मनुष्य जीवन की वर्तमान अवस्था से लेकर...

री राम जी के चरण मं सादर समपित मन य जीवन की वतिमान अवथा से लेकर अंतम उदेय का सफर वामी ञान रकाश The Journey of Human Life from Current Stage to Ultimate Goal Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash [वी के रयेक राणी के ललए] [For Each Individual of Earth]


विश्व के समस्त निवासियों, सादर अभिनन्दन ! हम सभी एक ही परमेश्वर की संतान हैं। सांसारिक जगत का सृजन मात्र पवित्र प्रेम और वैराग्य के लिए किया गया है शेष सभी (कामवासना, क्रोध, लोभ, घमंड, जलन, ममता, मोह, कपट, दम्भ, पाखंड और धोखा आदि) मानसिक रोग हैं। विदित हों कि कामवासना, क्रोध व लोभ ये तीनों मानसिक रोग प्रचंड और प्रबल हैं, जो विशेष विज्ञान के धाम मुनियों के मनों को भी पलभर में विचलित कर देती हैं। प्रत्यछ प्रमाण के लिए- आसाराम बापू, रामपाल, निर्मल बाबा के आलावा और अन्य गुप्त वेषधारी। दृस्य संसार जगत में हर एक क्रिया के विपरित एवं बराबर प्रतिक्रिया होती है यह न्यूटन जी का तीसरा अकाट्य सिद्धान्त है, जिससे लगभग दसवीं पास करने वाला विश्व हर एक व्यक्ति अवगत है। एक नकारात्मक सोंच से बुद्धि की छमता 50 % कम होती है। नकारात्मकता के कारण आज विश्व की 99.9 % जनसंख्या शून्य (0=उदासीन) के भी नीचे बुद्धि का प्रयोग कर रही है, जिससे जाने -अनजाने में प्रकृति के आठ अंगों [पृथ्वी, जल, अग्नि, वायु, आकाश, मन, बुद्धि तथा अहंकार (अष्टांग प्रकृति)] में विकृतियां व्याप्त हो चुकी हैं। दिव्या शक्तियां प्राकृतिक आपदाओं (भूकम्प, सूनामी आदि ) के प्रयोग से संकेत देती जा रहीं हैं अब विश्व प्रलय के किनारे खड़ा है, यदि मनुष्य आज भी पवित्र वैचारिक संकल्प कर सहयोग करना प्रारम्भ कर दे , तो प्राकृतिक आपदाओं से मुक्ति ही नहीं बल्कि 2025 तक स्वर्णिम संसार की रचना संभव है। कृपया अपने इस मित्र पर अवश्य विश्वास करें, क्योंकि यह शरीर मन और बुद्धि सिर्फ परमकल्याण के लिए ही है। इस विलक्षण वैज्ञानिक (- डॉ. रवि शंकर पाण्डेय- सांसारिक नाम ) की विशेष जीवन-चरित्र जानने के लिए से प्रलेख डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। अभी प्राकृतिक आपदाओं से मुक्ति हेतु जो पाँच मुख्य आत्मीय सिद्धांत हैं, जिनका अनुसरण जन -जन को परमावश्यक है , कृपया चित्त को स्थिर कर समीक्षा करें और धारण करने का दृढ़ संकल्प लें। शेष मेरे ऊपर छोड़ दें। विश्व के परमकल्याण हेतु पाँच मुख्य आत्मीय सिद्धांत1. अपनी पूरी कोशिश करें कि किसी की भावनाओं को आपसे चोट न पहुंचे। जब स्थिति पैदा हो जाय कि आपके द्वारा किसी की भावना को चोट पहुँची हो तब अपने विवेकपूर्ण चेतना का उपयोग करें और अंतःकरण को शुद्ध कर माफी माँग लें। विश्वास करें नकारात्मक तरंगें वहीं नष्ट हो जाएंगीं। 2. पूरी तरह स्वार्थ से घृणा करें। अपने पहले परहित का भाव रखने की कोशिश करें। यह एक नि: स्वार्थ और खुश समाज पैदा करेगा। विश्वाश करें! यदि हम सब दूसरों के हित रखने के लिए प्रतिज्ञा लेते हैं, तो आम तौर पर नब्बे प्रतिशत समस्याएं स्वयं हल हो जाएगी और को दूर करने के लिए कई लोग मदद के लिए आ जायेंगें। यदि सभी लोग स्वार्थी ही रहेंगें तो आवश्यकता की घड़ी में कोई नहीं आएगा।3. अंधविश्वासों से बचें; विशेष रूप से इस तरह के अंधविश्वासों से जिसमें दूसरों को नुकसान हो। जाति भेंद हमारी सबसे बड़ी अंधविश्वास है। हमारे धार्मिक विश्वासों की कई शुद्ध अंधविश्वास हैं; अपने विवेक पूर्ण ज्ञान का उपयोग इन से बचने के लिए करें।4. क्रूरता से बचें। यह किसी भी (मीडिया और फिल्मों) तरह से हमारी मानसिक प्रणाली अंतर्निहित हो गयी है। यह एक बुरा मानसिक रोग है। मीडिया और फ़िल्में इसमें ईंधन का कार्य कर रही हैं। क्रूरता को पूरी तरह से घृणा करें। 5. पृथ्वी पर जनसंख्या पहले से ही अनुमेय की सीमा पार कर गया है। यदि यह और आगे बढ़ता है, तो प्रकृति का अपना कार्यप्रणाली इसे नियंत्रित करने के लिए अपनानी ही होगी, जो प्रत्यछ प्रमाण है और यह मानव जाति के लिए विशेष विनाशकारी है। अतः स्वतः के पुत्र की इच्छा से बचें, संसार जगत के किसी एक अनाथ बच्चे की परवरिश कर पुत्र सुख का आनंद प्राप्त करें। विश्वास करें ऐसा पुत्र श्री राम जी की तरह आज्ञाकारी ही होगा।विशेष निवेदन: वर्तमान स्थिति की गंभीरता को देखते हुए शीघ्रता में इस पुस्तक का संकलन किया हूँ। कुछ संकलनों का अंग्रेजी भाषा में अनुवाद कर दिया गया है, शेष मित्र बंधु सहयोग कर अपना जीवन सफल बनायें। कृपया त्रुटियों का सुधार कर लेंगें।आप सभी का अपना श्रद्धा एवं विश्वास जीवन मुक्त डॉ. स्वामी ज्ञान प्रकाश [डॉ. रवि शंकर पाण्डेय [संसारिक नाम]

Transcript of मनुष्य जीवन की वर्तमान अवस्था से लेकर...

