ПОСІБНИК Афанасова Кресан

Управління освіти Ніжинської міської ради Ніжинський ліцей Ніжинської міської ради при НДУ імені Миколи Гоголя А фанасова С. І. Кресан Н. П. Don’t Be Afraid to Tell the World Who You Are Збірник навчальних матеріалів 3



Transcript of ПОСІБНИК Афанасова Кресан

Page 1: ПОСІБНИК Афанасова Кресан

Управління освіти Ніжинської міської радиНіжинський ліцей Ніжинської міської ради

при НДУ імені Миколи Гоголя

Афанасова С. І.

Кресан Н. П.

Don’t Be Afraid to Tell the

World Who You Are

Збірник навчальних матеріалів

Ніжин - 20153

Page 2: ПОСІБНИК Афанасова Кресан

УДК 811.111(075.3)

ББК 81.43.21 я72

А 94

Рекомендовано до друку Науково - методичною радою ліцеюПротокол №1 від 10.09.15р.


Афанасова С.І., учитель англійської мови Ніжинського ліцею Ніжинської міської ради

при НДУ ім. М.Гоголя, учитель - методист;

Кресан Н.П., учитель англійської мови Ніжинського ліцею Ніжинської міської ради

при НДУ ім. М.Гоголя.


Карпенко Н.М. – кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри англійської мови та

методики викладання Ніжинського державного університету імені Миколи Гоголя.

Don’t Be Afraid to Tell the World Who You Are : [Збірник навчальних

матеріалів] / Афанасова С.І., Кресан Н.П. – Ніжин, 2015. – 52 с.

Книга є збірником додаткових навчальних матеріалів з англійської

мови для 10 класу загальноосвітніх шкіл та спрямована на розвиток та

вдосконалення навичок, набутих учнями при роботі з основним

підручником та відповідно до діючої програми. Рівень складності та

лексичне наповнення текстів дозволяють використовувати їх також у

роботі із учнями на факультативах, консультаціях та у роботі з

обдарованими дітьми.


Передмова………………………………………………………………. 34

Page 3: ПОСІБНИК Афанасова Кресан

1 Grammar………………………………………………………………… 5

2 Grammar Exercises……………………………………………………… 8

3 Texts…………………………………………………………………….. 14

4 Text Work……………………………………………………………….. 21

5 Vocabulary Practice……………………………………………………. 24

6 Reading………………………………………………………………… 32

7 Listening……………………………………………………………….. 37

8 Writing…………………………………………………………………… 39

9 Додатки………………………………………………………………… 41

10 Tests……………………………………………………………………. 44

Література………………………………………………………………. 52



Page 4: ПОСІБНИК Афанасова Кресан

Збірник навчальних матеріалів призначається для учнів 10 класу з

профільним вивченням англійської мови.

Він складений відповідно до програми МОНСУ для учнів 10-11

класів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів та містить додатковий

навчальний матеріал з теми «Я, моя сім’я та друзі».

Збірник складається зі вступу, чотирьох розділів, додатків та списку

використаної літератури. У завданнях реалізуються всі види мовленнєвої

діяльності : аудіювання, читання, письмо, усне діалогічне та монологічне

мовлення. Робота по кожному з аспектів здійснюється від простого до


Тексти мають описовий характер. Різноманітні лексико-граматичні

вправи та додаткові тематичні тексти можуть бути успішно використанні

для збагачення словникового запасу учнів та розвитку їх мовленнєвої

компетенції. Тематика та комунікативне спрямування вправ сприяють

формуванню соціальної компетентності старшокласників.

Матеріал збірника рекомендується розраховувати на 24 академічні


Граматичний матеріал (вживання теперішнього неозначеного часу)

подається з метою повторення та закріплення.

Додатки включають тексти аудіо записів та тестові завдання.

Рекомендується для використання паралельно з основним

підручником на факультативах та консультаціях, для індивідуальної

роботи з обдарованими учнями.



Page 5: ПОСІБНИК Афанасова Кресан

The verb “to be” in the Present Indefinite Tense

Відмінювання дієслова to be (бути) у Present Indefinite Tense

Стверджувальна форма

Особа Число

однина множина




I am

you are


she is


we are

you are

they are

Заперечна форма




I am not

you are not


she is not


we are not

you are not

they are not

Питальна форма




am I?

are you?


is she?


are we?

are you?

are they?

The Present Indefinite Tense


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The Present Indefinite Tense is formed with the help of the infinitive without the

particle to. In the third person singular it has the suffix –(e)s. The interrogative

and the negative forms are built up by means of the auxiliary verb do in the

Present Indefinite Tense and the infinitive of the notional verb without the

particle to.

S+ Vo/s….

e.g.I live in the country.

He lives in the country.


S+ does not Vo…..

e.g. We do not go to school.

She does not go to school.

Do (not) S +Vo……?


e.g. Do you speak English? Don’t you speak English?

Does she speak English? Doesn’t she speak English?

_?__ do

W does (not) S+ Vo…….?

e.g. Where do you live?

Where does she live?

Why don’t they go to the cinema?

Why doesn’t she go to the cinema?

Who Vs/es……? Who does not Vo……..?

What What

e.g. Who cooks breakfast? Who doesn’t cook breakfast?


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What birds fly? What birds don’t fly?

S + Vo/(e)s, don’t +S ? S+ do not +Vo, do S?

doesn’t does does

e.g. They like pop music, don’t they? They do not like pop music, do they?

He likes pop music, doesn’t he? He doesn’t like pop music, does he?

The Present Indefinite Tense is used:

- to express a recurrent or permanent action in the present:

e.g. She visits her friend every day.

- to express an action or state which doesn’t refer to any particular time:

e.g. It snows in winter.

- to express a future action in adverbial clauses of time and condition:

e.g. If I buy a ticket, I’ll go to the concert.

- to express an action permanently characterizing the subject in the


e.g. He speaks English fluently.

- to express an action going on at the time of speaking, if the verb is not

used in the

continuous form:

e.g. I hear you well.

- to express an action going on at the time of speaking when the speaker


emphasize the progress of the action but merely states a fact:

e.g. Why does she speak so slow?

- to express an action or a succession of actions in the past, when the

speaker represents

such actions as if they were taking place before the listener’s eyes:

e.g. All of a sudden, one evening comes little Emily from her work and him with

her. (Dickens)


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- to express a planned future action mostly with verbs denoting motion:

e.g. The train arrives tomorrow.


Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the verb “to be” in Present Indefinite.

Model: His nephew…a sportsman. His nephew is a sportsman.

1.My son … a student. He … a good student. 2. My little sister … afraid of

mice. 3. My mother … not a housewife. 4. … your sibling a pupil ? –Yes, she …

5. They … at home now. 6. … they at school? 7. My mother - in- law … a very

hard-working woman. 8. These men … drivers. 9. … your parents at home? –

No, they … not.10. Michael has a brother. His brother … 20.He … a student. He

…at home now. 11. … there any books on your table?– Yes, there … .12. …

his friends tired after the work in the garden? 13. My parents … proud of me.

14. Why … your friend often late for classes?15. … all the students present

today? 16.This … not my bag. Whose bag … it? 17. … your pen on your table

or in your beg?18. Your piece of advice … very important for me. 19. Kate …

married to Steve.

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with the verb “to be” in Present Indefinite. Pay

attention to the prepositions.

Model: My parents…proud of me. My parents are proud of me.

1.Where … you? – I… in the kitchen.2. Where … John?– He … in the garage.

3. Where … Liza and John? – They … at college. 4. … you free now?– No, I…

busy. –What … you busy with? 5. My granny … ill. She… in hospital now. 6.

