Zhichao Liang - export.arxiv.org

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Deep Koopman-operator based model predictive control for closed-loopelectrical neurostimulation in epilepsy

Zhichao Liang†, Zixiang Luo†, Keyin Liu, Jingwei Qiu and Quanying Liu∗

Abstract— Electrical neuromodulation as a palliative treat-ment has been increasingly applied to epilepsy. However, mostof the current neuromodulation implement pre-determinedactuation strategies rather than closed-loop neurofeedback. Inthis paper, rooted in optimal control theory, we propose a novelframework for real-time closed-loop electrical neuromodula-tion in epilepsy. Our framework combines a deep Koopman-operator based model for seizure prediction in an approximatedfinite dimensional linear dynamics and the model predictivecontrol (MPC) for designing optimal seizure suppression strate-gies. We validate our model with synthetic seizure data fromJansen-Rit Model which generates neural dynamics in a singlecortical column and two distant cortical columns. The resultsdemonstrate that the deep Koopman-operator based modelhas great capabilities to map the nonlinear neural dynamicsinto finite dimensional linear dynamics, which is suitable forreal-time seizure prediction and naturally compatible withthe optimal-based linear MPC design for seizure suppression.Our framework opens a new window for the developmentand implementation of robust real-time closed-loop electricalneuromodulation in epileptic seizure suppression and shedslight on understanding the neurodynamics and feedback controlpolicies.


Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by theoccurrence of a spontaneous seizure, a period when neuronpopulation fires in an abnormal, excessive, and synchronizedmanner [1], [2]. In clinical, the main characteristics fordiagnosis of epilepsy are occurring the seizure-like spike-and-wave and high-frequency oscillations [3]. Electroen-cephalogram (EEG), stereo electroencephalogram (sEEG),and intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) are the maintechniques for monitoring seizures [4].

Recently, various therapies have been developed for treat-ing and controlling seizures, including anti-epilepsy medica-tion, surgical extraction, and electrical neurostimulation [5].Electrical neurostimulation, such as deep brain stimulation(DBS) and transcranial electrical stimulation (TES), hasbecome a considerable clinical treatment for intractableepilepsy. Electrical neurostimulation applies a minusculedose of high-frequency electric current to a brain region,such as a cortex area, vagus nerve, or anterior nucleus ofthalamus. This electrical stimulation aims to modulating theneural oscillations and thus controlling the seizure states.

This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation ofChina (No. 62001205), Guangdong Natural Science Foundation Joint Fund(No. 2019A1515111038).

Z. Liang, Z. Luo, K. Liu, J. Qiu and Q. Liu are with Department ofBiomedical Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology,Shenzhen, China.† Co-first authors: Zhichao Liang, Zixiang Luo* Corresponding author: Quanying Liu liuqy@sustech.edu.cn

However, the current neuromodulations mainly implementthe pre-determined actuation strategies rather than a closed-loop electrical neurostimulation in epilepsy. Traditional deepbrain stimulation and neurostimulator paradigms are de-signed with empirical open-loop approaches, lacking oftheoretical supports or guarantees. A major disadvantage ofopen-loop neurostimulation is missing the feedback signalsof current seizure waves to regulate the control input duringneurostimulation. More recently, closed-loop mechanismsis increasingly gaining attention for seizure suppression.Formatting it as a closed-loop state-space control problem,the main goal then is to design an optimal control lawto steer the system state to the desired state. Some pre-vious work have been devoted to this area. For example,Sergio Pequito et al. presented a spectral control methodfor ensuring the poles of the closed-loop systems in thepre-specified spectrum [6]. Arian Ashourvan et al. proposeda pole-placement spectral static output feedback control-theoretic strategy for linear time-invariant switching systemsfor seizure stabilizing [7]. Model predictive control (MPC)is a self-tuning control method, allowing to maintain a stableand robust control process, which has been brought intoneurostimulation applications. For instance, Siyuan Changet al. presented a nonlinear auto-regressive moving-average(NARMA) Volterra model to identify the relationship be-tween the external input and the corresponding neuronal re-sponses such as synthetic seizure-like waves, based on whichthe closed-loop MPC actuation strategy was implemented tooptimize the stimulator’s waveform [8]. Sarthak Chatterjeeet al. proposed a fractional-order model predictive controlframework for real-time closed-loop electrical neurostimula-tion in epilepsy [9]. However, the MPC requires a decentmodel to predict the system dynamics, which is particularlychallenging for seizure dynamics.

