؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1...

؟ ا ازد ، ا دن آ ى ود اى ى از روش ه . ا ر آ در ا و درا د ىد ،د ود ار ا از اد ا وار و ا ده را آ ود ن زر ى را . ىد : ى ا آ و ا' ' ا ا . ت آ را از ن . س ا دآ م اى ا م اىاره دازد ن ر د را اد د ت رى ازآن ود ا آاه آ رود ن ف د د . س ا: ا ا ز ورب روا س ا و ا. 1 ( م را ن ا ا ه روز از د ا 45 % آ شا ا از و80 % ا د شا ن 20 % د ت دراز وارد. ،ا ك ار در آ اى را ت درازد ا ه. GeneralEnglish.ir GeneralEnglish.ir

Transcript of ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1...

Page 1: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�� ���� ؟� � ��

���� ا�� �� در ا��-� ,+*� آ�ر � ا�( .�'& از روش ه�ى �"!� �اى ��د���ى و ��� آ�دن ����� ، ا����د� از را 7*6�5 �& ده�4 و ا��.وار�4 �23 � ا����د� از ا�( ا 0ار ��د� و �*د��.، � ��د���ى 1*د ��0ا/�. و در ��

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'B ن �8دازد> .�M*ر��9 �7 1*د را �-�, & ���91 آ��.� ,I*اه�. آ�د ا,�9ن و=�& ازآ�رى �Oت ��د د��N ا�� . 1*د 1*د :�ف <ن �G رود

:ا��س ����

� ا��س 7-�رب روا,;���& و �7 ��& ز�� :�ا�& 3.� ا�� B� .ا�( و�

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،G3*ا��F &�+�� 7'�ار در =�29 ��1,�ك )���;��4 �& آ�. �7 � E�7 اى ,*� را ��,� [EF�� ����� .ه.ا�� 3*د دراز �.ت



Page 2: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

2 (��� �. از ه� _B2& `�داش در���F 3*د، �_^ 7;.�. <ن : <ز���\ ا�'Ba�Fb *�. ه�آ���ا�( <ز���\ �& ���. آ ه�2ن ا����ز �;�� ا�� . _H2 �& 3*د� G� د�� �& <ور�. `�داش &��@F*� ز . و=�& در �زى��ا�( ا��

�;�� c*ن �23 ر�6 .��.ا �& آ��.آ آ�2آ�ن � 3.ت �;��ى �زى ادا� ده` H��27 .ده G� ��.

��د���ى �� �� در a�1 )"از ا������29 " = .����0ى را ��د �& �c ا����د� 3.� ا�� ، ���& �23 ه� �م آ .� آ��. �.ى �& رو�. ا����ز �& ����. و ه2�( �_^ �& 3*د دا/�2 از <ن � B= H��27�& ا����د

� و���� �ا�ى ا�:

آ*��7 �.ت ) اEF�� را از &�B�� ��ى �& آ�.، _��ر7& د��N �23 �اى <,'�*B �� �6ورى e از 7'�اره�ى &����� .��( �م ����� �G آ��.�c را �اى +�a J� &�=ا�� و ،.���ز��. 7'�اره�ى �'�ره�9, .� �B. �.ت ���@H آ�

د��N �0و�& 7'�ار <ن ,��9 و 7'�ار & >� <ن �_^ اb7ف را آ B. ه�9�. �-.دا'��& 1*ا,�. در a*ر7 ���� 2c ����� A@F*ش و رام ,;.,& را �� د�0دآ& �23 �& 3*د ا�� -�و=� و ا,�ژى، & �*NBa& و در ,�

.3'�رآ�د� و �� را وادار 7'�ار <ن �& آ�.

�-�*ر �& ا�� �23 <,�ا �اى �.7& ه4 ره� ��) 2',> 0 ز�. ه�g ا�b�1& درآ�ر ��د���ى ا�-�د ,2& 3*د .� �� ا�( ا�� آ آ�ر را :*ر ��4E ادا� ده�.. 3*�.آ�رت ه� را �ر د��N ��ور آ��a*7 .ا���

�91 آ��.� �J �زى �Oت I\ و ) 3 ���� J� ى �اى �23 از���� ، ��د�@F*� ��*� ����F( ا����ز و �;�ه.� ` .دل ,;�( 7�H�. �& 3*د

�� ا�#�د" آ�� ؟� � �'&%� از ��

�H �& 3*د ';�29 7= j�`از ���� �J =*:& در �زا�� آ�� )H'3 ز�� . (

7�7�� �l ، دو ، c>�ر ، ه;� و `�,0د� ��,�G ���ا�� mB�I� ض =�29 ه�ى�_ . .� را �& 7*ا,�� ا�( G:*= از bo� س 3*�&،آ�\ و 1*د�7ن � �@*ا و��در �*` ... pون ��1.ار�� <��د� را از �� در�� آ��.، �� ا��'




Page 3: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

��F ،&9ر�&، _� & و �� ه� ��F*ل �� ���B در��F Gارى BN,ت ز �ن ا�q� ى��ا�( روش را �& 7*ا,�. �اى ��د�.��� �1:� �89ر�. آ�ر� .� .آ �& 1*اه

J� را روى &��F�� ه� �*6*ع ��د Oeگ آ�� ) \�F (.��\ �l �*6*ع . �& ,*�9F روى ه� د=� آ��. آ.�9�..��د��G��F را �*�9�*, &� �� �Nد� pاب <ن رادر رو* در روى ��q� &��� . J را در �l روOe�M p و

.��\ از �l �*6*ع را,�*�9 2��ى را �*�9�. و . ���3 �& 7*ا,�. در �J روى �� �J� tc �2� bo �*از,�J�0 �� ر��6& �� ����� F ى�<�*��F اى� .��( �& 7*ا,�c 4ه .� و ��2 را�� �*از, را �*�9-�در `;� <ن ,�

��ل . را آ�ر����. aدرس ز�G���3 �9 و :*رآB& �اى ه� �J از ����� ��� آ�د,& ا�( رو �7 ا��� .د� ا�� �;���( ا����د� از ا�( روش در �*رد ��د���ى واژ� ه�ى ز �ن *

:��ا*( آ�ر

�\ ه�(7�.ادى از �� ه� : روز اول .اF ( را �'& دو �ر ��ور را 7'2�G� H آ��. و `u از ا��' ه� دو روى ��.� =�ار ده�� . �& 7*ا,�. ه� روز، د� `�,0د� �� 7�.اد �;��ى �� <��د� ,�2/�.. آ�د�. �� ه� را در �1, اول

�.��3. در �v& روزه� ه4 ��', � اى 7>�.

آ�د� *د�. از �1, اول �دار�.: روز دوم . 2��*ال ه� را از روى �� I*ا,�. . ا �.ا �� ه�ى راآ د��وز 7> .B ��ور�. <,>��& راآ B. ,�*د�. �-.دا در �1, اول =�ار ده�. و<,>�ى راآ �:�1 *اب ه� را .�و ��& آ�

دوم ���@H آ�,�1 �. و `;� ا�( �� ه� �J آ�Oe ر,N& � ار��7ع �;�� =�ار ده�. *د�. .

.� آ�د� ا�. در �1, اول =�ار ده� .در `���ن ، �� ه��& راآ در روز دوم �اى او��( �ر 7>

�� دو��و� �� : روز �*م .3F�w ا�� و �.;, H� ه�ى �1, دوم د�� ,G2 ز,�. ز��ا �1, دوم ه�*ز 2'7�� . درا دار .� *اب �*ا7;�ن را B. ه�9 `u �ز ه4 از �� ه�ى �1, اول �3وع �& آ��. و �� ه�ى را آ

�3 �BI*ط ,;*دOه�ى روز آ دوم ���@G� H آ��. و در`;� آ�Oe ر,N& =�ار �& ده�. �7 ا�( �� ه� � ��,�1 . ه�2ا� �� ه�ى .�.ى .��9�, .B ن را�;I��` ه�ى آ�� .� آ�د� ا�. در �1, اول =�ار ده� .آ ا��وز 7>

:روز c>�رم .3

mا� ( H�= ن روز> ��F�w را دارد و �� دو��و� �آF�w دوم ا��وز ا �.ا از �1, دوم �3وع �& آ��. ز��ا �1, B*�7 را ��& دار�.. 7'2�H 3.� ا�� mه�ى رد� �� A@F &و�) . &N,ر Oeى آ�*B =�ار ���& �� ه��& آ

�*م و ) دار,. ,�1 H1ه� را در دا �"ات روى ا�( �� ه� را ����� �& آ��. و ا�� *اب در�� داد�. �� �Oارى Ba�F �7 .�در ا �.اى <ن =�ار �& ده�. و `;� ا�( �� ه� �J آ�Oe ر,N& � ار��7ع �;�� =�ار �& ده

B*�7 �& ��. وآ�Oe ر,N& را در `;� ا�( �� ه� �& �;yI 3*د ��26 �� ه�ى �=& ��,.� در �1, دوم را .�Oار�.

