Year 14: Issue 44 April - June 2015 the - 14: Issue 44 April - June 2015 Center for...

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Transcript of Year 14: Issue 44 April - June 2015 the - 14: Issue 44 April - June 2015 Center for...

theN E W S L E T T E R

CEGISQuarterly Newsletter of the Center for Environmental and

Geographic Information Services (CEGIS)

Year 14: Issue 44April - June 2015

Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services

House 6, Road 23/C, Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212 BangladeshPhone: 58817650-52, 58817654, 8821570-1Fax: 880-2-9855935, 8823128 Email:, Web:

The lease deed of land for CEGIS office building was registered at the Sub-Registry Office at Tejgaon, Dhaka on April 26, 2015. This lease of 10-khata land was allocated by the Ministry of Housing and Public Works to the Center for Environmental and Geographical Information Services (CEGIS) under

the Ministry of Water Resources for construction of CEGIS’s own office building at the Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Arargaon, Dhaka. The lease agreement was signed between the Ministry of Housing and Public Works and CEGIS. Engr. Md. Waji Ullah, Executive Director

signed the agreement on behalf of CEGIS. The contents of the lease agreement clearly articulate the terms and conditions of both the parties. The allocated land is to be used for construction of a 15-storied office building for multifaceted functions and services

of CEGIS. The construction of the boundary wall, soil test of the land, and architectural design of the building are in process. The phase-wise construction work of the said facility will commence soon and is expected to be completed within a few years.

Registration of Lease Deed of Land for CEGIS’ Office Building

CEGIS family celebrated “Pohela Boishakh” the first day of the Bengali New Year (Noboborsho) 1422. Dr. Zafar Ahmed Khan, Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, and many other distinguished guests

“Pohela Boishakh” - Bengali New Year’s Day 1422 celebrated

(Cont'd on page 2…)

Delta Ateliers, Touch Table Application (details in page 3)


Upcoming Events

Dr. Zafar Ahmed Khan, Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources andthe Chairperson of CEGIS BoT speaking at the Pohela Boisakh event

Delimitations of Maritime Boundary and Prospects of Blue Economy

General Director of Deltares visits CEGIS

Seminar on River Bank Erosion Prediction

Delta Ateliers, Touch Table Application and Geoportal: A geo-spatial participatory planning tool for Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100

Development of Geospatial Database and Information System for Potential Water Harvesting Storages

An Action Plan for Adaptation in Bangladesh Agriculture under Climate Change

Environmental Compliance Monitoring of the Construction of Shahjibazar 330MW Power Plant

GIS based Industrial Database and MIS Training for (DoE) Officials

Training on Leadership and Management Skills

Building Capacity to Implement IWRM World Environment Day 2015

Engr. Md. Waji Ullah, Executive Director signs the land lease deed agreement while Dr. Maminul Haque Sarker (right) and Dr. Md. Golam Faruque (center) were present

(A Public Trust under the Ministry of Water Resources)

In August 2015, government representatives, NGOs and the business sector from all across Asia will come together in Bangkok, Thailand to participate in the 6th Asia Regional Conservation Forum (RCF) of IUCN.

Year 15 Issue 44



The sustainable development requires interactive tools to support the planning processes in Bangladesh. Planning process carried through multi-disciplinary approach is a complex task. Participatory Planning approach is to address complex issues by involving stakeholders. Participatory workshop can directly engage stakeholders for addressing and resolving complex planning issues that can help in exchanging experiences between the professionals and other stakeholders.

Delta Ateliers has designed participatory workshops where scientists and stakeholders jointly develop ideas and views. The Atelier holds a specific sequence of actions and uses tools like drawing, sketching and specific disclosure of digital information which proves to be valuable means of communication. To support the Delta Atelier approach, a Delta Atlas has been developed to access through touch table technology and a geoportal.

A Touch Table is an interactive surface computing platform in combination with specific software that allows for the visualization of different spatial data layers and maps. The software combination of several geo-spatial data layers helps to explore different developments, effects and allows for identification of problem areas and opportunities. Touch table application is an effective tool for group discussion and help decision making process through better visualization of spatial data layers.

CEGIS is engaged in development of Delta Ateliers, Delta Atlas and Geoportal, in collaboration with CASF, Alterra, Geodan, Deltares, Defacto and IWM. Delta Ateliers is being used as a geo-spatial participatory approach to involve stakeholder in the development of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100.

The main objective of the project is to involve all stakeholders for the development of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100.

Delta Atelier

The Delta Ateliers has designed workshops where participants are invited to explore problems, opportunities and challenges concerning delta planning process through

exchange of knowledge and use of spatial information. It is a group decision-making plan which includes face-to-face meeting to bring stakeholders together to integrate knowledge and experience.