Seizure dynamics is a complex networked nonlinear dy-namic process, and we have limited knowledge on thedynamics of seizure so far. Therefore, system identifica-tion is crucial for uncovering the brain system dynamicsduring seizure period. Some tools are available for mod-eling the seizure system dynamics using time-series EEGdata. For example, auto-regressive moving-average model [8]and fractional-order system model [9] have been appliedfor seizure dynamics identification. With the advances ofmachine learning methods, data-driven models have showngreat potentials as a system identification tool. For example,recurrent neural network (RNN) is promising in fitting time-series data and modeling dynamical systems. Some studieshave reported that RNN has high capability and scalability













in modeling complex dynamics with multi-outputs, such asfluidic flow control [10] and process industries [11]. How-ever, most of RNN models are time consuming and hardlyintegrated into MPC to solve the optimization problem.

It is necessary to consider the trade-off between modelcomplexity and computational efficiency when modelingseizure dynamics and designing controller for seizure sup-pression. The real-time optimal solution of a nonlinear com-plex dynamics model in MPC is hard to obtain. To addressthis issue, operator-theoretic approaches, mainly based onthe Perron-Frobenius operator [12] or its adjoint Koopman-operator, are increasingly gaining attention. In particular,Koopman theory states that nonlinear dynamics of a sys-tem can be linearized under the hypothesis that the linearoperator acts on the observation function of system stateswith advancing in time [13]. However, a pre-defined hand-crafted Koopman-operator model has limited performancein modeling time-varying or complex switching dynamicalsystems. Therefore, a more flexible way to approximatethe Koopman-operator with finite dimensions is needed.Recently, some autoencoder-based methods for approximat-ing finite-dimensional Koopman-operator was proposed [14],[15]. After Koopman-operator converts a nonlinear MPCproblem to a linear MPC problem, it can be easily solved bya quadratic programming solver.

Here, we propose a deep Koopman-operator based modelpredictive control (Koopman-MPC) framework for closed-loop seizure suppression in a real-time manner, which canbalance the needs of sufficient predictive accuracy and modelcomplexity for the real-time optimization. The contributionsof this study are summarized as follows.• Koopman-MPC framework maps the nonlinear neural

dynamics into finite-dimensional linear dynamics usinga deep Koopman-operator based model, which is com-putationally efficient and naturally compatible with theoptimization-based MPC design for seizure suppression.

• A tailored autoencoder model is designed to approx-imate the Koopman-operator with finite dimensions,which avoids hand-crafted design of Koopman-operator.Our results suggest that the deep Koopman modeloutperforms the RNN model in seizure prediction.

• We experimentally verify the Koopman-MPC frame-work with a simulation platform based on Jansen-Rit model, confirming that Koopman-MPC suppressseizures from one region as well as seizures propagatedbetween brain regions.


A. Koopman-operatorGiven a discrete-time dynamical system

xk+1 = f(xk), (1)

where xk denotes the vector of state variables and f gov-erns the system dynamics. Koopman operator K is defined asa linear operator acting on an infinite dimensional functionspace such that for any observation function g,

Kg(x) = g(f(x)). (2)

The key idea of the Koopman-operator is to design anonlinear embedding transformation into a linear dynamicalsystem. The embedding transformation can be obtained by afinite-dimensional approximation of the Koopman-operator,in which an invariant subspace or a set of basis functionsis determined or learned. Extended Dynamic Mode De-composition is a data-driven method commonly used fornumerical approximation of the Koopman-operator, and itallows arbitrary composition of basis functions for dynamicsapproximation[16].

