ڂن ٲ ڂىچس جپٻطچس - I read Ali's blog post on his favourite sport.

• wake up ٠غر١مظ - I wake up at seven every day.

• wake (somebody) up ؽخـ ٠لظ - My mother wakes me (up) early.

• get up ٠ل افشاػ - My grandmother gets up without help.

• wear (v) ٠شذذ ؽئ ػ اجغ - I wear trousers and a T-shirt for school.

• get dressed ٠شذذ التغ لث اخشج - I wash, get dressed and go to school.

• enjoy + n / v + ing ٠غررغ ب

• like + n / v + ing ة٠ذ / ٠ؼجة

- He enjoys reading.

- I like learning about history.

• arrive at + school / hospital … ٠ق إ ىا فغ١ش

- I arrive at school early every day.

• arrive in + Egypt / Paris … / دح / ذ٠ح ... ٠ق إ ىا وث١ش

- When will the plane arrive in London?

• a day = per day ف ا١ - We have eight lessons a day.

• at ذأذ لث اغاػح - I go to school at seven o’clock.

• On + day لث أ٠ا األعثع - We never go to school on Fridays.

• Do ث١شاخ ا٢ذ١ح لث ارؼ - do homework - do the housework

- do computer studies - do things

• by ) تاعطح ) لث عائ اافالخ - I go to school by car

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The Rocket Prep 1


- Answer the following questions :

1. What‟s your name? My name’s ……………………….........

2. Have you got any brothers and sisters? .................................................................. 3. What is your favourite subject? ..................................................................


I am twelve and live in Cairo in a big apartment with my parents, my sister

Manal and my brother Magdy.

1 October 2015

A day in my life

7 a.m. I am a student at preparatory school. My mother wakes me up

early. I wash, get dressed and eat breakfast. I wear blue trousers and a

school T-shirt.

7.30 a.m. My father sometimes takes me to school, but I usually go by bus.

7.45 a.m. I arrive at school. I always talk to my friends before school starts.

8.15 a.m.–2.15 p.m. We have nine lessons a day. On Thursday we study

Arabic, English, German, maths, science, social studies, art, music and

computer studies. Computer studies is my favourite subject, but we don’t

often have it.

3.15 p.m. I get home. After lunch, I do my homework and then I watch

television. I also surf the internet. I love learning about history and


9 p.m. I go to bed. Tomorrow is Friday. We never go to school on Fridays.

What do you usually do on a school day? How often do you do computer


- Answer the following questions :

1 What time does Tarek get up? - He gets up at 7 a.m.

2 What does he wear to school every day? - He wears trousers and a school T-shirt.

3 How often does he go to school by bus? - He usually goes to school by bus.

4 How many lessons does he have? - He has nine lessons a day.

5 What does he enjoy learning about on the internet? - His favourite TV programmes are about history and geography.

- What is a blog? ……………………………………………………………………….

- What is a blog post? ………………………………………………………………..

- Who can write a blog? ………………………………………………………………

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The Rocket Prep 1


The Present Simple Tense

٩ جپٳ٫ٽ ٲ جپطٱ جألټ ڂ٩They) –We –You –(I .جپؿڃ٩

Ex: - I go to school by car every day.

- We learn English at school.

ئيج ٺحڄ ٲح٪ٽ جپؿڃٿس ڂٳو ٮحتد ڂػٽ - Ahmed …) –It –She –( He ح( s ) . پٿٳ٫ٽ

Ex: - He drinks tea every morning.

أ ح( es ) ...... پٿٳ٫ٽ ڂ٩ جپٻٿڃحش جپط ضنطي ذحپك جضس .x ) –sh –ch –s –( o

go goes cross crosses

wash washes watch watches

Ex: - Sara goes to school by bus.

جيج جچطي جپٳ٫ٽ ذك ) y( ك ق ٶرٿو ق ڂطكٸ چ )y( چٱ ies .

carry carries

study studies

جالطهىجڀ: -

طهىڀ جپٳ٫ٽ جپڃح٨ پٻ ٫ر ٪څ قٷحتٵ( facts ).

Ex: - The sun rises in the east. - The earth goes round the sun.

ذ٫ى پٻڅ ٶرٽ جپٳ٫ٽ طهىڀ ض جضس: ٦ جپطٻج٫ر ٪څ ٪حوجش طهىڀ ڂ٩am /is / are

always دائما

usually ػادة

Often غالبا

sometimes أحياوا

occasionally أحياوا

never أبذا

Ex: - I usually go to school on foot.

- He always drinks tea at 5 o'clock.

- She is never late for school.

چطهىڀdoes ) –do ( ذ٫ىىڃح جپٳ٫ٽ جپڃى جپنٳجپإجټ ٲ .

- I / You / We / They do / don't + ٲ٫ٽ ڂى

- He / She / it does / doesn't + ٲ٫ٽ ڂى

- Do you like football? Yes, I do or No, I don’t.

- Does he like tennis? Yes, he does. or No, he doesn't.

- I live in Mansoura. - I don‟t live in Cairo.

- She lives in Mansoura. - She doesn‟t live in Cairo.

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The Rocket Prep 1


أ چطٺو sج جپ چٱ پو جپڃ٣ٿخ ىنح جطهىجڀ ٦ ڂڅ ٦ جپطٻج ذ٫ىىح جپٳ٫ٽ جپ ذڅ جألٶ -

ذىڄ ئحٲحش

ڂ٫نحه ) ٺځ ڂز ( . How oftenضٻڅ إجټ رىأ خ -

How often + do / does + ٲ٫ٽ ڂى + ٲح٪ٽ ……. ?

ٶرٽ جپٳ٫ٽ .……… always / sometimes / usuallyپإلؾحذس ٪ٿو چطهىڀ

2- How often does your father cook lunch?

My father never cooks lunch. or He never cooks lunch.

3- How often do your friends watch DVDs?

My friends sometimes watch DVDs.

The Answer

1. ………………...….

2. ………………...….

3. ………………...….

4. ………………...….

5. ………………...….

6. ………………...….

Present I

We have

You ( „ve )



She has

It ( „s )

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The Rocket Prep 1


1- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1- How old is Mr. Mohamed? a) forty b) thirty- six c) thirty- seven

2- How many children are there in his family? a) 4 b) 3 c) 5

3- Mr. Mohamed lives in ……………………………….. a) Cairo b) Mansoura c) Giza

4- How does Mr. Mohamed go to work? a) by car b) by taxi c) by bus

2- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. I ....................... programmes about history and geography. a. to love b. love c. loves d. loved

2. Children ....................... to school early every day. a. goes b. go c. going d. to go

3. Mohammed sometimes ....................... computer studies at school. a. has b. have c. having d. had

4. We always ....................... TV in the evening. a. watching b. watch c. watches d. to watch

5. Ali ....................... eat too much rice. It's a good habit. a. don't b- doesn't c. won't d. isn't

6. In Egypt, students ....................... go to school on Friday. a. usually b. always c. never d. sometimes

7. I'm proud ....................... be Egyptian. a. with b. to c .of d. under

8. Mona ....................... English well. a. speak b. speaks c. speaking d. are speaking

3- Read and correct the underlined word:

1. Omar don't like sweets. ( ………………………. )

2. Hagar and Noha goes to school by bus. ( ………………………. )

3. He eats usually cheese and bread for breakfast. ( ………………………. )

4. Write a paragraph of six sentences on : " A day in my life "







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5. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

1- How often …………. you help your mother in the Kitchen? a) does b) did c) do d) doing

2- My brother sometimes …………. TV. a) stops b) buys c) listens d) watches

3- Tamer plays games …………. the internet. a) at b) in c) on d) about

4- Omar…………. polite. a) always is b) always c) is always d) are always

5- If you want to learn something, …………. the internet. a) go b) surf c) do d) take

6- I‟m …………. to be Egyptian. a) helpful b) proud c) beautiful d) bad

7- Most boys wear …………. and t-shirts for school. a) hats b) dresses c) skirts d) trousers

8- Mothers don't …………. their children up early on holidays. a) take b) wake c) go d) give 6. Read then answer the following questions:

My name's Mohsen. I‟m eleven. I like English, but art is my favourite

subject. I like painting in my free time. I live in Mansoura. My friends are

Ahmed and Ali. Ahmed is eleven, too, but Ali is twelve. Ahmed is very

good at sports. He loves karate. He plays in a football team, too. Ali is good

at languages. He speaks English very well. He often talks to his cousin in


A. answer the following questions:

1. What does Mohsen like doing in his free time?


2. Who are Mohsen‟s friends ?


3. What‟s Mohsen‟s favourite subject?


b. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

4. Mohsen often talks to his ........................... in England. a. cousin b. father c. grandfather d. mother

5. karate is a ........................... a. sport b. subject c. colour d. food

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The Rocket Prep 1


library card ذ٣حٶس جپڃٻطرس address جپ٫نجڄ complete ٻڃٽ

application form ضٷىځ زجطڃح phone number ٶځ جپيحضٱ other أن

first name جالځ جألټ spell طيؿ countries وټ

surname جپٿٷد repeat ٻ take out كٽ ٪ٿ

date of birth ضحم جپڃالو correct كف

painting جپځ/ جپطٿڅ for ڂڅ laugh at ه ڂڅ

free time ٶص ٲج٬ life جپكحز good at ؾى ٲ

village ٶس people جپنح listen to طڃ٩ ئپ

friends أىٶحء know ٫ ask for ٣ٿد

team ٲٵ help ح٪ى friendly وو

languages پٯحش class ٲٽ happy ٫ى

speak طكىظ say ٷټ new ؾىى

cousin جذڅ جپ٫ځ hurt ؿـ helpful ڂ٫څ / ڂح٪ى

everybody جپؿڃ٩ share with حٸ ڂ٩ Kind x unkind ٢دX

tools أوجش talk to طكىظ ئپ problem ڂٻٿس


Assistant : Good morning! What‟s your first name? Rania : Good morning. It’s Rania. Assistant : And your surname? Rania : It’s Badrawi. Assistant : How do you spell that? Rania : B-A-D-R-A-W-I Assistant : OK. Is that correct? Rania : Yes, it is. Assistant : And what‟s your date of birth? Rania : It’s the 13th of May 2002. Assistant : OK. Now, what‟s your address? Rania : 14 North Street Assistant : And your phone number? Rania : Four - four - zero - eight - nine. Assistant : Can you repeat that, please? Rania : Four - four - zero - eight - nine. Assistant : Here‟s your card. You can take out books, DVDs or CDs. You can also use the computer in the library. What books do you like? Rania : I like books about other countries. Assistant : We‟ve got lots of those!

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Answer the following questions:

1. What is your favourite subject? ....................................................................................................................................................... 2. What do you like doing? ....................................................................................................................................................... 3. Who are your friends? ....................................................................................................................................................... 4. What are they good at? ....................................................................................................................................................... 5. What do they often do? .......................................................................................................................................................

Put ( always ) or ( never ):

1 We are …..…….......... kind to new students.

2 We …..…….......... laugh at each other.

3 We …..…….......... share things with each other.

4 We …..…….......... say unkind things.

5 We …..…….......... listen to each other.

6 We are …..…….......... helpful.

7 We …..…….......... hurt people.

8 We …..…….......... ask the teacher for help.

1. Finish the following dialogue with these words:

sports - phone - spell - surname - birth

Man : What’s your 1. surname ?

Boy : It’s Badrawi.

Man : Can you 2. ………………… that, please?

Boy : B-A-D-R-A-W-I

Man : Thank you. What’s your date of 3. ………………… ?

Boy : It’s 7 September 2003.

Man : And what’s your 4. ………………… number?

Boy : It’s 02-20023856.

Man : What 5. ………………… do you like?

Boy : I like football. 2. Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues:

1. a : What is your favourite subject?

b : …………………………..………………………………..…….…………………

2. a : ………………………..………………………………..…………………………?

b : My best friends are Omar and Hamza.

3. a : ………………………………..………………………..…………………………?

b : Omar is very good at sports. Hamza is good at languages.

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٪الڂحش جپطٶځ

ذىجس جپٻٿڃس جألپ ٲ جپؿڃٿسوستخذم الحزوف الكبيزة في

ذىجس جڃحء جألهحوستخذم الحزوف الكبيزة في

ذىجس جحڀ جألر٨وستخذم الحزوف الكبيزة في

ذىجس جپيوستخذم الحزوف الكبيزة في

ذىجس جپىټ جپڃىڄ وستخذم الحزوف الكبيزة في

3. Complete the sentences with the correct verbs

ask - hurt - laugh - listen - say - share

1 We never laugh at other students.

2 We always ………………. things with each other.

3 We never ………………. unkind things to other students.

4 We always ………………. to each other.

5 We never ………………. people.

6 We always ………………. the teacher for help.

1. Punctuate the following sentences

1 my father is from alexandria.

My father is from Alexandria.

2 heba’s favourite subject is arabic. ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 khaled’s english pen friend lives in london. ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 fawzi lives at 103 ahmed mahfouz street. ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 what is your favourite city in egypt? ....................................................................................................................................................... 2. Write questions using the words in brackets

1 My first name is Eman. (What?)

What is your first name?

2 My surname is Al-Alfy. (What?) ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 We never go to school on Fridays. (How often?) ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 My friends are Jana and Ritaj. (Who?) .......................................................................................................................................................

5 I have nine lessons every day. (How many?) .......................................................................................................................................................

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The Rocket Prep 1


1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. I like ……………… in my free time. a. painting b. to painting c. paint d. painted

2. Amal is ……………… she doesn't know any students in her class. d. proud b. new c. old d. big

3. We never laugh ……………… each other. a. to b. at c. for d. of

4. My ……………… of birth is Mansoura. a. place b. weight c. date d. age

5. A sales assistant ……………… clothes and other things. a. sells b. sell c. selling d. are selling

6. My father never ……………… food. a. cook b. cooks c. cooking d. is cooking

7. My brother is good ……………… languages. a. in b. on c. for d. at

8. Fill in this ……………… , please. a. for a. form c. from d. far

9. My father sometimes ……………… me to the zoo. a) takes b) take c) took d) give

10. I ……………… to bed at ten every day. a) goes b) go c) went d) do

11. His favourite subject ……………… maths and music. a) am b) is c) are d) were

12. What time ……………… Tarek get up? a) does b) do c) is d) was

13. How many lessons does he ……………… ? a) has b) had c) have d) make

14. You shouldn‟t laugh ……………. people. a) at b) on c) in d) with

15. How …………… do you go to the cinema? Once a month. a) old b) often c) long d) many

2. Write a paragraph of six sentences on : " My favourite subject " ( these words may help you)

computer studies – lessons – internet – blog – good

My favourite subject

My favourite subject is computer studies. I have 3 lessons a week. My

teacher teaches us how to use computers and the internet. He helps me to

make my own blog. He is a good teacher. I love my school.

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The Rocket Prep 1


1- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. What's Magda‟s favourite subject ? a) English b) maths c) football

2. What sport does Magda like ? a) tennis b) football c) karate

3. How old is Magda ? a) eleven b) ten c) twelve

4. Magda goes to a ……… school. a) primary b) preparatory c) secondary

2- Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Assistant : What's your ....(l) …………….…… name? Jana : Mohamed.

assistant : What's your date of ....(2) …………………… ? Jana : it's 28th of October 2003.

assistant : What's your....(3) …………………… number? Jana : it's 01224316509.

assistant : What's your ....(4) …………….……… subjects? Jana : history and English.

3- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues :

Mona : What is your favourite sport?

Ali : …………………………………………………………..……….………. .

Hany : ……………………………………………………………..…………….. ?

Aya : I sometimes watch TV.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:

Every day, Hossam gets up at 7 o'clock. Then he washes. He has

breakfast at 7.30 and then he gets dressed and goes to school. At 1:00 in

the afternoon, Hossam comes back home, has lunch, and does his

homework. At 5 o'clock he plays tennis with his friends and after that, he

eats dinner with his family at home. Hossam watches television in the

evening. He drinks a glass of milk. before he goes to bed at 9:30. A. Answer the following questions:

1- When does Hossam watch television?


2- What does he do before going to bed?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. B. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

3- Hossam …………………. gets up early a) never b) always c) sometimes d) doesn't

4- Hossam has dinner with his …………………. a) brothers b) teachers c) friends d) family

5- Hossam sleeps after …………………. a) playing tennis b) drinking milk c) eating dinner d) studying

Good Luck

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The Rocket Prep 1


5) The Reader

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Santiago was a ………………. a. fisherman b. salesman c. baker d. doctor

2- Santiago talked to Manolin about the ……………. a. Africa b. Europe c. America d. Asia

b) Answer the following questions:

1. What was Santiago‟s job?


2. Why did Manolin love the old man?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6. Choose the correct answer :

1- We don‟t go to school …………. Friday. a. on b. in c. at d. of

2- My favourite school subject …………. computer studies. a. are b. has c. is d. have

3- Fill …………. this application form , please. a. in b. on c. of d. at

4- German is a beautiful school …………. a. game b. subject c. toy d. sport

5- How do you …………. your name? a. spell b. speak c. eat d. drink

6- We never …………. other people a. help b. hurt c. hear d. play

7- I like …………. in my free time. a. painting b. painted c. to painting d. paints

8- I go to school ………. seven o‟clock. a. on b. in c. at d. of

7. Read and correct the underlined word:

1- I am good on English. ( …………………… )

2- She don't like fish. ( …………………… )

3- What's your favor subject? ( …………………… )

8. Write a paragraph of six sentences on : " A day in my life "







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The Rocket Prep 1


architect ڂينى ڂ٫ڃح grandparents أؾىجو hospital ڂطٳ

farmer ٲالـ the countryside جپٱ sick ڂ

doctor ٢رد jobs ٦حتٱ university ؾحڂ٫س

teacher ڂ٫ٿځ grow نڃ –٨ exams جڂطكحچحش

engineer ڂينى office ڂٻطد bridges ؾ/ ٺرح

family حتٿس٪ design ڃځ dams ىو

work ڃٽ٪ buildings ڂرحچ roads ٢ٴ

farm ڂ٪س animals قجچحش story ٶس

study ى/ جٺ stay رٷ/ ٧ٽ café ڂٷي

practise ڃح want ى because ألڄ

teach ٫ٿځ early ڂرٻج the piano جپرحچ

sit ؿٿ late ڂطأنج school trip قٿس ڂىس

grow potatoes ٠ضسع تطاطظ proud of فخس تـ on a farm ف اضسػح

design building ٠ق ثا lots of وث١ش on a school trip ف سدح

do jobs ٠م تظائف find out ٠ىرؾف / ٠ؼشف in an office ف ىرة

teach the class ٠ؼ افق at the moment ف ز اذظح in a village ٲ ٶس

help sick people ٠غاػذ اشم at the hospital اغرؾفف in bed ٲ جپٳج / جپ

make lunch ٠طثخ اغذاء at school ف اذسعح in the café ٲ جپڃٷي

practice the piano اث١ا ط٠اس at work ف اؼ in the house ٲ جپڃنټ

Watch TV ٠ؾاذ ارفاص at home ف اضي in a hospital ڂطٳ ٲ

My family at work! 5 November 2015

My grandparents live in the countryside. I am very proud of my

grandparents. My grandfather is a farmer. He always gets up very early

because there are lots of jobs to do on the farm. Now he is growing

potatoes. We live in the city. My father works in an office. He is an architect.

He designs new buildings. At the moment he is designing a new library. My

mother is a doctor. She usually works at the hospital. She isn‟t working at

the hospital today. She is helping sick people in a village. My sister Manal is

20. She goes to university. She wants to be a teacher. My brother Magdy is

studying for his exams at the moment. He wants to be a doctor. I am still at

school. I want to be an engineer. I want to build new bridges, dams and


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The Rocket Prep 1


Answer the following:

1. Who wants to be a doctor? …………………………………

2. Who wants to be a teacher? …………………………………

3. Who wants to be an engineer? …………………………………

4. Why does Tarek‟s grandfather get up early?


5. What is Tarek‟s father doing at the moment?


6. Where does Tarek‟s mother usually work?


7. Where is she working today?


8. What is Magdy doing now?


9. What does Tarek want to build?


The Present Continuous Tense

جپٷح٪ىز :

- I ……………………. am

- He / She / It ……… is + verb + ing.

- We / You / They … are

Ex: - I am playing football now.

- She is reading a book at the moment.

- Look, they are playing basketball. جالطهىجڀ:

ڂ٩ جپٻٿڃحش جضس: ض, أڂإٶص ةأ ٫ر ٪څ قىظ كىظ جڄ ڂطڃ ٲ جپكىظ پځ نطو ذ٫ى

Look اوظز at the moment في هذه اللحظت now اآلن

at the present time في الىقت الحاضز Listen استمغ

ٲ جپنٳ چطهىڀ not ذ٫ى are –is –am

Ex: - He isn't working today. .٫ر ٪څ قىظ ڂه١٣ پو ٲ جپڃطٷرٽ

Ex: - I am traveling to England next week.

جپڃح٨ جپر١: ٲ، پٻڅ جپڃطڃڂڅ جپڃح٨ ٲالق٥ أڄ ىه جألٲ٫حټ ال ضأض

like – dislike – love – hate – want – know – prefer – understand – hear…

Ex: - Mona wants to leave now.

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The Rocket Prep 1


Underline the verbs in the present simple and circle the verbs in the present continuous

1. Now he is growing potatoes.

2. My father works in an office.

3. At the moment he is designing a new library.

4. She usually works at the hospital.

5. She isn’t working at the hospital today.

6. My brother Magdy is studying for his exams at the moment. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences

1. Dad usually ….works…. in the office. work - sit

Today he …isn‟t working. He …is sitting... in the café.

2. Hisham usually …..……….….. at school. study - stay

Today he …..………………..…... He …..…………….. in bed because he’s ill.

3. The girls usually …..…………..….. the piano. practise - watch

Today they …..………………….…... They …………………...…….. TV.

4. Miss Sara usually …..………….. the class. teach - go

Today she …..……………... She …..……..….. on a school trip with the class.

1. Complete the sentences with these words

Architects - Engineers - Farmers - Doctors - Teachers

1 Doctors help sick people. They work in a hospital.

2 ………usually get up early. They work with animals. They grow vegetables.

3 …………………. help children. They work in a school.

4 …………………. help to build bridges, roads and dams.

5 …………………. design new buildings.

2. Read and correct the underlined word(s)

1 They running fast. They are running fast.

2 You write an email at the moment. ( ……………………… )

3 My mum makes lunch now. ( ……………………… )

4 We usually getting up early every day. ( ……………………… )

5 He isn’t to study today. ( ……………………… )

3. Choose the correct verbs

1 Mrs Badrawi usually ( teaches/is teaching ) us English, but she is ill.

Miss Zaki ( teaches/is teaching ) us today.

2 My father usually ( drives/is driving ) to work, but today ( he takes/is taking )

the bus.

3 The students usually ( write/are writing ) a story on Thursdays, but today

they ( listen/are listening ) to a story.

4 Usually my brother ( doesn‟t play/isn‟t playing ) in the house, but it

( rains/is raining ) at the moment. Usually he ( plays/is playing ) outside.

5 What book do you ( read/are you reading ) at the moment?

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1- Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Nada : What's your uncle's (1) ..............................?

Eman : he is a (2) .............................. .

Nada : Where does he (3) ..............................?

Eman : at a preparatory school.

Nada : What does he (4) ..............................?

Eman : maths.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogue

1. Shahd : What does the architect do?

Reem : …….....................…….................……...............................................

2. Abdo : …….....................……..........,,,,..……...............................................?

Yasser : Because I want to build new bridges, dams and roads.