اول ���د�. و �� ه�ى < ن را �دار�. و <,>��& را آ B. ه�9�. در �1, دوم و `;� آ�Oe ) ب ,�1 u8�.� ر,N& =�ار �G ده

آ) ج �<7 ه�ى . �. راآ�� )����9. و ه2}�, .B را �<, > |��` .�د� ا �. در �1, اول �& �Oار�. �� ه� �& آ



Page 4: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

5 . 3.� و ��. c>�ر روز a�� آ��. �7 ا �( =�29 7'2�H 3*د ا����F�� �E, در �*م �اى c>�ر��و� ��,�1 �*م `;� ا �( �� ه� �J آ�Oe ر, &� &N�Oار�. �7 =�29 �*م ,�1 ه� روز `u از ورود �� ه� از �1, دوم

.ز c>�ر روز 7'2�H 3*ده4 7.ر�j و `u ا

ه� `� 1*اه. 3.. 6�� )� c>�رم �ى ه;� ��و� �� را دارد و ه;� روز `u از ورود او�,4 . �1-�` ,�1 ه� ا �( =�29 7'2�H �& 3*د�� )����& ا�� . �ى `�,0د� ��و� �� را دارد و `�,0د� روز `u از ورود او�

7'2�H 3*د 5روز :*ل 1*اه. آ;�. �7 ه� �2330 در آ�ر�7ن و=� اى ,��.از �. ���� �� �29= . دار�. آ *7 .'� � mB�I� روزه�ى ه�ى �� *ط �� �7 .��( ه� دو ��و� �� �l آ�Oe ر,GN � ار��7ع �;�� =�ار �& ده

�1رج �& 3*د و �23 �� H1ه� از دا �� j� 7.ر �& 7*ا,�. ا�( �� ه� �BI� �N*ط ,;*,. از روز �G و �'4 �. ز��ا `u از /�2, &,�N�� 5را > 2~( �3�.آ�� .��0 ه� �� در ز��ن ه�p ����وت �& 7*ا,�> ��@F*� ر 7'�ار�

ا�. و ه�}��N < ,�ا �Fا�*ش ,I*اه�.آ�د�F��ا�F ;� .ن �*6*ع را �اى ه2

�زى ا,��ادى ا�� و در او=�ت �Fا�e �& 7*ا,�. �آ��2 �( ��0ان :%�+� ��3 ا �( 7�7�� �23 � رو3& آ ;�اb7ف و=� < ,} را آ ��د���ى اش �ا ���ن �;'H �7 ا�� �;�� 7'�ار آ��. و زود �7 و >�� و �اى ه2

� A@F .� ���� �. �15:� �89ر �. و < ,} را آ زود �7 ��د �& �N ا�F ;� . �ر 7'�ار �اى ه2

7*6�5 داد �4 ا��.وار �4 �23 ,�0 � :-,آ� 7�7��& ا�� آ در ا �( ,�� )� ه2 ���� �� �5 از +a روش ا����د�.� *3 ?F*� &�1:� ��8رى ����� در� آ�ر���ى ا �( روش در ��� آ�دن و .

.� �/% 0: J� ال*� آB��� را در ه� *اب ده�. � �. < ن �� .� ,�*ا,�9�� �%�1 � . ���دا,�. 3� او�2



Page 5: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

���� ا����د� �& آ�د � ,�Nا,& �"ا�& را ���ح آ�د، :6��7 3� 0 �5ال �� .�� از � �'& از داو:B��ن آ.���ون �Oا���4 <ن : او `�� �� ���� از �� را `u از `�j �ر 7'�ار در �� J� &�=د�. و* ��N, �23 �N�

��ن ��. !�� 3*دEF�� در ;� ه2�. �*6*ع �اى ه2B ، اب دادم* او ادا� داد و�& �( �� . ��*ر ا�� 3.م *اب <,>� را �Fا�*ش آ�د� آ�دم و ��*����� �Nام �ر د� ��ون �Oا�3 �� �\ از ` ��� J� ه��& راآ

*د؟. ام c �B:ا�( داو H';� .� �& دا,

*a دا,. در�� &�� &B�= ,�1 *اب �� اى را B. ,�*د <ن �� را زم *د <ن �� را او ه� �رآ'�ر7 اول ���دا,. و �-.دا �27م �9�� را از اول :& آ�.,�1 . j�` در ���ا�3 ,*N{� را .ون ه�� J� .��23 ��. �*ا,

در��& `��| ده�.، ���& ��& �'��ر ه4 ا�3��� ,'��. و ا�� ا�3��� آ�د�. <ن �� �.3 )���7 Haا*F ر 7'�ار در� )� ���دا,�. را او�,�1

�3�+- 8: 4�*N .�� ، دم�M ت ز �ن ا����د��q� pر �.اوم �ا*: �� ����� در ذه�4 % �90( 1*د از ا�( A@F ا�� % ��10,.� ا�� و �.;, ���o7 4از روز ه� از <ن . ����� در ذه� Gv� در M �1:� ا�( *د <ن ه4

. ا����د� ,��دم

���� �� �<7 pا� �� l� .��29 =9��M 4د� 16را � �M�7دن G� �A4 7*ا,= ) H�3 ? ��� ( � و <ن را.���2, pون ��1.ار���}G ���. و �� ا��� <ن را از =.

�29 7@9�p.� 4 3.� ا�� 21 A4ا��� در ����� ز�� ��=.



Page 6: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

u�_ ز�� ,*2, pر از ا�M � �� ا�� ����

� ��� : G1� )از ����� ازا� "��Fد ��,� p0ر� . �4B= Gc "G� .3 روش

: � 7;�� از



:%:&" 9 ا�#�د"

+�a زم ا�� از�2ت BM p��2 �*رد `;� و روا�G <�1 را a*رت 7 �اp ��د�BM G��� �7 د��M ����` .,�E د=�@� `;� <ن =�ار ���د

";��< ��.-:

_GB ا��9ن `*ر



Page 7: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1

abroad abrupt acceptable

essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1

acclaim actually adverse

essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1

advice attractive autonomous

essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1

disapproval disruptive haphazardly

essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1

ideal persistent wide

essential word toefl 2 essential word toefl 2 essential word toefl 2

advanced advantage advent

essential word toefl 2 essential word toefl 2 essential word toefl 2

agile albeit allow



Page 8: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�������� ،�� �� ����ش ��� و���، �1رج از M;*ر �����، �

�� �� ،�� �� ���، وا��� � ،�9+7�( اد_� �Mدن �

ذب، آ#�"! 1*د ���Iر' ،(� �/�.-، ��"، ,�"! د�*(، '

G=��7ق، �3���4 دره0 � ��9 ا � 8/:�) "م، ���-، 7��,8 ا�*6 �

د، ��;، ��6#� � دل د��:ا!، ل= ا�"!، =رزو، =ر� ن آ��"! ا��4 د��، �"اوم، �

D���8 ر3�8 دادن ��#���3 ���8ي، B:د، 3��A ه:ر و ورود ظ

-/Eز!، دادن ر �G و�:ا��*3، ا��3F دادن ا'F ،Hز��ك، ��ز، زر�



Page 9: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 2 essential word toefl 2 essential word toefl 2

appealing celebrated contemporary

essential word toefl 2 essential word toefl 2 essential word toefl 2

distribute encourage energetic

essential word toefl 2 essential word toefl 2 essential word toefl 2

frail refine worthwhile

essential word toefl 3 essential word toefl 3 essential word toefl 3

alter analyze ancient

essential word toefl 3 essential word toefl 3 essential word toefl 3

annoying anticipate conform

essential word toefl 3 essential word toefl 3 essential word toefl 3

detect intensify intolerable

essential word toefl 3 essential word toefl 3 essential word toefl 3

enrich observe ongoing



Page 10: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�A ن، ���J�ار ه"� � ،�� =��" E:ش، '�اب �#�:ر، �

:� *8�� ،3� آ�دن 0�4,8، آ�دن ��( آ�دن د��Lم، آ�دن K�:#8 '"ي، اي آ ر�

�:دن� و�- �Aف � ��، ارز�"! ،3�� N*��"!، �.�� آ�دن 8/

�� �B N"ن د���:ن، آ�دن د���:ن آ�دن �O.8� �"���، د����3، �

�P:ا��آ�دن ه ،Q� -,�آ�دن ���� ��( آ�دن ا ،R6 ا���Nار دا )Sور ر�=

��.8 ���� � -�B 6 8#"�" آ�دن، آ�دن�� آ�دن آ#�، �

لTاوم، ��#��- در"� -� آ�دن ��� �3، آ�دن ��U آ�دن �# ه"!، آ�دن ر



Page 11: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 3 essential word toefl 3 essential word toefl 3

propose restore vital

essential word toefl 4 essential word toefl 4 essential word toefl 4

ambiguous apparent arbitrary

essential word toefl 4 essential word toefl 4 essential word toefl 4

assert astound astute

essential word toefl 4 essential word toefl 4 essential word toefl 4

authorize deceptively determined

essential word toefl 4 essential word toefl 4 essential word toefl 4

elicit forbid petition

essential word toefl 4 essential word toefl 4 essential word toefl 4

relinquish resilient tempt

essential word toefl 5 essential word toefl 5 essential word toefl 5

amaze baffle bear



Page 12: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�8 �T ،('د! وا د ازدواج، ��#�� د آ�دن آ�دن 0���8، آ�دن ا ��#�� آ�دن