  • The Journey of Human Life from Current Stage to Ultimate Goal Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash

    [ ] [For Each Individual of Earth]

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  • On line News paper Sarvodaya Indian Times (2015), Weekly News Paper Journal homepage: http://www.sarvodayaindiantimes.com/epaper/

    Team-Sarvodaya Indian Times


    Dr. RAVI S PANDEY-worldly name

    Each Individual of the world is under the influence of invincible diseases of mind;

    Eradication Possible Sunil Puri Shammi, Chief-Editor

    731, Jivan Tower, Civil Lines, Ludhiana Punjab Bharat

    [email protected] or/and [email protected] Online available in Hindi: http://www.sarvodayaindiantimes.com/epaper/epaper/edition/12/feb/page/4

    Copy Right, SIT, 2015, All rights reserved

    In current period of time, almost all people of the world are partially or fully griped by basically six diseases of mind viz; Lust, Anger,Greed,Pride, Jealous & Infatuation. People of the world! Please let you all know that the three diseases of mind i.e. Lust, Anger Greed are most formidable. In an instant they distract the mind of even seers & saints, who are the very repositories of pure wisdom like Asharam Bapu, Rampal, Nirmal Baba & other all garb bearing hidden imposters. Since they all are gripped by the diseases of mind thats why considering them patients and not criminal, Swami Ji directed for their treatment by elements of Spirit. The origin ofGreed are Desire and Hypocrisy [Unreal Human Doctrine (UHD)], of Lust naught but Deluded Woman; while Angers originated only because of Harsh-Speech; So Swami Ji declared after deep thought in pure transcendental state of his mind. Because of these six invincible diseases of mind Ignorance that is the very first causing agent of numerous diseases of mind, invincible, griped each individual of the world.

    Because of the Ignorance, considering the Supreme Lord just imaginary, the people also becomes prey of Great-Ignorance too. As described in

    Ayurveda and supremely holy religious


    cripture Sri Ram Charit Manasa that the origin of Lust is a counterpart of wind (Vata) and Inordinate Greed corresponds to phlegm (Kapha); while Anger represents bile (Pitta). Should all these three Vata, Pitta and Kapha combine, there results what is known as Sannipata (a derangement of the aforesaid three humors, causing fever of a dangerous nature) induce the origin of Desires and UHD. The cravings of many fold pleasures of the senses that can be obtained by hard practices are numerous diseases of mind.

    In this way; almost each individual even noble minds of the world is under the grip of numerous diseases of mind. Because of these diseases of mind, all ideal and holy human doctrines are disappeared. In these circumstances, imposters and hypocrites promulgated a number of creeds in whole world, which they have invented out of their own wit. These are the reasons of sins increasing day by two folds and night by four

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    folds enormously. Because of the ignorance; common people are opposing the Ideal Human Doctrine (IHD) as narrated by Holy Scriptures, Vedas, Shashtras and Puranas, following the imposters and hypocrites who are babblers in thought, word and deed thus, suffering with numerous diseases, fears and distress. Slaughtering is continuous in every corner of the world and thousands of cows and humans are being prey of it. Billions and Trillions of money are being wasted for destruction of each other without a reason. In such an adventurous period of time, for the Ultimate World Welfare (UWW), a very Liberated Soul, Distinguished Scientist Saint Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash (Dr. Ravi Shankar Pandey-Worldly name) has been raised. The life exploits of Swami Ji is absolutely free from Concupiscence, Greed, Pride and Jealous.

    In his about twenty four (24) years of independent journey of life, Swami Ji has provided holy services to whole world from so many respected positions like Philosopher, President, Director, Distinguished Scientist and Postdoctoral Scientist etc. Several research articles have been published from India, Germany, Japan, England and America. A research article, entitled Health, Piety and Peace by Spirit, Ayurveda, Modern Yoga & Science has recently (May 15, 2014) been published in American Journal of Biomedical Research http://pubs.sciepub.com/ ajbr/2/2/2. Upon kind request of noble scientists from America and around the globe, Dr. Ravi Shankar Pandey politely accepted the position of Chief Guest Editor on July 27, 2014 www.sciepub.com/journal/ajbr/specialissuecallforpapers#6 for publishing a special issue

    for the sake of UWW on Eradication of Diseases of Mind and Foundation of Era of Truth & Peace (Satya-Yuga) and humbly invited entire Novel Intellectual Scientist, Seers, Saints, Sages, Adepts, Preceptors, Theosophists, Men of Religions and Philosophy to submit their articles, but because of the grip of ignorance and greed, none of the people from globe came forward. Thus, the pole of imposters is already opened for common people. Swami Ji was about to move towards salvation after attaining the Absolute Gnosis (AG) as a Liberated Soul. Upon polite request of devotees, He took his stay at Taigor Nagar, Civil Lines, Ludhiana.

    Swami Ji, as a human of absolute dispassion, completely spurned Money Touch Fire, Four stages of Life [Brahmacharya (Student), Grihastya (Married), Vanprastha (Asceticism) and Samnyas (Renunciation)], Home, Prosperity, Town, Family, Name and even of Spurned. This pure and limpid task happened for UWW with pure Mind, Absolute Gnosis (AG) and especially by the compassion of Supreme Lord RAMA. This transcendental state is attained by Swami Ji after following an independent journey of life since Tuesday, September 03, 1991 (24 years) on the route of Benevolence IHD Dispassion Yoga (Concentration of Mind) Dhyan (Subjugation of Mind) AG Spiritual Science Reverence-Faith and Devotion in Absolute Lord RAMA. He has been said to be an ADEPT by striver Sh. Lallan Dubey Ji, Mahant Kamaldas Ji, Pt. Sheshendramani Tiwari, Devotee Sh. Ganesh Ji, Sh. Ramlal Ji & Mata Ansuiya like so many others. The individual soul of Swami Ji has already been substituted. His spiritual wife- Mata

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    Bhuvaneswari Devi and mind blowing son Anuraag are still available on this earth to represent pure LOVE. Besides, Swami Ji has handed over a list of forty contacts for inspection of holy exploits of his life. Swami Ji said, in current period of time Earth; the very first bearer of ultimate fortitude crossed the five steps of hell (AtalaVitalaSutalaTalatala & Mahatala) and moved in Rasatala. The dissolution has already been started. Thus the union of world is the prime need of the day. By following the distinguished doctrine (Real Science) and AG of Swami Ji, whole world can attain Freedom from diseases of Mind, Health, Peace along with Prevention of cow

    slaughtering and even foundation of IHD is still possible. Swami Ji has provided TRUST to us that the Golden Era of the world is possible by 2025 if world follow the doctrine of him by thought, word and deed. Thus, it is humble request to all Men of Intellects, Administration and common people of the world to get the ultimate worth of their human life by serving Swami Ji with Thought Word and Deed for UWW after scrutinize his AG with reverence, keeping him with his absolute doctrine for the sake of peace.

    Sunil Puri Shammi, Chief Editor Febuary 27, 2015


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    Dr. RAVI S PANDEY-worldly name

    Ideal Human Doctrine is Quintessential for Health, Peace and Ultimate World Welfare: Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash

    Sunil Puri Shammi, Chief-Editor

    731, Jivan Tower, Civil Lines, Ludhiana Punjab Bharat

    [email protected] or/and [email protected] Online available in Hindi: http://www.sarvodayaindiantimes.com/epaper/epaper/edition/13/march/page/4