Given a finite sequence of system measurements yi =g(xi) and a finite set of basis functions Φ1,Φ2, ...,Φk

constituting a basis function vector Φ = [Φ1,Φ2, ...,Φk]T ,we can embed the data into the basis function vector andconstruct two feature spaces,

ΨY = [Φ(y1) Φ(y2) ... Φ(yk)]ΨY = [Φ(y1) Φ(y2) ... Φ(yk)]


where yk = yk+1. Then the finite-dimensional approximationof the Koopman-operator K can be inferred from

K = ΨY Ψ†Y (4)

where Ψ†Y is the pseudo-inverse of ΨY .Modal decomposition for Koopman-operator K refers to

spectral analysis [17], in which its modes and eigenvalues-eigenvector pairs characterize the complex linear indepen-dent spatiotemporal dynamical behaviours. The complexeigenvalues of K characterize the system stability, expo-nential damping ratio and spectral information, and theeigenvectors represent the independent spatial coordinates.This linear operator K can be used for the prediction andcontrol of system dynamics.

B. Koopman-operator based model predictive control

Model predictive control is an optimization-based controlframework to minimize the control objective function in afinite prediction horizon with the control inputs and statesconstraints. For a nonlinear dynamical system, the optimiza-tion problem is typically a non-convex problem with NP-hardcomputational complexity.

The predictive capabilities and linearity of the Koopman-operator benefit the controller design in nonlinear systems.Therefore, we construct a Koopman-operator based modelpredictive control architecture to control the nonlinear systemfollowing the desired reference signals, as shown in Fig. 1(a).

At each time-step, the model predictive control solves thefollowing objective function to find a sequence of incremen-tal inputs ∆uk and only the first incremental input ∆u1 willbe applied to the system.



(Yk − Yref)T QY (Yk − Yref) + Qu




s.t. ∆uk ∈ [∆umin,∆umax]uk ∈ [umin, umax]Yk+1 = KYk + Buk

(5)where Tp and Tc are the predictive horizon and control

horizon, respectively. Yk and Yref represent the Koopman

[ x1 , x2 , ... , xT ]



Deep Koopman Dynamics Model

Black Box Control Plant

Stimulated Signal

Neural Signal

Data Set


Predicted Output

Normal Signal



Deep Koopman Dynamics Model

Black Box Control Plant

Stimulation Signal

Neural Signal

Data Set


Predicted Output

Normal Signal


Fig. 1. Schematic of the deep Koopman-operator based model predictivecontrol for dynamics identification and closed-loop electrical neurostimula-tion in epilepsy. (a) An MPC framework for epileptic seizure suppression.(b) The autoencoder-based deep Koopman dynamical model. Y and Z areused for one-step and multi-step prediction. Tp equals 1 and 20 for Y andZ, respectively.

basis function of the observation and reference signals, re-spectively. ∆uk is the increment of input at step k. QY is thepositive definite weighted matrix for penalizing the devianceand Qu is a non-negative scalar to penalize the amplitudesof control incremental inputs and tune the desired closed-loop control performance. For real applications, the inputsare constrained between the upper bound and lower bound.Yk+1 = KYk + Buk predicts the following states in the pre-dictive horizon. K is the approximated unforced Koopman-operator when there are no inputs or the forced Koopman-operator when giving input signals [14]. B is designed by theresearcher to determine the control gain in correspondinglatent controlled nodes. This optimization problem can besolved efficiently with the Quadratic Programming Solver.In this case, the input signal is constrained between -25 to 0and the increment of it is constrained between -20 to 0. QY

is set to an identity matrix. Qu equals 0.01.


For learning the finite-dimensional invariant subspace toapproximate the Koopman-operator, we construct an autoen-coder framework, similar to the previous work [14], [15],but different model hidden structure and loss function, tospan a low dimensional state space of the observed seizuredynamics into a finite high dimensional state space. The deepKoopman-operator model is shown in Fig.1(b). Specifically,the encoder learns the linear mapping relationship (a finite-dimensional approximated Koopman-operator) between oneprior step and the current step of the sequential seizurewaves. Then, we decode the spanning data and its predicteddata into the original state space for reconstruction.

A. Seizure Dynamic Encoder in an Autoencoder Architecture

Both the encoder and decoder contain one hidden denselayer followed by a rectified linear unit activation and anoutput dense layer. The inputs to the encoder are piecesof epilepsy signals X , Y , and Z that constructed with asequence of time snapshots. The encoder produces the highdimensional matrices X , Y , and Z. Then, the the Koopman-operator K was approximated by a linear least-squares fitbetween X and Y . Using the Koopman operator, Ypred andZpred are computed as KX and K

TpX . Finally, the X , Y , and

Z are the decoded signals from X , Ypred, and Zpred. Moredetails are shown in Appendix B.1.