It… 10 o’clock now. She … late for the meeting again. 7. How … you?– I…


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not very well today. – I… sorry to hear that. 8. These songs … not popular with

young people. 9. We… fond of reading. 10. He … interested in classical

music.11. Lena … afraid of snakes. 12. My aunt … never nervous and … rarely

upset. 13. Which sport do you think … the most dangerous? 14. This book …

not as interesting as that one. 15. My granny … the kindest person I

know.16.This book … not worth reading. 17. Two heads … better than one.

18. You… right. That … a lot of money. 19. The police … not here. 20. Physics

… a difficult subject.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:


1.Are you at the lyceum now? 2. Is your sister/brother a schoolgirl/schoolboy?

3. Where are your parents now? 4. Is your sibling at home now? 5. Is your little

niece afraid of dogs? 6. Are all the students present today? 7. Are you busy on

Sunday? 8. Is your cousin free in the evening? 9. When is he/she free? 10. Are

your parents proud of you? 11. What songs are popular with your friends?

12. Are you usually tired of the work in the garden? 13. Is your granny ill? 14. Is

she in hospital now? 15. Are you often late for your classes?


1. Have you got a sibling? 2. Do you have meat for supper? 3. Do you have an

English lesson this morning? 4. How many English lessons do you have a week?

5. Do you always have a good time in summer? 6. How many days off have you

got? 7. Have you got an aunt or an uncle? 8. Have you got any questions to your

teacher? 9. When do you have dinner/supper? 10. Has your friend got an

extended or nuclear family?

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into English.


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1.Як його звуть? – Його звуть Джон. 2. Де він? – Він у Лондоні. 3. Це мій

брат. Йому 10 років, а мені 15. 4. Мій брат – художник. Він не інженер.

5. Ви вчитель?- Ні, я лікар. 6. Мій улюблений вид спорту – теніс. 7. Мій

тато – програміст. Він не цікавиться політикою. 8.Моя мама – вчитель.

Вона захоплюється мистецтвом. 9. Ми завжди зайняті, але ми щасливі бути

разом.10. Ця книга дуже цікава. Її варто прочитати. 11. Це твій олівець. А

де мій олівець? 12.Твоя мама на роботі чи удома? 13.Математика не цікава

для мене. Я захоплююся іноземними мовами. 14.Знання важливіші за

гроші. 15. Моя бабуся – мудра, як сова. Її поради дуже важливі для мене.

16. Майк завжди зайнятий навчанням. Він – найзайнятіша людина, яку я

знаю.17. Він стомлений від роботи, голодний та виснажений. 18. Моя

двоюрідна сестра – дуже нервова жінка. 19. Поліції тут нема. Є лише

свідки. 20. Знання – сила.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into English.

1.Де твої батьки? – Вони на роботі. – Коли вони вдома? – Вони вдома

ввечері. 2.Моя бабуся хворіє. Вона зараз у лікарні. 3. Ти вільна у суботу?–

Ні, я зайнята. – Чим ти зайнята? 4. Моя маленька сестра не боїться мишей,

але вона боїться павуків. А чого боїшся ти? 5. Де мама ? – Вона у своїй

кімнаті. Вона дуже стомлена від роботи на городі. 6. Чому так багато учнів

відсутні на заняттях? – Вони хворі на грип. Багато з них у лікарні. 7. Пісні

цієї співачки не дуже популярні у нашій країні. – Які пісні популярні серед

молоді? 8. Твої батьки пишаються тобою? – Так. 9. Я рада бачити тебе

сьогодні. Ти зараз вільна? 10. Чому Хелен не в бібліотеці? – Вона

запізнюється.11. Цю книгу варто прочитати. Зараз вона дуже популярна

серед школярів. 12. Я цікавлюся історією, проте не захоплююся

географією та хімією.


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Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English.

1.У Джека немає родичів у Лондоні. 2. Ти маєш багато друзів? 3. Скільки

уроків математики ти маєш на тиждень? 4. О котрій годині ти звичайно

обідаєш? 5. Вона не їсть м’яса увечері, вона має легеньку вечерю.

6. Скільки братів та сестер має Джон? – У нього немає ні сестер, ні братів.

7. У твоєї сестри є власна сім’я? – Так, вона має чоловіка та доньку.

8. Марія дуже стурбована. Вона має серйозні проблеми. 9. Чому ти така

сумна? Ти маєш якісь проблеми? 10. Мері одружена з Джоном, чи не так?

Вони мають дітей?

Exercise7. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Вона лікар? – Так, вона гарний лікар. 2. Твоєму брату 14,чи не так? –Так.

3. Йому 14 чи 15 (років)? – 14. 4. Вони не зайняті, чи не так? – Ні. 5. Він

зайнятий, чи не так? – Так. 6. Холодно. 7. Холодно? 8. Холодно, чи не так?

9.В залі не жарко, чи не так? – Так, не жарко. 10. Джон хворий . – Він у

ліжку? –Так, але йому краще сьогодні. 11.Том вдома? – Ні, його нема. Він

звичайно буває вдома о п'ятій годині. 12. Доктор Сендфорд вдома? – Він

ще у лікарні. 13. Який жаль, що його нема вдома. 14. Який жаль, вона все

ще у ліжку. 15. Як поживає Блек? -– Він почуває себе погано. 16.Ваша

старша сестра одружена? – Так, її чоловік викладач англійської мови. 17.

Більшість подруг її дочки-студентки. 18. Його діти добре виховані. 19. Він

не такий молодий, як ви вважаєте. Йому вже 30 років. 20. Моїй племінниці

стільки ж років, як і вашому онуку. 21. Скільки років вашому сину? –

Йому 10. Він старший за вашу доньку на 3 роки. 22.Містер Сендфорд– зять

Беті.23.З ким вона одружена? – Вона одружена з Майклом.

Exercise8. Say that you (your friend) don’t (doesn’t) do it.

Model: Nick plays the piano.


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I don’t play the piano.

1. My friends study English. 2.The students come home at 6. 3. I meet Mr.

Black every day. 4. My father works at the University. 5. My granny gathers

mushrooms in summer. 6. They listen to the radio in the morning. 7. Sam goes

to school by tram. 8. My daughter works in Kyiv. 9. My cousin wants to become

a doctor. 10. Alice spends her weekend in the country. 11. I live near the

University. 12. We play chess every morning. 13. Nick plays computer games

every evening. 14. I often meet my friend. 15. She often goes to disco parties.

Exercise9. Make up general and special questions using the sentences of the

previous exercise.

Model: My friends study English. – Do your friends study English?

What do your friends study?

Exercise 10. Ask your friend questions as in the model.

Model 1: Ask your friend if he likes tea.

-Do you like tea?

Ask your friend if her mother works at an office.

-Does your mother work at an office?

Ask your friend:

1.if she plays chess well. 2. if her sister works in Kyiv. 3. if her cousin goes to

school. 4. if she spends her holidays in the Crimea. 5. if she makes many

mistakes in her written tests. 6. if she wants to become an actress. 7. if her

granny grows tomatoes. 8. if her father goes shopping every Sunday. 9. if she

cooks dinner herself. 10. if her mother knows English.

Model 2: Ask your friend where he (she) lives.

-Where do you live?


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Ask your friend:

1.when she plays computer games. 2. what she does after classes. 3. when she

gets up. 4. when her parents come from work. 5. where she keeps her books.

6. how her parents go to work 7. who makes her bed. 8. who cooks supper in her

family. 9. where she spends her week-end. 10. why she doesn’t like milk.