    Copy Right, SIT, 2015, All rights reserved

    All citizens of the world, Welcome & Regards! Please carefully stabilize the mind by reading and understanding each of the words and sentences; hold in mind, because a holy Liberated Saint Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash Ji (Dr. Ravi Shankar Pandey-worldly name) has been raised, who is living with us for Ultimate Welfare of the visual World. The advancement of an ideal, true and limpid Saint is ever conductive to joy, even as the rising of Sun and Moon brings delights to the whole universe. Swami's genius talents have been mentioned in previous version. During the interview, Swami Ji has proved that each individual of the world is vulnerable to mental illness, the complete elimination of all are possible. He analyzed in transcendent state of mind that because of mental illnesses, every man and woman is given over to sin. Because of which, all are sick and disturbed. As a result of sin, our very First Mother- Earth has led to the holocaust, evidences are well known. The only man in the entire visible universe is the body organism whose pure thoughts and deeds could provide health, peace to entire world and our very first mother Earth, the example of ultimate patience can be free from the Holocaust. Swami Ji has proven that without purification of the mind and sacred ideas pious deeds are not possible. Thus, before attaining the liberated state, after achieving Monolithic- Knowledge, he inspired the world by

    publishing a research paper on spirit and peace. Upon, polite request of Noble scholars, he has accepted a holy position of the chief guest editor for publishing a Special Issue on Eradication of Diseases of Mind and Foundation of Era of Truth & Peace (Satya-Yuga) (http://www.sciepub.com/Journal/AJBR/SpecialIssueCallforPapers#6), but none of the people from globe move in forward direction. Finally, spurning all, for ultimate welfare, as a person of absolute dispassion, he meets several Scientists, Seers, Saints, Sages, Adepts, Preceptors, Theosophists, Men of Religions and Philosophy, but none has paid attention on him. Finally he explored all of his history & activity to chief editor of Sarvodaya Indian Times, Ludhiana, Punjab; Mr. Sunil Puri Shammi by name. Swami Ji took his stay for ultimate world welfare UWW at Ludhiana upon kind request of Mr. Shammi and other devotees. A very liberated soul; Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash Ji explored the structure, objective and ultimate worth of human life as following.

  • On line News paper Sarvodaya Indian Times (2015), Weekly News Paper Journal homepage: http://www.sarvodayaindiantimes.com/epaper/

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    Structure, Objective and Ultimate Worth of Human Life:

    The human body, like other 8.4 million animate and inanimate organisms is made from unstable nature's elements. Chemically, human body is a living activity of non living elements. According to Social Sharstra and Zoological Science, human beings are most developed social creatures, which are controlled by genetic sources (Genes) and modulated by the environment. Swami ji has already analyzed all the forty eight thousands eight hundred and three (48,803.00) genes during his philosophical post doctoral program at university of Missouri, Columbia USA. Since all part of the human body from the invisible genes to visible organs are composed of mortal elements, therefore, the elimination of disease of mind is absolutely not possible by materialistic science (Nescience). That is the reason, Swami Ji listened, performed research and analyzed Sri Ram Charita Manasa and proclaimed the origin and purpose of the secrets of the human body for UWW.

    He has proven that the human body is merely an organism is derived from divine grace. There is no other body similar to the human body. The deities along with animate and inanimate are begging for this. Human body is the very first ladder for hell, heaven and salvation along with a provider of the real worth of human life like Yoga, Dispassion, Monolithic- Wisdom and Devotion.

    In today's world, because of mental illnesses and ignorance almost everyone is just following the route of hell (Lust, Anger, Greed and Ego) and have became like corpses. He declared that fourteen types (Perplexed, A sect of shakti

    worshiper-Vamamargi-A man given over lust, stingy, an obtuse, impoverished, A man suffering with disrepute, An extremely old man, continuous patient, continuous angry, He who is alienated Vishnu , An enemy of Vedas and Saints, He who is exclusively nourishes his own body, cynical and sin loaded) of people are no better than corpses.; even while they alive. The supreme lord is desire less, out of merits and demerits, beyond deluding potency and unborn, who get incarnated by his own will because of absolute love and known by different names like Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Jesus Christ, Mahatma Buddha, Sri Guru Govind Singh; in fact all are only one in different garb. We all have part of him (individual soul) enshrined in our very heart as an ultimate power; who can be experienced only by reverence and faith. The active visible world is possible only by imagination of him that is looking real being unreal just as ignorance about rope leads us to mistake it for a snake. The visible world is designed by Maid of the same supreme resolution (Maya), just for LOVE, Quietness, Monolithic Knowledge and Devotion to identify Self-Nature only. That is the ultimate worth of human life. During interview, Swami Ji revealed that formless mind (Nirankar Man) is a Reasonal-Body in human materialistic body that is raises by the senses for boundation and salvation.

    Realizing the facts in transcendent state of mind by deep analysis, Swami Ji revealed the ultimate secrets for the UWW. Indeed, there are two more formless bodies are associated with human materialistic body viz; (1) Mind (Reasonal body) and Spirit (Subtle-body). In brief, the individual soul is a part of Absolute, who is super consciousness and the most holy, limpid, immortal and blissful by nature. While, the reasonal body Mind is usually controlled by senses, impure, immortal by

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    nature. Five strong senses like Ear, Eyes, Tongue, Skin and Nose of perceptions of Hearing, Form, Taste, Touch & Smell are deviating towards unreal world, while, the pure inspiration of Spirit bring the mind of a pious individual on right track towards ultimate supreme. Swami Ji has proven that we all are the progeny of Supreme/ Absolute and the visible world is full of Absolute Brahm that is only one. The very sentiment and concept of duality is because of ignorance only, which is the origin of all mental defects and germinate the root, known as Anger. Then after, numerous mental illnesses like desires, greed, arrogance, jealousy, hypocrisy (false doctrine), deception, etc. automatically generated. This is the reason that the powers of the human body that is in reality obtained from the grace of God only like Intelligence, Wealth and Physical Powers are not being possible to utilize in the right direction of benevolence.

    During the interview, Dr. Prakash said, if the individual took hold in their faculty of wisdom (Chitt) that she/he is part of God and the mind , senses , materialistic body and the world is only a means to practice for LOVE and Dispassion; then even today establishment of the age of Truth & Peace (Golden Age) is possible. He has also proven that people are living under ignorance (worldly-attachment) and great ignorance (delusion in Absolute God), and unable to realize the self nature. Thus every creature of the earth accepts the slavery of the mind 'Manudas' and because of this mental defect of lust they are subjugated and just dancing on the tune of senses. Like simple rules of brutish creatures, people are also started living at the mere Diet, Sleep and

    Sex only as a worth of life and losing the ultimate fruit (Devotion & Salvation) as a real worth of human birth. The reason of ignorance and great ignorance is only the invincible diseases of mind. Thus, in current period of time, each individual of the world are being the prey of invincible diseases of mind and ignorance only doing the sinful jobs. As a result, our very first Mother-Earth has lead to the Holocaust. Therefore, for the ultimate welfare of the world's Eradication of Diseases of Mind and Foundation of Ideal Human Doctrine is Quintessential. Swami Ji said, All the three major psychiatric diseases of all disorders like Lust, Anger and Greed could be eliminated by specific formless medicine like Devotion, Concept of one without duality and contentment respectively.