B. Explicit Loss Definition

The deep Koopman-operator based autoencoder model istrained to minimize the following four reconstruction errorterms (Mean-squared error, MSE). The loss is specificallydesigned with different theoretical considerations for learningthe finite-dimensional approximated Koopman-operator andbuilding the linear dynamical system. The defined MSEterms include a Reconstruction Loss (Lrecon ), a PredictionLoss of Y (LYpred ), a Tp-step Prediction Loss of Z (LZpred ),and a Linear Dynamics Reconstruction Loss (Llin ). Mean-while, a L2 regularization term is added to the weights Wto avoid overfitting.

L = Lrecon + LYpred + LZpred + Llin + α ‖W‖22 (6)

Lrecon =∥∥X− g−1 (g (X))


=∥∥∥X− X



LYpred =∥∥∥Ypred − g−1

(Kg (X)


=∥∥∥Ypred − Y



LZpred =∥∥∥Zpred − g−1


Tpg (X)


=∥∥∥Zpred − Z



Llin =∥∥g (Y)− Kg (X)


=∥∥∥Y − KX



The matrix K represents the approximated Koopman-operator. Tp represents the predictive length. g and g−1 arethe encoder and decoder expression, respectively. We set thehyperparameter α = 0.01 by default.

To sum up, our proposed Deep Koopman-operator modellearns the invariant linear subspace of seizure dynamics forfurther seizure prediction and seizure stimulation strategydesign.


A. Datasets

We validate the deep Koopman-operator based MPCmodel for seizure suppression using synthetic data from asingle cortical column and two distant cortical columns. Allsynthetic EEG data are generated by a well-known compu-tational dynamical model, i.e. the Jansen-Rit model [18].

In the past two decades, dynamical models have becomea popular method to model neurological disorders (e.g.epilepsy) from the microscopic level [19] to the macroscopiclevel [20], [21]. The neural mass model (NMM) simulatesthe neural signals from a cortical column at the macroscopic

level, with excitatory population, inhibitory populations andpyramidal cells interaction [18]. As a specific neural massmodel, the Jansen-Rit model uses six dynamical equations todescribe a cortical column’s average neural activities, includ-ing a population of pyramidal cells, the excitatory feedbackinterneurons and the inhibitory feedback interneurons [18].The Jansen-Rit model is given by the following dynamicalsystem.

y1 = y4y4 = AaS(y2 − y3)− 2ay4 − a2y1y2 = y5 + d(t)

y5 = Aa(p+ C2S(C1y1))− 2ay5 − a2y2y3 = y6y6 = BbC4S(C3y1)− 2by6 − b2y3


The detailed information about the Jansen-Rit model isshown in the Appendix A. The parameters setting for Jansen-Rit NMM is shown in Table S1. These values were originallyspecified by Van Rotterdam et al. [22]. In our simulation,we keep the above parameters fixed and vary the excitatorysynaptic gain A (i.e., a bifurcation parameter). The modelgenerates normal state EEG waves when A equals 7, and itgenerates seizure-like waves with A larger than the criticalvalue(around 7.2115). We display three types of syntheticEEG signal with different excitatory synaptic gain (A ∈{7.0, 7.2115, 7.80}) in Fig.2(a-c). For simulation, we collectthe input and the output data with a 50 Hz sampling rate.

To investigate whether the model can predict the datafrom multiple neural sites, we also simulated the seizure datafrom two interactive cortical columns using the Jansen-RitModel. The detailed information about using the Jansen-Ritmodel to generate EEG data in the double cortical columnsis shown in the Appendix A. One of the cortical columns(A = 7.8) generates the seizure-like wave and propagatesto another non-seizure cortical column (A = 7.0); the non-seizure cortical column, therefore, forms the induced seizure-like waves. Fig. 3(a) illustrates the simulated data from twocortical columns.

B. Deep Koopman-operator based seizure prediction

We conducted experiments to test the capability of theDeep Koopman-operator model in seizure prediction in twocases: 1) the seizure-like wave is focused on a singlecortical column; 2) the seizure waves propagate to twocortical columns. To evaluate the prediction accuracy of ourdeep Koopman-operator model on validation datasets, weintroduce two quantitative me .trics: the Mean-Squared-Error(MSE) and the R-Square (R2).

