YO-GO Verbs *** yo form ends with -GO. tener (e ie) yo tengoI have venir (e ie) yo vengoI come...

Post on 11-Apr-2015

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Transcript of YO-GO Verbs *** yo form ends with -GO. tener (e ie) yo tengoI have venir (e ie) yo vengoI come...

YO-GO Verbs

*** yo form ends with -GO

tener (eie) yo tengo I have

venir (eie) yo vengo I come

decir (ei) yo digo I tell/say

seguir (ei) yo sigo I follow / continue

conseguir (ei)

yo consigo I get

oír (íy) yo oigo I hear

salir yo salgo I leave/go out

hacer yo hago I make/do

poner yo pongo I put/place/set

traer yo traigo I bring

caer yo caigo I fall

(eie, low top boot)

tener = to have

** eie ONLY if subject is inside the boot!!!





(Usted, él, ella)

(Ustedes, ell@s)

(eie, low top boot)

venir = to come

Venir + de = coming from

** eie ONLY if subject is inside the boot!!!





(Usted, él, ella) (Ustedes, ell@s)

(ei, high top boot)

decir = to tell/say

** ei ONLY if subject is inside the boot!!!





(Usted, él, ella)

(Ustedes, ell@s)

(ei, high top boot)

Seguir = to follow / continue

ei ONLY if subject is inside the boot!!!**

Yo Nosotr@s

Tú Vosotr@s



(ei, high top boot)

Conseguir=to get

ei ONLY if subject is inside the boot!!!**

(yo) (nosotr@s)

(tú) (vosotr@s)

(Usted, él, ella)

(Ustedes, ell@s)

íy low top boot verb

Oír = to hear

íy ONLY if subject is inside the boot!!!**