    A very Liberated saint Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash Ji said that he has all the remedies to eradicate the Diseases of Mind, Doctrine of Ideal Humanity as well as the Spiritual wisdom to save the Earth from Holocaust. Thus for the UWW it is polite request to all the men of worldly intellects (Spiritual leaders, The President, The Prime Minister, Politicians, Strivers, Seer, Adepts, Released, Nostalgic, Poet, Visionary, Yogis, Religious Scholar, Ascetic, Knowledgeable and specialized knowledge - Muni, Chopsticks, etc.) to cooperate the Distinguished Philosopher and Scientist Liberated Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash Ji with Thought, World and Deed and get the real worth of their human birth. Jai Sri Rama

    Sunil Puri Shammi Chiief Editor,

    & All associates March 06, 2015

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    Dr. RAVI S PANDEY-worldly name

    Ideal Woman Doctrine is Quintessential for Crossing the Ocean of Mundane Existence: Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash

    Sunil Puri Shammi, Chief-Editor

    731, Jivan Tower, Civil Lines, Ludhiana Punjab Bharat

    [email protected] or/and [email protected] Online available in Hindi: http://www.sarvodayaindiantimes.com/epaper/epaper/edition/14/march/page/4

    Copy Right, SIT, 2015, All rights reserved

    Entire Mothers, Sisters and Daughters of the World! Sincerely welcome you all on behalf of Sarvodaya Indian Times. An Eccentric Scientist and Saint Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash is here among us today. He has performed an interpretation of Ideal Woman Doctrine (IWD) for ultimate welfare of women. According to Dr. Swami interpretation, you all are form of Reverence and as a boat to cross the ocean of mundane existence. Let you all know that the entire family members are dependent to cross the ocen of mundane existence in same way as

    passengers are dependent on boat for crossing the river. If boat follows the ferry man, passengers can definitely cross the river. This is the simple mystery of a mothers Ideal

    Women Doctrine that is complete fidelity to husband in stage of homely attachment. Following the same only, a lady can attain the stage of salvation that is the ultimate worth of human life. It recites the four Holy Scriptures known as Vedas. For ultimate welfare of women to the mystic mother Ansuiya Ji preach to mother Sita Ji, the wife of supreme Lord Sri Rama Ji.Therefore, the Swami Ji kindly request you all for ultimate welfare to read every word and converse holds steady to your faculty of wisdom.

    Mother, father, brother and other relatives tend to the joy, but they are all too limited extent. But ladies! please note, Husband offered immense pleasure and accompanied you till Salvation. Therefore, it is sinful woman, who does not serve a husband. For a proof one can review a composition of ultimate truth Lord Shankaras mind, Sri Ram Charit Manasa;

    Matu Pita Bhrata Hitakari l Mitaprada Saba Sunu Rajakumari Amita Dani Bharta Bayadehi Adhama So Nari Jo Seva Na Tehi

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    In the current phase of the cycle of time today almost all male society has been suffering from incurable mental illness. This is critical grievous time. Our very first mother EARTH, who is called the

    limit of tolerance, has reached the abyss because of the sins. Therefore, please note that you ladies are also limit of patience. Patience, faith, friends and wife- all four are identified and examined only in time of adversity. For evidence for-

    Dhiraja Dharma Mitra Aru Nari Apada Kala Parikhiahim Chari

    Mother please make note! - Existing situation is test of your all patience and faith. Just by following the IWD only,

    you can be benefited the ultimate form of human birth that is salvation. For proof

    Sahaja Apavani Nari Pati Sevata Subha Gati Lahai Jasu Gavata Sruti Chari Ajahum Tulasika Harihi Priya

    There are four types of faithful wives in this world: so declare the Vedas, the Puranas and all the saints. A woman of the best type is convinced in her heart of hearts that she cannot even dream in this world of a man other than her lord. The middling regards an other is husband as her own brother, father or son (according to his age). She who is restrained by considerations of virtue or by the thought of her race is declared by the Vedas as a low woman. And know her to be the lowest woman in this world, who is restrained only by fear and want of opportunity. The woman who deceives her husband and loves a paramour is cast for a hundred cycles (of aeon) into the worst form of hell known by the name of

    Raurava. One aeon is 4 billion is 32 million years old. Who is so depraved as the woman who for the sake of a moment is pleasure reckons not the torment that shall endure for a thousand million births! The woman who sincerely takes a vow of fidelity to her husband easily attains the highest state; while she who is disloyal to her lord is widowed as soon as she attains her youth wherever she may be reborn. Please note in your faculty of wisdom that the perfect fidelity to husband only holding the husband and he can not ever mislead. The Lord Shankar is the ultimate confidence and evidence. For evidence one can review the composition of the ultimate faith in form of Lord Shankar ji-

    Jaga Patibrata Chari Bidhi Ahahim Beda Purana Santa Saba Kahahim Uttama Ke Asa Basa Mana Mahim Sapannhum Ana Purusa Jaga Nahim Madhyama Parapati Dekhai Kaisem Bhrata Pita Putra Nija Jaisen Dharma Bichari Samujhi Kula Rahai So Nikrista Triya Sruti Asa Kahai Binu Avasara Bhaya Tem Raha Joi Janehu Adhama Nari Jaga Soi Pati Bancaka Parapati Rati Karai Raurava Naraka Kalpa Sata Parai Chana Sukha Lagi Janama Saba Koti Dukha Na Samajha Tehi Sama Ko Khoti Binu Srama Nari Parama Gati Lahai Patibrata Dharma Chadi Chala Gahai Pati Pratikula Janama Jaham Jai Bidhava Hoi Pai Tarunai

    In todays Kaliyuga a natural question that comes from mothers: if the spouse does not cooperate, then what to do? Dr. Swami politely tends to convey the

    message that mothers must strive their doctrine only in every situation. The mystery behind it is, a woman who treats her husband with disrespect even though he is old, sick,

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    dull-headed, indigent, blind, deaf, wrathful or most wretched - shall suffer various torments

    in hell (the abode of Yama)

    Vridha Rogabasa Jada Dhanahina Andha Badhira Krodhi Ati Dina Aisehu Pati Kara Kie Apamana Nari Pava Jamapura Dukha Nana

    If a wife submerged her thought, word and deed into lotus feet of her lord all the fault of her husband automatically turn off. No other medicine is available in the world. Thus, it is polite request to the entire woman to return back into original form of Reverence. According to Dr. Swami Ji, women are for reverence and respect rather

    objects of sex. Males must comply this with honor. All deceived by the demon Kalnemi today in this age of Kaliyuga. Please mother note in your faculty of wisdom that Devotion of body, speech and mind to her lord is only duty, sacred vow and penance of a woman.

    Eka Hi Dharma Eka Brata Nema Kaya Bacana Mana Pati Pada Prema Thus, do not pour you and

    your family members into trap of imposters as they all will dip into the worldly ocean, rather, quickly start following the ideal women doctrine and get the real worth of human birth. Dr. Swami Ji has in stage of libration with kind grace of God. His entire life is based on following passage benevolence, dispassion, yoga, monolithic knowledge, devotion and liberation. To

    overcome grief, infatuation, doubt one can contact Dr. Swami Ji with reverence keeping him away from Fire, Money, Touch & Luxury goods.

