ZION UNITED REFORMED · 10/9/2016  · at 999 W. 2nd Street, Ripon, or email an attached resume to...

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Transcript of ZION UNITED REFORMED · 10/9/2016  · at 999 W. 2nd Street, Ripon, or email an attached resume to...

“Announcing freedom from guilt, the comfort of grace, and the joy

of gratitude in the person and work of Jesus Christ. “





October 9, 2016

“In those days, at that time,” declares the Lord,

“The people of Israel and the people of Judah together

will go in tears to seek the Lord their God. They will

ask the way to Zion and turn their faces toward it.

They will come and bind themselves to the Lord in an

everlasting covenant that will not be forgotten.”

Jeremiah 50:4-5


The members of the Zion United Reformed Church of Ripon are pleased to

welcome you to our place of worship. A sincere invitation is extended to you to

participate in our programs of ministry.

We are a Protestant church, belonging to a federation of congregations known as

the United Reformed Churches in North America. We believe in Jesus Christ as

the Son of God and our only Savior from sin . By the name “Reformed” we say

that we stand in the tradition of the historic Protestant Reformation, accepting the

Bible as the inspired, inerrant, and unchanging Word of God, seeking to be

Reformed by that Word and the power of the Holy Spirit.

As Christ ministers to us, we want to minister to others. Feel free to make use of

any of our ministries for yourself and your family.

If you wish to become involved in our programs or would like more information,

please contact one of the members of the Council or call 599-9399.


We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, inerrant in its entirety,

unchanging, and God’s revelation of Himself.

In our teachings, we subscribe to these Reformational creeds which constitute

our forms of unity: The Heidelberg Catechism, The Belgic Confession, and the

Canons of Dort. In our worship liturgy, we use these creeds which confess our

unity with the historic Christian church: the Apostles’ Creed, the Athanasian

Creed, and the Nicene Creed.

We hold the world and life view by which we see all of reality in every area of life

as being subject to the rule of Jesus Christ.

COMMUNION SCHEDULE: We celebrate communion monthly, normally on the first

Sunday of every month .

ELDERS: Ray Enas, Mark Hoeksema, Ken Koolhaas, Woody Mouw,

John Sikkema, , Jake Sonke, Rick Ulsh, Dan Van Groningen

DEACONS: Dave Allen, Steven Andriese, Armando Blanco,

Gary Kroon, Kyle Loretelli, Brian Sonke

Zion United Reformed Church

1220 Canal Blvd., Ripon, CA 95366

(209) 599-9399



Rev. Kevin Efflandt, Pastor

Rev. Angelo Contreras, Pastor of Congregational Life

Zion United Reformed Church October 9, 2016

Morning Worship: 9:30 a.m.

Entering God’s Presence

* Call to worship * Prayer of Invocation * God’s Greeting * Hymn of Praise: #318 “Holy, Holy, Holy!”

Confessing Our Sin

Reading of God’s Law * Hymn of Confession: #187 “Sing to the Lord, Sing His Praise” (vs. 1-4) Assurance of Pardon

Responding in Gratitude

Congregational Prayer Presentation of Gifts and Offerings: Ripon Christian Tuition Relief Ministry of Music: Choir “O For a Closer Walk”

Hearing God’s Word

Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:12-36 Sermon: Waiting for a Faithful Priest Prayer of Application

Closing With God

* Hymn of Commitment: #221 “The Lord unto His Christ Has Said” * Benediction * Doxology: #231 “Praise Jehovah, All Ye Nations” * Postlude *Those who are able, please stand

Evening Worship: 6:00 p.m.

Preparing for Worship

* Call to Worship * Prayer of Invocation * God’s Greeting

Confessing Our Faith

* Confession of Faith: Apostles’ Creed (page 3 in the Psalter Hymnal)

* Hymn in Response: #105 “Be Thou My Vision” (LB)

(v. 4 a cappella)

Confessional Reading: Canon’s of Dort, 5.9 * Hymn in Response: #137 “In Doubt and Temptation”

Responding in Gratitude

Congregational Prayer Presentation of Gifts and Offerings: MARS International Student

Hearing God’s Word

Scripture: Acts 1:1-11 Sermon: Witnesses for the Ascended King Prayer of Application

Closing With God

*Hymn of Commitment: #470 “Abide with Me” (vs. 1,3,5) * Benediction * Doxology: #204 “O Come, My Soul, Bless Thou the Lord” (v.5) * Postlude *Those who are able, please stand

The Church Leadership class will start on Wednesday, October 19th at 7:00 pm. If you plan to attend, please sign up on the sheet on the book table.

