ZMOT Marketing Presentation

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Transcript of ZMOT Marketing Presentation


take place?



The Traditional Mental Model of Marketing(B2C)

First Moment of Truth

Second Moment of Truth


At shelfIn-store


What are your moments of truth?

What is ZMOT?

The Importance of Winning


The New Mental Model of Marketing (B2B)

First Moment of Truth

Second Moment of Truth


Which becomes the next person’s ZMOT

Where Are They Searching?

• 72% use a search engine• 49% talked with family and friends• 38% shop competitors• 36% sought information from your website• 31% read reviews online• 22% read comments following an article online• 18% became a fan/follower of a brand on

social media



Put Someone in Charge

Most brands have someone in charge of ads, market research, in-store displays, etc. But few have anyone in charge of culling insights from across all these areas or addressing the ZMOT. However, Sebastian is seeing more companies putting someone in charge to address the strategy and budget for ZMOT.

Analyze YOUR Zero Moments

Brands go further by conducting keyword analysis and reviewing related searches to determine what people are searching for and what the space is saying about the brand.

Brands should run three search queries:Type their brand name in Google.Then type “[company name]

review.”Then type “Best [your category,

e.g., photocopier].”

Answer the questions people are asking

Brands should get specific and relevant in search advertising by answering what people are asking for.

Optimize for ZMOT

Advertising on multiple platforms significantly increases recall and engagement. In response, brands should optimize their ads for all screens (tablets, smartphones, laptops, etc.).

Be FastWith digital marketing, brands need to be armed, ready, and mobilized to tap into the huge ZMOT opportunity. Sebastian emphasized that speed beats perfection. For example, Betty Crocker launched a recipe application and Kraft launched one six months later. Because Betty Crocker was first to market, it gained a huge leg up when it came to influencing ZMOT.

Don’t Forget Video

The second biggest search engine after Google is YouTube. So brands should answer people’s problems with videos (how-to, case studies, etc.).

Jump in!

Test, fail, and adjust. With so much changing so quickly, brands need to jump in to be in on the leading edge.

Social Promotions


“Deal” Websites

Let’s Talk Brand Loyalty

Name a brand that you are loyal to and go out of your way to use.

What Ruins Your Experience?

SMOT Happens Every Day

• “During a recent trip to Australia, I literally took the plunge and tried scuba diving. The instructor offered to take some underwater photos for me. I had a great experience and when the photos arrived, I was happy to write a review. Just a few months later, a friend of mine ended up using the same dive company based on my online recommendation.”

- Deborah Powsner, The Huffington Post


The New Mental Model of Marketing (B2B)

First Moment of Truth

Second Moment of Truth


Which becomes the next person’s ZMOT

How To Be Different

• Treat every customer like a “regular”• Be what you want to see from a business• Take action to see results• Be the “Purple Cow”

Create Purple Cows. Be Different.

What is your Purple Cow?

Race to the Top? Race to the Bottom?

How will you race to the Top?

Focus on Enriching Lives.

Create a Positive Experience

• If a marketer works hard to provide a positive experience when the customer has no choice, the benefit of the doubt that’s earned is worth far more than it costs. Redesign that form, change your attitude, adjust your fees and bend over backwards to be grateful. It’ll be rewarded.

- Seth Godin

Customers Expect Simplicity

Disney Empowerment Philosophy

• Fix the problem on the spot whenever possible• Report the problem and solution to supervisor• Review the situation together• Debrief and critique

Customers Expect Continuous Improvement

Customers Want a Relationship

Customers Expect You to be Real

• Quote: Customers want efficiency, but what they desperately need is validation, emotional connection, and often simply a chance to vent. At least the customers that will rave about you do.

Al PittampalliMore Efficient Customer Service(Source:

Customers Expect You to be Real“People don’t judge you on the basis of your mistakes — they judge you on the manner in which you own up to them. In my experience, most companies do a terrible job of taking blame. They lob press releases. Or they apologize for the inconvenience. Resist that temptation and say you’re sorry like you’re apologizing to a friend. Be good — and your customers will be good right back to you.”

Jason Fried(Source:

Delight the Vast Majority

• If you have fans or followers or customers, no matter what you do, you’ll annoy or disappoint two percent of them. And you’ll probably hear a lot more from the unhappy 2% than fromthe delighted 98.

- Seth Godin

ZMOT Summary

• What is your unit’s Stimulus?• What is your unit’s Zero Moment of Truth• What is your unit’s First Moment of Truth• What is your unit’s Second Moment of Truth