The first delta atelier round was held in November 2014 for integral baseline analysis and hotspot selection for the process of the workshop was to collect the main issues within the thematic cluster that were relevant to the BDP. The issues were written up on large posters and were discussed in smaller groups. To examine the dynamics that affect the issues now or will affect in future, and to bring up interrelations between issues and influencers. Influencers can be the drivers, trends, impacts, or anything that will potentially manipulate the issues. The discussions were structured with the help of another template poster and the participants are invited to think about how the issue and its influencers can be translated into a map. They were also invited to browse through the maps on the Atelier room’s walls, and were given a set of labels to rate the maps‘ quality (green for good quality, yellow for acceptable quality, red for poor quality). These maps were available in the Touch Table application as well, enabling the participants to view the maps on any scale as they prefer.

The second delta ateliers in March 2015 focused on six hotspot areas in Bangladesh towards BDP formulation. The experts and stakeholders in six working groups along with thematic clusters discussed and developed the main challenges and opportunities for six thematic clusters at the hotspot level. The participants were asked to join the discussion, indicate and locate the main challenges and opportunities for each hotspot within their individual themes of the Group. To specify these issues, the participants were invited to make use of the maps and draw/sketch, accordingly, using the A1-sized maps on paper and/or the Touch Table. This operation was the main activity of this workshop. The valuable output(s) from the atelier will be used as the starting point of the hotspots’ integral analyses.

Touch Table Atlas application in delta atelier

Touch Table systems assist in managing and viewing large quantity of data, primarily focused on GIS, in a manner conducive to discussion and decision making (Arciniegas and Jensen, 2009). The Phoenix application software uses

GeoServer to store and visualize spatial data and requires necessary internet connection for this application. The Phoenix is a touch table application that accelerates and improves group processes for spatial issues. The Phoenix transforms an ordinary tabletop into an interactive computer interface. CEGIS has setup GeoServer in its own server to add spatial data layers and publishing as map services. The geoserver has published a total of 135 spatial data layers in thematic areas.

The geographical visualization of information is a powerful

technique for engaging stakeholders in decision making process. The Touch Table Atlas approach is to provide an integrated perspective of Bangladesh by visualizing the dispersed information regarding various indicators. The atlas was developed and applied in atelier workshop of Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100. The use of touch tables helped to bring spatial data to life at the delta atelier sessions. The spatial information played the central role in interactive planning with multiple stakeholders. In the workshop, stakeholders, experts and decision-makers were to stimulate knowledge exchange and facilitate communication with each other in real-time with GIS-based tools on the touch table. The delta atlas was to visualize spatial information in different thematic areas to communicate and share knowledge among the scientists and stakeholders. The participants verified spatial data on

the basis of their knowledge. Participants were asked to visualize problems and opportunities in different thematic areas as well as hotspot levels. The stakeholders were asked to draw polygon, line and point using finger on the surface of the touch table.

ConclusionDesign workshop and spatial data visualization is very useful for participatory planning process. Touch table application is an advanced technology based planning tool. Participants around the table were to choose spatial data, overlay one layer over another layer, navigate, zoom in and out across the area. These helped the participants to select appropriate measures and indicative adaptation strategy.

Delimitations of Maritime Boundary and Prospects of Blue Economy

Rear Admiral Md. Khurshed Alam (Rtd), Secretary, Head of Maritime Affairs Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs conducted a knowledge sharing session on “Delimitations of Maritime Boundary and Prospects of Blue Economy” on 16 April 2015 at CEGIS premises. He gave a comprehensive description of the important aspects of Delimitations of Maritime Boundary, Exclusive Economic Zones, Continental Shelves and how Bangladesh has established its sovereign rights on more than 118,000 sq km of maritime territory, 200 nautical miles (nm) of Exclusive Economic Zone and 354 nm of continental shelf through two successive UN Tribunals in 2012. He also enlightened the audience on the prospects of Blue Economy and explained how this new ground could boost the economy of Bangladesh from the 26 potential maritime economic functions which have already been identified from the fishery, maritime trade and shipping, energy, tourism, coastal protection, maritime monitoring and surveillance ensuring food security, livelihood of millions of people in the country. The professionals of CEGIS appreciated the new information gained from this session and also for being introduced to the vast scope of work in the untapped region of Blue Economy.

General Director of Deltares visits CEGIS

Mr. Maarten Smits, General Director, Deltares visited CEGIS on 09 April, 2015. During his familiarization visit, the Executive Director of CEGIS gave a brief introduction about CEGIS and its expanding areas of work to the esteemed visitor. He also informed the General Director, Deltares about the successful working relations between CEGIS and Deltares in the past. Later, further scope of working with Deltares in various research and innovative studies inside and outside Bangladesh, were explored in the meeting with the General Director, Deltares.

Seminar on River Bank Erosion Prediction

A “Dissemination Seminar on River Bank Erosion Prediction 2015” was held on 1st April 2015 at Spectra Convention Center. The seminar was arranged by CEGIS under the “Flood and Riverbank Erosion Risk Management Investment Program” of Bangladesh Water Development Board. This year CEGIS has conducted the “Consultancy Services for Predicting Riverbank Erosion and Morphological Changes along the Jamuna, Ganges and Padma Rivers” like past few years since 2005. In the seminar the erosion prediction results for the Jamuna, Ganges and Padma Rivers of 2015, were presented. Mr. Muhammad Nazrul Islam, Bir Protik, Hon’ble State Minister, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh was present as the Chief Guest. Dr. Zafar Ahmed Khan, Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh was the Chairperson of the seminar. The key presenters were Engr. Md. Waji Ullah,

Executive Director, CEGIS; Dr. Maminul Haque Sarker, Deputy Executive Director, CEGIS and Rifat Anwar, Junior Specialist, CEGIS.