We will be hosting a Reformation Conference on Saturday, October 29th, from 10 am to noon. This year’s speakers will be Pastor Kevin and Dr. Fritz Harms. They will be speaking on a couple of the lesser-known figures of the Protestant Reformation (William Farel and Philip Melanchthon). If you are planning on attending, please sign up on the sheet that is on the book table.

Main Street Day Booth: Zion’s Evangelism committee is organizing a booth for Ripon’s Main Street day on Saturday, October 15th from 9am to 3 pm. We need volunteers to help by signing up to take a two hour shift in our booth. Please sign up on the sheet in the fellowship hall if you are willing to help.

ZION FISHING TRIP: A fishing trip is being planned for Saturday, October 22nd. We would like to invite members of the congregation to take part! There are 27 spots available on the boat, so if you are interested, please sign up on the table in the fellowship hall. For additional details, please talk to Harry Van’t Voort.

Youth group will meet at church at 7pm this Wednesday for a Bible study. See you then!

Items for the bulletin are due Wednesday by 6:00 p.m.

Hearing assistance receivers with earplugs or headsets are available upon request. Inquire at the sound table.

CD’s or DVD’s of the morning and evening services are available. Please sign up at the sound desk at the back of the sanctuary. A suggested donation of $1 per CD or DVD is appreciated. Please place these monies in the General Fund offering. Thank you!

Ripon Christian School Announcements:

The Ripon Christian Music Department will present its annual Fall Festival of Music on Tuesday, October 11 at 7:00 pm in the Performing Arts Center. The concert will feature all high school instrumental and vocal groups as well as the middle school band and choir. Come for an evening of celebration, joy, and worship as we start off our concert season.

Knight Out: Dinner and Auction - Mark your calendars for November 5 from 5-9 for RC School Circle's annual Dinner and Auction. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and a great opportunity to get some friends together and come support the school. More information about ticket sales and auction items will be coming soon!

California Baptist University Choir & Orchestra will be performing through their 140 members, musical gifts, to glorify God through engaging worship. You are invited to experience the blessing, taking place at Ripon Christian High School, Friday, October 28, @ 7:00 P.M. No tickets needed; freewill offering will be taken. One overnight stay of housing is currently needed for about 100 members. Prayerfully consider; call Lori Prins @ (209) 402-1482.

Ripon Christian Preschool News: We are taking applications for one or two part time positions. Applicants for our Teacher’s Aide position should have 6 units in Early Childhood Education or 3 units completed, and enrolled in 3 additional units after employment begins. We also have a Classroom Aide position for a loving, dependable person to assist the teachers with our all day students from 12:00-3:00. Applicants for this position do not need any ECE units. We are always looking for qualified Substitute teacher applicants (6-12 ECE units required) as well. If you love children and want to be a part of our program please contact Elly Rampoldi at erampoldi@rcschools.com or call 209-404- 6446.

Community Announcements:

Sierra Salem Christian Homes will hold its Annual Celebration Dinner on Saturday, October 15, 2016 at 6:00pm at the First Christian Reformed Church in Ripon. This evening provides a wonderful opportunity to learn how God has been working through Sierra Salem for over 25 years to bless the residents. Included will be an update on the progress being made on the new home. Join us for a delicious meal, fellowship and singing led by Sierra Salem’s residents that will lift your spirits. Reserve your seat by calling Martha Holland at 209 544-9300 or Betty Pasma at 209 599-2322.

Bethany Christian Services invites you to grab your clubs and join us for our 26th Annual Charity Golf Classic on Monday, October 17th, at beautiful Spring Creek Golf Course in Ripon. The cost is $175 and includes golf, lunch and awards dinner. All proceeds benefit our local ministry to vulnerable women and children. For more information call 209.522.5121. Company and individual sponsors are needed. If you don’t golf but want to support this very worthy ministry, please call. You can also register on-line at www.bethany.org/modestogolf.

Bethany Home job opportunities: Assisted Living Nurse-LVN. If you are interested, please apply in person in the Corporate Office at 999 W. 2nd Street, Ripon, or email an attached resume to ahutchins@bethanyripon.org.