MSE =1



‖yk − yk‖22

R2 = 1−∑Tpred

k=1 (yk − yk)2∑Tpredk=1 (yk − y)2


where yk is the ground truth, yk is the predictive results,and y is the mean value of the ground truth. Tpred is thepredictive length.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 2. The synthetic EEG waves from the Jansen-Rit model with a singlecortical column. Specifically, (a) A = 7.0 corresponds to the normal EEGstate; (b) A = 7.2115 represents the transition state where the seizureemerges; (c) 7.80 are epileptic states; (d) the predicted seizure-like EEGwave in single cortical column using the deep Koopman-operator method.The excitatory synaptic gain is A = 7.80. The Koopman-operator is updatedevery 20 steps.


Fig. 3. Seizure-like EEG waves in two cortical columns: (a) the simulatedseizure-like EEG waves using the Jansen-Rit model; (b) the predicted EEGdynamics using the deep Koopman-operator method. The excitatory synapticgain A = 7.80 in Cortical 1 (upper) and A = 7.00 in Cortical 2 (bottom).The Koopman-operator is updated every 20 steps.

The deep Koopman-operator based model maps the statesto an invariant subspace and derived the approximatedKoopman-operator K in this invariant subspace. The resultsof the predictive evaluation from Koopman model are shownin Fig.2(d) and Fig.3(b). It indicates that the Koopman-operator based model can successfully predict EEG andseizure waves.

Furthermore, we compare our Koopman model with an-other data-driven predictive model, i.e. Gated RecurrentUnits (GRU) model. As a variant of Long Short-Term Mem-ory (LSTM), GRU is rooted in the RNN structure [23]. Here,an additional Dense layer in GRU is trained for capturingthe mapping relationship between the previous input/outputsignals and the initial states of GRU (with 60 hidden units).Also, another Dense layer is trained for mapping the GRUstates to the output signals. More details of GRU settingare in Appendix B.2. The performance of GRU model is


Case Model MSE R2

Single column GRU 6.2555 0.8502Koopman 3.8187 0.8851

Double columns GRU 5.0832 0.8589Koopman 0.5269 0.9866

shown in Appendix Fig.8. The quantitative comparisons ofresults are shown in TABLE I, suggesting that our deepKoopman-operator based model outperforms the GRU modelin both cases. As a highly nonlinear model, GRU mightneed more hidden units to fit the dynamics of the signal.More interestingly, both the Koopman and GRU model betterpredicts the data from two cortical columns than from singlecolumn, inferring that more interactive information providedwould benefit the training of deep Koopman-operator model.

C. MPC-based Seizure Suppression

Generally, the Koopman-operator based predictive modelhardly tracks the seizure dynamics for a long period. There-fore, our proposed Koopman-MPC model is designed to pe-riodically re-calculate the approximated Koopman-operator,estimate the corresponding predictions, and then re-computethe optimal neurostimulation strategy.

We conducted experiments to test the Koopman-MPC per-formance of seizure suppression in two cases. Specifically,we collect the input and output data with a 50Hz samplingfrequency. We use a 15-step predictive horizon and 15-stepcontrol horizon to calculate the optimal seizure stimulationsignals.

Fig.4 illustrates the suppressed seizure in EEG signals andthe corresponding control signal designed by the Koopman-MPC controller. In each experiment, the control signal startsto insert into the model at t = 4s. It is obvious thatthe actuation signals is also activated at the 4s during thesimulation. These results demonstrate that our Koopman-MPC can accurately predict the seizure signal and achieve asuccessful seizure suppression.

We then try to compare the control performance fromKoopman-MPC and GRU-MPC framework. The objectivefunction in the GRU-MPC framework becomes an NP-hardnon-convex optimization problem for the trained GRU is acomplex nonlinear model. In our experiment, the GRU-MPCfailed to converge to the optimal value. Therefore, we couldnot compare the seizure suppression results from the non-convex GRU-MPC controller and convex Koopman-MPCcontroller.


