Your Abundant Wealth

Post on 10-May-2017

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Transcript of Your Abundant Wealth

Brandon Hong © 2005


This Special Report is brought to you by Brandon Hong and copyright

Brandon Hong © 2005.

Brandon is Law of Attraction Trainer and supports individuals in learning and

applying Law of Attraction so that they can have more of what they want,

and lead happier and more abundant lives. Learn how you too can tap into

the Universal Law of Attraction to attract your ideal mate, business, and

opportunities by clicking here.

Brandon has also authored a video e-book that teaches online business

owners how to market with Blogs and RSS, aptly titled “Marketing Rampage

with Blogs and RSS”. 1


Brandon Hong © 2005

Dear Friend,

I want to congratulate you for taking the first step to allowing yourself to

have the abundance, love, well-being and peace of mind that you have

been longing for.

Why am I saying this?


After you have read through this report, and I do hope you’ll read through

every page, you will discover that YOU have the power to create the very

life and desires you want RIGHT NOW, by shifting your consciousness

and tapping into a very powerful law that exists.

You will begin to realize that whatever limiting thoughts or beliefs that you

might hold in your mind right now which has been stopping or blocking you

from achieving success all this while, are nothing more than just illusions, no

matter how real they seem.

Gain Lasting Financial Wealth and Abundance with “Wealth Beyond


Ask yourself this:

• Would you like to increase your financial wealth?

• Have you tried other programs, only to be disappointed?

• Are you ready for a program for creating wealth and financial

abundance that really works?

• Would you like to know how to attract opportunities, events, and

people into your life, instead of struggling so hard?

• How about attracting your ideal mate or business partner? 2

• Or discovering your true passion and purpose?

Brandon Hong © 2005

• Experience true success at every endeavor your take?

If your answer is yes to one or more of the questions above, then get ready

for a new education in learning how to create the life you want, to be

successful and wealthy.

Get excited as I share my personal story with “Wealth Beyond Reason1”

the tremendous benefits I gained in my life and business and how it can help

YOU too. 3

Side Note (1): The program “Wealth Beyond Reason” is copyright Bob Doyle. Brandon is an

authorized partner of “Wealth Beyond Reason”)

Brandon Hong © 2005








Brandon Hong © 2005

1. Do You Fall Into These Traps?

Before I discovered about the concepts of abundance and wealth

consciousness from the program “Wealth Beyond Reason”, I held strongly

to these beliefs about becoming successful and wealthy.

• I have to work hard for money.

• Having a job is the only way to make money

I hated my job as a school teacher, and having to teach in a very difficult

environment. Yet I held onto it for 5 years mainly for fear of not being able

to earn any money once I leave.

I was afraid I couldn’t get a job, and was afraid of the unknown. Staying too

long in a secure civil service job makes you feel complacent and less willing

to take risks.

Well truth is, working ‘hard’ doesn’t necessarily equate to having more

money, and likewise, having a job is not the only way to make more money.

These are very common beliefs that most people fall into. I was a victim of

such beliefs. I thought I needed a job and that I had to ‘depend’ on others

for a living.

In fact, once you learn the concepts of wealth consciousness, abundance and

principles of attraction you will start to see many ways and ideas of creating

and attracting the wealth you desire. And it doesn’t need to be ‘hard’.

Here’s another belief I had. 5

• I equated wealth with just ‘money’

Brandon Hong © 2005

I used to believe and think that wealth is basically just money. That is a very

superficial belief and also comes from a belief of lack and scarcity.

As I studied the materials in “Wealth Beyond Reason”, I realized that

money is just a small subset of wealth, that money is just a flow of energy,

and until you realize that, you won’t go very far in your desire to accumulate


I also discovered that I will get results faster if I focus on the experience of

having the desire manifested and how it feels like to have that object or

thing I want, rather than on the dollar amount itself.

That is why I listen to the meditation track every day. This is a specially

recorded audio track which consists of binaural beats or brainwave


It instills in the listener a meditative state, so there is no need for the listener

to go into any difficult meditative pose. The person only need to find a quiet

place to rest and relax while listening.