11. who she invites to her birthday party. 12. how often her mother goes

shopping. 13. what musical instrument she plays. 14. why she doesn’t like fish.

15. why her sister doesn’t like Maths.

Exercise 11. Contradict the statements. Use the prompt words.

Model: -Mary lives in Lviv, doesn’t she? (Chernihiv)

-No, she doesn’t . She lives in Chernihiv.

1.Victor often goes to the cinema, doesn’t he? (theatre) 2. Miss Robinson

teaches English, doesn’t she? (French) 3. They begin work at 8, don’t they? (at

10) 4. They finish work at 5, don’t they? (at 10) 5. Helen speaks Spanish,

doesn’t she? (Italian) 6. Lucy and Helen play tennis, don’t they? (badminton) 7.

You like love stories, don’t you? ( detective stories) 8. Bob plays basketball

well, doesn’t he? (volley ball ) 9. Steve goes to the disco parties very day,

doesn’t he? (every Sunday) 10. Miss Green works at a factory, doesn’t she? (at

an office)

Exercise 12. Ask questions to get additional information.

Model: She goes in for sport? ( What kind of sport)

What kind of sport does she go in for?

1.I like pop- music. (What kind of music) 2. We begin work early. (When) 3.

Miss Black teaches foreign languages. (What foreign languages) 4. I see Kate

every day. (Where) 5. She comes home very late. (Why) 6. I have dinner in the

evening. (What time) 7. Students make a lot of spelling mistakes. (What) 8. Kate


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works hard at her English. (Who) 9. Paul reads many books in the original.

(Why) 10. We write dictations every week. (How often) 11. In the evening Peter

goes to the club. (Where) 12. Father works in his room after dinner. (Where)

13. I do my home work in the afternoon. (When) 14. We start work at nine. (At

what time) 15. In the evening we stay at home and watch TV. (What)



What is a 'traditional' family nowadays? With more and more couples choosing

not to get married, and with the number of divorces and second marriages

increasing, the idea of the 'traditional family'(two married parents, an average of

two children, grandparents living nearby) is rapidly disappearing in some

countries. Here are some personal examples and statistics from the English-

speaking world.



In the


Marriages that end in divorce 50% 3%

Families with only one parent 25% 5%

Children who live in a single-

parent home at some time

50% 3%

Children whose parents aren't


33% 0%

Single parents who are men 10% 0%


My name's Meera, and I live in Wolverhampton, near Birmingham, in England.

1 live with my parents, my brother and my sister. My grandmother lives next

door. My mum was born here in Britain, but my grandmother moved here from


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India in the 1960s when my dad was a little boy. My dad has two sisters –

Auntie Sunita and Auntie Rani. Auntie Sunita lives in the same street as us, and

Aauntie Rani lives in Birmingham, which is only 15 miles away. They're both

marrie d , and I've got five cousins. We see them almost every week. Someone is

always visiting our house, or we go to Birmingham to see them. And two years

ago we all went to India to see our family there.


I'm Callum, and I live with my parents in Cambridge, in the east of England. We

moved here when I was five because of Dad's job, but my mum comes from the

north of England and dad comes from Scotland. I’ve got a grandma in

Edinburgh and a granddad in Yorkshire. And I've got two cousins who live

near London, because that’s where Dad's sister and her husband live. We see

my cousins about three times a year, and we go up to Edinburgh every New

Year, but I can't remember when I last saw my granddad in Yorkshire. He

always sends me presents, though!


I'm Ben from Portland, Oregon, and my family is a bit complicated! I've got a

sister called Ella, but three years ago my parents got divorced and now both of

them are re - married . We live with my mom, Julie, and my stepfather. Bob.

Bob's got a daughter called Daisy, but she doesn't live with us, she lives with

her mom. My father's name is Pete. He and his second wife have just had a baby

boy, Charles, so I've got a new half-brother.


My name's Trudi, and I've got a sister called Beth. Our mum and dad are

divorced, so we live with just our mum in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.

Our dad has an apartment in the center of town, and we spend every other

weekend there. After school every day we go to our grandma's house and have a

meal there, because our mum doesn't finish work until six o'clock. She collects


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us at half past six, except on Wednesday evenings when we go swimming with

our dad.

(From 'Across Cultures')



by Nick Moss

My sister takes after my mum, but people say I take after my dad.

He's a travel consultant and he's got his own business. He's always nice and


My mother shows her feelings more. She works as a barmaid in a wine bar and

she's quite attractive. She's got dark hair and a nice face with dark brown eyes.

Kate is funny and a bit different. She changes the way she dresses every

week. I am not very interested in fashion –I like my jeans and old clothes.

Kate lives and works in a lot of different countries. I stayed with her in New

York when we were doing a job together. We went shopping and everyone

knew her because there were posters of her everywhere.

Somebody from a model agency saw Kate at JFK airport in New York when she

was 14 or 15. We were coming back from a holiday in Florida with dad and a

woman said, 'Do you want to come down to the model agency?' Kate had never

thought about modeling before that – she was just a normal girl then.

When we were young we had fights about silly little things. It was fantastic!

She sometimes hit me so I ripped up her posters and threw her clothes on the


My parents are divorced but they get on quite well . I live with my dad but my

mum lives very near and I see her about three times a week. I get on brilliantly


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with my dad – we can talk about everything. He's very easy-going and not

strict, but he keeps me under control.

Kate loves modeling. If you are a woman, you can earn a lot of money, but the

job is not so good for men. I enjoy modeling, but I would prefer to play football

professionally or manage a hotel. I suppose I'm quite ambitious – I want to


( From ‘Matters Pre-Intermediate’)



(Two points of view on a family relationship)My daughter

James Mitford: My wife and I only had the one child. It might have been nice

to have a son, but we didn't plan a family, we just had Amy.

I see her as my best friend. I think she'd always come to me first if she had a

problem. We have the same sense of humour , and share interests . I don't mind

animals, but she's completely obsessed with them, and she has always had dogs,

cats, horses, and goldfish in her life.

We were closest when she was about four, which I think is a lovely age for a

child. They know the parents best, and don't have the outside contacts. She

must have grown up suddenly when she went to school, because I remember

her growing away from her family slightly. Any father who has a teenage

daughter comes across an extraordinary collection of people, and there seemed

to be an endless stream of strange young men coming through our house. By

the time I'd learned their names they'd gone away and I had to start learning a

new lot. I remember I told her off once in front of her friends and she didn't talk

to me for days afterwards.

I wanted more than anything else for her to be happy in what she was doing,

and I was prepared to pull strings to help her on her way. She went to a good

school, but that didn't work out. She must have upset somebody. When she left


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she decided she wanted to become an actress so I got her into drama school. It

wasn't to her liking so she joined a theatre group and began doings bits and

pieces in films. She was doing well, but then gave it up. She probably found it

boring. Then she took up social work, and finally went to work for a designer

and he became her husband. And that's really the story of her life. She must be

happy with him — they're always together.

We have the same tastes in books and music, but it takes me a while to get

used to new pop songs. I used to take her to see the opera, which is my big

passion, but I don't think she likes it very much, she doesn't come with me any


I don't think she's a big television watcher. She knows when I'm on, and

she might watch, but I don't know. It's not the kind of thing she tells me.

We're very grateful for Amy. She’s a good daughter as daughters go.

We’relooking forward to being grandparents. I’m sure she’ll have a son.

My father

Amy Mitford: I don't really know my father. He isn't easy to get on with . He's

quite self-centred, and a little bit vain, I think, and in some ways quite

unapproachable. The public must think he's very easy-going, but at home he

keeps himself to himself.