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. We see animals and fields in the ……………… . a. city b. countryside c. university d. capital

2. An architect ………….. buildings. a. practises b. grows c. designs d. works

3. Farmers usually live in ………….. a. the ground b. the city c. the countryside d. the town

4. What time does school ………….. every day ? a. starting b. starts c. start d. started

5. They are………….. to music now. a. talking b. listening c. going d. speaking

6. Nihal's father is not ………….. today. a) works b) working c) work d) worked

7. My grandparents………….. in the countryside. a. leave b. live c. have d. dive

8. The high ………….. in Aswan is a great project. اغذ اؼا ف أعا a. ¢anal b. dam c. bridge d. river

9. My sister, Manal is 20. She goes to the ………….. a. kindergarten b. university c. primary school d. prep school

10. Look! the boy………….. the ball. اذ ٠شو اىشج a. kick b. is kicking c. kicks d. kicked 4- Read and correct the underlined word(s)

1. My mum makes lunch now. ( ……………… )

2. He isn't to study today. ( ……………… )

3. Noura practises the piano at the moment. ( ……………… )

4. Listen! She sings a beautiful song . ( ……………… )

5. Nada is liking sweets. ( ……………… )

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The Rocket Prep 1


family tree ؿز جپ٫حتٿس aunt ڃس/ نحپس٪ man ؾٽ

picture ز uncle ځ/ نحټ٪ woman جڂأز

father أخ wife ؾس son جذڅ

mother أڀ husband ؼ daughter جذنس

sister أنص parents جپىڅ is called ٪ڃ/ ى

brother أل grandparents أؾىجو next to ذؿحچد

mechanic ڂٻحچٻ laboratory ڂ٫ڃٽ cut ٩ٷ٣

barber قالٴ restaurant ڂ٫٣ځ work ٫ڃٽ

accountant ڂكحد hair ٫ cook ٣رم

chef ٢رحل famous ڂي show / رڅ

tour guide ڂى حق places أڂحٺڅ repair ٿف

scientist حپځ٪ money چٷو plan ه١٣

interview ڂٷحذٿس person ه older than ر ٪ڃج ڂڅأٺ

partner ڂٽ topics ڂ٪حش younger than أٯ٪ڃج ڂڅ

جپ٦ٳس ٪څ جپإجټ -- What does a (person) do?

- What does your father do? - He is a doctor. ارا ٠ؼ اذن؟

- What's (person)'s job?

- What's your father's job? - He is a teacher جپ٫ڃٽ ڂٻحڄ ٪څ جپإجټ -

- Where does a (person ؽخـ) work?

- Where does a teacher work? - He works in a school. أ٠ ٠ؼ اؼ؟

- Where does the farmer work? - He works in the field.

- Where does the mechanic work? - He works in a garage/ a workshop. جپ٫ڃٽ ٢ر٫س ٪څ جپإجټ -

- What does a (job ظ١فح) do?

- What does a teacher do? - He teaches students)

- What does an architect do? - He designs new buildings.

- What does a doctor do? - He examines patients.

- What does the mechanic do? - He repairs cars.

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ذ٠ه أخج؟ -

- Have you got brothers? - Yes, I have got two brothers

جځ ه ) ڂحيج ى٪ أ ڃ ..... ؟ ( ٪څ جپإجټ -

- What is ( your brother/sister/ father ……. ) called?

- What‟s your sister‟s called? - She is called Nancy

- Are you married or single? - I‟m single. أد رضج أ أػضب؟

- What do you want to be one day? - I want to be a doctor. ارا ذش٠ذ أ ذى ٠ا ا؟

( 's ) اى١ح

اؾئ از تؼذ االع ىا .ف ا٠ح االع ٠ى s' ))ػذ إمافح -

- Ali's book . وراب ػ

- Mohamed's house .ضي ذذ

Possessive Adjectives ففاخ اى١ح

ففاخ اى١ح لث االع.ذناف -

Subject Pronoun Possessive Adjectives Examples

I my This is my father. زا اذ

He his His name is Mohamed. .اع ذذ

She her Her name is Mona. . اعا

It its This is a cat. Its tail is long. ... ر٠ا

You your What's your name? ا اعه؟

We our This is our school. ز ذسعرا

They their This is their house. .زا ض

Asking and answering about the family

- What is your (father‟s) name? - (His) name is ………………...

- What are your (brothers‟) names? - Their names are ………………...

- Who is your (aunt)? - (Riham) is my aunt.

- How many (cousins) have you got? - I‟ve got ………………...

- How old is your (grandfather)? - (He‟s) ………………... Read and match 2 1. A mechanic ( ) a. cuts hair.

2. A barber ( ) b. works in a laboratory.

3. An accountant ( ) c. cooks in a restaurant.

4. A chef ( ) d. shows people famous places.

5. A tour guide ( ) e. repairs cars.

6. A scientist ( ) f . works with money.

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Ola : Is this a picture of your family tree, Salma? Salma : Yes, it is! These are my grandparents. My grandfather‟s name is Sherif, and my grandmother‟s name is Zeinab. Ola : What are your parents‟ names? Salma : My father is Youssef, and my mother is Warda. Ola : What are your parents‟ jobs? Salma : My father is a doctor and my mother works in an office. Ola : Who is your aunt? Is it this woman? Salma : Yes, that‟s my aunt Heba. She‟s my father‟s sister. And that‟s her husband Tamer next to her. Ola : And where are you in the family tree? Salma : That‟s me there! Ola : Who‟s the girl next to you – Dina? Salma : Oh, Dina‟s my sister! Ola : How old is she? Salma : She‟s 8. My brother, Ali, is 6. Ola : How many cousins have you got? Salma : I‟ve got two cousins, Hana and Omar.

- Now complete the sentences:

aunt - brother - cousins - father - grandfather - wife

grandmother - mother - sister - uncle - husband

1. Salma’s …grandfather.. is called Sherif.

2. Salma’s …..…………….. is called Zeinab.

3. Salma’s …..…………….. is Youssef and her …..…….. is Warda.

4. Heba is Salma’s …..…………...…...

5. Tamer is Heba’s …..………………...

6. Hana and Omar are Salma, Ali and Dina’s …..………..…...

7. Salma has got one …………….……... Her name’s Dina.

8. Salma’s …..………….. is called Ali.

چطهىڀ جالنطحجش ذىال

ڂڅ ٺطحذس جپٻٿڃس ٺحڂٿس

I am = I'm

is = 's

are = 're

have = 've

has = 's

is not = isn't

are not = aren't

do not = don't

does not = doesn't

have not = haven't

has not = hasn't

They are = They're

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The Rocket Prep 1


1- Rewrite the sentences using short forms and apostrophes

1. I have got a sister, but I have not got any brothers.

I’ve got a sister, but I haven’t got any brothers.

2. What is your favourite subject?


3. Nihal’s father is not working today. He has got a headache.


4. You are good at English. I am better at maths.


5. Hamad is studying to be a doctor. He is at university.


2- Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Nada : What does your father (1) ..............................?

Eman : He is a (2) .............................. .

Nada : Does he (3) .............................. sick people?

Eman : Yes, he helps sick people.

Nada : Where does he work?

Eman : He works in a (4) .............................. .

3- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogue

1. Jana : What does a barber do?

Reem :…….....................…….................……...............................................

2. Ali : …….....................……..........,,,,..……...............................................?

Yasser : Because I want to build new bridges, dams and roads.

4- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. Farmers usually work ………….. animals. a. in b. with c. at d. to

2. The cat is sleeping ………….. to the tree. a. behind b. next c. between d. opposite

3. An architect………….. buildings. a. builds b. designs c. makes d. grows

4. A chef ………….. food in a restaurant. a) repairs b) shows c) cooks d) cuts

5. A⁄ An………….. works with money. a) scientist b) accountant c) barber d) doctor

6. Your sister is your father and mother's ………….. a) son b) brother c) grandfather d) daughter

7. What is your ………….. job? a) aunt b) aunts c) aunt's d) cousin

8. I've got one sister, ………….. name's Mervat. a) his b) their c) my d) her

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The Rocket Prep 1


1- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. Arwa is ………….. years old. a) 3 b) 13 c) 30

2. Arwa's father is a/ an …………… . a) teacher b) doctor c) accountant

3. Arwa has …………. Brothers. a) four b) two c) three

4. Arwa lives in a village near …………… . a) Mansoura b) Tanta c) Cairo

2- Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Judy : What's your father's (l) …………….……? Ahmed : He is a mechanic.

Judy : What does he repair?

Ahmed : He repairs (2) …………………… .

Judy : Do you want to (3) …………………… a mechanic?

Ahmed : No, I want to be a (4) ……………………. to work in a hospital.

3- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues :

Mona : What does a teacher do?

Ali : …………………………………………………………..……….………. .

Hany : ……………………………………………………………..…………….. ?

Aya : My grandfather is 75 years old.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:

A village is a quiet place to live in. You can see beautiful things and

colours. You will be away from the noise of the city. You will see famers

growing many vegetables and fruit. They use animals to help them. I'd like

to go and live in a village.

A. Answer the following questions:

1- Where does the writer live?


2- How can life in a village be good for us?


3- Where do farmers work?


B. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

4- The writer talks about life in the ………………. . a) city b) countryside c) sea d) capital

5- The underlined word "They" refers to …………. . اىح ار ذذرا خط ذؾ١ش إ a) the animals b) the fruit c) the colours d) the farmers

Good Luck

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5) The Reader

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Santiago taught Manolin to be a/ an ………………. a. fisherman b. salesman c. baker d. doctor

2- Santiago wanted to catch a big fish because he was very ……………. a. poor b. rich c. hungry d. clever

b) Answer the following questions:

1. Who was Manolin?


2. What did Santiago and Manolin talk about in the evening?


6- Choose the correct answer :

1. Salma's grandfather is ............... Sherif. a. done b. called c. made d. said

2- What is your ............... name? a) father's b) fathers c) father d) fathers'

3- This is my cousin. ............... name is Mohamed. A) He B) His c) Him d) Her

4- Yasser is ............... than me. a) young b) younger c) youngest d) the youngest

5- Salah ............... a baby girl called Mona. a) has b) have c) having d) is

6- My name is Mustafa. ............... father is called Ahmed. a) I b) My c) Me d) Mine

7- Fatima is………………to spend the next weekend in Alexandria. a) pushing b) playing c) planning d) putting

8- I have a daughter. They are .............. Jana and Judy. a) call b) called c) calling d) calls

7- Read and correct the underlined word:

1. Your husband is the father of your mother or father. ( ……………… )

2. My brother isn't work today. ( ……………… )

3. Your mother or father’s brother is your grandfather. ( ……………… )

8- Write a paragraph of six sentences on : " Your dad "







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bread نر tomato sauce ٿس ٢ڃح٢ځ vegetable soup ذس نح

dates ضڃ/ ذٿف email ذى جپٻطچ healthy ك

fish ڃٻس/ ڃٹ Egyptian ڂ dish ٢رٵ

lamb )قڃٽ )پكځ حچ famous for ڂي ذـ main ت

lentils ى٪ many ٺػ ingredients ڂٻچحش

nuts ذنىٴ things أحء on the top ٿ جپٷڃس٪

pasta ڂٻچس include ضطڃڅ visit

rice أ delicious پ fresh ٢حؼ

salad ٿ٣س favourite ڂٳٽ sweets قٿ

soup ذس/ قحء popular ٫ر/ حت٩ dear ٪

meat پكځ a kind of چ٨ ڂڅ

countable ڂ٫ىو uncountable ٮ ڂ٫ىو nouns أڃحء

chicken وؾحؼ apples ضٳحـ kitchen ڂ٣رم

market ٴ menu ٶحتڃس ٫٢حڀ cheese ؾرڅ

Words & opposites واخ ػىغا Prepositions دشف اجش

many # few )ٺػ # ٶٿٽ )٪ىو on the menu ف لائح اطؼا

healthy # unhealthy ك # ٮ ك at the market ف اغق

good for # bad for ڂٳى پـ # ح پـ with salad غ اغطح

much # a little )ٺػ # ٶٿٽ )ٺڃس good for پـ ڂٳى

top # bottom ٶڃس # ٶح٨ good at ج١ذ ف

more # less أٺػ # أٶٽ

1- Countable & uncountable: األسماء انت تعد و األسماء انت ال تعد

a / an چ٩ ضٷرٽ جپ٫ىو ض٫حڂٽ ڂ٫حڂٿس جپؿڃ٩ ( جپؿڃs٩ضٷرٽ )ضؿڃ٩ ء جپط: ى جألڃح جألڃحء جپط ض٫ى -

ڂ٩ جپؿڃ٩. There are ڂ٩ جپڃٳو There is چطهىڀ .ٶرٽ جپڃٳو ڂنيح

- an apple – apples - a potato – potatoes - a man – men

- an ox – oxen - a loaf – loaves - a date – dates

Ex. - There is an apple on the table.

There are nine dates in the dish.

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. ( جپؿڃ٩ ال ضٷرٽ جپ٫ىو ض٫حڂٽ ڂ٫حڂٿس جپڃٳوs: ى جألڃحء جپط ال ضؿڃ٩: ال ضٷرٽ ) جألڃحء جپط ال ض٫ى -

- time - water - furniture - money - salt

- sugar - advice - news - rubbish - information

- bread - work - soup - kofta - oil

- lamb - koshari - molokhia - pasta - meat

Ex. - There is some meat in the kitchen.

2- Some & Any: بعض – أي

جپ٣ٿد: ) جالغرحش ( ٿس جپهرس( ٲ جپؿڃ some چطهىڀ ) -

( can, could, shall, should, will, would, may: ى ) جپؿڃٿس جپ٣ٿرو ڂح ضرىأ ذٳ٫ٽ چحٶ

جپؿڃٿس جپ٣ٿرو ڂح ضىټ ٪ٿ ٢ٿد ء ڂڅ ه أ ٪ ء ٪ٿ ه پ پالطٳح.

- I have got some books in my bag.

- I want some sugar in it.

- Would you like some coffee?

- Can I ask you some questions?

( ٲ جپؿڃٿس جپڃنٳس ؾڃٿس جپإجټ ذٳ٫ٽ ڂح٪ى: any چطهىڀ ) -

( am, is, are, was, were, do, does, did, have, has, hadاألفعال املساعدة :و هي )

- I haven't got any books in my bag.

- I don't want any sugar.

- Do you have any money ?

3- There is / are: ىجد نهمفرد و انجمع

There is ) پٿڃٳو / پالڃحء ٮ جپڃ٫ىز ( ؾى There are ) ؾى ) پٿؿڃ٩

- There is some water. - There are some lentils.

Is there …/ Are there … any…?: ىٽ ؾى پٿڃٳو / پٿؿڃ٩ ؟

1- Are there any lentils in the kitchen?

- Yes, there are. - No, there aren't.

2- Is there any water in the bottle?

- Yes, there is. - No, there isn't

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TO: [email protected]

SUBJECT: Egyptian food

Dear Jane, ػض٠ضذ ج١

Egypt is famous for many things, including its delicious food! Do you like

soup? My favourite soup is molokhia. It‟s a kind of vegetable soup and it‟s

very healthy. Koshari is a very popular dish. There isn‟t any meat in it, but

there are lentils. The other main ingredients are rice and pasta. There aren‟t

any tomatoes in this dish, but it is delicious with some tomato sauce on the

top. I love meat. My favourite food is lamb. I like to eat it with some salad

and some bread.

There is a lot of good fish in Egypt. When we visit my family in Alexandria,

my aunt always cooks fresh fish. There are lots of sweets, too. Many have

got nuts and dates in them. They are delicious!

Best wishes, أط١ة ار١اخ


Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. There aren’t any vegetables in molokhia soup. ( )

2. Molokhia soup is good for you. ( )

3. Many people like koshari. ( )

4. There are tomatoes in koshari. ( )

5. Salma doesn’t like nuts and dates. ( ) 1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. Koshari is a very ……………… dish for the Egyptian people. a) bad b) dirty c) popular d) sweet

2. Egypt is……………… for its delicious food. a) unkind b) kind c) ordinary d) famous

3. Rice and pasta are the main ……………… of koshari. a) spoons b) ingredients c) dishes d) lists

4. My favourite ……………… soup is molokhia. a) fruit b) vegetable c) meat d) sauce

5. Koshari is ……………… with some tomato sauce on the top. a) unhealthy b) bad c) delicious d) dirty

6. "Lamb" is the meat of a young ……………… a) chicken b) sheep c) camel d) cow

7. Molokhia is good for you because it is …………….. . a) unhealthy b) sauce c) healthy d) soap

8. I like a lot of tomato ……………… on the top of koshari. a) soap b) pasta c) soup d) sauce

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1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. Koshari is delicious with ……………… tomato sauce on the top. a) few b) some c) any d) many

2. There ……………… any apples in the fridge. a) am not b) wasn't c) aren't d) isn't

3. Would you like ……………… coffee? a) many b) any c) no d) some

4. Have you got ……………… money? a) few b) any c) no d) some

5. ……………… there any oranges? a) Was b) Am c) Are d) Is

6. There isn't ……………… milk in the jug. I'll buy some. a) few b) no c) some d) any

7. ……………… there any rice in this dish? a) Am b) Is c) Are d) Were

8. Has it got ……………… cheese in this dish? a) many b) any c) some d) no

9. Vegetable soup is good ……………… you. a) in b) with c) for d) at

10. Egypt is famous for many things ……………… its delicious food. a) including b) answering c) playing d) calling

11. Molokhia is a very ……………… soup. a) bad b) unhealthy c) healthy d) dirty

12. The waiter اادي brought us the ……………… to order the food. a) notebook b) timetable c) file d) menu

13. Eating too much ……………… makes you fat ٠جؼه تذ٠ا / ع١ا. a) fruit b) vegetable c) salt d) rice

14. There isn't any……………… in koshari. a) rice b) meat c) lentils d) pasta

15. Many sweets have got ……………… and dates in them. a) rice b) beans c) nuts d) lentils 2- Read and correct the underlined word (s):

1. Can I have any juice? ( ………………… )

2. Has it got some soup in it? ( ………………… )

3. There isn't any books in the bag. ( ………………… )

4. Tomato sauce is put in the top of koshari. ( ………………… )

5. Tomato is the man ingredient in green salad. ( ………………… )

6. There are any lentils. ( ………………… )

7. Vegetable soup is very health. ( ………………… )

8. Koshari is a very popular plate. ( ………………… )

9. Molokhia soap is delicious. ( ………………… )

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orange juice ذضٷحټ ٪ would like ى please ڂڅ ٲٿٹ

restaurant ڂ٫٣ځ help ح٪ى cup ٲنؿحڄ

eat أٺٽ lunch ٮىجء tea ح

drink خ have lunch طنحټ جپٯىجء falafel ٲالٲٽ

areas ڂنح٢ٵ supermarket ذ ڂحٺص night پٽ

call ڃ spice mixture نٿ٣س ضجذٽ enjoyed جطڃط٩

little ٯ Broad beans أنٲټ breakfast جٲ٣ح

buy ط long ٢ٽ first أټ

such as ڂػٽ pharaohs جپٳج٪نس still ڂحجټ

shops ڂكالش ancient ٶىځ recipe ٳس ٫٢حڀ

find ؿى century ( ٶڄ )حڀ٪ ful medames ٲټ ڂىڂ

also أح pots أجچ dukkah ) وٶس ) ضجذٽ

herbs أ٪حخ yoghurt ذحو onions ذٽ

جپإجټ ٪څ جأل٫٢ڃس جپڃطحقس پٿطنحټ:

1. What have you got? ڂحيج پىٹ؟ - Chicken and rice.

2. What about salad? ڂحيج ٪څ جپٿ٣س؟ - We have green salad.

3. Have you got any lentils? ؟ ٪ى ىٽ پىٹ... - Yes, we have got some

4. Can I have some chicken soup? ىٽ ڃٻنن ضنحټ ذس وؾحؼ؟

- Yes, of course.

جپ٫ ذحأل٫٢ڃس جپڃذحش جپڃطحقس ذحپڃ٫٣ځ:

1. What would you like to eat? ڂحيج ضى أڄ ضطنحټ ؟ - I'd like fish and rice.

2. What would you like to drink? ڂحيج ضى أڄ ضخ؟ - Orange juice, please.

3. Would you like some soup? ىٽ ضى ذ٫ جپكحء؟ - No, thanks / Yes, please.


1. How often do you go to a restaurant?


2. What do you like to eat and drink at a restaurant?


3. What‟s your favourite food?


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Tapescript Waiter : Good afternoon. Can I help you?

Dad : Hello. Yes, we'd like to have lunch, please. Waiter : What would you like to eat?

Mum : Would you like some fish, Manal?

Manal : Yes, please. Waiter : Would you like some salad?

Manal : Yes, please. Salad is good for me.

Mum : Tarek, would you like some fish, too?

Tarek : No, thanks. I'd like some chicken with rice, please.

Mum : I'd like some chicken, please. Have you got any bread? Waiter : Oh yes. We've got some very good bread. Would you like some?

Mum : Yes, please, and some salad.

Dad : Magdy and I would like some lamb and some rice. Waiter : Would you like any drinks?

Manal : Yes, please. I'd like some water.

Dad : Water for me, too, please.

Magdy : Tarek and I would like some orange juice, please.

Mum : I'd like some tea, please. Waiter : Of course. So that's two glasses of water, two glasses of orange

juice and one cup of tea.

Dad : Yes, thank you.

Listen and answer the questions

1. What would Manal like to eat? ……………………………………….

2. Would Tarek like some chicken and rice?……………………………………….

3. Would Tarek and Magdy like anything to drink?……………………………….

4. Who would like some tea? ……………………………………….

Egyptian food is popular all over the world!

In London and New York, there are areas that people call "little Egypt".

You can buy Egyptian food, such as falafel, at the many shops and

restaurant there.

The Egyptian spice mixture, dukkah, is now popular in Australia. You can

also buy it in supermarkets in other countries.

You can also find ful medames in many countries. Broad beans have a

very long history in Egypt. The pharaohs of ancient Egypt loved them.

In the fourth century people cooked broad beans in big pots at night. In

the morning, people enjoyed the beans for breakfast. That was the first

ful medames dish.

Today, people still use the fourth-century recipe to cook ful medames.

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1. Punctuate the following sentences

1. in my bag there are pens pencils a ruler and a rubber In my bag there are pens, pencils, a ruler and a rubber.

2. sayed‟s bedroom has got a desk a bed a cupboard and a radio


3. i went to Hoda‟s house and met her father mother aunt and cousins.


4. in that shop you can buy drinks food newspapers and books.


5. my uncle his wife and my cousins live next to us.


2. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. I'd like to drink fresh orange ………… a) soup b) water c) juice d) sauce

2. Broad beans have a very long ………… in Egypt. a) art b) geography c) history d) way

3. The ………… of how to cook ful medames is very simple. a) menu b) medicine c) recipe d) tool

4. "Dukkah" is a popular Egyptian ………… mixture. a) recipe b) space c) spice d) piece

5. A ………… is a period of 100 years. a) month b) decade c) century d) year

6. People cook broad beans in big …………. a) bottles b) baskets c) bins d) pots

7. ………… is an Egyptian food. a) Kabsa b) Beef burger c) Pizza d) Falafel

8. The ………… are the rulers قٻحڀ of ancient Egypt ڂ جپٷىڃس. a) Australians b) English c) Pharaohs d) French

9. In London and New York, there are ………… that people call "little Egypt". a) spaces b) areas c) halls d) palaces

10. The Egyptian dish that I can buy in "little Egypt" is ………… a) pizza b) shrimps c) falafel d) lamb

أٺػ ڂڅ ڂز. andضطهىڀ جپٳحٿس پنٳٽ ذڅ ٺٿڃحش ٲ ٶحتڃس ذىال ڂڅ جطهىجڀ

ٲٷ١ ٶرٽ جن ٺٿڃس ٲ جپٷحتڃس. and ضطهىڀ

I‟d like some chicken, rice, salad and bread.

There is water, tea and orange juice.

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11. Dukkah is now ………… in Australia. a) unknown b) unpopular c) popular d) bad

12. In the fourth ………… people cooked broad beans. a) decade b) year c) century d) season

13. You can buy dukkah in ………… in many countries. a) theatres b) supermarkets c) cinemas d) kitchens

14. My favourite Egyptian ………… is ful medames. a) spoon b) plate c) tray d) dish

15. Pizza is a/ an ………… food that I can buy in Egypt. a) nationality b) international وپ c) national d) local ڂكٿ

16. My uncle, his wife and my cousins live next ………… us. a) of b) to c) on d) in 3. Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Waiter : Good afternoon. What would you like to eat? Mr Anas : I'd ………………… (1) … some fish and rice, please.

Waiter : Would you like some salad ………………… (2) … the fish? Mr Anas : Yes, please. Salad is ………………… (3) … for me.

