Young People SUMMER GOOD Number

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Transcript of Young People SUMMER GOOD Number

  • 7/30/2019 Young People SUMMER GOOD Number


    LIFE PHILOSOPHY[Dream of the Good:] [spiritual philosophy:] [tools for living well:]


    PHYSICAL Presence and Movement Sacred movement: qi-gong, eurythmy,


    Being present: breathing and walking.

    Healing, energy work, healing touch

    Chanting and sounding

    SOUL-WORK: Imagination, Love, flow

    Opening imagination: Dream work,

    alchemy, archetypes, mythology: astrology,

    Enlightened egoism

    Meeting conflict; Pain body (self-) Responsibility: Compassion

    and service. Acceptance.

    Listening. Pair listening

    Reflection: writing and sharing.

    WISDOM: science and spirituality

    Human questions // existential questions: how to discuss, question, reflect, Aha:

    Dancing with the Cosmos: science of mind. local and non-local mind.

    Inquiry: Radical thinking experiments: 3 stages of world-inquiry

    Wisdom of the elders: what they tell us about life

    Metaphysics;The one infinity, and Nonduality

    UNITY: STILLNESS, Presence

    Stillness: the search within: Listening within. Investigate consciousness. Who Am I?

    Being present: Mindfulness in action.

    Long and short path

    Remembrance and Recognition



    Thought provoking movies. Music

    Healing touch: Table Work

    Dream work

    Living this wisdom


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    [DETAILS: Ancient wisdom and modern inquiry]1. Interface: four dimensions of inquiry common to science and spirituality.

    2. Perspectives in science and philosophy: A brief history of world-perspectives; an investigationof method: relativity and wave function. the hard and easy problems

    3. How do we know? Linear and non-linear thinking, paradox. divided line and Koestler: deeper

    ways to think about thinking. Lengle: key to relativity.4. Radical thinking: Experiments in Mind for you. Dream analogy. Einstein and Russel dontlike it: maybe you dont either.

    5. Images: Paper spider, mobius strip, cutting a line forever, dream, hwa-yen Buddhism, spiraland ego letting be.

    6. New paradigms which result from radical thinking: the sun also rises. Cosmology, Non-localmind, inner Evolution, transmutation of consciousness.

    7. Consequences: if we shift our view of the universe: interconnectedness, you create your world,response-ability, acceptance, self-knowledge.

    8. Human beings are the meeting ground, the common point: the role of compassion, peace, joyand love in scientific inquiry.

    9. Interface 2: Science of mind and other traditions: Chrisian, Sufi, Tao, Buddhism, DC, Vedanta etc.

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    A place and time to dialogue: human questions

    How to deepen questions

    To share experiences, to reflect on and celebrate experiences.

    Springboard to other activities: seminars, trips, video

    Visits and talks by elders.

    A place to re-connect, to re-inspire the opposite of society.

    To encourage the swan and not the duck.

    A place to learn to be still. To be present

    A place to heal: body, emotions, mind: pain body and conflict.

    A place to learn to live well:

    Celebrate and control emotions.

    Think deeply and put thinking aside.

    Simplicity the other side of complexity. As you think, so you become: power of thought.

    GOOD QUESTIONS: Discuss in pairs

    What does it mean to let your real being shape your life?Why does it take courage to be yourself?

    Is there anything so certain that no reasonable person could doubt it?

    Is the person in the dream you, the wakeful you?Who wakes you up from dream?

    What do you have now that is the same as when you were 10? 2?

    What does it mean to be in the world but not of it?

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    It may be asked why I insist on using the word ``philosophy'' as a self-sufficient name without prefixing

    it by some descriptive term or person's name when it has held different meanings in different centuries, or

    been associated with different points of view ranging from the most materialistic to the most spiritualist.

    The question is well asked, although the answer may not be quite satisfactory. I do so because I want to

    restore this word to its ancient dignity. I want it used for the highest kind of insight into the Truth of

    things, which means into the Truth of the unique Reality. I want the philosopher to be equated with the

    sage, the man who not only knows this Truth, has this insight, and experiences this Reality in meditation,

    but also, although in a modified form, in action amid the world's turmoil.(p. 250) 20.1.127

    WHOLENESS: simplicity the other side of complexity.



    always there, the only reality in a mind-made world. 28.1.17

    There is only this one Mind. All else is a seeming show on its surface. To forget the egoand think of this infinite and unending reality is the highest kind of meditation. 28.2.102

    Awareness is the very nature of one's being: it is the Self. P. 390

    In the end, when truth is seen and its relativities are transcended, there is only this:

    nonduality, nonorigination, and noncausality. 34 All he needs to take him through intricate problems of metaphysics is this single masterly

    conception: Mind alone is. 28.1.1

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    I and world, masculine and feminine, stillness and activity. How to balance, harmonize and

    integrate the divine and the human. Union of philos (love) and Sophia (wisdom). Yin and yang.