He can't have been at home much when I was a child, because I don't

remember much about him. He's always been slightly out of touch with family

life. His work always came first , and he was always off somewhere acting or

rehearsing. He loves being asked for his autograph, he loves to be recognized.

He has won several awards, and he's very proud of that. He was given the

Member of the British Empire, and we had to go to Buckingham Palace to get

the medal. It was incredibly boring — there were hundreds of other people

getting the same thing, and you had to sit there for hours. He shows off his

awards to whoever comes to the house.

I went to public school, and because of my total lack of interest and non-

attendance I was asked to leave. I didn't want so to go there in the first place. I


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was taken away from all my friends. He must have been very pleased to get

me into the school, but in the end it was a complete waste of money. I let him

down quite badly, I suppose. I tried several jobs but I couldn't settle down in

them. They just weren't challenging enough. Then I realized that what I really

wanted to do was live in the country and look after animals, so that's what I

now do.

As a family, we're not that close, either emotionally or geographically. We

don't see much of each other these days. My father and I are totally

different, like chalk and cheese. My interests have always been the country,

but he's into books, music and above all, opera, which I hate. If they do come

to see us, they're in completely the wrong clothes for the country— mink

coats, nice little leather shoes, not exactly ideal for long walks across the fields.

He was totally opposed to me getting married. He was hoping we would break

up. Gerald's too humble, I suppose. He must have wanted me to marry

someone famous, but I didn't, and that's all there is to it. We don't want

children, but my father keeps on and on talking about wanting grandchildren.

You can't make someone have children just because you want grandchildren.

I never watch him on television. I'm not that interested, and anyway he

usually forgets to tell me when he's on.

(From “Headway”)

Vocabulary Notes

An extended family, a grandfather/grandmother, a half-brother/sister, a sibling,

a son, a daughter, stepbrother/stepsister, a stepfather/stepmother,a twin, a

husband/wife, a cousin, a baby, to be married to smb, to be re-married, to get

divorced, an aunt, an uncle, a niece, a nephew, to take after smb, to be friendly


Page 20: ПОСІБНИК Афанасова Кресан

(attractive, funny, easy-going, strict, ambitious, kind, tolerant, precocious), to be

interested in, to get on well, to keep smb under control, to succeed, to have a lot

in common, to fall out with smb over smth, to see eye to eye with smb,to look

up to smb, to worship, to be fond of, to be fed up with smb, to admire, to adore,

to treat smb terribly, to loath smb, to despise, to put up with a lot of hardships, to

idolize, to be smb’s role-model, to keep smb under control, to come down to

smth, to share interests, to be obsessed with smth, to give smth up, to work for,

to look forward to smth, self-centered, vain, to be out of touch with, to let smb

down, to be proud of smb/smth.

Additional Vocabulary

An ancestor, a bachelor, the bestman, a bride, a bridegroom, a brother-in-law, a

father-in-law, the first-born, a fosterbrother/sister, a fosterparent/mother/father,

a godfather/godmother, a greataunt,a greatgrandfather/grandmother, half-

brother, an heir/heiress, a mother-in-law, a sister-in-law, a son-in-law, a

spouse, a stepchild.

Bossy, responsible, independent, competitive, jealous, moody, relaxed, lazy,

manipulative, selfish, organized, imaginative, generous, reliable, talkative,

sensitive, patient, mean, honest, envious, bad-tempered, brave, open-minded,

childish, clever, shy, greedy, materialistic, optimistic, pessimistic, kind, self-

confident, stubborn, sympathetic, witty, sociable, boastful, obedient, to be

complicated, to live in the same street, to come from, to follow in smb’s


We both tend to be…

Our tastes in… are more or less identical.

We are completely the same.

She’s on the … side.

In term of character, there is a vast difference between us.

What strikes me the most is that she’s…

She’s the kind of person who’s…


Page 21: ПОСІБНИК Афанасова Кресан


Exercise 1. Read Text 1. Write English equivalents of the following words

and phrases. Use them in sentences of your own.

1) Жити по сусідству; 2) жити на одній вулиці; 3) на відстані 14 кілометрів;

4) переїхати; 5) поблизу Лондона; 6) надсилати подарунки; 7) бути

складним; 8) розлучитися; 9) у передмісті; 10) за винятком; 11) проводити

вихідні; 12) квартира у центрі міста; 13) їхати до бабусі; 14) закінчувати


Exercise 2. Read Text 1. Underline the correct alternatives to complete the


1. Callum'saunt and uncle/grandparents live near London.

2. Callumoften/sometimes sees his cousins.

3. Meera's aunts both live near/far away.

4. Meeraoften/rarely sees her cousins.

5. Daisy is Ben's half-sister/stepsister.

6. Julie is Pete's ex-wife/stepmother.

7. Trudi's mum and dad live in different places/ together.

8. Trudinever sees her dad/sees her dad regularly.

Exercise 3. Read the statistics about families in the USA and the UK. Which

of thechildren in this unit lives:

• In a single-parent family?

• In a stepfamily?

Exercise 4. Read Text 2. Explain the meaning of the words and word


Page 22: ПОСІБНИК Афанасова Кресан

combinations listed below, contextualise them.

To take after, to be interested in, to had fights about, to rip up smth, to be

divorced, to get on well, to keep smb under control, to succeed, to change the

way smb dresses, to come down to smth.

Exercise 5. Read Text 2. Paul has written a summary of the text but made

some mistakes. Find and correct them.

The text is about Nick and his family. Both his sister and he take after their

mum. Nick’s parents work in the travel agency and he would like to follow in

their footsteps. As for Kate, she has always dreamt to become a model and finds

this job rather fantastic. Kate and Nick have always been very close to each

other, although their parents used to be rather strict and kept them under control.

Exercise 6. Read Text 2. Decide if the following sentences are true or false.

1. Kate and Nick have different personalities.

2. Their parents work in the fashion business.

3. Kate has always wanted to be a model.

4. Kate and Nick had lots of fights when they were young.

5. Nick doesn’t see his mother very often.

6. Nick and his father have a good relationship.

7. Nick does not want to be a model all his life.

Exercise 7. Read Text 2. Answer the following questions.

1. Who does Nick take after?

2. What’s his mother’s profession?

3. What style of clothes does Nick prefer?

4. What were Nick and Kate busy with in New York?

5. How did Kate become a model?

6. How did Nick and Kate get on with each other in their childhood?


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7. What are their parents’ relationships?

8. Does Nick get on well with his parents?

9. He would like to follow in his father’s footsteps, wouldn’t he?

10. Is Nick interested in business or modelling?

Exercise 8. Read Text 3. Write English equivalents of the following words

and phrases. Use them in sentences of your own.

1) мати почуття гумору; 2) поділяти інтереси; 3) кинути; 4) вважати щось

нудним; 5) з нетерпінням чекати на щось; 6) мати однакові смаки в чомусь;

7) звикнути до чогось; 8) бути вдячним; 9) ладнати з кимось; 10)

недосяжний; 11) марнославний і егоїстичний; 12) бути на першому місці;

13) пишатися; 14) нагорода; 15) незацікавленість.

Exercise 9. Read Text 3. Find the correct answer.

1. How would you describe their relationship?

a. It was closer when Amy was a child.

b. They get on well, and agree on most things.

c. He has more respect for her than she does for him.

d. They don’t have very much in common.

2. How would you describe James Mitford?

e. He has done all that a father can for his daughter.

f. He isn’t very aware of how she really feels.

g. He’s more interested in himself than his family.