Waiter : Would you like a drink? Mr Anas : Yes, please. Have you got ………………… (4) … orange juice?

Waiter : Orange juice? Yes, of course. Mr Anas : Thank you. 4. Supply the missing parts in the following two-mini dialogue:

1) Waiter : Here's the menu. What would you like to eat?

Hagar : ………………………………………………….

Waiter : Would you like to drink something!

Hagar : No, thank you.

2) Nada : …………………………………………………?

Aya : People first made ful medames in the fourth century.

Nada : Do you like falafel?

Aya : Yes, of course. 5. Read and correct the underlined word (s):

1. The pharaohs of modern Egypt loved broad beans. ( ………………… )

2. Dukkah is an Egyptian spice mix. ( ………………… )

3. Ful medames is board beans with onions in it. ( ………………… )

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1- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1. What is Egypt famous for? a. foot b. food c. farm

2. What is your favourite soup? a. falafel b. molokhia c. beans

3. Is the soup healthy? a. No b. I don't know c. Yes

4. What is Koshari? a. a dish b. a fish c. beans 2- Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Waiter : Good afternoon. What (1) …..…………… you like to eat? Kareem : I'd like (2) …..…………… fish and rice please.

Waiter : Would you like some salad with the fish? Kareem : Yes, please. Salad is good for me.

Waiter : Would you like a (3) …..……………? Kareem : Yes, please. Have you got any orange (4) …..…………… ?

3- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues :

a) Mona : Where can you buy dukkah outside Egypt?

Sahar : ……………………………………………..……………………………….

b) Salma : ……………………………………………………………………...……… ?

Alaa : Pasta, black lentils, rice and tomato sauce on the top.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:

Here are some more famous Egyptian dishes. Kofta is meat, onions and

herbs. We sometimes eat it with bread and yoghurt. Ful medames is broad

beans, lemon, onions and tomatoes. People sometimes eat it for breakfast.

Lentil soup has yellow lentils, onions, potatoes and carrots. We often eat it

with lemon.

A. Answer the following questions:

1- What are the main ingredients of kofta?


2- What are the main ingredients of lentil soup?


3- What is ful medames?


B. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

4- We sometimes eat kofta with ……………….… . a) bread and yoghurt b) lemon c) carrots d) tomatoes

5- We can make lentil soup with ……………….… . a) black lentil b) yellow lentil c) green lentil d) medames

Good Luck

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5) The Reader

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Manolin‟s parents didn‟t want him to go fishing with ………………. a. fishermen b. the old man c. any one d. some men

2- ……………. had old clothes and only a little food. a. the fishermen b. Santiago c. Manolin d. Manolin’s parents

b) Answer the following questions:

1. Why didn‟t Manolin‟s parents want him to go fishing with Santiago?


2. What did the fishermen feel about Santiago?


6- Choose the correct answer :

1- You can ……………….… ful medames in many countries. a) finds b) find c) found d) finding

2- ……………….… there any meat in lentil soup? a) Are b) Do c) Is d) does

3- Orange juice? OK. Let‟s ……………….… it. a) try b) eat c) use d) smell

4- There aren‟t ……………….… tomatoes at the market. a) a b) any c) some d) an

5- Why are some parts of New York and London ……….……… "Little Egypt"? a) call b) calls c) called d) calling

6- I like falafel, ……………….… I don‟t like soup. a) but b) and c) so d) because

7- The Egyptian spice …………….… dukkah, is now popular in Australia. a) areas b) herbs c) mixture d) recipe

8- Pasta, lentils and rice are main ingredients of ……………….… . a) kofta b) koshari c) falafel d) medames

7- Read and correct the underlined word:

1. There are some bread on the table. ( ……………… )

2. Can I have any water, please? ( ……………… )

3. Hany wood like to have falafel. ( ……………… )

8- Write a paragraph of six sentences on : " Koshari "






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The Rocket Prep 1


get around ىد ٲ ؾپس streets ج٨ system چ٧حڀ

around قټ busy ڂٯټ train ٶ٣ح

metro ڂط worry ٷٿٵ run from ڂڅ

check ٳك ways ٢ٴ tickets ضجٺ

welcome to ڂقرح ٲ miss ٳٷى cost طٻٿٱ

thousands آال catch the bus ٺد جپرح passengers ٺحخ

tourists حتكڅ by taxi ذحپطحٺ grow نڃ

museum ڂطكٱ travel حٲ big ٺر

interesting ٵ on the Nile ٿ جپنٽ٪ easy يٽ

amazing ڂىى/ ڂىٽ by boat ذحپٷحخ quick ٩

past ڃحجپ special نح cheap ن

full of ڂٿة ذـ ticket office ڂٻطد جپطجٺ advice چكس

buy ط instructions ض٫ٿڃحش walk through ڃ نالټ

put ٩ machine آپس stop طٶٱ

wait نط٧ gate ذجذس turn right طؿو ذڃنح

cross ٫ر go straight پألڂحڀ turn left طؿو حج

Words & opposites واخ ػىغا Prepositions دشف اجش

cheap # expensive ن # ٮحپ at night ١ال

easy # difficult- hard يٽ # ٫د come to ٠أذ أ

busy # free ڂٯټ # ٲح learn about ٠رؼ ػ

near # far ٶد # ذ٫ى In the morning ف اقثاح

Welcome to Egypt

Come to Cairo, the biggest city in Africa. About 9.000.000 people live here,

and thousands of tourists visit every day. There are lots of things to see and do.

See the Egyptian Museum, one of the most interesting places in Cairo. It is full

of amazing things - don‟t miss it! Visit the beautiful buildings in Old Cairo and

learn about Egypt‟s past.

Cairo‟s streets are always busy, but don‟t worry, there are lots of ways to get

around. Catch a bus, go by taxi or travel on the Nile by boat! The metro is the

quickest and easiest way to travel round the city. It‟s cheap and easy.

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The Rocket Prep 1


The Cairo Metro: Facts.

- The Cairo metro is special. It is the first metro system in Africa!

- The trains run from 5.30 in the morning to 12.30 at night.

- The tickets cost one pound each.

- The metro carries about 3 .000.000 passengers every day.

- It is growing! By 2020, about 5.000.000 people will use it every day!

Answer these questions

1 Why do thousands of tourists visit Cairo?


2 What can you do in Old Cairo?


3 Why is the Cairo metro special?


4 What time do the trains stop at night?


5 How many people will the metro carry in 2020?


Imperative األمر .toضرىأ جپؿڃٿس جألڂس ذٳ٫ٽ ڂى ذىڄ -

- Open the door. - Help you mum. ڂ ٪نىڂح چى أڄ چهر ه ذٳ٫ٽ ثح ڂح: چطهىڀ ٯس جأل -

- Open the door, please. - Give me your pen, please. چطهىڀ ٯس جألڂ إل٪٣حء جپط٫ٿڃحش أ جپنكس: -

- Revise for your exams. - Wait in a queue for the bus. ىىح جپڃى پٿني ٪څ ٲ٫ٽ ء ڂح. ٲ ٯس جألڂ جپڃنٳ أض ذ٫ Don'tچطهىڀ -

- Don't play in the street.

- Don't waste your time. Comparatives 2 مقارنت بن

er + than + ٳس ٶز

Ali is taller than Ahmed. ٿ أ٢ټ ڂڅ أقڃى٪

more + ٳس ٢ٿس + than

The plane is more expensive than the train.

Superlatives مقارنت بن ؽخـ جػح the + ٳس ٶز + est

Ali is the tallest boy in the class.

the most + ٳس ٢ٿس

See the Egyptian Museum, one of the most interesting places in Cairo.

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The Rocket Prep 1


1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. Cairo is the biggest ……………… in Africa. a) town b) village c) city d) country

2. The Egyptian ……………… is one of the most interesting places in Cairo. a) Food b) Book c) Square d) Museum

3. The Cairo Metro is the first metro ……………… in Africa. a) group b) team c) system d) train

4. The metro carries about 3,000,000 ……………… every day. a) nurses b) passengers c) doctors d) teachers

5. The tickets ……………… one pound each. a) feed b) run c) cost d) carry

6. The number of people in Egypt is ……………… every year. a) climbing b) going c) growing d) carrying

7. Cairo's streets are always busy, so take the metro to ……………… around. a) eat b) look c) give d) get

8. In old Cairo, you can learn about Egypt's ……………… a) tomorrow b) future c) past d) present

9. It's ……………… to visit the Egyptian Museum. a) dirty b) amazing c) bad d) unkind

10. The metro is ……………… and easy. a) slow b) difficult c) bad d) cheap

11. There are a lot of beautiful ……………… in Old Cairo. a) planes b) writings c) buildings d) ships

12. Don't ……………… visiting beautiful buildings in Old Cairo. a) leave b) catch c) miss d) learn

13. Thousands of ……………… visit Egypt every year. a) passengers b) guides c) tourists d) animals

14. Cairo is ……………… of amazing things. a) thirsty b) full c) afraid d) happy

15. It's interesting to get ……………… Cairo. a) between b) around c) in d) on

16. A ……………… is a person who travels on a bus, a car, a train or plans. a) patient b) passenger c) customer d) tourist

17. ……………… to the ticket office to buy a ticket. a) To go b) Goes c) Go d) Going

18. Don't go out now. ……………… here. a) Waits b) Wait c) Waiting d) Waited

19. ……………… lose your ticket in the machine. a) Do b) Didn't c) Doesn't d) Don't

20. ……………… your ticket in the machine to let you go through. a) Putting b) To put c) Put d) Puts

21. The sign says, "………………here". a) Stops b) Stopped c) Stop d) Stopping

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22. The sign says, " ……………… walk here". a) Doesn't b) Isn't c) Don't d) Can't

23. The science lab isn't here. ……………… with me. a) Coming b) Came c) Comes d) Come

24. ……………… take out your book. a) Isn't b) Doesn't c) Don't d) Didn't

25. The metro is the ……………… way to travel in Cairo. a) easy b) easiest c) easier d) more easy

2- Read and correct the underlined word (s):

1. It is hot. Opening the window, please. (…………………)

2. Please, sat down. (…………………)

3. Not go to the ticket office. (…………………)

4. Learn on Egypt's past. It's amazing. (…………………)

5. I can't walk on Cairo's streets as they are quiet. (…………………)

6. If you are late, you can go in taxi. (…………………)

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b or c

1 If something is amazing, it is ……………… a. really good. b. your favourite. c. far away.

2 How you get around a town is how you ……………… a. understand it. b. travel in it. c. like it.

3 A metro is a train system that is usually ……………… a. under the ground. b. over the ground. c. old and expensive.

4 A passenger is a person who travels ……………… a. every day. b. without paying. c. on a train, bus, etc.

2. Complete the sentences and match them to the signs

cycle - Cross - drink - Turn – use

1 (b) Don’t use a mobile phone.

2 ( ) ……………………….. left

3 ( ) ……………………….. the road here.

4 ( ) Don’t ……………………….. here.

5 ( ) Don’t ……………………….. the water.

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The Rocket Prep 1


map ن٣س each پٻٽ جقى pound ؾنو

line ن١ take أن bookshop ڂٻطرس پر٩ جپٻطد

station ڂك٣س opposite ڂٷحذٽ park قىٷس / ڂٶٱ

change ٯ Excuse me پ ڃكص between ذڅ

corner ٺڅ get to ٽ ئپ library ڂٻطرس

clothes shop ڂكٽ ڂالذ market ٴ queue ٱ

north ڃحټ cafe ڂٷي push ىٲ٩

south ؾنخ post office ڂٻطد ذى polite ڂإوخ

east ٴ bank ذنٹ seat ڂٷ٫ى

west ٮخ Go along جضؿو ذ٣ټ elderly people ٺرح جپڅ

Prepositions دشف اجش

Go straight on طؿو پألڂحڀ polite to ڂإوخ ڂ٩ / پـ on the right ػ ا١١

get on إ اثاؿ٠قؼذ... wait for نط٧ on the left ٿ جپح٪

get to ٠ق إ thank …. For ٻ ... ٪ٿ on the corner ػ اشو/ اضا٠ح

get from .. to .. پٽ ڂڅ ئ change lines at ٯ ن١ جپڃط on the metro/ train ....تارش

next to تجاة by bus/ taxi … in a taxi / car ........... تاراوغ السؤال عن املواقع و األماكن: -1

--- Excuse me. How do I get to the bus station? جالضذ؟ پ ڃكص ٺٱ أٽ ئپ ڂكس

- Where is the bus station? استخدام مرتو األنفاق: -2

--- Excuse me. How do I get to Ataba on the metro?

- First, take line one. Then, change at Al Shohadaa. Ataba is on line two.

السؤال عن سعر التذكرة و مكان بيعها: -3

--- How much are the tickets? - They‟re one pound each.

--- Where can I buy tickets? - At the tickets office.


Conversation 1

A : Excuse me. Where’s the metro station, please?

B : Turn left, then go straight on. It’s on the corner opposite the hospital.

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Conversation 2

A : Excuse me. How do we get to Ataba on the metro?

B : first, take line one. Then, change at Al Shohadaa. Ataba is on line two.

A : How much are the tickets?

B : They’re one pound each. Buy them from the ticket office over there.

A : Thank you for your help.

B : You are welcome. العفو


Conversation 1

Ahmed : How do I get from the bookshop to the park?

Eslam : Go along West Street. Cross North Street and turn right. It's on the

left. Between the library and the school.

Conversation 2

Asmaa : How do I get from the hospital to the school?

Ayah : Cross the road. Go straight on along North Street. It's next to the

park, opposite the post office.

Now complete these sentences with an imperative

Be - Don‟t - Give - Say - Wait

1 …Wait... in a queue for the bus.

2 …..…….. push.

3 …..…….. polite to other passengers.

4 …..…….. please and thank you when you buy a ticket.

5 …..…….. your seat to elderly people.

Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Tourist : Excuse me. How do we (1) …..………… to Ataba on the metro?

Hatem : First, take line one. Then change at Al Shohadaa.

Ataba is on line two.

Tourist : (2) …..…………… much are the tickets?

Hatem : They‟re one pound (3) …….…... Buy them from the tickets office

over there.

Tourist : Thank you for your (4) …..…………….

Hatem : You‟re welcome.

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The Rocket Prep 1


1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. A ……………… shows you the directions. a) top b) map c) mop d) plan

2. Cairo Metro consists of three ……………… a) circles b) triangles c) lines d) squares

3. Al Shohadaa is one of the biggest metro ……………… at Ramsis square. a) parks b) tickets c) lines d) stations

4. You can ……………… lines at Ataba station. a) travel b) buy c) turn d) change

5. How do I ……………… to Road El-Farag on the metro? a) arrive b) change c) take d) get

6. ……………… left, then go straight on. a) Give b) Sell c) Buy d) Turn

7. The tickets are one pound ……………… . a) every b) each c) a kilo d) all

8. Thank you ……………… your help. a) at b) for c) to d) by

9. ……………… your seat to elderly people. a) Buy b) Give c) Take d) Wait

10. You should be polite ……………… other passengers. a) with b) to c) for d) from

11. ……………… please and thank you when you buy a ticket. a) Give b) Say c) Talk d) Walk

12. When you buy a ticket, don't ……………… other passengers. a) take b) pull c) put d) push

13. To get to Kobri El-Kobba station, go ……………… West Street. a) longest b) long c) along d) a long

14. The park is ……………… the post office. a) in front b) between c) next d) opposite

15. The bank is ……………… the bookshop and the school. a) behind b) between c) next d) in front

16. Wait in a ……………… for the bus. a) circle b) corner c) queue d) square

2- Read and correct the underlined word (s):

1. On which stations can you change lines? ( ………………… )

2. What's the bank? - It's on your left. ( ………………… )

3. How do I get by Saad Zaghloul on the metro? ( ………………… )

4. We arrived at London in the morning. ( ………………… )

5. The bank is in the corner. ( ………………… )

6. To go to Abbasia, take queue three. ( ………………… )

7. Be polite at elderly people. ( ………………… )

8. I go to school by my father’s car. ( ………………… )

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The Rocket Prep 1


1- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1- Khaled always goes to school on the …………………………… a) bus b) taxi c) metro

2- Khaled's school is ……………. the hospital. a) near b) between c) next to

3- At which station can you change lines? a) Sadat b) El-Shohadaa c) Ataba

4- What is Al Shohadaa? a. A metro station b. A bus station c. A train station 2- Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Tourist : Excuse me, how do I get to the museum?

Man : Go (1) ….................... along this street. Take the first turn on your

right. The museum is opposite the bank.

Tourist : Should I take a taxi or is it (2) ….................... from here ?

Man : No, you shouldn‟t. You can (3) ….................... .

Tourist : Thank you, sir for your help.

Man : You are (4) ….................... .

3- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues : a) Hala : At which station can you change lines?

Manar : ……………………………………………………………………...……… .

b) Amany : ………………………………………………………………...…………… ? Esraa : This dress is 200 pounds.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:

Ali is from Tanta. He goes to Cairo to visit his cousin in El-Demerdash

hospital in Cairo. He wants to know the way to the hospital, so he asks

Basel about the way. Basel tells him to go along West Street, then to cross

North Street and turn right. It‟s on the left between the park and the school.

Ali thanks Basel very much and goes there.

A. Answer the following questions:

1- Where‟s Ali from?


2- Where's Ali's cousin?


3- Is Basel helpful?


B. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

4- The hospital is between the ……………….. . a) park and the school b) bank and the café c) post office and the bookshop

5- The hospital is in ……………….. a) Tanta b) Alexandria c) Cairo d) Minia

Good Luck

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5) The Reader

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. Santiago was ..................... and he was a good fisherman. a. weak b. cheap c. strong d. funny

2."Fish, I'll stay with you until the end," said ...................... a. the marlin b. Santiago c. Manolin d. Manolin's parents

b) Answer the following questions:

1. Why wasn't Santiago afraid of the fish?


2. Do you think it is easier to be a fisherman?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6- Choose the correct answer :

1- The museum is full of amazing things. …………… miss it! a) Don’t b) doesn’t c) didn’t d) isn’t

2- Go …………… on and turn right at the corner. a) street b) straight c) between d) tall

3- The hospital is …………… the bank. a) near b) next c) straight d) in

4- The metro carries about 3,000,000 …………… a) passengers b) tickets c) pounds d) houses

5- The bank is …………… to the station. a) next b) in front c) behind d) at

6- It is the first metro …………… in Africa. a) season b) system c) museum d) row

7- …………… people will the metro carry in 2020? a) What time b) How many c) Which station d) How

8- In the metro, …………… your ticket at the gate. a) shows b) show c) showing d) finding

7- Read and correct the underlined word:

1- The bakery is next the post office. ( ……………… )

2- Go along this street, then turns left. ( ……………… )

3- Hesham turned write at the corner. ( ……………… )

8- Write a paragraph of six sentences on : " The Cairo Metro "







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The Rocket Prep 1


clean چ٧ٱ weather ٢ٷ agreed جضٳٵ

country وپس summer ٱ decided to ٶ أڄ

important ڂيځ/ ىحڀ move-d طكٸ-نطٷٽ journalist كٳ

problem ڂٻٿس local ڂكٿ designed ڃځ

rubbish ٶڃحڂس picnic چىس posters ڂٿٷحش

become رف near ٶد pollution ضٿظ

polluted ڂٿظ While ذنڃح trucks حقنحش

ugly ٶرف animals قجچحش happen-ed حذث/ كىظ

dirty ڂطم get sick ڃ beautiful ؾڃٽ

text message حتٽ چس garden قىٷس جپڃنټ flower وز

send - sent أرسل/ ٽ pay- paid دفغچٷو/ ىٲ٩ tree ؿز

Verbs and nouns جپڃ٫ن أفؼاي اعاء Prepositions دشف اجش

become polluted رف ڂٿظ walk into a tree ٠قطذ تؾجشج

get dirty and unhealthy رف ڂطهح ٮ ك by the river تجاس اش

have a picnic ىد ٲ چىس go through ٠ش خالي

collect money ؿڃ٩ أڂجټ for drinking ؾشب

do a six kilometre walk ٺځ ڃ talk about ٠رذذز ػ

printed tickets ٢ر٩ ضجٺ call her for ٠رق تا أج

paid us money وٲ٩ پنح جپڃحټ between five and seven ت١ .....

design posters ڃځ جپڃٿٷحش agree to ٠رفك ػ

stop pollution ٶٱ جپطٿظ help (obj) + v. )or( to + v. ٠غاػذ

Reading. A dirty canal

- The canals of the Nile are very important. We use the canals to get clean

water for drinking and for farms.

- In 2013, there was a problem in the Abou El Menagga canal. There was

rubbish in the water and the canal was becoming polluted and ugly. The

weather was very hot that summer and the water was not moving. It was

getting dirty and unhealthy.

- Some students from a local school learned about the problem when they

having a picnic near the canal. While they were eating, they talked about

the problem. They don‟t want people and animals to get sick. They wanted

the canal to be healthy place again.

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- They agreed to collect money to help clean the canal. They decided to

do a six kilometre walk.

- A student told our journalist, "Before the walk, we designed posters about

the problem of pollution. When people looked at the posters, they all

wanted to help us. We collected a lot of money, and 70 trucks helped us

clean the area."

- "Why did we do it? Because we love our country and we want to stop

pollution, " said the students.

Read a magazine article about a canal. What do these words describe? ارا ذقف ز اىاخ

1. hot …..……...................................................

2. unhealthy …..……………………………………..…..

3. beautiful …..………………………….………….…..

Answer these questions

1. Why is it important for the canals to be clean?


2. What was making the Abou El Menagga canal polluted?


3. What were students doing when they were at the canal?


4. How did they collect money?


5. What happened when people looked at the posters?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. Choose the correct words

1. Look at all those flowers! They are very ( good / beautiful ).

2. Ahmed’s shirt is ( dirty/polluted ) because he played football today.

3. It is ( healthy/unhealthy ) to eat a lot of sweets.

4. Don’t drink water from the canal because it is ( clean/polluted ).

5. I don’t like those tall buildings. They are very ( ugly/amazing ).

The Past Simple Tense

طهىڀ ڂ٩ جپٻٿڃحش جضس: ئچطي ٲ جپڃحة ذىأ ٫ر ٪څ

Yesterday أڂ

In the past ٲ جپڃح

last week جالر٨ جپڃح

last month


last year جپ٫حڀ جپڃح

a week ago ڂن أر٨

a month ago

ڂن يa year ago

ڂن ٪حڀ

چيحس جپڃٺز.ڂٿك٦س: ؾى ؾىټ پطٱ جألٲ٫حټ ٲ -

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.طٻڄ ڂڅ جپطٱ جپػحچ پٿٳ٫ٽ ڂ٩ ٺٽ جپڃحت -

ڂػٽ : (ed)ىنحٸ أٲ٫حټ ڂنط٧ڃس: ضنطي ذـ -

play played - watch watched

( d )( چــ٩ پو eجيج ٺحڄ جپٳ٫ٽ نطي ذك )

darrivearrive → dlivelive → dlikelike →

( ied )چ٩ ( y )ذك حٺڅ ، چك ڂرٶح ( y )يج ٺحڄ جپٳ٫ٽ نطي ذكئ

study → studied cry → cried marry → married

( (edچ٩ a)– u –o –i –eذك ڂطكٸ ) ڂرٶح (y)يج ٺحڄ جپٳ٫ٽ نطي ذكئ

play → played enjoy → enjoyed stay → stayed

(ed)يج ٺحڄ جپٳ٫ٽ نطي ذك حٺڅ ڂرٶح ذك ڂطكٸ ح٪ٱ جپحٺڅ چـــ٩ ئ

travel → travelled stop → stopped clap → clapped

ىنحٸ أٲ٫حټ حيز: ڂػٽ : -

- eat ate - go went - see saw

Ex: - I went to school by car yesterday.

( .didn‟t + inf )پٿنٳ چطهىڀ

- I didn't walk to school yesterday. ٲ قحپس جالطٳيحڀ چطهىڀ : -

? ڂى جپٳ٫ٽ + ٲح٪ٽ + did + ٺٿڃس جطٳيحڀ -

- What did you do yesterday? - Where did you go last Friday?

Yes / Noضٻڄ جالؾحذس ذـ Didأڂح ئيج ذىأ جپإجټ خ -

- Did you play football yesterday?