    Sunil Puri Shammi Chiief Editor,

    & All associates Sarwoday Indian Times

    March 13, 2015

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    Dr. RAVI S PANDEY-worldly name

    Integral Masculine Power is Quintessential for Ideal Human Doctrine: Dr. Swami G Prakash Ravi S Pandey, Sunil Puri Shammi, Chief-Editor

    731, Jivan Tower, Civil Lines, Ludhiana Punjab Bharat

    [email protected] or/and [email protected] Online available in Hindi: http://www.sarvodayaindiantimes.com/epaper/epaper/edition/15/march/page/4

    Copy Right, SIT, 2015, All rights reserved

    The beloved people of the world, the Best greetings and regards to you all from Sarvodaya Indian Times! In the current phase of the time cycle, where are rampant killings and unrest in every corner of the world, with kind grace of the Absolute God Sri Rama Ji, for our ultimate welfare thre has been rased a distinguished Scientist and a very liberated saint for us, Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash is his name. Swamiji's holy thoughts have been published for public absolute welfare in the last three editions. Their masses of commendable responses are achieved. Swamiji has already proven in the interview that in the present time each creature of the earth are vulnerable to psychiatric ragged and invincible diseases of mind, whose elimination is possible ( 27 February edition Page 4). Today, because of all these problems of mental illness (Physical ailments, Grief, Confusions and Doubts), imposters took the advantage and have implicated the heretic doctrine in the mind of common people. Immediately after deep thinking in transcendental state of mind, Dr. Prakash (March 6 edition page 4) highlighted the need for a perfect human righteousness for the Health, Peace and Ultimate Welfare of all. As soon as the word Mother is heared, we all perceive the waves of reverence in our mind, as we are all children of her. Therefore, all women to live for creation must be seen by the vision of reverence only. For conduction of super consciousness, Swami ji concluded Ideal

    Women Doctrine in his next sitting with man of intellects (13 March edition on page 4). Please be sure to review the published collections. Today, one side, the Swamiji told that each of creatures is suffering from mental illness, on the other hand people are not even representing themselves as a Human, Seeker or Adepts, directly depicting themselves as an Ultimate Absolute upheaval of mind of disciple and extracts the money but fails to rid him of his sorrow, physical ailments, confusions (March 13 edition on page 3). Swamiji has proven that those people, who are of hypocritical evil feces, mere slave of Greed and nothing else. Even those who are impostors are respected on account of their garb, as the world is taken in by their attractive appearance. But they are eventually exposed, and cannot keep up their false appearance till the end, for evidence: the case with Kalanemi, Ravana, Rahu, Asharam and Rampal etc. For ultimate welfare of all of us, the very liberated saint Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash Ji explored that for establishment of Ideal Human Doctrine intregral masculine power is quintessential. Besides, he also clears the exact personality characters of man, human and great master

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    human. Hence, it has been requested to review each word with resolute of mind and constant attention for ultimate worth of human body. Dr. Swami Ji explained the Absolute vision that is ultra-rare system for us without any infatuation & affection for the human materialistic body. Accoding to Science and Scriptures, there is no other form as good as the human body: every living creature whether animates or inanimate craves for it. The human mind is gripped by the senses and instead of overcome from ignorance all the people are absorbe in indulgent of luxury living and in the act of wrongdoing. At this stage human body becomes the slave of senses; he termed it as Manudas. Because of synergistic effect of

    all, instead of the divine qualities like Benevolence, Forgiveness, Simplicity, Friendliness, Reverence and Faith etc the demonic qualities like Selfishness, Cruelty, Cynicism, Hostility, Atheism, Stubbornness, Arrogance, Hatred, etc are direct evidence of the current visible world. The human body (Male or Female), who ever living with nature ( Maya ), with a sense of reverence, understanding the universe is composed of changeable components for true love are Man. The human whose body is full of Yoga, Quietness, Monolithic knowledge and Real Science are known as Human. For evidence

    Gyana Viraga Joga Vigana I Ae Saba Purusa Sunahu Harijana II

    HuMen who take such determination that (1) the enemy can not see the back in battle forever (2) Alien women could not pull the mind even in dream (3) No

    beggar meets with a rebuff are only Noble Men. For evidence in the speech of Noble Rama

    Raghubansinha kara sahaja subhau I Manu kupantha pagu dharai na kau II Mohi Atisaya pratiti mana keri I Jehi Sapanehu Paranari Na Heri II

    Jinha Kai Lahahi na ripu rana Pithi I Nahi Pavahi Paratiya manu Dhiti II Mangana Lahahi Na Jinha kai Nahim I Te Narabara Thore Jaga Mahim II

    Swamiji said, stabliztion of mind is Yoga 'Attention Detention is Yoga: In brief this is all correct, but to practice, it has eight limbs, called the Ashtanga Yoga. These eight limbs are (Mind Control (Abstinence), Power (Sense Restraint),

    Yama (Non-Violence, Truth, Nonstealing, Continence, Celibacy And Renunciation), Pure Doctrine (Purity, Contentment, Austerity, Self-Education and God realization), Diet (Virtuous Diet - Bread, Root and Fruit), Company (Saint company or Aloof), Meditation (God is the truth and I am part of his own) and assumption (Own bosom is of God, World is composed of God). Following these for long periods of time, one can get success in accomplishing the Yoga. Such a state of mind itself is favorable for purification of it. .

    The senses and the mind (Reasonal body), in which only the Subtle Body' which is in reality a part of Absolute God is source of energy to operate all. When this thought occurs, then only the quietness

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    of the visible world begins that is quintessential for the Monolithik knowledge. These doctrines are being sung by the Scripture, composed by the mind of the

    ultimate truth Lord Shankar Ji plus all the Vedas and Puranas. For evidence-

    Binu Gura Hoi ki Gyana, Gyana ki Hoi Biraga binu I. Gavahin Veda Purrana, Sukha ki Lahaia Hari Bhagati Binu. II Swamiji highlighted the fact

    that, without the light of absolute Gnosis of faith the gross darkness of Ignorance can not overcome even on raising million of Suns. By receiving the light of Absolute Gnosis, if a person got an ability to open the knot made by immobilized physical body and Soul, then only one can be a true saint ( The end of visible world from the mind). Being a true saint, one can be a true devotee of the Absolute God Sri Rama. With help of the Real Science (knowledge of ultimate reality), one can be true servent of the visual world. Please note that the power which creates

    universes (Adi-Shakti/ Bhuvaneswari Devi), Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna, Lord Shankar Ji, Brahma Ji, Hanuman Ji, Sankadi (Sanat, Snandn, Sanat kumar) and Narada etc. are real in stewardship of Absolute Replying to- Ravana, Sri Hanuman Ji clears the living proof that with appropriate force Brahma Ji, Vishnu Ji and Shankar Ji working for Creativity, Nourishing, Salvation respectively. By whose might, the thousand-headed Shesh ji supports on his head the entire globe with its mountains and forests. I am a servant of him.

    Sunu Ravana Brahmanda Nikaya I Pai Jasu Bala Viracita Maya II Jake Bala Viranchi Hari Isha I Palata Srijata Harata Dasasisa II Ja Bala Sisa Dharata Sahasanana I Andakosa Sameta Giri kanana.II

    Swamiji said that while following the path of the spiritual journey he reached out of the universe, the Lakshmi, Fire, Touches has been spurned out till last breaths. During the interview, Swamiji clears that Lord Rama compassion is only helpful. Swamiji said that he does not have his own dominion. Whoever (Man or Woman) want

    to serve the visible world as a true devotee to reorder in proper sequence of perturbations can contact him with reverence in his dignity ( Keeping him away from Money, Fire, Touch and luxury goods) Anyone can contact devout Sri Sunil Puri Shammi, chief editor Sarvoday Indian Times (94631-12333), for ultimate welfare.

