You need this one thing to dramatically improve your home business lead strategy

Post on 10-Dec-2014

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Are your struggling to get high quality, targeted leads to your home business? You are not alone. Marketing online gives you a huge pool of people to share your business opportunity to. But the truth is, many people are skeptical about network marketing opportunities which means you really have to have your branding strategy thought out in order to attract your target market. For a new home business owner, your biggest challenge is to generate leads for your business. Knowing you target market needs, what problems they have and the challenges they face is a key factor in this. I wrote a blog post about this very topic here. Most people who join a network marketing company are taught how to generate leads using their warm market-by prospecting their immediate friends and family. This offline marketing strategy is the foundation upon which network marketing was founded. But the problem is that generally, this is the only approach that new network marketing recruits are taught and their business suffer as a result. The truth is, once you go through your warm market (and usually your friends and family feel like they have been repeatedly pitched about your opportunity and really don't want to hear about it anymore) you have that "what now?" moment.

Transcript of You need this one thing to dramatically improve your home business lead strategy

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You Need This One Thing to

Dramatically Improve Your Home

Business Lead Strategy By Jolynn Oblak


Are your struggling to get high quality, targeted

leads to your home business?

You are not alone. Marketing online gives you a huge pool of people to share

your business opportunity to. But the truth is, many people are skeptical about

network marketing opportunities which means you really have to have your

branding strategy thought out in order to attract your target market.

For a new home business owner, your biggest challenge is to generate leads for

your business. Knowing you target market needs, what problems they have and

the challenges they face is a key factor in this. I wrote a blog post about this very

topic here. Most people who join a network marketing company are taught how

to generate leads using their warm market-by prospecting their immediate

friends and family. This offline marketing strategy is the foundation upon which

network marketing was founded. But the problem is that generally, this is the

only approach that new network marketing recruits are taught and their

business suffer as a result. The truth is, once you go through your warm market

(and usually your friends and family feel like they have been repeatedly pitched

about your opportunity and really don’t want to hear about it anymore) you

have that “what now?” moment.

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How do you recruit once you have tapped into your

warm market? Social media marketing offers us a great platform for promoting our business

opportunity and finding leads for our business. But what if Twitter and

Facebook went away? In recent months, Facebook organic reach has plummeted

and people who like your page are only seeing a small percentage of you page

updates. That means you have to pay Facebook to ensure your target markets

sees your post. So, how can you promote your opportunity and get more leads

without spending tons of money on ads? Blogging.

Blogging offers you the opportunity to control your message, it’s something you

own and will never lose and you have ultimate control over your user actions

once they visit your blog. A blog allows you to build real relationships over time

and, if built correctly can offer massive value to your visitors. Having a blog also

gives you a residual lead strategy that social media doesn’t. Take a look below

for a clearer understanding of the value blogging can have for your business.

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As the diagram above shows, your blog is your foundation for your marketing

strategy. Your blog posts, once shared via social media, will lead people to your

blog where they opt in for your high value offer. Your blog posts, with the right

keywords and title will be indexed in Google and other search engines. While on

your blog, prospects get to know and trust you because of your authentic, well-

crafted story and because you share information and tips that show your visitor

you know what they need. You want to be seen as an authority and thought

leader they can trust. A blog can do all this and more for your business.

How would you like to learn how to develop and refine your online brand, attract

your ultimate buyers, build your blog from the ground up the right way with

the appropriate lead magnets and offers and attract targeted, high quality

prospects to your blog? Tanya Aliza, a mentor and friend has developed a great

course showing you how to do this. Tanya is an award winning network

marketing professional who in this year alone has signed up 100 new teammates

to her business opportunity using these very strategies!

She is an experiences home business coach and expert on blogging and

branding. I am lucky to be one of her students and can testify to the value she

offers to her students. She has a free video course that will walk you through

her Ultimate Branding Blueprint Guide and will show you have to gain massive

leads using your blog. Click here or on the image below to learn more.

Stop struggling to get leads and build your brand for massive success!