The presentations underscored that about 2700 hectare of land has been identified as vulnerable along the Jamuna, Ganges and Padma Rivers for the year 2015 along with 330 hectare of settlement. Moreover, 65 features have been found to be vulnerable which include educational institutions, haat-bazaar, health centers, mosques, and offices. An assessment of prediction result of 2014 was also presented and it was highly appreciated.

In the seminar, the prediction tool has been appreciated as an effective method to mitigate the risks and losses of river bank erosion along the major rivers. It was also suggested that research projects should be conducted to improve and update this tool and enhance its effectiveness.

Executive Director of CEGIS Engr. Md. Waji Ullah with other senior officials, cordially receiving Rear Admiral Md. Khurshed Alam,

Secretary, Head of Maritime Affairs Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Engr. Md. Waji Ullah, the Executive Director of CEGIS gave a warm welcome to Mr. Maarten Smits, Managing Director, Deltares, The Netherlands while Mr. Dirk Smits, Team Leader, Blue Gold Program (right) was present

The Deputy Executive Director of CEGIS Dr. Maminul Haque Sarker presenting the river bank erosion prediction issue

enlivened the programme. A charming cultural show was organized and performed by the employees of CEGIS and staged on the roof top of its main building.

“Pohela Boishakh” ... ... ... (Con’t from page 1)

CEGIS family welcoming the “Naboborsho”

Year 15 Issue 45



The sustainable development requires interactive tools to support the planning processes in Bangladesh. Planning process carried through multi-disciplinary approach is a complex task. Participatory Planning approach is to address complex issues by involving stakeholders. Participatory workshop can directly engage stakeholders for addressing and resolving complex planning issues that can help in exchanging experiences between the professionals and other stakeholders.

Delta Ateliers has designed participatory workshops where scientists and stakeholders jointly develop ideas and views. The Atelier holds a specific sequence of actions and uses tools like drawing, sketching and specific disclosure of digital information which proves to be valuable means of communication. To support the Delta Atelier approach, a Delta Atlas has been developed to access through touch table technology and a geoportal.

A Touch Table is an interactive surface computing platform in combination with specific software that allows for the visualization of different spatial data layers and maps. The software combination of several geo-spatial data layers helps to explore different developments, effects and allows for identification of problem areas and opportunities. Touch table application is an effective tool for group discussion and help decision making process through better visualization of spatial data layers.

CEGIS is engaged in development of Delta Ateliers, Delta Atlas and Geoportal, in collaboration with CASF, Alterra, Geodan, Deltares, Defacto and IWM. Delta Ateliers is being used as a geo-spatial participatory approach to involve stakeholder in the development of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100.

The main objective of the project is to involve all stakeholders for the development of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100.

Delta Atelier

The Delta Ateliers has designed workshops where participants are invited to explore problems, opportunities and challenges concerning delta planning process through

exchange of knowledge and use of spatial information. It is a group decision-making plan which includes face-to-face meeting to bring stakeholders together to integrate knowledge and experience.

The first delta atelier round was held in November 2014 for integral baseline analysis and hotspot selection for the process of the workshop was to collect the main issues within the thematic cluster that were relevant to the BDP. The issues were written up on large posters and were discussed in smaller groups. To examine the dynamics that affect the issues now or will affect in future, and to bring up interrelations between issues and influencers. Influencers can be the drivers, trends, impacts, or anything that will potentially manipulate the issues. The discussions were structured with the help of another template poster and the participants are invited to think about how the issue and its influencers can be translated into a map. They were also invited to browse through the maps on the Atelier room’s walls, and were given a set of labels to rate the maps‘ quality (green for good quality, yellow for acceptable quality, red for poor quality). These maps were available in the Touch Table application as well, enabling the participants to view the maps on any scale as they prefer.

The second delta ateliers in March 2015 focused on six hotspot areas in Bangladesh towards BDP formulation. The experts and stakeholders in six working groups along with thematic clusters discussed and developed the main challenges and opportunities for six thematic clusters at the hotspot level. The participants were asked to join the discussion, indicate and locate the main challenges and opportunities for each hotspot within their individual themes of the Group. To specify these issues, the participants were invited to make use of the maps and draw/sketch, accordingly, using the A1-sized maps on paper and/or the Touch Table. This operation was the main activity of this workshop. The valuable output(s) from the atelier will be used as the starting point of the hotspots’ integral analyses.

Touch Table Atlas application in delta atelier

Touch Table systems assist in managing and viewing large quantity of data, primarily focused on GIS, in a manner conducive to discussion and decision making (Arciniegas and Jensen, 2009). The Phoenix application software uses

GeoServer to store and visualize spatial data and requires necessary internet connection for this application. The Phoenix is a touch table application that accelerates and improves group processes for spatial issues. The Phoenix transforms an ordinary tabletop into an interactive computer interface. CEGIS has setup GeoServer in its own server to add spatial data layers and publishing as map services. The geoserver has published a total of 135 spatial data layers in thematic areas.

