строительство и открытие момориала Шалом на станции...

Строительство мемориала «Шалом» - как это было… Сonstruction of the memorial “Shalom” – how it was …


Строительство и открытие мемориала Шалом на старинном заброшенном еврейском кладбище на железнодорожной станции Мысовая, расположенной на южном побережье озера Байкал. Строительство мемориала велось семьей Черных с июля 2013 года по 16 июня 2014 года.

Transcript of строительство и открытие момориала Шалом на станции...

  • 1. - onstruction of the memorial Shalom how it was

2. 2 - , 5000 3000 . - 636 , - 1620 . The railway station Mysovaya sits on the shore of the deepest lake in the world - Siberia's Lake Baikal. Located 5,000 kilometers east of Moscow and 3,000 km west of Japan, the lake is 636 km long and has a depth of 1642 meters. Mysovaya 3. , . 3 This is the location of an ancient abandoned and looted Jewish cemetery. 4. 4 , , . Before beginning of the work the cemetery was overgrown, neglected, dug-up. 5. . 2013 . 5 Iya and Vladimir Rott had an idea to erect a monument to people buried in this cemetery. The discussion about the construction began in Hungary in April 2013. 6. , , , , . 6 The heaps of stones were piled in pits, thats why we unearthed, cleaned, and washed them. 7. , 7 We documented the exact location of each stone, 8. , , . 8 Documented the number of stones, measured, photographed, often with the help of our principal assistants. 9. 9 10. 59 14 , . . 10 Of the 59 found stone pieces, only 14 were headstones, which contained legible information. The other stones were bases for the headstones. 11. , . 11 Vandalized headstones, which were thrown into dug graves, had to be winched up. 12. , . 12 Because the cemetery was practically destroyed, all fragments of tombstones had to be collected piece by piece. 13. , -, , . 13 Sometimes we found completely unique artifacts which were likely part of the tombstone decoration . 14. 14 15. 15 , , . Headstone Hebrew inscriptions were deciphered in Toronto by expert Gary Kipper. 16. . 144 . 16 To mark the boundaries of the cemetery 144 reinforced concrete columns were made. 17. . 17 The columns were then delivered to the cemetery. 18. . 18 Foundation pits were manually augured among the thickets and roots . 19. 144 a. 19 Columns were located along the perimeter of the cemetery. 20. : 20 One of the columns was carved from the remains of an old tree stump. 21. 21 After the installation, all columns were whitewashed by Svetlana and Taisya Chernykh 22. , . 22 with the participation of our most important helpers, Vadim and Vladislav Chernykh. 23. - , . 23 The final location of the memorial resulted from long negotiations, and was chosen at the South-West corner of the cemetery, where there were no graves. 24. , . 24 The author of design for memorial "Shalom" - Vladimir Rott, P.Eng. 25. , 25 Major" construction began by rooting out stumps and roots, 26. , 26 the boundaries of the monument base were marked out on site 27. , 27 Ten holes for concrete foundation piles were drilled under the base 28. , 28 Concrete for the foundation piles was mixed on site 29. , 29 Delivered gravel for preparation of the base was wheelbarrowed to site 30. . 30 Base reinforcing bars were welded together 31. -. 31 The concrete for the base was delivered by mixer truck from Ulan-Ude. 32. , 32 The concrete mixer was unable to get through deep mud, 33. . 33 Concrete had to be manually carried from the truck with barrow. 34. 34 Levelled... 35. . 35 This is the first photo of the finished base. 36. . , , , . . The reinforcing cage was welded in an offsite workshop and delivered to the construction site. There are no photographs of the erection and concrete pouring due to camera failure. We apologize. 36 37. . 37 The first image of "Shalom after repair of the camera. 38. 38 39. 39 40. 40 During the sunset 41. , . 41 Night lighting for the work in the dark provided by generator. 42. , 42 The cleaning began 43. , 43 Clearing and leveling of the pathways around the perimeter of the cemetery, 44. - , , . , 44 Many old large tree stumps had be removed, 45. , 45 with crowbars and winches, 46. . 46 with axes and chainsaws. 47. 47 48. , . 48 Everyone contributed to the best of their abilities 49. . 49 After clearing of the pathways, backfilling with sand began. 50. !!! 50 Completed pathways!!! 51. - . 51 Pathways at the South-East corner of the cemetery. 52. : . , 52 As a surprise to the organizers and sponsors of the memorial construction, the pathway linking the road to "Shalom" was constructed. 53. , , . 53 formwork erection, filling with gravel, manually mixing and pouring of the path concrete 54. 54 55. . . 55 Preparation of the soil for flower planting around the path to the memorial and around the site. Sand was backfilled to the boundaries of the site 56. . 56 At the next stage we planted flowers. 57. . 57 And this is the result. 58. , : 58 During the construction, many challenges had to be overcome: 59. 59 Roads (No roads) 60. 60 Mud... 61. 61 Delivery of building materials by car offroad 62. 62 By truck 63. 63 64. 64 on foot 65. 65 66. 66 by improvised methods 67. 67 through the mud 68. 68 dragged through the snow 69. , , . 69 Fearing vandalism, we were forced to temporarily hang, photograph and then remove the granite slabs before the opening. 70. , , . , , ! 70 Throughout, Vladimir and Iya Rott were invisibly present with us, solving problems and sharing in the joys and sorrows. We thank them very much. They, like us, have invested their souls and hearts in this project. 71. 71 , , . We thank all who helped us in word and deed in this difficult but noble and Holy cause. 72. 72 , , , This project gave us the opportunity to engage in the history of the Jewish people in Mysovaya Station, and gave us understanding that good deeds have no borders, distances and obstacles, and without the past there is no future... 73. 17 2014 . - "". . 73 June 17, 2014 - Unveiling day of the "Shalom" Memorial. The local choir welcomes guests. 74. 74 75. 75 76. 76 77. 77 78. : , , , , , , . 78 The construction crew (l-r): Taisya Chernykh, Vladislav Chernikh, Svetlana Chernykh, Vladimir Rott, Peter Chernykh, Vadim Chernykh, Valentin Chernykh. 79. , . 79 Sandor Rott, Vladimirs son, has designed the logo for the opening ceremony of the memorial "Shalom. 80. 80 81. The memorial plaque reads as follows: Memorial Shalom dedicated to the Jewish people of Mysovaya Station Rest in Peace Project Organizers: VLADIMIR and IYA ROTT (Toronto, Canada.) The search and recovery of names: TAISYA CHERNYKH Builders: PETER, VALENTIN and SVETLANA CHERNYKH (Mysovaya) Sponsors: RACHEL GUTERMAN-YAROSLAVSKAYA FUND, TORATH EMETH JEWISH CENTER (Toronto, Canada) Project participants: VERA and ANTON GORDIENKO, and THE JEWISH COMMUNITY OF THE BURYAT REPUBLIC SHLOMO CHAIM GUTERMAN DESCENDANTS in CANADA, USA, ISRAEL, ESTONIA, MOSCOW, KRASNOYARSK, ULAN-UDE and MYSOVAYA. 2013 81 82. 82 Photo essay by Svetlana Chernykh 2014