    When duality is blended with, and within, unity it is the true

    jivanmukta realization. The One is then experienced as the Two butknown to be really the One. (P) 25.2.123

    An ever-active Mind within an ever-still Mind--that is the real truth,

    not only about God but also about man. 25.1.9 The term Tao, as used by Lao Tzu, does not refer to the

    World-Mind, that which is responsible for the manifested

    universe, but to the pure, essential being of Mind-in-itself.

    What I have called the World-Mind, he calls Teh. 28.1.48

    When the masculine and feminine temperaments within us

    are united, completed, and balanced, when masculine power andfeminine passivity are brought together inside the person and

    knowledge and reverence encircle them both, then wisdom beginsto dawn in the soul. The ineffable reality and the mentalist

    universe are then understood to be non-different from one another.25.2.120

    From the ordinary human point of view the Overself is the

    Ever-Still: yet that is our own conceptualization of it, for the fact isthat all the universe's tremendous activity is induced by its

    presence. 192

    It is both space and the point in space. It is infinite Spiritand yet it is also the holy presence in everyone's heart. 22/3/384

    AD: Astronoesis: the Indeterminate Dyad is the power of the One:Self-originating, self-tendence, at once Act and Repose. Active and Passive Perfection of the One. Siva

    and Shakti.






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    TRIUNE streamThis famous zen painting represents a profound view of reality and appearance. In one way, the triple form

    itself represents the triune reality. In another way, the triangle represents in itself the intermediary between

    the Ultimate view of Sunya, the circle, and the four-fold view of the earthly human. It is the reconciliation

    of the ultimate incommensurables, represented by the squaring of the circle, which was the highest goal of


    What are the three-fold?

    Perhaps they are the conscious living

    being. Or the triunity of Wisdom, love,

    power. Or intelligence, life, being of the

    Platonists. The True, the Beautiful and

    the Good of Plato. The triune

    absolute of Knowing, feeling,



    courage, fortitude, power, service.

    Self-awareness: wisdom, truth, levels of knowledge

    Self-acceptance: love, beauty, compassion, joy, harmony, peace.

    Vedanta: Sat-chit-ananda are not three phases, but the triple nature of Brahman.

    Dzog-Chen: Self-perfected state means Primordial Mind: its essence is Sunya, its nature is

    Awareness and its activity is spontaneous presence/resonating concern.

    Proclus: being, life and Intellect are the triune nature of reality. Note that this is on a

    different level from The One.

    KCB: the absolute and its alternative forms: absolute knowing, willing and feeling.

    Nilinhi Brama: three-fold path of jnana, bakti, karma. Listen to the CD cut on these. What is the meaning of the words the Holy Trinity? The Father is the absolute and

    ineffable Godhead, Mind in its ultimate being. The Son is the soul of the universe, that is, the

    World-Mind. The Holy Ghost is the soul of each individual, that is, the Overself. The Godhead is

    one and indivisible and not multiform and can never divide itself up into three personalities.(P)


    What is the Holy Trinity? How could it be three Gods? No--It is the Good, the Beautiful,

    and the True--three aspects of the One, only God. 28.1.55

    The holy trinity is truth, goodness, and beauty. For they are leading attributes of the divinesoul in man. 28.1.56

    AD: Astronoesis: Triad means the view of infinite unities in the infinite One.

    All the experiences which we gather through the fives senses are derived ultimately fromthe mysterious radio-like communication of being, consciousness and activity from World-Mind.WOO: Birth of the Universe

    If one pictures the Overself-atom as a bubbling spring whose waters are fed for ever bythe Supreme Creator, then the triune stream of water which is sprayed upwards to the head is the

    life-current, the intelligence and the individuality. The last three appear in the personal ego, and

    they are to be found as elements running right through the great structure of the universe, as they

    are to be found in its microcosmic replicaman. Quest of the Overself

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    TRIUNE stream (older version)

    This famous zen painting represents a profound view of reality and appearance. In one way, the

    triple form itself represents the triune reality. In another way, the triangle represents in itself theintermediary between the Ultimate view of Sunya, the circle, and the four-fold view of the earthly

    human. It is the reconciliation of the ultimate incommensurables, represented by the squaring of

    the circle, which was the highest goal of philosophy.