These are just some of the powerful insights you can learn with the program

“Wealth Beyond Reason”.

Besides the three beliefs above, I also made this mistake:

• I kept focusing on the things I don’t want

Do this exercise now. Ask yourself this question:

Do you know what you want? 6

You see, most people are very good at telling others what they don’t want.

Brandon Hong © 2005

But if you ask them, what they want, most likely they wont be able to give a

proper, definite and clear answer.

How do I know all these?

I would often come home from work and complain to my wife all the unhappy

things that happened at work. I felt stressed, frustrated and unhappy.

However, the more I thought about the things I don’t like and don’t

want, the more I seem to face the very things which I didn’t want or didn’t


It was only after I studied the materials in “Wealth Beyond Reason”, and

after I learnt about The Most Powerful Law That Exists and Quantum

Physics, that I finally understood why I experienced these things in my life,

and that I have the very power within myself to create the reality I desire.

By applying the material I learnt in “Wealth Beyond Reason”, I was able

to gain the confidence and clarity to create my 1st video e-book, “Marketing

Rampage with Blogs and RSS”, attract the right partners, resources and

clients to make it a success.

It also prompted and helped me pursue my love for public speaking, and I

have started, on a very small scale, conducting part-time presentations on

Law of Attraction. 7

Brandon Hong © 2005

2. How Your Thoughts Shape Your Physical Reality

The program “Wealth Beyond Reason” comes with an excellent set of

textbooks, among them, “A Happy Pocket Full of Money” and “12 Point Live

Saver”, both written by David Cameron.

In these books, David explains, using Quantum Physics in an easy to

understand way, that our thoughts are basically energy, and with that

energy, we in turn create the physical world that we live in, and the

abundance or the lack of it.

To quote David Cameron, on page 12 in “A Happy Pocket Full of Money”:

You do not need to master Quantum Physics to become wealthy. The

objective of bringing in Quantum Physics in the “Wealth Beyond Reason”

program is to prove to you, in a scientific way, that your thoughts will

create whatever you have or might not have in your life right now, and that

you are in direct control of your physical reality.

Once you realize this, you only need to shift your consciousness to manifest

your desires and goals into your life. Having said that, it might not be easy at

first for some people to shift their consciousness, and that’s why there are

audio files which you can listen to on a daily basis so that the lessons sink in.

Plus there are lots of textbooks for you educate yourself on developing your

wealth consciousness, including “Spiritual Marketing”, “The Greatest Money

Making Secret In History” by Joe Vitale, “Wealth Beyond Reason”, “Sales

Beyond Reason” by Bob Doyle, “Wealth Consciousness” by Roger Lanphear

as well as “Emotional Freedom Technique” by Gary Craig. 8

Quantum Physics begins to explain how everything in your world come to be. You are in direct manipulation of your physical

world, but you may not be aware of it.

Brandon Hong © 2005

3. Dealing With Resistance and Developing Wealth Consciousness

The moment you start your education in “Wealth Beyond Reason”, you’ll

detect something called ‘resistance’.

Resistance means negative emotions such as your own doubts, fears, beliefs

and assumptions you have about money and any other thing which is

creating a blockage within you, preventing and delaying the manifestation of

wealth and success in your life.

Believe me, you will experience it.

Most people, including myself, have this little voice at the back of their

heads, telling them why they can’t have this, why they won’t succeed and all

kinds of ‘noise’.

Luckily, thanks to the works of Gary Craig, who developed a technique called

“Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT”, you can now learn a safe, fast and

effective way to release these emotional blockages and resistance within

yourself through the simple technique of tapping.

Resistance comes from the emotions and beliefs we have in our sub

conscious mind, and it interferes with the process of becoming abundant and


Answer this question:

Would it be fair to say everyone wants more money? 9

Brandon Hong © 2005

I bet you answered “YES”.

Truth is, there could be some deep-seated fear about getting or having it.