ري��Eد��:ا!، ا ،Q� K� ر *N= ،م، اه� ظ:O�� 0��� ،:O�� دو

�، ز��ك� � ، اد آ�دن آ�دن ���:ت، ��.��، ��W دا�

0�/� Y� ر دادن، دادن ا' ز! ا��J ور���) �E Q:د راي، E:د در���Eا

-Bا:Eل، داد .Z� ،3[�� 6U"� آ�دن ،D�� اج، آ#�"ن ���ون آ�دن���Bآ�دن ا

��6، اU:ا آ�دن��� DS8�� ،0، آ�دن �8ك، آ�دن ول ���ي#F �:�N"ن

�دنآ � ت، آ�دن ���:ت آ�دن � ���ا! ��W 8.�� \�دن، زا�P"ن



Page 13: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 5 essential word toefl 5 essential word toefl 5

block blur brilliant

essential word toefl 5 essential word toefl 5 essential word toefl 5

caution challenge delicate

essential word toefl 5 essential word toefl 5 essential word toefl 5

enhance intrigue persuade

essential word toefl 5 essential word toefl 5 essential word toefl 5

replace shed unique

essential word toefl 6 essential word toefl 6 essential word toefl 6

chiefly coarse commonplace

essential word toefl 6 essential word toefl 6 essential word toefl 6

comparatively complex conventional

essential word toefl 6 essential word toefl 6 essential word toefl 6

curious exceedingly exclusively



Page 14: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

آ�دن �4"ود، O� ،"B:ك ����8، �*3 ���� ن، � ا��B"اد

ط آ�دن ر� �-، ���"ن ط ��� رز! �� �N:E ،Q�J!، ر�� ظ��Tري، ���� ��(، ا �N:ه

��O"آ�دن، ز� دآ�دن، ا�Jودن �F"ن 3P 8:ط، آ�دن د34�B دا6�N ��=ن، وادار آ�دن

�*� ،L�3� ري ��د ��./� �3، ' 6�E B ،�^آ ،G�:�= 6�JL� آ�دن '

ادب ��، ز��-، E#6، ز�� ���:��، � ا�� د! ��(A:/�� ،Q� !"� ور

��4 از J' "�Fء ��آ)، ��_�"! و� "! =6�P ا�B�� ،Q� K:م� ،Q� ��4ور�

�." ز� د ا�./ را، ��./�ا*Sدر، وآ� � ،(��U



Page 15: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 6 essential word toefl 6 essential word toefl 6

immense indeed rigid

essential word toefl 6 essential word toefl 6 essential word toefl 6

routinely sufficiently visibly

essential word toefl 7 essential word toefl 7 essential word toefl 7

appropriate conceal clarify

essential word toefl 7 essential word toefl 7 essential word toefl 7

confirm constant convenient

essential word toefl 7 essential word toefl 7 essential word toefl 7

core distort diverse

essential word toefl 7 essential word toefl 7 essential word toefl 7

prosperous purposefully reveal

essential word toefl 8 essential word toefl 8 essential word toefl 8

critical scarcely theoretically



Page 16: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

-�B ،-�B 0*.� و ��Bا�� ،��Bرا ، �,�,T ور، ��*�ان ��� ،D�Bو

Q� �P�� ور -� � آ ر دي، روز��! �,"ر آ

6N7، آ�دن روZن آ�دن وا ص آ�دن �� ن، آ�دن ���/�Eدادن ا

-Tرا ،(B �� -� b آ�دن "�� 8 ،K�"/8 آ�دن

�:ن�:� ،�O��� ، ����� ،J� ��� Wه�_3 آ�دن 8.���، آ�دن آ ه3�4، �

ر آ�دن*N= ،ش ��O:م، آ�دن � آ�دن

� 6�Nب �,/:د دا �� ر، �:�K، آ*� آ

ا��, دي، �.�ا�� د3*ارp، زور GM��O ��ض ار �. ظ



Page 17: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 8 essential word toefl 8 essential word toefl 8

accelerate crack create

essential word toefl 8 essential word toefl 8 essential word toefl 8

creep crush cultivate

essential word toefl 8 essential word toefl 8 essential word toefl 8 8

dictate distinguish flaw

essential word toefl 8 essential word toefl 8 essential word toefl 8

harvest mirror obtain

essential word toefl 8 essential word toefl 8 essential word toefl 8

particle settle transport

essential word toefl 9 essential word toefl 9 essential word toefl 9

accurate classify currency

essential word toefl 9 essential word toefl 9 essential word toefl 9

deep dense Depend on



Page 18: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

د آ�دن، =���"نSف ا� *N N�8آ�"ن، �6��دا D��48 آ�دن ،- �B دادن

��"ن، �#�دن آ�دن زرا -، آ�دن آ#-F ،3� ن"N ن"�JE ،ن"N ر�:ر:�

�E "�O:ا�"ن � A"اي، آ�دن د�*�J 3 دادن�8� 3N"E، �)، ر3�E، درز ا�� آ�دن،

-B"� 3 =وردن��P= ،3��=در Y*��� 6�E B ، آ�دن � ز8 ب

درو آ�دن، �+�*ل

��T آ�دن ،�� T 6آ B د! آ�دن�E ،!Jذر!، ر�

K ،7�.Aد�� آ�دن ��"ي رد! رواج، �:ل

ل �:دن ���:ط، �:دن وا�3�4LF ،R�OU ،0ژرف، �:د ا��:!، ���اآ ،K��



Page 19: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 9 essential word toefl 9 essential word toefl 9

dim display exports

essential word toefl 9 essential word toefl 9 essential word toefl 9

gigantic impressive lasting

essential word toefl 9 essential word toefl 9 essential word toefl 9

treasury uniform vibrant

essential word toefl 10 essential word toefl 10 essential word toefl 10

distinct dominant dormant

essential word toefl 10 essential word toefl 10 essential word toefl 10

drab dramatic elaborate

essential word toefl 10 essential word toefl 10 essential word toefl 10

exceptional hazardous minuscule

essential word toefl 10 essential word toefl 10 essential word toefl 10

prime rudimentary sensitive



Page 20: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

e8درا A ى gه\ )� 0، 8 ر، 8 ر�G، �:ر آ0 دادن �# ن، دادن �����

دوام، د��� ي� ،��"� � �b:� ،!"�J�Lل ��ا�:U �*��

JEا�3��S�� ،W�� ،3، داري JEا�3 �*�:اE-، ��." ا�#*�، �*4 ن ��زان، ���8(

:E!"��آ-، ا B !��F ،QO4� ، ����*T h�#� ،اJS� ،7، '"اZوا ، N��د!

دا�3�Bا -Bدر !"N ،-�TJ� -Bدر !"N

�#� �� ،W��� 3 زن��ON ،3#T زي '�"!، �� آ�دن

GF:د، آ�E ،ف�T GF:آ QE�� ر �P �i�Bا

4 سT ،���� ذ:� داراي، �-�B 4T

h� ز�"!، ��4-، �"!، اول �"وي، او��3، �



Page 21: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 10 essential word toefl 10 essential word toefl 10

superficial terrify vigorous

essential word toefl 11 essential word toefl 11 essential word toefl 11

amenity destroy disperse

essential word toefl 11 essential word toefl 11 essential word toefl 11

dwelling element elementary

essential word toefl 11 essential word toefl 11 essential word toefl 11

eliminate emphasize encircle

essential word toefl 11 essential word toefl 11 essential word toefl 11

erratic exaggerate mention

essential word toefl 11 essential word toefl 11 essential word toefl 11

pier prevalent release

essential word toefl 12 essential word toefl 12 essential word toefl 12

benefit blind broaden



Page 22: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�B�Bي، A ،QB �T:ري آ�دن زد! وT#- زور��"، ���و��"، ��زور