    What are the three-fold?

    Perhaps they are the conscious

    living being. Or the triunity of

    Wisdom, love, power. Or

    intelligence, life, being of thePlatonists. The True, the

    Beautiful and the Good of

    Plato. The triune absolute of

    Knowing, feeling, Willing.

    Self-responsibility: courage, fortitude, power, service.

    Self-awareness: wisdom, truth, levels of knowledge

    Self-acceptance: love, beauty, compassion, joy, harmony, peace.

    Vedanta: Sat-chit-ananda are not three phases, but the triple nature of Brahman.

    Dzog-Chen: Self-perfected state means Primordial Mind: its essence is Sunya, its nature is

    Awareness and its activity is spontaneous presence/resonating concern.

    Proclus: being, life and Intellect are the triune nature of reality. Note that this is on a

    different level from The One.

    KCB: the absolute and its alternative forms: absolute knowing, willing and feeling.

    Nilinhi Brama: three-fold path of jnana, bakti, karma. Listen to the CD cut on these.

    What is the meaning of the words the Holy Trinity? The Father is the absolute and

    ineffable Godhead, Mind in its ultimate being. The Son is the soul of the universe, that is, the

    World-Mind. The Holy Ghost is the soul of each individual, that is, the Overself. The Godhead is

    one and indivisible and not multiform and can never divide itself up into three personalities.(P)

    28.1.54 What is the Holy Trinity? How could it be three Gods? No--It is the Good, the Beautiful,

    and the True--three aspects of the One, only God. 28.1.55

    The holy trinity is truth, goodness, and beauty. For they are leading attributes of the divine

    soul in man. 28.1.56

    AD: Astronoesis: Triad means the view of infinite unities in the infinite One.

    All the experiences which we gather through the fives senses are derived

    ultimately from the mysterious radio-like communication of being, consciousness andactivity from World-Mind. WOO: Birth of the Universe If one pictures the Overself-atom as a bubbling spring whose waters are fed for ever by

    the Supreme Creator, then the triune stream of water which is sprayed upwards to the head is ,the

    life-current, the intelligence and the individuality. The last three appear in the personal ego, and

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    they are to be found as elements running right through the great structure of the universe, as they

    are to be found in its microcosmic replicaman. Quest of the Overself

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    Philosophy must critically absorb the categories of metaphysics, mysticism, and

    practicality. For it understands that in the quest of truth the co-operation of all three will not only

    be helpful and profitable to each other but is also necessary to itself. For only after such

    absorption, only after it has travelled through them all can it attain what is beyond them all. The

    decisive point of this quest is reached after the co-operation between all three activities attains

    such a pitch that they become fused into a single all-comprehensive one which itself differs from

    them in character and qualities. For the whole truth which is then revealed is not merely a

    composite one. It not only absorbs them all but transcends them all. When water is born out of

    the union of oxygen and hydrogen, we may neither say that it is the same as the simple sum-total

    of both nor that it is entirely different from both. It is a fluid and therefore possesses properties

    which they as gases do not at all possess. We may only say that it includes and yet transcends

    them. When philosophic insight is born out of the union of intellectual reasoning, mystical

    feeling, and altruistic doing, we may neither say that it is only the totalization of these three

    things nor that it is utterly remote from them. It comprehends them all and yet itself extends far

    beyond them into a higher order of being. It is not only that the philosopher synthesizes these

    triple functions, that in one and the same instant his intellect understands the world, his heart feelsa tender sympathy towards it, and his will is moved to action for the triumph of good, but also

    that he is continuously conscious of that infinite reality which, in its purity, no thinking, no

    emotion, and no action can ever touch.(p. 254) 21.4.183

    However essential this seeking of the spiritual self must obviously be, however splendid

    the attainment of such a peace-filled, desire-free state must and will always seem, it cannot in

    itself constitute an adequate goal. Two important elements are lacking in it. The first is

    knowledge and the second is compassion. The first would show precisely what is the place of

    such an attainment in the full pattern of human existence; the second would bring it into active

    relation with the rest of social existence. Whilst these are lacking, this state can only partially

    understand itself and only negatively affect others. It keeps its own peace by ignoring the world's

    suffering. (p. 203)

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    Body, soul, intelligence, unity.

    PLOTINUS ENNEAD 5.1.1: just as these three (One, Nous, Soul) exist for the System ofNature, so they hold for ourselves: the interior man.