    Team-Sarvoday Indian Times

    Sunil Puri Shammi Chiief Editor,

    & All associates Sarwoday Indian Times

    March 13, 2015

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    Dr. RAVI S PANDEY-worldly name

    Real preceptor is primary requirement of the world to prevent the earth from the holocaust:-Dr Gyan Prakash

    Ravi S Pandey, Sunil Puri Shammi, Chief-Editor

    731, Jivan Tower, Civil Lines, Ludhiana Punjab Bharat

    [email protected] or/and [email protected] Online available in Hindi: http://www.sarvodayaindiantimes.com/epaper/epaper/edition/16/march/page/4

    Copy Right, SIT, 2015, All rights reserved

    Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash Ji, even after achieving the state of liberation returned back to us from Himalaya for ultimate welfare. The entire world is aware of the genius of Dr. Prakash (Dr. Ravi S Pandey-worldly name). The Swami Ji highlighted the primary requirement of world as a true preceptor during the interview. Based on his personal experiences, He pointed out that because of mental illnesses the sinful activities has exceeded its limit line at the present time, so that today our very first mother (EARTH) is standing on the verge of the Holocaust. People are unable to keep & stabilize their sacred relationship. The world is unrestricting because of selfishness, anarchy, cruelty, brutality, king's heretic doctrine, rampant criminal activity and exploitation. Due to that entire world is poised to third world war. In transcendent state of mind, an absolute overview and analysis of Dr. Swami Ji revealed that almost all of the minds of people have been mesmerized by the evil powers. These are out of reach of the powers of worldly equipment. But with the divine vision (quietness and monolithic knowledge) people can get their experience and victory over them is also possible. This ultimate reality of God has been carried out by Swami Ji with kind compassion of the Absolute Sri Rama Ji. Anyone of the world can test his conduct may get experience. Swami Ji made us feel that due to ignorance sexuality (wanton power) origin in the mind disclosed the

    invisible valves inside the faculty of wisdom for all evil powers [Greed, Anger, Vanity, Jealousy, Treachery, Conflict, Hypocrisy, Injustice, Pride, Affection etc. (mental illness)]. These are so effective, even the man of pure wisdom spiritual preceptor is not free from them. Dr. Swami has proven the facts by giving the irrefutable evidence from the pillar of truth Lord Shankar Jis holy creation of the mind, Sri Rama Charit Mansa " that until a garb bearing hypocrite able to purify himself, he will not be able to purify the mind of the public. For Evidence -

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    Chutai Mala Ki Malahi Ke Dhoe Ghr Ita Ki Pava Koi Bari Biloe Prema Bhagati Jala Binu Raghurai Abhiantara Mala Kabahun Na Jai. Assuming the real facts of

    concept of evenness that all are bearing the part of divinity Dr. Prakash realizes that a human body while holding the ' creature ' is

    not able to purify his/her mind only to be duped by Kalnemi and unfortunate, timid and like corpses being alive mere. For Evidence -

    Jinha Ehi Bari Na Manasa Dhoe Te Kayara Kalikala Vigoe Dr. Swami Ji has proven that

    the people seated bearing the garb of preceptor Guru Ghantal in public temples, religious sites and the holy homes (Ashram) purity of their mind is primarily essential, those are destroyed themselves and are

    destroying the general people of society. So they're getting themselves to utter hell. They steal the money from people disciples (followers), but do not steal mourning. Even they're trying to destroy the patronage of true path. For Evidence-

    Harahi Sisya Dhana Soka Na Harai So Guru Ghora Naraka Maha Parahi Apu Gae Aru Tinhuhu Ghalahi Je Kahunm Satamaraga Pratipalahi Kalpa Kalpa Bhari Ek - Ek Naraka Parahim Je Dusahim Sruti Kari Taraka

    Dr. Prakash said that imposters have been confused the mind so much that people instead of following Real books [Sadgranth], Vedas, Scriptures, Mythology they started to follow up many sects of their own wit like Yatharth Gita

    (composed by Adgdhanand) Brahmakumari, Radhaswami, Nirankar Swami, Swayambu Lord called Dungeons etc.) Thus, people are isolated from the real route that caused loss of pious acts. For proof--

    Sruti Sammata Hari Bhakti Patha San Juta Virati Viveka Tehim Na Chalahim Nara Moha Vasa Kalpahim Pantha Aneka

    Bhaye Loga Saba Moha Vasa Lobha Grase Subha Karma Sunu Harijana Gyana Nidhi Kahaum Kachuka Kalidharma

    Kalimala Grase Dharma Saba Lupta Bhaye Sadagrantha Dambhinha Nijamati Kalpa Kara Pragata Kie Bahupantha

    Swami Ji has experienced us that today the world is vulnerable to waves of demonic (Ravunni). He urged that all people must keep them far away from imposters.

    Lord Shankar Ji has already told that Absolute Lord are broad and are equally prevalent everywhere, which appear only Absolute LOVE.

    Hari Vyapaka Sarvata Samana Prema Se Pragata Hohim Maim Jana Desa Kala Disi Vidisihu Mahim Kahahu So Kaham Jaham Prabhu Nahim Aga Jagamaya Saba Rahita Viragi Prema Te Prabhu Pragatai Jimi Agi

    Dr. Swamiji said incarnation of Lord Vishnu Yogiraj Krishna Ji has created 14 worlds led to the creation of the universe, which is just to love and quietness.

    The rest are all mental illness. Whose elimination is quintessential. The mental illness has appeared in people only due to the dominating effect of evil powers. The works

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    of eradication are being continued by divine cosmic powers, who have taken the responsibility to organize life on Earth. These two forces are invisible in the drama of absolute, but their impact is well known. Although Absolute Lord are broad and are equally prevalent everywhere, but to continue LOVE, people have organized Temple, Mosque, Gurudwara, Churches, Majara and Pious home etc as a recognized place for God, but the question is who is already enslaved by greed, how can those imposter work for purification of the common peoples mind? Brahmin (scholar) who has been revered by the force of austerity, today, some of them are on tops of sinful jobs. Even though, if those Brahmin people would like their welfare, the must hold fast the nine

    sacred qualities described by absolute lord Sri Rama i.e. Mind Control, Senses Control, Tenacity, Defecation, Forgiveness, Simplicity, Monolithic Knowledge, Real Science and Theism. First, they should clean the conscience and if need cognition, can remove fear and shame and come to Dr. Swami Ji and by self-cleaning the mind it would be possible to provide holy services to common people. On other hand, they can stop selling the Scriptures, Vedas, mythology and start chanting the name of RAMA the remaining live, wellness course will be. The Supreme Lord Sri Rama is already worshiped by Goddess Saraswati, Shesha Ji, Lord Shankar Ji, Brahma Ji, the Agamas, the Vedas and the Puranas by saying "whose end is not in continuous anthem. For evidence-

    Sarada Sesa Mahesa Vidhi Agama Nigama Purana Neti Neti Kahi Jasu Guna Karahim Nirantara Gana

    Swami Ji has proven that unless a creature hold up the sacred qualities of preceptor or scholar' he could never perform the acts of a true preceptor. Preceptor's glory is infinite, But in short format, A person, who is an ocean of mercy

    and is no other than Lord Vishnu Ji Himself in human form, and whose words are sunbeams as it were for dispersing the mass of darkness in the form of gross ignorance. For proof-

    Bandaum Guru Pada Kanja Kr ipa Sindhu Nara Rupa Hari Mahamoha Tama Punja Jasu Bacana Ravi Kara Nikara

    Dr. Swami Ji also declared no organism of the world is guilty. Today 's world requires a master 's actually that can be constructed by implementing the sacred element of Ram Charita Manasa. Upon question about the genius and preceptor, Dr. Swami Ji explored that the sacred elements of Ram Charit Manasa are his true master and Lord Shankar Ji is the master of conscience & Besides, parents, Dr. Bhardwaj Atri (94152-90398 ), Certified Seeker Mr. Lalan Dubey (99842-89423), Mother Bhuvaneshwari Devi ( 78947-13964 ), Shri Ganesh Ji(91253-12491), Mr Ram Lal Ji (97931-41124) and Mother Anasuiya (99352-67506), including the whole world are very

    cooperative. Dr Prakash world with which we are confident if world cooperate with thoughts, word and deed, a true preceptor can be generated with the help of element and with the guidance of him creation of healthy and peaceful world can be seen maximally by 2025. Thus, all the men of intellects are cordially requested for their cooperation for ultimate world welfare by contacting Sunil (94631-12333).