Yes, I did. or No, I didn't.

: was / were ٲ قحپس جالطٳيحڀ چطهىڀ أقحچح -

- Where was Mohamed yesterday?

- He was at the market.

The Past Continuous Tense طٻڄ ڂڅ : -

- I / He / She / It + was

- You / We / They + were + v. + ing

- Rania was reading a book at three yesterday.

.٫ر ٪څ قىظ ٺحڄ ڂطڃج ٲ ٶص ڂ٫څ ٲ جپڃح -

- What were you doing yesterday evening?

I was playing tennis.

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The Rocket Prep 1


ئيج ٺحڄ ىنحٸ قىظ ڂطڃ ٲ جپڃح ٶ٫٣و قىظ ٶ آن ٲاڄ جپكىظ جپڃطڃ ٻڄ ڂح ڂطڃ جپكىظ -

جپٷ ٻڄ ڂح ذ١ .

- While / As + ڂح ذ١ + ڂح ڂطڃ

- While I was playing football, I fell on the ground.

- I fell on the ground while I was playing football.

- When + ڂح ڂطڃ + ڂح ذ١

- When I fell on the ground, I was playing football.

- I was playing football when I fell on the ground.

Underline the verbs in the past simple and circle the verbs in the past continuous

1. There was rubbish in the water and the canal was becoming polluted

and ugly.

2. The weather was very hot that summer and the water was not moving.

3. Some students from a local school learned about the problem when

they were having a picnic near the canal.

4. While they were eating, they talked about the problem.

Complete the sentences with the past simple or the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets

1 The boy …..............…….. (send) a text message when he …..…..….. (walk)

into a tree!

2 While Amina ………..…….. (play) in the garden, her mother …..…….. (call)

her for lunch.

3 “ What …..……………….. (you do) when I ………..….….. (phone) you

yesterday afternoon?”

- “I …..……………….. (do) my homework.”

4 …..……………….….. (Sara watch) television yesterday between five and

seven o‟clock?

1- Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Heba : (1) .......................... were you yesterday afternoon?

Rania : We were in the street.

Heba : What did you (2) ............................. to the polluted street?

Rania : We cleaned it.

Heba : did you (3) ............................. the rubbish from it?

Rania : Yes, and we (4) .......................... it to the car.

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2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues :

1. Rasha : How can we clean the school ?

Mona : .................................................................................

2. Nabil :.............................................................................. ?

Hoda :fie arrived there before ten o'clock. 3. Choose the correct answer :

1- These flowers are very …………… a) beautiful b) healthy c) unhealthy d) polluted

2- The students designed …………… about the problem. a) posters b) trucks c) canals d) ways

3- Ahmed agreed …………… help me with my problem. a) at b) to c) of d) in

4- The ……………is very hot this summer. a) weather b) poster c) pollution d) sky

5- While she ……….. in the garden, her mother called her for lunch. a) playing b) is playing c) was playing d) played

6- What were you doing when I …………. you yesterday. a) phone b) phoned c) phones d) phoning

7- …………… she television yesterday between five and seven? a) Was b) Did c) Is d) were

8- Mum was cooking ……………. she hurt herself. a) as b) while c) when d) because

9- Was it ………… when the game started? a) rain b) raining c) rains d) rained

10- What ………… you doing yesterday morning? a) is b) was c) were d) are

11- Mum went …………….. at the market yesterday. a) swimming b) shopping c) fishing d) running

12- At two o'clock yesterday, I ……………… to the radio. a. listened b. am listening c. was listening d. listens

13- They decided ……………… do a six-kilometre walk. a. for b. at c. to d. of

14- I was reading the newspaper while my mother ………… a. was cooking b. cooking c. is cooking d. cooks

4. Read and correct the underlined word:

1- We do a three-kilogram walk every day. ( ……………… )

2- The boys were playing on the peach. ( ……………… )

3- Be careful or you will get into the tree. ( ……………… )

4- We learned on pollution yesterday. ( ……………… )

5- While they were collect money, it rained. ( ……………… )

6- If water is dirty, it becomes healthy.

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The Rocket Prep 1


Phone- d اتصل/ طٽ Wednesday جالذ٫حء finish- ed /اوتهنطي

Saturday جپرص Thursday جپهڃ remember- ed /تذكزطٺ

Sunday جالقى Friday جپؿڃ٫س cover- ed /غطٯ٣

Monday جالغنڅ What time ڂح جپٶص fly - flew /طار٣

Tuesday جپػالغحء rubbish bags أٺح ٲڃحڂس windy حٱ٪

jacket ؾحٺص see - saw /رأي seasons ٲټ جپنس

The police )جپ٢س )ؾڃ٩ buy - bought / اشتزيط winter جپطحء

run away- ran يخ sell - sold / باع٩ spring جپذ٩

shopping ضٴ show- ed / بيهرڅ summer جپٱ

The sky جپڃحء wave- d لىحـ / ٿ autumn جپهٱ

queue ) ٢پ ( ٱ row ) ٪ ( ٱ cold ذحو

Verbs and nouns جپڃ٫ن Prepositions دشف اجش

buy apples ط جپطٳحـ look at ٠ظش إ

sell apples ر٩ جپطٳحـ the man in the red jacket .... اشج از ٠شذذ

have lunch طنحټ جپٯىجء from ….. to …. .... إ .....

collect the rubbish ؿڃ٩ جپٷڃحڂس at half past twelve ف اغاػح اثا١ح ػؾش اقف

clean the park ن٧ٱ جپكىٷس in the morning ف اقثاح

take a photo ٿطٷ١ ز In the evening ف اغاء

show a photo ٫ ز on Friday ٠ اجؼح

Tapescript Tarek : Hello, Adel! I phoned you on Saturday, but you weren't at home.

Adel : No, we were cleaning the park, Tarek!

Tarek : Why were you doing that?

Adel : Because it was so dirty. On Friday, there were a lot of people at the

park. They were having picnics. But in the evening, there was rubbish

everywhere! So the next day, we decided to clean the park.

Tarek : What time did you arrive at the park?

Adel : We arrived there before ten o‟clock. From ten to half past twelve,

we were collecting all the rubbish.

Tarek : Were you working at half past twelve?

Adel : No, we weren't. We were having lunch then!

Tarek : What were you doing in the afternoon?

Adel : We were carrying the rubbish bags to the car. When we finished

work, the park was beautiful and clean!

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- What was (Adel) doing between ten and eleven o‟clock?

He was/wasn’t …

- What were they doing at half past one?

They were/weren’t …

- Was he/she (having lunch)? - Yes, he/she was. No, he/she wasn’t.

- Who was (playing football)? - The (boys) were (playing football).

- Was it (raining)? - Yes, it was. /No, it wasn’t.

a. It was ten o’clock. The man in the red jacket 1 …..………..….. (take) the

phone while the boy’s mother 2 ……………..…….. (buy) some bananas. A

woman 3 …...... (see) the man while she 4 …..………..….. (sell) some apples.

b. In the street, two men 5 …………….…….. (carry) a big box. Some people

6 …………..…….. (wait) for a bus. A plane 7 …..…………..….. (fly) in the sky.

The boy 8 …..…….. (take) a photo of the man while he 9 ……….…….. (run)

away. The boy and his mother 10 ………..…….. (show) the photo to

1 c Sara was walking to the shops when a. the bus arrived.

2 Mr Osman was waiting in a queue when b. the museum opened.

3 The woman asked for some vegetables while c. she saw her friend.

4 The tour guide was talking to the tourists when d. the man was carrying a box

of tomatoes.

2. Write questions about the people in exercise 1. Use the past continuous

1. what/was/Sara/do/eight o’clock/morning?

What was Sara doing at eight o’clock in the morning?

2. who/wait/in a queue/when/bus/arrive?


3. what/was/tour guide/do/when/museum/open?


4. was/the man/in the market/carry/a box of potatoes?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. Now answer the questions in exercise 2

1. She was walking to the shops.

2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………

3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………

4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………

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The Rocket Prep 1


1. Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Waleed : What were you (1) .......................... at 7 o'clock yesterday?

Mahmoud : I was (2) .......................... a film

Waleed : Was it a (3) .......................... film?

Mahmoud : Yes, it was interesting.

Waleed : I‟m free now. (4) .......................... go to the zoo.

Mahmoud : it's ok.

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues :

1) Samy : Were you having lunch when I phoned you?

Ashraf : …………………………………………………………….…………………

Samy : What were you eating?

Ashraf : I was eating chicken and potatoes.

2) karim : ……………………………………….……………………………………..?

Hassan : I was watching a film yesterday evening.

2. Choose the correct answer :

1. The man ………… blue jacket is my uncle. a) on b) under c) for d) in

2. Sarah ………… to the shops when she saw her friend. a) walked b) was walking c) were walking d) is walking

3. While my brother was smiling, I ………… a picture. a) took b) was taking c) takes d) taking

4. Hamid‟s shirt is ………… because he played football today. a. cold b. clean c. dirty d. beautiful

5. It is ………… to eat a lot of sweets. a. healthy b. unhealthy c. good d. funny

6. Don‟t drink water from the canal because it is ………… a. polluted b. clean c. beautiful d. good

7. Look at all those flowers! They are very ………… a. lazy b. beautiful c. important d. helpful

8. The boys were collecting the rubbish from the ………… . a. glass b. grass c. glasses d. shirt

9. The plane was ………… in the sky when I saw it. a. flying b. crying c. buying d. trying

10. People were ………… for the bus. a. selling b. carrying c. waiting d. buying

3. Read and correct the underlined word:

1. The man by the blue jacket is called Ramy. ( ........................ )

2. Please, wait of me. ( ........................ )

3. From two to four at the afternoon, I was sleeping. ( ........................ )

4. It is healthy to drink water from canals. ( ........................ )

5- In the morning, we were correcting rubbish in the park. ( ........................ )

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The Rocket Prep 1


1- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1- Where did Mahmoud and Magdy have lunch? a) at the cinema b) at the park c) at a restaurant

2- The restaurant was near their ………………… a) houses b) school c) park

3- Magdy wanted to ……………… a) play tennis b) watch a film c) go home

4- They went to the ……………… to watch a film. a) cinema b) club c) school

2- Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Ali : What were you (1) ….................... at 9 o'clock yesterday ?

Basel : I (2) ….................... playing football at the club .

Ali : (3) ….................... was playing with you ?

Basel : My brother .

Ali : When (4) ….................... you come back home ?

Basel : At 11 o'clock .

3- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues :

Hala : What happened when you saw the rubbish?

Manar : ……………………………………………………………………...……… .

b) Amany : ………………………………………………………………...…………… ?

Esraa : We arrived at the museum before ten o'clock.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:

Last Friday, I went shopping with my mother at the market. While we were

buying some fruit, a man in a blue jacket took my mother's phone and ran

away. A man was waiting for the bus with his wife. He took a photo of the

thief while he was running away.

A. Answer the following questions:

1- Where did the writer واذة اـ go last Friday?


2- What were the man and his wife doing?


3- What were the writer and his mother buying?


B. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

4- The thief was wearing a blue …………… . a) jumper b) jacket c) t-shirt d) trousers

5- The thief took the …………… and ran away. a) mobile phone b) bag c) fruit d) mother

Good Luck

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5) The Reader

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. It was ………….. and Santiago was sleeping. a. day b. morning c. night d. dark

2. Santiago used his ...................... to kill the fish. a. line b. harpoon c. boat d. tail

b) Answer the following questions:

1. How was Santiago‟s hand cut?


2. Why was the old man sad for the fish when it was dead?


6- Choose the correct answer :

1- Alaa ate …………… so she was sick. a) healthy b) unhealthy c) clean d) strong

2- The man …………… the red jacket is my father. a) at b) by c) between d) in

3- She was washing the ………………. yesterday evening. a) dishes b) canals c) museum d) water

4- A …………….. was flying in the sky . a) train b) bus c) plane d) tractor

5- Egypt is a ………….. . a) town b) country c) language d) city

6- She starts work …………… eight o‟clock. a) in b) at c) on d) under

7- In the street, two men were ………….… some shopping bags. a) carrying b) running away c) flying d) smell

8- Did you ……………….… Sara yesterday? a) phone b) phoned c) phones d) phoning

7- Read and correct the underlined word:

1- There was a lot of people in the park. ( ……………… )

2- Some people were waiting to the bus. ( ……………… )

3- Were have lunch when I phoned you? ( ……………… )

8- Write a paragraph of six sentences on : " A clean park "







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The Rocket Prep 1


need - ed كطحؼ a lot of ٺػ ڂڅ shower و

water ڂحء How many ٺځ ٪ىو careful to ق ٪ٿ

life قحز How much ٺځ جپٻڃس drip- dripped چٷ١ نٷ١ /

wash ٯٽ turn on ٳطف/ ٯٽ ؾيح waste ر

months ي turn of ٯٿٵ ؾيح litres پطجش

many ٺػ پٿ٫ىو tap نر/ قنٳس a year ٲ جپ٫حڀ

much پٿٻڃسٺػ brush ٯٽ ذحپٳحز The earth جپٻز جالس

a few ٶٿٽ پٿ٫ىو teeth أنحڄ roof ٣ف جپڃنټ

a little ٶٿٽ پٿٻڃس Save- d ٲ two thirds غٿػ

expressions ض٫رجش bedroom قؿز جپنڀ honey ٽ٪

quantity ٺڃس living room قؿز جپڃ٫س lemon ڃڄپ

slowly ذر١ء cupboard والخ spend-spent )ٷ )ٶص

carefully ذك airport ڂ٣ح leave- left ٯحو

butter ذىز hotel ٲنىٴ pour )د )جپڃحء

Verbs and nouns جپڃ٫ن أفؼاي اعاء Prepositions دشف اجش

waste water ٲ جپڃحء need to كطحؼ أڄ

grow food جپنرحضحش٨ جپ٫٣حڀ / find out about ٠ىرؾف ػ

drink water خ جپڃحء in an hour ف خالي عاػح

pour water ذد جپڃحء in the summer ف اق١ف

repair the tap ٿف جپنر ask about ٠غأي ػ

brush your teeth جٮٽ جنحچٹ millimetre = mm رش

save money ٲ جپڃحټ centimetre = cm عر١رش

save water ٲ جپڃحء metre = m رش

spend time ٷ ٶص kilometre = km و

many كثر انعدد

There are many trees in our village.

How many + كم نهعدد اسم جمع معدود

How many classes are there in your school?

much كثر انكمت

There is much milk in the fridge. پڃٳو الق٥ جچيح ض٫حڂٽ ڂ٫حڂٿس ج

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The Rocket Prep 1


How much + كم نهكمت اسم غر معدود

How much bread do you need?

a little )كفى( قهم نهكمت little )قهم نهكمت )ال كفى

I have a little tea but I can make a cup.

I have little tea so I can't make a cup.

a few )كفى( قهم انعدد few )قهم انعدد )ال كفى

He has a few pens and he can lend you one.

He has few pens so he can't lend you one.

a lot of = lots of كثر من نهعدد و انكمت

There is a lot of sugar in my tea.

There are lots of cars in my street.

also )أضا )تأتى قبم انفعم

We also want to watch a film.

Reading. ( Water for all )

We all need water to drink, to grow food, to wash and to use in our homes.

But there is a problem. In many places, there isn‟t any rain for many

months, but people use a lot of water. Do you use a little water or a lot of

water every day? How much water do you waste? Do you turn off the tap

when you are brushing your teeth? You can save a lot of water that way.

Remember that a long shower uses a lot of water, but a short shower uses

only a little water.

How many other ways are there to save water? Most people are careful to

turn off taps, but old taps often drip. You probably think that this wastes

very little water.

It is a problem because one tap that drips wastes about 155 litres of water

a year! Don‟t forget, it is important to repair any taps that drip. Do you know

how much water costs? It can be expensive. Let‟s all save water. It is good

for your family, our country and the earth.

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The Rocket Prep 1


Complete the questions and answers with much, many and an expression of quantity.

1. “How many.. CDs have you got?” “I‟ve got …a lot of.. CDs.

I buy one every month!”

2. “How ……..…….. time do you spend doing homework every day?”

“I spend ……..…….. time. Homework is important.”

3. “How ……..…….. books have you got in your bedroom?”

“There are ……..…….. We keep all our books in the living room.”

4. “How ……..…….. water do you drink in the summer?”

“I always drink ……..…….. water when it‟s hot.”

5. “How ……..…….. rice is in the cupboard?”

“There is ……..…….., but we need to buy some more.” 1. Read and match the words with their meanings

1 d earth a. use too much of something

2 drip b. pour a little water very slowly

3 save c. not to waste something

4 waste d. where we all live

2. Read and correct the mistakes in these sentences

1. I like little sugar in my tea. ( ....a little…. )

2. There isn‟t any canals near that town. ( ……………. )

3. How much hours did you spend in the airport? ( ……………. )

4. There is a lot of rooms in that new hotel. ( ……………. )

5. Ali’s bus leaves in an hour, so he has a lot of times to buy his ticket.

( ……………. ) 3. Choose the correct words

Manal : I need to make a cake. How 1. much/ many eggs are in the fridge?

Nihal : There are 2. a lot of/little eggs. We bought some yesterday.

How 3. much/many butter do you need?

Manal : I only need 4. a little/a lot butter. I also need lemons.

How many 5. lemon/lemons do we have?

Nihal : There aren’t 6. some/any lemons. We can buy some.

Manal : 7. Is/Are there any honey?

Nihal : No, there isn’t 8. some/any honey.

Manal: OK, so we can buy lemons and 9 some/any honey.

4. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues:

a) Noha : How many CDs have you got? Sara : …………………………………………………….….………………. .

b) Wael : ……………………….……………………………………….………. ? Karam : It means pour a little water very slowly.

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5. Finish the following dialogue with one word each :

Mona : I need to make a cake. How (1) …………… eggs are in the fridge?

Nihal : There are some eggs. We bought some yesterday.

How much butter do you need?

Mona : I only need (2) …………. butter. I also need lemons.

How many do we have?

Nihal : There aren‟t any lemons. We can buy (3) …………………. .

Mona : (4) …………………. there any honey?

Nihal : No, there isn't any honey.

Mona : OK, so we can buy lemons and some honey.

6. Choose the correct answer :

1- How …………. water do you use every day? a) many b) any c) much d) some

2- There aren't …………. canals near the town. a) some b) any c) much d) a little

3- It is still 6 o'clock. We have …………. time. a) many b) a lot of c) any d) very

4- How …………. time do you spend doing your homework every day? a) some b) a lot of c) many d) much

5- There are a …………. of rooms in that new hotel. a) many b) lot c) lots d) much

6- How …………. rice is there in the cupboard? a) many b) a lot c) often d) much

7- I'm busy. I don't have …………. time. a. many b. any c. some d. a lot

8- There is …………. cheese in the fridge. a. any b. some c. many d. few 7. Read and correct the mistakes in these sentences

1- Are there some boys in the street? ( ……………. )

2- Mum wants any potatoes from the market. ( ……………. )

3- How much books have you got? ( ……………. )

4- I've got a lot with CDs. ( ……………. )

5- Don‟t forget to repair the top that drips. ( ……………. )

6- before going to bed, you should wash your teeth. ( ……………. )

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fresh ٢حؼ difficult ٫د newspaper ؾىز

land أ Which أ homework جؾد

dry ؾح news )أنرح ) ڂٳو possible ڂڃٻڅ

flood ٲحڄ charity ؾڃ٫س نس prefer ٳٽ

drought ؾٳح perhaps ذڃح make ن٩

dangerous ن٣ How about ڂح أٹ know ٫

safe آڂڅ let's ىح read ٷأ

rain ڂ٣ weekend ٣ٿس چيحس جالر٨٪ meet ٷحذٽ

ten 10 full ڂٿة behind نٿٱ

hundred 100 soil ضذس نرس walls ؾىجڄ

thousand 1000 plants چرحضحش run into ؿ ٲ

mountains ؾرحټ high ڂضٳ٩ live ٫

before ٶرٽ engineers ڂينىڅ open ٳطف

across ر٪ in length ٲ جپ٣ټ advantages ڂجح

Verbs and nouns جپڃ٫ن أفؼاي اعاء Prepositions دشف اجش

make posters ٩ ڂٿٷحش give ….. to ٣٫ ..... پـ

make suggestions ٷىڀ جٶطجقحش in the south of ب ..... ف ج

have a picnic ٷڀ ذنىس نٿس in other places ف أاو أخش

go shopping ىد پٿطٴ near the Nile تامشب ا١

watch the news حىى جالنرح on TV ف ارفاص

read a newspaper ٷأ ؾىز most of the water ؼظ ااء

Making and responding to suggestions ضٷىځ جالٶطجقحش جپو ٪ٿيح

Let‟s ١ا

Why don‟t we + ارا ال … قذس افؼ

Shall we ى / ال

- Let‟s go shopping.

- Why don‟t we go to the park?

- Shall we watch television?

٠ingأذ تؼذا افؼ نافا how aboutى -

- How about having a picnic? ا سأ٠ه


That‟s a good idea. اا فىشج ج١ذج

OK. دغا

That‟s not possible. ١ظ ىا

I‟d prefer to (go to the beach). أفن ازاب ؾاطئ

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Hanan : Hello, Salma.

Salma : Hi, Hanan!

Hanan : What are you doing ?

Salma : I'm watching the news on TV. It is talking about a charity that helps

people who haven't got fresh water. In some countries, there are

droughts. People haven't got time to go to school or work because

they walk for hours to find water every day. And in other countries,

there are floods. There is a lot of water, but it is dirty, so there isn't

any fresh water to drink.

Hanan : How can we help this charity?

Salma : Well, we can tell people about the charity.

Hanan : Yes, let's do that. I know! Why don't we make posters about the

charity? We can put them in the school. Then people can read

about the charity and perhaps they can help.

Salma : OK. Shall we meet after school today to make some posters?

Hanan : That's not possible. We've got homework to do today.

How about meeting next weekend? Then we'll have time to find

out more about the charity.

Salma : You're right. Which day do you prefer, Friday or Saturday?

Hanan : I'd prefer to meet on Saturday. I'm free then.

Salma : OK.

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Listen again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 …. Hanan is reading about a flood in a newspaper.

2 …. Fresh water isn‟t a problem in areas with floods.

3 …. Hanan and Salma have homework to do today.

4 …. Hanan and Salma are going to meet at school to make posters.

5 …. Hanan wants to meet on Saturday.


From June to October, it rains in the mountains to the south of Egypt. This

rain runs into the Nile. Before there was a dam across the Nile, the river

became very full. Every year there were floods in Egypt.

Why were the floods so important for Egypt?

The floods were good for the land because they carried soil and fresh

water. This helped plants to grow.

Why were the floods dangerous?

The water in some of the floods was sometimes very high. For example,

11.7m of water flooded the land at Aswan. This was very dangerous for

people who lived near the Nile.

The Aswan Dam.

Engineers decided to build a dam 10 slop the floods. The Aswan Dam

opened in 1971. It is 3,830 m (3.83 km) in length and 111 m high.

Why is the dam a good idea?

The dam stops the dangerous floods of the past. Now, most of the water

slays behind the walls of the dam. We can use this water when we need it.

Complete the sentences

drought - fresh - flood - safe

1. I like the fish in that restaurant. It is always very fresh.

2. It isn’t …………… to eat meat that is very old.

3. There was a ………….. in the summer after many months without rain.

4. There is a ……… on the road next to the river, so cars cannot go along it.

1. Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Hassan : How can we (1) …………………… water?

Anwar : We should (2) …………………… taps at home.

Hassan : Why should we do that?

Anwar : because they (3) …………………… water all the time.

Hassan : Yes, I think we can save about 155 (4) ……………………

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2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues:

1) Teacher: Why is the Aswan dam important?

Student : ………………………………………………………………………..

Teacher : Why are farmers happy with it?

Student : It protects their farms from floods.

2) Ahmed : …………………………………………………………………………… ?

Magdy : it opened in 1971.

Ahmed : Why is it important?

Magdy : It saves much water for the farms.