Here we propose a novel deep Koopman-MPC frameworkfor closed-loop electrical neurostimulation. A tailored au-toencoder was employed to learn the invariant subspace ofthe Koopman-operator, in which a coordinate transformationmaps the nonlinear dynamics into the linear dynamics. Theapproximation of the Koopman-operator provides a sufficient

(a) (b)

Fig. 4. The seizure suppression and control signal from the Koopman-MPCbased closed-loop neurostimulation. The control starts at 4s.(a) The singlecortical column case; (b) The double cortical column case. Control input isexerted to the first column.

prediction horizon in seizure prediction, which can be in-tegrated into the MPC controller for seizure suppression.Notably, although the Koopman-MPC framework is moti-vated by neurostimulation strategy in seizure suppression, itis of broader interest and suitable for other feedback controlapplications, such as flow control.

1) Prediction and Control for Seizure Dynamics: Thedynamical system of seizure is a black-box. System iden-tification techniques is beneficial for the prediction andmodeling of seizure dynamics and contribute to optimizingneurostimualtion strategy in the model-based seizure sup-pression. However, uncovering the system dynamics has toconsider both the accuracy and the model complexity. Thelatter property is particularly important when it combineswith a MPC to solve a optimization problem in real-time. Inthis study, we made a quantitative comparison of predictionaccuracy between our proposed Koopman model and theGRU model with the same number of hidden units. Theresults suggest that our proposed Koopman model outper-forms the GRU model in terms of prediction performance(Table I). One possible reason is that deep Koopman modellearns its invariant subspace and captures sufficient nonlinearpatterns in its hidden layers for seizure prediction. Moreimportant, another favorable merit of the Koopman model isits linear property which greatly facilitates the optimizationin MPC control and provides a unique optimal solution. Incontrast, the GRU-MPC model failed to converge and couldnot achieve an optimal control policy in our experiments. Infact, it is most likely a trade-off between model complexityand computational efficiency when designing model for real-time control. A higher-order complex model might betteridentify the system, but it is computationally expensive inoptimization. Along this line, a significant advantage ofKoopman-MPC model is that it uses a finite dimensionapproximated Koopman-operator model for linear optimalcontrol, and balances the accuracy (Table I) and computa-tionally efficiency in convex optimization (Fig. 4). However,

the brain is a complex coupled network dynamic system.Balancing speed and accuracy in the computational modelof brain network is one of the challenges in the field ofcontrol theory, and it will further drive the developmentof control theory. For instance, controlling the complexnetwork in brain calls for layered dynamical network modelsand network control theory. In return, the development ofcontrol theory would provide new tools for neurostimulation,including the selection of the optimal targeted stimulationregions, the optimal and robust stimulation protocols.

2) Limitations and future works: It is worthy to mentionthe limitations of our work. First, due to ethical reasons,it is almost impossible to collect input-output data fromepilepsy patients as a biological experiment. Thus, we usedthe Jansen-Rit model to simulate the EEG data and ranMPC experiments based on this simulation platform. TheJansen-Rit model seems to generate seizure-like waves witha fixed pattern (Fig. 2), which is far away from a real case.Other computational dynamical models have been proposedas neural data generators [24], [25]. Developing a reliablesimulation platform to generate the seizure-like waves withthe preictal, ictal and postictal processes, is an important fu-ture direction. Second, our proposed deep Koopman-operatorbased model allows to predict seizure wave, but it cannotidentify the probability of seizure occurrence. Integrating aprobabilistic seizure prediction and classification model intoour model might improve neurostimulation outcome. More-over, the decomposition of Koopman-operator could reflectthe spectral information about the system dynamics [17],which can be applied to investigate the spectral propertiesof EEG and seizure dynamics in the future. Our next goalis to improve the interpretability of deep Koopman-operatormodel. To this end, it is necessary to consider the physicalintuitions and neuroscience insights from asymptotic theoryand spectral information perspective when designing themodel structure, the dimension of the embedding space, theobjective function and constraints [26].


The authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. Yi Yao and Prof.Haiyan Wu for the useful discussions, as well as the review-ers’ comments.

Authors declare to have no conflict of interests.


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A. EEG synthesis with Jansen-Rit Model

The Jansen-Rit model was originally proposed by Jansenand Rit in 1995 for studying the cortical column [18]. Itis a neural population model of a local cortical circuit. Inparticular, the model consists of three subpopulations, thepyramidal neurons, the excitatory feedback interneurons andthe inhibitory feedback interneurons. The dynamics betweenthese three neuronal populations reflect the feedback loop ina single cortical area of the human brain [18]. Dynamicsin larger brain area could be modelled by a multiple areamodel composed of multiple neural masses.

