Ynu Special Edition[Joint Effort With Sourya Pal]

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Ynu Special Edition[Joint Effort With Sourya Pal]

Your Number’s Up..

Sourya PalPrateek Bhatt Samant


X was a young man who set fire to the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (in what is now western Turkey) in his quest for fame on about July 20, 356 BC. The temple was constructed of marble and considered the most beautiful of some thirty shrines built by the Greeks to honor their goddess of the hunt, the wild and childbirth. The temple was also one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, 425 feet long and supported by columns sixty feet high.Far from attempting to evade responsibility for his act of arson, X proudly claimed credit in order to immortalize his name in history. In order to dissuade similar-minded fame-seekers, the Ephesean authorities not only executed him but also condemned him to a legacy of obscurity by forbidding mention of his name under the penalty of death. This did not stop X from achieving his goal, however, as the ancient historian Theopompus recorded the event and its perpetrator in his history. This act of X introduced which phrase in the English Language?

• Herostratus of “Herostratic “Fame

Q2.• It is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed as an extrusive

igneous rock. It is produced when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools without crystal growth. It is mineral-like, but not a true mineral because as a glass it is not crystalline; in addition, its composition is too complex to comprise a single mineral. It is sometimes classified as a mineraloid. Due to being hard and naturally occurring, it was used by the Mayans and Incas as blades in their weapons. Modern Archaeologists have started a dating system on the basis of artifacts of this glass. Its modern use lies in surgical applications because well crafted blades have a cutting edge many times sharper than high-quality steel surgical scalpels, with the edge of the blade being only about 3 nanometers wide. It is also used for ornamental purposes and as gemstones. What am I talking about?

• Obsidian

Q3.• The animal is commonly known as Toddy Cat. In the

Gran Cordillera Central mountain range of northern Philippines, it is called Motit.

• In the indigenous language of Malayalam in the state of Kerala in southern India, it is known as a Marapatti (which translates as 'Tree-dog' or 'wood-dog'.)

• In Sri Lanka, it is known as Uguduwa in Sinhaha, and as Maranai in Tamil

• Which animal famous for “caphe cut chon” am I talking about?

• Asian Palm Civet of Kopi Luwak

Q4.• Connect the following Pictures.

His Assassination

1 is the entrance to the Dakota building .2 is Mark David Chapman3 is the book Chapman was influenced by


• This Company was founded in 1908 by Gerald Rusgrove _______ and Charles ______, and was independent until its purchase in October 1,1971 by Harlequin Enterprises with whom the company had had a long informal partnership.

• The Products of this company are categorized as: Modern , Romance , Blaze, By Request, Medical, Historical, Desire, Special Moments, Intrigue and Spotlight.

• Which Company am I talking about?

• Mills and Boon

Q6. X is a 1932 film starring the Barrymore siblings, John (as Prince

Chegodieff), Ethel (as Empress Alexandra), and Lionel Barrymore (as Grigori Rasputin). This is the only film starring all three siblings. The film's inaccurate portrayal of Prince Felix and Irina Yusupov as Prince Chegodieff and Princess Natasha caused a major lawsuit against MGM. The model for Princess Natasha in the movie was Princess Irina Romanoff Youssoupoff spouse of Felix Yusupov, who filed a lawsuit against MGM in 1933, claiming invasion of privacy and libel in portraying her as a mistress of Grigory Rasputin. She won an award of $127,373 in an English court and an out-of-court settlement with MGM, reportedly of $250,000, in New York. As a result of the success of Princess Youssoupoff's lawsuit against MGM over this movie, a new feature was initialized in movie-making which is now followed in almost all movies across the globe. What? Identify the movie as well.

• Rasputin and The Empress• "This motion picture is a work of fiction..."


This cricketer inspired the christening of which famous Englishman?

• The Cricketer is Percy Reginald Jeeves


• He was in love with a girl and was heartbroken when he learnt that she had taken a chastity vow and would not be able to return his love. He then went to a party hoping to meet her again and met another girl whom he found to be more beautiful. The new girl was actually being courted by Paris and was only 14 years of age. Who are we talking about?