6 ����ق، آ�دن ��اآ�"!�E B اب�E ري آ�دن و��ان، آ�دن ز�B ،Q� -� :� ،���� ،-����

�8 �",� ،�Pا��"ا ،�OA3 �/� ا� E ��:*4� ،لJ��

ط، دور����6Tت آ�دن ! ا:� � R�O8 آ�دن، آ�دن "�� آ�دن ر�D، زدودن 8

���Bدان، م � ��J��= R آ�دن ا�Uاق � د=وري، �8آ�

�D، را�h�E�8 W، ره آ�دنN ،3 ��"اولO*B6 �:ج، ا*N

�:دن ���" M*ر آ�دن وD�B، آ�دن ��6



Page 23: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 12 essential word toefl 12 essential word toefl 12

burgeon conspicuously demand

essential word toefl 12 essential word toefl 12 essential word toefl 12

endorse enormous entirely

essential word toefl 12 essential word toefl 12 essential word toefl 12

erode evaporate recover

essential word toefl 12 essential word toefl 12 essential word toefl 12

reporter shift suffer

essential word toefl 13 essential word toefl 13 essential word toefl 13

crucial dignitary elude

essential word toefl 13 essential word toefl 13 essential word toefl 13

evident exhaust extensive

essential word toefl 13 essential word toefl 13 essential word toefl 13

extremely face facet



Page 24: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

رN"ن�Bا:E ،-Bا:Eدر Q� ر=ور *N در=�"ن، زدن ':ا�O�� 3:م �

�� �-، �J� ،R 0رگ �Bا�B، آ�، آLه� #�- Y�:� آ�دن، آ�دن ا�]

�P"ن ����8 آ�دن � ز� ��6، ���:د � ��N ،6"ن 0���8B�� ،ن"�P B ،آ�دن"B �

ر، �Jار�LN آ ر �:�-، �����8* ن ��دن ر�W، �3 در دادن 68L���E

م ��، �Jرگ h�N زدن ��! ط، از آ�دن ا'�� ب,� 0�Eو ،�-�B ر �4

ور��� ،D�Bرگ، وJ� وJوج، زا��E ،3 \�دن�O�8 ���"� ،ر *N= ،د:�#�

��اط، �#"ت N"ن �:ا'3، رو�3 آ:A GF:رت�



Page 25: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 13 essential word toefl 13 essential word toefl 13

hero inaccessible obviously

essential word toefl 13 essential word toefl 13 essential word toefl 13

predictably solve suitable

essential word toefl 13 essential word toefl 13 essential word toefl 13

ample arid avoid

essential word toefl 14 essential word toefl 14 essential word toefl 14

defy enact even

essential word toefl 14 essential word toefl 14 essential word toefl 14

feign freshly fertile

essential word toefl 14 essential word toefl 14 essential word toefl 14

function fundamental indiscriminate

essential word toefl 14 essential word toefl 14 essential word toefl 14

selective spacious withstand



Page 26: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

Q� م:O�� ر �*Nرج ور ا E س��Bن از د دgور، ����

3�4، �� B)، درE:رد� N �T آ�دن ،D؟ آ�دن ر� G�*N;�`

ور �Jرع �0، � ��، G#E ا��Tاز آ�دن، از آ�دن دوري��� ،D�Bاوان، و��

���"ن ط ��� رز! در=وردن � �:ن �/:رت زوج

J��OA T ،��b�� ،رور ��:د �6�4، وا��:د آ�دن 8 ز!، �� ز�� �

�� E ;���8 دي از ��� ،mB Bا D� آ ر آ�دن، ��3 وظ، 8

دار، ��اخ � آ�دن �, و�-، =وردن 8 ب' ،D�Bو �� ا���



Page 27: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 15 essential word toefl 15 essential word toefl 15

durable favor gain

essential word toefl 15 essential word toefl 15 essential word toefl 15

generate halt handle

essential word toefl 15 essential word toefl 15 essential word toefl 15

harbor harmful insignificant

essential word toefl 15 essential word toefl 15 essential word toefl 15

mysterious perilous postpone

essential word toefl 15 essential word toefl 15 essential word toefl 15

promote reject substantial

essential word toefl 16 essential word toefl 16 essential word toefl 16

conscientious convey encompass

essential word toefl 16 essential word toefl 16 essential word toefl 16

expansion heighten highlight



Page 28: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

ت B ،!��� -�:,8:د� ودام ��T�-، 8:'3، ا��� ،� � د��� ي،

3[�� ��#�N ،3O�Bو ،Y�� o*� ،H3، در��*B ن، 8:��" آ�دن"�Pزا

J�F � �[� ،"�J��� ! ��L�� ،! ��"ر�

(, 6�Eا�"ا ،K�:��� 6�Eط ا�"ا ���0، ���:ز، ا�Bار =��J ر� ك J��= ،QE ر! ��

�B، '4��، ذا�8Bدادن ���8 �6^�����، رد آ�دن ا ،Wآ�دن �8و�

ط، دور����6Tن آ�دن ! ا"� Bدن، ر�� ،��T و'"ان آ�دن س ��3 وظ، ��N

h�#� ،وارون ،!"N ن #� ،Hر���

ا��4 ط، ��O� Q4"�8 آ�دن



Page 29: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 16 essential word toefl 16 essential word toefl 16

inadvertently inevitable infancy

essential word toefl 16 essential word toefl 16 essential word toefl 16

miraculously retrieve systematically

essential word toefl 16 essential word toefl 16 essential word toefl 16

unlikely unwarranted zenith

essential word toefl 17 essential word toefl 17 essential word toefl 17

agitate confidential delighted

essential word toefl 17 essential word toefl 17 essential word toefl 17

discreetly document gradually

essential word toefl 17 essential word toefl 17 essential word toefl 17

influence inordinate instantly

essential word toefl 17 essential word toefl 17 essential word toefl 17

intentionally intrinsic inundate



Page 30: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�L_� ،ط -��:� ��J� "�B:ا � ���� ا'�� ب، �

ز � ��6 ���6 اOB:ب �G از روي� Q� -�LN ا� ورJ�

3O� ،اوج �� ���U -� ��Z ���.� ��U ،اب�' ��U

R.� ش ؟، وظ:E 3� ��.� G��.8 6، آ�دن��N=

Wرك ر��3 ر��3، ��"ر�"� ،"�B ،Jو� �Bط ازروي د ��Tا�3، ا��/�

آ�دن �U�8)، �� آ�دن 8 ��bآ�دن از T" ��(، ا�"از! �� �*� ر!، �:را

�B� !ذا�8 آ�دن زد ،�OAط، ا �/"ا، �"ا �� �



Page 31: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 17 essential word toefl 17 essential word toefl 17

involve nominal presumably

essential word toefl 18 essential word toefl 18 essential word toefl 18

absurd abuse allocation

essential word toefl 18 essential word toefl 18 essential word toefl 18

balanced conservation fallacious

essential word toefl 18 essential word toefl 18 essential word toefl 18

feasible lack limber

essential word toefl 18 essential word toefl 18 essential word toefl 18

means narrow preconception

essential word toefl 18 essential word toefl 18 essential word toefl 18

robust steady swift

essential word toefl 19 essential word toefl 19 essential word toefl 19

antiquated coherent develop



Page 32: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

g ��Tا ��Bري، ا:A ،�PJ' ر آ�دن ���� ،6�Eا�"ا ���

h�.�8 ،د! وا��ار \�دن ��Bا :B از آ�دن ،D� Z �4"، �:چ آ�دن� و!، ��

QOU ،Q4�B ! J��= اري"�L� ،ظ �T دل ت ��:ازن، ���

:N 8 ،0E :N 6، ��:دن�Nج، �"ا ��Tن ا "��N، ���� ا�*

آN H�8 ،0"! 8#*�� از ��� ,�"!��� ،Gر� � Q�Bل، دارا��، ا - ا �

D��B ،G� F ،�8"رو -E:ي ���#-، �.*0، �*�:ا� ��8:��"، ه�* ،���B

3�B:8 د آ�دن، دادن S.� ا���9c ،4-9�� 3وك، ��4:خ، آ�����



Page 33: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 19 essential word toefl 19 essential word toefl 19

fabricate investigation normally

essential word toefl 19 essential word toefl 19 essential word toefl 19

note notion novel

essential word toefl 19 essential word toefl 19 essential word toefl 19

opposition record relate

essential word toefl 19 essential word toefl 19 essential word toefl 19

suspect unbiased varied

essential word toefl 20 essential word toefl 20 essential word toefl 20

accentuate disguise finance

essential word toefl 20 essential word toefl 20 essential word toefl 20

initiate innovative narrate

essential word toefl 20 essential word toefl 20 essential word toefl 20

nevertheless occasionally omit



Page 34: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

*2�� ،pر _�د*� ��"�Bر ،�P:'ز � 6�E B

:� ،"�"' ،D�"� ،ن ل، ر�R� 3 ر��E -Nدا آ�دن �8 ،3':8/�!، �

�� دادن �Jارش، � ز �: آ�دنL� � ،Q�Z ،رآ:رد -�"Z ،-�� و�-، ��,�

ي داراي�Lن ر�:� از �:دن ��6 ظ، از N"ن �"�� ن ���8; �"ون �:�

3� ��B ن ��اري �� 6�Nن، دا 8*�3 آ�دن ���� R�O8 دادن 8*�3، نآ�د

�� �Bآ�دن را ����8 دا - "� Jدن ا�"ا �، ا���M دن، ا .اع�M ا ���ر

0O� 6 از�Eا�"ا ! L�� ،! � ! L�� و':د ا�6 و ه�3 � ا�6، �



Page 35: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 20 essential word toefl 20 essential word toefl 20