The geographical visualization of information is a powerful

technique for engaging stakeholders in decision making process. The Touch Table Atlas approach is to provide an integrated perspective of Bangladesh by visualizing the dispersed information regarding various indicators. The atlas was developed and applied in atelier workshop of Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100. The use of touch tables helped to bring spatial data to life at the delta atelier sessions. The spatial information played the central role in interactive planning with multiple stakeholders. In the workshop, stakeholders, experts and decision-makers were to stimulate knowledge exchange and facilitate communication with each other in real-time with GIS-based tools on the touch table. The delta atlas was to visualize spatial information in different thematic areas to communicate and share knowledge among the scientists and stakeholders. The participants verified spatial data on

the basis of their knowledge. Participants were asked to visualize problems and opportunities in different thematic areas as well as hotspot levels. The stakeholders were asked to draw polygon, line and point using finger on the surface of the touch table.

ConclusionDesign workshop and spatial data visualization is very useful for participatory planning process. Touch table application is an advanced technology based planning tool. Participants around the table were to choose spatial data, overlay one layer over another layer, navigate, zoom in and out across the area. These helped the participants to select appropriate measures and indicative adaptation strategy.

Picture 1: Issues, challenges and opportunities discussed by thematic area in the delta atelier designed participatory workshop

Delta Ateliers, Touch Table Application and Geoportal: A geo-spatial participatory planning tool for Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100

- Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Database, ICT and System Management Division

(Cont'd on page 4…)

Year 15 Issue 44



The sustainable development requires interactive tools to support the planning processes in Bangladesh. Planning process carried through multi-disciplinary approach is a complex task. Participatory Planning approach is to address complex issues by involving stakeholders. Participatory workshop can directly engage stakeholders for addressing and resolving complex planning issues that can help in exchanging experiences between the professionals and other stakeholders.

Delta Ateliers has designed participatory workshops where scientists and stakeholders jointly develop ideas and views. The Atelier holds a specific sequence of actions and uses tools like drawing, sketching and specific disclosure of digital information which proves to be valuable means of communication. To support the Delta Atelier approach, a Delta Atlas has been developed to access through touch table technology and a geoportal.

A Touch Table is an interactive surface computing platform in combination with specific software that allows for the visualization of different spatial data layers and maps. The software combination of several geo-spatial data layers helps to explore different developments, effects and allows for identification of problem areas and opportunities. Touch table application is an effective tool for group discussion and help decision making process through better visualization of spatial data layers.

CEGIS is engaged in development of Delta Ateliers, Delta Atlas and Geoportal, in collaboration with CASF, Alterra, Geodan, Deltares, Defacto and IWM. Delta Ateliers is being used as a geo-spatial participatory approach to involve stakeholder in the development of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100.

The main objective of the project is to involve all stakeholders for the development of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100.

Delta Atelier

The Delta Ateliers has designed workshops where participants are invited to explore problems, opportunities and challenges concerning delta planning process through

exchange of knowledge and use of spatial information. It is a group decision-making plan which includes face-to-face meeting to bring stakeholders together to integrate knowledge and experience.

The first delta atelier round was held in November 2014 for integral baseline analysis and hotspot selection for the process of the workshop was to collect the main issues within the thematic cluster that were relevant to the BDP. The issues were written up on large posters and were discussed in smaller groups. To examine the dynamics that affect the issues now or will affect in future, and to bring up interrelations between issues and influencers. Influencers can be the drivers, trends, impacts, or anything that will potentially manipulate the issues. The discussions were structured with the help of another template poster and the participants are invited to think about how the issue and its influencers can be translated into a map. They were also invited to browse through the maps on the Atelier room’s walls, and were given a set of labels to rate the maps‘ quality (green for good quality, yellow for acceptable quality, red for poor quality). These maps were available in the Touch Table application as well, enabling the participants to view the maps on any scale as they prefer.

The second delta ateliers in March 2015 focused on six hotspot areas in Bangladesh towards BDP formulation. The experts and stakeholders in six working groups along with thematic clusters discussed and developed the main challenges and opportunities for six thematic clusters at the hotspot level. The participants were asked to join the discussion, indicate and locate the main challenges and opportunities for each hotspot within their individual themes of the Group. To specify these issues, the participants were invited to make use of the maps and draw/sketch, accordingly, using the A1-sized maps on paper and/or the Touch Table. This operation was the main activity of this workshop. The valuable output(s) from the atelier will be used as the starting point of the hotspots’ integral analyses.

Touch Table Atlas application in delta atelier

Touch Table systems assist in managing and viewing large quantity of data, primarily focused on GIS, in a manner conducive to discussion and decision making (Arciniegas and Jensen, 2009). The Phoenix application software uses

GeoServer to store and visualize spatial data and requires necessary internet connection for this application. The Phoenix is a touch table application that accelerates and improves group processes for spatial issues. The Phoenix transforms an ordinary tabletop into an interactive computer interface. CEGIS has setup GeoServer in its own server to add spatial data layers and publishing as map services. The geoserver has published a total of 135 spatial data layers in thematic areas.