3. Choose the correct answer :

1. a: Is there ................. cheese ? - b: Yes, there is a lot in the fridge. a. many b. any c. little d. few

2. There are................. web pages talking about the problem of water. a. a lot of b. much c. any d. much

3. There is a drought when there ................. any rain. a. is b. isn't c. are d. am

4 ................. help countries with floods. a. Dolls b. Drums c. Dams d. Taps

5. Houses near the Nile weren't ................. to live in. a- smart b. safe c. funny d. dangerous

6. "cm" is the abbreviation of ................. a. millimetre b. centimetre c. metre d. kilometre

7. The ................. is the place where we live. a. sky b. earth c. sun d. sea

8. "drip" is to ................. a little water very slowly. a. pull b. put c. pour d. blow

9. “.................” is to use too much of something. a. wear b. waste c. win d. drink

10. To ................. means not to waste something. a. sail b. see c. save d. safe

11. ................. off the tap when you are brushing your teeth. a. turn b. get c. give d. drive

12. Remember that a long ................. uses a lot of water. a. walk b. shower c. shout d. shark

13- After the rain, the roof ................. a) saved b) wasted c) dripped d) came

14- in many places, there isn't any rain for many ................. a) months b) seconds c) minutes d) floods

15- You should be ................. when you cross the road. a) important b) careful c) careless d) sad

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1- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1- It‟s important to ……….………. water a) waste b) west c) save

2- We should turn off ……….………. when we brush our teeth. a) tape b) taps c) tips

3- We can save water if we take short ……….………. . a) towers b) powers c) showers.

4- What should we do? ................................... taps a. Repair b. Break c. Burn

2- Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Rawan : Shall we help (1) ………….......... the house today ?

Nada : Yes, Mum would like that. Why don't we clean the (2) ………... first?

Rawan : Mum is cooking in the kitchen. We (3) ……… start in the living room?

Nada : That's a good (4) …….…. .Then we can clean the living room floor.

Rawan : OK. Let's clean the living room windows.

3- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues :

a) Naglaa : How many eggs do you need to make a cake ?

Manar : ………………….……………………….……………………………… .

b) Amal : ………………….………………………………….…………………… ?

Esraa : Yes, there is honey in the kitchen cupboard?

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:

We all need water to drink, grow food, wash and use it in our homes. In

many places there is not any rain for months but people use a lot of water.

Do you turn off the tap when you are brushing your teeth? You can save a

lot of water that way. A long shower uses a lot of water. Old taps often drip.

One tap that drips wastes 155 litres of water. So repair taps that drip. You

can save a lot of money when you save water.

A) Answer the following questions:

1- How can you save water? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………

2- Why do we need water? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………

3- How many liters does a tap that drips waste? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

4- We should turn ………………… the tap after brushing our teeth. a) off b) on c) of d) in

5- The underlined word it refers to ……….. . a) food b) drink c) water d) tap

Good Luck

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5) The Reader

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. The marlin was a .............. fish, so Santiago was sad for it. a. young b. wonderful c terrible d. bad

2. The fish was too ..................... to put in the boat. a. big b. small c. tiny d. near

b) Answer the following questions:

1. How many sharks did the old man kill?


2. Are you happy that Santiago killed the sharks? Why? Why not?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6- Choose the correct answer :

1- How ………………. rain does Egypt get every year? a) many b) often c) much d) long

2- How ………………. cups of coffee do you drink a day? a) many b) often c) much d) long

3- ………………. there any cheese? a) Does b) Has c) Is d) were

4- It is very hot ………………. summer. a) these b) this c) those d) it

5- Let's play a ………………. . a) game b) football c) gym d) tap

6- I help mum ………………. the house. a) in b) out c) on d) to

7- What is ………………. to the water near Aswan now? a) happening b) happen c) happens d) happened

8- Pupils like to ………………. posters. a) make b) do c) bake d) cook

7- Read and correct the underlined word:

1- We needs water for life. ( ……………… )

2- Is there some water in the bath? ( ……………… )

3- She decided save water in the shower. ( ……………… )

8- Write a paragraph of six sentences on : " Water for all "

…………………………………………………………………………….………………… …………………………………………………………………………….………………… …………………………………………………………………………….………………… …………………………………………………………………………….………………… …………………………………………………………………………….………………… …………………………………………………………………………….………………… …………………………………………………………………………….…………………

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supermarket ذ ڂحٺص side ؾحچد wear- wore ضى

chemist ىپ tablets ؾيح پق Go - went ىد

florist ذحت٩ ى laptop الذطخ drive- drove ٷو

shoe shop ڂكٽ أقو medicine وجء buy- bought ط

clothes shop ڂكٽ ڂالذ kinds أچج٨ sell- sold ر٩

bakery هرڂ water show ٪ڂحت eat- ate أٺٽ

computer shop ڂكٽ ٺڃرض lights ئحءز have- had ڃطٿٹ

shopping centre ڂٺ ضٴ music ڂٷ see-saw

activities جچ٣و walking shoes قجء ڂ do- did ٳ٫ٽ

camels ؾڃحټ sit- sat ؿٿ swim- swam رف

write- wrote ٻطد read- read ٷأ ride- rode ٺد

Verbs and nouns جپڃ٫ن أفؼاي اعاء Prepositions دشف اجش

see a show حىى ٪ح on the other side ٿ جپؿحچد جألن٪

do the shopping ٷڀ ذحپطٴ ride on camels ٠شوة اجاي

do activities ٷڀ ذ٫ڃٽ أچ٣و drive to ٠مد إ

go home ىد پٿڃنټ look at ٠ظش إ

have a weekend ٷ ٪٣ٿس چيحس جألر٨ at the beach ف اثالج

wear walking shoes ضى قجء جپڃ in the sea ف اثذش

buy something for ط ة ڂڅ أؾٽ in English تاالج١ض٠

for lunch غذاء

with lights ت إماء

The Past Simple Tense

طهىڀ ڂ٩ جپٻٿڃحش جضس: ة ذىأ ئچطي ٲ جپڃح٫ر ٪څ

Yesterday أڂ

In the past ٲ جپڃح

last week جالر٨ جپڃح

last month


last year جپ٫حڀ جپڃح

a week ago ڂن أر٨

a month ago

ڂن يa year ago

ڂن ٪حڀ

ٲ جپقىز جپهحڂس. رٵ قو ذحپڃٺز -

ڂٿك٦س: ؾى ؾىټ پطٱ جألٲ٫حټ ٲ چيحس جپڃٺز. - .طٻڄ ڂڅ جپطٱ جپػحچ پٿٳ٫ٽ ڂ٩ ٺٽ جپڃحت -

Ex: - I went to school by car yesterday.

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( .didn‟t + inf )پٿنٳ چطهىڀ

- I didn't walk to school yesterday. هىڀ :ٲ قحپس جالطٳيحڀ چط -

? ڂى جپٳ٫ٽ + ٲح٪ٽ + did + ٺٿڃس جطٳيحڀ -

- What did you do yesterday? - Where did you go last Friday?

Yes / Noضٻڄ جالؾحذس ذـ Didأڂح ئيج ذىأ جپإجټ خ -

- Did you play football yesterday?

Yes, I did. or No, I didn't.

: was / were جالطٳيحڀ چطهىڀ ٲ قحپس أقحچح -

- Where was Mohamed yesterday?

- He was at the market.

supermarket - chemist - florist - shoe shop - clothes shop - bakery - computer shop

Read and complete the email with shops from exercise 1

TO: [email protected]

SUBJECT: shopping

Hi Basel,

Last weekend we went shopping. We drove to a shopping centre on the

other side of Cairo. A lot of people go to the shopping centre because you

can do all your shopping in one place. There are more than 600 shops, a

big supermarket and three hotels! I wore good walking shoes because the

shopping centre is very big. I needed a new T-shirt, so my mother and I

went to a lot of 1. …................…......... My mother and sister then went to the

2. …..…………...... to buy food. My father, my brother and I looked at tablets

and laptops in a 3. …..…....... We bought a cake from a 4 …..…...... and

some medicine from a 5. …..…....... We met my mother and sister and we

bought my mother some flowers from the 6. …..…....... We didn‟t go home

for lunch; we ate in the shopping centre. The restaurants sold a lot of

different kinds of food. In the evening, we saw a beautiful water show with

lights and music. Did you have a good weekend? Where did you go and

what did you do?

Best wishes, Tarek Answer the questions

1. What did Tarek do last weekend?


2. Why did he wear good walking shoes?


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3. What did Tarek want to buy?


4. Where did his mother and sister go?


5. Where did they eat lunch?


6. When did they see a water show?


Underline the verbs in the sentences

1. We drove to a shopping centre.

2. I wore good walking shoes.

3. We met my mother and sister and we bought my mother some flowers.

4. We didn‟t go home for lunch; we ate in the shopping centre.

5. The restaurants sold a lot of different kinds of food.

6. Did you have a good weekend?

7. Where did you go and what did you do?

Complete the sentences with the past simple of the verbs in brackets

1 The tourists …….... (swim) at the beach and then ….…... (ride) on camels.

2 Yesterday, we …..…..... (eat) lunch, then we …..…...... (do) our homework.

3 Who …..………....... (you see) after school last Thursday?

4 …..…...... your mother …..…...... (buy) a new book?

5 My uncle …..…...... (sell) his car last summer.

6 Last Saturday, I …..…...... (sit) in the garden and …..…...... (read) my book.

Ask and answer questions using these words

1 What time/go to bed/last night?


2 Who/sit next to/at school yesterday?


3 What/buy/at the shopping centre/last weekend?


4 Did/meet/a friend/after school yesterday?


5 Did/write/in English today?


6 When/eat/breakfast/this morning?



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The Rocket Prep 1


1. Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Mohamed: Can I (1)............................ you ?

Bassem : Yes, I‟d like to buy a pair of (2) .............................

Mohamed: What (3) ............................. Would you like?

Bassem : 42, please.

Mohamed: (4) ............................. colour would you like?

Bassem : I‟d like brown, please.

2. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues :

I. Heba : Would you like an ice cream?

Mona : ...........................................................................................................

Heba : What flavour do you like?

Mona : I‟d like strawberry ice cream.

2. Ola : ………………………………………………..................................... ?

Aya : To buy fresh bread.

Ola : Are there chocolate cakes in that bakery?

Aya : Yes, there are.

3. Choose the correct answer :

1. Did your uncle .................... a car last year? a) buying b) buys c) bought d) buy

2. They .................... go out because it was raining. a) aren't b) didn't c) haven't d) hadn't

3. The .................... sells laptops and tablets. a. shoe shop b. computer shop c. clothes shop d. toy shop

4. Who did you .................... after school last Thursday? a. see b. saw c. seeing d. sees

5. Wear .................... shoes because the shopping centre is very big. a. walking b. swimming c. diving d. jumping

6. There are a lot of local shops in our .................... a. village b. shop c. table d. office

7. They went to the.................... and bought some flowers. a) bakery b) supermarket c) florist d) meat

8.I bought my mother some medicine from a .................... a. chemist b. florist c. doctor d. baker

9. At 3:00 p.m. I went home .................... lunch. a. at b. for c. with d. in

10. A .................... sells rice and lentils. a. supermarket b. bakery c. clothes shop d. florist's

4. Read and correct the underlined word:

1. We buy bread from a chemist. ( ........................ )

2. She doesn't play tennis yesterday. ( ........................ )

3. Did you rode on camels? ( ........................ )

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The Rocket Prep 1


local shops وقالش ڂؿحز project ڂ٨ healthy ك

supermarket ذ ڂحٺص questions أثٿس during أغنحء

because ألڄ Of course ذحپ٣ر٩ notebook ٺجس/ وٲط

so پپٹ once ڂز magazine ڂؿٿس

friendly وو twice ڂضحڄ ask أټ

cheap ن three times غالظ ڂجش answer ؿد

large ج٩/ ٺر shirt ٶڃ dictionary ٶحڂ

medium ١ tie ٺجٲطو exam جڂطكحڄ

small ٯ sweatshirt ذٿٲ ٶ٣څ customer ذڄ

size ڂٷح shop assistant ذحت٩ What size ڂح ڂٷح

Verbs and Nouns Prepositions

do a project ٨ٷڀ ذ٫ڃٽ ڂ at local shops ٲ جپڃكالش جپڃؿحز

ask a question أټ إجټ want to + inf. ٠ش٠ذ أ

answer a question ؿد إجټ talk to ٠رى غ

spell a word طيؿ ٺٿڃس agree with ٠رفك غ

use a dictionary طهىڀ جپٷحڂ try on ٠م١ظ التظ

wear a jacket ضى ؾحٺص in different shops ف ذالخ خرفح

Connectors أوجش جپذ١

So زه ( reason رد ) + ,so + ( result چطؿس (

• I was ill, so I didn‟t go to school yesterday. ود ش٠نا زه أرة ذسعح تاألظ

because ألڄ

( result چطؿس ( + because + ( reason رد )

• I didn‟t go to school because I was ill.

( to پٻ ) + {أض ذ٫ىىح جپٯ } ٲ٫ٽ ڂى

I go to school to learn. Can I help you? {ضطهىڀ ٪نى ٪ جپرحت٩ ٪ٿ جپذڄ جپڃح٪ىز} ىٽ ڃٻنن ڂح٪ىضٹ؟

Yes, I'd like to buy ……………… ........................ پٿو چٷټ

What size would you like? ڂح جپڃٷح جپ ضىه

I'd like ………….. , please. {small – medium – large – x large}

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What colour would you like? ڂح جپٿڄ جپ ضٮد ٲو؟

I'd like ………پڄ………. , please.

Ask and answer

1 Local shops are the shops near to where you live.

Which local shops do you go to? What do you buy there?

2 Do you and your family like shopping at local shops? Why?/Why not?


Salma : Mum, I'm doing a project about shopping for my English class.

Can I ask you some questions?

Mother : Of course, Salma.

Salma : How often do you go shopping?

Mother : I go shopping every weekend, and usually once or twice during

the week.

Salma : OK, that‟s about two or three times a week.

Where do you usually go shopping?

Mother : I usually go to the local shops in our village.

They are my favourite places to go shopping.

Salma : Why do you like the local shops?

Mother : I like shopping in our village because you can buy a lot of things

in different shops. You can buy meat, eggs, fruit and vegetables.

People in the big supermarkets are not always very friendly, but

the people who work in the local shops are very friendly! They

know me well because I visit them often. The food is usually

cheap and healthy, too. The bakery has fresh bread every day, so

I always buy bread there.

Salma : What don't you like about the local shops in our village?

Mother : That's a difficult question because I like everything about them!

Oh, there is one thing. I go to five or six different shops and

everyone wants to talk to me, so it takes a lot of time!

Salma : Thanks for answering my questions!

Complete the sentences with because or so. Then listen again and check your answers

1 I like shopping in our village ….....…...... you can buy a lot of things in

different shops.

2 They know me well ….....…...... I visit them often.

3 The bakery has fresh bread every day, …......... I always buy bread there.

4 That‟s a difficult question ….....…...... I like everything about them!

5 I go to five or six different shops and everyone wants to talk to me, ………

it takes a lot of time!

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Complete the sentences with because and with so

1. It’s a nice day …..………………………………………………..………………......

2. I want to go shopping …..………………………………………………………......

3. I need a new notebook …..………………………………………………..…….....

4. Let’s visit my grandfather …..……………………………………………..……......

5. I don’t want to buy that magazine …..…………………………………..…........ Complete the sentences with because or so

1. Lamia watched the tennis match because she loves sport.

2. The tourists didn’t go to the beach ………….. it was raining.

3. It’s a holiday today, ………….. my father isn’t going to work.

4. Magda isn’t at school today ………….. she is ill.

5. There wasn’t any bread, ………….. Ola went to the bakery.

6. Amir worked very hard all year, ………….. he did very well in his exams.

1. a bit = a little

2. tablet = a kind of computer

3. local = from the place where you live

4. size = how big or small something is

5. sweatshirt = a cotton jumper


Shop assistant : Hello. Can I help you?

Customer : Yes. I'd like to buy a new T-shirt.

Shop assistant : What size would you like?

Customer : I‟d like small, please.

Shop assistant : And what colour would you like?

Customer : I’d like blue, please.

Shop assistant : Here you are. Is this OK?

Customer : It's a bit small. Have you got a medium size?

Shop assistant : Try this one.

Customer : Yes, this is very good. Thank you.

Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Sandy : Why do you go shopping at the (1) ............................ shops?

Murad : because the assistants are very (2) ............................

Sandy : What about the prices there?

Murad : They aren't (3) .......................

Sandy : (4) ...................... We go there one day?

Murad : It's a good idea.

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1. Choose the correct answer :

1. Here are some sweatshirts. What .................... would you like? a. time b. name c. size d. age

2. They know me well .................... I visit them often. a. because b. so c. and d. to

3. He wears a shirt .................... it is hot today. a. because b. so c. to d. for

4. What .................... would you like? - Red, please. a) size b)food c) number d) colour

5. This t-shirt is small. have you got a .................... size? a) middle b) medium c) medal d) more

6. My mother wanted some bread .................... I went to the bakery. a) because b) but c) so d) to

7. Last weekend we ………..….. shopping . a) go b) went c) goes d) going

8. We ………..….. to the shopping centre yesterday . a) drive b) driving c) drove d) drives

9. I ………..….. any trousers but I needed a T-shirt . a) don't need b) didn't need c) needed d) doesn’t need

10. I wore good walking shoes ………..….. the centre is big . a) so b) because c) to d) for

11. The centre is big ………..….. I wore good walking shoes. a) so b) because c) to d) for

12. The shop assistant says! Hello. Can I ………..….. you ? a) get b) make c) help d) like

13. What ………..….. would you like ? - I'd like medium, please. a) size b) number c) big d) colour

14. What colour would you ………..….. ? - I'd like black, please. a) have b) be c) like d) want

15. It's ………..….. large. Have you got a medium? a) much b) bit c) a bit d) big

16. In the clothes shop, we sometimes ………..….. clothes. a) try b) let c) what d) play 2. Read and correct the underlined word:

1. I like Yasser so he is kind. ( .............................. )

2. My uncle sell his car last summer. ( .............................. )

3. He is nice because I like him. ( .............................. )

4. Last weekend I go shopping with my mother. ( .............................. )

5. Did you had a good weekend? ( .............................. )

6. There are three hotel. ( .............................. )

7. My cousin wants a shirt, so we go to the chemistry. ( .............................. )

8. I don‟t went to buy this magazine. ( .............................. )

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1- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1- When did they go shopping? - Last ……….………. a) week b) month c) year

2- How did they go? By ……….………. a) taxi b) car c) bus

3- Where did they go? To The shopping ……….………. . a) tower b) castle c) centre.

4- What are there? A lot of ................................... a. rivers b. Shops c. cars

2- Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Ali : Where (1) …………….. you go last weekend?

Hazem : I went to the (2) …………….. shop .

Ali : Why did you go there?

Hazem : (3) …………….. I wanted to buy a laptop.

Ali : How much did it cost?

Hazem : It cost me 3 (4) …………….. pounds

3- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues :

a) Judy : What time did you go to bed last night ?

Jana : ………………….……………………….……………………………… .

b) Abdo : ………………….………………………………….…………………… ?

Mido : This restaurant sold a lot of different kinds of food. 4- Read the following, then answer the questions:

My name‟s Mona. My family went shopping yesterday. We drove to a

shopping centre on the other side of new Cairo. There, you can buy all

what you need in one place. There are more than 600 shops, a big

supermarket and three hotels in the area; I wore good walking shoes

because the shopping centre is very big. I bought a new t-shirt from the

clothes shop. My sister Noha bought a tablet from the computer shop. My

father and mother bought some groceries تماح. We had lunch in the

shopping centre. Before leaving, we saw a beautiful water show. A. Answer the following questions:

1. Where did Mona‟s family go yesterday? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………

2. How did you go shopping? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………

3. What did the writer's sister buy? …………………………………………………………………………….………………… B. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

4. They ate their lunch in the …………….. a. supermarket b. Shopping centre c. Computer shop d. Library

5. The shopping centre was big, so the writer wore good ……………….. a. walking shoes b. driving shoes c. diving shoes d. socks

Good Luck

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5) The Reader

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. A marlin is a big ................... . a. rock b. fish c. boat d. bird

2. Santiago could sell the marlin for a lot of ................. . a. fish b. rice c. water d. money

b) Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Santiago need to catch the marlin?


2. Would you enjoy being a fisherman? Why or why not?

……………………………………………………………………………………………….6- Choose the correct answer :

1- We can buy …………... at the chemist's. a) bread b) T-shirt c) medicine d) cooker

2- We can buy flowers at the …………... . a) florist's b) bakery c) shoe shop d) clinic

3- How …………... you travel to Luxor last year? a) does b) do c) did d) are

4- Who did Hassan see in the park …………... Tuesday? a) at b) on c) in d) by

5- This is a/ an …………... question, so I can‟t answer it. a) easy b) difficult c) little d) good

6- I like shopping …………... our village . a) in b) out c) on d) to

7- The …………... has fresh bread every day. a) bakery b) clothes shop c) computer shop d) clinic

8- I'd …………... to buy a sweatshirt, please. a) want b) like c) need d) go

7- Read and correct the underlined word:

1- What you did do? ( ……………… )

2- My mother buy me new trousers yesterday. ( ……………… )

3- We didn‟t drove to the shopping center. ( ……………… )

8- Write a paragraph of six sentences on : " A day at the shops "








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city ڂىنس exciting ث١ش fields قٷټ

country وپس quiet ادئ population ٻحڄ

the countryside جپٱ noisy ڂ٪ؽ curtains طحت

comment ض٫ٿٵ happy ٫ى on a farm ٲ ڂ٪س

ideas أٲٻح big ٺر جپكؿځ agree with طٳٵ ڂ٩ ه

air ىجء slow ذ٣ة agree to ةطٳٵ ٪ٿ

enough ٺح beautiful ؾڃٽ think ٫طٷى/ ٳٻ

too ؾىج friendly وو return home ٫و پٿڃنټ

That‟s why= so پيج جپرد relaxing ڂف lift ٲ٩

high ڂضٳ٩ old ؿ/ ٶىځ٪ strong ٶ

low ڂنهٳ young ٯ جپڅ light ڂة

tall ٢ٽ modern قىع dark ٿځڂ٧

(not) enough and too

• enough واف / )not( enough ذغرخذ تؼذ اقفح لث االع -غ١ش واف

- This dress is small enough for the baby. - He is not strong enough to lift the bag. - There are enough books for all the students. - There is not enough water.

• too ذغرخذ لث اقفح -جذا / ص٠ادج ػ اطب

- It‟s too quiet. = It isn‟t noisy enough. - This tea is too cold. = The tea isn‟t hot enough.

Comparatives 2 مقارنت بن er + than + ٳس ٶز

- Cairo is noisier than the countryside

more + ٳس ٢ٿس + than

- The village is more relaxing than the city.

Superlatives مقارنت بن ؽخـ جػح the + ٳس ٶز + est

- Ali is the tallest boy in the class.

the most + ٳس ٢ٿس

- See the Egyptian Museum, one of the most interesting places in Cairo.

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I am twelve and live in Cairo in a big apartment with my parents, my sister

Manal and my brother Magdy.

What do you like about where you live?

I live in Cairo and I love city life! Some people think that cities are too noisy. I agree! Cairo is noisier than the countryside and the roads are too busy. There are too many cars and the air is too polluted. But I prefer city life because it‟s always exciting! There‟s a lot to do and see here. My grandparents live on a farm. When I visit them, I think the countryside is too quiet. Their village isn‟t exciting enough, but they say, “We‟re too old for the big city now!”


I live in a village. I agree with Tarek: the countryside is quieter and that‟s why I like it! I visited Cairo last year, but I was happy to return home. The city is too big. In Cairo, there are more than 18 million people. In the village, life is slower. People are friendlier and everything is more beautiful. There aren‟t enough green areas in the city, but there are a lot of fields and trees around my village. The air is cleaner. My village is quiet and there aren‟t

enough shops, but it‟s more relaxing than the city.

1. Why does Tarek like living in the city?

2. What does he think about his grandparents’ village?

3. Why don’t his grandparents want to live in the city?

4. Why does Salma like living in the countryside?

5. What does Salma not like about her village?

Underline the examples of enough/too and the words they describe

1. Some people think that cities are too noisy.

2. Cairo is noisier than the countryside and the roads are too busy.

3. I think the countryside is too quiet.

4. Their village isn‟t exciting enough.

5. There aren‟t enough green areas in the city.

6. My village is quiet and there aren‟t enough shops.

Choose the correct words

1 Nadia can’t open that window.

It’s too high/too low and she’s not tall enough/short enough.