PRAY: Please pray for the Missionaries and people affected by Hurricane Matthew. There was a number of buildings that were damaged in Haiti alone. Please pray for all those who had suffered loss of buildings and life. RMS, along with Dr. Hegeman, will be working on plans of how best to assist the people of Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

PERU 2016: Registration is now open on the web, www.rms.org! We plan to arrive in Cusco, Peru on the morning of November 30 and leave on December 9. The approximate cost for the trip will be $2,000 (U.S.) plus your airfare to and from Cusco. RMS is also looking for donations to offset the cost of materials for the project. You may send your donations to: Reformed Mission Services, P.O. Box 582 Hudsonville, MI 49426-0582. Designated: Peru 2016. If you have any questions or would like more information about this trip, please contact Rob at rob@rms.org.

United in Prayer: Up-to-date Requests from our Missionaries.

MINTS - Allen & Marcia Vander Pol: 1) Prayer for pastors in Southeast Asia who live in blatantly idol-worshipping cultures. Pray that the Lord will use their preaching of the Gospel to enlarge the church of Christ so that innumerable lost people will eventually follow Christ. 2) Pray for the work of MINTS which offers theological education to equip the church for ministry and for the world-wide proclamation of the gospel. 3) Prayer for my work. Presently I am writing my first non-theological course; it will help students to write in English and, therefore, to fulfill their writing requirements for MINTS courses. Pray that I will make progress in this project.


Greeters today: Alfonso & Angie Contreras Dana Coates Greeters next week: Raymond & Sarah Coronado Brenda Cowart & Lydia Fisher Organists today: AM: Glenn De Jong PM: Joann Veenstra Organists next week: AM: Glenn De Jong PM: Marge Mulder Nursery today: AM: Infants: Trisha M., Lynette D., Sarah B. Toddlers: Joanne S., Sara K., Chase H. Extra: Lydia F. PM: Infants/Toddlers: Trista C., Ada B., Joel V.G. Nursery next week: Infants: Kim W, Sophia H., Ally C. Toddlers: Tawnya V.H., Nicole T., Tyler M. Extra: Jessica S. PM: Infants/Toddlers: Corrine K., Liz S., Lukas V.G. Ushers today: Phil Mensonides, Ben Watkins, Jesse Enas Ushers next week: Greg Snodgrass, Josiah Enas, Nathan Thalen Coffee servers today: Jake & Ruth Sonke Coffee servers next week: Paul & Leslie Hiemstra Library today: Cindy H., Adrianna M. Library next week: Marilyn D.J., Ruth S. Hospitality Hosts today: Elder District 2 Luncheon Hospitality Hosts next week: Fritz & Brenda Harms Refreshments today: AM: Angie C., Tanya F., Ginny R., Brenda C., Mary B., Pamela F., Karina J. PM: Arijaan B., Judy S., Angelina K., Gert V. Refreshments next week: AM: Patricia K., Shaina B., Stacy C., Nicole T., Kim M., Sarah C., Teresa A. PM: Judi V.R., Adrianna M., Joanne P. Laurie V.G. Truck Stop Ministry today: AM: Ralph R. PM:*Ralph R., Pat V. Truck Stop Ministry next week: AM: Ralph R. PM:*Fritz H., John S. *Denotes Leader PM Sound today: Bill Dotinga, Rick Van Duyn Sound next week: Keith Gagnon, Austin Faria Offerings this week: AM: Ripon Christian Tuition Relief PM: MARS International Student Offerings next week: AM: General Fund PM: Rev. Bocek

United in Prayer: Up-to-date Requests from our Missionaries.

MINTS - Allen & Marcia Vander Pol: 1) Prayer for pastors in Southeast Asia who live in blatantly idol-worshipping cultures. Pray that the Lord will use their preaching of the Gospel to enlarge the church of Christ so that innumerable lost people will eventually follow Christ. 2) Pray for the work of MINTS which offers theological education to equip the church for ministry and for the world-wide proclamation of the gospel. 3) Prayer for my work. Presently I am writing my first non-theological course; it will help students to write in English and, therefore, to fulfill their writing requirements for MINTS courses. Pray that I will make progress in this project.