The geographical visualization of information is a powerful

technique for engaging stakeholders in decision making process. The Touch Table Atlas approach is to provide an integrated perspective of Bangladesh by visualizing the dispersed information regarding various indicators. The atlas was developed and applied in atelier workshop of Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100. The use of touch tables helped to bring spatial data to life at the delta atelier sessions. The spatial information played the central role in interactive planning with multiple stakeholders. In the workshop, stakeholders, experts and decision-makers were to stimulate knowledge exchange and facilitate communication with each other in real-time with GIS-based tools on the touch table. The delta atlas was to visualize spatial information in different thematic areas to communicate and share knowledge among the scientists and stakeholders. The participants verified spatial data on

the basis of their knowledge. Participants were asked to visualize problems and opportunities in different thematic areas as well as hotspot levels. The stakeholders were asked to draw polygon, line and point using finger on the surface of the touch table.

ConclusionDesign workshop and spatial data visualization is very useful for participatory planning process. Touch table application is an advanced technology based planning tool. Participants around the table were to choose spatial data, overlay one layer over another layer, navigate, zoom in and out across the area. These helped the participants to select appropriate measures and indicative adaptation strategy.

Delta Ateliers, Touch table application ... ... ... Page from 3

A project titled ‘An Action Plan for Adaptation in Bangladesh Agriculture under Climate Change’ has been initiated with a view to formulate an action plan for adaptation in Bangladesh Agriculture considering the impacts of climate change, financed by International Water Management Institute (IWMI). This project aims to formulate national adaptation programs of action as

means of identifying medium and long term adaptation needs and developing and implementing strategies and programs to address those needs.

Agriculture in Bangladesh accounts for around 20% of GDP at present, in which crop sector contributes the major portion (13.43%), than other sub-sectors. The importance of crop agriculture, however, is much more strategic than its contribution to GDP. First and foremost, it is vital for food security through its productive capacity. Bangladesh produces sufficient staples (rice) although it still has to import food

grains for keeping strategic reserve to m a n a g e u n f o r e s e e n supply shortfalls, mainly due to natural hazards, such as, flood or cyclonic storms which are generally linked to climate variability and climate change. As agriculture is still dependent

on weather and climatic events and their variability, climate change is most likely to disrupt the food and agricultural production in a major way, and create misery, and loss of

livelihood for a vast majority of the population who are poor and marginalized. In addition, agriculture is one sector which has, in many instances, adaptation and mitigation intertwined sometime in synergy and some time in conflict. Therefore, it is quite rational to formulate a comprehensive national action plan for agriculture sector in Bangladesh under climate change, especially for crop-dominated agriculture. In this entire process, present and future vulnerabilities of agriculture, such as, flood, drought, and salinity will be identified and future adaptation needs will be assessed. Prioritization of adaptation options using special toolkit developed by The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) would be an important element of this project. Finally, financing mechanism for the proposed adaptation options will be developed. As a whole, it would be a continuous, progressive and iterative process which will follow a country-driven, gender-sensitive, participatory, as well as, fully transparent approach, taking into consideration vulnerable groups, communities, and ecosystems.

An Action Plan for Adaptation in Bangladesh Agriculture under Climate Change- Ahmmed Zulfiqar Rahaman, Climate Change and Disaster Management Division

Picture 2: Touch Table drawing and participants around the touch table at the delta atelier



The sustainable development requires interactive tools to support the planning processes in Bangladesh. Planning process carried through multi-disciplinary approach is a complex task. Participatory Planning approach is to address complex issues by involving stakeholders. Participatory workshop can directly engage stakeholders for addressing and resolving complex planning issues that can help in exchanging experiences between the professionals and other stakeholders.

Delta Ateliers has designed participatory workshops where scientists and stakeholders jointly develop ideas and views. The Atelier holds a specific sequence of actions and uses tools like drawing, sketching and specific disclosure of digital information which proves to be valuable means of communication. To support the Delta Atelier approach, a Delta Atlas has been developed to access through touch table technology and a geoportal.

A Touch Table is an interactive surface computing platform in combination with specific software that allows for the visualization of different spatial data layers and maps. The software combination of several geo-spatial data layers helps to explore different developments, effects and allows for identification of problem areas and opportunities. Touch table application is an effective tool for group discussion and help decision making process through better visualization of spatial data layers.

CEGIS is engaged in development of Delta Ateliers, Delta Atlas and Geoportal, in collaboration with CASF, Alterra, Geodan, Deltares, Defacto and IWM. Delta Ateliers is being used as a geo-spatial participatory approach to involve stakeholder in the development of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100.

The main objective of the project is to involve all stakeholders for the development of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100.

Delta Atelier

The Delta Ateliers has designed workshops where participants are invited to explore problems, opportunities and challenges concerning delta planning process through

exchange of knowledge and use of spatial information. It is a group decision-making plan which includes face-to-face meeting to bring stakeholders together to integrate knowledge and experience.