outlandish overcome partially

essential word toefl 20 essential word toefl 20 essential word toefl 20

pass portray submit

essential word toefl 21 essential word toefl 21 essential word toefl 21

decline gather motion

essential word toefl 21 essential word toefl 21 essential word toefl 21

partisan pattern phenomenon

essential word toefl 21 essential word toefl 21 essential word toefl 21

philanthropic placid plentiful

essential word toefl 21 essential word toefl 21 essential word toefl 21

reaction rhythm scenic

essential word toefl 21 essential word toefl 21 essential word toefl 21

shallow sheltered vanishing



Page 36: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

GM.,ا !��F ن"N ،ن"N 3 �� ���وز� L�� وار ،(�S (��U و

0�O48 3، آ�دنP0، دادن ارا�O48 N"ن

8/:�) ، ��ر \�دن، N"ن B^�ي آ�دن ��A:8، 8/:�� آ#�"ن \�دن

آ�دن J�8ل آ�دن ��د =وري �Tآ-

6�E رح � ط �,3# �"�"!B l��c ،���` )<��

�#�دوB�� ،-B- �:ع ���6، راT-، =رام ��اوان، وا��

3�.A اي ،�#� ل، واآ�( ��Jان، DSB، وزن ���� ا�

�� 3.ن، ,�`.�. 3.نe ��Nن `�>�، `��ه� آ�دن �K آ0 �



Page 37: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 22 essential word toefl 22 essential word toefl 22

account archaic hasten

essential word toefl 22 essential word toefl 22 essential word toefl 22

hue illustration inactive

essential word toefl 22 essential word toefl 22 essential word toefl 22

intricate magnitude oblige

essential word toefl 22 essential word toefl 22 essential word toefl 22

overlook poll position

essential word toefl 22 essential word toefl 22 essential word toefl 22

practical predominant prompt

essential word toefl 23 essential word toefl 23 essential word toefl 23

analogous approximately compel

essential word toefl 23 essential word toefl 23 essential word toefl 23

formidable intrusive periodically



Page 38: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

D��48 ن، ردن"� � �N ،6�� �N 3، آ����ب �"� 4T ،ح�N ،ل:t4� دن:�

ل�� ��U ،-4B ،�� ل T ل i� ،��:/8 Hر� ،�*N ،��:/8

��_�"!، ����W دا��3، �,"ار، ا�"از!، �Jر�� وادار آ�دن، ��S:ر آ�دن

��N ،م ,� 6�� ف �� ،-�B ، ��اردادن، )��/

�� �:دن � �#�ف �mS�B �u� QO4 \�دن، ����6 راي

pر*F ،�,در G (� U ،QO4� ، ����*T �O� ،ر:E ر *�

8,��� وادار آ�دن، ��S:رآ�دن �� 3، �� س �� #�

ك �Bزد!، �]:3�g، �]:ل اي دور! �/:رت�B�8 ،-�B ،ار:Nد



Page 39: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 23 essential word toefl 23 essential word toefl 23

prone prophetic proportion

essential word toefl 23 essential word toefl 23 essential word toefl 23

readily reliably reluctantly

essential word toefl 23 essential word toefl 23 essential word toefl 23

renown sacrifice triumph

essential word toefl 24 essential word toefl 24 essential word toefl 24

afford Contaminate discernible

essential word toefl 24 essential word toefl 24 essential word toefl 24

flourishing maintain mediocre

essential word toefl 24 essential word toefl 24 essential word toefl 24

negligible parallel peculiar

essential word toefl 24 essential word toefl 24 essential word toefl 24

potent remarkable scattered



Page 40: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

(B د��، درازآ(، ��� �� ��#0�B �8:�� ،���� �P:L، در'�8 ،-�4� ،3

�� �3، زود ا �� د ور � �� ��O�� Q �� از رويB�4:�-، ا�

�� ��7، ���وزي��� ،�� - ��اي ����N !م، =واز ��Nت، �

�� � h��#8 ا�-، =�:دن�B ن �:')، �دنآ 3��8 دادن"N

QBو "T ،QB:�� ،ل .� �� 6�Nا"�L� ،6�Nل ����ار دا Tآ��"! ��#��-، ���8 در

(�S (��Uازي و:� J�F � ،�PJ' ،�� -��اه

��ق، ��اآ�"!�� �� � 3':8 ،�� ���و��"، ��زور، �:ي



Page 41: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 24 essential word toefl 24 essential word toefl 24

solid somewhat tedious

essential word toefl 25 essential word toefl 25 essential word toefl 25

brief circulate consistently

essential word toefl 25 essential word toefl 25 essential word toefl 25

exhibit found improperly

essential word toefl 25 essential word toefl 25 essential word toefl 25

impulsively infrequently isolated

essential word toefl 25 essential word toefl 25 essential word toefl 25

overtly profoundly sharply

essential word toefl 25 essential word toefl 25 essential word toefl 25

situated Subsequently unmistakable

essential word toefl 26 essential word toefl 26 essential word toefl 26

chaotic characteristic controversial



Page 42: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

-��8 T"ي، �,"ار � ��O:�� آ��"! 3�4E، =ور � h� E ،ب � ،3�4� ،"�S��

د�B:ر، T*0، ���/� آ:8 ! در =وردن ��دش �3 �"ون �8 �;، ور�:ا�K ط

Q� 3�4� N Q� (B، ور ��� د �� دن ور ���� ،Y�B �( در���ض، دادن �� �( آ�دن 8�� ��اردادن

��8 ، '"ا ،G8 ،د�� اراد! �"ون �"ر!، آ���، آJS� 0ا، ��

��J�آ� ،Q� J�8 �8"، ور ،-�B د �-، ز��� ،Q� 6�L�B را ور *Nا

�� E ! ��Nه0 از ا � ، Y^B و B:ء 8�� ��� Dوا� !"N در ،Dدر وا�

3iT م �R ��، و��ج ��ه�ج �#�/J��= 3 '"ال، '"��، اي ��



Page 43: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 26 essential word toefl 26 essential word toefl 26

exemplify gratifying interpret

essential word toefl 26 essential word toefl 26 essential word toefl 26

launch legitimate particular

essential word toefl 26 essential word toefl 26 essential word toefl 26

radiant ridge span

essential word toefl 26 essential word toefl 26 essential word toefl 26

spontaneous stream striking

essential word toefl 27 essential word toefl 27 essential word toefl 27

aptly demonstration ingredient

essential word toefl 27 essential word toefl 27 essential word toefl 27

involuntarily marvel measurable

essential word toefl 27 essential word toefl 27 essential word toefl 27

moderate odd reflection



Page 44: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

ل ده�"! �N:E، ��( ��ت 8���4 آ�دنi� ��"ن ����

!vص، و� E ،��L��B KT�� ،��:� g در ، ا�"ا6�Eرا! �\ 6�Eا�"ا ' زار�

ك ��3، ��ز ����6 ا�"از!، آ�دن و')�� 8 ،D#�#�� ،�' ��

3�4'�� ،�� ر ��، E:د ا�E ،J�L:د ��:د ���، ��4� 3':8 ���Eا

�A �- ازروي �� �( m��S8، اه�ات J' R8ء �8آ���، ���

�� ���LN ���ي ا�"از! � ،(S�8 ،ز S ر �� ا ��Eاراد! �"ون، ا

ز8 ب� ،Y*ا�� ،�� =رام، ���0، ���"ل �� ��S ،3) =دم 8



Page 45: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 27 essential word toefl 27 essential word toefl 27

supposedly sustain symbols

essential word toefl 27 essential word toefl 27 essential word toefl 27

synthesis tangible tightly

essential word toefl 28 essential word toefl 28 essential word toefl 28

aggravating amusement conceivably

essential word toefl 28 essential word toefl 28 essential word toefl 28

convert curative debilitate

essential word toefl 28 essential word toefl 28 essential word toefl 28

deplete finite perceive

essential word toefl 28 essential word toefl 28 essential word toefl 28

security toxic tranquility

essential word toefl 28 essential word toefl 28 essential word toefl 28

trap undeniable underestimate



Page 46: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

0P� ، ده�� 6�Nا"�L� ،��.�� ن"N Q� �Z�� ور

-�B ،0*.� ،0� � ،H�8 �� � Y�� ،0 �.4:س��� ،p��� -��,

Q� ن آ��"! �B-، �"�8آ��"! 8��������B ،7 ���� ور ا�*

�A- داراي آ�دن ���Z، آ�دن 8:ان�E �� �ج، در� )��

آ�دن ��*:س، آ�دن �8"��

��، آ�دن ��8 �."ود، ��� ه� در� ��6، آ�دن دركE 38 �3، آ�دن ��"نBر

ا���-، ا� ن، ا���� B��، زه�ي =B:د��، =را�(

6�Nا"�� J�F � ،-B6 آ0 د���� ���� �:ن، ا�"ازي در 3O8 ،3O8 ا�* ر ��B



Page 47: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl 29 essential word toefl 29 essential word toefl 29

