Your Inner Sysadmin - MidwestPHP 2015

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Your Inner Sysadmin - MidwestPHP 2015

Your Inner Sysadmin

Chris Tankersley


MidwestPHP 2015

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Who Am I

• PHP Programmer for over 10 years

• Sysadmin/DevOps for around 8 years

• Using Linux for more than 15 years


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Here Be Dragons

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Traditional Lamp Stack

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Our Players

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And of course…

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The Server

• /bin - Essential user executable files

• /boot - Stuff that makes the OS boot up!

• /dev - Special device stuff you probably won't touch

• /etc - Configuration files

• /home - User home directories

• /sbin - System binaries

• /usr - Multi-user apps and utilities

• /var - Data usually lives here

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Installing Software

• Compile software from scratch

• Use the package manager (yum/apt)

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Learn to love the Command Line

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Learn a CLI text editor

• vi/vim

• emacs

• nano

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Authentication and Authorization

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You can give admin access to users (or groups of users) without giving them root.

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# Add sudo access to a single user to run as rootdragonmantank ALL=(ALL) ALL

# Add sudo access to a full group%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL

You can even restrict what commands the users can run

# Restrict web developers to only restart Apache and MySQL%webdevs NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/service apache2 restart, /usr/sbin/service mysql restart

Jailing Users

Keeps people from getting to things they shouldn't. Protects the users from themselves.

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Jailed Shells

Gives users a full shell but not the entire file system. You can pick and choose what programs the user can have access too. Jailkit makes this incredibly easy to set up.

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Jailed SFTP

Locks the user to a specific base path, but doesn’t give them a shell, much like FTP. You get the security of SSH though! It does require a system user however.

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Jailing SFTP

# In /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Subsystem ftp sftp-internal

# At the bottom of the file

Match User jailedsftp

ChrootDirectory /some/path

AllowTCPForwarding no

X11Forwarding no

ForceCommand internal-sftp

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If you do it the non-Docker way

Scripting Languages

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Most servers use bash as the default shell. Most shells understand bash's syntax. If you find yourself running the same commands over and over, throw it in a bash script.

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Ships with most distros. Great for when you need more power than what bash has.

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Leverage your PHP skills to write shell scripts.

• Symfony Console Component

• Aura CLI

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Locking Down your Code

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Running Apache as a different user


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<IfModule mpm_itk_module>AssignUserId [user] [user]


RMode configRUidGid myuser mygroupRDocumentChRoot/var/www/vhosts/ www/public


user = myuser

group = mygroup

chroot = /path/to/my/chroot

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Rotates logs out for organization (or other purposes)

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weeklyrotate 4createinclude /etc/logrotate.d/var/log/wtmp {

monthlyminsize 1Mcreate 0664 root utmprotate 1



Script that runs every so often and scans a bunch of logs so you get a pretty e-mail with a summary of events

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--------------------- httpd Begin ------------------------

0.17 MB transferred in 792 responses (1xx 0, 2xx 786, 3xx 0, 4xx 6, 5xx 0)199 Content pages (0.09 MB),593 Other (0.09 MB)

Requests with error response codes400 Bad Request

/ 1 Time(s)404 Not Found

/MyAdmin/scripts/setup.php: 1 Time(s)/phpmyadmin/scripts/setup.php: 1 Time(s)/ 1 Time(s)/webdav/: 2 Time(s)

---------------------- httpd End -------------------------


Actually a Host Intrusion Detection system, but it does this by watching logs. Will alert you immediately to problems, and even shut down the attacks.

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OSSEC HIDS Notification.2012 Oct 24 11:38:10

Received From: maple->/var/log/auth.logRule: 5712 fired (level 10) -> "SSHD brute force trying to get access to the system."Portion of the log(s):

Oct 24 11:38:09 maple sshd[1062]: Failed password for invalid user alias from port 59988 ssh2Oct 24 11:38:07 maple sshd[1062]: Invalid user alias from 24 11:38:06 maple sshd[1059]: Failed password for invalid user recruit from port 59884 ssh2

Preventing Intruders

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hosts.deny and hosts.allow

Set of files to allow or deny access to the machine or certain apps/ports on the machine

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A firewall that is generally available on Linux machines that can be configured many different ways to allow or block or mangle traffic

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IDS that was logs and will use hosts.deny and iptables to block stuff automatically for you!

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Configuration Management

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What is Configuration Management?

Process by which you figure out what goes on your servers, how you want them set up, and keeping track of that information. Files are usually stored in source control on one server and pushed to clients.

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Why do you need it?

• Ever needed to keep track of when files get changed?

• Ever needed to roll back a change?

• Ever needed to push the same change to a bunch of servers

• Ever needed to set up a server exactly the same way as another server?

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General CM Workflow

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Write a Manifest file

Client checks and compiles the


Client makes changes based on




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Server Monitoring

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Quick Poll

• Who here knows that their server is up right now?

• Are all of the required services running?

• Are there enough resources currently available?

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Service Monitoring with Monit

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Host Monitoring with Icinga

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Software Tools

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Command line multiplexer

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Look at the newest entries in a log, or even watch log files as they are generated

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Command line program for transferring data via a URL

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Displays a breakdown of bandwidth usage by host

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Slightly better interface for checking memory and CPU usage

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Allows you to view and record data transmitted over the network. Couple this with wireshark and you can inspect the packets!

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Servers for Hackers

Chris Fidao


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Thank You!


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