    The Mind's first expression is the Void. The second and succeeding is the Light, that is, the

    World-Mind. This is followed by the third, the World-Idea. Finally comes the fourth, manifestation of

    the world itself.(P) 28.1.52

    The Supreme Godhead is unindividualized. The World-Mind is individuated (but not

    personalized) into emanated Overselves. The Overself is an individual, but not a person. The ego is

    personal.(P) 28.1.53

    PB: the real is continuous with its appearance

    PLOTINUS 5.4.1: Seeking nothing, lacking nothing,possessing nothing, the One is perfect and in our metaphorhas overflowed.

    AD: Astronoesis: four is the number of emanation per-

    se. Plotinus 5.1.6: essential production.

    ECKHART: The word never came out of the Father.

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    AUM the word is all this.This Atman is Brahman.

    This Atman has four dimensions.

    A, U, M, :, represent the four dimensions of Atman

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    The esoteric meaning of the star is ``Philosophic Man,'' that is, one who has travelled the complete

    fivefold path and brought its results into proper balance. This path consists of religious veneration,

    mystical meditation, rational reflection, moral re-education, and altruistic service. The esoteric meaning

    of the circle, when situated within the very centre of the star, is the Divine Overself-atom within the

    human heart.(p. 260)

    Mystical meditation: this is the path ofstillness.

    Rational reflection: is the path to distinguish truth from appearance,

    Altruistic service: acting in the world for the sake of others, without thought to results.

    Moral re-education: this is the path of physical, emotional and mental re-orientation.

    Religious veneration: this is the path oflove, devotion, and prayer.

    Overself Atom: To live in the moment. To live in the world but not of it.

    Overself is the inner or true self, reflecting the divine being and attributes. The Overself is

    an emanation from the ultimate reality but is neither a division nor a detached fragment of it. It is aray shining forth but not the sun itself. (P) 22/3/319

    This is the paradox, that the Overself is at once universal and individual. It is the first

    because it overshadows all people as a single power. It is the second because it is found by eachperson within himself.

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    The World-Mind is hidden deep within our individual minds. The World-Idea begets all ourknowledge. Whoever seeks aright finds the sacred stillness inside and the sacred activity in the

    universe. (p. 361)

    The God in the sun is the I in me --this put tersely is the essence of mans relationship to

    divinity. A whole book may be needed to explain it, a whole lifetime to get direct experience of

    its truth as insight. (v16, 25:1.1.)

    As above, so below.

    Satyam-Sunya: being and Void, ananda-anantam: bliss and infinity: , cit-jnanam: awareness

    and intelligence.

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    SEVENThe succession of thoughts appears in time, but

    the gap between two of them is outside time.The gap itself is normally unobserved. The

    chance of enlightenment is missed. 23.8.163

    The momentary pause in every heartbeat is

    a link with the still centre of the Overself.

    Where the rhythm of activity comes to anend--be it a man's heart or an entire planet--

    its infinite and eternal cause is there. All

    this vast universal activity is but a functionof the silent, still Void. (p. 247)

    Better than any long-drawn yoga discipline

    is the effort to rivet one's hold on the here-

    and-now of one's divinity. 23.6.175

    Mentalism is the study of Mind and itsproduct, thoughts. To separate the two, to

    disentangle them, is to become aware of

    Awareness itself. This achievement comesnot by any process of intellectual activity

    but by the very opposite--suspending such activity. And it comes not as another idea but as

    extremely vivid, powerfully compelling insight. (p. 379) 28.2.119

    We live in what appears as a multiverse, a timed and spaced existence--in short, a finite one. But

    those who can pierce through to its secret--and some have done so--find that it is actually theUnconditioned revealing itselfas ifit were the Conditioned. 26.1.196

    If the One Reality alone is, if even the world-illusion vanishes in deepest contemplation, how is he

    to deal with the world, since it awaits his attention whatever its status be? The answer is that he isto act in the world AS IF it were real: this is to be his working rule to enable him to carry on with

    everyday existence and perform all duties. This same practical rule was stated by Jesus in his

    succinct sentence: Be in the world but not of it. 24.3.111

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    We may begin by asking what this philosophy offers us. It offers those who pursue it to the end a deep

    understanding of the world and a satisfying explanation of the significance of human experience. It offers

    them the power to penetrate appearances and to discover the genuinely real from the mere appearance of

    reality; it offers satisfaction of that desire which everyone, everywhere, holds somewhere in his heart--the

    desire to be free.(p. 255)

    In observation a scientist, at heart a religious devotee, in thought a metaphysician, in secret a mystic, and

    in public an efficient honourable useful citizen--this is the kind of man philosophy produces.(p. 273)

    It may be asked why I insist on using the word ``philosophy'' as a self-sufficient name without prefixing it

    by some descriptive term or person's name when it has held different meanings in different centuries, or

    been associated with different points of view ranging from the most materialistic to the most spiritualist.

