تحنن بالموسيقى

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Transcript of تحنن بالموسيقى

Page 1: تحنن   بالموسيقى

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Page 2: تحنن   بالموسيقى

”� كث�يرا عا� م� ج أى ر وع� يس� ج ر خ ا لم� ن�نف تح ن�نف تح م� ف علي�ه� “ . � كث�يرا م� ه� ي�عل$م� اب�تدأ ف ا له اع�ي ر ال اف) ر كخ� كان�وا �ذ� إ

(34 : 6مر)

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” . ان� ال�س ج يان� أع�م �ذا إ و كث�ير1 ع1 م� ج تب�عه� ا ر�يحأ م�ن� ون ار�ج� خ ه�م� ا يم وف�

: . ائ�لي�ن� ق ا خ ر ص تاز1 ج� م� وع يس� أن� عا م� س لم�ا ف الط�ر�يق� على .» ان�» خ ر يص� كانا ف ك�تا ل�يس� ع� م� ال�ج ا م ه� ر ان�ته ف د داو� اب�ن يا ي$د� س يا نا م� ح ار�

.» « : ا م ناداه� و وع� يس� وقف ف د داو� اب�ن يا ي$د� س يا نا م� ح ار� ائ�لي�ن� ق أك�ثر « : .» « :ت�ح تن�ف أن� ي$د� س يا له� اال ق ا؟ ب�ك�م عل أف� أن� ت�ر�يدان� اذا م ال وق

ن�نأع�ي�ننا!«. تح ن�نف تح ا ف م أع�ي�نه� ت� ر ب�ص أ ل�ل�وق�ت� ف ا م أع�ي�نه� لمس و وع� يس�تب�عاه“ (34 - 29 : 20مت) ف

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ب�وه� أ آه� ر بع�يدا� ل� يز لم� كان إ�ذ� ن�نو تح ن�نف تح كض ف ور : . اء� م الس� إ�لى طأ�ت� أخ� ب�ي

أ يا اال�ب�ن� له� ال ق ف ب�له� وق ه� ع�ن�ق� على ع ووق . � اب�نا لك أ�د�عى أن� بع�د� � ا Uق تح� م�س� ت� لس� و د�امك وق�

(21، 20 : 15لو)

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”وه�ي ه� أل�م$ يد1 وح� اب�ن1 م�ول1 مح� ي�ت1 م �ذا إ د�ينة� ال�م باب� �لى إ ب تر اق� ا لم� ف . Zب الر� ا آه ر ا لم� ف د�ينة� ال�م م�ن كث�ير1 ع1 م� ج ا عه وم لة1 م ر�

ن�نأ ن�نتح و تح ا علي�ه . .» « : ل�ون ام� ال�ح وقف ف الن�ع�ش لمس و د�م تق ث�م� تب�ك�ي ال ا له ال ق

.» عه�: » دف ف يتكل�م� اب�تدأ و ي�ت� ال�م لس ج ف م� ق� أق�ول� لك Zاب الش� ا يZه أ ال ق ف « : . نب�ي ينا ف� ام ق د� ق ائ�ل�ين ق الله د�وا ج� وم و�ف1 خ يع م� ال�ج ذ أخ ف ه� م$

أ� �لى إ .» ع�به� ش الله� د تق اف� و (16 – 12 : 7لو) عظ�يم1

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Slide 12

ث�م�” م� ط�ه� وس ف�ي ه� ام أق و لدا� و ذ أخ ف « : ب�اسم�ي ذا ه ث�ل م� و�الد)

أ م�ن� دا� واح� ب�ل ق من� م� له� ال وق نه� تض اح�.» لن�ي س ر�

أ ال�ذ�ي بل� نا أ بل�ن�ي يق� لي�س ف ب�لن�ي ق ومن� بل�ن�ي “يق�(37، 36 : 9مر )

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تتمتع أن أردت إذا بحنانبحنانكن : المسيح

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.أعمي فقير... يصرخ في طلب الرحمة

...إبنا� ... و لو ضاال� .لكن راجعا� بخجل و اشتياق

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End of slide show , click to exit

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“And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassioncompassion for them,

because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many things.”

(Mk 6 : 34)

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“Now as they went out of Jericho, a great multitude followedHim. And behold, two blind men sitting by the road, whenthey heard that Jesus was passing by, cried out, saying,

"Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!".Then the multitude warned them that they should be quiet; but they cried out all the more, saying, "Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!".So Jesus stood still and called them, and said, "What do you

want Me to do for you?".They said to Him, "Lord, that our eyes may be opened". So Jesus had compassioncompassion and

Touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him. )Mt 20 : 29 – 34(

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"But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassioncompassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. "And the son said to him, 'Father, I have

sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son'.”

)Lk 15 : 17 – 24(

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“ And when He came near the gate of the city, behold, a deadman was being carried out, the only son of his mother; andshe was a widow. And a large crowd from the city was with

her. When the Lord saw her, He had compassioncompassion on her andsaid to her, "Do not weep". Then He came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried [him] stood still. And He said, "Young man, I say to you, arise". So he who was dead

sat up and began to speak. And He presented him to his mother.Then fear came upon all, and they glorified God, saying, "A great prophet has risen up among us"; and,

"God has visited His people". )Lk 7 : 12 – 16(

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Then He took a little child and set him in themidst of them. And when He had taken him in His arms, He said to them, "Whoever receives one of these little childrenin My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives

not Me but Him who sent Me". ) MK 9 : 36 , 37(

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If you long to enjoy the CompassionCompassion

of the Lord Jesus you have to be:

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Pour, blind… crying for mercy

A son… though prodigal… but returning in shame & longing