acknowledge acquire assimilate

essential word toefl 29 essential word toefl 29 essential word toefl 29

assortment caliber condensed

essential word toefl 29 essential word toefl 29 essential word toefl 29

contradictory disregard precious

essential word toefl 29 essential word toefl 29 essential word toefl 29

prominent requisite unravel

essential word toefl 29 essential word toefl 29 essential word toefl 29

vague vast volume

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

charisma clever convince

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

endure forfeit precarious



Page 48: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

A�، =وردن �"B- آ�دن '�Y ه0، آ�دن �*4 نT آ�دن K�"/8 آ�دن

�3A، �#�د!E !"N Q� 3�:O3، �8�8) ر� :�S� ،3�Bد

�; ا �� �*�دن، ����6 � د�"! �� ارزش، ���Y، ��ا������ ،�� ��

واg، ��'3�4 ز�g ،g3زم �Nط از ��� در =وردن، � ز آ�دن از ه0

0ST ،ا"A w"�O� ور ��� ،D�Bم، ���0 و:O�� ��U

" آ�دن,�� ،D� � آ�دن �� � ،H3 ز��ك، زر���' �� Tرو ،�Pا���

��:�I� �` ،3 �#*:ك�وان، '�� ��د� ري، آ�دن .8�� 8 در��ا�� آ�دن



Page 49: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

severe sporadic superior

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

wanton weak widespread

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

wisdom witticism woo

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl


essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl



Sudden Permissible

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Praise Truly unfavorable

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Suggestion Appealing independent



Page 50: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�Pg � ،�8g �:ق، �� G8 و 8:ك ،! � ! L� -�B ،-�B ���

D� N ،3�ه �#��� �#�: �Tف، �Bآ( ���Z، دوام آ4B ،0- ���4د!، '

زي، � آ�دن ر #Kه اظ�,# ري آ�دن، � آ�دنL�Bا:E

3��� �P:� ،Q� 3�� �Lد، ��زا��E ،-�*T

3��� :� ،Q� 3�� :�

0�� �� �-�ز، �� ن، ��� � ،�� ��E رج از \#:ر E

" 4� � ،"� ،�� �� 3� د�A ،-ا��N � )� �B ،)� ��

ر! =��" E:ش، '�اب ا��3�4 و، ��4,�N6، ا�,O8



Page 51: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Objection Disturb arbitrarily

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Perfect Constant Broad

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Progressive Benefit appearance

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Nimble Although permit

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Alluring Renown current

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Dispense Inspire Vigorous

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

fragile Perfect rewarding



Page 52: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�-، ا ��اض N"ن �Jا0T، آ�دن ���� ���4"ا�3، د��:اه�� ��

�- ه�ز! زن، ��� ور، �# دb �� م، آ� ،-Bدر

�"ن � �"! اه� ظ، ��"ا�(، ه:ر ظBن، ر 4Tا! ���8، ����� آ�دن ا:E ،ي" /8

ز آ�دن، دادن ا' ز!S� 3F3، ا��F�� -4F ،'"O ،ز�� ،G� F

ن��' ،Wري، را� آ��"! ����N !"����� ،Q8 Dت، � م، =واز! '

ق، ��Y در آ#�"ن زور��"، ���و��"#��Bآ�دن ا ، ��#�"ن ا�� م

Dف، آ�دن 8:ز� آ�دن ��

ر 8� م، �) ��، درB- ارز�23.� !"��*N ،زك، �8د � ،Q� ��



Page 53: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Modify examine old

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Bothersome Predict adapt

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Notice Enhance Heighten

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Unbearable Notice continuing

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Suggest Revitalize indispensable

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

vague Clear haphazard

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Declare Astonishing perceptive



Page 54: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

��:رد!، ���B ،6ل آ� B ن �ح، ���ا6�B آ�دن � زر�B، آ�دن ا��.Aآ�دن ا

Kس، دادن و� � ��(، آ�دن ��#�P:L نآ�د ا����� ���� آ�دن

�Bدرد �� ،-�T0، ��زTاJ�

=���، ار اQE، آ�دن ��T]3 ا�Jودن، � g��دن ��O"�8 آ�دن، ��O" آ�دن

���� 8.�� =���، ار اQE، آ�دن ��x,��gD 3[T، �"اوم� ،�� � ��U ��.8

6�E ز ز�"!� �Zوري، �T��، وا')B ،دن�\ �Tر! ا Nد آ�دن، �� آ�دن ا ��#��

�� � دف ��4T)، ا8/7 8Zف، وا �N ،زدودن ،h�E�8 آ�دن

O�� ��U:م، ���0

4 سT ه:ش �- و �LN ت، اور��T J�Lا� ، 8.��اور

آ�دن ا �م، ���6، ه ر دا6�N اظ



Page 55: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Empower Misleading resolute

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Extract Ban appeal

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Abdicate tenacious entice

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Astonish Puzzle yield

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Obstruct cloud radiant

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Warn Dare fragile

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Strengthen Fascinate Convince



Page 56: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

(T A مJ ،-� b ا! �"م��آ��"! � (T A ر و �"رت ��Eآ�دن ا

-Bا:Eس، در آ�دن ا���Bاج، آ#�"ن ���ون آ�دن 0��.8، آ�دن �"6U '��3، ا���

6�� ���ي آ� ر!، از ارث آ�دن �.�وم ا�B:ار، ��4F"!، �.*0 اU:اآ�دن، ��� دادن، آ�دن���Bا

�A T ،ن، دادن �./:ل"N 0�O48 ��W 3، آ�دن��N= آ�دن آ�دن ��.�� ،W�� آ�دن

ك�� 8 ،D#�#�� !��8 3ن ا��ي، و����"N 4"ود آ�دن�

!"��*N ،زك، �8د ه#"ار دادن، ار آ�دن اQE آ�دن '�ات، �

" آ�دن,�� ،D� آ�دن �:ي، ���و��" آ�دن �N"ا آ�دن، آ�دن ��Sوب آ�دن �



Page 57: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Substitute Discard rare

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Mostly Rough standard

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Relatively Complicated traditional

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Peculiar Extremely restrictive

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Massive truly stiff

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

ordinarily adequately noticeably

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

proper explain hide



Page 58: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�#�6 آ�دن ول، دور ا�"ا6�E ر��K، آ0، آ�� ب، � در' ،;�:�8

�"ارد، ��� ر�B6، ز�� ا#E ،-Nدر ��#�� ، B Bا

e��B !"�_�� ،W���� ��4� ،3�4�� �

��اط، �#"ت �."ود \��"!، ��� ��( داروي� (�S (��Uق داراي، و�Eا (��U

-�B ،KN ،z�B 3� د�A ،-ا��N �J� ،0�ST ،R 0رگ �

Q� �� �RT ور �� ! �� �"از!، �,"رآ� �� د!، ���:g آ

-B:� ،م�F ،ن B) آ�دن رو6N، دادن 7�Z:8 آ�دن �����



Page 59: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

prove continuous practical

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

chief crucial deform

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

different thrive deliberately

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

disclose hardly hypothetically

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

hasten fracture produce

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

crawl grind grow

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

enforce discriminate defect



Page 60: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�- �"اوم، ��: 3�B��O، آ ��ديb ل \�دن، آ�دنg"�Bا