    The question is well asked, although the answer may not be quite satisfactory. I do so because I want to

    restore this word to its ancient dignity. I want it used for the highest kind of insight into the Truth of

    things, which means into the Truth of the unique Reality. I want the philosopher to be equated with thesage, the man who not only knows this Truth, has this insight, and experiences this Reality in meditation,

    but also, although in a modified form, in action amid the world's turmoil. (p. 250) 20.1.127

    The esoteric meaning of the star is ``Philosophic Man,'' that is, one who has travelled the complete

    fivefold path and brought its results into proper balance. This path consists of religious veneration,

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    mystical meditation, rational reflection, moral re-education, and altruistic service. The esoteric meaning

    of the circle, when situated within the very centre of the star, is the Divine Overself-atom within the

    human heart.(p. 260)

    Mystical meditation: this is the path ofstillness.

    Rational reflection: is the path to distinguish truth from appearance,

    Altruistic service: acting in the world for the sake of others, without thought to results. Moral re-education: this is the path of physical, emotional and mental re-orientation.

    Religious veneration: this is the path oflove, devotion, and prayer.

    Overself Atom: To live in the moment. To live in the world but not of it.

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    There is a kind of understanding combined with feeling which is not a common one here in the West, indeed

    uncommon enough to seem more discoverable and less puzzling in the Asiatic regions. It is puzzling for four

    reasons. One is that it cannot be attributed to the intellect alone, nor to the emotional nature alone. Another is

    that it provides an experience so difficult to describe that it is preferable not to discuss it at all. A third is that

    although the most reverent it is not allied to religion. A fourth point is that it is outside any precise labelling

    as for instance a metaphysics or cult which could really belong to it. Yet it is neither anything new or old. It

    is nameless. But because there is only one way to deal with it honestly--the way of utter silence, speechless

    when in contact with other humans, perfectly still when in the secrecy of a closed room--we may renew the

    Pythagorean appellation of ``philosophy'' for it is truly the love of wisdom-knowledge. 20.1.129

    The advantages of pursuing the path of Gnana Yoga, of an enquiry into Self, are manifold. It starts from the

    standpoint to which we are accustomed, by taking self as we find it. It does @u start from some

    divine Brahman whose existence is initially known to but one man in millions (since it is to be apprehended

    only in Samadhi). The enquiry into Self, moreover, accepts this world as real, and does not ask us to go

    against every attribute of common sense. It permits our minds to work along their natural lines of thinking.

    It follows the method most suitable to our Western scientific minds--that is, it works from the known to theunknown. 20.1.116

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    AD: meditation, mentalism, and ego: (FILE: summer 1994 intro)

    So the first thing we have to do is to try to understand, theoretically, something

    about mentalism. Then the next thing is... you want to be able to realize a little

    bit of it... to realize it in meditation...gets a glimpse. There's only one other

    thing he has to find out..about his ego. LIM p.127.








    Experience is a Miracle:The starting point (ground) is experience:

    We do not intend to deal here with some supernatural ``spirit'' which does notexplain the world but only mystifies us, which is beyond all ordinaryexperience and whose existence cannot be irrefutably proved. We do notneed to go beyond Mind--which explains the world as a form of consciousness,which is everyone's familiar experience at every moment of the day or night,and whose existence is unquestionably self-evident, for it makes us aware ofevery other kind of existence.(p. 282)


    sacred universeI world

    inner reality

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    At ease: body scan: relax into your heart. Name and no-name.


    Frog and toadAct of creation

    Minds I

    You really are: TolleRumi

    Moyers: power of myth

    My essay on meditation



    Levent meditations: name/no name, heart, etc.





    Celebrate and control emotions.At ease: body scan: relax into your heart. Name and no-name.


    Divided line

    Frog and toad

    Act of creationMinds I

    You really are: Tolle


    Moyers: power of mythMy essay on meditation


    Levent meditations: name/no name, heart, etc.

    GOOD QUESTIONS: Discuss in pairs

    What does it mean to let your real being shape your life?

    Why does it take courage to be yourself?

    Is there anything so certain that no reasonable person could doubt it?

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    Is the person in the dream you, the wakeful you?

    Who wakes you up from dream?

    What do you have now that is the same as when you were 10? 2?

    What does it mean to be in the world but not of it?

    Simplicity the other side of complexity.

    A place to re-connect, to re-inspire the opposite of society.