Greeters today: Alfonso & Angie Contreras Dana Coates Greeters next week: Raymond & Sarah Coronado Brenda Cowart & Lydia Fisher Organists today: AM: Glenn De Jong PM: Joann Veenstra Organists next week: AM: Glenn De Jong PM: Marge Mulder Nursery today: AM: Infants: Trisha M., Lynette D., Sarah B. Toddlers: Joanne S., Sara K., Chase H. Extra: Lydia F. PM: Infants/Toddlers: Trista C., Ada B., Joel V.G. Nursery next week: Infants: Kim W, Sophia H., Ally C. Toddlers: Tawnya V.H., Nicole T., Tyler M. Extra: Jessica S. PM: Infants/Toddlers: Corrine K., Liz S., Lukas V.G. Ushers today: Phil Mensonides, Ben Watkins, Jesse Enas Ushers next week: Greg Snodgrass, Josiah Enas, Nathan Thalen Coffee servers today: Jake & Ruth Sonke Coffee servers next week: Paul & Leslie Hiemstra Library today: Cindy H., Adrianna M. Library next week: Marilyn D.J., Ruth S. Hospitality Hosts today: Elder District 2 Luncheon Hospitality Hosts next week: Fritz & Brenda Harms Refreshments today: AM: Angie C., Tanya F., Ginny R., Brenda C., Mary B., Pamela F., Karina J. PM: Arijaan B., Judy S., Angelina K., Gert V. Refreshments next week: AM: Patricia K., Shaina B., Stacy C., Nicole T., Kim M., Sarah C., Teresa A. PM: Judi V.R., Adrianna M., Joanne P. Laurie V.G. Truck Stop Ministry today: AM: Ralph R. PM:*Ralph R., Pat V. Truck Stop Ministry next week: AM: Ralph R. PM:*Fritz H., John S. *Denotes Leader PM Sound today: Bill Dotinga, Rick Van Duyn Sound next week: Keith Gagnon, Austin Faria Offerings this week: AM: Ripon Christian Tuition Relief PM: MARS International Student Offerings next week: AM: General Fund PM: Rev. Bocek



8:30 a.m. Study on the Heidelberg Catechism 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:50 a.m. Coffee Fellowship 10:50 a.m. Toddler – 4th Time of singing 11:05 a.m. Church School 4:30 p.m. Choir 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship 7:15 p.m. Coffee Fellowship

Monday 6:30 p.m. GEMS 6:30 p.m. Cadets


6:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Women in the Word Bible Study (Lesson 3( pg. 31-42) - Refreshments: Elena) 9:30 a.m. Ladies Bible Study with Story Hour (Bible Study, p. 217—In the Wilderness) 7:00 p.m. Council Meeting (2nd Tues of month) 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Evening Ladies Bible Study


7:00 p.m. Youth Group


5:30 p.m. Growing Families 7:00 p.m. Understanding Islam Seminar

Next Sunday

8:30 a.m. Study on the Heidelberg Catechism 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:50 a.m. Coffee Fellowship 10:50 a.m. Toddler – 4th Time of singing 11:05 a.m. Church School 4:30 p.m. Choir 6:00 p.m. Evening Worship 7:15 p.m. Coffee Fellowship

Church Family

Please remember to pray for the following people who are unable to worship with us on the Lord's Day: Alberta Dole, John Staal, Rena Swier, Berneice Van Duyn, Gert Veldstra, and Rhondalynn Whitehead.

Please remember to pray for the following people as they battle various health concerns: Clarissa Bohrer, Betty Conard, Geri De Boer, Bill de Kok, and Sandy Field.

Prayer Chain: Nettie Roos, 599-7404; Adrianna Miedema, 599-6639

October 9, 2016 We welcome you and pray you will receive God’s blessing in your worship with us today. Please be sure to sign our guest book on the table in the narthex if you have not already done so. We invite you to a time of fellowship immediately following each worship service.

Church Announcements:

October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Please join us in the Fellowship Hall for a cake social in honor of Pastor Kevin and Pastor Angelo following this morning’s service.

Due to Construction, we are asking that everyone enter through the glass doors of the foyer on Sunday mornings. For midweek events, such as Bible Study, youth group, gems & cadets, we would ask that everyone park on the south side of the church away from the construction zone. If the person in charge of opening can enter through the consistory room and then open the glass doors for others to enter, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work together to keep everyone safe.

The Elder District Two Luncheon will be held today at noon in the Fellowship Hall.

We will have a Fellowship Luncheon on Sunday, October 23rd, following the morning service. Each family is asked to bring a large hot dish taking into consideration that friends and visitors will be joining us. If your last name begins with A thru L, you are asked to bring a salad as well, and if your last name begins with M thru Z, you are asked to also bring a dessert. If you are single, you only need to bring either a hot dish or a cold dish/dessert. We could also use additional help with set-up and especially clean-up on the day of the luncheon, so please plan on helping if you are able!

