Yon Plume Zine #1

Post on 10-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Yon Plume Zine #1


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! !! !!


compilation!of!thought,!quotes!and!the!like! 4!

The'Growl:!An!Interview!Article! ! ! 6!


Recommendations! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!10!

Ange'&'Johnny:!FilmVstar!admiration! !!!!!!!!!!12!

Matthew'Saville:!An!Interview! ! !!!!!!!!!!16!



“We control matter because we control the mind. Reality is in the

skull” – George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

“… planning schemes of fresh devilry for the sunshiny morrow.”

– Kenneth Grahame, The Golden Age

“I’m living in a room without any view, I’m living free because

the rent’s never due

The synonyms of all the things that I’ve said, Are all just the

riddles that are built in my head” – Butler, Iommi, Osbourne,

Ward, Hole In The Sky

“You began and ended in the air, but where was the middle?”

– Marilyn Monroe, Untitled from the Red Livewire book

“You can find me in the frozen mood section.” – Henry Rollins,


“I was firm and immovable in my purpose, but yet agitated by

anticipation of uncertain danger and troubles.” – Thomas de

Quincey, The Confessions of an English Opium-eater

“There's no point to any of this. It's all just a... a random lottery

of meaningless tragedy and a series of near escapes. So I take

pleasure in the details. You know... a Quarter-Pounder with

cheese, those are good, the sky about ten minutes before it

starts to rain, the moment where your laughter become a

cackle... and I, I sit back and I smoke my Camel Straights and I

ride my own melt.”

– Troy Dyer, Reality Bites!




I! sat! in! my! kitchen! for! a! long!time! trying! to! articulate! what! a!live!show!with!The!Growl!is!like.!Inevitably,! I! came! to! the!conclusion! that! Cam! Avery! and!his! team! of! mad! men! have!surpassed! all! possible! written!description.!The! Growl! are! spookingly! good!live! and! their! recordings!goosebumpAprovoking.! So! when!I!had!the!opportunity!to!pick!the!mind! of! Cam,! even! if! briefly,! I!nearly!lept!out!of!my!skin.!!The!Growl’s! sound,! especially! in!their! new! single! ‘Cleaver! Lever’,!is!a!seamless!blend!of!genres!like!‘garage’! and! ‘blues’.! ! Which,! as!Cam! describes,! actually! mostly!surfaced! from! experimenting!with!sound.!“I!spent!a!lot!of!time!thinking! about! “a! sound”! in! its!conceptual! stage,! as! a! part! of! a!song,! whether! it’s! the! sound! or!noise!which!acts!as!a!hiAhat! in!a!drum! part! or! the! bass! sound! or!anything! really.! I! have! an! idea!and! try!different!stuff,! recording!it!until!it!sounds!how!I!want.”!And! a! great! aspect! that! evolved!from! all! of! this! experimentation!was! the!distinctive! double! up! of!drummers! in! The! Growl.! “After!

recording! something! with! a!double! percussion! on! the! EP,”!Cam!explains,! “a! sound! that! one!drummer!couldn’t!achieve! live,! I!got! Sam! in.! I! like! the! recorded!sound! of! two! juxtaposed!percussion! parts.”! And! in! a! live!context,! it! is! just! mindAquaking!to! witness! the! boys! whipping!their!arms!around!in!unison.!!It! was! around! this! point! that! I!thought! to! myself,! ‘yes,! alright,!there!is!no!way!I!can!not$mention!all! of! the! Perth! folk.’! I! mean,!whether! they! like! it! or! not,! it’s!almost! modernAday! musicAlore!that! there’s! something! in! the!waters! over! there! churning! out!sonic!sorcerors.!!“The!everAexpanding!Australian!!music! scene! seems! to! be! filled!with! a! unique! group! who! are!able! to! effortlessly! transcend!between! projects.! Including! acts!like!Tame!Impala,!Felicity!Groom!and! yourselves,! this! family! of!musicians! have! become!notorious! for! producing! distinct!and! imaginative! music.! Do! you!think! it’s! important! that!individually! you! keep! producing!new!music!(and!new!projects)!




whilst! utilising! the! people! you!

have!met! along! the!way?”! I! ask.!

The! replies! I! received! were!

simple! yet! thoughtful.! “Yeah,! I!

think! just! do! what! you! feel! like!


yourself! down!with! too!much!of!

a! moral! obligation! to! anything.”!

He! then! goes! on! to! clarify! that!

you! should! “finish!

everything! you! start,!

but! don’t! keep! doing!

what! you’re! doing!

because! it’s! easy! to! be!

“successful”! and! chug! along.”!