    To encourage the swan and not the duck.

    As you think, so you become. But: thought has imprisoned us.

    Think deeply and put thinking aside.







    WHO AM I?


    Thought: attention: awareness:

    You can trace each thought to its source: in the void. OR: in conditioning.

    you can move attention around to thoughts, sounds, body, etc.

    you can become aware of the awareness of attention moving.

    Tolle: wisdom vs. knowledge; we dont educate children for wisdom. Can we educate for

    wisdom? Tape 8, 22 min

    Tolle: If you didnt know what I am saying already, you would have gone home by now: you

    would not have been able to recognize the truth of it.

    A moment of looking before the mind has a lable for it, is a moment of awareness.

    ET on ET 29 or so

    43: something comes out of nothing is impossible.

    Surrender around 50

    You honor each form because you see that ultimately sacred essence in each form. You dont

    become a hater of form. 60 min.


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    AD: meditation, mentalism, and ego: (FILE: summer 1994 intro)

    So the first thing we have to do is to try to understand, theoretically, something

    about mentalism. Then the next thing is... you want to be able to realize a little

    bit of it... to realize it in meditation...gets a glimpse. There's only one other

    thing he has to find out..about his ego. LIM p.127.

    Nature of the Self: Meditation: Consciousness.

    ego-selfWitness I / individual mind.


    Nature of the World: Mentalism: IdeasWorld is a thought: Individual mentalism

    World-Idea: Cosmic mentalism,

    Metaphysics: Nature of Mind whose thought the world is,



    as a matrix of thoughtsrelated to

    as light of soul or stream of lifeand intelligence from

    cosmic epistemologyevolving unit of lifephilosophic astrologydistilled understanding


    four statesspiritual psychologymind-scope

    Nature of MIND

    RealizationDouble KnowerBeingSageRelation to Divine






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    Mysticism, Mentalism and Philosophy.

    In the first stage of progress we learn to stand aside from the world and to still our thoughts

    about it. This is the mystical stage. Next, we recognize the world as being but a series of

    ideas within the mind; this is the mentalist-metaphysical stage. Finally, we return to the

    world's activity without reacting mentally to its suggestions, working disinterestedly, and

    knowing always that all is One. This is the philosophical stage. (p. 257)



    World-IdeaWhat am I?

    consciousnessWho am I?inner reality

    Nature of MINDSage: Realization sahaja




    understanding Hidden TeachingBeyond Yoga

    Quest of the Overself

    Wisdom of the Overself


    sacredness of andharmony with universe

    inner link with Overselfand all living beings

    View this as intertwining strands of consciousness and ideas.

    In Kindness Clarity and Insight, HHDL presents a similar picture through his analysis of the

    AUM MANI PADME HUM mantra.

    Aum is the starting point: the original body, speech and mind of the individual which is to betransformed. In Buddhism, the mind which we start with (which is not only the gross mind, but

    a very subtle mind which continues from life to life) can be transformed endlessly into

    enlightenment. Simply by the fact of being a human being, we have the potentiality ofenlightenment within us.

    Mani means jewel and refers to compassion, which like the jewel, has an adamantie qualitywhich can pierce through any egoistic attitudes. Padme means lotus and refers to wisdom, which

    like the lotus grows up in the most seemingly unlooked for places.

    Hum means union, unification or non-duality: the goal of the path.

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    The whole mantra means that through the combined functioning of Compassion and Wisdom,

    our ordinary starting mind is transformed into HUM: which is a the exalted state of union and


    We notice the striking parallel of compassion and wisdom to the term philosophy: the love of

    wisdom or union of love and wisdom. In this one short mantra is summarized the whole path ofphilosophy.

    However essential this seeking of the spiritual self must obviously be, however splendid the

    attainment of such a peace-filled, desire-free state must and will always seem, it cannot in

    itself constitute an adequate goal. Two important elements are lacking in it. The first isknowledge and the second is compassion. The first would show precisely what is the place

    of such an attainment in the full pattern of human existence; the second would bring it into

    active relation with the rest of social existence. Whilst these are lacking, this state can only

    partially understand itself and only negatively affect others. It keeps its own peace byignoring the world's suffering.(p. 203)

    Experience is a Miracle

    The starting point (ground) is experience:

    We do not intend to deal here with some supernatural ``spirit'' which does notexplain the world but only mystifies us, which is beyond all ordinaryexperience and whose existence cannot be irrefutably proved. We do notneed to go beyond Mind--which explains the world as a form of consciousness,which is everyone's familiar experience at every moment of the day or night,and whose existence is unquestionably self-evident, for it makes us aware ofevery other kind of existence.(p. 282)


    sacred universeI worldinner reality

    "The hidden teaching starts and finishes with experience. Every person mustbegin his mental life as a seeker by noting the fact that he is conscious of anexternal environment. He will proceed in time to discover that it is an orderedone, that Nature is the manifestation of an orderly Mind. He discovers in the endthat consciousnes of this Mind beomes the profoundest fact of his internalexperience. P. 254.

