Yantra Information - FAQ-1

Post on 12-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Yantra Information - FAQ-1

  • 1The Linga Bhairavi Yantra is a unique and powerful energy form designed and consecrated by Sadhguru to create inner and outer wellbeing in your home.

    A powerful, fierce energy, softened and refined by ma-ternal compassion, the Devi represents the Divine in its feminine manifestation. Being under the constant Grace of the Devis energy, you can reap the benefits of living in a consecrated space. The Devis Grace also promotes health, prosperity and overall wellbeing for all those who live in her sphere. Her compassionate and motherly protective nature wards off evil eye and other negative influences in your life.

    The aura and presence of the Linga Bhairavi Yantra brings stability of body and mind. The linga shaped form will sustain its energy for hundreds of years, en-abling many generations of the family to continuously benefit from living in a consecrated space.

    A Linga Bhiaravi Yantra in your home allows you to physically come in touch with the Devi. The intimate

    physical touch between you and the Devi can bring about a profound transformation in your life as her Grace functions within you.

    The Yantra can also assist one towards spiritual liberation and wellbeing, the ultimate goal in life. For those doing spiritual sadhana, it is particularly benefi-cial to do ones practices within the sphere of the Devi.

    The Linga Bhairavi Yantra consists of 2 components, a Linga and a copper-based yantra set in a 14 x 19 x 5.5 sculpted granite base. The weight is 30 kgs.

    Linga Bhairavi Yantra

  • 2Similarly, the Linga Bhairavi Avighna Yantra has been designed and consecrated by Sadhguru to create a situation of personal and material wellbeing in larger spaces, especially homes larger than 2500 square feet, businesses, offices, hospitals or any other commercial, public or private building. It can also be kept in smaller homes.

    In addition to the benefits of Linga Bhairavi Yantra, the Avighna Yantra can be very supportive for those running a business. Avighna means Remover of Obstacles.

    The powerful energy of the Linga Bhairavi Avighna Yantra is designed to create the neces-sary atmosphere for your business and life to run smoothly and evolve to its fullest potential.

    The Devi works upon you in such a way that you will be naturally successful. If you are connected with that energy, life will naturally function better.

    The Avighna Yantra consists of 2 components, a Linga and a copper-based Avighna Yantra set in a 30 x 30 x 8 sculpted granite base. The weight is 130 kgs.

    Linga Bhairavi Avighna Yantra


    Those receiving the yantra will be initiated into a process by Sadhguru. It is recommended to spend a minimum of 20 minutes with the Devi daily. This can be done any time of the day, preferably after a shower or bath.


    It is recommended and particularly beneficial to make an offering of a coconut or ripe lemon to Devi on full moon days. This can be done on a new moon days as well. In particular for those who are experiencing a sense of fear, loss or grief, it will be beneficial to make the of-fering on new moon days. The coconut or lemon can be broken or cut in front of Devi and placed in front of or by the yantra before doing the process. These offerings can then be con-sumed or used in cooking and the prasadam can be distributed.

    One can also make any other offerings whenever one wishes, such as flowers, deepam, sweets, betel leaves/nuts, kumkum, rice, sesame seeds and mustard seeds.



    Linga Bhairavi YantraThe Linga Bhairavi Yantra can be received by married couples, or single persons. If a single person marries after receiving a yantra, their spouse can then do the process 3 months after marriage.

    It is advisable in the case of a couple both are present to receive the yantra; however, if not possible, one person can attend.

    A widowed parent (above the age of 70) can receive the yantra with their son or daughter if son or daughter is single.

    However if the son or daughter is likely to marry in the future it is best for them to receive alone so that after marriage their spouse can do the process.

    No more than 2 people can do the process.

    Others in the household can benefit from being in the consecrated space and can make offerings to Devi and do practices in the same room.

    Linga Bhairavi Avighna YantraThe Avighna Yantra can be received by single persons, married couples or any 2 business partners of the same gender. All other business partners can benefit from the yantra, but only the 2 partners that received the yantra can do the process. Others can make offerings and do practices in the same room.

    In the case of a family business, any 2 partners of the same gender can receive the yantra. Parents in a family business can also do the process if age is greater than 70 in the case of the father and greater than 65 for the mother.

    Both partners receiving the yantra should be present at the ceremony. In the case of a husband/wife partnership, it is best that both attend; however, if one attends, the other can then do the process also.

    The yantra will be received during a sacred ceremony conducted by Sadhguru. During this ceremony, you will be initiated into a process, thereby connecting you with the energies of the Devi.

    Email : yantra@lingabhairavi.org Phone : 9442504720


    Where do we place the Yantra?

    It is important that a certain sanctity of cleanliness in the physical atmosphere and also in thought, word and deed is maintained in the immediate space of the Yantra.

    Yantras can be kept anywhere where you can maintain this sanctity. It can be kept in a separate roomif there is space. It is very conducive to do ones practices in the room also. If there are space constraints, the Yantra can be kept in the living room or bedroom * (please see below).

    The Yantra can be kept at any height which is comfortable for you. If it is kept on the floor or slightly raised, ensure that the hands can be placed on the Yantra with ease (in which case the Yantra should be kept raised no more than 1 - 1.5 feet, otherwise the arms will have to be stretched). One can sit in a cross-legged posture; however, those unable to sit that way can be seated on a chair or stand to do the process, whichever is com fortable.

    Shoes should be removed before entering the Yantra room. If one is keeping the Avighna Yantra in an office space, those entering the room should remove shoes. If this is not an option, the Yantra should then be kept raised and off the floor.

    Who can benefit from the Yantra?

    The Yantra creates a consecrated space in the home from which all household members can benefit. Anyone in the family can do their practices in the vicinity of the Yantra and others can also benefit from the Grace of the Devi by sitting with her. If one wishes, one can invite guests and have a cel-ebration with chanting, especially on Pournami, allowing others to receive the Devis Grace.