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    Dr. RAVI S PANDEY-worldly name

    Prevention of the Mother of the entire Universe "Bossy Mother" is the only way to protect Holocaust: Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash

    Ravi S Pandey, Sunil Puri Shammi, Chief-Editor

    731, Jivan Tower, Civil Lines, Ludhiana Punjab Bharat

    [email protected] or/and [email protected] Online available in Hindi: http://www.sarvodayaindiantimes.com/epaper/epaper/edition/17/april/page/4

    Copy Right, SIT, 2015, All rights reserved

    Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash made intellectual people to perceive that Cow is not only the mother of us all only rather she is the mother of the entire universe by the evidence of scientific and spiritual elements. Whose reverently respect and protection is the only way to stop the holocaust. He cleared scientifically that there is specific reason behind the creation and generation of each organism. Cow is the only organisms in all animate and inanimates on this earth as a direct representative of universal operator Surya Narayana (Sun God). Her incarnation on earth is happened to balance of nature for smooth activity of all living beings in peaceful environment. By reviewing the 28th chapter of the Rig Veda, one can understand this fact in detail. Dr. Swami Ji highlighted that there are thirty-two (32) basic components of the creation of visible world and only Mother Cow has ability to absorb all components from the Milky Sky and mix all with stomach food along with their conversion to energetic nectar like excreted products in form of milk, urine and dung. Dr. Swami made us the real realization that all 32 basic components are compacted into the eight basic limbs in the human body like Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, Mind, Intellect and Ego (Ashtanga Prakriti-8th Nature). In today time cycle, all the eight components are polluted, because of heretic doctrine of demonic people. The only existing mother organism Cow has been

    created to provide nourishment to all the

    components of living creature. In very brief, an organism who nourishes is mother. As the cow mother is nourishing all of the eight limbs of nature, she is already a proven Mother of Universe. With these visions, the cow is Nature lightening by reverting its eight limbs, regulator of nature, and ultimately divine and the very first significant organism on this visible world, that can not be compared to anyone.

    From time to time in the nature, there are incoming distortions take place in Nature that can be mitigated only by the mother cow. Dr. Prakash said the eight basic components created the entire human, animates and inanimates of universe (From small creation like ant to Sun). If, any components of of these eight organs of nature get impaired in then all have to suffer the effects. In current age of the the varied nature of human negligence has caused the deformities in all the eight components of nature, due to which the entire universe

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    becomes sensualist only. There is no other way to restore the smooth nature except mother cow. Highlighting the current state of the world, Dr. Swami Ji said that basically mental disorders (mainly Greed) swayed Mankind and they put varied poison in the earth. The result has been toxic land that produces the toxic grain, fruit, medicine, vegetables, pulses etc. As a result, the human body is deformed from pregnancy. The disease etiology even started in the womb of the mother. After the birth, the people are getting the poisoned even from the mother's milk and other foods. Lying in the womb of poison seed (Concupiscence) and vengeful nutritional food substances together bring the human brain, mind and intellect in drastic distortion. Now the sinful deeds overcome virtuous deeds, day and night and becoming heavy fourfold without any restriction. By resorting to measures to ease the sense of irrational human stupidity fire has also been distorted. Inferno fire (The Vadhwanl fire of Ocean), Sun fire and earth mixed energy of space fire spread distortions have been varied at the current moment. Consequently, water, land and air are less vigor and have gone on the verge of being eliminated. The effects of natural disasters earth quack, premature death, disease as devastating, mutual struggle, strife and other all-destruction are the evidences for people. Today the world is standing on the banks of the Holocaust.

    Dr. Gyan Prakash Ji made us the realization that there is no other way to go except the mother cow to remove the distortions of these eight components of nature. Since, entire universe is in extreme loss because of the distortions of nature and in ultimate benefit by its mitigation. Thus, without any discrimination, the awakning of superconsciousness and interest for the prevention of mother of universe cow 'Matrah Sarwbhutanam' is being primarly quintessential to protect the globe. He has

    declared the specific reason of the unconsciousness acts of people with the evidence of heretic doctrine of Lard Macole. He destroyed the seminaries of ideal education, given by spiritual preceptor by conving the people as it was outlawed in 1858. He declared that the English is legal education and the first convent school was opened in Calcutta. Senselessly, the governments are showing the bluffing pole to the common people as the development, in fact all are just slavery of those Britisher and nothing more.

    Dr. Swami said that by the mass dissemination of basic principles of humanity, the mental diseases can be erradicated even today and beautiful golden ideal human doctrine creation is still possible. As soon as the people vanish all error and will awaken superconsciousness equally, the good-luck stroke of mankind will rise soon. Otherwise destructive natural disasters in the

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    universe are bound to come. Awaking the Superconsciousness, Dr. Swami Ji said that humans are created for protection of mother cow, who is nourishing the entire globe. Her dung is nourishing Mother-Earth and simultaneously, wiping out the toxin produced in the nature, because of human error. Thus, Cow protection will be helpful in the mitigation of milk, grain, drugs, fruit and all. The diet of the human body, brain, mind and intellect will become genuine. Dr Prakash has made us to realize that the shade of personality building is starting from the womb by earthly elements and the level of love during meeting of parents. In the very first range semen, the transformed form of earth's elements will be genuingly refined.then only the human body will be of genuine biography. It will be frisky, and of the virtuous life. Thus, it is quintessential to start cow protection for producing more dung for nourishing the earth and the fertility of it will remain intact. Dr. Swami got overwhelmed during the interpretation of the holy virtues of mother of universe-Cow. He said that much of the male society has fallen much below now and he has to make sense of even 'mother'. She sustained a divine energy and emanating from the body that is very beneficial to the all the human. Besides, mother cow oppressed inferior beings that are too weak, thus she is direct statue of simplicity, accuracy, and generosity.