And! this! is! a! fantastic! point.!We!

see! a! lot! of! music! acts! dissolve!

into! disappointing! repetition,! so!


people! are! out! there! that! won’t!

allow! creative! parameters,! and!

do! whatever! they! damn! well!

want.! “Do! what! feels! right,! not!




Down’! (epic! song,! you’d! better!

go! find! it!now!)!was!directed!by!

Matthew! Saville,! the! other!

wonderful! interviewee! in! this!

here!zine,!so!I! felt! it!appropriate!

to! ask! about! working! with!



driven!and! talented!but! remains!

stubborn! and! frustrated;! perfect!

balance.! We’re! really! good!

friends! and! that! clip! turned! out!

waaaaaaA”! (and! I! quote!

accurately! here)! “Aaaayyyyy!

different! to! the! original! idea!we!





it! is! our! great! pleasure! to!


would! be! nothing! without! Elvis!







(R to L, T to B): Otis Blue – Otis Redding, Enema of the State – Blink 182, Hendrix – Band of Gypsys, The Black Ghosts – The Black Ghosts, The Big Come-Up – The Black Keys, London Calling – The Clash, Rather Ripped – Sonic Youth, Solace – Xavier Rudd, Santogold – Santigold, Before Today – Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti, Two Suns – Bat For Lashes, 1991 EP – Azealia Banks, Visions – Grimes, Fields – Junip, Doolittle – Pixies, Allah-Las – Allah-Las, Watch The Throne – Jay-Z and Kanye West, Crystal Castles II – Crystal Castles, The Long Now – Children Collide, Intimacy – Bloc Party, Beard, Wives Denim – Pond, Live Through This - Hole

June 4th, 1975. Best fucking date ever.

I know she’s a girl interrupted, but seriously, I would go beyond borders for the sociopathic bitch. The first time I saw her hold a gun I wanted her more than a tourist who craves salt on their chips. And I love my chips (Salt & Vinegar mostly). At first I thought it was the grease, but it was her who had my heart racing in 60 seconds. Everyone has obsessions. It just takes a person with a mighty heart to confess such a cheesy sin. With beauty (and a bitchin’ attitude) resembling Gia, she has to be my wife or I’ll be taking lives. A promise I’ll take to my grave but it’s okay, she can collect my bones any day. For I love me some Mrs Smith action! Reow. Bring on the maleficence.

Films Referenced:

Girl Interrupted Beyond Borders

Wanted The Tourist

Salt Gone in 60 seconds

A Mighty Heart Gia

Taking Lives Bone Collector

Mr & Mrs Smith Maleficent

! !

The gorgeous Lone Ranger. I’m mad as a hatter about him. I would sail on a river of chocolate to the Caribbean and back just to meet him. Once upon a time, his scissor-sharp wit kept me laughing and the way he pulled on heartstrings made me cry like a baby. Every morning, after having a Krueger-like nightmare, or an Arizona dream, the light came through my secret window into the dark shadows and I was up and ready to watch my Johnny Depp movies in the nick of time. He’ll always blow me away with his effortless cool and I’ll love him until the world’s end!

Films referenced:

The Lone Ranger Alice in Wonderland

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Pirates of the Caribbean

Once Upon A Time In Mexico Edward Scissorhands

Cry Baby A Nightmare on Elm St

Arizona Dream Secret Window Dark Shadows

Nick of Time Blow

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End !


In the Australian arts scene it’s become pretty impossible to avoid the work of Matthew Saville. Saville’s produce range from filmography for music acts such as Pond and San Cisco to intimate fine photography; and I was lucky enough to get to ask some questions about his work, philosophy and arts appreciation. Here’s the harvest: When% photographing,% do% you% always% take% a% documentarian%position%or%do%you%also%plan/direct%the%situation?%M:! I!usually!do!a!bit!of!both!to!be!honest.!I!often!like!to!instigate!a!situation!and!then!document!it!playing!out.!That!way!I!can!have!some!control! and! vision! but! also! get! the! opportunity! to! capture! the!spontaneity!of!any!given!situation.!%%


An Interview

Virtually%everyone%has%some%type%of%camera%on%them%at%all%times%now%(especially%with%smart=phones)%and%consequently,%a%lot%of%the%imagery%we% see% each% day% is% just% someone’s% attempt% to% record% a%moment.%So%how%important%do%you%think%it%is%that%people%continue%to% interpret% or% document% artistically?% Or,% in% your% opinion,% does%art%even%need%to%serve%a%documentary%purpose%any%longer?%M:! Art! is!naturally! a! reflection!of! life,! so! in! that! sense!all! art! is! a!form!of!documentation!and!will!always!continue!to!be.!I!do!think!that!it! is! important! for! art! to! continue! as! a! form! of! viewing! the! human!condition!from!multiple!vantage!points!and!for!that!to!offer!a!place!of!reflection.! So! yes,! I! think! it! is! integral! for! art! to! continue! offering!documentation!artistically.!!West%coast%music%acts%are%a% fairly%distinguishable%aspect%of%your%portfolio%of%works.%Did%you%have%a%particular%interest%in%music%or%was%it%just%by%chance%that%you%ended%up%working%with%them?!

