Zach massad portf pt 1

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Zach massad portf pt 1


zach massad


Design has an endless amount of possible origins.

Parameters may generate (or inhibit) solution, other

times serendipity provides the path. Often our own preju-

dice and experience is the catalyst / obstacle. Just as in-

spirations are fraught with baggage or excellence, so too

are the tools by which we conjugate our ideas. Before the

pencil touches paper, the results will have been determined

by our drawing ability, desire, and knowledge. We develop

a relationship with the medium over time, and our out-

comes begin to look familiar.

With a computer we can explore design that was

once impossible, often at overwhelming levels: extruding

scale-less boxes and zooming far away, rendering with a

keystroke; the internet an overflowing encyclopedia of the

world, for better or worse. We develop a relationship with

the media, as we excel in preferred softwares, and over

time our outcomes begin to look familiar.

Standing in front of the work bench, a mind’s sketch

at times the only guide, our first moves with the material

are in part guided by what experience we bring to the work

table, and in part by the limits and possibilities of the mate-

rials and tools before us. We develop relationships with the

instruments and elements over time; confidence and fi-

nesse. Over time our work is as recognizable as our signa-


[All these methods of design hold various advantage

and hindrances. Each mode benefits from the other. Every

approach reveals a nuance that may be invisible by

Oakland Ave,south of Smith,

Looking north

Mixed use , with residential upper floor

Retail single story

Mimics beginning of block

Potential Retail









Model of New Canaan House by Hariri and Hariri

This project took on a life of its own. I partnered

up with Nick Middleton, who at that time had extensive

carpentry experience. It was a good match for an am-

bitious project. His experience in wood translated well

into steel. His tenacity and attention detail matched or

exceeded my own, with great results. The pitch roof an

barrel vault are removable.

The assignment was to draw and build a model

for an existing house, extracting a set of plans from

various photographs. The model was to be “of one ma-

terial preferably, not like a dollhouse, a little more ab-

stract”, according to Professor Cousins.

Massad: “Has anyone ever built a model entirely

out of steel for this assignment?”

Cousins: “ No. Can you do something like that?”

Massad: “I think I could figure it out”

Cousins: “That would certainly be an LTU first.”

Massad: “Then that settles it.”

When asked if there was one thing that could

be done to help improve the neighborhood in the

North End, Scott Alan Davis, Executive Director at

Vanguard CDC, said :

“I would go to each home and ask them what

they needed fixed, and fix it for them.”

That is the function of the Detroit Builder’s

Workshop. The goal is to teach and help residents to

fix, build, or repair their homes. Give someone a fish,

and they eat for a day. Teach them how to fish, how-


The ultimate goal of the Detroit Builder’s Work-

shop is to make itself obsolete; all houses in order,

every house a home. Additionally, the DBW can ser-

vice and help unify the community with thoughtful


Detroit Builder’s Workshop

An ongoing project, this has been and con-

tinues to be an invaluable learning experience.

Each phase and incarnation has been shaped by a

multitude of factors including zoning, context, cost,

politics, ethics, sustainability, and more

Early investigation revealed a strong need

for a clear circulation system, which is one of the

fundamental design motifs throughout all the de-

sign work. Some of the adjacencies may prevent

“ideal” solutions (such as pictured) due to parking

constraints, easements, and political ramifications.

This work helps establish the basic vol-

umes/areas needed for the interior program and

expansion needs. Two floors are mandated; a

third floor may be needed in time.

Motor City Brewing Works Expansion

This studio project yielded a number of

renderings and fine tuned some of my skills with

Revit as well as 3DS Max. Piranesi trial software

produced the watercolor-like effect in the lower

right corner.

While utilizing hand drawings (see cover

sheet) and model making to develop the project,

we were also required to develop HVAC and

structural plans.

Birmingham/Bloomfield Artist Community