2 Medhat is 14. He can’t drive a car because he’s too old/not old enough.

3 Hatem would like the large jacket. He can’t wear the medium size jacket

because it’s too big/not big enough.

4 Please open the curtains. The room is too dark/not dark enough.

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Complete these sentences with too or enough

1. Ali does not like living near the airport. It is too noisy.

2. You can all sit down because there are …………… chairs for all of you.

3. The train leaves in a minute. We don’t have.……..time to go to the shops.

4. Mr Zaki cannot carry the bag because it is ……………heavy.

5. Leila’s brother is not old ……………… to remember the year 1999.

6. I cannot drink this tea. It is ………………… hot. 1. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Nabil : Why do not you like living in the city?

Ali : ……………………….…………………………………..………………. .

b) Hoda : ……………………………….….…..…………………………………… ? Eman : I like the village because it is quiet . 2. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- I live in Cairo and I love ………………. life. a) village b) city c) the countryside d) the

2- Some people think that cities are ………………. noisy . a) enough b) too c) to d) the

3- Cairo is ………………. than the countryside. a) noisy b) noisiest c) noisier d) noise

4- The roads are ………………. busy. a) to b) too c) two d) the

5- There are ………………. many cars. a) enough b) not enough c) too d) to

6- The air is too ………………. . a) pollute b) polluted c) pollutes d) pollution

7- I prefer city life because it is always ………………. . a) excited b) excites c) exciting d) the exciting

8- There is a ………………. to do and see here. a) lots b) lot of c) lot d) the

9- My grandparents live on a ……………….. . a. farm b. city c. village d. car

10- When I visit grandparents, I think the countryside is too ……………….. . a. quite b . quit c. quite d. careful

11- Their village is not exciting ……………….. . a. too b. enough c. to d. two

12- Grandparents say they are ……………….. old for the big city now . a. enough b. to c. too d. two

13- Salma lives ……………….. a village . a. on b. in c. with d. at

14- I agree ……………….. Tarek a. without b. with c. what d. on

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15- The countryside is ……………….. than the city . a. quiet b. quite c. quieter d. calm

16- That is ……………….. I like the country. a. where b. why c. which d. are

3- Read the following, then answer the questions:

Some people like living in the countryside. Life is quieter there. There are

enough green areas like fields and trees everywhere. The air is clean and

fresh. People there are also friendly. For me, I like living in the city because

life here is exciting. You can do a lot of things. You can also spend your

time in different ways.

A. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the people in the countryside like?


2. Why does the writer like living in the city?


B. Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d :

3. Life in the countryside is .......................... a. quiet b. noisy c. exciting d. dirty

4. The underlined word "here" refers to....................... a. the countryside b. the city c. the town d. school

5."quiet" is the opposite of ………………………………………. a. clean b. fresh c. noisy d. ugly

4- Read and correct the underlined words :

1- I agree to you. ( ………………. )

2- I was happy to return house. ( ………………. )

3- The countryside is quieter and that is what I like it. ( ………………. )

4- The city is too bag. ( ………………. )

5- The village is to exciting. ( ………………. ) 6- I go to the cinema alone last week. ( ………………. )

7- There is too many rubbish in that bin. ( ………………. )

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quiz ٶ جنطرح right فذ١خ free ڂؿحچ

compare ٷحڄ test هطر opinion أ

group ڂؿڃ٪س holidays أؾحجش better أٲٽ

above أ٪ٿ running جپؿ place ڂٻحڄ

sentence ؾڃٿس swimming جپرحقس quicker أ٨

disagree جٲٵ going for a walk طڃ easier أيٽ

railway line ن١ ٻس قىى lake ذكز skyscraper چح٢كس كحخ

railway station قىى ڂك٣س ٻس hill ضٽ sports club چحو ح

give example ٣٫ ڂػحټ tower ذؼ survey جط٣ال٨ أ

note ڂٿك٦س traffic ڂ enjoyable ڂڃط٩

just a minute جچط٧ وٶٷس partner ٹ forest ٮحذس

Verbs and nouns جپڃ٫ن أفؼاي اعاء Prepositions دشف اجش

make a note ؿٽ ڂٿك٦س at the end of ٲ چيحس

make friends ٻڄ ىجٶحش go for a walk ٠زة رؾ١ح

do survey ٷڀ ذحطرحڄ What do you think about? ا سأ٠ه ف

do a quiz كٽ جڂطكحڄ ٶ on his way home ف طش٠م ضي

give opinion ٣٫ أو

Asking for and giving opinions Agreeing and disagreeing

Do you agree (that) …? ذرفك أ

What do you think about …? ا سأ٠ه ف

What‟s your opinion about …?ا سأ٠ه ف

Do you think …? ذؼرمذ

I think …/I don‟t think … أػرمذ

I agree (with you/that).

You‟re right.

I disagree (with you/that.)

I don‟t agree (with you/that).

That‟s (not) true.

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Tapescript Girl 1 : Let's do this quiz. Sentence 1: do you agree that exams are too easy?

Girl 2: No, I disagree with that. Girl 1 : I disagree with that, too. I don't think exams are too difficult, but they aren't too easy. They are just right. They test what you know.

Girl 2: Yes, that's true. Girl 1 : Sentence 2: the summer holidays aren't long enough. What do you think about that?

Girl 2: I disagree with that! I think they're long enough. At the end of the holidays, I want to go back to school and learn interesting things! Girl 1: I agree. Sentence 3: it's too expensive to do a lot of different sports. I don't agree with that. Running, swimming and going for a walk are free!

Girl 2: You're right. Girl 1 : Sentence 4 is about shopping centres. What's your opinion about the size of shopping centres? Do you think shopping centres are too big?

Girl 2: No, I don't. I think it's better to have lots of shops in one place. That makes shopping quicker and easier. Girl 1 : I agree with you. Sentence 5: people in cities aren't friendly enough.

Girl 2: That's not true. I live in a city and people are very friendly here! Girl 1 : I agree with you. There are lots of friendly people in lots of different places! Match the places with their meanings

field - forest - hill - railway line - skyscraper

1 Trains travel on this. railway line

2 Farmers use this land for animals or for growing plants. …………………..

3 This is an area of high land. …………………..

4 This is a very tall building in a city. ………………….. 5 This is a big area of land that has many trees. ………………….. 1- Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Samah : Do you like to live in the (1), ............................ ?

Menna : No, life there is very (2), ............................ .

Samah : Then, where do you like to live?

Menna : I like to live in the (3), ............................ .

Samah : Why do you prefer it?

Menna : Because people there are very (4), ............................ .

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues :

1. Nada : What's your opinion about travelling by car ?

Dina : ……………………………………………………………………………

Nada : I agree with you. Trains are faster than cars.

2. Alaa : .........................................................................................................?

Nihal : Yes, I think tablets are more useful than computers.

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3. Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d :

1. The countryside is quiet ......................... to live in. a. too b. enough c. to d. so

2. In a city, you can join a ......................... club. a. tablet b. games c. computer d. sports

3. Farmers usually ....................... in fields. a. works b. worked c. work d. working

4. The .......................... in big cities are too busy. a. roads b. fields c rooms d. houses

5. This t-shirt is not .......................... enough to wear. a. big b. bigger c biggest d. the biggest

6. Some people think tablets are .......................... , others don't. a. usual b. useful c. ordinary d. unusual

7. America has a lot of.......................... skyscrapers. a) old b) modern c) low d) slow

8. I saw my friend on his ………….. home. a) way b) farm c) flat d) away

9. What‟s your ………….. about city life? a) name b) look c) opinion d) order

10. We need more ………. because books are too expensive. a) libraries b) skyscrapers c) forests d) fields

11. A ……….. is a big area full of trees. a) library b) skyscraper c) forest d) club

12. I like to go for a ………… to lose some weight. a) walk b) talk c) book d) door

13. You don‟t have to pay. It‟s …………. . a) free b) fat c) money d) good

14. Don‟t make too ……….. noise. a) many b) much c) few d) lot

15. I am hungry, but there isn‟t ……………… bread. a) too b) many c) enough d) a lot 4- Read and correct the underlined words:-

1- I made a survey for our class project. ( ………………. )

2- It‟s good to do friends ( ………………. )

3- City streets have many traffic. ( ………………. )

4- It is much relaxing than the city. ( ………………. )

5- Village streets have more traffic. ( ………………. )

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1- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1- When did they go shopping? - Last ……….………. a) week b) month c) year

2- How did they go? By ……….………. a) taxi b) car c) bus

3- Where did they go? To The shopping ……….………. . a) tower b) castle c) centre.

4- What are there? A lot of ................................... a. rivers b. Shops c. cars

2- Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Amira : What do you think about (1) …………….. life? Bosy : The city has more (2) ……….... and more dangerous than the country.

Amira : Is it cheaper than the city? Bosy : Yes, it is cheaper to (3) …………….. in the countryside .

Amira : What about friends? Bosy : It is too difficult to (4) …………….. lots of friends in the city.

3- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues :

a) Judy : Which is noisier the country or the city?

Jana : ………………….……………………….……………………………… .

b) Abdo : ………………….………………………………….…………………… ?

Mido : No , there are not enough green areas in the city.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:

Egypt is in Africa. It has the longest river in the world. It has a lot of

beautiful cities but Cairo is the biggest city in Egypt. Cairo is the capital of

Egypt. Cairo has a lot of historical places such as the Egyptian Museum.

Cairo has a lot of population so it is very crowded. The metro runs through


A. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the capital of Egypt? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………

2. Why is Cairo crowded? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………

3. Where is the Egyptian Museum? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………

B. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

4- No city is ………….. than Cairo. a )big b) bigger c) biggest d) small

5- The ………….. runs through Cairo a) bus b) plane c) car d) bike

Good Luck

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5) The Reader

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. Manolin went to the cafe to get some ........... for Santiago. a. tea b. coffee c. water d. orange juice

2. All the fishermen ................. the old man "Santiago". a. respected b. hated c. left d. drove

b) Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Santiago walk slowly?


2. Why was Manolin sad when he saw the old man?


6- Choose the correct answer :

1- I am twelve and I live ………… Cairo. a ) into b) in c) on d) by

2- I live in a big apartment ………… my parents. a ) with b) at c) from d) in

3- Hazem's parents are ………… old for the big city. a) to b) too c) two d) for

4- Their village is not exciting ………… . a) too b) enough c) not enough d) by

5- I was happy to return ………… . a) house b) to home c) home d) town

6- The city is ………… big. a) too b) enough c) to d) two

7- In Cairo there are more than 8 ………… people. a) millions b) million c) thousand d) hundred

8- In the village life is ………… . a) slowly b) slower c) slow d) blow

7- Read and correct the underlined word:

1- TV programmes learn us interesting things. ( ……………… )

2- It is better to travel on car. ( ……………… )

3- Buses is not cheap enough. ( ……………… )

8- Write a paragraph of six sentences on : " A day in the country "






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objects أحء laptop الترب tennis racket ڂخ ضن

calendar چطؿس/ ضٷځ plant ثاخ/ ٠ضسع van ڂٷٳٿس ٪ذس چٷٽ

drum ٢رٿس phone ضٿٷڄ/ طٽ belong to ه

DVD و ٲ و radio جوالٿٻ / both of ٺال ڂڅ

football ٺز ٶىڀ sewing machine ڂحٺنس نح٢س below أٳٽ

kite ٢حز ٴ television ضٿٳڄ possessions ڂڃطٿٻحش

whose ڂٿٹ ڂڅ/ پڃڅ musical instrument آپس ڂٷس bicycle وجؾس

next door جپڃؿحجپرص truck حقنس add ٱ

thank ٻ number ٶځ circle- d ٩ وجتز

sew ه١ pages ٳكحش

Verbs and nouns جپڃ٫ن أفؼاي اعاء Prepositions دشف اجش

play music ٫ ڂٷ move into نطٷٽ پـ

carry things كڃٽ أحء carry into ٠ذ إ

move possessions نٷٽ ڂڃطٿٻحش live at number 24 42 سل ضي ٠ؼ١ؼ ف

make clothes ن٩ ڂالذ start with ٠ثذأ تـ

show days ف/ رڅ جألحڀ instead of تذال

hit a ball خ ٺز kind of ع

Samir : Hello. I’m moving into number 22. I’m Samir. Which house is yours? Hisham : Ours is next door. We live at number 24! I’m Hisham. Welcome to our street. Is that your parents’ van?

Samir : No, it’s my uncle’s. He’s helping us move all our possessions. Hisham : Is that your football and tennis racket?

Samir : The football is mine, but the tennis racket is my sister’s. Hisham : Is that your sister’s sewing machine, too?

Samir : No, it’s my mother’s. The calendar is hers, too.

The laptop is my father’s. Hisham : Whose drum is that?

Samir : It’s my brother Amir’s. He plays traditional music.

He’s very good! The books are his, too. Hisham : Are those DVDs yours?

Samir : No, they’re my parents’ DVDs. The radio is theirs, too. Hisham : Let me help you carry things into your new house.

Samir : Thank you!

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Answer the questions

1. Who does the van belong to?

2. What sport does Samir’s sister play?

3. Which two objects belong to his mother?

4. Whose drum is it?

( Pronouns ) انائش

Subject Pronouns

مائش افاػObject Pronouns

مائش افؼيPossessive Adjectives

ففاخ اى١ح

Possessive pronouns

مائش اى١ح

تؼذ االع افؼ )ا٠ح اجح( لث االع تؼذ افؼ تذا٠ح اجح

I me my mine

He him his his

She her her hers

It it its -

You you your yours

We us our ours

They them their theirs

• whose ) تستخدو نهسؤال ع انهكيت ) يهك ي

Whose + ? …is + this/ that + فشداع

Whose + اع جغ + are + these / those…?

- Whose pen is that?

- Whose books are these? :: ا٠ى االجاتح ػ زا اغؤاي تؼذج طشق -

- It belongs to + م١ش فؼي ( me/you/him/her/us/them. ) أ اع -

= It is + م١ش ى١ح ( mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs. )

( 's ) -( ـ ر تاى١ح فشد ) ذناف ف ا٠ح االع افشد أ االع اجغ از ال ٠

• It is Manal‟s pen. • It is hers. • It belongs to her/ Manal.

• These books are Ali‟s. • They are his. • They belong to him/ Ali.

• men‟s/children‟s/people‟s, ……… etc.

) '( s- ( ذفافح ػ١ا تؼ اجغ) ذناف ف١ ا٠ح جغاى١ح

• That is my grandparents‟ house.

Underline the possessive pronouns. Circle the examples of possessive „s or „

1. Which house is yours?

2. Ours is next door.

3. The football is mine, but the tennis racket is my sister‟s.

4. Whose drum is that?

5. It‟s my brother Amir‟s. The books are his, too.

6. They‟re my parents‟ DVDs. The radio is theirs, too.

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Complete the sentences with a possessive pronoun

1. This is my book. It’s …..………………...

2. That is my uncle’s car. It’s …..…………….…..

3. Those are my friends’ bicycles. They are …..…….…..

4. That is my mother’s book. It’s …..………….……..

5. These tennis rackets belong to you. They’re …..………..…

Complete the questions with possessive „s or „ then ask and answer the questions

1. What/your friends/names? …...............……......................................................

2. What/your father/job? ………………………………………………………….…..

Read and match the words with their meanings

1. b laptop a. A machine for making clothes

2. tennis racket b. A kind of small computer

3. van c. Something you use to hit a ball

4. sewing machine d. Something that is yours

5. possession e. Pages that show days and months

6. radio f . A kind of musical instrument

7. calendar g. A kind of small truck

8. drum h. A machine which you can listen to

Read and correct the mistakes in these sentences

1. Ahmed room is bigger than yours.

Ahmed’s room is bigger than yours.

2. Amir’s mother and father like driving. His parents car is blue.

3. The childrens’ clothes are in that bag.

4. Adel is 15 but he is very good at football. He plays for the mens team.

Choose the correct answer from a , b . c or d:

1- Which bag is ……….. ? a) her b) our c) yours d) their

2- Your house is small, ………….. is big. a) Our b) We c) 0urs d) Her

3- The football is ……….., but the tennis racket is my sister's. a) my b) mine c) their d) her

4- ……….. drum is that? a) When b)What c) Whose d) Who

5- This is ………….. room. a) Manal b) Manals’ c) Manal is d) Manal's

6- That is my uncle's car. It's ………….. . a) hers b) yours c) his d) your

7- These tennis ………….. belong to you. a) rackets b) rockets c) ball d) match

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8- Mona is moving …………... a new house. a) into b) onto c) for d) with

9- Tamer ………….. music every Friday. a) reads b) plays c) speaks d) listens

10- My mother makes clothes with the ………….. machine. a) sewing b) laptop c) computer d) telephone

11- A ………….. consists of pages that show days and months. a) drum b) radio c) calendar d) sewing machine

12- …………… shoes are these, Dad? a) Who b) When c) who’s d) Whose

13- These toys are …………… . a) them b) their c) theirs d) they

14- This is not your book. It‟s …………… . a) my b) mine c) me d) I

15- …………… jacket is it? a) Who b) When c) who’s d) Whose

16- …………… bag is yours ? – The blue one . a) Who b) Which c) Whose d) Where

17- Let me help you …………… things into your new house. a) carry b) carrying c) carried d) carries

18- Ahmed saw a van instead …………… a car. a) in b) of c) at d) on

Read and correct the underlined words:

1- This is mine school. ( ………………… )

2- Ahmed room is bigger than yours. ( ………………… )

3- We are good in English. ( ………………… )

4- Our house is next window. ( ………………… )

5- Hala kicks the ball with the racket. ( ………………… )

6- A laptop is a machine for making clothes. ( ………………… )

7- This isn‟t my pen. It is your. ( ………………… )

8- Amir father and mother like reading. ( ………………… )

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the clarinet )ٺالچص )ڂڂح the oud اؼد instrument آپس

the drum جپ٣رٿس the trumpet اثق prefer ٳٽ

the flute جپنح the violin جپٻڃحڄ really قٷح

the guitar جپؿطح music ڂٷ mind ڃحچ٩

the piano جپرحچ song أٮنس hear ڃ٩

popular حت٩ traditional music ڂٷ ضٷٿىس wedding قٳٽ ٲح

Part of ڂڅ ؾء traditions ضٷحپى include طڃڅ

ago ڂن desert كجء special نح

still ڂحجټ similar to ڂحذو پـ celebrations جقطٳحالش

the same چٳ جپة Upper Egypt ٫ى ڂ description ٱ

Verbs and nouns جپڃ٫ن أفؼاي اعاء Prepositions دشف اجش

hear music ڃ٩ ڂٷ part of ؾء ڂڅ

play the + ٫ ....... أ ع١م١ح north of ؽاي

put a tick ٩ ٪الڂس ف similar to ؾات ـ

do sport ٿ٫د حس remember to ٠رزوش أ

play sport ٿ٫د حس at weddings ف دفالخ اضفاف

like + (v.+ing) reading كد .... جپٷجءز different from خرف ػ

جپكىع ٪څ جألحء جپط ضكريح جألحء جپط ال ضكريح

أقد جپ٫و -

٫ؿرن جپنح -

٫ؿرن جپنح پٻن أٲٽ جپرحچ )٫ؿرن جپرحچ أٺػ( -

پ پى ڂحچ٩ پٿرٴ -

ال ٫ؿرن جپ٣رٿس -

قٷح ال ٫ؿرن ) جپٻالچص ( -

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Salma : Hello, Dad. This is nice music. Is this CD yours? Salma’s father : No, it’s your uncle’s. This song is Egyptian. The instrument is the oud.

Salma : I love the oud. It's my favourite instrument.

I like the guitar, too. What do you think about the guitar, Dad? Salma’s father : I like the guitar, but I prefer the oud. Do you like the drum?

Salma : No, I don't like the drum. Salma’s father : I like it. I also like the violin.

Salma : Yes, I like the violin. It is better than the clarinet.

I really don‟t like the clarinet! Salma’s father : I disagree! I think clarinet music is very beautiful. But I really don't like the trumpet. It's too noisy.

Salma : I don't mind the trumpet, but I love the flute. Salma’s father : I like the flute, but I prefer the piano. It's my favourite instrument.

Salma : I don‟t mind the piano, but the oud is my favourite instrument.

The piano is yours!


Music was an important part of life in Egypt long ago, and it is still important

today. Different parts of the country have different musical traditions and


• Sawahli عاد music comes from the north of Egypt. A favourite instrument

in this kind of music is the simsimiya اغغ١ح . It is similar to a guitar.

• In the deserts of Sinai, many people play the shabbaba .a kind of flute , شبابت

• People from Upper Egypt often play traditional music called Saidi. This

music is very popular at weddings and special celebrations.

• Traditional instruments in Saidi فؼ١ذ music include the rebaba ستاتح, a kind

of violin, and a drum called tabla baladi طبلت بلذي.

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. Music is the same in all parts of Egypt. ( )

2. You won‟t hear Sawahli music in the north of Egypt. ( )

3. You often hear the shabbaba in Upper Egypt. ( )

4. Many people play a kind of drum in Saidi music. ( )

٪نىڂح چٷطر ٺالڀ ” “ چطهىڀ ٪الڂحش جپطن

ه ، چ٩ ٺالڂو ذڅ ىه جالٶج أ جپ٫الڂحش.

“I love the piano.” Dina said.

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1- Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Soha : I like tennis, but my (1) ……………… sport is basketball. I love it.

What about you?

Nada : I (2) ……………….… mind basketball, but I prefer football.

Soha : I (3) …………….… don‟t like football ! Swimming is more interesting.

Nada : I don‟t like (4) ……………….… .

2- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues:

a) Manar : What‟s your favourite kind of music ?

Nadia : ……………………………….…………………………………..……… .

a) Amir : ……………………………….…………………………………..………?

Nader : I love the piano.

3- Choose the correct answer:

1- Your house is small, ……………….. is big. a) Our b) We c) ours d) Her

2- That is my mother's car. It's ………….. . a) hers b) yours c) his d) your

3- ………….… your favourite kind of music? - Slow music. a) Where's b) What’s c) Who's d) Who

4- The phone is ………….… . a) Fareeda b) Fareedas' c) Fareeda's d) your

5- I really don‟t like the ………….… . The violin is more interesting. a) oud b) football c) basketball d) car

6- When and where can you ………….… traditional music today? a) hearing b) hear c) heard d) her

7- Tabla baladi is a ………….… drum. a) kind off b) kind of c) kind on d) harp ل١ثاسج

8- I really don‟t like basketball. It‟s very ………….… . a) interesting b) exciting c) boring d) good

9- Salad is very ………….… for you. a) healthy b) healthier c) health d) bad

10- The simsimya is ………….… the guitar. a) the same b) similar to c) similar for d) same

11- …………… I have the sweets , please ? a) Am b) Have c) Can d) Are

12- Whose cakes are …………… ? a) that b) it c) those d) this

13- …………… flat is near some big shops. a) We b) Our c) Ours d) I

14- Excuse me, Sally. Those pencils aren‟t …………… . a) yours b) your c) you’re d) you

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15- What did Hesham …………… for Salma ? a) brings b) bringing c) bring d) brought

16- These sweets are …………… and those ones are mine . a) you b) yours c) your d) you

4- Read and correct the underlined words :

1- Who’s camera is that ? ( …………………… )

2- These shoes aren‟t my. ( …………………… )

3- Where is you‟re father‟s jacket? ( …………………… )

4- The books belongs to me. It‟s my . ( …………………… )

5- Violin is Ahmad's favourite tool. ( …………………… )

6- Which two objects belongs to his mother? ( …………………… )

7- What do the van belong to? ( …………………… )

6- Simsimya is similar at the guitar. ( …………………… )

7- This is mine school. ( …………………… )

8- Ahmed room is bigger than yours. ( …………………… )

5- Read the following, then answer the questions:

Some people come to Cairo and visit some special places in old Cairo,

for example. Khan El-khalili and El-Hussein. In these places, they like to

hear some kinds of music. In old Cairo, people hear the oud, it is a musical

instrument like the violin. In other places, they can hear the Simsimiya, a

musical instrument similar to the guitar.