• Juliet


• X’s wife told her husband that their hall would be beautiful only if a “Roc’s egg” was hung up from the middle of the dome. X immediately decided to humor her and summoned Y. On hearing the request Y gave a loud shriek, admonished X and left him for good. Basically, an evil sorcerer came as a woman and tricked Xs wife into believing that her palace lacked a Roc’s egg. X promptly killed the sorcerer. Identify X and Y

• Aladdin and The Genie of the lamp


• Carolyn Davidson was a student at Portland State University interested in advertising when she met Phil Knight who was teaching accounting classes at the university. Phil asked Carolyn to design a logo and when she handed him the logo, he handed her $35. That logo became world famous and made her famous too. Which logo?

• Nike Logo

Q11.• An Extract from George Barrington's Voyage to Botany Bay (1795):-• “I had often heard of the superstition of sailors respecting apparitions, but

had never given much credit to the report; it seems that some years since a man of war was lost off the Cape of Good Hope, and every soul on board perished; her consort weathered the gale, and arrived soon after at the Cape. Having refitted, and returning to Europe, they were assailed by a violent tempest nearly in the same latitude. In the night watch some of the people saw, or imagined they saw, a vessel standing for them under a press of sail, as though she would run them down: one in particular affirmed it was the ship that had foundered in the former gale, and that it must certainly be her, or the apparition of her; but on its clearing up, the object, a dark thick cloud, disappeared. Nothing could do away the idea of this phenomenon on the minds of the sailors; and, on their relating the circumstances when they arrived in port, the story spread like wild-fire, and the supposed phantom was called the ___________.”

• What is this extract from the memoirs of a sailor referring to?

• The Flying Dutchman


What does this Bar Graph depict?

• The percentage of species in several groups which are listed as critical, endangered, or vulnerable on the 2007 IUCN Red List.


• Being confounded in a non first-class match by the England bowler Bunny Lucas, who looped a delivery that dropped from around 30 feet almost vertically towards the stumps this batsman deduced – there was plenty of time for thinking – that presenting a vertical bat would fail, so settled on a cross-batted heave. The resulting air shot belied his first-class experience, demolishing two stumps and breaking his bat. The ball then landed on the solitary stump. The batsman was so impressed that he wrote a short story about an asthmatic schoolteacher who used such a delivery to win the Ashes for England. Identify the batsman.

• Arthur Conan Doyle


• This word was first used during World War II to refer to bombs. This word was Air Force slang to refer to large bombs weighing as much as 8000 pounds. These bombs were so powerful that they were capable of destroying huge parts of an entire city, hence the term.

Which term?

• Blockbuster


• La dolce vita (Italian for "The Sweet Life") is a 1960 film by the critically acclaimed director Federico Fellini. The film is a trajectory of a passive journalist's week in Rome, and his search for both happiness and love that will never come. Cited as the film that signals the split between Fellini's earlier neo-realist films and his later art films, it is considered as one of the great achievements in world cinema.

• In the movie Walter Santesso plays the part of a photographer named __________ who can go to any length to acquire news and photos of tabloid stars. An English word has its origin in the name of Santesso’s character. Which word?

• Paparazzi plural for Paparazzo

Long Visual Connect

In the film National Treasure a clue to finding the Templar Treasure leads the main characters to Wall Street's Trinity Church.

On January 26, 2000, the band Rage Against The Machine filmed the music video for "Sleep Now in the Fire" on Wall Street, which was directed by Michael Moore. The band at one point stormed the New York Stock Exchange, causing the doors of the Exchange to be closed early

Herman Melville's classic short story Bartleby, the Scrivener is subtitled A Story of Wall Street and provides an excellent portrayal of a kind and wealthy lawyer's struggle to reason with that which is unreasonable as he is pushed beyond his comfort zone to "feel" something real for humanity.

Bret Easton Ellis's novel American Psycho follows the day-to-day life of Wall Street broker and sometime serial killer Patrick Bateman.

The NYSE had to move its operations to a temporary headquarter after its officewas destroyed in the Great Fire of New York(1835)

During the 17th century, Wall Street formed the northern boundary of the New Amsterdam settlement, and the wall was constructed by the Dutch West India Company (Geoctroyeerde Westindische Compagnie).

After the Buttonwood Agreement, the New York Stock & Exchange Board conducted their business in the Tontine Coffee House

J P Morgan

Charles Dow

In the late 18th century, there was a buttonwood tree at the foot of Wall Street under which traders and speculators would gather

to trade informally.

Bernie Madoff, biggest fraudster in the history of Wall Street

Poster of the 20th Anniversary edition of the movie Wall Street

Great ‘Wall’ of China

The Wall Street Journal

Charging Bull