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    "All experience is uninterrupted spiritual experience, whateverman has done to degrade it".

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    Second Part of Introduction: Simple ideas have profound meanings:

    This is the paradox that both the capacity tothink deeply and the capacity to withdraw fromthinking are needed to attain this goal. 263.

    In the Hindu tradition also, it is said one must listen, think deeply, and then contemplate(put thinking aside).

    What does "right thinking" mean?

    What does it mean to think correctly? What does it mean tothink correctly of yourself--as immortal? How to go about thisreasoning? What are the methods?


    Begin with atmosphere Motivation: for the sake of others. , Prayer for understanding and guidance. .

    Willingness to put aside presuppositions.

    Take in truth words of the Sage and let them guide you. Attitude of reverence: the ideas and meanings ARE PB. (remember Socrates)

    Pay attention.

    Use imagination, juxtapose different ways of knowing.

    Para doxa, complementarity, many angles. Hillman. Sufis: Deepen the questions, don't figure everything out.

    Thinking something through to the end: not stopping half way, but refunding it back

    to the mind. Join reason and intuition.

    Thinking deeply means permeating the unconscious with the reasoning.

    Lubicz: to make the mind feel red with the glow.Brahma: to let reason permeate to the unconscious.

    AD: memorize a passage LIM p. 62-63

    Try to make it your own.

    Put thinking aside.

    This deduction, arrived at by reason, is confirmed by experience

    but not by ordinary experience. It is confirmed by sinking a shaft downthrough the mind in mystical meditation and arriving at our secondarycosmic self.(p. 282){

    Look, listen for the inspiration: put thinking aside.

    Evoke intuitions, look for the presence.

    Pray for understanding, light, peace. Rememberance: love the Overself.

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    Take the ideas into meditation, and eventually contemplation.

    21. MENTALISM AND MEDITATION 1 file o, trasc. 235-236 1:48-5:52]

    AD:So the first thing is we have to try to theoretically to understand something about mentalism. And

    that's difficult. And then the next thing is, if you have some understanding of mentalism, then you want

    to be able to realize a little bit of it. If you can do these two things, then everything else will be taken careof. But for me to start talking about you know, follow the ten commandments(Q: ...) I will add a couple

    of more. You know, I am not interested. But I know this much, that when a person tries to understand

    mentalism and he has to think very deeply and profoundly over and over again, and then he tries to realize

    it in meditation and he gets a glimpse. Now he's on his way. There's only one other thing he has got to

    find out. He's got to find out about his ego. Because the only time you become a real quester, number

    one: You get a glimpse. Number two: You find out who your enemy is. Then you are on the quest. So

    why not concentrate on something that will put you right on the quest and you have got to start moving.

    Because once you got a glimpse, then you know there is no way out. You've got to go to the end. You

    won't turn back. And probably, most people don't know this, but you could think you're on the quest, but

    until you get an actual glimpse, you actually feel and know your soul intimately, whether for a minute or

    for an hour or for a month, it's all theory.

    So those are the two important things that I feel that we should get very acquainted with. One:

    Understand mentalism. Two: Understand something about meditation, so that you maybe could realize

    what mentalism is all about in yourself. Because, no matter how many times you read the menu in a

    restaurant, your hunger will always persist, unless you eat something. You could read the menu a

    hundred times. it's not going to fill you up. So you can understand mentalism more and more. But until

    you get an actual experience of it you're not going to be happy. it's the most obvious thing in the world

    that most of us, when we close our eyes and sit down and meditate, we're faced with like a blankness that

    there's nothing there, and we have to confront that, and we have to evolve a method and then stick to that

    method. Because if you wanted to learn piano you would have to either follow a certain method so that

    you would be able to learn it or you could go to a teacher and the teacher every week will instruct you and

    then after a few years you can play. In a similar way, if you want to learn to meditate, you've got to do itconscientiously every day and you have to know what you are doing. It's not going to happen by chance

    because it is a difficult art. But assuming that a person understands something about mentalism and

    assuming that he gets an insight, he gets some experience in meditation of the mentalistic nature of

    everything--then I'm finished, my work is done. He could go on studying more with me, or he could go

    away, or he could go to Timbuktoo, or he could become a salesman. I don't care anymore. And I like to

    get rid of you people as fast as I can.