A. Answer the following questions;

1. Why do some people come to visit Cairo? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………

2. Where can you hear special kinds of music? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………

3. What is the oud? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………

B. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d:

4. Khan El-khalili and El-Hussein are in ...................................... Cairo. A. Old b. New c. Modern d. Bad

5. The underlined word "these" refers to...................... A. Cairo b. Old Cairo c. Khan al-khalili and El-Hussien d. Aswan

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1- Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1- Who play traditional music? People from ……….………. a) upper Egypt b) lower Egypt c) Sudan

2- What is it called? ……….………. a) Sawahily b) Saidi c) Baladi

3- When is it popular? In ……….………. . a) Weddings b) Presents c) War.

4- What are there? ................................... a. Water b. Tools c. Instruments

2- Finish the following dialogue with one word each:

Amir : Hello. I'm moving into number 24 .

Fareed : Ours is next door. We live at number 26. You‟re welcome.

Is that your (1) ……………… van?

Amir : No, it‟s (2) ………………… uncle's.

Fareed : Are the football and tennis racket yours?

Amir : The football is (3) ………………, but the tennis racket is my sister's.

Fareed : Let me help you (4) ………………… things into your new house.

Amir : Thank you!

3- Supply the missing parts in the following two mini dialogues :

a) Judy : Are those DVDs yours?

Jana : ………………….……………………….……………………………… .

b) Abdo : ………………….………………………………….…………………… ?

Mido : A machine for making clothes.

4- Read the following, then answer the questions:

My name is Hassan. I'm eleven years old. I had a music class yesterday.

After school I talked to my family about the musical instruments. My father

likes the piano but he doesn't like the drum. My mother doesn't like the

clarinet. She thinks that clarinet music isn't beautiful. My brother Ali likes the

trumpet, but my sister Fareeda thinks it's noisy. Her favourite instrument is

the violin. I like the shabbaba. It‟s a kind of flute. A. Answer the following questions;

1- How old is Hassan? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………

2- What did the family talk about yesterday? …………………………………………………………………………….…………………

3- Who likes the shabbaba? …………………………………………………………………………….………………… B. Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d:

4- Fareeda likes the …………………. a) trumpet b) violin c) drum d) guitar

5- The shabbaba Is a kind of …………………. a) drum b) flute c) oud d) piano

Good Luck

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5- The Reader

a) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. The old man killed the marlin with a ………….. . a. gun b. knife c. harpoon d. line

2. Santiago left the skeleton of the fish and …... to his house. a. ran b. sailed c. walked d. bought

b) Answer the following questions:

1. Who ate the marlin?


2. “A bed is my friend,“ said Santiago. How do you think he felt when he said this?

………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6- Choose the correct answer :

1- The football belongs to the students. It‟s ………………. . a) they b) their c) theirs d) them

2- The classroom is for me and my classmates. It‟s ………………. . a) our b) ours c) us d) we

3- What‟s your friend's ………………. ? - He is called Hassan. a) name b) address c) job d) tool

4- He plays ………….. music. a) tradition b) traditional c) traditions d) trade

5- I'm moving ………………. house number 24. a) in b) into c) at d) on

6- Is that your ………………. car ? a) parents' b) parent's c) parents d) present

7- Is that your sister's ………………. machine? a) sowing b) sawing c) sewing d) tool

8- The shabbaba is a kind of ………………. . a) flat b) flute c) flower d) tool

7- Read and correct the underlined word:

1- Is that your tennis rocket? ( ……………… )

2- Who house is yours? ( ……………… )

3- Cairo is a small city. ( ……………… )

8- Write a paragraph of six sentences on : " Egyptian music "








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Ernest Hemingway is one of the

greatest American authors of the

twentieth century. After he left

school, Hemingway drove an

ambulance in Italy in 1918. He had

an exciting life and travelled to a

lot of different countries. He

worked as a journalist in France

and liked the outdoor life. He loved

the desert, the sea and flying

planes. Hemingway often wrote

about his life and the people he

knew. Between 1925 and 1929 he

wrote some of his most important

books: “The Sun Also Rises” and “A

Farewell to Arms”. In 1953, he won the

Pulitzer Prize for his last book, “The

Old Man and the Sea”, and a year later he won the Nobel Prize.

العجوز و البحر

About the Author: څ جپڃإپٱ٪

Ernest Hemingway (1899–1961)

1. Can you name two countries that Hemingway lived in? اع در١ ػاػ تا ١جا America, France or Italy.

2. Which prizes did he win for his books? ا اجائض ارئ فاص تا؟

The Pulitzer Prize; The Nobel Prize.

1. What did he do in Italy? He drove an ambulance.

2. Which of his books won the Pulitzer Prize? اروش ورات از دق ػ جائضج ترضس؟

The Old Man and the Sea won the Pulitzer Prize.

3. When did he win the Nobel Prize? ؟ ر فاص تجائضج ت He won the Nobel Prize in 1954.

1. Why was life for some fishermen in Cuba hard? ارا واد د١اج تؼل اق١اد٠ فؼثح ف وتا؟

Some fishermen had small boats and so couldn’t catch a lot of fish. These people were poor although they worked very hard.

2. Why was it dangerous to catch a marlin in a small boat? ارا وا اخطشج افظ١اد

Because it is a very big, strong fish and it could make the boat turn over. ااس١ تفاسب فغ١ش؟

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1- Santiago: حچطحؾ

•An old but clever fisherman. .

•He taught Manolin to be a fisherman.

•He was very poor.

•He lived in an old house, had old clothes and only a little food.

2- Manolin: ڂحچپڅ •A young boy.

•He loved Santiago very much.

•His parents didn't want him to go fishing with Santiago.

3- Manolin‟s parents: جپىج ڂحچپڅ

•They didn't want him to go fishing with Santiago as he was

old and didn't usually catch many fish.

4- Other fishermen: •They were kind to the old man, but they were sad because he was poor.

•They respected him because he was always patient and hard working.

Life in Cuba

The Old Man and the Sea is about an old fisherman and the day he catches

a wonderful fish called a marlin. The fisherman lives in Cuba. Cuba is

famous for the many fish in its sea.

The marlin is one of the biggest and fastest fish and it is very difficult to

catch. It can be about five metres long and it lives far out in the ocean.

Hemingway loved fishing for marlin in Cuba. He went fishing there many

times. He knew a lot about the fishermen and the marlin.

Life for many fishermen at that time was hard. They had small boats and

they didn‟t have much money. It was dangerous to catch a big fish like a

marlin with a small boat.

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1. Hemingway liked visiting Cuba. ( )

2. Hemingway didn‟t like fishing for marlin. ( )

3. Fishermen in Cuba had an easy life. ( )

4. Fishing for marlin can be difficult. ( )

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Chapter ( 1 )


Santiago حچطحؾ the best جألٲٽ need-ed كطحؼ

Manolin ڂحچپڅ boat ٶحخ catch- caught ٣حو

fisherman حو go fishing ٣حو visit- ed

old man ؾٽ ٪ؿ worried ٶٿٵ help- ed ح٪ى

young boy حخ ٯ strong ٶ carry-carried كڃٽ

parents جپىڅ fishing line نحز talk- ed طكىظ

poor ٲٷ patient ر sit -sat ؿٿ

clothes ڂالذ turtles القٱ ذكس think - thought ٫طٷى

food ٫٢حڀ sad قڅ sail- ed رك

by the sea ذؿج جپرك Good luck ق٥ ٫ى put - put ٩

kind ٢د a long time ٶص ٢ٽ wait- ed نط٧

baseball أڂٻس(پ٫رس ) ذرټ go far - went رط٫ى move- d طكٸ

stories ٶ find - found ؿى/ ؾى see - saw

Santiago was an old fisherman. He taught a young boy called Manolin to

be a fisherman too. The old man needed to catch a big fish because he

was very poor, but Manolin‟s parents didn‟t want him to go fishing with

Santiago. Because Santiago was old, he did not usually catch many fish.

Santiago had old clothes and only a little food. He lived in an old house

by the sea. The other fishermen were kind to the old man, but they were

sad because he was poor. Manolin visited the old man every day. He

helped him and he carried things for him.

In the evenings, Manolin sat with the old man and they talked about

baseball. Santiago told him stories about Africa. He travelled there when

he was a young man. Manolin loved the old man. “There are many

fishermen, but you are the best,” said Manolin. One day, Santiago wanted

to go fishing. Manolin helped him with his boat. “Good luck!” said Manolin.

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The old man sailed out to sea. He went far because he thought he could

find a big fish. Manolin looked for Santiago from his boat while he was

fishing with another man. He was worried about Santiago, but the old man

was strong and he was a good fisherman. Santiago loved the sea and he

knew the sea was his friend. He wasn‟t afraid and he sailed for a long time.

When he was far at sea, he put his fishing line in the water.

Santiago knew that it was important to be patient to catch fish. While he

was waiting, he watched the birds. The birds showed him where to find the

fish. He thought of the beautiful turtles he often saw when he was fishing. He

loved the turtles. He watched his fishing line and he waited for a big fish. It

was very hot. He waited for a long time and then he saw his fishing line

move. He knew that there was a very big fish on his fishing line.

author this person writes books. هؤلف

outdoor not in a house. خارج

ambulance a van that takes people to and from hospital. سارة اسعاف

go fishing catch fish. صطاد سوك

baseball an American sport. بسبول

Good luck do well. حظ سعذ

far not near لس قرب

afraid to feel worried خائف

fishing line you use this to catch fish. سنارة

patient able to wait for a long time بورص

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1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1 - Santiago taught Manolin to be a/an ……………. . a) sailor b) fisherman c) engineer d) author

2- The old man needed to catch a big fish because he was very ………… . a) poor b) rich c) hungry d) clever

3- Manolin's parents didn't want him to go fishing with ……………. . a) the fishermen b) the old man c) any one d) some persons

4- Because Santiago was old, he did not usually……………. many fish. a) catch b) eat c) buy d) sell

5. ……………. had old clothes and only a little food. a) Manolin b) the fishermen c) Santiago d) Manolin's parents

6- Santiago lived in an old house……………. the sea. a) under b) over c) by d) behind

7" The fishermen were ……………. because Santiago was very poor. a) happy b) sad c) good d) famous

8- Santiago told Manolin stories about ……………. . a) Africa b) Asia c) Egypt d) Cuba

9- Manolin looked for Santiago while he was……………. with another man. a) speaking b) fishing c) playing d) eating

10- Santiago knew that it was important to be……………. to catch fish, a) lazy b) young c) famous d) patient

11- The birds showed Santiago where to ……………. the fish. a) find b) sell c) eat d) buy

12- When Santiago saw the fishing ……………. move, he knew that there

was a very big fish. a) boat b) line c) man d) knife

I- Who was Santiago? ؟ ڂڅ ٺحڄ حچطحؾ

- An old and poor fisherman.

2- Who was Manolin? ڂڅ ٺحڄ ڂحچپڅ؟

- A young boy who helped Santiago.

3- What did Santiago teach Manolin? ڂح جپ ٺحڄ ٫ٿڃو حچطحؾ پڃحچپڅ؟

- He taught him to be a fisherman.

4- Why do you think Manolin's parents didn't want him to go fishing with the old man?

پڃحيج پځ ٻڅ جپىج ڂحچپڅ ىجچو أڄ ىد پٿى ڂ٩ جپ٫ؿ؟

- Because Santiago was old and he did not usually catch fish.

5- What did the fishermen feel about Santiago? حؾ؟ذڃحيج ٺحڄ ٫ جپحوڄ ضؿحه حچط

- They were kind to him but They were sad because he was poor.

6- Manolin loved Santiago. How do you know? ٺحڄ ڂحچپڅ كد حچطحؾ. ٺٱ يپٹ؟

- He helped him and carried things for him.

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7- What did Santiago and Manolin talk about in the evenings? ٪څ ڂحيج ٺحڄ طكىظ حچطحؾ ڂحچپڅ ٲ جپڃحء؟

- About baseball and Africa.

8- Why did the old man sail his boat far out to sea? پڃحيج أذك جپ٫ؿ ذ٫ىج ٲ جپرك؟

- To find a big fish.

9- How could Santiago know where to find the fish? ٺٱ ٪ حچطحؾ أڄ ؿى جألڃحٸ؟

- Birds showed him where to find the fish.

10- What animals did the old man see when he went fishing? ڂح جپكجچحش جپط آىح جپ٫ؿ

- He saw beautiful turtles.

11- What did Santiago know when the fishing line moved? ڂحيج ٲيځ حچطحؾ ٪نىڂح ضكٺص جپنحز؟

- There was a very big fish.

1- Why did Manolin love the old man? Because he told him stories and he talked to him about baseball.

2- Why wasn't the old man afraid when he sailed? Because he knew the sea was his friend and so believed it wouldn't hurt him.

3- Why is it important to help old people? Helping them shows respect for them. Sometimes they cannot do things for themselves as they get older and so they need help.

4. Why do you think the old man wasn't afraid of the sea ? I think that because he was a clever fisherman and he knew much about the sea.

5. Do you think Manolin was a good boy ? Why ? Yes, I think so. He often helped the old man and always visited him every day.

6. Do you think birds are friends to fishermen ? why ? Yes, I think so. Birds show fishermen where fish are.

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Manolin's parents didn't want him to go ……………. with Santiago. a) swimming b) fishing c) boxing d) shopping

2- Santiago was an old ……………. a) fisherman b) teacher c) doctor d) mechanic

3- The old man was very poor, so Manolin's ……………. didn't want him to

go fishing with Santiago. a) sister b) mother c) father d) parents

4- Santiago loved the sea and he knew the sea was his ……………. a) son b) brother c) friend d) wife

5- Santiago was old and poor, but he was a ……………. fisherman. a) good b) bad c) lazy d) worse

6- There were many fishermen, but Santiago was the ……………. a) worst b) best c) weakest d) bad

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7- Manolin was worried about Santiago, but Santiago was ……………. a) young b) active c) weak d) strong

8- While Santiago was waiting, the fishing line ……………. a) walked b) waved c) moved d) waited

9- Manolin's parents didn't want Manolin to go ……………. with Santiago. a. fishing b. climbing c. shopping d. running

10- The fishermen were sad because Santiago was ……………. a. rich b. lazy c. poor d. kind

11- Santiago told Manolin stories about ……………. a. Europe b. Africa c. Asia d. Egypt

12- The other fishermen were ……………. to Santiago. a. kind b. unkind c. bad d. sad

2- Answer the following questions:

1- Who was Santiago?


2- How often did Manolin visit the old man?


3- How were the birds helpful to Santiago?


4- What did Santiago often see when he was fishing?


5- How was the weather while fishing?


6- Manolin was a good young boy. How do you know?


7- When did Santiago travel to Africa?


8- What do you think of Manolin?


9- What did the old man and Manolin talk about?


10- Why did Manolin love the old man?


11- Why did the fishing line move?


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Chapter ( 2 )

carefully ذك softly ش ىحوب hope- d أڂٽ

marlin ڃٻس جپڃحپڅ wonderful جت٩ hold - held ڃٹ

difficult ٫د night پٽ hurt - hurt ؿـ

afraid نحتٱ day چيح try - tried كحټ

good prize ؾحتز ؾىز pull- ed /ى كد stay- ed ٷځ / رٷ

hungry ؾحت٩ swim - swam رف talk- ed طٻٿځ

until the end قط جپنيحس sell - sold ر٩ feel - felt ٫

Santiago carefully held the fishing line and he

knew there was a very big fish there. He thought

that it was a marlin, which was one of the biggest

fish in the sea. He was an old man and he knew

that it would be difficult to catch this fish and take

it home. But he was strong, he was a good

fisherman and he needed this fish.

The marlin was very strong. The fish was on the fishing line, but the old man

could not pull the fish onto the boat. The fish swam fast and pulled the boat

far out to sea. ا عهى انسغم مه أن انسمكت كبوج معهقت ببنسىبزة إال إو مل يسخطع سحبب نهقبزة. نرا قبمج انسمكت

إن مسكت املبزنني كبوج قيت جد

ا داخم انبحس. ببنسببحت بسسعت سحبج انقبزة بعيد

Santiago wasn‟t afraid. He knew the fish was a good prize and he could sell

it for a lot of money. That night, he didn‟t sleep. He thought about Manolin

and he thought about the big fish on the fishing line.

“Fish,” he said softly, “I‟ll stay with you until the end.”

ب. عهم أن انسمكت سخكن جبئصة جيدة إو يسخطيعأن يبيعب مببهغ كبري مه املبل. يف ري انهيهت مل يىم مل يكه سبوخيبج خبئف

سبوخيبج. كهه يفكس يف مبونني انسمكت انكبرية . قبل بصث بدا "يب مسكت سأظم معكي حىت انىبيت."

The fish swam for a long time and pulled the boat a long way. Santiago

held the fishing line with one hand and he hoped the fish would become

tired. The next day, the old man was very hungry and his hand hurt. A small

bird rested on his boat and he talked to it. He was sad that Manolin wasn‟t

with him.

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Suddenly, the fish jumped high out of the water and the old man saw it. It

was bigger than his small boat! The old man knew that this was a wonderful

fish. It was strong like him and it wasn‟t afraid. The old man was now very

tired, but he felt strong and he had enough food and water.

“How do you feel, fish?” he asked. “I feel good. I have food for a night and

a day.” Soon it was the second night and again Santiago didn‟t sleep. He

thought about when he was a young man. He was stronger and faster then.

“Pull the boat, fish,” he said. “One of us must stop. It will not be me!”

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. The marlin was one of the ...................... fish in the sea. a. shortest b. thinnest c. smallest d. biggest

2. The marlin was too ...................... for Santiago to catch. a. strong b. small c. easy d. high

3. Santiago knew the marlin was a good ...................... . a. health b. prize c. boat d. cloth

4. The fish swam fast and ...................... the boat far out to sea. a. pulled b. pushed c. smashed d. trapped

5. Santiago hoped the marlin became ...................... . a. big b. small c. tired d. afraid

6. Santiago was ...................... that Manolin wasn't with him. a. glad b. happy c. tired d. sad

7. The marlin was ...................... than the old man's boat. a. bigger b. smaller c. higher d. weaker

8. The marlin was strong like Santiago, but he wasn't ...................... . a. big b. weak c. strong d. afraid

9. Santiago was stronger and ...................... when he was young, a. faster b. happier c. older d. sadder

10. Santiago could sell the fish ...................... money. a. a lot of b. little c. no d. less

11. The fish/Santiago pulled the boat.

12. The fish was strong and it wasn‟t/was afraid.

13. The fish didn‟t become tired/strong.

14. It was a young/wonderful fish.

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1. What's a marlin? ڂح ى جپڃحپڅ؟

- It's one of the biggest fish in the sea.

2. Why did Santiago hold the fishing line carefully ? پڃحيج أڂٹ حچطحؾ جپنحز ذ٫نحس؟

- Because he knew there was a very big fish there.

3. Why was it difficult to catch the marlin ? ؟پڃحيج ٺحڄ ڂڅ جپ٫د ج٣حو جپڃحپڅ

- Because it was big and strong. Also, he was an old man.

4. What did the marlin do to the boat? ڂحيج ٲ٫ٿص جپڃحپڅ ذحپٷحخ؟

- It swam fast and pulled the boat far out to sea.

5. Why was Santiago keen to catch the fish ? پڃحيج ئىطځ حچطحؾ ذح٣حو جپڃحپڅ؟

- Because he knew it was a good prize and he could sell it for a lot of money.

6. Why wasn't Santiago able to sleep that night ? پڃحيج پځ ط٩٣ حچطحؾ جپنڀ ضٿٹ جپٿٿس؟

- Because he thought about Manolin and the big fish.

7. What did Santiago hope ? ڂحيج ٺحڄ أڂٽ حچطحؾ؟

- He hoped the fish would become tired.

8. How was Santiago the next day ? ٺٱ ٺحڄ حچطحؾ ٲ جپڀ جپطحپ؟

- He was very hungry and his hand hurt.

9. Why was Santiago sad when the small bird rested on his boat ? پڃحيج ٺحڄ حچطحؾ قنح ٪نىڂح ٶٱ جپ٣حت ٪ٿ ٶحذو؟

- Because Manolin wasn't with him. .

10. When did Santiago know that the big fish was bigger than his boat ?

- When it jumped out of the water. ڂط ٪ حچطحؾ أڄ جپڃٻس أٺر ڂڅ ٶحذو؟

1. Why do you think Santiago wasn't afraid of the fish ? I think so because he was a clever fisherman and still strong. Also the sea was his friend and would never hurt him.

2. Do you want Santiago to catch the marlin ? Yes. Because I feel sorry for him as he was poor and old. I want him to make money and not to be poor anymore.

3. If the old man thought the fish was wonderful, why do you think he

wanted to catch it ? I think he was poor and he needed to catch it to make much money.

4. Do you think Santiago was in need of Manolin? Why? Yes. He thought about Manolin because he was feeling sad and lonely without him.

5. Do you think a fisherman's life is easy ? Why / Why not ? No, because he has to catch fish in all kinds of weather and it is often dangerous. Also, he has to work very long hours.

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1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. Santiago was .................... and he was a good fisherman. a. weak b. cheap c. strong d. funny

2. "Fish, I'll stay with you until the end/said .................... . a. the marlin b. Manolin c. Santiago d. Manolin’s parents

3. Santiago could sell the fish for a lot of .................... . a. silver b. money c. food d. notes

4. A small .................... rested on Santiago's boat and he talked to it. a. fish b. shark c. bird d. octopus

5. The fish swam for a long time and pulled the boat a .................... way. a. wide b. high c. long d. short

6. Santiago didn't steep for two .................... . a. hours b. weeks c. nights d. months

7. Santiago wasn't .................... . He needed the fish. a. afraid b. old c. sad d. wild

8. Santiago knew the size of the fish when it..................... out of the sea. a. drove b. dived c. jumped d. said

2. Answer the following questions:

1. Why wasn't Santiago afraid of the fish ?


2. Why did Santiago hold the fishing line carefully?


3. What did he think the fish was?


4. What is a martin?


5. Why did he need the fish ?


6. Was the marlin weak and small ?


7. Where did the fish pull the boat?


8. What did the old man think about during the first and the second night?


9. When did Santiago see the fish?


10. Why was the old man very tired?


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Chapter ( 3 )


suddenly ٲؿأه towards ٲ جضؿحه wake up - woke طٷ٥

harder أٺػ ىه as big as ٲ چٳ قؿځ cut - cut ؾـ

badly ذء later ٲڃح ذ٫ى rest- ed طف

around قټ half چٱ wait- ed نط٧

tail يٽ many others آنڅ ٺػڄ come out- came ض٧ي

slowly ذر١ء skeleton ٧ڃ ىٻٽ٪ kill- ed ٷطٽ

harpoon ڂف ى جپكطحڄ only ٲٷ١ sail- ed رك

enormous هځ body ؾځ attack- ed يحؾځ

behind نٿٱ quickly ذ٪و ruin- ed ك٣ځ

shark ڃٻس ٶ

It was night and Santiago was sleeping. Suddenly, he woke up. The fish was

swimming fast and jumping out of the water. The old man pulled the fishing

line, but the fish pulled harder. The fishing line cut the old man‟s hand and it

hurt badly. He ate some food and rested and then he felt a little stronger.

The old man couldn‟t rest for long. He knew that the big fish was becoming

tired because now it was swimming around the boat. The old man held the

fishing line and he waited. Suddenly, he saw the fish‟s tail come out of the

water. The old man waited for the fish to come nearer to the boat and he

slowly took his harpoon. When the fish was near the boat, he used the

harpoon to kill the enormous fish.

The fish was too big to put in the boat. So the old man started to sail home

and pulled the fish behind the boat. He was happy because he knew he

could sell the fish for a lot of money. But he felt sad for the fish, too.

دا ألو عسف كبوج انسمكت كبريي جدا نكي يضعب يف انقبزة. نرا بدأ انعجش يف اإلحببز عبئدا ملىصن جبذبب انسمك خهف انقبزة . كبن انعجش سعي 0أن بئمكبو بيع انسمك مقببم مبهغ كبري مه املبل إال أو شعس ببحلصن جتبي انسمك أيضب

While he was sailing home, an enormous shark started swimming towards

the boat. The shark was as big as the marlin and wanted to eat it. The old

man took his harpoon and he killed the shark, but later more sharks came.