The first delta atelier round was held in November 2014 for integral baseline analysis and hotspot selection for the process of the workshop was to collect the main issues within the thematic cluster that were relevant to the BDP. The issues were written up on large posters and were discussed in smaller groups. To examine the dynamics that affect the issues now or will affect in future, and to bring up interrelations between issues and influencers. Influencers can be the drivers, trends, impacts, or anything that will potentially manipulate the issues. The discussions were structured with the help of another template poster and the participants are invited to think about how the issue and its influencers can be translated into a map. They were also invited to browse through the maps on the Atelier room’s walls, and were given a set of labels to rate the maps‘ quality (green for good quality, yellow for acceptable quality, red for poor quality). These maps were available in the Touch Table application as well, enabling the participants to view the maps on any scale as they prefer.

The second delta ateliers in March 2015 focused on six hotspot areas in Bangladesh towards BDP formulation. The experts and stakeholders in six working groups along with thematic clusters discussed and developed the main challenges and opportunities for six thematic clusters at the hotspot level. The participants were asked to join the discussion, indicate and locate the main challenges and opportunities for each hotspot within their individual themes of the Group. To specify these issues, the participants were invited to make use of the maps and draw/sketch, accordingly, using the A1-sized maps on paper and/or the Touch Table. This operation was the main activity of this workshop. The valuable output(s) from the atelier will be used as the starting point of the hotspots’ integral analyses.

Touch Table Atlas application in delta atelier

Touch Table systems assist in managing and viewing large quantity of data, primarily focused on GIS, in a manner conducive to discussion and decision making (Arciniegas and Jensen, 2009). The Phoenix application software uses

GeoServer to store and visualize spatial data and requires necessary internet connection for this application. The Phoenix is a touch table application that accelerates and improves group processes for spatial issues. The Phoenix transforms an ordinary tabletop into an interactive computer interface. CEGIS has setup GeoServer in its own server to add spatial data layers and publishing as map services. The geoserver has published a total of 135 spatial data layers in thematic areas.

The geographical visualization of information is a powerful

technique for engaging stakeholders in decision making process. The Touch Table Atlas approach is to provide an integrated perspective of Bangladesh by visualizing the dispersed information regarding various indicators. The atlas was developed and applied in atelier workshop of Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100. The use of touch tables helped to bring spatial data to life at the delta atelier sessions. The spatial information played the central role in interactive planning with multiple stakeholders. In the workshop, stakeholders, experts and decision-makers were to stimulate knowledge exchange and facilitate communication with each other in real-time with GIS-based tools on the touch table. The delta atlas was to visualize spatial information in different thematic areas to communicate and share knowledge among the scientists and stakeholders. The participants verified spatial data on

the basis of their knowledge. Participants were asked to visualize problems and opportunities in different thematic areas as well as hotspot levels. The stakeholders were asked to draw polygon, line and point using finger on the surface of the touch table.

ConclusionDesign workshop and spatial data visualization is very useful for participatory planning process. Touch table application is an advanced technology based planning tool. Participants around the table were to choose spatial data, overlay one layer over another layer, navigate, zoom in and out across the area. These helped the participants to select appropriate measures and indicative adaptation strategy.

Under the SERVIR-Himalaya Small Grants Program, CEGIS from Bangladesh was awarded a project titled “Development of Geo-spatial Database and Information System for Panchhari Upazila to Identify Potential Water Harvesting Storages and Climate Change Impact on Water Availabilities”. In this connection the contract was signed on the July 08, 2014 in a Kick-off workshop in ICIMOD. The project is of 11 months duration starting from July 2014.

The major portion (94%) of the study area is located at Panchhari Upazila while the remaining portion lies in the Khagrachari Sadar Upazila in Khagrachari District. The geographical extent of the study area is between 23 º 11′ and 23 º 26′ North and 91º 50′ and 92 º 0′ East with a total area of about 280 sq. km.

Acute shortage of safe drinking water is the major problem in this area. Geographically, the study area is hilly. People collect drinking water from rivers, ditches and charas on hills which are sometimes at distinct distances. The river/charas cannot hold water for longer period as it flows down through steep valleys. They remain almost waterless for nearly five months during the dry season (Dec-Apr). Chengi is the main river which is perennial but with a very limited flow in the dry season. The model and field observation infer that only 1.5 - 2.0 cumec flow is available during winter season (Jan – Feb). Ground water use of this area is difficult due to its topography and presence of pebble and gravel at sub surface layers. Other problems are soil erosion due to jhum cultivation, drought, deforestation and other unplanned human interventions which cause much harm to the natural environment. Political unrest also hinders the development of the area.

The objectives of this study are to identify potential water harvesting storage; assess climate change impact on water availability using geospatial tools and techniques by delineating watersheds; identify potential water sources and suitable locations for water storage based on water demand; predict climate change impact for the year 2100; conduct mapping; and finally, develop a GIS-based web application for displaying generated information.