To quote Roger Lanphear, on page 42 of the book “Wealth Consciousness”















If you don’t experience abundance, you can be certain you have

some deep fear about having money. These subconscious thoughts

can torpedo each and every safe and clear chance to make money.

f you’re not enjoying any form of wealth and abundance up to this point in

ime, that means in your sub-conscious mind you have installed a set of

eliefs which is interfering with your goal to have it.

ence it is critical to undergo the process of “sub-conscious cleansing.”

he purpose is to help you surface that interfering belief or thought and

eplacing it with a correct belief that will empower you and allow the wealth

ou want to be manifested in your life.

he book “Wealth Consciousness” by Roger Lanphear, included in “Wealth

eyond Reason” explains all these and more.

s you read this report now, you have effectively planted very potent seeds

n your consciousness, and you need to cultivate and develop this wealth

onsciousness further. And “Wealth Beyond Reason” will help you do just

hat. 10

Brandon Hong © 2005

4. The Most Powerful Law That Exists

The program “Wealth Beyond Reason”, is based on a very powerful law

that exists in the world, The Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is not some ‘wishy washy’, ‘new age stuff’, nor does it

have any religious connotation in it.

Far from that.

Law of Attraction is supported by Science, and as you read the textbooks “12

Point Life Saver” and “A Happy Pocket Full of Money”, you’ll begin to see


To put it very simply right now, Law of Attraction states that you basically

attract anything you give your energy, attention and focus to, whether it’s

something you wanted, or unwanted.

It was through this program that I met my Law of Attraction coach and

mentor Rebecca Hanson. Talk about attraction!

It was also by applying Law of Attraction that I attracted to myself

opportunities to build my list and the right people to help me with my


You’ll be excited to know that there are many recorded interviews in mp3

format, with coaches and trainer who are doing great work in this area such

as: 11

Brandon Hong © 2005

• Rebecca Hanson, a practicing Law of Attraction coach and trainer.

She gives a basic introduction to the Law of Attraction and how she

came to do what she’s doing now. Using Law of Attraction in her life

and business, she was able to start 7 businesses. Yes, seven.

• Tom and Penelope Pauley, authors of “I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest

Dreams”. Hear from Tom and Penelope as they address the issues

people face when embarking on their journey towards building the life

they desire.

• Stuart Lichtman, author “How to Get Lots Of Money For Anything,

Fast”. More than just a seminar, Stuart Lichtman gives away secret

advanced techniques to accelerate the achievement of your goals.

Normally you only get to learn in paid seminars, but you get it for free

here, with “Wealth Beyond Reason”. Talk about abundant.

• Suzie Dawson, “Intuitive Coach”. Listen to this interview and

determine your exact passion and purpose in life.

• Brad Yates. Learn the simple yet powerful Emotional Freedom

Technique (EFT) to help you eliminate any remaining resistance you

have with wealth. 12

• Isabelle Sennery, author of “Discovery: A Young Person’s Guide to

Growing Up Today”. I only learnt about the concepts of wealth

consciousness, abundance and the powerful law of attraction as an

adult. This is something that should be taught in schools, besides

Newton’s law of gravity. Give your kids a head start in life and learn

how you can teach these concepts to them.

Brandon Hong © 2005

5. Soak, Rinse and Repeat

If you’re having problems getting the results you want in life, or would like to

have more abundance, then you absolutely must enroll for the program

“Wealth Beyond Reason”.

As to how soon will you see results, well that actually depends on you.

The reason is because I can’t tell whether you’ll study the materials, listen to

the audios, and apply it in your life.

It also depends whether you take steps to recognize the resistance in you

and correct it using the steps taught in the program.

However, I strongly believe that with repetition, by studying the materials

and listening to the audios over and over again, you will be able to integrate

these concepts and create the wealth you desire, using the Universal Law of


To this day, I’m still listening to the audio recordings every single day so that

I can constantly shift my consciousness and my ‘vibrations’ to match my

goals. And the results have been very encouraging. If you want more proof,

just go to “Wealth Beyond Reason” and look at the results people are

getting. So many people can’t be wrong.

Wishing You Success,

Law of Attraction Trainer and Author 13