3. How would you describe Amy?

h. She is selfish and spoilt.

i. It took her a long time to decide what she wanted to do in life.

j. She found happiness in marriage that she didn’t have in childhood.


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Exercise 10. Read Text 3. Answer the following questions:

1. What did he think of her friends when she was a teenager?

2.Why did she leave school?

3.Why did she give up her jobs?

4. What does she think of her husband?

5. Is she interested in his career?

6. Is she going to have children?

7. How often do they see each other?

Exercise 11. Read Text 3. Do the following tasks:

1.Make up a conversation between Amy and her father who are discussing their


2. Who do you have closer relationship with – your father or mother? Why?

Describe your relationship with your father.


Exercise 1. Guess the word by its definition.

A. brothers and sisters

B. a brother by one parent only

C. a sister by one parent only

D. a husband ofone’s daughter

E. a husband or a wife

F. a son of one’s sister or brother

G. a child showing a relationship not by blood, but by another marriage

H. a person who looks after a child not of his or her own


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I. a husband of a person’s own mother who is not the person’s father

J. an unmarried man

K. the bridegroom’s attendant at a wedding

L. a daughter or son of a person’s stepfather or stepmother

M. a woman on her wedding day

N. a family including aunts, uncles and other relatives

O. the father of one’s husband or wife

P. a person who was a member of one’s family a long time ago and from

whom one is descended

Q. a sisterofone’shusband or wife

R. (one’s) oldest child

S. a child that has been fostered in another child’s family

T. a person who, at a child’sbaptism, promises to take an active interest in

its welfare

U. one of two children born of the same mother at the same time

V. a grandfather/grandmother of one’s father or mother

W. a brother of one’s husband or wife

X. a person who by law receives wealth, property when the owner dies

Y. a mother ofo ne’s husband or wife

Z. a man on his wedding day

AA. a daughter of one’s sister or brother

AB. a sister of one’s grandmother/grandfather

AC. a wife of a person’s own father who is not the person’s mother

Exercise 2.


Match the definitions below with one of the words in the box.

Model: able to plan things carefully and keep things tidy - organized;


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1. having good judgment and the ability to act correctly and make decisions on

your own;

2. having or showing the ability to learn and understand things quickly and


3. talking a lot;

4. unfriendly because feeling angry or unhappy;

5. always telling people what to do;

6. determined to do what he or she wants and refusing to do anything else;

7. thinking of one’s own advantage;

8. wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people;

9. not willing to work or use any effort;

Bossy, responsible, competitive, moody, lazy, organized, talkative, clever,

stubborn, selfish.


Give the definition for the following words. Use a dictionary.

1) Ambitious; 2)independent; 3)manipulative; 4)imaginative, 5)reliable;

6)patient; 7)brave; 8)cruel; 9)friendly; 10)self- confident.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with suitable adjectives.

Strict, sympathetic, witty, optimistic, pessimistic, greedy, envious, materialistic,

selfish, childish.


1. She always wants a bigger share than anyone else. She’s so greedy.

2. Most people are far too---------------------- nowadays. All they are interested in

is buying more and more things, such as cars, TVs, and so on.


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3. Gloria’s always expecting the best to happen. She’s such an ----------------


4. My grandfather always expects the worst to happen. He’s really

-------------------- .

5. You only care about yourself, don’t you? You never think about me or anyone

else. You are so ----------------.

6. Teachers are very------------------- in this school. They don’t allow pupils to

speak in class or ask a question without putting their hands up first.

7. He suffers from back trouble too, so he was ---------------------.

8. Jane is so -----------------. She’s always coming out with clever and amusing


9. I’m very ------------ of your new coat– it’s lovely.

10. I’m not enjoying the occasion so I think I can spoil it for everyone else. –It’s

very ------------------of you.

Exercise 4.Write an adjective of personality for each comment.

Model: “My mother wears trousers in the family. She’s good at influencing

other people what to do.” – manipulative

1. “Take your time –I can wait.”

2. “I’m going to beat him if it’s the last thing I do.”

3. “I always do and prove what I want even when I’m sure that I’m not


4. “I don’t like working. I prefer to sit and watch TV.”

5. “I understand exactly how you feel.”

6. “I have a list of all the possible films we can see, where they’re on, and

the time they start.”

7. “I don’t want to go to the party. I hate meeting new people.”

8. “Right, John, go and buy the food. Maria, tidy the room.”

9. “Oh, great! A party! I love being with my friends.”

10.“No problem. You can depend on me.”


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Exercise 5. Complete the short conversations below with the adjectives in

the box.

Strict, bossy, hard-working, greedy, easy- going, sporty, big-headed,

reliable, competitive, wise, generous, boastful.

1. A – What’s your dad like?

B – He’s all right, but he can be quite……………. . He always wants to know

where I am and he makes me come home before nine o’clock – even on


2. A – What’s your mother like?

B – She’s rather ………. . She always tells me what to do and really wants

me to do what she wants and never listens to my point of view.

3. A -What are your parents like?

B – They are great. I’m lucky because they are quite …………. . They let me

do more or less whatever I want and are always ready to help.

4. A –What’s her new boy-friend like?

B – He’s ………… , really good- looking. He looks like a film star, but he’s

quite …………… . It seems to me that he looks down on other people.

5. A –What’s her boy-friend like?

B –He’s awful. I don’t know what she sees in him. He’s really too…………

He is always showing off and saying how good he is at everything and he’s 30

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so………. Do you know what he bought her for her birthday? A bar of


6. A – What’s his girl-friend like?

B – Really nice. She’s very chatty and …………….. . She’s very easy to get on

with. She’s also very……………. as she takes part in football and hockey

competitions. She’s really fit. Honestly, I don’t know what she sees in that slob.

She should be with me.

7. A –What’s your granny like? Do you get on?

B – Yeah, I suppose so. She’s OK. She’s as ……….. as an owl and always

gives me good advice. Actually, she’s very ……………. and I’m not. She’s

eighty- five and she still lives on her own. She can be really ………….. . She

bought me a piano for my birthday once.

Exercise 6. Read the following descriptions of eight different people, and

write their names in the appropriate box depending on their personality.

The first one has been done as an example.


Name: Betty






Name :























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Name: Name: Name: Name:





















1. My girlfriend Julie is always doing something. When she isn’t making things

with her hands, she is risking he r life doing dangerous activities like

parachuting or bungee jumping. She loves it when I buy her flowers, take her

out or say nice things about her, but she gets very upset if I say anything horrible

to her.

2. My sister Molly seems to be a different person every day! Sometimes she will

be buying presents for everyone, and at other times she resents spending even

the smallest amount of money. One day she will do whatever people tell her to

do , the next day she refuses to even listen to them, especially once she’s made

her mind up about something.

3. Betty has a very high opinion of herself and is always saying nasty things

about other people. She gets irritated very quickly and likes to tell people what

to do. She also believes, often unreasonably, that she is right and best, especially

in matters of religion, politics or race.

4. Charlie has always wanted to be a painter. He loves to do his own thing, and

rarely loses his temper. He always seems to be happy, and has great hopes for

the future.

5. Richard says he wants to be Prime Minister one day, but I doubt he would be

a good politician. Why? Well, for a start he always tells the truth. Secondly, he

gets on well with everybody, and everyone likes him. And above all, he is very

tolerant of other people.


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6. Mary is always expecting bad things to happen, and never trusts strangers.

She never seems to do any work and her room is always a mess. She likes to

spend her time reading academic textbooks.

7. Joanne is very sociable and enjoys the company of other people. She tends to

talk a lot, but she often makes clever or amusing remarks. She often does things

without thinking of the consequences, but always manages to remain calm when

things go wrong.