A GIS based watershed model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) has been applied to identify the potential water storages and assess daily water availability of each reservoir. SWAT requires three basic spatial dataset; DEM, Soil map and Land-use/Land cover for delineating the basin, sub basin and HRUs (Hydrological Response Unit). A 30 m spatial resolution Advanced Space-borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) DEM has been used in this analysis. A soil map including different soil properties such as texture, available moisture content, hydraulic conductivity, bulk density and organic carbon content in different layers of each soil type were obtained from Soil Research Development Institute (SRDI, Bangladesh). Major land use pattern including settlement, agricultural land, fallow land, shifting cultivation, forest, grass, rivers, seasonal and perennial water bodies has been captured from Google Earth satellite images. Daily precipitation and daily maximum and minimum air temperature data for the year 1981 through 2014 were collected from the BMD and BWDB meteorological stations. The model has been simulated for both base and climate change conditions and various trials have been made to identify the best suitable location for the reservoir. Finally, seven potential storages have been identified considering climate change impact on rainfall and temperature, flow availability, future water demand, population density and accessibility were analysed.

To minimize the water scarcity, it is expected to conserve the

lean seasonal flow of the Chengi River and its connected tributaries through constructing Water Retention Structure (WRS) and enhance irrigation water supply from the potential storages for HYV Boro/Rabi crops in winter-summer months. The potential water storages will serve the local communities in many ways, including agricultural practices, household activities (drinking, cooking, washing and personal hygiene) and livestock watering. There is an indication of scope of improvement of winter-summer irrigation both by extending irrigable area and ensuring the supply of irrigation. A total of about 613 ha of agricultural land and around 10,000 numbers of local people will be directly benefited by these reservoirs. The potential water storages will increase irrigated cropping area by about 90 ha and 110 ha under Boro rice and Rabi crops, respectively. About 1,110 tons of additional Boro rice and 315 tons of others crops (wheat, vegetables, chilli, etc.) will be produced annually and thereby enhance the national economy.

All data generated during this study has been organized in a geo-spatial information system and can be accessed by a GIS based web application ( Details of river and chhara systems, watershed, catchment-wise water demand and yield, potential water storages and its water availability will be useful in planning by the Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board (CHTDB),

Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) and local administration under the Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

Development of Geo-spatial Database and Information System for Potential Water Harvesting Storages

- Ashraful Alam, Geographic Information System Division

Year 15 Issue 45

Potential water harvesting locations

Year 15 Issue 44


In response to growing demand for housing and urban uses, East West Property Development (Pvt) Ltd has undertaken a project named "Bashundhara Residential Project" near the Baridhara Diplomatic Zone. In this regard, Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for this zone. The land use of the project area is developed using high resolution World View-2 image of 20 March, 2014.

High Resolution Satellite Image for EIA Study


The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) has given top most priority to the development of power and energy sector to improve the socio-economic condition of the country in an accelerated manner, and to provide electricity to all its citizens by 2021. Accordingly, the GoB formulated a Power System Master Plan, 2010 (PSMP, 2010). Based on the recommendations of the PSMP, Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) has planned for a number of projects to enhance the country’s power generation capacity. Construction of 330 MW Gas based Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP) at Shahjibazar, Madhabpur, Habiganj is one of them. Join Venture Contract Agreement (JVCA) of Guangdong Power Engineering Corporation and Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute is carrying out the tasks of Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) of the project.

BPDB entrusted CEGIS for monitoring the environmental as

well as, the social compliance of activities which are to be carried out during the construction phase of the project. Monitoring work is ongoing. Regular monthly monitoring with quarterly reports are being prepared for BPDB. The key environmental and social indicators are: Noise Pollution, Air Pollution, Drainage Congestion, Ecosystem and Biodiversity Conservation, Planning and Legislation, GHG Control, Water Quality, Waste Management, Land Acquisition, Livelihood, Community Health, Safety and Security and Labour, and Working Condition etc.

Environmental Compliance Monitoring of Shahjibazar 330MW Power Plant, under construction

- Md. Monirul Islam Manik, Socio-Economic and Institutional Division

Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP) at Shahjibazar, Madhabpur, Habiganj where CEGIS is to undertake the environmental compliance monitoring activities

Year 15 Issue 45

CEGIS has developed a GIS based industrial database for the Department of Environment (DoE) on the developed GIS based Database and MIS for efficiently monitoring the industries to contribute towards an environment friendly

economic development of the country. In this regard, a comprehensive and formal training on “Use of Web-enable GIS based MIS and Industrial Database” was organized at CEGIS. The two day long training program was held at CEGIS Training Room from June 13 to June 14, 2015. A total number of eleven (11) officials from the divisional offices of Dhaka and Chittagong of DoE participated in the training sessions and successfully completed the program.