-Nآ�دن ز ،W0 آ�دن و ��:ج آ�Eو ،-�B ر �4� Y�Pر ،�B ،و�#��

ا�"�3#� ،�� 8 ��6 رو�K، آ�دن ��#��- �� J� وت، ������

�6�F ،ض�F ر*� -�B ،���4� ،�*#� ش ر ، � ز آ�دن، آ�دن �*N= آ�دن

�"ن، ردن N D��48*4-، ا�*4 ر، �L�4*N =وردن ��، 8:��" آ�دن� �N ،6�� �N

6�Bن، ر"�P، آ:��"ن رو��د آ�دن �E ب �B= � آ�دن

�JE"ن، �JE"ن ��

(� ،h,� ;���8 �P 8 آ�"، ��S:رآ�دن، وادار آ�دن N"ن � آ�دن



Page 61: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

gather reflect gain

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

fragment colonize carry

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

precise arrange money

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

thorough thick Trust

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

faint exhibit Foreign sales

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

enormous imposing enduring

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

bank consistent basic



Page 62: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

ز8 ��"ن T/:ل، 8,:�- ���!� ،Y*��� آ�دن ��د =وري آ�دن

�3�x� 3�x \�دن، 8*3 دادن ���4��! 8#*�� آ�دن T��، ����6 دوش3 �

س، �:ل�*B3، ا*B 6�Bن، =را"�F ،6�Nار ��ا�� Kدن، د���\ �/���

8 = از اول Z0�� ،R�OU ا �� ر، ا �, د، ا��"�E ،Q� �� ور آ

G U ،��Z(، �:ر آ���Z ،0 دادن �� �( �Fوش �1ر آ�دن

�-، �J� ،R 0رگ � ا��-، آ��"! 8.��� � دوام، ا�- ��طLه�

3� �B، اي �Bار ا:�Bا ،-� b م"� G� ر، ��\ ،(� ،�T B



Page 63: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

delicate shallow frighten

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

strong convenience ruin

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

scatter abode component

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

brilliant definite major

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

inactive colorless emotional

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

complex phenomenal dangerous

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

tiny prepare primary



Page 64: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

-#T:� 6�Eن، ا�"ا"� B�8 0آ N:E�J!، ر�� ظ =ب آ ،0�K آ0، ژر�

�� زور، �:ي، ���و��" راB= ،��T:د�� �Eا��E ،3ا��، � �:دي

آ�دن ��(، ��اآ�"ن ، �J�� ،6*4ل ���_، 0ئ ��ز,.�

، ��#��، �Jر���، اآ��، �"!R م ا

6��� ،Q� � ،7��/8 !"N ، اد، ز��ك"��Bا �

e8 B 4Tا ،W��� �� Hآ0، ر� Hر! �� ر� ل، آ�� ��U

QE ك د3b، اي �"�"! �� QE، ر�T ءاز ��آ)، ��_�"! ايJ' "�F

6�E �"!، ا��"اي، او��3B آ:�E ،:�:Fد، ر�J�S� J آ�دن، ���



Page 65: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

delete highlight surround

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

inconsistent embellish remark

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

dock commonplace free

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

assist unaware enlarge

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

thrive noticeably insist

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

endure notable critical

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

evade apparent deplete



Page 66: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

ن، �#�h آ�دن �. �A!، ��ا ����6#� !"N ،Hف ��ر��T آ�دن

7�Z:8 ،3uT� ري ه ر �R اظ، � آ�دن

':ر، ��� �; آ�دن =را�(�

�.*:م ' ي، آ�دن �:�:ف ���:��، � ا�� د! ��( ��4,�، =زاد� در �.*�3 ز�"ا��

آ�دن �4 "ت، آ�دن آ�g ،�� ��E Gع اط �� آ�دن �Jرگ

��6 رو�K، آ�دن ��#��- ! ��RT ور � �� ط N"ن � ��، ورز�"ن ا�Aار�

��د� ري، آ�دن .8�� h�N 3�4' �� ،3�4'�� J�F ا��, دي، �.�ا�� در��ا�� آ�دن

��، آ�دن ��8E ر، ��"ا آ�دن *N= ،زدن، از زدن ��! ط اه� ظ J��� از



Page 67: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

comprehensive highly confront

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

support tremendous thoroughly

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

deteriorate disappear retrieve

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Rumor switch aspect

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

idol remote evidently

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

resolve appropriate

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

sufficient dry avert



Page 68: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

ط دادن �:ا'�3، � رو��و N"ن .G��_ ز��د، ر D� وD�B، ��ا ����"!، '

�� ، آ� �8 ،�Bا�B (��� ،)T � ،(�S ،R 0� � ���#�� ،3�*8 ! � ،-� �T آ�دن

6�� �"�" N"ن � ز �� ،(� U ن"N اب، �"�8 آ�دن�E آ�دن

��B ،R�� 3، ر��' {�:B 6 \�دن، زدنN3 رو�� N ،3�� N 6���

، ه و�- دروE �U"ا� ن �3 وا�3�4 دور دB-، ��ت، دور اه�ا ظ، از��ار��O:م0�A ،:د���

(B ص، ��/�Eدادن ا Dآ�دن ر� ، �Tن"N \�دن �

آ �� =ب ��، G#E ��دا��"ن، ����دا�"ن



Page 69: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

resist legislate equitable

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

simulate rich recently

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

role essential arbitrary

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

discriminate expansive survive

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

sturdy support attain

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

create stop manage

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

shelter unhealthy meaningless



Page 70: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�/�� ، �:ن وي��4� DZدن آ�دن و�M �2/�@�

زي 3��N ��ا��� ، دو����"، 8:ا��L '"�"ا، ا��Eا، �� ز��B آ�دن 8#��3، آ�دن

ري��Eد��:ا!، ا ،Q� K� وري�Z ،ر ، ، ط ��( وا') �3 ، وظ رل و�� ،),� زي(� �b ) در 8

�"ن ز�"!� ،�� �� �:دن ���� 3� DB:8 ;���8 �P N"ن �

-B6 د�� �- N"ن � P�، ر�B"ن، ��T آ�دن، آ�دن "�� 8 0*.� ،���B ،"��:�8

د آ�دن، =���"ن ا��4 دن، ا�4- آ�دن ادار!Sا�

�� ���� -B�8"ر � ،0� B � ! Lه ن، ��' ! ��



Page 71: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

baffling dangerous delay

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

boost refuse significant

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

meticulous communicate include

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

growth intensify

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

emphasize carelessly unavoidable

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

beginning astonishing recover

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

methodically doubtful unjustified



Page 72: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

��E 8 ،3� 6�Eا�"ا ��E 8 QE ك �Mدن، ���M jدن �� QE، ر�-��, G

ز زدن دار ����، ��0��B ،دن �^�����6، رد آ�دن�� g ز� د آ�دن، �

�� N ن"N ،6���� ��ط در ر�G ����ارآ�دن ار�8� 6�� ،�O�E Kد�� ،�Bا:Bو

-�B ا�( 8#"�" آ�دن، آ�دنJ���8، ا� ،"Nر

���� ا'�� ب� ،�� � ��U ب �:ت ��وا�� �� ازروي ا'��� R�O8 آ�دن، آ�دن "�� 8

6�� ز� ��6، ���:د �� -�LN ت، اور��T J�L8.��اورا� U=وع، ا��"ا، ز�N

KT � ،-�S�� روش ��دد، �#*:ك "!، اOB:ب ازروي، �� �



Page 73: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

apex disturb secret

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

elate cautiously prove

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

steadily affect excessive

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

immediately deliberately inherent

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

overwhelm include moderate

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

supposedly ridiculous misuse

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

distribution equalize Preservation



Page 74: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

3� ، �:ك اوج N"ن �Jا0T، آ�دن ���� راز، �.��

-� b ط در =�"ن، آ�دن�� g ��دن، �O��B" از روp ا���

ت، ���3S، ا�b ازا�"از! ��(، ���طB 4Tا Q� 3�B:ور�� Gو� -Eا:� ،��B � )N:وآ

ا�"���4F 3#"!، اmOA، ذا�8� ،�� 8 � �� Hدر�

�� رو �� �3، =رام، ���0، ���"لN ن"N ،6���� ��ن. در"� N:� �Bا�B ،ط:U ! ور ور6�E B

د!، �" ر�� ري��Bء ا:B !��4� J��= ،G.[� Q� �Z�� ور

�EF�+� دن�\ "�� 4 وى و �� D8:ز�



Page 75: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

misconception possible shortage

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

flexible method thin

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

strong constant rapid

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Old fashioned logical evolve

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

invent probe typically

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

detect concept original

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

resistance register communicate



Page 76: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

R� 8/:ر QOU ���� ا�* ن، ��*O' ��"N ،6:���ي، ت �.