    20.MENTALISM AND MEDITATION 2 tape t near beginning 324

    AD: And you have to remember that meditation also has a value, which if ever you should pursue it to the

    end, would make a galaxy a terrestrial incidence in your consciousness. You understand? The whole ofthe galaxy would be like a terrestrial incidence in your consciousness if you can get and pursue

    meditation to the end.

    It would make every event that you might look up to as something of... you know the fulfillment of any

    ambition, whether as an artist or world-conqueror, or whatever, is absolute trivia in comparison to that. If

    you can pursue it and get to that. And it's also a habit that once you establish, you see, like in the next

    reincarnation you just automatically sit, and think it's the natural thing to do, and then the next

    incarnation, the same thing, it builds up, it gets momentum, it becomes more and more powerful in you.

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    And the power of these great men, whether it's the Buddha or anyone of these ilk comes from their ability

    to contemplate. That's where their power comes from. Go ahead Anna.

    Anna: You could say the reverse, though, if you learn to meditate, when you want to write or if you want

    to do artwork, then that ability to meditate will help to bring the inspiration out when you're working,


    AD: Sure, and also that at odd times of the day, very often, at haphazard and odd times of the day you

    will get inspired ideas coming in, and you write them down. PB used to be like that all the time. All the


    S: But for that you also need some kind of peaceful moment.

    Anna: But if you learn to meditate, then you will get those moments. When you start to work you will

    get concentrated and peaceful, and it will come in the right time.

    AD: That was basically why I thought that the best we could do in the short time I was here would be to

    concentrate on mentalism and meditation. These are the two leading things. I would like to get into more

    things, but if I can get across to you the sublime value of meditation and the perspective that mentalism

    will provide you, which is like opening the door, you know--Sesame--it's the door that opens you up to

    everything, and from there on you can go on your own. But these two things have to be understood: on

    the one hand that the nature of the world and of me, alright, is of an idea. We are basically the nature ofmind. On the other hand, we are that mind.

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    Young Peoples Summer Seminar

    TIMEFRAME: One week: Sunday to Saturday;

    AGENDA: Each day students visit, talk to, a person from different tradition. First day

    orientation? Each day: reflection? Light on Hill Sufi, Zen center, Namgyal, Catholic,Jewish,

    Dream of the Good: stillness, healing touch, conflict resolution, reflection/dialogue,conversations with elders, science and spirituality.

    QUESTIONS: Human questions are not necessarily religious questions. Doubt andreasoning. what are the common elements in religion?

    METAPHORS: Plant seeds for the whole of life, tools for living,

    Get families involved: family math. Think about this also as adult ed.

    Movies: what the bleep, powers of ten, other spiritual movies, Annas six movies;translate? At Gimme, etc.

    Joseph Chilton Pierce

    Resources: CURW; teachers in tburg, Dream of the Good, School of Practical

    philosophy, center for advancement of philosophy for children, Warren, Gratefulness


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    YOUNG PEOPLE CLASS: 8-10 week course on tools of philosophy:

    A HEART OR CORE curriculum and curriculum in each quadrant:


    The path of love, of action, of intelligence. Acceptance and Self-acceptance of self and others.

    Awareness and Self-awareness: inquiry: who/what you are ego and non-local self.

    Self-responsibility: you create your world.

    Meetings with elders: what they can tell us about life.

    Teacher and no teacher: independence and reliance.

    Methodologies: Meyers-briggs, PTP (perceptual processing), emotional intelligence, etc.


    QUADRANTS: Physical, emotional, mental, stillness:



    Sacred movement: qi-gong, eurythmy,

    Coming into the body, being present

    in breathing and walking.

    Healing touch, energy work,

    Sounding together.

    Q3: SOUL-WORK: presence and healing

    emotional: Love, flow

    astrology, dreamwork, jungian theory

    of archetypes, alchemy, more Pain body and how to meet it; Conflict

    Compassion and service. Giving and


    Q2: REASONING and wisdom

    Human questions and existential questions: how to discuss, question, reflect,

    What the bleep science meets spirituality. Mentalism. You create your world.

    Inquiry: local and non-local mind.

    cosmology, world-views, sacred geometry, "what is the purpose"

    Q1: UNITY, ESSENCE, STILLNESS Stillness: remembrance; the search within yourself: local and non-local self

    Aha: the act of creation.

    Being present: Mindfulness in action.

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