The sharks attacked the boat and quickly started eating the marlin. The old

man wasn‟t afraid and he killed seven more sharks with his harpoon.

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After he killed the sharks, he talked to the fish. “You are now half a fish,” he

said. “Fish that you were, I‟m sorry that I went too far out. I ruined us both.

But we have killed many sharks, you and I, and ruined many others.” In the

night, more sharks attacked the boat and ate all of the fish. The fish was

now only a skeleton. The old man was tired and his body hurt. He looked at

the skeleton and he felt very sad.

Words and definitions

around (move) in a circle حول

attack try to hurt a person, animal or a place هجن على

enormous very big ضخن

harpoon you can use this to catch a big fish حربه/ رهح لصذ الحتاى

kill end a life قتل

ruined made bad دهر 1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. The fish was swimming around the boat. It was becoming ...................... . a. big b. cheap c. tired d. strong

2. The fish pulled the ...................... very hard. a. fishing line b. old man c. shark d. harpoon

3. The fishing line cut the old man's ...................... and it hurt badly. a. arm b. fingers c. hand d. body

4. The old man saw the fish's ...................... come out of the water. a. body b. mouth c. tail d. head

5. The old man used the ...................... to kill the enormous fish. a. harpoon b. gun c. pin d. knife

6. The shark was as big as the ...................... . a. marlin b. whale c. house d. school

7. Santiago killed ...................... sharks with his harpoon. a. seven b. eight c. nine d. ten

8. Santiago couldn‟t put the fish in the boat because it was ....................... a. big b. small c. light d. tiny

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1. Why did the old man wake up ? پڃحيج جطٷ٥ جپ٫ؿ؟

Because the fish was swimming fast and jumping out of water.

2. How was the old man's hand cut ? ٺٱ ؾقص ى جپ٫ؿ؟

The fishing line cut his hand (because the fish was pulling it hard).

3. How did Santiago know the fish was getting tired ?ٺٱ ٪ٿځ حچطحؾ أڄ جپڃٻس أركص ڂط٫رس؟

When it was swimming around the boat.

4. Why did the old man pull the fish behind the boat ? حيج كد جپ٫ؿ جپڃٻس نٿٱ جپٷحخ؟پڃ

Because it was too big to put in the boat.

5. What part of the fish did Santiago see? ڂح جپؿأ جپ ٦ي ڂڅ جپڃٻس؟

Its tail.

6. When did the first shark swim towards the boat ? ڂط رف أټ ٶ ذحضؿحه جپٷحخ؟

While Santiago was sailing home.

7. Why was Santiago happy after killing the big fish ? پڃحيج ٺحڄ حچطحؾ ٫ىج ذ٫ى ٶطٽ جپڃٻس؟

Because he could sell it for a lot of money.

8. Why did the shark attack the boat? ؾځ جپٷ جپٷحخ؟ پڃحيج ىح

To eat the marlin.

9. How did Santiago kill the shark? ٺٱ ٶطٽ حچطحؾ جپٷ؟

With his harpoon.

10. How many sharks did the old man kill ? ٺځ ٪ىو أڃحٸ جپٷ جپط ٶطٿيح جپ٫ؿ؟

8 sharks.

11. How did the old man feel on seeing the skeleton of the fish ?ڂح ٫ جپ٫ؿ پؤطو ىٻٽ جپڃٻس؟

He felt very sad.

12. What remains of the fish ? ڂح جپ ضرٷ ڂڅ جپڃٻس؟

Its skeleton.

1. Why do you think that the old man was sad about the fish ? I think it had become like a friend to him.

2. Are you happy that the old man killed the sharks ? Why / why not ? Yes, because they were eating his fish which he wanted to sell to get money.

3. Do you think the old man was a good fisherman ? Why/Why not ? Yes, I think so as he could catch the marlin. (Or) I think so as he sailed far out at sea alone although he was old. No, I don't think so as he sailed far out at sea and it was dangerous.

4. Do you think the old man will stop fishing ? Why / Why not ? Yes, he might stop fishing because he is very tired and old. No. He might not stop fishing because he doesn't like losing.

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1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. The marlin was a ...................... fish, so Santiago was sad for it. a. small b. wonderful c. terrible d. bad

2. The fish was too ...................... to put in the boat. a. big b. small c. tiny d. hear

3. The fish was only a ...................... after more sharks attacked the boat. a. skeleton b. marltn c. half d. harpoon

4. Santiago felt ...................... when he saw the marlin just a skeleton. a. kind b. unkind c. bad d. sad

5. After Santiago killed the sharks, he ...................... to the fish. a. walked b. talked c. took d. woke

6. The old man ...................... the fish and himself. a. played b. trapped c. ruined d. attacked

7. Santiago used a ...................... to kill the big fish. a. cutter b. knife c. line d. harpoon

8. More sharks attacked the boat and ...................... all of the fish. a. slept b. ate c. drank d. left

2. Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Santiago wake up?


2. Why was the old man happy while sailing home?


3. What part of the marlin did Santiago see coming out of water?


4. How many sharks did the old man kill ?


5. What did the fishing line cut?


6. How did the old man cut his hand ?


7. What happened to the old man after eating some food?


8. What did the sharks do to the fish?


9. Was the old man sad for killing the fish?


10. When did he use his harpoon to kill the fish?


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Chapter (4 )


the lights جالجء size قؿځ lie down-lay ٶى

far away ذ٫ىج ؾىج bed look after ٫طن ذـ

exhausted ڂنيٹ hardworking ڂؿطيى smile- d رطځ

by the boat حخذؿج جپٷ shirt ٶڃ believe- d ىٴ

café ڂٷي something ة ڂح respect- ed كطڀ

coffee ٶيز patient ر bring- brought ك

Santiago sailed home with the skeleton behind the

boat. That night, more sharks came and swam

around the boat, but they didn‟t stay because the

marlin was only a skeleton. The small boat sailed

fast, and soon the old man saw the lights of the

houses far away. He was exhausted.

“A bed is my friend. I just want a bed,” he said. When he got home, it was

night. People did not see him. Manolin and all the fishermen were sleeping.

He left the skeleton of the fish by the boat and he started to walk to his

house. He walked very slowly because he was so tired. It took him a long

time. When he got home, he drank some water and went to bed.

The next day, Manolin saw Santiago‟s boat. He visited the old man‟s house.

When he saw the old man and his cut hand, he was very sad. Manolin went

to the café to get some coffee for him. The old man was happy to see the

boy and they talked. Manolin wanted to go fishing with the old man again.

“Lie down, old man, and I will bring you a clean shirt and something to

eat,” said Manolin. He wanted to look after the old man. The old man

smiled and soon he was sleeping.

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The fishermen saw the skeleton of the marlin by Santiago‟s boat and they

couldn‟t believe its enormous size. They felt sad for the old man, but they

respected him because he was always patient and hard working.

Words and definitions

exhausted very tired هنهك

lie down what you do when you want to go to sleep رقذ

respect think well of a person حترم

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. Santiago sailed home with the skeleton ..................... the boat. a. next to b. in front of c. behind d. by

2. The sharks didn't stay because the marlin was only a ..................... . a. skeleton b. hand c. body d. tail

3. When Santiago got home, it was ..................... . a. morning b. night c. afternoon d. noon

4. When Santiago got home, Manolin and the fishermen were ..................... . a. eating b. reading c. sleeping d. drinking

5. Santiago was very tired, so he walked very ..................... . a. fast b. slightly c. quickly d. slowly

6. ..................... visited the old man's house. a. The marlin b. Manolin's parents c. Manolin d. The fishermen

7. Santiago was patient and ....................., so the fishermen respected him. a. hard working b. lazy c. dirty d. exhausted

8. "Lie ............................. " is what you do when you want to go to sleep. a. up b. down c. out d. in

9. "Exhausted" means very..................... a. old b. big c. expensive d. tired

10. Manolin was sad when he saw Santiago's cut.................... a. leg b. hand c. finger d. arm

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1- The sharks came to the boat, but they didn't stay. Why ?

Because the marlin was only a skeleton.

2- How was the old man when he got home

He was exhausted.

3- Why didn't the people see him ?

They were sleeping.

4- Why did he walk slowly?

Because he was very tired.

5- What did he do when he got home?

He drank some water and slept.

6- Why did the fishermen respect Santiago ?

Because he was always patient and hard working.

7- What couldn’t the fishermen believe?

They couldn't believe the marlin's enormous size.

8- Where did the old man leave the skeleton of the fish ?

He left it by the boat.

9- Why was Manolin sad when he saw the old man ?

Because he had a cut hand.

10- Who came to the old man's house the next day ?


1. Why do you think Santiago said "A bed is my friend,"? I think he meant that he was too tired and wanted to relax.

2. Why do you think the small boat sailed home fast? Because the fish was only a skeleton.

3. Do you respect the old man (Santiago)? Why or why not? Yes. He is patient, brave and hard working.

4. Why do you think the fishermen felt sad for the old man? Because he caught a big fish, but it became a skeleton.

5. Do you admire the character of Manolin? Why or why not? I admire Manolin as I think he was kind to the old man and he wanted to go fishing with him again. He wanted to look after the old man.

6. Do you think the old man and Manolin will go fishing again? Yes, I do.

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1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. Manolin went to the café to get some .................... for Santiago. a. tea b. coffee c. water d. orange juice

2. All the fishermen .................... Santiago". a. respected b. hated c. left d. disliked

3. Santiago was .................... when he saw Manolin. a. bad b. sad c. happy d. dirty

4. Manolin wanted to .................... the old man. a. look out b. look after c. look for d. look up

5. It took Santiago a .................... time to get home. a. short b. long c. tall d. high

6. The old man saw the .................... of the houses far away. a. doors b. floors c lights d. roofs

2. Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Santiago walk slowly?


2. Why was the old man exhausted?


3. Why was Manolin sad when he saw the old man?


4. Where did the old man leave the skeleton of the fish?


5. Do you think that Manolin will go fishing with Santiago again ?


6. What did Manolin bring the old man?


7. What did the people doing when Santiago came back home?


8. Did it take Santiago a short time to go home?


9. Why did Manolin go to a café?


10. Do you respect the old man?


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Regular Verbs أفعال منتظمت

(d – ed – ied) س ذححٲ ڂنيح ڄ جپطٱ جپػحچ جپػحپعٻطى جألٲ٫حټ جپط

Present ( V.1 ) جپڃ٫ن Past ( V.2 ) Present ( V.1 ) جپڃ٫ن Past ( V.2 )

add ٱ added stop ٠رلف stopped

answer ؿد answered talk ٠رذذز talked

ask أټ asked thank ٠ؾىش thanked

brush ٯٽ ذحپٳحز brushed travel ٠غافش travelled

call طٽ/ نحو called turn ٠رج/ ٠ف turned

check ٳك/ جؾ٩ checked visit ٠ضس visited

cook ٣رم cooked wait ٠رظش waited

cover ٯ٣ covered walk ٠ؾ walked

design ڃځ designed want ٠ش٠ذ wanted

drip ) نٷ١ ) جپنر dripped wash ٠غغ washed

enjoy طڃط٩ enjoyed watch ٠ؾاذ watched

finish ني finished work ٠ؼ worked

happen كىظ happened study ٠ذسط studied

help ح٪ى helped worry ٠مك worried

laugh كٹ laughed carry ٠ذ carried

learn ط٫ٿځ learned agree ٠افك agreed

lift ٲ٩ lifted arrive ٠ق arrived

listen طڃ٩ listened change ٠غ١ش changed

miss ٳٷى missed circle ٠نغ دائشج circled

open ٳطف opened decide ٠مشس decided

plan ه١٣ planned disagree ٠ؼاسك disagreed

play ٿ٫د played include ٠رن included

prefer ٳٽ preferred like ٠ذة/ ٠ؼجة liked

push ىٲ٩ pushed live ٠ؼ١ؼ lived

rain ضڃ٣ rained love ٠ذة loved

remember طٺ remembered move شن٠رم/ ٠رذ move

repair ٿف repaired pollute ٠ز polluted

repeat ٻ repeated share ٠ؾاسن shared

sew ه١ sewed save ٠فش saved

show رڅ/ ف showed underline ٠نغ خطا ذذد underlined

spell طيؿ spelled use ٠غرخذ used

start رىأ started waste ٠ثزس wasted

stay ٷځ stayed wave ٠ح waved

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Irregular Verbs أفعال غر منتظمت ذ٫ جألٲ٫حټ ٮ جپڃنط٧ڃس جپڃؾوز ٲ ڂنيؽ جپٱ جألټ جإل٪ىجو جپٳٽ جپىج جألټ

Present ( V.1 ) اؼ Past ( V.2 ) Past participle ( V.3 )

become ٠قثخ became become

build ٠ث built built

buy ط bought bought

catch ٠غه caught caught

come ٠أذ came come

cost ٠رىف cost cost

cut ٠مطغ cut cut

drink خ drank drunk

drive ) ٠مد ) اغ١اسج drove driven

eat أٺٽ ate eaten

find ٠جذ found found

fly ٠ط١ش flew flown

get ػ٠ذق got got/ gotten

go ٠زة went gone

grow ٠ / ٠ضسع grew grown

have ٠ره / ٠راي had had

hurt ٠ؤ / ٠ؤر hurt hurt

know ٠ؼشف knew known

lose ٠فمذ / ٠ن lost lost

make ٠قغ made made

meet ٠مات met met

pay ) ٠ذفغ ) مد paid paid

put ٩ put put

read ٠مشأ read read

ride ٠شوة rode ridden

run ٠جش ran run

say ٠مي said said

see ٠ش saw seen

sell ٠ث١غ sold sold

send ٠شع sent sent

sit ٠جظ sat sat

spend ٠فك اي / ٠من لد spent spent

swim ٠غثخ swam swum

take ٠أخز took taken

teach ٠ؼ taught taught

wear ٠شذذ wore worn

write ٠ىرة wrote written

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Test 1. Listening

My name’s Magda. I’m twelve years old. I live in Cairo. I go to a

preparatory school. My favourite subject is English. I like tennis.

Test 2. Listening My name’s Arwa. I’m thirteen years old. I live with my family in a village

near Mansoura. My father is an accountant. My mother is a teacher. I have

two brothers and one sister.

Test 3. Listening Egypt is famous for its delicious food! Do you like soup? My favourite soup

is Molokhia. It’s very healthy. Koshari is a very popular dish.

Test 4. Listening Hi! I'm Khalid. I always go to school on the metro. My school is in Ataba

near the general hospital. So I can change lines in El-Shohadaa .

Test 5. Listening Mahmoud invited Magdy for lunch. They went to a nice restaurant near

their houses. After lunch Magdy wanted to watch a film in the cinema, so

Mahmoud went with him.

Test 6. Listening Water is very important, so we shouldn’t waste it. To save water, we

should take short showers. Also, when we brush our teeth, we should turn

off taps and repair old taps.

Test 7. Listening Last weekend I went shopping with my mother. We drove to the shopping

centre near the river. We always go to this shopping center because there

are a lot of shops in one place.

Test 8. Listening Last weekend I visited my uncle's farm in the village by car. The country is

quiet. There is no pollution. We spent a good time.

Test 9. Listening People from Upper Egypt often play traditional music called Saidi. This

music is very popular at weddings and special celebrations. There are

many Traditional instruments.

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A day in my life

I am a student at prep school. My mother wakes me up early. I wash,

get dressed and eat breakfast. My father sometimes takes me to school.

We have many lessons a day. We study Arabic , English, German , maths ,

science, social studies, art, music and computer studies. Computer studies

is my favourite subject.

An architect

My uncle is an architect. He designs new buildings. He works in an office.

He is helpful. He likes his job very much. He works hard.

A doctor

My mother is a doctor. She is 40 years old. She works in a hospital. She is

helpful. She likes her job very much. She works hard.

A farmer

My grandfather is a farmer. He is 60 years old He works on a farm. He is

helpful. He likes his job very much. He works hard.

A chef

My uncle is a chef. He is 40 years old. He works in a restaurant. He cooks

delicious food. He is helpful. He likes his job very much. He works hard.

A mechanic

My uncle is a mechanic. He repairs cars. He works in a garage. He is

helpful. He a hard working person. He likes his job very much. He works


An accountant

My uncle is an accountant. He works with money. He works in a bank.

He is helpful and kind. He likes his job very much. He works hard.

A tour guide

My uncle is a tour guide. He shows people famous places. He speaks

English well. He is helpful. He likes his job very much. He works hard.

A scientist

My uncle is a scientist. He is 40 years old. He does experiments. He works

in a lab. He is helpful. He likes his job very much. He works hard.

An engineer

My uncle is an engineer. He is 35 years old. He works in a company. He

builds new bridges, dams and roads. He is helpful. He likes his job very

much. He works hard.

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A teacher

My father is a teacher. He is 40 years old. He works in a school. He

teaches English. He is helpful. He likes his job very much. He works hard.

"Barber's job"

This is my uncle Samy. He is a barber. He cuts people's hair. He uses a

comb and scissors. He is helpful. He likes his job very much. He makes new

cuts every year.

The City life

I live in a city. Cities are too noisy. The roads are too busy. There are too

many cars. The air is too polluted. It's very fast. But there's a lot to do and

see there.

The country life

I live in the countryside. It's quieter than the city. It's less polluted. There

are a lot of green areas. Life is slow. It's relaxing. It has clean air.

'Tabla baladi"

I like musical instruments. Tabla baladi is a kind of drum. It comes from

Upper Egypt. It's an Egyptian musical instrument. It's my favourite . It's very

popular. It's used in weddings and special celebrations.

" The Shabbaba "

I like shabbaba. It is a kind of flute. Many people play the shabbaba in

the deserts of Sinai. It is used at weddings in Sinai. It's an Egyptian musical

instrument. It's my favourite musical instruments.

The Simsimiya

I like simsimiya. It's played in the north of EGYPT. It's an Egyptian musical

instrument. It's my favourite musical instruments . It's very popular. It's used

in weddings and special celebrations.

Our day in Cairo

Last summer, we went to Cairo for the first time. We went there by bus.

We went to the shopping centre. we bought some new clothes. we went to

Khan EL khalili. We listened to some Egyptian music.

My favourite hobby

My favourite hobby is drawing. I like painting in my free time. My father

helps me a lot. He buys me what I need. I like painting at school. I like my

teacher of art very much.

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Social studies or Geography lesson

Social studies is my favourite subject. It's very interesting. In the

geography lesson, we read about cities and countries. We read about

rivers, seas and lakes. We learn about our country, Egypt. We also learn

about the weather.

Ful medames

Ful medames is broad beans, lemon, onions and tomatoes .It is a

famous Egyptian dish. It's delicious. It's very healthy. You can find it in many

countries. I like it very much. It's popular. I eat it every day.


Kofta is meat, onions and herbs. It is a famous Egyptian dish. It's

delicious. It's very healthy. You can find it in many countries. I like it very

much. It's popular all over the world. I eat it every Friday.


Koshari is a very popular dish. There isn't any meat in it. The main

ingredients are lentils, rice and pasta. It is a famous Egyptian dish. It's

delicious. It's very healthy. I like it very much. I eat it on Mondays.

Lentil soup

Lentil soup has yellow lentils, onions, potatoes and carrots. It is a famous

Egyptian dish. It's delicious. It's very healthy. I like it very much. It's popular .

I eat it in winter.

The Egyptian Museum"

The Egyptian Museum is one of the most important places in Cairo. It is

full of amazing things. Visit it to learn about Egypt's history. It is in Tahrir

Square. You can go by metro. You will be very happy there.

"The Cairo Metro"

The Cairo metro is the first metro system in Africa. It is so special. It has

three lines. It‟s the quickest and the easiest way to travel around the city.

It's cheap and easy. The tickets cost one pound each.

A clean park"

Yesterday, we were cleaning the park. There was rubbish everywhere.

We were carrying the rubbish bags to the car. When we finished cleaning,

the park was beautiful and clean. We were very happy. We should keep

the park clean.

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Canals of the Nile are very important. We use the canals to get clean

water for drinking and for farms. But when canals become polluted and

ugly, water becomes dirty and unhealthy. People get sick when they drink

it. We shouldn‟t throw rubbish in canals. We should clean them for our health.

"The high dam"

The high dam is one of Egypt‟s great projects. It stores a lot of water

behind its walls. The high dam stops the dangerous floods of the past. We

also use it to make electricity. it also helps us to grow more crops.


Water is important for our life. We waste water when we don't use it

carefully. We can save water by taking a short shower. fie should repair old

taps. We can save a lot of money when we save water.


The floods were good for the land because they carried soil and fresh

water. This helped plants to grow. Dams stop the dangerous floods. Most of

the water stays behind the walls of the dam to use it when we need. The

Aswan dam opened in 1971 to stop dangerous floods of the past.

"Shopping Centres"

Last weekend we went shopping. Fie drove to a shopping centre on the

other side of Cairo. I like shopping centres because 1 can do all my

shopping in one place. I wore good walking shoes because the shopping

centre is very big. It's my favourite place to go shopping.

"Shopping in a supermarket"

You can buy many things in a supermarket. You can buy different kinds

of vegetables and fruit. Yesterday 1 went to the supermarket with a big

shopping bag. 1 bought two kilos of tomatoes, a kilo of carrots and a

watermelon. I also bought some spices.

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rung rang ring sung sang sing sunk sank sink drunk drank drink shrunk shrank shrink swum swam swim

begun began begin

Group 2

fed fed defe led led dale bred bred debre read read read

dlos dlos lels dlot dlot lelt

slid slid eslid ldeh ldeh ldoh



Group 5

bent bent bend sent sent send lent lent lend spent spent spend built built build slept slept sleep kept kept keep crept crept creep wept wept weep swept swept sweep leapt/(leaped) leapt/(leaped) leap

felt felt feel meant meant mean dreamt/(dreamed) dreamt/(dreamed) dream

met met meet left left leave lost lost lose

burnt /(burned) burnt /(burned) burn

Group 3

hit hit hit fit fit fit Spit / (spat) Spit / (spat) spit knit /(knitted) knit /(knitted) knit quit quit quit let let let set set set upset upset upset shut shut shut cut cut cut put put put cost cost cost spread spread spread broadcast broadcast broadcast

Group 4

bought bought buy

fought fought fight

sought sought seek

thought thought think brought brought bring taught taught teach

caught caught catch

Group 6

hung hung hang

hanged hanged hang (to kill)

dug dug dig

shot shot shoot

stood stood stand

understood understood understand

stuck stuck stick

sat sat sit won won win

made made make

paid paid Pay

Laid Laid lay

Said Said say

lit/lighted lit/lighted light

found found find

founded founded found


Mnemonic Rhyming Groups

Mr. Mohamed Shaban

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Group 9

ddive / ddive

ve od

ve id done did do gone went go

dhear dhear hear

dha had have enbe was, were am, is (be)

,are come meac come

become meabec become overcome meaoverc overcome run ran run

nsee aws see

/ nsaw


edsaw saw

dlie dlie lie say

false ayl ayl lie idla idla lay


Irregular verbs

Group 7

thrown threw throw grown grew grow blown blew blow drawn drew draw withdrawn withdrew withdraw flown flew fly known knew know



Group 8

written teowr teiwr chosen chose seocho

nzeofr zeofr zeeefr nekosp ekosp keasp nkeowa keoaw keaaw

enkobr ekobr keabr enlost elost least

nedrid deor deir nrise seor seir

nshake kooSh ekash ntake koot ekat

enovertak kooOvert ekaovert koomist koomist ekamist

enfall llef llaf tenforgot toforg teforg

denhid hid ehid ed/shavnshave edshav shave

ntetbi bit ebit enbeat beat beat nrosw erosw reasw

nrot erot reat nrwo erow reaw

nveow veow veeaw denforbid edaforb diforb

given veag veig nveiforg veaforg veiforg

ndrive veodr veidr eneat eat ate /gottentgo tog teg

ed/provnprove dprove prove

nshow edshow show /(waked) nkeow /(waked) ke oW keaw

No change


cut – cut – cut

put – put – put

one change


sell – sold – sold


Two changes