Fig. 5. An outline for the neural mass model. External stimuli are convertedto the postsynaptic potentials via the PSP transform. These potentials arethen scaled by some constants C representing the average number ofsynapses receiving the stimuli. After summing up all excitatory potentialsand subtracting all inhibitory potentials, we obtain the average membranepotential u. Finally, a sigmoid function is used to transform the u to averagepulse rate.

As shown in Figure 5, a neural mass model has two mainquantities, the average pulse densities and the average mem-brane potential. The average pulse densities typically resultfrom external stimuli and stimuli produced by other neuralmasses. Each input to the neural mass will be converted froman average pulse density to a potential via a Post SynapticPotential function (PSP). In particular, excitatory post synap-tic potential (EPSP) function is specifically designed for theconversion of input pulses from the excitatory interneurons,while inhibitory synaptic potential (IPSP) function is de-signed for the conversion of input pulses from the inhibitoryinterneurons. Each of these potentials is then scaled bya certain constant C representing the average number ofsynapses connected to this neural mass population. Afterthat, the average membrane potential u will be computed bysumming up all the potentials from the excitatory interneu-rons and substracting the inhibitory counterparts. At the endof this process, the average membrane potential u will beconverted to average pulse density again by the potential-to-rate function S and sent to other neurons. This representsthe firing phenomena of this neural mass population.

In the Jansen-Rit model, the PSP function is given by thesolution of the second order differential equation,{

dxdt = ydydt = Qqz − 2qy − q2x.


Here the input variable z(t) represents the average pulsedensity (or firing rate) and x(t) is the output of the PSPfunction. Fortunately, the solutions of this set of ordinarydifferential equation have closed analytic form and are re-ferred to as the excitatory transfer function he(t) = Aae−at

and the inhibitory transfer function hi(t) = Bbe−bt. Here

the amplitudes A and B denote the average synaptic gains,while the phase coefficients a and b represents the averagetime constants. The potential-to-rate function converts theaverage membrane potential to the average pulse density, andis usually taken to be a non-decreasing function convergedto zero as u → −∞ and bounded from above. A commonchoise is the Sigmoid function S(v) = 2e0

1+er(v0−v) where 2e0represents the maximum firing rate, v0 is the post-synapticpotential equal to half maximum firing rate, and r is thesteepness of the sigmoid function. Combining the abovecomponents, the Jansen-Rit model is given by the followingdynamical system (for single cortical column),

1) Single Cortical Column Jansen Rit Model:

y1 = y4y4 = AaS(y2 − y3)− 2ay4 − a2y1y2 = y5 + d(t)

y5 = Aa(p+ C2S(C1y1))− 2ay5 − a2y2y3 = y6y6 = BbC4S(C3y1)− 2by6 − b2y3


The parameters for the single cortical column Jansen-RitModel are provided in the table below. These values wereoriginally set by Van Rotterdam et al. [22].

2) Double column Jansen-Rit: As shown in Figure 6, thecortical column was connected with corresponding connec-tivity constants. For each column, it is fed by two inputs:an external one, which can be different for each column,and another one coming from the output of other column. Adelay parameter ad was introduced for measuring the delayof signal transfer.

y0 = y3y3 = AaS(y1 − y2)− 2ay3 − a2y0y1 = y4y4 = Aa(p+ C2S(C1y0) +K2y13)− 2ay4 − a2y1y2 = y5y5 = BbC4S(C3y0)− 2by5 − b2y2y6 = y9y9 = A′aS(y7 − y8)− 2ay9 − a2y6y7 = y10y10 = A′a(p′ + C′2S(C′1y6) +K1y12)− 2ay10 − a2y7y8 = y11y11 = B′bC′4S(C′3y6)− 2by11 − b2y8(t)

y12 = y14y14 = A′adS(y1 − y2)− 2ady14 − a2y12y13 = y15y15 = A′adS(y7 − y8)− 2ady15 − a2y13

(15)The experiment parameters for the double cortical column

Jansen-Rit Model are provided in the table below. We canchange them according to the target column we preferred.