8 0E :N ،:N ر�,3 ط، اOB:ب، روش آ�دن ر��K، آ�دن آ0، آ�دن

"�8 ،D��B ،�8"رو ،D��B ��ا�� ، -� b ،m� �- ز�b "زور، �:ي ، ���و�� ��

ج، در=وردن���Bآ�د آ�دن ا ، ��:آ�دن

Q�� �� !د ��B- آ��3، از �" ا��

Q� 3�:�� وش ور ، آ�دن 8�.h، آ�دن آ�LNو آ

6�E از ��(، آ�دن ا��EاعB د:E

��Aا ،�OAا �*� ،!"�, ،�Oم، 8/:ر آ:��� 6�� آ�دن آ#�، �

ت آ�دن ����ار طار�8�b ،-�b اري آ�دن"� ا��4 د��، �



Page 77: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

speculate objective diverse

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

emphasize conceal fund

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

launch inventive relate

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

nonetheless sometimes neglect

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

bizzare conquer somewhat

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

approve depict propose

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

decrease collect movement



Page 78: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�:ن�:� ،�O��� آ�دن ، ا�"�#�"ن ��,:ل، ���، ه"ف، �,/:د �*�8

�3، و':!��B ،!ن ��8:ا �:ت آ�دن �� ن، آ�دن ���� R�O8 آ�دن، آ�دن "�� 8

، ا�"ا6�E، آ#�� ا�"ا6�E =ب �3 ���*�، ا��Eا �، آ��"! ا��Eاع دادن �Jارش، � ز �: آ�دن روا�3 \�دن، آ�دن ��ت

-O�U ،ل 4 �.3، اه�� ، m�m�':8

ا��. ل، و':د � ا�6 او� ت ��]�، � ه��

�� و ���e آ�دن ��7، �� � ��6 ���وزي �,"ار � ��O:��، �"ري-_

د ازدواج، ��#�� د آ�دن��#�� آ�دن

)� آ�دن �:ا�,-، آ�دن 8/:�) و � ��" =ن �,3O�B:� 3# دادن ��

ن، آ ه( آ�دن وA:ل، آ�دن =وري '��T Dآ-، 8* ن، '��(/,� 6�� آ�دن آ0، �



Page 79: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

biased habit occurrence

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

humanitarian calm abundant

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

response pulse picturesque

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

superficial protected disappear

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

story ancient accelerate

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

color picture idle

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

complex dimension require



Page 80: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

ق، و�:ع، رE"اد� دت 8/ دف، ا8 ،:E ،ب�#� س، �3'�� -�� Tرو

��#,"ر دار

�#� دوB�� ،-B- �:ع ، �BوA"ا�P ��، =را�( وا��، ��اوان، ��4 ر

واآ�(، � zB، ':ا��P:L �6 �ن، ,��، �6 ر! ��E R:ش، �"�D، ز��

�"�" N"ن� ،(� U ن"N ن ظ �*�T ت !"N ي�B�B ،اه�ي ظ

D��48 آ�دن ،- �B دادن �� �B �- �"���، د����3، �*T ،ن �Bدا ،�,�

H��7 ،ا���ا�� Y* ،��:/8 ،04S� آ�دن Hدادن ����8 ر� ،Hآ�دن ر�

6�Nز دا از J' "�Fء ��آ)، ��_�"! ا�� د، اه��-، ��"، ا�"از! �:دن gزم، ��



Page 81: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

disregard survey location

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

functional principal induce

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Similar to around oblige

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

overwhelming impose routinely

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

Inclined to predictive dimension

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

freely dependable hesitatingly

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

prominence concession achievement



Page 82: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

ن، �.�*� �B:دن، آ�دن ��ر�3، ��#,� ��داري

، ا �� �*�دن، ����6 � د�"! ر �- "م

�3، �"!، ا�OA 8.��� \�دن، ا�, ء آ�دن� ،��"� ��� ��"ي ��3 وظ، 8

ه� ��"، ه�4 ن ���ا�:ن، دور، ��دا��د وادار آ�دن، ��S:ر آ�دن

�:ذ آ�دن ا � ل، آ�دن .8��� �Mر _�دp ؟، روز���� �I� ،�����=�:

�3 ا�� د، اه��-، ��"، ا�"از!�:L#�� B7x (�N دار

ن �Q �:رد ا �� د، ��� ن اط � �� �8د�" ازروي، � دود��Lرا� ور =زاد �

-Bد �� م، �Sوزي، ا���� Q ز، اء ا �"��، ا��� ز، ��'�L�4 ا��� ز ا�./ ري، ا���#��



Page 83: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

economical pollute ascertainable

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

thrive preserve average

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

insignificant similar distinctive

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

powerful exceptional distributed

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

steady slightly monotonous

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

fleeting distribute dependable

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

display establish inappropriately



Page 84: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�� � K�,.8 ،ت �bا ���� YS� 3 =�:دن، آ�دن��A :' ،wد ا��/

QB:�� ،6�L� ر� ! ��ق ��*N ،! ر�*N -��#�� آ�دن ،K6 رو��� � ، ب�� N"ن آ

h�#� ،ز J�F ه� ��"، ه�4 ن ����

D8:ز� !"N �P �i�Bر، ���و��" ا"�,�

-E3�4، �*�:اE !"آ�� ��ا�"آ�، آ -E0، �*�:ا*.� ،-#���

�� ��، زود��ر آ�دن 0�4,8، آ�دن ��( �:رد ا �� د، ��� ن اط ��

Q� �[�,� ��U ور Y�B دن �� ، دا��آ�دن، نآ�د 8�� )� دادن �# ن، دادن ��



Page 85: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

capriciously rarely secluded

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

openly significant quickly

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

located afterwards indisputable

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

disorganized typical debatable

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

symbolize satisfy clarify

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

establish authentic specific

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

bright crest cover



Page 86: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�"رت، آ���، آ0، ��"رت ��Jوي,��*<��

را دار ����، ��0 �8"، ��4 -*Nا

، و �Fا F:ن ���O4� Y� دن ��"از=ن، از=ن�M H+� )���7

�� � o.� ،�� در ه0 ر���� ،e :� 3�e :� 3�: ، ر! �� ظ �

6N7، آ�دن روZآ�دن آ�دن وا "�B�E ،�Zن آ�دن را ��دازي، آ�دن ��دازي �#�� �دنآ

!v7 ���6، ��/:ص، و��.A ،����� ،-Bدر Y�B دا��آ�دن، آ�دن 8

�"نN:� ،6�� 6��8، � ل، �3O آ�دن 8g ن، رو6N در'3 �#Eن، در � 8



Page 87: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

instinctive flow remarkable

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

appropriately display element

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

automatically wonder assessable

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

medium strange image

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

presumably consistent sign

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

combination firmly concrete

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

irritating entertainment possibly



Page 88: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�� � 3':8 ،�� ���� ط، ري �J��U ،Qي ����0 3.ن، �رp 3.ن

�/� )� :*ر ����� دادن ��

�� � �� 8,:�0 ارز�� -�LN ،(S�8 ،ت��T د��:د:E ،ر �/:رت E:دآ

3�4S� ،�8ل i ،�*N ،Y� س �N � ،3� L�� ،�'ر E 3� Bر ،B3واx ،QB:��

ن#� ،3� #� ،-�� �-، ا�B:ار b م"� g ��Tا

0�� !"��4F ،-�B ،ن:�� ، �.4:س

Q� �8آ�) �.*0 ور

��"! �����B، ����ا�P ��@*� ؟Sزش، ر�:B اور



Page 89: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

alter healing weakening

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

consume limited observe

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

safety poisonous peacefulness

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

retain absolutely miscalculate

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

concede obtain incorporate

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

selection quality summarize

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

inconsistent ignore fine



Page 90: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�m 3.ن ؟، ��M �9دن�6 �N ،ن د���:ن، آ�دن د���:ن ���:دي"N

ر���O.8 6�، آ�دن �/�ف �#�وط، ��./�، �."ود آ�دن �# ه"!، آ�دن ��ا ت

wر QE ��، ا���� B��، زه�دار اB:د��، ا���-، ارا�(

! ��Nب ا 4T آ�دن ،)�� ���� QOU آ�دن

Q� ,� ،��x ،�� ! �*�O، آL� 6�Nدا ،-Bادن از د"�

0�� 6�B:�� ،آ�دن ".�� ، �Eدا دادن، \�دن'

-B"� آ�دنوا��ار =وردن ،K�"/8 آ�دن

3A�E آ�دن -�� ا��� ب، ���J( آ�

�Uا�-، 8 وان، '���3 E:ب

)�F�� �.د��, ;� ':ر، ����



Page 91: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

renowned require separate

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

unclear huge quantity

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

appeal astute persuade

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

persevere hazardous relinquish

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

intense occasional exceptional

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

senseless ineffective extensive

essential word toefl essential word toefl essential word toefl

insight humor attract



Page 92: ؟ ى د 23 ت. 7*آ EF ˙ زا ار . ا .3 &˙ا: ' ' : ˘ س ˆا · essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 essential word toefl 1 acceptable abrupt abroad essential word

�:ر، ���وف، � �"ار، �#�:ر �:دن gزم، �� ز دا6�N '"ا� �B ،3:ا، '"ا�

��"!، آ�ن، ��Bگ �F"ي، آ��-

�U�8)، دا6�N ��=ن، وادار آ�دن آ�دن

�، ز��ك� � ، '��3، ا��� س، درE:اB- دا�

ردا6�N ر ��N:� �QE"ن F#0، آ�دن �8ك*�#� ،-� ,�Bدادن ���ج ا

�P �i�Bا G=��7ا ،! � ! L�� د و �B ،"�"N-، ز�

ور��� ،D�Bرگ، وJ� �� �bد!، ا:��� Y.�� ،������ ،K�Tا

(O' آ�دن '�ب، آ�دن �E:N ،��J�N:E ،m��� خ:N ز��آ�، �/��ت