8. Bob is easily frightened, especially of his boss, which is probably why he's

never late for work. He is often so concerned with his own thoughts that he

forgets things. On the other hand, he works hard and is somebody you can trust

and depend on at all times.

Exercise 7. Look at these sentences. What exactly did they say?

Lara (to come across) as quite shy at first but once you (to get to know) her,

she’s rather witty.

Model: Lara comes across as quite shy at first but once you get to know her,

she’s rather witty.

1. She’s the ………..you can have a good time with. (sort of person)

2. The thing that …………. Dean is that he’s so self-confident. (strikes you


3. He can be ……. manipulative. (a bit)

4. There’s………. quite boastful ………him. (something, about )

5. The thing I ………..is that he’s always (making) you laugh. ( like about him)

6. He’s a ……….. idiot. (bit of an)

Exercise 8. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in the brackets.

Model: At first Mark seems very bossy, but actually he isn’t(across).

At first Mark comes across as very bossy but actually he isn’t.

1. She tells really funny jokes all the time(makes).


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2. I like Jane because she believes in herself and she isn’t shy about expressing

her views(thing).

3. She’s always talking about herself(something).

4. The first thing you notice about him is how relaxed and calm he is(strike).

5. He’s very opinionated.(sort)

6. One minute he’s happy, the next he’s sad.(bit)

Exercise 9. Correct the mistakes:

Model: The thing I like of her is that she’s very generous. (about)

1. Judian comes about as very shy, but once you arrive to know him, you realize

he’s quite self-confident.

2. She starts crying as soon as you criticize her! She’s a lot sensitive.

3. The item I like about Helen is that she is always cheerful.

4. She’s the class of person who can be very opinionated.

5. He always thinks about other people’s feelings. There’s anything very

sympathetic about him.

6. He put a lot of pressure on his workers. He’s a lot bossy.

7. The first thing that strikes her is that she is very moody.

8. He’s very big-headed. He’s always going on about how great he is.




Do you get on well with the members of the family?


Exercise 1. Give the synonyms for the following words and word



Page 33: ПОСІБНИК Афанасова Кресан

To like; to quarrel; to hate; to respect; not to agree; not to respect; to admire and

respect someone very much, often too much; to feel a strong dislike for someone

or something because you think that that person or thing is bad or has no value;

bored, annoyed, or disappointed, especially by something that you have

experienced for too long.

Exercise 2. Write the names in the family tree using the key words in bold

to help you. One of them has been done as an example.




C D Me




Exercise 3.Write the names of the different people in the appropriate box

below, depending on how the writer feels about them. Use the words and

expressions in italics to help you. One has been done as an example.

The writer feels positive about these


The writer feels negative about these


Emma (his grandmother)


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Exercise 4. Challenge the following statements according to the text. Don’t

forget to use the formulas of disagreement.

I don’t agree with it.

It’s false.

On the contrary.

I wouldn’t go that far.

1. All members of the family get on quite well.

2. Paul is very close to both of his grandparents.

3. His father Bob understands him and supports him in everything.

4. Paul’s mother is a very strict and bossy woman.

5. Paul adores both his younger sister and her husband.

6. Tony is an obedient child.

7. Unfortunately Paul doesn’t have a niece.

8. Sue broke up with her husband last year.

9. Luckily Stuart doesn’t take after his father.

10. There is no one to idolize in the family.

I come from a fairly close-knit family, although we don't always get on

too well. I am very close to my grandmother, Emma, especially as we have a

lot in common, but I've recently fallen out with my grandfather, John. Their

son is my father, Bob. He's quite old-fashioned, and we don't always see eye to

eye; 1 know I should look up to him as a role model, but the fact is I don't

respect him very much. On theother hand, I worship my mother, Maureen; she's

kind, caring and very tolerant of others. 1 have one younger sister, Sally, who

I'm quite fond of,and I admire my brother-in-law, Andrew, who is a very 36

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talented painter. I have a precocious nephew, Tony, who I'm a bit fed up with,

and a lovely little niece, Claudia, whom I adore. My father has a sister - my

aunt Sue. I respect her, as she's had to put up with a lot of hardship in life,

especially being married to my uncle Stanley, who treats her terribly. J must

confess 1 loathe him. I also despise his son, my cousin Stuart, who takes after

his father. My older cousin Claire, on the other hand, I idolize.


Write about your attitude to all members of your family using the active




Are brands Adidas and Puma familiar to you? Is it a family business?


Exercise 1.Write the Englishequivalents of the following words and phrases.

Contextualize them. Use them in sentences of your own.

1)забезпечувати когось чимось; 2) скаржитися; 3) сваритися; 4)


5) заснувати; 6) зберегти; 7) стати конкурентом; 8) ділитися; 9) робітники.

Exercise 2. Find verbs in the text which mean the following:

1) to provide a product ; 2) to create (an institution /company, etc); 3) to form;

4) to move permanently to a different place; 5) to relocate; 6) to be in

competition with another person or company .


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Exercise3. Ask questions of different types about the text using the given

words and word combinations.

Model: -to provide shoes for smb-

1.Did they provide shoe for sportsmen?

2. Who did they provide shoes for?

3. Who provided shoes for rock stars?

4. Did they provide shoes for their families or sportsmen?

5. They provided shoes for everybody who needed them, didn’t they?

1) to form a shoe company; 2) to call smb after smb; 3) to survive; 4) to be in

competition; 5) to be the market leaders.

Exercise 4. Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F).

1. The Dasslers’ father was a sportsman.

2. The brothers first made sports shoes at home.

3. They argued about the shoes.

4. They decided to start their own companies.

5. Puma sells more shoes than Adidas.

6. People in the town have now forgotten the argument.

Exercise 5. What is the significance of the following things in the Dasslers’


1) A wild cat; 2) a river; 3) a shoe maker; 4) a nickname; 5) the 1932 Olympic

Games 6) an argument.


Adidas and Puma have been two of the biggest names in sports shoe

manufacturing for over half a century. Since 1926 they have supplied shoes to

Olympic athletes. World Cup winning football heroes, Muhammad Ali, hip hop


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stars and rock musicians famous all over the world. But the story of these two

companies begins in one house in the town of Herzogenaurach, Germany.

Adolph and Rudolph Dassler were the sons of a shoemaker. They loved

sport but complained that they could never find comfortable shoes to play in.

Rudolph always said, “You cannot play sports wearing shoes that you’d walk

around town with.” So they started making their own. In 1920 Adolph made the

first pair of athletics shoes with spikes, produced on the Dasslers’ kitchen table.

On 1st July 1924 they formed a shoe company, Dassler Brothers Ltd. The

company became successful and it provided the shoes for Germany’s athletes at

the 1928 and 1932 Olympic Games.

But in 1948 the brothers argued. No one knows exactly what happened

but family members have suggested that the argument was about money or

women. The result was that Adolph left the company. His nickname was Adi,

and using this and the first letters of the family name, Dassler, he founded


Rudolph relocated across the River Aurach and founded his own company

too. At first he wanted to call it Ruda, but eventually he called it Puma, after the

wild cat. The famous Puma logo of the jumping cat has survived until now.

After the big split of 1948 Adoplph and Rudolph never spoke to each

other again and since then their companies have been in competition. Both

companies were for many years the market leaders, though Adidas has always

been more successful than Puma. In the 1970th new American companies Nike

and Reebok arrived to rival them.

The terrible family argument should really be forgotten, but ever since it

happened, over fifty years ago, the town has been split into two. Even now,

some Adidas employees and Puma employees don’t talk to each other.