B. System Identification

1) Koopman-operator based autoencoder: The deepKoopman-operator based autoencoder consists of an encoder,a linear transformation layer, and a decoder. The parametersare summarized in the following table.


Parameters Description ValuesA Average excitatory synaptic gain 7.8 mVB Average inhibitory synaptic gain 22 mVa Reciprocal of excitatory time constant 100 Hzb Reciprocal of inhibitory time constant 50 Hzv0 Potential at half of the maximum firing rate of Sigmoid function 6 mVr Steepness of Sigmoid function 0.56 m/Ve0 Half of the maximum firing rate of Sigmoid function 2.5 HzC1 Average synaptic connectivity 135C2 Average synaptic connectivity 108C3 Average synaptic connectivity 33.75C4 Average synaptic connectivity 33.75


Parameters Description ValuesA Average excitatory synaptic gain 7.8 mVB Average inhibitory synaptic gain 22 mVC1 Average synaptic connectivity 135C2 Average synaptic connectivity 108C3 Average synaptic connectivity 33.75C4 Average synaptic connectivity 33.75A′ Average excitatory synaptic gain 7 mVB′ Average inhibitory synaptic gain 22 mVC′1 Average synaptic connectivity 135C′2 Average synaptic connectivity 108C′3 Average synaptic connectivity 33.75C′4 Average synaptic connectivity 33.75ad Reciprocal of excitatory time constant with latency a/3

a Reciprocal of excitatory time constant 100 Hzb Reciprocal of inhibitory time constant 50 Hzv0 Potential at half of the maximum firing rate of Sigmoid function 6 mVr Steepness of Sigmoid function 0.56 m/Ve0 Half of the maximum firing rate of Sigmoid function 2.5 HzK1 Connectivity constants 100K2 Connectivity constants 100


Parameters Description ValuesT Time length of the input metrics 60H1 Units of hidden layer in the encoder network 60H2 Units of hidden layer in the decoder network 60LR Learning rate 0.001F Data sampling rate 50 HZTp Time length of the prediction 20

2) Recurrent Neural Network for System Identification:An RNN-based model models a discrete-time dynamicalprocess with a sequence of multi-step ahead predictions ina concatenating form, as shown in Figure 7. We employeda Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), a variant of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), as the RNN structure [23]. Anadditional dense layer was trained for capturing the mappingrelationship between the previous input/output signals andthe initial states of GRU. Also, another dense layer wastrained for mapping the GRU states to output signals.

The RNN can be summarized as a unified discrete-timedynamical form:

xk+1 = f (xk, uk)yk+1 = h (xk+1)


where uk ∈ Rm, yk ∈ Rn, and xk ∈ Rp, m is the inputdimension, n is the output dimension while p is the numberof hidden states.

As an identification model in the MPC built-in process, theGRU can be written in the following explicit expression,

zk = hard sigmoid (W zi vk +W z

xxk + bz)rk = hard sigmoid (W r

i vk +W rxxk + br)

hk = tanh(Wh

i vk +Whx (rk ◦ xk) + bh

)xk+1 = zk ◦ xk + (1− zk) ◦ hk


where W zi ,W

ri ,W

hi represent the input weights,

Fig. 6. The design of two interactive cortical columns


0u 1u 1pu

2x px1x1x 2x px

1y 2y py


l N


Fig. 7. The network structure of RNN: A GRU based RNN Model

W zx ,W

rx ,W

hx represent the recurrent weights and bz, br, bh

denote bias in the corresponding gates. The symbol ◦denotes element-wise multiplication.


Fig. 8. GRU Predictive Performance

GRU serves as a predictive model (identified model) formodelling the unknown black-box seizure-wave dynamics.The structure of our RNN model has high scalability formodeling the input-output data into a low/high-dimensionallatent space. Fig. 8 shows the predictive result in both single(Fig. 8(a)) or double cortical columns (Fig. 8(b)).


Parameters Description ValuesM Number of previous inputs 24N Number of previous outputs 25Tp Prediction length 175F Data sampling rate 50 HZB Batch size 30U1 Units of hidden layer in initial neural network 60U2 Units of hidden layer in output neural network 60U3 Units of GRU cells in one column prediction 60U4 Units of GRU cells in two column prediction 60