    What do we do if we are away?

    If both persons receiving the Yantra are away for more than 3 days, the Yantra should be kept cov-ered with a white silk cloth (preferably raw silk); otherwise, if one person is away, the other continues with the process. Whilst you are away, any other household members can light the lamp, make the offering and sit with Devi. The Yantra should be kept covered. It is important, however, that the Yan-tra is not touched by anyone other than those who are doing the process.


    I have a business, but also want a Yantra at home.

    You can keep both Yantras, the Avighna Yantra for business and Linga Bhairavi Yantra for home. If you can only take one, you have to choose depending on your immediate need, home wellbeing or busi-ness wellbeing.

    The Yantra will work for the benefit of the place where it is kept, so if you need business wellbeing, the Avighna Yantra should be kept in the office.

    The Avighna Yantra can be kept at home even if one does not run a business. If your home is above 2500 square feet, you should receive the Avighna Yantra, not the Linga Bhairavi Yantra. The Avighna Yantra is also suitable for smaller homes.

    I do not have a business. Should I take an Avighna Yantra or Linga Bhairavi Yantra?

    If your home is above 2500 ft sq or if in the future you are likely to move into a larger home you should receive the Avighna Yantra. The Avighna yantra can be received for smaller homes.The Avighna Yantra has all the benefits of a Linga Bhairavi Yantra. Additionally, it is very supportive for those who have a business. Avighna means Remover of Obstacles. The powerful energy of the Linga Bhairavi Avighna Yantra is designed to create the necessary atmosphere for your business and life to run smoothly and evolve to its fullest potential.

    Can the Yantra be moved?

    Once the Yantra is kept in a certain space, it is best to keep it in that place rather than move it, unless you are moving to a new home.

    I do not have a separate room for the Yantra.*

    The Yantra can be kept in a separate room if there is the space. Otherwise, there should be no eat-ing or sleeping within 10 feet of the Yantra. If there are space constraints and one cannot meet these conditions, the Yantra can be kept in an enclosure. The enclosure can be made of wood or glass. No synthetic materials should be used. It is benefiicial to keep the enclosure open for a few hours daily, especially when doing the process and sadhana. It should be closed whilst eating, sleeping or doing other chores.


    Does the Yantra have to be placed in a specific direction?

    The Devi in the ashram sits inthe South West corner (ie faces NorthEast). You can keep it in any direction. You can keep the Yantra in the same direction if you wish, but this is not necessary.

    I have other deities in my Pooja room. Is it okay to keep the Yantra with them in the room?


    Are there any dietary restrictions if I have a Yantra?


    I have a Sannidhi. Can I keep a Yantra also?

    Yes, both can be kept in the same space. You should keep separate lamps for the Sannidhi and the Yantra.

    Can I pass the Yantra onto someone else?

    The Yantra can be passed on from generation to generation. It can only be passed on to the next generation after the individual or couple that received it has passed away. In this case it can be passed on to one of the sons or daughters, whose spouse can also do the process. Specific instruc-tions will be given to the son or daughter upon receiving the yantra. They will need to contact us at yantra@lingabhairavi.org at the time they receive it.

    Do I need to be physically present for the Yantra ceremony?

    Yes. the two people receiveing the yantra should be present. In the case of a married couple, it is best that both attend however if only one can attend , the other can also do the process

    Can other family members be present?

    Only two people can attend the ceremony. Other family members can be in the ashram and receive Sadhgurus blessings.

  • 8Testimonials

    Devi came to my home a little over a year ago. Where before I was quite fearful and at times indecisive there is now an internal strength, courage and clarity to make decisions and take action. Change that needed to happen is finally happening. Things that are not needed are falling away and life is moving forward in a most beautiful way. There is a gentle, nurturing quality in the home tempered with strength and resolve. - Ritva Porter USA

    Since Bhairavi has come to our home last year, life has transformed so positively and pro-foundly! For example, we had three huge boulders clogging up our financial stream, but with-in only one month of receiving the Linga Bhairavi Avighna Yantra, these difficulties dissolved. With the Linga Bhairavi Yantra here, the whole day just turns out so much better, so much more smoothly and effortlessly--with such fluidity and grace. There is a glorious immediacy, which is so direct and powerful; I feel as if Im getting out of my own way more, feeling more devote, and feeling more alive. - Christopher LA, USA

    I have been blessed to have Linga Bhairavi in my home for the past two years. Since the mo-ment the Yantra arrived, my home has been transformed, offering a deeper experience of life to those who come into her sphere of energy. Most people that visit my home comment about how peaceful it is and how they feel like they were on retreat when staying at my home. My grati-tude to Sadhguru for his Grace and the gift of Bhairavi is beyond words. - Christy F

    Devis arrival to our home has beena huge experience. Our day begins with her and ends with her and her vibrant presence fills our house. Things fall into place beautifully even during tough situations, and she has brought with her an invaluable sense of calm and happiness. Even outsiders who visit our home cannot miss her presence. I can only bow down to Devi and Sadhguru. - KalpanaManiar, EVP - Head Business Solutions & IT, Mumbai

    The difference before and after Devi came into our home has been both at a spiritual and material level. When I sit in the presence of Devi, I feel a tremendous positive energy. It is as if I am communicating directly with Her. With Devi, especially in silence, there is a deep interac-tion. In my mundane activities, I have begun to have tremendous faith that she is there for me, always at all times, guiding me through the vicissitudes of everyday life. Professionally I have been going through a very difficult period, but I took some positive steps that have enabled me to advance some work that previously appeared stuck. I believe it is Devis Grace that has made this possible - Rahul Prakash, UK