(From “ Total English”)


Retell it as if you were Adolph Dassler.


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Do you usually get on well with your family? Do you ask any member of the

family for a piece of advice?

While- listening

Listen to two friends, Angela and John, talking about their families. Read

through statements 1-10. As you listen, decide if each statement is true (T) or

false (F), according to the information you hear.

John’s parents moved down when they decided that they wanted to start a


1) John does talk much about his family.

2) Angela has a lot of nephews.

3) John’s mother is a housewife.

4) Angela is arranging the party next week.

5) Angela knows much about John’s family.

6) John is going to join his father’s family.

7) Angela asks her sister for a piece of advice.

8) John is eager to work in his uncle’s firm.

9) John’s brother lives together with parents.

After- listening


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Interview your partner and find out the information how he/she spends time with

the members of the family. Be ready to report on him/her.




Have you got any younger (older) sisters or brothers? What kind of relationship

do you have with them? Does a child’s position in the family have an influence

on his/her personality?


Complete the chart below with five personality adjectives in each column.

Oldest children Middle children Youngest children Only children


1) In groups discuss if these statements in the article are true for you or not.

2) Write a description of your brother/sister/cousin/friend in about 100 words.




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Imagine that you write to a real friend of yours.

Friends usually have names, so address him/her with a name: begin the letter

with Dear Joey/ Tim /Rebecca, etc.

Begin your letter with some general statements. Refer to the letter you have

received from your friend and thank him/her for it or apologize for the fact that

you have not answered the last letter soon enough.

Use the proper register. The letter is supposed to be informal so you can use

contractions, informal linking words like well, by the way, anyway, so,

colloquial expressions, etc.

You can use more-conversation-like statements or questions in your letter: You

know that I had this exam, right? You think he will be able to come to the party?

Use questions to ask about your friend - arrange the next meeting, send greetings

to his/her friends and family, etc.

End your letter in informal way: Best wishes; Love; Regards. Instead of these

phrases you may put two XXs. They indicate sending kisses ;-)

Useful expressions:

Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you.

Your last letter was a real surprise. It was so nice of you to remember about...

Thanks a lot for the information you've sent me in your last letter.

I've just received your letter. I'm so happy to hear that...

I'm sorry I haven't answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.

I'm sorry I haven't written for so long but...

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Well, that's all for now. Will talk to you soon.

Give my regards to your Mummy.

I hope we will be able to arrange a get-together.


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Do write back as I'm waiting for the news from you.

Sample answer:

Q: You are abroad spending your holidays in very exciting places you have

always wanted to visit. The people you travel with are really nice so you enjoy

their companionship. Write a letter to your friend describing what you have been

doing so far and what you still plan to do.

Dear Amy,

Thank you a lot for your last letter. It was a nice surprise to hear from

you. I'm sorry I haven't written to you earlier but I had to organize some things

concerning my trip.

As you probably remember I've always wanted to visit some unusual

places. And now, at last, off I went! But you'd never guess where I've chosen to

spend my holiday. It's Antarctica! You would never think of it, would you? I'm so

excited about the whole event!

The people I travel with are incredible. It's their fourteenth expedition

there. They know every path in the snow by heart and they are very helpful. They

share their knowledge and experience with me. Would you believe that here

everything is different? You even need to set your tent in a special way. It's all

very challenging. Tomorrow we plan to move further North so I may not be able

to stay in touch for a while.


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Anyway, I'd like to meet you when I get back. Hope you are enjoying your

holiday. Do write back soon.



(From “Wszelkieprawazastrzezoneprzezang”)



Angela: I don’t know your family very well, John. I guess I haven’t been to your

house that often.

John: No – you must come round again soon, and have dinner. My parents are

quite fun. They come from up north, and then they moved down here when they

decided that they wanted to start a family.

Angela: My family have always lived round here. It’s full of my cousins. So, do

you get on well with your family? You don’t talk about them as much as some

people talk about their families.

John: Oh, yeah, they’re fine. It’s OK. They both work hard, so I don’t see them

so much.

Angela: Sometimes I wish I saw a little less of mine! But in fact, I’m going to

see everybody soon. I can’t wait for this party we’re having next month.

Everyone’s coming.

John: That sounds like fun. I could do with some fun.

Angela: Oh? Is something the matter?

John: Well, it’s just that I’m expected to follow tradition and join my uncle’s

firm when we finish school, but I think it’s boring. OK for a holiday job, maybe,

but that’s enough……


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Angela: Hm – what can you do? In that kind of situation, I always ask my big

sister. She’s always helped me out by telling me what to do.

John: Yeah, I would ask my older brother, but he’s away at university.

Angela: Better than being in your uncle’s firm?

John: He says you have to study hard, but he has a lot of fun too.

Angela: I bet.

(From “Exam Excellence”)



In this book about the family’s influence on a personality the British

psychologist Tom Hughes tells that our position in the family is the strongest

factor that influences our personality.

On his opinion, the oldest children get maximum attention from their

parents, and the result is that they are usually quite self-confident people. They

make good leaders. For example, the famous Prime Minister Winston Churchill

was a firstborn child. The oldest children are often ambitious. They’re more

likely to go to university than their brothers or sisters. They often get the top

jobs, too. They are also responsible people, because they often have to look after

their younger brothers or sisters. The downside of this is that sometimes this

means that when they’re older they worry a lot about things. They can also be

quite bossy and even aggressive, especially when they don’t get what they want.

The middle children are usually independent and competitive. It’s because

they have to fight with their brothers and sisters for their parents’ attention. And

they’re usually sociable, they like being with people, probably because they

have always had other children to play with. However, on the negative side, the

middle children are often jealous of their brothers and sisters and they can be



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If a child is the youngest in the family, he or she will probably be very

charming, affectionate and quite relaxed. On the other hand, the youngest

children are quite lazy. This is because they always have their older brothers and

sisters to help them. And they can be quite manipulative – they use their charm

to get what they want.

The only children in the family don’t have to share with anyone – so

they’re often spoilt by their parents and their grandparents. As a result, they can

be quite selfish. They think of themselves more than of other people. On the

positive side, the only children are usually very organized and responsible, and

they can be very imaginative, too.

TestsTest 1.

You are going to read a newspaper article about children who don’t have any

brothers and sisters. Choose from the list A-H the sentence which best

summarizes each part (1-6) of the article. There is one extra sentence which

you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

A. A rise in the number of one-child families may have a negative

effect on the way people behave.

B. Children with no brothers or sisters have to learn from an early age

how to enjoy their own company.

C. In some places, there is official concern over falling family size.

D. There is no evidence that children without brothers and sisters grow

up differently to other children.

E. The benefits of growing up with brothers and sisters may not

always be obvious to a child.

F. It is too early to link the growing number of one-child families to

people’s changing values.


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G. Smaller families are a logical result of the lives people now lead in

some places.

H. The idea of the one-child family may seem an attractive fantasy to

some people.

With birth rates falling across the West, Rebecca Abrams wonders how families

and society will be affected by the rise of the one-child family


To those of us brought up with brothers and sisters, the prospect of the one-

child family sounds wonderful. Imagine it - never having to wait for people to

listen when you have something to say, always having new toys and clothes, never

doubting that your parents love you best, and always feeling confident that your

toys will be where you left them. Wouldn't that have been great?


Parents may concentrate on the positive reasons for giving their first-born child

a brother or sister, but for the child the reality is usually a mixture of good and

bad. Brothers and sisters may teach you about sharing, but they can teach you less

useful lessons too - that love isn't always shared out equally and that some people

always get blamed more than others.