The main objective of this training was to train the officials of the Department of Environment (DoE) on the web-enable industrial MIS and developed industrial database for enhancing their capacity. The training has been designed with both lectures and hands-on practical sessions. The training program was equipped with training materials, e.g. manual and audio-visual hardware. The CEGIS resource persons delivered the lectures through power point presentation. The

Training Program was inaugurated in its opening session by Engr. Md Waji Ullah, Executive Director, CEGIS, which was followed by a brief presentation on the GIS based Industrial Database development and its application through using the

web-enable MIS including different modules of the software given by the Director, Ecology, Forestry and Biodiversity Division. The training covered successive events of the project, particularly data collection, use of questionnaire, development functions of MIS, and use of Database. Each session of the training was embed with hands-on exercises. Following topics have been covered in the training program:- Understanding of the structured data collection

questionnaire and data collection procedures - Concept and use of GPS for geo-spatial data collection

and practices - Training on the processes of data exploration in the MIS - Gathering experience on data entry into MIS- Hands-on training on map module for monitoring the

industries- Usages of metadata, feedback and FAQ module of MIS.

GIS based Industrial Database and MIS Training for the Officials of Department of Environment (DoE)

Participants from the DoE attending the hands-on- job training on GIS based Industrial Database and MIS Training at CEGIS Training room


ChairEngr. Md. Waji Ullah

EditorMd. Sarfaraz Wahed Ms. Perveen Rasheed

Editorial BoardDr. Maminul Haque SarkerMalik Fida Abdullah Khan Dr. Mollah Md Awlad HossainDr. Dilruba Ahmed Motaleb Hossain Sarker

Pia Afreena Khaleda HuqAbul Kashem Md HasanDr. Md Golam FaruqueMohammad Shahidul Islam

Design and LayoutSayeefur Rahman

Training on Leadership and Management Skills Fifteen professionals of CEGIS attended a training program on “Leadership and Management Skills for the CEGIS Mid-Level Professionals” from 21-23 April, 2015, at National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD), Dhaka. This training program was designed exclusively for the mid-level professionals of CEGIS by NAPD officials in

cooperation with CEGIS Management. Mr. K M Mozammel Hoq, Secretary I/C to GoB and Director General, NAPD, welcomed the participants at the opening session where the Executive Director of CEGIS, Engr. Md. Waji Ullah was present as the Special Guest. The participants in the 3-day long training program were trained on 15 key areas abouton management which included: Leadership Theories and Style; Office Communication Skills; Negotiation and Conflict Management; Organizational Management Tools and Techniques; Compliance and Ethical Practice; Time Management; Store and Inventory Management; HRD and HRM Practices; Risk Management; Monitoring and Evidence-based Decision Making; Strategic Career Planning; Group Dynamics and Team Building; Organizational and Behavioural Communication Skills, and Strategic Planning through lectures, assignments, exercises and group discussions. The training program conducted with distribution of certificates to the participants by the Director General, NAPD. Engr. Md. Waji Ullah, Executive Director of CEGIS was also present in the closing session.

Training on Procurement Policy and Rules of BangladeshTwo professionals from CEGIS attended a 6-day long training program on “Procurement Policy and Rules of Bangladesh” from 25-30 April, 2015 at NAPD where the relevant policy, rules and procurement procedures were meticulously described. Both the above training programs conducted by NAPD, were sponsored by CEGIS with the aim of enhancing leadership, management skills, and procurement knowledge of the professionals of CEGIS, which in turn, would benefit CEGIS in achieving its desired HR development goals for future.

Building Capacity to Implement IWRM A 5-day long training program entitled “Building Capacity to Implement IWRM” was organized by the International Water Association (IWA), at Bangkok, Thailand in association with Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and Thailand Water Resources Agency from May 25 to May 29,

2015. A team of14 professionals from different divisions and members of the management team of CEGIS, participated in this training program. The first day of the

training program was held at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), KlongLuang, Pathumthani, Thailand, while next three days at the Saint Gabriel’s Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand, and one day field visit at Bang Pakong. The objective of this training was to increase capacity building and expose to international knowledge and experience on IWRM. Dr. Ganesh Pangare, Regional Director, Asia-Pacific, IWA and Ms. Bushra Nishat, Programme Manager, IWA, South Asia, organized, scheduled and facilitated the training program for the CEGIS participants. They gave their best attention and efforts for successful completion of the training program.The Chairperson of the CEGIS-BoT and honorable Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dr. Zafar Ahmed Khan was kind enough to be present as the Chief Guest, while Executive Director of CEGIS, Engr. Md Waji Ullah, attended as the Special Guest in the closing session of the training program. Director, Climate Change Division of CEGIS, Malik Fida Abdullah Khan led and guided the team of CEGIS participants.

World Environment Day 2015CEGIS commemorates the World Environment Day on June 5 every year. In this connection, an open discussion on “Threats to Natural Resources: Our Position” was organized on 7th August 2015 at Hoimonti Conference Room, Bon Bhaban, Agargaon, Dhaka following the slogan for the year “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.” of the World Environment Day, 2015.

Participants at NAPD for the training program on Leadership and Management Skills

Year 15 Issue 44

The Chairman of CEGIS-BoT and the Executive Director of CEGIS at the closing ceremony of the IWRM training program

Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Water Resources Mr. Anisul Islam Mahmud, MP, addressing on the occasion of World Environment Day as

the Chief Guest