M:!! I've!been!playing! in!bands! in!Perth!since! I!was! in!high!school,!and!started!gigging!during!my!final!year,!so!you!meet!a!lot!of!people!in!the!scene!and!become!friends.!I!was!also!studying!design!and!started!!

!taking!a!lot!of!photos!after!finishing!school,!and!that!naturally!turned!into!me!working!for!a!lot!of!the!acts!here.!Oh!I!also!had!a!stint!playing!!drums!for!Pond!in!2009!which!was!fun,!and!played!on!a!bonus!track!on! Tame! Impala’s! Innerspeaker! which! was! only! available! as! a! preG

order!I!believe,!so!the!music!and!photos/films!have!been!inseparable!since!the!beginning.!For!me!making!music!and!my!other!artistic!output!is!all!on!a!level!playing!field.!I!do!all!of!them!rigorously!and!probably!always!will.!!Your% films% and% photographs% collectively,% have% a% very% distinct%

appearance;%Personally,% I% perceive%your% works% to% ellude%to% an% intimacy% and% a%sort%of%vivid%surreality.%How%would%you%ideally%want% your% viewers% to%recognise%your%work?%

M:!! I! would! ideally! want! viewers! to! recognise! my! work! for! it's!emotive! qualities.! At! the! moment! I! really! want! my! work! to! reflect!emotions! that! I! have! felt! or! am! feeling,! hopefully! so! that! the! viewer!can! connect! with! the! work! on! a! deeper! level! than! purely! by! its!aesthetics.! That’s! why! I! love! working! with! music.! With! pictures! or!films!I'm!really!just!trying!to!do!the!same!thing!for!people!as!I!am!with!the!music! I! make;! create! a! connection! so!we! can! all! feel! something!together.%!Lastly, I asked Matthew if he could mention a few music, art or film heores that had influenced him or even drew him to work in the creative industries. !M:! I have upmost (ut or upper?) respect for Ryan McGinley's aesthetic style. He is great at creating a particular mood and emotion I think, even if it is just re-creating the same emotion over and over I think he!does it very well. Hieronymus Bosch was a painter that could see the future. !I!grew!up!listening!to!The!Kinks,!The!Beatles,!NoFx,!Bad!Religion!and!


Bach,!but! I!currently! listen!to!a! lot!of!Fourtet,!Koushik,!Evenings!and!Tom!Waits.!And!in!terms!of!cinema,!I!am!a!big!Wes!Anderson!Fanboy!and!Werner!Herzog!is!an!incredible!storyteller.!I!was!also!brought!up!on! classics! like! The! Three! Amigos,! The! Magnificent! Seven,! The!Princess! Bride,! and!The! Court! Jester.! But! Anderson's! style!made!me!want! to!make! films.! I! am!also! currently! very! envious!of! the!director!duo! "Focus!Creeps"! from! the!States.!They!have! impeccable! style!and!emotion!in!all!their!work.!!!


All photographs by Matthew Saville matthewcsaville.com


! !

1. Aéros&'pace!–!Exhibition!by!Quasar!Khanh!2. Neon!sign!at!the!63!Diner!on!Highway!

763,!Columbia!3. Lava!lamp!4. Diamond'Head!–!Album!by!Plastics!5. GoIgo!boots!6. Water!pistol!7. Logo!for!music!group!Aqua!8. Ice!cubes!9. Still!from!the!film!Bubble'Boy!10. Fishing!lures!11. Aladdin'Sane!–!Album!by!David'Bowie!12. “Stay!Puft!Marshmallow!Man”!–!


13. Troll'doll!collection!14. Still!from!the!film!American'Beauty!15. Singer/Songwriter,!Azealia!Banks!16. Still!from!the!film!Star'Wars'Episode'IV:'A'

New'Hope!17. Sequins!18. IceIcream!sundae!19. Glitter!20. Still!from!the!film!House'IV!21. Cellophane!22. Still!from!the!film!Ghostworld!23. Twizzlers'candy!24. Cropped!photograph!of!the!vinyl!of!Elvis''''

Blue!–!Album!by!Elvis'Presley!25. Still!from!TVIshow!The'Simpsons!26. Raw'Power!–!Album!by!Iggy'&'The'