Although in most parts of the world, people still believe that the ideal family size

is two children or more, across Europe, the United States and parts of South

America birth rates are falling. More and more couples have just one child or


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none at all, and governments in some countries are actively trying to encourage

larger families; some are even considering giving couples money to have a baby.


The rise of the one-child family in western society seems to be part of a much

larger picture of changing family life. The increase in divorce rates in some

cultures means that more children will be brought up as the only child in a

family. As well as this, the difficulty of balancing a job and a family life means

that an increasing number of women are choosing to have only one child, or

leaving it too late to have any more.


Child psychologist Dr Richard Woolfson insists that there are no benefits in having

brothers and sisters in terms of an individual's personal development. 'Compared

to the general population, the only child does well educationally and is no more

self-centred than other children. And today's parents are very good at

compensating for any possible problems. Many of the children from one-child

families have incredibly active social lives, for example.'


But, apart from economic factors such as a reduced workforce, does the trend

towards one-child families pose a threat to society? Analyst Karen Stobart

believes that there might be problems. 'Sharing is life, and with brothers and sisters

you learn that you can fight and survive it. We may become a community of

people who don't know much about turn-taking and cooperating, and respond to

problems either by fighting or walking away'


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30 years ago, the one-child family was unusual; now they're fast becoming normal

and the implications of this trend are still uncertain. It may suggest that children

and family life are not so important as they once were, or it may mean exactly the

opposite — that this is the best way that couples can find to be both good parents

and effective working adults. Only time, and the children, will tell.

Test 2.


Read the text and decide whether the statements below are true or false.

1. The majority of American households are headed by one parent.

2. Most American families with a father and a mother under the same roof

are headed by a couple in their first marriage.

3. Having a stepbrother or half-sister is uncommon in the United States.

4. The father usually has custody of children in a single-parent situation.

5. Nowadays, most mothers work at some point during their children's lives.

6.Sometimes single parents live together with their families to save money.

Just what is the typical American family? Father, mother, and two or three

children? Guess again. According to the latest census, less than 50 percent of

American households have both a father and mother present. Over 50

percent are single-parent households. They are single parents because of

divorce or because the parents decided not to marry at all. Of those homes

with both a mother and father under the same roof, only a select few are

made up of a couple in their first marriage and with their own biological

children. In most of those families, one (or both) of the parents has probably 49

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been married before and has children from the previous marriage. This

creates the stepfamily: stepmother, stepfather, stepbrother, and so forth.

Sometimes a couple who has children from previous marriages decide to

have children together—creating half-siblings . It can be pretty complicated

explaining how all the members of your family are related!

So who is the breadwinner in these families? Well, since the majority of

American homes are headed by one parent, the answer is clear. The parent

who has custody of the children earns the money to support the family . In

most of those cases it's the mother. For the rest of the households where there

is a mother and father in the same home, chances are they both work. The

high cost of living in most parts of the United States doesn't allow most

women to stay home to take care of the family. In some cases it's not a

necessity for the woman to work. Many times when a couple decides to have

kids, the mother continues to work part-time so that she can keep her career

going. That way, when she wants to work full-time, she can go back to her

career much more easily. If she waits too long to work again after having

children, it will be like starting all over.

Well, if the financial situation is tough for a two-income family, what about

the majority of households with just one income? What about those single-

parent households? You guessed it—it's even tougher for them. There may be

some financial support from the other parent or from the government, but the

main part of the family income is from that one parent. To save money, they

might live with extended family or share a home with another single parent

with children. In the end, it's up to the one person to pay the bills and put food

on the table.

Times are changing, and whether it is good or bad, the facts are there: The

typical American family is not the one we had twenty-five to thirty years ago.


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All aspects of our society, including the government, financial institutions, and

employers, need to adapt to the changing situation.

Test 3.


Each of the sentences 1-5 fits into one of the gaps in the article. Read the text

again and decide where each sentence fits best. The first one is done for you.

Example 1 – e

a. I have to treat her like an adult and give her space.

b. When she was 15, Emma’s behavior got worse.

c. Caroline was a real friend.

d. ‘It’s very hard for them if they have to suddenly leave and live out

in the world on their own.’

e. She has friends, a boyfriend and a busy social life.

Today, Emma is a smiling, happy 19-year-old studying psychology at

university. a-------------. However, just like many teenagers, her life wasn’t

always so easy when she was growing up.

Emma was brought up by her grandmother until she was 13. They were

always very close and did everything together.

Unfortunately, her grandmother was quite ill, and as she got older it

became more difficult for her to look after her granddaughter. When she was

thirteen Emma went to live with another relative, but she wasn’t very happy. ‘I

was a wild child’, says Emma, ‘and I know I was difficult to live with. I started

smoking and drinking, and I kept missing school and getting into trouble with

the police too’.b-------------- . She stayed out at night, went to clubs, often got

into trouble with the police and even started taking drugs. Finally, it was decided

that Emma should go and live with a foster family for a while.

It was then that things began to get better for Emma. She moved in with

her new family, and her foster mother, Caroline, who had fostered a lot of

teenagers before. ‘c------------- . She showed me that there was another way to


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live my life, and how important it was to go to school. She helped me to see that

I could make a decision about what my life was going to be like.’ Emma

decided to stay on at school, and worked hard for her exams.

Emma was extremely lucky. When foster children reach the age of

eighteen, they usually have to leave their foster homes. But Caroline wanted

Emma to stay with them, and the local council agreed to pay for some of her

expenses. ‘It’s good that young people can stay with their careers after they are

18,’ says Caroline. d----------.

Caroline says that her relationship with Emma has changed now that she

is older. ‘e------------. She goes to university, so she comes home with a lot of

new worries, but I always try and help her sort her problems out.’

Emma is very pleased with the changes in her life. ‘I think university is

great for any young person,’ she says, ‘I’ve been really lucky, I’m going to do

something with my life, and it’s all because of Caroline. But the best thing is

that I feel part of a real family. Of course, I will still see Caroline after I finish

university and leave home – one day she’s going to be granny to my kids.’

Each of the sentences 1-5 fits into one of the gaps in the article. Read the text

again and decide where each sentence fits best. The first one is done for you.

Example 1 – e

f. I have to treat her like an adult and give her space.

g. When she was 15, Emma’s behavior got worse.

h. Caroline was a real friend.

i. ‘It’s very hard for them if they have to suddenly leave and live out

in the world on their own.’

j. She has friends, a boyfriend and a busy social life.


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Література1. Пономаренко О.В.Газетні статті на занятті з англійської мови : навчально- методичний посібник / О. В. Пономаренко, О.М. Майстренко.– Ніжин : НДУ ім. М. Гоголя, 2008. –309 с.2.Чувакова Т. Г. Практична граматика англійської мови / Т.Г.Чувакова. – Ніжин : НДУ ім. М. Гоголя, 2003. –73 с.3. Wyatt R.Test Your Vocabulary for FCE/Rawdon Wyatt . −Pearson Education Limited, 2002. –129 p.4. Evans V. Successful Writing Intermediate / Virginia Evans. – Express Publishing, 2000. – 152 p.5. Dellar H. Innovations Intermediate / Hufh Dellar, Andrew Walkley. – Thomson, 2003. – 176 p.6. Crase A. Language to Go Upper Intermediate / Araminta Crase, Robin Wileman. – Longman, 2002. − 88 p.7. ClareA. TotalEnglishIntermediate/ AntoniaClare, JJWilson. – Longman, 2003. – 176 p.8. Oxenden C. New English File Intermediate / Clive Oxenden, Christina Lantham Coenig. – OUP, 2004. – 171 p.


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