化學治療的併發症 劉大智

教學研究服務 化學治療的併發症 劉大智醫師 高雄醫學大學附設醫院 血液腫瘤內科檢驗醫學部 血液腫瘤內科檢驗醫學部 September 23 2012 September 23 , 2012 教學研究服務 Outline Outline Introduction Introduction Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting Chemotherapy induced mucositis Chemotherapy induced mucositis Chemotherapy induced bone marrow i suppression Chemotherapy induced renal toxicity Chemotherapy induced neuropathy Other adverse effect 教學研究服務 前言 前言 癌細胞由人體內正常細胞經突變後 變成具高度 癌細胞由人體內正常細胞經突變後變成具高度 繁殖、生長快速及不受控制的細胞,並且會侵犯 正常組織器官正常組織器官 臨床上可以偵測到的腫瘤,約為一公分大小,需 經過約三十代的細胞分裂複製,也就是約十的九 次方個細胞數 次方個細胞數化療之所以能殺死癌細胞,是針對癌細胞經常在 進行分裂繁殖的特性 藥物可以經由抑制癌細胞 進行分裂繁殖的特性藥物可以經由抑制癌細胞 的分裂或影響其重要的生理構造運作,進而消滅 癌細胞癌細胞 化療的目的是希望能消滅癌病,但臨床上常因疾 病已擴散,無法根治,故目的在減緩癌細胞的生 長及擴散 及減輕因癌病所引起的症狀 長及擴散及減輕因癌病所引起的症狀教學研究服務 化療的種類 化療的種類 前誘導性化療 像在手術前 先給予化療讓腫 1.前誘導性化療:像在手術前,先給予化療讓腫 瘤縮小,以利手術之施行。 2.輔助性化療: 在手術或放射線治療後,用 以殺死臨床偵測不到的殘餘癌細胞3.同時性化學放射療法: 同時使用化療及放 射療法對付腫瘤如鼻咽癌食道癌射療法對付腫瘤如鼻咽癌食道癌4.以化療為主要根治療法: 如淋巴瘤、骨髓 急性白血病等 急性白血病等5.轉移性癌症之化療。
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Transcript of 化學治療的併發症 劉大智

  • 1. Outline Introduction Chemotherapy induced nausea andvomiting Chemotherapy induced mucositis Chemotherapy induced bone marrowsuppressioni Chemotherapy induced renal toxicitypyy Chemotherapy induced neuropathy Other adverse effect September 23 , 2012 1.:, 2.: 3.: 4.: 5.

2. ()( ) BSA() = BSA x ( mg/m2 ) (regimen) 10% , LBW LBW ( lean body weight ) = IBW + 0.3 x (BW-IBW) (Epirubicin, Doxorubicin, (Epirubicin Doxorubicin- Bleomcyin..)CBC,CBC hepatitis marker, Biochemistry, marker Biochemistryliver & lung function - (CXR12 lead EKG)12 (, , ,, , ( (CVCPortPICC) ) 3. The CTCAE: Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (v4.03 June 14, 2010) Grade 1 Mild; asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated. Grade 2 Moderate; minimal, local or noninvasive intervention indicated Grade 3 Severe or medically significant but not immediately life-threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization indicated Grade 4 Life-threatening consequences; urgent intervention. intervention Grade 5 Death related to AE. InvestigationgInvestigationIti ti 4. 24 72 h 24-72 hrs:, () (), (Acute emesis)(Delayed emesis) 3-7: 3 7: 7 14 ( 7-14:( (Anticipatory emesis) ) (cisplatin : ), ()( ) (ASCO2006) >90%Ci l i C l h h id 1 00 / 2CisplatinCyclophosphamide 1500mg/mBCNU(carmustine) DTIC (dacarbazine) 30 90%30-90%Oxaliplatineirinotecancytarabine1g/m2CarboplatinIfosfamideDoxorubicinEpirubicinDaunorubicinIdarubicin 10-30%10 30% PaclitaxelDocetaxelMitoxantroneTopotecan TopotecanEtoposideGemcitabinemitomycin ppy FluorouracilCetuximabTrastuzumab 30 Gy. ComfflamBenzydamine Comfflam Benzydamine Xylocaine hydrochloridine pumpComfflam 1~4 XylocaineViscous solution 4 X l i Xylocainepump XylocaineViscous 6. () (Hb)::14 18 g/dl :12 16/dl (Hb)::14-18 :12-16/dl Grade 1: 7.0 45 50fluidUrine sulfonate ) 3, 3. LeucovorinMTX24hrs MTX 48hrserum level (vincritine, vinblastin, vinorelbine) (taxane) 9. Ototoxicity Prevention of neuropathies Oxaliplatin, p, Cisplatin > Oxaliplatin . Cisplatin Glutathine () (), Blood-brain Barrier Cisplatin ,,. Glutamine,highdose paclitaxel Glutamine ,. Pulmonary toxicity (acute lungHair loss (alopecia)( p)injury, interstitial fibrosis) hair loss due to chemotherapy is one of the most distressing side effectspygBusulfan (myeleran), of chemo treatments. Hair loss may occur as early as the second or third week after the firstCarmustine (BCNU)cycle of chemotherapy,chemotherapy Hair loss can be sudden or slow (including eyelashes, eyebrows, andBleomycineven pubic hair)Tyrosine kinase inhibitor (Iressa 39/5993, In almost all cases, IT may take from 3 to 6 months after therapy is completed . The "new" hair to possibly have a slightly different color,Tarceva 0.7%)) texture, curl texture or curl. (1)(1) (2) Lipodoxol 10. Hand-foot syndrome Hand- Hand-foot syndrome (Hand-foot syndrome; palmar plantarerythema) (1) (2)B6Toxicity of Taxane Dilated cardiomyopathy (hypersensitivity reaction) (dil t d cardiomyopathy) (dilated dith ) Paclitaxel Anthracyclines tsteroids antihistamines R itidi idtihi t i Ranitidine Echocardiography ejection fractionZantec fluid retention doxorubicin450 mg/m2 Docetaxel 126 700 mg/m2 dexamethasonecardiomyopathy30%dih 30% 11. Hemolytic uremic syndroem Tumor lysis syndromey y () Mitomycin C chemo-sensitive tumors: acute leukemia, Burkittslymphoma, diffuse aggressive lymphoma Gemcitabine : , Management Hydration sodium bicarbonate in N/S Correct electrolyte imbalance Give allopurinol 300~800mg/day diuresis: mannitol or lasix hemodialysis Adverse Events of Clinical Interest (any Grade) ( y )Pleural effusion AE Grade 1: Asymptomatic Grade 2: Symptomatic, intervention such as diuretics or y pup to 2 therapeutic thoracenteses indicated Grade 3: Symptomatic and supplemental oxygen, >22therapeutic thoracenteses, tube drainage, orpleurodesis indicated Grade 4: Life-threatening (e.g. causing hemodynamicinstability or ventilatory support indicated) Grade 5: Death Overall, most AEs occurred within the first year with minimal increases between 1-2 years and 2- ,y y3 years One patient in each arm experienced a QTc interval prolongation 1 month from the start of treatment; no patients developed a QTc prolongation between 3 months and 3 years 12. 2011/02/06 pleural 2011/02/13 2011/02/242011/05/12 2011/05/26 effusion pImprovedg Re-cahllenge Steroid 15Dasatinib Hold Dasatinib, Dasatinib mg/d add steroid THANK YOU FORYOUR ATTENTION