    Convincing the intellectctual groups, Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash has proven with scientific and spiritual elements that there is a reality in existence of Lord Brama Ji (Resolute wisdom) in the back of the bossy mother, in neck there is abode of Lord Vishnu and in mouth sore Lord Shankar Ji alive, in the middle of back all the gods and in all the body hairs the 'Seers' are inhabited. He has said that the excretory substances are well known honeydew as a holy evidence of the presence of these divine powers. The

    properties affected by ignorance and vindictive male society today are like demonic as of Ravana of Treta Yuga. Everyone is slumbering in the night of delusion, and while asleep one sees dreams of various kinds. All are Just delay of wake, which they experienced soon with the effects of the elements light wisdom of virtuous qualities and will be free indeed. The leading philosopher of Ideal Human Doctrine Prention Stage; Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash took a great unbreakable vow to protect the mother cow and obsessive with absolutely unwavering faith that it will workout soon. By delivering the talk for awakening the ultimate consciousness, Dr. Swami urged the people in humbleness that 'mother' is in need of the support of of the human body the term thought, word and deed those stripes the respect for mother. He showed the confidence that there are still all are the son of mother, besides Lord Sri Gopal G/ Krishna G.

    He made all convinced by the sense in the light of spiritual wisdom the the fourteen worlds (Patala, Rasatala (the abyss), Mahatala, Talatala, Sutala, Vitala, Atala (irrevocable), Bhuv (Earth), Bhuvah (Beyond Earthly elements):, Swah (self) : Mahah:, Janaha, Tapah (tenacity) and Satyam (Truth) are really true and not b a fantasy. There is arranged existance of Goloka around these fouteen worlds that is for Yogiraj Srikrishna Ji only. He had made the people to experience that In today's society, the sins has reached to its maximum level, acausing the mother earth to move itself in the abyss. In todays greedy world, there is not even existance of absolute personality of dispassion that is quintessential for monolithic wisdom. How can one expect the man of spiritual wisdom? The impostors are getting the various powers attainable, namely, anima, mahima, laghima, garima, prapti, prakamya, ishitva, vashitva, the

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    powers of becoming small, great, light, heavy, attaining what one wills, and the like, are known as the eight siddhi those are the eight slaveries of lord Shankar Ji along with power of Infatuations and making the people fool and diverting their mind. Forgeting their dignity and ultimate worth of human life, people are even feeling proud by killing universal mother cow. Even the country's prime minister has received top marks. While, the real understanding of the principles is that the Lord Krishna Ji has

    created mother cow in order to maintain balance of earthly environment for all the creatures (Jiva) and Kamdhenu (Cow of plenty) for deities. Dr. Prakash said with evidence that there if no difference in cows, in the Vedas, in Om, Dwadshakshr mantra (Om Namo Bhaggwate Vasudeway), the sun, in Gayatri and in Vedtrayi. All are the form of God. Thus cow is a parental mother of the entire universe who is for reverently, respect and service and not for slaughetering.

    Vedadirvedmata Ch Pourusham Suktmev Ch I Trayi Bhagvatam Chou Dwadshakshr ave Ch II In ancient scripture Rig Vedas

    described about bossy mother as Mata Rudranam Duhita Vasunam Svasadityanamamr Tasya Nabhih I

    Pranu Vocam Cikituse Janaya Ma Gamanagamaditim Vadhista II

    It stands for Cow as a mother of Rudra, Daughter of Vasus, Sister of Aditi-sons and plenty of nectar like melted butter (Ghrit).

    Where Cows are happy, there is smiling all assets. Where cows are sorrow, there all happiness become fade and hurt.

    Yatra Gavah Prasannah Syuh Prasannastatra sampadah Yatra Gavo visannah Syurvishannastatra Sampadah

    Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash made the realization that any holy religion (Ideal Human Doctrine) leads only way to reach God, does not allow killing bossy mother. Even in the the scripture of Ishlam Quran described, the importance of cow as she is the chief of four footed organism. The very prophet Mohammad ji himself already said that the cow-melted butter is like shifaa (medicine) and beef is disease. The blood and meat do not reach to God, its spirit of sacrifice that he accepts. Cow slaughtering is against the Ishlam. Besides the Vedas, Puranas and Scriptures, the Quran, the Bible, Gurugranthn Sahib, Jain and Buddhist scriptures declared that slaughtering of cow is considered as killing of man. All religions provide equally paramount importance of cows that is the divine favor which the cow has on whole universe can not be described.

    Dr. Gyan Prakash ji made us to realize by evidence of scientific and spiritual elements that all the problems can be resolved by the cow protection and her service. Swamiji said with full superconsciousness faith that the day, when people get awaked and take a vow that a drop of blood of cows will not dig on earth mass, will be the day of elimination of all the problems. The whole world will get the the ultimate welfare. Today, Defense and promotion of bossy mother must be the doctrine of each individual of the world, not of only Hindus. Beyond the races and religions, ancient religious texts is described that there are six more mothers form in addition to his mother for reverently respect like the wife of spiritual master (Guru Maa), Brahmin & Saints wife (Brahmani mother), Wife of King (Raj Mata), The Bossy mother-Cow, the Nurses and the Earth..

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    Atma - Mata Guruh Patni, Brahmani Raja Patnika Dhenuh Dhatri Tatha Prithvi, Saptaita Matarah Smr itah

    The Swamiji said that even the Absolute Lord have been reincarnated himself for the sake of his devotees, Earth,

    the Brahmanas, cows and ideal human doctrine (gods), as Sri Rama and Sri Krishna others prophet. For evidence-

    Bhagat Bhumi Bhusur Surabhi, Sur Hit Lagi Kirpal Karat Charit Dhari Manuj Tanu, Sunat Mithin jug Jal

    Swamiji has proved that there are good and evil forces in the invisible world. In todays world the evil forces have been effectivly dominating the minds of maximum people around the globe. The entire world has become a victim of corporate defaults. Today, it is absolutely necessary to rearrange the things in right orderly sequence to prevent the Holocaust. Today, because of mental defect, people are not able to follow the systematic order as described in almost all scriptures of the world, besidesthe Vedas, Shastras and Puranas of Hindu. Realizing the deapth of current situation, Dr. Prakash has adviced for a meeting of all the men of intellects all over the world like the religious teacher, president, prime minister, philosopher, noble scientists, sages, seekers, adepts, saint, abbot, seer, highbrow , Yogi, stoic, wise and chief of all religions for the ultimate welfare of the world. All the respected all prominent world leaders, please let you all know that. Dr. Gyan Prakash is a very liverated and proven distinguished and eccentric scientist. Thorough knowledge and other measures are available with Dr. Swamiji to raise the superconsciousness at the present time. Therefore, Dr. Swami Gyan Prakash ji is acting for conduction of superconsciousness

    among the mass community. He humbly appraised all that for the ultimate welfare that is ' liberation from holocaust' and estblishment of peaceful visible world, a holy revolution (peace-revolution) is quintessential. For the ultimate benefit of the world, Dr. Swamiji is working with four sacred objectives viz; 1.) To get freedom of mass communities from the trap of imposters and conduction of super consciousness 2.) Elimination of ground root of mental illnesses 3.) Establishment of Ideal Human Doctrine 4.) Cow slaughter ban and protect the earth from the Holocaust.

    Dr. Swami Ji has already spurned out Money, Fire, Physical Touches forever, so there is no place for doubt. Today there is time of special occasion for all of us. Thus all of you are kindly requested to review his recently published nectar like articles and contact Sri Sunil Puri Shammi, Chief Editor of Sarvodaya Indian Times (94631-123333) to complete holy objectives and cooperate to get the ultimate worth of your human birth.

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    - ' '? . Ravi S Pandey, Sunil Puri Shammi, Chief-Editor

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