Membership Class: The membership class will be starting today. We will meet in the sanctuary following the morning service.

FALL HARVEST FESTIVAL: Zion will hold a Fall Harvest Festival on Friday, October 28th. This w ill be a great opportunity for our church members to come together for a time of fellowship and fun. If you would like to help, please talk to Sarah Coronado.

Gems Fundraiser: The Gems will be holding a soup and pie supper on October 30th, prior to the Fall Harvest Festival. If you are willing to help the Gems with this fundraiser by making a pot of soup, this would be greatly appreciated. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the fellowship hall. Thank you!

Growing families will meet next Thursday, Oct 13th, at 5:30. The dinner theme will be "Octoberfest." We'll begin our discussion of our new book "Friends and Lovers" by Joel Beeke. We'll discuss the first chapter. If you haven't had the chance to attend in the passed, it's a good time to begin. Hope to see you then!

Understanding Muslims & Islam Seminar: Join Mel Mulder for session 5 on Thursday@ 7pm in the sanctuary.

Choir Selection

O For a Closer Walk

O for a closer walk with God, a calm and heavenly frame.

A light to shine upon the road, leading to the Lamb.

Where is the blessedness I knew

when I saw the Lord? Where is the soul refreshing view

of Jesus and His Word?

O fire of God, come burn in me; renew a holy passion

Till Christ my deepest longing be, my never failing fountain, my never failing fountain.

What peaceful hours I once enjoyed,

sweet the memory still! But they have left an aching void

the world can never fill, the world can never fill.

The dearest idol I have known, whate’er that idol be,

Help me to tear it from Thy throne and worship only Thee.

O fire of God, come burn in me;

renew a holy passion Till Christ my deepest longing be,

my never failing fountain, my never failing fountain.

Close to Thee, close to Thee, All along my pilgrim journey, Savior, let me walk with Thee.

So shall my walk be close with God,

calm and serene my frame; So purer light shall mark the road

that leads me to the Lamb.

O fire of God, come burn in me; renew a holy passion

Till Christ my deepest longing be, my never failing fountain, my never failing fountain.

Choir Selection

O For a Closer Walk

O for a closer walk with God, a calm and heavenly frame.

A light to shine upon the road, leading to the Lamb.

Where is the blessedness I knew

when I saw the Lord? Where is the soul refreshing view

of Jesus and His Word?

O fire of God, come burn in me; renew a holy passion

Till Christ my deepest longing be, my never failing fountain, my never failing fountain.

What peaceful hours I once enjoyed,

sweet the memory still! But they have left an aching void

the world can never fill, the world can never fill.

The dearest idol I have known, whate’er that idol be,

Help me to tear it from Thy throne and worship only Thee.

O fire of God, come burn in me;

renew a holy passion Till Christ my deepest longing be,

my never failing fountain, my never failing fountain.

Close to Thee, close to Thee, All along my pilgrim journey, Savior, let me walk with Thee.

So shall my walk be close with God,

calm and serene my frame; So purer light shall mark the road

that leads me to the Lamb.

O fire of God, come burn in me; renew a holy passion

Till Christ my deepest longing be, my never failing fountain, my never failing fountain.

Offering Totals for September

Offering Totals for September

Zion URC General Fund $ 34,168.15

Zion URC Deacon Fund $ 8,534.15

RC Tuition Relief $ 4,633.87

Rev. Vander Pol (MINTS) $ 2,734.83

Church Assistance Fund $ 2,037.25

Stockton Gospel $ 1,981.10

Rev. Bill Green/CLIR $ 1,601.97

Westminster $ 1,422.22

Zion URC Building Fund $ 325.00


$ 150.00

Monthly Total $ 57,588.54

Zion URC General Fund $ 34,168.15

Zion URC Deacon Fund $ 8,534.15

RC Tuition Relief $ 4,633.87

Rev. Vander Pol (MINTS) $ 2,734.83

Church Assistance Fund $ 2,037.25

Stockton Gospel $ 1,981.10

Rev. Bill Green/CLIR $ 1,601.97

Westminster $ 1,422.22

Zion URC Building Fund $ 325.00


$ 150.00

Monthly Total $ 57,588.54